#when i have a title i'll post it properly to ao3
phoebepheebsphibs · 5 days
Get Some Rest, Tall Child! (You've Seen John Mulaney, Right??)
Title: Get Some Rest, Tall Child! (You've Seen John Mulaney, Right??) Prompt: Rise disaster twins, Leo having been awake for a while and Donnie tries to get him to sleep Hurt comfort, protective Donnie Fandom: ROTTMNT Word Count: 1823 Author: PhoebePheebsPhibs Rating: Gen Characters: Disaster Twins (Donatello & Leonardo) Warning: N/A Summary: Leo is eepy. Donnie is protective. Leo is stubborn. Donnie is still protective. Notes: Written like an audio transcript
@tmnt-write-fight @reagi-df
Posted on AO3 <-
Donatello is sitting at his desk. He taps away at a small device, the electrical tools creating small sparks as they come into contact with the circuit board.
The door opens behind him. The light beyond the door contrasts sharply against the dimness of the small lab. A thick crack of light creeps along the floor and crosses over Donnie's back.
Leo leans in sluggishly. He studies his twin before lumbering over to him.
Dee. Dee. Dee. Hey, Dee.
Leo starts poking him. Dee doesn't acknowledge him at first, not even pausing his work or looking up at him. Leo persists.
Dee. Donnie. Don-Tron. Don Quixote.
Sigh. What is it Nardo?
Whatchya doin'.
Donatello turns and glares at Leo incredulously.
...Is that really what you wanted to ask me?
Leo chuckles before leaning his head against Donnie's shoulder, rubbing his face against the soft fabric of his hoodie. Donnie notices how dry Leo's laugh is, the gray skin around his eyes, the slouch in his spine and the overall exhaustion in his attitude.
Dee squints suspiciously at him.
When was the last time you slept?
Leo is quiet. He moves away from Donnie.
What makes you think... W-why do you ask?
You're acting clingy. And sleepy.
What, I can't want to spend time with my favourite twin every once in a while?
That's not what I meant. You generally don't interrupt my work sessions without probable cause, and you've yet to give me a cause. You came into my lab and instantly started kneading your face into my shirt. That counts as 'cuddling', which is one of your symptoms.
One of my symptoms? Symptoms of what??
That something is wrong.
Leo takes a step away.
Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see you. I'm sorry that I bothered you...
Leo turns and angrily starts to walk away.
Irritability, denial, and guilt. Three other symptoms.
What are you talking about? Guilt -- I'm not guilty --
You said sorry for bothering me.
Because you --
You're upset that I brought this up, and are acting strangely defensive.
No I'm not --
And there's the denial again.
Donnie, I am not -- rrrgh!
Leo angrily presses his palms against his eyes. He knows he's been defeated, but refuses to admit it.
Donnie sighs and turns in his chair to face his brother properly.
Nardo. I'm not trying to pick an argument with you. I'm just saying, you're acting like you do when you're not feeling well, and I'm concerned. You look tired.
I... I'm fine.
That's not the same as saying you aren't tired.
You just don't quit, do you?
Leo. Please. Are you okay?
Leo locks eyes with Donnie, unsure of what to say. It isn't that big of a deal. Why is he acting like it's so big a deal?? It's only been one night... maybe two...
Leo looks away from his brother. His arms fold, holding himself together like he might fall apart, like he needs a hug but is afraid to ask. Because he is.
His feet shuffle nervously, shifting weight from one side to the other as he avoids Donnie's question.
I... I'll be okay. You don't need to worry...
But I do. When was the last time you slept?
Uh... not sure...?
You aren't sure??
I haven't really been sleeping well, okay?! I just -- with the insomnia, and then the whole Krang thing, I've... I've not been sleeping.
...When was the last time you actually slept?
I told you, I don't -- m-maybe like, two nights ago.
...Two nights ago.
...So around 60 hours.
Leo swallows nervously. He's shaking a bit.
......Y-yeah, that sounds a-about right...
There is a tense silence in the room.
........Please don't tell Raph -- DAD! I mean Dad, don't tell Dad -- or Raph. Or Mikey. J-just, don't tell anyone, please? Please??
Leo has a panicked manic in his eyes as his whole frame begins to tremble.
Hm. Would you like to get some rest in here?
Yes. It's dark, and quiet, with an optimal temperature to help with rest.
Uh... sure? I mean, I don't know if I'll actually sleep, but I'll hang out.
Mhm. I have a cot in the corner. Go lie down.
Dee, seriously, I --
I said LIE DOWN.
Geez, alright! Dang, twisting my arm... so cruel...
Leo maneuvers to the other side of the room and sits on the cot. Donnie raises an eyebrow at him. Leo groans loudly and lies down horizontally.
Donnie stands up.
Be right back.
Donnie walks away.
Leo sits up anxiously.
H-hey, where are you go--
I'll be back. Stay there.
Leo groans loudly and flops back down.
He fidgets, moving his fingers about in a small attempt to keep himself active and awake. He wiggles his toes.
Donnie comes back in with pillows and a weighted blanket.
What's... what's all that for...?
I know I am the genius of the family, but even you could figure this out.
...You're really going to make me sleep, aren't you?
Yes. Here. This should help.
Donnie, I don't want to sleep --
Despite this, Donnie still helps Leo get adjusted into the bed, propping his head up with the pillows and tucking him in under the blanket.
And despite his claims of wanting to not sleep, Leo lets his brother do this.
There. All comfy?
Donnie goes back to sit at his chair, half watching Leo squirm uncomfortably, half working on his tech.
...Try to sleep, Leo.
I don't wanna!
Seriously Dee, this isn't --
Leo, do you understand the ramifications of prolonged sleep-deprivation?
Donnie --
Do you know what happens when a person is refused the proper rest they needs? Not just for the body's sake, but also for the mind's?
Dee --
You need at least 8 hours a night, to maintain a healthy lifestyle --
Donnie stops. Leo growls, kicking the blanket off.
He sits up, fuming. His face is as red as his tired and strained eyes.
Leo finally calms down when he sees Donnie's sad and scared expression.
Don -- Donnie, I... I'm sorry, I --
Leo hangs his head in shame.
I'm sorry.
I can tell.
Donnie gets up and sits beside Leo.
Wanna tell me why my lovably annoying twin is anti-sleep?
Leo smiles half-heartedly and sighs, leaning his full weight against Donnie. The softshell rubs his back gently, trying to soothe him.
Donnie knows he is not the greatest at comfort, but he and Leo have shared a strange bond since they were tots. Maybe even before then, before their mutation made them actually blood-related. Before they were brothers.
They are twins. Always have been, always will be.
Donnie pulls Leo even closer, resting his chin atop the slider's head. He can feel Leo break apart, piece by piece before weeping weakly in his arms.
I can't sleep, Dee. I just can't do it anymore. I try and try, b-but -- I don't want to anymore.
Leo nods weakly.
Why didn't you tell anyone? We've all been dealing with --
That's exactly why I didn't say anything! Everyone has their own issues going on, and after everything I've put you through -- all the stupid pride and ego, the invasion, and then the aftermath of my mistakes...
Leo, you know that's all malarky. We don't care about any of that. I don't care about any of that. You're my twin, I want you to be okay. You're the only twin I have, dum-dum.
Donnie smiles and pats Leo's head.
So what are the nightmares like?
...They're different every night. Sometimes there's recurring dreams, like the Prison Dimension or stuff that happened... happened with Raph. Uh, but mostly it's just tons of different nightmares. Things chasing me, scary situations like being trapped in the Maze of Death or in the Battle Nexus or hunted by dentists or in big crowds without my disguise -- uh, you get the idea. Sometimes I die in the dreams. Those are the easy ones.
THOSE are the easy ones?
Sometimes you guys die. In horrific ways. And I have to watch.
.......Oh. I see.
I hate sleeping now. I really hate it. I --
Leo chuckles.
-- I'm actually scared to even blink during the day. It's stupid, isn't it? I'm so utterly tired, I'm afraid that if I blink I'll fall asleep and if I sleep I'll have the nightmares again and --
Leo bursts into tears once more.
Donnie grips him tight.
I don't want to be scared anymore, Dee...
I know. I know. I don't want you to be scared, either.
Donnie holds Leo. He finds himself rocking the two back and forth gently, lulling his brother into a calm. Leo's eyes slip shut, his breathing slows. He still holds Donnie in a terrified hug.
Donatello lets Leo cling to him for a few more minutes before helping to lay him down on the cot, tucking him in again.
Yeah, Leo?
...I know this sounds stupid and childish, but... please don't leave me yet, okay? Just... just wait with me? Until I fall asleep?
I'll be right here. I promise.
Leo clutches Donnie's hand tightly.
Donnie stays with him, even after it is apparent that his brother has succumbed to slumber.
Donnie waits at least ten minutes, sitting beside him on the bed. His thumb brushes over Leo's knuckles, something he's seen Mikey do in moments when he holds his brothers' hands, to softly comfort them in quiet. A gentle reassurance.
He waits a little longer, until he's sure Leo won't be disturbed or feel his movement. He slips his hand out and stands, tiptoeing over to his desk.
Donatello continues his work in silence. Small coding, light typing. Nothing too loud.
Leo starts to murmur. He shuffles under the cover. He whimpers. He whines. He cries. Tears stream down his cheeks.
Donnie gets up from his chair and kneels beside Leo, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Leo continues to murmur in his sleep as tiny tears trickle down his cheeks. His eyes squeeze closed even tighter.
His sporadic gasps cease, a final inhale that stops with a shock. Leo's body jerks and freezes.
He slowly opens his eyes and looks around the room. His gaze falls on Donnie, and his expression shifts from tormented to surprised to see him there.
Scoot over.
Leo wordlessly lifts the blanket, and Donnie climbs in. The two lay side by side under the covers.
Wanna talk about it?
Leo sniffles.
Leo nods.
Leo continues to sleepily and hastily give the details of his nightmare to Donnie. The explanation makes the dream seem much more ridiculous, and soon enough Leo is even chuckling at the audacity of his subconscious. It helps to take the power of fear away from the nightmare.
Leo rests against Donnie's chest and falls back asleep quickly.
Soon, Donnie falls asleep too.
The two stay in peaceful rest until the morning light.
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aeligsido · 7 days
practice date
(so I got his idea and had to like, write it a bit. I may end up reworking it a bit and posting it on ao3 later if I feel like it. No particular two — just Remus being oblivious and Sirius, for once, missing the writing on the wall lmao.)
It all started because of fucking Frank Longbottom. He didn't know how or why, but Frank took Remus out on a date once during their fourth year — right before Frank and Alice started dating, too — and after that, Remus somehow became the most eligible person in all of Hogwarts. Even Slytherins ended up victims of this pandemic.
It pissed Sirius off. Remus was a kind person, sure, and adorable and pretty and smart and gentle and with a humor to die for and so much more mischievous than at first glance and definitely more than date worthy; but for some reason, those people only ever took him out once and then broke it off immediately after. They even started dating other people after! Properly dating, even, not just a trip to Hogsmeade followed by a goodbye-see-you-never, like they did to Remus. It wasn't fair. Remus deserved better than that — he deserved to be taken care of, to have someone to hold his hand and go to the bookstore with him and buy him his favorite apple pie. Not... that.
(Sirius could be this person for Remus.)
Last time, he went with Mary — again, because she was the exception to the rule and often went out with him without deeming him worthy to give him the title of boyfriend. Well. Five times. Five times was a lot! But, last time — last time they went to Madam Puddifoot together once more, but were back laughing at the Three Broomsticks pretty soon in the day, joining them for the rest of the trip. When they separated in the common room, Mary had kissed his cheek and thanked him with a sweet smile, but yet again nothing came out of it.
Sirius was pretty angry at her — at all of them, really. Why did they all feel necessary to play with Remus' heart like that?
He was sitting on his bed, now, on the eve of a new Hogsmead's weekend, angrily wondering who was taking Moony out this time — and perhaps who will be the next target of his pranks. James was going in and out of the bathroom, apparently doing a skincare routine (or something of the like) that managed to take longer than his usual morning routine. Peter was sitting on his bed as well, books open before him, taking notes probably for some homework. Remus was putting on the good shirt he usually wears for his dates.
"So," he started, gripping his pillow tightly. "Going out again, Moony?"
"Hm?" Remus raised his head to address him with a smile. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun."
He was always saying that.
"Who you're going with?"
"Me!" cheered James from the bathroom door.
Sirius blinked. Because, he couldn't have heard that — right? James — his best friend, the other half of his soul — could not do that to him, to Remus?
Peter looked up, suddenly more interested.
Remus smiled indulgently. "Hence the it's going to be fun, you know?"
"But—" Sirius didn't have the time to formulate everything in him — the pit in his stomach and in his heart and the bubbling, ugly feelings taking a hold on his throat — that Moony was already interrupting him.
"Don't worry, Pads. I'll send him back to you at five o'clock sharp." He winked, then, as if it was Sirius' concern at the moment.
"I've been told Moony's the best at it," continued James, apparently ignoring the chaos choking Sirius up. "Our boy comes highly recommended!" He blew up a kiss in Remus' direction, who just shook his head fondly.
"Recommended?" Sirius finally croaked out, trying to make sense of the whole thing.
James properly got out of the bathroom, then, taking a look at him with concern on his face. "You know? For the practice date? Before my real date with Lily next week?" His expression turned dreamy for a moment. "I can't believe I have a date with her," he sighed happily.
Shuffling closer to them, Remus lowered his voice. "I have a practice date with Lily after James. She was pretty anxious when she asked me." He smiled, then, again, as if nothing could make him happier than being a practice date.
Was that what he had been doing this whole time? Giving people practice dates?
Sirius frowned. Remus having so many one-time dates didn't sit well with him, but having so many practice dates didn't seem really fair either.
"How many were real?"
"How many what were real?" asked Remus, confused.
"You know, the dates."
Remus let out a short, surprised laugh. Sirius pursued his lips, unamused, and Remus calmed down at his unusual gravity.
"None? It's not like anyone would want to really date me, anyway." He gestured to himself, as if it was explanation enough — which it wasn't, Sirius wanted to date this whole... Remusness, thank you very much. Remus was amazing, why wouldn't people want to date him?
Sirius couldn't answer — it didn't know if he could actually say anything to that. Remus got distracted by James, anyway, and soon they were leaving them behind for their practice date.
Sirius put his face into his pillow and let out an angry yell.
From his bed, Peter turned a page of his book, utterly unbothered but still a cheeky bastard. The clear amusement in his next words was proof enough of it.
"So, do you want me to be your practice date for when Moony'll realize you're trying to ask him out, or you'll take Prongs?"
Sirius threw the pillow at him.
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steddieunderdogfics · 10 months
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pentrologram · 7 days
What Normal People Do
John 'Soap' Mactavish and Simon 'Ghost' Riley have routines. They have also each other, the truck, the dog, and their flat. That is until the dog practically manhandles you into their life. Changes ensue. please be warned this is very self indulgent and probably not in character at all. i have never played MM2, i haven't watched a single playthrough (unless countless tiktok edits count) and I only know what I do about their characters from a lot of tumblr posts and fics on ao3. speaking of- ao3! ghost/soap/gn!reader (established ghoap)
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I'll Run Away With You
Simon Riley is not known for being tender and soft-spoken- he wasn’t a lieutenant because he spoon-fed soldiers and tucked them in on cots in the middle of a war field. He earned his stay on Earth, earned his title, hell, earned the clothes on his back. God would have had his head if he hadn’t made sure the younger, more incompetent kind didn’t have to, too.
It was hard for him to find that balance between the harshness of his job and the still bad but significantly less thorny outside (or inside?) world. Sometimes, while on the field, old injuries from years past would randomly decide to rear their heads. Maybe it would be an old knife wound that felt like it was bruising all over again or his ears would ring like he was hearing gunshots in the middle of a Marks and Spencers.
He was a valuable soldier, he knew. There were bunches and gaggles of people who wanted his head mounted on a stick- too many to count, and properly address. He was only one man, though. It would make sense that after all those years, it would weigh on him.
When he was younger, newer to the military, he tried to be normal when he was off duty. What his mam would have wanted for him, had she not been a deadbeat and dead. Polo shirts that stretched around his wide frame tucked into jeans, taking care of the flat he rented somewhere in the countryside-city (it’s not really a suburb but he calls it that anyways because who cares?) and pretending to debate about vacuums and silverware. Because that’s what normal people do.
But as time went on, it got harder to separate work from his life, and he just… let it consume him. Now that same suburb-y flat is in a place more urban than sub, “prime real estate,” he overheard in a decent pub with a pint once in between missions. Rent’s gone up, that’s damn sure. He offhandedly considers buying the whole building sometimes- he’s got bloody enough money, more than enough from saving absentmindedly, as the money had nowhere notable to go- but he wouldn’t be present enough to be a landlord and that shite. The flat he tried to furnish when he was twenty-something is still furnished the same way, if not a little more touched up by Johnny and his never-ending energy, and sometimes, it feels like being in a dead person’s house. It’s lived in but in a state of perpetual disrepair, never feeling like an actual home (at least for him).
The fridge was rarely ever stocked with anything but condiments and beer during their military days- he and Johnny never really had the energy to cook, preferring to use their free time elsewhere- but the bed had a frame (better than what he can think of some of his friends, bleedin’ Johnny and bringing girls back to a mattress on the floor before he moved in with Simon) and a rug underneath it and even a potted plant on a side table that is 100% plastic. It catches the light nicely in the wee hours of the morning, though, so it’s worth dusting the thin, leathery material of the fake lily now and again.
The flat is more furnished now, now that they’re officially in retirement. Knick knacks found at thrift stores or random handouts from the festivals and fairs that they go to every season, just to feel a little human again. There are more plastic plants on the side table now and Simon even tentatively tried a spider plant six months ago. It’s still alive, flourishing even, and now Simon has a couple of gardening books. Sometimes, when neither of them can sleep, Simon reads them out loud while Johnny fiddles with some new craft. Johnny says out loud once that they should get a house, for Simon and his plants.
Johnny came home with him every time they got some leave time together. The two of them are one in the same, really, feral animals without an off switch. It makes it easy for a relationship to foster, their understanding of the other in such an intimate and vulnerable way. It lets them open up guarded and bruised hearts, letting the other shine a flashlight on them and deciding to love them anyway. It’s the same as the hopeless romantic shit that you see in movies but plays out a lot dirtier in real life- it’s all the love and passion and borderline insanity that comes with a real first love mixed with the obsession of two retired soldiers who had been in the game too long and longer still without anyone normal to add some perspective to their lives.
That’s how it’ll always be, Simon thinks to himself as he stares at Johnny, hulk of a man he is, curled around Simon like a docile little thing- he surely looks it, as he was dwarfed by the extra five inches and the fifty pounds Simon had on him. He’s asleep- man sleeps like the dead, anywhere and everywhere- mohawk unruly and sticking up every which way. Getting long, Simon thinks to himself as he runs a hand through it- slightly sweat slicked but soft from a shower that night. It’s the right on the cusp of summer, the AC working hard- in this old flat, it doesn’t work the best but gets the brunt of it done. Simon’s opened up a window, (hesitantly- but between him, Johnny, and the dog, it’s sweltering and he fears he might get heatstroke) the one closest to his reach, so that the mesh covering can ventilate the room. They’re three stories up, but neither he nor Johnny enjoy having windows open. Too many weaknesses. He takes advantage of the window, though, lighting up a cigarette with a Zippo Johnny got for him a year ago.
His life is full of opposites, he finds. Johnny tends to take up a room, but Simon moves silently, just like his callsign. Johnny sleeps like a log while Simon struggles with his insomnia (right now he hopes the cigarette will help quiet him enough for sleep).
It won’t, Simon thinks to himself as he watches the moon move through the window and sinks below where he can see and eventually, the sun makes its appearance known. He puts his cigarette out sometime between the sun bleeding to view and the first rays of dawn because time keeps on moving and then Johnny is shifting awake at 0800. Johnny blinks, eyes already bright, ready for the day. He’s always alert when he wakes up, force of habit, Simon supposes. He doesn’t sleep enough himself to be so put together when he wakes up.
Then their day goes as follows:
Johnny puts the telly and the kettle on while Simon makes them brekkie. After two cups of tea are made (one with enough creamer to strangle a cow and the other black and simple, the way God intended it, as Johnny’ll tell Simon) and toast and egg sandwiches like the ones from cafes that Johnny learned how to make on a whim are put together, they sit for a while, just enjoying their company. Johnny fiddles with something- today it’s the newspaper- and Simon reads a book, and every once and a while, there’ll be a fair advertised in the paper. The fairs have always been there, in the city, but the two of them never really had the time while in the military. Now, they have more time than they can think to do with it, and so Johnny dragging Simon to them is now a familiar routine.
“‘S strawberries thi’ year,” Johnny says out loud.
“Mm?” Simon hums, immediately knowing what Johnny is talking about.
“Shite, 't started tae days ago.” He puts the paper down and puts his hands on his knees, and Simon puts a bookmark in his book before getting up.
They work cohesively around each other while getting ready to go to the fair. Johnny searches through the walk-in closet for a shirt and Simon digs through their dresser for socks. Johnny fixes his mohawk while Simon hooks a surgical mask around his ears. Johnny laces his sneakers up and pulls Riley’s harness on and Simon pulls on a hoodie, and then the three of them are in Simon’s truck, chugging along to the Town Center, where there are tents and stalls and people with strawberry hats. They get strawberry cider, strawberry pound cake and strawberry-shaped pasta to take home and strawberry cider that the both of them conclude is just Sp
rite in a pink glass bottle. Simon has to talk Johnny down from buying a big, ugly strawberry hat for Riley and compensates with a ceramic strawberry planter. There are strawberry-printed picnic blankets spread underneath trees with strawberry lanterns connecting them, lighting up the public park as the sun dances in the sky. Simon watches idly while Riley bites at a chip Johnny offers her.
They have a moment of peace there, on the picnic blanket, before Riley loses her shit and starts pulling on her leash, her distress signal- usually for Simon, but obviously for someone else now, if the desperate way she’s struggling against her harness is anything to go by. Simon gets up begrudgingly, the metal plate in his knee protesting as he jogs to meet Riley’s speed as she practically sprints behind one of the stalls. There is you; half curled on yourself with your phone in your hands. Riley rips herself out of Simon’s hold and barrels into you, calculating her speed so she’s at a trot when she lays her weight across your lap. You blink, phone forgotten, and Simon watches, silent, as you flinch away. Riley’s nothing if not persistent though, and eventually her weight forces you to calm down. Huh. Simon thinks offhandedly. You still haven’t noticed him, big and hulking as he is, just focused on Riley’s comforting weight as you calm yourself, slow, stuttering breaths evening, phone forgotten. DPT, Simon thinks to himself. When you calm entirely, you spot Simon. Your eyes go wide and you immediately try to wiggle out from underneath Riley.
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, your dog sort of- um, trapped me here, I didn’t mean to-“
“No.” Simon says, and his gruff tone matched with his physique is enough to quiet you. “She wanted to help you. ‘S fine.” He says.
“Um,” you say. “Okay. Are you sure?” Simon just grunts in response.
"Are you okay?” He asks, his voice softening just a little.
“Oh, um. Yeah.”
Simon doesn’t believe you.
He stares down at you for a long while, and your expression gradually grows more anxious.
“I just, um- I have an, um. A thing.” You say quietly.
“Are you okay?” He asks again, giving you a chance to tell the truth, to redeem yourself. “Riley doesn’t start DPT on total strangers for no reason.” This time, Simon’s insistent, giving you no wiggle room. He stares two holes through the back of your head. You look uneasy.
“No, I’m OK. Just… got a little upset.” You say, giving him a little smile. Simon stares longer than necessary. Just as he’s about to answer, Johnny comes in running.
“Si, ‘ave found a strawberry sex stall-!“ Johnny starts before his eyes land on you. Pleasantries are exchanged before you squeak out an excuse and you make a point in scurrying out before Johnny can even start his main charming event. Johnny pouts but watches you go.
“Bonnie, that one,” he murmurs, if a little mournfully. Simon only grunts in agreement.
Later that evening, the interaction is forgotten about. Passed off as just a weird event, perhaps an endearing story to tell about Riley- (sweet girl, always so concerned for others- took off running for a stranger once, she did)- and nothing more.
That night goes as follows:
Johnny and the dog watch telly until Simon is done with dinner. They eat together, their little family, Riley eating her generic shepherd’s meal through her slow feeder, chowing loudly while Simon and Johnny talk about everything and nothing at all. Then they all sit together on the sofa to watch a random movie. It’s time for bed after, which means brushing their teeth, showering, washing hair and getting the last of Riley’s jitters out. Then the three of them settle in bed- it’s barely past 1100 before Johnny’s out like a light.
This is where the routine of retired life varies:
Sometimes Simon will sleep. Sometimes he will stay up for a night, then two, then twelve. Sometimes he’ll take the medicines he is supposed to and others he will wake with night terrors. Sometimes he’ll wake up and feel so broken he’ll wake Johnny up so that can cuddle and fall asleep together and sometimes the dog will wake Simon before an especially bad nightmare.
Yes, his life really is full of contradictions, Simon thinks. Because knows he is in love with Johnny but somehow cannot get his mind off the brief meeting he had with you. He takes after his father in more ways than one, it appears. The heart of a cheater hidden in the skin of a new mind. He and Johnny have had thirds before- but Simon’s never felt so enraptured by one before. Not so quickly, not so strongly, not so potently. He finds himself craving to know more about you, to learn everything about you- the same way he felt about Johnny when they first met. The revelation makes him stay up and smoke and watch the moon bleed to the sun, with Johnny curled to his side and Riley in their bed.
Then their day goes as follows:
Johnny puts the telly and the kettle on while Simon makes them brekkie. After two cups of tea are made and omelettes are put together, they sit for a while, just enjoying their company. Johnny fiddles with something- today it’s a new paper craft- and Simon reads a book. Sometime during that, they'll part ways. Maybe the dog needs a walk or Johnny takes a piss- it's a little like a game of wills, looking for who will tap out of just sitting there first. Today, it's Johnny. He gets up to get his laptop before settling back on the couch with the TV buzzing lowly. Johnny job hunts. Simon reads. Johnny feeds the dog. Simon ponders their pension. At some point both of their minds wander to the same topic- you.
Then their night goes as follows:
Johnny and the dog watch telly until Simon is done cooking dinner. They eat together, their little family, Riley eating her generic kibble, chewing loudly while Simon and Johnny talk about everything and nothing at all. Then they all sit together on the sofa to watch a random movie. It’s time for bed after, which means brushing their teeth, showering, washing hair and walking Riley to tire him out. Then the three of them settle in bed- it’s not even past 1100 before Johnny’s asleep.
Then the routine of retired life varies:
This night, Simon lays on his back like a log before curling into Johnny's back. He sleeps that night.
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yalocalfanficaddict · 11 months
Hello, if you’re into MatchaBlossom would you be down to writing something Halloween related with them? 😊
I think Vampire!Kaoru/Werewolf!Kojiro would be super fun, but I also love Witch!Kaoru so it’s genuinely up to you dear author!
Thanks in advance and have a nice day 😘
I am so so so so so so soooo sorry for how late this was!, Annon! I've been fairly busy and so I never truly had a chance to write this properly and I hope I did this justice because it'e been a while since I've watched the anime!! Please do give me any feedback and I'll post this on my AO3 account if you wish to bookmark it there to read it again! It'll be titled 'Love Bites.'
Warnings: Blood and mild language
Word Count: 2069
With a pleased hum, Kojiro came from the kitchen to personally deliver the meals he had tossed together. “Alright, here's the Caesar salad, the house soup, and spaghetti with extra meatballs.” He purposefully gave Kaoru the spaghetti, almost as if to test him and his already thinned patience.
“You know how much I detest garlic, Kojiro,” Kaoru spoke and pushed the plate back to the chef, his words clipped with detachment.
A tight grin flashed over Kojiro’s face as he shrugged, stealing the plate of spaghetti and meatballs. “Oh well, maybe you shouldn’t come to an Italian restaurant, then.”
“Maybe you should try and shave your unruly body hair to not scare any of the ladies with them mistaking you for some sort of animal.”
“Maybe you should get some more sun, you’re looking awfully pale today.”
“Maybe you–”
“Uh, guys? I was the one that ordered the spaghetti…” Miya chimed in, causing the pair to snap from their passive-aggressive bickering. Kojiro slid the plate to the boy before tucking the large tray under his arm.
A softer voice joined in. “Can I still order poutine? I forgot if it’s also served in Italy.” 
Reki rolled his eyes with a groan. “Is that all you Canadians eat? I do not get how you stand that stuff when the cheese melts, and it gets all slimy,” he gags to add effect. 
Miya cackled before wolfing down on some of his pasta. “Y’know…that’s rich coming from you, slime-boy,” Miya spoke between mouthfuls.
Kaoru smacked the back of the cat-boy’s head, earning a wince. “It’s rude to speak with your mouth full, Miya.” As he struggled to hold his composed persona, Kaoru felt his stomach churn. The stench of garlic mingled with the sharp odor of silver from the woman a few booths down, not to mention the lack of blood he had made his head spin. Kojiro felt cruel enough that when Kaoru lost their personal beef, he was forced to go a month without it. Thankfully, in a few more days, it’ll all be over.
Kojiro must’ve noticed the faint sway Kaoru had as his brows pinched together. “Don’t you want something to eat, Pinky?”
He shook his head while simultaneously stuffing the bile that rose up in his throat back down deep into his stomach. He sipped of cool water to refresh himself, and condensation wets his hand and lips. “I’m fine. I had something else before heading out.” 
Kojiro grunted, unconvinced. “Just don’t pass out or anything. I don’t think your stupid robot could carry your unconscious fat-ass.”
With Kaoru on the outside of the booth and the closest to Kojiro, he not-so-subtly kicked him in the shin. Smirking, Kaoru savored how he yelped from the shock and hissed from the pain. “Maybe bumbling flea-bag also shouldn’t underestimate my capable Carla.”
“Hey!” He whined and placed a fist on his hip. 
“Father, Dad, please don’t have another one of your lover’s quarrels in front of me and my food,” Miya requested, mouth rimmed red with sauce. “Please just kiss and make up—for everyone's sake and their sanity.” As the grown men sputtered in protest and denial, Reki cackled and clung to Langa for support, who blinked in confusion.
“What’s so funny?” Langa asked. Even if it wasn’t specified, everyone knew the question was for Reki to answer. “Did Miya get adopted? Why did I not know about this until now?”
Reki patted his fellow skater reassuringly. “No, no, Langa. It’s only a stupid joke.” 
“Oh, okay.”
Kaoru felt terribly sick as he felt heat licked the back of his neck. The last time he checked, he didn’t see Kojiro that way…they always squabbled and taunted each other since Adam came along! But that was also the most recent time he had considered any...potential for them. No, don’t be ridiculous, he thought. That’s just the little brat talking.
All that overthinking didn’t help Kaoru’s unease, and this time Kojiro wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Okay, enough’s enough, precious. You need to eat something, and you’re not leaving my kitchen until you get something.” 
A large hand wrapped around Kaoru’s arms and tugged him out of the booth, ignoring his protest. Some of the complaints involved insults such as ‘Put me down, you mangy-mutt!’, ‘I said I didn’t want anything, you Loony!’, and so on. 
The rare chef glanced at the pair—one more than the other—but would otherwise not give them any attention. Kojiro tossed Kaoru into the freezer and locked it, shutting them inside. The sensor lights flickered on, casting a milky-blue hue along Kaoru’s cool porcelain and Kojiro’s warm bronze complexion. Puffs of vapor left their mouths, but only one started shivering. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Kaoru snapped as Kojiro pulled and tugged on his collar. 
“Well, how else will you bite my neck to get some blood?” 
Kaoru folded his arms over his chest and huffed, pivoting away from him. “That’s not how it works, you’d be dead you mangy cur!” 
He could hear the rustle of clothing and footsteps before being spun to face Kajiro. His chin is pinned between a thumb and an index. Kojiro faked a pout and planted his free hand on Kaoru’s hip. “Oh, come on, now. I’m trying to help you out, fang-face. Besides, I don’t want to have to take care of you if you go feral during the Halloween S race…there would be so much blood if someone crashed.”
With a grumble, Kaoru shoved Kojiro off and pushed him to the crate, where he sat on one of the chef’s thighs. “So is this your way of calling off my beef punishment?” He asked as he rolled the cuff of his sleeve. He shouldn’t be this desperate for some blood, let alone Kojiro’s, but he could practically smell each pulse under his skin. It made his nerves jittery, and his blood-lust hit harder than he thought. Kaoru’s mouth watered while his fangs grew more defined and sharpened with each anticipating second. 
“Woah, hold on there,” Kojiro chuckled. “Isn’t there like an important artery there? I thought you didn’t want to kill me.” 
Kaoru sighed but continued to yank his sleeve up his arm. “Ever heard of veins?” 
Before any more time could be wasted, he brought the bare forearm to his lips and searched for the safest vein to satisfy him. He sank his fangs into flesh, and satisfaction came in an instant. Would it be wrong to say that the soft grunt and shift of discomfort underneath Kaoru didn’t help him with his slipping control?
“K-Kaoru, are you done yet?” Kojiro asked. 
Not realizing how much blood he drank for how long, Kaoru took his last sip before pulling away, panting. “Thank you,” he mumbled, wiping his chin. 
“If you need more, you can take it, but I need a moment. Here." Kaoru reared back as Kojiro began to unbutton his shirt. “You’ll need better access...right? Well, I won’t exactly be able to go skating on Halloween, so do what you need to do.” 
Kaoru couldn’t tell if his face grew hot from his new blood intake or from seeing his shivering chest exposed. When his icy hands began to wander along Kojiro’s bare torso, he glanced into rusty-red eyes with great questioning. “Why are you doing this? I mean, I tormented you so much for the past week.”
“Pity isn’t the right word, but it’s something to that effect. I understand the struggle of being…different, so I want to help, I guess.” 
After silence settled in the frigid air, Kaoru began to drink his fill, careful not to latch onto the more lethal options along Kojiro’s body. Kojiro’s face pinched and twisted in unease when Kaoru sucked his more sensitive areas, so he would lick the marks to soothe him. They’ve done this before on rare occasions, but the comments from the restaurant booth plagued his mind.”‘Kiss and make-up?” Absurd. Well, they can and have made up now and then—especially after living two hundred years together—but kiss? No, vampires and werewolves don’t mix well in romance. He and Kojiro only became friends over their shared enemy, Adam. But Kaoru did enjoy the taste of Kojiro’s blood over others. Yet, it could be excused he’s a werewolf, making it something new and exciting instead of dull and bland.
“You done, flat-pulse?” Kojiro panted, snapping Kaoru back into reality. “You sorta stopped. Don’t tell me my blood doesn’t actually do anything, all because I’m a werewolf.” 
Kaoru shifted his balance on Kojiro’s lap and looped his arms around his shoulders. “You are such an idiot. I’m what Adam calls a defective vampire. Otherwise, he’d be able to drink your blood, too.”
He pretended not to notice the calloused hands that traveled to his hips and waist.
“Oh, my bad.” Kojiro chuckled, fog fanning their faces. “I’m probably also a little defective then, too.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Kaoru questioned, eyes sharp and narrowed. 
He pretended not to notice how the hands began to fist the navy-blue fabric of his kimono, just below his obi. 
With a huff, Kojiro angled his head upward to keep as little eye contact as possible. “Dammit, how do I say this?”
“With your words.”
“No duh,” he snarked, finally looking back at Kaoru again. “What I wanted to say…is that I think I like, like you?” 
Kaoru stumbled off of Kojiro’s lap and pressed himself against the bare wall nearby. It's mostly out of shock and surprise, but he also needed something to keep himself standing. “What the hell?! Why say that now of all times?” Kaoru shrieked. 
Before he could utter another word, Kojiro had crossed the room and clamped the hand over his mouth. “Keep it down, please?” Kojiro wet his lips and removed his hand when Kaoru gave him a weak nod. “Listen, forget I even said anything. I know it’s stupid, but I don’t know how it happened, and I needed to get it off my chest.”
“What the hell, Kojiro? You don’t just dump that out of nowhere,” Karou spat. “And what about all the women you chase after? Don’t tell me that you randomly confess feelings after you pay for their dinner.” 
Kojiro winced at his words, almost regretful. “About that,” he awkwardly grinned. “I only went after them to make you jealous.”
“How cruel,” he mused.
“Unlike someone I know, I don’t eat people I’m interested in!” Korjio complained, throwing his arms defensively across his chest.
Karou chuckled in a rather cruel tone. “That was one time.” 
“Well, who knows if you’ll do it again—or if you’re telling the truth! I personally believe I’m sticking my neck out on the line by telling you how I feel.” Kojiro raised an eyebrow at Karou in a theatrical manner. 
“Was that pun intended?” He finally steps toward Kojiro, and a sly grin reveals his razor-sharp fangs. 
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Besides,” he continued, ignoring the crude remark. “It was a dare, and I was young and foolish back then, so I say it doesn’t count.” 
“You? Young?” Kojiro scoffs, finally letting his arms fall limp at his sides. “So that was when? The dark ages?” 
Karou threw his head back with a laugh. “Probably, I’ve lost count by now. Tell you what, you take me somewhere tonight, we can give it a go, and you’ll see for yourself if I still eat my lover-boy’s.”
Kojirou sputtered as he chased Karou out of the frigid room. “Hold on, now. Karou…you mean that?” 
He gave a one-shouldered shrug as they walked back to the booth. “Why not? If it doesn’t work out, it’ll only be a speck of dust in my lifetime.” 
As Karou was greeted by Miya and his eager waving hands, Kojiro grabbed him by the bicep and spun him around. Kojiro’s breath warmed the side of his neck as he whispered. “Would eight work fine?”
“Oh, how dramatic, you big brute,” Karou mused as he shoved him away. “Sure, that’ll suffice, but don’t be late and don’t be tacky.” 
“Tacky?! Me?”
Miya cleared his throat. “Everything’s fine now, dads?” 
“Just peachy, little dude,” Kojiro replied calmly before growing red. “Wait, we’re not your fathers! Oh my god, I—”
Everyone besides Langa and Kojiro erupted into fits of giggles and laughter. “I still don’t get how it’s funny,” Langa sulked.
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Tools Tuesday - Tagging
Tools Tuesday is a biweekly part of the Finish What You Started event where I share various resources I have found to help everyone complete their WIP. Have a resource you want to share? Send it in a message and I'll take a look!
The first Tools Tuesday of the year is all about tagging, for when you're ready to post your finished work on Archive of Our Own or any other site that uses tags! AO3, as the most popular fic posting site, will be the focus.
To begin: what are tags? And why do we use them?
Tags are keywords used to describe a fic or post. They can serve a variety of functions, but at their core they tell a viewer what to expect when they click in. On some sites (like Tumblr), they are at the bottom of the post. On AO3, they are the third thing seen, after title and author.
As seen in this handy infographic from SummerofSpock on tumblr, tags on A03 fall into 5 rough categories: Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme.
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[full image ID in ALT text. Infographic titled "Tags are Tricky...a quick and dirty guide" with tag example lists in the categories of Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme. Each box is a different pink, in a gradient. End ID.]
source: https://summerofspock.tumblr.com/post/698388759652319232/mostlyinthemorning-i-kind-of-suck-at-tagging-so/amp
Not every fic might use every category, and there are certainly tags that overlap categories. There's also what I consider a 6th category, which is Author Commentary (no beta we die like xx, character needs a hug, why did i do that much research for a single paragraph, etc).
All of that aside, why should you use tags?
They help readers find and enjoy your fic! The two main uses of tags when searching is Seeking and Avoidance.
Seeking is when a reader really wants to read a particular thing, like they want fix-its only or just Modern AUs. Once they narrow it down to fandom, these are the tags they'll type into the search bar. If your work isn't properly tagged, it won't show up, even if it's the epitome of a Coffee Shop AU and that's the term they search. Generously tag so readers can find you!
Avoidance is excluding a fic from consideration due to a particular theme or topic. Maybe their pet just died, so any mention of Animal Death is out. Maybe they are really tired of a particular ship, or are narrowing down for a rarepair. On AO3, there's a section in the filter bar for excluding tags (see below, boxed in blue). Readers can eliminate what they don't want to see, which is wonderful! They can select exactly what they want; not every fic is for every reader. Generously tag, so readers can be selective!
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[image ID, copied from ALT: the Archive of Our Own filter bar, with the Exclude section boxed in with blue lines. End ID.]
Still unsure how to tag your work? Or stuck on other aspects, like ratings and warnings? The Fanfic Author’s Guide to Metatext (As Used on Ao3) by Eiiri is an incredible, in-depth explanation of everything contained within the metatext (tags+warnings) block on an AO3 fic. Download it as a PDF or view in full on tumblr at these links
full text in post: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649406314444980224/the-fanfic-authors-guide-to-metatext-as-used-on
Pdf download: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649405048844124160/fanfic-metatext-guidepdf
Additionally, this event requires certain tags be honored and present as needed, primarily common warnings or hot topics. See the rules post for more information. These tags at least need to be present in any promo post, though tagging the fic itself is always good practice. After all, tags are like the ingredient label of a fic.
Have a question not answered above? Is there something important I missed? Start a discussion in the replies and reblogs! Thanks for participating, and good luck with your wip!
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nuttytani · 8 months
Farewell, My Dear Boomer Lord
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Tartaglia | Childe x Zhongli and Xiao x Aether
Premise: Genshin Impact is back with a new addition to their movie franchise, with a talented and an exciting cast. What are you waiting for? Come find out who they are!
A/N: This is a social media au fic, except in text form... Just crossposting it from my ao3 (which you can read it here if you'd like!!)
next chapter
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Ch. 1 Breaking news! Farewell Archaic Lord to be released!!!
Genshin ✓ .  @ genshinimpact 
Who’s ready for the upcoming Liyue Arc? Get ready for the premiere of the movie, Farewell Archaic Lord on the 20th of January! Stay tuned to meet new characters. 
[ Attached : A movie poster with the Traveler wearing a white and yellow hanfu. Behind him are 2 looming figures in the back. One with bright ginger hair and the other a brunet. ] 
|  emily . @ meetemaaaa
Oh my god
| Jared . @ uuu2345
| Lemons . @ lifegivesyoulemons
Omg omg omg-
| HELLCAT . @ timmiespigeons
| Trailblazer . @ stelleeeeeee
|  xingqi . @ notanpc
|  Charlotte . @ therealcharlotte
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Paimon ✓ .  @ paimonispaimon
Welcome, newcomers to the Genshin Impact fandom! Wondering what in tarnation this new Liyue Arc is? When and where can you watch this movie? Are there any previous parts? Well, look no further as I, Paimon, shall tell you everything that you need to know.
Genshin Impact is a fantasy movie series that follows the journey of its main protagonist, beginning with the first part titled "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind" (Mondstadt Arc for short) and now includes a follow up story called “Farewell Archaic Lord” (Liyue arc for short).
Traveler, who is the main protagonist, is thrown into a foreign universe and sets out to find his lost twin sister. As the story progresses, the traveler finds himself wrapped up in the troubles of each nation that he sets foot on (Quite the sorry fellow, don’t you think? He just wants to find his sister…). Each movie is and will be based on the nations that the traveler has been to and the nefarious plotting of villains. The storyline centres on the nations visited by the Traveler and the people that he meets along the way. I won't reveal any spoilers, so that's all I'll say for now. 
Unfortunately, as of this post, the Liyue arc has not yet been released — but in the meantime, why not have a look at the first movie? It is currently available on official streaming sites such as Hoyoflix, Adventurer+, Simulation World Prime Video and many more! And aren’t you the luckiest people, the Mondstadt arc is actually being played in the cinemas for next two weeks! Go grab your tickets now~
| Trailblazer . @ Stelleeeeeee
Ummmm you’ve literally mentioned nothing about the Liyue arc tho- “imma tell you all the things that you need to know” pffft 
| Caribert . @ dontlookinthemirror
replying to @ Stelleeeeeee 
OP doesn’t want to spoil the story for the newcomers, read properly before commenting smh. Plus, the movie isn’t even out yet??? What the hell is OP going to talk about??? Go touch some grass
| Pompom ✓  . @ conductorpompom 
Replying to @ dontlookinthemirror
The previous commenter is only joking, calm down 
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Genshin ✓ .  @ genshinimpact 
First teaser out for “Farewell Archaic Lord!”
[ Attached : Link for the teaser, thumbnail depicts a ginger man with long hair, wearing a beautiful black and red hanfu. He is holding blades made of translucent, water-like daggers. ]
Katherine ✓ .  @ yourfavrobot
TEASER FOR THE LIYUE ARC IS OUT, LET’S BREAK IT DOWN, FELLOW COMRADES! (for those who can’t watch the video, don't worry, I got your back.)
First off, we see the traveler setting foot in Liyue and he wanders around. The locals are all flocking to the central area, some kind of a big incense is placed down and we see a few prominent figures surrounding it and bringing offerings. No names yet for the figures, but we have learned that one of them is referred to as the Tianquan (a lady with silver hair, wearing luxurious golden and phoenix patterned hanfu).
Scene cuts to ocean waves roaring down the wharf of Liyue like crazy (tsunami level crazy) while a man with weirdly glinting golden eyes, clad in dark brown and gold robes, sits on a dainty little seat and drinks his tea, amidst all the chaos. Mister - idk but why are you drinking tea in the middle of a natural disaster??? Questions, so many questions...
Scene cuts again, to a young man with ginger hair, wearing black and red hanfu (super pretty guy btw just who is the actor???). He swiftly moves around to give us a cheeky smile, teeth and all, and summons.. WATER BLADES! HE SUMMONS WATER BLADES! How is that even possible?! (movie logic ofc). 
All in all, I’m left with even more questions. The golden-eyed man seems suspicious - and so does the man with the ginger hair. Both dangerously pretty btw. 
| capybara. @ capybararara
This is definitely a teaser alright. Who are these actors? I need to know. Just look at them. I mean Mondstadt also had super pretty people like that cavalry captain with the eyepatch but BUT OOOOOOOH I SEE SO MANY MOMMIES HERE I LOVE I LOVE. 
| Otto . @ imnotluocha
Liyue basically feels like some xianxia au lol, not that I’m complaining. Look at all those impractical fanservice hanfu. That dude with ginger hair looks impeccable, also, why does he give off dangerous vibes?? Please don’t be a villain 
| Qingque . @ slackingoff
replying to @ imnotluocha
Yes villain. I’m all for sexy villains here.
| Kusogaki . @ i_am_god
Why is no one talking about the strange brunet? He could also be a villain, I mean look at those eyes. It doesn’t feel normal. Plus HE WAS DRINKING TEA IN A MIDDLE OF TSUNAMI. I don’t know if he is dumb or fears no one, not even nature.
| Trailblazer . @ Stelleeeeeee
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Paimon ✓ .  @ paimonispaimon
Hello once again, my fellow friends! The major casting of the Liyue arc has been revealed, so let’s get down to business!
It is already confirmed that Aether will continue to play the role of the protagonist in the upcoming movie, Farewell Archaic Lord. For those unaware of Aether, he was a minor character in “Across the Skies and Stars” and gained popularity for his appearance in the first movie of Genshin Impact. He is active on social media and shares photos of himself, behind-the-scenes clips, and food. You can check out his profile here. 
[Attached : A clip featuring Aether flashing a peace sign and looking back] 
In an attempt to cheer up Xiao, who appears to be in a bad mood, the blond urges him to smile for the camera. According to Aether, they are both feeling hungry since they haven't eaten anything yet.
“How about we get some almond tofu?”
Xiao visibly brightens up.
We also have some great news! Xiao will also be part of the Liyue arc, marking his return from a 3 year acting break. For those who may not be familiar with him (how and why?), Xiao was the lead actor in Immortality and previously collaborated with actor/singer Venti on a few singles.
There are three talented actresses who will be joining the Liyue arc cast. Ganyu, Keqing, and Ninnguang. They are well known for their appearances in popular wuxia and xianxia dramas, such as Crimson Rain, My Fan Against Your Lips, and The Benevolent Shizun. You may have seen one of these well-known movies. Unfortunately, Ganyu and Ninnguang do not have public social media accounts, but Keqing is quite active. If you're interested, you can find her account here, where she mostly uploads vlogs.
[ Attached : in the video, the ladies can be seen sitting together while holding delicate clay tea cups. They are all dressed in stunning pastel-coloured robes with intricate embroidery. 
Mmh the tea is good! It goes well with the mooncakes.
Tea hits the best after work, oh lord, that was such a long set.
Well, get your energy back because, after this, I've heard that we’re shooting till night.
The other two gasp in horror and quickly chug down their tea and stuff down mooncakes 
Now, the long-awaited Mr. two hot guys behind the Traveler. On the left, we have Ajax and on the right, Zhongli. 
[ Attached : A selfie of Ajax and Zhongli, they are both wearing their signature hanfu from the movie poster and have their arms around each other, smiling at the camera ] 
Both actors will be playing an important role in the movie. Of what? We do not know. You'll have to watch it to find out! 
Zhongli is a well-respected, world-renowned actor. He has won numerous awards for being the best lead and side actor — more than I could count with all my fingers combined! He recently starred in the box office hit called “The Legend of Nirvana” 
[ Attached : A clip, in which you can hear Ganyu and Xiao cheering for Zhongli as he walks up on the stage to accept the Oscar award ]
Ajax, on the other hand, is a member of the trio idol group, 68-11, and has no previous acting skills. However, his colleagues pushed him to at least audition for the Liyue Arc movie and he luckily landed a role. According to insider news, he brought the character to life and was what they envisioned of the character that he would be playing. 
If you're interested in finding out more about 68-11's music, you can check out the group here. Some of their popular releases are "Never-ending Performance" and "Ominous Fandango".  They’ll also be holding a concert in the coming month, so grab your tickets fast before they sell out!! 
[ Attached : A picture of Ajax signing an autograph for a fan while his colleague Kabu is mischievously seen making bunny ears behind the ginger's head ] 
We hope that this gave you some basic info about the new casting! Can't wait to see these talented actors on the screen. 
| Trailblazer . @ Stelleeeeeee
Thank you for the incredibly detailed post! Now watch me follow every single one of them, like and reblog every single post. Gosh they’re all so pretty.  Miss Ganyu tho, oh- she can step on me and I’d be so happy for it. 
Btw I’m watching Miss Keqing’s vlog as I type, SHE’S SO CUTE CUTE CUTE OMG gives me cat girl vibes istg
| March . @ nanokamadoka
Replying to @ Stelleeeeeee
Simp. Get a life 
| Albert . @ diehardfan
#68-11 #ajax #kabu #rosaline 
| Tian . @ irontonguetian
I’ve been following Mr. Zhongli since his debut movie. It is so lovely to see him grow and be loved far and wide. Fighting! Mr. Zhongli! We love you!!!
| little luo . @ xiaoluo
Xiao is back from his hiatus! That’s such good news, awe. Missed seeing him so much! 
| Aether ✓ . @ aetherviator
I’m excited for the movie too! I hope you all enjoy it, as much as we all enjoyed acting for it :) 
| maricotta . @ idekat-thispoint
Replying to @ aetherviator 
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Spiral Abyss ✓ .  @ abyssalmoon
Premiere day of “Farewell Archaic Lord”. #GenshinImpact #Liyue Arc 
Lady Ninnguang “No words to explain how I feel today, we worked hard and at last, it’s here!” 
[ Attached : A clip of Lady Ninnguang speaking about her feelings on this memorable day. She looks absolutely stunning in her golden and white qipao ]
Welt Yang ✓ . @ mryang 
Had the opportunity to speak with Aether and Xiao on the premiere day of Farewell Archaic Lord. Wonderful actors filled with passion, I had a lovely time speaking with you both 
[ Attached : clip plays in which Aether and Xiao converse happily with Mr. Yang. Both the actors have donned a classic black tuxedo, looking impeccable as always ]
I hope they keep that scene 
Which scene?
You know, that one (does the eyebrow waggle) 
I’m afraid, I do not follow ???
Oh don’t worry too much about it (Sighs and looks away. His ears have turned slightly red.)
Katherine ✓ .  @ yourfavrobot
So, many clips have been going around because of the premiere day of Liyue Arc. I, Katheryne, was able to speak with at least the majority of the cast members who were invited!! Have a look here, it’s now uploaded on my SeelieTube here
| Albert . @ diehardfan
Katherine is doing the real work here. Thank you for the food!
| Dan Heng . @ notdanfeng
Uhhh so, who else noticed the chemistry between Zhongli and Ajax ??? I mean, not to be a weirdo and no I have not been staring at their interactions for too long, it’s just a bit obvious that they’re… Ogling at each other???? Well, they both do look absolutely hot in their hanfus
| little luo . @ xiaoluo
You’re not the only one. But notice that the same goes for Xiao and Aether. These boys are barely able to keep their eyes and hands to themselves, smh. GET A ROOM, GET A ROOM!!!!
| Lumine ✓ . @ lumineviatrix
Replying to @ notdanfeng @ xiaoluo 
Yall got potatoes for eyes? Did you NOT see lady Ninnguang giving bedroom eyes at that eyepatch lady (that’s Beidou btw, for those who don’t know her)??? HELLO DUDES, PLEASE GET A ROOM, THIS IS WORSE THAN PDA 
Replying to @ lumineviatrix
First Aether, now Lumine too??? Helloooo where are you when there’s actual fun @ stelleeeeeee???
| Ajax ✓ . @ ajax11th
You know it’s serious when Lumine comments- 
| Albert . @ diehardfan
| Kabu ✓ . @ kabuki6th
Replying to @ ajax11th 
I think you just summoned our entire fanbase right here, dude 
| Rosaline ✓ . @ rosaline8th
Replying to @ kabuki6th 
Not that it’s a bad thing, but time to mute notifications. Not that mine weren’t on mute already. But you and Ajax should consider
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13.7k posts
#get a room 
16.5k posts
Rosaline ✓ . @ rosaline8th
Why hello, little ones! I’ve noticed a sudden influx of followers recently, Idk where all of you are coming from but thank you for your kind words and support! And if you’re feeling extra generous, go shower Ajax with love because FAREWELL ARCHAIC LORD IS OUT IN THEATRES TODAY!!! 
| Keqing ✓ . @ keqing_night
| Aether ✓ . @ aetherviator
| Xiao ✓ . @ almondxiao
… preach 
| Zhongli ✓ . @ zhongliballista
Preach ??? What’s preach ???
| Lumine ✓ . @ lumineviatrix
Replying to @ zhongliballista
| Xiao ✓ . @ almondxiao
Replying to @ zhongliballista 
You use the word “preach” when you feel the need to acknowledge or are in agreement of something that is well said
| Zhongli ✓ . @ zhongliballista
Replying to @ almondxiao 
Oh…I see… PREACH!
| Ajax ✓ . @ ajax11th
Replying to @ zhongliballista 
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Paimon ✓ .  @ paimonispaimon
CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS!!! Important things must be said three times!! 
| Katherine ✓ .  @ yourfavrobot
One word. PREACH 
I’m taking my entire fam alright!!!
| Trailblazer . @ Stelleeeeeee
That’s what you get for being slow, lol, loser 
| Dan Heng . @ notdanfeng
Calm down, @ Stelleeeeeee already booked them in advance for us 
| little luo . @ xiaoluo
| Tian . @ irontonguetian
We all have been waiting for today, happy Liyue Arc watching everyone! Now… How to convince Master Liu Su to join me… Hmmmmm 
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40.6k posts
38.2k posts
Trailblazer . @ Stelleeeeeee
That ending… was quite unexpected. Salt… And… Betrayal, how cruel
But other than that, what’s up with all the gay coded liyue characters??? That was a real surprise honestly, a pleasant one, of course. Bet it’ll be filled with certain clips once everyone catches on. 
| Keqing ✓ . @ keqing_night
:)))) gay coded? What do you mean ???
[ Attached : Image of the main Liyue arc cast, grinning like crazy ] 
It had been a couple of days since the movie was released in the theatres, and a few of the available cast were having a sleepover as a celebration for their hard work. Unfortunately, Ganyu, Ninnguang and Ajax were busy with some other projects and had to skip out on the get together. 
To pass the time, they were all catching up on reviews and comments left by the fans. One comment, in particular, caught their attention. "Uhhh Just me or did you guys notice Morax staring at Tartaglia's big cake... was that included in the script orrrrrr???" Everyone burst out laughing, with some even snorting and cackling.
Keqing, however, looked exasperated as she addressed the person in question. "Mr. Zhongli, you should have been more subtle, at least."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. What big cake? There was no cake anywhere in the movie," Zhongli replied with a huff.
Aether chimed in, "At this point, I wonder if you really are a boomer or if you're just acting innocent."
To which, the blond received an immediate smack on the head for his comment. The room fell silent before erupting in another round of cackling.
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roxyteal · 3 months
So, concerning WTTW. It's been almost three months now, and I'm deeply sorry for it taking so long to put out the epilogue. Even worse since it's only supposed to be as long as the prologue was.
But instead of making everyone go "wait that's it?" after the long wait, I'm going to do another double update. When the epilogue drops, so will the chapter 2 expansion. Yeah, I'm working on that; I want to flesh it out properly so that it fits in with the rest of the chapters' lengths. Like, as of this writing, ch 2 is the last remnant of the time where I wasn't planning a whole story. So I'm gonna fix that.
All in all, this way there'll be a little more to have looked forward to. I hope it's enough. I don't know when they'll be out, but as always I'll share them when they do.
And yeah, looking back I also feel guilty that instead of just making the epilogue, I instead wrote a few things on the side that're only tangentially related at best, and was mostly just for fun. None of which is on AO3 because I don't know where I could put them in terms of fic listings. If I figure anything out with that, I'll port them there, if desired.
Anyway, one preview for each thing I'm working on, and then more information, will be in the Keep Reading. If you wish to stop reading this post here, I just want to say: Thank you to everyone for enjoying WTTW while it lasted thus far. I know I say this to literally anyone who so much as says they liked it, but I genuinely mean it from the bottom of my heart. This story, like all others I do, has been a labor of love.
You have my gratitude.
Ch 2:
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Okay, now for more information.
For my next work, I really want to get to that final Baldi STG story, and it would conclude that series for the foreseeable future. Here's what you can expect from it:
Working title is "One Final SUM"
Return of C Baldi, his friends, players, and Plus
Introduction to Susan Summerton, her in-house physician Jared (surname WIP), Andrew, Doug, and BADSUM (!!!)
Existential crisis over creator expectations vs organic developments (particularly with M)
WTTW is mentioned but doesn't affect the overarching narrative, so readers don't need to read it to understand what this one's going for, and vice versa
The Ending of All Time
Then? Well, I have considered a WTTW sequel. What could I possibly do with that? Thing is, I have a bunch of ideas for it, but I would have to find a way to string them together cohesively. But here's what I do know, and am willing to share:
It would be set in the future, probably the 2030's
Takes place in a myriad of locations on the Internet, from Neocities sites to Google Earth. The Webspace as we knew it is gone, and remains only as an archived domain
Some major characters have changed in some way and/or have been separated as a result. Some characters never written about previously will have time to shine
Variations of pre-established character types may appear (wow more clones can ya believe it)
Introduction to a new character entirely. Everyone please say hi to Emil. He's from a fangame prototype called "Detective Emil: Private Eye". It was never finished, but was instead thrown Online. But to be clear, it doesn't exist
This story's more like a "reunite everybody" kind of feel
It's Alex's fault
I think that's all for now. Thanks for reading up to this point!
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Fanbinding Process 1: Typesetting
Someone asked me to chronicle a fanbinding project a while back and now that I'm in the starting stages I figured "oh yeah I should do that!"
Disclaimer: still new at this. Please don't judge me. And also this is just what I do and really when it comes to some of the smaller details, that's personal choice and stuff you'll decide once you get going and know what you wanna do with it!
Anyway current project: A Choriambic Progression (one of my faves!) (I'm also doing In Between Days at the same time but I'm further along in that one so it's not a good one to really show.)
Step 1: Gotta save the fic! I'll say ahead of time how I do this with AO3 fic, even though A Choriambic Progression isn't on AO3. With that, I go to Download > HTML. I've found that way will copy over all the formatting whereas the other ones didn't for me. Then I open the HTML file and copy paste into Google Docs.
Instead with A Choriambic Progression I just went to the Wayback Machine link and copy/pasted all of that.
Step 2: I do my page setup before fixing the body of the work, so I inserted a few pages above the work. I consulted a few books on hand to decide the layout. Page 1 is a simple title page:
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I know when I print, odd numbered pages will show up on the right and even numbers will be on the left. So when I first open the book, the simple title page will be face up.
Step 3.) Which means for Page 2 I do the copyright page:
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I temporarily removed my actual location for this, but: I made a name for my bindery. Most I've seen have the location of the publishing company, so I have my location in that section. Most copyright pages vary in the setup and even some information, so I borrowed what I liked! A lot have like "First Printing: Date, Second Printing: Date" so I list where all I've found the work, plus when I'm binding it. Even though it's July right now, I figure most of my work on this will be in August so I put August 2023 for that.
For ISBN I usually will put AO3 ID: and the work ID #. Since this was originally posted to Ink Stained Fingers I used Ink ID instead and it's ID # (which is 21???? Very cool.) Also since this fic is old and not really anywhere else, I had to do my best guessing on the date, which as best as I can figure was sometime 2004? And the print line for funsies! Though I don't think I'll do more than this one printing of it, but who knows!
Step 4.) Images in Canva. Which is just....me creating whatever icons and images I want to use in Canva, which is at least a title image. In Canva I opened an Instagram Post sized template. I threw in the title + artist. I had no idea what sort of art I wanted, so I just typed in "magic" and found this crystal & plant art I liked. I fixed up the font how I liked and then went to Share > Download > check Transparent Background > Select Pages: 19 (to just save page 19) > Download.
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I also went into another Canva project for smaller images that i call "icons" to make my bindery icon and also a simple image I want to have at the top of the first page and downloaded both of those.
Step 5.) Back in Google Docs aaaand....I knew I'd need some pages before my title image so on Page 3 I added the "archive information" (which is where I'll normally pull the info from AO3, but I did the same basic idea here.)
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Then Step 6.) I inserted another blank page (CTRL + Enter) and on Page 6 I went to Insert > Image > Upload from Computer and added my title image. Below it I added my bindery icon and spent over fiddling with it to get it properly centered. (It never wants to center correctly.) Iirc I went into Format > Align & Indent and played with "center" and "increase/decrease indent" until it behaved itself.
Step 7.) CTRL + Enter for another blank page. Then I make sure the start of the fic is on an odd page (though I can always fix this later in Acrobat.) I inserted my cute lil story icon above the start of the story:
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Step 8.) I realized I had a problem in that I did all this setup BEFORE setting my font. So I had to CTRL + A to select it all and set it to Times New Roman 16, which I know will print in a way I like.
Next I'll say, I like to keep the space between paragraphs in an ode to fanfic-y ways. But I also like indented paragraphs. So this is a personal choice, but with everything still selected I went to:
Format > Align & Indent > Indention Options > set Left & Right to 0. Then select Special Indent > First Line > set to .5.
THEN I had to go back and fix my title, copyright, and archive pages, but it's less annoying to do that than it would be to try to highlight over 300 pages to do this for JUST the fic. I later added some extras (such as the poem at the end, the author's note, and some review/recommendations for the fic that I wanted to format differently.)
....Basically just figure out how you want to format it.
Step 9.) CTRL + F. This fic was a NIGHTMARE to fix up, ngl. I did all of this last night but basically...I had to find all the scene breaks by going CTRL + F and searching "***" so I could replace those with a horizontal line (Insert > Horizontal Line.) But a few places had tildes instead so I had to do an extra CTRL + F: "~~~~" That wasn't so bad.
The bad part was realizing how much had to be italicized. Regular italic words had a "*" on either side, while correspondence began and ended with an underscore. So I had to CTRL + F: "_" and then highlight and italicize all the letters. Then CTRL + F: "*" to find all the italicized words of which there were like 200. Very tedious.
Step 10.) File > Download > PDF Document
Step 11.) I opened the PDF in Adobe Acrobat for my final stages. Mostly here I make sure all of the pages are in an order I like and make sure all of my pages that need to end up on the right are odd numbers. And if not, I can go to the sidebar on the right and go to "Organize Pages"...there I can reorganize or add blank pages where needed.
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Step 12.) Page Numbers & Headers! Again this is personal preference but I can show you how I did it and you can make your own decisions about how you want to do it.
Close out of Organize Pages. Then from the sidebar I chose "Edit PDF." Then at the top toolbar I click on "Headers & Footers" and select "Add."
For me, I wanted the title as a header, and I wanted to insert page numbers. So in "Header Center" I wrote the title and in "Footer Center" I clicked on "Insert Page Numbers."
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Then because I want my page numbering to start on Page 3 (I like to start numbering at the Archive Information page) I click on "Page Range Options" and in "Pages From:" I changed "1" to "3."
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Note, if you fiddle with the pages later on and reorganize or add new blank pages, Adobe won't adjust the page numbers for you, which is why I make sure my pages are all in order first.
Step 13.) My least favorite part is REMOVING headers & footers from pages I don't want them on. So on all blank pages I took off the title & page number. I took the title off of the Archive information and the Title Image page. I took the title off of the "Recommendations" pages later on, too. It's not only tedious but Acrobat likes to be difficult about letting me select the page numbers so it takes a few tries of me getting the page just so before I can select and delete the page number.
Anyway at that point it's ready to go so I make sure to save it to my Fanbinding folder and next up I can print! So...we can do printing & page folding and maybe page cutting in Part 2.
You know...if I remember. 😬
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miraculousfanworks · 6 months
Brief Writing Prompts FAQ!
As you all may have noticed, Writing Prompts have been posted with regularity over the past week, with a new format. In light of this, here's an FAQ (or, uh, a Would-be FAQ) about the writing prompts we post here on the Miraculous Fanworks tumblr!
Where do the prompts come from? The prompts come from out associated Discord Server, where we have a designated channel for people in our community to submit prompts for fanfiction. That's why each prompt has a "Prompt by:" section, indicating which of our server members was responsible for it. Not all prompts posted there get posted on the tumblr page, though. There's just too many. So instead we have a system where if a prompt has to get a certain amount of likes before it's put into the queue.
I made a prompt that's gotten enough likes on the server, why has it not been posted yet? Patience, grasshopper. Even with our restrictions on what can and cannot be posted, we still have a LOT of prompts in our backlog. We're slowly but surely making our way through. To ensure viewers of the tumblr page get a constant stream of content in the mean time, we put all the prompts in a queue set to update a couple times a day. Your prompt will make it onto the page eventually!
I made a prompt that was published on the page, but you didn't credit me correctly. What do I do? Simply reach out to us, and we will do our best to fix the mistake! We credit people mostly based on the usernames and/or nicknames they use on Discord (hence the lack of tumblr or ao3 profile links), so if you'd rather be credited differently then please tell us! You get to be properly credited, and we ensure that our records are accurate. Everyone wins!
Can I write a fanfiction (or otherwise create fan content) based off these prompts? Yes, absolutely, that is what they are here for. Just make sure to give some credit to the prompt's creator! (And if you feel like giving us a shout-out too, well, we certainly won't mind!)
Are prompts posted to the tumblr exactly the way they were posted in the discord server? We try to maintain as much of the original formatting as possible when copying prompts over, unfortunately in some cases that's just not possible. The most common example of this is when people incorporate Discord formatting or emojis into the prompt. It's common practice for people to use our custom character emojis for script-format prompts, and since we obviously can't use those on the tumblr such posts are edited to maintain the intention of the original as much as possible. If a prompt is preceded by a comment from its a creator saying it's a reference to something else on the server, than that comment will usually be removed or edited since tumblr users can't make use of them. Also, if there's a spelling or punctuation error that's particularly jarring then we'll fix it, but usually we try to leave the prompts as they are. If a prompt by you gets published with edits you do not approve of, then by all means reach out to us and we will fix it.
Who's posting all of these? Who's responsible for the prompt titles, and the tags? That would be me. Hi, I'm Maspers, one of the Miraculous Fanworks mods running the tumblr. Posting writing prompts (with editing if necessary) to the queue is my job. I'm also responsible for the majority of the titles given to the prompts, since usually the prompt creator doesn't make one themselves. If the title WAS created by the prompt's creator, it'll be in quotes (" ") and I'll make note of it in the tags. And yes, the tags are also my doing, since obviously those aren't present on Discord.
Why do I see a lot of the same names responsible for creating prompts? Isn't your community pretty big? It is pretty big. But as stated previously, the prompts posted here have to reach a certain amount of likes on the server first, and some people just have a knack for making good prompts! This goes for the stuff featured in the prompts too, some concepts and characters are just more popular. If you want to see even more prompts by even more people about an even bigger variety of Miraculous-related stuff, then come join our server and check out our writing prompts channel there!
I have a question about the writing prompts that isn't answered here. How do I get it answered? Reach out to us with your question, and we will do our best to answer it for you! The Miraculous Fanworks moderating team takes its job very seriously, and we want to ensure that everyone in our community feels like they can come to us for assistance. So don't hesitate to reach out!
Who thought putting Maspers in charge of managing the prompts was a good idea? He's insane. Look I'm just as surprised as you are, really.
Thanks so much for reading this brief FAQ about the Writing Prompts on this tumblr! We hope you continue to enjoy them! Have a nice day!
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gabriellerudessa · 2 years
Arrival Celebration
I finished typing at 2 in the morning for Brazilians. Then things happened and I couldn't post it.
Now I can! Happy Arrival Celebration, Vyn Fandom, and Happy New Year to everybody else! Be with my watercolor and soft fanfic Prophetess x Tharaêl (almost 3k words, it was supposed to be short! *cries*)
This happens around nine months after the Rhalata questline, with Tharaêl and Arelyel already having found their way around each other. Hopefully I'll manage to write a longfic about these in detail lol (I started. Let's see were I go lol)
Anyway, hope you all like it! Cheers!
EDIT 5 Jan 2023: At my desktop, thank God. Corrected some typos and spacing and the wording of a phrase I hadn't noticed was weird. (posting this on my phone was crazy) You can read it on AO3 now if you prefer too.
Also, because of AO3, Titles! The one I choose comes from a line from the song "Taste" by Sleeping at Last.
(I almost named it Ricochet after the Starset song because it came up on my playlist as I started thinking of a title but TOO SAD)
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What Light Tastes Like
The wood creaked and groaned and the wind howled outside the cave, sometimes overpowering her humming; still, the fire remained steady, illuminating the camp and her work, hands flying through the embroidery in progress.
She had to finish that night.
Barring a crippling injury, she would reach Ark the next day and it wouldn’t do for the gift to not be ready. Or she to lose for the second time the Arrival festivities. She was late enough as it was reaching the city on Arrival Day instead of before.
Cassiopeia, Sirius’ mother and a grandchildren of endraleans, would’ve had pulled her ears if Arelyel was late for Arrival in any of her ten years before the woman’s death.
Or finishing a gift so late.
As Arelyel understood now, gift giving wasn’t really a part of the Arrival Celebrations in Enderal, but she had loved the tradition that Cassiopeia had made a part of their lives. A spiced wine for Jespar, a treatise about the Order’s history for Calia, a scarf for Esme, even a dagger for Arantheal and herbs treatise for Yuslan… And some carefully chosen gifts for Constantine and Lishari and Sirius, buried by the side of a well-traveled path to be found by someone in need  –all dead, Sirius at the year before, but she had been unable to do the proper rite Cassiopeia had taught at the first Arrival she had spent in Enderal.
Only Tharaêl’s gift wasn’t ready. It took her ages to think properly of something, and obviously she had decided it should be something handmade.
It would make Cassiopeia proud. Arelyel had eight years when Sirius’ mother took her in, and for ten years had taught Arelyel so much – cook and sew and embroider and another dozen things from a gentler craft that Father had kept away from her hands.
Don’t. Think. About. Him.
A needle pinprick kept her in the present. She briefly stuck the finger in her mouth, just enough so blood wouldn’t mar the fabric.
In the lull of the work, she reached the bowl of wild berried and edible flowers she had gathered earlier with the other hand. Two lonely berries waited her.
Damn it, she had finished it already.
Sighing and praying for speed, Arelyel eat the last berries and went back to the embroidery.
Tharaêl threw a look at the scroll by the table at the door side, shook his head, and went back to mixing the meat stew.
The invitation had arrived one week ago.
Arelyel had been gone already two weeks before it, three now, resolving things fuck-knows where.
He was worried, a little bit, it was unusual for her to be away so long at a time and last one she had returned… Almost as bad as when he had started living with her. He didn’t want a repeat. The worst was that he had no way of truly reaching and warning her about the Arrival Celebration at the Sun Temple she, as the Prophetess, should go.
As it was, night was falling already, meaning such Celebration was starting, together with the festivities at the market.
Maybe she had forgotten it was Arrival Day. Not that surprising if she got stuck at a sunless place for days, as it was prone to happen.
Maybe it was better this way. The invitation said “scarlet garments”, and the only red clothes Arelyel owned were the Order’s uniform. He had seen then once, months ago, when he helped her clean the house, at the bottom of a chest.
The door burst open, bringing with it a biting cold and some snowflakes. And Arelyel, armored robe dripping water and snow and bits of ice covering it in places.
“Malphas’ balls, when Ark got this cold?!” Tharaêl left the stew to close the door as Arelyel put her bursting backpack down, teeth chattering and skin cold-burnt.
“It was worse yesterday.” He locked the door, worry melting into contentment at her return.
“How?” Stiff fingers fought to unclasp her soaked cloak from the armor, and Tharaêl approached to help.
“Snowstorm. It let down during the night, but all day it kept snowing on and off like this.” The cloak fell heavily to the ground, and Arelyel groaned at the loss of weight.
“Oh. Hope it doesn’t get worse again. Thank you. Help me with the rest? My fingers really aren’t helping.”
Tharaêl hummed an agreement and threw a look at such fingers and their fingerless gloves as he started at another buckle of her armor. Pale, nails purple-ish. He hoped it was just superficial.
The both of them made quick work of divesting Arelyel from the armored robes, and soon the woman was standing in the middle of the room only in the shirt and leather pants she used under it all, thankfully mostly dry.
And then she hugged him, as she had for almost six months now.
The first three months she always asked if she could before, and always retreated if the answer was no. Then he said she didn’t need to ask anymore; she still let her arms loose so he could leave if he so wished, and only when he hugged back did she tighten them.
Tharaêl almost immediately put his arms around her shoulders tight and pressed her cold cheek against his clothed chest. There hadn’t been a hug he hadn’t returned – he didn’t want to relinquish it now that he had a taste. Also, with how many weeks she could be away, it wasn’t as if he got that many hugs.
“I missed you.” She whispered after a moment, arms around his middle tightening, and both of them relaxed, breaths deepening.
“… Me too.” He admitted after a moment, heartbeat too fast for some seconds. He was sure she could hear it, specially as she burrowed deeper in the hug, no space between them. Tharaêl felt as if they were trying to swallow each other.
Minutes passed, inside only the sounds of their breaths and of the fire in the hearth, outside hurrahs and happy screams as the night completely fell and the Arrival festivities started around the city.
But in between them, there was just an intimate and comfortable silence, and he felt a deep contentment, almost happiness, as the hug comforted and warmed them.
The screams outside had already dimmed when Arelyel retreated a little to look at him. He felt her hands, chastely at his sides, their recovered heat scorching through the fabric.
He didn’t know exactly what to do with his hands, not with her still so close. He never knew. In the end, he kept them at her elbows, half of him tempted to reinitiate the hug and keep it for days.
“What did I miss? Besides the beginning of the festivities, you know.”
“Well…” The question brought his thoughts back to the celebration at the Sun Temple that should’ve had just started. He looked over to the rolled parchment. “You were invited for the festivities of the Arrival at the Sun Temple. It must have started around now.” Tharaêl pressed his lips, a smile tugging at them at how her shoulders dropped. “You also must wear red for it.” Her shoulders tensed. “And something representing the Crimson Star.”
“I had to be the Prophetess and an Arcanist of the Order.” She mumbled, closing her eyes and breathing heavily through her nose. “Tealor will have my skin. When did the invite arrived?”
“One week ago.”
She blinked, then scoffed and rolled her eyes. Hard.
“I was at Duneville at the time and they knew because they sent me there and not even a note mentioning that maybe I should come back earlier.”
“Will you try to go?”
Arelyel pressed her lips, eyebrows tight in though, and let go of him, crossing her arms. Tharaêl let his hand fall, closing them in fists. He wanted her answer to be “no”. The invitation was clearly just for Arelyel, and he didn’t want to remain alone, not when she was in Ark.
“… I don’t know. I don’t even know if I have proper clothes. I’ll… Clean myself and decide.”
As she heaved the backpack on a shoulder and caught the rolled invitations, Tharaêl rolled her words and her voice over and over in his head. Something in the news about the invitation had subdued her happiness at being back, and he didn’t know what.
Arelyel faced her reflection, fingers dancing over the embroideries of the dress’ bodice.
The only red clothes she owned were the Order’s uniform. They had been used once, as she gained them, then forgotten in one of her chests, and it showed: they had been made for an Arelyel still too thin and scraggly of the months as a clandestine at a ship and then of living in the woods as she found her way through Enderal. The months after it, eating well and fighting and walking all over the country, had put back all the muscle and fat she had lost, and now she was once again the plump and rounded figure she always had been since her teenage years.
And even if the uniform still fit…
She would never use it again. It had been difficult already and she couldn't use it again.
Red was her mother’s and sister’s colors. They were always using it, beautiful in its vibrancy, and while Arelyel did use it as a kid, she always preferred the purples and lilacs.
Now, just the thought of dressing in red made her stomach roll and her vision darken at the edges. They were using red that day…
Pressing her eyes closed, she inspired deeply, the fragrance of the meat stew playing with her senses and making her stomach rumble with hunger. Back in the present.
Eyes open once more, she drank in the dress again and repeating to herself not red.
And it wasn’t.
Long, cotton outside and lined inside in wool, it was blessedly warm. And its wine-red color was deep enough to be almost purple. Just occasionally the light shone in the fabric just right and showed strands of red.
It should work.
She didn’t want to go to the Celebration.
Maybe she shouldn’t.
It wasn’t as if she had skirted around the final preparations for the market and caught glimpses of the food there. She was almost sure it would better than anything at the Sun Temple, as always – not because the food at the Sun Temple was bad, but because it would be almost exclusively for the nobles and rich, and months at the Nobles Quarter had taught Arelyel that she very much preferred the food of the common people. Tealor wouldn’t be happy, but when was he?
Still reflecting on going for the market, she raised her short cloak from the bed. Her eyes danced over the slightly irregular sewing against the dark-purple woolen fabric lined inside with fur, and her fingers danced over the red embroidery along the front, hundreds of tiny twelve-pointed stars spread out in a falling pattern, the string bright and eye-catching.
It was an almost exact replica of the one Cassiopeia had given her at her first Arrival in Sirius’ house. The original had been sadly lost in the civil war.
The woman had been faithful and devote. Had said that the stars where to remember Arelyel that, the same way Malphas had guided his followers, He had guided Arelyel to Cassiopeia and Sirius when she needed.
Even with her new knowledge, Areyel couldn’t bear the thought of the remade cloak not having the stars.
She threw the cloak over her shoulders and used a simple golden brooch to hold it together.
A last look in the mirror. A new reading of the invitation.
She would go to the market. There, Tharaêl could come – he had failed to mention that the invitation didn’t extend to company, otherwise she would have said from moment one that she wouldn’t go.
Arelyel came back down twenty minutes later, dressed in a deep wine-red dress, almost purple, and with short cloak reaching her wrist over it, light-brown hair down. The colors warmed her skin and even harmonized with the burn scar covering her chin.
Tharaêl forced himself to not stop breathing.
Why? It wasn’t as if she dressed that differently on a day to day basis.
Still, something… She was beautiful, but in that moment, somehow, she looked even more.
Deep in his chest, he felt it, and swallowed. A tiny bit of jealousy, that others would be able to look at her like that for the rest of the night, while he would have just this glimpse, this crumb.
Dressed like that, there was no way she wasn’t going to the Sun Temple, were he hadn’t been invited.
It was Arrival Day. Living in the Undercity, he had never celebrated it, barely acknowledged its existence. But after nine months under the sun… He had started to hope, before the invitation, that he would spend it at her side.
“… Hope you have fun and to like the food.” Tharaêl managed to say, voice steadier than he felt.
Arelyel stopped by the dinner table, fingers playing with the cloak’s hem.
“I won’t go to the Sun Temple Celebration, but to the market one.” A pause, licking lips. “Will you come with me, Tharaêl? I think the food there will be amazing.”
Warmth spread inside him, both from her own invitation, and from the sound of his name on her lips; every time she did it, it was like that, full of warmth and softness.
More hours beside her. That was everything he wanted.
“I’ll just get my cloak.”
Which he did. And then Arelyel was holding his wrist and looking better at such cloak.
“It is too threadbare, Tharaêl, it won’t keep you warm. Wait a second.”
She flew up the stars, then flew down, carrying a leather packet and pushing it towards him, eyes low.
Heartbeat fast, Tharaêl caught the packet and opened it. A neckline became visible, a gold amethyst brooch caught in thick dark blue-gray fabric.
He pinched the neckline in his hand and pulled. A cloak unrolled from the leather, inside lined in thick fur, fabric with the subtle gleam of magic, hundreds of tiny twelve-pointed stars embroidered at the front, a reflection of Arelyel’s own cloak. At a glance, it should just cover his hands.
Tears burned in his eyes. He had seen Arelyel sewing and enchanting the one she was using. It was obvious that the gifted one was also her job.
She had done so much for him, and now this.
“… It is beautiful.” His voice threatened to fail, but it kept on.
Arelyel smiled, eyes raising finally to his, and Tharaêl hoped his face managed to show just a glimpse of his own emotion to her.
He made a move to put the cloak, and Arelyel’s hand touched his.
“… Can I help you with it?”
Tharaêl’s voice disappeared, throat seemingly closed, and he needed long moments to be able to nod.
Arelyel stepped closer, pulling the cloak from his hands softly, and licked her lips.
“Can you lower a little, please?” she whispered, and Tharaêl leaned toward her in a mock reverence so she could reach his shoulders.
Their noses almost touched. He could see all the details of her face, all the different hues in her brown-eyes, all the marks of the cold at her cheeks, all the grooves of the burn scar, all the plumpness and natural red color of her lips. He breathed in, and the smell of lavender from her soaps enveloped his senses.
Arelyel threw the cloak over his shoulders, arm around his neck for a moment. He wished it was for more than a moment.
“You can straighten.” Another whisper, and he mourned the distance as he did as he was told.
Lastly, she fiddled with the brooch for some moments, then fixed the fabric over his shoulders… He wondered what exactly she saw at that moment, if a friend, or as someone… Worth of the same wonder and enchantment and whoever knew what else.
“How does it feel?” she asked, finally, bringing him back from his musings, and Tharaêl moved his arms.
“Comfortable, warm… Perfect.”
She smiled, and took hold of his wrist.
“Then it is time to go. Many foods to taste.”
As she pulled him towards the door, Tharaêl just laughed softly.
The moment they were outside – snow and cold, but no wind –, Arelyel passed her arm around Tharaêl’s own, pressing their bodies close together and muttering about the “bloody cold” and that she hoped the market would be warmer.
Tharaêl laughed, then pulled the hood’s cloak over her head before doing the same with his.
As they walked towards the market and its merry sounds, he kept his eyes ahead, preoccupied with the patches of frozen snow around the city. He looked briefly to see Arelyel, her cheek pressed tightly against his shoulder, but not enough to caught her own glances at him – full o wonder, and enchantment, and who knows what else.
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mytragedyperson · 8 months
Also I've been reading fanfiction from years now. I started reading them on fanfiction.net when I was 12 or 13. And back then I didn't know they had ratings or what was going on but, other than a few dirty fics and a couple edging into dark territory, we came out mostly unscathed. Kinda wish child me knew about AO3 where fics are clearly tagged and rated and have warnings and a whole thing that warns you the content may be too much for some people. That's beside the point. But I wanna talk fanfics and figured why not now? So this isn't an official top 10 or anything. This is just me talking about some of the fanfics I liked from various fandoms, a little talk about why I like the fanfic in question without spoiling it. So this is my random talk about fanfics I like.
Let's start with some I read recently. Strawhat_pirate has two or three fanfics I've liked. At least one of these is on Wattpad, and I know they have an AO3 account. They write stories with OCs and stories with ships and stuff. I think they write multiple fandoms but the three I've read and liked were all BNHA/MHA OC fics so I'll talk a little about them.
I'll start with Lark as I have the least to say about it. It's only on their patron for now and is new. It only has 3 chapters so far but it sounds interesting. So Lark is both the name of the OC and the name of the fic, and he's a male. He's Bakugous new next door neighbour who is homeschooled and wears strange clothes and says and does odd things, who lives with his grandma. He has some sort of quirk that let's him see glimpses of people's futures and possibly their pasts but I'm not as sure about that. He doesn't seem to control this or be able to turn it off in any way and it seems to make life fairly hard for him. It's not always clear and he doesn't always know what the "lights" as he calls them mean. He meets Bakugou, who despite not wanting to, ends up becoming curious about him and his quirk. Lark seems like an interesting guy with an interesting quirk and his interactions with Bakugou are fun because he just doesn't care. He kinda gives a Luna Lovegiod vibe. Also there's lots of Bakugou saying he doesn't care about things while clearly caring or at least being curious. Also his quirk is interesting because as I said he doesn't activate it and he doesnt/can't go out much because he keeps seeing the lights and getting distracted and trying to wander off. For something that's only 3 chapters it's interesting enough. As I said for now it's only on their Patreon but I'm guessing when they've written more of it they'll post it to Wattpad or AO3 or both.
How I found them was through Feral though. Feral is an Iida Tenya x male OC fanfiction on wattpad. The male OC is called Kittrick Suzuko or Kit and he is, as the title says, Feral. He loses his shoes a lot and gets into fights and is kind of a delinquent and has broken a few laws. He's also quirkless and Bakugous cousin who becomes friends with Midoriya. There's also Dabi, Hawks a Nomu they call Denise, Hawks' OC brother who's in a coma because of Endeavour and a newspaper planning to expose Endeavour that all of them are working on. Also fanfic canon is that Bakugou is scared of Kit and just quirkless people in general and his bullying Izuku is a fear response. They're also gaslighting Shoyo which I can't explain without spoiling shit anymore than u already have. Its fun, it's chaotic, Iida and Kit are cute together, kinda curious what they'll do when LOV kidnap Bakugou. Kit doesn't go to UA so that could be when he meets Iidas class properly. The patreon has early access and AUs based on it but it's on Wattpad an, do far, only missing one chapter compared to Patreon.
The final one by this author is I don't know a Shoto. This starts when Tobio is five and just been burnt. A homeless female OC finds him alone and just kinda takes him and then just gets away with it. Like people do find out but when they hear the explanation they just go with it. Like Shoto and Tenya become friends so Tensei knows, and Eraserhed finds out and they take in Dabi. Shinsou and Toga are also adopted. It's on their patreon and I'm pretty sure at least some chapters are on Wattpad though not many yet. It's just the female OC trying to do well by these kids and worrying someone will find out about Shoto and take him back, but she doesn't do anything to change his appearance or name, and she gets the kids in school and it actually helps her get her life together too. Aizawa is the tired begrudging uncle. The kids are unhinged. Honestly their versions of Iida Tenya are always interesting to me because it's never as simple as he's a goody two shoes. I like that. It's too easy forget Iida Tenya was ready to kill a man for hurting his brother and helped save Bakugou from the LOV. He usually follows the rules but some things are more important to him. Also they are all quite a bit younger than they are when the series starts. I don't know there's something about kids being treated as well as they can even when they aren't as innocent as other kids and have trauma and stuff and a group of adults trying to do their best for them, do right by them. Like even Touya, I can't reveal too much because a lot of it is later chapters thing that I don't think are in released chapters, but he's making some real sacrifices, going above and beyond. They just kinda talk their way out of it by confusing people when questioned. The wattpad version only has 4 chapters so far so most of what I mentioned won't have happened yet as I read it on Patreon
Anyway, enough about OCs and Patreon. Its time to talk about a crack OOC chatfic on AO3. No Heteros Allowed by DeceivingTerror and EnceladusLife. This fic I actually forget the name of and look up one tag to help me find it, mina x mothman. Everything else in terms of names tags and authors I forget. I remember scenes. This is crack plain and simple. Aizawa needs real help in this one. Mothman and other cryptids are real, can't remember them. There's a Toys'R'us that is so not toys'r'us. Like it's called that but I'm pretty sure it's some backroom pocket dimension stuff. There are demons and ghosts. Mineta is kicked out of 1A early on and replaced by Shinsou. They have parties and stuff. It is just pure crack and chaos in a chatfic. There are ships but they're not really the main focus. There is a chapter on Midoriya and Todoroki getting together but other than that the focus is on chaos. Which I personally love. I get that this might not be for everyone but I like a little chaos.
Next we actually have a series. if only someone would hold me, i could be saved / a todobowl series by A_I_Neptune. It has 4 fics so far and is todobowl though the only person he's actually dating is Izuku. The others are simping while Todoroki is oblivious. The first fic is from third person but focused on Todoroki as he discovers a love for Izukus oversized sweaters. He's very touch starved but, as he let's his soft side out, the others start treating him softer which he doesn't understand at first due to his past. They all buy him sweaters of his own and Shinsou, who is in class 1A in this fic, decides to be a little shit and buys him cat boy stuff. The second fic focuses on the class's reaction to this cat boy ensemble as they suffer and Shoto is oblivious. Midoriya doesn't really get jealous, he just likes that his boyfriend.is loved and finally seen as the soft boy he is. This series is mostly fluff, maybe a little angsty but not too bad I wouldn't say. It's very soft. In the third fic, Shoto has a movie night with some of his classmates and they watch Howls moving castle. Izuku isn't really in that one. I'm actually just now realising I never read the fourth fic so I'll have to remedy that but its very soft and, if you love Shoto Todoroki, he finally gets the love he deserves, which we love to see. very much a soft fluffy affectionate fic. Probably one of my comfort fics.
Now a different fandom. Interperspective by SnufflesThePig is a Merlin fanfiction. only Melin/Arthur and and Morgana/Gwen have been tagged as ships but others may be added later as it's not complete and is still being written. it's a reaction fic. Magic has brought Merlin, Arthur, the knights, Gwen, Morgana, Hunith and Gaius to a cave to watch the show and Merlin's life in general. some episodes/scene of the show have been rewritten slightly and there are some original scenes/chapters in general, showing Merlin's backstory as well as events between episodes. There are some OCs but they're not main characters or anything. there are some really beautiful descriptions of places, people and just things, scenes of Merlin just having fun with magic. There are art interludes where the author posts art they made based on their own fic which is cool. the end notes are funny too as they often post vines and stuff and just silly things. It has moments of humor, some angst and fluff. it's one of the few reaction fics in the Merlin fandom. I love this fic so much
Speaking of fics I love. Channel JACKAL by Aka_aKa_akA is a Haikyuu social media fic based on the MSBY Black Jackals and specifically SakuAtsu. the MSBY Black Jackals make a YouTube channel so each chapter there'll be a YouTube video followed by reactions on Twitter. there are other fics in the series but these are just smut scenes from the fic so you don't have to read these to understand the fic. It's basically showing how they get together through YouTube videos. Atsumu isn't bullied, he's actually loved by everyone. Lots of jealous Sakusa. Side ships. One for the Atsumu or SakuAtsu fans who like or don't mind social media fics. I actually want more like this.
Now, one I've mentioned before i think. Jealousy: The Fic by MakeMeStagger.your typical story of fake dating to make your crush jealous only to end up as friends with benefits and fall in love for real. The Adlers love Kiyoomi and are really accommodating about his germophobia. The author actually said that, at first it was gonna end up being Sakuatsu and I think Kagehina endgame. Kinda glad we got this instead. there are smutty scenes because Kageyama is inexperienced and asks Sakusa to help him practice for Hinata. Jealousy from Atsumu especially. One for the sakukage lovers and lovers of the fake dating trope, not so much for Kagehina and Sakuatsu fans but I'm pretty sure the author has written other fics that were Sakuatsu, though I haven't read them.
That's all i can think of for now. I'm sure i'll do this again. feel free to recommend fanfics that you like too.
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Tools Tuesday - Tagging
Tools Tuesday is a weekly part of the Finish What You Started event where I share various resources I have found to help everyone complete their WIP. Have a resource you want to share? Send it in a message and I'll take a look!
This Tools Tuesday is all about tagging, for when you're ready to post your finished work on Archive of Our Own or any other site that uses tags! AO3, as the most popular fic posting site, will be the focus.
To begin: what are tags? And why do we use them?
Tags are keywords used to describe a fic or post. They can serve a variety of functions, but at their core they tell a viewer what to expect when they click in. On some sites (like Tumblr), they are at the bottom of the post. On AO3, they are the third thing seen, after title and author.
As seen in this handy infographic from SummerofSpock on tumblr, tags on A03 fall into 5 rough categories: Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme.
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[full image ID in ALT text. Infographic titled "Tags are Tricky...a quick and dirty guide" with tag example lists in the categories of Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme. Each box is a different pink, in a gradient. End ID.]
source: https://summerofspock.tumblr.com/post/698388759652319232/mostlyinthemorning-i-kind-of-suck-at-tagging-so/amp
Not every fic might use every category, and there are certainly tags that overlap categories. There's also what I consider a 6th category, which is Author Commentary (no beta we die like xx, character needs a hug, why did i do that much research for a single paragraph, etc).
All of that aside, why should you use tags?
They help readers find and enjoy your fic! The two main uses of tags when searching is Seeking and Avoidance.
Seeking is when a reader really wants to read a particular thing, like they want fix-its only or just Modern AUs. Once they narrow it down to fandom, these are the tags they'll type into the search bar. If your work isn't properly tagged, it won't show up, even if it's the epitome of a Coffee Shop AU and that's the term they search. Generously tag so readers can find you!
Avoidance is excluding a fic from consideration due to a particular theme or topic. Maybe their pet just died, so any mention of Animal Death is out. Maybe they are really tired of a particular ship, or are narrowing down for a rarepair. On AO3, there's a section in the filter bar for excluding tags (see below, boxed in blue). Readers can eliminate what they don't want to see, which is wonderful! They can select exactly what they want; not every fic is for every reader. Generously tag, so readers can be selective!
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[image ID, copied from ALT: the Archive of Our Own filter bar, with the Exclude section boxed in with blue lines. End ID.]
Still unsure how to tag your work? Or stuck on other aspects, like ratings and warnings? The Fanfic Author’s Guide to Metatext (As Used on Ao3) by Eiiri is an incredible, in-depth explanation of everything contained within the metatext (tags+warnings) block on an AO3 fic. Download it as a PDF or view in full on tumblr at these links
full text in post: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649406314444980224/the-fanfic-authors-guide-to-metatext-as-used-on
Pdf download: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649405048844124160/fanfic-metatext-guidepdf
Additionally, this event requires certain tags be honored and present as needed, primarily common warnings or hot topics. See the rules post for more information. These tags at least need to be present in any promo post, though tagging the fic itself is always good practice. After all, tags are like the ingredient label of a fic.
Still not sure what to tag and want more inspiration? This post from @/insanitysilver has great links to further help, as well as an example of a tagged fake fic! https://www.tumblr.com/insanitysilver/723288666671300608/ao3-tagging-inspiration
Have a question not answered above? Is there something important I missed? Want to see a post about tagging for Tumblr, Twitter, or another site? Start a discussion in the replies and reblogs! Thanks for participating, and good luck with your wip!
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billyharringson · 2 years
So I need to post this before the Codine kicks in properly.
Title : its sex, love and rock'n'roll
Rating : explicit
Ship(s) : Mungrove
Additional tags : Rockstar Eddie Munson, Gay Billy Hargrove, Pansexual Eddie Munson, Neil Hargrove is His Own Warning, Abusive Neil Hargrove, Bottom Billy Hargrove, Top Eddie Munson, i'll add more tags as they occur, Billy Hargrove & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Have a Good Relationship
Summary : Billy wakes up in a strange bed, with absolutely no idea how he got there. How is he supposed to react when he finds out that he's sharing that bed with a rockstar that he's been dreaming about since he was 14?
AO3 :
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Now that requests are closed and I've been able to (sorta) get everything together, I've decided to compile a little list of what to expect from me in the near future in terms of content I will be putting out. If you're interested in seeing, go ahead and keep reading below!
I currently have 25 requests in my tumblr inbox and 3 requests on AO3. These are obviously my first priority and I will try to get through them as fast as I can
I would like to actually get Aether's sketch more refined and properly done, since this was more of just a very rough idea on where and how I had wanted his horns
Along with that, I would like to do rough ideas for the rest of the ghouls. These ideas mainly focus on their horn styles and more "demonic" appearances to them (such as skin/eye color) and clothing type
There is an idea I've had ever since I posted the fic, and that's drawing the "picture" Sodo sends the reader from my "Off on Tour" request (where he takes the reader's clothing with him). This will most likely be his own little rough sketch since this will also focus on his appearance
I would like to work on fleshing out the personalities (my take) for the ghouls. Some ghouls I actually associate with certain people in my own life and how they act. These people are the main source of my inspiration when writing for the characters, and sometimes I'll try to mix in just a little bit of the original ghoul's "true" personality
Planned Fics (red titles intended to be 18+):
"And they were roommates" part 2. I've had this idea ever since I finished the fic and, since I got a lot of positive feedback on it, I decided it would be appropriate to "continue" it it's literally just going to be smut and I don't want to hear a damn thing about it
"If you go out into the woods today" - During a full moon, the reader has to outrun Sodo or face the consequences
"Therapy costs $200 but a drop of your blood is free and easy." - Doubting that ghouls actually exist, the reader accidentally summons Aether. It's not long before they develop feelings for the large ghoul
"You were a Papa. You had everything you could've wanted. You don't know what it's like to feel like you're nothing." - While in a bad headspace, Primo indulges the reader about his past and talks about stepping down for Secondo
"A second chance for a first impression" - Mary Goore has never exactly been "subtle" in anything he did. So why not make a second first impression by climbing through your window with an old copy of dracula for you two to watch?
"Healing touch" - During a particularly bad panic attack, Copia comforts the reader and tries to get them feeling normal again
"Expert fingers" - Secondo shows the reader just how much she means to him
"On the down-low" - during a movie with everyone, Secondo has to keep his cool while the reader decides to play with him under the blanket
"His good girl" - Aether's shows the reader just how amazing the rewards can be if she's good for him
"My good luck symbol" - After being scared by a rogue cricket in their room, Mountain explains to the reader how they're seen as a symbol of good luck
"The Cardinal's helper" - Unable to summon his own ghouls, Copia looks to the reader for help. All is well until the ghouls start becoming aggressive towards Copia when he develops feelings for the reader
"Where I belong" - Rain sitting out during a thunderstorm and the reader decides to join him
"On your own" - The reader accompanies Aether, Sodo and a Sister on a little shopping trip, only to be left on your own with Aether
"A little push" - When a Sister is tasked to go out with Aether, she talks to Papa and has you go in her place so you can spend more time with the large ghoul
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russeliarat · 2 years
Please give us your Four thoughts! We'd love to hear them!
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@bloodybloob @factorialrabbits so this turns up in your mentions
I'm evilly tapping my fingers together right now because this took a few days to write (also I don't know if you mean physically not with it, but if so, hope you get better soon hun!)
Shadow works a bit differently too, so I might make another post for him if people want.
Post gets a bit long-ish so I’ll put it under a cut. Might as well.
So back when I first joined LU, there was some discourse over whether Four could have had Dissociative Identity Disorder or not - I think most of the fandom's chilled out by now tbh it was like a year ago at this point. But basically, after reading a fic that featured Four and a few other characters having DID (Atmosphere on ao3, I'll link it if I can find it), I looked at both sides and said ‘why not have both?’ and made two version of Four.
I think for now I’ll only get into the version of Four that doesn’t have DID and maybe make another post about it if anyone wants to hear. I think I’ll have to plan it out a bit more to coherently get all the ideas together and do last-minute confirmations.
The non-DID version of Four basically has a bit of a symbiotic relationship going on with the Colours residing in Four’s head just chilling until the Four Sword’s pulled. So essentially, to sum it up because it’s very complicated; Four is a blank-slate reflection of the original Link before he split into four pieces. Link unknowingly lent duplications of his body to the Colours and shared aspects of his personality between them to allow them to function properly as human beings. This is because the Colours are a bit like vocal fragments of personalities and impulses when inside Four’s mind. They were quiet at first like little whispers of vague sounds and voices but once finding their humanity after splitting, they kind of found their voices too. Once the Colours eventually re-merged for the first time, they thought Green was the original Link due to Four taking on most of his traits, though realised otherwise when this new Link actually seemed to take on more of Vio’s traits and privately expressed some of Red’s and Blue’s. This was actually because he knew he had to hide away that he was now a person of five in order to not be called insane or something. 
There was a lot of anxiety and finding themselves at first - a lot of the fear came from rejection and it still seeps through to the more recent parts of the story. He was so fearful of rejection and the notion of the anxiety that came with it, he moved away from his father to live with his grandfather. Vio provided a heavily locked emotional and mental barrier that prevented anyone from getting close enough to figure it out essentially - Green was far too loyal and outgoing to keep it secret for as long as they all planed, Red was far to friendly and really bad at keeping secrets because he trusts people so easily, and Blue is very brash and short-tempered, too much to handle his own emotions sometimes. 
So because they all realised Four is a separate human, they decided to call him by a few names. In his mind and in their split bodies within privacy, they’d call him ‘Light’ due to light being comprised of an entire rainbow and his previous hero title of Hero of Light. Within public and split, masquerading as friends or the like, he would be known as ‘Link’ like everyone else knew of him as. Shadow liked to call him ‘Rainbow’ because he eventually grew a fondness for the Colours but still had a deep-set fear of light and hated being reminded of it. When eventually joining the Chain, Four took on the name Four to keep his secret safe until the right time.
I also have a bit of an idea of a headcanon for his familial situation. It’s a bit messy (is it because we all secretly love to rattle around our favourite characters or am I just projecting? Who knows!). Four’s mother never really wanted him and neither did his father, he was basically an accident (same) and so for a lot of his pre-teen years, he spent more time with his grandfather than his bio parents. His dad swiftly vanished for reasons Four knows not of other than he wasn’t wanted, and his mother rarely spent much time with him. Though one day, his grandfather told him that his mother had found and was going to marry another man, who served as a knight. Apparently, his soon-to-be step-father asked to meet with Four despite his mother not wanting to. Four’s grandfather encouraged him to meet his step-father and stay with them a short while, to which Four reluctantly agreed, but to make sure, his grandfather told him he was always welcome to come back at any time. As it turns out, Four’s new step-father was actually an incredibly kind man and genuinely loved to be around Four, considering him his biological son. Four quite liked his step-father and soon just started calling him father. Throughout a lot of Four’s life he was passed between staying with his grandfather at the forge and his parents in a quaint house in Castle Town, but one day, Four’s mother just up and left, divorcing his step-father and leaving Four in his guardianship. Later into his life, Four would be told by his father that his mother was suffering some pretty bad mental issues and felt so guilty about not treating Four right that she couldn’t take it and left entirely without warning. No one actually knew what happened to her since she just abruptly left and couldn’t be found no matter who attempted to find her.
Pretty messed up, I know.
My personal favourite part is thinking of the mundane, different lives each boy would live - all five of them.
Blue is brash, short-tempered, and overall has an almost protector role within the group, though goes about it by being very loud and a bit demanding. But he’s also very meticulous when it comes to things such as physical appearance, clothing maintenance, and general wellbeing of the other Colours. He’s very much the stern mother-hen of the group and kind of defaults as a secondary leader once Green isn’t around (obviously once he’s learned to work more in sync with the others, he had barely any leadership skill beforehand), though at first he was very hurtful as he thought by going about leading the way he was, he was toughening up the others and getting shit done properly to protect them. Yeah, they didn’t like it very much and he knew it later on. But he’s also terrible at looking after himself, very much prioritizing the others over himself. As a way to calm down, he does general sewing and embroidery tasks; patching up tears in clothing, fixing loose embroidery thread, washing clothing, repairing damaged boots etc. It’s a craft he finds very therapeutic and sometimes he just grabs a random bit of fabric to embroider into. Red has at least three other tunics just covered in embroidery Blue has mindlessly done and Red refuses to unpick the threads or bin it.
Red is a lot more capable than people give him credit for - he’s very good at fighting and is quite the peacemaker, though prefers not to fight at all, gets scared very easily and has a hard time expressing how he feels before it all topples over into sobbing. He’s the one trying to find himself the most since he’s the most impressionable person in the group bar Four, but was recently introduced to painting and artistry by Vio to help control his emotional issues. Vio introduced it as a way for Red to get down and let go of his feelings before they bubble too much and simmer over, or he could give the artwork to him and he can find a way to get through to the inner meaning with Red, sorting out the issue directly. It’s helped quite a lot since he’s actually improved his mood tenfold, and it’s directly helped with the Colours learning Red’s boundaries and emotions so he doesn’t start furiously weeping for seemingly no reason. Though, Red likes to focus a lot more of the creation of pigments and paints because he’s a very tactile person and likes the feeling of mulling paint.
Vio is the most calm of the group and often masquerades as keeping the Colours in line when really, he’s doing whatever stupid shit the others are doing but quieter. He’s incredibly academically smart from all the time he spends with his nose buried in a book, but he’s also street smart, yet not in the way that Green or Blue are. He’s street smart in the way that he can bullshit himself out of any situation fairly unscathed and then do whatever he did to get into that situation again. He’s emotionally constipated by choice. He’s totally not dating Shadow. He’s a master of Uno. He makes the decision to read upside-down What can this boy not do, other than act normal for two seconds? Joking but I’m not, he’s generally just a real devious boy disguising himself as a collected, sane person, but he’s just as stupid as the others. He’s a master of the languages (he writes upside-down and very fast) and does a load of calligraphy in his spare time, generally because he always hates the way his handwriting looks when he writes the right way up (maybe because he writes upside-down all the time). Vio also dabbles in art and painting occasionally and it was how he introduced Red to it. 
Green is very adventurous, there is barely a single place he hasn’t slept other than inside his grandfather’s kiln. He’s got quite the strong personality and tells himself as a go-getter, energetic kind of person. He openly welcomes pretty much anyone, but is extremely loyal and can hold a grudge for years if left unchecked on and not worked through. Though, he feels a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He’s seen as both the ‘original Hero of Light’ from his adventure with the Minish and as the sole leader of the Colours because people can’t really ever get how he and his friends work. There’s a heavy weight on his back to be the perfect knight and hero, though he’s barely 16 years old of LU (oh yeah I didn’t mention that did I?). He secretly struggles the most with self-esteem issues from it and attempts to hide it away even from the other Colours. It’s hard though when everyone can tell where the impulsive thoughts about not being enough and thinking you aren’t living up to expectations are coming from when merged. The others have been trying to comfort their primary leader of the group. Green, being the active sort, gravitated heavily towards becoming a knight like his step-father and it just so happened that his blacksmithing interest from back when Four stayed primarily with his grandfather came in very handy. He focuses more on knight duties than smithing, but it still contributed greatly in forming Four’s shared interest in the craft. Similarly to Blue, Green does weapon maintenance and his favourite part is decorating the hilt, pommel, and guard of weaponry. He often lets Red come up with ideas for swords during his spare time and he works on them between commissions and repairs.
Four is a bit of a mish-mash man. He’s basically taken on the unwilling role of mediator and ‘the responsible one’ just through the nature of how he works in tandem with the Colours. He doesn’t consider himself a Colour - moreso an extension of them. He can’t physically be in the same space as the Colours at the same time, which is kind of an upside and a downside, because on one hand he’s sick of these guys and wants them to split from him so he can have a quiet mind, on the other he can easily feel lonely and anxious when it does get quiet because he’s so conditioned to having them there. That being said, he takes a lot of interests from combining the others. We all know his main job is a blacksmith - which he tends to whenever he isn’t being a knight thanks to Green - and he takes a great amount of literary and artistic interest in the topic too. He isn’t burying his nose in books of nothing. He has to focus on practicality of his weaponry, but a lot of people don’t know that medieval blacksmiths worked with all kinds of products made of metal; pottery, shields, ornamentation - the entire lot. Thusly, Four is an artistic guy and just fucks around with metal art in his spare time for the fun of it. It gets his hands busy and keeps his tiny body warm.
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