#when you are a pregnant woman who broke it off with your mistress the day before your wedding to your baby daddy
eerna · 2 years
just to keep u updated on shitty media I consume, I just finished Emily in Paris s3 and if we never get s4 I will cry real tears
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seiyasabi · 2 years
Could I have yandere la squadra with a single mom who were left by cheater husband, she is gave birth not too long and live alone without anyone. He worried that her and babies are not safe, they are weak, fail, could break easily, even can't defense themselves.
He kept eyes on her and make sure that she was safe until she gave birth, and making sure that cheater won't comes near her and babies ever again.
Sure :)) I haven't done La Squadra for a min
Yan La Squadra x Pregnant Reader w Cheater ex S/O HCs:
-Probably meets u before ur even pregnant
-He likes how nice you are to him, even tho he looks scary as hell
-So, when you end up sitting on a park bench, crying your eyes out, he's there to comfort you
-He'll bring you to his apartment, keeping a strong arm around you as you sob into his side
-He is a little upset that you're pregnant by somebody else, but it makes sense that it was ur husband who got you pregnant
-Even tho he's calm on the outside... he's fuming
-How dare that scum cheat on you and then leave you? Doesn't he know how much of a catch u are?
-Swears to provide for you and your babies, and he does
-Will go to all of your appointments w u, scaring the crap out of the medical professionals
-Will also make that ex and his mistress disappear- neither deserve to live after what they did to you
-He's so protective over u, not allowing u to do anything outside of the house or anything too labor intensive
-Once u give birth, he can't help but dote on the two of you, even though he's stony faced the entire time
-You were a waitress at a fancy restaurant he normally attended
-You were always the nicest and well trained of the wait staff, leading to him requesting you every time he came to the restaurant
-You two quickly became friends, so when you broke the news that you were pregnant, he was happy but upset
-But, he still supported you and your happiness... until your husband publicly humiliated you
-Apparently, the man didn't even know what restaurant you worked at, leading him to bring his mistress to your work place, where you were currently serving one of your closest friends
-You broke down into tears, hand cradling your medium sized bump, as the man you loved nonchalantly claimed you were a one night stand to his mistress, explaining away you and your pregnancy
-Prosciutto and the other wait staff quickly stepped in, the blond man kindly taking you back to his home, and doting on you almost immediately
-He has you quit your job, allowing him to keep you safe inside and close to him (on his off days)
-Won't hesitate to take on the father role, vowing to love anything that came from you
-Is a good ass dad and new hubby tbh, bc he will do literally everything for u
-Notices you when you're pregnant
-You're about 6 months along, tummy very prominent
-He'd met you at your job during one of your shifts, and you'd become fast friends
-He visits your coffee house almost every day after that
-So, he's there when your husband's mistress comes in, throwing hot coffee in your face, and calling you a whore for 'stealing her man,' even though it's the other way around
-One of the other men in the coffee shop wrestles the woman to the floor, allowing Melone to rush to your side, pressing wet compresses to your lightly burned face
-This entire event sends you into an early birth, and Melone is with you every step of the way
-He's there during the birth, allowing you to squeeze him as hard as you need to
-Once you're finished, you allow him to cradle you to his chest, falling asleep as ur babe goes off to the NICU
-He'll act as a stand in father, slowly winning over you and your child's heart
-Once ur good and dandy, he'll get a sample and see if ur compatible w Baby Face :P
-You gave him a meal on the street bc u thought he was homeless lmao
-It was sweet, and ur pretty, so he didn't mind
-But when he found out u had a husband? Damn
-And when he found out ur a near future milf? DAMN!
-He doesn't care, he ups his game, but it doesn't really work lmao
-But, once he sees that ur husband is a cheater? All bets are off the table
-He took photo after photo of them, before confronting them
-Ur pussy husband tries to bitch out, but Formaggio doesn't hold back, publicly humiliating him, before dragging him and the mistress to ur house and forcing them to admit what they did wrong
-U want to try to fix it, but ur husband is like no<3, leading him to kick u out of the house bc ur bestie beat the dog shit out of him
-But don't worry, Formaggio deep cleaned his apartment before u came over, and his cats love u the moment they meet u
-When ur baby is born, Formaggio doesn't necessarily know what to do, but he tries his best
-The cats love snoozing w the babe, always keeping them warm and alerting u when ur babe needs u
-Formaggio is totally the type to wear a baby carrier and claim them as his own
-Notices u when ur out shopping
-U look so self conscious as u try on maternity clothes, and ur husband is being a nasty asshole
-When ur hubby wanders away to take a phone call from his mistress, Illuso slips in, helping u find clothes that suit u and make u feel confident
-He did this at first to boost his own ego, but he can't help but like you
-U became fast friends, and on the day of ur birth, he's one of the people in the delivery room, taking the place of ur absent husband
-Ur husband missed the birth of ur child bc he was with his mistress, which u found out later during an argument
-U were completely torn up, but Illuso didn't allow u to fall into a postpartum depression
-He swallowed his pride for a minute, allowing him to dote on u in the way u deserved
-He at first was v distant from the babe, but over the first year, he couldn't help but view them as his own
-NGL, he tortured and killed ur ex in his mirror realm, all whilst u and the babe napped one day
Pesci (TW mentions of suicidal mindset)
-Nice boy is nice
-He notices u when ur sitting on the ledge of a bridge he walks on
-U just looked so ethereal, he couldn't help but approach u
-He was so concerned the moment he realised u were crying and heavily pregnant
-When he asked what was wrong, u explained that ur husband left u for his mistress, leaving u heavily pregnant without a home
-U wanted to end it all before u brought a baby into a homeless world
-It broke Pesci's heart, causing him to offer u a place to stay
-He knows that Prosciutto will be mad at him, but he can't help but help u
-After this, the two of you were inseparable
-He doted on you like crazy, trying to convince u that it was ok if u quit ur job, he'd take care of u until ur mentally ready
-U don't take off, but u appreciate him enough that you make him yummy goods
-He falls in love so fast, and he already knows that he'll love ur baby like his own
-When u give birth, he's panicking, but he stays dutifully by ur side
-Will ALWAYS take care of the baby, going so far to force u back into bed when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night
-Literally is the best one, 10/10
-Watches the breakdown happen w his own two eyes
-You'd told ur hubby that u were pregnant at a gelato place, a cute announcement in a sweet treat
-But, he didn't react well
-He straight up yelled at u, telling u that u need to get rid of the baby bc u don't deserve to pass on his genes, and that his mistress is better than u
-It was a wild ride, and Ghiaccio refused to continue to watch it happen
-He stood up for you, practically strangling ur ex with his bare hands
-Ur husband was shamed out of the establishment, leaving a wilted you on a hard chair, gelato melting into a pitiful lump
-Ghiaccio isn't good at comforting others, but he tries to make u feel better by buying u a new gelato
-From that day on, u two became friends
-He doesn't really dote on you, but he is a comforting presence
-He is there when u give birth, and he thinks ur child is so wonderful
-Will step up immediately, practically forcing his way into ur child's life, and he is v reliable
-He's a consistent presence, and u welcome him w open arms
Sorbet and Gelato:
-It's unknown how u came upon their radar
-All u know is that they one day appeared lmao
-Ur husband dislikes them bc they always vouch for what's good for u- pointing out how he's always missing
-They find out he's cheating almost right away, allowing them to gather evidence against him
-But then.... you fall pregnant
-They don't know if it's right to tell u, but they do anyways
-They comfort u the entire time, as u wait for him to come home
-He ends up coming home w the mistress, not expecting u and ur homies to be there
-It's a shit show
-Sorbet and Gelato don't hesitate to kill them
-You're in shock, not expecting such a reaction, allowing them to drag u away
-Ur a house spouse for them after that, neither allowing u out bc they're so paranoid ab the boss
-Will only allow u to see approved doctors, and when u give birth, u do so in the bathtub lmao
-Ur pissed, but the birth was p smooth sailing
-After that, it's like y'all were together for all of ur lives
-They pretend that they're the birth fathers, never allowing u to even think ab ur ex
-They're the scariest two on here, bc they simply don't care, they'll just yoink u away the moment they're able to
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 67
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English Composition broke off the animated chatter of the latest slew of papers that mentioned the President’s words and then delved to new directions while you settled into the new desk off the side of the front row without an attached desk. A few days back in the former week the evident inch to the side you made to avoid squishing your belly with the L shaped attached desk that brought out one of the desks set aside for the occasional expecting mothers to begin the start of the difference of your place in classes. Beginnings of more changes that were to come while eyes could now gauge just how long you might have left and every loop of your arms around the protruding belly that occasionally you amusingly rested things on top of to find comfortable positions or angles to work with as much ease as possible.
Trig and Calculus held more room in their desks for the men usually in use of them. The latest stories on new discoveries from the new large telescopes were brought out for Astronomy and books were consulted to enforce what facts and details were necessary to understand the news fully. A sudden glance to the clock on the wall by one student when the class felt a bit long had you all scramble for gathering your things to free seats for the incoming students while you made for the next class. The empty seat for you seemed to put a lock on your Sociology class that all looked your way when you came in a few minutes late. One hushed apology and an explanation and in relief the Professor began the lesson when you took your seat after a chuckle at the distraction from the latest news from space.
Hot and humid random bouts of breezes from open windows and turning fans to the final class after having spent a good part of the last class with a spare bit of folded paper in hand to keep cool. Quick and sharp mid paragraph on an argument to answer the prompt given a shriek left your lips at the feathery body that collapsed onto your desk. Over your lips to the shiver of feathers and fix of wings your hand settled for a wide eyed stare at the now upright Barred Owl that sat atop your desk that blinked at you to the open of the classroom door revealing the twins who wide eyed found you and the reason for your shriek that called them there.
The soft squeak heard in the silent room had its head turn and named the reason why it had flown in, a small mouse was snatched up and carried back out the open window. Quietly the twins eased back out of the classroom while your Professor came over to help pick up your things that had been scattered to the floor uncertain of what to say other than to remind of how much longer he was to give the class to finish filling out the sheet. To a pat of your free hand on your belly you got back to the assignment that afterwards two people were chosen to share their answers with the rest of the lesson to follow. Another note however once class was called found you on the way back to the fake courtroom again where you flashed a grin to the students gathered there.
The TA came over at the side of the lead Professor who grinned and greeted you, “Welcome, welcome. Heard you had a mishap with an owl.”
“Oh, ya, flew in a window to chase a mouse and landed on my desk. No harm done. These cases better than the last two?”
The Ta said, “Well, Divorce Hearing and an Art Heist Trial. Hard to have as many difficulties as before, these two Lawyers do try to make difficult cases with new plot lines compared to the first two.”
You nodded and glanced to the preteen near to one of the students who was accepting a packet of his own and asked, “That kid is part of the cases too?”
The Professor nodded, “Yes, Billy’s brother to stand in as his son for the case. Usually hangs around after his class gets out so they can head home together and in a couple weeks will be out of class and have plenty of time to come and help with the Divorce Hearing if we did need a testimony from the child involved.”
“How is there the same amount of evidence for these cases as the first two? I take it there’s one for the divorce and the rest are for the heist?”
“Half and half actually,” that had you huff.
“Let me guess, I get to read another diary of the loosest men and women legally tethered together.”
The TA as you accepted the clipboard to sign the form to accept the file boxes now loaded onto a dolly by him smirked saying, “I wish we had more to offer case wise than attacks on character and morals. You must be exhausted of it after having to read the first set of evidence.”
In passing back the clipboard to the 2nd Professor who approached you replied, “We can barely go a mass without hearing the word whore, I’m not exhausted the word has lost its sting and I’m just disappointed honestly at the lack of imagination. I know children who can reduce grown men to tears if they need help on that front they could even consult Officer Browen’s boy, he could blow these cases out of the water for what they could be.”
Making the men chuckle and grin to the TA who said, “True, very true. Hopefully next year we could add in a line of teens to run these cases by. You know I can’t remember going through a week of high school without crying.” He said playfully on your joint step to the door and he asked, “You?”
“Well, I was an orphan in a Catholic School, practically disowned and I can’t remember speaking without my voice cracking until I got into the school in Canada that got us girls enrolled in Nursing courses to help the efforts.”
“They really got you in high school?” He paused and said, “I know you’re young, but how young were you?”
“Fifteen, for the Nursing courses, then um, I was sixteen when me and Eddie got sent to that base hospital. I’m 22 now, got my GED a couple years after I’d have graduated high school. So my odd timeline is a bit jumbled compared to normal education markers.”
“Wow, 22, and that’s with a Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine?”
“Science, but, same horse different hat.”
“And with babies on the way in the middle of more degree hunting. And I thought my working nights while at school was rough.”
“My dad worked in a factory to fund his try for a degree here and to save money for my schooling and my other brother Steve’s. Neither of them got to their degree but I am determined to get to the finish line.”
“Well save for more owl attacks you should get there in no time,” he joked and you chuckled to yourself and slowly took the few steps between wings he eased the dolly down the steps. Excited chatter picked up to the soft sway of the fan in your hand to try and bring up any details that could let on how much fun or how long these two cases might last.
James outside of the car smiled in opening the trunk for him and helped to load up the six cases then watched the TA hurry back while you lowered into the car to sit down out of the sun. Behind you the boxes were levitated to the library where you settled the Art Heist Evidence that your family gladly listened to the case that had one twin out of a pair that could both likely be culpable for the crime. And yet the one on trial had a sound seeming alibi merely for the hint that the lead in charge of the investigation had a grudge with him. The twin spurned his daughter years prior and contrasting the ridiculous crime itself.
With little proof they arrested him for the robbery on Mr Barnham’s mansion, one of several he owns, while he threw a costume party at another. Several priceless gold statues along with gem accented decorations were taken along with a solid ruby/ivory/ebony piano and a variety of black market paintings and marbles. Almost all of the black market pieces were returned to the museums and exhibits they were stolen from. The gem based goods are still missing. All the portraits and statues were replaced by ones modeled around cats.
Every testimony was read through before you closed the box after finishing on the alibi for the twin on trial that had you hope they pulled that up quick to have you throw the case out. Although for your luck you knew they would want to stretch it out to use as much of the information given as possible.
Emil Schmidt – Age 32, Job – Advertising, Parents well off, Met in high school. Has had several affairs then he filed for separation. Already in new relationship with latest mistress who is a co-worker. That was the Husband in the mix before you delved into the Wife and child.
Wife – Sylvia Schmidt – Age 31. Daughter of a painter, painter herself, mother is a concert pianist. Tried to file for separation before then she found out she was pregnant and had to stay with him for son’s sake. Their nine year old son was in several clubs with great grades.
The witnesses for the Husband sprawled out from bad to worse and almost had you in a fight against tears for what these pretend people were saying about this nonexistent woman. Friend who tries to say wife could be a better mom and wasn’t a good wife. Former Boss of hers in gallery to say she couldn’t keep up with employment to hint she would be unable to provide for son. A shrink he had consulted about her who hasn’t seen or spoken to her who diagnosed her as unstable. Assistant who says she demands gifts and is bad with and is after money.
Fully contrasting her witnesses that weren’t as venomous against him as his had been at her. Ex Mistress, bad breakup with hubby for younger woman, not the only one. Former Driver who says husband drinks heavily and has seen him degrade her over the years. Current Mistress of the Hubby. Tutor for son who says he’s been to both places and seen conditions son has to study in. Mom helps him but dad’s has more space for him to spread out his work.
Assets came next with little mention of anything concrete for the future of the family that furrowed your brows and had Eddie ask, “Problem with the case?”
“He has no will, no investments, doesn’t even own the house they’re fighting over,” you flipped the page, “Or the car.”
James rumbled, “That’s a terrible plan. Nine year old, what happens if he kicks it?”
Victor, “Even for the new Wife, no matter how young she is, I take it she’s younger than the current Mrs Schmidt?”
“Eleven years younger.” That had the brothers chortle and you said, “And eleven years older than their son.”
Eddie, “Now that’s shameful. One for the Mrs and two above all for the kid.” He pointed to James, “I mean you’re 117 years older than Bunny but even if there was an adult kid involved her and them wouldn’t be almost on even scales maturity wise. 9 is a short skip to teens when feelings and hormones start to rage and that Mistress just out of her teens relates more to the kid than the dad who grew up pre-Depression while she grew up after. I mean he’s old enough to have been drafted with a kid left behind and the Mistress was still in school probably running bond raises.”
Unable to help it you giggled and in Eddie’s rise to go help Teddy lift his bucket of colors that got stuck you caught James’ eye and made him ask you, “What’s funny?”
“What was your fake birth year again?”
That had him chuckle and Victor said, “You’re still half his age with the fake numbers. Bumped our years up a century.”
Norma giggled and leaned in to press a kiss to her husband’s cheek, “And you look phenomenal for your age.”
“Oh, Jeanie, I have that screenplay, or the first half of it, if you’ll check what I have for it?” She nodded and when you were helped up she joined you in the living room where you left your bag to offer her the notebook you had been writing the new draft inside to be typed up later on when it was finished properly up to par. Onto the chairs you settled and in her move to your side with use of a red pen you made note of the changes she mentioned on the pages for small things that could be expanded upon later in the new draft you would have completed by the days off.
Two more Photography Clubs and a meet up of the Paper came between you and your free Friday evening that had you with a second notebook to hold the draft for now the whole screenplay that you made note could possibly stretch the film to three hours if they cut nothing out. At your side with equally as furrowed brows Eddie typed up the second half of the screenplay while you typed up the first half on matching typewriters to get the task completed quicker. And by the time you were on the final page the doorbell sounded and with news of more casting news Stark came in and boasted to you all before with a smile he took hold of the first chunk of the screenplay he chose a chair to dig in to the more detailed layout.
“Bunny this is brilliant,” he said while Eddie took the final page he shook and laid on top of the upside down stack he stood to ease underneath your stack you added your own final page to moments prior to complete the hefty screenplay.
“I thought it might be a bit too thick actually.”
“No,” he said, “I love the extra bits, any that you’ve added. And it gives us some cushion for later to work with.”
“Well I think that’s all of it, so you won’t be held up by it.”
“I am not held up. But I can get this to the printer today and by tomorrow for the new copies of scripts to hand out. I’ll make sure you get a couple copies yourself on top of Norma’s.”
“Okay, hopefully I didn’t miss a typo in there.”
Eddie smirked and said, “There’s an x’ed out R in mine.”
Howard chuckled and said, “Doesn’t matter, the printer will skip that.”
“If anything I think Jeanie will have it memorized by the time you are filming, she’s given the drafts a few reads and given me some notes on how to fix it up.”
Jarvis beside him asked, “How do you plan to spend your day off?”
“Well Ambrose and her Husband are expecting us at the birthing class tonight. There’s only four moms in town due soon and the Nuns like even numbers, so even though they know the ins and outs they’re up for support.”
Howard said, “Didn’t you help with the three munchkins around here?”
“Ya, but still, it’s sort of expected and since I see another Doctor and not the Maternity Home here weekly they still invited me to participate in their classes. I mean three babies at once, could use all the tips I can get. And I think it’d be worth the giggle to have James mothering a doll. Him and Vic melt just tucking in Teddy’s bear in with him at nap time.”
Howard chuckled and said, “Well I hope it helps. Heard they even have meditation now for moms.”
“Just hope they don’t try to get me to lay down on the floor like they did with Gina in her last baby, I need a nest to lay down on my side and on my back is out of the question.”
Lunch was next in the absence of your guests and afterwards signaled Gina and her Husband’s arrival to escort you and James through town to the same Maternity Home where you saw the elated Nurses and Nuns there in the clinic you passed through. Beyond the mothers not so far along and those who had already given birth you felt eyes on your wide belly that was visible in the dips of your dark grey overall shorts that rested over the peach polka dot coated sleeveless blouse. Right beside you with hand on your back James strolled with a grin on his face for this next step that would hopefully help to warm you up to the change coming. Nervous slightly himself to see what the lessons were on since the last time he was expecting a child there were no prenatal classes to be had. As if Eddie and Victor’s sharing of classes had simply been wiped from his mind now that you were here. And the sight of Dr Roan who smiled widely had you smile back on the way to the side room where a quartet of mats were laid out on the floor.
“Ambrose, and Bunny,” the glasses wearing nurse with a Scottish accent said with a smile and said, “You two can get ready to settle onto your mats with daddy behind you.”
With a small grin you hushedly spoke with Ambrose and James to choose between the final two open mats where James lowered with hold of your hips to help you down to your knees. Gently to your right side you lowered to your hip after releasing the hands of the most experienced Nun who came to check on you herself after not having seen you since Teddy’s rough birth. “There you are Bunny.” Her smile spread to the sight of your tucking your legs underneath you in a slight lean forward that aided in James’ gentle stroke of your back as he settled his legs on either side of yours. “How are you feeling?”
“Good, made sure to eat first so the girls are in a good mood.”
“That is very good,” she said and moved to check on the other mothers making sure to recall to check on you later when the class was over.
The second soft speaking Nun who to the record that the Nurse with glasses turned on to set a calming mood for the beginnings of recommendations on positions, “And if you can stretch out your legs and lean back into Daddy’s chest.”
Her eyes landed on you that had you giggle and say, “I can’t stretch my legs straight out or my feet go numb when I’m upright.”
And softly she chuckled, “Best we don’t have that. Cross legged is just fine, and will help to stretch your pelvis and thighs for your babies.” Moving to stroll around the other couples while you smiled at Ambrose in her relax into her husband’s chest as James eased you back into his to take your weight and let you relax.
Talks and a few sparse jokes mingled through the guided show on breathing and close eyed guided meditation to help relax through birth until the talks of how baby shifts that a fellow young mom to be in the back was being guided through this by her mom. “This is where your down bellows sneeze on you.”
That had you giggle along with James to the Nun saying, “The mucus plug is next to arrive on you, yes.”
That had Ambrose look your way and she giggled to your point her way as you said, “I remember for your second you let out this shriek in the toilets at the market, frightened that girl Bridget to almost wet herself thinking someone had broken in.”
James hummed, “Must have been a fun story to share with you,” to her Husband who smiled and shook his head.
You giggled again as Ambrose said, “Only thing more terrifying to him than a baby coming out was knowing there’s more to it than that.”
The Nun chuckled and guided you through the next set of steps and got into a few positions to help labor along until she asked each of you how you planned to have the babies you were carrying. Ending with you of course that had you giggle and say, “Bit hard to plan mine. My Doctor has been talking about either a push birth or a possible c-section. Planning for both I suppose.”
“Are you frightened about that?”
With a shrug you said, “They’re going to have to come out one way or another. And I seem to be following the plan superbly, and that’s a quote from my Doctor who would know the best way to go after having helped my mom have me.”
The other two mothers in more in depth conversations delved into that with the arrived Nurses from the now closed clinic with Dr Roan in their group who came to lower at your side and sit on the ground with a kind smile. “We are all glad to see you here today. Are you in the third trimester mark already?”
With a nod you answered, “28 weeks tomorrow, so just on the cusp of it.”
“And your next appointment is?”
“Tomorrow,” you said and to the shift of your belly his smile widened and you said, “They love to kick and wrestle around.”
“May I?” he asked in a lift of his hands and you nodded and guided his hands to rest a palm on each baby and the third the Nun felt.
“There’s a butt here, and this one’s a head, and a back here. At least for now until they swim around on me.”
The Nun asked, “Is your tummy always this stiff?”
“Only a few hours after I eat, then I get these weird gurgling noises and it all relaxes. My Doctor said it’s just my system adjusting to the new weight and moving gasses.”
That had her grin ease out as he said, “Well you seem to be growing very well with little signs of discomfort.”
A tape measure was produced with impressed grins at the size and shared presumed weight of four and a half pounds each so far by what you had gained taken as guesses by your Doctor. All promising of good signs you could make it to the final few weeks if possible. And all seemed to be in high spirits when your sister and brother in law led you and James back home to relax again and share about the first class.
Eisenhower broke the silence of the upright courtroom, “Good Afternoon, be seated.”
He sat next in the ripple of replied, “Good Afternoon, Your Honor.” and eyed the crowd who took their seats again to the approach of Officer McTavish who passed you a sheet of paper for the open file on the desk after he read, “Good Afternoon Judge. This is case number #. The State of New York vs Lewis Patzer.”
“Thank you Officer McTavish.” Your eyes shifted over the eager students in their assigned seats on Council and the trio on trial who simply were waiting for you to ask, “Are all parties and Council present?”
“Yes, Your Honor,” both sides stated and then the Prosecution stood for the one in the paler suit to speak, “District Attorney Antonio Speltzer for the Prosecution and this is Thomas Wnters for Assistant District Attorney.”
They sat down and while the judges took note of the progress to far or procedure being followed the Defense got their turn to stand to name their three male pretend client on his feet beside him, “Vernon Dorman, Your Honor, on behalf of Lewis Patzer.”
You asked when they sat down to the General’s own check mark on his procedure notes at your right, “Are all parties ready to continue?”
“Yes, Your Honor,” the four Lawyers stated and from your notes you eyed the charges to be read off for each.
“Lewis Patzer,” you said and the student for her and for Vernon Dorman stood for the read of charges, “You are charged with Robbery and Possession of Stolen Goods, how do you plead?”
To the charges Stark’s mouth quirked up into a grin just barely in shock for what sort of trial this was and he heard his lawyer state, “Not Guilty, Your Honor.”
You nodded and made your own note of that on your notepad and stated, “The Court is ready to hear recommendations on bail now.”
For that the DA Antonio Speltzer stood and with notes in hand stated, “Your Honor the State recommends bail be withheld on each of the Defendants. Mr Peltzer is in possession of ample funds from this crime and is able to fund an escape out of the country.”
Lawyer for Mr Peltzer, Vernon Dorman stood and said, “Your Honor, my client is innocent in all of this. And was merely arrested on counts of bias on behalf of the Lead Investigator. He has no criminal history. Your Honor my client is willing to surrender his passport to remain at home through this baseless trial.”
The curious author who watched his trial come to life and wet his lips as you said, “Agreed, bail is set at $. Officer Browen please escort Mr Peltzer out to see to that.”
“Yes, Your Honor,” he said accepting the signed bail sheet you handed over to him while the Defendant and his attorney thanked you to the scoffs of the DA in mock irritation to his being freed.
Smirks spread through the audience as the trio stood and were escorted out to the nearest room in the hall outside while notes were taken of this part of the trial being covered and both sides of Council readied as one by one from the final group of 24 students the Jury questioning was carried out. Just a couple questions were asked to speed up the process out of the pre-selected groups from each side with some removed and traded for more acceptable options.
Jury – 12 people
7 male/ 5 female
3 Late 30’s and up / 9 Low 30’s -18
8 rich/ 4 blue collar
To the assignment of those Jurors those students were relieved to fill up the only Juror Pool of these final set of trials and were excused from the courtroom to be given proper instruction while you closed the case for the day and stated the date that the case would be resumed. Pleased with the first step concluded the Council all filed out to take seats and allow the Council for the second case to file in for their own turn.
Schmidt vs Schmidt
“Are both parties present and ready?”
Both on their feet the Husband’s Lawyer Samuel Felton and the Wife’s Lawyer Lee Hogue spoke together, “Yes, Your Honor.”
“Samuel Felton here today for Emil Schmidt.” And the other Lawyer spoke, “Lee Hogue on behalf of Sylvia Schmidt.”
You nodded and asked, “Have you two at least come to the agreement on who opens the case?”
Lee Hogue smirked and said, “We have, Your Honor.” While the other students sat he continued to share the background of the relationship of the duo. “Almost out of a storybook these two met, Mr Schmidt from white collar roots while my client came from a daughter of a painter and a concert pianist who over the dividing lines of an artistic family and one of a more pragmatic family bent on successful business ledgers began to date in High School. And over the years Mrs Schmidt has faithfully stood beside Mr Schmidt through numerous infidelities and social set backs while he found his footing in the Advertising world. A trial separation by my client was approached nearly a decade ago until it was confirmed she was pregnant with their child, Daniel, who is nine now. We are here today because Mr Schmidt again is in another relationship outside of the marriage and wishes to marry his mistress whom he met at his place of employment.”
“Very well,” General Eisenhower stated in the sip of water you took from the glass at your seat to wash down the scratch you felt at the back of your throat to a speck of dust in the air that wafted down from the fans above now in use after months of sitting stationary.
To the lower of the glass mention of the offered prenuptial agreement was detailed and then the points of deal breakers ended the day on a term of complete shambles to negotiations and work ahead to add in new assets gained since the date of the wedding. And the hushed murmurs and stolen glances were silenced with a welcomed gavel slam to free you all into cooler halls with notice of Friday as the next day to meet up.
Divorce outside of your case found itself in the headlines and above the picture of the moment where you and James stole a kiss after the trial. Your hand on his belly and his on yours in the toe top pose had speculation that a divorce and custody battle was underway with a wait until the baby was born for him to drop the bomb on you. Giggles and chuckled comments was the response when the headline was brought up with your grin being split wider to the jokes your favored Professors had come up with for this new development on yet another story in poor taste.
All false but it sold papers and for the addition to the piles of headlines like tear away calendars that got you closer to another week closer to Canada. Closer to the film that Norma was so eager to get started on that you had written and the home repairs that could keep the guys from hovering around you like concerned chickens ready to cuddle with the incoming babies. Dawn as well looked forward to be back near to her family who was aching to see how big Teddy and Marigold had grown and shower their grandbabies with as much love as possible to help grant ample time for you to relax and focus on your nesting phase.
Small steps would get you home again and your lives ready for this next step. Small steps like the next day where you completed another yearbook event you photographed while Portia took notes on the event for the paper. And while Victor printed the photographs for you up in the new Nursery where James found and smiled joining you in arranging small things around the trio of cribs the Brocks had lovingly made quilts and cushioned covers for the inside of them. Careful tucks and adjustments of items around the built in units the guys made for you while you were at school covering a full wall to the changing table opposite the mural coated wall the supply of diaper cloths with snaps to avoid delirious accidental stabs on pins was given their weekly refold.
Up around your back James molded and covered your belly with his hands to a press of his lips on your temple and murmured lovingly, “We’ll be ready for the girls.”
“We need gates for the steps,” that had him smirk and he hummed approvingly as you said, “Teddy nearly flipped over the pop up ones last month. Frightened Dawn half to death and Goldie and Petal will be up and around soon.”
“Okay, let’s sketch some stair gates. Me and Vic will make them while you’re at school and Dawn takes the munchkins to Mamma Brock’s.”
You nodded and to the sitting area in your room he helped you to come up with a simple solid door on a hinge with horizontal planks anchored by two vertical boards on either side with a board diagonally cut between them. Like small barn doors they would be anchored on hinges that would lock in place on the opposite banister to keep the babies from being able to clamber down the stairs without an adult to guide them. Grey and white were the chosen colors and everyone loved the designs that after supper James and Victor got to measuring the staircases for each at the tops and bottoms while you and Dawn soaked your feet.
Pt 68
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
12 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Underground ~ JJK [M] [Request]
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➳➳➳Word count: 2.9K
➳➳➳Pairing: King!Jungkook x Concubine!Reader
➳➳➳Genre: Floffy, angst (tiny bit) and SMUT
➳➳➳A/n: Hope this is okay for you my love
➳➳➳Concubine meaning:  a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives (also known as a mistress)
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People didn't like the fact that you were what you were to the King, you could tell by the looks on their face as you walked around the streets of the Kingdom of Zenith, but it was normal for many King's to have Concubines, while other King's had multiple Concubine's but King Jungkook had just the one and that was you. That was his choice though he didn't want many women he just wanted you and his soon-to-be wife.
"Do you see the way she walks? As if she’s better than us," Someone asked as you walked past their stall, you were used to the whispers by now but it didn't make it any easier, hearing the rumours about you.
"What is she even doing here?" Another voice rang out a little louder than the first, you kept your head down as you walked over towards your old home to visit your mum. Not that she ever spoke to you, she was ashamed of what you had become but it didn't stop you going to visit her every weekend. 
"Hi Umma," You greeted as you walked into the Hanok that you used to live in, she looked up from her breakfast took once glance at you before going back to her meal. This was the normal exchange you would have with her, 
"She'll come around," Your sister whispered but it wasn't true, she wouldn't. 
"I brought fresh strawberries from the farm." You placed the basket down and your sister watched you with a close eye as you reached out for them and began eating one of the strawberries with a small smile on your face, sighing to yourself as you watched your mum eating her breakfast, once you felt your sister's close stare you stared back at her and she smirked to herself. 
"Come with me," You followed her out of the Hanok with a strawberry hanging out of your mouth, out into the garden where she walked you over to the swing on your tree, somewhere you would go a lot to talk to one another a lot as children.
"How long?" You frowned at her and she sighed sitting in front of the swing and staring up at you, there was no denying it she watched as you swallowed the strawberry you had been munching on. You didn't even know, did you? 
"The smile of content, sighing because you're happy and that natural flush." She squealed happily and you had no idea what she was doing, 
"We have to take you to Halmeoni," She was excited about something so you nodded along with it, you hadn't seen her this happy in months and it felt nice to watch her smile. 
"Take me then," 
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You beyond thrilled and couldn't wait to get back to the castle to tell Jungkook the good news, it was hard to determine at first but once your Grandmother did all the tricks she knew it became clearer and clearer with every second, you were pregnant and carrying a set of twins.
"You're sure?" You asked as your grandmother held a pin on a string above your stomach, she closed her eyes and began chanting away to herself when the Pin began to move on its own, a clear sign of pregnancy. Then she went out to fetch eggs from one chicken, bringing back two eggs which meant twins. It was an old technique she'd used when your mother was pregnant with you and your sisters and it was foolproof. 
The guards watched as you walked in the direction of the throne room ready to tell Jungkook the news when you heard yelling coming from inside the great hall. Your interest was piqued so you walked closer to the door and listened in to the conversation if you were anybody else this action would but punishable by death.
"I want to proceed with the wedding," You heard Jungkook say to his father across the room, Jungkook had been lined up to marry a Princess from another Kingdom to expand the Kingdom of Zenith and bring more protection for it and you knew this of course, but you'd never thought Jungkook would go through with the wedding. He was always telling you about how much he didn't want to marry someone that wasn't you, that it felt morally wrong to marry anyone else but you. You held your hand over your stomach trying not to think about it too much, stressing was bad for pregnancies you knew that much. 
"How soon shall we have it?" You heard his father question, the next question made your heart sink as Jungkook answered him with full excitement and you could tell he had a smile across his face. 
"Next weekend." You slowly backed away from the door not wanting to hear anymore and took off in a sprint towards your chambers. 
You had special chambers since you were the King's concubine, it meant your own giant bed, being served by maids in the castle and other staff at your beck and call. 
"Miss?!" You slammed the door before your personal made could question why you were crying, it felt harsh to treat her this way but you couldn't risk anyone seeing you cry over the King. It just simply wasn't done. 
"Miss, King Jungkook wanted us to tell you he wishes to see you right away. He knows the weekends are for your family-"
"Tell him I'm still out," You spat out rushing into the bathroom and staring at yourself in the mirror, you looked down at the expensive gown you were wearing, then at the jewellery which was custom made for you and you tore them from around your neck and ears. Throwing them into the golden bathtub before screaming about not being able to take off the dress. The same maid from before rushed into the room with her ladies in training, 
"Leave us." She clapped her hands and the two minions left the room, standing in front of the giant chamber doors to stop anyone else from entering. You were sobbing into your hands while the maid quietly undid your corset, not daring to speak a word to you as she knew it was against the rules, 
"Thank you, Cruella," You sniffled and she handed you a handkerchief turning you around to face her,
"The king isn't worth those tears." She whispered wiping your face and looking at you, she'd always been the nicest one in the castle to you and you always assumed it was because it was her job but no one else made this kind of effort. 
"He's marrying her," She sighed and stripped you from the gown throwing it into the bathtub as you had done with the rest of the items he'd gotten you, 
"You knew it would be coming through." She ushered you into your room and retrieved you another ball gown which you shook your head at. 
"Can you fetch me some rags instead, and a bag." 
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Cruella had watched you the entire time you packed up old clothes into a bag, leaving no note or clue as to where you were going but leaving out of the palace in the middle of the night with her. Dressed as one of the other many chambermaids, 
"What do I do when he asks for you tomorrow?" She asked once you reached the ends of the palace gardens, your heart was breaking at the thought of leaving him behind but it broke more when you thought of him marrying another. 
"Tell him I'm sick, it'll keep him away a couple of days until I have enough time to get out of the kingdom." You told her as you looked around nervously,
"You're pregnant are you?" She questioned taking in your appearance under the moonlight, you stayed silent and she made a promise to keep your secret. 
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To her avail, she had managed to keep it for as long as she could but a week had passed and Jungkook had had enough of not seeing you. He barged into your room expecting to find you sitting in bed with a book but when he found nothing he was concerned, Cruella spilt her guts once he threatened her job and he instantly began setting up a manhunt to find you and his unborn children. The kingdom was searched multiple times a day and your home was ransacked in order to find you, but you were nowhere to be found. Rumours spread like wildfire about you fleeing to another Kingdom because the baby belonged to another King while other rumours started you were still in the castle but underground not wanting to be found by the king. None of them was true, of course, except for the underground part. You were underground but not under the castle, you were under your mothers old Hanok being looked after by her whenever the searches were completed. The king's guards were idiots and never thought to check an old well with a fake bottom which led to you. 
"Umma, I have to leave soon." The night you left the castle you'd gone home to say goodbye to everyone but your mother insisted on keeping you in the hidden room below the surface until searches were called, she promised it would be easy. 
"No, you're not leaving. You're with child, it's too dangerous to leave now." There was always going to be an excuse for her as to why you couldn't leave and you knew that, after the years of her not talking to you it felt nice that she was willing to put her life on the line to protect you and the babies growing inside of you. There were footsteps above the ground and she frowned, the searches had already been completed that day, 
"Wait here. Stay silent." She walked off down a hallway and to where the ladder led to getting in and out of the well you were underneath, the lid was lifted from the top and there stood three guards and Jungkook looking down at her.
"We're coming down." You sat up straight as you heard his voice through the echo's and you knew what your mother had done, 
"Umma!" You yelled getting her attention, she nodded at you and motioned for Jungkook to follow her into the room where you had been laying down. 
"Umma what are you-" Jungkook was standing in front of you dressed in his robes and smiling, the same way he looked when he picked you out before. 
"OUT!" Your mother screamed at the guards that had tried to come into the room, Jungkook flinched a little as she raised her hand to point at the seat. 
"You! Sit!" He sat down instantly and stared at you as you sat down on an opposite seat from him, 
"She's with child, what do you plan to do?" You stared at your mother as she told him the news which he already knew but you didn't know that, 
"I plan to marry her," Your eyes snapped back to him and they began to have a conversation about marriage as though you weren't in the room your head dancing from one to the other as they continued to have the discussion as though it didn't involve you in any way. 
"Excuse me- Yeah, Hi. What?" Jungkook's eyes were staring into yours as he smiled, how could he smile at you like that when less than a week ago he was planning on marrying someone else. 
"I'll marry you." You blinked at him as though he was crazy, which he was. No one married a commoner, or their concubine it just wasn't done.
"You can't-"
"I'm King, I can marry whoever I please." You looked at the floor as he raised his voice a little, 
"That was the plan before you left, running out before you knew the information." He tutted at you, your head lifted from the floor as you made eye contact with him, he had a cocky smirk across his face as he watched you try and piece together what he was saying. 
"Marry me? But you're supposed to-"
"I'm not supposed to do anything, I'm the King." You nodded at him and he got down onto one knee in front of you, 
"This isn't the way I had this planned but will you Y/n Y/l/n marry me?" Your eyes teared up as you watched him pull out a ring from one of his robe pockets and you nodded falling down onto the floor and hugging him. Your mother crying in the process and smiling at you, as much as she'd disliked you for what you had become in the Kingdom she knew real love when she saw it, and she wasn't going to let her daughter and grandchild grow up without a father figure. 
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                                                  One Year Later
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The kids were sound asleep for the first time in many months, they normally cried for hours on end only sleeping an hour but tonight was easy. Their first birthday had come around and they were sleeping as though they had grown out of the habit of not sleeping,
"Jungkook, shh." You said as he stepped closer to you you were sitting on the small balcony of your room looking out over the kingdom and the babies were asleep in solid gold cribs across the room in your chambers.
"Shh yourself, I've missed you." He growled rushing over to you and pulled you into a loving kiss since the babies had been born you hadn't been together intimately and it was starting to get to you both,
"You're so gorgeous." He mumbled putting his head into the crook of your neck and sucking along the skin, you held back the moan as you looked over your shoulder guards were in the courtyard below. 
"J-Jungkook guards." You warned only making him suck along the skin harder, 
"Let them watch, I want them to know how good I make you feel. Fuck it's been so long." He groaned kissing you once again, your hands reached into his black locks and you kissed him. 
"Be quiet now baby." He dropped down onto his knees and lifted the base of your dress up and over his head, you felt him pulling your panties to the side and your breath hitched as you felt his breath against your throbbing core. It had been so long since he last touched you you'd almost forgotten what it was like. His tongue ran along the length of your sex and you let out a strangled moan into your own hand, 
"What if we wake- ah shit." You moaned out throwing your head back in ecstasy as he continued to suck harder on your clit, flicking faster and inserting two fingers inside of you. 
"So tight," He hummed against you only making you clench around him as you already felt yourself beginning to get close.
"R-Right there- but what about-" He cut you off by pumping his fingers faster and curling them in just the right motion that made your legs shake, he could tell you were getting closer but he didn't want you to cum around his fingers. 
"This way." He pulled you towards the bed and laid you down, neither of you had time to strip out of your clothes in case the babies woke up so he lifted the dress up to your midsection and took his member out from his pants.
"You ready baby?" You nodded eagerly and you gasped as you felt him enter you, the stretch after not having him for so long was painful but you could deal with it. 
"Fuck." You moaned into your hand trying to be as quiet as possible, Jungkook groaned out as he tried to thrust in and out at a slow pace but the tightness was only making him want to ram into you, have you screaming out his name as the old times. 
"We'll have time for that another day-" You mumbled knowing exactly what he was thinking just by the look on his face, he focussed on trying to get you close with slow thrusts trying to push down the feeling of his own release approaching him rather quickly.
"Jungkook." He bent down to bring you into a lustful kiss, trying to keep you silent and his thrusts began to pick up pace as he felt you clenching around him, hitting your g-spot every time he had you moaning out into his mouth,
"G-Gonna cum." You whined out in a whisper trying to be as quiet as possible but you could feel the band tightening in your stomach and the sound of him moaning in your ear was only bringing you closer.
"Cum for me then," He growled in your ear picking up the pace and smirking down at you, 
"S-Shit," He grumbled as he felt you cumming around his cock, biting down on your lip so hard that blood was trickling around it, you continued to buck your hips as he thrust into you never wanting the orgasm to end.
"O-oh fuck," He moaned out as he split into you, pulling out and falling down onto the bed beside you and panting, you turned to look at him with a smirk and he shook his head at you. 
"I promise that next time-" You nodded already knowing what he was going to say, you just rolled over to lay your head on his chest and try and get a couple of hours sleep before the twins would wake up.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @kpopfanfictionhoes​ @lyoongx​ @fan-ati--c​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​
327 notes · View notes
kelyon · 4 years
Golden Rings 8: A Mayor
The Storybrooke Sequel to Golden Cuffs
Rumple has a chat with Regina
Read on AO3
After that disaster of a meal, the walk to City Hall gave Rumpelstiltskin time to cool his head. It was one thing to lose control in front of Mrs. Gold, the poor woman would just blame herself for any change in his behavior. But now he was strolling into enemy territory. Going eye-to-eye with the Evil Queen. He knew better than to blink. 
In the old world, there was no question that he was more powerful than Regina. She had learned her magic from him. Even then, the girl had a long list of grievances against a world that had, admittedly, treated her poorly. Rumpelstiltskin had trained her in the ways of dark magic, and that gave her the means to forge her anger into a weapon. Over the years, the queen had refined her rage, hammering her many resentments again and again until her pain was a folded blade, sharp enough to cut the world asunder.   
The most important lesson the Dark One had ever taught his protégé was that true power was the ability to cause pain. If hurting people didn’t make her happy, clearly the solution was to hurt more people. As Regina’s abilities had grown, so did her list of enemies and potential victims. Her wrath had expanded from targeting one little girl, to a small rebellion, to the whole realm.
Storybrooke was Regina’s ultimate victory, even over him. It was not enough for her to simply end the lives of her enemies. She had to torture those who had wronged her, prolong their suffering. For twenty-eight years, she had trapped them all in a world without time. A world where every day seemed exactly the same as the day before--except, somehow, worse. 
She had separated all of them from the people they had loved. She had forced them all to be the worst versions of themselves. She had destroyed their happiness in the hope that she would finally have some for herself.
Had it worked? 
Rumpelstiltskin had reached Main Street, the unofficial border between the old part of  town and the new. Regina lived in New Town, along with the rest of the Storybrooke elite. The castles of this world were made of drywall and stucco, and Mayor Mills lived in the grandest of them all. Did that satisfy her? Was it enough for her to be richer and more powerful than anyone else in town? Did she still feel like a Queen?
City Hall was in New Town as well, only a few blocks away from 108 Mifflin Street. That wasn’t the official residence for every mayor, but it was convenient that the only person who ever ran for the office lived within walking distance. 
Main Street was deserted at this late hour. Even Granny’s had only a few stragglers inside, lonely people lingering over cups of coffee before heading back to empty houses. The loudest noise on the street was the opening of the door from the offices of Dr. Archibald Hopper.
A little boy ran out onto the sidewalk, jabbering excitedly to a blonde young woman.
“I’m telling you, the first step is to figure out who people are. Once we know, then we can help them remember on their own. Then they can find their happy endings!”
“Okay, kid. Sure. We’re gonna suss out people’s secret identities from fairytale land. How?”     
“Don’t worry. It’s all in the book!”
The animated conspirators walked off. Neither one noticed the figure limping in the shadows behind them.
Well, Rumpelstiltskin thought. That was interesting. 
Gold recognized the boy as Henry Mills. Ten years ago--though to a cursed mind it couldn’t possibly have been ten years, my how time flies--Regina Mills had come to Gold and asked him to arrange for an adoption. She had demanded a newborn with no family, preferably from far away. She had wanted a closed adoption, with a birth mother who would never interfere with the life she had planned for the baby. 
It had been a tall order, but Gold had contacted a juvenile detention facility in Phoenix, Arizona. By some happy chance, one of their charges--herself an orphan who had spent her life in the foster care system and inevitably fell to a life of petty theft--had found herself pregnant. Gold had never gotten the name of Henry’s birth mother, but Rumpelstiltskin knew it well.
Emma Swan.
So that was why the Savior had come to town. 
And, apparently, the boy Henry had some idea of the true nature of the people around him. Was it because of this book he had mentioned? Or was reality obvious to anyone who  wasn’t blinded by the curse? Either way, the boy was trying to get Emma to help him make people remember who they were.
How very interesting.
The rest of the walk was easy. Rumpelstiltskin walked with a light step to City Hall. The lights were on in the Mayor’s office, but there was some activity in the garden around the back.
Rumpelstiltskin found the Queen on her knees, picking apples up off the ground. The sedate little garden had become a place of horticultural carnage. An entire branch of Regina’s prized apple tree was on the ground, with a fresh wound on the trunk. The grass was littered with sawdust and leaves and fallen fruit.
“What a mess.” Rumpelstiltskin announced his presence, walking into the enclosed space.  
Regina finished what she was doing before she stood up. “Not for long.”
There was a smile on her face, and a sharp gleam in her eyes. Rumpelstiltskin could read his pupil like a book. Despite the chaos around her, she was celebrating a victory. So far, she was happy. How fragile was that mood?
“This will all be cleaned up in the morning,” Regina said. “And the menace responsible is probably halfway back to Boston by now.”
“You don’t mean Emma Swan, do you?” Rumpelstiltskin circled the tree as he spoke. “I just saw her walking down the main street with your boy. Two of them looked thick as thieves.”
It was always a pleasure to see Regina’s smile vanish, and her satisfaction sour into spite. But now there was an extra thrill in watching her ire. She hadn’t changed at all. Twenty-eight years of getting everything she wanted, and Regina was just as insecure and petty as she had ever been.
“I told that woman to get out of my town.”
“Apparently, she didn’t follow your orders.” Reaching up into the tree, Rumpelstiltskin grabbed a low-hanging fruit and twisted the stem until it broke off in his hand. “That makes her rather a special person around here, don’t you think?”   
Regina ground her back teeth, an ugly habit she’d had for years. “I spent all day trying to get rid of her.”
“And you didn’t come to me?” Rumpelstiltskin tossed the apple in the air and caught it in one hand. A whole day? No wonder the Queen was frustrated! Normally her will was worked much more quickly than that. Of course, she normally had help. “I thought you knew where to go when you needed something done.” 
She turned her back on him to examine her tree. “I don’t make deals with you anymore.”
“And what a shame that is for us both,” Rumpelstiltskin lied. “After all, we have such a grand history of working together for our mutual benefit.”
“Your ‘benefits’ aren’t always what they seem, Mr. Gold.” Regina smirked, like she was pointing out some undiscovered fact. “Even when you got Henry for me, now I find out that there’s this woman.”
He held the apple in the palm of his hand. “Children are known to have mothers--”
“I’m his mother!” She cut him off sharply, and he knew that look. If this was a world with magic, the Evil Queen would be throwing fireballs right now. Her anger was always so close to the surface. She had never learned how to hold back, how to sneak and plot and keep your enemies close. 
“Be that as it may.” He kept his voice friendly, the same tone Gold would use. “Next time you need something, I hope you’ll remember to call on me.”
She smirked again, that regal expression of amusement and disdain. It was one of her better masks. “Nice to see you so accommodating, Mr. Gold. I’m glad that woman hasn’t ruined everything in Storybrooke.”
He shook his head, all businesslike courtesy. “No matter what strangers may do, everyone needs a friend in low places.”
“And you are certainly the lowest,” Regina chuckled. The smallest show of deference was enough to restore her good humor. The slightest reminder of the power she thought she had. “By the way, how is Mrs. Gold?”
“Quite well, thanks for asking.” He looked her in the eye and lied to her face. His masks were better than hers and always would be. “She’s a little, ah, tied up, at the moment. But I’ll give her your regards once she’s free.”
“Please do. I always like seeing the two of you around town.”
Rumpelstiltskin polished the apple on the sleeve of his suit jacket. This type was called a Red Delicious, though Mayor Mills would tell people it was a Honeycrisp. She could tell people anything and they wouldn’t question her. 
He began to saunter out of the garden. He had seen everything he needed to see.
 “I wouldn’t worry about Emma Swan.” He left Regina with a reassurance that would only remind her of her real problem. “How could she possibly be a threat to you?”
He didn’t let Regina respond. He had asked her a question that would haunt her waking hours. Whatever happiness she had accumulated with her curse had popped like a balloon the moment the Savior had entered Storybrooke. 
All he had to do was watch the show. 
On his way out of the garden, he took one bite out of the apple. Red through it was, the fruit was far from delicious. It was bland and bitter, just like her. Rumpelstiltskin tossed the apple over his shoulder and left the Queen to the destruction that had once been her sanctuary. 
Heading back to the house, Rumpelstiltskin’s mind went to another dark sorceress: Maleficent, the self-styled Mistress of All Evil. She had certainly been the mistress of Regina. Once Regina’s husband was dead and Snow White had fled for her life, Regina had taken Maleficent as her lover publicly. No one in the kingdom had dared speak a word against it. For a time, the two of them were inseparable, their mutual adoration a force that would move mountains. And they liked nothing more than to exercise their power on anyone who was weaker than they were.
They had done it to Belle. Rumpelstiltskin’s heart burned at the memory. Long before he married her, he had let them take her. When Belle had trusted him completely, he had been too much of a coward to defend her. Because he couldn’t have let the queens of darkness know that he had feelings for the pretty girl whose body he had bought and paid for. He couldn’t have exerted any force to protect her from them. He couldn’t have even said that she belonged to him and he didn’t want to share. That would have been a sign of weakness, tantamount to admitting that he loved her.
And he couldn’t have allowed them to know the truth. His reputation, his pride, could not endure it. At the time, he couldn’t even admit it to himself. 
Belle had come back to him naked and bleeding, with a testimony of the worst kinds of torture. Every wound on her body screamed out his guilt. Every word of what she told him as an indictment of his failure. For weeks after she had suffered nightmares and attacks of fear--things he only learned about later, because he hadn’t wanted to hear it, and Belle hadn’t wanted to tell him. The selfless girl had stifled her own trauma for the sake of his ego.
On Rumpelstiltskin’s mountain of regrets, refusing to protect Belle from Regina and Maleficent was a towering peak. 
Of course, Belle wasn’t the only one. Reports and rumors kept circulating about that kingdom, of the horrors inflicted on anyone who stood up to the Queen, or got in her way or even attracted her attention. Fair maidens with dark hair began to stay out in the sunshine to tan their skin and lighten their tresses. They wanted to bear no resemblance to the truest target of Regina’s rage, the girl who always evaded her grasp.
Eventually it had become too much, even for Maleficent. She had left, returning to her own castle. When Rumpelstiltskin had paid a visit to her, the witch had seemed more disappointed than heartbroken.
“It just got boring, Rumple. The same things to the same people, over and over! And Regina was never satisfied, not with me or anyone else. Evil is evil, but a person’s got to feel appreciated for the work she puts in!”
Maleficent would have taken Regina back, he knew. If there was even the slightest hint that things could change, that Regina was capable of growing up. Maleficent would have offered Regina a twisted version of happiness, if only Regina had really wanted to take it. 
Sometimes, late at night while Belle was sleeping safely beside him, Rumpelstiltskin liked to imagine the reconciliation between the two queens. It was an inevitable moment. One way or another, destiny would bring them back together, at least one more time.
Regina would come to Maleficent. Perhaps she would say she was sorry, that she wanted a new start. Perhaps she wouldn’t have to say anything. Maleficent’s eyes would glow with her green fire. And her smile would be of genuine joy. She would lower her defenses and welcome her lover with open arms.
Welcome Regina into her heart.
That image had comforted him through many nights when his mind was tormented by how the queens had tortured Belle. They would pay for all they had done to her. Even now, the thought filled him with vengeful contentment.
When he got back to the pink house in Old Town, Rumpelstiltskin found the place dark and quiet. The lights in the entryway were shut off, the candles in the dining room extinguished. The cold, fluorescent light in the kitchen was the only illumination on the first floor.
Plates and cookware were stacked on the counter by the sink. They were rinsed off, but not scrubbed. Gold didn’t trust his wife to wash his precious antiques. 
“Right,” Rumpelstiltskin said. 
In preparation to wash the dishes, he took off his suit coat and draped it over a kitchen chair. Then he removed the cuff links at his wrists and carefully folded up his sleeves. There were black rubber gloves inside the cupboard door underneath the sink. A green canvas apron hung from a hook by the stove. Gold was very fond of protection, of layers and separation. At last, there was something about him that Rumpelstiltskin could understand.
He took off Gold’s moonstone ring and put it in his trouser pockets with the cuff links. Now the only thing on his hands was his wedding ring, the golden band that had once been a shackle around Belle’s wrist.
Before he put on the rubber gloves, Rumpelstiltskin brought his knuckles up to his lips and kissed his ring. He had never removed it in the old world. It was as much a part of him as his own hand. He wouldn’t take it off here, either. The ring was proof that he was Belle’s husband. 
Belle’s husband, and Bae’s father. That was enough. When the world was right, that would be all he would need to be. 
Once the dishes were cleaned, dried, and put away, Rumpelstiltskin gathered his things and went upstairs. Mrs. Gold had said something about taking a bath. She was surely done by now. If he was lucky, she would already be asleep and he wouldn’t have to talk to her again.
It was the end of Rumpelstiltskin’s first full day in Storybrooke. He was already tired, already heartsick, already waiting for the Savior to do her job and free them all.     
The red lamp was burning in the parlor of the bedroom suite, just as it had been the night before. Mrs. Gold had turned it on to welcome her husband. The bedroom was dark, save for a beam of light that shone from the half-open bathroom door.
“Is that you, Mr. Gold?” Belle’s voice came from the bathroom, as well as the faint sound of sloshing water. The whole bedroom smelled like some kind of artificial perfume--the expensive bath oils that Mrs. Gold liked to buy.
“Do a lot of visitors come into this bedroom?” Rumpelstiltskin stayed on the other side of the door and began to undress. 
Mrs. Gold chuckled, the way Belle did when she was relaxed and comfortable. “I never know when you might send someone over to surprise me.”
He winced at that, at the casual way she suggested the possibility. Gold had never allowed another man or woman to touch his wife, but it always seemed to be on the horizon. That was the next barrier to cross, the next thrill for Gold to seek. He had prepared Mrs. Gold to expect it. At any moment, he might invite some stranger into their home--into their bed, into her body--and her task would be to be a welcoming hostess. 
Regina had made it that way. Everything about this marriage was her design, a reflection of what she had seen of him and Belle. It was possible that the torment was supposed to come from how much Gold and his wife both wanted to sleep with more people, but couldn’t find anyone in Storybrooke willing to indulge them.
“I’m almost done shaving,” Mrs. Gold called from the bathroom. “Then I think I could use some lotion. It’s getting colder now. I gotta keep soft and moisturized.”
She was inviting him to rub her down, to put his hands all over her silky skin and cover her body with a slick, sweet-smelling substance. They had done this so many times, in this world as well as the old one. He had made her soft and smooth and warm. He had found her wet and willing and open. His wife wanted him. She was offering herself to him. She loved him and he loved her and joining their bodies together was the most natural thing in any world…
“Fuck,” Rumpelstiltskin whispered as he pulled his pajama pants up over his hardening cock. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, more loudly, he said to Mrs. Gold, “Actually, I think I’m going to go to sleep. You take as much time as you need.”
For a moment, the silence from the other room threatened to swallow the whole of reality. 
“Oh,” she said at last. “O-okay, Mr. Gold. What--whatever you say.”
It hurt to hear the disappointment in her voice. But this was what he had to do. He couldn’t indulge in Mrs. Gold’s appetites--or his own. She wasn’t Belle. Doing anything more than sleeping next to her would be an unconscionable violation of Belle’s trust. 
And besides, that woman had no say over what she thought she wanted. Between the cursed personality Regina had devised and the cruel training Gold had inflicted, nothing inside of Mrs. Gold was real. She wasn’t a person, any more than Gold had been.
Rumpelstiltskin sighed, and got into bed. Maybe he could fall asleep before Mrs. Gold joined him. Or he could feign slumber until she went away to do something else. Would tomorrow be another day like this? And the day after that? Was he going to have to make excuses to this woman until the curse was broken? Coward that he was, he would run and hide from someone who thought she loved him.
He was still awake when Mrs. Gold came out of the bathroom. To her credit, she didn’t try to attract his attention. He had told her that nothing would happen tonight and she respected his decision--far more than Gold had ever respected any of hers. But she still strode across the bedroom to get to the armoire in the parlor. Gold had never made room in his closet for her clothes. 
The light from the bathroom illuminated her body. Her hair was wrapped up in the microfiber towel she had bought specifically for that purpose. Aside from that, she was completely naked. 
He should have looked away. He should have turned his face to the wall and closed his eyes until she put on a nightgown. But he hadn’t seen Belle in twenty-eight years. His wife, his beauty, his light in the darkness.
For a moment, he filled his eyes with her. Hiding in the darkness, he didn’t conceal his interest. He saw it all. Belle’s neck, her shoulders, her slim arms and round breasts. She was so pale and smooth, a statue carved from alabaster. The gentle slope of her belly and the soft curves of her waist and hips. Her long, lovely legs. And between her legs…
Rumpelstiltskin blinked. 
Bile rose in his throat.  
He clenched his jaw, and rolled over in bed. He couldn’t look at her for another second. 
Between her legs, Mrs. Gold was bare and hairless. Like a child. Gone were the wiry curls that used to hide Belle’s treasures. He used to enjoy running his fingers through them, to tease his wife before he began to play with her properly.
It was a style in this world, for a woman to shave or wax her pubic hair. Men thought any hair on a woman’s body was unfeminine or even unhygienic. Apparently Gold was one of those fools. 
But even worse for Rumpelstiltskin was the memory of when Belle came back from her time with the queens. She had been bare then as well. It had taken weeks for her hair to grow back. She said that Maleficent and Regina had shaved her with broken glass. That they had pulled out any stubble by the roots.
Belle had not described the pain, but he could imagine it.
He didn’t know if Mrs. Gold had put on a nightgown before she got into bed. She didn’t touch him or try to speak to him. She probably thought he was angry with her. And while Rumpelstiltskin did seethe with fury, Mrs. Gold had very little to do with it.
Regina. The name pounded through his mind, until the very instant he succumbed to sleep. Regina will pay for all of this. 
He is in a cell, in the deepest dungeons of Snow White’s castle. The cell is enchanted, so his magic is useless. It is a dripping cave, carved from solid rock. There are no other prisoners nearby. The guards are stationed at the other end of a long corridor. The only time he ever sees a living soul is when people come to him for help.
He is exactly where he wants to be. 
“I tried your curse,” the Evil Queen rants from the other side of the pointed bars. “It didn’t work!”
“Considering we’re all still here, I should think that’s rather obvious, dearie!”
The Queen snarls at him. Her dark jewels glint in the torchlight. “You know why it didn’t work.”
“Well, I can make an educated guess...”
“Then tell me!”
Leaning back against the rough stone wall, he chuckles at the Queen’s demands. 
“There’s a price to that, dearie.”
She sneers. “Name it.”
“When--” He stops. He makes a show of changing the word. “If you can cast this curse, you will be creating a whole new world. Everything will be as you want it to be, Your Majesty.”
“I know that!” she snaps. “That’s the whole point! This world is stacked against me. This curse is the only chance I have to get my revenge!”
“Yes.” He grins at the Queen, and runs his tongue over his teeth. “You will control everything. All of our fates will be in your regal hands.”
“So what do you want?”
“Oh nothing much,” he waves his hand. “Only what I already have.”
“It’s a world without magic.”
“But not a world without power, yes? Not a world without wealth, or a world without comfort? Not a world without any pleasures at all?”
“Tell me what you want, imp.”
“It truly is a simple request,” he lies. “What is mine, stays mine. Everything I had before I came to this…” He gestures to indicate his captivity. “So the power, the wealth--”
“The woman?” The Queen smirks. “Is that what this is? You want to make sure you keep your little plaything!” Now she laughs. “Are you sure you still want her? She is a little worse for wear.”
“You made sure of that, Your Majesty.” His voice is low, but she doesn’t hear the threat.
“I could make you a lothario instead. Give you a new girl every night? That would be a punishment for quite a lot of people.” 
He moves so fast she cannot see him until he climbs the bars and grabs her by the throat, pulling her toward him. He growls at the Queen. He almost roars: “I. Want. My. Wife!”
The Queen jerks from his clutches, stumbles backwards to get away from him. Quickly, she allows haughtiness to mask her fear. 
“Fine,” she says stiffly. “She will be your wife in the new world, though that will not save you from the curse. Neither of you will remember a second of this place.”
“That’s not as cruel a fate as you might think, dearie.”
“Nevertheless.” She acts like that’s the end of an argument she has won. “Now: how do I cast this curse?”
“You need a heart, dearie.”
“Yes, I know that!” she snaps. “The heart of the thing you love most. I killed my own father and it didn’t work!”
“Poor Prince Henry.” He shakes his head. “He died as he lived: being betrayed by women who never loved him enough.”
“I did love him!” The Queen seems on the verge of tears. “Daddy was the only person who stood by me through everything!”
“Oh!” He widens his eyes and purses his lip in a mockery of her sorrow. “While it is true that the love between father and child can destroy worlds, that doesn’t seem to be enough. The curse doesn’t demand the thing you love much. You must give up the thing you love most.”
“Snow White killed the only other thing I ever loved.”
“Oh, then you’re in trouble, aren’t you, dearie?”  He giggles. “You don’t understand what you’re trying to do!”
“I’m trying to get revenge!”
“You’re trying to make yourself happy!” He grabs the bars of his cage. “You said it yourself, there’s nothing for you in this world. You think you have no choice but to destroy everything here and start over. Do that, and you’ll lose things, dearie. What you love most is just the first step.”
“But I have nothing to love!”
“And nothing loves you? No one loves you, Your Majesty? No one in this world wants to make you happy? No one would embrace you, if only they thought you might embrace them back?”
She begins to speak, then stops. Her royal countenance freezes. He can see the thought blossom in her mind.
“There it is!” he cackles. “You know what you love, dearie. Now… Go kill her!” 
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birth-fic-lover · 5 years
Magical babies
Mara had always knew she was different, when she was young she knew she could sence things her sisters couldn’t. Eventurly she discovered she had magical abilities, she became a witches servent to learn her craft. 
The witch would often make Mara do tasks such as cleaning and cooking but also used her as a test subject. One day she sat Mara down, “I belive I have created the potion that will be the most saugh after, a potion that will give someone the ability to become with child, but more then that a child with magical abilities.”
“My my mistress, that is grand. You will be famous within our community” Mara said encoragingly.
“Indeed, I will be able to sell it to not only our type but to royals and the rich. But before I do so, I must test it. Not on myself, I am past those years in my life.”
“Me?” asked Mara a little scared, but that was how it must go. She took the potion and soon found herself unable too keep down food as she felt the affect of morning sickness. 
One morning when she was in her 8th month she was enjoying the warmth of the sun, she was still required to collect wood along side her other tasks but she did not mind. She had one hand absentmindly on her swolen belly, her back was starting to ache from all the movement of her little one.
As she came into the witches home, she watched her pregnant servent. “Still strong and able to keep active, should be able to keep working for the next month. It seems many believe she must be overdue due to her wombs size, but I wonder if her size is a protective layer around the womb” the witch said talking to herself. 
Mara sighed, she was used to her mistrass talking about her instead of too her. But at least she had her child too keep her company, she could feel the magic that was within the unborn child. The baby could somewhat comunicate to it’s mother though the way it leaned or would stop it stong flurry of kicks on comand, though Mara would joke to herself that the baby had more then 2 of each limbs for all the movement she felt. Currently she could feel the child was awake but resting, the baby had recently got the hang of sleeping when Mara slept.
But gave the child a little bit of a scare when she leaned down, feeling it’s shift. “Oh my dear, I’m sorry. I should have warned you I’m just building up the fire” she said fondly rubbing her childs head.
“Talking to the child again? Hmmm maybe I gave the child too much magic?” the witch said “If it’s too advanced that will never do, parents want to still feel like parents or no one will want my potion”. 
Both Mara and her child froze, Mara had not yet asked what would come of the child who would be born in a month. Mara hoped she would be able to mother her child in excanged for them also working for the witch once old enough.
“What will become of the child once born? Will you let me keep them since they will not be able to be used as an example?” Mara asked hopefully.
"Am I an orphanage?” the witch asked in a stern tone “you do not have time to look after a human with too much magic, I will extract the child for examination once it is born. Then we may start again”. 
With that Mara’s belly was dropping right before the witch’s eyes, Mara felt the child started to use it’s head like a battering ram swimming down as hard as it could. She held her belly winded, "gaaahhhh what's happening?" Mara said both hands on her shifting womb.
"Oooo it seems I did make the little one too clever" the witch said rising out her chair. "It seems desperate to avoid my extraction, if it leaves your womb naturally then I can to harm them."
Mara then caught on, all children were magicly protected from harm in this land. You could only at worst have some bad bruises, but no parent had buried there child for hundreds of years due to the enchantment.
The witch wouldn't have it, "then we will simply have to kill it before it leaves your womb". Mara felt shivers down her spine as the witch then put her hand on her active womb. “That’s enough you beastly creature, if you had been smarter you would if hidden your abilities from us." The witch then tried to hold Mara's womb to stop it from moving down, "hold your belly like this" she instructed ans then went to get some ingredients.
But as soon as the witch left her side Mara gave into the urge to squat, trying to help her child escape. "Ohhhhhh" she moaned as her child had found the exit. It continued using it's head like a battering ram straight into the entrance to her birth canal, as it kept forcing itself agaisnt it she could feel it start to give. "Ohhhh that's it baby, break my waters" she said softly.
When the witch returned she howled "oh you stupid ungrateful girl, I will kill you both!" She lunged at Mara but her child then succeeded in breaking Mara's waters, the witch slipped in the fluid.
“Nooooo what have you aloud to happen" the witch knew it was too late. The child was now protected, despite the pain Mara smiled. She dodged around the puddle and her mistress, she knew she had to escape. She worked quickly grabbing what she could.
Mara wandered through the woods with one hand pressed around her massive belly, the other holding a bag full of all her belongings. The temperature was dropping from a warm summers day to a cool night quickly, she knew she had to find someplace to stay for the night soon. She had never though she would be in a position where, she feared that her unborn child and herself wouldn’t survive to see the morning. But it seemed that things can change very quickly, as she learnt once again as she felt her belly being squeezed as it was gripped by a contraction. 
“oooofffff” she groaned as she walked on "this has all taken a dramatic turn". She was covered in dirt and sweat from escaping through the woods, the contractions started after she escaped and were getting closer together. She hoped her child would be developed enough to servive out of her womb.
The woman who had sold her the dress she was wearing had told her it would fit her for the final cycle of her pregnancy, but her belly had grown so big the dress was almost like a second skin. It was constrintingly tight, and yet she dared take it off in fear she would never squeeze back into it. This and the consant movement within her made her feel she was carrying a matching pair rather then a single baby. She hoped she was wrong, not because she wouldn't two healthy babies as a blessing. But she just worried she wouldn't be able to provide for her twins. Before she hadn't given it much thought, but now she knew she would have to forage for food.
She walked on a little longer, feeling the cramps every once in a while. They kept coming, she just needed to get to the next village and hope that someone would take pity on her. But then she stopped as she tried to ignore it until the strongest cramp she had felt gripped her. She rubbed her back missing no longer having the comfort of the amniotic sack to keep her baby from being so heavy on her hips. She felt the contractions, they were no longer warnings but the begining of her child needing to emerge. She sensed her child knew too, it had stopped trying to escape since her water broke staying put in Mara's womb. Though naturally the baby was sliding down her birth canal little by little, making harder and harder to walk. "Your being so good wait till we have arrived somewhere", but she knew that she was dialiting and the need to push would come eventually.
She needed to find a safe place to bring her child into the world, but the shock and the pain from this unexpected day now made her head foggy. She started to sob, she found herself lowering her head in prayer to the goddess of fertility. She had herd legands about her, but didn't know if she helped those already blessed with children. But she had to try, maybe herself having magical abilites would win her favour. She wished she knew how to use her abilites, afterwards she raised her head slowly. Nothing felt like it was different, but she felt her child inside her tell her to keep moving forwards.
Eventually she came across a cabin in the distance, she was shaking from relief. Could this be the work of her prayer or was this just around the corner all this time? It looked like it had been left a long time ago, the outside was unloved moss draping the roof and walls. But she could see it was dry and structurally sound, she used her body weight, maybe a little magic and the power of her latest contraction to push the rotting door open.
Inside she found the lamps were out of oil and there was no candles in the holders, but there was a fire place with enough wood to start a fire. She could see some more logs near by, and a mattress made of straw. She pulled the mattress away so it wouldn't catch alight, then started to build a fire.
Her hands slide to her protruding belly as another conraction vibrated though her, "now young one, I will be ready to deliver you soooooohhhhhh hoooooooo". The moan filled the room, she was aware that this child had waited long enough and her body was taking over. She was glad the fire was able to warm her up and hoped it would sooth her aches a little.
Mara rubbed her belly taking a deep breath, she could tell the child was trying not to wriggle but they were getting cramped by the contractions. Mara was glad she was alone and indoors, but as she rubbed the belly that covered most of the knees as she knelt she felt the urge to spread her legs. A moan escaped her lips as she felt her child being forced against her cervix, as she tried to get up she found herself in a low squat. Gravity took over bringing the child slightly out the birth canal making a small bulge form between Mara's legs.
Mara softly stroked the baby's head with the tips of her fingers, she couldn’t help but push hard again and again, now it was time to actually birth the child she felt relief but it was too slow. But Mara didn't give up, she just changed positions opting for hand and knees on the mattress.
When her latest contraction finished Mara liffted a hand to rub her belly, so heavy it brushed the mattress. She then let her hand wander from rubbing across her belly to sooth her child, slowly moving her hand lower wanting to check her progress. She could feel her lips starting to bulge outward even more, she cupped the head supporting it as she pushed it out further.
As time passes her opening started to grow from a tear drop shape, to an oval and then still get larger and larger to accommodate the new life emerging. Mara could feel herself losing her balance, so she guided herself to a kneeling position legs spread wide.
She reached down to carefully support the head that was pulled out even further by gravity, she kept pushing the head into her hands. "GAAAAAHHHHHH" she moaned loudly as the head was fully born, she panted as she prepared to make the shoulders slid out of her.
The urge to push returned immediately so she gave it her all until the body slide out. Her son was here, she brought him up and held him upside down until he coughed and then cried. "Well are you the little trouble maker?" She smiled as she removed her clothes, she wanted him to be skin to skin as she fed him. He sucked hard hungry and strong sucks told her he was doing well, as he fed Mara felt a strong kick telling her that there was indeed another child yet to be born. "It looks like that witch was wrong, ohhhhhhh okay okaaaaayyy".
As her child kept suckling she rubbed her belly with her other hand, she was trying to encourage her other baby to follow it's brother. “Come ooooooonnn" she wanted to get the baby out while she was stretched from her previous birth. She was relieved when she felt how strong the next contraction was, she followed her body’s urging to push happily. She could already feel her second to be born starting to make its way down into her birth canal, "oooohhhh you're keen".
She removed her son from her breasts and layed him down wrapped in her clothes, she watched him as she got into a squat and stright away she could tell this baby was racing to be born. "GAAAAHHHHH HOO HOO GAAAAHHHHHH". Her lips began to part and the contractions didn’t stop, this child was sliding further with each push. She put her hand between her legs breathing deeply, she could feel a hard bulge forming in the palm of her hand.
A few more firm pushes and she felt the head pop all the way out with a small splash of fluids, she reached down to check around the neck. Her heart started beating fast, she could feel her cord wrapped around her child’s neck. “Oh please let it be okay”. She could only guess what to do, she carefully pulled on it until she could slide it over the child’s head. Wasting no time she pushed again feeling the shoulders coming free, she pushed as hard as she could needing to see if her baby was okay. She was beond happy when the child slide out and immediately started to cry.
Mara brought the squalling baby to her chest “Mama’s got you and your big brother is already waiting for you, my beautful boys I will try to be good to you both.” She brought both to her breast and let both boys feed, Mara wondered why her labor hadn’t restarted. She assumed she would be needing to deliver the afterbirth now, as she put her babies back down she felt her round hard belly. She wondered if there was a triplet, but if that was so why was she not still in labour? Mara gently pushed around her firm belly and found a third child high up in her womb. She now could feel it lightly squrming, “well I never”. 
As she felt the feet she realised that the baby was laying sideways at the top of her womb. The baby was wedged tight as her womb had condenced as she contracted and delivered her first 2 children, she wondered if there was enough room to turn the baby into proper birthing position. 
She had to try, so while keeping a close ear on the two sleeping newborns she found what side the head was. With a deep breath she placed one hand on her belly above the head, and one below the baby’s bottom. Carefully she started turning the child, she knew the baby must know because it was very still. 
As soon as the child was head down it started sliding down easily, Mara gasped as she felt her contractions come back. “Gaaaahhhh that’s it, hooo hooo yaaaaahhhh”, as the contractions built up Mara noticed that she felt the head was inside her canal making its way down.
The contractions were right on top of each other now, she spread her legs as wide as she could and pushed with all her strength. Mara was relived she was stretched as it was from the previous two births, now on her knees Mara rocked her hips trying to deliver the child as quickly as she could. 
Mara was so tired and in so much pain the head forcing her lips to part as she pushed. Feeling a hard bulge form under her fingers, she knew that her final baby was on it’s way. Mara felt the head slowly emerge, then with a pop the head was born. She lay down the head sticking out of her she just kept pushing not caring about anything else as one shoulder poped out then the other. The baby slide out and cried from the shock, Mara sat up and cut the final cord. 
She brought the baby to her breast to nurse, she had a little girl. She was glad to see her belly was deflated, and with a few more contractions she pushed out the afterbirth. 
Mara stayed in the cottage and over time learnt how to harniss her magic, she loved her magical children who were smart and were as loving as they were loved.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {44}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
NOTE: **Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought. 
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
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Chapter 44:   Surrender 
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 “A divorce Vix, really?”
 You sighed and did your best to ignore her. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy especially now that she found out.
 “You can’t ignore me Vixen. I’m like your conscience, your voice of reason. I speak to that part of you that isn’t so withdrawn, the part that wants love, and connection. How do you think you’re going to get any of that by divorcing the man who wants to love you, the man who is trying to connect with you?”
 “Nex, let’s not,” you began opening your laptop.
 “No, we’re going to.” She came around and slammed it shut again. You gave her an exasperated look.
 “No, I’m not afraid of you. One why didn’t you tell me about this? Two, a divorce, is that really what you want? Have you thought about this?”
 You really didn’t want to do this. You were already barely hanging on.
 “Yes. I’m sure and I have thought about it. What else was I supposed to do Nex? We’re complete strangers. We live in two different worlds, there is no way anything can—this was the right call.”
“You’re full of shit. I know how you feel about him. I know how you’ve always felt about him. You can deny it all you want and ignore it and pretend that you have no feelings for him, but I know the truth. Why can’t you just let him in?”
 “I did that twice Nex! I let him in three years ago and he fucked me literally and broke my heart. Then three years later I did it again against my better judgment, against every single alarm inside my head. I did it and surprise, fucking surprise he fucked me again. I am done Nex, I am so fucking done!”
 “Both times you made the same fucking mistake. Both times you bit your tongue, you cut yourself off, you distanced yourself, you pulled a Heisman. Both times you were never all in,” Nexus accused.
 “For good fucking reason. Why would I be all in with a man who has shown me time and time again why he’s not trustworthy, who shows me how different we are, who shows me why I have these defenses why my freedom is the most paramount thing in the world?!”
 “Just say you’re scared and get it over with. You’re scared you’re so in love with him that he can do no wrong and have you fall out of love with him. Hell, you’ve been in love with him for three fucking years and still, you love him. he fucked you over again and you still love him.”
 “And I hate him for it!”
 Silence filled the room. There is was.
 “Vix, there is a thin line between love and hate. What you are forcing as hate could really be such a love that scares you.”
 “Nex, I am so drained. I have never been more drained in my life and that includes being pregnant, going to culinary school, and going through labor while I finish exams. I am tired.”
 “Then stop running. Yes he fucked up, twice, he should have told you, he should have never taken your choice away from you. I am not condoning it at all, but I understand.”
 “Of course you do. Why am I not surprised. You always understand everything he does.”
 “Because I choose to. You choose to shut it down, lock it away and never address it. You choose to hope it goes away, but Vix it won’t go away. It’s like a scab, it will keep itching and crusting unless you treat it. Face your fears baby sister, face them and grab them by the horns and take your happiness, take your life back. This isn’t living.”
 With your back to her, you stared out the window. You hated when she got this involved. The way you handled things it worked; it had been working. you couldn’t afford to go back to that woman from three years ago. Thankfully your phone rang distracting you from the conversation.
 “Hello? Hi Charmaine. No, you’re not interrupting anything. How can I help you?”
 You listened to her give you up to date information from Chris’ lawyers and every word she spoke made your heart beat faster and your mind race.
 “No, I’m here. Sorry. Um—so that means what exactly?” She spoke again and when she stopped you knew you should have said something but words failed you.
 “Thank you. I have to go.” You hung up and took several breaths.
 “Who is that?”
 “My divorce lawyer,” you informed.
 “Wow, you’re serious about this shit. Unbelievable. What did she say?”
 “Chris’ lawyers informed her that per Chris, he doesn’t want anything from me. Whatever I had three years ago and since he doesn’t want any of it.”
 “No shit!” You looked at her, she looked impatient as if she was sick and tired of you.
 “He also said that he won’t fight me for custody, he doesn’t want joint custody, he just wants access to her when he can in San Fran.”
 “Again, no shit. I’ve told you that he is not like that and you know he’s not like that. You know exactly who he is and always have. You saw the real him that night in Vegas, the him that you fell for and decided to be carefree with. He’s not an asshole Vix.”
 “She said that if I want half of what he has he will not contest it.”
 There was silence now, both of you letting that nugget sink in. He was giving you access to everything he owned, no fight. It showed a disregard for it like none of it mattered.  
 “Yep.” Nexus shook her head then sighed.
 “Look, Vix, you’re on the right path to being alone forever, the right path to just let the one man who actually is your equal, your potential match slip right through your hands. You are on the right path to not making sure that Ella’s relationship with him is not the best it can be, the right path of stealing such a happy family and future from her. So, if that is what you want then continue because the outcome is inevitable.”
 Once she said the words she walked out leaving you standing there shaking from the impact of what she said. You were going to fall apart; it was only a matter of time.  You already didn’t know if you’d made the right decision. You knew you sided with your fear instead of your heart and what made it worse was you felt completely incapable of taking a chance.
 Pushing the conversation with Nex away you focused on the tasks for the evening. You walked out of your office and looked out and down to the space below. The restaurant was coming together nicely. It was T minus four days before the grand opening and you were so close to the finish line you could see it.
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“Amazing isn’t it?” Beside you, Kassius looked down at the view you were looking.
 “It is. I can’t believe that we’re getting so close.”
 “You worked hard for this Vixen. I can’t wait for it to pay off. This place looks incredible. You are going to blow minds on Saturday.”
 You smiled and felt the excitement bubbling within you. You sure hoped so. It would suck to put this much work, tears, and sweat into something and it be a horrible failure.
 “Don’t worry. This is what I do for a living. I take chances but only on things I’m sure about. I’m sure about you Vixen. You’ll see.” He patted your back then walked away. You took a deep breath and tried to knock it into your head that you were going to crush the opening.
 The rest of the evening you did your best to stay present and work with the crew that was left there. No job was too small for you, you chipped in and got your hands dirty. Nothing was beneath you. When you left that night you were pleasantly surprised to see that none of the paps were outside. For the first time in weeks, you took a deep breath and walked to your car. You thanked your security and drove down the near abandoned street.
 While finishing your errands at the pharmacy you saw the tabloid rack and scanned the covers. At least six of them were about you and Chris. This was still a big adjustment seeing your face plastered on tabloid magazines and having people so interested in everything about you. Over the last week, you’d scanned some of the gossip sights and had read some hurtful things that people were saying but also read some kind ones. It was a toss of the dice type of situation.
One of the covers had Chris’ face on it in the center, but there were several women circling him. The white headlines were all about his history with each of them. When you read the words, your interest piqued. “Chris Evans Married but quite the impressive list of mistresses over the years.” You couldn’t believe the nerve of these gossip magazines.
 “What if we were happily married and I saw this?”
 You bought the magazine and made it home to find Ella asleep and dinner in the microwave. After a shower, you sat down with a bottle of wine and ate in the dim light of the kitchen. You flipped through the article and saw pictures of him with the women. They were all beautiful, all sexy and all completely different. One of the two things they looked to have in common was the color of their hair. They were all brunette or brunettes with highlights. They all were also white. You knew that you were probably the only woman of color he’d associated with but to see his entire dating history laid out for you cemented it.
 For the next near hour, you sat there comparing yourself to these tall, slim, blue-eyed, actresses and models and tried not to feel any jealousy. He’d gotten around these last three years. While you were steering clear of the opposite sex, he was fucking his way through Hollywood. It made you think back to what he’d said the night at your house that he’d thought of you all these years and been in love with you. Looking at his little black book before you made you want to shout bullshit. You also tried not to be too critical on yourself for being so different from them or let your insecurities flare-up. You wondered why you and if you were some phase he had to work through.
 It took you almost two hours to realize the postal envelope across the kitchen. When you took it up you saw your name on it but no sender information. When you looked inside the envelope you froze for a few moments before you emptied out its contents onto the counter. Before you were items you hadn’t seen in years, items you’d almost forgotten about. Items you’d ran out of his house without.
 You slowly examined the items beginning with your golden anklet. You’d searched for it for weeks until you accepted you’d lost it somewhere in Vegas or LA. It was one of your favorite pieces of jewelry and you missed it. You then moved on to the lace bra and panties you were wearing the night you were at Chris’. You hesitated touching them, afraid somehow you’d be bombarded with memories. Finally, you took up the bra and smelled it, it still smelled like your perfume, a perfume you still wore every once in a while.
 “My god.”
 Your eyes landed on the golden ring on the counter. The last time you’d touched it was to slide it onto his finger. Suddenly you felt as if you’d run a marathon from your racing heart to your sweaty palms. You took up his wedding band and slowly examined it.
 “He’d held on to all of this, this whole time.”
 Your shock was evident. You couldn’t believe it and didn’t know why he still had any of this especially your underwear. You must have stood there staring at his ring for an hour or so. Everything from the last few months raced through your head, every conversation, every smile, touch, every quiet night together and every genuine moment. You began to wonder if he’d been truthful the whole time. Wondered if you had it in you to take that leap that was required.
 Walking over to your bag, you pulled your phone free and found his contact.
 MSG: 9-1-1. Cathy’s corner where we had tacos.
You shoved the items into a Ziploc bag, grabbed your bag and hurried out the door in your car without a thought to your attire. The drive was relatively quick because of the hour. The streets were mostly abandoned and the further you drove into Mulholland Drive the darker they got. When you pulled up to the spot where you sat with him a few weeks ago you stared out over the city lights. It was still a beautiful view. 
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After a minute you worried that it was too little too late, worried that this was too far to come back from. You’d pushed too far.
 After a few more minutes, you saw bright headlights pull up the drive, then the car screeched to a halt beside yours at an angle that blocked your bumper. You watched as Chris jumped out his car wearing a men’s tank and dark sweatpants.
 “What’s the matter? Is it Ella? Is she okay? Are you hurt?” His words rushed out one after the other as he approached you. Once he was before you his eyes scanned your body. You then held up the items in front of his face.
 “Why did you hold on to these?”
 Chris’ expression changed from worry to confusion, then annoyance. “Vixen, are you kidding me? You text me 911. I'm running red lights, switching lanes, honking like a mad man thinking something was seriously wrong with you or Ella. You can't text 911 if it's not 911!”
 He sounded exasperated as he rubbed his forehead. Ignoring his rant you asked again.
“Why did you hold on to these? You could have thrown them out.”
 “I should have,” Chris dryly responded with little emotion on his face.
 “Yeah. So?” Chris didn’t speak for a few seconds. He then rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head.
 “I couldn't. I--I--,” he stuttered before he let out a loud groan while he ruffled his unkempt hair. With a grunt, he walked away from you before turning back to you once there was space between you.
 “What are we doing here? What do you want?”
 “Tell me why you couldn't,” you countered.
 “No. You tell me why I'm here. I've said everything I need to say. What do you want?”
 “Everything. It's my one fatal flaw. I want it all. I want the incredibly successful, fulfilling career that everyone envies, and I want the perfect, loving, sexy, guy who is head over heels in love with me and will give me everything I want. I want him to love me completely. I want him to never leave and have me be his only dream. I want my amazing little girl who is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to keep her happy and help her grow to be the best version of herself. I want happiness, peace, and joy. I want everything!”
 Chris scoffed and shook his head looking at you as if this was no surprise. “No surprise there. What does that have to do with me?”
 “My career is getting there. I am so close to getting what I want, so close to fulfilling my dreams there. My little girl is amazing, she was born amazing and she is happy and growing; or she was happy until she didn't get to see her daddy as much as she had been lately. Ironically, a daddy she'd lived without for years and now can't seem to forget him after only a few short months. She loves you so much and it makes my heart so full and warm. I want her to be happy again and the only way that can happen is if I find a way to be strong enough, a way to be brave to stand here and tell you that I've never felt nothing for you.”
 Your heart was racing a mile a minute and the fear you felt was real, but you also knew you couldn’t just stop there. Chris didn’t move, and his face gave nothing away. He was unreadable, you hated it. Guess it was your turn to suffer with it now.
 “Since we met even though I heavily drank and got drunker and drunker I felt things for you I'd never felt before. I was able to talk to you and open up to you in a way I only do with Nex. It was insane what we did getting married like that, but I know without a doubt I wanted it. That night at your house you hurt me but only because I thought we were on the same page I thought you felt what I did, and it turned out you didn't. Boston--of course it meant something,” you confessed. That was when Chris’ face glitched with emotion.
 It was do or die time, you thought.
 “I haven't been with anyone since you. No dates, no kissing, well except Zack but that meant nothing. There has been no one. I haven't let there be anyone and I tricked myself into believing it was because I didn't have the time or the energy but I didn't want to invest again or get my hopes up only to get hurt and the truth was I never got over you. I never fell out of love with you.”
 The way he stared at you was only making your heart pound harder and the butterflies flit through your stomach more. He still stood there not moving, not encouraging or discouraging your newfound candidness. Turning away you walked to your car and dug into your purse for the desired item then walked back to him. You held up the papers so he could see.
 “Thought you were going to file those. I signed them over a week ago.”
 “You did,” you answered before you ripped them once, then twice. You attempted a third, but it was tough. A small smile spread across his face before he walked closer to you. Still, he didn’t touch you.
 “Your mother said something to me in Boston, she said, "fate only brings us what is meant and letting something go and it coming back should not be let go again especially if it's what you want."
 He nodded his head as if he agreed. “Sounds like my mom.”
 “Smart woman. Fate brought you to me in Vegas, you let me go, fate said no and gave me Ella, then fate brought me to you, and I've tried to let go. I can't. I have to stop running.” Saying those words felt surreal. All the self-help books said acceptance was the first step then admittance, you just did both in the same breath.
 “Are you saying we're meant to be?” The curiosity and amusement on his face weren’t missed. You were relieved, you thought he’d be angry to see you after what you’d said.
 “Do you think we are?”
 Chris gazed deeply into your eyes and closed the remaining space between you, but still, he didn’t touch you. You wanted him to, but you’d wait.
“You're the only one meant for me. I love you Vixen, I always have, I always will.” Chris softly trailed the back of his hand across your cheek caressing it. A smile spread over your face as joy filled you. Chris looked scared, worried even.
 “I love you too, Chris. I always have and apparently no matter what idiotic plan you concoct, I always will.” 
 The two of you smiled the goofiest smiles ever then pressed your lips together in a sweet kiss. A kiss that increased in passion as the seconds ticked by. Before either of you got carried away, Chris pulled back and stared at you with a serious look on his face.
 “So no divorce?”
 “Nope. I’m so sorry. I ruined everything and hurt you. I hate that I hurt you, I hate that I said those things to you. My god Chris, I’m so sorry.”
 Chris didn’t speak, instead, he took the ripped papers that you still held and ripped them three more times before he flung them in the air. At that moment, the breeze picked up and blew them away scattering them around. The two of you stood there watching them drift in the night sky with sentimental smiles on your faces. 
 “Matter of fact,” Chris began. When you looked to him you were in time to see him drop down onto one knee. That was all it took for the tears to well in your eyes. Chris held onto your hands as he stared at you. You could see everything in his eyes and for the first time, you didn’t doubt any of what you saw.
 “Vixen Star Giovanni-Evans, the last time I did this I was drunk off my ass but even drunk me knew without a doubt that you were something to hold on to. The last three years have not been easy, and they have been quite unconventional. We've both grown so much and accomplished so much. I can say that I am a better man because of meeting you three years ago. I am a better man today. A man that is not only ready but begging for a second chance; a chance to love you properly; a chance to build a life with you, grow even more with you; a chance to be the man that loves you unconditionally; a chance to be the husband I've always envisioned myself, the father I've wanted to be. Will you spend the rest of your life with me, will you allow me to stand by your side and take care of you and show you every single day just what you mean to me? Will you be the mother of my six kids? Will you marry me—again--but for the last time.”
 You laugh throwing your head back and rejoicing in the feel of happiness, a happiness that you hadn’t felt in so long. You pulled him up to stand before you then pressed your forehead on his chest. You allowed your tears to fall freely unabashedly.
 “Are you sure?”
 Chris swiped the pad of his thumbs across your cheeks drying the tears as they fell. “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life as I am sure that I want to be married to you until the day I die.”
 “Yes, but we may have to revisit six kids.”
 Chris smiled widely and shook his head dismissing the notion.
 “Nope. Six. One down, five to go.”
 Your laugh was loud, and you didn’t care. You kissed him again and again and again hoping that this was the beginning of making up for the time you’d been apart and the beginning of building a beautiful life together.
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
I feel like i'm gonna regret asking this but what is hiby
Oh. Ohohoho, oh. I recently answered this to someone else (not on this blog), I suppose there are so many newcomers in this fandom lately that HIBY has become slightly less known than it used to be.
HIBY stands for How I Became Yours, the most polemic and catastrophic fancomic in the history of the Avatar franchise. If you thought any of the official comics were problematic in any sense, woah boy, they’re goddamn flawless masterpieces compared to this thing.
Every possible angle of HIBY is problematic. Spot-on accusations of tracing were the main reason why Deviantart took down Jackie Diaz’s profile and comic from their platform. I heard Nickelodeon also got involved legally, not 100% sure on that front, but if true, they cracked down on her because she attempted to profit off this clunky mess of an inconsistent story by claiming it was somehow an official sequel to ATLA. To clarify, this last thing is something I was told, I can’t find actual sources to confirm it… so maybe I heard an exaggerated account of the tale of HIBY and it never went that far. Nevertheless, this comic didn’t need to escalate into a legal problem to be absolutely abhorrent.
In regards of art, HIBY somehow keeps discarding the asian-inspired setting seen throughout ATLA and instead favors showing the characters in European castles and outfits that don’t fit anywhere within ATLA’s world at all:
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Katara is basically wearing a red version of Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast, if I’m not mistaken. The architecture of the place they’re at is so European it’s baffling (if I’m not mistaken, this is supposed to be Toph’s family’s house :’D). Also, it’s blatantly obvious that the background is a photograph, so she could’ve just as easily looked for photos of asian locations instead, but she picked european architecture because yes. Yet more blows against the possible artistic merits someone could offer this comic (if there’s any).
Now, though, the BIGGEST problem in HIBY is, of course, the story:
To recap: ATLA ends with Aang and Katara kissing at Ba Sing Se. Whatever problems someone may have with their relationship, or Mai and Zuko’s, or Sokka and Suki’s, it’s unquestionable that those three ships were canon by the end of the show.
Jackie Diaz’s SEQUEL COMIC doesn’t acknowledge this finale: somehow, Aang is in love with Toph but they’re not together despite there’s literally NOTHING in their way, since Aang and Katara weren’t together at all, according to Diaz. And Katara? Oh, she’s pining endlessly over Zuko, who somehow married Mai…
… Despite wanting Katara too.
… Despite he literally knocked up Katara back when the war was ending, which resulted in a miscarriage because of Mai’s wicked schemes~~!!
Can someone please explain to me in what world does it make sense for Zuko, FIRE LORD ZUKO, to be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t want, when the person he does want is RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, when there’s no real political consequences to ANYTHING that happens in this comic? You could say “oh no the Fire Nation people wouldn’t accept a Water Tribe woman…” … but then Zuko ends up with Katara anyways and the only problem is that Mai wants to kill them for that :’) so… no excuse works.
Basically there’s no real plot, the whole thing boils down to “I want these ships to happen and I need them to face hardships even if they don’t make sense”. The main hardship is that Mai doesn’t want her HUSBAND to carry out an affair with Katara. Zuko’s response to Mai’s obvious and reasonable complaint about their illicit relationship is to TURN VIOLENT WITH HER. And he’s the good guy :’)
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Mai has a non-existent older brother Sho, who looks like a BLEACH character with Ozai’s hairstyle, and together they will try to kill Katara because, welp, someone has to give them trouble, I guess. In all fairness, the only character with a relatively logical flow of thought in this damn trainwreck is Mai. I mean, “my piece of shit husband married me for political clout, got his mistress pregnant, I didn’t want the kid to be a problem for me so I induced a miscarriage in Katara by poisoning her, probs just wanted Katara dead altogether but whatever, I only got the kid. Then Zuko threw me away despite I’m his legal wife and I’m really pissed about it so I want Katara dead” is the smartest writing in this entire comic. And no, that’s not a compliment, it’s still stupid as fuck but that’s how much more stupid everything else is. 
So, the happy couples are, like I said, Zuko and Katara, who get together despite Zuko is married to Mai, Aang and Toph, who somehow weren’t together despite there’s nothing in the way, AAAND… 
… Sokka and fake!Azula. Because I refuse to acknowledge that thing as the Princess we all love and adore.
Frankly, I consider it a miracle that HIBY didn’t destroy our ship completely when it was posted online, seeing as it was amongst the most talked-about fanmade content in Avatar’s fandom at the time. If people no longer associate Sokkla with HIBY immediately, we’ve definitely done a good job saving our poor ship’s face and showing it’s got a fuckton of potential compared to the shitfest that comic portrayed.
Why is Sokkla so problematic in HIBY? Because of fake!Azula, of course. Why is she fake!Azula? Because she’s got plot-convenient amnesia! Turns out that, for some reason, Azula forgot all the events from ATLA (let’s be real, so did Jackie Diaz so it’s not just her) and she shows up in this comic as a completely different character, so much that, upon hearing about the TERRIBLE THINGS SHE DID AND WAS, her reaction is…:
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Fascinating, am I right? :’D She’s nice, sweet, shy and as good as brain-dead. And as she’s so sweet and cute now, somehow that becomes absolutely appealing for Sokka. And he falls for her, she falls for him, they bang dramatically, and so on and so forth…
Eventually Azula sacrifices herself in the final battle when Mai and her brother try to kill everyone and oh no! Sokka’s love interest dies again! Such a shocker, however, that Sokka goes to the Spirit World to save her, and unlike Iroh he succeeds… but what does Azula look like post-Spirit World shenanigans?
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… Yeah, okay, fake!Azula calling anyone her “little angels” is just proof of how IC she is, if you had any doubts still.
But isn’t it FUNNY. Isn’t it HILARIOUS. That Azula not only undergoes an atom-deep brainwipe that turns her into a flat non-character, but that after dying she’s revived with WHITE HAIR, dressed in blue clothes and whatnot…?
My interpretation, and honestly, I don’t know if there’s any other possible interpretation… Jackie Diaz wanted Sokka to be with Yue :’) She fucking wrecked Azula’s character to turn her into a fake!Azula, who would eventually turn into fake!Yue after being resurrected because oh that’s just perfect to close off Sokka’s storyline, isn’t it? Only, he’s not with Yue nor with Azula because it’s neither of them. Just as it isn’t really Sokka either, or Katara, or Zuko or Aang or Toph.
Now, revisiting this trainwreck, there is a throwaway line where Ty Lee, in her (I think) only appearance in the story tells Katara that Suki and Sokka broke up. So um, Suki does exist, officially, in this comic, and she did date Sokka but it ended, and she’s back in Kyoshi Island with her team. 
Which elicits the question… why the fuck is she Mai’s maid?
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I assure you, if you decide to delve deeper into this mess, you’ll absolutely find a lot more things to laugh about, to be outraged about, and to facepalm about while you wonder how on earth would someone, ANYONE, create something like this and not die of cringe looking at the finished product. It’s baffling to me.
At any rate, if you’d like to torture your own eyeballs reading this comic for yourself, there’s a Tumblr blog that gathered HIBY perfectly neatly for all curious eyes eager to torture themselves with this OOC fest. If you want more details than I care to remember about this catastrophic mess of a story, there’s always the TV Tropes page, which I think illustrates everything rather well. 
So… that’s HIBY. While I don’t think it should be sentenced to oblivion (we had best never forget the lowest lows the fandom has reached, else someone might be tempted to outdo them), this particular fanwork is quite the trainwreck in just about every regard. I really don’t think there’s anything worth salvaging in it. So, if you wanna read the whole thing (I’d be surprised if you would xD), knock yourself out in the blog link I posted up there. Otherwise, have a nice day if you still can after reading my answer to your ask :’D
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of-muppets-and-men · 4 years
Just an Ichiruki canon divergent type story I’m taking a crack at.
This takes place a few years after the Quincy war.
Chapter One: Waning
Winter in the Seireitei was arguably even more frigid than it was in the real world. The chilling air seeping into every crack and crevice, freezing the citizens to the bone. Lower districts suffered the most, its poor residents struggling to keep warm. Huddling together like penguins to stave off frostbite and lost toes. And years of enduring it as a boy left a bad taste in one Renji Abarai’s mouth.
The restless lieutenant walked silently through the upper echelons of the Seireitei, Zabimaru tout by his side. His stride long and somber as he moved through the fortunate streets. The posh smiles of other souls sickening him to some degree. Their whisperings and hushed voices undoubtedly about him. The lieutenant adjusted his heavy cloak so he could avoid meeting their gaze. Renji had been to and seen hell, while these people hid and scattered like roaches. But he would ultimately pay their judgement no mind. After all, he had a more pressing concern; like finding his fiancee.
At long last, the shinigami reached his destination: The Shihouin estate.
Its gates opened before him, grandiose as always. A slew of servants filed out, forming symmetrically at the edge of the path. The respectfully bowed toward him, a Noble formality he'd come to hate. The head servant, a woman who’s name he hadn’t bothered to remember, guided him inside to meet her mistress. Renji followed the diminutive woman inside to a decadent living room where an old friend sat lazily.
“Mistress, you have a guest.” the servant spoke.
Yoruichi looked up to see who had interrupted her midday snacking, only to see Renji give off his familiar scowl. The reinstated head of the Shihouin clan fired back with a coy smile, then continued to nibble on a pocky stick.
With a wave of her hand, the attendant left the room, leaving Renji and her alone.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Sit.” Yoruichi coaxed “You are my guest, no?”
With a heavy sigh, Renji waltzed over, propping his zanpakuto against an adjacent pillar. He removed his thick cloak, laying it beside him as he made himself comfortable. Yoruichi’s sofa was soft, almost too soft as he felt his body sink into the cushions. In an attempt to start the conversation, Yoruichi pointed the open pocky box in Renji’s direction.
“Want one?” She asked with a purr.
“Where is Rukia?” Renji barked.
“Wow, straight to the point. Oh well, more for me.”
The Lieutenant eyes spoke volumes. He clearly wasn't in the mood for games. The Shihouin head rolled her eyes at his seriousness, laying her beloved snack on a nearby table. She refined her posture, crossed one leg over the other as she often did and spoke truthfully.
“I haven’t seen her in weeks, Renji. No one has.” Yoruichi answered his looming question.
Renji then slouched down, angrily muttering profanities to himself. Anyone could see he was distraught; he’d proposed to Rukia a mere 3 months ago. Now she just drops off the face of the Soul Society without telling anyone. Not Byakuya or any of the other captains, Not Kisuke or Yoruichi, and certainly not him. His only clue was a note reading 'don't look for me'. It was mind-numbingly frustrating to say the least.
Renji was so deep in thought, he hadn’t noticed Yoruichi scoot beside him. The forlorn Shinigami only broke his trance when she put her hand on his shoulder.
“Renji, I’m sure she’s fine.”
“But what if she’s been kidnapped?! What if she needs my help and I’m just sitting on my ass doing nothing?!”
“Renji… You, Rukia and Ichigo have faced down every person that has threatened the Soul Society. There’s no one left strong enough to even pose a challenge. Yhwach is gone. The Wandenreich are gone. So stop fussing over her safety. Rukia probably just needs some time for herself. And.. if that’s the case, she‘ll come back.”
The Shihouin Head’s words just barely set him at ease. With a quick jolt, he rose from his seat, fists clenched tight. The worry on his face or his heart hadn’t diminished as much as she had wanted. Slightly defeated, he made his way for the gate.
“Sorry but I can’t stay. It was good to see you, Lady Shihouin.”
An obvious and poor attempt to jab at her. At least he was trying.
“Have you talked to Ichigo yet?” Yoruichi asked curiously.
“No, but I’m headed to Karakura next.”
“Okay… stay safe.”
A nod was all she got in response. She walked him out; all the while surrounded by her entourage of servants and attendants. The lot of them bowed diligently as the lieutenant wearily made his way off the estate. As the old friends waved each other off, the gates cut off their view of one another.
Her many servants dispersed, leaving her to saunter back to enjoy the rest of her snacks. Before she could even take off her sandals however, a voice came from beyond the foyer.
“Is he gone?” the diminutive voice asked.
“Yes. He is.” Yoruichi responded.
The owner of the little voice traipsed out of the darkness. Illuminated by the light of the afternoon, a very nervous and also very pregnant Rukia met eyes with her confidant. A disappointed Yoruichi crossed her arms at the expecting mother. Rukia smiled timidly only to wince in pain, grabbing hold of her ever-growing baby bump. The Flash goddess was by her friend’s side in the blink of an eye, fearing the worst.
"Are you okay?" Yoruichi frantically asked, helping Rukia maintain her balance.
“Yoruichi, stop. I’m fine… really. She just kicked.”  Rukia explained, trying to calm her old friend.
“Wait. She?” She exclaimed in bewilderment.
“Mhmmm. Isane said it was a girl. Here, Wanna feel?”
Rukia calmly guided her friend’s hand to the spot her little one had made herself known. Yoruichi pressed her palm gently over Rukia’s stomach; to feel a tiny foot press back. The moment was precious, the both of them nearly began to cry. Using what strength they had, they forced it into a teary eyed chuckle instead.
“Alright, no more fooling around. You should be resting Okaa-chan.” Yoruichi chided.
Rukia chucked, rolling her eyes as they walked back to the guest room she’d been secretly staying in. But the manner of Renji’s visit had both of them troubled. Renji did love her enough to go looking for her, but how long until Ichigo came looking as well? He was Ichigo after all. Nothing on heaven and earth could stop him once he was invested in something. As Rukia pondered, Yoruichi had some questions of her own.
“Do you plan on telling Ichigo about his child?” She asked, her voice solemn and rigid.
Rukia looked up into her friend’s golden eyes “I don’t know if I can…”
“Well, one of these days, you’re not gonna have a choice.” Yoruichi once again lectured.
“I kno-”
“Do you? Rukia, I’ve lied to everyone I could for you. Hidden you away from your family, friends and your fiance. All so you could keep Ichigo’s child. Do you really understand the ramifications of what you’re doing.”
Caught in her frustration, Yoruichi hadn’t realized Rukia had become to cry. Tears streamed from the expectant mother’s eyes as she slumped to her knees. She buried her swelling eyes into her palms. The petite woman continually wiped at her cheeks, only for more tears to take their place. Knowing she’d said too much too soon, Yoruichi comforted her as best she could.
“Rukia, I’m sorry. That was exce-”
“No… you’re right. You’re absolutely right. I’ve asked so much of you. All for the sake of my child that I'm not even sure I'll get to see grow up. Yet I can't bring myself to get rid of it because it’s the only proof I have that he loved me.”
The small woman continued to bawl in the middle of the hallway, the noise of her sobs echoing off the walls. The deafening silence of the manor made Rukia’s sobs even more poignant. Yoruichi had fully embraced her by this point, stroking her hair to help calm her. Rukia’s relationship with Kurosaki had always raised Yoruichi’s attention, but she never would’ve guessed how far they went. That this whole fiasco was a sign; a sign Rukia was still hopelessly in love with Ichigo. Even though her child would likely never know her parents, Rukia had every intention of bringing her to term. A resolve Yoruichi would have to match.
“Okay. As your friend, I will help you through this. No matter what. But I do have one last question. Why haven’t called off your engagement? Or talked to Byakuya?”
“Because I’d be disowned. What future would my daughter have then?”
“Ichigo would take you in. I’m sure he would.”
“I’m not so sure. We haven’t spoken since… well, y’know. And if I suddenly went back with our child my arms. There’s no telling how he would react. Not to mention his engagement...”
Rukia had been plagued by uncertainty ever since Isane did her ultrasound. Every question her mind created led to more stress. Stress that threatened both her daughter and her. So Rukia had stopped thinking about it altogether. And it showed.
The elder shinigami doled out a heavy sigh, unsure of what to be more baffled by; that fact she willingly let herself get caught in this debacle or Rukia’s surprising lack of a plan. Well she’d already come this far with Rukia, she would have to see it through to the end.
“Oh dear, what did I do to deserve this.”
(Repost cuz Tumblr is wack)
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Nizhóní (Nee-zhon-ee)                One quote one shot book 2
So much gratitude to @balfeheughlywed and @notevenjokingfic for their work and efforts organizing this one shot one quote. My story is set in the beautiful southwestern US, an area where I spent four years studying and working with the Navajo. I am indebted to them for teaching me many life lessons. When I most recently visited the southwest, in October 2018, I felt inspired to write an OL fanfic set among the multi-layered beauty and culture of northern New Mexico and Arizona. The photos are (1) the area where I imagined this story taking place (you might spot me in the photo), and (2) the beloved Navajo woman who taught me about weaving (photo used with her permission). I extend special thanks to my dear friend @notevenjokingfic for her beta expertise!  My assigned quote is in bold italics near the end of the story.
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She knew it could happen. She just never believed it would happen. What young woman imagines herself newly pregnant and widowed at age 25?
But that is indeed the reality Claire Beauchamp Randall found herself in, shortly after she and her husband Frank became homesteaders in the New Mexico territory, in 1872. Frank’s death came suddenly, following an accident that occurred while he was cutting down a tree. Unbeknownst to him, the tree had several dead branches, one of which broke off with the first swing of his axe, knocking him forcefully to the ground. He never regained consciousness, and Claire surmised he had suffered an injury to his brain.
Screaming and running, she had no idea how she arrived at the nearest homestead. Out of breath, and barely able to get the words out, she fell into the outstretched arms of her neighbor. Glenna and Charles Fitzgibbons, the Scots couple who befriended her from the day she and Frank arrived, brought her into their home and she poured out the whole story.  While Frank never warmed to them, Claire knew from the first they were the kind of neighbors one always hoped to have; they were reliable, generous, friendly, and they knew everyone in the area, having arrived in New Mexico territory fifteen years earlier.
Several hours later, Claire felt strong enough to return to her homestead. While Glenna helped her prepare the body for burial, Charles dug the grave. Glenna had done this before, and her gentle strength enabled Claire to bear her jumbled thoughts and emotions.
“Claire, are ye thinking of returning tae England?” Glenna asked, her loving and compassionate voice reminding Claire of how grateful she was for such a friend.
“I have nothing there, really,” Claire starred off into the distance, her gaze settling on the red rock cliffs in the distance. “You know my parents and uncle are gone, and I have no other family. I do not even know what kind of life I would have there. And travel would be difficult for me with a baby coming. I have enough money to live on for now.” She spilled her heart out to Glenna, grateful to finally share her fears and anxieties with someone. Relief mixed with fear, sadness mixed with a sense of resignation.
So it was that just 2 years after arriving in the U.S., a mere 6 months after reaching Santa Fe following an arduous journey by covered wagon, and 3 months after settling on their land situated on the border of the New Mexico and Arizona territories, Claire found herself alone on the frontier.
When Frank made the decision for them to emigrate, they joined the unprecedented number of immigrants drawn to a new life in America, lured by the dream of economic prosperity and vast tracts of unspoiled land. While initially she found the idea of homesteading in the West foolish and reckless, after they arrived in western New Mexico, Claire relished the wide open spaces, endless horizon, and the landscape that seemed as though it was painted by a divine artist.
Frank wanted to make a name for himself, and he found prospects for doing so in England diminishing as he alienated himself from family, friends, and associates. Having read anthropology and history at Oxford, he initially imagined himself as a professor, but after hearing tales of the Indian Wars in the American west, and having a distant cousin who had joined the homesteaders, his sense of adventure led him to purchase tickets for the journey across the Atlantic.
That he only told Claire about it after the fact gave her heightened awareness of his total lack of regard for her preferences, feelings, and aspirations to further her work as a nurse and midwife. Having trained at St. Thomas Hospital and the Nightingale Training School for Nurses in London, Claire once imagined herself spending years working alongside the renowned staff at St. Thomas, even perhaps becoming actively engaged in the education of young nurses and midwives. But Frank’s decision to emigrate closed the door on her dream.
And now he was dead.
She faced the truth of her aloneness.  While for some this truth may have felt harsh, for Claire it was an awakening of all she had hidden away in her heart. The previous day, Glenna and Charles visited and offered to take her to the trading post in Arizona. While there was a closer trading post in New Mexico, they preferred Fraser’s Trading Post in Arizona, telling Claire of their high regard for the proprietor, James Fraser, a Scotsman who was known far and wide for his kindness and fairness to the homesteaders, as well as to the Navajo and Apache.
“Come with us, Claire. It will do good to be away from here for a few days, to see a bit more of the area, and to learn your way there.” Eventually, Glenna persuaded her to join them. “Ye will be amazed at the variety of items at the trading post. Everything ye want and need, and then some!”
They left early the next morning, the journey to Fraser’s taking about four hours. When they arrived at midday, Claire noted how beautiful and orderly the Trading Post appeared, situated as it was along the southern banks of the Pueblo Colorado Wash.
“I have yet to see so many people in one place since we left St. Louis,” Claire reflected. “Is the whole territory here?”
“It seems Mr. Fraser attracts traders from as far away as California,”  Charles informed her. “Folks seek out Fraser for his fair prices, as well as his uncanny ability to find whatever it is ye need. I have yet to leave the trading post disappointed.”
As she climbed down from the wagon, Claire noticed a tall man striding towards them, his air of confidence and warmth obvious even at first glance.
“Glenna, Charles, ’tis good tae see ye. And ye’ve brought a friend…” Jamie’s voice trailed off as his gaze  settled on Claire. Even after a long ride through the dust and heat, her beauty captivated him.
Before Glenna or Charles could make proper introductions, Claire reached out for Jamie’s outstretched hand. “Claire, I’m Claire Randall.”
“Nizhóní,” Jamie said quietly, not realizing Claire overheard the word she assumed was Navajo. It dawned on Jamie that this was the widow of Frank Randall, the Englishman accidentally killed a few months earlier. “Mistress Randall, I extend my deepest sympathies. Ye’ve suffered a great loss.”
“Thank you, Mr Fraser.” Claire realized they were still clasping each other’s hand, and reluctantly pulled away, but not before she noticed the color of Jamie’s eyes, a shade of blue like the ocean.
Glenna broke the awkward silence, asking Jamie about news from Scotland.
“Well, ye ken the news is always about 3 months old by the time it gets here, but my sister has given birth to her second bairn, and the farm is doing well, so they cannae complain.”
The three Scots conversed amiably, and as they walked into the trading post, Claire found herself drawn in by Jamie’s attentiveness to everyone and everything going on around him.
As they moved through the various rooms of the store, Claire noticed the Navajo women effortlessly working their looms. By now, Navajo weavers were well known throughout the territory for the beauty and quality of their rugs and blankets.
One of the weavers caught Claire’s eye and smiled, the kind of smile that immediately puts one at ease. “I am Haseya.”
“I’m Claire. I have never seen anything quite as beautiful as your weaving.”
Haseya’s gaze rested on her work, as she reached for another strand of wool to add to the loom. She explained the design as well as the significance of the various colors. As Haseya talked, Claire knew Jamie was hovering nearby, and she felt uncharacteristically happy. She had not known happiness for such a long time, so the feeling startled her. Before she even realized it, she found herself asking Haseya about learning how to weave. The Navajo woman clasped Claire’s hand, and motioned for Jamie to join them.
“I have a student weaver,” Haseya stated in the direct, yet soft, manner characteristic of the Navajo.
Jamie’s heart leapt, as he realized Claire would be a frequent guest at the trading post. He knew that it was quite uncommon for a Navajo weaver to teach weaving to a non-Navajo, but Haseya was known to have great wisdom and insight, so he surmised she realized Claire needed something to actively engage her senses.
So it was that Claire became an apprentice to Haseya, learning all aspects of rug making, from carding and spinning the wool, to the intricacies of the patterns, to mixing the various plants and herbs used to make colors for dying
She traveled from the homestead to the trading post twice each month, initially making the journey with Glenna and Charles, but eventually felt comfortable making the trek alone, much to Glenna’s dismay.
“I will be fine, Glenna. I have to learn to make my way, and I want to learn as much as I can before the baby comes.”
Glenna acquiesced, realizing the futility of arguing with Claire. Her journeys through the red rock cliffs and wide canyons gave her a sense of peace and contentment. Rather than being fearful about traveling alone, she relished the time to think. While the baby was always foremost in her thoughts, Jamie Fraser was never far from her stream of consciousness. Each trip, she spent three or four days working side-by-side with Haseya, who, unbeknownst to Claire, was considered by the Navajo to be their most skilled weaver.
After working with Haseya during the day, Claire found Jamie waiting for her most evenings, eager to talk about the comings and goings at the trading post, but even more eager to hear about her progress as an apprentice weaver. “I dinna ken how ye do it, Claire. Keepin’ the colors straight, and the patterns bein’ so complicated.”
“Once you get the image of the pattern in your head, it is fairly simple. And I find that weaving is all encompassing. While I am weaving, I’ve no thought about what will become of me, or the baby. And I suppose I am grateful for that…” Claire’s voice trailed off.
Jamie smiled and reached for Claire’s hand. “My mam always quoted scripture to us, and one of her favorites was ‘Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?’”
Over the next few months, each evening during Claire’s visits, they walked and talked, oblivious to the late hour, sharing stories of days gone by, gazing up at the stars, comfortable with the occasional periods of silence. Claire shared her hopes to eventually resume her nursing and midwifery work, maybe working with the Navajo and Apache, as well as caring for the homesteaders.
“I ken ye well enough, Claire. You can do anything, and quite well, I might add.”  He held her hand, accustomed as they were by now to being close to each other.
She found herself blushing at Jamie’s kind words. She was not accustomed to being praised. With Frank, there was near constant criticism, and disregard of her wishes.
Jamie reluctantly walked her back to the cabin she used during her visits, and almost before he realized it, he found himself saying, “I know ye havena been widowed so long, but life is different out here, and I ken propriety isna what it might be in England or Scotland. I would very much like to kiss ye, Claire. May I?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Claire turned toward him, her face lit up as though they were in bright sunlight. Frank never asked if he could kiss her. He always assumed that he was in complete control of their relationship.
“Yes, Jamie Fraser. Yes!”
And they both hoped and prayed that this was the first of a lifetime of kisses.
The next morning, while working in the weaving room, she told Jamie and Haseya that she would not be making the trek to the trading post for several months.  
“I reckon the baby is due in about a month.” She felt her heart break as she watched Jamie’s face. “What else am I to do, Jamie?”
He felt as though his heart had been pierced with a sword. He interrupted and asked her to walk with him to his home. She had been there a few times, visiting in the parlor, but she sensed his uneasiness and anxiety as they walked toward his front porch.
“Jamie, what is it? You know you can say anything to me.”
He took her hands in his, raising them to his lips and gently kissed each one.
“I’m honest enough to say that I dinna care what the right and wrong of it may be, so long as you are here wi’ me, Claire. I know it may not be proper to marry to ask you so soon after Frank’s death. But will you have me, Claire? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
As she looked at him, she felt as though she was holding heaven in the palms of her hands. Her gaze turned toward the grassy field stretching between his home and the trading post. In her mind’s eye, she saw curly headed children running and playing, screeching with laughter as Jamie chased after them. She saw herself nursing a red-headed newborn as Haseya sat next to her, dying wool. She saw all of it, all of the beauty and joy of a life spent by Jamie’s side.
“Yes, James Fraser. Yes, I will marry you.”  
1 Month Later
Claire sat up in bed, carefully readjusting her curly haired baby girl, all of three hours old, already suckling at the breast. Haseya and the other Navajo women had attended her during the birth, and now, certain that she and the baby were healthy, they bid their farewells, assuring Jamie someone would be back in the evening to check on Claire and the newborn.
He settled in next to Claire on their bed, carefully enfolding her and the baby in a loving embrace. That Frank was the bairn’s father was of no consequence to him. He and Claire would raise the child, and Jamie knew that he was the child’s father, in every way that mattered.
“What name are we going to give her?” he asked, his eyes brimming with tears. Now that the bairn was finally here, he was grateful Claire had come through the labor and birth without any complications.
“There’s a word I have heard you say many times, but I’ve never asked what it meant,” Claire replied. “And it is not one of the Scots terms of endearment you use.”
“Hmm, well, I ken ye must mean Nizhóní.”
“Yes, that’s the word. What does it mean?’
“It means beautiful.”
Now it was Claire’s eyes that filled with tears, remembering Nizhóní was the first Navajo word she had ever heard Jamie speak.
“I want us to name her Nizhóní. Nizhóní Elizabeth Fraser.” Jamie pulled them closer, his wife and his bairn, gently stroking the face of the miracle who had just come into their lives.
And life was indeed beautiful.
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Gospel Truth
Summary: You finally break Tommy after showing your true colors
inspired by the song Gospel Truth by Joseph J. Jones
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gifs by @mistress-gif
When you woke up this morning it was freezing, it gave you a good boost to get out of bed and get on with your morning routine before heading out to work. You couldn’t wait to speak to Thomas about what had occurred last night, you weren’t there to witness the commotion but your daughter had vented to you about it, tears falling out of her big beautiful eyes that she inherited from you, she could hardly get any words out because she was so upset, her father had embarrassed her in front of a very important man that could be of importance to her future, one that even though had a clean record, was known to be respectful and trustworthy, Tommy just didn’t trust around his only child.
It took everything in you to not go up to his room and give him a good chewing out for doing what he promised you he wouldn’t do. But the house of full of guests wardering about, surely one of them would be nosey enough to put their ear up against the door to listen in, and last thing your baby girl neeeded was more embarrassment, so you decided to leave it alone...for the time being. Today was a big day, Selena would be leaving for university this afternoon so you and Tommy would be sending her on her way at the train station, but before all of that you both headed to work, he had left an hour before you did, you were also early so the office was empty except for the both of you, perfect, no one around to listen to you two bicker.
Your footsteps could be heard all the way in his office, he for some reason recognized your footsteps, “it has a certain rhythm” he once told you, you never understood that, it didn’t sound any different from any other woman, but he insisted that it was different, he just knew you way too well to misktake it for anyone else’s. It was unusual but it was him, he sighed and gulped down the rest of his whiskey before straightening up in his seat, preparing for your wrath he already knew was coming. As you entered the room he was hit in the face by a whisk of air caused by the swing of the door, your glare making him feel colder, the only other women that he ever intimidated by was his mother and Polly, then came you.
You were fourteen years old but had a mouth on you like a grown man, always prepared for a debate, a fight and had enough stamina to outrun any authoritative figure that tried to chase you down. It would be cliche to say that you were different from any other girl Tommy has ever met but it was the truth, besides your bold and brass personality, you were also the only girl Tommy knew who was being raised by a single father, your mum passing on when you were only eight years old, your dad taught you how to defend yourself from a very early age, knowing all too well how boys and men would try to take advantage of a beautiful young lady like yourself. Your relationship with your dad was one that he was jealous of, his own father being a coward and walking out on his own family not too long ago, but here you were with one that could’ve easily given up, and abandon you like most of them did, not wanting to be bothered with a child all by themselves, or remarrying just for someone to keep up with the house, but he didn’t do that either, he loved your mother too damn much to move on, he had all he needed with you, it was you two against the world, and Tom only wished that his own pop valued him and his siblings the same way.
Your personality from who were as child to today never changed, when you wanted to get your point across you’d do it loudly and dramatically, how else would these stubborn men listen to you. You walked into his office and closed the door with your foot, marching to one of the chairs in front of his desk, as you sit down you move your collar down and expose your neck a little, just enough to show him your trophy from the night before, something that you liked to do to taunt him, the faint bruise on your neck caused by an admirer that you invited up to you bedroom late last night, making sure to sneak him out quickly after you were done with him. He balled up a fist then unclenched it and let out a heavy sigh.
“Why do you insist on pissing me off?”
“Why do you insist on breaking your promises?”
“If this is about last n-“
“Of course it is, you told me that you wouldn’t do this Thomas, I’m holding out my end of the deal and I expect you to do the same”
“Oh, right, you are doing that aren’t you? Fucking a different simp every other night in my house”
“Oh fuck off, like you don’t have women who warm your bed every night, I deserve a good fuck as well”
He says your name in a warning tone, he knows how easy it is for you to push his buttons and he hates himself for always falling into your trap and making himself look crazy. But that’s what you always did to him, you make him fucking insane, because he never fully had you, and you never fully gave your heart to him, your deepest secrets he had to learn from the grapevine, meanwhile he was spilling it all out for you, he’s done every he could think of to get you to understand how deep his love ran for you, he’s sacrificed, stole, lied and killed for you, one time right in front of you. Even after all of that, you still didn’t fully commit to him emotionally, sure you married him, but it still wasn’t enough, he didn’t feel anything on your end, now he understood how Lizzie and so many other of his “girlfriends” he had felt, to be willing to give anything just for a “I love you” but only getting crumbs in return.
“Look, as I said, I’m holding up my end of the deal, I agreed to move back in here for as long as you pay for Selena’s education, which is fucking insane”
“What’s so insane about it Yn? We both know that she isn’t mine”
“Well she isn’t, not biologically at least...listen to me, look I don’t mean to sound so cold alright, I love Selena like she was mine, hell I adopted her didn’t I? Gave her my last name, but...I”
“Wow, you’re so sad, the big tough Thomas Shelby having the nerve to call other men simps when he’s the biggest one of them all, too blind to see that I’ve been using you for security all these years, I mean men hell, might as well take advantage right, it’s not like you were getting the hint, you took me in when I was already seven months pregnant with another mans baby, a man you knew you couldn’t compete with because he had something you didn’t, and that was me, I actually had some feelings for the poor bastard and you couldn’t handle that, it tore you up didn’t it? That I was having his baby and not yours, that we were so close to getting married...well luckily for you he died in that club fire, then you had a chance to swoop me in, not that I could put up much of a fight, I was twenty one with no man to help me raise my child, you were my meal ticket Tom, my simpy little meal ticket-“
You cut yourself off when all of a sudden he pulled out his gun and shot it into the ceiling, his eyes were wide and dark, the dark circles under them making him look more like a mad man, for the first time in all your years of knowing him you were afraid of him, you had finally broke him after slowly chipping away at his heart, your rant breaking it apart completely, he felt nothing but anger and betrayal, you’ve played with him for too long, and now...well that hole in the ceiling tells you all you need to know. He lowers the gun and walks closer to you, you back away as far as you can only for him to grab your arm, pulling you up against his chest.
“Tommy, please”
“You’re begging, since when do you beg, that’s for dogs remember?”
“I’m- I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean it”
“Course you did, because it’s true, you played me like an instrument and I let you...because I love you”
“Y-you didn’t deserve it”
“I didn’t get what I deserved I got what I took, I took whatever I could get from you”
You reach over to take the gun from him and put the safety on, not trusting him with it for the moment, he’s breathing hard and beginning to sweat around his forehead, you wipe it away before kissing it, he melted at your comfort, even if it was your way of taming the beast he was being right now, your kisses and caresses were always warm.
There was a knock on the door that startled you out of the moment, you straightened him out before shoving his gun in your purse
“Come in”
The door opens to Selena walking in with a big smile on her face, she’s wear her brand new dress she purchased yesterday just for this day, wanting to make a good impression on the new people she would meet at school.
“Sorry if I’m interrupting something, but I was just coming by to pick up my last check”
You smiled at her and walked over to his desk to pick up her check that you knew was already written out and signed, he had it prepared for her every Friday.
“Here you go baby, we’re gonna miss you here, especially your dad, you’re the best assistant he’s ever had and will ever get”
“Oh, I know”
She gives him a wink earning her a chuckle from, he reaches out to give her a big hug, the two of them being just as close as you were with your own dad, the both of you never told her about his adoption of her, and you’re not sure you ever would, maybe one day she’ll find out on her own, either way it wouldn’t change their relationship, she’s the only father she’s ever known.
“Okay, I just finished packing, I still have some things to do before I leave, I’ll meet you at Esmeralda’s Place for lunch and then we can head on to the train station, sound like a plan?”
“Sure, darling, it’s a plan”
He gives her a kiss on the cheek before she excitedly leaves the office with her check that would end up leaving her even more in glee once she see’s that he’d given her a three hundred pound bonus, he’s too good to her, always giving her more than you’ve ever asked of him, it made your guilt tear your heart and stomach apart, you would have to spend an extra half hour in church on Sunday begging for forgiveness.
At the moment you didn’t have anything to say, deciding to leave things where they were you went to leave, but not before he spoken up.
“We’re not done here YN, cancel your plans for tonight, we have a lot to talk about”
And by talk he means have dinner and then fuck, it’s how you settled almost all of your issues with each other, so his threatning tone had no effect on you.
“Of course Tommy, whatever you say”
You go to give him a soft peck on the cheek then leave to head to your own office, luckily Polly was just coming in, the awkwardness finally exiting the office building.
“Morning Aunt Polly”
“Morning honey...everything alright?”
“Fine, Selena going away is just making me a bit depressed is all, she grew up too fast”
“Yeah she did, don’t worry darling you’ll see each other again before you know it”
She pats your shoulder and walks to her office, you were glad that a tear that was about to fall from your eyes dropped after she walked away, the last thing you wanted to do was keep her from her work over the count of your emotions, you would need to toughen up a little more now, and keep your guard up more often, Tommy was no longer manipulable.
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Moon And Stars
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
Warning: Suggestive and/or Mature content.
Note: This can be read alone but it is in The Others universe. It is recommended to read this between chapters 15 & 16.
The Quiett was busy, once again he was stuck in his office with a pile of documents to go over while everyone else galavanted around the city. Being the boss’ right-hand man had its perks but it obviously came at a price. 
The price was hard work and dedication.
Donggab had known Joonkyung for many years. Way back when Joonkyung’s father was still running Illionaire. At that time Donggab was the son of one of many bodyguards in the organization.
Joonkyung’s sheltered life within the group made it hard for him to socialize with others outside the business. That was how Donggab came to be his first friend. The two of them constantly crossed paths, with only a silent nod of their heads. One greeting a superior and the other acknowledging him.
Donggab still remembered the day Joonkyung finally broke the non-verbal communication. Joonkyung had just turned thirteen and was starting out in the offices of Illionaire where his father had him learn the accounting side of things.
Donggab was at his father’s side, following his every step until they got down to the lobby. His father got called to the boss’s side and was leaving him behind- like usual. 
“I’ll call your mother.”
Donggab understood the process and agreed to wait down in the lobby for his mother to arrive. She was just a normal housewife living lavishly off of his father’s salary. A beautiful refined young woman who was doted on by her loving husband and who doted on him equally. 
“Stay out of trouble,” Mr. Shin reminded him although he knew his son perfectly well.
“Got it,” Donggab waved him off and made way to the waiting area in the lobby.
Shortly after Joonkyung arrived and a chorus of greetings began. He was accompanied by a few guards but they kept their distance knowing the young boss didn’t like them breathing down his neck. 
In his hands, Joonkyung carried multiple plastic files, each containing financial information for the different businesses his father had entrusted to him. He envied the fact that his father had so many assistants and advisors who helped him. He, in turn, had no one but himself to rely on.
“Good morning, young boss.”
Joonkyung turned towards the voice that greeted him. Beyond her he spotted the quiet kid he hadn’t seen in a while. He was almost unsure it was him. He had suddenly grown and looked much more refined than before. 
“Mr. Kwon is that the quiet kid...?”
Mr. Kwon nodded in affirmation. He followed it up by reporting the reason he hadn’t been around was that he had recently enrolled in a new private school that required many hours of study.
Joonkyung hummed coming to the conclusion that he could be helpful, “So he’s smart.” He detoured his route to the elevator and stood in front of Donggab catching him off-guard.
“Hey kid...” Joonkyung began.
Donggab stood up ready to greet him but was quickly stopped when Joonkyung asked him whether he was good at math. “What?”
Joonkyung was momentarily thrown off by his voice. What was meant as an exclamation nearly got lost in the hustle and bustle of the lobby. Thinking to himself that even his voice was quiet, he shook it off and asked again. “Are you good with numbers?”
“I guess,” Donggab shrugged. He was a straight-A student, everything he did was considered good so he didn’t know whether he was particularly good at one thing. 
“Then come with me.” Joonkyung led the way while Donggab followed.
It wasn’t until the elevator doors closed that Donggab turned to him with a single brow raised. “You do know I’m older...”
Now he was forever stuck thoroughly going over every single piece of paper that made it to Joonkyung’s desk. And although part of him wanted to complain overall he felt properly compensated. 
He was nearly finished for the day when someone knocked on his door.
“Come in.”
The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with a smile that stopped his every move. It demanded his attention and he always readily gave it. 
“Luna, what are you doing here?”
Luna was a money mule. She transferred illegally acquired money on behalf of Illionaire at the direction of The Quiett. She expertly moved money electronically through bank accounts and moved physical currency through a variety of other methods. 
She was on the FBI’s most-wanted list. Luna wasn’t even her real name, only an alias.
“If I don’t come here then I’ll never see you,” she coyly smiled making her way over to him. She stood behind him wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her lips to his temple. “I know I said I loved a hard-working man but you seem to love work more than me.” 
He sighed feeling far more relaxed hearing her voice, having her arms around him. It had been many weeks since he last saw her. His head turned to his shoulder where her left hand was holding. He eyed the diamond ring on her finger before bringing her soft hand to his lips. There were so many things going on that he nearly forgot his lovely fiance. 
“I love you more than anything.”
She happily smiled hearing her favorite line. “Then why don’t you come home to me?”
Donggab honestly didn’t know she was home. He thought she had been in Switzerland checking on their various accounts. 
“When did you get home?”
“Yesterday,” she admitted. It was hardly long enough for her to complain about his absence but she was feeling...needy. “But I missed you so much,” she seductively whispered making her voice far more breathy than usual. 
The Quiett stiffened, his mind immediately recalling when he had to stand outside Joonkyung’s office and hear his passionate entanglement. “We don’t have to go home,” he suggested looking down at the situation.
Luna giggled coquettishly, ”So you did miss me.”
Although he suggested it Luna was the one to initiate the first kiss. She pulled him up to stand in front of her. Her hands went to his guiding him to hold her.
The Quiett got the hint and lifted her up so she could have easier access to his lips.
Luna gave him a cute small peck and smiled before going back for another, this time she made sure to kiss him properly, making good use of both their lips and tongues.
It had been a while so she pulled away with slight laughter. “It tickles,” she commented while taking a hold of his chin. The small hairs of his goatee were surprisingly soft and caused a ticklish sensation when they rubbed against her.
Eventually, she would get used to it and further down the process, if things got too rough, they would sting slightly causing her supple skin to redden- leaving behind a reminder of their actions.
She continued to kiss him while her hands loosened his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. He wasn’t always dressed so formally leading her to believe he had matters to attend. “Going somewhere?”
Donggab nodded, “I have to meet the lawyers.”
Interested in catching up to the latest information Luna set his lips free. “Who’s in trouble this time?”
Luna froze for a moment at the mention of the boss’s wife. “What did that b*tch do now?”
There was too much to explain and right now Donggab didn’t have the mind for conversation. “I’ll tell you later.”
Luna’s mood increased seeing how Donggab didn’t warn her to not talk ill of the boss’s wife. Even if Donggab had no personal opinion on Kylie he was always strict on the rules. He reminded Luna to never badmouth the Lady of the group. In her mind, she knew it had to be something big for him to not bother.
He said nothing, only began to kiss her neck wishing for things to proceed. 
And proceed they did.
No matter how far into the moment he was Donggab remained a gentleman. He made sure to take everything into consideration. That’s why he stopped short of the main event. His face darkening as he recalled not having carried any square foils when his fiance was away.
Seeing his troubled face made her laugh. “Don’t worry...” her words were ambiguous. To him, it sounded as if she were giving him the go-ahead because it was a safe day but in reality, she knew there was no point in further preventing pregnancy when she was already pregnant.
She wasn’t one hundred percent sure but all signs pointed to that answer. Her missed cycle was the most damning evidence when she had been regular all her life. She rushed her trip and came back home the day she woke up running for the toilet to empty her stomach. 
In her mind she wanted to tell him but what was the point of raising alarms if she wasn’t certain. They were committed to each other and although they hadn’t talked about children yet it was implied that they both favored the idea. Donggab was always fond of Ji-hoon (Joonkyung’s son) and Luna casually asked him to call her auntie whenever they ran into each other.
With his fiance’s go ahead Donggab proceeded to satisfy his lust.
“Ah-” Luna’s moan was cut off by Donggab’s lips. Unlike Joonkyung he wasn’t particularly pleased with the fact that others could hear what was only for his ears.
“Shhh...” he silenced her, his finger lightly pressed against her swollen lips. “That sound is only for me.”
Luna readily nodded before biting her own lip to suppress her auditory reactions.
In the end, there was a sharp inhale as she felt the love of her life hit a certain spot that had her seeing stars.
“Donggab-” she huskily whispered.
After their reunion, Donggab resumed his work. Luna helped him all the while hearing what had happened in her time of absence.
She gasped and awed at the fact that there was another young boss. “What’s his name?”
“Lee Leo,” Donggab responded. “We were all surprised but it was obvious back then- the boss had more affection for his mistress than his wife.”
Luna nodded in agreement recalling back in the day when Donggab would mention their boss’s affair. She recalled how brutal Joonkyung was towards everyone after she left. No one knew his actions were caused by his other woman leaving. Only those close enough knew of his affair, to begin with. He had been good at hiding it.
“I’m warning you now, my love, if you ever think about another woman-”
Donggab immediately dismissed the thought. Grabbing her hand and pulling her close to him. “I would never love anyone else but you.”
Luna smirked, “Of course you can only love me.” She would never let go of him. She would blind any woman who dared to lay their eyes on him and kill any woman who dared to touch him.
Even before she started dating Donggab, the number of women who suddenly became blind seemed to increase in the city. Even in the building, there was one female employee who wore an eyepatch. Luna had been lenient with her and only slashed one of her eyes as a warning since they both worked for Illionaire.
The Quiett was aware of Luna’s possessive nature and warned the women who tried to approach him. He didn’t warn them out of pity but out of consideration for his fiance. He didn’t want her becoming a murderer.
They loved each other very much and worked well together- the definition of a power couple.
When Beenzino dropped by Illionaire he was startled to see Luna and Donggab walking out of the elevator hand in hand. Before he could say anything he was being hugged by Luna.
“Beenz you did such a good job.” Luna smiled up at the tall man happy that he had managed to find the second young boss.
Luna was glad to hear the boss was planning on divorcing Kylie after finding his mistress. Kylie was always trying to enforce her father’s outdated rules onto Illionaire. The worst of which was keeping all the staff male to keep from having any workplace affairs. If she had gotten her way Luna would have been out of a job. “I always knew the boss could do better.”
“Thanks...I guess?” He dismissed his own confusion and returned to the matter at hand. “But we can’t get rid of her unless I can get proof that Jia is Swings’ daughter.”
“Can I help?” Since Donggab had things to do Luna was going back home. If the chance to have a hand in Kylie’s downfall presented itself then she would readily lend a hand.
Beenz looked to Donggab wondering if it was okay to have her assist him.
Donggab nodded his head letting Beenz know it was okay. “She’ll be bored at home if she has nothing to do.” 
With that Luna was off lending her help to the "get rid of kylie team’. Yet, in the back of her mind, she reminded herself to make time to visit the doctors at Illionaire when Donggab wasn’t around. She couldn’t trust the six pregnancy tests that showed mixed signs of positives, negatives, and inconclusive. 
A/N: Let me know what you think of this side story ^^
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I Can’t Eat Love pt 33
Next part is the last part. 
Master post linked here
I stared up at Edith, a little dazed, my mind racing as I tried to put the pieces together. My silence didn’t frustrate her, however. It seemed to amuse her as she watched me, her smile growing wider.
“Let me tell you a story.” She called out, and an expressionless man dressed as a bandit brought over a chair for her to sit on. She was so close that our knees were almost touching. It made me want to kick out, to hurt her, but my legs were too tightly bound to do more than shift the chair. 
“There once was a handsome young man, the only son of a Duke. He was smart and hard-working, caring deeply about those around him. His father, the Duke viewed him with great pride, thinking how his legacy would continue to grow under such a capable son.” She continued to smile, but her gaze was cold as she studied me slowly. “The young man fell in love, with a girl who grew up by his side. Her status was a little low, but she was beautiful and kind, and he loved her deeply. Even his parents could not object to their engagement. Everything was perfect.”
She stood up suddenly, the sound of the chair scraping against the floor grating on my ears. “But one day, startling news arrived. The crown prince had broken his engagement with the daughter of one of the larger duchies, to marry a foreign princess. The woman was reportedly heartbroken.” Edith sneered at the last sentence, her eyes on me growing more hostile. “She didn’t mourn for long, however. She insisted she be married to the highest ranked noble in the kingdom. And who could that be other than the young handsome man?”
My hands clenched into fists, the nails digging into my palms. I discretely tried to continue pulling at the ropes, but all I managed to do was tear the skin at my wrists, the warm blood soaking the bonds.
“He protested of course. As did his precious little sweetheart.” She laughed bitterly. “But none of that meant anything to that cold hearted woman. Her family forced the marriage, and the lovers were separated… at least officially.”
Edith had wandered towards the back of the room, beyond the candlelight. Slowly she returned, but this time something was clutched in her hand, causing me to freeze with fear.
A knife.
 “They still saw each other… for a time. Until the childhood sweetheart learned she was pregnant.” She gently touched the tip of the knife, as if testing it. “Perhaps he could have divorced the scheming woman who forced him into marriage, but not too long after, it was revealed that she was pregnant as well.”
I stared at Edith and the knife in her hand, almost hypnotized as she turned it over and over in her hands. I didn’t speak, I didn’t know what to say.
“A pregnant wife with a legal child, and a pregnant mistress with a bastard. Who do you think won?” She laughed again, but the sound was painful. “The sweetheart married a count, and passed the daughter born as his own, only revealing the truth to the daughter when she grew older.”
I stared down at the floor, thinking of the beautiful smiling woman I had known as the Countess of Erand and tried to reconcile that image with the bitter betrayed woman Edith described, unable to. I thought of  my mother’s accusations and coldness, my father’s guilt. What was it that he had said to me during our last conversation?
“We all have our sins, Lenora. Some of us are just still waiting to pay the price for them.”
“You’re my father’s daughter.” I studied her curiously, her delicate features greatly resembled her mother, we looked nothing alike.
Edith stood up straight. “I am the Duke’s eldest child.” Her eyes were disdainful as she looked back at me. “You are nothing. A thief. A fraud. Just like your mother, who stole father from us.” 
“I hate you.” She whispered crouching down, the knife in her hand pointing towards my face. “I’ve always hated you! Everything you have should have been mine!! Your home! Your title! Your dresses and jewelry! They all were meant to be in my hands!”
The knife crept closer, and her face distorted as she continued. “The Queen should have loved me! The engagement should always have been mine! I WAS MEANT TO BE THE FUTURE QUEEN!”
“But you have the engagement.” I answered softly. “You will be queen.”
She hesitated at that. “I thought so too.. I thought everything was going well! But then Ronan started talking about making me the MISTRESS!!!!” She was screaming now, the knife only a short distance away from my neck shaking back and forth. “I would be the mistress and YOU would be Queen! WHY? Just because you were born to the right woman?! HOW DARE THEY?!”
Edith shook her head slowly. “But then, just as I was giving up hope… you gave him to me. Arranged for us to be engaged.” She smiled. “I always thought I would be happy on the day I took him from you completely, but I found out that the opposite was true.”
The tip of the knife dug slightly into the skin of my throat, only the slightest increase in pressure needed to break the skin. “I didn’t want him. I wanted what you had. I wanted to TAKE it from you!”
Her hand reached out, finding the necklace I almost always wore under my clothes, the present from the Queen. The golden chain and blue amulet shined in the candlelight as she pulled it out. With a sharp tug the chain broke and the necklace fell to the floor.
“To watch you scream and cry and beg for mercy as I stole back everything that was mine! I wanted you on the streets begging, starving for scraps, staring up at me who had gained everything you lost!”
She had done that, though… at least in a previous life. I looked at the necklace on the ground, my heart cold.
“So you followed me to Tilendria. But it didn’t work out.”
Edith paused. “That was… a miscalculation. But when I heard that you were happy there... I just couldn’t stay away.”
“Who told you I was happy?”
She ignored me, continuing to talk. “When I failed, I knew I needed to work harder. To completely crush every one of your dreams and kill you with my own hands.” She laughed, her eyes wild. “I hired bandits to attack the Tilendrian border to lure out that useless prince, and then tried to find a way to get you here. But then the easiest way unexpectedly fell into my lap...”
She pulled the knife away, letting me breathe a sigh of relief, and motioned to something beyond the room. Two men dressed as bandits walked in, carrying an unconscious woman. She was bruised, her clothes dirty, one eye swelled shut, but the face was still recognizable.
“What did you…?” I started to ask, but Edith interrupted, laughing.
“Not me, but you! I caught the little traitor trying to send you a warning about my plans.” She shook her head sadly. “Good help is very hard to find. I don’t know how you convinced her to switch sides, obviously it didn’t work out well for her. But it worked in my favor in the end. A simple change to the message, and here you ran. Straight into my trap.”
I ignored Edith for a moment, watching Angela closely. Finally, I let out a relieved sigh, having saw that she was still breathing. She was injured but alive. I needed to get her to help, but i wasn’t even certain of my own fate right now. As i thought this over, Edith spoke up again, recapturing my attention.
“I’ve got your little spy, my bandits will take out your foolish prince. And now?” She bent down again, one hand grasping my chin and pulling it up. Her fingernails dug into the skin of my face, a small piercing pain. “I’m going to cut your throat, and watch you die.”
The knife was at my neck again, the pressure slowly increasing. She whispered again, directly into my ear.
“I can’t wait to see the life fade from your eyes. Do you think father recognize me as his true daughter then?”
I looked up at the ceiling thinking over her words. And slowly I laughed.
“WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!” The sound of her shouting nearly deafened me. The knife pricked the skin at my throat, a thin trail of blood running down and soaking my collar. 
“Do you really think you hired bandits?” I asked, “Are you really that stupid?”
She paused, pulling back enough to look into my eyes. “I did hire bandits! They’re here! And a whole group at the border to attack your prince!” 
I smiled, ignoring the pain from her grip, from her knife. “They’re Reterland’s secret force, directly from the king. He’s using you.”
“What? You’re lying!” She looked around the room, and then glared at me.
“They really are.” I laughed again, until tears ran down my face. “You thought you were so clever, but he’s played you like a child! If you kill the prince, he blames you. If you kill me, he blames you. He would love to see both of us dead, and to use someone else to do it. But in the end, even if you fail he’ll still have accomplished one of his goals:”
I leaned forward just a tiny bit, ignoring the increasing pain at the knifepoint. “He’ll have branded you as a criminal and will break the engagement with Ronan.”
“NO! That’s not true! No one knows what I’ve done! Except…” She stared uncertainly off to the side, where the men who had brought Angela had disappeared.
“Except for the men you thought were bandits, but actually work for the king.” I sighed. “A great chance for him, kill two of his enemies and get rid of a burden all with one shot.”
“NO! SHUT UP!” She tightened her grip on the knife, her face drawing back into a snarl. “I’ve WON! You’re the one at my mercy! Nothing you say will change that.” Her gaze sharpened. “Now it’s time for you to die.”
A figure rushed out, tackling Edith, knocking the knife from her hands. Behind her a group of armed men both personal armed guards of the Queen and guardsmen from the duchy of Armeny followed inside, securing the screaming girl and tying her up.
“NO! I WON! I WON! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Edith screamed, struggling. “I’M THE DAUGHTER OF A DUKE! YOU CAN’T TOUCH ME.”
“Gag her.” A woman’s voice coldly ordered, and the men quickly carried it out. Before I could truly register what was happening, the figure bent down and embraced me tightly.
“Lenora! You’re okay!”
I was shocked. It was the Queen. “Your Ma-“ I paused, correcting. “Mother?”
She leaned back, her face tired and drawn but happy. “I found you!”
“Your Majesty.” One of the guards called out, his face stern. “You promised that if we brought you along you would only come in at the end, after it was safe!” 
The Queen snorted. “That means nothing, my daughter was in danger. Now help me cut her bonds.”
They cut me loose, another taking Angela’s unconscious form and bringing her out to be treated. I reached out, hugging the Queen tightly. “How…?”
“Hallers.” She answered my unfinished question. “They had left him for dead, but he survived  their attack and came straight to the palace. Your… spy network…” She grinned at me. “Had found a secret home bought by that wretched girl, and so we came here first.”
“Thank you for the rescue!” I smiled back, but her expression was already serious. Her hand reached out, gently touching the wound on my neck.
“Sorry we were late.”
I spread my arms. “I’m still in one piece! All thanks to you and Hallers.” I looked around. “Where is he?”
“He was injured.” The Queen shook her head. “We told him to stay behind.”
 A long shout echoed in the dark room as a man jumped out to tightly hug me. To my shock it was a bloody and disheveled Hallers, who was sobbing uncontrollably.
“How dare you get into danger!  You’re never going out without ten… no a hundred guards! How could they do this?!!!!” 
I reached out, patting him gently on the back. “Thank you, Hallers.”
At my soft words he started, staring at me in shock, before clearing his throat and standing up, the perfect picture of a butler despite his torn, bloody clothes and tear-stained face. “As long you are safe now.”
I reached out and hugged him again, and slowly, his façade crumbled again, and he just silently held on, a trembling hand patting my head.
After a while, I turned to the Queen, who was smiling at the two of us, tears in her eyes as well. “Mother… I think we need to talk.”
She nodded slowly. “But let’s leave here first and get you checked by a doctor. As for Edith…” She paused, “Throw her in the dungeon.”
I reached down, picking up the broken necklace on the floor. She saw my expression, and reached out, touching my hand with a smile. “It can be fixed.” 
I studied it closely, tucking it away in my pockets. I had lost it in my first life, sold it for bread. As a precious gift from my mother, I wanted to hold onto it in this life.
We left the dark room, and headed for one of the Queen’s rooms.
After bullying Hallers into going into a room from treatment, and getting my own small wound bandaged, the Queen and I sat down for tea.
“What do you need to tell me?” She asked calmly, although her hands trembled slightly as she lifted the cup to her lips.
I looked at her, at the woman I had claimed as my mother, silently for a few moments. She had always loved me, in this life and the last… and I loved her too.
I needed to tell her the truth.
“It’s a long story, and a strange one.” Seeing her encouraging smile, I took a deep breath and I began to talk.
And I told her everything. Edith and her true origins. The King’s schemes.
My past life.
Tears silently spilled down as I described how I lost hope in my last lifetime. How, believing she had hated me, I had died alone and friendless. I explained how I had worked to change the future in this lifetime, unintentionally still almost bringing about my death at the hands of my half-sister.
By the end, my voice was hoarse, and I was so tired I could barely lift the cup in my hand. But still I felt nervous, staring at the now silent Queen.
“Do you believe me?” I whispered, unable to look at her for fear of what I would see on her face.
“My dear girl.” A hand reached out, touching my head. “My darling daughter. You’ve suffered.”
She pulled me into a hug, tears soaking my hair as her head rested on mine. “I’m so sorry.”
“You didn’t do…”
“No, but you’ve lived all these years thinking I didn’t care for you.” Her arms tightened. “How much pain you’ve endured… I can’t imagine it.”
“…” I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to make her feel worse.
 “I love you.” When she spoke again, the words were simple, but they caught at my heart.
“I love you too, Mother.”
After a while our conversation turned to what would happen next.
“The King won’t just let you go.” Her face was worried as she thought. “We need to settle this, so that you can be free.” 
“Don’t worry.” 
I sighed, calling in Rig’s second in command. “I need the ‘Final Measure.’” 
His eyes widened briefly, before his face resumed its former calm. “Yes, Miss.”
The Queen stared after his retreating back, obviously confused. “What is that?” 
I smiled. “I made a plan, in case he went too far and left me no choice.” Shaking my head, I continued. “With the last attempt on my life, and this using Edith… I have to do this, but…” I looked up at her. “I’ll have to leave Reterand. I won’t be able to come back if I do this.”
She nodded gravely. “I understand. As long as you’re safe.” Standing up, she pulled a letter out of a drawer, handing it to me. “I would recommend Tilendria, if you’re thinking of somewhere to live long-term. I received this earlier today. I think you should see it.”
I looked down, reading the letter with a silly grin.
To Queen Amerande.
I have been called to the border to fight bandits, leaving our precious person behind. I have taken every precaution and hope to return safely. But no one can no the future, and so I wish to say this:
I love your daughter very much. If I return I will gather my courage and ask her to marry me.
She may refuse me. She has been hurt, and closed her heart to love. I am not so arrogant as to think that my feelings can heal that.
Either way, my heart will not change. If she says yes, I will happily become your son-in-law and invite you to live with us. If she says no, then I will continue to help her with all my strength, and ask that you help her to live a happy life as I love her from afar. 
I’m more terrified of this than of fighting bandits. What does this say about me?
Best regards, 
“How can he always confess his feelings about me so clearly only to other people?” I grumbled, looking up at the Queen while she laughed.
I paused, studying the letter again. “I hope he’s safe.” I thought of Edith’s words, of the group of armed men at the border, and felt a pain in my chest. What if he was hurt? Or...
She reached out and held my hand. “Trust him. He’s capable. He’ll do his best to get back safely to you. But when he does...” She hesitated.
“Do you love him?” Her question was simple, so much so that I couldn’t help but answer honestly.
“That’s good then.” She grinned. “Don’t think you’ll be rid of me after you get married.” 
“Didn’t you read it?” I shook the paper slightly. “You’re living with us!”
 “If only it were that easy…” Her sad words were interrupted by an annoying shout.
Both of us sighed, as the footsteps grew closer. “WHY did you imprison Ed…” Ronan paused, staring in horror at me. “YOU! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!”
I laughed. “Yes, how dare I survive a kidnapping and murder attempt? All my fault.” 
“If you weren’t so terrible how else would my lovely Edith…” He shook his head. “You set her up!”
I looked over at the Queen who was staring at her son with a disappointed expression Standing up, I walked closer, startling Ronan who took a few steps back, but not quickly enough.
I punched him in the face, watching in satisfaction as he fell to the floor.
He held his cheek, his eyes filled with shock.
“You are a worthless coward. That’s for trying to drug me at the Queen’s party as well as all your other insults over the years. You and Edith deserve each other. But... just so you know…” I leaned forward, whispering with a smile. “She never loved you. You were only ever a tool to hurt me.”
“No! You’re lying.”
I smiled.  “If you don’t believe me, ask someone from the Tilendria court how she acted there. You’ll get your answer there.”
I waved, walking on before pausing and looking at the Queen. “I will take care of everything, Mother. Just pack your bags and wait for me.”
I left smiling.
After so long of working stealthily against each other in the shadows, it was time to directly confront the King head on. He thought he knew the enemy he had made. I was about to show him the reality of his mistakes.
It was time to move forward.
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victoirebisset · 4 years
[ VICTOIRE ELISE BISSET. 28. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ SIX MONTHS ] and are originally from [ WELLESLEY, MASSACHUSETTS  ]. They are a [ PUBLICIST ] and in their downtime love [ CATCHING A MOVIE AT CINEMA PARADISO ] and [ ENJOYING A NICE BOTTLE OF RED WINE ]. They look a lot like [ ELIZABETH OLSEN ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. 
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the basics
full name: victoire elise bisset.
nicknames: v or vic. never, and i do mean never, vicky.
birthplace: wellesley, massachusetts.
birthdate: january 9th, 1992.
zodiac sign: capricorn. 
alignment: chaotic good.
personality type:  estj.
personality traits: dogmatic, loquacious, reliable, patient, rancorous, affable, critical & forthright.
gender: cisfemale.
sexual / romantic orientation: heterosexual / heteroromantic. 
the biography
the daughter to a (now) disgraced politician coming from old money and a disgruntled, yet loyal to a fault, housewife, there was never a time victoire didn’t know luxury  — or chaos. 
as a matter of fact, her entrance to the world was an example of both. the first  — and what would ultimately be only — child to gabriel and nicolette bisset, there was no expense spared as they prepared for her arrival; hundreds of designer onesies she’d grow out of within weeks were purchased, an italian artist flown in and commissioned to hand paint a mural in her nursery and her mother only received the finest of prenatal care. for most, it was an ostentatious display that was NOT needed. but that has always been the bisset way. flamboyant and shameless flaunting of their wealth was the norm as it was, so of course they’d go all out when expecting a baby.
at the same time, there was a certain level of disappointment. as far as her father went, at least. he had been hoping for a son to follow in his footsteps. but, he’d tell his wife in an attempt to convince them both, a little girl wasn’t so bad  — he’d love, cherish and spoil her regardless. and he did do at least two of those three things. but that son he’d been hoping for never came. once victoire was born, his wife refused to let him touch her. he assumed it was “baby hormones” but really it was because hours before her baby shower, nicolette had received a call from one of his mistresses confessing the affair because she felt “bad” knowing she was pregnant. nicolette never confronted her husband but their relationship was never the same.
growing up in the lapse of luxury, most would assume vic had nothing to complain about. while her material needs were always met, the emotional ones were often neglected. her mother, bless her heart, tried. but it wasn’t easy for her. nicolette was responsible for raising their child and presenting the bissets as the picture perfect family all while knowing her husband was fucking around on her. who wouldn’t become resentful dealing with that? snide comments were thrown across the dinner table, there were times she’d disappear in her room with a bottle of wine. she’d try to be there for her daughter as much as she could but she struggled. and her father, on the other hand, focused more on his career than his family. a lawyer turned politician, he campaigned, had frequent business meetings and a long list of secret lovers to split his time between. hard to be present with a schedule like that. 
gabriel’s career choice was confusing for young victoire. there were those that publicly villainized him and thought he was the devil. there were those that put him on a pedestal. it was overwhelming... and alluring. her father was the mayor of wellesley her entire life and was even campaigning for senate when the “scandal” happened. it was always a part of her life and politics intrigued her. she’d dreamed of being the first woman president. 
her father vowed to help her get into politics and the first step of that was hiring her to be his publicist as soon as she graduated from college. it was a blatant act of nepotism but at least she was really freakin’ good at her job. she gets word accusations of bribery would be hitting the local news and that same day there’s a press conference so shots of him shaking hands, kissing babies and making grand promises distracts from the news. his morality is called into question and he’s front and center campaigning for every local charity for six months. it was a bit grimey witnessing fully the seedy underbelly of politics and her idealistic view of it changed drastically. she no longer wanted to be president or a senator or anything else like that. she did, though, learn she really did like pr and enjoyed the role she had. at least until she was expected to pay off her father’s pregnant mistress who was threatening to spill the beans about their illicit affair.
while her mother had known about his infidelities for years, vic had no clue. she always assumed her father was working. that was why he couldn’t come to her recitals or presentations in school. that was why he was late to every single one of her birthday parties. she had convinced herself that her father wasn’t a scumbag but a highly ambitious politician and anyone else in his position would do the same.
to an extent, she had idolized her father  — glorifying the parent who was never really there and whose approval she would have died to get. the version of him she had created was destroyed. she was furious, heartbroken and confused. she quit that very day and a week later, the news broke. that one woman speaking out opened the floodgates and years of affairs and other naughty behavior was broadcasted across the state. her mother would have made tammy wynette proud with how she stood by her man but victoire did not follow suit. she worked in public relations so she never outright spoke against him because no one would hire her after publicly blasting a former client in the press. even if it was her father. but she knew how to expertly throw shade. and she did. quite a few times, actually. 
after she quit, victoire ended up in new york where she worked with a pr firm for a couple of years before getting a job with a more prestigious one in los angeles which prompted her move to silver lake. it’s been surprisingly difficult for her to adjust to life on the west coast. she’s a new england girl through and through and there’s just something about palm trees and sunshine that feels wrong. she also just really misses her family. well, just her mother really. they make do by facetiming twice a week and they’re even in the middle of discussing flying her out for the holidays. unfortunately, though, it’s unlikely to happen as her mother is insistent on bringing gabriel. victoire hasn’t seen or spoken to her father since the day she told him to go fuck himself and stormed out of his office. not because of any guilt from “abandoning” her father. — she’d add ‘essentially ruined my father’s political career’ to her resume if she thought it’d help her —  but because she is still so damn angry. the closest thing to contact they have is him wiring her money every month. this “allowance” isn’t really needed, victoire makes a very good living without needing any of what she calls bisset blood money. but she allows it to continue because she considers it restitution for decades of lackluster parenting and lies.
where victoire really shines is her career. she’s relatively new to the scene  — at least compared to most publicists in hollywood  — with only seven years of experience under her belt but don’t confuse quantity with quality. if you are a public figure, you want vic on your team. she’s tenacious and, while some may view her methods as underhanded, there is no story she can’t get ahead of. and if she can’t distract from it entirely, she can turn it into a positive or at least paint her client as the victim. duis, public disagreements with significant others, leaked sex tapes. she’s seen it all. she’d dedicated to the cause and makes up her own rules, but also has a strict moral code so she won’t do something or work with someone that goes against that.
victoire thrives in social situations and really loves to hear herself talk. she also tends to assume she’s the smartest person in the room and just expects everyone to go along with what she says. and she doesn’t really handle it well when that doesn’t happen. some may say she’s stubborn, she says she’s a leader who likes to take charge and handle things. she’s a very honest and straightforward person who is clear about her intentions in a relationship whether it’s professional, platonic or romantic. she doesn’t play games, she’s not wishy-washy and she has a tendency to see the world in black and white. 
coming from a long line of elitists, vic is proud to say that is at least one pattern she broke. she just isn’t one to parade around her wealth. yes, she has a nice house and she does tend to favor designer brands when it comes to clothing, but there really isn’t anything pretentious about her. the closest you’ll get is her having dinner at a five star restaurant or buying a ridiculously expensive bottle of wine. but that’s only because she likes good food and even better wine. she’s not one to show off and is just as likely to be seen at a fancy hollywood party mingling with clients as she is laying on her couch, wrapped up in blankets and watching golden girls reruns. she’s a combination of dorothy and blanche, by the way. 
anyways, i think this is long enough so i’ll wrap it up and just say i am excited to be here and that i look forward to writing with you all. i’ll be reaching out to everyone regarding plots at some point (i say some point because i’m a slow typer with a small attention span who is currently working 60 hours a week so i’m easily distracted AND tired) but you can expedite the process by sending me a message or liking this and i’ll put you at the top of my list. in the meantime, though, feel free to just assume connections. we can go with the flow and i don’t require connections before interacting anyway. aaaand now i’m really stopping! 
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multibookfanwriter · 4 years
they never found Alyss’s body therefore she is still alive
Will and Alyss ran, giggling, into their bedroom. It was Will’s birthday and they had just been at Jenny’s restaurant, celebrating with Halt, Pauline, Jenny and Gilan. Gilan had come all the way from castle Araluen to wish Will a happy birthday. They had all shared a cask of wine and by the time they left it was empty. Will pulled his belt off and left it on the bedside table. Alyss unbuttoned Will’s shirt then pulled off her own dress. Will got tangled in the blankets and fell out of the bed, making Alyss laugh until she threw up.
Alyss woke with a start when she heard Sean calling her. “Mummy! Mummy, I’m scared.”
She walked over to his bed in the corner of the room. “It’s alright, Honey, I’m right here.” As she talked, she picked up her son and hugged him.
It had been two weeks since Lilian died. Sean had seen the body. Every night since then, Sean had woken up with nightmares. More than three years ago, Alyss had stumbled into the small village. She was covered in burns and had no memory of the past ten years. Lilian was the closest friend to Alyss in the village. She had taken Alyss in and helped her get her memories back. Most nights Alyss had dreams of her adventures with Will. Lilian had left all her possessions to Alyss in her will, including the house.  As soon as she could sell the house, she was going to move back to Redmont.
The house was sold within the week. Alyss packed all their belongings into a bag, bought a horse with some of the money from the house, and they rode all day for weeks to get to Redmont. Whenever they could, they stayed at an inn.
When she finally got to Redmont, it was almost midnight. Sean was curled up on Alyss’s lap and she didn’t want to ride through the dark forest alone. Instead she went to Jenny’s restaurant. She took Sean in with her, still asleep. It was almost empty with only one man finishing his meal at the back of the room. As she was standing in the doorway, he finished his supper and brushed past her on his way out the door. Alyss walked to the counter and asked for Jenny. The waiter told her the restaurant was closed.
“Just tell Jenny that I’m here. When she sees me, she will know me. My name is Alyss.”
The waiter shrugged and walked to the back room where Jenny was directing the cleaning. “there is a woman at the counter claiming that you know her. Her name is Alyss.”
Jenny wiped her hands on her apron and moved to the front of the building. “Alyss? She can’t be Alyss. She’s dead. But she looks exactly like her. And Alyss hasn’t got a baby,” she muttered.
“A lot has changed in the last three years, after I was trapped in the fire, three months after Will’s birthday, four years ago. That was the best apple pie I ever had, by the way. The one you made for Will’s birthday.” Alyss overheard Jenny’s muttering.
“so, you really are my Alyss? I’ll have to send someone to get Will!” Jenny walked out and found one of her new apprentices. “Get the Ranger. Tell him that I sent you and to come here immediately. It is urgent.”
The apprentice ran outside, saddled a horse and rode out to the cabin in the trees.
Will heard Tug and Bumper whinny and woke. In the next room, Maddie did the same. They donned their belts with their double knife scabbard and walked to the front door. Will opened the door before the apprentice could knock. “what do you want?”
“Mistress Jenny sent me to get you. She said it was urgent and you have to come immediately.”
“we’ll be there in a few minutes. You can go now.” The apprentice mounted his horse and rode back to the restaurant. Will turned to Maddie, “get dressed and string your bow. We are going to Jenny’s.”
Five minutes later they walked out to the stable and saddled their horses. They rode down the dark path in silence. Jenny was waiting just inside the restaurant door and when she saw the Ranger and his apprentice, she stepped out and hugged them both. She had a huge grin on her face, and they could both see she was bursting with excitement. Jenny grabbed Will’s hand and pulled him inside, Maddie followed a few steps behind them. Jenny led them to a back room. Inside, a woman was sitting on a bench as a toddler ran around her legs. She had her back to them, but she looked strangely familiar.
Alyss turned and saw Will. He just stood there as he registered who was now hugging him and then he lifted her up and spun her in a small circle. She laughed in excitement. They stopped spinning and just stood there hugging and crying. After a couple of minutes, Maddie broke the silence. “Alyss? How is this possible? You… died. Four years ago.”
Alyss looked at her. She saw the double knife scabbard at her waist, the mottled cloak and the recurve bow over her shoulder. “Maddie! Are you a Ranger now?”
Maddie nodded. “Will’s apprentice.”
Alyss held her at arm’s length. “You’ve grown so much since I saw you last. You’re almost twenty now, aren’t you?”
“Yes. But, enough about me! How are you here? Who is the kid?”
“It’s a long story but since we have all night we might as well get comfortable.” Alyss sat and motioned for the others to do the same.
“When I went back to save the girl in the fire, the roof collapsed but only one beam landed on me. It burnt my back and legs, but I pulled myself out and crawled through a break in the flames. There was a stream in the woods behind the inn and I dragged myself to it and laid in it. I must have passed out because I woke up and couldn’t remember what had happened or where I was. I don’t think I could remember what had happened for the last twenty years. I remember thinking of the time Keren had me locked in the tower. I couldn’t recall anything after that. My mind was blank.
I walked to a village and an old woman took me in and cured me. Her name was Lilian. She had no family left. Her only daughter and her husband had died in a fire. She died only a few weeks ago now. It turned out I was pregnant when I went to Celtica. Seven months after the fire I gave birth to Sean. His birthday is only a few days before yours, Maddie. I had regained most of my memories by then but with a newborn baby and no money I couldn’t travel. I wanted to come back here so much, so I got a job as a waitress in the local inn to get money. I never used my real name. I was known as Jessica Sama. As I said before, Lilian died a few weeks ago and since I was her only friend in the village, she left me all her possessions. Sean found her dead one morning. When she didn’t move, he got me to come in. The funeral traumatised him and every night since then he has had nightmares. I sold the house as soon as I could and brought a horse then came here as fast as I could.”
“is Sean my son?” Asked Will.
“I’m a father?!”
Will looked pale so Jenny stood and motioned for Maddie to come outside. “we’ll give you two some privacy.”
Alyss pulled Will up and wrapped him in a hug. He returned the embrace and kissed her. They stood together for several minutes, only stopping when Sean tugged on Alyss’s dress. “Mummy, I’m hungry.”
“I’m sure Jenny will have some food for you, honey.” She grabbed his hand. “come on let’s find you some food.” She walked to the door but noticed Will wasn’t following her. “are you coming, Will?”
“yes, but I think I’ll stay in here a bit longer. This is a lot to take in.”
“Yes, I understand.”
In the kitchen, Jenny and Maddie were making an apple pie. While they worked, they talked about Gilan.
Maddie turned to the door as she heard Alyss talking to Sean. He was running up the hall. He saw Maddie and Jenny and started running faster. He tried to climb onto the stool beside Maddie, but it was too tall so, she lifted him and sat him on her own lap. Alyss had walked into the kitchen by then. As she walked past the oven, she smelled something.
“Are you baking an apple pie, Jenny? It smells so good.”
“Yes. It should be ready in a few minutes.”
“I can’t wait.” Alyss sat on the stool beside Maddie. “so, Maddie, how did you become a Ranger? Last I heard, you were a princess.”
“Mum and Dad thought I was misbehaving, and Will was almost going to quit the Ranger corps to avenge your… death, I guess. Halt, Gilan, Mum and Dad all agreed that this would be the best way to get us both to behave better. It did. I was only supposed to train for a year, but I loved it so much that I continued.”
Alyss had frowned slightly when she heard that Will almost quit the Corps. “What are you going to do when you finish your training? I don’t think your parents would like it if you became a full time Ranger.”
“Mum didn’t like it when she found out that I wanted to continue my training. Only a few people know that I am training to be a Ranger. Most people think I am learning how to sew and act like a princess with lady Sandra. I don’t stay all year. I visit Mum and Dad for a few months a year and become a princess again. After I finish my training, I will go back to be a princess. But I will still practice my skills.”
Alyss smiled, “I see Will has taught you well.”
Maddie looked confused so she elaborated.
“getting completely off track when you talk, then going back and answering the question after heaps of pointless information. All the while confusing anyone that is listening. It is quite a useful skill, but it gets annoying sometimes.”
“so, you think I am annoying sometimes?” The voice came from behind Alyss and she turned, recognising the voice. It belonged to Will. He kissed her and sat.
As Maddie and Alyss talked, Jenny had pulled the apple pie out of the fire and left it to cool. Now she cut it into slices and put them on plates. “Maddie can you help me?”
She stood and sat Sean on the chair, then moved to the kitchen. She took her own plate and Sean’s plate as well as five sets of forks. Jenny carried the rest of the plates.
Maddie put the plates and cutlery on the table and picked up Sean and put him on her lap and sat down.
Alyss took a bite and sighed. “I forgot how good your cooking is. I missed it so much.”
Jenny filled everyone’s mugs with coffee. Alyss filled everyone else in on what had happened to her, going into more detail. The others in turn filled her in on the happenings of the kingdom. Just after they started talking, Sean had curled up, asleep on Maddie’s lap so, they talked in slightly more than whispers.
At around 2 am Alyss, Maddie and Will said goodnight to Jenny and rode to the cabin in the trees. They were almost there when Alyss realised the problem. There were not enough beds in the house. Will and Alyss would share a bed of course. Maddie had the other room, but there was nowhere for Sean to sleep. When she addressed the problem to the others, Maddie suggested that Sean could sleep in her bed. Alyss was riding with the sleeping child so Maddie decided to ride ahead to get the house ready. As she approached the house, she saw a bay horse waiting beside the building. It was a ranger horse. Maddie thought she recognised her and the thought was confirmed when she walked inside. Gilan was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. He looked up as she walked in. “good morning. Where’s Will?”
“he’s coming. How long have you been here?”
“about an hour.”
Maddie walked into her room. “Hey Gil, would you be able to help me move my bed? I don’t want it to leave marks on the floor.”
Gilan sat his coffee down and stood. He picked up one end of the bed while Maddie lifted the other. They positioned the bed next to the wall. Gilan went back to his coffee but Maddie walked around the cabin picking up any items low enough for Sean to grab and putting them on higher shelves. She put another blanket on her bed as well. Gilan watched her, perplexed, but didn’t interrupt her. When she finally sat, he poured her a cup of coffee and topped up his own cup. She nodded her thanks. He was about to ask her what she was doing, when Blaze and Bumper whinnied a welcome. There was an answering call from Tug. Maddie looked in the coffee pot and seeing that it was almost empty, refilled it and put it to boil, then walked outside to greet Will. Gilan stayed inside. By the time Maddie had stepped off the veranda, two horses walked out of the trees. Sean was still asleep on Alyss’s lap and she lifted him down into Maddie’s waiting arms. Careful to not wake Sean, Maddie walked to the cabin. She walked through the open door, straight into her room. She rested Sean on her bed and tucked him in. She sat at the table once again to finish her coffee. Gilan looked at her puzzled. He had no idea what was happening. Will walked in with a tall, graceful figure beside him. Will saw the coffee pot and filled a mug.
“Coffee, Alyss?” He asked. She nodded. He poured her a cup and handed it to her.
Gilan looked at her then at Will and at Sean, sleeping in Maddie’s room. “what am I missing?”
“Gilan, this is Alyss, my wife.”
“But she died years ago.” He looked at her.
Will was about to answer but Alyss put a hand on his arm to stop him.
She answered Gilan’s question. “I escaped the fire but lost my memory from the shock. I got it back eventually and came home with my son.”
“when did you have a kid?”
“I was pregnant when I went to Celtica. I didn’t know. No one knew.”
“so that kid Maddie brought in before, is your son?” There was a note of disbelief in his voice.
Will answered before Alyss could stop him. “yes, Sean is our son!”
“was he, by any chance, named after Halt’s nephew, King Sean?”
“yes, he was.” Alyss replied.
“Halt is going to love this! Have you told him yet?” Gilan grinned.
“no. We were just at Jenny’s. I went straight there when I got here, and Sean was asleep. I didn’t want to wake him.”
“How is Jenny?”
“she’s fine. What did you come here for?”
“I have a mission for you two Ranger’s, but I see you might want to stay here for a while, Will.”
“yes. I don’t want to just leave Alyss here all alone with Sean again. Not so soon. Maddie might want to still go.” Will answered.
Gilan turned to Maddie but was surprised to see that she had fallen asleep at the table, her cold cup of coffee still sitting in front of her.
“I guess we should take her to bed. I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Bring Halt and Pauline if they aren’t busy.” Will lifted Maddie and carried her to bed and laid her beside Sean. He pulled the blanket up and tucked her in.
An hour later she woke to the sound of Sean crying. She sat up and saw him beside her with tears rolling down his cheeks. “Hey Sean, what’s wrong?” She whispered to him.
He looked at her and said. “I’m scared.”
She picked him up and hugged him. “it’s okay, I’m here for you. What are you scared of?”
“the lady came back.”
“what lady?”
“the lady that played with me when mummy went to work.”
Realisation dawned on Maddie. “was her name Lilian?”
“why is she so scary?”
“she’s grey like she was in the box.”
The box must have been the coffin, Maddie realised. “don’t worry Sean, I will make her go away.”
There was a knock on the door and Maddie, still holding Sean opened it. Alyss was standing there.
“I heard Sean crying.”
“he’s fine now. He had a nightmare.” Maddie reassured her.
“mummy! The nice girl made the lady go away.”
“What lady?”
“he’s been having nightmares about Lilian.” Maddie said.
“thank you, Maddie. You are really good with him.”
“I’m sure I fell asleep at the table earlier. How did I get in here?”
“Will carried you in here and tucked you in.”
Maddie raised her voice slightly. “Thanks, Will!”
“you’re welcome!” Will called from his bedroom.
Maddie grinned. “I knew he’d be awake. I’ll put Sean back to sleep, now. Goodnight.”
Alyss nodded. “thank you.”
Alyss shut the door and went back to her room. Maddie put Sean on the bed and laid beside him. “are you ready to go back to sleep, Sean?”
“will you keep the lady away?”
“of course, I will.”
“okay.” He rolled onto his side and fell asleep.
Maddie closed her eyes and fell asleep as well.
In the next room, Alyss listened as Maddie got Sean to sleep. “She is so good with him.” She whispered to Will.
“yes, she is. She is a good kid.”
Alyss looked at him. “she is not exactly a kid anymore. She will be an adult soon.”
Will grunted his agreement. “’night.”
“goodnight, dear.”
The next morning Will woke to the smell of bacon and coffee. He pulled a shirt on and buckled his belt around his hips. He tucked his shirt in as he walked out of his room.
“’Morning, sleepyhead.” Alyss was standing at the stove, cooking bacon and eggs.
“good morning. Is Maddie up yet?”
“no. Sean is still sleeping as well.”
Will poured himself a cup of coffee and sat at the table.
“I forgot how nice it was to have someone cook breakfast for me.” Will grinned.
“didn’t Maddie cook you breakfast?”
“a few failed attempts. It didn’t taste very good. It was a good effort, considering she had never cooked before. At least she made me laugh.”
“good morning, Sean.” Maddie said as the child moved beside her. She had only been awake for a few minutes but, fearing that she would wake Sean, stayed in bed. She heard Will talking to Alyss. She smiled as she remembered her first attempt at cooking bacon and eggs. Maddie sat on the edge of the bed. “Sean, do you want a piggyback ride?”
Alyss smiled as Maddie came out of her room, Sean on her back.
“Gilan’s coming over later, Maddie. He wants to talk to you. And you can have a day off today, to watch Sean.” Will said.
For a couple of hours, Maddie played with Sean, making mud patties and playing tag. It was almost noon when Gilan, Halt and Pauline rode into the clearing. Sean wanted to go over and see the horses, so Maddie held his hand and walked over to the small group. Pauline tethered her horse but Halt and Gilan just let the reins drop to the ground as usual. They turned as Maddie called out to them. Gilan hadn’t told Halt or Pauline why they had to come, so neither of them knew why Maddie was leading a small child towards them. As they approached, Halt turned to Gilan, “I suppose that has something to do with why we are here.” Gilan nodded and smiled.
Sean whispered something to Maddie, and she picked him up and walked faster towards the trio.
“and who’s this little angel?” Pauline asked.
“this is Sean. Sean, this is Gilan, Halt and Pauline.” She pointed to each as she said their names.
“hullo, Sean. Where did you come from?” Halt asked.
“come inside and we’ll tell you.” Alyss called from the doorway.
“who else is here? That was definitely not Will. But the voice sounds familiar.” Halt hated not knowing.
Gilan and Maddie exchanged a glance and Halt decided he would get them back for this later. While they were talking, Sean had started patting Blaze’s nose. Now he grabbed it and Blaze snorted. They all looked at her and Maddie laughed.
“Sean, be gentle.” She scolded light-heartedly.
She stepped onto the veranda and put Sean down. The door was open, and he ran inside.
“mummy!” He shouted happily as Alyss scooped him up. Maddie followed him inside and after a moment’s hesitation the others also stepped inside. Pauline recognised her first. Afterall, the graceful blonde had been her protegee. Halt took a few seconds longer and concluded that it must be Alyss. Then he realised that Sean had called her ‘mummy’.
“Two things.” Halt said. “first. Alyss? Second. Mummy?”
Alyss smiled. “yes, to both those questions Halt. Before you ask, no, I am not dead.” She had seen his mouth open to ask a question and close as she answered it.
“his name is Sean, like my nephew.” He said
“that’s who he is named after.”
“mummy, what does nefew mean?”
“nephew is a brother or sister’s son.”
“coffee’s ready if anyone wants it.” Will said. He was sitting at the table drinking his cup of coffee.
There were not enough chairs, so Gilan and Maddie sat on the floor with Sean.
“Last night I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a mission, but Will is going to stay here. If you want to still go, I will go with you.” Gilan told Maddie.
“Where is it? And what is it about?”
“Toscana, Arridi. It’s just a routine trip to check the treaty. Do you want to come?”
“yes.” Maddie said after a moment’s hesitation.
“are you sure?”
“We leave in two days. At dawn.”
Maddie’s smile slid off her face. “I knew you would say that. Sean, do you want to help me pack?”
Maddie stood and lifted Sean up and walked to her room. “how long is this going to take?”
“two or three weeks.” Gilan replied.
“will I need any gowns?”
“am I a princess or a Ranger?”
“both. In Arridi you will be a Ranger but in Toscana you will be a princess.”
 After Maddie left with Gilan, Will sent a letter to Horace and Cassandra. ‘I will be coming to castle Araluen with a surprise. Have a big room prepared for me. I’m bringing a friend. We’ll be staying a few days. We’ll be there in less than a week.’
Will, Alyss and Sean left for the castle later that day. It was an uninteresting trip until they got within a day’s ride of castle Araluen. They stopped for the night in the ever-present woods beside the road. There was a small brook near the clearing they had chosen for their campsite. Will and Alyss had two cloaks each and they had a few blankets. It was a cold night, so Alyss had piled all the blankets on top of herself and Sean. She was curled around him to keep him warm. Will was sitting at the edge of the clearing, wrapped in his warm cloak, keeping watch. Tug and the other horses were on the other side of the clearing, closest to the road.
Alyss slept facing Will and he could see the details on her face clearly with the moonlight. As she slept, a single tear slid down her cheek and froze on the tip of her nose. It glistened in the moonlight and Will was struck by a sudden urge to wipe it off his wife’s face. Sean was squirming in his mother’s embrace, but she was in a deep sleep and didn’t notice. Will checked around for any intruders one last time before darting across the clearing. Alyss unconsciously stroked the air where Sean’s head had laid seconds before and woke up immediately when she realised, he was gone. She looked around anxiously, searching for her son and relaxed when she saw Will at Tug’s side, and Sean perched on top of the horse.
“Will,” she called with mock severity. “bring that cheeky little boy back to bed!”
Will pulled Sean off Tug and tucked him back in with Alyss. He hesitated, looking at Tug then as the little shaggy horse seemed to nod, he laid down beside her and wrapped her in his arms. They lay undisturbed for hours until Tug whinnied a warning. There is someone nearby, the warning said. Will was awake instantly. As was usual for a Ranger, he made no outward sign that he was awake. His hand searched under his pillow for his saxe knife.
The man watched, shocked to find that a mysterious, green and grey clad Ranger was curled up with a woman and child, with no sentries. If he hit the Ranger now, he would be able to get the woman easily. The Ranger looked like he was still asleep. The man crouched behind the bush, formulating his plan. He would throw his spear at the Ranger. If he missed, he would use his second spear. Or he would threaten to kill the woman. The Ranger obviously cared about her.
Will saw the man crouch behind the bush. This was his chance. He rolled away from Alyss, saxe knife in hand. He grabbed his longbow and quiver as he ran to the edge of the clearing.
The man behind the bush stood with his spear ready to throw at the Ranger but he had disappeared. What he didn’t know was that the Ranger was creeping toward him. He brought the spear back to throw it at Alyss. Will stepped out of the trees, arrow already nocked. He hadn’t seen the man draw back the spear to throw. The spear sped across the open ground and Will fired at the man. He knew it was a good shot and he dropped his bow, turning to face his family.
“Alyss!” He screamed, the agony clear in his voice, as he sprinted toward her. She had cried out as the spear flew at her.
She was sobbing when Will reached her. Her hands were covered in blood. He Searched for the wound and cried out in shock when he saw it. Sean’s upper arm was sliced to the bone. Alyss didn’t seem to be hurt but her eyes were haunted as she looked at her child. Will bundled up Sean and carried him to the pond. He washed the blood off his arm and whistled for Tug. There was a first aid kit in his saddlebag. He smeared a pain killer in Sean’s wound. As it took effect, Will noticed the torture in his son’s eyes dissipated. Will stitched the lips of the wound together.
Alyss was sitting up on her blankets, hands in her hair, rocking back and forth, muttering to herself and crying. She was oblivious to the blood staining her ash blonde hair.
Will heard hoofbeats and decided to investigate. He carried Sean. It was the mail carrier cart and its entourage. Six armed knights. The captain saw Will and recognised him. He stopped the cart.
“Good morning Ranger Will. I am captain Wurel.” The captain dismounted.
“Not all that good of a morning, I’m afraid captain.” Will replied, indicating the bandage wrapped around Sean’s arm. “Sean got a spear through his arm.”
“what happened to the man that got him?”
“he is sleeping in the woods. My arrow is with him.” Will grinned.
Alyss had finally stopped crying. She heard voices from the road, Will was not in the clearing so she reasoned that he was talking at the roadside. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard his voice. Alyss stumbled toward the voices. Will turned when he heard her coming. He saw the blood in her hair and on her face and hands. He hurried over to her asking if she was alright. She threw her arms around Wills neck and burst into tears again.
“It was all my fault, Will.” She whispered between sobs.
“No, it wasn’t, honey.” His hands were full so he couldn’t hug her back. He kissed her cheek instead.
The captain was looking embarrassed as he watched the famous Will Treaty kiss this unknown woman.
Will saw his look and called to him as his own face reddened. “you should get back to work.”
Captain Wurel nodded his thanks and ordered his men to get back to work. Most of them had dismounted and slumped on the ground. They all stepped up into their saddles again and rode off with the wagon. As they rounded the corner, Will kissed Alyss again. It was more passionate but still clumsy because of Sean. They broke apart as Alyss broke down into another bout of tears. Will lead Alyss to the brook and started to wash her face and hair.
The blood had dried, and her hair was matted with it. Will soaked her hair then combed it out with his hands. Most of the dried blood came out so he just combed it with his fingers, occasionally wetting it again. Eventually her hair was back to normal. He wiped Alyss’s face with a wet cloth removing the layer of blood. The sun had risen over an hour ago. They packed up camp and headed for castle Araluen.
They arrived a few hours after lunch. They were greeted at the gate by the Queen herself and her husband Sir Horace.
“Your majesty.” Will said grinning.
“Who are your friends?” Horace asked.
“I believe that you have met Alyss? My wife.”
“It can’t be!” Cassandra stated.
“It is Cass. And this is our son, Sean.” Alyss replied.
“hold up a minute! Will. You’re telling us your wife has been brought back from the dead and you have a kid?” Sir Horace challenged.
“how is this possible?”
“She was never dead.”
“why didn’t she come back three years ago? It would have saved us all a lot of grief. It would have saved Maddie from that spear she took for you.”
“Maddie save your life?” Alyss intervened.
“Yes.” Will answered briefly.
“what did it have to do with me not coming back?”
“Jory Ruhl threw the spear. I was tied to a post to be burned alive. Maddie jumped in front of me. I was hunting him down. I thought she was dead. She was all I had left. I wanted to die.” Will’s voice lowered to a hoarse whisper as he said the last words. A tear slipped down his cheek.
Alyss’s eyes were watering and seeing the tear on Will’s cheek was the last straw. She burst into tears for the third time that day. Will handed Sean to Cassandra after pointing out the cut on his arm. He leaped off Tug and lifted Alyss off her horse. Her whole body was shaking. Will held her close. He gestured for the four of them to go into the castle. Horace looked at Will then at Tug the question was obvious. ‘What about the horses?’ Will tilted his head toward Alyss. ‘She comes first.’HHhhhhhhhhhh5eryhrb
Horace called out to a stable hand and told him to look after the visitor’s horses. The hand nodded and took the bridle.
“Tug, go along.” Will said to his horse. He reluctantly followed the stable hand into the stable.
Will walked Alyss into the castle. Cassie led the way and Horace came behind them. suddenly he stopped. “did you name your son after Halt’s nephew?”
Will grinned. “did you just realise that?”
“so, you did?”
“Alyss did. That was one of the first questions Halt asked. The first was, Alyss? Then it was, Mummy? Then he asked if Sean was named after King Sean.”
“why did he ask; Mummy?”
“Sean came running into the house laughing and yelling, Mummy! Your daughter was right behind him.”
“Maddie knew. And she didn’t tell us!”
Will grinned sheepishly. “I told her not to.”
The Queen opened the door and held it open for the others to pass her. She had moved into her fathers’ old room. Will led Alyss straight to the bed and sat her on it. He sat with his arm around her shaking shoulders. She laid her head on his shoulder. It didn’t take long for Will’s shoulder to become soaked with tears. He kissed her forehead. Her cries eventually stopped as she sank into asleep. Will laid her on the bed and kissed her again.
Sean tugged on Will’s sleeve. “Daddy? What’s wrong with Mummy?”
“She’s having a bad day.”
“poor girl. She used to be so strong. Now she is so stressed.” Cassie said sympathetically. She hated seeing her friend like this and not being able to do anything. They all hated it.
“she has been like this all day. Early this morning, Sean got hit by the spear. She blamed herself for him getting hit. The spear was aimed at her, but they overshot. It cut his arm all the way to the bone.” Will frowned.
“how can she blame herself for that? She couldn’t do anything to stop a spear.” Horace argued.
“I know. I tried to tell her that. She had blood all over her hands and she got it all through her hair and on her face.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Horace randomly asked if Will wanted the doctor to check Sean’s cut. Will thought about it for a couple of minutes before he answered.
“If Alyss says yes.” He naturally surrendered to his wife’s authority.
Cassandra and Horace both had work to do. They left Will, Sean and Alyss in the room alone. After a few hours, Alyss finally woke up. Sean had gone exploring around the suite of rooms. Will was going to kiss her forehead, but she pulled his lips down onto her own. He didn’t resist. Neither pulled away until Alyss had to come up for a breath. A servant was backing out of the room and Will turned and saw him. They all turned red with embarrassment. The servant turned and ran out of the room. Will turned and kissed Alyss again. He pulled away, remembering what Horace had said hours earlier. He asked Alyss if she wanted to take Sean to the doctor. She nodded.
They found Sean in the office, balancing on the big oak desk. They walked him down to the doctor. Just outside the doctor’s office Cassandra was busy planning a celebration. They told him to go straight to aunty Cass when the doctor was finished.
They walked back up to the Queens rooms. This time they locked the door. They caught up on the three years of missed kisses in the hours before Horace and Cassie knocked on the door. Will kissed Alyss one more time, before getting up to open the door. He was surprised to find it already open and the couple were obviously trying hard not to laugh.
“they’ve been like that for hours, Horace.” Halt was standing inside the doorway.
Horace burst into peals of laughter. “And you managed to stay in here that whole time?”
“What!?” Will looked at Halt accusingly.
“you didn’t even look around the room when you locked the door. Even Horace could have hidden in plain sight and you wouldn’t have noticed him.” Halt looked disappointed.
“No-o-o! You saw the whole thing? And heard it all?” Will looked more horrified as Halt nodded to both his questions.
Will was horrified that his former teacher had seen and heard everything.
Halt decided that Will was embarrassed enough. He softened his gaze. “you two deserved the love after what you have been through.”
Will’s face was bright red. Alyss, trained in not showing her emotions, was only slightly less red. Lady Pauline was standing behind Cassandra, Sean clinging to her arm. They stepped forward and Sean ran into Alyss’s waiting arms. His arm was wrapped in a new bandage.
Alyss lifted him up, kissing his cheek and her embarrassment faded away.
“when did you get here, Halt?” Alyss asked.
“Daddy.” Sean said and Alyss put him on the floor and he walked to Will, who picked him up.
“we left Redmont a couple of hours after you did, and we got here just as you were walking inside. I came in here to see you, but you were… too busy.” Halt answered Alyss’s question.
“why didn’t you say anything?” Will interrupted.
“I did. But that’s not important. Dinner is important.”
“finally, someone agrees with me!” Horace said and everyone laughed.
 The group of six camped in the woods that night. They were heading to Seacliff to see Maddie and Gilan who were due to arrive late the next day.
Horace had second watch. Less than an hour into it, Cassandra woke. They talked for a while until Sean woke up. He walked to them, telling them he need to use the privy. Horace and Cassie started to argue who would take him. As they had their whispered squabble, Sean wandered into the woods. Neither of them noticed. Will heard the fight and slowly stirred.
“What are you doing?” Will whispered, still hazy with sleep.
Cassie looked around and noticed Sean was gone. “Nothing.”
As Will laid back down Cassie murmured to Horace that Sean was missing. He looked around and his eyes widened. Will was almost asleep, and he looked at his wife, thinking, ‘She looks so peaceful when she is asleep. She is not worrying about Sean.’ He realised that Sean was not curled up beside his mother anymore. He shot up, looking around. Cassie and Horace were whispering fighting again. His son was not in the campsite.
“Where is he?” Will stood in front of the Queen, hands on his hips. They were on watch. They were supposed to be watching.
Cassandra and Horace avoided Will’s angry eyes.
“Where is he?” He repeated, his voice was ominously low.
“We don’t know.” Cassandra said in a small voice.
Halt’s bedroll was the closest to where they were arguing. He roused when he heard Will’s voice rise with anger.
“what do you mean, you don’t know? You were supposed to be watching!”
“What’s the problem, Will?” Halt was suddenly standing behind him.
“Them.” Will pointed to Horace and his partner. “They weren’t watching Sean.”
“Where is he?”
“That’s the problem!”
Alyss and Pauline heard Will and decided to find out what happened. They walked together to the scene. Will turned as he heard the familiar sound of his wife’s voice.
“What’s the problem, Will?” Alyss asked.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He apologised.
“Nothing. You should go back to bed.”
Alyss and Pauline simultaneously raised their right eyebrow in disbelief. Then Alyss realised what the problem was. Her baby was gone.
“Sean?” She breathed. Her legs seemed to become jelly. They wouldn’t hold her up and she fell to the ground. Will’s arms stopped her at the last moment.
“We’ll find him. Don’t worry.”
Alyss stood. “I’m going.”
“No! You’re staying here.”
A child’s high-pitched scream rung out from the forest. Will immediately let go of Alyss who screamed out her son’s name. He sprinted toward the noise, snatching up his bow and quiver as he went. Alyss tried to follow but Halt grabbed her around the waist, stopping her.
“Let go of me, Halt! Sean! My baby!” She clawed at Halt’s arms and screamed again when she heard her son.
“Mummy! Da…!” His voice was muffled by a hand clamped over his mouth as he screamed for his parents.
Alyss slumped in Halt’s arms, realising that he wouldn’t let her go. She twisted in his embrace and buried her tear-stained face in his chest.
Will followed the muffled screams. His cowl was up, shading his face and he carried his longbow easily, ready to shoot in a second. He moved, silent as a cat stalking its prey, toward the bandit who was holding Sean.
The outlaw spoke to the small boy. “Guess Mummy and Daddy aren’t coming, kid.” He pressed a knife under Sean’s chin. “Guess I’ll just have to kill you.” The knife was moved closer to the child’s neck, causing a thin line of blood to appear.
“Don’t move!” Will shouted. “King’s Ranger!”
The bandit, Ramen, pressed the knife harder into Sean’s neck. He knew what Rangers were like. If he ran, the Ranger would come after him and kill him. If he stayed, the Ranger would kill him. It wouldn’t matter what he did, the Ranger would kill him. Ramen decided he would not go down without the pleasure of killing the boy. Sean whimpered in pain and fear. Will threw back his cowl, revealing his face to his son.
Ramen cursed and put his hand over the kids mouth again, smothering the shout. Seconds later he realised what the kid had said. His eyes widened and he smiled cruelly.
“Guess Daddy did come after all. Dressed as a Ranger.”
Will brought his bow up, pulling it to full draw and sighted on the hand holding the knife to Sean’s throat. If the man moved, the arrow could hit Sean. Will didn’t want to take that risk, so he released the tension of the bow and dropped it on the forest floor, replacing the arrow in his quiver. He moved forward, drawing his heavy saxe knife. Ramen dug his own knife further into Sean’s neck. Blood was running freely down and soaking into the kid’s shirt.
Will leaped, twisting the knife from Ramen’s fingers and Sean sunk to the ground. Will dragged the bandit away and threw him to the ground. As the bandit got unsteadily to his feet, the pommel of Will’s saxe knife came down heavily on his head, knocking him out instantly. He was tied to a tree and Will left.
Will took off his cloak, wrapped his sleepy son in it and carried him back to the campsite. As the child was drifting off to sleep, he remembered something. He opened his eyes.
“Daddy? The man said his friends were going to get Mummy.” Sean whispered.
Will silently cursed and started to run. “Alyss! Halt!” he yelled.
Halt and Alyss turned at Will’s voice and ran toward him. He didn’t hear the man behind him. The sword stabbed into his back and he reeled forward. The world turned black. Alyss leaped forward to the man who had cut her husband. Her dagger slipped between his ribs and found his heart. She dropped to her knees beside Will. The sword had gone through, below his ribcage. Alyss was torn between helping her husband or her son. Halt stopped another brigand and seeing no other enemies around, also dropped to the ground beside Will.
“I have Sean. You get Will.” Halt reassured her. Alyss carefully pulled the bloodstained sword out of her husband’s body. His breathing was ragged and so was his pulse. He opened his eyes at Alyss’s gentle touch. She pulled his ruined shirt away from the wound and wiped the injury with a clean linen bandage.
While Will was sleeping, the others talked. Horace volunteered to get a healer from the castle. It would be half a day’s ride to get there and another half day ride back. It would be more than twelve hours before Will could get proper treatment. Cassandra and Pauline would continue to the docks to meet with Maddie and Gilan. Sean would go with them.
Cassandra and Pauline trotted their horses slowly down the street. Sean was sitting in the saddle in front of Pauline. Two horses trailed behind them. A piebald and a bay. Wolfwill, the sleek wolfship captained by Gundar Hardstriker, glided to the wharf. Maddie and Gilan were standing at the port side railings and leaped off as soon as the ship stopped. Maddie ran to her horse and threw her arms around his neck. Then she seemed to notice everyone around her.
“Mum!” she shouted excitedly. She looked around only seeing Pauline and Sean. “Where’s Dad?”
“He is… with Will, Halt and Alyss. They are camped in the woods less than a day’s ride away,” Pauline answered. “We will be staying there for a couple of days.”
It was obvious that she was not telling them something. Maddie wondered what it was for a few seconds before realising that they would find out in due time.
Gilan was watching Maddie from beside his own horse. “I have to get back to work but I can come with you to the campsite.”
As they rode into the campsite Maddie expected to be greeted by her mentor, not by the site of him lying unconscious on the ground with a bloodstained bandage around his bare chest. Maddie and Gilan both stopped their horses as they saw Will. Alyss looked up as the hoofbeats stopped. Her eyes were filled with tears.
“What happened to Will? Is he going to be okay?” Maddie cried out as she jumped off Bumper and ran to her teacher, dropping to her knees beside him.
At the sound of Maddie’s voice, Will’s eyes flickered open.
“Hey Maddie.” His voice was weak and his eyes were full of pain.
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