she/her 2006 baby 18 years old
Last active 2 hours ago
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you* *boops you*
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I don’t care if I know you bc we’re mutuals or I follow you or you follow me or if you’re just randomly on my dash/notes but if I see your url and I see that boop button you’re getting fucking booped
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Creating this post so everyone can spam me with boops idc who you are BUT DO IT
(reblog if I can spam you with like 100 boops or smth)
EDIT 4: I'M ALMOST AT TUMBLRRRRR HOLY SHIT?? Y'all are so sweet :((
Does anyone know anything bout this... Anything above Tumblr?
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sorry for being inactive, school is stressing me tf out :(( I'm still working on stuff tho, I'm gonna try to get some requests out in a few days. thank you!
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Rory Keaner x Reader
y/n pov:
My first day at the new school and I'm already exhausted. Having gone through the previous day organizing all my stuff in the small apartment I have bought was more tiring than I had thought, although I'm a vampire this moving made me lose a lot of meals and I'm starving. Getting out of my comfy bed, that I use only for the reasons that I like to pretend to sleep, I go to the kitchen looking for something to eat, of course there's nothing and I'm gonna have to be late.
narrator pov:
y/n goes back to her bedroom to change clothes, choosing a dark red long sleeve, to hide the blood in case she spills some, and dark brown pants with a pair of black shoes, tying her hair up she tosses everything she thinks she will need on her backpack, a notebook, her phone, an extra blouse and a new tube of sunscreen.
- am i forgetting something - she picks her backpack and scan the room for what might she have forgotten, deciding she has everything she goes to her living room to open the curtains for the three remaining plants that survived her bad memory - sunglasses, my sunglasses - she squints her eyes putting a hand between her face and the sun while the other close the curtains - great now i’m blind - overstating her conditions y/n makes her way back into the bedroom.
finally with everything she needs in hand y/n exit her apartament to start her hunting. - my keys, i forgot the keys - now with what she hopes is everything y/n start her dark blue Ford Galaxie, her most prized possession - where does a vampire goes to eat some breakfast - she drives without a rout for some minutes until remembering the reason she came to this town at all. she picks her phone looking for her friends number - hey jes, do you have any blood on you, i just arrived and i’m so hungry - he being the reason she moved to whitechapel therefore the reason she didn't eat a drop of blood for two days is going to have to help - great, you came in the perfect time, we just got some blood and i want you to meet someone - she didn't wait for him to complete the sentence before she was spending to where she remember was his house.
y/n pov:
- who could it be that jesse wants me to meet - trying to guess who that person could be i almost forgot that i was driving, hitting someone in a bike, looks like a kid - oh my i killed a kid - stopping i get out of the car kneeling beside the person, groning the mop of blond hair turn over and i finally see the boys face - i’m so sorry, i didn’t saw you, please say you’re okay - i take the bike off him looking for blood or a broken bone, he seems okay - I don't think it hurt as much as your fall from heaven - the boy says, going from a pained expression to a sly smirk.
“what” I ask with a giggle, confusion clear in my face. it’s this boy, that i just hit with my car, hitting on me. “well, you know, because you're an angel” he blush “that fell from the sky” i conclude with a smile, what a cutie. i offer him my hand for him, he takes happily and we both stood up, giving him his bike back “i’m y/n nice to meet you, but i really need to get going and sorry again for almost running over you cutie pie” i get back into my car waving my hand at him, leaving behind a blond blushing mess behind. “I'm Rory” he shouts a little too late for me to hear.
narrator pov:
thinking about the encounter with the cute boy, y/n don't notice the time passing and in a blink she's at jesse’s gate, stretching her body a little out of the car she press the button of the interphone “password” a male voice comes from the little box “i don't know, jesse didn't say anything” throwing her head into the seat cushion, she should have guessed there would be a password, reaching for her phone she hear another voice that she recognize as jesse “hello old soul, hope you like the changes i made in the house” the gates open and she enter, seeing the front garden brings y/n old memories, some better than others. everything looks the same but different in some way, at least they have a pool now.
y/n pov:
I park the car in front of the door, there are some other vampires scattered along the entrance. entering the house it's a mess, red cups thrown on the floor, they definitely have thrown a party last night, i also see some kids lying on the furniture. “Jesse, it's so good to see you, you don't look a second older, these kids' blood are really good on you” finally in the kitchen I see Jesse with some of his friends and a girl that i don't know.
Turning in my direction Jesse opens a fangy grin, coming at me, he opens his arms and gives a big hug. “it's so good to have you back, and don't be so modest, you're as good as I remember” I reciprocate the hug, going back to the times where we whore kids and everything was simple. As I got grat the others i can see a new girl staring at me “it's so good to see y'all again, but i’m really hungry, jes where is the blood?” I held onto my stomach feeling more and more weak.
“here o- that's also the password” i take the bag of blood out of jesse’s hand, biting with ferocity into the bag i drink the majority of it’s content, letting little spill out, the metallic taste fills my senses as it fills my stomach. i feel my body getting its energies back slowly, taking slow breaths i recompose myself “sorry i didn't get a lot of opportunities in the travel” i do a little burp, putting my hand immediately on top of my mouth. “no judgment, we all know how bad it feels” a dark skinned boy says with a simpatic smile, he gives me a paper towel “i’m Nathan by the way” i take the towel saying a “thank you” after i clean myself jesse calls me to the living room.
i seat in the couch and he sits besides me “i want your help with a newling” he says looking at me and a let a small giggle “don't say that the great, cult leader, jesse is in need of help” i mock him poking at his face, he takes my hand away from his angry face “i don't ‘need’ you, i only want your abilities to convince that girl in the kitchen to drink blood” grabbing my wrist with force, he carve his index finger in my pulse “i’m gonna do it because you’re my friend not because you order it” i pull my arm free of his grip, a fine string of black liquid runs down its length “i am not one of your followers jesse, and we both know who wins this fight”
I hastily stand up going back to the kitchen, Jesse follows a little after. that now there's only the girl i don't met yet “y/n thats Sarah, one of our most recents addition and also my girlfriend” he gives a peck on her lips. I smile at Sarah knowing that its probably not gonna last much, i shake her hand and notice she is a little nervous “it's a pleasure to meet you Sarah. i hope we can be friends, all jesse’s friends are my mine too” jesse motions to the girl with his head and i understand she is the one, not wasting time i take her hand “you don't mind a take her for a walk do you” i pull Sarah to my side smiling at her still nervous face “not at all, have fun” saying bye to Jesse, i guide Sarah to the back of the house where the trees provide a good cover of the sun.
“So how long do you know Jesse” I start, trying to ease her “a couple of weeks, maybe three i guess” passing through the pebble path. I see one of my favorite spots in the house. An old wooden swing that sits below an even older oak tree, i happily stroll the rest of the way, patting the open space i invite her to take a sit besides me “it’s seems like you know Jesse very well, how many long have you know him” she asks me, voice coated with jealousy. i turn a little so my body face her “you don't need to worry darling, Jesse is like an annoying brother to me. i would never date him” she relax a bit, embarrassment showing on her face “and i know Jesse even before he was a vampire and what an ugly kid he was” i recall the time i met Jesse, he had always been a bossy little brat, but in that time we were such innocent kids. I tell Sarah about how I met Jesse, how he looked before being a vampire and how he felt the first time he drank blood.
Looking at my phone i see that we been talking for about ten minutes and the classes started five minutes ago “shit we’re late” we stand up to make our way back to the front “i’m sorry a got you late for school, hope you don't get in trouble” we speed walk to the front of the house where there's only my car. “That brat didn't even call us” i kick the floor picking some grass, taking a big breath a turn to Sarah “do you mind show me the way to school, not that you have another option” i give her an apologetic smile, leading her to my car i open the door for her, i hop into the driver's seat frustrated with Jesse’s antics.
“Sooo… Sarah what type of music do you like” not wanting the entire drive to be a painful silence i say the first thing that comes to mind “i listen to pop a lot, but i really like pop rock, what about you” she appears to be more comfortable now “i like a little of everything, but i think i know a music you gonna like” i turn on the radio with my cd already inside, passing some musics i finally stop on the right music, i look Sarah’s way expectantly.
“Not bad” she bobs her head in the rhythm, I followed along and not soon after were dancing to the song. we share the moment and i feel that we gonna be good friends “looks like we’re here” she points to a brown brick wall building, there's no sing signaling what is the building “i really liked meeting you Sarah, hope we can be friends”
i give her a side hug and we go our separate ways, but not before i bump in someone “sorry, i wasn't looking” the blond boy from before kneels on the ground looking for something, next to my feet i see black glasses that i remember seeing on the boy earlier. i quickly get down and pick the glasses “here” i hand them over to the cute boy “i don't think i got your name” helping him stand i say “it’s Rory, and you’re y/n, are you going to study here i can show you around, i’m like suuupeeeer popular here” enthusiastically he puts the glasses on, he looks like a happy puppy that just got a treat “please Rory show me the to the principal's office” he opens a big smile and leads me to the doors opening them for me.
i am feeling this year is going to be special
hope you guys have liked and thank you for reading
#rory mbav#rory keaner fluff#rory keaner x reader#rory keaner imagine#rory keaner#mbav x reader#mbav fanfic#my babysitter's a vampire#mbav
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I am almost finished with the first chapter yay.
Here's a little preview of the story, Hope you enjoy
i almost forgot that i was driving, hitting someone in a bike, looks like a kid - oh my i killed a kid - stopping i get out of the car kneeling beside the person, groning the mop of blond hair turn over and i finally see the boys face - i’m so sorry, i didn’t saw you, please say you’re okay - i take the bike off him looking for blood or a broken bone, he seems okay - I don't think it hurt as much as your fall from heaven - the boy says, going from a pained expression to a sly smirk.
“what” I ask with a giggle, confusion clear in my face. it’s this boy, that i just hit with my car, hitting on me. “well, you know, because you're an angel” he blush “that fell from the sky” i conclude with a smile, what a cutie. i offer him my hand for him, he takes happily and we both stood up, giving him his bike back “i’m y/n nice to meet you, but i really need to get going and sorry again for almost running over you cutie pie” i get back into my car waving my hand at him, leaving behind a blond blushing mess behind. “I'm Rory” he shouts a little too late.
#rory mbav#rory keaner imagine#rory keaner x reader#rory keaner#rory keaner fluff#mbav fanfic#mbav x reader#my babysitter's a vampire
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After reading and rereading all of Rory's fanfics I finally had the inspiration to write one of my own and I will share it here on Tumblr because we need more mbav content, It's amazing how such a small and old fandom is still alive, as I'm still writing the first chapter and I intend to post it on Saturday, feel free to give your opinions and ideas about what you would like to see in the story.
I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language.
Bye and thanks for your attention, if you want to be tagged When the first chapter comes out let me know in the comments.
#rory keaner x reader#my babysitter's a vampire#rory keaner#mbav x reader#mbav fanfic#rory mbav#rory keaner imagine
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A definição de amor e ódio é ter um cachorro filhote, eles são fofos e não tem noção de limite, quando te mordem da vontade de jogar pela janela, até você ver a carinha fofa deles.
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