#whatever he gets adopted by adam after adam and shiro get married
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If Adam adopts Keith, does he live with him or like?? Does he stick on a moustache and go "sneak food from the kitchen for ur shack lmao"
OKAY so I am retconning some of my lore LMFAO. Here’s the gist of Keith’s legal status, which will hopefully answer some questions I had such as, “Does Keith have a social security number?”
For the purpose of this universe I’m having there be multiple established alien communities on Earth because I like to think that, with Zarkon conquering the entire universe, all space-faring communities fled their conquered planets and headed towards areas of space Zarkon hadn’t reached yet, looking for populations they could blend in with. Earth is one such destination.
There is ABSOLUTELY such a community in Texas because, it’s Texas, and through them Krolia & Dad Park are able to forge Krolia an identity and ensure Keith gets all his proper documentation. Like his SSN.
After Krolia leaves Keith and his dad stay in Texas because that’s where Dad Park is from + it’s closer to the aforementioned alien community (aka alien doctors who can give Keith check-ups that won’t immediately expose him as human-other)
Keith’s dad dies when he’s around 9/10 and he goes to live with his auntie (also in Texas) but he’s not as close with his extended family and is kind of left to do his own thing. They sign him up for a summer camp science thing when he’s about 11 and that’s where he meets Shiro for the first time.
When Keith is 14 he goes to the Garrison and his auntie transfers over guardianship to the institution or something it’s… super vague…
Like there are Legalities that I want to get into but let’s just gloss over all that and make Keith a year-round student who lives with Shiro & Adam when school is out.
Keith emancipates himself when he’s 16 because everyone assumes he’ll be staying with the Garrison for his foreseeable future and therefore has housing + job security + education + etc. But then the Kerberos Mission is declared a failure and Keith is expelled shortly afterwards.
OKAY now answering your original question:
The Garrison SEVERELY fucks over Keith when they expel him, leaving him with no education, room and board, or future job. He’s an orphan, newly emancipated, and shit out of luck. Enter Adam.
In my rewrite’s timeline, the KM is announced as having failed sometime in May, with the funeral for the crew happening shortly afterward. Keith punches Iverson sometime around June and is immediately removed from campus (though he’s allowed to come in for his final exams). He then goes to live with Adam in what was his and Shiro’s off-campus apartment.
Keith and Adam live together for about four months. It goes… Okay. They do care about one another, and have known each other for a long time, but their mutual loss of Shiro and the way they’ve chosen to cope with it (Adam by throwing himself into his work, Keith by blaming the Garrison) tears them apart. It’s hard to live with ghost.
So Keith stays with Adam, and sleeps in the guest bedroom that’s been his since he was fifteen. He signs up for online school, because Adam insists, and does odd jobs around town to keep himself busy and out of the too-quiet apartment. Tuesdays become Keith’s favorite day, because it’s the one day of the week Adam doesn’t work at all, and together they can almost forget.
They try to make it work. But they argue, a lot. About Keith’s future. About what he should do with his life. About the Garrison. And, sometimes, about Shiro. The same arguments, again and again, between two equally stubborn and equally lost people. Silent dinners and closed doors become the norm. Tuesdays start getting skipped.
Keith’s seventeenth birthday is a welcome break from the tension. Adam and Keith both wordlessly agree to drop any conscientious subjects, and instead focus on hanging out and talking to one another, just like they used to. They go to the zoo, and Adam snaps picture after picture as Keith poses so it looks like he’s petting a hippo in the background. They go to Shiro’s favorite restaurant, where the owner fusses over them and their server brings a slice of Keith’s favorite pie. When Adam goes to pay, his money is gently turned down. They race in the desert. It’s the first time Keith’s touched his motorbike in months, and that’s the only reason why he lost, he hotly contests.
It’s a good day. It’s a great day. The kind of day that, when they get back to their apartment that night, Adam doesn’t want to end, so he suggests they stay up and watch their favorite movie franchise. “It’s been a while since we last binged it,” he says, smile crooked and posture faux casual.
Keith begs off, because it’s been a long day and he’s tired. Which is true; it’s already past midnight, and they both have work tomorrow.
“But,” Keith says, and Adam immediately looks back at him. He’s wearing the jacket Adam had given him, back at the restaurant. ‘Why is half of it gone?’ He’d asked, and Adam had laughed and promised him that everything was fine. “Later, okay? When we both have the time.”
The hallway lights are off, but Adam’s grin and hope cuts through the dark. “What about Tuesday? We can make it a new tradition- ‘Movie Night Tuesdays.’ That sound good to you?”
“… Yeah,” And then he moves forward, and they’re hugging.
Keith pulls away, and Adam lets him go. “Thank you,” Keith says to the space by Adam’s left ear. “Today was really great. Definitely the best day I’ve had in a while. And it was because of you, so… Thanks, Adam. For everything.”
Adam blinks once, twice, before pulling Keith into a second, longer hug. “Happy birthday, kid.”
The next morning, Adam quietly knocks on Keith’s door before opening it. He’s only somewhat surprised to find the room empty, the window still open.
#v:lr#voltron#keith#adam#keith is 17 but because he's emancipated himself he can leave without being classified as a runaway etc#huh..... i guess keith is no longer adopted by adam ghsdkjghweda#whatever he gets adopted by adam after adam and shiro get married#long post#what was my tag for my writing again#ask#anonymous#katiecanons#my writing#my fic#one of those
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Still Just A Prank
So, there was a demand for more so I started to plan some more. But @chr0nicfuckery on Tumblr posted two ideas that I just had to write
- "Just a prank, right bro ?" Says lance, as they meet in front of the alter to get married lmao
- Look ik I commented this before, but imagine one where it's 3 years after they started fake dating and somewhere along the way they both forgot it was fake and now they're married with kids. I can't get this out of my hEaDdDd! I'm such a loser 😮💨
(Also love ur not a loser, you have great ideas and I hope I gave it justice. I ended up changing them slightly <3)
Part One!
Part 2
Keith and Lance were still fake dating, even after two years. They signed an apartment lease together and while it was a two-bedroom, they shared a bed whenever someone came over for the night to visit them. When no one was around or they weren’t expecting visitors they slept in separate rooms, they didn’t cuddle or call each other cute names, they were simply roommates.
Well, as long as you don’t focus on the multiple times Keith fell asleep in Lance’s bed because they were up talking too late. Or the time Lance pulled Keith in for a hug while watching a movie. Or the numerous times they both slipped up and called each other babe or cutie while they moved around their place.
They were just roommates in a very long prank.
“Isn’t she cute?” Shiro, a small infant in her arms, Adam standing over his shoulder with loving eyes. They had adopted a child a couple of weeks ago and the others finally were able to meet her.
Everyone gasped and murmured soft admiration for the infant, Lance almost teared up when he got to hold her. He had held multiple babies in his life, being the eldest in his family and uncle to almost a dozen children. But Keith? He looked as though he had never been around a baby before. Given Keith’s life and upbringing, that was an accurate assumption.
“Here, just try and hold her.” Lance nudged Keith to sit down and pry his arms away from where they were crossed on his chest.
“What if I drop her? What if she pukes?? Oh my god, what if I hurt her??” Keith began blubbering his anxiety but Lance still placed her gently in his arms.
“Relax hun, just breathe. I’m right here to help you if something happens.” Lance sat down next to Keith, rubbing his fingers softly on her cheek.
It took a while for Keith’s body to relax, eventually leaning into Lance a bit more, his eyes not leaving hers.
“You’re pretty good with her Keith,” Shiro sat on the opposite couch, a cup of coffee in his hands.
Keith made a small humming noise, not even bothering to look up at Shiro.
“Haha, I think you and Keith should have a kid at the rate,” Adam placed his hands on the back of Lance’s shoulders.
Lance made a small laugh, his eyes falling on the raven-haired boy. It was rare to see Keith look so gentle and have his guard down, besides when he was sleeping or cuddled up into Lance. “I think we need to get married first.”
“We should get married.”
Lance nearly spit out his coffee, placing his cup down as he coughed. “What?!”
Keith shrugged, drying his hair with a towel, only wearing black pants with a belt. Lance forced himself to look at the bananas on the counter, instead of at Keith. “We’ve been ‘together’ over two years now. I think that’s the next step.”
Lance felt his mouth go dry and he shifted his eyes to look at his reflection on the black TV screen.
“Think about it okay? I’m going to change.” Keith headed towards his bedroom and Lance slumped onto the leather coach more. “It's just a prank, okay?” Keith called from the hallway and his bedroom door clicked closed.
Lance rolled his eyes, yeah whatever. He looked down at the carpet, fake dating was one thing but fake marriage? Was that taking it too far? But if they ‘broke’ up now then they would have to pretend to hate each other and they were such close friends now Lance didn’t want to go back to pretending to hate him again.
He sighed, marriage was the next step he supposed. Hunk was starting to bring it up in conversation more.
Keith reemerged from his bedroom, finally having a loose-fitting shirt on his torso.
Lance sat up, “I want a better proposal than that. And my ring size is a size 8.” He stood up from the couch, walking towards the other boy until they were face to face. “I won’t hesitate to turn you down if it’s not good enough.” He tried to ignore the way Keith’s throat bobbed and how his face turned his signature red. He walked away before Keith could stammer out a response.
Lance felt the urge to cry as Keith lowered down to one knee, his face matching his red tie.
“Lance McClain, will you marry me?” The words were spoken softly between them but Lance could hear them clearly.
He nodded excitedly, Keith had kept his promise, after all, even going as far as asking Lance’s parents for approval. He took him out to a nice dinner, then a cocktail party on a cruise ship, with the old squad. He proposed under the stars, a faint glow of the lobby lights shining on them.
Pidge whopped and Hunk whistled as Keith lowered to the ground and Shiro wiped a tear or two away. The ring fit perfectly, it was silver with a blue band around the middle. They were both handed a glass of champagne afterward and spent the night with each other's arms wrapped around them.
The ceremony was planned for a year later, and in that time they ended up buying a house. It was a smaller two-story with two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and a kitchen/dining room along with a living room and another bathroom downstairs. It was a bit of a fixer-upper but the project was a bit relaxing for both of them. After fighting aliens in space and not having to work after returning to Earth. They both still worked at the Garrison but they both could retire if they wanted to.
Perks of saving the world and all.
“And this room could be the nursery!” Lance walked into the smaller bedroom, throwing his arms out as he spun in a circle. “Well hypothetically. You need a bedroom after all.” He looked at Keith who was staring at him from where he leaned against the doorframe.
“Let’s see how it all plays out.”
Lance slid his white jacket on, letting his dad help attach the flowers to his chest pocket. “Are you all good to go?”
Lance swallowed nervously, “did you feel like puking on your wedding day too?”
His dad laughed, “Son, I wouldn’t recommend going through with the wedding if you weren’t about to throw up. Everyone can see how much you love Keith and we all see how much Keith loves you.”
Lance nodded, “okay yeah. Then let's do this.”
The ceremony passed without any issues or objections. Keith grabbed Lance and swung him around so he was looking up at him. He leaned down to kiss him, pulling away to whisper soft words between them. “Just a prank right?” Lance nodded and Keith kissed him again.
Soon he and Keith were walking back down the aisle, hand in hand while people cheered for them and threw seeds at them; weird tradition but whatever. Lance had bought Keith the same style engagement ring he bought Lance, but with a red band in the center. Their wedding rings were black with a purple band in the center.
Lance took the lead for their first dance, surprised at how much he had improved from the first rehearsal they had months ago. The world melted away as they spun around the room, almost as if they were the only people in the room.
Speeches were next and Keith went first. “Lance, we have been a team since before we started dating. We went from rivals to friends to lovers and honestly, I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” he talked about his favorite memories together, their first big fight, the dread of being dragged to every single apartment or house showing. He kept his speech short and simple, a Keith style of most emotional things. “And Lance,” he held his glass up, “we’ve done a lot together and a lot of pranks. But this is the best thing we could have done.”
Lance smiled at the double meaning and planted a kiss on his cheek as he sat back down at their table. Lance was next, whose speech was a lot more emotional and heartfelt than Keith’s. It was humorous to look at the difference between the two men, but it was something that Lance focused on. Explaining how Keith liked the toilet paper roll over and Lance liked it under. Keith hung his shirts a certain way while Lance just left them in a pile. Keith slept with one blanket and Lance slept with ten.
“Keith, no one thought we could work out,” his eyes fell onto Pidge, “but I finally was able to put my differences aside and learn about who you were. You are an interesting and in-depth individual and I look forward to more adventures and pranks with you in the future.”
Cake cutting was next and Lance tried to shove his piece into Keith's face, but he dodged it effortlessly. They danced and drank until the sun was about to rise. The alcohol might have played a role in it or maybe they were both into character for their “prank” but there was more lip kissing than there had been the past couple of years. Most of them were to show for others but as they both fell into their hotel room bed, their honeymoon destination waiting for them the next day, the kisses kept going. The fact no one was around to “prove” their relationship to just reminded them of their one years anniversary.
Neither of them spoke about that night, but something has shifted between them. Neither of them vocalized this feeling but it was almost as if everything finally clicked into place.
“Congratulations you two, you’re approved to start fostering.”
Lance intertwined his fingers with Keith’s, it had been two years since the wedding but after traveling they both wanted to go on to the next step.
The agent began to show them a couple of files on the kids they had but neither of them was picky. Keith just wanted to help kids the way he never got help when he was younger and alone. A younger boy was placed with them, he was a “troublemaker” according to the agent; something that didn’t bother the two men.
“Troublemaker usually means disrespected or not listened to,” Keith sprawled out on the bed. He was laying on his stomach and his head and arms hung off. Lance sat next to him, tracing his back muscles through his shirt.
“I know that hits close to home.”
“Well come on, let’s get some sleep. We can meet him tomorrow.”
Keith nodded and moved around so he was laying on his side of the bed. “Big or little?”
Lance smiled, leaning over to turn off the light. “I’ll be the big spoon.” He cuddled up behind him and closed his eyes.
Keith and the kid clicked almost instantly. They were warned that he would be quiet and unapproachable but after 10 minutes Keith had him laughing and telling him his interest.
Lance focused on the food he was making as they sat on the coach and talked. He could tell Keith was showing him their photobook.
“Oh and that was when we went to Japan, Lance may or may not have tripped down a flight of stairs.”
The kid laughed and Lance smiled, grabbing the two plates to bring out to them.
“How did you two get together? Was it because of Voltron?
Lance froze in the hallway, holding his breath as he waited for Keith’s response.
Keith took a long sigh, not of annoyance but indicating he was thinking. “Kinda, we weren’t together during Voltron, we started dating afterward.”
“Oh, how did you two start dating then?”
Lance could hear the smile in Keith’s voice. “Let’s just say that we did a lot of pranks after Voltron ended.”
Hehehe, this work makes me happy. I hope no one takes this fic super seriously it was just something fun to write.
If anyone has any ideas for more I could maybe write one more chapter.
I plan on writing a long fake dating fic in the future (not the same style as this one) after my other klance fic is done
Thank you for reading <333333333333333
Part One!
#klance#keith x lance#keith / lance#no beta#part two#just a prank#fake dating#adashi#posted to ao3#my writing#long post#written with permission#others ideas#thank you#i really enjoyed this#lance#lance vld#lance voltron legendary defender#lance voltron#keith#keith vld#keith voltron legendary defender#keith voltron
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Do you have any older klance headcanons
they don’t have kids. keith has too much damage about families, lance already feels fulfilled with the family that he has, and they’ve already had enough responsibility to last them a lifetime. they just want to spend the rest of their lives enjoying each other’s company and having fun
they do get married, eventually, though keith still thinks marriage is unnecessary and bowing to the wills of the government. he ends up giving in, though, because he knows its important to lance. they get married on varadero beach and honeymoon in space on lots of different cool and exciting planets
lance starts getting facial hair and he hates it. he literally learns how to wax his facial hair out because he hates it and doesn’t even want stubble. keith doesn’t get much but he shaves away any he gets. he thinks facial hair looks gross but he doesn’t mind the stubble enough to deal with the pain of waxing it
lance: ugh get your gross scratchy stubble away from me ew
keith: i literally have like two tiny patches of stubble. you are so dramatic
lance, sticking his tongue out: gross old scratchy man
keith: i’m 25
lance goes to college, keith doesn’t because he doesn’t like structure but he sticks around for lance’s sake obviously. lance is an undeclared major for a while but he ends up going into marine biology. he’s had enough of space otherwise he would do astronomy...but he’s really just in college for fun and not career prospects (they plan to live the rest of their life blackmailing the garrison for money and otherwise just working whatever jobs are fun for them at the time)
once lance is out of college, they move around frequently. after being in literal space and not staying in one place for more than a few days, it feels super unnatural to think of staying somewhere forever. plus, if they move around they get to see the whole world. they rent apartments for 3 months at a time, or if they can’t do that, they just get a longer term airbnb
one of their favorite places they ever live is japan actually...keith has been learning japanese in his lots of free time, trying to connect with his culture and stuff, and he teaches lance enough to get by (though in most cities in japan, you can get by on english). they stay there for like, almost a year. it’s a fun place and they spend lots of time exploring and finding new and interesting things to do
lance becomes way too obsessed with gacha machines. keith comes home and lance is like “look at all these new things i got today!” and it’s like 3 tiny kirby figures and a tiny pokemon plush
keith’s favorite part of japan is cat island. lance has to stop him from adopting 20 cats
whenever they’re in between places they live, they go visit someone they love and crash on their couch
they visit shiro and adam, who live near the garrison still. shiro never stopped wanting to teach, so they got the garrison to set them up in a cool ass apartment nearby. shiro loves when they visit and takes a whole week off work the first time just to hang out. keith just wants to chill, but he humors shiro because he knows he should. the good thing is that adam is an excellent cook, so it’s nice living with them
keith also gets to walk around the garrison like a ghost when he visits shiro. he likes finding hiding places to pop out from and scare the shit out of iverson
hunk is living in an apartment in new york with pidge, and they’re living out their dreams (meaning hunk is a chef at a 5 star restaurant and pidge is hacking whoever she wants for fun. she gets a monthly stipend from the united states government to keep her from hacking them. sometimes she does it anyways).
hunk and lance have missed being together so much. pidge and hunk get a special rendition of the dance that hunk and lance made to gwen stefani’s “hollaback girl” when they were kids
they occasionally visit allura, romelle, and coran in space, too! allura is busy a lot with her new role of queen of the universe but she always finds a few days to hang out with the old crew whenever they visit
they also visit florida and cuba to see all of lance’s family! lance gets a lot of time to show keith around his hometown(s). keith still isn’t huge on the beach, not a fan of the heat or the sand, but he loves seeing lance in his element so much that he will always go along without complaint
hope this was good anon! sorry it took so long!
#klance#klance headcanons#keith kogane#lance mcclain#voltron#i didn't think i would enjoy these as much as i did but i rlly liked doing them!#maybe klance future can be fun when it's not just a fulfillment of the nuclear family american dream lol#Anonymous
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All my ideas for Klance (or other ships if u want) fics bc I’m a terrible writer with no motivation
Please feel free to write these and lmk if u do or if u find one cuz I want them to be real so bad haha
Keith and Lance are both part of an orphanage and Lance gets adopted before by a large Hispanic fam and Keith gets adopted later by Adam and Shiro. Keith and Lance were besties in the orphanage but don’t see each other until they grow up. Lance is slightly younger than Keith and doesn’t remember right away but Keith can tell immediately who Lance is but doesn’t tell him he knows who Lance out of fear or whatever idk but this idea sounded cute
I was gonna write this next one as a series but do what u want with it, so basically Adam and Shiro are teachers at a high school, Shiro and Keith are brothers, and Adam is Lance’s older cousin or jsut a fam friend of Lance’s. Series starts with Shiro coming out to Keith bc he’s dating Adam and Keith just bein liek “bitch me too tf?” And the series basically jsjt follows Klance getting together and Shadam progressing (btw for this idea I intended for Keith and Lance to be 14ish when the series started and so they’re just beginning to think abt feelings and then the series ends with them being like college age and a shadam wedding)
Leakira/Klance crossover! Keith and Lance get transported to another reality where they are Leandro and Akira who fight along side the other characters in a rebellion (Or whatever the leakira universe/plot is idrk exactly how it goes). And basically Leakira is established but Klance isn’t so when Klance gets to this wierd reality and two people who look shockingly similar to Keith and Lance start being couply and shut they get uncomfortable and gotta figure out they’re own feelings
FIX IT FICS this is mostly me just begging for fix it fics (PLEASE SEND ME LINKS TO SOME IF U KNOW GOOD ONES) but I was also gonna write my own where it’s a series that walks through basically every scene/episode that I’d like to have changed plus putting in other details from unsatisfied fans. Mainly I’m thinking of/looking for allura not dying, Adam not dying, Klance becoming canon after the sunset talk and Lance becoming confused abt his not so feelings for allura and his “new” feelings for Keith
Future/Time travel fics, ik there’s a crap ton of these out there so please send links and I really like the ones where like the mind of younger Keith or Lance is sent into the body of future Keith or Lance and they realize that they like get married or whatever and gotta 1. Find they’re way back and 2. Deal with what the future hold for them
Basically anything that features Adam and Shiro, I’m was trying to find/write fics with more bg shadam bc a lot of Klance fics are bg shallura which I have no problem with I just ship and like shadam more
Post Canon Fix it Fics, fics where basically everything that’s canon happens but after allura death and after time when Lance is ready to move on, he goes and joins BoM with Keith and they travel the universe together like they were meant to
Any fics with Kosmo. I fuckin love that wolf
SONG FICS this is a major one on this list bc I have had this idea for a good year at least and I have not written it but I 100% believe that the song for him. by Troye Sivan is Klance’s song. It is 10/10 I highly recommend listening to it and I love it and I would love to see a fic inspired by or incorporates the song lyrics bc they are beautiful and troye is an absolute genius and I love him
That’s kinda it for rn if y’all actually liked these ideas I have so many more
#voltron#voltron legendary defender#keith kogane#takashi shirogane#vld shiro#vld keith#klance#klance fic recs#voltron season 8#lance mcclain#vld lance#pidge gunderson#vld pidge#shadam#adashi#adam vld#hunk garrett#hunk vld#allura vld#allura#fix it fic
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flight partners
The first time he flies in the simulator, Lance crashes immediately and the entire class laughs
He's embarrassed, yeah, but he's feeling on the top of the world because he's at the Garrison
But then he sees Keith flying, a whole group of students gathered around him to watch him go, and feels something a whole lot different
And he sees Keith's face when he finally steps down from the simulator, flushed under all the attention, and he thinks "God, I want to be like him"
So Lance goes down to the simulators at night to practice his little heart out, and for some strange reason, no one ever catches him
A year goes by. Lance is getting better at flying, but if Keith ever notices the other boy chasing after him, he never mentions it
Professor Shirogane talks to Keith a lot
Shiro: lol have you seen that kid
Keith: wot
Shiro: Keith you blind fuck
Lance keeps practicing his flying, and soon the whole class is noticing him and he's swimming in the glory of it
But it's more than that because he's finally doing what he loves
But Keith
Doesn't see him
Shiro: lol it's you and Lance all the time, neck and neck
Keith: who the fuck is Lance Shiro I swear if you're fucking with me again
Lance, later to some random kid in the hall: he doesn't even kNoW wHo I aM
Hunk, young and confused: there there?
And more than everything Lance wants Keith to recognize him and all the effort he put into learning how to fly so when Professor Shirogane pairs them up in a flight simulator Lance is ecstatic
"Hey, Keith! We're like flight partners now!"
But the whole thing is a disaster because they fly in such different ways
Keith flies like he's trying to run away, rough and reckless, but Lance flies like he's coming home
Naturally, it's a mess and they fail the mission. Lance is a little upset, but Keith is furious because "why can't you listen to what I'm telling you to do?"
"Because we're flight partners - you're not supposed to be my boss!"
They fight, Shiro breaks them apart, and they both have detention for all of eternity
It's a pain in the ass, and Lance spends the whole time imagining how he's going to become better than Keith, then beat him
As the years go by, it's always Lance and Keith, neck and neck, in everything. For some strange, mysterious reason, they keep getting paired up in the simulator
Keith: Shiro I swear to God-
Shiro: It wasn't me I swear the computer generates them all
Shiro: lol thanks Matt
They fight all the time. They fail their missions and argue instead of flying and it's a complete bust each time
Neither of them really remember why they started hating each other. They don' really care either
When Shiro and Adam, two famous flight partners, get engaged, neither Keith nor Lance mentions it to the other
Hunk, singing: it is your destiny~~
Lance: Hunk I love you but I'm going to fuci-
If anyone cares to realize that Keith has practically been adopted by Shiro and Adam, no one mentions it but Lance
Lance: lol don't those three kind of remind you of victuuri and yurio lol they give off the same kind of vibe
Hunk: wh-
Pidge: hELL yEaH
When Shiro is chosen to go to Kerberos, neither Keith nor Lance mentions it to the other
When Adam breaks up with Shiro, they still don't talk
When Shiro is announced dead, Keith doesn't show up to class. Lance is paired with a girl he's never talked to before. The simulator seems silent without their arguing
The next time Lance finds Keith, they're out in the desert, and he's strangely glad to see him because that's his flight partner
Keith doesn't remember him
For some reason, Lance is grateful
They get up into space, and they argue and snap and get in each other's business, just like they used to do, and Lance is t h r i v i n g
It's like the old times
And even though they're always fighting, there's a force bringing them together, and underneath all the shouting is a thin layer of warmth that screams of hope
At least, that's how Shiro sees it, because he's honestly sick of them fighting
Over their years in space, they become more like teammates and more like flight partners and more like friends. They go to each other for help and advice
Lance: why me? Shiro is right next door
Keith: you're my right hand man and my friend
Lance: no, we're flight partners
Keith: what why do you keep saying that
And the frost from their childhood melts away into warmth and soon into a fiery tornado of mutual strength and affection
And everyone can see it
And it's not only in the way they talk to each other now
It's in the way they fly, constantly circling around each other, always gravitating and succumbing to whatever force is bringing them together
Because Lance found a home in Keith, and Keith found someone to run to
When they get back to Earth, there's a moment where Keith is afraid he's going to lose Lance because he has his real home now but
Lance: Keith, you may not be the place I grew up in, but you're my (boy)friend, and if you'll allow it, you'll always be my home. My go to. My fellow paladin. My-
Keith: flight partner?
Lance, sobbing bi tears: hell yeah flight partner
They get married, eventually, and albeit a little reluctantly, they have to invite Shiro and Adam, who will Not Get Off Keith's Ass
Adam: we raised such a good gay child didn't we, Takashi?
Shiro: fuck yeah we did
No marriage is perfect, so they're fighting all the damn time, but for some reason, they always find each other at the other's side by the end of the day
Because flight partners are supposed work together, and they never leave each other's side
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As someone who used to be deep in the paint wrt vld drama, this article is so fucking funny bc the guy writing it totally obfuscates the fact that LGBT fans were actually more pissed that Shiro's boyfriend (Adam) was killed in s7 after being advertised as some progressive big character in PR stunts. And then they killed him off after showing him for like 10 seconds. So people got super pissed, to the point where Dos Santos DM'd fans on Twitter asking if they could help him write an apology.
And then the wedding for s8 was super tone deaf NOT because Shiro retired or whatever (the only people who actually believed that were weirdos who shipped him with his adoptive brother and who actively celebrated Adam's death bc he got in the way of their ship) but bc it was such blatant pandering and a total non apology for burying gays.
The writer here also neglects to mention that the petition from fans was like some weird demand from Shiro/Keith shippers for DreamWorks to release the "Real Ending" where Shiro and Keith actually get married that they had deluded themselves into thinking existed (a la johnlockers thinking there was a secret johnlock episode lmao)
He also ignores the fact that s8 also tanked bc they killed off the only woman of color on the show after subjecting her to seasons of weird misogyny and racism
Anyway tl;dr: This article is a hot mess bc while it is /technically/ true, the writer is twisting stuff to fit his shipping agenda, which is so on brand for the Voltron fandom it hurts
ive never watched an episode of voltron in my life but i jus read an article about how joaquim dos santos and lauren montgomery explicitly lied to press about their involvement in the failure of voltron and that they were singlehandedly responsible for the homophobic writing and ending and went out of their way to ignore the comments of both their hired sensitivity consultants and lgbt employees and im SCREAMING
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