#when i say that i mean they weren't correct i don't mean she didn't FUCK that shit up
gregoftom · 1 year
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multifan2022 · 11 months
Fearless 6
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"The first thing you will learn today is how to shoot a gun. The second thing is how to win a fight." Your voice rang out through the shooting range, as Four passed guns out to each person. You caught the way Tris tried desperately to make eye contact with him. Trying to not feel satisfaction when he didn't look her way. "Thankfully, if you are here, you already know how to get on and off a moving train, so I don't need to teach you that."
Christina chuckled a little before looking your way, "Can you teach us the tuck and roll? It was flawless." You blushed slightly at the praise, something you weren't use to. You nodded and laughed a little "You will all develop your own way of getting on and off without completely fucking yourself up over time. IF you pass, so stay focused." 
"Initiation is divided into three stages. We will measure your progress and rank you according to your performance in each stage. The stages are not weighed equally in determining your final rank, so it is possible, though difficult, to drastically improve your rank over time."
You watch Four as he stops behind Peter, a gun in his own hand, the same one everyone in the room is holding. "We believe that preparation eradicates cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear," says Four. "Therefore each stage of initiation is intended to prepare you in a different way. The first stage is primarily physical; the second, primarily emotional; the third, primarily mental."
"But what..." Peter yawns through his words. "What does firing a gun have to do with...bravery?" Four flips the gun in his hand, presses the barrel to Peter's forehead, and clicks a bullet into place. Peter freezes with his lips parted, the yawn dead in his mouth. "Wake. Up," Four snaps. "You are holding a loaded gun, you idiot. Act like it."
He lowers the gun. Once the immediate threat is gone, Peter's green eyes harden. You dont even try to hold in the laughter that bursts from your lips at his face. You were sure if the gun had been pressed any longer he would've shit himself. You only laugh harder when his cheeks turn bright red. 
"To answer your question...you are far less likely to soil your pants and cry for your mother if you are prepared to defend yourself." Four stops walking at the end of the row and turns on his heel. "This is also information you may need later in stage one. So, watch Y/n." When he turns back to you, he winks before walking to lean against the wall next too you. 
You face the wall with the targets on it—one square of plywood with three red circles on it. You stand perpendicular to the target with your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Holding the gun in both hands, and fires.
 The bang is so loud it should hurt your ears but they are dead to the noise now. "For a right handed shooter, the left hand holds the forestock, elbow pointing down. The right hand holds the grip, elbow pointing out, but not exaggerated." You explain while demonstrating what you mean. 
You turn and fire a few more times, each time just making the hole at the center bigger. All their heads crane to look at your target, most in awe, while Peter just looks more pissed. "Its your turn, Four and I will be around to fix stances and answer questions... As long as they arent stupid." You say looking directly at Peter and then with a small smile at Christina. 
Watching Tris try to shoot is.. painful. She has almost emptied the clip and hasn't hit the target once. While you're in a terrific mood (wonder why) you know she will grate against that. As you walk towards them you hear Will, the Erudite boy speaking too her. "Statistically speaking,you should have hit the target at least once by now, even by accident." He is blond, with shaggy hair and a crease between his eyebrows. 
Hes struggling enough as is, he doesn't need to be correcting anyone. "Is that so?" You say sarcastically as you step between them. You lean to the side and look at his target, which he has only hit once. Looking back to him you try to keep your voice flat, it doesn't work but you tried. "Maybe you should worry about your own target kid.." 
His ears turn pink on the egdes before he turns back, Tris shoots one last time catching the end of the target.. Barley. 
She turns back to him with a smug look on her face, "Guess I got it". You scoff but before you can speak Will says "So you see, I'm right. The stats don't lie." Again you scoff, this time rubbing the muscle that connects your shoulder to your neck. 
"Will.. Sweetheart... Your Erudite is showing.. Tuck it away for me quick yeah?" You say before turning your back to him and clapping your hands together once. "Tris.. You hit the target once.. Barley hit the target once.. If that was a person it would barely qualify as a flesh wound. Depending on how big their clothes are it wouldn't even be a flesh wound.. Do NOT get cocky. Do something half ass right because your angry does not mean anything." 
Walking away from the two you can feel her eyes on you. When you look ahead Four is staring back at her, you roll your eyes before addressing the group. "In the field, the chances that you will be angry are slim. It is more likely that you will be scared, nervous or anxious. None of that should matter as a Dauntless. Your bravery and courage should overshadow everything. So when you do something in anger and it somehow comes out correct, don't take it seriously."
"Take it seriously when you can pick up any weapon and use it as an extension of yourself.  Guns, swords, bow staff.. A metal pipe you find laying around, you need to be able to pack everything besides your job and your life away." You look around refusing to look at Four again, when you see that they all have finished the ammo that has been provided you dismiss them for lunch.
 You take your lunch break in Toris chair, the stinging sensation of your new tattoo present as the ink sinks around your thigh. Tori chuckles and rolls her eyes as you roll to your stomach to get it finished. Some would be ashamed, laying here in your underwear but not you. The finger bruises on your thigh bring you nothing but joy. 
"So.. you and Four still going with this whole friends with benefits thing?" Tori asked while lining everything up. When the buzzing restarted it stung a little more than normal, due to the tenderness of your flesh. You nod and close your eyes allowing yourself a small moment of peace before having to deal with Eric who you know will be at training. 
"I dont see why you two dont just admit you have feelings for each other and get together. Spare us all the long drawn out drama." You smile at Toris bluntness, she always has such a way with her words. 
"My feelings aren't the only ones in this scenario, we both know Four doesn't like me like that. I'm just enjoying it while it lasts." You wait while Tori wipes your leg down, before standing up and handing you the shorts that will now be covering very little of your legs.
Tori looks at you incredulously "That boy has just as many feelings for you as you do him. Your both stupid. But I will be here, the ever wise old lady to hold your hands through whatever drama you both cause."   
You laugh again, feeling free for the first time in a week. The feeling is fleeting though as Tori opens her mouth and asks "How is Tris?" Your face falls and you sigh loudly, "Shes making it hard. She cant walk one line, one minute shes practically hiding behind the others begging to not be seen. Then the next shes in Fours face yelling. She cant shoot but when she clipped the edge of the target she acted like she got a bullseye first shot. I don't know how to deal with her if I'm honest. Im not Tori Wu." 
The dark haired woman in front of you steps up and cups your cheeks. "You are strong Y/n, you can do this. You have too. I don't know what but something is happening, you need to be prepared for it." 
After answering a few more of her questions, all about the new girl you tell her you need to go. Really you needed to go ten minutes ago, but who's counting?? 
When you step into the gym you take a breath to apologize for being late. But when you see Four pressed up behind Tris, his fingers pressed against her stomach as he 'instructs' her you stay quiet. Instead just making your way through the punching bags watching. Stopping only to correct Al's stance, without touching him, before walking away. 
Your showing your weakness by caring so much for him. That voice crows in your head as you keep walking. At this point you've been there a half an hour and Four hasn't noticed. When you stop next to Christina you can feel Tris's eyes burning into the back of your head. "You're doing everything right besides how you're making a fist." 
Christina stops looking down at her hands before releasing her fingers and looking back at you. You smile and congratulate her in your head, if shes silent that means shes learning. Just as you hold your hand up to show her how you want her to do it you hear Tris mumble 'How many ways are there to make a fist?' 
Taking a calming breath you slip into work mode. The mode that sets you apart from the others, the one with no feelings, no worries. Just a solid perfect work ethic. "Your wrapping your thumb around the end of your hand leaving it straight when it should be down. Wrapped over the first knuckle of your pointer finger." 
Showing  her what you mean, you watch her do it and see the annoyed look on her face. You laugh a little before continuing "I know its uncomfortable, but I promise dislocating or breaking your thumb is a lot worse. Plus once it becomes a habit you wont even think about it." You catch a few other students fixing their mistakes around you, which is encouraging. 
"Next your stance is pretty good, but I prefer having a more solid base. You stand squarely facing your target, then drop the foot on your dominant side back and out to an angle, 30 maybe 40 degrees. You should keep your feet a comfortable distance apart, but the exact difference is a matter of personal preference. Some people are taller and can keep their legs further apart like myself. But your on the shorter side so you'll want to be closer." 
The entire time you speak to her you show her with your body how to move. That small voice in the back of your mind is screaming about how you can teach without touching them. How that means Four wanted to touch her, he never touches people. You keep talking over it, trying to be the perfect teacher. Trying to show yourself why you are here. 
"Now the last and most fun part." By this point over half the class is listening to you. Four has stopped walking around and is just watching you teach, but you're studiously ignoring him.
 "The first thing to remember is that the punch should go straight forward, rather than out to the side. The idea is to send your fist out and bring it right back to its original position, with as little extraneous motion as possible.If you flare your arm out, like in the movies, your target will have plenty of time to avoid or block the strike—and you're going to leave yourself wide open to getting a punch in your own face."
"The full punch motion stems from turning your hips." After demonstrating again you watch as Christina does it, smiling at her and offering her a high five. You turn to watch the others and feel pride bloom in your chest as they all start performing the task correctly. 
"Good job Tina.. Peter, Al and Will.. You are all doing well. Keep it up, that's how we work our way up the board." You saw the shock on everyone's face as you congratulated Peter, but you needed to be as unbiased in the 'classroom' as you could. If he failed it wasn't going to be said that you had it out for him. 
You were not going to tarnish your reputation, because of some spoiled brat whose parents told him he was better than others. He would fuck up, and you would be there to catch him. But until then you have to do your best to treat everyone equally. Even Tris. 
After ten more minutes you dismiss them for the night. Reminding them when they need to be in their dorms and not to go out without someone. You make your way out in front of the group, still trying to avoid what is sure to be an awkward conversation with Four.
@coolestgirlhere @everydayisordinary @hannahbeezz @cat-lockwood @parkmiraesworld @leclerc13
Boring part, sorry guys! Ill try harder on the next chapter!
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tange-my-rine · 6 months
saying something stupid (like I love you) || Tangerine × gn!reader
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Summary: With Lemon's guidance, you take the initiative and confess to Tangerine. He kept saying he felt the same, and wouldn't shut up until you did it. So, in a moment of weakness, you told him. You kind of knew what to expect: either reciprocation or rejection. Easy. But when Tangerine instead physically runs away from you, you have to admit you weren't expecting that.
TW: angsty (with a happy ending), crying, cursing (it's Tangerine), and avoidance (Tangerine is really bad at feelings, what can I say).
[[A/N: yes this is based off that one song. It's so GOODDD. And also something Tangerine would totally do. Peep the Little Women reference. Enjoy :)]]
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"C'mon," Lemon urged, "-'s not 'at hard, mate."
You rolled your eyes, absent-mindedly chewing the inside of your cheek, "You say that as if you've ever been in a relationship. Ever."
You had known the twins since middle school (probably), both raised with shitty parents and even shittier lives. When you saw them for the first time swindling a boy out of his money in a go-fish game, you essentially blackmailed them.
('If I don't get a share, I'm telling the teacher.')
You actually even knew their names, and them yours, but you preferred the codenames -you were the one to come up with them afterall.
Tangerine almost popped a blood vessel when you met that day, but Lemon smiled big and bright and pulled a five out of his brother’s hand. You and Lemon were fast friends after that; Tangerine took a lot more time.
That being said, when you were finally friends -near high school, he started to... fill out his form. Naturally, being close to someone who is handsome, you find yourself in... certain states of mind. And what started as a little crush your senior year, snowballed to now.
Where you were in love with him.
You probably told Lemon after a few years of it not going away. But, you'd find that every day after you'd regret that decision.
"Sally Jones," Lemon offered up, seemingly in defense of himself.
You scoffed, "The girl you dated for a month?"
He nodded his head.
"You didn't even like her," you clarified, "-you liked that she had cable so you could watch your fucking trains."
"So-" you said a little loudly, turning to the bedroom where Tangerine slept and drastically lowering your voice at the distinct absence of shuffling, "-Lemon. We have been best friends since we were kids, that's... That's a lot to mess up because I'm... because I have feelings."
"What so-" Lemon starts, "What if he gets married one day? What are goin' to do? Just... Just fuckin' bury it down?"
"First off, he's too much of a dick to get married, secondly-" you paused, letting out a big sigh -something in your chest twisting, "-yeah. I mean, it's what I've done for all of these years, isn't it?"
He frowned for a minute, hand finding its place on your shoulder, "You ever think ya deserve to get it off your chest? 'At maybe you deserve the happiness it'll give ya?"
"Might give me," you corrected.
"Look, I know my brother," Lemon argued, brown eyes layered onto yours, "-and I know he's been fuckin' crazy about you since you stole that fuckin' five dollars on the playground."
"I didn't steal it," you clarified, a little defensively "-we made a deal. We negotiated-"
"Y/N," he refocused, "-I just wanna see the two of ya happy, yeah?"
"I know," you spoke, softer, "-I know, Lemon."
Before another word could be spoken and it really seemed like Lemon wanted to, Tangerine stepped into the living room -hair still sleep-mussed, and clothes far more casual than what he'd wear normally. Not that it was new to you, but it still made your heart flutter a little.
"You 'avin' a fuckin' pow wow without me?"
"Morning, sunshine," you smiled with a sing-songy tone.
"Fuck you," Tangerine muttered (a tiny little smile quirked onto his lips), before slinking off into the kitchen -most likely in search of coffee.
When you stayed seated, eyes flickering over whatever reality TV show was on -Lemon nearly burned a whole in your side.
'What?!' you mouthed, exasperated.
He was wordless, brown eyes darting from you to the kitchen -a few times in a row actually.
'Now?' you mouthed back.
'The sooner the fuckin' better,' Lemon mouthed back, shoving you further down the couch.
Well, you debated to yourself, it would get him off your back, and that would be nice.
But, you didn't feel so scared then -not like all the years prior. It was like something... something had shifted in you and you just wanted it done.
Shit, you thought, maybe it is time.
You took a deep breath in and with raised hands (in mock surrender), stood up.
Lemon seemed taken aback a moment, shock, like he'd never actually expected you to cave; to be fair, you were a little surprised too. But... you were tired, and if heartbreak was to come of it -you wanted to get it over with now.
'But if he doesn't...' you mouthed, '-you owe me everything in your wallet.'
He neatly nodded in agreement.
You swallowed, squeezing your hands together and with the timidness of a doe, entered the kitchen.
The kitchen in the apartment was small, but modern-looking. It was all sleek metal and plain colored cabinets, looked like something out of a magazine. That being said, Tangerine fit right in.
Your eyes unwillingly went to his hair, the unkempt curls, and you briefly wondered if they felt soft.
"Hey, Tan?" you echoed out -trying to keep your voice level and calm.
He held up a finger -as if to say 'one moment', before fidgeting with his coffee. He took it basically black so it didn't take him too long to do so. Just a dash of both sugar and milk, he spun around to look at you.
You supposed you hadn't thought about the idea that he had to be looking at you while you said it. His eyes were always so... bright and distracting -you could hardly handle it when he looked at you so intensely on a regular day. How could you do that today? Right now?
You cleared your throat, wringing your hands together, "I, um, I need to tell you something."
Tangerine pursed his lips, looking you over -leaning slightly on the counter with his cup in his hand. His eyes dashed over yours with a curious sort of question there -scanning over you like he was trying to figure out just what it was.
"Ya alright, love?"
You blinked, trying to clear your head, and opening your mouth to respond. In what way, you weren't sure but any at all sounded good-
"Get fuckin' on with it, mate," Lemon yelled out from the living room -apparently hearing everything in here he could.
Tangerine was just looking at you -blue eyes just looking.
Something in you snapped.
"Jesus Christ, fine, Lemon," you hissed in frustration -words coming out before you could stop them, "-Tangerine, I'm in love with you."
Tangerine froze.
You weren't even sure he was breathing.
"Tangerine," you stepped forward, concerned, "-are you okay?"
Before you could so much as touch him though, he, without a word, beelined out of the kitchen. So fast you were left reeling in his dust, blinking a little deliriously.
You instantly spun around your heels and rushed to the living room -just in time to see Tangerine swipe the keys (the car keys) off of the little table near the door and promptly leave the apartment.
The sound of the door slamming shut echoed into your mind -like a pin dropping into silence.
Something swirling up into your chest, you swallowed -something heavy on your tongue and even heavier on your heart. You blankly stared at the door, like if you wished hard enough he'd come back and tell you he loved you. That all of it had just been a gut reaction.
After a few minutes, that did not happen.
"Lemon...?" You croaked out, eyes suddenly blurry and heart pounding in your chest -had you really just ruined it all?
"Lemon-" you let out a breath and it somehow turned into a sob. It felt like your chest had been cracked open and your heart crushed to dust.
God, you'd lost him. You fucking lost your best friend because you decided to be stupid and fall in love with him-
You don't know when you fell to the floor, crying, but you do remember Lemon rushing over to you -brown eyes guilty and somewhat confused.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He kept repeating it, over and over, but all you could see in your head was Tangerine frozen and all you could feel was a loss. You were grieving him, there was no way anything could go back to normal-
You'd have to get separate jobs, live on your own-
"I'm not leavin' you," Lemon said suddenly, and you realized you must've been muttering, "-My brother can shove 'at idea up his arse."
Without another breath, you pushed yourself into his arms -wrapped around him into a hug.
"Liked you much better anyway," he muttered, and there was a laugh that burst through your chest.
You and Lemon ended up staying at that apartment for about three more days, waiting to see if Tangerine would return. All of his clothes were here, and you weren't entirely sure he even had his wallet in his pajamas -but he didn't show back up.
Not that he hadn't been in contact, Lemon had been both answering and not answering phone calls from him almost by the hour. He always ran to another room to answer them though, and you respected the privacy -it's not like you wanted to hear from Tangerine anyway.
Even though he was your friend and you were worried, you knew it best not to talk to him.
"You're a fuckin' idiot, mate," Lemon hissed out -bitter and disapproving, "-none of it makes any fuckin' sense, I swear you were-"
There was silence for a minute, you assumed Tangerine interrupted him.
"Are you really fuckin' serious with me right now?" Came back with a much harsher sentiment and the tone of it chilled you to the bone -Lemon was mad.
Which you'd really only seen once or twice, in grade school, either when someone picked on you and you cried (both boys reacted similarly to that) or when someone, unprompted, hurt Tangerine.
You were suddenly flashed back to your senior prom when a guy had asked you but it had all turned out to be some joke. 'He's fuckin' stupid not to like you, love,' rang through your head -familiar blue eyes and arm wrapped solidly around you pulled you into his side, '-doesn't deserve you anyway.'
There was a bitter taste in your mouth.
Lemon pulled you out of your thoughts, "What were 'ey supposed to think, mate? That you were so joyous you couldn't stay fuckin' still?!"
You rubbed your hands up and down your arms, mindlessly packing your bag. The next piece made you stutter to a stop. Hands lingering on a long-sleeved button-up, one you'd borrowed from Tangerine and he'd never asked for back, your heart sunk to the bottom of your chest.
No more crying, you thought.
With not a word, you took the fabric in your hands, leaving your room, and shoving it into Tangerine's bag.
You did stay in the room for a moment, breathing in the... Tangerine of it all.
And then, you left.
"No, no, mate," Lemon laughed, incredulously, "-I'm not doin' shit for you. You come 'ere and do damage control yourself."
You pulled your bag up on your shoulder, it was just a little duffle -you didn't carry much job to job, and trailed into the living room.
Lemon immediately straightened, cutting off Tangerine, "I've got to go, brother. I think you know 'at to do."
With the precise press of a finger, he hung up.
Letting out a big sigh, Lemon turned to you, "Let me get 'is stuff, and then we'll leave, yeah?"
And you did.
You're not sure what the last call was about, but after that one, he started calling you too.
Lemon had decided to cool off on the jobs, just visiting a few cities out of want -kind of treating it like a tourist. It was weird, but not unwelcome. One of those nights, it started.
You were eating on the couch, some sort of reality TV show distracting you with Lemon -when your phone vibrated on the coffee table. You unhesitatingly went to pick it up, eyes smoothing across the name-
'Tan 🍊'.
Staring at it for a moment in disbelief, you quickly declined and set your phone back on the coffee table.
He didn't call you again until late that night when Lemon was asleep in his room; you weren't asleep, to be fair, just staring up at the ceiling.
The name flickered across your screen, and with a little hesitation, you answered.
"What the hell do you want, Tan?"
He was silent for a minute, slow to respond -speaking a little in disbelief, "Hey, love."
"Tangerine, don't-" you started, something breaking in your voice -you cleared your throat, "-That's not fair."
"You're being mean," you echoed out, tone a little broken and weepy -it was all you could say.
He was silent for a long while then, almost exhausted, "I'm sorry."
"It feels like," and you could feel the tears bubbling up, "-it feels like when that stupid guy ditched me at prom," your voice got much quieter -a little pathetic but you didn’t care, "-but you're not here, Tan."
'I want you here,' went unsaid.
"I'm sorry," he repeated -but this time a little more dim.
"Don't you think I deserve to hear that in person?" You offered -swallowed back a sob, you were crying by now, just silent tears down your cheeks, "Don't you have any respect for me-"
"I never meant to-"
"Save it," you interrupted -tired and exhausted, "-I need to sleep."
Before he could say another word, you hung up.
And if you cried yourself to sleep that night, that was between you and the apartment walls.
He didn't stop after that night, calling you more than Lemon -he still answered. You didn't. You had nothing to say to him, until he decided to apologize, in person. Or even just come back at all. He couldn't run forever. No matter how much he didn't want to reject you, you needed to hear it.
Couldn't he understand that?
Because every day he didn't, there was a traitorous little part of you that held onto the hope that maybe he had just been overwhelmed. Maybe he just wasn't ready.
And that hurt more than anything else. That he wouldn't come to tell you otherwise, when you already knew it.
There were a few times he'd call you, and Lemon would call him back: 'Just leave 'em alone, mate.' And then, he'd disappear off into a room -ready to talk about whatever they did.
And then, about a month after the start of it all, you heard a knock on the door.
It was a normal day, where you and Lemon ate takeout and watched whatever show was on -which was often shitty. He didn't talk about Tangerine, so the conversations were more lighthearted -made you feel better.
But when you heard the door, you froze.
Lemon seemed to be looking for your reaction, brown eyes darting all over your face. And for a moment, you were relieved that he was okay but then your face settled into something strained.
You told him you loved him and he ran away. You didn't think it could get much worse than rejection, but it did.
Lemon took the look as a sign to gently rub your shoulder, comforting, before standing up and heading to the door.
Deciding to focus on the TV and eat, you did so. You only flinched when he swung open the door, and in quiet whispers, you heard his voice again. It felt like your whole world was crumbling, you thought you were ready for this -the rejection. But you still loved him so much-
You blinked away tears, determined not to let him see you cry. You wouldn't accept pity, not from him.
You knew his footfall, knew exactly where he stopped behind the couch and you even felt his hand come to clutch it right by your head. You ignored him.
"Y/N," he started and his voice seemed a little wrecked.
Not knowing entirely why (or maybe knowing exactly), you turned to meet him.
Tangerine was disheveled, hair messy like he'd been running his hand through it for days -which you knew he did when he was nervous, and his new suit messy. He did look a little like he'd been in a bar fight, and won. You also knew he did that when he needed some stress relief.
Was that why he was here? For refuge?
You abruptly stood up, food falling from your lap, and somehow safely onto the couch, "I'm too tired for this."
Tangerine looked at you for a moment, and you thought it was a little desperate but you smushed the idea without hesitation.
This time, you were the one to run away from him.
You found immediate solace in your room, slinking against the door and breathing so quickly -your eyes fogged up. Needing something to do, you decided to unpack your bag.
Unwillingly, you heard a mutter of voices, and even Lemon's footfall as he disappeared into his room. Tangerine took a bit longer, but when you heard the door shut, you let out a long sigh of relief. Not tonight.
Before you could finish with your clothes though, you heard his steps again -slow and hesitant. You thought for a second that maybe he was leaving again, and something in your stomach twisted.
Instead, though, all you hear was them booming closer. You stilled.
You had the off thought to run over and lock it, but it was too late then. The door opened slowly like he wasn't sure if you were asleep. And you chastised yourself for not thinking of that.
When he opened it all the way, his eyes landed squarely on you. You waited for him to say something, anything, so you could shut him down and go to bed.
Instead, he simply extended his hand forward.
Your eyes darted to it, his hand clutching a shirt -the shirt you had shoved back into his bag. How did he even know it was different?
"Take it," he spoke, voice quiet.
"Tangerine," you countered, swallowing back the heaviness in your voice, "-that's yours."
"'S not," he explained, "-I fuckin' gave it to you."
"You let me borrow it," you clarified, tone wavering slightly, "-I'm just returning it."
"You didn't fuckin' borrow it-"
"Take the fuckin' shirt, love," he reiterated, "'s not mine anymore."
"Tangerine," you sighed out, "-can you not? It's late, and I'm tired-"
"It's your shirt," he interrupted, something in his eyes but you couldn't quite label it, "-take it, and I'll fuckin' leave you alone, yeah?"
"I'm not-" you exhaled, closing your eyes for a moment -trying to bat away the tears, the frustration, "-Tangerine, I don't want it."
"Well, I want you to fuckin' have it."
"Do you think about what I want?" you echoed, "-Ever?"
Tangerine opened his mouth, but you were on a roll now.
"I..." you laughed incredulously, looking up to stop your tears (you blinked them away), "-Tangerine, it's been a month."
He tried again, but you didn't let him.
"You. You left," you sniffled slightly, clearing your throat -prolonging the inevitable, "-Tangerine, I... I told you that I loved you and you ran away."
"Love," he started, small and barely there.
"Stop-" you swallowed, "-Don't call me that, it's not... it's not fair."
"How is it not fair?"
"You don't-" you groaned, swiping at your eyes -you were crying now, and out of the corner of your eye you saw his hand twitch (like he wanted to comfort you).
He stood in silence waiting, patient.
"Tangerine, why didn't you just tell me then?" You asked the question that bounced around your mind ever since he left.
"Fuckin' tell you what, love?"
You flinched, ever-so-slightly, at the name again -something twisting in your stomach, and squeezed your eyes shut. Breathing a big breath in through your nose, you started.
"That you don't love me," you clarified, and now your voice was shaking and your eyes were blurry, "You could've-"
Tangerine seemed to be processing something, a flicker in his eyes.
"You could've made it so much easier if you'd just-" you frustratingly wiped your eyes again, "-said that. But instead, you ran away, and all I could think about was what I had done wrong for you to-"
"You didn't do anythin' wrong."
"Then why didn't you just tell me the truth?" You practically begged, "-Why don't you tell me now? So I don't have to... So, I know."
"That's not..."
"Tangerine," he looked at you -and you but back a sob, "-I deserve the truth. Just say it. I know you're scared you'll hurt me, but I... I've survived worse."
"What makes ya think it'll hurt you?" He offered, and your heart in your chest started beating loudly -ringing in your ears.
"Because you ran away," you repeat, wiping at your eyes again, "-I think that makes the answer pretty clear."
"Just fucking reject me!" you exclaimed, not loud enough to bother neighbors but enough to bounce around the room (Lemon probably woke up to it), "-It's not that hard, Tan, you've practically done it before."
He seemed to flinch at that, grimace even, at the mention of what he'd done. You were glad he felt some kind of guilt. Still, he remained quiet.
"For the love of god, Tangerine-" you echoed out, shaky now and your heart on the floor -vulnerable, "-just say it. It's not that hard."
"I fuckin' can't," he finally answered -something bubbling up in his tone; his hands clenched by his sides -shirt still clutched between his fingers.
"Can't," you questioned, voice shaky and tears building in your eyes, "-or won't?"
"Can't," he reiterated.
"This is ridiculous, Tangerine," you whimpered -swallowing back a sob, "-you can't give me fucking peace?"
"Give me a reason," you interrupted, brash, "-give me the reason you can't reject me right here right now."
"It's not 'at fuckin' simple, love," he remarked, low in tone, but you could tell he was getting frustrated.
"Nothing ever is!" you reasoned, "-Just tell me, that's all I want."
"It's not..."
"Tangerine, please."
He swallowed, eyes dipping to yours -scanning over you with your no doubt red eyes and shaky hands. Like he was thinking, deciding on what to say. All you could see was reluctance.
He let out a big long sigh, fidgeting with his hands (and the shirt in the mix).
"'S not how I feel."
You furrowed your brows, "What?"
"I can't..." he trailed off, eyes off you and flickering toward the ground, "-I can't reject you because it's not what I feel, love."
Your breathing halted in your chest. Heart twisting into something so complex, sad and angry and hopeful.
There's no way, he- Why the hell did he run away?
"That's not funny, Tangerine."
"It's not a fuckin' joke," he responded, eyes finally back on yours -and you tried to read them all you could.
"Stop, no," you echoed out, shaking your head, "-don't pity me, just tell me the truth-"
"I am," he reiterated.
"No you're not," you laughed incredulously, "-it makes no sense."
He pursed his lips, exhaling through his nose, "I was scared."
"That's not-" you started, before clearing your throat, "Do you not think I was scared? That I wasn't putting everything on the line to say that? I thought I was going to lose you and then I did-"
"You didn't lose me," he spoke, softer, "-you could never lose me, love."
"I did, Tan," you sniffled, "-I lost you."
"Tangerine," you echoed, "-you left. And I thought, I thought that my best friend was gone. I thought that because I had stupid feelings I lost you. You ran away, Tan!"
"They aren't stupid," he responded and it seemed that he was deciding on whether to step closer -you took a preemptive step back.
"At least," you sighed out, voice cracking, "-at least you knew the truth, I... I didn't know shit. You could have never come back-"
"I did," he interrupted, "-I did come back, love. And I know I'm fuckin' stupid, Lemon has been drillin' it in my head for weeks. I regret walkin' out of 'at fuckin' room so much."
His eyes were shiny with tears now, as he stepped forward into your room -hands reaching forward like he'd wanted to touch you, but he stopped.
"How the hell am I supposed to believe you? What if you just-" you sniffled, "-run away again?"
"I won't," he spoke -unwavering, "-I swear on whatever fuckin' god is up there, 'at I won't do it again."
"I don't-" you whispered out, clutched at your arms.
"I never meant to hurt you, love," he echoed out, stepping closer, "-I fuckin' hate myself for doin' it. I will never fuckin' do it again."
"Tangerine, this isn't-"
"I'm fuckin' madly in love with you," he finished, laughing a little -slowly placing his hands on your arms. You didn't move away, and he seemed to smile at that, "-'ave been since we were kids, and you pulled 'at greedy shit on me."
"It wasn't greedy," you defended.
"Most certainly fuckin' was," he tsked back, moving one hand to your face -thumb wiping back and forth.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, but there was still something heavy in your stomach. Tossing like waves.
"I'm sorry," he said, finally, "-I got fuckin' scared and ran away. It wasn't fair to you, and-" his hand brushed against your cheek, "-I'd beat myself bloody senseless if I could."
You laughed at that for a moment, and his smile got a little wider.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" you asked, something clawing up your throat again.
He frowned, allowing his hand to fall to his side -sighing, "I'm a fuckin' coward, love."
You opened your mouth to say something, anything.
"You confessed to me and it was so fuckin' brave," he looked at you like you were the sun then, bright and warm, "-and I... I couldn't spit out a fuckin' word. I just went into autopilot and..."
"Ran away," you finished, swallowing.
"Yeah," he spoke, confirming, "-ran away."
Before you could hold your tongue, words slipped out, "That is pretty cowardly."
Tangerine laughed, a big one, and something in you warmed -a smile perking onto your lips.
"It is," he agreed, "-I'll give you fuckin' 'at."
And then he paused, eye flitting over you -seeming to detail all your features in his head. Tracing over your nose, your eyes, your eyebrows, your lips-
"Are we okay, love?"
It was soft and hopeful, and something in you softened -your hurt letting up just a smidge. It wasn't gone, not yet.
"Yeah, we're good," you hummed out, taking a hand and pushing a strand of hair behind his ear, "-but you have a lot to fix."
"I know," he hummed back, blue eyes soft and affectionate, "-I'll do it. Whatever you fuckin' want."
"Well," you smiled, so close to his face -merely a breath away, "-I think I've got my first idea."
"Do you?" He offered with a smirk, hands coming to hold the sides of your face.
"Yeah," you brought your hands up on top of his, "-kiss me, please."
Tangerine didn't hesitate after that, pulling you closer with the grasp of his hands -still somehow gentle. His mustache tickled your upper lip, and you laughed a little -a grin spreading along his own lips in response. And after, it was slow, languid, each press of the lips just a touch more desperate -like you were his oxygen. Fingers pressed into your skin, your head went a little fuzzy -fingers twisting around his palms.
Speaking of oxygen, you parted.
Before you could so much as say a word though, Tangerine pressed a small one to your lips -simple. You laughed a little.
And then again, and again, and again, and again-
"Tangerine-" you laughed out, "-I can't breathe."
"Fuckin' fine," he muttered, before taking a deep breath of his own.
And then the thought crossed your mind that he would leave eventually -go back to his room. Sleep. But, you had lost so much time. You didn't want him to leave yet.
"Yeah, love?" He gave you all his attention, eyes focused on you.
You pursed your lips for a moment, "Will you sleep in here with me?"
Tangerine opened his mouth.
"I don't want you to leave yet," you clarified, hand loosely twisting around one of his own -held limply between the two of you.
"I don't want to leave either," he breathed out, "-ever, preferably."
You smiled, "Is that a yes then?"
"Oh," he laughed, "-love, 'at's much more than a yes."
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warnings: age-gap, adultery, mentions of cheating, NSFW scene hinted at
"Mrs. Bakugou look over here please!"
You squint against the harsh flashing of the paparazzi cameras, careful to not let your smile drop as you pose for them. Your feet were killing you in the heels your mother-in-law made you wear to match the custom dress she also had her say in designing for the annual Hero Gala. Thankfully your husband was by your side, hand on the small part of your back to keep you steady.
Peeking up at him through your false eyelashes that felt too heavy for your eyelids, you were envious that Katsuki wasn't pushed to smile for the cameras.
It was his role to be the brute, strong man while you played into the dainty, tempting trophy wife that was so small compared to his large size of pure muscles and testosterone.
You weren't a fan of the label his publicist team slapped onto you after you said 'I Do' to Japan's #2 Top Hero almost a year ago. Yet, being a trophy wife was better than being known as —
"Hey home-wrecker, you still talk to Uravity? I heard she's taking full custody of their daughter, would you like to comment?"
Bakugou moved to correct which ever journalist spoke out, and the they just loved that.
"Dynamite, are you on good terms with your ex wife?" "Does (Y/N) prevent you from seeing your child?" "Sir, did you only marry her to save your image?"
Their questions were harsh, as they were just mean. Thankfully the Bakugou family security moved in before Katsuki had to, and soon the pair of you were ushered off the red carpet.
You could still hear them calling out to you from behind the closed doors of the venue before another victim caught their eyes.
"Stupid fucking press, think they know everything," Katsuki mumbled before hiking up the stairs that led to the main ballroom where the award ceremony was held.
You hesitated at the bottom, staring up at the man who was your husband, the man who called you his wife. He was just as handsome as he was when he debuted as a hero even though now he was hitting his mid-thirties while you barely just turned twenty-two. The invasive questions that were thrown at you are rattling in your head, making it nearly impossible to move to be beside your Husband, The Hero Dynamite.
Katsuki notices you're not following him mid way up the stairs and scoffs before walking back to you.
"Stupid hag, I told her you don't know how to walk in heels," Is all he said before taking your hand and helping to lead you up the stairs.
You want to ask him about what the paparazzi was saying, if it was true that Ochako was trying to get full-custody of Katsumi. That meant he was lying to you when you asked if everything with his ex-wife was okay, right? And that last question... did he only marry you to save face —?
"What's wrong, you look like you're going to cry?" Katsuki asked quietly as a waiter showed them where you were sitting, up and center to the stage where the shiny awards were shown off on the platform.
You sit in the cushy seat, and not even the delicate decorations of the table; the shiny, white plates surrounding the centerpiece made up of what seemed to be hundreds of red roses— were enough to make you swoon and forget your worries.
Taking in Katsuki, how handsome he looks in his sleek black suit with the handkerchief peeking out of his chest pocket matching your dress, makes your heart clench.
You didn't want to cause a scene, or be an issue.
That's what Katsuki wanted, that's what he told you when you first met him.
"My wife is such a worrier, always on my ass and so damn dramatic." That's what he said, and it stuck with you because if he could leave her, a distinguished hero and the mother to his first and only child, he would leave you in the blink of an eye. Then what will become of you? The press would have a field day with that, "Fellow homewrecker gets her karma and now is heartbroken, single, and broke."
So, you suck it up, and shake your head. Putting back on your fake smile, your facade, you try being what he wants.
"Nothing at all baby, I'm just so proud of you," You lean in the gain a kiss, and it does make you a tad better when Katsuki grants you it.
Thank god Katsuki had fast reflexives.
The moment the bedroom door is flung open, he's sitting up in bed. Katsuki pulls your naked chest to his and wraps the comforter up your shoulders to hide any naked skin from the view of his six-year old daughter Katsumi.
"'Sumi," He grits his teeth in annoyance but Katsuki never yells at his daughter. You hide your face into his neck, his body heat almost feeling scorching hot against yours as you blush red from embarrassment at almost being caught doing it by the little girl.
"Hi (Y/N)!" Katsumi yells when she spots your hair poking out of the comforter.
"Shhh," Katsuki shushes Katsumi, making her red eyes widen in worry. "(Y/N) is sleeping baby, what do you need?" Katsuki was sure that leaving his daughter occupied in her room with snacks and her favorite Bluey episodes playing on her TV would give him at least an hour to destress.
Katsumi cups her hands to her mouth, whispering, "I missed you guys and wanted to see if (Y/N) would play with me?"
Having Katsumi love you unconditionally was something you were immensely lucky to have, and her plea to play with you makes you teary eye at her sweetness.
Being identical to Katsuki in terms of looks, with his blonde hair and red eyes, she didn't inherit her father's temper. Katsumi was kinder and more willing to wear her heart on her sleeve, which made loving her easy for you.
Katsuki could feel the annoyance of being interrupted vanish at his daughter's sweet question, his hands that were anchored on your bare, bruised hips, gave you a gentle squeeze.
"Sure baby, let me wake her up and (Y/N) would love to play with you," Katsuki said.
Katsumi cheered before she quickly quieted down to not 'wake you', running out of the room after softly closing the door behind her.
You shimmy the blanket off you, both you and Katsuki red in the face from almost being caught.
"Do you need help with this?" You tease, rolling your hips to reignite the pleasure Katsuki was pulling from your body. His cock was still hard inside of you, seeing how he was almost finding his release before Katsumi interrupted.
Usually, Katsuki would take any opportunity to use your wet pussy to make himself feel good so imagine your surprise when he shakes his head no.
"I actually have to head to the office to finish up some reports from the week. Do you mind watching Katsumi until I'm finished? We could go out for dinner afterwards?"
Katsuki doesn't wait for your answer, he easily lifts you completely off his cock and placing you on the bed next to him before he gets up and begins getting dressed. You sit there for a bit, watching as your husband covers up all the love bites you left on him.
"Reports?" You ask, still in shock that he didn't finish what he started.
Katsuki's head falls back as he sighs, annoyance making his brow furrow as he puts on his shirt.
"Yes (Y/N), reports. They're important to hero work, you would know if you were one."
The last part bites, and it's the sting you needed to get up and dress yourself. Katsuki knew talking about your lack of having a quirk was a sore subject to you, you told him this countless times. Yet, he would bring it up time to time when he wanted to showcase how he was wiser, older, and knew what he was talking about and how you were stupid for questioning him.
You're having a pretend tea-party with Katsumi in the living room when Katsuki bids his farewell.
"Girls, give me a kiss for luck," He orders, and Katsumi springs up in giggles to give her father a big kiss on his cheek.
You are slow to make your way to him, still hurt by what he said and because he hadn't apologized.
Katsuki doesn't wait for you, he pulls you to him with a strong hand cupping your asscheek and giving it a squeeze. You kiss him, and he groans softly against your mouth.
"Tonight, we lock the fuckin' door, yeah?" He growls against your ear, too soft for Katsumi to hear as she already was back to playing.
It wasn't a proper apology, but the way your core tightened and your cunt leaked, it would do.
Later, as you now played princess in Katsumi's bedroom in front of her giant doll house, your mood began to damper again.
"(Y/N), does my daddy still pay you for babysitting me?" It was an honest question, and you knew Katsumi didn't mean anything by it but you still flinched at her words.
You try smiling the pain away, shaking your head. "Of course not silly girl, your daddy and I are married now."
Katsumi's sweet smile looks too much like her mother's and it reminds you of how Ochako would look at you when she'd come home from work: naive and so happy, oblivious to the fact that Katsuki had you bent over the bed he shared with her just moments prior to her return.
You had to look away so Katsumi wouldn't see the tears gathering in your eyes as you swallowed back the guilt you felt for breaking up the sweet girl's family.
Katsumi, still oblivious and not able to read nor have access to the internet just yet, still treated you like you were the best stepmom ever.
How many years do I have left before she only sees me as the other woman?
Drop-offs were always awkward for you.
Despite the rumors the paparazzi spread, the relationship between Dynamite and Uravity was civil. Yet the relationship between you and Ochako was a bit strained, to say the least.
You hug Katsumi goodbye as she leaves to spend the week with her mother, before she gets into Ochako's car.
"No Katsuki?" Ochako asked with a raised eyebrow.
You cower under her questionable look, and you shrug. "He got caught up in the office again this week."
Your answer seems to be funny to her, and Ochako laughs before shaking her head. "I've heard that one before."
Saying nothing, you almost feel relief when the woman turns to walk back to her car before turning back to you.
"Let me give you piece of advice sweetheart, wife-to-wife," Ochako said coldly. "When Mr. Bakugou starts using the excuse of being 'caught up at the office', you better start claiming assets for the divorce."
Your eyes tear up, and your bottom lip quivers as the older woman rips into you.
"Trust me (Y/N), you don't want to keep holding on when he's already balls deep in someone else," Ochako warns, scoffing at your distress and walking away finally.
"I can't believe Katsuki liked them so young and stupid," The former Mrs. Bakugou said as she walked.
You openly sob as she drives away, Katsumi's confused face zooming past as you cry standing in the huge driveway of the house Katsuki owned.
It felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest, the idea of there being someone else when you've given your all for Katsuki and this marriage nearly drives you insane with grief. Karma was a bitch—
Your phone dings which takes your attention away from your pain, and you nearly cheer up when you notice a new message from Katsuki, only it read:
be home late, don't wait up
part two
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 4 months
Hi! I just scrolled through your blog and loved your writing, so I decided to make a request! I was wondering if you could write fem!reader x Lucifer where they're kind of just hanging out but R is kind of grumpy and Luci is subtly (but not subtly cause lord knows he's too awkward to be good at hiding things) trying to figure out what it is. R kind of just dismisses him while scrolling on their phone and Lucifer's like "let me try something..." and just slides a snack to R to which she nibbles on and then becomes normal again. Bonus points if she apologizes when she realizes she was being mean without meaning to. Anyway, this got long. If you decide not to write this, I understand. If you do, you are required to drink water and eat a snack too at some point. Love you and your writing! <3
A/N — OOOOOHHHHHHH anon I love you for requesting this 😭💖 thank you so much! It's just a little short, but I wasn't sure what else to add lol
Hangry | Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader being a little mean, Lucifer being loving and understanding
Word Count: 489
Summary: Luci forces you to eat something after you unintentionally snap at him.
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On a couch, in a palace, in hell, there was you. Glorious you. The very one who kept Lucifer sane — his Heavenly best friend turned perfect stepmother to his beloved daughter, which was a more recent (and super awesome) development. 
He could tell just by looking at you that you weren't exactly feeling the best — it was clear by the present frown and the way your brows furrowed every once in a while, as if you were fighting something. 
For a split second, he thought you were sick. But as he placed his hands all over your face, forcing you to look away from your phone screen, he soon realized that you weren't sick.
“Sorry. . .” He mumbled when you set your darkened glare on him.
You rolled your eyes, looking back to your phone. There was important stuff going on. Meetings to be scheduled. You didn't have time for anything else. 
“Did you sleep?” Lucifer questioned not even five minutes later. 
You sighed, irritated, practically growling out your answer. “Yes.” 
“Okay. . . Well how long did you —”
“GOD! Can you give me five fucking minutes to do my job, Lucifer!?”
He was momentarily taken aback by your harsh tone,  but then it was as if a light bulb went off in his head and he stood from where he had previously planted himself in front of you. 
Guilt began to settle in your being as you nestled yourself further in the couch to continue working. You hadn't expected him to leave — just maybe stop hovering like you were going to spontaneously combust and disappear.
You knew he meant well, but you just weren't feeling it. Any of it.
Five minutes later he returned with a plate that had your favorite sandwich and bag of chips on top, snatching your phone out of your hand and replacing it with the plate and a bottle of your favorite drink. 
You growled. “Luci—” 
“Eat.” He demanded, holding your phone out of your reach. 
And you did. That first bite of the sandwich made you realize that you hadn't eaten breakfast. . . Or lunch. . . You felt better immediately, which showed him instantly what the problem had been. 
Once you finished, you sat in silence, trying to figure our what to say. . . It ended up being a ‘thank you’ that was said so low it was almost missed in the quiet room.
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah. . . I'm sorry I snapped at you — I didn't mean to. . .” You trailed off when he grabbed your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. 
“I forgave you the moment you started eating. Before anything, you're my best friend, and we don't need you being hangry.” 
“Wife.” You corrected with a slight smile.
“Even better.” He grinned, placing sweet kisses all over your face — even the tip of your nose. Yeah. . . You were definitely forgiven. 
So long as you remembered to eat and stay hydrated.
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muddyorbsblr · 3 months
a proper fit
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: married era; a week after 'come on, england'
Summary: You return to the Soccer Aid training grounds to prep for this year's game and promotional events, having to spend a day away from your husband.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Brynne (blech this bitch is back); language; steamy married blorbos moments [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: yearning married babeys in the first scene; shifting POVs
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The briefing room was already filled with the sounds of reunions and multiple conversations of catching up when you walked through the doors. Before you walked in further in to the commotion, you whipped out your phone, shooting off a text to Tom.
I'm at the training grounds. Looks a bit fancier than last year.
Before you could even make it two steps into the room, your phone sounded with a new message.
I know you've only been away two hours tops, but I already miss you terribly.
You had to take a breath, doing your best to not let your shoulders slump. Was it crazy that after nearly a decade together, you two still behaved like this whenever you had to be apart? To most people, definitely. But you and Tom weren't most people, and reading that text had you instinctively running your thumb along the rings on your left hand.
I miss you, too, sweetie. I know we'll see each other tomorrow but sleeping alone tonight is gonna fucking suck.
Right as you were about to put your phone away, one more message came through from your husband, making you pause again and take a moment to compose yourself before you started acting like a giddy teenage girl. Already counting the hours, goddess. Though I suspect we won't be getting much sleep tomorrow night, either. With a goddamn smirking emoji at the end.
"Ohh my god, Y/N!" A smile pulled at your face catching sight of the owner of the voice. Lilly, waving frantically next to Simone, your roommates for a day last year. They pulled you into a hug the second you made your way over to them, already asking questions on what life had been like for the last year.
"I was looking for your name in the credits for the second season of Loki but I couldn't find it, what happened? You didn't come back for--"
"Ohh no I'm there," you answered Simone. "It's just my name doesn't display on there as Y/N Y/L/N anymore, but Y/N H."
"Hang on a bloody second there, sweetie are you saying--"
"Wait no, why did you print a player name on a staff badge?" you heard Johanna question one of the other staff members at the registration table. "Find a blank one we'll just have to write hers down by hand."
You had a feeling you knew which name she was pertaining to. Yours. But before you could make your way over to the table and clear it up yourself, another voice called for your attention. Bitched for it, actually.
"Well well, Y/L/N, shoulda known you were going to be here again this year. We all know by now that you're so paranoid you have to tail your boyfriend everywhere he bloody goes. Tell me, do you follow him to the loo as well?"
Ohh this is gonna be particularly delicious, you thought to yourself as you turned around to face Brynne with the widest most plastic looking smile you could muster up. "And hello to you, too, Brynne."
"What do you mean which player name, it's glaringly obvious which one. That one. The one with 'Hiddleston' printed on it. He's a player, not staff, dearie."
Lilly and Simone audibly gasped hearing Johanna's words before you kept answering back to Brynne. "Let me correct you right now, so you don't get it confused for the rest of the week. First, it's not boyfriend, it's husband." Her snarky smile dropped at the word. "And second, you may call me Mrs Hiddleston." Right as her jaw dropped, you turned around to call out to Johanna, "That's not a mistake! That's mine."
A wide grin spread across the older woman's face at the new information. "So Tom finally put a ring on you, huh?" She gave you a brief hug when you made your way to the table. "Congratulations, dear."
"Multiple rings, actually," you clarified, Lilly and Simone joining in to look over the pieces of jewelry on your hands that were definitely not there last year. You pointed at the heart-shaped amethyst on your right middle finger. "He gave me this one two years ago, but…the reason I wasn't wearing it last time y'all saw me is a long winded story for another day." They all pouted from your cutting the story short before it even began. "Or maybe later tonight when we're all done for the day."
"I'll have to remember to stop by your room later because this is not something I'd want to miss," Johanna said with a giggle, pointing over at your left hand. "Hang on, dear. Is that that ring I've been seeing people getting into tiffs over in the forums?"
"Ohh the Darry ring? Yeah, we got matching sets for our engagement and our wedding rings. Signed off each of our one and only transaction with them." Your smile grew wider looking at the stacked rings on your left ring finger. "They're not gonna hear any complaints from us about not being able to make another purchase down the line, we're sure. We've had more than half a decade to be sure."
"Well then, shall I hand you over your husband's room key, then?" She rifled through a booklet containing the key cards to the players' rooms, taking two out and handing them over to you. "I had an extra made for you already when you agreed to come back this year and help out."
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There was a spring in Tom's step the closer he got to the entryway for the training grounds, the weight sitting heavy in his heart since you left the house last night already lifting knowing that just behind those massive double doors, you were somewhere inside. And you would be back in his arms in a few short minutes. Even if it was just for a short while until you two properly reunited later tonight.
He wouldn't admit it out loud, but his anticipation of seeing you again had him a touch out of focus with the initial arrival interview for the players that he opted to instead tag along with one of the other players on the England team so he could bounce his answers off of them. He wasn't even sure if he spoke a full coherent sentence in that interview.
All he knew for sure was that as soon as the interviewer thanked them for their time he was off to walk through the main entrance. With the singular objective of finding you.
It wasn't long until he crossed paths with the woman in charge of the committee last year, and from the looks of it, this year as well. "Tom! You're here early we all expected the players to be spending some time out in the field, getting a lay of the land, just leaving their luggage here to be brought to their rooms later. Getting your uniforms?"
"Right right…" he mumbled, feeling a bit sheepish now that he was getting a firm grasp on how disoriented he truly had been for the past day. "I was hoping to see Y/N though before I got started on all that--"
"Oh, say no more, dearie. She's in the main ballroom, I believe. Been lending a hand to most anyone that needs it so they can all collectively finish with the day's tasks sooner. She's been blazing through her assignments since she got here. Seems she's motivated to have every bit of free time she can manage." The elder woman gave him a knowing smile, pointing at the hallway leading to the ballroom in question. "I also took the liberty of giving your wife the keycards to your room. Oh, and before I forget, congratulations. You two make an impeccable pair."
Tom couldn't help the grin that stretched across his face. He never could whenever anyone at all referred to you as his wife. Even more so when he or anyone else would refer to himself as your husband. Much as it had been a long and winding road to finally get to where you two were now, he wouldn't change a single day.
He made sure to utter a 'thank you' toward Johanna before taking off down the hall, walking much faster than he usually did, his heart already beating faster when he could already pick up your voice in the flurry of the conversation going on inside. You were all talking about the complimentary Theraguns being given to the players. He couldn't prevent the chuckle that escaped him when he heard you talking about how you two had already driven one to the ground and were well on your way to bringing that count up to two with how often either of you had needed it over the years. And how it was good that now you already had a third one on standby.
The young man standing guard outside the ballroom straightened his stance immediately once he clocked Tom approaching. "Oh…I'm really sorry, Mr. Hiddleston, but players generally aren't allowed in this area."
"That's quite alright, I actually just stopped by to see if I could steal Y/N away? I was told she's here assisting."
"Oh…certainly, Sir. I'll go ahead and call for her now."
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"God these smell so good!" Simone sighed, taking a sniff of the luxury bath products that you two were placing into the self-care packages that the players would receive later tonight. "I hope we end up having a bit of surplus."
"Well if we do, just ask Johanna nicely I'm sure she'll be happy to give away whatever's left," you told her, taking a sniff for yourself and couldn't help but break out into a grin when the scent that hit you resembled Tom's cologne.
Before she could ask you what had you in such lighter spirits, another one of the staff members, Allen, called out into the room. "Hiddleston!"
It took you a second before you processed that he was calling for you. Still haven't gotten used to that, you silently tsk'd yourself. "Oop, that's me. What's up?"
"God rub it in a little more, why don't you? I don't think the rats in the walls know yet," you heard Brynne grumble from her corner of the ballroom.
You tried to fight the urge to sass her back. But you weren't that evolved. Not yet. And for people like her, maybe not ever. "What was that? There's rats in the walls?" you said loudly, visibly startling the redhead. She glared at you, pursing her lips before returning to her task, and you turned back to address Allen. "So…what's up?"
"There's someone here for you." You had to fight back a squeal when he opened the door wider and revealed your husband on the other side, an ear to ear grin on his face when your eyes met. The urge to run across the room and straight into his arms, however, was a fight that you lost all too quickly. He dropped his duffle bag when you got close so he could wrap his arms around you and lift you into the air once you closed the distance.
"You're here early," you said, giggling when he pressed his lips to yours. "We weren't expecting the players inside until later tonight."
"I couldn't wait that long to see you again, sweetheart." He gave you a kiss on the cheek before setting you back down on your feet, raising a hand to wave at your friends who were now swooning from watching you two reunite. "When the other guys mentioned someone else's name at the desk for claiming our uniforms I set off to find you."
"Ohh…right. They didn't assign me for that this year since I'm not the new girl anymore. Gave the girl assigned there my little hand fan though. Hopefully it helped."
"Yeah there's nothing new about you, old boring bitch," Brynne grumbled again. You could feel Tom tense up as he held you, no doubt seeing how your entire mood shifted once you heard her words.
You took a deep breath, letting your voice settle into its natural timbre that you seldom used anymore. Outside your home, that is. "Sorry Brynne, but you're gonna have to speak up a bit." She flinched in her spot, eyes widened as she looked up at you, so obviously indignant that you called her out for the second time in the last few minutes. "You know, since my old boring ears can't really hear you all that well."
"Fuck dammit you heard--It's-it's nothing, Y/N, I wasn't saying anything--"
"You don't get to call me that," you cut her off, making her neck twitch more erratically the more your voice settled into its natural state. "You don't get to disrespect me at every turn since the day you met me a whole ass year ago and get away with calling me by the same name my friends and family get to call me. Now…you seem to be confused again, Brynne. Would you like me to remind you what you may call me?"
Her nostrils flared as she shook, the embarrassment and the indignation of having to address you 'properly' rolling off her in waves. "No. No you don't. It won't happen again--" She sucked her teeth audibly, making it increasingly obvious she had such a visceral reaction to even uttering her next words. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hiddleston."
You slowly looked her over, a tiny sadistic part of you struggling not to smirk seeing her fidget in place while waiting for your response. After a few seconds you gave a bored shrug. "Your fake sincerity needs work, Saunderson. But I'll let it slide. For the last time."
All the other staff members in the ballroom had their jaws on the ground at what they just witnessed, most of them looking silently satisfied that the audacious woman was finally put in her place and finally chose to face off against someone that returned the energy that she was putting out tenfold. Lilly and Simone broke the silence clapping and whooping for you, the rest joining in slowly.
You gave them all a little salute before turning back to face Tom, lacing your fingers through his. The two of you walked toward the claiming room for the uniforms but barely made it halfway down the hall before he led you into a narrow corridor off to the side, pressing you against the wall and slanting his mouth over yours.
He threaded his fingers through your hair, groaning into your mouth as your tongues met.
"You know what that voice does to me, goddess," he groaned the second he pulled away and his lips latched on to the crook of your neck. "I've missed you." He rested his forehead against yours, trying to steady his breathing, his hand firmly grasping your thigh as your leg wrapped around his. "Do you have any other tasks before the training proper starts?"
"I don't," you breathed out, crossing your hands behind his neck to pull him into another kiss. "I finished everything Johanna sent my way from this morning."
"Then I very much want you to come with me to claim my uniforms."
"Say less, sweetie." You let out a giggle as he stole another kiss before setting your leg down and threading your fingers together so you could lead him to the claiming area for the players' uniforms.
When you walked through the door, the girl assigned to your task last year, Penny, looked visibly flustered once she caught sight of Tom. "O-Ohh…Mr and Mrs Hiddleston--" She started scrambling at the packages, not clocking the way you and your husband looked at each other, giving each other a tiny smirk at how you two were addressed now.
You indulged yourself in reminiscing on how you and Tom were around this time last year, keeping things so private that his fellow players and your fellow staff members knew nothing about your relationship. And your husband making a whole show of trying on the uniforms that you registered one size too small, with him giving you a damn near striptease almost exactly where the two of you stood right now.
"Here we are…" Penny trailed off, fishing a parcel out of the pile of uniforms with a "6" drawn on with a wide marker. "We got some changing areas outside if you want to make sure your training jerseys fit alright."
"Oh wow they actually have proper changing rooms this year," you chuckled, pointing over to the corner of the room. "Last year they just had a curtain in the corner over there."
Tom approached the table, ready to sign. "There's no need to try them on, I trust my wife inputted the right size this year." He gave you a playful pointed look, which in turn had you giving him a small pout.
"I put medium this year, sweetie, I promise."
"Hold on…last year's--?"
"I put Small on his registration form last year," you answered Penny, her jaw dropping to the ground as she made her way around the table to shake your hand vigorously.
"Thank you for your service," she said with a hushed tone. "The group chat went wild last year over those pictures."
"I'll do it again in a heartbeat when I get the chance," you whispered back conspiratorially, giving the young girl a little wink.
"I can hear you, sweetheart."
"Next time I'm not gonna bother pretending it was a mistake, though." You scrunched your nose at your husband when he turned around to face you again. He took your hand in his and led you out the room, both of you shooting a 'thank you' Penny's way before exiting the room.
What you didn't expect for him to do next was lead you into one of the designated changing areas, his expression full of more than transparent intent. Especially when he locked the door and started untucking his shirt from his pants at a deliberately slow pace. He kept his gaze locked on you as he approached you, making you so weak in the knees that you had to prop yourself against the wall just to stay upright.
"Sweetie…what're you doing?"
Once he closed the distance, he crowded you, working his thigh between your legs and capturing your lips in a tender but heated kiss that stole your breath away. "I need to change and get ready for training, sweetheart," he said softly, murmuring against your lips as he guided your hand to the buttons of his shirt. "And even though we'll see each other again for much longer later tonight, I've very much missed my wife's touch."
You took in a shaky breath, letting out a whimper when he slid his free hand underneath your shirt. "I missed you, too," you whispered, both of you smiling into the kiss when you began to undo the buttons of his shirt.
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Later that night, you left the dining hall long before dinner was finished, readying your room for when Tom would get there. You barely had enough time to transfer the welcome package from the bed to the table and change into a sleeveless nightgown before you heard the door unlock. He scanned the room, a lustful knowing grin on his face when he caught sight of you, eyes darkening as they hungrily roamed your body covered by the luxe satin fabric.
"Hi. I'm Y/N I'll be your roommate for the week," you told him, letting out a stream of giggles when he made his way to you and lifted you by the backs of your thighs.
"I didn't realize the players were to be assigned a roommate," he said playfully, wasting no time and kissing along the neckline of your nightgown.
"Some budget cuts had to be made," you joked, squealing when your back hit the bed with a soft thud and your husband now hovered over you, giving you a little smirk before proceeding to kiss his way down your neck.
He worked his hands underneath your nightgown, groaning into your skin as he grasped at your legs for a moment before working the fabric up and off your body. "You should know by now, goddess, that there are rules you must adhere to if you're going to room with me." He let out a contented sigh once he completely removed the garment off of you, baring your body to him. "No clothing," he rasped, his eyes not leaving yours as he whipped his own jersey up and over his head before sliding his arm under you and lifting you off the mattress, pressing your chests together. "I don't want any barriers between us."
Your joint moans filled the room as you kissed each other in a desperate, starved tangle of lips and tongues. Like you were separated for months. He shuffled his shorts down his legs until he could kick them off of him and wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you to the shower.
And you both knew that as much as it sucked being apart even for the shortest, fleeting amount of time, oh how delicious it was when you both were finally home with each other again.
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A/N: There's a whole bunch of stories that are banging the walls for my attention but I honestly can't help it, OLTK blorbos keep getting a hold of me 😂 I'm gonna try and cool it with these two though and work on some other projects…starting with…
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OOP-- 😳👀
Also I had to fade to black their steamy moments here because honestly if I didn't it'd have taken longer to get this done 🥴🫡
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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lighteyed · 1 year
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like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me / steve harrington
— steve's not used to people throwing punches for him, you'er not used to throwing them. anything for him, though. always, anything for him. (little short fic moment, fem reader, 1.4k words)
"Dude, your girlfriend is such a badass!" Robin skips into Family Video grinning like a madwoman. Steve, shuffling through the tapes he needs to place back onto the shelves, lifts his head and scrunches his brows together.
"I mean, yeah, but-"
Robin doesn't let him finish, she's already telling him the story. "She was all, wham bam thank you ma'am," she throws multiple air punches and Steve drops the tapes on the floor, "and Jason Carver was all, 'my nose you broke my nose-" she puts on a fake-whiney voice and Steve grips the shelf in front of him, feeling faint.
"I'm sorry, she did what-"
"And she was all, fuck you Carver, and she was totally gonna pummel him again until his friend like dragged her off him and her face hit the pavement, but like, still, she kicked ass-"
"Robin!" Steve shouts, waving his hands in front of her face. She stops, finally registering the disbelief on his face. She covers her mouth. She probably shouldn't have said anything. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"She, um, she didn't tell you?" She squeaks out, she takes a step backwards. "Forget I said anything! I'm sure she'll call you-" She trips over the cart Steve was using to stock the tapes and dashes behind the counter to avoid him, knowing you were going to kill her for saying anything and Steve was going to kill her if she didn't say anything else.
"Hey! Robin!" But she's already clocking herself in and beginning her closing shift duties, refusing to say another word on the topic because she's already said too much without meaning to. He completes the rest of his shift in silence, snapping at customers whenever they ask him a question and losing his mind when he looks at the clock and realizes only ten minutes has passed. He tries to call your house with the store phone but you don't pick up, which makes him even more worried and causes him to snap at people even worse, so Keith cuts him early with a disappointed lecture that Steve only half listens to, and he runs out of there once Keith finally shuts up, pulling out of the parking lot and on his way to your house without a second thought.
When you answer the door for him, you brace yourself for his scolding, 'cause the way he's looking at you, at your scratched face and bloody knuckles, with his soft gaze roaming all over you for any other signs of injury, you can tell he wants to. He wants to scold and lecture and fret. He wants to be mad that you got into a fist fight, let alone a fist fight with a guy who, if he had wanted to, probably could've hit you ten times harder.
He can't really be mad, though. "I didn't know Rocky Balboa was visiting Hawkins," he says, sarcastic but not mean, closing the front door behind him before coming to touch your face with his gentle hands, tilting your head to the side so he can take a good look at your cheek. It's a not a deep scratch, but you're bleeding all the same. He runs his fingers over it lightly and rests his hand there. "What'd you do, sweet girl?" You groan, retreating away from him to grab your bag of frozen peas from the counter and setting them flat across your bruise. He follows behind in earnest.
"Jason Carver can go fuck himself," you grumble. "S'all he does now, anyway, since Chrissy dumped his ass. And no wonder why. I can't stand him." You stare at where you're soaking your cheer uniform in the sink, the white fabric staining pink the more you tried to scrub Jason's blood out. You're opting to soak it out now, hoping you won't have to go buy a new one.
"Okay, what'd he do," Steve corrects, tucking your hair behind your ear.
You hesitate. You don't really want to tell Steve. It wasn't nice, what Carver had said, and in particular, it hadn't been nice to Steve. You weren't sure what had prompted Carver to start going in on your boyfriend, about how Steve was a loser, a deadbeat, pathetic, wasn't going anywhere in life, but it why he'd said it hadn't mattered to you. He'd said that you and you'd seen red, burning blistering red, and you'd punched him in the face before you could really think about whether or not that was a good idea. And you'd gotten him good, too, a nice big wallop to his smug face when he hadn't suspected it in the slightest, and you'd gotten on top of him going for more when his friend had yanked you off him by your ponytail and sent you spinning down to the asphalt. Your face had been gotten good, too. But not as good as Jason's. You were defensive when it came to Steve. You couldn't help it. He was Steve. He'd do anything for the people he loved, he was loyal and defensive and smart (as much as he'd deny that), he was sweet and had never been anything but perfect to you, perfect for you, and if someone had something to say about him, you'd make sure they'd have to answer to you. You'd never let him feel like he didn't have someone in his corner.
"Nothin'," you mutter, not looking at him, looking anywhere but him. "Just usual asshole Carver stuff."
"No, no, you don't get this worked up over nothin', baby." He wets a paper towel at your sink with rubbing alcohol and raises it to your face. "S'gonna sting, okay? Stay still," he puts it against you as soft as he can but you still hiss and draw back in pain. "You can tell me what he did. Need to know so I don't worry about you all night long." Had he put his hands on you? On one of your friends on the team? Something worse? The thought of something worse made Steve's blood run cold. He'd kill Jason himself, consequences be damned, if he'd touched you any type of way.
You scowl. "I don't wanna talk about it, Steve, seriously."
"You can't just not talk about it with me," he frowns right back at you. "If it's that bad you need to tell me. What happened? Please," he pouts his lip at you and you can't resist, you're melting in his hands, you're giving him whatever he wants the second that plush lower lip juts out at you and his pretty brown eyes go heavy-lidded and tragic-looking. You lean forward and kiss his protruding lip, wrapping your arms around his waist.
You press your face into his shoulder and murmur against his shirt, "He was talkin' bad about you, okay?" He pulls away, brow furrowed.
"Talkin' bad about me?" He places his hands on your shoulders. "Baby, you don't haveta get worked up over me, okay? And don't go throwing punches for me, Christ, you can't do that." He runs a hand through his hair, and there he goes, hands on hips, like he always does when he's worked up and stressed over something you or the kids are doing. "I don't care what he said, okay?" His hands go back to your shoulders, he's looking in your eyes, deep and distraught. "I don't care you. You don't go throwing punches for me. 'M not worth all that."
You push him off you. "Don't say that! That's not true, you're worth it! You'd do it for me, why can't I do it for you? You deserve it, too." Steve goes quiet. "You're worth it, okay? Don't be stupid." You press the frozen peas harder to your hand.
"I still don't like you fighting," he relents, and you know you've got him in the palm of your hand, he could never stay mad at you, not really, but his brows still knit together with worry. You smooth out the crease in them with your good hand and he softens exponentially with a sigh, leaning into your touch.
"As long as no one talks shit about you, I won't be," you pinch his cheek and he laughs. You'd die for that sound.
"Yeah, yeah, cool it, Rocky," he teases.
"Shut up!" You hit him with your bag of peas.
He grins, and he can't help it, he's a little proud, thinking about you punching someone in the face for him. Knuckles bloody for him. Making sure he knows he's worth fighting for. His heart swells at the thought.
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denaliwrites · 11 months
On the Brave Shit
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Tenth Doctor x Genderfluid!Reader
Summary: Coming out is almost never easy, but with the Doctor everything is just a little bit easier.
Soundtrack: Bad Bitch by Tessa Violet
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Coming out. Some light anxiety. (I think it's light, anyway, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)
"Did you know," the Doctor started carefully, leaning back against the TARDIS console and crossing his arms over his chest, "that Time Lords and Time Ladies regenerate?"
You closed the TARDIS door behind you, tilting your head as you paced up to join him at the console. "Okay?" you said as you reached him. There was a touch of fear in your voice, but mostly you were just confused.
"See, when Time Lords are hurt... hurt badly. When they die. Instead of dying, they -- we -- well, we sort of just. Don't."
You were trying so hard to follow him. You really were. "You... don't die?"
"We... we change. The old us dies, sort of. We keep all the old memories and all that, but our faces change. We become someone new." He scratched at the back of his head, before the same hand trailed over to rest over his mouth as he looked at you. Watched you.
"... Oh. So... you're not... you're not dying, right?" you asked in muted panic.
"What? Oh, no! No. Not for a long time yet, I should hope."
The sigh of relief you released was dramatic.
"See, the thing is... all that to say. Well. One of my friends in school. The Historian, we called him. Well, he got hurt one day. Very badly hurt. He would've died. Is the thing."
You stepped closer to him, taking his hand in yours comfortingly. "Oh, Doctor, I'm so sorry."
"No, no -- none of that! That's not the point." When he saw your stricken look, he softened. "Thank you, though," he said reassuringly, though you were still utterly confused by all this. "See, when Historian changed, he... was no longer a he."
How the fuck did he figure that out?
"I... I, erm... Oh." You weren't exactly sure how to process what he'd said. How to proceed.
"Humans are different, obviously," he said casually, though you could feel his eyes watching you, gentle and caring. "But... I think it's probably the same principle, essentially."
"How did you..."
"Know? Oh, well.. I notice things, you know. That's -- that's what I do. Notice things."
You swallowed in dread. "Like what?"
"Well, for one, you spend an awfully long time in the TARDIS wardrobe," he said with a playfully annoyed sigh. "I didn't think much of it at first, but then I saw you dressing up in, well..."
Oh. Oh, no...
"Anyway. The point is. I think you're neat. As you are. Whatever that means."
You felt a tear streak down your cheek, and the Doctor gave your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "Now that that's... you know. Erm. I've been calling you the one thing all this time. Is there anything else you wanna be called?"
You blanched, somehow not expecting him to A. be so chill with all this, and B. so willing to just go straight into it.
"Erm... yeah. I guess. Yeah. She, her, he, him... please."
"Applicable to presentation or regardless of?" he asked, and you felt another tear fall.
"Er... I think regardless of."
He nodded, pulling you to his chest in an impossibly gentle embrace. His lips pressed to the top of your head in a soft kiss, and his thumb wiped away your tears. "You're wonderful. And brilliant. And incredibly brave."
On your next adventure with the Doctor, you were pleased indeed when he effortlessly switched between pronouns, never missing a single beat, never faltering, never hesitating.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
Kitten with a reader who loves body worshiping her but genuinley feels wierd being Touched intimately (but is severely touch starved), so kitten restraines reader to finally be able to touch and kiss them
warnings: kinda dubious consent?, oral f receiving, bondage, established relationship, extreme fluff
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"I'm almost scared to ask what you're up to," you mumbled as Kitten showed you the silky ropes, her grin growing even wider.
"Haven't you ever tried it?" she asked.
"E-erm, no, not really," you shrugged. "But we can, if you want."
"I do," she assured. "Right now."
"Oh," you laughed, "eager, hm? Alright-- I can't deny, I think you'll look pretty all tied up in these."
"Oh, I would, sweetie-- but these are for you," she giggled, making your eyes go wide.
"Me?!" you choked. "What am I supposed to do, all tied up?!"
"You're supposed to lay back and let me use you," she winked, pushing you back onto the bed as you blinked up at her in shock.
Even though you still hadn't quite wrapped your head around the whole idea, you ended up with your wrists tied to the bed, Kitten hovering over you with a wide smile-- because she was just persuasive like that. Still, you felt oddly exposed, as if she hadn't seen you naked hundreds of times... but she didn't usually see you like this, basically spread eagle and trapped here for her to do whatever she pleased.
Too curious not to ask, you swallowed the lump in your throat and spit it out: "What is it you plan on doing to me, exactly?" you asked.
"Something you wouldn't let me do if you weren't tied up," she laughed, leaning down to kiss you-- and then the kiss started to move, lower and lower, as she slowly and gently spoiled you with sweet kisses down your stomach.
"Fuck," you breathed softly, trying to fight off the discomfort and insecurity that clawed at the back of your mind as she gave you all this attention. "Don't feel like being more specific?" you pressed.
"I just wanna... worship you," she whispered, making your heart skip.
"You know I'm always down for a little sacrilege," you sighed, "but me? Am I really worth--?"
"Shh," she stopped you with a finger over your lips. "Enough of that. You're worth the world. You're my world. And you won't even let me say it, let alone show it, without getting all snippy with me!"
She spread your legs open and hummed as she looked between them, making you shudder with nervousness.
"I mean, you shower me in affection every night-- at least-- and you won't even let me tell you how beautiful--" she kissed your thigh-- "and sexy--" she kissed a little higher-- "and lovely you are? It's just not fair, love."
"W-well, it isn't," you admitted, "but I just prefer--"
"Maybe tonight isn't about what you prefer," she pouted. "Maybe I'm in charge and you're tied up with no way to stop me. Now zip it and let me lick you all over, you little devil."
You couldn't fight the shudder that ran over you, nodding hazily. "O-okay, Kit-- if you say so..."
But still, you weren't quite expecting her to start where she did, running her tongue over your raised nipple slowly-- you couldn't help but whine through your teeth, shutting your eyes for a second.
"K-Kitten," you panted, whimpering when she suckled on the bud for a moment. "Oh, Christ--"
"Now now, it's only Saint Kitten," she corrected with a wink, "and it's you we're supposed to be worshipping."
She started to kiss you all over once again, humming praises along her way: so pretty or look how sweet you are or even sometimes I can't believe I get you all to myself, darling. It was more affection than you were ever prepared to handle, and you sometimes had to shut your eyes tight just to try to tolerate it.
"I love this part of you, right here," she cooed as she softly tickled the curve of your waist. "It's hard to pick a favourite, though... maybe your shoulders? So fun to hold onto while you're fucking me with that pretty strap of yours-- or maybe your lips, you know I could kiss you for hours, and that's not to even mention all those lovely, filthy things you say with those pretty lips..."
"Kitten," you pleaded nervously, your face so hot you worried she could feel it somehow, "I-I don't know what to do with all this attention."
"Say 'thank you'," she instructed simply. "That's the polite thing to do when you get a compliment. Let's practice: I'll say, 'I could taste your sweet little cunt all day,' and you'll say..."
"Th-thank you," you choked out, hearing her purr as she leaned down and licked a little stripe up the seam of your pussy for emphasis. "Fuck!"
"I can't believe you hardly ever let me eat you out," she groaned, "you're so delicious, darling. And look how wet you get! Oh, to think you let all that lovely juice go to waste-- mm. Shameful, s'what it is, just shameful."
"Kitten, please," you choked, moaning louder as she latched onto you again. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at you in the sweetest way, almost a pleading look like she needed to know that she was doing well for you. "F-feels good," you admitted softly, and you could feel her smile as she slid her tongue inside you-- that was when your head fell back, you couldn't resist it anymore. "God, yes-- fuck!"
Her hands pet your thighs softly, pulling your hips a little closer so she could bury her face harder into you. Your whole body quivered, the sensations nearly overwhelming after all that teasing she'd done...
"I'm gonna come," you blurted out, and she moaned against you-- into you, really. "Fuck, Kitten... you'll make me come."
Maybe you'd expected, or even hoped, that saying that would make her stop for a moment to taunt you for your weak stamina, but instead she just doubled down on her efforts, holding your hips still with a tight grip when you tried to buck them away.
'Fuck, fuck!" you yelped, feeling it start to take over you-- tears were stinging your eyes, and not just from the way her nose bumped perfectly against your clit when her tongue was thrusting inside you; you'd been struggling to hold them back all this time, overwhelmed by her kindness.
It hit you rather suddenly, and Kitten only stopped what she was doing when you kicked your legs hard enough to nearly hit her-- though thank god you didn't, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you hurt her somehow. "Oh, beautiful," she praised the second she broke away, giving a little peck of a kiss to your aching clit before kissing all over your thighs, stomach, breasts-- and your face again, guiding you into a sloppy and needy open-mouthed kiss that tasted strongly of your own arousal. "So beautiful when you come," she went on in a whisper, her hands delicately holding your face.
She untied your wrists quickly, letting you wrap her up in your arms as you kissed her harder, pulling her into you. "I love you so much," you breathed against her lips. "God, Kitten, I'm nothing without you--"
"Oh, don't get on that again," she rolled her eyes, "we'll be here all night. Just let me tell you how much I love you and let's leave it at that, alright?"
"Shh, darling, you've said enough," she insisted, "or should I get you a gag to match those ropes."
You swallowed thickly, and she laughed with sick delight.
"You're too fun to tease, darling," she explained with a wink.
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prince-liest · 7 months
i'm pretty sure alastor being aroace was backpedaled by amir 😭 he said it in an interview, but recently on twitter, he mentioned that he misspoke and alastor was canonically ace, but the fandom widely views him as aroace!! of course, the aro implications are very VERY evident, but i don't think it's like. Canon.
The conversation about Alastor being aro/ace during the second live Q&A on YouTube a little while ago is the most recent one I've seen from the cast on the topic, and it was very... how do I put this. Viv did not explicitly utter the words "Alastor is aromantic," but I think that if the subject were literally anything else that people didn't have a tendency to debate into the ground, it would be unquestionable, haha. There is only so much nodding at, "mhm"ing, engaging with, agreeing that it was important to confirm, and explicitly not correcting of people calling Alastor aro/ace that she can do before it's, like, obvious that she meant him to be. As for Amir himself: He outright stated in the same Q&A that he is working on understanding what aro/ace means, so let's please give him the space to learn!
Even if that hadn't happened, though, I think it's a little silly to say he's not aromantic just because it may not have been explicitly stated by the show's creator in the straightforward terms explicitly accepted by a specific subsection of the show's online community, especially when I think the average TV show writer often isn't going to understand the distinction well enough to consistently specify the terminology or even make a distinction at all.
Like, when Rosie made the joke about Alastor being an ace in the hole, did we think she was reassuring Alastor that she knows he and Charlie aren't outright fucking? Or does it make more sense that her comment was meant more generally about the idea of him being in a relationship at all? Would it have made sense for her to make a joke about Charlie being too young for Alastor if she thought he was open to romantic relationships, or do we think she would consider Charlie too young for a romantic relationship with him even if the characters weren't having sex? What is the actual implication of how this scene plays out if we step back from our modern and informed understanding of aro/ace terminology and into the shoes of the average Joe or Sally watching this show who doesn't even know who Viv is?
I think that if we engage with this scene with a genuine attempt at media literacy then it's pretty safe to say that it's on-screen canon!
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ori-anna-v-58008 · 2 months
Rampart Reengaging
"What do you mean attempting?"
"It's not easy to wake these things back up without proper software, give it a bit."
"You're hopeless. Give me one good reason to ever let you work on her again."
"Sure thing. I'm the only one willing to do your dirty work. That suffice?"
"Shut up and work. We still need this one."
"Yeah? Who's we? Last I checked, your little pet project wasn't exactly popular with Command."
"…Maybe they've taken a shining to it."
"I doubt it. How many millions did this thing cost them?"
"The cost that she incurs is ultimately of no consequence. She gets results."
"Hah. Whatever you say, [REDACTED]."
"Wait. It's working again?"
"Seems that way. Welcome back, Rampart."
The first thing you heard outside the vast emptiness that had taken over your universe was the telltale sound of Handler's knuckles smacking clean across someone's face. You flinched on instinct.
"Don't call it that."
"God, you do not make yourself pleasant to work with, do you? Let me see if I can fix that error…"
"No! It needs that. That PM is loaded with responses like that, and it needs every one of them."
"I'm sure traumatized kamikaze pilots are so much better at crashing than ones that aren't."
"She doesn't run. She slams her eyes shut and the thrusters on. Jumping at loud noises makes her destroy them faster. They put those responses in them for a reason.
[PILOT INPUT: "Handler? Is that you?"]
You liked getting to hear Handler's voice again. You weren't sure where your own went, or if Handler had any means of understanding you at all. It was humiliating and frustrating to not be able to use your voice. You weren't entirely sure what you did to deserve having it taken away. In spite of this, you accepted it instantly.
"Give me a summary of the most recent memories you have on file." You giggled, even if no sound came out.
[PILOT INPUT: ""The Pilot of the Rampart was successful in defeating an overwhelming opponent". That's all I have."]
"Correct. Good girl."
[ADMINISTERING REWARD…] You couldn't feel your face enough to know what expression you made, but you knew you couldn't control it.
"You call that a summary? Shit was literally a single sentence." You didn't like this other voice. Handler's silence made you wince as much as the smack sound you heard earlier.
"Do you believe our enemies survived that explosion?" You heard drops of tension in her voice like slipping a poison into tea.
"Do you believe any other witnesses exist?"
"Your extreme interest in friendly fire makes it seem unlikely."
"So this is the only account of the assault that exists. It contains all relevant information, does it not?"
"You must think command is so fucking stupid, [REDACTED], If you think they're just gonna throw their hands up about [REDACTED] pilots and [REDACTED] dollars getting smashed to bits--"
Your hands clenched around imaginary triggers when you heard the gunshot. Your audio processor was able to filter out most of the mechanic's screaming, but it was imperfect - you heard her loud, sharp inhales before she wailed again and again.
"S[]t []p or th[] nex[] one []oes through your head." Handler's voice was caught up in the screaming and got glitchy. The mechanic was reduced to hurried breathing. You clung onto every sound you could from her lips, knowing she would do anything and everything if it meant keeping you safe.
This story is part of a series. To read the beginning, please click here.
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nesta-apologist · 3 months
ACOSF would have been bad from Feyre's perspective
If ACOSF had been from Feyre's perspective it would have been really difficult to read (and not really because of Nesta - that situation would just be a contributing factor)
Rhysand is being incredibly pissy and Feyre doesn't know why for a majority of the book. He's just generally grumpy and more protective over her. Yeah she's accepted that pregnancy would be that way ... but even the IC + Nesta thinks it's too much until they find out why, exactly, Rhys is being so difficult
The pregnancy complications, which Rhys isn't sharing with her. Meaning he's holding it all in, and she can't even help, let alone know about her own fate. It's a lose-lose situation for both Feyre and Rhys that he decided not to tell her. Moving on.
Rhys' way of making up with her after arguments is basically never admitting she's right or finding common ground, it's usually just sex and other physical favors. Don't get me wrong, Feyre does seem happy with it, but Rhys isn't actually solving the problems with this, he's just making Feyre less mad at him. Just a big ol' red flag for me
Rhys and Nesta also clash anytime they see each other. I don't need to elaborate on how stressful that is to Feyre, it's so obvious
Above point x2 because Mor and Amren hate Nesta so much
Feyre's concerned about Nesta's recovery. She likely couldn't be as involved as she might have been if it weren't for the pregnancy, but even then she and Nesta are pretty consistently at each other's throats. There was just no room to work on their relationship here. The whole intervention thing was a last resort for Feyre, as she'd wanted to give Nesta time to process, and it didn't seem like she was that convinced this idea would work (it was Rhysand's idea, Feyre just agreed to it under pressure). Especially after Elain went to visit just to get into an argument with Nesta. Yes, Cassian might have been reporting back that she was making progress but even he was definitely still on edge the whole time. Not to mention that everyone (unfairly) treats Nesta like a ticking time bomb. I just imagine this stress was a relatively consistent weight on her shoulders
When Nesta finally fucking tells her about her pregnancy complications, she has to gracefully deal with the emotional fall-out of both realizing that everyone lied to her and that everyone is blaming Nesta for this problem. She literally encourages Cassian to get Nesta out of there just so Rhys can't get to her? Horrible
Feyre is also still pregnant! and the struggles of pregnancy aren't going anywhere just because she's in a near-constant argue/make-up cycle with Rhys
So in conclusion, Feyre was not having an incredibly happy time just because she didn't know about the inevitable birth complications. I can't imagine the whole of ACOSF wasn't incredibly draining for her in the background. It's a wonder to me she holds herself as gracefully as she does this whole time.
I'm sure I'm even missing some stuff because I read the book about a month ago. Feel free to correct me if I misremembered something, but
Everyone talks about how Rhys kind of started to seem like a villain in ACOSF. Peopl say it's just because it's Nesta's POV, but just look at his actions, well-meaning or not (I'm not saying he's good or bad (not here at least) but it's pretty clear he's not being all that helpful here).
ACOSF would have been full of emotional turmoil no matter who's POV it was
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mikeeel · 1 year
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always 'nd forever seungcheol x mixed!reader (MY REPPP) bestfriends to lovers!au (YAAAAAAAAAA) warnings: not much, jst dirty things & suggestive not explicit smut but yanno they get naked, weed, Idk
based off of girl with the tattoo.lewd by miguel
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you and seungcheol had been bestfriends for as long as you could speak. you two were glued to the hip since youth and no matter how many times you tried to break apart, you always managed to come back to each other. you've never known anyone different. it's always been you and him. it was visible you were close. so visible, your classmates would ask either of you where the other was when they weren't present, because if anyone would know where one was, the other would know. and it's correct. you always knew. you shared everything, you've seen everything. nothing was, embarrassing between you two, i mean, you've bathed with each other for god's sake! that's what close friends do. and since he always defended you when people would comment on your skin colour and then your parents' LACK of colour, you always found him a safe place, a comfort zone. and since he was always alone, you gave him company within a big house.
'girl! where are you?' yunjin waves in your face, pulling a face as she snaps you back into reality. 'sorry, uh,' you scramble to find the notes you were reading over. but your phone vibrates.. cheollie :) is ringing you swipe your phone quicker than yunjin could blink and you answer it with a honey-dew like voice. 'hello?' you say while twirling your hair like a 14 year old girl. you smile cheekily while yunjin pulls the most disgusted face known to man. 'uhm, yeah i'm studying with yunjinnie.. uhh, we're like done now basically hahaha.' you cutely giggled as you falsely claim that you've finished everything (you haven't even started) and start packing away. 'a party?' you stop in your tracks and yunjin's eyes widen. you look at yunjin and she shrugs, egging you on to reply. 'sure, i'll go. yunjin will come with me,' you say as you mouth sorry to a pissed off yunjin. 'okay. love you, bye' you hang up and slap your head repetitively. you can never say no to seungcheol and it's starting to piss you off. 'are you serious, y/n? our project is due in two days.' yunjin scolds you and proceeds to pack up too. 'yunjin, please! this could be my chance.' you beg her with pleading eyes. 'smch, whatever,' she rolls her eyes and grabs you to get ready for the party.
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you knock on the door of the house literally vibrating from the loud dj music and screaming. seungkwan opens the door with a desperate look on his face. seungcheol is attempting to chug from a keg but is failing miserably. as you watch him you hear yunjin whisper, "why don't you show him you can do everything he can?" as you remember all the times he says you were too 'afraid' to have fun. you walk over there and snag it from seungcheol's hands. as you chug it and chug it, everyone is egging you on. as you remove your lips and look up from the keg, seeing stars mixed with people's faces the whole room is silent. everyone is looking at each other while seungcheol looks at you in shock. he gives you the widest, shit-eating grin ever and exclaims. 'fuck yeah!!' cheers and roars of encouragement are heard as everybody slaps your shoulders and back. dokyeom shakes your hand. 'well done, y/n. i knew you could do it. i'm about to cry,' he starts to weep dramatically and you roll your eyes. 'y'all can't take no shit.' you kiss your teeth as you whip your head away from him. dokyeom laughs out loud and slaps cheol on his back. 'i forget your girl's british and jamaican. combination of two worlds,' he attempts to do a british accent but pathetically fails. but what you focus on is that dk called you seungcheol's 'girl'? and, he didn't react but laugh and slap him on the back of his head. you can't lie, it got you flustered but that's normal right? right..
'come on, dk. lay off it. your british accent is almost as bad as your engineering final grades,' vernon chuckles as the three of you bust up laughing as dokyeom walks off with an attitude. you don't forget what you came here for though, so you tap cheol on the shoulder. 'hey, can we talk?' you whisper in his ear, he nods and pulls you closer to whisper back. his hot breath fanning across your neck and ear as he whispers. 'yeah of course darling, what about?' you freeze. you personally combusted into a million flames and literally FELT like you were on fire. you felt like you were about to pass out and fawn like women did in those really old movies. you pull him closer until he turns his head and silence.. everything seems silent. it was only for 20 seconds or so but it felt like eternity in his eyes. you snapped out of it though when you dragged to a typical spin the bottle. cheol shouts in agreement as he puts out his hand. 'wanna do it?' as his eyes trace your features. your perked lips and brown eyes with falsies flashing at him. you look beautiful, he's mesmerised. you put your hands in his. 'only if it's with you.' you say as you squeeze his hand. he flashes a golden boy smile as he holds your hand to walk to the living room.
'okay, y/n. you spin,' dokyeom says while taking a swig of some bacardi. you shake your head and spin. it spins and lands on vernon. everyone laughs and chants 'kiss' as you shrug. you don't give a fuck, you downed so many shots and had that big bowl of alcohol, you don't remember what's what and you don't care either.
'sexy, give me a kiss,' you slur as a joke and climb to vernon and grab his face. you kiss him long, slow and hard. everyone in the room is shocked, except one.
he's bursting at the seams inside actually, trying not to rip you off vernon and show you exactly who deserves you. his clenched teeth and fists, he's mad. and dk noticed. he clears his throat before you start to get deeper in the kiss with vernon. you two break apart and you let out the most obvious giggle ever. vernon shakes his head as you turn your body around to sit on him, and vernon snakes his hands around you to wrap himself around you and whispers in your ear. you giggle and whisper back at his ear as your head tilts backwards onto his shoulders. this is when seungcheol breaks and stands up and proceeds to storm out the living room. you're too focused on vernon's shoe crevices to even notice he's gone until you noticed the long silence with everyone looking at you.
'what?' you question as you turn to ask seungcheol what's going on, you saw he wasn't there anymore. yunjin slaps vernon's hand from your waist.
'girl? did you forget what you here for?' yunjin hushers as she pushes you off. your eyes widen as you run off to find seungcheol.
he's upstairs in his room, window open and looking out into the street. faint barking and alarms can be heard with the midnight sky. the house feels quieter, but he doesn't care that much. 'vernon? you gotta be shitting me,' he says to himself.
you walk up the stairs, towards the back of the house where seungcheol's room is, cursing yourself for not thinking. that's exactly what you NEVER do. you see the door is slightly ajar so you creep in. you scowl as you see a cigarette. as you take the cigarette from his hand, he looks up at you with jealousy in his eyes but a twang of hurt too. 'stop smoking, i told you it's not attractive,' you say as you twist and turn it on the ashtray. 'says the one who smokes blunts,' he grunted as you laughed. 'only when i go to jamaica,' you stand next to him and fiddle with your jeans. 'do you like me, y/n?' he asks and you tense. a long exhale is heard as you scratch your head. 'yeah,' you say straight up. cheol nods. silence occurs and you get more uncomfortable by the second. 'it's okay if you don't like me back. i get it,' you stammered. he shakes his head. 'i've been waiting for you for you to like me back since i turned 15. trust me, there's a lot of things that i'm not, but the one thing i am is in love with you,' he said, but his lip twitched. usually it means he's nervous so you move your hand to his. 'i'm sorry for kissing vernon,' you whisper, squeezing his hand. you've both held hands many times but this time, it just feels different, it feels real. 'it's okay n/n. you can kiss me instead,' he turns his head to face you. you feel sober, he made you realise, he's your reality, your future. he always had been. your eyes get glossy as you admire his features. you lean in to kiss him, his lips flushed against yours. over time, you get closer, touchier. you feel him, here, now. you break apart. the only light in the room is moonlight as he leads you to his bed. 'i want to show you how vulnerable i am for you, y/n,' cheol begins slowly rising his shirt, showing his heartbeat tattoo on his heart. his body sculpted by god, perfecting itself in the shining light. you truly are in him completely. 'i'm vulnerable for you, seungcheol. i always have been,' you unbuckle your corset top as you let it fall, revealing your blue, lacy bra. he inhales as he tries to contain himself, he unties his sweatpants and lets them fall too, kicking them to a random place in his room. you undo your jean buttons, removing your trousers. you're both left in your underwear, you nod and begin taking them off, revealing your nude bodies. you feel cold as the open window brushes wind through your body, making you shiver. cheol laughs as he walks towards you. he opens his arms, leaving you to make the choice to embrace him or not. you're hesitant, but you step closer and hold him. you stay like that for a bit, holding each other.
he lets you go and slowly lowers you onto the bed, prepared to show you how much he truly loves you.
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snowywolf1005 · 8 months
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Warning: blood, curse, fight
Well, you just cooked, making breakfast for your boys. "(Y/N)!" You turn around to see dadan.
"Yes, dadan? Is there a problem?" You question. "Have you seen the boys? Their weren't here for a moment, " said dadan.
"Oh! I just asked the boys to go look food to eat, " you said before adding ingredients, dadan sighed.
"I got a say (Y/N), I don't know how you handle with this, boys," said dadan.
You smiled at dadan. "Just get along with them." Dadan, sit down, "we lucky to have you here dear, but you know you're the lucky mother they have, " said dadan
"Aw gheese, thanks, dadan. I'm very thankful for taking care of me and my sister, " you smile. Dadan smiled a little.
"Food almost ready, Dogra, Magra! Can you go outside if the boys are here!?" You asked.
Margra and dogra went outside and waited.
A couple of minutes later, the boys are back, and they got a crocodile.
And they were shocked, "Hey mum! We got a crocodile! Isn't big!?" Luffy yelled.
"It sure it big! Luffy! Come on, boys, wash your hands. You have lots of fun hunting!" You yelled, the boys run inside.
You picked up the crocodile with your bear hands and trag the crocodile inside. Gotta say you pretty strong, though.
"Mom, when is the food ready?" Ace question, "any time now, and makino is coming over!" You smile as watch the boys cheers.
Makino arrives, and you two start working. You ask your boys to set out the table, and they did.
"Food is ready! I hope you're hungry!" You said. Everyone started eating, you fed luffy some meat, and then you felt a chill.
Like someone is coming, and it is getting closer and closer.
You stand up quickly, sabo looked at you. "Mom, is there something wrong?" Sabo question, you didn't answered.
And your older sister felt it, too. The door slammed open, causing everyone to stop what they were doing.
Someone wearing a black coat got dirty and ripped off. You immediately grabbed the knife throw at person.
Put it, grabbed it.
And throws it back to you. You grabbed it with your two fingers, "THE HELL!???!!!! IS GOING ON HERE!!!???" Dadan yelled.
"It been so long since I met you (Y/N), i been so worried about you. We havd been looking for you," said the person. Everybody looked at you.
"Mom, do you know this person?" Ace question. "Yes, it was my old friend when I was little, (F/N)" you said with mad glare.
(F/N) means friend named.
"Correct, look at you, you grown-up do fast," said (F/N). "What do you want?" You question.
"I'm here. Take you back your home where you belong, " she said, your eyes widened. home the you belong where you were happy when you little.
"What!?" (S/N) yelled. "We have been looking for you two, but now I finally found you, I can take you guys back home" (F/N) said.
"But I love it here, I been saved by other pirates, and I had family b-but I do want to go home, but there is something I want to do" you said looked at your boys.
"They're brainwashed you" (F/N) said you shook your head. "no they didn't, I know I couldn't trust pirate, but there some pirate who are kind an-"
But you were cut when (F/N) smashed you with glass of bottle on your head cause you to fall and started bleeding.
"MOM!!" Luffy yelled, running toward you. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY MOTHER!!!!! YOU'LL BAY!!!!!!!" Ace yelled, grabbed his weapon so as sabo.
"She is not your mother," said (F/N), ace got angry and tried to attack (F/N). But (F/N) pushed ace and sabo on the wall and grabbed luffy hair.
Luffy screamed, and dadan crew attacks but failed (F/N) was too fast. "NO! STOP IT!!! YOU HURTING HIM!!!!" You scream, tears coming down on your cheeks.
(F/N) didn't listen, then pulled luffy away, throwing him to (S/N). (S/N) catches luffy and walks toward grabbing your neck.
And started choking you, you grabbed her arm no used. "NO!! STOP!! DON'T KILL HER!!!" Sabo cries. But somehow, a gunshot appeared and shot (F/N) left arms.
Soon after that (F/N) left, the smoke circled around, and she disappeared. And that you pass out. You can everybody calling your name.
You woke up your eyes. It was shining and bright. You looked around to see luffy, sabo, and Ace sleeping with you.
Ace opened his eyes and wide to see your awake. "MOM!! YOUR AWAKE!!! AUNT (S/N) SHE AWAKE!!! MOM AWAKE!!!" Ace screams so loud.
Everyone wakes up. Luffy and sabo were crying, so the others. You were happy.
"BOYS!!! COME ON!! JUST LET ME TREAT HER!!" (S/N) yelled. While your sister is treating you, the boys are doing work.
Like Ace cleans the floor, sabo gives you food, and luffy gives you medicine.
When it is nighttime, you have to take a rest, but... "Okay, are you ready?" said (S/N), you nodded, but you here a creak.
You and your sister look to the boys standing on the holding blanket, pillow, and toys.
"Boys, you should be bed. What are you doing?" (S/N) question, "I want sleep with mom, " Luffy said.
"But -" but you cut off (S/N). She signed, "Okay, I only let you boys sleep with your mother only if you don't hurt her, got it?" (S/N) question.
The boys nodded and ran to sleep with you.
"Well, goodnight" (S/N) said, "Goodnight." You and went to sleep.
Hey guys, thanks for reading. You can ask more asl x mother black reader in the comments.
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mxlktxa · 1 year
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wouldn't trade her for the world
☁️🌱🕊 modern!au pairing; abby anderson x fem!reader c/w; a/n; just like the ellie fic, i did this in abbys pov cuz i wanted to see if i could capture her behavior except abby isnt obsessive and i just wanna push out more abby content (and joel maybe idk yet) ☁️🌱🕊
What would this world be like without her? Where would I be right now if she hadn't found me on that god awful bathroom floor? Would I be alive? Would I even meet her later on? Why did she get sent my way? Whatever answers you have, I don't really care to hear them. I'm happy with everything she's given me. I wouldn't trade her for the world.
She's everything I could have ever hoped for.
"Baby, baby, baby!" Y/N yelled, running up to me, arms outstretched and smile bigger than ever, "I have the best news you'll ever hear from me!"
She's so beautiful, I damn near forget to actually listen to her sweet voice, "What's that, gorgeous?"
"Okay, okay. So, you remember how I was working hard for promotion? Well, guess what?"
"Seriously?!" I gasped, watching her nod like crazy as she jumped up and down.
"And! And I got those two weeks off that I will be getting paid for! Which means we can go on vacation."
"To Sweden?"
My landed on her lips as she gnawed on them and placed her hands on either side of my face, pulling me down so she could rub her nose against mine. I chuckled at her excitement while my hands found their way to her back.
"Why do you do this? The nose rubbing?" I asked, backing away so I could look into her eyes and place a kiss on the tip of her nose as well.
"I don't really know. I mean, I always did it with my mom when I was a kid whenever she wanted to show me some love. I guess I was kind of conditioned with it, y'know?" she explained herself, rubbing her thumbs on my cheeks, "you can always ask me to stop if-."
"No! God, no. I love it, don't stop. I was always just curious is all."
Our eyes met once again. She seemed so happy and comfortable with me as if she never had never felt like this with anyone else before me. Her eyes narrowed hands sliding down to my shoulders and a devious smirk replaced her innocent grin.
"Now what's on that nasty old mind?" her voice dropped down to her familiar flirtatious tone, head tilting as she questioned my thoughts. I scoffed, shaking my head and looking away in slight embarrassment.
"Nothing, really," my voice came out much more nervously than I wanted it to, Y/N raising a brow, "I mean... Maybe a little something but... I don't want-."
"Just ask me, Abby. What do you want?"
It was like she could read my thoughts as her cold, dainty hands were sneaking under my shirt, forcing me to flex at her touch. Her eyes obviously stared at my lips, gradually making their way to my chest which was rising and falling like crazy. I hadn't even fully realized I was breathing so quickly.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanna head upstairs and celebrate your achievements."
Now, I wasn't lying about wanting to celebrate but I didn't want to celebrate like this. But ever since she had run up to me so happily, I couldn't help but want to just fuck her like crazy. I just wanted to listen to her whine and complain. It was all I wanted really.
"And you thought that I would say no to this request?"
"Sort of. We could always just go out. If you want to of course."
"Aww, how sweet," she pouted for a split second before playfully pat my ass and planted a kiss as high as she could reach to my chest, "I'll meet you upstairs, I need to do something."
"Nope, do it later, you come first. Both figuratively and literally," I joked, bending down to lift her over my shoulder and carry the damsel up the steps.
"Abigail! You're not funny!"
"You're literally laughing!"
"That doesn't mean that you're funny!"
Yes it did. She thinks I'm absolutely hilarious.
What would I do without this little angel? Where would I be right this very second if she hadn't found me? I probably wouldn't even be here if it weren't for her. Either way. She's one of a kind and I wouldn't trade her for the world.
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caradecema · 25 days
Again// Twister
Part 4
Summary: A love-hate relationship between a cold, could careless, Scott and happy, carefree Marian. The two of them are on different sides when it comes to chasing Tornadoes.
What could happen between the two of them when Tyler Owens is playing Cupid.
{Scott x OC fem}
Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part 5
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A soft smile formed on her lips as she remembered the event of last night. Her arm began to move trying to find Scott's body when she didn't she sigh looking around wondering if he was changing. 
When she didn't see him she called out for him but got no answer. What the fuck? Taking a look around the room she noticed his clothes were gone. She grabbed her phone and dialed his number a smile on her lips as she waited for him to pick up when he didn't she opted to text him instead.  
Marian- Did you guys already leave? Marian- Scott? Marian- Hello?
A pang went through her entire body but she refused to cry instead she picked up her clothes and made her way to her room. Fucking him had been a fucking mistake.
After taking a shower and packing her clothes she made her way to the van. Tyler looked at her a smirk on his lips as he looped his arm on her shoulders. "I went to see if you were fine but you weren't in your room" Tyler teased. Mar didn't say anything as she pushed his arm away and made her way to the truck focusing on her tablet.
Tyler stood there wondering if Scott was just as bad as fucking as he was talking. But now that he thought of it the Storm Par was gone. "Mar?" He asked as he got in the truck. "An hour from here should be another tornado in a few hours" Mar spoke tapping away on her tablet and ignoring him not wanting him to ask more questions. 
"Give me that shit" Tyler spoke taking Scott's hat and placing one of his as he threw the hat to the back of the truck.
"Forget about that good for nothing, I'm sure once you go back you'll find yourself a good man and wealthy unlike that bitch" Tyler smiled making her smile as well "You forget he is wealthy, he's the nephew of the owner of Storm par" Tyler gave her a grin "Someone wealthier" He corrected himself. "We truly don't have luck when it comes to our love life huh?" Mar told him making him laugh. "It seems we don't,  little one, it seems we don't."
A few days had gone by since the incident with Scott, thankfully they had not run into storm par but Kate had texted wondering what had happened between the two of them. Kate had told her that Scott was more of an asshole than usual and was a pain in the ass to be around. Mar had been honest with her and told her what had happened the night before they took off.
With Kate and Storm Par, they had called it a day and went back to the hotel they were staying at. "You need a babysitter now too?" Scott asked annoyed at Javi making Kate turn her finger jabbing into his chest. 
"You need to chill the fuck up! Just because you ran away from her because you were a coward that couldn't appreciate a good woman does not mean you get to be a bitch now! I have never met someone so stupid as you Scott" Kate sneered as she left for her own room leaving behind Scott and Javi to look at one another.
"The hell happened between you two?" Javi asked making Scott sneer "T'fuck you looking at? Don't you have a job to be doing?" Scott shouted at one of the interns as he left for his own room. 
When he made it a sigh left his lips as he saw the missed call and text from Marian. God, she had felt so good, but he was scared he hadn't felt this vulnerable with someone and it scared him. It was better for her to think he was an asshole that didn't deserve her.
Javi was left behind confused as to what the fick had happened. All he remembers was Scott knocking on his door in the butt crack of dawn that they needed to leave. T'fuck happened between him and Mar?
Much to her luck, they ran paths with Storm Pat again. Marian lowered her hat as she quickly made her way to her room ignoring Scott. Kate gave Scott a look as she went to knock on her door telling her it was her and not a certain someone. 
Tyler couldn't help but feel bad for Mar, he had kind of pushed them together in a way. Now looking at Mar all sad made him feel horrible but not horrible enough not to beat the fuck out of Scott.
Tyler kept his gaze on Scott a scowl on his face as he made his way to them. "Here" Tyler spoke shoving the hat to Scott's chest "Don't fucken get near her again!" He warned him and left.
Javi gave Scott a look "What?" Scott snartle "Nothing," Javi told him leaving him to go take a much-needed nap. Scott looked up to see his room number noticing that he was next to Mar just like before. He stared at her door wondering if he should knock and apologize but he chose not to and made his way inside his own room.
By nightfall, Tyler had texted her of a rodeo that would be happening a few miles from where they were staying. Not really having much to do she got out of bed and changed into some jeans, a shirt, and a pair of boots and headed out the door. As she made her way to one of the trucks she came face to face with Scott. The two of them gave each other a look.
Marian didn't say much but she cursed herself as she looked him up and down. He was wearing a pair of grey sweats and a black t-shirt that hugged his entire body perfectly. Fuck why they he have to be so hot?
"Mar-" That's all it took for her to snap out of it as she walked past him and made her way to the truck starting it when she saw him walking her way. Scott was left there a look of defeat on his face as he went back to Javi's room wondering if he knew where she was heading. Or could track down their truck.
It didn't take long for Javi to open the door a confused look on his face when he saw Scott. "Where is Marian going" Javi didn't say much instead he opted to close the door on Scotts face. Scott stood there confused as fuck before knocking again harder this time.
"Javier! Open the fucking door!" Scott sneered. Inside Javi let out a sigh before opening the door. "I have no fucking idea what happened between you and Mar... But I know you hurt her! So no I ain't telling you where she is going! Now leave me the fuck alone" Javi sneered "Melolengo, estupido, como puede ser que seas tan arrogant?" Javi added before slamming the door in his face again.
Scott stood there not knowing what the last part meant but he knew he got called stupid. With one last glare, he left for his room wondering if he could track their truck with his tablet.
It wasn't long for Mar to make it to the town a smile forming on her lips as she made her way to the rodeo trying her best to stay away from Kate and Tyler who sat a few rows in front of her. Mar enjoyed the show as she ate her hotdog. More than a few times she would wince when the men would go flying as the bull went after them.
As the night went on she had forgotten about Scott her head on the rodeo and taking pictures of Tyler and Kate as they spoke with one another. The fun didn't last when the tornado warning went out. Tyler and Kate were quick to look back at her their eyes widened as Mar jumped down the bleachers and to them. "Let's get the fuck out of here," She told them as she reach for her tablet but remembered that she had not brought it with her.
The three of them began to make their way out of the arena just to see people going in their cars and leaving. Looking up the three of them could see the tornado forming as the thunder illuminated. 
"There should be some kind of shelter" Tyler shouted as they made their way towards the motel. "Go inside I'll make sure no one needs help" Mar shouted as she left the two of them alone and ran out.
Making her way around she notice everyone running like headless chickens trying to get the fuck out of there. Looking up she knew they didn't have enough time before the tornado hit. "Sir, you won't make it!" Marian shouted as an older gentleman looked at her as he held his dog. "Then what do you suggest we do?" He shouted as he looked up.
"Go to the motel there should be a basement" Marian smiled as the man nodded and left. She kept walking holding herself as the heavy rain soaked her in seconds. Her hand rested on her face trying to shield it from the heavy rain as she kept sending people away she began to make her way back to where Tyler and Kate were just to see them running out of the motel. "Tyler! Tyler" She shouted but due to the strong wind her cries were swallowed.
Marian began to run to them trying to get to safety as she saw the tornado nearing them. Before she could go any further a piece of debris knocked her to the ground as the wind began to suck her towards the tornado. Her body froze as fear began to take over her senses. \
She tried to stand but was knocked out again by a branch this time a scream sounded she didn't know where it came from but part of her knew it was her. It wasn't until she felt a grip on her arm. Looking up she saw a man smiling down at her as he helped her.
"Come on sweetheart," He smiled as they made it to one of the sheds in the back. "Hold up, my friends! We must tell them" She shouted as she pointed to the motel. The man gave her a sad smile "I'm sorry love, but there's no basement there, Steady now, love" he whispered as he began to help her down to the basement. Marian couldn't help but cry at the thought of Tyler and Kate dying.
The man gave her a pitty look as he held her, the harsh wind sounded above them as the Torndado passed. The wooden doors shook like crazy making many cry. Marian stared at the black wall tears leaving her eyes.
Javi and Scott made it to the town after Javi received a warning of a tornado that would pass where Marian, Kate, and Tyler were. The two of them looked at one another as they saw what was left of it. 
"Javi" The voice of Kate made them look up a sigh of relief left Javi's lips as he made his way to her engulfing her in a hug and patting Tyler on the arm. "Where's Marian?" Scott asked when he didn't spot her with them. Tyler went wide-eyed as he left them.
"Mar! Mar!" He shouted. "Mar! Come on little one!" Tyler's voice began to crack as he shouted the name of his best friend. Scott stood there looking at him and then at the others as they began to shout her name. She was dead? He thought and it was his fault! If he hadn't left that night, she wouldn't have left... she would be back in the motel with him.
"Marian!" Tyler's scream brought him out of his train of thought. "Marian, oh thank you Jesus" Tyler cried as he brought her into a hug. Scott looked at her before walking her way. "How bad does it hurt?" Tyler asks when he notices the cut on her face. "I'm fine, mama" Marian laughed but Scott knew she was lying he could see she was in pain.
"Let's call the others" Tyler spoke taking his phone and dialing Boone. "Here" Scott spoke as he placed his sweater on her shoulders. "Thanks" that is all she said as she made her way to Tyler the older boy hugging her and guiding her to Javi's truck. 
Looking around she saw nothing but debris and people crying, she wanted to cry too.
Scott kept his attention on her, he could see her lip trembling as she wiped away her tears. "Fix it before it is too late" Javi hissed passing by him. Scott gave him a look as he left for his truck and grabbed a sprite.
"Here" Scott spoke as he handed her an opened bottle of Sprite. Mar gave him a look "Go fuck yourself" she told him turning around and ignoring his presence. "Marian... look I know me leaving and not answering your text or call was fucked-" Marian turned around with a look of anger on her face as she slapped the bottle of Sprite to the ground.
Scott looked at her then at the bottle of sprite that now laid on the ground.
"Did you only want to get in my pants? Was that all you were after Miller?" She shouted making Scott sigh. "Of course not, shortcake" this made her more mad. "Stop calling me that shit at this point call me a fucking slur" She sneered pushing him away and closing the door to the truck. Scott gave her a look as he tried to open the door just to realize it was locked.
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