#where can i read more of her books i'm running out of translated source to read 😭i'm so hangover after this
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bellaroles · 1 year ago
I like it that their rivalry didn't stop after their falling in love but their care for each other is more obvious every chapter. Cui Buqu seems cold and distant sometimes but that's on the outside. The feelings are mutual. And they still can't stop bickering lol.
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sancta-seraphina · 5 months ago
Hi, I hope this isn't too complex a question. What books would you recommend for someone looking to get into angels? I'm looking for anything... lore, other novels to read, comics, whatever you can offer
Oh man, please don't apologize, this is exactly my type of question! Also this post got a bit long.
Obviously, there are tons of references for lore. If you're looking for a basic run-down of angels in the Bible itself, I'm writing a series of posts on that subject specifically, even if updates are few and far between right now (I'm so, so sorry, the ballet eats all of my time):
[Biblically Accurate Angels Part I - Seraphim, Cherubim & Ophanim]
[Biblically Accurate Angels Part II - The Named Angels]
This is because the easiest and most accessible information on angels is in the Bible itself (and hey guess what—you can read the Bible for free online! If you need a translation suggestion, I would go for the ESV bibles, and there's a Catholic edition of the ESV if that's an issue. You could also get the NCB which is what I cited)
If you don't mind chewy literature, then I'd say please read Pseudo-Dionysius' De Coelesti Hierarchia, or St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. I cite both of these in my posts on angels since they're rather standard sources of information on them, and they're also where the Catholic church gets its canon from.
A great reference, even if I don't particularly agree with everything stated in it, is Gustav Davidson's A Dictionary of Angels. Most people look at it for angel names, but I'm very interested in his sources, since many of them I've not yet managed to get my little paws on.
I'm not even going to get into my favorite sources of angel lore because this is enough for someone just looking to start. I can do a separate post on those if people want them.
Now. Moving on from lore.
For classic literature, my two obvious recommendations are for The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost. Over on IG, myself and Jami (@a-thenais) made a little book recommendation post. [You can find it here]. Being the angels nerds we are, everything is pretty on theme and has poetry, scripture, classics... the only thing we didn't do is current angel literature.
So for that, if you want a popular series, than I'd say go take a look at @nicosraf's Angels trilogy, especially since he just announced a new short novel coming out in December!
I personally also like @marsadler's First Creation, although I'd recommend his works mainly for horror fans.
And lastly, if you don't mind waiting/are keeping a list of angel books that are coming out, well, of course I'd suggest my own series [The Divine Tragedy], even if horror isn't everyone's cup of tea. The main series (Holiest, The Harrowing, & Heresiarch) and the series of novellas (The Infernal Apocrypha) are heavy on the horror, but in my last project, the Sepher Metatron, only the third part has horror in it, and the rest of it is more palatable to non-horror fans (the very first part of the book is also fully illustrated)
But if you can read Italian, then I'd also suggest @a-thenais' Nova Apocrypha Vulgata series! These are three novels (Thanatos, Hybris, & Afasia) that she is working towards publishing, and a few additional works too. You can read about them on her tumblr, and I've done multiple fanarts for them. We also tend to consider TDT and NAV 'twins', so if TDT is something you want to read, NAV will also something you'd probably like!
If you want to follow some angel artists, then please check out my pals @ultrainfinitepit (who makes gorgeous angel pins which I hoard) and @helplessavacado, both of whom have their own unique styles and stories as well.
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allgirlsareprincesses · 3 months ago
Hi. Not sure if you've answered this before, but do you have a list of books to recommend on fairytale/mythic analysis?
So I finally have a real response to this question, but it's LONG, be warned:
First, it depends what you want to get out of your folklore study, what lens you'd like to use for analysis. And second, it's important to know that the practice of folktale analysis has changed over time, especially in the last ~15 years or so as the scholarly consensus has evolved toward decolonization.
For example, the common historical starting place was Bruno Bettleheim's The Uses of Enchantment. Candidly, I haven't read it yet for a few reasons: 1) It focuses fairly exclusively on Western European fairy tales like those of Grimm, Basile, and Perrault. 2) It assumes the primary audience for such tales are children. 3) It's a white man's perspective, and there are already enough of those to go around. That said, it's considered a foundational text for folklore study, so I'll probably get to it eventually. There are some modern authors who might be considered scholarly successors of Bettleheim, like Maria Tatar. I haven't read her books yet but I know she's also a powerhouse of Western fairy tale analysis.
Some other popular perspectives include the works of Carl Jung and his protégés in psychoanalysis, Marie-Louise von Franz and Erich Neumann. These are wonderful sources for learning about depth psychology and the universal unconscious which causes certain motifs to recur in storytelling across the globe and over centuries. Another popular author in this field is Robert Bly, who dove deeply into the concept of the Shadow as it appears in folk tales.
But for me, my favorite sources have been a collection of feminist authors who were active in the late 80s and early 90s, notably Barbara Fass Leavy and the incomparable Clarissa Pinkola Estes. While their work is pretty firmly grounded in second-wave feminism and therefore not very intersectional as we understand it today, they were the first to begin exploring interpretations of folk tales outside of a patriarchal context. I personally refer to Leavy's In Search of the Swan Maiden and Estes' Women Who Run With the Wolves more than any other books.
A lot of the most current perspectives are only accessible via blogs, like Jeana Jorgensen AKA The Foxy Folklorist, who often explores fairy tales through a Queer lens. Another brilliant voice working today is Helen Nde of Mythological Africans, who is doing the long-overdue work of decolonizing African folklore.
And while all these sources will help you develop a framework for analysis, still one of the best things you can do is read the tales for yourself. One of my favorite series is that of Heidi Anne Heiner of Sur La Lune Fairy Tales, who has amassed impressive collections of folk tales of the same type from around the world, making comparison easy. She also provides excellent footnotes that offer context to the versions and translations she's selected, and every tale has a source.
Outside of that, I like to read regional collections from indigenous scholars and native speakers: some editors will even include a copy in the original language along with the English translation, thus allowing others to "check their work." One of my favorite folkorists like this is Inea Bushnaq, who collects Arab folktales and again provides accessible cultural context. It's important to remember that most oral folktales which are now available in English were first recorded by colonizers, so the versions we have may be edited, mistranslated, or even maliciously altered to suit Western tastes. This is why seeking out versions from actual members of indigenous communities is critical.
Right now, I'm reading The Japanese Psyche: Major Motifs in the Fairy Tales of Japan by Hayao Kawai, and I'm next going to try Oral World and Written Word by Susan Niditch. I tend to just go where the spirit moves me, journal a bit, go down a research rabbit hole about a particular topic... it's fun. But whatever you're looking to get out of your folk tale study, rest assured you will never run out of material!
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aoflameandco · 1 year ago
GrimmNell: character study
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Well-well-well, I mentioned once that my GrimmNel brainrot is far from being over - so here we go! What else's to analyze about them though? Well, this time we have a new subject to focus on... the Bleach personality quiz!
Yes, I know it's a bit questionable source for a character study, but let me explain! June 2011. The third Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED was released in Japan. This databook was mostly famous for giving Ulquiorra a more detailed backstory and showing more of Halibel and her Fracción. However, there was another small tidbit for Arrancar's fans - the official quiz from Kubo - Which Bleach character are you? 
The quiz was extremely simple.  Add up the numbers of your full date of birth and don't forget your blood type. Voila! In the end you get a short profile about your Bleach "personality type", which highlights the key qualities of this particular character.
Now, y'all know where I'm going with this. So, what's like to be like Grimmjow- or Nel according to the databook? Let's check it!
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And- Even without any translation, we immediately bump into the first problem. There's only Nel's profile. Not Nelliel's.
Well, they're the same person! It would be weird to separate them, right? But yeah... there's a solid difference in a way her kid and adult forms act.
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So the question remains - can we apply this profile's info to the adult Nelliel? Let's read it to find out.
a bit messy not word to word translation's incoming, pls take it with a grain of salt
Cheerful and playful
Nel type!
Good at opening people's hearts. Very quick to make bonds, no matter with who - friends or foes. She is attentive and good at conveying information to those around her. But sometimes she says too much.
• works at her own pace • high sense of camaraderie • doesn't run away from difficulties • hero of justice
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Ofc this info perfectly fits baby Nel. She quickly befriended Ichigo, even though he was a shinigami; she was a sort of his guide, explaining how Hueco Mundo works; also she is a big chatterbox, saying surprisingly harsh things sometimes. Her attentive side shined during the Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight, when she noticed Orihime's turmoil and gave her a good advice. She is surely down for justice, but it's a little bit difficult to fight for it in her small body. So the real Nelliel has to step up.
Same qualities but a different approach - that's what I would say about adult!Nel. And it's very visible when it comes to her later interactions with Grimmjow, esp in CFYOW.
But before giving some bright examples, let's take a look at his quiz profile as well - to understand the similarities and contrasts between these two characters.
Responsible but mischievous
Grimmjow type
There's still a bit of a boyish heart (shounen no kokoro) in him. But deep inside he's unexpectedly serious and has a sense of responsibility. He catches the information fast and adapts quickly, but his tendency to get bored could be a problem. If he'll improve this aspect, good fortune is likely to come his way.
• has a sense of responsibility • thrives in adversity • quickly adapts • gets bored easily
And - the quiz highlighted thrice (!) that Grimmjow is indeed a responsible person. Something Nelliel didn't expect as well. As a true hero of justice she was prepared to stop Sexta as soon as he starts an unnecessary violence. But to her surprise - Grimmjow was far from an uncontrollable beast and followed his own codex.
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A sense of responsibility didn't turn Grimmjow into an obedient boy though. Him and Nel keep arguing due to their different perspectives - especially when it comes to handling the former enemies.
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Nelliel easily bonds with anyone - quincy, Aura, etc., meanwhile Grimmjow picks a fight as a first option. This choice isn't just a result of his bloodthirst though. Grimmjow's survival instincts are strong, so he always stays on guard and doesn't trust easily. That's why he warns Nelliel that her pacifism might end up badly for them all.
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Another proof that even though he acts as if he doesn't belong to the group, Grimm isn't as indifferent as he pretends to be. Very responsible of him, huh?
Yet there's another obstacle in their dynamic. Their pacing. Grimmjow is quick to adapt and quick to act, meanwhile Nelliel doesn't like to rush and prefers to gather as much information as possible.
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Hard to say who's wrong in this case. Quick reaction benefited Grimmjow in general, but ofc Nel likes to remind him about Askin's incident, her favorite argument to cool him down.
And usually her persuasion works, surely Grimm argues back but still stops. When his stubbornness wins though- there's no way that Nelliel will just let him go. She'll do everything to find him, stop him and bring him back.
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Nel complaints but doesn't give up on her fellow arrancar, no matter how difficult the other side is. Knowing Grimmjow's past, the sense of camaraderie isn't an empty word for him too. With creak he opens up to Nel, sharing his thoughts with her. Even though she is too bold with her words sometimes, it doesn't look like Sexta feels a grudge against her.
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Grimmjow isn't a friendly type. He likes to fight, but a disappointed look quickly appears on his face, if his enemy doesn't meet expectations. He gets bored easily, he always needs some action. And yet- for some reason Nelliel got his attention.
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There's no doubt that he sees her as a nice opponent, he even provoked her to fight with a smirk. He easily forgets anyone who didn't pique his interest and yet Nel's reiatsu is safely stored in his memory.
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However, it wouldn't be correct to reduce Grimmjow's attention to a desire to fight, when we have several scenes of him watching Nelliel's peaceful shenanigans. He was calmly watching over kid Nel in anime probably wondering about the connection between this brat and the mighty Tres, he was dying of boredom, but still didn't take his eyes off her tea party in the novel. Even Halibel noticed it and offered him to join, but ofc he proudly refused.
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So what did we confirm again? Even though Grimmjow and Nelliel share rather opposite views when it comes to socializing or making decisions, some of their character traits are surprisingly compatible. Grimmjow gained some respect points, when Nel started to notice his responsible side, meanwhile he opened up to her pushy yet reliable presence. Nelliel doesn't give up on her persuasion and he doesn't get bored of arguing with her. Covering eo's flaws they make quite a powerful duo, isn't?
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So let's hope we'll see more of their rocky bond next season~
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deusvervewrites · 1 year ago
What I meant, is how should I plan the writing, like reading the manga or looking for inspiration in different stories?
Generally, yes, I would suggest being familiar with the source material if you intend on changing it. Whether that's the anime or manga or binging the wiki is up to you--I personally have a the wiki and a fan translation of the manga up at all times for reference.
Now, over time and thanks to asks on this blog and my various projects, I've become extremely familiar with various parts of canon, but an encyclopedic knowledge is not required so long as you can quickly find any information you need.
This is important for a few reasons. Chiefly, many readers will be familiar with canon and will notice discrepancies, which can be both a good and bad thing. For example, I greatly enjoy using canon events as a form of Dramatic Irony, like in Haigha when the Hosu Noumu attack never happens.
Being familiar with canon is also important for characterization purposes. If you really know how a character acts in canon it's easier to know how they'll respond to changes, making their personalities feel more fleshed out.
(Note that something feeling fleshed out is not always the same as it actually being fleshed out. Both is better, but the first is all you strictly need, and you rarely want to only have the second.)
More crucially to this ask, it makes the planning easier.
I'm assuming if you're rewriting canon and asking about planning things out, you aren't strictly following the way that things went in canon, and are doing something closer to my fics, where I cascade a single change into many more. This is the reason I'm personally so acquainted with canon. Knowing how each event in canon led to others makes it easier to see how changing any event will change the rest.
For example, the League attacked the Forest Camp to discredit Heroes, to acquire Search, and to recruit Bakugou. Either the League could have gone after Ragdoll at any time (presumably, it's possible they couldn't find her, though that seems unlikely), but waited until the Training Camp so they could also deal a blow to UA's reputation and acquire Bakugou. And they only wanted Bakugou because of how the Sports Festival ended. In other words, if the League doesn't have a way to find the camp, doesn't want Bakugou, doesn't want Search, and/or doesn't care about UA, there is no Forest Camp Attack.
As for inspiration, it can come from anywhere. Canon, fanfic, other works of media, random things you see in your day-to-day life, literally anywhere. I generally recommend that writers read lots of things--not just fanfic, either, but consume all kinds of media--to see more plots, narrative voices, technical writing, pacing, etc.
You can learn so, so much by reading books or watching tv or movies or playing games that don't even seem related to what you're actually planning on writing.
For example, here's HK47 in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 teaching you how to kill superheroes Jedi
I'm not sure looking for inspiration is necessarily the best way to put it. I find that ideas are fickle things, much like cats. They rarely show themselves when you actively seek them out, but come to you on their own terms.
The more stories you read/watch/play, the more familiar you will be with storytelling and common narrative beats, and the easier it will be to see the connections between ideas. This is as true with fanfic as with any canon material.
Here's a practical example. As of writing this, I'm running a series of polls titled Let's Make A Shonen! where I had various selections of tropes, settings, and plot devices necessary to create the barebones of a hypothetical shonen series. At the end of which, I'll write up the plot synopsis of the resulting series. At this moment, Magic is winning the Power System poll by a landslide at more than twice the second-place option, and in the How Does The Protagonist Learn Their Powers poll, the front-runner is the the powers themselves are sentient.
With about 50 hours left in the poll, I've agonized a bit over how I wanted to combine these plot points, before the answer came to me. Magacite from Final Fantasy 6--where Espers are turned into crystal upon death which can be used as a means of summoning that Esper or to teach magic to the party member equipped with that Magacite. By taking this idea and tweaking it, I can fit it neatly into place as the combination of those two polls, and by extreme coincidence I can tie it into several other polls as well, such as the main antagonist being The Government and the first arc being a Fetch Quest. The protagonist needs to get the Legally-Distinct-Magacite before the government does. Easy.
This is something I'd never have thought of if I hadn't known about the plot of Final Fantasy 6, which, while overlapping, isn't a shonen at all.
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zorya-reads · 2 months ago
Chapter 12.
The Lost Princess
Context: Binah’s living her best life on holiday in her London penthouse, enjoying the peace and quiet, when suddenly Lottie FaceTimes her at the ungodly hour of the morning (Ellie would riot.), tasking her to just casually break into their school, so that Lottie doesn't need to wait a few weeks to watch Season 3 of 'Ancient-Drama: The Legacy'.
Homegirl living in Covent Garden in London couldn’t be more perfect.
Before the chapter: Why didn’t Binah go to Japan? With her Korean background, we really missed out on a cool figuring-out-family-secrets arc. It would’ve been interesting to see her in a setting where she doesn’t have all the info from excessive stalking. Plus, the potential for a Sayuri and Binah friendship and bonding over Japanese history books?? We were robbed.
I appreciate homegirl staying true and consistent to her colour scheme.
Ok but her getting up early and starting the day slow is such a vibe. That's how I wanna live. (And I want the Penthouse.)
PLANT MOM BINAH. This girl’s got more plants than a Kew Gardens display and chlorophyll running through her veins.
Binah seeing a call from Lottie and instantly saying, "Yeaaa, screw my plans today, whatever that girl wants will 100% wreck it." Mood.
BINAH BREAKING INTO ROSEWOOD HDHDHSHDJS — Same energie as first-year Hermione breaking 352782 rules, setting a teacher on fire, continuing to drug her peers to do identity theft, trapping a journalist in a jar and blackmailing them for a year, breaking into a bank … Yea, you get the idea. So, any guesses who Binah's idol might be?
And Binah being excited for it???
But let’s talk about how wild this quest is—like??? Realistically??? Rosewood is for princesses and elite kids: The security systems there are probably tighter than those one of The Tower of London. Even during summer. And Binah’s just like, "Nah, I'm cool, let’s go." Babe, you’re not Kaz Brekker, and this ain’t the Ice Tribunal. (Or Gringotts, for that sake.)
Lottie’s a rose, and Ellie’s a Rhiganthella Gardeneri, a rare orchid. As the god spoke.
... According to the German translation. This is so weird, omg: I wanted to look up that flower name, and when I checked the English PDF, it literally just says: “Ellie was more difficult, a western underground orchid that required digging through the ground to reveal its sweet fragrant flowers,” without mentioning the specific type of orchid at all. I appreciate the information in my copy, except that it wasn’t even spelled correctly, lol. This also makes me second-guess whether Binah was only an insufferable little shit in Undercover Princess in the German copy, where she used unnecessarily long words for no reason. (Which, in case you’re unaware like Binah, doesn’t make you persuasive, since no one can follow your argument.) I rest my case.
Anyway, here’s the flower that Binah thinks represents Ellie the most, in case you’re curious:
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✧ Source: Wikipedia, Picture by Fred Hort with Colour Correction in Lightroom
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✧ I recreated the Chapter / Binah in the Sims 4 lol
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✧ Read All Chapter Reactions
Premise: I’m rereading the Rosewood Chronicles Series for the first time after years, so take my chaotic commentary with a grain of salt (or a whole salt shaker). Open to spoilers.
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dailyrecaps · 2 years ago
That's why dividends are good - [a couple lunches out per month with your spendy co-workers who throw away their one-source-hard-earned dollars every day.] PAY YOURSELF FIRST, not the restaurant as you succumb to peer pressure.
*Realization 1. when raylyn wanted to check out a huge dragon/fairy chapter book... why don't you just imagine all your hopes reading in this book? What do you think happens? What all would you want to happen? What do you need to read the book for? Skip it. Write your own. Nonetheless, I let her get it.
2. Same. *Brain click. I observed myself outside myself again. Why am I reading this business book like I'm seeking some kind of authority? As if this contains all the answers I'm in need of. Then what? I go to the next book and the next, looking for more authority - someone to tell me its okay, to tell me how. I'm not looking for a book to vibe with, I'm not in need of authority. Write my own, be my own authority. Get help, discover for myself, like literally all the greats did. There wasn't this much knowledge back then. I need guts. Fail or fly. I need W.B. sense. I need structure and to lay out my long-term/overall plan. I need belief in that plan. To begin. It's going to work no matter what, I'll make it.
**+ the day I spent all day searching retail on the internet as if I was at a job, my life out of my control, trying to entertain/distract myself from the fact, like everyone else... no no no more. I'm an entrepreneur; remember, I didn't want to have time for that.
It takes one decision/one desire, then refusal thereafter to happily ever after.
I've made the most of the past 4 days since the start of his new job. I love it. Love how I now get to be/feel "cool mom," spend all day with them, whether it's school or anything else. Having the vehicle all the time helps. No more fucked over. No more helpless feeling of not able to do better when it all starts blending to nowhere. Able to be more responsible. Makes me want to run errands and make dinner.
Imagine, Brittany at home while he's at work in a crush state, on dates where he can squeeze them in on lunch breaks or on days off when they're away, spending it all up- time/money as he pleases in the moment, coming home to her, playing the game, she's easy just buy sugar, faking to stay lovable/delay any of her suspicion, to maintain sex and a home with the kids, bc it's the best of both worlds... [I'm dumb]. Imagine what Brittany is doing with her 8 hours of complete uninterrupted/self-guided freedom, that he never asks her about, and would she honestly tell? Other ppl's realizations and questions: what does she do all day? Investing/homeschooling, what do you mean? How's that going? How much does she contribute? Telling him, you're dumb. His suspicion - what if she's faking her jealousy? If everything about work/etc is truly unappealing to her? Should that make me lose belief in what I'm doing, where I've gotten/ led myself, where I was going to go? Don't for a second think that he has it better; remember. Never give this up. Protect/enhance it, work to keep it.
Here's what I did today. But I'll never talk about my genius-masterminding strategy learned. Only I can make me happy.
Learned how to breathe from guy sprinting past me :) Enough oxygen funneled through and pushed out quickly to regain more faster = energy flow. And the principles translate from one field to another. Didn't grasp it here, then won't do it there.
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noridoorman · 3 years ago
Would you be able to write something about Frank Morrison receiving a love letter from his crush, please?
I'm a fan of the way you write him so I would love to see it. Of course I understand when it isn't possible.
I wish you a wonderful day.
I've decided to split it into two parts because I kind of ran out of ideas, whoops-
Anyways, hope you'll enjoy!
Tempted [1] - Frank Morrison x Reader
Everybody knows this feeling. The familiar feeling in which all the words in your mind align beautifully, creating a poem filled with your sincerest desires and honest emotions. All the words make no sense when spoken out. It's as if they're the manifestation of one's emotions. The rhymes only work because the corresponding emotions align, sharing the equal source of happiness or pain. And when it's time to write it on paper, to express extremes that you feel, all you can do is sit and watch the empty sheet. Too bad it can't write itself, or some fancy machine can translate your thoughts over to the text. This is the future. But the future just isn't prepared for your lacking communication skills.
You've been staring at the fancy written I, not knowing what should come after it. No eyes are peaking from your shoulder. The students were busy talking to each other as their words scrambled even more with the words you're trying to make sense of.  It was the shrill bell of the school that took you out of your trance, making you realize you're a hopeless mess of a lover.
Taking your notebook with all the other faulty love letters in it, you slightly pushed yourself through the crowd that emerged in the hallway. Your hands became clammy as you covered your face using your heavy books. No matter where you go, you always believed that somebody is stalking you down and silently judging you. You never got to prove your theory. Everyone was too invested in their own lives to care about yours. But insecurities always mess with your judgment.
Opening your locker, you shove everything inside in haste, hoping Frank wouldn't have enough time to go to his locker. His locker was next to yours, making everything even more awkward. Your unreasonable anxieties make you think he'll suddenly gain some superhuman abilities that will make him read the failed love letters through your notebook cover. The rustling of the papers always made you nervous. But what made you even more anxious was the oh-so-familiar footsteps of the oh-so-familiar guy that stole your heart. And at that moment, he also stole your courage. Quickly, you took all your books for the next lesson and stuffed your notebook in the locker, resulting in some papers flying off. Frank Morrison eyes you weirdly as you run as far away as possible from him. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at the letters beneath him, accidentally stepping on one. Ripping his locker open, he takes his books out and leans them lazily on his hips.
"Frank!" Susie's voice echoes in the somewhat now empty hallways catching Frank's attention. The students rushed to their classrooms to not be late to class while he leans against the locker, contemplating if he would want to skip maths or not.
"Heya, why the hurry?" Once Susie reached Frank, she hunched down and put her hands on her knees, taking deep breaths. Frank tilts his head to the side.
"Cause!" Susie fixes her posture, but the redness in her face hasn't faded. "You're about to be late for class!"
"What about you? Isn't your lesson starting soon too?" Frank dodged the question and looked down to Susie, who was significantly shorter than him. The letters you dropped caught his gaze again. A newfound curiosity made him bend down and pick the abandoned papers up.
"No! I still got time! But you, on the other hand, have to go to class! Your father promised to buy you a car if your grades improved"
"Mhm..." His eyes skimmed lazily over the letter. Making out the words in the letter became even more of a challenge until he came across his name. From all the slovenly words and the messy handwriting, his name stuck out the most. The one word he could read perfectly. He narrowed his eyes and read through the words carefully, drowning out everything Susie said.
"I don't know how to say it. Whenever I think of you, my heart starts to race, and I lose all words to say. I know this sounds all cheesy, and you hate cheesy things, but I wanted to let it go a long time ago but never had the courage. Frank, I love you, and the reason why I always leave is that I'm really scared of talking with you. Everyone kinda really likes yo-"
Crossed-out words and scribbles filled the rest of the letter. Frank could barely make out the words on it. His mind pieces together the events that had happened a few minutes ago. You who rushes away from your locker, not even noticing the papers flying around on his feet. You who wrote him several love letters, despite knowing who he is. Frank Morrison, the high school student everyone hates and fears at the same time. He gets terrible grades and occasionally skips classes to cause problems in the small town. And you like, no, LOVE him? To say he felt charmed would underestimate the thousand butterflies which are swirling in his stomach. An unusual feeling he has never felt that way for anybody before. Maybe it's your mysterious aura that has drawn him in, like a moth to a flame.
"Do you know who the locker belongs to?" Frank points to your locker, interrupting the not-so-impressed Susie.
"Yeah, it belongs to one of my classmates. Why are you asking?" Susie, taken aback by his question, tilts her head to the side.
"What's their name? Do you know them?"
"Wha-? Why are you even asking!? Their name is (Y/N), I think." She starts walking towards her class with Frank following close behind her.
"Oh, just wanna know. Maybe recruit us 'nother member." Frank leans against the wall next to the door of Susie's classroom. She opens the door and walks into the chaos inside. Frank takes a slight peek inside, scanning all faces until his heart stops for a second. His eyes landed on yours. A smirk etched across his face, he shows his face more and leans against the doorframe. Your face reddens, and your shoulders raise slightly, taking your eyes off his had never been such a difficult task before.
The shrill school bell interrupted your awkward moment together, making Frank roll his eyes. He turns to walk away before shooting you a wink, numbing your mind for a second.
"Oh..." Susie follows Frank's sight and catches the wink. She giggles to herself until the teacher catches everyone's attention.
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themetaphorgirl · 5 years ago
(1/1) This is at_the_chamber_door from A03. I've got a Boarding Alternate Universe headcanon--study groups! Maybe if everyone's loaded with work, projects, or upcoming tests, they'll get together at night (preferably at a round table, ha) and work. Well, work-ish: The only people actually working the entire time are Hotch, Alex, and JJ. I'm running out of characters so I shall send another ask with a part 2!
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drabbles are supposed to be short. this is about 2,000 words. oops.
I hope y’all like it though! I love these kids with my whole heart.
my writing tag | the boarding school AU
JJ rifled through her piles of papers, frowning. Her biology info packet was in there somewhere, she just knew it. But maybe she could wait and work on biology later, maybe she should work on history first.
“Okay, you guys, I’m starting to freak out,” Penelope said, knocking over her stack of rainbow-colored gel pens. “How bad are midterms? Like...really. What should I expect?”
“They’re not bad, as long as you study,” Hotch said absently.
Penelope dropped the gel pens she’d started to pick up. “I’ve forgotten how to study!” she shrieked. “Oh my god! Everything in my brain has been erased!”
Spencer perked up. “Ooh! It could be lacunar amnesia!” he said. “That’s when-”
“Spencer, no,” Hotch sighed. 
“Take a breath, baby girl,” Derek said, scooping up the pens and handing them back. “You’re smart, you’ll remember stuff.”
She set the pens back into rainbow order. “You say that now,” she said. “What if I do forget? Or I forget which exam is at which time? Oh, god, what if I sleep through them!”
“You’re not going to sleep through them,” JJ reassured her. “I’ll wake you up.”
She turned back to her own piles of notes and worksheets. This was the sixth time that Penelope had freaked out in the last two hours, and doubtless she’d freak out a few more times until midterms were over. At least since they were studying together, other people could chime in and help calm her down.
They’d agree collectively to spend Sunday studying together for their respective tests. As a group they had overtaken the seventh floor common room, lounging around in their pajamas, piling up textbooks and coffee cups and snacks. Hotch, Alex, and Spencer sat at the round table while Dave sat between James and Emily on the couch; Penelope and Derek sprawled on the rug in front of the silent television. JJ had claimed a corner of the room for herself, spreading out her papers in small piles.
James pulled his binder close to his chest and frowned. “Dave, are you copying off me?” he asked.
“No, never,” Dave said. He ate another handful of pretzels. “Absolutely not. I’m copying off Emily.”
James squinted at Dave’s mostly-empty notebook page. “You are copying off me!” he accused. “Do your own work, Rossi, Jesus.”
“Okay, then I will copy off Emily,” Dave said. “And she won’t know because she’s listening to music.”
“Fuck off,” Emily said absently, her airpods still tucked in her ears.
“She’s not even in any of your classes,” James pointed out.
Dave shrugged. “Whatever, it’s fine,” he said. “I’ll get into college either way.”
Penelope dropped her sticker-covered composition book. “Oh, god! What if I don’t get into college?” she said.
“You’ll get into college, Pen,” Alex said. “Don’t look so far ahead. Focus on this week’s tests.”
Penelope huffed in frustration. “JJ, do you have your notes from biology class?” she asked.
“Uh...yeah, somewhere,” she said. She rummaged through a stack. “Hold on…”
“JJ, can you find anything in there?” James asked. “It looks like everything you own exploded.”
“I have a system,” she explained.
“You can borrow my notes!” Spencer said. He leaned forward to stretch across the table; Alex caught him before he could tip out of his chair. “Here! Do you have any questions?”
Penelope frowned. “That’s it?” she said. “A single piece of paper? And...your handwriting is completely illegible.”
He shrugged. “It makes sense to me,” he said.
“Spencer, sit down before you fall on your face,” Hotch said. “You’re going to give me a heart attack.”
Dave threw a pretzel at Emily. “Hey! She’s not studying!” he said. “Repeat, Emily Prentiss is not studying!”
“Narc,” she shot back, scooping pretzels off the couch and throwing them back at his face.
“Everyone!” Dave said, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Emily Prentiss is online shopping! Shopping for-” He leaned over her shoulders. “She’s bidding on a seventy-five dollar tee shirt on eBay.”
Emily slammed the lid of her macbook shut. “That tour got canceled after three stops, it’s a collector’s item!” she said.
“Emily, didn’t your mom say that she was going to cancel your credit card if you got below a C on your history midterm?” Alex asked, tapping her pen against her chin.
“Just the Amex,” Emily shrugged. “Also, that pen isn’t capped.”
“Oh! Shit.”
Spencer frowned. “Can I borrow somebody’s computer really fast?” he asked. “I don’t think this source is correct.”
“Here, munchkin,” Emily said, holding out her macbook. “Just for Miller’s satisfaction, I’ll study for my history test. You can borrow it for now.”
Hotch caught the laptop from Spencer’s small hands and set it down on the table. Spencer squinted at the keyboard. “Where’s the control key?” he asked.
“It’s a macbook, squirt, it’s a command key.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “God, see, this is why I stick to my chromebook,” she said. “Everything makes sense.”
“Your chromebook is the size of a novel.”
“I know, it’s easy to carry.”
Spencer scrunched up his face, pecking at the keyboard letter by letter with his index fingers. “Can somebody type this for me?” he asked. Hotch silently pulled the laptop closer and typed as Spencer spelled out his question.
With Emily distracted by her argument, JJ stole her pillow from the couch and propped it up with her piles of papers, getting comfortable. She bit back a yawn. Studying was exhausting work. 
“Okay, I’m done,” Spencer announced. “You can have your computer back, Emily.”
“Thank god, there’s only ten minutes left in this auction and I need this shirt,” she said. Alex rolled her eyes and put on her headphones. 
Derek pushed himself off the floor. “Pretty boy, if you’re taking a break-”
“Oh, it’s not a break, I’ve memorized everything.”
“Show off,” Dave grinned.
“Okay, since you’ve memorized everything, you wanna go down to the vending machine in the lobby and get more drinks?” Derek continued. Spencer frowned. “You can pick out something for yourself.”
“Deal!” Spencer said. Derek handed him a handful of crumpled dollar bills.
“Hold on, caro,” Dave said. He dug out his wallet and handed him several more dollars. “Get enough for everybody.”
“Thanks!” Spencer said, and he took off, his little socked feet thumping down the stairs.
“Walk, please, before you faceplant again!” Hotch called. The footsteps faded, but did not slow down. Hotch sighed.
“Derek,” Penelope said. “Derek. Derek Morgan. Chocolate thunder. Pay attention to me.”
She thrust a folded paper fortune teller in his face. “Pick one!” she said.
“Pick one what?”
“You have four options, pick one!”
JJ raised an eyebrow. “You’re making cootie catchers?” she said. “I thought you were worried about getting into college.”
“First of all, where I come from, we call them fortune tellers,” Penelope said. “Second of all, I’ve decided I’m not going to college, I will never be able to pass these tests, so I will never get a college degree, so I will just play my ukulele on street corners for the rest of my life.”
“You can always get a college degree and play your ukulele on street corners,” Dave pointed out.
“Derek, please, pick one,” Penelope begged.
He looked at the phrases. “Uh…koala bear, I guess,” he said.
“Now pick a number.”
Penelope unfolded the fortune. “You will fail your midterms, flunk out of school, and play the dulcimer in Penelope Garcia’s busking band,” she read. “Oh, that’ll work out nicely.” Derek shook his head. 
Spencer ran up the stairs, arms laden down with soda cans. “I’m back!” he said. He dumped them on the floor. “Maybe don’t open them right this second. The carbonation-”
“We’re cramming enough knowledge in our heads today, we don’t need an extra lesson,” Emily said, scowling at her history textbook.
Spencer’s lower lip dropped in a pout. “Don’t make that face,” Hotch warned. “We’ve talked about how sometimes it’s a bad time for facts.”
“I’m not pouting. And there’s never a bad time for facts.”
“Yes, there is,” Derek said. “Like now, when we’re all trying to study.”
“Except me, I’m going to join the circus,” Penelope informed them.
“I’m trying to study too, you guys,” JJ called from her fortress of papers and books.
James rubbed his temples. “Guys...please…” Dave threw a pretzel at him. “Goddammit, David.”
“I was just trying to explain that the carbonation-”
“No!” Emily said, tossing a pillow at Spencer. It bopped him in the face and knocked him backwards.
“Jesus, Emily!” Derek exclaimed.
Hotch buried his face in his hands. “For the love of god, you guys, stop.” he said.
“I’m sorry!” Emily said. “Spencer, wait, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to smack you, you were just really getting on my nerves, please don’t tell Alex.”
Alex looked up from her chromebook and took out her earbuds. “Hm?” she said. “What’s going on?”
“Emily hit-”
“Penelope said-”
“David threw-”
“Oh my god,” Alex said. “Okay, okay, stop. Just...stop, everybody. One at a time, please.”
Hotch dragged his hands over his face. “I just want a little peace and quiet,” he mumbled into his palms. 
“Spence, I’m sorry, really,” Emily said earnestly. “Are you okay?”
Spencer sat up. “To quote Anne Shirley...I am well in body but distinctly rumpled in spirit,” he said, rubbing his eyes. 
“What’s the translation?” Emily asked.
He pushed himself up off the floor. “You threw a pillow at my face, and I think I’m mad about it!” he accused. “And yes, I know I’m pouting, and I don’t care!”
“Oh, now you’ve done it, Prentiss,” Dave said.
Hotch got up from the table and stomped over to them. “That’s enough,” he said. He picked up Spencer under his arms and plunked him down on Alex’s lap. “Emily, you are six years older than him. Chill.” Dave snickered. “Dave, stop making it worse.” 
“Penelope, you’re not going to busk on street corners or join the circus, if you take a second and stop freaking out you’ll realize that you know more than you think you do,” James added. 
“Yes! Thank you,” Hotch said. “Derek, you need to take this seriously. You have to keep your grades up or they’ll move you from varsity down to JV. And Wallace will get your spot.”
Derek scowled. “Fuck Wallace,” he grumbled.
“And JJ…” Hotch paused. 
“What?” she said. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“No, you’re the most well-behaved, but...why are you upside down?”
JJ blinked. She hadn’t realized how she got there, but sure enough, she was lying on a scattered heap of worksheets with her heels propped up on the wall. “I don’t know, these things happen,” she said. Hotch sighed.
Emily scrambled off the couch. “Okay, okay, I know tensions are running really high right now,” she said. “And I know some of it is my fault-”
“You knocked me over like a bowling pin,” Spencer sulked.
Alex adjusted him on her lap. “I think you’ll live,” she said, and he crossed his arms. 
“Stop reminding me! Jesus, I’m trying to apologize!” Emily said. “What if I order pizza for everybody? It’s almost dinner time anyway and we’re all stressed, we should take a break. Will I finally be forgiven?”
Spencer opened his mouth to argue. “Yes,” JJ said immediately. She rolled over to sit up, shifting her papers around. “Oh my god, yes, please.”
“I’ll always vote for pizza,” Derek said.
Penelope looked down at the half-a-dozen fortune tellers scattered around her. “Maybe a break will help me focus again,” she said sadly.
Emily crouched down next to Alex’s chair. “Spencer?” she said sweetly. “Am I forgiven?” He huffed, blowing a lock of hair off his forehead. She poked him lightly. “Am I? Am? Am I?”
His mouth tilted. “Can I tell you the facts I was going to say?” he asked.
Emily sighed. “Yes,” she said. “Go ahead, Dr. Reid. Tell me everything you know about carbonation.”
“You brought this on yourself, Prentiss,” Hotch pointed out.
“I know. I know.”
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theramseyloft · 5 years ago
You probably already get this question alot, but could I have some care tips (Cage requirements, food, basic care) and anything that might repel me from them? (Especially for a racing Homer - which is what I'm assuming they have here since pigeon racing is quite a big industry in my country) (I'd love to adopt but sadly that's not an option here since there's barely even dog rescues here) Thanks so much in advance!
I’ll start with what might repel you, starting with things inherent to the species, and then to potential effects of their personal history.
First thing’s first; DUST!!! 
If you, or any one in your house hold, has dust related allergies or any respiratory issues at all, pigeons are not the pet for you.
They are dust monsters! For their size, the Columbidae produce more dust that any other domestic bird.
It is also a much finer dust. It floats in the air like thin smoke and takes a long time to settle, so you will breathe more of it with a group of pet pigeons than you would with parrots, chickens, quail, or song birds.
Definitely more than any mammalian dander that I know of.
Pigeons are only really territorial over what they consider a nest space. Away from their nests, they are social and quite friendly, but the fiercely defend their nest from all comers.
If they are in a loft, or have free flight of a room, that aggression is constrained to the actual nest itself and anything with in about half a body length from the lip of it.
But if they are in a cage, the entire cage is space that they feel a powerful instinctive drive to defend.
Any uninvited entry is seen as an intrusion either by a predator or a rival, so I usually advise people not to attempt to physically interact at all with the pigeon in their cage. 
Talking to the birds is fine, but all physical intrusion is seen as aggression that they have to defend against.
So, when you want to begin physically interacting with them, it’s best to invite them out into your room in the evening.
I’ll go into coop and home interaction training after the basic housing part.
Unless they are out of a sex linked pair, or you get them as fully mature adults, pigeons are absolute hell to sex.
Homers do become dimorphic as they age.
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Karen is an adult racing homer cock.
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Bird-bird is an adult hen of the same breed.
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Look at Karen’s wattle (The thick skin above his nasal slits, at the base of his beak)
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Now look at Bird-Bird’s.
His wattle is much bigger and more intricately developed than hers. 
Her face is much finer featured than his.
He stands more upright.
She stands more horizontal.
But as peeps, they are nearly impossible to differentiate.
This is important, because the social behavior of cocks and hens and how it translates to humans tends to be VERY different.
Hens are VERY cuddly! Even into adulthood.
But adult cocks are platonically touch repulsed.
A flock mate is likely to make physical contact with a cock for one of two reasons: Another cock starting a fight, or a hen asking for sex.
They even make friends with flock mates through combat.
Until it sinks in otherwise, all attempts at physical contact with a cock is perceived as a challenge to a fight.
Non-aggressive contact with a cock is seen as an invitation for him to be your mate, and cock love is VERY pinchy!
Pigeon courtship consists of a three part ritual called Driving.
In the Chase trial, A cock will harass and bite a hen until she flees. If she was interested first, she’ll flirt to get his attention, and then fly off.
He HAS to chase her, keep up with her, and out maneuver her, all while herding her towards his nest so that she dives in when she’s too exhausted to continue to fly.
If he cannot out maneuver her, fly faster, and stay in the air longer than her, then her peeps will be more likely than her to be caught and eaten by a predator, and she will refuse that cock the opportunity to fill her eggs.
After she inspects the nest and has rested, she will try to leave. The second courtship trial revolves around blocking her exit and physically wrestling her back in until she is too exhausted to keep fighting him.
If he cannot block the generally smaller, weaker hen from leaving and fight her to a stand still, then he can’t hope to block another cock trying to force his way in, throw him out if he manages to pop in by surprise, or keep fighting him until he gives up.
Only after proving his stamina and strength to the Hen directly may he offer her a sample of the contents of his crop.
This is the sweet kissing part of courtship, after which they preen and cuddle and he’s allowed to step up onto her back and tread her.
This translates very poorly with a human partner, and if you have a cock as a companion, you have to be ok with a LOT of love bites before you can get to the soft cuddly part of the relationship.
Suddenly running up to you and biting out of nowhere is NOT aggression. They give LOTS of warning when they are upset.
Running up to attack you out of nowhere is a misguided attempt to begin Driving you, and he will go WAY over the top with it, because he is trying to impress a COLOSSUS with his physical strength, stamina, and tenacity.
You can understand how this could translate poorly to a human partner!
There are ways to respond to minimize the bitey bit, but we’ll get to those in another ask. This one is going to be VERY long as is.
Now, what we have just discussed is base line pigeon, with no outside components making anything more difficult.
Racers old enough to fly have been through daily training tosses; where they are grabbed, put in a basket, and released every day at increasing distances from the loft.
The best case scenario is a strong fear of hands from being grabbed and stuffed into the basket and occasionally restrained and injected with a vaccine. 
The luckiest individuals have only had to navigate for miles every day to return to safety, food, and family.
Racing birds can also have to dodge hawks, or fly through inclement weather during training flights.
Some can even make it home severely injured.
Understandably, adult racers of either sex will need to be patiently worked through a STRONGLY reinforced fear of hands.
We have lots of posts discussing how to work with fearful pigeons, and I’ll be happy to go into it again in more detail, but that’s another for a different post.
Basics of care for pigeons are very simple.
They are strict granivores. Seeds are all they can digest, but they can eat a very wide variety of seeds. The more variation, the better.
Pigeons do not hull their seeds. They swallow them whole, and depend on the hulls as vital dietary fiber, so don’t give them seed that is already hulled.
Their diet should involve as much variety of seed, grains, and legumes as you can get your hands on, the size of an unpopped kernel of popcorn or smaller (Most breeds can;t swallow seeds much bigger than that) with some source of calcium available.
You can have a separate dish of oyster shell, or you can sprinkle powder in a single birds daily meal, or add liquid calcium to their water dish.
NOT all of those at once! Calcium can be overdosed!
Which ever method works most easily for you and your bird.
Pigeons are intensely social birds that get most of their enrichment from interaction.
They are happiest as free roaming house pets, like a cat or dog, that can come see you or go do their own thing as they choose.
Pigeons are smart enough to learn house rules.
Understandably, that is not an option for every one, and free roaming unsupervised before they learn the house rules can be dangerous.
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If you cannot let the bird free roam their own room, you can easily modify a dog crate to house them comfortably.
They need square perches. Because they are cliff nesters, round perches put painful pressure on the ball of their feet, making walking painful.
I like to cut garden stakes to length and wire them into place.
A corner bunny litter pan is a decent nest box, but not necessary. They will nest just as happily in a cheap dog food dish.
Pigeons are ground foragers, so they prefer a shallow dish of food on the floor of their enclosure.
Ideally, the modified crate cage for the pigeon should be used like it would be for a pet dog; That is not where the animal lives full time. That is where it sleeps at night or hangs out when you aren’t home to supervise it, until it learns the house rules.
Toys are very simple, because their interaction tools are very limited.
Pigeons can recognize themselves in mirrors and love to play with them.
They enjoy bathing in a dish of water about hip-deep.
They can have sand or straw filled forage boxes to hunt for treats like safflower seeds in.
Stick-shaped, Shiny, and Jingly is their holy trinity of toy characteristics.
q-tips with the cotton tips cut off, tooth picks with the points clipped, wicker kitty balls with jingle bells inside, bread ties with jingle bells that are too big to accidentally swallow  twisted to either side, or made into a jingly ring, are all cheap, simple toys that a single pet bird will have fun playing with.
I mentioned coop training earlier, and it’s super simple.
Starting in the evening, open the door to the cage and invite the bird out.
Don’t hang around waiting for it to come. Go settle in to do something quiet and sedentary, like reading a book or surfing the net.
Pigeons are naturally curious, and the best way to work then through the fear of people they may have developed is to be as nonthreatening as possible and reward their curiosity.
Talk to them to desensitize them to your voice and start teaching them how you communicate.
They will eventually grow brave enough to come explore you yourself. 
A quiet, pleased greeting will reward them by not startling them.
Have safflower seeds available, but don’t try to reach out to give it to the birds.
Let them discover that you have them, and be still and non-reactive when they take some. Offer verbal praise, but don’t start trying to move until they ease away from automatic flightiness.
I specify beginning this process in the evening because trying to get a bird back into the crate before it trusts you is very difficult and your best bet to avoid making it afraid of you despite your friend-making efforts is to avoid having to chase it back into its pen at the end of flight time.
Starting these in the evening allows you the option to avoid chasing entirely just by turning off the lights.
At the end of out time, give a verbal warning like “Lights out” or “Bed Time”, and then wait a minute or two before actually turning off the light.
Pick the bird up in the dark, and return it gently to its enclosure.
It will begin to associate the “Lights out” or “Bed time” warning with the lights going out, and eventually learn to fly back to the pen in the space of time before the lights actually go out.
That’s about the skin and bone basics of care.
Please, by all means, send more asks for more information on any aspect or detail of pet pigeon keeping.
I am always happy to answer. ^v^
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oh-warrior-mother · 5 years ago
I'm looking on info on the deities of Matka and Marena. Do you know where I could find some good sources, even if I have to run them through a translator? I was born in Russia and adopted at an early age. I'm feeling a calling that I don't quite understand. And research is slow, so I'm reaching out to see if anyone can help.
Hi there!
I personally know “Matka” as Mat Syra Zemlya, to use the Russian name for her (always feels odd transcribing it) and “Marena” as Morana since I’m a South Slav. I’ve made short posts about both of them, but as usual they’re only scratching the surface.
Matka is the personification of the very Earth itself, and a lot of people seem to agree that Matka sort of evolved into Mokosh over time though this can’t be said for certain. She was definitely in the earliest form of our pantheon, and was worshiped up until well into the 10th century. Take everything you read with a grain of salt, no matter who wrote it, as our ancestors never wrote things down, so everything we have today will be riddled with misinformation or bias to certain degrees. The internet isn’t a bad place to learn, especially tumblr, but avoid The Book of Veles at all costs. 
There’s a lot more to be found on Morana, mostly because we still celebrate her, even in Christianity and/or Islam in the Balkans. A lot of the traditions have survived! She isn’t as obscure so what you find on the internet will be much more reliable. 
People often come to me for book recommendations, but there is no one book I would say gets it right, your knowledge will be a combination of bits and pieces of many different sources. You’ll have to do the sorting through yourself and as time goes by and you become more well-versed you will have sharpened your eye and you will be able to spot the baloney yourself from a mile off.
It’s also hard for me to recommend real sources not only because my knowledge is a combination of just about a galaxy of them, but also because most of it has genuinely been orally passed down. I come from an old, weird family that liked to write stuff down and tell stories. And while I may suck at quoting, I am always willing to tell you what I know. I’m glad you’re experiencing this call to your roots, and if you need help with any specific rituals concerning either of them, do come back! I’ll gladly explain my favorite ones and/or suggest the type of offerings. Slava! <3
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
03/12/2021 DAB Transcript
Numbers 16:41-18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Psalms 55:1-23, Proverbs 11:7
Today is the 12th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you today as we continue our journey, the journey that leads us through the Bible in a year. And we’re well on our way in that journey. But there is so much out in front of us to experience and see. And, so, we have a grateful heart for the distance that we’ve traveled and the things we've learned so far. But we also have a grateful, an anticipation, a grateful anticipation, for all that is yet to…to be, all it is out in front of us. But we’re here. We’re right here right now. And, so, the next step forward is before us. We’ve been reading from the New International Version this week. Picking up from yesterday. Numbers chapter 16 verse 41 through 18 verse 32.
Father, we thank You for Your word. And as we bring to a close the second of the gospel narratives, the book of Mark, we thank You for the witness to Your life and to Your ministry and to Your personality and to Your posture. We've witnessed Your determination to bring the truth out into the open and that the false be eradicated. And yet we’re 2000 years in the future and we’re still in the same struggle. And, so, come Holy Spirit You have promised to lead us into all truth and yet so often we choose to veil ourselves in something false because we’re naked and ashamed and running because we’re afraid to be exposed. And so often that comes because we…we’re ashamed. And maybe for good reason. Maybe we have plenty of things that we’ve been involved in while bearing Your name that we shouldn't have been involved in, and were they exposed we would be ashamed. But we’re here with open hands and open hearts saying remove these things from us, reveal these things to us, reorganize our lives, bring us back into complete alignment so that we are who we are supposed to be, and we have nothing to hide, we are true, we are true and righteous before You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. Make us more like Jesus, that we might be conformed to his likeness, that we would be Christ like, that we would be like Christ. Come Jesus we pray. In Your precious name, we ask. Amen.
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And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, my dear DAB family this is Maria Missionary in Mexico. So, as you know we are here to be a service to the people the missionaries who work among the native indigenous people groups here. A lot of people ask, “why are you in Mexico? Isn't it a reached country already?” You know what? Missions has evolved through the years and I think of the old days people just kind of thought that if they came spoke the national language to…to the native people, that they would understand, get saved, and that would be that but it just didn't work out like that and a lot of the people have…have syncretism, which is they took Christianity just kind of what they understood of it which wasn't a lot and mixed it with their native beliefs. And, so, for example in the Guataheal tribe they believe that the sun in the sky is god the moon is his wife and they had two children, they had Satan and Jesus and Satan is the older brother. They are the children of god and the rest of us in the world are the rest children are the devil. And their god only speaks Guataheal, he doesn't speak Spanish or any other language. So, if you go to them and tell them we have a message for you from God in Spanish well you can imagine they automatically dismiss you because it doesn't make sense to them culturally. So, that's just a little bit of a taste of what missionaries that work among native groups face as they translate the Bible and love these people and help them with their physical needs and plant churches. So, please be praying. Please be praying for missionaries who do work among them, that they would have wisdom, and that…that hearts would be open to hear the truth. Also praise the Lord with us that there is a church now among the Guadaheal people, a young church and that there are missionaries from among them as well helping with the translation and one lady and her husband are reaching out to an entirely new tribe for her. So, that's really exciting.
Hey neighbors it's Lisa the Encourager. Today I want to reach out to Maria and her daughter Taylor. And I heard your story and it really gripped me. And I just can't even imagine what your heart must be feeling every day thinking about your sweet Taylor that you gave birth to and you never dreamed that something so awful could happen to her. And I just pray tonight especially for Taylor and I just want you to know that my heart aches for you and I know that God is gonna be able to see this through for you and I am going to pray now. Dear God thank You for Maria and thank You for her being brave to call us this evening and tell us about Taylor and Taylor’s story Lord. And we know that You love Taylor so much and You do not want this for her life. And God thank You so much for the ministry of the men that are going to intervene in Taylor's life and do their best to take her out of the horrible situation with somebody. And I pray God that that will be successful. I thank You so much for the bravery of those men and I just pray that they will be…and women…I pray that they will be able to convince Taylor to leave and that You will just break her heart and help her to give up and surrender to You Lord. And I just pray God that You will forgive her and help her to get her life back and lead her with the Holy Spirit back to You.
Hello DAB family this is Greg from Bothell. I…I've called before for…for my own prayer requests but today I just feel led to…to reach out and…and let some DABbers know that I'm…I’m listening to…to your requests and I want to just take the time to acknowledge you all. Just I've been behind a little bit and I'm going through the 5th of…of…of March and I listened to Lynn and her family, her grandchildren, her four grown children and her daughter and this unbeliever husband that's inattentive. I just I'm going pray that Lord Jesus just will open his eyes and…and…and…and reveal himself to…to this this family and this father that…that…that he will take care of you and…and keep you in…in…in his loving arms. Maria follower of Jesus, daughter Taylor 26 that's in this…this relationship with this man that's pimped her out and she's…she's involved in drugs and prostitution and this massage parlor and…and…and team Andrew that's going in to rescue her. O Lord Jesus just…I just pray for Taylor and Maria and Andrew that You would…that You would be there in the midst this that You would come Lord. O my God Lord rescue Taylor and bring her home. O Lord Jesus and…and…and Julie in southern Illinois, your marriage, that God God…that God use you and He knows your heart and He knows your husband's heart. And Lord I just pray that You rescue Julie in her desperation and her sadness. In her loneliness she says she's lost…
Good morning DAB. Good morning DAB family it's Nadene calling from East to Midwest praises to God. Woo…out of breath…I just lifted something, but anyway praises to God. This morning as I was listening to Brian March 9th and listening to the prayer requests. There's so much I could pray for. And add to all who had prayed for all the others…others who had asked for prayer I just want to say DAB family we are a strong bunch. I mean those who are going through things right now it's so difficult. And, you know, of course I won't make light of it, but we are winning. You are on a winning team. It's a fixed fight and we've already won the fight. God is so good and I just love the fact that this DAB team is getting stronger and bolder and we are praying in faith and we are believing in faith and we're gonna to win. We're gonna win. So, let's keep our eyes with eyes looked to eternity and from eternity because it's just one big story, God's story and we are blessed to be a part of it. It's not an easy…not an easy journey. Once you become, you know, a follower of Jesus we have a target on our back and somehow, it's an honor to know that the enemy feels that…feels that we are such a threat. Anyway, God bless you everybody and I just wanted to put my log in the fire. Nadene from East to Midwest. God bless.
Hello Daily Audio Bible community my name is Kelly from Boston Mass and I called in last fall. My husband and I have been separated for almost a year. It'll be a year this month and I called in for prayers of reconciliation and restoration in healing. And we had our first grandchild that was due to arrive or did arrive on New Year's Day. So, it was a beautiful way to start the 2021 year out. We celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary last Thursday night. Ironically, I was listening to Brian because it was his anniversary with DAB. And it was…it just breathed some life into me that there might be some light or some kind of shift in my husband's heart for us to restore our marriage. I can feel little nudges from God here and there and I'm trying to pay attention to them. We have a long way to go but I just want prayers from all of you if you can that this 32 year marriage can be saved. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of months, and we had very little communication, but it was probably one of the nicer anniversary dinners we've had in many years. So, again I'm just praying and hopeful that God will find our way…help us find our way back to each other and have a healing and happy second half to our marriage and a beautiful ending together with our first grandson born on New Year's Day. I appreciate the prayers and I pray for you all on a daily basis. I love this app. Thank you.
Good morning family it is Wednesday March 10th. Good morning good morning. I'm calling in a prayer request anonymously. Hence, I have gotten myself into a pickle. I have taken my eyes off Christ and put them on myself and what I want and what I desire and who I desire and how I can get what I want. And spoiler alert it's a hot mess. O my goodness friends and family, turns out when you take your eyes off Christ and you focus only on yourself it's harmful and sin is the result and sin damages relationships. And, so, I'm watching the fallout of all these relationships be harmed because I took my eyes off God and put them on myself. Friends, cautionary tale. If you would lift me up and just really help me put my eyes back on God and what He wants and the work He has for me and prayers for the healing of the relationships I've damaged through my sin. Thank you, friends and family. Peace to you.
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ettadunham · 6 years ago
A Buffy rewatch 3x19 Choices
aka everyone’s just dying to give each other a piece of their mind
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And I’ve been waiting forever for today’s episode to finally discuss some quality Willow and Faith feelings... And it turns out that it was just a 2-minute-scene all along? Still, we’ll be making the best out of those 2 minutes, folks.
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There’s actually a lot going on in Choices, but I want to get the main rant out first, before I get lost in all the small details of it.
So... Willow and Faith.
Fun fact, did you know that that is actually the 5th most popular BtVS F/F pairing tag on Ao3? Right after the popular canon, the popular “it’s basically canon and you can fucking sue me” ship, the pairing of the two main female characters (shout out to the Wuffys, I got you) and the less popular canon ship.
Which... wasn’t really what I was expecting? I mean, I also wasn’t expecting #6 being Faith/Dawn (having a 2 fic-lead on the ultimate OTP because you’re all heathens), so I guess I know nothing.
Some of those switch though if you filter for the F/F category, look, I have charts:
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(Meanwhile Buffy/Kendra has like 12 fics, you really are all heathens.)
Anywho, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about the math of Buffy femslash. Now, back to Willow and Faith specifically.
Once I thought about it, it did make sense that this is actually a popular fandom pairing I guess? On one hand, it’s a common denominator situation, as in note which characters pop up consistently on that chart... On the other hand, in this episode alone Willow taunts Faith to which she responds by punching her and threatening her with a knife... And that’s pretty much how foreplay works as far as Faith’s concerned.
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Faith just likes it rough, okay? Remember the screencap I used for Consequences after Buffy punches her?
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I rest my case.
But I’m already way off topic here. Because what I was actually planning on talking about initially was how Willow felt about Faith, and the source of those feelings.
I already pointed this out, but I feel it’s worth repeating - Willow’s dislike of Faith goes back to two episodes in particular: Bad Girls and Consequences. As far as I was able to discern this time during my rewatch, there were no previous signs of animosity between the two preceding that two-parter.
In Bad Girls, Buffy blows Willow off for their study session to go out with Faith, and starts rambling about how Willow and Xander wouldn’t understand anyway what she and Faith do.
Willow is deeply hurt and jealous... She actually blows Buffy off too in return when she tries talking to her at school in the next episode, and only listens once Buffy shows up crying at her doorstep not knowing what to do about the whole Faith killed a guy situation.
In the same episode, Xander lets it slip that he and Faith had sex... And Willow is once again obviously hurt and jealous. She even has a good cry about it in the bathroom.
And I guess that that seems like a stronger emotional response than how she reacts to Faith stealing away Buffy from her, but it’s still coming from the same place. Note her line in that episode when she acknowledges her biases:
I'm not the most objective, I know. I kind of have an issue with Faith sharing my people.
“Sharing my people” - she’s pointedly talking about both Xander and Buffy here.
And there is a specific kind of betrayal that she feels from Xander, and that’s going to translate to pretty much all of Xander’s relationship... But at this point, it’s not really about her wanting that relationship with Xander. She had the option and she rejected it.
Still, if Xander has that with someone else, that makes their shared experiences feel less special. It makes her feel like less special in his life. (Which unfortunately tracks with a lot of Xander’s behavior about how he’s always chasing the new, shiny and unattainable thing in his life.)
Meanwhile with Buffy, Willow is mostly supportive of her relationships... up until to the point that she feels like they’re taking up the space that she occupies in Buffy’s life. And that very much happens with Faith in those moments, as Buffy suddenly feels like she can’t share with Willow what she and Faith has. (I swear, I’m not even trying, these sentences just turn out this way.)
So... yeah. Willow is super pissed at Faith for having the audacity to try and take away her people from her, and then hurting the both of them.
And I guess we can see some of that same kind of jealousy with Faith (I can and I will read parallels into Willow and Faith’s characters, just you wait) and her whole thing with Buffy and Angel in Choices... Except it’s weirdly misdirected? Like is the Mayor and the show seriously trying to tell us that Faith is jealous about Angel not wanting to make out with her, when that whole thing was all about Buffy in the first place?
Really, Mayor Wilkins? Really?
Well, I guess he is evil.
Back to Willow though, we have this scene where she gets taken hostage, and after she murders her vampire guard with a pencil (amazing), she decides to get comfortable in the Mayor’s office and read through all 5 tomes of the Books of Ascension??? It’s such a delightful nonsense.
Of course, I’m definitely with her on the whole “knowledge is power” notion. Even if they were to prevent the Mayor from having this Box of MacGuffin, there’s no way to tell if that would actually stop the Ascension. But knowing what’s to come and what they could do about it? That’s a definite win.
The issue is that as Faith puts it, being caught red-handed while gaining that knowledge makes Willow some very strong murder material for the bad guys. She could’ve just put the books in a bag, and tried escaping with them, or get the hell out there the moment she discovered those sensitive pages.
But do you know what I think? I think Willow just wanted to have the chance to confront Faith. She was ready to die just to give her a piece of her mind.
Willow: It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends in your life like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer and now you're nothing. You're just a big selfish, worthless waste.
That’s commitment.
Notice also how she highlights Faith having Buffy in her life and not appreciating it enough to keep fighting. I do feel like Willow is deeply offended by that. I talk about her jealousy a lot, but her commitment to the people she loves is usually her more dominant character trait. Feeling like Faith stole her friends from her hurt her; but her anger mostly comes from the fact that Faith hurt Buffy and Xander in unimaginable ways.
I guess this episode did give me a lot of Willow feelings.
Someone else who shared Willow’s need to impart some wisdom in the most inconvenient times was the Mayor. And honestly? I didn’t care a whole lot about it. Angel and Buffy has a million other conflicts that come before him being immortal.
Like, I get that it’s supposed to shake them out of their own little bubble a bit, and face the fact that they don’t really see a future together. I believe the phrasing I previously used was that being together prevents them from becoming the people they want to be.
Their initial exchange at the graveyard is kinda hilarious though. “You never take me to any place new” - I’m still laughing, ngl.
At the same time, Xander and Cordelia still appear to be having their bitter verbal conflicts. Which is weird, especially after Earshot, an episode that I praised for including Cordelia in the group once again. (I guess maybe Earshot was written with a different place in the season in mind for it initially? I know that it didn’t air when it was supposed to too, because of the school shooting aspect...)
Here, the two of them are once again out to get each other. Even Buffy ends up in the crossfires, as Cordelia aims one of her pointedly cruel jabs at her. Yikes.
But we also find out here that Cordelia is working in a dress shop now, so there’s that.
And this episode of course is also about everyone’s futures. Willow decides that despite being accepted into literally every school ever, she’s going to attend UC Sunnydale with Buffy. Not just to be with her, but because she enjoys saving the world and all that jazz.
Oh, Willow, if you only knew...
This of course also presents a welcome contrast for Buffy, who feels like she doesn’t have a choice but to stay in Sunnydale. It’s a really nice moment between them, as Buffy realizes herself that she too very much made that choice herself. Because that’s who Buffy is. Someone who could never turn her back on the people who need her.
Buffy:  I kinda love you.
We all do, Buffy. Just ask Oz, and his decisive ingredient smashing move that annihilated the whole argument about whether or not they should rescue Willow. (”That’s your future wife!” - me @ Alexis Denisof in that scene.)
Also, shout out at that whole Mission Impossible heist premise we got going on in this episode. I always appreciate a weird clash of genres.
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abybweisse · 8 years ago
Hello, hello. I'm kinda new to the BB fandom (omg I feel so soooooooo behind time...*cries*), I got hooked on the anime version weeks ago and now I want to delve deep into the manga. I'd love to know where I can read the best/more accurate translations from the manga (e.g, is Mangafox a recommended source)? Thank you in advance for any tip! ^.^/
As far as fan translations go, I’m not sure which one is the “best”. For comparison to the licensed translation, I also read it on kuroshitsuji.org (aka mangatip.com). Usually, the generally correct meaning is captured in the fan translations, but sometimes they get something completely wrong. I always recommend reading the licensed translation.
Now days (since about ch112), when a new chapter comes out through Yen Press, I buy an e-reader copy (usually ibooks, sometimes kindle) and load it on my main blog (this one). I also buy the printed volumes, so I essentially buy the chapters twice. LOL!
However, I highly recommend buying your own licensed copies… as you can afford it. It’s not like Yana-san is exactly strapped for cash, but there is a whole staff of people involved… actually, not just her staff but also the publishers and their staffs (and they done needs to gets paid!). Besides the legal issue of copyrights, these people all *deserve* to get the money they have worked so hard to earn.
An e-reader chapter is about $2. An e-reader volume more like $8. Printed volume copies might run anywhere from $5 to $14, depending on the volume number, volume condition, and seller. I suggest looking around used book shops, like Half Price Books….
Hope this helps :)
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defunctzombie · 7 years ago
Greetings, sorry for the sudden ask, ummm.... Can you summarize tamago no hi volume 3 please~~? I've read the translation for vol 3 chap 1&2 but I can't seem to find anything beyond that and I'm dying to know what happens after Weiss proposing to platin for them to disappear from the rests for a week.
Okay. I don’t know if you have access to any pictures or not, so I’ll just repost the summary of the whole book I wrote a few years ago. I was at one point working on the spinoff of this title Gravitation (and summarizing bits of this to at least get the story out there; this isn’t my title), but I got hit with the worst luck in the world and developed a lot of medical issues and had to put translating on hold. But I can at least give you an idea of what’s going on with this story. :D
(I apologize in advance if I’m not romanizing the names the same way as you are used to, or if this summary is a little different that what you’ve read.)
Tamago 3 starts right at the end of Tamago 2. In vol 2, after the mermaids, there’s a chapter about Jade. That little baby he picked up (back in the first volume I think) is still following him around and calling him mama. After a big monster fight, Weiss asks Jade to make a contract with her. But something happens, and his egg like, explodes. Or says he’s dead.
Volume 3 opens with them scrambling to get Jade back to the egg source. They teleport using Platin’s power and get there, but Platin collapses from the strain (this is important for later). Jade’s egg is either healed or replaced, thanks to the little baby, and there’s a little ‘good-bye’ moment. :( He comes back out of the egg tank looking like an older man. He makes his promise with Weiss, and is turned out to be a silver wolf (that looks EXACTLY like Koma from Yami ni Toge, tee hee). Platin is worn out, and keeps out of the next monster fight, but wakes up and says “Where is Jade? Who’s this old guy?” and there are some laughs. This is where the 4koma I put on tumblr is from. (When I find the post, I’ll link it here.)
The last 2/3 of the book are a storyline called Privacy. Remember how when Or met Weiss, he thought she was his dead mentor? Well we get to see a little more of that story. The group is having a battle, when Platin seems more worn out than usual. Or is helping him when a monster attacks, but Weiss steps in the way triggering a flashback of Hori, Or’s mentor. We see that Or was basically a suicidal hellion, but Hori made friends with him and ended up giving his life to save Or. Meanwhile, Platin storms off.
Weiss finds Platin in a hot spring, and because she’s a nut ball, rips off her clothes and joins him. She gets freaked out when she sees blood in the water, and runs over to Platin thinking he’s injured. In one of the funniest panels in the book, Weiss feels Platin all over and discovers that he “doesn’t have one”. (You know, down there. XD ) Just as Jade shows up thinking he’s going to catch a peek at Weiss bathing, Platin transports himself and Weiss away to his secret place, the lake where he was born.
Platin tries to swim away and hide, but Weiss demands an explanation (you know, about the lack of certain parts and bloody water). He says no and buzz off, she says she’ll just go tell everyone that Platin is really a woman. Platin explains that’s not the case, but he admits he gets a period and had to get away from where the others were because they would be able to smell the blood. (Remember kiddies, Japan is not afraid of making period jokes on TV or in comics.)
After Jade can’t find Weiss, he goes back and tells the others. He shows them a bloody piece of Platin’s clothing, and of course Or freaks out thinking they were attacked. Or guesses that Platin used his power to teleport them away to safety in Platin’s homeland, and the crew decide to go after them. Or has to ride on Atrum’s back, though, because he never made a promise with Weiss and couldn’t transform (there’s something about promising Hori here, and how they all question why Or lives if Hori died).
There’s a flashback to how Or and Platin met at Platin’s home lake. Platin is drawn without a mask, and looks like a prettier Rakamu (from Doku no Aji). Or notices his purple eyes, and passes out from an injury, noting that his first words to Platin were “beautiful”. Platin explains to Weiss that he is NOT female, but instead an XXY male. There are no women in the dragon species, only XY and XXY. XXY can get pregnant, but there aren’t very many of them (something like one every 20 years). Platin knows that he’s going to be attacked by the XY dragons, and right on cue one does.
The XYs name is Mercury, and he and Platin seem to know each other, like maybe they fought before. Mercury insists that he will take Platin’s first child, but Platin adamantly refuses and they fight. At first, Mercury thinks Platin is refusing because he likes Weiss, but then Or and the others show up. Or wants to know what’s going on, with that creepy Naono smile that says “tell me or you’ll get it”. Mercury starts taunting, realizing that Platin likes Or. Or tells Platin that Platin belongs to him, while at the same time Mercury says “you are my woman”.
Or gets wide-eyed, and says “woman?” right before Mercury knocks Or’s skull open. It sets Platin off into a rage, and Platin agrees to battle Mercury in a few days (for some reason Mercury is perfectly fine with waiting). Meanwhile, Weiss and the others retreat to take care of Or. Once he’s back awake, Weiss explains the whole deal. Or seems depressed, and goes to talk to Platin in Platin’s lake. Platin initially refuses to come out, until Or orders him. Or wants to know why he kept all this a secret, and Platin says it has noting to do with him because they can’t be mates. Or agrees that it’s probably not possible, but the whole time his mind is lamenting how he can’t be with Platin anymore. He notes that their last words were that they can’t be together.
Or then goes into a slump, staring out the window like he’s lost. Jade wonders why they’re just sitting around when Platin could be getting killed, to which Or answers that it’s not any of their business because they’re not dragons and this is what Platin wanted. Weiss flips out, questioning Or if it’s fine for Mercury to rape Platin, and that Or is seriously thick headed if he could go all these years without realizing how Platin felt. Or snaps and says he can’t give Platin a child so he has no right to be by his side. Weiss and Jade squabble over Gaito having babies, and Weiss starts flipping on Jade for forgetting about Rouge, her son (see volume 1). Atrum steps in and reminds her that it’s Gaito -men- who can’t have babies. Or remarks that it doesn’t matter anyway, because Platin is a dragon. Jade makes a comment about how Platin can’t do it anyway because he has no parts (I love the new Jade).
Weiss reminds Or that having babies shouldn’t matter because the two love each other, and Or remembers how he made Platin cover his eyes so that he’d be safe while they travel (I guess purple eyes are rare and can cause trouble). Or admits that Platin is his everything, and the group transport off to save him.
When they get there, they find Platin half dead and about to lose, because Platin absolutely refuses to mate with Mercury. Mercury starts taunting Or (before realizing he is there) and how Platin is weak for holding onto someone who just left him. Mercury says that Or has no right to interfere in the dragons’ affairs, when Or speaks up and tells him he’s right. But he does have a right to interfere in Platin’s affairs, and changes into a golden bird. Turns out he was able to make a promise with Weiss because she got Hori’s egg (I think, it’s a little vague). After a battle, Mercury admits defeat and leaves. Platin is shocked, but grateful. Weiss then reminds him that he is loved.
Two weeks later, Weiss is looking for Platin and finds him being spoon fed by Or. Or is very lovey-dovey now, and Platin is a little embarrassed. Weiss wants to talk to Platin in private, but Or says no, telling her that there are no more secrets between the two. So Weiss blurts out that Platin is pregnant. She goes into a long winded talk about how Platin was still female when Or saved him, and that Gaito sperm are some kind of super sperm that can conceive with other Gaito and dragon people (and there’s an actual drawing of sperm and eggs, more crazy Naono humor). Needless to say the boys are all stunned, except Or who just goes over to Platin and takes off his blindfold. Platin admits it’s true because he didn’t revert back to male right away, and Or just hugs him in what has got to be the cutest panel ever. He then says that above all else, he’s thankful for Platin being alive.
The book ends with some humor, with Weiss calling the two “mamatomo”, kind of translates into mama buddies, and Platin revealing that the baby will take 3 years to be born. They leave to return to Weiss’ hometown, this time making Jade carry all Platin’s luggage. When Jade complains, one of them says “What? Elderly abuse?”. Atrum comments that Weiss smells good, and she blushes and yells that it’s only the soap.
So the two oneshots “Tamago No…” and “Tamago no Hanashi” probably make a lot more sense now. I kind of like how nowhere in the book is it mentioned that the two slept together, just BAM! pregnant. Reminds me of a Disney movie, except with men. XD
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