#when she was prince charming i didn't dare get my hopes up
seangelfish · 7 months
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG TIME YEIII amh I could ask for headcanons for bae and kanata with a cute mc fem from the town who just arrived in the city therefore she doesn't know anything about paradox or hiphop or the city in general je but she is open to learning new things uvu that would be all ~ thank you
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Featured characters: Allen Sugasano, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner, Kanata Yatonokami ♡ Tags: Headcanons but also a bulletpoint fic, mutual crush, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not really proofread! Not really sure what to write for Hajun, so I'm sorry if it's not up to standard! ♡ Word count: 1,895 ♡ Synopsis: You, a newcomer, was introduced into a city of hip hop. You didn't quite understand it, but you were eager to learn from the people around you.
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You have moved here for university, not knowing what this city was actually known for. You just assumed it was any other ordinary city...
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Allen, who was one of your fellow classmates at university was an odd one. He didn't look friendly so you didn't try socialising with him at first, but when you saw how he acted towards his friends, you decided to at least try.
You found out that he was just awkward. He greeted you in return when you introduced yourself, but his eyes started sparkling when you mentioned that you were new to the area. He asked whether you're into hip hop, but if you weren't, he had some recommendations for you to listen to.
"Is hip hop that big here?" you asked him curiously.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed. "There used to be this place called Club Paradox where..."
You listened to him ramble on and on about hip hop and these legends called 'Buraikan' who founded these so-called 'Phantom Lives.'
It was all a little confusing, but it had you intrigued. Because of this, the two of you had exchanged contact info so Allen would be able to send you his recommendations. When you were finished listening to them, you would text him your thoughts. Gradually, you started having a taste for hip hop that in your free time, you'd visit record shops looking for songs that you haven't heard of yet!
Allen was always so appreciative of how willing you were to indulge in his interests — in his life. He wanted to show you more about the city and about hip hop, but he also just wanted to spend more time with you.
"I also produce and write my own songs!" Allen said one day, hoping that would impress you. "Would you like to listen to them?"
"Seriously? That's so cool. Of course, I'd like to listen!"
"Alright, just meet me at the club! I'm performing there as BAE with Anne and Hajun."
"Oh, haven't you been to a club before? Then I'll accompany you before our performance starts. It'll be fun!"
Why not? you thought.
Allen picked you up before his performance and showed you around the club. It was an interesting yet fun experience, but what you found kind of weird was how he kept holding your hand throughout it all. You didn't think too much of it though. He was probably doing that in consideration of you, so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"So yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it!" he said. "Will you be okay here? We're starting in ten minutes."
"Yes, I'll be fine," you replied. "I can't wait to see you perform!"
"Alright, see you later, (Y/N)!"
Watching him perform live was amazing. You finally understood why people here liked watching 'Phantom Lives.' They were incredible! You were so drawn into Allen's performance that you couldn't see anything else but him.
"Haha, how was it?" he asked you, panting.
"It was so cool!" you chirped. "And that was the song you wrote too? It was great!"
"Hahaha, thanks, (Y/N)!"
So whatever Allen did with hip hop, you were there too. You became closer to him than before that he no longer was a classmate to you, but someone even more special.
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Just like everyone else, you were drawn to Hajun's prince-like charms, but you never dared to speak to him. He was definitely on another level than you, and you didn't want to disturb him with your plain, ordinary presence.
However, fate brought you together when Hajun spoke to you first. He picked up clues that you were new around here and wanted to help you familiarise yourself.
Confused but thankful, you accepted his offer. He was like a tour guide, bringing you in his limo around the city. It was kind of awkward at first, but he eased you into it when he would ask you where you came from and why you decided to move. He was friendly, but you could taste the way he teased you too.
After bringing you to so many places, Hajun had asked you if you knew about hip hop or anything to do with phantom lives. When you denied it, he merely chuckled and said that you should watch him perform. He didn't go further than that, so you had to find out yourself what he meant by it.
BAE was his hip hop group where they performed phantom lives at clubs. You entered by yourself, waiting for the show to begin. Hajun was up there on stage accompanied by Anne and Allen. Their performance was spectacular. The way Hajun rapped was something you didn't expect coming from him, but at the same time, it made perfect sense.
"So you made it," he teased. "Did you enjoy the show?"
"Y-Yes, it was good!" you exclaimed. "Those were the illusions you talked about? They were pretty! How were you able to do that?"
"With my phantometal, of course," he replied, showing you the feather ring on his finger. He let you touch it due to curiosity. "Isn't it cool~?"
"It is!" you giggled. "Can I watch you perform again next time?"
"Haha, sure."
Not only did Hajun help you with familiarising yourself with the city, but with university work too. You should be grateful though because he wasn't doing this for just anyone. However, he was also questioning his actions when he thought about it.
He supposed that he was helping you out so much because he was also in a similar position when he arrived in Japan. He just wanted to make your experience here easy for you.
Plus hanging out with someone cute like you was actually fun. He loved answering whatever questions you threw at him especially those relating to hip hop. He always looked forward to your daily greeting in person and text.
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Anne had caught an interest to you almost immediately. Of course, it was because you were cute, but it was also because your outfits were embarrassingly plain. They wondered if you'd allow them to dress you up. So one day in class, they introduced themselves.
Once Anne took in the info that you were new here, they were even more excited to become your friend. They wanted to show you everything! Entertainment, fashion, music, everything you were interested in!
And that's how you were introduced to hip hop too.
Taking in the knowledge of the city from Anne was like homework. They dumped everything on you so quickly that it was hard to grasp, but as they pulled you around the city, it was always so exhilarating.
"Oh, I'm also a part of BAE," they said. "It's the hip hop unit I'm in with Allen and Hajun. We usually perform at clubs, but we're going to be competing in Paradox Live next!"
"P-Paradox Live?" you queried. You knew of phantom lives since Anne mentioned those before, but this was different.
"Yep, it's gonna be huge! We're going up against other hip hop units to win ten billion! You'll come support us, right?"
Of course you were.
But standing in front of Club Paradox was intimidating. Everyone around you looked excited out of their minds, but you were the opposite.
"(Y/N), over here!" called out Anne. As you turned, they linked your arm with theirs and led you inside with Allen and Hajun. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to leave you here," they continued. "But watch us closely, okay?"
Watching Anne perform that night was thrilling. Even when the rest of the units performed their songs, Anne's performance was something you couldn't shake off. The illusions that they described to you through words could not compare to the real thing.
After that, you would always watch Anne in person whenever they were performing with BAE in Paradox Live; cheering them on and voting for them. Anne would always look for you in the crowd too, happy that you appeared in their life.
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Unlike BAE, you didn't meet Kanata at university. You bumped into him on the streets to university. You were lost and that's how you ended up at the slums. He thought you were an idiot, but he helped you out anyway.
You explained that you were new to the city, so you still didn't know your way around. Kanata was disinterested, but when you asked him why hip hop was so prevalent around here, his ears perked up.
He explained everything, but he also mentioned how there's 'real hip hop' and those who desire to make hip hop but fail. You were curious about what he meant by this, so you pressed him further into showing you what 'real hip hop' was.
He was about to refuse. He didn't really want to get close to you to begin with, but seeing that sparkle in your eye made him think otherwise. It also didn't help that you were kind of cute.
"Fine," he breathed. "When do you finish uni? I could show you today."
And so he did. After dropping you off at university, he picked you up straight after you were finished. It was evening by then, so the streets you walked on were crowded with people waiting for a team called 'Cozmez' to perform.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you into some shady underground business, situating you in a corner where he was sure nobody could disturb you.
"Just stay here," he said. "You'll be okay."
"W-Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm performing."
Before you could say anything else, he grinned. "You'll see what real hip hop is, (Y/N)."
And he was gone. You noticed that he was with someone else too, someone that looked oddly similar to him that you just knew he was his brother. When they were on stage, the crowd cheered louder than before.
That's when Kanata started rapping. You watched him intently, your eyes following his every movement, his every word. The music was loud, but it was exciting.
"So this is a 'phantom live'..." you murmured to yourself as you watched the illusions the twins were creating. "It's beautiful..."
You didn't expect Kanata to come back to you right after performing, but he did, asking you what you thought of it. You caught the slight bit of excitement in his question which also surprised you because even if you had just met him today, you already had his character noted down in the back of your mind. He was rude and aggressive, but he was also kind in a way.
You smiled. "It was awesome! I can't believe this is what I was missing out on!" you replied. "You were amazing, Kanata!"
His cheeks heated up, but you couldn't tell as it was dim. "Thanks," he said casually.
"Eh~ who's this?" asked his twin. "Kanata, I didn't think you were that type of person–"
"I-It's nothing like that!"
Nayuta introduced himself because if his brother was willing enough to bring a random girl to a place like this, he was sure that Kanata was a little interested in you.
"Be good to my brother, okay?" he whispered into your ear teasingly.
From then on, you became close to the Yatonokami twins, but you were even closer to Kanata, the boy who helped you on your first day. He became a lot more patient with you as he introduced you to even more places around the city, familiarising yourself with hip hop and the story behind it. It was always so fun learning more things when it was with Kanata.
And perhaps, Kanata was a little thankful that you got lost in the slums that day too.
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madrone33 · 7 months
Some of my fav lines/melodies in EPIC The Musical.
(In no particular order. Also this is not a completely list, just the ones I'm thinking of currently. Also also it's 1:30 am so soz if there's spelling mistakes :D)
*gentle, concern* (Po-li-tes! Po-li-tes!) What keeps you up so late at night, myyy friend?
(Aphro-diii-te~) *disinterest, sneer* Your little high and miiighty~ Odysseus.
*soft, longing, adoring* She's my everything... My... Pe-ne-lo-pe...
*absolutely done with this shit, passive agressive to the max* Everybody listen closely. See how this bag is closed: that's how it's supposed to be.
*so bored, plaintive* It's just me, myself and I. STUCK IN MY BEDROOM-
*disdain, pissed* You are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're NOT. EVEN. GREAT!
*mocking, amused* Tell me. Odysseus~
*smooth temptation, sly* Here in the root of this flower there lies such a power to take her onnnn... You must consume and digest it then you'll manifest a BEING of your cre-a-tion!
*scorn, dark rage, snarl* You don't think I know my own palace? I BUILT IT!
*mocking smile* En-lighten me... King of Ith-a-ca.
*grinning, excited, pshh* Nah! Don't be modest! I know you're a goddess! So let's be honest- You are ATHENA!! (Athena!) Badass in the arena! Unmatched, witty, and queen of the best stra-ta-gies we've seen!
*smooth, persuasive, cunning* Have a drink! One sip and you'll un-der-stand- the power that's in your hands! A wine so fresh, you'd never wanna eat hu-man flesh a-gain!
*grim, fierce* And if we're defeated they're good as dead! Straight ahead! That is who we're fighting. (PO-LY-PHE-MUS!)
*damning, cold* This-is-the-son-of-none-o-ther-than Troy's very own Prince. Hec-tor.
*rage, bitter, snarl* The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them. Re-member us! Re-member ME.
*proud, dark, spite* I'm the reigning King of Ithaca! (electric guitar goes hard!!!)
*tired, disappointed, cynical* That's what we'd get with o-pen arms.
*determined, upbeat* ... Lotus eaters~ [Dies Irae forshadowing RIP]
*aching, exhausted, longing* Who longs to see his wife. I long to see my fa-mi-ly! I long to see Peneeelope!
*exhaused, hopeful, adoring* and I'm getting closer to youuu! (Pene-lo-pe...) I can't wait to make some new me-mor-ies! (Tele-ma-chus...) Time for me to be the father I never was!
*dark promise, intent, soft* ... Or I'll raise the tide so high, all of Ithaca will die. Get in the water.
*awe, gentle, hopeful* Twenty years we've wandered, but today you're not alooone... MY SON I'M FINALLY HOME! [Crying]
*smirk, condescending, challenging* FIGHT, LITTLE WOLF, FIGHT! Wanna entertain me?
*bitter, spite, hurt* This way! You get what'chu waaanted. This way! You can save. Your. Time! Thiiis way. You close the door, and have your damn GOOD-BYE!
*impatient, clever, smug smirk* I-al-ready-know-your-tac- tics! When-you-swallow-you-a- ttack with.
*cold, malicious* Forty-three left, under your command.
*darkly amused smirk, sly* No I'm not a player, I'm a puppeteer. No I don't play, I puppeteer, yeah!
*smooth, charming, faux deferent* Lllady of the Paaalace! Sorry that I aaask this, but I hope that I've been mis-in-formed.
*pleading, tired, entreating* So I beg you, Circe. Graaant us mercy. And let us puppets, leaaave...
*triumphant?* Or maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer... MO-O-O-O-RE! (No she's not a player, she's a puppeteer! No she's not a player, she's a puppeteer, oh!)
*desperate, dark, dread* What if I'm the- (MON-STERRR!) Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves... (MON-STERRR!)
*depair, gritted teeth* When does the rea-son become the bl-ame?
*desperate, despair, begging* I'd rather bleed for ya! I'm on my knees for ya! I'm begging please! (Oh, this is the will of the GODS!) ... Please, don't make me do this! Don't make me do this!
*snarling roar, bitter fury* GIVE UP YOUR HONOUR AND FAIIITH!
*warm, light, earnest* And so I think mayyy-be! If liiife didn't go as planned. Mayyy-be! You miiight wanna lend a hand! I don't think he'll miiind! If not his friend, then miiine!
*amused, mocking* To untie apprehensions, that were placed on that Greeeek?
*dry, tired, sceptical* If your plan's so great, then why'd you waiiit to say it? *pause, smirk* Well it's a li-ttle bit ✨DANGEROUS✨ my friend!
*delight, dark, snarl* There you are. Coward.
*desperate hope* Ohhh, could it be! Some kiiind of sign! That MY world IS all A-bout TO change?
*adoring, awe* Peneee-lo-peeee! Oh, how I missed you, my darling, my love!
*hurting, confused, scared* This re-sentment brims with pain! Someone tell me whyyy! Instead of strength, I've oceans in my eyes...
*fucking done, incredulous, distrusting* Is this some kind of trick? Pretending I can go? Because if so you're sick. My heart's already bro-ken. I'm tired of this! And I've run out of sym-pathy.
*intone, dismissive, harsh* If no-body hurts you, be SILENT! (Ody motif, he's deffo smirking here)
*smitten, adoring* 'Cause in my DAR-kest dayyys! Penelope's my driiive!
*tired, hesitant, quiet* ... Greet the world with o-pen arms...
*soft, warm* I only took the blow so you could live! WHOA!!
*bombastic* (HERA!!) Soooo many heroes! Soooo many taaales! Give me one good rea-son! Why yours should prevaaail!
*feral grin, challenge, declare* So ohhh BRING it on! I'm not dying here, I'm still fighting here!
*longing, loving, promise* Pe-ne-lopeee... Pe-ne-lopeee... And Tele-ma-chus! I fight for us! I fight for uuus!
*proud* And all he ever lived was the life of a legend! A life that was EPIC.
AHHHHHH I love it all so much!!!!
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princessfanatic · 2 months
Her Princess Charming -Dappling EAH Short story
Darling had never had a crush before. She was focused on her goals, her ambitions. She wanted to be a knight, a warrior. She wanted to save people in need and help fight villains. She never knew there was another side of her.
This other side of her still hated being a princess, but she didn't mind being Apple's princess. Her princess charming, Raven had joked. After saving Apple's life, she saw Apple cough up the poison, and she knew it was true. They were destined to be with each other. She saved a life and now that person would be her very own. Her girlfriend and hopefully future wife.
But dating the fairest of them all wasn't easy. Many admirers had been very upset by their relationship. Daring was hopeless, panicking at the loss of his destiny. Apple was also still new to actually liking someone. She was clueless on how to actually date someone and where and when to show affection. Since she was clueless, Darling often took the lead. She often found places and times to meet up with no one around. She knew many good places and knew every area well. She knew Apple hadn't told her mother that she had a princess charming and not a prince. It was fine by Darling, but Apple was so stressed. She was ready to pull out her blonde curls in frustration. It pained her to see her official partner like this.
So, she planned something for her fairest partner. She planned a get-together with Apple's parents so that Apple would be able to come out. After that, she'd relax. Apple knew her best friends forever after would be supportive it was just the fear of it getting back to her mom. She didn't want her mom to hear it from anyone else.
She led Apple to the surprise, sitting her down across from her mom. "Darling, can I take this blindfold off now?" She asked with a nervous laugh. Darling's heart sped up, and she forced a polite smile to Apple's strict parents. "Yep, feast your eyes." Apple pulled it off in one clean swoop, and she glanced around nervously upon seeing her parents.
Apple seemed to understand. She wasn't just the fairest of them all. She was the wisest of them all as well. She took a deep breath and smiled brightly. "Mom, Dad, I have something I want to tell you. I've been thinking a lot and analyzing my feelings, and I now know that I do not like men. I like women, and Darling woke me from enchanted sleep from that poisoned apple. Darling Charming is my charming, my princess charming. I hope you'll still see me the same."
Darling rubbed Apple's shoulders as her parents sat there. Snow had an unreadable expression. Her dad just seemed to understand. "I see, we hope you'll be happy, right, Snow?" He asked, elbowing her gently. "Yes, you and Darling will have the fairest wedding this land has ever seen. We will always love you, Apple. I never meant to be harsh, I'm sorry." Apple smiled and rushed over to hug her parents. "I forgive you. I'm glad to have the fairest mom of them all."
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dexterouslycharming · 8 months
Helpless Hearts
Word Count - 1,449 words
Date Posted - 01/13/2024
This is an OC fic, Canon characters are included, but it will primarily be about my ocs, read at your own discretion
Chapter One - Conflict
Augustine Ella, the eldest daughter of Cinder And Kit Ella and the older sister of Ashlyn Ella had always dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming the next Cinderella. To be swept off her feet by a handsome prince and live her happily ever was a destiny she was lucky to be born into, a destiny only a select few had the joy of having. With a dreamy sigh, the girl flopped onto her bed, staring up at her ceiling, a notebook clutched to her chest. Life couldn't get any better for her, at least it didn't seem that way. She had the fairy best friends a princess could ask for in Oleander Beauty and Emmaline White, the son of Sleeping Beauty and the daughter of Snow White respectively, and was even lucky enough to have her very own prince charming in that of her loving boyfriend, Dexter Charming. She also had the best and most supportive younger sister and a loving duo of parents. She seemed to be leaving the dream life, and if that was the case, Augustine hoped to never wake up. 
A knock at her door pulled the princess from her thoughts, and she brightened up even more as Dexter poked his head in. “Dexter!” She cheered, sitting up and tossing the notebook aside. The girl made her way to the door, fully opening it and giggling as Dexter swept her up in a hug and spun her around. “What're you doing here? I thought you were spending the day dragon training with Daring?” She asked as he kissed her on the cheek. 
The prince gave a small shrug, setting her down and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “He's with Oleander and Sylvester doing sword training. . . I didn't really want to be there.” Dexter admitted a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“They're sword training? And didn't invite me?” Augustine huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Usually when Daring, Oleander and Sylvester did sword practice, she was invited, well she and a few other people including Daring's younger sister and Dexter's twin, Darling Charming. The two girls were proficient with swords, Augustine having learned from a very young age how to handle herself with a blade. Her father, Kit, made sure to teach her as soon as she was old enough to safely hold a sword in her hands. 
Dexter laughed, shaking his head at his girlfriend's upset attitude. “I don't think they really planned on starting up sword practice, it just kinda happened, Auggie. Do you want me to take you down there so you can join?”
She shook her head, taking his hand and dragging him to her bed where they both sat down. “No, I'd much rather be here with you.” She purred, laying her head on his chest and cuddling up next to him. The girl was absolutely smitten with Dexter, his awkward, clumsy nature seemingly being very enchanting. She prayed he was her prince charming, the one she was destined to be with for her happily ever after. It just had to be true, a love like this had to be meant to be, didn't it? There was no way she and Dexter were this in love and it wasn't what the StoryBook of Legends had in store for them. “Dex, do you ever wonder what the rest of our lives are going to be like?” She asked wistfully, looking up at him with love sparkling in her green eyes. 
Dexter gave her a small, loving smile, “I don't really have to wonder, I know it'll be perfect because I'm with you.” He said, his face turning a dark red after he spoke. A nervous laugh escaped his lips and he looked away from the girl cuddled up next to him. “I guess that's a little too cheesy. . .” 
“No it's not. I think the same thing.” Augustine reassured, gently turning his head towards her again. She gave him a soft smile, before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Dexter immediately melted as Augustine kissed him, quickly wrapping his arms around her and kissing the princess back. All his worries seemed to melt away, and it was clear to Augustine that he had calmed down a little as she pulled away. “All better?” She asked, her face still mere inches away from his. 
Dexter nodded, his face still flushed a dark red. He gently went back in for another kiss, something Augustine quickly leaned into. The moment seemed to last forever between them, that is until Dexter’s Mirror Phone began to ring. He pulled away, letting out a sigh. Fishing his phone from his pocket, Dexter quickly answered it with an apologetic look at his girlfriend. 
“Yes - yes Daring. . . I'm with Auggie? No, we're still on campus” He said, Daring being inaudible on the other end, “yeah I can be there soon. . . I know, I won't skip out on it I promise.” He went silent for a few moments as Daring seemingly spoke for a good length of time on the other end. Augustine ran her hands through her hair, trying to strain her ears to hear whatever Daring was saying but it was to no avail. “Ok, bye.” Dexter finished, hanging up the phone with a heavy sigh. “I've gotta go help with the dragons now apparently. I'm sorry, Auggie.”
Augustine gave a sad smile and sat up all the way, “It's ok, I knew you'd have to leave at some point.” She said with a sigh, walking her boyfriend to the door. The two said a quick goodbye, with Dexter giving Augustine one last kiss before disappearing down the hallway. Augustine went and sat back on her bed, picking up the discarded notebook and opening it up. Inside were many discarded, half finished stories written by her. She had been working on them right before Dexter had gotten there. The girl picked up a pen off her nightstand and moved to begin writing again, but the door swung open once more, revealing the raven black hair of Emmaline, who looked fairy, fairy mad. 
Augustine blinked, closing her notebook, “Emma, are you ok?” She asked, only to have Emmaline's angry glare focused on her. Augustine swallowed hard, almost immediately figuring out what was wrong. 
“Why was he here, again?” Emmaline asked, anger burning in her voice. She was referring go Dexter, whom she had run into in the hallway, or at least Augustine assumed she had. 
“Because he's my boyfriend. He's allowed to be here.” Augustine huffed back. 
“. . . He can't be your boyfriend Augustine, you're betrothed.” 
“Emmaline you know Oleander and I haven't been betrothed for months now! What's your issue?” 
Emmaline quickly grabbed Augustine's arm, her eyes flashing for a brief moment with anger. “He's your destined prince, you have to be with him! You know Dexter isn't going to fulfill your destiny!” She hissed, her nails digging into Augustine’s arm. 
Augustine's eyes darkened, and she pulled her arm away, causing a bit of her skin to tear and begin to bleed. "He's not the prince in my story, Emmaline! You, of all people, should know that!" Augustine growled back, stepping away from her friend, "You're the one who wants to run away with someone who you know for sure isn't your prince charming. . .maybe you should think about that yourself before coming after me when you don't even know the truth." Augustine finished speaking, her voice coming out a mere hiss at her last words. 
Emmaline balked, eyes wide and tears forming in them. Augustine had delivered a low blow, knowing Emmaline didn't have a story. . . Her younger sister Apple somehow ended up obtaining the destiny to be the next Snow White, something that made Emmaline irrationally angry, something Augustine knew would hurt her. She didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. . .at least for a few seconds. “But Oleander still loves you!” Emmaline blurted out, knowing it was almost one hundred percent a lie. Everyone at Ever After knew Oleander Beauty was sorely in love with C.A Cupid. 
“Now you're just making up fairy bad lies.” Augustine said, pulling herself up from her bed and beginning to tend to her bleeding arm. “I'm going to leave. I can't stand to look at you.” She said angrily, “A good friend would support me and my relationship, I guess you’re not a fairy good friend, Emmaline.” And with that, Augustine walked out of the room, headed to find a certain cricket who just might be able to give her some decent advice. 
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wily-one24 · 3 months
For the character break down, either Emma Swan or Regina Mills
Well, this is not a fair ask. Because we all know if given the choice I'm going to choose my lady love, Emma. Like, I know who usually gets the most attention in fandom, but my heart lies with the socially awkward goof with Disney Princess curls.
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I am who I am and ain't nothin' gonna change me.
Onto the questions!!!
--> How I feel about this character:
I mean, other than that I love her? I think she started out strong (like most of the OUaT women). She was fully fledged, she had character and weakness and vulnerabilities and strength. She said the wrong thing, but she tried to do right always. She didn't care what anyone thought and was desperate for everyone to love her.
She wanted family her entire life and, ultimately, she let them destroy her.
Emma started strong, like most OUaT women, and then the show... changed. It was less strong female characters and character driven, it began focusing on developing and introducing male characters, often at the expense of character growth and development.
The show was made in the liminal space of female/female shipping becoming more popular, but the industry shying away from it. When it became very clear very early on that Swan Queen was a thing, they overcorrected, tripping over themselves to introduce very male love interests. ("Look how much dick these ladies love!").
And it became less about the women we love. Emma's lifelong search for family and the struggle she had with giving up everything for them, to become the saviour they wanted, and STILL never being good enough, because ALL they wanted was a saviour and they rejected her as a daughter... all of that, became lessening herself, making herself palatable, for Hook.
From this:
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To this:
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It's barely even the same character.
I want heartbroken little girl who longs for a family, who so desperately wants to believe Henry's tales because it gives her a family, but she cannot dare. Life has kicked her down so many times that even the thought of believing in hope was a terrifying thing.
Only to find love and acceptance in a small town and later finding that they were family.
The woman who gives everything, who becomes their saviour and sacrifices everything, only to be told it's not enough and her mother wants a real child.
I want the woman who laughed and loved and joked and played and broke the law to uphold it. Who threw fistfights in a cemetery. Who took apart kettles in her apartment. Who left her life to follow a small child who claimed to be her son without any shred of proof whatsoever. Who thew herself down a mine. And took up a sword to fight a dragon she didn't believe in.
Okay, wow, that was question one? Let's move on.
--> All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Regina Mills, obviously. I mean, their story was legendary. It was more of a Disney story than Snow White and Prince Charming. Divorced parents that were never married. Enemies to lust. Enemies in lust. Two lost little girls. Emma internalised her pain. Regina externalised it. But it was the same. They taught each other, they supported each other, they knew each other more than anyone else.
With all my fandom lady loves, I am quite generous and liberal with my Emma shipping. Emma/Regina, Emma/Ruby, Emma/anyone, basically. I tend to stay away from Emma/Hook, because I find that side of fandom a little toxic, but that's just my preference. I didn't mind her with Graham. Throw in a little Emma/Regina/Ruby, or Emma/Regina/Graham, or even Emma/Regina/Evil Queen for some fun. But basically Emma/anyone is my jam.
My preference is Regina, though.
--> My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Emma/Mary Margaret (before she became Snow ful time).
--> My unpopular opinion regarding this character:
Unpopular? That's subjective.
One side of fandom would not like that I think she deserved a lot better than Hook.
The other side of fandom would not like that I believe she's more Bisexual than full on Lesbian (in the closet).
--> One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character?
It would be too easy to say I wish that her and Regina had found happiness ever after.
But... honestly... I wish she had been able to stand on her own two feet at the end, instead of playing Polyester Bride with Hook.
I wish she had been accepted at the very start as the daughter she'd always wanted to be, instead of having to fight for approval and give up all the "unpalatable" sides of herself to please those around her.
I wish she had kept the light that shone out of her in the first two seasons.
If she hadn't ended up with a woman (which, I get why it wouldn't have happened then), then at least with someone who respected her, who didn't ridicule her, who didn't attack or demean her every chance he got, who put himself first in most everything he did.
She deserved better.
They all did.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Roleswap Ruckus: The Truth Is Out
A fic for @kayssweetdreams based off of the Roleswap Ruckus fic I recommended for her. Hope you like it.
"Aria!" Reala called upon finding her in the prison that she was trapped in. He hated playing Loyal! NiGHTS's game, but he had no other option.
Aria's eyes lit up upon hearing Reala's voice. "Reala! Are you okay?" She asked, trying to stand up.
"I should be the one to ask you that," Reala said as he used the keys to break each lock. The prison was then destroyed, allowing Reala to fly over to Aria and untie her. "After all, you were the one that was tied up and transported here."
"I was shaken up," Aria said. "Especially since…I saw Cerberus. Did they hurt you? Loyal! NiGHTS and Negati! Balan."
"They tried to," Reala said, helping Aria up. "But I managed to outsmart them. Let's get you back to your Nightopia where you'll be safe." Suddenly, they heard the sound of slow-clapping from behind them. Emerging from the dark were none other than Loyal! NiGHTS and Negati! Balan. Reala quickly shielded Aria from the two.
"How touching," Loyal! NiGHTS taunted as she floated over to Reala. "The lovers are finally reunited. But you can cut the act now, my dear brother."
"NiGHTS, what trick are you playing now?" Reala seethed, glaring at her.
"According to your sister, you've played your part so swimmingly well," Negati! Balan said in a sadistically playful tone. "Thanks to you, the plan has been going swell."
"Played your part?" Aria furrowed her brows in confusion. "What part, Reala?"
"You may want to pay attention, Visitor." Loyal! NiGHTS sneered at Aria. She then grabbed ahold of Reala. "I'm talking about my brother's part in stealing your Ideya from you."
"Huh?" Aria was stunned and turned to Reala.
"No!" Reala demanded. "That's not true! I came to save you! Don't believe their lies, Aria!"
"Lies, you say? Does that sound familiar to you?" Negati! Balan smirked as he floated over to Reala. "Especially since…you were a part of the incident that involved the Fake Nightopia too."
"Fake Nightopia?" Aria was so confused.
"Yes, Visitor," Loyal! NiGHTS said, amused at Aria's reaction. "I'm afraid your knight in shining armor isn't what he seems. He was the one that caused the Fake Nightopia incident to happen."
"W-What?" Aria asked. "That-That can't be true! Reala saved me when it happened! He caught me when I was falling down! And he's been making sure that my Nightopia stays safe from you two. Don't you dare make up lies about him!"
Reala averted his eyes. Negati! Balan laughed as he approached Aria. "Do you really find that hard to believe?" He asked. "Is the truth really that difficult to perceive? Then let me ask you; do you recall seeing your worst fears come to life? Filling you with dread, misery, and strife?"
Aria then remembered when Lance released a hiccup near her, causing her to find herself in a cemetery, gazing at the tombstone of her late husband. She then gasped from the recognition, causing Negati! Balan to giggle.
"Lance's hiccups cause an individual's worst fears to become reality," Loyal! NiGHTS explained to Aria. "So while you and your friends were trying to find a way to cure him, your Prince Charming and our father saw this as an advantage to help Daddy get into the Awakening Dimension. With every hiccup Lance released, your friends would actually be trapped in their worst fears while, at the same time, would also stay in what we call a 'Fake Nightopia'." She let go of Reala and floated toward Aria. "Poor, poor Visitor. Heartbroken that her Nightmaren saviour had caused such trouble to the people she cared for…"
"N-No… It can't be…" Aria said, feeling tears fill up her eyes. She didn't want to believe this.
"Aria, I…" Reala started but closed his mouth. He couldn't believe Loyal! NiGHTS and Negati! Balan exposed his actions to her.
"Tell me, Visitor," Negati! Balan sneered, grabbing Aria's chin. "Do you still…love that Nightmaren General despite knowing he is an intimidating conquerer?" He pointed at Reala who couldn't bring himself to look at anyone.
Aria was silent for a bit. "Yes…" She said. "I'm not going to let the past affect me. I promised that I wouldn't, no matter how much it hurts…"
"But unfortunately, you have failed my game, Reala!" Loyal! NiGHTS growled. "I don't have any of the Ideya like I specifically told you to get! How dare you try to make a dupe out of your own sister! Let's see how strong your love for each other really is!" Then, Loyal! NiGHTS shouted into the air, "DADDY!!"
Suddenly, a building-sized being with six gigantic hands appeared. Each hand had a purple eye that stared right into anyone's soul and was filled with malice. Two of the hands looked down on Aria and Reala, the eyes boring a look that was both enraged and curious. "Oh? And what do we have here?"
Aria belongs to me.
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isa-ghost · 2 years
*crashes in*
Answer all of them (or as many as you want) for Cyber I dare you. We must spread the swirly man brainrot
🖤 How cold-hearted are they? Do they have a secret or soft side? Why or who with?
He can be very cold hearted, but to specific people. Usually ones who wrong him or his closest personal circle. Sometimes strangers if he doesn't like their vibes. Otherwise oh my god is this little gremlin a mush. He's a hopeless romantic and he's very affectionate because of his deprived childhood. His husbands and the people he trusts the most get Softie Privileges. So like, Physxaas, Lyniaas, Miriam, Alexander. His immediate circle.
🎶 Do they have a theme song/song you associate most with them? Why did you pick this song?
This bitch has a whole playlist. It's full of his energy be it the chaotic whore part, the scary demon prince part, or a flavor of trauma he has.
💋 Do they have a lover? If so, who are they and what are the dynamics? If not, are they a flirty type of person or see it as pointless?
He has two, Wylmas and Kraum. He and Wylmas are the most domestic, precious gays ever. He and Kraum are simultaneously the two kids you never put near each other in class, and a couple of pompous Disney villain wannabes (affectionate). Cyber is an absolute flirt and hopeless little lust machine.
💥 Are they much of a fighter or do they rely more on strategy? How so?
He bounces between both. It purely depends on circumstance, opponent, how much time he has to think, and his emotions. If you've brutally pissed him off then there's no strategy, just carnage. Wrong him slightly? He'll be plotting and you'll never know until it's too late.
🤗 Do they have a best friend? Are they still friends and does the friend know who they truly are?
His bestie is Sonny, and given that she carried his, Wylmas and Kraum's daughter and gave them a max of 4 more times she'll do it again? Yeah they're still besties. She has his kneecaps at all times, he can't hide shit from her.
🍼 Do they have any children, do they like children? Why or why not?
Oops I answered this early. Well to elaborate, he originally didn't want kids out of fear of perpetuating a family cycle of abuse. But he didn't. Wylmas broke him with the cuteness of tiny baby clothes and baby demon purrs and now they have their daughter Miriylia. On top of that, he has at least 3 bastard children from all his whoring and surely more than that, which he's now ready to be a father to if they so choose. His feelings towards kids are complicated, but his little ball of kitten noises of a daughter is quickly pushing him to the side of liking kids.
😆 What kind of laugh do they have? Is it deceiving or fitting?
He has a Selection of laughs. The evil bitch cackle. The charming bastard chuckle. The genuine laugh at something funny. The crackhead wheeze. They all fit him well, but the cackle is without a doubt the most fitting.
👣 What do they do when they're thinking? Do they pace, write things down, make thought boards?
A little pacing, a little writing, maybe spitballing plots with Kraum. Some thoughtful hums or shithead looks that give away he's up to no good. Or a thousand yard resting bitch stare that'll intimidate the shit out of anyone.
🥣 Do they have any domestic skills? what are they? If not, how come?
This man can cook so good you'll wish you could fuck the meals he makes. He likes to garden but that's more Wylmas's thing. He can sing and play instruments if you count those as domestic. Honestly Cyber's a helluva trophy husband, he even enjoys cleaning to a certain degree when you'd expect him to scoff like the royal priss he can be.
💕 Do they do good with intimacy or is it something they're afraid of? Explain.
He's fantastic at all aspects of intimacy, except sharing his vulnerability. Aforementioned family cycle abuse said Emotions Bad so when he's feeling depressed or scared, he bottles that up or buries it in booze and sex and hopes it'll go away. Wylmas is good at coaxing him out of that shell though, and Miriylia's birth has been motivating him to solve problems without a bottle.
🌫 How chaotic are they? How destructive can this be?
I made this man to be a villain. He's a very dark shade of gray morally. Even if he wasn't, he's an extroverted whore with magic that can take him just about anywhere he wants, which has given him lots of friends in lots of places over the 220+ years he's been being a menace. There is LOTS of chaos stored in this twink.
🔥 How hotheaded are they? How come?
He can be very hot headed, but he tries not to be. It's a natural demonic temperament, on top of that family abuse cycle teaching him No Sad, Only Rage. He's fighting for his life to unlearn it, and this is partially what's had him scared of being a parent for so long.
🥀 Do they feel broken? Why?
I think if you asked him this, he'd freeze. He's never thought of himself that way, except maybe during the whole Thing(tm) with Wylmas I'm not about to unpack on Tumblr like this. You could call him broken to a degree, but he's put the pieces back together into something different and better each time.
🥪 What meal do they eat when they don't have much time?
You better believe he's pounding down soup or a sandwich. Quality bread if he's REALLY on a time crunch. He's in a rush but he ain't settling for no bagged grocery store loaf shit.
And for anyone oblivious to my favorite brainrot goblin's existence, here's my beloved little criminal in question:
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Art all by @bunchofdoodlesinspace, who also owns Kraum. :)
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sylviareviar · 10 months
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Their first impression of your muse: "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh... That's a celebrity!! A-and she's... s-she's talking to ME! Why? Does she need something? Can I help her? She seems so cool-- where do I get confidence and charm like hers?!"
Current impression: "TV's pretty hard work, huh... Moreover, she's a detective, and she opposes the Phantom Thieves. I can completely see her point of view. I personally am a fan of theirs, but everyone else seems to be attacking Gogo-san for simply having an opinion. I feel like that's so unfair. She's so brave, putting herself out there despite the hate online..."
Are they attracted to your muse?: Yes. She's been swept up in the charm of the Detective Prince.
Something they find frightening about your muse: Sometimes, Gogo gets real close and looks her deep in the eyes, as if searching for something. When she gets that close, or when she simply uses her hand to brush away one of Sylvia's bangs or something... it makes her heart flutter in a way she's never felt before, and she starts wondering, "Does she do this to anyone else? Or am I the only one?" And if she's the only one, then... no, but it couldn't be. If it was, it would give her hope. And hope is dangerous.
Something they find adorable about your muse: After Sylvia brought Gogo a bento for the first time, as a gift of gratitude for Gogo inviting her to her workplace, Gogo has since made a habit of asking Sylvia for bentos. However, she does it in a roundabout way that, at first, Sylvia didn't even realize was her asking for them. It turned out Gogo liked the cute little notes and drawings Sylvia left on her napkins, and always ate as much food as she could before getting back to work. Gogo's love of her bentos has since been the most adorable thing about her in Sylvia's eyes.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Without hesitation, yes.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: Yes. She's very infatuated with Gogo, so she does want to make this a romantic date. However, she fully understands the vast difference in their positions, so unless Gogo is the one to ask her out and make it romantic first, any date these two go on will most likely be purely platonic. (Especially since Sylvia has been swept up in Gogo's lies and doesn't know the full truth about her...)
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Strong. Sylvia wholeheartedly believes in Gogo's strength, as a woman, a detective, a human being, and a direct rival to the Phantom Thieves. Gogo has the courage Sylvia wishes she did, to be able to face opposition with her head held high and stand her ground when defending her ideals of justice.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: No. If she were to slap Gogo, it would be on the arm, and only after Gogo fully reveals her secret. A smack on the arm would be more than sufficient, in her opinion, to berate someone who has committed some terrible sin and is well aware that they must face the consequences. She isn't the type to rub salt in the wound, but if she were to find out about Gogo's crimes, her infatuation would fade, and this would be where she really starts building up her idea of the true Gogo from scratch-- some of what Gogo has done with her has been honest, that much she knows. Now she must fully piece together who Gogo really is-- and Gogo's willingness to change will solidify Sylvia's resolve to help Gogo repent.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Yes. Sylvia has hugged Gogo a couple of times before, though she quickly stopped after Gogo made it clear she wasn't very touchy. (If Gogo ever indicated that she was open to a hug, Sylvia tried to ration her uses of that privilege, since she knew physical touch could be just as draining as social interaction, and while Sylvia thrives on touch as a love language, Gogo does not.) When it comes to kissing, though, Sylvia has hardly dared to think about it. If Gogo kisses her first, it would be the "ok" signal for Sylvia to reciprocate.
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eg515 · 3 years
soooo... Cassie is gay, right? it's not just wishful thinking or me reading into it, right? right?? 👀
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extenler · 2 years
Letter She Wrote For Him
Saturday, Aug 20th 2022.
Do you remember the first time you fell in love with somebody?
Judging by your dating history, I bet you don’t.
Kidding, Big Man. Blame Becca cause she told me all of that.
No. Please don’t do it. I was joking too.
But anyway, I do remember when I first fell in love with somebody. He was my classmate. Smart, popular, charming. Kind of boy you’d instantly like just because he was smiling at you in the school corridor.
I was thirteen—such a naïve little girl. I didn't dare to talk to him, or even have a little chit-chat about our science teacher, who always gave us a bunch of homework. So I just sat at my chair, staring at him from the corner and adoring him like he was a prince charming from a kingdom of nowhere. A cute love story, wasn't it?
I know you must not believe it since I look like a different person now. But that isn't the point of me telling you this.
How about the second time you fell in love with somebody? Do you remember it? Do you know that people called it The Intense Love?
I just knew it two days ago. The old man upstairs told me about those Love Theories.
Anyway, I do remember mine.
Of course, I do remember it cause it was the worst love I’ve ever had in my entire life. It turned my life upside down as I fell into that intense love story. I saw all of my insecurities, fears, and the most important thing–self-doubt.
I don't have to explain everything to you cause I know you probably knew about it. Yup, that's about him.
I've always told myself that falling in love with him was the worst decision ever. And I hate myself because of that, because I fell in love with a wrong–bad person.
I remember that day when you came to save me from him. The day when I felt like I was the lowest person on this earth, even I felt disgusted with myself.
I was terrified. Whenever he was around, I've always felt like a rabbit, waiting for the predator to chase and eat me.
But then you suddenly showed up. You have no idea how much I was relieved to see your tall figure at the cake shop door.
The face you made when you saw him showed that you hated him so damn much, and you could kill him right then. But you didn’t. Glad you didn’t. Imagine how the owner lady would freak out if she saw someone got murdered in her little cake shop.
Okay, that wasn't funny.
After he left us in that room full of sweet scents-my favorite, I thought, 'Oh, I'd be fine now’. But the truth was, I had to feel anxious because you were staring at me without saying anything for ten minutes straight. And you gave me that look. The one that I've never understood what was the meaning.
Did I scared? Of course, I did.
However, the feeling was different when he was the one who sat in front of me. When I was with you, I got scared because I couldn't read your mind, your face, or anything. I was clueless. I hated that.
Another five minutes passed. Finally, you started talking to me. Wondering about my addiction to sweet foods. Didn't even bother to ask about what happened between him and me. While I knew you were deadly curious. And for the next seconds, you made me completely forget my fears for him.
Have I ever told you that I really love your eyes?
Nope. Don’t answer it. I know exactly what the answer is. How could I tell you that when we’ve never had a 'real’ conversation?
I always secretly called them October Eyes. Cause they remind me of the tree leaves in the autumn. God, I miss Nana. Sorry, Nana is my grandmother. I hope she doesn't get too upset about what happened to me.
Your eyes are too bright to be a natural brown. But too milky to be a bar of choco. So let's call them honey. Cause they're sweet and indicate depth and warmth.
Funny how I started catching feelings for you because of them.
When the sun was gleaming through your eyes, while we were standing on the sidewalk, looking face to face and my heart was beating so fast.
At that moment, I knew I was falling in love for the third time. The one that people called The Unconditional Love. Also, the one that made me laugh a lot cause there's no way you will be my unconditional love.
I’ve learned from The First Love that falling in love is the most incredible feeling in the world. But it's not always last forever like what would appear in the fairytale stories.
And from The Intense Love, I’d learned everything I want from love and everything I don’t. Or should I say that I am still on my recovery progress from this phase? Because the truth is, it's traumatized me. I feel like I couldn't love anyone else again. I don't deserve to be loved.
I'm scared to fall in love again.
And the fact that I was falling for you made me more terrified.
I once gave all of my heart to a man because I thought he'd do the same. Yes, I was wrong. I gave my heart, and he broke me, everything inside of me.
I have nothing left.
All of these months I was trying to heal myself but I always failed. I just made everything get worse every day. Until now.
Look what I’m doing now, writing you a letter that I know I will never send you. I don't even have the courage to tell you what I feel about you.
I'm sorry.
But I should love myself first before I let someone love me. Before I love them.
Before I love you.
I am so sorry for leaving you with those bad memories about me. I hope you hated me when I left you. Because hating someone is easier than missing them.
I don't want you to miss me. Or even wasting your time thinking about me. That’s why I’m doing this. Avoiding you every time you came to see me. I want you to hate me as much as I hate myself right now for making you suffer.
Lastly, I hope you’ll always be okay, just like what you’ve kept telling me.
I love you, Joel. I always do.
Secretly yours,
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valeriwa · 3 years
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that charming bastard suna rintaro x fem!reader fantasy!au entry for the amazing @ichigomis's nice to meet you collab <3 hope you like it! a/n: too much plot and not enough suna im sorry wc: 1.1k
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being the young queen has been tiring and relentless. it's difficult to keep up with the intense pace the palace has set for you. the court throws politics at you, and sneers when you turn to your advisor. you didn't realize that then noblemen would be so against your not taking a king.
they've officially tried to make your rule harder, hiding behind saccharine smiles and false truths. sometimes, you wished you were born a bit crueler but this was who you were.
"what is it this time?" your tired eyes followed one of your lady-in-waiting, who was anxiously holding a letter. she jumped, startled and timidly gave you the envelope. you flipped the letter, examining the seal. it resembled the face of a fox.
"the empire of inarizaki sent this, i suppose?" the lady-in-waiting nodded. you took the letter opener and sliced through the seal. the letter inside was written in extraordinary penmanship.
"they're sending one of their archdukes to me to negotiate an alliance." it was not specified which prince but you could only assume it would be archduke shinsuke, the oldest of the four.
you took out your own parchment to write the reply. it wasn't an odd request, though the thought of having to prepare for the prince would only add to your growing headache.
you'll think about it later.
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they said that he'd arrive in two weeks, enough time to clear up the pressing matters at hand. however, the only thing on your mind was relaxation. one of the dukes, the one who had something against your marital status, decided to stir some trouble again.
"your majesty, your tiredness is getting the better of you. surely, you must find a spouse to share the burden with." gasps rose when they heard the duke's terribly blunt statement. he could easily get imprisoned for that. and maybe if you had a harsher reputation, he wouldn't have dared to say it.
you were tired. but who isn't when they run a country?
"duke, you're awfully invested in my wellbeing. daresay, you want to be my husband and share the burden with you? if i'd known, i'd let you down easier." your snarky retort had the court burst into light giggles. the duke, himself, started blubbering and reddening.
you dismissed the court shortly afterwards. you were left alone in the throne room save for your personal array of guards.
you had heard there was festivities in town tonight, and you planned to kick back and relax. the thought made you sigh in satisfaction. you looked to your guards, wondering whether to bring one or not.
it would be dangerous to not bring one, and utterly irresponsible. but you were not going to be under watch tonight. it was sort of ridiculous to be queen and still be stopped from doing what you wanted.
you walked back to your room, footsteps heavy. the guards stopped at different places, all close to your doorway. the multiple ladies-in-waiting stood, ready to help. you waved them off, telling them explicitly that you wanted to sleep to the morning and to not disturb you till that time.
they left, and the sudden urge to actually sleep overcame you. but no, the town would give you calm that sleep could never. you dressed in your plainest dress, and a hooded robe to keep you undetected.
this was going to be your night, and you would soak in the festivities and leave with a lighter heart.
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the little tavern was bustling with activity. mugs filled with ale were being passed around, and you couldn't help but smile.
it was lively, a change of pace from the dreary palace walls. although you did love being the queen, it didn't seem like your ministers were on the same page.
"would you like a drink, miss?" a man dressed in more extravagant clothes than the rest appeared. he made you somewhat uneasy; you didn't particularly want anyone to approach you in fear that someone would recognize you.
"sure," you replied which made him shout an order over the noise. the barkeeper nodded, getting to work.
"what's your name, miss? would hate to keep calling a lovely lady like you miss," he said, his eyes glinting when you let out a laugh.
"only if you tell me yours, kind sir." he looked away, chuckling and nodding his head. shrugging in a way to say that's fair.
"then i suppose we should let the air of mystery remain?" he said, one corner of his lip upturned. you smiled, the hood resting at your hairline so he could see your face.
you had just barely noticed but he spoke with an accent. maybe you hadn't registered earlier because you were, well, slightly enamored by him.
"you're not from around here, are you?" you asked, drinking the just served ale. the man raised an eyebrow in fascination, clicking his tongue and made a gesture with his hand to say go on.
"you have a weird accent sir, and i've never seen someone with eyes like yours." your admittance had him looking right at you. there was almost triumph in those eyes.
"you're right, this is my first time in this kingdom. any other observations, miss?" he had leaned forward, still holding eye contact.
"a nobleman, perhaps? why would a noble be caught up with the commoners, i wonder?"
"i wonder too," he said, hands touching yours. what did he mean by that? does he not know why he came here. or maybe, just maybe, he's wondering why another noble came here? you, perhaps? wild speculation, yes, but it couldn't calm the racing of your heart.
you opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out. you were lost in his intense gaze. his hand slowly grazed your back and up till the back of your neck.
there was barely an inch between the two of you. his eyes flickered to your lips, an almost inaudible gasp leaving your mouth at his action.
"may i?" his breath was warm and you leaned forward to close the gap. it was brief, a peck really. you pulled away, cheeks red and lips trembling in anticipation.
your hood had fallen off while you were er, immersed in the activity and he put it back on, and then kissing you harder, deeper. his hands fell to your waist, and yours wandered up to his hair.
he pulled away, breathless but grinning. the realization of what you did was just creeping in. the carelessness of it all had you reeling. if anyone found out—you didn't even want to think about that.
"i'm terribly sorry miss, but i'm afraid this is where we must part."
"that's okay sir, i have somewhere to be as well." you had to get out of here, before anything worse happens.
"maybe this is why nobles come here," he said, answering your question from earlier. but the way he phrased it was strange, applicable to all nobles. to you. but he doesn't know who you are.
"maybe. i wouldn't know."
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"announcing archduke suna rintaro of the empire of inarizaki."
you were on your throne, dressed in one of your more fancier gowns and the crown rested atop your head. a delegation from the empire emerged led by the archduke.
your eyes widened, breath caught in your throat when he looked at you. memories of a fortnight ago flashed in your mind. you were supposed to make a greeting but the shock had rendered you speechless.
"what an incredible honor to have finally met you, your majesty," he said, bowing deeply. he tilted his head imperceptibly, as to not catch the attention of onlookers, to flash you a grin. like a secret only you two knew about.
that charming bastard. you couldn't help the smile that overcame your face.
maybe you should send the duke an apology letter for thoroughly breaking his heart.
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Escape [S.B.]
Sirius Black x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
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You looked at the plate in front of you, without much interest: roasted quail with fresh vegetables, pasta, and a sauce that you weren't sure was made. Dinners with your fiance's family sucked. Without any exception.
You sighed and thought about stirring your food a bit but realized that it would earn you several accusing looks. All Blacks boasted excellent manners, the best education, and basically felt superior to any other family in the wizarding world.
You looked at the entire table and only saw bitter faces chatting with each other. There were Druella and Cygnus Black, her three daughters Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa, the latter next to her fiancé: Lucius Malfoy. Even Aunt Lucretia was with her husband; Ignatius Prewett. You moved your gaze a little more and looked at Orion and Walburga, with that hypocritical look they always held. By your side, your future husband, Regulus Black. But when you turned to the other side you noticed that there was still an empty chair, where should Sirius be.
You had been waiting all night for him, hoping that he could rescue you from the discomfort you felt around all those poisonous snakes. He had always been your prince charming, unfortunately for most Blacks, and not even an arranged engagement to Regulus kept the two of you from loving each other madly. You finally made up your mind and tried to eat something, but when you were about to pierce the meat with the fork, a thump was heard.
"Good night, beautiful family" he said behind you. You didn't need to turn to know it was him and from the tone of his voice you knew from him that he had done something to annoy all the guests. That and the stupefied faces of those present at the table.
"Sirius, what are you wearing?" your future mother-in-law muttered. You felt his callused palm on your shoulder and you had to restrain yourself to keep your gaze down.
"It's winter, mother. I don't want to catch a cold" he replied with a charming smile. He finally sat next to you and when you looked at him askance you noticed that he was wearing a scandalous sweater with the colors of Gryffindor.
Sirius always, always knew how to hit the spot when it came to upsetting his fabulous family.
"But hey, why are you so quiet all of a sudden? This looks like a funeral" he murmured, clicking his tongue. He watched you out of the corner of his eye with a playful look and you smiled at him still staring at the food. You knew that if you watched him you would laugh out loud.
The Blacks resumed the conversation, a bit uncomfortable for the simple fact that there were yellow and red stripes in the middle of their dark outfits. Sirius began to eat with all the ease in the world and from time to time he would sneak glances at you.
"Sirius, dear..." Bellatrix began, with her tone of kindness more than pretend "I think everyone here wants something, but no one has dared to say it. So I'm telling you: take off that stupid sweater, it's making me want to throw up just looking at you" she expressed arrogantly. Sirius only broadened his smile.
"Of course, cousin. It will be my pleasure, I was starting to get hot after all" he murmured. You took the opportunity to drink a little of your wine to try to calm yourself down by the fun that the young man was giving you. But when he took off his sweater and a shirt appeared that had 'Go, Gryffindors!' it was inevitable for you to spit out the drink you had drunk. With that you managed to get everyone's attention, even Sirius.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly, taking the cloth napkin next to his plate and offering it to you with a smile "I hope you don't spit like that either when you see the tie I'm wearing underneath" he whispered gently and you pursed your lips to keep from laughing.
"Sirius this is disrespectful" Druella replied, glaring at her nephew.
"Is having pride in my Hogwarts house embarrassing?" he asked innocently. You were wiping your mouth when you felt his hand go down to your knee and leave a soft caress on it. You took advantage of the fact that you had the napkin to cover your smile and a bit of your blush. "My parents taught me from a young age that the most important thing would be my Hogwarts house and that I should carry it with dignity."
"Because we thought you would be a Slytherin, like all the family. But instead you dishonored the family and surrounded yourself with those blood traitors you call friends" his mother spat. You noticed Sirius tense for a moment and you slipped your hand through your dress to reach his hand. You gave a gentle, sneaky squeeze to cheer him up and it seemed to work.
"That blood supremacy thing you defend so much is outmoded," he murmured, shrugging. "Besides, it's boring to hang out with your acquaintances, some muggles are very interesting" he said mischievously. But you knew that he was referring to you, you knew that he was the only one who knew the secret that could take away everything you had earned in the Black family.
You could free yourself from the commitment to his brother and be with him but, despite that, he never revealed that you were a mudblood.
"Sirius is enough" her mother yelled, getting up from her chair but without losing her composure. "We are not going to allow you to continue offending your lineage like this, aren't you ashamed to come here dressed like this and talking about those things?"
"Shame?" he asked, pretending to be outraged and putting a hand to his chest "Ashamed to be who I am? Never, mother" he murmured with his chin up. It wasn't the first time he had confronted his parents, but he looked like a wonderful light amid all the darkness. Sirius was always different, not only from his family... he was different from everyone "The only thing that makes me ashamed is that our poor Y/N listens to these discussions" when you heard your name a chill ran down your spine and when you saw him bow towards you you felt that you lacked air "I apologize, sweetie" he murmured softly, just for you to hear him "all the complaints towards the guests exclude you completely" with a gallant smile he took your hand to leave a kiss on the back and you felt something between the union of your skins.
Sirius was a man with deft fingers and without anyone noticing he left a piece of parchment in your hand. When he released you, you squeezed that hard and kept your gaze down.
"I think the best thing is that I retire before his bad taste in clothes rubs off on me" Sirius exclaimed, with his forehead high and the fun dancing all over his face "But my assignment is done, I hope to be the topic conversation for the rest of the night" he continued and you finally dared to look at him. He winked at you "It was a spectacular dinner, thanks for your hospitality" he said wryly. The dessert was already served and before going up to his room he took the plate of the expensive dishes from his mother to continue eating the cheesecake with raspberry jelly on it.
The atmosphere turned gloomy again and everyone continued to eat his dessert while talking about things you didn't understand and from time to time you heard Sirius's name in the conversation. You hadn't dared to open the piece of parchment because everyone seemed to have their attention on you. You knew that the love the two of you had wasn't something that could be hidden.
A quarter of an hour went by, which seemed unbearable, and then Walburga got up to make a statement.
"Now I ask you to accompany us to the living room. My son Regulus will play the piano for us" she murmured proudly. Suddenly you felt sorry for Regulus, as he had to fulfill all the expectations that Sirius didn't meet.
They all got up and walked talking among themselves. You stayed a bit back and quickly opened the piece of parchment carefully so that they didn't see you.
Find me, pretty
"What's that?" Regulus asked looking over your shoulder. You jumped in fright and turned to hide the paper behind you.
"Nothing" you said nervously. Reg smiled and stroked your cheek lovingly.
"Well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'll wait for you outside, okay?" he mumbled tender. You nodded and saw him come forward, with that royal bearing that identified him.
You saw him walk out the door and without wasting another second you ran down the other hall to escape to the second floor. To make sure you weren't overheard by the Blacks, you took off your boots and climbed the ladder barefoot. You walked down the hall, trying to remember which was Sirius's room, when you felt fingers catch your wrist and you suppressed a scream.
"I found you" said a funny voice that pulled you into a bedroom. You made no noise, no one could have noticed you, but once inside Sirius pushed you against the door and brought his lips to yours.
The air had caught in your throat and at first you answered the kiss shyly. Sirius smiled on your lips and guided your hands towards the back of his neck while he placed his own on your waist. Every time he kissed you, you felt a knot in your stomach and your whole body vibrated before his caresses. You tangled your fingers in his long hair, a little self-conscious, and the man suppressed a groan as he pulled you closer to his body, gently pushing your lower back. You separated to take a breath and even though you had your eyes closed you felt him smile.
"There is nothing better in this world than to endure a horrible day and be able to kiss you like that" he whispered. The space between your bodies was minimal and with a mischievous spark he pulled you until your torsos were against each other. When you saw that he had no intention of kissing you again, you opened your eyes and found him looking at you with devotion. "Let me kiss you again" he begged looking at your lips.
"Sirius, your whole family is downstairs listening to your brother, my future husband, play the piano."
"That's why I'm just asking you for a kiss, otherwise we would already be on that bed and not exactly sleeping..."
"Sirius!" you replied amused as you hit his chest. You spoke in whispers, not wanting to be heard, but also because of how close you were to each other.
You were silent for a few moments and after exchanging a few more kisses he spoke again.
"Escape with me" he blurted out. You frowned and placed your hands on his arms that held you against the wall.
"Escape to where, love?"
"Escape from here" he muttered seriously "escape from my family, from your commitment... we can escape from everything"
You have never seen Sirius so serious in his life and that the first time he was to talk about something like that made you pale.
Was he really suggesting that?
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I'm always ..."
"Sirius don't say it" you warned him and he smiled fondly.
"I'm serious. I've never been so serious in my life" he said in a whisper. His hand rested on the side of your hip "I have a small savings in Gringotts. It isn't much but it will be enough for a while. Moony said he has an apartment that he can lend us and... we won't live like royalty, but it is a start" he muttered.
You felt like you didn't have enough air and looked the boy straight in the eye. In front of you was Sirius Black, the most carefree boy you had ever known, the most irresponsible, flirtatious and childish... there was that man asking you to form a life together and offering you everything he had.
"I know that if you marry Regulus you will have all the money you want, jewelry, beautiful dresses, a respectable last name..." he continued "and I understand if you prefer that than living with a poor man rejected by his family. But I can assure you that even if he has all the money in the world he will never be able to love you half as much as I do" you felt his hand, fearful, caressing your cheek "It is impossible for someone to love you like I do"
You felt your heart beating like crazy and you were unable to utter a single word. If you married the youngest of the Blacks, your life was arranged, you had a high social status, you had a millionaire's life and the respect of many families. But all that could not replace the happiness that you knew you would have next to the man who was watching you with supplication.
"It's fine if you don't want to, it's just... I understand that Reg can give you a prettier wedding. Or well, I don't even know if you'd like to marry me..."
"And of course, you would have the support of all those old harpies..."
"But I promise you that I will strive to give you the best life I have in my han..." and before he continued, you pulled him by the neck and kissed him.
It was a calm and deep kiss, with which little by little you felt Sirius' shoulders relax.
"For God's sake, don't shut up unless I kiss you" you said rolling your eyes once you parted. Sirius smiled shyly "I'm not interested in anything, anything that isn't you" you replied. You didn't think of anything else to say to him, because the explanations left over and he would have been happy with a simple yes "I love you. And I know that my life will be perfect if you are with me"
Sirius smiled again, fighting back the tears that threatened to come out.
"We still have some time, we could say goodbye to my room, specifically my bed" he said softly, moving his eyebrows up and down. You laughed and just watched him with a smile. The boy's eyes flashed "Yes?"
"Just kiss me," you said amused. And he did.
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roselen-mylady · 4 years
the game
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"First one to kiss Thor wins." Wanda suggested. Y/n tried to hide her scoff but judging by Nat's elbow in her ribs, she hadn't been successful. "Come on, Y/n!" Wanda groaned, rubbing her forehead in frustration. 
"Oh, you come on! What? Are we going to play 'would you rather' after?" Y/n joked, earning yet another jab from Nat. The two red heads glared at her annoyed but Y/n didn't care as she took a sip of champagne.
Pepper had convinced Tony to hold another party in hopes of boosting the team's morale and while it wasn't the first time he'd done it, the parties were still enjoyable. Y/n couldn't help the enthusiasm and joy that came with drinking, dancing and mingling. Everyone came, at least everyone she knew, along with a hundred other people Tony knew. Even Peter had started to attend the last few parties, granted Tony only made him a frequent attendee once he'd reached 18.
The parties were fun, yes, but still being the drama and excitement addicts they were, Y/n and her closest friends craved the thrill of their little games. They played them at every party. The first was a simple game of truth or dare and the second had been the cliche spin the bottle. But with each gathering their dares and games grew more and more risky. And Y/n loved it. They all did.
But tonight was different.
Tonight was boring.
"You're just upset that Bucky didn't want to make out in the closet with you last time we played." Nat accused. A deep frown settled on Y/n's lips from the stab at her pride but she quickly waved off Nat's insult with a dismissing hand.
"That's because he knew I was drunk off my ass. I didn't really wanna make out with him either, he's my friend. You know what alcohol does to me." She argued, getting a short disbelieving nod from Wanda in return.
"Uh huh. Or maybe cause he knows you're into his best friend." Nat suggested, sipping her own drink with a smirk as she narrowly dodged Y/n's threatening hand. Wanda giggled at the interaction, knowing there was truth behind Nat's words. She had seen into Y/n's mind and her fondness toward Steve practically screamed back at her.
"I'm not into Steve. The man is too self righteous for his own good and you know I'm into bad boys." Y/n shrugged, her attempt at hiding her feelings becoming transparent in her friends' eyes.
Yet before either of them could argue further and perhaps bring up the kiss she almost shared with Steve during spin the bottle, Sam and Bucky arrived. "Who's into bad boys? You've come to the right place ladies, I'm the baddest of them all." Sam flashed a charming smile to which they all rolled their eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sam, but I think Bucky has you beat on bad boys." Y/n challenged, sending a playful wink toward the soldier. Sam gasped, mocking hurt while Bucky rolled his eyes rather unamused with the discussion.
"That's right, weren't you the second shooter in the JFK assassination? That's gotta be as bad as it gets." Nat commented causing a dark flush on Bucky's face. A short flash of guilt appeared on his face but he instantly brushed the comment off deciding not to dig into his cloudy memory for the truth. The second shooter was just a conspiracy theory anyways. But then again, so was the Winter Solider...
"What are you, a cop?" Bucky let out a strained chuckle, bringing his drink to his lips subtly trying to pull himself from the conversation. Y/n offered an apologetic smile and he returned it gratefully before she turned her gaze away.
Despite his closed off nature she'd actually become a sort of friend to Bucky and while at first it was rocky, she rather enjoyed her friendship with him. Through Bucky she heard stories about Steve when they were growing up and she saw another side of him that she wished she'd known.
"You ladies up to another game?" Sam questioned suddenly. Nat nodded sharing a look with Wanda but Y/n's focus had been drawn away. While lost in her thoughts about him, her gaze had drifted to the man of her fantasies and she shamelessly watched as he talked with Tony and another man she didn't care to remember.
He was smiling, a sight that she cherished even if he'd never notice. The blue of his eyes seemed to shine brighter than any fireworks she'd ever seen and her heart skipped a beat just looking at them. His blonde locks had grown out while she had been snapped away but not enough to make him appear drastically changed. In fact she wasn't sure if anyone else had really noticed. Maybe she was just a stalker.
"Well, we were going to play one but Y/n thinks it's not big enough." Wanda replied, giving Y/n a glare as she turned back to the group.
"Well, it wasn't. I feel like everyone's used to our shenanigans so there's no challenge." Y/n shrugged, peering at the others with a bored stare. Sam shook his head, refusing to let the tradition die.
"What did you guys have in mind?" He asked, looking over the three women as they glanced around the party.
"Wanda suggested a competition to see who could kiss Thor first." Nat explained. Bucky scrunched his nose in disdain at the dare, exchanging a exasperated look with Y/n.
"Thor would do anything, if you asked him." Sam sighed, drinking whatever liquor he had requested. Y/n remembered him saying something about woman being attracted to a man who can handle hard liquor but she had chosen to ignore him. Though she did have to admit it must've been hard for him to compete with both of his best friends being able to drink without the effects of the alcohol they consumed.
"That's what I thought! Thor would gladly abide anything if it made us happy. He's too kind for his own good." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes as they looked over to said god. He had slimmed down significantly during his time with the guardians and Y/n could almost swear that there wasn't an ounce of body fat left on the man. His hair had been cut as well, returning to his signature length and his beard had been trimmed down to a reasonable length. In other words, the Asgardian had almost every girl swooning once more.
But Y/n was swooning for another.
The same man she had for years.
"We could make it more of a challenge." Nat proposed. The group turned to her with interested eyes, the only one who hadn't seemed to match their intrigue being a very grumpy Bucky. "We could expand the dare to all Avengers. Unless you guys wanna be pussys and limit it only to men." Nat winked.
Wanda's face flushed at the suggestion and quickly shook her head. "I have a hard enough time kissing the people I've known for years let alone all the new Avengers." She squeaked. Sam chuckled nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, not that you guys are pussys I'm just saying that is a lot of people. That'll take forever. Let's just stick with Avengers pre-snap." Sam's laughter grew at Y/n and Nat's disappointed expressions, having reaped them of the extra challenge they'd been searching for.
"How about this?" He began realizing without a catch the game wouldn't be that much fun for any of them. "You have to get them to kiss you but only using cheesy ass pick up lines." Sam explained, looking rather proud of his game plan.
"What type of kiss?" Y/n questioned suspiciously.
"Any." A buzz of laughter and eagerness flooded over the girls and Y/n smirked knowing she'd been born for this challenge. "Are we all in agreement?" Sam asked looking to each for affirmations. Once everyone was on board they put their hands in the middle, a sort of ritual they had developed as a way to insure everyone's commitment.
But another presence had been added to their usual group and they turned to Bucky to see what he would do. He had never been on the scheming side of the games and usually was a victim but now he had a choice. Though he'd rather be removed from the plan all together he figured he'd might as well get it over with while he still knew what was happening.
"Yeah, alright but I'm not doing make outs. You guys do your lines or whatever, get your kiss, then I'm out." Bucky told them, putting his vibranium arm into the middle along with the rest. With childish grins on their faces they let their hands fall as Sam stepped forward.
"As per tradition, you all start off with a good luck kiss from moi." Sam explained, putting a dramatic hand over his chest as he turned to Wanda. She scoffed at his attempt at charm allowing him to peck her lips with a teasing smirk. Turning to Nat, he hesitated allowing her to quickly kiss him, learning the hard way that coming onto her was an easy way to get a black eye. The smack of her lipstick made Bucky shake his head, his 40s mindset unable to grasp how easily they'd all accepted the concept.
Sam then turned to Y/n, noticing the way she subtly glanced in the direction of Steve as his arm came around her waist. "Looking for someone? Cause your prince charming is right here." Sam flirted earning an eye roll from the woman before him.
"I thought we were supposed to do the crappy pick up lines." Y/n raised a brow, keeping a hand on his chest to get some distance.
"I said cheesy not crappy. I'm offended." He frowned playfully only to have it wiped off his face by the soft peck of her lips. She pulled away just as quick, slipping out of his hold and shaking her head.
"Oh, how will you ever recover?" She replied sarcastically, making the girls laugh quietly beside her. He smirked turning to Bucky.
"Alright, Buck. Let's get this show on the road." Sam announced patting Bucky's shoulder roughly as he urged him forward. Surprisingly Bucky seemed more nervous than he did annoyed so Y/n decided to take the lead this time, stepping closer to the brunette.
Deciding to keep it simple for Bucky's sake she trailed her fingers along his forearm, giving him a gentle smile. "Hey, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." She spoke smoothly. Sam cackled behind them but Y/n paid no mind instead smiling back at Bucky as he chuckled softly, grateful she hadn't used one of the dirty lines he was sure she had.
Shaking his head he leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to the corner of her lips. Though he made it seem like he was annoyed by the games he was forced into every party, he found Y/n made them more enjoyable, being one of his only friends.
"Go on. You better win since it's your fault I'm a part of this." He grumbled and Y/n laughed, nodding before running off to claim more lips.
On the other side of the room a certain blonde had caught sight of her, his eyes narrowing slightly in interest as Tony leaned closer to him. "I think Y/n's playing another one of those games. I swear that girl is going to be the death of me. Let's just hope Morgan stays innocent." Tony mumbled, bringing his glass to his lips as he surveyed Steve's expression.
"Yeah." Steve replied dully, his focus directed at the only girl in the room he couldn't keep his eyes off of. Tony smirked knowingly, deciding he'd allow Steve to ignore him just this once.
Y/n had this in the bag.
Thanks to Sam she had a wide range of pick up lines to try out and she planned to use the right one with each.
The first person she recognized in the crowd was T'Challa and she made her way to him slyly, his gaze falling on her as the crowd parted. "Ah, Ms. Y/n. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He questioned, a bit of mistrust in his eyes when he recognized the smirk on her face.
"Just seeing how my favorite pussy cat is." Y/n replied with an innocent shrug. He squinted suspecting her ulterior motives. He'd been to enough of Tony's parties to know that she along with Nat and Wanda usually had some kind of game and while he was entertained by it he also knew he needed to maintain decency being a King.
"He is very happy you're here to make things interesting. He was just telling me about how boring this party was. Also he was telling me he should ask you when you're going to bring Peter to Wakanda, that boy won't get off my back." Shuri spoke up, stepping closer to the pair with a pleased smirk. T'Challa didn't seem to share her amusement but knew most of what she had said was true.
"Well, you'll be happy to know that I have to be in Wakanda next week, I'll see if he's free to tag along." Y/n replied, turning her gaze to the spider boy. He still seemed to follow Tony around like a lost puppy but Y/n hoped maybe their field trip to Wakanda would break him out of his shell.
"Would it be wishful thinking if I hoped your visit to our kingdom is the only reason for your presence now?" T'Challa questioned. Shuri and Y/n laughed answering his question. There was another game going on. "What's the challenge now? Let me guess, I should be expecting Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff next?"
"More than likely. But there's a twist this time." Y/n explained, noticing the bit of curiosity in his eye as she sipped her drink. "If you like my pick up line, you have to give me a kiss."
Shuri giggled next to them excited to hear whatever line Y/n had planned. The young princess was always up for some mischief especially if her brother was the victim and this was what made her adore Y/n so much.
"And what if I don't?"
"I'll just have to try again, I suppose. You know how persistent I am." Y/n winked. T'Challa shook his head, catching sight of Wanda across the room having already collected her kiss from Thor. With a silent sigh, he turned back to Y/n figuring he'd best not hold her up any longer.
"Fine." Y/n smiled, locking eyes with Shuri for a moment before turning back to T'Challa. She stepped forward, the soft click of her heels sending a chill down his spine as she put a hand on his upper arm. Her lips curved into a smile and he braced himself for the line that seemed to bring her so much pride.
"Meow you doin'?" Y/n smirked, her voice smooth as velvet as her eyes stared into his. Laughter erupted from his sister and he turned to her as Y/n burst out into her own fit of giggles.
"I don't get it." T'Challa told them, dumbly trying to use the little bit of context he was given to understand the joke.
"Oh, brother! As soon as we return home we are watching Friends! Now give her a kiss so that she may have a chance at winning!" Shuri spoke through laughs. T'Challa shook his head but lifted Y/n's hand nonetheless and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"I feel cheated." He grumbled but the laughter from both girls was enough to take his mind off the pick up line that went straight over his head.
"Pleasure doing business with you, King T'Challa." Y/n curtsied before turning away to find her next victim, leaving T'Challa and Shuri with entertained smiles.
Next on her list was Bruce Banner, the most lost out of all of the men who had experienced the game. The first time they decided to target just one person, he had been the focus and while he enjoyed Nat's kiss, Y/n and Wanda following in the act seemed to put him in a daze for a week.
"You got T'Challa right off that bat? Sometimes I hate how good you are at this." Nat's voice cut into Y/n's thoughts as the two stood together surveying Bruce.
"There's nothing to it, my friend. Give a line, get a kiss. It's science. Did you already get Clint?" Y/n questioned, trying to see where she was at as far as the competition went.
Nat shook her head softly, glancing over at the other men they'd still needed to kiss. "No. He's not here. He says he wants us to take his retirement seriously so until then he won't be at the parties, I guess." She explained and Y/n nodded quietly. One less guy to convince, she reasoned.
"You know I'll never get used to his transformation thing." Y/n commented, gesturing toward Bruce with a nod. Nat followed her gaze, leaning into Y/n to see past the crowd of people in front of her.
"Yeah, me either." She replied. Y/n's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she glanced at Nat through the corner of her eye but ultimately decided it wasn't something she really desired to question further.
"You better save your best pick up line for Steve." Nat warned, the smile on her lips all too knowing for Y/n's liking. Her mouth ran dry and the familiar rush upon hearing his name coursed through her making her face burn.
"For the last time, I'm not into-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Too bad though. He's been watching you ever since the game started." Nat whispered, turning Y/n's head in his direction with a poke to her chin.
The red on Y/n's face grew darker at the sight of Steve looking back at her, his eyes locking with hers over the rim on his glass. A soft shade of pink settled on his cheeks to match her own and his gaze faltered before returning to the man he'd been talking to.
"Save the best for last." Nat teased softly as Y/n turned back to her. She tried to brush off Nat's words as she stalked off toward Bruce but she couldn't get the image of Steve out of her mind.
Had he ever looked at her like that before? Was she losing her mind?
A long sigh escaped her as she tried desperately to focus on racking her brain for any science puns she had.
"Y/n! Hey, long time no see!" He cheered, pulling her into a side hug. The laughter that bubbled out of her chest was involuntary as she practically disappeared under his good arm.
"It's nice to see you too, Bruce. How's the arm?" Y/n questioned gesturing to the cast that seemed to be permanent on the larger than life limb. Bruce offered a tentative shrug, looking down at it.
"Tony and I aren't sure if it's ever going to heal. He's been looking at the possibility of getting a prosthetic but I don't really mind it. We beat Thanos, that's all that really matters to me." He replied. Y/n smiled kindly at him, putting her hand on the cast as her fingers trailed Steve's signature. She couldn't help the racing of her heart when she realized he'd signed right below her own.
"So, Nat tells me you guys are doing another game. Why do you guys do that anyways? Don't you get embarrassed?" He asked, genuinely interested. Whatever Nat had told him seemed to make him more aware and Y/n found herself open to his questions.
"I don't know. I trust everyone on the team so kissing them isn't a big deal. If anything I think it makes us more open to one another. Not to mention half of us are touch starved and probably need a kiss every so often." She laughed thinking back to her poor Bucky.
Bruce laughed too, "Well, maybe next party you'll find a way to get everyone to play. That'll be a sight." He chuckled imagining everyone competing against one another in some intimate game. Y/n nodded perhaps taking the suggestion maybe a bit too seriously.
"Maybe...I've gotta win this game first though. I'm sure you know the rules." She raised a playful brow and crossed her arms. He nodded remembering Nat's line with a loving smile. "Good. Let's see."
Her hand rose to her chin, staring up at the ceiling for a moment as she thought. Bruce watched with a entertained smile as her eyes lit up before looking back at him.
"Hey, baby. If you were an enzyme I'd be a DNA synthase so I could unzip your genes." She nudged Bruce's side making him laugh.
"That was the worst." He chuckled and Y/n laughed as well, nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, but you laughed so..." He nodded wrapping his free arm around her shoulders and leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head, the most accessible spot from his outrageous height.
"I'm gonna remember that one." Bruce told her, his head bobbing unconsciously as he already began practicing the line in his head. Y/n bowed proudly before disappearing into the crowd once more.
"Who's next?" She mumbled to herself, running her hands along her dress, absentmindedly flatting the bunching in the fabric. The dress had been her favorite, hugging her perfectly as many of the tailored clothes Pepper sent her did. But this one was different.
This one was blue. But not just any blue. It was the same dark navy Steve wore on every mission. A color she found herself buying more often, whether it be on a folder or on a dress. She was almost attracted to it as much as she was to Steve and while it seemed a little silly, it made her happy knowing she could express her hidden feelings through little things such as that. She truly was head over heels but she could never tell him that. She could never risk the rejection she feared she'd be met with if she dared make a move.
So she loved him from afar.
"Oh no. Not pick up lines." Tony groaned next to Steve, his eyes nearly disappearing into the back of his head as he rolled them. Sam chuckled, nodding his head.
"It's true. Everyone is going to get hit on in the most undesired way possible tonight." He grinned, his lips still buzzing from the kisses he'd recieved.
"Yeah, you have bird brain here to thank for that." Bucky grumbled from Steve's left. Sam frowned, glaring at the semi stable hundred year old man.
"That's not what you said when you kissed Y/n." He retorted.
Steve tried to fight the jealousy that boiled in his gut but Bucky had already noticed the frown that reached his best friend's face.
"Only because I want her to win. She's my friend." Bucky explained, hoping his emphasize on 'friend' would put Steve at ease but the super soldier would never truly be at ease unless he had her in his arms.
He'd lost so much over the years including her and now that he had it all back-had her back, it felt wrong that they weren't together like he hoped. But he couldn't just tell her. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he lost her in a way that no infinity stones could reverse?
"Personally I'm rooting for Wanda. That girl's smile would make you wanna kiss her. Not to mention her mind control stuff." Sam argued, using his hand to mimick Wanda's powers.
"Is this going to happen at every party?" Fury remarked from behind them making them turn to him, some with annoyed glances.
"You're not allowed to say anything about this, 'Mr. Off-Limits'." Sam proclaimed, feeling a tad responsible for keeping Fury out of the games. Especially after what happened last time.
"I won't be forced to partake in childish games like that. Y/n had it coming." Fury explained, any remorse he might've felt long gone.
Steve crossed his arms, his shirt tightening around his arms as he tried to bite his tongue. "You nearly broke her arm." He suddenly spoke up. Sam's suggestive smirk made him regret it instantly but thankfully Sam chose not to say anything.
"Gotta admit. Her resolve is pretty firm. It's actually pretty hot." Sam wiggled a brow at Steve. The poor blonde wanted to curl up and die in shame but Sam wasn't wrong.
Perhaps it was her determination and strong will that had attracted him. They were characteristics he was known for as Captain America but yet somehow her will was more powerful than his own.
It was one of the many things that he had loved her for. And one of the things that kept him going during the five years without her.
"Ugh. Can we please not talk about my niece like this?" Tony groaned, hating the idea of them sexualizing the girl he'd practically raised since she was a teen. Steve agreed, unsure how much longer he'd be able to stand them talking about her.
"Ooo, look. She's onto Thor now." Peter piped up pointing a finger toward Y/n as she made her way to the golden haired god. Yet the warning glare he received from Tony was enough to make him quiet again and he silently sunk back into the crowd behind them.
"I've got too many kids."
"Thor!" Y/n cheered. Upon hearing his name, the Asgardian turned returning her smile with a brilliant grin. The flask in his hand was opened yet there was no flush to his face signaling he was either only mildly buzzed or close to it.
"Lady Y/n. I was beginning to wonder when you'd come around. I do cherish our time together." Thor's smile was kind and radiant but she couldn't help but think there was still one smile that could outshine even that of a god's.
"Oh, you know I'd never miss a kiss from you." Y/n returned the charm, allowing his arm to come around her waist, resting at a comfortable distance from her hips. Thor had been the most accepting of their games and never seemed to go through the confusion that the rest did. Or maybe that was just her.
"I was just telling Valkyrie of your little games. She finds them truly amusing. Perhaps I'll convince you to accept her into the tournament." Thor explained, gesturing the hand holding his flask toward Valkyrie.
"Well, it's not exactly a tournament, just a little fun to keep things interesting. You're welcome to join if you're up for it." Y/n smiled, offering a small nod of acceptance toward the warrior woman.
"A competition among women where men are the victims? Sounds like my kind of crowd." Valkyrie replied, an excited smile landing on her lips as the two woman shared a look of mutual approval.
"Wonderful." Thor praised, the joy in his tone seeming to radiate off of him, infecting Y/n with each passing second she was in his grasp. "Now Lady Wanda spoke of this night's challenge. I believe you have a suggestive comment in which to lift me yes?" He spoke, looking down at Y/n as she began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Yes, Thor. In return for the pick up line, I get a kiss. But only if you enjoy it." She recited the rules earning a heartfelt smile from him in return.
"If it is spoken by you I'm bound to enjoy it." He told her earnestly. There was something in the way he would speak that made a girl's knees weak and while Y/n was able to withstand it better than most, she wondered if he was striving for that reaction from her.
Y/n shook her head at him, giving him a half-hearted glare as she looked up at him. "Alright, here it goes." She warned him, taking his attentive gaze as a confirmation to continue.
"Hey, gorgeous. Was your father a thief? Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes." Before Y/n could even offer a wink or a smirk, thunderous laughter sounded from the man beside her, drawing the attention of everyone around them.
A flush of pink bloomed on her face, slightly embarrassed under the eyes of so many, especially Steve, yet she wasn't able to dwell on it for long as she was swept up into the air. Ever the enthusiast, Thor had excitedly boosted her into the air and spun her before allowing her feet to reach the ground again, a little unsteadily from how fast he'd acted.
"You've certainly lifted me, Lady Y/n." Thor told her, bringing her smile back as she regained her balance. "Are you ready for your kiss now?" He inquired, his hand resting comfortably on her waist as he insured she was still willing to welcome a kiss.
With a small nod she leaned up accepting his lips in a teasing yet modest kiss not unlike the one they'd shared before. They pulled away a moment later, smiling at each other as Thor's hand easily slipped away from her waist.
"I'm afraid I must send you off in order for you to return victorious." Thor said, a hint of reluctance in his tone yet in a taunting way similar to friendly banter.
"And that I shall. I'm the best, you know." Y/n declared. Valkyrie laughed beside her, lifting her own glass toward Y/n in a sort of cheers.
"For now. We'll see next time who's the best." Y/n clinked her empty glass with Valkyrie's nodding respectfully as she made a note to get more champagne.
"May the best woman win." Y/n smirked, oblivious to the eyes on her as she walked off toward the bar.
Part Two
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samiwok · 4 years
Konichiwa(つ≧▽≦)つ Hope you are doing okay~ So i am a lil nervous cuz this is my first request and oh my ramen here we go (*﹏*) Maybe something similar to your recent post with Oikawa and Atsumu...How Atsumu,Kuroo and Kags will react if but their gf actually can defend herself and she is kicking the boys ass who flirted with her and yeah the boys didn't expect their little angel to be a beast. I am sorry if this is too much for ask! Take your time!♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) Luv u💗✨
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-> s/o getting annoyed by a group of boys but defends herself [ Atsumu, Kuroo, Kageyama ]
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— Kuroo
Kuroo had just finished his training session with Nekoma and he was about to go home when he saw your messages
« Babe, it isn’t really an emergency but some guys are bothering me so if you could come if would be nice please »
« Btw, i’m right in front of Nekoma High school » you added in your message
When he read this, Kuroo just left the gym without saying goodbye or anything else to his teammates
All he could think about was « is she okay right now ? » and it had him shivering
While he was running he squinted to see in the distance and he was surprised of the scene going on under his eyes
You were standing up to the boys
« Come on pretty girl, give me your number I think I’m your type but you’re too shy to admit it » the boy said
Your were looking at him with such disgust in your eyes « You know what I think ? I think there isn’t any girl who is attracted by you so you bother people »
« You bitch I dare you to repeat this » he said quite aggressively
« Oh but I can and I will repeat it a thousand times if you need it, you disgust me and probably not just me » you said to him
After just a few minutes Kuroo arrived and he put his arm around your shoulders « hi babe » he said kissing you in front of the boys
He then turned to them « She isn’t single if this is what you’re asking yourself » and he took your hand and left
On the way Kuroo was smirking and you asked him « why the fuck are you smiling like that ? »
« Nothing » he said. « It’s just that I thought you needed me to rescue you but you don’t need a Prince Charming, princess » he added, still smirking
You laughed and looked at him « what does that mean? »
He stopped to kiss you sensually « it means you were hot as fuck when you replied to these idiots babe »
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— Kageyama
You were waiting for Kageyama right in front of Karasuno High school and while you were waiting some guys started to talk to you
It was that kind of guys who never leave you alone if you do not reply
So you decided to tell kageyama to come because you didn’t want to be bothered any longer by them
« I’m waiting for you Tobio-kun but please, come asap, I’ll explain to you when you’re here » you sent to him
Meanwhile kageyama was leaving the gym when he felt his phone vibrating
He looked at his messages and when he saw yours he got really worried even tho your message was not specially alarming
But Tobio really cared about you and so he started running
When he arrived, he attended to something he thought he’d never saw
One of the boys was getting too close to you and when he put his hand on your shoulder you took his wrist and you punched his throat
The boy was suffering a little, and the other tried to hit you but Kageyama stopped him, with a dark look
He just took your hand and left far away from them
« You almost scared me you know » Tobio told you
« How that ? » you answered quite surprised by what your bf was saying
« Well I thought those hands were only made to cuddle me but now I find out they can also punch hard » he said laughing « maybe I should stop tease you all day everyday »
« Well there is a lot of things you still need to discover about me Tobio-Kun » you answered with a smirk on your face
« Sexy » he said kissing your forehead softly
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
♥︎ Seven Deadly Sins ♥︎ ot7
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♥︎ One ♥︎
Summary: The seven princes of hell, who are the embodiment of the seven deadly sins, are sent on a mission to find the human with the purest soul. The prince who successfully retrieves the pure soul will become the next king..but what happens when all 7 of the princes fall in love with the beautiful soul?
♥︎ Pairings: ot7 x OC (original character)
♥︎ Genre: fantasy; fluff, smut, angst
♥︎Word Count: 4.0k
♥︎ Warnings: smut/sexual scenes and situations, heavy language, polyamory
♥︎Rating: Mature (18+)
prev. //next.
The world is a hellish place, that's for sure.
Everywhere you look, you see some form of evil. Whether it be someone spending too much on a purse, or someone looking at themselves in the mirror thinking that they are the best thing since sliced bread.
The thing is, most of these humans don't realize what they're doing. They show little-to-no respect or gratefulness for the things they have. Most of them believe that they need more. That one dollar isn't enough. So then if they had a million...would that not be enough either?
It's all a race. For example, two brothers racing to have a better life when in reality they're just wasting it away to receive superficial things that will just be gone when they leave this world. It's idiotic, and self-centered. If people actually thought about how well they have it, they wouldn't sin. And well, every single human being sins on this planet. It's what makes it go around.
The person sitting next to you at a restaurant just ate his girlfriend's food of her plate. The waiter is stealing another waiters tip money. The owner of the restaurant is sleeping with someone else's wife. The customer threw his drink at the waitress because his food was too cold. The group of teenagers won't get up to leave to make room for the next group. Sin. It's all around. And there's no escaping it.
Well, unless you're the Pure Soul.
Choi Nari. Her name means Lily in English. And the name lily means "purity."
She's known for her ethereal looks, and cascading long black hair that flows so softly. She's sent from heaven, but has no idea of her origins. She only believes she's a human just like everyone else. And lives a life filled with peace and love.
She never harmed a single soul in all of her lifetimes. Once every hundred years, she is reborn, and every one of those years, she's avoided the devil, whom wants her all to himself. The reason? Well, you always want what you can't have, right? The devil is all sins, himself.
This reincarnation, however, will be a bit different. There's something different about her, and the only way she'll be able to avoid the devil is if she avoids sin.
The devil has his own plans, though. Hell stop at nothing to have her. He will send all of his seven sons to earth, for they need to bring her back alive so he could deal with her. And the son that successfully brings her back, will become the next king of hell.
His sons were the embodiment of the seven deadly sins. And his goal was to make the Pure Soul suffer all seven of them, and make her sin to have her all for himself.
If this plan works, he'd successfully take away all the food in the world. So, he hopes all seven of his boys will not falter at her beauty.
"You what us to do what?" Yoongi huffed at his father, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hell no, I'm not fucking leaving my soft bed for that."
Yoongi is the prince of laziness, and definitely lived up to his title. He dreamed of living as a rock in his next life, but sadly, his next life was never going to occur. He was immortal. There was ways he could die, though. But for now, the best he could do was imagine he was a rock while he slept.
The devil growled. "Sloth, you dare to deny me?"
All seven of the boys were gathered in the throne room, where the devil sat on a large chair that floated on flames. The room was all black, with a bit of red detailing.
The devil was very old. He wanted to retire the throne to one of his sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. They were all so untrustworthy and well, the only one who he probably could trust was the one who envisions himself as a rock. That's just sad.
When Yoongi didn't answer him, The devil's voice boomed across the high-ceilings. "God damnit sloth! You're so slow sometimes."
Smiling, Yoongi winked at his father. "It's what I do best, dad."
Still fuming, the devil looked towards his oldest son, who was currently eating a bowl of noodles. "I-how did you even get those?" He smacked a hand to his head, sighing. This was ridiculous.
Jin didn't even answer. He just kept slurping his noodles until his father got mad enough to move on with what he was saying.
"Listen, my sons. I need you to retrieve the Pure Soul."
"The pure soul?" Jimin smirked. "That hot ass chick from heaven?"
The devil smiled viciously. "Yes, that's right." Rubbing his hands together, he raised an eyebrow. "And son, I give you full permission to seduce her in any way." He laughed, knowing she wouldn't be able to cave in from his charm.
"So, she's hot? Does she need money?" Taehyung smirked as well, crossing his arms. "I could give her anything in the world."
This was getting out of hand. All he needed was for his boys to bring her back here. "Okay. Anyway, you have 100 days to bring this beast back here, got it? And none of you dare to get attached to her, or you'll be dead meat." He huffed, praying they wouldn't turn against him. Heh, praying. He hasn't done that in a while.
"She couldn't be any near attractive as me, father." Namjoon smiled. "You have nothing to worry about."
The devil hoped that were true, but he knew how beautiful this woman was, and also knew that his sons have never seen anyone like her. Even Lust, who's slept with countless demons and everything in between. He's never seen a pure soul. And even the devil himself wouldn't be able to resist.
“So, what do we get if we bring her back?” Taehyung smirked, looking at his brothers. They all looked as if they didn’t care. Well, except Jimin. He just wanted something to fuck. But Taehyung knew what he wanted. And what he wanted was to take his father’s place. His greed was strong for it, and wouldn’t stop for anything or anyone.
The devil smiled. Finally. He should’ve known it was going to be greed. He couldn’t turn down anything especially if he’ll get something out of it. “Well, the throne, of course.” He shrugged his arms upward, a sneer on his lips. “That is, if you earn it.”
“Oh, believe me, father. I will.” He laughed, looking towards his younger brother, Jungkook.
Jungkook was starting to get mad. He absolutely hated it when Taehyung would get whatever he wanted. It just wasn’t fair. As his eyes began to fade from a dark brown to a vibrant red, the prince of envy patted his shoulder. “Down, boy.”
His eyes faded back to their usual color. Envy was nice, when he wasn’t jealous. He was a sweetheart, and always seemed to be able to calm him down. He goes by Hobi, but his name is Hoseok.
“Alright. Now. Are you guys ready.” The devil growled impatiently. “Do you have everything you need?”
Every one of his sons nodded, except Yoongi. He was now sleeping while standing up. Was that even possible?
“Sloth!” The devil sneered, just waking him enough to blink. “Dammit I don’t even—Do you have everything you need?”
Yawning, he opened his mouth to mumble “have everything for what?”
Silence broke out among them. “You…you know what..just fucking go.” With the flick of his hand, the boys were now transported through time to the planet earth, where they now need to search for the Pure Soul. But wait..how will they find her?
South Korea
Spring time, 2021
The trees were blossoming. The beautiful colors of whites and pinks danced as the petals fell to the ground. Nari was enchanted with them. Their beauty was astounding. She wished she was like them, to be so graceful, even while they fell.
Her favorite season was spring. She lived a full twenty five years of life constantly waiting for spring to come back around every year. She loved to see the flowers bloom, and all the aromas of different plants. She wished she was one. They never had to worry about anything. They just looked pretty.
She never had any friends to share her happiness with. She always wished for some, praying to god that she won't be alone anymore. Was there a reason why she was? Was it because she always agreed with everyone? Was it because she was too nice?
Well, she was too nice, but she had no control over that. It's just how she was made. She didn't know she was from heaven. She only knew that her family died when she was small, and doesn't remember them. So she was alone in this world, lost and left to find her way through life. She only wished she had someone to love unconditionally, just like the couples she'd see as she'll walk down the streets.
Nari made her way back to her small apartment. It was perfect for her though. Just enough space for her to cohabitate with her cat, Mochi. There was one bedroom, and a living space that combined with the kitchen. A tiny bathroom was across from her room, but it was big enough to have a full-sized tub in it. She did like baths more than showers, anyway.
As she walked into her bedroom, her cat was sprawled out on its back on the bed, purring as it slept. Mochi was a happy cat, and loved belly rubs and being held. She’s never had a cat that loved as much attention as mochi did, and he was the type of cat that never wanted to leave her side.
“Hello, mochi mochi.” She smiled, giving him a little pet. “How’s my cutie?” The cat let out a large yawn, then started to stretch out his paws. “Ah. Big stretch.” She chuckled, letting the cat continue to sleep and walked over to her desk in front of the window.
All over it was scattered drawings and short poems she’d write when she was bored. There was something off with her, though, and she knew it. She always wondered why she flowed with everything that went on around her. No matter what it was, she’d agree with it. That includes relationships.
Nari has never been in one. Despite how stunningly beautiful she was, no one would give her the time of day. She also didn’t know her own beauty, which might be part of the reason. But was she meant to live alone in this world? Was that her purpose?
Feeling upset with herself, she walked over to her full-body mirror. There she stood, her long white dress flowed down past her knees, and her long black hair fell down towards her backside. She curled the ends of it today, feeling happy with the way it looked. Her eyes were a hazel type color, but closer to green that black. Her lips were a soft pink, that plumped and were Un-chapped. 
She was beautiful. No one would be able resist her. And now, the reason she’s never had a significant other was because she never let herself notice that someone was trying. That could be because god hated the idea of it. Her soul purpose was to keep sin away from taking over the world. He never expected her to start thinking for herself. She’s been reincarnated since the beginning of time. So why is she starting to think for herself?
 She spent 25 years of life without any sexual activity. Without anything special in her life. She never had a family, and works as an ice cream shop cashier. There’s nothing to her life. No purpose. She wanted to change that. But as soon as that thought went through her head, it left like a flicker of light.
“Dude, this is absolutely ridiculous.” Yoongi huffed once again, just wanting to rest. “How are we supposed to find her.”
“Yeah.” Taehyung sighed, holding pink petals in his hands that were falling down from the branches above. “Anyway, what are these things?”
“I wonder if they taste good.” Jin giggled as he stuffed a few in his mouth. Spitting them out after a few chews, he shook his head. “Nope. Not good.”
Namjoon was sitting down on the ground with his legs crossed. There were lots of people walking by, and he noticed a man fixing his hair in the camera of his phone. Smirking, he closed his eyes and made the man see himself in a new light. Too bad that new light was for him to think too highly of himself. The man then tossed his phone onto the ground and walked away, thinking he was too good to have one.
“Damn, Joon. We just got here.” Hoseok muttered. “Let’s just stick to our task.”
Nodding, Jungkook spoke up. “Yeah, let’s find this girl so we don’t combust.”
Jin side-eyes him. “What do you mean, combust?”
“Well, you were too busy eating to even pay attention to father.” Jk rolled his eyes at his hyung. Leaning up against one of the trees, he smirked. “Father said he’ll kill us if we don’t find the girl.”
Jin bursts out in laughter. “Yeah, right. As if he—wait you’re serious?” His face turned from playful to worried. “I—oh, you are serious.”
“We need a plan.” Taehyung dropped the flower petals off his palm and dusted them off. “I say we split up.”
“It’ll be an uneven number then.” Jimin pointed out, who seemed to be in and out of the conversation. There were plenty of pretty girls walking around, and he was turning himself on. “Anyway, I just want something to fuck. I’ve never fucked a human before..”
Ignoring Jimin, Namjoon agreed with Tae. “Yeah, Tae, I think we should do that too.” He pointed to Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. “You guys go one way, we’ll go the other.”
Yoongi was surprisingly awake, and agreed also. “Alright. That’s good with me. As long as I don’t gotta do any work.”
As the boys set on to where they needed to be, little did they know that Nari passed them out as she was walking to work.
They kept walking, and Taehyung noticed a brand new car roll up to the curb. Smirking, he left the group to go check it out.
He walked around it with his arms behind his back, looking it over. He must’ve looked off because the owner of the car came out and asked what he needed.
Wrong question.
“What do I need, you ask?” Tae smiled down at the man. “What I need..is this car.” He smirked, his eyes turning into an icy blue. He wanted it, and he’ll get it. The man proceeded to give him the keys and stood stationary, and Taehyung called over Jimin and Jungkook.
“Let’s go boys!” He yelled, and hopped into the drivers seat. He didn’t even know how to drive, but he’ll make himself.
“That was fucking sick, hyung!” Jimin high-fived hun as Jungkook sat in the back with a frown on his face.
Jimin noticed. “What’s wrong, Jk?” He asked him, turning back towards him in the leather seat.
“I wanted that fucking seat.” He hissed at him, sending daggers through his eyes. This made Jimin nervously laugh, and he turned back around.
“Anyway!” Jimin changed the subject. “Where should we look for her? What does she even look like, anyway?”
As Tae drove, he described her. “Well, she has long black hair and a bright soul. We should be able to see who she is the minute our eyes land on her.”
“Ah.” Jimin nodded. “Well, the minute my eyes land on her is the minute I’ll fuck her.”
“Jesus, Jimin. Lay off the sex for once. Some of us need it too.” Jungkook growled from the back seat.
This made Jimin laugh. “Yeah, as if anyone would be attracted to your wrath ass.”
“Don’t piss him off, Jimin. I really want a peaceful ride.” Tae huffed, stepping on the gas. “I say we look around a shopping mall. Girls like shopping here too, right?”
“I like shopping.” Jk muttered under his breath.
“I say we should go to a park or something.” Jimin chimed in.
Taehyung scrunched his nose. “The fuck is a park?”
Letting it pass, they decided to drive to the nearest mall, while the older brothers were currently walking by foot to find her.
“Do you think she’ll like me? I think she’ll love me. I mean, who wouldn’t? Look at me!” Joon laughed, talking himself up as they walked amongst the humans. “I’m getting all the stares!”
“Um, no. I think it’s actually Yoongi. He looks like he’s dead.” Hoseok chimed, holding in his laughter.
Yoongi was sleepwalking. He couldn’t keep his head up, and was nearly walking like a zombie. He was catching all the eyes around him and Namjoon thought it was all for him. Well, he was most certainly attractive. But he wasn’t the reason for the stares.
Pouting, Namjoon rolled his eyes. “I’m sure I’m the reason for some of them at least.”
“Oh my god! Look! It’s a noodle restaurant!” Jin excitedly chanted, jumping up and down. He was a grown man, and looked like he was a kid at a candy store. “Let’s go!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea—hey!” Hoseok got cut off as Jin grabbed ahold of his shirt.
All four of them sat down at a table, their legs too long for the chairs. All seven of the boys were above six feet tall. That was because Satan was nearly seven feet.
“Do you think that the other boys found the girl yet?” Namjoon said as he chomped on the noodles. The noodles that they weren’t going to be able to pay for.
“Nah.” Yoongi said, shaking his head. “But if they did, good for them I guess.”
Jin was already on his fifth bowl. “I don’t really want to be king anyway. I just came here for the food.”
“Jesus fuck.” Hobi grunted. The soup part was too hot for him. “This is fucking spicy. Why is it spicy?”
“Maybe because you got the chili powder.” Jin chuckled, grabbing Hoseok’s bowl. “Here, I’ll eat it.”
Hoseok glared at him with a frown. “I don’t know how you’re so skinny.”
“Alright guys.” Joon clapped. “We should get a move on with finding her.”
When no one responded to him, he sighed, shaking his head. “Maybe I should’ve picked a better group.”
As Joon was thinking this, Taehyung was thinking the same thing.
“Alright, where is Jimin at now?” Tae sighed, putting a hand up to his head as they stood in the middle of the mall. They looked like giants amongst all of the people there, making them stand out even more. Jungkook stood next to Tae, also wondering where Jimin went.
“All I know is that he said something about going to flirt with the cute girls.” Kook stated, shaking his head. “I don’t know which cute girls he was talking about, though.”
“Oh my god. It’s never ending with him. We can’t bring him anywhere.”
It was silent for a moment, until Jungkook spoke up again. “Do you ever get so mad that you just want to kill them?”
Taehyung looked at him, blinking. “I can’t take you anywhere, either.”
While Taehyung was having an existential crisis, Nari was three stores down from him in her cute ice cream shop.
A few cute boys walked in, and ordered some ice cream. As she gathered their order, one of them kept asking for her number. “My number? Like a phone number?” She mumbled, scrunching her eyebrows.
“Yes.” The cute boy nodded, a smile on his face when he thinks he’s getting it.
“Ah, that. Well, I don’t have a phone.” She smiled at him, and continued to scoop his ice cream. The bus’s friends all laughed at this, making the one who asked get upset.
“Listen here you little bitch.” The boy reached over to grab her by the neck, making her confused as to why he freaked out. She just said she didn’t have a phone. As he pulled her against the glass of the ice cream stand, someone’s voice boomed through the shop.
“Hey hey, that’s no way to treat a lady.” The boy said playfully, making the boy who was holding Nari falter. “Well, only when you’re in bed, I guess.”
His hair was a dark blue, almost black. His eyes nearly looked as if they were a pink of some sort, but maybe he was wearing contacts.
After that comment, the blue haired man stood face-to-face with the asshole who held Nari. Letting her go, he turned toward him. “Who the fuck are you?” He said, his two friends standing behind him with crossed arms.
The mysterious man didn’t even look over at Nari. He just glared at the boy. In came two more boys, who immediately walked over to the mysterious guy. One of them had longer hair than the other, but both of them had black hair. All three of them were unusually tall, and looks as if they had no fear. The longer haired guy spoke up. “I’ll beat your ass so hard you won’t be able to walk.”
The three other boys seemed to get a bit scared, knowing they had no chance against these guys. Nari stood there, in awe of their beauty. She never had thoughts of anyone like this. They were all so beautiful, she just wanted to know more. She wanted to know why they were standing up for her.
As the three childish boys ran out of the store, Nari caught eyes with the blue haired boy, who immediately dropped his jaw.
Jimin couldn’t believe his eyes. There she stood, the most beautiful soul of the human race. Her long locks were held back by a scrunchie, and her eyes were lined with black eyeliner. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t help but stare. He wanted her.
Taehyung felt the same way as well. How in the world could a creature like this exist in the world. Is this way his father wanted her? He began to experience dirty thoughts, some of them pertaining to keeping her all to himself. That could be because of who he was—Greed. He wanted her. He wanted her bad.
Jungkook was quietly staring, his eyes open wide. He’s never experienced this feeling before, but to be fair, he’s never seen someone so beautiful in all his years of life. He wished to have something so passionately, and that something was her. He didn’t care that his brothers were also infatuated with her, he wanted her all to himself, too.
Nari didn’t even know what she had done to the boys. She had no idea that she was made just to compel the sins themselves.
What was she supposed to do now? Was she supposed to thank them? She really had no idea. But before she had the opportunity to say anything, one of the boys said something first.
“Well, we finally meet.” Taehyung smirked. “Choi Nari. The Pure Soul.”
“The..the what?”
prev. // next.
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Echoes: a Descendants Fanfic
The children of the isle, and the children of Auradon, are now lost and alone in an unknown world.
Can they remember the truth? Can they remember who they really are? Is it possible for them to find their way back home?
All they have left, are the echoes from another life...
Chapter 1: Uma
His large, calloused hand slowly caressed her cheek. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, the wood smell of his clothes. How sweet it felt to be around him. Hot specks of ash flew around them, amid a thunderous sound of revolts, screams, some crackling fire. It looked like the end of the world. Through a haze, she blurred a pair of blue eyes full of melancholy, a sadness weighing on him.
"Come on Hook, I'll always be a just step away from you, " she said in a voice she didn't recognize.
"I know, we are light from the same star, right?" His deep voice slipped from his lips, tears streaming down his dirty face. Behind him, a pulsing red light blinded them, giving the young man the mythical appearance of a fiery creature. He leaned in, bringing their foreheads together in a desperate attempt to feel her close one last time "Goodbye, Uma ..."
Her eyes snapped open, her heart pounded. His words still echoed in her head, she still felt that suffocating heat, the chaotic sensation, and the sadness that vision had caused her. It had been brief, but still, she felt like she had been sleeping for days like she didn't think she would ever be able to wake up. But now the cold of the undaunted room made her hair stand on end and reminded her that it had all been a dream. She blinked several times, barely realizing she was clinging tightly to the sheets, making sure she had returned to reality. She put her hand to her heart and felt it pounding and excited. It felt alive. "I miss you," she thought, closing her eyes to that strange and familiar feeling, "Even if I don't know who you are."
Uma watched the snowfall through the grimy window and found that just as it had happened every day in that dead tundra, the sun had not risen. In that forgotten corner of fleeting feelings, only the gloom remained. Without fire, without chaos, there was no one by her side. Her breath resonated on the icy upholstered walls as if floating in the heavy silence that only abandoned houses have, that sad emptiness of having had and have lost. She got up from the bed.
But of course, Uma couldn't remember ever having anything. That loss was all she knew. All that remained inside her, like a luminous lamppost guiding her, was the hope that one day she would be able to recover everything she had lost. She walked through the lonely house, her long blue hair falling like soft clouds over her naked body, two small front braids, eternally tied, from which hung small amulets whose meanings she did not know. Only the heavy wool blanket that had wrapped her up during the night covered her.
Just like every day, Uma went to the small kitchen, lit the oil lamps, and started to heat the tea. Outside, the wind whistled, and as she cracked two eggs on a frying pan, the heat of the kitchen reminded her of her dream. Fire, ash, the musty smell of gunpowder and blood, the boy with blue eyes. That was her dream. Over and over, that vision haunted her at night. He had lost count of how many times she had had that same dream, always the same, always leaving her with that feeling that she did not understand, but could not get rid of. "I miss you".
Something inside Uma told her that there was a reason why it felt so real, why it kept popping up in her mind. It was more than a dream, it was a memory. But she couldn't be sure, Uma wasn't sure about anything. As far as she knew, that exciting memory could only be an invention of her mind.
In town, they called her a witch. They said that magic had destroyed her mind, and that was why she did not remember who she was. Maybe they were right. Maybe that sad-eyed boy she called "Hook" wasn't real, it was just magic confusing her mind. As Uma ate her breakfast, listening in the distance to the howling laughter of the forest elves, she couldn't help but feel once again disappointed that the dream hadn't changed. Why couldn't she remember more? She sipped her tea and tried to forget about it.
The last fishermen of the town began to gather their nets with slow and tired movements. It had been a long day. Uma said goodbye to them with a kiss thrown into the air, as was the tradition, and they responded in the same way, thanking her for the help and hard work. The dogs surrounded her amid joyous barking, and she had to dodge them laughing, as she walked away carrying her own basket overflowing with fish. In front of her stood the messy mound of windows, balconies, doors, and chimeneas. Uma had always thought that those particular tower-towns so common in the northern lands, looked like a tree made of houses stuck together. An oasis by the sea, a refuge from that mysterious, cold, and hostile land.
She entered the city swinging her basket, she knew perfectly the path between that maze of stairs. Here, the air was different, it smelled of bread, sweat, coal, human heat. It was more joyous, more comforting. Uma found the company she needed just by seeing the townspeople in their daily life while continuing to climb to the top. Boys hauling lumber, up alleys with the day's game on their backs, people on balconies spreading clothes, shaking rugs, or lighting lanterns. She paused for a moment, daring to look back, to see the huge sea from above.
Up there, where she was at the height of the birds flying and the trees seemed tiny, Uma stopped feeling so alone. Up there, among the wind, the heat, the flowers in the windows, the amber lights in the houses, and the noise of the people, even if it was only for an instant, Uma could almost feel normal, like someone loved, like someone human. And that was precisely what had motivated her to dream of one day, to be able to raise enough money to buy a little house in the highest part of town, where she could wake up every day in the midst of that joyous daily life, where she could finally feel that she was someone.
Finally, Uma reached her destination. She entered the narrow, candlelit establishment and approached the counter. She put the basket on the floor, and a skinny girl came out from the back.
"Uma! How are you? How are things going down there on the plain?" The girl greeted her with a charming smile. Uma shrugged, returning the smile.
" Hi Ruba, you know, cold as always ... I brought fish" replied Uma, smiling fondly at the girl in the store.
"I see they had good fishing today, right?" Ruba looked at her excitedly, and Uma only answered with her head "Well! How much do you want for it? It looks very good, how about 60 coins?"
"Are you crazy? Your mother would kill me if she finds out you gave me that much money" said Uma, laughing slightly. The girl from the store smiled, pleased to see her happy, and handed her a bag of fifty coins on the counter.
"Come on, take them, " Ruba said with a wink. "My mother doesn't have to know ..." Uma laughed again, slightly flushed.
"If you insist" she answered taking the bag and weighing it on her hand with pride. Ruba sighed with a huge smile.
"You know? I don't even think mother notices ... She is too busy licking a foreigner's boots" Ruba whispered with an amused tone "They say he came from the warm lands of the south and we are renting him my brother's room, you should have seen his face, He is furious to have to sleep on the kitchen floor, but he had no choice ..."
"He comes from the warm lands?" Asked Uma intrigued "And how is he?"
"Well, he is tall and handsome ... He's tanned, you know, like the people of the South ... He came on the train dressed as a prince with a ruffled suit and a suitcase full of wonders ..." Ruba explained with bright eyes of emotion "I'm sure he would love to meet you!"
"Me? Why?"
"Because you are a witch, you are the best that´s ever happened in this boring town ..."
"Thank you?"
"Oh, I almost forgot! I wanted to give you something… " Ruba said happily and took out from the folds of her dress a small wrapped package.
"To me?" Uma asked, surprised, and happy. No one had given her a gift since her teacher had died.
"The stranger brought us gifts from the south, you know, for letting him stay, and I thought why not give one to my favorite witch?" Ruba admitted, blushing a little. Uma smiled gratefully and took Ruba's hand in a happy squeeze.
"Thank you, Ruba, for everything ... You are the best friend I have made in this town ..." answered Uma, delicately keeping the gift in its folds. Ruba smiled from ear to ear.
"And you are mine, Witch ..."
Night fell, heavy and freezing on the plain. By the time Uma returned home, the darkness was almost absolute. Despite carrying a flashlight, she had to tap the walls for a long time to find the door. When she entered, the wall of enchanted tapestries greatly lessened the cold and the furious roar of the night wind. As soon as the door closed behind her, Uma dropped to the floor, exhausted, looking at the small hall of the house. Silence, again that deadly silence. With ragged breathing, she decided that she would stay there until her muscles relaxed, and she leaned against the wall, staring blankly, imagining not having to go back to that empty and distant house every day. She took off her coat, brushing dust and snow from her hair. In her pocket, she felt the small wrapped package that Ruba had given her, and Uma smiled again as she took it out. A gift from the south.
What wonders could come from those lands? Uma couldn't even imagine it. That northern land had been all she knew, all that interested her. That was what her teacher, the witch Aida, had taught her. Five years had passed since the villagers had found her, so cold and pale, that they had thought she was a corpse. They said that she came from the sea during a stormy night, an unconscious body that the waves threw to the beach. Villagers had given her a two-day funeral and attempted to bury her in an unmarked grave. But when the first earth fist was placed on her, she woke up. The frightened villagers took her with the only person in miles around who knew about the mysterious affairs of the world: Aida, the old witch of the forest.
Before that, Uma had no memories. She didn't know who she was, what she was, or where she came from. She only remembered the sea, the lightning, and the feeling of having lost something. Old Aida had taken her, cared for her, fed her, healed her wounds. She was the one who helped Uma overcome the shock and discovered that she knew how to speak, write, knew about the things of the world. But she still didn't know anything about herself. "You are a witch," her teacher had told her. "I can feel your magic, you probably got into forces that you shouldn't have, and this is the price you must pay. " After six months, Uma began to dream about the blue-eyed boy. And because of that dream, that memory, Uma was able to remember her name. Aida tried spells to make her remember more but never succeeded, and all Uma was left with was that fuzzy image of a world on fire.
Aida was a traditional woman, who during the time she met her taught her to rejoice in the little things in life, to cook, to attract fish, to become human again. And a year ago the old woman had died, sitting in her chair, leaving Uma with one last lesson to learn: how to survive alone. And Uma had learned, hunting her food and selling the fish that she trapped to the town's merchants, little by little, learning to make friends, to be kind to people, to trust them. Rarely did Uma think of the possibility that the world existed beyond that frozen region, that magic-filled forest, and that sparkling sea.
Uma untied the laces of Ruba's gift, thinking about her teacher, for the first time wondering if, in other lands, she could stop feeling the emptiness that consumed her inside.
She unwrapped the slip of paper, and a gold ring fell into her open hand. As soon as the metal touched her skin, Uma felt a jolt that shook her heart, like an electric shock that tore out the air, while in her head the vision of the boy with blue eyes appeared again, and his voice repeating the same words in an infinite cycle "We are light from the same star".
"Harry ..." she whispered as if her soul was breathing for the very first time "I remember you ..."
Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25621861/chapters/62193694
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