#but henry is a good boy who loves u very much
fe-fictions · 5 months
Could you please revive the bath tent prompt with henry
(Bath tent prompt is back!!! And with Mr. Henry Crowman no less! ; U ; )
When Henry heard the shriek erupt from the other end of camp, he was initially delighted. That was a classic scream of terror. 
While it was indeed music to his ears, he had a feeling that if it was happening inside of camp, it probably wasn’t a good thing. An assassination attempt, maybe? Or a Risen had infiltrated and bit off someone’s hands?
The possibilities were endless! He started to trot towards the sound, giggling to himself as he heard more crashing and shouting of expletives.
Hmm…maybe not fear, but anger. Then he came closer, and saw a soap dish fly out of the bath tent. The women’s bath tent. …The place you had just said you’d be about 10 minutes ago. And Chrom…was…running out of the tent…?
“R-right! Absolutely! Straightaway! I'll, er, wait outside the tent-!” 
That was definitely not just a shriek. That was his wife bellowing at the Exalt of Ylisse. And not only that, but he was barely able to dodge half the objects you were throwing at him.
Henry wasn’t sure what exactly he was watching, but as he slowed his gait to a very deliberate walk, the pieces started falling into place.
Not long after Chrom had stumbled out of the ten, grasping his head where a glass dish had struck him, you stormed out. Your hair was sopping wet, and you had thrown your coat over a towel.
The blood drained from Henry’s face.
“All right, you! What sort of idiot blunders straight into the women's bathing tent?!”
“I'm sorry! Very, very sorry! I misheard you, I swear it. I had no intention of peeping!!”
Both your faces were beet red, and while yours was screwed up in anger, Chrom’s was pure embarrassment. Though, that would very quickly shift when his vision suddenly went dark, covered by a swathe of black magic that surrounded him.
“What the hells-?!”
“Peeping, Lord Chrom?” Henry’s cheery lilt seemed particularly threatening when he appeared in front of Chrom, said royal now restrained by tendrils of dark vapors. “Is that some sort of fun game for you noble types? I’d love to hear what you think!”
“H-Henry, wait, that’s not what-!!”
“You shouldn’t peep on girls, ‘Your Majesty’! You’re no Vaike, you know? It looks real bad on you! Especially when it’s somebody who’s already married! That’s just a recipe for disaster, isn’t it? Nya ha!”
The signature smile that most had already found disconcerting had become something much angrier…much more twisted.
That alone was enough to shoot fear into the hearts of the crowd which was gathering.
“Henry!” Frederick’s voice burst out from the surrounding Shepherds, his lance pointed towards the mage. “Release the Exalt at once!”
“I dunno, I mean, he did something unforgiveable to my Robin, Lieutenant! What would you do if you were in the same situation?”
“I’m afraid we’re all still trying to figure out what the 'situation' is.” Frederick’s response was terse as he stepped closer, “Now, release Lord Chrom. I will not repeat myself.”
“Come on, it's not even hurting him, honest! I’m just keepin' him in place to make sure he doesn’t try to do anything else to my wife! Is that really so bad?”
Frederick started towards him with very clear intent to separate the two. But before he got close enough, you had your hand on his wrist, disrupting the spell with a tug.
“Henry, it’s not what you think it is. Chrom didn’t mean to walk in on me-” You spoke through gritted teeth, and there was a flash of fear in your eyes that Henry wasn’t sure what to think of it. “Please stop.”
“But Robin-”
Henry’s spell slowly dissipated, though his expression remained that of confusion (and of course the anger that had yet to fade).
You nodded to Frederick, a number of Shepherds staring at the four of you, tense at the prospect of what might come next.
Henry’s expression was unreadable, as if mulling over how he wanted to petrify everyone, next. You searched for some understanding, squeezing his wrist tighter. 
Eventually, though, the strange look on his face gave way to a smile.
“Of course, whatever you wish!! I wouldn’t dare do anything you didn’t ask me to do. Please lead the way, my love!” 
The smile persisted as you led him to your shared tent, and it did not waver even as he flicked his wrist and charmed the tent so that it would not open until Henry decided it could.
“You should cast a muffling spell, too.” You sighed sharply, finally releasing his other hand so you could undo your coat.
“Oh? Will we be raising our voices?” He questioned coolly, casting as you requested. You tossed the robe to him without looking, slipping the towel off your body.
Henry could never not enjoy the sight of his naked beloved, as he was sure you felt the same. Though, the very idea that Chrom might have seen something so precious and intimate did make him feel strange.
Deeply irritated; a little violent, maybe.
“I’m just trying to understand why in the hells you would lay a hand on Chrom!” You huffed out, moving further away from him to rummage your trunk in search of some clothes.
“Wasn’t he the one who walked in on you in the bath tent? I heard you say it!”
“I did- and he did- but that’s not a reason for you to assault a prince!”
“You were throwing things at him!”
“That’s different!” You stared a t him in disbelief, “I was the one he walked in on- and I was trying to get him out of the damn place without being humiliated by my best friend!”
“But that didn’t work, did it? So why are you upset at me for trying to help?”
Henry sounded like he was bordering on pouting, but you could very clearly see the rigid outline of his shoulders. He was very upset about what he saw.
“All I did was stick him in a binding hex. It’s not like I tried to turn his insides out, nya ha!”
“Henry, it was bad enough to have Chrom stumble into the bath tent in the first place- but when you came in and put him in a trap like that, it turned into a huge commotion! Now it’s not just Chrom who saw me in a compromised position, it’s practically the whole of the Shepherds!”
“They were already on their way over when you started shouting and throwing stuff at him! Which was the right thing to do, by the way. I would’ve been throwing spells though…much more effective.”
Henry’s humor seemed a bit more terse than it usually would be. And you weren’t sure what to think of the dark shadow clouding his face the longer he spoke of it.
“But it couldn’t have been any worse than if you hadn’t escalated- Frederick was ready to skewer you!”
“Come on, I don’t care what he wanted to do to me- I’m more worried about what Chrom did to you!!” Henry protested, “I hate that someone walked in on you! You didn’t deserve that, and it’s my job to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen to you! I mean, what would you think if somebody walked in on me, huh? You’d be real upset!”
Your eyes softened some, realizing that Henry needed a little bit more clarification and reassurance than you were currently giving.
He was upset, indeed. And he was right. Just the thought of the same thing happening to Henry formed an angry knot in your stomach.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t like it, at all.”
“Then you understand!”
“I do, I just…look, Henry, I’m not mad at you for trying to help. I just think that the way you were trying to help was a little bit over the top. Somewhere around ‘committing acts of treason and terror’, is where I'd draw the line.”
“To be fair, I’m not Ylissean. Dishonouring a woman and bringing shame upon her is punishable by death in Plegia!”
“Huh…that’s good to know. But maybe not applicable while on Ylissean soil.” You reminded him gently, pulling a clean tunic over your head.
“But Robin, he was in the bathing tent- he saw you naked!! I mean, I don’t mind a funny prank now and then, but there’s nothing funny about someone walking in on you."
Henry crossed the distance between you, starting to work on buttoning up your tunic while you forced wet arms through cotton sleeves.
“So what would you have me do? Stand by and let someone leer at you in the bath because they’re royalty?”
“No, of course not. But maybe somewhere in between?”
“In between letting you be harassed and hexing someone?”
“Yes. That’s a fair balance, right?” You looked up at him cautiously, curling your fingers into his tunic. Henry tilted his head, mulling over the option.
“Y’know, I guess that does leave me a lot of opportunities to work with, doesn’t it!” He grinned, which was a relief aside from the realization that he was correct; there was a lot of opportunity between doing nothing and doing too much.
“Um…maybe we should workshop it a little bit first.” You said, “I have a feeling you’re gonna need a list of what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Hey, when it comes to protecting you, there aren’t many things off the table.” Henry pouted, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you close. “I might joke around a lot, but I mean it. You’re the only person in this whole wide world I don’t want anything bad to happen to.”
“That’s sweet…but we both know that’s mainly because you want the bad things to happen to yourself.” You reminded him with a soft sigh, a tired smile on your lips.
He was your eccentric darling. Henry just giggled, peppering your face with kisses.
“Gosh, you just know me so well, don’t you?” He sighed dreamily, nuzzling into your hair. “Well…I’m glad you’re okay. But I’m going to make sure that you’re not gonna have anything like this ever happen to you again. I love you too much to let creepy weirdos take advantage of you!”
“Chrom doesn’t really count as a creepy weirdo, does he?” You pulled back, searching his face for whatever plot he was thinking of putting together.
“Maybe if he hadn’t walked in on you taking a bath, he wouldn’t…but that’s okay! We’ll find out sooner or later what I think of him, won’t we?”
“I’m just kiddin’ around, nya ha! Have a little faith in your husband, hmm?” He purred,  that irresistible smile returning. You relaxed some, wrapping your arms around him tight and pressing your face to his neck.
You felt his pulse quicken as he chuckled, always happy to be loved by his wife.
“Thank you for protecting me, Henry. I’m so happy you’re by my side…even in circumstances like this. It’s comforting to know that you’re the one who’s got my back.”
“Of course, love. You’re my one and only! ‘Til death do us part.”
“Extra bloody and all.”
“Yeah, hahaha!” He laughed, sweeping you off your feet and spinning you about with a delightful joy that washed away the argument before.
You trusted that Henry would behave himself, even going so far as to join you in apologizing to Chrom for the debacle (and said Exalt of course was the sorriest, all but begging your forgiveness for his foolishness).
It wwas water under the bridge, and Hwenry’s smile seemed to enforce that.
Of course, it didn't stop a strange murder of crows from swarming the prince’s tent every few days…for the next month or so.
Henry did claim ignorance to this bizarre occurrence, but there weren’t many people you knew who could command a swathe of birds like he could…
Ah, well. So long as it kept Chrom from making any further silly mistakes, it wasn’t a terrible prank to get him back…
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 5 months
(Open Rp) "Legend of the Golden Dragon"
Long time ago, Saphira and Her Now Soon-to-be-Ex-boyfriend Name "Daniel Landus Rooster" Who she's been with him for the past 10 years of their relationship and Daniel is from a Lovely wealthy family as well and his parents are very good decent people..During the Times, She was once pregnant on the 9th year and She was thrilled that she heard that she's going to have a baby girl and so Does The parents Of Daniel rooster..but To daniel who heard about this…Wasn't really happy about this…He began to act Childish and wanted to have a son..but then..Saphira tore his ass up with a harshful Lecture and telling him To Stop acting Like King Henry VIII, She told him that he needs to get his act striaght up..and she heard the other news that she not only have a baby girl but a baby boy..She was thrilled..but.. sadly..the car ran her over and cause her to have miscarriage of her 2 unborn children..she was at the hospital very devastated..and next year..Daniel is all happy and all..while saphira find it odd about him..he came home late until one day, She got called From the cops that Daniel is in jail For Murder and also prostitution and Embezzlement of Saphira's Fathers company that he works for…Saphira's eyes widen in rage..and she storms to the police Station to pay a visit on jail.and saphira sees Daniel wearing an Orange jumpsuit..and Daniel sees rage on saphira's face as he knew That he is in The WHOLE mess Of trouble written all over him..And then She Picked Up the Phone With anger and Disgust..and she said in anger tone,
Saph: "Where the Hell Were you During the night?"
Daniel: "Listen saph…I was shopping and u-"
Then saphira Slammed on the table and Snapped at him
Saph: "DON"T LIE TO ME!!, I heard what you did..and I want to know..Did you Purposly ran over me in the car?..I heard from one of the police that they Saw you drive the car..and run over me and cause the death of Our children..and I Want the truth..Right..Now."
Daniel : Sighs softly "Yes it was me.."
Saph: "WHAT!!!?? Why Did you Do that Daniel!? What were you thinking!!? You Killed Our 2 Unborn babies!!"
Daniel: "Wait? Two babies?"
Saph: " Yea! You Dimwitted LOUT!! I was Having one boy and One girl! I was going to tell you but now, You Killed them Ya Monstrous BRUTE! You wanted that Son SO Desparately Mr. King-Henry-VII But YOU Lost your Damn Chance! ALL because of you Hated My Daughter So much That you Did the Unthinkable!! So tell me…Why did you go to the Burlesque For Prostitution?!"
Saphira was in rage as Daniel was shocked, His face was pale and now he's filled with regret and horrid..and then..he answers
Daniel: "I-i…sighs I wanted to have fun..so i slept with 15 girls in that place…"
Saphira's eye widen with shock mix with now fully malice in her and She said,
Saph: "YOU WHAT!!?? Not only you Killed my babies but Sleeping with 15 Whore in that godforsaken place!! Is there anything that I wanted to know about this!?"
Daniel: "Well..your not going to like it..But I got one of them pregnant."
Then saphira was so in rage that she has Blood shots in her eyes and she slammed her fist on the table in anger..and she said
Saph: "OH THAT"S IT!! Your Not only a Murderer and a thief but your nothing but a Mangy Cheating DOG! But not only this! You Are Mean, Rotten, Selfish, Cruel, Wicken and LOW-Down! and your parents is on it's way..and Boy They have a Bone to pick with ya! They already Knew What you did To their grandbabies! and I'm going to make sure That you'll pay me for all the Damages That you put Upon me and Now my precious angels! And also..From this day Forth, We're Over! We're done! and I hope That your getting what you Deserve and I'm going to make sure you'll Never Set Foot in my Property again!"
Daniel: "But Saph! You know how strict my parents is! I heard they'll bail me out and make me Pay back! Please I'm sorry..lets start over!"
Saphira: " Well Thats too Bad Daniel! You Lost your chance to be a good father to my kids, But now Your not even fit to be a Father in the first place! I Hope that Woman will place your child at Foster care because No Child ain't going to have Such a Horrible Father who only killed Children all because of Obsession of having a Son! I am Sick and tired of your Cruel behavior and your Little TroubleSome antics! We're through Daniel Rooster! Good-bye and Good Riddance!"
Saphira Hangs up and Left him..and His parents just arrived to pay his bail and Dragged Daniels ass to his home and His father and Mother Tore his ass Into New about Acting Irresponsible and unthinkable thing he did and Telling him what a failure he is as a man and Human being itself..and then His parents apolgize To saphira and her father about Their Horrible son's Troublesome behavior..They paid saphira Compensation For the damage He cause…and Now Daniel is Force to work day and Night to Pay His parents up for many part time job.. As Five years went by, Saphira fell into a despair Until Her Father Decided to Invited Every single Men who wanted to be with her..but all turns out..they only love her wealth..and He sighs and Pray to Inari the kitsune goddess to Give Saphira a man of her Life who would treated her right but then..There's a scroll that fell off the Shelf..and he discovered there's a way to get any elegible Man to retrieve and rewarded them With His daughter..So the scroll shows That there's a legendary Dragon armor made of Pure Gold and Only pure hearted Lad who will wear the armor but there's a bad Armor that was sealed up for all time..and he who wears that Dark Dragon armor can possessed such a corrupted Powers beyond their wildest dreams..So He Invited every elegible young men to find a golden armor and he will reward someone by the hands of his beloved daughter….then One of the Brave man came To Saphira's father and Said…
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sixxteenbullets · 1 year
Saw smth the other day and I can't stop thinking about it.
Pairing: Henry Bowers x fem!innocent!reader
Warnings: u and Henry getting walked in on by Patrick, being watched doin yk, swearing, sexual themes.
HENRY Bowers had a girl that was the opposite of him. She was a kind, sweet soul and he wanted to keep her that way. He knew exactly who he was and who his friends were, so to keep up with his goal, he needed her to stay away from his friends. The issue sounded easy to defeat, if his friends were normal.
Two boys, Belch and Vic, he trusted enough to stay away from her. After all, they weren't really ever interested in defying Henry. Though, Patrick was a piece of work. As much as he loved innocence, he loved pushing limits. He was tall, obsessed with pyro, and a sadist to the bone. That was exactly the kind of person Henry needed his girl to stay away from. Someone who could tear away her joy, make her sad and scared, and strip her of her kindness, turning her timid and quiet. He'd seen her that way once, during a bad fight, and he swore to keep her from those feelings for as long as he could. Only he could break her down.
"Hey Hen," Y/n smiled at him, her white teeth shining as bright as ever. "You called."
"Old man ain't gonna be home tonight," He pushed himself off of his bed and sauntered over to her. "Was thinking you could stay?"
She didn't have an ideal home life, either. She wasn't beat, like Henry, and she still had both of her parents, but they were mean. Driven by religion, the girl didn't get to choose her own path very often, and a lot of her decisions were made for her. That was part of why she kept her innocence. There was nothing she could do to break it.
"Yeah, totally." She walked closer to him, meeting him in the middle of his room, and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms looked around her waist and they were pulled flush against each other. As their lips met, a bubbly giggle escaped her throat and she smiled against his mouth. His face remained straight, but the sound of her giddiness woke such a fierce happiness within him, it was hard to keep from giggling back at her.
"So what do you want to do tonight?" A mere whisper, barely audible. His eyes widened slightly as they met the ones that stared up at him. She never spoke like this. It was just a simple question, but there was a passion behind her words that she never had before. They had been dating for a month, and she typically pushed away his sexual advances, so when she made her own, he knew this was not something to pass up.
His hands ever so slightly lowered on her waist, resting on the peak of her butt. When she put up no objections, they lowered and he gave a small squeeze, which triggered another giggle. Just as he was about to say something suggestive, her lips crashed into his open mouth, and their tongues danced in harmony for a minute before he pulled away for a breath.
Her head leaned up to follow him, objecting to the end of their kiss, but she soon realized her own lack of breath. "What are you doing?"
"I want you." There was absolutely no sign of hesitation in her voice. Every bit of every word dripped with a lust that sounded foreign on her tongue. "Every inch."
He had heard enough. He had been waiting for over a month to hear her ask for him. To finally give herself to him.
Every fiber of his being itched to go fast, to shove her onto his bed and hear her screams as she cried his name. To hear the innocence dissolve from her voice, and only a sinful, whimpering cry would be left. But he didn't think she would like that just yet, so he willed his body to go slow, to pace himself and be gentle as he stole something sacred from her.
"I want you to be rough. Show me every side of you tonight. The good the bad and the parts you never let anyone see. You can have my body if I can have your soul." She always did that. Talk in poetic speeches, using grammer he's completely stranger to. And he loved it just as much as he loved seeing the passion in her eyes as every word spoke it's truth.
They were on the bed in no time, and her request rang through his ears. She wanted everything. And he would give her his life if he could.
Two shirts were thrown on the floor, one pair of pants, and one pair of shorts. Two half naked bodies desperately grinded into each other, craving release from the heat in their cores. Legs intertwined just as fingers did and the two eventually became one. One drawn out moan, one long kiss, one burning desire.
There was something artistic about the way two humans behaved in times of desperation. The way she would whimper and gasp when a particularly sensitive part of her body was touched, and he would see this and use it to his advantage. The way his mouth would open in a silent moan as she rubbed against him, creating a friction they'd never get enough of. Even with underwear on, they behaved wildly, leaving no room for any matter to interfere.
Somewhere in their passion, a door, forgotten to be locked, creaked open to reveal a few rather shocked faces. Not shocked to see their friend with a girl, but shocked to see him with a girl such as Y/n. Especially shocked that a girl like her didn't wear little pink cotton panties, but adorned a black lace thong instead.
The bigger male and the blond turned away, obviously not wanting to get their asses beat for the intrusion. But Patrick stayed for a minute. His eyes traced every inch of her body, and once he had seen enough, a low whistle escaped him.
The two on the bed jumped, and just as quickly as she threw herself down, he had an arm around her and held her close. She stayed pressed against her boyfriend, trying to hide her flushed face and body from the mischievous boy who stood watching her.
"When your done having your fun, why don't ya' let me take her for a ride?" A sickening laugh faded into a room with three emotions only. Arousal, fear, and pure fucking rage. That arousal faded from Patrick when he saw the expression that adorned his friend's face.
"Get the fuck out of here, Hockstetter, or I'll kill you right here." There was a malice in Henry's voice that he'd never heard before. A spark in his eye, a snarl in his lip, and a clenched fist that showed truth in every word he spoke.
If Patrick didn't stop staring at Henry's girl, he would be a dead man and a tortured soul.
So he ducked out of the room and approached the two other members of their gang, shaken and annoyed, completely unwilling to tell the story of the scariest moment of his life.
Henry considered chasing after his friend, showing him how absolutely enraged he felt that his angel felt unsafe. But once he thought back to her, and felt her shivering from his arms, she was his main priority. He pulled her flush against him, not sexually anymore, just possessively. His arms encircled her and she wanted to completely fade into him.
Sobs racked her body. She'd heard horror stories of the boy and his disgusting acts on not only girls, but just others in general. So, when he said he wanted to take her for a ride, terror crept throughout every crevice of her body. Not only did she fear him, but she was absolutely humiliated. Another boy has seen her half naked, not to mention the vulnerable situation she was in.
After a second of silence, she was able to make out a few muffle words against his chest. "Please don't let him take me."
"No one will ever touch you. You're mine, and he knows that now. I'm gonna keep you hidden away from all that shit."
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dsaf-confessions · 8 months
I have two of them
1: Steven x Peter isn't that bad honestly. Imo at least. It doesn't deserve the amount of hating it gets. 'But Steven ruined Peter's life by sending him to become a phone guy' the games go out of their way to show and even directly tell you that phone guys are slaved people who are brought back from the dead and forced to do as their programming says. Steven isn't an expert or anything he's just as slaved as the others were. And while he does say 'I hope u can forgive me for this' which kinda means that he knew it was bad? But honestly I still don't blame it on him fully. From my understanding phone guys are only capable of going 'against' (for lack of better word) their programming only if they have some humanity or memories when they were alive, which I dont think Steven does, in both dsaf1 & 3 hes fully convinced that he's Scott Cawthon and only remembers that he isnt after literally being forced to. 'they hate eachother' I've replayed all the dsaf games and I can't find anything confirming that. Steven obviously regrets what he did and wants to make it right to not just Peter, but everyone else as well. Peter and Steven don't interact much, but Peter hasn't said anything mean about Steven once. The only thing that implies this is Peter's line of Jack saving even those who don't deserve it. But honestly he never said it was about Steven. For all we know he could had been referring to Dave or hell even himself. 'Its boss x employee which would be toxic by realistic standards' ok I see your point but why compere realistic standards to fucking dsaf? You know what else would be incredible toxic by realistic standards too? Davesport. But the fandoms not ready for that talk.
Speaking of davesport
2: Davesport is hellaaaaaaa overrated. I get why people ship it. It has much potential. But honestly it's the only thing the fandom talks about and Im getting tired of it. Where's my Steven contact? Where's my Peter or Dee contact? Where's the phone guys, Henry, Jacktrap or hell even Davetrap contact? Where's the angst connect on the Kennedy siblings? The only endings this fandom talks about are like the Gnarly Endings even tho I think the good ending and pure evil endings in dsaf2 are much better better than the gnarly end. Contact of the legacy routes are almost non existent ESPECIALLY on the legacy route of 2 and when there's is. It's davesport angst. How about we make angst about how Jack literally kills his motherfucking sister that he literally died for in an even more curler dsaf3 legacy route. I also hate how much the fandom mischaracterizes it. No they aren't uwu gay boys, no they don't have a perfect relationship. Their relationship is fucking unhealthy, flawed and bittersweet. (No Im not saying davesport is a pr*ship don't accuse me of that, although it's an unhealthy relationship it's not an ab**ive one). Dave literally stalks Jack, he has cameras on his house for the real Fredbear's sake. Yes I know they're treated like jokes, yes I know that Jack doesn't seem to mind, yes I know that Dave & Jack ARE capable of being in a somewhat normal relationship, with Flipside Dave at least. But still that's not healthy. They are literally willing to kill eachother if they're opposite! Those are two dead courses that have been stripped almost completely out of all their humanity thanks to that pink fuck Henry. Obviously they won't be sweet and caring to eachother or anyone really. If you like Davesport at the very least actually protey it correctly.
This is coming from someone who doesn't even ship Steveter (that's what I'll call the ship) and loves Davesport btw
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anincompletelist · 7 months
hi sarah could u pls Rec me cute kid fics?
so sorry mental health has been in the gutter lately so it's taken me a hot second to fill this one but HERE! have some fluffy kid fics that I enjoyed :') <333
(also, I'm assuming that you mean fics in which there are kids and not fics in which they ARE kids, please let me know if you're looking for something different!)
Biology 101 for Babies (T+, 2k) by @clottedcreamfudge
“There's a boy,” Arthur says seriously, still holding a bright red crayon tightly in his fist. “At nurs... nurs'ry. He's new an' he's brown.” Henry, still twisting round to give Arthur his attention, blinks a couple of times, then very carefully takes his hands out of the washing up bowl and pulls off his gloves. “I see. What's his name?” “Michael.” “Alright. And why is it unusual that he is, as you say, brown?” Arthur frowns. “Nobody else is brown.” Henry realises with dawning horror and amusement that he is about to have one of the weirdest conversations of his entire life. “Arthur, my little love – you're brown.”
Queer little ducks hold a special place in my heart. (T+, 4k) by anarchyat4am (thanks@wordsofhoneydew for the rec!)
Henry... is more than a bit useless around hot guys. So when he finds the lost kid of the gorgeous dad who frequents his bookstore, he pulls himself together until they reunite, only to then be devastated by the revelation that the man thinks Henry hates him. And, well... courage always rises, and all that.
Confidential Memorandum (T+, 17k) by sherryvalli
"Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?" "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?" Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult. It was a little girl. "Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?" "Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter." [Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.]
[shelter/foster/adoption etc. fics]
Family Line(s) (T+, 26k) by notcanoncompliant
Henry and Alex had been thinking about fostering for years now, they were just waiting for the right kid to (aparently literally) fall into their life.
When You Smile, You Knock Me Out, I Fall Apart (And I Thought I Was So Smart) (G, 3k) by @interestinglittlerelationship
Alex is facing away from him, head bent over a pan of something that smells absolutely amazing. There’s an apron tied loosely around his waist. He looks so painfully domestic that Henry almost passes out. He would make such a good father. or Henry and Alex stumble upon a new dream and build a family together.
[and I know you said cute and probably meant fluffy, but I can't help adding my personal fave kid fic, but PLEASE DO PAY ATTENTION TO TAGS as most of the fluff is within other angst!]
a flicker, a spark (e, 83k) by acastle
“She truly is your daughter, Alex,” Henry sighs, defeated. “Fuck off, sweetheart,” he laughs, a soundbite of the sun. Henry forces himself not to physically react, the term of endearment sweet and menacingly familiar coming from Alex’s lips. It’s been years. “You know they’re useful.” “Ah yes, eyelashes, truly a formidable instrument in managing international relations.” Alex grins, and Henry is too late to catch the slightest downward lilt on the corner of his mouth, “Worked on you once, didn’t it?” Oh, did that ache. (Much had happened since the time Henry had told Alex to leave. Alex had passed the bar, gotten married, had the most beautiful daughter. And Henry, well. He stayed right where he was.)
and the accompanying piece:
sea of endless hope (e, 85k)
Henry watches Alex, the man he adores and loves so ardently, and the moment is palpable, delicate, and yet too large for even the sky to contain. He watches Alex, and in that moment, he wants to be his husband, the ache and urge of it almost unbearable. “Daddy!” Nena takes Henry’s hands, and he looks down at her, the angel who had saved him, and he smiles at her, quiet with emotion, letting her lead him into place. He would follow her, follow Alex, anywhere. (Henry, Alex, and their daughter, and the first years of coming home, forever.)
[and one of my own for good measure ha! again, please check tags!]
Something Borrowed, Something Blue (e, 116k)
When June gets engaged, Alex, her brother, and Henry, her best friend, are asked to be the official Guys Of Honor. There’s a month to plan the whole thing, which would be near impossible anyway, only made worse by the fact that being around each other the last several years has only ever led to petty fights and useless competition. Unfortunately, as the two most important men in her life - aside from her fiancé - they don’t really have much of a choice. Alex has a lot of feelings about this. As it turns out, Henry does too.
I don't read a ton of kid fics, but I'm definitely open to other recs as well! hope this hits the spot for you friend! :D
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forever-fixating · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
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Shout out to @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt and @piratefalls for the tags! Second verse, same as the first; we got two WIP teases today again from living in a new normal and A Tournament for His Heart! Both bits are spicy (or spicy-adjacent). Enjoy, loves!
living in a new normal
(Alex is italics, Henry is regular)
Check your inbox. After our last conversation, let’s just say I was…inspired. Enjoy, love.
fuck, baby. that was…
Did I break you?
shut the fuck up
Now is that any way to show your gratitude?
im sorry, im sorry
i really fucking loved it
thank u
There’s my good boy. You’re very welcome, love.
i want to be good for u, ur baby boy
I like the sound of that.
i wish i had something to call u when we talk like this
Why don’t you Google some titles?
fucking duh, ur so smart or im just braindead from that fucking story
okay so im scanning this article and i think i found something
promise to tell me if its lame?
I’m certain it won’t be, but I give you my word regardless.
so theres the usual stuff like sir or daddy
which i dont really like
sir feels too impersonal or whatever and there is only one man i call daddy and thats my actual father
Of course, love. Whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable.
but i kinda like my lord?
cause ur hot and british
like not to be an american cliche but ur fucking accent does things to me, baby
I love it.
And you’re not the only cliche here, Alex. I’m not sure if you realize it, but your accent seems to come out in certain settings, like when you’re drunk or extremely aroused.
u can just say horny hehe
so im ur baby boy and ur my lord?
Sounds perfect, love.
A Tournament for His Heart
“Fuck me,” he begged as Vincent took his spot behind Henry, stroking his quivering hole with a calloused finger. “Make me forget who I am.”
Vincent reached for the vile of oil on the small table next to his bed, and Henry turned his head to watch him slick up his fingers. Soon, Henry was full, those gifted digits stretching him and reaching that sweet spot inside that made Henry moan. But that was not enough. Henry reached behind him to stroke Vincent’s cock, begging, “I’m ready. Please, fuck me hard.”
Vincent smacked his ass and took his cock in hand. Henry groaned as he slid inside him. Once he sensed Henry was ready, he began fucking the prince at a relentless pace. One hand gripped Henry’s hips while the other yanked on his hair, sucking a bruise on his racing pulse that Henry would have to hide with a spell for days afterward. But it was worth it. For a heady moment, the world and its many troubles were held at bay as they took what their bodies needed. Henry let his eyes fall closed and imagined Alex. Did he seek out comfort in another’s arms as Henry did? Would he hate Henry for what he did now?
Forgive me, cariad, Henry pleaded as Vincent’s cock pistoned in and out of him like a raging bull.
Henry came with a broken sob, and Vincent soon followed, groaning as they both collapsed onto their sides on the mattress. As Henry struggled to catch his breath, Vincent nuzzled his neck and stroked his hip, his cock still buried deep inside Henry. It felt nice, loving even, though no such thing existed between them.
“Will you stay tonight?” Vincent asked. “Surely whatever troubled you will keep for an evening.”
Henry thought of returning to the palace, of lying in a cold, dark bedchamber alone, and he wanted to weep. He knew he would be reprimanded if it were discovered where he had gone and what he did. But here, in his substitute lover’s arms, he felt cherished, if only for a moment.
He let himself relax into Vincent’s rough but warm embrace and closed his eyes, whispering, “I’ll stay.”
A/N- Don't worry yall; Henry's heart still belongs to Alex. He just needs to be held (and other things) in the meantime. Chapter one is basically finished, I just need to rewrite the beginning a little to add another character. And much like Alex, I have a peekaboo Southern accent. Chapter three of LNN is about halfway done, I just have two more cities to get through. This chapter will be an epistolary chapter of longing journal entries between the boys and fun text convos. I'm kinda in love with it, and I hope you will be too! I just finalized the band's European tour schedule. Anyone interested in a sneak peek?
Later, taters!
I think most of the people I usually tag have already been tagged, so open tag!
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dykeyote · 9 months
sophomore slump album review bc its maybe the greatest part of late s2 and i need to stop thinking abt the things i dislike
dead and gone: i love yuri . also banger . good song i like how pop punky it is . just a fun one not much more 2 say it made me giggle
fairytale: genuinely made me really emotional <- child of divorce w neglectful father . we get such little insight into scarys feelings about her bio dad and i LOVED how they went about it here its the right mix of genuinely poetic and still feeling very much like a sophomore in high schools angsty lyrics
secret admirer: has grown on me honestly its a lil sweet ....... the lyrics are very Teen Girl Love Poem which i enjoy and the line thats like im not like other girls i dont like [bunch of generic boy names] im not like other girls but when i saw you my heart shattered is lezzy enough and my belief in girlmie strong enough to have it not taint my lesbian scary belief
the devil i know (potato): I LOVED THIS ONE SORRY ITS MY FAVORITE ....... im a goth im a sucker for the deathrocky feel and i love how you can blatantly tell she was just pissed after dinner and wrote this long fucking rant in her notes and was like "yeah this is fire"
the worst thing in the world is hope: could have been really gothyish new waveyish if theyd leaned into it more .... missed chance but i can imagine . i liked the henry diss it made me giggle . reminds me of me in middle school this is truly what being an edgy depressed girl feels like
scary stories to tell in the dark: was cute and sweet . it made me giggle i liked normals little teen high birthday song . "🤓🤓🤓 errmmm id say the best thing abt u is that u could be the harley to my joker" how did he pull the majority of the main characters who hes not related to including the person this was directed at again . i said to myself after typing that "oh well he was method acting the joker at the time" THAT DOESNT HELP EXPLAIN AT ALL
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aquickstart · 8 months
character opinion bingo: venetia catton >:)
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oh she's JUST. do you remember my tags about her and oliver. oh i have so many thoughts about this.
venetia is very similar to felix in that she's a neglected child of wealthy parents, except where felix seeks validation and love from the world and finds it if not sufficient then at least somewhat numbing, venetia does the same and only gets a bigger hole to fill and a bigger wound to dress. like she wants the world and the love, literally any love anyone can give at this point, even crumbs of it, but she can't stomach it like felix can; it's a paradox: she's starving but cannot eat what is given to her because it's not nourishing enough. she also feels everything in double because she compares herself to felix, it's impossible not to, and she is attached to him but this attachment hurts them both and they perpetually try to dilute it but perpetually fail.
so when oliver comes. oh, when oliver comes of course he's just another one of the boys, whether it's true that felix drags someone over every summer or not, he's another one in the long line of comers and goers and users. probably. but what if he's not. what if he is unlike eddie, spineless fucking eddie who was a friend of her brother above anything else. what if oliver chose venetia over felix. what if he were the one to do it, for once. what if. i think she had that hope and i think she held onto it for a while even after the dinner with the henrys, maybe she expected oliver to do something about it all. and what if maybe, maybe he even did, in that time between the dinner and his birthday, and that's why she was so reluctant to suspect him of anything on her part until it was too late. maybe.
i want to have so much more about her. i want venetia catton to have lived longer with felix and farleigh and even oliver. she's even more hard to discern than felix because as a secondary female character, seen on top of it through oliver's narration, she's defined by her connections to others in the house. like for example with farleigh, whom she is close to, i think, at least because farleigh is, like her, on the outskirts of the desirable, the white-male-heir-palatable. like they would have become at least good acquaintances over the years, i'd imagine, maybe he could even be the closest she'd had to a friend.
this is not a story about her and she is also actively suppressed by the genre in which she exists and it makes sense why and all of that but my GOD. my god. venetia catton u will always be famous
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theolddivorcedzukka · 10 months
Tell me more facts about John Laurens please. You have to put up with my long ass posts about autistic ghost summoners from Jupiter so you can tell me as much as you like about Your Special Guy
!!!!!! okay sooooo
john laurens was blond. that is so important to remember cause he, like all blond men, dies a hamster death
he didn't like his dad at all omg. henry laurens was one of the biggest plantation and therefore slave owners in south carolina and laurens was a slavery abolitionist so of course he hated his guts. plus his father was always like "omg master jack could have the prettiest girl placed in front of him and he wouldn't even look her way" and john liked men sooooo. also it is said that his father might have known that he was gay and tried to erase all evidence of that by burning his letters between hamiton so that's why we have few to no letters from laurens to hamilton to look at
also nearly everyone called him jack!!!
he was a super cunt and it was such a shock when he let anyone into his inner circle cause he was such a cunttttt omg but he was very loyal and intimate with the people he did allow into his life and that's why the hamilton letters are so huge as well
did u know that he once insulted king louis to his face and he still got a loan from france and military supplies? coolest guy ever
he also drew a lot!! he loved drawing birds and he was actually really good at it
he was actually the most aggressive out of the combo of him and hamilton which is so surprising. when he dueled lee and injured him, he wanted to keep going and hamilton and lee's second had to convince them out of it before they killed each other
he called hamilton "my dear boy".......he never referred to anyone else this way
he had an ex called francis kinloch who sucked so bad cause he was a royalist and he laughed at john's ideas against slavery so john broke it off right then and there in the most passive-aggressive letter I've ever seen (he didn't address him by his name at the beginning of the letter, roasted him to death, and then closed it off with a simple "adieu")
close to this time, he got a woman named martha manning pregnant and married her to preserve her honor. his daughter was named frances which is weird considering his ex was francis so like.....who calls their kid by their ex's name jfc???
alexander allegedly found out about john's wife and daughter after reading a letter addressed to him and this was a year and a half after knowing him. oops?
HE FUCKED THAT GINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was also held hostage by the british during alexander's wedding and alexander invited him for a threesome with eliza. btw
if you don't believe my last statement, he said "I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania. I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation. My Mistress is a good girl, and already loves you because I have told her you are a clever fellow and my friend; but mind, she loves you a l’americaine not a la françoise" WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAAAN
hmm idk what else i can share but did u know that he was so fucking depressed like he was really depressed
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pop-punklouis · 9 months
ok here we go. some of my 5 star books from the last year or two 🫶🏽
A PLACE FOR US; fatima farheen mirza || contemporary literary fiction. exploration of family dynamics and faith. cannot recommend it enough if u enjoy either of those things in media. it’s one of my favorite books of all time but i do feel a responsibility to say only read it when u have time to sit and cope with it for a while. it WILL leave u a husk of a person! (if u read this and dislike it, you Must lie to me)
TRANSCENDENT KINGDOM; yaa gyasi || contemporary literary fiction. mommy AND daddy issues, dead sibling, arduous relationship with faith, a fair dose of the immigrant experience. not as taxing as the previous rec but definitely still an emotionally heavy read. i need to read it again soon actually i think it’s so stunningly written
BURNT SUGAR; avni doshi || contemporary literary fiction. what can i say about this book. what emotion didnt it make me feel. just the epigraph alone was enough to make me want to drown myself in a vat of acid. the cyclical relationship between mothers and daughters is so fucking sickening and the way it's depicted in this book... my god. i was so miserable reading it and i wouldn’t recommend it anyone who has mommy issues and hasn’t learned how to deal with them. if you dont have mommy issues... you might have them after reading this book who knows. but it’s still 10/10 from me
NINTH HOUSE; leigh bardugo || dark academia, fantasy. loser girl of all time who can see the dead is put in charge of keeping secret societies at yale university in check. a random girl gets murdered and all signs point to one of the societies being responsible. book 3 isnt out yet but it’s sooo yummy u will adore alex she’s my best friend (also has a sexy generationally wealthy white boy. i want to eat him)
THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS; micah nemerever || dark academia, thriller. definitely one of the crazier books i’ve ever read. batshit insane. two boys develop a delicious friendship that devolves into the worst kind of codependency and results in them murdering someone to make sure they can’t ever replace each other in their lives. gay people can do anything except be normal.
GIOVANNI’S ROOM; james baldwin || classic literary fiction. i don’t think i need to say anything about this. it’s about realizing you don’t know u have a home until you leave it and once you’ve left you can’t ever go home. it’s about isolation—self-inflicted and otherwise. it’s just… everything. everyone should read it. everyone!
HAPPY PLACE; emily henry || contemporary romance. exes who pretend to still be together at their friend group’s annual vacation. i’m not typically a romance novel girl and not everything i’ve read of henry’s has done it for me but this one… i was giggling and twirling my hair. getting flustered and having to take a moment to collect myself. it’s so so good. i do believe it’s miss henry’s best work
THE ROUGHEST DRAFT; austin siegemund-broka & emily wibberley || contemporary romance. cowritten by a married couple about a cowriting duo that hasn’t written together in years. they haven’t spoken since but they’re contractually obligated to put out one more book together. didn’t make me giggle like happy place but i really enjoyed it
seed i love you so very much HELLO!!!! thank you. I've already written all of these down. i cannot wait to dive into their pages.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 2 years
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Jack Harlow x Black Male Reader.
Summary: I RECOGNISE THAT JACK HARLOW ISN’T GAY. it’s just a fun thing that I wanted to experiment with and to share my slutty fantasy lmaooo enjoy. no disrespect to my bae Jackman Thomas Harlow either, ily maybe a lil too much…this is my first post btw, so lmk what you wonderful ppl think 💕✨
Details: sprinkles of NSFW and fluff - we need a healthy balance. (hints of feminisation cause I’m in this weird stage of my gender identity - don’t watch that) ngl this is a simp post 4 him saying he’s ugly, one, do you even have eyes, and two, y’all can eat my ass, preferably after I’ve been barebacked by Jack. I’m nasty, get used to it 😭
I definitely think a white man is gonna deflower me lol - with Chris Evans and Henry Cavill as main celebrity contenders. But it’s the way Jack is so caring with black women, and just appreciative of black culture in general, that doesn’t seem performative. It’s a genuine love and admiration for my identity as a black person which makes me that much more attracted to him. His energy is just everything; His infectious smile, a voice that could legit make me melt, and beautiful blue eyes that I want glued to my body 24/7, I love everything about him.
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Let’s start with the fluffy stuff. I feel like he’d have me saved in his phone as some sweet nickname for me and I would save him as “jackman xx” instead of Jack just to be different 🤭 but I would be the only one who’s actually allowed to use his government name hahaaaa.
I can picture us with two black kids; One girl (she’s gonna be a couple years older), one boy, and that’s our perfect nuclear family lol. He’s definitely the one to spoil our kids so I can already imagine me being the bad cop parent in our family. BUT HE’S SO GOOD WITH KIDS like look at that picture. This doesn’t mean he’s a pushover, he would definitely get more pissed than you if the kids weren’t listening. So he’d be more sweet than stern but would discipline when needed. like imagine him saying “yo, stop disrespecting your daddy.” I WOULD DIEEEE. But I think the most amazing part of him being the father to my kids is the fact that he would’ve chosen to love me in the most organic way possible. We would have 2 whole physical representations of our love for one another and I think that’s so precious.
I feel like Jack is super romantic. I’m talking personally delivering a huge bouquet of my favourite white tulips and pink roses just because.
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I know he could never, but if somehow, in another reality, we were together, I know he would make me feel sooooo good 😩 I would think of Jack as a very compassionate lover. Don’t get me wrong, the man could make earthquakes with how hard and intense his strokes are but, with me being a virgin, I feel like he would definitely take his time with me. That being said, I do get the vibe that he’s experienced, but solely with girls, so it’d be a learning curve for him as well.
I don’t think y’all realise, but I would be on my knees 24/7 for this man. I know he doesn’t like the deepthroat with girls cause their throat is a lil too tight but I’d try my best to show him how pleasurable it can be. Jack is hung imma tell u. I feel like Jack’s dick isn’t too big, definitely bigger than average maybe 6.5/7 inches, but he would know what to do with itttt. I just know that his cock could make me weak in the knees. I always fantasise about sucking him off and staring into his blue eyes as he smiles at me, with my mouth full of his dick. A real paradox between slutty and innocent fr. I feel like he’d let me do my thing with his dick, I don’t see him being the type to face fuck me (unless I wanted him to), but instead he’d probably have his hands all up in my hair, or underneath my chin, guiding me to take his dick further down my throat. Ngl I would want his wood glistening with precum and saliva after I’m done with him. He strikes me as the type of person to enjoy sloppy toppy as well. I wouldn’t even feel embarrassed to slobber and dribble over him cause we would be comfortable enough. “Damn baby, that mouth tho.” I can hear him saying as I take him fully. I would prefer him to slouch down like on a couch or smth, with his tracksuit bottoms bunching at his ankles and his tech fleece hoodie unzipped showing his bare chest as his cock just bounces up and down begging for me to suck it. “Come on babe, he really needs you rn.” whilst he swirls his dick in his hands 😩🫠🤭
Onto how he fucks me; I feel like he’d love to see me on top. Not that I’m a power bottom or anything, my top is more than just a pole for me to use, but I feel like watching one of his hands gripping my left cheek, with the other behind his head, would be so hot. Watching him smile at how drunk I am for him would turn me on so much. Plus in his position I can grab his pecs, go down to kiss him, whilst he jackhammers and ploughs into me while I’m on top. UGHHH A DREAM. So many of y’all think he’s ugly but I would love to be in missionary with him. Have my hands all up in his curls, feel his breath on my face, see his cum face (I just know it’s the sexiest thing ever) i would nut right there. I feel like he’d be so sensual with his thrusts, it wouldn’t be hard, just really loving. Don’t get me wrong though, i think Jack would clap my cheeks so hard I wouldn’t be able to walk for a couple days, but he wouldn’t want to hurt me. Prone Bone would be a dream as well. I know Jack would be the one to whisper dirty ass things in my ear. “Fuck, that’s some good pussy baby.” “So tight for daddy aren’t you”
Onto his cum. MWAHAHAHAAA, I would live for it. I wouldn’t be satisfied unless I got at least two loads of his from our sessions. I feel like he would cum a lot but not all at once, it wouldn’t be explosive but fast enough. I get the vibe that he’d love seeing his cum all over my face. “you look so good with my nut all over your face” as he feeds me it from his fingers. I would definitely keep sucking after he busts tho, because I’ve seen how weak it makes them. Jack would definitely be the dom in the relationship but there’s something about hearing him whine and wither, begging me to stop sucking/slow down just makes me so wet. I feel, like most ppl, he would want to cum whilst inside. The only time he’d pull out is if I’d ask him to, to which i feel like he’d bust his nut all over my ass, paying particular attention to coating my hole.
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Aftercareeee w this man is just top tier. You thought he was only good at clapping my cheeks and stuffing me full, lmao he’s the whole package- literally. Often times, there’s not much to clean up and I think he’d like me falling asleep with his cum inside my ass. “You did so well baby boy, you’re always too good to me.” I feel like he’d be exhausted by the time we’ve both bottomed out, and fight to stay awake to make sure I’m asleep before him. He’d be really needy “Babe, I don’t deserve you, you’re so beautiful” “don’t ever leave me.” The cockiness in me wants to say that our sex made him drunk. I feel like he’d be such a big spoon.
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foggieststars · 3 months
hi u asked for book recs and I could not stop the gremlin in me from jumping at the chance so here are a list of books I lovedddd they're all standalones and I absolutely adored all of them
-the kite runner by khaled hosseini: such a moving story about amir and his childhood friend hassan who live in afghanistan and their lives as children and then into adulthood its such an amazing story but it is also very heavy and deals with tough things so just keep that in mind 
-tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin: 2 people who are super smart making a game together and their lives from children to adults 
-sea of tranquility by emily mandel: multiple people over a few hundred yrs experience the same thing at a specifc spot and this guy is sent through time to investigate it 
-station eleven by emily mandel: set in a dystopian future after the world is ravaged by a flu, it follows the experience of a travelling theater group and they way they live their lives 
-lessons in chemistry by bonnie garmus: set in the 1960s, it follows elizabeth zott a chemist who works in a very sexist environment, who a few years later ends up the star of a cooking show
-book lovers by emily henry: romance story about an editor who goes to a picturesque little town for a getaway with her sister and keeps running into a an editor she def does not like,,,, unless?
-the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid - what the title says, its a rlly good book i love it
-master of one by jaida jones - this one is technically not a standalone, as it is supposed to be part of a series, but its been a while now and theres no second book or even any plans for one so u can treat it as a standalone, its about a thief who gets caught and is hired by the crown to steal a precious artefact which turns out to be a whole fae prince
-babel - sososo good i absolutely love it, its a fantasy book set in a world where translations are basically magic and make things happen, and it follows robin, a young boy who is "saved" by a white professor and raised to enter oxford and his experience and his life 
anyways ik this is a lot 😭😭 but if you ever end up reading any of them I'd love to hear ur thoughts
the way you named like four of my favourite books in this rec list............ station eleven is my favourite book of All Time!!! and sea of tranquility is also a belter!!! i also loved the kite runner a lot khaled hosseini doesn't know how to miss. he is physically incapable of such an act
thank you so much tho i'll be sure to check the rest out :')
also fun fact about babel. i went to the same university at the same time as the author and she said in the author's note of babel that she was inspired to add the scene with a tower of oysters after attending a college ball and seeing one there........ i was at the ball she's talking about. isnt that crazy. she was taking notes to transform the situation into a commentary on elite institutions and i was there getting drunk
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
OKAY so this is not a nsfw ask sorry but an angst ask :3 so anyways ever heard the song last kiss by taylor swift? if not its a super heart-wrenching song and i cried so hard listening to it once that i just fell on the floor for 5 minutes but anyways 😍 angst henry according to last kiss!! this can go either like the song is henry to his s/o or s/o to henry, but u can do what u want with his concept bc (to me at least) its far too juicy not to do anything LIKE…. “so i’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep, and i feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe” AND “i hope the sun shines and its a beautiful day, and something reminds you you wish you had stayed” LIKE…. anyways this is ask is so chaotic im sorry i just woke up
aww, come on now!! i'm a diehard swiftie. i've been revisiting speak now exceptionally much over these past few weeks in anticipation of taylor's version, and i'm so, so excited. falling in love with those songs all over again will be so bittersweet as someone who has spent so much time loving taylor, i basically grew up with her art. additionally, as a former emo kid, i just cannot fucking wait for the fall out boy feature — i love them forever and i've seen them live twice. truly shaking inside. and hayley! ahhh!
now, to last kiss. this could go both ways: one could either stay true to the intention of the song, meaning that it'd solely be about a breakup, or apply it to the fact that henry died. one is certainly more painful than the other. i'll quickly outline both.
in a separation setting, i feel like the second quote you mentioned would be the most tremendous. i hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day, and something reminds you you wish you had stayed — because of henry's characterization and essence, we can assume him to be more accustomed to gloomy weather. after all, he is known to carry around an umbrella at all times, therefore sort of anticipating or even invoking rain. you, however, would remind him of the very opposite, with your generally more positive disposition and the way you gilded his life. therefore, overly sunny weather would always remind him of you — you would clandestinely hope so, too — and he would be left wondering about your former beauty as a pair and reminisce on it, even. he would see you reflected in each sunray, be reminded of your touch with each coat of warmth the sun would encapsulate him in. there simply would be no way around you.
as for his death, the former line fits perfectly. so i'll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep. i shall add another one: hope it's nice where you are. and: so i'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes. this is true, raw bereaved longing — it makes the song's meaning stike about a thousand times harder, especially with the motif of a last kiss, because one more often than not does not know when it happens. you would miss him forever. looking at the scarce selection of pictures of him (or of you together) and pretending the person in them still exists and isn't confined in the dirt somewhere. wearing the remainder of his clothes you still own that somehow still have his scent adhered to them, cherishing them, sleeping in them with the intention to feel his closeness again. hoping he is well wherever he is, and might be watching out for you. reminiscing on that last kiss.
it's so early in the morning right now, lol. don't know how fitting the setting is for thoughts like these. but oh well. hope this did your request justice! i love myself some angst, especially when it comes to henry. it's truly electrifying how good it can get.
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
did you reblog the "!!" post?? either way. bites you. tell me about your ocs /lh
technically not this time BUT i have in the past so
hm. who to choose.
god for someone who constantly talks abt my ocs to random people on the street i have Very Few. uh
okay. we're talking abt AUGUST HARVEY ALEXANDER WILEY who is the little brother of Hal who i talked abt here mostly bc i need to flesh out his character more akljkfks
k so!!
August, mostly known as Auggie, Augs, or Young (bc hes the youngest in his family) is the second son and fifth child of Henry Peter Alexander Wiley III, a wealthy New York lawyer, and his wife, Harriet
he was born April 12, 1860, the same day the American Civil War was declared
literally No One was expecting Augs, as it's been a good 18 years since his mother's last surviving child, and all his siblings are A Lot older than him -
he has three sisters, Hannah, Caroline, and Olive, who are 25, 24, and 21, respectively, and of them, Hannah and Caroline are both married with a young child and Olive is courting someone and basically engaged
his elder brother (and their father's heir), Hal (full name Henry Peter Alexander Wiley IV) is 18, and hes um. his life is Not going v well bc he just got engaged to some girl he barely knew and then his boyfriend Jamie went and fucking enlisted in the American Civil War and he has chronic fatigue syndrome which is acting up and yeah his life is kinda shitty.
Hal wants to hate Auggie, bc now his father has a backup heir, aka if Henry III finds out his son's bi, he can disown him and still have a son take over
but. then Hal sees his little brother and he's like fuck. f u c k. this tiny child is too cute and i love him.
Augs is a Very Vocal Baby, he's always wailing and giggling and speaking gibberish and its so fucking adorable.
then some stuff happens, and in mid 1862 Hal has to ""go off to school"" (eg Jamie got hurt in the Battle of Antietam and Hal bought him a house and shit to recover bc hes Rich and Gay)
Hal spends the next few years mostly alone, except for nurses and governesses. his father is usually off at work, and his mother doesnt really pay attention to him him - she lost several kids after having Hal and doesn't want to risk getting attached to another in case he dies too :(
then it's 1867. the war's been over for two years. Augs is 7, and hasn't seen Hal in 2 years. he barely remembers him, except for every month or so when he gets the occasional letter - signed both by his brother and a mysterious 'J' (but in Hal's handwriting bc Jamie's sucks djfhslajkh)
but one day in winter, his parents are attending a supper and on the way back the roads get so snowy that their carriage swerves off the street and into the Hudson, killing them and the driver instantly :(
Augs's sister Hannah originally takes him in but she already has 3 kids and Auggie is too much for her to manage (don't blame him he is a hyperactive young boy and doesn't understand social cues jdkjkfdas)
so!! Hal (now in posession of a sizable fortune) comes up from Maryland and takes him in!!
and they also confront Jamie's homophobic/abusive/just all around not very cool father and end up getting custody of his little siblings!! (plus by this point J's brother Abe is already living w them bc he ran off to be a drummer boy and Hal found him)
and they live happily ever after!!
at least until Auggie is killed by a falling tree branch at 17 :D
tysm gracie this was So Fun sjkfdl love my little boy <3
here he is at ~8 wearing his brother's clothes (Hal's so short they're barely too big akjfdsajks)
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i don't have a high quality attention span atm so I'm browsing a little bit but i lOVE that your AUs have multiple iterations. Like man I FEEL that in my soul. Im interested in all your concepts but if I gotta zero in rn I'm looking to some Apartment AU stuff. Henry Stuff (always wanna hear about henry stuff). James Stuff, James/Henry Stuff, uhm. Travis my dude. if you want?
LOL THANK U :3c!!! i love having like. 10+ different iterations of the same AU i can do So Much Damage it's Fantastic. (ask me about twitch streamer Frank Sunderland sometime, i've been blathering about it to a few other people lately but that one absolutely has one of the finer apartments in my head LOL)
uhhhHHH WELL. as far as Henry goes, here's some HC i got for him that goes along with Heya, Neighbor!:
green-eyed boy; but with a catch! one his eyes is going foggy (ha ha. no i'm serious, he's going blind) and it's kind of been coming on within the past couple years. he's seen a few doctors about it (or, partially) and the consensus is that it's not An Issue™️, just seems like you got a bad run of genetics there, Henry. :\
spoiler alert: It's Not About The Genetics, Henry
late 20s - early thirties. tho i can also pin him about 35 in terms of age.
5'11"ish. maybe 6'2" on a good day if i feel like it for him LOL
likely trilingual: English/Spanish/Mandarin. (still working on the Mandarin tho, he's having a bit of difficulty with it. wouldn't call him fluent tho; rather, Trying So Very Hard/struggling, LOL)
prefers popping popcorn in a wok
actually goes to get pedicures because it feels nice. eileen sometimes joins him but it's kind of a "me-time" thing for Henry.
secretly wishes Douglas would ask him to take spy pictures for him. he thinks that would be so fucking cool and he would be so fucking good at it (true). but also the concept scares the bejeezus out of him because he is Not some kind of photographer James Bond. it's Complicated, ok. but douglas please ask him to take spy photos He Wants To Be Asked So Bad,
he is not from Maine. he's from Kansas. (he knows ur thinking it. don't do it tho. don't u dare do it.)
uhhhh NOT SURE WHAT ELSE FOR HENRY RN so hhghghghh who else we got...........
travis, travis, travis.. travis... travis.
now i got infected with a REAL TREAT of a hc for Travis awhile back that i'll be implementing just about everywhere LOL, and the basics of that is that Travis Grady is Silent Hill's trucker.
and that's all you get about THAT, LOL
(ok ok.. i guess i WILL say this: if u have to make a comparison between what Travis's Silent Hill Trucking Jobs entail vs what it means to be a conduit (Hashtag GOOMT!James Problems), what Travis is/does (hehe) is a tier above conduit. so do with that what you will ;) )
just like in HN! i largely hc Travis to be from Alabama, and kind of a short dude (5'8") and just a ray of goddamn fucking sunshine on two legs. i think he's just the sweetest little shit around and god bless him for that.
sure wonder about that guy tho. wonder what his deal is........
.. :)
can't say i have anything right now for Henry/James; however, i DO have an AU idea that James actually does become an essence/mechanic of the town after he parks his car in the lake; as in, he's no longer physical, doesn't quite exist, and is more of a spiritual essence - or residuals of one.
so in that way, it isn't like GOOMT. James's car is still in the lake, but he does not manifest as a person. for lack of better phrasing, he was sort of "absorbed" by Toluca Lake (i mean. that's technically actually true, LOL) and Toluca shared her powers and misery and whatever else with him.
well after the events of sh2, the town was weakened and i think that over time, James was able to gradually build up power from Toluca and, like.. leech off of Toluca as well as Silent Hill, and semi-overthrow the town to "claim" South Vale as his. like, firmly his. as in he's able to manifest Pyramid Head himself, and even "puppet" the other monsters that are there and on very, VERY few occasions, possess them if need be.
(tho possessing Pyramid Head is the "easiest" for him to do, ofc, tho because he can't do this enough to get any real practice in or understand it beyond the duct-tape basics, he has no idea what he could actually accomplish with this or what necessities it would offer; it does tho take a LOT out of him so this is why he doesn't tinker with trying it out.)
James can't talk, either. he'd have to "talk" through monsters (like gesticulations, or monster placement - which is somewhat possible for him to do without possessing them, tho put a pin in that one because i'm not sure how that mechanic works yet LOL) but his presence IS absolutely heavily felt in the town. he's only one of the many set of eyes Watching You but he's also the most dangerous/suspicious/hateful.
chinhands. tbh i love Lake James. Town James? Vale James..? not sure what to call that one LOL. but i think about him every now and then. he actually was product of trying to conceptualize an RP (and this one had Cuban Boxer Harry too! from Brooklyn!!!) and tho that one sadly didn't get off the ground, i still keep both Town James and Boxer Harry very near and dear and close to my heart, LOL.
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g00ngala · 2 years
hi hannah. drop ur rise opinions if u haven't already by the time u see this. or just general tmnt opinions. xoxo
this is gonna have to be under a cut too i have a lot . I'll do rise specific opinions bc I have so many opinions all the time so send an ask if you want other tmnt opinions
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this is the most ridiculous height chart i have ever seen. As a person who is in real life 4'9. APRIL IS NOT 4'8. she looks like she is of average height compared to other humans around her, and when you are below 4'10 it is NOTICEABLE and in fact it's very rare you'll meet anyone who is shorter than you that isn't significantly younger than you. also in this picture her proportions are off anyways? her body is usually slightly bigger. donnie is smaller than he should be in this picture and you can tell because he's roughly leo's size and both his head and plastron appear to be smaller than leo's which to me indicates they made his sprite smaller so he'd appear shorter. mikey's heels aren't even lined up correctly in the picture and he appears taller than april in it even though the numbers say he's shorter. this chart really seems like they picked 6'0 for the raph height because it seemed like a tall enough height and based all the other heights off that regardless of whether it makes any sense. i sincerely doubt that this was made by the creators of the show, despite being "official". it's just a lazy tweet from some social media manager for engagement and I refuse to acknowledge it.
two: PEOPLE ARE WEIRD ABOUT SPLINTER. HE IS NOT A BAD FATHER. it's like camila noceda all over again. splinter in rise is a complicated and intentionally flawed but good person. he's not nearly as neglectful as fans portray him to be. most people cite the demolition derby episode as proof, but to me this doesn't say that splinter neglects his kids. what's going on in that episode is that as his children outgrow what he can typically provide, he is losing his ability to relate to them and he's trying less hard to actively spend time with them as they become more independent. this is especially with donnie because donnie's interests are not typically something he can meaningfully engage in. additionally, due to his upbringing he doesn't really understand that donnie is the kind of kid that needs out loud explicit praise, so he doesn't typically give it. what donnie expresses in that episode is that he does enjoy spending time with his dad, and that he needs that kind of reassurance about his worth. splinter responds to this, and adjusts his behavior because he cares enough to make active changes for his sons. people also point to raph and say that he had to raise his siblings/ was parentified which is honestly baseless. raph doesn't really start getting that whole complex about protecting the team until mid-late season 2 when he is the leader of a vigilante team and their lives are being threatened. in the early season 1 episodes and in flashbacks he's clearly just as much of a dumb kid as the rest of them, and it wasn't splinter's parenting that made him grow up too fast but instead the world ending threats that were trying to take out the people he cares about.
also stare at these images for a half hour minimum and tell me he's neglectful. that's right shut up HE LOVES HIS BOYS HE DESTROYED THE ANCIENT SCROLLS WHEN THEY TOLD HIM TO LET HIS SONS BE MARTYRS HE ALWAYS JUMPS IN TO FIGHT WHEN THE THREAT IS SERIOUS BE QUIET!!! y'all really cannot handle it when parents of color show any signs of being complicated people on tv
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okay NUMBER 3: nearly every single fanon portrayal of casey jones jr makes my blood boil. people are so much more interested in recreating the dynamics from the bad timeline than actually exploring how casey would interact with the others post movie. first of all he's not one of the youngest if you look at his design and his behavior and think about it for 2 seconds he's obviously meant to be around april's age. secondly the reason he calls present leo sensei at the end of the movie is because he's reliving the very recent loss of the leo he looked up to not because he sees current leo as a mentor. if you watch the scene where he yells at current leo, he's obviously taking on an authoritative role in the conversation where leo looks more like a child being scolded. also casey has FACIAL HAIR HE'S NOT 15. point is let casey jones jr be the strange and off putting college aged weird older brother he was always meant to be amen
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