#when to use ev mode
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heibon-hiroo · 5 months
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Bloody pink, sensual red... Which one?
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quaddmgd · 1 year
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foolishjellyfish · 2 years
so maybe things might actually be alright
#i can hope so right#danielle back in the country and boy oh boy was it a rOUGH THREE MONTHS NO GIRL DON'T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN HAHAHA#(i say this abt a platonic friend whom i love lots and lots)#me and ~ the girl ~ are having a chat tomorrow morning#dAnielle said approach it with love - not fear#like - of course it'll crash and burn if fear is the focus/starting point#love love loooooove that's all there is hey#got my phone on flight mode this evening (tumblr desktop 4eva rite) while I tidy up my room after 3 weeks of absolurtley shit mental health#at the same time as having my work schedule as an artist be like 10 x more intense than what I'm used to + house mate drama + lesbian drama#all thgese things at the fucken same time#don't get me started about the tonsil stone flare up D: D: D:#took monday and tuesday off this week and woah like my tonsil stone3s actually went away for a minuye????#who woulda thought shsdbichbqwiudbaiubaqw#almost like if u take care of ur brain ev erythiong else follows#this week was still a lil stressful but much easier to manage after spending two whole days crying and grounding myself and reflecting#blah blah blah#one of the artists i worked with these past two weeks is in her 60s with many many intersecting identities and big big big life trauma#like big unresolved trauma#love her to bits but boy oh boy there were many moments - when she was getting overwhelmed etc etc etc#many moments where she reminded of my mUM WHEN MY MUM GETS MANIC#ME#REMINDED OF MY TRAUMA???#ME?#TRIGGERED????#NOT AT ALL???#ME BEING A LIL TRIGGERED ON AND OFF FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS OF A SPECIFIC PROJECT I WAS BEING PAID FOR???#project meaning 3 artists just having space to explore whatever the fuck we want4ed in our process so really#anyway like no wonder i been feeling crap and no wonder me and ~ the girl ~ had that ugly fkn argument last sunday ahahahahahahaha#pray that she also wantsa to approach this convo with love and care#okay my aRTHRITIC WRISTS are hurting from all this typing so I leave it at this for all my fave vouyers xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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horrorartsworld · 5 months
revenge is sweet pt. 2
lucifer/demon f!reader
a/n: for all the babies that wanted a part two!!
warnings: rough sex if you squint, lucifer being possessive because he can, daddy kink, slapping, spanking, brat taming, not proofread 😵‍💫
here’s part one if you missed it!!
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(little recap:)
Rubbing the back of your arm sheepishly as you stood there watching Lucifer's eyes turn red as his demon form became more prominent, teeth snarling as he came closer to you. "Well... hehe...we'll just have to fix that, won't we my love?" danger laced in his voice as he closed the space between you two.
"I'm fucked."
In all your years of knowing him you’ve never seen him this upset to the point he seemed as if he was loosing it. Loosing it at the thought that little shit for brains actually one upped him, let alone with his own wife. IN HIS OWN WIFE IN FACT.
“Oh you have no idea…” he spoke threateningly with a hidden promise you knew all too well. However, your fiery attitude from earlier never died down, so you weren’t gonna back down without a proper fight.
“Are you really surprised though? You’ve been away for weeks, practically months without even trying to see me, let alone be with me, your wife!” you finally snap thinking back at why this all happened in the first place. Lucifer only scowled at the thought, narrowing his red eyes at you.
“Doesn’t mean you can run around and be an unfaithful whore” he says in an unsettlingly calm tone making that fire you thought you had just now fizzle out within an instant, causing you to shift uncomfortably in front of him.
“Still…you fucking left me Luci…and you know how i get when i’m alone and you didn’t even bother to call me,” you cross your arms over your chest looking away from him and out the window to the streets of hell as it seemed more wild around this time of night.
He runs a hand through his hair, laughing to himself in visible frustration but he still tried to tone it down while he looked you over. “Listen…” he said sternly yet still keeping this calm persona, his voice the only thing echoing in your ears. “Whatever you say or do from this point forward will have consequences to your actions, so i suggest you be a good girl and stop spouting nonsense to get you out of what’s about to happen.” you genuinely couldn’t believe what you’re hearing, facing him once more, your brattiness on full defense mode as you persisted on letting him hear your side.
“And why should i listen to you? It’s not like you’re bothering to listen to what i have to say right now.” you spat, the corner of your mouth twitching up in a snarl. Simply chuckling, Lucifer’s hand found it’s way into your hair with an unsuspecting tight grip, fist unforgiving as you were yanked down to your knees.
“Now is that any way to talk to your overlord sweetheart?”
You yelped softly as your knees burned with the sudden contact they just had with the floor, the unmissable low tone of his dominance causing your nerves to spiral.
“Hm?” He probed, hand pulling your hair even more taught as he pulled you closer to his clothed crotch, your cheek coming into contact with his hard-on while he rutted against it making your throat run dry.
You felt like you were having an out of body experience, this kind of intimidation and authority coming from Lucifer wasn’t like him and it seemed as though it was having quite the effect on you.
“Speak. Now.” he reprimanded, using his hold on your hair to crane your neck back to look up at him in all his glory.
“Mm- I’m sorry..” your voice coming out more pitiful and meek then you hoped, opposite of your heated speech from earlier.
Holding your breath you watched a sinister smile crept onto your husband’s face causing your heart to drop to your ass, quivering uneasily in his hold he nods gesturing to his hard-on strained so eagerly now against his nice dress pants.
“Oh i know baby, but you gotta prove it” his hand slipping out from your hair, but his hold on you was still evident even though it wasn’t physical anymore.
His sinister smile very much still plastered on his snake like mouth, watching as you loop your fingers in his belt loops and pull his lower half towards your face. You undo his belt with much delicacy, watching the straining fabric as it came into view, your once dry mouth watering instantly.
You pull out his hardened cock, the tip flushed red, angry and spewing precum, kitten licking it and then giving a light kiss to the tip just to sweeten him up a bit.
Lucifer not being able to hold in his reactions as he shivers, letting out tiny puffs of air as he watches you carefully kiss down his shaft. And after a while of you prolonging it he grabs your hair once more, pulling you back from his cock.
"That’s enough.." he grumbles, when you desperately try to put your mouth back on it again. "You had enough time to make this about you, this about me now. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."
Brows furrowing in confusion while you try not to pout, you lean back on your heels doing just as he says with your mouth open and waiting. Your lashes batting up at him as you watch him tower over you, putting his legs on either side of your thighs while holding his length directly in front of mouth stroking himself up and down.
Small breathy moans escape his lips as his head is then thrown back with his lip caught between his teeth. You wanted nothing more than to have this picture burned in the back of your brain as he looked so beautiful.
He curses under his breath practically thinking the same thing as you, seeing you sitting there so obediently and drooling for his seed.
“Hungry for daddies cum aren’t you?” slapping his tip against your tongue, you nod eagerly feeling him start to tease it into your mouth.
A hand wrapping around it instinctively helping him get closer, pumping him and moving your head in a bobbing motion causing him to growl above you.
He then without warning thrusts deep hitting the back of your throat making you gag, tears welling up in your eyes whilst his hand holds your head in place, not giving you a second to breathe. Thrusting a few more times before his hot seed spills into your throat, purposely pulling out and letting your spit fall down your chin.
You sallow the salty substance and then take a much needed breath, that was short lived when he reaches down to grab you by the throat pulling you up to his level. Your knees aching from being in that kneeling position for longer than you thought. “Who owns you?”
“Y-you do…” you muster out, he then holds you away from him as he slaps you lightly a few times, putting everything in him not to go further to ruin your pretty face, but just enough for it to sting.
“Say it better then that~” he gritted through his teeth, cowering in his hold you try everything in you to say it like he wanted.
“You own me!~” you shout with a pitiful whine following.
“Oh that’s my good girl…You fucking know who owns this body and you better not forget it…”
Once you got the notion of it possibly being over, you were wrongfully mistaken as you were thrown onto the bed with your backside facing him. The hole in your fishnets still very much there from when you and Adam were at it causing Lucifer grimace, throwing a harsh smack to your ass, your body jolting with the impact.
“Count..” he demands ripping your fishnets more to where they were basically off of you, shivering underneath him as you felt the warmth of his hand print spreading amongst your cheek.
He spanked you again harder this time, across the center of your ass, and you whimpered.
"Mhmph..again..." he moaned softly with you while soothing your stinging skin. Before spanking you the second time, but on your right.
"Two!" You gasped against the sheets when he immediately spanked another time. “T-Three!”
He spanked you again and again about eight more times, and left sweet kisses down your neck for taking it so good to him.
“D-daddy…i….mm- please~” you look back at him behind you with pleading eyes, your clit radiating with heat that couldn’t go ignored much longer.
“Please what baby?” he mocked sweetly, feeling his cock twitch just at your words and the pout taking place on your face.
“Pleeeeease fuck me daddy…i-i need you so bad~” you cry out wanting nothing more to be filled by the one who owned you.
A low growl admits from him as your naughty words were rewarded gratefully once he finally made his way in, stretching your walls so deliciously making you tremble as you adjusted. Not shortly after he started rocking his hips slowly into you then finally finding a good pace that made you mewl uncontrollably.
“Such a dumb slut you are baby….getting filled by two different cocks in one day…fuuuuck…but you know daddies is better huh?…” he coos at you in a baby voice as if he wasn’t fucking you senseless into the mattress.
If you weren’t already out of your wits end you would have realized this was brought back upon the rivalry once more, but at the end of it was nether of the men who won this war.
It was you who had got fucked for most of it.
Which not even a couple months later you came up pregnant.
Now the real war is who’s the baby daddy?
(i know this is a wack ass ending but i thought it was funny 💀)
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solbaby7 · 1 month
I Dare You
pairing: cassian x reader
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warnings:prolly some typos, kinda douchebag!cass but very minimal, sexual tension, swearing, mentions of drinking, (literally have any of you ever gone bull riding before? bc that shit is not for the weak)
summary: Cassian doesn’t think you’re capable of letting your hair down to have some fun. I dare you to prove him wrong.
Someone must’ve laced your drink.
They had to have.
It was the only logical explanation for the unusual feelings beginning to churn knots in your gut the longer you took in the handsome planes of Cassian’s face.
Usually, it was easier to overlook when you were sober, too off-put by his demeaning comments and endless sexual innuendos to truly focus on the sharp cut of his jaw or the stubble that resided there. The tempting plush of his bottom lip captures your focus, its glistening from the cheap beer overflowing his cup and the foreign thought of what they would felt like pressed against your own evades your senses.
You blame it on the ambiance.
This place was no Rita’s, not nearly as cozy or tucked away but something about the clubs hypnotic hues of rich purples and soft blues casting over Cassian’s cheeks had your head slowly tilting to the side in silent appreciation.
Had he always had that dimple when he smiled?
“Truth or dare?” Mor yells over the thumping music, effectively breaking you free from your trance and stealing your attention. A bright grin is plastered across her face induced by the empty shot glasses on the table before her.
Your head shakes on instinct, not nearly as prone to letting loose as the rest of the Inner Circle. The outfit alone was far enough out of your comfort zone as is, allowing Mor and Feyre to use you like a baby doll; curling your hair and applying makeup over excited giggles and shared bottles of bubbly. The borrowed fabric sticks to you like second skin, its halter neckline more comfortable than you’d care to admit and the cool breeze of passerby’s on your exposed back is welcome. The tight bodice blends seamlessly into the flowy skirt that tickles the middle of your thighs, showing off more leg than you usually cared to bare but it had looked too nice against your figure to complain. “I don’t really—“
“Don’t even bother,” Cassian interjects, a beer clutched in one hand while the other rested lazily on the back of the booth. “She always says no.”
“That’s not true.”
It was.
You blamed it on their High Lord’s inability to complete his paperwork and file them properly afterwards. When you’d first arrived, there had been centuries worth of paperwork strewn about his storage room in no true order with the subjects varying from treaties and common laws on trade routes to pages worth of detailed documentation dividing up ownership of land. Blueprints for potential and current properties with box after box of receipts kept to keep track of the billing it took to run such a place—much less a whole city.
Simply put, you’d been stuck in work-mode; refusing casual outings and generous offerings of chilled bottles shared over dinner for months until you’d finally made a dent sizable enough to satisfy you. There’s no point in bothering to explain any of that to Cassian though, biting your words over the rim of your glass and the burn on your tongue is soothed by the sweet mixer. “Oh really?” He goads, a cocky glint in golden eyes as he leans forward, shoulders straining in the dark cotton of his shirt . “Answer her then, truth or dare?”
There’s a long pause—one long enough for Rhysand to clear his throat, fully prepared to diffuse the situation but your voice cuts through before he can. “Dare.” It’s spoken stronger than you feel and you muster up the courage to meet his eye as if you hadn’t just been gobbling up the miles of endless muscle packed onto his body.
“I dare you to let loose for once in your boring little life.” Feyre scoffs her disapproval at his wording, a hand smacking at Cassian’s arm but he doesn’t react as if he can even feel it. He’s utterly fixated on you, body language lax and still somehow emitting such a domineering presence it makes your feet shift in high heels. “Unless you’re too prude to even let your hair down?”
A brow arches and you ignore the burn creeping up your neck at the looks your friends are sharing, clearly having a mental conversation on who was going to have to intervene this time. Saving them the trouble, you comply. “Fine.” You’re too occupied in chugging the remnants of your drink to notice the surprised expression crossing the General’s face. He doesn’t miss you though, witnessing a mischievous darkness clouding your eye before you rise from the booth and squeeze through the endless sea of bodies.
“I don’t understand your problem with her,” Mor grumbles with distaste, a hand outstretching for the latest round of drinks being provided by the waiter. “She’s nice.”
“She’s boring,” Cassian promptly retorts, eyes sifting over the crowd in search for a flash of your dusky red dress but it’s nowhere to be found. His spine straightens ever so slightly, the grip on his glass tightening in his silent surveillance for you. “When you said you were hiring a female who’d be around so often that she’d be living with us, I hoped she’d be more…eventful.”
“Is that truly your reasoning, brother?” Rhys drawls out playfully, tugging his mate in closer to his side. A glass of whiskey is in his free hand, tilting the bottom of it tauntingly in Cassian’s direction as he pretends to ponder. “Or maybe it’s because you keep antagonizing her in hopes that she’ll notice you and yet she barely gives you anything back in return? Her passiveness must eat you up at night.”
It earns the High Lord a few laughs and even Azriel can’t hide the amused upturn of his mouth at Cassian’s expense but the Lord of Bloodshed can’t even begin to be bothered with that.
Not when his sights finally land on that sinful shade of red gripping at the curves contained within them. Cassian can’t even hear his family anymore, eardrums tuning out everything that wasn’t you as he watches the way you lean in towards one of the nicely dressed workers with a smile. The exchange is quick but Cassian doesn’t miss a thing, noting the challenging quirk of the males brow and he leads you behind a thick curtain that sectioned off a portion of the bar he hadn’t even noticed until now.
Words can’t describe the way losing his visual on you makes his skin itch, wings twitching with his irritation and the tense line of his shoulders doesn’t release for even a second. A plethora of thoughts plague Cassian’s mind. Surely you hadn’t taken his jest as an invitation to go be with some other male? Even if it would’ve been well within your right it was the furthest from his intentions.
“Run out of witty remarks?” Rhysand prods further, voice full of humor but there’s a hint of serious questioning lingering in his eye. “Or have I stunned you to complete silence?”
Feyre catches on quicker than her counterpart, following Cassian’s line of sight, watching as the same curtains you’d disappeared behind starts beginning to rise, a thundering chime ringing through the bar. “I don’t think it’s you who has him speechless.”
The others follow her gaze and quiet fascination sets root when more space is revealed. Situated right in the middle of the newly revealed stage is what seems to be the magical apparition of a fake bull, complete with horns and a nose that huffed out smoke. It’s one hell of a spectacle that has the inebriated crowd cheering with joy at the promise of such extravagant entertainment. “Trouble is in the house tonight. Let’s welcome her warmly.” The male announces, guiding you into the light and spinning you around for all to take in.
Cassian’s teeth grit together, disturbingly aware of every eye and muttered comment directed your way and his fingers twitch for the familiar weight of his sword. “No way...” He whispers in complete disbelief as you approach the bull with a practiced ease, hoisting yourself on its back with the swipe of your leg.
The motion is fluid, thighs shifting to get situated and the new position hikes up the hem of your dress. All the bare skin that is revealed makes his mouth water, elbows leaning against the table to brace himself.
Your gaze finds Cassian’s easily in the crowd, a devious smirk forms in the corner of your mouth and the wink you send his way has his cock twitching to life in his breeches.
Music flows through the space—a sensual tempo with a bass so deep it rattles the very blood in your body. There’s no explaining why you find such a comfort in it but you submit to the numbness it provides anyway, relishing in the absence of thought as you melt into the beat.
One hand latches securely around the saddle and the well-dressed employee begins his skilled control of the bull. It’s a slow rock, movements mechanical and jerky but you make it look graceful—hips shifting back and forth over and over as the speed increases. You barely look up, too caught up in synchronizing your body with the music, spurred on by the generous cheers from the other drunken fae with energy to burn and coins to spend.
Faster and faster the bull rocks, spinning you from left to right but your remain saddled in place, core strong and thighs braced for the chaotic jostling. Haughty whistles cut through the crowd when the bull abruptly tips forward, shifting the fabrics of your dress until you were face down, ass up and flashing the lacy boy shorts you had on underneath. “Come on,” You whine prettily to the male in control of the mechanism, hair spilling to one side of your face and a pretty blush fans across your cheeks at the salacious exposure. “That all you got?”
“Hold on tight.”
You’re grateful for obtaining the good sense it takes to heed the warning because in an instant the bull is jerking back to life, spinning and rocking in an attempt to shake you off. Jubilant laughter pelts free, hair blowing in the wind and dress flashing more of the soft skin that Cassian was just dying to get his fill of.
He’s been bested—that much the Commander can admit but it doesn’t feel like a loss when you feed his filthy fantasies without even trying. The roll of your waist will surely plague his dreams but the effortlessly seductive glint in your eye will haunt him to his dying breath.
It doesn’t dissipate. Not even when you finally tap out, easing yourself down on shaky legs and shuffle back to the shared booth with a breathy huff.
A peachy sheen has overtaken your cheeks at the bewildered stares your friends give you for your performance but the mess of your curls splaying around your shoulders has Cassian’s heart racing when imagining the others ways he could put you in such a state.
The others watch in complete silence as you steal the beer right from Cassian’s hands, cool condensation dripping down your fingers but you pay it no mind. “It seems that I am plenty of fun to be around,” He watches the slow roll of your throat as you swallow, unable to look away. “But that’s usually reserved for after hours.”
Cassian’s gaze darkens under the implication, lids heavy with desire. “Noted.”
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Mazda Iconic SP Concept, 2023. A prototype sports coupé powered by a 2-rotor rotary EV system that can run on hydrogen but also has an all-electric mode. The combined output of the hybrid powertrain is 365hp and it can also be used as a backup power source and supply a family with enough electricity for more than a week. Presented at the Japan Mobility Show, the high output generated by the two-rotor rotary EV system and the weight distribution of around 50:50 are said to "achieve excellent driving performance" but no word of when we might be able to buy one.
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roosterforme · 10 months
Batting Practice Part 31 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Nothing melts Bradley's heart quite like Everett's excitement for his upcoming adoption. While the three of you count down to the big day, there are unexpected houseguests to deal with and neverending happiness to absorb. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, smut
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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"Mom! Dad!" Everett shouted, running up the sidewalk when Molly arrived to drop him off at home on Monday evening. "Aunt Molly said I'm getting a baby cousin in March!"
Bradley watched as Molly hustled along the sidewalk behind Everett, and he went to meet her to get his soon to be son's overnight bag. "Thanks for watching him for the weekend," Bradley said, looping the bag over his shoulder while he thought about how sexy you'd looked in Palm Springs wearing your collar and leash. Then he glanced at where you were giving Everett a big hug on the front porch, and he thought about how hot you were even in full mom mode.
"We had fun," Molly said, stifling a yawn. "Bob took him on a hike, and then we did math problems with gummy bears. He's all ready to start second grade." Then she grinned at Bradley and said, "You owe me one for packing your wife's weekend bag with you in mind."
Bradley grunted, cracking his knuckles to try to keep his composure. Only about two more hours until Everett was in bed for the night and he could have his Kitten all to himself. "Yeah, I definitely owe you one."
Molly clasped her hands in front of her baby bump, clearly very pleased that he had enjoyed his wedding gift. Then she bent to kiss Everett and tell him goodbye. "I'll call you after your first day of school tomorrow, Ev. Love you."
"Bye, Aunt Molly!" Everett waved as Bradley's sister-in-law drove away.
Bradley scooped Everett up in his arms and followed you inside. While he had enjoyed the two nights away with you immensely, he missed Ev's laugh and his smile so much. "Pancakes for dinner? And then I'll show you the baseball jersey we got for you in Palm Springs?"
"Yes!" Everett cheered. And then as he helped Bradley mix some chocolate chips into the pancake batter with a spoon, he asked, "Did you adopt me yet?"
"Oh," Bradley grunted, pausing to really look at Ev. Wide, sincere eyes looked back up at him. He thought back to the very first day of tee ball, remembering just how much he really liked talking to Everett right from the start. How he only grew to appreciate him more and more. And he let himself feel all of the overwhelming love right now that he had for this kid. "I wish, Ev. Your mom has to call some people first, and make a few appointments. It might take a few weeks." Bradley didn't want to tell him that it might be next year before anything was finalized.
"Okay," he replied, and his shoulders slumped with dejection. "But I thought it would be cool to tell everyone at school tomorrow that I got a dad over the summer."
Bradley wrapped him in a hug and just held him for a few seconds. "You can still tell them that. I'm your dad, for sure, kiddo. It doesn't matter if it's not official yet."
"Okay," Everett whispered against Bradley's chest. "But when can I write my name is Everett Bradshaw?"
Anything. Anything in the world. Bradley would do anything for this kid. As he held him and thought about how much his life had changed, he figured the fact that he would do whatever it took to make Everett feel happy and loved was enough to make him a good dad. He'd learn all the other details over time. He would probably make more mistakes and inadvertently teach Ev more bad words. But he would do anything for him.
Bradley kissed the top of his head. "Not quite yet. But you know what? You and your mom can probably both start using Bradshaw for your last name around the same time, so that's good, right?" he asked, his voice not much more than a harsh whisper. Everett hugged him tighter, and Bradley didn't ever want to let go, because he found as much comfort in these hugs as Ev seemed to.
And then that was when you walked into the kitchen to find Bradley with tears in his eyes as Everett clung to him.
"I thought we were trying on our new jerseys?" you asked, and Bradley pulled you into the hug as well. 
He smothered your face in kisses before he said, "That's for after dinner. And then we're gonna pack Ev's bag for school and watch Toy Story. But first just let me hold you both."
The next day was pure chaos. Everett begged Bradley to drop him off at school on his way to North Island, and on your way to work, you answered your phone when you saw that Molly was calling. She was crying.
"What's wrong?" you asked her, trying to navigate your way through traffic, thinking you may have to turn around and head to her condo. 
"Bob's being deployed," she sobbed, and your heart clenched. 
"In a few weeks," she said, sniffling into the phone. "I can't do this without him."
You assumed she meant she couldn't handle her pregnancy on her own, but when you tried to ask, she just cried louder. You could barely understand what she was saying, and you already knew you were going to have to have a conversation with Bradley about having her stay at your house. 
"Molly, it's going to be okay. You'll be great, and I'll be around to help you. And so will Bradley."
She laughed through her tears. "My turd-in-law likes me now, because I didn't pack any real clothing for your honeymoon."
You rolled your eyes. "He has always liked you. I think that just made him like you more. Let me call you back later tonight?"
"Okay." Molly's voice was soft and small as you ended the call, and you hated hearing her like that. But you had other important things to take care of. 
As you parked your car and made your way into your office, you rolled your eyes at Frank. You had bigger things to deal with than him. Once you were settled at your desk, you debated with yourself about which phone call to make first: Danny or your lawyer. You decided on Danny, and when he answered after seven rings with a groggy hello, you got right to the point.
"Any chance you were planning on responding to the petition I sent you for child support?"
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes, and now you were thankful you caught him first thing in the morning. "I have one hundred and twenty days to comply. And that's according to my expensive lawyer that you're forcing me to pay for. I hope you realize that this would mean there's less money for Everett."
Now you were the one rolling your eyes. "It's already been months, Danny."
"I have one hundred and twenty days," he reiterated, practically snarling at you through the phone. "You'll hear more about it when I'm good and ready. I still can't believe you're trying to destroy my life like this. You weren't money hungry prior to a few months ago. And I could still have that tee ball boyfriend of yours charged for entering my home without permission."
"He's my husband now," you said, keeping your voice as steady as possible. 
"Good for you," he replied with a sarcastic chuckle. 
"You're right. It's very good for me," you said, raising your voice over his horrible laughter. "I was just calling to let you know that you're about to be served with some papers that will negate the child support petition. And if you don't comply with what I want, I'll drag you through the legal system until you're out of money."
The line went silent, and you had to bite your tongue, forcing him to be the first one to speak again. "What the fuck do you want?" 
You took a deep breath and thought about your husband and your son and your sister and how much love was in your life now. "I would like to give you exactly what you hoped for: nothing. I can remove Everett and myself from your life completely if you agree to do something for me."
After another long pause, Danny said, "Name your terms."
Bradley was anxious to learn how your conversation with your lawyer had gone. But when he got home, it was just you there in your little black skirt and high heels, standing in the kitchen sipping a bottle of tequila. 
"Whoa," he said, rushing toward you and taking the bottle out of your hand. But you were smiling. 
"I was going to make us some margaritas, but I got carried away," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. Bradley tasted the tang of the liquor on your lips and tongue. 
"Does this mean you have good news, Kitten?" He was holding you tight to him, forehead pressed to yours as he waited, hoping to hear what would make him happier than anything else right now. 
"What are you doing eight weeks from today?" you asked, raking your fingers gently along his scalp. 
"Baby, if you don't tell me right now that I get to adopt Ev in eight weeks, I'm going to cry."
You smiled and pressed your lips to his. "You get to adopt Ev eight weeks from today. We have the date set at the courthouse."
"How?" he asked as his eyes filled with tears. "How did I get this lucky? In less than a week, I got myself a wife and a court date!"
He wasn't sure how he could be this happy and also be crying so much. But when you told him that you got Danny to agree to your terms, he had to wipe away his tears even though he was smiling. 
"Where's Ev now?" he asked, kissing along your neck, overcome with so much relief.
"Molly picked him up from school. She's going to bring him home after dinner."
"So, we're alone?" he asked, smiling against the curve of your jaw and hiking up your skirt. "We're alone. Until I invite Molly to come stay with us while Bob is deployed."
Bradley's hand's froze on the bare backs of your thighs. "I'm sorry, what?"
You kissed and nipped at his lips, but he pulled a few inches away from you. "Bob is being deployed."
"Yeah," he replied. "I got that part."
You rolled your eyes and started to unzip his flight suit. "And Molly is going to be lonely and overwhelmed, and I think she might want to come here for a few weeks."
Bradley groaned. "You can't follow up the good news about Everett with this devastating announcement, Kitten."
"Bradley!" you scolded, playfully smacking his chest as he yanked your skirt up until he was palming your ass. 
"All I'm saying is that Molly is like this annoying little sister that I never wanted, and even though I do love her, she's going to cramp our style, Baby."
"How so?" you asked, easing your hand down the front of his flight suit and stroking his cock. 
"She'll have to sleep in the Phillies room," he whispered. "You know that's where we've been having our quickies."
"Hmm, you're right about that, Coach. Think I could change your mind with a blowjob?"
Bradley grunted and thrust against your hand. He tilted your chin up and kissed you. "Your lips on my cock could get me to agree to anything, and you know it."
You nodded at him with all the confidence in the world before you sank to your knees.
Spending several weeks waiting was not ideal. Everett was asking nearly every day if it was almost November yet. Now it was barely October, but the three of you had gotten into a routine. Bradley made breakfast every morning while you packed lunches. Then he dropped Everett off at school, and you went to work a little early. When you picked Everett up from school, most days it was just so he could rush through his homework and dinner and spend an hour or two at the park playing and practicing baseball with Bradley. 
Your husband was true to his promises. And he seemed to like practicing baseball as much as Everett did. When you joined them one day, the October air was cool enough to trick you into believing you could be somewhere besides southern California. And Everett was hitting Bradley's pitches so hard, it was unbelievable. 
"I thought you were the famous Bradshaw?" you called out, teasing Bradley before he threw a pitch. "Don't you pitch for the Navy league? That second grader is kicking your butt."
He glared at you out of the corner of his eye and then dropped his ball and glove and chased you until he caught you in his arms. Your laughter was so loud as he kissed you and tickled you, and you tried to get away, but he was too strong. 
"I take it back! I take it back!" you gasped, out of breath from laughing. "You're amazing! The best pitcher I've ever seen."
He conceded by hugging you from behind instead of tickling you. Then he whispered, "I'm not even kidding, Kitten, he's so fucking good at baseball." Then he kissed you one last time and returned to pitch a slider to Everett who looked permanently happy these days. And when he hit the pitch easily, you realized you were permanently happy, too.
But that night, you had to deal with the thing you knew was coming at some point. It was late, and you were in bed with Bradley's mouth on your pussy. You were close, so so so close. But your phone kept ringing softly on your nightstand, and you could tell it was Molly by the ringtone. 
"Don't answer it," Bradley grunted, licking a long stripe from your opening to your clit. "You can call her back when I'm done with you."
So you laced your fingers through his pretty curls and rode his face, whining his name as your phone started ringing again. Bradley slowed down his tempo, just like he knew you needed, and when he wrapped his lips around your clit, that prickle of his mustache on your sensitive skin sent you. He squeezed your thighs as you planted your feet, and you came so hard, you were seeing stars. Your knee was shaking. He was unrelenting. Your vision blurred every time you blinked, but a beat later, Bradley's body was wrenched away from yours, and he was out the bedroom door and at the top of the steps with a baseball bat in his hand. 
Then you heard Molly's soft voice calling up from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm sorry. It's just me."
You tried to scramble for your clothing, but you realized Bradley had undressed you over by the bathroom. And then you realized that he was standing there in his snug underwear with a massive erection, holding the bat like he was about to take someone's head off with it. He must have heard Molly let herself in the house. 
As you located your clothing on the floor, Bradley lowered the bat, nodded and said, "Your sister's here."
"Thanks," you told him, yanking your panties on and slipping into his undershirt. You kissed him quickly as you rushed down the stairs and into the living room where she was standing with a tote bag and a bouquet of those hideous flowers she liked so much. She was crying softly. 
"I can't," she whispered, and you wrapped your arms around her. "I can't stay there alone another night. I hate being away from Bob. You know what he did? He got the guy from the gas station to deliver the flowers to me today, because it's the six month anniversary of the first time he said he loved me."
"Oh, Molly," you whispered, kissing her forehead. 
"He set this shit up before he left!" she wailed. "I don't even know what he's doing today, because I haven't talked to him in a week. A week! And now I interrupted you having sex, and I can tell Bradley's mad at me."
You held her close. "He's not mad at you, Molly. He just thought you were a burglar or something."
"I'm sorry," she moaned, holding the flowers out to the side so they didn't get crushed. Her belly felt like it had gotten bigger since the last time you saw her, and you patted her there which made her smile. 
"Stop apologizing. You can stay with us until Bob gets back." You really should have run that past Bradley before you made such a bold declaration, but you knew he wouldn't fuss too much. Probably. So you coaxed Molly into letting you put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, and then you led her upstairs to where Bradley was wearing a full set of pajamas and brushing his teeth in your bathroom. 
"Coach?" you called out to him softly, and he made eye contact with you in the mirror. "She's going to stay with us." You weren't really asking, and he didn't look upset. He just nodded and then spit out the toothpaste.
"I figured," he said, rinsing his mouth and drying his hands. He kissed you and pulled you in for a hug before adding, "I'll go sleep in the Phillies room for the night. Just tonight. That way you can talk to her so she can fall asleep. But after tomorrow morning, it's all red and white and the letter P everywhere for your sister. I don't fucking care how much she misses Bob. Got it?"
"Got it," you told him with a smile. "You're the best husband in the world."
"I know," he said with a grumble, but he was smiling too. And when he passed Molly in the hallway, she was still holding one of the flowers. He kissed her on the forehead without saying anything else, and then he walked into the Phillies room as Molly climbed in bed with you.
Everett was up so early on Halloween, Bradley needed to drink two cups of coffee just to keep up with him. "If you're this excited now, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be collecting copious amounts of candy later." He raised the mug to his lips again as you and Molly walked into the kitchen. 
The three of you watched Everett bounce over to the white board on the refrigerator and update it to say that there were just ten days left until his adoption. That meant that Bob would be home in nine days. That also meant that Molly would be out of here in nine days or less, and that did indeed bring a smile to Bradley's face. 
It wasn't that he didn't like Molly. He actually loved her. Everett was obsessed with his Aunt Molly, and she loved spending time with him. She was fun and witty, and it brought Bradley joy to pick on her. But she was also messy, and she was eating all of their food, and he couldn't walk around in his underwear as much as he had gotten used to. 
But last night, she'd happily taken Everett out for dinner and to the movies for a few hours with Bradley's credit card. And you'd worn your collar and leash for him along with your cat ears and tail, and holy shit, he needed to stop thinking about it right now.
"Morning, Kitten," he grunted as he poured you some coffee. 
"Ten more days!" Everett shouted.
"Nine more days!" Molly shouted.
But you bit your lip and pulled a piece of mail out of the tray on the counter. "I thought it would be more fun to open this when we were all together," you said, tearing into the envelope and holding up your new social security card. "But I'm officially a Bradshaw."
"Yes!" Bradley whooped, hoisting you up into his arms as you squealed. Molly and Ev did an obnoxious dance across the kitchen as Bradley kissed your neck and ear while you chanted Bradshaw, Bradshaw.
"Everett will be next! I'm buying us one of those stupid flags people hang from their porch with their last name on it, I don't even care," you said as Bradley set you down, and his lips found yours.
"I love you, Kitten."
That evening, as the four of you got ready to go trick-or-treating, Bradley pulled on his Navy Waves uniform and then buttoned you into one of his Phillies jerseys.
"You'll have to borrow this until we can get you some Phillies gear of your own, Mrs. Bradshaw. Don't spill anything on this one," he muttered. "It's vintage."
You rolled your eyes so hard and then said, "No eating chocolate in it then?"
"No, no, no, absolutely no chocolate. This belonged to my dad."
"Oh," you gasped as he did up the last button. "Then I can't wear it tonight! It's too special."
You reached for the buttons, but Bradley stopped you with his larger hands. "Nah, it's okay, Kitten. Ol' Goose would have wanted you to wear it. I think he'd be happy to see me with you and Ev right now." Actually, Bradley knew both of his parents would have loved you and adored Everett. It was hard for him to think about the way Carole would have doted on her grandson. 
The look of awe on your face as you said, "Thank you. No chocolate," made Bradley chuckle. 
Then Molly's booming voice in the hallway had you pulling the door open to reveal her standing there dressed as a pregnant umpire. "Are you ready to rumble?!" she shouted into a bullhorn that had you and Bradley covering your ears while Everett chanted and cheered. 
"Baseball umpires don't use bullhorns! And they don't say that!" Bradley shouted over the ruckus, but when he reached for it, Molly yanked it away from him. 
"This one does," she said into the speaker, and Bradley thought one of them might not make it back tonight. 
But it was so hard to be annoyed when the four of you looked like you were ready to play baseball. And then Bradley had you take a photo of him kneeling down on the porch next to Everett dressed as a Phillies player. The photo was so sweet, he immediately set it as his lock screen. 
"Are we ready to go?" Molly asked using the bullhorn, and Bradley gritted his teeth. "Ev, that's a foul for looking so cute in your Halloween costume. You owe me a Snickers bar for that."
"That's not what umpires do," Bradley ground out, digging around in the massive bowl of candy that you had set on the porch steps, searching for the only thing that might make Molly stop.
"And my sister gets a red card for leaving the candy on the porch," she added through the speaker. "That'll get stolen by the first kid that comes by. Rookie mistake. I used to do that with my friends."
You just shook your head as Bradley said, "There aren't even red cards-"
But Molly turned the horn toward him. "And Bradley gets a foul for being a turd."
But then his fingers wrapped around the king sized Hershey's bar and he waved it in her face. "I'll trade you this for the bullhorn, Molly. Make good decisions."
She eyed him with trepidation, but he knew that candy was her weakness now more than ever. She'd finished a whole bag of fun sized Kit Kats two nights ago, and Bradley had to go to Target to replenish the Halloween supply. When Molly lunged for the Hershey's bar, Bradley quickly grabbed the bullhorn and shoved it discreetly into the shrubs as she immediately opened the wrapper. 
And after that, he had a pretty great night. Everett collected three pillowcases full of candy, and Molly ate it along the way while she repeatedly yelled, "Strike three, you're out!" every time Bradley tried to give you a kiss. But he was happy that Molly was having a night where she wasn't constantly thinking about Bob. 
"Can we get a family photo next to that huge inflatable pumpkin?" you asked, pointing at the lawn decoration in front of the last house on the street. Everett went running for the pumpkin, all hopped up on sugar. 
"Yep," Bradley said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Molly held her hand out to take it from him, but he shook his head. "You need to be in the family photo, too." So he flagged down another dad who agreed to take the picture for them, and you slipped your arm around his waist and gave him a kiss just after the photo was taken.
"Thanks, Coach," you whispered, your soft voice right next to his ear. 
"Thanks, turd," Molly told him, trying to hide the tears she was swiping at as she turned to chase Everett down the sidewalk yelling about interference and personal fouls. 
But it was after everyone got home and Everett and Molly were sound asleep that Bradley's night got even better. He was tired, he really was, but as soon as you very carefully unbuttoned and removed his vintage Phillies jersey, you looked at him and licked your lips. 
"Kitten?" he asked softly, his cock already very interested in what might be happening next. 
You closed your eyes and said, "I bought something I wanted to try on for you."
Bradley groaned, ready to beg. "Yes," he grunted, and you were pushing him toward the bed as he got undressed down to his underwear. 
"Close your eyes. No peeking," you whispered, turning on the soft bedside lamp and turning off the overhead light. So he closed his eyes and listened to you flitting around the room, opening drawers and the closet door. His hand was down the front of his boxer shorts, and he was stroking himself when he felt your warm lips meet his. He moaned softly, "Can I look yet, Kitten?"
Once you were straddling his waist, your ass rubbing his cock through his underwear, you whispered, "My name is Lieutenant Kitten," and his eyes opened immediately. You were wearing his khaki uniform shirt, complete with his Bradshaw name tag. His favorite pair of aviators were perched low on your nose, and his dog tags were tucked between your breasts, hidden by the shirt. 
"You're the sexiest naval officer I have ever seen," Bradley promised, skimming his rough fingertips down your soft thigh, bent knee and calf. He smirked as you raised his hand to your lips and kissed his wedding band. "Lieutenant Kitten."
As you leaned forward to kiss his lips, Bradley noticed some dark green lace peeking out from the collar of the khaki shirt, and he started working on the buttons as you licked the seam of his lips. 
He felt the fabric before he saw it. You were covered in green lace from your tits down to your pussy, and he was already nudging it to the side, dying to know how wet you were. 
"You're in charge, Lieutenant," he whispered, his voice harsh. "What would you like me to do?" 
"You better make me cum."
He moaned as you lifted your hips, and he slipped that finger right inside you. So warm and silky. The bodysuit fit you like a dream, and you were leaning back, hands on his thighs, letting him watch your pussy sink down around two of his fingers now. You were rolling your hips slowly, making Bradley throb, but he was determined to give you exactly what you wanted first. 
God, had you ever been this wet before? You were practically dripping. "Does that feel good, Lieutenant?" he asked. 
"Keep going. Keep going." 
With three fingers now inside you and his thumb on your clit, Bradley worked you over at a leisurely pace that had him almost in a trance. The way you were moving looked obscene, like he was viewing something so sexy, so filthy, it was taboo. He was barely moving his hand now, just listening to your little grunts and moans as they got louder while you fucked yourself on his hand.
"God damn," he whispered, tapping your clit softly each time you withdrew to his fingertips, earning him a little gasp. 
"Bradley," you whined, getting a little louder now as you tilted your head forward to look him in the eye. Your grip tightened on his thighs, and his cock was demanding a fair share of your body, but he could tell you were close to orgasm. 
"Baby," he whined, your slick coating him and glistening as you rocked your body forward one, two, three more times, and then your pussy clenched, grabbing at his fingers. "Fuck."
"Oh my god!" you whined, lips parted, gasping as you jerked yourself along his fingers.
"I need to fuck you," he said, nodding his head. "Please?"
"Yes," you gasped, easing yourself onto your back, legs spread wide. He pushed that little bit of green lace to the side and coated his cock with the wetness on his hand, and then he fucked you. And he fucked you so hard, your back arched. And then he fucked you even harder, your tits bouncing free of the bodysuit while he shoved his still slick fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet.
He didn't last; he knew he wouldn't. Not with you in brand new lingerie and his shirt. Not with the chain of his dog tags tangled up with your paw print necklace. He filled you up with his cum as he leaned down, easing his fingers out of your mouth and replacing them with his tongue. Everything was back to that languid pace you'd set earlier as you dragged your fingers through his hair and tasted his mouth. 
Bradley pulled away to look at your pretty face, and you smiled as you ran your fingers along the scars on his cheek. "Did you enjoy your Halloween, Coach?"
With a kiss to the tip of your nose, Bradley pulled himself free from your body and collected you against his chest. He carefully leaned back against his pillow, holding you close with you still in his khaki shirt. "I did," he said thoughtfully, rubbing your arm. "I...well, I know it's kind of silly, but the last time I spent a Halloween with my dad was when I was three, and now I'm a dad."
"That's not silly," you told him. "And you're not just any dad. You're the best."
He held you tight. "You think Ev is going to make us dress as baseball players again next year?"
"Oh, one hundred percent."
Just two more parts left now! Thanks so much for reading! If there's something for Coach, Kitten and Ev that you're hoping to see, hit me up. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and thank you for the banner @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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rattlebear25 · 3 months
Since I am an Adam stan and I really hope he returns in the next seasons (I believe in the Sinner Adam theory) I made a Sinner! Adam design:
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+ Some expressions
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Design Note:
When i was thinking the design i thought about Heaven and Hell colors contrast. Winner! Sir Pentious got a more lightful palette like white and gold when he went to Heaven so i thought Adam would have a black/red/brown palette. I added more spikes on him because he's a rocky character and aggressive, in Hell is more aggressive and violent.
His bird wings became dragon or bat wings and he got an evil tail like Lucifer or Charlie in their Full Demon form. He wear goat hooves like boots and his battle robe is ripped apart. The jacket is dark because his robe color was deep blue before dying so the jacket is his robe but darker. Some designs that i saw online fuse Adam's human form features like the hair crest and the goatie with his mask and it becomes his real face. His guitar can become an Axe during the fights against the Sinners, but this time his guitar is stuck in the Axe mode and can't return a guitar.
• How he relates with other characters:
Niffty: Unlike the other members of the Hotel, Adam has a scared and panicked behavior towards Niffty and insults her anytime he sees her and he doesn’t even try to touch her (who saw Episode 8 knows what I am talking about)
Alastor: Anytime Adam sees Alastor becomes furious (not as with Lucifer or Charlie) because of Episode 8. He thinks he is a psychopath because his cannibal behavior, ignoring that himself being a sadistic person too. He hates Alastor tastes in fact of musics, preferring rock songs or metal.
Lute: Lute is the only person in this list which Adam really cares for. The main reason he wants to go back to Heaven it’s her and take back his Exorcist leader title. Him and Lute shared the same interests for rock musics/bands, singing, weapons, battling and eating junk food (unlike Adam, Lute is more balanced at eat fries and hamburgers). From Lute perspective, she tries to accept Adam’s death, but she always bring Adam’s halo (the one she showed to Lilith/Eve at the end on Ep 8) as a memory of him. Lute goal is avenge Adam’s death but when she discovered that he returned as a sinner in Hell, her plans changed to save him and bring him back as her Leader and boyfriend.
I was thinking of making a full artwork of him using his Axe and some short comics idk
I love that i drew Adam with expressions that are really similar to the original one lmao
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Episode 8
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Ahhh so much, SO MUCH. I'm going to forget half the things im going to ramble about before I head to bed. Yes, ramble, not thought out points.
I cracked up at Husker and Lucifer expressions at the group hug when Alastor returned. Lucifer "Not this guy."
Alastor small moment with Niffty during the night before the battle was SO CUTE. Their interaction with each other was adorable. Alastor loves her.
Charlie instruction Niffty to stab angels, then Niffty zeros in on Angel Dust. Angel Dust dodges by climbing a pole and stipper moved off.
The cute Husker and Angel moments.
Husker flying!
Then Alastor shield, and using his eldritch tentacles welding angelic weapons to take care of the angels outside of it. Then Adam destroyed it with a punch and OMG the two fight. Seeing Alastor fight was amazing! I never knew Alastor can dodge like a ninja from some anime. Alastor was so confident and sure of himself to square against Adam...
...Only for Adam showed his power for the first time (beside breaking the barrier but even that was physical) And hearing Alastor unradio voice "What just happen." Looks down at the staff in his hands is splint in two. "fffuck" He knows he fucked. Which is predicament he not use to be in. How quickly he lost his ground.
Vox just watching with the fight in excitement like a man watching a game of sports at home.
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Vals face here.
Just the Vees hanging out. I love how they just hang out with each other.
Charlie going demon mode.
Lucifer stepping in and going Demon mode, and I LOVED his crown(?) of the snake and apple was raised up by his horns to look like a halo.
Lucifer trash talking to Adam, including sleeping with both his wives. -I was surprised by the reveal of Eve on that.
Alastor just barely keeping it together in his radio tower. After nearly dying by Adams hand
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I mean, look at him. He trying so hard not to unravel here.
Then we see Sir pentious in heaven <3
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vmpiires · 6 months
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𝐂𝐖;; 18+ content, MDNI. afab!reader, obsessive!choso, masturbation, mentions of sex (?), praise kink (?), no uses of y/n. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; MAPPA. dividers are not mine, if you own these, you may claim them in comments.
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 2.3OK
dark mode recommended
do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; being on c.ai just gave me this idea. ya probably missed my smut so im back at it. here’s choso for everybody that asked (more of him coming up!) hope ya enjoyyyyy reblog to support meeeee and if you want more :D and merry christmas eve!!
another note: i was listening to “in for it” by tory lanez when writing this…i think it’s perfect. i was also listening to “from the start” by laufey…that inspired the plot also. also the (?) means that i listed the warning just in case it happens and i may change my mind mid story so still be cautious! (putting that in for my future stories) (some aspects inspired by: @chososdiscordkitten)
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choso was lying on his bed and he was holding his phone. he was now looking over at his text messages and he saw that his “friend” was now texting him. that “friend” was you. he sighed softly and he put his phone down and let his hand travel down to between his legs.
he was already rubbing himself lightly ans slowly. he started to breathe in and out slowly. his body would become hot as he was thinking of you and how he wanted to have you back in his presence.
you and choso were really close. you met through his kid brother, yuji. the younger assumed that choso should try to go out and find himself some acquaintances to keep him occupied. it was also the right thing to do, considering that curses weren’t really accepted by society and he was a hybrid.
you both hit it off pretty quickly. you thought he was funny because of his awkwardness and tendency to get flustered every time you compliment him. he doesn’t hear those very often.
he had been thinking about all the different things he could say to you and he was just staring at your message with his thoughts swirling in his head like a storm. he also began to think of the possibility of you breaking his heart and the fact that you were probably talking to some other guy. you probably liked him better. he began thinking of how he can stop it before it starts. so you never leave him.
his fingers started to stroke his erection in a consistent rhythm and he was letting his thoughts takeover. he was imagining you with him and imagining you in a vulnerable position, wanting him and needing him
his strokes became faster and his breathing became more erratic, his body was starting to tense up as he couldn’t help but imagine you in every position. he let his mind become intoxicated by his lust and this sensation of losing control.
he was nearing the point of no return, he was taking heavy breaths and his body was tensing and relaxing in a consistent rhythm. he started to speak aloud and he would moan softly and he whispered your name under his breath, hoping no one can hear him.
he could feel himself getting close and his breathing was becoming faster and his voice now sounded like a growl as he let your name slip through his lips repeatedly. his breath was now hot and his body was tensing up and his fingers and fists were now clenching tightly as the sensation grew inside of him.
right before he could finish, he heard a knock on his door. choso sucked his teeth and covered himself with his blanket, slightly frustrated that he couldn’t completely satisfy himself without being interrupted. he would quickly try to slow his breathing before answering the door.
the door opens and yuji is standing there with an eager smile, “hey, did you wanna come to the mall with me and my friends later? i know it’s hot as hell out since it’s summer but we shouldn’t be inside all day.”
choso couldn’t see himself but he knew he was flustered and his chest was still moving up and down a bit quickly. it made yuji slightly suspicious.
“you sound outta breath, are you okay?”
“no—i mean, yes, i’m fine.” choso swallowed, running a hand through his hair. at this moment, choso didn’t have his hair up in his twintails like he normally did…part of that reason was because you mentioned that you liked him with his hair down and that he should wear that style a bit more often. it was also because he takes the rubber bands out of his hair after being out all day and wearing them as bracelets until the next time he had to leave the house.
“right,” yuji chuckled, “i’ll let you know when later if i’m still going.” the pink haired boy began to walk out of choso’s room but he quickly stopped him before the door closed.
“is…you know who…gonna be there?” choso asked. the question alone made yuji smirk and lean against the doorframe in a goofy manner. it wouldn’t be a surprise if he picked this kind of stuff up from gojo.
“oh, yeah. she’ll be there.” yuji smiled. that’s when choso felt like he had to actually look like something today. he wanted to impress you. he wanted you to compliment him again. he wanted you to praise him. to give him the satisfaction that he had been craving from you for so long.
when yuji left the room, choso looked at his phone, reading the time. it was still a bit early in the morning. ‘9:15 AM’ the clock read. he’d glance down a the wallpaper on his phone, which was you and yuji smiling while eating some ice cream.
‘she’s so pretty…’ he thought. it felt like you were looking directly at him, the longer he stared at the photo, clearly hypnotized by your eyes and your smile. he needed you more than ever and he was gonna make it happen sooner or later.
choso got up and made his way to the bathroom to shower and clean the pre cum off of him. after he was done with his hygiene, he’d put his hair up in his usual twintails then he would put on something simple. a tan oversized sweater with a pair of joggers. he was a simple man and going out in a huge white robe and a gi wasn’t very ideal for the heat that was surging through the city.
a sweater and some joggers weren’t very ideal for this weather either but choso seemed to be fitting in very well…humans did the same thing. some of them.
when it was time to head out with yuji to go to the mall, choso was fully prepared to see you. the male would spray a few squirts of cologne on himself, fix his hair, and he even held out on putting on that eyeshadow that made him look like he didn’t get any ounce of sleep at all.
choso remembered you talking about spider lilies on your story. they came in beautiful colors that looked like they came from a fantasy world and you were in love with them. they were extremely rare and they had a deep meaning behind them.
though, he was aware that they were extremely rare, he was able to get his hands on them after searching around for a while. he found white and red spider lilies. he thought they were a pretty mix of colors. he was even lucky to get one that was white and faded into the usual deep red color like a gradient.
“who are those for?” yuji teased as he peered over at the four spider lilies that choso was carrying with him. the older male’s cheeks flushed a red color, hesitant on answering the question. he couldn’t lie to his brother so he decided to tell the partial truth.
“they’re a home decoration. they aren’t particularly for anyone. they’re for whoever wants them.” the male answered. yuji lifted an eyebrow. he thought it was a bit odd to buy flowers and carry them around until someone asked for them…but choso was still learning so yuji couldn’t blame him for being backwards.
when the two arrived at the mall, choso could see you sitting with nobara and megumi. megumi was spacing out, wandering around the area in circles while you and kugisaki were bumbling about what stores you were going to.
your head suddenly looks up, noticing choso and yuji standing a good distance away, pretty close to the entrance. when you put on a friendly smile and waved in their direction, he was pretty sure you were waving at him.
yuji and choso advance towards you and your other two friends and begin your plans for the day. plans like relaxing at the park or getting some sushi and udon came up. megumi remarking that yuji might stick one or sukuna’s fingers in his meal and call it a secret recipe.
while everyone talked, you noticed that choso was disassociated as usual, holding onto the spider lilies that he bought for you and zoning out.
“hey, how’d you get these?” you asked. choso’s heart skipped a beat when he felt your hand lightly brush against his when you attempted to touch the spider lilies. “they’re so rare.” you added.
“oh—uh…yeah.” choso mumbled. there was a silence. you knew choso was a quiet guy, so you didn’t force him to speak any more than he already had. you reach up and touch the flowers and your smile grows a bit.
“can i?” you begin. choso doesn’t hesitate to hand you the trio of lilies. you weren’t really expecting him to give you all of them since you only wanted to hold one of them. your eyes light up at the rare white one that faded into red. it caught your eye quicker than the regular red and white ones that were in that set of spider lilies.
choso fixed his lips to say something but yuji had come over to the two, “hey, you guys ready?”
of course, you were over the moon because you couldn’t wait to go shopping and go to your favorite places with nobara. you nod and trotted off, already knowing where you were going for your first store.
‘she didn’t give the flowers back…’ choso was in awe when you walked away, holding your favorite species of flowers in your hands. he felt the heat rising in his cheeks again. he’d take the time to take a mental image of you before smiling to himself.
it might’ve been the one in few times he’s actually smiled.
choso would follow yuji and megumi around, hoping that he’d end up running into you again while they circled around the building. instead of looking at things to buy, his thoughts were entirely filled with you.
he fantasized about what you say to him when it was time to confess. how it would feel to kiss you just one time. to sit in a park by all the cherry blossom trees and just have a long conversation about whatever came to mind.
he loved you but you weren’t seeing that. it was frustrating him. then it hit him…you probably did like someone else that wasn’t him. the thought made his chest hurt but he pushed those feelings down because he didn’t want to have a mental breakdown in public. not again.
when the five of you went out to get food after enjoying some time at the mall, choso made sure to sit beside you at the table but also near yuji so nothing was made terribly obvious. he listened to you ramble on about the stuff you bought from the mall. new clothes, a set of undergarments with a robe, and a vase for the spider lilies that you ended up getting from choso.
each time your hand accidentally brushed up against his hand or his arm, he couldn’t help but blush. he’d shove food into his mouth to force himself from smiling when you spoke to him.
this was regular to him. he was more than confident that you were in love with him when you flashed a warm smile at him and asked him for his input on each topic that bounced around the table.
his heart raced each time he fixed his lips to speak, mortified that he’d embarrass himself in front of you but he spoke smoothly and clearer than ever in his low adverb voice. currently, the conversation was on how yuji believed that choso was a terrible teacher. a moment that sent choso into an embarrassed spiral the first time it happened.
“i don’t think you’re a bad teacher,” you assure him, “there’s just things you need to learn and there’s …a million things yuji needs to learn. you both need each other’s support.”
your words meant everything to him and it also gave him a new form of confidence. it wasn’t that he really lacked confidence. he was just too stuck up in his own world to care about anything else.
at the end of your night, unknowingly making choso crave you even more as he continues life with his unrequited love, choso walks with you to the bus stop.
“oh, i meant to say thanks for the flowers. i think it’s a coincidence that you bought them, considering they’re rare…and they’re my favorite.” you say.
“oh…i didn’t know that.” choso replied. he felt terrible for lying. he knew a lot about you. he knew what kind of music you liked, what your favorite movies and shows were. everything. but he didn’t want you to run off because of his tendency to be honest and he might end up saying the wrong thing.
“do you…have instagram?” choso suddenly asks you as he noticed the bus approaching. you don’t think anything of it and you give him your username while he gives you his. he wanted to smile when he felt your phone in his hands but he managed to keep his disassociated expression.
when the bus arrived, the vehicle hissed as its doors opened up so you can board. you looked back at choso and waved goodbye to him and gave him a quick hug before you got onto the bus.
you quickly waved to him again the moment the you sat down on the bus and choso would wave back and there a a subtle smile on his face. once the bus pulled off, his smile faded and he took a breath.
‘next time…i’ll take more direct actions…’
⋆。࿇ ·࣭࣪̇˖ 𖦹°༅༚
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billthedrake · 4 months
Jim felt deeply ashamed. There was the shame that he'd caved to his baser sexual urges. Even when he having conjugal relations with his wife, the married father imagined he was fucking some nubile 19 year old porn chick from the Hot Guys Fuck video. Then, as Jim got closer and closer to cumming, Jim imagined a hot, jacked college dude in bed with them, hot masculine hands touching his body while he fucked. The very forbidden notion made him cum like gangbusters. And kept him hard after.
But the real shame came from the fact that his son had more willpower than than him. After the two escalated their infractions on the Covenant Watch app, Ryan stopped looking at porn. Cold turkey, stopping as quickly as he started. There were some exchanges of eye contact between them, almost like Ryan was apologizing silently for stopping the little game the two were playing.
Jim never felt prouder of his boy. He'd imagined his role as a father was to lead his family by Christian example, and here his eldest was taking that role for him. It was humbling as hell, but Jim McCready also realized that humility was part of the church's teachings. His Ryan had led him astray almost to teach him that lesson.
And it was reassuring to have his world returned. Family life. Church twice a week, dinners together, soccer practice for the younger kids, football games on Friday.
Thanksgiving Eve was the big end of regular season for Ryan's team. Practically a high holiday in their small town. It was a close game, which only made the victory that much more thrilling. On a Ryan McCready TD catch no less.
It was a storybook end to his son's high school football career, which is what made the notifications on his phone bright and early Thanksgiving morning that much more of a surprise.
Covenant Watch showed 92 infractions.
"Fuck!" Jim thought to himself, almost saying it out loud. He was mad at Ryan, genuinely mad. This wasn't dipping his toes into sin, it was wallowing in it. And Jim was mad that Ryan was doing this only because the teen expected his father wouldn't do shit to stop him. Jim was angry he'd been made accomplice to this, because of his own weakness.
Jim slipped on some casual clothes and made his way to his study. He wasn't sure he could use the excuse of checking work emails on Thanksgiving morning, but he needed privacy.
Every video was a gay porn video. Jim began clicking on each link. There were ones of jocks with coaches, and ones with two college-looking guys fooling around. There were amateur hookup ones, and some gloryhole cocksucking vids. Jim was lightheaded as he watched each one.
He wasn't going to get through 92 of them, or close. He didn't have time. And he was too turned on. He quietly lowered his sweats and spit into his palm. He went back to one of the coach and jock ones and pressed play. Four tugs was all it took for the man to send his cum flying all over his desk.
"Fuck!" he grunted as he came down. He grabbed some Kleenex to wipe off and clean up. He felt out of control, like a teenager, like Ryan, but strangely the intense emotions of guilt were gone. A good orgasm will do that for you.
Even when his son came down for breakfast, sleepy from what was clearly a late night stroking off, Jim didn't feel self conscious. Ryan and he had more in common than he ever expected. Jim wondered if he'd have to have a talk to check in with his son.
Ryan took a private moment later that morning to lean in and whisper to his father. "I needed to treat myself after winning the game last night," he said. "Hope that's OK, Dad."
Jim McCready was in full accomplice mode now. Ryan knew he wasn't going to say anything or do anything. And the comment was as much to save face for Jim as anything.
Still, the father didn't want to let on that anything bothered him. If Ryan was gonna make Jim his accountability accomplice, he was gonna lean into it all. "With that catch buddy, you probably earned more than 92 dings."
Ryan was surprised, at first. But then broke into a smile. "That was pretty awesome, right?"
Jim clipped his son's strong back with his hand, a paternal pat of affection. "Insane, Killer..." Jim winked. "Doesn't mean you don't get out of helping out your mother today, though."
Ryan laughed. One of his duties was to help with the prep and cleanup for his mom for Thanksgiving dinner. He was kind of her go-fer for the morning. "I'll get dressed."
Jim felt like he'd handled it well. This was just Ryan's hormones spiking. The kid would get over his kink soon. Find his willpower again. Hopefully settle down with a steady girfriend, though Jim's doubts there were starting to nag him.
Besides, he had his own hormones out of control. He found himself with an alone moment and idly pulled out his phone. "Two can play at this, kiddo," he said quietly and pulled up Pornhub. Selected Gay setting and searched for "coach." Some of the thumbnails looked fake. 28-year old "jocks" with 30-year old "coaches." Fake sets, fake clothes. But one was real enough. Hidden camera, dim lighting, real bodies. The jock was of age, Jim reflected thankfully, but maybe a college freshman or sophomore. Bent over a standard-issue metal desk and getting railed by a beefy coach, zip up top and whistle around his neck and naked from the waist down.
Jim McCready was hard as a rock. Even after jerking off that morning, his dick pressed a thick ridge in his jeans. He didn't have time to watch more than this and over the next four minutes he forgot he was doing this to taunt Ryan. He was caught up in the fantasy and his own bodily response to watching two men fuck.
"Fuck," he hissed as he closed the vid and slid the phone back in his pocket. He was hyperventilating. He reached down to grip his boner, trying to pinch it into submission. Thinking about his work stresses or the friendly wager he had with his buddies on the Cowboys and Lions games that day.
When he was presentable, he made his way back to the family room. The younger kids were watching some movie on TV, and the domestic scene made Jim feel another pang of guilt. He had a wonderful family, a devout family, and here he and Ryan were sinning. Not just sinning, but enjoying their mutual sin.
But the father let his attention drift into the movie.
"Hey Dad," Ryan's voice said from behind him. Jim turned to see his strapping son standing there, car keys in hand. "Mom wanted me to go pick up some milk at the convenience store... need anything?"
Jim used to chastise Ryan for going out underdressed for winter weather, but the kid seemed not to have a normal relationship to cold. It might be Alabama, but it was still November. Only now the father was glad to see Ryan in just shorts and his FCA t-shirt, the gold cross necklace matching his father's. Maybe it was the way Ryan's clean-cut image hid a truly naughty side.
"I'm good, buddy," he said, trying to take his eyes off his son's lean, tall, muscular body.
Jim was still processing his thoughts after Ryan left when he felt his phone vibrate. There was a text from Ryan.
"Good taste."
It was cheeky and impertinent and just the right thing to write to turn Jim on. Somehow Ryan's text arrived right before the Covenant Watch notification. "Video watched: Pornub, Coach fucks player after the game"
Jim McCready's heart pounded. He slyly looked to make sure the family was engrossed in the TV before he typed a reply. "I would have thought 92 would have been enough for you, kiddo." Gently chastising but mostly playful.
Ryan's reply was immediate. "I'm 18, Dad. What do you think?"
Jim's throat felt tight. He was getting horny. Again. The idea of Ryan getting off multiple times a day fueled his imagination. "I think I should be stricter with you," he wrote back. Jim couldn't tell if he meant it tongue-in-cheek or earnestly.
Ryan didn't reply. Hell, for all the times he'd told his son not to text and drive, he should have been happy. But Jim worried he'd put an end to his game. And he hated that he wanted it to continue.
Ryan picked it back up when the father least expected it. There was always a flurry of activity in the McCready household as the kids helped their mother bring all the food to the table and as Jim poured the water glasses at each place setting. They were just sitting down when Ryan appeared, face flushed. His son was up to something, Jim knew, and from the buzz in his pocket, Jim had a good idea what.
"Let's say grace," he said. Then he led the family in prayer.
The meal was sweet torture for Jim. Keeping his good-father poker face on while they ate and talked. He didn't feel boner-horny but that kind of nervous energy horny. And Ryan's flitting eye contact had something else going on. The kiddo was nervous.
And when they'd finished up, Ryan offered to do Jim's normal task of cleaning up. "You go watch the game, Dad," he said. "I got this."
Jim's wife gave a look of pleasant surprise. Jim returned it the best he could but he had a feeling Ryan had an ulterior motive.
The women in the McCready household would watch Auburn football but had no use for the NFL. So Jim's wife and their two daughters got ready to go out to the park for a post-meal walk. They were always making talk about eating too much and needing to walk off their meal.
They'd barely left when Jim checked his phone. The Covenant Watch notification read: " Video watched: XVideos, Gaycest, Sauna Time." The father looked over at his two boys. Mitchell was engrossed in the game. Ryan was pretending to be, while sneaking glances over at his dad.
Jim gulped. His heart raced. This was so wrong.
Slyly he picked up his phone again and typed out a text to Ryan. "Can't wait to watch it buddy." Blushing as he did.
Ryan smiled as he read it. And quickly typed back a reply. "It's really good, Dad."
Jim was throwing hard. He didn't really want Ryan to see his boner, and he definitely didn't want Mitchell seeing it. With a lewd thought the father realized his younger son would probably grow into the studly jock looks Ryan had. But that was a ways off.
The dad slid the phone into his pocket and waited for a commercial break. His hardon had almost gone down. Almost. He stood up from the couch and made his way to the restroom. He probably didn't have a lot of time, but he needed to watch this, at least part of it.
His heart was in his throat he was so excited. The title promised the taboo material, but surely this wasn't gonna be what Jim thought it was? As he clicked and watched, it was. There wasn't any explicit dad-and-son dialogue, but the two guys were clearly cast that way, in a sauna, getting hard with each other, before sucking each other.
Jim wanted to stroke. But he was already taking longer in there than he should. If Mitchell hadn't been around, he thought with a shudder. With a pinch at the base of his prick, he willed himself into a softer state then stuffed his meat back into his briefs.
His face was flushed when he returned. Ryan noticed and had a grin. Mitchell was oblivious.
"Good?" came Ry's text.
Unconsciously, Jim nodded. But he typed anyway. "The best I've seen."
Ryan gave a darting glance over to his little brother. The jock was enjoying the sneaking around, Jim knew. Jim couldn't tell if he enjoyed that part too or if it was just uncomfortable torture.
A message came in on Jim's phone. "I've thought about that for a while."
Jim hadn't. But he knew he would now, and the idea Ryan had perved on him only made the idea hotter. "Yeah buddy?" he typed, now getting into the flirtation.
"You have no idea Dad." Ryan's cocky expression was giving way to a shy one.
Jim grinned now. "Maybe you can tell me sometime."
"I'd like that sir."
Jim McCready was boned now. Full on hard. He angled his body so Mitch couldn't see. But he spread his legs so Ryan could.
The high school senior smirked and did his own manspreading. There was a hard ridge riding up his son's loose shorts.
Just then the front door opened, the sound coming in from the other room. The women were back.
Ryan woke up late. He'd stayed up edging before finally shooting a huge load. It wasn't quite 92 videos this time, but it was a couple dozen. And some incest porn stories. He was a little mad at himself for even denying himself porn before.
He had to laugh at his morning wood now. His father had actually eyed up his cock. And shown his own. Ryan leaned up in bed. Plenty of time to take care of his needs later. Maybe he and Dad could tease each other some more. Ryan was VERY surprised at how this had escalated. Maybe the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
And, as he checked his phone, there were 117 Covenant Watch infractions. Most incest themed, at least the top listings. Ryan didn't bother to scroll through them all.
"Fuck!" he gasped.
He got dressed and made his way down to the kitchen. It was empty and he could see why. It was 10 AM. His mom and sisters liked to hit the Black Friday sales. Ryan wandered through the house. He had a good idea where his father was. Indeed as he approached his father's study, he saw the door cracked. He gave a quick knock.
"Come in, buddy," came his father's voice.
His dad was seated as his desk, in his preppy polo shirt that molded to his fit muscular upper body. From where Ryan stood he wasn't sure what his father was wearing below the waist, but the man's hand was down at his crotch, clearly jerking off while he held the phone in his other hand.
Jim looked up at him with a horny look. "Mitchell's over at his friend's, the girls are gone... it's just us, Killer." The tone was jocular but with a raspy edge to it.
"Yeah?" Ryan asked. The implications setting in.
Jim nodded and with a fateful motion he set down his phone and stood up. The man was indeed naked beyond the polo, and a thick hard ridge of dad meat stood up, a slight curve to the otherwise ramrod straight boner.
"Fuck!" his son gasped. Any retreat of his morning wood was giving way to a renewed hardon.
Jim's heart raced. This was so wrong, and he couldn't even believe he was doing this. Showing off his cock to Ry. But the young stud had worked him up, enraged him as surely as waving a red flag at an angry bull. The father's libido was now out of control. "You wanted to see me, right?"
Ryan nodded. He'd been the one to push the envelope so it was wild to see his father take the initiative like this. Silently he pushed his own shorts down, over his matching teen boner.
"Nice..." Jim grinned. "You're hotter than those porn dudes," he added.
Ryan could barely speak he was so horny. "You, too. I mean... fuck!"
Jim walked around, slowly, his thick hard paternal dick waving some with his steps. "We got a few hours alone, buddy."
Ryan was moving toward his dad, too. Was this really gonna happen? The touch of his father's hand on his hip was the first indication it would. Then a second later, their dicks touched, two McCready cocks making contact.
"God help me, son," Jim hissed as leaned in and turned his head just slightly before his lips pressed against Ryan's.
The jock was light headed as he felt his father's tongue trace his lips, then press into Ryan's opening mouth. It was his first french kiss was a dude, and it was his own dad. The videos of incest had been hot as fuck, but this was on another level. Pure mindblowing thrill. He hissed back and started feeling up any bit of his dad's body he could.
Jim was doing the same, humping Ryan's hard crotch and feeling up the kid's bare ass. "My room or yours buddy?" the man finally asked with a bedroom voice Ryan had never heard from his father. It was one that could have barely imagined. Sultry, deep, and playful.
"God, yours, Dad," he hissed. It was SO wrong to fool around in his parent's bed, and yet that's what Ryan wanted.
Jim grinned at that and gave Ryan's rump a light slap. For 18, the kid had an amazing rump, muscular and thick. "Naughty boy," he hissed. "My room it is."
Ryan's heart was pounding double time as his Dad led the way. Jim had an incredible ass, too, meatier and thicker with age. But his father was in shape and still a total stud. The two stripped down completely before the man sat on the bed's edge and pulled Ryan's cock body toward him. They kissed in that position a second, before Jim grunted and used his strength to leverage his football jock son up and on to the mattress.
Ryan was seeing a new Jim McCready, and feeling his father in all the man's nakedness too, as Jim climbed on top of his son, kissing and mauling every inch of the younger flesh.
"Dad," Ryan grunted. So turned on, but his mind racing a million miles an hour. "We could get caught."
"Fuck yeah we could," Jim growled before covering his son's mouth with his own. Again, that deep tongue kiss, more urgent than before. Jim McCready was full-on enraged with lust and it was rubbing off on Ryan. The older man had a grin when he finally pulled back. "But we're probably not gonna."
Already his was using his legs to push his son's legs apart. "You cherry, Ry?" he asked in a throaty rasp.
Ryan nodded. He was nervous but harder than he'd ever been in his life. Feeling his dad's body, seeing his dad's cock, and witnessing his dad's sexual hunger. That gold cross necklace a reminder of his father's outstanding public persona, a contrast to the sin they were committing now. "Yes, sir."
That answer made Jim's nostrils flare in excitement. Already he was reaching over for lube in the nightstand. It didn't get a lot of use. His and Kelly's sex life was normal, vanilla, and while Jim resorted to masturbation some he kept his habit in check. At least until lately.
"You can say no anytime, Ryan," he said, the father role returning, even as he applied the liquid to his son's jock hole.
"I want it, Dad," Ryan answered, his body breaking into goosebumps to feel his Dad's finger circle then penetrate his tight sphincter. He looked down at where Jim's arm was wedged between his spread legs and back up into this dad's hungry eyes. "I'm scared," the teen added. "But I want it."
Jim nodded. His finger pressed in and out slowly. "I got ya buddy. I just want this SO bad." He leaned in and kissed his boy while he fingered Ryan with a second digit. Then a third.
They didn't extend the foreplay. They were too worked up, and they'd been building up to this for the last 24 hours.
Ryan wish it didn't hurt, but the penetration stung.
"There, buddy," Jim said, the softer side of his bedroom voice coming out. "I'm inside in ya, Killer. Inside my son."
"Fuck, Dad," Ryan gasped. The psychological side of the incest fuck was winning out over the physical sensation.
More dad dick was sliding in him. "This is what you wanted right? What you wanted when you first sent me those videos?"
Ryan pulled his legs wider. Trying to accept his father inside him. He needed every inch of his dad now. "I don't know. Is this what you wanted when you set up the accountability buddies thing?"
Jim bottomed out and wildly kissed his son again. Not a protracted kiss, but deep. He pulled back with a leer on his face. Already his was pumping Ryan, fucking him. "I had no fucking idea, Killer. No idea how depraved I was."
"I like you depraved, Dad." Ryan said, maybe louder than he should. But they had the house to themselves. Hopefully.
His dad's hips pumped faster. The physicality of the cock thrusting in and out felt good to Ryan, the harshness turning into a pleasant intensity that made his ass and cock and hole buddy buzz.
"You got it, Ry. Gonna be hard to keep my hands off you." The man was losing focus, the pleasure and tightness of Ryan's ass getting him close so soon. He paused and reached over for the lube again. He'd watched this in the videos, the bottom jerking off while getting fucked. He wanted his son to get off, too, like one of those porn dudes.
The second Ryan's hand wrapped around his lubed prick, the sensations in his ass felt night and day different. No longer challenging, every movement of his father's cock, whether small or deeper, made his cock feel more pleasurable.
"Go for it, buddy," Jim urged. Fucking faster, leaning in more to gaze down into Ryan's youthful handsome face. The father was gonna cum any minure, any second, but he hoped his son would get there too.
"Fuck me Dad!" the jock cried, his toes curling and his body entering a deep O.
"God yeah, Ry! Shoot it!" Jim watched in excitement as heavy ropes of white cum shot out and landed on Ryans' mostly smooth ripped torso.
Three more hard shoves was all it took for Jim to unload. Ass fucking was so different than sex with Kelly. Jim was addicted.
The father and son made out, clinging to one another while the dad's prick slowly softened and retreated it.
Jim was in tender lover mode as he stroked Ryan's hair and held the boy close. "So.. I got your cherry...."
"Yes, sir," Ryan said. It was wild the number hormones did on you, the teen thought. Making you hard charging one minute, clingy the next. He'd experienced this with girls, but with his dad it was a hundred times deeper. "I'm glad you got it."
"I'm going to hell," Jim said, half a joking comment but the religious misgivings were real and coming on strong.
"It'll be worth it," Ryan said softly. "Please... don't freak out on me, Dad."
Jim gave a smile and patted Ryan's warm chest. "OK, no freaking out, buddy. Promise." He looked up at the clock. "We have maybe two hours. Wanna get showered off?"
Ryan nodded. He was glad his father helped him up off the bed. The jock felt surprisingly drained from the sex.
The energy came back as they shared a shower, though. Sudsing and rinsing each other. Kissing each other beneath the spray. Getting hard again. Jim held his son and pulled the wet warm athletic body toward his. The kid was right. Hell would be worth it. His hands snaked down to cup Ryan's bubble ass, a finger digging in naughtily.
"How you doing down there, Killer?" Jim asked, concern but also flirtation in his voice. The father felt very honored to have taken his stud son's anal virginity.
Ryan gave a soft grin. "Empty, sir."
Jim let out a soft grunt. He kissed Ryan, harder, then pulled off and turned the football jock around.
Ryan knew what was happening and he wanted it. Who knows how often he and Dad would have the chance for this. He braced one arm against the tile wall and reached back to pull one cheek apart, letting his father in.
Jim was fuck hard now, and quickly sudsed up for lubrication. The entry was easy now, Ryan now learning how to relax.
Ryan grunted a grunt of pleasure. His dad hit some amazing spot deep inside him. "Yes," he hissed just as he felt his dad's lips kiss the back of his neck.
"It's like fucking honeymoon sex," Jim growled. Thrusting into his boy once more.
It was a thrill to hear his dad curse and get that bedroom voice. But Ryan's head also went to the idea of his dad fucking his mother on their honeymoon. Maybe that's when Ryan was conceived...
Their pairing was less verbal as the men communicated with their bodies. Jim's slow but urgent pump in and out of Ryan's ass, the father's hands caressing and holding the jock's wet muscle. Ryan arching his back in just the right position to be taken.
Jim came alone this time. His muscular middle aged body thrusting more spasmodically into his son's smoother one, the grip around Ryan's torso getting tighter and more possessive as he nutted inside his son's bare ass for a second time. Then the soft kisses and relaxation returning.
"God, Dad," Ryan whined. He so turned on. He never wanted this feeling to end yet he also needed to get off.
There was that light smack again as Jim withdrew. "Turn around," came the back of an order.
Ryan complied automatically, showing off a hardon that was matched in size and shape to his father's. Not a twin, but clearly related.
Already Jim was crouching down in the shower, the spray soaking his hair as he leaned in and swallowed his boy's prick.
"Yeah!" Ryan gasped. He was so primed it wasn't going to take long. Just six or so bobs of his father's mouth on his cock did it. Ryan was spurting hard and heavy into Jim's craw.
The jock didn't know what to expect but he watched as his dad clearly swallow it all. The man had a proud look on his face when he finally stood up too. "All right, let's get dressed. I better air out the bedroom too."
Ryan was concerned that the post-nut business-like vibe was his Dad's way of feeling guilty. Or dealing with the guilty. As he went back to his room and got properly dressed, Ry felt like he should be feeling guilty himself. But he wasn't. He went to his father's study and gathered his and his dad's shorts and brought them and his father's phone to him.
"No one can fucking know," Jim said. Not harshly but clearly needing to say it.
"Of course, Dad. Jesus."
Jim smiled and patted Ryan's arm. "You've certainly grown into a fine looking man."
Ryan grinned back. He could see a glint in his dad's eyes. "You wanting round three, sir?"
Jim laughed. "Can't fucking risk it, buddy. But yeah..."
An idea occurred to him. "Why don't you keep a watch?"
That got the dad excited. "You mean?"
Ryan nodded. So Jim stepped to the bedroom window, where he could peer out onto the driveway.
Meanwhile his son knelt down and started unzipping his father's jeans. The dick was plump and firmed out completely in Ryan's fingers.
"Oh yeah, buddy," Jim hissed. Ryan had about as much technique as he did - not a lot - but it didn't matter. His kid was eager and the idea of getting a Ryan McCready blowjob had Jim getting close in due order.
"I'm gonna blow," that bedroom voice hissed. A warning.
Ryan kept at it, though, sucking a little faster and trying to take another inch of his dad's cock into his throat. The whole experience was incredible. He didn't even know if he'd enjoy sucking another guy remotely like he did his father.
The cum shot wasn't heavy. Just a spurt and some dribbles. But Ryan was tasting his dad's cum for the first time. Sweet and briny. He knew he'd want more in the future.
He finally backed off to see his dad grinning down on him, even as the man was already tucking himself back into his jeans. "That, young man, was amazing." He looked out the window. "Fuck!" he grunted.
Ryan didn't need to be told. He got up and made his way down to the family room. He turned on the TV and found some ESPN channel, right before he heard his mom and sisters walk in.
"You're dressed," his mother said when she saw Ryan. "I thought you might sleep in the whole day." Then, "Where's your dad?"
Ryan shrugged, playing dumb. "I don't know. In his study, maybe."
Already his sisters were rushing past with shopping bags, acknowledging their older brother, but barely.
Ryan's phone buzzed. He saw he had a message from his friend Kyle. But the latest one was from his father. "Thank you, buddy. I owe ya."
Ryan smiled. Then another message came in. "James McCready, Covenant Watch app removed."
"You dog," Ryan quietly said to himself. Then proceeded to remove the app on his own phone.
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 month
Prom Knights
Gotham Knights x f!reader
Scenario: It's prom night, and you are super excited because your crush asked you out and you got advice on your outfit to look perfect for them. You got a loud dress and cut your hair. Originally you were supposed to take a limo, but your crush texted you to say there were some issues so you just get dropped off. When you get to the doors and wait for your date you text them to see where they're at. He texts back saying he and his date are almost there. The whole thing was a set up by him and your mean girl bully. You feel humiliated when you go to confront them, and they make it worse with mocking. You rush out, and call for help. Hopefully they weren't on patrol tonight.
When you call Barbara you're choking back tears as hard as you. You feel so stupid. When Barbara picks up she's bright and professional, right up until she hears your tone. Big sister mode activates, and she's asking what's going on. You tell her you just want to be picked up, and she comes to get you. When she sees the cut hair and the dress she's immediately hugging you and getting you in the car. During the drive back to the clock tower where she made sure you had a comfortable change of clothes, she asked if you wanted to make any stops for food.
You get sat down at the clock tower to properly explain what happened, self esteem low, and blaming yourself for not thinking it through. Like your crush would eve- NO! None of that! Barbara is not gonna sit here, and listen to you hate yourself for something that was the fault of a group of immature teenagers. You're wonderful, kind and generous to give them a chance. If they can't see your worth, they're blind, enough said.
Barbara then gets out her phone and asks for their names, and socials if you have them. Vengeance can be a dangerous thing, she knows, but this? This was personal and well deserved. While you shower to get the crap out of your hair and off your face, changing into your comfy sweats (including an oversized hoodie), Barbara gets to work on her laptop. She don't need the bat computer for this shit, she was willing to make it personal. Accessing their social media and using your phone (with your permission) she tracks your bullies' socials and gets to work messing with them. First she exposes them online, leaving multiple comments on their prom posts calling them out, along with posting screenshots of your text conversations. Second she gets the guys to help by posting comments from time to time to ensure no amount of deleting can erase your bullies' exposure. Finally, and you've finished your shower by now, and are curled with a mug next to her, she sets up bots and spam messages to be sent to embarrass them and subscribe them to free trials for a number of things that make you laugh and gasp.
You still insist you aren't worth it, and she just gives you a hug and reminds you, that sometimes it's the small saves that make being a vigilante fun. Especially when she gets to see you laugh and smile. Now would you prefer pizza or Chinese? What movie do you want to watch and throw popcorn at?
Okay so originally you weren't going to call Jason. You work with him the closest and you know he can take revenge to a whole new level. Honestly though, you can't think of who else to call. When he answers and hears your unsteady voice and sniffles, he knows. You just ask him to pick you up, and to bring a change of clothes but he already has an idea of what happened. Jason hangs up and as he gets your clothes, he calls up Tim. Tim is a little confused because Jason doesn't usually ask for help, except for maybe Barbara and Dick, but that's it. When Jason asks about you though (you and Tim go to the same school), Tim looks around the venue and just sees your laughing tormentors mockingly imitating your pain. Jason just asks for their names, and Tim gives the main two. Then Jason asks for a massive favour. Tim agrees, he hates them too.
Jason finally shows up with your change of clothes and wow yeah short hair and that dress? Not important, you need to go back inside that venue. You really just want go home, miserable this once in a life time night got ruined because you were gullible for a few minutes. No no, you need to go back inside. Trust him. But you're a mess, and they'll just mock you more. Clean yourself up, get changed and then come back. He'll wait. You do so, and you go back into the dark dance hall with him. Your tormentors see you, and decide to mock you for pulling a new date from off streets, desperately trying to make yourself look good. Jason straight up crosses his arms as they talk, and half way, he barks at them to shut the fuck up. They should be lucky he wasn't willing to deck a couple of losers who will only ever peak in highschool. They don;t get the chance to protest before someone goes up on stage to announce winners for prom night.
Most of them are via draw and you did win yourself a gift card. Lucky you stayed. Then your tormentors were voted king and queen. They of course rub it in your face as they excitedly hold hands rushing up stage like some cheesy highschool movie couple. You ask Jason if you could go now. He tells you to wait, focusing on the stage as the crowns are given, pulling out his phone to record. The two of them stand happily, waving like celebrities... And then the buckets of soapy, foamy, water get dunked on them. You cover your mouth in shock, and yeah it's childish, but Jason has a grin on his face, before texting Tim, "Thanks".
He takes you to the clock tower after. You rewatch that video with him a few times, smiling. He didn't have to do all this. Jason did. You're his friend and basically his sister. That's what older brothers should do.
You don't need to call Tim, Tim is likely already there, and saw it all happen. Wow people are pathetically stupid sometimes. He did warn you about it a couple times, but didn't want to overstep. Seeing the situation there's a hint of guilt. Doesn't take long for him to get a text that says "you were right". Not a message he wanted to see, and not one that goes unanswered. Tim leaves to find you, and enlists Bernard (I know he's not in Gotham Knights, I don't care) to help him. The two of them find you feeling miserable.
The two of them come over to you and sit next to you, letting you cry it out. Tim has already sent an extra text to Barbara, asking if she has any dresses in your size and if she can bring one to the venue. Bernard takes you inside to help clean up the runny makeup off your face, while Tim gets the dress for you. While you get changed they wait, brainstorming ideas of how they could get revenge. Tim thinks small bits of revenge can be petty, but this? Nah, this was justified. You got humiliated and your heart broken all at once. No way your bullies walk away from that Scott free.
You come out and they plan to hang with you for the rest of the prom. No way they were risking you being alone with that couple. It's small but you figure the best revenge is to prove that shit like this won't defeat you. Whether the bullies liked it or not you did have people who cared about you, you have friends. This was your night, the same as everyone else! Live a little. Unfortunately, your tormentors refuse to let you be happy. The girl decides to try and ruin the dress, that fits well enough by trying to come up and apologize to you. Tim is about to get between you two, but you already know what she's planning seeing the messy food she's brought as a 'peace offering'. Oh she's so sorry, it was all just an innocent prank, she's so glad you were able to come back to enjoy yourself, awww. As soon as you see the hand with the cupcake move, you swipe it from her, and take a bite. Oh wow you're glad you didn't miss these. Her stunned look is enough to make you smile, but what Tim does is pure classic gold. Tim fake trips with a drink in his hand. OH HOW HORRID HER DRESS, HAIR AND MAKE UP ARE RUINED!!
Tim just hands her the glass, saying the drink is called Karma. You burst out laughing as Bernard pulls you into the crowd of other students, with Tim close behind. God you guys look like corny teen movie kids, but you don't care. Was it childish? Maybe. Do any of you care? Nah, it was worth it.
When you call Dick he says he’s busy but will be there in a bit. He asks if you want to stay and he’ll grab you something to change into, or if you want to just head to the clocktower. Honestly you don’t really know. You wanted to enjoy yourself tonight, but you feel humiliated.
When he arrives he gives you more comfortable clothes to wear, but still nice, and offers to be your date for tonight since your other one is a piece of garbage. Yeah, Tim is in there too, so why don’t all four of you hang out and you enjoy being a normal teenager for a night. He knows you put a lot of work into school and your night life, along with work. Tonight you get to forget everything. Live for a minute. Yeah he brought a suit. Yeah you can have a hug too.
You go in and you just avoid the popular pricks, while looking for Tim and his date. The four of you enjoy yourselves and you don’t feel alone. Of course you tormentors can’t let you have a nice night, that would be asking too much. The girl tries hitting on Dick, but he’s not having it. Just constantly repeats no thank you, no, and please leave us alone. Didn’t stop her from taking minor jabs at you. You didn’t want to start a fight or give her a reason to make your night worse. Dick wasn’t having it. He’s getting frustrated now, and is close to doing some he really doesn’t want to do. All it takes is a final comment as she turns and walks away. He makes another comment about her rear after she made plenty of friendly comments about his. Oh she didn’t like that. Not like her ass existed to begin with.
You burst out laughing, unable to hold it in. Tim is shaking his head but laughing alongside Bernard. The girl’s date kept her from going off on Dick, who just sat there with the “I don’t care” grin. You grin and enjoy the night while the two bullies get dragged off by chaperones, telling them they are way out of line. Once the night is done and Dick even offers a slow dance, you go back with Tim and Dick to the clock tower. He says he’s sorry you had a shitty night at the start. If you want to just chill with him and Barb in the clock tower for the rest of the night he’d be up for that. You do and you have a good time. No more tears. You have family and friends who make you feel special no matter what.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Cold Outside
StepSister!Wanda x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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You and your stepsister Wanda had been up to your own brand of mischief. Ever since your first kiss with her on New Years Eve, it’s like the two of you could not get enough of each other. You always found little excuses to see one another and share kisses where no one could see you. Wanda and you were scared of what your parents would think of such a relationship.
But that didn’t stop you and her from having ‘cram sessions’ over at your apartment. Yes you and her did study for exams and homework. But afterward the two of you would celebrate with pizza, a marathon of her favorite shows and a little make out session. It was the perfect cover.
A perfect cover until it happened.
Your college town was hit with the worst blizzard of the year. Your classes were cancelled but somehow Wanda's were still on.
You tried to keep your apartment warm when you got a call from your stepsister, "detka?"
"what's the matter, Wanda?"
"the heater in my apartment broke. C-Can I come stay over at your place?"
“What about your roommate? yelena?”
“She’s hanging out with Kate. So can you please pick me up, detka?”
"Of course! I'll come pick you up." You grabbed your keys and ran to your car.
The wind was howling and the snow fall nearly blinded your view but yet you persisted on being there when Wanda stepped out from the college commons area.
You pull up outside of the commons and Wanda runs out from under the porch right to your car. The scarlet red scarf you bought her blowing in the wind. She quickly jumps in and blows into her hands, just trying to keep herself warm.
“Hello detka” she smiles at you.
“Hey you” you smile back, “let’s go home.”
It didn’t take long for you and Wanda to get home. You spent the time talking about whatever you wanted as you drove home.
You and Wanda truly enjoy spending whatever time you can together. Little moments here and there.
You turn on your television and switch it to your queue of Dick Van Dyke episodes. Wanda continues to enjoy her freshly brewed tea as you take a seat next to her.
“No better way to rough it through a blizzard, huh?” You give a little smirk to your stepsister.
“What are we?” She asks.
“What do you mean?” You genuinely ask.
“I-I mean…where do you see us?”
You gently take her free hand, “Wanda…there will never be another. You’re it. I’m totally in love with you. I-I want strings with you”
Your thumb glides across her knuckles.
“I want strings with you too” she giggles. “I want to tell everyone about us, but only when you’re ready.”
“When you’re ready,” you reassure her. She stares at you with adoring eyes. Her gazes lowers to your lips and then back to your eyes.
You pull her into your lap. Wanda giggles and leans in, kissing you. Her tongue glides across your lips, you can’t help but allow her access.
“Detka” she whispers against your lips.
You and Wanda continue to share long, loving, passionate kisses on your couch; lost in your own little world. Wanda giggles against your lips. Your hands wander up and down her spine.
So strong was the temptation to reach under her shirt but you truly loved her. You were willing to take things slow and enjoy all the little memories you have to form with the amazing young woman in your arms.
Your little moment of heaven was interrupted by the sound of Wanda’s cell phone. She let out a quick little squeak of embarrassment before rolling off your lap and grabbing her phone. The caller ID on her phone read Papa. You and her went pale white.
Wanda takes a deep breath, wanting to calm the beating of her heart from her moment of ecstasy. She answers the phone, “hello Papa” she puts it in speaker mode.
“Hello my little witch, I just wanted to be sure you were alright.” Your stepfather tries to explain. “That blizzard is something fierce.”
“I’m alright” Wanda giggles, “I’m at Y/N’s. My apartment’s heater went out.”
“Hey Pops” you call out.
“You all okay?” Your stepfather asks back.
“Y-yeah” you try to answer. “I was about to put a pizza in the oven and turn on some Dick Van Dyke.”
“Okay” Django answers back. “According to the weather channel, the blizzard won’t clear up for two days”
You and Wanda look to each other, you can already see the ideas forming in Wanda’s head.
“Think you’ll be alright?” Your stepfather asks.
“Yes Papa,” Wanda answers, “I think we’ll be alright. We’ve got homework and tv and…”
“Okay. Love you both” Django answers before hanging up.
You and your detka look at one another. You can’t help but share a laugh. She collapses against your chest.
“You hungry?” You ask her playfully as you wrap her in a hug.
“Yes. For pizza…and you” she giggles at her own response. You give her one last kiss to her lips and one more to her forehead.
It sure is cold outside but it’s nice and warm in your little apartment. You will have to tell her father and your mother eventually but until then you’re just gonna enjoy your time together. You and the love of your life: Wanda Maximoff.
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perfctvelvet · 9 days
can you do sabrina carpenter!!
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Happy Fucking New Year; Sabrina Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Content: 2nd POV. Strangers, alcohol mention, semi-public (hooking-up in the bathroom of some rich person's house), making out, oral sex
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No one wanted to be alone this New Years and you were no exception. The only problem was that your friend, the one who happens to the social butterfly brought you to a party where you don't know anyone here besides her. Everyone was dressed to the nines; shimmering dresses with make up to match and expensive suits. Having a friend who works in PR was an unexpected perk in her life, but having a friend who works in PR means when you're out they're always in networking mode. Coming here, to some random person's mega-mansion, was thrilling at first but the shine was beginning to dull immediately.
You had lost your friend somewhere in the fray of the fancy just less than an hour before midnight. Many people were here with partners, spouses, and lovers, and to you it seemed like you and your friend were the only single ones. You didn't let it get to you because you had her, but now she was gone. All you had was your too-small purse and a vodka soda you weren't a big fan of.
Just as the night couldn't get more painful, someone bumps into you. There was no love lost for the beverage that you spilled but now it was all over your dress. You may have been feeling alone, but your dress was the only thing you had. You got it one random day in the summer at the encouragement of your friend that she will give you a reason to wear it. You felt confident walking out of the car tonight and into the party. That was only two hours ago and oh how everything seemed to cave in.
"Fuck! I'm so, so sorry!"
This woman who bumped into you sounded sincere in her apologies. At first you thought you were being mocked, but the way she tried to wipe off your dress before it could stain seemed too real.
"I-It's okay."
You couldn't even bring yourself to look at her. Instead you were looking around you at the people who were beginning to look at the commotion. You were hoping to lock eyes with your friend so she could rescue you, but she was still nowhere to be found.
"Ugh! C'mon!"
Before you could register what was going on, you were being dragged away by the woman who ruined your dress. You were too relieved by being saved from the embarrassment to make a fuss. She lead you to one of the many guests bathroom in the house. She was bold, shutting the door behind you two and almost forcing you to sit on the counter. She grabbed one of the fancy, embroidered towels and wets it to continue her efforts to save your dress. Even though you appreciated her eagerness to fix her mistake, you can't help but be enamored and a little amused by the situation.
"It was just a vodka soda. Don't worry, it's not going to stain my dress."
It seems as if your voice is what gets to her. She slowly stops frantically wiping off the parts of your dress that is covered in vodka and looks up at you. She's stunning, so much so that you begin to lose your confidence.
"I hope I didn't take you away from whoever you cam here with." She finally puts the towel down and you get to hear her voice in a more relaxed state.
"No, no, I just came with a friend, but I lost her somewhere so I was just kind of by myself." You felt like a loser saying that out loud, but something lights up in the stranger's eyes at your confession.
"Glad I'm not the only one here feeling a little dejected."
"What do you mean?"
She points to the spot next to you, gesturing if she could sit beside you. There was plenty of space on the counter and she didn't have to ask, but you made space for her anyway.
"What was supposed to be a girls' night New Years Eve get together turned into us coming here, and just like you I have no clue where my friends with."
It wouldn't be shocking to either of them if their friends found someone gorgeous and well-off to talk to, but you were sure your friend was more concerned with making connections than the imminent countdown to the new year. You empathized with this woman, but still couldn't get over the shock that someone who looks like her was feeling the same loneliness tonight.
"I guess that's a common theme tonight. It's never really happened before so I think that's why it stings so much. I'm Y/n by the way."
"Sabrina," she sticks her hand out for you to take which you do. You two shake hands for a few seconds before breaking away. You felt like you had made a new friend tonight and you were a little proud of yourself. You were never the most sociable one in the room, so it's fitting that your main way of meeting new people is through an embarrassing moment.
"You said you came here with a friend? Just one? Are they a friend or a friend."
"Just a friend. We were roommates one year in college and I reached out to her when I moved out here to LA. She's always been primed for this kind of life, not me, so I needed her to guide me through the upsides and downs of living here."
"There are a lot of ups, like being invited to some rich ass dude's New Years Eve party. The downs would be the perpetual loneliness that seems like a requirement."
"I take it you've been in LA for years?"
"Almost two decades now. Feels like it's been a life time."
"Do you like it? I've only been here for two years and I'm still figuring out how I feel about it."
"Well, like you said, it has it's ups and downs. Some times there are more downs than ups, and vice versa. I would say right now that sitting in the bathroom of a boring party with a pretty girl who is being kind to me after I fucked up her dress is one of the ups."
You break eye contact with her to spare yourself the embarrassment. You feel a heat creep up your neck and beat you right in the face. You never learned how to take a compliment without completely crumbling. You already found Sabrina to be interesting and pretty, but now your heart was starting to beat out of your chest.
"And I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I'm kind of glad I literally ran into you. I saw you earlier in the party and I couldn't stop staring at you. I hope I don't sound like a creep."
"No, not at all! I'm just shocked to say the least."
What snapped you out of your shock was the sound of people cheering and getting rowdy outside of the bathroom. At first you feared someone was going to come in, ruining your solace. But then Sabrina checks her phone and sees that it's almost midnight.
"Two more minutes then it's 2024. I'll be honest, Y/n, I didn't expect to spend my last minutes of 2023 like this. I sort of feel like a klutz."
"Don't be sorry. Like I said my dress is fine, just a little sticky, but one wash it'll be alright."
The both of you end up getting distracted by the rowdiness outside the door. You were half tempted to get up and join them just to watch everyone ring in the New Year together, but you stay put. You notice how Sabrina isn't budging and you get the impression that she wants to stay with you in her last moments of 2023. Soon the start the countdown.
In just a few seconds you feel fingers weave through yours and Sabrina grabbing your face. You let her control your body, turning your head to face her.
It takes just seconds for your heart to flutter with an emotion you haven't felt in a long time.
"3...2...1...Happy New Year!"
Sabrina's lips meet yours on the very first syllable of "happy." For the first time in years you genuinely felt the meaning.
At first it felt innocent, just two lonely souls filling the void together, but Sabrina didn't want to pull away. She kissed you deeper, harder. The lust was radiating off of her and it was overwhelming. The last way you expected to bring in the new year was a bathroom hook-up, but surprisingly you weren't turned off to the idea. No one has ever come on this strong to you before and being in LA you were beginning to think you were a love repellant. This kiss left your breathless and starving for more. You grab onto Sabrina, unintentionally laying one hand on her breast in the process. Neither of you seemed to care as your tongues bumped against each other's. It was becoming a little sloppy, with Sabrina taking you there, but you enjoyed it. There is a hint of lemon on her tongue and you wondered why type of drinks a girl like Sabrina would drink. She was bold, yet refreshing.
Sabrina pulls away, panting and her lipstick smudged. She's looks a little messy now but she smiles regardless. She's so happy that you're receptive to her touch and that you seemed to enjoy the kiss too.
"Was that too much?" She wipes the edges of her mouth.
"I think we're beyond the point of worrying about what's too much now."
You're the one to lean in this time. You continue what Sabrina started, the blonde leaning into this time until she wraps her arms around your neck. You were at the point of no return and you wouldn't dare turn back. You wanted more; you wanted her.
"Do you think you can be quiet?" You ask her between kisses?
She hums affirmatively against your lips before you break the kiss. She moans breathlessly when your lips land on her neck. So much for being quiet because her moan fills the room. Of course the party outside still raged on as being in a whole new year put a new life into the party. The sound of the bass of the music thumped against the walls, but nothing could overtake the sound of Sabrina's sweet moans. You finally get between her legs, your knees pressed into the soft rug. She places her legs on your shoulders and you come face to face with her pussy. It didn't surprise you, but seeing her without panties made your face grow hot.
"I hope you don't mind, I left them at home," she says with a salacious tone.
You didn't mind at all, you were happy to have easier access to her wet pussy. You can't go another minute without it seeing what she tastes like. Sabrina whines when your face disappears between her legs under her dress. She pulls it up and catches the very moment your tongue meets her dripping sex. She moans so loud that she has to put her own hand over her mouth. You lick and lick and lick and somehow she's able to keep herself from screaming out in pleasure. It was like you knew her body and knew what buttons to press. She feels a rush run through her and she's on cloud nine. Never has a stranger made her so happy and feels so good. She moves her hand from her mouth and promises herself she'll be good and keep as quiet as possible. She knuckles turn white as she grips the edge of the counter.
"Oh Y/n that feels so fucking good," she whines. "I've been thinking about this all night."
The thought of someone being so turned on by you that they fantasized about it after seeing you once was astounding. You were shocked to have that power over someone, especially over someone so beautiful. You felt lucky, lucky to be invited here (the party and between Sabrina's legs). You pull away from her pussy and rub her clit.
"Did you want me so bad that you spilled a drink on me?"
Sabrina doesn't answer, just moans as she throws her head back in pleasure. You stop rubbing her clit to insert a finger into her pussy. When she feels your tongue back on her clit paired with the finger inside of her she almost cums. But she wants to savor the taste, feel this forever. She thinks she's strong enough to hold herself back, but your fingers are stronger than her will. You insert another one into her and her walls wrap warmly and tightly around the two. Your hitting the spot that makes her legs shake. Sabrina desperately wants to cry out loud, but she wouldn't dare risk getting caught and letting the moment end. She's so so close, tettering on that blissful edge. You kiss her inner thigh not once, or twice, but a few times. It makes her legs shake. She forgets about trying to hold back when she feels the 5th kiss pressed to her thigh.
She fears that you might get turned off by how hard she cums, but you enjoy it very much. She closes her eyes, bites her lip, and tosses her head back in ecstasy. A tear runs down her rosy cheek too. Her make-up is probably too fucked up for saving, but no one is going to care, so neither does she.
"Earth to Sabrina...you here with me?" You tease her. You're not sure if she likes that, but she just let you eat her out and finger, a little teasing is harmless in comparison.
She opens her eyes a few seconds later and a sweet, relaxed smile forms on her face.
"People are probably looking for us," you say to her when she finally looks down at you.
"Let them look."
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