#when I reblog things I'm still gonna do my best to say nice things in the tags tho
hero-of-the-wolf · 2 months
just a little heads up that I'm grieving a really close loved one rn so I'm probably gonna be a little more distant and subdued :(
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the-one-who-lambs · 1 year
uhh hello!! sorry if this is a tall order LOL but I wanna ask, do you have any narilamb fanfic recs? :D I already read yours and I really like bamsara’s and I’m waiting for epicaandk’s to update (that one is my fav ever <3) but idk what to read now lol
Tall order?? Naaaaah, I'm always happy to give recs. Oh boy, I'm gonna go in reverse chronological order.
If you've read all of my narilamb fics (have you seriously? I'm impressed, that's probably well over half the 150k+ I've written for this damn fandom. Also, to anyone seeing this from a reblog, my stuff is over at onethirdofimpossible!) then here we go!
You already mentioned it, but The Rehabilitation of Death is excellent so far! This one is by @bamsara who is new to the CotL fandom but apparently not new to fanfic writing; they have a really popular FNAF fic and I assume the well-deserved attention this fic's been getting is a byproduct of the popularity they've already gotten in other fandoms. :D Welcome, bamsara! Many of the fic writers in this fandom are friends with each other already, but we don't bite if you wanna say hi.
Feel No Evil and Language Barrier, both by @payasita. I always love how payasita portrays this duo (in both digital art and writing), with so much sass and repressed loneliness, knowing they're stuck together for eternity and making the best of it. (And maybe falling in love, depending on how dense Narinder keeps being.) What makes these come alive for me is how well thought out the setting is outside the Lamb and Narinder. The descriptions and weight of emotions really pop here.
LITERALLY ANYTHING written by pavi / @i-eat-deodorant. Depending on how spicy you want your fics to be he has even more here. Character analysis, diction, pacing, etc. are consistently 10/10. Top-quality banter between a sassy Lamb and tired old man Narinder. We constantly bounce ideas off each other and inspire each other a lot but I promise I'm not hyping him up just because he's my friend oh my god please just go bless your eyes.
It Was For You, O Death by blueberry-muffin-massacre (if they have a tumblr, let me know so I can tag!). An intriguing alternative ending to the final battle wherein the Lamb chooses a secret third option by refusing to give up the Red Crown and still observing Narinder as the God of Death. So many details are so well thought out and duality their relationship is nicely characterized-- both genuine care for each other and also quite unhealthy. A fine line treaded well!
Confessional by jusmove (again, lmk if they have a tumblr). Been a while since I've read it, but I love how the Lamb chips at Narinder's very carefully built emotional walls. Their personalities are very well fleshed out here, especially Narinder's cognitive dissonance at being able to process love.
Confession by @thewitchoftheweed. I didn't expect a part two to this one, but my god I was so thrilled when it did update. Narinder and Lamb with their unique and parallel loneliness and their fucked-up sense of everything. Their relationship is very rocky here, and I love how they navigate it: with tension and eventual, pained acceptance. Mind the rating.
Of Character Development and Being Dense by @calliecature. A short and sweet narilamb classic. They're both mutually pining and one of them is too emotionally repressed to realize it. Guess who.
Not An Offering, But a Gift by @checkplzjuliet. Small confession fic. I especially love how Narinder's descriptions twist the knife of his situation here, and how Lambert is a total foil for him! There are a lot of good things happening in such a short span, which is impressive.
Also, if you think you've read all my narilamb fics... I do have a secret one out there too. Just so you know.
Happy reading!
I'm already friends with many of the people here, but if any of the writers I've tagged have been kinda wanting to reach out for a while but feel a little anxious... Don't be. I've made my best friends in this fandom by literally just waiting for some of my readers to get over whatever assumption they have that I'm cool and say hi. Or being the more confident one first.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
fake fights
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
minho x reader focus
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: none
word count: 2.5k
Remember to reblog if you enjoy, and my asks are open! let me know if you want to be tagged!
you and minho decide to strike revenge and prank the boys after they leave practice early because of the tense mood you both created.
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It was getting nearer and nearer to Stray Kids' 5-STAR Dome tour, and it would be wrong to say that you were managing everything just fine. Rehearsing your own solo song and trying to learn new choreography, alongside refining existing dances was taking a toll on you. You felt more irritable at smaller things, so when Minho corrected you on a mistake you made during the rehearsal for 'ITEM', you didn't react very well.
"Y/N, you need to swing out your arms a bit bigger, it looks out of sync compared to everyone else," Minho commented, panting as he went to pause the music, running a hand through his hair feeling exasperated. He just wanted you to get the movement right but this was the third time already he had mentioned it.
"It looks fine. I don't get why you keep making an issue out of it," you pinch the bridge of your nose as you grab a bottle of water and take a sip from it.
"Because it doesn't look right when you can't keep up with the rest of us," he sighed, already picking up on your irritated tone.
"Oh, so now I'm not as good as everyone else? That's real encouraging, thanks," you roll your eyes. You felt like all your hard work wasn't good enough.
Fire was fighting with fire right now. The other members of Stray Kids and Stays knew well that you and Minho were similar so you'd be more likely to clash.
"That wasn't what I meant and you know that," Minho said sternly, arms resting on his hips as he wiped sweat away from his face.
"Guys, let's not fight, just take a break and we'll carry on after, okay?" Chan attempted to mediate the situation, but both of you were stuck in a sour mood. You, because you felt like you were being criticised for no reason, and Minho, because he knew his words weren't getting through to your stubborn self.
"I'm not gonna carry on if he keeps making comments all the time," you throw your hands up in the air feeling frustrated.
"Y/N, I'm sure Minho is just trying to help," Changbin patted your shoulder, not liking how this practice was going.
"Exactly, that's all I'm trying to do, and you're acting like a child having a tantrum just because you don't like what you're hearing," Minho rolls his eyes.
"Me? A child? Well, it's better than acting like I'm better than everyone else," you fight back, glaring over at him.
"Woah, woah, okay I know it's not nice to hear about what we need to improve on, maybe you could comment on it less, Minho? But we don't need to argue," Chan pointed out. It made you feel happy that someone understood your point of view. But it still didn't help your annoyance fade.
"I'm not arguing, I'm just making a point that Minho is clearly trying to tell us all what to do because he's such an 'expert'," you scrunch your nose up.
"Right, okay, that's it. Kids, let's go," Chan calls over the rest of the group.
"What we're just going to completely abandon practice?" Minho throws his head back annoyed.
"Oh, no. You and Y/N will stay here and make up. We're going back to the dorms. Don't come back until you're best friends again, okay?" Chan directs his orders towards us and doesn't leave room for us to answer him as he directs everyone else out of the room without a goodbye.
You grit your teeth as you practice the dance again, seeing Minho stand up in the mirror reflection and walk behind you.
"Don't say it," you don't even look him in the eye.
"I wasn't going to say anything," Minho casually says, grabbing your arms and adjusting how you stand to help create bigger movements.
"You just did," you mutter under your breath, feeling annoyed because his advice actually did help make that particular move look better.
After going through the dance one more time, you sit on the sofa at the back of the practice room, taking a sip of your water and grabbing your phone.
"I don't actually think you act like you're better than everyone else by the way," you break the silence after working yourself up to talking.
"I know," Minho hums, joining you on the sofa.
"And I know you don't think I'm not as good as anyone else," you add on.
"I know," he simply says again.
"I've just got so many things in my head, trying to remember different choreographies and then feeling comfortable with singing my solo song at the concerts and-"
"I thought as much," Minho stops your rambling as he places a hand on your knee.
"Do you know everything?" you groan, leaning back into the sofa.
"Well, I am better than everyone else, so that means I have all the knowledge anyone could ask for," Minho smirks, poking fun at you.
"Hey I just said I didn't mean what I said-"
"You're getting in your own head again, Y/Nnie, I'm just playing around with you," he chuckles lightly.
"I'm sorry," you say chewing on your lip, looking into his eyes as he wears a small smile.
"I'm sorry too for making you more stressy," he nods at you.
You two sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
"I can't believe they just left us and went back to the dorms. They didn't even stay to practice anymore," you huff, enviously thinking about your other members who went back home.
"Well, this just calls for some revenge, my dear Y/Nnie," Minho smirks with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Mission 'trick the other members into thinking that you and Minho were still arguing' was a go. It was also an unnecessarily long and uncreative title, but we don't talk about that.
Since returning to the dorms, the two of you instantly went to your own bedrooms, ignoring any of the other members that tried talking to you. You had to keep up the idea that you were both still angry at each other.
Checking the time, you realised it was nearing dinner, when you and Minho would be cooking together for the others. And it was time for the next step of your plan to be set in motion.
Exiting your bedroom, you couldn't avoid your other members.
"Hey, Y/N, how you feeling?" Jeongin asked with a cautious smile.
"I'm fine," you shrug nonchalantly.
"Are you still cooking with Minho tonight?" Jisung asked, a look on his face that seemed like he was waiting for you to say no.
"Yeah," you sigh, trying to act like you hated the very thought, "but it'll be fine, I'm not scared of Minho."
"No, but you should be scared of Minho with knives," Seungmin said with wide eyes, causing the other two boys to laugh.
"I'm sure I'll be fine. The only sharp thing about Minho is his tongue, there's a reason he's part of Paboracha," you joke back.
"Good luck Y/Nnie!" Jeongin cutely cheers you on as you enter the kitchen.
"I heard you call me a pabo," Minho says from where he was getting pans out of the cupboard.
"Well, I had to keep it up for the prank," you easily find a cover up for your words, trying to hide your smile as you grabbed ingredients out of the fridge and cupboard.
"Just for the prank, hmm? I'll remember that," Minho says mysteriously, and your smile drops, knowing he could mean that for real.
"Anyways... So I'll chop up the onion, yeah?" you check in that you were both on the same page for your revenge.
"Yeah, and we'd be better off not talking for now, they could overhear and get suspicious," Minho reminds you, chopping up some beef.
"You just don't want to hear my voice," you roll your eyes fondly, peeling the onion.
"Just for the prank," Minho uses your own words against you, and you can hear the smugness dripping through his voice, and it shuts you up.
You focus on your task of chopping up the onions, feeling your eyes water already, and you still had another one to do.
"Aish, dammit," you blink rapidly, trying to clear your blurry vision as you start to quickly chop the other onion.
"Careful, Y/Nnie, you'll chop a finger off if you carry on, I'll finish it off," Minho takes over from your spot.
"You sure?" you double check.
"Yeah, just get on with the prank," he waves you off, easily cutting up the rest of the vegetables.
And with that, you leave the kitchen, eyes stinging with unshed tears, already red from where you used your sleeves to wipe away where they were watering.
"Oh, Y/Nnie, are you okay?" Felix gently asks you as you bump into him.
"I, I just-" you cut yourself off from continuing to speak, pretending to be upset and hiccuping on your own breaths.
"Ah, Y/Nnie, what's happened?" Hyunjin sees you too and looks concerned, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"I hate fighting with Minho," you sniffle, wiping your tears.
"Again?" Felix asks with his eyebrows raised, everyone argued in the group before, but when it came to Minho and Y/N, it was rare for it to last this long. He was worried it was something more serious this time.
"I need a moment," you dramatically walk away to the bathroom, and finally sort out your stinging eyes. You wash your hands and apply a damp cloth to your eyes to soothe them.
As if the boys were actually believing your prank. It only hyped you up more as you heard a knock at the door.
"Y/Nnie, sweetheart, you okay in there?" the sweet husky voice of Changbin gently asked you with a light knock. You sniffle, wiping your eyes to maintain a redness there before responding to him.
"Leave me alone," you whimper pitifully.
"Come on, let's talk about it, yeah?" Changbin tries to coax you out the bathroom. If it weren't for it being a prank, you know any other day you would've ran straight into his arms. Changbin always knew what to say and how to make you feel better.
"It's stupid," you cry out. Yes it was stupid, stupid how the boys were believing this. It was amazing what a couple of onions could do.
"I'm sure it isn't, love, come on, dinner is nearly ready," Changbin tried his best, and you thought you should unlock the door now, to save his patience from breaking.
You're shocked to see Jisung run past you into the bathroom, quickly saying a 'sorry' as he shuts the door.
"Ah, Jisungie needed the toilet also," Changbin scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.
You simply nod, wiping away at your cheeks again, trying not to laugh.
"Let's sit down for dinner, yeah? Sit next to me, you don't have to look at Minho. I don't know what you guys are still arguing about, but I hope it stops soon," Changbin lightly strokes your hair comfortingly, waiting for you to nod again before guiding you to the table.
He sits you between himself and Felix, who leans over to you subtly.
"You ok now, Y/Nnie?" he whispers concerned.
You shake your head, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Chan sternly whispering to Minho. You felt guilty that he was the bad guy in this situation, but he insisted he could handle it.
It was an awkward start to dinner, nobody quite knew what to say. All that could be heard was scrapes of knives and forks, the occasional slurp.
It was time for the final step of the plan.
"I can't take this anymore," you stand up, your chair scraping back against the wooden floors.
"Y/N...?" Chan spoke up warily.
"I can't just sit here and pretend like everything's normal," you exclaim, running your hands through your hair.
"Y/N, whatever happens between you and Minho-" Hyunjin began, but you cut him off.
"It's not about him! It's about the rest of you!" you say, looking at them all.
"Huh? What did we do?" Seungmin stops mid bite, wondering why your anger was being directed towards them.
"I can't keep it a secret anymore," you cover your face, but not just for dramatic effect, but because you were trying to hide your smile. The air was tense right now.
"Should I say it or should you?" Minho speaks up from the other side of the table, purposefully sounding nervous.
"Guys? What's going on?" Jisung looks between the two of you nervously.
"Is it the first Stray Kids baby?" Jeongin genuinely asks.
"Ew no!"
"No Jeonginnie!"
You and Minho both say disgusted at the same time.
"Then what is it?" Chan taps his fingers against the table expectantly, waiting for the answer.
"You've just been pranked," you and Minho reveal at the same time, letting out a laugh at all of their reactions. Seeing their eyes bulge out of their heads, or their confusion taking over.
"Wait... So you don't hate each other?" Felix asks in bewilderment from next to you, making you and Minho laugh.
"Nope," you giggle.
The members stand up from their seats, pacing and exclaiming about how they were 'tricked'.
"So all of that in the practice room earlier...?" Changbin trails off.
"Oh no that was real. But you guys went home after only a little time of practice and left us. So that was our revenge," Minho smirks, ducking from Chan's arms that reached out to grab him into a headlock.
"Only you two would prank someone after having an argument," Seungmin says as if it should have been obvious to him.
"I think it worked perfectly," Minho says as he runs past you, Hyunjin joining in on chasing him with Chan.
"Oh, it certainly did," you laugh, suddenly squealing as Jeongin lifts you over his shoulder and dumps you on the sofa.
"Now it's time for our revenge," he grins and raises his eyebrows before tickling you.
tagged: @oo-li
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untitledmemes · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the series Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ Oh, shit. Did you hear all of that? ”
“ I enjoy your theatrics. ”
“ I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work. ”
“ Well hello there, you wayward sinner. Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? ”
“ Your last attempt at salvation starts here. ”
“ Thank you so much for making this. Seriously. Amazing. ”
“ Oh, fun. You had a little fun with it? ”
“ Sex sells, don't it? ”
“ I really don't want to exploit you in that way. ”
“ This body was made to be exploited. ”
“ I could keep goin' all night, baby. ”
“ Why do you think I'm here? ”
“ I like being forced. ”
“ I'm choosing to be here, and I think it's all stupid. ”
“ That's kind of the end of the road, ain't it? ”
“ Just because nobody made it out before, doesn't mean it's not possible. ”
“ There's just no way I could blow it, not this once in a lifetime chance. ”
“ It's a happy day in hell. ”
“ Ha! I fucking got you!. ”
“ So, I'm happy we got this opportunity to meet. ”
“ I need you to be less horny, if possible. ”
“ I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit! ”
“ So, anyway, we fucked and it was awesome. ”
“ Fucking love putting my name on shit. Shit's the best. ”
“ Alright, um, maybe we can try and fix it in post. ”
“ Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, hm? ”
“ I wouldn't try that, my dear. ”
“ I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. ”
“ Awesome job, danger tits. Pound it. ”
“ Those are my people. You know that, right? ”
“ They had their chance and they earned damnation. ”
“ How does that feel? To know how little you matter. ”
“ Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time. ”
“ Did I hear you imply they don't deserve death? ”
“ It means we're all royally fucked. ”
“ We should just go down there now and destroy them. ”
“ Oh please, you had less than half a chance when you started all this. ”
“ Well, it's not like people are going to show up at our doorstep. ”
“ Now that's good television. ”
“ Whatever could be the problem, my dear? ”
“ Fuck my life. ”
“ I have a fire to put out upstairs. ”
“ Well, looks like you have everything under control here. ”
“ Take care of the piss baby. ”
“ That fucking slut walked out on me. ME. I fucking made him! ”
“ Which of these makes me look sexier? ”
“ What are you doing? You're not going over there. ”
“ Now that's why they pay you the big bucks. ”
“ I think he's had enough. ”
“ Thank you... For letting your guard down! ”
“ Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. ”
“ That fucker is back! ”
“ You still pissed he almost beat you that time? ”
“ Things changed a lot since he left town. ”
“ Welcome home. I'm gonna make you wish that you stayed gone. ”
“ Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? ”
“ Where's he been? Who gives a shit? ”
“ You old timey prick, I'll show you suffering. ”
“ I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone. ”
“ How exactly are we supposed to stop it? ”
“ Who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting? ”
“ I didn't come looking for a fight. ”
“ Aren't you supposed to protect this place? ”
“ I give you a week. Tops. ”
“ It's nice to have someone interested for once. ”
“ Never leave me again. ”
“ I definitely remember you now. ”
“ It's great, right? Keep going. ”
“ The only cool thing has is to say no to drugs. ”
“ I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage! ”
“ You like me. You really like me! ”
“ You actually think you can change? ”
“ You slippery little shit! ”
“ I fucking knew there was something shitty about you. ”
“ Get your aggressively average body off of me! ”
“ This little bitch is a traitor! ”
“ Wait, you were caught? It hasn't even been a day! ”
“ The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts, but sorry is where it starts. ”
“ Why are you so lame? ”
“ You'll have to try better than that next time, ol' pal. ”
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
*runs out of my cave* I can not be silenced any longer. So like... best friend biker satoru... the campus heart throb.. wearing jeans, a white T and a black leather jacket, picking you up from class and he's right there leaning on his bike or doing the thing where they sleep/lie down on top of the bike with his legs crossed at the ankles while he waits for you and he hands you a spare helmet, takes you out on an impromptu date cause you've been studying too much (according to him) and after that he takes you back home, parks his bike for a bit and walks you to your door and before you go in he cups your face and he- oh my time's up *gets dragged back into the cave* //this brainworm has been in my head for FAR too long feel free to do what you want with it babes 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
james dean, daydream look in your eye
wc: 1.5k
cw/tags: best friends to lovers, swearing, mutual pining but reader is in denial, so fluffy you can sleep on it like a pillow
note: *drags you back out from the cave* LET THEM COOK and GUESS WHAT i'm bringing back law student!gojo. hope you enjoy!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :))
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“Now, what the hell is Greased Lightnin’ doing outside my building?”
“I was going for Rebel Without a Cause, but I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” he replies without missing a beat. You roll your eyes and his grin only gets wider as he hands you the spare helmet from the storage box. “What, not digging the look?”
“You look like you’re gonna cut someone with a switchblade. Also, workshop that last line; it’s a little too pretentious.” His jaw hangs open in exaggerated shock at your blunt criticism of his pickup lines. You’re a little shrewder than usual after a group-turned-solo assignment irritated you beyond belief, and it was easier to mess with Satoru than to acknowledge how good he looked in his stupid leather jacket. The leather jacket, you noted, that he bought while thrifting with you last week and the same jacket he’d turned his nose up to thinking it was “not his style.” Though Suguru was practically tackling Satoru to get his hands on it, the latter had ultimately decided to buy it after you made an off-hand comment about how it’d fit nicely with his bike. 
“You wound me. I personally thought it was a great line,” he laments, stuffing your bag in the back container of the bike while you slip on the helmet. When he’s done locking up the box, his legs effortlessly stretch over the motorcycle and you climb on behind him, snaking your arms delicately around his waist. “Just for that, I’m kidnapping you.”
“Excuse me?”
��You heard me. I’m starting the bike now, so you better hold on tighter than that if you don’t wanna fall off,” he says and you can hear the smirk in his voice. Begrudgingly, you obey his suggestion and shimmy closer to him until his back is against your chest and your arms are wound tightly around his torso. You thank every deity you can think of for creating your helmet so your best friend can’t see the warmth rising to your face when you feel the pure muscle cut into his abdomen. “We’re getting dinner and you can’t stop me!”
“You’re a menace to society!” 
“And yet, your fine ass is still on the seat!” With a jerk of the key, he starts the bike before you can spit out a retort. It hums beneath your bodies and your feet leave the ground on instinct when Satoru gives the kickstand a firm strike, cutting a dangerously risky turn that has you cursing his name over the sound of the engine. His laugh reverberates against your forearms and you rest your chin on his shoulder, relishing in his natural body heat that helped stave off the chilly wind as you passed car after car. The cacophony of noises are familiar to you by now, finally unbothered by roaring vehicles, sputtering engines, and snippets of blasted radios. 
“I think you need to pick a lane and stay in it, Satoru,” you managed to verbalize after he opened the ginormous doors of his garage, effectively unveiling his newest impulse purchase that was sure to tank his dad’s credit score for the fourteenth time. It was pretty, you had to admit, and very Satoru. He definitely ordered a custom paint job on it for it to be such a deep shade of black and the subtle purple lightning accents running down the hardware were a nice touch. His helmet had the same design scheme and he was very excited to show you your helmet, matching his but with bright blue bolts instead. To match his eyes, you figured. 
“The whole point of this thing is so I can go between lanes, silly.” His fingers lightly flick your forehead as he enters the garage, running his hand over the new leather like it was a prized racehorse. “Haven’t you seen those bikers on the highways? They’re in all the lanes, all the time.”
“You know what I mean,” you say. “I don’t know how many clients are gonna take you seriously if they see their lawyer rolling up on two wheels instead of four. You’re not really helping the ‘rich boy whose dad paid for his entire tuition’ allegations.” 
“That’s why I’m going into entertainment law, so I can kick legal ass and look hot at the same time. Also, I really couldn’t give a shit about my tuition or my dad or school in general. I’m only here because you are.” 
“That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard,” you scoff and he quirked an eyebrow at your blunt dismissal of his reasoning. “Admit it, you’re only going to law school so you can pick up the hot girls in mini skirts.”
“They’re a bonus, yeah,” he admits and you shake your head in disbelief, too exasperated to ask if he’s joking or not. Part of you died a tiny bit every time he talked about a new girl he was talking to or told you about how many people asked him out. You commended them for doing what you never had the courage to do for fear of ruining your friendship with him. For now, you just laughed off his trial attempts at flirting and looked away when he stared at you a little too tenderly for comfort. “Wanna take her on her maiden voyage with me?”
“That’s what you say about ships, Satoru, but sure.”
“Maybe I want this ship to sail, then,” he says suggestively and you resist the urge to hit him in the head with your new helmet. Rides with Satoru became much more frequent after you finally agreed to let him pick you up from class despite only living a few minutes away. Often, he decided to make an unplanned detour at your favorite fast food place or a random grocery store as an excuse to spend more time with you. Maybe it was selfish or maybe it was more, but you didn’t mind his hand finding your thigh when you were stopped at a red light or his lingering gaze when you took off your helmet. You forced yourself not to think anything of it, but found it pretty hard to ignore him this time when he parked his bike on the curb and walked you to your door. 
“I should probably give this back; thank you for letting me borrow it,” you say quietly, attempting to shrug off his jacket from your shoulders when his hands are suddenly there to keep it in place. He wordlessly draped it over your shoulders when he came back from the bathroom at dinner, noting the goosebumps on your exposed skin and the way you crossed your arms to conserve warmth. As if Fate could get any crueler, he looked even better in just his jeans and his white tee-shirt, all charming and tempting and everything that you never could have. 
“Just keep it for now and give it back to me tomorrow, yeah?” He was looking at you in that way again, the one that made your knees turn into putty and had your heart racing as fast as the bike down a straightaway. It was a gentleness that he only reserved for you, or at least you hoped he did. 
“Okay, I’ll give it back after my 9:00 A.M. Is that okay?”
“Keep it however long you need it. It suits you.” His voice was too soft, too fond, too loving. The way his hair reflected the warm glow of your porchlight wasn’t helping, either.
“Thanks, ‘toru, for the jacket and for the impromptu dinner date.”
“Of course, gorgeous. Anything for you.” He turns to leave you alone again and the thought fills you with so much dread that you want to throw up. 
Fuck it. 
Before you have time to think, your hand is on his arm and spinning him around, your other hand grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling his face down to you. He’s kissing you back within a microsecond, as if he was waiting for you to stop him and make a move. It’s as natural as blinking, pulling him close until your back hits the door and feeling him grip your waist. He sighs into your mouth when your fingers find the hair on the back of his neck and you’re barely able to pull away before he’s chasing you down again, kissing you like he’s starving. When you’re both breathing a little heavier and your foreheads rest against each other, his hand gently cups your cheek and he runs his thumb over your skin. 
“You stole my thunder,” he murmurs, your fingers still carding through his hair. “I was gonna spin around and kiss you, but you beat me to it.”
“I got impatient,” you state simply, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Can I still keep your jacket?” He chuckles under his breath, nudging his nose against yours.
“Baby, you can keep all of my jackets.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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goodlucksnez · 5 months
A/ngel d/ust x husk & an/gel has comes back off set with terrible hay fever after working with flowers, and hu/sk is being nice
no one gets to talk bad about my angel dust voice okay, accent are hard and i am still working on it- I made this quick after work while people were cutting the lawn so sorry if the audio isn't the best
anyway enjoy you filthy sinners
cw: sneezing, (duh) some sniffles, cursing, 2 noseblows some sniffles, and playful nicknames, mentions of s/ex worker
What the hell happened to you? You look like shit.
I will. Thanks, whiskas. Trust me, you don't want to know.
Ohh I most certainly do. What overlord did you fuck this time?
Hey, I will suck all of them. Besides, it ain't your fucking business. That's me and my work. Pour me a drink hard.
I'm not pouring you anything, especially when you're dripping snot all over my counter like that.
You.Suck at it.
Come on. 6 arms. Tell me.
Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. Val's got this new idea for all the Spring Breakers who fucked a bit too much down here? Well, the Last of Us. A lot. This is a great marketing scheme to make this whole set of tapes about fucking spring. Normally, I ain't complaining. I mean. Look. The hole, the hole I beat, but this time it's a little different.
Judging from your appearance, I can say so. What did he do this time?
Yeah, yeah. He bought every fucking flower to just assault the fucking crew with everything.and towed
Wait, wait. You're telling me that some fucking flowers did this to you? You fucking weak ass bitch Wait. What spiders like live in flora and fauna.
Well, it ain't exactly my sceane. Yeah, I mean, sure have been. Don't get down dirty, but that's what fucking planet.thinks it will strum up bussness. The only thing that's strumming up is my allergies
Breathe.I got you, baby cakes. Just sneeze. You wont feel better till you do.
Impressive. You've got anymore in there?
No. If you tell anyone about.
You ain't gonna do nothing, kid. You're gonna go March upstairs and rest. I'll have smiles. Bring you some antihistamines. You gotta get this **** off of you.
Oh, and what he's suggesting? eh whiskers. You want to see me all nude?
What I want to see is your snot filled face.I'll join you upstairs in a minute. Why don't you go do yourself a favor and start taking a shower?
Oh kitty got claws meow
If you make another fucking cat pun, I will shove this bottle so far.
Oh, don't threaten me with a good time. God I am gonna murder hin (val)
OK, arachnophobia. You get out of here. Go clean up, OK? Ill have a little talk little moth friend.
No, no, no, no. Ain't no way you're going near Val.
Says anything about me? I was an overlord once I got deals. I still know how to play my cards right.
Now you're gonna ask. Shit I'm way too congested just even think about it. OK, im out of here. Bring the fuckin bottle.
poor kids gonna kill himself one of these days. Up to me to clean up the fucking mess.
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anakin-pilled · 9 months
𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 - anakin skywalker x fem! reader (part two)
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem! reader
wordcount: 4.7k
warnings: no use of y/n
rating: rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
author's note: thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged the first chapter! it meant so much to me. i cant believe i managed to push out two chapters in a week!! this chapter might seem slow, but only because im still new to writing fanfics and im trying to find the right groove of things, but please be patient as i hope to fasten the pace and tension with the new few chapters. as always, proofread but please let me know if you see any mistakes and feel free to nicely provide any criticism or suggestions (pls). i really want to keep everything as canon compliant to the star wars universe (minus the timeline, that's unspecified), but i decided to take some creative liberties for minor cultural and geographic details. i get most of my information from wookiepedia or the star wars reddit, so if you have any questions about anything, i'm happy to send any links. okay im gonna stop yapping now. taglist at the bottom! creds to saradika for the header!
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You couldn’t bear another moment of dinner with Anakin. Something about him set your nerves on fire and left you completely unsettled–in a good way, a way that you’ve rarely felt before. But it was a way that you didn’t know how to deal with, and this deeply troubled you. How were you going to spend the next ten rotations with him? It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. You doubted Anakin would do anything wrong. No, you would be the one to do something wrong. Totally embarrassing yourself in front of him or unintentionally acting off-putting just because you found him too attractive.
Dammit, you were thinking like a schoolgirl with a crush. 
After retreating to your quarters, you began to pace around your room. You had to get yourself out of this situation. Avoidance was always your favorite escape plan. It made life simpler when you avoided anything that made you uncomfortable or anxious. You weren’t exactly sure how you would avoid the 6’2 hunk of a Jedi. Asking Gido to remove him was out of the question. You couldn’t have Anakin removed, especially after the Chancellor had been kind enough to request one of the Jedi’s best members. You were being immature and you knew it. It hadn’t even been a full day and this man already made you so nervous that you felt like going haywire. 
You gave yourself a small facepalm. “What am I going to do?” you whispered to yourself. You needed to put distance between you and Anakin. That way you would stay as unaffected as possible. Plus, it’s not like anything could happen between you two. Anakin was a Jedi, and you knew that the Jedi had some unorthodox rules surrounding relationships. However (a small and delusional) part of you already imagined a future between the two of you.  You already imagined your lips on his. A man that captivating only came around every few millennia. Well, that was hyperbolic of you to think. Even you, a celebrity with access to Coruscant’s rich and famous upper echelon, never came across a man like Anakin. When was the last time you even got fucked or had one good Holodrama kiss? Dating is hard when you’re a celebrity. You meet people with the wrong intentions–cocky men who care more about having you as some sort of trophy or are afraid of looking beneath you just because you’re more rich than them. Plus, aside from the shitty dating pool, you were simply too busy with your career to indulge in relationships and sex. It honestly quite was ironic considering many of your songs revolved around love. 
The more you thought, the more you felt trapped in your room. An intrusive thought popped into your head, but you quickly brushed away the thought before it got you in trouble. But then the thought appeared again, and you couldn’t help but entertain what your brain was saying.
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Her presence is suffocating is the first thing Anakin thought as you left the room. As a trained Jedi, Anakin mastered the practice of shielding others' thoughts and emotions from affecting him. But you were being so loud through the Force. Anakin felt the same nervous energy he felt earlier in the day when he first met you. Except this time, he felt it ten times worse. 
Anakin knew he was being quiet during dinner. But it was hard to focus with your energy screaming in his ears! So, he focused on trying to enjoy his meal instead. You were nice, Anakin would give you that. But he felt if he talked to you, while also trying to stave off your energy from his, he would overwhelm himself. It was all too distracting–a feeling that Anakin rarely felt. 
Anakin then proceeded toward his assigned room, ready to prepare for the night. Luckily, he didn’t have to stay on guard the entire night as there was no threat direct threat to you in Coruscant. Sleep slowly became a stranger to Anakin in the past few months, so he welcomed the guest room’s luxurious, canopy bed with an unrefined flop. He lay there for a while, though he didn’t know how for long as he just stared at the window in front of him and thought. 
Anakin suddenly heard a crash! noise coming from the living room. He quickly jumped into action and ran towards the sound. What if an intruder was trying to harm you? Anakin wouldn’t let them get near you. Though he would protect you, a pang of annoyance ran through Anakin’s head. How could anyone gain access to your apartment? He went through your security details with Gido and made sure that all access points were being guarded by either a security guard or a droid. Anakin hoped this wouldn’t become another Padme situation–he wasn’t in the mood for a high-speed speeder chase tonight. Better yet, why didn’t he sense anything? Were you distracting him so much that his senses were dull? Anakin couldn’t have that happening if you were both to survive the next ten rotations together. 
As Anakin reached your living room and investigated the sound, he saw what object made the sound he heard. His eyes first laid sight on a broken flower vase. The turquoise vase was shattered into a million pieces on the floor. Anakin then looked at the figure next to the broken pottery and there you were, dressed in a dark robe, halfway to the entrance of your apartment. A look of shock, then brief fear and then embarrassment, went through your eyes when you saw Anakin standing before you with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows raised. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Anakin questioned you with a glare. His voice had a deep edge to it. He was relieved that there was no intruder, but he wondered what you were doing. If he didn’t know any better, Anakin would say that it looked like you were in the middle of trying to leave your apartment. Except, Anakin did know better so he knew that was exactly what you were trying to do. The dark robes were a telltale sign of this–it disguised your figure and the hood covered a majority of your face. 
You cleared your throat before putting on a tight-lipped smile, “Oh, I was just trying to night walk in the gardens before going to bed.”
“The gardens? I thought they were closed for renovations. That’s what Gido told me.” There was a slight smirk on Anakin’s face as he replied. He knew he had you.
“Not for me. I have special access…you know, the building manager is a fan of mine. Perks of being famous.” You felt slimy using that as an excuse, but it was better than letting the Jedi know your true intentions. 
“Really?” Anakin admired you for doubling down on your lie, but once again, he could sense your energy through the force. You were hesitant, like you weren’t fully convinced of what you were saying either. Anakin continued, “Then why are you wearing such a thick robe? The weather has been warm lately, even at night. Don’t you think that you would sweat too much?” 
You chuckled nervously before saying, “I sweat all the time.” You quickly shook your head. Kriff that’s not what I meant! you cursed in your head. “I mean I’m used to sweating during practice and performances so it does not bother me too much. I felt chilly which is why I decided to wear my robe on my walk. Please excuse me for disturbing you, General. I must have been in such a rush that I accidentally knocked over this vase. I assure you that I did not intend to raise any alarm.”
“It looks like you were sneaking out to me. Is that why you feel so tense right now? You know, we Jedi can sense emotion. I can sense that you’re not being truthful. There’s no lying to me, pop star.” Anakin replied smoothly. 
You shook your head. It looks like your plan of trying to put distance between you and Anakin wasn’t going to work after all. You should have known–how could you outsmart a Jedi? It was easy to sneak out with your regular security staff, but Anakin was different. 
“I apologize. You’re right. I wasn’t going to take a walk in the gardens. I thought I could visit the night market on level 3204, the Alderaan district. I just needed to clear my head. I didn’t tell because I didn’t think there would be an issue since I was going to keep my identity hidden.” Anakin noted how your apology sounded genuine. 
“Level 3204. Isn’t that a bit far from you? I never suspected that you would stray anywhere past the 5000th level,” said Anakin. When people on Coruscant managed to achieve enough wealth to live on the 5000th level of Coruscant, it was very rare that they ventured anywhere below. The only people that ventured below were those dealing in shady business. That’s not to say that the 3000th level was necessarily bad–he knew that the lower levels were a mixture of the classes ranging from middle-class families to criminals. Anakin had been to almost all the levels of Corscant while on Jedi business. He had seen the most impoverished slums, where crime was rampant and everyone fended for themselves. Yet, he had also seen the richest that Coruscant had to offer–elegant restaurants, opulent theaters, and people dressed in the most expensive fabrics. It always amazed Anakin how in the capital city of the Republic, one of the richest planets in the galaxy, could house such a dichotomy. 
You took offense to Anakin’s words. What did he know about you? Sure, you were wealthy and privileged, but that didn’t mean you had to confine yourself to a small circle of society. You enjoyed visiting what Coruscant had to offer–the different cultures, species, etc. It may have been unconventional for someone of your status, but your parents raised you with humility. Anything you earned in this life could be taken away from you at any moment, so you tried your best to explore and enjoy everything while you still could. 
Now you weren’t thinking about this annoyingly handsome face or soft curls. You were thinking about how he pissed you off. Just another person making assumptions about who I am. Your eyes narrowed before dignifying Anakin with a response, “And where is it that I belong? Please enlighten me. What? Do you think just because I am rich, I wouldn’t dare mingle with anyone in a lower class than me?”
“That’s not how I intended my words to come across.”
“How did you mean for your words to come across?” Anakin felt your energy shift. You were no longer hesitant or nervous. 
���What I mean is that it is unorthodox for celebrities to venture anywhere below Coruscant’s surface. It’s not exactly the most celebrity-friendly place. I would know as I’ve to the 3000th level several times before,” Anakin explained.
“Well, I’m an unorthodox person then. I’ll let you know that I enjoy the night market in the Alderaan district, it has good food and honest people. Now, you can either accompany me or stay here and make more assumptions about me. Whatever you choose, I will still be attending the night market. Feel free to tell Gido.” You turned around and continued walking toward your front door before you were stopped by Anakin. 
“Kriff. You’re not going to make this easy, huh? Fine. I’m going with you to the market because it’s my duty to protect you, but don’t try anything.”
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You first discovered this night market in Coruscant’s Alderaan district only a few months into your arrival on the planet. Your fame had not skyrocketed yet, so you could easily travel between Coruscant’s levels without being chased by HoloNet reporters or crazy fans. You stumbled upon the market one night while lost on level 3204. It was a serendipitous moment for you. The night market operated every night and was primarily inhabited by Alderaanian expats, however, there were a few stalls run by species from exotic planets who sold even more exotic goods and foods. At the time you discovered it, you were feeling homesick and lonely. Your home planet of Bar’leth was nothing like Coruscant. Though Bar’leth had some metropolitan cities, it also had greenery and fauna. And the population wasn’t nearly as dense as Coruscant! You grew up in Bar’leth’s capital city, but you could still name your neighbors and there was a sense of community. Coruscant had none of these features. The night market was more than just a market, it reminded you of a tiny piece of home in the most bustling place in all of the galaxy. 
The familiar smell of grilled bantha skewers and roasted pormork flooded your senses. The area was decorated with a mixture of bright, fluorescent neon lighting and the warm, cozy light from twinkle lights from the vendor’s stalls. Light music played in the background from a live band playing in a corner somewhere. Though the market was mainly filled with adults, the occasional child and their family were seen. You and Anakin walked at a comfortable place in the middle of the road. Neither of you was talking, just observing the scene around you. You observed how people interacted with each other and made up life stories for them in your head. Anakin observed for any potential danger. 
“I’m sorry for snapping on you earlier. I hate when people make assumptions about who I am. It’s a sensitive spot for me. You know, with my name always in the tabloids,” it was you who decided to speak first. 
Anakin listened before responding, “Maybe I was wrong to make those assumptions about you.” He still thought it was odd that you wanted to venture so below the surface, but if there was one thing that Anakin understood, it was your disdain for assumptions. As the Chosen One, everyone made assumptions about Anakin—assumptions he should act or think. And somehow, Anakin always failed to live up to people’s assumptions of him. There were very few people in his life who accepted him the way he was. This was another point of contention in his life. 
Instead of letting this event take place in a silent awkwardness like dinner, you decided to make an effort to keep the conversation going. Anakin didn’t directly apologize, but you took his words to be a positive sign. “I know it must be a shock to you that I wanted to visit this market. And you were partially right to judge, who would suspect that I stray far from my life on the surface? The truth is, no one would expect that from me which is exactly why I do what I do. Not even Gido knows that I come down here.” 
“What makes this specific place worth sneaking out for? Aren’t there any other places you would rather be than down here?” Anakin asked this question sincerely. He was curious about you. While he was no stranger to Coruscant’s rich elite, the people he met were confined the the political sector.  He knew how politicians acted and their thought processes, but he knew nothing about the other type of elite—the celebrities, like you. 
“It reminds me of home, and the simple days I used to live before the glitz and glamour. There was a farmer’s market on Bar’leth I frequented with my family. There was local produce, lots of gourmet food, and trinkets of all kinds. I stumbled upon this market by happenstance one day and I never stopped visiting it ever since,” you explain truthfully. You loved the life you lived now and you were extremely grateful for it. But nothing could compare to your old life when you could enjoy the simple pleasures of life without any care in the world. Nowadays life barely gives you a chance to breathe since you were always working on something–whether it is new music, media appearances, or special performances. “You know, you’re actually the first person I have told about this place. You better keep it a secret, or else.” Anakin could tell you were joking by the smile on your face. He returned your joke with a small smile of his own.
You continued the conversation by asking Anakin a question of his own, “Don’t you have a special place that you like to visit when life gets too hectic?”
Anakin’s automatic response was to give you a generic answer. Before he could give you that generic answer, he changed his mind. He knew that was too guarded, but he couldn’t help himself. Anakin had been hurt too many times now–hurt by life, by his actions, and by the actions of others. Opening up was a recipe for disaster, especially when Anakin knew how passionately he felt about almost everything in his life. The only person Anakin managed to completely open up to was Padme, but even she was off-put sometimes by the level of passion and truthfulness he displayed. She never verbally admitted it, but Anakin could tell. Though you two didn’t know each other very well and have had minimal conversation so far, something about your energy invited Anakin to open up. Your energy in the force was serene. However, it wasn’t the type of serenity that Anakin felt whenever he was at the Temple. At the Temple, it was so peaceful, it was almost like it was devoid of any energy–it perfectly balanced all the energies of all the Jedi order and created a feeling of equilibrium. Your energy was serene in a way that reminded Anakin of his mother–comforting and warm. He could feel it radiating off your person. Ever since Anakin left with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, he could never sense that same energy in anyone else. Not even Padme, whose energy was more dynamic and loud. Thus, Anakin decided to be honest with his answer. 
“There is a place that I like to escape to sometimes. It is located in a secluded corner of the Jedi temple and only accessible through the garden wing. I used to go there all the time as a Youngling and then a Padawan. It has the best view of Coruscant since it faces the intersection where the old Republic Theater house and Senate offices meet. On clear days, you can watch the sunset from there.” Anakin didn’t know that the Senate offices were in that direction until a few years after he moved to Coruscant. Once he found out Padme had stepped down as queen and became Naboo’s senator, he would stare at that intersection as a way to feel closer to Padme during their years apart. Despite the breakup, the spot still comforted Anakin because it served as a reminder of how far he had come. He was no longer a lovesick fool and rambunctious Padawan, but a mature and fully-fledged Jedi Knight. Through the transitional nature of life, that spot would always be there for Anakin. 
It was your turn to nod and listen to Anakin.
“How was it like…growing up in the Temple?,” you hesitated, not wanting to overstep any boundaries with Anakin. You remember how the tone of his voice earlier when you questioned him about Tatooine. 
“Growing up in the temple was…different. When I first arrived, I didn’t realize I would be living in a religious organization. There’s a lot about the Jedi that was very different from the life I lived on Tatooine. Though I can’t complain too much, I had a permanent roof over my head and food on my plate every day. And, there was practically no sand at all. The best part,” Anakin finished. 
“I imagine it’s like one big family, no?”
Anakin sucked his teeth in response before continuing, “Since I arrived at the Temple later than the normal age, I didn’t grow up with my crèche. We had lessons together every now and then, but if there was anybody I considered like family to be in the Temple, it would be my former master Obi-Wan, and my Padawan Ashoka. She’s actually a  fan—I promised her I would try to get an autograph.” Anakin looked sheepish at the mention of the autograph.  
“Remind me before you leave. I’ll make sure to sign something. Should I sign her lightsaber?” You made sure to make a serious face while looking at Anakin. Then, you let out a giggle. “I’m only kidding about the last part. Come on, let’s get something sweet.” Your pace picked up before leading Anakin in another direction. 
You stopped by a stall owned by an older Twi’lek lady who sold homemade rishi honeystix. The honeystix quickly became your favorite item at the market because of its’ sweet flavor and crispy batter. They were similar to a childhood favorite snack of yours, except the rishi honeystix was fried, not baked. 
“Can I have two honeystix please?” you asked the owner. She nodded yes before you handed her over the credits, adding some extra for a tip. The owner quickly prepared the dessert before handing it to you and sending a warm smile to both.
“Enjoy the sweet treat! I love seeing young couples like you visit the market,” she stated with a look of adoration on her face. 
You and Anakin straightened your postures and sent a sheepish smile to the owner. 
“Oh, we’re not-” “She’s not my-” You both said at the same time. 
The owner giggled out an apology before turning her back on the both of you and preoccupied herself with preparing more food. 
Her comment affected you more than you would have liked to admit. You couldn’t say you wished you were dating Anakin, you hard knew him after all. But the idea of someone mistaking you to be in a relationship with someone as attractive as Anakin made you feel a funny feeling. You felt a moment of giddy before telling yourself to calm down. 
You led Anakin toward an old fountain that sat in the middle of the market. “Ever tried these before? They’re the best! I don’t come here too often anymore, but whenever I do, I make an effort to buy these.” You then handed Anakin his dessert. 
“I don’t think I have had these before. The Jedi diet consists of the Temple’s cantina food and whatever rations we have for off-world assignments. Though I try to explore new foods when I have the chance,” Anakin stated. He picked up the dessert and observed it. Anakin didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but he was intrigued by its flavor. A sweet aroma wafted off the dessert and even Anakin felt tempted to try it. 
You were looking toward the distance as Anakin inspected the dessert. You were about to take a bit of your honeystix when you made eye contact with a small figure in the distance. As your eyes focused on the figure, you realized you were looking at a young Rodian child. Their gaze shifted from your eyes to the dessert in hand. Despite the Alderaanian district being one of the more wealthy districts in the lower levels, many families still lived in borderline poverty. You smiled at the child in reassurance before getting up from the fountain and slowly making your way towards them.
Anakin looked up at the sound of your figure getting up and was about to ask you where you were going before he saw you walk to a child and kneel before them. He couldn’t hear what you were saying, but he saw you hand over your honeystix to the child. You hugged the child goodbye, but not before handing them a few extra credits. The child’s purple eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on their face. They gave you another hug before retreating to wherever they came from. 
You got back up from the ground and walked back toward the fountain without saying anything to Anakin. You continued like nothing happened and asked Anakin, “Did you enjoy it?”
He ignored your question. “What was that about?” He was referring to the instance in which you gave away your dessert to a child. 
“I saw the little one looking at my food, so I decided to go over there and offer it to them. I could tell she was hungry. It’s alright, I can always buy myself another.”
Anakin always believed that you could tell a lot about a society or individuals based on the way they treated children. He hated Tatooine and regarded it as one of the lowest civilized planets in the entire galaxy–for many reasons, of course, but the primary reason is that those on Tatooine had no issue trafficking children into slavery and treating them as chattel. He wished that more people displayed kindness toward him as a child. Anakin’s only crime was being born into the world, but aside from that, he was innocent and deserved to be treated with dignity and humanity. You were kind. It seemed like a bare minimum requirement to be astonished at, but with the type of people Anakin has had the displeasure of meeting, kindness was a trait he rarely witnessed outside of the Temple walls. 
You stared at Anakin as if you were waiting for him to say something, but he simply observed your face without saying anything. A timid look washed over your face before you turned your head to the side and blew a piece of hair out of your face. 
“Well, I think it’s time we head back.” 
Being with Anakin was different than you expected. At first, you were overwhelmed by his presence–caught off guard by the fact he looked like a literal god from one of those classical paintings located in one of Corucant’s largest art galleries. You’ve always had a soft spot for pretty boys. Plus, you also had a penchant for romanticizing almost every interaction and person in your life. Not always in the romantic sense though. From brief strangers to friends, you tried to put a positive spin on everyone you encountered. There was no way of telling if fate was real, but you liked to believe so. Anakin was no exception to these rules. 
You were so close to successfully sneaking out of your apartment, without being detected, until you accidentally bumped into that stupid vase. Anakin came running out while you scrambled to make it look like you hadn’t been caught in the middle of doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing. You knew that if Anakin found out that you were leaving the building, he would either force you to say or contact your manager. So, you lied and tried to convince him you weren’t sneaking out. Of course, he saw through you and you gave up without a fight, until he made that stupid comment. Lying was never your strong suit anyway and it wasn’t worth the hassle anyway. So, Anakin joined you on your night adventure. 
Though you were initially anxious, once to got to the market, you felt your head clear. This was your comfort place, and it soothed your racing heart and clouded mind. Once you were past that anxiousness, you found that Anakin had a calming presence, once you got over your initial nerves. Anakin was observational, though it was expected of him to be so. However, it felt like he was really listening to you and clinging to what you said. He looked pensive as you described why you liked the night market so much. You wanted to make conversation with him, you didn’t feel forced to. Maybe it was the nature of the predicament you were both and the fact that he would be your bodyguard for the next week and a half, but you felt drawn to him. You wanted to know more about who the “Hero with No Fear.” You feared that if you got to know him anymore, then you might fall for him.  Except, you had to stop yourself before it went any deeper than that. Once again, you reminded yourself that Anakin was a Jedi. Off-limits. So, as you settled into bed, you promised that you would actually keep your distance. There was no use in getting attached to him. The Jedi belonged to no one. 
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taglist: @angie2274 @bunnylovesani @0709fullofstars @js-favnanadoongi @payton-dixonreader it wasn't letting me tag u ):
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: The Viking
Pairing: Male OC x reader
TW: Violence, murder, generally bad things, implied non/con, no explicit smut but heavy Non/con groping!!, discussion of sexual slavery, mention of cannibalism, Christian elements but it is because I am and I am less afraid of stuffing up Christian stuff than other religions. If you are uncomfortable with any of that move on This man is not nice. Pet names: little mutt, little one and little lamb. Let me know if I missed anything let me know
Also, I tried to do Gn but as I am a woman, I automatically write with a female reader in mind. But!!!!! I have tried my very best to not mention gender. If something doesn't work please tell me. Reader discretion is advised! Also, I hope I don't need to say this but I will just in case, I do not condone these sorts of actions!!! Or any actions in any of my work. This is pure fiction. Also, all my OCs and the reader are over the age of 18+. and I'm not gonna add google translate because that takes forever and you guys won't even be able to read it so he conveniently speaks the same language as the reader.
Notes: Aaaaa! I have 21 followers! You guys are absolutely amazing! I never thought anyone would want to read my stuff let alone like and reblog. This doesn't take place in any place in particular, if anything I heavily rely on the climate of my home. I was though heavily influenced by Vikings and their nordic culture of that time, however, I had originally planned to make the oc a barbarian of sorts and not a Viking. But my inspiration dive into Pinterest left me with Vikings so here we are. I might write a nomadic barbarian fic later on cause I do see them as quite different in my mind but it depends where this goes, I usually write the notes and triggers before I start writing as a way of planning my thoughts so it might change halfway through.
Also the climatic event in the beginning, in my mind, is the cause of a volcanic eruption somewhere on earth, there was a year of just constant winter due to a massive eruption a few centuries ago and I wanted to include that and showcase how superstitious the people of this time were, seeing the winter as a foreshadowing of terror. And hell they were right.
Lots of love Mae xx
It was far too early in the season for the cold winds to be here. Your father pretended to not be frightened but you could see it in his eyes. There was a fear lingering. You could hear your parents whispering in worry when they thought you were asleep. You could hear your mother sob as they discussed what it could mean. Your homeland was one of sun and thunder, but never frost, never snow. Yet, a chill had descended onto your lands. A frost had spread across the summer grass. Your bare feet crunched upon what should have been dried pasture, instead, they were chilled by a wicked frost. The sun that you would curse for its harsh warmth was now hidden behind constant grey clouds and you begged for it to return. The floods and storms you ragged against never came. No seasonal thunderstorms after the humidity of the day. There was just darkness. Travellers and merchants from far-off lands, journeying to the capital came through your village, speaking of the darkness that had spread. It seemed like no kingdom or empire was safe. The frost and darkness had come for all.
The first omen of their arrival was the frost itself. It seeped into everything and made the ground as solid as rock, the summer pastures shrivelled up and left nothing but dirt behind.
The second omen was the famine. The harvest failed and the livestock starved. Your father was forced to sell the heifers and cows and slaughter all calves and steers to provide for your family. Still, it wasn't enough. You heard gruesome tales of far-off villages butchering each other for scraps of meat from their bones. Your village was lucky, the sea still provided as much as it could.
The third omen was the dragons. Firey images in the night sky, leaving streaks of light hanging in the air. As soon as they appeared men cried out and women fell to their knees. It was a sign of a terror to come.
The final omen was a raven.
The skies had begun to clear and the winter rains had soothed the harsh scars left behind. Crops had been sown and the frost retreated in the face of the reappeared sun. You had all thought that the struggles of the last few months were over. Your father had been able to buy a cow with calf last week with money you made weaving baskets. She was a skinny thing even with the calf in her belly, but with the winter rain healing the land, you could see her regaining strength.
You had thought it was a crow when you first saw it. It did seem to be a bit bigger than the crows that waited patiently for your fish scraps by the pier. But you had never seen a raven before, so why think anything of it. It had flown in from the sea, flew over the village before fixing its gaze on your mother's garden. Your mother prized her garden, especially her roses, and had cried bitter tears when the frost killed the flowers, leaving thorny masses behind, but they had begun to regrow, leaving your families house surrounded by a beautiful arrangement of daisies and violas, butterfly pea flowers and lilacs. You had your favourites of course. In fact, you were picking them right now, happy to make a bouquet for your ancestors' burial place. As you were sitting and deciding which flowers to choose, the raven landed beside you, you watch in amazement as it plucked a flower from your hand and rose into the air and back towards the sea. Standing up with a giggle you chased after it in play until you reached your property's fence. You watched until it was nothing but a black dot in a sky of blue. If you had known what it had foreshadowed you would have wrung its neck.
They themselves came in the night.
They landed on the beaches and in silence drifted into town. Axes drawn and blood-hungry. The first death was the blacksmith. He was stumbling from the inn, stomach filled with ale. He saw them first, and let out a cry of warning, but it did not save him from a dagger sliding across his throat. The killer let out a howl. His comrades followed. The screams began.
You had lost sight of your mother in the smoke of the burning village. Fire ragged towards the heavens. The smell of charcoal and blood ravaged your senses. The yelling and screaming were just a constant now. Like how a bird song drifts into the background. You stood immobile calling for your mother, begging her to reveal herself. Out of habit, you called for your father, but you were harshly reminded that dead men can't answer. You watched as the savages ripped men to the ground and let blood flow. They hadn't noticed you yet it seemed. A lone wraith shaking in the centre of town. In the centre of all the murder and mayhem. For a moment you thought you were dead. That the arrow your father had taken for you had indeed struck you and now you were wandering the mortal realm alone and afraid until St Peter called for you.
Your eyes reached towards the heavens and you began to beg for the angels to pluck you from this horror. Your arms wrapped around yourself as tears flowed down your soot-covered cheeks. You were broken from your prayers when you heard your name being called, your mother perhaps? Your eyes rushed to find her. No, you can't see her. But it was enough to have you moving towards the darkness and away from the light of the fire. With your arms still holding you tight, you began to stumble towards the outskirts of town. Once in the fields outside town, you could hide. Wait till they grew bored of your village and left in their ships to torment another village. You were reminded of a time when you were fearful of the dark. But now it was your salvation. Tripping over your feet you struggled to remain standing, leaning on the walls of yet-to-be-destroyed houses and holding onto the rungs of fences. You kept rushing forward, eyes onto the safety of darkness. You were close, only a few more steps.
A beast emerged from the darkness. His face burned with the light of the fire, and his axe shined with delight. His furs were matted with blood and encompassed his shoulder. His arms were bare save for strips of leather circling them. There was blood on his arms and hands as well, dripping onto the handle of his axe and onto the dirt below. You stood still, hoping perhaps you were dead. That he would just pass by and you could remain nothing more but a spirit. If death was without pain you would prefer it to the horrors the beast in front of you was capable of. His face was marked with blood, lines travelling over his forehead and down through his eyes. His eyes flickered with hunger and his mouth was turned up into a grin. He stood feet wide as if he was ready to battle, but his hand was loose on the axe, allowing it to dangle from his palm. He saw no threat in you.
A strange mix of sounds came from his mouth, while his voice was rough and stern, his words were lyrical and filled with rounded sounds and quick sharp notes. It left you confused and almost enchanted, like a deer in the gaze of a hunter.
His voice stopped and his eyes drifted down and then up. He gave a deep laugh at the site of your cowering.
"Come little mutt, stand tall" he chuckled with amusement. You whimpered at the sight of him, a beast of a man denying your freedom. He began to march towards you his axe swinging in his hold. You try to take steps back but he is quicker. You yelp as he pushes you towards a wall, his thick forearm resting against your neck as he peers down at you. You could see the scars littering his face and could smell the stench of blood dominating his body. You could feel the warmth of the blood from his arm smearing all over your neck and chest. You hated to think whose blood it once was.
"Little mutt has no teeth huh? What about claws? hm?" he questioned, joy in your torment in his eyes.
"If I was to fuck you now would you fight me? Would you claw at me or bite at my fingers?" he laughed at your obvious fear. He brought his head down to your neck and sniffed loudly. You cringed as his nose met your skin.
"You smell sweet little mutt. I wonder if you taste just as good"
you struggled as his tongue run up your neck, tears tumbling down your cheeks.
"As sweet as honey!" he cheered. His forearm dug into your neck further as you struggled to escape. He began to shush you, giving out soothing sounds like you would a crying baby as his body stepped forward to meet yours.
" Please don't kill me" you choked, eyes red with fear.
"Never little one!" he bellowed, his face of mock hurt. "Why would I kill you? hm?" he comforted, releasing his arm if only by a fraction. "You will fetch me a high price at the slave markets, little lamb. Men will go mad trying to buy you for their beds" he grinned, showing off his sharp canine teeth. You struggled once more, this time clawing at his arm and chest.
"So the little mutt has claws! Maybe I will keep you for myself. Use you to warm my cock. Would you like that little one?" he teased, he moved his face closer, his tongue darting out to catch the tears on your cheek.
" Get off me" you grunted, desperately trying to remove his arm. he teased you by feigning pity.
"Poor little lamb, you must be so scared. Trapped by a beast like me" he cooed, pushing his arm further into your skin. You watched as his eyes drifted to your chest below his arm. He dropped the axe in his other hand to the ground, it falling flat with a light thud. He looked you in the eyes once more. You could see mischief in them.
"I am torn between keeping you for my bed slave and making a small fortune on another man's desires. Let me see your wares and then I shall decide" he sang, his grin reaching higher and higher with each word. You could only watch in horror as his hands reached for the front of your night smock and ripped it. You tried to grab his wrists but he was too strong. In a mere moment, your smock lay tattered on the ground and you stood bare in the night air. His eyes drank you in, and his hands drifted over your body. He gripped tightly in some places and softly in others. Blood from his hands was left smeared all over you, like rivers on a map. His eyes found yours once more and glee was evident on his face.
"I have decided little mutt. You shall warm my bed and most importantly me" he proclaimed, laughing at the end. "I am to be your master and you the little mutt at my heels. But first, let me dull those claws, hm?"
You stood arms covering yourself confused at his words. You had no claws to dull.
You gave a shriek as he began to drag you into the darkness. His hand was tight against your wrists. You tried to use your body weight to stop him, but it only ended with you falling to the ground and him dragging you through the dirt. You screamed and kicked, shouted and cried. He just laughed.
The dirt turned to soft grass as released you from his grip. You shot up to your bare feet, only to be thrown to the ground and a foot thrown on your stomach.
"I admire your fight little mutt, but as your master, I cannot in good conscious allow you to disrespect me. it would not be natural." he cooed at you, his hair falling into his eyes. You choked out a sob at the thought of what he planned to do. You were both far enough from the town your screams would not be heard and you were both hidden by lush pasture. You began to pray, your words drowning in sobs.
"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kin-"
"Enough!" shouted, falling onto his knees above you, a dagger glinting in his hand.
"Keep your God, fine, but do not expect kindness from me when you beg for his mercy" he sneered. You watched in terror as the dagger raced towards your head, only for it to land safely in the soil next to you.
"Now little lamb moan sweetly for me, will you?" he smiled, his grin one of filth. You lay there looking up at him in fear. "I said moan" he barked, his hand reaching for your throat. You gave him what he wanted, although it was tarnished by your terror.
"Like the music of the gods" he praised. He removed his hand from your throat and brought both to your knees, lifting them up and slotting himself in between them.
"Look at you little mutt, shaking and cowering in fear and yet I haven't even fucked you yet. You Christians are strange folk. If you knew of pleasure you would be moaning on my cock by now. You yourself would have begged for it. Begged for me to fuck your tight little hole on the ashes of your ho-" you slapped him with a furry. A rage releases from you, with you reaching for the dagger beside your head. His hand reached for yours first and punished it with his strength. He gave off a terrifying laugh as you were forced to drop the knife and he quickly threw it behind him.
"Maybe you aren't a little mutt but a little wolf instead. That fire in you will warm my cock and balls for years to come. But first, let me break you in"
You really did wish that arrow had found its mark in you.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
In honor of Christmas spirit, I will present you with things I love about my moots and why I appreciate them. Hope this there's you guys up no matter what you're going through right now, you deserve to have something good said about you, I love you guys <333
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A/n: please excuse the few ones because now I've started to drink.. vodka mule.. hope I don't say anything too weird and I know I'm kinda a weak drinker, still building my tolerance and all.
Alright, let's start with my most favorite moot..
🩷 You are so pretty love, how dare you ever say anything otherwise. The curly hair and it's beautiful color, facial features that look like they've been carved by a sculptor and down to your sweet voice. Physically hurts me to know that you're gonna say otherwise :((
🩷 Your writing? Fucking top tier fluff ever, those mean comments about it? Screw them, your writing got you to almost 3k followers and they're just jealous because they don't have that.
🩷 You are such a good friend, always caring for everyone and not asking anything for in return. Also please love, give yourself a break and please rest. Never will forget the first time we interacted because you are by far the sweetest creator who so happens to be well known.
🩵 Christmas is the time of giving right? It's time to give some back to you. I'm gonna get this out of the was, sweetie you are the best kind of reader I have ever come across and there's really only one of you, I wouldn't have it any other way.
🩵 You are the kindest and funniest person ever, your commentary keeps us writers motivated. I mean this genuinely, I find myself always looking forward to what you have to say on my works.
🩵 I'm sure many writers you've reblogged will agree with me, your commentary has honestly been the best, you sure know how to make me feel better about what I write. Also I'mma need some of those memes you use, you're so iconic and funny I can't.
❤️ You don't give yourself enough credit for how much you help people boost their works, saying you haven't done much but commenting, talking to me and just interacting with my work does so much.
❤️ You are literally so nice to me, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things you've done that you refuse to be credited for.
❤️ You're so funny and another great writer, I hope that I see more of your writing along the way.
❤️ First of all, who gave you the right and talent to be such a good writer? Genuinely, what kind of drugs are implemented in your writing.. you got me to like Makarov.. you're that powerful. I know I'm into villains but I wouldn't be surprised if you got me to like shepherd too... Please don't. (This is not a challenge please 😭)
❤️ How can I say this without sounding like a total fangirl? I'm obsessed with your work as you can tell, so much so that you're one of the creators who inspired me to start writing again and still as of now I think of your works while writing my own.
🩵 Love you as the first Filipino person I had interacted with within this app that doesn't happen to be my school friend or relative.
🩵 Mangangaroling po, blue and yellow bills only. Pwede din po through G-cash and ShopeePay, pero no less than 1k pag-ganon AHAHAHA CHAROT, KIMI LANG.
🩵 Mwah <3
🖤 You are so special I can't even, you're my first ever mutual, first request and first person that I can genuinely talk to here before anyone.
🖤 You've made me feel so comfortable in my own skin and I know you're facing difficulties with your own that I am too but you're in so much more difficulty. I really do wish the best for you, love.
🖤 You are so strong, confident and resilient, you've been through so much and gosh you are the definition of a powerful woman who I wanted to be when I was young. Child me would be the happiest knowing that a motherly figure is looking after her.
Past Friends and Relatives <3
💚 Do I even have to say this? You are the best person in my life, my soulmate forevermore, we've been through so much together that I don't know where to start. I wish I was able to express how much I love you.
💚 You have been there for me through thick and thin for the most difficult times of my life, you've saved me countless times and though it doesn't feel like I'm doing enough, I made a promise to myself that I will make it up to you even if it will be the rest of my life.
💚 You are the only person who stood up for me when I needed you the most, I just.. don't know what else to say because what can you give someone who's done so much for you? Who has treated you better than anyone in your life, better than your parents? What can you possibly do to repay someone who saved you from yourself?
❤️ I know we've had conflict and drama in the past and I just wanna say I'm thankful that you contacted me again because we would've missed out on the friendship we were supposed to have.
❤️ A lot has happened and yet you stayed strong and we both learned from our past.
❤️ Happy holidays my dear <3
🧡 What more could I say to my most favorite cousin in the world?
🧡 Thanks for being there for me always, you've made heartwarming promises and we still have a lot of adventures together (we're both drunk right now)
🧡 Honestly I wish my dad would take me here more often because then I'd get to spend more time and gossip with you guys. Thank you for comforting me like you always do when I needed, immediately noticing the change in my voice and that I'm crying.
Special mentions:
@azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @trepaika @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @thesnowurzikdjinn @legallymentallyillfuckers @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb
You guys are always there to support my works and I want reciprocate that as much as I can, each and every one of you are so talented. I wish I can write more and do you guys justice but my eyes hurt so much and this is overdue. You guys are such good writers and even more amazing mutuals of mine who I know have been through some tough times. Know that all of you are welcome to talk to me when you need to and that my page is open to comfort as much as I can from a distance <3
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causenessus · 18 days
fic authors self rec! ♡ when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love ♡
I WAS GONNA SAVE THIS TOMORROW BUT I KEEP SEEING OTHERS AND IT'S REALLY REALLY MOTIVATING ME <33 (although i don't think i have five other moots to send this to bc idk who else has done it or had it sent to them...)
love notes | suna rintarou
OBVIOUSLY MY NUMBER ONE!!! the premise of the smau is so so important to me <3 i love art so much and graffiti just feels so in character for suna?? and he's such a loverboy?? and the photography plot has just really opened my eyes to the amount of time and effort that goes into the profession!!! oh my god i always think about all the lyrics i picked out <3 and just suna and yn dancing around their problems but still flirting with each other some of my fav chapters definitely have to be chapter 3 and 9 (i have been this 🤏 close to reblogging chapter 9 and just saying paragraph 8 like a thousand times. i wrote that entire little excerpt on a tramway in nyc on the way to roosevelt island) <3 my life while i was writing love notes was really nice and this smau is just so so important to me and i was so happy that others also enjoyed it omg i need to stop yapping <3
try again | sakusa kiyoomi
one of my favorites bc it's basically a self insert 😭😭 it's honestly helped me realize so much about myself and is such a comfort fic for me!! i've read a few fics that seem to capture this feeling of like looking back on a time long ago, which is sort of like fond nostalgia? sort of like if you were married and think back to how you married your spouse, or sitting on a rooftop with your best friend and thinking about how you guys were in your younger days if that makes sense. i love that feeling of it being like your reading a story that happened some time ago, and isn't happening currently, and that's what try again feels like to me. the therapist-client dynamic and messy characters is so important to me, AND U GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF SELF INDULGENCE TRAUMA DUMP IS COMING SOON <3 (sorry this sounds so aggressive omg)
see you at the altar | suna rintarou
one of my fav fav drabbles!! it was so sweet and once again just suna being a lover boy is so important to me!! it warms my heart just thinking about being his love and aa <3
new grounds | kageyama tobio
literally sparked my love for kageyama!! and this felt like my first actual smau and i'm still very proud of it and in love with it <3 like it was so cozy and all good vibes!! super self indulgent for me writing about a reader in technical theatre and the friend groups and everything we're so special to me <3 i get so many sort of like just big childhood friend groups vibes from this fic lowk i think i may have to look into making moodboards for it...not to mention how much @cr4yolaas' night shift smau is inspiring me... (shameless plug)(ALSO RYE I HAVE TO SEND THIS ASK TO U!! I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SELF RECCS AND THOUGHTS ABOUT YOUR OWN FICS <33 I WILL BE IN YOUR INBOX SOON!!)
cold kisses | kozume kenma
life was also lowk a little enjoyable while writing this smau!! like i remember running around fighting for my life the day of prom because i was trying to get ready AND post a chapter of cold kisses <3 i spent so many nights in a cafe writing this smau, i remember the exact seat of the cafe i was sitting in while outlining the smau, i remember working at my last job on dish, and having to stop and pull out my phone to write down ideas, and my manager passing me by and giving me a weird look <3 sorry i guess i associate times in my life a lot with my works although i think that's kind of cool!! i also loved the entire premise of this smau ofc <3 all sparked by how much figure skating tiktok inspired me <3
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wearelondonhq · 2 months
Happy Meme Day!!! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Meme lasts from today until the next Sunday (the 28th of July).
❛ My family hasn't come to see me. ❜
❛ You can't trust her! She's a monster! ❜
❛ I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never let him go. ❜
❛ That's like kissing someone who's drunk. Doesn't count. ❜
❝ Remember , we’re madly in love , so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it .❞
❛ I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person. ❜
❛ There's gotta be a better way. ❜
❛ With that kinda thinking, you can kill whoever you want. ❜
❛ Sometimes killing isn't personal. Figured if anyone knew that, it was you. ❜
❛ I, of all people, know that it's always personal. ❜
❛ Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you. ❜
❝  I’m the kind of girl who , when she might actually be of use , would run to stay alive and leave those who couldn’t follow to suffer and die .❞
❝  the kisses have the opposite effect , of make my need greater . i thought i was something of an expert on hunger , but this is an entirely new kind . ❞
❛ He corrupts everyone and everything. He turns the best of us against each other. Stop killing for him. ❜
❝  isn’t it strange that i know you’d risk your life to save mine , but i don’t even know what your favorite color is ? ❞
❝  you are my life .❞
❛ You have a habit of burying people before they're dead. ❜
❛ What about you? You feeling totally safe? ❜
❛ So what are your injuries? ❜
❛ It doesn't matter what you want. It's for [name]. ❜
❛ I watched you die. ❜
❛ I was never the nice one. You were. ❜
❛ Why would I take a beating like that for you? ❜
❛ [name] says that everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. ❜
❛ I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna stay right here. Cause all kinds of trouble. ❜
❛ How can we live like this? How can anybody live like this? ❜
❛ You could live 100 lifetimes and never deserve that boy/girl/person. ❜
❛ I don’t want to be with anyone else in there. Just you. ❜
❛ Look at this. They’re holding hands. I want them dead. ❜
❛ Someday I want to love someone that much. ❜
❛ If you die and I live, I’d have nothing. Nobody else that I care about. ❜
❛ It’s okay. You were just dreaming, you were dreaming. ❜
❛ I’m sorry that this happened to you. And I’m here to help you in any way I can. ❜
❛ Don’t you know how beautiful you look? ❜
❛ We are not star-crossed lovers. ❜
❛ I just don’t wanna be another piece in their game, you know? ❜
❛ I just keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don’t own me. ❜
❛ If I’m gonna die, I wanna still be me. ❜
❛ I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could I’d bet on you. ❜
❛ It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re alright. ❜
❛ You have to win. ❜
❛ Can you sing? ❜
❛ You’re not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you. ❜
❛ Well, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way they planned. You know I’m not very happy with them either. ❜
❛ So what happens when we get back? ❜
❛ I guess we try to forget. ❜
❛ I don’t wanna forget. ❜
❛ The thing with revolutions, they're a tender flame. They need to be nurtured with a little kindling and warmth. ❜
❛ Everyone's either gonna wanna kiss you, kill you, or be you. ❜
❛ You must love her very much to be able to forgive her. ❜
❛ I wasn't gonna leave him behind. I couldn't live with myself. ❜
❛ You love him. I'm not saying in what way. Maybe you don't even know yourself. But anyone paying attention can see it. ❜
❛ Takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart. ❜
❛ It's the things we love most that destroy us. ❜
❛ It's the worst torture in the world. Waiting, when you know there's nothing you can do. ❜
❛ Whatever strength, courage, madness, keeps us going, you find it, at times like these. You have it. It's what's kept you alive all this time. And it won't fail you now. ❜
❛ You’re okay. You’re safe. It’s okay. You’re here with me. ❜
❛ I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn’t, I’d be dead. ❜
❛ If you wanted to be babied, you should’ve asked [name]. ❜
❛ You are a strangely dislikeable person. But you do have your virtues. ❜
❛ You know how I feel about you. But I can’t think about anyone that way right now. ❜
❛ The only thing that I can think about every day, every waking moment, is how afraid I am. There’s no room for anything else. ❜
❛ Whatever comes, we’ll get through this together. I’m not leaving your side. ❜
❛ I’ve always worked best in the shadows, and that’s where I have to stay. ❜
❛ People said you loved me. ❜
❛ I'm going to kill [name]. Nothing good is safe while he's alive. ❜
❛ This isn't just adolescent, it's insubordination. ❜
❛ I'm plannin' for you to have a long life. ❜
❝  my nightmares are usually about losing you .❞
❛ I'm sorry. I just can't tell what's real and what's made up anymore. ❜
❛ This is a bad spot. We need to move now. ❜
❛ 'Cause when you’re around, I kind of feel like I can deal with anything, you know? ❜
❛ You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real? ❜
❛ That's what you and I do. Keep each other alive. ❜
❛ Stay with me. ❜
❛ I never meant for this to happen. I failed. I… I killed them. ❜
❛ If you end all of this, all those deaths, they mean something. ❜
❛ I have moments when I'm here. And my memories are getting better, but other times it's like I'm sleepwalking. ❜
❝  ____ ? maybe some pants ? ❞
❛ You love me. Real or not real? ❜
❝  At some point , you have to stop running & turn around and face whoever wants you dead .❞
❛ Will you stay with me? ❜
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
pairing: kuroo tetsurou x reader
warnings: hurt/comfort?? reader is sad then he helps, use of pet names (puppy + baby), kuroo threatens to tickle reader</3 dedicated to my baby girl @hagiophobix bc she was having a bad day
wc: 700
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from the moment kuroo stepped into your shared home, he could tell something was wrong. the fact that you didn't greet him at the door with a smile on your face and ready for a hug meant you were upset. it meant you were really upset, because even on bad days you'd greet him with a hug.
"puppy?" kuroo called through the house. it didn't take long before he could hear your soft cries coming from the bedroom. "baby, what's wrong?"
you couldn't say anything in response, just cry more. he had sat next to you and pulled you into his lap so he could hold you, "c'mon, talk to me y/n. what's going on?"
you weren't entirely sure what to tell him. your friends were being mean, you messed up cooking lunch, and a baby cried when you waved to it today. none of those were good enough reason for you to be here sobbing into your boyfriend's pillow and holding onto it like your life depended on it.
"it's all stupid stuff," you managed to get out between cries, "i'm just being stupid. i'm sorry for worrying you, tetsu," you wiped your tears away in attempts to calm down, to show him that you're okay. but in the process you poked your eye and that just made you cry harder.
"if it upsets you this much then it has to be something," kuroo grabbed your chin and made you look at him, "so tell me all about it, yeah?"
so you did. you weren't even sure he could understand half the things you were saying because you were crying so hard, but he listened and nodded along as you spoke. sometimes offering little hums in response but mostly just kissing your forehead and telling you it's okay.
"you're feeling a lot of big emotion right now," kuroo spoke softly, moving his body so now he's laying on his back and you on his chest. "sounds like you had a rough day, huh love?"
all you could do in response is sniffle
"it's okay," he gave another kiss to the top of your head and rubbed your back, "sometimes we have days like this, and that's okay. not everyday has to be amazing, you know?" he pet your hair, trying to calm you down. eventually it worked, his soft coos and words of affirmation helped you steady your breathing and stop crying. "are you feeling better now?"
"mm," you hum, barely able to open your eyes. crying so heavily for even just the hour you were had exhausted you, "can we take a nap?"
kuroo laughed, "at this point, love, a nap is really just going to bed.” he leaned up and stretched. you hadn’t noticed that he was still in his dress shirt and tie. hasn’t even taken off his shoes. it made sense, he walked in the house and immediately came to your aid. “you want to come keep me company while i cook dinner?”
“can we order something?” you pouted a little, “i want pizza,” you still held onto his hand, using your best puppy dog eyes. as much as you could use a nice meal cooked by your amazing boyfriend, pizza was one of your guilty pleasure foods. and you really needed that right now.
“of course, anything for you,” kuroo nodded his head, giving you another kiss on your collar bone this time. “‘m gonna go order it, do you want to come with me? and when the pizza gets here we can take a warm bath together?” you gave him a smile as an answer. “there’s the smile i love so much.”
“tetsuuuu,” you whined, hiding your face in the pillow, “quit teasing before i start crying again,”
“oh no no no, we can’t have that.” he laid half on top of you, “no more crying today. otherwise i may have to pull out the big guns,” his fingers began creeping up your sides, where he knows you’re ticklish.
“kuroo tetsurou!” you shrieked, shoving his hands away from you, “okay okay, i’m fine.”
“no more crying?” he raised his eyebrows, “promise?”
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reblogs, requests, comments n likes appreciated <3
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juiceinpanties · 2 years
10 Things You Hate About Eddie Munson, pt. 3
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Pairing: Eddie Munson/afab!reader
Rating(s): Chapter: R; Fic: E
Tags: eventual smut, penetrative sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), fingering, subbie!Eddie, masturbation (m and f), fake dating, van sex, secret relationship, antagonistic relationship to friendship to lovers, casual sex, not-so-casual sex, phone sex, drunk reader
Summary: Your best friend, Nancy Wheeler, is absolutely dying to date Steve Harrington, but her parents have the weirdest rule: Nancy can't date until her friends (e.g., you) do. Nancy begs you to date someone, anyone, and eventually you agree. Meanwhile Steve offers to pay Eddie "the freak" Munson to ask you out. What could possibly go wrong??
Notes: This is, quite obviously, a 10 Things I Hate About You au, with a slight twist. Throw in some fake dating, a 90s setting, and here we are. Thanks to @tonybourdain​ for dragging me in and continuing to enable me. The van scene is partly her doing...
Please note the tags. This chapter is rated R and is sort of smut-adjacent. Actual smut will occur in future chapters, promise.
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated and PLEASE reblog! Completely blank blogs that just like will be blocked because I'm gonna assume you're a bot. I've been here a long time.
In case you wanna read on Ao3 instead
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
You aren't looking forward to seeing Eddie because you have no idea what happened at the party Saturday night, except that Nancy said Eddie was the one who brought you home. You hope to anyone who's listening that you didn't make a complete fool of yourself, or (god forbid) make a pass at Eddie.
You find him Monday morning outside leaning against the building, one ankle crossed over the other. He's smoking, but he puts it out as you approach.
"Hey," he says when you get close enough. "Feeling better?"
"Than Saturday? Considering it's mostly a blank I'm gonna say...yes?"
He grins and tugs at a lock of his hair. "Yeah, you were pretty messed up." His expression turns serious. "Steve and I thought maybe the guy giving you the drinks might've slipped you something. Glad you came to find me while you were still sober enough."
You frown down at your boots, then up at him. "I woke up Sunday morning still dressed with a pounding headache and a bottle of Tylenol and glass of water on my nightstand. Was that you?"
"The headache, no. The rest, yeah. I figured you'd have one hell of a hangover."
"Hm," you say. You look away. Back. "Thanks," you finally manage. "That was nice. How'd you get me past my parents?"
"Practice," he says with an insouciant grin.
You roll your eyes, but then reach into your bag for something. "So, um. I...well. I made you this. As a kind of thank you, and because I guess it's what people do? When they're dating? Anyway, whatever, here." You push a tape at him, and he catches it before it can hit the ground.
He reads the track list and his expression goes through a series of changes, each one pissing you off more than the last. "Uh...that's—that's nice, but I can't accept this."
"Hm. Okay. It's not an engagement ring. Why the fuck not?"
"It's got—fuck. It's got Tiffany! And Wilson Phillips! And—and—Pearl Jam!"
"I can read, Grove. I made the fucking thing. Your point?"
"Fuuuck. I was hoping you wouldn't remember that."
"I said mostly a blank," you snap. You wish now you hadn't used the stupid nickname. Clearly he doesn't deserve a nickname. "So do you want the tape or not?"
"I can't—I mean—it was nice of you to—but I—”
"Forget it! I'd hate for you to strain yourself." You snatch the tape back from him and spin on your heel. "Clearly this was a stupid fucking idea. I'll tell Nancy to find someone else."
He watches you go in wide-eyed horror. "Wait!" he cries. "Hang on, wait, don't—awww, come on!" This last in response to you flipping him the bird over your shoulder as you disappear inside the building. "Fuck!" he growls. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! A girl gives you a tape, you take the fucking tape! It doesn't matter if it's Kenny G's greatest hits! Fuuuuuck!!"
The door opens and he peers that way hopefully, but instead of you he sees a very annoyed-looking Steve Harrington. "What the fuck did you do?!" he says. "I just talked to the girl I'm paying you to go out with, and she told me to go fuck myself and take you with me."
"Shiiiiit!" Eddie says. He presses both hands to his face and scrubs. What to do, what to do?! He drops his hands and squares his shoulders before casting Steve a steady, stoic look. "There's nothing else for it, my man. I've gotta sacrifice my dignity on the altar of impressing a girl."
Steve snorts. "Sacrifice your dignity!? Dude, have you seen your hair??"
Eddie ignores him. "Your friend Robin's in band, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
"Gonna need her help." He tugs a lock of hair over his mouth as he paces, thinking. Nancy can get him a copy of your schedule. During band period would be best. He can cut class. His attendance has been decent this year, but it's just one class. And it's important.
It's a perfect plan. He'll win you back, plus some, and then maybe you two can discuss that big ol' crush you had on him that "went away." That's a topic worth exploring further—even if it means enduring mindless pop music and Eddie Vedder.
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“You STILL aren’t speaking to him?!” Nancy says a few days later. You’re in the cafeteria having lunch and revisiting your tiff with Eddie.
“He was a jerk!” you say, stabbing your mashed potatoes with your spork.
“He was, but…”
“Nance!” You scowl down at your tray and push it away. “Okay, look. First I made an absolute fool of myself at the party. Got completely wasted and sloppy.”
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“Regardless, it happened. Then he was apparently so NICE, such a GENTLEMAN.” You roll your eyes. “So I made him that stupid tape and he acted like I handed him toxic waste! I spent the whole day on it!”
“Yes, he acted stupid, but—”
“Oh god speak of the annoying devil,” you say. It’s too late to hide: he’s seen you and is heading straight your way.
“Ladies!” he says as he drops down next to you. He gives Nancy a nod and you a smile. “Still craving cheese fries?” he says to you.
You frown. “I’m sorry?”
“Saturday night you were dying for cheese fries, but I thought it was better to take you home instead. Mostly because you passed out in my van.”
You look away, flushing. God how humiliating!
“But I thought if you were still in the mood, we could go today after school.”
Your eyes snap to his face and you scowl. “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear on Monday.”
“Noooo, you did. I just thought you might’ve changed your mind.”
You lean in. “Nope!” you say, carefully popping the p.
“Okay then.” He waves, and a kid from his Hellfire Club runs up. With a guitar.
“You brought this on yourself,” he says and stands. He tosses the strap over his head and strums. The sound fills the cafeteria, and you see another kid by the wall manning an amp.
“Eddie, WHAT are you DOING?!” you hiss.
“This one’s for you, babe!” He launches into a song that you don’t recognize—until he starts singing. “Children behave! That’s what they say…when we’re together!”
“Oh. My. God!”
Nancy grabs you across the table. “Is that—?!”
“Oh my GOD!!” It’s a loud, kinda slowed-down, metal version of I Think We’re Alone Now. Most famously covered by mall princess Tiffany.
"Running just as fast as we can...holding on to one another's hand..." He's really getting into it, grinding on the guitar and singing to her like it's his own personal rock concert. The entire cafeteria is watching, shocked, but the Hellfire kids are into it.
About halfway through the band marches in and starts playing along. The high school marching band. You bury your face in your hands and want to sink into the floor, but when you peek through your fingers at him part of you admits it's kinda cute.
"I think we're alone now! The beating of our hearts is the only sooouuunnd!" As he repeats the chorus he advances closer, and at the last line he drops to his knees and slides across the floor to end up directly at your feet. He unplugs the guitar and stands to take a bow. Most people are yelling and clapping, but a few boos are mixed in. He seems to enjoy those just as much. He flashes a double bird and sticks his tongue out, Gene Simmons style.
"C'mon, princess," he says with a grin. "Let's go get cheese fries."
You have class, but...
With a laugh you grab the hand he's offering. "Yeah, okay. Because that was the stupidest, ballsiest thing I've ever seen."
He grins even bigger, the lines around his eyes and mouth creasing his face. "Stupid and ballsy, the Eddie Munson special."
"Come on," you say as you drag him from the caf and his adoring public. "We'll chat more about your stupid balls over fries."
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You're both sitting in the back of the van, doors open, legs hanging over the edge. You're singing his version of the song and he's got his head buried in his jacket.
"Stopppp!!" he cries. "Please! You're so goddamn mean."
You break off, giggling, and throw his pack of cigarettes at him. "How the hell did you come up with such a ridiculous plan?"
"I don't know. It sounded good at the time! And, look, it worked. You cut class to come have fries with me."
"We don't have fries yet," you say, "and I could cut and run at any time."
"Noted. So you hated it?"
You grin and duck your head, then peek at him. "No, I didn't hate it. It was cute. Stupid, but cute. How'd you learn the song that fast?"
He shrugs. "It wasn't that hard. And, I dunno. I'm a fuck-up, but I'm not bad at music."
"Eddie," you say with a little frown. "Don't talk about yourself like that." You poke his arm. "You're not a fuck-up. You're just..."
You smile and nudge him. "You," you say.
"Right. A squishy, not-scary Muppet monster."
"That's right," you say, your smile widening. "Grover."
"You know, it's kinda growin' on me. The nickname."
"Funny," you say softly. "I was thinking the same about you." You lean in and kiss him softly, easily. It's quick, and you might have gone in for another, but the carhop arrives with your fries.
"Damn," Eddie mutters. "Saved by the cheese."
You giggle and the two of you dig in.
"But," he says after a food-filled silence, "I gotta protest: I might be stupid, but my balls aren't."
"Ohhh. Smart balls, huh?"
"Yup. These babies solve quadratic equations!"
You cover your mouth as you laugh and take a sip of coke. "Maybe you should ask them for help in math."
"Hm. You know, it's funny you should say that." He licks cheese off his fingers and wipes them on his jeans. "You're in AP Chem, right?"
"Cool, that's cool. I'm in chem, too. Not AP, of course. Just regular. But, uh. I gotta pass. I HAVE to. I gotta get out of Hawkins High."
"Third senior year," you remark. "It's maybe time."
"You're tellin' me. Anyway, you think maybe I could get some help? Like, uh. Tutoring?"
You consider a moment around a mouthful of cheesy potato. "Yeah, I could do that. Tomorrow, maybe? Unless you're busy."
"No, nope, I'm free. Tomorrow'd be great. We can go to my place after school. My uncle works doubles on Thursdays, second and third."
"Ouch," you say with a wince.
"Yeah, it's killer." He sighs and drops his napkin into the empty fry tray. "So. I gotta try again."
"Try what again?" you say with a frown.
"The kiss. You didn't see my best stuff, princess." He gets up to toss the trash in a nearby can, then boosts himself back into the van.
"Sound awfully sure of yourself," you say, scooting closer. You tug a little at his jacket and slide your hand under it, against his chest.
"You're gonna like it as much as you loved that song. Swear."
You let out a soft laugh. "Didn't love the song, pretty boy. Sorry."
"You liked it," he says.
"Hmm," you say, doubtfully.
He gently cups your face and rubs his nose against your cheek. "You liked it," he murmurs.
"Eh," you say, still playing it cool even as your pulse kicks up and your cheeks flush.
"You liked it," he says, firmly, and turns his head to capture his mouth with yours.
It's slow and easy and lingering, and when he pulls away you’re both a little breathless.
"I liked it," you whisper.
He grins. "I know you did, princess." He kisses you again, a little harder, and you make a soft noise before your hands come up to bury themselves in his hair.
He sucks your lower lip and nibbles gently. You're so soft and sweet; he can't get enough of kissing you, and it's only been two kisses.
You can't believe a boy can have lips this juicy. They're soft and full and he tastes salty like fries and sweet like root beer.
His tongue slides into your mouth and you meet it with your own. Tug his hair a little to pull his head back so you can nip at his jaw. His throat.
"Baby," he rasps. "Baby girl!"
You whine, just a little, and you both fall back into the van and somehow your leg hooks over his hips and you're grinding against each other as the kisses get hotter and deeper. His hand slides down to rest on your hip and creeps up just under the edge of your shirt. He tickles your side and you giggle.
"Ticklish?" he murmurs. "Good to know."
"Use your powers for good, Munson," you breathe and kiss him again. You press closer and rock. His hips fit between your thighs and you can feel... "Oh." You grin a little. "Hello."
"Shit!" he says. "Shit, babe, I'm sorry!"
You laugh a little. "It's okay," you breathe. "It's fine."
"Are you sure?" He's flushed red and sweating. "I'm really sorry."
"It's not like you can control it." You rock against him a little. "I don’t mind." You bite your lip. You want to see it. Touch it, even. But…
"Maybe—" You clear your throat. "Maybe you should take me home. I have a ton of homework."
"Yeah, sure, that's cool. That's good. I’m really—"
"Don't apologize again." You kiss him. "I promise I'm not mad or anything. Having a nice hard cock pressed against me is flattering, actually."
That seems to take some of the pressure off. "It's not stupid, either."
"Mmmm a penis that can do complex math. Be still my beating vagina."
He cracks up. "Wow," he says. "If I'd known it was that easy!"
"You calling me easy, Munson!?"
"...no..." He squirms a little. "Just, uh. Easily aroused?"
"Mmm." You lean in to bite his ear. "Says the boy with the raging hard-on."
"Come on, princess," he murmurs. His hand slides down over your ass. "You tellin' me you aren't wet right now?" He nuzzles your chin. "Throbbing a little, maybe?"
You don't want to admit it, but you've been at least fluttery since that first, quick kiss. Now your panties are soaked and you can feel your pounding heart in your cunt. You wish something else was pounding in that general vicinity.
"Maybe a little," you say. "A tiny bit."
He chuckles and squeezes your ass before he kisses you again. "Come on, baby doll. Lemme get you home. Or back to school?"
You lean away from him so you can grab his arm to check his watch. "Home," you say. "School's a wash for today."
"You got it." He kisses your nose, your forehead. "You're so pretty," he murmurs. "And soft. And smell amazing."
You brush your fingers over his kiss-swollen lips. "You're pretty. And soft...in some places. Fozzie Bear."
He grins. "Wacka wacka." He reluctantly pulls away and helps you up. "Shit," he mutters. "Head rush."
"Uh huh. Not much blood to the brain, huh?"
"Your fault, princess."
"Oops," you say, unrepentant.
He rolls his eyes and lifts you down from the van. "Brat."
"Touché," he grumbles.
You're laughing as he helps you into the van's passenger seat. Maybe fake dating Eddie Munson won't be so bad after all. He's a good kisser and only pretends to be a jerk most of the time. You can work with that.
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This, is definitely overdue.
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Alright, hi, hello. Let's talk- as my shittily drawn comic says-
First off, I'm Kaz, I also go by Wolfy, Fifty (from my old tumblr user/tag/whatever), and any variation of Peppermint. One friend who has tumblr as well calls me Pepsi on discord for shits and giggle and another knows my real name. Well, both know, it's just a 50/50 on what they use-
I am a sexuality questioning neurodivergent genderfluid creature, I don't care what pronouns are used for me as long as the person talking to me is comfortable with me.
On here I'll be most commonly showing myself as a kitsune with just, a chalk board on hand. Or, well, paw.
Okay, general blog rules and things to know.
No explicit nsfw. You can send asks being curious about certain habits of my ocs and draw whatever kinda art of them you want (do not touch ANY little ones I will block you so fast), but anything in regards to me myself, absolutely the fuck not.
Oc shipping is perfectly okay with me! Just don't ask about children and keep your fan children to yourself, please and thank you. I do not want asks about my ocs having children in my askbox.
I am VERY much a multishipper, if you see me shipping my ocs with my other ocs, do not assume you can't come in and make an offer of one of your own ocs. Do not be afraid to talk to me about shipping ocs or oc interactions in general.
As long as I'm credited, anyone is more than welcome to use my art for whatever the fuck they want. If it's something questionable, I'd prefer you keep it to yourself, but otherwise, go ahead. Although I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to use my art for anything-
I do NOT. I repeat, do NOT. Take commissions. I'll take requests to draw ocs and other such things, alongside canon characters, but I do NOT take commissions. Requests will really only be sketches, occasionally colored and sometimes legitimately finished because I had the energy for it.
I feel as though this should be obvious, but I'll say it anyways, pro-shippers, racists, lgbtq+phobics, assholes of generally any kind, especially those obsessed with politics, aren't fucking welcome here. This blog is here for me to look at content from people I like and affectionately blast my mutuals with whatever cracked up shit I come up with. If you can't help but be a piece of shit in my safe space, you can go fuck yourself.
Be kind. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you came here for, but if you can't bare to spare a shred of kindness when you talk to me, I don't want you interacting with my blog. You can criticize my art, the way I write, the way I talk, just how much I ramble, but if you can't be nice about it, I'd rather you say nothing at all.
Alright, that should be that.
If you wanna contact me, you can contact me on here through tumblr's messaging system, but you can also contact me on discord at .peppermintstars! If you're gonna friend me on discord, please warn me before you do. I don't have the best experience with randomly being friended and I may end up blocking you on instinct- I do have a twitter although I don't use it so I won't bother linking it until I start using it.
I hope to eventually start streaming sometime this year, be it with or without a 2d or 3d model, so if you wanna support me, you can find me on twitch and youtube!
I'll also give a list of the media I'm into and what you can expect me to be reblogging! Or at least looking at-
Cookie Run! Primarily ocs. (I don't know what the fuck is going on in the story rn and I need to get caught up-)
Persona 5 Royal and in subsequent, the Persona series in general.
Demon Slayer! (Or Kimetsu No Yaiba if you prefer to call it that.)
Pokemon. I like to watch the animes and if I can I'll get whatever new game comes out, even if I get it a bit late-
How To Train Your Dragon! Yes I'm still into HTTYD even years after the first movie came out. That shit ain't going no where.
Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact! Although the interest for these has diminished and isn't ever really consistent, I may as well list them because I either do play them or have played them.
Cult of The Lamb! I like Narilamb. I like Narinder. I've a thing for powerful higher beings in general okay-
Dungeons and Dragons! If you need a dm or an extra player for whatever reason, I am more than open to joining a campaign.
Dark Souls! And other souls-like games from FromSoftware- ties into the D&D thing because I get way too many ideas watching playthroughs of those games.
God of War! Again, the liking of powerful higher beings- also ties into D&D.
The Resident Evil series! Leon Kennedy is hot and Ethan Winters was a good dad.
FNAF! Alongside other such mascot horror games- Poppy Playtime included (mostly just for Dogday.)
Mythology and folklore! Hopefully evident by the fact I chose a kitsune as my persona on here- also connects into D&D again to no one's surprise.
That should be everything I can remember off the top of my head!
That's all, thank you for reading, have a good day, and here's a sleepy kitsune for your troubles!
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
hey I’m glad you’re not weirded out or anything by the tickling stuff (I’m the anon by the way) I might write something with my tav after I’m done with the “my tav as a companion” part 2 with the list questions you made after my first one but I don’t how long that’ll take since I kinda feel weird writing about my tav in that way since they are based off myself not that I don’t want to do it I would like to write stuff like that for an OC I’ve never done it before but it kinda feels like I’d be doing something “naughty” which I guess I would be but anyways I’ll write something I’m gonna try and get over the awkward feeling so I can go more in depth with the “my tav as a companion” romance part because I feel like I can touch more on that
(sorry for ranting, longer than I thought it’d be)
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I get what you're feeling exactly, and my only advice to that is to embrace it.
All writing in some form or another, is based on yourself. Every character you've written fanfics about, every OC you've made, every small headcanon, all of them are connected to you.
All of them, hold a small part of you in them, a small truth that you might not be unaware of. Writers can only write about their own experiences and emotions, even in fantasy and imaginary scenarios, you have to base it around something you're familiar with to be able to comprehend it.
I'm aromatic yet I write romantic stories, I have never felt romantic love so I base all of my romantic stories on how platonic love felt to me and mix it with what I think romantic love should be like based on what other people said.
I get the feeling of vulnerability when revealing things about an OC that holds a lot of your own cores as a human, that was based on your own image. That's why it's good to remember that everything else was also based on your own image, you just weren't aware of it. You've left a trace of your personality and your fingerprints on every character and subject you've touched.
Honestly, I am not in the best state health wise to answer this, but I didn't want to leave it sitting for long.
There is a fear of being cringe, I genuinely truly get it. I still feel it too a lot of times, fear of being too weird or off putting. It's so easy to tell someone to "just express themselves" until that self expression manifests in a way that doesn't fit the socially acceptable ideas of other people.
Who gives a shit if I don't like tickle stuff? What right do I have to judge you? What right does anyone have to judge you? None of us matters when it comes to your own writing and self expression, only you matter.
Likewise for me, I like cringe worthy stuff too! And I subtily microdose them into my writing because I don't have the courage to come outright and say it. I am afraid. You are braver than me in that aspect and honesty kudos to you for being yourself unapologetically.
I had an old writing blog where I only wrote tame fluffy stuff that everyone wanted, only expressed myself within social acceptable limits, only showed the most clean and sanitized versions of my art.
And you know that phrase about if you don't like what you're writing then other people won't? It's a huge fucking lie. That blog was so much bigger and more popular than this blog in a shorter amount of time.
I had triple the followers I have now, so many nice comments and reblogs, too many requests than I could keep track of. People loved the sanitized version of my writing.
I didn't, I hated it. It was empty and souless and I had to force myself to sit down and write it. Scrub away all traces of my own personality from it and make it the most appealing to the general public.
Words never flowed like they do to me now, I dreaded opening my requests back then, I dreaded checking on my notes.
And so I left it at the height of its popularity, didn't even say a thing just slowly ghosted away.
Don't do what I did, is what I'm saying. You have a lovely OC and if you want to put more of your own self and your own interests in them then so be it. I promise other people won't know and even if they connect the dots, they'd have to be actual weirdos to make judgments on a real human being based on an imaginary doll they move around.
Give Sean the tickle kink if you want that's perfectly okay. Base all of his companion answers around yourself if you want, make him an extension of you. Maybe he will slowly take what you've given him and evolve to his own character, maybe he will always remain a beautiful reflection of you, both of these outcomes are welcomed as long as they make you happy.
I did it with Sol, bpd isn't the best, and making an OC that represents all the worst traits I saw in myself and showing them love and care helpled me unimaginably. And fuck yeah I definitely base their answers around myself, every writer bases their writing around themselves, how else are you supposed to create originality? Your mind is the only completely original source that only YOU have access to!
It's a fucking gold mine, an exclusive library of experiences and moments that no one else but you know about. And you want to ignore it and put 13 layers of irony between you and everything you create? For whAT?
Kids love plushies and get attached to them because the plushies are their own OCs in a way, the dolls represent an extension of their inner psyche. So when kids hug and shower their plushies with love, or even get reinact a dramatic sad story with their dolls, it's them talking to themselves.
Art is communication, whether it be with an audience or with yourself. self-indulgence is the thing that makes art worth making. It's what gives it a soul, it's what sets it apart form AI bullshit.
And some people will see themselves in Sean. Did I tell you that the tickle fic requests I wrote had likes and reblogs from other people? I would've never imagined someone would like it besides the requester yet there were others.
We're all really weird, inside. If you're going to be original and create art that you like then it will be weird and cringy, same goes for me, same goes for everyone.
Embrace it, peel the layers of irony, be yourself unapologetically. You are worth it.
And side note, I really enjoy your requests and reading what you send me about Sean. But my own enjoyment always comes after your own comfort and boundaries. You don't have to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable in the "as a companion part 2" list.
I will always view these answers through Sean and as a reflection of him, never a reflection of the author. That's a right only you have and a line only you can draw.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
How Times Change | Hugo Stiglitz x m!reader
anonymous asked; Stiglitz with I'm not gonna hurt you
summary: there was a man, so many years ago, that you knew well and that you cared about deeply, but war changes time, and although you would like to see him again, you know that it will only be briefly.
tws: swearing, war, smoking, mentions of alcohol/drinking
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You had joined the war in thirty eight, nearly six years ago when the news first broke about what those fascist scum were doing; you knew that it was the right thing to do and that the allies needed every hand they could hold.
The allies needed all the help they could get, and the more glad you were to kill fascists, the more help you could be; you were assigned to a special forces regiment, told that you would be operating away from other allies.
But in those six years, the only ones left were you and Archie; you had become inseparable, and when Churchill, the fucking war criminal who had enough blood on his hands for it to fill his own grave, told you both that you were to meet with another allied group, you wanted to scream.
What use was a small group? You weren't going to be able to save lives with just a handful of soldiers. What fucking use would you be?
But Archie talked you into it, and although you weren't happy, you eventually agreed; the Basterds were... fine. Hugo, especially, was nice, and you found solace in sitting beside him in the quiet; dimly lit rooms that still smelled of smoke from the recent bombings.
He didn't really look at you, except to hand you cigarettes and smoke with you; didn't say much except the odd murmured thanks when you lit his cigarette or picked up his knife if he dropped it.
Archie noticed it, raised a brow as he looked at you before he pulled you aside into a different room; he didn't look happy, blue eyes glaring at you.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm making friends," you deadpanned.
He clenched his jaw. "Don't."
"Why not?"
Archie took a quick look around, making sure no one could hear before he sighed and shook his head. "We're not staying with them. You know our orders."
"Fuck our orders," you growled. "We came here to kill fascist scum, nobody loves slaughtering those cunts more than Stiglitz."
"Revenge isn't necessary," he warned. "I know you miss the others, but-"
"No," you said softly. "This isn't revenge. This is war... you do realise what they're doing to people like me, don't you?"
"I do," he said quietly.
"Then you know what we're fighting for," you hissed. "Archie, I adore you, you're my best friend - but if I can, I'm gonna kill every fucking fascist we come across, and Stiglitz is my best chance... besides..."
"Besides what?"
"He's nice," you shrugged. "He reminds me of someone I used to know."
Archie tutted as he shook his head. "That German boy? It's been years, Corporal."
"You can't tell me he doesn't look like him," you huffed. "Same blue eyes, same dirty blond hair, same scowl."
"He does, but it's not the same man," he insisted. "Even if it were, he's probably long forgotten about you."
"I don't think so," you shook your head, looking over at the Basterds before you excused yourself and headed back over. Archie wished he had a more obedient corporal, but he wasn't about to give you up.
He loved you, after all, you were his best friend and the only man from the regiment left, and he wanted to protect you; he didn't want you to be involved with Kino, at least then you would have a chance of getting what you wanted without worrying about being blown to smithereens.
Aldo caught his attention, and although he didn't want to let you out of his sights, Archie went with him.
"Out of curiosity," you hummed as you lit up a cigarette, speaking quietly. "Were you ever in Wales?"
"Vor dem Krieg," Hugo agreed with a nod. "Ja... Warum?"
"Did you work on a farm?" You asked, and when he nodded, you swallowed thickly. "You didn't, uhm, you didn't meet a young lad there, did you?"
He nodded. "Warum?"
"Do you remember fields of daffodils?" You asked softly. "And stealing whisky to go drink it under the stars?"
Biting at his lip, Hugo nodded.
"Do you remember the days spent riding horses and going up the mountains?"
He nodded, shifting in his seat. "Genug. It was a long time ago."
"Hugo..." you reached into your pocket, and pulled out a pressed daffodil. You shoved it into his hand as you tried to look him in the eyes. "Hugo, it's me."
He looked at it, looked at his own handwriting written on it, and he glared at you. "(y/n)?"
You nodded, daring to smile. "Hi."
His face fell for a moment as he studied your features, daring to drop everything so that he could feel your face in his hands again; it had been so long, he hardly recognised you, hardly knew the lips that he had once spent hours staring at when you spoke.
But now he could taste the whisky on his tongue, and he could remember all the times that you had made the excuse that, by kissing him, you were just chasing the last little taste of the harsh liquor; now he could see the stars glittering in your eyes again and he could hear the sheep in their paddock.
He could smell the fresh dew on the grass and the sweet scent of the berries you would pick for him. He swallowed thickly.
"I broke my promise," he murmured.
"No, you didn't," you shook your head as you dared to crack a smile. "It's been... what? About ten years?"
He nodded.
"I found you," you told you him quietly, trying not to laugh softly. "I win."
He cracked a small smile, hidden when he hung his head and focused on the cigarette in his hand, watching the ash mix with burning tobacco, grey and orange so close to his own skin; he could feel your gaze on him, trying not to blush as he doubled down staring at his cigarette, trying to convince himself that it had been too long. You had moved on, surely, you would have by now. Ten years, six of them spent fighting in war, you would have moved on.
"You were always better at that game."
You grinned, nodding as you swallowed thickly and dared to gently reach out, placing your hand on his shoulder as you sighed. "You stopped writing."
Hugo nodded. "Couldn't afford to send letters... I'm sorry."
You shook your head, daring to press your forehead to the side of his neck, making him tense up at the sudden contact as he swallowed thickly and froze completely. "Don't be. This time, I'm not leaving without you."
He nodded again, slowly moving to put his arm around you; you still felt so good against his body, still smelled like cheap cigarettes and dirt. The last time he had held you that way was when you had invited him to spend the night in the barn with you; he could feel the straw poking into his back and the soft breeze sneaking through the cracks in the walls, he could still hear your soft breathing when you fell asleep and how you snuggled into him without a single care.
Times were different back then, he had thought that there was a chance of returning to you when he had saved up enough money; he could work on the farm for the rest of his life if it meant that he could be near you again. Now, he wasn't even sure if he would see dawn. Now, he wasn't even sure if he would be alive in a matter of hours, let alone for more than a day.
But he still knew he didn't want to say goodbye again, and if he was forced to do it, then he would say goodbye until the war ended and every fascist was dead; he would say goodbye until his very last breath if it meant he just had more time with you.
Someday, somehow, he would make sure he didn't leave you again, he would make sure that he would have even just another minute with you; whatever the cost, Hugo didn't want to leave you again, didn't want to be without you.
"I missed you."
The words sliced his stomach open, forcing his entrails to spill onto the charred and broken wooden floors, staining the light brown with thick blood that looked nearly black; he wanted to try and pick them up, but he couldn't bring himself to let you go, couldn't bring himself to stop being able to feel you in his arms.
Slowly, he coaxed you to sit between his legs, pulling you back enough that he could feel your back against his chest as he rested his forehead against your neck, fingers splayed and sneaking through the gaps between the buttons of your shirt; your skin still felt as soft and warm as it used to, a painful reminder of what he had lost.
You still smelled of smoke and dirt like you always used to, although now the smoke was from fighting, no longer caused by cigarettes; the dirt came from mud and hiding in it, no longer caused by working on the fields. He missed the way it used to smell on you, he missed the way it mixed with sweat and hard liquor; times changed, your smell was the same but the causes of it were different and it wasn't as sweet as it used to be. When he kissed the back of your neck, it wasn't the same.
It wasn't sweat soaked skin he was kissing, or rain soaked. It was dry, and although still soft, it was scarred from bullet fragments and nicks from rubble. It wasn't the skin of a farmhand, it was the skin of a soldier. Still, it reminded him of those days that were long gone; waiting for you to return from synagogue on Saturdays so that he could take you to the woods and spend the day lying on the riverbank, watching the deer and foxes and birds go by.
"I'm not gonna hurt you again," he said quietly, mumbling. "I'm not letting you go, mein Welpe."
You nodded, leaning into him as you dared to let out a long sigh. "You never hurt me."
"I left."
"You had to," you pointed out. "You didn't know that you... you never hurt me."
Hugo knew then, he knew he wouldn't leave your side even if he was forced to; he knew he would never leave you, he would never let you out of his sight for as long as he could still breathe. He couldn't bring himself to let you get hurt when he knew now that he could do something to stop it from happening; he couldn't bring himself to let you go again, to leave you again.
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