#when they all tied up komaeda and shoved him in a room and hajime is tasked to feed him
cowboy-robooty · 10 months
do you like komahina
#i like it because hajime is the least faggy danganronpa protagonist and hes cursed with the most braindead individual in the game of#braindead individuals#like with all danganronpa shit tho i like when komahima is done the way god intended (not fanon way obviously bc they get everything wrong)#because danganronpa is fundamentally fucking stupid thats what makes it good#so komahima is good because i dont think limbless hajime happens i think theyre just doing canon dr bullshit together#in fact i think itd be really funny if actually hajime were to draw limbless hajime and go well... this is what i imagine life would be like#if we got married realistically#and its the one time komaedas the one who goes#what?#**yotsuba flabberghasted sticker**#in all other times its classic komaeda being insane and hajime going 'leave the bitch to starve' or being flabberghasted#but limbless hajime is the One (1) time hajime is the crazy bitch and its delievered in classic hajime straight laced 'im normal' style#and komaeda is for once the one whos like 'i dont even know how to respond to that'#oughwhsjw guys i unironically like danganronpa bc the games r so good okay#theyre so fucking good everything is so genuinely stupid and bad and terribly done#its so fucking funny i love canon danganronpa i love how shitty it is i hate the fanon and fandom so much#when they all tied up komaeda and shoved him in a room and hajime is tasked to feed him#and he gets so annoyed at komaeda that he just leaves komaeda to starve#LOL#THE BEST KOMAHIMA MOMENT#(my fave game is dr1 tho and best ship is kokichi x kiibo and fave character is taka dont get it twisted guys)
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ various!yandere!male oneshots x fem!reader
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title page┆word count: 2.6k┆warnings: SPOILERS FOR SDR2 !! cursing, harassment, mentions of self-harm, obsessive behavior, stalking┆a/n: when I wrote this one-shot, I actually didn’t play dr2 up to this point. so sorry if it’s a bit off from the storyline.
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LETHAL ━ in game ! nagito komaeda x fem ! reader
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ever since this killing game has begun, Nagito has shown stalker-ish and obsessive tendencies towards you.
but everything is going to be alright since he's tied up and unable to cause any more harm to others. Right?
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⤷ ❝ 𝖄/𝕹
Today, it's your turn." The red headed girl said as she shoved a tray of food towards your face.
Blinking in bewilderment, you protested, "huh?- My turn for what?"
Mahiru sighed, "To feed Nagito. He refuses to eat and I can't get through to him. I can't just let him starve."
You looked around the room for any other faces. Only a few were in the dining hall at the time, "But why are you coming to me of all people? You know I hate him."
"Please, Y/n. Just this once. He seems to only be fond of you." You looked up into her eyes then back down to the tray she held out before herself.
"Ugh... fine."
You grabbed the tray and walked past the freckled girl and into the room where Nagito was held.
When you entered, you couldn't help but notice how his previously dull eyes lit up when he saw your semi-frustrated expression.
"Y/n! How's it going!? I haven't seen you since... since the trial a few days ago! Has it been a few days? I don't know! I've lost track of time from being down here for so long..." he began to go on and on about how he missed you and being free to roam about the island.
You found the way he spoke about you a little... creepy.
You figured that he and Hajime would be friends because when you first met him they were together.
So why isn't he talking about how he misses his other friends?
Does he not have any?
Then what were you to him—?
"-Hey, it seems you got something there for me...?" You watched as he struggled to sit up in his restraints.
"I wasn't really hungry when Mahiru was attempting to force this food down my throat. But now that you're here my appetite has returned." A light red blush formed on his cheeks as he spoke.
He smiled crazily as he stared down at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Crazy, isn't it?"
His words sent chills down your spine. It wasn't what he had said, it was the delivery of the words.
You knew he was tied up for being dangerous but...
...you're starting to think he's actually insane.
Slowly, you took a few step towards him then kneeled down. "I don't want to be here so I'm going to make this go as quickly as possible," you muttered to him.
You grabbed the spoon and scooped up some of the food on the plate. You're surprised it didn't get cold while he was busy yapping about his misfortune.
You glance up at him while bringing the spoon up to his face. His cheeks were redder than ever and his face had a smile as if he was struggling to contain his excitement.
"Can you... uh..." you nervously muttered, not wanting to say those horrid words.
Nagito's smile faded and he just smirked, "Can I...?"
He knew exactly what you wanted to ask.
He just wanted to hear it come out of your mouth.
You fought back your embarrassment before finally spitting the words out, "open your mouth."
You brought the spoon closer to his sealed lips that refused to budge.
Until he spoke again, that is.
"I can't hear you, Y/—" without hesitation, you shoved the spoon in his mouth.
You watched him gag a bit before finally swallowing the food, "Wh- what the heck!?"
"You took you long." You shrugged.
He stared at you with a bit of a hurt expression.
"You're so fucking dramatic" You rolled your eyes.
You scooped up some more food and taunted it in front of his face, "You want me to tell you, 'here comes the air plane' each time I feed you or something?" You held back a laugh.
He smiled and looked down at the tray, "Y'know... you look really cute right now."
His gaze met yours once again.
"You just being here makes me feel way better despite this despair-inducing situation."
Before you let yourself get flustered, you remembered that he was chained up for being the cause of someone else's murder.
And that he's crazy.
"Shut up." You gave no reaction to his affectionate words.
You awkwardly lifted the spoon up to his lips, watching him chew at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Could you chew any slower..." you sighed, thinking he was doing this just to get on your nerves.
Not to keep you by his side for longer than you desired.
"Are you going to chew it for me?"
He smiled, "To be honest, I'd really prefer it that way."
An extremely disgusted look grew on your (s/c) face.
There's no way he's fucking for real right now, you thought.
"This'd go way faster if you stopped your weird form of flirting..."
"'Flirting?' Hah, I wish..." he looked down, avoiding eye contact.
You moved a bit closer to his face, confusion overtaking your features.
"I don't understand how you could believe that such a lowly piece of scum as myself could attempt to flirt with a beautiful girl like you."
He suddenly jerked his upper body closer to you, your lips just barely grazing his.
Out of shock of his sudden movements, you stumbled back with a bright red blush forming on your face.
Was he trying to...
"Y/n, what's the matter?" he frowned when he witnessed you frantically moving away from his restrained body.
...Was he trying to fucking kiss me!?
"Don't tell me you're... you're afraid of me?"
Nagito's crazed smile faded. A genuine look of curiosity shown on his pale face, "afraid... No, you can't be afraid of me..."
He repeated that sentence over and over, it looked like he was more or so talking to himself rather than you.
"Well, why am I surprised." He chuckled, reassuring only himself, "I'd be completely frightened if some disgusting piece of garbage wanted my company. Even if it were for a little while."
"No, that's not it," You moved a bit closer to the white haired male but still keeping a distance.
"It's just that... I was a bit uncomfortable, that's all."
He blinked for a few seconds, processing your words. Then, a wide smile spread across his face.
"'Uncomfortable!' Of course!! I just invaded your personal space, haha! I'm just utterly too stupid to understand how that made you feel..." he then began yapping about how much of a waste he was as a person and how he couldn't have been more stupid.
The way he wouldn't stop degrading himself was slightly concerning. But you still didn't say anything regarding the topic.
"Could you please just eat? I didn't come here to socialize." You blurted out, putting an abrupt halt to his mindless rambling.
"My apologies, Y/n!" He nervously chuckled, "I haven't been around you- or anyone for that matter- in a super long time! So when I finally get company I can't—"
You shoved the spoon in his mouth again and muttered, "Do you have an 'off' button."
You yanked the spoon out of his mouth then let him swallow his food.
"Do you want to find it?"
• • •
"Why the hell isn't he tied up anymore!?" You desperately asked Hajime as he sat at a table in the dining hall.
You had a feeling he'd have the answer.
Hajime only sighed in response, he seemed a bit frustrated himself.
"Monomi freed him, hoping that we could all get along and investigate Mahiru's murder together."
You displayed an immensely frightened expression as you heard the words coming out of the brown haired boy's mouth.
"I don't think this is a very good idea," You said, feeling your heartbeat beat beginning to
"Why not?" You almost shouted.
Hajime looked up at you with curious eyes. Those eyes soon turned into ones displaying deep concern when he had noticed your state.
"Y/n? Wh- what's wrong!?" He stood up from his seat.
"Nagito is kind of..." you slowly brought up a trembling hand you rub your arm, "...weird."
He hesitantly placed a hand on your shoulder, "Weird how?" Hajime's voice grew with more and more concern.
"What did he do to yo—"
"-Hey, Hajime!" You heard a loud, frighteningly familiar, voice ringing out in the dining hall as they entered.
Slowly, both you and your brown haired friend turned around to see the person you probably hated the most right now.
"Speak of the devil..." The green eyed protagonist angrily muttered under his breath.
It was silent between the three of you before, of course, Nagito made the decision to speak up, "So what were you guys talking about?"
He grabbed your hand and yanked you towards himself, "H- Hey!!"
"I hope it wasn't super important because I need Y/n for something real quick—"
He was just about to drag you off somewhere despite your desperate struggle against him.
Only for Hajime to tightly grab onto his forearm.
"let go of her, Nagito." He said with a cold glare.
The white haired male just returned it with an even more threatening look.
I look at said that he could murder him right then and there.
Then, with a obviously fake smile, Nagito freed your hand from his grasp.
"haha," he chuckled, "I guess right now's a bad time?"
He watched as Hajime gently pushed you away from him, striking a nerve Nagito never thought he had.
What made him think that he could just touch you whenever he wanted like that?
It made him sick.
"I'll take my leave now," the green eyed male awkwardly turned and walked away.
"Bye, Y/n and Hajime!"
Neither you or Hajime returned his farewell.
Once the odd male was completely out of eyesight and earshot, the brown haired protagonist was beginning to ask you the question he would have asked earlier if it weren't for Nagito.
"Y/n, Wha—"
"-It's getting late. I'm going to sleep." You began walking out of the dining hall and towards the cottages.
Hajime blinked in confusion, "It's barely 3pm..."
• • •
Once in your cottage, you made sure to lock the door behind yourself. Only so he couldn't barge his way inside.
You've never told anyone about Nagito.
You felt that if you did, it would somehow get back to him and you don't know what he'd do...
...you don't know what he'd do if the whole island found out that he's a crazy stalker.
You don't exactly have proof, but you've caught him following you around the island a few times from the corner of your eye.
Whenever he'd speak to you, his affectionate compliments and remarks made you uncomfortable.
And you've even had a few of your more personal items gone missing, but that couldn't have been only him...
So that's why when you found out that Nagito was free to roam around the island you started to freak out.
Nothing would end well for anyone if Nagito does turn out to be some crazy stalker.
Or are you just being a little paranoid?
You didn't go to sleep at that time, you couldn't go to sleep.
Everyone was out there trying to solve a murder case while you're alone in your cottage.
Sulking about your misfortune.
After laying in bed for a good five minutes you decided it would be best to help everyone out than to isolate yourself all day.
But that was before you got a knock at your door.
You waited for the unwanted guest to go away, but the knocking grew harder and more urgent.
With a sigh, you walked over to the door and cracked it open a tiny bit.
You expected to see Hajime, still asking that question he never got to finish.
But it was worse.
He was...
"...Nagito?" You asked.
The white haired male seemed a bit worried as he stood there, "Y/n, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way lately..." Nagito began as he diverted his eyes to the ground.
"I... I wanted to let you know that earlier if Hajime didn't..." He trailed off, noticing how you barely kept the door cracked open to see his face.
A frown formed on his lips.
"Can you please open the door, please? I just... I just want to see you." Nagito begged, desperately trying to get a glimpse of your face from outside the door.
You really didn't want to... but you hesitantly began opening the door all the way.
Which was your most horrible mistake yet.
Nagito forced his way inside and quickly made his way towards your completely frightened figure.
You stumbled back, out of shock.
I knew I shouldn't have!!—
Your frantic thoughts were cut short by his arms snaking their way around your waist. You struggled and shouted as he swiftly used his heel to shut the door.
You were about to let out a scream before his hand came up to cover your mouth.
Tears brimmed in your eyes as you stared up at him in horror.
"I knew you or your little friends wouldn't let me talk to you in private. — so I had to do it the hard way..." Ignoring his futile attempts to calm you down, you screamed and struggled in his arms.
Despite growing frustrated with your resistance, he only shushed you and pressed your head against his chest. "Why are you being so difficult? I won't hurt you."
He quietly chuckled to himself, "Oh, who am I kidding? What's makes me think that some beautiful girl would want scum like me to be in love with her."
You froze at his words.
'In... love?'  You thought.
He noticed your reaction and blushed bright red, "Was it not obvious, Y/n? I am so madly in love with you I don't know what to do!!"
He moved his to the back of your head and forced you to look up at his face. His dull, green eyes, filled with nothing but lust and love for you, bore deeply into yours.
Your irises shook in fear at his next words.
"You're so pretty that every time I look at you it makes me want to gouge my eyes out," he said with a crazed smile growing on his face.
His breathing grew heavier and his cheeks flushed bright red.
He softly caressed your face and let his thumb trace over your lips as he started regulating his erratic breathing.
"I noticed that you've stopped reacting... is it that you're frozen with fear?"
He leaned even closer to your face, his breath brushing against your lips.
You tried moving your head away but he only jerked you closer.
Resulting in you sharing your first kiss with your stalker.
Once he finally pulled away from the horrid kiss, he whispers, "I love you so much, Y/n."
"And the Hope living deep inside of you."
Back to Title Page?
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potatotrash0 · 4 years
Oh? You've been into Childhood alternative universes lately?*slides Mastermind Nagito file back and pulls seperate piece of paper out* Let's work with that. *sits in the worn down swivel chair that I imagine myself keeping in this hellscape of a fictional office* Now :).
Hinata and Nagito first met when they were six. Nagito was still sick at this time, so his parents were taking him to a doctor in a different country in hopes of being able to treat him. Nagito was sitting on a street corner waiting as some of the servants packed up the car for their plane trip, when he notices a little boy with the greenest eyes and the oddest cowlick crying on the other side of the street. When he goes up to the child to ask what's wrong, he sees the big scrape on his knee, and the busted skateboard lying next to him. Nagito offers a hand to him. "Komaeda Nagito. Need some help?" He says with a smile that wasn't yet tainted with anxiety and despair. The kid crying grabs the hand, still bursting at the seams with his tears, and manages to say "H-hinata Hajime." in a shaky voice. When Hajime's taken inside for a glass of water and bandages, and is able to talk in a less shaky voice, they make a fond promise to hang out when Nagito gets back.
When Nagito gets back from the "trip", Hajime is in absolute shock. This sweet kid who helped him without hesitation had to deal with all this... terrible luck. Hajime does his best to look up ways to feel better, gets a bucket of a water and a handful of chocolates ( drinking water can help stop crying and chocolate can give ranged waves of dopamine [if I remember right]- Hajime doesn't know what dopamine means but it was on a site to help sadness and shit and he's just doin his best), and heads to Nagito's house. He's allowed in, and when he eventually finds Nagito curled up in the corner of his room, he stupidly drops the bucket and chocolates in front of him with a grin. Nagito responds by crawling over to him and crying on his shoulder for seemingly hours, and Hajime lets him.
Nagito was glad he had someone who wouldn't judge him for his "good luck" now.
( afterwards, Nagito says that it was alright, that he heard the servants talking about how it was good luck, since he inherited a large estate, and Hajime says he heard his parents say the same thing, and they both agree that it must have been good luck, since everyone else said so, despite the countless bruises and tears that it caused. Neither of them realize that their views on luck were permanently obscured since then.)
They grow closer after that, and don't seperate once, not as they grow older, not as life beats Nagito inwards which each traumatic event and curls into his beliefs of hope, despair, and talent, not as Hajime realizes he can't save Nagito from himself. Which each day, they grow closer and closer to the hip, practically seamed to each other.
That is, until Hope's Peak academy came into the picture. Nagito and Hajime immediately jumped for whatever chance they had to get in (both reasons are personal, but more tied to the character- Nagito still desires to be amongst the greatest, while Hajime still desires to be remembered [mostly by Nagito, though he doesn't entirely realize that's why].), but when they're still separated by the two courses, that's ywhere the problem lies. You see, Nagito is still an insensitive dumbfuck that doesn't realize how his words affect other people, and when he keeps actively degrading the reserve course students even in front of Hajime, it takes a toll. Hajime starts believing that Nagito hates him because of his status as a reserve course student now, and between the pressure of all the bullshit that happens to him because of his status and now this bs drama, he's willing to pay a price for his affection once again. A price that'll be much too permanent for either's liking.
This is where I add the Kamakura project in. I'm sorry for this upcoming angst shit but I always find my way back here.
When Hajime is presented the Kamakura project, he thinks about being able to join Nagito in the talent course and that Nagito won't be hate him for it anymore. He thinks of Nagito showering him with hugs and praise for finally being able to join him and his classmates. He thinks of the joy it'll bring to Nagito and his parents- but mostly Nagito. He thinks of Nagito, Nagito, Nagito as he signs his name. He didn't think he'd be shoved into a pod. He didn't think he wouldn't be able to see Nagito ever again. As he dies, he thinks about the little boy who offered his hand to him when his other friends left. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. Izuru is born thinking of this boy, and it sticks. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. He doesn't stop thinking of him, even when Enoshima and Ikusaba appeared with their proposition of despair (a part of him told him to not do it, let Nagito keep his hope, this man he couldn't remember), even when Chiaki dies in front of him (he feels... guilty, about her death, but not exactly sorrow. he wonders if he'd feel this way if the sheep man died.).
Nagito realizes who Izuru was when he turned around to aim at him. He saw the cold, dead eyes of this man, and for a moment he saw the boy who remembered him and brought him water and chocolate to help him feel better. The one person Nagito thought couldn't be affected by his luck was gone now. This was how Nagito fell into despair.
They generally stayed together for most of the apocalypse, still attached to the hip, although it was... different now. There were no more subconscious handholding moments as they traveled through the streets. There was no more trying to stop Servant from berating himself. There was no more helping Hinata's injuries. No more ice cream "dates". No more... love, in their presence.
Izuru tells Servant about his plan as they sit together on the boat to Jabberwock. Servant is sitting in the other's lap, stroking their hair as they speak. He responds with expressing his excitement, and Izuru feels a wave of guilt wash over him, though he drowns it out immediately.
Hajime wakes up to see his best friend standing over him. "Hey, Hajime, are you alright?" Nagito says, with a smile tainted with fear and despair as he offers his hand to help him up. Hajime briefly feels a sense of Deja vu, and grabs the offered hand.
(I keep making these too long dkckakkflakfkalfk f u c k)
sobs.........every time you get to the kamukura project i just brace myself bc it hurts like hell 100% of the time without fail......but ahhhhhhh i love this.......
for a moment i thought this was gonna be childhood friends and mastermind komaeda and i nearly had a heart attack?? mmm i’m still buzzing with the ideas but i’ll put it under the cut
just like. hajime finding comfort in having at least one person to rely on in this bizarre situation. komaeda really does ground him, he realizes, but that stability seems to crumble beneath him during that first trial. watching nagito, someone he thought he knew so well, reveal that he had been the one behind this elaborate plan to get himself or someone else killed? there’s no way hajime could okay after that, no way he could look at him the same way.
and he doesn’t, but he doesn’t look at him completely differently either. this komaeda, someone who’s unstable and actively looks forward to the next murder, is still komaeda. he’s still the same guy who goes through whole novels like they’re picture books, who pokes at his food at meal times and has to be nagged at to eat. he’s still nagito. and even if he wanted to, hajime couldn’t find it in himself to just ditch the guy he grew up with for all those years.
so, he reaches out again. gets to know his childhood friend for a second time, relearning his beliefs, his likes, his dislikes. even discovers some things he never noticed before. in a way, they were driven apart, but also brought back together again.
and that’s part of the reason it’s such a shock to see komaeda in monokuma’s place during that last trial, grinning down at them. he looks and sounds like nagito, but he couldn’t be him. someone who put them through all this couldn’t be that same boy who helped him when he fell off his skateboard all those years ago......right?
all of this information, from the world being a simulation to his childhood friend being the one to basically kill all of their classmates, it all throws him off. not to mention that he might not even exist outside of this program. choosing between staying with someone who betrayed him twice over or disappearing entirely........can he even make a decision like that?
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 5 years
Writhe in the Decay (like the worm you are)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35qgdEK
by SucculentStrawberries
((Omovember Day 19: Desperate and Needing Assistance))
Nagito is no stranger to being kidnapped, held hostage, or otherwise tied-up and shoved into a basement or some other empty room. He doesn't really mind, to be truthful. His luck always has a plan for him, and he's usually content to wait and find out what it is. Still, as he wriggled and inched along the floor in search of a better position, he'd found himself lamenting how unprepared his classmates were for this sort of thing...
When Hajime arrived to bring him his breakfast, he'd thought his luck was about to turn for the better.
Now, he's... not so sure that's the case...
Hajime's claiming they are no longer friends. But as far as Nagito can tell, they aren't enemies either. That leaves room in the middle for negotiations, doesn't it? Perhaps... a bargain can be struck...
Words: 5914, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Omovember - 2019
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Koizumi Mahiru
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Omorashi, Desperation, Desperation Play, Hostage Situations, Kidnapping, Canon Compliant, Non-Consensual Bondage, i mean not that nagito's opposed tho, he probs sat real still and laughed while they tied him up tbh, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Unresolved Tension, Sexual Tension, which will be semi resolved in ch2, Eventual Smut, Boys in Chains, Chains, Unrequited Hate, Denial of Feelings, Denial, Hate Sex, Suffering Komaeda Nagito, Komaeda Nagito Being Komaeda Nagito, Bottom Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime & Kamukura Izuru Share a Body Simultaneously, not fully it's more haji is more suceptible to following bad impulses, Bad Decisions, Dominance, Dom/sub Undertones, Power Play, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Rival Relationship, One Night Stands, omovember, No Sex, only one of them gets to get off, Spoilers, Extended Scene, Angst, Pining, Angst and Porn, Angst and Feels, Bargaining, Feels, Whump, Dubious Morality, Dubious Ethics, Unreliable Narrator, Bladder Control, Urination, Male Homosexuality, Yaoi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35qgdEK
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