#when this angle is explored....... get me the fainting couch!!!!!!
mummer · 2 years
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[sickos] yes...... yes!!!!!!
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travellingarmy · 3 years
I am the anon of Yan Diasomnia's last request (Tumblr does not allow me to put URL). I'm sorry if I confused it with my request, I promise to be more specific and pay more attention next time. It's fine if you want it to be a one-shot, whichever is more comfortable for you^^ I have a favoritism toward Lilia, so it's fine if you just want to write about him
Lilia Vanrouge x reader
Reader: Female pronounce/titles used.
Warning(s): Yandere themes. Overuse of words.
Word count: 3.9k
Additional Note: This is before current-day Lilia and thus, will have no resemblance to the Lilia we know today.
All rights reserved. Do not steal/copy and paste and upload it anywhere.
Message to requester: Hello! Oh, no, you're good! In fact, I am feeling ashamed that I lack the brain to do your headcanon as well as future ones.. If you want the other Diasomnia members as well, you can go ahead and request them. I don’t mind!
Edit: Sorry that this took too long! I really wanted to give it my all on this one. ^^
║Lilia Vanrouge║ Sweet and Naive
It was no question that faes were powerful, dominant beings. No matter what size, shape, or form they take, they're terrifying creatures of the dark that one could even call a monster.. Though I suppose that name is reserved for faes in the Valley of Thorns.
There are indeed faes- though few and far between- that lay low outside the ever-dark kingdom. Weaker creatures, they were, compared to those inside the kingdom, but nevertheless, were faes in the end. Much were these creatures pure and rid of sins of war and bloodshed, though this meant they did nothing but cower in hiding of their own little world built just for faes like them.
But that just meant they were much naive to just how terrifying the monsters that lurked outside their abode. Pure.. Naive.. And vulnerable. You were all that and much more.
Though you know how to fear those of a higher standing than you– those of stronger power than you– you couldn’t help but want to explore the surrounding areas of your little village that you were all so familiar with by now. The areas where the stronger faes run amok. But you were sure that you wouldn’t be encountering any faes from the Valley of Thorns and it held true for a while until one fateful encounter when you did your daily exploration.
You went a little further this time and stopped short, out of breath from a moment of awestruck as you stared upon the crystal waters of a lake. Your voice was stuck in your throat when you walked around the lake, looking at it at every angle so that you could preserve such a sight in your memories and confirm your doubts of it not actually looking so magical.
“Oh!” You were stopped when you felt your foot hit something which also made you tear your eyes away from the lake. You look down and gasp at the sight of a man with long black hair with pink streaks, covered in blood.
Panic kicked in and you looked at your surroundings frantically. What were you supposed to do? Was this man dead? If he’s not, you should bring him back to the village and get him treated! But wait, how did he end up here? Was there someone looking for him, worried about his safety? Or worse, was there someone out to finish him? Then, you can’t just leave him here where he’d be found soon enough!
Hurriedly, you got the man’s arm around your shoulder and dragged him, though it wasn’t an easy task since he was much heavier than you had originally thought and that you had to take a longer route home to avoid the people and children. You didn’t want to be seen carrying a bloodied man.
When you finally closed the door behind you, you slumped the man on your couch. You stared long and hard at his unconscious state. What to do now? “Oh! Right..” You crouched down by the couch and extended your hands out, a faint glow followed by warmth emitted from your hands. Though your kind was that of a weaker fae, you were still a fae nonetheless and strong power was something that courses through you naturally (although you did have to learn the fundamentals of using magic).
While you sat there in silence, the sun’s light cascaded upon him, and if there wasn’t any blood on him, it would make him look like a beauty simply in deep slumber. He’s pretty, you thought, and your heart raced at the sight of his face. Where did he come from anyway?
Your eyes then caught something glinting and averted your attention to his collar area. There was a beautiful red broach with silver linings around it with bat wings at the side. That was when it hit you; your eyes widened at the realization that this man probably wasn’t someone from the village based on his attire. It looked a little luxurious despite it being covered in dried blood. Your village didn’t tailor clothing like that. But if they did, it would be for those of important status. And his face! You were sure to recognize such a well-kept, porcelain-like face that was free of blemishes in your village. His face practically glowed and anyone passing by would have him etched into their minds.
Your heart now raced for another reason. You were in fear. Was he a fae from the Valley of Thorns? Your hands began to shake. What was he doing near your village? You gulped. Was he sent here to wipe the village out?
As you began to ask questions in your head, you didn’t realize that the man had woken up. Normally, he would have grabbed the person in question and break their arms immediately, but the warmth– from what he knew was magic– gave him a sense of comfort and it was as if it was telling him that whomever was beside him meant no harm.. That was until he noticed that the magic was wavering a little.
He grabbed your hand. A little bit on the harsher side, but he couldn’t help it as it was nature to him. You jolted a bit, snapping back to reality and looked at the man. He was awake. He sat up and and scanned your home until they returned back to you. His crimson eyes were unreadable to you but it felt as if he was piercing right through your very skull.
“A, ah..!” You felt your throat run dry. What should you do? Should you knock him out and drag him back to where you found him? No. That probably wouldn’t be possible and even if you did manage to knock him out and return him to where you found him, he’s sure to find this village. It wasn’t that hidden away after all.
You two were basked in silence as one– him– stared at the other with a terrifying look while the other– you– looked back in fear.
He let’s go of your wrist.“Have I scared you, my lady? My apologies.” When he spoke, it sounded as if it was laced with velvet. He is not sure where he is, but he should act in accordance of noble etiquette, and as politely as he can so that he doesn’t terrify you to the point you can’t answer his questions.
“O, oh! No, not at all! I was just surprised you had woken up so quickly!” You stammered, going quiet right after. There was another silence. You looked down at your hands that lie on top of your lap. As beautiful as his eyes were– like gems– it was a bit terrifying. Was he not a fan of talking? Well, you weren’t the best at coming up with things to talk about.. But what if he is expecting something from you? You’ve heard how scary faes from the Valley are. “Um, I’m sure you must be exhausted.. Is there something you’d like to drink or perhaps eat? I’ll prepare you a bath too!” You looked back at him. If he is being waited upon for long, you feared that he’ll have your head.
“I neither need any of those.. Though could you answer my question instead?” he asks patiently. His face showed no change from the moment he woke up; it was void of any expression. “Of course!” You nod your head readily. “Is this the Valley of Thorns?”
Last he remembered, he was in the middle of a battlefield. He was sent out alone to clear a small camp of enemies– presumably an ambush team. It was nothing he couldn’t handle by himself, but they certainly fought back till their last breath. He closed his eyes and recalled the men’s faces that he’s sure to forget soon enough. They managed to put a scratch on him but it wasn’t enough to make him kneel. At the end of it, he stood victor, the blood on his clothes weren’t his and it proof that he had finished his task.
Shortly afterwards, he stumbled upon a lake a few metres away from the camp. It drew his attention and that was where he decided to rest, closing his eyes.
You shook your head. “I see.. Then I assume that this is that village of faes..” He said, mumbling the last part to himself, though you could hear it clearly enough. This confirmed that he was a fae from the Valley.
While he was thinking to himself, you scanned him with your eyes. Though you knew he was a fae of the Valley and that he was much more stronger than you and have been taught to fear them, you couldn’t help but be a bit curious of him and the world outside the village.
You were ever the curious one who always got scolded for going even a metre away from the village as a child. “Um, if I could ask you a question as well..” You weakly speak, almost in a whisper. He looks at you side-eyed. Though he said nothing, you knew he was waiting. You looked at your hands briefly. They were beginning to become clammy. You took a deep breath. “What.. What is it like outside?” When your eyes returned to look at him, he momentarily forgot how to breathe. Your eyes swirled of stars who yearned to step outside their galaxy that they’ve known all through their life. It was a look that newborn children would have. So curious and hopeful of the world before them, not knowing the dark reality of it.
He can’t help but be a bit bitter. O’ how wonderful it is to remain oblivious. It makes him recall his childhood days. The days where there was never a day where he truly felt like he had the childish curiosity. He was a child who knew too much for his age. A child born in a household trained to be at the right-hand side of the throne.
You saw the conflicting look on his face that finally morphed from something from being blanked and panicked. “Oh! Y, you don’t have to tell me!” you quickly said, flailing your hand in front of your face. He nodded and remained quiet. You were a bit disappointed that you couldn’t get an answer, but it seemed that he didn’t have an answer to your question anyway.
“Anyway, why don’t you rest here for today? You look a little pale and unwell..” You suggest with careful words and changing the topic. “I’ll make you dinner since it’s about that time already.”
The rest of that day blurred past. You cooked him a meal and prepared him a bath, which during that time, you washed his clothes and offered clothes from your late father which barely fitted his muscular build.
“Thank you for allowing me to have stayed the night, my lady,” he said, now standing in front of the lake where you had found him unconscious the day before. “It’s no problem!” You smiled, though both of you knew it was forced. Not because you feared him, but because there was a tad bit of emptiness. You stayed up late into the night, wondering what is out there that the world had to offer. You knew of the monsters that lurked out there but you were a fae! Faes are strong beings and you are confident in your abilities. Though you were a weaker fae, you were a fae in the end.
He noticed the longing in your eyes. He felt a little pitiful, but he knew that it was best for you to remain where you are. Though your village might not know of it, faes of the Valley of Thorns know of your village and have protected it along with theirs. A bit laughable seeing as they’ve allowed you to live free of sins and carry the burden of war, yet you were taught to fear them.
He was about to turn and leave without a word but was stopped short when he heard you whisper out to him. He looks at you and you said it louder this time. “[Name]..” You said. He was confused so you speak again. “My name.. It’s [Name].” You said it with a bit more confidence as you stared right into his eyes.
His eyes widened momentarily and then narrowed. “My lady, don’t you know not to give a monster your name?” he asked. “But you aren’t a monster. You’re like me– a fae,” you said which caught him by surprise.
He stood there for a moment. Your heart raced, feeling a bit anxious. But then you see the corner of his lips curl upwards. “Lilia Vanrouge. It has been a pleasure meeting you, my lady.” He turned on his heels and walked away, leaving you no time to say anything else.
You knew what it meant by giving your name away and it was precisely what you wanted.
Or what you wanted at that time.
"A much curious little fairy, you are.” A deep voice makes its way to your ears. You couldn’t see where the owner of the voice was, but you knew he was behind you not too far away. Lilia Vanrouge. That name used to make your heart flutter and take you to the skies, but now your heart beats rapidly out of fear.
Before he came, you were quietly sobbing, locked away in some dark room. You couldn’t see anything but darkness. You were scared of the dark just as you have been taught to be afraid of the dark that the monsters outside your village lurk. You didn’t hear him come in so you stiffened when you realized that you were no longer alone.
“Do you regret it now, my little fairy?” He said, staring at your back, your ankles and wrists were chained to the cold stone floor. You remained silent and prayed that you didn’t make a peep. “Fufufu, always the shy one..” He sounded much more childish than what you remembered all those years ago and more carefree. However, he hadn’t changed his mind one bit with you after locking you up somewhere in the Valley of Thorns.
You said nothing and closed your eyes and tried to tune out his voice. “Come now, there is no need to be so shy, little fairy. We’ve known each other for a good hundred years now after all.” A hundred years? You doubt that it had been that short, but your judgement was clouded as you haven’t seen light for so long. You didn’t know how long the sun had risen and set to know.
Lilia went silent and his smile dropped. The next thing you knew, his breath was right against your ears, his chest pressing against your back. “Little fairy, why don’t you talk, hm?” When you persist in staying mute, he roughly grabs your cheeks and turns it towards him. He audibly clicked his tongue. “I’ve been gone for so long and you have nothing to say to me? I can’t say that I am not a bit hurt by that.”
He wants you to say something? Fine then. “I hate you.” You muttered under your breath angrily. You can’t see him, but you did your best to show a look of disgust for the fae. “Oh? You hate me? How curious..” He blinked owlishly. “You were the one that threw themselves at a stranger shamelessly for hope to see the outside world. You were the one that gave their name out so willingly.”
You bit the bottom of your lips. If you knew what he would have become, you wouldn’t have given out your name. “Weren’t you taught to fear the monsters that lurked in the darkness? And didn’t I say that I was a monster? Do you regret it now?”
You forcefully pried your face from his grasp and remained silent once more. He was annoyed, you were sure of it but you couldn’t care less. But he was right with what he said and you were very much regretful. “Insisting on playing mute with me, I see. Hmph. Very well then.. But,” he sighs as if he was disappointed. You knew he wasn’t really. “I was going to give you your sight back.. But that was only if you cooperated with me.”
“I also wanted to reverse the paralysis spell on your legs so that I could stroll with you in the garden.. You do need to work your legs once in a while..” He mumbled. “Oh, but I suppose that is not needed since I am sure to put the spell back on you. I can’t fully trust you yet to use your legs without me around.”
“A shame, truly,” he said and sighs deeply once more. “Oh! Before I could forget, I was maybe also thinking of reversing the paralysis spell on your hands. Sweet little Silver has never been once carried by his mother.. Oh, but don’t get me twisted. I don’t plan to return your magic to you. After all, you haven’t apologized for burning my hair.”
“Hm~ That reminds me, the young prince did the same thing to me when he was young. To do such a thing at a young age? Ah, I do still feel proud.” He waits with you in silence for a while before giving up. “Very well then. I suppose that you need some more time.”
As soon as he leaves the room, you begin to sob. Where did everything go wrong? You recalled the days of you waiting eagerly for him to return after parting with him that fateful day and when he did, you gained a bit of confidence to start a conversation with him. He soon opened up and told you stories that you’ve never heard before.
He took you to visit his home, Valley of Thorns. You remembered being fearful of the other faes but wasn’t as terrified knowing that you had Lilia with you. All was well so where did things go wrong? Your sobs broke out into loud cries. Your broken cries that were laced with sadness. Where was the man you later fell in love with secretly?
“Lilia, I want to go outside..” you said one normal day. The fae with crimson eyes looked up from his book and looked at you questioningly. Aren’t you already outside, he silently asked himself. Your eyes were glued to something outside, your chin resting on top of your palm. Well, perhaps it wasn’t something outside the window that you were looking at, rather, looking past the Valley and at the vast land outside of it.
He had taken you out of the village after the war and promised to protect you during those times. You must have gotten too relaxed since he was protecting you and have forgotten this world was not welcoming to children like you. “I’ve already seen enough of your home and I want to know what else is out there.” Your eyes tear away from the window and face him with a hopeful gleam in your eyes. “It’s too dangerous for you.” O’ how he hates the stars that danced in your eyes. Haven’t you learned enough? “Haven’t you seen me covered in blood? Do you think you can face what is out there?” He was starting to become forceful with his tone.
“W, well I am still a fae–” “[Name].” Though he did not yell, his eyes stared at you with a terrifying, glow of red. He was angry. You noticed that he never liked it when you brought up about travelling to other places but never knew why. “T, then why don’t you come with me? That way, I’ll be safe!” He sighs at your persistence. It was starting to get annoying, frankly. “You know that I can’t do that. The queen and king need me and so will the newborn prince.”
You huffed and crossed your arms. You went silent and he assumed that you were finally done so he returned to reading his book. “This is not fair, Lilia! You promised me that you’d take me to see outside!” You said after a while, your brows knitting together in anger. “Not fair?” He stops at a word and looks at you. “Didn’t I already give you your wish?”
“But I want to see what outside is like!” His eyes narrow. “Didn’t you say the same thing back when you were in your village? So what, you will go to another place and demand to see ‘outside’ as well?” He stands up and walks over to you with a hint of anger in his face. He places his hands on both sides of the chair’s armrest, trapping you like a caged bird. “Do you wish to see ‘outside’? Then, I’ll give you a taste of what ‘outside’ is like.”
After he said those words, he teleports the both of you to a place unknown. You two were surrounded by trees from all sides and up ahead was what you assumed to be the remains of a village. “If you can last here until dinner then I’ll allow you to travel.” You were about to ask what he meant but when you turned to look behind you, he was gone.
It was like it was a perfect timing for him since not a moment too soon, you heard uncontrolled growls. When you look back, you see many eyes staring at you just beyond the entrance of the rundown village.
“Li, Lilia..!” You called out his name but there was no response. Had he truly left you there and returned home? You couldn’t face these monsters– there were too many of them!
You quickly found yourself stumbling as you ran from the beasts that chased you. You were overexerting your body’s limit from both stamina and magic power. You collapsed, your legs giving out. You were sure he left you to die because you angered him. You cried out for his name once more, ugly tears flowing down your muddied cheeks.
“You couldn’t manage to last 15 minutes by yourself. My, and to think you wanted to travel.” You looked up and see the fae look down at you with a feigned pitiful look. He kneels down and grabs your chin. “Do you see now, little fairy? You are no match for this twisted world.”
The next thing you knew, you were chained in the very room that you were in now with your vision gone and having both hands and legs paralyzed. But before it all happened, you did try to run back home. It was a fight you never had a chance of winning really. “This is for your safety.” He once said to you when you woke up one day in sheer panic and fear when you couldn’t see or move.
On the other side of the door, stood Lilia. He hadn’t simply walked away after closing the door, no. It truly aches his heart to see you broken like that. But now you know that the world wasn’t so nice, especially to those who don’t know a thing about the real truth of it.
“There are monsters who can disguise themselves, little fairy, and giving out your name is equivalent to selling your soul to them.. I’m sure you were taught that back home, no? Fufufu. Ever the naive one, I see.”
Pspspsp. I don't really like the ending, but it was getting a bit too long.
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happy trails
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pairing - yuta x reader
genre - smut, lil fluffy
contains - dom Yuta, chubby f!reader, outdoor sex, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it fr), D/s, fingering, some body love/praise
wordcount: 1.7k
summary: hiking in the woods and getting it on in the great outdoors like nature intended.
"Can we take a quick break?" You ask, doubling over to brace yourself on your thighs for a quick second. You didn't recall this hiking trail being this hard, and you were evidently not prepared for the steeper slopes in the second half.
"We're not too far from the point where it's all downhill," Yuta reassures you, retracing his steps and offering you a bottle of water. Seeing how out of breath you are, he smiles sympathetically. "But we can stop a while here."
"Thanks." You take a swig of water. It's not like it's too tough, you're just a bit out of shape from a whole ass quarantine spent mostly indoors. Yuta seems unbothered, but he had kept up dancing while the world was shut down so it's no surprise he's lost very little athletic ability in comparison.
This trail usually is a cinch for both of you, more for relaxed sightseeing than a challenging hike. You lament your lack of fitness and find a spot to sit and rest amongst the roots of trees lining the dirt path.
"Ugh, I'm in worse shape than I thought," you admit. Yuta crouches in front of you, elbows resting on his knees.
"It's not that bad," he reassures you. "A year of being a couch potato doesn't look too bad on you." He pokes your cheek and you bat at his hand.
"I know full well how you feel about it," you say, narrowing your eyes. He smiles, angelic, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Last night he had squeezed your hips, your thighs, where you've become softer in your sedentary lifestyle, and described in detail how good you felt under his hands. He had surprised you a bit with his enthusiasm for your rounder, softer body, but then you had a sneaking suspicion he would like any type of body as long as it was yours.
That said, the aforementioned enthusiasm was part of why you were struggling today; your inner thighs had taken a battering from his hips and you rode him for nearly an hour, making up for lost time. You'd had better ideas in your life than hiking after a session like that, but the way Yuta always lit up in nature swayed you to go anyway.
He rocks forward, falling onto his knees, and nudges your legs apart with his hands sliding up your bare thighs to the hem of your shorts. You glance up and down the trail. You're not well hidden, but you can't see anyone.
"Yuta~" you sing-song, patting his head. "Whatcha doing?"
"I just missed you," he says, smiling brightly. He shifts to grasp the back of your thighs where they meet you butt, a ticklish spot that makes you squirm.
"We spent all yesterday together," you remind him, "and I'm here now."
"Mmhm," he agrees, kissing your inner thigh. "So I want to touch you more."
"Maybe somewhere a little more hidden?" You suggest, making him grin as you grab his hand and you both stand up, you leading further into the trees.
It's a warm, bright day, and the long undisturbed forest shelters you from the direct sun. Still, when you find a spot well hidden from the path and turn to Yuta, the dappled light on his face is so pretty you have to kiss him.
He cups the back of your head with one hand, the other resting on your waist, and despite what you said moments ago you sigh in relief now you're getting to kiss him again. It really was too long; your body missed him just as much as your heart did. He slowly presses you back until your back hits the trunk of a broad tree, then tugs your hair gently to change the angle and deepen the kiss.
When you run the tip of your tongue along his lip he opens to you eagerly. Just kissing him excites your instincts, a pulse of heat building in your lower stomach. His fingers dig into the soft give of your hip, making you let out a soft, encouraging little sound. His tongue explores your mouth, re-mapping you, claiming ownership, eliciting faint whimpers and moans until his hand glides down your stomach and slips under your shorts.
He finds your clit, skimming over it with his fingertips before pinching it between the pads of his fingers and rolling it between them, and you can't help the needy sounds that leave you or the way you arch up against him, greedy for his hands all over you, his lips on yours. You can only whine in disappointment when he breaks the kiss to look at you.
"Cutie," he says, but it sounds like you're getting a telling off. "You can't be so noisy. What if someone hears you?"
On the contrary, that spikes another sound from you, a startled little cry while he continues playing with your clit.
"I forgot, that's not a problem for you, is it?" He goes on, tucking his tongue into his cheek for a second to suppress a smile. "You like when people watch. When they hear how well I fuck you, the pretty noises you make with me inside you."
You nod mindlessly, his continued attention and his words twisting up inside you, making you clench down around nothing, a gnawing need growing in the pit of your stomach.
"You want me inside, don't you, baby?" He asks, a hint of pity in his voice, and you give him the puppy eyes.
"Mmhm," you respond, taking his wrist gently in your hand and tugging him closer. "I want your fingers inside me, puppy, please?"
The use of your affectionate nickname for him makes him smile warmly, before he slides a finger into your slit. You roll your hips, pulling him deeper and giving an encouraging moan, and then a squeak of surprise when his other hand presses firmly over your mouth. You blink up at him.
"Be quiet," he warns. You nod dumbly. As he starts moving his finger inside you your sounds are muffled against his hand, and you cling tightly to him. He crooks his finger against your g-spot, makes you yelp and buck your hips forward, before he surges forward and presses you into the tree trunk, pinning you there and assaulting that spot inside you until your cunt tightens down around him. "Cum for me. Right now."
You can only obey, a flush of heat rolling over your skin, the tension breaking and your muscles fluttering around him as you cum with a muffled whimper.
He pulls out, manhandling you until you're pressed face-first against the tree and he unfastens your shorts and pulls them down to your knees. "You want your puppy to use you, baby? Use his favourite little toy?"
You gasp as you feel the head of his cock press at your entrance from behind, slipping in your slick, stretching you already as it pushes an inch into your needy cunt. "Y-yes- please use me, I wanna make puppy feel good..."
He drives his cock into you with a firm shove, bottoming out with his hips against yours, growling low against the back of your neck when you gasp and moan at the way he stretches your cunt mercilessly with his girth.
"Feel that?" He asks, grinding into you, and your body allows him entrance, moulding to the shape of him while you whimper from the sheer pleasure. "You made your puppy so hard. You're such a good little toy. I'm gonna breed my pretty toy now, fill you up with cum."
You push back against him and feel his arms come around you, one hand grasping your shoulder and the other on your neck. Then he draws his hips back, slamming back into you to elicit a choked groan. The full force of his thrusts borders on painful, but your pussy clenches and drips around him, serving its purpose as a tight, wet hole for him to use to get off.
"You're squeezing me so tight, baby," Yuta pants. "It feels that good? You like getting your pretty little cunt pounded like that?"
Between his hand on your neck and your barely muffled cries, there's no way you could start to respond. You nearly sob as he brings you to another mind shattering climax, upping his pace as you clamp down around him.
"God, I love feeling my little toy cum on my cock. Makes me wanna breed you." You cry out, feeling him pulse and grow harder inside you, his deep thrusts turning your mind and your legs to jelly.
"Yes, please," you choke out. "Fuck me full of your cum, I'm yours, all yours, puppy."
He growls, movements verging on feral, his nails digging your shoulder as he rails you for all you're worth. His other hand goes tight, cutting off your sounds and your air supply, and you grit your teeth, another orgasm ripping through you before he shoves deep, giving a few short and sharp thrusts and filling your insides with his seed.
You tap frantically at his wrist and he releases you, letting you heave in a few deep breaths and get yourself under control. Yuta rubs his cheek against the back of your neck, almost like he's scent marking you.
"Ugh," he groans. "You drive me crazy. You know you do, right?"
You laugh breathlessly. "I kind of gathered."
He laughs with you, his arms around you turning into an affectionate back hug as he softens inside you. You sigh, content, but aware you can't stay like this forever. Eventually, Yuta gives a brief warning before pulling out, his cum dripping out and down your inner thighs, sending a hot shiver through your body. He pulls your shorts back up, your panties getting soaked from the mess he left, making you squirm.
"Yuta," you whine, "that's gross."
He leans in, kissing your cheek and jaw. "If you prefer, next time I'll gather it up on my fingers and feed it to you." You squeak, both mortified and weirdly turned on at the image. He chuckles. "But this time my little toy gets to walk home proud to be soaked in my cum. Okay?"
Dizzy and sub-spaced, you nod obediently, and he pats your head.
"Good. We've only got about a quarter of the trail left. Let's go."
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
A Sweet Stranding at Sea (NSFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor x MC (Female) This fic was for one of my contest winners, @babysukeyyyy.  I’m sorry this took me so long to write, but I really hope you enjoy it anyway! 💖 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Send us some assistance and call me back as soon as you get this, Goldman,” Victor barked as he hung up the phone and slammed it down onto the kitchenette counter.
“Victor?” MC called out from the other side of the room, wrapping the fabric of her shawl snuggly around the frame of her body. “Is everything going to be alright?”
“Of course it is, dummy,” Victor sighed, massaging away at his temples. “Unlike certain individuals that come to mind, I actually always have a backup plan in place.”
The motor of the yacht Victor rented for their seaside dinner on the water faulted dead halfway through the course of their journey. MC topped off their half-full glasses with some more champagne as Victor contacted his ever-faithful assistant. Sure enough, the one time when there was a true emergency, the evolver was unsuccessful in initiating contact with Goldman. Nevertheless, he was relieved to find that his dummy was casually sipping away at the special beverage he prepared especially for this trip. A faint tapping sound could be heard from under the table MC was sitting at, and a swift glance down revealed the swaying bob of her foot. His expression instantly darkened when he recognized the gesture as her nervous tick. Racking his brain for a way to distract MC, the lightbulb went off as Victor saw his opportunity with the goblet of alcohol in her hand.
“Knowing your luck, you’ll end up passing out drunk if you finish that glass,” the CEO chided, snatching the glass away from the tispy producer. “I’ll be taking that for now.”
“Hey, you don’t know that,” MC retorted, a slight slur rolling from her tongue. She reached out to steal back the cup, but the heel of her shoe twisted and snapped off, causing MC to tumble into the buff arms of the serious man.
“Oopsie,” she giggled while nestling her head deeper against the tautness of Victor’s chest.
Lightly digging her chin into him, MC upturned her head to ensure she was locked into Victor’s eyeline. Her hand suddenly slipped down the toned muscles of his abdomen and disappeared into the band of his pants. MC’s fingers curled around his excitement that had formed, giving him a firm pump in midst savoring the way his hips bucked against her.
“Idiot, shouldn’t you be lying down instead?” Victor’s breath hitched, cursing his body for responding to the allure of her caress. MC’s well-being was always his first and foremost concern, but damn could she rile a man up with her touch alone…
“Kiss me,” MC panted, inching closer to the part of Victor’s lips. “Let’s pretend that tonight we’re the only two in the world. Lose yourself in me.”
If there was one attribute Victor prided himself on, it was his manner of restraint. He owed his success today from his prior restraint in refraining from indulgences, be it personal or professional. Victor’s self-restraint was typically one longed for when they were trying to resist their favorite sweets when on a diet, but today the CEO’s habitual desire for the fruits of delayed gratification succumbed to the will of temptation. The pads of his fingers angled around the contour of MC’s waist, earning himself a compelling yelp from his lover when he slammed her down onto the counter.
Her tongue traced along her lips, flickering them in a wetness to ease herself into taking him. Victor’s breathing intensified into labored pants as he fumbled around to unhitch the belt fasted around his pants. While MC was amused at the rare sight of Victor in a state of disarray, she was also increasingly becoming hornier. She lifted her hips to tug the panties free from her body, tossing them onto the floor to join Victor’s pants, who stood before her completely naked. Dizzy from the combination of alcohol and buzz of anticipation from seeing a full-frontal nude Victor, MC whimpered and jumped into his arms. Their lips collided and their tongues danced while exploring the other’s mouth. Victor danced around the room until he collapsed on the couch.
He flipped MC over, leaving only the view of her fine ass in his sight. This position was embarrassing, but Victor’s tongue lapping at her folds soon melted away all her inhibitions. MC aligned the angle of his cock with the entrance of her mouth. Trailing her tongue down his length, each delicate stroke she delivered was tantalizing. Satisfied by the sound of Victor’s moans ringing sweetly out into the room, MC then claimed the full the heat of his passion. Her head bobbed in tune to the lewd sounds of her arousal dripping onto Victor’s lips. She held no shame for the way her body was reacting to him, and in fact MC even felt more encouraged to let her cries of pleasure be heard when his fingers pinched at her sex to grant her the friction she yearned for.
Victor grunted in appreciation at the vison of her magnificent behind waving in his face as his fingers carried on exploring the exquisite canvas of her curves. He was taking his time worshipping every glorious inch of her womanhood with that god-like tongue of his. Her sensuous mewls were becoming louder, indicating to the CEO she was close to finishing. His cock chose that moment to twitch, urging him to lose himself into MC’s heat. They had made love enough times prior to recognize the signs they were close to their limits, and tonight was no exception that they wanted to drown in the passion of the other.
His tongue drove deeper into MC, desperate to taste more of her sweet nectar. He tugged her waist closer, madly grunting when his cock finally surrendered to the sins of his pleasure. Victor reveled at the way her body quivered from the bliss that assaulted her in the most delightful of ways as his tongue provocatively licked away the glistening aftermath. MC’s moans were becoming less frequent, and her body began to sink into his. Now concerned MC was too tired, Victor ceased his intrusion and pulled MC up onto his chest, setting his chin onto her head.
MC nestled into the warmth of Victor’s embrace. The drumming of his heartbeat left her feeling soothed and safe. The restlessness from the prospect of being stranded at sea had vanished. As long as she was by Victor’s side, she could care less where they were at-she knew in her heart of hearts that everything would be simply fine. Her eyelids grew heavy. MC fluttered her eyelashes in a vain attempt to fight the drowsiness overcoming her, but in only a few mere seconds yielded into the peaceful world of dreams.
A faint smile formed on Victor’s face while he gazed at the woman lying serenely on him. The faint smell of alcohol lingered in her natural scent radiating from her body. He could tell by her heavy breathing that MC was out like a light and declined showing signs of waking up anytime soon. Careful not to disturb MC, Victor reached down to grab his phone from the pocket of his pants. A defenseless MC grumbled something incoherent about him moving, cuddling deeper into his possession. He gently pressed a kiss onto her temple to reassure her he was not leaving, and hurriedly typed out a text message to Goldman.  
Cancel the urgency in my last order, Goldman. Come rescue us tomorrow morning instead.
Powering his phone down, Victor tossed it aside and turned his attention onto a stray strand of MC’s hair that had fallen over her eyes. Brushing her hair to the side of her face, he tucked it behind MC’s ear. He found himself growing tired but couldn’t bear the thought taking his eyes off of MC, even for the slightest of moments. Stroking the side of MC’s cheek, Victor lost track of the time as he gazed upon the beautiful sleeping face of MC, failing to notice the rising sunlight creeping into the window of the yacht.
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
“look at me” | J.M.
a/n: ok guys i wrote smut in honor of the release of wdw’s new album that includes a smutty song D: so first i would like to clarify that i’m still a 15-year-old virgin so i have absolutely no idea in how sex goes and i don’t read a lot of smut in general so i apologize if any mistakes are made in my writing :) anyways happy reading!!!
summary: you and your boyfriend sneak off to have some fun. (this is probably the worst summary i’ve ever written)
warnings: oral, blood kink, dirty talk, making out, unprotected sex (but on a serious note, wrap it before u tap it guys!) so read at your own risk luvs <3
word count: 5022
“do what you want to me nobody gotta know”
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You felt Jonah’s lingering stare on you all the way through dinner at his house. His alert eyes followed your every move and he didn’t even bother to be more discreet about it. He and his band had just returned from tour and usually, you both would spend the first few weeks constantly exploring each other’s bodies as you released all the lust that was bottled up inside you for far too long but this time was different. After your recent promotion in your department at work, your workload had gotten twice as heavier and you soon found yourself being too busy to indulge in any form of entertainment, including spending time with him in the bedroom as he desired. As expected, he was now extremely close to his breaking point and was perfectly capable of ruining you once both of you were alone.
Yet being the mischievous person you were, you decided to tease him a little and test his limits. With an innocent smile plastered on your face the whole time, you let out an exaggerated moan of pleasure when you tasted Christina’s cooking and pulled your bottom lip between your teeth on purpose for more times than you could count, not forgetting to make sure that he was at the perfect angle to see what you were doing.
He had his meal silently, not speaking unless he was spoken to and when he did, the evident strain in his voice did not go unnoticed by you, so did his clenched jaw and his knuckles that had gone slightly white from clutching onto the cutlery a little too hard. No one else noticed the sexual tension between you both despite it being so thick that one could cut it with a knife, which made this silent exchange between you and your boyfriend many times more exciting.
Once dinner was over and all the dirty dishes were taken to the kitchen, Jonah caught your wrist in a tight hold when you were about to enter the living room. “You’d better stop what you’re doing, sweetheart,” he warned once the others were out of earshot, already in front of the TV having an argument about which movie they should watch. “It isn’t funny at all.”
“I never said it was,” you gave him a toothy grin which agitated him more. You used your free hand to cup his cheek, tracing it softly with your thumb as he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, exhaling a shallow breath. You stood up on your tiptoes and leaned your face closer to his, your lips barely inches apart. “You’re always so needy for me, love, I’m terribly flattered,” you said, your lips brushing his with every word. “And I want nothing more than for you to take me now,” you continued and you felt his entire body stiffen.
“However,” you let your hand trail down from his face, over his muscled torso, then allowed your fingers to play with the waistband of his black ripped jeans. His eyelids fluttered open as his breathing turned ragged for your fingers were so close—so dangerously close to his member that was growing harder and harder by the second. And you weren’t even doing anything. “I don’t want to do that with your friends around,” you gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away and wiggling your wrist out of his grasp, leaving him wanting for more.
“You’re gonna be the death of me y/n,” he growled furiously at you, earning an extremely sweet smile from you.
“I know,” you chirped happily and proceeded to skip to the living room. “Oh and Jonah? Try to hide your excited buddy would ya’? He’s being too obvious,” you tisked with displeasure, gesturing to his southern region.
“I wonder why,” he muttered sarcastically to himself as he adjusted his pants to make the bulge in them less obvious as best as he could.
“Come on guys, the movie’s starting!” Corbyn hollered from where he sat on the couch with his girlfriend by his side, to which you replied with a simple “coming” before grabbing the bowl of popcorn off the coffee table and plopping down onto the other end of the couch.
“I’m here, I’m here, jeez,” Jonah hopped over the back of the couch and landed beside you shortly afterwards, the impact sending few popcorns flying out of the bowl. You shot a death glare at him as he rested his arms over your shoulders and opened his mouth, a silent request for you to pop a popcorn into his mouth (which you obliged), his eyes fixed on the wide tv screen, acting like you both didn’t have the conversation just seconds ago.
Because of how sexually frustrated you were, it was impossible for you to concentrate on the movie when his finger was idly tracing random patterns on your upper arm from where his hand rested, turning your mind into a fuzzy mess and blurring all your senses together until all you could focus on was his touch that had somehow travelled to your neck, stopping at the sensitive spot beneath your ear.
“Wanna suck this part so bad,” His whispered into your ear, his warm breath making your skin tingle with pleasure as his finger circled the spot with his finger several times, causing your breathing to hitch, momentarily stunned by his words. Before you could say anything though, he pulled away completely with a chuckle, choosing to place his hand on your thigh instead.
This bastard. He knew the effect his simple gesture had on you and he was shamelessly wielding it to his power.
Without a word, you placed your left hand lightly on the front his black ripped jeans as you planted a kiss on his collarbone, frowning when he didn’t offer you any reaction at all, pretending to be too fixated with the movie to even notice what you were doing. Fine. Two can play this game.
You glided your hand ever so lightly like the soft caress of the cool night’s breeze over his crotch at first, subsequently picking up the pace and pressure as you went, palming him discreetly with your clueless friends sitting merely several feet away from you. Beneath your palm, you could feel his member pushing against the material of his jeans almost immediately as he emitted a soft groan from his lips.
“Fuck,” he breathed, tightening his grip on the back of the couch as he bit back another groan when your lips came into contact with his jaw and slowly made their way down his neck, leaving faint red marks on certain spots where you had nipped softly along the trail of kisses. “What are you doing?” He seethed through his gritted teeth, a sign that he was annoyed at you for driving him to the brink of losing every last bit of his self control but he made no move to stop your actions.
“What’s wrong with expressing my love for my boyfriend?” You teased which made his frown deepen, grabbing your moving hand in his, abruptly stopping your movements.
“Expressing your love, huh?” He grabbed your chin and forcefully tilted your face so you were looking at him straight in the eyes. Even through the darkness of the dimly lit living room, you could make out every defined details of his attractive face—his chiseled jawline, the perfect arc of his slightly furrowed brows, his elegantly straight nose and most importantly the flame of lust that was burning like wildfire in his eyes. “Why don’t we take this elsewhere if you really wanna do so, sweetheart?” He asked but his dark tone made it sound more like an order instead of a question, your previous playfulness dissipating instantly.
You wanted to retort, reminding him that you had told him that you weren’t inclined of doing that in the presence of his friends but you weren’t stupid. You knew very well that if you continued to push anymore buttons, he would not let you get away with it easily.
“Good,” he said and let his hand drop from your chin. “Let’s go then.”
Without a word, Jonah dragged you off by the hand towards his room, brushing off the prying questions from your friends with a simple “she’s not feeling well”. You didn’t say anything as you followed after his fast-paced footsteps, almost tripping over your own feet because of the giddy excitement that you felt at the moment.
He kicked the door shut behind him once both of you entered his room, his hands already all over you and your lips connected with each other’s in a heated kiss with his tongue in your mouth, exploring every corner of it, asserting utter dominance before you had a chance to react, making you gasp and habitually let your hands drift to the front of his lavender hoodie to pull him closer as you tilted your head so that he could kiss you deeper. He blindly spun you both around so your back collided against the door and pinned you against it before breaking the kiss, biting your bottom lip slightly as he pulled away to your dismay. You wanted to taste more of him so you tried to tug him down once more to collide his lips with yours but he stopped your actions with a low growl.
“What do you want from me, sweetheart? Teasing me all day like that,” he asked sternly, staring down at your petite figure that was trapped between his arms. Under his intense gaze of his once vibrant hazel eyes that were now nearly consumed by the black of his dilated pupils, your brain shut down all of a sudden, subsequently taking away your ability to form words in your head, let alone speak. He inched closer until your breath mingled with each other’s. “Fine, since you’re not going to speak, we’ll do this my way then,” he finally said when you remained speechless. You felt a tingling feeling between your thighs at the anticipation of what he had in store for you.
“Get on your knees, now,” he ordered and you obliged right away without a second thought. You didn’t need any further instructions to know what he wanted you to do next for his intentions were already clearly written on his face. In a blink of an eye, you already had his belt undone and his jeans unbuttoned and unzipped, shuffling them down his legs along with his boxers, just low enough to reveal his considerable length standing proud and tall in its full glory. The sight of it never failed to make your eyes go wide in amazement and your mouth go dry no matter how many times you had seen it. “You want to express your love, babygirl, now’s your time to do it. Go on,” he urged, making you groan softly at his forwardness. “Show me how much you fucking love me.”
You did not wait another second to wrap your hands snugly around his member to give him several good long strokes before taking it in your awaiting opened mouth, flicking your tongue just over his sensitive head and sucking it a little to taste some of the salty precum. He let out a soft groan, one hand still keeping a firm grip on the counter as the other pulled your long hair back to give you more room. You proceeded to leave open-mouthed kisses down his length, your warm exhales across his aching dick teasingly torturous, not forgetting to lower your head to lick his balls before moving your mouth back up his length again. You felt his hand on your hair tighten as you purposely took your sweet time of savouring every inch of him ever so slowly instead of going hard and fast just like he wanted.
“Tease me more, baby, and you will regret it later,” he said with all seriousness and you knew that he wasn’t joking. You spit on the tip a little before fitting him into your mouth once again, then sliding down while your hands were kept snug around the base of him to help jerk off the rest of him that couldn’t fit in your mouth. You gradually picked up speed, your hands meeting your lips in steady movements as you started to bob your head quicker up and down his shaft, his breathing turning rhythmic and heavy, small moans let out with every exhale as you worked him.
Jonah was in pure ecstasy as he watched you take his dick so well on your knees, saliva dribbling down your chin as you licked and swirled your tongue over all the right spots, earning involuntary groans after groans of pleasure and making him instinctively push his hips forward into your mouth, consequently making you gag lightly as you neared your limit.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it, you’re doing so good,” he managed to say between ragged breaths, “but is that all you’ve got?” His grip tightened on your hair immediately and before you knew it he was pushing you back down quickly and then tugging at your hair to pull you off over and over again just as you were about to pull back to breathe. Your hand fell from the base to the back of his thigh to keep yourself steady as he thrusted into your mouth nonstop, focussing on keeping your jaw lax despite the protests of your gagging reflexes.
“Deeper,” he instructed strongly as you gagged, your tongue pulling back last. Tears stared to prickle at the edges of your eyes and you glanced up at him, subtly shaking your head to tell him that you couldn’t go any further but he wasn’t taking “no” for an answer. He had spent more than enough time in the bedroom with you to know your body better than you do and he was sure that you hadn’t reached your limit yet despite your denial to his request.
“Come on, I know you can do this, sweetheart,” he drawled, your hesitation had his hand pushing your mouth down his length by your hair until it reached the very back of your throat as your nose touched his stomach, making you wince at the discomfort. Yet you continued to bob your head, taking almost his entire length in your mouth. You pulled back a little and brought your hand back to the base to give him quick hard tugs as your tongue glided across his tip until he was biting down on his bottom lip with his eyes close as you felt him twitch inside your mouth, almost reaching his high. His erotic groan that followed sent heat pooling at your core and was starting to ache for touch.
So you silently slid a hand into your panties, your dress making it terribly easy to access the sensitive part between your thighs and you soon enough found yourself touching yourself while your other hand continued to jerk him off in your fist. You fully removed your mouth from around his tip to give him kitten licks, also partly because you found it incredibly hard for your moans to escape with his member in your mouth without gagging.
Your discreet movements did not go unnoticed by him and he pulled you up by the collar of your button-up dress all of a sudden, taking you by surprise. His other hand moved to pull up his jeans and boxers. “I didn’t say you could touch yourself, did I?” Jonah growled in your face when you reached his eye level. “Such a desperate little whore,” he tisked disapprovingly while shaking his head at you. His tone was condescending, as you were some sort of trash that was greatly frowned upon by everyone. “Fucking answer me when I’m talking to you.”
“I just want to relief the ache,” you whined as he dragged you towards the bed forcefully, taking you by surprise, causing you to stumble over your own two feet and crash into him when he suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face you. “I want you to make me feel good, please,” you begged him with pleading eyes but it was no use.
“Naughty little girls like you don’t deserve to get want they want, do they?” He asked and you nodded in response, earning a warning snarl from him. “Don’t you understand what I say, slut? I said open your filthy mouth and use your fucking words.”
“Yes, Jonah.”
“So prove to me why I should forgive you.”
“Gladly,” sike.
You placed your hands on his chest and leaned your entire weight onto him, making both of you fall backwards against the floor, before you were taking off his hoodie. Your hands were already roaming his muscled torso while your lips connected to his neck, giving him sloppy kisses all over his neck, sucking and nipping just enough to leave faint marks that were barely considered as hickeys at all the wrong places, having engraved the exact places of all his sweet spots in your mind but avoiding them all on purpose just to spite him and forcing him to give you what you wanted.
You knew that if you had complied to his wishes, it would do you no good at all. It would’ve taken you longer to get what you wanted and you didn’t have the patience to wait. Just like how he knew dirty talk was capable of driving you insane, you also knew that your disobedience would make his mind go completely haywire, especially when you were doing everything wrongly.
That’s why you were honestly surprised when he actually waited a full moment until you started kissing down his chest before grabbing your shoulders to flip you over so he was hovering over you.
“You just can’t stop being a shitty brat, can you?” He licked his lips quickly before attaching them to your neck, right at the spot where he traced with his fingers earlier, and sucked hard, making you moan and cling onto him tightly with your hands tugging on his soft brown hair, keeping him close as he repeated the same actions on different spots, turning you into a moaning mess. “This is how you pleasure someone,” he demonstrated by ripping your dress apart and unhooking your bra in one swift motion before he started to massage your breast as his lips worked wonders on your neck, fully hoisting himself up with only one hand. You instinctively grinded against him, the soaked thin fabric of your panties and his jeans being the only barriers separating his length from your entrance.
“But this is how you mark someone up,” without a warning, he sank his teeth deep into the flesh near your collarbone, hard enough to draw blood, forcing a gasp out of you due to the pleasurable pain that shot through your entire body at the mere action. He wasn’t even nipping anymore — he was biting you, exactly like how a vampire would bite its prey before sucking the life out of it. He sank his teeth deeper causing more blood to ooze out of your body, which he, in turn, sucked and swallowed every single drop of it. With a final swirl of his tongue around the prominent bite mark, he pulled away far enough for his entire face to be in your field of vision, his teasing grin showing off all his teeth that was stained in red with some of your blood.
You pressed your thighs against each other in hopes of generate some kind, any kind of friction to soothe your aching core that was pulsing so furiously as soon as you beheld his sharp canines that was stained the reddest.
And he slowly let his tongue glide over all his teeth, wiping them clean as you watched intently, mumbling a soft “fuck” while staring wide-eyed at him in disbelief.
He moved the hand from your breast to the sensitive area between your legs and dragged his fingers over your entrance, to find you completely drenched with arousal.
“Never expected you to have a blood kink,” he smirked with satisfaction at his discovery, “but I guess you do now, huh?” He ripped your panties off without a second thought like it was the most natural thing to do in the world.
“Jonah, what—”
“Your flimsy little underthings always get in the way of things,” he cut you off mid-sentence before you could protest further.
“But—Fuck,” words failed you when he started to rub painfully slow circles around your fluttering core with his thumb while he dragged his middle finger up and down your slick folds, teasing at your entrance. You rock against his hand to get that friction you craved yet he kept the moving pace of his hand so damn slowly that whimpers fell from your lips, much to his delight.
“For someone who was reluctant to fuck with my friends around, you sure are goddamn needy for me right now,” He attached his lips to yours once again to drown out your noise, your lips moving in perfect sync with each other’s as he licked his way into your mouth. A wave of warmth washed over you as your tongues entwined, making your toes curl, unfurling all your senses as the taste of his lips and his touch silenced all thoughts.
Except one.
“It’s no fair that you still get to keep your pants on when I’m already naked,” you said, breathless once you detached your lips from his after the heated kiss, placing your hands on his toned chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest, his hot exhales fanning your face. He let out a light laugh but it sounded far from amused.
“When can you learn how to fucking behave, baby?” He lowered onto you, his lips falling to meet the bite mark he left on your skin, kissing it softly once. Then twice. “Or do you need me to remind you who you belong to?”
You didn’t expect him to choose that moment to slip a finger inside you without any warning, pumping it in and out of you as his thumb continued to rub your bundle of nerves. You slid your arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible to you. Pitchy moans escaped you, ringing across the room as he gradually picked up speed.
“I said we’re doing this my way, understood?” He asked sternly, which you replied with a breathy “yes”.
“And I can do whatever the fuck I want, no questions asked,” he added another finger into you, making you arch your back towards him, your mouth hanging open in bliss as your moaning continued. He drank in the wonderful sight of your body reacting so beautifully to his actions. “Got it?”
“Yes...yes, Jonah,” you could barely get the words out of your mouth when his fingers sped up and you habitually spread your legs open wider, your eyes shut as his fingers worked their magic. Your eyes were screwed shut as your brows furrowed, concentrating on the immense pleasure that consumed you at that moment, your mind barely able to function at all. Sooner than you expected, your legs started to tremble with desire for release. “Jonah, I’m close, I’m really really close,” you whispered shakily and he exerted more pleasure on your clit.
But just as you were about to finally reach your high, he pulled his fingers out of you rapidly, leaving you empty and begging desperately for him to put them back inside you.
“Should’ve thought about this when you disobeyed me so many times today, sweetheart,” he said with an evil grin, “and bad girls don’t get to cum.”
“Nor do they get to pick the positions too but,” he sat back and looped one arm around your knees and another around your shoulders to pick you off the ground before laying you on his plush, comfortable white bed that felt like heaven in contrast to the cold hard ground you were laying on just now. “I’m going to let the latter slide this once.”
“So tell me what you want to do, baby, the choice is all yours,” he nibbled your earlobe from where he laid beside you, his arms tucked securely around your waist, keeping your body pressed flush against him. You could feel the tent in his pants that was pressing against your backside and the words left your mouth before you yourself could even process them properly.
“I want to ride you.”
He untangled his arms from around your waist and sat up so he was leaning against the headboard. “Show me what you’ve got, love,” he said, nodding his head at you, urging you to do whatever you wanted.
You quickly slid down his jeans and boxers to let his now completely hard and throbbing cock free, already. With his hands tucked behind his head, he licked his lips as he watched you pumped his member a few times before positioning yourself over him and lining yourself up. You gripped his shoulders again, looking back up into to meet his lust-ridden gaze before leaning in to give him a light kiss, which he instantly responded back with more passion. You pulled back to make sure you were lined up before you slowly sank down on to him, making both of you let out a few curses when you were fully down to his base.
“You’re so fucking tight,” He groaned as you waited until you adjusted to his size, leaning your head against his shoulder for comfort.
You slowly lifted yourself up, almost pulling away from his dick completely before you let yourself sink back down, clenching around him again as his fingernails dug into the side of your hips. You started to pick up pace, switching between grinding and moving up and down on him, his grunts encouraging you even more. “Jonah....fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you shrieked, a string of obscene profanities that you never knew that you knew proceeded to escape your mouth as you bottomed out each and every time, slamming yourself right down onto the hilt.
“You like my dick buried in your tight little hole huh? My dirty fucking girl,” He asked, watching intently as your breasts bounced with each movement, your head thrown back in pleasure as you let soft moans escape, a sight he thought was both hot and beautiful at the same time. He moved his hands back up to your waist, keeping you steady as you continued to grind and moan against him.
“Yes, oh fuck, yes, Jonah, I love it so damn much,” you managed to reply before your lips were captured in a passionate kiss with his once again, one of his hands cradling your face as you continued to ride him quicker, shifting your position a little to find a better angle so that he could hit deeper. When you finally succeeded in finding it, you held on tighter onto him, clinging to whatever that could keep you grounded to this world as you felt like you were falling off the edge of it when he sped up some more. You soon felt your insides clench around him. “Jonah I think—” you were cut short by a gasp of your own when his other hand collided with your butt, the sharp sound echoing throughout the room.
“No,” he said through the kiss without any hesitation. “You can only cum when I say so, dear,” he bit your bottom lip tauntingly and you heard the silent challenge for you to fight back against his orders as clear as day.
So you slowed down your pace, trying your very best to restrict yourself from cumming all over his dick. And he didn’t like what you were doing. “Did i say you could slow down?”
“No, but at this rate I—”
“You shitty brat never run out of excuses,” he growled before gripping your shoulders to flip you over so you were laying on your back on the bed.
“Guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands,” he said as he pounded mercilessly into you, your eyes screwed shut and your brows furrowed as you concentrated on holding your cum in. The bliss you felt at the moment was so immense that you couldn’t help but shriek his name over and over again although the effort of not approaching your high was painful at the same time.
By the time you had become aware of your hands, they were already dragging down his back, your nails piercing his skin, drawing pretty red lines along his back. “Tell me whose cunt is this, baby,” he was hitting your g-spot now and your hand moved to grip the sheets.
“Fucking look at me when I’m talking,” he ordered sternly and of course, your eyelids flew open immediately at his words.
“Yours, all fucking yours, Jonah.”
“Good. Now, do you wanna cum now, babygirl?” He asked, picking up his pace as he chased after his own high as well.
“Yes, please please please,” you whimpered, tears already welling up in your eyes.
“Yeah, cum all over me now, baby,” he pressed a soft kiss on your lips as white ribbons of pleasure poured out of you almost immediately, just as his warm liquid was released inside you and you moaned as it filled up your insides.
“I love you,” he said when he pulled out of you and laid down beside you, leaving you empty and sore as heck.
“Love you more,” you replied, kissing the tip of his nose. “But you were too harsh on me just now,” you pouted and he smiled.
“I thought you love me putting you in your place,” he teased and you hit his arm playfully. “You gotta admit, you were turned on by my actions.”
“Shut up,” you said and he leaned in once more to kiss your pout away.
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eternalstann · 4 years
Crushes & Co-Stars
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You and Tom are in an interview together when you have an unexpected guest. Tom finally realizes what he needs to do. So he does that...and more.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut!!!! + jealous!Tom ;)
You’re trying your hardest to concentrate on the woman interviewing you and Tom for your upcoming movie, it just felt like every person you talked to was leading you closer to something you couldn’t put your finger on.
“Tom who’s been your favorite person to work with so far?”
Tom doesn’t even hesitate, “Jake Gyllenhaal”
You gasp, “I’m telling Jacob and Zendaya!”
“What, you know that’s my husband! And I told you we could listen to ONE One Direction song on the way here, NOT the whole album. That’s a strike for you” he jokes.
“So Y/N, you’ve always been a big fan of One Direction! Are you excited for their possible reunion?” the interviewer asks and you feel the entirety of your teenage years flash before your eyes.
“Oh absolutely! I just hope they wait until after the movie is out, cause if they do get back together I won’t be able to focus on anything else!” You joke, nudging Tom.
Your costar nods in exaggerated agreement, “Trust me, I’ve seen the pictures of her childhood bedroom. I know”
You giggle and shrug, “What can I say? They just had that one thing”
Tom groans, “That was so corny”
He pretends to be unimpressed but you can see the ghost of a smile on his lips. Talking about a movie for weeks - day in and day out got boring. But doing it with you made it all worth it for him.
“Well then Y/N, we have a little surprise for you” the interviewer goes on and your eyebrows furrow. A surprise?
You watch as the door to the small interview room opens and you nearly faint when Niall Horan himself walks in.
You fumble your way out your chair, walking behind it and putting a hand over your mouth; eyes practically bugged out. Everyone laughs at your reaction, but you’re literally on the verge of a heart attack.
“No fucking way..” you breathe out, and Niall smiles big at you.
“Aren’t you gonna hug me darling?” He asks with that Irish accent you’d obsessed over for years.
You don’t even say anything, it’s like you aren’t in control of your own body and you run to him; jumping into his open arms. Your legs wrap around his waist and he holds you up.
“What a greeting!” Niall Jokes. “How’re you?” He asks and you can barely answer.
“I’m perfect now” you fawn and you definitely hear one of the videographers whisper- ‘this is totally going viral’
Niall sets you down, and you stare at him. Still unable to believe he was standing in front of you. You then realize how unprofessional you acted and apologize.
“I am so sorry for...pouncing on you like that” you smile sheepishly and you swear his blue eyes literally twinkle. “Don’t be sorry, I love when beautiful girls jump into my arms” he flirts and you think your heart might jump out of your chest.
You try to play it off with a laugh, and so does Tom. He watches this little love connection play out with the girl he’d had feelings for for months and all he could do was laugh.
“Good to know, it’s just I’ve literally had a crush on your since I was like fourteen” you gush, and Niall pushes a strand of hair from your face.
“Yeah well I think I’ve got a bit of a crush on you now...” he replies easily and you’re certain you’re dreaming now.
Toms had enough now, standing to make himself known.
“Niall, mate! How’re ya?” Tom asks stepping between the two of you, and you watch them hug. He knows everyone you think to yourself.
“Aye, Tommy! I’m great man, we have to go golfing soon!” Niall chirps and Tom nods. You roll your eyes as the two of them chit chat.
Two white boys of the month together. The power that they hold
Niall slaps Tom on the arms, something about texting him later before turning to you again. “Y/N, I was hoping that I could bother you for your phone number. Maybe we could get together some time?” He asks, holding out his phone to you.
“That’d be really nice” you hum, punching in your number.
Niall hugs you and says goodbye, and now it’s Toms turn to roll his eyes.
He doesn’t know why he’s so jealous, he’d never even made a move. He guessed he thought he had more time. And then it dawns on him. The two of you were done shooting, and this press tour wasn’t gonna last forever. You’d both go home and that would be that. Sure you’d stay in contact but it wouldn’t be the same as seeing your everyday. He had to move fast.
The interview wraps up and your both say thank you’s to interviewer and crew, walking out to the hallway.
“I cannot believe I met Niall Horan!” You exclaim, and Tom chuckles a little.
“You really gonna go on that date?” He asks, already dreading your answer.
You pause for a moment, “Yeah, if he actually texts me!”
“He’s definitely gonna text you...” Tom trails off and he can already see it playing out in his head. He doesn’t think he can take watching you and Niall galavant through town... or trend on Twitter if you ever did get together.
“He’s literally got a million other girls he could text, what makes you think so?” You nudge him, smiling softly at how your arms brushed against each other when you walked. You and Tom had become so close during the last few months, you felt like you’d known him forever. And knowing Tom you were expecting him to say some sarcastic answer, about he’d text you for premiere tickets just to really see him.
“Because you’re beautiful for one thing. Because you’re smart, and funny and talented. Because you’re kind and loving. I can think of a million reasons why I’d text you...why I’d do so much more than text you” he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck and you’re frozen in shock.
“You don’t have to say anything back, I’ve gained a best friend in working with you and I don’t want to mess that up. I just wanted you to know”
You grab his hand and pull him into his dressing room.
“What’re you doing?” He asks confusedly.
“I didn’t want to cry in the hallway” you say, finally letting the tears fall.
“Tom I’ve been so anxious about all of this ending because I love being around you. I’ve never had a friend like you and I was so sad thinking about not seeing you all the time” you gush and Tom pulls you into a hug.
“Then we just won’t let each other go” he mumbles, face buried in your neck.
You pull back and wipe your tears, smirking at your friend “Did you tell me all this because you were jealous of Niall?”
“I mean, you literally jumped into his arms...” he teases.
You laugh, biting your lip before jumping up and Tom gets the memo to catch you.
“Now you’re even” you whisper looking down at Tom, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Hmm, I could get used to this”
You take a deep breath, staring into his eyes. It wasn’t weird or awkward, it was like the two of you understood each other without speaking. You could feel his thumb rubbing against your back, tracing gentle circles.
“Are we about to kiss right now?”
Tom throws his head back in a laugh, “Only if you want to”
“I really want to”
You press your lips to his, eyes fluttering shut. His lips were soft and they tasted like the cherry chapstick you’d bought him as a gag gift for finishing filming on Cherry. The fact that he’s kept a silly thing like that from you made you weak.
You tilt your head, letting your tongue run against the seam of his lips and he parts them for you. Your tongues touch, mouths moving together effortlessly.
You don’t even realize Tom walking towards the couch in the center of the room until he’s laying you down on it. You pull your lips apart for a moment to catch your breath and Tom is hooking your leg over his side.
You can feel his hardness pressed to your center and you feel dizzy at how fast things escalated. But you loved it, and you wanted more.
You lift your hips to grind against him and Tom groans, shoving your dress up around your waist. You gasp, the cold air on your thighs creating goosebumps and Toms hands run over your skin, the warmth in from his fingertips almost felt like it burned.
He left a trail of fire from your bellybutton to the waist band of your panties, slowing pulling them down.
“I want to taste you” he hums, and your toes curl in your heels at his words. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought of Tom like this, and god it was better than you imagined.
He kisses the insides of your thighs, one if his hands pushing you leg back to your chest. He looks up at your, brown hair falling just about his eyes as he takes his first lick up the length of your pussy.
“Oh god Tom...” you moan out, letting your head fall against the cushions.
He absolutely devours you, taking his time to explore every part of your wet heat. Your legs shake next to his head, and Tom puts his mouth over your clit, sucking gently and pushes two fingers into you.
You grab a pillow off the couch, placing it over your face to muffle your screams and Tom doesn’t let up. He curls his fingers upwards, working you closer and closer to the edge and you feel bad when the heel of your shoe digs into his back as you orgasm.
Tom licks you through it, a big smile on his face and all you can do is stare at him. Oh, he was definitely a problem. You glance down at the bulge in his pants, biting your lip.
He catches your stare, “You sure you want to?”
“Tom I’m positive” you assure him, repositioning yourself on the couch to make for a better angle.
Tom is kicking his way out his slacks in seconds, and you laugh at his antics. Your laughing stops when he pulls out his dick though.
“Jeez, Tom, where do hide that thing?” You ask and he rolls his eyes.
“You’re hilarious Y/N” he answers, climbing back on top of you.
Tom rubs himself through your folds and your pussy clenches in anticipation, you brace yourself waiting and ready for him but Tom pauses.
“This isn’t going to be a one time thing is it?” He asks, voice sounding small.
“You think you can eat my pussy like that and then we just go about our lives?” You joke but Tom wants a serious answer.
You tangle your hand in the hair at the back of his neck, “Tom, I want this. Us. Whatever we may become” you say softly, pulling him down for a kiss.
That’s all Tom needed, and he pushes into you. You moan against his lips, back arching. He filled you up perfectly, and when you thrust into you the first time you knew you wouldn’t last long.
“Y/N you feel amazing” he whispers next to your ear and you just hold on onto him, taking all the pleasure he was giving you. Everything just felt so right. The way he felt on top of you, and inside of you.
“Tom please don’t stop, don’t ever fucking stop” you beg and he groans again, lifting so he can look at your face.
“Fuck I won’t baby” he promises, hips moving faster now. He pounds into you, pushing against the way your legs wrapped around your waist. You just wanted him closer and closer.
“Tom...I’m gonna cum” you pant, hand moving town to his shoulder and digging your nails in.
“Cum for me Y/N” he encourages you, pushing all the way in and grinding.
You scream and shake, Toms hand shooting up to cover your mouth as you cum again.
You clench around him as he thrusts a few more times before cumming inside of you. He collapses on top of you, burying his face in your chest.
“So you’re gonna block Niall when he texts you right?”
skfjsksjdn hey guyssss❤️ i literally live for jealous Tom :))) I hope u all enjoy this, drunk part 4 will be up Saturday!!
Photo Creds to @spiderszman 📸
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takachirou · 4 years
obey me
pairing: sugawara koushi x fem!reader
summary: frustrating your pretty little husband wasn’t something you do often... except during sex
genre: fluff, smut
warning/s: nsfw, brat!reader, soft to hard!dom suga, slapping, choking, oral (giving) and daddy kink
wc: 1.2k+
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the softness of his lips traveling from the nape of your neck to your shoulders is the first thing you feel in the morning. he pulled the blankets just enough so he could leave a trail of kisses on you, his nose lightly bumping against your warm skin. he hugs you tight, arms around your waist, snuggling beneath your hair.
“i love you.”
his whisper, along with the arms tightly wrapped around your body, slowly woke you up. you stirred lightly, releasing yourself from his embrace to face him. you leaned close, just a breath away from a kiss and said, “brush your teeth, you stink koushi,” making him throw his head back, letting out a soft yet raspy laugh. you leaned forward into his chest as he held you. you stayed here for a while, laying in silence, the faint sounds of cars and your breaths the only thing audible. “i’m serious kou, i can’t kiss you yet,” you murmured, his heart beating a little bit faster than before.
you feel his tight grip loosen and the bed shifting. you open your eyes to see your husband walking to the bathroom. you moved your body so you were laying on your stomach, admiring him. hair messy from deep sleep, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. after he’s done, he walks up to you by your shared bed. bending down to rest his hand on your cheek and giving you a kiss on your forehead, “get up angel, time to shower.
he heats up the shower and turns on some music as you brush your teeth. the song social sites by cosmo pyke started playing softly as you both underdressed yourself and got in the hot shower. it started out as soft touches, massaging his back and peppering his back with innocent kisses. “your turn,” he whispers, his fingers finding its way to your scalp. his fingers were like magic, you moaned at his gentle fingers, “needy aren’t we, princess?” turning you so you could kiss him.
it was slow and sexual, the type of kiss that ignites a fire in your sweet cunt. his hands massaging your breasts, his thumb grazing against your hardened bud. he slips his tongue in your mouth, the warm muscle exploring your mouth, you tug at his hair growing needy. his thumb drawing circles on your hip, parting from the kiss, “fuck,” he breathed out. the sun finding its way through your bathroom window. you looked up at him, laughing along with him, admiring the sight. cheeks flushed, lips red and parted. and before you know it your hand was on his cheek, and kissing him one last time before enjoying your shower, knowing you’ll continue this later.
the bright skies slowly turned gray, the chirping of birds turned into thunder and it suddenly got colder. both of you resting on the couch, legs entangled with his as he plans his work for the week. you suddenly got needy, you weren’t sure if it was the sudden change of weather or you needed warmth but you were rubbing against koushi. you sat up and started peppering his neck with kisses, inching your to his chest to leave light hickies on him.
usually this would end up in a very long make out session between you since you loved the teasing and the slight tension between you, he knew you loved waiting. but today it got heated quickly, his hands finding its way to your neck, pressing your naked body on him.
you were straddling him as he sat on the couch while you kissed. they were agonizingly slow, your tongue pressing against his, tasting the coffee he was drinking just awhile ago. his hands were on your waist, rubbing circles on it, making your pussy clench. you slowly bit his lip, licking his ear as you palmed his length. “f-fuck,” he panted out.
you asked for consent before kneeling in front of him, taking him in your hands. you spit on his cock before taking it all in, hitting the back of your throat, gagging at the feeling. he guides down his length, fingers in your hair tugging it gently. you moaned at the feeling before gagging again as he thrusted in your mouth. “w-want to fuck y-you,” he stammered out. you loved it when he was needy for you, you knew you could do whatever you want and get away with it.
you take out his cock from your mouth with a pop before getting on the couch. he positioned you so you’re facing away from him, he grabs you by your throat to kiss you. he slides himself in your cunt, you moan into the kiss as he bottoms out. his thrusts start slow and deep, making you feel every inch of him. he rubs your ass before giving it a light smack, making you gasp at the feeling.
“f-fuck, more p-please.”
he grabbed your body so you’re closer, his cock literally so deep in your pussy, you’re seeing stars. hand rubbing your breasts, toying with your nipple. the heat made its way to your core, your walls pulsating against his wet dick. you fell forward, you couldn’t hold yourself anymore. it was already so hard to move around on the couch, you’re grabbing the head rest of the couch. your whole body pressed against the couch, as he drives his length deeper and deeper in your wet pussy.
“a-ah! y-you’re so h-hot angel.” you were truly a sight to see, your own spit dripping down your mouth, mouth watering and cheeks flushed. his slow movements was not enough to send you cumming, you fucked yourself, using his cock, and he loved this. he loved fucking you so slowly that you’re needy enough to use his cock like a fucking sex toy. bouncing on his dick, harder and harder, his cock hitting the right places while his fingers found its way to your clit. his magical hands toying your sensitive bud like it was owned by some random fuck doll. “s-shit, koushi, p-please! a-h!” the string of curses exiting your pretty cock hungry mouth. the overwhelming pleasure his fingers and cock was giving you was too much, his fingers digging into your hips, a pain that you quite enjoyed.
“please what? use your big girl words for me. i know you can do it,” he said. his fingers building momentum while his other hand steadies himself so the both of you don’t fall. he tugs at your hair so you could face him, “come on baby, tell me what you want,” his voice raspy.
“k-koushi! fuck! i n-need to c-cum!” you whined out in frustration, trying your best to meet his thrusts. “
“stop being a little brat and let me fuck you,” he spits, growing frustrated by the way he couldn’t fuck you properly this time, his soft exterior turning darker. you whined in response before he drove his cock in you, the thrust sharp and deep, moving you and the couch forward.
he grabbed you by your throat, forcing you to kiss him in the very weird angle. it was hot and heavy, pulling out of you almost completely before sinking his length back into your dripping cunt. you didn’t have time to gasp for air because he had gathered the string of spit and your cum, shoving his fingers in your throat.
“i said stop being a little brat for daddy, princess.”
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katierosefun · 4 years
rest now
or five times people used obi-wan kenobi as a pillow, and the one time everyone let themselves be obi-wan’s pillow. based on this post i made a little while back. 
read on ao3 | read on ff 
wc: 6732
1.      Commander Cody
They were exhausted and battle worn, their armor cracked and coated with the dirt and dust of the battleground, but still, Obi-Wan and Cody stayed standing until the rest of the 212th were evacuated from the site. A bug buzzed somewhere near Obi-Wan’s neck, and he batted it away. The bugs were probably attracted to the sweat and the blood—not his—still dipping into the collar of his tunic.
He couldn’t wait to get off this planet.
He knew he wasn’t the only one.
Obi-Wan had only been working with Cody for a few weeks now, but already, he had grown accustomed to the commander’s demeanor. Quiet and steady, Cody hadn’t so much as faltered at the battles that they had gone into. A part of Obi-Wan worried at that—grew wary at the case with which Cody, along with so many other men, could go into war seemingly without a second thought.
Or maybe not completely without a second thought, Obi-Wan thought now as the last shuttle dropped in front of Cody and himself. Now that all the 212th had left, Obi-Wan sensed the fractures in Cody’s own mask of calm.
They wordlessly got on the shuttle, the doors shutting out the heat and the bugs. For a moment, all Obi-Wan saw was darkness—and then the lights inside the shuttle flickered on, and then they were taking off, leaving the blasted dusty planet behind.
Obi-Wan let out a breath as the shuttle ascended into the atmosphere. Somewhere up there, he knew that they would get into the cruiser, and then Obi-Wan would probably find Anakin and Ahsoka, probably just as batter-worn from their own share of the fight. Obi-Wan would have to go to the debriefing after checking with his men—his men, something he still couldn’t quite get used to.
A burst of cool air from the shuttle’s ventilation system dried the remaining sweat on Obi-Wan’s face. He swiped an arm over his forehead. A shower. He wouldn’t mind a shower right after the meeting, either, even if the idea of staying awake and upright for any longer than he had to felt like another battle on its own.
But he would bear it, just as he had everything in the last few weeks.
He had only just completed that thought when he felt something drop against his shoulder. Obi-Wan looked down and made out the top of his commander’s helmet. He paused, unsure what exactly to—how exactly would he—
Obi-Wan half-expected Cody to bolt awake, and he angled his head slightly away to avoid the oncoming jerk against his chin—but Cody stayed fast asleep, his breathing deep and even within the helmet.
And Obi-Wan could feel the weariness radiating off his commander, the bone-deep kind of weariness that came with perhaps too many days of fighting and not enough rest.
So Obi-Wan turned back towards to the viewport. He inhaled slowly, so as to not even let his breath disturb Cody’s rest. They would get into the cruiser in a few minutes, anyways. Obi-Wan decided, with a slight, wistful smile on his face, that he would grant his commander these few minutes of peace before the next storm.
2.      Padmé Amidala
“Thank you for the meal, Bail,” Obi-Wan said as he helped the senator move the dishes into the kitchen.
“You’re welcome,” Bail replied. He took the plates from Obi-Wan’s hands and jerked his head into the sitting room. “You sit down. Guests aren’t allowed to do the dishes.”
“You know I don’t—”
“Doesn’t matter if you don’t mind—go.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, but he lifted his hands in mock surrender before walking out of the kitchen. He found Padmé and Anakin already in the sitting room, their heads bent low near each other’s—and then quickly parting as Obi-Wan made his steps heard.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin said loudly, his face flushed with either the alcohol or something else, Obi-Wan wasn’t entirely sure. Watching Anakin’s eyes dart quickly over to Padmé, Obi-Wan changed his mind. He decided the faint pink in his former apprentice’s face was definitley due to something other than alcohol.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan only replied, sitting down on the couch beside Padmé.
The senator and he exchanged a brief smile, and though Padmé’s face, too, was just a tad brighter than a few minutes before, the senator’s face remained neutral as she said, “I see that Bail finally managed to get you out of the kitchen.”
“He practically chased me out,” Obi-Wan said, ignoring the bark of laughter from the kitchen.
“Well, given your track record, I would think that chasing was a bit necessary,” Padmé replied. “Don’t you think, Anakin?”
“Absolutely,” Anakin replied, and though the color in his face was dying down, Obi-Wan still noticed the shine in Anakin’s eyes as he fixed his attention back on Padmé. It was almost enough for Obi-Wan to start shaking his head right there—really, Anakin was terrible at keeping secrets. Padmé and Anakin both were, but Obi-Wan had neither the capacity nor the desire to protest against their manners.
He briefly wondered if that made him a bad Jedi, quietly turning blind in this moment—but he quickly shoved those thoughts away.
Obi-Wan was relieved when Bail finally walked into the sitting room, glasses in hand. He set them down on the table and passed one automatically to Obi-Wan, and then the conversation slowly turned to talk of politics and home worlds and speeder models and a holodrama that Bail and Padmé had apparently started watching.
Obi-Wan was glad to let the conversation wash over him, glad to just smile and offer the occasional quip or question. He leaned back against the couch, leaving his glass three-quarters of the way drained, his head only slightly buzzing with the alcohol. His whole body felt comfortably warm otherwise, and through his own haze, he noticed that Anakin had only taken a few sips from his own glass. When Anakin caught Obi-Wan looking, he only grinned and mouthed, driving.
Obi-Wan smiled and let his head fall back against the couch cushions as the conversation dulled down further, until it was just Bail and Anakin talking—Bail, still very much awake and cheerfully carrying conversation with Anakin about the latest updates on whatever new speeder model had come out.
While Padmé…at some point, Padmé had gone quiet, and only when her head fell on his shoulder did Obi-Wan realize that the senator had fallen asleep. Obi-Wan lifted his head to look first at Anakin and then Bail in silent question, but without even breaking from the conversation, Bail reached over for one of the throw blankets on one of the couches and tossed it to Anakin.
And Anakin, still not breaking from conversation, only heaped the blanket over Padmé’s sleeping form. Obi-Wan managed to catch Anakin’s eyes a second time—and found, with some curiosity, that he felt some strange relief in the smirk Anakin tossed Obi-Wan’s way.
Deciding that he didn’t want to decipher that smirk, Obi-Wan slowly, carefully re-settled back on the couch and only re-adjusted the blanket around Padmé’s shoulders before leaving her to sleep on his shoulder.
3.      Satine Kryze
“I should have known you’d be here.”  
Satine lifted her head from her book. Night had completely fallen over Mandalore, the distant lights of the city and the moon being the only source of brightness in the otherwise sleeping planet. A small pool of moonlight encircled Satine now as she stood up, closing her book.
“Obi-Wan,” she said. “I thought you would be sleeping by now.”
Obi-Wan dipped his head towards Satine. “The excitements of the day haven’t quite worn me out, I’m afraid.”
“Ah.” Satine settled the book against her front. She sat back down on the grass. “Care to join me?”
Obi-Wan glanced around the courtyard. He had been in this place before, in the last few days he had on Mandalore, back those years ago. Satine and he had explored some of the courtyards, and this one had been one of their favorites. Smaller than the others, a little more secluded. A pond was somewhere nearby, bubbling with only some of the fish that dared flick their tails above water. A tree swaying with a warm breeze that could only somehow be carried in this section of the palace. With the breeze, Obi-Wan caught the scents of the courtyard: grass, some nighttime flowers, and Satine.
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” Obi-Wan only asked, walking into the courtyard. He sat down next to Satine, who only gave him a brief smile. “What are you reading?”
She lifted the book. “A childhood favorite of mine,” she replied somewhat wistfully. “Although I’m afraid the story isn’t quite as captivating as it once was. A consequence of no longer being a child, I suppose.”
“Different times, different tastes,” Obi-Wan replied conversationally. He tilted his head towards the book. “I would still like to know what it’s about.”
“Well,” Satine said, handing the book to Obi-Wan, “it’s all rather dramatic, if you must know.”
“Is it now,” Obi-Wan said, amused. The book was lighter than Obi-Wan expected. He could feel the slight wear on the spine, the cover as he flipped it open. The pages were slightly curled with age and years of use.
“It’s about two eventual lovers,” Satine said, a smile curling over her lips. “Separated by a conflict between their own families, although we never learn what exactly that conflict was.” She shrugged, leaning back down against the grass. “An unhappy tale, really.”
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine, at those clear eyes of hers reflecting back the night sky. “How so?”
“Well,” Satine murmured, folding her hands against her stomach, “the lovers both die in the end, although neither had to.” She nodded to the volume in Obi-Wan’s hand. “The girl fakes her death, and thinking that she truly is dead, the boy kills himself. The girl wakes, and upon seeing her lover dead, she kills herself as well.” She turned back up to the sky. “Truly horrible.”
Obi-Wan looked down at the book. “And this was a childhood favorite?”
“Don’t laugh,” Satine said. “I used to think it was romantic. Used to.”
“And now?”
Satine looked at Obi-Wan and laughed. “Now I think it’s rather silly,” she replied. “A tutor of mine once explained that the author might have written this story as a mockery of love rather than a true expression of it. I’m rather inclined to agree.”
“An interesting interpretation,” Obi-Wan said. He flipped over to the first page and, clearing his throat, read, “Two households, both alike in dignity—”
“What are you doing?” Satine asked, propping herself up on an elbow.
“Well, you said this was a childhood favorite,” Obi-Wan replied lightly. “I might as well see why.”
“As I was saying—in fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”
Satine only huffed and settled back down on the grass. “Impossible,” she said. “That’s what you are.”
“Now, don’t interrupt Duchess, I’m already rather intrigued.”
Satine laughed again, and Obi-Wan made it through the entire prologue before he, too, settled down on the grass beside the duchess. He was aware of how their heads were brushing against each other, the rise and fall of Satine’s chest, the occasional sigh as he read on. He read until his voice was little more than a murmur, and he had read up until the fifth scene of the first act before he felt Satine’s head nestle against the crook between his shoulder and neck.
Obi-Wan’s voice stuttered for a moment, and he looked down to find Satine’s face buried against him, her expression content. She let out a soft sigh, and Obi-Wan took that as a signal to keep reading, his voice growing softer and softer until he was doing little more than just mouthing the words.
But he had completely forgotten about what he was reading, and only when he actually got to the ending did he remember where they were.
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine, still asleep.
He brushed a strand of her hair back. She shivered a little, the rest of her face disappearing into Obi-Wan’s neck.
Obi-Wan smiled. “You’re right, my dear,” he said quietly. “That was a horrible ending.”
4.      Ahsoka Tano
“I just don’t understand,” Ahsoka huffed from across the table. She was clicking through documents on the computer, her eyes already glazed from the screen. “Master Skywalker agrees that I learn better on the field than I do with these lessons.”
“I’m sure he does,” Obi-Wan murmured, adjusting the brightness on the computer screen. The Archives had gotten considerably darker, and though the lights adjusted accordingly, the computers unfortunately did not. Obi-Wan’s eyesight wasn’t getting any better, either. He swiped a hand across his eyes before re-focusing on the screen.
“I just don’t understand,” Ahsoka repeated. “We’re fighting a war. Why do I need to know about this stuff? It’s not like a droid is going to ask me to recite philosophy before shooting me.”
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” Ahsoka asked, ducking her head around the computer. She blinked with comical innocence at Obi-Wan. And Obi-Wan only shook his head. A part of him wanted to smile—Ahsoka reminded him so much of Anakin in some ways, especially with that cheerful look she gave him now. But another part of him couldn’t help but feel a kick to his chest—there was something so incredibly strange and wrong about hearing a child so casually talk of being targeted on the battlefield.
Then again, the war had changed what childhood meant for so many, and the Jedi were not exempt from such changes.
“Focus on your studies,” Obi-Wan only said, looking back at his computer. Ignoring Ahsoka’s groan, Obi-Wan added, “You may not need to recite philosophy for a droid, but you will need to sharpen all parts of your mind.”
“My mind’s already sharpened,” Ahsoka mumbled.
“Then sharpen it more.”
Ahsoka groaned again, but she didn’t argue. The evening sounds of the Archives slowly filled the long room: the rustle of robes and cloaks, the scrape of chairs being pushed out or pushed in, the buzz of the lamps, the whir of a droid somewhere down the hall.
Obi-Wan had lost himself in the near-silence of the Archives before he suddenly became aware that Ahsoka was no longer clicking or typing on her computer.
“Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan called, ducking around the computer.
And he found Ahsoka with her head resting against a propped-up hand, lips slightly parted against her palm.
Obi-Wan smiled to himself. He glanced out the windows, knowing even before he found the dark sky that night had completely fallen. They had been in the Archives for many hours now, and frankly, despite Ahsoka’s complaining, the girl had lasted longer than Obi-Wan had figured she would. That would be something Obi-Wan would have to tell Anakin once he got back from his mission.
Obi-Wan pushed himself out of his chair and after shutting off his own computer, made his way around to Ahsoka’s side.
A few books were still scattered around the computer, some half-open, others with pages still fluttering against some phantom breeze. Obi-Wan closed those books and pushed them to the side, stacking them neatly by the organization system the Archives called for. Then he leaned across the desk to shut down Ahsoka’s computer. He found the philosophy text still up on the screen. Ahsoka had gotten through perhaps three-quarters of the way before falling asleep. Which was impressive, Obi-Wan figured, for someone who so clearly hated philosophy.
Obi-Wan shut off the computer and looked down at Ahsoka. She was still asleep, her hand still holding up her head.
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan said quietly, resting a hand on her shoulder. He shook it once, just enough for Ahsoka to stir. “Perhaps you should sleep in a more comfortable place.”
Ahsoka, her eyes glazed over with sleep, only blinked owlishly at Obi-Wan. She rubbed a fist over her eyes, and Obi-Wan became painfully aware of how young she truly was. Fourteen years old—still a little older than most younglings who became Padawans, but still unbearably young for someone about to be launched into a war.
“Okay,” Ahsoka murmured, and she started up from her chair, only to plop right back down, eyes already fluttering shut. “’m tired.” Her voice was small, plaintive—a tone that Obi-Wan had not heard Ahsoka use ever.
“Here,” Obi-Wan said, and gently, he tugged Ahsoka up by the wrists. “To your quarters now.” He directed themselves away from the desks, but before he could fully get them to the main corridor of the Archives, Ahsoka’s head bumped against Obi-Wan’s chest, her eyes still closed.
“Sorry, sorry,” Ahsoka mumbled, stepping backwards. She blinked a few more times, crashing against the back of one of the chairs. “Sorry.”
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure whether to laugh or be concerned. “Are you alright?”
“’m fine,” Ahsoka said, rubbing her fist over her eyes again. “Just…” She took a small step away from the chair, towards Obi-Wan—and stumbled again.
Tired—she must have been more tired than she had been letting on, Obi-Wan noted as Ahsoka sat back down on the chair, her head resting against its back. Another pang went through Obi-Wan’s chest. The girl held much of her strength like a shield around herself everyone carried a shield around themselves these days, Jedi and non-Jedi alike—and now, apparently, the young as well as the old.
Obi-Wan sighed. Then, sinking down in front of Ahsoka, he guided her arms around his shoulders, found the back of her legs and hoisted themselves up.
Ahsoka’s head bobbed against Obi-Wan’s shoulder, her hands dangling in front of him.
“Master?” Ahsoka mumbled, her feet knocking lightly against the sides of Obi-Wan’s legs. “What’re you…”
“We can’t have you stumbling around the halls, now, can we?” Obi-Wan only said. He swiveled his back just enough to give Ahsoka a small smile. “Rest, young one.”
Ahsoka hummed a little, her head falling against Obi-Wan’s shoulder once more.
And Obi-Wan carried Ahsoka all the way back to her quarters.
5.      Anakin Skywalker
“Have you seen Anakin?”
“He was by the cliffs, sir,” Rex replied, gesturing back to where a cluster of troopers still stood. Obi-Wan stood up and, narrowing his eyes, he indeed spotted the one spot of black clothing, and then the bright flash of a blue saber.
“What is he doing?” Obi-Wan asked, more to himself than to Rex.
“Leading the sweep on the last few droids,” Rex replied. “I only just came back from my half of the sweep.”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at that still-swinging slash of blue. “He’s hurt,” he said.
“I tried to tell him,” Rex said.
Obi-Wan gave Rex a dry smile. “I’m sure you did, Captain,” he replied. “Not to worry—Anakin tends to be stubborn.”
Rex smiled back, but it quickly faded as the two men turned their attention back on Anakin. “If he’s hurt, then—”
“Not to worry,” Obi-Wan repeated, already swinging down from the low platform. He looked up to Rex. “Just be prepared when I finally bring him back. Make sure Kix is available.”
“Yes, sir,” Rex replied, and he hurried off in a flash of white and blue.
Which left Obi-Wan to Anakin.
He turned around and made his way through the battle-worn grounds, pointedly walking around droid parts and fallen blasters. The closer he walked, the louder Anakin’s lightsaber and the other troopers’ blaster fire became until even the sounds of the bugs and the other critters of the planet were drowned out by the action.
Obi-Wan found Anakin quickly. Hair plastered to the back of his neck, face pale but eyes and cheeks bright, a confident swagger in his step even when clearly injured—Anakin was the glowing image of the Hero with No Fear that Chancellor Palpatine had instilled for the Republic. The image and the title didn’t sit well with Obi-Wan—he barely liked the title instilled on him (The Negotiator, as though he were a character in a story), but looking at Anakin’s bold movements and bright smile, Obi-Wan could understand where at least his former apprentice’s new title came from.
“That’s the last of them, boys!” Anakin said now, just as Obi-Wan heard the dull clatter of what he could have only assumed was the destroyed battle droids. Obi-Wan felt both relief and pride radiating off the cluster of troopers, off Anakin.
And then Anakin’s eyes found Obi-Wan’s, and he grinned, shutting off his lightsaber. “You’re a little late for the party, Master,” he said. “We’ve taken care of it.”
“Yes, I can tell,” Obi-Wan said. “Well done.” He weaved through the troopers until he reached Anakin at last. Up this close, Obi-Wan could make out the individual beads of sweat rolling down the side of Anakin’s face, his neck. The slight heave of his chest as he tried to keep his breathing even. Obi-Wan flicked his gaze down to Anakin’s side. Even without touching him, he could sense the damage done.
Anakin’s eyes followed Obi-Wan’s, the smile fading from his face. He subtly moved away, clipping his lightsaber to his side. “Right,” he said loudly. “Back to the ships, men.”
“Sir, yes sir!”
Obi-Wan waited until the troopers had all left before saying, “You should know better.”
“I’m fine,” Anakin said automatically, but now that the troopers were gone, Obi-Wan could hear the slight strain in his friend’s voice. “It’s not even that bad.” He took a few steps forward—shuffled, more like, and that was when Obi-Wan knew that the situation was much worse than he had originally thought.
“Anakin, wait—”
But Anakin was sliding down from the ledge, and for a moment, he stayed upright.
Obi-Wan slipped down the ledge next to Anakin just as he started swaying, one hand reaching for his side.
Anakin’s face tightened as he leaned back against the rock ledge. Obi-Wan reached for Anakin automatically, catching him by the arm just as Anakin started to slide down. “Probably shouldn’t have…done that,” Anakin ground out through clenched teeth.
“You shouldn’t have,” Obi-Wan agreed, winding an arm gingerly around Anakin’s side. Though he kept his own touches light, he felt the flare of pain underneath—fractured ribs. Multiple. Obi-Wan inhaled sharply.
“It’s not that bad,” Anakin mumbled, but the reediness in his voice suggested otherwise. “I can walk back.”
“Clearly, you can’t,” Obi-Wan replied. “I can call Kix—he’ll bring a stretcher.”
Anakin let out a breath, sinking directly into Obi-Wan’s side—which was another sure sign that the injuries must have been more painful than usual, because Anakin never gave himself away, not like this. So Obi-Wan only re-adjusted his grip on Anakin and suggested, “We should sit down first.”
Anakin nodded mutely, and with that, the two settled back down on the dirt.
“Kix,” Obi-Wan said into his comm.
“Yes, General.”
“General Skywalker is injured,” Obi-Wan said as Anakin’s head lolled against his shoulder. Obi-Wan glanced over at Anakin. His eyes were drifting shut, whether from the pain or exhaustion, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure. All the same, Obi-Wan’s chest tightened as a shudder ran through Anakin’s body. “We will need a stretcher.”
“Yes, General.”
With that, Obi-Wan turned towards Anakin. His former apprentice’s eyes were completely closed now, his chest rising and falling unevenly. Obi-Wan could feel the damp of Anakin’s hair, his warm breath against his skin.
And then Anakin’s head rolled past Obi-Wan’s shoulder, causing both Obi-Wan and Anakin to startle.
“Sorry,” Anakin mumbled, opening his eyes. “I didn’t—” He started to move upright but stopped mid-motion, a low groan leaving his lips.
“Don’t,” Obi-Wan said, setting a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. Anakin relaxed under Obi-Wan’s hand. “Rest.”
Anakin huffed out a breath. “You’re never going to let me hear the end of this, are you?”
“Never,” Obi-Wan replied with a brief smile. He guided Anakin towards himself. “It might do you better to lie down with your ribs the way they are. It’ll make getting on the stretcher easier as well.”
Anakin huffed out another breath—one that sounded more like a laugh, but he managed a small nod. He started to lower himself to the ground, wincing at even that slight movement. Obi-Wan kept his hand on Anakin’s shoulder, murmuring encouragements until Anakin’s head was right on Obi-Wan’s lap.
“You’re definitley not going to let me hear the end of this,” Anakin mumbled, his eyes already closing.
“No,” Obi-Wan agreed, resting his head against the rock ledge. He saw troopers still hustling on the platform in the distance, and above that, the now darkening sky. Obi-Wan saw some stars glimmer into existence—just the earliest, brightest ones as the sun’s last yellow rays hushed themselves over the horizon.
Obi-Wan heard a small sigh, and when he looked down, he found that Anakin’s eyes had closed completely.
Obi-Wan smiled to himself, brushing back a strand of still-damp hair from Anakin’s forehead. And then he looked back up at the darkening sky, where he found two bright stars winking down at him.
It was a universally known fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi needed sleep.
Which was why today, everyone was staring at Obi-Wan Kenobi like he had just grown a pair of wings, because he was asleep. And sleeping on Commander Cody’s shoulder, no less.
Cody only stared at the rest of the troopers in front of him in silent panic. But they only watched with mild amusement as the gunship landed down on Coruscant. The flight had been smooth, thankfully, and perhaps it being too smooth had been the reason why the general of the 212th had chosen that specific time to doze off.
Not that Cody necessarily minded. It was no secret that Kenobi was exhausted, and they had been running operations for seemingly weeks on end. This temporary leave had come as a relief to all.
Still, Cody wasn’t sure what exactly he was supposed to do, now that Obi-Wan was at his shoulder. Cody expected that the man would wake soon, probably jerk up the minute the gunship doors opened, but he did nothing of the sort. Cody wasn’t sure if that made him relieved or not. Because on the one hand, the general truly did need his sleep, but on the other—
“Got something there, Cody?”
Cody only gestured a finger to his lips as a signal to keep Rex’s voice down.
But the captain only grinned. “How’d that happen?” he asked, nodding at Obi-Wan, still fast asleep.
“I don’t know,” Cody replied quietly, not trusting himself to raise his voice any louder without waking the general. “Should I…” He glanced down at Obi-Wan, and then glanced back at Rex. “I don’t know if I should wake him.”
“I wouldn’t either,” Rex replied. “He probably needs the rest.” He looked over his shoulder, and Cody followed the captain’s gaze to where a few senators were speaking amongst each other. They technically didn’t have to be there—Cody knew that they only came to boost morale, but still, he saw a semi-familiar face amongst that small group.
“Senator Amidala is a friend of his,” Rex said. “I’m sure she could help.”
Before Cody could say anything else, Rex walked away and returned with the warm-eyed senator.
“Commander,” Padmé said, tilting her head in a nod.
“Senator,” Cody replied. He didn’t really know the senator, but the minute Padmé smiled at Obi-Wan, Cody decided that he trusted her.
“I see you’re in a bit of a situation,” Padmé said.
“Not a situation, Senator,” Cody replied. “Not too much trouble.”
“Yes,” Padmé said, amused. “I see.” She looked backwards, nodding to where a speeder waited. “I’m about to head back to the Senate Building—and that’s a bit closer to the Temple from here. I would be glad to take him there.”
“We wouldn’t want to trouble—”
“It’s no trouble, Commander,” Padmé said, that smile of hers returning.
Cody exchanged a look with Rex, who just shrugged.
“If you say so, Senator,” Cody said, and with that, Padmé came around to Obi-Wan’s other side. Again, Cody expected Obi-Wan to wake, but he didn’t so much as stir as Padmé wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s waist. The warm weight of Obi-Wan’s head left Cody’s shoulder, and Padmé nodded once again to Cody and Rex.
“Have a nice day, gentlemen,” she said, and then she turned, supporting Obi-Wan to the speeder.
And Padmé, like Cody, didn’t terribly mind the fact that Obi-Wan was leaning against her, nor did she terribly mind Obi-Wan’s head on her shoulder as she started up the speeder. He only stirred awake at the grumble of the speeder, his eyes blinking open briefly.
“Where…” he started to murmur, but then he blinked at his surroundings: the blurring skyscrapers of Coruscant, the glow of the lights both above and below. And then, clearly reassured that there was no danger, Obi-Wan dropped his head back against Padmé’s shoulder.
Padmé only laughed quietly to herself, mentally noting the moment as something to tell Anakin later. He probably wouldn’t believe her even if she told him. So Padmé pressed on, taking care not to run into any of the rougher-trafficked lanes. She technically could have been escorted, and that might have made being in a speeder easier, but Padmé had wanted the freedom. And besides, she was grateful for that now.
Only just as the Senate Building came into view, Padmé’s speeder blinked a light to warn her that its fuel was running out.
She murmured a soft curse at the alert. She should have probably checked before taking this speeder out to begin with. She looked up to the Senate Building and then back to the little alert. She probably had just enough fuel to get her to the Senate, but then—
Padmé sighed. She felt Obi-Wan stir at her side, and she stilled, hoping that the man didn’t sense any of her own annoyance at the speeder. So she steered her speeder all the way to the platform of the Senate Building, her mind already running with possibilities of exactly who to notify about the empty fuel tank when she saw a familiar flash of blue from the distance.
“Duchess,” Padmé said, lifting her head, careful to still not wake Obi-Wan.
“Senator,” Satine said, stopping short in front of the speeder. If the guards behind Satine or the duchess herself found something strange about the fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi was sleeping on Padmé’s shoulder, they didn’t show it. Well—the guards didn’t show it. Padmé didn’t miss the way Satine’s eyes softened at the sight of Obi-Wan, nor did Padmé miss the slight flicker of concern across the duchess’ face. “Did something—”
“He’s fine,” Padmé said quickly. “Just tired. He fell asleep.” She gave Satine an embarrassed smile. “I meant to return him to the Temple, but it seems my speeder’s not quite up for the challenge.” She gave her speeder a rueful pat on the controls before asking, “Would you mind…”
“Of course not,” Satine said. “I was just about to go for a drive around the city, anyways.”
“Wonderful,” Padmé said, relieved. She started to rise from the speeder, but this time, Obi-Wan awoke, his eyes prying open fully.
A few awkward moments passed before Obi-Wan asked, “What happened?”
“You fell asleep,” Padmé said simply. “You were with Cody, and I offered to take you to the Temple, only my speeder…” She grimaced and turned to Satine. “Luckily, Duchess Satine was willing to help.”
Obi-Wan only blinked a few times, still clearly trying to escape the throes of a deep sleep. “I wouldn’t want to trouble anyone,” he said, swiping a hand over his eyes. “Really, I’m…” He started to get out of the speeder, but not before his foot got caught on something. Padmé pulled him back before he could fall on his face.
“Yes, of course, Master Jedi,” Padmé said, ignoring the wounded look Obi-Wan threw her way. “Duchess?”
“Of course,” Satine said, and she stepped forward, extending a hand towards Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine’s hand warily and then, taking it, he stepped out of the speeder. Padmé didn’t miss the slight flush creeping up Obi-Wan’s cheeks, nor did she miss the identical shade of pink creeping up Satine’s own face. Padmé happily decided that perhaps the speeder running out of fuel was a good thing instead.
“Good night, Duchess, Master Kenobi!” Padmé called.
Satine only tossed Padmé a smile over her shoulder, and then Padmé watched Obi-Wan and Satine start for their own speeder. Satisfied, Padmé hopped down from her speeder and decided to make a call about refilling the fuel tank.
In the meantime, Satine guided Obi-Wan to the speeder, and the two settled in the backseat as the guards settled in the front. For a few minutes, neither of them spoke, not as the speeder rumbled to life. Satine kept her eyes ahead, focusing instead on the glint of the skyscrapers against the setting sun. As the speeder picked up into the air, a warm breeze swept over them.
And then they were off, taking for the Jedi Temple on the other side of the city. Satine let her gaze drift from the skyscrapers to the lines of speeders below her, and then to the sun setting over the horizon. She was all too aware of Obi-Wan’s warmth beside her, the calm of his presence.
Still—Satine needed to be still, even though a part of her was overwhelmingly relieved that he had returned. A senseless war: that was what had somehow tied their paths together again, and Satine wished that the circumstances were different, but at the same time—
She would be returning to Mandalore in a while yet, and she supposed she was grateful for the time they had still.
And suddenly, Satine felt a weight settle on her shoulder.
Satine didn’t dare look down at Obi-Wan as he shifted against her, a soft sigh leaving his lips. Satine only kept her eyes straight ahead, daring her guards to say anything. But they didn’t react, didn’t so much as blink as Obi-Wan turned his face into Satine’s shoulder, his forehead bumping against the base of Satine’s neck.
Satine was selfishly glad that the speeder ride was smooth. A part of her knew that she should probably wake Obi-Wan, probably gently direct him away, but—
Well, that selfish part of her remained.
And only when the speeder landed in front of the Temple did Satine bring herself to stir. She was sorry for it, but then she heard—
“Master Kenobi?”
Satine looked up to find a young girl standing up from the Temple steps, her brows furrowing. The girl looked from Obi-Wan to Satine, her brows furrowing even more, but she ducked her head into a quick bow. “Duchess Kryze.”
Ahsoka Tano, Satine remembered. She had seen the girl only a few times, mostly accompanying Anakin Skywalker. She couldn’t have been much older than fourteen, fifteen, but she was yet another one of the children involved in the war. But she was a friend of Obi-Wan’s—that much, Satine also knew.
“Good evening,” Satine said, bowing her head. She gestured to Obi-Wan. “Would you know where his quarters are? I was only helping him get to the Temple.”
“Of course,” Ahsoka said, the girl’s lips twitching into a smile. “Is he…” She nodded at Obi-Wan, whose head was starting to slip from Satine’s shoulder.
“He was only sleeping,” Satine replied, gently bringing Obi-Wan’s head up to keep him from slipping entirely. “Nothing more than that.”
“Master Kenobi, sleeping?” Ahsoka asked, eyes widening. Then, quieter, “That’s a first.”
Satine decided that she liked this girl. She smiled, and Ahsoka smiled back.
“Don’t worry, Duchess,” she said. “I’ll make sure he gets his way around.”
“Thank you,” Satine replied, as the guard opened the speeder door. And with careful hands, Satine guided Obi-Wan over to Ahsoka. For one so small, the girl surprisingly kept both Obi-Wan and herself steady, even as she stepped themselves away from the speeder.
“I’m Ahsoka, by the way,” the girl said. “Ahsoka Tano.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ahsoka Tano,” Satine replied. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Duchess,” Ahsoka said cheerfully. And then she waved as the speeder started up, and Satine waved back until the Temple was out of her line of vision.
And when the speeder had disappeared, Ahsoka, too, turned around. She readjusted her grip around Obi-Wan’s side. She looked over at the man’s face and couldn’t help but laugh to herself. She wished she could take a picture. But she supposed she would just have to settle with memorizing this moment instead, everything from the nearly-darkened sky to the rustle of their clothes to Obi-Wan’s quiet sounds of protest as they walked through the halls.
The cool of air from the Temple rushed over them both, and Obi-Wan shivered slightly beside Ahsoka. She only adjusted his cloak around himself before walking on, nodding casually to some passing younglings. She couldn’t help but smile at their temporary awe and also disbelief at seeing Ahsoka supporting Obi-Wan through the halls. A sight, she was sure.
Ahsoka guided Obi-Wan’s arm over her shoulders for better support as they rounded a corner. Obi-Wan stirred lightly then, mumbling, “’soka—”
“That’s right,” Ahsoka said, rolling her shoulders. “You’re a lot heavier than you look, Master Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan started to shift against Ahsoka, but she only said, “We’re almost to your quarters, though.”
A small sound of disbelief. “When…”
“Just a little while ago,” Ahsoka replied, keeping her voice nonchalant. “Duchess Kryze dropped you off.” She paused, giving her next words only a second of consideration before adding, “You were sleeping on her shoulder.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes fluttered open at that. “Was…”
“Oh, she didn’t seem to mind,” Ahsoka replied. She saw Obi-Wan’s door in the distance. She patted Obi-Wan’s arm twice in some reassurance as she added, “I think she was actually smiling. I think she’s nice.”
Obi-Wan only mumbled something that Ahsoka couldn’t quite make out—which was impressive, considering she was right under Obi-Wan’s mouth. “Anyways,” Ahsoka continued as they came closer to the door, “I’m glad that you got some sleep, Master. You looked exhausted.” She managed to break her hand away enough to wave open the door.
They ducked into Obi-Wan’s quarters—only it wasn’t empty.
“Is he okay?” Anakin asked, jumping up from the desk. “I got a call from Rex that—”
“He’s just tired,” Ahsoka said, disentangling Obi-Wan’s arm from her shoulder. Obi-Wan swayed a little, but then Anakin was at Obi-Wan’s other side, catching him by the shoulder. “Really tired. I don’t even think he’s actually awake right now.”
Anakin looked down at Obi-Wan, who only blinked wearily up at him.
Anakin smiled. “Well, look at that,” he said, and Obi-Wan sighed, resting his head against Anakin’s shoulder.
“I’ve got it from here, Snips,” Anakin said, looking at Ahsoka. “I’ll make sure he actually stays asleep.”
“Sounds good,” Ahsoka said, grinning. Then, whispering, she added, “Good night, Master Kenobi!”
And then she was gone, the door sliding shut behind her.
So Anakin settled both Obi-Wan and himself on the bed. Careful not to let Obi-Wan slide forward, Anakin slipped off Obi-Wan’s boots, unfastened the armor. All the while, Obi-Wan remained asleep, only mumbling only the occasional complaint.
Anakin only smiled to himself, setting the boots and the armor down on the ground. “Look at that,” he repeated. “You can sleep.”
“I can hear you,” Obi-Wan mumbled against Anakin’s shoulder.
Anakin settled an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “I was counting on it,” he said quietly. He gave Obi-Wan’s shoulder a quick squeeze, and then he slid away, guiding Obi-Wan’s head back to an actual pillow. He heard a sigh, and then Anakin brought the blankets over his former master, letting it settle right over Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
Obi-Wan’s eyes opened just a little, the deep grey-blue shining up at Anakin in the otherwise dim room. “I should finish the reports,” he only mumbled.
“Don’t even think about it,” Anakin said, settling down on the floor next to Obi-Wan’s bed. He rested his head back against the mattress. “Just go to sleep, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan slept.
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flowerbeom · 4 years
Double Pepperoni | LJB
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Part of The Pleasure Chest | A GOT7 Cringe Collaboration
Lim Jaebeom x Female!Reader Genre: College AU, Crackhead Comedy Smut Rating: Mature. So very mature. Warnings: Bad puns, Swearing & Explicit smut scenes. Word Count: 4k
Concept:  to: [email protected] hey cass, its me. your best friend. or what’s left of her. remember that kinda hot but kinda gross pizza delivery guy? the one with the nose ring and always smelt of cheetos? yeh, he’s looking less gross these days. what?! don’t judge me. desperate times call for desperate measures. it has been 154 days since i’ve had sex. shit’s dire here man.
A/N: If you lean into how bad this is purposefully meant to be, you’ll really enjoy it. 
All GIF credits for this series go to @defsenses.
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Day 97 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass!  yes my phone is still broken, and i have no idea when im going to get a new one cause im broke from visiting you in another goddamn country - so just suck it up and reply to my emails like the good best friend you are.  fuck i miss you already! why the hell did you have to be smart and shit and get into that international program and go to college in Seoul of all places!  do you know how far away that is?! 16 hours cassandra! 16 fucking hours on a plane with no leg room, subpar food and a middle aged balding man snoring next to you the entire time so you get no sleep on a 16 hour flight AWAY FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND.  it was really good to see you though, can you thank mrs kim again for me - you really struck gold with that housing sitch you got - especially your roommate! that fine ass college freshman you DID NOT allow me to fuck!  yeh yeh whatever, i get it - how the hell are you meant to look mrs kim in the eye again when your childhood best friend who you talked up to be an angel fucked her only son on the fold out couch. yes i get it, stop rolling your eyes at me.  either way, its still the dry season down here. miss you, love you. bye. 
It’s funny how jet lag after coming home from a holiday feels almost identical to a hangover; it’s a painful reminder that something that was quite enjoyable is over. The headache feels almost the same, along with the cotton mouth, hunger, dehydration and utter disappointment and resentful emptiness that the fun you were having is completely done - but only one makes you hurl your guts out at the smell of orange juice. Condolences to those who are unlucky enough to hurl in both instances. 
Either way, that’s where you found yourself - Thursday night, half unpacked suitcase lay in the middle of your living room, eyes bloodshot and staring blankly at the television; an all consuming headache pounding between your temples. Lucky for you, you knew a sure fire way to get rid of it without painkillers. Insert Mr. Pene Falso. No literally, insert it. You didn’t call your vibrator Fake Penis in Spanish not to insert it. And in case anyone hasn’t caught on yet, an orgasm legitimately helps get rid of a headache. Try it next time. 
As ever, positioning is important - preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down to your ankles, one leg completely fished out. Sideways lean, cushion under one elbow, completely bare leg propped up onto the couch; allow for maximum spread when those pre-orgasm hip rolls start. Set Mr. Pene Falso on one, there is no need to go hard straight away - ease into the session, let the endorphins build. You have been deprived of a real penis for a while, so you know you’re eager; but a little self control will yield the most delicious of results. 
You will run the long race to Destination Stimulation and you will bite that bottom lip as your eyes roll back into their sockets as your long awaited, slow built, easy increase of settings on Mr. Pene Falso brings home the most delectable of orgams. It will not be a dry night, no sir. So lower that beautiful vibrating, bright pink silicone wand onto your clit-- 
Who the fuck..? Your eyes snapped to the front door, your hand clenched around your vibrator just millimetres away from your clit. A small loosening of your grip dropped the angle and the tip of your vibrator dipped against your clit, sending shockwaves through your body. A gravely moan escaped you; your focus immediately brought back to the task at hand. Literally. 
Ignore it, it’s probably no one important. That’s what you told yourself, shaking your head and leaning back against the couch once again. You licked your bottom lip at the enticing notion of self-induced euphoria. Spreading your legs further than before, you corrected your grip and pushed Mr. Pene Falso into you. Your head dropped back involuntarily, your teeth marked your bottom lip and those pre-orgasm hip rolls started slowly. It felt devine, finally some release; a little bit of pleasu--
“Who the fuck?!” 
“Pal’s Pizza!” 
Tossing Mr. Pene Falso aside, you yanked on your sweatpants, wiped the one bead of sweat off your brow and stampeded to your door. 
“You got the wrong house, buddy!” Ripping it open, your rage was greeted with a face you had not seen in a long time. Your eyes blew wide, as the eyes of the man before you narrowed; complimenting the smirk etching across his face. The ever familiar smell of cheetos, weed and pepperoni of years passed filled your nostrils and nostalgia wasn’t a word you wanted to use in that instance, but repressed memories were being dug up nevertheless. 
A few moments of stone-cold silence passed before a subtle hum started to invade your auditory peripherals. Leaving your eye-line, Mr. Pal’s Pizza leaned sideways, throwing his smirk into the apartment behind you and directly onto the bright pink silicone wand still vibrating on your couch. All colour drained from your obviously stiffened face. 
He scoffed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your alone time. Mind if I join you instead?” 
Day 106
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass did you know that there’s a woman in Georgia, who due to a rare disorder, experiences hundreds of orgasms a day? she’s just persistently aroused and will climax any time, anywhere - even in the most obscure of places. whereas I cannot even have one, in my own goddamn apartment.  because you will never guess who delivered a pizza to the wrong house last week. Crusty Jae. Yyu heard me. Fucking Lim Jaebeom from high school! Who by the way, still looks like a tryhard 2006 Skaterboi with his stupidly baggy jeans, Stussy t-shirt and bad haircut - or lack thereof who fucking knows.  AND he still smells like damp. No no, he doesn’t smell damp. He smells like damp. Like the idea of damp. but istg i could still cut myself on that jawline of his. and come to think of it, I haven’t had pizza in ages.  miss you. love you, bye. 
Day 114 
“Seriously dude, you need to stop ‘delivering pizza to the wrong house’. It’s getting pathetic.” You feigned irritation despite taking the box out of Jaebeom’s outstretched hand.
“Bruh, I am not. The guy’s next door never answered. So you--” He shook back his overgrown fringe and shifted all his weight back, angling his pelvis towards you. His eyes traipsed up and down your frame, saliva clearly pooling under his tongue. “-- get a free pizza delivered by this handsome mug.” 
You didn’t even try to bury the scoff that escaped you as Jaebeom dug two thumbs into his chest; a pungent smugness wafting from his stained Pal’s Pizza t-shirt. You practically laughed in his face. Yet he didn’t waver. 
“You’re still the same overconfident creep from highschool, Jae.” Jaebeom faked offense, a hand slapped on his heart - leaving a faint damp hand print. 
“And I still managed to nab all the ladies.” Sliding his tongue over his top teeth, he winked and you almost gagged. The fact that Crusty Jae, the school’s resident stoner, managed to have the highest body count by graduation is something that still baffled you. Something must have been seriously wrong with the girls who let that inside them. There were rumours of course, but you weren’t willing to explore any of them to prove if fact or not. 
Lifting the lid, you inhaled a glorious whiff of mozzarella and pepperoni but caught Jaebeom scratching his head from the corner of your eye; little flecks of dead skin floated to the ground and you couldn’t help but focus on the flakes of what looked like parmesan on the top of your pizza. Horror ensued, visible in the quiver in your voice. 
“You.. you don’t make the pizzas do you?” 
Jaebeom smirked, and ran a clammy hand through his greasy hair. 
“Nuh babe, I just deliver them.” He punctuated his statement with a wink and pucker of his lips. You were not comforted and turned away before he could see the grimace on your face. You dropped the pizza box onto your couch and fished a twenty-dollar-bill from your wallet and returned to the door to slap it into Jaebeom’s hand. 
“Nuh baby, it’s free.” He insisted with a stupid slanted grin. You shook your head, pushing the money harder into his hand and away from your door. 
“Keep the change.”
“Damn, thanks for the tip.” He smiled softly. Maybe he isn’t so much of a creep anymore. 
“Want a taste of mine?” 
You couldn’t have slammed the door in his face any harder.  
Day 129 
European. What about Lebanese? Kirby? No, too short. Continental? Way too long. But then again Kirby cucumbers have girth, and it’s not all about length. It’s how you use it. Would you go raw? Or would you wrap it? How sturdy are Kirby cucumbers? You’d obviously have to wash it first. Oh shit, could they poison you if it smooshes up while inside you? No, well you eat them so they can’t be too dangerous. How much lubrication would you need? 
“Little to none if you’re warmed up enough.” 
Cutting off your mental ramblings and ripping you back into reality, your head snapped towards the voice. Jaebeom’s voice. Of course it had to be Jaebeom. Why is he suddenly everywhere? 
“Excuse me, what?!” 
“Lubrication. You wouldn’t need any if you’re warmed up. Cucumbers just slide right in.” He said with total confidence as if speaking from absolute experience. If anything, the pompous smile was enough to tell you what he was saying was true. You tried to swallow and gasp at the same time, causing you to start choking in the grocery store. 
“Wh-wait-what, I was saying all of that out loud?!” You prayed it didn’t say all of it out loud. 
Are you really that delirious from lack of sex that your pathetically curious and completely comedic wonderings about cucumbers as dildos was said out loud in the grocery store?! Have you become that incapable of controlling yourself that you can’t even keep being a horny bitch on the inside?! Must you zone out in full stereo?! 
Jaebeom giggled. 
“Maybe. I heard from about ‘What about Lebanese?’.”
You froze, the hand gripping your shopping basket growing dangerously limp.
“So pretty much all of it.” Jaebeom laughed again and reached across you to pick up the thickest Kirby cucumber from the pile and dropped it into your basket. 
“Think of me.”
His smirk thawed you completely, leaving you standing in a lukewarm puddle of distaste. “Later babe.” 
Seriously, you needed to find every girl who fucked him in highschool and just ask them “WHY?!” 
Day 147
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass he ran out of battery I have no spares I live in a wasteland of despair miss you love you bye
Day 165
“Pal’s Pizza, can I take your order?” 
“Hey Jae, it’s me. The usual please.” 
“Stuffed Crust?” 
“No thanks.” 
“No probs. How about I stuff you?”
“See you in twenty minutes!” 
Day 167 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass I think I’m living in a permanent fever dream today in my tech drawing class my professor told me if I lick the tip I’ll get better results so I asked him, if i let him lick my tip would I get extra credit? HE MEANT MY PENCIL CASSANDRA, HE MEANT TO LICK THE TIP OF MY PENCIL SO I GET THICKER LINES what the fuck is wrong with me?!  oh I know.  it has been 167 days since I’ve had sex ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN DAYS and Mr Pene Falso still does not have new batteries.  miss you love you bye
Day 175
You had never felt more accomplished in your life. In one hand rested your brand new phone, shiny and in-built with all the things to keep your easily distracted brain entertained. No longer did you have to make calls from the decrepit pay phone outside your apartment building. No longer did you have to sit on buses and pretend to like reading. No, you were reunited with the technology of your generation and you were ecstatic. Full time college and part time employment didn’t always meet the needs of your demanding lifestyle, but you saved enough to finally get a brand new phone.
And in the other hand lay two beautiful AA batteries. You know perfectly well what they were for. You were equally as ecstatic. But for some reason there was one person you wanted to talk to about it. 
Your fingers dialed the number almost on their own; muscle memory taking over. It rang six times. 
“CASS!” So excited to hear your best friend’s voice you tripped on the corner of your rug; your body colliding with the couch. 
“Holy shit, you finally got a phone. Took you long enough.” 
“Shut up, I’ve been busy.” Rubbing the part of your shoulder that managed to miss abundant cushioning on the couch and hit the tiny piece of wooden framework beneath it all. 
“Sure. Busy trying to get yourself off every chance you get.” 
The fingers trying to unscrew the bottom of your vibrator halted; your bottom lip folded between your teeth - a pout formed in your silence. 
“I--” Lost for words you resumed unscrewing the cap, placing one battery into each slot. 
“You’re probably gonna go masturbate after you get off this call.” 
The last battery dropped in with a clang, albeit muffled by Cass’s muffled laughter. 
“You know I’m messing with you right?”
“Good. So how’s Crusty Jae?” She continued to laugh as you groaned.
“Dude, can you please explain how he managed to pull so much in high school?! Please! Am I the only one who doesn’t get it?!” Suddenly incredibly frustrated, you screwed on the vibrator cap with so much gusto that your grip accidentally turned it on; the abrupt buzzing ripping out a quiet yelp. 
“You know his nickname used to be Double Pepperoni.” You scoffed so hard, you felt it in your ribs. “Nuh apparently he was packing.”
“What? Like what, like he always had slices stuffed in his pockets?”
“No, like p-a-c-k-i-n-g.” 
“I highly doubt that flat-ass McGee is huge.” You smirked while Cass tried to stop herself from choking on laughter. “And even if he was, dude, I still don’t understand how that seemingly unhygienic mess can score so much.” 
“Bro, I don’t know either. But from all the girls I’ve ever talked to about him, they all say that whatever he did to seduce them or whatever - their reactions were purely carnal.” You made a pathetic noise, like a dying car horn to highlight your skepticism. “Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap. Fuck him once, have a great time but then refuse to ever bring it up again. Except to me.. Cause after all, it was Crusty Jae.. But that’s beside the point.”
“They’d just ‘snap’?” 
“Yup. Like a fresh green bean.”
“Weird metaphor.” 
“But you got it.”
“Sadly. I’m going to go now.” 
“Happy Orgasm!” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Miss you.”
“Love you.”
From putting down one electronic device to picking up the other, you settled into the couch cushions with Mr Pene Falso in hand - recharged and ready to go. Yes, you were obviously going to prove your best friend painfully correct by getting off as soon as you hung up that call, but honestly - fuck it. You deserved it. 
Remember, preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down your ankles, one leg completely bare. Hair pulled up into an overeager and messy as ever bun. Sideways lean. Mr Pene Falso, setting one. 
It’s not meant to be pretty, the faces you pull while masturbating. And the sounds one makes, equally as carnal. But who the fuck cares. You’re doing this for you. And as those pre-orgasm hip rolls get more and more intense as your clit is vibrated right down to Destination Stimulation, you moan in pleasure for you know you are finally getting what you’ve wanted for so lon-- 
“Hey it’s me!” Your head snapped so fast to the door it cracked every bone in your neck. 
“Yeh, can I come in please?”
“Oh come on, what the fuck!?” Fury swallowed you whole, Mr Pene Falso slamming into the ground in a fit of rage. “What do you fucking want, Jaebeom?!” 
“Please, I need--” Jerking your pants back on, you charged at the door; ripping it open. 
“Need what?!”
“-- to use your bathroom.” Sheepish eyes met your own; blown wide and shaking. Jaebeom stood before you, pizza delivery bag hung loosely in his hand; completely soaked from head to toe. 
“Sorry, it’s fucking pouring outside and I delivered next door and I just want to dry off a little, that cool?” 
His usually loose shirt clung to his body, every inch of his torso outlined. His hair, normally shaggy and overgrown, was completely pushed back off his face; slick and saturated to show every carved line of his face. Was his eyes always this piercing? Or was it only because it was in context with the rest of his beautiful face? 
“So..?” Jaebeom reeled you back from your slow descent and you shook it off violently. 
“Uhh yeh, that-that way.” Throwing a thumb over your shoulder to show him the way, Jaebeom slinked past you; a marginal waft of damp weed followed behind. 
What has gotten into you? This is Crusty Jae we’re talking about here. You are not meant to find him attractive. Nothing about him is meant to be attractive. But there you were - standing in your hallway, dumbfounded as you watched Jaebeom take off his shirt and wring it into your sink. You tried to tear your eyes away from how broad his shoulders were, or how all the muscles around his waist tensed as he squeezed all the water out of his shirt. You couldn’t even fight off the shiver that crawled down your spine when you watched his triceps flex when he pushed his hair off his face. You swallowed hard when that shiver landed right between your legs. 
“Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap.” 
He didn’t see you come up behind him but he felt the hand you placed in the middle of his back. Turning to face you, his eyes were as dark as yours were crazed.  
“Sup.” His cheeto breath didn’t deter you.  
“You’re a pal, right?” You swore you couldn’t sound any more desperate. 
“Says so on my shirt.” You couldn’t quite figure out if it was Chipotle or Flamin’ Hot cheetos. But it wasn’t the time or the place. You had needs. 
“Be a pal then.” Jaebeom quirked a lewd and curious brow. “Get me off.” 
The speed of which he had his hands under your arms and lifting you onto the benchtop was frighteningly fast. Your shirt was pulled hastily over your head and thrown aside, your pants were torn down your legs equally as fast. You had no time to question, no time to doubt - not when Jaebeom’s mouth was on yours, his tongue rolling over your teeth as if searching for hidden cheetos in your cheeks. But with the way his thumb circled over your clit through your underwear, you weren’t going to complain. Go on, fish for those cheetos baby. 
Through wet and messy kisses, your hands tracked down his chest; stopping at his belt buckle. Of course, you thought, it was one of those snap closure canvas belts - ridiculously too long and matched his ridiculously baggy jeans. Nevertheless, you snapped open the buckle, fished it out of the loops and his pants fell instantly to the ground. 
Jaebeom broke away from your mouth, leaning back to make room for his hands to pull off your underwear; just to have his lips crash back into yours the moment the lace garment hit the floor. 
“Conmg-do. Cone--. Con-” You mumbled against his mouth. Strong hands pushed against his chest; disappointed eyes flashed for a moment, before turning devious at the sight of your naked breasts. 
“Condom.” He nodded and you swung around to grab one from the medicine cabinet. Rounding back to face him, you saw his underwear was on the ground, his very erect penis greeting you fully. Double Pepperoni…  
He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth, slid the condom expertly onto his length and caged you against the mirror in one fluid movement. He waited, paused for effect if you will and you weren’t having any of it. One hand scratched into his hair, the other pulled on the chain around his neck.
“Oh, you want me to stuff you do you?” Said with total hubris. 
“Like cheesy crust.” Who have you become?! 
Jabeom’s heavy hands found themselves on your hips, pulling you down onto his dick. He filled you wholly, deliciously; throbbing against your walls so achingly good that you didn’t even care that you could feel crumbs of garlic bread that did not belong to you in your mouth. 
He pounded you roughly; each thrust making you bounce on your porcelain sink. His hair, still wet, dripped onto your shoulder and down your back as his teeth marked your neck. Your bathroom began to fill with lewd and erotic noises, squelches and squeaks of wet flesh against wet flesh and some against hard surfaces. 
Jaebeom snapped his hips harder and harder into you, moans tumbled from your mouth as the orgasm you have craved for finally rounded the horizon. He was merciless, relentless, completely determined to drive you home. 
You yanked harder on the fist full of hair in your hand, ripping a loud and gravely groan from Jaebeom. Not one to be upstaged, Jaebeom shoved his hand into your hair, tangling his fingers into your bun and pulling down to expose more of your neck to him. His pace had not slowed down at all. 
He marked your neck, sucking and biting on your flesh so gloriously that you began to mewl - high pitched and needy, and it’s what sent Jaebeom over the edge. His hips snapped harder, forcing his dick deep into you; hitting spots you had forgotten about completely. 
Different colours were flashing behind your eyelids and you were close, so close. 
And as Jaebeom neared climax, he tore his hand out of your hair. Though in his earlier fervour, got so much of it tangled around his fingers and stuck under his ring, that your whole body was torn sideways and off the bench. 
Landing on the floor, shocked eyes watched Jaebeom ejaculate all over your sink as your own orgasm retreated away; shrivelling up into dust and blown away in the wind - his hand still stuck in your hair. How the fuck, wasn’t he wearing a condom, you thought, only for you to reach down and find it stuck inside your vagina, half hanging out. There was literally nowhere lower you could go. This, this is rock bottom. 
“Haha, holy fuck. Sorry babe.” Jaebeom leaned down and carefully untangled his fingers out of your hair. Towels were passed around for hygiene purposes and you almost vomited when you saw cheeto crumbs wedged between Jaebeom’s butt-cheeks. 
You weren’t really sure what happened after. You think Jaebeom said something crass. Or maybe he said thank you. In a crass way. Either way, he eventually left and the two hour shower you took still didn’t make you feel clean. Especially not after finding a half-dried pearl of cum on your toothbrush. 
But there was one thing you knew for sure. You totally snapped. 
Day 0
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass in the interest of our friendship and for the purposes of full transparency it has been 1 day since ive had sex and we will never speak of it again
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keeroo92 · 3 years
Be My Nightmare Ch19
Welcome back, everyone! Enjoy the new chapter :3
Word count: 4,016
TW: Strangulation
~~~Previous Chapter~~~
Finding the older woman’s car proved a simple task. It wasn’t anything special, a sedan with muted green paint and a few trinkets hanging from the rearview mirror. You paid little attention to them. 
A quick check with the GPS system stuck to the dash showed her home a mere five minutes away, a distance barely worth driving. You helped V into the passenger seat and were about to pull out of the parking lot when he spoke. 
“Do you have your phone?”
You nodded and pulled it out. “Yeah, why?”
He smirked. “You don’t watch many crime shows, do you?”
You shook your head, still not catching on as he took it and tossed it out the window. It made a clatter as it struck the pavement. 
“Phones are trackable. Even the police aren’t blind enough not to suspect you at this point.”
Stupid. You should’ve thought of that yourself. Was there anything else you needed to get rid of, precautions to take now that safety was only a memory? You might have to research it later, if given the chance.
“You did very well,” the artist interrupted.
“What are you talking about?” A quick signal and you entered traffic. 
He smirked again and shifted lower in his seat as you passed a truck, angling his face away from the window. “You didn’t look away.”
You gave him a sideways glance. “Did you think I would?”
“Just because one expects something doesn’t mean they can’t be pleased when it comes to pass,” he replied.
The brakes clicked as you pressed the pedal, a stop sign ahead. Black graffiti covered most of the sign. “Fair enough.”
The thought of looking away hadn’t occurred to you. If anything, you’d worried about blinking, missing your chance to watch a taboo act few experienced. 
And it was nothing like what you’d expected. 
The arc of shimmering blood and bone fragments, falling to the pavement like hellish rain. V’s decisive motions, both graceful and precise. The soft exhalation of Margaret’s final breath. Speckles of brain tissue catching the streetlights’ glow as you picked up her keys.
But most memorable were the expressions on your companion’s face as he struck down the unlucky stranger.
Rage and sadness, the switch as quick as turning on a light. Was V even aware of it? He hadn’t mentioned it, and he seemed calm now, as if nothing abnormal took place. What did he feel when he killed?
You shook your head. There was still so much about him you didn’t know, didn’t understand. It felt like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing, and no box to check the picture of what it should look like upon completion. 
You clicked the turn signal and glanced at your companion. His eyes stared into the distance and a small smile curled his lips. Specks of blood still spotted his clothing and hands. Did those hands feel the weight of the lives they ended?
Would yours, when you inevitably stopped fighting the urge to know for yourself?
Your stomach flipped as you changed lanes, accelerating as if you could out-drive the realization. Yet beneath the initial shock, past the socially conditioned horror, the idea excited you. 
I guess this is who I am now, you thought. Or is this who I always was?
“Your destination is ahead on the left.”
You sighed and slowed the car, pushing aside your thoughts as you pulled into a small driveway. Self-reflection could wait. For now, you needed to get V inside and check his wound. The painkillers you’d given him earlier had to be wearing off. The motion of the kill might have started the damn thing bleeding again, too. 
“Here we are,” you said as you parked, glancing at the home you’d helped him kill for. 
It didn’t stand out. The yard had a few shrubs and a tree, a gravel path leading to the front stoop where a trio of garden gnomes awaited. The exterior was a faded blue, the door and trim matching white if you ignored the layer of grime. It would do.
V hummed and waited as you came to take some of his weight. Crutches would’ve served him well, but for now your shoulder did the job. He winced as you helped him up, but voiced no complaint. 
Once inside, you left him leaning on the wall as you looked for a light switch. A faint chemical scent tickled your nostrils. Did the woman leave part way through cleaning?
It wasn’t until you stumbled on something warm and furry that it clicked - Margaret had been buying cat food. 
Oh no… 
At last your fingers found plastic. You flipped the switch and pursed your lips.
There, crouched expectantly on a well-worn living chair, sat a trio of felines. A siamese and two tabbies, all three rounder than you imagined was healthy. Three sets of hopeful eyes followed you back to V, a questioning meow slipping from the siamese’s mouth.
I should have grabbed her groceries.
“Oh, my… aren’t you three just the cutest things,” V cooed. Your eyes shot to him to find pure adoration written across his features. He smiled at the cats and tried to step closer, wincing again as he put weight on his injured hip. “What are your names, little ones?”
The man was blind. The last thing these cats were was little.
Incredulous, you hurried to help him to the chair, shooing the cats out of the way. You didn’t dislike cats, but one had already gotten underfoot. Not a promising start.
Of course, the second the artist settled in, he resumed wooing the damn things. You sighed. “I’m going to look around. You stay put, okay?”
He nodded without even looking your way, too busy praising the siamese as it sniffed his outstretched hand. 
The home didn’t take long to explore; its single bedroom and bathroom, cozy living area and claustrophobic kitchen weren’t bigger than your first apartment. Margaret’s decor was simple and tame, as if an afterthought. A few pictures of her cats and an older gentleman dotted the walls, but little else. Cat furniture featured heavily. Your initial assessment that she didn’t have anyone close to her seemed spot on. 
Her bathroom had limited medical supplies, but enough to serve your needs. You brought everything out to where you left V and rolled your eyes. 
He’d somehow gotten all three of the cats back on the chair. The tabbies crouched on either armrest, while the siamese sat in his lap, purring as he stroked its fur. He was humming a tune, his expression peaceful and content. You didn’t want to interrupt this rare moment of calm.
But I have to.
You set down your scavenged supplies and caught the artist’s gaze. “Sorry, but I need to check your hip.”
He sighed, but his hand stopped its rhythmic motion. “Come on, Moose. Doctor’s orders.”
The cat didn’t move. 
“Its name is Moose? Is that a joke?” you asked.
He smirked, then gestured at the grey tabby on his left, then the orange one on the right. “No, and this is Hunter and Pippin. It says on their collars.”
“Hmm. Well, Moose, Hunter and Pippin need to move,” you said, then picked up Moose. He opened one eye and yawned. “Hi, Moose.”
You settled the trio on a nearby cat tree, where they seemed content enough. On to your patient. 
His blood-spattered clothing gave you no trouble, and you set to work, removing the old bandage to find the stitches intact. Crimson wept from the corners, but the flow wasn’t alarming. You cleaned the area and wrapped it up again within a few minutes, tossing aside V’s soiled clothes to deal with later.
With that done, you allowed some of the tension to leave your body. Your neck and shoulders ached, exhaustion pulling at your limbs like a petulant child. There was no resisting it anymore; you groaned as you collapsed onto the couch opposite V. When was the last time you’d slept?
Just as your eyes slid closed, a sharp hiss ravaged your worn nerves and dragged you back to alertness. You couldn’t help shooting a glare at the offending feline. Pippin, wasn’t it?
You sighed and forced yourself up again. “I’ll see if I can find you something to wear.”
“Actually,” V replied, “Would you direct me to the bathroom first? I’m due for a shower.”
He carefully shooed the cats away as you helped him up. His skinny form trembled with each step, but held long enough to settle onto the stool in the shower. Margaret must’ve had mobility issues, for which you thanked the stars. She even had one of those fancy showerheads on a hose.
You handed the artist the hose the moment you finished helping him strip. “Try not to get your wound wet.”
He smirked. “What, you aren’t joining me? What if I slip?”
Despite his playful tone, he had a point. Bastard.
He’ll need my help to get out, anyway. Might as well stay.
Not to mention your deodorant wore out hours ago. You stifled a yawn and tugged your clothes off, too tired to blush as the artist watched your every move. By the time you joined him in the now-crowded shower, his eyes were sparkling and his lips were quirked into a lopsided grin. His long fingers reached out to stroke your skin, feathery touches painting invisible lines across your ribs and hips. 
You hummed and closed your eyes, his attention soothing your muscles. “That feels good.”
The soft hush of water thrummed in your ears as V continued his ministrations. Steam and warmth filled the claustrophobic room, melting your lingering stress with the help of the artist’s skilled hands. 
You smiled. “I thought I was here in case you slipped and hurt yourself.”
“Call it multitasking,” he replied, reaching for a bottle of body wash. 
You took turns washing each other, passing the showerhead back and forth between soft smiles and gentle caresses. As the water inched its way closer to iciness, the suds long washed away, it was enough to wrap the artist in your arms and stroke his freshly washed hair, his lips pressing lazy kisses against your stomach. 
At last, he turned off the spray and pulled away, dewy drops clinging to his skin. He waited as you foraged for towels, smiling when you ruffled his hair and helped dry his back. 
“Bed?” he asked as he draped himself over your shoulder, long legs stepping out of the shower with care. 
You nodded and led him there, barely letting go before you dropped onto the bed beside him, only to land on something hard and uncomfortable. 
“-suspected to be aiding and abetting the killer. Any sightings should be reported to the hotline. Do not approach either of the suspects if seen, they are considered highly dangerous and likely to kill again…”
You froze as your eyes locked onto the now lit TV screen hanging on the opposite wall. A news bulletin displayed V’s mugshot beside a somewhat recent staff photo of you from the facility, a stern frown under your signature tight bun. Above the photos, a byline labeled you as an accomplice to murder.
“Dr. Emily Waras, wanted in connection with the Crimson Artist slayings. Now we go live to a police press conference.”
Your mouth filled with sand as your mind stalled, static buzzing between your ears. A dark podium stood before a familiar figure, his white hair pulled back into a ponytail. Unflinching blue eyes stared out of the screen into your very soul as Tony Redgrave spoke to a horde of reporters and film crews.
“Recent developments in the Crimson Artist case lead us to believe that Dr. Emily Waras, a former employee of Mundus Psychiatric Hospital, may be aiding the killer. While I can’t give much detail as the investigation is ongoing, we are issuing an all-points alert to apprehend both suspects and bring them to justice. In the meantime, we urge all citizens to stay vigilant and travel in groups of three or more.”
His eyes flashed, his features hardening into steel. Behind him, you spotted Officer Goldstein, her own expression as harsh and unforgiving as Tony’s. 
“Dr. Waras, if you’re watching… turn yourself in. You don’t have to be what he wants you to be. We can help you. Don’t make this worse than it already is.”
Your blood turned to ice as he stepped back from the podium and the broadcast returned to the photos of you and V. It was inevitable that the police came after you, but somehow it was a shock hearing them say it. 
Wheels of panicked thought tumbled into motion. How would this change your options? What impact would it have? Your heart was racing, palms sweaty. Hysteria was a breath away.
Calm down. Think it through.  
You closed your eyes and pursed your lips. Malphas probably gave the staff photo to the police, just the latest knife in the spine from your former boss. While they didn’t mention your father, you couldn’t imagine anything else that could have given them the confidence to declare you an accomplice in public. Whether that meant he was alive or dead was irrelevant - even a corpse would've been enough evidence.
Can they use me to get to V?
Little remained from your old life for you to draw on; your car was long gone, the apartment left behind, along with your father. Your cell phone lied somewhere on the side of the road, and you hadn’t been in contact with anyone but V for days. 
So really, the only thing that’s changed is that strangers will look for me now. Other than that…
I’ve already abandoned the rest.
You wouldn’t be V’s downfall unless you got careless. The announcement was an act of desperation, not a sign of progress. They hadn’t even mentioned Margaret.
A breath you didn’t know you’d been holding slid from your lips. You turned to V; with the fear dealt with, you were curious how he’d react.
His towel-wrapped body lied beside you, but farther away than a moment prior. His fingers twitched in his lap, his face angled down as his lips moved silently. You shuffled closer and touched his clenched shoulder.
The reaction was instant - he snarled at you, one hand darting to press at his injury while the other took hold of your throat. Fire danced in his eyes, his body shifting to pin you down. You flailed against him, trying to break free, but his grip was far too tight.
Shit, shit, shit!
He held you still for a long moment, his arm shaking as he brought his face closer to yours. As if he wanted to watch the life drain from your eyes, like nothing you’d done for him mattered, like you were just another victim. A tool to be used and discarded when it was no longer useful.
Fuck this! I am NOT dying today!
The edges of your vision darkened as you punched the artist in the face, using the vacant space left by his arm still holding his wound. A sharp crack rewarded your adrenaline fueled effort as his grip loosened just enough to take a precious swallow of air and cry his name, your voice hoarse.
Another smack and he fell to the side, curling defensively as you scrabbled out of his reach and grabbed the first thing to catch your eye, a heavy alarm clock. You hoped it would be enough to take him down.
Yet you paused, forcing air through your throat. Was he going to try again? Did he truly want to watch you die? You struggled to accept it, not after all the shit you’d been through for him. 
“Why? What the fuck, V?” you rasped.
He groaned but didn’t speak. You smacked his leg.
“Tell me what the fuck just happened right the fuck now!” 
It was only as his face lifted to meet yours that you realized you were crying. Stupid. Tears were useless. 
“They want to help you. It’s foolish to trust you. Vergil was right, I should have killed you long ago,” the artist said at last. His eyes stared right through you. “It’s only a matter of time before you turn on me.”
Your grip on the alarm clock tightened, your knuckles turning white. Rage flooded your senses, your body barely restrained. “You’re an idiot if that’s what you believe.”
He sneered and sat up, massaging his jaw where your blow landed. Blood stained the bandage you’d only put in place half an hour ago, and his eyes still glowed with suspicion. “Then how do they know you’re with me? You must have told them, before you came after me. You probably just came so you could give them my location.”
“Is that what you think I was doing after you ran off for no goddamn reason?” you scoffed. 
“Why not? Maybe your father convinced you to do it.”
Your fingers tightened on the clock, resisting the urge to hurl it at his face. A peal of hysterical laughter stung your abused throat on its way out and you wiped the remnants of your tears away. “The only thing my father convinced me to do was lobotomize him when he found out who you are! I only stayed long enough to make sure he wouldn’t talk.”
V’s eyes widened, his hand dropping from his darkening jaw. You met his gaze full on, daring him to call you a liar. If he did, you didn’t know how you’d withhold a scream.
“You… lobotomized him?”
You nodded. “With a chopstick.”
The artist’s shoulders dropped, the tension easing by a fraction as his lips twitched. He chuckled, eyes glimmering. You shifted your weight and took another deep breath. It came easier than the last few.
V grunted and rolled his broad shoulders. “How did it feel?”
“Like… like nothing. I felt nothing at all.”
Blankets ruffled as he shuffled closer to you, reaching out with the same hand that almost ended your life to take the clock from your iron grip. You stepped back before he could.
“Really? Nothing at all?” he replied, “That’s difficult to believe.”
“I was a little preoccupied worrying about you.”
He tried again for the timepiece. You shot him a glare and took another step back. Would he chase you if you ran? Even if he did, it wouldn’t be hard to outpace him with his wound. 
And yet…
You couldn’t stop the words. You had to know. “Why don’t you trust me?”
He looked away, shrinking back. “Don’t.”
“After what you just did, I think I deserve some answers. Why? Is it something to do with Nero?”
A muscle in his jaw flared, his arms crossing as he lowered his head. You were on the right track. “I said don’t.”
“V,” you insisted, perhaps unwisely. “You just tried to kill me. Tell me why; tell me what happened to Nero.”
“Fine, you want to know so desperately?” the artist snarled, his eyes flashing behind a curtain of black. “He died to save me. I dragged him to a fucking poetry reading and got him killed, a month before his wedding. He took six bullets and collapsed on top of me, told me not to move and play dead until it was over! I hid like a coward under his corpse; I tasted his blood and heard his last breath, all because I wanted to hear some goddamned William Blake!”
It explained so much. Why he recited Blake during episodes. Why he never used a gun to kill. Why he seemed so fascinated by blood. Why he believed society was broken, choosing to preserve innocence over preparing people for reality. 
It was all a manifestation of Nero’s death, and his own helplessness.
The puzzle now had a picture, an origin. 
“And it got even better after that! His fiance blamed me, rightfully so. My family treated me like a pariah, and everywhere I went on campus, all I saw was Nero… Nero and the bastards that murdered him.”
You didn’t dare speak. He seemed unable to stop the words from flowing, like a burst pipe. There was nothing to do but wait for the torrent to slow.
“My mother, she tried, but her idea of a solution was suggesting the whole damn school work together to make a mural, and of course they wanted the painter to help. I imagine they thought it would heal me, the idiots.”
The weight of the clock in your hands became too much. You set it aside and leaned on the wall, out of his reach but still listening. Still there.
“They told me there was nothing I could have done, but none of them…” he paused, shuddering. “None of them knew how I froze. He… Nero told me to get down, to hide, but I didn’t- I just stood there and let it happen! Maybe if I’d done as he said, he wouldn’t have died. Don’t you see?”
Tortured green eyes nailed you in place. “Nero was my first kill.”
You pursed your lips as he fell silent, panting in the aftermath. His slim fingers clenched and released, his body shaking as his Adam's apple bobbed. He looked like a lost child.
“So you don’t trust me because everyone you knew turned on you after Nero’s death, in one form or another,” you murmured. “You think I’ll do the same.”
He brushed his hair back. “No, I trust you. It’s Vergil that doesn’t.”
It’s the same thing; Vergil’s part of you…
But it wouldn’t do any good to bring that up now. In fact, there were a million things you could say that would do irrevocable damage. What could you say that would help?
There are no words.
“I think I understand. At least, the best I can without living through it myself,” you began. “And nothing I say will earn your trust. Words are meaningless, they’re too easy. It doesn’t cost a thing to speak.”
Sirens rang in your head as you stepped closer, back into the reach of those long, tattooed arms. Giving him the chance to take your life if he so desired. You forced your arms to stay at your sides, battling the urge to run before it was too late.
“But actions have a heavy price, as we both know, and I’ll let mine speak for me.”
Your heart galloped against your ribs, sweat beading across your palms as you took his hand, the one that clasped your throat so tight mere minutes ago. Mouth as dry as a desert, you brought his palm to your neck and wrapped his fingers around, holding his perplexed gaze.
This is so stupid, I can’t believe I’m doing this, I’m going to get myself killed-
You let go, your hands dropping to give V full control. The moment froze, neither of you daring to breathe, your eyes locked together. 
His grip tightened and you whimpered, the urge to fight back more powerful than a lightning bolt, but precious air still forged a path to your lungs. He squeezed only enough to narrow your airway; not enough to close it.
And if I resist now, none of this matters anyway. 
A flame lit in V’s eyes and his other palm came to rest at the base of your skull. A twist of his arms, and he’d snap your neck. Still, you didn’t allow yourself to struggle. 
And then he moved, the flames fading as he closed the gap to take your mouth in his. He crushed your body to him and flicked his tongue against yours, his grip changing to cradle your face instead of crushing your throat. His kiss was feverish and hungry, stealing your breath in an infinitely more pleasant manner than before. When he finally pulled back, both of you were flushed and panting.
“Vergil can fuck off,” he whispered, forehead pressed to yours.
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hi-hey-haechan · 4 years
can i request a kun smut with 13, 41, 55 & 90? 😉
*this was asked to be changed to 14*
If this flops, I will cry, because Kun deserves literally all the love in the whole world
14. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
41. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
55. “What? Does that feel good?”
90. “I’ll just have to cum inside you, then.”
Kissing Kun was unbelievable.
His lips were pillow-soft against yours, moving against yours in a perfect harmony. He kissed you slowly, holding your waist gently, every movement of his lips utterly sincere against your mouth. Your breath was his, and vice versa, as all you were aware of was Kun, and how it felt to be kissing him. His mouth was hot as it slid against yours, sending a warm shudder throughout your body at the sensuality. You pressed your body further against his, craving more and more of the heat that he radiated. Your entire being was conscious of every tensing of each muscle, as well as the hammering of his heart.
His tongue flicked out, parting the seam of your lips expertly. Kun had deepened the kiss, creating a clash of lips, teeth and tongue. He no longer was kissing you gently, nor slowly. This was fueled by desperation. You kissed him so harshly, to the point where your teeth were clashing. He groaned against your mouth, the sound moving directly to your core.
Not for the first time, you found yourself becoming putty at his expense. Your core was already growing wet. You wanted him, wanted him inside of you.
This wasn’t the first time you’d been turned on by Kun. However, you’d always taken care of it yourself, getting yourself off to him more times than you were willing to admit. Even still, you’d never had sex. You had been with him for just over a year, yet you’d never been intimate in that way. He never asked, never even brought up the topic, and neither had you. Kun was so caring and considerate. In this case, you almost wished he’d be less gentle and caring, since you were too nervous to bring up the topic. You knew what you wanted, though.
Your body wasn’t completely centered on his lap, so your heat was directly over one of his thighs. You wondered if he could feel the throbbing of your core against his leg.
Without realizing it, your fingers had flown up to the buttons on his shirt. Eagerly, your fingers trembled as they undid them one at a time.
“Y/n,” he murmured. Kun broke away from your lips, and you immediately feared you had done something wrong. “Baby, do you really want this?”
“Yes,” you replied, without even a hint of doubt in your voice. “I-I love you, and I’m ready. But only if you are.” You searched his face. Kun’s lips were red and swollen from all the kissing, and his hair was disheveled, due to the way you ran your fingers through it repeatedly. He looked so hot like this, which wasn’t helping your state.
“Of course I’m ready.” He gave you the biggest smile then, the one that made your heart flutter and knees weak (KUN’S SMILE IS SO BEAUTIFUL SHUT UP). “But seriously. Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
“And I’m telling you that I don’t want you to stop.” Your lips met his in a searing kiss, one that turned the blood in your veins to liquid fire. He let out a low groan and took control of the kiss, his tongue moving against yours as his fingers dipped under your shirt, caressing your bare waist and stomach, which he adored. You continued to unbutton his shirt, knowing you were being way too eager, but not caring.
When his shirt was off, you couldn’t help but stare. Sure, you’d seen him shirtless before, but this time was different. His body was against the couch cushions and under you. The faint light from the long-forgotten television was illuminating his skin beautifully, giving him the glow of an angel. You admired the ridges of his abs, the expanse of his chest and broad shoulders.
Your shirt followed not long after his, and he looked at your body, which was perfect to him. His hands explored the expanse of your bare torso, mapping out every inch of exposed skin.
You knew that you were so wet at this point, and your arousal leaked out of your throbbing pussy, further soaking your underwear. Your juices had probably leaked through your leggings, onto his thigh.
“Y/n, do you want me to touch you?” he asked. “Because at this point, it seems as though the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
You hadn’t even noticed how you were grinding on this thigh, trying to soothe the ache from the heat pounding between your legs. It was giving you some help, and if you did it consciously and with more power, you’d eventually get yourself off.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, having to force your hips to stop moving.
“Don’t apologize. You don’t need to apologize for anything.” Kun pressed a kiss to your jaw.
You hadn’t even gotten up from the couch, but soon, the two of you were fully exposed to each other. Neither of you could stop admiring each other’s entire figures drinking in every curve, every mark, and loving every part of them.
At some point, Kun was lying on top of you, kissing your collarbones and jaw and lips. You had been so focused on his lips on your skin so that you didn’t notice how his fingers had traveled down your body, resting right at your pussy. You’d only noticed when his fingers dragged through your dripping folds. The feeling of someone touching such a sensitive area was so shocking. Plus, Kun was the person doing so, and his fingers moved expertly. His middle finger dipped into you, and you let out a quiet moan out at the unexpected feeling.
“What? Does that feel good?”
“Fuck, yes,” you sighed. “More. I need you inside of me.” It came out as a helpless grunt, and you bucked your hips against his finger with a swear.
Kun didn’t tease you, and he was positioned at your entrance. The darkness in his eyes, where his pupils engulfed his eyes, told you how badly he needed you, as well. “If it hurts at all, tell me, okay?”
And then he was inside of you. His length felt sharp, like a large intrusion somewhere it wasn’t supposed to be intruding. You were connected in more than just one way. Your breath was being held, and your eyes were shut, trying to adjust to the sudden pain. “Baby? Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?”
“No,” you exhaled, having once been holding your breath. “Keep going--oh my gosh.” You had to close your eyes for a bit from the pleasure, which had, out of nowhere, appeared “Fuck, keep going, that feels good, Kun.”
He began to move inside of you, slow at first. Immediately, it showed in his thrusts, as well as the feeling of him inside of you, how big he was. The friction of his member against your soaking wet walls felt absolutely incredible, causing you to see stars behind your eyes. You tried to grab onto something, but instead, your fingernails dug into his back without mercy.
Kun let out a low groan, shutting his eyes, both at your tight walls around him, as well as the sensation of your fingernails digging into his skin. A moan escaped your lips, and you didn’t even care at how it may have sounded. You could barely think straight, your entire being overcome with pleasure.
Kun didn’t say that he loved you often, but the small actions he’d do would remind you of it. And this, right here, making love to you, was one of them. He sped up, snapping his hips faster.
“Kun!” you cried out, feeling his tip press harshly against your g-spot. You involuntarily clenched around him tightly, and he let out a breathless, airy moan at the sudden tightness around his cock.
He grabbed your shaking legs and clasped them around his waist, so he would be provided with a better, superior angle. He managed to thrust deeper into you, hitting spots in you that your fingers could never even try to reach. Stars flashed behind your closed eyes. You tried to clutch onto Kun for dear life, feeling so high on pleasure that you needed something to simply anchor you.
Every thrust made the fiery pleasure course through you, relentlessly adding to the incredible feeling. “Y-you feel so good, Kun,” you gasped as he hit your sweet spot again.
“And so do you, clenching around my cock like that--” his voice cracked at the end, and he moaned out, his jaw clenched and face overcome in utter pleasure.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, voice and body weak from the feeling that had overtaken you.
“M-me, too.”
“W-we’re on the couch -- fuck, Kun, p-please.”
Him, knowing full well that you were on birth control, managed to rasp out, “I’ll just have to cum inside you, then.”
When the wire in your stomach snapped, wave after wave of pleasure wracked your body, causing your walls to spasm and clench around him. His name spilled off your lips like a mantra; Kun being the only person or thing you could possibly think about in that moment.
Seconds later, his hot seed shot up inside of you, his cum painting your walls and filling you up.
Moments later, the both of you were panting, your hair and his hair sticking to his forehead like sweat. Even right now, exhausted, he looked so stunning. You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could form your words, he said, “I love you.”
He meant it. You had no doubts about that, and he just showed you how much you meant to him physically, and now verbally.
“I love you, too,” you replied, meaning it with all of your heart.
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gleekto · 4 years
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Summary: College AU/Famous!Blaine and Fanboy!Kurt - Kurt POV
Kurt really doesn’t have time to figure out the dating world between being a freshman at prestigious theatre school, LAADA,  and his active but secret blogging life in the Sing!Fandom. So what if Sing! ended last year? There are still fics to read and actors to follow. Especially the uber talented heartthrob lead, Blaine Anderson. He can act. He can sing. He can even dance. He’s gay. He’s out. And he’s only 24. Kurt is willing to twiddle his thumbs and click refresh until Blaine Anderson’s next project.
He just didn’t expect the next project to be on his roommate Rachel’s new TV show.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Even Better than the Real Thing (8/13)
“I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”
Kurt’s eyes widen and his body tenses. He slowly nods,  despite being self conscious that Blaine can hear his heart beating like he can.  Breathe, don’t faint, he tells himself, as Blaine leans in and he closes his eyes, Blaine’s warm breath now in his space.
“You know,” Blaine says, now an inch from his face and Kurt opens his eyes quizzically. Why is Blaine talking right now? “When we film a kissing scene, it’s really very technical.” 
The words land on his lips, they’re so close. “Mmhmm.” Kurt really doesn’t care. At all. He’s too nervous to say anything else with Blaine’s lips practically brushing his and the promise of a kiss being teased behind Blaine’s clear amusement.
“Mmhmm,” Blaine agrees. “First, you need to film the left angle,” Blaine turns slightly to the left, kissing him softly. “Then the right angle.” Blaine shifts and kisses gently from the other side. “And then sometimes when they want it to look really passionate, they ask you to kiss with an open mouth.” He kisses him longer this time, mouth open and Kurt mirrors him, unsure. Blaine pulls back slightly, hand on Kurt’s face, thumb grazing his cheek. “But it’s all a ruse, because they don’t ever tell you to do this-” Blaine shifts on to his knees and pulls Kurt up to him, kissing him dirtily now, tongue in his mouth, like he’s tasting. Blaine’s other hand is firmly on his neck, holding him there. Kurt tries to remember to breathe, it feels so good. Not just Blaine’s lips but his hands. He also tries to remember to reciprocate, moving his tongue past Blaine’s lips tentatively. Blaine sucks Kurt’s tongue into his own mouth, encouraging him, and pulsing his tongue against Kurt’s. He feels it all over.
They eventually move from the awkward kneeling to lying down on their sides, facing each other on Blaine’s fortunately comfortable couch. They’re very close, bodies with only inches between them, and kissing and kissing, Blaine’s hands rubbing up and down Kurt’s side body. Kurt knows he’s getting hard as Blaine’s hands explore. Pretty sure that’s Blaine’s intention. He notices that Blaine’s hand lingers on his ass, squeezing slightly harder each time he’s there. He likes the feeling, wants him there longer. Doesn’t know how to ask. Kurt exhales as he licks at Blaine’s lips and moves his own hands to Blaine’s very perfect ass and squeezes. Blaine shifts closer and he squeezes again, firmer this time.  What he can’t say, he can show. 
“Mmmm I like that,” Blaine groans into his mouth and mirrors him, grabbing Kurt’s ass slightly roughly. “You like that?” Kurt just kisses him again, feeling the firm pull on his body. “Thought so,” Blaine answers his own question and shifts Kurt on top so he can use both hands and hold him. Cocky bastard.
They’re back on their sides again, kissing lazily, Blaine’s hand firm on his tight black tank top. “You’re a good kisser.”
Kurt rolls his eyes. “And you’re a good actor, remember?” He doesn’t need Blaine to humour him, he’s learning. And he plans to be a very good student.
“I’m not acting, Kurt.” Blaine stares at him, eyes dark, and takes Kurt’s hand and moves it between his legs. Even through his jeans, Kurt can tell he’s hard. Which is obviously Blaine’s point. Kurt blushes from his ears down his neck. He knows Blaine’s testing.  Kurt rubs firmly, closing his eyes as Blaine mimics the movement on him. “You feel so good, Kurt.” Blaine pops open the button on his own jeans, pulls down the zipper., as Kurt keeps working him through his jeans. “Can I touch you? You can touch me.” 
Kurt shivers as he slips his hands beneath Blaine’s briefs, feels the cool skin of his dick in his hands. Blaine wiggles the jeans down to give more room and makes quick work of Kurt’s button and zipper. Kurt gasps as he feels Blaine’s hand curl around him and Blaine takes his hand away, unsure. “Come back,” Kurt almost whines and Blaine laughs, pulling at Kurt’s pants and underwear to give himself more room, letting Kurt’s cock out in full view.
“God, look at you.” Blaine is staring. Kurt closes his eyes at the scrutiny and scrunches them shut when Blaine starts to work him up and down.
“I want to-” Kurt pants. “I really want to. But I can’t. I mean, I can’t last. You should stop or I’ll come.”
Blaine’s grip gets firmer and faster. “You don’t have to last, Kurt. It’s your first time. Let go,” He whispers in his ear as he works him through his orgasm. “That’s it,” Blaine says as Kurt groans loudly, come streaking his stomach and a bit on his pulled up black tank top.
“Oh god.” It’s all Kurt can say as he comes down. Blaine laughs, fingering the come on his stomach, still very hard and very interested. “Why are you-” Then he figures asking Blaine why he’s still touching him all over, including the mess, is a stupid question. This is sex.
“Here. Let me help you,” Blaine takes Kurt’s hand with his come-streaked fingers and brings both their hands to his own body. They work him together, underwear pulled quickly down, Kurt letting Blaine show him how tight and how firm as he bucks up into his hand. It takes Blaine longer, but eventually he is moving quickly, “Yeah. Yes. Kurt, that’s it. Yes. Ah!” And Blaine comes too, all over both of them.
Kurt breathes out and laughs when it’s all over, dropping his head on to Blaine’s chest, both their shirts still on. “God, we’re a mess.”
“That was awesome,” Blaine smiles a satisfied smile and closes his eyes after passing Kurt a box of tissues. “You were awesome.”
“Please Blaine. It’s okay, I’ll get better at it. Maybe even be able to get my shirt off next time.”
“Yeah, me too,” Blaine looks down at himself. “And please. You may be new to this but you and that body. God, you’re sexy.” Sexy. Not in Kurt’s top three descriptors of himself. “That’s the reason I was surprised that you hadn’t been kissed before.”
“Guess I have now.”
“Guess so. Definitely Lima’s loss.”
They clean up and get dressed, slightly uncomfortably pulling on sticky underwear and jeans. It’s close to 2am and they rush out the door to Blaine’s car, Blaine apologizing for Kurt’s late home arrival which will no doubt make Rachel suspicious that this evening wasn’t just two buddies going to see a play. “Don’t worry. I can play coy,” Kurt says.
“Oh I know.”
Kurt rolls his eyes. “Seriously, Rachel can think what she wants. I don’t need to explain anything.”
Blaine kisses him firmly on the mouth as they arrive in front of Kurt’s apartment. “And we both know exactly what she’s going to think next time, when you stay over.” Blaine kisses him again. All Kurt hears is next time.
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misfitjohnnys · 5 years
unintentional; hear all the words that I speak
You’ve worked hard for everything you’ve gotten and Mark Lee is a soft twist in your busy life, but you know hiding part of yourself eventually always bites anyone in the ass.
Word count: 20k - part 2/5
Reader x Mark Lee
masterlist // warnings
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There were a couple of days before your flight. You spent the night in your hotel again and immediately spent a good amount of time with Mark. They were in town for another night following. You’d visited with your friends all day and after you dropped them off at home you and Mark stayed up late to watched some shows together with Ten and Taemin, had dinner, and returned to your respective beds. It was amazing to actually have some time to yourself. 
a/n: this chapter contains smut
Even your alone time didn’t feel quite so alone with your constant texts with Mark. You spent good amounts of time with each other and had a few run-ins throughout the day afterwards around his schedule, even spending some time in the city and dropping in to bring him some snacks and such between heavy rehearsals and filming, discovering your way back around your hometown and visiting famous places there. It felt comforting, visiting your family so you didn’t feel at all alone. It was good self-time and that was something you hadn’t had in months.
You couldn’t believe that after just a few days that a boy had you convinced to fly where he was going, but you were excited. Mark didn’t even have to do more than just ask and you were ready to risk it all and that scared you, but it didn’t stop you, not even a little bit. You’d easily explained to him that you didn’t take much time for yourself and had no reason to travel around, so he took it upon himself to invite you to live a little.
You said your goodbyes to your friends, promising them you’d make more trips to come see them and you hoped they weren’t empty; seeing their excited faces when you promised. You always wanted to visit more, but never made the effort or time and it disappointed you about yourself, but your friends knew you and they’d never let you live it down if you didn’t take the opportunity to go on the once in a lifetime trip with Mark Lee.
It had only been five days and you wondered what the hell had gotten into you, following a boy you just met just because he asked you to? Something wasn’t right but you didn’t even care. You hadn’t been so carefree since you were a kid. The flight over was more relaxing than you ever thought it could be because of the hopes of getting off the plane and spending more time with Mark. You had easily transferred your original tickets to a new airport, making it even more simple; as if it was meant to be. You reminded yourself that at least you’d be in Chicago, an easier accessible city that had an easy trip back to Los Angeles. You were flying not super far away or too far out of the path home, so that was nice as well. It was all going according to plan, as if the grace of Gods had given you a peace of mind.
You only wished you could’ve been on the plane with Mark and the others, but absolutely understood why it wasn’t possible. When you arrived at the airport, you carried your bags from the grab and tried to make your way down to car rental, but were stopped by welcoming arms in the corridor belonging to a soft boy in a white face mask.
“I missed you.” He told you, giggling behind his mask and grabbing your suitcase to bring it to the car that brought him. You couldn’t believe he was being so generous. He knew you all of what? Five days? It felt crazy, spending so much time with him felt unreal. You’d only been separated for a few hours and it felt like you’d known him for centuries. You sighed happily, stepping into the car and having him follow, sneaking his hand to hold yours and making you blush. “I’m gonna take you to lunch, my treat.” He laughed, seeing you blush and feeling like he finally had the upper hand in a conversation. It was weird, with Mark you felt like you were in control more than you ever did at your job. He made you not think about work, which was the biggest payoff of all.
He took you to a quiet hole in the wall pizza place, soft Jazz music played in the background as you sat in a booth together, looking over the menu amongst small playful jokes.
Being with Mark made you feel like you were in a dream. There were so many questions you had, so much love to explore, but he felt just slightly out of reach, simply because you felt like you couldn’t be completely honest with him and it shook you to your core, sighing and fiddling with your fork in hand until you were snatched out of your daydream by some soft words coming from his mouth.
“You okay?” He asked, reaching out to gently touch his fingers to the top of your hand across the table, a touch that felt almost too intimate; like sparks running through your brain.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking a lot.” You warned him, shrugging and seeing mild worry continue on his face.
“Thinking about work?” You smiled because for once, you weren’t.
“Yeah.” You lied, smiling softly and seeing him get up and move to the other side of the booth next to you, your left side brushing against his right and you felt warm; whole. “I’ve got a lot on my mind. Vacation doesn’t come easy.” You told him, trying to relieve the tension of the conversation as he wrapped his arm around your waist, earning a soft gasp from you. He bit his lip nervously, looking over at you.
“You wanna see some funny stuff? Maybe take you out of your head?” He asked, grinning widely and putting his phone on the table. His background made you grin wide, a picture of him, Haechan, Johnny, and Jaehyun as his background and it made you want to hold him and tell him how precious he was, but you stopped yourself, sighing and wondering just how much cuter he was going to get. You looked over at him dreamily as he opened his phone to some videos that looked like they were just recently filmed, the hair colors matched up.
“Yeah, show me stuff, tell me about your friends.” You teased, seeing him blush. He knew you knew who his friends were, just not to what extent.
“Okay so here’s Taemin forgetting his phone and Ten found it, so we decided to fuck with him.” Hearing him swear with your own ears made you giggle even more than the video you were being shown. You’d seen it on Instagram while scrolling through earlier in the airport, but he didn’t have to know that. You kept glancing back and forth from his face to his phone, smiling dreamily and wishing the moment would never end.
Mark still felt out of reach, but in the moment you felt so connected. “You know, it’s actually funnier if you watch.” He teased, making you blush and squeezing your side before swiping to another video. This time it was of Taeyong sleeping on top of Lucas, hearing Mark’s faint laughter next to you through the phone speaker. “Okay so Taeyong came to wake us all up, but ended up laying on Xuxi and fell asleep, we all just kept laughing and teasing him to wake up and he refused.” Mark kept giggling, you’d seen that video too, but from a different angle and in their vlogs from when they were recording, so it made it even better, making you laugh and seeing a more intimate outtake of them. You felt special, even hearing Lucas’s nickname felt like private information even if you did already know what they all called him.
Mark kept swiping, showing you more videos that you didn’t expect until he came across one that felt way more private than you could’ve ever imagined. On screen showed Mark walking around their temporary dorm, something you’d only seen from the vlogs, but the video never got even near close to being posted. Mark was walking around, singing quietly to himself and you saw Jongin sleeping on the couch. It made your heart race a little, feeling like you were intruding a bit, even more so when Mark continued walking and stepped into Ten’s room to see he and Taemin kissing, Taemin’s arms around Ten’s waist before hearing Mark scream woah, woah, woah! before turning around and saying haha well, I, uh, wasn’t supposed to see that!
He stopped the video, turning to you and smiling. It felt like he’d definitely shown you something you didn’t need to see. You hoped it was with reason. “You know, I had no idea that they were gay. Or had a thing for each other. I knew nothing.” He shrugged, locking his phone and putting it down. “I’ve learned a lot about everyone since we got to America you know? I always thought I was like, really close with these people, but there’s always so much more to learn when you’re with the people you see every day. There’s always something new. Does that make sense?” He asked, turning to you and waiting for a response, you could only catch his eyes, blanking on his question when you saw his lashes flutter. You had to muster up some words.
“Yeah, I, I really do know what you mean.” You told him, knowing you had to keep the information secret. He trusted you and that was terrifying. Why did he? You felt like you could open up to him, swallowing and trying your best to continue a conversation. “My best friends, the ones you met?” You saw him nod, content on listening to what you had to say. Mark was a change of pace, that’s for sure. “I had no idea they were big partiers. I was always the one who avoided parties in school. College and all,” You continued, shrugging and snuggling in closer to his shoulder, looking back down at the table because it felt like looking at him was too much. He gently rubbed your side, comforting you. “They’re so different and as much as I love them, I feel like we’re just on so many different levels and they don’t really get me.”
“That makes sense.” He told you, nodding and taking a sip of his drink. He let you continue.
“I didn’t even know that Seulgi had lost her virginity even.” You scoffed, shaking your head and hearing Mark make an understanding noise. “But then she was at the party making out with guys I didn’t even know?” You sighed, slightly frustrated. “I feel like I don’t even know my friends anymore and it’s partially my fault, you know?”
“I actually do.” He laughed and you could feel his grin even without looking at him. “That’s how i felt when I saw Taemin and Ten. It felt like they were hiding something and I didn’t want them to feel that way. They told everyone like the next day, but it felt weird to have that hidden from us.” He explained further. It still felt weird that he was willing to show you that video, but you didn’t want to comment.
“I’m glad you understand.” You both shared a laugh, seeing the server quietly bring the check to your table. You pulled out your wallet and felt Mark pull out his faster. You snorted, seeing him move his hand to shove your wallet back down, but not fast enough before your card was out and on the table. Mark sighed, shaking his head.
“You know, I haven’t had anyone but my members or my parents buy me dinner?” He told you and you had to look at him, seeing the faint warmth on his cheeks. He made you feel like jell-o and you had no idea what took over you, but you turned to him, reaching up and placing one hand on his cheek to pull him down for a kiss, lips pressed plush against each other with a decent amount of pressure and feeling. You pulled away and avoided looking at him, staring back at the table.
“Well, now you can say someone treated you.” You spoke quieter than you wanted, nerves still unsettled in your stomach.
All you heard was a quiet “Thank you.” before you felt him squeeze your side again. Normally you weren’t one for affection, but Mark made it feel fine.
When your card came back to the table and your signature was down, you felt Mark let go of your waist and reach down for your left hand to tug you out of the restaurant, giggling as you made your way down the streets. He put his mask back on and you could still easily see the outline of his smile that never left his face.
“Hey, you know?” He started; voice muffled by the mask. You wished you could see his face, but knew it was dangerous territory for him to remove it. It was better for the both of you if nobody saw him or knew where he was, especially in a big city like Chicago. “You said you didn’t know your friends partied a lot right?” You narrowed your eyes, confused at his question.
“You know, if they hadn’t been partiers, then we never would’ve met.” He giggled, sounding like an excited schoolgirl talking to her crush. You couldn’t help but snort, rolling your eyes and you couldn’t believe he’d just said that to you.
“Mark Lee, you are a sap.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” He laughed.
“So, when you google us, what comes up?” Mark asked, sitting cross-legged at the edge of his hotel bed that you were so gladly snuggled into the front of.
You’d spent what felt like minutes, but was actually hours, lying in bed with Mark in his hotel suite even when you had your own to return to. It seemed pointless to get your own room because you had a feeling that would happen. He called you over as soon as he woke up, pulling you from your slumber and dragging your sock covered feet to his room. You had put on some decent pyjamas and felt somewhat presentable, but when you saw Mark also wearing shorts and a plain jumper, you felt fine. It was chilly in the November air, but you shared a laugh about the both of you only ever being comfortable relaxing in shorts. The simple things with Mark were the sweetest.
“Let’s see.” You grinned, pulling out your phone and typing in SuperM into the google search. “Okay, so the Avengers of K-Pop,” You started and saw Mark snatch your phone out of your hand, laughing and shaking his head.
“No, oh my god, stop.” He laughed, embarrassed and shaking his head. He hated the idea of comparing themselves to the Avengers, it made him cringe in the worst way possible. It was fun to joke about, but hearing people say it made his eyes roll.
“Who are you, like Iron Man?” You joked; smirking at him and seeing him roll his eyes instead of just thinking about it.
“No indeed not.” He grinned widely. “But I’m glad you think so highly of me. Iron man would definitely be Taemin-hyung.”
“Mm,” You nodded, grinning again. You knew what he meant, you knew how capable and iconic Taemin was, but he didn’t have to know that. You liked boosting his ego. “Who would you be, then?” You smirked, a joke teasing at the tip of your tongue. “Absolutely fully capable Mark?” Your smirk grew stronger, seeing his mouth gape in surprise. It was fun to throw little tidbits out, they weren’t too suspicious. You knew the common jokes and used them to your advantage.
“You fucking know about that?” He asked with a sigh, rolling his eyes again and dramatically laying himself back on the bed. “You know, I can’t ever speak to you again.” He joked, covering his face with a pillow. “I was like 15! I couldn’t even spell capable!” You both snorted, crawling over to him. It was adorable to see him so embarrassed, feeling like you had the upper hand. Mark was cute when you were in control. You felt just a little bit powerful. “Okay, maybe I could spell capable.” You scooted over to him, laying your head right next to his and sighing contentedly.
“You know, that song is kind of a bop.” You giggled, watching him turn his head toward you with an embarrassed grin. It was his turn for silence, sighing contentedly as he looked in your eyes. “What?” you asked.
“I just like that you listened to my music.” He said quietly, sighing and dreamily looking into your eyes. You swallowed a bit nervously, but shook it off. You knew a lot more than he thought you did, but it didn’t seem to interfere. Maybe eventually you’d let him know how you felt about him and why. He was all you could ever imagine and more. You felt whole then, never wanting it to end. He leaned over and pecked your lips, giggling to himself before doing it once more, slightly longer, a little more pressure.
You blushed harshly. “I’d do anything for you.” You laughed with a serious hint in your voice, causing you both to snort out of the cheesiness of it, laughing loudly together on the bed when you heard the door open, looking up to see a fresh head of white hair, gasping slightly when you caught a glimpse of Baekhyun standing in the doorway. It was the closest you’d been to him and it took you by extreme surprise, but you had to act cool. You couldn’t be suspicious but you were mesmerized. You had to act like you were only meeting your friend’s friend, but your heart was beating sporadically in your chest.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, I am sorry.” You heard him laugh, sitting up yourself and scooting closer to Mark out of shyness. You hadn’t met him before, only seen him on stage and you felt more overwhelmed than you would’ve liked.
“Baek-hyung!” You heard Mark exclaim, introducing your name properly with one excited giggle and following with “This is who I’ve been hanging out with the last few days!”
“Ah, you’re the one he won’t stop talking about, huh?” Baekhyun teased and Mark pouted back in response. It felt good that he’d been talking about you. “Nice to finally meet you.” Something about him was off. You hoped he was alright, but you knew how celebrity life could be, especially with all the chaos that EXO had been through, but maybe he’d just been so busy all day he was tired. “He wasn’t at the noraebang but you saw him on stage, huh?” You hardly noticed the question.
“Hi,” You spoke softly, waving at Baekhyun and it almost didn’t feel weird. He felt like a normal person and you didn’t really expect that. You expected to be much more bashful, but Mark kept you at least a little bit grounded, and for that, you were thankful. “I like your hair!” You told him, feeling a little awkward that those were the first words you spoke to him, but he seemed to be more excited than worried. He giggled and shot you a quick and excited “thank you” before slipping into the bathroom.
You grinned, grabbing Mark by the shirt and pulling him in closer to you, pressing your lips harshly against his. You slipped your bottom lip between his and heard his breath catch a little, his arm traveling down to your waist, squeezing softly as you pulled him in even closer, feeling his lips part slightly. The rush of this being as far as the two of you had gotten in six days felt intense, like lightning was traveling between you and it almost hurt to pull away when you heard the bathroom door open again, both of you laying back to face the ceiling. You had to be more careful, grinning dreamily as you felt like you were seeing stars and you heard Baekhyun slip out of the room.
“Maybe we should, uh, do that more.” He spoke softly, reaching over to gently hold your hand once you were alone again.
“Buy me dinner first.” You teased, damn well knowing why he rolled his eyes at you. “You know, I think you’re more Captain Marvel.” You grinned wider, returning to your joke from earlier.
“And why is that?” He looked at you dreamily, waiting for explanation, but you were lost in his eyes. It took you a moment to gather your thoughts enough to form a coherent sentence and not seem like an obsessed idiot.
“Okay, so you’re a rapper right?” You asked, biting your lip in thought.
“And you’ve got a lot of lines, you’re carrying the group pretty well.” You tried to be vague. mustering up the right words. “You’re also passionate, obviously.” You earned a giggle from him. “And, I don’t know, you seem just a little bit cocky.” You joked, smirking and reaching out to touch his hair. He pouted, looking over at you and scooting just a bit closer.
“I’m cocky on stage, not gonna lie, but,” He sighed, shrugging his shoulders just a bit. “I’m not at all confident off stage.” he pouted just a little, awkwardly smiling. Hearing him talk himself down was a little bit of a sad moment, making your heart ache and before you met him, you didn’t really ever think about how human they all were. They had their own quirks and they were people before fame too, but from what you knew, Mark was so young getting into the company, maybe he didn’t have any interactive experiences to gain his confidence. It made you a little sad. “I get so nervous with people and I talk a lot, I’m always scared of conversations.” he sighed, smiling just slightly. “Except from when I’m with you.”
You snorted just a tad, giggling and playing with his hair a little more. “I think you still get nervous around me. You’re practically shaking in your boots right now.”
“God, I know I do.” Mark sighed in defeat. “I get really nervous around people who don’t know me. Like, don’t know what I do normally or anything like that.” It was the first time he had mentioned you not knowing who he was, especially so forwardly. You smiled nervously, nodding and not wanting to say anything else in fear of you reading him a little too hard.
It felt like hours had passed, snuggling into Mark’s side and making yourself comfortable on his chest. Something was ripping into your heart and you felt wrong, but it was too late to say anything, so you stayed quiet. Mark didn’t mind. He seemed to enjoy the silence. He ran his fingers through your hair and he made you feel more calm, but the guilt rained on your conscience. It felt wonderful to lay there with him, but you wondered how he would feel if he knew you were a fan. Would he like you less? Would he have pursued you in the first place if he knew? The answers were up in the air, but you felt like you knew the answers to both of those anyway. You knew how it probably would’ve felt if he knew. It would be so much less likely that you were in this position, but part of you wished you knew the true answer. His fingers felt good combing through your hair, that’s what mattered right then, nothing else.
You’d spent a couple hours lying in bed with Mark, at one point you napped together, getting taunted by both Lucas and Ten when you woke up, feeling Mark toss a pillow at them for you. “Come on guys, we’re trying to sleep!” Mark spoke groggily, pulling you out of your slumber to see Taemin and Ten on the other queen-sized bed, bright smiles and ready to further tease the two of you.
“Come on, get the fuck up! We’re going out!” Taemin got up and nudged the two of you, deciding to lay across the both of you and was being, oddly, the normal one. From what you knew about him at least, which happened to be more than you wished you did in that moment. Taemin made you feel fine, he actually made you the least nervous of all, but you couldn’t help but to think about the fact that it was because of him you ended up there in the first place. Maybe you knew that he was such an open person even as an idol. Taemin was different. He was weird and comfortable. You liked Taemin a lot, but you already expected to from your prior knowledge on him.
Taemin approached you in Walgreens to talk to you, completely comfortable. He told you he would come to your party. He invited Ten and Lucas to your party just so you had the chance to meet them. It made you think about how thankful you were for Taemin. Maybe he would be the relief if anything were to go wrong. He didn’t care who you were in Walgreens and that felt nice. Maybe he knew, maybe he could tell and didn’t care either way. Mark obviously didn’t know. He couldn’t, there no way he would’ve acted the way he did, you were sure. It was terrifying to think about if he did and knew you weren’t telling the full truth.
Sometimes it got to your brain, feeling like you wanted to start over with no memory, just learn about Mark, Ten, Taemin, Lucas, all of them authentically, but it hurt not knowing how they would feel if they did know. It plagued your mind as you went to your room to put on your clothes, excited to be invited out with the guys even if it scared you. It was the first time you’d gone out with them all outside of Walgreens and the concert. You kept thinking about what Mark said about wishing he could just be normal. You wished that vaguely again for him, wondering if you’d connect the same way if you’d met him differently. You were pulled from your thoughts by a knock on the door that made you jump.
You had a hotel room alone a few doors down, but you’d spent the entire day in their room just laying around with Mark and enjoying the intimacy. He felt good to be around. It was sweet, but you felt nervous standing there alone in the room because it was rare you were by yourself, even at home. The second knock made you even more nervous, anxiety running through your veins even if you knew someone was eventually going to come to find you to go out. You had a feeling you knew exactly who was at the door though. You finished your hair and put a cute hat on, making your way to answer. You were wearing your favorite crop top and a comfortable but fancy pair of leggings, it was your more casual ‘going out’ outfit, a decent contrast to the suits or outfits you normally wore going out for work parties or client meetings. You grinned when you opened the door, seeing Mark very nicely but casually dressed, smirk playing on his face as he stood there in all black with just a simple green velour jacket, the same one he wore on stage that night you saw him do his solo. It made your heart race. He looked just as hot as when you saw him on stage; the same feeling you got gnawing at your insides. Something was different than when you saw him just a few minutes ago.
“I’m here to pick up someone special.” He giggled playfully, stepping in and you had to take a breath because he looked gorgeous. It was him in your hotel room again, but this time you were alone, and it surprised you, but exciting all the same. He snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you in tight, pressing his lips to yours in a bold move considering it was Mark. You parted your lips slightly into the kiss, but something felt different, Mark felt more relaxed than he ever had with you before and it felt good.
Mark’s warm body pressed against yours and you almost worried that getting dressed was useless, but you had to push it to the back of your mind, snaking your hands up to cup his cheeks. There was something different in the kiss, like Mark was finding something in you that he had been searching years for. You couldn’t believe he seemed to want you so badly, even if it was just kissing. But when he bit gently on your lip and tugged, pulling a soft whine from your throat, you knew it was more. Something in you told you to stop him, but you ignored it, wanting to enjoy yourself because you wanted it just like he did. You hadn’t felt the passion since before your second restaurant opened and you missed the human touch like that so desperately. You didn’t ever have the time for hookups, but right then it felt like you had all the time in the world, kissing him was all you had time for, even if your other friends were probably ready to go.
“Aren’t they waiting on us?” You whispered, feeling his lips trail down your neck. It felt hot, breathy gasps coming out of your mouth and you felt your eyes roll back at the soft feeling of his tongue along your skin, little nips and kisses making you feel like the only two in the world. He ignored your question, backing you up until you felt your calves hit the foot of the bed. You gulped, feeling wrong for letting him indulge in you, but you couldn’t make yourself stop him. You wanted it just as bad as he seemed to. You felt his hands go lower, gently but nervously trailing down to your ass, soft touches making you feel delicate. You gasped a little, swallowing and moving his face to put his lips back to yours. “You sure about this?” You whispered against his lips, moaning softly into his mouth as he led you back to lay on the bed.
“Yeah,” He answered simply, smiling against your mouth again as he asked for entrance with his tongue, easily opening your mouth to accommodate. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t kissed him like that before, electricity passing through you with each stroke of your tongue against his. He felt so good, hands moving back up to push your shirt up. He giggled nervously, asking permission with his eyes and you easily nodded. “Are you alright with this?” He asked, eyes hooded and fiddling playfully with the hem as he pushed it gently up your skin, soft gasps as you tried to calm yourself down because fuck, it was really happening.
You vocalized your thoughts before you could think. “I can’t believe this is happening.” You whispered, feeling his mouth back on your neck the second he had your shirt off.
“Me either, I haven’t, um, had this in a long time.” He swallowed nervously, his vision going foggy when his eyes had purchase on your chest that he seemed too scared to touch. A blush tinted his cheeks further when you pulled his face to look at him instead.
“I hope it’s okay.” You whispered before you could stop yourself, your own face feeling hot as he kissed you harder, with more want than before. You felt so connected and you were too distracted to feel guilty, paying more attention to the fingers dancing on your thighs and between your legs, gasping when you felt him attempt to rub through your leggings. The pressure felt nice, sacred, like a god was touching you, but you wanted more, squeezing your legs around his hand and trying to get him to better focus on kissing you.
“More kissing please.” You whispered against his lips, his hand pulling away to soothe over your hips. You sighed, pressing your tongue boldly into his mouth and hearing him moan the quietest noise. You had him, but you made him nervous, you could tell. You were the older one and you knew that made him even more scared.
“I-I don’t know what to do.” He spoke nervously, catching your eyes and you could see just how flushed he was. His face had makeup on it that definitely needed to be touched up and it drove you crazy that it was because of you. “Can you, um, guide me, like, with what you like? I-“ You interrupted him by touching his hand, biting your lip with a soft smile.
You reached down to his hand to guide him, it felt like you were on autopilot again, slipping his hand under your waistband and your heart felt like it was going to burst any second. He slipped his own hand under the waistband of your underwear and your eyes found the ceiling, nervously hoping that it would be okay. Sex made you scared. You didn’t have the best experiences, but you prayed that Mark would be gentle. When his fingers glazed over your clit and gave you small soft circles, your prayers were answered, spreading your legs just a little more as you reached up to crash your lips together harshly, feeling his fingers drag down your slit and you didn’t even realize how wet you were, nerves making breathing even harder to remember how to do.
“Fuck,” you heard him whisper against your mouth, gently dipping his finger inside of you easily and making you gasp when he curled it inside. He scooted you back up to lean against the headboard, moaning softly when he slipped a second finger inside, your whimpers edging him on to keep curling them inside of you, quickly finding your g-spot and making your vision blur. “You’re so wet,” He spoke breathily, his arousal apparent against your leg when you nudged it against him.
Your leggings felt hot and you had to get them off, pulling your hands away from Mark to push them off rapidly along with your underwear, tossing them to the floor and leaving your lower half exposed as well. He didn’t stop his ministrations, cocky smile on his lips when you looked at him. You swallowed thickly, feeling like you were on a cloud as his fingers worked inside you, hips moving along with his hands. “You’re so, fuck,” he couldn’t even finish his sentence, lips attaching to yours again as you panted, grabbing at his wrist to get him to slow down. He didn’t seem too interested in that idea, only pushing you a little further. “I love doing this,” he told you, eyes catching yours and you had to take in a breath of air. It was too hot.
“I-I think I’m gonna come,” You warned quietly, feeling the heel of his palm move against your clit and the moan that came from you only pushed him further. He pulled his fingers from you, scooted down the bed and settled between your legs with a smirk. His mouth was on you immediately and you gasped loudly, his tongue playing games on your clit and when he pressed the flat of it against you, you arched your back, feeling an orgasm rush through you. “Fuck, Mark.” you whimpered. He grabbed your hands, tangling your fingers together as he rode you through your high and gave you soft kitten licks down your slit, giggling as he was proud of himself, you could tell. It took a moment to come back to reality, Mark laying at your side and gently playing with your fingers as you tried to come down.
Once you came to, you weren’t sure what came over you. You saw nerves come over his face and you couldn’t help but giggle, straddling his lap and placing a hand gently over his crotch and for a split second you felt bad for starting on your way to ruining such a wonderful outfit, but you weren’t bothered enough to stop. You kissed him for the millionth time, tongue fighting for dominance in his mouth and it felt better than you could’ve imagined. You felt him gasp into your mouth when you undid his belt and zipper, immediately tucking your hands into his jeans to wrap around his length.
You bit his lip and definitely felt like you were the only person presented with this opportunity. You gladly took it, stroking him and feeling his chest rise, eyes closed and continuing to messily kiss you, his hands grasping at your thighs and squeezing to ground himself. He didn’t speak, he was quieter than he had been since you met him. You sighed, loving the way he felt in your hand. You tugged gently on his lip with your teeth, pulling his arousal out of his boxers and he gasped lightly at the air hitting him. You wanted to look down and see exactly what you were in for but comforting him with kisses felt like a better idea.
He lasted a lot shorter than you expected, but you weren’t surprised, enjoying making him feel good enough to come so fast. You felt proud, his mess sticky on your thigh and you were quite impressed that he’d managed to avoid his clothes, which excited you because he looked perfect, all fucked out in the face and looking at you dreamily. You giggled, tucking him back into his pants.
You could tell he was perfectly content with not going any further. It didn’t quite feel right yet. You watched him get up on wobbly legs, giggling to himself all the way to the bathroom to grab you a towel. He blushed harshly when he saw you still sitting on the bed, naked with his come on your thigh. You blushed as well, giggle coming out of your mouth and you had to admit even just looking at him again made you feel good, so perfect and beautiful and someone you’d looked up to for a while. He sat next to you, damp towel in his hand while he giggled, easily cleaning your thigh off and trying his best to clean up the small mess on the bed sheets.
You had a thought, grinning to yourself. “Well, you’re definitely absolutely fully capable.” There was no way in hell you were going to stop yourself from making that joke, giggling harshly when you heard him groan.
“Well that’s good to know because it feels like I’ve only been imagining doing that shit for years.” You liked when he swore, you noted. He laughed, shaking his head and tracing his fingers along your hips and sides. You hadn’t gotten back dressed yet, spooning with your back against Mark and playing with his arm while he fiddled. You snorted, sighing contentedly. “But you really cannot make that joke after sex.” He teased, squeezing your waist lightly.
“Good thing we didn’t have sex then.” You smirked, looking back at him with a quirked eyebrow. “I’m one hundred percent willing to snatch your soul, then make a joke and have you hate me afterward.”
“Please, say less.” You heard him say nervously, nuzzling his face into your neck. You could tell he was spent, but it was also fun to play with him. “Maybe we can one day, though, hm?” He asked sleepily, peppering soft kisses under your ear.
“I mean, I’m game.” You bit your lip, not believing how bold your words were coming out. You definitely had the upper hand, but he did surprise you just a little sometimes.
“Yeah?” He whispered quietly, making you gasp when he placed a hand over your chest, gently thumbing over your nipple. You felt heat rush to your core again, closing your eyes and trying to push it away. “I’ve never wanted someone like I wanted you.” He spoke seriously, gravelly voice making you almost whimper from the effect it had on you. You whimpered just a little when you felt his teeth on your skin, not expecting him to bounce back so quickly. You reached up, unable to take it anymore as you grabbed his hand and put it between your legs again, guiding his fingers to rub against your clit. You breathed harshly, eyes screwing shut as he gave soft delicate strokes to the bundle of nerves. “You’re so good.” You loved the praise as much as you loved praising Mark. You felt like you were in heaven, eyes rolling to the back of your head until-
“Okay, okay, okay! Guys, we’re all ready!” Lucas’s booming voice was heard in the hallway, pulling you out of your daze and aching core for Mark. You heard ferocious bangs on the door, but Mark didn’t stop, only speeding up his fingers and making you gasp even harder. More bangs on the door finally stopped him and he pulled his hand away with a defeated groan, giving a light pat to your tummy with a kiss on the cheek. He yanked himself out of bed easily, grabbing your stray clothing items and tossing them your way with a shy smile. You ignored the arousal you had, it could wait.
“Get dressed, baby!” The pet name made your heart throb. He grinned, gently tossing your clothes toward you and when you sat up, he gave you a light peck on the lips, running quickly to the bathroom as he shouted “Just a minute!” at the door, multiple voices of laughter could be heard and you thought you could die from embarrassment. You pulled your shirt back on quickly, then followed with your leggings. Mark came back out, huge grin on his face and it made your heart melt.
“God, you’re cute.” You told him, seeing his eyes glance down at the slick between your legs as you pulled your underwear and leggings on. You felt your cheeks heat up and felt so good in that moment. He wanted you and you were glad to let him have you. Eventually at least.
“I mean, I try.” He giggled bashfully, bouncing on his toes excitedly as he watched you pick your hat up from the ground, not even realizing it had been tossed off. You laughed a bit, feeling like a little kid in a candy shop. Mark was all the candy you needed. You heard more banging on the door, hardly paying any attention to it.
“Hurry up, lovebirds!” You heard Ten’s singsong voice and sounds you knew as Taemin’s laugher through the door. It was oddly calming and made you feel even better. It felt like you were in a high, the world surrounding you felt so surreal. You bit your lip, looking over at a starry-eyed Mark. He looked so proud, like he’d just won a medal. You had to say something.
“Also, I have to point out, you’re also really good at like, everything you did.” You had to remind him, seeing him flush made you feel good, giggling to yourself as he readjusted his pants and made sure he looked okay in the hotel mirror. The room was much less nice than the last one you stayed in, but Mark didn’t seem to mind and that felt good too. Before you fixed your makeup, you kissed him firmly on the lips, seeing his eyebrow quirk up.
“I’m gonna get the door.” He whispered between your kiss and one he pressed to your hand that he brought up to his face. It felt more intimate and loving than it should have, but you played it off as just him being sweet. You smoothed out your foundation and reapplied your lip balm, feeling satisfied with how you looked when everyone walked in.
“Well, someone looks nice!” Ten told you, giggling and stepping to where the mirror was in your room. “Actually, it’s me.” He laughed, grinning widely. “So, are you guys ready?” He asked, making you and Mark look at each other, dumb dopey smiles played on your faces.
“Yeah, I, uh, think so.” Mark giggled and reached over to gently grab your hand in his. “Ready?”
You nodded, sighing contentedly when all three of the boys complimented you. They had a habit of doing that. It was innocent, but sweet, nonetheless. They made you feel important. Nothing like compliments from famous boys, they made you feel more validated than anyone. It shouldn’t have been that way, but a boost to your self-esteem was never the worst thing ever.
“You know? Ive been hanging out with you guys for what? Five days?” You asked, sighing contently as they each laughed softly.
“I mean I guess you’re the eighth member of SuperM now.” Ten joked, causing the four of them to erupt in laughter and you felt good, squeezing Mark’s hand as you made your way down the hallway.
“Hm, I guess so. I can’t sing, dance, write, or anything, but I guess I can make jokes.” You laughed again, making Lucas cackle loudly in the hallway. It made you smile, it felt like you were in a daze. You felt like a part of them, you felt like you belonged there with them and that was rare for you to feel, even with close friends sometimes you didn’t quite fit just right, but these boys never made you feel alone and you loved it. Part of you wished you’d spent more time with Baekhyun or Jongin or Taeyong, but you were still perfectly content with the four you knew. They made you feel so close so fast, like you’d found a new group of friends you could relate to. They felt so judgement free when you knew they were the center of harsh judgement back in Korea. It was sweet.
They took you bowling. They put you on a team with Lucas and Ten while Mark and Taemin were on the other team, ready to destroy the three of you. “We’ll take it easy on you, princess.” Taemin teased you, making you roll your eyes and look over at Ten, who easily scoffed at his boyfriend.
“You never win anything, and Mark has no coordination.” Ten snapped back, shrugging and picking his ball. He was coming with clapbacks easily against the eldest of your group. “At least between the two of us, there’s like 4 braincells. The two of you share one.” Ten was giggling to himself, laughing harder when Lucas made a disappointed face.
“What do you mean the two of us?” Lucas pouted, trying to be cute to get on Ten’s good side. The latter snorted.
“Not you, baby. You’re… on another level.” Ten grinned, making Lucas laugh back in response.
“God, you guys are mean to each other!” You spoke playfully, choosing your own ball to put into the game. “My friends always tell each other we love each other and then call one another a bitch when we’re away.” You laughed along, seeing Lucas shrug in your direction.
“Kun-ge says I have no braincells too, its normal.” Lucas told you, nudging your arm. For a second you forgot that the other members existed, smiling when he mentioned another member. It made you happy to hear that they so gladly talked about and to each other freely. You were glad they were close even when they weren’t together. “What are you smiling about?” Lucas interrupted your thoughts, nudging your side. You couldn’t exactly tell him what was on your brain.
“Just,” you started, sighing happily. “I love hanging out with you guys, you’re all so fun.” You giggled, glancing over at Mark who looked so happy to just be here. It felt good to see him enjoying himself.
“Ah, is that what it is?” Lucas asked, leaning against the table you were sitting at. You felt it move slightly and it almost scared you how big he suddenly seemed. A gentle giant. Lucas was much sweeter than you expected him to be. He pulled you from your thoughts again, sweet but low voice cutting through your brain. “You like Mark?” He asked, nudging you and giving you the most playful smile.
You sighed, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks, feeling yourself get weak the second you heard his voice. He didn’t feel real. Maybe this was just some really good dream you didn’t know how to wake up from. “Yeah, I think I do.” You saw Lucas smile, nodding and gently placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. From what? You weren’t sure. You were positive he was just being nice, but it was comforting, nonetheless. “It’s so crazy to think we’ve only hung out for a few days, but it feels like a lifetime.” You sighed, feeling your cheeks warm even more as you looked over at Mark, who was currently warming up and pretending to throw the ball with Taemin. You vaguely remembered how Chanyeol and Jaehyun had gone bowling in the idol Olympics previously, and a giggle came from your mouth, smiling at the similarities and almost a little surprised at the fact that they all seemed so competitive. It was enjoyable to see Ten teasing the other boys, attempting to tear down their egos all while Taemin looked amused, quirking an eyebrow up at his boyfriend who seemed unaffected. You watched Ten stomp over to you, grin wide on his face, but you could tell he was ready to stomp Taemin and Mark into the ground. You knew he loved winning.
“Come on, it’s go time.” Ten told you, gesturing that it was your turn to first throw the ball. “Make it count, babe.” Ten giggled, nudging you forward. You looked back at Mark who was cheering you on, getting a small smack on the shoulder from Taemin who told him he can’t cheer for the competition. Mark easily chose to ignore him, shouting readily at you as you attempted to get into position and ready to start the game off well. You were the first to go, so it was a lot of pressure.
“You got this! Lets get it!” Mark made you laugh loudly, shaking your head and grinning as you tried to focus. You set your arms up and quickly tossed the ball, biting your lip and hoping for the best. You heard him shout out a “whoop, whoop!” before you even saw the pins, looking up and gasping when you saw you’d knocked 9 pins down, only leaving one for the option of the strike. You had to do it, positioning yourself again and tossing the ball once more, biting your lip as the ball actually made the perfect path toward the pin, making everyone start cheering for you. It felt good.
You scored a strike, causing Ten to walk up to you and dramatically kiss you on the cheek, his proud mother energy jumping out and making you snort again. “God, I love you!” Ten said, patting your back playfully and fully ready to see Taemin strike out. Ten was all for them losing, it excited him.
“Hey, that’s Mark’s job!” Lucas loud-capped his friend, giggling when he saw Mark covering his eyes with his hands. He couldn’t believe that Lucas has just said that out loud, but you didn’t mind. It made you feel good. Everything the boys did made you feel good, you wondered again what you did to deserve being with them, it was a thought that plagued your mind constantly and the fact that everything moved so fast made you worry that it was just an extreme fever dream and you’d wake up in your bed in an actual reality. Taemin and Ten were cracking up laughing at him, but you saw Mark red faced and smiling shyly when you looked over at him.
“I’m so sorry for his outbursts.” You laughed harder, walking over to him and feeling him slip his arm around your waist.
“He’s really funny, give him credit.” You teased, seeing Mark shake his head and relax into you. “I think collectively you all have 4 braincells, two of them belong to ten, one and a half belong to you, one half is with Taemin.” You snorted, hearing Mark burst into laughter.
“Hey, now, no fraternizing with the enemy.” Lucas pouted jokingly, crossing his arms as Ten and Taemin both threw their balls at the same time, obvious competition between the two of them. You loved their relationship dynamic; it was nice to see them together. They both ended up making bad scores, Taemin only hitting two pins total in both throws and Ten ending up with only three pins and a gutter. You and Mark both sighed together, shaking your heads and laughing at the chaos unfolding in front of you, Mark’s hand still around your waist.
“Your turn.” Taemin said through laughter, nudging Mark’s arm and laughing at himself.
“Gotta go now, my forbidden love.” Mark joked, pecking you lightly on the lips and you felt like it was almost too sweet, uncomfortably sweet.
“God, no don’t say that.” You told him, hearing his laughter as he walked over. “I’ll never be forbidden.” He was incredibly cute, almost too cute. You felt a little conflicted. You were weird with public displays of affection, feeling slightly awkward that he was so willing to be sweet and cheesy in front of his friends, but you tried to push it off and act normal. That was your first fear with Mark. It made you feel horrible because he was genuinely so nice. You swallowed a bit, hoping he wouldn’t get too soft and sweet with each other that often. It wasn’t who you were, and it made you feel weird, but you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your mind. You watched him throw the ball and end up with seven pins, giving his team 9 in total, so you were still very much in the lead after Lucas took a gutter.
“He’s not brawn or brains.” Ten explained to you, making you snort and sit back down on your side of the lanes, facing directly across from Mark, who was fidgeting in his chair like a child as he watched Taemin take his turn.
“That’s okay, he’s funny and that’s what matters.” You heard Ten and Lucas both laugh at your joke. “The muscles are purely for comedic affect right?” You grinned, hearing Ten snort loudly and Lucas’s pout was soft. “They seem a little pointless.”
“See, at least someone thinks I’m funny!” Lucas patted you on the back and you felt soft, happy at how close you felt like you were getting. It felt nice to find someone who didn’t care or know about your mild fame, just playing a simple game of bowling after hours. Your fame was selective, yes, but you still had a name around the places you’d opened restaurants. You got crowded by fans, even if it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was for the boys you were with, but you felt like you could really relate to them; just sitting around and enjoying the game with people who didn’t see you as an object or liked you for your money or to make themselves feel important and you slightly worried that you had only seen them as objects before. You felt like you saw them in a different light than normal, maybe hanging out with them was what you needed to not feel like an obsessive fan. To see them as people similar to your level was a gift more than any.
You couldn’t believe idols made you feel normal than people you grew up with, sitting and enjoying yourself felt foreign, in disbelief that work wasn’t a problem.
Until the phone call.
You had to leave, kicking off your shoes quickly and making your way to a quieter common area with one shoe in hand as you tried to focus on the words through your phone. You broke down into soft sobs when you were gently told that one of your workers was tragically killed in a car accident. You were needed back home.
You tried to keep up the mood, but everyone could tell something was wrong. Mark made his way over to you, grabbing your hand and gently pulling you to a more secluded place. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked, cupping your cheeks and even though it felt weird to be touched in public like that, you allowed it, letting tears gently fall from your face and trying to be quiet in order not to cause a scene.
“One of my managers.. My.. friend.. Just got into an accident.” You told him through sniffles, reaching up to dab your tears away. “She-she’s dead. I’m sorry, I- I need to go outside.” You swallowed, trying to calm down just a little.
“Baby,” He sighed softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah?” You sniffled again, letting his arms embrace you as you kept your own arms by your sides. You didn’t have the strength to wrap your own arms around him, sitting in defeat and feeling like it was all your fault. Someone died and it felt like it was your fault. It was a feeling that was nagging at you.
“You’ve got one shoe on.” He told you, making you slightly laugh, another tear falling from your eyes. “Where’s your shoe?” He asked, pouting as he pulled away to cup your cheeks again. It felt weirdly relaxing to be treated so tenderly. You felt a little off and a joke was nagging at your insides in the most awkward of moments.
“The bowling alley needed a sacrifice. I gave it my left shoe.” You joked, wiping your tears again when you felt Mark laugh, shaking his head and placing a small kiss to your forehead.
“Give me a second.” He grinned, stepping away from you only to return with your shoe and jacket in hand. “Let’s get you home okay?” You could tell he was a little disappointed, walking you outside to wait as the boys got ready to leave. They didn’t at all mind leaving so you could be more comfortable, and you thought that was sweet of them. They reminded you they had plenty of time to do other things and bowl some more in the future. They even hoped you’d join them again. It oddly felt good that they were wanting to continue including you, even if you ruined their night. You hoped you didn’t, but it was hard to feel that way.
You spent nearly the whole night crying in your hotel room, sobbing into Mark’s chest and trying to come to terms with the fact that not only had you lost one of your workers, but your friend who had been with you from the beginning of your restaurant experience. Hannah was the general manager of both uptown stores in Los Angeles and on the way home that night, a drunk driver had fatally crashed into her car. You were torn on what to be more upset about: having to find someone to tragically take her place; an ache that felt heavy in your chest, or being upset that you had to leave Mark to handle the situation. It felt unreal and you felt selfish. You’d forgotten about your work for days and you had stretched it too far. It felt like it was your fault. She was working later hours because she wanted you to have a good time, so it felt wrong to even still be gone. You couldn’t believe it.
“Mark, I have to go home.” You sniffled, grabbing a hold of his t-shirt as he ran his fingers through your hair, trying to comfort you as best as he could. You could tell he didn’t know how to handle the situation, but he was trying his best and he made you feel better.
“It’s okay, it really is.” He reminded you, kissing the top of your head over and over again. He hardly knew you on a level to assist and treat you like he was. He was so kind, and you didn’t understand why. You didn’t feel like you deserved it. You’d been lying about what you knew this whole time and the guilt was getting to you in the moment. Before, it was just a passing thought when he mentioned fans and how he was treated, but it was nagging at you. You hoped it wouldn’t come down on you. Maybe it was because you were blaming yourself for someone dying and it was cruel karma coming to haunt you. You stayed silent, trying to relax in Mark’s arms. “You could come visit us before we go home.” He said quietly and you swallowed, forgetting that he did in fact live in another country. That was eating you alive too and if it were to ever go any further with Mark, you’d have to settle for a long-distance relationship and it didn’t seem realistic. It was nagging at your soul and you didn’t know how to say it, so you tried your best to stay calm in the crisis of your brain.
“I’ve had a really good time with you.” You felt like it was moving too fast. You knew it was moving too fast, but you didn’t care. Time was different when it was with Mark, your head was spinning and you felt a few tears well up in your eyes and hoped Mark would pass them off as being upset about what you should’ve been more upset about, which was your friend. You should’ve been less selfish, but you couldn’t help it. It all came crashing down at once and you couldn’t stop it.
You looked over at the boy you were snuggled up in bed with and felt like your whole world was lying down in bed with you, soft eyes met his and he didn’t hesitate to kiss you, a gentle press of lips trying to tell you that it would all be okay, but you knew better. You kissed him back harder, not wanting to let go and you pulled him closer by his cheek, his arms wrapping around your figure and holding you like you were precious to him. You felt needed in that moment. Maybe Mark needed you like you needed him. He was a new experience. You sighed into his kiss, feeling him trace soft circles into the small of your back. He moved his lips and kissed across your face, kissing all the tears and part of your worry away. You needed him and that scared you.
You were pulled out of your head with a knock on the door and in a second it was open, Ten quickly explaining that Mark had left your extra keycard in their room and they wanted to check on you because it had been hours since they heard from you. Mark pulled his face away from yours but still had you in his embrace as Ten and Taemin entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed, both comforting you by laying their hands on your legs through the blanket. It felt weird being around them in your pyjamas and not at all dressed up, but you didn’t care much.
More knocks were on the door and Ten made his way to the door to allow a few faces you hardly saw with Lucas enter the room. You laid eyes on Taeyong and Jongin for the first time outside of the concert and dinner and it felt almost unreal for them to come in, but they entered with soft and tender bare faces and were there to comfort you as well. You felt better, Taeyong coming over to rub your shoulder.
Jongin offered a small smile, waving and coming to give you a small hug from your bed.
“Hi, I’m Taeyong, nice to meet you again.” He introduced himself, but he didn’t need to. His soft voice was even more gentle in person, handing you a few napkins and a bag full of snacks. You saw a white-headed boy slip in the door. “and Baekhyun-hyung.” Baekhyun waved at you, the pair individually coming to give you soft hugs and comfort you in your time of need. It felt odd that they were the ones hugging you, you felt like the more famous one now, them taking their time out of scheduling to comfort you and give you their time. “Sorry we haven’t been around much; we’ve been a little busy.” Taeyong shrugged shyly, rubbing your shoulder before retracting to his friends. You could feel Mark relax a little bit.
“We didn’t get a chance to explain last time, but Taeyong is in NCT with me, Baekhyun and Jongin are in EXO.” Mark told you, making you grin because it was adorable that he thought in all the research you had him convinced you did, he still felt the need to explain. It made your heart warm. “We’re all in the same company and they wanted to make SuperM with all of us in it.” You nodded sweetly.
“It’s really, I mean seriously, really nice to meet you all. You didn’t have to do all this, honestly.”
“It’s no problem, seriously,” Ten reminded you, squeezing your leg in promise. “We thought you needed some company. We all wanted to say our goodbyes.”
“Well hopefully it won’t be the last time I see you guys, right?” You only got mild shrugs and that worried you, but it was something you’d return to later. You didn’t want to overthink anything right then, it was too hard.
“We thought we should throw you a little going away party, get your mind off things, yeah?” Baekhyun said sweetly, handing you a cheap but sweet bouquet of flowers and you had to giggle, pulling yourself out of Mark’s grip to see his smile. He looked just as happy as you, feeling like people he cared about were all in the same room, like it was a huge important moment in his life. It was only a brief meeting with him, but you were happy. You saw Baekhyun, Jongin, and Taeyong sit on the other bed, setting out a few RedBox movies. The most American thing they could do, so it was amusing, but still meant the world. You giggled at their selection of horror films and sweet romance movies. There were about four DVDs and you couldn’t care less about what they were. They were there to spend time with you and that’s what mattered.
“We brought, um, movies!” Jongin said shyly, kicking off his shoes and sitting cross-legged on the bed. Lucas pulled out his laptop from his bag and went over to set it on the TV stand to plug into the television monitor.
“We couldn’t say goodbye just like that!” Lucas reminded you, making you giggle. “We thought you might need some extra company!” He was right, you did. You felt even more important in that moment, laying contently with Mark
You were sitting in a hotel room with the people you’ve looked up to for years, you should’ve been the happiest person in the world, but the situation was nagging at you and it didn’t feel right. You tried to push it off as Lucas picked watching Paranormal Activity, excitedly popping popcorn in the hotel microwave as he danced his way around the suite. He had a habit of making everyone laugh, he was good comedic relief. “I told you guys he was funny.” You reminded, snuggling your head into Mark’s neck as the credits played and Lucas continued to make a scene. It was entertaining to say the least.
“He’s annoying is what he is.” Ten spoke playfully, causing everyone in the room to erupt into laughter, making Lucas pout dramatically, coming over to lay on top of Ten and Taemin both. You loved their chemistry, it made you so happy to see them enjoying themselves.
“You’re not annoying to me.” You told Lucas and everyone else was laughing again. “I count, right?”
“I like you, you’re nice.” Lucas grinned, immediately jumping up when the microwave beeped and running full force over to it to grab the bags. He made two for each bed, equally handing them out.
“At least someone can entertain him.” Baekhyun played along, grinning and taking a sip from his drink. “No, it’s all jokes. We love you, Xuxi.” Lucas giggled again and moved himself to the opposite bed with the other members.
“Sometimes.” Taeyong added. You felt like a part of the family, feeling Mark play with your hair as he relaxed. The room went dark from Jongin turning the lights off. It felt calming and your worries were pushed to the back of your head.
“God, I love horror movies.” Taemin added once the title menu came on, bouncing excitedly as he ate from one bag of popcorn for he and Ten. Ten continued to gently rub your leg through the blanket and relaxed at the edge of your bed with his boyfriend. You’d learned so much about them and you didn’t want it to stop. It scared you that this would all be a distant memory, but you pushed it off as best as you could, just to reminisce in the moment for just a while longer.
The movie played as everyone remained silent. You were sure they didn’t know how to comfort you or offer support, so the silence was sweet. It was about halfway over when you felt Mark snuggle even closer to you, not minding PDA for once in your life. You smiled tiredly, trying to hold onto your last moments with him because you hadn’t even decided when you were leaving yet. You knew you’d have to leave as soon as possible, but since they were in town for a few days, maybe you’d have a little more time tomorrow. Mark pulled you from your thoughts with a quiet whisper. “I’m gonna miss you.” You felt tears well up in your eyes, silently sniffling and trying to keep yourself calm, but it was a tipping point and you weren’t sure how to come back from it.
You looked at him, teary eyed. “I’m gonna miss you too.” You whispered, choking up as you spoke. Ten must’ve heard it, because he squeezed your leg comfortingly with soft strokes, nuzzling his head into your leg and you saw him grab Taemin’s hand. You loved their relationship and your whole world had changed in a matter of a few days. It felt unreal. You were tired, but you didn’t want the night to end. It was the most you’d felt important in a long time to people who weren’t only after you for fame, money, or investments. You felt like you had new friends that had nothing to do with business and that was pure bliss. You didn’t even realize when you’d fallen asleep.
You woke up the next morning still tangled in Mark’s arms in an otherwise empty room and it was about the best you’d slept in years. The sweetness of seeing his face close to yours first thing in the morning was incomparable. You brushed his hair out of his face and thumbed over his cheek with your body in his sleeping arms. You sighed sleepily, nuzzling your face back into his neck comfortably and you felt him shift awake, not saying anything even if he was conscious. You laid there for a moment, just staying in his embrace was more than you could ever ask for, but the thought of having to leave was nagging in your brain. It felt wrong. Seven days now. Seven days ago you met this precious boy that felt like he had changed your life.
Seven days ago you made him sleep on a hotel bathroom floor with you and you just woke up in his arms. Seven days ago he was Mark from NCT and today he was a possible love interest. You couldn’t help but feel at least a little excited. You hadn’t forgotten about the fact that you had to leave or why, but it felt different to have people you loved so specially comforting you. You felt like you didn’t deserve it, but you weren’t questioning it anymore. You had to live in the moment.
“Good morning.” Mark spoke groggily, sighing into your neck and placing a kiss under your ear that felt way too intimate to be real. He continued kissing your neck lazily, innocent pecks that felt like electricity on your skin. He always made you feel like his touches were charged, lighting your skin up and sighing into his affection.
“Good morning.” You spoke softly, closing your eyes and letting his lips smooth over your raised skin. He left goosebumps in his trace, soft noises as you pressed your body closer to his. You loved his warmth, feeling the blankets shift over the both of you and you knew you would miss his touch, his fingertips tracing underneath your shirt, tickling your skin but it felt good. He felt good, amazing even. You felt selfish, keeping him in bed when he should be getting ready for the concert. You still had to buy your plane ticket home, but for now you were trying to push those thoughts away, relax into the boy who felt like he’d give you the world.
You felt Mark suck lightly on your neck, surprised and jumping slightly at the action, but his tongue felt good as it soothed the bruise he was trying to make. It was too early to push him away and you didn’t want to, basking in the glory of him wanting your touch, just to be close to you. “What are you doing?” You playfully asked, giggling as he pulled his face away with a dopey smile.
“Um, I think I’m, uh, kissing you?” He said softly, his cheeks bright red as he tried to be confident, but it wasn’t exactly his forte. You didn’t mind, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and trying not to get too intimate, not sure exactly what his actions were inciting, but kissing in the morning felt so different, lips gently pressing over and over again against each other until you tried to part your lips, feeling him pull away suddenly. “Wait, I-I haven’t brushed my teeth.” He made you giggle, shaking your head and sighing at him.
“Go brush your teeth then.”
“Brush them with me.” He said sweetly, voice bathed in childish wonder, grinning at you. You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself out of his grip and slinking out of the bed and over to the sink where you pulled out the toothbrush he’d used before and pulling out your own. You had a weird feeling it would happen again and even though keeping the toothbrush he used felt odd, you hadn’t even thought much about it, but you thanked yourself for doing it. It was the most tender and innocent thing you could do, standing there together in the mirror and brushing your teeth. It felt right. It felt like you were a couple living their married life. You could only dream.
You wanted to bask in it; seeing him step closer to lay his free arm across the small of your back. He stood there for a second while both of you brushed thoroughly, smiling at yourself in the mirror. You felt his hand slide lower, gentle hand giving a soft squeeze to your ass when you saw his eyebrow quirk up. You could tell he was trying to not act nervous, but when you saw the blush on his cheeks and the slight raised outline in his boxers, you felt your stomach get tight. You smiled, reaching your own hand over to slide your palm over it, hearing him choke just slightly at the sudden feeling, looking at you with sweet, needy eyes. You gently massaged over his arousal, grinning before pulling away to finish and rinse your mouth out. Mark followed, shyly cleaning himself up. He looked shyly at you, apples of his cheeks bright red and he was clearly feeling embarrassed.
It was silent, but it was a happy silence, reaching over to grab his hand and tug him back to the bed, immediately pulling the covers over the both of you as you tangled your legs together. You heard him clear his throat, feeling his arousal on your thigh but choosing to ignore it for the time being. You could tell he was embarrassed about it, biting his lip and grazing his eyes over your face.
“What are you waiting on?” You asked, smiling and slightly biting your lip as well.
“I’m just.. looking at you. Um, you’re, um, really beautiful, okay?” You felt your heart pound, reaching up to grab his cheeks and pull his face to you, giving him a hard, open-mouthed kiss, his tongue easily sliding into your mouth and causing you to let out a soft moan into his. He kept his lower half still, just wanting to keep it at kissing because you could tell he was scared, reaching his hand to run through your hair and rest at the nape of your neck to pull you impossibly closer, fading away into the feeling that was Mark kissing you. You wondered how you’d gotten so hooked so quickly, but you shoved the thoughts away, reaching down to move his hand to your waist.
“Kiss my neck.” You whispered against his mouth, feeling his head move and the delicious feeling of his lips on your skin. You felt like you were weightless, giving into his touches as his fingers lightly danced under the hem of your shirt, tracing soft circles into your flesh. He was so gentle, sucking so tenderly on your neck. You could tell he wanted to relish in the moment, not moving further than your neck. You kind of enjoyed that he was so nervous, taking his time with you and making you feel so wanted.
“I-I’m so nervous.” He admitted, pressing another soft peck to your cheek and you felt your heart grow three times in size, wanting to protect and make him feel better. You knew how nerve-wracking this could be for him. It was scary to think that he might be terrified, but you picked his face up and placed another soft kiss on his lips.
“Then.. How about.. Just kissing for now, okay?” You told him and he nodded, hoping it would ease his nerves. “Until you feel more comfortable, yeah?” Mark was so nervous. You stayed like that for a while, his tongue exploring your mouth like it was a new planet, soft kitten flicks against your own. It felt good. Kissing Mark felt better than anyone else you’d kissed by a landslide and your body felt like Jell-O, melting into his arms and easily pulling him on top of you. Mark pulled away for a second and swallowed, giving you a shy smile before laying his head on your chest. It was a moment of intimacy you hadn’t yet shared, and it felt so new. You ran your fingers through his head of black hair, enjoying the feeling of his soft strands through your digits. You heard him sigh happily, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your t-shirt.
“You make me feel.. so happy.” Mark spoke, but his voice sounded defeated, making your chest ache in guilt. You wished you hadn’t made him feel so vulnerable, just as he made you feel. it felt wrong. You felt your eyes well up slightly with tears and you couldn’t help it. You felt like you’d fallen for this boy in just a few days and it was insane but being here with him was enough to ground you a little in an attempt to lengthen the time you had with him. It wouldn’t last forever, and you knew that. It was so soon into everything, but you felt like you were willing to risk it all for him.
“You make me feel happy too.” You told him, kissing the top of his forehead before he picked up his head and returned to your lips, hovering over your body in an attempt to get closer. You felt his arousal against your thigh and giggled, feeling him shift awkwardly.
“Sorry, it, it just happens sometimes.” You giggled at his explanation but cut him off with more kisses, continuing to lay in your bliss with him. You could tell he was embarrassed, but you had to assure him that it was fine. “Morning and all,” He lied through his teeth, giggling awkwardly.
“I don’t mind it, really.” You laid back down comfortably, sighing. You laid like that for a moment, running your fingers through his hair as you continued to make out. It was only a few minutes before he regained his confidence, slipping his tongue back into your mouth and crawling to hover over you. It only took a minute and it boosted your confidence to know that he wanted you so badly, but you didn’t mind his hesitation. “I kind of like it.” You swear you felt him shudder against you.
“I, uh, think I’m okay now.” He laughed, grinning and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. You tested the waters, slipping your thigh between his legs and heard him moan softly, letting him gently grind down against your clothes. It was a cute sight, seeing him so needy. You almost felt desperate, loving the way he made you feel. Someone having so much attraction to you so suddenly. It was moving way too fast, but the rush was like no other with Mark. You felt like your time was running out, reaching down to grab his hand and place it directly over your chest under the fabric, feeling his hand shake in yours as you guided him to massage the supple flesh, groaning into his mouth at the heated touches, soft thumb massaging over your nipple. He moved his other hand to go under your shirt as well, making you gasp and arch into his touch. You felt yourself getting wet and adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Your body was hot, feeling Mark’s lips travel down your neck, softly kissing your skin and not leaving marks. It didn’t feel appropriate.
He lifted your shirt and pulled your upper clothing over your head, putting his lips back to yours when you were only in bottoms. He loved the touch, skin to skin contact was his go-to.
He made you nervous, shaking hands stilling as he tried to gain his resolve and his kisses were slower. You put your hands over his and urged him to go further and that was all he needed, gently toying with your nipples and gaining another moan against his lips. “Mark?” You started, breathing heavy as you sat there, topless and vulnerable. “Do you want to have sex with me?” You heard him swallow, both opening your eyes slightly to look at each other through hooded eyelids.
“Yeah,” He nodded softly, kissing under your ear with the softest lips. “I would like that, yeah.” You grinned at his nervousness, reaching down to softly cup the bulge in his boxers. Your heart was racing, hearing his soft moans against your lips. “Only, if, um, If you, um, want to..” Your giggle was all he needed, grinding softly into your hand before moving his own to remove your bottoms and underwear, an awkward attempt to do for him. You could feel how shaky he was, but once his fingers were on you, slickness coating his digits. You could hear him gasp, slightly embarrassed that he was touching you. “God, you’re so wet, fuck.” You were reminded how much you loved when he swore. It felt so foreign, so not used to hearing idols curse like he did. You loved it, trying to pull his length out of his boxers with your own fumbling hands when he toyed at your clit, following exactly how you’d shown him to do.
“Please fuck me.” It slipped out of your mouth faster than you could stop it and you heard him audibly groan, his brain short circuiting as he tried to make you feel good. His fingers moved down to slip one inside of you, easily moving it and making you moan as he curled it forward, teasing you from not being quite enough. Either he was a natural, or he’d gotten really good practice, but when you felt him slide another in next to it and continuing, you were gasping for air. He smirked devilishly and that was almost the first time he felt confident enough to feel like he had the upper hand. He used his free hand to fully free himself from his boxers and easily sliding off his shirt one-handed. It was kind of impressive and extremely hot that he was able to do so while still making you feel fucking amazing.
You got a glance at his mostly naked body for the first time and it felt like heaven in the daylight of the window, your mouth nearly watering. He moved back to hover over you, giggling against your mouth again when you pulled him in for a harsh kiss. You reached down to pump his arousal a few times and you were only slightly nervous, feeling like he was possibly the most perfect size for you. He felt good in your hand and it was rare that you’d thought that before. He removed his fingers and you felt empty, but ready for him. You retracted your fingers and laid your arms beside you, ready as you spread your legs further for him to slide between. He lined himself up with your entrance and your heart was racing a million miles a minute. When he entered, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head and you were right. He was perfect, kissing you hard for a period of adjustment. You were wet enough that you didn’t need it, but it was nice to know he was so considerate, waiting just a moment before he pulled out slightly, snapping his hips back into you as he lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. He felt like a god, his warm body against yours and rocking his hips in perfect rhythm with yours, each thrust earning a light gasp. You reached your hands up to pull his face down to kiss you again.
“Fuck, you’re good.” You told him, edging him on and feeling his hands grip your waist firmly, passionate thrusts picked up slight rhythm and rocking his hips into you. It was hard not to ask him to fuck you into the mattress, but this was great for now. It was already about the best sex you’d ever had, and you’d be sure to mention it to him.
“God, you’re perfect.” He was sure to remind you through noises of his own, lifting your hips up to hit an even better angle and you thought you were seeing stars. You had to laugh when he struggled to kick the covers off of the bed but were pulled back in with a particularly intense thrust.
“Fuck, oh fuck.” You moaned, edging him on to keep going. You slipped your hand between the two of you to rub quickly at your clit and that took Mark by surprise, blinking and glancing down with a loud groan.
“You’re going to kill me, you know that?” You could tell he still had some innocence due to his surprise, snapping his hips harder into you and making sure to hit the angle you were most vocal about. You threw your head back into the pillow, gasping and you’d never felt like you were going to come so fast before in your life. You moaned louder and louder, feeling yourself continue to get closer and closer.
“Mark, Mark, fuck.” You warned, gasping softly and seeing him look directly into your eyes, needy and blurry vision as he continued his rhythm.
“Baby, I’m gonna come.” He warned, losing his resolve and his hips were moving sloppier and sloppier, but it felt so good you didn’t care. You were the first to come, having to cover your own mouth with a loud moan, shaking lightly under his touch as he continued, pulling your hand away from yourself and gripping at the bedsheets. You were spent and you felt him gasp, pulling out quickly and making sure he came on your stomach, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he watched it splatter on your stomach. He was embarrassed that he’d come so hard, but you didn’t mind even a little bit. “Holy shit.” He laughed softly, nervousness and tiredness taking him over. He collapsed next to you to catch his breath, both of you panting messes as you stared at the ceiling. It took quite a bit of time to snap back into reality, but you decided it would be best to shower together. You know, to save water, you both joked, grinning and making sure one another was able to stand properly inside. You’d never showered with anyone before, so it was a new level experience. The intimacy was so different.
Once you were dry, you and Mark laid in bed for a while, tangled in comfortable clothes and enjoying each other’s arms. You had a lot to plan that day, but relaxing was more important in your brain. Everything else could wait for Mark. You found that out quickly.
Morning coffee turned to afternoon coffee with Mark and picking your plane tickets pulled a few tears from the both of you, but you still had one more night to spend with him and you tried to hint around at plans for seeing him again soon, but you were going to play it by ear until the funeral was over. It seemed like the best decision and it was nice to hear that Mark had wanted to pursue any further. You sat in a coffee shop for what felt like hours, just listening to each other and cracking jokes. You had no idea what had unfolded at the hotel room. You were in for it before you ever knew.
Baekhyun had seen something that night in the corner of his eyes as you all laid in bed. He saw a flicker of a light in your half-opened suitcase. It wasn’t uncommon knowledge that Baekhyun had a hard time with seeing his members in relationships. He knew that things went very wrong in the idol world, he’d been in the situation before and gotten crushed, but something bugged him about you. It felt suspicious that you had just so happened to find them at the store and seemingly had no issues remembering who everyone was so easily. Even his family had a hard time memorizing everyone in his groups for a while. You seemed nervous when seeing him, he remembered seeing you slightly amazed when you laid eyes on him for the first time. It seemed odd, but especially unlikely that you caught on so quickly and so easily let yourself follow around some boy in a band you never met before then. Most people wouldn’t follow a stranger like you followed Mark.
Something felt off. It might’ve been a little too nosey to worry about what he was seeing because after a few seconds the light stopped flickering, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He wondered why the light was flashing green more than anything. Something didn’t feel right, but he would save it for the end of the movie. He didn’t want to intrude or dig while you were two feet away. It didn’t stop him when everyone else poured out of the room to leave a sleeping you and Mark in bed to spend your time together. Everyone agreed it would be best to leave you both there.
He wanted to know what was going on in your suitcase. It was sitting half open on the floor near the window, just enough for the beam of streetlights outside to crack through. He felt slightly guilty diving through your things, but it begged at his curiosity enough to check it out. If something was fishy, he was going to be the one to snoop. He, as quietly as possible, unzipped the remaining zipper of the suitcase and gently flipped it open, unveiling a collection of NCT, WayV EXO, and a Shinee lightstick. Maybe he was going crazy, but it didn’t seem like a coincidence. The WayV lightstick was by far the hardest to find and mostly had to be pre-ordered or specially found, so that was the one that had the most of his attention. Coincidence his ass.
He was pulled from his snooping when Taeyong lightly knocked on the door. “Baek-hyung?” his soft voice spoke and Baekhyun knew it was probably best if he left. Taeyong didn’t see Baekhyun leave with the others and he was concerned, he shouldn’t have stayed in there when he knew you and Mark were sleeping. Something didn’t feel right, Taeyong wanted to check on his senior. Baekhyun was slightly angry, but he would explore the options later. It seemed like a topic to research later.
It was the next day and Baekhyun was sure that you and Mark were gone, spending the last little bit of your time together until you had to leave. He had his idea. He was ready to investigate further, being sure he held onto the extra keycard to get back into your room when he had a free moment. He wanted to know what was up because he was extremely protective over his members. He’d been in the game long enough and as the leader, he felt responsible for knowing who his members were trusting themselves with. He was always skeptical of people in general, but something about the situation felt absolutely off.
He walked into the empty room with Taeyong, who was buzzing in his ear telling him how he didn’t think it was a good idea. Baekhyun shushed him, feeling like it was his right to know why he felt fishy about you. He got his answer when he opened the suitcase again, revealing all the lightsticks yet again tucked right up under your clothes. Baekhyun was in disbelief. Taeyong was confused, furrowing his brows and not understanding exactly what was unfolding in front of him. Your SuperM one wasn’t there, it was sitting nicely on the bedside table. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at that. Maybe packing your suitcase wasn’t the best moment to have that amount of variety. You knew what was in your suitcase, but you had easily avoided Mark ever seeing you go into it. It was much easier to hide than you thought, but because of a malfunction, you were being scoped out.
“Wait.. lightsticks? As in.. for a fan.. of us…?” Taeyong asked softly, wondering why Baekhyun looked so annoyed. He reached down to uncover the lightsticks, seeing another thing pointed out to him. It was an NCT keychain you’d ripped from your keys the second you got back to your hotel after you saw them there. You knew they hadn’t seen it on there in Walgreens, but you didn’t want to take any chances and tossed it in your suitcase the second you got back.
“Looks like it, doesn’t it?” Baekhyun grunted, aggravated and looking up at Taeyong, who obviously didn’t understand the depth of the situation, but if anyone were to ask him, Taeyong didn’t care so much. “we’ve been being lied to, just to get to Mark.” Baekhyun explained, seeing Taeyong frown. He felt sad that someone would even think of doing that to his friend, but he hoped that Baekhyun was just being dramatic and maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Baekhyun spotted your wallet, biting his lip and wondering if he should look inside. For some reason you hadn’t taken it out to lunch, only stuffed your credit card and ID into your phone case. Who knew you’d regret it later? Baekhyun checked inside, shaking his head with slight angry laughter. “There’s literally a photocard of Lucas in here.” He rolled his eyes again, annoyed and wondering how he’d let Mark get so far into this trap. “And there’s one of me too!” He felt even more annoyed.
Inside, Taeyong hoped it wasn’t that serious, but he had a heavy feeling that it definitely was as the case played out in front of him. Baekhyun did what he shouldn’t have done and pulled the photocard of his face out of the wallet while Taeyong wasn’t looking, he grabbed the damaged keychain from your suitcase and set the luggage back up exactly how it was. He shook his head. You also had an EXO pin connected to one of your jackets by the chair, but Taeyong quickly ripped it off and stuffed it into his pocket before Baekhyun could see it, he didn’t want Baekhyun to make any further moves and that would’ve been the icing on the cake.
Baekhyun frowned and he could tell Taeyong was disheartened, genuinely not expecting you to have hidden something like that. He always thought the best of people, but he was extremely confused in that moment. “So we’ve been being lied to?” Taeyong asked, his brows sad and furrowed at the explanation that Baekhyun was trying to unfold. You were in for it. There was a reason Baekhyun didn’t trust anybody. Even when Chanyeol made friends in Dallas a couple years ago, he felt iffy. He normally was fine with fans, happy to indulge, yet of course very wary about how things could go.
“I think so. And they’re out together right now. I bet he has no idea either.” Baekhyun grumbled, rolling his eyes and making his way back to their own hotel room. “How fucked up can you be to lie to someone for days like that?” He asked hypothetically and he was annoyed deep in the pit of his stomach. How could he let that happen? He was supposed to be the one protecting them, but he got too distracted with traveling around America. He felt disgusted. With you and himself. Baekhyun saw the disappointment in Taeyong’s eyes, and he was sad that he’d made his friend sad, but the overwhelming urge to make sure you got what you deserved was taking over most of his brain. Baekhyun didn’t want Mark to be upset, but he hated that someone had gotten to him and a liar didn’t deserve to get the boy. A liar didn’t deserve Mark.
“Are you going to tell him?” Taeyong asked softly, entering the room and slightly scared of what Baekhyun was going to do. He didn’t know exactly what his senior was capable of, but from what he heard, it wasn’t sounding great. Taeyong didn’t want Mark to be sad and he partially didn’t even understand why it was such a big deal, but he knew Baekhyun wouldn’t be this upset without reason. He had to trust him, even if it didn’t feel right.
“I don’t know yet.” Baekhyun sighed, thumbing over the photocard he had stuffed into his pocket. He didn’t even know how to present the information without seeming like a total asshole because it wasn’t only Mark involved. Taemin, Ten, and Lucas had all gotten involved too and made friends with you and he didn’t know how to go about it in the best way possible, but he knew Taeyong would be too timid to say anything. Your secret was safe with him, but it was whether or not Baekhyun wanted to blow it up and make them all understand how serious the situation was. It wasn’t just soft romantic heartache; it was lies and deceit and you getting to know his friends was based off of lies and neglect for the truth. Baekhyun didn’t trust anyone outside of his company, and that was why. It was his biggest fear and it was involving people he cared about. It made him sick.
Baekhyun sat on the bed for a while, trying to figure out what to do as he looked at the broken NCT keychain in his hands. You’d soon regret buying whatever you wanted out of their collections because this was what was coming to bite you in the ass. You didn’t even remember you had the photocards in your wallet, but you had purposely ripped the keychain off. It wasn’t a good look. Now it really did look like you were hiding something- which, unfortunately, you were. “The plan is to leave tonight right?” He happened to say just as Ten was making his way into the door.
Ten questioned Baekhyun with your name, wondering if it was who he was talking about. “Actually, I think Mark said they looked and tickets were better for tomorrow morning.” Baekhyun quickly realized he wasn’t ready to bring his information forward yet, staying silent and shaking his head as he stuffed the keychain in his pocket. The timing was bad, he knew it. “Mark said he wanted to have one more night together.” Ten shrugged, making his way over to the bed to lay down as he waited for Taemin to finish with his hair appointment. Apparently he was getting it cut and wanted to surprise his boyfriend with it. “At least he’s getting laid I guess.” Ten snorted, scrolling through his phone and making himself comfortable. “I think so at least, I have no idea.” He shrugged again, not thinking his comment was worth more thought.
Baekhyun didn’t even want to think about you and Mark possibly having sex. He really hoped it hadn’t happened. The thought disgusted him. He hated liars. He hated people who treated them like objects, and it felt like that was exactly what you were doing. Realistically, he knew that you probably didn’t even know that what you were doing was such a low blow, but it didn’t stop his angry thoughts, making Taeyong pout and sit on the bed to try to comfort him. Baekhyun waived him off, shaking his head and sighing to pull out his own phone to distract his ever-running mind.
Taemin showed up about 20 minutes later, excitedly making his way to the bed to wake up Ten, who had accidentally fallen asleep while waiting on him. He laid on top of Ten to wake him up, giggling when he got slightly annoyed and tried to shove him off. Baekhyun watched, nose turned up in annoyance. He was thinking about if that was how you and Mark felt. He knew better than anyone that sudden interests could be intense, so he wasn’t opposed to Mark finding someone so quickly, but he was opposed to the idea of a relationship based off of lies and deceit. The thought of relationships had disgusted him, rolling his eyes and he tried to ground himself, knowing he needed a breath of fresh air. He sighed, standing up and deciding to go on a walk. Maybe for a drink, he didn’t know. “I’ll see you guys later, okay?” His voice sounded defeated.
Baekhyun didn’t want to be angry, but the situation kept playing over and over in his head and he didn’t know how to stop it. The keychain and photocard felt heavy in his pocket and he was almost mad that he’d even picked them up. He knew he did it with purpose, but what was the point if it was just going to make everyone upset? You’d made friends with not only one, but four of them and they enjoyed your company so much, he felt guilty carrying the burden of disappointment. He was conflicted. He thought Mark deserved better, but part of him thought it was better if he didn’t know. Maybe after you left, things wouldn’t go any further and you’d be just memories to each other. Maybe he was thinking too hard about it, he didn’t know. He knew he needed a drink.
Baekhyun made his way down to the hotel bar and opened a tab immediately, tipping back some shots and trying to relax. He ordered a light cocktail and decided to call one of his other friends in on the situation. He didn’t want to seem crazy. Taeyong was no help unfortunately, but maybe someone else could help him figure out exactly what to do.
The phone picked up after one short ring. “Chanyeol?”
“Why are you calling me at 4am?” Chanyeol was always a jokester, but he knew if it was Baekhyun at this time, then it probably had to be serious. It was mid-day for Baekhyun right then, so he didn’t even think of the time difference. He hadn’t even realized that he didn’t respond. “Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun sighed into the receiver, placing his fingertips to his temples to regain what he was trying to figure out in his mind. Things felt blurry, especially for him to be getting day-drunk at a hotel bar. He felt a little pathetic. He was nervous to even consider telling them now, the alcohol ridding him of the anger and bitterness of the situation, and he was just sad that his friend was being lied to. He got sad when he drank, he knew that.
You and Mark had wasted most of the day, just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company, especially after the upsetting night. You felt so close to him in such a short amount of time and he felt like a part of you already, inching his way into your heart and it felt good, but so far away at the same time. You were leaving him soon and weren’t even sure if you’d see him again before you left, but you hoped you’d be able to spend at least some time with him before it was over. You knew he’d be back in california at the beginning of the year, but that felt like centuries away and nothing was for certain that you’d even be able to take time off to visit him again, but you hoped. God, did you hope you could.
You made your way back to the hotel, stomach full of food from the day exploring with Mark. He had taken you to a place he found on google, then as you made your way through the park, you ended up with more snacks than you could’ve imagined. You forgot what it was like to explore your own palette outside of Los Angeles, so experiencing it with Mark made it all better. He told you about his Canadian food and what he would eat at home and it made you giggle. He was definitely one of the most interesting people you’d ever talked to in your life. You wished your time could last forever with him, even standing in silence with him and walking in the breeze felt more comforting than with anyone else you’ve ever been with in your life. He was so full of energy and ready and willing to explore new things. You’d never had that before.
You were here for the last official night, Mark walking you inside of your hotel room to get your shoes off and try to relax for the last time that you were sure it would happen. Mark grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to him, reaching his hands up to your face and pulled you in for a kiss, but this one was different. This one meant something more, this one made you feel like it wouldn’t be the end. It felt like Mark wanted to hold onto you forever and not let go. His mouth was warm, and his breath was hot against your face, his tongue immediately gaining entrance and you felt like you stood there, limp and letting him kiss you like the world needed it.
You softly snaked your arms around his waist, gripping his shirt and leaning into the kiss. You didn’t want to leave Mark and that made it that much more apparent in the moment. His mouth moved gently down your face and onto your neck. You sighed at the touch, not knowing if you wanted to get into it that night. It felt a little wrong, almost as if it was expected and that made it feel like you should wait. Like it wasn’t the time. You reached up to pull his face back to yours, kissing him passionately again and feeling him softly moan into your mouth. It felt wrong to cut him off, but you had to do it to save your sanity. You wanted things to last longer with Mark. “Just kissing, I just wanna kiss, okay?” This time you were the nervous one. “Just for now.” You’d told him to calm himself down the night before, but being slow with him felt better, even if your resolve was short lived. You wanted him, but lying in bed tangled together for just a few more minutes was incomparable.
He nodded heavily, smiling against your lips. “Okay.” He spoke into your mouth, kissing you harshly again. Kissing Mark just felt so good, pressing your body even closer to his. His warmth felt like magnetism, grasping at his shirt again. “Wait, wait, wait,” Mark giggled, tugging off his jacket. “It’s um, a little warm.” He giggled softly; blush heavy on his cheeks. He wanted to stay there forever. The look in his eyes felt like he adored you, making your chest tight.
“God, you’re cute.” You told him, brushing his hair out of his face. He giggled softly and shook his head.
“Thank you. You’re pretty cute yourself.” You felt like your heart was melting, kissing him again and backing him back to the bed. It felt more comfortable for you. Mark sighed, crawling over you and it was shockingly the softest, warmest moment you’d had with someone. He repeated your actions, brushing your own hair out of your face. “You really are.” You bit your lip, looking up at him for what you felt like was forever. He sighed, grinning shyly before laying his head down in the crook of your neck and settling his body right up next to yours. You ran your fingers through his soft hair. You would miss it much more than you ever intended. You felt like you’d known him for years and it was only a week. He’d opened your eyes to so much more than you thought someone you idolized could. Him, Taemin, Ten, Lucas, and the others. They made you open your eyes and realize just how human they were. You thought you felt that way before, but it was so different.
“You’re amazing, Mark.” The words came out quickly, blushing heavily and feeling silly for saying it. He giggled too, laying his hand on your stomach, thumbing over your skin through your shirt.
“You’re just saying that.” He brushed it off, shrugging and just trying to comfort you. He thought you’d been through a lot and just having someone there with you probably felt better than anything else at that moment. Soon you’d be home and he could tell your work stressed you out, so he was trying his best to be there for you as much as he could.
“I promise, I’m not.” You told him, sitting up a bit and he followed suit, looking over at you for more of an explanation, but you drew a blank, only leaning in to kiss him again, his lips warm and soft against yours. His lip slipped between yours and begged for entrance and you happily let him, getting a little more excited than intended when his tongue mingled with yours, sparks feeling like they were flying around you as you kissed, feeling him bite your lip and gasping in response. Maybe it would be good to be with him one last time, but you would let it work naturally, not just because you felt like it was right. Because you liked each other, and it felt like the best step. You’d been there a day longer than intended, but your flight was tomorrow morning before their concert and you weren’t thinking about that. You were thinking about Mark; nobody or anything else.  You pulled away for a second. “You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.” It wasn’t a lie. He stayed silent, pressing his lips back to yours in response. You didn’t mind at all.
Your kisses were slow and measured, mouths mending together and pulling you closer, Mark’s hands finding purchase on your hips when your arms went around his shoulders, pulling him closer. His fingertips felt hot when they slipped under your shirt at your waist, tracing over your skin like he had to map you out, just to be precise. You sighed into it, kissing him even harder with slight noises into his mouth. You didn’t mind his touches, but they still were so new to you every single time. He loved that you enjoyed them so much, scooting in a little closer to you to lay your head back on the pillow. You felt like you were in heaven, kissing him like it was your only responsibility in the world anymore. You could do it forever. “I-I want you to touch me.” You told him, hearing his shy giggles in response. “Before I have to leave.”
His fingertips made their way to the hem of your bottoms, slow and soft movements as if asking for permission. You weren’t going to deny him that time, reaching down to grab his hand to push the waistband of your pants down. He helped you pull them off between kisses, only lightly massaging the skin of your thighs for a few minutes. Mark liked contact, that was obvious. You had a small worry that he was only in it for sex because it had gone so fast, but part of you didn’t care. You’d gotten so close so quickly and he hadn’t left your side. It had to mean something to him, you felt it.
He slipped his hand between your legs, lightly playing at your clit through the crotch of your underwear, letting out a staggered moan at the contact. You were in for it, you knew it. He slipped his fingers under the fabric, easily sliding two fingers in and groaning softly to himself at how aroused you were, biting his lip when he slipped another in with ease. You moaned again, hips pulling forward and wanting him to go further, reaching up to pull his face up to kiss him once more. You needed it, you needed his touch, especially if it were the last time and it very well could be.
“Hey, hey,” He stopped you, pressing his forehead to yours and giving you a gentle peck on the lips. He stilled his fingers and made you grind your hips back to continue the friction. You looked at him, eyes hooded.
“Yeah?” It came out as more of a moan, sighing heavily but you could see the slight fear in his eyes, pecking him on the lips once more as he gathered his words.
“I-I don’t want this to just be, uh, you know.” He was smiling a little, but you could tell it was a nervous smile. It made you a little worried, but his words shook your heart, making your chest feel tight. “I want, um, it to be more than this, you know.” He was shaky with his words, but your smile comforted him, blushing heavily.
“Me either.” You assured him, leaning forward to kiss him hard on the mouth, feeling his soft noises against your lips. You hoped he felt better, knowing exactly how he felt about the two of you. You felt him kiss you harder, returning his noises and slipping your tongue into his mouth. You could feel how hard he was shaking, and you wished you could calm him down. It was the third time you’d done anything, but it felt different. Mark wanted you and this felt like the best way to show it, pulling away to smile at you and you returned it gladly, sighing and feeling him relax just a tiny bit. You wanted to assure him further. “I like you a lot, Mark.” You reminded him and he giggled, biting his lip and pecking you on the lips once more before curling his fingers inside of you, pulling a gasp from your throat you didn’t expect. He found your spot so quickly, abusing it, making you only able to stutter out gasps. “Mark, fuck.” You breathed out, seeing his confidence grow. You didn’t know why he was so good at it, but he made you feel better than you could’ve imagined, quick movements curling toward himself and you were reacting better than he thought you were. He felt his dick twitch in his pants, adjusting to be a little more comfortable and you bit your lip, reaching over to place your hand over his jeans, palming over his arousal.
“God, I want you so bad.” It made your chest tight, biting your lip and loving how he ground up into your hand, eyes nearly closing. The sound of his fingers inside of you edging him on. You wanted him too and it was driving you a little crazy how good it felt to have him like this, but you didn’t want it to stop. You quickly moved to undo his jeans, feeling his fingers slip out of you. You sighed, moving over him and pushing him back to lay on the bed. You hovered over him, pushing his jeans down his thighs. You could see how red his face was and it excited you, teasing your fingers over his boxers as you earned sweet and soft gasps from him. He was sensitive and it was cute. Everything about him was cute. You reached your hand into the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down as well and he helped you pull them off, trying not to giggle as he struggled to pull his own shirt off as well. You laid there, smiling at his naked figure. You could look at him all day, seeing him flush and feel exposed. “I-I’m not really that used to this,” He reminded you and that almost made it better, shutting him up with soft kisses.
“It’s fine, you’re doing great, okay?” You scooted down his body and heard him gasp when your face got near his stomach, almost in disbelief at the thought of you going down on him. It wasn’t even a thought he had, but he was happy to let you do it, wrapping your fingers around his length and placing your mouth on his tip, trying to go easy on him because he was already having a bit of a fit, head thrown back into the bed sheets and moaning wantonly. It was a fun sight to see, him losing control. You liked when he did, but you wouldn’t tell him that. You moved your mouth slowly, taking just a bit of him in at a time, swirling your tongue around the head and giggling when he whined. You pulled off, jerking him off a bit so you could talk, bring him back to earth. “You’re so cute.” You told him, hearing him sigh and lay his arm over his head.
“It’s so embarrassing, I’m sorry.” He told you, covering his face and moving his hips into your hand.
“No, I love it.” You told him, sighing happily and taking the head into your mouth again. His gasp edging you further to suck, tongue digging into the slit. You’d never really been so interested in giving head before, but Mark made you feel much better about it, he was so shy and loved it so much. You pulled off, seeing his chest rise and biting your lip. You hoped he could last longer, but you weren’t sure, moving to crawl back over him, chest to his to press your lips back to his again. “Please fuck me.” You told him, getting a shy grin in return.
“Okay.” He nodded, kissing you back and flipping you to where he was hovered over you, moving his lips to your neck immediately and pushing your shirt up and over your head, biting your lip because it was the most skin on skin contact you’d had. He felt warm and comforting, his body over yours and settling between your legs. He reached down, tugging your underwear off and playfully tossing them off to the side.
“Someone’s confident.” You joked, seeing his eyebrow quirk up, staying silent.
He opened your legs further, thumbing over your clit and making you gasp in surprise, laying your head back just a bit as he lined himself up, still perfectly wet enough to slide inside. Your moan was much louder than you wanted, seeing his eyes shut and his hands finding purchase at your waist, gentle thrusts making your whole body feel hot. You gasped loudly when he gave a hard thrust, crooking his hips just right to make you moan. Loud. “Fuck,” You whined. “Mark, please.” You saw him blush harder, leaning down to kiss you as he continued his shallow thrusts, moaning deeply into your mouth. It was heaven with Mark, completely focused on you and nothing else. It wasn’t long before you were both done for, wishing it would last longer but the feeling and pleasure was so heightened, you couldn’t help it. Picking up thrusts and going faster, his hand slipping up to thumb over your nipple. You groaned, feeling his hips snap into yours and stimulating your clit. He hit you in just the right ways, gasping as your orgasm came closer and closer. “Mark, I-“ He nodded, panting heavily.
“Me too, baby, me too.” The pet name made you feel hot, gasping as the wave crashed over you, throwing your head back into the pillows and clenching around Mark. Hearing him moan himself made you shudder and he quickly pulled out, making a mess on your stomach for the second time. You had to giggle, knowing it was because it was him that you didn’t mind. He laid next to you, laying his head on your chest and feeling too tired to clean up his mess. He reached over for a towel you’d used for your face earlier in the day because it was close, quickly asking you if he could use it. “Is this towel okay?” He asked between pants, you laying there a heavy breathing mess. You nodded, trying to regain your composure. You were so tired. You were never like that with anyone else.
You laid like that for a while, trying to forget about the fact that you’d be leaving tomorrow. You didn’t want to think about it. Mark had his arm laid across your waist, holding you close to him and thumbing over your skin with soft sighs, relaxing as you both laid there, completely spent and enjoying your last night together.
You fell asleep in his arms, hands running through his hair and you woke up spooning before you realized you’d fallen asleep. Nobody had ever made you feel that good in your life, so you dealt with the consequences of falling harder and deeper for someone you hardly knew. You vaguely wished it was just sex, so things were less complicated, but that wasn’t nearly as easy of a case, but you’d deal with it later. You always said that, and it got you in trouble. You hoped it wouldn’t.
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creamsicle smut, cheers to @sunflowersdaisies for tossing ideas around with me
Maybe orange thought he was being subtle because Larry never called him out, never drew any attention to it, but he knew that the kid’s eyes would shift to him whenever he thought Larry wasn’t looking. It was cute, in a way. Larry had a decent body, too many drive thru meals and late nights to not look his age, but he lifted weights almost every night, knew he could look good in a tight shirt. Orange probably didn’t have a lot of opportunities to check out other guys, sit in the passenger seat and steal glances at Larrys arms the way he did, following with a longing look at his lips before shooting his eyes forward again. It was a dangerous game in this profession, Larry knew that all too well. So he let the kid indulge himself, let him think he was being sneaky in admiring Larry. Hell, Larry enjoyed it too, who wouldn’t, picking Orange up wearing a tight white tshirt instead of his usual hawaiian shirt (their usual, the kid had starting imitating his dress) and seeing him suck in air and his eyes widen.
There was always a nervous tension to the kid, hiding behind the casual coolness he was trying to play, but he was intelligent, really observant, Larry could tell. Whereever they went, Orange was immediately noting where the exits were, always positioning himself and Larry where they wouldn’t be blocked off from leaving, he’d keep up a conversation across a diner table while carefully cataloging everyone in the room with his eyes. Only drank light beers, nursing one for ages, not letting himself get drunk while making it seem he was matching pace with the other guys. He’d make a damn great criminal one day, Larry thought. Had a natural talent, an instinct, for this line of work. He just needed some experience, some guidance.
While Larry left it up to Orange to make the first real move, he flirted with the kid, in that way guys like them had refined, where it could easily be dismissed as just straight guy banter, adored the way the kid’s face would turn red and he’d start to stammer. Larry found himself touching him, leaving a hand on his arm, gently guiding him when there wasn’t anyone around with a hand on his upper back (and a few times, his lower back). Often Orange leaned into his touches, almost guiltily, as though he was taking something he didn’t think he deserved. Once late at night, parked at the side of a quiet road to finish off their burgers and chips, Larry slung his arm over the kid’s shoulder, wide palm on the back of the kids neck, and started kneading him, casually, not breaking their conversation. Orange’s eyes fluttered closed and his mouth opened as Larry massaged him, but nothing came of it, both on them pretending it never happened once Larrys hand left him.
Now it was just a few days until heist day, Larry had spent almost every day this past two weeks with Orange. The neck massaging last night hadn’t scared him off, the kid hopping in Larrys car half an hour after Larry called him like usual. This time tho, Larry took him to his motel room, told him to make himself at home. Larry saw it again, the eagle eyes, noting down everything in Larry’s apartment, zeroing in on the side of a small safe half hidden between the bed and drawers. Straight after this job was done, Larry was going to ask Orange to be his partner. Sexual tension aside, the kid had the skills and smarts to be a great thief, and Larry wanted to nurture those talents.
On the beat up motel room couch, surprisingly comfy if you dont let yourself think about what the stains might be, Larry was explaining to him about the history of the Brewers. He knew Orange didn’t care about baseball, but it gave them both an excuse for the kid to watch him intently, nodding his head as if he cared, eyes shooting for a second to Larrys biceps or chest before back to his face again as if nothing had happened. Larry had told himself last night to back off and let Orange decide if this went any further, but he couldn’t help himself, and he didn’t get where he was today by following the rules. He slid his arm across the kids back again, noting with glee that Orange almost immediately melted into his touch and shifted closer to Larry. Then the kid reached out, gripped Larry’s arm, the look in his eyes showing Orange was just as surprised as Larry at his own actions, and rubbed him gently, just like Larry had done to his back.
The kid looked terrified, like he’d gone too far, like he was expecting Larry to call him a faggot and punch him in the face. So Larry calmed him, “it’s ok kiddo. you can touch.” And Orange did, bringing his other hand up now, both of them running slowly across Larrys arm, up his shoulder, giving himself a treat he’d long denied himself. “That’s it, baby, thats it, take what you want” Larry said in a soft voice, soothing, the kid’s hands straying over Larry, his eyes wide and gleeful, mouth open slackly, like a child given free reign in a sweetstore.
Larry had wanted to kiss the kid the moment he first met him, his mouth so tempting, always biting his lower lip, making Larry imagine how it would feel to suck it between his own teeth. And now with them so close to his own, he did, lightly gripping the kids jaw and bringing him in closely, not wanting to scare him away with any sudden movement. But the kid went willingly, happily, had been waiting for this moment too, gasped into Larrys mouth. They found a rhythm quickly, the kid kissed sloppily, inexperienced but eager, pressing himself against Larry, onto Larry’s lap. When they paused for a second, Larry started taking his own shirt off and Orange quickly followed suit, now pressing bare chests together, Larrys hand across Oranges back while the kids hands were going nuts all over his chest, running thru his chest hair, from his collarbones to his stomach and then back again, letting himself explore. Larry groaned, can almost taste the kid’s fervour, at finally getting to experience his desires, to worship Larrys body. He was noisy too, whines and whimpers at the back of his throat, making Larry light headed. Fuck, this kid was perfect.
And then Orange slid off his lap ungracefully onto the floor, and opened Larrys knees, knelt between them with an eager grin on his face. Goddamn, this kid was so fucking perfect. 
Four hands quickly and clumsily unbuckling Larry’s belt and unzipping his pants, Oranges mouth on his cock the second it was out of his underwear. What he lacked in talent, he made up for in enthusiasm, moans that were too small and irregular to be fake, spit going everywhere. When Larry looked down, Orange’s eyes were closed, like having Larrys dick in his mouth was too much of a treat to let his other senses like sight disrupt it, and the kid was pressing down on his own clothed bulge, rubbing himself just a bit thru his jeans. Seeing the kid get off so much on sucking him made Larry cum quickly, would’ve preferred to give a warning but Orange didn’t mind, choked slightly but was grinning, lapping up the cum that had spilled out. Larry quickly tucked himself back in and then pulled him onto his lap. “oh sweet boy, you fucking gorgeous boy” he said, kissing him deep and hard again, finding it oddly hot that the younger mans mouth and chin were wet with spit and his cum.
Larry shifted the kid off his lap and to the side of him, and quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. There was a faint dark patch close to the belt line, and when he had them down his suspicions were confirmed, the front left of Oranges briefs sticky and wet, making the outline of his hard dick transparent through them, and Larry couldn’t help but moan at how wet Orange had gotten, how much precum all over himself, just from blowing Larry.
Larry wanted to move the kid back a bit, so he was against the chair arm and Larry could lean down and blow him, but Orange had other ideas, straddling Larrys lap again, this time facing away from him, wiggling his arse, and Larry started pumping his cock, his other hand on the kids stomach to help balance him, and he could feel the muscles there moving and tensing, strangely erotic. 
The kid was wiggling his rear end like crazy, grinding his arse into Larrys clothed crotch, making his spent dick twitch. It wasn’t until the second time that Orange looked over his shoulder coyly while pointedly grinding his arse again that Larry realised what he was trying to signal, what he was indicating to Larry. Larry gripped him tighter across the stomach, growled into the kid’s shoulder, “next time, i’ll fuck you next time” and Orange gasped again which quickly turned into a choking noise as he came all over Larry’s hand.
Larry kept his hand on Oranges stomach, loved how he could feel the kid tense and relax through his orgasm, holding him up while Orange slumped boneless against him. Larry knew he should get up and get a washcloth, but he couldn’t right now, didn’t want to let Orange go, even for a minute. And when the kid twisted his body, still in Larrys lap but leaning across it at an awkward angle, nuzzled tiredly into Larrys neck, his hand softly running over Larry’s chest, like he’s still amazed he’s allowed to do this, Larry knew he’d never be able to let this kid go.
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com 8/17
Author’s note: Here we go people. I finally have a total of chapters for this and we’re just a little over half of this fic. I hope you’re all enjoying it and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated.
Wordcount: 3015
Warnings: some cursing; mentions and depiction of alcohol, drugs and inebriation.
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7
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As Thursday approached, Keanu felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. It felt like this thing with Lilah had reached a breaking point where they would finally get some kind of definition. And maybe that was for the best because Keanu couldn’t deal with not knowing where he stood anymore. Every time he thought he knew what was going on between them, something would happen to throw him in a loop.
He had been so sure at first that Lilah didn’t see him as more than a friend, but all their conversations for the last couple of weeks had turned too flirty for Keanu to ignore. He knew he was partially responsible because he couldn’t help himself, but Lilah had started to respond to it more and more. And that kiss goodbye the other day? Dangerously close to his own lips. And after she had just paraded in front of him in only a towel? There wasn’t something you did when you were ‘just friends’ with someone.
Sure, Keanu knew she didn’t walk in front of him in a towel on purpose. The way she deliberately kept her gaze away from him as she pretty much dashed from the bathroom to her room told him as much, but it had been hard to ignore.
Keanu tried his best not to look, respect her privacy, but he was only human, and she took him by surprise. So he did get a very good look at all that gorgeous skin, still flushed from the shower and the way the towel barely covered her ass, before he could force himself to look away, his jeans suddenly a little tighter than before.
If only his problem was the physical attraction he felt towards him, Keanu would have been a happy man. Because he could deal with that and push it aside. Being actually in love with her was a lot harder to ignore. And if he was being completely honest with himself, Keanu wasn’t so sure if he wanted to. Even if ignoring it was probably the wise thing to do.
For a while now Keanu had played safe when it came to his personal life. A stark contrast to the man he had been in his twenties and early thirties. Back then, he had been a very impulsive guy. He saw something or someone he liked, and he would go after it and damn all the consequences.
Keanu still did that for his professional life. Picked projects that his agent advised against for being weird or outside the genre he was better known for and that didn’t really help his career. But Keanu would still do it just because he could. He hadn’t really done the same for his personal life in a while though and he had been mostly alright with that.
Sure, every once in awhile, it felt like something was missing, but Keanu had become quite good at turning a blind eye to it because he knew the moment he opened his heart to someone disaster would follow.
And maybe he was being irrational, but after everything he went through, Keanu really believed that it was wiser to tread carefully in the romantic aspect of his life. Keep his relationships short and light so no one could get hurt.
This really was the first time in a long time that he didn’t want to that. He didn’t want to ignore the ever-growing feeling in his chest; to push it aside and forget about i. Because Keanu was happy. Really happy. He was working on a project he loved, and he was spending time with someone that he really… And maybe it was a bad idea, but he wanted this so much that he was willing to be impulsive and reckless again. Just this once.
“You should tell her,” Kim declared after Keanu told her everything.
He had managed to avoid this conversation for a few days, but Kim had a way of catching him off guard and he ended up spilling his guts. There was a reason why she was his best friend after all.
“Kim…” Keanu trailed off with a sigh, because what excuse did he actually have not to do it at this point? “What if she’s not interested?”
“Then you’ll know and can move on. Either way, you have to know.”
Keanu rubbed his face, leaning his head back against the couch. He was still on his costume, even if they had wrapped up shooting for the day. He should be taking the suit back to Luca and heading out to meet Lilah, but he was hesitating, a little terrified of how this was going to go. But Kim was right. He needed to know.
“I gotta go.”
“Call me tomorrow. I want to know how it went.”
Keanu agreed before hanging up and finally going through the motions of showering and changing into his own clothes before heading out, running into Chad and Dave in the parking lot.
“Hey, we’re off to get a drink and discuss a few scenes. You’re up for it?” Dave invited.
“I can’t,” Keanu admitted with an embarrassed wince. “I-uh have a thing.”
Chad narrowed his eyes at him, lips drawing into a smirk.
“Does this ‘thing’ involve Lilah?” he asked, and Keanu could feel his nape getting warm. So were the tip of his ears. Chad snorted. “I fucking knew it! Where are you taking her?”
“I’m lost. Who’s Lilah?” Dave asked, looking from Chad to Keanu.
“This girl he’s being seeing,” Chad said before Keanu could even think about speaking. “Never wondered why he keeps grinning like an idiot every time his phone rings?”
“I don’t…” Keanu trailed off with a headshake because it was pointless to argue with Chad sometimes. Dave flashed a wide, knowing smile.
“Then have fun,” he said, walking backward toward their car. “Just don’t tire yourself out, ok? We need you in one-piece tomorrow morning bright and early.”
“Fuck you!” Keanu called out with a smile that was half-embarrassed, half-amused as he put on his helmet and took off for Brooklyn.
Keanu had never seen Novelsy this packed with some many people dressed in so many outrageous costumes, but from what Lilah had shared about the financial troubles the bookstore had been experiencing, this was probably a good sign.
It still made him uncomfortable because he really didn’t want to be recognized so he pushed his sunglasses up his nose, keeping his head down as he moved through the familiar aisles, searching for a glimpse of Lilah, but he hand no idea what she looked like since she didn’t really tell what her costume was.
He spotted Jean first, dressed in a regal medieval dress, her dark hair falling in elegant curls around her shoulders, her green eyes sparkled when she saw him, lips twisting into a smirk.
“What? No costume?”
“I’m dressed as a tired actor,” he joked, and she snorted. “Is Lilah here?”
“Yes.” There was a long pause and Keanu realized Jean wasn’t about to tell him where. “You’ll understand.” It was all she said before she took off to help a customer.
Keanu pulled out his phone and called Lilah, but the call was ignored and a second later he got a text with a photo, the cover of Romeo and Juliet. Grinning, Keanu headed down to classics, where he knew he would find the book. As soon as he reached the right aisle, his phone beeped again with a second picture. This time it was Scanner Darkly.
As he headed for the sci-fi and fantasy aisle he realized he was heading deeper into the bookstore and away from the rest of the public. Once again, as soon as he arrived at the right place, a new message arrived. This time it was a picture of The Shining.
He wasn’t sure if there was a horror section in Novelsy so that one took him a while longer to figure out, but he finally found it all the way in the back and there was where Lilah stood in a red overcoat, a yellow scarf around her neck and a red fedora hat.
“Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” he asked with a grin, moving closer to her and Lilah looked up with a wide smile and a faint color on her cheeks.
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”
“Don’t worry,” he said still towering over her despite her heels and Lilah had to tilt her face up to look at him. “I don’t mind chasing you.”
There was so much meaning behind those words and Keanu could see the way her eyes widened in surprise before Lilah drew in a deep breath and stepped even closer, her hand resting on his chest.
“But you caught me,” she whispered, her eyes bright and open and maybe a little hesitant but Keanu had no doubt what he was seeing on them. “So now what?”
Keanu caught her lips in a kiss. It was soft and slow and tentative. Just lips pressed together, but damn if it didn’t feel good. Her hand moved to his hair, fingers scratching his scalp gently and he sighed against her lips. He felt her smile before she tilted her head a little for a better angle, her fedora falling off, but neither of them cared.
Lilah pressed her tongue against his lips and Keanu parted them for her, letting her explore his mouth, enjoying how she tasted sweet and minty, before pushing forward too and she sighed contently against his mouth. His hands found their way to her back, pulling Lilah to him until their bodies were flushed together as the kiss turned a little more heated. As Keanu nipped teasingly on her bottom lip Lilah groaned softly, her grip on his hair tightening a little and he grunted, feeling arousal burning on the pit of his stomach.
They were so lost in themselves that the sound of someone clearing their throat made them jump apart like naughty children caught doing something wrong. Keanu glanced at the man standing there watching them both with a raised eyebrow and a barely contained smirk. Panic overtook Keanu for a second before he recognized Isaac under the heavy makeup, wig, and tight black corset.
“Unless you two want to be on the front page of every tabloid and gossip site in this city, maybe move this upstairs?” he asked, his gaze shifting from Lilah to Keanu.
Keanu glanced at her, noticing her swollen lips and the flush in her cheeks and he could only imagine how he must look like. They were lucky it was Isaac that caught him and not someone else.
Before they could reply, Isaac took off again leaving them behind to share a guilty look before laughter erupted from them.  Lilah covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes glowing with mirth and affection and Keanu didn’t think he had felt this happy in a long time.
“Maybe we should follow his advice,” Keanu said grinning and pulling her into his arms. Lilah wrapped hers around his neck but let out a small resigned sigh.
“I’d love to but I promised Jean I’d help out today.” She looked up at him through her lashes and it was the kind of gaze that promised so many unspeakable things and made Keanu want to have her against the nearest surface. “To be continued later?”
“Yes,” he agreed, stealing another hungry kiss before he stepped away from her keeping his back turned because he couldn’t be trusted to keep his hands to himself if he was looking at her.
To his frustration, later seemed didn’t seem to be coming anytime soon. At first, Lilah was busy helping customers and managing the costume contest with Jean. When that was finally over and Keanu thought they could head back to her apartment, Lilah reminded him of the Rocky Horror Picture Show singalong he agreed to go with her.
So instead of being alone with her like he really wanted Keanu was stuck in a bar in Brooklyn with bad lighting, peeling wallpaper, too-loud pop music and a crowd that was dangerously close to indecent exposure with their costumes.
He retreated to a table in the back as soon as they arrived, but he still had a good view of the stage and the main area of the bar as he nursed his beer and watched as people gathered in the dance floor, grinding against each other to music with too much autotune. For a moment he felt so damn old and wondered what the hell he was doing there. Then Lilah slid on the booth next to him, out of breath, cheeks flushed from alcohol and dancing and a bright, wide smile that he couldn’t help but return.
“They’re setting everything up,” she announced, voice a little slurred as she stole his beer and took a sip. “It’s gonna be terrible.”
“And that’s good?” he asked with a frown and Lilah giggled and nodded.
“For this terrible is the best.”
She settled a little more comfortably, pulling his arm around her shoulders, her back pressed against his side and Keanu smiled, kissing the top of her head. It was almost as if their kiss had lifted that unspoken barrier that existed between them until then and now Lilah felt comfortable with touching and hugging him all she wanted. Keanu had to admit he liked that very much.
When the singalong finally started, Keanu began to understand why terrible was great. He could tell everyone was wasted or high or both. They stumbled over the words and dance steps but just didn’t care. He found himself laughing and cringing along with Lilah as she sang to herself very offkey.
When the first notes of Time Warp started, she jumped to her feet and joined the group, dancing as uncoordinated as everyone else, but for some reason, it looked completely adorable to him the way Lilah moved completely off-beat regardless of Jean’s attempts of getting her into the right rhythm.
She stayed through I Can Make You a Man and Hot Patootie, but seemed ready to return to the table when Touch-a Touch-a, Touch Me started, but Jean caught her by the hand, pulling Lilah back and closer.
They sang and danced together, Lilah’s back pressed against Jean’s chest, as the pair ground together, Jean’s hands sliding down Lilah’s waist and hips, guiding her movement. It was intimate and sensuous, and Keanu felt suddenly out of breath, the room way too hot for his comfort.
He headed to the back exit, needing a moment to collect himself. Leaning against the wall of the alley he lit a cigarette, closed his eyes and breathed out shakily, trying will his arousal away, but the sight of Lilah was still seared into his brain. A moment later he heard the door creaking and when he turned his head to look, there was Lilah.
“You’re ok?” she asked. Even in the dim light of the alley, he could see her flushed cheeks and sweaty skin making her hair stick to her neck
“Yeah, just…” he showed her his cigarette and Lilah nodded, moving closer with unsteady steps. “How about you?”
“Just a little too hot,” she replied, gathering her hair up and exposing her nape to the cool night air.
Keanu pulled her closer to him so he could bend his head and blow on her heated skin, making Lilah shudder and giggle. She looked up at him, eyes hooded, bottom lip caught between her teeth as she gave him a heated look. Before his reasonable side could talk him out of it, Keanu kissed her.
He could feel Lilah grinning as he pressed into her mouth, tasting alcohol and lime in her tongue. Her hands came up his back, under his shirt, raking her nails up his spine and making him groan. All Keanu wanted was get lost in this, but his publicist would kill him if he was caught making out on a dark alley like he was back in his twenties.
Besides, Keanu wanted Lilah completely sober when they had sex so she could enjoy every second of it. He pulled back, chuckling when she tried to chase his lips.
“Let’s get you home,” he said and Lilah grinned wide.
“Good idea.”
“To sleep, Lilah,” he said, grinning at her pout. “You’re too drunk for this, sweetheart.”
She was still pouting when Keanu led the way back into the bar so he could gather their things and pay the tab, before leading her out again, through the main doors this time and hailed a cab. Her apartment was just a ten-minute walk, but between the heels and her inebriation, Keanu didn’t think it was wise to let Lilah walk.
As soon as she was on the backseat of the car, Lilah cuddled against his side, face buried on his chest as she mumbled something in Portuguese that he didn’t understand. Keanu chuckled affectionately at how clingy she was while drunk, hugging her close until the taxi pulled up in front of Novelsy.
Keanu carried her up the stairs and into the apartment and bedroom, not wanting to wake her up when she looked so peaceful. She didn’t even stir when he dropped her on the bed very ungracefully or when he took off her shoes and helped her out of the overcoat and scarf. He had no idea what had happened to her hat.
Lilah only showed signs of consciousness when he pressed a kiss on her forehead as he was getting ready to leave. She caught his hand, making Keanu pause and look at her.
“Stay,” she mumbled, her eyes barely open.
Keanu only hesitated for a second before he kicked off his boots, took off his wallet, phone and keys putting them on the bedside table and climbed in bed with Lilah. She shifted towards him, once again cuddling his side and mumbling those same words she said on the cab, making Keanu wonder that they might mean.
Go to part 9
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Borrowed Lace Klaus x Reader SMUT
Summary: While the reader is in the shower, Klaus decides to do some sleuthing through the reader’s apartment. Klaus discovers her lingerie stash and decides to take a look. What will happen when the reader discovers Klaus…?
Warnings: Contains smut
Rating:18+ only
Special thanks to TinaBazinga for assisting me in writing the ending for this fic.
Please let me know what you think of this, it’s been ages since I’ve written smut so I’d love some feedback.
The door clicked lightly behind them as they entered y/n’s apartment. “Hey I’m gonna grab a shower real quick before we go out.” y/n spoke over her shoulder as she entered the bedroom to her left.
“Make yourself at home”, was the last thing Klaus heard before the door was closed, leaving him alone. Turning on the ball of his foot, he began inspecting his surroundings.
To his right was the kitchen, the island counter that separated the living room was spotless. He brushed his hand against the smooth surface before entering the next room. The living room was mostly taken up by a worn sofa. Letting out a huff, he fell onto the old sofa. Looking at the opposite wall he admired the dresser the tv was placed upon.
The entire apartment felt like a giant contradiction. Between the dark wood of the coffee table clashing with the peeling paint on the makeshift tv stand, to the brand new flat screen surrounded by antiques on every surface. Klaus loved it, every item gave him a small glimpse into who y/n really was.
Klaus’s curiosity got the better of him deciding to explore every nook and cranny of the apartment while y/n was in the shower.
Klaus decided to peruse the kitchen, first opening up the fridge. He was greeted by a half empty carton of milk and days old takeout. Grimacing he closed the fridge to explore the cupboards. Dinnerware and mugs, all mismatched lined the shelves.
It wasn’t until he opened the third cabinet that he found the jackpot. A package of cookies called out to him. “Oh, hello lovelies,” his melodic voice rang out,  “So this is where she was hiding you from me.” Snatching the package he ripped into it leaving a trail of crumbs as he stuffed far too many cookies into his mouth.
“You know you really shouldn’t be snooping like this, Klaus”, Ben teased leaning against the kitchen island.
“She said ‘make yourself at home’”,he air-quoted his voice muffled by the cookies,  “that means I’m allowed to be snoopy.”
“Yeah because she stupidly trusts you. You’re making a huge mess now.” Ben gestures to the crumbs that decorated the floor with a dramatic roll of his eyes. He reappeared on the sofa, feet hanging over the arm of it. “She’s gonna be pissed.”
“What? y/n?” he guffawed, “She doesn’t have an angry bone in her body”, Klaus joined Ben on the couch ingesting more cookies. “I don’t think she’ll even notice the crumbs.”
He was greeted with a scowl from the figure next to him, Ben gestures to the trail of crumbs that lead their way to Klaus from the kitchen. “Yeah, because she’ll be blind when she gets out of the shower, right?”
Hopping up onto his feet, “Alright ghost boy that is enough out of you”, Klaus yelled in a hushed tone. Setting the now emptied cookie package on the counter, he wanders closer to the cracked door of the bedroom. He pauses at the doorway, listening for the sound of running water.
The running water was accompanied by a muffled melody he didn’t know. That was all the reassurance he needed before entering the bedroom. Gently pushing the door open, making sure it stayed silent in its motion, Klaus tiptoed his way into the room.
Light filtered into the room from the connected balcony, illuminating the rumpled queen sized bed. Klaus’s eyes scanned the room, he paused when his eyes landed on her dresser. The light oak piece of furniture had a stack of books holding up one leg. The top drawer was slightly ajar, calling out to Klaus. Before he knew what was going on his hands were already wrapped around the drawer handles. He opened the drawer with a faint ‘oops’ leaving his lips.
Inside the drawer was y/n’s undergarments. Bras, underwear, and socks were haphazardly tossed inside. His inquisitive green eyes narrowed as they were drawn to a white lace lingerie set tucked away in the corner.
His fingers brushed lightly over the soft fabric before pulling it from the drawer. Klaus set the pair on the bed, displaying it for his viewing pleasure. The soft transparent lace top was cropped, Klaus ran his fingers along the high collar. He couldn’t help but wonder how the delicate fabric would feel against his soft skin.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”, Ben’s voice echoed in the silent room causing Klaus to jump. Klaus shooed Ben away with a gesture of his hand.
“Oh, go find somebody else to haunt!” He sneered at Ben standing in the corner. Ben rolled his eyes before disappearing from the room. “Better.” Klaus muttered to himself returning his attention the the lingerie before him.
Klaus held the top up to his chest, looking into the floor length mirror in the corner. Although the sheer fabric left little to the imagination, Klaus was impulsed to wear it. He had to see how the lace clung to his figure, feel the light scratch of the fabric against him. He paused once more to make sure y/n was still in the shower. The light sound of water running could still be heard.
Klaus quickly flung his jacket to the floor, suddenly his skin felt overheated, breath fluttering at the thought of being caught.
Tearing desperately at his clothes, a small pile formed at his feet until he stood naked. His cock began to ache, hardening in anticipation of the soft fabric caressing him. Grabbing the lace top he pulled it over his head. The top clung to his body perfectly, ending right below his pecs. He moved to grab the flowy panties, slowly pulling them over his thick thighs. The panties went up to his waist, falling away softly from his hips, clinging to his aching member.
Klaus turned to see himself from every angle. Turning back towards the mirror he saw a figure standing behind him.
Turning with a jump, “Christ on a cracker,” Heat crept over his cheeks, “You scared me, darling.”
Wordlessly she approached him, wet hair clinging to her, an old shirt of Klaus’s covered her.
“If I knew you’d look this beautiful in my lingerie I’d have let you raid my drawers weeks ago.” Her arms circled his waist, chin resting on his shoulder. She pulled him into a tight embrace, moving to leave feather light kisses against his chiselled jaw.
Y/n trailed her hand along the waistband teasingly, travelling lower her fingers brushed lightly over his hardened length. The leaking tip of his cock left a wet spot on the fabric. Y/n drifts her hand lower gently caressing his balls. Grinding her palm over them a soft sigh falls from Klaus’s plush lips, head falling back against her. Y/n brings her arm under his grabbing his chin, forcing him to look into the mirror. Klaus’s eyes black pools of lust, mouth agape softs pants escaping him.
He stares at y/n through the mirror, her eyes are shining with desire behind his shoulder.
Her voice a breathy whisper, “I want you to watch yourself”, she brushed her lips against the crease of his neck, “Want you to see how beautiful you are,” she paused moving to face him, “how you make me feel when you look so fucking good.”
She slipped a hand past his waistband running her hand along his generous length. A strangled moan fell from his lips, hands moving to rest on the sides of her face. Klaus pulled her into a heated kiss, tongues pressing together, sliding against each others as a moan passed through their lips.
Y/n wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock slowly sliding her thumb over his tip. Bringing their lips together once more for a quick kiss, before y/n pushed Klaus backwards towards the edge of the bed.
His knees hit the back of the bed causing him to fall back against it. Looking at y/n with hungry eyes Klaus watches as she sinks to her knees before him. Her delicate fingers pull his aching member from the panties, wrapping around his length leaning forward to press a soft kiss against his leaking tip, watching his mouth fall open in a silent sigh.
“Fu-uck”, the word tumbles from his lips, dick jumping at her touch. Klaus’s fingers brush through her hair curling into her locks.
Kitten licks covered Klaus’s aching member as she moved to take the tip into her awaiting lips. Moans fall from them both at the feeling of him filling her mouth. Bobbing her head lightly over his length, his fingers tightened in her hair tugging at the strands, her moan vibrating around his cock.
Y/n chokes as the full length of him hits the back of her throat. She runs her tongue along the sensitive vein running the length of his dick. Klaus falls back on his elbows, moans and expletives falling from his lips, his eyes focused on the way she moves over his length. Watching his dick disappear into the warmth of her mouth, imagining how her pussy would feel wrapped around his dick.
Struggling for breath she pulls off his dick, moving her hand to continue working his cock. Desperate to relieve the ache pooling between her legs, her free hand moves to the waistband of her own panties, pushing them to the side feeling how slick she’s become.
Running a finger through her folds she teases herself, pushing a finger into her wet entrance moving in rhythm with the strokes of his cock.
Klaus watches enthralled, unable to take his eyes away from the woman in front of him. His eyes notice her slowly grinding against her own hand. With a primal growl, Klaus moves to pull her up onto the mattress beside him.
He forces her back against the mattress, hovering over her form. Leaning to the side he wraps his lips around her fingers sucking them clean. A whine leaves his lips at the taste of her on his tongue.
“I believe it’s my turn now, love”, his honey smooth voice falls over her as he runs his hands along her sides taking the shirt she wore with him. Trapping her wrists above her head, he held them against the mattress.
“So beautiful”, Klaus whispered almost to himself, before leaning to take one of her pebbled buds into his mouth, running his tongue over it. His lips wrapped around the bud sucking harshly causing a heavy sigh to leave y/n’s lips, her chest pressing up into him. Her hands grasps desperately from their confines wishing they could be entangled in his silky dark locks.
Klaus’s hands trail down her arms encapsulating her breasts, trailing kisses across her chest till he took the other nipple into his awaiting mouth. Y/n’s moans and cries of pleasure fueling his actions. Her back arched off the bed, needing to be closer to Klaus.
Her hands trailed across his spine, nails digging into the flesh, bright red lines marked his skin. Kisses trailed across her heated skin as Klaus began to move his way down her body.
Klaus paused when he reached y/n’s underwear, lightly brushing his lips along the waistband. Y/n stared down into his hungry green eyes, watching as his fingers wrapped around her underwear slowly pulling them down her legs. Tossing them to the side, Klaus placed one of her legs over his shoulder slowly trailing kisses up to the apex of her thigh.
“Fuck, Klaus”, her sentence hung in the air as Klaus’s breath hits her delicate folds. Moving his lips to her other leg he nipped at her thigh, tiny marks forming on her skin.
Her heated flesh was covered in a light sheen of sweat, her body vibrating in anticipation as Klaus lowered his head between her thighs.
Klaus flattened his tongue gliding it between her folds, a soft moan falling from his lips as he tasted her slick.
Like a man-starved he dove forward sucking her clit between his lips, grinding his tongue against it.
“Oh god,” she cried tugging at his hair, hips grinding against him, “Fe-feels s-o good baby.”
Klaus sucked on her delicate nub until y/n was begging for more, the swollen bud throbbing. Y/n pulled on his hair trying to move him lower, needing something, anything to fill her aching core.
“Ah, ah, ah, now love. Good things come to those who wait.” Klaus teased crawling up her body, leaving a trail of bruises over her scorching skin.
Klaus’s lips hovered above y/n’s softly placing a kiss against her, y/n moaned as she tasted herself on his lips. Licking across his bottom lip y/n forced her tongue into his mouth, savoring her taste on his tongue.
Trailing a hand down her body Klaus teasingly brushed a finger through her folds. Her moan fans over his face at the feel of his slender fingers circling her entrance, slowly he sinks a finger into her soaking entrance, a cry falling from her lips.
Klaus slowly rubbed his index fingers along her walls searching for her sweet spot, as her cries grew louder Klaus added a second finger. Y/n’s walls clenched around his fingers desperate to be filled, shamelessly grinding against him.
“Fuck, more,” her breathy voice cried out needing more than his fingers stretching her walls , “Need more.”
“Oh? Does my beautiful girl need my cock inside her?” his voice was husky, desperation clear in his tone. “Tell me you need it baby.”
As she ground down on his fingers she tried to find her voice again, lost in the feeling of his movements. “I need you baby, need your big cock filling me up.”
Klaus moved to position his cock at her dripping entrance, slowly gliding his aching length through her folds, watching as the slick dripped down his length.
Looking up at y/n he silently gave her a chance to change her mind. She responded by rolling her hips against him, the tip of him catching on her entrance.
Gripping his cock Klaus guided it to her opening, slowly sinking his member into her warm velvety walls, moans echoing from the pair into the open room.
Klaus squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to blow his load before he was even fully seated inside her. The tight clenching of her walls was testing his stamina.
Y/n’s head rolled back lost in the feeling of his length stretching her walls, she’d never felt so full.
She wrapped a leg around his back to allow him to go deeper, they both moaned as the tip of his cock grazed her g-spot and Klaus began to pick up speed. “Hang on baby,” he said before pulling her other leg around him and pushing a stray hair behind her ear and kissing her nose.
Y/N cried out as Klaus’ pelvic bone grazed against her clit with every rapid thrust, dragging her nails across the tender flesh of his back, definitely exaggerating the marks that were already there. She couldn’t remember the last time he was this dominant in bed but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
Everything else in the world melted away, her senses were heightened to an almost superhuman level and every nerve ending was on fire. The sounds of their shared panting and moaning, their slick skin sliding together, the bed springs squeaking, it was all ringing so loud in her ears.
Klaus continued his exploration of her body, hands traveling everywhere as he pounded into her, he lifted her right leg onto his shoulder gently, pushing himself deeper into her heat.
He threw his head back, groaning and attacking her neck with lazy kisses, sucking roughly until a purple bruise formed under her skin.
“O-ohh, Klaus, fuck, so good to me” she whined out, scraping her nails through his soft, curly hair. She tugged hard, pulling his head back, knowing that he loved when she was rough with him.
He chuckled darkly. “I’m almost there, baby” he announced, thrusts becoming faster but sloppier, “come on, ladies first, love.” He smiled, bringing his left hand to where they met, circling her most sensitive spot frantically, eager to bring her to climax before himself.
“Oh! Fuck, Klaus!” she screamed, throwing her head back into the pillows. She ground her hips down onto his, whining lowly as her walls began to contract around him. ]
He growled lowly in her ear and sped up ever so slightly, his hips and his hand. “Shit! Klaus! I-I’m al-almost there, baby.” She cried out as every nerve in her body caught fire and a white heat flashed behind her eyes, he growled again as she clamped down on him and his climax came speeding behind hers.
She put her leg back down on the bed, muscles aching. He pulled out as quickly as he could with her being so wet and tight and fisted his stiff, throbbing cock until he came all over her heaving breasts and belly.
He laid his head down on her shoulder in exhaustion, their sweat mixing together and tasting so sweet as he gently kissed her collarbone.
He sat up on his knees and stripped the lacy white fabric over his head, only now realizing he was still wearing her lingerie as it stuck uncomfortably to his thin frame. A slight ripping sound could be heard as he pulled it off and they shared a collective gasp as he held the skimpy garment up, revealing a tear down the back.
She sat up slowly, chuckling, “well, looks you owe me a new set, Mr. Hargreeves.” She pulled him to her, tangling her hands in the hair at the back of his neck and whispering in his ear, “and if you keep being THAT good to me, maybe I’ll get you one of your own.” She added, winking at him before pulling him into a passionate kiss. His softening cock jumped at the thought of a round two but he pulled back, noticing the thin layer of sticky cum on her belly.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, beautiful.” He smiled and kissed her sweetly on the lips. She held onto his face and stared deep into his soft, green eyes before letting it slip, “I love you, Klaus...” she held her mouth open almost in disbelief that those words came out of her mouth even though they had been swimming around in her head for the last month or so. “I love you so much, Y/N.” He smiled and kissed her deeply before picking her up bridal style and carrying her into the en suite bathroom and running a bath for the both of them.
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