#when she's interesting without it. at least y'all SHOULD be thinking of her like that.
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Which Greek mythology character would you like to see talked about more?
OHoho. you all already know this.
It's Penelope.
And I am being so fucking serious about it. I'm also sleepy and angry and mother nature is stabbing my gut so I'm putting a lot of my emotions into this ask.
BUT her fangirling, angry, bitchy rant of mine, I will save for the end. (and I'll explain it more down there) Not gonna lie, I will probably be mean. Don't take it too personally. (Some folks I know genuinely love her and have stuff for her. Y'all are fine :D )
I have many other characters I wish would be seen more, but hers rant is ooooh. it's been boiling angrily for a long time and this is the perfect ask to let loose.
Take note: This is more about characters who I feel are either underrated and/or not really given love. It's a whole other can of worms about characters who ARE given a lot of attention but are either fandomized to the point of being unrecognizable or people just...really see them wrong.
A young princess who helped out Theseus to end the cycle of violence against the youth of Athens. Despite the fact that she was going against her family by helping Theseus she did. When he left her, for whatever reason, she was rescued by Dionysus. In which these two have a loving and healthy marriage. There is so much potential here and it makes me sad that she gets butchered and/or just ignored.
She was locked up by her father because of a prophecy that happened anyway. She is now pregnant with Zeus' child. She is then locked into a chest in which she is sent floating in the sea. She washes up on Seriphos. Her son is sent on an impossible quest in order to keep her from a forced marriage. Her story is inspiring and ugh sdkf j badass mama! ;~;
Got that right here :)
Fucking love this lil hotheaded cheerleader man. Go boy, go! He got yeeted by Athena from the chariot. Diomedes and him tell each other that they love each other. Tells off Agamemnon for mocking Diomedes' and his dad. He was a child soldier alongside Diomedes. I love this weird lil guy.
It makes me sad how people only see him as the "cuck" of Aphrodite and Ares. (no hate to them. do not hate either of them) He's badass in his own right! He does that bigass fire in the Iliad! And one of my favorite scenes in that epic, is him welcoming Thetis! I think he's neat :D
Ganymede isn't the only cupbearer on Olympus you know.
I love me a goofy wifeman...But if that's all you see him as, I'm sad. What about the sealy man? (aka him wrestling a god for a while and making him tell him answers) The exiled prince? The younger brother? The angry charioteer who yelled at Antilochus? The man who interfered with his brother's letter to his wife to warn to not bring their daughter? Being the sweet uncle figure for Telemachus? (he and Penelope get a lot of the same treatment in a way. with the whole "just the spouse" ;~; )
I think she's pretty popular, but shout out to her anyway :D Because I love her story a lot.
And last but absolutely not least,
Heads up once more, but I'm going to be so fucking mean right now. I'm very tired and runnin on 4 hours of sleep and my tummy hurts. This is all over the place and I'm sad.
I think some of you treat the fact that Odysseus is (rightfully) obsessed with her and adores her as if that's HER personality trait... as while it's adorable to see him simping over her as he does, she's not just there for him (and me) to simp for. In the same vein, I think some of y'all only see her for her love of Odysseus and nothing more. Some folks don't see her as anything more than what she is for Odysseus.
And yet, there is so much stuff with him about the other people in his life. The other Achaeans, Polites and Eurylochus, Athena, etc. You know Penelope has people in her life other than her husband and her son, right?
Even stuff that's just her, it's usually her weaving the shroud...That still ties back to Odysseus. If you wanna have her weave, maybe have her weave something happily. Maybe her chatting with Anticlea or Athena while she does! Or Helen! or her sister!
There's the saying of "the characters respect women but the author does not" and I'm noticing that a LOT in this fandom. I don't think it's intentional, but it's very telling with what people prioritize in their creations how they feel. (and no, I'm not talking about Homer. He wrote incredible women.)
I'm not saying you're not allowed to have favorites. But even if Odysseus IS your favorite, if you have Penelope so one note or with such weak characterization while having so much for Odysseus, FOR THE MEN WHO HE IS NEAR... It's just really telling.
I've even seen some shit with "Well, there's not much to do with her." as if y'all don't make OCs with less. I've seen people give Astyanax, an AU baby, more characterization than her. (Have him alive in your AUs but if you give him more character than Peenlope, I am side-eying you so hard.)
It genuinely pisses me off how overlooked she is. I hate how her tags are basically empty (honestly? I might start tagging my silliness for her correctly because it has so lil.)
Hey, why do followers of the other tags show up but not for #penelope of ithaca? It's clearly because she has SO many followers/fans that she broke tumblr! Especially with the fact that you can scroll all the way to the bottom pretty quickly! /sarcasm
(btw, before you say something, I know there's no consistent tag for Penelope. I follow many of them. #penelope odyssey is kind of the best bet I believe. #penelope of sparta is mostly about that new show that's coming out and hyping about it. still not about HER. #penelope mostly has some bridgerton character. so yeah. Not much on tumblr)
(shoutout to the artists who got their art on front of the tag! That's exciting! I'm being a mean bitch right now but that's fun and exciting!)
I hate how people see her as so one-note. I hate how she's often just "Odysseus' wife". MOST CONTENT OF HER IS HIM SIMPING OVER HER. (that's something I'm guilty of too! I plan to fix that soon. I have so many wips and so lil time and too high of personal standards because since she has so little content of her, I WILL make it good. I'll TRY to make it good.)
Feelings about how fandom sees her are also summed up by this and this. (Edit: This one too. She's not even dead in the Odyssey but people act like she doesn't exist until Odysseus is there.)
...Do you see my problem? Just one of my problems?
So many people genuinely read the Odyssey and just see her as the "crying wife". People diminish her character and her intelligence all the fucking time. You wanna know something I've noticed? PEOPLE ONLY TALK ABOUT HER INTELLIGENCE WHEN ODYSSEUS IS THERE. Like with how she tricks him and how she tricks the suitors. Nobody talks about the moment when Athena appears as her sister in her dream and she is immediately like "hey, if you're some god, is my husband still alive?" she clocks her as Athena RIGHT AWAY.
People constantly forget her violent thoughts against the suitors! Or when she sasses Telemachus and Euryclea. When she scolds and threatens the maids. (she's not always nice y'all!) Do you really think Odysseus would be obsessed with someone who isn't on his level?
We all know that he loves her. BUT WHY?! "Because she's smart like him." Yeah, we know. WHAT ELSE?
They are Likeminded! Thinking and acting alike! You know how fun that is?!
Homer, you absolute mad lad genius. You made her a mystery to the narrator, Odysseus, and for some reason, people see that as her just being a straight up mystery. You wrote her so wonderfully and so complex with how she is so sneaky in her own way that people are literally tricked by her as readers as well!
Or sadly, more likely, people fucking blackout when she's in the scene and there's no Odysseus. 🙄
Look, even if you have Penelope be the "braincell" who keeps her husband in line, MAKE SURE SHE'S NOT ACTING LIKE ODYSSEUS' FUCKING MOM. They're both grown ass adults for fuck's sake!
Also...please...PLEASE have her be more than a prop for the men around her. I've read some things that could literally have her be replaced by Euryclea, as Penelope is sometimes just used as a sounding board.
I'll be even more bitchier. Even in the OT3 she's commonly in. It wasn't a NOTP until I noticed most creations of that ship was just "Odysseus and this person for 6000+ words... Oh, and Penelope making an appearance in the footnotes." If it's an OT3, they all love each other right? Where's the PenDio fics/art, cowards?
I have a weird theory about how people treat her that way. (other than fandom prioritizing men)
So there's "girlbossing" and "uwu sad victim" that fandom can never seem to leave. I think People do this with Helen and Clytemnestra and that's why THEY are "blorbo-able". (not saying they shouldn't be but they definitely get more love than Penelope)
Helen, despite not always being a victim in her story, has been through so much. Kidnapped and some people blame her for it (irl and some people in canon do blame the war on her). Very easy to cling to. I cling to her too! (she's on the "UwU always victim. tragic blorbo" end)
Clytemnestra, is a victim in the sense that she's a grieving and angry mother and wife. And so she killed Agamemnon. Her violence and anger is seen as "girlboss" despite all the horrible stuff she also did to her children. (she's more on the "girlboss" end)
Penelope, is not a victim to the same degree as Helen nor does she murder anyone (how could she? it was 108 people against her and the Odyssey shows that the suitors' parents were enraged. Even Odysseus was skeptical he could beat them.)
She's not on either end of the "scales" for people to find her "blorbo-able". She doesn't murder her husband or the suitors by herself or is a victim to them in the same way Helen is.
And that's just for people who know her husband didn't cheat. I think with people who think Odysseus did cheat, they hate her because "she let it slide". That she's "weakwilled" for knowing her husband went through literal hell and wanting him to be happy and safe.
Idk, It's a little lonely being one of the few "Penelope crazy" blogs.
I sometimes wonder if people kind of come to my blog in a "Hey, can you love her for me? Can you think about her for us?" as I have seen very little on her childhood for example. It's STILL mostly in relation to others.
It's not even the "sharing ideas" that bugs me. it's the feeling of people not wanting to come up with headcanons/ideas for her OUTSIDE of canon.
"She was in Helen's shadow." Okay, well, how did she feel about it? What did she do about it? Did she hide away? Did she internalize that? Did she find that freeing? To not be the center of attention?
Stuff like that. Dive DEEPER. PLEASE
It makes me happy that people love my Penelope as I love her too, clearly. But I really fucking hope you love the CANON Penelope too. If you think I made Penelope "better" or anything like that, then leave. She's already fantastic on her own.
I want to talk about her more. I want her to be seen more.
#lol so pathetic that I'm all weepy about this right now. fucking hormones and cramps and bullshit#I'm allowed a few mean sad rants right?#I'll probably regret this later. as I know I'm swatting a hornet's nest#this is like. a fandom in general rant. like people do this to other female characters too#I almost want the Penelope part to be it's own post? because I think it's important. at least to possibly make people just...SEE her.#i dont know#penelope of ithaca#Mad rambles#shot by odysseus#my headcanons#ask#anon#penelope#Water Wife#<-I love my Water Wife but I sometimes regret it. As I think some people actually think it's the only way she can be interesting.#when she's interesting without it. at least y'all SHOULD be thinking of her like that.#penelope of sparta#Mad rants#essay#odyssey
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I'm back bxtches
Random Observations #9
Y'all still need the disclaimer or will reason prevail?
🦂 Scorpio Mars are POWERHOUSES in my not-so-humble opinion. If you are prone to procrastination, especially in your career or as an entrepreneur, Aries Mars might hype you up but a Scorpio Mars (esp in 10H) is gonna make damn sure you finish your to-do list.
I had a friend with this placement and she literally bribed me with weed to come to her house, then she took my phone and house keys and made me sit and finish designing my business cards and send them to Vistaprint before she'd give my damn keys back. Made over $5K USD from my next few clients though so I wasn't even mad about it lol
🦀 I don't care what the astrology girls like to say - my observations of Cancer moons is that they are FORGIVING AF. Like it takes a lot for a Cancer moon to be really done with you and chances are you're more wrong than they are.
Cancer moons come off as manipulative to a lot of people. But when you actually dig below the surface, you'll notice this common thread where people who aren't good at seeing other people's points of view unless they need something immediately project that attitude onto people who genuinely give a shit.
Obviously there are evil Cancer moons and they're extra terrifying for the above reason, but they're the minority and the slander is unnecessary imo. The people who have literally put up with my WORST behavior the longest and genuinely dropped it after a good open conversation were all Cancer moons.
👬 Which leads me to another interesting astro trope I'd like to kick over right about now. Gemini moons. Love them but in my experience they are usually what people think Cancer moons are. Gemini moons, from my observation, don't soak up as much, if any, of other peoples' energies. They're gonna keep it moving emotionally regardless of how you wanna be in the moment. That means they can easily smile with you for years if that's the path of least resistance, but that does NOT mean they particularly like, care about or think highly of you at all. They MIGHT, but you will NOT know unless they want you to know or you somehow trigger them enough to rip the black tape off the redacted parts of their mental file on you.
If you're someone who is used to everything being totally transparent and straightforward, you're in for a wild ride with a Gemini moon in your life. I've had quite a few as friends or coworkers, etc., and I promise without fail there always came the day where I ended up wiping tears of laughter from my eyes, feet up on my desk, twiddling my thumbs listening to the 11-minute voice note from the latest Gemini moon in my life. Pretty much telling me in no uncertain terms exactly what they thought of me, where I should go, why, and how happy they would be to direct me there personally.
As a Capricorn moon, I never have the kind of reaction they'd like to this but it's always interesting to see the abrupt change as they can literally seem perfectly cool 3 minutes before the other twin takes over. I don't even think it's a good or bad thing, just how it goes.
Cancer moons seem this way but chances are you chose to ignore the VERY OBVIOUS SIGNS THAT SOMETHING (probably everything) was wrong, lol. Cancer moons can't hide their feelings for shit (reason #101 why I love them; it's easier for me to fix a problem if i can quickly see there is one 😂).
🦁 Let's change tracks and talk about Leo mercuries for a minute. Y'all get your inside and outside voices mixed up a LOT, lol. Every Leo mercury I know had trouble speaking quietly in quiet-appropriate situations but then catch them outside trying to get their friends attention at the other side of the street and suddenly it's like Tom got their tongue and tossed it to Jerry. Can barely get a sound out. Why is that? I know it wouldn't be all Leo mercuries but for those who experience this, please tell me what it is, I'm genuinely curious lol. As a Libra mercury I kinda have a similar problem. On another note, I've noticed that Leo mercuries can be highly persuasive people even if solely because of the amount of power and confidence they put behind the things they say.
My ex-husband has Leo Mercury at 24° (Pisces degree) and I promise you that man could make you believe anything against your will 😂 One time he was trying to get out of having to go to a friend's event and rather than just decline like a normal person, he crafted this masterpiece of an excuse that somehow involved me needing his attention (I had been on the couch under his arm half the day so no lol) but the way he spoke on the phone?
I swear to God even I caught myself nodding along all like "yeah, yes I did feel a bit neglected today and wanted more time with babe"... 😂😂😂 like NO TF I DID NOT FEEL NEGLECTED AT ALL but I got second-hand convinced lol. And yes he was loud when I or his friends were 12 inches away but couldn't raise his voice for shit to order through the drive-thru at McDonald's lol it was cute, though, I'd do the yelling into the intercom thing 😂
🐟 Lemme say this about Pisces suns - you are very underrated, from my observations. I've noticed Pisces suns in particular struggle with one of two major issues when it comes to others' perceptions of them - either people seem compelled to minimize/infantilize their contributions and achievements, or people fail to notice they exist altogether (or forget about them easily). I've always held my Pisces sun friends close for as long as I could and hyped them up because nearly every Pisces sun I've met has been incredibly talented and usually creative in some way. I'm talking genius levels of ability in some area that goes completely overlooked or undervalued by the majority of people in their circles.
These are the people who you vaguely notice as the cool server, hot bartender, friendly delivery guy, helpful sales associate, only for you to run into them somewhere else and you find out they run a whole personal training business or play 6 instruments perfectly and give lessons to kids, or taught themselves professional photography and have a camera in their bedroom worth more than your savings account. I've met so many Pisces suns who seemed to be one way and then there were so many layers to them that it was like reading an interactive novel.
That's what was on my mind for now, drop your favorite placement from your own chart in the comments, I'll compile them for random observations #10 😘
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Friends that can keep a secret
Male Reader x Jo Yuri (ft. two male friends)
Length: 3.500 words
Tags: foursome, gangbang, MMMF, drunk sex, seducing, a faux game of spin the bottle, making out, sharing a girlfriend, rimming, face fucking, double penetration, anal, spanking, rough sex, anal creampie, riding, cowgirl, protection, not_your_girlfriend!Yuri
TW: there are other male OCs in this and you fuck a girl in all her holes, I dunno, if you don't like that, feel free to leave
Inspiration: @breach12 for the request/prompt
(A/N: here is something I promised to write quite a while back. It's finally finished. I changed the prompt quite a bit, but I hope the person who requested it likes it (and y'all too))

“Should you knock or I knock.”
Daehwi grins and you roll your eyes. He can never make things easy.
“Dude, just fucking knock.”
You and your friends recently finished another semester in college. You really had to think, was it the fifth, the sixth, the—no, it was the sixth. It felt like forever since you enrolled in that university with it’s unimpressive name and even less impressive campus. In the end, you made it through this time without impressive grades or interesting stories, but maybe this is your ideal life.
Calm and uninteresting, at least to others.
Your friends are a bit different. On one hand there is Daehwi, the crazy one. He is like a wild animal, free from every and all constraints but a slave of his desires and instincts. He gets a lot of girls, hookups, relationships, break ups, scandals—nothing ever slows him down. No matter how stupidly crazy his ideas are, they always work out and in the end, even his grades pan out. Daehwi has either figured out how to live a perfect life or he is just insanely lucky.
But he is a good friend in time of need.
On the other hand is Junseo. He is one hell of a cutie-patootie, caring for every one of his friends, colleagues, even profs. No bad word ever comes from his lips and he is always punctual. Literally always. He trades loyalty for loyalty and is the perfect example for genuinity and consistency. It is only fair that he got the most beautiful girl as his girlfriend.
Junseo is a great friend, but sometimes Yuri takes up all his time.
Yuri is the rock star on campus. She can make the entire university fall on their knees by grabbing a mic and singing her heart out. She is talented, smart, gorgeous—the crush of many, until they find another girl to smash. Yuri was never ready for one night stands, and so it was only fitting that Junseo and her fell in love gradually. No hookups, just pure, romantic love.
Love without you. You watched from afar as your best friend fell in love with your crush. That crush on Yuri that everyone has at least once in their campus life, it still lingers in your heart. You have to suppress it almost daily, but it is a tiny stain on your otherwise good life. Suppress it for Junseo, especially today when you get to celebrate another successful semester at his place.
"Oh hey guys, come in!" Junseo opens the door with a wide grin and a surprising pink hue on his cheeks.
"Yo!” Daehwi shouts until his chest vibrates. “We bought beer, let's celebrate—damn, did you start drinking without us?" Daehwi puts down the two six packs and starts to aggressively pinch Junseo’s cheek. You start to laugh as the two playfully fight like two lion cubs.
“I brought some snacks,” you shout and try to get their attention. Fun is good and all, but you’re still standing outside and the cold air is brushing past your sensitive calves. "I got them for you, but if you don’t move, I’ll eat them all alone."
The three of you finally make your way into the flat and onto the couches. You feel the good vibes radiating throughout the room and it only gets progressively better. The first step to make such a celebration unforgettable is good beer and surprisingly, the cans Daehwi bought (at least you hope that he bought them) are filled with it. You down two of them easily, Daehwi is already on his third while Junseo reaches for a Soju bottle to create an intoxicating mixture.
“Damn, I didn’t know you got Soju,” Daehwi groans in ecstasy as he takes a swing straight from the green bottle. “Your grades must have been terrible.”
“Nah, it’s not that,” Junseo responds with a pout. “It's because this might be the last time we have a celebration like this.”
“Huh, how so?” you protest and get a handful of crackers into your mouth, not willing to accept that such a well-kept tradition would end tonight, without warning.
“It’s because, next semester, I’m done, so the party is gonna be bigger. And afterwards, with work and all, I don’t know if it will work out like this again.”
“Shit, life is really catching up to us.” Daehwi clicks his tongue and you can already see that his drunk, a bit more melancholic but still wild and direct self appears. After all, he can’t keep himself from downing liquor.
“If only I knew,” you sigh, angry that you forgot that Junseo was already here when you started to study. He was always ahead and now he will be the first to leave behind college life and become a truly normal person. “I would have brought stuff to make this more memorable.”
Junseo grabs the hem of your shirt and there is this drunk grin on his face as he babbles: “Don’t worry, I have things planned.
“Yuri, dear, you can come in now~”
Honest to God, you forgot about her for a split second—you will never for the rest of your life. Yuri walks in, the walk of a supermodel. Her high heels clack on the wooden floor, her hips sway in that stupidly short miniskirt, her eyes sparkle when she winks at you. You’re staring everywhere at once, to the point your throat goes dry again and you quickly need another drink. Luckily, Yuri brought more Soju and hands you a bottle.
“Congrats on beating another semester,” she says with a saccharine smile that stuns you, glues you to the couch, all to the amusement of Junseo beside you. “You gonna take it or not?”
“Su-sure, thank you.” Grab the bottle like an idiot and drink from it like one. Daehwi isn’t any better, dry lips stuck to his can while his eyes are glued to Yuri’s back. She makes sure to stick out her ass for him to see the nice curve. The green plaid skirt is barely long enough to hide her cheeks as she kneels next to him, hands on the table, searching for crackers or chips.
“Yuri, you are gorgeous,” Junseo compliments his girlfriend with a wicked grin and Yuri responds with an expression so sly and sexy, you almost drop your bottle and spit out its contents. Those two must have been drinking before Daehwi and you arrived, otherwise they wouldn’t be so bold.
“Damn, what the hell is going on with you two?” Daehwi bluntly asks them, but all he gets are glances from the couple and a confused shrug by you. “I bet you two are drunk already. Better stop now before any accidents happen.”
“There are no accidents tonight,” Junseo says firmly and makes room in the middle of the table for an empty Soju bottle. “No accidents, no boundaries, no questions asked. Do you two understand?”
“Well, that is a question,” you try to respond with wit, but it’s quickly forgotten when Yuri spins the empty bottle.
“Whoever this bottle lands on gets to have a free wish—kinda like truth and dare, except everyone else has to accept the dare and what you want to do to them.” Yuri’s words have your mind rotating faster than the bottle; is she for real? No limits, no boundaries? No one will ask questions? Can you just—go for it? Ask her to love you for this one night—no Junseo, just you?
Your wish fades to black when the bottle stops and points straight at Junseo, who does not hesitate and grabs his girlfriend at the wrist. Blink once, blink twice and she already sits on his lap, right next to you, and he is ready to stick his tongue into her eager mouth.
“My wish is that everyone fucking loosens up and just watches.”
The most tense thriller could not be more engaging for you. To see Junseo fondle Yuri, her tight little body, her covered boobs, her flawless back, down to the edge of her skirt has you sweaty all over. All over, again, he doesn’t stop and goes for that long, blonde hair and combs it back. Yuri moans and her nails dig into the back of the couch. Then they go back to making out, provocatively loud and Yuri’s top almost slips over her boobs.
You’re not the only one starring. Daehwi gets into position behind them, and he shamelessly looks under Yuri’s skirt—what he finds must be utterly mind melting, because he quickly grabs the bottle and points it at himself. He clears his throat to get everyone’s attention and for a second, the silence is heavier than a black hole.
“I-it’s my turn.” Daehwi gulps, the couple pants. “Can I pull down your skirt, Yuri?”
“Sure, just let me get up.”
With a final kiss on the cheek, Yuri leaves her boyfriend’s lap and stands in front of the kneeling Daehwi. She reaches for his hands and places them on her hips. This was the final straw, the last chain that held back the savage animal. Daehwi roughly yanks down Yuri’s skirt; with every gasp, more of her lower body is revealed until—nothing but a skimpy thong. You get to see it from behind only for a second, because Daehwi immediately spins Yuri around to knead and lick her cute butt cheeks.
You’ve only heard stories of Daehwi’s sexcapades, the endless rounds of loud smashing, of groaning, of cumming—you never knew he could become so feral at the touch of two small round buttcheeks. It seems to work however, Yuri is definitely feeling herself, hands in her hair, head thrown back as she moans profanities towards the ceiling.
Suddenly, the head of a bottle crosses your vision. Juseon has the green thing pointed at you, on eye level and you don’t let him even start his sentence before uttering your own wish. It’s a bit desperate, but totally accurate to your situation and pent up feelings.
“Yuri, I—I want to make out with you, o-on my lap!”
“Oh yes, for sure~”
Followed by the still manically kneading Daehwi, Yuri climbs on top of you and goes straight for your mouth. Her tongue, still glazed in liquor and tiny chips particles quickly turns into the most delicious treat you have ever had. Yuri engages the kiss, starts off what could have been an equal dance but she quickly succumbs to your sudden dominance.
Call it a return to your monkey brain, anything but civilized. You fuck her mouth with your tongue, play with her hair lovingly while tormenting her slender frame with rubs and squeezes. Yuri’s giggles urge you on more, you become bolder, reach into the top of her bra—there is no bra, just bare tits to fondle and knead the way only Daehwi would, though he has transitioned to eating Yuri’s ass, thong pushed to the side.
You’ve lost sight of Juseon, but who the fuck cares when you can stick your hands down to where the sun doesn’t shine and find Yuri’s pussy. She is laughably wet, her juices dripping on your finger while your teeth move to bite her collarbone. She moans and hugs your body, pressing herself further down your length which has been an issue in the tight confines of your jeans for way too long—
“Yuri,” Juseon suddenly shouts. “I think you’re the last one to make a wish.”
You pull out your fingers from those drenched folds and even Daehwi backs off from the feast that is Yuri’s ass. Everyone listens closely when Yuri finally gets her wish out.
“I want you three boys to finally get your cocks out and fuck them into my tight holes until I can’t walk anymore. Don’t think, just fuck me.
“I’m your semester trophy tonight.”
Juseon suddenly stands next to you, feet in the cushions of his couch and his pants meet them quickly. He whips out his cock and as if her lips were magnetically drawn to it, Yuri starts to kiss and lick over it. From tip to base, she does not leave out one spot. Equally sudden is Daehwi, who’s pants you can’t even see anymore, but his cock is clearly pressed against Yuri’s cheeks and then on the ring in between them.
To your surprise—not that you ever actively thought about it—their cocks are just average in size, maybe even below that. Yours might be bigger, but they get girls and relationships all the time—your thoughts shouldn’t become so weird, especially because you have already pulled out your own dick and begun to stroke it to the hardest it has ever been.
Yuri, while her face is getting fucked slowly, her boyfriend’s cock entering and leaving her lips, gently places an unwrapped condom into your sweaty hands. Good thing that they are prepared, because you of course did not bring something like this to what could’ve been a harmless party.
Harmless college parties? Yeah, no, who are you kidding. Just roll the plastic contraceptive over your hard shaft and then try to find Yuri’s pussy. Those hot folds, they are right there—further down. You rub along her midriff, navel, even her crotch but are unable to find it.
Yuri pops Juseon’s cock from her lips and smiles at you while her hand continues to lazily jerk the throbbing, wet thing. She reaches in between your legs and finds your thing poking her belly.
“Should I help you?” she asks and you avoid her eyes in embarrassment—only for a second thought. Something draws you to their sparkle, lewd and thrilled, while she tries to adjust on your lap until—
“Ah, fuck, Daehwi, wait!”
“Wha-what is it?” he asks with a somewhat annoyed growl, hands wrapped around Yuri’s waist, cockhead perfectly aligned with her asshole.
“Give me a second. I want all of you to thrust in me simultaneously. I never felt something like that.
“It’ll be great.”
You gulp when Yuri gets you to the entrance of her light pink cavern. This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for for a long time—not really waiting, just dreaming of. Luckily, you don’t need to dream anymore and just focus on not exploding the moment you—
“Now, fuck, now.”
The signal sends your hips upwards in a thrust. It’s not a full thrust, only half of your cock fills Yuri’s insides. You couldn’t commit to all of it; you need to flex your thighs to keep yourself from cumming too quickly. Daehwi and Junseo do not seem to care about that: both went all in from the get go, filling Yuri’s mouth and ass to the brim with their dicks and their thrusts don’t stop.
Daehwi’s rough, feral pumping gapes Yuri’s ass and you feel every second of it. He is on the other side, careless, just like in the stories from the countless one-night stands that loved his enthusiasm. This is not enthusiasm, more unbridled sexual desire. He chases his own orgasm every time her ass meets his crotch.
For Junseo it’s similar. He seems to really enjoy Yuri’s drool running down her chin, sometimes even stopping the thrusts just to spread it all over her face with either his tip or a finger. You totally understand why he indulges in the way Yuri looks, all messy and silly, but you’d love to hear her moan louder—you want to see the strongest kind of bliss on her features.
Instead of your own pleasure, you try to find Yuri’s spots and poke your cock against them purposefully. You’re a lot slower than the other two, but your stamina does not decrease at all. Unlike Daehwi, you don’t need any brakes to catch your breath. You just continue to fuck Yuri in this mesmerizing rhythm that has her humming on her boyfriend’s shaft.
“Is this good, do you feel good?” you ask her in between deep breaths, arms around her torso, while she finds stability on your shoulder again.
“Yesh, yes,” she mumbles as Junseo flops out of her mouth. You see him shaking, losing his mind when she starts to twist his tip with two fingers. “You can go faster, harder—don’t think of me. I’m just the reward.”
“Too bad.” Whisper in her ear. “All I can think about is my reward.”
Yuri’s expression shifts, like she is trying to challenge you, like she doesn’t believe that you really care about her, like she—and then she can only think of Daehwi again, who goes on another rampage in her back entrance, while covering her ass with hard spanks.
A tender pain on your lower lip when she bites it. You halt your thrusts, but Daehwi makes it feel like Yuri bounces and rubs on your entire cock. You hear both the guys scream profanities while your own profanities are stuck, unable to come out because of Yuri’s bite.
“Yuri, babe, I’m—” Junseo can barely stand. “I’m so close.”
“In my mouth?” she asks, cutely-lewdly.
“N-no, I want to… finish on your ass.”
“Great idea.” Yuri jerks his cock harder and starts to stick out her ass which seems to trigger another orgasm. Instead of politely asking, Daehwi just growls like a wolf to the moon and Yuri feels his thick cum flood her rectum. “Yes, fuck! Fill that ass, creampie me!”
Now that wasn’t cute at all. Just lewd. Lewd like her fucking face when Daehwi’s cock loudly pops out and Junseo sprays his cum all over those red buttocks. She looks thoroughly satisfied with all the white on her skin, in her hole—maybe she isn’t thinking yet of the mess on her couch, the carpet or on her clothes.
“Fuck, guys, that was—
“Why haven’t you finished yet?”
Yuri looks at you, as if she expects you to just burst from the look in her eyes. No, she underestimates you. Your stamina is still going strong and your enjoyment of her cunt hasn’t diminished by a single percent.
“I-I can still keep going!”
“Really? Let’s see about that.”
As if you had fucked a million times already, Yuri’s riding and your upwards fucking synchronizes instantaneously. When she crashes down, all of your cock fills her hole and when she rises, you’re right at her entrance, ready to repeat what can only be described as heaven—an entry to happiness.
But happiness isn’t a dominant emotion right now, hell, you don’t even want it. You just want Yuri and her snug pussy always around you, hot and milking you with that flawless texture. The pink thing should accept you the entire night and with how eagerly she slams herself down on your manhood, she wants it too.
Maybe Yuri feels happiness, maybe that is your wishful thinking blurring with her mindless expression, mindless moans, mindless tongue that suddenly searches for yours and you engage in a tornado of kisses that leads to Yuri resigning. Her body is all yours now, yours alone, and she is begging to cum. Trophy this, award that, in the end she has her needs and you will fulfill them.
Hold onto her waist and like in the final battle of a video game, use all your knowledge and skill to stimulate the inside of her pussy. Nothing can stop you, not the cum from her gaping hole that drips on your balls, not her weight laying on top of you, not the shocked gaze of Junseo—he must have never seen his girlfriend get fucked so well.
“Fuck, I’m-I’m,
“I feel so good, don’t stop.”
Yuri’s whine feels like a victory. You know she will climax before you do. This is all you’ve ever wanted. After this, you can let your feelings for her die in peace. But for these last few thrusts, she is all yours. Her entire body and mind is occupied by you, and so you claim her with a gentle kiss and a not-so-gentle flick on her clit.
“Who makes you cum?”
“You! You, you make me—ah!”
That scream is so long, so good; she is so tight, so perfect. Yuri trembles, electric shocks of pleasure surge all across her body. Her cunt is so tight and hot, you don’t feel the condom anymore and release your seed into it with lazy pumps. Yuri mewls when she feels the hot sticky mess which sadly misses her hot, messy holes and instead sticks to your dick.
“Okay, fuck,” Junseo sighs and sinks onto the carpet. “That was hot, that was crazy.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Yuri weakly says, a bright but tired smile on her lips as she looks back to her boyfriend. She turns back to you, face in adorable scrunches “Lemme, uhm… clean up.”
“Oh, yeah.” You quickly try to get your composure, because you’re still balls deep inside her. “Fuck, sorry about that.”
“Don’t apologize.
Junseo can never hear that. He never will. And Daehwi is long asleep. Those following words are just for you.
“That was the best thing ever.”
#kpop smut#female idol smut#girl group smut#male reader insert#izone smut#male reader smut#yuri smut#jo yuri smut#izone yuri smut
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Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: An unplanned encounter led to a fun adventure.
Reader: Male, Tattoed
Warnings: NSFW, Unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol, cigarettes
Now playing: 'One of the girls' by The Weeknd, Lily-Rose Depp & JENNIE from BLACKPINK
AN: Hello everyone <3 i've been gone for a while and i still dont have much time to write, but i got overcome by my joost klein obsession.. again. I hope y'all enjoy this. I expected to write like 2k words, it ended up being 4,5k. Take care!
#Justice for Joost
...7 Missed Calls from ‘Millie’
Your best friend and roommate had left you hanging for a one-night stand, to put it shortly.
Tonight was Joost Klein’s concert in your area and you had bought these tickets ages ago. Both you and your roomie were huge fans of his music and planned on having the most amazing time ever. That was until she texted you, a few minutes after the time you had planned to meet at.
‘Hey dude, im soooo sorry, but I just met this really amazing dude at the library and I really wanna take him home ymwim?? I hope you still have an amazing time, byeeee!’
Saying you were angry was a brutal understatement. Absolutely fuming fit better. But nevertheless, you had so much fun at the concert. You didn’t need Millie to have a good time, you hope he at least fucked her well if she’s going to miss a Joost Klein concert for that. But this isn’t about Millie, this is about you jumping around all night and screaming your heart out.
All good things must come to an end and so did the concert. Joost thanked the crowd dearly and seemed really happy with the performance. Now that you had gathered your stuff, you pulled out your phone and prepared to walk to the bus station. Should be a 23-minute walk. An interesting insta reel popped up on your phone, your eyes were practically glued to the screen. That was until you inelegantly collided with someone. “Oh, I’m sorry!” You had your phone in a death grip, it had almost dropped to the floor. “My bad, I didn’t look where I was going!” Then you were greeted with the sight of a messy bleach blonde head of hair and two bright, blue eyes. This was Joost Klein himself. +A shy smile crept onto your face; you didn’t know what else to say. “Yeah, I’d be shocked too if I was standing in front of a celebrity.”, his attitude seemed cocky, but in a playful way. He was beaming, his grin as bright as the moon. Without thinking much, you opened your mouth to speak: “haha, exactly.” The sarcasm was dripping from your voice. “You seem happy, the concert went really well.”, you offered him a genuine smile. “Yes! I loved the crowd.”, his eyes lit up, “the numbers could be better though, at least my manager says so. But that’s just how the art industry is.” He kept rambling to you like he already knew you for ages. “Sorry, you probably don’t care. Oh yeah, and I forgot to ask for your name.” Joost lazily smiled at you. “I’m Y/n. I totally get that thing about the numbers. It’s difficult when you’re doing art as a job.” His gaze softened slightly. “It’s hard bringing in new fans when there are new artists every day. There’s always a younger, more talented artist out there.” His smile turned into a rather sad one, maybe he wasn’t so happy after all? “But I think you got something special going. Something different than those soundcloud rappers, you know?”, you chuckled lightly, “I think your music is true art.” For a moment he seemed to taste your words on his tongue. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while. “You seem like you do art too?”, Joost raised an eyebrow in genuine curiosity. “Yeah, I’m not that relevant though.” An awkward feeling crept over you; you scratched the back of your neck. “Ah, I don’t wanna hear it.” He barely let you finish your sentence. “I bet your really talented. I mean just your vibe right now!” Joost was now standing pretty close to you. He tended to close the distance between him and the person he’s talking to. Personal space is not in his vocabulary.
A quick glance to your phone screen revealed that your bus was about to leave in three minutes. Doesn’t matter, you’re striking up a good conversation with one of your favorite singers right now. “That’s so nice of you. People rumor that you’re kinda rude, but I haven’t seen any of that yet.” The left corner of his lips curled up, that was probably not the first time he heard about that rumor. “That’s because a lot of people who meet me say the dumbest things I’ve ever heard and then get mad when I don’t answer nicely.” He then intently looked at your eyes. “But you haven’t said anything bad yet.” Now he was smiling brightly again. “Hmm, so I gotta try harder to get on your bad side huh?”, he chuckled heartily. “You’re chill. I like you, I don’t get that with most people I meet.” He for sure is a big personality. “Oh my god, you should totally get your nose pierced. Would suit your look!” Admittedly, you have been thinking about getting a septum for a while now. But until shortly ago, you were working an excruciating office job, where piercings, colorful hair, gel nails and tattoos were strictly forbidden. That didn’t stop you from getting inked though. You waited to do your arms until you quit your job, but otherwise your whole body was littered with small and relatively big tattoos.
“I already got a few tattoos though; I worked an office job until recently. Getting a new piercing would’ve been difficult to hide.” Joost curiously eyed you, in search of any tattoos that might be exposed at the moment. “What kind of tattoos do you have then?”, he caught a glimpse of some ink under your shirt. “Loads actually. But my first one was a moth under my chest, I really like that one.” His eyes narrowed slightly. “Yeah? Let me see.” You could see right through him but decided to entertain his idea for a minute. Pulling down the hem of your loose button up, whose top few buttons were undone, you revealed a small part of the moth’s wings and head. With a gentle grin you declared that he would have to pay to see more. His smile now turned into a light smirk. “How much would I need to pay to see the rest?” Quickly, you quipped back: “How much does a drink in this town cost?” He now inches slightly away from you, he was all up in your space until now. “A drink, huh?”, he mused, “I’ll buy you the whole damn bottle.”
Joost guided you to one of his favorite bars in the area. His hand was on the small of your back when you two enterer the establishment, which seemed slightly out-of-place for a first meeting. “You know, I’ve never paid so much to see a tattoo before.” He teased while he ordered a bottle of vodka and two glasses. You really hope he wasn’t a creep, cuz this seemed like a red flag. “I must be pretty special then”, you grinned while ogling the clear liquid. The blond was now swirling the vodka in his glass. He chuckled, “Yeah I’d say you’re pretty special.” Then he avoided your gaze. He was wondering how the rest of that tattoo looked like. And maybe it wasn’t the only thing he’d get to see tonight.
The swig you took from your glass made you grimace. Vodka was one of your top alcohols, but you had to be honest with yourself and admit it tastes like hand sanitizer. “Don’t tell me it’s too strong for you.”, he teasingly smiled at you. His blue eyes darted towards your hand, which was resting atop the wooden bar. In a smooth motion, he interlinked his pinky with yours. ‘Drink je moed met alcohol’ or whatever the saying is. Nevertheless, Joost felt more forward now. Maybe it was the vodka, maybe it was the way your eyes sparkled. But the alcohol for sure gave him an extra bravado. He carefully inched closer to you. You could tell he was getting a bit woozy, even if he was lazily smiling at you. “You ok?”, a small chuckle escaped you. He intertwined his hand fully with yours now. The look in his face was soft and affectionate. A bit wobbly, but very sweet. You got a bit closer; the tips of your noses were almost touching. Only a few centimeters apart. Joost kept his eyes fixated on you, his breath hitched. His ice blue eyes seemed to roam you whole face. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, the proximity was intoxicating to him. Joost’s eyes fluttered shut and you waited for a few seconds, messing with the dutchman in front of you. His eyes opened again and saw you grinning teasingly at him. “Really? We’re doing this now?” A hint of disappointment flashed across his face for a split second, but soon after mischievousness played in his eyes.
The two of you seemed to be getting along well, chatting and laughing with each other which felt like hours on end. Your knee was now touching Joosts and his hand has landed on your thigh. He slightly squeezed it, trying to give you a signal of what he wanted. “What?”, you grinned knowingly. The blond playfully huffed but the smile on his face remained. “You know what.” He tried to play it cool, but the intent look in your dark eyes made his adrenaline levels shoot through the roof. Sneakily, you slid a hand behind Joost’s neck. “I’m usually not into blondes.” With that you caught his lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. The man practically melted into your touch, he held onto your shoulder as if he’d fall off the barstool if he didn’t. Maybe it was the alcohol or the massive interest he had for you, but Joost was kissing you fervently. A desperate noise escaped him. One of your hands rested on his chest, you could feel his heart beating rapidly. As you parted lips, Joost tried to calm his erratic heart. Suddenly feeling a bit shy, you hid your face in the crook of his neck. His cologne smelled amazing, even after messing around on stage the whole evening. The huffs of your hot breath sent shivers down his spine. He gently kissed your neck, you gasped and flushed ever so slightly. The bastard even slid a hand under your shirt, feeling your lower back. You let the hand on his chest wander a bit, earning a content gasp. “I’m loving this, but can we go somewhere more… private?” Joost let out a small laugh. “Yeah of course! My place or yours?”, he grinned at you. “My roommate is probably getting laid right now, so could we go to your place?”, he nodded with a sweet, drunken smile. “I’d love to take you to mine. It’s just a few minutes away from here actually.”
Either he was very bad at math, drunk or both at the same time. The apartment building was at least a 18-minute walk outside the city center. The breeze messing with your hair was fresh, a shiver ran down your spine. Joost risked a glance over at you from time to time, his stomach was churning with an excited flutter. Even though your gaze was directed straight ahead, you noticed the blond eyeing you. The faintest shade of rose feathered your cheeks, you bit the inside of your lip from nervousness. That didn’t go unnoticed, as Joost laughed brightly while pulling you into a side hug, still keeping up the pace. “You’re so flustered.”, he chuckled. Playfully, you slapped his arm. “Quit it.”, his smile widened and for a moment it seemed as if the sun was shining. “Try and make me.”, now his expression turned devious. “I’ll make you regret being this cocky.”, a pleased smile spread across your face. He wanted to provoke you a tiny bit more. “I’d love to see you try.” He brought you both to a halt in front of a building and opened the door. Joost looked at you and brought a hand to the small of your back. “Let’s get inside.” He intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled you up the staircase to the door of his apartment. His hands were slightly shaky from anticipation and the keys in his hand rattled and clinked.
After a few seconds he had finally unlocked the door and led you in, he didn’t bother to flick the light on. You turned around, faced with Joost’s back, a click indicated that he had closed the door. You slide your arms around his torso and press up against him. His breath hitched as you began trailing sweet kisses down his jaw and neck. Joost, now reddened and smiling lazily, turned around and slid his hands down to hold your hips. His scent was fogging up your mind, and you couldn’t help but be excited. Once again, you pecked his neck, occasionally nipping at the skin. To give you more room, he tilted his head ever so slightly. A content huff escaped him as you bit down harder, now having found his sweet spot. “Not so cocky now, huh?”, you chuckled before continuing your shenanigans. Joost let his head rest against the wall behind him and let out a small needy sound. He placed a hand on your shoulder, to steady himself. His breath was rugged, and his skin felt as if it was on fire. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.”, he whispered before letting his head fall forward, resting it on your shoulder. When releasing your hold on him, you were greeted by two dilated eyes. “Let me be good to you.”, his voice was breathy, and his hair was messed up. “Let me take charge for a bit.”, he pressed the sweetest kiss to your lips. You quietly hummed as he began nipping at your neck, but before you could enjoy it more, he gently pulled you towards, presumably, his bedroom.
He gently pushed you onto his bed, you gladly let yourself fall backwards. “There we go.”, he murmured as he glanced down at you, splayed out. A possessive glint played in his eyes. With a tilt of your head, you invited him. You wouldn’t have to ask him twice, he quickly got on the bed with you. In a swift motion, he straddled you and placed his hand on your chest. You slide your hands up his legs and let them rest on his hips. Joost softly moans into the sweet kiss he embraced you in. He enjoys the heat and friction from his body being pressed down on top of you. His lips taste like cherry bubblegum from the local kiosk, you deepen the kiss as the blond grasps your shoulders. Carefully, you broke the kiss and tugged on his shirt. “Get rid of that. “, you groaned at the hot feeling spreading over your skin. His gaze darkened at the command, and he slowly leaned back. He lifted the hem of his shirt and slowly pulled it over his head, then tossed it away. A cheeky grin was now plastered onto his face, you slid your hands up his body, feeling his abs. “Thank you.”, he laid his hand atop yours, which was still resting on his body. “But you’re pretty hot too.” Now his hands slid under your shirt. “How about you take yours off as well? I need to see more of you.”, a small hum erupted from your throat, and you began peeling your shirt off. “You really wanna see that tattoo, huh?”, he nodded with a small smile. The fabric hiding the big moth was now gone and revealed its true beauty. It was a deaths-head hawkmoth, its wings were detailed and shaded amazingly, he could tell that your tattoo artist was a master of his craft. Joost’s eyes widened for a split second as soon as he saw how many tattoos were littered over your torso. He didn’t expect that many, but oh god they looked good on you. “You have no idea how good you look with all this ink.”, he ran a hand down your arm, feeling its muscles and gently rubbing the skin. “Really?”, you tried smiling innocently, but it came out looking more like a cheeky grin. “Makes me want you so bad.” His voice was barely above a whisper, the weak light of the moon made his blond hair look silvery. You delicately whispered back. “You can have me.”
Now he felt the heat rise inside him. His lips ghosted over yours, meanwhile he was fiddling with the stall of your pants. With a sense of confidence, he bit your lower lip, not enough to hurt you, but enough to show you that he was in charge now.
Once again, he nipped at your neck, but traveled down to your collarbone, your chest, your stomach and finally to the hem of your pants. Your head was tipped back in pleasure and the occasional groan left you. What you couldn’t see was him smiling up at you, enjoying the view. The soft moonlight painted milky stripes along your muscles. Joost planted a kiss on your hip before leaving bites around the waistband of your pants. He had already opened the button and zipper of your garment and now he pulled them off, tossing them aside. With the gentlest hands he caressed your thigh. A gaze to your thigh revealed even more tattoos, an elegant snake was swirled around your leg, entangled with the leaves of an olive tree. The dutch grinned slightly, then began leaving kisses and sweet bites over your thighs, he was burning up now. His hand slid upward on your thigh, though this time he was messing with the fabric of your briefs. He only chuckled lightly, before biting down harder. A soft whine escaped you, while he slowly pulled your boxers off. Then he sat back, waiting for a reaction. “Don’t tease, I’ll make you regret it.”, your threat sounded more playful than anything. He offered you a small, challenging grin as his fingers slid back up to your hips, where he let them rest. “Yeah exactly, what are you gonna do?” You groaned. “Keep going if you wanna find out.”
He leaned down and trailed kisses over your inner thigh, his hands roamed over your body, slowly making their way towards your crotch. Brushing over the tip of your length, he hummed in contentment. Your eyes fluttered shut, you couldn’t help but twitch at the contact. He rubbed his thumb over the slit, licked his lips, then wrapped his fingers around your length. His soft hands felt like heaven to you, his motions steady and gentle. Occasionally +he teased your tip with his thumb, enjoying your expressions. “Bet you rail some guy after all your concerts.”, a teasing smile appeared on your lips. “You’d be correct to think so, yeah.”, he hummed with a sly grin. He stroked you at a slow but firm pace. “Are you trying to rile me up with that?”, he then mused a chuckle. Despite your currently… pathetic state, you mustered to spit out: “I’d never. Just making sure you’ll remember me very time from now on.” He sped up a little. “Oh trust me, I’ won’t be forgetting you anytime soon.” Leaning in, he took the tip into his mouth. “Fu-uck”, you stammered. The warm, wet feeling of his mouth could’ve made you cum right then and there. One of your hands reached down to entangle itself into Joost’s blond strands. The mans breath hitched as he felt your hand in his hair, it sent tingles down his spine. He swirled his tongue around your tip, sucking gently while looking up at you. His hands held your hips firmly in place. “Didn’t know your mouth was good at anything other than singing.” Joost’s eyes crinkled at your comment. With a quiet ‘plop’ sound, he released your member. “I can promise you, it’s good at other things.” He muttered before tending to your length again, this time maintaining eye contact with you. The sight alone almost tipped you over the edge, his icy blue eyes were glossy, and his blond lashes framed them perfectly. Joost’s eyes flickered down, he noticed how you started to twitch lightly. He took you in deeper, focusing on the sensation in his mouth. The way his tongue swirled on the underside of your shaft made your vision go blurry, you felt a feeling tightening and coiling in your stomach. “I’m so close.”, you whispered desperately. Little did you know that he had other plans. Once again, he removed himself from your pulsing member, a string of saliva connecting to his lip. You ran a hand trough your hair, while your chest was sinking and rising with heavy breaths. Joost backed up slightly, removing any remaining clothes, then focusing on your figure again. He gently straddled you, his own length rubbing against yours, not without a sharp hiss from you though. “Hop on, let me treat you right.”, your muscles tensed from anticipation. A low groan escaped the blond, he nodded quickly before sitting up. With utmost care, he positioned himself and slowly sat down as he felt you push inside of him. He gasped at the overwhelming feeling, and you rested your head against the pillows, it was too much and not enough at the same time. Gently, he started slowly rocking his hips against yours, he bit down on your shoulder to muffle his soft moans. Feeling a bit revengeful, you bucked upwards, earning a loud gasp from the other man. A loud moan escaped him, and his body shuddered and tingled, he slightly sped up his rocking. Your warm hands trailed up to his hips, helping him steady his movement. Empty threats were never something you made, so you decided to go all out. In a swift motion you had basically thrown Joost off and positioned yourself over him, prodding at his entrance with your dick. He groaned and gasped at the sudden manhandling; a shiver of excitement ran down his spine. “That’s for teasing me.” He wrapped his legs around your waist, while letting out a breathless moan. Without much care, you pushed into him, setting a relatively fast pace. The dutch groaned at the rough treatment and you felt him dig his nails into your back and leave long scratches along it. “You’re so g-ood.”, his voice broke slightly, he was panting heavily. “I said I’d make you remember me.” Even in this pathetic state, he chuckled.
With his arms slung around your shoulder, he cried out in pleasure, small pearly tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “Fuck. I will.”, his eyes were glossy. Once again, he bit down on your neck, leaving yet another dark hickey. Bitten off moans slipped out of him; he was pretty sure both of your hips would be bruised after this night. The room was filled with breathy moans and gasps, along with the constant sound of skin slapping against skin. Joost was completely lost in the moment, he loved how you took control. “See who’s not being so cocky anymore?”, you teased. “Shush.” His head lolled back in pleasure. You snuck a hand around his throat, threatingly gripping it with very little pressure. “You’re not the one giving orders.” A shiver of excitement ran trough Joost’s veins, he ever so slightly arched his back, pressing his body closer to yours. “Now shut up and take it.”, your hips snapped against Joost’s, and his groans became even weaker. The pleasure was building up in his stomach, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle it. His vision went blurry, and his body tensed up, his nails dug deep into your skin, leaving bloody scratched all over your back. “Fuuuuuuck”, he moaned against your collarbone. Warm, milky white cum shot out of his length, all over his stomach and chest, you yourself quickly pulled out and dropped the load on top of his. “Messy Boy.”, you whispered.
He laid there for a few minutes, panting heavily and feeling utterly spent. You grabbed a random t shirt on the bed and wiped him clean. With a good wash it’ll be as good as new, you thought. Gentle to not disturb him too much, you laid on top of him, resting your head against his chest. He let out a small huff, then wrapped his arms around you. “I’m going to feel this all day tomorrow…”, he mumbled. “Then I did it right.”, you closed your eyes, enjoying his warm breath trickling down your face and neck. Joost hadn’t seen the tattoo on your back before but was admiring it now. It was another snake, wrapping around a big dagger with various decorations on it. He ran a hand over it, feeling the skin he had scratched open around it. “So, you like it een beetje ruw?”, he whispered. “Ja but I can be sweet too.” Joost chuckled. You looked up again, enveloping him in a genuine, gentle kiss. Brushing a stray hair away, you caressed his cheek. The blond hummed lightly, his heart fluttering at the tender kiss. His lips curled up into a sweet smile. “Just for some people though.”, you grinned cheekily.
After having thrown on your briefs, you had retrieved your pants and began rummaging the pockets. “Can we go out to the balcony? I’d like to have a smoke.” Joost raised an eyebrow while his smile revealed his dimples. “Cigs after a good lay, huh?”, he began to fumble around in his bedside drawer, trying to find his own pack. “They’re on me, owe you after that.”, you giggled. Joost opened the slide door and led you outside. The atmosphere was calm, the two of you sat down on the floor. You held out your pack to the man, before taking a cigarette for yourself. He put it between his lips, waiting for you to light it. His eyes watched your face closely. After having his cigarette lit, Joost leaned against the balcony railing, enjoying the fresh breeze. You looked over the city while the smoke mingled as they both exhaled. Joost reached out and tangled his hand with yours. “You’re so pretty.”, you mumbled absently, watching a few blonde hairs follow the flow of the wind, his hair was all messed up, but he looked perfect. The tips of his hair looked almost white in the moonlight. “I’m usually not into blondes.”, you ruffled up his hair. “Hey!”, he cried out, but he quickly reached for your hair in an attempt at revenge. You gladly lowered your head, letting him do whatever he wants. Instead of messing up your whole hair, like you though he would, he gently combed trough it with his fingers. It felt soothing, you leaned into his touch and ended up flopping your upper body down into his lap. He couldn’t help but chuckle, “Comfy?”
A pleased hum escaped you, moments like these should last forever.
#justice for joost#welcome to zyons rubber room#male reader#reader insert#joost klein x reader#joost klein#joost#joost x reader#joost klein x male reader#x male reader#male reader insert#male!reader#male x male#gay
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Letter || J.O
Synopsis: Jenna received a letter from you.
Warnings: Angst, rushed, mental illness, and bad writing.
Words: 2.9k

- 📜🎧🍂 -
"You were my everything, but I had to let you go for your own good. I know that sounds like a lame excuse, but I promise it isn't. I would've broken you, and I'd never forgive myself if I had messed up such a loving and pure soul. You need someone who can treat you right. And I'm incapable of doing that. I'm too caught up in my own shit that I barely make time for you. You don't need me. You might think you do, but I assure you, you don't. I'm not the person you think I am. I'm a fucked up mess who needs help but not from you. You have your own issues and having do deal with me will only drown you. I'm grateful for you. Really. You mean so much to me, so much more than you imagine. I don't want to let you go, but I have to. I'm losing myself. My mind don't ever shuts down. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't move from bed, I can't talk, I can't do anything. I barely had the strength to write this, but I'm doing it for you, because it'll selfish to disappear without telling you why. At least a part of it. Every interest I had don't mean anything to me anymore. But you do. You mean the world for me and I can't let that world fall apart simply because I am not well. You have your friends and there are the greatest, you have your family who is just as lovely. I'm also grateful for them. And a little jealous of them, because they have you. I'm learning how to heal but it's not easy. To be honest, I don't think I'll ever heal. My scars are part of me. I know scars fade but those ones are too deep, they're into me now, and that's alright. I'll learn how to live with them. Or I'll try to. You helped me so much without even knowing it. You saved me, Jenna, you're my savior. I've never connected with someone the way I have with you. When I looked into your eyes, that sudden sense of hope came to me, a sense that I could if I had you by my side. But no one should be responsible for someone else's life. You know I live for the little things in life, the sunrises at 6 a.m the sunsets at 6 p.m, the smile a stranger gives you when you walk past them, old couples giving flowers to each other, but those things don't make me feel anything no more. I wanted you to see the person I hid so well, but you didn't. I don't blame you, I'm got good at hiding myself. But I can't escape this person anymore. I have to admit it to myself that this is who I am. An empty, cold, selfish, jerk with major mental illness. Be happy for me. Because I don't think I'll ever be able to feel any kind of happiness ever again. Smile for me. Because I lost mine forever. Laugh for me. Because you were the only thing that made me crakled. Live for me. Because I don't think I will make it.
I love you forever, Jenna Marie Ortega."
Tears fell down of her eyes. You weren't alright, and she didn't see it. How could she have missed it ? How could she forgive herself ? A thousand wonders went through her mind, but it was already too late. You have now left.
- 📜🎧🍂 -
A/n: I know I said the next post would be the Cairo fic, but yeah, I needed to vent, so maybe I could find my will to write again. Have a good day/night. Love y'all <3
#jenna ortega#jenna marie ortega#oneshot#jenna ortega x fem!reader#jenna ortega x reader#jenna ortega imagine#spotify#jenna ortega x you#jenna ortega x y/n#- 📜🎧🍂 -#jybyls
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nini's works in progress
no lie (choi beomgyu x reader)
beomgyu is a go-getter who's had to fight for everything he has, and he's not done fighting. when his boss instructs him to enter their biggest business rival's company, he has no choice but to agree. enter you, the bumbling mess he gets stuck training with, who also happens to be the company's heiress. he has no qualms with using you, a person he assumes to be a spoiled idiot, to get what he wants; but as he gets to know (and maybe even love) you, he finds he might just regret it, after all.
genre: angst :-/, romance, melodrama
warnings: extremely depressed and naive reader
progress: 4.9k
should have known better (choi beomgyu x reader) [requested work]
beomgyu should have known better. he knows his parents think of him as little more than a pawn in their never-ending game of monopoly, and he knows that if he ever strays from the suffocating mold that they force him to shrink himself into, they will cut him off without a sliver of hesitation. he also knows he can’t really do anything about that, either, but that doesn’t make him any less surprised when they tell him that not only will he be marrying the person of their choice, but that choice is you.
you’re not the worst person beomgyu has ever met, but you’re certainly not his favorite. how could he possibly have feelings for someone as vapid and seemingly inconsequential as you?
genre: angst :-/, arranged marriage!au, romance, melodrama
progress: 1.5k
too good to be true (kai kamal huening x reader)
kai is a stereotypical fratboy if there ever was one. at least, as far as you're concerned, he might as well be. he's known for breaking hearts, but he's cute, charming, funny — everything any girl could ever want. well, any girl except for you, it seems. when his advances towards you prove fruitless, he's even more determined than ever to show you that he's serious about his feelings, but your not-so-great history with men leaves you with little patience for his antics.
genre: probably smut (mdni), angst :-/, college!au, romance, melodrama
warnings: smut (mdni), emotionally unavailable reader
progress: 2.6k
never saw the point (choi beomgyu x reader) [requested work]
the night before beomgyu leaves to begin living out his dream as a musician, you dump him out of seemingly nowhere. he's blindsided, devastated by this fact. he begs for you to stay with him, but you're steadfast in your decision, choosing to part ways on the most heartbreaking terms. you have no choice, though, because the baby you're carrying would certainly ruin his life.
genre: angst :-/, secret baby!au, second chance romance, melodrama, famous!beomgyu x reader
progress: 1.1k
progress: 0.3k
progress: 0
freudian (choi beomgyu x reader, choi soobin x reader)
freudian - susceptible to analysis in terms of unconscious desires. or, your parents have forced you to be "best friends" with minji, a woman you're convinced was put on this earth to be tailored for you to have a mutual hatred with, since elementary school. she's confident, beautiful, and charming, and her boyfriend, beomgyu, is just as formidable. he's been a pain in your ass, an asshole to you to the most severe degree, since they got together in college. now, you're roommates with minji, but you begin to secretly take interest in beomgyu's best friend, soobin. it's just that... beomgyu's been acting weird these days.
genre: angst (y'all already know...), romance, smut (mdni), lowkey yandere!beomgyu, best friend's boyfriend!beomgyu
warnings: smut (mdni), specfic smut warnings to come but sub!beomgyu and dom!beomgyu probably, lowkey yandere!beomgyu but i feel like it's more like pathetic!beomgyu and pining!beomgyu #tbh, probably the most passive reader ever but also incredibly indifferent towards beomgyu
progress: 3k
our deal (choi beomgyu x reader)
beomgyu thought he had it all. like, he's popular, handsome, rich, smart, funny, cool, tall, well-connected, and charming, if he's being perfectly honest. so when he finally settles down with a girl named yeji, he's utterly humiliated when she dumps him out of nowhere for another guy. in his desperation, he realizes there is only one girl on campus who has the ability to make yeji see what she's missing out on. the campus's very own resident misandrist: you.
genre: probably smut (mdni) (if i feel like it but it'll be suggestive at the very least), romance, fake dating, fluff (probably rlly corny but idgaf), prob a tiny bit of angst (likeeee have u even met me...)
warnings: some allusions to reader's vague past trauma with men but nothing specific
progress: 2.7k
*if you would like to be tagged in any of these works, please let me know! if you are a minor or ageless blog, please do not ask to be tagged in any 18+ works. thank you!
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Rook as a Companion Banter Episode One: Neve
Not sure how many of these I will do but I wrote a BUNCH of banter with every companion for my own writing challenge so y'all are just gonna have to bear with me or block the tag 'Rook companion banter'
Part 1 (Neve)| Part 2 (Bellara) | Part 3 (Davrin) | Part 4 (Harding) | Part 5 (Taash) | Part 6 (Emmrich) | Part 7 (Lucanis)
Little backstory for this character. His name is Calais Ingellvar, he's a Mournwatcher, and is referred to as a spirit guide, granted the power of a spirit of Mercy who saved him when he was just a baby, before he was found by Vorgoth in the Necropolis.
Cal has the ability to reach into the veil and speak with spirits as if they're standing right there, without them manifesting. He's also a very talented healer due to his empathetic abilities. His left leg was severely injured in the same attack that prompted the spirit of Mercy to save him as an infant, and the injury never healed right. He walks with a cane/staff to help him get around better. He has two pet rats, and is romantically interested in Lucanis.
If you want more details, he has a whole post to himself here!
Calais: “Neve, how about a game?” Neve: “A game? What sort of game?” Calais: “Two truths and a lie. I tell you three things and you have to pick out which is the lie. I played it with Vorgoth all the time.” Neve: “Alright, should be fun.” Calais: “You should be good at this, by all accounts. Being a detective and all.” Neve: “We’ll see if you’re good at lying or not.” Calais: “Oh no, I’m awful. Vorgoth used to beat me at it all the time.”
Neve: “I once solved a case involving a dowager, a dog and a drug dealer.” Calais: “Sure.” Neve: “I only ever eat fried fish.” Calais: “Problematic, but continue.” Neve: *light chuckle* “I like reading historic novels.” Calais: “Ohh, I don’t know. The first one is true?” Neve: “It is.” Calais: “I haven’t seen you read any novels since we got to the Lighthouse.. but I’ve also not seen you eat anything other than fried fish.” Neve: “So which will it be?” Calais: “I’m going with the fish one isn’t true. At least I hope it’s not.” Neve: “You got it. I also eat vegetables. Sometimes.” Calais: “Well, thank the maker for that.”
Neve: “I like to play chess.” Calais: “Oh are we playing again? Hit me.” Neve: “I once staked out a case for a full two weeks.” Calais: “Right.” Neve: “Maybe I don’t hate that Lucanis is introducing me to a richer and more varied diet.” Calais: “Honestly, me too. He is a very good cook.” Neve: “He is.” Calais: “I say the stake out is fake.” Neve: “Right again. I must not be very good at lying.” Calais: “This one was easy. I’ve seen you play chess with yourself and others. And I see you gorging on Lucanis’ food every day.” Neve: “What can I say? It’s good.” Calais: “It is.”
Calais: “I have a spirit grandma.” Neve: *laughing* “What?” Calais: “My father is some kind of eldritch creature potentially thousands of years old.” Neve: “I think I see what’s happening.” Calais: “I once spoke to Andraste herself in a dream.” Neve: “Ohh, this one is hard! I don’t know. The second one is true for sure. The first one could very well be true… but the third one happened to me as well. Hmm..I’m going to go with the first one isn’t true.” Calais: “Is that your final answer?” Neve: “Well that doesn’t bode well. Is the first one true?!” Calais: “Yes it is. Her name is Nana.” Neve: “And the dream of Andraste?” Calais: “It wasn’t a dream. I accidentally took some of Myrna’s special incense and burned a little too much of it. It was.. enlightening.” Neve: “Damn, got me on a technicality!”
Neve: “So what did Andraste say to you? When you burned Myrna’s incense?” Calais: *laughing* “It wasn’t anything interesting, I assure you.” Neve: “Well, I asked, didn’t I?” Calais: “You did. Very well, if you must know, she told me about the dangers of not washing behind your ears before she morphed into a giant mushroom.” Neve: *Snort* “Did she really?” Calais: “She made a very pretty mushroom.” Calais: “I killed a man in cold blood.” Neve: “Confessing your crimes in front of a detective?” Calais: “I grew up lonely and ostracized because I’m weird and don’t fit.” Neve: “Cal..” Calais: “I don’t hate myself for the simple fact I can’t keep up.” Neve: “Let’s not do this.” Calais: “Depression’s one hell of a thing.” Neve: “Now that one I know is true.”
Calais: “Did you eat my chocolate raisins?” Neve: “Oh, those were yours? Sorry.” Calais: “It’s alright. I took some of your anise flavoured treats instead.” Neve: “I thought some were missing. I guess we’re even then.” Calais: “I also took some fish for my rats.” Neve: “Well I knew about that one from the smell.” Calais: *chuckle* “Can’t keep anything hidden from our detective it seems.”
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I find it funny and sad how Tumblr users are SO CONDITIONED to English language as default they will just NOT interact with posts in other languages whatsoever, no matter how cool the thing is - not even a like and reblog without adding comments or tags to it
Small rant ahead with something that happened this week AND I SHOULD POST IT IN MY OWN LANGUAGE TO PROVE A POINT but I won't and it'll still prove a point.
I have a Paw Patrol sideblog. It's a very active blog where I post, reblog, receive lots of asks constantly, I post my art there, etc. I got more active followers there than here on my personal blog and that's saying something (my personal has over 10x more followers than the Paw Patrol one AND STILL that one is more active lmao). People are always liking the posts/reblogs, always adding a comment, always reblogging with comments and/or nice/funny tags, sending asks. Literally it's very active.
Last week I reblogged there a post I found, it was a video of a mom and her daughter playing together with Paw Patrol toys and a handcrafted Lookout Tower made out of cardboard. THAT TOWER LOOKS SO COOL. It's amazing and the mom made it herself for her daughter and they were playing together so happily. Naturally this reblog should get a lot of likes and some reblogs, right?
It didn't get any. It's the only reblog so far there that didn't get a single bit of interaction.
Do you know why?
The mom and daughter are Brazilians. They speak Brazilian Portuguese. The text in the post is in Brazilian Portuguese. I added a long comment myself ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese (it is my first language as I'm Brazilian too) saying how cool it was, joking about the prices of official Lookout Tower toys (absurdly expensive around here) and that I've been planning myself to also build the Lookout Tower and the Paw Patroller with cardboard as well but I'm still in the first sketching stages, but seeing her project really inspired me to go ahead and continue working on my own.
I even followed her blog and she followed me back too. She posts a bunch of cool stuff and toys and games she creates with her kids, it's really AWESOME. I could spend HOURS looking at their posts.
But as she posted in Brazilian Portuguese and I commented also in Brazilian Portuguese and added tags ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese, it looks like NO ONE BATTED AN EYE AT IT.
What, are y'all afraid of using GOOGLE TRANSLATE???? How the fuck do you think I learned English ON MY OWN to interact with people on the internet in the first place when I was like 13, 14 years old??? I didn't even have English teachers at school and high school, I legit learned on my own because the world wasn't interested in trying to communicate with me, I was the one who had to adapt to communicate with it all.
You don't even need to learn another language like I did! YOU HAVE ONLINE TRANSLATORS. Back in my time, Google Translate was ABSURDLY AWFUL when translating anything to Brazilian Portuguese and vice-versa (it still is, but way less awful now over the years it took to better itself about it).
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Kazuha, sweetie, I'm not your biggest fan, but I'm going to be incredibly honest with you right now, and that's because I don't really understand what you're expecting from Heiji atp.
You're his self proclaimed, so called, 'older sister'. The first thing you do when you meet a friend of his, or a supposed girlfriend to be more accurate, is introduce yourself as his older sister. Whenever anyone claims that there's any romance between you guys, you refute it and call him your stupid little brother.
EVEN I STARTED TO GET MIXED SIGNALS AT ONE POINT. If not for the blushing we clearly see as the audience I would've been soldified in my belief that it's unrequited love for Heiji. Dramatic irony at it's finest.
Either way– WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HIM?? You keep brother-zoning him to the point where only the Hattori Heji himself could be so stubborn to ignore this weird girl reverse psychology that would keep any other guy at a two meter distance.
Don't think you're any better, though, Heiji. If any third party who had never watched dcmk before had to give their opinion after looking at the overall confession bull crap you've been stalling these past three decades they'd think you're trying to impress Shinichi, not Kazuha. Won't blame them, I myself am pretty confused.
Who is this confession for???? KAZUHA.
Don't even get me started on how awkward it is to keep being so possessive over her when y'all aren't even an item (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TOO SHINICHI. GLARING REAL HARD HERE.). If she's seeing some other guy (which would never happen because of course she has fallen head over heals for you. Ugh- this is triggering my gag reflex.) then leave her be, because you either act like a chicken after being all bark and no bite or idk, grow a spine and fricking confess??? You can't go around calling her yours and then noping out of a confession. God my blood pressure keeps spiking because of these blockheaded teenagers I need to go take a few deep breaths.
I would like to know what they actually even talk about or bond over. From what I understood, Kazuha really likes the sound of his katana when he practices, which is high-key weird and makes me feel deaf cause how do you even hear that sort of stuff? And... What does Heiji like about her again? These guys need to explain what they like about their crushes more often. Or at least maybe ask themselves about it every once in a while, yk, just to make sure all of this stress is worth it. I will NOT be talking about Aoko and Kaito purely for the sake of my heart and blood pressure; they can only handle one dcmk couple at a time.
In conclusion, a man with an unresolved inferiority/superiority complex–because he somehow has both–so severe he cannot function without making it about his rival should not be looking for a relationship before seeing a therapist. Thank God his actual friendship with Shinichi isn't an eighth as bad as you'd think it should be; they're one of the most iconic duos ever, let's just keep their love lives outta the mix (Heiji is high-key supportive though, so there's that ig).
Edit: Came back after I realized I phrased my opinion on Heiji and Shinichi's friendship in a way that was easy to misinterpret. What I mean to say is that they're my favorite dcmk duo but I just can't stand how Heiji prioritizes one upping Shinichi rather than getting his feelings out there. I say Heiji ditches Kazuha as a love interest and forms a trio with Shinichi and Shiho. They'd be unstoppable homies that would do the unspeakable for each other.
#I don't like Aoko just so y'all know#I would've adored Kaito to bits if not for the fact that he thinks it's funny to flip a girl's skirt.#Then again. GIRLS. PUH-LEASE WEAR SHORTS. I BEG OF YOU. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.#So yeah I mildly dislike Kaito for that but I love him otherwise.#Can we just. Remove the portion of the female cast that is–if you think about it–unnecessary to the plot#like Kaito doesn't necessarily need to have an Aoko to keep him from feeling guilty and upset for the inspector#especially since they're neighbors either way and his parents are very absent#it's concerning to leave a child so young alone at home without supervision. so yeah Kaito definitely lived with the inspector– Aoko or not#Their relationship will have evolved different without Aoko yes and it will either lead to them being closer or even far more detached#exploring all of them would be impossible yet all the more intriguing because now Kaito's feelings for the inspector would more nuanced#and personal rather than the diluted version in canon where he mostly tries to help the inspector for Aoko's sake rather than#for the inspector's well being#even if it was part of the reason why he went easy on him it was obvious how he was more focused on Aoko and how she felt.#At least get rid of the even more unnecessary perverse traits and habits present in nearly all of the male characters?#I'm so mad rn#saff-ron tag#dcmk posting#dcmk#Dcmk rant#rant post
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Nightmares in Ink. 1
Warnings: Mentions of violence, death, possible grammatical errors my dyslexic ass will fail to notice.
Story Masterlist. Version: Fem
Normally, it's Max who greets the initiates when they jump off the train, but this year its me. Max and the other leaders believe it should be my responsibility because it's my first year as a leader. Honestly, I can't complain much, I look forward to meeting the fresh meat and watching them squirm when I tell them to jump.
I hear the train before I see it, that familiar vibration that hits your feet as it shakes the world around it without care. Then came the shouts of excitement and screams of terror, as initiates hopped off the train. A marriage of black, blue, white. I don't waste my time watching them all tumble. Soon after turning my back to step onto the ledge I hear the telling scream of an initiate plummeting to his or her or their death. It doesn't phase me, there's always at least one initiate that dies during this part.
I turn around to address the newcomers. "Alright listen up! I'm Eric, I am one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless this is the way in." I gesture to the ledge and gaping hole beneath it. "And if you don't have the guts to jump," I shrug, "then you don't belong in Dauntless Someone's gotta be first, who's it gonna be" Several seconds pass and nobody moves. Max told me this year of initiates would be interesting, and I'm already dissapointed.
Just before I answer another dumb question a voice speaks up. "I'll jump. I'll be sure to let y'all know if it's a death trap or not." As the figure struts forward my thoughts come to a halt. Baggy boho orange pants, yellow shirt, like a candle flame in a way. But that's not what makes me freeze, it's the person's face, a face I see in my fear simulations, a face that keeps me up at night. A victim to a crime that changed thus city's view on Divergents. I step down from the ledge as the Amity transfer climbs onto it, her hair flying around wildly in the wind, and there was absolutely no hesitation to jump. One second she was there, then next she was gone.
The Lowe family incident, the incident that triggered the manhunt of Divergents. I force myself to stay in the present as the other initiates began to jump. One Amity, five Erudite, eight Candor, fifteen Dauntless born, twenty-nine initiates total. Only sixty percent will graduate.
Ever so slowly the other initiates begin to jump, well most, several simply trip or slip over the ledge when trying to climb onto it. Screams of fear, excitement, and feral laughter fills the air as they fall. Eventually only I and a Dauntless born remains. He's scrawny, no scars, no peircings, hair dye, or even a bruise.
"You lost pansycake? Did you figure out you picked the wrong faction?" To my dissapointment the boy doesn't retaliate, and damn near stumbles back when I approached. "I asked a question initiate! I'm starting to think you scored Amity in that aptitude test. Why did you pick Dauntless?"
The boy squirms under my gaze, "I didn't want to leave my sister behind. I believe I can beat out the weakness in me, prove I'm not Amity."
"If you're not in that net before I make it down those stairs consider yourself factionless." Personally I'd rather shove him off the roof, let him kiss the concrete, but unfortunately as a leader I have an image to uphold.
By the time I enter the cavernous space holding the net, the boy was getting pulled out of it by Four and another Dauntless member.
I try to pay no mind to the other initiates, but I can't help my gaze flickering over to the Amity transfer. The initiates seem to stay at least 3 feet away from the Lowe child. I don't blame them, her story is quite haunting. However their blatant fear is annoying. I look forward to pummeling it out of them.
The trek to my office is quick
"I told you this year would be interesting. You excited?" Max claps a hand onto my shoulder.
"Absolutely, I look forward to constantly monitoring a insane Amity transfer, and dealing with a Dauntless born who decided he should stay here rather than go to Amity where he belongs. It's utterly thrilling Max." The sarcasm nearly makes my tounge bleed.
Max gives a brief chuckle and opens my office door, "Come on Eric, the Lowe kid can't be that bad."
"You forget I was apprenticing under one of the Erudites assigned to investigate the Lowe kid when they took her away from Amity. I went to the crime scene, I watched the mother die in the hospital."
"It's been four years since the incident, Eric," Max stands infront of the office window overlooking the city while I settle into my desk chair, "A lot can happen in two years, especially in a place like Amity."
"While alot can happen I was there when she first arrived, and I was still there a year later when Erudite brought her back after we learned Amity had been drugging her with peace serum for a year. I can still hear her screams when I try to sleep."
"I think you're over exaggerating, Eric. It surely can't be-"
"Trust me, it is that bad. If you saw the crime scene, saw what it did to her, and what she was like at Erudite," I roll my jacket off and unlock my computer. "Not even the fear simulations would help you recognize from the sheet horror."
Max rolls his eyes while I write an email to Four requesting he keep a watchful eye over the Amity transfer.
My mind drifts, back to when I was only fourteen. The night had started off so peaceful. We didn't see the victim until the morning aftet she arrived. A poor child, dressed in the colors of autumn, strapped to a stretcher and left in a room encased in three metal walls and a fourth wall of glass. There was so much blood, I don't know if it was the child's or someone else's. Dr.Janey was a forensic crime scene investigator, so just as quickly as Dauntless wrangled the kid into Erudite, we left to view the crime scene in Amity.
A notification on my computer wakes me up from memory lane.
I never thought I'd see the day you would worry about someone else, let alone an initiate. I'm almost tempted to ask what happened with that kid to make you so anxious. I've never seen you scared and you looked like you saw a ghost.
Also, did you see that one Dauntless transfer who jumped last? I'm so thankful I don't have to teach him.
#writing#eric coulter#eric divergent#eric x reader#eric coulter divergent#divergent eric coulter#eric coulter x reader#Eric#divergent eric#dauntless#dauntless divergent#divergent#divergent books#divergent movies#divergent x reader#Four#tobias eaton#dauntless x reader#nightmares in ink#erudite#erudite divergent
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how does the 2022 movie shit on the novel?? (I love the 2022 movie and haven’t read the book)
Hiii so first off I wanna thank you for this ask from the bottom of my heart because this story is deeply important to me and I've been seething about it for two years straight and now I finally have an excuse to talk at length about the problem without sounding (completely) unhinged. I'd also like to clarify that I'm not mad at you or anyone else for liking this movie especially if you haven't read the book. I actually think that as a standalone film, it's pretty phenomenal. The acting, cinematography, and soundtrack are really on point. The problem isn't that it's a bad movie, it's that it's a bad and seemingly purposefully disrespectful adaptation.
So now I'll get into why (buckle up). As my followers know, War Movie Commentary is not typically the focus of this blog so uhhhh sorry y'all we'll be back to your regularly scheduled brainrot soon enough, but if any of you care deeply for literature or history or the history of war, or are familiar with this book or movie, I urge you to hear me out. Sorry, It's long. I kinda ran with it lmfao
So the first and most important thing to be aware of when discussing the disrespect of this adaptation is that, while it is not technically an explicit memoir, All Quiet on the Western Front is not a work of fiction. Everything that happens is based on something either the author or a soldier he interviewed really experienced. The main character is based on the author himself. Remarque's middle name was Paul before he changed it, he entered the German military at the same age as Paul, he had a passion for writing and poetry like Paul (a passion which if I recall correctly was omitted from the movie, but my memory may be off) and several of the things that Paul experiences are directly taken from his own life. While it is not explicitly a memoir, it is a collection of the real lived experiences of these soldiers, put to page in the form of a story with names changed. I think it is inherently disrespectful to dramatically change the events of a true story, but the way in which the 2022 movie went about it somehow took it further than just that.
So one thing you should know if you haven't read the book, which I HIGHLY recommend, Remarque wrote a preface to the book that was included in all the movies EXCEPT this one, and it states the exact purpose of the story. this is quoted from memory,
“This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who come face to face with it. It will simply seek to tell the story of a generation of men who, while they may have survived the shells, were destroyed by the war.”
He explicitly did not want it to be sensational, or “an adventure.” He wanted to tell real stories about real people, and all those stories were scrapped in favor of what we got. If you remove maybe two scenes and changed the title and character names, the film would not even be recognizable. How can you (not you the asker but the general you) do that to real people's lived experiences? How can you disgrace the author’s wishes like that? The book takes a humanistic approach. You learn about these people, you care about them. You spend time with them goofing off in boot camp, hassling newbies in the trenches, playing cards in the latrines, you see Paul go home and you see how his time at home affects him. How his father parades him around, how he lost interest in everything that once made him happy, how he sees Russian POWs and knows that they are just like him, how his mother, dying of cancer, strokes his hair and cries when she thinks he is asleep because she knows her baby has been lying when he said that things were fine, and he's going back into that hell.
I cannot go into everything the movie portrayed differently to the book because I would have to just copy and paste practically the entire script lol. And having differences isn't inherently a bad thing! Both other movies added or removed or slightly altered a scene here and there. But there are two specific scenes, at the beginning and at the end, that I think are the most indicative of this movie’s failure and disrespect.
In the beginning of the book, which is not told in chronological order, we are introduced to the main friend group and find out that their friend is dying in the infirmary. They visit him, they crack jokes and tell him he's lucky he'll be going home, but he's obviously not improving. He is unaware that his leg has been amputated. One of them asks for his boots, since he has nice military boots, for when he “goes home”, and the others kind of shut him up. Later they discuss how they all know Franz is dying. Paul reminisces about Franz, how he was always timid, how his mother made Paul promise to protect him. He goes to visit Franz again, and he's doing real bad. The author describes in detail how you can see the death in his face. He is now aware his leg was amputated. He wistfully tells Paul that he wanted to be a forester when he grew up, and now he never will. Paul tries to reassure him that “prosthetics are great these days!” (This was written in 1920 lmao) and insists Franz will go home. Franz asks “Do you think so?” And then when Paul remains insistent, he quietly replies, “I don't think so.” He tells Paul to give their friend his boots. Paul sits in silence with him, foreheads pressed together, watching as his friend slowly dies from infection. His internal monologue is distressed about the orderlies ignoring them. “I want to grab them and I want to scream, ‘his name is Franz Kemmerich, he is nineteen years old, he doesn't want to die, don't let him die!’” As he hits in silence until the end. All these characters are emphasized to be nineteen years old.
This is the most important scene in the book. It sets the tone for the whole rest of the story and happens very early on.
Meanwhile in the movie, an unnamed character who we vaguely see hanging around Paul gets instantly blown to shrapnel and his severed leg gets blown off and Paul finds it, cries for 8 seconds, and we move on.
So that's a pretty big failure, I would say. This was the point in the movie I started getting a real bad feeling.
So that's the beginning, now the ending which, while it is the insulting cherry on top of the disrespect pie, I cannot get over how absolutely ridiculous this film ending is. First of all, the whole bit with the military officials? Not in the book at all. That big end battle after the armistice for literally no reason? Yeah, that didn't happen. I don't know how the writers forgot that you cannot completely fabricate an entire battle in a film about an actual war that really happened. And what disgusted me was they have Paul die in a vicious killing spree, bashing heads in, storming the trench (in this fake battle that didn't happen) stabbing people, shooting people, strangling people, throwing bombs, going nuts, getting nearly DROWNED IN SHIT WATER. Need I remind you this was the self-insert of the author who they had doing this? I get what they were trying to to do, show how an innocent non-violent guy got “broken” by the war but that is not faithful to the story. It borders on fetishizing violence, which as previously mentioned was the exact OPPOSITE of what the author directly stated that he wanted his work to be perceived.
Paul did what he had to do, but he was never sadistic and never liked killing and certainly never went on a killing spree. Again, this is meant to represent the AUTHOR.
So how does he die in the book? It's where the title comes from. “He fell in October, 1918 on a day that was so quiet and still on the whole front, that the army report confined itself to a single sentence: All Quiet on the Western Front. Turning him over one saw that he could not have suffered long. His face bore an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come.”
Bit of a different picture, innit? Look, I don't mind movies being different to books, I don't particularly mind this movie as it stands on its own, but it chewed up, shat out, and stomped on Remarque's legacy and it absolutely devastates me to know how he would feel if he saw what they did to his story. The rage I feel on the behalf of a person who just wanted to tell his real story is unfathomable.
#all quiet on the western front#all quiet on the western front 2022#aqtwf 2022#history#literature#war movies#erich maria remarque#world war i#aqtwf
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Hello will you please write me nesta x female reader where they get into a fight and reader storms off even when nesta tells her to stop and when reader realizes she was the one in the wrong and goes back she gets into an accident (happy end please but make angsty at first)
ooh I've been in an angst to fluff mood myself lately and it seems like y'all are too
Don't Leave Like That
Nesta x Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence/injury
“Back off, Nes,” you seethed, stepping out of her reach. Nesta’s hand hung in the air for a moment before she dropped it, shoulders slumping in defeat. “I didn’t mean to be so harsh. You know I’m just worried about you. The Illyrian camps are so dangerous for females - I can’t bear the thought of something happening to you up there.”
You knew Nesta had a point, but by now you were too angry to care. “You think I can’t handle myself, Nesta? Watch me.” With that, you disappeared, heading towards the Illyrian camps on your own, without anyone with you for protection as Nesta had argued was necessary. You were determined to show her that you could handle this simple mission by yourself.
The meetings at Windhaven were tense, but fine as you communicated with Devlon and the other warriors as briefly and efficiently as possible. While everything went as smoothly as you could hope for, it was your goal to make it back home to Nesta as quickly as possible. You didn’t like how you had left things with her, and knew it was in your best interest to get out of Illyria as soon as possible.
You left quickly after dinner, walking quietly out of the camps to avoid any suspicion when you noticed a large, shadowy figure tracking you from the forest. Drawing your dagger, you prepared yourself for whatever may come your way. At least you thought.
A gale force wind knocked you off your feet as black swirled around you, stealing the air from your lungs as you lost consciousness.
The next memory you had was Azriel holding you in his arms as he flew over the territory of the Night Court. Still dizzy from whatever had knocked you out, you managed to fumble out the question of what had happened. Azriel looked down at you, grimacing as he took in your state. You were apparently more injured than you realized, only registering half of what he said about Koschei’s spymaster who had tracked you down, before a sharp pain in your ribs had you losing consciousness again.
You awoke in your bed back in Velaris, bones protesting your every movement as you failed to lift yourself up on your elbows, forced to scan the room by only moving your stiff neck.
Moonlight poured in through the window, the crackling fireplace spreading needed warmth throughout the room, and Nesta lay sprawled uncomfortably in a chair that had been pulled to your bedside, where she lay sleeping with her hair disheveled, clearly exhausted herself. Tears formed in your eyes, gratefulness to see her and regret of your last words to her overwhelming your emotions.
“Nesta,” you croaked out, willing your pained arm to move towards her. Her silvery blue eyes snapped open instantly, and she let out a soft sob as she scrambled to the edge of the bed, grasping for your outstretched hand like a lifeline. Careful of your injuries, Nesta brushed your hair from your face as she pressed a kiss to your hand, lip wobbling as she took in your appearance. You managed to whisper your request for water, which Nesta eagerly helped you.
Refreshed with the ease to speak, you squeezed Nesta’s hand with what little strength you had. “I’m so sorry, Nes. I should have listened to you. I know you were only looking out for me and I was stubborn. I regretted my words from the moment I left-“ you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything more as the little energy you had was now expended towards producing the tears in your eyes.
Nesta cried with you, shaking her head as she whispered, “I’m sorry. I know I come across abrasive, but it is because I care for you. I have watched so many people I love get hurt, and if something happened to you...” she trailed off, taking a deep breath before kissing your hand again. “When Azriel brought you back here, nearly dead - I can’t do that again. Please don’t leave me in an argument again.”
You breathed out the promise as you nodded your head, “never. I love you, Nes.” She leaned in to kiss you, and you moved a hand to tap the bed next to you in silent request for her to join.
Nesta curled up next to you on the bed, holding you close to her warmth as you turned to press a kiss to her temple, whispering “I love you,” before you both drifted off to sleep.
#acotar#acotar fanfiction#acotar x reader#nesta archeron#acotar fanfic#nesta acotar#nesta x reader#nesta x you#acotar nesta#nesta acosf#nesta x reader fluff#nesta x reader angst#acotar imagine#acotar fic#a court of thorns and roses#a court of silver flames#azriel acotar#acosf#nesta#acotar reader fic#acotar x you#acotar reader imagine#nesta archeron x reader#nesta x f!reader#acotar nesta x reader#acotar azriel#acotar fluff#acotar angst#acotar x reader fluff#acotar x reader angst
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I'm still alive omg!
Lots of irl things happening atm, BUT I managed to play through Penacony 2.2 (stretched over 3 days, no less)
Woah. Just ... woah. So much happening, so many characters interacting, so much lore, IT WAS GOING ON FOREVER but I loved it nonetheless. Of course they had to make the finale of Penacony long and epic.
FIRST OF ALL I KNEW IT! I TOLD Y'ALL!!! Literally in my post about 2.1 I talked about how Misha definitely has some close connection to Mikhail/the Watchmaker. I suspected him to be a child of his or something but the actual thing was close enough, I guess. My sweet boy. I love him. Mikhail being a Nameless was so cool. I'm really glad we're finally getting more lore and info about Akivili and previous Nameless, but I feel this was only the beginning.
I'm still madly in love with Sunday and Acheron. Robin is such a cutie too. I'm not gonna pull for her because I need my savings for Mr. Boothill and then Jade but I'll try and pull for her on a rerun. Sway to My Beat in Cosmos is such a banger. Caught myself constantly singing "riiise into my wooorld" (ofc much worse than the one and only lol)
On the topic of Boothill... my god. Love him. The way they can't make him swear so they just make him say??? Whatever??? Whose idea was that 💀 mother loving instead of mother fucking?? What the fork?? Wubbaboo?? I would die for this man. He looks so hot too. Again I have to say that HSR never misses with male character design. THEY'RE ALL SO PRETTY.
On the topic of pretty men... SUNDAY. My little radicalized bird man. I cackled when Sparkle called him chicken boy. She's just a hater, love her for that. Serious question... is he straight up dead now? I have only played the main quest so far so in case it'a mentioned somewhere in game don't spoil me but if it's not... tell me will I get to see him as a playable character... pls...
The whole thing with Ena the Order was so interesting to see. The fact that they made Order so similar to Harmony... AEON LORE. Love it. Resurrecting an Aeon is possible, you say? Kind of? The way they make Sunday'a motives understandable... he's just a boy
So I had the feeling that facing the boss Dominicus was a bit too easy the first time around. Wdym he has only one phase. I should have known there was more to it. Nevertheless loved to see IL and Jing Yuan cameo. They slayed (literally)
But then the eerie feeling I got when Black Swan talked to us on the Express... the way she makes us question everything that happened... GENIUS. I did kind of get flashbacks to Sumeru act II. The line between dream and reality, who is dreaming, what happens outside of the dream, the repetition of events... not critiquing or hating, but the concepts were just similar to me and I liked it :) Penacony just put a different twist to it.
The final fight was still very cool. The several toughness bars to break is really interesting, and the fact that you get a shield value the more bars you break. Also the Astral Ecpress literally crashing into Sunday??? I barely realized what I had just watched ghe first time around. Idk why, but the concept is hilarious to me. And the question remains... is Sunday dead now??? What about Robin?? Are they both dead??
Aventurine isn't dead either?? What about the present that Sparkle gave out to several people? What was it and what did it do? Is there smth I don't remember about that rn? Did I miss it? Also if Robin didn't actually die, how come we saw her body? If she just got transported to Dreamflux Reef, then there wouldn't have been a body, right? ALSO is Firefly dead too? She didn't make an appearance throughout the second part after we see her leave and she talked abput the way that the script said she would die 3 times in Penacony... I'm so eternally confused. It's part of the reason I think there's still gonna be more in the next patch... They're not gonna give us playable Firefly without at least a Story Quest for her, right? And Jade, too? She had one appearance in a throwback during the story, the Trailblazer hasn't interacted with her in person yet so the IPC probably hasn't finished their business with Penacony yet?
And since I mentioned Trailblazer... HARMONY MC??? LOOKS SO GOOD? LOVE THE MOVES?? THE HAT? The Significance of it had me 😭😭 my MC obsession ks back y'all. He looks so good. Caelus ily. The silly little dance with Clockie 😭 Can't wait to build him, I heard Harmony MC is really good.
I also briefly have to mention my girl Acheron. So they've literally just casually confirmed that she's Raiden Mai? I actually don't know what Bosenmori means or it's significance BUT RAIDEN MEI. And her whole flashback with Tiernan... I had my suspicions about his identity but the reveal was interesting, anyway. I've got the feeling this is not the last we've seen of Acheron. I never played HI3rd far enough to fully understand Raiden Mei's story, but I'm really intrigued with the whole thing. How come her and Welt exist in noth universes, how did they end up in HSR and what's their motive?
One thing I'm also still hung up on is the Annihilation Gang... no more mention of them? We don't get any real eyplanation as to why Acheron killed Duke Inferno? No little animation of the scene? I'm guessing it's gonna play a role later? The reason they talked about it is probably to tell us that Acheron was dangerous but like... idk what to think of it. No question the other members of the Gang are gonna appear later and maybe then we'll get more background? But if they don't play a large role in Penacony, why introduce them to the players prior to it in such a grand way?
Anyway, I judt have lots of questions still but no doubt the game is gonna answer them when the time is right... I had a really good time playing the quest, went through a whole lot of emotions during it, fell in love with even mlre characters... the new maps are GIGANTIC and look so cool and let me just say rhe music was so so epic too. Can't wait for the OST for this to get released.
I also wanna mention here (outside of discusaions about the story) is that having a fully leveled Acheron with pretty decent relics paired with a tank Aventurine feels like playing the game on easy mode. Nothing can penetrate a fully def stacked Aventurine, and Acheron's damage is straight up insane. Gonna take a while before I get tired of using them. They helped me clear basically all Stage V of every SU World I hadn't done yet... legends.
Now we wait for Boothill... The grip that Hunt characters have on me is unbelievable. Meta wise I know I should invest in Harmony characters... Ruan Mei or Robin but... HAVE YOU SEEN BOOTHILL? HAVE YOU???
Alright, that's it for now. Really excited to dive into exploration and events and quests of the new maps. Might post a little about it.. or maybe not. I still have to tell you about my thoughts on the Arlecchino quest and Remuria exploration, I began a post about that and never got around to finishing it.
As always, have some cool screenshots from the story!

#may plays#honkai star rail#hsr#penacony#hsr 2.2#sunday#hsr sunday#robin#hsr robin#boothill#acheron#caelus#black swan#hsr black swan#hsr acheron#hsr boothill#hsr mc#astral express#hsr penacony#hsr spoilers#2.2 spoilers#aventurine#hsr aventurine#firefly#hsr firefly#hsr sam#stellaron hunter sam
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Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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I also realized that Sky's character has no meaning in Fate, it is only to give drama to Stella and Bloom's friendship, when it was not necessary to destroy this friendship. Fate's worst mistake was destroying Stella and Bloom's friendship, because of a stupid love drama.
If you take that drama away, Sky's presence makes no sense. Brandon and Riven would have been better (although Beatrix should have been called Darcy from the beginning).
But Bloom has to have love interests, I guess, when really Bloom is still the same with or without Sky.
Also, it's a shame that Sky's character always focuses on Bloom, Sky gains a lot when he is separated from Bloom.

no seriously!
I didn't really think about it too much when I was just watching the show, but then when I started writing the story and was trying to figure out how to build Sky's story, I was like "damn, you really don't need to be here."
at least for season one. season two, he played more of a role so it made sense, but season one was literally a straight up "ariana, what are u doing here???"
but it wasn't that hard to give him more plot to his story, it was just more of shock like damn, if it wasn't bloom or stella, you would literally have no reason to be here. bloom's story is barely affected by sky's presence, compared to the animation where literally every five seconds it "oooh sky...", "sky doesn't love me anymore!" "why is sky acting like this???" gurl...get a fucking grip. I'm sorry, but I can only take so much.
it made me actually appreciate the live-action version more cause I appreciated seeing the relationship not take too much away from the Bloom as a character. like watching the animation, it's like 50% of this girl's identity is who her boyfriend is. free me, I beg...
but I was disappointed to see them using Sky as a tool between Bloom and Stella, which I also can say I 100% saw coming. like it was such a common thing in the fanfics before the live-action, and then again, seeing the preview and the literally first 5 minutes of the show, I was watching and I was like, ooh...typical. but again, wasn't too mad cause Stella's storyline and the overall plot made up for it.
however, Beatrix is definitely not Darcy's equivalent, she's Stormy's. Cause at the end of season two, Stella had the card with her sister's name on it and they were both clearly indicated to be the live-action versions of Icy and Darcy. Beatrix was an air fairy, and considering all her signature lightning magic and stuff, it was very clear who she was representing. How I saw it, Icy would have been a water fairy that freezes every damn thing as usual, and Darcy would have been a mind fairy, being that she was the witch of darkness and illusion in the animated series.
my biggest gripe with a lot of the romances was how they went out of their way to be different from the original to the point it was unrecognizable. Like Aisha's romance with the blood witch Gray I think his name was...please. If y'all don't stop playing in my damn face and get Nabu up in here! and I'd also would have liked to see Brandon come in. One thing that was always sweet to me in the animated series was how Brandon always put Stella first and was her rock in a lot of situations outside of her friends. And in this series, I would've really liked to see someone put Stella first and see past the person she shows herself to be.
but with this story, I definitely wanted to give Sky a plot that wasn't solely connected to his relationship with Y/N or Bloom. So i hope a do a good job.
heh. anyway...
#solar-wing ☀️#☀️🪽.ask#winx#ariana what are you doing here#i'm off to go transform and blast someone#i love magical violence
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A Corduroy Tragedy
So...I was reading a tumblr post focused on Wendy (and the Wendip ship, which...I still don't care for, honestly. I mostly read it for the Wendy lore) and I came across something interesting.
And its from the Lost Legends comic. Like Journal 3, it too has hidden messages and I wanted to get mine so I can verify what was said in the post.
I don't have it immediately available at the moment (I left it in my mom's room and she's asleep, so I don't want to disturb her), but according to the post, the message had something to do with Wendy's mother.
And it's that she isn't die at some point, like many of us probably assumed (under the assumption that not everyone is privy to this).
The message hinted that she's trapped in another dimension. Sort of like Ford, but not really. Like, I don't think she's dimension hopping. She's trapped in one place. Perhaps this could give the idea that there are random portals/rifts than can appear and disappear.
And Wendy's mother accidentally encountered one and vanished without a trace. As for when...hard to say. Obviously, it was some time after the birth of Wendy's youngest brother, Gus.
We also don't know the ages of the Corduroy bros (except for being less than 15, since Wendy's the oldest child) and Marcus having facial hair surprisingly wouldn't help in this case because it could be a Corduroy thing, sort like how Wendy's height is a Corduroy trait.
Still, I'll take the facial hair for consideration just to make things easy. Of course, facial hair starts appearing during puberty, usually at the age of 13~16 (though some sources say 11~15 for facial hair growing at the corners).
So, I'd make the guessimate that Marcus (the oldest brother) is probably either 14 or 13 years old. The middle brother, Kevin, I'd say could be 3 years younger (11 or 10), and the youngest brother, Gus, is maybe 8.
I personally headcanon that Wendy lost her mother at around the same age as Dipper and Mabel. That headcanon remains true even with this new knowledge. Maybe Mrs. Corduroy went looking for something or went for a walk in the woods and fell through a random rift.
She gets reported missing and despite an extensive search, she was never found. It made no sense to the locals. Mrs. Corduroy knew the woods like the back of her hand, she couldn't've gotten lost. I can kinda see this as a reference to 411 cases.
And, perhaps, an incredible role model to Wendy.
Because...with a family like the Corduroys, I highly doubt that Mama Corduroy was a pansy. No, she was a down-to-earth and strong-willed woman with a sharp wit. She was an inspiration.
And now, she is gone. Vanished without a trace. It left the family devastated and Wendy in a bad headspace. There is a scene with Manly Dan's vehicle where there is a yellow ribbon sticker attached to the back...yeah.
To this day, Wendy still holds out hope that her mom will come back. And when she does, ask why. Even so, she knows that she's gonna have to move on.
This is...somehow more tragic than just having Mrs. Corduroy die in an accident. Because, at least with that, there is confirmation. There is a body. There isn't uncertainty. But, the idea that Mrs. Corduroy just...vanished?
It has a special type of hold...one that will linger for a long time.
Whelp, more angst fodder! Have at it!
...It's 11 pm and I should be asleep, but instead, I wrote this!
I am suffering a bit and I am taking y'all down with me.
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