#when i get extra money the first thing im doing is getting a voice actor for naomi. SHENSEEA. PLEASE WORK W ME--
ackee · 4 months
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me and my emotional support jamaican characters who have the worst fake accents but i love them so much i look past it. against the world 🙏🏽
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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Extra Whipped Cream
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pairing: Porn Star!Dieter Bravo x Reader
content warning: curses, past description of smut, talking about porn
summary: A pornstar walks into a coffee shop. Havoc ensues. 
word count: 1.6k
a/n: A covid movie is dumb as shit considering were year three in the pandemic so im chanigng this character to fit MY wants and needs >:). Also lets be real, the name Deiter BRAVO belongs to either a porn star or a starfox character. 
BIG thank you to @redcrvette for making the AMAZING playlist i listened to while writing this @madhyanas for being a magnificient editor and @max--phillips and @humanransome-note for listening to my manic rambles as i wrote this last night. 
Tagging: only the people I know may have an interest in this weird ass fic/character: @scorpionsandhoney​ @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​ @captainsamwlsn​ @max--phillips​ @humanransome-note​ @softanon​ @tuskens-mando​ @thesadvampire​ @justrunamok​ @littleferal​ @pedrostories​​
That wasn’t him. 
It couldn’t be him. 
His hair was too dark, right? It definitely wasn’t him. 
The man who definitely, totally, absolutely wasn’t him, was the fifth customer in line. Sunglasses shoved high on his nose and staring down at his phone like everybody else who walks in until they get to the front of the line and rattle off their coffee order to you. 
You were positive it wasn’t him. 
When he was the fourth customer in line, you thought the resemblance was uncanny, but there’s no way it was him. This guy looked too tan. 
As he became the third customer in line, between making orders you noticed a sliver of a scar on his cheek and your heart dropped. 
You were seeing things. That wasn’t him. It fucking couldn’t be. If it was, then God must be punishing you. That’s the only answer. 
Soon he goes from the second to the first customer in line. You hold your breath as he takes off his sunglasses to squint at the menu and-
Christ on a cross, that’s Dieter fucking Bravo. 
“Hello-” Your voice remains steady while your hands shake horribly behind the counter. “How can I help you today?” 
“Can I get a, uh-”
Be calm, you tell yourself. He’s just a customer. Don’t fuck it up. Don’t make this fucking weird. It’s a totally normal interaction you have with people everyday. This should only last, like, five minutes, tops.
You had “famous” people walk into the café before. A couple of minor actors, a pro skateboarder, even a fucking Olympian athlete, once. But every time you were calm; uninterested actually. Because it was just work. A quick five-minute interaction before they were out the door and out of your life without leaving so much as a lasting mark. 
Of course, those people weren't porn stars you watched. 
Those people weren’t porn stars you watched last fucking night. 
“A caramel macchiato? Two pumps of vanilla with extra whipped cream on the top, please.” 
But Dieter Bravo was all three of those things. And he was making it incredibly hard to focus on your job. 
“Oh!” He slaps a hand down on the counter. “Can you throw in a brownie too? The brownies here are my guilty pleasure.” He laughs like he shared a joke and you laugh in response, but it sounds more like a nervous wheeze because he said pleasure.  
Why did he have to say pleasure? Why is Dieter Bravo right in front of you talking about pleasure as if you didn’t get off last night to a video of him sucking dick. Why does God hate you this much? 
“Sure! Your total will be nine-seventy-five!” 
He fumbles for his wallet with a nervous smile. “Sorry, I should’ve had this out and ready for you.” Usually you’d think, ‘Yeah, jackass. You really should have, because now you're holding up the line.’ But you're too busy thinking about how, last night, you came to the sound of his moans and the sight of him sucking marks onto some girl’s thighs and how his voice is naturally that gravelly and low? 
Sweet Mary Joseph. 
He hands you the money and your fingers graze his.  His hands are soft, so soft you can’t help but think about how you have seen these hands do a plethora of things that makes you feel a hot wash of shame under your collar. 
“Oh! Sorry, I think I forgot to give you another quarter.” For the love of God. 
He digs around in his pocket, grumbling and cursing under his breath. 
“Sorry I’m usually more put together than this, I promise.” 
Oh, he was nervous. 
Well, that made two of you. 
He glances behind him. Luckily, there’s nobody else in line. A rare occasion on a Friday afternoon, but it must be a slow moment, or it's God’s way of dragging this interaction out even longer because he wants to know how much it will take for you to finally quit your job. 
Dieter hands you the last of his change and sweet mother of God, his hands are big. 
Hands you’ve seen wrap around somebody’s throat while he tells them how pretty they are when they cum. Hands you’ve seen stroke a throbbing cock as he runs his tongue up the length. Hands you've watched grip a pair of shaking thighs open “to see that pretty little pussy.” Late at night with your phone on the lowest brightness setting while you slip your hands down your shorts and Jesus fucking Christ. 
This was it. This was the reason you quit your job. 
You pick up an empty cup, hoping to God he can’t see your hands shake. “Name?” “Dexter,” he tells you and you almost laugh. 
Dexter. Dieter. Man, this dude doesn’t think much about it, huh? 
You scribble his name in a penmanship that you can barely recognize yourself, before scurrying off to make his order, chirping, “Your order will be ready soon, sir!” 
There. The hard part was over. Now all you had to do was make his drink, hand it to him, not say anything stupid and the man would leave. Vamoose. Poof. Gone forever, and you could forget this interaction until your brain wrenched it up at three A.M. every night for the rest of your life whenever you were trying to sleep. 
Easy peasy.  
Even as you made his drink — which hardly took any thought, you've been making it for two years — you kept taking nervous glances behind you at him. Dieter, no, Dexter, was too busy on his phone to notice. 
God, he was handsome. That wasn’t something you debated before of course, but now? In person? He was real. Not a figure on a porn site you visited at night alone, but just some guy who apparently wore the same ratty-ass sneakers and liked listening to Doja Cat. (Because you could hear him humming Need to Know to himself from across the counter.)
People always say to never meet your heroes, but what was the rule about people you jacked off to? 
The lid is clamped down on his drink that, honestly, is more sugar than caffeine at this point, but who were you to judge? All you knew is that you were almost done. All you have to do now is hand it to him with your registered retail smile, tell him to have a good day, and you are finished. This is the homestretch. You can do this. 
When you walk back over, he smiles at you with a scrunch of his nose. 
“Long day?” he asks. 
You watch him for a moment, he’s looking at you with that sympathetic smile and you can’t help but laugh a little bit. “Yeah it, uh, something like that.” You slide his drink over to him. He raises it to you in a gesture of thanks. A little salute on his way out.
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” Your manager had it ingrained in your head. The final word, the bidding goodbye to every customer must include their name. “It’s personal.” she told you during your training. “It makes them feel welcome. Like a family. Because we're all a family at this cafe.” Which was bullshit, in your opinion. But you needed this job because it was one of the only places in the area that paid above minimum wage so you did it. For the past two years you did it with little to no issue. 
The issue was Dexter. Fucking Dexter. You meant to say Dexter. 
“Have a good day, Dieter.” But you didn’t. 
He’s halfway to the door when you say it. The moment his name, his porn name, passes your lips, he freezes. Dieter turns on his hell to face you again and your heart drops. 
You just outed yourself to the hot porn star at your job. 
He raises a finger and points to you, squinting. “Did you say-”
“Michelle, I'm gonna take my lunch break now!” It doesn’t matter that your voice was a click beneath a shriek that made everybody in the building jump, or that you weren’t actually going on a lunch break, you were going home, or that you weren’t even to the breakroom before you began to rip off your apron in a panic because you nothing mattered aside from getting anywhere but here. 
The breakroom door slams open from your force, Anna sits at the table, feet kicked up and scrolling on tiktok. She notices your heavy breathing and panicked face. 
“Hey, I thought you were working a full shift today-” “I'm sick. Vomit sick. Influenza sick.” 
Your coworker backs up, hands raised. “Never mind. Godspeed dude.” 
Keys. Bag. Apron. Phone. 
“Hey, is the back entrance still unlocked?” “Yeah, I never bother to lock it because they have me doing trash runs in the morning now. Can you believe that? I mean, what was wrong with doing it at night? Now I have to lug those heavy ass bags at seven in the fucking A.M like I’m some fucking-” “Okaycoolthanksbye!” Dieter, had been staring at the door for a solid two minutes after you scurried away. You said his name. You knew him. 
He thought of the little shake in your voice as you took his order and the smile as you handed him his drink. You were pretty. The pretty barista watched his videos and got nervous when you looked at him. 
He shakes his head. It had been a long time since he had seen somebody look at him like that, with nerves and excitement and attraction without needing character directions or a camera pointed at them. Dieter walks out of the cafe with a smile on his face. He sips his drink and hums. 
He would have to come here more often
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
hi, el! i hope you're doing good (well, if not, it's okay. we all have awful days. it's totally okay to cry and rest for a while!) im just here to request a tom hiddleston fic where y/n is a celebrity (feel free to choose! model, actress, singer, anything.) that is kind of spoiled, what she wants is what she gets. not until she met tom who somehow helped her on how to budget stuff. then, the media spread nasty rumours about them and y/n's parents don't like their relationship. they tried to fight for their love, and then all so suddenly they started to doubt each other and let what the media say to their head and they decided to break things off. 3 years later, they saw each other at a gala or something, they started to reminisce with each other and think about what could have been if they continued to fight for their love, but nonetheless, they're still happy for each other. and an extra is someone took a photo of them. y/n is looking at tom while touching her purse looking happy and tom is also looking at y/n, both having familiarity and softness in their eyes. thank you! (and of course, it's okay if you won't write this! )
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x actress!reader
Warnings: Long, kind of angsty but not much, 
A/N:I kinda base her personality off of Lexie brooks from the middle*Also Anon I apologize for taking so long in putting this fic out.
As always, feedback is always welcome, please comment and let me know what you thought. Thank you for reading❤❤
It had always gone her way. She had enough money to buy her way through things. What she wanted she got.
And no one really stopped her. Why would they when she spoiled them too?
However though she may have always gotten what she wanted, but she’d also always managed to remain kind. People found it bewildering when they’d see the way she’d get always get what she wanted but at the same time she was sweet and patient.
It was undoubtedly something she’d learned from anywhere but her parents, to always remain kind, despite your circumstances.
Y/n always felt the pressure of the outside world that seemed to be watching her every move. She found herself over the years to be spending a lot more time at home rather than out, which was odd since she’d been quite extroverted. she became extremely picky over the numerous invites she’d receive to numerous events. Preferring to keep her circle small, since it was easier to keep the relationships real, Y/n didn’t socialize over a certain point.
It was often assumed that as an actress Y/n would have quickly adjusted to the flashed of the cameras that were shoved in her face whilst judgement and rude comments were thrown her way. But even 9+ years of acting  could never help her get used to the crude comments and stalkers. She did quickly learn that it was something you ground your teeth and tightened your jaw and got through.
It was at an award show that y/n met him. She’d been sitting at the bar, during the afterparty. Stirring her drink for 10 minutes, she placed her elbow on the bar top and her chin in her palm; avoiding touching her face as much as she could.
The loud chatter behind her only got louder as the soft music, Ludovico Einaudi if she wasn’t mistaken, began to play. The night had exhausted her, the conversations with numerous fellow actors and actresses and the long conversation with her good friend and co-star Daneel Ackles. Y/n stifled her yawn, however uncomfortable that was and sat up straight, hoping no one noticed her slouch.
“Would you mind terribly if I joined you Miss Y/L/N?” The voice didn’t sound familiar at first.
Swiftly turning her head towards the voice while being mindful of her hair so as not to mess it up since she didn’t need anymore humiliating pictures of herself online, she smiled and nodded upon finally recognizing the gentleman before her.
“Oh I really wouldn’t” she smiled kindly.
“thank you” he slipped off his jacket and set it on his chair, before sitting down and ordering his drink.
“Have you enjoyed this lovely evening?” Tom asked her as he sipped on his drink.
“I did, did you?” she smiled” oh and its Y/n by the way”
“Oh I know, I’ve seen your movies, you’re brilliant honestly, I mean it really is no surprise you win majority of the times you’re nominated”
If it wasn’t for his mentioning of it, Y/n was sure she would’ve forgotten her award on the bar top and not realized it till she was home. It wasn’t because she didn’t care, she did, but she was far to exhausted mentally and physically to fathom her win.
It started off as occasional meetings from then on. Tom would every now and then invite her to the theatre where he would frequently be apart of Shakespeare plays and she would often invite Tommy to the numerous promotional events held for the TV show she was in. 
Then they started inviting each other to their homes, talking walks together, Y/n even occasionally babysat Bobby when Tom would be busy or away.
“What are you buying that antique table for?” he plopped down on the couch next to Y/n , who was lost in the online world of antique stores.
“Because I just want to Thomas” Y/n sighed as she got up to grab her wallet.
“But darling do you need it?”
“No Tom, I want it” she smiled while typing away the credentials online.
Tom had soon learned, few months into their friendship that his best friend seemed a little to used to getting whatever she wanted, he didn’t particularly have an issue, however he just didn’t understand buying excessive things.
“alright” he picked up the remote and switched through the channels.
It was a regular occurrence for Y/n to get things she didn’t need. It was a habit she didn’t know how to break. 
“What do you think?” Y/n turned the laptop towards Tom, who raised his brows.
“I think you don’t need the table darling. It really isn’t a requirement” He softly said.
“Jesus fine” she sighed rolling her eyes. Her friend’s persistence that she didn’t need another antique table wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t used to anyone telling her she didn’t need to buy something because she didn’t need it.
She clicked and typed away. And one phone call later she turned to Tom who finally found something he wanted watch on TV.
“There, cancelled my order. Are you happy now Mr. You don't need it” she rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. 
Y/n remembered the day by lake like it was seconds ago.
They’d decided to go on a drive since both of them had the day off and wanted to step out for a bit. With the sun bright and the air warm, the lake was the prefect idea. It would be quiet and serene, just what both Tom and Y/n would certainly cherish after their exhausting week working.
The grass was damp and cool under her toes,the smell of the lake wafting through the air as the sounds of water trickling tickled their ears. With her shoes in her hand; Y/n trailed behind Tom towards the lake.
The trees stood tall as they walked past them hands interwind, Y/n held Toms hand to keep from stumbling. Tom held Bobby’s leash with his other hand, as his dog trotted in front of him.
They’d found a dry spot to sit, with their knees close to their chests, Y/n put her shoes down, while Tom looked up at the sky and Bobby sat down in between Tom and Y/n with his paw resting on Y/n’s foot.
They weren’t sure when they’d begun talking, but their conversation drifted with Tom speaking of his childhood memories of getting lost in the forest as a child, and Y/n’s eyes brightening and her laughter echoing in Tom’s ear. Y/n told him stories about her childhood, things she’d never disclosed to anyone before.
They’d laughed till the sun went down a little and it reminded Y/n of something.
She decided maybe she could tell him. She hadn’t shown anyone this before. It was her little secret and they weren’t very far from it anyway.
“Come on” She got up and dusted the back of her dress, whilst pulling Tom up and grabbing her shoes.
“what ? where?” Tom dusted his pants as well, placing Bobby back on his leash he followed Y/n, with a confused expression.
“I’ll show you in a minute” she chuckled at his confusion and impatience.
“oh dear” he mumbled
“I’m being led somewhere in the middle of the forest, and you won’t tell me where, Darling I have to admit, it doesn’t sound like it’s going to end very well” Tom joked
“Tom I’m 5′5 and you’re 6′4, I couldn’t murder you even if I wanted to, plus Bobby needs his father” Y/n rolled her eyes.
Tom’s chuckle almost made her stop in her tracks, he sounded beautiful. Her chest ached, and she decided to keep moving, not wanting to think about it any further.
“Alright I see cabins”
“Remember how I always go away every few months and I don’t tell anyone where?” she breathed out  “this is where I come”
“Hold on, you come to a cabin? I thought you flew out somewhere” he laughed out, his blue eyes shining.
“Nope, no flying anywhere” She pulled him by his hands towards one of the cabins. There were 4 cabins next to each other, she headed to the the second last one. Climbing the short steps and opening her purse she pulled out her key, while Tom looked around. Taking in the view. It seemed as though only 2 of the other cabins were in use.
Pushing the wooded door, Tom and Y/n stepped in, Tom noticed there were stairs leading to another level. A brown leather couch and fireplace fell under his gaze while he walked in further, not missing the way the entire cabin was furnished.
“So you....rent the cabin out every month?” Tom said slowly following y/n into the kitchen.
“oh I didn’t rent it, I bought it” she smiled, knowing he would’ve said something about it being unnecessary. But he didn’t. Instead he walked towards the large the glass window in the living room and looked out.
“It’s raining, you think we can spend the night here and leave when it stops raining?” he asked her.
“yeah of course, there's food and everything here”
“Bobby” Tommy called out to his spaniel, who poked his furry head from behind the couch.
“I know you’re afraid of the rain buddy” Tom kneeled down and picked his dog up and held him in his arms and slowly sat on the couch. Bobby adjusted himself on the couch and curled up next to his father.
“It looks quite beautiful doesn’t it?” Tom whispered to Y/n when she sat down next to him with a cup of hot chocolate for both of them.
“It really is”
They conversed while the rain poured harder. Tom noticed the way they were both sitting so close, and he almost shifted away a little. But he didn’t want to. He kept glancing at her lips as she talked about her upcoming panel with the rest of her co-stars.
“Jensen didn’t know about i-”she stopped talking when she noticed Tom’s flickering towards her lips every now and then. He didn’t want to wait any longer, nothing good came out of waiting too long and he’d waited too long anyway.
They leaned in, the cold air turned warm, his lips molded with her perfectly, she slipped her fingers to the back of Tom’s head and let his hair slide between her fingers as he held her face with his hands. His warm palms made her feel dizzier than she already felt. 
That was 9 months ago. 9 months ago when she knew what she wanted and she knew she wanted him. But she didn’t just want him, she needed him. He made her so much better as a person. And he wanted her. He needed her.
It seemed so clear then, yet here she was 9 months later wondering if she and Tom were making the right decision.
She’d realized, unsurprisingly that though her relationship with Tom was filled with bliss and love, it was undoubtedly difficult considering not only was the media unforgivingly ruthless in trying to get any insight into their relationship, but they did so by spreading the nastiest possible rumors aimed at Y/n.
She handled it initially, but as the weeks progressed, it became increasingly harder having to live with the constant anxiety that anything she did could be twisted into some sort of inane rumor.
It started to seem as though she and Tom were the only people who supported their own relationship; her own parents, disliked Tom. They didn’t like that he had helped their daughter grow into a more giving person. Y/n’s parents felt as though Tom made their daughter into someone they did not raise her to be. They did not like that she was growing in ways where they (her parents) were not involved.
The days when Tom and Y/n would decide to meet made Y/n feel a sense of dread. She loved him undoubtedly, but she also couldn’t help being torn between her lover and her parents happiness.
Tom started to feel the weight of the media’s pressure a little later on. But he felt it nonetheless. 
He constantly worried that the pressure was taking a toll on his girlfriend. He could see it, even if she refused to say it; he saw it in her sudden irregular sleep schedule. He saw the stress of their relationship in the dark circles under her eyes, the excessive coffee cups and the slowly dimming eyes. It was obvious in the way she began to drag herself in the mornings to set when usually she’d look forward to filming the next day.
Completely aware of his girlfriend’s parents view of him as well, Tom realized he had to speak to Y/n. He couldn’t let their relationship affect her mental health any longer than it already had.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Y/n put down her phone as she grasped her cup of coffee.
She’d be seeing Tom today, the dread that spread through her chest could not be helped. Y/n loved him beyond words, but holding Tom back in a place that wasn’t good for him, wasn’t fair to him in any aspect; she thought.
When Tom stepped foot into y/n’s home, he felt his hand feel clampy. Letting Bobby of the leash; Tom walked into the kitchen and kissed Y/n on the forehead and let his lips linger against her forehead for a second before stepping back and looking at her.
He almost backed out-from bringing up a conversation he knew was going to hurt both of them.
But he blurted it out in the next few seconds, and they sat at the marbled counter, elbows grazing each others while the darkness spilled into the day outside their window. 
Dread built up in Y/n chest as the seconds slipped away. It was the unspoken Tom and Y/n had let sink in better than the spoken. There was only one way that this day ended, and both of them knew that. The conversation was only to delay the hurt that would inevitably come.
“I love you Darling, and I truly hope you understand that I adore you-tremendously” gazing into his girlfriends tearful eyes, his throat felt like it was closing in.
“I know” whispering those two simple yet heavy words Y/n stood up and hugged him. She didn’t know how she’d proceed in the following days without him. She couldn’t just forget someone who’d taught her so much. He held her tightly, a part of him hoping maybe if he just held her and didn’t let go it would be enough to make everything  work out.
But it wasn’t. And he knew it. They knew it. They knew that they’re months of bliss were over, it didn’t matter how in love they were, or how much their hearts broke. Y/n would have to go to set the next day and push herself through filming the next day even though her chest would be hollow. Tom would go to the theater the next day and force himself through his Shakespeare plays and glance around the audience every now and then even though he knew she wouldn’t be there.
Y/n’s urge grew stronger the closer Tom got to the front door; to pull him back and stop him. the tears spilled heavily as her hands grew cold and each footstep felt like pinpricks. How was she to know? that love hurt to the point where your mind went blank and all you can remember is the life you had with him?
Though he tried to keep his composure, Tom pulled Y/n in for a hug before he left for good. And when he stepped foot out of her door, he couldn’t even make to his car before he broke down. He sobbed whilst he got into his car and almost began to drive before he wiped his tear stricken eyes. But the longer he stayed the harder it would, so he slipped out of her driveway and onto the path that would take him further away from her.
She didn’t speak of him to anyone, not even her parents, a part of  her was always angry at them for contributing to their reasons for breaking up. She closed up and almost felt like throwing up whenever she saw pictures of him with another girl, but he wasn’t hers anymore. A year later everyone expected Y/N Y/L/N the phenomenal actress to move on. She’d become more straightforward. And so at an event she was questioned about her and Tom; not before the interviewer gushed about how she thought Y/n and Tom were great together and was sad they broke up , Y/n didn’t beat around the bush. All she said was “That was between me and him, thank you for your opinion” smile and proceeded to walk away.
She only forced herself to be half the woman she was before she and Tom split up. But even she knew she wasn’t the same. Y/n thought of him more often than he probably did; or so she thought. Tom read a page of Shakespeare each day from the 1725 version of his sonnets that Y/n had got her hands on and bought him for his birthday. He remembered badgering about the price, refusing to leave her alone until she told him the price. He knew however that the fact that it was an old antique version, it was nowhere under a thousand. He treasured it, not because it was Shakespeare but because it was y/n who gave it to him.
She never picked up her bottle of perfume she’d left over at his house, so Tom placed it on his highest shelf. He missed her  beyond expression and often spoke of her to his mother even 3 years later.
Y/n’s Parent’s weren’t thrilled to see that they’re daughter had only distanced herself even more. 
“Why don’t you look at another car?” her mother suggested, one evening.
“well you’ve only got one car, it wouldn’t hurt your image if you got another better one and drove that one out” 
“I don’t need another car, what am I supposed to do with 2 cars, the one I've got is getting me places isn’t it? It’s doing what its meant to, I don't need another one” Y/n placed her cup of coffee down.
Sitting on the other end of the couch her father rolled his eyes, he didn’t think Y/n’s new habits she learned from her ex-boyfriend would carry on even after they broke up. But apparently they did.
“Anyways, once I’m done filming this year I’m taking a break” Y/n picked up her empty coffee mug and got up and walked to the kitchen.
“Oh come one, It’s been 3 years, will you ever move on from him? Tom was a passing cloud, move on Y/n!” her father snapped.
“I’m taking a break after filming whether you approve or not, and I absolutely do not have to explain to you my reasons for needing a break dad” remaining calm and polite was becoming increasingly harder whenever someone brought up the fact that she hadn’t moved on more than a few months later. 
If it wasn’t that she’d already not attended about 4 award events, Y/n almost didn’t attend this one either. But she’d been talked into it by her management and plus, she’d been nominated for an award anyway. She’d mentally prepared herself for the long night ahead.
It was the usual loud and lively event. Y/n had given a few interviews, smiled through the photos, the award ceremony and through her acceptance speech. As she walked back to her seat with her award carelessly held in a loose grip, she looked up momentarily from the ground where she was trying to watch her steps so as not to trip, and allowed her gaze to fall on the suited up gentleman. 
Tom applauded as he heard her name announced as the winner, he didn't doubt her win, and he was proud. He watched as she very carefully walked back to her seat, he remembered the way Y/n was always so scared of tripping at award events-where her fall could be caught by numerous cameras. Smiling at her, he didn’t expect her to look up, had he seen it coming he would’ve looked away.
Her eyes were as kind as he remembered. The way she held the award; Tom knew she didn’t really care. Which confused him a little since she’d always been overjoyed and proud when she won an award, her smile was as homely and comforting as it was the day he met her. He missed her greatly. Just as he smiled at her, she returned his smile with a small one of her own and quickly walked ahead.
When the main event was finally over, as tempted as Y/n was to just head home, she also wanted a drink and she’d promised a few of her friends she’d be at the . So instead she headed to the afterparty and sat down at one of the empty round tables.
She placed her purse on the table, and curled her fingers around the glass of the golden-ish liquid. Y/n did her best to remain interested in whatever it was her friends and former co-star was talking about, but she couldn’t. All she could do was focus on the figure behind her former co-star, sitting on the table beside theirs. It felt as though he was so close yet so far away.
Tom itched to get up mid conversation with Hugh and walk over to Y/n; sitting right next his table, but she herself was immersed in a conversation as was he.
When Hugh finally got up to get another round of drinks, Tom swiftly got up and walked over to Y/n’s table-which luckily she was the only one at and was no longer speaking to anyone else.
“Would you mind terribly if I joined you ?” He almost smiled, when he purposely framed his question the way he did the first time he met Y/n.
“Oh Christ” she flinched and brought her hand up to her chest “scared the crap out of me Tom, and oh I really wouldn’t”
Both of them chuckled, relieved that they were in a place where they could lighten things up with each other.
“How have you been?” Tom smiled, watching her carefully. Y/n did always have a knack for-well not exactly being honest about how she was doing and brushing it off and saying she was fine even when she wasn’t.
“Im fi- ah you won’t believe me will you?” she raised her brows and laughed.
“No, I wouldn’t. I haven’t forgotten your-habit” he smile was sad
“Alright then, I have been alright. Could be better but, well it is what it is” before he could get a word out she continued on to ask “what about you? How have you been?” 
“I’ve certainly been better. Thank you for asking darling”
The small talk and formality in their tones almost hurt them, to go from knowing each other so well and loving each other, to becoming strangers with familiar smiles.
Y/n gazed at his blue eyes longingly. Missing seeing them in the morning as he woke up next to her. She’d missed everything about him; the gentle whiff of his cologne she could recognize anywhere, the way he’d adjust his tie or his glasses.
“Do you think it would’ve worked out?” Y/n blurted out after they’d been conversing for almost half an hour.
Tom didn’t have ask her what she was talking about. She only voiced the question he’d asked himself almost everyday.
“Truthfully” he sighed “ I don’t know. Sometimes I think it would have, but that’s just wishful thinking I suppose” he’d been looking at the tablecloth the entire time, but when he finally did look up at her, he was hit with the urge to kiss her. But he couldn't. Right?
“I don’t think it is. I feel as though maybe we could have” she was looking at him with unhindered emotion of love. She felt for him as strongly even now 3 years later.
With one hand resting on her purse and the other on her lap, Y/n looked at him while he rested one hand on the table while the other slipped towards Y/n’s knee.
“Y/n” his voice lowered as his hands caught hers on her thigh “ do you think, 3 years later we’d handle us better?” Y/n knew exactly what he was asking her, and it wasn’t whether she could handle the heat from others if they got back together.
Tom smiled as he held his cup of tea in one hand, and scrolled through Instagram in the other. He had the day off; to rest from the award event he’d attended the previous night. And while he’d usually sleep in on days off, he had a surge of energy he hadn’t had in a while.
“Darling have you seen this?” he tilted his phone towards Y/n who had just walked into the kitchen with his shirt hanging loosely off of her shoulders and grabbed her cup of tea.
“No I haven’t seen my phone yet, what is it?” sipping on the tea, she raised her brows at Tom.
“here” Y/n eyed the image of herself and Tom gazing at each other, while he spoke. Even through the image, the softness and familiarity didn’t go unnoticed. Y/n realized that she and Tom had been photographed in the same moment she  answered his question.
“I do, but don’t take my word for it. We’re not going to know unless we try” she smiled.
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Little Prince (Pt.1)
Roman Marrell was a man of class and sophistication. From the way he pinned his crimson hair to the way he stood in things from three-piece suits to floor length ballgown, no one could question that the singer held himself in high regards.
Or at least that's what it seemed to the outsiders. Roman was an incredible actor, but even actors had to break character at some point. There was only one person who Roman could count on not to ruin his life, one person who'd seen Roman with mascara trailing down his face, held him at night when he had nightmares and his face was swimming with so many tears he couldnt see where he was. His brother, Remus Marrell.
Quite the opposite of Roman, Remus looked like the kind of man you'd find looting trash bins for extra cash; loose ties, wrinkled suits, messy brown hair with a white streak he'd had since birth. The twins had two physical compliments to each other, the first was a matching birthmark on each of their hips, both in the shape of one half of a heart. The second, Roman's emerald eyes, and Remus' stunning ruby ones.
Roman may have had a successful career and may have been held higher up by the public. But Remus had something that Roman thought was much more special. Remus had his husband, Virgil Clove. Roman had always wanted a relationship, ever since he was a kid, but every boy he tried to talk to ran from him. Now that he was famous it was easier for boys to fawn over him, but now he knew they only wanted him for his looks, his money, they didnt want to listen to him talk. They wanted a pretty little husband to sit around and sing songs and cook for them while they lounged on the couch spending money on cars and beer.
Roman didnt want that, he wanted something real, he wanted someone who would treat him like a prince instead of a pretty face. But he knew that was reaching to far, for him to reach that level he'd have to have an emotional connection with someone, and he wasnt sure he could fathom something as intimate as that.
"Roman! You're on in five!" Roman looked at himself in the mirror, there he was, dressed in the most stunning of dresses with more sequins and glitter than one man would need in a life time, gold and red eyeshadow that contrasted so well with the green in his eyes, and matched perfectly with the red lipstick he wore. Then there was his tiara, it was large and gold and covered with jewels, but it didnt make him feel like a prince. No, it made him feel like a naive narcissistic fool.
Roman stood up, straightening his clothes before he took to the stage. He was met with whistles and cheers and comments that would make even Remus' stomach churn, whether with rage or disgust, Roman didnt want to know.
Then his eyes locked on someone he didnt recognize, someone new. The man was tall, muscular, with round black glasses and shining blue eyes like he'd stolen them from the ocean itself. His brown hair was a mess of curls, seemingly controlled only by a few bobby pins and hair clips. His lips were parted in a smile, a smile that sent Roman's fragile little heart pounding like rain on a window.
Roman tried his best to keep his eyes on the walls, he didnt like to make eye contact with costumers, it distracted him from his music. But something about this boy made him feel calmer, caused the sounds of everyone else in the crowd to melt into the abyss.
Roman had managed to get through about half of his performance without a single slip up, but rather than forget the lyrics to a song, Roman's performance was cut short but a round of gunfire. Roman ducked under the nearest table, his chest tightened, he felt like he was going numb.
Then he felt an arm around his waist, a strong one. He felt himself lifted off the ground and held close to someone, almost like a porcelain doll that might shatter if it were to be dropped.
Roman didnt know where he was going, but he couldnt seem to muster the words to ask. Soon enough, though, he was set down on the steps of a large building. He turned to face his rescuer, only to be met with those same striking blue eyes.
"You. . . Saved me?" Roman asked, he hadnt meant to sound disappointed, but there was concern etched in the man's face.
"Of course I did, what happened there was in no way meant to harm you, it was a retaliation and it wont be happening again," said the man. He reached up to knock on the door. Another man opened it, this one with brown eyes that looked almost gold, and a nasty looking burn on one side of his face.
"Jay, there's been an attack on the Butterfly Lounge, I'm not sure who did it but I know it can't have ended well," said the man with blue eyes.
Jay paused for a moment, looking over at Roman, Roman felt his insides squirming. "And who's this?" Jay said, his voice almost like a snake's hiss.
"The singer, Roman, I rescued him," said the man, a faint blush coated his face.
"Lo, you are to much of a softie for your own good," Jay spoke in a joking manner, moving out of the doorway and beckoning the two inside.
The inside of the house was elaborate and large, the walls seemed to have been painted over from black to much lighter shades of blue and gray.
"Please, have a seat, I'll have my husband get something for you," Jay said, gesturing Roman toward one of the large chairs in the main room. Roman sat down in the one that looked softest, melting into the fabric as though hoping it would absorb him entirely. Lo sat across from him, pressing his thumbs together as though he were thinking of what to say.
"I'm sorry, all of thus must be very confusing for you," he stated finally.
"Oh not at all, I understand I've been kidnapped by the mafia and most likely I'm going to be held for a random my parents will never pay and my brother wont be able to afford," Roman said. He wasnt entirely sure why, after all, no one had acted like this was a kidnapping since they'd left the lounge.
Lo sat there for a moment, clearly taken aback. "No no no no- that's the exact opposite of the point, see, it was our rivals that attacked the lounge, I merely wanted to ensure your safety, you'll be returned straight home once you've had a chance to relax, whatever that entails in your opinion," he said, a small smile appearing on his round face.
A few minutes later another boy rushed into the room with two plates. He was short, though he had a similar stature to Lo, and the same round glasses with clear frames, he was dressed in a light blue sweater and a short white skirt, both garments seeming to accentuate his hips.
"Terribly sorry about the wait, are you alright- Roman?" He asked as he shoved a tray over to him with the plate placed on it.
"Im- fine I suppose," Roman replied.
"This is Patton, Jay's husband, he mostly stays here and looks after the house," said Lo. Roman felt his stomach drop.
Patton's eyes widened slightly "oh no it's not like I'm doing this unwillingly, Janus asks me every time he goes out if I'd like to tag along, but I'm just not comfortable with his type of work," Patton said. Roman relaxed slightly.
It took a few hours, a nice warm bath, and a change of clothes for Roman to feel safe enough to go back home, Logan had promised to escort him, and now here they were in his bedroom. He'd allowed Roman to borrow one of his sweaters despite it being not only to long for him, but about two sizes to big. Roman didnt mind, it felt nice, and as long as he had shorts on it wasnt like it was going to do much.
When they finally got back to Roman's apartment, and Roman was finally able to get to a phone, he had a lot of things to explain to his brother. But first, he had to say goodbye.
"Thank you again, for saving me back there," Roman said, one hand resting on the doorframe, the other hugging the sweater closer to his body.
"It was my pleasure, little prince," said Logan, and without another word, he disappeared into his car, and down the street.
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Missing 4
A/N:Long time no see, sorry. But hey, the next part is already planned out, so just writing it.
Part 1 Part 3 part 5
Au:Human AU and Famous
Pairing: Future/Pining Prinxiety
TW: 2 mentions of breakfast (half a sentence each), swearing
It's the second day of the show and Roman stands in front of his closet. He can't decide what to wear. He already planned all the out when he agreed to go to the show, the problem is Virgil. He hasn't thought of the fact that he wants to impress his ex when he decided what to wear. He wants to be extra, but not too much. Since too much may give them too much attention and Virgil doesn't like that. But at the same time he wants Virgil to be impressed
The second day and nothing goes like plan, great.
Half an hour later Roman finally has his outfit together and goes to eat breakfast. And honestly he is super excited to see Virgil. Even if they will never come together again just being around him for the time the show goes is enough. Spending sometime as Colleagues together is better than drown in misery. Maybe there is even the chance that they will come together again, or maybe Roman just daydreams too much.
After eating breakfast his chauffeur picks him up and drives him to the show. While humming along to some songs from the crying hearts, Virgil's band. Roman gets out of the car, goes in the building and waits in there for Virgil to show up, to be fair Roman is early in hope Virgil would be here already.
Virgil gets out of the bed this morning a lot more tired than Roman. Maybe because he hasn't slept well. His thoughts circled around Roman and he starts to see that he isn't over Roman, but he doesn't want to be some cliche-lovestory that's easy money for the TV channel. Should he just ignore his feelings? It's just a little crush anyway, remembering the old times when they were happy together, nothing serious, he'll get over it. Well, he won't make the first move anyway. Not when there are cameras everywhere. What will he do if Roman makes the first move?---
Alright Stop, he starts spiraling again and he already did that all night! He just throws a black Jeans, black shirt and his Tour Jacket on and eats a quick snack before leaving with a Uber.
And oh shit, he so isn't ready for this. They have to write a song together, open up again. They will spend like two month together. Virgil sighs quietly before trying to get his mind of things, by thinking about a few lyrics ideas he has for future songs from his band. He doesn't come far, maybe it's because his thoughts move back to Roman or cause the ride is short. What ever it is has the same result, he and Roman both sit in their room when the host comes in.
The host of the show smiles:"Hey, Boys. We have an idea."
Roman smiles back:"Really, Jenna, what is it?"
"Well! Since the first episode came out some fans have made edits for you. And we want your reaction to it!", Jenna says, turning the Laptop on.
'Oh shit', is Virgil's first thought. He doesn't wanna see shipping videos of him and his ex.
'Oh shit', is also Roman's first thought. Cause he might already saw one or another, but he can't be like "haha I wish".
They don't even have time to voice their options, because Cameras get turned on, sound to and the video starts.
The first edit starts with Roman and Virgil being first interdruced and paired together and continues with other moments where they look at each other or just something that fans have decided is cute, all while 'Trouble is', a song from Virgil's band that's about not forgetting an ex-lover, plays in the background.
All the musician does while watching is looking uncomfortable and keeping his lips a straight line. The actor doesn't look much better, he stops himself from awwing by biting his lip, he looks more comfortable than Virgil though, probably cause he actually enjoys that.
"So what do you think of it?", Jenna asks when it's over.
"Well the editing seems to be good, the transitions are smooth.", Roman answers, ignoring what it's about entirely.
"And you Virgil?", she asks again.
"I uhm.. Don't know?",he says unsure.
Jenna just nods and plays the next one.
This time there is a voice over from an old interview Roman made where he gushed over Virgil, back then they were together and happy. Over it are new pictures from the show, but also old pictures from Roman's Instagram, Virgil deleted all of the pictures.
"So, Virgil, how did you like it?", Jenna asks.
"It was okay, that person spend probably a long time getting all the pictures. I respect the hussle.", Virgil answers more put together, since he was more ready after the first one.
"Alright.", Jenna answers, getting a bit annoyed that both don't really react emotionally.
"I agree with Virgil, it seems time-consuming to edit those.", Roman adds, frustrating her even more.
"let's watch more later, you two should work now on your song.", the Host decides with a tight smile and grabs her laptop.
When the boys are alone both breath out, relaxing a bit.
"That was interesting.", Roman says.
"A kind way to put it.", Virgil answers, before starting:"So, any idea what the song should be about?"
"Hm, yeah. A love song would be great.", Roman immediately decides.
"Of course.", Virgil mumbles.
"You've written a few songs like that yourself, right? Could you maybe play one or another so I get maybe a more specific picture what I want?", request the actor with a grin.
The other boy screams internally at that, Roman used to do something like that all the time;
'Hey, love, I'm learning right now a romantic moment, would you please sing a love song for me' or 'Im not feeling like I could play romance in the moment, show me a bit real romance and I'll be ready to go to work... Maybe with a song?' Roman said things like that all the time. He loves Virgil singing, so he used every chance he got to hear it. And that grin just shows Roman knows what he's doing, and that Virgil always agrees.
"Yeah, sure", he tries to sound casual while he picks up a guitar and starts to sing.
If Roman wasn't already head over heels for the Emo he would be now. His voice is a gift from above. The way his eyes stay concentrated on the guitar strings while also having a dreamily look in them. He looks fully in his element, well he is fully in his element.
The actor has no other choice than to look at Virgil in awe, forgetting the cameras and later fan edits for a few minutes.
When the singing is over Roman knows to things:
1.his song is gonna be about someone Virgil being absolutely beautiful while playing the guitar.
2.he has to talk to Virgil about his feelings, today.
So it comes that Roman goes to Virgil, who is waiting for his Uber, after the cameras are turned off. "Hey, Virgil."
"Oh, hey Roman.", he looks up from his phone.
"Can we talk? In private?", the taller one asks.
"I- yeah Sure.", Virgil nods.
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keeve-trenniis · 4 years
Ok so after looking through the Ahsoka tag for a bit it seems pretty clear that there is quite a split between the fans that liked her, the fans that hated her and the fans that belive she shouldn't have been in mandalorian in the first place
I'm still not entirely sure where I stand on the whole thing but I can say that I'm somewhere in the middle of it all as I neither absolutely loved or hated the appearance but a do almost wish that she had stayed in animated for purely bc I still cant belive that shes actually in live action and it doesnt feel real to me which is an issue that I think will likely fade as time passes. I think part of this problem is the voice as Ashley (to me and Im sure to many others) will always be my Ahsoka and anyone can see that she absolutely adores the character, which is very important to me. I can see why Rosario was chosen for the role as her face is similar to Ahsoka's in s7 of tcw but if the whole reason to bring ahsoka into the live action universe because she is such a loved character then Ashley would be perfect bc of her attachment to the role and shes not only a voice actor but a live action actor too. I think that Ashley playing her wouldve removed some of my apprehension towards the performance. I cannot imagine how she mustve felt when she learnt that her beloved character was going to be given to somene else. This is not to say that Rosario didn't do a decent stab of the role but she just doesn't know the character like Ashley does. Not to mention the fact that I really dont like the fact that Rosario got the role despite the allegations against her bc thats just wrong and I cannot suport anyone who is transphobic even if they're playing one of my favourite characters. All they've succeeded in doing is making me and a lot of people upset because they've given our character to a transphobe.
Theres been a lot of hate and unrest about the lekku and montrails situation as well and I admit that when I first started the episode I was shocked that they weren't much bigger but then I realised that this was almost certainly due to the fact that moving about like Ahsoka does with a giant headdress on is really not practical and the concept art at the end proves this as you can see that they were suposed to be bigger. I supose there is an argument that cgi is an option but one of great things about star wars is due to how much they use actual physical costume and I much prefer the fact they made do with a smaller one than have them cgi something. I'm a cosplayer and I'm planning an Ahsoka cosplay at the moment and I fully intend to disregard the live action lekku and montrails but that because I've become used to the rebels look and I just like being extra and making giant headdresses but undoubtedly there are people out there who want to make her live action look and that is very valid. Everyone has their own preferences and things they like and to be honest the thing about live action Ahsoka that upset me the most was not the actual look, its fact that I knew how people were going to react to it. Its valid to hate them. Its valid to like them. Please dont attack people who dont have the same views as you.
Whilst all of the above may seem like I didnt like the episode and the appearance but that is not true. I absolutely loved that opening scene in the woods and I will stand by that as one of my absolute favourite scenes in live action star wars. The silhouetted Ahsoka with her DUAL WHITE LIGHTSABERS (hehehe can you tell I liked them?)? Absolutely stunning. I have to admit that the lightsabers were my favourite part of the entire episode and damn do I wish I had money bc I realky really just wanna be able to swing those lightsabers around but thats beside the point. To any clone wars/rebels fan, the choreography may seem slightly off but we knew that we wouldn't be able to see Ahsoka doing her full acrobatics in live action. We do, after all and somewhat unfortunately, have to adhere to the laws of physics but I know from friends who havent seen the clone wars thought she was so badass that I had to smile bc the mandalorian has succeeded in getting them interested in my favourite character and if they watch the clone wars then they are in for a treat. I do wish we had seen more of her reverse grip but thats my only big complaint about the whole thing (aside from the fact that of all the people in the world they got a transphobe to play her). Its possible that there was more footage of her using it but for whatever reason it had to be cut out in editing, maybe because other shots looked better visually.
All in all, Ahsoka is Dave Filoni's baby and I trust him to look after her. If he is content with her portrayal then I am happy to keep watching.
The most important thing I want to say is that can yall PLEASE stop being horrible to each other about your opinions and whether or not you liked it or not. You're allowed to disagree without being horrible ya know.
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brachyurans · 4 years
tw3 moods, part 3
THE GWENT QUEST NEARS ITS CONCLUSION. zero cards left to be won from players of no renown. three cards left in skellige. then...then it is only the four cards left in novigrad: the fucking passiflora tournament
no i definitely did not spend my first three hours on skellige bopping around signposts to grab all the gwent cards before doing anything else
technically after this i also have to go get the skellige faction deck and other assorted cards from the dlcs but this is not in my Miraculous Book of Gwent so we shall not worry about it yet.
i love skellige and how much people in skellige respect Geralt and how nobody calls me a freak while im walking down the streets here. i also love how half the time voice actors can’t quite decide if they want to pronounce the final E in skellige or not.
finally cleared the skellige part of following the thread and got lambert’s card right before the karadin meeting. idk if they wanted us to believe jad actually changed but his voice actor is the most insincere-sounding motherfucker and anyways the whole Aiden business aside, you can’t make up for engaging in the slave trade by sending a polite letter and donating to local schools, fuck off. i probably wouldn’t have killed him myself (we were in his house, he had no armor and his kids were next door, i don’t like to kill in cold blood) but since lamby was willing to do it for me, well,,
i finally found my girlfriend !!! geralt loves yen so much, i love yen so much, i will literally implode, i’m so happy i got to run a heist with her making sarcastic comments and helping me not die of taxidermy-related hallucinations (sorry mousesack, i regret nothing)
geralt be running and scrambling and hauling himself up ledges while yennefer teleported across ten minutes ago and has been Waiting. shes so extra i love her
i can’t believe yen brought the unicorn all the way to fucking skellige. i mean i can because it’s yen but goddamn, woman, you do not travel light. i have been trying to figure out what yen finds erotic about the unicorn and i have yet to reach any conclusions. would she be interested in fucking on a stuffed horse? is it the unicorns/virginity thing? is it just proving that geralt loves her enough to do anything for her? if it’s the last one, yen, honey, peg him with your massive troll phallus or something, there is no need to haul a life-size unicorn across the fucking ocean
all that said im pausing on skellige for now to clean up the last of the velen/novigrad points of interest, grab the unmarked sidequests, dig up the last of the continental witcher gear diagrams, and finish out my contracts. this should also net me a few extra levels before i start tackling skellige monsters which will be Nice.
POIs are fun because i went all the way down the western coast of velen by midcopse cutting through lvl5 bandits and lvl4 drowners like wet paper and then hit a guarded treasure with a lvl28 hag out of nowhere and booked it the fuck away from there. are these high-level points of interest in with the low-level ones specifically to wreck the shit of overeager newbies?? what the fuck.
i let gaetan go. killing him is probably the more moral choice but i was underleveled for the quest and i don’t love combat in this game so i just didn’t want to fight him. whoops. also iunno, still feels bad to try and kill a guy in cold blood, ’specially when he just got pitchforked in the gut and is clearly at a disadvantage from pain.
while going to consult dijkstra about assassinations i found a male sex worker in the other side of the passiflora who ISN’T hacking his lungs out and geralt can’t even talk to him properly, all he says is “sod off.” i think this is extra homophobic.
i love sigismund dijkstra an unreasonable amount what the FUCK.
i also love dandelion, i would do anything dandelion asked of me, however absurd, including dressing up as a bandit and concealing my identity by putting a scarf over my mouth while doing nothing about like, the cat eyes, or the two swords. dandelion is a himbo.
i’ve done a lot of sidequests and so far i think my favorite has been Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear. kiyan is just. mm. his story is so fucked up on multiple levels and i love him. close second might be gaetan’s quest just because i like cat witchers.
best non-witcher sidequest so far was absolutely “shock therapy” wherein geralt is asked to “scare” a druid who ~suddenly became mute~ back into speaking. what does he do? proceed to just. annoy the everliving shit out of the poor druid. like, in no way is putting out the fire every time he lights it to try and warm up a form of shock therapy, that’s just being an asshole! also geralt’s surprised/guilty face when he realizes he got tricked into playing a practical joke on this man. geralt you dumb fuck i love you so much. you should have been suspicious the minute the guy offered you a gwent card rather than coin.
other really good sidequests include aeramas’ trial of the cheeses and “fool’s gold.” i haven't finished “reasons of state” yet but i suspect i’ll also really like that one because, well, dijkstra
i have all the enhanced cat gear and all the enhanced griffin gear and the cat gear is just, far superior aesthetically just by virtue of not being green. sad it gains sleeves when you upgrade it but i am a fan of the cowl and it will make me less chilled when we go to skellige. i wish it was black but we are far too low a level to touch beauclair yet. sad to let my goth imperialist look go but the nilfgaard set finally became underleveled u_u
i finally became sort of rich selling everything to novigrad smiths and then immediately hit a wall with crafting ingredients for potions. no longer can i cobble them together from stuff i picked in the forest and stripped from monster corpses. nooooo i need to buy alcohols and craft secondary ingredients. i am spending an obscene amount of money on cordials to make all the white gull i need.
solved my bomb problem by investing a skill point in becoming immune to bomb secondary effects. now i just need to learn how to aim for shit
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justisaisfine · 6 years
i love your bro au! one question that i havent seen asked yet : how was it on the night they left? did their parents see them? did some bros want to stay/were to scared to leave? did roman find the flat right away or did they have to stay in a hotel at first? how did each bro react to the fact that they were out? sorry that's a lot of questions but im curious!!!
Okay so I wanted to write down the gist of it and then it got long so heres a bunch of words that maybe makes sense im no writer hahaha
tw for abuse and stuff!!!!
They moved out in May, near the end of school. Roman is 15, Logan 13, Patton 9 and Virgil 5. Virgil isn’t in school yet(his bday being in the middle of school year he wouldve been too young to start that year) so he stays home with their mother while the bros go to school.
It’s past lunch, V is already up since morning because then he gets to mind his own thing since the mom doesnt get up till the afternoon.
Mom wakes up and goes to the kitchen, where V is quietly drawing at the table. she reeks of hungoverness and starts making herself mac/cheese or w/e
Notices Virgil at the table, she seems unusually calm and a bit slow and goes “GUess I should probably feed you” so she makes him a plate and shoves it on the table.
While she makes her own plate V gets up to get himself a fork from the pile of clean dishes on the counter (Logan made them the night before)
but it gets caught on something and makes a plate fall and break.
She starts screaming then. While he tries to pick up the broken pieces, frantically apologizing
She’s saying shit like “I feed you and this is how you repay me huh??” “Dont you know these things costs money you freeloader?”
Shes getting worked up and is obv still quite drunk but Virgil is used to screaming and is almost done picking up the mess when another plate crashes right besides him.
He flinches away, cutting his hands and dropping the shards- When he looks up his mom already has another plate in hand “This is what we do with our shit now right?” she yells and throws it again
Virgil scurries away from her now but she keeps going,
He tries to plea her to stop, keeps apologizing- hes crying and nearly panicking now but she doesnt even seem to hear him anymore and just keeps breaking dishes on him
The brothers come back home from school then, and can hear crashes and yelling from outside
Roman sprints inside and loses his shit on their mother when he hears Virgil screaming
He wrestles the dish out of her hands and she just storms out, shoving Logan and Patton out of her way. They hear the door slaming and her car starting so they relax a bit-
Except Virgil is nearly catatonic now, trembling and whimpering at every movement the others make and clutching himself in fear. His eyes are unfocused and he doesnt react to Roamn’s voice when he tries to soothe him.
After the initial shock, Roman carefully gathers Virgil in his arms and brings him upstairs to patch him up, with Logan and Patton on his heels
He’s oddly silent as he moves almost with muscle memory to bandage V.
But then he tells Logan to get their backpacks and start packing “The very bare necessities”
They go back and forth for a bit;
“Roman what-” “We’re leaving, Logan, we can’t stay here anymore” “Roman we have no where to go” “Is that worst than here?? Look at Virgil, Logan!– we’ll find a place- there’s a shelter near the train station” “That’s on the other side of town!” “Good then! The farther the better”  
Logan’s about to say something else but Patton speaks up softly then
“I want to leave too- I can help pack” and he’s gone to their room
Logan sighs and looks back at Roman
“I hope you know what youre doing Roman” “ ’ve got Not a clue, no” “Good thing you have me then huh?”
And just like that they’re packing (”no Pat-sorry we cant bring any toys” “Bring extra blankets okay?”)
they also pack some food- peanut butter, granola bars, water bottles etc and also raid the meds cabinet because they know that shits expensive.
Roman sneaks into their parents’ bedroom and takes the stash of liquid cash he know they hide there. 
Plus the money he made with summer jobs
They walk to the shelter where they stay fro 5 days.
Logan finds the flat from the library computer
They get lots of weird looks and questions thrown their way but Roman’s a very good actor and lies about his age, says he has a job and pays the down payment and the landlord’s happy with just that. (he’s had worst tenants tbh)
Roman lets Logan and Patton have a week off of school but forces them back.
He quits school and starts looking for full time jobs. (which takes him a week to find- people apparently do have a softer heart when you bring in your baby brother when job hunting) 
Roman doesnt have time to let the events sink in with all the paperwork and job hunting, but when it does, they’re all on the couch and he’s just so glad they’re all safe.
Logan immediately goes into research mode and looks up tips and how to’s on how to live on a budget
Patton has to be sat down and explained very thoroughly the situation but he accepts it with stride and surprising cheer.
Virgil takes a bit to adjust. He got very shaken by that night’s events and it took a while for him to come back from his kind of numb state. 
They’re all very jumpy and suspicious about what if their parents are trying to find them, but it calms down after two weeks with nothing on the news about four missing kids.
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My scores for E3, because apparently now i’m a dumb 4channer who thinks this /v/ meme shit matters, like it’s not gonna affect sales or anything it’s pointless as all hell [this is lenghy, but hear me out ok]
4/10 - people will probably play the games regardless of how shitty this presentation was but... It felt pretty insulting. 
Battlefield V is probably gonna make a lot of money regardless cuz people like war games and it seems pretty well done, the more footage they have shown seemed better than their weird advertizement that made world war 2 seem very wacky, which honestly regardless if you’re a sexist neckbeard or not, seemed like a poor advertizement move. 
No one watched this lol and it was just 1 GAME and a fun cute musical that made people who aren’t strong enough to musicals die, 6/10 because it made nerds die and their song is catchy, i dont really care about their 1 game.
 9/10 - I'm giving this much of a high score because I would play practically almost all of these games showcased (they’ll probably be available on PC which I’m biased for cuz I have a gaming PC), no kidding, I pretty much liked everything I saw and it was fairly straight to the point. Many gamers don’t appreciate the finer details of each game and think they’re generic but that’s just fanboys who haven’t played a single game outside of their favorites. 
Also my cousin uses those Xbox One netflix rip offs that gives you games so i’m happy for him. The presentation had a lot of diamonds in the rough games that will I will probably appreciate more over time (they might even become cult classics like Metro or Dying Light) than any of other games at other e3s. As for the stuff I won’t be playing: It’s mostly harmless so eh.
There was an abundance of trailers! It was like one after the other, pure goodness, it seems as if they left out all of the Sports games to EA to present and the only thing they showed that might not be anyone’s cup of tea was “Forza”, but honestly? I appreciate it, it seems like a good racing game even if I’m not one to buy racing games.... But the more you think about the number of good games presented, the less you’ll think about that, I mean they showed DEVIL MAY CRY 5!!! 
...The Funko Pop game made me scream though.
8.5/10  I cannot deny that these are games I will want to play regardless if they’re good or not. Sad to see nerds not enjoy the opportunity to meet ANDREW W.K. but I’m glad all of the divisions they own are making sequels to stuff I already like, so pretty much Bethesda played it safe.
Devolver Digital:
 8/10 It’s like that one b-movie film your college students made and you had a laugh with creating.
Square Enix: 
5/10 seriously, 30 minues of just trailers? Most of which we saw?? I guess it could be worse but who uses E3 screentime for mostly MMORPG deals! The new stuff was too vague to be excited about too.
7/10 - I liked it when they made funny quirky things and their games are probably gonna be okay like usual, Ubisoft has dedicated fans that like their collectathon games they release every year, and it’s usually that one game you play when you’re bored and got nothing else, it’s okay. 
Gamers hate fun and dancing and all that stuff but I kind of find stuff like that exciting, while nerds who never went outside and who are sensitive as all hell to any representation of fun find it “cringey”. A panda dabbed, and that settles it, Ubisoft was the only E3 Brave enough to dab this year. 
PC Game Conference (it was fairly long):
I know none of you watch this one cuz y’all fake as hell but listen... Fuck you LOL, these are the type of games people actually play over 400 hours and really get people’s money. Like these are games built to last that might be on the best-selling Steam front page for MONTHS, like how Frostpunk was comfirmed last year during this conference, PC Gaming has been known for sleeper hits that nobody knows about (because the attention goes to cinematic experiences on consoles most of the time) but suddently everyone’s playing it. 
PC gaming has always been an alternative lifestyle and seeing as many people didn’t watch this one, that just proves the point that it still relatively alternative. Maybe it’s because everyone sounds dumb as fuck when saying “PC GAMER MASTER RACE” and acting like an elitist. 
The PC Gaming conference is always more of a talk show than a regular E3 which is why I respect it every year, fuck the hyperactive gamers that just wanna see flashy trailers, this one’s more SOPHISTICATED!! It feels a lot more human and less artificial. Either way, lot’s of what you might’ve expected: Simulators and Survival games you’ll probably spend 3 years playing until they make a better minecraft clone. 
Gamers like to act as if they’re tired of Battle Royale (already? It’s a new fad it still is here to stay for a little more) but the numbers and success of it doesn’t lie that it isn’t a fad that proves itself to be highly tempting to try out for developers. Go cry to valve that they didn’t release Half-Life 3 cuz you haven’t played any other FPS game without even researching that Valve pretty much fired all of it’s developers and you’re just being annoying.
I feel as if I need to comment what I saw at this e3 cuz nobody watched, they made a mod I liked from skyrim into a fully-ass game, they’re rebooting Star Control which not a single gamer today knows of, the HP Lovecraft open world detective game also seems very good. YAKUZA IS COMING TO PC!!!!!!!!! Killing Floor 2 stuff, Road Redemption stuff, SHARK RPG, cute indie games, Jeff Goldblum was there, Wall-E with a gun in VR which seems to have promissing good vr design by Insomiac games (yes the spyro people), 2 games about Taxi driving... Like sure I think it’s a good format for story telling but.
A cell-shaded art game, star citizen is still being made, and it’s gone to the point nobody really wants it anymore even if it’s... Still being made you know? So most guys are wrong that it was gonna be canceled. After that was the technical graphic card stuff which gamers don’t have enough capability to understand, stuff like 9k laptops that SELL a lot mind you. Rich people love that technical stuff. 
A space defense sim game, Don’t Starve Sequel, Just Cause 4 detailed explanation of the engine, Overkill’s The Walking Dead gameplay which has been in development hell for years now now has a release date, I discovered Clementine’s voice actor is white... Go figure, a literal pixelated roguelike (not what you think it is, it’s Noita), 
Theme Hospital REBOOT!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! And the doctors were cute. Probably one of the funniest games presented... Followed by REALM ROYALE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That harvest moon clone with a cute art style is still being made: Ooblets, no release date sadly. Anno is still going, cyanide and happiness still exists? and they’re making a battle royale? lol okay. How was Hitman 2 not announced during Square Enix?? Anyways it’s here at the end, the trailer was amazing and it’s coming out this year. 
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I don’t have that much strong feelings because it’s just a normal conference and not a special one you know? But I’ll give it a 8/10 or 7/10 im not sure cuz I seem to like most games and I found Frankie cute.
Yo usually Sony makes like a huuuuuuuge thing about their conferences (like this year they didn’t even showcase indie games) but this year they started from a church for the sake of immersion?? It reminded me a little of their first E3s during the 90s, and it almost felt like a indie gathering for musicians, I swear to god, Sony is borderline experimental trying to balance out their E3 across stages. Jeb played the banjo and people just ACCEPTED it... AND THEN someone played some JAPANESE FLUTE? aRT. It might come off as a bit arrogant for some tho.
Nerds hated it and thought it was bizzare, which is why it means it’s good. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES. Anyways could have been a little more fast-paced... But then again when it was fast-paced it was just like: Huh? What was that? I’m a big Resident Evil Fangirl, RE2 was my childhood but ignoring that for a sec: finally, Death Stranding gameplay, remins me of shadow of the colossus but post-apocalpytic, survival horrorish and abstract sci-fi.
 Kind of feels more Metal Gear than MGSV did already Cuz Norman Reedus sounds like snake a lot more than the 24 hours guy, and because from what I’ve seen in the footage, someone acts like Otacon to “Sam”. I think most now can figure out the plotpoints of this game with what has been established. I might be a bit sad at the fact that this will be a PS4 exclusive just like Metal Gear Solid 4, which I still haven’t played fully because it’s PS3 exclusive and I only have a gaming PC. 
Also this E3 was surprisingly entirely SINGLE PLAYER, I sorta don’t believe in the “single player doesn’t exist” myth honestly, especially now. I’m not sure if that makes Sony’s E3 better or worse, maybe it needed more variation, like I’ve commented, usually they have an indie showcase which this year did not. There were few games shown but for what it was worth, it’s still interesting... But yeah just 5 games? No Spyro? (easy picking), nothing extra? I can understand why many people felt this E3 was upsetting.
Here it is, the most overhyped developer of all of E3, the source of “Nintendo wins E3 by doing nothing” memes because Nintendo fans really don’t care about anything except Nintendo and then act surprised when they only care about Nintendo when they try to be a little more open-minded (and fail) even if other E3s probably make more games built to last in comparisson, cuz we gay people only care about NINTENDO YOU KNOW? Shade asside... 
I was pleasantly surprised this E3, it wasn’t just a series of okay at best releases, a strong 9/10. 
BUT THEN???? IT WAS JUST THAT??? NO PRIME 4 NO ANYTHING LIKE JUST 3 GAMES BASICALLY? (maybe there was 5 games but eh) I mean smash is good.. It’s pretty much just an update of the last smash, every character is REALLY FUCKING GOOD BUT.... JUST THAT? jeez.. Like, the only stuff I wanted from it was Mario Party and Smash... Okay maybe that 1 Mecha game. Also I guess fornite is now on Switch but I can play that anywhere else really.
I guess a 7/10 is all I can give to just Smash, if there was a little more I’d give it a 9/10 for sure but... ehh Just Smash? jeez, fuck... i MEAN I kind of get it, Nintendo doesn’t do “e3″ normally, they usually do 1 big game at E3 and then wait a couple of months to do that little seasonal announcement thing they do across the year, ugh.. Okay. Yeah I guess i shouldn’t have expected much. Still isn’t it weird that Miyamoto was in Ubisoft’s E3 but not this one??? what!
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fy-taebin-blog · 7 years
can you help me get into myteen before they debut?
sure thing, anon! right now is a great time to get to know myteen since their debut is a couple weeks away, you won’t have to suffer long months of being teased like some of us earlier. ;;
so to start, i’m sure you all know that myteen consists of seven lovable members. they’re under music works ent, whom notably houses baek jiyoung, minzy, kim sohee, and u sungeun. 
official links:
music works vlive
official v-app channel 
myteen has A LOT of content and we have a pretty small fanbase right now, so subbing is a bit on and off. i would check out their vlives since most of the time their broadcasts and earlier myteen shows are subbed. for the more recent myteen shows, i recommend jxj subs. (keep in mind that they’re a two-person team and they do have a life, so subs cannot always be ready right away!) 
vlive subbed their mini reality show, but it only has yuvin, eunsu, hanseul, and chunjin! this was before myteen was even announced. such fetuses. each episode is only 5-10 minutes long!
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
FY!MYTEEN uploaded all the episodes from MYTEEN GO, their reality show, and unfortunately, it’s not subbed except for episode 2. link.
now that all the basics are out of the way, let’s jump into the members!
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Taevin / Taebin
full name: lee saewoong (im honestly not sure if it’s sewoong or saewoong lmao)
birthdate: january 22, 1996
position: sub-vocalist, actor, visual(?)
speaks english since he lived in new zealand
high iq king
screamed bc he thought a shoestring was a bug on him
shares the visual spot with junseob!
shot a cf for j route (x)
featured in gb9’s just i like you with kim sohee (x)
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full name: kim sangjin
birthdate: december 22, 1996
position: main dancer, sub-vocalist
quiet but also that weird one 
takes care of his health
he keeps herbal medicine in his bag
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full name: choi eunsu
birthdate: february 12, 1997
position: leader, rap
mommy leader!
sensitive and shows his cute side v often
he cried when they performed on stage for the first time, poor bby (x)
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full name: kim gukheon
birthdate: april 15, 1997
position: main vocalist
honey voice king
scared of honestly everything (first ep of myteen go shows this clearly)
honestly so funny and extra
future variety king
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full name: shin junseop
birthdate: february 4, 1998
position: main rapper, sub-vocal, visual(?)
honestly his visuals are top notch so i think he shares the visual spot with taebin
auditioned for show me the money 6
he laughs a lot bc he loves lame jokes
savage af
taebin said he was reading a book and junseop called him a liar
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full name: song yubin
birthdate: april 28, 1998
position: main vocalist
auditioned in superstar k and was in the top 4
baek jiyoung liked him so much, she decided to make a duet song with him called garosugil at dawn and it’s literally so perfect (x)
also made his solo debut with you to the bone (x) ft. eunsu, xiheon, and hanseul
part of ‘i am the actor’, a show where yuvin shows his acting skills along with other idols! (x) 
pretty much the most popular
bby lost a lot of weight ;;
he has a dog but is allergic to it lol
rly talkative and annoying (in a good way)
he speaks english out of nowhere sometimes lmao
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full name: park minjun
birthdate: january 8, 2001
position: sub-vocal, maknae
he’s a tall bby
was not present in myteen go and most events due to school and his shoulder injury
so do not worry if you don’t see him in past myteen show videos!!
he has a bucket of different types of sweet
and that’s all the info you really need to know for myteen! hopefully there’ll be a fanbase soon to provide subs because they are literally so funny!!! there’s only a few of us, but i hope this post will help you and a lot of other people to become their fans! the boys are extremely lovable and talented and i can’t help but obsess over them. 
a couple of blogs you should follow:
@all-myteen @saeoong​ @taebinnie​ @xi-heon​ @minijuns​ @princejunseob​
and also @kmseul​ (that’s my side-blog for myteen i made a few months ago lol i am definitely going to post a lot more myteen content on that blog, esp since i miss making gifs!!) and to those who i didn’t mention, i’m sorry! 
we’re finally leaving the predebut era and coming closer to debut. i hope all you lovely people will join the myteen train and support them because this is music works’ first boy group, and first group overall! our fanbase is small, but we haven’t even entered the beginning yet, so let’s do our best to make our boys have a successful debut as well as a successful route into the idol industry. 
i know this wasn’t a very good guide, but i tried my best! thank you so much for following me and you have no idea how happy it makes me to see how many people are steadily becoming fans of them. i will do my part and post a lot of content of taebin!
p.s. myteen will make their debut on july 26, don’t you guys forget!
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gaybriel-reyes · 7 years
UNSUAL ASKS 1 through whatever number it went to, I just saw it and legit can't remember. Do them all fam, am interested.
Holy Moly, this is gonna take a while. But I appreciate it, anon. Thanks for asking!
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I´ve never used one of these properly but I guess Spotify??
is your room messy or clean? 4 out of 7 days it´s messy. Messy is its natural state
what color are your eyes? Dark brown
do you like your name? why? Yeah, I like its origin and meaning. Also it isn´t either common or weird, a nice in-between.
what is your relationship status? Single and ready to mingle
describe your personality in 3 words or less. What the fuck
what color hair do you have? Dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? Sentra, grey. But I don´t really drive often
where do you shop? The shops I frecuent the most are clothing ones and those are H&M and Pull and Bear (??)
how would you describe your style? (In personality, music taste, clothing...?) In every aspect I stick to comfort and what I like the most at the moment. 
favorite social media account. Tumblr and Facebook. In Tumblr I feel the most loved (lmao) but since I created a fake account in Facebook and joined some communities there, I´ve been having a lot of fun. Well, Tumblr for the win
what size bed do you have? Individual?? (I don´t know how it is called in English) Lemme tell you it´s small as fuck
any siblings? Yes, a little one. 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Already answered
favorite snapchat filter? The one with the mask (I don´t know how to say “cubrebocas” in English sORRy) with animal print in it. It´s perfect for me cause it covers half my face with it
favorite makeup brand(s) I don´t use makeup. Only for special occasions
how many times a week do you shower? Daily
favorite tv show? Already answered
shoe size? Uhhh in my country´s measure it´s 24
how tall are you? 1.56 cm (5″1 aprox)
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? LMAO. I haven´t gone to the gym in months
describe your dream date. A night out in the city (my home city to be specific)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 500 pesos (aproximately 25 dollars)
what color socks are you wearing? Grey with blue dots
how many pillows do you sleep with? 1
do you have a job? what do you do? nope. I do wish I had one
how many friends do you have? That´s a fun question. I have a lot of internet friends but I only have one best friend which I could trust my life with.
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Too many
whats your favorite candle scent? Apple and cinnamon
3 favorite boy names. Emiliano, Antonio and I don´t have a third one
3 favorite girl names. Cassandra, Alicia and Julieta
favorite actor? (He´s a voice actor I hope it still counts) Troy Baker
favorite actress? Lupita Nyongo´o
who is your celebrity crush? Troy Baker again
favorite movie? Dead Poets Society
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Unfortunately not as I used to (ironic cause what I want to study requires lots of reading) and my favorite book is Sarah´s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
money or brains? bRAiNS
do you have a nickname? what is it? Fati or Fa
how many times have you been to the hospital? Just when I was born lol. I´ve never been hospitalized
top 10 favorite songs. Already answered and too lazy to put it again
do you take any medications daily? No. This week is an exception cause I´m sick :P
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) OiLY AS helL
what is your biggest fear? Death (ironic cause I want to die 24/7. Hard to explain)
how many kids do you want? 2 or none. Kinda want a family kinda want a peaceful life
whats your go to hair style? Ponytail
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Apartment
who is your role model? My dad. Just not as close-minded as he is
what was the last compliment you received? Someone suggested to make me a fan club 
what was the last text you sent? Already answered
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 12. It went all downhill from there
what is your dream car? Mustang
opinion on smoking? Disgusting but I still do it sometimes oops
do you go to college? It´s almost time for me to
what is your dream job? Working at a place where books are edited
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural, but my dream is to live right in the city
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No
do you have freckles? Nope 
do you smile for pictures? Just a slight smile
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 1, 080
have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah... It was an emergency
do you still watch cartoons? Anime doesn´t enter this category so no. (Not a big fan of anime anyways)
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonald´s. Extra fact: I´ve never been to Wendy´s
Favorite dipping sauce? None
what do you wear to bed? A long, old blouse
have you ever won a spelling bee? No :( Haunts me till this very day
what are your hobbies? Play video games for the most part. I also like reading 
can you draw? Not really
do you play an instrument? I used to play guitar
what was the last concert you saw? It was September of 2016. Twenty one Pilots
tea or coffee? Coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? I´ve never been to Dunkin Donuts but Starbuck is expensive as hell so...
do you want to get married? Yup
what is your crush’s first and last initial? A and R
are you going to change your last name when you get married? HELL NO
what color looks best on you? Blue??? 
do you miss anyone right now? At this very moment, no
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed. Don´t want any diabolic spirits to get in, right?
do you believe in ghosts? No???
what is your biggest pet peeve? Myself as a person
last person you called` My aunt
favorite ice cream flavor? Mamey
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular oreos
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow sprinkles
what shirt are you wearing? A neon green one. I used it in training when I was a cheerleader :´)
what is your phone background? Already answered
are you outgoing or shy? SHY
do you like it when people play with your hair? IF YOU PLAY WITH MY HAIR IM ALL YOURS
do you like your neighbors? Mmmm... no
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? At night
have you ever been high? No
have you ever been drunk? Nope
last thing you ate? A chocolate bar
favorite lyrics right now: Give me your forever, or at least just for a whileGive me never ending, or at least give me a mileGive me happiness, or at least give me a smileGive me forever for a while, give me forever for a whileQuit actin' like a baby, or at least less like a childGive me serenity, or at least just peace of mindGive me closure, or at least a phone callGive me forever for a while, give me forever for a while
summer or winter? I´m a summer hoe
day or night? Night even though it´s when i suffer the most
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark
favorite month? June
what is your zodiac sign. Gemini
who was the last person you cried in front of? My dad. It was months ago
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strangerfwendz · 7 years
May 18
Last night, I messaged brad some selfies of Leo. I’ve decided to name it Leo. He thinks I’m crazy but he joked that I got a new puppy to replace him. He didn’t seem too against it. I fell asleep with the puppy wrapped in a towel next to me. When I woke up I was on the couch in the living room. Brad and I talked a bit it was a nice conversation. My roommates were getting ready for classes and I was sooo tired. I couldn’t get up for a jog. I realized my classes started an hour later that day so I went back to my room to sleep. The puppy was sooo cute! I woke up and put it on top of me and went back to sleep and the little guy went up to my pillow and fell asleep curled up against my face. Adorable!!!
I eventually got up, did a bit of exercise that I learned from fitness club the other day. I cleaned up my bed in the case she messes with any of it and left her on the bed wrapped up in a towel.
I sat with lara, sofia, Julie, and marya at banquet. There was a debate about dress code cause sofia didn’t like that she had to tie her hair up. Especially because she walked through the buffet restaurant and ms anastasiia specifically came over to banquet to tell her to tie up her hair. Just follow the dress code, its not difficult. They were arguing that each teacher has different standards of the dress code and not all of them bother enforcing them or even following the rules themselves. The conversation somehow shifted over to why do we pay so much as globals and where does that money go. Then they called Mr Robert Van Dur Ham over. He suggested that we talk to mr bow about it. Make a case and bring it up to him over email or book an appointment to talk to him at his office. They were serving wine for the main course but it was past 12pm already. I downed the glass of wine and rushed back to palm beach. Leo was still sitting exactly as I has left her, I was relieved and impressed. I swooped her up and went to the pet store that Jason tried to bring me yesterday. Leo was shaking, I was getting anxious. The famous mill mill bar was right next to it pet store up a little staircase. I was really confused when I arrived as the staff was just a little boy? But later on it seemed to be a lady as she spoke knowledgably about the puppy and her products.  But this lady was so short she looked like she never went past puberty in primary school. I asked a bunch of questions about what I should get her and she made a few uncomfortable faces saying, “lets see if she lives first”. Thank you for your honesty but why do you say that? I bought a cage, food bowl, milk powder, puppy food. Jason(les roches) eventually came up to the store but he took so long to come by. When I messaged him earlier before I got there, he said he had just finished taking a shower so he shouldn’t have needed more then 10 minutes. He spoke to the lady and she said the puppy is probably a street dog. Jason threw his hands up and said ‘I knew it! You could buy it in my hometown for just 30 to 40RMB. No one wants it.” Then he sighed and said “oh well, whatever makes you happy.”  Jason’s wife, the driver, came up just as I had finished paying. They helped bring my stuff down. Jason didn’t have classes that afternoon and he skipped his morning class so I’m impressed that he offered to come out to help me during lunch. The driver was very nice to help bring up the things I had bought from the pet store to my room before sending me back to school.  
Vik texted me that I could share the cab with Cesar, some Mexican student from school. He needed to go to the same airport, perfect. I rushed back home after classes, called Andy for a change. Pretty much packed everything I wanted to bring back already, just needed one set of clothes really. I didn’t bother bringing my textbooks except French cause lets be honest, im not gonna study. I quicked setup the cage and put Leo inside. Jason arrived at 3.30pm and I texted Cesar to come up and help bring my suitcases down. I took whatever time I had left to hold Leo a little longer just so she knows I still care about her. Cesar came by, with Natalia who pretty much barged in, whatever. They squealed over Leo for a good 10 minutes of course. I would have loved to talk about Leo a little more but we really had to get going. I grabbed my backpack and Cesar carried both my suitcases down, chill~.
Jason kept asking me about which terminal the my flight was which I understand he’s just trying to help but my freaking ticket seriously didn’t have it written down. Heck, even the flight number was confusing. Eventually he called the airport and checked that it was the terminal one but also that my flight was delayed. Shhiiieettt. Jason said once the flight is delayed , oh man, it gets delayed by the hours and I still have a connecting flight to catch! its especially stressful when the lay over is less than 3 hours, I don’t time for this shit man. Anyways along the way, Cesar was a little panicked too cause he was suppose to meet his friend at 4pm, which made me wonder “why the heck did you stand around my apartment making goo goo eyes at my puppy?” He kept trying to contact his friend which he eventually managed to reach. They charged the meet up place and Cesar wanted to go there straight away, so Jason and I were deciding if we had time to send Cesar off first or not cause they were is different directions but Cesar kept insisting that it shouldn’t be that far from the airport. Jason said it would be an extra cost and we decided to send Cesar off first. Damn that silly boy kept insisting that its just a straight route back but boy that isn’t quite how the roads work around here, those are highways.
Fortunately, things went smoothly after, I got to the airport with enough time to check-in and get to my gate. It was not very busy but the staffs’ attitude really annoyed me. There is a security check-in at the entrance. I find myself standing there in front of the security looking at them like “okay, im standing right here waiting to go in, there isn’t anyone else around. What exactly do you want me to do? HELLOOOO!?!?!” UGH they just dazed off and here I am wondering seriously what if that person is in a rush man. Jeez, it was confusing and slow, the staff are so spaced out and nonchalant, how can I take them seriously? I was pretty irritated, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited in line. The lady at check-in was new, she was just transferred from a different department. She had no idea how to check me in so she asked me to go to another counter. The man at the other counter said I need to go check something inside my suitcase, it was just my old broken phone which I kept to download the rest of my photos but then realized was stupid cause im sure the app would need me to access a vpn in china. I headed over to the gate but when I reached the counter I didn’t realize that I was supposed to return to the check-in counter after checking my suitcase, to get my ticket. Urgh, so freakin annoyed but also so very thankful I know Chinese. God damn can’t imagine how I would survive this semester in Shanghai.
I lost my way a little bit when I was trying to find my gate. I arrived 10 minutes before the gate was scheduled to open but it was still delayed and I hadn’t eaten all day except that bit of bread and wine over lunch. I was craving fried chicken and rushed over to KFC for a quick bite. Yum. I struggled trying to pay attention to the announcements. They were very fuzzy and it felt like the Chinese voice was louder than the English one. I returned to the gate, still delayed. If I knew how long the delay would be, I would have loved to walk around and look at the many shops around but I was afraid that the gate would open at any time. I just sat there moping, listening to my music, and wishing I could sigh harder that I already was to express my frustration.
Finely, we board the plane but the expected arrival time was 11pm and I was suppose to be at the gate of my connecting flight at 10.30pm! Panicked, I asked the flight attendant what was I to do? No way was I gonna make it. I was sat between a grandma with long gel nails and a fancy updo she proudly did herself and a working office lady. During the flight, the lady and I both worked on our laptops then there were snack boxes brought to us. Despite the pathetic appearance, I was curious to try whatever “goods” the box possessed inside.
Afterwards, I started watching a movie while the working lady started reading. *sigh* really boosted the confidence in my own intellect. But whatever, I was entertained by the senseless romance movie I was watching. It had a cute passionate skinny girl who believed in the goodness of frozen food while the male lead was a typical handsome tall Eurasian. Might I just add how handsome the young boy was. God, he had such a pretty boy face. The actor was very good at coming off as arrogant in the beginning too. It probably would have been even better if he could have done it in English for the added intonations in his speech. We landed before the movie could end, I expected that.
Its 11pm and I’m stressing out again. I get off the plane and there is an airport staff waiting outside holding a sign with a light of flight numbers, one of them being my connecting flight. I eagerly show him my ticket for that flight, he says bluntly that there is now way I am going to make it and pastes a big red dot on me. He gives me some instructions about a counter on the second floor, I couldn’t really follow but whatever I’ll figure it out somehow. All the passengers pack themselves on a bus to the terminal and I’m making calls to the airline, they can’t help me because I am missing a code. I let out a sign and mutter under my breathe. A man asks me where I am going, I look over my should and answer accordingly. He had a head of mattered thick dark grey with mixed strands of white. He wore a red T shirt layered with a beige button down and a pair of matching shorts. He looked like an archeologist with a face full of sun spots and a pair of simple glasses. Noticing that he too had a big red dot pasted on his chest, I ask him that same question, he said Singapore. Noiice! From there we start talking in English, man that felt good. We quickly learn about each other as we figure out this shitty situation we’re in. It’s the first time to happen to me but a second time for him. He last time happened in china too, he wasn’t surprised. He explained that in china, especially in shanghai, the air trafficking in terrible. The flights are often delayed. We got our tickets rebooked. My earliest flight was the next afternoon at 2pm while his was at 7am. He decided to go with a flight closer to mine so he could at least get some sleep. He went down to our next destination, where we choose an accommodation of our choice within the two options offered by the airline. I went with the serviced apartments, love those, so much space. We exchange wechat information as we wait for the hotel to pick us up. Eventually, we checked into our rooms after midnight and agree to meet up for breakfast the next morning.
Laurent messaged me! So happy to talk to him again. Its so hard to contact him, miss him dearly. He’s usually busy with his internship in London now but he’s also generally bad at responding to texts. I hate that about him. Anyways I told him about my little trip over the weekend and the whole delayed situation. He said my parents were a little over the top to be spending so much for only two days back. He’s probably right but to them it meant a lot and it was worth the expense. Its there money not mine, especially if it makes them happy. Besides the whole idea of a sudden getaway is very exciting and I get to see my dad!
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
War of the Star Wars Stars: The Dark Side of the Convention Circuit
The eye-opening documentary Elstree 1976 chronicles the plight of the Stars Wars background actors battling for dollars on the convention circuit.
He says there is a clear hierarchy among the actors, who are infuriated that “the mens” in masks often attract the most attention.My look is in the movie, everyone whos got a face in the movieit drives us mad, he remarked .
For hundreds of performers, bit-part participates, costume-dwellers, and droids, be contained in Star Wars in 1977 was the moment that would chassis their livesthey were granted immortality.
While Harrison Ford was catapulted onto the Hollywood -Alist, pretty much everyone else has succumbed to the profitable enticement of the Star Wars convention circuit.
And were not just talking about Luke and Leia. Scores of actors “whos” disguised by helmets, prosthetics, face concealments, and voice-overs nearly 40 years ago can still pull in six-figure annual carry on the world circuitall they have to do is been demonstrated and sign their names.
With so many fan dollars up for grabs, and so many actors jostling for access, dont underestimate the ability of the dark side.
Theres quite a lot of politicking, Paul Blake, who played Greedo, illustrates in the mind-boggling new documentary Elstree 1976 .
The film focuses on the lesser brightness in the Star Wars family and how “peoples lives” have unfolded since that long hot English summer at Elstree Studios merely north of London. Many of them are still cleaved to the breast of the George Lucas empire.
Angus MacInnes, who played an X-wing aviator known as Gold Leader, said he was initially reluctant to cash in at the conventions. When I firstly went to them I conceived these people are going to be so bizarre, he added. And some of them were!
Like many of my honourable colleagues, the Canadian actor soon accepted that it was worth sitting at a fold-out table and signing your reputation if multitudes of Star Wars geeks were willing to hand over wads of cash in exchange.
He says there is a clear hierarchy among the actors, who are infuriated that “the mens” in masks often attract the most attention. My appearance is in the movie, everyone whos got a face in the movieit drives us mad, he said.
I wasnt a fleck on the landscape, I was in shot, the actor told The Daily Beast. If you are uncredited it doesnt mean you werent in the film.
Lyons was actually in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope twice: You peek him at the edge of one shot as a medal bearer, and then he is visualized beneath a helmet in the backdrop of another background playing a Massassi Temple Guard.
He now does at least five Star Wars agreements a year, with looks as far gone as Japan. It got me out of the house doing pacts, he said.
The British actor commissions 15 ($ 23) to clue a photograph, 25 ($ 38) to signal a poster. Bit greedy of me, I must admit, he suggested. Some beings charge 10 fine, I accuse 15.
Lyons answers its not only the money, he adoration the opportunities to get away on the road and encounter devotees who lap up his legends of long lunches with Mark Hamill and that time he ended Kenny Baker taking a nap inside R2-D2.
It helped me a lot during my sadnes, he disclosed. His wife left him in 2007, after 18 years, and he told me he saw suicide many times. The Star Wars community was one of the things that obstructed him croaking, even if some of the more established performers look down on him: They get kind of jealous that youre taking some of the action.
Dave Prowse says hes not in it for the moneythats bullshit, remarked Lyons. But Im not.
Prowse is a bona fide Star Wars heavyweight even though neither his look nor his articulation appeared in any of the films. The former bodybuilding endorse was “the mens” within the Darth Vader suit in all three original movies.
While hitting the first movie, it was difficult to hear his West Country twang through the helmet on located and George Lucas explained that wasnt a problem as they would go into a studio and re-record the spokesperson afterwards. I naturally assumed it would be me, he said in Elstree 1976 . Unfortunately for me they couldnt have picked a better voiceover performer than James Earl Jones.
That hasnt stopped him becoming a regular on the route, however. I set Dave Prowse is Darth Vader on my autograph, “theyre saying” could you do Dave Prowse as Darth Vader?
He worsened. They would have been quite happy for[ Darth Vader] to have been namelessbut here I am now, he enunciated, although there have been a few snags along the way. Ive been are prohibited from the Star Wars Celebration weekends and Disney Star Wars articulate Im persona non grata.
Prowse belongs among the top echelon of Star Wars stars along with Carrie Fisher, Hamill, Baker, and Anthony Danielsthe man inside the C-3PO dres. John Chapman, who played an X-wing captain, told The Daily Beast that there was big bucks up for grabs. Ive sounded rumors that when they go to these conventions they come away with 15, 20 magnificent, he said.
Although Chapman was only an extra, he was persuaded to go along to a ratify by an aficionado who said he would be paid hundreds of dollars just for showing up.
There were these whisperings going around, John Chapman was only an extra, whats he doing here? he mentioned. I didnt feel better about it so I descent it.
I look at all these guys and they are only sign for a living, he told. I find it a bit sad.
Chapman, whose self-deprecating form constructs him the superstar of Jon Spiras Elstree 1976 , now tours British schools with workshops based around his own room investigate line mapping the escapades of Jonnie Rocket.
He jokes about the Elstree documentary putting him on the radar for the new movies despite his original screen look consisting of a loitering kill of the back of his head. I want to be in the next Star Wars movie. Get directed by J.J. Abrams. J.J. might like to see the back of my heading, he said.
Then again, that might be too much exposure for Chapman. To make sure I dont get recognised by eateries, I always sit with my back to the wall, he laughed.
The post War of the Star Wars Stars: The Dark Side of the Convention Circuit appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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Toxia Shelter: Metagaming
Instructor:  Lilibutt Dagger (LilyRoseLightwood Resident)
Meta gaming is going in character acknowledgment of out of character information. More specifically information that there is not a reasonable or logical way for your character to obtain.
If someone asks you in IMs for information, ask them to ask you icly instead :) this will prevent blending, meta gaming, and you can make a cool rp out of it instead! 
Abusing Nametags
A classic example of metagaming is reading a player’s name tag and then addressing the player by their name in roleplay, when your character has never been introduced to said player. 
Reading someone's name tags and using that to know their name, or even what group they're in is meta gaming. It wouldn't be right to look at tags in order to find a healer within the group so you can get a healing as soon as possible.
Let's use Dr. Julius for an example, if you've never met him before, don't run up asking him for an appointment! Instead maybe roleplay something like this, if your character is in immediate need of medical attention, 
Lili looks around as she's covered in blood... her wounds slowing her down. She calls out to no one directly, "Please! Someone! I need a medic! Stitches... anything!" her voice filled with panic.
This way, no one is meta gamed, but the point has been taken across, that you need help right away. 
Abusing Meters
Disregarding the character's roleplay and forcing their race to be known is god modding. How can you be sure that this person isn't human and transitioning into another race, or how can you be sure they haven't drank a potion from the coven that hides their scent? Don't take away your peers ability to roleplay!"
You can not just "sense" that someone is another race. If a demon is in full demon form, then sure, you can take an educated guess and figure they're race that way. Same with an angel with wings, or a vampire who smirks and shows their fangs, nothing wrong there. But you can not just "sense" someone's race... you need to make an attempt to do so.. for an example, "Bob the angel flutters his wings... attempting to sense the lifelessness within the vampire." if the vampire allows it in his post... then the angel will be able to sense the race.
Abusing Minimap
According to Toxian website, HUDs with radars are forbidden... some of us will have radars and a minimap that comes with our viewer, and there's nothing wrong with these, except we can't do this for in character knowledge. If you see your ex's new woman standing all by herself at the beach... you can't use mini maps or a radar to come find her. Think realistically... if you're coming to kick her ass, what is your reason to come to the beach in the first place? I hope it's not because you saw her on mini maps!" musing a light giggle then.
Abusing Profile
You read a player’s profile, and you see that he is a vampire and in his back story, he’s had a horrible tragedy of seeing his family burn alive in a house fire. A fight breaks out, you win, you begin to torture him, and then you start talking about his family and how they roasted right in front of his eyes to upset him even more. In this scenario, he didn’t tell you in character about his family, no one did, but you thought to bring that up anyway.
Blending is a form of meta gaming where the player takes IC content personally. We all experience hard roleplay, some scenes can be true tear jerkers! But with blending, it’s about what you do with these said emotions. A healthy way to deal with them is IC'ly. If it’s a reasonable and logical decision for your character to do. A way to avoid meta gaming is emerge yourself into the world of your character. That’s the beauty of roleplay! Think like your character would, are you making this choice because you want things to go well for your character, or are you making it because it’s something your character would want to do? When it gets hard in Toxia and you feel yourself getting heated emotions behind the keyboard, it's healthy and encouraged to take breaks from roleplay as you need.
God Mode
God Mode, most commonly referred to God modding or God mod. If you meta game, you are also at risk for god modding. God modding is known as being an over powerful, unbeatable character. Whether that being that you are too strong that players just seem to always ‘lose’ with you… or that you take away a player’s ability to roleplay and force them into situations, such as “Lilicat hog ties Lykin and keeps him captive at gun point until this class is over.”.... Meta gaming information can be considered godmodding, because you are making your character overly knowledgeably to the point they can pick up things and sense like a 'god', thus being god modded. We're not gods, we can't just "know" things about people.
Listening through walls
Let’s say you’re spying on a chat happening in the Diner. Only problem is you’re standing on top of the roof… but within chat range of them to get the info… and ic'ly you make a report to your faction leader of the conversation that took place. Red flag! In this example… the means of obtaining this information are illogical… it’s not possible to hear through walls as such.
There’s a meeting going on in the shadows and you’re on top of the rooftop listening, but it’s okay you’ve got extra ordinary hearing. This is also god mod: no one is able to hear through walls on a base as such, unless you ask the players before hand if they consent. However, please remember to be realistic and not overly powerful! 
Use a reasonable way, such as bugging the meeting area with equipment, don't forget to ask the players in IM first if it's alright! If you don’t go through these precautions, you are at risk for god modding by being overly powerful and hearing unrealistically, as well as unfairly exploiting the player’s roleplay. There’s nothing wrong with honing in on a conversation, but make sure that your character can do it realistically, if they’re in the same room or can read lips very well across the street then go for it. If it’s trickier, like hacking computers to record actions going on in the TC, please ask before you hang out in chat range and use the information posted.
Meta gaming can also occur through projection. If someone projects to you, posting their character's thoughts or memories, if you use this information it's meta gaming. No one here is a mind reader. Mystics you can mind walk if you practice, but it must be done consensually.
Projected information is not something you can use, so posters should not project since the information will be useless. If a player projects... it would be alright to send them a friendly IM and let them know that their post is hard to respond to, since you can't mind read. Remember that projection sometimes happens on accidents, and not all players know they're doing it!
Breaking the fourth wall. (Breaking Immersion)
Breaking the fourth wall is making it obvious, that there are two overlapping worlds (in character and out of character).
In TV shows breaking the fourth wall is done when an actor looks at the camera, and talks to the audience as if to make it obvious that they are in a television show and are being watched. If you imagine the actor inside a room, you are the fourth wall that is in this actor's world. The one they are not supposed to acknowledge. I bring this up, because it is possible to break the fourth wall in Toxia.  This can be done, if your character does things that makes it obvious that they are just a part of a second life simulation.
For an example, two men decide to make a bet, and one says to the other, "I will bet you 50 linden." This is breaking the fourth wall. "Linden" is a Second Life currency. A better way to pay in Toxia is with useful items such as bullets, or information or maybe you have dollars or some kind of currency that came from the world outside of Toxia, like if your character is originally from America. In that case, it's fine but money has no value in Toxia!
Mentioning second life terms it in game destroys the atmosphere we're trying to immerse ourselves into. It's a slap back into reality, and not all players will appreciate that!
More examples would be a character saying something along these lines, "This sim is laggy, let's go to South Tox." 'sim' and 'lag' being second life jargon.
Responding to Metagaming
What can YOU do if you suspect that someone has meta gamed?
You can shoot them a friendly IM and explain how you think the information they have may not be fairly gathered sometimes it’s done on accident so be polite, help your fellow players learn!
What if they insist on using the information and it’s problematic for you?
Feel free to see a GM, save logs where you think the meta gaming has occurred. They must be logs done in local, remember that GMs can't read IM transcripts, for that would be breaking TOS. Like anything else, helping to educate people on meta gaming will make the sim a better place!
What about in situations where meta gaming can’t be proven? 
A friend tells you that your friend Becky was talking trash about you in Haven last night. You then start to give Becky the cold shoulder in roleplay, you refuse to negotiate with her, and you are generally just dismissive of her. Now this can be hard to prove that you are meta gaming, maybe you just changed your colors about Becky for your own reasons, but if people start to suspect that you’re using IM information and gossip to how you treat players in roleplay, people may be hesitant to start roleplay with you. [Poncho’s note: which would also be meta gaming]
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
War of the Star Wars Stars: The Dark Side of the Convention Circuit
The eye-opening documentary Elstree 1976 chronicles the plight of the Stars Wars background actors battling for dollars on the convention circuit.
He says there is a clear hierarchy among the actors, who are infuriated that “the mens” in masks often attract the most attention.My look is in the movie, everyone whos got a face in the movieit drives us mad, he remarked .
For hundreds of performers, bit-part participates, costume-dwellers, and droids, be contained in Star Wars in 1977 was the moment that would chassis their livesthey were granted immortality.
While Harrison Ford was catapulted onto the Hollywood -Alist, pretty much everyone else has succumbed to the profitable enticement of the Star Wars convention circuit.
And were not just talking about Luke and Leia. Scores of actors “whos” disguised by helmets, prosthetics, face concealments, and voice-overs nearly 40 years ago can still pull in six-figure annual carry on the world circuitall they have to do is been demonstrated and sign their names.
With so many fan dollars up for grabs, and so many actors jostling for access, dont underestimate the ability of the dark side.
Theres quite a lot of politicking, Paul Blake, who played Greedo, illustrates in the mind-boggling new documentary Elstree 1976 .
The film focuses on the lesser brightness in the Star Wars family and how “peoples lives” have unfolded since that long hot English summer at Elstree Studios merely north of London. Many of them are still cleaved to the breast of the George Lucas empire.
Angus MacInnes, who played an X-wing aviator known as Gold Leader, said he was initially reluctant to cash in at the conventions. When I firstly went to them I conceived these people are going to be so bizarre, he added. And some of them were!
Like many of my honourable colleagues, the Canadian actor soon accepted that it was worth sitting at a fold-out table and signing your reputation if multitudes of Star Wars geeks were willing to hand over wads of cash in exchange.
He says there is a clear hierarchy among the actors, who are infuriated that “the mens” in masks often attract the most attention. My appearance is in the movie, everyone whos got a face in the movieit drives us mad, he said.
I wasnt a fleck on the landscape, I was in shot, the actor told The Daily Beast. If you are uncredited it doesnt mean you werent in the film.
Lyons was actually in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope twice: You peek him at the edge of one shot as a medal bearer, and then he is visualized beneath a helmet in the backdrop of another background playing a Massassi Temple Guard.
He now does at least five Star Wars agreements a year, with looks as far gone as Japan. It got me out of the house doing pacts, he said.
The British actor commissions 15 ($ 23) to clue a photograph, 25 ($ 38) to signal a poster. Bit greedy of me, I must admit, he suggested. Some beings charge 10 fine, I accuse 15.
Lyons answers its not only the money, he adoration the opportunities to get away on the road and encounter devotees who lap up his legends of long lunches with Mark Hamill and that time he ended Kenny Baker taking a nap inside R2-D2.
It helped me a lot during my sadnes, he disclosed. His wife left him in 2007, after 18 years, and he told me he saw suicide many times. The Star Wars community was one of the things that obstructed him croaking, even if some of the more established performers look down on him: They get kind of jealous that youre taking some of the action.
Dave Prowse says hes not in it for the moneythats bullshit, remarked Lyons. But Im not.
Prowse is a bona fide Star Wars heavyweight even though neither his look nor his articulation appeared in any of the films. The former bodybuilding endorse was “the mens” within the Darth Vader suit in all three original movies.
While hitting the first movie, it was difficult to hear his West Country twang through the helmet on located and George Lucas explained that wasnt a problem as they would go into a studio and re-record the spokesperson afterwards. I naturally assumed it would be me, he said in Elstree 1976 . Unfortunately for me they couldnt have picked a better voiceover performer than James Earl Jones.
That hasnt stopped him becoming a regular on the route, however. I set Dave Prowse is Darth Vader on my autograph, “theyre saying” could you do Dave Prowse as Darth Vader?
He worsened. They would have been quite happy for[ Darth Vader] to have been namelessbut here I am now, he enunciated, although there have been a few snags along the way. Ive been are prohibited from the Star Wars Celebration weekends and Disney Star Wars articulate Im persona non grata.
Prowse belongs among the top echelon of Star Wars stars along with Carrie Fisher, Hamill, Baker, and Anthony Danielsthe man inside the C-3PO dres. John Chapman, who played an X-wing captain, told The Daily Beast that there was big bucks up for grabs. Ive sounded rumors that when they go to these conventions they come away with 15, 20 magnificent, he said.
Although Chapman was only an extra, he was persuaded to go along to a ratify by an aficionado who said he would be paid hundreds of dollars just for showing up.
There were these whisperings going around, John Chapman was only an extra, whats he doing here? he mentioned. I didnt feel better about it so I descent it.
I look at all these guys and they are only sign for a living, he told. I find it a bit sad.
Chapman, whose self-deprecating form constructs him the superstar of Jon Spiras Elstree 1976 , now tours British schools with workshops based around his own room investigate line mapping the escapades of Jonnie Rocket.
He jokes about the Elstree documentary putting him on the radar for the new movies despite his original screen look consisting of a loitering kill of the back of his head. I want to be in the next Star Wars movie. Get directed by J.J. Abrams. J.J. might like to see the back of my heading, he said.
Then again, that might be too much exposure for Chapman. To make sure I dont get recognised by eateries, I always sit with my back to the wall, he laughed.
The post War of the Star Wars Stars: The Dark Side of the Convention Circuit appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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