#when i say 'we' i mean nerve has had to figure out how to broadcast and receive messages across time
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clickityweasel · 2 years ago
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i can post this at last!!! since this session we’ve managed to connect via voice to the rest of the party split across hundreds of years (so the dm can stop running 4 individual sessions behind everyone’s backs) and also nerve has been living in an abandoned timefucked city eating tinned food and talking to himself, completely alone aside from the occasional check in with the others, for 54 days now <3
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albireocountdown · 2 months ago
trial 2.3 | lily | re: secrets, ethics, mud
  Lily broadcasts her thoughts on her face. Visibly, she does not give a shit about any morality plea or code of conduct. At the same time, she takes a few things seriously: Rory’s comment on the POM, Lucky’s observation on the cleanliness of Cross’s shoes, Jake’s theory as a whole. She scratches down a note on the paper before her when he mentions that Khloe likely had his secret.
“Okay, no, yeah, like, I agree with Jake. Basically a hundred percent. Everyone’s shoes were already so muddy that, like, there was no way for the killer not to leave a trail. Dragging Cross instead of carrying him, like, straight up, at least hides the fact that they were strong enough to carry him. And they were! Like, sure, maybe the mud wore off by the time they got him into bed, but there weren’t drag marks inside the room, even if there were footprints, like, going in and out of it. Which means that they still had to have, like, been strong enough to pick him up at least a little.”
“So, I don’t think we can profile based on strength. Secrets is seriously our best bet! And, no offense, guys, but it doesn’t matter if we can figure out every bit of the why and how if we also can’t answer who. Look. Not everyone here has to even know what these secrets even are. But it helps to narrow it down anyway. Like, at least vote wrong in an informed fucking way, yeah?”
She holds up four fingers on each hand.
“So, correct me if I’m wrong. But now we have Venetta, Violet, and Khloe who either don’t know who has theirs or just hasn’t said anything. And then Flick also, sure, but I already literally explained why I think they’re unlikely. And we have Violet, Rory, and Byron who don’t know whose secret they received. And then there’s Cross, of course, duh. Even if someone lied, that’s still a start. If there’s anyone who confirmed their secrets before he died, then that’s even better.”
“Like, Jake could be right. Maybe they didn’t know about their powers! Maybe shit just got, like, totally out of hand. Maybe it was meant to be a lowkey, chill tea time where Cross wanted to scope out what this Person could do with the weather, figure out whether that could’ve had, like, any connection to all the boat bullshit, and leave it at that — three days in is kind of rushed, after all, and it would’ve been more ideal to wait and plan to kill. This is, by the way, what I think.”
“Let’s say there was, like, a scuffle near the tea, and that’s why it spilled. Someone hit a nerve. Or maybe it was a weather experiment, trying to make it rain or whatever. But we don’t know. Because literally none of us were there. Like, five hundred things could’ve gone wrong, but the end result is still the same: he died.”
The end result. She says it flatly — no dismissive lilt or derisive laugh couched in her voice. She lets that statement hang for a second before scoffing and moving on.
“No offense, but if you guys are so concerned about motive and whether it was, like, defensible or not, won’t it be easier to find the Culprit first, and then have them explain their innocence and who started it? But if we’re not doing that, then I feel like it at least makes more sense to figure out the sequence of action. Like, how before why.”
She smiles, shark-like. White teeth and edges so hard, they verge on brittle. She looks at Tali, grinning, and then looks at the room in general.
“Oh, but what do I know, right? It’s not like I give that much of a shit about why, exactly, they were doing it. I just think it’s, like, actually seriously normal to not want to suffer. I didn’t get a say about getting put on this train, in this totally fucked up, weirdo game, after all. I didn’t get real choices, so you can’t say I consented to shit. Like, electric chair or slow starvation? I don’t even think killers consent to Punishment, because again, we don’t get real choices here. We’re not prey and predator, we’re literally all crabs in a bucket, trying not to get boiled or whatever. But at least they tally the cost, and they decide what they’re willing to live with, and what they’re willing to die for. I would say, ‘so sue me’ if you disagree, but, you know. There’s no actual court here anyway.”
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solomonish · 4 years ago
longtime listener (solomon x reader)
“Hi, uh, I’m a longtime listener, first time caller. Is it just me, or are we two halves of the same soul?”
It felt like the late night talk show was made for you specifically….and you know what? Maybe it was.
ao3 link: here!
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3 a.m. It was 3 a.m. in this nowhere town of yours, the summer crickets screaming loud enough to become a steady thrum in the back of your mind. This insomniac routine had gone on long enough that your bedroom light was not off. You had gone past the empty attempts at counting sheep, spent countless hours relaxing your muscles from head to toe, everything. The orange bottle of melatonin mocked you each time you opened your medicine cabinet, half-full of pills that didn’t do a damn thing for you. Now, surrounded entirely by trees and the sounds of nature keeping you company, you had taken to merely entertaining yourself in the hours of the night when you should be asleep.
If idle hands bored you in the daylight, it was even worse at night. The cover of darkness seemed to bring with it a blanket over your mind, insulating your thoughts with slowly creeping dread and loneliness the longer you allowed yourself to stew. Scattered across your house were projects in varying degrees of completion: a crochet granny square half-completed, a needle still stuck in a loop lying on the small table beside your couch. Sad as it is, it is still better off than the elephant who’s box was opened and instructions spread out, but too indecipherable to a novice like you. On your desk lay scattered coloring book pages and paint-by-numbers, even an adhesive jewel coloring activity that was far too expensive for the one page, delivered by a man who’s baseball hat brim never revealed his face. It was the first unfamiliar face you had seen in a while, even though you technically hadn’t seen it at all.
A small stack of books that you tried to read stared at you from your dresser, begging you to open them again as if the words wouldn’t blur together immediately. Beside them sat your radio, an old thing that you hadn’t touched in years before your sleepless nights came to plague you. Most of the time, static veiled the music that you expected to be playing, even though you could catch slivers of familiar lyrics between the fuzzy noises. The only station you could seem to get was a talk show.
Unlike other radio shows you had heard, this one was uninterrupted by music or, like the other stations, static. There were no guests either, as all you ever heard was one voice. It was a calm voice with a playful lilt, neither too deep nor too high. To you, it was the kind of voice that seemed to pull you in a trance, as if it knew exactly which senses to numb until you were pliable to the way the sound crashed into you. If you hadn’t been having these sleepless bouts, you could probably fall asleep to his voice.
The topic of the show was lost on you. Sometimes, if you listened real close, you could hear the man talk about old urban legends or strange, magical creatures. Other times, he was murmuring about spells and recommending potion recipes. More often than not, though, you spent your time in a stupor, not listening to the yarns he was spinning. Instead, it was as if his voice pulled your spirit out of your body and led you down a path of memories lost to time.
Such an idea seemed scary, but...it was comforting, honestly, and maybe the little bit of rest you needed to prevent your body from crashing throughout the day.
With the voice in the backdrop, you found yourself going on wild adventures you felt like you lived but could not actually remember. Sometimes, you found yourself on the edge of a rocky outcrop on the coast, stormy clouds above warning you to turn away from the ocean as the ebb of the tide beckoned you closer. You could feel the salt in the wind brushing against your mist-soaked cheeks, your hair limp and wet but still blowing wildly around you. Others, you could feel the thick moss sink under your weight as you traipsed through a nameless bog, searching for a vivid, unnaturally colored mushroom you knew you had seen before but could not name. You could even see, on occasion, a dark land lit by multi-colored lanterns, a decrepit manor filled with seven rambunctious figures you thought you remembered fondly.
Then, just before the sun started to peer above the horizon, you were brought back to your body and the voice signed off, almost affectionately. The room around you, bathed in the light purple of an early dawn, almost seemed to shimmer until the sun broke the spell.
It was baffling, but you couldn’t exactly share the experience with anyone without them thinking that you were crazy. Besides, it all seemed too intimate to share, and the selfish part of you thought it’d be best to keep these moments tucked away.
As you settled in the swivel chair with the radio static in the background, aimlessly fiddling with the threads on your old shirt, you began to feel nerves bundling in your stomach. Though you couldn’t quite explain why, it seemed as if something was about to change. You eyed the radio nervously, listening to the static that would soon give way to the voice.
After a few more nerve-wracking moments, the static subsided and the relaxing, smooth voice started to poke through. There was no introduction music and he was starting to come through mid-sentence, but you already leaned back, convinced that whatever he was saying was true. The two of you were on the same wavelength, after all.
He droned on for longer than you remembered him taking, and you remain - frustratingly enough - with your body and painfully aware of the world around you. You can actually hear what he’s talking about - something about coincidences, fate, reincarnation - the stuff of a pre-teen branching into philosophical thought. You can feel your interest waning, and you even debate turning the channel and slipping back into your old attempts at falling asleep when he says something of interest.
“...and if it’s alright with you, I’ll open the line for any callers. I’ll wait for you. Whenever you’re ready.”
You froze. What? That wasn’t how this type of show was supposed to go. You had never heard him even speak about anybody else specifically, let along open up his world to anybody who was listening. The thought scared you in a weird way, the kind of fear that you were sure should only be felt in prehistoric times, an almost primal fear of invasion.
Reaching beside you, you grabbed your phone and dialed. You didn’t remember him saying the number to call, but you already knew it. You must have, because before you know it, you’re bringing the phone up to your ear.
For just a moment, as the phone in your ear rings but nothing changes on the radio.Like a child whose schoolyard crush just rejected them, you feel like a fool - until you hear a click, and the voice that greets you matches the one you’ve been listening to for endless nights.
Your voice doesn’t come through on the radio, a fact that both relieves and confuses you. Faintly, you can tell that your heart rate has picked up and your breathing has gotten shallower. The nerves from a few minutes ago pick up again. Gracelessly, you manage to stammer out a nervous, “H-hi…” while your brain catches up with the rest of your body.
“Hello, MC,” he responds, his smooth voice erasing all the bumps in your own introduction. You wonder how he knows your name, but decide to focus on how nice it sounds on his tongue. “What is it that you wish to learn tonight?”
That you’re talking to me. Me, and only me, is what your brain wants to say. Istead, your eyes dart around the room for a less...needy response. “I, uh- gosh, this is embarrassing, but I don’t think I caught your name.”
He hummed. You couldn’t tell if you were hearing his voice over the radio or the phone, but you could only hear him once - the rest of the world had been turned down to silence. “Perhaps you haven’t, in this life.”
In this life. For a moment, you swore you could see a familiar smirk in the darkest corner of your mind, one slim finger pressed against sly lips in a gesture to keep your secrets to yourself. Your face felt warmer than it had ever been, but your chest felt hollow, like you were grasping vaguely for something just out of reach.
“I didn’t mean to forget, Solomon.” The name felt right leaving your mouth, and now that you had said it, you wanted to repeat it over and over. On the other end of the line, Solomon seemed as pleased as you did.
“As long as you remember now.”
Honestly, what were you to say to that? Simply talking, really talking to Solomon had your breath robbed from your lungs. If you looked down, you could see your hands shaking, and you worried your voice might start trembling if you spoke too soon. The longer you let the silence linger, the colder you felt inside, an empty chill filling the space where something you briefly realized was torn from you should be. Whatever it was, talking to Solomon thawed you out, and you feared hanging up on him now would freeze you solid.
So you swallowed thickly and hesitantly spoke. “Do you ever dream about the ocean, Solomon?” You just wanted to say his name again.
“Who says those are dreams? Maybe they’re memories.” And surely he was right, because there was no way a simple dream could leave such a potent taste of salt in your mouth.
The way he spoke to you felt so familiar, almost safe and welcoming. Even if your conversation was only just beginning, you had the distinct sensation that you were picking up where you left off with an old companion, falling into an easy rhythm you used to find solace in. At the same time, you couldn’t shake the fact that you knew nothing about Solomon, and that this phone call was telling you that tonight was his last broadcast.
“Do you have memories of the ocean?” Your voice was breathy, and you had to catch yourself just before reciting his name a third time. What was your fascination with it? Perhaps you were trying to call out to him, to keep his attention on you. Maybe you were hoping to summon him back to you. You supposed it didn’t matter in the end, anyway.
“Yes. Not all of them are fond, though. Some parts are.”
You could practically see the way his mouth turned down at the corners, a practiced display of displeasure. He always managed to express himself without giving away too much information - he was the type of person where you knew he was upset, but you could never begin to fathom why. That’s what everyone else thought, but you were the exception. You could watch his face fall and know what he was thinking. You would be the one to lift his spirits again, once upon a time. That, you remembered. Could you ever forget?
The silence that stretched between you didn’t feel like something that needed filled. It was a language all its own, a space where you could hear the other speak without anything being said. This, you realized, is what it felt like to be so perfectly in tune with someone, to understand them completely, better than you knew yourself.
But how could you know Solomon so intimately when this was your first time speaking to him?
No...no, it wasn’t. You’ve known Solomon for longer than you’ve been alive.
“Which memories are fond?”
He didn’t answer the question. He didn’t need to. He was thinking of you in lifetimes you just learned had already come to pass.
“Are you still on air?” You asked, your voice soft and uneven. As if awaiting horrible, surprising news, you brought your free hand to your mouth and bated your breath. The world around you had come to a standstill as you awaited his answer - even turning yourself mindlessly in your chair seemed wrong, but you couldn’t force yourself to reach out with your foot and stop.
The chuckle you received was rich, velvety, and it sounded much closer and clearer than a man talking to you through a phone. “Who’s to say I was ever on air to begin with?”
Your face warmed, and you gasped. Despite the ominous words, something in your chest told you that you could trust him, that this was meant to be. All at once, the sounds of the world came back to you. The crickets were chirping, the katydids screaming, frogs calling out to one another in their summer song. From a distance away, a sudden low rumble sounded as something made impact with the ground, sending a light shockwave that shook the old branches above you and sent exhilarating chills down your spine. A shocking cloud of purple light, glimmering like all the stars in the galaxy came down to visit you, caught your attention through your window. You should be scared. You really should be, but you weren’t. You felt like the late-night bus just arrived to take you home.
Once you were out of your trance, you brought the phone back to your ear. The line had been quiet since you started asking your questions, but you could tell Solomon was still there. You didn’t need to tell him that you were back - he already knew.
“Why…?” You had no idea what you were asking about, but you did so with a hint of anticipation in your voice. This was the moment you had been waiting for all your life, but you only just realized you’d been waiting. His answer made your heart flip the way it used to.
“I was merely looking for you, my love.”
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staywritten · 4 years ago
Studio Time│Bang Chan
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Studio Time│Bang Chan
Synopsis: Your boyfriend is producing your groups comeback and you learn the downside of dating a perfectionist. 
Genre: one shot, angst-ish? Happy ending, idol!Chan, idol!reader, fluff with more fluff at the end.
Word Count: 2108
I wrote this fic like 5yrs ago for a different artist lol But I re-read it recently and still really liked it so I re-vamped it for SKZ. Especially after that episode of Weekly Idol when the members said Chan was sweet to them but he was really serious when he was making music, so I figured this was the perfect fit. 
When your label announced that your comeback album will be produced by Chan you weren’t really sure what to think. You prided yourself on keeping your careers separate, but on the other hand he was an amazingly talented producer and it wasn’t often that he produced for idol girl groups. 
At this point of his career he was expanding outside of doing work for just Stray Kids. It was an opportunity at which both parties benefited. He could grow his portfolio in a way that wasn’t possible when just producing for Stray Kids and he was an up and coming name in the industry.
You two didn’t date publicly but your members and management were aware of the relationship, so some of the pressure was lifted. You didn’t have to pretend like you didn’t know each other. 
Walking into the JYP building, you led your members to Chan’s signature studio. Despite coming to his studio pretty regularly, it was a little nerve racking coming to it for work. You felt just as nervous as you did when meeting a new producer. “Are you excited to work with Channie? How lucky are we! What kind of producer is he?” Your youngest member chimed, hooking her arm with you. 
You nodded laughing, giving her hand a little pat. “I guess we are pretty lucky.” Not many producers would be open to input, but since your members had a close relationship with your boyfriend you figured the atmosphere would be lighter. “I’m not sure how he is as a producer honestly. He’s never let me see him work before. Like I’ve seen him make beats, but never recording.”
As you all walked into his studio you smiled seeing him sitting with Han on the couch. “Wally!” you chimed giving the bright green wall a little pat. 
“What about me?” Chan pouted. 
“What about you?” you teased, giving him a wink. 
You did your group greeting and bowed, laughing at how silly it felt. Normally that would be saved for broadcast and fan meetings but it was a force of habit as a leader.
“Awww cute!” Chan chuckled before formally introducing himself just to cover the formalities. It wasn’t often you got to see your boyfriend while working, but you also had to keep in mind that you still had to work.
Chan walked over to you, pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling brightly. “I missed you” he grinned. You did your best to ignore the aweing from your other members and Han. His nose brushed down the bridge of yours. 
“I saw you this morning” you played with the hair at his nape.
“I know, I missed you this afternoon” he laughed, pecking your lips, lingering just a moment too long.
You giggled, melting into his arms. “Aww, you’re being really cute today” you whispered, pulling back to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that” a smile tugged at your lips, as you gently grazed your nails against his scalp. “We have work yo do”
“Mmmm” he sighed into your touch. “I’m just excited to make this song. I worked so hard on it, it’s perfect for you” he smiled. “I made it just for you”
“I can’t wait” you chimed, pulling away from him. He whined letting you step back, a cute pout on his lips.
“Awww you guys are cute, it’s kinda gross” Han pretended to choke back a gag before laughing and grabbing his bag. “I gotta head to an interview, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
After the formalities, he played the demo track for you. Your members loved it. It was fun, playful and it had a bit of an edge to it. You couldn’t wait to record it. That was one of the plus sides about working with your boyfriend. You were actually very vocal at home about the direction you wanted to go in with your group.
This would be your first track of the new year, and all of your members were officially adults now. You wanted something teasing, and mature, yet still youthful and in true Chan fashion, he nailed it. 
All that was left now was to record it.
One by one your members did their lines, recording their parts in manageable segments. Chan was very caring with them, almost holding their hand through the process. “Minah, try singing it like this.” he coached her through it, reiterating her part, and changing the articulation toward the end. 
She was your youngest, and still wasn’t completely confident in her own voice yet so she was a lot to handle. She did her best to follow directions, but sometimes things were just out of her vocal range and when that happened Chan adjust accordingly. He coached her to give her the confidence that was needed to reach the note. Once she adjusted he clapped and gave her a thumbs up. “Very good, that was perfect! One more time, from the top.” In the end he changed up her part to best suit her voice and she had a cleaner take. 
You were proud seeing him so kind. You couldn’t help but watch him with the brightest warmth in your eyes. Your group were like your baby sisters and he was being so good to them. 
Unfortunately Minah wasn’t the most difficult take of the day, but he worked with each one of them carefully. In their defense it was a difficult song to sing. It was a very dynamic with lots of changes, not only was this a genre change from your groups usual music it pushed your vocalist and rappers to step up.  
Soon enough it was your turn to record. 
Although you couldn't really call it recording. 
Chan wasted no time in stopping you every few words. Perhaps you were spoiled with how doting and sweet he was with your members. Because it seemed that he had no intentions of treating you in such a manner.
“Babe, can you do it seriously?”
“No- Again that sounds horrible”
“Do it again”
“Again, from the top.”
“It’d be nice if I had a single sample I could use.”
“If you can’t do it, perhaps we should have someone else do it?”
“This is kind of embarrassing”
Was this even the same person? You understood constructive criticism. Constructive is what he was with your members. This was just being mean. You slipped off your headphones and glared at him when he stopped you again. That time you were in the middle of another take. It would have been nice to get a single line out with his opinion.
You hated that you wanted to cry.
You had to deal with some pretty tough critics. Producers, songwriters, choreographers, your CEO. Making an album was a high stress process with a lot of hands on deck. It was your job, so naturally it wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially when everyone had different creative views, but this was the worst recording you’ve ever dealt with in the entirety of your music career. 
You just hated being yelled at. 
He knew that better than anyone. All those nights, you would come home from work and he’d have to console you after you’d been scolded. Chan knew that yelling immediately shut you down. You bit back your tears, wanting to hold it together for your members. You could see them struggling from behind the glass. It looked like they wanted to say something, at least tell Chan to ease up, but you shook your head and took a deep breath.
Normally you would avoid confrontation and just sing it the way the producer wanted, but you just couldn’t do it. Because what Chan wanted, wasn’t you.
You finally set the headphones on the rack inside before walking out. “Where are you going?” he frowned watching you take your backpack. “We don’t have anything for your part. We need to start from the beginning”
You shrugged. “Give my part to Jieun, she’ll do it better”
Jieun gasped before reaching out to you, shaking her head profusely. “What? But Unnie-”
“It’s fine” you gave her a small smile, trying to calm her. “I’ll call the company directly and tell them I can’t participate in the recording”
“But it’s our comeback track! You can’t not have a part in it” Minah grabbed your hand. She looked back at Chan “Tell her to stay.” Seeing the hesitation in his eyes she frowned more “Chan tell-”
“That’s enough.” you gave her head a small pat. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get out of here. I’ll check in on you later.” you looked to your second in command “Jieun you’re in charge.”
Chan rolled his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. “So you’re just leaving? Do you always quit like this? Is that the way you lead?”
You froze, hearing his words. 
Was he trying to hurt you? What could you have possibly done? He was fine earlier. You gripped your fist, your body shaking before leaving the room with your head held high. You knew when someone was trying to get a rise out of you, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
On your way through the lobby you ran into Han. He smiled initially seeing you, but as you wiped away your tears he frowned. “Hey…”  His gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It was too gentle. Almost sympathetic. You looked up, scrambling to bring a smile on your face. That signature idol smile you gave to the cameras. “You don’t have to do that…” he gave your shoulder a small pat. “Do you wanna get some coffee?”
You sat across from Han at the cafe across the street. He didn't push you to speak. He just gave you a moment to sort out your feelings, let you take your time and figure out what to say.
He sipped on his drink. “Chan-Hyung was being a jerk huh?”
It wasn’t really a question. There was a certain understanding in his voice. You looked up at him, your eyes narrowing. “Is he always like that?”
He chuckled. “Sometimes. Chan is a perfectionist. Always was. Always will be. There are times when our group has come to blows because Chan can just be a little too much when criticizing. Threatening to remove Changbin-Hyung’s part from the song, getting frustrated in vocal ranges…real harsh criticisms...things like that. I don’t even think he’s aware of when he’s doing it.” he sighed. “Like when we record it just seems like the stress finally gets to him.”
Your shoulders slumped. “But he was really nice to my members…Absolutely sweet to them…he was only mean to me. Not that I would want him to yell at my girls-I’d literally kill him. But…” you sighed staring into your coffee. “Why was he being so mean…”
“He was probably being extra careful with your members…”
“What do you mean?”
“When we were recording our collaborative stage with Niziu, Chan was really nice to them. Doting, constructive, an angel. But that day was hell on us. It’s like he had pent up frustrations and just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I swear Minho-Hyung almost quit that day.”
“What type of bullshit excuse is that?”
He shrugged. “No excuse. Just how it is…Like he can only be himself with people that he knows will forgive him. He can be an ass sometimes, but he sure does put out amazing songs.”
“But at what cost?” you sighed, taking a sip of your coffee.
Later that night Chan came home, sheepishly poking his head inside to see you sitting on the couch. His eyes widened as he entered. “You’re still here?” his voice a little more surprised than he’d like to let on. A lingering bit of reliefe to his tone.
You sighed turning the page of your book “I was going to leave your ass. But I figured we should at least talk. Despite what you make think of me. I’m not a quitter” you set your book down before crossing your arms. “So talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just-” he groaned, raking his hand through his curly hair. “The track wasn’t going where I wanted to. It was getting away from me…The only way I’d like the track was for your part to be exactly what I envisioned...for you to bring everything back”
It made sense he did give you the biggest part of the song. The chorus, and bridge were the most memorable of his demo and he gave them to you. He even had you sing the demo for the company to pitch the idea. At the time you thought it was sweet, you had no idea the burden it’d be. 
It was obvious this song was made to be a solo for you.
“Your members did their best, but they just didn’t have the vocal range to do the song the way I envisioned it… So I made adjustments and compromises...” he sighed heavily. “And more adjustments...and more compromises...” he rubbed his temples. “Especially because if they can’t sing it at recording they wouldn’t be able to perform it on stage. So one change became another….” he sighed heavily, slumping into the chair. “I loved the song so much because it’s what I knew you wanted to release… But they just couldn’t...and…”
“I don’t think we can work together Chan…” you frowned. “You’re my boyfriend, and an amazing producer…but you can’t be both. In order for us to be happy with the track, and in order for me to be happy with our relationship we can’t work together.”
“We can still make it work. Let’s try again tomorrow.” he looked so hopeful. “I promise I won’t yell, and I-”
“You don’t understand Chan. You made me hate you.” your voice small, as you looked down. 
He sank down into himself. His shoulders slumping, hurt etched on his delicate features. Never in his lifetime would he have thought you’d say that. “You…You hated me?”
“I did…for a little bit…You made me hate myself…You made me feel like an inadequate leader, you made me question myself.” you hugged your knees. “I can’t feel like that ever again. I’m responsible for six other girls who look up to me. It’s so easy to get ransacked in this industry, to be pushed and pulled into concepts. They need to believe in me. I need to believe in me and my ability, but with you… I couldn’t. So for my sake…Let’s drop the project.”
He closed his eyes before nodding. “Alright…” He hated that he made you feel that way. He never intended it on getting that bad. He just panicked when he listened to the track, and you were the last person to record. You were supposed to be the saving grace of it. He wasn’t going to release something he didn’t at least like. Once again his overly perfectionist ways almost cost him something he wasn’t willing to lose. “I am sorry…” he whispered.
Producing was one of his greatest joys in the world, and singing was yours. There was just something so utterly heartbreaking knowing that you could never share your passions together. “I know…I’m sorry too.”
He bundled you in his arms, letting you lay your head on his chest. He pressed a kiss on top of your head. “I have one more compromise”
“You don’t give up do you?” you felt your lips tugging to a smile. “What’s your compromise lover boy?”
“What about I talk to your company into giving you this song for a solo for later this year? And you, me and Jisung write up a new song for your group comeback?”
“There’s no time”
He chuckled. “If anyone can write a song in crunch mode it’s Han Jisung” he smoothed down your hair. “I think with your help we can write something that’s mroe ideal for your girls”
“But a solo-”
“Baby I wrote that song for you.” he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. “That song was yours...And I need you to have it. You said your company was planning a solo debut anyway... so sing this.” 
“Chan I love you so much...But I can’t record an album with you”
His beautiful brown eyes gazed into you. “I offered you a compromise, offer me one too”
You pouted. “Fine, since you’re in the mood to make a deal. I’ll take your solo song only if I record with Jisung, and Changbin.”
“Deal” You smiled gently scratching his scalp, and placing a kiss at the base of his throat. “Mmmm...” a groan echoed from his throat. “I’m so sorry about today Baby”
“It’s fine” you relaxed into his touch as he traced patterns into your skin absently. You grinned. “It’s nice to know that you’re not perfect”
He chuckled, throwing his head back. “I never claimed to be perfect”
“Oh yeah?” You sat back, crawling onto his lap. A smile on your lips as you gazed into his eyes. “Mr. Perfect hair” you played with the hair on his nape. “Perfect smile” you placed a kiss on his lips. “Perfect dimples” your thumb brushing against his dimple. “Perfect voice” you pressed a kiss on his adam’s apple. “You are perfect in a million different ways.” you giggled “You’re just not meant t be my producer”
“I can live with loving you in a million other ways.” he stood up, lifting you in his arms and carrying you into the bedroom, your laughs echoing and filling the house.
Hey Friends! I hope you enjoyed that. It was nice revisiting an old fic and breathing some new life into it. If you liked it let me know <3 
I’m sorry my Felix scenario is taking so long... I’ve rewritten it like 8 times and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed I’m gonna try and revisit it when my mind is clearer. I’ve been starting at the screen for far too long. 
∘Tags List:
@skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @innivspearb @mini-meanhoe @poutychangbinnie
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twokinkybeans · 5 years ago
Stark On Ice: Starker Figure Skating AU Chapter 1
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Summary: Six months ago, the broadcasters asked Tony to participate in Celebrity Spin-Off; an annual TV series where celebrities get paired up with a professional figure skater and compete against each other. Well, he’d laughed in their faces, wondering why they’d even ask. Were they really that stupid? He had better things to do. “If you can find me a male skater who lets me lead, I’m in,” he’d scoffed sarcastically to brush them off.
He didn't expect them to take his answer seriously.
Masterpost (to be posted) Find On AO3
Chapter One: Let Me Entertain You Tony readjusts his jacket as he walks into the large building that is the Midtown Ice Arena. It’s a few minutes before 7 AM, and he already downed a triple espresso on his way here - amusedly ignoring Happy’s complaints about it being so damn early. He will give the man a raise soon. Tony can’t say he’s a morning person, but having to get up this early every single day for three months in a row helps to get used to it. Today is different, though. He feels jittery and on-edge just thinking about today’s events. It’s the final rehearsal. Tonight he’s going to skate in front of the entirety of the States. He knows many people won’t even bother to watch the TV series, but the idea has him slightly nauseous anyway. His first live show…
Live show.
Tony chuckles sarcastically at himself as he sits down on one of the benches in the changing room. Live show. Six months ago, the broadcasters asked him to participate in Celebrity Spin-Off; an annual TV series where celebrities get paired up with a professional figure skater and compete against each other. Well, he’d laughed in their faces, wondering why they’d even ask. Were they really that stupid? He had better things to do. “If you can find me a male skater who lets me lead, I’m in,” he’d scoffed sarcastically to brush them off. 
He’s still not sure why they took his answer seriously, but they had. Tony Stark doesn’t back out of a promise, though. So, here he is, lacing up his skates after three months of intensive training, ready to work through his choreo together with his assigned partner Peter Parker. From what Tony’s heard, Peter is a pretty big deal in the skating world. He’s a sweet, enthusiastic 21-year-old who has enough talent and skill in pair skating to participate in the Olympics, yet he’d chosen not to. Instead, he tours across the US with Stars On Ice, coaches young kids at Midtown, and has a YouTube channel where he and his partner MJ post routines with traditional gender roles reversed.  Tony admires Peter’s passion. The man doesn’t like other people very fast, but Peter was something else entirely. He’s endearing in a way. It’s easy to like him. Which, thank god, is a positive thing. They’ve had to train together for a minimum of eighteen hours for the past three months - both on ice and off. Tony had been surprised to see that the theory classes and off-rink practice were just as important.
When Tony finishes lacing up his skates he walks towards the rink, finally knowing how to do that without looking like a waddling duck. A smile creeps onto his face when he spots his partner on the ice already. The boy moves around ever so graciously, practicing his triple axel. A few days prior, Peter told him he hadn’t done it in a while, and he and MJ intend to use it in their new YouTube tutorial, so he’s been wanting to perfect his landing. It’s not like he pops it, but the boy isn’t content very easily. Tony enjoys watching him rehearse no matter how he lands. He’s so beautiful out there. Like he was born to skate. After landing perfectly three times, Peter slows down to give himself a short break, and that’s when he spots Tony at the entrance. The man waves awkwardly and Peter grins. “Mornin’, grumpy-head!” Peter laughs as he skates towards him.  “Well, look at you. Always a beaming ray of sunshine, aren’t ya?” “You know me too well, Mr. Stark. Hope you didn’t forget to apply your sunscreen today!” Peter jokes, jumping off the ice to give Tony a short hug. Tony hates to admit he likes that Peter greets him like that every single day. The boy isn’t scared of him, unlike most other people. Another reason why Tony likes him. He grunts as a response to the joke and nudges Peter. “Think it’s time to start training. Steve here yet?” Tony asks, looking around to see if he spots their coach. Peter shakes his head. “No, his car broke down a few blocks from Midtown, he’ll be here soon enough. Let’s start warming up so we can dive right into the sequence when he gets here.” “Yes, coach.”
“Why- Why do these outfits have to be so glittery,” Tony jests as he eyes himself in the mirror. He’s wearing a tight and stretchy black button-up with thick, gold seams and shiny gold beads all over it. Thank god his pants are a simple plain black. Peter is adjusting his hair right next to him. The metallic gold tee hugs the boy’s skin so incredibly tight that Tony can’t help his gaze from wandering down a little, peeking at the boy’s gorgeous abs. Peter grins as he follows Tony’s gaze. “Well, I guess that’s why,” Peter retorts, and Tony blushes. He sniffs, staring at his own reflection again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Says the man who asked for a male partner. I still don’t-” “Oh shush,” Tony cuts him off playfully and waves his hand in the air. Peter simply chuckles and finishes styling his curls. They’re silent for a moment and Tony’s thoughts wander. He hadn’t meant to stare like that. Yes, he was bisexual but that doesn’t mean he liked Peter like that. They were already making headlines on entertainment websites. He can’t even imagine what’d happen if they’d actually feel something for each other. That’d be insane and highly unprofessional. The kid is too young, and- No. Tony doesn’t even have to make excuses for himself. Peter is nice. That’s it. 
Thinking about them making the news doesn’t exactly settle his nerves. People are interested in them. Tony Stark on skates must be high-end entertainment for many people in itself, but the fact that they’re a male couple… He knows the public’s eye is on them tonight. “So tell me, kid. How does one contain nerves for a show, uh?” Tony asks, trying to keep it casual but failing massively. A gentle smile tugs on Peter’s lips. “Experience. Trusting yourself,” he starts. “You know, Tony. You won’t be flawless tonight. But that’s okay, remember? No one will be. Flawless is not what we aim for. Chemistry. Engaging the public, and-” “-just having fun on the ice,” Tony finishes for him with a nod. Peter has told him this many times before, but the reminder does settle his nerves. Tony’s a beginner, but he’s got the name and his charm. And Peter... They’ve got a pretty good shot. “Exactly. Now, tell me- what are you most nervous about?” “Honestly?” “Well, yes.” “Dropping you.” Peter sighs and takes a step closer to Tony.  “You won’t. You’ve only dropped me once, and I wasn’t even hurt. Even if it were to happen, I know how to take a fall. We’ll be alright. You’re one of the best skaters in this competition. You’re gonna ace this.” “Thank you, Pete. Hey, for what it counts, I’m glad you’re my skating partner.” “And I’m glad you’re mine.”
Tony’s throat is dry, his heart beating rapidly in his chest when his fingers tangle into Peter’s. The boy is so close to him, just like during practice. It grounds him. The floor manager smiles at them. “Good luck out there, you ready for it?” Tony nods, his lips pressed together in a thin line. Smile. He should smile. Peter squeezes his hands once and Tony takes a deep breath. He’s got this. They’ve got this. The floor manager signals, “-Standing by…” Oh, God. This is it. Tony sniffs. His hands feel sweaty, his stomach knots together once more. As much as he appears to be comfortable in public, the moment right before always has him on edge. Any moment now. His gaze focused on the floor manager. Waiting for her cue.  “And go!”
Tony forces his most charming smile on his face when he skates forward in unison with Peter, the cheers of the audience enveloping him. They stop in the center of the rink and he guides Peter in front of him. The boy’s arms are crossed in front of his chest. Tony puts a hand on Peter’s right shoulder. It’s quiet for a second, but then the familiar tune starts playing and Tony licks his lips. Peter smirks, pushing his skates into the ice to circle around the man, Tony’s gaze tracking him until he’s in front once again.
Hell is gone and heaven’s here There’s nothing left for you to fear Shake your arse come over here Now scream 
Peter twirls and presses into Tony’s side. They grin at each other and skate forward, towards the edge of the rink. Tony’s nerves finally settle when he focuses on just how smooth Peter glides over the ice. The loud music cuts off the sounds of their blades crushing the frozen surface beneath them, but Tony hears it in his mind instead. He knows exactly where to turn, where to move. Peter sends him a little nod right before they go into the crossovers. Tony doesn’t like crossovers all that much, it makes him feel stiff and uncoordinated. Yet, somehow his body seems to do it on autopilot today, simply mimicking Peter’s lead. 
I’m a burning effigy Of everything I used to be You’re my rock of empathy, my dear
Tony feels powerful in a way, his movements loosening up with every passing second. It’s time for their waltz jump. He turns around to transition into backward crosscuts and then shifts his weight from the right outer edge to the left one, throwing his right leg up in front. He gasps when he feels how smoothly he lifts off the ice. He’s flying through the air, weightless, and a quick glance confirms that Peter is too. When his right foot hits the ice again, he bends his right knee and extends his left leg behind him. The applause envelopes him like a warm blanket and the adrenaline coursing through his veins is an exhilarating sensation. He did it. He did it!
So come on let me entertain you Let me entertain you Let me entertain you
Tony turns around again to find Peter skating in his direction with a proud and goofy grin on his face. Tony’s heart leaps out of his chest when he realizes his partner is just as impressed as he is. Their hands find each other as they increase their speed to make it through another set of crossovers. Tony doesn’t even worry about them anymore at this point. Everything is just fucking amazing. 
Let me entertain you Let me entertain you (let me entertain you) So come on let me entertain you (let me entertain you) Let me entertain you (let me entertain you)
Tony takes a deep breath when he realizes it’s time for their lift. He sets off for his continuous three turns and feels how Peter starts leaning into him. The man prepares for the boy to jump up from the ice gracefully. When Peter does so, he easily catches him and they spin into their rotational lift. Tony loves this one - loves to have Peter in his arms bridal style while spinning around and around and around while remembering his words. Don’t be afraid of the speed. Stalling is falling. Tony doesn’t feel like they’re falling. No, it feels like they’re floating, setting off for space.
Come on come on come on come on Come on come on come on come on Come on come on come on come on
Peter moves slightly, indicating it’s time for Tony to help him back down again. They transition into forward strokes toward the center once more and slow down. Their arms are spread wide proudly. Peter then circles Tony just like he did in the beginning, leaning into Tony’s side when the music comes to an end. He can’t help wrapping an arm around him to pull him in closer, bathing in the applause and the cheers that are thrown their way. Oh my god. They pulled it off. He can’t believe they did it. Of course, he doesn’t have Peter’s finesse but fuck. As Peter would say, they aced it. Together. 
Next Chapter: To Be Posted
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quixotic-dragon · 4 years ago
Kokichi Oma’s Crocodile Tears   (MAJOR DRV3 SPOILERS)
Ah, good ol’ Kokichi Oma. The Ultimate Little Shit- and a controversial little shit at that! I’ve recently played v3, and Kokichi is the one character who always seems to be on my mind (aside from my fav, Keebo, of course) because he’s such a mystery. We never get to know what’s going on in his head, at least not openly, and many players are led to assume that he is a malicious troublemaker, or even an outright sadist. 
I’m going to take a moment to analyze Kokichi specifically during that infamous scene at the end of Chapter 4 because that is all that’s been on my mind as of late. 
Underneath the Keep reading, there WILL be major spoilers for the entirety of v3. There will also be a very long essay, but I will do my best to break it up so it is easier to read. Read at your own risk.
So without further ado, here is my analysis of and my thoughts on Kokichi, his actions, and his character circa Chapter 4:
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Before I go into how I feel about Kokichi now, I’m going to have a discussion about my thoughts on him while this scene was playing out. (I know my exact feelings because I was liveposting in a discord server as I played, haha)
At this point in the game, the player does not yet know that Kokichi is not the true mastermind, nor do they understand what Kokichi means by “winning” the game. 
I had personally been spoiled of who the v3 mastermind was (thanks a lot danganronpa wiki), so I recognized that Kokichi wasn’t the mastermind, however I did not recognize that he was trying to win the killing game via unconventional methods. So from my point of view, Kokichi had just intentionally murdered Gonta (and Miu) just to increase his chances of winning and had the nerve to shed fake tears over it. I was furious! (behold, my fury!)
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Kokichi sobs over Gonta’s death, and I interpreted this as entirely fake tears. One of my friends suggested, “i feel like there was a difference between like his / crocodile tears and this.” 
I was enraged at this suggestion and stood beside my initial reaction because I felt that there were no signs that Kokichi never cared for Gonta as anything more than an asset, so I could not trust Kokichi to have any real remorse for his death with such a manipulative relationship having existed. (Massive disclaimer that this is my interpretation of their relationship; if you have a different interpretation, that is totally fine and valid!)
At this point, I considered why Kokichi might be crying so intensely even if it was an act, and came to the conclusion that if there was any sort of truth in those tears that Kokichi would be upset for a different reason than Gonta. He would be upset because he was truly alone. Not a single living person wanted to spare him the time of day besides Gonta. And now that Gonta is dead, nobody wants Kokichi. Even though I was fully convinced he was a sadistic, evil bastard at this point, I still figured that he must’ve felt some sort of sudden and crippling loneliness realizing that the only person who cared about him in the slightest was dead.
This interpretation of Kokichi I had really didn’t change much until after I had finished the entire game and stopped to think about Kokichi a bit more; his heartfelt final words to Kaito felt like lies to convince him to play along (blackmailing Maki certainly didn’t help with that much either), and his whole trick felt less like him trying to help and more like him just trying to cause chaos for the hell of it in my mind.
So, in conclusion, my initial reaction to the Kokichi scene? I thought Kokichi was a heartless bastard whose only remorse could be crippling loneliness. Although my initial analysis while I was still playing was quite interesting, I have some different opinions on it now that I’ve taken a step back and viewed the game as a whole.
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Surprise! Kokichi isn’t a sadistic fuck! Crazy right? 
Well, not really if you’ve watched/read any Kokichi analysis ever. However, Kokichi’s act seems to be a common thing that many casual players of v3 fall for. I certainly fell for it when I played, as you saw above!
It isn’t until far later in the game that it is revealed that Kokichi is the “supreme leader” of a pacifist prankster club (DICE), and it isn’t revealed until the end of Chapter 5 that Kokichi actually had good intentions in setting up his mastermind persona (although, as seen above, those good intentions are still very easily interpreted in a bad light).
So why does he bother to so obviously cry wolf at Gonta’s death just to double back on his persona ten-fold as soon as he’s called out on it? Because he’s just trying to sell his mastermind persona, not only to the other characters and the mastermind, but to the player themself. This is intended by both Kokichi and the writers themselves, made obvious by the fact that we get no real evidence of Kokichi being a benevolent person until long after this scene. (There are many moments in earlier chapters where Kokichi is trying to be helpful to the group or to a specific character, however every time he attempts this, it is painted in a negative light because he is either going against the protagonist’s will or achieving things in a more underhanded manner via lies or provocation). 
When I saw Kokichi crying for Gonta, my first thoughts were, “I am going to THROTTLE this fucking BASTARD.” Because even if those tears were real, Kokichi was still the one fully responsible for Gonta’s death, so I felt that he had no right to shed tears over it. If it weren’t for Kokichi’s crying during this scene, I would have been very suspicious of how suddenly his evil villain act amped up. If he hadn’t shed tears that were so obviously fake, I would not have been nearly as enraged with him, and therefore not nearly as willing to just accept the fact: “Well. Guess he’s evil now.”
Whereas I would’ve chalked the scene without crying to bad writing, the viewers of the killing game, and by extent the mastermind, would garner suspicion towards his actions. Although Kokichi was not aware that Keebo had direct contact with the outside world, he was very aware that the killing game had to have been broadcasted to somewhere. He had to ensure that he was as convincing as possible; that meant no “bad writing” mistakes could be left anywhere.
I stand by what I said before in that Kokichi’s crying in this scene is just a bunch of crocodile tears. However, with new context and information surrounding the situation, they probably weren’t devoid of emotion. Kokichi only allowed himself to cry here in order to properly double back on his new mastermind persona, however, unlike what I believed before, he most likely did feel remorse at the deaths of Gonta and Miu. He just broke his last standing moral code: don’t murder people. And he broke it by indirectly causing the deaths of two people he may have considered to be his friends. That’s heavy stuff! 
Kokichi is faking these reactions to the trial because he has to if he wants to deceive everybody. But... the best acting comes from the heart.
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As I covered in my initial reaction to Kokichi’s breakdown, I felt as though he couldn’t possibly have any remorse for his actions, so he must have been devastated knowing that he would now be truly alone. This view was heavily influenced by Shuichi’s words after the trial... because they were true. 
After Kokichi criticizes the group for coming to Kaito’s aid, Shuichi turns around and tells Kokichi that he is the pathetic one because he will always be alone. There are no lies to these words. Now that Gonta is dead, and now that Kokichi has gone so far into his persona, not a single person wants to even be near him.
Now that I’ve established that Kokichi’s actions post-trial were most definitely an act and not representative of his true feelings, we can discuss what his true feelings may have been. I come back to the idea of Kokichi fearing being alone because, hey! My past ignorant self was actually onto something!
The acknowledgement that Kokichi feels remorse for his actions just makes this situation even sadder for him; not only did he just indirectly murder two people and has to put up with the guilt of that, but now, nobody cares about him either. Not that anybody in the cast cared for him all that much in the first place (aside from Gonta), but Shuichi’s words to him here seal his fate as the permanent outcast and assigned villain of the group. He had already been struggling with loneliness throughout the beginning chapters of the game, and now Shuichi - the only person he finds truly trustworthy (according to his little whiteboard, at least) - is confirming to him that nobody wants him. Ouch.
I am personally led to believe that a large part of the reason that Kokichi ends up sacrificing himself in Chapter 5 has a lot to do with the broken feelings he would’ve had under the combined guilt of his actions and the crushing reality of loneliness.
Would Kokichi have offered to sacrifice himself anyways given the circumstances? Probably, yeah. However, the way he was so accepting of his death reminded me a lot of Kaede in Chapter 1; she couldn’t allow herself to take the First Blood Perk because she felt that she had to atone for her sins, or she could never live with herself. Kokichi seems, in the moment, to be more than willing to die, perhaps for the same reasons. Not only would be feel like he has to make up for the deaths he caused, but he would also feel like he had nothing left to live for, at least not within the academy anyway.
Or maybe he was just tired from the poison, not from life. But who’s to say? We can’t see inside of his head.
OK, so some final thoughts before wrapping this up: Holy shit, Kokichi is an asshole.
Even knowing the emotional turmoil Kokichi must have been going through, it was still infuriating to see him treat Gonta so poorly in Trial 4. Perhaps it was just a part of his act as well? Regardless, it really just did not sit with me well. Under no circumstance should Kokichi be continulessly yelling at Gonta while he’s crying from the insults, for real. But hey, at least if it was just another act from Kokichi, then he can rest easy knowing he certainly had me fooled.
So, in my opinion, Kokichi’s infamous breakdown was entirely fabricated. He had to fake both his tears and his sadism in order to fully convince the world that he was a force of pure malice in order to get away with what he had planned. However, despite his apparent change in personality, he never really was sadistic, and may have even cared for the people around him till the very end.
That’s all I guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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patchoulimademoiselle · 5 years ago
Guilty. (Part 4.)
Part Four.
Steve Rogers (Lawyer AU) x Reader Insert.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Alcoholism, drunk driving, a bit of angst. Plot twist! Natasha Romanoff is that bitch, Pepper Potts is cute and domesticated, Tony Stark has this whole thing figured out, and Y/n is left alone to fill in the pieces.
Notes: The media has been very overwhelming the past few days and I’m really struggling to wrap my head around everything going on. I am a person of color, I do sympathize with the movement, but this is crazy and too much. If anyone needs to talk my asks are open, I don’t mind discussing it, but if it’s overwhelming for you as well, it’s perfectly fine to log out and collect your thoughts. Remember to take care of yourself, and stay safe. Be informed, and remain aware.
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Part Four: 
Natasha looks nervous when you pick her up from her office, she tells you that you should be too, she also compliments you on your lipstick. "Where's Steve?" 
You shake your head, and she clicks her tongue at you. "Trouble in paradise?"
You would like to think that you could make a friend out of Natasha after all of this, trust her with your secrets and welcome her into your personal life, but you simply can't get a read on her character. One minute she's sweet, kind to you even, then the next she's like a bat out of hell seeking to ruin you, making jabs at everything she can. It confuses you, shakes you up, and brings you back down to earth all in one. She's a whirl wind of a woman, and if you didn't respect her, you wouldn't tolerate it. 
"Steve didn't want me to go." You say. "But if there's the slightest chance that this is true-"
She nods, looking at herself in the visor mirror of your car. "Yeah, it's better than risking it all by going up against him in court."
But Steve is willing to take that risk, he told you that just minutes before you got the call. Does he feel betrayed by this? Are you somehow dishonoring his confessions to you by doing this? All you want is for this to go smoothly. If Tony really is being voted out of his company, this could have a completely different outcome for Bucky and Brock. The only way to find out is to meet with him. 
Steve will be mad for a while, but you're hoping he can see the good in your intentions. 
"We don't always see eye to eye, but I'm prepared to do this." You say. "You're the only person he would agree to bringing along with me." 
She raises and eyebrow at that. "Really? He might actually be telling the truth then." She says. "All his debts to me are paid, and vice versa. Dragging me into this willingly must mean he genuinely needs help." She pauses, slamming the visor closed. "Either that or he plans to burn us after all of this is over." 
You swallow, ignoring her words, choosing to remain optimistic. 
The address he gave you turns out to be a house in a neighborhood out of the city, private property. It works your nerves a bit, anxiety filling your veins as you realize how far out you are, and how remote the area is. You can tell Natasha is thinking the same thing when you look over at her. 
She grabs your arm before you can turn off the car, a look on her face you've never seen before. She's dead serious as she says, "Be open minded. Who knows what he's going to offer, but he's not a bitch. What he says goes, or we walk away with nothing." She lets you go and gets out of the car, fluffing her hair as if she were entirely care free about the situation. 
You take a page out of her book, taking a deep breath before turning off the car and getting out. The house is large, well kept, the lawn cut short, grass a shade of green that almost looks fake. There are flowers lining the walkway up to the front door, a stone path that leads across the lawn and around the back. You try to picture Tony Stark as a family man, wearing shorts and a tank as he waters his plants, his children running around the yard, and it doesn't click with you. But when a woman answers the door, strawberry hair and kind eyes, your mouth goes dry. 
"Y/n, Natasha." She greets you with a smile. "My name is Pepper, I'm Tony's wife." 
Natasha looks unphased, however, your jaw drops. A wife, and a pretty one at that. But you recover quickly, smiling as you stick out your hand. "A pleasure." 
She shakes your hand, fingers worn, but soft. She must be a hard worker, you can tell that by her demeanor. "Please, come inside." 
The house is warm, farm house decor giving a clean, domestic vibe. It's not as large as you expected for a man like Tony Stark, but you decide that maybe that's the whole point. The neighborhood is quiet, the house average, perhaps this is something he wanted, a place to get away from the spotlight, a place to settle down out of public view. 
But why bring you here to talk?
"Tony is in the dining room, straight ahead to the left." Pepper is kind enough to close the door behind you, "Can I get you ladies anything to drink." 
Natasha places her hand on your arm, "We'll have tea please, thank you." 
Pepper nods, rushing off to the kitchen, you glance at Natasha, who smiles at you. "Always ask for the most difficult thing to make. It makes a statement." 
It did make a statement, Pepper probably now views you as a pair of uptight bitches, and that's not the first impression you wanted to give off. But it does state that you're here on business, that while she may be a nice woman, you won't be buttered up by a cute house wife. Natasha knows exactly what she's doing, and you're glad that you brought her along. You've never dealt with someone like Stark before, you're way out of your league. 
Tony is where Pepper said he would be, sitting at the table in the dining room, a tablet in front of him, and it almost makes you laugh at the sight of Tony Stark using such obsolete technology in comparison to his own. 
He looks up with a smile, gesturing to the seats across from him. "Ladies," Is all he says, not bothering to stand or reach out for a handshake. It's not at all professional, but given the circumstances, you can understand why he may not be one hundred percent hospitable. "So you've met the missus then?" He's looking right at you, and indication that Natasha has not only been here before, but also that she knows Pepper well. 
You nod, "She's lovely. I wasn't expecting that at all." 
He chuckles, "If I were in a generous mood I would let you meet my daughter Morgan, you'd love her. Smart mouthed and all." He shifts, sitting up, folding his arms on the table. "I want to get right into it, all bullshit aside. Everything I said on the phone was true. I'm going to prove that here and now, and then together we can decide what to do." 
You're hesitant, because your business partner isn't here, and you can't promise Tony anything that you aren't sure Steve would agree to. So you start off small. "Why did you ask me here of all places?" You ask. 
"It's the only secure location I know they can't get to me." He says, knocking his knuckles against the wooden table. "I have network protection here, everything is hidden and secure and I know for a fact no one is listening to us or watching us." He points to your cell phones. "Those are walking broadcast signals, if anyone is watching me, or you, they can't listen in here." 
Pepper comes in with your tea, setting two cups down in front of you and Natasha. You thank her, admiring the delicate placement of a lemon wedge on the lip of your cup. Natasha goes in for a sip, and you notice that her lipstick is transfer proof this time. She sets her cup back down carefully, clearing her throat, Pepper leaves.
"This is his way of laying all the cards out on the table in hopes that we'll trust him." Natasha says. "He's vulnerable, his family life is a secret, and now you know it. You in turn have to lay your cards out on the table as well." 
It's fair, you now have something to use against him, and the only way to make the playing field even and ensure cooperation is to do the same. 
"Someone on our team is a spy." You say, catching even Natasha off guard. "My assistant, Wanda Maximoff has a twin brother who is working the case on team Stark. We believe the angle might have been for you to try and use her as a spy, but we've kept her away from important work and were going to miss fed her information to report back to you." You shrug. "But seeing as you're here, either you didn't know, or that wasn't your plan." 
He looks confused as he scratches his beard. "I had no fucking clue." He points a finger at you, speechless. "You're good. I wish we didn't have to meet this way." He then turns to Natasha. "She's good. I like her." 
She nods. "She came to me for help, was smart enough to put two and two together." 
You can't help it, hearing the praise boosts your ego, and you go for a sip of tea. If only Steve could see it the same way. 
Tony turns his attention back on you. "Alright, fair enough." He presses his palms flat against the table. "I'm going to tell you everything, and at first it's going to sound outrageous, but the more I talk the more it will make sense." 
He goes on a tangent about his father, Howard, a good man who left behind a good legacy. he also goes on about how he was a problematic child, and a problematic teenager, and an even more problematic young adult. So when his father died, he wasn't ready to take over the company, so someone else filled that role until he was. That man was Obadiah Stane, and for the first time in ten minutes, his story starts to form solid structure. Stane worked closely with Howard, so in his death, Stane filled the role of CEO. But when Obadiah also passed, it was his son Zeke who took on a role as a board member for Stark Industries. 
Zeke is someone you have never heard of, most of the public was unaware that there even was a board making decisions for the company. Tony Stark is the public face, his last name on the building for crying out loud, so he takes most of the heat and popularity points. 
Tony tells you that Zeke has been trying to buy him out of the company for years, and that recently he discovered encrypted files hidden in the company's software, incriminating proof of falsifying charges against workers in order to make up for unpaid taxes. 
It all makes sense, workers being slammed with lawsuits after trying to go after the company for not paying compensation. It was simply taking advantage of an opportunity, the missing tax money being blamed on a worker to get the IRS off of their asses. But a good story is only that, a good story. You need to see those files.
"I truly do hope, Mr. Stark, that you didn't bring me out here just to tell me that story." You toy with your tea cup. "Because it is a great story, my deepest sympathies for the loss of your parents, but as a lawyer I can't believe it without seeing any proof." 
He taps the tablet in front of you. "I have proof, everything I found has been uploaded to this tablet, that's the only reason I have the ancient thing." He says. "But I can't give it to you." 
Natasha shifts, crossing one leg over the other, and you can tell she's loosing her patience, as are you. "Oh?" 
"I need you to keep me out of it." He says. "In exchange for these files I need you to tell me something that you don't want to get out into the media. Don't say my name, I won't say yours." 
The grin on Natasha's face is scandalous, lips barely touching her tea cup when she says, "She's screwing her business partner." 
Your eyes go wide, heartbeat in your ears as Tony smiles. "Cute. Kinky." He has the nerve to wink at you, and you swear you feel a heat flash coming on. Steve is going to kill you. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Pepper was my assistant once." 
If only to ease your mind, you try to picture her behind a desk typing away on a keyboard, and while a business suit seems to suit her, you much rather prefer her cute mom jeans and t-shirt. 
As promised, he slides the tablet over to you. "There is no password, but it is connected to my VPN for protection." He says, eyes on yours. "I promise I won't tell your secret, just as long as you keep me out of this. Your battle is with the board, with Zeke Stane. I have nothing to do with this." 
You're almost thankful for his cooperation, he made it simple, said what he needed to say and turned over what you need to help your case. You can imagine that Tony wants what you do, to get justice for those who need it. You just never expected that he needed justice too. 
"Thank you for this." You say, tucking the tablet into your bag. 
"Sure, just don't tell anyone you have it. Especially not your little spy." 
Pepper walks you out, throwing in a dinner invite for some date in the future. You doubt she'll make good on it, but you can't deny that she is thoroughly hospitable. You get into your car quickly, pulling out of the driveway and leaving the neighborhood. The farther you get, the lighter you feel about the situation. Things were starting to look up, and while this may not be what you expected, you now have a solid case. The files on the tablet will no doubt seal the case in your favor, and everyone will get what they want. Bucky, Brock, Tony, they can all walk away getting the justice they deserve, and you feel proud to have a part in it. 
Natasha invites you to join her for a glass of wine when you drop her off, and after careful consideration, you decide that it couldn't hurt. 
Natasha is exactly the woman she perceives herself to be, sophisticated, preferring luxury as compensation for the hard work she's done in her life. Her home is something out of a vogue fantasy, vintage decor, gold and white details screaming expensive as you walk inside. She throws her bag on the couch as if it didn't cost her a full stack, heels clicking against polished floors as she makes her way into the kitchen. 
She doesn't ask you for a preference, she simply grabs a bottle and two glasses, gesturing for you to sit. She twists the bottle open, filling each glass before handing one to you. She watches as you take a sip, pleased with herself when you nod in approval. 
"I figured you liked sweeter wines." She says, "I like to guess." 
There's a power to her that you wish you could manifest for yourself, and you decide to at least try as you sit in her presence. You cross your legs, sitting back against the couch cushions. 
"Natasha, why did you give up being a lawyer?" 
The sigh that comes form her is heavy, she goes in for a long sip of wine before rolling her eyes. "Because it's exhausting work, and there's little reward." You're ready to argue, remind her of the justice you help serve, but she stops you with a raised finger. "I'm a woman who has built a career, and significant wealth. Yet I am surrounded by nothing. I have no family, no one to share my success with. I have given so much to others, freedom, settlements, but I have nothing to show for myself." 
You imagine her to have much experience, traveling, studying abroad, you wish you had the time to find out all of her secrets. But as you both continue to drink, you become a bit looser with your tongue, laughing with each other as if you've known each other your whole lives. 
Until finally, a question you've been dreading slips from her mouth, "So, Steve Rogers?" 
You feel like a school girl, gossiping at recess on the playground, a blush coats your cheeks that you can't hide from her, making her laugh. "Don't be shy, it's already out there at this point. I knew the moment I saw you. Even Tony knows." 
"Because you told him." You counter, "Besides, there's nothing there. We aren't official, we've never even-"
Her eyebrows shoot up. "Never?" You shake your head. "Is he pulling the sacrifice card?" she asks. "You know, I want you but I won't have you because I have to fulfill my destiny and you're a distraction?" 
He's never said it that way before, it's never come off as him wanting to pursue his career and you being something that could hold him back, but in the context of him considering you a risk, it sounds a lot like what she's saying. 
"Yeah." You're a bit embarrassed that you didn't realize it sooner. 
Steve Rogers is stringing you along like you're a love sick puppy. 
"What you need to do is grab him by his balls." She says. "Literally. Corner him, grab him, and demand him to make a choice, you, or his career. And no matter what he chooses, don't beg, and don't ever look twice at him. If he doesn't chose you, you can't show him a single sign of interest from that moment forward, otherwise it won't work." 
You're clueless, the guide she has to men flying right over your head. "What won't work?" 
"You want him to realize what he's missing, you want him to understand that all of your benefits come with commitment, and if you make him miss you he might reconsider." She says. 
She's obviously been around the park, and you envy her wisdom. "We need to do this more often." You say, glancing at your wine. 
She smiles at you, warm and genuine, a smile you've never seen come from her before, "That can be arranged." 
After another glass of wine, she kicks you out with words of encouragement to go grab Steve Rogers by the balls, and a kiss on the cheek, "If you ever need me, have no doubt that I'm more than willing. Take care of yourself, I'll be rooting for you." 
You're a bit tipsy, but you manage to get to your office in one piece, ignoring the curious stares you get from the other lawyers that work at the firm. 
You've made multiple allies in this, and you have a good feeling as you head back to your office. You're bursting with excitement, quick to step out of your heels and toss your purse down. You make sure the door to your office is closed behind you, rushing off in search of Steve, but he isn't in his office when you look. He isn't on the balcony either, and the proud feeling you felt for yourself quickly vanishes. 
He's pissed, your small victory doesn't even feel worth it knowing you've upset him in the process. Your mind clouded, your emotions swimming, tears slip from your eyes as everything sets in on you. The consequences of your career choice catching up with you. In doing the right thing for one person, you've done wrong by someone else. Too much sacrifice and far too little reward. 
With no one here to tell, nothing left to do until you can both sync your thoughts, you decide to head home.
Guilty Masterlist. 
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calligraphist-artemisia · 4 years ago
Soul of a Lion (chapter 3)
Sequel to The Smallest Blade.
Summary: After the Red Lion steals them away from the Marmora base and takes them through a wormhole, Shiro, Keith, Katla, and Lance find themselves in front of a majestic castle with nowhere to go but inside. The events that unfold while they’re there will change the fate of the universe.
Also posted on AO3 under the username “kishirokitsune”.
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3 | Communication
The dim lighting of the castle's nighttime cycle made everything feel far more ominous than it needed to be, with the way it cast long shadows across the floor and highlighted any curvature in the architecture around them. Katla stayed close to the wall as she and Lance snuck towards the security panel she spotted during their tour. With luck, she would be able to hack into it without setting off any alarms.
Neither of them dared speak for fear of getting caught.
Katla gestured for Lance to stop as they reached the end of the hall. She waited a moment and then, with more caution than necessary, peered around the bend. When she saw that the coast was clear, she nodded to him and waved him forward so they could continue towards their task, which was all the way down at the end of the hall on their left.
“This is it,” Katla whispered to him. She held up her right arm and pressed on a slightly raised plate on the underside of her bracer. It clicked and released a tiny cable, which she pulled out and, after taking a deep breath, connected it to the control panel on the wall. The screen flickered in and out for a moment and then turned from blue to a pale violet, signaling that she was successfully wired into the system.
Both of them let go of the breath they were holding.
“Is that it?” Lance asked.
“Almost,” Katla responded, turning her wrist so her hand faced palm down. She double-tapped the top of her bracer, which activated a small, holographic display. “Keep an eye out, would you? Hopefully, this thing will give me a map to an engineering room or something. It's bound to have parts I can use.”
Lance nodded sharply and stood up straight. Though he didn't move away from the wall, he listened as hard as he could for any sound that wasn't the tiny beeps from Katla scouring the system for anything useful.
After a few tense doboshes, Katla cried out in triumph, and although she managed to do it quietly, it still made Lance visibly jump.
“Sorry,” she apologized as she disconnected from the control panel. “There's a spare parts room two halls over and I disconnected the security cameras and put them on loop. It'll last us one varga, so we'll have to be quick.”
“Can you build your-” (Lance vaguely waved his hand) “-whatever-it-is in that short amount of time?”
“Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I can,” Katla said confidently.
Lance snorted in amusement. “Lead on, team captain. I'd like to get some beauty rest at some point tonight and the sooner you do your thing, the sooner I can curl up in bed.”
Katla grinned at him and then set off down the hallway at a much faster pace, more at ease with the knowledge that there was no one around to catch them. According to the system, there was one person three floors above them and there were two other people up in the topmost spire of the castle. (And of course, she checked in to find Shiro and Keith, who were steadily making their way to the front door when she spotted their dots. Or at least, she assumed it was them.)
When they got to the correct door, Katla didn't even have to hack into it, it simply slid open with a simple press to the keypad.
“You know, I'd say I should talk to them about upping their security around here but it's really benefiting me right now, so I won't,” Katla said in a light-hearted tone. “Oh, look at this!”
Lance looked around, but all he saw were heaps of junk and scrap metal. “Uh, yeah, it's really something. Very... metal-y.”
Katla wasn't paying him any attention as she eagerly delved into the piles and began pulling things out, cooing and humming over what she could use and what may be useful for future things. As Lance watched, the pile in front of her grew, and while he didn't see how any of it was meant to fit together, Katla was clearly delighted by her mess of wires and metal pieces, so he didn't say anything until she tried to scoop it all up and carry it to one of the mostly empty tables.
“Here, let me help,” Lance said, stooping down to help pick up some of the stray pieces.
Together the pair got all of the parts over to a desk, where Katla began to assemble them and occasionally looked up to ask Lance to fetch some kind of tool or computer chip or another cable or wire.
Lance did his best to help while also listening for anyone's approach, but by the time Katla had her little machine buzzing to life, he'd forgotten the whole reason he was there. And because both of them were so focused on the communication device, neither noticed there was someone else in the room with them until that person loudly cleared their throat to get their attention.
Lance gasped and back up into the desk so hard that he winced.
Katla's hand flew to her side and grasped the hilt of her dagger as she turned to face the potential threat. She froze when she saw Hunk standing there with his hands held up in front of him to show he didn't mean any harm.
For a moment, there was only silence.
“What do you want?” Lance asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You guys set off a sensor when you left your rooms, so I came to make sure everything is alright,” Hunk said, slowly lowering his hands back to his sides.
“You bugged our rooms?” Pidge asked incredulously.
“Well, yeah. I mean, wouldn't you if you were in my shoes?” Hunk asked in response. “What are you two doing in here anyway?”
Lance watched as Katla tried to move over in front of her device before Hunk could get a better look at it. He copied her and closed in as well, though he could tell from the expression on Hunk's face that he'd already seen that they were building something. Maybe if they were lucky, he wouldn't be able to figure out what it was?
A few ticks passed and then Hunk sighed. “I know we don't have any reason to trust each other, but can we try and get along? At least until we figure all of this out with the Red Lion.”
Katla puffed herself up in anger, her tail lashing as she very slowly stepped aside. “We need to send a message back to our families and let them know we're alright.”
Hunk took a single step closer and both of them tensed up, but that was as far as he went. “You could have just asked. Though, uh, I guess the real issue would be convincing Allura and Coran.” He paused for a moment to look at the machine. “Wait, is that a sub-frequency radio? Are you sure you don't want to use something a little faster? I could try and sneak you up on the bridge once they leave and you could send a message that way.”
Katla shook her head. “This is more reliable. And since no one uses it anymore, no one is looking or broadcasts through it anymore. Well, except for Keith's dad and my family.”
There was something about Hunk that made Lance feel more at ease, despite his determination to dislike all three Alteans found in the castle. He figured Katla must have been feeling the same way. She wouldn't reveal so much if she wasn't.
“And you built it using pieces you found around here?” Hunk asked. “What are you using to power it?”
Katla hesitated to respond, but after another few ticks of silence and Hunk patiently waiting for her to decide whether or not to tell him, she finally did. “I was going to make a double coil generator so it keeps recycling the energy and gathers displaced electrical currents from the air, but it needs a jump start so I don't have to wait for that to build up. I figured something around here would have enough power to do that, but...”
“Maybe I can find something,” Hunk suggested.
Lance stayed close to Katla as the Altean began to walk around, opening drawers in search of what they needed. He didn't know why Hunk was so willing to help them. Was it a trap? A way of luring them into a false sense of security, prying their secrets from them, and then finding a way to betray them?
His panicked thoughts didn't have time to gain any momentum or spiral off into a more ridiculous scenario. A wave of calm washed over him, soothing his fraying nerves and forcing him to relax. And all at once, Lance realized why he felt so at ease with Hunk.
It took everything in his power not to blurt it out right then and there.
Later. He would tell Katla and the others later. If he brought it up right at that moment, then he would have to explain how he knew so much about Altean secrets and that was a wormhole he had no plans on opening up.
Hunk made a triumphant exclamation as he lifted a tray of shiny rocks from one of the drawers and carried it over to them. “These are power crystals,” he explained, picking up one shaped like an obelisk with a broken base and passing it to Lance. “We'll have to dig through and find one that still has some power left.”
Lance rolled the opaque white gem around his palm, watching with slight alarm as a faint glow began to build up in the center. He quickly passed it off to Katla before anyone could notice what was happening.
“How do you know which ones have power?” Katla asked, curiously eyeing the box before looking at the stone she was just handed. “Because it looks like the one you gave us might work.”
Hunk shook his head. “They'll glow if they have any power left. That one was... oh!” his voice stuttered in surprise as he took a second look. “You're right! That one should work. That's odd...”
Katla didn't question their good fortune and busied herself with installing the crystal in the communication device, practically bouncing in delight as it immediately began to work.
Lance's heart was pounding in his chest. He could feel Hunk's eyes on him. 'Please don't figure it out,' Lance prayed, turning his back towards the Altean and pretending to focus solely on the coils within Katla's device which were steadily directing the energy through the wires and looping back around into itself, glowing brighter with each pass.
If Hunk learned anything from the exchange, he didn't say anything and instead went to put the tray away before returning to watch Katla begin to input her message. It became apparent after a moment that he, like Lance, couldn't make heads or tails of the series of numbers Katla was typing out.
“A coded message?” he guessed.
“My brother and I made our own secret code when we were kids, so we could write to each other without anyone else knowing what we were saying,” Katla explained. “Kol – Keith's dad will pick up on the broadcast, but only Matt will be able to translate.”
“That seems a little excessive.”
Katla gave a humorless laugh. “Maybe you hadn't picked up on this, but we're not exactly friends of the Empire. All of that caution is how we stay alive. We haven't had the luxury of hiding away and sleeping for all these years.”
Hunk flinched, but when he spoke again it was without anger in his voice. “You're right. We hid the Lions and ourselves because we were afraid of what would happen if Zarkon found us. I didn't like it. Allura argued that we should keep fighting. But we listened to our King because he thought it was the right choice. Maybe it was or maybe it wasn't, but we're here now and ready to stand up and fight. The Red Lion brought the four of you here for a reason and I know it's because you've been chosen as the new paladins. Well, four of them. Because there should be five of you.”
“Wait, there are five Lions?” Katla asked.
Hunk looked taken aback by the question. “Yeah. You didn't know?”
“How would we?” Katla asked in response. She took another moment to read over her message and then send it before picking up the device. “So, where are these other four Lions? Are they as well hidden as Red?”
“They should be. We know that the Black Lion is safe since it's here in the castle, but we won't know about the others until we go looking. Allura should be able to tell us where they are,” Hunk said.
“Which means we'll never find them,” Lance stated, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I wouldn't say that. The princess will come around, she just needs a little time,” Hunk said defensively. “I should get you back to your room. It definitely won't help things if she or Coran learn that you're out here sending messages and that I helped you.”
Neither Katla nor Lance protested as Hunk gestured for them to follow him out of the room and back through the halls. None of them spoke; Lance didn't even blurt out the storm of questions left to thunder around in his mind.
When they got back to their rooms, Katla didn't give Lance a chance to go into the room he'd been given and instead grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into Shiro's without giving him a chance to protest. While she looked around for the best place to hide her device, just in case they needed it again, Lance sat down on the edge of the bed and mulled over everything he'd learned, slotting it into place with what he'd known before.
Most of it boiled down to one fact: as much as he didn't want to like him, Hunk was someone they could trust.
It wasn't just the fact that he helped them send their message.
It wasn't even that he kept his patience even when Katla verbally attacked him.
It had everything to do with his Aspect.
They didn't have a lot of records from the time when Altea still hung whole in the sky. All that they knew of their heritage was what had been verbally passed down from parent to child and there were scarce few books and items that remained. Their knowledge of Altean Aspects – the special abilities that their quintessence granted them – was a limited one born of experience.
Lance had been born graced with the power to change his form at will. He began far earlier than most babies, changing the color of his skin for his own amusement, as well as the amusement of the other children he grew up with. By the time he was a tween, he could hold color and form for days if he needed to, even through sleep.
His mother said he was extraordinarily blessed.
Lance didn't always see it that way. Not when there was Leifsina, whose sharp mind was leagues above everyone else. Or Rykin, who was gifted with tremendous strength and just enough spirit to power the lamps around their village when needed. And then there was Curtis, who wore his Aspect of Heart like a shield, able to soothe those in need of it and calm tempers when they began to flare.
And all Lance could do was shift his appearance. That was nothing special. Most Alteans carried that ability.
Hunk was one of those special Alteans – like Curtis – who was born with the rarest ability of all. There were no others in their village who boasted the Aspect of Heart and even their records of it were scarce; there was perhaps one born with that Aspect every one-hundred decaphoebs. Still, if there was one thing they knew for certain it was that those with Heart were incapable of lying. There was always some kind of tell when they tried and no amount of practice or emotional control was enough to fix that.
Lance still didn't like him.
But if he had to pick one of the three who he trusted, it would be Hunk.
Shiro and Keith returned with little fanfare and news that the Red Lion hadn't responded to any of Keith's pleading, which meant they were officially stuck on Arus until she changed her mind. After hearing that, Lance was reluctant to tell them about their run-in with Hunk, but Katla had no such fears about telling them all about it.
At least they had gotten a message sent. It was only a question of Kolivan recognizing it as coming from them and getting Matt to translate.
“We should get some rest,” Shiro said once they were all caught up. “The three of you are welcome to stay here for the night. The bed's a little small, but I think we could manage.”
Katla perked up. “Do you mean it?”
“I wouldn't have offered if I didn't,” Shiro responded, sounding amused.
Lance thought for sure Keith would scoff and say he was going to sleep in his own room, but to his amazement, Keith yawned and claimed the middle before climbing over the bed to settle in his chosen spot. Katla grinned as she joined him, rolling over him to settle between Keith and the wall.
“Lance?” Shiro questioned. “Do you want to stay too?”
Lance agreed with only a little embarrassment.
☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆ - ☆
Allura sat in front of her vanity, slowly running a brush through her hair as she reflected on the events of the evening before. After a night of proper sleep, she was ashamed by the way she reacted to their guests and the obstinacy she displayed in refusing to believe that the Red Lion had accepted one of them as her paladin.
She set her brush down with deliberate delicacy and closed her eyes.
Her father's Lion had chosen a Galra and it hurt as surely as if she were in physical pain. And while she couldn't fully blame that pain for her actions, it certainly added to the helpless rage that she felt from the very moment she awoke in the cryo-pod, the betrayal of the people she once called allies still a freshly bleeding wound.
Regardless of her reasons, she had acted disgracefully and her guests deserved an apology.
Allura opened her eyes and stared at her reflection. “I will apologize, but this doesn't mean I trust them.”
There was a quiet scratching sound followed by several squeaks that seemed to overlap one another and Allura blinked in surprise as she watched four mice of different sizes climb up onto her vanity and begin to tumble around. There was a tickling in the back of her mind as though four voices were trying to speak and gain her attention, though it wasn't in words but feeling and a quick flash of images.
“Can you... understand me?” Allura murmured, tilting her head to the side as she regarded the mice.
There were more excited squeaks and a starburst of delight.
As she learned that a connection between them existed thanks to their 10,000 years spent in the same cryo-pod, Allura began to consider how she could use it to her benefit. They were small and inconspicuous. No one would even think that she could understand what they were saying.
They would be the perfect little spies.
“Perhaps you'd like to help me with something,” Allura said with a growing smile. “And in return, I'll find whatever food you like to eat.”
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trickstermiraculous · 5 years ago
Consequences Alya, Every Action Has A Consequence
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Summary: Alya did not fact check before she posted on an article on her blog like always. The outcome of this was unexpected but fully deserved.
Author's Notes: slightly inspired by Charlatans by shoryubug on ao3 premise (only by the description of the story to be honest).
It was a quick and simple article which was something Alya was unhappy with but considering that she only a night to post it before she was banned off the internet while she visited her family outside of Paris, she wanted it out. What was this big news? you ask well Lila had revealed that someone in her class was Ladybug but Lila didn't know who since they only hinted at it, so by midnight on Friday the article was online and as they left early to avoid traffic no one in her family realised the shit storm that Alya had realised on the city.
The weekend was nice, her cousins were annoying but that was expected since most were younger than her. Her aunt and uncles were fun to chat with as they were all interested in how her school had been since the last time she had visited. She got strange looks from her relatives when she mentioned Lila but Alya ignored them as she focused on telling them how popular her blog ha become.
When Alya finally came back to Paris she was too tired to go online and the next morning she was late so had to quickly run out of the house only saying a quick goodbye to her parents, ignoring whatever they had to say. As she ran to school, she noticed the strange looks she got from people but that didn't matter, she couldn't afford to be late as she was on thin ice with Miss Bustier from filming on Akuma battles instead of getting to class on time.
Bursting through the door, she quickly started her apologise while she also focused on getting her breath back. Only after that, she noticed how eerily quiet the classroom was. Standing up to face the class she saw that many of her classmates looking exhausted, some of them were glaring daggers at her while others just avoided her eyes entirely. Lila looked as white as a sheet while she stunk down into her chair. What was shocking was Marinette and Adrien.
Both were at the back of the room, Adrien sitting down in his seat with a cold demeanour that resembled his father while Marinette was stood at the top of the steps arms crossed and had a calm face that seemingly hid a tidal wave of anger behind it. That along caused Alya to step back.
"Marinette are you ok?" asked Alya keeping her voice calm trying not to show her nerves, she had never experienced Marinette's anger, sure she had seen the girl angry outbursts at Chloe and Lila or when she messed up a design but this kind of anger was different and completely foreign to Alya.
"Am I ok? Really that's your first question, not I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused you and the rest of the class" replied Marinette, confusing Alya,
"What do you mean?" questioned Alya,
"She means the article you posted Alya" stated Adrien in a tone similar to the one you would use when talking to a toddler,
"Article? You mean Ladybug being someone in this class" responded Alya slightly annoyed with the tone Adrien had used "speaking of which, why did no one tell me about one of you guys being Ladybug".
"Because no one in this class is Ladybug" growled Alix who was one of the few people who were able to look Alya in the eye,
"What do you mean?" question Alya raising her voice at Alix's tone, "Lila said-" she was cut off by Rose yelling which was something she never expected out of the girl,
"Lila lied" the girl yelled with eyes starting to water, "Lila lied about everything".
Rose collapsed in her seat sobbing as she was comforted by her girlfriend Juleka. Marinette looked at the pair with pity while Adrien shook his head. "What do you mean she lied?" responded Alya, she was getting more confused by the second,
"Bae, no one in here is Ladybug, Lila lied she lied about everything" replied Nino in a small voice.
Before Alya could respond, Marinette began to speak, "Everyone fact-checked Lila after the Akuma battle your article caused",
"I missed an Akuma battle and no one told me" exclaimed Alya which caused Marinette face to morph into an expression that showed her true anger,
"Did you not hear me when I said it was caused by you?" she snapped,
"What do you mean it was caused by me, I didn't do anything" replied Alya,
"Your article did, did you not realise that you would paint a big red target on our back when telling the whole of Paris that a rumour about someone in our class being Ladybug was true" respond Adrien standing up from his chair.
"Target what target?" question Alya louder than she meant to but she couldn't help it she was so confused,
"The target of hawkmoth being after everyone in this class for a miraculous that no one has" yelled Marinette, "you publicly posted that to a blog that almost everyone in Paris uses and not only that your story was broadcasted on almost every major news network because they trust you to tell the truth about Ladybug", Marinette got closer with every word.
"We had to deal with a two-day Akuma attack that was focused on us and us alone" continued Adrien "As well as the press demanding answers from us",
"They even accused parents of child neglect since they wonder on why our parents never notice that their child was out fighting Akuma battles" stated Max,
"We had to deal with a two-day Akuma attack that was focused on us and us alone" muttered Nino,
"I...I..." Alya trailed off as she tried to figure out how to respond.
"You put everyone in this class in danger for what, a few views on your blog" stated Marinette pointing a finger at her former friend,
"Lila said-" Alya said trying to defend herself but was swiftly cut off by Adrien,
"Who cares about what she lied about, you still made the decision to post it on your blog",
"You put everyone her in danger because you didn't fact check, you didn't bother to try and track down Ladybug to her what she had to say or even Chat Noir, you instead were blinded by a big scoop that you didn't think of the consequences like always" continued Marinette.
"What do you mean like always?" exclaimed Alya,
"When you broke into my locker because you thought I was Ladybug or the fact you run headfirst into Akuma battles" replied Chloe in a bored tone while she picked at her nails,
"Alya you are lucky that Ladybug and Chat Noir cleared up the lie or we would still be in danger from Hawkmoth or from the press," Adrien said.
Before Alya could respond the door swung open to reveal a depressed-looking Miss Bustier and an angry Mrs Mendeleiev, "Rossi, you are needed in the headmaster's office" Mrs Medeleiev and when Lila looked like she was about to protest, the angry teacher cut her off, "it's not up for debate" and with Lila and Mrs Mendeleiev left.
The class was left in awkward silence with Miss Bustier looking on the verge of tears. "Class as of today, I will no longer be your teacher as I have been fired" the women choked out most of the class look shock but not Adrien and Marinette, in fact, they looked happy,
"And because of that along with the attack you experienced, your class have been cancelled for the rest of the week with you only getting online homework to complete".
"Miss Bustier, why were you fired?" asked Alya,
"I was fired because of how I handled Lila and her lies along with how I dealt with bullies" answered Miss Bustier softly as the class began to pack up and leave giving Miss Bustier looks of pity while they left. "If anyone here was Ladybug, it's no wonder nobody told you considering the shit we had to deal with because of your article" sneered Chloe as she left.
"Alya, consider me to be only your classmate and not your friend" stated Marinette as she went to leave,
"What why?" stuttered Alya,
"I can't be friends with someone who was that foolish enough to put my loved ones in danger" the girl replied coldly,
"Same here," said Adrien not even sparing her a glance as he left with Marinette.
As the door swung shut leaving her in a silence cold classroom that normally is filled with joy, "I'm sorry" the girl whispered as she started to cry, collapsing on the wooden floor with only Nino to comfort her but even that wasn't enough to stop the pain of her mistake.
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Author's Notes: Fun fact this was originally labelled as 'Alya you fucked up' in google docs.
I thought this premise was interesting so I wanted to do my own spin on it.
I have been working on my other stories but I have been catching up on anime I have missed so it may take a while for them to come out.
If you want to see what I have been doing while not writing follow my twitter: @marionettetrick
AO3  Wattpad 
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stevenuniversetanzanite · 5 years ago
The Angel Among Us (Cordelia X reader) Part 1
(This chapter has been rewritten/ edited since original post)
General Notice: I’m trying to get more works out during this time that is rough for all of us. That being said I am trying to keep it’s quality up.
This is technically a prequel to Fallen Angel (Work in progress), however it can be read as a stand alone series.
If your reading as a stand alone: A witch heads back to Miss Robichaux's 20 years after she left in hopes of being a teacher there. The only problem is she hasn’t aged a day.
If your from Fallen Angel: The event’s leading up to Y/N joining Michael and the Cooperative. 
Warnings: N/A
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4(will be added when done)
It had been years since you left Miss Robichaux's academy or spoken to your best friend from that place. How long it had been exactly was something you were unsure of. It felt like days, but it could have been decades. The school's exterior hadn't aged a day since you first stepped into that academy for extraordinary young ladies. To be fair, neither had you.
The two-story building towered over you as it did at 18. You tried to move on from those days alas your memory of the place remained in your stagnant life. You had ambitions once, now unsure of what they were. You weren't necessarily from New Orleans, but your ancestry was from Salem or at least from what the letter your mother sent you explaining your oddities.
Years on and you stood in front of the cast iron gates just as petrified as you were on your first day. You had nothing to lose except your old way of thinking. Now, there was her. You wouldn't expect someone to accept you as you are. There was no way to explain what has become of you because nothing has, you were the same person you were when you exited her life.
The chuckles of girls playing in the yard filled your ears on the fine summer's day. Break time, you thought to yourself as you tugged your cardigan closer to her frame. You used to spend all your free time in the greenhouse with your friend. Potions weren't your forte, but she loved it so acted like you did...for her. It wasn't until recently that you learned to appreciate the natural science of it.
Your friend was your main reason for your resurgence into the world of magic. Her passion to teach the next generation of witches fuelled your pilgrimage of discovery of the world. To teach the wonderous world of extraordinary beings to the youth of today. You excelled in the history of Salem witches and your passion extended across other magical beings. The two of you used to joke that after years you would be the only two to remain behind. You wished for nothing more than to be with her for all eternity. Some dreams never go as they're planned. Namely, her husband, Hank Foxx. It could have been because you spent years surrounded by women, but that man didn't sit right with you. Nor did he to your friends Mother, one of the few things you got on with that woman about.
Her mother was a vile woman, the supreme witch since she was 18. She rarely took interest in the coven unless it was for self-benefit. She was a distant mother to her daughter, shipping her off to the school at the early age of 7. Your friend sought out a mother figure elsewhere, finding it in Myrtle Snow who ended up working for the council and doing the work the supreme refused to do. Her mother, Fiona, was long since dead, four years to be exact. Her title ironically passed down to her daughter. The worlds changed since your school days. You'd heard the news from your local sources, discovering Fiona's death when news of witches was broadcasted to the world. There was no way in hell Fiona would allow that. You were tempted to go to the opening, say hello to your old friend. But what would you say? It's been years. You left her all alone for years. How were you going to forgive yourself?
With a flick of the wrist, the gates were open. Your heart pounded to the beat of your footsteps. Your breath stilled when you knocked on the door. Maybe this was a mistake, you contemplated leaving. No one was answering. It was probably for the best.
The truth was years ago you had the chance to return but you refused. The only reason you were here now was for purely selfish reasons. The balance of good and bad had shifted and in your trail to correct the scale, you wound up in a lot of trouble. You had nowhere to go. Your home was no longer your own and you were on were on the run.
You sighed, turning around, and heading down the concrete path. The iron gate closed before you could leave. Your ears register a voice a second later. You spun around to be greeted by a young woman. She was short (but compared to you most women where) with long straight brown hair.
"Good, I got your attention, I thought you were going to escape," the woman joked. You chuckled awkwardly in response. Now that you were leaving, you did not really want to be there. "You knocked on the school's door?"
"-Yeah." You didn't even imagine the possibility of it not being- of course, it wouldn't be her. She was supreme now, she had better things to do than answering the school's door. "Yeah, sorry. I'm slighting out of it, nerves and all."
"It's alright. Most girls are nervous when they first arrive."
You chuckled once again, awkwardly, "I bet."
The woman let you inside telling you she would lead you to the Headmistress to fill out all the paperwork.
"Crap, I forgot she's in a meeting right now," the young woman said. "And I have to teach a class in a minute."
"You're a teacher?" The woman was used to the question from how young she was. "What age range are you teaching?"
"Right now, Pre-teen years. They're usually the worst to deal with."
"I bet. I could sit in and watch you teach them while we wait for Cordelia. Hell, you might be able to teach me something." Zoe hadn't mentioned the Supreme's name, so she assumed you knew it from the television segment a while back.
"If it doesn't bother you."
"It's no problem at all."
The woman led you to the kitchen dining room where a bunch of restless girls were mucking about. They all stilled, taking their seats, a few still mucking about as they did so. All the girls stared at you, one asking why you were so tall. You laughed, saying "Platforms" showing your four-inch platforms that were hidden by your floor-length skirt before you stole one of the free seats moving it out of the way so the woman could teach.
As the lesson when on you noticed one of the girls was struggling with her work. You noticed how she seemed to be too shy to ask for help. The girl beside her flying head and boasting about her skills, most likely bringing the girl down (unintentionally), in the process. You stood up and quietly as to not disturb the class and moved over to the girl.
"Hi, my name's Y/N. What's yours?" You asked her quietly.
"Emily," she whispered.
"Nice to meet you, Emily. Do you need any help with your work?" She shook her head. "Can I help you with your work?" She looked at you hesitantly then up to Ms who was too busy to notice you had moved over to the girl.
"If you want."
"How about you tell me what you're learning?" You started with. She shrugged. "What's the title of your worksheet?"
"Types of Magic?"
"Yes, that's correct. Now, what are the two main types of magic?" She remained quiet. "Clue: what's above you?"
"A roof?"
You chuckled, "Technically, that is right, but I meant that-" you point to the light globe.
"Oh, a light. Light and dark!" She got excited, raising her voice from a whisper. This caught the attention of the teacher.
"Yes, that's correct. All magic users fall into one of those two. Us witches fall into the light magic, even the darkest, most evil witch still uses light magic. There are others who would also fall into this side such as angels."
"Angels exist?"
"Supposedly. I've never met one," You said. "Even though there is light and dark magic, the purpose a person uses it for can differ. You know who I mentioned a witch using her light magic for evil?" Emily nodded. "She would be using-"
You went on explaining to Emily. A few of the girls around her joined in listening to you explain the course to her. You added pointers their teacher hadn't mentioned and some you picked up from your years of living a magic-filled life. You only noticed you had stolen the attention of all the girls when the others began asking you questions. The teacher was gone from where you last saw her. You asked the girl what the teacher's name was. You had forgotten to ask earlier.
"I'm so sorry Zoe, I didn't mean to take over your class," you said when you finally spotted her. "I was only trying to help Em with her work."
"Em?" Emily repeated.
"I give all my friends and family nicknames. I didn't think-" She leapt up and gave your waist a hug before you got another word in. She repeated the word friend back to you excited by the prospect of gaining a new friend. You gathered she was new or had a hard time with people since she found the idea of you being her friend exciting. You chuckled, rustling her hair with your hand. "Okay, enough hugging. I better let you get back to class. I stole enough of your time."
"Actually, class is over," Zoe said.
"Oh~ I'm so-" You went to apologise when the woman cut you off.
"No, it's fine. It's better they understand the work then rushing ahead and then not knowing it correctly." She silently conferred that what you had said to them was correct. She would have interrupted, adding her two sense if something seemed off. The teacher found your allegory's to be helpful in explaining the content as well as refreshing.
"Zoe's right, it's better that they understand the work. One wrong preformed spell and it could be disastrous." You knew that voice anywhere. "I was informed that we had a new student, so I came down as soon as I-"
Your head perked up to look at the woman that owned your body and soul. Your eyes begged for her to recognise you, to pull you into her embrace. You smiled sweetly at her in the way only you could. She returned the gesture. Her face was warm and welcoming as ever but as she got a better look at you, you noticed the change in her expression. The shift was slight but noticeable solely because you sought it out. You pulled yourself away from Emily carefully. As soon as you were detached, you headed over to the headmistress offering your gloved hand to her.
"L/N." She accepted your offer of a handshake. Her grip was strong excuding confidence dissimilar to the woman you left behind years prior. You kept a natural level of eye contact to not seem suspicious. Giving your last name was a test. You didn't want to scare her off immediately nor face the slap she will most likely give you when she puts the pieces together. "I was actually here to offer to be a teacher if you needed one," you said. "I know you had a large incline of students recently as well as limited staff. I don't know if that has since changed. Even if you just need someone to mark homework or assessments, I don't mind. I have all the credentials I would need for a normal teaching job along with working with children's card. Everything's in my satchel." You didn't find in necessary to mention the repercussions of not being accepted. Stating your problems wasn't your way. They were yours, there was no need to share.
"We can discuss this further in my office." Cordelia gestured into the hallway. You waved bye to the girls and said goodbye to Zoe.
Before Cordelia left Zoe pulled her aside. She noticed the facial expression shift too.
"You alright Cordelia?"
"Yeah," She whispered back to her friend. "She looks like a friend, I had years back."
"She could be a relative. Sister, daughter, cousin-"
"She had no living family," Cordelia told Zoe. "The girl's too old to be a daughter." She sighed, "It's fine, it's a freaky coincidence."
"You don't need to hire her."
"It would be helpful to have some extra help around here. She seemed to be great with the younger ones and we know how much of a feat that is." They both chuckled. "I shouldn't keep her waiting."
Cordelia kept eyeing you occasionally when talking to Zoe. You gathered she was talking about you, but it wasn't your place to listen. It's not nice to eavesdrop.
You remained quiet, listening for her to talk as the two of you headed to her office. Upstairs, first room on the right, just as you remembered. "As you know, that is Zoe. We had another teacher but unfortunately, we lost her. You will occasionally see an older woman here named Myrtle; she doesn't teach the students, but she helps me with council work." You smiled knowing Myrtle was here and still a part of the council.
Cordelia opened her office allowing you to walk in first. You noticed the familiar redhead in the corner of Cordelia's office drinking. Cordelia told you to take a seat at her desk while she got the paperwork ready. You pulled out your documentation placing it on the table before drawing your attention to the older woman behind you. Myrtle was talking to Cordelia about something irrelevant to you when she stopped mid-sentence, something you had never seen her do.
Cordelia cleared her throat, earning your attention. You spun around slowly. Cordelia told you that your documentation would not be relevant since they had an unorthodox away of job selecting. The past isn't relevant to her as long as you weren't her to bring harm to her girls. You insisted she took a look to ease your mind and to make her away of your qualifications.
"Now Y/N-" She wasn't meant to say that. She quickly went to cover it up, "Sorry I mean-" She picked up your papers searching your name on them.
"No, you were right." You adjusted the wire framed glasses on your face. One of the few new things about you. "Y/N M/N L/N."
"Is Y/N a family name?" Cordelia asked. "Like how some men name their son's the same name but call them junior."
"I don't believe so," You said, acting oblivious. You already came off strong demanding a job. "I don't have much of a family."
Cordelia's eyes widened. It couldn't be?
"Can I see your ID?"
"Sure." You fish through your bag pulling out a worn-down purse that she gifted to you years ago. Cordelia went to say something but held herself back, instead looking over to Myrtle with a questioning look. The oldest woman in the room shared the same level of confusion. "I should warn you; I apparently look a lot younger than my age."
You handed over your card to Cordelia.
"Y/n, what had you want to become a teacher?"
"Well, that's a tough question. I mean, where to begin?" You laughed. "I've always had a knack for the history of the Salem coven and it transformed into a fascination with magic in general. I guess I want to put my knowledge to good use. There's no point allowing it to waste away up here and recording it down in a book never sounded as appealing as verbally communicating it." Cordelia nodded along keeping a hold of your identification. "One of my friends used to joke that we'd both be here teaching together. Things didn't go as planned."
"They never do." Cordelia said. "I hope you don't mind but I need a secondary opinion on your resume." She ushered over Myrtle and the two had a quick conversation. She didn't believe you, she had to be asking about if it was possible, Myrtle would probably suggested plastic surgery as a possibility as to your appearance or some other thing you couldn't do.
"Could she have done Tempus Infinituum or something similar? It would explain why I- we haven't heard anything from her." The two look at you sat there twiddling your thumbs.
You always assumed your ageless appearance was some genetic thing or something to do with your magic. You're still trying to figure that out and was hoping she could help you out with that, or someone here could. Obviously, that wasn't your purpose for coming back.
"Is it really you Y/N?"
You nodded. Her eyes teared up and a smile formed on her face. She shook her head not wanting to jump the gun or overstep her boundary. It had been years and she had no clue what you had been through. It would have to be hell in order for you to leave. The two of you were inseparable before you vanished.
"I can prove it. Ask me anything only I would know."
Your words were enough, the tale you told of your friend and how much of a history buff you were.
"I can do one better, give me your hand." She laid her hand out for you to grab. You didn't understand. "A lot has happened since you left, one being I got The Sight."
As soon as you heard that you grabbed her hand allowing the skin to skin contact to explain away everything it had to. It hit you a second later, you shouldn't have rushed it. There were things she didn't need to know that she may now have access too. She tore your glove from your hand allowing her fingers to slip between yours. She gasped watching your earlier twenties up until now flash through her mind.
She retracted from you, allowing herself a moment to get air in her lungs. "Y-y-you-" she stuttered. Her eyes flicked from you to her aunt. Shock covered her face. Her eyes settled on you and you expected her to say something about how this was unbelievable. "Why are your hands so cold?"
"What?" Not what you were expecting.
"You're freezing, I'm going to find you a blanket."
"You don't need to, I'm fine-" Her glare at you urged you to shut you up quickly. She used to do the same thing back in the day. "I'm serious, I'm always this cold. Why do you think I dress like this?"
You got up, following her down the corridor and up the stairs to a bedroom. You attempted to reason with her that you were fine, you were always ice cold which concerned her more. "That's not normal Y/N/N" 'Y/N/N?' You smiled upon hearing your nickname from long ago.
"You'll learn not a lot about me is-" You kidded.
"Sit down on the bed, I'm getting out the winter blankets."
"But it's summer-"
"And your freezing."
She headed into her closet only returning a few minutes later with the thickest blanket she owned. You were already dressed inappropriately for the weather, cloaked in long sleeved maxi length dress, thick woollen stockings, below the knee boots that were hidden by your dress. You also had a cardigan you removed upon entering the school grounds. Cordelia wrapped the blanket around before forcing you to lay down. You whined, using that you were wearing shoes as an excuse. She removed them, seeing how much big the sole was she asked, "How do you walk in these?"
"How do you walk in heels?"
The two of you started cackling. Soon you were swaddled up in a blanket, lying on what you assumed was Cordelia's bed telling stories and laughing at each other's misfortune like it was old times. You had learned the unfortunate events that led to her ex-husbands death. A witch hunter, you should have guessed.
"I missed you," Cordelia admitted. You remained quiet, wanting to say it back but not having the courage. Like the last time, you had seen her, her wedding. You, the maid of honour, left early. You knew you would have to explain it to her, but you couldn't. You didn't want to force your feelings onto her, that's why you never told her then and that's why you can't tell her you missed her now. You missed her more than she could ever believe. "I saw- I mean... I know. I know you miss me too." She moved closer to you, resting her head onto your shoulder. "I know you missed me too."
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years ago
We’re Dating (No, We’re Faking It)
Fandom: Iron Man/Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairing: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Rating: T Summary: Pepper stares at the face of an unrepentant Tony Stark. “Are you kidding me?” She manages, once she’s recovered from the shock. She shakes her head, as if trying to clear it. “Why exactly did you do that?!” Tony, looks at her as if she were slow. To be honest, she’s feeling it. Tony grins at her, leans forward from his seat and she fights the impulse to slap him. “Because you’re the only one Christine would not dare mess with.”
Words: 1372 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, prompts:  4. “that didn’t stop you before” & 24. “are you kidding me?”
Read @ AO3
Pepper stares at the face of an unrepentant Tony Stark. “Are you kidding me?” She manages, once she’s recovered from the shock. She shakes her head, as if trying to clear it. “Why exactly did you do that?!”
Tony, looks at her as if she were slow. To be honest, she’s feeling it. Tony grins at her, leans forward from his seat and she fights the impulse to slap him. “Because you’re the only one Christine would not dare mess with.”
She closes her eyes, she really doesn’t need a rival nor the whole school newspaper team giving her wide berth. Some already do, but she really, really doesn’t need them is printing stuff about her. She’s the student’s association treasurer, she doesn’t need a scandal. Much less, when Yale Business calls. But, now thanks to one Tony Stark, she will likely will be putting fires and dealing with unwanted attention. All because he couldn’t think of someone else, all because he had to go and tell Christine Everheart that they were dating. “And you couldn’t think of someone else?” She asks, once she opens her eyes and glares at him, Tony doesn’t flinch from her gaze. The bastard’s quite amused.
Tony shrugs. “The other person she would’ve not dare mess is my Platypus, and Rhodey would sooner kick my ass than kiss it.” He leans again, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Besides, we make a power couple. And we’re totally made for each other.”
She knows he’s joking, the light tone is a dead giveaway. And now, she wants to cry. This is her last year of high school and, much to her chagrin, she has developed feelings for him. She likes him more than what she should. And now, he’s basically told the school they are together, because telling Christine is basically broadcasting it in the news, she’ll probably make a good journalist someday. “And what do I get out of it? I mean, what if I wanted to date someone else and you’ve gone and ruined it.”
For a moment, Tony flounders. Then in what she has now realize is typical behavior, gives her a winning smile, “C’mon miss Potts, you can’t do better than me. Well, truth be told, Rhodey would be better than me. But the school’s full of losers and you know it. As to what you get out of it, well, you’d be fake dating me and I’m awesome. I’m willingly offering some actual dates, just because of the trouble and yes, I’m paying.” Of course he could, he’s rich. Not that’s saying much, because the private high school they attend is not cheap. It’s for the wealthy. But even surrounded by wealth, Tony’s inheritance is larger than just about everyone else.
It’s not, but she’s really not interested in risking her heart. And another, smaller, traitorous part of her wants to size up the opportunity and see where things go. She knows which is going to win. But she might as well set some rules. “Fine. But I have rules…”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less of you, Pep.”
She glares, but his smirk is now smug and, right now, she’s torn between kissing it or slapping it away. “First of all…”
They spend the next several minutes laying down rules. She feels quite accomplished at the fact that he didn’t argue, much. But there’s the logical part of hers that is telling her that she’s being a complete idiot. That doesn’t do much for how her heart skips a beat when Tony takes her hand after they leave the council room. Tony simply looks smug.
Tony and her have been fake dating for two weeks when one day, she’s talking with some of her girl friends and Tony all but rushes towards her and kisses her in full public view. She’s left rather dazzled after that. Tony winks and ‘reminds’ them that they are going for a date after school. Her girlfriends giggle.
It’s been a month when it happens, Christine is trying to make some rumors about her. Since printing them would be out of line and would risk her loosing her spot on the newspaper, Christine opts for rumors. She catches them very soon and she deals with Christine in the same way she deals with everyone, with polite, but cutting words. Ok, maybe all but calling Christine trash wasn’t the best, but she did get on her nerves. And she will not allow anyone to put her down as just ‘a handy woman – if you know what I mean.’
Tony kisses her in public again when he finds out.
It’s been two months, when they’re sitting on a booth in a fifty’s style dinner, eating (a burger for him, chicken wings for her and both have milkshakes) when Tony looks up and says, “I need your permission to kiss you.”
She arches a brow, “You have before, without proper warning. That didn’t stop you before.”
Tony squirms under her gaze, “Yeah, but this time it’s different. My mom’s been asking about you, and since you agreed to come to the fundraiser we’re throwing, well, I figured that I’d give you head’s up. Since my parents will be there, don’t want to make it awkward.”
She bites into her wing, chews carefully and washes her food with milkshake. “That’s fine.”
The smile that Tony gives her, could match the sun itself in its intensity.
The fundraiser is quite something, she’s sitting with Tony, next to his parents. His mother, had welcomed her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek, “Tony has spoken so much of you, I’m glad that we’ve finally meeting.”
She had turned to Tony, he’d blushed. “Thank you Mrs. Stark. It’s very lovely to meet you.” She will not be intimidated, even by a woman who is on the society pages for all the charity work she does and her business acumen.
The whole even had been flawless, Tony had asked her to dance several times. They had spoken about everything and she found that she didn’t want to leave, it was only when the fundraiser was winding down that she and Tony were walking away from the other people. “What did your mom meant?” She asked.
Tony did not met her eyes, in fact, he was looking everywhere but her. “Ah, well, I’ve talked about you with her, about you wanting to go into business. Did you know my mom went to Yale?”
She was flattered that he had, but it didn’t made sense. “Why? I mean, I appreciate it, but why talk about me? And no, I didn’t know.”
Tony turns to her, stops walking and she’s forced to stop too. “Because I like you Pep.” He says and she freezes. “I like you very much.” Then he sighed loudly. “Okay fine, I might be in love with you.”
It would be much latter, when she’s had some time to think about it, that the garden was like a fairy garden and the moon was high and flowers gave a lovely scent. It was quite romantic. “Tony Stark if you’re joking…”
Tony panics, holds her hand and makes her look at him. “No! I wouldn’t play with you! Never!”
She looks at him, really looks at him. And he’s looking back at her, eyes soft and shinny and warm. Oh. He means it. Her heart speeds up, she takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. “You’re serious?” Her own voice is soft and quiet.
“I am.” Upfront, simple, easy and very, very Tony. “I love you, Pep.”
She tries to smile at him, but she’s still a bit dazzled. “I love you too,” she finally admits. “Now what?”
“Now, we’re officially dating.”
Tony beams at her, she can’t quite resist that face and leans forward, he meets her halfway. His lips are soft and warm and it’s perfect. And they will continue dating and see where that goes, and she’s happier than she’s ever been. They separate when the need to breath grows. But they only stare at each other for a good while and then kiss again. Neither spots the camera taking their picture, it makes it into the society pages. Neither of them care.
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odos-bucket · 5 years ago
Next part of this story. There will probably be three or four in all.
It’s a bit less than two months from the first time Jaskier heard the song that he and Geralt meet again. They’re not exactly planning their reunions at this point, so much as they’re making sure to casually mention a few of their intended destinations over the course of the next few weeks or months whenever they part ways, and then happen to run into each other at some point or other. Jaskier’s been a little more deliberate these past few weeks, about being in the right place at the right time, and keeping an ear out for word of a silver haired witcher, and it’s paid off.
He’s greeted warmly. Geralt’s never been overly comfortable with public affection, but he takes a moment when they meet to briefly touch their foreheads together. Jaskier studies him for any indication that he may have heard the farcical songs being sung about him, without having any real idea of how such a thing might manifest.
It’s become routine for them to turn in early on their first nights back together. Not to fool around (well, not just to fool around); it’s easier to be with Geralt when there aren’t a million other people and things going on around them. So they get a room in the small town where they’ve convened, and within seconds of the door closing Jaskier is throwing his arms around the witcher and pulling him close. Geralt presses his face into his neck, and the bard feels his chest rise and fall with deep inhalations.
“I missed you.”
Geralt hums his reciprocation of the sentiment before pulling away to shed off his road worn outer layers. Jaskier makes a noise of protest at the loss of contact, even as he turns to flop onto the bed, where he’s alone for less than a minute. Geralt waits for him to initiate contact- he always does- but once Jaskier kisses him he responds with full enthusiasm. They get to spend a few blissful minutes narrowing their world down until all of the shit is pushed to the outside. But Geralt pulls away too soon.
“I need to tell you something,” he says. It comes out almost like it’s a question.
Jaskier’s essentially on top of him at this point, and he has no intention of changing that (not unless he’s asked to), but he does angle his head so they can look at each other.
“I did something stupid,” says Geralt.
“We do stupid things all the time.”
“I…” Geralt begins again, makes the first sound, or gets out the first syllable of a few words, then hums and falls silent.
He’s frustrated. He doesn’t like it when other people try to force words out of him, but he really hates not being able to pull the words out of himself.
Jaskier has never thought of himself as an especially patient person, but for this he can wait, though the anxieties he had momentarily been able to push away begin to return as he does so.
“I’d rather be the one who you hear about this from.” Geralt takes a long pause. “And seeing as you don’t seem to be the only troubadour chronicling my exploits anymore…”
Jaskier winces, though he had known they would only be able to put off talking about it for so long. It was far too much to ask for Geralt and the song to somehow never cross each other’s paths.
He presses closer at every point where their body’s already touch, and feels Geralt relax under the deep pressure. He nods slightly, just in case any confirmation is needed that he understands.
“I hurt someone.” The witcher's voice is a rough whisper. “Someone who I didn’t need to. Someone who I should have- fuck! How could I have been this stupid?”
Jaskier squeezes his arms.
“What happened?”
“It’s that damn song. It was playing in a tavern… and I had Ciri with me. Normally I wouldn’t have-“ he shakes his head. “But it upset her. She asked the bard if he could play something else.”
He can't help but smile at that. He can practically hear her. There's this special tone of voice she sometimes uses, a very queenly way of sounding polite while making a request that's really a command. Not the best way to pass through places unnoticed perhaps, but he's still finding it very difficult not to feel proud of her.
“I should have been more careful, made sure she was keeping her head down, but… Jaskier, she was so upset. And there are some things I never wanted her to hear.” He says the last part like it’s some kind of shameful secret, and not a feeling that every parent in the world could easily empathize with. “She started to argue with him. I didn’t want to make things worse by making myself known. But then he put his hands on her, and I just…”
“Did you kill him?” Jaskier asks conversationally.
Geralt shakes his head.
“And I'll assume that if Ciri had been hurt in any way I would already know.”
“She’s not hurt.”
“I don’t think I exactly see what the big deal is.”
“I attacked a man who was unarmed! A man who wasn’t a threat to me!”
Jaskier shrugs.
“You must know me well enough to know that the only possible response I could have to that is the son of a bitch deserved it.”
“I should be able to control myself.”
“Seems like a bit of an unreasonably high standard to hold yourself to when you look at the utter lack of self control everyone else seems to display so proudly- Oh!”
Geralt is shaking. And the way they’re sitting he can feel the vibration run through every nerve in his body.
“…I can’t believe I fucking did that.”
“It’s okay.”
“It was okay for me to hurt someone who’s weaker than I am?”
“Under the circumstances? Yes! You were protecting your family!”
Geralt just keeps shaking his head.
“He couldn’t have hurt her.”
“He was hurting her. And I’m not so sure it’s fair to say that he wasn’t a threat to you either. No don’t give me that look. You have been through hell, and your pain is not a fucking joke! And if I could just get my hands on the bastards who think it is…” His voice wavers partway through, and then cracks, and by the end he’s just barely holding back a sob.
They’re both trembling. Jaskier presses his nose into Geralt’s hair, and Geralt buries his face in Jaskier’s neck. For a while the only noise in the room comes from their erratic breathing, punctuated occasionally by soft and strangled cursing.
Jaskier had spent plenty of time worrying about Geralt hearing the song. He hadn’t thought about Ciri. He feels sick, and furious, and useless.
“I’m sorry,” he breaths out after a while. “I’m so sorry.”
“I have to be better than this.”
“You haven’t done anything wrong. Hell, when I heard that shit for the first time I ambushed the kid who had been playing it in an alleyway.”
“… You shouldn’t have done that.”
“Maybe not,” Jaskier allows. “But I’d probably do it again.” He plays with the witcher’s hair, wraps sections of it around his wrists and fingers. “… Is all of it true?”
It’s hardly a surprise when Geralt doesn’t answer right away. Jaskier wouldn’t fault him for choosing not to answer at all. In fact he is beginning to think that maybe he should apologize for even asking, when Geralt finally speaks.
“Truer than most of your accounts.” He says it without lifting his eyes from the bed.
The attempt at levity ignites something warm in his chest, and feeds into the protective flame that’s been growing for the last several- well since he met the witcher really.
“So… what? Someone’s interviewing people who have hurt you, to write novelty songs? They don’t have anything better to do with their worthless life?”
Geralt shrugs. He’s still looking down, seemingly very focused on something on the floor behind Jaskier’s left elbow. He’s still, except for the the steady working of his jaw. The bard waits. If Geralt’s lost in his own head there’s nothing pressing him for a response will do to help him get out. It’s some time before the witcher speaks.
“So you,” his gaze stays fixed on the floor. “So you know…”
Guilt rips through him as Geralt trails off.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have heard any of that. I didn’t mean to-" he swallows and breaths in to level out his voice. “Can you forgive me?”
A part of him knows it’s a ridiculous question even as he asks it, but he can’t shake the feeling that he somehow needs to atone for what he now knows.
It’s the plea for forgiveness that finally bring’s Geralt’s eyes back onto him. Incredulity replaces his previously blank expression as his gaze shifts upward.
“I feel like I’ve betrayed your trust,” Jaskier admits.
“By what reasoning have you betrayed my trust?”
“Well if you’d wanted me to know any of that you would have told me yourself.”
Geralt looks him over with an intense expression.
“Witcher’s aren’t taught to broadcast our deficiencies,” he says after a while.
“Deficiencies?” Jaskier echoes. The word leaves a rotten taste in his mouth. "Other people’s cruelty is not a denouncement on you.”
“… I’m meant to be able to endure.”
“You have endured. More than anyone should have to.”
Jaskier leans forward, but waits for Geralt to close the gap between them. The kiss satisfies his imagined need for forgiveness.
“We’ll fix this. I’m going to figure something out, I swear to you.”
“It isn’t your responsibility.”
“Isn’t it though? Isn’t this the exact kind of thing I’m supposed to be able to protect you from?.” He reclines sideways onto the bed, and pulls the witcher with him. “I don’t care if you think it’s my responsibility or not. I won’t let this stand. You deserve so much better than this shit.”
The skeptical look that Geralt gives him at that makes him want to set the godsdamned world on fire. Jaskier meets his eyes, and speaks as clearly and as calmly as he can.
“You. Don’t. Deserve. This.”
Geralt starts to roll his eyes, then closes them partway through.
“I need you to believe me.” He tries to keep his voice steady, even though he knows by now that there are a million other things letting Geralt know that he’s anything but calm.
The only response he gets is a soft hum, as the witcher shifts forward until his head is resting against the bard’s shoulder.
Jaskier weaves their fingers together, and doesn’t press any further. He doesn’t say anything. He’s not sure what to say, so he waits for Geralt to break the silence.
He falls asleep waiting.
It is not a restful night.
It’s not night at all. It’s dark because he’s inside. Underground? Somewhere the sun can’t get to. Somewhere where it could be day or it could be night and it wouldn’t really matter. And somewhere where it’s hard to breath. There’s a smell? Or the air’s the wrong consistency? Or maybe a problem with his lungs? He doesn’t know. He can’t breath. And there are sounds. Cries. Screams. And there’s blood. And it’s warm. And it’s not his, but it’s all over him. And there’s a child bleeding out right into his lungs. And. And…
Jaskier wakes up screaming. This can’t be happening. He can’t be back here. It isn’t real. He tells himself it isn’t real three more times before he realizes that that might actually be true. And then he repeats it twice more because nothing else seems to be able to fit in his head.
There are arms around him when he comes back to himself. And he cringes because he knows Geralt hates this, knows the sound of screams brings him physical pain, and that when he wakes up to them he wakes up ready to fight.
“You’re okay.”
He makes a pitiful noise.
“Do you know where you are?”
He nods, and pulls the arms around him to tighten.
“You’re safe.”
“I’m here.”
“… Those fucking bastards.” Jaskier finds he can’t keep his voice calm. “… Fucking bastards…”
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years ago
Oblitus Part 17
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now!
59 days left until Extermination...
"I can't believe it!" Charlie exclaimed. Alastor and Husk walked over to the group and talked to the cyclops demon.
"Your theory worked!?" Baxter questioned, still shocked.
"Well, partially, anyway," Vaggie commented.
"Yeah, why is she still a demon?" Angel asked.
"Maybe, there's something else that's still keeping her here?" Anna said.
"But, what?" Vaggie asked.
"I don't know." Anna answered, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not exactly an expert." Charlie smiled.
"Well, I'd say it's progress. Nobody have managed to make anyone get this far!" She said, happily, almost crying. "Oh, that reminds me-" the princess reached for something her pocket and pulled out a cellphone.
"Here, I want to give you this," Charlie said holding out a Hellphone For Anna. "That way you can stay in touch, if you ever need anything!"
"Uh, thanks?" Anna replied, taking the phone from her. 
"We need to tell everybody about this! I'll call up Katie Killjoy and set up another appointment-" Charlie was about about to dial in her phone when Vaggie stopped her. The moth demon placed her hands on the princess's shoulders.
"Hun, I think you're getting ahead of yourself," Vaggie said. "Remember, what happened last time? We are going to need more proof, if we're going to win anyone over."
Alastor stepped up with a strange smile on his face. "Ladies, I have an idea," Everyone turned to him, listening.
"Let's have a show, advertising the hotel, of course, and Niffty as our poster gal!" He explained. "I'll even broadcast it live!"
Charlie beamed, jumping up and down, excitedly. "That's perfect, Alastor!" She exclaimed. 
"And that's not all! We'll have Anna here, sing as well," Alastor said, gesturing to Anna. Anna's eyes widen in shock.
"WHAT?!" She shouted. "I mean, why me? Can't you do it?" She stammered, nervously.
Alastor smiled. "Well, I've figured that since YOU helped out our little Niffty, you can have the favor of presenting!" Alastor "Unless, you'd be more comfortable singing with me, as a duet?"
"Please, do it! It'll really help the hotel's status!" Charlie pleaded. Anna sighed.
"Okay, I'll do it," She answered.
"Great! I'll swing by Mimzy's and let her know!" Alastor said, walking away, leaving.
"I'll make some fliers and posters!" Charlie shouted, with Vaggie following behind, heading to the management room.
 "I guess I'll go freshen up, before the show." Anna murmured. She walked away, up the stairs, heading to the bathroom. She walked into the room and pulled her shirt over her head and shimmied out of her jeans and shoes. Anna headed towards the shower, turning it on and stepped inside, closing the curtain. She happily sighed, feeling the warm drops of water fall on her. However, waves of nerves and anxiety soon began to cloud her mind. 
 She was going to dancing and singing in front of an large audience. What if she messed up? What if she embarrassed herself? What if Alastor does something weird to her?
Anna blushed as she shook her head. What is she thinking about him for? She has a boyfriend for pete's sake! Could she really be lusting over him? Suddenly, Anna felt something as her hair moved on the top of her head. She reached up and felt another ear tuft. She groaned, slumping her shoulders and leaned her head against the wall of the shower. She have get out of this place and soon. 
Anna turned the shower off and reached out grabbing an towel, drying herself. As she pulled the curtain back, Anna's eyes widen and she screamed, seeing Angel in front of her. Anna quickly pulled the curtains for cover herself. 
 "Aah! Angel?!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing?! Get out!"
 "I wanted to talk," Angel said.
 "Can't it wait, when I'm not in the shower?!" Anna asked, irritated. Angel ignored her and continued.
 "So, doll face, are you nervous for tonight's big bit?" the spider demon asked.
"Yes," Anna answered, flatly.
"Hey, come on, cheer up! You've made it this far. What's a little silly bit going to do?" Angel said, smiling. "Do you know what you're wearing for the show?"
"Well, I thought I'd just wear what I'm wearing," Anna replied. Angel frowned.
"That won't do," He said. "Come with me. I'll help find ya something that'll be the bee's knees!" 
At Mimzy's, it was completely crowded and packed as demons gathered around, sitting down, waiting for the show to begin. Alastor had placed Mimzy in charge of the stage lights and production. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel and Husk sat down at the table, waiting as well. Vaggie looked over at the princess seeing her nervously playing with her hands and biting her bottom lip.
"Relax, Hun, it's not going to be like like time," the moth demon said, comforting her girlfriend.
"I know, it's just-" The stage lights flipped on and Alastor stepped out from the curtains, wearing his top hat and tux, and on to the stage. A news demon with a camera faced him, filming. Alastor grinned widely, holding his microphone. 
"Hello, all you sinners! How you doing tonight?" The radio demon stated. "How about we give a round of applause to Hell's charming princess, and the daughter of the head honcho himself, Charlie Magne!" The whole room went silent as nobody said a word or clapped. Alastor smirked and continued.
"Maybe, this will change your minds," He said. Alastor snapped his fingers and the lights went off then came back on with luminescent neon colors. His whole attire was in different colors as well from the lights. Alastor looked around on the stage, wondering where Anna was. He haven't seen her since the hotel. Then Alastor's shadows began to play instruments and Alastor set his microphone down.
"Listen, ladies and gentlemen, if you would be so kind," Alastor began singing.
"Got someone very special here," He gestured his hand towards the stage curtains. "She's 'bout to speak her mind..."
Anna stepped out as she flipped the curtains behind her. Everyone's eyes widen in shock and their mouths dropped slightly. Alastor turned his head and his widen in surprise, as well. He felt an unknown and strange feeling, seeing her. The human woman was wearing a strapless slit dress that reached down to her thighs, showing off her curves, glowing an dark bluish color in the dark and black heels. Angel smirked as he leaned back in his seat, proud.
"I gotta song to sing!" Anna singed. "If you don't like my song, I'm gonna sing it anyhow!"
"I gotta a dream in my heart, yeah!"
"Nothing's gonna stop us now!" Alastor and Anna both sang together. Mimzy frowned, glaring, crossing her arms, seeing that the two were awfully close together. She flipped the switch. The stage curtains opened up instead. Alastor took Anna's hand and danced in circles as the spotlight followed them. Anna felt her heart beat fast and couldn't breathe as they did. She looked up at Alastor, feeling an certain and strange feeling as she did. Could she really be in lov-? No, couldn't be.
"Take 4 to 20 blackbirds and bake it in a pie," Anna singed. "Before you put it in an oven, babe, you know they're gonna fly!"
"They say curiosity killed the cat? I'm living proof that that's a lie!" Alastor singed, high. The two smiled and faced each other.
 "Now, I'm gonna tell you why!" They both singed together. Mimzy growled and flipped another switch and multiple lights came on behind Alastor and Anna. Her eyes widen in shock.
"Yeah! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
A light came on and shined on Niffty, revealing her. Everyone's eyes widen in shock. Charlie squealed seeing the look on their faces, biting her lip, excitedly. All over the monitors in Hell, every demon froze looking up in shock. In his office, Lucifer took a sip from his coffee until he glanced over at the TV. His eyes widen and spat out his drink, spraying the screen.
 Anna twirled as she danced gracefully on her feet. "And if I wanna dance, I'll dance!"
 "She'll dance," Alastor slid on his knees, singing in an girly voice, batting his eyes, looking up at Anna. She rolled her eyes. Mimzy had to put a stop to this. She picked up a crate of bulbs and dropped them from above aiming at Anna. Alastor twirled Anna as the two danced, dodging the falling bulbs as they shattered on the ground.
 "Just as long as the law will allow," Anna continued. "Dance and sing all night long. Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
Alastor dipped her and Anna around him. "Yeah, nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Alastor danced as tapped danced on stage.
Anna smirked as she walked off the stage stepping on the tables as she did. She bent down to a demon couple and placed a finger underneath the male's chin, leaning in closer. Alastor turned and frowned, seeing Anna getting a little to close to the demon. He snapped his fingers and instantly, Anna was right back on the stage, next to him. The demon's girlfriend glared at her boyfriend, seeing him still eyeing Anna, and slapped his cheek.
 "Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, Now!"
 "I gotta feeling inside!" Anna smiled, fluttering her eyes. "Ooh, it's love! Without a doubt!"
 "Oh, I got someone I'm crazy about!" Alastor pitched in.
 "Annnd, nothing's gonna stop us now!" The two singed together. Alastor picked Anna up and tossed her in the air.
 "Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us!-"
 Multiple fireworks went off on the stage. Alastor caught Anna as the two posed, facing everyone.
"Now!" Anna and Alastor panted.
The whole crowd let out a loud uproar from cheering to clapping as they gave them an standing ovation.
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imagine-all-the-imagines · 5 years ago
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Imagine going into labor while Casey is away at a conference. Part two!
Warnings: Slight pregnancy issues, if I missed any, let me know. 
Summary: You are pregnant with your first child and your girlfriend, Casey, is away at a conference. You weren’t expecting anything to happen, but the little human inside you had other plans.
Based on this request: “Maybe Casey’s gf is heavily pregnant (7/8 months?) with their baby girl. Casey has a conference in a different state (which she only reluctantly went to bc rn her gf is ever so clingy) R hangs out with Alex (godmother of the baby?) but suddenly has (false) labor contractions Alex panics, calls Casey who freaks out;all flights are heavily delayed. Alex calls Liv for help and R just misses Casey really badly add ur own twist? :)”
AN: Somehow this got to be over 3,000 words. 3,059 to be exact. I hope you like it!
After having the bombshell of twins dropped on you, you and Casey walked out of the doctor’s office and down the street. You were both pretty silent as you walked without really paying attention to what was around you.
It was Casey that finally stopped you, she had grabbed your arm and gently brought you to a pause. “Y/N, are you ok? I know we weren’t expecting it, but this is great, more to love, right?”
You gave Casey a small smile, “You’re right, I just honestly didn’t think this would happen, we kept putting it off because I asked you to, and then suddenly, bam, twins! And on top of this, we have to plan the wedding!”
Casey ran her hands reassuringly up and down your arms. “We can do this. You’re one of the most organized humans I know, and I have some time off that I’ve saved up. I can take the time off to make sure everything gets ready in time and to make sure you don’t run yourself ragged.”
You smiled at brighter at Casey, “And this is why I love you. You always know how to calm me down. I just know I’ve got you to lean on if I need it.”
Casey gave you a small kiss, “And you always will, even without these rings. I’m not going anywhere.”
When you got back to work, your entire squad was waiting to hear the news. Liv had a huge smile on her face and had placed a gift bag with balloons on your desk. You let out a laugh and shook your head at the squad.
“You guys are far too good to me, but before I open this, there’s some news!” You explained, lightly pulling on the balloon strings, “We’re having twins!”
There was a moment of complete silence before Liv let out an excited laugh and wrapped you in a hug. “Oh my gosh, this day just got better and better. Congratulations!”
Fin and Elliot came up next and both gave you a hug and offered their congratulations. Looking at everyone, you pulled Liv off to the side.
“So, I feel like this should be obvious, but I was wondering if you would be the godmother of one of the twins? We decided not to know what the genders were, but I just know that if they have you, they’ll have the biggest extended support system a pair of twins could hope for. Casey is asking Alex today at work. We’d be honored if you would say yes.”
Liv nodded, tears slightly coming up in her eyes. “I would love to, Y/N. Thank you.”
“Good,” you smiled, “That means you two are in charge of the gender reveal, which you already knew about. But now it’s official!”
Your first trimester seemed to be flying by and the day of your gender reveal came before you could even blink. You felt like the days bled into one another, and meanwhile, you felt yourself growing larger and larger.
Casey had been by your side through all the morning sickness and emotions flying all over the place. You honestly weren’t sure how you would have done it without her.
Now, you were standing in front of your mirror, smoothing the floral dress over your bump. You were lost in thought when Casey come up behind you, wrapping her arms and round you and covering your hands with hers.
“What are you thinking about?” She asked with a quiet voice.
You leaned your head back onto her shoulder, “Just wondering about what they’re going to be like. You know? I’m growing two complete humans in here, I just want to know what they’ll be like already. But I’m also incredibly nervous for all of this.”
You turned in Casey’s arms and wrapped your arms around her, nuzzling into her neck. Casey gently stroked your hair and gave you a reassuring squeeze, “I know you’re dealing with a lot, more than I can even fathom, but I hope you know I’m here for you every step of the way, and I can’t wait to figure this all out together.”
The two of you stood like that for a few minutes before Casey pulled away, “We should head downstairs, Liv and Alex are probably ready to get this thing started.”
You laughed and nodded taking Casey’s hand, “Let’s not keep them waiting then. I’m ready to figure out what’s growing inside me!” You paused for a moment before laughing, “That makes it sound like I don’t know they humans, like maybe I’m expecting dinosaurs or something!”
You and Casey shared a laugh as you into the living room and saw your friends and co-workers packed together. There was a mesh of pinks and blues everywhere with each person sporting pink or blue to broadcast their guess to the public. Liv was sporting a nice blue blouse while Alex had on a light pink skirt. Casey had chosen a light pink blouse and when you saw the face painting supplies, she allowed you to paint little pink hearts on her cheeks.
You had made yourself a flower crown to go with your dress and when people asked what you were hoping for, you gestured to the pink and blue flowers on your crown and just said, “It doesn’t matter to me, so long as they’re healthy.”
There were a few games, guessing what items were in the diaper bag, baby bingo, and guessing whose baby pictures belongs to whom. The best one was seeing Elliot’s baby picture, turns out he’s had a permanent from since the day he was born.
Finally it was time to pass you the cupcakes. Liv and Alex warned everyone not to bite into their cupcakes until you and Casey had gone first.
When you were handed your cupcake, you felt a flutter of nerves hit your stomach and you subconsciously rubbed your hand over the little lives in your womb.
Looking at Casey, you both grabbed the handle of a fork and brought it down, making the candies in the center spill out. When you looked down to see them, your face spilt into a happy grin looking at the light blue candy pieces spill out.
“Looks like baby number one is a boy!” Liv called out, letting out a cheer. “Time for cupcake number two!”
You and Casey repeated the process and Liv let out another cheer, “It’s another boy!”
You looked at Casey, worried that she would be upset about not having a little girl. But to your surprise, she was looking at you with a smile to rival your own. “ Y/N, we’re going to have two little rascals running around. I hope we’re ready for it.”
You laughed and looked around, “We might need to get a bigger place. You know, I always wanted boys. I just didn’t want to jinx it!”
The rest of the shower went by with plenty of laughs and congratulations, Elliot offered to give you parenting tips whenever you needed it and Liv and Alex volunteered for babysitting whenever you and Casey needed a moment to yourselves.
After everyone had left, you felt yourself getting overwhelmed with emotion and found yourself wiping away a few happy tears while Casey went around the apartment cleaning and organizing everything. You had offered to help and she had all but put you on the couch herself, saying that you had done enough today and that you needed the rest.
You knew that no matter what would happen, as long as you had your support system, you all would be fine.
The morning that Casey left for the conference you were a mess. She had told you about it about a month ago and you had been fine with it, but as the conference got closer, so did your due date. You were about eight months along and you were worried that something would happen while Casey was gone.
Casey had assured you that no matter what, she would only be a phone call away. And if you needed anything, she would be on the first flight back to you.
Liv and Alex promised that they would stay with you whenever they could and they were there the morning that Casey left, immediately offering you tea and pastries along with a day of TV binging.
After a few hours of TV with the girls, you got a call from Casey, letting you know that she had made it to the hotel and that she was already missing you and the boys. You let her know that Liv and Casey hadn’t left your side and that they were taking care of you. She laughed and asked you to pass along her thanks to the women.
That night was the first night you had to sleep in your bed without Casey in at least a year and a half. To say that it wasn’t a peaceful sleep would be a lie, it was simply miserable, you ended up getting one of Casey’s sweaters and wrapped it around you, letting yourself drift off to sleep surrounded by the comfort of Casey’s perfume.
The next day you woke up with an ache in your bones, assuming it was due to the increased weight of the twins, you went about your day like normal. Getting dressed and ready to go into the station, you felt a pull in your back as you were putting on your shoes. Gently rubbing your back, you looked down at the bump that was your twins.
“No, you don’t get to do this today, Momma’s only been gone one day. I miss her too, though.” You rubbed your stomach, hoping to calm the boys.
As you walked out the door, you saw Alex and Liv waiting outside your door, a cup holder holding your usual morning cup of tea.
“You ready to go Y/N?” Alex asked, looping her arm through yours and rubbing her free hand over your stomach, “You ready for desk duty boys? I know it’s your mom’s favorite thing to do.” She shot a wink at you.
Liv laughed next to you and swatted Alex on the arm and then addressed your stomach as well, “Don’t listen to Auntie Alex, your mom is one of the best detectives we have, but she has to stay safe for you two.”
You smiled at the two women, “Thank you, both of you, you all have been lifesavers this whole time, and I know that Casey has only been gone a day, but you two have already made it easier.”
The three of you started your walk down the stairs towards the street. Liv called a cab and the three of you piled in, you in the middle so Liv could help you out when you got to the station.
After Alex had been dropped off and you and Liv had made it to the station, you were at your desk, looking up addresses of potential suspects when you felt it. There was a sharp pain in your back that seemed to wrap its way around to the front of your pelvis.
You let out a sharp gasp and looked up to see who was around. Locking eyes with Liv, she saw the panic and immediately came towards you, “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” You managed to get out through gritted teeth, “Something doesn’t feel right Liv.”
Liv was immediately on the phone calling a bus to come get you. “I’ve got you Y/N, Elliot is going to call Casey and Fin is on the phone with Alex already, you’re not alone in this ok?”
You felt the tears pricking at your eyes, “Liv, I’m scared.” You whimpered.
When the bus got there, you were still in pain, it seemed to come and go, but it was still there.
Liv went with you in the bus and held your hand the whole way. You let the tears fall when you got to the hospital and thought of Casey, you needed her here with you. You knew you had your support system, but the woman you loved was nowhere around.
After being admitted and checked out by the doctor, Liv and Alex were able to come in and see you.
“Hey, the doc said that we could come in for a bit, he said that you were asking for us?” Liv said, using her gentle voice that she saved for the scared victims she spoke with. If you weren’t in the pain you were in, you probably would have called her out on it.
“Liv, Alex, thank God you’re here, please don’t leave the room again, I talked to the doc, he’s ok if you stayed in here. I can’t do this alone, has anyone talked to Casey?” You asked, worry laced in your voice.
Casey had been in the middle of watching a presentation when she had been told that she had a call, at first she had been annoyed, but when she heard what it was about, her face paled and she all but sprinted out of the conference to the hotel.
Throwing all her items in her suitcase, Casey made it to the airport in record time, completely oblivious to the storm clouds gathering in the sky.
When she got to the airport, Casey practically crumpled when she was told that for the time being, all flights were cancelled due to the storms around them.
“You don’t understand, my fiancé is having an emergency! I have to get back to New York!” She said, slamming her hand on the counter as tears started to fall from her eyes. “I have to be there.”
The woman at the counter offered Casey a sincere apology with a heartfelt smile. She could see how desperate the red haired woman was.
Walking away from the counter, Casey went up to a pay phone and called the hospital, asking to be transferred to Y/N’s room. Liv answered and handed the phone to Y/N.
“Case? Are you coming home?” You asked, the fear very present in your voice.
There was a sad sigh and a sniffle on the other end of the line, “I tried Y/N, there’s no flight’s going out, there’s a big storm coming in. I’m sorry baby, I’m not making it home tonight.”
You tried to keep the tears at bay, “I’m scared Casey, I don’t know if I can do this without you, Liv and Alex are here, but I need you.”
Casey broke hearing the fear in Y/N’s voice, “Y/N, you can do this, you are strong and when the doctor comes back and tells you what’s going on, you will do whatever you need to do. You have Liv and Alex, and you know I’m always with you, even if I’m stuck far from you.”
Casey felt a tap on her shoulder, turning, she saw the woman who she had talked to at the counter.
“Ma’am? I was able to get you a ticket on a fight leaving in ten minutes. It’s the last flight out before everything gets grounded, you might have to run to make it.”
Casey looked at this woman in disbelief. And then sprang into action. Giving the woman a quick hug, Casey took the ticket and got to the gate showing them the ticket and getting on the plane with only moments to spare.
As the plane took off, Casey could only hope that she would make it back home before anything happened.
Y/N listened carefully as the doctor spoke, apparently nothing was seriously wrong, the boys were fine, but the weight of the twins had caused a spasm in your back that you had apparently hadn’t noticed and while you kept working, the spasm had gotten worse until it had caused a serious muscle injury. The doctor explained that this meant you would be on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy.
You let out a breath that you didn’t realize that you had been holding. Your brain had been preparing you for the worst.
Suddenly, you heard a commotion outside the room, looking at the door cautiously, you couldn’t help but cry out when you saw Casey push through the door.
“Case! What are you doing here?”
Case rushed up to you, cradling your face in her hands. “I had a guardian angel working at the airport, they got me on the last flight out.”
You and Casey remained like that as you explained everything that happened and what the doctors said.
When you were able to be discharged, Casey got you home and into bed. From that moment on, you always had someone in the house with you, Casey, Liv, Alex, Elliot, Fin, and even Cragen all took turns, making sure that you had everything you needed.  
A month passed without any other scares and one morning you and Casey were relaxing in bed, you were drinking tea and Casey was drinking her coffee when you felt it, a rush pain hit your abdomen and you gasped.
“Casey, I think we need to change the sheets.” You said trying to laugh through the feeling of your water breaking.
Casey was out of bed immediately, calling a bus and then Liv and Alex. Helping you out of bed, Casey grabbed the go bag and helped you down the stairs, making it down to the front as the bus got to the apartment.
The pain you had felt a month ago was nothing compared to what you felt as you tried to push the little bodies out of you. Casey stood by your side the entire time, coaching you through everything and trying to keep you calm.
When it was all over and done with, you and Casey looked at down at the little boys peacefully dozing in your arms.
The squad crept in, bringing balloons and flowers and a whole mess of other baby items. You introduced the squad to the boys, Travis and Patrick.
As the squad took turns holding and looking at the babies, you felt yourself surrounded by the love and warmth of you family and friends, and you let your eyes slip closed, knowing that your family was complete, safe, and healthy. 
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galaxyghostart · 5 years ago
like looking in a mirror - ao3 link
an au fic in which phantom isn’t what he seems. aka, i take my “what if danny isn’t actually phantom” idea and make it angsty. it got very out of hand, very fast. 
Danny Fenton couldn’t tear his eyes away from the TV. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t. It couldn’t. 
Phantom, they were calling him. Amity Park’s new hero, menace, monster. Whatever you wanted to call him. He wasn’t any of those things to Danny.
Sam couldn’t hold her tongue any longer. “...Is no one going to say it?” 
Tucker shot her a warning look. “Don’t, Sam.”
“What? Isn’t it freaky? That ghost looks just like Danny.” 
“I know,” Danny said, too quietly. Sam had a hundred theories lined up already, but Danny was already standing up before she’d even gotten a chance to speak. 
“...Danny? Where are you going?”
“I’ve got someone to find.” 
The door shut. 
Sam looked to Tucker, incredulous. “Did I strike a nerve? It wasn’t an insult, it’s just- Look at him.” She gestured wildly at the news, still broadcasting footage of Phantom flying across the sky. “It’s not like Danny’s dead. Who the hell is that, and how does he look so similar?”
Tucker hesitated. The idea was almost too awful to contemplate, but Danny had clearly thought the same thing he had when that familiar figure made his way across the screen. He stood up, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“I don’t blame you for not knowing- It happened before you moved to town. C’mon, I’ll tell you on the way. We should find Danny before he does something stupid.” 
For once, his parents’ ghosthunting technology was coming in handy. Danny never believed in this stuff before- honestly, part of him still didn’t,- but somehow, it seemed to work. The machine detected ectoplasm, and Phantom may as well have been a beacon for all the power he gave off. 
This is bullshit, Danny thought, even as he followed it like a compass. 
It led him to- of course it lead him here. The observatory. The project had been abandoned a while back, but the skeleton of the structure remained intact. The metaphor didn’t escape him. On the contrary, it was pretty much punching him in the face. Abandoned telescope, abandoned dreams, abandoned life. 
It wasn’t hard to hop the fence. Okay, it was- It took like, 15 minutes, a few falls and a whole lot of swearing, but he finally made it to the other side. The machine in his hands was beeping faster, like a frantic heartbeat. 
Shut up, he silently willed it. It didn’t.
Making his way carefully through the rusted doors of the place, he couldn’t help but feel a chill. Somehow, he didn’t think it was from the temperature. He turned the machine off and stuffed it into his back pocket- At this point, he didn’t need it to feel the energy radiating off of the place. It was everywhere. Wrapping his arms around himself, he stepped to the middle of the circular room. 
“I know you’re here,” he called. 
No response. 
He gazed up at the unfinished ceiling, narrowing his eyes. “It’s me.” 
Still nothing. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. “James. I know it’s you.” 
Just like that, he felt the energy in the room shift. He still couldn’t see him, but he knew he was there. A quiet voice echoed out from the shadows. 
“You’ve been all over the news, man. Amity Park’s newest hero, I’m hearing.” 
“not that. how did you know it was me? i’m not exactly... normal looking.”
Danny let out a halfhearted chuckle. “You know we have the same face? Can’t exactly change that with a fancy new hair color.” 
“...Besides, it’s not like I’d forget my own brother.” 
“...you got me.” 
There he was, finally. A dark shadow right in the corner of Danny’s eye. No- There he was again. More solid, more... real. 
Not by much, but enough. 
Danny had been thinking this over the whole way here, but everything he’d planned to say seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden. What was there to say? It had been years since it had happened, and part of him still couldn’t accept it had happened at all, even now. It didn’t seem... real. 
Ghosts weren’t supposed to be real. It was supposed to be nothing but the made-up fantasy that got his brother killed. That stupid portal. It was less of a portal and more of an electrocution hazard, which Jazz had pointed out, not that either of them had listened. Not until it was too late, that is. It hadn’t worked. Why his parents had tried again after that, he had no idea, but they had, and now he was here. Against all odds, he was here. 
Meaning he’d been there all this time.
And Danny had left him behind. 
“You look...”
“so do you. guess that’s how this works.” 
They’d always joked about some psychic twin connection. Danny might’ve made some quip about it now, but the humor he often used to cope was starting to feel hollow. James was here. Not alive, but here. What the hell was he supposed to say?
“I... missed you.” 
“i know. i missed you too.” 
“Why didn’t you come home? I had to see you beating up ghosts on the news to realize you were back. Could’ve said hello.” 
There was humor in those glowing green eyes, but not much. “think i didn’t try? mom and dad had a nice hello waiting for me in the form of big ol’ ectoguns.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“it’s not your fault.” 
“Not just about this, about- About everything. That stupid dare. Not... Not looking for you out there.” 
The phantom’s form solidified a little more, just enough to see that familiar smirk on his face. 
“what, you think you should’ve summoned the dead just to bring me back? doesn’t work like that, buddy. you probably would’ve just gotten a demon.”
“It’s just...” Danny’s voice wavered a little, and he took a deep breath. “It’s just not fair. Why you? Why’d this have to happen to you? You’re back now, but you’re still...” He swallowed, trying to hold back the tears that had been threatening to spill the entire time. “You’re still...”
Denial was the only thing standing between Danny and a full-on mental breakdown. He’d figured it was an impostor. If not that, a coincidence. If not that, some weird dream. A hallucination. Ghosts weren’t supposed to be real. James was gone. 
And yet, here he was. 
“Why aren’t you angry? It was my dumbass idea, and you’re the one that kicked the bucket. You should be pissed as hell. You should hate me.” 
Danny’s voice was shaking. His shoulders, too. James drifted a little closer, concern making its way onto his ethereal face.
“Why don’t you hate me?” 
Everything went cold. For a moment, Danny thought he’d been dunked in cold water, until he noticed the gloved arms wrapped around his shoulders. James had made it the rest of the way across the room, and was hugging him as tight as one could when they weren’t fully tangible. Danny froze, then slowly lifted his arms to return the hug. James seemed to be getting more solid by the moment, and now that there was a shoulder there to cry on, Danny did. He let it all out- The repressed guilt, the self-hatred, the sadness, the loss. He cried until he couldn’t anymore. James stayed there, solid as a ghost could be. 
“...maybe i was a little pissed at first,” he spoke softly, after what seemed like forever. “okay, a lot pissed. it was a dumb idea, and a dumb portal. but i had a lot of time to think about it while i was gone. lots of ghosts get so pissed and so sad that they just lose themselves completely. go nuts. turn into a big ol’ murder monster or whatever. i didn’t want to be... that, especially not when i knew you were out there probably hating yourself enough for both of us. besides... you’re my twin, dude. i don’t think there’s anything you could do to make me hate you. so i learned to live with it, y’know? well... not live with it, but you get what i’m saying.” 
“...Kind of,” Danny sniffled.
Phantom pulled away from the hug and grinned. “what i’m saying is that i’m okay, danny. it’s okay. i’m back. and besides- you know what i can do now? check it out.” He raised a hand, which immediately began to glow. In his palm, tiny, glowing green stars began to form. It seemed to be taking a little bit of effort, but after a while, he clapped his hands together and then raised them, letting the stars loose. Throughout the observatory an ectoplasmic galaxy soared around them, and James’ face was full of light. He looked... happy. 
“see? isn’t it sick?” 
“Y-Yeah, I guess so,” Danny chuckled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “Guess being a ghost has a few perks, huh?” 
“yeah.” Phantom smiled, then gave a small sigh. “listen. don’t tell mom and dad, okay...? they won’t... get it.” 
“Are you sure...?”
“big ol’ ectoguns, danny.” 
“Fair point. I’m... sorry.” 
“holy shit, danny.” James smacked him lightly in the shoulder. “stop apologizing!”
“Sorry!” Another smack. “Ow! Okay, okay, I get the point!”
“good.” He looked like he was about to say something else, but a sudden chill came over the room, even worse than before. James looked suddenly agitated, and soared quickly to the window. The stars vanished. “listen, i really wanna catch up more. like, you have no idea, i missed you so bad. but i wasn’t the only ghost the portal let out. there’s lots more, and they’re mean, and i’m pretty sure there’s a new one out there right now. i better go make sure they don’t kill anybody else.” 
“You don’t have to do it all by yourself.”
“i’m the only one of us who doesn’t have to worry about getting killed. i’ll see you later, okay?” 
“i won’t disappear, promise. show me all the pokemon games i missed when i get back.” 
And with that, he was gone. The room was suddenly several degrees warmer, but emptier, too. Danny wasn’t sure how long he was standing there before a voice from behind him made him jump.
“Ack! Sam?”
Upon leaving the observatory, there they were- Sam, pacing around and calling. Tucker, lying facedown in front of the fence, clearly having messed up his footing.
“Danny! There you are,” she exclaimed, jogging over as Tucker managed to get to his feet. “We were worried you were going to get possessed.” She hesitated. “I’m sorry about before, by the way. I didn’t know.”
“Are you alright?” Tucker asked, finally having made his way over. 
“Not really,” Danny replied.
He’d spent the last few years feeling like half of a pair. It had always been Danny and James, Danny and James, Danny and James, until one day it was suddenly just Danny. But now... now? 
His missing half wasn’t missing anymore. Different, yes. Weird, for sure. Probably just as annoying as he’d ever been. But not missing. 
Danny glanced over his shoulder, back at the empty observatory. It didn’t seem so foreboding now. 
“...But I think it’s gonna be okay. Eventually.” 
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years ago
Good Deeds
Day 5 of Batfamweek2020 / Identity Reveal / @official-batfam-week
Summary: Scarecrow breaks out of Arkham again, but this time he’s not messing around.
Day late but oh well!
Dick’s pacing. It’s driving Tim insane, especially since he was literally shot less than a day before and shouldn’t be standing let alone pacing. But there’s nothing he can do about it. No one besides Alfred or Bruce can get Dick to sit still, and one is in England visiting his grandchildren and the other is the cause of the pacing.
It’s a Scarecrow attack. A massive one. One that has caused an all-hands-on-deck protocol. It’s almost like all the other break-outs, all the other new toxins and new tactics, was all for practice. For the first time in a long time, Scarecrow is a genuine threat and not a normal occurrence, no more unpredictable than a five day forecast. This week he’s been an unseen storm, spreading a toxin so potent and persistent that it’s victims are rendered screaming and clawing at their eyes on the floor for hours on end until their hearts stop.
Tim hasn’t found a vaccine yet, and the catch-all vaccine every hospital, bat, and first-aid kit carries is only slowing the mortality rate, placing patients in coma-like states to await the promise of an actual vaccine that actually works. Hospitals are scrambling and Tim has been doing nothing but test after test while the others all went out to find Scarecrow and his army of thugs he has somehow accumulated.
Tim snarls when once again his current attempt at a vaccine fails against the samples they have gathered and slams the beaker onto the table hard enough to wobble the other vials and glasses resting on the same surface. It feels like Scarecrow has finally perfected his formula and it’s setting every single one of Tim’s nerves on fire. 
Dick stops his pacing and then hobbles over towards Tim with a worried expression. Tim almost wants to shove him back onto the medical bed and strap him down to keep him from agitating the hole in his side even more, but his body betrays him as he leans into Dick’s sudden embrace.
“It will be fine,” Dick says, “you got this, little bird.”
Tim shakes his head and forces himself to break the embrace and return to his work. “Has B responded yet?”
Dick doesn’t reply and Tim bites his lip.
Batman went off grid hours ago. No response on the comms, no emergency signal, no signal at all. Last any of them knew, Bruce was checking out a suspected haunt for Scarecrow, but when he stopped responding and Orphan and Spoiler went to check the haunt out, they came back empty handed.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Dick says, more to himself than Tim.
And then the routine continues, Dick pacing and hovering his hand over the comms, listening to every single thing that’s said, hoping for word on Bruce, while Tim changes his formula and compares it to past formulas and tries again.
A couple hours pass, and Tim’s just finishing up his next attempt as Dick’s finally collapsed onto the chair in front of the bat-computer, simply listening to the limited amount of chatter going on from Damian, Cass, Steph, Duke, and Jason over the comms as they check possible haunts one by one and Oracle works to sift through every kind of signal going off in Gotham that’s not civilian cellular or police/bat frequencies. Most of the haunts are just traps, similar to what Dick fell into the day before, nothing there but a bunch of grunts with guns. No one has gotten hurt yet, but there’s been multiple times one of the members have had to cut off to fight a battle with a dozen or so gunmen, leaving the others in a tense silence that has Tim cutting off his comm completely, relying on Dick to update him every so often.
At least it makes the injured man feel a little helpful. Dick’s smart, but not the best choice to help Tim out with complicated science. He’s injured, so no use out on the battlefield. The most Tim can do is let Dick man the comms and update sometimes. Plus, Tim’s sure it’s relieving some of Dick’s stress as well, he hasn’t verbalized it yet but Tim’s sure he feels horrible not being out there with the others right now.
Then, suddenly, Dick jumps up from the chair and whips his hands across the keyboard of the computer, a concerned crease to his eyebrows that has Tim placing his formula down and walking near the shoulder of the first Robin.
“Jason says to check the cable,” Dick explains in a rush.
Tim’s just about ask why but Dick finally connects the computer to the satellite and Tim feels his stomach drop.
Broadcasting on live TV on every channel in Gotham is an image of a man tied to a chair, leaning forward and panting slightly. The ropes of the chair are close to the only thing holding the man up. There’s nothing else to see in the feed, the area around the man is black, and there’s no noise besides the heavy, labored breathing.
The man is Batman.
Tim quickly turns his comms back on to be met with the chaos of multiple family members all trying to talk over each other.
Jason is arguing towards a frantic Damian that he saw the feed walking past a television shop and Steph is rambling about other places they could check to find Bruce while Duke argues that they’ve already checked everywhere. Cass is silent, but Tim’s phone vibrates with the notification of a text with the simple words of he’s very hurt.
Tim ignores the arguing to look back at the feed. Cass can notice details that no one else can, and the suit and armor makes it hard to see any kind of injuries besides the sight of a purpling bruise on Bruce’s jaw. He gives off the vibe of being more hurt than that though, so he’ll take Cass’s word for it.
Suddenly, Barbara’s voice snaps for everyone to shut up. Never one to anger Barbara Gordon, the entire line goes silent.
“I’m tracking the signal as we speak,” Oracle hisses over the line, “so all of you shut up and keep looking. We’re wasting time arguing-“
Suddenly, there’s a change on the feed that has everyone silencing for a whole new reason. Batman looks up, past the camera, towards something behind it and narrows his eyes. There’s someone else there, and something is about to happen.
Tim swallows his growing fear as Scarecrow himself enters the screen, costume as freaky as ever with the noose tie and potato sack head, with a wide gaping smile cut jaggedly and held together with twine.
“Fear is often brought with the unknown,” Scarecrow says, his voice sounding raspy and light. He stops and stands behind Batman, spindly fingers laying down on the hero’s shoulders. “So I won’t spoil you all with a monologue.”
Tim and Dick share a glance.
“Babs, please tell me you can cut the feed,” Dick says into the comm piece in his ear. Barbara begins to snap that she’s working on it and Tim can only watch helplessly as Scarecrow continues.
“So I have one thing to say,” the villain brings a hand up to the top of Batman’s cowl and bunches up the fabric ever so slowly, leaving Tim to wonder how he managed to bypass the security measures that would stop any common crook from touching the mask. The grin on Scarecrow’s face seems to widen as he leans forward and Batman’s jaw pops with the man stubbornly grinding his teeth.
“Who’s afraid of the Big. Bad. Bat.”
The cowl is ripped off so quickly afterwards that it almost leaves Tim gasping. Bruce Wayne’s blue eyes glare at the camera for a moment before he growls at the wheezing-with-laughter Scarecrow as the villain begins to walk off the screen. The image of Bruce glaring off screen, refusing to say a thing, plays for a minute longer before the feed finally cuts off. Barbara gives a frustrated yell saying she’s lost the signal completely. Damian begins to practically screech for her to do better while Jason helpfully puts in that ooh Joker is not going to like this and Tim can only look at Dick as the man continues to watch the blank screen with wide eyes and a fist pressed against his mouth.
It’s not the first time one of their own has been revealed on live television. Dick’s had it happen to himself when the Crime Syndicate captured him. Tim can only imagine what’s going on inside his head.
Tim quickly backs up from the screen and turns his comms back off, doing the only thing he can do right now, and that’s figure out the anti-toxin so no more people have to be literally scared to death.
As the next fails too, he places both his hands flat against the table and sucks in a shaking breath.
Batman’s identity is revealed, which means it’s only a matter of time before each and every other bat is soon figured out. None of his vaccines are showing any kind of progress, and he’s running out of samples to test his failures on. Nightwing is injured and the other’s are all at risk of joining him the more villains and traps they run head first into.
How are they going to get out of this one?
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