#what the fuck is a boast eater
i-eater · 7 days
That one time eye eater tried to look cool... he failed.
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2 notes · View notes
hirukochan · 1 year
A Severus Snape x fem!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Severus Snape x former student reader
Summary: Complaining to your friend about Snape's complicated presence in your life ends up with you being pulled into the battle of Hogwarts. Will Snape survive?
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Warnings: Smut, some degradation, angst, blood
Wordcount: 6300
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
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“I don’t know!” You whine and drop your head onto the counter.
“What do you mean ‘you don’t know’ how can you not know why you fuck someone?”
“It was a lapse in judgement.”
“A huge bloody lapse that must have been.” Aberforth grunts and dries a glass with a dirty rag. “Severus fucking Snape - his name is almost as feared as you-know-who’s these days.”
“I know!” You peer up from the counter. Aberforth looks grim - but he always looks grim. In your sixth year, you once and for all decided the Three Broomsticks is too crowded and unpleasant to be in. The Hog’s Head already had a terrible reputation back then, but you didn’t care as long as it was quiet. A sorta friendship developed between you and the barman after that. “Do you hate me now?”
Aberforth grunts. “Hate you? Ridiculous girl.” He turns to put the glass back on the shelf to the other glasses that were never used. “What would I hate you for?”
“I slept with Snape.”
“I repeat, and?”
“He- he killed your brother…”
“I’m certain he has killed a lot more than just my brother and as you know Albus and I haven’t spoken in years. When you are as old as me you don’t view death as something so terrible anymore. Anyway, I heard he was sick. Caught some nasty curse or something.”
“I’m a terrible person.”
“Don’t flatter yourself! There are way worse people out there. Snape for example.” He makes a sound that distantly resembles a laugh. A rattling  humph  sound. You glare at him, but can’t help the corners of your mouth twitch.
“Was it at least good?”
“That’s the worst part.” You groan and prop your head up against your hand.
“That bad?”
“The opposite.”
“That good, hm?”
You blush and quickly take a large gulp of your drink to hide it. 
“You know, I’ve said it before you should-”
“I’m not joining the resistance, Aberforth!” You groan. “I have nothing to bring to the table. I was decent at best in Defense. I’d get myself killed within the first few days.”
“You know Snape.”
“I fail to see the connection.” Aberforth raises a brow and you shrink a little under his intense ‘are-you-kidding-me’-gaze.
“A spy in their midst would be useful.” He says gruffly and places another glass on a shelf.
“I’m no spy! I can’t fool Snape! We can hate him as much as he deserves to be hated but you have to agree that he’s a bloody genius! I could never fool him.”
“You said he broke into your flat while fatally injured. Even a genius is sometimes just a man thinking with his cock.”
“I’m not whoring myself out to-” Your outrage is cut short by an ear-splitting scream outside.
“This damn Caterwauling Charm!” Aberforth roars and hurls his dishcloth to the ground. You press your hands to your ears to shield them from the scream. It rips through the night like a sharp knife through skin, tearing at your eardrums and every nerve in your body. It is like the caster of the charm is standing right next to you but the terrible sound clearly comes from outside.
“What is this?” You shout over the wail towards Aberforth.
“Curfew’s been broken! They were boasting about being sent here to catch Potter. Seem to be thinking he’d be stupid enough to come here and they seem to be right.”
You get up from the bar stool and follow Aberforth to the window.
The wailing stops. You take a relieved breath and drop your hands to your side. Multiple Death Eaters dressed in dark robes are storming out of the  Three Broomsticks . They are talking about something, but you can’t hear.
“Poor Rosmerta.” You grimace at the thought of having to serve those monsters at your establishment. Instinctively you grab your wand in your pocket. Dementors flood into the village. You tense.
“Bloody fool!” Aberforth growls. A shimmering blue stag runs through the town centre, fighting off shadowy dementors. Potter’s Patronus. You gasp, clasping your hands over your mouth. So Aberforth is right. Harry Potter is here in Hogsmeade.
“What would possess him-”
Aberforth stalks through the room and rips open the door. 
“Potter!” He hisses. Wind tears at his robes and what sounds like three sets of hasty footsteps cross through the room and up the trickery wooden staircase behind the counter. You see nothing. If it weren’t for the steps you’d think nothing happened. 
“Invisibility cloak.” Aberforth mutters over his shoulder, but his attention is suddenly pulled away by multiple hooded figures reaching the pub. You take a step back, disappearing in the shadows. 
“So what?” Bellows Aberforth in response to something you didn’t catch. “So what? You send dementors down my street, I’ll send a Patronus back at’em! I’m not having’em near me, I’ve told you that. I’m not having it!”
“That wasn’t your Patronus! That was a stag. It was Potter’s!” A Death Eater shouts back, sounding rather childish you note.
“Stag!” Roars Aberforth. He draws his wand and you tense, grabbing your own tighter, your knuckles going white. If they attack Aberforth you’ll- jump into a fight you’re gloriously outnumbered in? “Stag! You idiot - Expecto Patronum! ”
Aberforth’s large goat Patronus jumps from the tip of his wand. Head down, it charges toward the village centre, and out of sight. 
“That’s not what I saw” says the Death Eater, sounding less convinced than before.
“Curfew’s been broken, you heard the noise,” Another Death Eater interrupted the first. “Someone was out on the streets against regulations-”
“It was me.” You say and step forward, out of the shadows like Snape always used to when catching you out and about in the castle after curfew and the thought almost makes you laugh hysterically considering what you’re about to do. “When I arrived that horrible sound started.”
“You set off the charm?” The first Death Eater says confused. His eyes roam over your body, causing a cold shiver to run down your back and a foul taste to spread in your mouth. You resist the urge to wrap your arms around yourself to hide from the hungry stares of the dark wizards.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
“What are you doing here at this hour, beautiful?” The second one purrs in a sickly-sweet tone of voice. You somehow manage to keep your blatant disgust from showing on your face. You square your shoulder and raise your chin, looking down at the men with nothing but disinterested arrogance.
“That is hardly of your concern.” The men look at each other, snickering mockingly.
“‘Hardly of your concern’?” One sneers. “Princess thinks herself too good to follow the rules.”
“Perhaps we ought to teach her a lesson, boys.”
“I am-” you raise your voice to drown out their beginning discussion of what to do with you. “-here to see Severus, so do yourself the favour and fuck off, yes?” A murmur passes through the Death Eaters. Saying Snape’s first name feels weird.
“The headmaster doesn’t receive walk-ins - especially not at this hour, even if they are as pretty as you.”
“He’s expecting me, you moron!” He is definitely not expecting you! He said he hopes you’ll never have to see him again!
“She sounds just like him.” One of the figures murmurs.
“Wait-” Another interrupts him. “I recognise you! You’re Snape’s little whore! Yes! The one in Diagon Alley, you remember boys? The shop that’s off-limits. I wondered why a pathetic bookshop would be off-limits until Wilkies said he was sent to get Snape from there and who do you think opened the door?”
You keep your chin held high and your clenched fists hidden in the pockets of your coat you had not taken off in your hurry to get out all the things weighing on your chest. Aberforth catches your gaze. His brows are knitted, an unspoken question in his eyes. You give him a tiny nod. 
You can do this. 
If Potter is here, here, there must be a damn good reason for it and if you could keep Snape distracted long enough-
Something in your chest tightens painfully at the thought of deceiving the man, which is ridiculous! He’s a Death Eater and a murderer!
He said this will all be over soon and while he probably meant that you-know-who will kill Potter soon - you have the chance to help the resistance here, help Potter. Everyone says he’s your only hope so here goes nothing.
“If you’re done wasting my time, then!” You growl, pissed off by the way they speak about you right to your face.
“You’re not going anywhere alone!” The Death Eater who recognised you says sharply. “Wouldn’t want you to get lost on your way to your…” His eyes roam over your body and he licks his lips. “ Date .”
It’s hard to resist the urge to claw his eyeballs out with your fingernails but you succeed. Somehow. 
He steps to the side and gestures for you to lead the way. “We’ll escort you.”
You shoot him a snide glance and leave behind  The Hogshead  and Aberforth and the pretended safety you have been surrounding yourself in ever since Albus Dumbledore died.
Your stomach drops further with every step you take towards the imposing castle looming over the quiet village. You are flanked by two of the hooded figures. Your mouth feels dry and fuzzy and not even the sight of your beloved Hogwarts with its glimmering windows can ease your anxiety.
What if Snape blows your cover? ‘Expecting her? Why would I be expecting her?’  What if he decides to play along? Or maybe he’ll ask why you lied?
You take a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air into your lungs, focusing on the way they expand in your chest.
Snape came to  your  flat when he was fatally injured! Aberforth is right, that has to mean something! It just has to…And Potter is here for a reason! They say he is the only one that will be able to defeat you-know-who and while placing your fate on the shoulders of a seventeen-year-old sounds ridiculous  you  will certainly not defeat the most powerful Dark wizard to ever live! But you can distract Snape. Yes. You can keep him busy and buy Potter a chance to do whatever he is here for- 
Or Snape sees right through you and Potter doesn’t have a plan.
You can’t even begin to tell yourself you don’t want to distract Snape like that because your body is already working against you.
You reach the iron gate. It opens with a shrill squeak and your feet once more hit the grounds of Hogwarts. Even with your nerves raw and plotting an escape from your body to save themselves while you walk to your doom. There is light in Hagrid’s hut. The treeline of the forbidden forest is cloaked in shadows, thicker and somehow darker than normal shadows and just like when you were a student here you feel like eyes are watching you from between the trees. The water of the Black Lake splashes against rocks and while in your teenage years you found the sound soothing it now only serves to unnerve you further. 
You don’t look up to the headmaster's window. 
You’re also shamefully aroused and your heart flutters at the thought of seeing Snape’s endlessly dark eyes that look so cold and apathetic from a distance but when you were standing right in front of him they had looked so soft and filled with emotion you could not dissect and you wonder if they always looked like that. Perhaps you had just never stood close enough to him to notice? A vein part of you whispered that it is all for you and no one else. 
You squash the voice.
Your steps echo in the entrance hall. Your eyes catch the piercing gaze of Professor McGonagall, the strict head of Gryffindor house and Transfigurations Professor. Next to her in the doorway to the Great Hall stands Professor Flitwick. As soon as they see you and your escorts they hastily end their hushed conversation. They stare at you in quiet recognition and shock and you fail to conceal your fear from them.
“This way, beautiful.” One of the Death Eaters sneers and grabs your arm. You rip free and glare at him, barely resisting the urge to punch him. “Headmaster must be waiting already.” He grins, bearing his yellow teeth at you with unabashed ridicule. Disgust prickles over your skin, sinking into your stomach.
“Don’t touch me.” You hiss because you can’t help yourself. Without looking at your former Professors again you turn towards the grand staircase. Each step worsens the brooding feeling of inevitable doom that’s waiting behind the Gargoyle and then you’re standing in front of him much sooner than you ever would have expected or been ready to.
Snape is sitting behind a large desk, bend over a stack of parchments, greasy black hair falling in front of his face like curtains. He is holding a raven feather quill with a sharp silver tip which is gliding over the parchments with quick, elegant motions. He doesn’t bother looking up. He doesn’t seem to think the Death Eaters worthy of his attention.
You look around the round room. You were a good student - or at least a boring one. You’ve never been called into the headmaster’s office. The walls are lined with portraits of former headmasters and headmistresses and you feel transported back in time, just another student flinching at the stringent eyes of her professors. Dark leather-bound books adorn the many shelves and you can’t help but wonder whether Snape has read them all.
“I seem to remember you having been assigned to guard the village.” His deep voice cuts through the silence with taunting indifference and the way the words roll over Snape’s tongue and vibrate in his throat has you pressing your thighs together.
“This one claims you’re expecting her.” At that, Snape looks up. If he is surprised to see you, he doesn’t let it show. You shrink under his intense gaze no matter how much you told yourself you wouldn’t on the way up to his office. His eyes are cold…empty somehow. A man who has seen too much horror to not have lost some part of his humanity along the way. 
He’s even skinnier, the shadows under his eyes deeper. You feel the overwhelming need to hug him despite everything he has done.
“And?” The other one says impatiently. “Are you?” 
“I was waiting for you to leave but it appears I need to spell it out for you - unless you were expecting a treat for fetching what is mine like good guard dogs?”
He- he didn’t- he is playing along?
The hooded men grumble a few unsavoury insults and slam the door shut behind them. The sound leaves behind an eerie silence that Snape doesn’t seem too interested in breaking.
His gaze drops back down onto his parchment and he begins scribbling again. The portraits share looks and whisper with each other.
“Hi…” The word gets stuck in your throat and sounds far higher than you usually talk - you doubt he understood more than a gurgle. You clear your throat and take a hesitant step forward, closer to the man who these days is as feared as you-know-who.
Snape sets aside his quill and steeples his fingers. His intense gaze seems to burn right through your forehead and has you squirming. Something in his eyes softens, a change so miniscule you almost missed it.
“What are you doing here and why are you lying?” He asks. He speaks softer too. Less cold, less sardonically.
“I kinda…tripped the Caterwauling Charm when I arrived in Hogsmeade and…there were Dementors and Death Eaters and they said some things…I got scared so I kinda told them….you were expecting me-”
His lips curl. “‘Kinda told them’ ?”
“I did- I did tell them.” You let out a nervous laugh.
“Why were you in Hogsmeade to begin with?” Suspicion flashes through his eyes. You take another step forward.
“I- I missed you.” Not exactly a lie. You do miss him for some fucked up reason! You’ve been thinking about him every day since that stupid blind date stood you up and his eyes haunt you every night when you close your eyes. The memories of what happened in that exact bed you were lying in came back to you and more often than not ended with you panting his name as you made yourself cum - knowing your own touch would never compare to his.
His eyes darken, his jaw tense as though he can- 
You blush.
He can read your mind. He told you at the restaurant! You try not to think about Potter, but trying not to think about something always leads to thinking more about it so you bring your thoughts back to you in your bed. Covered in sweat, clutching your pillow-
“You missed me?” He asks, pretending to not have understood you but the subtle taunt in his voice betrays him. Perhaps he wants it to betray him. “And so you…what? Thought you’d go to Hogsmeade and try to get into Hogwarts? You could have sent an owl, dear.”
“The thought didn’t occur to me.”
“My, my…oh well, you’re here now aren’t you?” He pushes back his chair and spreads his legs. “Show me how much you missed me.” Mischief and an unspoken challenge glitter in his eyes and for some reason it turns you on further.
As though caught in a trance you move, rounding the desk and closing the distance between you and Snape. Distantly you are aware that the portraits are watching you. Your stomach churns and flip flops and the liquor you had at Aberforth’s turns out to have been a huge mistake. 
Snape undoes the buckle of his belt. Something in the way his hands move and his shoulders are drawn into a tense, straight line tells you he doesn’t expect you to go through with this.
Joke’s on him.
You’re not at all against this turn of events.
Not now that he is in front of you, so close you could just reach out and press your body against his, feel his hot breath on your neck or his lips against your breasts.
You push your coat over your shoulder, letting it fall to the ground as you sink to your knees between his legs. His eyebrows rise and lips part, his eyes following you.
“You’ll have to teach me though, headmaster.” You purr. A smirk pulls on your lips. Snape’s surprise lasts for another few seconds before it flickers and morphs to sombre satisfaction.
“Take out my cock.” You can’t help the trembling of your fingers when you reach for the buttons of his trousers. It’s not fear, rather the opposite. You bite your lip and slip your hand into his trousers. He inhales sharply when your fingers close around his cock. He is already half hard and throbs in your hand. Gently you free him and then look back up, waiting for instruction.
You’re not stupid. You know the basics - kinda. You’ve never done this, after all, a fact Snape seems to relish in.
“Dumb slut can’t even suck cock, hm?” He snickers. His insult should offend you. You should get mad and insult him back and get up, storming out of his office in a cloud of rage - you don’t. You get  wetter . An uncomfortable wet spot in your knickers - the testament of your decaying moral compass. 
‘Fuck it’, you think. ‘Potter is here - we might all die today.’
If the world ends today what does it matter if you’re a traitor? A terrible, depraved, morally corrupt woman that is drawn to you-know-who’s second in command? A man almost as feared as his master?
“Lick it.” His voice cuts through your thoughts. Cold and sharp like an icicle falling from a roof, large and fast enough to pierce through a person. You part your lips and swipe your tongue over the tip of his cock. Snape groans under his breath. He reclines in his chair. The old leather creaks under his weight.
He tangles a hand into your hair, stroking your head as though you’re his loyal pet, seeking its master’s closeness.
You press your flat tongue to his cockhead, licking several hard, broad strokes over it. You place kisses just beneath it and work your way down his shaft, alternating kisses with licks all while dragging your thumb gently over the underside of his cock, just by his cockhead.
Snape’s groans get louder with each pass of your tongue, his grip on your hair tightens. 
“Ahhh-  fuck….what a good girl- a filthy, dumb slut satisfying her headmaster, huh? Or at least trying. You’re giving this your all, aren’t you girl? How pathetic you are.” He tears at your hair, pulling your head up and pressing your lips against his cockhead. Beads of a milky liquid are gathering at the slit. “So desperate for cock you come all the way here in the middle of the night on the off chance I might be willing to fuck you again.” Keeping your eyes trained on his you catch the liquid with the tip of your tongue. It doesn’t taste as horrible as you feared it would. Salty, kinda bitter.
“Open your mouth.” You do. You obey without hesitation. Snape looks like a king sitting on his throne and you’re the new addition to his harem, learning to please her king in all the ways he likes.
Snape brings your head closer, pulling on your hair, keeping iron-like control of your head. You grab hold of his trousers, clutching the fabric between your still-trembling fingers. 
His cock slips between your lips, forcing you to open wider to him, your lips stretching around his girth. Snape looks at you with a mixture of admiration, tenderness and roaring lust and your chest swells with something akin to pride. Pride that you caused such a shift in a stoic, controlled man like Snape. And perhaps hope that Snape is not merely the barbaric Death Eater he is appearing to be. Perhaps there is more to him.
“That’s it, girl-” He groans and drops his head back against his chair, grabbing your head with both of his hands now, forcing it down on his cock. Force is unnecessary of course. You wouldn’t stop doing this even if he wasn’t holding onto you.
You drool over his hard cock while Snape bobs your head up and down, muttering words you can’t hear over your own sputtering and choking and the blood pounding in your ears. Your knickers are ruined at this point. Your cunt clenches around jarring nothingness. You’re so aroused it  hurts . There is an unbearable need deep inside you and you can’t- can’t-
You let go of his trouser, dropping your hand between your spread-out knees and under your skirt. Never have you been so wet. Your fingers slide into you without any resistance. You moan around Snape’s cock. 
He opens his eyes, blinks as though he isn’t quite aware of his surroundings. His eyes meet yours. You must look pathetic. Drooling over his cock, tears and snot smeared on your face while he uses your mouth to pleasure himself.
“Are you touching yourself, dear?” He coos, his lips curling into a smug grin. Your eyelids drop shut and you moan again. Snape pulls on your hair, plucking you off his cock. You whine both at the sting and the loss of contact. Before you can fully catch up with the situation Snape has gotten to his feet, pulling you with him. He smashes his lips against yours. His hand is securely tangled in your hair, pressing you closer to him while also preventing you from pulling away.
You don’t want to.
You missed him so much. Even though you don’t really know him. Even though you really shouldn’t. He was your teacher and he is a murderer and you don’t give a shit.
You mewl into the kiss and cling to the front of his robes.
“You’re fucking beautiful.” He murmurs against your lips. His hand leaves your hair. He grasps at your arse, squeezing your cheeks in his large hands that have slipped under your skirt. He is grinding you into his erection. 
“Snape-” You moan. He forces you back. Your thighs hit the edge of his desk. Snape lifts you up on it and drops to his knees. Your hands tangle into his hair instantly, pulling him closer, parting your legs for him. 
“So fucking beautiful.” He repeats, sounding almost dazed. He kisses your knee, trailing up your thigh, inching teasingly, torturously towards where you need him most.
“I don’t want to die without knowing how you taste.” Your mind is too far gone, too useless, too lust-drenched to register his words or the pang of worry you would normally feel at hearing them. Just a few minutes earlier you would have noticed the certainty in the word die. Like a man on death row, walking towards his execution. 
Snape tears at your knickers, pulling them roughly down your legs.
Hot. His tongue is so hot- heat that sears at your skin, killing and saving you all at once. 
You grip his hair tighter and throw your head back. Snape laps at your cunt, licking broad, hard strokes over your folds, pulling moan after pathetic, whimpering moan from you.
Much too soon he stops, leaving you just on the edge of release, suspended in the air, surrounded by heat and desperation and roaring pleasure.
“Snape.” You rasp, your voice strained.
“You’ll cum on my cock or you won’t cum at all, dear.” He says. He probably aimed to sound teasing, in control, smug maybe. But control has long left this room. Neither of you possess a single ounce of it and he sounds equally as needy as you feel. You wrap your legs around his hips and pull him closer.
“Yes, headmaster.” You say. His Adam’s Apple bobs with the hard swallow he takes. He closes his eyes and his jaw tenses.
“Vixen.” He growls and pounces at you. One second you’re sitting, smirking at Snape, the next you’re buried under his weight, pressed down on the desk. He enters you in one thrust, a truly sinful groan falling from his lips. He fucks you rough - much rougher than the last two times. You’re kissing, clicking teeth and gasping for air. Snape pounds into you, his thick cock stretches you open, hitting all the right spots. You cling to Snape, grasping at his sleeves and collar, desperate to touch him, feel him. 
Last time Snape clung to you like a dying man to life - now you’re clinging to him like life not ready to let death take what is hers. 
“Snape!” He sucks on the delicate skin over your throat, hard enough to leave a bruise.
“I had made my peace with never seeing you again.” He rasps in your ear between feverish kisses. “I don’t- I can’t-” Whatever it is he wanted to say, it’s lost to your shared pleasure. Snape presses his face against the crook of your neck, panting and groaning and you cry out, pressure mounting inside you. Ripples morph to tidal waves, swallow you up, pull you under and lift you up all at once and Snape murmurs something against your collarbone you can’t make out. 
You can feel it’s important though. 
Crucial, world-changing, momentously significant information and you sob. The worlds slip through your fingers like sand in an hourglass and you hold onto Snape tighter, tighter so perhaps those words aren’t lost- he isn’t lost-
Snape lifts his head and kisses you. Soft, gentle. A stark contrast to before. There’s longing in the kiss, regret and pain and you weave your fingers through his hair and kiss him back, begging for him to shatter your worries because something isn’t right here! You can tell- something- 
What aren’t you seeing?
Droplets hit your skin.
Are you crying?
An explosion tears you apart. It’s in the distance, muffled through the many ancient walls separating the headmaster's office from the source. Both of you look up. Snape at once composed, his eyes once more distant. Wetness lingers in them. 
“Stay here.” He orders.
“What’s going on?” Is Potter here? Snape has meanwhile straightened up and fixed his clothes and hair.
“Snape!” You push your skirt down and jump from the table, following him towards the door. He pauses. Tension drawn into every muscle, in the very way he stands, unable to face you. “Please-” Your voice breaks.
“I need you to stay here.”
“Please talk to me.” Now you’re definitely crying.
“I told you this will be over soon. Today’s the day.”
You shake your head. Can he stop being a fucking enigma and just be honest with you for once! 
He wants to leave, but you grab his hand and hold him back. He’s trembling. You couldn’t tell before, but touching him now- 
He’s scared.
You wrap your arms around his waist and press your face to his back, sobbing. 
“I need to know you’re safe. Please- I’m begging you- stay here.” His voice is heavy and crack at the end.
He swirls around in your embrace and cups your cheeks before kissing you. The kiss tastes of salt…
“It’ll all be over and if it goes according to plan you’ll be free. You’ll be safe. It’ll be over. Promise me- promise me you’ll find happiness. That you’ll live, that you’ll find love and have a family of your own and- that you will be happy  and safe  and loved !”
“Severus-” Snape presses his lips to your forehead before leaning his own against it. He has his eyes closed.
“Promise me.” He sounds like the words physically hurt him. “Please! ”
“If you promise to come back to me!” You’ve grasped the front of his robes again. Tears stream over your cheeks. Snape doesn’t answer. He gently disentangles your hands from his clothes and with a billow of his cloak he is gone.
You clasp your hands over your mouth and sink to your knees, shaken with silent sobs.
This can’t be happening- this can’t be real. You feel numb. There is no fear left, not even pain which you had expected. You feel empty. Like Snape took a part of you with him when he left.
For a long time, nothing happens. You gather your pathetic self from the ground and drag yourself over to Snape’s chair. Aimlessly you open drawers in search of some liquor. Snape surely would have liquor in his desk, right?
“Bottom drawer, dear.” A warm female voice says. You flinch but quickly remember you are in fact surrounded by a bunch of portraits. You don’t even have it in you to blush.
You open the suggested drawer with more force than necessary. A bottle rolls over the bottom of the drawer. It’s some fancy whiskey. Not that you care. You pick up to bottle and are about to unstopper it when-
A picture lies in the drawer. It was hidden underneath the bottle. With knitted brows, you set the bottle aside and pick it up.
It’s you.
You are in front of the bookshop. Wind is pulling at your hair and snowflakes are falling down on you. You’re laughing and trying to catch them with your tongue.
Why does Snape have a picture of you in his desk? Why is it in his whiskey drawer?
Your mind pictures him sitting here, taking swigs of his fancy liquor and staring at the picture of you.
You should feel uncomfortable. This is- weird. It should  be weird. 
It’s not.
It doesn’t feel like it at least. It feels of suppressed longing, of a yearning for something he can’t allow himself to have but is unable to let go of.
You can’t stay here. You have a terrible feeling about all this. Something terrible is going to happen. 
Leaving Snape’s office you stumble into a war zone. Hexes and curses flash through the air, there are screams and shouts. You duck, draw your wand and join the battle. 
It’ll all be over today .
Snape’s words play on repeat in your head. Everything blurs together. You send your nastiest curses at the hooded Death Eaters all while looking out for greasy black hair and slimmer than they should be shoulders. 
You don’t find him anywhere.
Out of breath and scared for your life and everyone around you, you wind up in the Great Hall. You’re bleeding from a wound on your head and several gashes all over your arms and upper body of varying severity. 
And there you spot him. He’s standing in the middle of the room. The battle seems to come to a halt. The remaining fighters have gathered around the walls of the former dining area. Next to Snape stands Harry Potter and they’re facing you-know-who together- 
Snape is facing his own master?
A blood-soaked bandage around his throat Snape glares at the pale, noseless monster. He is hunched over, his breaths seem to be laboured.
There’s a duel. Halfway through you-know-who’s red eyes lock with your own. The intensity of the sheer cruelty in his eyes knocks the air from your lungs.
“How ill-conceived of you to bring her here, Severus.” A pale, long wand is aimed at you. Snape swirls around. His eyes widen with shock and fear and accusation.
Everything goes quiet.
Green light speeds towards you. You-know-who turns towards Potter. Snape runs towards you. Potter’s spell hits you-know-who’s in the air.
Snape shouts your name. Droplets of blood fly through the air.
And at once the sounds return, smashing into your eardrums with deafening force. You throw yourself down on the ground. The curse hits the wall behind you. It bursts into shards of stone that fly through the air. Some hit you. Some hit others. You look up, your heart racing in your chest, your fingers tremble from the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
You almost died. 
Fucking Voldemort almost killed you!
Quickly you look up, gripping your wand tighter, prepared to defend yourself if necessary-
There’s cheering. Voldemort is dead, they shout. You spot the pale figure on the floor with Potter standing over him.
He is dead?
Truly dead?
It’s over-
You let out a laugh somewhere between hysteria and pure joy.
“Severus-” Where is he? He was running towards you- “SEVERUS!”
Heads turn towards you. 
Snape is on the ground, surrounded by his black robes, a puddle of deep red blood growing around him steadily.  “HELP! HELP! SEVERUS- ” You sprint towards him, dropping to your knees even before you reach him and slipping over the ground. “SEVERUS! SEVERUS! PLEASE-” He is still warm. You gather his slack body into your arms, cradling him to your chest. No no no no no no- please-
“Severus- Severus-” Warm blood sticks to your hands. Too much- way too much.
“Please please- no- Sev- no-” Arms wrap around you, tuck and pull on you, tearing you away from Severus. You scream and flail around, trying to hit whoever is trying to take him from you, take you from him- no-
Madam Pomfrey rushes towards Potter and Snape. She sinks to her knees and waives her wand over Snape’s lifeless body. You give up your fight. You sob and cry and whimper Snape’s name, pleading with whichever deity is listening to you to not take him- no- not now-
“He was on our side all along-” Potter says, his voice cracking. “Dumbledore asked him to kill him- He was on our side-” 
You watch the healer work with bated breath. Magic flows out of the tip of her wand in a steady flow, battling whatever had Snape bleeding. Potter has fallen to his knees in the meanwhile. McGonagall is silently crying.
“He’s stable.” Madam Pomfrey says, wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. “For now at least.” The hands holding you, release you and you scramble off the floor. Snape is lying in a cot the healer summoned. She is already gone, hurrying towards the next victim of this battle needing healing. You have no strength left to care or to even consider helping anyone. Nobody asks you to.
You lie down next to Snape. 
“Please don’t die-” You whisper the words again and again until your voice fails you and you just watch his chest rise and fall because as long as his chest is still rising and falling he is still alive. 
Your eyes fall shut.
You let them.
For just a moment. A moment of rest.
“I- told you to…stay-” You startle awake. “You never listen…” Black eyes blink at you. Tired but alive. So alive.
“Severus!” You sob and crash your lips against him. A hysterical laugh of relief escapes you. 
“Ow- careful-” He groans.
“Sorry sorry sorry!” Quickly you back off. “You’re alive.”
“It would appear so. Believe me, I am as surprised as you are.”
“Idiot! You fucking wanker! How dare you almost fucking die on me again!”
Snape laughs, but it sounds horrible. Like nails on a chalkboard. You heard that Voldemort’s snake tore open his throat and Potter just about managed to save his life.
“I apologise.” He rasps. “Allow me- allow me to take you to dinner. Proper dinner. With at least five courses and wine.”
“As long as you actually show up to the restaurant.” You chuckle and wipe the tears from your cheeks.
“Only a fool would waste the opportunity of a date with you.”
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brainrotcharacters · 1 year
ship: opla luffy x reader
summary: Luffy sees you hanging over the edge of the ship, holding nothing but a piece of rope in your hand.
a/n: remember when I said my meltdown felt finished? So that was a fucking lie. I wrote a comfort fic instead.
tags: sfw, one piece live action, reader is a devil fruit eater, suicide attempt, angst/comfort, friendship, the Strawhat crew is a found family, Luffy fulfills the caregiver role
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Everything was set into place. After such a long time, you finally controlled one part of your life.
Ending it.
You were going to do it during a clear night sky. There was the sounds of the winds against the sails of the Going Merry, and the lapping of the ocean waves against its magnificent hull. Usopp took great pride in keeping the ship in peak condition― it was easy to keep filling his mug with booze as he boasted about the ship, and it didn't take long for him to weave belowdecks to find his puke bucket.
Nami and Zoro were more difficult to put under, until a comment misheard by one of them led to another drinking game that ended with both of them unconscious under a table. Sanji helped you get them to bed, but when Zoro wrapped a massive arm around him, he was as good as pinned to the mattress with them. You ignored his pleas as you slowly exited the room, moving two barrels of dried meat in front of the door. Sanji's kicks are strong enough to break through wood, but the idea was to delay his movement, not stop him.
The rope in your hand strained as you lean further over the portside. Your feet remained on deck, but the rest of you teetered dangerously beyond the edge. As a Devil Fruit eater, you had a death wish, setting out to sea. Now you were proving everyone right.
"What are we looking for?"
Goddamn Luffy. You couldn't think of how to put him under, and now you were out of time. Luffy descended the ratlines at your right, eagerly squinting into the inky black ocean. "Are there any dolphins? Are they awake at night? I couldn't hear them from up at the crow's nest."
"Luffy..." you loosened your grip on the rope, the literal lifeline that kept you anchored to the ship. "Leave me alone for a bit, please. Sanji needs help with Nami and Zoro. They've been drinking."
"Sanji can take care of them." He planted his sandaled feet on the bulkhead, detaching from the ratlines. "He takes care of all of us. Even you."
Oh, the bastard. A forced, empty laugh escapes your mouth. "I feel the need to ask. Can you tell what I plan to do?"
He blinked slowly, and that's when you suspected he might succeed to persuade you against it. "Yeah. By the way, if you jump, I'm jumping in after you."
This time, you laughed more genuinely. True; in the short time that passed since you first joined, you knew Luffy had that type of personality.
Luffy smiled, simply happy that he heard your real laugh. The you that was his friend was still in there somewhere. "Y/n, please give me your hand."
He lifted his own, palm facing up. All things considered, he could use his ability and yank you back. But he wasn't that kind of captain―wasn't that kind of person.
"I'm out of place, captain." You keep your attention fixed on the ocean. It was easier than seeing Luffy's face. "I don't have much to offer anyone on this ship, least of all you. Joining you was a mistake."
"You don't mean that." Luffy had seen a similar devastation before. Nami, back when they helped free Coco Village from Arlong. "We like having you here. We all want to keep sailing with you."
A scoff splintered your throat on the way out. "What's your point?"
Luffy shifted on his feet, confused. The point? "You said you're out of place. Then, we'll make a place for you!" He thought they were already doing that, anyway.
He watched your grip on the rope slacken further. Only an inch of rope left before you fall to your death. Luffy scowled. "What about your dream?"
You roll your eyes, even as they prickle with tears. You say over your shoulder. "Someone else will be born and have the same dream. Let them fulfill it."
Luffy stopped himself from complaining about how lazy, how defeated of a thinking that was. Think like a captain. He told himself. "Y/n, no one else will pursue your dream the same way you would. That other person will do one thing differently than you, and you wouldn't be able to scold them for not following your lead. Because you chose to jump tonight."
The stars shimmered on the ocean surface tonight. You couldn't see where the sky ended and the sea began, only that it was dark. And Luffy was a red and blue and orange beacon within your reach.
"They won't..." You swallow the image that formed in your head. A child who didn't know any better, deciding to change one key element of your dream for the hell of it. "They won't pursue it how I would."
"Right." You heard Luffy take two steps closer. "So come on, Strawhat. Take my hand."
You find the strength to turn your head. Luffy's hand remained lifted, open and welcoming. Especially to the undeserving.
He offered you a tender, genuine smile. The softness reached his eyes. "We both know that when you take my hand, I will help you. All of us will help you, Y/n. But only after you reach for my hand."
He was cruel, your captain. This was him asking you to continue living. To continue suffering, to continue feeling pain. With him. With everyone. The annoying thing about Luffy was that he believed his crew has each other's backs, and actively made sure it became true.
Zoro was half asleep, but he still protected the back of Nami's head when they both fell on their asses under the table. Sanji complained about Zoro's weight on him, but still made sure his and Nami's necks were at comfortable angles. Usopp embraced everyone good night and sang garbled songs about how he found his courage with the crew, on his way belowdecks. When the singing stopped, the puking began. Sanji and you had chuckled to overhear it.
Goddamnit. You think to yourself, twisting fully and grabbing Luffy's hand.
Your captain grinned, pulling you close. His arms were solid as they braced around your middle, hand grasping your shoulder from behind. His face was buried in your hair, his next words muffled. "There we go. The crew is complete again."
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hp-hcs · 10 months
i’m glad!! 😭😭 i was stressing out so much over that one cause there’s no real coherent plot but i pROMISE I KNOW WHERE THE STORY’S GOING
ends at kind of a weird spot cause idk how to end anything ever
ty to the person who said this could be a five part series. i appreciate your confidence in my attention span.
requests? please, sir, i want some more 🥺🤲
this fire ain’t the only thing that’s camp (Chapter Two of Splinched) — death eater! theodore nott x splinched! male! muggleborn! reader
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Theodore comes tromping back into the clearing with an armful of branches, twigs, pinecones, and duff. He clumsily dumps the load into the snow, wiping snow off of the log-turned-bench by the fire pit, and sitting down.
“Okay, now what?”
“Build the fire,” you instruct. “Make a pyramid shape.”
You bring your hands together so that your palms are far apart but your fingertips touch, making an ‘A’ sort of shape to illustrate your point.
“The pine needles and dead leaves and stuff, that’s all great tinder. It’ll burn the quickest, and help start the fire. Put that in the middle of your pyramid. Build your pyramid around that with the kindling; the twigs and thinnest branches.”
Theodore does as you say, making a rather shoddy pyramid that he seems quite proud of.
You pull your blanket tighter around yourself. You sit inside the entrance of the tent, the flap open and pinned back so you can still talk to Theodore.
You had caught a nasty fever the day after Theodore’s spell, leaving you incapacitated for days. To make matters worse, an unexpected snowstorm—nearly a month too early—froze the entire forest. The storm itself reeked of bad magic; everything about it seemed unnatural.
Merlin must’ve had a vendetta against you both, because additionally during that time, Theodore’s wand had begun to spark and malfunction. The Dark spell he’d cast must’ve done serious damage to the core. But his wand had fully given up that morning, shriveling up and blackening like a spent match.
You toss him your lighter and watch as he unskillfully manages to light the tinder, by the grace of God, and cheers with a loud whoop! that sends the birds in the nearby trees scattering into the air.
“Now just add the bigger branches as needed,” you advise, your teeth chattering.
Much to his chagrin, Theodore was quite relieved with your silly Muggle knowledge. He had no idea how to make or light a campfire without his wand, but you assured him that it wasn’t difficult to do the Muggle way.
Glancing over at you with a dumb, silly grin on his face, quite proud of his own achievement, he opens his mouth to mock-boast, only to have his breath stolen from him.
You still look quite sickly, rather weak and tired, but you really make quite a sight. Against the dull olive of the tent and the muted dark blue of the blanket you’re completely enveloped in, the red, sick flush of your face stands out quite a bit. White snowflakes dot your eyelashes, and your pretty eyes seem to track his every movement.
Stop it, Theodore. You have a job to do.
Clearing his throat, he makes his way back to the tent, ducking in and sitting next to you while occasionally glancing over to keep an eye on the fire.
Your face barely peeks out from the thick blanket as you peer out at him. You clearly are thinking of asking him something.
Please don’t ask why I did it, please, for the love of Merlin, don’t ask, don’t as-
“Why’d you help me?”
“Hm?” Theo hums, as if he hadn’t understood you, wrapping one of the spare blankets around himself.
“You could’ve just left me to bleed out. Or you could’ve said fuck it and Apparated anyway. Why’d you help me?”
“The Dark Lord doesn’t like his things damaged,” Theo says in a gruff voice, any friendliness in his demeanor completely vanishing and signaling the end of the conversation.
You just nod, retreating back into your blanket cocoon.
You both sit in silence.
Chapter Three
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ebbing-terror · 30 days
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He had ventured from the north down south for one reason and only one reason - for help. He needed to find someone and he was hoping that he could find trace of her in the south, if not then he would be doomed to die in this body and that was something that he wished to avoid at all costs. This land was strange and foreign to him, even stranger to the body he had started to call his own, by lack of choice.
He travelled by night and slept during the day. He would not risk it nor chance it. He remained as far away from the roads, from paths and from people as much as he could. He didn’t want confrontation, he didn’t want anyone picking up his own trial and hunting him, afterall he was not an idiot - he was a worthy kill - something to boast about in a tavern with a warm woman in your lap and a cold drink in your hand.
Yet this night he had went a little bit too close to the road and he heard it. Two travellers had been set upon by bandits and beaten senseless - they had been left alive, but their valuables had been stolen from them and now both of them fucked around trying to clean one another up instead of hightailing it to the nearest village to report the crime and get proper help.
It was then that he could smell it. A twitch at first but it was strong. Blood. It only reminded him how fucking hungry he was. How he had not truly eaten properly at all. Refusing to give in to what this body needed, he barely ate and when he did it was fucking berries of all things, something that would just barely keep him alive and keep him going.
But there it was, two idiots, bleeding and wounded, just standing there wanting to be fucking killed and eaten and it was tearing him apart. It would be easy, too fucking easy. He was bigger than any creature they would have ever seen, faster and stronger as well. They would not last five seconds against him - but it was wrong, he knew it, but he could not pull away from that temptation.
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He thought about it for the moment, and then the next he moved, and it was easily done as well, the first man was lifted up from the ground with ease, head dipping back, mouth opening and swallowing him whole, the legs kicking back and forth and screaming there one moment and then gone the next. The other man tried to turn and run, as he wasted no time, the to tongue fired out like a slingshot and caught him, wrapping around the leg with ease, dragging him back through the ground and into the waiting mouth, eating him as well, within the flicker of a moment and nothing more.
Still, despite that he was starving, and two humans, for the first time, tasted delicious, they had been a worthy meal for someone, or rather something like him, but then once more, it was not enough as he was already on the move, seeking and searching for something or rather someone else, to find and devour as well.
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Just then a girl leapt down from a tree like a flying squirrel, belly flopping onto the great frog's back. She took two overflowing handfulls of green blubber, squeezing and pulling to her heart's content as if the man-eater was nothing more than a ball of dough.
"I've been looking everywhere for you~!" Seriously, one wouldn't think a creature of this size would be elusive but Lynn had been on the hunt for days. She snuggled into the clammy flesh of her enormous baby, swiping her arms in big circles to give the amphibian rubs and scritches.
Lynn sat back, straddling her greedy steed. How the tables had turned. It seemed like it was only two weeks ago when she was carrying the froggy around but look at him now, big and strong enough to carry-or eat- several people.
"C'mon, let's go home!!~" Lynn patted the frog's head and her feet nudged his squishy sides, gently spuring her behemoth to turn and start hopping their way home.
She knew well enough now that the froggy was a stubborn thing, a behavior Lynn was certain he learned from her. She leaned forward into the frog's line of sight, gazing onto one of those marvelous, shining orbs.
"I have some dinner for you back home~ I made sure they had a nice big meal before locking them up, so they're nice and nutritious!!"
He was a growing boy, so he needed hearty meals! Lynn rubbed the tip of the frog's damp snoot, papping his head once more.
She ordered, pointing firmly in the direction she came from. He was a smart boy, and Lynn knew he understood what she was saying.
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Can you please make the Obey me demon brothers reacting to a femme fatale Mc?
Content warnings: dom/sub dynamics, himbofication, sexual punishments, sadism, humiliation. Please let me know if I missed something!
Smut under!
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He has a love-hate relationship with this MC; he's the strong, dominant type and likes to have all things under his control, he does love a challenge tho. He loves how beautiful and sexy his MC is, but he hates letting other people see her. A lot of conflicting emotions with this one. I feel like his type is more like a bratty sub, someone that likes to challenge him but lets him have his way with them anyways. But, all in all, he loves punishing his MC, so her behaving like a tease makes for better punishments.
Stuttering to the max. "No MC, I don't like that dress that you're wearing psht -while having the reddest cheeks ever- w-why are y-you coming closer? S-sto-p" Easiest brother to tease, but he's still MC's number 1 fan. He loves boasting and screaming that he was your first man.
Did I say Mammon was the one that was stuttering? This man can't even look at MC the first time they meet; his face is beet red, and his eyes don't leave the floor. I picture MC teasing him every opportunity they get: "Levi, baby. Can you please help me get this jar? It's too high up for me"- whining while on her tippy-toes, showing a good angle of her bum. It takes him a while to become accustomed to MC's antics, but after a bit, he loves how humiliated they're able to make him feel just by looking at him.
He LOVES femme fatale MC, loves, loves her. I think some of Satan's favourite reads involve strong characters, preferably female characters, who know what their strong qualities are and how to use them. He's the brother that cares the least about what MC wears outside, either because he loves showing her off, or because he knows he can handle anyone that dares stare at his MC for too long. Also, he might use this as an excuse to let off some steam and beat someone up when he is angry (but you didn't hear this from me).
Both he and his MC are man-eaters and you cannot convince me otherwise. Asmo is very pink if that makes sense; pink roses, pink lacy lingerie, pink bedding; but MC is red; red lipstick, red underwear, red satin slips. They make for the perfect duo, and Asmo loves MC's antics and does a lot of helping when it comes to assessing her dominance over any man. He loves seeing MC in action and likes giving and taking pointers from her.
Big himbo boy doesn't understand. As much as MC might try to embarrass him, humiliate him or tease him, he doesn't get it. He simply has this big dumb smile and takes everything in stride. "Yes MC, you can help me take a bath, I don't mind" "No, MC, I'm not usually this smelly, I just finished practice that's why." He just loves the attention and if MC is having fun, why should he question her intentions?
This MC brings his sadistic side out more than anyone else. He loves when she makes him punish her: "MC is wearing a revealing outfit, of course she would, she's such a little slut that craves attention." I think the more out-there and confident MC is the more he wants to fuck that confidence out of her, and the more he tries the more MC tries to prove him wrong. It's just a vicious cycle that they aren't willing to break.
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
finished Warchild today!! thoughts below the cut
tldr: loved this book a LOT
this book was GREAT for Julian character exploration. he's my favourite little guy, lets get that out of the way first- Julian is amazing in this book, and I love love LOOOOOOVE Esther Friesner's take on him and how she wrote him. this book is set between s1 and s2, so this is Julian in the early days of his character development, still so young and desperate to prove himself, overflowing with emotion and passion, and UGH its all so fucking good. he's grappling with self-doubt and insecurity, while at the same time also doing some of his best work as a doctor, fuelled by desperation and the need to do whatever he can to help. he works himself to the bone until he literally faints. he gets so angry on behalf of the suffering children and he doesnt give a flying fuck who he's talking to when he unleashes about it. he cries over losing a child he had a bond with, Belem, actually CRIES- something I dont think we ever see from him in the series. the raw emotional vulnerability from Julian in this book is just. so good. god. I could write an essay. his brief romance with Jalika is bittersweet, and while it is a bit shoehorned in, imo, it does showcase how Julian falls hard and fast and with reckless abandon. fantastic depiction of the character, fantastic exploration of him as a doctor, seriously I cant praise this book enough for so wonderfully capturing Julian's character in every single way
also of note. this book was written prior to Doctor Bashir, I Presume? even airing, coming out in 1994, and yet we still get some fantastic implications about Julian's family. his internal narration of his family is derisive and he avoids thinking about them, and he thinks a bit about how he was raised in higher society among politicians. also also, there's a specific bit where he mentions how his parents boasted about him only enjoying "the finest dining" as a child, and it was a cover for him just being a picky eater. considering what would be revealed later, about Julian being neurodivergent and/or disabled, I found that to be an interesting note
Julian rambling out of the way, my absolute favourite thing about this book is its depiction of Bajor. this book truly doesnt hold back in depicting just how dire the situation is on Bajor. we're still in the early days of Bajor being liberated, and it isnt a pretty picture. Friesner strikes a beautiful balance between the unflinching, raw depictions of the refugee camps, the desolation, the dying children, and the brutal, honest depiction of the government and its failings. this book follows DS9's example of depicting characters who did what they had to do in sympathetic lights wonderfully, and you find yourself sympathizing with people who do terrible things because they've been driven to such a breaking point. the failures of Bajor's provisional government are truly highlighted, garnering more sympathy for the people in these camps, the people who aren't getting the help they so desperately need. it makes no attempts to sugarcoat or soften anything, forcing every non-Bajoran character's eyes wide open at the same time it does the readers. its a POWERFUL book in that regard, and I found it deeply compelling and difficult to put down
another highlight for me is the Kira and Sisko dynamic. this is still early days for them, and they butt heads constantly. the trust they come to develop isnt quite there yet, and Kira isnt afraid to let Sisko know exactly what she thinks, and she isnt afraid to do so as bluntly as she sees fit. in the same vein, I love the dynamic between Sisko and Bajor here. its strained, uncomfortable, Sisko cant seem to ever do anything right because every choice he makes makes somebody angry. Sisko really just cant catch a break in this one. he's either dealing with Bajoran representatives who are never pleased, or he's trying to track down Julian who's gone AWOL, or he's dealing with Quark. he truly cannot win
Kira's scenes in this novel are FASCINATING also, as they explore her faith and where it clashes with her duty. we see so many facets of her character- the hotheaded rebel fighter, the major, the soft and gentle motherly figure, the proud warrior. I love that shes fully in support of Julian going AWOL and backs him up. I love that later shes conflicted about it because she believes so wholly in the prophecy and the Nekor that she wants him back to be able to cure her. I wish we got more of her in the novel, I especially wish we got more from her POV, I think it would've really benefitted the story and the furthering of character relationships. still, im satisfied with what we got
Jadzia gets some great time to shine as a scientist in this one. I love the teamwork between her and Julian, and the emphasis placed on what a great team they make. theres a very cute scene where he makes a big breakthrough and grabs her and dances around with her and its like, one of my favourite things ive ever read. but she seriously gets to shine so much in her work in this one, there would've been no vaccine without her, and she does everything she can to further her research and her work. shes working herself to the bone as well, even if shes better at dealing with it, and her lifetimes of experience really get to take centre stage. wish we had some more of her, like I do with Kira, but also like with Kira, im satisfied with what we got
the original characters in this novel are great. Belem was devastating, the various Vedeks and representatives made me grind my teeth, and Cedara and Dejana were just. so fucking good. Cedara and Dejana felt so REAL, they were so interesting to read, heartbreaking and hilarious all at once, and so so charming. I saw the reveal with Cedara coming, and I loved it. I could read a whole series about her, a wild child with far too much placed on her shoulders, desperate to protect her little sister and her home. I like to think her and Julian keep in touch, and they visit each other, and he helps her out on her path to becoming a healer. then theres Jalika, who I did enjoy, but definitely felt the weakest of the introduced characters. I wish we got more time with her, and I wish there was more exploration of her beyond being the kind and gentle healer. we get a brief glimpse of her being quite capable of being deadly, and fierce, but only the brief glimpse. still, she was compelling, and her and Julian's brief romance had an ending that packed a surprising punch considering how short it was. really felt for both of them with that one
overall, this book was a solid read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I'd highly recommend it to anyone wanting more content about Bajor, and anybody who wants a really good Julian-centric story that pushes him to points we dont get to see him pushed to in the series. its a devastating read at times, but also hilarious- seriously, theres a scene with a hologram of Dukat dancing ballet in a pink tutu. what more can I say
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
HC: what the maurauders would be like in divination
sirius hated divination.
it felt like another reminder that he didn’t have control over his future; that he was destined to become a death eater and continue the bloodline of the noble house of black, etc.
so yeah, he was not excited for it.
turns out he was a “gifted seer,” according to trelawney. (which the marauders teased him relentlessly about)
to hide his distaste, he would joke loudly about catoptromacy (looking into mirrors) being his favorite; “it’s a win-win! i get to admire my beautiful face and see my glorious future.”
in reality, the only form of divination he could tolerate was xylomancy (reading twigs)
sirius LOVED sticks. after full moons, his animagus instincts were particularly compelling and he’d go out in search of sticks and twigs
(he already had a collection hidden under his bed that came in handy)
the only type of divination he wasn’t well versed in was astrology; it reminded him too much of his family. he was sure he could divine with the stars easily, but he refused to.
(as much as he claimed that the subject was a waste of time, sirius had a morbid fascination with knowing his future, despite how horrible it might be)
remus fucking hated divination with his entire being. but unlike sirius, he was horrible at it. he dropped it in his fourth year as soon as he could.
similarly to sirius, he felt like divination was a reminder that he didn’t have control of his fate 
it always brought him back to days after the full moon, when he’d lie in the hospital wing and curse greyback for stealing any chance of a normal life from him
remus was a chronic overthinker and he could never “go with his gut” when it came to interpreting divine symbols. he always ended up overcomplicating things until his final prediction was completely off.
everybody expected remus to at least do well with bibliomancy (opening a book to a random page and interpreting it in a contextual way/adapting the meaning to the present) seeing as he was already an avid reader
nah. he refused to associate books—his comfort place—with a subject he hated.
but he really, really hated crystal-gazing (looking into crystal balls)
crystal-gazing was like the ultimate “fuck you;” it was like looking into the moon and watching his horrendous life play out and knowing he couldn’t do anything about it
james was pretty excited about divination at first; it was the one branch of magic his parents hadn’t introduced him to and his ego demanded that he know everything about the magical world
the first class was on tessomancy (reading tea leaves) and he chattered about it the whole time, saying how much he loooved tea and discussing his predictions to anyone who would listen
james was a surprisingly scientific guy; he practiced spells and magic with precision and by the book
anyway, trelawny called him out on it immediately, telling him there was no “science” or “pattern” to divination; he couldn’t try and reason his way into an answer based on his “knowledge of tea”
he was paired with marlene, who encouraged him to listen to trelawney. regardless, james swirled his leaves with precision, flipping through his textbook with anticipation
(he prayed the leaves would tell him that he and lily were destined to be)
he did not like what the leaves said.
with his first swirl, the dregs looked like a crown, indicating success and honor. he was quite happy with that one, boasting about it to marlene.
his second spin produced something vaguely mushroom-like, which meant a sudden separation of lovers after a fight. he vehemently insisted it was a house (business success)
his final symbol was well defined and inarguably a fox, symbolizing a backstabbing from a close friend. he scoffed, finding the prospect ridiculous.
he decided he divination was a load of rubbish after that.
the marauders assumed peter would be drawn to myomancy (involving rats and mice), but he was actually interested in palmistry (reading the lines on a person’s palm)
peter had always been insecure about his hands (it seemed like girls would obsess over sirius, james, and remus’ hands); peter’s hands were a little smaller, softer, less veiny, etc.
it made him feel effeminate, which was something that already came with the territory of being friends with the most attractive boys in their class (perhaps school)
but this actually made his hands perfect for divination; the smoothness of his palms meant his palm lines were more distinguished and easier to read
trelawney loved him immediately for that (which embarrassed him) and she forced him to be an example for the entirety of the palmistry unit; so in the end, he got quite a bit of experience
he could easily identify and match the lines to their textbooks but was confused about how they’d actually apply to his life (hint hint it was related to his betrayal) 
he was the only one of the marauders who continued divination in his later years
at first, people judged him for it, but they came around once they realized it could be a pretty fun party trick
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luckspren · 2 years
Finished Before They Are Hanged
Thoughts under the cut:
So the Union seems fucked. With war on two fronts and an unstable government I have trouble seeing how all these conflicts could possibly be resolved in just one book. But so far Abercrombie hasn't let me down and I suppose there are more books in the First Law world, so even if not everything gets wrapped up in a neat little bow by the end, there is a chance that these larger conflicts continue on in those other books
I still can't get a grasp on Bayaz. Everything we know about the history of Juvens, his brothers and the Magi is filtered through him and I don't trust that at all. But it is so hard to guess at whether he actually has good intentions with questionable methods or if he's just a liar and a villain who doesn't show his true colours yet. It really does seem like we don't know the whole story yet and while Khalul and his Eaters certainly scream "evil!!" and have to be dealt with in some way, I'm not sure if Bayaz is actually any better. His plan to break the first law certainly seems like something that could backfire spectacularly, regardless of what his true intentions are... although I'm not quite sure if he can break it at all, now that the seed was apparently just a stone (that twist is also something I'm a little conflicted on... i don't know if i take it at face value)
Also what is up with Quai? He's also suddenly acting very weird and suspicious and the belligerent tension between him and Bayaz makes me wary of both of them. Does he know something that the reader doesn't?
Logen really was the heart of the group. He had so many great little moments that I loved. Like when he boasted how stealthy he is and then immediately fell noisily over the wall or when he tried to comfort Jezal by telling him how his injury would make him a named man in the North and then came up with all those horrible names that didn't help at all. I really enjoyed that friendship and I am a little sad that they probably part ways in the next book.
I did not expect his relationship with Ferro to turn romantic though (if you can even call it that)... it was nice seeing them slowly opening up to each other, at least a little. They probably would both be better off if they just stayed together and turned their backs on old grudges, but the ending was more realistic.
I am happy that Logen will probably meet up with his old crew again and vice versa, but I am also really nervous because now I think he will fight the Feared.
also I do hope we get more explanation on the Bloody Nine... is it split personality? Or something like possession...maybe somehow connected to his ability to see spirits?
With Ferro I have no idea where she will go exactly. I can't really imagine her just going back to Gurkhul... that would probably just be a lot of killing until she gets captured and that is definitely something I don't want to see. But she was closest to Logen and I also can't see her joining him in the North, if their last scene is anything to go by. So I have no idea where her story goes in the next one. Maybe Yulwei comes back?
It's actually Ferro who is descended from Euz and not Jezal. So we have an explanation for her abilities,...but it begs the question again, why on earth Jezal was even part of the quest. Maybe I'm going insane, but it seems to me that Bayaz is kinda priming Jezal of all people for some leadership role?? Like Jezal gets all the speeches about old emperors and what made them great and then there's the comment about how his new scar will serve nicely. I thought I was reading into it, but now both princes are conveniently dead and maybe the King mistaking him for his son in TBI was foreshadowing?? That doesn't explain the why Jezal though.
Glokta mentions possible bastard children of the King (and someone coming in at the last minute and getting elected as a compromise) and it just makes me wonder. Like Jezal said before that he got all the good looks in his family. Could be just arrogance or maybe he actually looks different because his father isn't his biological father? Now I'm probably reaching, but who knows. I just need some kind of explanation why Bayaz had Jezal picked out beforehand (also now that I think about it, what happened to Sulfur??)
Jezal did get some nice character development in this book and all it took was for him to get horrifically injured (not gonna lie, when he wakes up and you mostly get the dialogue of the others while Ferro stitches his face back together...for some reason that made me more queasy than a lot of the on page violence). It was really satisfying to see his realization of how useless he really is, how he's never done anything selfless in his life and how he would be dead without these people that he looked down upon. I do like his resolve to be a better man...but he also seems like a prime candidate to fall back into his old ways once he is back in Adua. Especially if his plans for a quiet life fall through...like I'm not sure if Ardee would just immediately agree to marry him. I have real trouble to predict the non-pov-characters in this series (which makes it so intriguing)... obviously i do hope that his character development sticks in the end (even if he takes a step back on the way)
Gloktas inner monologue continues to shine and his storyline really showed how intelligent and resourceful he is. Sult basically gave him an impossible task and I think that also helps the reader sympathize with him, even when he tortures people he knows are innocent etc. ...like there's this undercurrent that he also doesn't have much of a choice, even though he doesn't seem to be particularly bothered by the things he has to do. And he does have his merciful moments here. Glokta is aware how he's just a pawn for Sult and I am incredibly interested how the bank loan will come back to bite him in the next book. He might get stuck between a rock and a hard place because I don't think the interest of the Inquisition and the interest of the bank will necessarily align? I do hope that he does his own thing and actually keeps on investigating the murder of the prince (covertly of course)
West killing Ladisla was so fucking satisfying. My god. I went from being horrified about West biting that one guys face off to cheering him on in like three pages. Furious is definitely a fitting name for him.
Threetrees death did make me more sad than I expected. I think it's when Grim delivers his little speech that really got me. It's the trope of the quiet one speaking up in an emotional moment that just hits right.
I am legitimately nervous about Last Argument Of Kings. I hope it sticks the landing. I heard that the ending is at least somewhat controversial
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vicious-vixxxen · 3 years
Kirishima x Male!Reader: First ‘I Love You’
I’m back on my Kirishima shit, so just bare with me- he really is one of my fav bois, and he’s just so sweet, can you even blame me? Though I’m almost finished with season 4 finally, and Tamaki is quickly closing in as the bestest sweet boi ;)  But yes, enjoy this little blurb, as I continue working on actual prompt fills- I just keep getting distracted, don’t @ Me  Enjoy <3  Kirishima x Male!Reader
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Saturday nights in the dorms usually went one of two ways. Most of, if not all of class 1A were walking corpses, after accepting an extra day of training, not often offered by Aizawa in the first place: which is why they all usually accepted. Though that usually meant back at the dorms by two, and once everyone was showered, given a chance to finally catch their breath, and come together to make dinner, it was pushing six, and by then everyone was taking a note out of Bakugou’s book and crashing early. Some not even making it back to their rooms- sprawling out across the common area, and groggily rising too early the next morning, stiff necked and a little grumpy. /But/, if classes let out normally on Friday, and everyone was in bed at a reasonable enough time, Saturday’s were the absolute SHIT. A group breakfast to start, always. Bakugou aggressively whipping together a horde of spicy cinnamon french toast, and bacon, everyone stuffing their faces, discussing the previous week’s accomplishments. Areas in need of improvement, etcetera. Though without the added pressure of being in the midst of classes, and homework. They could reflect calmly, gather and offer tips, all smiles and jokes and general good naturedness. After breakfast, everyone split off to get ready for the day. Keeping the dorm stocked was a responsibility up to you all, which meant splitting the allotted weekly allowance the class was given, and separating into groups to get all the shopping for the coming week done. Groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, /unmentionables/. You all worked as a group, and allowing for a few stray hours of wandering, and personal shopping, visiting with family, you’d all be back around five. With the groceries put away, all errands run, the dorm dissolved into pure chaos. Different types of music blaring from individual rooms- dance dance revolution set up in the common room, the loudest of them all- all the dorm room doors open, save for Tokoyami’s, of course- and passing by any would give you a curious glimpse into the comfortable life the occupants had taken up there. “Wanna help me...ya know?” Kiri whispered into your ear, standing behind the sofa, bent down to nuzzle your temple, and speak. Blushing lightly, and giving you a sharp, lopsided grin as you broke your gaze from Denki’s...bold choice in dance movements against Mina. Noting Kirishima’s gaze moving up and down, before he jerked his head back in the direction of his room. Oh. Guess it was time for a touch up, huh?
Grin to match, you nodded, taking Kiri’s hand when he offered it, and allowing him to tug you up and over the sofa, nearly tripping over each other in your haste to get back to his room. Thirty minutes later, with a look of concentration on your face, you gently applied hair dye to the other boy’s roots. Hips swaying left and right, as Kirishima tapped his feet, and played air drums dramatically- making it difficult, but not impossible for you to get at all his roots. This was routine at this point. Ever since the two of you had started dating the year before, Kirishima was quick to let you in on his hair care secrets. It was only a matter of time before you caught him with a little bit of black peeking through, so rip the bandaid off all at once, Kirishima thought. It really was adorable how concerned he’d been over it. Muttering like Midoriya, before standing tall and announcing you’d have to love him for his box dye, or not at all! And here you were. Touching up his roots for maybe the hundredth time? If he needed any more clarification. The moron. But he was your moron. Getting more aggressive in his drumming, no doubt trying to mimic Bakugou in his mind, the hopeless goof. You smiled, despite yourself, as the song switched over, and you tilted Kirishima’s head back to get at the front you’d sectioned off. Mouthing the remix down at your boyfriend, and closing your eyes briefly as the beat pumped, and your body felt relaxed enough to collapse. But in a totally cool way, not like, a narcoleptic way. You hoped. ‘I will always love you,” you breathed in time, voice barely audible over the array of noises in, and outside of the dorm, but Kirishima watched, enraptured, mouth slightly agape as he read your lips. ’-I’ll love you forever’ you continued. Opening your eyes again, and staring down at Kiri’s. Breath hitching as you took in his pure, unadulterated admiration. And…. “Mmph!” Kirishima hummed suddenly, against your lips, as you’d leaned down to kiss him- both of you giggling against each other’s lips afterwards, as you moved around him. Careful of your gloved hands, and the brush of dye in hand, as you straddled the boys lap, and scooted forward till you were comfortable. Kirishima’s hands instinctively coming to rest on your waist. Palms sliding up and around to rub your back, as you continued applying dye top his hair. The two of you were quiet after, taking in the sounds of the dorms, and feeling the music blaring through Kirishima’s radio. Until you’d finished applying the dye, finally, and set your tools aside. Peeling off your gloves, and wiggling your sweaty fingers in Kiri’s face. Laughing suddenly as he nipped at them with sharp teeth. “That felt like a threat,” You teased, wrinkling your nose cutely at your boyfriend- Kirishima, ever the fan of the expression, beaming up at you, and kissing at your collarbone, where your shirt had ridden down. “That’s me, the boyfriend eater. Hide your boyfriends or i’ll gobble em up, all manly like”, Kiri boasted, and you couldn’t help but snort- having to restrain yourself from running your hands through his hair. For now. “We both know you’re tasty enough,” Kirishima added, winking at you, and you rolled your eyes, smacking the boys chest gently, before wrapping your arms carefully around his neck, and shifting back and forth in his lap to the new rhythm from the radio. At some point though, as you stared down at Kirishima- matching grins on your faces, as Kiri raised a hand to boop at your nose, and your lips, something hot, and happy ran through you. A sudden realization, as you stared into those gorgeous red pools he called eyes. It seared through you, racing down your spine, and jolting you up in your boyfriend's lap so suddenly, he paused- always on red alert, brows raised in question. It had never been something either of you had worried about saying- had never even truly discussed it. You cared about each other deeply, your connection since beginning your journeys at UA unprecedented. You’d watched each other grow, been there for the ride. Helped each other. Loved each other. Because you did love Kirishima. And he knew that...but not until just then, the scent of dye clinging to the air, did you realize you were, in fact, in love with him. You were in love with Kirishima. Wow. Your face was unreadable for a few long moments, before you huffed- almost in disbelief- and kissed at Kiri’s questioning thumb, now brushing along your jaw, and lips. “What? Kirishima asked finally, unable to take the silence. “Just realizing how absolutely, unequivocally in love I am with you. Kinda jarring,” You admitted, candid as ever, noting the way Kirishima froze beneath you. Mouth agape, and eyes wide. “Was that lame?” You asked as an afterthought, lips slowly pulling into a grin as Kirishima opened and closed his mouth several times, before his hands found their way up and around your jaw. Hesitating again, just a moment, as through the process what he;d just heard once more- before smashing your lips together. Heat, and passion, and love, all pouring into that one intimate gesture, and fuck it. Your hands carded through the sticky red dye clinging to the boy's roots, as you kissed back. Kissing until you absolutely couldn’t breathe anymore, and breaking away to pant, though only centimeters away from each other’s mouths. Foreheads pressed together, red dye smearing between the two of them, completely forgotten. “I love you too,” Kirishima sighed, hugging you close, and peppering your face with kisses. “So, so much. Love you so much, holy- I love you? Haha! I love you! I love you!” He shouted, bringing a deep blush to your cheeks, almost as red as your forehead now was as you wondered idly if anyone could hear him. Until you realized, you didn’t give one shit if they did. “I love you too! Again!” You shouted back, bursting into a fit of laughter with Kirishima, as you kissed again. And again, and again, and again.
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highfaelucien · 3 years
Nesta/Az/Cassian for the ship thingy???👀🥺 we were deprived of their domesticity in the House of Wind
Pairings done so far: Luzriel
send me a pairing and I’ll give you some headcanons
falls asleep on the couch
-Honestly all of them. Azriel frequently finds Cassian and Nesta slumped naked on the couch after they had sex and then fell asleep afterwards. He makes a very miffed comment about them having fun without him. Cassian opens up a wing to invite him to join them, while Nesta sleepily flips him off. He acknowledges this is Nesta speak for the same thing.
-Cassian can absolutely sleep anywhere. In any conditions. The couch is absolute the least weird place Az and Nesta have found him napping in the townhouse.
-Nesta is guilty of staying up reading a really good book and then passing out. When Cassian finds her he flips to the end of the book and reads loudly from it to wake her up (though he doesn't ACTUALLY do this because she WILL kill him for spoiling her. So he makes up his own ending). Azriel, who is polite, picks up her book, marks the page for her, and takes her to bed.
-Azriel passes out, less likely on the couch, more so on his desk, working himself until he literally fades into unconsciousness. Nesta will deadass return the favour and pick him up and take him to bed. Where she will then grumpily sit on him so that when he wakes up he finds a tiny angry fae sitting on his chest glowering at him threateningly and telling him it is time to SLEEP. Azriel is a smart man so he doesn't budge. Cassian will ALSO carry him to bed when he finds him because Mother knows he needs it.
-Occasionally Cassian also finds Nesta and Azriel fallen asleep together on the couch after reading the same book together and having a lil book club over it. He fakes a HUGE tantrum over this because how COULD you do this without me!? you KNOW snuggles are my favourite thing ever!?!!?!?!?!?
makes friends with the neighbors
Cassian. Absolutely. The second they move in. And he puts in all of the 'friend making effort'. Azriel is a painful introvert and does not want to do this, but he's polite so he hovers awkwardly beside Cassian as he happily introduces himself.
Nesta stays inside and unpacks doing "something actually useful" as she pointedly yells at Cassian.
Cassian takes advantage of her absence to spin a long and boastful story to the neighbours about his dear wife Nesta. When he met her she had been cursed to just be the most hideous looking creature in existence. And you might think she'd have a good personality to balance that out? The sweetness of an angel, the most incredible kindness and generosity. Well you'd be WRONG. She's a monster. But I was patient and majestic, and I took care of her and cured her curse and- oh hello sweetheart.
As Nesta marches out of the house and GLOWERS at him then frogmarches him back inside. The neighbours are quite sure they will never see him alive again. Azriel is left standing alone outside. Gives an awkward little nod and tells them if they need anything to just let them know. Then he melts back into the house to prevent a murder.
is the adventurous eater
Cassian will eat legitimately anything. And there are very few things he doesn't like? but the things he doesn't like he dislikes VERY VIOLENTLY. If you attempt to feed this man peanut butter he will make your life miserable forEVER. He also likes to experiment in the kitchen.
Nesta is very much. She likes what she likes and she has no interest in adding to that. She's perfectly happy. She will make the effort and try things that Cassian specifically makes because she knows it's important to him. but she goes into it like she's headed to the gallows each time and as long as she takes a little bit that's fine. Nesta doesn't like new things or change in her established existence.
Azriel has a very discerning palatte. He can subsist on soldier's rations. But he's absolutely the obnoxious foodie of the group, surprisingly so to people who don't know him. Cassian considers it a Great Personal Achievement if, when he puts the first mouthful of food into his mouth, Azriel smiles.
hogs the covers at night
NESTA. She sleeps in between the two Illyrians, and no-one have any idea HOW but every night she manages to cocoon herself in blankets. Cassian has described her, lovingly, as his "little rotisserie chicken" assuming that she just...rotates and pulls the blankets in around her with every turn. Cassian and Az doesn't really mind, they have wings, and body heat, and have slept in far worse places. It amuses them.
forgets to do the dishes
Nesta. Azriel and Cassian both have that 'hyper neat military discipline' thing and they both get antsy if their spaces aren't clean. On very rare occasions Az will sometimes leave like the occasional tea cup or plate lying around and Cassian will take that as a cue to go and check in on him because he must be really distracted/bothered by something for that to happen.
tries to surprise their partner more often
Cassian does the surprising. Most of them involve nakedness and rose petals. He also occasionally does ridiculous things like hiring a band to follow Nesta around the city all day and sing a song of how much he loves her. Buys an enormous teddy bear for Azriel so he has someone to hold him while Cassian is at the camps - because sweet Nesta won't (sweet Nesta elbows him)
Azriel does like big important anniversary/birthday and they're always incredibly intricately planned and thoughtful.
Nesta and Cassian both tag-team Azriel for special occasions and force him to take some time for himself and they just make him do all of his favourite things and it's Wholesome.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor
Nesta, mainly, because again Cassian and Azriel are neat freaks. However, Cassian will take credit for doing this when he's stripping one or both of his partners for sex.
stays up til 2 AM reading
All of them, actually. Cassian far less frequently than the other two. Az does this literally every day until Nesta legitimately picks him up and carries him to bed. Cassian assists by whipping the remaining report paper out of his hands as they come in. Azriel grumbles about them fussing over him like a pair of mother wyverns. Nesta pointedly tells him he needs it and Cass agrees.
Sometimes Azriel returns to the favour with Nesta. Or he TRIES to. But he approaches and she just raises a finger, without looking up, and growls at him. Cassian claps a hand on his shoulder and tells him to just let her finish her book. He doesn't want to have to start writing that eulogy just yet.
sings in the shower
Cassian sings very very loudly. It is not good. He does it anyway. And he dances. Even when he's joined in the shower by his partners.
Azriel sings, but only when he's alone. Or with Nesta. She is allowed to hear, but only if she sings with him. It's quiet, and beautiful, and one of their bonding moments.
takes the selfies
Cassian. Frequently. Nesta is very changeable. Sometimes she likes it and poses with him. Other times he just gets a palm in his face and a rude gesture.
Azriel always point blank refuses to have pictures taken.
plans date night
Azriel usually manages it, Nesta is his co-planner. They both like things ordered, and controlled, and to know what's happened.
They let Cassian plan once and never again. for the general of the Night Court armies he's fucking terrible at managing restaurant bookings.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
heroes by bowie & wolfstar: prompt <3
And you, you can be mean
Remus turned to where Sirius sat on the sofa, boasting about a battle they had just won against their cousin.
"Will you stop! People fucking died in that battle! Merlin, we know you're a Black, you don't have to shove it in our faces!"
He stubbed his cigarette out on the window sill and stomped to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
And I, I'll drink all the time
"Moony! You here?" Sirius called out, walking over to the kitchen to see if they had any whisky left.
Remus appeared in the doorway with his arms folded, clearly just woken up.
"Dance with me, moony!"
Sirius spun around the kitchen to music in their head, before clutching the counter and throwing up over themselves.
'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that
"Remember when we took this?" Sirius said, staring at a photo of them in 3rd year at Hogsmeade.
Remus beamed, "that was such a great day. Wormtail and Prongs went off to annoy Marlene and Mary, so we explored the woods together."
Sirius grinned, "and I fell out that tree and you caught me in your arms."
"So romantic", Remus laughed, kissing Sirius' cheek.
Though nothing will keep us together
Sirius sat on the sofa, a bottle in hand, writing another letter to James.
Remus was gone again, and now they were alone once more. With nothing to do but drink and ride the bike, till they were assigned another mission.
We could steal time just for one day
"I wish we could go back in time", Remus said absentmindedly as he was washing up.
"Time turners exist", Sirius answered as they dried a mug.
"No, I mean, I don't want to grow up."
Sirius thought about it for a moment before answering, "then don't. I'm not planning to."
We can be heroes for ever and ever
What d'you say?
"As long as I'm around, I'll make sure you dont turn even more into a grouchy grandpa", they added with a wink.
We can be Heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
Remus snorted, "We should get James and Peter to move back in, then. Make it just like the dorms."
"As much as I'd love that, Prongs already said we can't move in with him and Lily. Which is utterly ridiculous!"
I, I can remember
Standing, by the wall
Sirius clutched their side in pain as blood oozed out from underneath the fabric.
They leant against the wall when Remus came running over, pointing his wand to perform a healing charm.
And the guns, shot above our heads
Spells started flying in their direction, as death eaters caught sight of them.
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall
Sirius grabbed Remus and kissed him with all their strength.
Remus kissed back, and for a moment they forgot about the battle.
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Remus pulled back, flicking his wand in the direction of the approaching death eaters.
Then we could be Heroes, just for one day
They tightly held each others hand, as they fought back against the enemy.
We're nothing, and nothing will help us
As they got back to the apartment, Remus walked away from Sirius to read a letter that had appeared on the table. While Sirius walked straight to the kitchen, pouring a drink and downing it with a sharp laugh.
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
Sirius' bags were packed when Remus got back from another mission.
"There's a traitor on our side, and you keep disappearing every minute. I can't trust you at the moment", Sirius explained as he walked out the door a final time.
Remus collapsed onto the table, he was exhausted and didn't have the energy to fight it. He knew Sirius would leave him at some point.
But we could be safer, just for one day
Sirius was right. There was a traitor.
Trust was a hard thing to come by in the midst of war. And no one would trust the werewolf.
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pxdfootx · 3 years
Sirius stood outside Mary and Emmeline’s flat, hesitant in a way that was unusual for Sirius Black to be. He knew that it was shitty of him to have not stopped by Mary and Emmeline’s yet. It had been a couple days since Emmeline’s rescue and he really should have been there that same day, but after finding out about Peter’s betrayal, Sirius had been staying close to James and Remus. He hadn’t been up for talking to or being there for anyone else. Maybe that was selfish, but he had just found out that one of his best mates, his brothers, his marauders had been a traitor and now was dead. There was a whole raging mess of emotions happening inside of Sirius, and finding out from Lily that Regulus had been a part of Emmeline’s rescue had just brought those emotions to the boiling point. And if Sirius was being honest with himself (which he rarely did), he had been avoiding Mary and Emme’s place because of the chance there was to run into his brother.
Sirius wasn’t sure what to think about Regulus’ defection. Once upon a time, Reg had been the most important person in Sirius’ life. Their childhood had been spent together, whispering, plotting, discovering. They had been side by side, except for the times that Sirius stood in front of Reg, protecting him from the harshness of their parents’ expectations. Sirius would have done anything to protect Regulus, but then, in those days he would have done anything to protect Bella and the rest of his cousins too. But things had changed after Sirius met James. Hogwarts had brought him a sort of freedom that he hadn’t known he’d been longing for. For the first time, he wasn’t an heir, a legacy, a piece on the family chess board. He wasn’t young Master Black, he was just Sirius. When James had boasted about Gryffindor on the Hogwarts Express, it had sounded so damn fun, and all Sirius wanted was to have a little fun for once. In fact, he had been so focused on having fun that it became his ultimate mission. Of course, he still thought about Regulus, stuck at home without Sirius to protect him until he came to Hogwarts. He wrote letters to his brother and slipped right back into their dynamic on breaks from school, but things weren’t the same. There was a part of Sirius that was separate from his brother now, a part that Reg couldn’t understand until he got to Hogwarts.
And when it finally was Reg’s time, Sirius just assumed that his brother would follow in his footsteps. It had always been the two of them, Reg following along with whatever Sirius did. But when the hat bellowed out above Regulus’ head, it had been for Slytherin, not Gryffindor, not even Ravenclaw. Sirius had been disappointed, but even more deeply, he had been resentful. Now he was the only Black that hadn’t gone along with being in Slytherin, and here was more ammunition from their parents about Sirius being a disappointment. Maybe it had been wrong and selfish for him to assume that Regulus would do his part to share that burden, that it was Reg’s responsibility not to make Sirius look like a black sheep even more than he did. Looking back, Sirius knew that this resentment was the first crack in their relationship. Regulus was still his brother, sure, but he was too weak to be the brother Sirius wanted, the kind of brother he saw in James and Remus and Peter. Hell, Peter could be a total wuss sometimes and he still had more of a backbone than Regulus. These feelings all festered inside of Sirius, but he was too young and immature to examine them, to consider that maybe the way he thought about Reg’s decision and sorting was flawed. Instead, he threw himself even further into the Marauders — into the pranks and the jokes and the fun. Fuck, being a Marauder was so fun, the kind of fun he didn’t experience when he was around Regulus, who was so damn serious and careful.
But Regulus was still his brother, and that meant something to Sirius. The rest of the Gryffindors knew that Reg was off limits, and every time Snivellus seemed to get too cozy with his brother, retribution was swift. And then came that fateful day that summer. Sirius knew that Regulus hadn’t meant to snitch on him for being friends with a werewolf or snogging a muggleborn, but that didn’t change the pain he felt from the cruciatus curses his parents took turns throwing at him. When they finally left him alone, Sirius had recovered enough to dart into his room and pack the essentials. He could still hear the pleas from his brother — Regulus begging him to understand, apologizing over and over again, pleading with him to stay, to not leave him alone in this house. But Sirius had been hurt and angry and felt betrayed that Reg had thrown him under the bus, had made him into a scapegoat. So he had harshly brushed his brother off and gone, finding refuge in the Potters. And when they got back to Hogwarts, the cracks were too wide for Sirius to know how to breach, so he had pretended not to care as he watched Regulus fall further and further under the sway of the budding DEs in Slytherin.
Looking back now, Sirius wished that he had done things differently. He could have convinced Regulus to come with him; the Potters would have welcomed him too. Or if not, he could have stayed and put up with it for a couple more years. It’s what he should have done; it was his duty as an older brother to protect Regulus. Sirius knew in his heart that Reg didn’t want the life their parents were forcing him into, that he didn’t have what it took to be a Death Eater. Yet he had convinced himself otherwise; too afraid to take a closer look at how his own actions had pushed Regulus right down that path. But now, he was forced to confront that reality. Regulus had been more brave than even Sirius — he had walked out knowing there would be a price on his head for the rest of this war.
Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Sirius took a deep breath and forced himself to reach out, turning the knob and making his way inside. “Oi, Vance, took ya long enough to talk your way out of there!” His voice was more boisterous than usual, the only sign that he was overcompensating to disguise the hesitance he felt. Pausing on the threshold of the living room, he took in the scene before him. Emmeline, Moody, and Greta were all in the room, and so was Regulus, looking out of place. As his eyes fell on his brother for the first time in a long time, Sirius heard a sharp intake of breath coming from his own mouth. His eyes locked on Regulus’, and the other occupants of the room seemed to sense the change in him; they quickly made some excuses and scuttled off to the kitchen, leaving Sirius alone with his brother for the first time since that day he had run away from home.
“Uh, hi,” Sirius said lamely, nervously running his hand through his hair.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
Hey, randomly had this thought while driving home from the store
Bakugo from BNHA has some similarities to Black 🌟 Star from Soul Eater i think
But its different in how they interact with and think of others
There's legit a scene in Soul Eater where Black 🌟 Stars teacher point out that his boasts are like self imposed challenges, aiming to always raise himself up to be #1
But for Bakugo, he aims to be number 1 by putting everyone else Down below him.
And they both have trouble being rude to those perceived as way below them, both have a friend group that's used to their antics
Idk, this was a rant born from a random idea, and I guess what are your thoughts on this??
I have never seen Soul Eater.
But I do see where you're coming from- it's just that this Black Star is less... cruel?
Bakugou is the asshole friend who no one really likes except one guy so you put up with with cause you're actually friends with that one guy. Black Star sounds like a guy who is annoying as fuck, but can be dealt with.
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
love isn’t for us.
an oliver wood x reader wherein there are certain things people can have, maybe love wasn’t for the both of you.
WARNING: angst, just angst. mentions of blood, death and swearing.
A/N: okay so this is an anonymous request from my 100-follower celebration and now we have our lovely quidditch captain, Oliver wood !! i hope you guys would love this and cry (as much as i did) when i was writing this. yeah i won’t consider this as blurb anymore.
request:  “could i get a 🥳 with oliver and the sentence ‘i’m sorry we couldn’t have forever, love.’ could it also be really angsty?”
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they say when people die, the life that person had flashes through their eyes in the mere seconds of their last breath before finally leaving the earth. 
You and Oliver were a solid team, having grown up together, it was safe to say that the both of you were inseparable. The only time would leave his side was either during classes and/or his quidditch match and practices but aside from that? you were never out of his sight. 
Some even say that you’re the only one that Oliver loves more than Quidditch; and if you know that man well enough, he’s absolutely smitten for that game.
That being said, you two got together in your fifth year and everyone swooned and finally breathed properly from waiting on the love story that you have with him. 
But sadly, not all love stories have happy endings. 
After the two of you graduated, you entered your to be an Auror while Oliver continued his dream of being a professional Quidditch player. The first few months of you having very different schedules went fine, the both of you adjusting your schedules for dates and cuddle nights. 
Until the fights came, the throwing and smashing of whatever the both of you can grab during your heated moments. It was all going south, with the Dark Lord rising once again, you had more extensive trainings and long hours with your superiors about what’s happening. Oliver had been on his training with Puddlemere, going on tours and whatnot for the tournaments, there was just no time anymore. 
It wasn’t the same anymore.
Another fight ensued from the both of you after he shrugged you off quite easily after you asked him how his day went, with him passive-aggressively answering that it was alright. You on the other hand, didn’t want to put up with his moodiness and asked him what his problem was.
“What the fuck is your problem, Oliver?!” You asked him hands slamming down the table as you stood up, eyes piercing directly into his. He scoffed and crossed him arms, rolling his eyes at you.
“My problem? Are you even sure that it’s my problem? (Y/N). Take a look into the mirror and ask yourself.” He answered, his voice slowly rising as he stood up, his nerves now getting the best of him again.
The second stage of you guys fighting ensued, you threw your chair behind as you walked in front him, “What the fuck does that even mean?! All I asked was how are your day and your ass is here being all passive-aggressive!” 
“Because you can cut the bullshit, (L/N). When was the last time you even asked me that?! I know you don’t care!” His voice bellowed through the apartment. Admittedly, his voice was always loud because of him shouting during his days as a Quidditch captain but nothing prepared you for that. 
Those words he said was like a knife that stabbed right through your heart and his words echoed through your mind. 
“Do you really- do you really think I don’t care anymore, Oli?” You asked, voice now broken as your arms fell to your side, tears brimming your eyes. “You know how hard my training is right now, right? How hard it is to keep on fighting everyday without uncertainty if I get to go back home?” You continued, not even bothering to wipe the tears that are free-flowing to your cheeks.
Oliver was at a loss, he, himself was surprised at his own words. He stood there quietly as you continued to speak, “If that’s the case then, I’m sorry Wood, but we’re through. I can’t do this anymore.” 
His heart was shattered at the sound of your voice, but he couldn’t even move. How can he even talk to you when he said such harsh things that caused you to cry? He couldn’t bear the thought.
Your sobs filled the now dead silent house as you quickly packed up your clothes, not even even bringing your other belongings as you walked out the room you both shared- or shall we say, once shared. 
“Just so you know, Oliver, I never stopped caring about you, I can promise you that. I love you, Oli.” 
And just like that you were gone, and he didn’t even stop you.
“C’mon! Hurry up, let’s go!” Oliver’s voice boomed through the air as he dashed down to Hogwarts, the flashes of green and red lights filled the once peaceful school yard as loud booms commenced from left and right of the castle.
The Second Wizarding War was already happening yet the fear of dying here wasn’t Oliver’s concern. It was you.
All he wanted to see was you be alright, to be safe and sound after all of this commences. He was dead set on finding you before the war ends, to tell you he made a mistake, to tell you that he needed you, to tell you that nothing was the same with you. 
Fighting left and right, he couldn’t seem to find the (H/C) locks he had grown very familiar with and the panic was already eating him up inside. He ran through the Great Hall to see if you were there to no avail, he passed through multiple students who were trying to escape the wrath of the death eaters, nearly falling through the pieces of rubble that was scattered throughout the whole school just to find you
But alas, he couldn’t even see you.
He sighted a familiar ginger who he once shared a dorm with, “Percy!” He shouted, running straight to his old friend. “(Y/N)! Have you seen (Y/N)?!” His voice was strained from shouting too much, tears threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry, Wood but I haven’t sighted her just yet. I’ll tell her I’ve seen you though.” Percy answered, giving his friend a smile as he patted his shoulder. “Focus on yourself first and then find her!”
He gave the ginger a nod and ran once again, his wand flickering through as he fought, until he got cornered. He shut his eyes as one of the death eaters were nearing him when he heard a familiar voice cry out, “Stupefy!” and when he opened his eyes, the man was gone. 
What replaced him was smiling you, shaking your head at him. “How stupid can you get, Wood?! What were the disarming tricks Flitwick taught us? For display?”
He laughed along with you as he slowly approached you, “(Y/N), I missed-” 
Suddenly a loud boom erupted from your side, and the next thing Oliver saw was the wall crushed over once where you were standing at. The color drained from his face as he ran over to where you were, “NO! No, no no!”
His hands pushed through the rubble as students came to help him push away the big blocks, until he saw your hair and soon enough, your limp body. “(Y/N)! Hang on in there, okay? I’m almost there!” 
With the amount of adrenaline coursing through his veins, he pushed the last big piece away and pulled you from under the wall, taking you into his arms as he ran to the Great Hall where most of the bodies lay. 
He placed you down a stretcher and immediately called out for help, taking your hand in his as he placed his other hand on your hair. “Hang on in there, love. Help is almost here, okay?”
With the remaining energy you have left, you opened your eyes and stared into his brown ones, giving him a small smile as you coughed up blood. As you shut your eyes, you realized you were in your final moments.
“(Y/N)! Look at how high I am!” a nine-year old Oliver boasted as he zoomed through the field on his broom, his laugh reaching you from the ground. He looked down at you with a rather smug grin. “Can’t get up here, shorty?” He teased, waving his hand from up high.
You grumbled softly and marched over to the spare broom on the ground, readying yourself to fly up next to him, “I’ll show you, Oli!” as you floated off the ground, until you suddenly lost control of the broom and fell straight back down to the field. 
“(Y/N)!” Oliver shouted, coming back down to the ground and rushed to your side, hand brushing through your locks as he asked, “Are you alright? Why did you even attempt that?” 
You smiled at him softly and said, “I just wanted to be good as you, Oli. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“No, (Y/N). I’m sorry for not being there for you at once.”
“Hurry up, (L/N)! We’re almost there!” Fifteen year old Oliver’s voice resonated through the field in your backyard, running towards a tree that was set in the middle of the vast land. A big smile was on his face despite being out of breath from running too much as he watched you run towards him.
“I swear on Godric Gryffindor if this is something useless- Oh my Merlin, what on earth is this, Oli?” You suddenly asked him as you saw a blanket laid out with various treats. “Is this a date, Mr. Wood?” 
“Only if you want it to be, Ms. (L/N).” He humored back, sending you a playful wink as motioned you to sit down with him. The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter as the both of you shared stories from Hogwarts and whatever the sun could shine on.
“Before I could forget, come here.” He motioned you over to the tree as he pulled out a knife and carved his initials unto the tree. Oliver had a big smile at his work as he faced you once again, “I carved this into the tree as a sign of the promises I will be sharing to you today, (Y/N.” He started off, his cheeks now starting to flush as he spoke.
“I, Oliver Wood, promise to keep you safe from all harm. I promise to keep you happy and content throughout the days of us being together. I would always care for you and I promise to love you until my very last breath.” He finished off, the smile on his lips even larger as you took the knife to carve in your own initials, placing it by the blanket as you stared back at him.
“I, (Y/N) (L/N), promise to be your shoulder to cry on when you have those days, to be someone you can trust and put your heart into. I promise to be your person and home when the day arrives there is no one else by your side. Lastly, I promise to make you happy, to make you feel that you are cared for and that you are loved by me, for eternity.”
The scottish man had the brightest grin as he cupped your face and pressed his lips against yours for a gentle kiss.
“I love you, Oli.” “I love you too, darling.”
“(Y/N)! Wake up!” Oliver’s voice broke your thoughts off as you stirred, your body as weak as ever. You could barely feel anything except for the pain that shot through you. 
Your eyes met his once more and gave him a sad smile, “It’s time, Oli...” You croaked, tears filling in your eyes as you brought a hand up to hold his cheek, thumb caressing his skin gently as he held unto you.
He shook his head in denial, “No, baby. You have to fight, remember all the promises we shared? I know you’re not the one to break promises, right? Darling please, don’t give up. We can fix you straight up.” He rambled on, voice breaking as tears spilled out from his eyes, lips kissing your hand as he tightened his grasp, like is life depended on it. 
“Of course I remember the promises, Oli.” You said weakly, feeling yourself slowly slipping away from reality, from this life. “I’m sorry that I failed in showing you that I care for you, my love.” You apologized, a sad smile forming on your lips as you felt yourself slowly slipping away from this reality, from this lifetime.
 “I’m sorry we couldn’t have forever, love.” You whispered, heaving in your last breath as you fell back into slumber.
“No, no, no! (Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up right now and tell me you’re just playing a cruel joke!” Oliver shouted, shaking the lifeless body of the one he loved. His body trembled as he hugged you close to his chest, face buried into your clothes as your familiar scent filled his senses, making him cry even more.
Just like that, you were gone from him again, this time there was no return.
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We juse saw Issac/Lisa/Hector with female partners with high libido, but what about big daddy Dracula himself?
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original post here
Fuck it, let’s fuck everybody we didn’t already post about!
Thank all the stars in the sky that this guy has the supernatural genetic backing to try and keep up. 
Low key impressed? He thought for sure he was going to be the monster in the bed by tiring you out.
Gets a little spooked when HE’S tired and you ask him if he’s up for one more go.
Asks you in a flat deadpan tone if you found some sort of spell in his father’s study.
Followed up by asking if you got Sypha to do something with magic instead.
He’s happy to oblige but also mild concern about keeping you hydrated.
And NO, sucking him dry does not count as either hydration or nutrition! (In his mind anyway)
After the initial shock wears of he’s *very* into it.
Just means able to hunt you down at all hours of the day without trying to ration himself out.
It’s even worse when you have company and he has to pretend to be invested in the conversation when he notices you staring at his crotch.
Becomes pro at signing “Later~” with an eyebrow quirk and a grin.
Again, thank goodness this guy has the supernatural element to back him up.
None so subtly wants to be sure you’re okay and that this isn’t a side effect of some bigger issue. (No Drac, anybody would have a higher libido around you.)
For all he knows humans have evolved in his absence. Doubtful, but possible.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t taunt you with it.
Feigning ignorance when you cuddle up to him, tug on his sleeve, whisper in his ear. Hm? You want what? Again? Surely not so soon?
But teasing aside he will never disappoint in making sure he does eventually wear you out.
Though he does start to wonder if he’ll have to study some more to make sure he’s always surprising you. 
He might be hundreds of years old, but he’s only the Lord of the Knight, King of Vampires. Everybody needs a little inspiration one and then.
And he does have a huge…
Also might have to invent a better lube so his gigantic dick doesn’t give you permanent internal friction burn. 
Oh god, he might have to do something he’s never done before.
It’ll be worth it to not be ready to fall asleep after filling you with two loads and then having you tap his shoulder like, “Next please.”
Or at least he tells himself that as he turns down a refill after his meal at the tavern.
Thank fuck his monster hunter training is able to keep him going for so long, stamina for days once he’s actually in the mind to do so. 
Still though, a bit unnerved at how fast you recover.
Checks Ye Olde Monster Manual just to be sure he’s safe.
That said, he does grow to appreciate the bone softening satisfaction he feels at the end of a thorough romp with you in contrast to just passing out drunk and having to deal with the hangover the next morning.
Maybe better than ale. Maybe.
Went from “FUCK YES” to “OH SHIT” real fast.
Couldn’t imagine why you’d be concerned mentioning to him that you have a high libido, isn’t that every man’s dream? To have a wife who loves to fuck as much as he does?
Sure, but only when they can keep up.
Bastard will lie through his fangs rather than admit you’ve tired him out first.
It’s gonna be a terrible lie, but that’s what he does.
That said, he will aim to finally keep up with you, whether that’s making sure he’s well fed before bedtime or with holding back on sparing that day.
Might learn how to play the hardingfele just to get his fingering game on par with your needs.
His pride is too obstinate to let him go about in public if he ever leaves the bedroom before you’re done with him. 
So it might take a few tries, but of the many things Godbrand isn’t, he ain’t a fuckin quitter.
Oh good, finally someone who can keep up with her.
Impressed, also good fucking lord you two walked across at least three cities today can you please let a woman rest?
Might have to tap into her magic a bit to help her out. 
Little extra stim, little extra -oomph- if you will
Might have to set aside a little extra money for the next time you two happen upon a trader with coffee.
All for her, none for you.
She is super proud of it though, and would be lying if she didn’t feel like she was super lucky to have someone who could fully tire her out.
Probably boasts a little, if you let her. 
She was already a hearty eater, but unless she wants to get even smaller is going to have to add some extra fuel to her plate. At every meal.
She also starts practicing her tongue skills on cherry stems when the chance is there. Lockjaw can only be iced away so many times before it kicks in too fast for her licking liking.
-Mod Soviet
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