#where is the vaike
iturbide · 2 years
New Robin/Grima in heroes (plus a few other Awakening characters)
Though I'm a little disappointed they went the possessed Robin route again. I really want to see them in game as separate people.
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I'm more than a little concerned by the fact that Grima is kitted out in Validar's regalia. On the other hand, the dragonstone appears to be inheritable, which is interesting.
(I agree with you, though, I'm frustrated that they don't just make a distinction between Robin and Grima since they're two very different characters. Also I'm still waiting on my Grandmaster Robins. Where are they IntSys.)
Also while I am delighted to see that Gregor and Ricken have made it, I have to know: where is the Vaike. How did Phila, who isn't even a playable character and only has a handful of on-screen appearances, get in before the Vaike, who is a part of the Awakening roster so early on that he's used in the item trade tutorial.
and don't even get me started on the absence of Kellam
This is not to say that I'm not happy Phila's there, I'm just. Not all that attached to her the way I am to other characters that still aren't included in the Heroes roster.
(I'm delighted that Gregor made it, though, I love Gregor so much)
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pixxyofice · 5 months
pops open awakening. okay everyone time to decide who to get married to who
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childofaura · 2 years
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Anyways… thoughts:
Stooooop with the fucking Grima Robins please, holy shit. Especially because F!Robin was already cheated out of her Legendary spot by being a puppet character and not her true self. Did they just do this for the fanservice outfit?
Gregor. I approve. Can’t wait to build him.
Phila is… interesting. Not my first choice because I want Vaike dangit, but also not an entirely bad choice.
Ricken. Not gonna complain, the lad deserves his spot.
All in all, I’m mixed. This banner’s pretty mid.
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There's something about Original Timeline Robin that I find really entertaining to explore. A Robin who lost Emmeryn and and nearly saw Chrom get killed in front of them on the same night, blaming themselves until eventually shutting themselves away from the bond they share with the Shepherds, until once Grima takes them over, Grima genuinely doesn't know the difference between them. A Robin who isn't present in Lucina's life, to the point that when she's told flat out that Chrom was betrayed by his closest friend, she doesn't know that's Robin.(small side note, there has to be a point where Lucina thought Vaike killed Chrom, right?)
Just something about a recognizable Robin that's missing those pieces that really make them the character we play as.
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tmrwds · 5 months
Sinkkumies lyrics + English translation
Siit on aikaa kun oon taas single man Ruokavalio Olvi ja king kebab Mä oon tikissä ku Till Lindemann Vapailla markkinoilla keeping my head up Olin kiinni suhteessa josta jäi henkiset mustelmat Nousin siivilleni uudestaan
On taksit pihalla ja nyt on aikaa baarei kiertää Pääl parhainta parfyymii koska ei voi haista hieltä Vielä jaksaa vaik oon jo toista viikkoo putkeen tien pääl Mutta minne tie viekään sitä ei voi tietää
Nyt nautin hetkestä Kun en oo nyxä vaan exä Ei ole väliä mistä herään Tai kenen vierestä On aika nostaa purjetta Ja antaa tuulen kuljettaa
Sinkkumies sinkkumies Liitelee linnun lailla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
Siit on aikaa kun oon taas single man (???) Ku oon ulkona muutaman dillen kaa Pasin, Karin ja Villen kaa Mul on himassa tunnelmaa Voin mitä vaan kattoo ja kuunnella Mä elän sinkun suurinta unelmaa
On moottoritie niin kuuma Ja se kiehtoo miestä Nuo kauniit neidot hameissaan vie katseen tiestä Vielä jaksaa vaik oon jo toista viikkoo putkeen tien pääl Mutta minne tie viekään sitä ei voi tietää
Nyt nautin hetkestä Kun en oo nyxä vaan exä Ei ole väliä mistä herään Tai kenen vierestä On aika nostaa purjetta Ja antaa tuulen kuljettaa
Sinkkumies sinkkumies Liitelee linnun lailla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo mies Sinkkumies sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
(??) Kun sinkkumies täysin huolta vailla juhlii Ilman että toinen puolisko kaipaa mustii sukkii
Liitelee linnun lailla tuo sinkkumies Vapailla markkinoilla tuo sinkkumies Minne lie matkalla tuo sinkkumies Ken tietää
Been a while since I was a single man My diet is Olvi and king kebab I'm fit like Till Lindeman In the free market keeping my head up I was tied in a relationship that left me emotionally bruised I've risen on my wings again
The taxi is at the yard and now I have time to roam the bars Wearing the best perfume because can't smell like sweat Still keeping up even thought it's my second week straight on the road But where the road takes me, there's no knowing
Now I'm enjoying the moment As I'm not the current but the ex It doesn't matter where I wake up from Or next to who It's time to set sail And let the wind carry me
Single man single man Flying like a bird, that man Single man single man In the free market, that man Single man single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
It's been a while since I was a single man (???) When I'm out with a few fools With Pasi, Kari and Ville I have a [good] atmosphere at home I can watch and listen to anything I'm living single's biggest dream
The highway is so hot And it fascinates the man Those beautiful ladies in their skirts take my eyes off the road Still keeping up even thought it's my second week straight on the road But where the road takes me, there's no knowing
Now I'm enjoying the moment As I'm not the current but the ex It doesn't matter where I wake up from Or next to who It's time to set sail And let the wind carry me
Single man single man Flying like a bird, that man Single man single man In the free market, that man Single man single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
(???) When the single man parties without any worries Without the other half needing to be jealous
Flying like a bird, that single man In the free market, that single man Wherever is he going, that single man Who knows
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fe-fictions · 5 months
Could you please revive the bath tent prompt with henry
(Bath tent prompt is back!!! And with Mr. Henry Crowman no less! ; U ; )
When Henry heard the shriek erupt from the other end of camp, he was initially delighted. That was a classic scream of terror. 
While it was indeed music to his ears, he had a feeling that if it was happening inside of camp, it probably wasn’t a good thing. An assassination attempt, maybe? Or a Risen had infiltrated and bit off someone’s hands?
The possibilities were endless! He started to trot towards the sound, giggling to himself as he heard more crashing and shouting of expletives.
Hmm…maybe not fear, but anger. Then he came closer, and saw a soap dish fly out of the bath tent. The women’s bath tent. …The place you had just said you’d be about 10 minutes ago. And Chrom…was…running out of the tent…?
“R-right! Absolutely! Straightaway! I'll, er, wait outside the tent-!” 
That was definitely not just a shriek. That was his wife bellowing at the Exalt of Ylisse. And not only that, but he was barely able to dodge half the objects you were throwing at him.
Henry wasn’t sure what exactly he was watching, but as he slowed his gait to a very deliberate walk, the pieces started falling into place.
Not long after Chrom had stumbled out of the ten, grasping his head where a glass dish had struck him, you stormed out. Your hair was sopping wet, and you had thrown your coat over a towel.
The blood drained from Henry’s face.
“All right, you! What sort of idiot blunders straight into the women's bathing tent?!”
“I'm sorry! Very, very sorry! I misheard you, I swear it. I had no intention of peeping!!”
Both your faces were beet red, and while yours was screwed up in anger, Chrom’s was pure embarrassment. Though, that would very quickly shift when his vision suddenly went dark, covered by a swathe of black magic that surrounded him.
“What the hells-?!”
“Peeping, Lord Chrom?” Henry’s cheery lilt seemed particularly threatening when he appeared in front of Chrom, said royal now restrained by tendrils of dark vapors. “Is that some sort of fun game for you noble types? I’d love to hear what you think!”
“H-Henry, wait, that’s not what-!!”
“You shouldn’t peep on girls, ‘Your Majesty’! You’re no Vaike, you know? It looks real bad on you! Especially when it’s somebody who’s already married! That’s just a recipe for disaster, isn’t it? Nya ha!”
The signature smile that most had already found disconcerting had become something much angrier…much more twisted.
That alone was enough to shoot fear into the hearts of the crowd which was gathering.
“Henry!” Frederick’s voice burst out from the surrounding Shepherds, his lance pointed towards the mage. “Release the Exalt at once!”
“I dunno, I mean, he did something unforgiveable to my Robin, Lieutenant! What would you do if you were in the same situation?”
“I’m afraid we’re all still trying to figure out what the 'situation' is.” Frederick’s response was terse as he stepped closer, “Now, release Lord Chrom. I will not repeat myself.”
“Come on, it's not even hurting him, honest! I’m just keepin' him in place to make sure he doesn’t try to do anything else to my wife! Is that really so bad?”
Frederick started towards him with very clear intent to separate the two. But before he got close enough, you had your hand on his wrist, disrupting the spell with a tug.
“Henry, it’s not what you think it is. Chrom didn’t mean to walk in on me-” You spoke through gritted teeth, and there was a flash of fear in your eyes that Henry wasn’t sure what to think of it. “Please stop.”
“But Robin-”
Henry’s spell slowly dissipated, though his expression remained that of confusion (and of course the anger that had yet to fade).
You nodded to Frederick, a number of Shepherds staring at the four of you, tense at the prospect of what might come next.
Henry’s expression was unreadable, as if mulling over how he wanted to petrify everyone, next. You searched for some understanding, squeezing his wrist tighter. 
Eventually, though, the strange look on his face gave way to a smile.
“Of course, whatever you wish!! I wouldn’t dare do anything you didn’t ask me to do. Please lead the way, my love!” 
The smile persisted as you led him to your shared tent, and it did not waver even as he flicked his wrist and charmed the tent so that it would not open until Henry decided it could.
“You should cast a muffling spell, too.” You sighed sharply, finally releasing his other hand so you could undo your coat.
“Oh? Will we be raising our voices?” He questioned coolly, casting as you requested. You tossed the robe to him without looking, slipping the towel off your body.
Henry could never not enjoy the sight of his naked beloved, as he was sure you felt the same. Though, the very idea that Chrom might have seen something so precious and intimate did make him feel strange.
Deeply irritated; a little violent, maybe.
“I’m just trying to understand why in the hells you would lay a hand on Chrom!” You huffed out, moving further away from him to rummage your trunk in search of some clothes.
“Wasn’t he the one who walked in on you in the bath tent? I heard you say it!”
“I did- and he did- but that’s not a reason for you to assault a prince!”
“You were throwing things at him!”
“That’s different!” You stared a t him in disbelief, “I was the one he walked in on- and I was trying to get him out of the damn place without being humiliated by my best friend!”
“But that didn’t work, did it? So why are you upset at me for trying to help?”
Henry sounded like he was bordering on pouting, but you could very clearly see the rigid outline of his shoulders. He was very upset about what he saw.
“All I did was stick him in a binding hex. It’s not like I tried to turn his insides out, nya ha!”
“Henry, it was bad enough to have Chrom stumble into the bath tent in the first place- but when you came in and put him in a trap like that, it turned into a huge commotion! Now it’s not just Chrom who saw me in a compromised position, it’s practically the whole of the Shepherds!”
“They were already on their way over when you started shouting and throwing stuff at him! Which was the right thing to do, by the way. I would’ve been throwing spells though…much more effective.”
Henry’s humor seemed a bit more terse than it usually would be. And you weren’t sure what to think of the dark shadow clouding his face the longer he spoke of it.
“But it couldn’t have been any worse than if you hadn’t escalated- Frederick was ready to skewer you!”
“Come on, I don’t care what he wanted to do to me- I’m more worried about what Chrom did to you!!” Henry protested, “I hate that someone walked in on you! You didn’t deserve that, and it’s my job to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen to you! I mean, what would you think if somebody walked in on me, huh? You’d be real upset!”
Your eyes softened some, realizing that Henry needed a little bit more clarification and reassurance than you were currently giving.
He was upset, indeed. And he was right. Just the thought of the same thing happening to Henry formed an angry knot in your stomach.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t like it, at all.”
“Then you understand!”
“I do, I just…look, Henry, I’m not mad at you for trying to help. I just think that the way you were trying to help was a little bit over the top. Somewhere around ‘committing acts of treason and terror’, is where I'd draw the line.”
“To be fair, I’m not Ylissean. Dishonouring a woman and bringing shame upon her is punishable by death in Plegia!”
“Huh…that’s good to know. But maybe not applicable while on Ylissean soil.” You reminded him gently, pulling a clean tunic over your head.
“But Robin, he was in the bathing tent- he saw you naked!! I mean, I don’t mind a funny prank now and then, but there’s nothing funny about someone walking in on you."
Henry crossed the distance between you, starting to work on buttoning up your tunic while you forced wet arms through cotton sleeves.
“So what would you have me do? Stand by and let someone leer at you in the bath because they’re royalty?”
“No, of course not. But maybe somewhere in between?”
“In between letting you be harassed and hexing someone?”
“Yes. That’s a fair balance, right?” You looked up at him cautiously, curling your fingers into his tunic. Henry tilted his head, mulling over the option.
“Y’know, I guess that does leave me a lot of opportunities to work with, doesn’t it!” He grinned, which was a relief aside from the realization that he was correct; there was a lot of opportunity between doing nothing and doing too much.
“Um…maybe we should workshop it a little bit first.” You said, “I have a feeling you’re gonna need a list of what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Hey, when it comes to protecting you, there aren’t many things off the table.” Henry pouted, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you close. “I might joke around a lot, but I mean it. You’re the only person in this whole wide world I don’t want anything bad to happen to.”
“That’s sweet…but we both know that’s mainly because you want the bad things to happen to yourself.” You reminded him with a soft sigh, a tired smile on your lips.
He was your eccentric darling. Henry just giggled, peppering your face with kisses.
“Gosh, you just know me so well, don’t you?” He sighed dreamily, nuzzling into your hair. “Well…I’m glad you’re okay. But I’m going to make sure that you’re not gonna have anything like this ever happen to you again. I love you too much to let creepy weirdos take advantage of you!”
“Chrom doesn’t really count as a creepy weirdo, does he?” You pulled back, searching his face for whatever plot he was thinking of putting together.
“Maybe if he hadn’t walked in on you taking a bath, he wouldn’t…but that’s okay! We’ll find out sooner or later what I think of him, won’t we?”
“I’m just kiddin’ around, nya ha! Have a little faith in your husband, hmm?” He purred,  that irresistible smile returning. You relaxed some, wrapping your arms around him tight and pressing your face to his neck.
You felt his pulse quicken as he chuckled, always happy to be loved by his wife.
“Thank you for protecting me, Henry. I’m so happy you’re by my side…even in circumstances like this. It’s comforting to know that you’re the one who’s got my back.”
“Of course, love. You’re my one and only! ‘Til death do us part.”
“Extra bloody and all.”
“Yeah, hahaha!” He laughed, sweeping you off your feet and spinning you about with a delightful joy that washed away the argument before.
You trusted that Henry would behave himself, even going so far as to join you in apologizing to Chrom for the debacle (and said Exalt of course was the sorriest, all but begging your forgiveness for his foolishness).
It wwas water under the bridge, and Hwenry’s smile seemed to enforce that.
Of course, it didn't stop a strange murder of crows from swarming the prince’s tent every few days…for the next month or so.
Henry did claim ignorance to this bizarre occurrence, but there weren’t many people you knew who could command a swathe of birds like he could…
Ah, well. So long as it kept Chrom from making any further silly mistakes, it wasn’t a terrible prank to get him back…
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Version 6 Release
After a long wait, I'm happy to finally present the next big update as the year comes to a close! The changelog for this one is long, so I'll include it under a Read More, but first...
PLEASE delete the files from the previous update and do a fresh installation with this one. I accidentally included WIP files for a mod I'm working on that currently isn't in a releasable state. Keeping these files will likely cause errors.
Fixed support gain for Cordelia/Anna
Rainbow Naga for EU version
Included screenshots of filepaths for easier installation
Minor dialogue/support edits for quality and consistency
Support log functional for all non-Spotpass characters (CITRA ONLY)
New Content
Compatibility with LJ's Gender Lock Removal. Download the UGGLR file in addition to the regular UGA download.
Hug animation ported from female to male animation set
Unique dialogue for all of Lucina's possible fathers in chapter 13
New Supports
30 New Romantic Supports: M!Robin/Walhart, M!Robin/Laurent, F!Robin/Anna, F!Robin/Emmeryn, Chrom/Stahl, Chrom/Kellam, Chrom/Panne, Chrom/Tharja, Lissa/Sully, Lissa/Sumia, Lissa/Nowi, Frederick/Virion, Frederick/Vaike, Frederick/Henry, Sully/Miriel, Sully/Cherche, Maribelle/Panne, Panne/Nowi, Cordelia/Olivia, Nowi/Cherche, Tharja/Cherche, Tharja/Aversa, Cherche/Say'ri, Lucina/F!Morgan, Lucina/Noire, Inigo/Laurent, Brady/M!Morgan, Gangrel/Walhart
12 PC Supports: Lucina&Gaius, Brady&Panne, Owain&Nowi, Gerome&Tharja, Gerome&Say'ri, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Maribelle, Yarne&Nowi, Noire&Olivia, Noire&Cherche, Nah&Lissa, Nah&Panne
4 Sibling Supports: Lucina&Noire, Gerome&Noire, Gerome&Nah, Yarne&Nah
New Lissa+Tharja support. The support is currently platonic within the mod, but the S support IS coded if you want to edit your files to make it available. Didn't know where to fit this one.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 1 year
Käärijä - Välikuolema
Käärijä - 'Middle death'
(Taksit on jo pihalla!)
(The taxis are already outside!)
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun *juotetaan
Tough indeed to be pushed to drink
Sekä *kisakondista koetellaan
and have your race readiness tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
I must now take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
restored to full power
Tuli taksit pihaan, ei olla menos himaan
The taxis arrived at the yard, we aren't going home
Karin ja muiden kaa pidetään kivaa
We're having fun with Kari and the others
Meil on mukana mukava määrä glögii ja simaa
We've got a nice amount of mulled wine and mead with us
Mikä mussa on vika ku ei jaksa yhtään (?)tinaa(?)
What's wrong with me, I don't feel at all up to boozing
Kovasessa on yritys kova ja kovasta yrityksestä huolimatta
Hard efforts (?)in the taxi(?) and despite trying really hard
Mä nojaan selkänojaan
I'm leaning against the back rest
Vaik haluun joraa, mä tarviin vodaa
Even though I wanna dance, I need water
Ei jaksa dokaa
Not feeling up to boozing
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun *juotetaan
It's tough indeed when you're pushed to drink
Sekä kisakondista koetellaan
And your race readiness is tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
I must now take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
restored to full power
Tai sit en herää ollenkaan
Or I may not wake up at all
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired now
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)pass me(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
Mis me ollaan?
Where are we?
Tääl ei oo enää ketään vaikka meitä oli sillon lähtiessä tosi monta
Nobody's here anymore even though there were so many of us when we set off
Paljon kello, mikä homma?
What time is it, what's going on?
Se on jo yli puolenpäivän ja se vast on uskomatonta
It's past midday, isn't that unbelievable
Nyt mennään päivää, tokaa
Now it's day, second one
Ja vielä meikän päähän sattuu, kovaa
And still my head aches, hard
Ei uppoo rommi, kola
Rum, coke... not going down
Mä tarviin vodaa
I need water
ei jaksa dokaa
not feeling up to boozing
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun juotetaan
It's tough indeed when you're pushed to drink
Sekä kisakondista koetellaan
And your race readiness is tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
Now I must take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
Restored to full power
Tai sit en herää ollenkaan
Or I may not wake up at all
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired now
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)gimme(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)gimme(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
This isn't an official translation. I'm just a random fan, and not even an professional translator.
Välikuolema explained in Wikipedia:
From väli- (“middle-, inter-”) +‎ kuolema (“death”). 1. (colloquial) A pause to rest from partying or substance abuse.
My translation of välikuolema here is 'intermission'. 'Interlude' was another word I toyed with.
Rambling about finnish culture, and lines/words I struggled with. And my reasoning for what I came up with:
"Sekä kisakondista koetellaan/and have your race readiness tested"...
First all I'd like to try explain 'race readiness', so here's my LONG essay.
A literal translation of 'Kisakondis(-ta) would be something like 'fitness for the competition'. Kisa = competition/trial/game, kondis = physical (or emotional) condition/health/endurance/fitness
It was originally a sports reference. Anytime there's some sports event coming up, finnish reporters keep speculating/asking if an athlete is healthy enough/at an ideal level of mental and physical fitness for the competition.
Eventually the never-ending speculations of 'competition readiness' became an ongoing joke.
And since finnish party/alcohol culture tends to be very ...moist... ...Jokes about someone's 'kisakondis'/competition readiness' - or lack of it - often refer to alcohol tolerance/level of inebriation/party endurance.
But kisakondis is not just about alcohol tolerance and endurance to keep partying, it's also about grace, appereance and skillset.
Yk, since a 'competition ready' athlete is obviously 'the ideal human'. A competition ready athlete looks good, is mentally prepared, skilled, has great endurance, can keep going no matter what... And so on.
For example if a finn runs into someone they know and that person is super drunk, doing all sorts of embarrassing things, and looking super haggard while doing all that... The finn might be tempted to gossip that they saw "X" and "X didn't look quite ready to compete".
Sometimes people bring up 'kisakondis'/competition readiness as a roundabout way to refer to someone's physical appearance. Or at least I've seen the term used like this. Obviously athletes tend to look like gods and a 'competition ready' athlete especially so... Which is why people may compliment each other like 'wow, aren't you in a great 'kisakondis'!") etc.
So even though finns tend to translate references to 'kisakondis' to be all about alcohol tolerance, that's not the whole truth.
Someone who's totally sober and losing a darts game might joke about not being 'prepared to compete', someone who struck out when they tried to hit on someone could joke about not being in an ideal 'kisakondis'. Etc.
Anyway, sorry about the essay. The rambling is quit irrelevant because in Välikuolema I'd say that the "race readiness that is being tested" does almost certainly refer to alcohol tolerance because that's the theme of the song etc etc.
'Mikä mussa on vika ku ei jaksa yhtään *tinaa(?)/What's wrong with me I don't feel at all up to boozing
*NOT SURE if the lyrics go 'tinaa' or 'hinaa'. Some websites say hinaa, but I'm like 99.5% sure I'm hearing 'tinaa'. Tbh I think 'tinaa' makes more sense. Another translation also appears to think so.
Anyway, tinaa/hinaa is slang... And either way I'm thinking it translates to drinking alcohol. 'Tinaa' definitely does.
And even if the word is 'hinaa' I'd still translate it the same way. Some finns may disagree with me, but the reason I'm thinking that 'hinaa' would also refer to boozing goes like this:
Other meanings I could come up for the slang word 'hinaa' simply do not make sense for this song, line, or artist! Mainly because Käärijä seems like a cool dude, I doubt he'd suddenly switch from rapping about drinking to err.. slinging homophobic slurs..
But also, the slang word 'hinaa'/'hinata' originally means 'towing'. Towing is near synonymous to dragging/pulling... and the verb finns use for dragging or pulling is 'vetää'... And 'vetää viinaa' (viinaa = booze) is a word combination very often used for consuming (lots of) alcohol.
So I think 'tinaa'/'hinaa' means 'to drink alcohol'. I went with 'boozing' since the original line is also slang.
And anyway, I'm actually fairly sure the word I hear in the song is 'tinaa'. It's repeated twice and it sounds to me like 'tinaa' both times.
Anyway, the lyrics do actually also contain the verb 'vetää'. Käärijä mentions he's not feeling up to 'vetää'.
I translated 'vetää' to 'boozing', but tbh, finns use the word 'vetää' pretty creatively. It can be used for drinking, but also for smoking, for taking pills, injecting drugs, or even eating something like candy, burgers... grandma's mashed potatoes... So what's happening really depends on which word 'vetää' is paired with.
HOWEVER, I'd say that since 'vetää' is usually, and has probably since the dawn of time been, paired with the word 'viinaa' ('booze'), I feel like booze is suggested even when the word 'vetää' is used more ambiguously, on it's own. Plus the song keeps talking about drinking, and if Käärijä meant something that's not booze, I think he'd word it another way.
'Kovasessa on yritys kova'/Hard efforts in the taxi...
I struggled with this line for ages 😅 I'm still not 100% certain 'Kovasessa' means 'in the taxi".
The sentence goes something like "There is lots of hard effort... in/at/within 'kovanen"...
This 'kovanen' (origin 'kova' = tough/hard/stiff/severe/intense.. +'nen' a dimunitive) is an unfamiliar word to me. I don't even know if it's slang or something Käärijä came up with.
He also uses the word 'kovanen' in Viulunkieli. In that song he's rapping about being in a bar where the general mood is tense, and he's got the money so he 'orders a Kovanen'... Which is why I'm thinking Kovanen is either a taxi, or a stiff drink 🤷
'Kovasessa' could refer to drinking. Finns sometimes say "kovat juomat" when talking about "stiff drinks". Also, "kovassa humalassa" is a common way of saying 'to be extremely drunk'. Kovasessa/ ('in kovanen') could mean 'in a state of severe drunkenness', and 'Kovasessa on yritys kova' could translate to 'When one is very drunk, one tries very hard..'.
But let's make it extra confusing and stumble to my idea about the taxi:
Kovanen sounds like a family name! '-Nen'-ending is super common for Finnish family names.
So... "Kovasessa on yritys kova" could then translate to "(A person called) Kovanen is trying really hard"...
But!! after decades of dithering I came up with 'in the taxi' because a Google search told me that there's a finnish taxi company called Kovanen. And since the lyrics already mentioned taxis, I think he's singing about being in a taxi... A taxi, which carries the nickname 'Kovanen'.
Either way, the associations I'd expect my fellow finns to have when they hear the word 'kovasessa' make it sound like a word play. Maybe he's simultaneously saying that he's drunk AND in a taxi?)
"No jumalauta *passaa sitä flindaa"/Well goddammit pass me the bottle.
😅 So to be awkward, this could also mean the total opposite: "Goddammit take a break from the bottle, then"
The line confuses me because the verb 'passaa' has more than one meaning. It means 'to hand over', 'to offer', but it ALSO means 'to skip'/'sit out' - like how players sometimes skip their turn, intentionally, in some card games. And the verse sounds like dialogue which adds to the confusion 😅 Who's talking here? I don't know! Do you know?
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bellasimos · 9 months
Tea & Confess (18+)
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ɢᴏʀᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇᴍᴜʀᴀ x ᴠ(ᴏᴄ)
You can read it on Ao3 ( x )  Words Counting: 9,291 Warning: Smut, Eventual Smut, My First Smut, oral (giving), Face-Fucking, Vaginal Fingering, Overstimulation, Missionary Position, Confessions, Unprotected Sex, slightly brainwash mentioned, idk what else to add  Summary: After hacking into Arasaka's float in order to reach Hanako, Vaike had alternative ideas to tell her personal problem with Takemura, which only lead to worrisome of regaining some of her memories, one particular that he is holding out hope for her to not forget about him.  Note: A disclamation, English is not my first language but I tried my best to edit and change grammar that makes sense. A little feedback/critique is alright, negative feedback/criticism is not the way to help writers to improve better. Enjoy :) Original was posted on my main but is now move fully here
"V, take the roof!" Exclaimed Takemura via the comm.
On a night mission to hijack the float to one step closer to meeting Hanako. To expose the real truth of who murdered Saboro rather blame a merc thief. Vaike, the real name, is helping out to get the truth out to save her sister and figure out how to save her life from the biochip that is taking possession of Yua's body. The only thing that Vaike has remains her family. As she glanced up at the roof opening in the Arasaka building. Vaike wasted no time in getting there, silent and quick. All thanks to Takemura for teaching her, she jumps twice so that she can sense the air. One more step and she is out, as her hand touches the reel of the roof; using her strength to pull herself out of the inside building. Vaike was met by a cool death at night but the sound of Arasaka's alarm remains. As she sighs, blink her eyes to resume the call with Takemura and Yua.
"It's done."
"Abouuuut time! I was worried that you would get caught!" Said Yua, who was hiding on the opposite side of the building.
Her cheerful voice still seemed the same, Vaike thought of that.
"Excellent job, V. With this, we can approach Hanako without any problem. I will discuss the next part of the plan tomorrow." Takemura explained.
"Alright, you can leave, for now, Yua." Vaike said, rolling her eyes as she already knew where Yua was going after this.
"No question where I'm going or?"
"No, just go. I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning, to discuss the plan."
"Huh, weird gesture but alright. I'll see you tomorrow then."
Vakie sighed as the call ended with Yua, things between them have been on and off ever since she got influenced by Night City, the heist mission costing TBug and Jakie’s life over a soulchip that currently is reprogramming inside of her. A loud, clear throat brought her sense back, realizing Takemura is on the other call on the line,
“I’m sorry, I dozed off. What’s the next step?”
“We wait for tomorrow, you’ve done an excellent job today. Do you need an escort back to your apartment?”
It was a long way to go back, a car ride with Takemura ain't a bad idea. Unlikely the last time it happened with Arasaka's troupe chasing them after retrieving Yua.
"Yes, I don't mind a car ride. Where are you at?"
"Opposite the Arasaka building, it's not hard to miss."
"Affirmative." Vaike hung up the call with a single shot.
From the room to the floor, she kneeled with support at the bottom of the boot. Years in training with Arasaka but Goro as her mentor. Taught her every single combat with hand maneuvers from swords to mantis blades. Especially on flexing and controlling the weight of your body in need of stealth missions. She does give her gratitude to Takemura for teaching her but not gratitude to Arasaka. Yua has helped her to see the truth of Arasaka but there is a chain that she cannot break from. Being away from them, they tug more and more until she cannot move on. Vaike is drowned by their corruption, fighting back to not kill her sister whenever the voice scratches her brain. Taunting her, filing false idealism of Yua is using her to destroy the Arasaka corporation.
Vaike shook her thoughts aside, not noticing her body move on its own to reach the other side of the building. Her ruby eyes scan the parking lot for a larger van that he came in from, the very own man itself sitting in the driver seat. Lost in his own world, perhaps plotting out some backup plan in case this one comes to fail. But she knows him, his plan never fails. Vaike carefully walks up to the driver's door, lifting her hand as it contacts against the windows. A couple of touches interrupt his brainstorming as he glances up.
He opened the door and gestured to the opposite door. “I’ll get it for you.”
“I- well thank you.” She gave her gratitude as Takemura opened the door for her.
Vaike hopped in the van while waiting for Takemura to get on and turn on the engine for a long silent ride to her apartment. To which, she stands to correct only half of it. It was a long ride, silence along with little jazz music playing on the radio. Vaike never had an idea of what Takemura's music would be. With a hint of relaxed energy filling in between their space, she lifted her eyes at Takemura, eyes glued on the road while his hands were in two and eight steering wheels. Her eyes trailed to his long, large hand on it, smooth but firmly on it, she continued to trail on his outfit all the way up his jawline. Perfectly structured jawline irresistible to leave kisses on. All the way down to his neck, the Arasaka chrome neckline, is so expensive to obtain a chrome like that. As Vaike continues to trail her eyes from the neck to his top outfit as it can be seen visible as he breathes in it. Her pupil grew slightly at the sight of him.
“What’s on your mind, Vaike?” He mumbles gently as he stops the van from a red light.
She immediately ripped her gaze away from him, trying to put her focus on the window as her face grew embarrassed. “It's nothing, uh, yeah.”
“Cat caught your tongue?” He chuckled as he started to move the van when the light went green. “I knew you were staring at me, V.”
“Oh, I, uh, I’m sorry?”
Takemura shook his head. “I cannot blame you, beauty and looks are meant to be seen. I don’t understand what you see in me.”
Vaike pressed her lip into thin, searching for words to say something. But she’s afraid it’ll come out more embarrassing. “We could discuss it back in my apartment.” She told him, slower and quiet.
Takemura nodded. “Privacy, that's the correct way to discuss.”
The silence crawled between them, reaching to Corpo Plaza Apartment as Takemura parked in front of the entrance. He turned his attention to Vaike, her eyes glancing at him.
“Go, I’ll meet you soon. I must hide the van.”
She nodded while opening the door to hover her leg on the street floor. Closing the door behind Takemura drove off, hiding the van somewhere else. Unknown were but she shook the question's thoughts away. Her sight glanced at the building, black tinted with red on the corner with the Arasaka logo. Surprisingly, none of the employees tried to warn Arasaka about Vaike living in this apartment. Traitors living under their noses sound about right. Vaike chuckled at her thought, for once, she found it funny.
She sighs, it was getting late as per usual, and not even once stepped inside to be in her own comfort space. As Vaike took one step, she felt a weight on her wrist, causing her to turn back but yet to find the Arasaka dog. Goro Takemura.
“My apologies, I took too long to find a place to set my van. Did I make you wait that long?”
His hand was smooth, gentle as she recalled. He wasn’t this gentle before, back when he was her own mentor. No pressure to stop her from walking, just his ghostly-feel-like touch made her stop. And, personally, she wishes he could use those hands on her face, waist, arm, anywhere where her mind lingers more.
She shakes her head. “Not at all, we should go inside.”
He nodded, as his hand slipped off her wrist. The warmth was replaced with a cold feeling, but his hand was secure on her back. Sending shivers down her spine but maintaining a blank expression. Takemura guides her inside, passing by the metal red light security for any false identification. Vaike was clear to go so she waited for Takemura to step in. Surprisingly, he was clear, he thought he was gonna get caught for sure but security in this was awfully strange. Unless Vaike had something to do about it; he hasn’t forgotten about Vaike’s blood relative of her descendants' parents. The couple entered the elevator, and Vaike pressed the button to thirty floors in her room. The bell sounds from the elevator while it slides shut in front of them as it pulls up to their destination. Takemura narrows his eyes and gazes at the young woman standing next to him. Giving a good look at the side profile with that golden chrome on her face. It was indeed in Arasaka 's best interest to keep her up to date, with the latest chrome beauty feature as such. Dare he say, but she was one eye-catching that he ever laid his eyes upon. If he was younger, roughly around the same age as she is, he would simply ask her out.
But how can he, he is not worthy of a date. He’s only Saboro’s bodyguard, he only knows how to obey, do the job and protect. Takemura never fit the idea of being someone else's partner, trusting, loving, and capable of being there for them. He is more of a killer machine working under the greatest and most well-known from Arasaka. Something definitely made him feel when Vaike came into his teaching. He wondered what it would feel like to be once in love with her.
“Are you alright, Takemura? You’ve been awfully quiet during this ride.” Her smooth voice interrupted his furrowed thoughts.
He blinks, looking straight at her. “Oh, um. Yeah, I’m alright. Just thinking about the plan.”
Vaike turned to his attention. “To get straight with Hanako?”
He nodded. “Yes, that is correct.”
“She’ll listen to us, I promise you that Takemura.”
His gaze softened at her promised word, sincerity made his heart beat a skip. Takemura lifts his hand and places it on her back. “Thank you, Vaike.”
Vaike felt a warm feeling on her skin, his hand being touched on her back made her heart skip a beat while she nodded. “You’re welcome.”
Elevators made their stop as the door slid open to be greeted by the hallway where some Arasaka employees were sitting on the sofa and another across this room. As they walked in, Vaike took off her boots as Takemura followed, it was rude to walk around with shoes inside the apartment. He taught her it brings bad luck, and spirit if she believes it. The decoration is fitting for a rich kind with black and red to match Arasaka. But, honestly, Vaike prefers her own kind of taste in decoration. He had seen it, and somehow, he does wonder how come she remembers a little bit about it. The decoration matches a Nomad, freely with your own taste along with your family. It still outstanding him due to the fact she was brainwashed. Guess he will never know. Vaike walked up to her entrance and slipped her security code for it to be open. The door slides open, her attention returning back to Takemura as she enters. Motioning her finger at him, he thought it was more spell-like. The way that this woman has him wrapped around her hand.
“Suit yourself, Takemura, do you want some tea or alcohol?” Vaike asked, making her way to the counter where the tea cup was sitting to make some.
Takemura looked at her and thought about it. Tea sounded like a good idea to settle down some nerves. “Tea sounds pleasant, thank you.”
Vaike nodded, focusing on preparing the tea. Takemura took his welcome to sit down on one of those stools next to the counter, his hand gently rubbing his thighs while waiting patiently for the tea. Taking the opportunity to observe around, the window next to the kitchen is the view from the apartment; he thought about how it would look waking up every morning to look at people walking in the street, how many troubles have passed by while consuming your morning drink. He then looks at the bed to his right, assuming that’s where she rests. If Vaike ever rests, Takemura has secretly readied her health. Barely got any rest ever since she has reunited with her only family alive. It was a concern for him but he never forced her to get rest. Not his position to tell her either way.
He ripped his thoughts aside to return to focusing on the woman in front of him. Setting his cup of tea on the counter table. Vaike has made a set of herself as well.
“Thank you.” He said, bowing his head and taking the cup directly to his mouth.
She smiled warmly, taking a small sip of her tea.
To his surprise, it tasted the same tea that he had drank once. The hint of warmth of his home with a sweet taste hint brings him time when he remembers bits of his family. He furrowed his eyebrows, how did Vaike know his kind taste of tea? It rather shocked him to find out that Vaike knew his personal taste in tea. Perhaps asking wouldn’t hurt so he settled the cup down and glanced at her. Vaike quickly noticed and lowered the cup from her lip.
“It’s everything alright?” She asks.
“The tea was marvelous, Vaike. But how did you know this is my favorite taste of tea?” He raised an eyebrow.
Vaike chuckled, waving her hand in front of him. “I took some studies from that time, reunion with your master, you remember?”
He scrunched his nose a bit. “Was it a personal business reunion?”
“The very one, yes.”
“Well, I’m not sure what to say but, good job.”
She shrugged. “Take it as a way of me repaying you back for teaching me.”
“You seem troubled.” He changed the topic, not being rude. He just felt a little embarrassed but grateful for her for trying to repay him, despite it being his own decision to train her.
Vaike sighs and puts her cup down as her hand holds the edge of the counter table. “It’s nothing, I don’t want to bore you with my problem.”
“Vaike, I’m here to help you. Trust me.” He reassured her as he stretched his hand to her, grasping gently with a force.
“It’s my sister, Yua. I feel-No, I believe she does not trust me. With the truth that I don’t remember anything about my parents; only I know that she is my sister, probably the old me made sure it was protected and secure before the brainwashing.”
He nodded. “I’m sure she trusts you, Vaike. It still feels fresh for her to fully trust you. However, I understand her concern about Arasaka-“
“That as well, since she lost TBug and Jackie in that heist mission. I still truly believe it was Dex's plan to fuck her up. But, I just want her to trust me; I still don’t know how I can approach her to tell her.” Vaike added.
“May I suggest but you deserve to know this as well.” He started. “But you can regain your memories back, however, there will be heavily guarded by Arasaka. Only the Arasaka family can enter.”
Her eyes light up as she grabs his hand, each of her hands holding it. “I can get my memories back?”
“As I said, yes, I’m not sure what would be the downside once you’ve restored your memory back.” He turned his attention to his empty tea cup.
“Huh, what do you mean Takemura?” Vaike took his chin as she guided them back to her face.
Takemura opened his mouth but words couldn’t get out, he was struggling to find the correct sentences to make it make sense. How can he, Takemura is not some attractive and well young look for Vaike, she probably won’t accept to date him. At this stage of his age, that is, still, his heart ached when he thinks in that way. Many possibilities pour into his mind as his voice froze. He cannot simply remain in eye contact with her any longer. It’ll hurt his only Moonlight.
“What I mean, Vaike.” He paused as his hand grabbed her wrist, guiding them to the top surface of the table. He adores the soft touch of her tanned skin, how he wishes to kiss those skin of hers. Worship every inch of her, tell her how goddess she is. Oh, his poor heart is crying.
“Yes Goro?” she lowered her face to look at him once again.
“I’m afraid if you restore your memory, of any chance, you’d forget about me and our moments together. I treasure it with all my heart - I, uh, I wasn’t where I was going with this.”
There was a smile, poking on the corner of her lips. Along with a warm, fuzzy feeling on her cheek. “I don’t think I would lose any precious memories about you, Goro. Is this some kind of confession?”
He was caught by a surprise, eyes grew wider as his face flushed embarrassingly about it. Takemura tried to recollect himself. “More or less.”
Vaike laughed lightly. “That’s really cute of you, Goro. I thought you wouldn’t like me or confess this way.”
“I don’t follow.”
Vaike stood up while his eyes followed her every move. “I’m in love with you, Takemura.”
Her sentences made his heart freeze for a moment, as his eyes lit up with hope and surprise to hear it coming out from her. For years and months, he thought she wouldn’t feel the same way, and share the same feelings for each other. All his emotions flushed in at once, Takemura only thought as it commanded his body. Kicked off the stool with his hand aside from the corner table and pulled her against his body. His lip captured her, and for a couple of seconds, it took her to realize what was going on. Goro Takemura was kissing right in front of her while frowning his brows. No loose attachment as she slipped her hand up from his chest to his shoulder then around his neck, gladly returning the kiss. Just as he exactly pictured it, her lips were soft and craving, with a hint of the tea they both were having with. He ran his tongue across her lips for permission entrance, but she had another idea, denying his permission by taking his bottom lip with her teeth. Takemura let out a groan into the kiss and understood what she was trying to do. He had another idea in his hand. He grabbed some pile of her hair while dipping the back of her head, exposing more skin on her neck. Leaving her swollen lip to trail down his wet kisses to her jawline into her throat. Flustered by his kisses, she rubbed her thighs together. A small mewls slip out from her lip after he gives a small nibble on the sensitive spot area in her neck. His lip curved, focusing on the tender spot with his tongue before sucking the spot. Leaving a wonder of his own mark on it, love bites as he continues to every inch of her neck as he could.
Vaike let out a long, string breath as she shook underneath him. Him being towered on top of her gave him empowerment to dominate her. He hummed while dipping his mouth in her collarbone, guiding his tongue on top of her skin. Feeling her body shudder at his touch once more fills his satisfaction. Yet it allows him to know her body reacts the way she wants to be touched. Takemura let go of her small pile of hair while he ran his hand down to her lower back, slipping his both hands into her rear ass as he pulled her into him. Vaike let out a harmless laugh while holding onto him, carefully taking her away from the kitchen to the bed that was not far. Her body made contact on a soft surface, her head dug into her pillow feeling his warm left on her, hovering on top of her. Eyes filled with lust and love, he wants to take all in and leave none, but Takemura wants to take it slow as well.
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nahte123456 · 1 year
"I'm back from the job," Ron walked through the hall of his own building. He went towards more a special area of the guild hall. It was a place where things were more relaxed. He looked around to see for Cordelia, Olivia, even Lucina, or Robin. He was sure Say'ri and Tiki wouldn't be here
"Rrr-HIC-Ron!" Lucina called with a wave, stumbling around only for Cordelia to catch her.
Olivia smiled and walked up to him, covered in bangles and jewels, she made even more noise than Lucina as she came to hug him. "She'll be fine in a moment. Some new magic beer Tharja made? Something about revenge on Vaike, I didn't ask." She told him as Codelia helped Lucina sit down, the poor princess making a clumsy 'come hither' motion to him.
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 3 months
A thought: considering Vaike has a noticeably darker skin tone than the rest of the Ylisseans we see, is it possible part of the reason for his Everything, including the fact he seems to have been a neglected child at best, is he might be half-Plegian or Feroxi by blood? Or at least some descent of either.
Y'know tbh I feel like the people of the Ylissean continent are probably actually pretty diverse in general. Like... technically it's just my headcanon, but doesn't it kinda make logical sense that the Grimleal would have migrated from Khadein in the past (desert city just south of Thabes where mages go to study -> Plegia being known for its desert and its mages), and Khadein is part of Ferox is Awakening's Time. And it's just unambiguously canon that the exalted line is descended from Marth, an Altean, and Altea's territory is part of Plegia in Awakening's time. Plus you have things like the Feroxi khans often choosing foreigners as their champions in their tournaments, Plegia and Ylisse having an open border despite the tensions between the two nations... So yeah, I feel like a LOT of people are probably of mixed heritage (whether they're inclined to admit it or not is a different matter, of course).
It's cool to think that Vaike's hometown might be particularly relaxed about such matters, though. You can see from his ending with Panne that the people there really take to her, and she comes to love the place as well, so it seems to be pretty welcoming, and Vaike himself seems to have grown up holding more prejudice towards wealthy nobles generally than to Plegians or Feroxi or taguel or any people in particular like that.
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
ask game: Chrom!
How I feel about this character
i like chrom a lot. to me, hes one of those guys where if you see him in a situation, its automatically funny. his presence is comedy to me. him being in smash? INSTANTLY hilarious. though it was also funny to have him relegated to robin’s accessory for a while. hehe.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
olivia and gaius are my favorites :) chromgailivia truthers wya… but i like him with most of the first gen shepherds honestly? if you gave me a chrom pair i would go “HELL YEAH” to most of the characters. i also greatly enjoy ephchrom. funnest the vg ever was (was team ephraim. but my team chrommies i love you guys forever!!)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
honestly all of the shepherds, but if i had to single one out, i really like the potential friendship he has with cordelia. shes probably one of the few characters i dislike being shipped with chrom, but i think it would be nice for them to get to know eachother for real, become close friends and kind of… like… push eachother off the pedestals theyve placed eachother on. like obviously cordy idolizes chrom but in a way he and the other shepherds do the same to her by labeling her as that perfectionist, so once they work through and realize “hey this person has flaws! theyre not what i thought they were in my head but it turns out i like this version just fine too” and form a real bond they could be nice friends. funny ones too, i think cordelia would be so tired of his shit… thank god
My unpopular opinion about this character
HES NOT A HIMBO. HES SKINNY!!!!!!! HES SO SO SO SKINNY HES A TWIG!! HES SMALL!! SHUT UP!!!!!!! hes also not that dumb. like its funny to act like he is (which. guilty!) but at the end of the day hes really not. hes in a position that makes him ignorant at times, but hes not stupid. hes not a himbo. if you want himbo vaike is right there. jeez.
One thing I wish had happened
i wanna see him reflect on his past with his dad and how theyre similar and how that scares him. let chrom suffer through internal reflection. yesssss… think about the consequences of your actions boy… yesssssssssss… also i wish he had more supports. i get they were trying to push a canon/lucina had to be born but. really? pushing out miriel???? ugh.
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gascon-en-exil · 7 months
Brief impressions from the prologue of the Unicorn Overlord demo:
Combat is automated in execution but looks like it will eventually involve juggling a lot of mechanics as setup. It's basically what I feared battalions in Three Houses would be before we learned that those are just equippable items. The good news is that there's a Story difficulty, so I do end up sticking with this game I at least shouldn't have to worry about being too overwhelmed.
The story is...literally just Shadow Dragon at this point, only the Marth analogue loses (probably?) a mother rather than a sister and there's a bit suggesting that most of the named enemies will have been magically brainwashed rather than supporting the conquering empire of their own free will. Hopefully that's not true of all of them, else that would be quite dull.
Playables as of the prologue: Marth, Jagen, Lena if she were being set up to be Marth's girlfriend, a friend of Marth whose dumb mistake gets used as a tutorial moment (think Sain or Vaike), and a female soldier who snarks about the dumb friend. Jagen's teasing a meeting with a knight named Clive - don't know yet if that's in the demo or if he'll be as underwhelming and surrounded by people who want to sleep with him as the character of the same name in Echoes.
Oh, and this game may contain the only obviously not!Catholic religion I've ever seen in a JRPG where the deity is male, and they have a "Holy Mother" separate from said deity.
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I'm the Vaike hater. I want to clear the air: the only thing that spawned my rant is that I replayed Awakening and forgot how much I hated him until he opened the one map with losing his stupid axe. Then I just needed to scream and be heard. Still think you guys who like him need better taste because he has zero redeeming qualities to me, but none of you caused me to rage. Sometimes you just need to scream into the aether where someone will hear.
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fe-fictions · 5 months
Are there any other bath tent prompts left over from The Great Deletion™? (If so, I have a preference for Lon'qu. If not, I just reeeally like bath tent prompts so anyone flies.)
(I have Frederick's still mercifully, but other than that I don't have any left! ;; 3 ;; which sucks because the Basilio and Vaike ones were rly good U m U )
When Frederick heard your scream across camp, he was terrified. Had you been assaulted? Ambushed, or worse?
He grabbed his lance and sprinted off, rushing towards your cries and curses when he found himself in the midst of a very strange scene.
There stood Lord Chrom, the flaps to the women’s bathing tent wide open, and dozens of projectiles. He quickened his pace with the intent to drag Chrom out of the line of fire and engage whoever was throwing things at him.
However, when he came in sight of the thrower, he realized it was you; wrapped crudely in a towel, soaked from head to toe with suds still running along your skin, mid-throw of the last soap dish. His grip tightened on Chrom’s arm. The Exalt was peeping on his wife.
“Would someone please explain what in the gods’ names is going on?!” Frederick demanded icily, quick to turn Chrom away from his view of you. He had yet to release the man, much to his discomfort.
“I-I was just looking for Robin to ask her a question, Frederick! I didn’t realize where I was until she started screaming, a-and then…it was an accident, I swear! I didn’t mean to-”
“Accident?!” You suddenly jumped in, storming over to the pair now covered with your coat. Your face was a deep scarlet, fury barely overruling your embarrassment. “It’s the women’s bath! How hard is it for you to see  that?!”
“She has a point, milord. Surely you should be familiar with the camp’s layout.” Frederick replied, narrowing his eyes at Chrom. “I find it hard to believe you capable of this, but it brings me terrible sorrow and, dare I say, fury, to see you staring at my wife.” He said, and had Chrom shaking  in his boots.
“F-Frederick I swear, I didn’t mean to peep on her, a-and that’s the truth!” Chrom would’ve disappeared if he could. “Please Frederick, Robin’s my best friend! I’d never jeopardize that.”
“I wish to believe you, milord,” Frederick said in a clipped tone as he released the Exalt. He sighed sharply and came to your side, “However, your actions speak louder than your words. For now, return to your duties until I summon you for proper disciplinary action. Understood?”
“Y-yes sir.” Chrom sounded meek and frightened; two things you never thought him capable of.
You watched him trudge off for a few moments before Frederick guided you away, taking your hand tightly in his. The ridged, angry confliction in his expression had yet to fade.
“Until I make my decision, we should get you properly dressed. If I’m not mistaken, I believe you’re in need of clothes beneath that coat.”
“Y-you’re not.” You blushed, the adrenaline and shock of what happened to you slowly starting to fade. Frederick picked up on the warble in your voice swiftly, and could see the unshed tears glistening in your eyes.
He made good time returning to the tent, latching the flap shut and making sure it was absolutely secure. Then he turned his full attention to you, assessing the situation.
You looked down at your feet, your hand never once letting go of his. You had been mortified, and now that the anger cleared, you were nothing short of ashamed.
Wordlessly he detached his chestplate and the armor about his upper body, knowing precisely what you needed. You barely got a question out of your mouth before he  drew you into his embrace.
“Forgive me. I was not diligent enough in protecting you.” He murmured in a soft, remorseful whisper that had you frozen. “I failed you, and for that, I must apologize to you, my love.”
“You’re not the one who walked in on me.” You giggled weakly, but reciprocated his hug all the same. You buried your face in his chest, your hot tears dampening his clothes along with your soaking hair.
Frederick didn’t mind it. His fingers gently stroked your hair, the guilt that racked him far more powerful than his anger.
“All is well, my sweet. I highly doubt he did such a thing on purpose. The odds of him speaking to anyone about it is minimum, and if he even considers it I’ll be swift to punish. …Severely.”
All you could do was nod against him, calming yourself down slowly with the help of his gentle touches and reassurances.
At some point he settled you on the bedroll, fetched a towel and worked on drying your hair very gently. His tender touch soothes your shame, all the anxiety and fear you felt as a result of the mad debacle starting to ebb away.
You sigh after some time and bury your face in your hands, letting him continue his sweet ministrations.
“I can’t believe he did that…he saw me, Frederick. Gods, I’m never gonna live it down. It was so embarrassing…and then for you to come and see him, too…” You groaned, and he frowned softly.
“I think no less of you for what happened; you needn’t be ashamed.” He assured you, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your neck. “It was an extremely unfortunate accident…at least, that is how I prefer to view it  unless evidence proves otherwise.”
“You really want it to be an accident, don’t you?” You mumbled, slowly turning to look at him. Frederick shifted some and gave a soft grunt, brow furrowed.
“I know that Lady Emmeryn raised him properly, and I was quite strict and attentive, myself. He was brought up with strong morals, and the idea of him peeping on anyone, let alone you, my beloved, is difficult to believe. Lord Chrom is well known for being oblivious, after all.”
“Even to this level?” You replied, unconvinced.
“I wish to punish him severely, my sweet. There is a rage…white and hot that is building whenever I think that he looked upon you…gods, it is infuriating. However, he is also my liege, and the years we’ve spent together, I simply…I find it hard to believe he’d do it on purpose.”
“I want to believe it, too. I hope that your investigation brings about an innocent Exalt.” You offered with a tired sigh, leaning your head against his chest. Frederick set the towel aside and drew his arms around you, his soothing warmth returning and relaxing your tension.
“As do I. …However, regardless of the results, he will still receive harsh punishment.” He stated seriously, making you smile against his skin.
“Harsh, you say? How harsh would you be?”
“Well, we mustn’t forget that it was my wife he looked upon. Therefore, if he did it purposely, he will be worked until his limbs cannot be lifted anymore. Verbal reprimands will carry on for several hours, followed by an extensive lesson on conduct in the army, and three times the chores for the following year.”
“My goodness.” You blushed, “How valiant of you.”
“It is the least I can do for you, Robin. Besides, that’s only off the top of my head. I still have plenty of options to think up.”
“Look at you, defending me as knight and husband.” You smirked up at him, brushing your fingers across his cheek. He took your hand gently and kissed your fingertips, beaming at you.
“I swore to do so, did I not?”
“You did, however…I feel as though I should repay you for your efforts.”
“There is no need for a reward. Easing your worries and bringing justice to milord is reward enough.”
“Then perhaps you could help me with something, instead. So long as you don’t think of it like a reward, it should work just fine.”
"What’s that?”
“Well, Chrom’s eyes did wander a bit. He saw an awful lot of me, you know.” You began, fiddling with the buttons on your coat. “And…I’m not wearing anything beneath this.”
Frederick was very quick to catch on, and grasped your waist, turning you into the bedding and helping you remove the coat.
“Tell me where he looked at you, my precious wife…I will erase his gaze from your body.” He promised with a swift, deep kiss, which was quick to delve into far deeper, sweeter intimacy between you.
Chrom didn’t really see anything, thanks to the thickness of the steam. However, you weren’t about to tell Frederick that, especially not after he ravished you so (and punished Chrom for his foolishness promptly after. The poor Exalt couldn’t look you in the eye for weeks afterwards).
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yanderefairyangel · 4 months
(Sending this again because my internet went out and idk if it went through the first time)
So, when it comes to the various main characters where you can choose who they can get paired with, are there any like, default pairings you go for or pairings that feel canon in your heart?
Here’s my list for an example:
Seliph & Lana
Roy & Lilina
Eliwood & Ninian
Lyn & Hector
Eirika & Tana
Ephraim & L’Arachel
Ike & Soren
Micaiah (really wish she had a paired ending with someone other than the boy she basically raised. I’d take a platonic paired ending with her sister)
Chrom & Robin
Lucina & Laurent (I just thought it’d be funny to make Chrom and Vaike in laws. Plus those two are basically the Dad friend and Mom friend of the group respectively)
Corrin: Scarlet (Birthright), Izana (Conquest), Silas/Azura (Revelations)
Byleth: Jeritza (CF), Shamir (AM), Catherine (VW), Yuri (SS)
Shez & Byleth
Alear and… honestly I don’t really ship Alear with any of the other characters, I more ship them with each other. I do like Veyle and Alear’s platonic paired ending though so I’ll do with that
Ok here we go
I don' t have much feeling about those ships (except Shezleth)
Seliph & Lana : this one is clearly favored by canon seeing the favoribility of their love points
Roy & Lilina : obvious ship tease in canon, while Roy doesn't have any canon ship it's obvious the narrative favor Lilina
Eliwood & Ninian /Lyn & Hector : both are heavily favored, to the point canon wouldn't be a strech at all
Eirika & Tana : they have a paired ending ?
Ephraim & L’Arachel : I never liked this one sorry (which is weird I like both characters)
Ike & Soren : From a canon standpoint, it seems obvious the writers are teasing them in a "maybe they are more than just friends"
Meanwhile, I am sitting rotating in my brain Soren's codependance issues in my head and how all of his intereactions are rooted in his trauma
Micaiah (really wish she had a paired ending with someone other than the boy she basically raised. I’d take a platonic paired ending with her sister) : should've had a platonic ending with Sothe, we can all agree, they have 0 romantic tension
Chrom & Robin : IS moved from ship teasing Chrom and Sumia to ship teasing them, personally I don't care about them
Lucina & Laurent (I just thought it’d be funny to make Chrom and Vaike in laws. Plus those two are basically the Dad friend and Mom friend of the group respectively) : I have no real thoughts about it
Corrin: Scarlet (Birthright), Izana (Conquest), Silas/Azura (Revelations) : That Male Corrin and Azura at least is a big ship tease is kinda obvious, the other one I am neutral
Byleth: Jeritza (CF), Shamir (AM), Catherine (VW), Yuri (SS) : no thoughts about it
Shez & Byleth : If you know me, you know me. The only thing that's missing is them being able to marry
Alear and… honestly I don’t really ship Alear with any of the other characters, I more ship them with each other. I do like Veyle and Alear’s platonic paired ending though so I’ll do with that : Alear and Veyle sibling dynamic appreciator I stan
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