#whateverrrrrrrr man
jaggerjuice · 1 year
i need to learn to not dip all the way to i should kill myself every time something makes me even a little bit sad
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t4tsurge · 4 months
I think the idea that Surge is supposed to be this cool, cocky, badass girl boss who's better than Sonic and should be able to win every fight is like. I don't know how exactly to word it, but that feels like the opposite of what her character is? Or is supposed to be? I guess? Because like, Surge's personality was programmed into her, and the cockiness and the overconfidence is a result of Starline's warped perception of who Sonic is, right? Like, they very much established that Surge and Kit were brainwashed to be how Starline viewed Sonic and Tails? And her losing most of the fights she's in is kinda the point? She goes in assuming that's she's gonna win because she's been told that she's better than everyone else, but she's reckless and sloppy and easily distracted, so of course she's gonna get knocked around. Especially if she doesn't have Kit. Her whole thing is "hit hard and keep hitting until they can't get up while Kit makes sure I don't die". Of course she's gonna keep losing, that's an awful plan.
I don't know, I feel like I'm rambling and not making sense, but I've seen a few posts complaining about Surge in the last few weeks and like. I don't know. I never got the impression that she was this super over hyped bad ass new rival for Sonic who was supposed to be better than him or whatever. Maybe it's because I didn't join the fandom or start idw until right after issue 50 dropped, but whatever. I don't know where this idea came from.
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lilgynt · 8 months
hannibal “i already promised mischa” lecter should have really understood will better in mizumono with the whole im choosing violence and revenge over what’s grown to be a love i care dearly for bc of a girl i feel a parental responsibility for
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nudelherz · 3 days
am sick again and spend the whole dsy in bed but now i cant sleep (3am)so its time to bring out the bIg Guns. wtnv episode One.
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snowquills · 28 days
RAHHHHHHH I can't believe all this mental health improvement stuff isn't linear and can in fact relapse (<- considering getting an official depression diagnosis)
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bakuraryxu · 8 months
literally still upset about zevlor getting sucked in by his delusion of being a paladin again
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astrophileous · 1 year
Love Bugs (Pt. 07)
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female Reader
Synopsis: You and Derek Morgan have an arrangement. At work, your relationship is strictly business. Under the sheets, it's all about pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. Until, of course, your feelings start to get involved. Your situation is complicated enough without the unexpexted predicament that suddenly befalls upon you. But with a maniac serial killer on the loose, will you ever get the chance to make everything right?
Warning(s): cursing, mentions and/or depictions of death, near death experience, usage of guns, mentions of injuries resulted from physical violence, mentions of strangulation, pregnancy, somewhat religious undertones (very minor), I think that's all?? Pls inform me if I missed any
Word Count: 3200-ish
Tag(s): @marvelousgoldroses @jay-2s-world @whore-of-the-pumpkin-patch @maxinehufflepuffprincess @cat-or-kitten @littleshadow17 @itzz-me-duh @geeksareunique @paisleebubbles @whateverrrrrrrrs @crazyunsexycool @bruher @spiderlillie00 @f1lov3r @louderfortheback @wifeyofeveryone
Author's Note: HI!! I can't believe we're finally at the end of Love Bugs OMG!!! Thank you so much for everyone who has stuck by this series through its ups and downs. I was initially planning to write an additional chapter to close off this story, but I realized that this is the right part to end it. With that said, I am open to taking requests of blurbs/headcannons for Love Bugs if any of you would like to see more from these two. Just send me an ask and I'll make sure to check it out! This story is my very first derek and criminal minds fic altogether, so it's pretty emotional to be saying goodbye to it. Again, thank you so much for reading Love Bugs and I hope you'll be around for any derek/other criminal minds fics I might have in the future ❤️ Don't forget to LIKE+REBLOG+COMMENT 🌹
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Derek knew that letting Hotch take the wheel was a mistake.
He was already marching towards the driver's side back at the HQ's parking lot when the older man had stopped Derek before he could get in.
"Your head is not in the right place right now. The last thing we need is to get into a car accident when (Y/N) desperately needs our help," Hotch had reasoned.
Derek obviously couldn't argue with that.
But Lord, did he wish that he had actually argued with that. He kept internally cursing his boss for not going fast enough. Never mind if the speedometer was teetering towards 60 miles per hour, it still just wasn't fast enough.
A phone call from Spencer and JJ came in around 5 minutes before Derek and Hotch were supposed to reach their destination.
"His new office is empty," Spencer had said. "She's not here."
That new piece of information meant that you were being held either at the UnSub's home--where Emily and Rossi were heading to right at that moment--or the old office building that, according to Garcia, had once belonged to the UnSub's father.
Derek wished that the office was exactly where the UnSub had been holding you all this time. Not because Derek wished to be the one to find you first--of course not, he couldn't care less about that--but just because Derek would prefer it more if he was the one to face the UnSub and point the barrel of his gun at your abductor's head, watching as the fired bullet penetrated his skull before the scumbag dropped dead onto the ground.
As soon as the SVU pulled up to the driveway of the office building, followed by two police cars, Derek wasted no time climbing off his seat and out of the car. His steps were tenacious as he stomped towards the entrance, purposefully ignoring Hotch's frantic calls of his name.
"Hey, wait a minute, Morgan. Slow down."
Derek pushed past a frowning Hotch, fully intent on closing the twenty feet distance between him and the front doors. But Hotch's hand on his shoulder faltered his steps once more, and Derek couldn't rein his anger when he finally decided to face Hotch.
"What the fuck do you want, man?!"
"You can't just barge in there. We need a plan."
"A plan?" Derek scoffed. "She could be dead by the time we draw up your stupid plan."
"Morgan," Hotch's voice came with a warning. "You're not thinking straight--"
"Hell yeah I'm not! (Y/N) could be inside right now, fighting for her life, and you wanna talk plans?" Derek took a step forward, leveling his burning gaze with Hotch's eyes. "You're the one who caused us this mess, Hotch. Do you really want her blood on your hands, too?"
In the many years of him knowing Derek Morgan, Hotch never witnessed such fury in the man's eyes. These were the eyes of a man who had nothing to lose. A man who was ready to sacrifice everything because his whole world was at stake.
"You're staying behind me," Hotch said at last. "Don't do anything rash, or I'll be forced to have you sit this one out."
As much as Derek wasn't satisfied by those conditions, he knew that it was the best option he could have, so he relented.
Under Hotch's command, the group of six split into three pairs as soon as they stepped inside the treshold. They checked every room in the two story building, but they all came up empty. Once they were back outside, Hotch received a phone call from Emily and Rossi.
"There's no sign of them in the house as well," Hotch said, repeating the exact words that Emily had informed him over the phone.
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Maybe he's taken her some place else. I'll call Garcia and see if she can pull up any other potential location."
As Hotch waited for the tech-analyst to answer, Derek began darting his eyes over the entire building once more. None of it made any sense. He knew that it was impossible, but something told him that you were close. You were nearby. Just a sliver away from his reach.
It felt like he had been staring at the building for an eternity when it finally dawned on him.
"Hotch," Derek called out, feet already moving again towards the front door, "this building has a basement."
Derek didn't wait for a response as he barged inside.
Behind him, the other five people scrambled to catch up with his pace. Derek went to recheck all of the rooms in that building, banging on suspicious looking panels on the wall and testing the integrity of the floor beneath him.
A clanking sound in the distance eventually tore his attention away. The mysterious noise was soon followed by a shout from one of the uniformed officers.
"We found this," the officer reported as soon as Hotch and Derek stepped into the furthest room in the building.
On the ground, a rusty metal bookcase lied haphazardly. Right behind it, a wooden panel on the wall was gaping. Derek locked eyes with Hotch, a silent confirmation, before Hotch nudged the panel wider with his shoulder.
The hidden room led to a flight of stairs leading them down towards a dingy basement. Hotch motioned for everyone to follow him as he stealthily moved towards a metal door on the far side of one of the walls. As Hotch grabbed its handle, Derek tightened the hold he had on his gun.
Everything else had transpired in a blur.
Derek only recalled seeing that horrific scene playing out in front of him for less than a split second--the image of that bastard putting his filthy hands on you--before his instinct kicked in. Two bullets from his gun; one to the shoulder and one more to the neck.
Derek barely even registered the gurgling sounds the UnSub was making as he rushed towards you.
Derek's heart was glass as he knelt by the chair, each piece shattering against his insides with every mark, cut, and bruise that he could see littering your skin. He still remembered the feeling of your naked skin under his fingertips. Soft and tender, like frosting on a cake. But now?
Now, it looked dull and lifeless.
With heart in his throat, Derek moved to touch your limp form. "Bug?"
No answer.
"Hey, (Y/N)? It's me. I'm here, Bug, please open your eyes," he pleaded. "Wake up, sweetheart."
The pressure in Derek's chest inflated. His palm felt ice on your face. His fingers around your wrist scrambled for any sign of life he could find, but there was none.
"Hotch! Hotch, she's not breathing!" Derek called out, a sentence made out of nightmares. "Help me get this off!"
It felt like an eternity until Hotch was able to hand Derek the metal cutter, which they then used to free you of your restrains. Your body slumped instantly into Derek's arms the moment they cut off the last metal cuff, and Derek tried not to dwell over the fact that you felt stiff and cold against him.
"You're okay, sweetheart," he murmured as he laid you down on the ground. "Come on, you're okay."
Those words kept repeating themselves over and over again as he started doing compressions on your chest. Prayers towards a God he hadn't spoken to for a while also slipped past his lips. Prayers for a miracle. Prayers for the heavens to allow Derek to take your place instead. Prayers for the universe to please, let him have more time with you, please, please, please.
"Morgan." Hotch's hand fell on his shoulder, but Derek never faltered. He kept on pumping your chest, willing for your heart--his heart--to start beating once more. "Morgan, the paramedics are here."
Reluctantly, Derek let himself be dragged away from you, giving room for the first responders to do their job. As he looked down upon his hands, Derek noticed that they had been shaking. Violently.
"Please be careful," Hotch spoke up. "She's pregnant."
"Clear," one of the paramedics announced before another one pressed the shock button on the defibrillator.
Derek stared helplessly at the flat line shown on the heart monitor.
"Again. Clear."
Every second that passed by was an inch of blade through his chest. Every second you teetered closer towards death was also his life undoing right in front of his eyes.
Derek thought it was over. His world was crumbling to ash all around him, stripping down the colors until all he could see was gray. He was standing on the brink of its wreckage when suddenly, he heard one of the paramedics yell, "We got a pulse!"
And just like that, Derek's knees gave out underneath him.
"Morgan!" Hotch caught Derek's shoulders, keeping him up before the younger man could collapse completely on the floor. "Hey, she's okay. She's gonna be okay."
Derek could only nod his head in response. Words tasted like lead on his tongue as he struggled to catch his breath. Tears streamed down his face like a burst dam after a rainstorm.
For a second there, Derek thought his world was ending.
But as he stared feebly at the paramedics wheeling your body away, Derek couldn't stop thanking the universe for giving him another chance. One more chance to be with you. One more chance to make things right.
This time, Derek was not going to let it go to waste.
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Darkness was peaceful.
In the darkness, you were nothing.
But you had always wanted to be something.
With a heavy heart, you made the decision to say goodbye, to come back to the life that had been your constant for the past decades. To a world that, beneath all of the bad things you had witnessed in it, still had some good worth mentioning, too.
Like Derek Morgan, for example.
Despite everything that happened, you could never deny that Derek was a rare example of good in the world. And he was exactly the person who occupied your mind when you gradually regained your consciousness, letting yourself amble further from the promises you had rejected from the darkness.
When you finally opened your eyes, it felt like your body had been dragged through much more than mere mud.
Fluorescent lights blinded you almost instantly. You turned your head in order to escape the onslaught, but the pain radiating through your entire body made you whimper instead.
"(Y/N)." A gentle hand landed on your shoulder. "Hey, you're awake."
You blinked away the fog that had gathered in your vision, trying to make out the silhouette in front of you until it morphed into a recognizable face.
"Yeah, it's me." She smiled. "How're you feeling?"
"Not particularly great."
JJ breathed out a laugh. "I figured."
You groaned quietly as you shifted yourself to a new position, JJ jumping in to help even before you asked her to.
"What happened, J?" you questioned once you had settled comfortably.
"I think that's a talk for later, (Y/N). For now, you need to rest."
"Please--" you grabbed onto JJ's wrist, "--I want to know. The last thing I remember was... was..."
Being strangled.
That was the last thing you remembered before everything went dark.
JJ's eyes flashed with understanding. "You were barely alive when help arrived. It was a miracle that Hotch and Derek got there when they did."
The smile JJ gave you was full of hidden meanings. She gestured with her head towards the other end of the room, towards the direction you hadn't even once inspected since you woke up. A worn down couch stood against the wall, and on top of it, cramping himself into a position that was surely not comfortable, was the person you had been hoping to see since you opened your eyes in that dingy basement.
He was sleeping with his arm draped over his eyes. He must have been tired, you thought. Or otherwise, he wouldn't have been sleeping so soundly in such an awkward position.
"How long was I out?"
"About two days." You couldn't hide your shock when you looked at JJ. "He never left, (Y/N). He refused to leave your side."
JJ's revelation compelled your eyes to stray towards Derek once more. You missed him. You were still missing him even when he was there, in the same room as you were, safe and sound.
As if she could dissect the content of your head, JJ spoke up again, "Do you want me to wake him up?"
"No, please. He needs the rest."
"Pretty sure he needs to see you more than he needs his sleep, (Y/N)."
Ignoring your protests, JJ circled the bed and approached the run-down couch in the corner. You watched with a drum in your chest as JJ gently shook Derek awake, smiling to yourself when you see him open his eyes blearily.
"Someone wants to see you," JJ informed, nodding her head in your direction.
It was as though a switch had been flipped somewhere inside of him. The moment Derek saw your eyes looking at him, any trace of exhaustion he was previously feeling automatically dissolved in a heartbeat.
"I'll better step outside," JJ announced, already retreating towards the exit. "The others would want to know you're awake."
With JJ's departure, the atmosphere in the room instantly shifted.
Before you could process what was happening, Derek had seemingly transported to your side. Now up close, you finally saw the lines of fatigue etching on his face. His muscular shoulders drooped slightly as if the weight of the universe was forcing him to forfeit his energy little by little.
Sitting by the bed, Derek looked hesitant as his hand hovered over your own. You eventually took matters into your own hand, tangling your fingers around his until there was no room for escape.
"I've missed you," you confessed.
A watery laugh rumbled past his chest. In his eyes, a cloud of tears had begun to build. He stared at you with such fervent. The person who owned his heart, the one he thought would take it away from him to the grave.
"You scared me," Derek confessed as well. "I thought you were gone for good."
"It takes a lot more than that to get rid of me," you tried to joke, which, judging by the expression on Derek's face, was not something he appreciated very much. "Wait. Derek, the baby--"
"Is fine," he cut you off, preventing you from spiraling any further. "The doctor said they need to monitor both of your conditions for a few days. But for now, the baby is fine. So are you."
You released an appeased breath before dropping your head back on the pillow.
"How long have you known?" Derek suddenly asked.
The question was inevitable. You knew sooner or later it would come up, but that didn't mean you were not still taken back when it did.
"A couple of weeks," you replied. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"I understand why you didn't." Derek smiled ruefully. "After everything I said to you--"
"We both said or did something we regret."
"Yeah. Me more than anyone."
"No, Bug. You gotta hear me out." Derek took a deep breath, the frown between his eyebrows deepening as he stared straight into your soul. "I want you to know. I want to make sure that you understand how sorry I am for everything. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry I said all of those horrible things back in Iowa. But most importantly, I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to tell you the truth.
"The truth?"
"I love you, Bug."
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I love you," he emphasized. "I don't know when it started, if it was before or after our arrangement began. I just know that I do. These past few days have been hell for me, Bug. I've watched all kinds of nightmares imaginable in the years I spent on this job, but none of them compare to what I felt when you were gone."
A stray tear escaped from Derek's eye, constricting your chest even further than ever.
It was the first time you had ever seen him cry.
"I understand if you want nothing to do with me after this. But whatever you want, I promise that I'll be there. For both of you." Derek's palm landed on your belly, right on top of the small bump that had just started to grow. "In any capacity you allow me."
Your whole body erupted in goosebumps following Derek's admission. His sincerity rendered you speechless. It seemed like hours later when you could finally find your voice again.
"Did you mean all of that?"
"Every word."
"Good. Because I love you, too."
Derek's expression faltered ever so slightly.
"I want every capacity you have, Derek. I want every part of you, every part you're willing to give because I need you. We both do."
Derek's smile, despite the tear streaks on his face, was the definition of relief and joy. He kissed your knuckles a million little times before leaning forward to claim your lips. It was a breath of fresh air to have his lips on yours after such a long time apart. Even then, Derek was still familiar. He tasted of home.
Hours later, the rest of the team stopped by to check on your condition and to congratulate the two of you over the little life that was soon to become the newest member of the BAU family. Once the crowd had dispersed, your hospital room fell quiet once again.
In the midst of that comfortable silence, you persistently tried to convince Derek to go to sleep in his own bed for the night.
"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."
"Do you really think after what happened, I'm just gonna let you out of my sight? Hell no. I'm sleeping here. End of discussion."
"It's just one night, Derek. I'll be fine," you assured him. "You can't possibly be comfortable on that tiny couch. You should go home and get some decent sleep."
"The only way I can get a decent sleep is by making sure you're safe, Bug. So, please--" he tugged the blanket higher around your body, "--stop your yapping and get some rest."
You eventually yielded into Derek's incessant commands and allowed yourself to relax, not before giving him a very defiant pout that earned you one sweet kiss from the man.
It didn't take long for sleep to take over your body. But even once you had fallen into a very deserved slumber, Derek couldn't find it in himself to close his eyes. After the tornado that these past few days had been, a love confession from you was the best reprieve that someone like him could ever dream of. It still seemed so surreal that a part of him feared going to sleep just for the tiniest bit of chance that everything had, in fact, been a dream.
So, for one night, Derek figured that sleep could definitely wait.
For one night, Derek would spend his time thanking whatever higher power had listened to his prayers and sent you safely back into his arms.
The love of his life. The center of his universe.
His Pretty Bug.
Along with the Little Bug that was still growing life inside of your belly.
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ruthytwoshakes · 9 months
Sketch dump but it’s more for me because I KEEP ON FORGETTING I HAVE SKETCHES THAT I NEED TO FINISH??!???????!?!! Memory is of GOLDFISH OF ROTTED STINKY GOLDFISH. Fun fact about goldfish did you know that they can remember stuff for up to 3 months actually and
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hey guys pyro tf2 here. Not happy with the balance I need to add some texture to the unicorn I think.
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Shit ass fursonas. Going to make a new pinned post and these guys are for it yay.
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Me when I am combining my two interests. Ugh it’s so embarrassing to listen to electronic hardcore and obscure genera’s. Like yeah my favorite song is called boner and it’s 42 minutes long. What the fuck. Also they all look like lesbians because I tried to make some casual wear for them and completely forgot that they’re in the 1960s. whateverrrrrrrr
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I love you 12 pounds of crake meme. Also Anne from amphibia jumpscare??,!!!?!, she would be a scout main I am 100% correct. It was a vision from god herself sent to me in a dream. Demo is so soft and round I’m in love . Look guys it’s my oc Glider wowie how cool and beautiful and smart and epic of me to make a tf2 oc. I’m the most dangerous-ly cool, man I know.
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alivehouse · 6 months
literally pissing me off bc i have read 100+ different variations of the selkie story not even exaggerating at all and the only two fucking things that are always consistent are 1. the object that allows the selkie to return to the sea is stolen from them in order to coerce them into marriage and 2. the object is eventually found/recovered and the selkie returns to the sea like HOW are you pretending this is some cutesy story about trust and not coercion man fucking whateverrrrrrrr
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biawstenknight · 2 months
also i was going back to the hermitcraft charity event tag because i miss it and i found these :
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yeah sure i guess go be gay while raising money
YOUR BABE BIG MAN JIM??????? UMMM OKAY!!!!!!!! WHATEVERRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr man whateverrrrrrrr
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 05 + 07.12.20 lbs
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“tum saari property mere naam karoge.”
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BITCH WHAT NOW???????????
V like dadiiiiiiiiiii ko dhokaaaaaaaa?!!!!?!?!?! oh ho, lagta hai pair chhoote chhoote V ko asli waale feels aa gaye dadi ke liye, free of charge!
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also what else that tongue do (other than throw constant taane to guilt a bitch) baby boy mmmmmmmhmmmmmmm 😏😏😏
riddhima thinking ki property meaning khatra and she can’t allow it to stay on dadi, she has to take it on herself, so that if kabir tries hurting anyone, it’ll be her.
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this one’s paar ki nazar has recognized that train of thought, i think.
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she’s like think whatever you want idgaf, just do whatever the fuck i say or else. and don’t even think of charging me an extra paisa. jaake bhaanda phodna hai toh phod lo, phir you won’t get your remaining 4.5 cr. DAMN GIRL, WHERE THIS SHAATIR TAKE-CHARGE SIDE OF YOURS BEEN ALL THIS TIME???????/
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hubs thinking same thing. he’s never been more turned on by her as when she’s using maximum brain.
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“kya hai?????? aise taad kyun rahe ho?????????”
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“taadna ekdum free of cost hai. only for your pretty face!” I HATE HIM.
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face change from smiley eyes to shaatir eyes, as he contemplates the facts before him. unf, the things it does to me to see him emote.
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lijiye, iss show ke Idiot Brothers. and their plans to prove it’s not vansh and to get riddhima thrown out. i’ll pass.
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but this one’s face tho. cutest. 
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same, aryan. mera bhi yehiiiii reaction hai. taareeef karoon kya uskiiiii, jissne, tumhe banaaya!
some rando has come and is like hi, i’m your new lawyer; your old one appointed me before he left. no doubt he’s been sent by kabir.
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V’s face: chutiya samajh rakha hai kya???? that’s not how this shit works.
v is like you’re here about my will and lmao riddhima’s all happy thinking oh vihaan has started my work already. SIS TILL NOW WHAT HAS HE DONE ACC TO YOUR PLAN? TELL ME ONE (1) THING THAT HE’S DONE LIKE YOU SAID.
yadda yadda yadda lawyer is like the property cannot be transferred for a few months. because Reasons. sure. sounds legit.
kabir is ecstatic. needs to learn to hide his MWAHAHAHAHAHA MERA CHAAL KAAM KAR GAYA FACE better if he wants to win at this game. he’s up against poker face all india/tellywood champion.
fb to kabir bribe/threatening lawyer. zero surprise.
V telling dadi idc about all this, meri asli daulat toh aap hai. lmao he really just does not give the other grandkids a chance to be #1 in dadi’s books.
ishani is pakka sure this is vansh bhai itselfffffffffff. and lmao angre’s suspicious face. they’re legit like:
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V trying to negotiate salary increase (10% per month!!!!!!!!) and riddhima’s like bhakkkkkkk, sabzi mandi laga rakhi hai kya maine? yeh faltu ki bargaining nahi chalegi yahaan, jo karna hai karlo.
ishani’s back with bhai’s favvvvvvvvv chocolate cake and.... OH NO HE WAS SO FUCKING RUDE TO HERRRRRRRRRRRRR. riddhima ko sabak sikhaane ke liye ishani ko kyun sunaaaa rahe hoooo!?!?!?!!?
anyway riddhima tried to sametofy that raita by apologizing to ishani and.......... that went as well as expected.
kabir and aryan watching and lootofying mazze.
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lmaooooo aryan tubelight ko situation samajh hi nahi aaya and kabir is just like
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lmao have you seen a more pitying look????
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angsty piano playing time.
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lmaooooooooo she’s like “jahaan vansh banna tha, wahaan bann nahi paaye, yahaan yeh karke kya kya fayyda hai?” which......... troo. i really like this give-no-fucks version of riddhima who says what’s on her mind, instead of just doing lengthy internal monologues of stupidity. 
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as,kjdlkasjd;lksjd;lkjsa;ldkjsa;lk she’s like vansh never yelled at anyone if it wasn’t a big deal. to which V is reacting just the way i am rn.......
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‘lmao reallllllllly??? i don’t remember it like that.’
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more lecture and yeah, i relate to him.
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ishani over here crying to angre about bachpan se leke aaj tak vansh bhai ne kabhi nahi daanta. which again i’m like?????????? i have literally only seen V1.0 yelling at ishani for some bs or the other. literally never has he shown her any pyaar; the most he’s ever mellowed at her was when he gruffly told her sunny’s “truth” and made her understand that the wedding with angre would be good for her. nostalgia comes with some reallllll rose tinted glasses huh, ki everyone’s whitewashing asshole!vansh this way.
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soft ship gently chugging along!
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anyway angre has a plan and ishani like so help me god imma murder this fucker if he’s not vansh. there’s my girl!!!!!
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this one is driving a hardddddddd bargain and wow, really going to town on that piano. riddhima doesn’t find it shady at allllllllllllllllll that he’s an equally good piano player as vansh huh? zerooooo thoughts about that.
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“gunaah karne waale se bada gunehgaar hota hai gunaah sehne waala.” bhai waaah, isske victim complex ko mera salaam, ki bechaara is ONLY GETTING 5 CRORES, BOOOOOO HOOOOO.
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“jabse tumse yeh deal kii haina, badi gandiiiii waali feeling aa rahi hai!” lmaoooooo yeah sureee, i can see how torturous it is, to be paid OBSCENELY to......... play yourself.
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“mujhe teen guna chahiye. i want triple.”
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oh boy ishani and angre have entered hearing about “triple”.
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softttttttttttttttttttt siblingssssssss. baaaaabies.
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but hubs and wifey have come with some stress relief for bhai, lol.
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lmao riddhima’s reactionnnnnnnnn.
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lo ji yeh bhi aa gaya rang mein bhang daalne. wants to make things interesting via bet. some realllllll high stakes shit. good lord, don’t be gross and bet riddhima or something, maharabharat style.
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aaaaaand it’s on!
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no point screaming in your mind, riddhima. should have sent him to basketball camp before you recruited him.
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"bohut mazaa aayega!!!!” lmaooooooo seeeeee, i told y’all. all this big baby legit wants is someone to playyy with himmmmm. have you ever seen him look THISSSSS HAPPY EVERRRRRR??????????
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lmao @ his purposely bad dribbling.
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stressing Dollar Biwi out some more by saying he hasn’t even watched the game on tv.
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unffffff. Chehra Appreciation Break. these go out to my girl @nawaazishein​ (she knows exaaaaaaaactly why.)
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riddhima is like when you pick teams, pick me, and kabir is here to talk smack and say everyone’s gonna find outtttttt nowwww.
ok great, whole fam’s here. there’s a chalkboard set up for the score and everythinggggg. coz as per usual, no one else has nothing else to do. not even catch up on their podcasts or play some candy crush or nothing. they just wanna watch these two grownass men having a pissing contest.
V wins the toss but aryan’s bitch ass lies and says kabir won it. K selects riddhima first.
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he knew that kabir’s dumb ass would do exactly that. besides, he’s seen riddhima play. she sucks ass at it. best if she brings down K’s team from the inside, lol.
V’s picks: useless!chacha, angre. K’s pick: aryan. rules established, ki after every 10 points, rival team se player will be out.
all i can think of rn is that everyone went and changed and riddhima’s gonna play in her sari and heels?!?!?!?!!!?!?
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game faces on!
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lol such bball captain and his gf head cheerleader vibes. CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god are we supposed to sit and listen to chachi’s commentary?!?!!?!?
please note i’m literally only watching this ep to see the boys’ shirts move and expose chest and abs. 
riddhima gets the ball and is standing there in one place dribbling so that V can easily intercept and he’s just..........
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............. imitating a frilled dragon or some shit?????
kabir just took the ball from her and scored.
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first basket he made and he’s already telling vansh to give up. dude, hadh hoti hai overconfidence ki.
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V like haar-jeet ka faisla end mein hota hai. i would say i’ve already won, getting to see this much sweaty neck and chest, mmmmhmmmmmm.
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SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! i mean, yeah V scored a point in the game or whateverrrrrrrr, BUT **I** GOT TO SEE SOME TUMMY WHEN HE JUMPED UP!!!!!
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lol idk what the sassy finger wave was for, but i liked watching it.
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aryan’s out.
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AND I SCORE AGAIN!!!!! ouff, the things i have to resort to coz they don’t gimme tellywood men shirtless anymore.
useless!chacha’s out.
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askljdlkjlkdjlsakjdlsakjdlsdjlaskjdlj bechaara kabir.
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“you. out, please!”
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sureeeeeely he will not pull the kkhh move in front of the whole fam??????/ will he?????????
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look at his face, ki awwwwww, how cute that she’s trying.
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riddhima is so stupid, if she scored all these points, why didn’t she pick V to leave the game instead of angre!?!?!?!!?!?
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BITCH DID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“isski har harkat vansh se kyun milti hai?????” idk sis, take a wiiiiiiiiiild guess. if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck........... MAYBE THE FUCKING 6 FOOT 2″ DUCK LOOMING IN FRONT OF YOU AND RUNNING HIS HANDS ALL OVER YOU IS YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND??????
the way he’s smiling is practically challenging her to figure it out.
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she’s still like nope, not him. just a coincidence. while she mulls on that brain fart, imma stare at rrahul’s chest some more.
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of course.
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“yeh bonus hai. free of charge. just for your pretty face!”
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this dumbass is also hung up ki how overnight he became good at playing basketball. abbe oh gobar ganesh why can’t you just accept it’s him?!!?!?!?
aryan’s like dude, it’s him. i’ve seen him play. this is him.
but there must be somethinggggggg unique about vansh’s style right????
ahaaaa, ambidextrous.
kabir legit threw something like that looks like a clown’s nose. i guess he just carries that around full time coz he’s a 🤡🤡🤡
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blah blah we already knew this from the precap. i’m just fwding to when he plays with the left and wins.
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lmao V’s faaaaaaaaace. when kabir finally gets his day of reckoning, vansh is really nottttttt gonna hold back.
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never seen ppl THIS happy to see a left handed person, lol.
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“vihaan vansh ki tarah left hand se khel sakta hai??????”
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lmaoooooooooo his face is like jo toota nahi tha, woh bhi tod ke rakh degi.
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lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. asshole.
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uh huh honeyyyyyyyyy. did the Vansh Move.
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asking how you did all this when i never told you these facts about vansh?
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“tum zaroorat se zyaada sochti ho, Sweetheart.”
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“kya aisa humne pehle kabhi nahi kiya? kya yeh pal humaari zindagi mein kabhi bhi nahi aaya, riddhima?” he said her name The Vansh Way, not The Vihaan Way!!!!!!!
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“tum mere......”
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“haan riddhima, yeh tumhara veham nahi hai. main vihaan nahi, vansh hoon. tumhara vansh.”
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haaaaaaye bechaari. at this point i’m feeling quite bad for her. it’s not her fault she’s so stupid. ab hai toh hai. kya kar sakte hain. bedagarkkkkkk ho tera, vansh. may you die of blue balls for fucking with her simple mind this way.
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i just did my homework reallllllllllly well, it seems. so my 3x payment is totally worth it. god i wish that pool was full, so that i could dunk his head into it and hold it there for a few minutes.
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and then he turns around and looks at her like this!?!?!?!!?!?!? OUFFFF. FUCK YOU MANNNNNN.
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blah blah talk about how now everyone must be convinced (except kabir) but yeah, i’m just here for The Face.
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shhhhhhhhhh, koi hai. yup. and not at all an excuse to get touchy touchy with wifey and give her some more mindfucky clues as to who you are.
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someone’s watching us, we gotta sort out the property shit realllll quickkkkkkkkk.
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he has An Idea, it seems. oh boy.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
review with spoilers
Finn: was it necessary to have him get hit by literally every fucking character!? The ONLY ones who don't hit him or physically cause him any pain or inconvenience are Rey and Poe (and lbr it's possibly because they only have like .2 seconds of screentime together). His loyalty to Rey and how much she matters to him is amazing but it'd be nice if she remembered his existence at any point in time (i think she doesn't mention him once while she's trying to god fucking save kylo ren ew), but their reunion was AMAZING.
Poe: OOC much? He's nice and caring! Not a hotheaded ass who doesn't follow orders - where's his respect for Leia? Where's Leia's respect for him? What the fuck was Rian doing implying god damned DAMEREY AT THE END OF THAT MOVIE!? I mean, all through the movie he made it OBVIOUS that he hates finnrey. At least he seems to dislike reylo, too, but as my mom would say mal de muchos consuelo de tontos.
His first scene with General Ugh? Amazing and the most in character thing he did in the movie!
Paige: only there to be killed, but i think that much was obvious. I'll use this space to complain about the fact that ALL the graphic deaths of the movie were of people of color. Paige Tico, Jessika Pava (or I think it was her, we saw her face .2 seconds before her x-wing was set on fire), a random black man from the resistance who says one line before he dies.... Like I get it! THE FIRST ORDER HATES MINORITIES AND WANTS THEM DEAD YOU DON'T NEED TO SHOW US THAT GRAPHICALLY WE G E T IT. It was also painfully clear that everyone on TFO was white, which is why I think it was on purpose - if this movie made one thing clear was that they are the bad guys, plain evil. Definitely parallel irl fascists. 
Kyle: let's rule the galaxy together; Rey: you're choosing a path I can't take. Vader: i'll overthrow him and you and i can rule the galaxy together (blah blah); Padme: you're going down a path I can't follow. Reylos: lose their shit. As if:
the first half of the movie wasn't full of luke and leia and kyle and rey parallels - ya know, who are siblings. looks like Rey Solo will be canon?
 their force bond wasn't made as part of a ploy by Snoke
 the next thing that vader does after telling padme that wasn't to physically assault her like talk about abuse apologist assholes ffs.
I'm SO MAD that the spark line wasn't spoken by poe! It was said by the white lady with the purple hair (i wanna punch her in the face t b h)
Let me make one (1) comment about a white character: are you telling me that Luke Skywalker, the ONLY PERSON IN THE GALAXY who doesn't hate Vader, who thought there might be REDEMPTION for him, would even 'fleetingly consider' striking down his TEENAGED, SLEEPING NEPHEW WHO HADN'T DONE ANYTHING BAD YET? just make it clear that you just wanna jack off to kylo ren and go. His trick at the end was A+ though that was the first time I see people clapping in the cinema, definitely the best force trick in all the movies tbqh
Finnrose kiss (rose kisses a very startled finn): they knew each other for less than a day but at the end Rose says she loves him? mmmmmmMMMMmM. And later on Rey and Poe shily smile at each other like 'im poe' 'im rey' 'i know' (me: 'kiss my ass'). This man (rian) HATES finnrey. @ JJ don't disappoint i beg u. (btw no hate to finnrose, i dont particularly care about it but the whole thing is sketchy u know). Finnrey's reunion, their beautiful hug at the end, though, tells me that ?Maybe we’re gonna turn Star Wars into Star Telenovela? Whateverrrrrrrr. I wouldn't hate a finn v rey v rose love triangle, but I fear how it'd be delivered.
This whole movie is the longest in the franchise and the majority of it happens in the course of like...12 hs at most? It’s really inconcistent.
Rose was an awesome character! I’d have preferred it if she hadn’t been introduced this way (no need to kill his sis on screen damn, she would have been in that stair and she would have seen Finn anyway), but she’s really smart and kind.
Finn is the gift that keeps on giving! AND HE DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS SHIT DIRECTOR HAVING HIM SLAPPED AND STUNNED LEFT AND RIGHT! by Phasma (who he later kills but ok), by those officers in the casino, by Rose... 
Poe, as I said, was out of character, but I’m not sure I agree with the people who say he was sexualised by Leia and Holdo? Like maybe the subtitles lied but they only said they like him? Did Holdo mistreat him? yes. Did he deserve better from Leia than getting slapped and later on stunned? Yes! (but lbr that was ooc from leia too, she didn’t hit han when she was younger and more impulsive *ahem* and they spent their whole time fighting, but nah let’s demote my commander because he saved us from certain death).
Btw why should I care about Holdo? we didn’t know her and she treated other rebels like shit so....yeah she and leia were friends but WHERE was it stablished!? AND WHY WASN’T THE SPARK LINE ORIGINALLY POE’S! I CAN’T BELIEVE HE GOT IT FROM HER! 
best part of the movie: REYLO IS NOT CANON WOOHOO, I had read that they basically made out on screen wtf, reylos are on crack. That’s what drove me to tell y’all to go watch it right after I left the theather The only thing rey does is to call him a monster many times and then go to him when she gets a force vision of him turning to the light (which doesn’t happen btw). They do fight together but later she tries to kill him again so.
I thiiiink I'm not forgetting anything but if you've got any questions or wanna add something send it in with a spoilers warning for the other mods, thanks!
Mod A.
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