#wheee this was fun haha
blackjackkent · 2 months
Headcanons for all the faves! Sorry, it's a long one, haha. Again, pulled at random.
Hector - hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
Karlach - hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
Jaheira - hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
Rasaad - hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Khalid (!) - hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Rakha - hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
Wyll - hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
(Thematic Headcanons meme)
All the faaaaaaves. :D Yesgood. The exclamation point next to Khalid made me smile. XD
Hector - hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
Hmmm. Hector is rather thrown when Karlach mentions that she hasn't read a book since secondary school. It's not that he judges her for it - he fully recognizes that not everyone is the nerd that he is, plus she's been in the Hells for ten years and would set fire to any book she touched anyway. This is still during Act 1, so they're not actually together yet, but he's already starting to have feelings for her, so he keys in on the whole situation more than he might otherwise.
He has a few conversations with her afterwards where he (attempting to be subtle but not really succeeding) asks her what sort of books she liked best to read when she was a kid, and susses out (unsurprisingly) that she liked adventure tales. After that he starts making a point of going through the books they pick up and picking out the most exciting-looking ones (the Tenebrux Morrow books, for instance, or Adventures on the Sea of Fallen Stars); a couple nights a week during their long rests he sits at the campfire and reads them out loud - ostensibly to the whole camp, but mostly to her.
The tradition continues after her engine gets its second repair and she could theoretically pick up the books on her own, because by that point she's fallen for him too and prefers hearing him read it out loud.
The rest of the team teases Hector about the whole thing, but he does notice that over time they also drift over to listen more and more often. Gale, Shadowheart, and Wyll love the stories right from the beginning, as does Minsc once he arrives. Astarion scoffs and pretends to stand aloof most of the time but Hector can tell he's deliberately still standing within earshot to listen. Lae'zel sits by the fire and listens with unblinking intensity that would be appropriate for a githyanki student at her studies, and Hector's never quite sure if she realizes the stories are fiction.
Jaheira and Halsin listen fondly from afar and think the whole thing is super cute.
Karlach - hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
Karlach has had beef with a particular merchant (let's call him Keaton) in Baldur's Gate going back to her childhood; the merchant was rude to her dad once. Probably more often than that, actually, but Karlach witnessed it only once while helping her dad with his work and she has never forgiven Keaton for it.
Once she started working with Gortash, she learned among other things that Keaton was a general dick and a cheat in addition to having been a dick to her dad. So she would cause trouble for him whenever the opportunity arose, making use of her pull in Gortash's organization - not anything permanently harmful because she's not that sort of person, but she definitely arranged for Keaton's shipments to get delayed or mysteriously lost on more than one occasion.
On her return to the city in Act 3, she fully recognizes that they have far more important things to do, but she does tell Hector about it in passing, and Hector "just happens" to end up with Keaton's shop being one of the ones whose basement Hector loots. XD
Jaheira - hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
I think Jaheira has a complicated relationship with faith. She invokes Silvanus on a number of occasions, which makes sense given her history as a druid, but the Harpers are (I believe) more affiliated with Selune so she also has a connection there (and especially in my worldstate, because of her years spent with Rasaad also). And she has done so much traveling and adventuring that she has run up against many many different belief systems over the course of her life.
The end result, I think, is that she has a sort of unique personal religion, mixed and matched from traditions from various gods - primarily Silvanus and Selune, but also Oghma (from traveling with Caden and Imoen), the gnomish pantheon (from traveling with Aerie), and even some of the concepts of spirits of the land as espoused by Minsc.
I think she and Isobel end up having a lot of very interesting late night conversations on the subject, when neither of them can sleep and they're trying not to think about the dark wasteland around them. Jaheira discusses her complex experiences with various faiths, and Isobel tells her a lot about the experience of being actively raised in the Selunite faith as opposed to sort of picking it up by osmosis. And it ends up being their initial point of bonding after an initial period of mistrust right after Jaheira's arrival.
Rasaad - hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Hee. XD Ahem. Hmm. Let's see.
I sort of touched on this a bit in the smut ficlet I wrote of him and Jaheira a few weeks back, but I think Rasaad is a pretty rough, primal lover when he really lets himself go. One of the things I find really interesting about Rasaad as a character is that he has a lot of capacity for darkness and violence and very deliberately chooses peace and discipline instead.
(He has at least one interaction with Dorn il-Khan where Dorn comments that he can see Rasaad's internal rage after the battle with Alorgoth and encourages him to use it rather than hiding it away, which Rasaad rejects. Rasaad also speaks in his romance, in the scene leading up to him and the PC having sex for the first time, of having "restrained [his] baser urges for fear of alienating [the PC]". Which could just mean that he didn't want the PC to feel pressured, but also strongly suggests to me that he has the capacity to get very... intense. XD )
In my ship with him and Jaheira, I suspect he tries to hold himself back at first and be very gentle/careful, because he thinks that's what she would want (and, probably, thinks it's how Khalid treated her, but that's another headcanon XD ). But Jaheira picks up on the fact that he's holding himself back and it turns out she doesn't mind having her back blown out. >.> 😳 (She has her own subtle ferocity, after all.)
Khalid (!) - hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
First real bit of writing I've done about Khalid in a while. <3 Let's see.
Jaheira mentions that the two of them were married "on an upturned cart in the rainy Dalelands". As of this moment, I choose to headcanon that it was more than rainy - it was an absolutely insane storm that washed out the roads in the whole area. They were actually on their way back to Baldur's Gate with the intention of being married in the city in a standard temple ceremony but the storm struck during their journey and stranded them en route.
Khalid insisted that they not wait for the route to reopen and instead conscripted a cleric from among the Harpers they were traveling with to perform the ceremony on the roadside instead. Overtly he insisted that this was simply because he couldn't wait a day longer to be her husband; the more subtle reason was that he'd realized during the journey that she wasn't really looking forward to being back in the city and that it would mean more to her to have the ceremony out in nature anyway.
Rakha - hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
Rakha and Barcus's friendship was incredibly unexpected by everyone, but the two of them get along remarkably well. Barcus enjoys talking about his work and Rakha enjoys anyone who wants to tell her things about the world; in this case, much of what Barcus teaches her about involves explosions, which is particularly interesting.
During downtime at Last Light, the two of them set up a little ballistics field down by the river (hah) just inside the moonlight shield and Barcus sets off a number of different small grenades he's concocted and excitedly explains the difference between each. Rakha listens incredibly seriously; she doesn't show any active excitement but anyone who knows her would recognize that it is, for her, considerable enthusiasm.
Jaheira and the Harpers do NOT enjoy the regular explosions happening so nearby but no one quite has the heart to tell them to stop.
Wyll - hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
This is such a broad category, rofl. Hm.
Wyll strikes me as an early riser. I think he often ends up joining Karlach on her early morning exercise jaunts or otherwise takes some time to himself before everyone else has woken up. It's an important part of his routine - and a carryover from his time as the child of a Flaming Fist officer; I don't think Ulder was much of a fan of his son sleeping in.
This is also a common time for Mizora to crawl into his head via the sending stone and demand updates, issue orders, or chastise him, so it is a bit of a mixed blessing of an experience. Ostensibly she does it at random, but he's noticed that she tends to specifically time it for moments when he's feeling particularly relaxed - watching a nice sunrise, for instance. He hates this about her but is grudgingly grateful that she at least does it mostly when he is alone.
In Rakha's worldstate where the two of them are together, Rakha tends to stay up late rather than get up early, because she wants to put off going to bed and dreaming for as long as possible. So Wyll spends some mornings just sitting up near her and watching her sleep, sometimes holding her hand.
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I would be embarrassed at how quickly i did this but frankly i’m not! So @skizzlemanweek hi :)
Day 1: calm / chaos - I think I’m supposed to pick one but. Uh. I didn’t
word count: 1079
AU: idk man i made it up. Brain go brrrr
enjoy :D
This is what Skizz knows: elytras do not agree with him. This is not because he does not know how to fly. Moreover, he knows how to fly too well. Born in the air, flying his whole life, and only learning to walk as a teen. 
When he joins Hermitcraft, he brute forces his way through learning elytra until Impulse brute forces him into talking with Xisuma. Now he flies with his wings, though the wind will not answer his call, has not answered him since he left his home.
This is what Skizz, and all the hermits, have discovered: that the new world has brought them enemies that command the air. That their droppings, when grinded down, form handheld blasts of wind, pockets of air that they can twist to their will.
“You got the wind charges?”
Impulse is just a speck of yellow in the distance, nearly indistinguishable against the sunlight. Skizz has to use his communicator to talk to him, with how far away he stands. 
“Yeah, I got them.” A pause, a message flying through the worldwide channel. “Oh, hold on. Tango wants to watch.”
“Get him to bring his own wind charges!” A shadow zips over Skizz’s head, Zedaph descending onto his own haphazard column of red sand. It makes Skizz feel like the widest sandwich on earth, with Impulse on one side and Zedaph on the other.
Skizz shakes out his wings, idly catching a stray feather as it floats around his face. His skin feels restless, though the heat is probably just as much to blame.
Skizz waits for Tango to join their voice channel before he starts pestering him.
“Hurry up!” He bellows, cackling when Tango responds with muttered blaze noises and the sound of whistling rockets.
“Have you guys tested this yet?” Tango asks, as he quickly assembles his own pillar into the sky, slapping together a frankly unnecessary amount of scaffolding.
“Nope!” Zedaph chimes brightly. “Well, Impulse says Grian tested it out, but only Gem was with him to throw the wind charges. And Grian’s not even windborn! I bet Skizz can do much more than blow some guardians out of a lake.”
“At least Xisuma’s around.” Impulse pauses as he types a message, and relays the replies to them. “He’s got a backup copy saved. Feel free to let loose, Skizz.”
“We should’ve done this at your base, then!” Skizz shakes his wings out again, looks around at the barren landscape of their sand collection point. 
They know Skizz well enough, by now. Even with a backup saved, just being near to their precious architecture would make Skizz dial it down by the dozens.
Here, though, is no man’s land.
“Okay!” Tango has finally ascended his scaffolding. “Reefy!”
“Great!” Without warning, white wisps explode towards Skizz from Zedaph’s pillar. The gust kicks up the sand beside him, ruffling his feathers. “Oops, sorry! Test shot!”
“Wait, wait!” Skizz eyes the horizon and plops down his bedroll. “Let me snooze.”
It gives him a moment of calm, a chance to settle his thoughts and get into the space he needs to do this well. By the time his bedroll is rolled up, his valuables stashed away in his ender chest, he can feel the difference.
The air in this desert is warm, slowly floating upwards from the sheer heat of the sand. When he breathes, the air shifts. It does the same near Zedaph, near Impulse, near Tango.
Skizz closes his eyes. “Fire another test shot for me.”
The burst of wind comes from Impulse this time. Skizz sidesteps the blast and opens his eyes to take in the impact as it collides with the sand. The white wisps glow brighter now that Skizz is concentrating, and he diligently tracks as the magic fades. 
“Alright. When I say go, just keep firing until you run out of blasts, okay?”
Skizz nods as his friends agree. 
“Right. Three, two, one…go!”
Skizz tracks the first wind charges as they whizz towards him, not with his eyes but with the honed instincts of a windborn. The wind charges part the air like icebreakers in the ocean, barreling towards their destination with no care for detours.
Three seconds before the wind charges reach Skizz, he spreads his wings. Two seconds, and he flaps them, feathers glowing aether white. One second, and a swirling ring curls around Skizz, just in time to catch the wind charges.
The ring quickly engulfs Skizz’s sight, shooting far past his head faster than any time before. It takes a moment for Skizz to hear his friends cheering through his communicator, because the wind is so loud it creates a veritable vacuum of sound.
When Skizz tilts his head up, he can only gape. The wind charges have gained a glow akin to his wings, swirling upwards in a spiral that can only be described as a tornado. The pure white has become a dusty maroon, sand sifting through the currents like an ocean on land.
In the middle of it all, the eye of the storm, stands Skizz. For the first time since leaving his birthplace for good, the skies have bent to his will.
“Skizz!” Impulse yells through the communicator, barely restrained glee in his voice. “We’re out of wind charges! How’s it looking in there?”
Skizz takes in everything one more time, the way the vortex seems to turn without a sign of slowing, and can only laugh. 
“Oh, it’s looking pretty calm here. I could take a nap.”
“You’re nuts!” Tango yelps. He never got used to extreme weather in the overworld, and it still shows. “I’m about to fall off all this scaffolding, and you want to take a nap?”
Skizz grins, and shifts his feet. When he moves, step by step, the tornado follows.
His wings have to stay outstretched to keep the tornado going, but flying around has kept them more than strong enough to hold the air for a little while longer. 
“Want to join me, Top?”
It takes a moment, but then Tango is letting out a blaze shriek and firing several rockets at once, to the unhelpful cackling of Impulse and Zedaph. Skizz elects to ignore them for now. The day is still young, and their own whirlwind terrors will come soon. 
A test jump is enough to tell Skizz that the wind will carry him, far faster and further than any elytra there is.
Skizz grins, and gives chase.
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mystery-star · 1 year
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Russell Crowe as Ben Wade in 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
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corvuscorona · 8 months
( EXPLICIT | No Warnings Apply | 3/5 chapters | 11728/? words )
Hello. Chapter 3 of Asking for More is here, and also I remembered to write a real summary this time.
When he hears that Jack has set off into the forest alone one night, Astos expects to find him in one of two states: swinging a sword around in quiet preoccupation, or bleeding heavily. The truth, which is neither of these, leads him to the first pressing entry in a series of questions he's never considered before in his life—and cursed with this partial knowledge as he finds himself, he'll never again know peace until he has the answers.
Please enjoy reading about Astos knowing no peace ever. I accidentally had so much to say about this topic that I have increased the total chapter count by +1, so that you and I may also not know peace for slightly longer. Thank you
[Chapter 1] ☆ [Chapter 2]
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dreambigdreamz · 23 days
Inside the brain of a writer
(me talking to myself)
the mental process of writing a smut fic
the usual warnings ofc proceed with caution.
wheee i’ve been reading some ahem hotd stuff ahem and i think i can pull off my very own as well 🌚🌚🌚
yass eomer and lothiriel’s wedding nighttt
actually no i’d die writing
for many reasons
julie write a sample for me please
should i just ai generate this
oh loth why on earth would you say that
quick, make her drown another flagon of wine to avoid the embarrassment 
BAHAHAHA i’m 6k word count and not yet halfway guysss
because lothiriel is undressing eomer 🫢
*hysterical giggles as the world dissipates internally*
what on earth am i saying to a 11-year-old
shit he’s taking up the discussion
he says eomer should be allowed to undress himself to show ‘manly’ independence
shut the f up kid you don’t know anything about the romance of unbuttoning and revealing the man’s body
“stahp ahaha i can’t imagine it i’d DIE”
*dies for three months before guilty sense kicks back your arse to continue working on the wip*
drag myself through the shit like it’s no big deal
eomer without armour 💗💗💗
eomer without shirt 👀🥹🫢🌚🤡
should i or should i not put a full description of his… 
will there be a blowjob
but i won’t know how to describe how it tastes so no
functioning on the last single braincell
once read a headcanon saying eomer will give you no less than 3 o’s and i stand by that
is ‘reverberate’ smth to do with vibrations or vertebrates
his voice being deep and gruff his voice being deep and gruff his voice being deep and gruff HIS VOICE—
what does ‘convulse’ mean
could i maybe find a use for it to be included in the writing, even though i don’t know what it means?
i mean, i’ve seen it written but never bothered searching up 
gets up in the middle of the night to search up thesaurus
….if only i gave half the effort for my academics…..
if he gives her oral, remember to get him to wipe off his mouth before he kisses her again because
you don’t know what it tastes like 
+ somewhat disgusting and shameful (ahh little purist me)
“did you finish your smut fic lol”
“haha nearly! was up till one am last night writing it” (i normally sleep at 8 pm)
“he’s penetrating her now ehehe”
*deletes last message*
keep your purist virgin opinions out of this and Let Them Have Fun!!!!
how long does it take a candle to burn out
“would you like to read what i have gotten so far 👉👈”
no lothiriel would never think the act “sickening” KEEP YOURSELF OUT OF THIS
but also the tension, don’t undo the tension all at once
it takes time, it has to take time 
so no
make it an awkward messy ordeal
you are a most horrifying author, you deserve to go to hell three times over WHAT WAS THAT FOR
i know
how do i describe what his hands are doing
like one is doing smth while the other is another—
or keep it simple?
how big and strong he is x300 sentences
he’s gotta have big brown eyes / be able to satisfy / he’s gotta be big and strong / enough to turn me onnnnnn (the angelic choir version please)
his eyes turning into dark orbs 👀 a glint of dangerous light ahahahahahahahahah 
*descends into madness*
god save my soul 
no no Snow you got it wrong bby
there are no whores and sluts here
be horny without guilty
you might actually make some money out of writing this one day
big ambitions >>>
in the meantime enjoy yourself 
but seriously dude
wouldn’t he crush her bones if he collapsed on top of her
first go and scroll through tumblr again
and spiral down into the sinful one-shots and take inspo from the masters
BUT THE AGONYYYYY (cuz u barely crawl out alive after these little visits onto that side of tumblr)
or shld i just post it and pretend nothing’s the matter and let it be and delete this entire post on making a fuss out of as tiny a thing as writing smut
fuck it i’ll go solve some mathematics
p.s. make eomer considerate at all times
p.p.s. you need to seriously decide between making lothiriel either an innocent angel or a coldhearted bitch MAKE UP YOUR MIND 
because i feel for the poor guy if she keeps acting hot n cold like this 
woe is me, the writer
i declare nobody suffers it as i do
but what if there was a toad in the bed as a prank from amrothos
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thenessa · 7 months
Haven’t really been knittingposting much so here’s some projects (one FO plus the stuff that’s actually getting knitted on, we won’t look at the stuff that needs miscellaneous other things).
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That is a 8ft9in (267ish cm?) scarf, in mistake rib, that is DONE. I’ve been working on it (among other things) since September 2021, haha. It’s that long because the recipient is tall and wanted a proper wrap-around capable scarf. And it’s in an alpaca-wool blend that uses alpaca from some farms a town over!
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These three are active:
- a sweater that’s based on the Ombrella pattern (by yarnflakes) but using some of the cables from the Ponderosa Sweater (by wool and pine) plus some staghorn cables. I think I’ve just finished a sleeve but I need to try it on again and reconsider, since it’s kind of loose in the upper arm in a way I’m not sure how I feel about. I’m using Holst Supersoft held with a brushed alpaca that I forget the name of, and it’s making *such* a nice fabric.
- a cardigan for spouse, mostly following the Hidden Light pattern but I’m going to mod the collar because according to other people’s project notes it sucks, lol. Also I already found an error in the stitch counts so that’s.. fun? This is Plymouth Homestead yarn and it’s been nice to work with.
- sweater surgery wheee: I’ve never really liked the neckline on this top (the pattern is perfectly fine, the rest of the fit is great, I’m just nitpicky and it requires negative ease in a particular spot to be the shape it’s meant to be, and it just.. isn’t). So I’ve unpicked a row, ripped back the top part that contains the neckline, mathed out how to get a v-neck between the starting and ending stitch counts, and am almost done knitting that part. After which I’ll have a really long graft.. pray for my soul. It’ll be so great once it’s done, lol.
I’ve also ripped out a different sweater that wasn’t going to fit right because of… my own damn gauge, that I knew was off, and then just.. didn’t compensate for? I know better but here we are. Oh well. Will make something else with that yarn, but probably a couple of other things are further up the queue.
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skittybot · 2 months
oh boy i love being broken its so much fun haha wheee
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freyalise · 3 months
spend the entire saturday chillin and playing elden ring: haha wheee this game is so fun wheeeee
a minor inconvenience happens: well my day is ruined
why am i like this lmao
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belphieslilcow · 6 months
everyone else: haha wheee bopping is so fun!! ^^
me: if i click this button i will be shot on sight
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
canon carryovers time!
sanya kazarina (pafl): i still really like anger management's music in this lifetime!! i know it's not quite my tsar and arthur's [for obvious reasons], but it's comforting to listen to :] and also, i'm homeschooled in this life just like i was as sanya!! even started at around the same time, iirc.
hajime hinata: still a system 👍 in fact, one of my alters even types and looks [in headspace] pretty similar to how i remember izuru. although i don't think they kin my izuru or anything lol
makoto naegi: still an older sibling! although my relationship with my siblings in this life is pretty different than the relationship komaru and i had... it's a lot more strained.
sora (sdra2): identity issues!!! dissociation!!! i also still identify with ai/machinery in a gendery way
jay merrick: one thing about me is that when i was first cracking my egg a bit in this life i tried out the name jay [because it sounded similar to my deadname]. not quite a carryover but i think it's really funny. anyway i've still got my aspec swag
ashlyn banner (schoolbus graveyard): Auditory Hallucinations 👍 and dogshit social skills.. sad!
sunny (omori): the intrusive thoughts pertaining to harming myself take the same form. so much fun [<- lying]
sara chidouin: ...i still take on way more responsibility than i should. haha.
wheee fun!! also im so terribly sorry about the amount of tags on this beast </3
- #🥀☔️🥀
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apthotiosis · 2 months
YESYES thats me, speedy anon always trying to comment on every chapter ✨🦔
maybe elotes should die a little yes, chat it up with kristin a bit. she needs to sit his ass down and kick him into valuing his own life. with kindness. he picked Death element he has the pass now-
he should also have his friends pat him on the head and call him a good bean. as a treat.
we love fucked up baghs in this house. she should jump on a few mines and maybe she'll call down (she wont she likes it too much)
speedy hedgehog anon aweeee -3- !
maybe he should ! (i have already capital-k killed him elsewhere but lets b real he could do with more death time (but he is not the boy i want meeting kris in this >:'3)) also , maybe he should (can someone give this cucumber a good hug and play stick fight please..)
we Love fucked up bagz !!! shes not haha quirky girl funny !! shes fucked up !! 'u want to give me a hug ? wrong ! chainsaw attack to the face ! haha pranked u , hey lets die in a minefield together , i got it all set up . yes i do it every day . it makes me feel something :> ! wheee wasnt that fun ? hey what if i drank milk from you and made soaps out of it ? as friends ! u can have mine too dont worry , u might have to get me pregnant first ! hey what if we sat in this lake and held hands as our hearts slowly ticked down to 0.. and we were both girls haha ? why ?? because phil wouldnt let me dig under his house and set up a nest there ! ill just fill the beach around his house with corpses until he- oh hey he got me a karaoke machine ;v; thank you dad .' ;-; yknow ? girl that is not normal . girl please get some help
and shes doing her best !! only love and respect for the french regulars !! (yes this includes pierre ! holy shit talk about fucked up stories ! *shakes him* pierre what the Fuck man)
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justiisms · 1 year
“Ah, there she is! How is our wonderful lady's special day? Having a fun time so far?“ *bobbery smiles as he pulls her into a hug and lifts her up so he can spin her around~!*
“Just say the word and I’ll make you whatever lunch and dinner your heart desires! Doesn’t matter how simple or complex it may be, I’m going to spoil you with the best meals ever! Oh, and don’t worry about a certain excitable hero coming in and adding some... unique ingredients, I’m going to be keeping a close eye on him while he preps the food with me!“
“Then again, I think even he would do his best to make something as close to a recipe as possible considering how important today is. Tomorrow is a different story though, haha~!“
"Here I am~! It's so great!! I'm having a lot of fun!! Celebrating with you guys throughout the day only continues to make it better!" She lets out a happy squeak when he lifts her up in a bear hug, and laughs when he begins spinning her around, making sure to hold on tight~! "Wheee~! Hehehaha!" Then, she'll give him a biiig squeeze in the hug!! Then as she listens to him go on, her eyes light up at the thought of him making lots of delicious meals for her!! "Ohh~! Chef Bobbery willing to make anything for me?! Ahh you spoil me, so~! Thank you!!! Goodness, so many different options to choose from... I always love your pasta dishes!! Especially your seafood ones... can we have that for dinner, pleeaase!! And then for luuunch... oh oh!! That one time you made those chicken salad sandwiches? They were so, so good. If I'm not asking for too much, would it be okay to have those for lunch? Yours are my favorite kinds and I would love to enjoy some today with you guys~! Oh-! Hehehe, now, now, be niiice!"
She giggles, playfully poking his cheek! "Yeah!! So I'm sure it'll go just fine if you're there with him, hehe! I know you two will prepare some amazing dishes!! Yes....that's why I'll be looking forward to it. With you both working hard and cooking together, I know it'll be phenomenal... oh! He'd soo pout if he heard that!!" She laughs at that last sentence, now glowing more than ever~! "Hahaha...! Really...thank you.... you're the best, Bobbery, I love you!! You're always so good to me and spoil me, I can't thank you enough~! You made today even better than ever!! And then later, we'll enjoy some delicious cake together! I'll definitely give you the biggest and best looking slice as thanks, hahaha!"
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queen-simia · 1 year
we went on a character playlist binge last night in Discord, and so I'm still tinkering with individual lists for Virgule and Sonrisa
Sonrisa's is still a bit tough as she's one of the more subtle characters I've written; she began life in college as a blatant self-insert, and now I'm trying to balance that with giving her motivations as her own being. so far, her list is more a kind of jukebox musical of her character journey rather than a pure "mood" thing.
Virgule, on the other hand, is the easiest thing ever. there are SO MANY horny songs, the cup runneth over. it was tougher figuring out what *not* to include. writing him is about as easy, too—he's a foil to Sonrisa, after all, and writing a goofy incubus is fun as hell. he will have his serious moments, but he is definitely not the challenging part of the story.
links to playlists so far:
the one about their relationship:
and the one about the whole story:
haha wheee~
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uptillion · 2 years
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So no pp?
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
We all know the mercs are not neurotypical. This is fact.
But what are good sounds and bad sounds for them? Do the others know? Do they make sure to not make any of the Bad Sounds in case it gives someone sensory overload? Are there good textures and feelings to help with that?
oh i actually have misophonia so i'm somewhat qualified to answer this whee
just a warning, i'm gonna use this entire answer as an excuse for me to project heehoo
scout - i think sounds that he's generally fine with are anything having to do with voices or music, he's pretty loud himself as we know and probably likes to blast his music, so i would categorize those as Good Sounds for scout. on the other hand, i think his main Bad Sound is "shushing" sounds (which i used to struggle with a lot and they still bug me today so haha projection), not only because it bothers him as a sound but also because he's a bit sensitive about being told to be quiet. he probably struggled with this a lot in school because you know how teachers can be. i feel like the rest of the team would adjust to this by establishing alternative ways to get everyone to shut up and listen. maybe the "clap clap clapclapclap" thing, that was always an alternative that i appreciated. or maybe the jerma teacher noise because haha scout jerma
soldier - another guy that's pretty loud himself...this will probably turn into a theme knowing these characters, but i do have an idea for a merc or two that could plausibly have voice sensitivity i prommy! anyway, yeah, soldier strikes me as the type to be fine with and even enjoy loud voices, but another Good Sound i think he'd have would be. like. crushing sounds? like if you let him hold a paper for too long he will start crushing it because mm crumple crumple. also if he ever gets ahold of bread with a solid crust he totally does the thing from ratatouille where he listens to the crackling. right so onto Bad Sounds...i'm gonna project again and say that he really dislikes certain tongue clicking sounds, it's just a bad combo of wet and dry sound and is not fun for him. i remember during the "meet the heavy" sfm, heavy does that sort of sound before he says "i've yet to meet one who can outsmart bullet," so i think heavy especially would be mindful to not do that around soldier because he's a good guy.
pyro - oh hey look, someone that's actually pretty quiet! i'm gonna state the obvious and say that pyro really likes the sound of fire, with the soft roaring and the crackling and all that, it's some Good Sounds. they share the ratatouille tendencies with soldier in regards to bread. anon also mentioned Good Textures so i'm gonna say that pyro enjoys things that are smooth and/or rubbery, i mean look at their suit and also balloonicorn, it makes sense. also they like fluffy things because aww it's like animal friends! oh speaking of animals, they also really like the sound of dogs sniffing, i dunno how to explain this one it's just. yeah. anyway in terms of Bad Sounds, i think pyro has a certain degree of voice sensitivity, they're not necessarily overwhelmed by loud voices but if someone is yelling directly at them or just too close to them they get really really overwhelmed. therefore the rest of the team maintains a respectable distance when they run into a match and start doing their battle crys and such, and pyro does their little muffled yells along with them because they still find it fun to be included in The Noise
demo - he's fond of the sound of breaking glass. part of the reason why he brings a bottle as his melee is because haha funny breaking sound wheee. it's just a satisfying sound, i feel him on this one. it's also like a nice and predictable thing to do, you whack a glass thing against a hard surface, it breaks, it makes a breaking sound, hell yeah dude. autism hungry feed it broken glass. demo's got good taste in Good Sounds. also should go without saying but he knows how to be careful of glass shards, he knows what he's doing, which is why he's completely fine when he breaks his bottle in-game. he's so cool i wanna be like him when i grow up. ahem anyway, i think in terms of Bad Sounds, demo's really bothered by eating/chewing sounds, they're just icky to him. he keeps a reasonable distance from the others during meals, but oh you know he's back in it if it's just drinks, no problem with those at all
heavy - he's really comforted by the sound of laughter. he's been through some tough times, so whenever he hears laughing, he kind of loosens up because it's a sign that things are alright. also side tangent i don't think heavy understands the concept of an "evil laugh," he doesn't really get how something so mirthful could be "evil" in any way. so yeah all laughter is good laughter to heavy. Good Sounds indeed. although in terms of Bad Sounds, any kind of alarm sound will put him on edge. if he uses an alarm of any sort, he prefers ringing bell sounds, he's not fond of blaring alarms of any sort. i actually headcanon that the blu alarm bell system we see in "meet the spy" was installed by blu engie because the previous system was more like a fire alarm due to blu's decidedly more digital and modern base structure, and engie noticed after a few emergency situations that the blu heavy was getting pretty bad sensory overload from the alarms, so he got permission to replace them! i think red team's base(s) probably already had bell alarms to begin with because they have a more classic/rustic theme going on, so red heavy wouldn't have much of an issue there :)
engie - his Good Sounds are very music-centric. whenever he needs to calm down he goes about trying to find or produce a melody of some sort, whether it's by listening to music, playing his guitar or a harmonica, or just humming to himself. his mind gets very busy and hard to manage at times, so having a melody to follow makes it easier to sort out his thoughts. i also think he's perfectly capable of diminishing the whirring and beeping of his various machinery, but he purposefully has them rigged to play those sounds in a sort of familiar and melodic manner. i dunno, i just feel like he's the type to hear music in everything. moving on...i think his Bad Sounds are summarized by basically any sort of cacophony. he can handle loud sounds, but if it's a lot of loud sounds all at once, he struggles to process them all and it overloads his mind. therefore, i think the rest of the team generally carries themselves differently around engie, including on the battlefield; most of their canon interactions with engineers of the same team are basically just thanking him for building stuff or requesting that he build something, so i think it's not too farfetched to suggest that they're also less aggressive and less loud around engie. everyone respects him, as they should
medic - oh mein gott zhe neuros are so divergent here!--*cough* sorry don't know what came over me there. anyway i think medic is comforted by pretty much any animal sound, i mean he surrounds himself with birds and introduced mpreg into the tf2 universe just to Acquire Monkey, like. what more do you want me to say, the dude loves animals, he makes sure all of his spare animal organs were sourced humanely. also i noticed that shoebills were mentioned on the blog recently and i think he'd be fascinated by all the funky sounds shoebills make. oh mein gott zhat birdie sounds like a shootengunnen!--*ahem* pardon. something in my throat i guess. but yeah, basically animal sounds are Good Sounds for the medical lad. as for Bad Sounds...i feel like medic would be the type to be really distressed by the sound of crying/sobbing, he doesn't really know how to react to it and often the overload of confusion causes him to cry as well, which confuses him even more because he doesn't know how to deal with himself crying either so it's just a bad time. i like to imagine that someone especially good at keeping composed, like heavy or engie, would maybe help him out with learning how to calmly deal with situations like that. man i ended up projecting onto medic even more than i thought i would
sniper - okay first off...he strikes me as the type to really enjoy a good breezy sound, like rustling leaves or wind against a window. he's generally big on nature sounds i think, which leads into my next point which i now realize will probably be made into a piss joke: i think he's particular to the sound of rushing water, like you'd hear from rivers or waterfalls. now, my first Bad Sound assignment for sniper is hmm. zippers, i think. specifically the sound of pulling zippers quickly, he's not big on that buzzy, high-pitched sound. he tends to avoid zippers if he can but if he has to use them, he opens and closes them very gently to avoid hearing that sound. secondly, i haven't let myself have a repeat up until now so i'm cutting some slack for myself and saying that he shares the dislike of cacophony with engie. he prefers being as far away as possible from wherever the epicenter of noise is, which is lent well to by his position as, well, a sniper. he also has a similar sensitivity to pyro in that he dislikes loud voices, but for him it doesn't really matter if it's directed at him, he just dislikes them in general. the rest of the team tends to refrain from screaming and/or yelling in his vicinity, and he tends to have a bit of a mellowing effect on the people around him anyway, so it works out
spy - i think he'd have a fondness for low, rolling sounds, i suppose is the term? stuff like cats purring and distant thunder and rumbling air conditioners. his hearing is quite good, so he's developed an appreciation for more subtle sounds. they ground him to reality in a way when other louder sounds get to be overwhelming. speaking of overwhelming sounds, spy seems like the type to dislike scratchy sounds, and also scratchy textures but that's not what we're here for. i feel like he'd really hate those asmr videos where they scratch the mic, if that helps to picture what i mean. it brings to mind the idea of scratching something away to either destroy it or discover what it's hiding, and spy really doesn't vibe with that sort of thought. spy also doesn't voice his feelings especially clearly, since he keeps everything so private, so the other mercs that manage to catch on to spy's issue with scratchy stuff just tend to avoid making those sorts of sounds around him and kinda nudge anyone else who hasn't caught on yet
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This is looking fun. Especially $. Could I get one for Bakugou please?
Accidental text
From: Bakugou
To: Pipsqueak
  Who the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you spamming my phone with ‘hey sexy’? Fuck right off! I have a fucking queen by my side, just so you know it’s Y/N. Yeah, you can’t compare to them. SO STOP TEXTING ME AND FUCK OFF!
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