#when i was drawing the s+++ tier parts i had the urge to bite something
fraternum-momentum · 6 months
here is my official tier list of body parts i like to draw / look at :
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it basically can be summarized with this
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years
Don't Think Anymore
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A/N: School can get stressful and I know that, so have a short little comfort blurb I made, hopefully it'll help even just a little. Tbh this was going to be a bunch of filth but... idk.
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x reader
Description: your boyfriend can see how stressed you are so he wants to comfort you
Warnings: fluff, hints at a bdsm relationship, reader bites there fingers, more fluff
Your eyes stared ahead blankly, the thoughts no longer truly processing as you stared at your thesis. Your dissertation paper, one of the most important things you’ll write your whole college career. And you were dreading every moment of it.
Today was one of your longer days, starting at 5 a.m and only ending at 7 p.m. Not that you had class all day. But you had been working all day. Doing class work, trying to finish up homework, and then going back to this stupid paper.
And once you had gotten back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend you hadn’t gotten up from your desk. You had planned on spending only 15 minutes to write down a few thoughts, but when Shota walked in three hours later you hadn’t moved. Not. One. Inch.
“Babe? I’m home!” He had called placing his shoes on the rack by the door and hanging up his coat, he had dropped his briefcase prepared to have you jump into his arms and greet him like you always did but he was left disappointed.
“Y/n/n?” He called. He checked the kitchen and the bedroom, it looked like you weren’t even home.
“Y/n?!” He called again, worry growing in the seasoned pro until he stopped, he noticed the light peeking out from the door to his office. He walked over silently and slowly inched the door open.
He knew you studied in his office sometimes, often leaving sticky-notes with little notes to him in your wake that he would take with him to put on his computer at work and in drawers, threatening to expel students who mentioned it. When he looked into his office he saw you sitting there one knee draw to your chest as the other was placed normally. Your chin rested on your knee as you stared ahead.
You didn’t even acknowledge him when he stood beside you even going as far as spinning your chair to face him as he crouched down but you just continued to stare blankly.
“Y/n?” He whispered his hand cupping your cheek as he pulled your hand away from your mouth grimacing at the raw skin around your fingers making a mental note to place band-aids and lotion on your hands.
Your eyes flickered just barely but he knew you were coming back “hey there kitty,” he whispered as he felt you lean into his palm heavily.
“Sho…” you whispered now registering that your boyfriend was in front on you. “You home e’rly” you spoke words slurring slightly.
He frowned slightly, shaking his head “I’m home when I always get home, how long have you been sitting here pretty girl?”
You turn your head to the clock slowly, your body feeling like lead. “Um…” a heat flared to
your cheeks as your eyes widened. “Uh well… th-three hours….”
He raised one eyebrow with an unimpressed look. “I-I’m sorry sho I didn’t mean to! I was… I was just gonna write down… a few… a few thoughts and then… I don’t know what happened… this paper is just… so… so hard.”
By the end you could barely speak as you broke into hiccuped sobs. His look immediately softened, he was just upset you had overworked yourself again nothing more.
“Shhhh shhhh” he soothed softly “it’s okay kitty m’not mad. Jus’ worried ‘s all.” He murmured softly into your hair as he pulled you into his arms switching spots so he was now sitting in the chair and held you in his lap. He rubbed one hand up and down your back as he allowed you to hold the other and play with his fingers like you always did when you got nervous.
He found it endearing, even feeling a little prideful that it was him you latched onto whenever you got overwhelmed or stressed. He remembers the first time you had done so and how his heart raced, you two hadn't gotten together yet and frankly he himself wasn’t feeling all too great about Midnight's gala. You had been standing beside him seeing as you were his plus-one, you were young… younger than he thought he should be with, but thankfully Mic smacked… or screamed some sense into him saying how it was perfectly fine for there to be an age gap.
So he had asked you to be his plus one to the hero gala, it was the summer of your third year at the college Mic teaches at, he hadn't even known you were a student until he walked into Mics second classroom, because for some crazy reason this man was a pro hero and decided to teach at two separate colleges for multiple classes and still have a radio show. He first saw you while you were sitting and speaking with Mic assumingly about grades. And that was yet another thing Mic had to convince him was okay, after all Aizawa wouldn't be teaching you, you two weren’t even on the same campus, so it was perfectly fine for you to be a student and him a teacher.
When he showed up to pick you up for the hero gala- which would be your fifth date- his jaw had dropped. You were wearing a black dress that fit you perfectly both in body and personality. Mic teased him endlessly when you two first arrived because after all… black is Shotas color, something you had thought of when picking out the dress.
As you stood next to him he could tell something was wrong and just as he was about to ask he felt a warmth in his hand only to look down and see it was your hand, or rather your fingers. You were asking, silently if it was alright. Not that you hadn’t held hands before but he could tell you were just anxious, so he moved his hand closer to yours and you quickly latched onto him. Interlocking your fingers and hugging his arm to your chest. And a few moments later you found yourself absentmindedly playing with his fingers. From then on it was something you found yourself doing more and more as your relationship progressed, he just made you feel so safe.
You whined softly cuddling into him, “shhh it's alright pretty girl I'm gonna take care of you okay?” You nodded into his neck enjoying the soothing feeling that washed over you as he spoke. He walked you into the bedroom gently placing you on the bed removing your socks and shoes before swiftly heading to the bathroom to start a bath, putting in your favorite soaps providing a little bit of bubbles hoping they would make you happy.
When he returned he found you sitting up looking for him, “where’d y’go” you said softly standing and wrapping your arms around him, he pet your head softly.
“Jus’ went to start up a bath for you beautiful” He murmured as he placed a kiss to the crown of your head, “how about we get you in there, yeah?” you nodded, allowing him to pick you up and carry you to the bathroom as you mumbled something about closing your eyes for one second and suddenly he was gone, he simply just chuckled as he gently placed you on the sink and began removing your clothes.
After he removed your shirt he gently peppered your neck and shoulders with kisses, not lingering in any one spot just simply showing his appreciation for you. He removed your pants allowing his hands to map the expanse of your things but not going any further knowing you were tiered.
Once you were finally freed of all clothing he placed you in the bath before quickly and unceremoniously stripping himself to get in behind you. You leaned into his embrace quickly and melted into him. His firm chest being a place that had become your safe haven, as long as he was near you knew everything was okay.
Slowly as Shotas hands ran through your hair cleaning it gently you found yourself relaxing, thoughts of the stressful classes, and ridiculously hard paper drifting away. His hands worked wonders on the knots that had formed throughout your muscles essentially leaving you in a puddle between his legs.
Every gasp and moan of content was carefully evaluated to see how he should adjust his massage- if he should lessen up or go farther into one spot and you never even had to tell him because he was always right. By the end of it you were both pleasantly sedated and calm, you more so than him.
“You ready to get out?” He murmured as he gently ran his nose along the column of your neck.
You were quiet for a moment before you spoke, “I guess so…. But can we still cuddle?” Your words were slow and hazy sounding even to your own ears.
“Course we can, can’t leave my best girl all alone.” He says as he gently stands and urges you to do the same.
“I better be your only girl,” You mumble as he begins to drain the bathtub and dry you off.
He chuckles “you know you are.” he says with an eye roll but no part of him was truly annoyed as he saw the small smile adorning your features. He leaned down softly kissing each of the corners of your mouth.
As he moved to pull away you stopped him by wrapping an arm around his neck and properly pushing your lips against his own, it was short but the passion was there. “Ya’missed.” you mumbled against his lip and he chuckled once again.
You found yourself falling into giggles as he carried you to the bedroom. That was something you could always count on, whether it be after a scene or even just you overworking yourself Shota wouldn't allow you to lift a finger, doting on you the way he always says you deserve.
Gently placing you on the bed he moved into the closet to find you both some clothes and soon after he emerged from the closet with a pair of sweatpants slung on his hips and a t-shirt in his hands. Once he had slipped on a pair of comfortable panties and the t-shirt onto your body you allowed him to carefully place band-aids and lotion onto your fingers making sure to be gentle around the raw skin. After he was finished he carefully slipped both of you under the covers.
The silence was comfortable only filled with your breathing and the gentle pitter-patter of rain that had begun sometime during your bath. And although the bath had helped you found some of your previous anxiety seeping back into your body.
As if reading your thoughts, Shota spoke up, “Y’know, I’m really proud of you and all the work you’re doing. I know sometimes schooling isn’t the easiest thing, and I know keeping motivation when it gets hard can be even harder. But with that said I don’t want you to keep pushing yourself so hard. Don't let school take away what makes you you, that spark. And… I can try my best to help you, I know you like being independent and don't like asking for help but… we all need to ask for it sometimes.”
You turned your head up looking at him with tears shimmering in your eyes, “thank you Shota.”
He smiled at you fondly, “Of course, you're my precious girl after all.” He paused cupping your cheek and gently brushing a tear away, “I love you kitty.”
“I love you too Sho…. so much.”
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