#when i tell you i have an earbud in from 8am to 6pm its not a lie
bitch-butter · 2 months
a podcast rec list
a list By a babe For babes of my fav and completely subjective podcasts (focusing primarily on smaller pods that people might not know about already but have given me many lols and expanded my wisdom).
My Year in Mensa
i always rec this pod to people who don't engage with a lot of podcasts because the episodes are pretty quick, it's a limited season, and jamie loftus is like pod royalty now but she wasn't really when she first made this so it's charming to hear how she's changed and yet stayed the same. essentially she joins Mensa as a joke and comes to discover that they're not like Charming Nerds as you would expect but that in actuality there's a very deep conservative bend to the whole organization that leads to a lot of in-fighting and bullying. it all culminates in jamie attending their annual conference, and she has some Really wild encounters there. also, IQ tests are complete and utter bullshit <3  
No Dogs in Space
what can i say except i love Marcus Parks (LPOTL would be on this list but everybody srs about podcasting kind of knows them already) and his Onions on music are Exactly right. if you are at all interested in the history of punk bands, alt bands, experimentalists, or just want to hear some folks who Know what they're talking about dissect some awesome music you can't do much better. i rec starting way back in the stooges era, but all of their series are fucking awesome.  
Saving Sex and the City 3
Lara is my fav podcaster of all time ever, she has another pod below that i recommend, but this one is so niche that it's ridiculous but it spoke so Distinctly to me at a point in time. basically if any SATC fans remember the beautiful universe we lived in pre-And Just Like That you'll know that there was a huge dust-up when the planned SATC3 movie was cancelled bc of Kim Cattrall and her Ways. Lara, like me, was deeply affected by this injustice, so she started this podcast where basically she and a different guest each episode storyline what a potential SATC3 movie would have been, and they range from an additional season of the show, to body-horror exploitation movie, to spy saga. it's funny, it's light, and it's so, so crazy i can't help but love it.
Mother, May I Sleep with Podcast?
one thing to know about me is that i'm obsessed with Lifetime movies and will watch pretty much every single one that comes my way, and Molls is so on my level. she's a pod queen, and she uses this one in particular to dive so deep into Lifetime movies that they cease to be farce and become Intensely high-stakes drama which is my brand honestly. every episode is like 3 hours long, which is my ideal length of a podcast episode because i hate having to stop what i'm doing to mess with my phone, and all her guests are hysterical. 
the pod that made me who i am today. sometimes i'll be halfway through a  joke and i'll think 'did i hear this on babe' bc they are Such a portrait of an era. it's now defunct, but it's brief run was So iconic and hilarious and so deeply, deeply The Way We Were in 2017. it's just two friends shooting the shit every week, and they're both incredibly funny and yet go so deep with each other and are so insanely dysfunctional that ultimately the podcast disbands lol episodes 1-30 with Ryan are the best, but i enjoy Lara's solo version, too.
Dead Eyes
if you like Band of Brothers and have not listened to Dead Eyes legit what are you doing lol basically, Connor Ratliff was hired to play the role of Winters' orderly, Zelinsky, in ep 5 but he was Personally fired by Tom Hanks who said that he had "dead eyes". The whole podcast is like solving a mystery that's not really a mystery, and exploring how this one moment reverberated through this guys whole career. It's extraordinary, and you get to hear some fun tea and backstage stories ~
The Haunted Objects Podcast with Greg and Dana
spoooooky and silly. Greg and Dana Newkirk are the real deal, they have a traveling museum of haunted/cursed objects people send to them, and a few of them do have genuine and interesting stories attached to them, so each episode they dive into a different piece of the collection. Such a good listen if you're interested in hearing from people who have a lot of experience in High Strangeness and personal paranormal investigations but aren't Too deep down the "I Know What I Saw!!!" rabbit hole. 
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