#where in w the plantars
boobchuy · 2 years
It’s interesting to see people say that it’s easier to imagine fanfic scenarios for the trio than the Plantars, b/c the wacky adventures in S1 were what inspired my interest in fanfic in the first place: it felt like a sandbox where anything crazy could happen. Also, I guess I connected more to the family aspect of the Plantars than the trio since I didn’t have any friends that were that close growing up- I related more to the heartbreak of Spranne separating than Marcy leaving her friends.
Funny u should say this bc I was thinking about it in my own case a couple days ago, wherein, I am more likely to write a fic about calamity trio than the plantars, and that's because I'd rather draw my fic ideas w the frogs- bc I am shit w drawing sasharcy lmfao. The only con about that is that both of these, whether drawing or writing, takes hell of a lot of time.
Moreover, I guess it's easier to brainstorm or fill the in-between w the girls bc they have a lot of untapped potential! and that's what I do w the plantars in my comics too :)
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ultrawesmess · 4 months
Amphibia AU where Anne notices Andrias attempting to attack Marcy, her powers flare back up long enough her to push Marcy out of the way and into the portal, taking the blow for her while Marcy and the Plantars are warped back to Los Angeles.
• Before the portal warps Marcy back instead of the "I-I'm sorry... for everything." that Marcy gives, Anne tries to comfort Marcy, saying "D-Don't worry, M-Mar-Mar... I probably w-would have done the s-same if I had to be separated from y-y-you and Sash...".
• While back in Willow Brooke, Marcy can't bare to confront her parents so she decides to stay with the Boonchuys. Obviously, after she explains why she ran away and her need to get everyone back home, they let her and the Plantars stay as long as they need. Marcy tells them about Amphibia but, like Anne, leaves out the parts about the evil king....... and the fact that she saw their daughter get stabbed through the torso and possibly die... instead she lies that Anne is still perfectly fine back in Wartwood.
• Marcy is more angsty about this whole thing than Anne appeared to be in canon. Made even worse by the fact that every time she sees the people she now lives with, she is reminded that her cowardice cost them the most important person in their families. She also finds being the only one of her friends to make it back to the place that she tried so hard to run away from as a form of twisted irony. A cosmic punishment for tampering with a mystical artifact that was far beyond her understanding, leading to her friends and their loved ones paying the price for it.
•A lot of the same plot beats still happen such as Fight at the Museum, Fixing Frobo, If You Give A Frog A Cookie, and Mr. X but episodes such as Thai Feud and Temple Frogs don't due to Marcy obviously not having the same familial bonds as Anne and Adventures in Catsitting due to The Boonchuys being unable to schedule a dentist's appointment for a child that is not under their legal guardianship.
• Marcy wears her blue Newtopian cloak even with her casual clothing just in case she sees her parents and needs to hide her face from them under her hood so they don't recognize her. (There is a running gag through season 3 where she has to make sure she doesn't stand under any sprinklers in case her cloak spontaneously combusts.)
• Back in Amphibia, The Core, now no longer having Marcy, decides to take Anne. Now calling themself Dianne, they use Anne not for her mind... but instead for her power and to use it for it's namesake.............. to bring about Calamity.
• Andrias still sends out the Assassin bot to Willow Brooke to kill Marcy and the Plantars in order to tie up any loose ends in his plans.
• Marcy's Calamity powers awaken while protecting the Plantars in the Supermarket and finds that her powers allow her to use magic though the use of any staff-like object. In this case, a metal pipe in the storage freezer that she was going to use to bash in the robot's head, and summons a blast of energy that sends the Assassin bot packing. Marcy later buys a foldable walking staff from a drug store and carries it around in her satchel in case of "Magical Girl emergencies" as she calls them. (Her powers are an homage to Matt's original idea for Marcy to be a sorceress.)
• In this version of Anne-sterminator, it's laundry day and since Marcy can't go back to her house to grab clean clothes, she has to wear some of Anne's, namely her iconic St. James Middle School uniform. When the Assassin bot comes to kill Marcy, it sees Marcy in Anne's clothes and gets confused allowing everyone time to escape. In the junkyard, Marcy whips out her staff and uses her Calamity powers to cast an Anti-gravity spell on the Assassin bot, launching it into orbit where it's bomb detonates. Marcy finally has to come clean about Andrias and what happened to Anne. While the Boonchuys are devastated about Anne, they know that Anne would have wanted to get the Plantars and Sasha back home and use that as motivation to keep going.
• While in The Core, Anne's Fantasy world is one where Amphibia and Earth are merged into one. (A tongue in cheek mocking of Star vs' ending) She gets sus when she notices everyone acting off. When Anne calls bull on the whole thing, The Core leaves her in the darkness with only the light of her phone containing her real memories to keep her company.
• During The Core's invasion, Dianne uses Anne's Calamity powers in their fight against Sasha making it far more of a brutal beat-down than a proper 1v1. When Grime sacrifices himself, it causes Sasha's Calamity powers to awaken, making it a fair fight.
• While battling Andrias, when Marcy starts running low on Calamity juice, Andrias starts mocking her. Telling her that "If she wants to, he'll gladly let her use the music box to take her to another world where she can run away from her problems.... again." and this, along with the Boonchuys playing "As If It's Your Last" by Blackpink over the city's loudspeakers to remind Marcy that she's doing all this for Anne leads to an epic tear filled "I'm... Done... Running..." as she twirls her staff around, her powers flare back up, and she gets her second wind.
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colesabi · 3 months
LIMTOYS Leon Review
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Alright so here is my Limtoys Leon first impressions. Right off the bat, love the packaging and you get so many accessories with this little guy. Just be aware that this is a 1/12 scale figure so everything is TINY!!! So if your obsessed with miniature things (like I am) you’re probably going to lose your mind.
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Excuse Leon being suffocated to death via plastic bag (lol) but this is what you get in the set. I’m not going to list everything off here but you pretty much get an obscene amount of weapons (4 handguns, chemical flamethrower w/effect, rocket launcher w/effect and weirdly only one shotgun - unlike the two that comes with DAM Toys Leon). You get one knife (that is painted gold… don’t ask me but that was a little interesting when I opened it) and you get the flash bang and frag grenade along with the G-virus sample, wristband, antidote, and even tinier keys. There’s also the beloved green herb (which is a soft plastic so it can kind of be manipulated a bit to fan out), Raccoon bobblehead and typewriter with the itsiest bitsiest message from Leon to Claire (which is legible if you aren’t blind lol).
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Here he is right out of the box side-by-side with DAM Toys Leon and honestly, he came already equipped with the two fisted hands and it made it look like he was pouting and throwing a fit (I lol’d hard while taking these pics). He does come with 8 hands (4 sets). Two fists, two trigger hands, two half-open hands for clasping, one flashlight/knife wielding hand and one open hand for cupping the larger weapons. All of the hands have a nice moveability to them (softer material) and are nice quality. They are easy to interchange but you just have to be careful when snapping them on and taking them off because you only have the wrist pegs that are already imbedded so if they break, you’ve got a problem.
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The head sculpt is pretty darn good for a 1/12 scale. It’s not as detailed as the DAM Toys Leon but I wasn’t expecting the same kind of heavy detail and quality. For some reason, this sculpt is giving me a mix of 2R and 4R Leon. Like, it’s not completely all 2R likeness, I weirdly see a little bit of his features from 4R in there too. There are two heads (one neutral expression and one ‘injured/pained’). I have not tried to change them out so I don’t know how easy it is but per YouTube videos, it seems pretty easy.
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He’s got really good articulation. I feel even more so than DAM Toys does but due to a lot of the soft goods around his waist, he cannot sit or really bend 90 degrees which is a bit of a bummer. He’s got double jointed knees and elbows, butterfly joint in the shoulders, pretty good range of motion in the arms and wrists and where he shines over DAM Toys, is in the foot and ankle range. He’s got toe pivot and plantar flexion and dorsiflexion (foot moved up and down). DAM Toys only really has a little bit of inversion and eversion (side to side) of the ankle joint and no foot movement.
The quality of the soft goods are really good as well. The RPD uniform seems sturdy and high quality and there are really nice details in his belt and gear. I tried to take some pictures of some of the accessories but my phones camera had difficulty picking up the details but most of all of the accessory pieces are quite detailed. The guns have functioning clips but be careful when displaying them with them in because I almost lost one when it popped out and landed in the carpet. I reiterate: these things are TINY.
I definitely recommend getting him if you’re interested. I think for what you get for the money, it’s reasonable and he can be posed in many of the same poses as DAM Toys Leon can be (minus sitting) and he’s so pint-sized and cute.
Overall 10/10 would recommend.
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spoouuppieee · 2 days
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woah?? woah?? Amphibia au?? Calamity anne fr? the text messages show what the “background” is :))
‘marcys perspective.
Marcy wanted to go to frog valley to explore, she's met Sasha but she's busy in toad tower. She needed to find anne, she just wants to see her again. It's been 5 months and the path to frog valley opened up. Maybe she's here?
She uses Joe sparrow to travel, and flys upon wart wood, reaching the sign. 'Hard to accept, harder to respect.'
She has heard some rumors of a 'monster', could it be anne? Some newts that don't know her thinks she's a monster, she reaches upon many frogs, playing around. She's asked some frogs, many of the frogs were weirded out by her, not wanting to talk but some just shrugged and answered. Many talked about the 'plantars' saying that they've went near the monster at times. Mostly the boy names sprig, he's said that the monster doesn't hurt, and that the monster IS hurt. But many don't care.
Marcy went to the plantars house hold, determined. She's thinking, "please, I hope Anne's here, I hope she's safe" she knocks the door and hopediah sees her.
"Uh.. hello?" He looks up at her, seeing the weird creature.
"You look just like that monster!" He tries to slam the door on marcy, but Marcy makes the door not slam.
"Hi mr. Plantar! I was here to talk about the monster actually! So, where would it be?? Is a 'sprig' here??" she says happily and calm.
"Er, I don't think I should tell anything to you beast! But, I will let sprig talk to ya, but if you do anything. You'll be 6 feet below. You hear me?" He stated, serious.
"Yes, yes!" She says a bit nervous but still scared.
a few moments late sprig comes out, and they come to talk by the fence
"Heya stranger! Whatcha want? You kinda look like that anne-beast! She told me her name, but idk! She started not to talk to me after awhile" he said, just blabbering, he chuckled at the end of his sentence
"W-Wait.. anne??" They just started to talk, and she now knows Anne's here? That's just, weird.
"Yeah! Want me to bring you to her! That's what hop-pop told me, but it's not my fault if you die! Idk if she eats you guys, but all I know she doesn't eat frogs, but no one believes me!" He said, just smiling while talking.
"Really?! Yes, yes!" She grabbed out her journal, and made him lead the way.
They walked to the forest, sprig showing her a cave, a cave showing with a small blue glow. But they can't seem to see inside the cave.
"Here ya go! I'm gonna go back home or hop pop will killllll meeeeee!!!! Bye!" Sprig ran back home, skipping even, he seems so oblivious to even be talking
"I-.. Uh, thanks! errrrrrr you!" While sprig left, she didn't dare to go inside yet. Maybe anne is hostile? Scared? She doesn't know yet. She goes by a tree and sits there, to wait for anne to come o ut
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vrisrezis · 2 years
hello :) hope everything is well! id like to request a fluff alphabet for anne boonchuy — if it matters, s/o is ambitious, affectionate, rational, n optimistic
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)
Not to be cliche but she would find your personality attractive! She would love the little small quirks you may have, she would like how optimistic you are.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
In the future? Sure. She would like the idea of having a little her walking around but she’s still young so she’d like to wait a bit.
C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)
She likes to cuddle on top of you, smothering you. Thankfully she’s thin.
D = Dates (What kind of Dates do you go on?)
She likes restaurant dates. She also likes going to the park.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my heart.
F = Feelings (When did they know they’re in love?)
When she is separated from you, or almost loses you.
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
Very grateful! She’s not always aware but she has her moments where she’s just so happy to have you and thanks you for everything.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
No. She’s very honest with you. Though when she’s upset she may try to deflect and not tell you what’s wrong, she will eventually.
I = Impression (First impressions?)
She thought you were super cute. But like in a totally platonic way… haha…
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they deal with it)
Sometimes. She’s usually very petty about it and gives an attitude to the person.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss you? How do they like to be kissed?)
Loves kissing her hands, she always makes it goofy but she loves doing it. She likes when you kiss her face and hair.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Her. She said it in a off handed manner when you were friends but said it more seriously when you started dating pretty quickly.
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
The day you got her a frog that looked just like sprig :,) <3
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
As much as she possibly can! Certainly helps she can never say no to you!
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they’re in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Pretty obvious with the big ol goofy smile on her face and blush dusted on her cheeks. She tends to be clingier around you, really excited to hear you talk and etc.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Honeybear, gummybear, sweetie, honey,
Q = what their fav non modern thing
Not doing this one.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Lazy day honestly. She likes making you food though on a rainy day so that you can keep relaxing and stuff.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/S/O up?)
She tends to distract herself and eventually forgets about whatever may be upsetting her, let’s it out eventually if she has to. With you, she may try to do the same and make you laugh unless you really need to get it out. She feels terrible when you’re upset.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
She likes talking about mutual interests, shows, movies, video games, celebrities, etc. and often brings up old funny memories with you or inside jokes the two of you may have.
U = Understanding (How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Very well! She can see right through you! Sometimes it feels like she knows you better than you do.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
Very important. On a close level to how much the plantars mean to her and her parents. Along with Sasha and Marcy.
W = Wedding (thoughts on marriage, When, where, and how do they propose?)
She’s fine with it when you’re older. but she probably ends up proposing in your late 20s or early 30s. She would probably do it at a place that’s special to you both, like perhaps a spot you two used to hide away and hang out at (perhaps like a secret hideout?) and then would propose.
X = XOXO (How affectionate are they? In public/in private)
Very affectionate in private! Smothers you in her love constantly. In public not as much, but still affectionate.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
She’s okay. She’s been separated from you for probably a long ass time so she can deal with it. Even if not she was away from her parents for a long time so she can handle it.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
Yes. Your relationship is extremely important to her after all.
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Here’s a masterpost of all my AUs (that I’m keeping) bc I have so. MANY. For the sake of organization I’m gonna divide them into categories:
Scrap-Metal Calamity AU - Mr. X stumbles upon remains from the Cloakbot and uses them to build robots of the Calamtrio to track Anne & the Plantars; they malfunction and gain slightly more… violent intentions. Might do something with this. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/682867934941642752/so-last-night-i-had-a-really-weird-dream-that-one
Eye For 7 Eyes AU - Marcy’s soul gets separated from her body when possessed by the Core. Later on, she gains an opportunity to return the favor. I’ve got a few ideas for this one. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/687632572839346176/another-au-outline-thing-this-one-for-the-eye
Calamity Spirits AU - The gems house spirits who are basically angels of the Guardian, and who provide the girls with an extra bit of challenge, as well as an extra bit of power. Hmmm I’ve got some art ideas. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/687901959418757120/heres-an-official-outline-for-lynxz-studios-and
Brutus Marcy AU - A one-off concept where the stabbing in True Colors gets a role reversal. I’ve uh. Got an animatic in my head for this one. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/679475910403047424/brutus-marcy-au-idea-for-march
The Owl House
Collecting Misfit Toys AU - Where the Collector bonds w/ the Grimwalkers and the spirit of Caleb and starts helping them behind Belos’s back. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/687953936112582656/remember-that-post-i-made-about-that
Spy-Team Stowaway AU - Team RED steals the Collector’s disc after Hollow Mind and, after finding out who he is, does their best to keep him away from Belos. Not sure how much I’ll do with this concept, but it’s fun to think about. https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/687879461419581440/tossing-this-au-idea-into-the-masses-team-red
Tide of Tied Minds AU - King experiences the whole TTI visit/connection with the Collector sooner in the story, and so gets more time to bond with them. Comes in the form of a fanfic; first chapter here: https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/694878021337989120/tide-of-tied-minds
Sky And Earth AU - Far-off future scenario that focuses on King’s children and grandchildren and their conflicts with the Archivists. Definitely more to come. :3 https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/719983575039131648/moar-info-for-my-far-off-future-au-and-my-titan
Marsh Mystic/Double Agent Marcy AU - Andrias decides to use Marcy as a scout for other worlds. He sends her to the demon realm first - where she immediately gets picked up by another manipulative tyrant. Definitely have more to cover w/ this (aka Season 3). For now though, main infodoc is here: https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/687530350699855873/haiii-i-realize-i-probably-put-my-revamped-marsh
Platinum Web AU - Smaller AU scenario where the Collector and King end up in the ENA universe; the Collector meets ENA and Moony, and King initially ends up in Hourglass Meadow w/ the Shepherd and her dogs. Help me I’m now brainrotting over the character dynamics I set up https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/714281713996627968/screw-it-little-tohxena-crossover-scenario-the
The Wing Clowder AU - Owl House characters as cats in the Warriors universe. Not as invested in this AU as in others, but I might do a thing or two with it. First post here: https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/720127619217211392/decided-to-build-on-some-ideas-for-a-warrior
OFF.web AU - The plot of OFF but with ENA characters (with some liberties). Definitely gonna flesh this one out with what characters in which roles in which zones (plus I haven’t seen the entire game yet). Rudimentary plot outlined here: https://www.tumblr.com/ammonitetheseaserpent/716860260218994688/not-me-barely-starting-to-get-into-off-and-already
Jurassic Gems AU - Jurassic World is an ambitious park built by Greg. The CGs are dinosaurs made by InGen, the Homeworld gems are dinosaurs made by BioSyn, and chaos ensues. This is an OLDDD premise, one of the first AUs I made upon coming to this site, and I’m pretty sure the designs are the first things I’ve posted on my art blog. Putting here bc I’m thinking of maaaaybe reviving it. We’ll see *twiddles fingers together sinisterly*
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battlekidx2 · 2 years
Amphibia Season 1 Re-watch Thoughts/Review
Amphibia season one was really fun and had an amazing finale. The choice to be an episodic comedy series works wonders for this season and I believe makes Reunion and season two hit all the harder. 
This season falls into a few of the usual trappings that almost all first seasons do but its biggest strength is that it knows what the series is about at its core and it focuses on that.
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This show knows what themes are at its heart. Amphibia is about friendship, change, growth, and becoming your best self and that’s what the first season is just on a smaller scale than the second and third.
It allows for a gradual build up to the huge scale of the third season. The first season keeps the focus on Anne’s growth and how she learns self-love through her relationship with the Plantars. And it slowly opens the world to us by introducing one of the toad towers in Prison break, halfway through the season, then Reunion opens up how much the events of the season have effected the rest of the valley. 
All these actions that felt like they were occurring in a vacuum have wide reaching consequences. This is bigger than we initially thought. And that final shot in season one before the “End Part I” showed up on the screen where we see Anne and the Plantars overlooking the valley while hugging perfectly encapsulates how the world has now opened up to them. That the scope we saw in the first season will be widened exponentially.
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The show needed this gradual build up. Suddenly making the show about all of Amphibia during this season wouldn’t have worked and expanding the view beyond Anne’s growth would have made it so that moments later in the series wouldn’t have felt as earned. 
I believe this was a good choice for the show but also a big reason why Amphibia was so underrated for so long. A lot of people looked at the more episodic problem of the week formula that the first season followed and didn’t think twice about it until the finale came along and shattered the status quo. It wasn’t noticeably serialized right out of the gate.
This is an unfortunate issue because it is based on first impressions. Something like the Owl House is an obviously serialized show from episode 1. Everything flows into one another and that draws in an older crowd easier than the seemingly episodic formula that Amphibia had out of the gate. 
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There were hints of serialization in “Anne of Beast?” and “Best Fronds” but as early as “Cane Crazy” the show started with the problem of the week formula, which I want to emphasize once again was a good choice for the show because it really emphasized its themes of change and growth, but that also caused some people to not give the show a fair shot.
The choice to have the season air over the course of a single month also stunted Amphibia’s ability to garner a following. There wasn’t time for people to talk or speculate about the show episode to episode because a new one was coming out every day. 
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Episodes that likely would have gotten fans talking and speculating about the finale like Prison Break, Bizarre Bazaar, and Anne of the Year weren’t given any time to breathe so this could happen.
It was just an unfortunate choice that caused Amphibia to be underrated going into its second season (which is phenomenal).
There are some genuine drawbacks from the episodic formula that Amphibia used in its first season though. Some episodes become formulaic because they use a similar structure with a basic life lesson being learned in almost every one. The interesting and unique world and how it was used could save some of these episodes from falling into tedium but not all of them.
It also takes a while for anything about the lore, Sasha and Marcy, or plot to really come into play which can become frustrating, especially for people that have never seen it before but were drawn in by what they’ve heard about it online. 
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It can be a bit slow with divulging information with Sasha not being formally introduced until the episode Prison Break which was 10 episodes in and nothing about the Calamity Box explored until Bizarre Bazaar which was episode 15. 
There are long stretches that don’t expand on these very important and interesting plot points. This can exacerbate the flaws in certain episodes and make the pacing feel off or slow at times which is something the show greatly improves upon when season 2 comes around. This structure and slow build up isn’t for everyone.
This was what initially kept me from watching it when this season first aired (I regret this choice). Interestingly the thing that sold me on watching the show the first time around was the opening. Specifically this shot: 
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This moment in the opening never failed to intrigue me. It was a hint of the themes this show would grapple with and how all the events seen are because of this broken friendship. There is genuine care between the people in the photo which can be seen by their closeness and the writing around the edges but it is literally out on a limb in the middle of a storm. It’s struggling to hold on and brings an air of tragedy to their current situation.
The lightning strike provides an even more ominous tone to the moment. The rain alone could have just made it seem tragic, friends torn apart by circumstance, but the lightning strike is what tells you there was something off/toxic about the friendship even before Amphibia. 
It never failed to make me wonder what exactly that was and it kept me watching to see what the reality behind it would be. This comes around in a big way with Sasha.
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In Sasha’s introduction she is shown to be cunning and manipulative. There is genuine care for her friends but it is overshadowed at this point by her flaws.
It starts to paint a picture about what Anne’s friendships were like at home. This portrayal of toxic friendship and outgrowing connections is one of the things I think the first season does best in retrospect.
The first season makes it so that Sasha's (and Marcy’s) influence can be felt on Anne long before she even speaks through things Anne says and does. 
This makes it so that even though Sasha’s screen time is limited and she and Anne don’t interact until the very end of Anne of the Year the audience can understand why their clash in Reunion is so important for Anne’s character.
This is a great but subtle build-up to the finale.
Reunion is a fantastic and very interesting episode. It is in many ways the most formative episode of the series. It creates the mold that Amphibia’s finales follow moving forward.
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For example, it makes the decision to bring the audience back to the day Anne, Sasha, and Marcy get whisked away to Amphibia and provide context for what led Anne and Sasha to that point. This is an important part of True Colors, All In, and The Beginning of the End as well.
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It also starts the trend of what I’m going to call Amphibia’s “wham” moments with Sasha letting go of Anne’s hand. This is continued in the other season finales with Marcy getting stabbed and Anne’s death.
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Lastly is how the episode addresses change and the ways people fight against it. The series as a whole tackles change but the finales are where the trio and their issues with accepting change come to a head.
Leading up to Reunion Sasha has had her negative traits encouraged by amphibia- they allowed her to flourish at toad tower- and as a result she hasn’t grown and changed in the same way Anne has. Anne landed in Wartwood with the Plantars and has had her old mindset challenged constantly which led to her growth. This growth allows her to stand up to and best Sasha.
This is repeated in True Colors, where Sasha and Marcy’s bids to fight against change cause things to come crumbling down for them, and in The Hardest Thing where the core (a being that can’t let go of the past) is taken down by Anne because of the calamity trio’s growth and acceptance of change.
These similarities make it so that all the finales feel like they build on one another. This creates a cohesive through line in the series.
Overall I think this season built a solid foundation. There are instances of the show struggling to find its footing and it does become repetitive in some areas, but it’s really fun and has a strong heart.
Extra Thoughts
This is more of a deleted scenes/excerpts of analysis that didn’t fit in my review.
Reunion also plays into Amphibia’s overarching themes of change. The way it interweaves present day with flashbacks to what led Anne and Sasha to opening the music box really showcases this. Sasha is practically unchanged. She landed in toad tower where her negative traits are encouraged and cause her to flourish. Whereas Anne has grown so much because she landed with the Plantars in Wartwood and has had her mindset challenged constantly by those around her. The clash between Sasha and Anne can be seen as a clash between accepting change and staying stagnant with accepting change (Anne) coming out on top.
There’s an interesting parallel between Toad Tax/Prison Break and Reunion. Toad Tax has Anne stand up for what’s right instead of taking the easy path and submitting to “bullies” to gain the Wartwood citizens’ respect. Prison Break introduces Sasha’s toxic traits and shows how they help her get free and flourish at toad tower. This is exactly what their conflict is about in Reunion.
I love how Anne’s heritage is explored this season in Lily Pad Thai. The exploration of Anne’s culture is one of my favorite things about the series.
The use of someone to lean on in the finale is really interesting because on the one hand it stands out in a jarring way because the show doesn’t use non-diegetic licensed music at any other point in the series but on the other hand it fits really well thematically and provides insight into Sasha and Anne’s mindsets during this moment. 
The music in this season is the weakest of the 3 but that doesn’t mean it’s bad by any stretch. It is more washed out because of the sound mixing and not given the chance to shine until the finale. Reunion has a very good score with my favorite part being after toad tower falls and Anne makes eye contact with Grime. It’s tragic and foreboding and it’s the first time this season that the score is allowed to be the loudest part of a scene. This decision makes it so that this scene is given a different feel to all the ones that came before. It’s a transition in the music just as much as it is in the series. The music paired with the look clearly indicate that the conflict is far from over. This is just the beginning.
The only other episode where the music is allowed to shine is Prison Break. TJ Hill goes all out giving toad tower a completely different feel from Wartwood and I believe the music/title card (”far, far away from Wartwood”) is in part a Star Wars reference/homage (I could be wrong).
The dark humor of this show is amazing. Hop Pop is the one primarily used for this type of humor this season and gets the best jokes because of it.
Sasha doesn’t embrace or even really have to accept the changes that living in Amphibia naturally brings unlike Anne. After she is released from prison she gets herself plumbing and makes the toads make human cuisine. She forces things to be like they are back on earth (the parts she likes anyways). 
I know Reunion isn’t the first episode to use flashbacks in the series, Best Fronds is actually the episode that has that honor, but the way Reunion uses the flashbacks is what is brought back in True Colors, The Beginning of the End, and All In. 
I really like going back to the beginning of a series like this to see how all the characters changed as the show went on. Watching Anne in this season right after watching season 3 kind of smacks you in the face with just how much she changed (in the best way. It reminds you of just how far she’s come). It’s a lot easier to remember in a fair amount of detail just how much someone like Sasha or Grime has changed because of their limited screen time and massive character growth in that limited time. But Anne is the main character so her change is more gradual and can blend together because of this. I just like this aspect of re-watching a series.
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writesailingdreams · 1 year
All In
All my immediate thoughts were more about Anne and Sprig and the Plantars and Andrias a little and Sasha and Grime. 😛
The intro does show off how, while Marcy felt she couldn't be open and felt ignored in some ways, she was still an influence in getting Anne to do things she maybe wouldn't want to do. (Also, Marcy, did you throw that pupper??)
Maybe it's the not-having-goals/working-hard-on-anything of Anne that resonates with me. Which is weird, since in school I was more like Marcy, getting good grades without having to strain myself. School stuff (socializing, assignments) was the thing you did outside and where you act a certain way, while home stuff was when you could just be yourself (you know, the self you didn't want to/couldn't/shouldn't share with others).
I think Aldrich is a jerk for trying to sell Marcy on her fantasy.
I am proud of Marcy for rejecting it. I was then. I still am. Recognizing that she can't run away from problems is probably an important step to take. There's nothing wrong with loving fantastical stories. (I do.) But you can't just... I'm not sure how to say but...
Like, Marcy's rejection of the Core's offer is essentially her saying no to the ideology of the Core -- a highly sterilized, tunnel-vision that is only concerned with how everything benefits it; everything is for the Core; it deserves everything; it's smarter and better than everything and everyone else. And while Marcy never got that far, she did place a lot of importance on her intelligence.
But unlike the Core, this came from a place of human fear and fallibility; it came from a place of actually wanting to have friends and share things with those friends. And because she had the human (or emotional) element she could recognize that the Core/Aldrich was asking her (1) give that up (assimilation) and (2) to live in a restricted reality.
(Genuinely feel that if Andrias hadn't closed his heart off after, what was to him, Leif's betrayal and Barrel's failure, I think him and Marcy could have been actually close? And possibly a good influence on the other? Andrias gets to learn to have a friend again and Marcy gets someone who finds her interests captivating. (He sent a murderbot to get the second book in a series she got him hooked on.))
I do actually love that Marcy recognizes she can't live in a world where everything is exactly how she wants it to be. Then she puts her trust in her friends coming to rescue her, which is a BIG step for Marcy, imo. Instead of trying to plan how she can be useful or trying to find the way to likable, she's going to trust in other people.
(I had a thought that it was this isolation from the rest of the Core that allowed Marcy to be freed so easily. Cut the interface, Core's gone, but Marcy's no longer linked up to it.)
I also like that Marcy recognizes she can't make people like what she likes or do what she wants. The next step would be recognizing that there can be other ways to make/be friends. Who knows, there may be something outside of her usual interests that she might be able to connect with Anne and/or Sasha over? Or heck, maybe there are others out there who might be interested in the same subjects *cough*like Maddie*cough*
Plantar - call me an anomaly but the heron stuff in this gets me like a sucker punch 😭
Sasha - her character development and relationship with Grime has been exceptionally amazing. I love it.
Story & Spranne - parallels b/w Anne and Sprig to Andrias and Leif, one positive, the other half negative/half positive. Basically, friends separating but having memories, but in one set, one of the friends becomes bitter, instead of treasuring the memories.
Plus, Sprig being the only one (friendship!) to go to help Anne (and read the letter). (foreshadow to The Hardest Thing)
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sashannarcy · 2 years
“s2 made it so that, in the fans’ eyes, Amphibia was no longer the Anne Boonchuy show”: that perfectly encapsulates a reason I think the fandom is so weird about Anne. They treat the focus on her personal journey as robbing attention from the story when said journey basically is the story. They also only view as important as a prop for their fanfics. I’ve seen more people complain angst journal scenes weren’t in the show itself than considering they wouldn’t have helped her arc that much.
YEAH YOU FUCKING GET IT. YOUUUU GET IT. Amphibia has also always placed more importance on its characters over the plot, too!! I get that's not everyone's style, but that kind of storytelling has been clear since s1. so the fan frustration w the "filler" episodes in s3a where we get to see Anne interact w her family and try to keep it together while also trying to make the most of Earth w the Plantars is MADDENING, bc in my eyes, all that stuff is so so so important to the emotional weight of s3. Anne is such a good protagonist I hate how she's treated as unimportant
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Okay, so, not too long ago I had this idea for a Disney Crossover, where I asked you all what sounded better.
Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Amphibia, and the Owl House
Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Force of Evil, Ducktales, Amphibia, and the Owl House
Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and the Owl House
And everyone seemed to agree #3. So, now I can explain why I brought this up.
I wanted to see if I can find some roleplayers who can play some of the Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and the Owl House characters. With myself included to help out.
The idea for the plot is this: There is a omnipotent dimensional being who's job is to observe different universes and write down all their events. Something like the Watcher from Marvel, who for now, I will call the Observer. The Observer's kind focus on their tasks and avoid getting involved.
However, this particular Observer ended up coming across the universe of Gravity Falls and became invested in their story. To the point they became a fan, drew a lot of fanart, and made a lot of theories of what was going to happen. Until the series ended up ending, which caused the Observer to become depressed.
Until they came across the other universes like Amphibia and the Owl House. Becoming fans and began observing their whole story. But once they ended, the Observer decided to do something about it.
So, the Observer created a secret world in an empty pocket dimension in order to create a brand new story involving the characters from these three universes.
From the main cast (focusing mainly on the main stars of the series), the supporting cast (the best friends), and the family members (even extended/adoptive families). All being brought in the moment their series ended and finding this world a combination of their world.
All being brought in to learn to work together and go up against their greatest enemies. All resurrected or freed to work together to try to destroy their enemies. With the Observer being the more-powerful being & limited their powers to keep them from doing something that will be beyond their control.
Main Characters:
Mason “Dipper” Pines
Mabel Pines
Anne Boonchuy
Sprig Plantar
Luz Noceda w/Palisman Stringbean
King Clawthorn
Supporting Characters:
Jesus “Soos” Alzamirano Ramírez
Wendy Blerble Corduroy
Sasha Waybright
Marcy Wu
Polly Plantar w/Frobo
Ivy Sundew
Amity Blight w/Palisman Ghost
Willow Park w/Palisman Clover
Gus Porter w/Palisman Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo
Hunter w/Palisman Waffles
The Collector
Adult Characters:
Stanley Pines (Grunkle Stan)
Stanford Filbrick Pines (Grunkle Ford)
Hopediah “Hop Pop” Plantar
Captain Grime
Eda Clawthorne w/Palisman Owlbert
Raine Whispers
Darius Deamonne
Carmila Noceda
Main Villain Characters:
Bill Cipher
The Core
Emperor Belos/Philip Witterbane
Villain Allias:
King Andrias Leviathan
Terra Snapdragon (plant coven)
Adrian Graye Venworth (illusionist coven)
Vitimir (potion coven)
Hettie Cutburn (healing coven)
Mason (construction coven)
Osan (oracle coven)
Anyone who is interested in doing this crossover need to be the following:
Have to have at least more than a year of RP experience
Have to be able to write more than one sentence.
Be willing to work well with others
Can play at least more than one character. I'm willing to play at least half of the cast (most of the female characters and non-binary characters).
Are also willing to write out battle scenes too. Don't want to be the only one who can do that.
And are okay with the shipping that has been established without making changes or adding any OCs to this. This is going to involve the canon characters and the OC Observer who is the only OC who will be in this.
Anyone interested can send me a message to my inbox.
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boobchuy · 2 years
I feel like Amphibia is the first show with badass and interesting main villains where I STILL mainly love the misadventures of the protagonist and their found family more. I think this is also the first show where I became invested in the found family in the first place.
I am a normie who has always loved the protagonists more than the villains in every show I've watched. I have also always been obsessed w found family. but. Amphibias take on it. is somehow the best to me for some reason. maybe it's just because of how simple and honest they are to each other? how, w no strings attached, they just want what's best, there is no ulterior motive. they just love each other a lot. all of them are losers. not one of them is badass. maybe that's a part of it too. they're silly. I love the plantars I want to fucking obliterate them. I despise them
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massagechairs · 5 months
Dive into the World of Electric Foot Massage Therapy
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The nowadays feet care becomes more important by the fact. Our simple feet, usually the nodes of movement and attention, are tirelessly going through the burden of our weight and activities. Clearly, in the past, foot massages have been either a difficult or expensive task, but today, thanks to the development of technology, you are able to select from a variety of electric foot massagers that guarantee relaxation, pain relief, and the improvement of your general well-being. Overall, we'll look into this blog, the world of electric foot massage therapy in details, highlighting its benefits, methods, and models that are currently present in savings market.
Advantages of Aching foot treated by electric foot massage therapist.
Electric foot massagers offer a myriad of health and wellness benefits as they provide pressure point stimulation and alleviate tension in the muscles of the feet.
Some key advantages of electric foot massage include:
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Soothing touches from the electric foot massager will set muscles waves into motion, which will send signals to the brain and release "feel good" hormones serotonin and endorphins. Frequent foot massages might be able to regulate the cortisol level that is the stress hormone.
Improved Blood Circulation: In electric foot massagers, rolling massage nodes or air compression technology help to make blood flow to the feet more active by raising stimulus to the bloodstream. Improved circulation will aid supply of oxygen and nutrition to the tissues as carbon monoxide or other waste is removed.
Relaxed Muscles: Beneath our feet, we have a lot of loads carried by and a very busy day. An electric foot massager applies its function of massaging, so the tight muscles of the feet are being relaxed, which are relieved the tension and soreness.
Pain Relief: Users of foot massager who have foot conditions like plantar fasciitis or arthritis will benefit from it. It gives soothing and targeted relief, and they can make use of it. Soft tunes achieve this by suppressing inflammations and regulating pains.
Foot Detoxification: An electric foot massager can achieve this by its ability to enhance lymphatic drainage and stimulate acupressure points which help eliminate metabolic particles from the feet. This helps avoid and preclude the development of certain health problems happening to the feet.
Restful Sleep: Using a relaxing foot massage an hour or so before bedtime can assist with body and mind relaxation, which will in turn contribute to a better quality of sleep. Moreover, massage may relieve sleep problem of the associated stress issues.
The Different Techniques and Features of Electric Foot Massagers
By now, you must have understood how the electronic foot massage technology can be a benefit to you. We are now going to discover the applications and tools that are the crux of these devices.
As an example, one of the main massage technics employed by an electric foot massager is usually the kneading one Such action takes place through the use of the machine rollers or nodes that deliver a deep kneading pressure similar to when humans knead dough with a circular motion. The massage action decreases as the concentration of the aromatic oils helps to relax the muscles and improve blood circulation.
Another well- known procedure is rolling, where the kneading rollers glides along your feet from the front to backwards with an optimum combination of gentle and firm pressure. This can aid in the breakdown of ties and clumps, besides the comforting the pressure points of your feet which lead to better foot health.
A Some electric foot massagers have the percussive technique incorporated, which is when the device hits your toes fast and regularly. This could supplement to more airflow and muscle relief, thus.
A lot of electrical foot massagers as well are designed with the feature of heating system that will be a good complement to provide an additional degree of relaxed and relief. The heat can facilitate reduction of muscle pain as well as encourage blood flow, becoming thus a significant add-on to any massage.
Targeted Foot Massagers:
 Specific massagers treat the specific problems like the underfoot conditions etc. The underfoot conditions like plantar fasciitis etc. need precision relief of the heel, arch, or the reflexology zones.
Multi-Function Foot Massagers:
Modern devices provide different massage options, such as those types (kneading, tapping, Shiatsu) at the different speed settings, heating areas and to users’ preferences many others.
Handheld Electric Foot Massagers:
 The small wand like instruments that are compact in nature which we can use to massage ourselves can be used anytime too any place. The rechargeable battery-powered ones, of course, will conveniently be able to fit just as well in your shoulder bag.
Air Compression
Some sophisticated electric foot massagers do air compression technology where the foot is under pressure and released in chambers which are inflated which replicates the feeling of being hand massaged.
Customizable Settings
To provide exactly what each person needs and prefers a lot of electric foot massagers already have a wide array of customizable settings since they give options on the intensity of the massage, the speed and the duration. This enables consumers to adjust the settings in order to suit their particular needs.
The multitude of electric foot massagers that is present on the market makes the decision of what to get clearly a difficult one.
Here are some key factors to consider when making your selection:
Massage Techniques and Features
Think about the exact massage moves and tools that are the most crucial to you, such as the kneading, rolling, or percussion massage, heat or air compression or both. Focus on equipment that satisfies your needs with the features you want.
Size and Portability
Do you have a clear idea of the location where you will be using the electric foot massager and how much room will be required.
Electric foot massagers can be purchased for a wide range of prices, including those of basic models that are affordable and high-end ones with a wide variety of features. Determine how much you can afford to spend and look for the best choice to suit your financial ability.
among numerous advantages of electric foot massage, one can name an improved blood flow, pain relief and sleep quality. The stimulating vibrations, compressions, and movements help with relaxation, circulation, relaxation of the muscles, and promotion of overall foot's health. The home use of electric foot massagers offers the most convenient means to relieve a tired sole and take a breather. As either basic hand held or more advanced full size spa appliance, electric foot massage therapy is a delightful reward worth trying. Take the liberty of experiencing the soothing effects of electric foot massage and realize the bliss of comfort and relaxation.
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ardeidaze · 2 years
alright buddy hit me with it. how did u kill sasha and what is ghost-her up to afterwards
well it just so happens that grime was just slow enough in this particular universe that sasha elizabeth waybright became one of those fifth grade science projects where you try and package an egg properly so itll survive being dropped from the third storey of a building. anne did not get a very good grade on this project.
ghost sasha regains awareness on top of the crumbling tower, remembers none of this and Also is unaware that shes a ghost. anything that might clue her in just doesnt process so she's really confused as to why anne is screaming and sobbing at the ground cause girl theres nothing fucking there. she is Pissed that the toads are leaving without her but the tower is unstable so she is like oh my Fuck anne calm Down get off this tower before we all *die* and anne looks at her like. well like shes seen a ghost. they leave and anne and the plantars are like okay what the hell are we supposed to do with this teenage ghost who will probably kill us and also doesnt seem to understand shes dead and anne who is Not having a good time is like Please can we bring her with us i promise ill make this work and theyre skeptical but also. this kids best friend just died in front of her what are you going to do say no? so thats the story of how ghost sasha ends up living in wartwood and plaguing anne with her existence every single day.
sasha getting less terrible is a bit of a Process but it happens. when they meet up w marcy marcys like. oh my god what have i done and spills the truth but in a grand turn of events anne is way more mad abt this than sasha is bc to anne amphibia was "get stuck in the woods get stuck in a town that doesnt trust you break your arm watch your friend try to kill your grandpa and then sacrifice herself for you and get haunted by a ghost" meanwhile amphibia to sasha was "get put in jail have an adventure realize you can be a better person and then do some self improvement" so anne goes back to wartwood w the plantars like in canon but sasha stays with marcy.
temple time! first two temples go exactly as in canon. third temple? well when sasha goes to charge the stone she almost disappears. sasha being a ghost is directly tied to the strength gem's power so. well that has some consequences and the weakening of her ghost form un-represses all the fun memories of going splat like a bug on a windshield. so sasha gets to have a little oh my god im dead crisis
they go back to the king like sorry were not charging the fucking box sasha will die he gets mad shit happens i havent gotten this part planned out well they beat him up yk the drill
...aaaand then moon time. it goes the same as in canon except for the little detail that with taking the power of the gems that means no gem for sasha and she dies. and the guardian is a little bitch asshole so while itll revive anne bc it wants to retire it doesnt give a shit about sasha. and anne has marcy and her family to go back to so she gets sent back. sasha effectively dies twice its great im having so much fun (/lying. this au makes me feel ill. in a cathartic way but still)
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degibusdesigns · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anodyne 64 Casual Orthotic Comfort Shoes 9W.
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yaboirezzy · 3 years
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*dies in happiness*
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catradoraism · 3 years
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yea i can’t draw frogs
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