#when it becomes so solid that you have to work some of your charachter ideas around it
minweber · 2 months
Been replaying mass effect recently, and going through the second game it once again stuck out to me how Mordin's whole "modifying the existing genophage" thing feels a bit like a last-minute patch. Half of all conversations Shepard can have with him on the topic are about the original deployment of the genophage, not his modification of the thing, and not once during his extensive defenses does he try to fall back on the idea that he only maintained status quo. And so much of his arc revolves around not just guilt over having done something bad, but creator's guilt specifically...
What I mean by this is that I bet Trick Weekes originally wrote Mordin to be the actual creator of the genophage, and laid out his entire arc around that premise and probably wrote the key scenes... only for someone in the writers' room to be like "Uh, yeah, here is the thing about that..."
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Jonsa isn't happening. The show wouldn't waste time on creating a relationship between Jon and Daenerys only to forget about it in season 8. There is only 6 episodes left. Not enough time for anything. JONSA ISN'T HAPPENING. I'm even a fan of the ship but I know it's not happening in the show (or the books)
The show wouldn’t have wasted time on creating a relationship FULL of romantic tropes and parallels between Jon/Sansa and Ned/Cat, Jaimie/Brienne, Gilly/Sam, Robb/Talisa, and even Cercei/Jaimie, only to forget about it in Season 8 🙃
They would not have wasted screentime on creating a relationship, between Jon and Sansa, where they work as a team, where they take back their home TOGETHER, where Sansa is the mind and Jon is the sword, where they complement each other, where Jon starts acknowledging her intelligence, and actually begins listening to her, where they deeply bond and form a strong relationship based on trust, openness, partnership, companionship, communication, love and support, only to forget about it in Season 8 🙃
Jon is as closed as a pearl shell with Dandelion, he hasn’t told her A SINGLE thing about himself. Idk abt you, but I’m 1000% sure Jon isn’t in love with her, and 1000% sure that Dany is in love with the idea of him, and that’s it. 
Like for crying out loud, she doesn’t know anything about him! He hasn’t shared not even a small piece of personal information with her. THAT is HOW you bond with a person, the bonding has happened on her part only, only she, kept sharing personal stuff with him, it has been one sided since day 1. Which, has literally given Jon access to HER weaknesses and soft spots.
All she knows about him, is that he’s honorable, brave, a good commander/fighter, that the people love him and admire him, thus they chose him to be their King, to lead them, and that he took a knife to the heart, died for his people, and then came back to life. 
I repeat, she’s in love with the idea of him, because, she thinks, she sees herself in him, because she thinks he’s as magical as her lol Only, they could not be more different from one another. They have different goals, different ways of approaching certain situations, one would die to protect those he loves, for the greater good, the other has seen the army of the dead, 100.000+ of them, and yet still hesitates to help, because she is too self absorbed and obsessed with power and ruling. But she doesn’t know just how different they are, she doesn’t know what and how he really thinks, because she knows/because he hasn’t shared NOTHING personal about him/himself. I mean look at it this way, boasts around all these titles, “the unburnt”, while jon calls himself The King In The North and that’s pretty much it, we don’t see him calling himself, “the resurrected”, or “the undead”, idk, they ARE opposite of each other. 
Dandelion is entitled, tyrannical, pyromanic, narcissistic, power hungry, unpredictable, impulsive, doesn’t know how to rule, has no respect for other cultures and their traditions, doesn’t care about “the people”, she likes to say that she does, I think part of her/her ego believes that she does, but she doesn’t, at all, it’s all about her image, how she wants to be perceived, it’s all a facade, deep down she’s not like that at all. She wants people falling at her feet in adoration, that’s her narcissistic side, she has a golden child too (Drogon), also part of being a narcissist, she like to be in the center of the attention, she likes power. Shecan sometimes display mercy and goodness, but only if it serves to preserve her image, and even then, her impulsiveness can get in the way of her “I am a good person, I care for the people” idea of herself and murder in cold blood (Randyll and Dickon)
Jon is none of those things, idk how some of you
He hasn’t told her anything about Sansa, about Bran and Arya, as if they don’t exist, he doesn’t give any info away to her about himself about his family, because he’s weary of her, and fears/he thinks she might find his weakness, or the Starks’ weakness, and use them against him, his family and his people, he can’t afford something like that. He does not trust her, and love, cannot exist without trust. Just look at how quickly he opened up to Gendry, he smiled, and laughed, and joked with him, from second 1 lmao THAT is how our Jon is, and not this “weary, always calculating and watching what he says” version we’ve seen with Dandelion.
I honestly don’t know where y'all Jondelion fans see love between them, but you do you, whatever floats your boat, I guess 😅😅
Their bond is supposedly based on what? Oh yes, talking about the Night King, and about the Wights, oh and yes, talking about the Night King, and of course the Night King too, also the White Walkers, oh and I almost forgot, The Night King as well, you lost two brothers too *crickets*, The army of the dead, The Night King, you took a knife to the heart *doesn’t open up about it, denies it (but he did tell Sansa all about it and more)*, the Night King, they’re going to come see you for WHAT you are (not WHOM, but WHAT, that s*it sounds ominous af), The Army ofthe dead, and the The Night King, we’re all gonna die if you don’t help, the Night King, the Wights. Like seriously, what even lmao
WHERE is the bonding? Just, WHERE?
Jon looks at Sansa in a way he’s never looked at Dany, he looses himself in her eyes, more times than we can count, and Sansa was fully clothed the whole time, just sayin’ 🤗 Sansa “can TWIST him, like no one else”. We’ve never seen Jon look at Dany tenderly, smiling tenderly and genuinely at her, we never saw him, sighing at her, while he lingered longingly on her eyes, he never longingly stared at her lips, not even in the boatbang scene lol The lip staring, seems like something Kit does, a lot, when he’s around a love interest in movies etc. it’s kind of his signature move. I mean he did it with Sansa/Sophie, why not doit with Dany/Emilia too? If he’s so in love with her? hm?
Care to explain the need of this VERY “platonic” scene, with VERY “platonic” looks and lip staring contests? 🙃
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The above scene was intense AF. You can try and fight me on this. I agree brothers might give their sisters a foreheard kisses, I get it, okay, but that forehead kiss is usually followed by a sweet, tender smile, a pat on the back or a pat on the head even, idk, but in no universe brothers stare with that type of intensity in their sister’s eyes after a forehead kiss, okay? 
If y'all brothers do that, they’re broken, and need repairing asap lol Jokes aside, I’d be worried and creeped tf out, if my brother kissed me like that, and then leaned in a little, stared deeply, intensively, and seriously into my eyes, and THEN stared at my LIPS!!! Oh hell no 🤢😷😖😖
There should’ve been a smile from the two of them, if they meant to pass this forehead kiss as platonic, the smiles would’ve added a familial feel to the kiss. Instead, Jon is all serious and has intense heart eyes for her, in the first gif, he LEANS IN towards her, after ending the kiss (for a second there, many people thought he was gonna kiss her. I watched that episode, with two male friends, whom I should add, both have sisters, and let me tell you, they were confused af by this kiss). 
Sansa was just as bloody confused as my friends (lol), by what Jon kissing her made her feel, you can literally see it on her face (3rd GIF), when Jon ends the kiss, she had to legit take a moment to recollect herself and, then, she looked at his lips for a moment, and then straight up in his eyes, no smile from her either, instead, she looked at him with a rather, vulnerable, confused look.
Care to explain these very “platonic” looks and strong “platonic” moments between them too?
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Have y'all see Jon laugh or smile with Dandelion, like at all? Cause I sure didn’t.
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And this very “platonic” arm grab and spin around, which is LITERALLY taken out of the “How to show Two Charachters are in Love, for Dummies” book? Care to explain this one too? 
D&D have used said book, A LOT, for Jon and Sansa. I mean come on! He looks at her, then at her hand, and then back up, which she kept there on his arm, she didn’t let go of him, when he spun around. So why, why have these scenes, if they mean nothing, they’ve had so many romantic tropes in their scenes, that at this point is RIDICULOUS lol 😆😆
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Jaimie and Tyrion are legit going to be like,
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when they watch them interact “platonically” in season 8 lol 🙈😂😂
Not to mention that, Jon and Sansa have had more scenes, and more screentime together, than Jondelion. lol
So don’t come here telling me, “they won’t have time for Jonsa to happen in 6 episodes”, because Jondelion boatbanged in roughly 4 episodes, with no bloody build up too lmao Jonsa already has a more than SOLID foundation, they don’t need more buildup, cause they were already built up in season 6 and 7. 🤗
After the secret is out, watch Sansa propose the match herself, it’s the most logical of things, she knows it’ll strengthen the North, and will secure her place at Winterfell, Littlefinger unknowingly planted the seed in her head, when he talked about a marriage alliance between Dandelion and Jon. By marrying him, she would never have to leave her home, ever again, she won’t ever have to marry some stranger, she’d marry someone she loves and whom she knows loves her back, someone she knows will NEVER hurt/harm her in any way, someone who has been nothing but, kind, gentle, loving towards her, and whom she knows respects her and appreciates her. 
And Jon, he would finally become a Stark. I 100% see Jon taking the Stark name through Sansa, thus finally becoming a Stark, something he’s always wanted. He’d have a strong, intelligent, kind and beautiful woman by his side, he’d finally have the family he’s always dreamed of. Once The secret about Jon comes out, not even a marriange alliance between Jon and Dandelion will make sense, they’d be gaining nothing from it lol The north would hate them and oppose them both, and they would NOT be uniting the South with the North like so many Jondelion fans say. A Jonsa marriage is inevitable in S8.
Jondelion was rushed af, and yet you come in my askbox saying that there’s not enough time for Jonsa to happen? lol When they had plenty of scenes togeter in 9 episides, and even after they parted, they kept popping up in each other’s conversations? They have a strong bond based on trust and love. They are open with each other, Sansa yells at him, he yells at her, they fight, they make up, they talk it out, just like a real married couple 😆. Jon gives Sansa a sense of security, he’s made her feel cared for, and safe, after so many years of feeling anything, but that, and she’s returned that love a thousandfold, she would do anything in her power to keep him safe, to make sure he doesn’t end up like Robb and Ned, you know, dead and without a head, and as I’ve said, he’d die for her, he went on this “suicude mission” to Dragonstone, for her, so he’d have a better chance at defeating the NK, and therefore at keeping her safe. He did it for the realm too, yes, but Sansa was the MAIN reason, Sansa is what drove all his actions, ever since they reunited, she is his 1st priority (“I’ll protect you, I promise”), for going to Dragonstone.
They can easily set things in motion for Jonsa in 3 episodes, that’s all it’s needed, they’re already very close, they’ve been through a lot together, they’ve had plenty of screentime together, they’ve already pretty much used all the romantic tropes, that are used to built up a romance between two characters, all that is needed now, is for the secret to be out. That, will be the cataclysm that will set everything in motion. Jon will find out first, in the first episode, and we’ll see him behave even more weirdly/ambiguously towards Sansa after finding out, there’ll be even more tention between them, especially coming from him. Y'all will see. 
So yeah, please don’t use the “'There’s not enough time” excuse/argument ever again, because it’s pretty pathetic, considering how fast they made Jondelion bang, with no build up, no foundation, no nothing. 
And if you can’t see how obvious Jonsa is, and how bland, rushed and built on nothing Jondelion is, I must say, you’re lying, you’re not a Jonsa shipper, but clearly a Jondelion one.
*thinks to herself - how do I always end up writing essays when I reply to asks?* 😅😅🙈🤣🤣
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