#when i tried to link it with it restricted to registered users thing it got all weird and kept populating new session and looked funky
Johnny finds Neil high out on the balcony and confronts him about his apparent uptake in kalif use, causing Neil to spiral further. Weighed down by visions and signs, he shuts down, leaving Johnny to care for him in a moment of vulnerability.
After three months, I'm finally finished. Apparently, I just needed to be trapped inside for three days straight with nothing else to do.
Anyway, if you click through, mind the tags.
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honeybadgerradio · 7 years
Born Without a Gender? | Polecat Cast 116
The gender police begin their crackdown, the Chicago Pride march expresses their anti-semitism, and Vice doesn't like to have their stuff archived. Let's do this.
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Host Links:
Max Derrat’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj8orMezFWVcoN-4S545Wtw Dr. Randomercam’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DoctorRandomercam Scott’s Big and Robot Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUqhBQXO2g08BmpftUZnXfg Hannah Wallen’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Bt0vnvdJqAwF8Ow8iT0g 
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Canadian Authorities Can’t Recognize Child Abuse When They See It By Max Derrat
Remember when you were in elementary school… and all the kids had regular, boring names like Scott, David, Kelly and Emma? Yet, there was that one kid who had a weird name like Ferdinand or Amaryllis… and all the kids picked on them for their name? We’d be all like… “god, their parents must really have it out for them to give them a name like that.” Well, I’ve got a story for you that is sort of a… let’s say… modern update to that childhood trauma. Let me introduce you to a Canadian parent named Kori Doty. She is a self-identified ‘non-binary trans person’, and is also a Max Derrat-identified child abuser. She recently had a child she named Searyl Atli. Since Searyl’s birth last November, Kori has been fighting to keep her baby’s gender off government records. In an interview with the CBC, Kori said she is “raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are.” 
Kori added: “I’m recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box.” In order to reinforce her world view, she has been trying to get the provincial government of British Columbia to issue a birth certificate without a gender marker. While the baby has received health cards with an “undetermined” gender, Searyl has yet to receive a birth certificate to Kori’s liking.
So not only is Kori’s baby named Searyl, but the baby doesn’t have a gender. It’s almost like she wants the school-kids to crucify her child during recess. By the way, to all of those who are offended that I was referring to Kori as “she” rather than “they”… two things: 1) I don’t give respect to child abusers, and 2) suck my big fat yellow cock. Original Article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3934423/gender-unknown-baby-registered/
The Pronoun Police By Mike J.
Canadian police in the Halton region have tweeted out the following last week, "DYK (Did You Know) If you're not sure what pronoun somebody uses, just ask. What are your preferred pronouns?". The now deleted tweet also included a handy chart denoting the proper usage of gender pronouns. The chart included traditional pronouns such as he, she, and they and lesser known pronouns such as ze, zir, and eir. It's no secret that this tweet follows in the wake of Bill C-16, the very same bill Professor Jordan Peterson criticized as infringing on freedom of speech. Bill C-16, which passed June 19th of this year, criminalizes using incorrect gender pronouns with fines and possible hate crime charges. 
Original Article:https://heatst.com/culture-wars/police-advise-people-to-ask-others-preferred-pronouns-publish-gender-neutral-pronoun-chart/
   Progressivism Collapses Under Its Own Logic By Max Derrat
There’s nothing that makes me feel more satisfied than when I see the internal inconsistencies of progressive leftism exposed. Pro-tip to anybody who detests a particular segment of the radical leftist movement and wants to see it collapse: single out the lead voices and ask for their thoughts on Jews (I’m being facetious by the way). 
About a week ago, during a gay pride parade in Chicago, three people were ejected for carrying pride flags emblazoned with a Jewish Star of David. When organizers tried to rationalize their decision later on, some bizarre statements were made. In a blog post on chicagodykemarchcollective.org, the flag carriers were accused of “expressing Zionist views that go directly against the march’s anti-racist core values.”  
One of the flag carriers, named Laurel Grauer, said that she has marched for ten years with the flag. During the march, organizers, volunteers, and other marchers expressed views that can be summarized into one sentence: “You have to leave because you are making people feel unsafe. You are putting them in danger by being here.”
When Laurel expressed support for the State of Israel, she also tried to state a belief that there should be a free and independent Palestine. But nevertheless she was shut down with the following: “You cannot be Zionist and believe in a Palestinian state, Zionism is inherently racism.” Laurel followed up with the following question to one of the organizers right before she left: “So you are asking the two people carrying Pride flags with Jewish stars on them and the ‘God hates fags’ contingent?” The volunteer answered: “yes”.  
Original Article: http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.797845
  Vice Fighting Back Against Archiving
By Andrew G.
Archiving Services such as the Wayback Machine, archive.is, megaladon.jb and others, are now joining the ranks of Discord and 4chan as “right-wing” websites and online services, according to Vice News. Vice has changed its website so that it is very difficult to view some archived articles posted on their website. For example, while attempting to archive some Vice articles using the Way Back Machine, users will be greeted with a 404 error: “page not found.” While one can still take screenshots of webpages, screengrabs are always susceptible to claims of modification. A webpage can still be saved as html to one’s computer, but Web Browsers FireFox, Chrome, and Edge will have problems displaying the saved webpage, while only Internet Explorer is able to display the html in its entirety.
Vice has decided to go this route because they are “taking a stand against Racism, Bigotry, and Islamophobia,” and that archiving services are being used by “right-wing activists to discredit us and other reputable news outlets.” Vice claims that by archiving articles, Vice isn’t given the chance to “update, remove or edit” the original posts and that their reputation is being damaged in the process.
However, isn’t the point of archiving services supposed to “archive” what was originally written, as well as show the changes that have been made? And, should we be putting the trust in “news outlets” such as Vice to show any edits to articles they post?
A site that is able to be archived
Check out the latest Honeybadgers episode.
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breakingtheglasses · 7 years
Born Without a Gender? | Polecat Cast 116
The gender police begin their crackdown, the Chicago Pride march expresses their anti-semitism, and Vice doesn't like to have their stuff archived. Let's do this.
Support us monthly! http://www.patreon.com/honeybadgerradio
Support us one-time! http://www.feedthebadger.com
Subscribe to us on minds https://www.minds.com/HoneyBadgerRadio
Follow us on twitter! @honeybadgerbite
Join our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/honeybadgerradio/
Host Links:
Max Derrat’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj8orMezFWVcoN-4S545Wtw Dr. Randomercam’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DoctorRandomercam Scott’s Big and Robot Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUqhBQXO2g08BmpftUZnXfg Hannah Wallen’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Bt0vnvdJqAwF8Ow8iT0g 
[Download link] -----  
Canadian Authorities Can’t Recognize Child Abuse When They See It By Max Derrat
Remember when you were in elementary school… and all the kids had regular, boring names like Scott, David, Kelly and Emma? Yet, there was that one kid who had a weird name like Ferdinand or Amaryllis… and all the kids picked on them for their name? We’d be all like… “god, their parents must really have it out for them to give them a name like that.” Well, I’ve got a story for you that is sort of a… let’s say… modern update to that childhood trauma. Let me introduce you to a Canadian parent named Kori Doty. She is a self-identified ‘non-binary trans person’, and is also a Max Derrat-identified child abuser. She recently had a child she named Searyl Atli. Since Searyl’s birth last November, Kori has been fighting to keep her baby’s gender off government records. In an interview with the CBC, Kori said she is “raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are.” 
Kori added: “I’m recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box.” In order to reinforce her world view, she has been trying to get the provincial government of British Columbia to issue a birth certificate without a gender marker. While the baby has received health cards with an “undetermined” gender, Searyl has yet to receive a birth certificate to Kori’s liking.
So not only is Kori’s baby named Searyl, but the baby doesn’t have a gender. It’s almost like she wants the school-kids to crucify her child during recess. By the way, to all of those who are offended that I was referring to Kori as “she” rather than “they”… two things: 1) I don’t give respect to child abusers, and 2) suck my big fat yellow cock. Original Article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3934423/gender-unknown-baby-registered/
The Pronoun Police By Mike J.
Canadian police in the Halton region have tweeted out the following last week, "DYK (Did You Know) If you're not sure what pronoun somebody uses, just ask. What are your preferred pronouns?". The now deleted tweet also included a handy chart denoting the proper usage of gender pronouns. The chart included traditional pronouns such as he, she, and they and lesser known pronouns such as ze, zir, and eir. It's no secret that this tweet follows in the wake of Bill C-16, the very same bill Professor Jordan Peterson criticized as infringing on freedom of speech. Bill C-16, which passed June 19th of this year, criminalizes using incorrect gender pronouns with fines and possible hate crime charges. 
Original Article:https://heatst.com/culture-wars/police-advise-people-to-ask-others-preferred-pronouns-publish-gender-neutral-pronoun-chart/
   Progressivism Collapses Under Its Own Logic By Max Derrat
There’s nothing that makes me feel more satisfied than when I see the internal inconsistencies of progressive leftism exposed. Pro-tip to anybody who detests a particular segment of the radical leftist movement and wants to see it collapse: single out the lead voices and ask for their thoughts on Jews (I’m being facetious by the way). 
About a week ago, during a gay pride parade in Chicago, three people were ejected for carrying pride flags emblazoned with a Jewish Star of David. When organizers tried to rationalize their decision later on, some bizarre statements were made. In a blog post on chicagodykemarchcollective.org, the flag carriers were accused of “expressing Zionist views that go directly against the march’s anti-racist core values.”  
One of the flag carriers, named Laurel Grauer, said that she has marched for ten years with the flag. During the march, organizers, volunteers, and other marchers expressed views that can be summarized into one sentence: “You have to leave because you are making people feel unsafe. You are putting them in danger by being here.”
When Laurel expressed support for the State of Israel, she also tried to state a belief that there should be a free and independent Palestine. But nevertheless she was shut down with the following: “You cannot be Zionist and believe in a Palestinian state, Zionism is inherently racism.” Laurel followed up with the following question to one of the organizers right before she left: “So you are asking the two people carrying Pride flags with Jewish stars on them and the ‘God hates fags’ contingent?” The volunteer answered: “yes”.  
Original Article: http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.797845
  Vice Fighting Back Against Archiving
By Andrew G.
Archiving Services such as the Wayback Machine, archive.is, megaladon.jb and others, are now joining the ranks of Discord and 4chan as “right-wing” websites and online services, according to Vice News. Vice has changed its website so that it is very difficult to view some archived articles posted on their website. For example, while attempting to archive some Vice articles using the Way Back Machine, users will be greeted with a 404 error: “page not found.” While one can still take screenshots of webpages, screengrabs are always susceptible to claims of modification. A webpage can still be saved as html to one’s computer, but Web Browsers FireFox, Chrome, and Edge will have problems displaying the saved webpage, while only Internet Explorer is able to display the html in its entirety.
Vice has decided to go this route because they are “taking a stand against Racism, Bigotry, and Islamophobia,” and that archiving services are being used by “right-wing activists to discredit us and other reputable news outlets.” Vice claims that by archiving articles, Vice isn’t given the chance to “update, remove or edit” the original posts and that their reputation is being damaged in the process.
However, isn’t the point of archiving services supposed to “archive” what was originally written, as well as show the changes that have been made? And, should we be putting the trust in “news outlets” such as Vice to show any edits to articles they post?
A site that is able to be archived
New Honey Badger stuff
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sheminecrafts · 3 years
TikTok just gave itself permission to collect biometric data on US users, including ‘faceprints and voiceprints’
A change to TikTok’s U.S. privacy policy on Wednesday introduced a new section that says the social video app “may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information” from its users’ content. This includes things like “faceprints and voiceprints,” the policy explained. Reached for comment, TikTok could not confirm what product developments necessitated the addition of biometric data to its list of disclosures about the information it automatically collects from users, but said it would ask for consent in the case such data collection practices began.
The biometric data collection details were introduced in the newly added section, “Image and Audio Information,” found under the heading of “Information we collect automatically” in the policy.
This is the part of TikTok’s Privacy Policy that lists the types of data the app gathers from users, which was already fairly extensive.
The first part of the new section explains that TikTok may collect information about the images and audio that are in users’ content, “such as identifying the objects and scenery that appear, the existence and location within an image of face and body features and attributes, the nature of the audio, and the text of the words spoken in your User Content.”
While that may sound creepy, other social networks do object recognition on images you upload to power accessibility features (like describing what’s in an Instagram photo, for example), as well as for ad targeting purposes. Identifying where a person and the scenery is can help with AR effects, while converting spoken words to text helps with features like TikTok’s automatic captions.
TikTok adds auto captions to make videos accessible to hard of hearing and deaf
The policy also notes this part of the data collection is for enabling “special video effects, for content moderation, for demographic classification, for content and ad recommendations, and for other non-personally-identifying operations,” it says.
The more concerning part of the new section references a plan to collect biometric data.
It states:
We may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information as defined under US laws, such as faceprints and voiceprints, from your User Content. Where required by law, we will seek any required permissions from you prior to any such collection.
The statement itself is vague, as it doesn’t specify whether it’s considering federal law, states laws, or both. It also doesn’t explain, as the other part did, why TikTok needs this data. It doesn’t define the terms “faceprints” or “voiceprints.” Nor does it explain how it would go about seeking the “required permissions” from users, or if it would look to either state or federal laws to guide that process of gaining consent.
That’s important because as it stands today, only a handful of U.S. states have biometric privacy laws, including Illinois, Washington, California, Texas and New York. If TikTok only requested consent, “where required by law,” it could mean users in other states would not have to be informed about the data collection.
Reached for comment, a TikTok spokesperson could not offer more details on the company’s plans for biometric data collection or how it may tie in to either current or future products.
“As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, we recently updated our Privacy Policy to provide more clarity on the information we may collect,” the spokesperson said.
The company also pointed us to an article about its approach to data security, TikTok’s latest Transparency Report and the recently launched privacy and security hub, which is aimed at helping people better understand their privacy choices on the app.
Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
The biometric disclosure comes at a time when TikTok has been working to regain the trust of some U.S. users.
Under the Trump administration, the federal government attempted to ban TikTok from operating in the U.S. entirely, calling the app a national security threat because of its ownership by a Chinese company. TikTok fought back against the ban and went on record to state it only stores TikTok U.S. user data in its U.S. data centers and in Singapore.
It said it has never shared TikTok user data with the Chinese government nor censored content, despite being owned by Beijing-based ByteDance. And it said it would never do so, if asked.
Though the TikTok ban was initially stopped in the courts, the federal government appealed the rulings. But when President Biden took office, his administration put the appeal process on hold as it reviewed the actions taken by his predecessor. And although Biden has, as of today, signed an executive order to restrict U.S. investment in Chinese firms linked to surveillance, his administration’s position on TikTok remains unclear.
TikTok launches a new information hub and Twitter account to ‘correct the record,’ it says
It is worth noting, however, that the new disclosure about biometric data collection follows a $92 million settlement in a class action lawsuit against TikTok, originally filed in May 2020, over the social media app’s violation of Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act. The consolidated suit included more than 20 separate cases filed against TikTok over the platform’s collection and sharing of the personal and biometric information without user consent. Specifically, this involved the use of facial filter technology for special effects.
In that context, TikTok’s legal team may have wanted to quickly cover themselves from future lawsuits by adding a clause that permits the app to collect personal biometric data.
The disclosure, we should also point out, has only been added to the U.S. Privacy Policy, as other markets like the EU have stricter data protection and privacy laws.
The new section was part of a broader update to TikTok’s Privacy Policy, which included other changes both large and small, ranging from corrections of earlier typos to revamped or even entirely new sections. Most of these tweaks and changes could be easily explained, though — like new sections that clearly referenced TikTok’s e-commerce ambitions or adjustments aimed at addressing the implications of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency on targeted advertising.
Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature has arrived — here’s what you need to know
In the grand scheme of things, TikTok still has plenty of data on its users, their content and their devices, even without biometric data.
For example, TikTok policy already stated it automatically collects information about users’ devices, including location data based on your SIM card and IP addresses and GPS, your use of TikTok itself and all the content you create or upload, the data you send in messages on its app, metadata from the content you upload, cookies, the app and file names on your device, battery state and even your keystroke patterns and rhythms, among other things.
This is in addition to the “Information you choose to provide,” which comes from when you register, contact TikTok or upload content. In that case, TikTok collects your registration info (username, age, language, etc.), profile info (name, photo, social media accounts), all your user-generated content on the platform, your phone and social network contacts, payment information, plus the text, images and video found in the device’s clipboard. (TikTok, as you may recall, got busted by Apple’s iOS 14 feature that alerted users to the fact that TikTok and other apps were accessing iOS clipboard content. Now, the policy says TikTok “may collect” clipboard data “with your permission.”)
Building customer-first relationships in a privacy-first world is critical
The content of the Privacy Policy itself wasn’t of immediate concern to some TikTok users. Instead, it was the buggy rollout.
Some users reported seeing a pop-up message alerting them to the Privacy Policy update, but the page was not available when they tried to read it. Others complained of seeing the pop-up repeatedly. This issue doesn’t appear to be universal. In tests, we did not have an issue with the pop-up ourselves.
Hey @tiktok_us if you’re going to FORCE users to sign a new privacy policy I think you should make it available to read. pic.twitter.com/0qw9UfS8Q2
— Matthew Eric (@matthewericdoes) June 2, 2021
Yes Tiktok, you changed your privacy policy, you only need to tell me once pic.twitter.com/LRs7CxcNht
— Dieghoe (@diegheaux) June 2, 2021
if i open up tiktok one more time and see that notification that they’ve updated their privacy policy i might just- pic.twitter.com/uzArIoysZW
— alli
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(@allimaemangsat) June 3, 2021
Additional reporting by Zack Whittaker
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/3zbFjal via IFTTT
0 notes
nikki-reuclife · 6 years
Check Balance Onevanilla
Merge onevailla cards and check onevanilla balance or maybe you get a 068 error whereas utilizing my atm card to withdraw quantity from atm? Linked roku field to hotel room tv, and trying to put netflix "on", however "inside error" notice from netflix comes up? Register netflix with vanilla present cardMy td bank visa gift card keep getting denied when i attempt to make a purchase. The Vanilla Present Card package that you simply noticed probably looked something like this and the card inside seems like this proper? Because generally oyu owe cash like i did so mabe you should see when you owe money then attempt it. E-Present Card’s work similar to regular Reward Playing cards, nevertheless, a digital card with a code is emailed to the recipient. It received t let me and it s declining my card, I heard you're suppose to register the card, I tried but it surely only works for VISA Playing cards, I've an AMEX Card, WHAT DO I DO NOW? The company basically deals with credit score cards, auto loans, savings, house loans and banking companies.
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There are a variety of people which is why these be useful. For example, they can be an enormous help if you are incapable of have a banking account. They are also the best place if you're one vanilla visa balance on a budget, and also those with a propensity to overspend. A specific amount is loaded in to the account and once those funds is spent it can be gone before user chooses to load additional money. Controlling your own personal spending Many people have observed the realisation that individuals have overspent on things as a result of use of generous credit limits on our cards etc. Having a prepaid card giving you when you trigger ensures that it is possible to restrain your personal spending to a level you might be at ease with. /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxAQEBAQEBIQEA8PDw8PEBAPFRAQEBAQFRUXGBYVFRcYHSggGBolHRUYIjMhJSkrLi4uFyEzODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0OGhAQGzMlHyUvKy8tKy03Ny0tLS0rLystLS0vLS0zLS0tLS0rLS0tKzYtLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKMBNgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUBAgMHBv/EAEIQAAEDAgIGBwYDBwMEAwAAAAEAAhEDIRIxBBRBUVPRBRMiUmGRkgYVFjJxoUKBoiMlZKOx8PFyweFik7LSJDND/8QAGQEBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAJxEBAAECBgEFAAMBAAAAAAAAAAECUQMREhMUUhUEITFBYSKh8HH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APGNXTV1baumroKnV01dW2rpq6Cp1dNXVtq6augqdXTV1baumroKnV01dW2rpq6Cp1dNXVtq6augqdXTV1baumroKnV01dW2rpq6CL0ZoNNzndYCQAIgxdXdL2d0dzcU0xYGDVIdcjZ+arxQIyJH0TqX9536eSCyp+zVAz2qQg4b1onxG8ePijPZqgdtNufzVYyi/wBL/Yqt6l/ed+nknUv7zv08kFmPZihvpC8Qa1/rbYobuitGBIwmxIs50WXDqX9536eSdS/vO/TyQSqfQujuvYf6nkLI6D0fcB9ahUTqX9536eSdS/vO/TyQSx0LoxMW+uNwC1qdD6M2LTPdeTu5qN1L+879PJOpf3nfp5IJFPojRiYiPEvIC6O6D0cCbZTAe4lQ+pf3nfp5J1L+879PJBL9yaPfK3/W7x5LkeitGH4T+TiuPUv7zv08k6l/ed+nkglU+hdGcJgC8XeQsVOh9GEWmZyeTko3Uv7zv08k6l/ed+nkgqX6MJcBkHOA+gJhY1dWw0ZNXQVOrpq6ttXTV0FTq6aurbV01dBU6uittXRB194Ut48wnvClvHmF6fqlLh0/S3kmqUuHT9LeS9XFm75/kI6vMPeFLePMJ7wpbx5hen6pS4dP0t5JqlPh0/S3knFm55COrzD3hS3jzCe8KW8eYXp+qUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq8w94Ut48wnvClvHmF6fqlLh0/S3kmqUuHT9LeScWbnkI6vMPeFLePMJ7wpbx5hen6pS4dP0t5JqlLh0/S3knFm55COrzD3hS3jzCe8KW8eYXp+qUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq8w94Ut48wst6QpSLjPeF6dqlLh0/S3kmqUuHT9LeScWbnkI6vOqHSuihsPaS6/aDhv+oiI+5+qy7pXRJENMdrFiImbYYvlb7leiapS4dP0t5JqlLh0/S3knFm55COr4BvS2gyew/Db8QxZidv1XJvS2i4ILJfgLZkQHRmIN73vviLL0TVKXDp+lvJNUpcOn6W8k4s3PIR1eejpbQ9rXE4rQQAG7oDrn+qhu6RpSYgCTAkWC9O1Slw6fpbyTVKXDp+lvJOLNzyEdXmLekKU5jzCk0uldEjtNJPgQBkBv8CfzXouqUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq88PSmhgiGkgtve4d4Xv/f1WPeuiYrNJZAsXDFO3blE+QXomqUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq8/wDe2g3GB8RbtCZ81qel9Ewxg7UC8gRB2Qd1pK9C1Slw6fpbyTVKXDp+lvJOLNzyEdXnreltDtLSTikwQ0FsH8IdnMfdQveFLePML0/VKXDp+lvJNUpcOn6W8k4s3PIR1eYjpClvGR2jcpA6V0bCJaMbcItADhN5jbnfxXo2qUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq8+976FbsOmDMuETaNu6fsjel9DBPYJGIFocW5QLEzOYNvHwXoOqUuHT9LeSapS4dP0t5JxZueQjq8yf0jRkxAEmBIsNi194Ut48wvT9UpcOn6W8k1Slw6fpbyTizc8hHV5h7wpbx5hPeFLePML0/VKXDp+lvJNUpcOn6W8k4s3PIR1eYe8KW8eYT3hS3jzC9P1Slw6fpbyTVKXDp+lvJOLNzyEdXmHvClvHmEXp+qUuHT9LeSJxZueQjq7IiL2PmCIiDalTLnBozcQBsuUFMxii2IM8S4gmI+jStQY+oU6tpYmQ2owOY5wPerPc0vcAHCWw0AX2mxyOapmPhuimmfmUINJ8wJNh5rpU0dzQ0nJ3ywQZsHbPBw81LPSfbLoqYJqHDIzfXNQWmLCAtXae0x2XghpEiMy2mMg4T8p2j88lnVVZ0jDw+yHTpFxgbiTJAAAzJJsAN66aq6WgYXF+HBhc1wfLsIwkGDf+i3dpLXVKrnB2CtiBHZxAEhwI2TIH18F2o6e1rmlrHQ00ZcBTY5wbVa8yG2FmwLmZurNVVkiij7lDfQcCBEl3yxfFci2+4W1XR3NgnCQSW9hzXw4ZtOEmD4LdukuBoPIeTTY0du7XFry4wZvnf6bVilUpMLcDakAPGJxAc0FhDQ0NcJuQSZbMRaU1VJpoz+XDCdxW1SmWxNsTcQ+kkf1aVNOn4nNIbUwteHuFsxSpsBsTcFjnCfBRNJq4yyMZwUmU5qRicWueZsT3htSKpmfgqopiPaXNFhFtyZRCIsbFEBERAREQEREBERAWCsrCCPFTZOVw7Dc23ZDNYmrAsJnwy88/sugqvn5DEG+Jt7ZLXr38J2XeZ4eP9ws5Omc2hmqagJIjCJtF7DmsONS0D8NxaMS7grKuX6zqy+kQGtawvnla3NbE1dwzE5ZRfbvUlE0/pr/AAREVZEREBERAREQEREG9BwDmlwloc0uG8A3CnU6zQSKlUVg+q19y9waASS50/LbswO9uCr2iTuXTq227QvM+Bj+izVTm6UVzSk0atLC0uDMeCkXg9hub8QHZMGzMr7lw0VzQwl2AOxNnrA4/s8LsWEC+KcOV9ydQ3vt2LXqm27YuYyNs7/3vU0/rU1/HtCUalFrP/zc9rSRbM9S4iRHfjMm+4LSpUYKTmgsl3UQAIeXCS/F+f2iNq4Ck23bF7bfujKTSJxgHcVNH6bn5CWK1NxZiNPsMoNdiFsEvNQCB83y/eFGc9jn0wIawNpB1tpALy6LkjcFo2m0i7gDugn+/wDlZ6tt+1tIHiJ/x5qxTlKTXMx8JzdIpNBgtBLO1h2uHW7gBkW5eZUagGdS5zh2mODBb5+sgebA17lz6pt+2LeButa1NoiHYr5bjFypFH61OJn9JVc0jjANMO7Za4SGhnWMwie9gx+O+65YmY65GCMT+qLwcGHrN3+iY5woyKxR+sziZ/SfptWkTVcC0431S2xxmoaxgz3MEeGe2FAO3bBIkZGNyIrTTkzXXqnPIREWmBERAREQEREBb0IxNmIxNmcom60WChD0r93fwf8AJT93fwf8leX/ALWMmTfa78ti2Iqbm7O9yXl2Iu+hy6usPTv3d/B/yU/d38H/ACV5lSxfiwz/ANM/7rpCvHi6c2esPSf3d/B/yU/d38H/ACV5th8ChCceLnNq6vtvaXUtWqdVq3WSzD1fV4/nbMRfKV8SsLK7YdGiMnlxsXcqzyyERFtyEREBERAREQbU5kRczZSnYhY02C4GzPJQllJhYnJLpseI7DDFhMZ71owF8gNaOzfwG/6qOimS5pbATfAyCJ2BYLXOLSGNHa2QJI/wVFRMjUltxG+BpnLLZ/grAY5rT2GxJMugmBPNRZSUyNSWxrwTDWgPMXiAb5f3sUfrLAYRbbtOe38/sFoiZJm2qvBMgBvgMlqsLKqCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgLV4sfoVsgE2GZsPqg+wb7QULftaoG1uCbTMC/wBR/hZb7SUGseOtruc7JwY3Ewkm4xSN1jay+W9xabH/ANdX69Uo9fQ6zHYHYm1LdlzO1eIt5+a8sYOHPxL6E+qxqfmP6l30+sKlWo8TD3lwnODvUroHTGUa2N5cG9W9stEkOMQYVe/RqlOBVDg6Jh7SyR9Fhd9MTTp+nk1zTia/t9nR9o6AcCatVzRPZ6uJziTOxU3tH0szSMOA1CGveQHhgDQQ0Q2Lx2Sb3uqVFin09NM5w61+sxK6ZpmIERF2eUREQEREBERARYWUBERAREQERYQZREQEREGFlEQEREBERAREQEREBERAW1J+FzT3XA+RlarLBcfUIPufjXR+HX8qf/sqDSum2O01mlNY4sbg7DoxGBB8JuuDaNOM2gxlhm8rSpSYIjC63dAUp9LTE+ztX6yuqIz/AOpXtN0zT0rqhTY5raeO74xEuI3E2sqRT8A3N8goukgB1rWGS3tbcZOVWLOJVMz8uSIiygiIgIiICIiAiIgwsoiAiIgIilO0BwsXUgYBg1GAiRNxKZrETPwirClake/R/wC7T5rjXpFji10SM4II8wmcExMNEWERGUREBFhZQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQb9a7vO8ynWu7zvMrRFRv1ru87zK0JnO58boigIiICIiAiIgIiICIioIiKAturduPkVoVYdIaVUFRwFSoAAyAHOAHZb4qTPusRGWcoRpu3O8ipPSVN3Wusfw7D3QuR02rxKnrfzUnpHS6oquipUA7OT3d0eKnvm1/HT/AL9QjTdud5FSekqbutfY/h2HuhcjptXiVPW/mpXSOl1RVcBUqAdnJ7u6PFPfM/jpn/XQerd3T5FOrd3T5FdDptXi1fW/mpXSWl1RVeBUqD5cnu7o8Vc5zyTKnLNB6t24+RWpC7HTavFqet/NdOlTNZ/jh/8AEJnOZlGWcIiyiKsiIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICwsogIiICIiAiIqCIiAiIoPUPhfQuCPVU5p8L6FwW+qpzVwi+Xrqu+/tYfWFP8L6FwR6qnNPhfQuCPVU5q4RNdVzaw+sKf4X0Lgt9VTmtPcmgVHuGCm6o2MbQ9xc3ZcB1ldr5LpWjSx1CWPM16bQWVCQ6oXZYcBIjEJgG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width="264" /> The platinum or gold charge card is often a definite step above the standard card leading to two steps over the prepaid visa card. This is usually issued to individuals who already have a great creditworthiness and therefore are completely competent at repaying higher credit limits. Platinum cards have much higher credit limits than gold cards and larger withdrawal capabilities. This allows individuals to buy more costly products and allows the owner to manage both their requirements and wants. The people who this sort of card emerged to are the types which may have good creditworthiness, which may translate to raised jobs and much more secure resources.
0 notes
humvee insurance
"humvee insurance
humvee insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
Affordable Florida Group Health Insurance Question:?
Where's the best site on affordable florida group health insurance? I've looked everywhere. Sometime searching is just a pain. Anyone with some ideas or links to share? Thanks.
How to get cheap car insurance?
Hi guys, i really need your a good and effectivr advice about this, please if you know something that would help post it here! Im 20 year old, have a car Peugeot 206 1.1 litre - cheap market value (1000ish). I live in London. Since 17 years old im looking for insurance - unsuccessfully. The best quote i get is 4000ish. I have no criminal record, no accidents no claims - nothing! And im fed up with so many people driving at my age and I cant- i just dont understand why exactly mine is so bloody expensive! Ive tried every variation just to see what im missing - pass plus for example only helps to the extent of 100. Its just crazy - 3 years and i still cant drive - what the hell is wrong with this - home come everyone is showing off by how cheap insurance they have and i cant get anything? Whats the secret? Ive tried every combination - me as the main driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. cheapest is 4,000!! Whats wrong with me? Anybody knows whats the trick, how to solve this issue? Thanks!""
Best car insurance for a teen?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon but have to pay for my own insurance. I would like to know which insurance agency would be cheapest?
What are the cost of car insurance?
I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?""
Who'd rather have health insurance than Free National Health Care
Despite the imperfections in the system (and there are plenty) I'll keep what I have rather than Micheal Moore's fictitious nirvana of government run health care.
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
Car seat and insurance question?
If your car seat is stolen out of your car, is it replaced because you have car insurance? I have car insurance, but I don't believe it said anywhere they were going to replace personal belongings. I have 'full converge' or whatever you call it, and I'm pretty sure that's only going to fix my car... Am I wrong?""
Can a car insurance company make up points on your license?
So in early march my apartment was raided for pot, and a 1/2 gram was found. I was convicted of possession of marijuana and as part of Michigan's driving laws even if the incident did not occur in a car your license is restricted for 6 months. Yesterday my mother (the insurance for the whole family is in her name) received a notice that i had 8 points on my license and my insurance rates would be raised. Confused about this i went to Sec of State and in fact found out that i have no points. I called Memic and explained this to them, they informed me that they do not use actual points, they use their system of points. For example OUID is a 6 point offense but they count it as 8 points. Passing a stopped school bus (which as far as i can tell is no points) they view as 8 points. My question is, can they do this? We are switching insurances next month due to cheaper rates but this seems like a shady business practice to me. Thanks for ur time!!! -Pat""
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
""If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
Is it normal for a teen to pay insurance before owning a car?
My boyfriend (since he got his license at 16 before he had his own car) has been paying $200 a month on insurance because his parents said he had to. My question is, did he have to pay insurance even when he didnt own a car?""
Trunk Insurance vs. Car Insurance?
I recently changed cities on my auto insurance going from a Cleveland, OH zip code to an upper middle class Cleveland suburb and my rates fell more than $200/half...I drive a '99 S-10, just a regular pickup truck, I am in the market for a new vehicle and ideally it would be a full size truck (Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra half ton)...my agent has the exact truck I would like to buy, so I asked him what that truck would be insurance-wise for me. It automatically went back up to what I was originally paying in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. Other variables of my car purchasing ordeal are that I took a buyout from General Motors and I got a vehicle voucher included in the buyout, so another option for me is to get a Chevy Malibu which I could basically drive off the lot for zero money...I've been reading that sometimes car insurance can be more than insuring a truck, with the information I've provided can someone help me out and estimate if my insurance would be more for a basic/no frills 2011 Chevy Malibu or a 2011 Silverado/Sierra with some bells and whistles...and also, do Insurance companies look at the more options a vehicle has as being more to ensure??? any answers would be appreciated""
""Young driver insurance, should I get a tracker on my car?""
hi, I am 18, male and have my test in 2 days, I have been looking at cars and insurance but no one will even give me a quote on normal insurance. I have found a 1.0l lupo 51 plate and got a quote for 3400 with the tracker thing that records speeds, acceleration, breaking and that? just wondering should i do that or what? I don't want to be limited too much and feel im being watched. Anyway, does anyone know any companies that will even give me a quote? I know its not going to be cheap because of my age and sex but a price would be nice without that annoying box thing or should I just take the tracker insurance? Thanks in advance""
Is it okay not to have insurance as the driver since the car has insurance?
If your not added to your parents insurance as a new driver but the car your driving has insurance is that legal or illegal for that driver to drive?
How much does Car insurance cost?
I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me?
What are car insurance bonds?
What are car insurance bonds?
Should parents buy life insurance policies for their young children?
What do you think? Give good reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!!
How bad will the insurance coverage get under the Affordable Health Care Act? Mine just keeps getting worse?
Its now been changed to only cover 70% rather than 80%. The copay and deductible are higher. The notification said that the company I worked for was being pressured to reduce costs due to the Affordable Health Care Act. So now I guess I need a supplemental health insurance policy. I guess that looks better on Obama's statistics but it sure doesn't help the people who need insurance. How does that save me money? Why does anyone support this bill? It stinks.
Recommended Auto-insurance break-ups?
I have Mercury Insurance for my Camry (Make-2009). It is due for renewal next month. I was with this company from past one year. I am from different company, so frankly telling, I did not used my mind while buying Insurance and I just followed my friends. Can somebody review it and suggest, if it is recommended or I should change it ? May be I can save more money ? Bodily Injury Liability = 100,000 (Each Person)/300,000 (Each Accident) Property Damage Liability = 50,000 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Liability = 50,000 (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property Damage Liability = Maximum Comprehensive = Deductible Car-1 $ 500 Collision = Deductible Car-1 - $ 500 Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence = Car-1 - $75""
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
What's the advantage of having an intermediary company (broker) handle my car insurance?
i quoted through the intermediary company (broker) and the total payment was $331. Then i quoted directly with the insurance company and the total payment is $209......????
Obamacare starts in three days. will more people have health insurance or less?
an estimated 5 million had their health insurance cancelled because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The administration says 1 million signed up for Obamacare you do the math http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/blog/2013/12/enrollment-surged.html
Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?
""If I am 27 and single, do I need to be paying for life insurance?
I have been paying for life insurance for a few years now and I am convinced that I shouldn't be. I do not have any children or plan on any in the next few years. My father says it is so I am locked into a premium. Does that really matter?
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humvee insurance
Will I have to pay the excess on my car insurance.?
My car was attempted stolen last night..the thieve(s) broke in looted my car then let the handbrake off, my car rolled down the road & hit a lamp post..the police are treating this as attempted theft... my car has been sent to police forensics will I have to pay the excess on my insurance policy?..thank you.""
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Why is car insurance rediculous when I've never claimed and drive a small car?
I'm in my mid 30s, a female who has never claimed. My car is 1 litre and I don't drive many miles. I thought the companies would want my business but now I might have to give up driving because I can't afford the insurance.""
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
""Typically, how much will your insurance increase if you get into an accident that is your fault ?""
Im in So California and just got into a car accident, my first accident in 25 yrs of driving. Typically, how much more will I expect my insurance premium to increase ? What factors are involved ? the amount of damage that the insurance will pay ? my driving history which is 1 accident in the last 25 yrs ? what else ?""
Why can't we have Medicare for all?
Old people love it?? I don't get it. It's so unfair. My cousin has MS and she couldn't afford Health Insurance and her employer didn't offer it to her. By the time she could qualify for Medicaid, her MS became much worse, and she is not doing well right now. All Americans should have the right to be healthy. It's not a privilege, it's a right!""
Insurance on 2010 Camaro?
what could i expect to pay in insurance for the 2010 Camaro?
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
How does health insurance work?
I'm completely lost on how health insurance works... and I'm finally starting to work and don't know what to do =/ so any information about it is greatly appreciated. thank you
How much can I expect to get back from a written off car?
I wrote my peugeot 206 off last week the insurance are sending out a settlement figure as soon as they have valued it etc I was just wondering what sort of pay back you get im not expecting much but am hoping to get a new car with some of the insurance money the value of the car is about 2,500 before the crash.""
How long do I have to get insurance on a car I just bought in Pa?
My boyfriend bought a car in private sale over the weekend. Because his parents don't have his name on the insurance cards I had to put the title and registration in my name. Now how does he insure the car with it in my name? And how long do we have to get the car insured?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much would the insurance be?
I found a 1998 ford mustang for sale. The car is perfect. It has 50,000 miles. Its in great shape. The engine and body is incredibly clean. Just a few scratches. I'm 18 years old and just wanted to figure out what the insurance would be. I keep trying web sites, but all of the quotes are $100 different than the other ones. So does anyone know?""
Approx insurance cost for group p6?
ford ka sport 1.6 2004
Question about car insurance...?
theoretical question, if someone else was driving your car and was involved in a collision... you are insured but they were not insured to drive your vehicle (although they are their own)... they were given a fine and driving ban for 15 months. however should the third party seek compensation, who is liable to pay this - the uninsured driver or the car owner or the insurance company?""
Who cannot receive health insurance in NJ?
can a college summer event receive health insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver?
I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes? Also, i am a boy""
Would car insurance be less if i got an older car/truck?
like from the 1980 to 2000? and would a pickup truck cost less to insure than a small car? im 18 if that helps any.
How much is car insurance for a 19yr old N driv er in BC?
I am nearly 19 about to buy a cheap car and insure it for the bare legal minimum how much approx will that cost me
How much does your insurance go up after a ticket?
I got to experience how effed up and corrupted California's judiciary system is today. I go to check if I'm eligible for traffic school at my courthouse because it never said I wasn't when I paid online and I find out that I'm not. I never got any notice or anything and the people who helped me said its not they're responsibility to tell me if I can go to traffic school or not. Government workers who get paid way to much dont have the time to give me a heads up on if I can go or not I guess. Its my responsibility to but this area is foreign to me, I dont know anything about these laws and everything that goes with it. So I lost out on a non-refundable 60 dollars for no reason. I had to pay online because I would have missed a whole day of classes I had. That was more important then wasting my time at the courthouse. What I want to know is, how much is my insurance going to go up because of this ticket? Its at about 650 right now""
Insurance for ninja 250 estimate?
what would insurance be like for a ninja 250? i am 17 and would be on my own insurance and will have my license.
""Im 19, live in pittsburgh with a liscense and no car insurance?""
i need to rent a car but im only 19 and i have no car insurance, is there anywhere for me to rent a car?""
Does Obama really believe his comparison between auto insurance and health insurance is legitimate?
Even W sees the holes in that argument. Is Obama trying to fool the least of us ?
If insurance companys are so evil like Obama says?
then why is he pushing for more coverage. Why not make health care more affordable so we wouldn't need it so much? have you ever seen so many soft balls thrown at a new ...show more
humvee insurance
humvee insurance
About health insurance?
i don't have a health insurance and my job doesn't provide me one i had a car accident and i owe around 3,000 dollars on my own hospital visit i didn't injure another car if i get an insurance do you think they will pay for my health debts???""
Getting car Insurance with a provisional license in Ireland?
I'm 17 years old and I just passed my theory test today (Woohooo!) I live in IRELAND and I'm wondering what would be the cheapest way for insurance? Insurance would be much too high to go on my own. My mom doesnt have a license or even a provisional license, she doesn't intend to drive either for personal reasons. There's nothing that can be done there is there? I could go on my brothers insurance,he has a full license for around 8 years. He lives a county away though so how would that work? What are the rules about me going under his insurance? I would appreciate any help as I'm new to this and I need help. Thanks!""
Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student.""
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
""If you buy a refurbished phone from at&t, can you get insurance on it?""
I am wanting to get the black blackjack II, and I was also wondering if it would be worth it to get insurance, since its only $60.""
Do I have to register my car and change my insurance if I am an out of state student in California?
My insurance company told me that I do not need to change my insurance since I am a student living outside of my home of record address. Now, I keep hearing that I need to register and smog test my car in California since I'm currently living there while attending school. If I do such a thing, does that not mean that I will have to change my insurance to California rates? I do not plan on residing in California post graduation, does this make a difference also? Someone please help....""
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
Why is motorcycle insurance insane for everything but cruiser types?
I called Geico and they quoted me on a bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers were the only reasonable ones, but I thought the other types (sport, standard, touring, offroad) that I got quotes on were riduculously high! I even asked about the ninja 250 and that was 4 times the amount of a 750 shadow. How is that possible?""
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket. The insurance is under my fathers name. Will the insurance price go up because of MY speeding ticket?
Is this insurance Fraud?
My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.""
Driving without car insurance?
I'm curious, how many people do you think drive without car insurance and have you ever driven without insurance. I ask because the other day I was browsing on here and long story short, there was a woman who got into an accident that she claimed was not her fault but proceeded to say that she didn't have insurance and wanted to know what would happen. I was baffled because I don't know what would truely posses someone to drive without having insurance. I mean, I would be so scared of the consequences to even gather up the balls to get behind a wheel. It's like driving while intoxicated---it's just asking for trouble.""
How much would insurance for a land rover be?
I'm 16 a girl and I have straight a's if that matters. I'm thinking about getting a land rover rl2. How much monthly would everything cost(gas insurance and payment) I live in Southern California btw
Question about Plan First health insurance in Michigan. Backpay?
I just had a papsmear done about two weeks ago, and I didn't get approved for my Plan First insurance until afterwards. Does anyone know if they provide a backpay program, like they'll cover any procedure done in the last 30-60 days? Also have lab tests from that papsmear that I just got the bill for and have not paid yet. Is that covered? Thanks!""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?
I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..
Car insurance?
Ok, cheap me has been trying to find a second hand car (Opel corsa). Found one I might like at about 29k with a mileage of 167k on Carfind. Tried to get an eQuote from First for women - (I'm still waiting). Anyone could suggest any other reasonable insurance companies I could try? Or do any of you know how much I would be paying for insurance, just an estimate. Would also love some help with any other cars (preferably Opel corsa) at reasonable rates. Looking between 20-35k and no more than R800p/m. If anyone has info please contact me by email. Thank you PS: I'm in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs)""
Is there a website for seeing what class of car you have for insurance to see how much it wil be.?
I know insurance have classes of cars based on a number. Like my old school might be a 7. but my Escalade might be a 20 or something. Please help.
A question about health insurance...?
Newly married and never had to pay for health insurance on my own before. What is a good price, through work, for health insurance benefits?""
""After receiving a check from car insurance company, am I obligated to use the car shop that gave me the quote?""
My car was damaged by hail. I took it to a shop recommended by my insurance company, they gave me a quote, and the car insurance company gave me a check for that amount. Am I obligated to use that same shop that gave me the original quote, or am I allowed to still take it somewhere else that might repair it for less?""
How much would my insurance be for a mustang 1994 & 17 yr old.?
Would i have to get my own insurance or have my parents put my car on there insurance since its gonna be in there name b/c i only have a permit
""Could you please help me to find a good and cheap private insurance in NSW, for a family of 3?""
Hi we are a family of 3, and looking for private insurance""
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
Information about health insurance in indiana?
I need some best and cheapest health insurance company . Any site would be helpful .
Work and Car insurance?
The business that I am employed by, is telling me that im required to put the business on my car insurance policy as an additional insured. Im kinda reluctant to do so, and im afraid to ask the reasons as to why the business would need to be on my policy. So my question is, what are some of the reasons they would need to be on the policy, and should i add them?""
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humvee insurance
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand. Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand. However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less. Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand, this case/claim has not resolved SINCE 2010. They wouldn't send me check yet only because the driver needs to accept the offer also. My theory is that whether or not the driver finds the offer fair, is none of my problem. I shouldn't have to wait for 2 years only because the driver refuses their offer. I should get my share at least. Do I have a legal case against the company for taking too long in this regards ? What can I do to resolve this ?""
What is a reasonable price for health insurance?
My employer is offering a group plan, but it doesn't seem affordable for me. $320/month to insure 3 people (2 parents and a child). That is a seriously huge chunk of my monthly income! Or 2 people cost $160/month. This is with a $250 individual deductible or $500 for family. Do I just have a skewed idea of what should be affordable? This is the first time I've been offered insurance through an employer. What does your health insurance cost you per month?""
Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?
I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?""
Allied car insurance coverage?
my 17 year old daughter wants to drive my car but i keep telling her that i have to add her to my insurance so if she did get into an accident the car would be covered. I went online looking for the policys that Allied car insurance had and i couldnt find the answer i was looking for... but i did some searching online and some other companies allow a person that lives within the household they would be covered, or i seen that some companies would provide coverage for new drivers and my daughter got her license about 3 months ago soo i suppose she is a new driver. The other thing i saw was that some companies put coverage only on the car but not the driver. So if anyone knows what Allied car insurance policy is, go ahead and post an answer for me, also please don't just post a link to their site and say well take a look for your self, I will be picking best answer. -Thanks""
Cheap car insurer for young driver?
I am a 19 year old male trying to find a cheaper car insurance quote than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to insure? or a cheap insurer?
What would be an estimate for in on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at ins. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Hello All. I need Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Any recommendations?
Hello All. I need Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Any recommendations?
Will full coverage car insurance cover a blown head gasket?
It still has enough oil in it (between E and F on the dip stick), I can just tell this is what it is because Oil is leaking down the driver side gasket and I'm noticing my coolant level beginning to drop. I just want to do something about it now before I keep driving it and completely blow the engine.""
How will the Affordable Care Act help the self-employed?
While I have been examining the Affordable Care Act from the employer's side (I work in HR), I haven't put much time into how it helps individuals. My brother is married and self-employed. He has no employees. His wife is currently a full-time student. Neither of them currently have health insurance because it is too expensive. They are in their 20s and are both healthy. What type of health insurance options are going to come available to them with the passing of the Affordable Care Act? What is the time frame on this? (I know I read something about the State Pools starting in 2014 but surely there is some relief sooner).""
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
Is it true that your auto insurance company considers the color of your vehicle when determining rate?
I am buying a new car, and I've heard that your insurance rates may go up or down depending on the color of your car. I've heard that a red car has higher insurance rates, while white cars are the lowest. Is that true?""
Someone hit me and they cancelled their car insurance?
I was hit by a moving truck (chevy), while I was in a parking lot. My car was not moving at the time the truck hit me. He gave me his car insurance info and phone number. I tried calling his number and I reached a dead end. I started a claim through Farmers insurance and I got a call today saying the claim was cancelled, because the gentleman in question cancelled his insurance the day the accident took place. What do I do now?""
If i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year? ?
if i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year?
Insurance getting cancelled on an SR22 in VA?
I was so excited about good news I received, that I forgot that my insurance was going to cancel at midnight. I have an SR22 filing, even though I no longer require it. I left it there until it was time to renew. My question is how soon is DMV notified? Will I have time to call my agent first thing in the morning?""
Insurance for teen when borrowing parents car?
My parents and i are very confused on whether I need to put on my parents insurance policy since i am technically borrowing their car. All of the people my parents have talked to have said that i don't and that they never did for their kids and it was fine. When my mom called about my sister they told her that she HAD to be put on their policy and that I could not receive my license until I was put on the policy. I am 16 and my sister is 18 and it would cost around $750 per month more to insure us. Do we need it if we are borrowing my parents car? Thanks:)
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male on a Vauxhall Corsa?
I'm looking to buy a 1.0 Litre Corsa, but all quotes are coming out at around 2500. I've even tried the companies that monitor you by GPS and there prices are even more expensive :L Please, any cheap companies, or tips and tricks to get the price down?""
How much would it be to insure a 2nd gen. Dodge Ram 2500 with a Cummins Turbo diesel for a 16 year old boy?
Im looking for better gas mileage, and it appears the Cummins has better mpgs than its 5.9l counterpart. (dont be a smart *** and say no trucks get good fuel economy) But i would wonder if a diesel would yield higher insurance costs for someone my age rather than a regular gas engine.""
How much should a Insurance CSR make?
I live in a little town in California, I have been working for well established Insurance agency since May 2012. I just recently got licensed so now I carry my P and C license. I am getting 12 an hour plus health insurance, am I being under paid? Im not getting commission even though I have brought new business in and have written policies. Your answers are very much appreciated. Thank you.""
""No proof of insurance In NV, but I live in AZ?
OK so I got a Citation in the state of Nevada in my Fathers truck. It register under his name and everything. He never told me it didnt have insurance. So I got pulled over for no head lights. If I have No insurance what do I do? Im from Arizona will that have anything to do with it?
Cheapest car insurance?
im 20 and getting my first car.... what is the cheapest car insurance in florida... miami - ft lauderdale area?
How can i insure my car for 1?
just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.
Where is the cheapest place to find car insurance for an 18 year old?
Hey, was just wondering where the best place to look for cheap young drivers car insurance? I understand that I am still going to be paying a significant amount money for it but surely there must be some cheaper than 2000? Also does anyone know which type of car is the cheapest to insure? Thanks""
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humvee insurance
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askgamerluna-blog · 7 years
Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey!
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Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey!
Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey! Download
Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey!
Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey!
Hungry Shark World is a direct sequel to the very popular Hungry Shark Evolution game which we have just reviewed and hacked in our last post. If you are looking for the Hungry Shark hack for the previous game, check that link in the previous sentence. If you are more interested in the new Hungry Shark game and more specifically about Hungry Shark World hack, read on, you’re right where you want to be.
So what is Hungry Shark World? Basically, if you play the previous game this is the better version of the game. It is been improved in many ways. For starters, the game looks better. While the previous game was decent and very pleasant to watch and play, the new game is definitely an improvement.
For example, the graphics are better and we were able to play it’s for a longer periods of time before our eyes got fatigued. Additionally, the game’s controls have been improved allowing for better control of the shark. The improvements are not major however, if you’ve played both games you will most definitely notice a difference.
Other than that, the game allows you to do everything that you loved about the previous game and it only expands that experience. This basically means that the game has kept everything that made it great in the first place while also adding some new elements to keep it fresh. We highly recommend you check out this game if you are a fan off the original.
Hungry Shark World hack makes the experience even better by removing absolutely every restriction that the game I throw at you. If you’re looking for some free gold and gems, there’s no better way to get them then through our Hungry Shark World free gems cheat!
    What exactly does Hungry Shark World hack for free gold and gems do?
Basically, this is a free to play game. As you undoubtably know by now, these games come at a price despite the “free to play” tag. In this particular games case, it is the slow pacing. The game is very fast when it comes to gameplay however, it is all about the evolution of the shark. You are to devour smaller fish and work your way through the food chain.
To do this, you will have to eat and collect goals. Apparently, even sharks have fallen under the influences of bureaucracy and they also need gold to carry on with their lives. Luckily for you, our Hungry Shark World hack will take care of both of your gold and gems needs.
Gold is basically the main currency of the game. You use it for pretty much everything. From unlocking new sharks to upgrading the ones you already possess. It is your “bread and water” and you will need it if you are to progress throughout the game.
Now, the gold is not the problem as the game is pretty generous when it comes to it. Although it does require a certain amount of grind before your gold stacks are filled, it is more than possible to amass it even with the minimalistic grind. On top of that, devouring absolutely everything on your path is not only essential but also rather fun to do.
The main problem here are the gems. To be perfectly clear, gems are not the problem. Not having gems is the problem. They are the games premium currency and everything that you cannot do with the gold, you can do with gems. Suffice to say, Hungry Shark World free gems hack can grant you very generous amount of gems for free. Here’s how.
    How to hack free gems and gold for Hungry Shark World using GameBag’s no survey cheat?
  Yes, this is a no survey cheat. That means that you don’t have to do anything in return in order to use this. We do not like asking back for favors. Because of this, there is no survey involved with this Hungry Shark World free gems hack.
In fact, there are no pre-requirements whatsoever.
You don’t have to login or register on our website. We will not condition you to share this post before you get the access to the free gems and gold generator for Hungry Shark World. There is no need for you to like or subscribe to our social media pages in order to get access to our links. Naturally, we would appreciate if you do these things and share this post with anyone who might be interested about reading it but, as we’ve previously said, we are not going to make it a pre-requirement.
So, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s see exactly how you can hack Hungry Shark World.
  To use Hungry Shark World cheat, you have to:
  Scroll through this page and look for a red button. This button is rather distinguishable and at the same time the only red button on the entire page. If that’s not enough for you, you will know it by its “Online Hack” inscription.
Once you found the button, you need to press it if you are to continue. Pressing the button will open up a new window/tab on your device. Do not worry, this is not an advertisement, we do not use those on our website.
The page that opens up is where the hack for free gems and gold is actually located. Suffice to say, you are not to close it if you are to successfully use Hungry Shark World free gems online generator.
Allow the page to load completely be for doing anything. To operate the generator you do not need to possess any advanced hacking the knowledge. In fact the page is tailor-made to be user-friendly and highly intuitive. Still, should you encounter any problems, there are written instructions on the page, just for you. Consult with those and you will be over in no time.
  And, believe it or not, that’s everything you need to do. We would like to mention that this is not a Hungry Shark World mod apk. This is an entirely online based generator for free gold and gems. You don’t have to download or install anything on your device in order to use this.
Both iOS and Android users can use this freely and without any pre-requirements.
We hope you enjoy our Hungry Shark World cheat and the game itself. Until next time, have fun and enjoy your game!
  Online Hack
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Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey!
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Some apps access only the data they need to function; Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey! hack others access data that’s not related to the purpose of the app.
If you’re providing information when you’re using the device, someone may be collecting it – whether it’s the app developer, the app store, an advertiser, or an ad network. And if they’re collecting your data, they may share it with other companies.
How can I tell what information an app will access or share? It’s not always easy to know what data a specific app will access, Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey! hack or how it will be used. Before you download an app, consider what you know about who created it and what it does. The app stores may include information about the company that developed the app, if the developer provides it. If the developer doesn’t provide contact information – like a website or an email address – the app may be less than trustworthy.
If you’re using an Android operating system, you will have an opportunity to read the “permissions” just before you install an app. Read them. It’s useful information that tells you what information the app will access on your device. Ask yourself whether the permissions make sense given the purpose of the app; for example, there’s no reason for an e-book or “wallpaper” app to read your text messages.
Why do some apps collect location data? Some apps use specific location data to give you maps, coupons for nearby stores, or information about who you might know nearby. Some provide location data to ad networks, which may combine it with other information in their databases to target ads based on your interests and your location.
Once an app has your permission to access your location data, it can do so until you change the settings on your phone Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey! hack. If you don’t want to share your location with advertising networks, you can turn off location services in your phone’s settings. But if you do that, apps won’t be able to give you information based on your location unless you enter it yourself.
Your phone uses general data about its location so your phone Hungry Shark World Hack! Free Coins and Gems Cheat – No Survey! cheat carrier can efficiently route calls. Even if you turn off location services in your phone’s settings, it may not be possible to completely stop it from broadcasting your location data.
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pablo02128-blog · 7 years
Cost-free Fidget Spinner Givewaway
Why fidget with any ol' toy when you can fidget with an original, precision-machined, and restricted edition toy made specially for the most dapper of fidgeters out there? The only dilemma with the spinner I have is that the outer bearings are extremely squeaky. The United Bow Tie Fidget Spinner is made of aluminum and treated with a black hardcoated exterior to maintain it scratch-resistant and awards-ceremony-prepared. I reviewed the 5 under fidget spinner a handful of days ago and the 7-Eleven fidget spinner yesterday and it got so numerous views I decided to assessment this fidget spinner. http://transitionworks.net/
If you are not redirected, attempt going back to our website picking the exact identical colour spinner and try once more. My husband is a significant fidgeter and he likes this fidget toy far more than the cube, thank goodness as the cube is loud! By getting into the Giveaway you agree to receive email newsletters periodically from Fidget Fixers You can opt-out of receiving this communication at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.
The girl s shout reminded him that he also felt the trunk thin and delicate, bent extremely hard, ice like sky in the tilt of the fidget mokuru inexpensive rotation. Click here for information on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our speak to information.
Whats up guys so right now I got the Walgreens Fidget spinner up for unboxing and assessment. Numerous enterprise employees to carry the forest employees to carry back, playing hot water, fidget spinner axle playin. REMOVABLE AND VERSITALE - The premium good quality Si3N4 hybrid ceramic center bearing is what makes this fidget toy spinner for adults amazing and assures long spins.
Invented in the 1990s, fidget spinners became a well-liked toy in 2017, as fidget toys in common started experiencing mainstream reputation. The magpie wings flapped the bloody blows straight into his neck and produced fidget spinner giveaway him really feel like the waves in the back of the ridge.
Fidget Spinner Giveaway white flour ginger green boiled a pound of soup, let him drink sweat. Father completed the soup, but also with the tongue licking the fidget spinner giveaway pot. Supporting the project implies we're that much closer to receiving the fidget spinners in the hands that require them!
The DeguGo Fidget Spinner is oddly enjoyable and addictive to spin and flick for hours. If you guys want one particular of these for yourselves, I will actually be getting a giveaway at the end of this video, so remain tuned till the finish if you want to see the information for that.
The only difficulty with the spinner I have is that the outer bearings are quite squeaky. The United Bow Tie Fidget Spinner is produced of aluminum and treated with a black hardcoated exterior to preserve it scratch-resistant and awards-ceremony-prepared. I reviewed the 5 beneath fidget spinner a handful of days ago and the 7-Eleven fidget spinner yesterday and it got so a lot of views I decided to evaluation this fidget spinner.
Ceramic Ball Bearings: Some folks could wish to upgrade to a ceramic ball bearings in their spinner. Helpful ENJOYABLE ACTIVITY - Just spin the DeguGo tri spinner with the premium hybrid ceramic bearings & relish your worries. The companies of the fidget spinner say it really is designed to aid men and women focus and can aid those who have ADD, ADHD, autism and anxiousness.
The girl s shout reminded him that he also felt the trunk thin and delicate, bent extremely tough, ice like sky in the tilt of the fidget mokuru cheap rotation. Click right here for details on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our make contact with info.
So as you guys can see, there is a massive difference in between the fresh out of the box spinner and the put on and tear spinner. The fidget cube is so amazing, but the fidget spinner is some thing you need to attempt! This fidget spinner is labeled with the name Stress gear and labeled for office, house, and school use.
My pals in college have a totally free fidget spinner so I want to get 1 to. I am dying to get 1 of these. To register, click right here and fill out the United Bow Tie Fidget Spinner Giveaway entry kind. I also show you some great fidget spinner tricks and a cool hand spinner science experiment!...Don't neglect to subscribe to the VLOG channel for Free Keep Extraordinary Merch!!
Fidget Spinner Giveaway white flour ginger green boiled a pound of soup, let him drink sweat. Father finished the soup, but also with the tongue licking the fidget spinner giveaway pot. Supporting the project signifies we're that significantly closer to acquiring the fidget spinners in the hands that need to have them!
Sponsor is not responsible if the Giveaway cannot take location or if prizes can not be awarded due to travel cancellations, delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts of war, organic disasters, weather or acts of terrorism. Following all of the distinct designs I decided to hold a giveaway in order to figure out which would be the most attractive to the customer.
Fidget Fixers has the proper, in its sole discretion, to sustain the integrity of the Giveaway, to void votes for any purpose, which includes, but not limited to; several entries from the exact same user from different IP addresses; multiple entries from the exact same laptop in excess of that permitted by Giveaway rules; or the use of bots, macros or scripts or other technical signifies for entering.
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antiidepresan-blog · 7 years
Free of charge Fidget Spinner Givewaway
Why fidget with any ol' toy when you can fidget with an original, precision-machined, and limited edition toy made specially for the most dapper of fidgeters out there? The only dilemma with the spinner I have is that the outer bearings are extremely squeaky. The United Bow Tie Fidget Spinner is created of aluminum and treated with a black hardcoated exterior to maintain it scratch-resistant and awards-ceremony-ready. I reviewed the five under fidget spinner a couple of days ago and the 7-Eleven fidget spinner yesterday and it got so a lot of views I decided to assessment this fidget spinner. http://transitionworks.net/
The Mini Spinner actually fits (and spins!) on your fingertip, with an typical go time of four+ minutes. Fidget spinner giveaway I am really a brave warrior, but fidget spinner giveaway if I am sitting on the army s mine, I am either a hero or a martyr.
The girl s shout reminded him that he also felt the trunk thin and delicate, bent quite challenging, ice like sky in the tilt of the fidget mokuru low-cost rotation. Click here for particulars on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our get in touch with data.
Whats up guys so today I got the Walgreens Fidget spinner up for unboxing and assessment. Several company employees to carry the forest employees to carry back, playing hot water, fidget spinner axle playin. REMOVABLE AND VERSITALE - The premium quality Si3N4 hybrid ceramic center bearing is what tends to make this fidget toy spinner for adults remarkable and assures extended spins.
I do a giveaway each day for a Keep Incredible hand spinner and a Remain Amazing Pop Socket! Only one hundred will be provided away so do not miss this out and take your fidget spinner for free now ! QUIET & COMPACT - The fidget spinner toy tri spinner is compact and satisfying, although not producing noise.
Fidget Spinner Giveaway white flour ginger green boiled a pound of soup, let him drink sweat. Father finished the soup, but also with the tongue licking the fidget spinner giveaway pot. Supporting the project signifies we're that much closer to getting the fidget spinners in the hands that need them!
The DeguGo Fidget Spinner is oddly enjoyable and addictive to spin and flick for hours. If you guys want 1 of these for yourselves, I'll really be obtaining a giveaway at the end of this video, so stay tuned until the end if you want to see the details for that.
Fidget Fixers has the appropriate, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the Giveaway, to void votes for any cause, such as, but not restricted to; numerous entries from the exact same user from distinct IP addresses; numerous entries from the identical computer in excess of that allowed by Giveaway rules; or the use of bots, macros or scripts or other technical indicates for entering.
If you are not redirected, attempt going back to our website picking the precise identical color spinner and attempt once more. My husband is a severe fidgeter and he likes this fidget toy far more than the cube, thank goodness as the cube is loud! By entering the Giveaway you agree to get e mail newsletters periodically from Fidget Fixers You can opt-out of getting this communication at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.
Unboxing fidget spinner GIVEAWAY tutorial video owned by their respective creator. And about two minutes and 18 seconds for the original appropriate out of the box spinner. They are not required for your spinner as steel bearings will work just as effectively for the typical person.
Whats up guys so right now I got the Walgreens Fidget spinner up for unboxing and overview. Numerous business employees to carry the forest staff to carry back, playing hot water, fidget spinner axle playin. REMOVABLE AND VERSITALE - The premium quality Si3N4 hybrid ceramic center bearing is what makes this fidget toy spinner for adults amazing and assures extended spins.
My buddies in college have a free fidget spinner so I want to get 1 to. I am dying to get 1 of these. To register, click right here and fill out the United Bow Tie Fidget Spinner Giveaway entry kind. I also show you some great fidget spinner tricks and a cool hand spinner science experiment!...Don't overlook to subscribe to the VLOG channel for Free Keep Outstanding Merch!!
Fidget Spinner Giveaway white flour ginger green boiled a pound of soup, let him drink sweat. Father completed the soup, but also with the tongue licking the fidget spinner giveaway pot. Supporting the project implies we're that considerably closer to obtaining the fidget spinners in the hands that need them!
Seeking for some thing exciting and with a decided edge on mental well being the conference has opted for Fidget Spinners as their subsequent radeshow giveaway. Downloading 7-Eleven and Walgreens Fidget Spinner Giveaway Winners music/video on this site is just for overview goal.
Any attempt by an entrant to deliberately harm any net web site or undermine the genuine operation of the Giveaway may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and ought to such an try be made, Fidget Fixers reserves the proper to seek damages from any such individual to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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sheminecrafts · 3 years
TikTok just gave itself permission to collect biometric data on US users, including ‘faceprints and voiceprints’
A change to TikTok’s U.S. privacy policy on Wednesday introduced a new section that says the social video app “may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information” from its users’ content. This includes things like “faceprints and voiceprints,” the policy explained. Reached for comment, TikTok could not confirm what product developments necessitated the addition of biometric data to its list of disclosures about the information it automatically collects from users, but said it would ask for consent in the case such data collection practices began.
The biometric data collection details were introduced in the newly added section, “Image and Audio Information,” found under the heading of “Information we collect automatically” in the policy.
This is the part of TikTok’s Privacy Policy that lists the types of data the app gathers from users, which was already fairly extensive.
The first part of the new section explains that TikTok may collect information about the images and audio that are in users’ content, “such as identifying the objects and scenery that appear, the existence and location within an image of face and body features and attributes, the nature of the audio, and the text of the words spoken in your User Content.”
While that may sound creepy, other social networks do object recognition on images you upload to power accessibility features (like describing what’s in an Instagram photo, for example), as well as for ad targeting purposes. Identifying where a person and the scenery is can help with AR effects, while converting spoken words to text helps with features like TikTok’s automatic captions.
TikTok adds auto captions to make videos accessible to hard of hearing and deaf
The policy also notes this part of the data collection is for enabling “special video effects, for content moderation, for demographic classification, for content and ad recommendations, and for other non-personally-identifying operations,” it says.
The more concerning part of the new section references a plan to collect biometric data.
It states:
We may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information as defined under US laws, such as faceprints and voiceprints, from your User Content. Where required by law, we will seek any required permissions from you prior to any such collection.
The statement itself is vague, as it doesn’t specify whether it’s considering federal law, states laws, or both. It also doesn’t explain, as the other part did, why TikTok needs this data. It doesn’t define the terms “faceprints” or “voiceprints.” Nor does it explain how it would go about seeking the “required permissions” from users, or if it would look to either state or federal laws to guide that process of gaining consent.
That’s important because as it stands today, only a handful of U.S. states have biometric privacy laws, including Illinois, Washington, California, Texas and New York. If TikTok only requested consent, “where required by law,” it could mean users in other states would not have to be informed about the data collection.
Reached for comment, a TikTok spokesperson could not offer more details on the company’s plans for biometric data collection or how it may tie in to either current or future products.
“As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, we recently updated our Privacy Policy to provide more clarity on the information we may collect,” the spokesperson said.
The company also pointed us to an article about its approach to data security, TikTok’s latest Transparency Report and the recently launched privacy and security hub, which is aimed at helping people better understand their privacy choices on the app.
Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
The biometric disclosure comes at a time when TikTok has been working to regain the trust of some U.S. users.
Under the Trump administration, the federal government attempted to ban TikTok from operating in the U.S. entirely, calling the app a national security threat because of its ownership by a Chinese company. TikTok fought back against the ban and went on record to state it only stores TikTok U.S. user data in its U.S. data centers and in Singapore.
It said it has never shared TikTok user data with the Chinese government nor censored content, despite being owned by Beijing-based ByteDance. And it said it would never do so, if asked.
Though the TikTok ban was initially stopped in the courts, the federal government appealed the rulings. But when President Biden took office, his administration put the appeal process on hold as it reviewed the actions taken by his predecessor. And although Biden has, as of today, signed an executive order to restrict U.S. investment in Chinese firms linked to surveillance, his administration’s position on TikTok remains unclear.
TikTok launches a new information hub and Twitter account to ‘correct the record,’ it says
It is worth noting, however, that the new disclosure about biometric data collection follows a $92 million settlement in a class action lawsuit against TikTok, originally filed in May 2020, over the social media app’s violation of Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act. The consolidated suit included more than 20 separate cases filed against TikTok over the platform’s collection and sharing of the personal and biometric information without user consent. Specifically, this involved the use of facial filter technology for special effects.
In that context, TikTok’s legal team may have wanted to quickly cover themselves from future lawsuits by adding a clause that permits the app to collect personal biometric data.
The disclosure, we should also point out, has only been added to the U.S. Privacy Policy, as other markets like the EU have stricter data protection and privacy laws.
The new section was part of a broader update to TikTok’s Privacy Policy, which included other changes both large and small, ranging from corrections of earlier typos to revamped or even entirely new sections. Most of these tweaks and changes could be easily explained, though — like new sections that clearly referenced TikTok’s e-commerce ambitions or adjustments aimed at addressing the implications of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency on targeted advertising.
Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature has arrived — here’s what you need to know
In the grand scheme of things, TikTok still has plenty of data on its users, their content and their devices, even without biometric data.
For example, TikTok policy already stated it automatically collects information about users’ devices, including location data based on your SIM card and IP addresses and GPS, your use of TikTok itself and all the content you create or upload, the data you send in messages on its app, metadata from the content you upload, cookies, the app and file names on your device, battery state and even your keystroke patterns and rhythms, among other things.
This is in addition to the “Information you choose to provide,” which comes from when you register, contact TikTok or upload content. In that case, TikTok collects your registration info (username, age, language, etc.), profile info (name, photo, social media accounts), all your user-generated content on the platform, your phone and social network contacts, payment information, plus the text, images and video found in the device’s clipboard. (TikTok, as you may recall, got busted by Apple’s iOS 14 feature that alerted users to the fact that TikTok and other apps were accessing iOS clipboard content. Now, the policy says TikTok “may collect” clipboard data “with your permission.”)
Building customer-first relationships in a privacy-first world is critical
The content of the Privacy Policy itself wasn’t of immediate concern to some TikTok users. Instead, it was the buggy rollout.
Some users reported seeing a pop-up message alerting them to the Privacy Policy update, but the page was not available when they tried to read it. Others complained of seeing the pop-up repeatedly. This issue doesn’t appear to be universal. In tests, we did not have an issue with the pop-up ourselves.
Hey @tiktok_us if you’re going to FORCE users to sign a new privacy policy I think you should make it available to read. pic.twitter.com/0qw9UfS8Q2
— Matthew Eric (@matthewericdoes) June 2, 2021
Yes Tiktok, you changed your privacy policy, you only need to tell me once pic.twitter.com/LRs7CxcNht
— Dieghoe (@diegheaux) June 2, 2021
if i open up tiktok one more time and see that notification that they’ve updated their privacy policy i might just- pic.twitter.com/uzArIoysZW
— alli
Tumblr media
(@allimaemangsat) June 3, 2021
Additional reporting by Zack Whittaker
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/3uPjDgP via IFTTT
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