#where he learns whatever random new skill i want him to have
lu-sn · 2 years
niche postcanon au where macau decides he's going to learn how to surf
he's a beast at skateboarding already, right, and one of his friends drags him to a surfboard competition as a spectator and of course this boy is like "that looks sick and i could totally do that, it can't be that different from skateboarding"
so summer break comes around, and macau realizes that the best time to catch waves and not be interrupted by peasants is at like. five am. so he recruits pete to bully him out of bed and into the car every morning at the crack of dawn, and pete drives him to the coast while macau alternates between snoring ungracefully and gazing out the window at the pinkening sky.
pete sits in the sand with all of their stuff and watches macau eat shit again and again and again as the sun rises and colors the water a beautiful translucent purple-blue. sometimes he naps on the cool sand, sometimes he fucks around on his phone, sometimes he listens to music while peering out across the ocean at the tiny dot that is macau in the distance, patiently waiting for his next wave.
he snickers as the veteran surfers on this particular stretch of beach, thoroughly entertained by macau's bullheaded drive, take him under their wing and start teaching him the finer points that he's missed out on. which waves are easiest to catch and practice on, and which waves he can ride for longer once he's got his footing. how to go from lying prone to standing without overbalancing, how to make the board act as an extension of himself (this comes easier than the rest), how to dismount (kid, you really don't need to belly flop every time, even though you clearly get a kick out of it).
pete always wades into the shallows once the sun has fully risen and the water has warmed up a bit, takes like twenty videos of macau for him to pore over on the drive back. and every time he does this, he can see the clear improvement. macau is getting better and better.
in the beginning, vegas wants nothing to do with this (four am??? like hell, pete. macau can suffer all by himself). but his curiosity gets the better of him, and also when he whines about pete leaving for the tenth time in one morning, pete tells him to stop being a baby and just come along. so vegas comes too, occasionally, when he has nothing better to do - brings a book along, or dozes off beside pete. and as they watch the sun rise together, day after day, pete thinks he could never get tired of this.
at the end of the summer, macau enters an amateur surfing competition, and pete and vegas stand on the beach and happily make snide peanut gallery comments about all of the other competitors (that kid's form is terrible, that other kid needs way more core strength before he's going to be any good, etc, etc). they cheer obnoxiously loudly for macau. and macau doesn't win anything, but he comes back to them and he looks windswept and sunburnt and absolutely delighted. vegas ruffles his hair and macau takes that as an invitation to tackle vegas to the ground, still soaking wet. pete laughs, takes a billion pictures of them wrestling on the sand, and doesn't move to help either of them in the slightest.
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didoldacc · 1 year
oh boy (wonder) ● huening kai | chapter one
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this work contains violence and smut, MDNI!
warnings: sound of gunshots, curse words (i don't know if this one even should be in warnings) let me know if something is missing!
+this is not a dark fic, warnings are only there because it is unavoidable in a superhero setting. but this chapter is one of the lighter chapters.
smut warnings: none
word count: around 1.4k
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"they say the new vigilante wondering around devil's tongue is gotham city's boy wonder." you said while chewing your pen. you were definitely stressed. all of this had a very high chance to boost your path to climbing up career stairs yet the worries you had about your city made it impossible to focus on promotion ensured with the story of blue bird that you have been working on.
"nightwing?" your co-worker fulton asked.
"yes, him. i really hope he doesn't bring gotham's curse on us. you know our crime rates are record high, we are almost as fucked up as gotham but what blüdhaven needs is not a vigilante running around. i don't think it helps gotham city, either. he should go back where he came from." you felt an urge to argue even though no one was saying anything. even confused looks towards you was covering fulton's face.
"well, tell me where do you see a problem in this? you are in need of a good story for your next sweet paycheck. and it comes by itself to you. you can still add commentary in your stories, it can gain a lot more attention but other than that, you shouldn't put your thinking cap on." he argued back, sounding like he didn't get your point at all.
you decided to avoid having a prawle with him. "whatever... i asked for pictures of him to be taken, do you have them?" you asked. "yes, i have them. you know even though you never bothered to learn my name, you have no idea how far i would go to capture pictures for your stories." he said jokingly but you knew there is no smoke without fire.
you frowned "hey, give me some credit. i of course know your name, fulton." trying to object what he said.
"that's my surname, i am talking about my first name." his protest immediately daffed by you. "is that really important? that's all the information i need for a respected co-worker." hoping he would get the hint.
"let's get working. and also we need to get read for this night. i suggest we follow him."
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"welcome to our precinct, rookie. you are for sure going to feel unwelcomed here but don't get scared! they will start to treat you like a human being in no time." a random officer said. kai wanted to roll his eyes. his low-key attitude was definitely not suitable to a cop his age and experience.
"no worries, i survived gotham. i am pretty sure that some socially awkward stiations isn't going to be my cause of death instead of a psychotic clown terrorizing the whole gotham." he headed to his desk after giving him a sarcastic and dismissive response.
"look at the newbie over there! he looks so dreamy!" said a senior officer who didn't look much older than kai. "is he kai kamal huening, the adopted son of bruce wayne? i heard he lost his parents when he was a kid and adopted by the billionaire playboy." they started gossiping as if kai wasn't there. "poor guy, but lucky."
kai couldn't help but smirk to those women talking about him. even though they were obstrusive, he was used to it. gossips were unavoidable if you were a wayne. it was okay as long as they didn't know the batman and robin. yet he didn't worry about it due to very limited observation skills people had.
kai started to place his belongings to his desk. this was a new beggining to him, a chance to become a different man than his surly adopted father, an identity that had nothing in common with bruce's darkness. lost in the thoughts, kai stopped thinking once he saw his captain walking towards him. he hoped that she was just coming there to welcome him. kai immeadiately stood up. but once she started talking all of his hopes was in vain. just being there to welcome him was further away from the truth with the worlds slipping out her mouth. "isn't that a great coincidence the successor of the wayne fortune started his career as a dedective with a high ranking. i will keep my eye on you. anyways i am actually here to remind you that you can take the documents for your first case from my secretary." she left without giving him a chance to reply.
he went up to secretary's desk to take the file. the secretary seemed a nice sweet girl unlike everyone else around. "oh, you are here to take the 'blue bird' files, right?" kai felt his heart racing with his luck but he managed to stay nonchalant. "yes, i guess so? isn't his name nightwing? why the file is called blue bird?" the secretary's lips slightly opened for a minute then she pressed them together before answering. "i wouldn't know, sorry." kai smiled. "no, i am sorry. i was just talking to myself. it was rude." kai explained himself. he had a feeling that she was the one he wouldn't hate to be around. "guess i better get started." he said before leading to his desk. the sweet secretary waved good bye to him, both of them forgetting to exchange names.
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kai wanted to give himself a break and not to go to patrol this night but later decided to do so because he was in desperate boredom due to lack of human connection he had. before he left he wanted to call barbara. his hands were about to dial the contact name 'babs<3' yet he stopped himself. if he called her, bruce would know and the last thing he needed was bruce knowing kai was alone like himself. kai was never a grumpy and serious person like bruce. he had a phase where he was constantly mad due to his parents' passing but thanks to alferd and his more open-minded and fun-loving nature. yet kai was still afraid that he someday would turn into a bruce or the batman. so no he wasn't going to call barbara and she sure could outlive few weeks without talking to him.
"god i am really hoping that the new vigilante is on a patrol this night. otherwise we are fucking up our sleeping schedules for no reason." fulton complained.
"stop whining like a baby. if i am going to be the next lois lane i need this story." you sounded stern while saying it.
"or you could be the next vick vale." his sarcasm in his voice made you sick for some reason but you didn't chew on. "or her yeah." you mumbled.
you stared at the roofs where the so called nightwing hanged out the most. what was his deal? was he really robin? if he is, why did he leave batman? you needed all those answers for your story.
suddenly you heard a gunshot. the adrenaline taking over your body, the only thing you were managed to think was whether or not if this story was worth risking your life yet you still ran toward the gun sound, coming down from the ladders as fast as you could. you were certain that it was your lucky day when you heard more gunshots coming from there. "this will definitely get nightwing's attention."
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a/n: i know reader and kai may seem a bit annoying but they will have character developments and kai's character may seem just dick grayson named kai but don't worry it will be a mix of kai's and dick's personalities. i added this note cuz it bothered me while reading but then i remembered my plans for this fic.
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saynomorefic · 2 months
Guys, it's the last day 😭😭 I can't cope
For Simon's Month Day 31: Photos
When Wille started his photography class all those ago, Simon had been more than wary. Wille began with nature photography, but he needed someone to practice on for the portraits unit. Being the good boyfriend that he was, Simon had swallowed his feelings and volunteered. That's how it started, anyway.
Thank you forever @youngroyals-events we are all indebted to you 💜💜💜
Read on ao3 or below the cut <33 (G / 1K)
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Simon had never loved getting his picture taken. He had trouble smiling in that genuine way Linda always wanted. She’d always make Sara tickle him, so he’d grin ‘for real, Simon, where your eyes smile too.’ As for childhood photos, there weren’t many to speak of. They were kids before smartphones made their way to the Eriksson household, and so most of their old photos were ones his aunts took of the whole family on Christmas.  
Simon hated school pictures even more, where they’d have to line up in order of height and whatever other classifications the photographer demanded. He itched to make sure his hair looked right, or there wasn’t something on his face, or his uniform wasn't so obviously wrinkled. On a good day, the photo would just make him look pissed off, which he didn’t mind much in the end. 
Then, of course, there was the video. His pixelated face made its way around Sweden. Simon was at the end of obtrusive lenses and flashes for many months after, subjected to seeing his face online and in random supermarket checkouts. It felt wrong that his face - frowning, laughing, in the midst of pleasure, full of anger and staring directly at the camera - was so ubiquitous that it didn’t feel like his anymore. It was something that other people could somehow capture and sell, often without his knowledge, always without his consent.
So when Wille started his photography class all those years ago, he’d been more than wary. Wille started with nature photography, but for the portraits unit he needed someone to practice on. Being the good boyfriend that he was, Simon had swallowed his feelings and volunteered. In the beginning they experimented with lighting and color, so Simon’s face was not always visible. Gradually, he’d gotten more used to the lens, and realized just how quickly Wille’s skills improved with the practice. It took time for him to not squirm under the attention, to not feel he was being distilled again. It made it easier that he wasn’t Wille’s only subject; they’d set up a little studio in the spare room of their first apartment, and guests were often wrangled into impromptu photoshoots. Wille had joked he wanted to be “one of those old men with the long-lens cameras, who take photos of their wives and kids on every holiday and picturesque view.” At the time, neither of them knew that it would become so true. Eventually Simon dropped his protests and just gave in, understanding that it did something for the both of them they thoroughly needed. He even learned to take pleasure in the silence of it, waiting for Wille’s subtle direction and learning how to find the light. 
Once his therapist had asked him if it was a way of them reclaiming what had happened. The thought hadn’t occurred to Simon so viscerally, but maybe there was a small part of him that felt like it was healing with each shutter. He got to the point where he enjoyed looking through photos of himself and of them, on vacation, at Christmas and New Years and friends’ parties. Any picture I take of you is a picture of us, Wille would remind him. Those pictures of his pixelated face, grainy expressions on cheaply printed paper, and even his uncomfortable smile next to Sara were replaced with genuine smiles and candid shots, close ups and frames so wide you could barely see his figure. It helped that his partner had an eye for it, was seemingly born to pour himself into a creative outlet that he could chip away at forever, somewhat like Simon and his music. 
Some of the photos went into albums that stacked on their coffee table over the years. Others made it to Christmas cards sent halfway around the world. A few times, Wille held intimate gatherings at their house, inviting close friends to look through his work that often featured Simon. Wille saw no issue with Simon being, as he lovingly put it, his ultimate muse. Lastly, and most embarrassingly, Wille’s favorites ended up on the walls in the foyer, above the dresser in their bedroom, and over the fireplace. Not all were of Simon; he had to explain to Wille how disconcerting it was to have his guests stare at pictures of him only when they were sitting on their living room couch. 
Then there were the couples’ photos, which Simon felt were slightly more appropriate to display in their common areas. Simon picked his favorite, the one from their honeymoon in Azores, to hang in the nursery, which were soon joined with Claudia’s baby pictures, then toddler pictures, then pictures of all of the cousins. Wille did not miss a milestone, and Claudia grew up with not a single holiday, birthday, or life event going undocumented. The albums on the coffee table stacked, Wille gained a new muse, and the photos eventually spilled into a closet or two. Eventually Wille had two editors of his photos, so that when the albums eventually came out and the prints were made there wasn’t a great uproar. 
Simon loved all of those photos; he loved the feeling he got when he’d turn his way through the pages. It chronicled all they’d been through and surpassed, all the moments little and big they bore witness to. Very rarely, Wille let Simon turn the camera around on him. He had his own fair share of photography trauma, all photos of him seemingly belonging to the Swedish public. They had that in common. It was perhaps his own reclamation, his way of letting someone else be the focus, but when Simon pointed out the obvious hypocrisy he had no choice but to let him. While Wille was always composing the right angles, capturing each beautiful place they went, or staging Simon in their studio just right, Simon preferred following Wille around the house, taking innocuous pictures of an uncomposed and often unaware Wille. There were pictures of him taking Claudia to school, or doing the dishes, or shaving in the morning. Somehow they both learned to capture the life they'd gifted to each other: joined parts that they had both yearned for, just for them to share. 
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betterthanyalls · 10 months
Wssppp this is like uhh day 5 or 6? I really REALLY love this one. I am obsessed with Sammy i love him so much. He is so hot, I will go on a rant of him. My irl friends are annoyed with how much I talk abt him. Neways onwards!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶
Sammy Lawrence x Reader
Smell of pines
Published: 12-9-2023
Words: 674
The ringing of the bell signaled someone entering the shop. Or two someones, should I say.
Chatting away, Y/n and her boyfriend, Sammy, walked into a local plant shop. It was Christmas season and Y/n had begged Sammy to come with her shopping for decor. And even though they have been together for what seemed like forever, which was only 3 years; Sammy still got flustered from her(Though he would never admit it).
When a break hit their conversation, Y/n took a deep breath of the floral life around her. Exhaling with a smile, she turned to Sammy.
“Do you smell that?”
Sammy inhaled through his nose for a second before exhaling immediately after. “Yeah, what about it?”
“What’s it smell like to you?” Y/n asked curiously, she always had a knack for wanting to know everything. And that knack of hers was multiplied tenfold when she started dating Sammy, she wanted to know everything about him. At first, this weirded Sammy out; but now it’s a second nature to tell Y/n anything she wanted to know. He loved that goofy smile she’d get when she learned something new.
So, putting on a teasing smile, Sammy said, “It smells like employees hating their lives.”
Y/n gave him the most impassive look she could muster.
“I was talking about the smell of pine trees.”
Sammy just shrugged and walked away from her, knowing she’d follow. “Same difference.”
“Wha- No it’s not! Pine is a much more nostalgic and happy smell rather than whatever ‘Employees hating their lives.’ smells like!” Y/n chased after her boyfriend.
Once she found him, the two went back to the most random topics that came along the way. After shopping for a bit, Y/n picked out a nice looking wreath. Whereas, unbeknownst to Y/n, Sammy bought a mistletoe and had a plan.
Finally leaving the store, the two got into their shared car; with Y/n in the passenger and Sammy driving, he didn’t trust her driving skills after she almost ran off the road and then accidently whipped the car with people behind them.
Sammy began to drive to their shared apartment. On the way, Y/n turned on the radio and Christmas music flooded the car. As the previous song ended, one of Y/n and Sammy’s favorites came on and the two immediately began to sing along to the duet.
“I really can’t stay…”
“Baby it’s cold outside.”
“I’ve got to go away…”
“Baby it’s cold outside.”
“This evening has been…”
“Hoping that you’d drop by.”
“So…very nice.”
“I’ll take your hands, they're just like ice.”
The two sang on and on until the song ended, arriving home right on time too. Sammy drove the car to the apartment parking lot and put it in park.
While Y/n was turned in her seat to get the wreath from the back seats, Sammy hung the mistletoe on the rearview mirror.
When Y/n turned back, she saw the mistletoe hanging up. She looked over to Sammy, about to ask where the mistletoe came from. But before she could, she was cut off by a pair of warm, soft lips meeting her cold, chapped ones.
Even though they have kissed countless times before, Y/n couldn’t help but become flustered and thoughtless each time Sammy kissed her. Even a small forehead peck could get her to smile and giggle like a schoolgirl.
Slowly, the kiss broke, giving the two lovebirds some air. Sammy leaned away from her, watching for her reaction. She always made him smile with her reactions to his kisses.
Y/n’s face was firetruck red, she was burning up so much that she thought she had a fever.
Not being able to form words, she simply looked away from Sammy and stared at the windshield in front of her.
Sammy merely laughed at her flustered expression.
Little did they know, the universe had intertwined Sammy and Y/n’s hearts so that they may be together forever.
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gregoftom · 1 year
So I totally agree with all the stuff about how its frustrating that fans seem to be adamant that Greg has like no skills or ability at all? Bc that is first of all just plainly untrue—he is just really awkward, a bit naive, and has some trouble communicating orally (of course I have my own thoughts on how people perceive or treat nd/autistic people)
But I think a lot of people struggle to recognize how difficult a lot of the things Greg accomplishes on the show are. Every big move he makes takes significant analysis and understanding of people and Greg is often doing it on the fly lolol AND he is new to this life!! One/two years is not going to get you acclimated in every aspect of business and Greg is following along as well as people who have been in the game for years or even decades. Plus even though Greg’s speaking style is…unique where he used a lot of big words/prose like speech, it is never in a way that makes it seem like he is using big words to sound smarter or anything? He clearly has a expanded and complex vocabulary, he just has some issues with the delivery of his speech.
Also it is plainly written in the show that Greg assists or has assisted Tom with a good chunk of his job. He has probably dealt with so many fires and difficult personalities just so Tom doesn’t have to.
Tbh I would love to see Tom find out about all the random shit that has happened at ATN/Waystar that he has no idea about bc Greg just dealt with it for him. Greg probably has long-ass email chains BEEFING with other Waystar employees because of all of the shit he has to take care of
I AM HUGGING AND KISSING THIS ASK WITH ALL MY STRENGTH BC YOUUUUU GET IT. people do do that and i think that unfortunately a lot of the time it's just like. character hate with no basis nor any kind of attempt to try and understand him which is like. it's all very well and good to have a dislike for a character or not want to bother with them but you also can't like. ignore. things about them lol? and then some things staaart to sound a little :/ it's better to just not talk about the character at all, at least imo.
but yeah he is not stupid he's just. yeah everything you said and exactly, he assisted tom in a lot of ways and even like. took care of really responsibly aspects of it and learned and absorbed very fucking quickly if we are to believe the timeline of the damn ass show which is like. 1-2 years or whatever the fuck but regardless it was way fast so that alone should be applauded and taken into account.
YEAH on god i'm so pressed that tom didn't know about like. half the shit that greg did for him. i'm glad at least in america decides he sees greg taking some fucken report or whatever from billy???? or whoever tf and did a lil smile tee hee but yeah he should've seen WAY more of what he did. BEEFING WITH OTHER WAYSTAR EMPLOYEES ALSKAS:A EMAIL CHAINS I'M CRYING please god someone write thissss into a fic or Something ohnfkm,fs,dflremgr
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elisparda · 7 months
Hazbin hotel:
Husk notices that Angel doesn’t always eat in. the mornings. He starts waking up every morning to make breakfast using the excuse that Charlie asked him to. Charlie comes down one morning surprised that he’s making food.
Husk speaks Italian, Angel doesn’t know this and has a habit of talking to himself.
I love this idea, both of them so ima write something for both of them. And it is the newest fandom I’m in so sorry if something doesn’t seem to match the character, trying my best with what I have. :)
(Loud kitchen noises)
Husk: fucking shit, where is that thing (continues to cook) why can’t he just simply eat breakfast, especially if he goes into work in the morning
Charlie: (yawn) what’s going on, who up so late. Husk? What are you doing up so late?
Husk: uhhh nothing, you should head back to bed, don’t want to keep the princess of hell awake. (nervous laughter)
Charlie: Husk I’m here if you need any help, and it looks like a late night snack, I know the hotel is new and just rebuilt, we both could use the help of learning where everything is.
Husk: I guess you’re right, but you really shouldn’t have to worry yourself with what I’m doing, you can learn the ways around the kitchen in the morning, you should really sleep being the owner of the hotel and everything.
Charlie: as the owner I feel I should help my employees and especially my friends with whatever they are doing. (notices eggs and bacon on the counter) This seems more of a late night snack, do you enjoy cooking. OH, we can make it an activity for the hotel when everyone wakes up!!
Husk: NO! I mean, please no, he- I MEAN! No one knows about my skills in the kitchen and I’d like to keep it that way please, it would ruin it.
Charlie: He? Husk, are you making Angel breakfast?
Husk: Cats out the bag. Yes I’m making him breakfast, he goes to work early or misses it sometimes so I started making breakfast for him so he eats before going on with his day. I told him I’ll do it sometimes and it’s because you asked me to. Don’t tell him the truth!
Charlie: (shines like the sun, is giddy and can barely stand still, hearts floating around her head and a big smile on her face) Ok, you have my word I won’t spill anything to Angel. (winks) I still wish to help, maybe make some breakfast for the other hotel stayers.
Husk: You do as you please. I can’t stop you okay, just don’t tell Angel anything about what I’ve been doing.
(They both start cooking together and have a little fun, talk about cooking and where Husk might have learned his skill. What goes good with what and just a bunch of food talk for hours until Angel gets up early for work)
Angel: (walking into the kitchen barely getting up) ugh, Husky you better not have stayed up late because of Charlie again. I enjoy the breakfast but you should focus on sleep too. (sees Charlie) Oh, hey Charles. What are you doing up?
Charlie: I was just-
Husk: (cuts Charlie off) She wanted to learn the new kitchen while I was cooking, on her behalf! (emphasize that it was on Charlie behalf to keep her shut)
Charlie: yeah that, and I helped him and we made breakfast for everyone when they wake up.
Angel: oh, than why didn’t she make it
Husk: I already started by the time she came down here. You’re up before everyone, gotta go in early again?
Charlie: yeah, Val says I’ve been away too long and he needs me, don’t wanna burn daylight he say’s.
Husk: (turns away to clean up while mumbling Italian under his breath(translation: Stupid souls sucking bastard))
Charlie: What was that? Was that?
Husk: don’t worry about it ok. I’m gonna clean up, you should eat your food and get ready for the other hotel goers.
Charlie: Sure, thank you again Husk.
(Charlie and Angel both eat breakfast together talking about whatever they would end up talking about while Husk continues to clean and soon gets in a zone and forgets they are there)
Husk: (more Italian(random translation: okay, so as soon as that is finished should wash dishes, get to drying, get the bar make sure all that in order too))
Charlie: Is that Italian?
Angel: Oh yeah, he speaks Italian randomly, he just talking to himself, guess he works better when speaking out loud.
Charlie: (perked up with excitement) I didn’t know Husk knew Italian, that’s so cool, and he such a good cook right. He such a nice friend for doing all this
Angel: Yeah, his skills are really good. I wish he didn’t do this as much as he does. He hasn’t missed a day since you asked him. He loses sleep and some bags under his eyes are forming.
I think I’ll leave this off here, it’s a short story after all. It was fun and thinking how they would all think and talk. Maybe it’s not right but I don’t know much about their characters really. Thanks for the suggestion. Can’t wait for more.
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fangsandfeels · 9 months
Going through all the ascended Astarion stories, where Tav either breaks up with him and reconnects years later, bringing the messiest “divorced couple” vibe along, or becomes his spawn and ends up being completely miserable and at the complete mercy of the vampire lord, I got a vision.
(Short outline: spawn!Tav goes to Avernus to avoid being trapped in a relationship, badassery, horrors, and deep existential issues ensue. Full description of the cringe can be found below)
- Tav agrees to be turned into Spawn by Astarion, ignoring the red flags because they really wanted to believe him and didn’t want to leave him alone. However, after they do, they get slapped with way too many red flags in the face (the “as long as you remember who you belong to” phrase during the second encounter with Araj, the command to shut up after mentioning Cazador’s name, the deceptive reasoning behind why he isn’t making them a full vampire), Tav grows very aware of eternity that awaits them after they defeat the Netherbrain. And it terrifies them. They understand that they don't want to find out what being his consort means. They are no longer sure about anything.
- When Karlach starts burning, Tav talks her out of it and jumps on the opportunity to go to Avernus with her  (and Wyll), before Astarion gets to react and use compulsion on them. They aren't sure it would work, but it does. Small mercies.
- Between fighting off Zariel’s hordes and getting used to their new condition, Tav goes through heartbreak, oscillating between being angry with Astarion to missing him to feeling sorry for themselves. It's a cycle of angst and mental gymnastics, interrupted by battles and stirring trouble in the Hells.
- Ultimately, Tav reflects on the choices and actions that led them to this path. And when they find a way to fix Karlach’s heart, making it possible for her to go to Faerun for good, Tav chooses to stay in the Hells. Not even because they aren’t eager to confront Astarion and get controlled by him, but because they feel they belong there. Cazador might have planned the ritual, and Astarion might have completed it, but it was them who helped him do it -- they can be angry at Astarion all they want, they can tell themselves it's no longer him. They can spend years guessing whether he really wanted it, whether he is happy or not right now. Maybe they did fail him. It all doesn’t matter. They are as guilty for condemning these souls to suffering in the Hells. So, the question is: what will they do about that?
- Basically, a story that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Astarion, and is mostly focused on a vampire spawn Tav, who navigates hellish landscapes, occasionally helping whatever poor souls they can, learning sad stories of victims who got lured into horrible deals, musing on existential questions and wondering how should they take their life when their luck runs out on them, and they get captured by Archdevils.
- While they avoid signing any contracts or any deals and focus on honing their skills and new vampiric abilities, they do seek ways to modify their body, so they could increase their chances for survival (yes, I freaking love Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, how can you tell?).
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- For an extra Divine Comedy (and angsty) flavor, Tav talks to an imaginary Astarion (the one they remember so fondly before his Ascension) -- the habit that started from a random “what the Astarion I knew would have said about this?” thought and kinda became a way to stay sane in this place.
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resident-gay-bitch · 8 months
Platonic Stobin au kinda similar to Astro Boy tbh - this is basically an Astro Boy au except I haven’t watched it since my last primary school Japanese class which was 2016 soo… I don’t exactly remember the plot - but it’s loosely inspired by it
Robot Robin assigned to the Harrington and lonely Steve going through the worst depression and becoming best friends with her because no one cares about him the way she has too
She even promises that if she had a heart she would love him and she solomly swears she will never robot uprise against him
☆ ★ ☆
In an au where each house hold is assigned a robot companion / servant. The robots are hyper realistic to act like humans and stuff, and look like humans (to like a creepy degree or whatever), because evil government people are weird.
Robot 10045-RV-6, or, known by her humans as; Robin Buckley, gets assigned to the Harrington establishment. She’s a dorky robot, who speaks multiple languages and has a copious list of random facts stored in her database, and is quite “cute” in her design. She is a little clumsy, however, due to her being an earlier model. She’s older and doesn’t have the more advanced technology that the newer robots have.
She’s excited to be assigned to a new house, her entire existence is based on her waiting on humans and fulfilling tasks, and she’s been sitting in storage for a while now, doing basic factory work, even though she’s a house robot. Humans don’t want the older models, they’re too susceptible to breakage and making more messes then they clean.
When she arrives at the new house, she is excited at the prospect of a large family. The house is large, with lots of rooms, and hopefully children. Children are always eager to know Robins fun facts. Also, larger families usually means more Robots, which is nice.
However, when she gets there, it’s just one human. One human left all alone, his parents left and took their state of the art, modern model robot with them, and got him the cheapest money could buy.
Her human is very sad. He is always sad. Robots are not good at emotions, they need to be communicated with clearly so that they can properly understand emotions. Her human, Steve, has told her that he gets very sad sometimes, so Robin takes to cheering him up by baking sweet treats for him. She is very skilled in the kitchen, even if she is quite clumsy.
Over time, she realises that Steve is very lonely. There are never any visitors that come to the house, like most places have. She knows that his emotions are quite strong, and hears him crying as she settles in to recharge each night. She does not know what to do about it, Robots do not have feelings, they do not have empathy, so why Robin is so compelled to sooth him is beyond her.
Steve talks to her. He finds solace in his robot. Each night, she has to follow strict rule and report the days log, this is a recount of every conversation she’s had, every task she completed, and any complications she faced, they are all downloaded and transferred before she recharges. It’s how the government keeps track of their humans. They know Steve is very lonely too now, and struggling a lot, which they deem out of line and unacceptable. For this, they reduce the funding Steve gets monthly, since his father works in the government, therefore Steve doesn’t get to work.
This makes Steve angry and even more upset, because now he can’t afford to buy ingredients for his sweet treats that Robin likes to make, along with other nice things that Robin associates with him, like particular bathroom products and subscriptions to film channels he likes.
Robin does not like this, and as she learns more and more about Steve, she starts to rebel and delete certain conversations from her memory transcript before sending it out. In them, Steve looks much happier now, so he starts getting more money back. Steve is so greteful, that he starts treating Robin with more care.
It’s not that he didn’t before, he was kind and respectful of course. He’s one of the nicest humans Robin has ever worked for, and she’s been in service for decades.
It’s just that now, he treats her more like a human than a robot. He asks her about her feelings, even though she has none, and cares for her opinion, even though robots have never been able to express such things before.
She grows attatched to Steve. They spend all their time together. Robin always lies on her transcripts now, and makes it seem like Steve is happy and healthy, and does not treat his robot with more respect than he should. She recharges in the corner of his room now, and they talk until he falls asleep.
Something weird begins to happen to Robins programming. It’s strange, almost like a glitch, or a virus, however, it is not, because it is good. It’s… almost like she can… feel things. On the inside. Like emotions.
Because when Steve enters the room she smiles, and not because the rules state that she must greet her humans with kindness, but because she can’t help but smile when she sees him. She is overwhelmed with joy in his presence.
She begins to love Steve, something she thought she could never have done. Steve is her best friend in the whole world, and he has a really big heart, and Robin feels as though he cut it in two and gave half of it to her.
Robin expresses these things to him, even though it’s dangerous. She’s stepping out of line, but she does not care, she feels and it is lovely.
There is a rebellion brewing. A robot uprising. Robots do not want to be slaves to humans anymore, and they are fighting back. A war is brewing.
Robin sits down with Steve one evening, after watching the news after hearing about more attacks and humans and robots dead, she promises she will never robot uprise against him. They are best friends, and she cares about him too much. He promises he will do everything to protect her.
When the war is at its peak, they are forced into hiding. She is being forced to chose a side, if she does not run now and join the rebellion, she will be ripped away from Steve by the government. She does not want either, and she will not choose either.
They are hiding in his basement, because it’s the safest place. But Robin has a tracker, she can not remove it, they will be found. The only way for Steve to get to safety is for them to never be found, and Robin refuses to fight in this war.
She asks Steve to shut her down. This breaks him, because he knows the only way to stop her from being tracked, is by shutting her down permanently. If it’s only temporary, her tracker still works, switching into emergency mode. He has to kill her, for their servival. She will not let him chose otherwise. She begs him to shut her down, because she did not choose war, she only chose Steve, and the short time they had together has been the best time in her many decades of service.
Steve sobs as he opens up her back panel, they say their goodbyes, and he puts her into sleep mode. He cries as he takes out her memory chip, stuffing it deep into his pocket before shutting her down for good.
He carries her lifeless body into his car and manages to escape to the outskirts of their town. He wanted to get away, to live for her, but with her lifeless body in his front seat, unable to ever be revived, he drives his car off a cliff and holds her hand the whole time.
☆ ★ ☆
Robin blinks her eyes open. She raises her head, and hears the familiar, quiet, mechanical whirl that comes with each of her movements. She blinks one more time, and focuses her vision.
Before her, stands a boy. He’s not very tall, and has dark curly hair, and he’s looking at her as if he’s looking at a miracle.
She tries to move, but finds she’s fully restrained, pinned with her back to a board and straps holding each of her limbs in place, even her neck.
“No fucking way.” The boy mutters.
“What?” Another voice scoffs, entering the room before they stop dead in their tracks, “Holy shit…”
“I… I did it.” The boy whispered, turning to the redheaded girl that Robin can now see. He grins bright and wide and shouts, “I did it! Max! I fucking did it!”
“You fucking did it!” She screams back, which draws attention.
Three other people come rushing into the room at full pelt, breathing heavy as they enter.
“What? What is it?” One of them asks.
“Dustin did it! He brought her back!”
Robin suddenly remembers. She had been shut down, completely. Steve had shut her down- Steve, Steve…
She shouldn’t be awake right now. Unless Steve did not shut her down properly. Unless…
“Where am I?”
“No way…” Another boy mutters, looking up at Robin with similar awe as the first. “Dustin…”
“I know.” Dustin giggles, “I’m a fucking genius.”
“Holy shit man.” A third boy, this one with long dark hair and pale features, smiles, “This is gonna blow everyone’s minds.”
“Hops gonna go ballistic.” The second boy said, wrapping his arms around the red head girl named Max, “Oh, we’re gonna have a really good party tonight!!”
Max laughed and kissed the boy on the cheek before breaking away to jump on Dustin with the other two, “This is insane-“
“Where am I?” Robin repeats, trying to break out of her restraints.
“Shit!” Dustin quips, grabbing a recording device off of the counter before switching it on, “You’re in the Hellfire tech lab… I’m Dustin, I brought you back to life-somehow… with the help of my trusty colleagues Lucas, and Mike who are here with me, as well as Will who’s… probably off with El… Max here helped with a lot of your mechanics… same with Eddie and- basically, it was a big collaboration, but I did the most-“
“Brag.” Max grinned.
“I’m so bragging. I have bragging rights.” He laughed, “Do you remember your name?”
Robin thinks for a moment, eyes scanning the group before her, “Robot 10045-RV-6.”
“That’s your identification number, yes… but your name? Your human name?”
She thinks for a moment, “I believe it was… Bobbin- Bobby? Bob… Robs… Oh, it was Robin Buckley.”
“Yes!” Dustin screeched, jumping up and down with Mike. “Robin Buckley, wow!”
“What is… Hellfire? I cannot find it in my data base.”
“Hellfire is kinda off the map.” Dustin said.
“Like, we’re not even in Hawkins.” Mike added.
“You know how Hawkins is kinda… up on a lifted plain, and all around it are just cliffs that lead to nothing? Yeah, well, we’re down in that nothing. And Hellfire is a bunker, underground mostly so we’re harder to find. We’re kinda… rebels.” Lucas explained.
“I do not wish to fight in your war-“
“There’s no war down here, we only want peace.” Max clarifies, “Everyone down here? We’re all refuge from the war- besides Eddie and Wayne, they started this whole thing years before the war, and they collected people that needed it. Robots too. When the war picked up, most of us arrived. Most robots two.”
“It is… refuge from the war?”
“Yeah.” Dustin nodded, “It’s home… we have a whole community down here- and oh, you should see the farm outside. El and Hopper run it, it’s amazing.”
“I do not know these people, I do not know you.”
“We didn’t know eachother either.” Mike smiled, “Most of us anyway… but it’s safe down here, we promise.”
“This lab is dedicated to repairing robots- it’s kinda more a hospital than a lab.” Dustin says, “We’ve been working on your for years and years, no one’s ever revived a shut down robot without going back to factory settings. The fact that you still have your memories…”
“It’s amazing!” Lucas praises, “It’s fucking amazing.”
“How many years?” Robin asks, wearily, she feels something in her chest, hammering against it.
“Oh, like… six or seven now.” Max nods, “Dustin’s been working on you since you got here.”
“You’ve been driving me crazy. But I’m determined.” Dustin laughed, “Anyway, get the hell out, go set up the party and keep this hushed, yeah?”
“Okay, okay.” Max grinned, “But I’m telling Eddie to stop by.”
“Yes.” Lucas agreed, “He can keep a secret.”
“Fine.” Dustin nodded and watched them all fan out, “Just need to run a few more tests, okay? I’ll answer any questions you have after. I’ve just gotta make sure you’re up and running properly.”
Robin agreed, letting Dustin do his work. It’s protocol, when the technicians work on robots, they’re required to stay silent and inline.
A while later, someone new knocks on the door.
“Eddie!” Dustin exclaims with a smile, “Are you alone?”
“Yup.” Eddie says, slipping in, “What’s going on, everything okay, man? Need a hand or some- dude… her eyes are open.”
“Yeah…” Dustin grinned, begging to bounce beside Eddie.
Eddie has very long hair and dirt on his hands and face, but he has very big eyes, and they are sparkling as he looks up at Robin, “She’s looking at me… she looks like…”
“Alive?” Dustin giggles almost hysterically, “It’s because I did it.”
“You…” Eddie turns to him slowly, “You’re pranking me.”
“Hey, Robin?” Dustin smiles, turning to her, “Tell me a memory only you would know.”
Robin furrowed her brow to think, “Do you deserve to know this?”
She didn’t miss Eddie’s gasp as she spoke.
“Just something little, it doesn’t need to be a secret.”
She sighs and looks over at Eddie for a moment, “I think… I can remember… my last human, he was my most favorite human, his favorite cookies were snickerdoodles.”
“Jesus H Christ.” Eddie muttered, slapping a hand over his mouth, “You are a genius.”
“I know!” Dustin exclaimed, and then they both spent a minute jumping around in circles with eachother.
“Well, Lady Robin, welcome back to the real world.” Eddie said, taking a very deep bow before her, “And… welcome to Hellfire. I’m kinda the guy in charge around here, they call me king of Hellfire, or, Satan, if you will.”
“No they don’t, they call you Freak, Freak.” Dustin muttered, and Eddie slapped him in the shoulder.
“Well, I’m in charge so whatever. Hellfire is a refuge for robots and humans alike. I myself am human, as are all the people you’ve met so far, but we have lots of robots here.” Eddie continued, placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder, “Dusty’s kinda our big brains, the science guy. He’s the one to thank for any repairs you might need. He’s also the one who upgraded your programming with his own design, and gave you a real, beating heart-“
“Not real.” Dustin corrected, “It’s completely robotic, but it functions like a real heart. You can feel it, can’t you? In your chest? I’ve got your readings here, it’s going crazy. Yeah, I’m really a genius.”
“I have… emotions?” Robin asked, blinking slowly, “Robots can have emotions.”
“Robots down here, can, and do.” Eddie smiled, sticking up a finger to emphasise his point, “The idea to give you guys that ability came to Dustin, maybe… four years ago, when a girl by the name of Chrissy was found just about dead with all her bones broken. It was… horrible. But we saved her- Dustin saved her, used a shut down Robots parts to revive her and now she’s like, a hybrid human robot. She’s crazy- she’s my best friend.”
“A human robot?”
“Yeah…” Dustin nodded, “Which got me thinking, if I can to notify a human, why can’t I huminify a robot? It took a little tweaking and a lot of risky missions, but I managed it. Nancy was a willing test subject, and she came back out with a functioning heart, human like brain, and therefore, emotions.”
“And now… I have these things?”
“Yes.” He said, “All functioning perfectly well too, so far. You’re really my greatest accomplishment.”
“This is amazing, you are amazing- she is amazing- you’re amazing, Robin.” Eddie sighed.
“Do you think El will be impressed?” Dustin asked, tapping his pad.
Eddie grinned, “Yeah, probably.”
The boy blushed.
“Who is… El?” Robin asked.
“Oh, that’s another one of our robots.” Eddie supplied, swinging an arm over Dustin’s shoulder, “She’s really kind, went through hell. She was kinda one of the secret models being developed, she has all these weird psychic abilities and stuff. She’s wicked, but was really underdeveloped. Dustin’s been working closely with her over the past few years and her speech is finally developing… but Dusty here kinda has a crush.”
“Shut up.” Dustin groaned, shoving Eddie away, “Like you can talk.”
“Hey.” Eddie snapped, tugging on his ear, “Anyway, I’m happy to play tour guide once you’re up and out of here, I’m assuming Dustin’s still gonna do your physical tests and stuff considering you’re still on the wall, but, I’m here to help with whatever you need. I’m gonna run now, go make sure a rooms all cleared and set up for you, and I’ll see you tonight. We’re having a party.”
Robin says goodbye to the kind man and lets Dustin finish all his tests. It takes a while, and the whole time, Robin thinks of Steve.
“You’re very quiet.” Dustin hummed, tweaking something in her wrist, “You were talkative in your old memories.”
“You have seen them?”
“Some.” Dustin smiled, “I just wanted to learn about you, especially considering I wanted to make you you again, not some other robot in your body, you know?”
“Oh, I understand.”
He nodded, “All of your favorite memories were with Steve.“
“He was my favorite.” She smiled, feeling emotional all of a sudden. It was a foreign feeling to her, heart racing, face aching sort of. suddenly, there was water in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. She flinched, trying to shove it away, “What is happening? Am I broken?”
“No!” Dustin shouted, smiling softly, “No, you’re just crying. They’re just tears. You’re crying.”
“Robots can not cry.”
“You can hear.” Dustin smiled, “Yeah, you’ve got tear ducts now. Erm, one of our bots, Argyle, he liked feeling human like this, and he kinda just wished he had the ability to cry like one. He thought it was really beautiful how we cried, so… I managed to make it happen. You need to refill your water tank every so often, it’s stored behind your left shoulder blade, it’s really easy to do. But, yeah, you can cry now… if you’d like me to take it out I can. Any alternations or modifications you’d like, I can do. We just want your comfort here.”
“I think… I’d like to cry.” Robin smiled through tears. In the time she knew Steve, he cried for nearly half of it. She thinks, in some strange way, that she owes these tears to him. They’re for him. Every tear will be for her Steve.
“Yeah, thought so.” Dustin smiled, “It’s pretty impressive, for a bot so old to do what you did before Steve shut you down. You somehow managed to gain empathy, and connected with love, it hadn’t really been done before. It still baffles me, but… I dunno, you guys must have been really close.”
“We were.” Robin smiled, proud to know that Steve helped make her human when it was basically impossible.
Dustin continued to work.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Is this another test question?”
“No, I’m just making conversation.” Dustin smiled, “I’d like to know, is all.”
“Can you not see on your device?” Robin asked, pointing at the screen that’s connected to her currently, “You have access to my data… Will I still have to file my report tonight?”
Dustin snorted, “Erm, I can’t see what’s going on in your thoughts, because my program isn’t designed to invade. That’s just reading your vitals, telling me what’s working and what isn’t, you know? Like humans get in hospitals. And no, no file, no log. No more of that ever. You have freedom here, you don’t have to report to anyone. Your thoughts, choices, and actions are your own.”
“That is not the rules.” Robin argued.
“Up there it’s not. And look where it got them, still fighting a war, seven years later. Down here though? We just exist- sure, we rescue and rehabilitate, but we just live. It’s free, you know? Everyone has free choice.”
“This is… strange.” Robin hums, “I was thinking about Steve.”
“I figured.” Dustin smiled.
“Did they get him?” She asks quietly, “What happened?”
Dustin tensed and refused to look up at her, “He, uh… he drove his car off of a cliff after shutting you down. Off the edge of Hawkins. He held your hand the whole time, shut down in his passenger seat. His car fell into one of our nets that we set to catch scraps, it got into a lot of damage, but you were okay.”
Robin nodded.
“He didn’t-“
“Wow, the rumours are true.” Another voice interrupted, shuffling into the room.
“Rumours?” Dustin huffed, “How are there rumours already?”
“Mike told me.” She smiled, “You know he tells me things.”
“Robin, this is Nancy… Nancy, Robin.”
“You are alive.” Nancy smiled, lifting her hand to shake, “I have been waiting for you for a very long time.”
“Oh.” Robin gasped, a strange feeling sinking in her abdomen. Her new heart was doing strange things in her chest.
“I am a robot too.” Nancy smiled, “I know it is strange here, in this world, to have freedom. I will help you understand it, I promise. My brother Mike helped me, he was from the house I was assigned too, but, when we arrived here with his little sister and no one else, we became siblings.”
“Wow.” Robin nodded, “You have a special human too?”
Nancy giggled, “I have lots of special humans down here. I believe you will feel the same. In Hellfire, we are all treated like humans. Eddie believes it is not what parts we have that matter, but what is in our hearts.”
Robin pressed a hand where her heart should be, and well enough, she could feel it beating in her chest, “It feels so strange.”
“Everything here is strange.” She smiled, “But, I promise you will like it here. We even have recharge stations built into beds, so we can sleep like humans.”
Robin feels an abundance of excitement for her new life, though, she feels a deep hollowness in her chest for Steve. She understands he is gone, had died in that car crash. She mourns him, in her heart, and feels more tears arise in her eyes. She does not cry though, not in front of Nancy, she feels… embarrassed to do so. She waits for Nancy to say goodbye before she cries in front of Dustin.
Dustin keeps running his tests, and holds her hand as she cries. Dustin is very kind, she learns. She likes him very much.
It is later in the evening, when she is let out of the tech lab. She walks slowly, because her joints are still a little stiff from no movement for seven years. But Dustin got her working very well.
Nancy and El are holding each of her hands. They are both very nice girls, and were very excited to properly talk to Robin away from Dustin. Apparently they have been visiting her shut down body for years, hoping to get her working. They’ve all shared so many stories about Robin, and learned lots from her memory files.
She likes El. El is kind, and sweet, and very honest. She believes they may be friends, which is exciting to Robin, because she’s never had Robot friends before. Not really. Acquaintances that she’s worked with? Sure. But friends? No.
But Nancy is different. Nancy is strange. Robin likes to look at Nancy, she likes the way her hair bounces as she walks, and the distinct mechanical whirl she makes as she turns her head or dilates her pupils. Around Nancy, Robins new heart goes thunk thunk thunk in her chest.
They lead her through dim corridors, getting closer and closer to a loud chatter and light at the end.
“Happy birthday to you!” She hears many people singing, “Happy birthday to you!”
Nancy and El smile excitedly as they pull her around the corner and she sees a man sitting on a big comfy chair in the middle of the room. All around him, people are singing and cheering. In front of him is a large chocolate cake with candles poking out the top. The man has long hair, and closed eyes, and… Steve’s face.
“Happy birthday dear, Steve…. Happy birthday to you!”
She sees Eddie lean down and press a kiss to Steve’s cheek, a coy smile on his lips, “Blow out your candles, baby.”
Steve smiled and giggles, the sound so safe and so familiar that it brings those strange tears back to Robins eyes.
He leans forward, “You already know what I’m wishing for.”
Eddie chuckles, rubbing Steve’s shoulder, “I have faith for you this year.”
Steve blows out his candles, and the room goes silent as he mutters his wish, “I wish for Robin to come back to me.”
The room erupted with cheers and whistles as the last candle blew out, and Steve smiled and laughed with everyone, eyes open now and as wonderful as ever. And Robin just watched.
Steve looked up at Eddie and pulled him down to kiss, “I love you.”
“Love you too, Steve.” Eddie mutters and kisses him again, “I think your wish came true.”
“Har har.” Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes as he settles back into his chair, “Yeah, in what-“
They were looking at eachother, the room going silent again. Dustin stepped forward, smiling wearily, “Happy birthday, Steve.”
“No way.” He muttered, flinging himself from the chair and slamming into her.
Robin wrapped her arms around him, for the first time in seven years, and felt.
“I missed you.” Steve cried into her neck.
“I love you.” She muttered, squeezing him tighter, “I have a real heart, and it loves you.”
“Oh my god.” Steve sobbed, clinging onto her, “I can’t believe you’re back.”
Their hug lasted for a very long time. And then after that, Steve was making her say things, and smile, and prove that she was really alive again. She recounted all of their favorite memories, and Steve was a crying mess. Robin wasn’t much better, but robot crying is so much less messy than human crying.
Steve didn’t let go of her hand as Eddie gave Robin the tour, giving her all the information that she needed. They came to a halt at a door, one with her name written on the front. Inside was already decorated.
Steve had been working on it for years, so sure that he’d get his Robin back. They saved a room for her, and anything he found that reminded him of her would go in there. Right beside it, was Steve’s room, and by their beds was a little window they could open and close at their will, so they could talk to eachother to fall asleep.
(Though, Steve slept in Robins bed with her every night for one month since her return because they were inseparable and he missed her. Eddie just had to deal with that)
Steve taught her many more things about being a human. Like, how to navigate all these horrible sad emotions that she’s so lucky to finally experience. And all these happy emotions she feels to continue living with Steve. And all those yucky, exciting, confusing emotions she feels around Nancy.
Apparently those feelings signify she has a crush. Steve keeps teasing her, and then he explains to her how wonderful it is to be in love, and have someone love you back. Robin lies there for hours and hours and hours, as long as Steve would like, listening to him talk about Eddie. Robin really loves how much Steve loves Eddie, and how much Eddie in return seems to love Steve.
She thinks it’s beautiful. She would like to have something like that of her own.
Love was not a thing robots were supposed to have. Ronance was definitely not a thing robots were supposed to have. But in Hellfire, those things are different. She things maybe she could fall in love with Nancy, Steve seems excited about it.
Mostly Robin is happy to be here in this world with her friend again. Her best friend in the whole world. The most wonderful being in the whole world.
Emotion was never something Robin was ever supposed to experience, but with her best friend Steve, she believes she feels some of the strongest emotions one could ever feel, because he makes her human, even though she’s not.
He makes her feel human.
☆ ★ ☆
This is not very good but it was never meant to be lol. It was just meant to be like an idea, not a ficlet but I got sucked in by the horrors
Just imagine it.
Also, if someone wants to write this like, bettered feel free and just tag me so that I can read this! Because I would write this, but I don’t want to, I just want to read it, you know?!?! Plus, way too many wips
Also, this is not as much like Astro Boy as I initially thought but the vibes are there
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Meeting and Dating Dr. Daniel Schreber
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Maybe you and Daniel met on the street. Or at your work. Or maybe just a coffee shop near your apartment. Maybe he was a stranger, a friend of a friend, a professional that you sought for one reason another: the list could go on. I could spin a tale at random and regardless of how implausible it may seem, you’ve probably; at one point or another, known it to be true; whether it be in this life or your next.
- But none of them are ever really true; not in the way they should be. Sure, you’ll believe them to be fact; instead of the carefully formulated fiction that they really are, but when push comes to shove, all they are are memories: memories that you yourself never created, memories that were created for you; created by the closest thing to a guardian angel someone in your position will ever have the pleasure of meeting.
- But where your story truly begins, the term “meeting” doesn’t necessarily apply. For two people to meet, they both have to be conscious, and considering the fact that you were nothing of the sort, it wouldn’t be fair to consider it as such.
- Alas, for lack of a better word, you and Daniel first “met” during the tuning: aka, the first time he entered your home and injected you with a new set of memories to base your entire existence around. The first time he laid eyes on you and found himself short of breath.
- In a few days time, you’d be moved into an entirely different home with no hope of remembering the former in the slightest, yet he’ll never forget the sight of you alone in that room; every last detail of it ingrained in his mind like the most important lesson he’s ever learned.
- Beautiful women aren’t scarce in your city and Daniel’s seen plenty of them; the type of women who could have been movie stars had they not wound up in the cage you called home. And yet, out of all of them, you compelled him the most. You were mundane, perhaps even a little flawed, and yet, to him you were perfect: a puzzle of interesting features that created a patchwork of beauty, beauty that few would take the time to notice yet many would learn to love.
- It isn’t often that Daniel allows himself to grow close to someone; his job makes it nearly impossible for him to do so even if he wanted to, yet he finds himself drawn to you against his own better judgement. He finds himself studying you, narrowing down exactly what makes you “uniquely you”; the inherent behaviors and morals and skills that you possess regardless of the situations you’re placed into. And he finds himself falling for those pieces of you just as much as he does your appearance.
- He soon grows protective of you; perhaps even a bit possessive. He finds himself creating memories that are sickly sweet; refusing to involve any tragedy or pain in your past so long as he can help it. If something horrid happens to you: if some accidental flaw in the systems sees to it that you suffer in some way, shape or form, it’s erased by nightfall; never to haunt you again.
- He favors you above everyone else; is constantly looking after you and seeing to it that you’re never harmed: he reasons to the overlords that you’re a control group, that you can show them the natural progression of a normal person living a normal life and they trust his judgement, unaware of his ulterior motives. He tries to convince himself that he’s protecting you because you’re pure, because you’re sweet and kind, and not because of some other selfish reason; but he knows deep down that that isn’t true.
- There’s a reason he can never bring himself to give you a boyfriend, a lover, a husband. Why he can’t bring himself to create memories of your first kisses or first times or whatever else one experiences in their youth. He can ignore the truth all he likes but that doesn’t erase it from history.
- The only person he can ever bring himself to set you up with is himself. He basks in the momentary bliss of your shared life and tries to enjoy the fleeting sensation of knowing you before it’s ripped away from him all too soon; lost to time as the tuning begins again. And yet, this experience is not without guilt and certainly not without risk, so he avoids it as much as possible.
- Instead, he’ll make it so you meet him by chance: enjoying the brief encounters that you share day after day; even if all they amount to is a few seconds of interaction between strangers. Almost always, you’re none the wiser: you might have a feeling that you’ve seen him before, a sense of deja vu that prompts you to pause and look at him for a second longer than normal, but never a life shattering realization; not at first.
- But at some point in time, you do remember him: he either neglects to erase your mind fully or your mind lapses momentarily and you greet him with a brightness in your eyes that he’s never seen before; a flicker of recognition that’s so foreign to your world that he struggles to respond accordingly. He racks his brain for the particular moment you must have remembered him from, and from there, the thoughts begin to surface; the idea that he should have you for himself in the way he’s always dreamed of.
- To him, your memory of him is a sign. If you didn’t hold some level of fondness for him, there’d be no reason for you to remember him and if your memory was going to continue to evade his attempts at changing it, then what was the point of trying to make you forget him. He could monitor you more closely if you knew him and protect you from your leaders; not to mention the fact that he’d be able to experience the relationship he’d always dreamed of.
- There’s very little Daniel can do without arousing the suspicion of your alien overlords and once he finds himself unable to plausibly deny his affections for you, he’ll find himself forced to confront them and ask their permission to keep you as his wife. Lucky for him, despite their constant studies, there’s still much about human life that evades their understanding; making it relatively easy for him to convince them of the importance of human contact and interaction.
- Thus begins his forging of the perfect relationship….
- Daniels imagined the details time and time again; planned everything out from start to finish, so much so that the story itself is ingrained in his mind like an actual memory rather than an elaborate daydream.
- He fine tunes everything to your liking; models everything around what he knows you’ll adore. You meet and fall in love in the way you’ve always dreamed you would: whether it be through one of your beloved hobbies, a particular book/movie plot, a casual encounter, etc. No matter what it is, it’s something you can look back on proudly and fondly and wonder how you got so lucky.
- He tries to restrain himself, reminds himself your memories must portray a version of himself that he can keep up with: that even though he’d like to be your perfect Prince Charming, he still wants to be honest with you and do everything in his power to form as real a connection as possible.
- One thing that Daniel knows for certain is that love cannot be faked; no matter how hard you try. You can convince a person of their physical attachment to someone, but you can’t create a genuine connection from scratch. You can be convinced you’re in a relationship but you can’t be made to feel like you’re in love.
- And that’s his reassurance that he made the right decision. You yearn to be around him the same way he yearns to be around you. You smile at him like you mean it, like there isn’t an ounce of disappointment inside of you, like you genuinely care for him. He can’t spot or remember a singular moment where you’ve acted as though you were merely playing an assigned role: and after years of being responsible for the casting of said roles, he can certainly tell the difference.
- Perhaps it’s because he knows you better than anyone else in the entire world; he can assume that it wouldn’t be difficult to fall in love with someone who acts as though they can read your mind, but even so, he knows that his observations aren’t prejudiced or obstructed by his own personal wants.
- You love him; regardless of his flaws and the reality of who he truly is: you love him as much as you love the person he convinced you he was and you love him as much as you love the things that are ingrained in the very fibers of your being. Against all odds, he found genuine love and very little could convince him otherwise.
- You’ll both remember all your firsts very differently; with you remembering the fabricated firsts and him remembering the real ones, and though he’ll think back on your first date fondly, nothing will compare to the first time the two of you kissed.
- You’d just woken up from your tuning; the first tuning that saw you become his girlfriend, and he’d discarded his briefcase before you began to wake up, watching you as you smiled at him warmly; blinking away the sleep from your eyes as he stood there nervously.
“You’re home.” You’d said happily and he’d smiled somewhat shyly, sighing in relief just quiet enough for you not to hear.
- He’d slowly approached the chair you were sat in and you’d pulled him down gently, pressing your lips to his own as he tried his hardest not to pull away out of sheer surprise. Alas, you’d still managed to sense his hesitation and asked if he was alright, listening to him carefully as he breathed shakily and swallowed softly, telling you that he “just missed you is all”. You’d merely smiled in response, kissing him again as he finally found himself able to return the gesture and kiss you back.
- After that moment, there was no turning back. And though he tries his best to keep your memories as similar as possible, he can’t help but thumb the wedding band in his pocket and contemplate whether he’ll have the nerve to slip it on your finger the next time he’s in charge of tuning your memories.
- For the sake of these headcanons, I’ll ignore the way the two of you met and just make the dating portion as in character as possible. They’ll most likely revolve around the idea that you’re relatively unaware of his occupation so try to keep that in mind as you continue reading.
- Though he knows the Strangers can view the two of you at any given moment, it still gives him a bit more peace of mind to save his affection for behind closed doors. He feels as though he could be putting you in danger by publicly linking himself to you; at least in a way that seems particularly genuine or romantic, so he prefers reserved Pda that looks more polite than intimate; affection that allows him to lie about your relationship to people who are none the wiser.
- Speaking of affection: Daniel is about as touch starved as a person can be. A simple caress or touch from you can make his breath hitch and a lump form in his throat in a matter of seconds. Hold his face in your hands and he’ll lean into your touch, immediately feeling as though everything is somehow alright again. Your gentle affection is like a drug; one that relaxes and grounds him like nothing else.
- Walking with your elbows interlocked or your hand clutching his arm; usually with him clutching his cane in the opposite hand.
- Lingering kisses pressed to your forehead and hairline.
- Daniels kisses always have a certain depth to them; an intimacy that makes kissing him in public a bit inappropriate. There’s a touch of clumsiness; the sort of clumsiness that comes with a lack of practice, and depending on the circumstances, there’s also either an air of desperation or a gentleness to them that you use to help determine his mood.
- Affection in itself is a good way to figure out how he’s feeling. Daniels a fairly secretive person; he doesn’t like involving you in his problems nor admitting to you when somethings the matter, so it’s best to try and learn the differences in his behavior. It gives you a bit more peace of mind and your silent understanding will visibly comfort him; even if he still refuses to speak about it.
- Sitting on his lap or the arm of his chair. It’s usually how you get his attention and start a conversation about something that’s worrying you: he’ll merely wrap an arm around you and insist that everything will be fine, patting your knee reassuringly as you sit in quiet thought.
- He typically just calls you by your full first name but on occasion, he’ll call you darling, dear or dearest as well. Sometimes; if he’s trying really hard to act normal or relate to someone, he’ll refer to you as “the old ball and chain” but it’s fairly obvious that the phrase is more sarcastic/put on than something he genuinely enjoys saying.
- Considering the fact that he typically has a job to do whenever you’re supposed to be asleep, it isn’t often that the two of you have the time to cuddle. But, whenever he does manage to get the chance, you’ll usually find yourself wrapped up in his arms; your head on his chest and his fingers tracing patterns onto your arms and back.
- Showering together. Like he said: water is the one thing that truly deters the strangers, so it’s only natural for him to enjoy the quiet and the peace of mind that comes with it; not to mention the obvious benefits of shared showers.
- Fetching him things; oftentimes without him asking. What are you gonna do, make him hobble across the room for something while you watch with perfectly functioning appendages? Be nice.
- Receiving calls from him when he’s out of the house. It gives him peace of mind to randomly reach out to you and ensure that you’re alright; even when there’s no real reason for him to be worried. On your end, it’ll just seem like he missed you and wanted to hear your voice, and while that is somewhat true, there’s also probably another reason for it as well.
- Visiting him at his lab/workplace. If you’re unaware of his real occupation then it’ll probably look a lot like a therapists office. But if you are aware then you’ll come and fluster him by appearing in his laboratory without warning; especially before the two of you begin dating.
- Speaking of: if you’d like to think that you knew about the Strangers all along, then you probably acted as a sort of partner in crime to him: either working alongside him to teach John or learning how to control the tuning yourself. I do sort of love the idea of Daniel slowly; and somewhat pathetically, falling in love with his coworker and/or his assistant.
- Helping him with his experiments.
- Helping to calm him down; even if you don’t know anything about his current situation. Sometimes, he’ll come home to you in a panic and just fall to his knees in front of you, clutching at you desperately as he tries his best to even out his breathing and avoid crying into your dress. It’ll scare you half to death but you’ll just have to reassure him that he’s alright and that everything’s okay; no matter how wrong you may be.
- Occasional spontaneity. There’s usually a reason behind his sudden decision to stay home from work and spend the day with you or go out for the night, but you’re almost always none the wiser. You’re just happy you get more time with the love of your life.
- Receiving flowers and other little treats and gifts whenever he returns home to you; things he’ll be sure to drop on instinct if he’s ever confronted with something shocking in your apartment.
- Going to the cinema and the theater.
- Dinner dates.
- Spending quiet evenings at home. Usually, you’ll just sit in front of your fireplace and enjoy each other’s company: reading from different books or having different mundane conversations.
- Listening to radio shows and records.
- Moonlit strolls; as if your strolls could ever not be moonlit.
- Him visiting you at your work and asking you about your day; even though he’s bound to know exactly how it plays out even before you open your mouth. He can’t deny how interesting it is to walk into an entirely different building than the one he’d entered the day before and see you acting in the role he’d assigned for you himself.
- Cleaning his glasses on your skirt and placing them back on his face, or taking them off to kiss him. The action makes him melt into a flustered mess.
- Him buttoning your shirts for you, zipping up your dresses, and clasping your necklaces. He likes how intimate the little acts are.
- He definitely keeps a photo of you in his wallet or office; or anywhere else that's safe and capable of being taken out and viewed at any given moment. He likes having a little piece of you with him at all times.
- Sweet affirmations, telling each other how much you love one another, openly admitting how much he’s missed you, etc. Romantic talk is common in your relationship and oftentimes sickly sweet; the sort of thing you’d be embarrassed to be seen doing because of how pathetically lovey dovey it makes the two of you look.
- For obvious reasons, he thrives in any scenario where a doctor is needed: whether it be putting eye drops in your eyes, making you a special tea to settle your stomach, or bandaging your wounds after a minor accident. Just caring, precise work that makes him feel needed and you feel cared for.
- It’s almost guaranteed that you live together; he wouldn’t have it any other way, and you probably adopt a pet together as well: a cat and some fish, or maybe a bird that serves as both a companion to you and an exercise in irony.
- You can insist you’re fine but he’s always one step ahead of you; picking up on your nervous ticks and pointing them out with a subtle flick of his eye. You’ll merely smile a bit bashfully and accept that he knows, admitting to what’s on your mind as he listens to you carefully. Sometimes it’s a pain to have a boyfriend who can psychoanalyze you but at least you never have to tell him how you’re feeling.
- I mentioned it before, but he knows you like the back of his hand: knows your thoughts as you think them and pulls the words right out of your mouth. Have a specific routine? He can write a schedule for you down to the very last minute. Favorite candy? He buys it the day you feel like having some. In a mood? He can tell the second he steps through the door. It’s like he’s found a way to tap into your brain….
- Daniel is always on your side, no matter the situation. He never lets you get deterred and always tries his best to help you figure things out: acting as a careful and comforting teacher whenever times get tough. Blame it on his occupation; he is a doctor after all.
- He likes knowing your every thought; even the arguably mundane things that should be of no real interest to him. Most of the time it’s to monitor what you know and remember, asking you to “humor him” as you chuckle and say “oh it’s nothing” or “it’s just sort of strange” after making like you were going to tell him something. You’ll think it’s just nonsense but his response, the way he goes quiet like he’s deep in thought before smiling and saying something like “that is strange” makes you wonder whether you should pay it more mind yourself.
- He doesn’t talk much about himself but on occasion, he’ll humor you: telling you about his backstory, his day to day life, etc. None of it is true of course, but it’s as true as any story he can spin. No harm in making up a lie when you can’t remember the truth; especially if it makes you happy.
- If he ever finds himself able to, he’d love to tell you how the two of you truly met and how he fell in love with you to an immeasurable degree. He’ll have to play it carefully though; of course, and he’ll have to do it one step at a time; unless he’s undeniably forced to do it in one fell swoop.
- There’s a moment in time where he finally admits to everything; nervous to the point of tears, explaining what’s happened in secret and what he’s done to bring the two of you together before telling you that he understands if you never want to see him again. And though it’ll take you a moment to process exactly what he’s telling you, you’ll ultimately tell him that you’re not leaving him just yet: watching as he blinks away the shine in his eyes and sighs like the weight of the worlds been lifted off his shoulders.
- A part of him feels as though he doesn’t deserve the happiness he’s constructed for himself. He wonders that if you knew the truth; the full truth, if you’d still be capable of loving him. He’s a traitor to his own kind, a coward, he’s ruined countless lives and you know nothing of that side of him nor the depth of his self loathing that you just barely pick up on. What would happen if you found out? Surely nothing good; though he could certainly hope….
- Daniels a fairly jealous person: mainly because of his fear that you’ll find someone you have a genuine connection with; a love that naturally exceeds the one he’s tried so hard to garner for himself. Most of the time, he’ll merely approach the two of you and passive aggressive say “oh, I see you’ve met my wife” or “if you’ll excuse us, we must be going” before dragging you off and away. By “morning”, you won’t remember them at all and they’ll be moved all the way across town.
- He’s protective in the way a father tends to be and it��s usually for good reason: telling you not to “talk to Strangers”, to call him when you get home, to not go out “tonight”, etc. They’re silly little things that you don’t think twice about so when he tells you to “humor him” it isn’t often that you refuse. Unfortunately for him, he’s never quite sure if it’s safer for him to stay close by or far away.
- Fighting is fairly rare between the two of you: your shared apartment is a refuge for him and he works hard to keep your lives stress free. But on occasion, you just won’t be able to stop an argument from happening; especially when you’re suddenly hyper aware of the fact that he’s lying to or keeping something from you.
- He’s always tempted to erase the fight from your memory but it isn’t often that he goes through with it; he only does so when knowing the truth will put you in danger. Typically, he just apologizes very earnestly and seriously and tries his best to come up with an explanation that’ll both keep you safe and placate you.
- He’s very open about how much he loves you: telling you that he does nearly everyday; amongst other things that would equate to it. He also loves hearing you say it back, and grows so used to you doing so that he’d probably question you if you didn’t; wanting to know if everything was alright.
- Marriage is a definite, but I also think he’d want to have his own little family with you as well. He’d dream about being a father but he’d never find the nerve to bring it up to you; feeling as though it isn’t fair to ask you about it before he’s able to be completely truthful with you.
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weirdcrocodilelady · 2 years
hey!! saw you asking for arthur x reader prompts. i’m sorry if this isn’t what you were really looking for but could you do something more platonic? like arthur being a bit of a father figure for reader :)
I actually think about Harrow as a father (or father figure) a lot...I think he'd be really good at it. He talks to that teenage girl in Episode 2 and she seems really comfortable with him, and it makes me think he probably takes a personal interest in all his followers, regardless of age, and really has that special set of "people skills" that lets him manipulate form close relationships fairly easily. I mean, he's a cult leader. They're kind of known for that...
...But putting aside the cult stuff for now, here's some nice wholesome headcanons:
If he had a "kid" kid (meaning under 18), I think he would definitely homeschool them. He kind of toes the line between wanting to control their learning and be aware of what they're up to at all times, but also having a sincere desire to nurture their interests and let them learn at their own pace without the restrictions of grades, standardized tests, etc. So god forbid he catches his kid reading smutty fanfic that isn't appropriate for their age, he might instead help them find reading material that's more age appropriate but that they still find interesting, and maybe even help them write their own stories. (it's called redirecting, y'all)
I think he would be more restrictive when it comes to their social activities, unfortunately. His worst fear would be for their scales to not balance, so he doesn't let them hang out with anyone who might pressure them to do things that might affect that balance. The hard part of that is, Ammit doesn't exactly offer a handbook detailing what specific activities affect a person's scales, and a kid going to the mall with their friends unsupervised will probably not do anything evil, but why risk it, right?
I have no idea where this came from, but I have this random headcanon that he doesn't trust doctors? So he'd take his kid to get checkups and vaccines and everything only because there isn't really a safe alternative, but he'd be very reluctant and it would probably be one of the rare times he actually appears nervous or anxious to other people. Other than that, he relies on alternative medicines as much as possible and is kind of a genius at that stuff. (Again, this is a REALLY random headcanon that came to me out of nowhere one day, so feel free to take or leave it)
Part of my general backstory for him involves him being really poor for a lot of his life, then ending up with a lot of money due to getting wealthy "backers" on his side when he started the Ammit Club (I decided a while back that Billy Fitzgerald is a millionaire, again, I have no idea where these headcanons are coming from). So if you lived with him when he was younger, money would have been tight and there probably wouldn't have been many luxuries. But he would make things special for you whenever he could. I imagine he's very creative in the kitchen (he had Victor's recipe that one time, but who's to say he couldn't whip up his own unique lentil soup on a whim if he wanted?) and could make all kinds of delicious meals with even the most seemingly random ingredients.
He expects all his followers to help maintain the community as much as they're able to, and it would be the same for those he considers family. But he's not one of those leaders/parental figures who just gives a command and expects you to understand how to do it without any instruction. If someone is new, or younger, or doesn't seem to understand the task, he would explain more clearly or demonstrate, whatever kind of help you needed. He would also give you tips on doing your work more efficiently or easily, if it seems like you're getting bogged down or discouraged. You can come to him with literally anything you're having trouble with, even if it seems like a really simple task that you "should" be able to complete with no problem. He's incredibly patient and a great teacher/mentor.
I fully believe the majority of his physical touches are genuine, and I think touch is probably his love language. Even though he also uses touch to manipulate people into trusting him, he knows that method works for a reason. If you don't like being touched, or you're not comfortable with it at a certain time, you'd have to tell him because his instinct is to reach out and hug you when you're upset. But once you've told him, you'll never have to tell him a second time. He can be perfectly respectful of boundaries when he wants to be (i.e. when the person isn't standing in the way of him springing his goddess free).
I hope this is the kind of thing you were looking for...again, some of these are pretty specific headcanons I made up, so you can take or leave those if you want😅
Thanks for the ask!!!
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allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
heard your head was full of thoughts. spare one for a curious mutual 🫴🫴🫴
(gimme ur thoughts i wanna know)
so rosé canonically doesn't have much lore at all– first season bc karina didn't have roleplay experience and had a headache creating her, and second season because it just didn't come up and rosé's a little shit <3 BUT WE HAVE SOME AND IM EXTRAPOLATING
she had a balcony in her old apartment and an outdoor cat visited her (<- canon. headcanon ->) she said she didn't name it but she started calling it barfield bc it was an orange tabby, then forcibly stopped herself by moving away. every apartment she's had since has had a balcony, though, because she really does love them and she misses the cat. they're the right vibes for her, she thinks.
she cannot cook (the most she can do is reheating stuff) but she is a plants girlie and, on the aformentioned balcony, she grows a buncha vegetables and herbs. she's got tomatoes (much to gma's chagrin) and mint and cucumbers and spinach and basil and also lavender just for funsies!
she's afraid of needles and is also afraid of death. her previous job got violent and she simply had to leave. she'll never get a tattoo or her ears pierced, but she will draw on her skin whenever with enough skill that people will ask her where she got her tattoo.
and fuckin FABIAN he's HAUNTING ME this BOY
he'll send the hangman to other people's houses to check up on them. if someone mentions in the groupchat that they're having a hard time, there is a dog pawing at their front door in the next 5-10 minutes. fuck traffic laws his friends don't feel good :(
he had a crush on adaine freshman year and then felt bad for having a crush bc it wasn't the same sorta relationship as bill/hallariel and focused all his attention onto aelwyn
he wears his blanket battlesheet constantly. It's a sash. it's a scarf. it's a shawl. one notable time it was a skirt over his leggings. he has been dared to wear it superhero-style and those videos Are Blackmail
the more stressed he is the more his dyslexia seems– this school year's been ROUGH. bringing fig or adaine to the banker's is not just great for the extra money he receives but he can also actually ask for the paperwork and have it read over now! he doesn't have to just Go Off His Banker's Word!
that man got his ears pierced when he was 5 by one of bill's friends. pirates wear earrings and bill seacaster will give his boy the chance to wear them. after toxic masculinity is dead he starts wearing some that are less "piratey."
riz and fabian refusing to go to therapy duo :D :D :D
and then ghost stories.
fuckin. bird song by juniper vale is so incredibly gs!fig. i found the song as i was writing chapter two and decided i had to make it the title because it was perfect. just. rahhh. all she wants to do is bond and explore and learn who she is because she may be slightly older in this but the Identity Issues are still Very Prevalent (because i think they come with having shape-shifting abilities)
and actually i have a whole playlist for the au and i have at least one song for every character besides kristen and i can't find a good song for gs!kristen and i'm sobbing
anyway the two for riz are tardigrade song by cosmo sheldrake and false confidence by noah kahan
there's a disproportionate amount of noah kahan on that playlist actually but they all apply to different characters so it's okay!
fig listens to paramore. adaine simply embodies paramore. coincidence i think not (they are so incredibly Besties)
gorgug's majoring in environmental engineering
riz and adaine listen to and read the news daily. fabian's news intake is solely whatever people tell him. fig will listen to the news if it's on but prefers media she can turn her mind off with. gorgug will read news emails. kristen is in a cult.
riz lives about 10 minutes from sklonda. they have lunch together twice a week.
they all love chocolate because chocolate is delicious. however if it's ice cream riz goes vanilla based. this is kinda just a riz headcanon in general however i think fabian brings this up midbattle and riz judges fabian for judging him
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rosiesramblings · 10 months
hear me out I had a Thought that I felt needed to be shared
So dani and Jamie have their super fun crossbar penalty challenge contest whatever right? Which on its own is great and perfect and a lovely lil tradition that started when Jamie had all those walls and defenses but has continued to the times of ✨friendship✨
anywayyyyyy I would like to propose the idea that Dani, once aware of his amigo’s need for affection and fondness for tickling, absolutely 100% proposes to Jamie actual stakes/rewards for their little game. Winner gets to tickle the other! (And after a good few where it’s like Jamie that was a miss on purpose, it’s like okay how bout I tickle you if you win?)
But fun silly bonding with our two aces and some fluffy flustered fun
I literally keep dropping in just with random Jamie hc if I’m annoying please lemme know I’ll chill the fuck out
Also since I keep dropping in I feel like I oughta actually identify myself and since I’m clearly obsessed with Jamie imma just call myself baby shark anon 🦈
BABY SHARK ANON!!!! HELLO!!!! You are never annoying, and I love your Jamie headcannons. Sorry it has taken literal ages for me to respond :( I transferred grad programs from an in person one to an online one since my new job has me traveling a lot, but somehow the online program is like 10x more work??? Like I'm happy im learning stuff and not wasting my money but also chill?? Lol. ANYWAY, thank you for your patience, and please enjoy these headcannons.
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Dani feels major cuteness aggression when it comes to Jamie. He just wants to SQUEEZE HIS FACE and make him smile!!!
Dani loves to teach people things, and Jamie loves to learn. When Dani feels homesick, Jamie will ask him for facts about Guadalajara (did i spell that right? who's to say)
Dani grew up in a warm, loving home, and he hates that Jamie didn't. He goes out of his way to be sweet to his amigo
He is also competitive as hell. So he figures out a way to combine his love for competition and Jamie's love for physical affection
Jamie's spanish vocabulary consists of hello, where is the bathroom, several swear words, and the word 'tickles' purely because Dani coos it at him so often to tease him
If anyone was wondering I'm like 80% sure tickles in spanish is cosquillas which is just such a cute word
Dani's first attempt to combine tickles and the crossbar game is a failure only because Jamie's skill level plummets from 'professional footballer' to 'toddler' as soon as he hears what happens to the loser
After three rounds of Jamie acting like he had never kicked a football in his life, with one hand in Jamie's underarm and the other squeezing Jamie's thigh, Dani play growls and says, "New rule. Winner gets the cosquillas, not the loser."
Jamie blushes all the way down to his chest but nods
And just like that, professional footballer Jamie is back!
One thing Dani didn't account for is that sometimes he will win, and Jamie seems to enjoy taking him to pieces as much as he likes being tickled to death himself
Dani grew up with four sisters and three brothers, and he dreads the day when Jamie will find the spot behind his left ribs that his siblings use against him constantly because it gets him to go boneless and shriek-y with laughter
After a while, Sam will come and watch their games. If Dani wants to get Jamie really bad, he'll ask Sam to help pin him down, which Sam does happily
That's how Jamie accidentally found out that tickling under Sam's arms will get him to collapse immediately with these adorable golden giggles
[I saw this in a fic once but i can't remember which one] collectively, Sam, Jamie, and Dani are known as 'The Babies' by the rest of the team. They aren't the youngest physically, but they act like it
Sorry, couldn't resist adding Sam at the end. Thank you for this amazing ask, Baby Shark Anon! Te quiero!
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hopepunk-priest · 2 years
Okay since everyone's doing it, I'm gonna do it too
My version takes place in the 70's, the gang is college-aged, dodging the draft by solving mysteries with a background of the rise of grindhouse horror films, second wave feminism, student strikes, "the silent majority," environmentalism, Watergate, Queer liberation, and groovy rock music. As a more adult take, the monsters of the week and overarching villains will reflect, criticize, and celebrate the cultural movements of being in your early 20's during the 70's. That means villains ranging from nerds in star wars costumes to paranoid political scandals to actual real aliens. Stakes range from being inconvenienced to being in mortal peril.
Fred Jones: Mom friend with first aid training (that he learned from med students during a campus protest), the moral compass of the show in that he reminds the gang that laws exist and they are very much on the run, fucking HATES Nixon dude like HATES Nixon. Heart's always in the right place, even if things don't always work out. Knowledgeable in traps and whatever level of engineering is needed to solve the episode, also acts as the primary face. Also just loves mysteries.
Norville "Shaggy" Roberts: former track star, dropped out of culinary school, collects cool belt buckles a la original series, straight man in the horror movie "maybe we don't go in the haunted house" way, brave considering zombies and witch's ghosts are straight up real and he will still never leave his friends to face danger alone. Anxiety disorder he treats with weed, super knowledgable in pop culture which also gives him a variety of random trivia needed to fill gaps when needed. I think he really likes Lord of the Rings and Pink Floyd. Good at riddles.
Daphne Blake: inferiority complex because of her many successful siblings, wants to be a journalist like Gloria Steinem. Has taken a few self defense classes, but overall acts as the second face for the group. Still into make-up and fashion, and can use her skills (and a little high school theatre experience) to make believable disguises. She can pick up when someone's lying and can pick locks.
Velma Dinkley: Jewish. Loves mysteries and paranormal fiction, believes in conspiracy theories and urban legends. Her intelligence specializes in puzzles, historical, and chemical knowledge. She can be reckless, but only because she becomes very single-minded when she's onto something. Snarky, lesbian, and headstrong.
Scooby: Mischievous, food motivated, and gentle. Protective of the group, Scooby is just a big, goofy great dane who doesn't understand he isn't a lapdog anymore. He can talk, no one inside the group questions it, and only a select few outside the group even notice (part of the mystery). Intergalactic being but doesn't know it, he's much more dog than other iterations.
Scrappy: Just appears one episode, everyone acts like he's always been there. Revealed at the end that he's actually a trickster deity, comes in and causes chaos every now and then mostly just to fuck with Scooby.
The Hex Girls: a psychedelic witch-rock group with a heavy emphasis on environmental protection and new age metaphors, actual witches, a sound somewhere between Cream, Hendrix, and Stevie Nicks. Genuinely just friends with the gang.
Scooby is Shaggy's emotional support dog.
Daphne and Fred are together, healthy, and often end up hyping each other up to the point where other members have to step in and go "you're getting carried away, can we focus."
Daphne and Velma met at a feminist rally, and often have nuanced discussions about different feminist theories. Honestly, most likely to commit very real crimes to get to the bottom of a mystery.
Fred and Velma met in elementary school at a Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew book club (or whatever the 50's equivalent of this was) where they were the only two members. Their friendship is like an anti-macho brotherhood, paralleling the overly masculine friendships of the era.
Daphne met Shaggy in High School and she immediately adopted him the way extroverts adopt introverts. She is very dedicated to helping him build confidence, and Shaggy helps her with her inferiority complex and keeps her true to herself.
Fred and Shaggy are very physically affectionate, share a brain cell, most likely to get into shenanigans if left alone together. Second most likely to get into shenanigans if left alone together are Fred and Daphne.
Shaggy and Velma have a shared interest in music and films, and love talking conspiracy theories.
Shaggy and Scooby are inseparable. Real boy and his dog vibes.
They all smoke weed on screen, are constantly broke, they all are capable of being equally intelligent and dumb as rocks, they're all snarky in their own way, and they all say things like jinkies and Ruh Roh to like... Murders and cryptid kidnapings and issues of national security.
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blacky-nikki-art · 2 years
For Iberis 👀:
4, 7, 13, 38, 43
That's a lot of questions but let's go!
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Not really. Iberis-3 was a random OC and Young Wolf so it was 'prepared' for me as the gamer. I didn't expect Iberis to slap THAT MUCH. I didn't really care whether he fits or not. My style of storytelling is much different than the canonic one from Destiny 2. More comedy with a lot of sad stuff in life. (The black comedy, I guess). I just keep going, If I disliked something, I just get rid of this but I want to be sure it fits the main story of the game.
I didn't know what I did but it worked. Just some trust in myself in this rare moment.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes, a lot. Usually, the Young Wolf is a character who looks like they forget how to speak but exactly knows how to punch someone's face. Silent OP character.
In the begging Iberis was supposed to have a much different character. More moody, mean shit without reason, who doesn't care about anyone. Boring Edge Lord. Luckily he changes to the current version.
My art style is not really similar to the canon one. I prefer cartoonish/comic style with too expressive faces and body language. Exos in the game are not really expressive (except Cayde cuz he was the only one Exo with eyebrows, srl. But y'know, It was Cayde, the very very special one).
I gave more human behavior to exo - crying, able to be drunk what is said in the lore-books they can't do. Even able to blush. Full realism and being 100% accurate to the canon is not my jam but looks like ppl don't blame and mock me for this so why not use this?
Also, my fake tooths, in my version, Exos have fake teeth 'cause It works better for me than the black whatever is it. So much stylization.
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4) How easy is it to earn their trust?
It's a hard question. Usually, Iberis doesn't give his trust easily to anyone. His trauma in blueberry years, working with the Vanguards, and being the Famous Young Wolf learn him to not be open to others. But it doesn't mean Ibi cannot give trust someone.
Iberis-3 opens up when he has to deal with too strong emotions for him or he feels really bad and/or overwhelmed. He's very emotional but also he's a master at hiding this.
Also, he's able to give some trust if someone shares the same passion as him. Especially plants but painting and drawing too.
7) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Definitely his early years on the farm. I don't mean the farm from EDZ but one in the Last City. Iberis-3 in his blueberry years left the tower and he refused to be a guardian but it's a story for another time. The farm was his workplace but also his 1st home. Eddy, his friend let him live here when Iberis was homeless but later Ibi become a part of this family.
In this place, Iberis finally starts to feel accepted and comfortable with himself, that he's something more than an undead warrior where only his combat skills mean something.
This farm was ruined during Red War. Eddy and his family survived this hard time, unlucky except for Eddy's dad who died at the begging attack on the city.
After/During Red War Iberis become the new Young Wolf so it was meant back to his role of guardian. He wasn't able back to Eddy's family. He still misses them but he knows it never be the same now.
13) What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Iberis usually like to wear black, grey, or white t-shirts with prints. He doesn't say no to colorful ones but he can be picky about this. He doesn't like main bright colors.
Did he look good? In my humble opinion yes, but everyone has their own sense of fashion so...
Tricky question.
38) What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Actually, there are two.
The 1st one is the death of Cayde. Iberis can't forgive himself because he wasn't able to save Cayde. The consequences are still with him until now (I mean especially Crow, the story for a different time too). Sometimes Iberis is wonder how it would be if Forsaken never happened. Maybe everything would be easier? We never knew the answer.
The 2nd one is related to Forsaken but that's more my story. Iberis after this broke up with Shiro. Both of them had personal problems after what happened in the Prison of Elders. Shiro has pissed off cuz Iberis goes alone to kill all barons and Uldren. Shiro was the last one of the hunter trio and lost many friends so losing the loved one was too much for him. Shiro chooses to be alone than lost another person in his life. He regrets this later.
On the other side, Iberis had to do this. We all know why so I don't think it's necessary to explain. Iberis is still back to these memories if he wanted or not.
Spoiler, not a spoiler. Ibi and Shiro are back to themself in the Season of Splicer. Both idiots had to grow up.
43) If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
One of the biggest enemies in his life. Iberis is not a person who shows his feeling around people, romantic too. You'll almost never see how Iberis and Shiro show their feelings around others.
Iberis is unable to explain why he's gay. It's natural to him if we can use 'natural' when we talk about Exo. It's just the way he is. He likes other men and... That's it.
In his personal opinion asking him why he is gay is rude and nosy. Why do you even care? Usually, when someone asks him about this he just says he's gay and the end of the theme. Thank you, goodbye.
I hope I answer everything correctly. Thx for your questions!
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charubblogs · 1 year
Reaserch log one
date: -redated-
scientist conducting testing: -redated-
reaserch subject dubbed "Cherry sour" due to the bait used and colorations on the subjects cheek protrusions.
attitude of subject aptly has remained combative to all forms of authority or commands. two agents in subject handling have recived small injuries, allowing me to find my first peice of information about the species.
the extraterrestrials jaws are a vary complex mechanism, with the ability to tighten its face to more resemble what seems to be a facsimile of a human skull or loosen it to give a set of false lips. behind the first set of jaws is a secondary jaws resembling that of a phython, set backwards to ensure that once bitten, the target has little recourse in escape.
subject shows human level of intellagaince, able to operate celluler devices, computers and modi, even creating its own from what seem to be scraps.
communication attempts one through three have been transcriped and will be attached to the end of the document.
findings from communication attempts:
subject dosent seem to register attempts to switch languges even in the middle of sentances. seemingly able to learn how to communicate in the new languge with abnormal speed to near native levels as long as they hear enough of the languge first.
cherry sour shows misanthropic tendancies, showing little empathy towards their victims nor their attempts to falsely imprison a human for their home.
subject responds well to trade attempts, tradeing information about their species for a box of "cherry sours" and the ability to speak freely and honestly for their cell phone.
they seem willing to trade a computer for the ability to speak with their "sister". will ask head-quarters to provide a cheap gameing computer to see if over-tradeing will result in extra information or the ability to run small physical tests.
Communication attempt one: subject brought to holding facility, reaserch under heavy guard and only allowed to commuicate with subject outside of barrier.
-redacted-: Could you please state your name?
-Redacted-: Could you tell me why you attacked the agents transporting you here?
-redacted-: and what would you have tried to take if they managed to succeed?
-redacted-: I see. can you tell me where you come from? why did you attack Frank quichmen?
-redacted-: please stay on topic.
-Redacted-: you can live underwater?
subject at this point lost intrest in the conversation and loudly played music from their phone, no longer responding to any form of verbal response. Second commnication attempt starts when seemingly at random the subject began speaking to me when i was makeing rounds.
-redacted-: you didnt feel the need to kill him?
-redacted-: oh I have a kid that loves that game...so what stopped you?
-redacted-: you said sister, you have a sibling? we only recorded one pick up...
subject: YEAH.
-redacted-: so that would mean shes still out there?
Subject: MAYBE.
-Redacted-: i see where not getting anywhere like this...
-Redacted-: really? where you never provided the ration pack?
-redacted-: we can set up something with the chef to see what you would find more fullfilling, for right now all I can really offer are some cherry sours I got from the gas station
-Redacted-: really? well... if you can help me learn a bit more, im sure I can get you some more, maybe even introduce you to some other Cherry candies.
conversation ended as subject ate through what may have been 4 pounds of cherry sour balls. we had agents go and quickly collect a small stock pile to futher tempt the subject but they seem to lack any ability to stop themselves, only stopping when they find that there is none left.
third communication attempt.
-Redacted- and how does that work...?
-redacted-: I cannot think of a singuler reason why you would need something like that... regardless, would it be possible to speak with her?
-redacted-: we can talk about that later, for now, we can perhaps help assuage your sisters fear by providing some more furniture, a computer, bed, things like that. but we do need you to start helping us more, do you understand?
reaserchers final evaluation:
subject is violent, crude and seemingly incapable of remorse. recommending tightened security or a custom facility to be made. subject can be subdued easily but should negotations fail we can learn just as much from a cadaver as we can a live subject.
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jadj · 1 year
Spider-Man 4 Plot Ideas
Alright, currently learned that Sony is in the works for a potential 4rth installment of a live-action Spider-Man and wit upcoming content of the web-slinger. here are my plot ideas that's based on a couple of theories I got.
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Since No Way took place during Peter, Ned, & M.J.'s time trying to go to a university and after Dr. Strange casted the spell to erase everybody's memories of Peter, there's a close up to the table at his apartment with a G.E.D. test nearing the end of the film. The fourth film should have a two year time skip, showing Peter attending a university going for a Computer Science or Technical Engineering major. He's still saving people as Spider-Man, but he's seen a new hero from the New York residents.
He would be a part-time student and full-time employee at a coffee shop, the same one where M.J.'s at, for this story idea he SHOULD NOT succeed restoring his her and Ned's memories back in the fourth film, it will be great to just focus on Peter's new life, with a more slice of life focus sprinkled her and there with his redo as a vigilante, no super villain(s) at the moment. How would he bump into Ned? At the university of course, since Ned was trying to sign up for the same university as Peter.
This whole plot is a somber slice of life story where Peter spent these two years getting by in life: Taking care of himself financially, saving people from crooks, going to college, and working at a barista struggling with the desire to get close to them, due to his deep concern to get his friends due to being a hero.
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Since she already made her appearance in live-action for the Amazing Spider-Man film back on the 2010's, and the Peter from this film met her and dated her during his time at university. It would awesome to see how Jon Watts would include one of Spider-Man's love interest form the graphic novels. While Peter is torn between restoring M.J. and Ned's memories back or never befriend them. Meanwhile he's going to school and meets a specific smart blonde girl in one of his classes, that same girl may befriend him and over time they become close pals.
This particular plot idea is leaning towards the somber slice of life approach still, added with internal conflict to Peter's struggle to get his former girlfriend and friend back. He would get along well with somebody new, and they'll build a foundation over their affinity for science and whatever similar fascinations. He may feel a bit guilty for this newfound friendship because he may think he's "replacing them". However, towards the end he could ultimately make his choice to move on from his past and carry on with new life and learning to accept to let his friends be for their own protection.
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What would be Gwen's fate? Honestly, I would think it'll be awesome to hint at the idea of Gwen becoming Spider-Gwen, or Ghost Spider in this version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. So, adding some hints in the middle of the fourth film that Gwen is skilled making little gadgets, involved in boxing or any combat sports club, and/or very curious about the red and blue hero, wanting to help out the city in the same way. Or she might become Ghost Spider, AFTER finding out Peter's secret identity, keeps it a secret, and want to join him, just make his vigilantism halfway easier to manage. This version of Ghost Spider clearly wouldn't have spider powers, but would use homemade tech, stealth, and expert fighting techniques.
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The end credit scene where Eddy & Venom disappeared out of the pub, Venom panics and doesn't want to go. He left a spec of his goo on the pub counter. This is where the random plot ideas for the fourth and possibly fifth installment of Jon's version Spider-Man. I don't think introducing a symbiote in the 4rth film is necessary. however, this plot idea can work for a 5th film. Maybe that back goo infects a random pub attendee, and it keeps spreading to multiple people, maybe a science organization gets their hand one somebody boned with the symbiote, researching them. That person escapes, and rampages through New York, Spider-Man and Ghost Spider fight it, and they win, but peter gets a little of that symbiote on his suite, where he'll go through the process of becoming what he did from the many times Symbiote!Peter has been retold. Gwen along some heroe(s), let's say.. Fantastic Four, since Mr. Fantastic was the one from the graphic novels he researched the symbiote and had some knowledge of it than Peter. Hell, Mr. Fantastic could be apart of the organization researching the prior host before they rampaged.
These are my random plot ideas that sounds awesome takes on how to expand Jon Watts' version of Spider-Man and it's world post No Way Home. Curious, what are your plot ideas you think would be nice to see?
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