#when i drove home my car indicated that the tire pressure was too low so i had to stop at the gas station to adjust the pressure
tkbrokkoli · 2 years
it’s horrible monday monday  😜
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ptersparkers · 7 years
What a Surprise (Peter x Reader)
Summary: You and Peter both go to Midtown High and he’s got the biggest crush on you. What Peter doesn’t know is that you harbour the same feelings and Tony Stark is your not-so-related uncle.
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Peter tried to keep his crush on you on the down low, he really did, but Ned and Michelle could see right through him. 
“You're staring again,” Ned whispered into Peter’s ear during fourth period history. You were scribbling down notes on a fresh sheet of paper and Peter couldn’t help but notice how you liked to colour code everything. 
“What?” Peter replied, snapping his gaze from you to Ned. “No I’m not.” Ned rolled his eyes. “You know, if you keep doing that, your eyes will fall out of your sockets.” This prompted Ned to roll his eyes again. 
“I’m serious, man. Why don’t you go and talk to her?” 
“I’ll make a fool out of myself.” 
“But you're Spider-Man,” Ned argued. “Everyone’s talking about you. You have so many fangirls who would kill to go on a date with you.” Peter swatted Ned’s shoulder. 
“She doesn’t know me as you know who. I want her to like me as Peter Parker,” Peter said, followed with a sigh. 
“Alright, class,” the teacher said, bringing Ned and Peter’s attention away from you. “With the slips of paper you received this morning, I want you to find your partner. You’ll have the same topic, and the report, and power point presentation will be due in exactly two weeks. You’ll have some time in class to work on it. Chop, chop!” Ned huffed when he saw Peter had a different topic than he did. 
Peter looked at different people and thought this pairing idea was stupid, until he found out you had the same topic he did. Peter did backflips in his head because this meant he got to spend more time with you. 
“Hey, Peter,” you said once you found your partner. 
“Hey, Y/N. Let’s get started?” he asked. You smiled and set your stuff down at a desk and began researching. Peter thought it was cute that you had to keep pushing up your glasses, which was obviously too big for your face, but he thought it was cute anyways. 
He knew you from freshman year. You had just moved to Queens and didn’t have any friends. You and Peter weren’t exactly friends, but you weren’t exactly strangers. A couple projects here and there granted you guys acquaintances. He loved that you weren’t snobby like most girls. He liked the fact that you never wanted to be like the other people and never succumbed to peer pressure. He like that you were the quiet type, always sticking your nose in a book if you weren’t talking to your friends. Peter liked you the way you were and desperately wanted to get to know you better, further than just a name-to-name basis.
This project was worth a hefty percentage of your grades, so the two you spent a lot of time together crafting the perfect presentation. You came to Peter’s house often, getting to know him more. Your uncle, Tony Stark, had teased you about seeing you with a boy, and you always blushed every time he mentioned “the boy you’re supposedly studying with.” 
“Peter, are you sure I can stay?” you asked when May left the apartment. 
“It’s fine. She trusts us, so she has no problem leaving us alone,” Peter replied, uncapping his highlighter. You shrugged and began typing on your computer. 
“So, what do you think about Spider-Man?” you asked casually. Peter’s ears perked and he looked at you. 
“W-What? Why do you ask?” 
“No reason. He’s everywhere lately. I’ve never had the chance to see him in action. He was spotted just last night, actually.”
“Really? Where?” 
“Around the sandwich shop you like. He stopped a bank robbery,” you said. 
“Oh. Sounds cool,” Peter said, trying to play it cool. He took a deep breath.
“I think he’s really cool. You know, always saving people from the small crimes. He takes care of the little guy,” you said, grinning to yourself. Peter grinned as well and blushed. 
Another hour passed by at it was nearing three in the afternoon. 
“I should get home,” you said while packing your belongings. “I have martial arts training in an hour.” 
“You fight?” Peter asked. 
“Not really. It’s more of self protection, if anything.” 
“Oh. Sounds nice. Let me walk you out.” Peter followed you to the front door and opened it for you. 
“Same time tomorrow?” you asked. 
“Same time tomorrow. I’ll be sure to make loads of coffee for you,” said Peter. You laughed and waved at him, waiting for Happy to arrive at Peter’s doorstep. He was there in no time and you climbed into the back seat. 
“Hey, Happy,” you greeted. 
“Hey, squirt. Natasha’s already at the compound so you can start your training earlier, if you'd like.” You shrugged. You both drove in silence for a few minutes before he put on a classic rock radio station and you both found yourself singing along. Happy opened the door for you once you reached home and waved goodbye to you as you entered the compound from the garage. 
After changing into workout clothes, you put your hair in a ponytail and met Natasha in the gym. 
“Hey, Nat,” you said with a smile.
“You’ve been awfully cheery for the the past week,” she noted. 
“Am I not allowed to be happy?” 
“Is it a good test grade? Did Tony buy you a car? Are you seeing a boy?” You blushed at the last comment. “So it is a boy. Tell me what he's like while we spar.” The two of you stood face to face and threw a few punches at each other. 
“He’s so smart. Wicked smart. It’s unbelievable that he didn’t skip a grade. Plus, he’s really nice and not one of the mean kids at school, like Flash.” You dodged one of Natasha’s punches and swung your leg underneath hers, to which she jumped. 
“He’s kind of quiet, like me. I don’t really talk to him, though. I guess we only started talking because of the project. I’ve been over at his place to finish it.” 
“You’ve already been to his house? You work really fast,” Natasha joked. You moved your body so that you could tackle Natasha and pin her down, your eyes looking down at hers. 
“It’s really not like that, Natasha.” With a mutual agreement, you both decided that was enough sparring for the day and you grabbed your water bottle. “It’s only for this project. I don't even think he wants to talk to me after. I’m so awkward and bad with boys.” 
Natasha patted you on the shoulder. “Don’t think about it too hard. I know I don’t have the best track record when it comes to men, but just know that he’s a dumbass if he stops talking to you.” 
Steve and Bucky entered the gym and Steve cocked an eyebrow. 
“Who is this ‘he’ we’re talking about?” You groaned and tried to exit the gym, but Bucky stood in front of you and crossed his arms.
“He’s no one,” you tried to argue.
“Do I need to beat someone up?” Bucky asked, looking at Steve. “I think we need to beat this boy up if he’s making our girl mad.” You rolled your eyes and looked at Steve. 
“Steve, Bucky, it’s nothing. I’ll let you know if I want you two to beat someone up for me, but don’t beat up this guy. He’s really sweet.” 
“All men are sweet until they get what they want,” Steve argued. You sighed. 
“Aren’t you a man? Aren’t you literally the most honest person in this country? So it’s really not every guy I talk to.” Steve opened his mouth to argue but closed it after having trouble finding an argument. 
“Be safe, okay? You know you can always call us and you know we’ll be there in a flash,” Bucky said. You nodded and awkwardly patted him on the bicep, desperately trying to end the conversation. 
An alarm sounded throughout the tower, indicating someone was trying to break in. Everyone looked at each other for a split second before you silently agreed that you would split ways, Steve and Bucky being hitters, and you and Natasha working at the computers to try to lock out the intruders. You both reached the main office where most of the computers are kept and took a seat. 
“I’m looking at the camera feed. It looks like most of the intruders are downstairs, but there are some who have reached the floor directly above us,” you warned Natasha. 
“Tony, did you hear that?” Natasha asked, noticing Tony was on communications. 
“Yeah, I heard. Spidey, swing!” Tony yelled. 
You furiously typed at the keyboard, writing every code and algorithm you could think of to shut the doors, lock the windows, and use any external weapons to keep the intruders out of the building. You yelped when the window in front of you crashed. A couple men had been pushed in by Spider-Man, who swung in shortly after. Natasha looked at you and warned you to stay low. You did as she told you and sucked under the desk, peeking in between the cracks. 
Natasha joined the fight. She and Spider-Man were busy fighting the intruders that they hadn’t realized you were there. You were intrigued by Spider-Man, however. You’d never seen him in action and Tony didn’t want to make him an official Avenger yet, so you never got around to get to know him. He wasn’t as experienced as Natasha, but he used his strength and speed to his advantage. His web shooters seemed to have a never-ending supply and he didn’t seem to get tired of punching this guy over and over again. After a few moments, Natasha had knocked the guy she was fighting out cold and Spider-Man was struggling because the man he was fighting had him in a chokehold. Without a second thought, you stood from the desk and grabbed the guy with all your might before punching him, knocking him out. 
“You okay?” Natasha asked you once she turned around. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you okay?” You asked Spider-Man. 
“Y/N?” he asked. You raised an eyebrow. 
“How do you know my name?” 
The alarm system turned off and FRIDAY informed the three of you that the threat had been taken care of. You ran down to meet everyone in the compound and ran to Tony, who was still in his suit. 
“Kid, I’m so glad you’re okay,” he said, keeping you in a tight embrace. Your phone rang and you glanced at the caller ID, and noticed it was Pepper who was calling. 
“Pepper, I’m fine,” you said. “Everyone’s okay. Just, get back to the tower, okay?” 
“Okay. I’m glad you're okay. I had a heart attack and I’m not really sure I got over that.” You laughed and hung up the phone, putting it in your back pocket. You looked over at Steve who had a cut on his forehead. 
“Let me get the first aid kit,” you said, reaching for the white box on the wall. The rest of the team sat around the couch to discuss what had happened while you worked on Steve’s forehead. Spider-Man kept his mask on and seemed to be staring at you while you worked on Steve. 
“Why’s the kid staring at you?” Steve asked. 
“Heck if I know,” you replied. 
“Y/N, if I could have your attention,” Tony said. You stopped and turned around. 
“You haven’t formally met Spider-Man yet, and I think after today’s events, you should. This is Peter. He goes to your school, actually.” The masked man unveiled himself and you looked at him in disbelief. 
“Peter?” He sheepishly nodded and pursed his lips. 
“So this is the Peter you’ve been telling me about,” Tony said. You shot him a warning look and he put his hands up in surrender. You left Steve alone, to which he protested, but Natasha finished what you had started. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Tony was your uncle?” Peter asked. 
“Well, he’s not really my uncle, but at the same time, he is. I mean, I think everyone would want to be friends with me because I’m rich,” you said. 
“And you had no idea that I was Spider-Man?” 
“I had no idea you were Spider-Man.” 
“So, you talk about me a lot, huh?” Peter teased. You blushed. 
“Well, I mean, I just -” 
“I’ve liked you for a while now,” he admitted. “I never really got the courage to get to know you better, but would you like to go out for dinner some time?” You smiled and nodded. 
“I’d like that very much, Peter,” you replied. Peter was happy you didn’t refer to him as Spider-Man. 
“Hey, kid, if you break her heart, you can say goodbye to the suit,” Tony warned. You shushed Tony and led Peter to the couch where you both got to know each other, leaving the rest of the team to both be disgusted by young love, but happy that their girl found someone to share her adventures with. 
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precise-desolation · 7 years
Finally home!
[[Hello! Well. I finally made it back from fieldwork. I got in at probably 7:30~8pm last night. Oh my god, that trip….
So usually that drive takes about 8 hours. Almost always, under very nearly any conditions, it takes between 7.5~8.5 hours, no matter the road conditions or how many people and dogs you have packed into the car. I know this because I have made that drive with my family probably over 80 times in my life, though this was only the fourth time I’ve made it alone. I have literally never, in all of that time, had it take more than 16 hours, and that was only because we were coming from the coast rather than inland and North Carolina is a very long state.
I was on the road, from the time I left my grandmother’s house to the time I got home, for about 29 hours. Now, I mean, part of that was the fact that I had planned to spend a day or two in the Raleigh-Duram area, but I got to Chapel Hill and went, “Fuck it, I can’t do this anymore, I’m going home.” So I wandered around Chapel Hill for a bit before committing to the idea that I was going to skip all the university libraries I had planned to go to.
So it was 3pm when I left my grandmother’s house, 4:30 when I got to Chapel Hill, 6 when I finally just said “fuck it” after realizing I had no idea where I was going to stay for the night, then drove for about half an hour before realizing my low tire pressure indicator was on. Which wasn’t much of a problem, it happens all the damn time because for some reason my tires object to holding air. So much so that for my birthday my parents got me a little air compressor that runs off the AC adapter in the car. It works great.
But the thing was, I had already driven about 2,500 miles over the course of my trip. I did not want to be on the road, especially not for another 500 miles. So I sat around in the rest area parking lot for like two hours before convincing myself to keep going. About midnight, which was when I finally hit the NC/VA state line, I got to where I knew I probably wasn’t safe to be on the road. So I stopped at the VA welcome center rest area, laid back my driver’s seat, and curled up to go to sleep. Which took like an hour, because I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to sleep in the driver’s seat of a car, but I am 5'7" with neck problems, this didn’t work well. Got about 3.5 hours of sleep, though, and got back on the road about 4:30am.
I stopped for gas at 5:30 and got a cold coffee thing, which I didn’t realize was expired until I had taken a drink of it and it tasted off… Drove until about 6:30, when I again found myself too tired to be on the road. So I stopped at a travel plaza in WV, attempted to sleep until about 8:30, when the sun started to make it unbearably hot in my car. At which point I went inside, got a green tea frappuchino thingy because I detest coffee but needed caffeine. Sat in there until I finished that and was debating lunch because it was like noon. But I didn’t feel well because of little sleep in an uncomfortable position, so I was exhausted and in pain.
So I finally got back on the road at like 12:30pm. And let me tell you, WV is the state that never ends. I was fucking texting my roommate the Lambchop song about how it was the state that never ends. I stopped for lunch at about 3, when I finally got hungry, then got back on the road about 4. At which point I just wanted out of the car. I made one more stop for gas at like 5:00, a little while after I made it back to Ohio. At which point my back was yelling at me, but I was an hour and a half from home. So I pushed through that and got home about 7:45-ish.
By the time I got back, I was about 10 miles shy of having driven 3,000 miles during the course of this trip. I was gone for 7 weeks. And I left 3 days after we got keys for the place we’re buying. And if I haven’t told that story here, feel free to ask, but be advised that there will be ranting. So now the project this week is to get unpacked and moved in before I go back to work.
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whitefeather79 · 8 years
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bgreenaker12 · 7 years
It’s been my experience that people tend to fall into one of two categories when it comes to health, the first are those who are extremely vigilant about their health, they schedule regular Dr visits, even when nothing is wrong with them, they take the medications they are supposed to, they follow all their Physician’s instructions to the letter, and they go to the doctor’s office when something seems to be amiss. They are basically what could be called, a “good” patient.
Then there is the second category.
The one I was in.
This second category is filled with people like me who tend to be too busy, too stubborn, think that whatever is ailing them will “just go away”, don’t have health insurance, or they self diagnose from friends or the internet.
Yup, that was me.
A few years ago, near Thanksgiving, I almost died.
Not as a result of an accident, but because of my own inherent stubbornness and stupidity. My downward slide was so gradual that I never really recognized there was something truly wrong until it was almost too late. I had always been boringly healthy most of my life, except for a “funky form of Arthritis” as a Rheumatologist back in the early 90’s called whatever I had. Lab tests couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong with me then. Over the years, I gave up trying to figure out what my “malady” was and thought this was my lot in life, and moved on.
Fast forward a couple of decades to what would be the culmination of what happens when you ignore your health for way too long.
The first time I noticed anything was wrong, was a few years ago when I had been running a group home for brain injured adults. It was a rewarding, albeit at times, very stressful, frustrating and low paying, but an overall very satisfying job. Part of the job was going grocery shopping with the residents to teach life and financial skills. When we would arrive back to the residence from the supermarket, we’d bring the shopping bags into the house. No matter which way we entered the house we had to climb a flight of stairs to reach the kitchen. As I usually did when I went to the grocery store, I felt less trips back and forth from the car, would be more efficient. So when I carried two or three bags in each hand up the stairs, I noticed that my legs felt tired, really tired. Like I was walking in a deep pool with weights around my ankles. It was a huge struggle to accomplish this task, but me being me, I would soldier on. Besides, I just chalked it up to getting older, I was in my early fifties, and didn’t give it much more thought.
When I started having mood swings, I attributed them to Menopause. After all, I was the right age and hadn’t had a period in quite some time. My poor husband had to put up with me being such a bitch! I couldn’t help myself, I at times felt out of control and that really isn’t me at all, I’m usually pretty laid back. So in my mind, it had to be “the change of life” right? That line of thinking played heavily into what would happen during the next several months.
So, on I went, going about my business and coping with the “must be getting older” mentality. When my husband and I decided to move back to NY state from NH, to live and take care of with my elderly mother, it was very difficult for me to focus. My brain seemed so hazy sometimes that simple tasks like going to the store, or driving, were tiresome and difficult. Packing our things to move was exhausting. This wasn’t an everyday occurrence, just a feeling that would come and go. Quite frankly at that time, I was too busy to really pay attention and give credence to how I really felt. Driving in the moving caravan was taxing, I was on major interstates with confusing signage and during rush hour to boot. We eventually made it to our destination safely after ten hours of driving. As exhausting as the trip was, having to unload all of our belongings was more so, but I still managed.
Since I didn’t have a job, the next few months I would be my husband’s helper with his painting/handyman business although I would tire easily and need frequent breaks.
I would get intense hot flashes that would take quite a bit of time to cool down and I had a craving for almost frozen water. I noticed that I was losing weight. All my adult life I usually didn’t have any problem gaining weight, so losing wasn’t viewed by me as a bad thing. Besides, I had done an online search of Menopause symptoms and learned that some women actually lost weight instead of gaining, for once I thought the stars had aligned in my favor. It didn’t matter what I ate or how much, I was losing weight and loving it and I took full advantage of eating with gusto!
But soon there were other things, I was starting to lose more hair than usual and a couple of my toenails and fingernails were starting starting to look a little strange, the white part at the end of my nail was more pronounced, even though the nail itself was still fairly short, I was also getting short of breath going up a flight of stairs. Of course I rationalized those symptoms and did nothing.
At night I would take a slew of herbal medicines, antihistamines and a lot of Ibuprofen to go to sleep at night. Again, the internet searches I was doing, indicated that difficulty sleeping is perfectly normal for Menopause, so I ignored yet another big red flag.
Towards the Fall of that year I noticed that when I slept I would frequently wake up in the night, which wasn’t unusual, but I found myself mouth breathing during the night. I’ve never been a mouth breather except during the occasional Common Cold, so for the first time I was waking up to the reality that all was not right in my world.
I also noticed when I got hungry and waited too long to eat, I frequently would get nauseous and on many occasions, vomit. Which on an empty stomach, is no small feat! That was the case when we went to a mall, stayed too long and I ended up in the parking lot sitting in our car using an empty shopping bag to throw up in.
My husband would nag and say, there was something wrong and I should see a doctor. He would tell me when I was having a hot flash that I looked like a red, melting candle. I always had an excuse as to why I didn’t call anyone, no primary doctor, not enough money and truth be told a good dose of fear, though I wouldn’t admit to that to him at the time.
To be honest also I was such a rotten bitch and would shut him out if he bugged me too much about my health. Since our recent move, I hadn’t yet found a job, so I had no health insurance and I was way too proud to sit in some welfare office and beg for Medicaid.
The hot flashes were becoming much more intense and my husband noted that if he was within six feet of me, he could feel the heat coming from me and see the pulse banging away in my neck. I was slowly coming around to the fact that all was not well, but I wasn’t quite there yet, despite the fact that it would be 25–30 degrees outside and I wouldn’t wear anything more than a tee shirt and would drive with the windows down because I was so hot. My husband absolutely refused to drive me with the windows down, so I would open the air vent on the passenger side to keep me cool whenever we went anywhere together.
I continued to lose weight and now my hands would shake like a detoxing alcoholic.
Around Thanksgiving, I had an opportunity to finally be employed so I applied for a job
helping the elderly by doing basic errands, cleaning their homes and providing companionship to them. After I applied with the agency, I was accepted on the condition that I have a pre-employment physical. By this time quite frankly I was glad for the upcoming appointment, partially because I might get some answers about what was going on with me and also, it wouldn’t cost me a dime.
By now my heart rate was quite rapid all the time, even when I was sitting still and at times I was having palpitations, that was very scary for me although I would push those fears down, no sense in borrowing trouble I thought, there might be a simple answer to how I feeling, I rationalized.
It’s very interesting how when you’re sick, you will do anything to deny there is a problem.
I could no longer sleep on my stomach anymore, because I could feel my pulse pounding in my neck and I felt like I was choking.
The day of my physical finally arrived and I drove myself to the medical complex which was about seven miles from home. I checked in with the receptionist and sat in a full reception area waiting for my name to be called. Finally it was my turn and I walked back to the exam room with the nurse and we stopped in the hallway so I could get weighed, I was pleased to see I was still losing weight despite all the food I had been eating lately. Next we sat down in an exam room and she took my blood pressure. As I watched her pump up the cuff, I was keenly aware of just how tight it was getting and how high up the needle was going. As she released the pressure and listened to my arm under the cuff, she frowned and sort of shook her head and repeated the whole process again and again. When she finished the third time she raised her eyebrows and for the first time, really looked at me. “How do you feel?” she asked me.
“Fine, the same way I always do.” I said
“Your blood pressure is 220 over 132” she said.
“Oh” I replied.
I was unable to comprehend what she was telling me, but I was starting to feel the panic rising in my chest. The nurse then got up and made a call.
After that a Doctor came into the room and took my pressure again. Then again. She looked at me and asked a few questions. She asked the nurse some questions, then she made a phone call and another Doctor, her boss came into the exam room. He repeated the same steps as the previous Doctor with the same results, blood pressure that was way too high, and my resting heart rate was a sustained 146 beats per minute. I was near tears as I realized that this was quite serious as the medical team huddled in a group to to decide what to do next.
Apparently someone called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I refused, saying that I was fine to drive myself, that the hospital was literally half a mile up the street from my house. What I was too embarrassed to say to them was I was driving our only car and all I could think of was how was my husband going to retrieve our vehicle from 7 miles away? Also, I just couldn’t imagine myself riding in an ambulance, that was for really sick people and besides, how much would that cost me? The stupid things you think of in moments of panic. I was thinking as I was driving home that maybe I should have taken the ambulance, what if something happens? But I drove on and went home. Once there I informed my husband what had been said at my physical and then burst into tears. I’m not usually a crier in front of anyone, even my husband. I acknowledged for the first time that there was truly something wrong and now I was forced to confront my lax attitude towards my health.
We drove the 3 blocks to the hospital’s ER and once there, a nurse greeted me by name at the door, escorted me to a room in the back somewhere and took my blood pressure, this time it was 225/140. She then escorted to my own room further down the hall. I found out later that the “team” already had a heads up that I was on my way there and had a room in the back waiting for my arrival. I guess when your b/p was as high as mine was, you get to skip the line and the waiting room chairs. A saving grace from listening to wailing babies and watching bad tv with the volume on mute.
Once in the ER room, I was greeted by a few doctors and nurses who had many questions for me then in quick efficiency drew blood, started an IV and ordered quite a few tests including a chest x-ray, and EKG, and lab tests. After six hours of poking and prodding, my “team” finally had an answer for me. I was having a Thyroid Storm, which is a life threatening condition related to untreated Hyperthyroidism. I was told by one of the ER Doctors that he was very glad I came in when I did, otherwise I could have died before Thanksgiving and that would have been a bummer of a holiday.
It’s a very strange feeling when you’ve considered yourself to be boringly healthy, except for those pesky Arthritic symptoms, most of your life to find out you were off base.
Way off.
I had been ill for years and figured that my symptoms were minor things until they became more severe. Then, after consulting with Dr. Google, I attributed my condition to Menopause.
Now, let me be clear, I was also suffering from Menopause, but with all the other symptoms I was having, I should have taken my butt to a doctor long before I was finally forced to. It’s been 5 years and I still struggle with keeping my Thyroid under control, my weight has yo-yoed up and down quite dramatically so I have clothes that reflect that reality crammed into my dresser and closet. It took many, many months, to get my Thyroid under control and all these years later, I’m still having my medicine adjusted to bring me to within normal limits.
One benefit of all these trips to see the doctor have produced an answer to my other condition that had been plaguing me for over 25 years with no answer, I also have Systemic Lupus. With that new diagnosis, I have good days and bad ones, just like I always have, only now I know what to call my “malady.” I also have found out that of people who have Systemic Lupus, 10% will develop Hypothyroidism which is a too low functioning Thyroid, while 1% will develop the way too fast Hyperthyroidism.
So I guess I’m a 1 percenter in something!
My Thyroid medication often causes my Lupus symptoms to flare up so it’s a tricky balancing act. Because of my regular visits to the Endocrinologist, I have discovered I have have three nodules on my Thyroid, two between my Thyroid and my vocal cords, the other sitting very closely to my Carotid Artery. So far, so good on them, but at some point because of their locations and that fact that they are slowly growing, I will probably have to have my Thyroid removed surgically in the future.
I’m not looking forward to that, but I will be an obedient, “good” patient.
Overall, I feel better than I have in years by managing my health. My advice to women everywhere is this, please don’t assume, rely on the internet or friends when it comes to your health and well being. Go to a medical professional and consult with them. You also don’t have to be middle age to have this condition, if you feel like something could be wrong, seek professional help, it could save your life!
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