#wheeljack vore
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sillyromance · 2 years ago
Hello!!!! I read the pred hcs you made for some transformers and I really loved them…I was wondering if you had more? I’d love to hear more about TFP Ratch or TFE Bee…but honestly I’ll take any character you’d like to elaborate on. Those were SO cute 🥺
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm really happy you like my post - thank you very much for your kind words!!! Unfortunately, I don't have any more ideas about Ratchet and Bee for now... But as soon as I get some, I will definitely post them!
And at this time, here I have predcanons for other transformers from different universes. Hope you will enjoy!
P. S: I'm really sorry for my long silence - sometimes school takes too much of my time...
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Always confident and calm ninja seems to be quite easy-going at the first glance, but the more you watch him the better you see that in reality he prefers being all by himself, and it demands time to earn his respect and affection. So, like Ultra Magnus, he would be very picky about who he would let inside of his fueltank. However, as far as he warms up to someone, he gets unbelievably chilly about swallowing his beloved team pal down. Need a place to rest? Feel scared or upset? Lonely? Just get in. He doesn't see any point in long ceremonies; his movements are slow and gentle, however it doesn't take much time for Jacky to push you down his throat with a satisfied hum. At the same moment, the part of the process he would adore is tasting; unusual, exotic human flavours would make his processor just buzz in bliss! Sometimes he would take his time a little, carefully, methodically licking a person in his mouth from head to toe, rolling and tickling them with a tip of his tongue, optics closed and lips smiling joyfully. Only when there is no dry spot on the human's body, he would title his helm back and let them slide further into his core. Wheeljack would never be shy to speak to his friends after they got in his fueltank; often he is watched by puzzled eyes of comrades while he's running around his business and talking to someone they can't actually see or hear. But he doesn't pay much attention on their reaction anyways...
As an addition: Wheeljack finds vore a perfect chance to take Mico with him and Bulkhead on missions without Ultra Magnus noticing anything. And he always manages to set her free right at the time when no one is able to see it. So, Magnus is repeatedly driven mad by this small, innocent tricks, although he admits human child's help is quite useful from time to time.
TFE (Earthspark)
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This mech with difficult, sarcastic, but secretly soft character would be a shy and nervous kind. He would be quite concerned about his tiny friend's safety; when it comes to gulping them down, the 'con is too afraid that he can accidentally hurt them if something goes wrong. And he is sure it will go wrong because he is too used to failings... Moreover: it's really hard to win his trust because of everything he has been through. That way, it would be not a simple task to convince this ex-decepticon that vore is actually a good thing. However, if you manage to go over with all the obstacles, he will be the most careful and wholesome pred ever. And once he completely understands there is no danger - an obsessively willing one. He wants to keep his human companion as close as possible, warm and protected from everything and everyone (especially Megatron). He can get a little teasy in attempt to see how you blush and smile - recognition of his human's pleasure makes his spark sing of happiness; but usually he would just coo at you softly, give you a light kiss in the forehead and then his smooth lips would slowly, but demandingly pull you into his salivating mouth. As a person with PTSD he always needs to have absolute control over the situation, something unexpected (abrupt movements, screams, loud laugh, sudden rough squeezing of his insides) extremely freaks him out; so, you better let Starscream take the lead and stay still. After his darling reached their destination, he would try to move less, not wishing to cause any problems to them. He would curl up in a tight ball, hugging his middle with both arms and stroking it happily, and speak to them softly until he and his prey both fall asleep.
As an addition: sometimes he have panic attacks and feel deep enxiety, so some reassuring weight inside of him would be required.
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This autobot is a tough guy which is quite strict to others as well as to himself. So, you shouldn't expect him being a sweetheart. Although the alien samurai never forgets about humans' fragility, his tiny friends are barely treated softly most of the time because they are members of their team like others; they have responsibilities and have to work on their best without excuses or privileges. He doesn't accept extreme sensitivity in anyone; in order to that, he can often hurt his little partner's feelings. I think in this case, vore for him would be a way to apologize for being rude and to show that his friend can trust him; putting them deep inside of his body, close to his spark would mean that whatever offensive things he says sometimes, he is always there for his precious comrades. Of course, his is a QUITE protective pred; if Drift understands that his companion isn't able to defend themselves, he will simply grab little one in a second and shove them into his mouth - such straight forward actions committed without any explanation can be shocking for a prey, but, unfortunately, they should just live with it; he won't change anyways. If you're his close friend or a lover, then perhaps he will go slightly easier on you; at least, he will be definitely more gentle and caring every time he is bound to send you down his fueltank.
However good control Drift has over his emotions, he isn't able to deny that he likes the entire process. When there is an opportunity, he loves examining his sensations; presence of a small life hiding in his very core has a comforting and relaxing influence on him, especially because of his protective instincts. These are the points why he wouldn't hurry to set his human friend free (not like they would be unhappy about it though). The samurai wouldn't tell anyone about where his partner is once they got tucked into his "stomach" (even to the minicons) because in Drift's opinion it could be shameful for both included; that way, when he is around others you can imagine that he has forgotten about you at all. It's not true. And the fact that even during the hardest battles he will keep you fine inside no matter the cost perfectly proves it. But he would pay attention on you openly only in private, far away from the team. Then he would lay one servo on his waist, caressing it delicately, and finally ask softly if you are OK in there. Afterwards, perhaps there would be a long philosophical discussion till the evening, when he would let you out to look at a beautiful sunset from his shoulder.
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Wheeljack was still getting used to being with Team Prime as he was mostly used to doing what he wanted but he was starting to get the hang of protecting others, he was currently on patrol when you crashed into one of his pedes, he looked down at you in surprise, he didn't expect to have a minicon run into him, he scooped you up into one of his servos so he could get a better look at you. He could hear Arcee somewhere nearby so he quickly stuffed your injured form into his intake then he swallowed just as Arcee started heading back to him, you immediately started struggling but it was no use, you thought that you were nothing but a snack to him. Wheeljack greeted Arcee, but he still wasn't too thrilled about her bringing her human partner along "I didn't find anything on my patrol did you find anything interesting?" He asked her "Nope it was all clear, let's head back to base," she told him then transformed into her alt mode, she drove off with Jack on her. He transformed into his alt mode and then drove off after her, he wasn't too concerned about you after all you were a minicon. Once he got back to the base he transformed then he left to go to his quarters, he was supposed to hang out with Bulkhead but he wanted to deal with you first since you were still struggling and starting to get a bit too loud for his liking. He got into his quarters and gently rubbed his fuel tank a bit "Hey it's alright just relax a bit, I'll get you out as soon as I think of a believable enough excuse for Ratchet when I give you to him so he can repair you" he wasn't exactly the best at this but he was happy when you started to calm down. He was startled by a knock on his door, and he quickly got up to open it "Is something wrong Optimus" he asked as Optimus stood there "I just wanted to see how your patrol went" the Prime told Wheeljack "It went fine, me and Arcee didn't see anything" he was slightly annoyed with Optimus being there. "Arcee told me you were acting a bit strange, are you perhaps hiding something?" The Prime said "No of course not" Wheeljack was starting to get both anxious and protective of you as he wasn't sure how the others would react to him finding a minicon "I'll believe you for now but if I suspect you're hiding something I'll expect you to show it to me" The Prime said before walking off, Wheeljack immediately shut the door "frag" he immediately got you out and onto his servo "I'm gonna take you to Ratchet and I guess I'm going to have to show you to Optimus" you heard him say as you shook off the disorientation of suddenly being let out.
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transformers-spike · 2 months ago
Who would be the kinkiest transformer in your opinion?
Oh god this is such a hard question to think about. In TFP I'm split between quite a few. Wheeljack feels like an absolute freak to me. No way in hell he isn't into testing the limits of your human frame and seeing just what he can do with you - bonus points if there are explosions in the background. I haven't gotten to Ultra Magnus properly but no way someone so professional and by-the-book isn't kinky as hell in private. Work is work, but when it's break time it's pound time. Decepticons tend to get a bit wilder. For example, Megatron is a certified freak. No normal bot would be running their glossa over their human like that, nor beating their spike sloppy style with a steel rod inside of it while eating their human out. Chances are he'll even ask/order them to sound him - lube not included. Knock Out is obviously high on the kinky list, and he's happy playing the active or passive role as long as his human partner knows what they're doing. He's by far the most open to trying out new kinks as long as they don't get gross. Oh did I say Knock Out was the most open? Ha! Nope - Breakdown is even more open and willing to play along with whatever his partner needs/wants. Just remind him to keep his own wellbeing in mind, he's very willing to please and extremely receptive to praise. TFA is a bit easier to figure out Prowl is obviously very willing to try new things, especially if you already know about them. Bondage? Do you need him to learn rope-tying techniques? He's already putting in the research. Whatever kink you introduce he's going to study up on it and ask you why you're interested in it. By the end you've started your spiritual journey in the land of kink Sentinel has something going on I'm sure of it - no way in hell he's grossed out by fleshies purely for their organic frames. There has to be more to it. I'm telling y'all he's a closeted human fucker with a secret pregnancy kink - but he'll never find out unless he actually gives in and fucks Blitzwing's Random personality is the kinkiest out of everyone. I'm not sure what you were expecting, but bro can lick the earth you stepped on and get off to it. Also he's probably into vore
TF:One Sentinel Prime. Bro obviously has too much money and time on his hands.
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anony-man · 11 months ago
Taking chubformers requests!
Send in a request for your preferred character and I'll write up a little drabble for them! Just a few things to keep in mind before asking:
1) Any characters welcome!
2) Feel free to ask for the same character, even if it's already been written!
3) If you have a specific prompt in mind (bedbound character, stuckage, etc), feel free to add it!
4) Currently iffy about writing vore, so any requests for it may be delayed… but I will still accept them if you so desire!
See below for finished drabbles and characters who have already been requested!
Characters previously written:
1. Sunstreaker (G1)
2. Megatron (TFP)
3. Swindle (TFA)
4. Starscream (G1)
5. Thundercracker (IDW)
6. Sky/Jetfire (G1)
7. First Aid (IDW)
8. Ironhide (G1)
9. Sideswipe (G1)
10. Bumblebee (TFA)
11. Prowl (IDW)
12. Shockwave (G1)
13. Galvatron (G1)
14. Bombshell (G1 - sfw)
15. Devastator (G1)
16. Rodimus (IDW)
17. Helex (IDW)
18. Sunstreaker (G1)
19. Megatron (G1)
20. Bravern
21. Bulkhead (TFA)
22. Optimus (G1)
23. Megatron (TFA)
24. Scrapper (G1)
25. Seaspray (G1)
26. Swindle (ES)
27. Long Haul (G1)
28. Megatron (TFP)
29. Soundwave (G1)
30. Dreadwing (TFP)
31. Starscream (TFP)
32. Blitzwing (TFA - fluffy)
33. Sunstorm (G1)
34. Wreck-Gar (TFA)
35. Minimus Ambus (IDW)
36. Ratchet (G1)
37. Rumble (G1)
38. Chase (RBA)
39. Springer (IDW)
40. Vortex (IDW)
41. Cliffjumper (G1 - mobility issues)
42. Bulkhead (TFA - stuckage)
43. Sentinel Prime (TFA)
44. Unicron (G1)
45. Bulkhead (TFP)
46. Galvatron (G1)
47. Ratchet (IDW)
48. Skyquake (TFP)
49. Bumblebee (G1)
50. Starscream & Windblade (IDW)
51. Ratchet (IDW)
52. Dratchrod (IDW)
53. Breakdown & Knock Out (TFP)
54. Knock Out (TFP)
55. Blurr (TFA)
56. Cyclonus (IDW)
57. Pharma (& First Aid - IDW)
58. Starscream (G1)
59. Megaratch (TFP)
60. Overlord (IDW)
61. Primus (G1)
62. Blitzwing (& Bee - TFA)
63. Misfire (IDW)
64. Windblade (& Starscream - IDW)
65. Kiloton (TF)
66. Megatron & Optimus (ES)
67. Rodimus & Velocity (IDW)
68. Dreadwing & Skyquake (TFP)
69. Smokescreen (TFP)
70. Blast Off & Onslaught (IDW)
71. Starscream & Wheeljack (IDW)
72. Tailgate & Cyclonus (IDW)
73. Rung (IDW)
74. Starscream (TFP)
75. Megatron (& Kiloton & Soundwave - G1)
76. Megatron (& Terminus - IDW)
77. Megatron & Soundwave (TFP)
78. Megatron & Soundwave (TFP)
79. Megatron (IDW)
80. Soundwave (TFP)
81. Skyfire & Cosmos (IDW)
82. Megatron (water inflation - TFP)
83. Pharma (& First Aid & Ambulon - IDW)
84. Brainstorm (IDW)
85. Pharma & Tarn (IDW)
86. Swoop (TFA)
87. Pharma (& First Aid & Ambulon - IDW)
88. Pharma (& Ratchet - IDW)
89. Fort Max (& Megatron - IDW)
90. First Aid (IDW)
91. Megatron (& Soundwave; Gladiators - TFP)
92. Megatron (Armada)
93. Overlord & Trepan (IDW)
94. Megatron (liquid inflation - TFP)
95. Sunstreaker (ovi - G1)
96. Swerve & Skids (IDW)
97. Sunder (& Froid - IDW)
98. Lockdown & Swindle (TFA)
99. Perceptor (IDW)
100. Drift (IDW)
101. Optimus (G1)
102. Cliffjumper (& Shockwave - G1)
103. Tailgate (IDW)
104. Brawl (& Onslaught - IDW)
105. Shockwave (stuckage - TFA)
106. Red Alert (IDW)
107. Ultra Magnus (G1)
108. Thunderclash (IDW)
109. Cyclonus & Tailgate (IDW)
110. Megatron & Soundwave (inflation - TFP)
111. Megatron & Soundwave (TFP)
112. Pharma (& First Aid & Ambulon; blueberry inflation - IDW)
113. Beachcomber & Perceptor (G1)
114. Smokescreen (G1)
115. Hound & Mirage (G1)
116. Bumblebee (& Cons - TFA)
117. Sky-Byte (RID)
118. Megatron (& Soundwave - TFP)
119. Brawl & Onslaught (IDW)
120. Red Alert (& Inferno - G1)
121. Pharma (& the DJD - IDW)
122. Starscream (TFA)
123. Megatron & Minimus (IDW)
124. Orion Pax (TF One)
125. Hound & Crosshairs (Bayverse)
126. Trailbreaker (& Hound & Mirage - G1)
127. Starscream (blueberry inflation - G1)
128. Megatron (Cyberverse)
129. Prowl (G1)
130. Sentinel Prime (& Airachnid - TF: One)
131. Arcee (G1)
132. Blitzwing (TFA)
133. Megatron & Megatron X (Cyberverse)
134. Megatron (& Soundwave & Optimus - TFP)
135. Soundwave (& Megatron - TFP)
136. Cosmos (Cyberverse)
137. Trailbreaker (& Hound & Mirage - G1)
138. Trailbreaker (liquid inflation - IDW)
139. Bumblebee (& Starscream - TFA)
140. Megatron (ES)
141. Fracture & Drift (RiD)
142. Megatron (& Soundwave & Kiloton - G1)
143. Sentinel Prime & Airachnid (TF: One)
144. Motormaster (G1)
145. Sentinel Prime & Airachnid (TF: One)
146. Brawl (& Combaticons - IDW)
147. Predaking (TFP)
148. Overlord & Trepan (IDW)
149. Starscream (ES)
150. D-16 (& Orion - TF: One)
151. Tracks (G1)
152. Megatron (ES)
153. Optimus & Elita (G1)
154. Whirl (& Rung - IDW)
155. Starscream (& trine - G1)
156. Megatron & Optimus (G1)
157. Elita & Optimus (TF: One)
158. Lightbright & Lodestar (IDW)
159. Skyfire (G1)
160. Pharma (& First Aid & Ambulon - IDW)
161. Brainstorm & Quark (IDW)
162. Lockdown & Prowl (TFA)
163. Shockwave & Blurr (TFA)
164. Blitzwing (tube feeding - TFA)
165. Blitzwing (air inflation - TFA)
166. Bulkhead (TFP)
167. Optimus & Megatron (G1)
168. Megatron & Optimus (liquid inflation - ES)
169. Pharma & Tarn (tube feeding - IDW)
170. Prowl & Optimus (G1)
171. Sentinel & Optimus (air inflation - TFA)
172. Rodimus Prime & Ultra Magnus (G1)
173. Pharma & Ratchet (IDW)
174. Bumblebee (helium inflation - RiD)
175. Rodimus (IDW)
176. Bumblebee (& Optimus; blueberry inflation - G1)
177. Cliffjumper (immobility - G1)
178. Soundwave (immobility - TFP)
179. Rodimus (mechpreg - IDW)
180. Tarantulas (BW)
181. Starscream (& Trine - G1)
182. Bumblebee & Grimlock (RiD)
183. Megatron & Soundwave (TFP)
184. Ratchet & Drift (IDW)
185. Breakdown & Knock Out (G1/TFP)
186. Sideswipe (& Bumblebee - RiD)
187. Chromedome & Rewind (IDW)
188. Orion Pax & D-16 (burping - TF: One)
189. Dinobot (BW)
190. Megatron & Optimus (G1)
191. Megatron & Optimus (G1)
192. Overlord (IDW)
193. First Aid & Vortex (IDW)
194. Decepticons (G1)
195. Starscream (lactation - G1)
Characters requested:
1. Bulkhead (TFA)
2. Megatron (G1)
3. Prowl (Optimus - G1)
4. Bumblebee & Optimus (mechpreg - G1)
5. Arcee (ES)
6. Megatron & Optimus (mechpreg - TFA)
7. Megatron & Starscream (G1)
8. Tarantulas & Nightshade (ES)
9. Chromedome & Rewind (IDW)
10. Orion Pax & D-16 (TF: One)
11. Shockwave (G1)
12. Wreck-Gar (TFA)
13. Soundwave (G1)
14. Optimus (G1)
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mushiwrites · 16 days ago
welcome to the circus
population: my dumb ass ig
call me mushi (or whatever you want idc), i’m 26 and kinda half casually doing this really. i write when inspiration strikes, it takes me for-fuckin-ever usually but it’s fine.
a fandom blog with occasional original works if you will
no real organization besides tags (i probably over-tag tbh) so this dumpster fire will likely be a weird mix of content as i fixate on different shit. maybe i talked too much here, who knows! too much information is better than not enough ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
content breakdown/request rules below the cut
Current Fandoms
(list will update)
One Piece
[most] Straw Hats (Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Franky)
Trafalgar D. Law
Ace D. Portgas
Prince Fukaboshi
Paulie (Galley-La)
Prime: Optimus, Megatron, Rachet, Soundwave, Wheeljack, Knockout, Breakdown, Starscream, Predaking
TFOne: Orion Pax/Optimus, D-16/Megatron, Starscream
Armada: Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, Hot Shot, Blurr, Red Alert
Regarding Requests
when requests are open, simply submit an ask with your request and if i feel comfortable/up to it i will answer your prompt <3
i may not be able to write for every character, if you want to request something or someone not listed on this post feel free! i’ll use it to update the list whether i write it or not. no need to ask permission, just shoot your idea over and if i’m not game, i simply won’t write it.
unless specified otherwise, my reader inserts are meant to be read as gender neutral. i’ll always give relevant details at the beginning of the works and they’ll always be tagged (if they’re ever not or if i should add more, please feel free to let me know!)
Da Rules*
Hard No:
rape/SA/true noncon
gratuitous gore
age regression
daddy kink
anything resembling ddlg really
anything sexual involving minors
AMAB reader (i am AFAB, i don’t feel like i would do right by y’all so i’ll leave that to the experts)
Yes! :
consensual somnophilia
enemies to lovers/friends to lovers
soul mate au
size difference
fuck or die
public/semi-public play
sex pollen/aphrodisiacs
*subject to change, i’ll add things as they come up or as i think of them
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elfdragon12 · 2 years ago
So I finally read the retro styled 2014 Transformers vs GI Joe crossover.
It was a wild ride from start to finish and a little incomprehensible from time to time (which I'm currently contributing to the parody styling).
Some stand out moments:
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Yes. Dial Tone compared the incoming bots to Columbus at a Native American man. Spirit Iron-Knife feels appropriately.
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The following comparison was not better.
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And the way Starscream's head is poking out. XD
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... So Fort Max just vored these guys??
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... Does anyone have a Cybertronian sized hankie?
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He was, indeed, taking real~ good care of Duke's ma. If you know what I mean.
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That in no way, shape, or form resembles Blackarachnia. Not even the tiniest bit. Can non Beast Wars writers and artists put in at least some effort? I know we're not supposed to take this crossover seriously, but everyone else gets to look like themselves! This design fits Airachnid better.
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That's his whole thing. He's also a giant starfish.
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This crossover is, clearly, serious business.
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There are two different vore scenarios. This time, Megatron is the guilty party.
I have questions for why the inside of his mouth looks like that.
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... Amazon... Prime. Amazon Prime. They really went there!
I also see him trying to copy the best Megatron.
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Blaster and Wheeljack team up to show everyone the power of rock and roll!
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Fort Max has a crown...
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And Cerebros has a crown. Straight up Matryoshka here.
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That is the most drawing of a dog.
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They're just fighting on Megatron's head and it makes no nevermind to him, apparently!
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This comic is super serious, guys.
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Italy is a boot.
Have I mentioned how wild a ride this was?
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... There are probably worse places his body could have ended up.
I'm not sure I enjoyed I enjoyed this series, but it was certainly an experience.
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bitegore · 3 years ago
Red Dragon's 08-08 Fic Wrapup
So if you follow my ao3 you may have noticed that I posted something to the tune of 20+ fics today. and also if you were paying attention you may have noticed that I was also asking for prompts today and all the fics are short as hell. yes i did write these all today and then posted them as i went.
Since there are so many, i'm just gonna post them all in one big megapost. Mind the warnings on the ones with warnings, please.
1. watch your step - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40885263 Wheeljack fucks up his knee trying to get the job done, but he's not going to let that stop him. Warnings: Non-graphic injury
2. impotent threats - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40886244 you've got a murderous helicopter tied up in your bed. This can only end badly, but before that… well, before that, you might as well enjoy yourself. Second-person reader-on-Vortex "in media res" violent rape that's established to have been going on for a while and he's really mad about it. Warnings: Rape/Noncon, Non-Graphic Injury, Non-Consensual Bondage
3. way above me, find you there - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40886871 Onslaught thinks about Blast Off and whether or not they count as "friends".
4. same old story - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887144 Literally just Megatron and Optimus fighting, g1 grapple-on-the-ground style. Warnings: violence.
5. I swear this time I'm getting back to good - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887330 Impactor decides to work with Carnivac. Double drabble, set around the end of Sins of the Wreckers.
6. Negotiate This - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887678 Megatron wants the Autobots to surrender. After all, he has their Prime. Prowl knows better than to accept these ridiculous terms, though. No matter what Megatron does to his leader, he knows better than to think Optimus would ever be okay with them. Warnings: NSFW, Rape/Noncon, Non-Graphic Violence, what may be the world's cruelest fade to black honestly
7. The Joy of Consumption - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40887918 Tarantulas eats someone, like he wanted to do to Cheetor. Warnings: NSFW, Graphic Injury, Cannibalism/Hard Vore, debatable noncon/rape depending on how sexual you want to read it
8. Stop Moving - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40888308 No one wants to do Vortex's tune-ups, but someone has to. Today that someone is Hook. Warnings: NSFW, One-sided Attraction, Vortex being a sex pest in Hook's general direction
9. I told you to hold still - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40888824 TFW this fucker keeps coming into the medical wing because he's injured and will not stop trying to get you to jerk him off about it Warnings: NSFW, Self-Inflicted Injury, One-sided Attraction, Vortex being a sex pest in Hook's general direction
10. Old Traditions and New Experiences - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40890102 it's take your not-quite-rehabilitated knife catboy to temple day in New Crystal City and Wing is going to make sure Drift participates. Projection train goes brr, I'm Jewish and I'm making the New Crystal City's religious practices feel like going to shul and you can't stop me.
11. Great. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40891410 Bumblebee gets shot with an experimental weapon. Time to figure out what it's done to him. G1-style silliness.
12. just another lab accident - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40892865 Wheeljack's blown half his torso off. How come he and Ratchet are so chill about all this? Or: Ratchet and Wheeljack have an arrangement, much to the bafflement of some of the other Autobots. Warnings: NSFW, Graphic Injury
13. quick tour - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894308 Skullsmasher and Hun-Grr get along from the get-go. Warnings: Non-Graphic Violence
14. deterrent - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894548 Some idiot's laid hands on First Aid and Buzzsaw and Vortex are here to show the entirety of the galaxy why that is a very bad, very fatal idea. This one is set in @cleverthylacine's Voice of Stanix AU which I enjoy a lot! You can find it here. Deterrent has been officially canonized to VOS which I'm very excited about haha. Warnings: Major Character Death, Non-Graphic Injury, implication doing heavy lifting
15. go on, Doctor, smile. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40894959 Pharma needs Tarn to let him put a sabotaged part in his chest. How better than to play like he'd been beaten? And how better to pretend (ugh) that his pride had been beaten out of him (ugh, Primus) than to let the fucking asshole fuck him? One of probably several attempts to kill Tarn before Pharma went fully scorched-earth and tried out killing all his patients in order to maybe get Tarn with a virus. Warnings: NSFW, Noncon/Rape, Graphic Depictions of Violence, general emotional Bad
16. "I'm gonna die if- " - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40895442 Vortex is one good hard rub away from an orgasm and he needs it so bad, First Aid, please stop worrying about the near-fatal wound in his chest, please please please. First Aid would really appreciate it if his fuckbuddy would have one iota more self-preservation and stopped begging him to jerk him off so First Aid could keep him from offlining on the spot and THEN jerk him off. Please. Warnings: NSFW, graphic injury
17. you've got to be kidding - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40895661 Seriously, can't Megatron ever just stay dead?
18. Favorite - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896126 Shattered Glass - Impactor and Bulkhead are playing all sorts of games with each other. Well, mostly just Impactor. Bulkhead is just having fun with the game. Warnings: NSFW, Noncon/Rape, general SG!Autobot crunchiness
19. stop going off into trouble. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896459 oneshot of Redshift and Astrotrain cuddling and talking after the events of Transmissions from Cybertron
20. Sharing Stuff (Sharing Snuff) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40896717 Vortex and Dead End share an interest. Vortex might as well help him get hooked up with some of the good shit. It's just so interesting to see from the outside. Warnings: NSFW
21. Sit and Stay - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40897065 Hook knows how to deal with Vortex now. Followup to "Stop Moving" and "I told you to hold still", contains less of Vortex being a sex pest. Warnings: soft NSFW, injuries
22. HURRY UP - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40897698 Vortex and Wheeljack both have an interest in some fairly extreme painplay. Except Vortex is essentially on parole, and he's worried that actually doing anything might reflect badly on him. Wheeljack just kind of really wants to get this show on the fucking road immediately because come on, just fuck him already please. Warnings: NSFW
sorry about accidentally posting this half formatted. here we go
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sunderedstar · 4 years ago
the triumph of time round-up post, let's gooo
if you want:
an extended TAAO AU, diverging from canon before the annual/finale
a steady mix of MTMTE elements, diverging from canon before the MTMTE/Lost Light break
More Titans Than You Can Shake A Stick At
Onyx Prime ≠ Shockwave
Unicron+Luna-1 BFFs 4 life
give Starscream emotional support rounds 3 through 4
Vigilem lives and this time it's personal
Windblade running the planet via multiple acts of grand theft Titan
the Quintesson Galactic Council
Guest Star Waspinator
gratuitous Sappho and Swinburne poetry quotes masquerading as section breaks
the Infinite as people as opposed to cannon fodder
Sari “Scorponok’s daughter” Sumdac
Megatronus as a highly competent general 
mnemosurgery and its consequences
language, memory, miscommunication, and puns
Solus Prime/Arcee backstory rights
a general revamp of the Thirteen Primes and revised events for the Combiner Wars incident
Shockwave living his best life o)
"why is every Cybertronian scientist here except me fueled by raw, unadulterated chaos energy?" - a question Wheeljack has yet to answer
Starjack Windscream and Chromblade, because sometimes that’s just life
featuring yet another take on Cybertronian lore and the internal mechanisms behind Cybertron, sparks, and the Creation Matrix
Unicron: voring Cybertron for the greater good since 1986
"Next time, you invite Killmaster.”
endgame pink Rodimus
I provide these goods.
series links
worldbuilding, complete series from the top - includes alt Rung origins, Metroplex backstory fic, etc
main fics:
the ways of the stars undone - Starscream and all his Unicron problems
wind that shakes the seas and stars - Windvoice and all her Prime problems
and the wheel of the world roll under them - Wheeljack and all his Quintesson problems
let me fix your functionist universe and your primes IDW:
mine eyes blind as glass - Fortress Maximus and Rung in the Functionist Universe
leave my lips charred - Arcee, Thirteen Primes backstory overhaul
coda fic:
taught the sun ways to travel - Waspinator
drank so much sunlight - Chromia and Windblade, written for Femslash February
who’s a heretic now? - Being Pharma Is Suffering
like summer with sweet hours - Wheeljack and Starscream 
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sillyromance · 5 months ago
Since I’m not a minor anymore, I guess I must renovate my introduction post. So, here we go!
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Good day everyone! You can call me Triana, I’m 18 years old – and this is my non-sexual vore blog, although I can post non-vore content here as well.
I post different kinds of vore from safe to fatal, yet I write and draw only oral – no exceptions. Also, I hardly ever make cruel preds the main characters of my stories for personal reasons. If these criterias go along with your preferences, then you will be always welcomed here!
As for my DNI, I wouldn’t like to interact with:
- Weight gain/ food fetish community blogs.
- Exclusively gore blogs
- Exclusively sexual/kink blogs
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not against people who run such blogs. The only people I hate are those who commit crimes against love, kindness and humanity – any others are free to come!
Yet, if you're a NSFW/kink blog, remember: you can like, but please - don't reblog my works or follow me.
If my personal boundaries are not respected, only then I will block.
I’d like to state that I’m not against minors in the community and they can visit my blog. However, I will always write warnings in heads of my posts if they include adult topics (explicit descriptions of physical traumas, for instance), so children and teens can stay away from it.
Also, I don't roleplay (at least, for now), and, as a shy and cautious person, I'm really suspicious about receiving messages. If you wish to chat with me, please, leave a short description of who you are and what exactly you'd like to talk about - I'll hardly answer you otherwise. ❗Forbidden topics: politics, religion, sexual preferences (everything connected with sex really)❗(they produce conflicts which I would NOT like to participate in). If I feel in danger chatting with you, I'll stop the communication and block! Sorry, but, unfortunately, it's very easy to get in a trap on the Internet nowadays...
Thank you for reading this until the end! Have a nice day and take care!
Master list:
Optimus Prime vore animation
Non-vore animation Nyx x Dooku
Original characters’ backstories:
Sara Branton (TFP)
Alexa Branton and Sacura (TFP)
Nyx de Serenno (SW)
Sara Branton:
Ratchet and Sara (pictures)
Late at night (a comic)
Healing fueltank (a picture)
Alexa Branton:
Happy Valentine’s day (a picture)
Comfort (a comic)
To end this (a story)
Trust (a story)
Butterflies in a stomach (a picture)
Please, hide me (a picture)
Portrait/ Sacura and Drift (pictures)
The best (a story)
Les miserables (a story)
Non vore animation Nyx x Dooku
I have never seen my master that angry... (a story)
The ignition of love (a picture)
Solitude (a picture)
Funny doodles
The glasses (a comic)
Vore prompts:
TFP: Optimus, Ratchet, Ultra-Magnus; TFE: Megatron, Bumblebee
TFP: Wheeljack; TFE: Starscream; TF RID: Drift
TFE Megatron (additional)
TFE Arcee
TFP Knockout
Aggressive affection
Stories (mostly a character x human!reader):
You’ll be ready (TFP Shockwave)
*** (TFP Optimus)
The way to sort out problems (TFP Breakdown)
Homesickness (TFP Starscream)
Once in the morning… (TFE Bumblebee)
Rescue Bots:
A giant space monster (Rescue Bots Blades)
The deal (Rescue Bots Heatwave)
Not alone (G1 Sunstreaker)
G1 Soundwave x female human!partner
War and peace (Bayverse Ironhide)
Star Wars:
Light in the dark (SW Darth Vader)
Alice: Through the looking glass:
A deeper meaning (Alice: through the looking glass Time x OC)
Thoughts, talks, sketches:
Prey wakes up in an unknown stomach
Sympathetic Victorian-era vampire (Halloween thoughts)
Two knights
A king and a princess
A sad ghost
A “stalked” prey
A pred swallows their prey’s arm
“If you want to die, then let me be your grave”
Digestion (prey pov)
Dying prey/doctor pred
Draw 6 Predcrushes challenge
The first time (switch pov)
A pred decides not to hurt a prey, though they intended to before
Personal reason why I like willing fatal vore
Abused prey
Offering yourself to a pred
Introducing my self-sona.
Digestion (sick prey)
Aristocratic preds
Ask game answer 5
Ask game answer 4
Aske game answer 3
Ask game answer 2
Ask game answer 1
My first ask game
Transformers shows I’m familiar with
A pred and a prey who care about each other more than about themselves
Vore: a metaphor for reality
Gentleman preds (Dr Watson)
Scars on a pred’s stomach walls
The very first vore story
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Review for the transformers movie!!
So yesterday i watched the transformers movie, upon suggestion of you guys. And i have a LOT to say about it, under the picture!(pls take note, there's NO character review for this part. ALL characters, alive or dead, will be reviewed after the series as a whole is done. A few will be mentioned here, but no final verdicts are given). With that out of the way, let's take a look, at the transformers movie!!
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The music. Seriously, the music was PERFECTION. Musicals don't have timing as well as this movie did.
The animation got an UPGRADE. Seriously, it doesn't look flat like in the previous two seasons. It looks so wonderfully detailed, from the backgrounds, the movement, the characters? Applause to the artists.
Another applause to the voice actors. The delivery was just perfect, and there was such TALENT. Like Blurr's voice actor? No editing. Fucker just has THAT amount of skill.
The NEW characters introduced? Lovely. Kup, Arcee, RODIMUS? Ugh. Adored them.
The show hasn't lost ANY of its comedy that it had in previous episodes. Seriously, Grimlock back at it again with ass jokes.
Exploring the other planets/alien life forms? Adored it. Really brought more to highlight Unicron's ability of destruction.
The Junkions! They were a DELIGHT! From their cute speech, to the ability to just get shit DONE? Saving Magnus, leading an assault to a fucking vore god? Oh god and their battle scene was AMAZING.
Speaking of, ALL the fighting scenes were good. Every single one.
"I have nothing BUT contempt for the court!"
The Junkions dancing with their new friends to 'dare to be stupid'. It was MADNESS and i adored it.
The bot that smooched Grimlock's snoot.
Grimlock gave EVERYONE shit throughout the series, even daddy Wheeljack. But he fucking LOVES his uncle Kup and his war stories.
Snarl saying 'excuse me' when he fucking pushed the door down on someone.
Galvatron got thick as SHIT.
Starscream fucking yeeting Megatron outside of the ship and NO ONE STOPPED HIM. Fucker is such a snake he yeeted his trine out. I think only Ramjet lived, actually?
Megatron's thirst™️
"Hey! No one calls Soundwave uncrasamatic!"
Kup 💗
Rodimus. He was JUST introduced in this, but i immediately approved of him, and appreciated watching him grow to be a prime. Oh it was wonderful.
The SATISFACTION of the Matrix opening. Oh god it was gorgeous.
The universal greeting was SO fucking stupid.
Megatron saying 'fuck you god' constantly.
The movie was a BIT wild at some parts. As usual, G1 SUCKS at properly introducing characters.
Capitalism. What I mean, is that THIS is why some of my favorites were killed off, purely to sell different character toys. Which sort of confuses me? WHEELJACK died, but not someone like Huffer or Beachcomber? I don't get it.
Another armada thing. 'Lets change these guys so we can profit off these new forms'. It was done SO much better than armada, but its not something im a fan of.
The time jump shook me. It made sense, I mean we were sent from 1984-1986, with the movie taking the time stamp of 2005. But it was just a bit jarring to me, I cant say I appreciate it.
Spike's bitch ass reproduced. I don't care about his kid, much as this movie wanted me to.
Megatron constantly being forced to cater to Unicron. I'd REALLY love for 'Galvatron' to be a part of Unicron's destruction.
The insecticons changed. Fuck you movie, they were perfect.
Fuck Ironhide dying. This was a sin to humanity.
Fuck the bugs dying.
Fuck Wheeljack dying.
Fuck Brawn dying.
Fuck Optimus dying.
Overall verdict!;
This movie was AMAZING. It was jarring, exciting, new, wild, and had an absolute BOP to it. I loved it. It wasn't perfect, but it was PRETTY damn close. So final score?
It'd be 10/10 if Ironhide, and the bugs didn't die, and if we got a bit more highlights from Springer and Arcee. Otherwise, I HIGHLY recommend this movie to any transformers fan!
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timelessmulder · 7 years ago
whats this about wheeljack and velocitron being vored
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juicyspace273 · 5 years ago
Graduation Present
Warning! This is a self indulgence Transformers G1 vore fic! If you don't like, click off!
All characters are 18+
(May contain spelling/grammar errors)
It was a rather boring day at the Ark, most of the Autobots were passed out in their rooms after the large graduation party from the night before. Madison, their human companion had graduated from high school so the bots held a large party for her. Most of the bots got wasted on high grade energon while the others partied too hard.
Madison chuckled at the occasional loud snoring echoing throughout the ship, damn and she thought her grandma snored loud. She got up from the couch in her own little section of the Ark and went for a little walk. The base has never been this quiet, as she walked by the lab, she noticed Wheeljack was in there working on something. Madison decided to go in since she had no one to interact with, Wheeljack heard her footsteps and turned around, "Oh hey, Maddie! That was some party last night huh?"
He chuckled, the fins on his head glowing brightly as he spoke. "Yeah! I had lots of fun!" Maddie looked up at the little device the bot was working on, "So, what are you making?" "Oh that? It's a little graduation present!" Wheeljack happily replied, turning back around to add some finishing touches to the device. "Aww for me?" Maddie had quite a happy look on her face, she already had gotten several gifts from the others earlier, so she was excited to see what Wheeljack was making.
"Alright! It's done!" He held a small ray gun in his hand, it could be operated by humans and bots. "Oh cool! What does it do?" Wheeljack chuckled a bit, "Just close your eyes, and open them when I tell ya!" Maddie closed her eyes, and when she opened them back up, she was about the size of an action figure. "Woah! No way.. an actual shrink ray!? Thank you so much Wheeljack!"
He gently picked up the small human and held her in the palm of his hand, "No problem! But there's more to my gift." Wheeljack retracted his face mask, revealing a face that had some scars above his lips, he still looked quite handsome though. Madison felt some bubbling in her stomach, she had a feeling of what the next part of her gift was, "Are you-" "Yes, you are gonna be a little snack for me!" Maddie could feel her whole face getting red, she loved being eaten, it just made her so happy!
Wheeljack smiled softly at her reaction and gave her a little kiss on her head, "Heh, alright, now..." The bot smirked and opened up nice and wide, glossa hanging out the side of his mouth. Stars formed in the girl's eyes as she looked inside, admiring the details of her friend's mouth. Wheeljack gently dropped the girl in, she landed on the tip of the slimey glossa, it greeted her by licking her form. Maddie was giggling quite adorably as her little body was tickled by the large tongue, Wheeljack found the laughter music to his audio receptors and kept on licking for a little longer.
Maddie eventually was able to get into a crawling position and crawled inside the warm cavern. She felt so much at home in mouths, she couldn't really explain why. Wheeljack lightly giggled at the sensations going on in his mouth, they were rather tickly. He wanted to taste more of Maddie so he wrapped his glossa around the girl, the tip licking her all over, even getting under her shirt, "Ahahaha! Jackie!" The human tasted so sweet, that Wheeljack kept on licking for a solid 2 minutes, after that, Maddie was drenched in saliva.
The bot happily hummed, causing the metallic uvula to wobble a bit, that movement made Maddie's cheeks turn pink. She certainly has a huge soft spot for em. Wheeljack noticed her silence, "See anything you like?" The uvula wriggled even more, even bobbing up and down as the bot spoke. All Maddie could do was squeak and hug the uvula, gently nuzzling her face into the soft surface.
Wheeljack let out a little yelp, he didn't expect that! Maddie chuckled and continued to give the uvula some TLC, she gave it some kisses, little tickles and would even gently bat it with her hands. These interactions sent tingly sensations throughout Wheeljack's entire body, it tickled! "Kehehehehe! M-Maddie! Whahahat are you dohohohing?" "Just playing!" Wheeljack knew Maddie was very playful and full of energy, but he didn't expect her to play with some parts in his mouth.
After a while, the girl tired herself out and laid down on the back of the soft glossa, "By the way, Jackie, how did you know I would like this?" The bot chuckled, "I have my resources." The two laughed for a couple seconds before a low gurgle was heard coming from Wheeljack's fuel tank, "Looks like it's time for you to go down..~" The large glossa gently pushed Madison into the warm throat, Wheeljack assisted by tilting his helm back and swallowing audibly.
The girl slid down with ease, the walls of the throat massaged her form as she was going further and further downward. Soon, she arrived at Wheeljack's fuel tank and was dropped safely inside. The atmosphere of the stomach was warm and soothing, Maddie almost fell asleep during the first few seconds upon entering. Wheeljack put a hand on his happy tummy and gave it few rubs, "Like it in there?"
"Of course!" She pressed herself up against the spot where Wheeljack had his hand, he smiled softly and continued to rub that area. Maddie felt the rubs and relaxed, the gurgles of the fuel tank and the faint beating of Wheeljack's spark was enough to put her to sleep. The walls embraced Maddie's body like they were hugging her. Wheeljack laid down on a nearby berth, relaxing a bit himself, usually after a snack or a meal he usually feels quite sleepy.
As Maddie was being coaxed into sleeping, she was able to give the walls around her some kisses and rubs, making Wheeljack smile brightly. "Wheeljack?" "Hm?" He looked down at his tummy, it would wobble with every movement Maddie made. "Can I sleep in here?" The bot cradled his gut with both hands, "Of course. This is your present afterall." He smiled as he closed his optics, falling into recharge. Maddie pat the walls before going to sleep, "Sleep well, Wheeljack."
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