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stephenwhatcott · 3 months ago
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Ruins (2024), acrylic on canvas 30 x 20cm.
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[ad_1] A pass judgement on on Thursday ordered a Herriman guy to face trial for homicide in a 2020 capturing dying at a Salt Lake County park when he used to be 17. (Kristin Murphy, Deseret Information) Estimated learn time: 2-3 minsSALT LAKE CITY — A pass judgement on on Thursday ordered a Herriman guy to face trial on fees of capturing right into a automotive, killing one individual and injuring two others after a war of words over a drug deal.Andrew Whatcott, who turns 19 on Friday, used to be charged as an grownup in October 2020 when he used to be 17. He's charged with homicide and 5 counts of discharge of a firearm inflicting severe harm, first-degree felonies; plus ownership of a firearm via a limited individual and obstructing justice, second-degree felonies.Police had been referred to as to Tanner Park, 2695 E. Heritage Approach, on Oct. 18, 2020, and came upon that two males and a girl have been shot. Domnyk Marez, 25, later died from his accidents.The lady later informed police that she had organized to shop for marijuana from Whatcott, however there used to be a war of words over the associated fee after they met. The lady informed Whatcott to get out of her automotive however he refused, and Marez driven Whatcott out of the automobile, in keeping with charging paperwork. When Marez informed the lady to force off, "that used to be when 'Drew' began capturing at them," the costs state.3rd District Pass judgement on Mark Kouris decided he had heard sufficient proof to fortify the costs to warrant a tribulation after listening to the testimony from the case's lead police investigator.Kouris requested for rationalization in regards to the fees of discharge of a firearm inflicting severe harm, requesting every of them to be changed to be tied to a particular individual and harm. One rely tied to a bullet wound within the guy's leg used to be amended to a discharge of a firearm that led to harm, however now not severe harm.Whatcott's lawyers argued that there used to be no concrete proof tying him to the gun and that there used to be no proof offered on the initial listening to appearing any intent from Whatcott to dedicate any crime aside from to break out from the scene."It kind of feels to me there may be extra occurring right here than meets the attention … and I am positive there may be some explanation why this went down how it did," mentioned protection lawyer Roy Cole.The police investigator who testified mentioned that the gun, which used to be discovered discarded close to the scene, used to be processed for DNA, however there have been such a lot of DNA profiles discovered at the gun that they might now not sufficiently analyze it. He additionally mentioned that Whatcott's fingerprints weren't discovered at the weapon.Deputy Salt Lake County district lawyer Shane Cohen, alternatively, mentioned statements from two witnesses supplied sufficient proof to turn that Whatcott used to be the gunman.Cole mentioned that he plans to pursue a self-defense argument for Whatcott, who entered pleas of now not accountable for every of the costs towards him.×Comparable TalesExtra tales you can be eager about [ad_2] #Homicide #trial #ordered #Herriman #guy #accused #capturing
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letzternachtzug · 4 years ago
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Stephen Whatcott
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hier-houdt-het-op · 7 years ago
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ions-in-the-ether · 7 years ago
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Stephen Whatcott United Kingdom
Painting Size: 51.2 H x 35.4 W x 1.8 in
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marcholasmoth · 7 years ago
OSRR: 1220
today i actually did get to see ian and it was really nice. sure we haven't really talked a lot recently but it was still good to see him and hug him and hear him speak and it's just generally comforting to be around him. same with his brother james. they're both so comforting and calming to be around, for different reasons. ian gets me. james gets me. and i love being near them.
also i'm bleeding again. can this just. y'know. STOP. i'm not willing to put up with this for another thirty years. no thank you. get rid of the cramps, the moodiness, the cravings, the PAIN, the BLOODY CLOTHING AND BEDSHEETS. IM SO DONE WITH PERIODS.
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art-now-uk · 4 years ago
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Roma, Stephen Whatcott
Combining emotional intensity, spontaneity and control, Roma is an energetic abstract expressionistic painting using colours and tones influenced by the Italian city of Rome, with an emphasis on capturing the beauty and history of one of the greatest cities on earth and the human interaction with it. "Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is." - Jackson Pollock
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deleimante · 5 years ago
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Stephen Whatcott; b. 1983
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cultml · 6 years ago
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stephenwhatcott · 4 months ago
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Strangelight (2024), acrylic on canvas 30 x 20cm.
This work was inspired by the song Strangelight by the punk band Fugazi, looking to match its atmospheric mood and sense of unease.
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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52) Kanadyjskie Stowarzyszenie Wolnej Wypowiedzi, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) - jedna z wielu grup prowadzonych przez neonazistę i zwolennika białej supremacji Paula Fromma. Założona w 1981 roku CAFE deklaruje, że jest zaangażowana w promowanie i obronę całkowitej wolności słowa i dziesięć razy w roku publikuje Free Speech Monitor. Chociaż rozpoczęła się w Ontario, została również włączona w Albercie. Przeciwnicy oskarżyli CAFE o rasizm, argumentując, że nie tylko wspiera ona prawa do wolności słowa skrajnie prawicowych grup, ale także promuje ich poglądy. CAFE skrytykowała to, co uważa za niesprawiedliwość wobec białych ludzi w Kanadzie, i argumentowała, że ​​kanadyjskie przepisy nie bronią stanowczo wolności słowa białych i są zbyt wyważone na korzyść mniejszości. CAFE prowadziła kampanię (wraz z nieistniejącymi białymi grupami nacjonalistycznymi Canadian Heritage Alliance i Northern Alliance) na rzecz uwolnienia Brada Love'a, który, jak twierdził, został uwięziony za wyrażanie swoich natywistycznych uczuć. CAFE prowadziła również kampanię na rzecz uwolnienia negacjonistów Holokaustu, Ernsta Zündela i Davida Irvinga, a także przeciwko prawnikowi zajmującemu się prawami człowieka Richardowi Warmanowi i Kanadyjskiej Komisji Praw Człowieka. W dniu 23 listopada 2007 r. Sędzia Sądu Najwyższego Ontario, Monique Métivier, orzekła, że ​​Fromm i CAFE zniesławiły Warmana i nakazała im zapłacenie 30 000 dolarów odszkodowania i opublikowanie pełnych odwołań w ciągu dziesięciu dni na wszystkich stronach internetowych, na których opublikowano zniesławiające komentarze. Sąd Apelacyjny w Ontario utrzymał w mocy wyrok w grudniu 2008 r., podnosząc odszkodowanie do 40 000 USD, ponieważ Fromm został zobowiązany do zapłacenia dodatkowych 10 000 USD na pokrycie kosztów prawnych Warmana. Warman powiedział, że orzeczenie sądu apelacyjnego „wysyła wiadomość, że ci, którzy próbują użyć płaszcza wolności słowa, aby zatruć reputację innych ludzi poprzez kłamstwa i zniesławienie, robią to na własne ryzyko”. CAFE była interwenientem w sprawie Oger przeciwko Whatcott, rozprawie przed Trybunałem Praw Człowieka Kolumbii Brytyjskiej w sprawie nękania pani Oger przez pana Whatcotta, który według pani Oger prowadził bardzo publiczną kampanię nękania jej ze względu na jej tożsamość płciową. CAFE poparła prawo pana Whatcotta do składania takich oświadczeń i przyjęła wiele oświadczeń pana Whatcotta w swoich pismach przed Trybunałem. W dniu 27 marca 2019 r. Trybunał orzekł, że zachowanie CAFE jako interwenienta było „niewłaściwe”, a jej oświadczenia były „podżegające, uwłaczające, lekceważące i nieodpowiednie”.
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letzternachtzug · 4 years ago
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Stephen Whatcott
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allthecanadianpolitics · 7 years ago
William Whatcott, a well-known anti-LGBTQ activist wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for wilful promotion of hatred, plans to turn himself in this week, according to his lawyer.
Whatcott, who once lived in New Westminster, is accused of distributing 3,000 pamphlets to attendees at Pride Toronto’s 2016 parade. They contained what Toronto police call “hateful” content. A warrant was issued in spring 2018.
Whatcott’s lawyer, Charles Lugosi, said his client intends to turn himself in to police in Calgary on Friday, June 21. The allegations contained in the warrant have not been proven in court.
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quasi-normalcy · 6 years ago
I've decided that Bill whatcott should have no human rights on account if the fact that "he" doesn't actually exist. I shall be organising a demonstration against having thw Bill-Whatcottist ideology shoved down my throat outside of "his" "home."
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julie1971 · 3 years ago
Canadian Christian activist on trial for alleged ‘hate crime’ at a 2016 ‘pride’ parade
Canadian Christian activist on trial for alleged ‘hate crime’ at a 2016 ‘pride’ parade
Canadian Christian activist on trial for alleged ‘hate crime’ at a 2016 ‘pride’ parade Bill Whatcott is taking a risk by going to trial, but he believes he has a ‘moral obligation’ to fight the charge. Bill Whatcott is taking a risk by going to trial, but he believes he has a ‘moral obligation’ to fight the charge. Mon Oct 4, 2021 – 9:08 pm EDT Big Tech is censoring us. Subscribe to our email…
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minimalabstractart · 3 years ago
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Stephen Whatcott @stephenwhatcott #minimalabstractart#abstractartprojects#minimalabstractartprojects https://www.instagram.com/p/CD3Vud_HJVg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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