#what options? the two girls you interact with? the three people? the lyric was such a funny read for me at first because it made it seem l
dapperrokyuu · 5 months
While I do wish we can see more about the Anakt quartet's relationships, it was incredibly funny for me to be, like, "*Round 2 just got released* Oh, Till doesnt even KNOW or has ever talked to Mizi, hes just projecting and obsessed and heteronormative-" to "*experienced all the official art and Round 3 and 6* Oh, they were, like, actually friends to an extent and the meaning Mizi has to Till is very sweet even if its born of and is a reflection of just how desolate his lived experience just Is Constantly, ultimately a guy with a cute crush made buckwild due to- *gestures vaguely* -and hes heteronormative."
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Subconscious Match Making // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Kenny brings in his niece Y/N and her band to provide a demonstration of the stage presence of a band. More than happy Tarnished Poets become mentors during the process of bootcamp. Charlie’s eye is stuck on Kenny’s niece; Kenny’s so powerful he subconsciously did match making
Warning: Swearing, talk about car accident, angst, and fluff.
Words: 4.6k
A/N: The song used by my fictional band is High Hopes by the Australian band Yours Truly.
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Being part of the audition aspect of Julie and the Phantoms was unreal, especially being young with such an opportunity. The timing couldn’t be better with the band stationed stateside for recording; Kenny had presented the offer to mentor during auditions. The capacity as a musician mentor was alien, but you would do anything for the guy you considered an uncle.
Stopping briefly at the bathroom, you encountered one of the options for Julie that Kenny had sent in the PDF file of people auditioning. As you stepped up to wash your hands, you noticed her lips moving along to the song they had been given.
“Are you okay?” You questioned turning to face the teenager no more than fifteen at the most. Her brown eyes colliding with yours unable to hide the nerves, “You’re auditioning for Kenny Ortega’s show, right?”
“Yeah. I’m Madison.” The girl spoke, holding out her hand to shake, “Are you auditioning for Carrie?”
You smiled at her question, “No.”
Julie went to answer before the glance at her watch, startled her barely getting a goodbye out before she was rushing out the door. You went back to drying your hands before heading to the room Kenny had messaged you about. It was a large room with people sitting at tables and four people on stage. All in a circle speaking quietly, you took the opportunity to settle beside Kenny and your three band members.
“Hey Kenny.” You murmured turning to the man, the myth, legend Kenny Ortega himself. The man beamed at you as he had not seen you in months due to touring.
“Y/N! Sweetheart.” Kenny spoke, taking in the differences, the bags under your eyes gone from the last time he had a video call, “You look stunning as usual.”
You chuckled at his compliment, feeling he was right; sleep was definitely better when not on a travelling bus. Late nights now found at the recording studio with the band and less stress on being hounded by fans.
“So, what do you want us to do?” You questioned glancing at the quartet on the stage each keeping their attention on each other, “Who are they?”
Kenny glanced at his colleagues ready for the day to start, “This the first time they will be performing on the stage as the band. They don’t know yet. As being their age, I’d like you to show them the dynamic we’re looking for.”
You nodded along with Lachlan, Brad and Jay. Kenny’s happy smile directed you guys for a second before turning to the stage. Huddling with your bandmates, you started throwing out song choices, one the most challenging things.
“Okay. Before we have you sing Bright, I convinced my niece to join us while they are off touring.” Kenny told the actors gesturing to the band in a huddle unbothered at the lack of listening, “Okay.”
Turning as Kenny’s voice centred towards you, the people on the stage caught sight of you all; Madison’s eyes grew. She adored your music, and not recognizing you in the bathroom, burnt her. The other guys were less familiar with the band other than Owen who knew them through Madison and Savannah.
“This is my niece Y/N along with her band members Lachlan, Brad and Jay. Tarnished Poets this is candidates for the show Charlie, Jeremy, Owen and Madison.” Kenny gestured to the two separate groups who quickly switched.
With a vast amount of experience, the small stage revamped itself with the band’s personal instruments. People held to move the stage drums to replace with Brad’s drums behind the clear plastic with quick succession as the remaining members took their places.
Your dark wash jean jacket tossed to the side of the stage mere seconds before Lachlan’s fingers started the song off with shredding on his baby pink guitar. The room melted away from your mind as the four got lost in the music.
You got the nerve to come and say 
That you’re not standing in my way
When we both know
Eyes closed you moved to the fast beats feeling on the top of the world as if nothing would knock you down.
The room was quiet aside from the music enthralling the occupants as this band shocked everyone but Madison and Kenny. This was precisely how Kenny envisioned Julie and the band would be like as the room burst into noise as if it was a concert. The stage was electrifying, and the actors couldn’t sit still with big smiles and bodies moving to the beat.
Well I’ve had high hopes up til now
 And I was kinda hoping. 
 You could be my hero
 You could be my hero
At the lull, in words, the guitars and the drums wove through the room as you flipped your hair side to side concealing the expression. The music brought a feeling euphoria to you as it always had because nothing made you feel as alive.
You never stayed in one place when you weren’t cupping the microphone singing you jammed with the others. Cleaning removing the mic from the stand you move to face Brad through the clear screen with a grin. A smooth practised twirl you found yourself by the bassist Jay delving into the lyrics once more.
You can’t take it back
With all, I’ve tried 
And I know that you can’t shape me
Moving back in fluid motion Lachlan and you switched places across the stage from Jay. Lachlan began his solo ending just as you circled back to your original positions. Everyone had watched Lachlan they missed your microphone being replaced in the stand.
As the song came to an end, you ended the last note bending to the side with the stand, every member leaning over to the floor. The guitar notes faded as the room burst into applause.
“This is what I want the band to be like!” Kenny called moving to the stage you hug you, “I knew I chose the right people. Did you see how they commanded the stage? They used the entirety, exploding with energy.”
Charlie’s jaw was dropped at how great the band was, they transformed the room into a concert, and you were damn good. Owen reached over and gently pushed Charlie’s jaw back up without looking; this move alone gave Kenny insight into the dynamic between the actors.
“Can you all come up here?” You asked the four actors moving aside for them as they stationed themselves you all wandered around, “Naturally you’ve all equally spaced yourselves out. That’s good because you understand you need space to rock out, but it comes with a negative.”
Lachlan stepped forth his accent, bringing the group to surprise, “But don’t stay in the box you’ve created. The stage is yours. You’re a band so interact.”
“Don’t play the music. Become the music you play, Luke doesn’t just love music. It’s in his blood and part of his soul.” You finished squeezing the arm of Charlie, eyes fractionally widening at the solid muscle. Charlie’s eyes glued to your eyes he didn’t notice as you gently pushed the white guitar into his chest.
“Show us Luke’s bond with music.” You softly spoke, backing away from the Canadian male turning on your heel to sit with Kenny again.
Your eyes couldn’t help but return to the male with the cut off shirt, and his hair pushed up out of his face. Suspenders connected to his jeans rolled above the brown boots. Your lips parted as Madison introduced the group.
“Hi, we’re Julie and the Phantoms I hope you enjoy.” The girl spoke before the group transformed in front of the group. They were no longer actors hoping for roles, but they became the characters they desired to play.
Charlie melted into the character of Luke with ease; it was beautiful and poetic. What they didn’t know was that they were, in fact, the band.
As the music died down, you relaxed into the chair as Kenny cheered with his hands high in the air with the entire room as they bowed. Kenny’s teasing grin glanced back as he approached the stairs to the huddled youth.
“I don’t know. Can we?” Kenny spoke to the audience amused with the anticipation of the stage.
“Do it!” You called out with a grin along with the rest of Tarnished Poets keeping your eyes on Charlie. His energy intrigued you incredibly.
“Yeah you are our band.” Kenny announced changing the lives of the official cast forever. The quartet exclaimed in response clutching each other close as if they had been friends for years instead of months.
Charlie’s grin fluttered your heart as you leaned back, watching the excited group knowing you would be watching the show when it came out.
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 The summer breeze was serene in the quiet area outside of the beautiful city of Vancouver, Canada where filming had commenced. Scheduling was perfect with the members of Tarnished Poets breaking off for the break. Lachlan returned to his family in Perth, Australia while Brad and Jay decided on a road trip in their home state.
You had accompanied Kenny to Canada for the first part of filming moving into a small house near the set. The home quickly became the hub of the cast with the close proximation to filming, you had even given Charlie the spare key. You two incredibly close.
“So, this is where you disappear to.” The teasing voice came from behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you met the gaze of Charlie’s hazel eyes.
He moved through the meadow to the tree you found shade under with your guitar nearby. You always had a feeling the adventurous guy would find the trail to the meadow you frequented. His forest green shirt bringing out the green of his eyes that you adored. As if you were a character in a Tumblr story, you fell for him and wondered if he felt the same.
“Sometimes I need to leave the city. I spent too much time in them.” You spoke, closing the notebook of the song you were working on. It wasn’t one you planned on using for Tarnished Poets, but instead something you hesitated on showing Kenny.
 “I didn’t know you could play the guitar.” Charlie softly spoke gently, stroked the neck of the well-used guitar. Passed down from your mom who loved playing at cafes in her teens and into her early 20s.
“Probably because we perform with electric more often. Plus, I like doing vocals.” You spoke shuffling to face him, “So it took you over a month to find this meadow.”
Charlie chuckled glancing at the notebook with interest. He always wanted to know more about you from the moment he saw you.
“What are you working on?” He questioned slowly grasping the notebook in his hand. Usually, you would be shy and letting someone see an unfinished song. Still, something about Charlie never made you feel nervous.
“A song about regret over hurting someone.” You softly replied, moving to bring your knees into your chest thinking about one of the final devasting moments, “I’m kinda the female counterpart of Luke. I grew up in a small town where people had reliable jobs. I always loved music. My mom taught me to play the guitar.”
“Yeah?” Charlie smiled, wondering what a kid version of you would have been like. Your eyes raised to meet his.
“Her dream was to make a living out of her music, and she got rejected. A lot. I think she lost a part of herself when she gave up for a secure, stable job as an accountant. Didn’t mean she didn’t still love to play, so she taught me how to play as a hobby.”
“But you loved it like she did.” Charlie breathed picking up where the story would be going so he gently took your hand in his; something not unusual with you two.
“I posted videos of covers on YouTube and Lachlan saw it. He had moved to America to make his dream and closely, our band came together. We did some gigs around my hometown even making the long trips to the city.” You reminisced on the times where you were an underground band with a small following. Things went sour when you hit more immense success, “We had the opportunity for our music, and at eighteen we took it.”
Slowly you leaned into the body of Charlie relaxing as his arms encompassed you in a feeling of safety and warmth. His fingers tangling in your hair as he focused on your story.
“My parents found out, and Mom just exploded. We both said cruel things, and I left that night. We played gigs constantly, so I always pushed back, making up with her. Six months into the move, she got into a car accident.” You sighed nestling further into Charlie, “I wrote that song, but I couldn’t even finish it, but with Luke’s storyline, I think it would be perfect. I’m polishing it up to present to Kenny.”
“What’s it called?” He inquired, smiling as you shifted to lean your back against his chest to cradle the guitar in your lap.
“Unsaid Emily. My mom’s name is Emily.” Your words nearly buried under the soft notes from the guitar. Your lips opened to sing, but you didn’t have to. Charlie started it.
The emotion was raw in the air as the power in his voice brought you to tears, unable to do more than strum the guitar and harmonizing at one point. It was like Unsaid Emily was made for Charlie to sing. At that moment you knew, this was the song Luke needed to do for his mom in the show; however, it could be incorporated.
Overcome with an emotion you pushed to your knees to cup his cheeks as he trailed off the last word. The guitar keeping you from pressing your chests together to kiss you poured your feelings in the kiss. A kiss he returned with gusto.
“Whoa.” Charlie breathed, keeping his forehead connected to yours smiling as your eyelashes tickled his cheeks. Calloused fingers set the guitar aside as he tugged you into his chest as his lips drew closer.
Your lips parted as a tingle overtook your whole body as he lips caressed yours soft lightly you thought you imagined it. His mouth claimed yours in what might be the most passionate one you’ve ever had. Pulling away, you became aware your hands had flipped under his shirt with knowing.
“Thank you.” You spoke softly looking up through your eyelashes at the guy the grew as important as the band.
Charlie’s cheeks painted a soft pink set off by the hypnotizing brown of his hazel gaze as if you were his whole world. His eyes scanning all your features from the small scar in your hairline thanks to a table edge at six years old.
 “For what?”
“Being you.” You replied tugging fists full of the green shirt to silence her thoughts with another fervent meeting. Yours arm coming to encircle his neck as his hands copied the move on your waist. Sitting on knees time slowed in the toe-curling kiss, he pulled away once more.
 “I could kiss you forever, and it still wouldn’t be long enough.” Charlie spoke, keeping his eyes closed as his fingers pinched his skin. This was what he dreamed of, being able to hold you more than a few seconds of an embrace.
“How is this going to work? My band goes on tour when you’re at the end of filming.” You questioned nestling into his arms again. The future was scary when you both were incredibly busy with the upcoming months.
“I’ll fly over for a few weeks. See you in action.” He chuckled, pushing you away to stand up, “How about we start with dinner first?”
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It seemed the universe took pity on a young couple when Charlie took you home to his family to meet. His parents and siblings being the only ones aware of the relationship. Tour came and went with Charlie, using the time before promoting JATP, attended before you flew back to Canada with him.
Being with Charlie was like breathing, necessary and beautiful. You got along with his family as he did with yours. It was remarkable how interconnected you became together in the months committed to the relationship.
“Hey.” Charlie spoke, kissing your cheek in your private home you were renting in the country of Canada. When whispers of the pandemic came around, you had flown from the house you rented in LA with a friend to home.
Charlie had had the same idea to return home to his parents’ home while you settled into a house further away from other people. Charlie walked the distance to your place, and when lockdown came into effect, the decision was, he would stay with you.
“Well hello.” You cheekily responded, resting your fingers on the sleep flush of his cheeks as the glazed look faded.
 Charlie straight out of sleep was by far your favourite version of him with the genuine and raw unguarded emotions he displayed. In the nine months together, you had fallen for him swifter than Swiper from Dora could take items. Completely reciprocated on his side.
“You look happy.” Charlie murmured tracing the path from your temple to the corner of your mouth. The boy with messy hair, he had started growing it out after Julie, and the Phantoms wrapped.
“I am.” You softly spoke, shifting closer to him, “I’ve never been happier than I am tucked away from the world in your arms.”
The flush of Charlie’s cheek no longer came from the nap, but from the attention, you placed on the actor. He could feel the love radiating from your heart just by the look in your eyes.
“I’m going to be incredibly cheesy and reply that I am holding my world in my arms.” He expressed leaning over to press his lips against your forehead raptured by the honour he had at loving you.
“The next few days will be hectic.” You articulated running your hands through the thick brown hair focusing solely on his eyes—the building excitement budding within the actor.
Charlie’s lips parted to reply when his phone vibrated on the side table, “One moment. It’s Owen.”
You shifted out of the camera view per the mutual decision to keep the relationship under wraps for the time being. You absolutely knew the show would be a hit and thousand, make that hundreds of thousands, of people, would crush on the character. By keeping the relationship quiet, it would increase the fanbase because some people honestly only care about looks.
“Hey Buddy!” Charlie beamed at his fellow quarantine hair buddy with over 3,000 kilometres between each other.
“Eh! Charlie!” Owen greeted just as excited at his best friend delving into a story of the recent lego build his mom had made.
“So, the show debuts in a few days. How do you feel about it? I’m excited but also nervous. First leading role.”
“I think people will relate to the show. I mean the music is amazing, and the acting wasn’t too shabby.” Owen replied just about to open his mouth when he slammed it shut. His blue eyes narrowed together, picking up on the odd background. He had to lean closer to his phone, “Either I’m suddenly eighty years old or your definitely not at home.”
“W-what?” Charlie scoffed eyes flicking to the surroundings completely forgetting he was in his girlfriend’s home instead of his parents, “I’m at home.”
“No! We’ve chatted so many times I could draw your family’s house blueprint with my eyes closed. That is a bedroom and it ain’t in the Gillespie home.”
Charlie moaned hanging his head, “C’mon buddy. I’m at home.”
“Charles Gillespie, you have sex hair.” Owen deadpanned unamused at the obvious and quite literally horrible dishonesty from the Canadian male. Charlie’s cheeks puffed as he blew air out of his mouth and taking the ‘L’ in the situation.
“One moment.” He spoke, putting his friend on mute and setting the phone down to create a black screen. The entire short conversation you had delved back into the songbook always on your person, “Babe, Owen won’t let it go.”
“Tell him.” You replied gazing over the rim of your glasses with a smirk scarcely visible to your partner. Your full attention returned to scribbling in the book while Charlie inhaled sharply; psyching himself up.
“Okay. I’m seeing someone.” Charlie admitted sending the blonde into screaming having been suspicious. Jeremy’s wife, then girlfriend, had tried setting Charlie up with countless refusals.
“Who is it?”
“Don’t get upset. I’m dating Y/N-“
“-like Y/N from Tarnished Poets? The musician from Bootcamp that completely made us look like toddlers?” Owen demanded gasping as Charlie panned the FaceTime to the girl under the blankets, “Holy shit!”
“I don’t know how I managed to get her date, but it’s the happiest I’ve been.”
“Hey Owen.” You acknowledged the blonde drummer with a shy smile and kind eyes that he had found numerous times on set. He looked up to you along with loving the suggestions and help Brad gave him on the drums.
“How long have you been together?” Wondered Owen with the cute little smile you found endearing. You felt happy that it was Owen that had pieced it together.
“Going on ten months now-“
“-and I’m only just now finding out!” Owen exploded jittery in his seat at the pairing he had wanted to get together since the unbreakable gaze multiple times on set, “God I love the world!”
“Just don’t tell anyone, okay? We want to keep this private; you wouldn’t have been told had you not figured it out.”
“More like hounded it.” Charlie muttered under his breath, slinking his arm around your shoulders as his right hand held his phone. You slapped the bare chest of the love of your life heart fluttering at the solid muscle as it always did, “We need to get together as soon as we can.”
“I’m so done. There’s nothing to do in Oklahoma man. So that photo from Tarnished Poet’s European tour was real?” Owen recalled the picture that had crossed his Instagram For You page a few months prior.
“Yeah. I flew over for two weeks having the best time watching my girl kill it on the stage, they destroyed the stage each performance.” Charlie gushed unable to hold himself from frantically telling Owen about you unfazed by your presence.
“Why am I so single!” Owen groaned flinging his head back, “Is it the whole living with my parents at twenty? Am I not established enough?”
“Nah, you’re just too boring.” Charlie quipped thankful he was out of reach of the taller boy earning a laugh from his side. Owen snickered with a quick retort to his fellow actor.
“Well I’d stay and chat, but my phone is at 10%, and I’m too lazy to find my charger.” Owen started waving as he hung up on Charlie without waiting for a reply.
Your lips twitched that the profanity that fell from your boyfriend’s lips at the abrupt end of the call. Owen was like that in the end, living in the moment to an extent. Charlie turned on his side to tug you into his side, uncaring of your task.
“You’ve slept enough.” You chortled at the clinging boyfriend you had.
“Do you think we should tell the cast? Owen will be bursting with the secret if we don’t” queried Charlie pining his gaze on the steadily flushing cheeks with a fondness, “They wouldn’t tell. I really want to brag about my hot rocker girlfriend.”
Your hand dropped the notebook to play with his hair, “We’ll just keep the relationship to close friends and our family.”
Too bad you didn’t place a bet with Charlie because two hours after the convo with Owen your phones harmonized together. Your iPhone showing Carolynn’s cute selfie while Jeremy called Charlie.
“You’re dating Charlie!” Carolynn practically screamed into the phone, completely excited, “Owen told Jeremy, and I have wife privileges.”
“Dude! How long?”
“Near ten months.”
“Damn, we missed so many chances for double dates, but hey now I know who you kept sneaking into the apartment. Not like the smug smirk, the next day and her stiff walking didn’t speak for itself.”
“Jer!” Charlie called out mortified yet also proud that you couldn’t walk the night after. Your reaction was to Jer’s blunt statement was to bury your face in Charlie’s neck, concealing the deep blush.
The two couples conversed a couple more hours before ending in the evening for food. The same routine would continue for the next few days with alternating between the cast. The day Julie and the Phantoms dropped on Netflix, you binged it. The acting was insane and the storyline paired with the songs? Beautiful.
The issue came when Episode 8 came with the tsunami of emotions as Luke shattered himself singing Unsaid Emily.
“Oh my god.” You sniffled shakily cupping your damp cheeks in your hands, “It hurts. He’s having this cathartic release while agonizing himself. His parents can hear him singing the song.”
Charlie tugged you into his side equally moved from the cinematic beauty Kenny’s team had done. Unsaid Emily was the most emotional piece of music you had ever written in your career; Kenny had fallen in love with it. His genius mind recreating the scene of Luke singing and changing his mother’s name to Emily.
“Sh.” Charlie soothed in your ear, rubbing circles on the small of your back crying along with you, “It’s just a show.”
“Where in the hell did you pull off that level of regretful sadness? Who hurt you.” You replied, breathing shakily as the scene. Your eyes still tearing up as Emily finally got a little peace back after losing her son twenty-five years in the past.
“I took inspiration from your story, and I watched a video with a bunch of people describing the last moment with their loved ones. Add some sad music and missing my family…well this happened.” Charlie explained gently pushing your hands away to wipe your damp cheeks in a soft smile, “You created the song. It’s your work that moved so many people.”
“I provided words and a melody. You provided emotion and bridge between Luke and the audience.” You retorted leaning closer to the Canadian boy so very much in love with him.
Charlie pressed another kiss to your forehead as you tried to pull yourself together but watching Luke and Julie try to touch? That shattered you even more. Luke deserved a hug, and he can’t even get one from his crush? Extremely tragic.
“Maybe we should write a song together.” Charlie suggested quirking up one eyebrow as his green eyes spoke volumes on his feelings no words could ever match. His long fingers playing your digits.
“I have a better idea.” You grinned, “I know season two hasn’t been confirmed but what if Jer, Owen, you and Mads write songs for the band? Give an authentic aspect to your characters and band. Do it together, in pairs and alone.” You breathed straddling him to ensure you had his full attention at the suggestion that lit a light in his eyes.
“You must be on to something.” Charlie acknowledged removing his phone from his pocket to use the group chat. In a few minutes, he had exciting suggestions for the song ideas, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You replied, sitting back as he continued planning both via the group chat and FaceTime with the others.
Kenny was a genius both on screen and at matchmaking. As evidenced with Charlie and Kenny’s niece.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost
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Delicate. — Part 2.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: Part 2, let’s gooo. as always, feedback is very much appreciated! Let me know what you think or what you would like to see next. thank you for reading!
catch up here!
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"Stupid cheesecake recipe."
"Over baking wasn't exactly on the recipe, J." 
"Oh, shut up. Yours is dry as fuck."
Y/n opened her mouth, pretending to be offended. The pair was currently having a little baking competition that clearly went wrong since none of them can bake. Now, Y/n was pretty good at cooking in general, but for some reason baking just wasn't her thing. And obviously, it wasn't Jensen's thing either. 
"I hope you clean this mess after you're done." The truth was, Louise wasn't surprised by the mess her children had made and didn't mind it either. The age difference between both of them was big, so growing up there wasn't much they could do to bond. Right now, however, they were so much closer than they were before, and Jensen and Y/n had more things in common and more options of activities they could do together, like baking. 
Even if they were bad at it. 
"I invited Harry and Sarah tonight. They're having dinner with us." Louise spoke again, grabbing a rag and starting to wipe off the flour on the kitchen island. 
"Who's Sarah?" Y/n asked, cleaning the flour on her left cheek. She tried to ignore the growing butterflies in her stomach at the mention of Harry. She'd be lying if she said she hasn't thought about him since their last encounter, even went as far as trying to look for him on the internet but she got nothing. But the mention of another woman made her feel confused. Was he married or something? Don't blame her, the guy wears a lot of rings.  
"The owner of that cat café I took you to the other day. She's great, don't worry." 
Jensen nudged her playfully, and she rolled her eyes in return. "I'll take a shower." She announced before marching out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her old room. She wanted to clean herself up before Harry arrived, although she didn't know why. Looking through the clothes she kept at her mother's house, she settled in a plain, long blue dress with spaghetti straps and a pair of sandals. She didn't want to look overdressed but also didn't want to just wear a pair of sweatpants like she's been wearing all afternoon. 
"Do you remember when mom tried to set me up with that girl who worked at the restaurant on the other side of town?" Jensen entered the room without knocking, running his fingers through his hair. He was also fresh out of the shower. 
"Madison?" Jensen hummed in response. "She was nice. Why did you stop going out with her?"
"Because mom only did it because she thought I was lonely.?"
"What's your point?" She looked at him after grabbing a hairbrush from the vanity. 
"That she's doing the same now with Harry? Duh."
"Woah, I've met the man once. And I've tried going out with people she sets me up with, and we never click."
Y/n tried to play it cool when she heard the gates open, busying herself with whatever as the doorbell rang and Louise hurried towards the door. Harry and a gorgeous brunette stepped into the house, smiling widely at the middle-aged woman. 
"Come on in! I'm so glad you could make it."
"You have a lovely home, Louise." Harry's deep voice along with that accent of his sent shivers down Y/n's spine. She had a weak spot for British people and she didn't know why. 
"I'm sorry Mitch couldn't make it." The woman beside Harry said. 
"Oh, it's okay. There's always next time."
The three of them walked into the living room where everyone else was sitting. Jensen stood up and high-fived Harry before giving Sarah a side hug. A smirk appeared on Harry's face as Y/n came into his view. "Hello again, love."
"Hi, Harry." Y/n returned his little salute. "Azaleas are doing great, by the way." She jokingly said. 
"Knew you would keep them alive." He gave her a little wink before giving her a quick hug. 
Sarah introduced herself and Y/n did the same, accepting her hand to shake. Y/n had to admit, she was really pretty. Along with her brown hair, she had a pair of blue eyes and an inviting smile. If Harry was really dating Sarah, then he was a lucky man. 
Throughout the dinner, Y/n didn't say much. She'd occasionally steal little glazes at Harry and admired how gorgeous he looked tonight. It was funny, Y/n had this feeling in her tummy every time she's seen him, which by the way has only been twice, and she grew nervous out of nowhere. It was almost like she was too shy to speak to him, which was weird considering she was a pro at holding conversations as she's been trained to do so. Sometimes she'd stare for too long and Harry would notice and smile her way. Y/n felt like a teenager with a highschool crush. She tried to convince herself she didn't like him that way and she was just taken back at how pretty he was. 
Dinner was over and Harry insisted on helping with the dishes despite Louise's protests. So now it was just Y/n and Harry in the kitchen putting everything in the dishwasher while sipping on white wine. 
"How can you put ice on it?" Harry asked, nodding at her glass filled with wine and ice. "When the ice melts it just tastes like water."
"I like it really cold but I don't like keeping the bottles in the freezer." She explained, taking a sip from her glass. "So how do you know Sarah?" 
"She was the first friend I made when I came here. She's also British so we became fast friends. Plus, he's dating my best friend and co-worker."
"Oh." She said, processing the information. Perhaps that Mitch guy Sarah mentioned was her boyfriend and not Harry. Suddenly, she felt a wave of relief but then again, why?
"Can I say something without sounding creepy?"
"My sister is a massive fan of yours. When we still lived with my mum, you were all she listened to."
"I'm sorry." She joked and he breathed a laugh. "Well, tell her I say hi, please."
"Will do."
"So..." She dragged the word. "You knew who I was?"
"Obviously I don't live under a rock." He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm just not invested in that whole world as other people, you know? I don't even own an Instagram account or anything." Harry shrugged.
So that's why she couldn't find him anywhere, she thought. A feeling of excitement ran through her veins. Harry knew who she was, but he didn't care. Being treated like a normal person was a luxury Y/n didn't have anymore, so it was safe to say she felt happy knowing he'd treat her like one. 
They finished the task in silence, but Y/n couldn't contain the little smile forming on her face and honestly, Harry couldn't either. 
She was curious about him. What was he doing in her hometown if he was from the other side of the world? What did he do in his free time? Where did he get so many cool rings? Did he always want to be a florist? Why was he a florist? She had a million questions she wanted to ask, feeling genuinely intrigued by him. Harry could easily come off as an intimidating man, but what she has noticed from him was completely different. 
Harry was shy, incredibly so. But he was also cheeky, and silly and had a boyish smile that he could change into an intense look in a matter of seconds if he wanted to. His green eyes were always shiny, like stars in a black sky. He also appeared to be always happy, although she couldn't be certain on that one. 
The things she was feeling right now were things she's never experienced before and that was both exciting and terrifying. 
"I never trust a narcissist." Y/n tasted the new lyrics she's been thinking about with a random melody on the piano. She sat in front of the instrument in her living room and this time she didn't have to squeeze her brain for one decent melody, because this time she was able to come up with one smoothly. 
Pandora was casually laying down on the floor close to Y/n while Lizzie was chilling around the house as she didn't like the sound of the piano that much. This was one of those nights when inspiration came to Y/n from nowhere, having to drag herself out of the comfiness of her bed before she forgot what her brain had come up with. She continued adding lyrics, making sure her phone was still recording everything she was doing. 
It had been a few days since she's seen her family or had any kind of human interaction and now that she was thinking about it, she kind of missed it. Now, she loved her family to pieces and would do absolutely anything for them but she missed her friends, her real friends who were thousands of miles away from her right now. She was craving that more than anything right now and that's probably why she found herself in front of The Blossom House the morning after, debating whether or not entering the shop. 
Deciding to suck it up, she opened the door of the building and stepped in, feeling the overwhelming smell of flowers hit her nostrils immediately. There were a few people in the shop, a young boy buying a bouquet of red roses and two middle-aged women that looked like they came together. Y/n tried to go unnoticed as she stepped deeper into the store. The truth was, she didn't know what she was doing there. She didn't need more flowers, that's for sure. 
She looked through her sunglasses a bouquet of daisies her mother would absolutely die for, so she decided to grab it for her. 
"Oop, sorry. That one's not done yet." Someone said from behind. She turned around and saw a man with long hair tied in a low bun and a mustache on his face. "It's a commission, actually. But I can make another one for you."
"Oh, it's fine. I'll just pick something else." She gave him a polite smile. The name on the tag read Mitch, so he must be Sarah's boyfriend. "Uh... weird question but, is Harry around?"
"Yeah, he's in the back. Want me to get him for you?" He offered but she declined. 
"It's okay. Thank you." Giving him one last smile she walked away to the other side of the room, this time looking at the roses. The white ones were her favorites and she loved looking at them. 
"Hey, stranger."  Taking advantage of the fact he couldn't see her, she smiled widely at the sound of his voice. "Fancy seeing you here." As soon as she turned around she saw the goofy dimpled smile on his face. 
"Likewise, do you work here by any means?" She smirked as he giggled, deciding to play along. 
"Darling, I own the place."
"An entrepreneur, oh my god." She pretended to fan herself with the palm of her hand and Harry let out a big laugh. 
"What brings you here? More flowers?" Something tells her he knew she wasn't here for the flowers, and it was true, as much as she wanted to tell herself she wanted a new bouquet for her mom. In reality, she wanted to see him. "Has something caught your eye so far?"
"There was this bouquet of daisies but a man told me it was for a commission?" Her words came off more like a question. 
"Oh, yes. Mitch's been working on that for a few hours now. I can tell him to make you one like that if you want. Could be done in a couple of hours."
"That would be great. I could swing by in a while to get it."
"Orrrrr, we could wait for it over a cup of coffee?"
She observed him for a while and how the dimples never disappeared from his face as he waited for her answer. He seemed confident and she really liked that. "Sounds fun." She shrugged before a smile appeared on her face, matching his. 
"Let me tell Mitch and we'll go." He said before rushing to the back of the store and returning shortly after without his apron. "Would you prefer to go to Sarah's? Because there's this one, half block away that serves good coffee."
"Let's try that one." Honestly, she'd walk whatever blocks if that meant they'd spend more time together. "As much as I loved going to Sarah's, seeing all those kittens at once makes me cry."
"I feel the same. I always take my mum there when she comes to visit, last time she came she adopted one." He mentioned. A car passed at low speed, making Y/n nervous. She tried to cover her face as much as she could with her hair and fixing her sunglasses. "Is everything okay?" Harry asked, noticing her change of behavior. 
"Uh? Oh, yes. I thought someone was watching from that car." She said in a low voice. What happened next, she would've never expected. Harry pushed her gently to the other side of the sidewalk, changing places with her so his much taller frame would cover hers.
She blushed, looking up at him but he acted like it wasn't a big deal, like it was a natural thing to do although they didn't even know each other that well. She thought he'd tell her she was being paranoid or something but instead, he chose to do something he thought would make her feel more at ease. And it worked. 
Harry held the door open for her when they arrived, guiding her to a table away from the windows and pulled out the chair for her to sit, being an absolute gentleman with her. And although Y/n insisted, Harry went for their coffees and paid for them as well, saying he was the one who invited her hence he'd be the one who pays. 
Once they were settled with their own cups of coffee, they started talking. Mostly about Harry, Y/n still didn't feel comfortable enough to talk about herself and he understood so he let her ask him anything she desired. 
"Do you go to England often?"
"Not as much as I'd like to. I try to go during summer and for the holidays, of course. Although for birthdays and such, I'm not always able to fly there." 
"You must miss your family a lot." From what she's gathered about him, he was a family guy, so being away from his must be tough. She knew it was for her. 
"I do. But I also love it here."
"Do you see yourself going back?"
"To London? Probably not. I have gotten used to being in the states so if I ever move back there full time I'd feel out of place."
She nodded along, listening to him carefully. Harry had a beautiful voice and he spoke slowly so it made it even more soothing than it already was. She swore this man could read her a bedtime story and she'd be out in the first minutes. 
They talked for some more and bought another cup of coffee for the walk back to the flower shop. They were having a great time, and although they wouldn't say it out loud, none of them wanted it to end. So it was safe to say they both felt a little sad once they arrived at The Blossom House. 
"Let me get the bouquet for you." Harry told her after they entered. He came back with a replica of the bouquet of daisies she saw earlier and she smiled. "It's on the house, tell Louise I say hi."
"You don't have to gift me flowers every time I come, you know that right?" She chuckled but grabbed the bouquet regardless. 
"I know I don't have to but who says I don't want to?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning at her. 
"Thank you, Harry. For the coffee and the flowers."
"You're very welcome. I, uh, I had a great time today." He said, blushing a little.
"Me too."
"Do you think we could do it again some other time?" He asked hesitantly. 
"I'd love to, honestly." Y/n admitted, starting to blush as well. 
"So can I have your number or I'd have to wait until you come again?" He asked teasingly. "Swear I'll not sell it on e-bay."
"Can you even sell a telephone number on e-bay?" She asked, laughing as she took her phone out of her bag, handing it to him. "Feel free to text yourself so you could have mine too."
"I'll use it wisely, I promise."
"What do you mean?"
"Perhaps not only for coffee but for a nice dinner."
Yeah, she definitely hoped he'd do that.
Tag list: @reverse-hxlland​ @cronias13
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Winter 2013 - The Beginning of the End and Dianna’s Private Tumblr
January 4, 2013 - Haylor Breakup
Taylor and Harry publicly split and leave us with this iconic picture:
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January 10, 2013 - People’s Choice Awards
Haylor is done, Harry is back in the UK, but Taylor shows up with a hickey anyway.  (Dianna is in LA at this time.)
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Some time this month Taylor writes How You Get The Girl which is about obviously someone who comes back to get the girl.  She references “standing in the rain” and “a long six months.”  It’s hard to know if these details are more “fanfic” or actual autobiographical details.
This six months may actually refer to the end of bearding for a while (because it seems like Swiftgron did reunite in Paris in early October.)  Exactly six months after Taylor started dating Conor Kennedy would be January 25th, 2013.
As for the rain...
It rained twice in LA this month according to weather reports on the 21st and on the 23rd:
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Dianna is in LA at this point and has started a private Tumblr blog under the name whosirmesir (we verified it was hers over on @swiftgron-get-married - and you can click here for more on that if you’re curious and actually I did an entire podcast episode walking people through it if you’re like like to listen to an in depth breakdown of it click here for apple OR click here for spotify OR click here for google.  
I also recommend searching the whosirmesir tag on @swiftgron-get-married​ because we’ve logged a lot of interesting moments and connections to Taylor (quotes, art, and other items that tie DIanna and Taylor together.)
On the private tumblr on January 25th Dianna reblogs this:
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It reads “i think we’re just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that...”
This is also the time period it is rumored that Dianna proposed to Taylor.  I’m not sure what to make of these rumors.  I have not been able to get anywhere near confirming them.  It’s entirely unsubstantiated - but I explored the rumor further in this blog post (click for link.)  And also on the podcast (will link just a bit down in this post because it relates to something else we’re about to discuss.)
February 4, 2013 - Dianna recommends “Far Nearer” by Jaime on twitter:
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The lyrics are essentially:
“I feel better when I, you feel better when I I feel better when I have you near me
You Me You I do, I do, I do“
repeated over and over again
February 9, 2013 - Neruda quote on Tumblr from Dianna
Dianna posts a quote to Tumblr.  The translation is, “I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.”
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It’s worth noting that Taylor namechecked Neruda in the Red album booklet.
February 10, 2013 - The Grammys
Dianna wants to make sure everyone is watching:
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And Taylor posts:
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“Look what happened! :)”
She won for Safe and Sound:
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And she performs her circus themed rendition of WANEGBT (where she mocks Harry Styles on stage making fun of his accent when she sings the “so he calls me up on the phone” part of the song even though this song was written before she was even with him.)
The only other time Dianna tweeted about the Grammys was when Glee was involved the year before.
February 14, 2013 - Achele breakfast and The Inside Source at Glee Tweet
According to a Facebook user Cory, Dianna, and Lea have breakfast this morning (or around this time):
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Later that day Taylor posts the infamous tweet:
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The Glee Episode “I Do” airs and there is no Taylor song included.  However Dianna and Naya’s characters hook up:
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After the episode airs Taylor deletes her tweet.
As always I’m not entirely sure what to make of this but to me it boils down to three possibilities:
1.  The fandom seems to think this proves that Dianna purposefully tricked Taylor into watching her “hook up” with Naya on screen.  It’s completely possible that that’s the case but I think the next two options make a bit more sense.
2.  It was a simple misunderstanding or a joke gone wrong.  Taylor had a song earlier on that season of glee (Mine sung as a breakup song by Naya) and I have been told another song of Taylor’s was marketed for another glee episode later that spring.  Perhaps someone got their wires crossed and misinformed Taylor.  
3.  Other nefarious parties:  
a.  It’s possible that Lea was behind this - she publicly had beef with Taylor at one point and she had been with Dianna that morning.  Maybe she met up with DIanna, heard about Swiftgron being happy and back together and got a little jealous and decided to prank Taylor.  
b.  Ryan Murphy also seemed to despise both Dianna and Taylor around this time.  He was also famous for stirring up drama with Gleeks on twitter and generally sewing discontent (particularly surrounding wlw ships and fans).  Ryan seems to have a problem with women/lesbians in general.  He treated Brittana as a couple horribly on Glee as well as their shippers.
He very publicly shaded Taylor in season one of Scream Queens and said in an interview that Dianna ruined Quinn for him because he said she made her sympathetic. 
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Not only that but in season 3 he destroyed her character - he made her have a mental breakdown - he had her try and steal a baby - he had her get hit by a car - and a huge plotline in season 3 was Quinn begging Rachel (Lea’s character so Dianna’s irl ex) not to marry Finn (played by Cory - literally the guy Lea chose Dianna over - this is like...emotionally abusive if you ask me.)  After season 3 Dianna only appeared in 8 episodes of the remaining 55 after being in every episode and the top third billed of the cast in the first three seasons.
Furthermore in a show called The New Normal there was a bitchy actress character named Brynn who he wrote as high maintenance and unpleasant and then killed off.
So yeah...seems fair to at least consider that Ryan or Lea who publicly had problems with both Taylor and Dianna may have been trying to create problems for Swiftgron.  One last note about Lea - there was not a single Achele interaction for the entire year of 2013.  The most we got was Dianna liking a tweet about Lea’s album in December 2013 and when asked about one another in interviews they would vaguely say they were still friends.  No tweets to one another, no birthday messages, no candids, no hang outs.  Lea’s book was also written around this time and does not make a single mention of Dianna - her former roommate and “best friend” even though she spends plenty of time talking about others on the Glee cast.
I did a podcast episode on both the proposal rumors and the inside source at Glee tweet if you want more extensive takes on that!
While I’m not entirely sure Dianna had anything to do with this tweet Taylor references this date (2-14-13) by putting it on a dollar bill as a serial number in The Man music video:
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At any rate Taylor deletes the tweet and replaces it with one about her dancers:
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Dianna tweets 9 hearts that day (I don’t know if that’s significant but if they were together from March 2012 to July 2012 and then October 2012 to this point it would mean 9 months together...)
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February 19, 2013 - Sad Charlie Brown Tumblr post from Dianna:
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February 27, 2013 - Fitzgerald quote
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Taylor listed this as a quote to live by in an interview with Marie Claire a few months later.
I’m not sure if it’s important but Dianna is very quiet this winter and spring in terms of showing up at events, parties, even being papped out on the street compared to other years around this time.  She seems to disappear a bit.
February 27, 2013 - Taylor gives a bday shoutout to her Fiddle player Caitlin:
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“Happy Birthday to my magical friend, fiddle extraordinaire @/caitlinbird” 
March 12, 2013 - Weird tweets from Dianna “One of those days.”
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March 13, 2013 - It’s the first day of the Red tour (is that why Dianna had questions?)
About the Red Tour - the last act of the tour seems to be circus themed which may have been inspired by Dianna’s 26th birthday the previous year and really interestingly Taylor has a white rabbit, which is a reference to Alice in Wonderland (Dianna’s favorite piece of media ever) follows Taylor around stage during the WANEGBT performance as she’s dressed up like a circus ringleader:
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March 18, 2013 - Dianna goes on a Girls HBO rant (we know who also loved Girls the show and its creator Lena Dunham (Taylor))
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End of March - Lena and Ashley show up at the Red Tour backstage
Conclusion - Swiftgron is on but completely underground.  Dianna is blogging and tweeting romantic things about missing girls, Taylor’s interests, and secret love, all while watching Taylor perform at the Grammys and encouraging others to tune in.  Something weird happened with the inside source at Glee tweet but who knows what.  Dianna seems a bit restless and emo while Taylor leaves to go on tour.
Click here to keep reading!
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404fmdminjung · 3 years
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famed idol life / career meme
notes: i started doing responses one by one, but then i thought it’d be better to do one big mass-post instead of flooding dash all at once. thank you to all that sent in! appreciate u all :~) (if anyone has any numbers they need, please feel free to like this or just let me know, even if i already sent in an ask!)
2. what are your favorite b-sides/non-title tracks you’ve released?
“i like diana. there’s something moody, sultry about it with a touch of elegance. it’s almost like cheap wine on a long friday — contrasting, but it somehow fits. plus, sooah helped out on that track which becomes the cherry icing on top. perhaps, there’s something better coming out on my next album, where there’s too many b-sides that i’d cherry pick myself to be my favorite. for that, look out at the sea, captain.”
3. what is your least favorite song (title track or b-side) you’ve released?
“i don’t think there’s a least favorite. if there were, then i wouldn’t have partook in any of it — my personality’s in it or out of it. there’s no in between, especially where my voice plays a part. i don’t want to touch things where my heart doesn’t lie, that’d just be cruel. wouldn’t it? if it doesn’t relieve my soul a bit, then i don’t think i’d dip my toes in those waters.”
6. what is one thing (a concept, a genre, an outfit, etc.) you would least like your company make you do?
“i’d like to do house funk, maybe house-pop. you’ve seen elements in it in knight’s old releases, and even the oldies like decipher’s done it. unity’s dabbled in it somewhat in their b-sides, and considering fuse has amassed a long bridge of different concepts — the spectrum’s large. i’d like to wear hawaiian t-shirts and prance around to some summer house-funk, and that’s something i think the general public can all dance around in their rooms to.”
8. if you could be in any idol group, which one would you choose?
“i’ve grown accustomed to fuse — i like being in fuse. i don’t think i’d fit anywhere else, though i would say bee would be a nice change for the summer fun. i’d even enjoy myself to be in unity had i been a boy. can you imagine? the fun that would come out of belting welcome to my playground, and singing the tunes to touch. that’d be a girl’s dream come true.”
9. if you could say one thing to your ceo, what would it be?
“you’re the prettiest person i’ve ever seen. in the whole country, out of all the women in the world — you’re the standard of beauty. but i’m sure the whole world knows that by now, don’t they? i thank you for giving fuse some of the best songs, and though i’ve never met you face by face, i’d like to believe you’re better than what’s shown from face value. but, still — my wannabe face is you but no amount of plastic surgery would turn me into you, would it?”
10. if you were auditioning for your company today, what would you perform for your audition, or what would you change from your original audition?
“i don’t think i’d repeat the dance, nor attempt to dance to something like seo taeji and boys. if i recall, i did h.o.t’s we are the future, and snsd’s kissing you with a ruler i had in my back pocket. in retrospect, that was my standard of dancing — if only i’d known it’d become a bad memory to highlight the work i have left. maybe, i’d only stick to kissing you, ruler version while singing something more melodically acceptable than finkl’s now.”
11. if you could do any special stage, what would it be and who would it be with?
“i don’t know — i don’t know many things when it comes to these mix and match scenarios. i know i’d like to make a stage where i can dance freely as if i’m in the comfort of my own home. perhaps to a song like gee, or even oh — even willing to dabble in lipstick’s genie if it means dressing up like a sailor and going ahoy. i’d want to do the stage with jeonghwa, sooah, and well — i don’t have that many friends to give you a special stage, oops.”
13. if you could become a model or ambassador for any brand, what would you choose?
”again, i’ve been blessed and satiated with each and every opportunity given. working with dior has been a smooth sailing ride as well as cartier — perhaps, given the option i wouldn’t opt for pathere de cartier but a different line. still, nothing really takes away from the heart and soul of their jewelry, which i appreciate with my cup of tea. i’d continue to work with dior, and if hermes would ever take the punch — i’d even have an affair with them.”
14. if you could be on any variety show, which one (or which type of one) would you want to be on?
“knowing brothers — i really watch that show. or even, 전지적 참견 시점 — those are the shows i keep tabs of on a weekly basis. i'd love my manager to have her time to shine and steal the hearts of the world with her variety work. she’s a very funny person you know. as for knowing brothers? that’s a given knowing how quick the crowd is on their feet and the little mini-games that come from each episode. i hurt my stomach each time from laughing along so many times.”
16. what changes would you implement if you were the ceo of your company?
“a free-for-all. i’ve never wanted to become a ceo, but had i been granted the opportunity to rule on all floors, i’d implement a few things. mandatory art classes, and creative freedom to the album jackets for all my artists. no dating-bans, let it all air out — most of all, i’d let them do as they wished as long has it harmed nobody else and they could handle the aftermath. no restrictions, roam free, bunnies.”
17. what do you do to relieve the stress of idol life?
“call me pretentious or call me a sell-out, i do what any other normal person does. i like sitting in the cafes with my notebook out, sketching. i sketch people that come in and out, or the people that decide to sit next to me. if i’m home, i’m painting on canvas with my record player crooning in the background or knitting a sweater to wear next winter. on a really adventurous day, you’ll see me playing the pole or stretching my limbs at pilates. but that’s on a non-lazy day.”
18. what tips would you give to a trainee about to debut?
“wear your skin like armor, and let it thicken as time goes on. no need to get hurt by words, and instead roll with the punches — learn to accept the hate that comes, and be scrutinized underneath a microscope. sometimes, you don’t know if it’s really reality, but the faster you assimilate yourself, the quicker you learn to glide past your career. think of everything as a catch-22, only there’s no real safety net.”
19. what was the hardest part of being a trainee?
“getting along with the other people and have them stay away from getting to know me. it’s obvious, the trainee life is temporary — there’s going to be those that debut and those that don’t, so why pry further than you have to? everyone should’ve been given the basic privacy instead of trying to play formalities and get along. other than that, i hated dance practice and i still do. dance isn’t a strong suit, and having someone force me to follow a tempo i can’t march to was no fun at all.”
20. did you enjoy the lifestyle of a trainee or of a debuted idol more?
“i liked being a debuted idol far better, only because there was a layer of privacy given to me. ironically, i was suddenly in the public eye. yet, it still allowed some layer of anonymity within the inner circle and the day to day people i interacted with. starting from a sea of trainees, and having it dwindle to a group of my members — it all made it easier to handle in the end. besides, i was getting no sleep regardless trainee or not.”
22. describe your dream sub-unit (members and concept).
“take the fuse darker concepts — peekaboo, bad boy, psycho. and merge it into one, all while getting rid of the dresses too short to dress in. wrap it all together, and you get my favorite concept. i like mystery, and latent meanings behind pretty tunes, and being able to do that each comeback would be a dream. surely, the audience might get bored of it, but i wouldn’t and i’m allowed to be selfish, aren’t i? my dream sub-unit, i’d take sooah. without sooah, i don’t know what i’d do, really. she’s like a mini-mom, three years younger. then, i’d take kiana for the dance that sooah and i can’t handle. i suppose i’d add suji in there because i don’t think anyone can belt like she does, no offense to kiana. but there’s a heartier belt when suji does it. sorry to our leader, i guess.”
23. out of the following six options, would you rather be allowed to play a major hand in the lyrics, production, choreography, styling, music videos, or concepts you release?
“i started off in lyrics, so i’ll stay loyal till the end. i’ll keep to the lyrics, so i can continue to write the stories my heart wants to say. sometimes, i’ll fall into cliches, but that’s okay. if it’s not in music production or the general content of the song, i suppose i’d take a dabble in styling — and stop dressing myself in the short skirts making it impossible to dance. really, those are the only two things i’ll be selfish for.”
25. what is your least favorite part of being an idol?
“waking up early, not having enough time to draw — those would just be the superficial things, right? but really, there’s pros and cons to any jobs, just ask any office worker with a nine to five. however, if i’m given a sliver of honesty to wave my grievances, i’d like to mention that i don’t like working in short skirts that get shorter each comeback. i don’t like getting mauled by the public of who i make eye contact with or who i work with — i don’t like getting over criticized and the list goes on.”
26. what is your favorite part of being an idol?
“i’ve always been a story teller. i like crafting stories and telling my world for how i see it, and given this opportunity in music, i’m able to do so. i like playing with instruments, sketching out things for an album idea — the creative process while meeting new people along the way. it’s a journey, an adventure and most of all, it avoids stagnation. i’m on the move, go go go.”
27. would you rather be incredibly famous with a terrible reputation and hated by most or be fairly unknown with a good reputation and adored by those who know of you? why?
“i’m already disliked by most — they don’t like the way i dress, who i’m friends with or the manner in which i present myself. but i’m given the opportunity to ignore these things along the way, and learn to handle things bit by bit. given the choice, i’d rather hide in anonymity with the few around me enjoying my presence. i’ve learned by now, public opinion doesn’t correlate to much as it’s nothing more than a crow perched far away as poe would say.”
29. what have you learned about yourself and/or society since becoming a celebrity?
“i’ve only been taught life skills, such as time management and patience. in hindsight, i’ve learned how cruel people are to judge things from what they see at surface level. the world’s superficial — that’s a bitter pill to swallow. i don’t know much about myself as i haven’t gotten that part figured out. instead, i’ve just learned that the world is cruel and the people in it amount to little to no positivity — go figure.”
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champagnecall · 4 years
OKAY I was encouraged to post this so I’m gonna <3 
This is just a pretty in detail character study of my portrayal of Hifumi following the latest drama track nobody has to read it or anything! It’s going under a read more due to content warnings for abuse mentions, depression, panic attacks, and suicidal ideation so please be careful when reading !!!
So in the latest drama track we got to see Hifumi’s abuser - who we met in a previous limited edition drama track, though wasn’t 100% confirmed to be his abuser - up close and personal. I’m going to focus mostly on the Hifumi aspects of this track - but I’ll be mentioning the other two members of Matenrō as well due to the relation they have to how Honobono got to Hifumi.
Before this track released we knew very little about how Hifumi functioned with his trauma. We know that he developed his gynophobia in high school - at the very least eleven years before the canon point in the series - and that at twenty years old he became a host to try and get over his phobia.
Becoming a host is what pushed him into creating his host persona via auto-suggestion, as it has been canonically stated that he does not have Dissociative Identity Disorder. The manga artist has drawn a panel with Hifumi’s personalities and their titles - being “Host” ( also commonly called GIGOLO off his MC Name ), “Hifumin”, and “Open Up”. But prior to this drawing, the three personalities were often just split into “Host” “Hifumin” “Phobia”.
So Hifumi has a strong motif of thirds being played into his character. His name is composed of the kanji for 1-2-3 and GIGOLO is actually a pun on that, being “Shi-gi-ro” or more simply...4-5-6. 
This is a sort of both clever and self deprecating play on Hifumi’s part. He has a lot of issues that were very subtly hinted at throughout canon up until this drama track, being that he dislikes who he is without his jacket because he views himself as weak because of his phobia. He doesn’t want to be afraid of women - he wants to interact with them freely - but he doesn’t have control over the events that traumatized him nor does he fully understand why what happened to him happened.
In this track, though, and both of the new songs on this album Hifumi is in, he outright says these things.
“When in despair there is always a desire to be saved / Black darkness and iron bars, a shortage of adrenaline / The world I see is different than what everyone else sees”
“D-Doppo.. I-It’s hopeless... I’m a weak human being.., I... I couldn’t do anything...!”
“I have a phobia that makes my mentality like that of tofu / But when I put on my suit, that of course changes it all”
“Standing aloof, dropping down to sit, even when I’m emotionally unstable / Don’t turn away, get the evidence with your words / But even though the day might be cold and I can’t lend it to you yet, / One day I’d like to gently place this suit jacket over you”
Not to mention, previous lyrics of his combined with what we have now...
“Are you going to stay by my side / Even after knowing my past? / Drunkeness arriving on champagne / Stopping your mouth / Our eyes meeting at length by chance / Can you see the real me?”
“If my spell comes undone / I won't be able to see you again”
“Sorry for being born with all this / With nervousness and panic / My heart won't stop beating fast, my kitten / It'll be fine, come here I'll be all yours until morning”
“Now, sexy girl / Smash my sense of values to pieces / 10,000,000 yen /  100,000,000 yen / 1,000,000,000 yen / 10,000,000,000 yen / I'll give you something that you can't buy with money”
“A spirit that's different from the others / Drawing eyes from all around town / But I don't do relationships / Somewhere, sometime, I want to meet you I want to take off my jacket / So we could love each other mutually / A battle with my past self / I'll end it with a victory... my sorrow”
“With my magic, I'll make your pain disappear / Don't stop the party / I'll stay like this, I won't leave you”
“No pain, no suffering, no worries / I'll make them all disappear, come closer / From heart to body to pores / I'll let you do as you like, so come here / It'll be fine, come closer / I'll envelop everything / And one day, I want to be enveloped too”
Hifumi is a character who tends to objectify himself due to his career. He speaks about people smashing away his sense of values, listing off prices people can purchase his attention for, saying that he’ll let people do whatever they want to him. He sees his host personality as someone who is better than who he is on his own - someone of a greater value, which leads into that pun with 123 being his actual name and 456 being his MC Name and the name people tend to use for his host persona.
When facing Honobono again for the first time since she initially traumatized him - he crumbles out of this persona. The personality he learned to shift into through extreme auto-suggestion as a protective mechanism breaks.
At first, Hifumi is able to hold himself together, despite being on the verge of a panic attack. It’s mentioned that he looks pale, the listener can hear his labored breathing and his hesitation, but his defensive mechanism is working...
Until the following exchange:
Honobono: I came here to see a friend, do I need a reason?
Hifumi: Were friends, if you’re mistaken. All those things you did... 
Honobono: “Those things”? What were they? They were so long ago that I can’t remember~ Ah! Now I sort of remember! But there’s so many things that I can’t grasp too well. Was it about your mother? Or about your sister’s case? Ah right, right! Or maybe even about your case at school!
It’s here Hifumi’s breathing becomes extremely labored until he actually starts screaming. It’s implied he falls over, as the sound of shattering glass alongside a thud follows his screaming all behind the sound of Honobono’s laughter.
Hifumi’s voice changes depending on the personality he’s fronting - going from “Boku” for “Host” and “Orecchi” for “Hifumin” ( more recently we discovered he very rarely uses “Ore” when he lets just his true personality “Open Up” front )
So it’s here that was a shock where Hifumi says “Boku wa...” and then immediately shifts the tone of his voice to his natural one and cries out “Orecchi wa...” signaling that for the first time we’ve ever witnessed it in canon...Hifumi’s suit failed to protect him from his phobia and his protective personality melted away, despite the suit jacket he wears in order to shift personalities still being worn by him.
Whatever Honobono did to him, his mother, and his sister - it was enough to give him a panic attack so bad that the defensive mechanism he developed and has been routinely using nine years prior to this point was broken away from him. Hifumi spends nearly the rest of the drama track - which is around 9~11 minutes - in a screaming, crying panic attack where he sounds like he’s in genuine physical pain, even as all of his pain is just psychological here.
We don’t know what she did to him in high school - and this mention of his mother and his older sister was the first time Hifumi’s family had ever been brought up. But whatever these events were, it was enough to drive him into the most severe panic attack we have ever seen him have - making it all the more extreme that it’s happening in the personality he developed in order to protect himself from his phobia and his anxiety.
It’s here that Doppo is able to enter - which Honobono had purposely tried to keep him occupied by pulling some strings to get him fired - and says the following:
Hifumi has all too casually dropped a few comments that lead to one assuming that he had mentally hit rock bottom with his depression and anxiety that came out of his phobia developing. He has a line about how even if living is the harder answer in the end, it’s the option you have to chose. Lines about “sinking into the sea of despair”, never really showing fear about the prospect of dying / being killed ( he always puts himself in harms way for other people - pushing away a stalker that was charging Doppo with a knife even if it meant he could get stabbed again ( he had already been stabbed by her on his arm because he moved just enough out of the way when she tried to kill him ), catching the same stalker when she tried to commit suicide and falling out of the window in her attempt with her and turning them over midair so he’d be the one to hit the ground instead, and putting himself in front of Honobono and Doppo when she was threatening him ).
Hifumi also has a lot of lines, however, about valuing his life. He sees his life as something that’s important, he stands up for other people; he pushes people to see the value in their own lives as well.
All of these things combined have led a lot of people, including myself, to believe that in that period between the event that triggered his gynophobia and when he developed his host personality that he did go through a period where he was suicidal - and canonically we know that at the very least, he was severely depressed during this period. 
I still don’t have any head canons or theories on what I think happened to him and his family - but I have a lot of things relating to that that I’m going to continue on with below because it plays heavily into my portrayal of Hifumi.
I think that he was extremely close with his mother and his older sister, and likely had an absent father. I feel like his sister was probably a few years older than him and helped to raise him in part, since his mother would have needed to work to take care of both of her children. I think he probably learned a lot of the things he still enjoys today - sewing, cooking, knitting, etc... - from his mother and his sister both due to an interest in it and a desire to help out around the house.
Whatever happened to his mother and his sister I feel like had to have such a massive impact on him, for the mention of them alongside whatever Honobono did to him in high school being enough to trigger the most severe panic attack he’s had to date, as well as feeding into the roots of his gynophobia. Thus, I really do think he was incredibly close with them.
Hifumi is also someone who seems to struggle a lot with his identity. He’s split his personality into thirds and rarely lets people in to see the real him - someone he isn’t really sure who they are anymore - being that the only time we see that real version of him is in the privacy of his own home around Jakurai and Doppo.
A lot of people agree with me on the fact that he seems to radiate some kind of Gender energy which is nice to see! I do genuinely think Hifumi is a character who struggles with his gender identity. I’m not sure what identity I think fits him, but I’m not sure he really knows either since I feel like his phobia is kind of drawing him back from exploring that properly. Same with his sexuality - given that he has been seen freely flirting with men but vocalizing his desire to freely do the same with women.
Hifumi is a character with a lot of layers but in the end I think he just really struggles with that sense of “self”. He doesn’t know who he is anymore because in all of his struggles to get over his hurt - he left himself behind and walked out as a stranger to his own mind. He’s great at hiding the fact that he struggles with this - that he struggles at all - but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hurt. I think he’s very much a “if I ignore my problems they won’t bother me” kind of person but he can’t...hide that from the people that really and truly know him either.
He can’t hide it from himself, either, even if he doesn’t know who he’s looking for inside himself anymore.
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hadestownmodern · 5 years
Uncle Ophie
I desperately need sleep but here’s some Orpheus interacting with Junie bc you’ve been so kind, I love all the asks, I’m genuinely just still shocked at how many people like this au, and I’m really happy about it. 
              The main room of Orpheus’s apartment is hushed; Eurydice wanders with careful steps with little direction, guided solely by her wandering mind. She’d seen the interior of this place more than her own-had helped decorate for Christmas with the box of hand-me-down decorations, drank hot chocolate while cutting jagged lines into the notes they’d written for final exams. She lifts a finger to admire the work they’d hung from the ceiling with scotch tape-lines of ballpoint pen in his quick, imperfect scrawling letters reading of baroque and blues and tonal systems-things he’d written over and over again until the weekend offered reprieve. It had taken most of the snowy Monday morning for them to cover the small expanse of space, but between an extra day off classes and the promise a warm bed and no responsibility, they’d fared well. She’d even brought a tree-a raggedy old thing, one from a corner market on her way home from her second job. Home-she feels her thoughts stumble at the label, thrown without a thought at the apartment full of instruments and random knick-knacks.
              She hadn’t seen her own home in days-a full week almost. She’d gone back to retrieve simple things; work clothes, a textbook, some groceries used to make a throw-together meal. She hadn’t meant to stay-there were boundaries, rules-but each time she considered the thought of leaving her mind skipped a beat; refused to believe that it was an option. Running had sounded so sweet back before Orpheus. Before him-before Thanksgiving, and I love you slipping between busy lips…before that night, with his arms around her as if they’d been there all along, running was a hobby-a necessity. Now, with paper snowflakes and hot chocolate-with Orpheus and “lover” and his apartment key on her keychain, run was the last word on her mind.
              The apartment is hushed, but not silent. Eurydice’s ears perk at the sound of soft laughter-a little chiming of bells, blissful and happy, resonating along with Orpheus’s carefree chuckle. Her features soften, breath hitching. Then, the delicate strumming of a guitar, and his voice fills the apartment with a sort of glowing that matches the string lights hung along their threadbare tree. She can’t quite catch the lyrics-something about a rabbit, and then Junie’s voice adding in a bear and a frog. Every so often he stops his song-voice inflecting a question of what should happen next? And the tiny voice answers back instantly, chipper and soft, through a yawn. Eurydice finds herself next to the bedroom door, where the lights have been dimmed to a soft glow and two shadows sit close together. His figure is lanky, leaned over the guitar with practiced ease. Orpheus looks down at the toddler, tucked into bed but sitting upright, who holds three stuffed animals close to her chest. Junie stares back at Orpheus with round, shining eyes filled with a warmth that mirrors his own. Eurydice feels her heart pull in her chest; it’s the same adoration she’d seen a month ago, the first time she’d seen Orpheus with Junie close to his hip, babbling on as she cursed herself that the mystery musician had a child.
              It hadn’t been a wrong assumption-Orpheus continues his bedtime song, strumming chords that feel right, flow although it’s not a song she knows-it’s one he’s constructed. This fantasy world-the one of the three animals Junie held close, is being built before her eyes. As Junie looks at her uncle with stars in her eyes, he leans down and kisses her head. Tender and delicate, the toddler cups his face in her tiny hands and kisses his nose, her lips upturned in a sleepy smile. It hadn’t been wrong of Eurydice to assume that he was her father when he looked at her as though his entire world was bottled inside of this little peanut of a curly-haired little girl.
“One more question tonight, then bed. Okay?” She nods, her curls settling down by her shoulders as she sinks further into her pillow. She asks Orpheus about the rabbit again-a prim little toy, with a crown upon its head and the only sign of wear being a rubbed-off nose and slightly tattered ear. He pauses for a moment-his fingers dance along the neck of the guitar as he ponders what will happen next. Eurydice’s head nestles itself against the doorframe, her entire being enraptured. His face lights up, then, and he begins playing. It’s a slower version of what she’d heard before, his fingers plucking the strings rather than strumming. He wraps things up neatly-a rabbit prince inviting others to his kingdom, making friends by choosing to be kind. He weaves the moral delicately between his softly sung falsetto and easily crafted world, holding out until the last note. Junie’s eyes droop but she fights to keep them open, blinking and rubbing and stifling another long yawn. He laughs then, sets the guitar lightly against her bed and shuffles himself closer to her. Eurydice considers moving then, going back to the living room under the guise that she’d been there all along. But then Orpheus leans down, raising the covers to Junie’s chin and settling his face close to hers.
              “Love you forever, Buggy.”
              “Luff you, Ophie.” Her tiny hands wrap themselves tight behind Orpheus’s back and squeeze hard; both pairs of eyes shut themselves in response. There’s a long rise and fall of his chest, a deep sigh that covers the room with serenity. They linger in the moment. Eurydice lets it wash over her, too, from her place in the doorway, her heart shifting and pulsing inside of her chest. When they break apart Orpheus runs one hand down her cheek, grinning and kissing Junie again. He wishes her one more soft good night, then turns her nightlight down a smidge before picking up his guitar.
              Eurydice pulls herself away from her vantage point and retreats back to the couch, throwing an old, chunkily knit blanket over her legs. She can hear the soft tap of his bare feet against the wood floors before she feels his arms around her, his head on her shoulder. He traces the line of her neck with feathered kisses and she loses her breath, craning her head to meet his. When he joins her on the couch her head falls to his chest, her legs tangling themselves in his as she lays them sideways and covers him with her blanket. They’re pressed close together on the tiny couch, with its sunken cushions, but there is familiarity in the posture. She hasn’t slept without him since Thanksgiving night-since her decision to go home with him had turned into an unexpected domesticity she’d fallen into without a second thought. And here, with the note-ridden snowflakes and the ragged-looking Christmas tree; with Junie’s toys all over the floor and her tiny frame in the bed they usually occupied, Eurydice lets herself fall into the pattern of his breathing. The weekend had been exhausting, occupying the sweet little girl while her parents were away turning into snowmen in the park and hot cocoa at home, to Christmas movies and singing to Orpheus strumming every Christmas carol he knew. And then she’s half asleep, his fingers finding soft, mindless movement in her hair and lulling her eyes shut.
              “Love?” Her voice is already laced with the grogginess of sleep-his response is a hum, melodic even in its sleepy, questioning answer.
              “Sing to our babies like you sing to Junie.” She doesn’t even think of the words as they come slipping from between her lips, a whispered voice that brushes up against his chest. She’s not thinking of run-no, she hasn’t thought of run since Thanksgiving night, since watching Orpheus run up and down the halls of Persephone’s grand house with Junie close beside him. No, since then-since fumbling hands and tender promises of love the next morning, Eurydice has felt firmly planted to the man who sings with his soul and loves with the entirety of his heart. And with Junie snoring softly in the bedroom they’ve shared since that night, Eurydice finally feels home; a home where she pictures tiny feet running, little hands strumming his instruments, and eyes just like his above a tiny baby’s ruddy cheeks. She feels his breath release for a moment, a finger lightly tapping the bottom of her chin. She turns her face up to his to see him beaming, sleepy eyes shining and upturned lips meeting hers.
              “I’ll sing to our babies every day,” the words move against her own lips, his nose brushing her nose, his heart beating against her own. “I promise.”
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niksixx · 5 years
Later in the Night
Requested: By a lovely Anon
Pairing: The Dirt! Vince Neil x Reader
Description: Reader is the singer of a band at a festival where Crüe is playing and Vince doesn’t know who she is and he tries to put the moves on her thinking she’s a groupie, but then he finds out who she is and it makes him want her more and then they see each other at the after party and things lead to smut
Warning: Smut
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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Playing at the Lyric Festival in Los Angeles was a dream come true for you. Ever since you were a little girl, you wanted to form your own band, write songs, and tour the world. Throughout your childhood, you learned how to sing, dance, play guitar, piano, and violin. During college, you formed a band with three of your best friends, playing small gigs on the weekend. Now, on a gorgeous summer day in July, you and your band were getting ready to take the stage in front of five thousand people.
You noticed a man staring at you a few feet away from the stage, with wavy blonde hair and deep blue eyes wandering all over your body. You weren’t sure why he was staring at you either. It’s not like your clothing choice was impressive. It was just a simple blue tube top dress.
The man stepped toward you and you welcomed the attention without letting him get too close. “I see you looking at me so I thought I’d introduce myself,” he said, extending a hand. “I’m Vince Neil.”
“Y/N,” You smiled, shaking his hand.
“You should probably remember my name though,” Vince said, his voice hot on your ear. “You’ll be screaming it later.”
Stepping back, you scrunched up your face, making sure you put enough distance between you and Vince. “Excuse me?”
“Doll, what are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be backstage?” Vince asked, nodding his head. “I think Tommy could use some action. He hasn’t gotten laid in a week. Come to think of it, I haven’t either.”
Disgusted, you pulled your hand back and slapped Vince across the face, stunning him and yourself. “You piece of shit, I am not a groupie. I’m the lead fucking singer of a band.”
Rubbing his cheek, Vince bit his lip. “No kidding, really? I’m actually going on stage in a bit. I’m the lead singer of Mötley Crüe.”
Grunting, you turned on your heel and headed backstage to find the rest of your bandmates, eager to get the thought of Vince Neil out of your head before you played your set.
The crowd loved you. They loved the music and the way you interacted with them while you sang, never missing a beat. The thrill of jumping around on stage and projecting your lyrics for everyone to hear was indescribable. Even some audience members had caught on quickly to the words of your songs and were singing them back to you.
After the festival, many of the bands that had performed ended up in club that the Lyric Festival had rented out for the night. And you had to admit, you did enjoy watching Vince and his bandmates perform on stage. His voice was unlike any you’d ever heard, and he would occasionally wink in your direction if he noticed you bobbing your head along to the music.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to party, but after being out in the LA sun for hours, you were tired and just wanted to go home and sleep. But because your bandmates wanted to go and converse with other bands, you let them drag you to the club for a few drinks.
You were working on your fourth Lemon Drop shot when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your vision was blurring from all the alcohol you had consumed in the course of an hour you had to squint at the man next to you, and then scowled when you realized who it was.
“If you came here for a blowjob, fuck off.” After downing the shot you turned back to Vince, whose eyebrows were pulled together.
“I actually wanted to apologize,” he began, taking the empty seat next to you. He ordered a beer for himself and another shot for you which you gladly accepted. You wouldn’t turn down apology shots, even if Vince had been a dirtbag. “I know it’s not an excuse but I was a little tipsy earlier and I just assumed by the way you were dressed…” He trailed off, taking a sip of beer. “Which was a dumbass thing to do too. I’m sorry, Y/N. Maybe I could buy you another drink and we could start over?”
You considered your options. You could either grab your bandmates and leave now, or stay and have a few drinks with Vince. Even if he had been a dick, you could tell his apology was sincere, so you opted to stay for a little while longer.
How you made it back to Vince’s apartment you’ll never know, but the only thing you cared about was having Vince fuck you into the next morning. After you chose to stay at the club with Vince, you managed to hit it off. Besides being extraordinarily handsome, Vince was charming, funny, and honest. He told you how his own band was formed and he even offered you bits of advice on how to make it big in the music industry.
You weren’t much of a charmer yourself, but the alcohol gave you enough courage to try and flirt with Vince and to your surprise, he flirted back with you. After awhile you had gotten bored of the flirting and wanted some action, and with your permission, Vince brought you back to his room.
His lips molded with yours as your hands tangled and pulled his hair roughly. Clothes were thrown in various directions, and once Vince had your naked body pinned against the bed, you knew it was game over.
He worshipped your body like no man had done before. Touching, licking, sucking all of the spots that made you squirm. Vince was experienced and knew what he was doing, and it was only a matter of time before he’d give you a mind-blowing orgasm you’d remember for years.
He teased you with his fingers as his free hand stroked his cock. You watched in awe at how focused he was, lips parted with short, inaudible breaths. His fingers rubbed agonizingly slow circles on your clit, enjoying the sight of you writhing beneath him. He pushed one finger in, then two, curling them inside your heat before adding a third digit, stretching your core to its full potential. You were a moaning mess under the touch of his hand, but your moans turned into groans as his cock filled you to the brim.
“Fuck, you feel amazing babe,” Vince dropped his head to yours, foreheads touching slightly as he continued bucking his hips vigorously. Your hands skimmed over the back of his shoulders, lightly digging into the slick flesh. Your mouths connected again in a heated kiss, tongues dancing and fighting eagerly.
Vince used a finger to rub your clit as he fucked you, waves of pleasure crashing over your body. Keeping quiet wasn’t an option. You let your moans be heard, and Vince smirked triumphantly, knowing he was the reason you were in complete bliss.
When his thrusts became quick and choppy, you wrapped your legs around his waist, heels digging into his lower back. Vince spilled inside you with a guttural groan but continued his pace, urging you to your release. You came with a scream, your juices coating his throbbing cock.
Vince collapsed on top of you, careful not to press his full weight on your body. You stared at each other quietly, drinking in the sight. He smiled at you and kissed your nose, but you wanted more. Pulling his neck, you brushed your swollen lips against his. You probably wouldn’t see Vince again after tonight, so you tugged him close and kissed him some more, hoping there would be a round two later in the night.
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emisonme · 6 years
Lauren's path..........
I'm not even sure, where to begin. People are banging their heads against the wall, trying to figure out, what the hell is going on, with Lauren and her career.
Again, the first thing you need to understand, is Lauren is still with Syco. If Simco Ltd. owns the copyright to her solo music, she is still under contract with them, period!
It's pretty clear, the initial rumors that Camila and Lauren had solo options in their contracts, were correct. It's also clear, Syco picked up those solo options, as they are the only two still connected to Syco. Syco didn't have solo options on the other girls, but Sony still had control over their recording contracts. After the hiatus, with the exception of Ally, they split the other girls between the Sony Labels.
Camila stayed with Syco/Epic. Lauren is with Syco/Columbia. Normani went to a RCA imprint, with distribution through RCA. Dinah went to LA Reid's new label, that is still connected to Sony. Sony cut Ally loose, and she signed with Atlantic, which is a WMG label.
OK, now, we got the "rumor" that Lauren was signing with Columbia, back in January of last year. A year ago. If they were spreading the "rumor", then the deal was pretty much done. So, she has been a Columbia artist, for at least a year now.
Lauren has said, she didn't start writing her own MUSIC, until the beginning of 2018. It appeared, she was contradicting herself, when she stated she wrote MTT 2/3 years ago, a long ass time ago, and before she started "dating" Ty. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, and say, she wasn't necessarily lying or contradicting herself.
We all know, Lauren has been writing poetry, and song lyrics, for years. Even before X-Factor. But, lyrics are not the only aspect of a song. Those lyrics have to be set to music, to make a song. I can believe her, when she said she didn't start writing or composing music to go with her poetry/lyrics, until last year, because I think that's what she actually meant...If not, it's just another bullshit lie, among many.
Moving on. In June, they had her opening for Halsey's SA tour, where she performed three of her new solo songs, Expectations, Toy, and Inside. The fans started demanding the studio version of Expectation, so in October, we got it, with a video. Columbia never sent it to radio. It was a promotional single.
In November, she performed two new songs, at the MTV vote after party. They were More Than That and Freedom. The fans asked for MTT to be her next single, and a few days ago, that's what they got. The video will be released Friday. Columbia hasn't set a radio impact date, as of yet. Maybe they are waiting to see what the video will do.
I, too, will wait for the video, to do any kind of analysis of MTT. I will say, the production was subpar. Whoever did the sound mixing, done Lauren a definite disservice.
Lauren said, she is still trying to figure out her sound. That translates to, the Label is still trying to figure out how to market her and her music. It is the Labels responsibility to market the artist and promote their music. The label will monitor the internet, and collect the data, to find out what a particular artists demographic is, and they will cater the artist, to that demographic.
The artist will compile a big song library, for each album. Usually for the first solo album, they will have around 30/40 songs in the can, ready to choose from. The artist and their manager, will work with the label A&R, to choose the best songs for the album, based on the data collected. Columbia had multiple chances to collect that data. BTM, AN, Strangers, IYP, Expectations, Toy, Inside, MTT, and Freedom. They were all used for data mining. The Label A&R will use that data, to guide the artist in the direction to best connect to the public in her demographic.
Once they figure out Lauren's marketing strategy, it is up to the label to promote the music, to the GP. Thy choose the official singles. They choose when and if a single gets sent to radio. If it doesn't get sent to radio, it gets labeled a promo single, and it's up to the artist and their fans, to push it.
Radio looks to Shazam, and the amount of streams a promo single gets, to decide if they want to dedicate air time to it, or not. The more Shazam streams, the better chance it gets ait time. That's why people are always reminding the fans to stream on Shazam, as well as Spotify, YouTube, and other streaming sites.
It's also, usually, up to the label, to get a single put on popular playlists, and which, if any, television appearances for the single.
It's up to the artists management, to promote the artist. They do this, in conjunction with the label. It is the managements job, to create and control the artists/brands public image. They manage how the public sees the artist, when the public sees the artist, and where the public sees the artist.
The PR Teams and Talent Agents, work in conjunction with the management, to get the artist out there, to get attention from the media and therefore, the public.
It is the artist themselves, that has the most important role in their own career. The Label can market the artist, the management can get them attention, but it is completely up to the artist, to make a connection to fans and potential fans. If an artist isn't making a connection to the public, then the rest of it doesn't even matter.
Lauren is more than capable of making that connection. The problem is, her image is turning people off, and I'm not just talking about fans, but also potential endorsements. Her public image, right now, is not a good one, and she knows it.  Unfortunately, her damn managers would rather promote Ty and a dog, more than Lauren.
Don't get me wrong, Gracie is cute and Lauren's interaction with her, is adorable. I know they made sure she, and her dog, got nominated for one of the most ridiculous awards ever, but I'd much rather Lauren be promoted and recognized for her talent, than her cute little pet.
Columbia needs to get her a presenter spot at the Grammy's, so she can walk the carpet, and be seen on prime time television. They need to get her a performance spot on the iHeart music awards. Those air on March 19. Hopefully Columbia is ready to release an official single, and she can perform it there, like Camila did.
Honestly, her next single needs to be about something personal. Something inspirational. It doesn't have to be a slow ass ballad, but it needs to be about something that makes folks want to get to know Lauren. Expectations would have been a good choice...IF they hadn't turned everyone off to it, by saying she wrote the damn thing about Ty not being there to cuddle when she wanted him to. (that was literally one of the dumbest explanations for a song, I had ever heard)
I really don't think MTT is that song, either. The subject matter has turned even her own fans off. (I have my own theory about the song, but I'm waiting for the video to see if I'm even close to right) The problem with MTT, is the subject matter automatically takes people's minds to her "cheating" with Ty. Even though she has said, she wrote it before she even started "dating" him. The lyrics just took people there, and that was a turn off, for many. Her next single needs to be something that represents her. Not her fucking "boyfriend", not her fucking dog, but her.
She has plenty of music ready to go, so they really need to get her out there, performing at some of these Festivals. They may not all know who she is at those things, but that's the point, to get her out there, seen and heard.
She really needs to do some of the more popular radio shows, like Zane Lowe. She did good on Zack Sang, but Zane is a pretty good interviewer. He doesn't throw softball questions, so she needs to be ready, and willing to answer all the tough questions.
She hasn't been to Europe or Great Britain since what, 2016. She needs to get over there and show her face. Do some interviews, especially BBC Radio, or whatever it's called. Really, she needs to be doing a lot more than walking around propping Ty's ass up, and packing around her pooch.
Maverick needs to do their damn job, and take her for a sit down with the Spotify and YouTube folks, and make a deal with them, herself. Her Label isn't doing much, but she can talk to them and get them to sponsor her and promote her, for exclusive content. That will get her on all the popular playlists, and billboards. She doesn't need to rely on Columbia to do all this shit for her. She can help herself out, as well.
They need to scrub her SM, especially her Instagram, of anything that might be deemed problematic. The big Brands will not even consider her, for Celebrity Endorsements, if all they see is her partying it up, smoking dope all the damn time.
Lauren is a solo artist, now. She is no longer handcuffed, by a group image, or the set plan for that group. As a solo artist, she does have more say in her career, but she isn't as free as she is letting on. She has more freedom, than she had as a member of 5H, though.
Lauren needs to take some of that new found freedom, sit her management team down, tell them what she wants and expects for her career. If Maverick isn't willing to manage her career, the way she expects them to, then she needs to fire their ass, and find a manager who will.
Yes, she can fire them. As a solo artist, she pays them 15% of her earnings. If they aren't earning that 15%, she can hire someone who will. Camila did. Normani did. She can, too.
They need to put an end to all these stupid narratives. They need to.....You know what, I could sit here all day, and say what I think they all should do, but I'm not Lauren, her manager, or her Label. Maybe they have it all figured out, and are just slow walking her, I don't know. But, I do know, what they have chosen to do thus far, isn't really working, and it's really pissing me off.
Lauren has the talent to succeed in this damn business. She has the intelligence to succeed in this damn business. I just hope she has the will to succeed in this damn business. It's not really going to get any easier, at least not for a while....I really hope she achieves that dream she had when she was younger. I hope she finds that solo success, she always knew she was capable of. I know I'm rooting for her.
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tyrantisterror · 5 years
TT Liveblogs Evangelion Masterpost & Final Thoughts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Final Thoughts after the cut!
By reputation, I had a strong feeling that Evangelion was not going to be my kind of story, and now that I’ve seen it I can say that both kind of is and kind of isn’t the case.  The character writing is incredibly strong (even if I feel End of Evangelion has a few major wobbles), its approach to its cosmic horror conflict and uncanny monsters is incredibly interesting, the animation is gorgeous, and the plot is compelling.  It’s way more tragic than I usually prefer my stories of this length to be, but I feel it earns that tragedy and has a point to it.  At the very least, it ranks among works like Heart of Darkness and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which I respect for their artistry even if I struggle to stomach their content.  I would say it’s objectively great, even if subjectively it doesn’t always suit my personal tastes as far as stories go.
Given the two endings Evangelion (both the original show’s last episodes and the alternate ending offered by End of Evangelion) has both explore the idea of there being different realities than the one we’ve watched, I almost wonder if my discontent is a feature rather than a flaw.  I feel like Evangelion invites you to consider the possibility of this story going very different ways - if we’re supposed to leave it longing for a better version of these events, like a player hoping there’s a new game plus after watching the depressing ending of a JRPG.
 As a person who’s struggled with self loathing his entire life, this series spoke to me in its analysis of that particular psychological problem.  As the final episodes of the show take great pains to make clear, this is a show about how we understand and define ourselves in the context of others, and the myriad reasons why our self definitions can become toxic and hateful.  Hating oneself should, after all, be rather counter-intuitive, so why are we prone to it?
Evangelion posits that it comes down to the Hedgehog’s Dilemma - this (probably not biologically accurate) idea that hedgehogs want to huddle together for warmth when it’s cold, but can’t because their spikes will stab each other if they do.  They need their spikes for defense, of course, but those same spikes can also hurt people trying to help them, and thus the hedgehogs suffer alone in the cold.  Every character in this show - human and, I would argue, angel alike - is this allegorical hedgehog: they crave warmth and affection, but are kept lonely and cold by the defenses they deem necessary.  The problem isn’t just that they’re denied warmth by others, but that they also fear hurting others in the process of seeking that closeness - that they are both helpless and incapable of helping those they wish to protect.
Every character in this show has different spikes, and every character is desperately hoping that someone will reach out and understand them despite their defenses, or that maybe, just maybe, if they reach out to someone they won’t end up stabbing them in the process.  That’s the real crux of this two-fold problem: people hate themselves both because they have been denied both love and the act of giving love to others in turn, all while knowing deep down that they are the reason they have these damn spikes in the first place.
And yes, I extend this to the monsters as well.  While most of the angels in this series are destructive and openly antagonistic , three actually try to communicate with humanity in their “attacks.”  The first two are unsuccessful because the humans are incapable of understanding them, but the third actually manages to speak humanity’s language.  He expresses regret at the fact that angels and humans can’t coexist, and even urges Shinji to destroy him because it’s the only way Shinji can live - and the angel, despite knowing it means his death, prefers the idea of Shinji surviving their conflict.  While we ultimately don’t learn enough about the angels to say anything concrete about their motives, the glimpse that Kaworu gives into their psyche paints them in a similarly depressing light as humanity.  They lash out with their figurative (and sometimes literal) spikes not because they hate humanity, but because they believe they have no option.  They can’t have warmth.  There is only the path of spikes, the act of violence.  Whether they want to or not, only one can survive.  They have succumbed to the bleakness of the hedgehog’s dilemma.
I love the ending of the show because it focuses on its psychological problem which, ultimately, is the true conflict of the story, and examines it in depth with all the main characters, and especially Shinji (which makes sense, as his psycholgical state is the most detailed and well developed of the entire cast).  In the final episode, Shinji finds the solution to the hedgehog’s dilemma that no one else was brave enough to come to.  He realizes that, yes, it is impossible to interact with others without both getting hurt and hurting others in turn - that he can’t get rid of his spikes, nor can anyone else get rid of theirs.  But as much as he hates the pain he’ll both experience and inflict, he realizes that he has the courage to try to reach out anyway - that though he may hate himself now, he might be able to love himself as he loves others, and that being imperfect doesn’t mean he’s worthless.  Despite all the pain and the guilt, despite the prick of the spikes, Shinji decides to keep trying to find the warmth that he and those around him need, because if they all keep trying together they can find it.
Evangelion ends with Shinji, surrounded by his peers, determined to recover.  He refuses to be destroyed by his depression.  He refuses to die in the cold, and everyone is there with him when he does.  It’s not an incongruous moment - for all the angst that people tend to define this show by, there are always moments, small but notable, impactful moments, where they come together.  Few people on this show are beyond saving, and in at least one ending - esoteric and weird as it is - they have that chance.
I’m less keen on End of Evangelion as an alternate ending.  Where the original show gave Shinji that moment of recovery, End of Evangelion seems deadset on destroying him and every other character in the show as utterly as possible.  Shinji gives in to his absolute worst impulses in this movie, and every other character is similarly destroyed by their faults - Misato tries her hardest but fails to ultimately protect Shinji from doom, Rei is used as a tool for someone else’s designs without ever truly understanding what they are or claiming her own independence, Asuka dies trying and failing to prove her worth as a warrior, and on and on it goes.  The most iconic scene of the film is scored with a song whose lyrics are a suicide note, which is fitting for a movie about depressed characters succumbing to their worst impulses and being destroyed for it.  Though Shinji once again gets to survive the end of the world and create something new from the ashes, it’s not uplifting as it was in the show - instead, with only Asuka by his side (who he then tries to strangle), he slumps down into a puddle of self misery.  The last word he hears isn’t “congratulations” this time around - it’s “disgusting.”
I’m not saying this is a wrong ending, or an objectively bad one.  You could argue this is just as much where the story might have been heading as the show’s ending - or even that it’s more congruous, that this was always going to be a story about failure and self destruction, and that any hope these characters could have for a better life could only be achieved by fucking with the nature of their reality on a fundamental level.  Objectively, End of Evangelion is valid.  But for my personal tastes... I liked those kernels of hope.  I’ll take Congratulations over Digusting.  I want these kids to heal.
One final bit: a common thing I’ve heard about this series is that the allusions to Abrahamic religion and folklore are purely aesthetic and have no actual deeper meaning, and having watched the series I think this is at best an over-simplification and at worst completely wrong.  Like most allusions in literature, I don’t think they work as a direct 1:1 comparisons - Adam in Evangelion is not literally the same as Adam in the Bible, Angels in Evangelion are not literally the same as in the Bible, etc.  But there’s still a lot of meaning behind how these Biblical references are used that can’t be mere coincidence.  For example, towards the end of the series it’s revealed that human being are actually half angel (or rather the spawn of a different angelic being than the angels in canon, it’s a bit more complicated than this but let’s simplify it for the sake of making this intelligible), which is why the “pure” angels are trying to wipe us out.  In the book of Enoch, a fairly obscure non-canonical Biblical text, some rebel angels come to earth and crossbreed with humanity, creating the nephilim, a race of half human/half angels.  Enoch posits that this is the specific crime that makes God destroy the earth in a flood.  Now, how does End of Evangelion end?  With humanity being destroyed and the earth flooded with their liquid remains, save for one surviving pair that is composed of one boy and one girl.  It’s not a 1:1 allusion, but it would be one HELL of a coincidence that this story is so similar to an obscure non-canonical Biblical work.
And if we do accept the allusions as having some meaning, they actually work with the show’s themes fairly well.  The Book of Enoch’s whole purpose is to explain why God hated humanity enough to destroy it, and the feeling that a higher, cosmic power hates us for some inexplicable reason is at the core of Evangelion.  Evangelion’s whole purpose is to find an answer for why we hate and destroy ourselves, and how we, like Noah, might find a way to save ourselves from this seemingly inevitable flood of doom.  Making an allusion to another stories that try to explain that - not just the Book of Enoch, but to similar Biblical stories about the origin and nature of humanity’s sin and God’s scorn, like the Genesis tale of Adam and Eve (or, as Evangelion substitutes, Adam and his semi-canonical first wife, Lilith) - is inherently meaningful.  It’s on topic, and in the context of these allusions we get a clearer view of what Evangelion is trying to say about human nature.  It’s not necessarily a Christian story, but its allusions to Abrahamic religion aren’t devoid of meaning.
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gossamie · 6 years
real bitches get revenge.
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summary — one frat party. one cheating and (soon-to-be) ex-boyfriend. one plan to get revenge.
pairing — jeon jungkook x park jimin x reader (ft. bts)
genre — fluff & humor
word count — 2,514
warnings — swearing, mentions of alcohol, and poorly made dick jokes
notes — this story has been sitting in my drafts for some time now, but i’m so glad i finally finished it! this is a lil different from what i normally write, but i wanted to push myself from my usual angsty fics and give you guys something more lighthearted. i hope you enjoy (bad humor and all)!
p.s. disclaimer: i am not implying through this story that jungkook is a cheating asshole, nor do i think that any of the other characters are exactly like the stereotype i portrayed them as. this is purely for fictional purposes. 
p.p.s. thank you thank you thank you @louvresdemiel, aka luna, for reading this story and giving me advice! love you <3
“Revenge is sweet and not fattening.” — Alfred Hitchcock
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Jeon Jungkook— the president-slash-poster-child of Pi Rho Omega and the spitting image of charisma, charm, and confidence. He’s the guy that everyone wants to be friends with, the guy that makes any frat party legendary, the guy you hate to love, and the guy that you’re lucky to call your loving, loyal boyfriend.
Well, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, because he’s currently kissing another girl.
You probably would’ve still seen Jungkook shoving his tongue down that girl’s throat even if Seokjin hadn’t pointed it out to you. It was as if they were asking for an audience; they were pressed up against the kitchen island, their grimy hands moving and grabbing each others’ bodies in every direction but especially towards the parts where the sun doesn’t shine, and you could’ve sworn you saw spit flying from her mouth and drool slobbering down Jungkook’s chin like a dog— or, more appropriately, like the bitch he is.
Sure, you were sad— after all, you had spent the entirety of your senior year falling in love with Jungkook— but, more than anything, you were… angry. You were angry because he had chosen to cheat on you. He had chosen to walk away from your relationship. He had chosen to throw away a year’s worth of endless laughter and stolen kisses and hushed secrets and infinite love all for some random sorority girl he met five seconds ago.
In that moment, as you watched your loving, loyal boyfriend kiss another girl, you knew that he didn’t deserve you, not now and not ever. In that moment, you knew that you deserved better than him. In that moment, you knew that you’ll always deserve better than some cheating, two-faced prick.
Whatever there was between you and Jungkook, it was over the minute he decided you apparently weren’t as important as a drunk make-out sesh.
But he’s made his choice. Now, you’ll make yours.
And your choice?
To get sweet, sweet revenge.
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“Y/N, what the hell are you planning to do?”
“What do you mean?” you reply as you batted your eyelashes at Seokjin, feigning innocence, something sickly sweet coating your tone. Earlier, you had shrugged off his attempts to comfort you, not because you didn’t appreciate them, but because you didn’t need them; they were only a distraction, anyway. There was only one thing you concentrated on as you pulled Seokjin aside from the throng of partygoers: enlisting your friend’s help in your plan for revenge.
“I know that look in your eyes. Whenever you get that look, I know you’re about to do something, and it’s not something pretty.”
“Are you trying to stop me from getting back at Jungkook?”
“Oh, hell no. I’m about to shove my foot up his ass faster than his three-inch dick can inflate.”
“Great. You and I are on the same page. So, will you please help me?”
Seokjin sighs, weighing the options in his mind. Should he maintain a semi-clean moral record, or should he take the opportunity to shove Jeon Jungkook’s shit right in his pretty little face?
But Seokjin realizes there was only one correct option out of the two and that it was definitely not the first one, so he replies, “What do you need?”
You devilishly smirk and focus your attention back to the raging party, taking care not to shift your eyes too far to the right so as not to look at the kitchen and, subsequently, (gag) him. “You know more about the fraternities than I do. I need to know who the somewhat-decent bachelors are in this room and everything you know about them.”
“So, should I start off with me?”
“Oh my gosh, you actually said something funny for once in your life!”
“Okay, listen here, I don’t appreciate the sarcasm, bit—”
“Just kidding! Now, focus. There has to be someone in here, right?”
Seokjin nods, and you follow his gaze to a head of rose gold hair and a nose buried deep in a sketchbook leaning against a wall at the back of the room. The man looked familiar to you; you remembered seeing him wandering peacefully around campus, often carrying a vintage camera or watercolors in his hands. For some reason, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his profile, drawn in by the mysterious aura that lingered around his hunched figure and hung in his deep brown eyes.
“That,” Seokjin remarks, “is Kim Taehyung. Fine arts major. Gamma Mu Mu. I like to think of him as the school’s token art hoe.”
You scoff. “Why do you say that?”
“He fits the stereotype perfectly. He refuses to take pictures on anything other than his Polaroid, he stans Van Gogh, and he thinks he invented wearing wire-rimmed glasses. I’m pretty sure I heard him say once that Instagram was an ‘insult to modern photography’.”
“Okay, but have you seen him? He’s perfect.”
“Oh, I know. But I don’t think I would want to be seen with the guy who looks like the physical manifestation of a liberal arts college degree. Hard pass.”
You’re about to voice your disappointment when a loud burst of laughter from the other side of the room piques your interest. You find yourself staring at a small crowd of people clustered around the couch in the living room— wait— around the guy sitting on the couch in the living room. The people surrounding him are incredibly intrigued by him, judging by how close they lean in to hear him and how hard they laugh at all his jokes, and you wonder if it’s because of his wide smile or his kind eyes or his very presence or all of the above.
You deduce that it must be the last option because you’re intrigued, too.
“Who is that?” you ask, dumbfounded, wondering how the hell you’ve never seen him around the university before.
Seokjin echoes your confusion. “Jung Hoseok? He’s the nicest guy on campus! His frat calls him ‘The Sun of Omega Psi’, which is such a cute nickname. A little cheesy, but cute, nonetheless.” He shifts his attention towards said ray of light. “You can’t deny it, though, the nickname. It fits him perfectly.”
He’s right; you can’t. If Chode Jungcock is the life of the party, then Jung Hoseok is the light. Hoseok seems to radiate positivity and his effect can be seen on the smiles on people’s faces that inexplicably appear whenever he passes by. People like Hoseok aren’t supposed to exist, yet here he is: charming, friendly, witty, and to top it all off, painfully handsome.
You frown, however, and voice your thoughts aloud. “I can’t use Hoseok, though. He’s too pure for this world, and especially too pure for revenge.” You turn to Seokjin. “It’s back to the drawing board, I guess.”
Seokjin is in the midst of forming another sentence before something by the staircase makes his head cock to the side and his eyes squint. “Huh. I never thought I’d see the day when he’d be outside his dorm.”
It’s your turn to squint your eyes towards the something— someone— that has caught Seokjin’s attention. What you find is a man bundled in a black hoodie and huddled at the bottom of the staircase, idly petting Holly, the small brown poodle that Pi Rho Omega adopted as their live-in pet. Though his head is turned downwards, you can see the curve of an upturned nose and the soft pout of his lips through his bangs and you conclude that there is a handsome face hiding underneath that hood. “And he is…?”
“Min Yoongi. I think he’s a music production major, and I think he’s in Zeta Theta Psi, but I don’t know for sure. I’ve only ever heard bits and pieces of information about him because he interacts with people once a year, he’s that introverted. I honestly don’t even know why he’s at this party, let alone why he joined a fraternity in the first place.”
That explains why you didn’t recognize him, because you have truly never seen him on campus before. “So, what do you know about him?”
“I know that he’s the host of the university’s radio station and that he’s normally holed up in his dorm producing songs with lyrics pulled straight from aesthetic text posts on Tumblr.”
“I take that as a no.”
“Mhm. I definitely peg him as someone who sends passive-aggressive mixtapes to all the boys he’s ever touched before. Hell, he’d probably write a song about you and blast it to the whole school. It’s too risky.”
You can’t help but nod in agreement because he does seem like that type of guy. But you choke on the chuckle that’s about to leave your throat, however, when your eyes catch sight of a man standing in a nearby hallway. The pounding music drowns out the conversation he’s having with the two other people standing by, but from the way his eyebrows furrow over his glasses, you can tell that his focus lies on the conversation and nothing else. Everything about him— how he leans into others as he talks, how his attentive gaze never falters, how his lips curl up into a warm smile— screams the definition of intelligence, or, maybe, the definition of perfection.
Seokjin catches himself staring before you do. “That’s Kim Namjoon,” he sputters, pulling himself out of his own reverie. “President of Lambda Kappa Pi, computer science major, future valedictorian of our class. I had statistics with him freshman year and whenever I talked to him, I felt like my IQ went up by ten points.”
“So, from an IQ of 20 to 30?”
“Fuck you.”
“Love you, too.”
Seokjin closes his eyes and releases a sigh, needing a moment of inner peace before continuing. “I would tell you to go for it, but Namjoon’s been so focused on his studies that he thinks that getting involved with anyone would ruin his 4.5 GPA. Also, that being said, my ass will have his name written all over it by the end of the semester and I am not letting you ruin my chances of that happening.”
Well, this is just great.
“This isn’t going to work, Seokjin! I’m never going to find anyone,” you suddenly exclaim, feeling defeated as you plop down onto the nearest chair. You’re beginning to accept that this plan for revenge is only going to backfire on you, that Jungkook is finally and definitely going to win.
And then your eyes find their way back to Hoseok— not to look at him, but rather, at the man standing beside him. He’s currently laughing at one of Hoseok’s many jokes— it’s such a bright, beautiful laugh— and his endearing smile makes his eyes crinkle at the edges. Seokjin opens his mouth, about to say the stranger’s name, but he stops, because the look in your eyes tells him that you already know it.
Park Jimin— the vice president of Pi Rho Omega and Jeon Jungkook’s best friend. He’s the most sought-after guy on campus— that is, next to Jungkook, of course— because he is, quite literally, the perfect guy. Jimin is ambitious, intelligent, caring, and, though you never brought yourself to admit it, everything that your boyfriend isn’t.
Being Jungkook’s girlfriend brought about a mutual friendship with Jimin, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that you had never looked at him as anything more than a friend. You had noticed Jimin’s sidelong glances and stares that always lasted a few seconds too long and, sometimes, when Jungkook was distracted and Jimin shifted his attention elsewhere, you returned them. But you were a loyal girlfriend and you never acted upon your fleeting feelings even though you knew that Jimin was so much better than Jungkook because— because…
Because Jimin wasn’t Jungkook.
What you were about to do to Jimin was wrong and you knew it, but even as the logical part of your brain screamed at you to stop whatever you’re doing this is so wrong, the irrational part of your brain blinded you from any good sense of moral judgement, so hell-bent on getting back at Jungkook that nothing and no one else mattered. Your anger clouded your vision until all you could see was your feet and how they were getting closer and closer to Jimin as he walked towards the kitchen, until all you could think was how you were getting closer and closer to fulfilling your desire for revenge.
Your footsteps stopped right in front of Jimin, who was just about to get another beer from the cooler sitting on the kitchen floor. You were painfully aware of your surroundings and everything occurring within them: how your heartbeat was thundering in your ears, how Jimin was so wide-eyed and so blissfully unaware of the situation at hand, and, out of the corner of your eye, how Jungkook was staring at you and all that was about to happen.
You’d been planning for this moment all night, but now that it was here, you weren’t sure if you could follow through. You gulped, hesitated, felt something in your stomach lurch and oh God I’m going to be sick if I don’t grow a pair of balls right now.
In one moment, Jimin was saying, “Hey, Y/N— are you okay?”
In the next moment, you were kissing Jimin in front of your boyfriend.
Eight seconds— the kiss lasted only eight seconds and every second felt wrong wrong this is so wrong but you couldn’t shake the feeling that this is so, so right. You liked the way his lips felt on yours. You liked the way his fingers weaved their way into your hair, gently cupping the back of your head. You liked the way he sighed onto your lips, a small sigh that silently whispered how he had waited a year for this moment, how he had waited a year for you.
Eight seconds— it took you eight seconds to decide that you wanted to spend much more time with Jimin. The rest of your life, maybe.
Suddenly, it didn’t matter that you couldn’t hear the music over the crowd’s whispers, it didn’t matter that Seokjin’s jaw was hitting the floor from across the room, and it definitely didn’t matter that Jungkook was angrily storming out of the frat house, shrugging off the girl he was kissing moments ago. All that mattered was you and Jimin and how you now felt breathless in his presence and how his eyes now lit up when he looked at you and were his eyes always this brilliant?
Jimin pulled away from the kiss all too soon. He was silent for a moment. You braced yourself for rejection, for the inevitable and irrevocable feeling of despair that would hit you when he walked away.
But all he said was, “Kiss me again.”
So you did, and sparks flew.
Park Jimin— he wasn’t Jeon Jungkook, no, but if every moment with him felt like this, then that was a very, very good thing.
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lgcezra · 5 years
        ‘let’s try again.’
        he lets out a sigh before allowing his lips to tug up into a small smile.  “mornin’.”
        ‘there it is.’  she pats his cheek.  ‘really, if you want to become an idol, you need to work on smiling more.  no one’s going to pay to watch someone who's always frowning.  and truly, you have a nice smile.  straight white teeth.  dimples, even.  girls go crazy for that, you know?’
        his smile loosens.
        she narrows her eyes.
        it returns.
        she pats his cheek again.  ‘good.  now back to work.'
        he wants so badly to roll his eyes but stiffens the urge and turns to the breakfast line.  “eggs?”  he offers with another small smile -- it’s not dazzling, but it’s enough to show off the slight indents on both sides of his cheek.
        the girl beams back at him.  ‘yes, please.’
        ‘this is so dumb,’  the woman next to him murmurs.
        “i know,”  he grumbles back as he puts his hand on top of hers, which is on top of four other hands.
        ‘okay, cleaning crew!’  the elderly man to his right booms.  ‘today, our goal is to clean every floor before noon!  the first team to finish their floor will earn bragging rights!  now, we know jihye and beomseok have won for the past three weeks, but don’t let that deter you!  channel your frustration into working harder to beat them!’
        the man next to him turns and looks in ezra and jihye’s direction.  ‘you two better watch out.  me and won are getting faster.  we’ll beat you this week.’
        “wanna bet?”  ezra quirks an eyebrow.  “beat us, and we’ll buy you lunch.”
        the man laughs.  ‘you’re on.’
        ‘ooh, i’m already feeling the heat,’  the elderly man whistles.  ‘all right.  break on three.  one, two, three, go cleaning crew!’
        the crew splits into teams of two, with ezra and jihye hitting the top floor.
        ‘you do toilets and i do showers?’
        “sure.  i’ll do mirrors, too.”
        she breaks into a grin.  ‘let’s kick their asses.’
        ‘excuse me.  do you know where the post office is?  the map says it’s here, but i can’t seem to find it.’
        “they recently moved.”  he reaches down to zoom in on the phone’s map.  “it’s here, next to the seven-eleven.  if you take this road down to the second interaction and make a left, it should be there.”
        the man thanks him and ushers off---only to be quickly replaced by a young couple who looks equally lost.  they converse among themselves in english before stuttering out where’s the namsan tower? in very broken korean.
        “you’ll have to take the subway, line 4,”  he responds in english.  a wave of relief visibly washes over the pair.  he continues:  “i’m actually headed in that direction.  i’ll walk you there.”
        they chat on the way over.  he finds out that they’re from new york, and they’re pleasantly surprised to hear that he’s only been here for a few months.
        ‘you seem to know the city well,’  the guy comments.
        he scoffs.  “only this area.  seoul’s pretty big.”  but he’s slowly finding his way around, no thanks to all the errands he’s having to run.
        he finds that cleaning is much more enjoyable when there’s music playing.  it starts with a hum, and by the third week, he finds himself singing and rapping along to the lyrics.  yes, in korean.
        ( he also finds out that his voice most closely aligns with yang joshua’s, which pisses him off, because it’s yang joshua.  he can’t catch a break with this fuckin’ guy. )
        it takes him four weeks, but he finally passes the test with full marks.
1026 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗗𝗔𝗬,  𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗡:  1600,  𝗗𝗢𝗥𝗠 𝗕.
        ‘breathe.  ezra, breathe.  in four, out four.’
        he sucks in air as instructed.  one, two, three, four.  and he lets out, shakily.  one, two, three, four.
        “it’s just so fuckin’---”  his fingernails dig into his palms again.  a grip any harder would’ve surely broken through his skin, but he takes in another breath.  one, two, three, four.  lets it go.  lets it all go.  one, two, three, four.
        he turns around, plants his on his hips, and peers up at the ceiling.  he doesn’t want to look at her.  she’s been so patient with him these past couple of weeks, and he hates showing this her this side of him.
        “what?”  he whips around, narrowing his eyes on the manager they’ve stuck him with.
        ‘breathe,’  she says again, keeping her gaze level.  ‘do it with me.  in four . . out four.’
        they do this for good five minutes before he can finally shake off the urge to punch the wall.
        ‘better?’  she asks.
        “sort of.”
        she motions him to sit down.  he does.
        ‘so . . why did that make you angry?  let’s talk about it.’
        hyuncheol doesn’t respond, doesn’t even bother looking up.
        right.  either he speaks in korean, or hyuncheol ignores him, even though the bastard is perfectly fluent in english.
        “good morning,”  he tries again, this time in korean.  he receives the greeting in response, then takes the invitation to have a seat.
        'how was your week?’  every sunday, it’s the same question, and every time, he struggles to answer.  he realizes that impromptu speaking is not his forte, especially if it’s in a language he doesn’t know well, so he’s been rehearsing what to say before coming in.
        it works.  he enunciates better, feels a bit more confident.
        “i found out my dimples are my selling point on monday,”  he starts.  “a lot more people wanted eggs when i was at the station.  jihye-ssi and i won again on tuesday.  we finished about twenty minutes before second place.  taemin-ahjussi treated us to lunch, since we beat him.  i didn’t get lost on wednesday.  thursday . . i finally have haru’s entire discography memorized.  friday -- i mean, i was here.”  he pauses, debates on whether he should tell hyuncheol about what happened on saturday but in the end, decides against it.  “saturday was okay.”
        no awkward breaks, no english substitutions.  much better than his first sunday reflection.
        he slumps in his seat, folding his arms over his chest.  here goes another four hours.
        in the past few weeks, he had spent this time challenging hyuncheol:  do you really think making me do chores would change anything?  how is sitting here and doing nothing helping me?  but he has since then learned to keep his mouth shut.  hyuncheol can kick him out.  and for him, in particular, that’s not an option, because if he’s kicked out, he has to go back.  he’s only here on an entertainment visa, and if that’s taken from him, he has no choice but to return home.
        he’s not ready for that.
        he’s not ready to face his parents.
        and if he has to suck it up to stay, then so be it.
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revisionaryhistory · 5 years
It’s All Art ~ 94
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Well, I don’t know what happened. I skipped posting a chapter. This is supposed to be 94. I’ve already posted the two that come after.  I’ll be fixing the order this weekend.  There’s nothing in here that screws up plot progression.  Just a thing. Sorry.
Oscar walked into the hotel room pointing his finger back and forth between the two of them. He started to speak, but laughed instead, "I had is whole speech planned giving you two shit, but I can't." He squeezed between them on the couch, putting his arms around both of them. "Are there more shower pictures? Can I request a bubble bath next time?"
Kelsey moved her hand to his upper thigh, "Don't ask for what you can't handle." He glanced at Charlotte, seeing her smirk. He looked back to Kelsey, "Oh, I can handle a lot."
Before she knew what hit her Kelsey was laid back on the couch, Oscar half on top of her, with his mouth nibbling on her neck. She yelped in surprise and instinctively latched onto his back. The shock left quickly and she mowed a hand to his hair, "Don't tease me, Oscar."
Oscar backed up enough to meet her eyes. "Tease you? Your hands were on her tits."
Kelsey screwed up her face, "Do you seriously think that's the first time my hands have been on her? Many sleep overs in University. Many drunk girl sleep overs." Kelsey raised her head to look at Charlotte, "I can tell you he likes that visual."
Oscar snickered, but didn't move. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before sitting up," She'd be worried if I didn't." He did a quick adjustment to his jeans before kissing Charlotte. "We're going to keep her."
The three talked for another half hour before Kelsey stood up, "I'm off. Abby has tomorrow then Beth and then the three of us. What a day that will be."
Charlotte stood up and hugged her friend, "Thank you for the wonderful day."
Kelsey kissed her cheek, "I missed this. Can't wait until the three of us spend the day. Maybe we'll send your boyfriend away and have an all girl sleep over."
Oscar grinned, "I think I can get video set up by then."
* * * *
Charlotte regailed him with tales from their day and filled in with missing bits of history. Oscar was happy she'd had such a good time. He'd wanted someone with her to make sure she was physically ok, but he' d gotten someone who'd done much more for her emotionally. His fingers were crossed that the trend continued with Abby, Jane, and Beth.
After dinner they settled back on the couch to watch a movie. It was still early, but he watched her eyes starting to droop. He crawled out from behind her and knelt between her legs, "Tired?"
"I don't know why. All I've done is sit on the couch all day. This going to get old fast."
He repeated his words form this morning, "Healing takes a lot of energy."
She glared at him and stuck out her tongue.
Oscar jumped on that, taking it as an invitation. His hands moved to her ass as he kissed her. "I was thinking an orgasm might keep the nightmares away." He kissed over to her ear.
Charlotte laced her fingers through his hair. "It's certainly worth a try."
He was already working on pulling her pants off, "Your enthusiasm at the prospect of some amazing oral sex is lacking."
"You should be careful not to oversell."
"Ha fucking ha, baby."
Unfortunately his brilliant plan was not successful. He lay with her until she feel asleep then went back to the family room for awhile. He thought he heard her rustling around and went to check on her. She was kicking her feet against the mattress and twisting her body. Definitely a nightmare. Oscar sat beside her, laid a hand on her shoulder, and talked to her. Nothing of any importance. Sweet words and calming phrases. She didn't calm, but it didn't get worse. He switched to singing, "And you wanted to dance, so I asked you to dance, but fear is in your soul. Some people call it a one night stand, but we can call it paradise. Don't say a prayer for me now. Save it till the morning after." Not surprisingly Duran Duran calmed her. Hell, he'd learn the lyrics to Backstreet Boys if it chased away the nightmares. He left her long enough to turn everything off in the other room. The sheets were cool against his skin as he slipped in beside her. They couldn't cuddle up, not even close, so he tucked his hand under her t-shirt, resting it on her stomach.
Oscar's singing only kept the nightmares away so long. For the second night he was awakened by her scream.
The next day's visit with Abby centered on baby talk. Charlotte kept her hand on Abby's stomach to feel movement. She talked to her future nephew and nixed name options at would get him bullied on the playground.
With Beth the topic was Oscar. Charlotte wanted details on how she came to help with the twitter account, including what would have been mortifying if not for their long standing friendship, Beth's movie star crush. Beth's fangirling started at least a year before Oscar and Charlotte had met.
"I remember when the first pictures of you two showed up. It was all I could do not to text you, calling you an awful bitch." They laughed. "But I got over it." Beth rolled her eyes dramatically. "If my internet boyfriend was going to cheat on me at least he looked happy and I approved of his choice."
Charlotte held Beth's hand and tried to look sincere, "I'm good with inappropriate thoughts. I'll provide a detail or two."
Beth snorted, "It's good you don't mind because lots of people have far more inappropriate thoughts than I ever did."
Charlotte adjusted her position to be more comfortable, "I'm glad we were never crazy stalker. I mean, outside of staking out airports and around the venue." She laughed with the memories.
Beth laughed too, "Yeah, we may have joked about it, but none of us really believed they'd see us and fall instantly in love." She glared at Charlotte, "But that's what happened for you, is'nt it?"
Charlotte shrugged, "Wasn't a fan situation though."
"No," Beth said, "having met him I can't imagine that would have worked." She shook her head, "I don't want to seem like I know your boyfriend better than you do. From videos and interviews he's never really seemed comfortable with the whole famous thing." She watched Charlotte nod her agreement. "I'm glad we're talking about this. I want to make sure you know I'm not nineteen and crushing like we used too. If there wasn't a bit of that it wouldn't be fun. There were four of us running the twitter. Shannon was a bit insane and we changed all the passwords. I'm not all starstruck being around, but if I'm honest it is kind of surreal at times."
Charlotte was glad they were talking about this too. There was no concern with trusting Beth, but it was complicated. Since Beth had been brave enough to broach the topic, Charlotte could say it all. "He's a little surreal to me at times. More whenever I met one of his costars. I must say it gets easier each time, but there's always at least a split second of 'Oh shit, it's Princess Leia!". After a moment it's just talking to a person." She took a sip of her water, giving herself a moment. "Here's my concern since finding out your connection to that account. In some ways you do know him more than me. You were absolutely fine when you met him. It's almost like we both had a crush on the same boy and he asked me out. Which it's not, but it's the best I can do. The crux of the thing is I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"More like we both fancied the same boy in a pub and he bought you a drink." Beth put her hand on Charlotte's arm. "I appreciate your concern more than you can imagine. I'm not uncomfortable. I was worried that you were. Or Oscar. I have no problem letting the twitter go if it's the least bit weird for either of you. That's just silly fun. You're my friend."
"I see no need for that and neither would Oscar. He doesn't like anyone to change things because of who he is." She emphasized the word "who". I trust you without question and that's enough for him." She'd had enough of the serious talk. It was good to get it out, but it was time to move on. "Besides I count on that twitter to direct me to video or pictures I'd otherwise not known existed."
"I'll work on a top ten video or something."
Kelsey came over after work. Soon after Abby and Matt showed up. Charlotte excused herself to the bedroom. Her head was pounding. She made them all promise to stay put. Oscar had texted he and Adam were bringing pizza for everyone. She was hoping a half hour of dark and quiet would be enough for her to join them.
It wasn't long before Oscar arrived with Adam carrying boxes of pizza. He checked on Charlotte, finding her asleep and returned to the others. The group sat around the family room laughing and eating. No one would ever know by watching the group interact that it was made up of old college friends, siblings, and a couple of celebrities.
Matt handed out another beer for everyone. They'd been laughing and teasing each other, so Matt was simply continuing. He nodded toward the closed bedroom door, "Looks like no sex for you tonight."
Everyone laughed, including Oscar who knew her sleeping wouldn't last. He tried to keep it light and winked at Kelsey, "If Charlotte's not up for it I've got Kelsey as a spare."
Adam almost spat out his beer. Kelsey let out a loud laugh before clamping her hand over her mouth.
"What do you mean if?" Matt had stopped mid drink, the lip of the bottle almost to his lips. "She's got broken bones and cuts. Can't you keep it in your pants for a few days?"
Oscar wasn't sure if Matt was teasing or reprimanding him. The look on Matt's face said reprimanding, which didn't sit well. At all. Oscar leaned forward, setting his beer on the table. Matt's comment was plucking a string that was wound to tight. Oscar felt it break. "You need to back off, Matt. You may have years of time over me, but you don't get to question my taking care of her."
"Is that what you call it?” The men's eyes were locked. Every one else was silent. Both men were looking out for Charlotte in their own way. Abby put her hand on Matt's arm, trying to get him to back down. He pulled his arm away from her.
Oscar's eyes shifted momentarily to the movement. Part of him said to shut up, but a bigger part didn't think he should. If Matt was man enough to accuse him, he was man enough to hear the truth. And be put in his place. "When Adam and I saw the video of the attack we could see her scream. Thankfully there was no audio. I didn't want to hear that, but guess what? I hear it now Every. Single. Night. She wakes up terrified from a nightmare she cant remember, probably about an attack she can't remember. And when she asks me to make love to her I know it's about those feel good hormones after to replace terrified with feeling safe and loved. Would you have me tell her no and point out her broken bones and cuts?" Oscar would wait all night for the answer.
It didn't take long for Matt to shake his head.
"You're her brother and I respect you're protective of her. Not more than me. And you don't get to judge me when you have no fucking idea." Oscar quickly wiped away an angry tear. "No fucking idea." He hated he feeling scared and hated that he couldn't make it stop.
Matt put a hand on Oscar's shoulder. "You're right. I'm sorry."
Oscar nodded.
Kelsey wasn't going to let the awkward moment continue. She giggled, waiting for eyes to shift to her. "Anyone think broken ribs are going to stop Charlotte having sex with him?"
Abby and Beth said, "Nope." Adam was shaking his head. Matt closed his eyes and shook his head.
Oscar just smiled.
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ourmanifestoisfun · 6 years
4x14 episode thoughts
We’re back from hiatus! And I was finally able to sit down and watch the episode and I AM SO EXCITED BY THINGS!!!
“The navy. it brings out the sparkle of justice in your eyes” is such a cute line
Marco, you are a terrible businessman
I feel that all of the reasons that Greg lists to be in West Covina for his thesis are legitimate, personally. Being near Rebecca is probably a nice bonus. 
I do like that he apparently asked Heather to help out, given that she is very competent and no-bullshit kind of person.
Actually, the parallel “I’m not in love with Rebecca” scenes were a bit much, but I think they showed something kind of interesting in the extent to which the guys’ feelings are influencing all of them in their actions. Like Greg’s priority is very much the restaurant and Rebecca being nearby is more of a really nice bonus, Nathaniel’s volunteer work and interest in Rebecca are about equal since he started out doing it for her but is doing it more because it is the right thing to do while still be interested, and Josh is doing theater tech directly because of Rebecca. I don’t know if it is meant to be scaled like that, but I feel like it is, which is interesting.
Estrella judging Josh was the best.
I do like the set of Il Cabino. Not entirely sure when they started to use it, but it’s pretty
What is a cold chamber, exactly? What’s its purpose?
I feel bad for Valencia feeling let down about Beth’s surprise, but given rent and housing these days, it is a very big deal that you need to sit down and talk about.
“Quite an engagement” - not how you drop a hint, Valencia. Though I have to say, in this case rather that Valencia being concerned about appearances the way she was in her relationship with Josh, it seems just like she is ready to be with Beth for good, and part of her romantic hopes still include a proposal. She still loves those things, and she wants them for herself.
I don’t like ultimatums in general, but I do understand Valencia’s point, in that she knows what she wants with Beth right now, and she wants to know that they are on the same page, because she has been in a relationship where she waited and the other person didn’t know what they wanted/were happy to stay where they were, and she doesn’t want that again.
It was left unresolved, but I hope that they do get engaged/married. I wanna see Rebecca helping out at their wedding and killing it!
Valencia speaking from experience is both good advice to be cautious but also :(
Josh doing theater tech actually makes me happy. Sure, he’s doing it to be near Rebecca, but he’s so good at making people look and feel good about the best parts of themselves, that being part of a stage crew might actually be a good fit for him.
…though I would still prefer having him as a choreographer in some capacity because canonically, he is such a good dancer.
…Tim really does look like he has chicken legs in that suit. oh dear. I blame the bloomers.
“Our bulwark, our stalwart, our Walmart.” - i just like this wordplay
Nathaniel volunteering (getting volunteered?) for the play had me cackling. While I find the idea that he’s done musical theater before needs a little mental adjustment, I could see him doing it with a mental justification that it looks good on college applications (especially if he got cast in a lead role) and I can definitely see it being something he wouldn’t mention because it does not fit the image he wanted to portray.
Also him singing the alphabet - what a little bastard
Also what’s with that brightly patterned tie, Nathaniel? It’s not bad, I quite like it, but it’s much brighter than what he usually wears
Love Connie’s scarf flinging. And the scarf just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it’s a long cardigan.
Rebecca’s wearing red nail polish!
I love Paula’s interview outfit, it makes her look really good.
Chris!!! He is so tall! And he has a palate!
I love Valencia, Josh and Nathaniel’s expressions at the lyrics to Etta Mae’s Lament
Aunt Myrna reference!
oh Tim, your character song was not forgetful, I promise you that.
I love Paula’s faces though!
Darryl also has quite the palate - and the penmanship!
…canonically, Valencia and Nathaniel have now officially hung out and we did not see any exchanges? RUDE!
They have so much they could talk about! They are both good-looking people with body issues, image issues, and have experienced dramatic shifts in their relationships with Rebecca due to her initiating severely inappropriate kisses. The possibilities are endless!
Josh asking Rebecca to sign the Camp Canyon Grove playbill was super sweet, but I’m glad that it was one he got on eBay, instead of one he actually kept, because it’s mostly giving me very strong “Dear Joshua Felix Chan” vibes and uh…that’s not entirely great.
Nathaniel singing about being a saloon madam is GREAT. Sacrifice your dignity at the altar of love, dude. 
Not that you have much of it left. Which is not a bad thing - it’s good to be willing to sacrifice your dignity, builds character.
I have been wondering for a while now if they would have Rebecca write musical theater songs, and the fact that they are hinting at this pathway is really really exciting to me. Having her actually write the songs in her head and create a musical would be really, genuinely exciting.
“Someone else is singing my song” - oh my GOD my heart fluttered at that. I hope we get a full thing.
I am sad for Darryl but yes, Paula, know your worth!
Mindy-who-is-April! Good to see you as Darryl’s date. Hope things are going swimmingly.
Valencia makes a beautiful pirate bride, but can she actually be the pirate, instead? Because yikes those lyrics!
Paula’s face was exactly right.
I am genuinely sad we missed all of the songs that directly applied to Darryl and Paula’s situation
God, Rebecca’s saloon girl outfit is so cute, even if her song is so terrible.
WHAT’LL IT BE REPRISE!!!!! Called it!
I have mixed feelings about Greg’s revelation that everything he hated about the town was more of a projection and that as a result, he’s going to stay and run his father’s restaurant. Not because I don’t think it makes sense with his character, but I just get tired of the trope that the hometown is always the place you’ll end up again if you change your attitude. Sometimes, hometowns just suck.
But for Greg, who I think has been specifically described as a character who tries to be a caretaker, which running a restaurant that people love would be something that would fulfill him, so I think I’m good with it.
Every time I think I have a grasp on where the love quadrangle stuff is going, it gets a good shake, because while when Rebecca discusses the three guys, she treats it as if they are on the same plane, but when we see their different interactions, they are treated differently.
New tweak to the old theory: given that Greg now has confirmed a dream that is not linked to Rebecca at all, the next two episodes will be showing us what Nathaniel and Josh’s respective paths will be, so that we know that even though the guys might not end up with her, they have something that takes up their time and attention and fulfills them and it’s a good ending for them.
Preferably in that order, because I do still consider Josh to be part of the original series trifecta (Rebecca-Paula-Josh) and given how recent his affection for Rebecca is, I think that will come into play when he finds out what makes him happy and their relationship should be given some extra weight.
Now that Paula is interviewing at other firms, I still kind of hope that her, Nathaniel, and Darryl choose to separate from MountainTop and start their own firm. That could be really interesting and work well with their arcs. Nathaniel and Paula will make it successful, while Darryl gives them heart and makes them less scary to prospective clients.
I will still be very surprised if it ends up being an actual choice rather than a fourth or fifth option being taken, but given how the “true love is theater” concept got called out in this episode, I really am not sure where it’s gonna go. Still excited to find out!
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quickeningheart · 5 years
     Alley muttered to herself and punched the button on the elevator, waiting for the lift to carry her up to another floor. This was the fifth ride she’d taken so far in search of the elusive Main Office, and her nerves were about shot. And it was totallyStoker’s fault. He’d had her so turned around that she’d taken off without remembering to grab the GPS out of Priscilla’s glove-box, thus leaving her to find her way to the Chicago Institute of Art and Design without so much as a road map to guide her.
    After two hours of battling downtown mid-afternoon traffic, getting turned around twice (once going the wrong way up a one-way street), stopping at three different convenience stores to ask for directions, she’d finally made it to the main campus located three miles outside of the actual city. Only to be faced with another conundrum: the campus really was huge. The four buildings on the campus were huge. And only one of them contained the offices where she was supposed to fill out the final papers to turn in for the start of her school year.
    On a whim, she’d picked the biggest building that was located the furthest from the gated entrance, which had thankfully been the right choice (according to the random student she’d asked in passing). But now that she was in the place she was supposed to be, she found herself confused and lost all over again. The large floor layout maps hanging on the walls by the elevators and escalators were proving less than useful. Big red dots with the words “You are here” graced every one, but the maps themselves were all wrong, and didn’t seem to match the actual floor plans at all. So no matter where Alley supposedly was, she couldn’t help feeling like she was supposed to be somewhere else altogether!
    The elevator dinged, the door slid open, and she stomped out of the lift and turned right … only to run headlong into a wall of books and poster tubes, hard enough to knock herself flat on her ass. There was a startled yelp from behind the book-wall as it promptly came tumbling down, scattering tomes and tubes all around her. And the tall, skinny man who’d been holding them blinked owlishly at her from the wire-framed glasses that had been knocked askew on his nose.
    “I am so sorry!” Alley cried, scrambling to her knees to help pick up the scattered books. Her entire body was flaming with mortification. “I wasn’t looking and I knocked into you and I am just so sorry,” she babbled.
    “No worries,” the man grunted, getting to his feet. “I wasn’t exactly looking where I was going, either. What with the books blocking my view and all.” He offered a crooked grin, soft gray eyes smiling down at her through an unkempt mop of sandy brown curls. “You okay?” He offered a hand to help her up, which she gratefully accepted. “No broken bones or anything?”
    “Nah, I’m fine. How about you?” she replied. “I hit you pretty hard.”
    “Oh, don’t worry about him. He’s used to being knocked on his ass by girls.”
     The man heaved a long-suffering sigh, rolling his eyes as a woman dressed all in purple and black joined them. She smirked at him and kicked a poster tube out of her way with a well-worn engineer boot. “This your new method for picking up women? Play the injured puppy and get them cooing and drooling all over you in sympathy?” she teased.
    “Don’t you have some kittens to eat or something?’
    “I upgraded my diet to pig hearts this week. More protein.”
    Alley watched the two of them banter, fascinated. They were as different as two people could be. If she had to put a title, he was classic preppy nerd while the girl was clearly the punk-goth type. In normal society, these two would hardly take time to look at each other, much less interact like … well, a lot like her and Charley did, actually.
    “Are you two related by chance?” she blurted, and felt herself blushing all over again when the pair stopped talking and turned to face her. Goth Chic had gray eyes, too, she noted, heavily made up with dark shadow and liner. And she suspected that under the cherry-red hair dye, the girl’s natural hair color was also brown.
    “You’re good,” Goth Chic commented. “Most people don’t figure it out on the first try. You must have an annoying brother, too.”
    “I’m an only child, actually. But my cousin and I get along pretty much the same way,” Alley explained. “So, you’re siblings?”
    “Yeah, we’re twins. Can’t you tell?” Goth Chic’s voice was so bland, Alley couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.
    Preppy rolled his eyes and smacked his sister across the head. “What the birth defect means to say is her name is Constance Archer. And I’m Christopher.”
    “Call me Chex,” the girl put in. “If you call me Constance or Connie, I'll be forced to kill you. You can call him the Mutant Hobbit.” Another smack over the head from said Hobbit. “Okay, fine, call him Chris.”
    Alley laughed. “Alley Davidson,” she said. “Freshly relocated from Florida. And you’re from?”
    “Oh, we’re born-and-bred Illinoisans,” Christopher replied with a grin. “Chi-town residents for the past ten years. A little town called Penbrooke before that.”
    “They call it a town, but it’s more like a speck of dirt on a map. You know, the kind you try and scratch off with your fingernail.” Chex demonstrated by scratching the air with a black-painted nail. "Oh, speaking of maps, I probably should tell you, the maps on the walls? They’ve been switched around.”
    Alley’s brow furrowed. “Switched?”
    “Yeah.” Chris nodded at the map behind them. “That one says Atrium floor, but the Atrium is actually in another building. This is the Hospic floor. Who knows where that map ended up.”
    Alley’s jaw dropped. “No wonder I can't figure out where I am!” she huffed. “What morons went and switched the maps?”
    “Just some prank from the senior students,” Chex said with a shrug. “The frat houses tend to pull crazy shit like this to confuse the hell out of the newbies. Congrats. You can consider yourself officially initiated. Welcome to college. Just like high school, but with a lot more drinking.”
   After picking up the rest of the books, the twins guided Alley to the correct office located on the first floor in the back of the building. They seemed to know their way around the place pretty well, and when Christopher told her why, she was astonished. “Your father is the dean?” she repeated.
    “Yeah, but don’t hold it against us,” Chex deadpanned. “We can’t help who we were born to.”
    “So you know this place pretty well, huh?”
    “We’ve been running around these buildings since we were kids. I always wanted to attend school here,” Chris told her. “My sister is here because her other option was Military boot camp, but the food is better here.”
    “Ah.” Alley grinned. “That would be those pig hearts you mentioned?”
    “And let us not forget the kittens,” Chex added. “So, what’re you majoring in?”
    “Well, because my parents absolutely insisted on me picking something I can make a real career out of, my major is graphic design. But since I’m not sure if that’s what I actually want to do, I’m minoring in creative writing and music composition, and looking into a few possible art courses for next semester.”
    “Sweet. Another writer type. I dig it.” Chex offered a high-five, but hastily reconsidered when she nearly dropped her armload of books. “What’s your preference? Novels? Poetry? Essays?”
    “Well, I don’t really know,” Alley admitted. “I’ve mostly kept journals and stuff, and I’ve written some song lyrics here and there, a few poems. But since I’ve never actually let anyone read any of it, I don’t know if they’re any good or not.”
    “You write music?” Chris asked.
    “Sort of. I didn’t take a lot of music classes in high school, but I do know my basics. I took piano lessons for eight years. I’m in the beginning course for music composition. I think it’d be fun to try writing my own songs.”
    “Do you sing, too?” he asked hopefully.
    “What’s with the twenty questions?” Chex nudged her brother. “Trying to recruit her for your little band?”
    Alley raised her eyebrows. “You’re in a band?”
    She must’ve sounded skeptical, because he drew himself up, looking a little wounded. “It’s nothing spectacular, just a garage band I put together back in high school, but we get decent gigs on weekends and stuff,” he replied. “It’s a lot of fun. Hang out, play good music. Get paid for it, even. Since we graduated, though, some of the members have left. The drummer headed to Oxford and our female lead singer is attending Juilliard. We’ve still got our bass and guitar players, and I sing and play the keyboard.”
    “That’s cool,” Alley said.
    “We’ll probably hold auditions for another keyboard player and singer once classes start. See if we can get some interest. It’d be great to keep the band going, if we can.”
    Chex cupped a hand to her mouth and added in a stage-whisper, “That’s a hint for you to show up and sing.”
    Chris mimicked the move. “She’s just mad ‘cause we won’t let her join. She can’t hold a note to save her life.”
    “Birth defect.”
    “Awww, you guys love each other so much,” Alley teased. “Almost makes me wish I had a brother, too.”
    “Don’t. You’re better off,” Chex said blandly.
    Alley laughed. “So what’re you majoring in, Chex? You like writing, too?”
    “Connie has wanted to be a professional writer since she was old enough to pick up a pencil,” Chris said with a roll of his eyes. “Don’t get her started on the subject or you’ll never get her to shut up again.”
    “Don’t mind him.” Chex pulled a face at her brother. “ His ultimate goal in life is to be our dad’s personal Mini-Me. He fully plans to take over the position of dean when Pops retires.”
    “That’s not set in stone,” Chris muttered, blushing a little. “But it’s sort of a position that’s been passed down in the family since the school was founded. As the oldest son—”
    “As the only son,” she cut in with a snort.
    Chris shot her a brief glare before turning his attention back to Alley. “Our family founded this school,” he explained. "We don’t own it, per se, but it’s always been the Archer sons who have taken the position of dean.”
    “It’s got something to do with the founding father’s will or some sort of legal shit like that,” Chex put in, waving a dismissive hand. “Even though there’s a board of directors and all sorts of officials these days, they can’t kick an Archer son out of the position, unless he willingly steps down.”
    “So, when Dad retires, I’ll be taking over as the dean,” Chris finished.
    “Wow. That’s kind of nice, knowing you’ve got a career path all planned out for you.” Alley pursed her lips, considering. “Unless … you don’t want to be the dean? Then I guess it’d be kind of a pain in the ass.”
    “No, I’m willing to step into the position, but it’ll be after Dad retires, and since he’s only in his forties, that won’t be happening for awhile.”
    “So, what do you plan to do with yourself in the meantime?”
    “I’m majoring in musical composition, the advanced classes. I’d like a career in music. Maybe become a pianist, or even a teacher. It’d be kind of fun to teach classes here, actually.”
    Chex snorted. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, my brother really loves this school.”
    “Oh, like you’re one to talk.”
    Alley grinned as she listened to the twins’ bickering, which only ended when they finally reached their destination. “The offices are right through here," Chris announced, pushing open a set of swinging doors to reveal a posh waiting room.
    “The dean’s office technically closes at five,” Chex said, “but being his kids gives us certain advantages.” She flashed a cheeky smile at the secretary and sauntered down the short hallway as if she owned the place, stopping before a closed door. “Hey, Pops, you in?” she called.
    “C'mon in,” came a deep voice from the other side. Chex pushed the door ope and stepped into a large, richly furnished office with Chris and Alley bringing up the rear. “Got those books and posters you wanted,” she grunted, dumping her armload onto the mahogany desk. The dark-haired man on the other side glanced up from his ledger, gray eyes crinkling with a smile.
    “Thanks, kids.” His eyes fell on Alley. “I’m sorry, young lady, the office is closed now.”
    “Um,” Alley began, but Chris hastily stepped in. “She’s with us,” he explained. “She got lost trying to get here because someone went and switched all the floor maps on the walls.”
    “Again?” Mr. Archer rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Didn’t we just go through that last year?”
    “Better up the security, Pops.” Chex took her brother's armload of books and unceremoniously dumped them into an empty armchair. “Tricky bastards, those seniors.”
    “Language, Constance,” the dean sighed.
    “Sorry, Sir.” She didn't sound sorry at all.
    “Alley has some more papers she needed to sign. Think she could do that real quick? After all the trouble she had getting here and all…” Chris prodded.
    “Sure, sure. Have Mary pull the file. Alley, was it? You can sit at the table out there and finish what you need. I just ask that you be done by six thirty. That’s when Mary has to leave.”
    “Oh, that’ll be plenty of time. Thank you, Sir,” Alley replied gratefully, placing the poster tubes she was holding on the chair beside the books. She stood awkwardly, wondering if she should bow or curtsy or something, and settled for a polite nod as she turned to follow Chex back to the waiting area.
    Half an hour later, Alley was on the final paper, filling in her new address. She jotted Charley’s house phone down as a temporary number until she could buy a cell phone. She considered who to put as the emergency contact. Her parents were on the other side of the States, so they were out. Charley was the only person she knew in this city, aside from the mice, but she could hardly use their names. She wasn’t sure if they even used phones. Probably best to leave it blank for the moment. She could always fill it later.
    She glanced at the twins, who had for whatever reason decided to stick around; Chris had made himself comfortable in an armchair, absorbed in a well-worn copy of what looked like a science fiction novel.
    Chex lounged on a loveseat with her long black-and-purple-striped legs resting against the back of the couch and her bright red hair brushing the ground. She didn’t seem to care that her short, black-lace tutu skirt had ridden up her waist and now rested in a frothy pile on her stomach. Or that her upside-down face was slowly turning the same shade as her hair as her booted feet danced in the air, keeping time to whatever song was playing on her iPod. She completely ignored the disapproving glances both Mary and her brother kept tossing at her; if anything, they only seemed to encourage her as she drummed the air with her purple-gloved hands, body squirming as she danced on her back. Alley found herself grinning, wondering if she could convince Chex to come shopping with her for a new phone that week. She had a feeling that, despite their very different appearances, the two of them would get along swimmingly.
   A disturbance from the front of the waiting area caught her attention, and she looked toward the front desk, where three men had entered the doors and were casually strolling toward them, ignoring Mary’s frantic attempts to stop them.
    “Aw, shit,” Chex swore softly. “The Purple People Eater’s back.” She quickly flipped herself around and patted down her skirt, snatched a photography magazine off a nearby rack and hastily flipped it open. She didn’t seem to notice it was upside-down. “Keep your head down,” she hissed to Alley. “Don’t look at ‘em, don’t draw attention to yourself, and whatever you do, hold your breath. ”
    “Hold my—bwoaaarph,” Alley gagged as a most awful stench suddenly hit her like a brick to the face. She choked, one hand coming up to pinch her nose shut as she ducked her head, staring through tearing eyes at the forms in front of her. The three men passed them, and she dared to glance up for a better look, then did a triple-take. Purple People Eater was right! He was the largest man she’d ever seen. And he was dressed in the most glaringly purple pinstriped suit her eyeballs had ever had the misfortune to encounter. His greasy black hair was slicked back in some semblance of a coif and he carried a cane in one white-gloved hand. All he needed was a Tommy Gun and he’d be the epitome of the classic 1940s mob boss.
    He noticed her staring, gave her a cold smile that sent a chill shivering up her spine, and sauntered down the short hallway to Mr. Archer’s office. The two henchmen following him, looking more like typical thugs on a street corner than anything, didn’t even glance her way. She watched them go, wondering why in the world she felt like she’d seen him before.
    As soon as the office door opened and shut, Alley released her breath and gasped for air for a moment. “Holy hell,” she hissed. “Did somebody drop that guy into the Bog of Eternal Stench?”
    Chex burst out laughing and reached over to slug her brother in the arm. “See? I told you I wasn’t the only person in the world who watches Labyrinth!”
    “Well, we all must have some flaws,” Chris sniffed, shutting his book.
   “Says the guy reading The Man Who Fell to Earth for the umpteenth time.”
    “It’s a classic book!”
    “And Labyrinth is a classic movie!"
    “Guys!” Alley snapped her fingers to get their attention. “Focus. Who was that?”
    “Trouble,” Chris grumbled. “He’s been coming around lately. Dad says he’s been trying to convince him to sell him the school or something. He wants the land around it.”
    “Yeah, he seems to have it in his head that Pops owns the place and has the legal authority to sell out, or can convince the board members to sell out, or something. I dunno, the guy’s a nutball.” Chex circled her temple with a finger.
    “Well … hasn’t anyone called the cops on him or something?”
    “Won’t do any good.” Chris ran his fingers through his tousled curls, mussing them even further. “His thugs are there for show, but he hasn’t actually gotten violent or anything so they can’t toss his fat ass out. Dad wouldn’t, anyway. He prefers to keep the peace and try and talk things out.”
    “Yeah, he’s stupid like that,” Chex muttered, earning a glare from her twin.
    “Besides, we think he sort of owns the police. He lines their pockets and all.” Chris rubbed his fingers together.
    “He’s got some weird-ass cheese name,” Chex added. “Like, it really fits him, though.” She glanced at her brother. “What was it? Muenster? Pepperjack?”
    “Limburger,” Alley said quietly, as it abruptly hit her where she’d seen him before. In Throttle’s memories. “That’s Lawrence Limburger.”
    “Yeah! That’s it!” Chex laughed. “Smelly cheese for a really smelly guy!”
    “How often does he stop by?” Alley asked.
    “I dunno. He started coming around about two months ago. Once or twice a week, I guess. No big deal, really.”
    “No, listen, this is a big deal.” Alley shook her head. “That guy, he’s dangerous. He’s—” She stopped, struggling to think up a way to explain how dangerous. She doubted the truth would get her anywhere but locked up in a nuthouse. “He’s mafia,” she finally blurted. “He’s a boss in the mafia, and he’s buying up property all over the state to strip-mine it. He seems focused primarily on Chicago, though. My cousin, Charley? She’s been harassed by Limburger for years, trying to buy out her garage, or take it by force. She’s managed to resist, but only ‘cause she’s got some good friends helping her out. If it wasn’t for them, she’d be out of business by now. Possibly worse. He has gotten violent with her in the past. If something isn’t done to stop him, he’ll start using force to get what he wants here, too. Trust me on this, okay? I believe my cousin.”
    The twins stared at her, wide-eyed. Even Mary had stopped what she was doing to listen.
    “But, when he first showed up, Pops called the cops on him, and they didn’t do anything,” Chex finally said. “I mean, they said they couldn’t do anything.”
    “Never mind that he was legally trespassing, showing up after-hours without an appointment and even making veiled threats,” Chris added. “That’s why we figured he’s got the police in his pocket. They could’ve done something otherwise.”
    Alley chewed on her lower lip. “I gotta get back,” she decided. “I’ve been gone too long, anyhow. Charley needs her truck back, and I want to talk to the guys about this. Her friends, I mean. They can probably help, and the cops never even need to know.” She gathered the paperwork and slid it back into the folder, taking it to Mary.
    “You two should get yourselves home,” the secretary told the twins. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay and make sure Mr. Archer gets out safely. I’ll call security in to escort him if I have to.” She took the file from Alley and nodded. “Welcome to the Institute, Miss Davidson. I hope you’ll enjoy yourself here.”
    Alley flashed her a weak smile. “Well, can’t say it won’t be interesting, at least.”
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psycho-slytherin · 6 years
The Tenor
A series of coincidences leads you to talk to the best singer in your choir.
Pairing: Singer!Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 3.6k
Genre: pure innocent fluff
Next ––>
“As soon as we get free time, we have to go take pictures, okay? I’ll actually die if I don’t have a photo against that specific wall. And once we’re out of the chaperones’ sights we can order wine! I love Europe, I swear, I’m literally never leaving...”
You laugh. “Whatever you say, Rena.”
“We need a group of at least three, right? I’m thinking you, me, and Taeyeon— oh, actually Hyuna’s joining us because she broke up with her boyfriend.”
“Didn’t she do that last week?”
“Yeah, but they got back together— you know her.” Rena looks like she’s about to say something else, but your guide claps his hands.
“Alright everyone, welcome to Venice!”
Your choir cheers, and you join in. You’ve been looking forward to this trip all year, and now you’re really in Italy with your choir, touring and singing in some of the most amazing churches in the world. “Anyone that wants to try a gondola, line up in groups of five,” the guide says. “Afterwards there’s free time and an optional glassblowing exhibit.” 
Glassblowing? Now that sounds interesting. You turn to tell Rena that much but she’s already looking around for a fifth group member.
“Jennie’s in a group already...” she whines, “Sunmi and Jeongyeon too, ugh!”
You’re sighing bemusedly when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Taehyung, a baritone that you’ve always been friendly with but never close to.
“Hey, y/n, I was wondering if you have a group for the gondola ride?”
You smile widely. “Yeah, and we could use another person. Want to join us?”
Taehyung grins as you inform Rena of your new fifth member. Always the friendly ones, your friends welcome Tae with enthusiasm. The five of you pile into the gondola to which your guide has directed you and you end up wedged between Rena and Hyuna, with Taehyung across from you.
“Watch this,” Hyuna whispers, her plump lips brushing your ear before she speaks loud enough for the whole group to hear: “Hey, Tae!”
You have to give into your laughter: at Hyuna’s words, both Taehyung and Taeyeon turn around with expectant expressions. 
“Ahh, that was great,” Hyuna giggles, sitting back in satisfaction.
You worry that Taehyung will be annoyed by your friends’ teasing dynamic, but you see a sparkle of amusement in his eyes— he’s having as much fun as the rest of the group. The five of you banter easily, enjoying the ambience and beauty of Venice.
“Did you hear that?” Taeyeon cocks her head suddenly and points upriver, past the bored gondolier behind you. Listening intently, you make out the sweet melodies and harmonizations of a group of advanced vocalists— an exclusive subsection within the general choir.
“Are they in the boat behind us?” Rena asks, peering at the canal.
“They sound amazing,” Taeyeon whispers in awe, and you have to agree.
“How did they find their pitch?” You wonder aloud. The song they’re doing is complex and completely a capella— hence, it being an advanced song.
“I bet Jungkook is on that gondola,” Taehyung says, and the four of you nod in understanding: Jeon Jungkook is the choir’s golden boy and the only member of the choir with perfect pitch.
“No wonder they sound so good, if Jungkook’s there,” Hyuna sniffs. You want to think of a clever response, but you’re beyond mesmerized by the notes floating across the water. Like most of the songs in your set, the advanced vocalists are singing in another language and since it’s impossible to focus on the lyrics you settle for picking out individual voices: that clear, ringing voice is your fellow soprano Seulgi, and the throaty alto tone of Sunmi is easily recognizable. 
You have no clue who’s singing base or baritone because as soon as you focus on the impossibly flawless tenor voice, any other thoughts go out the window. You don’t know or care what the words are— the guy could be singing through a grocery list and you’d still be captivated... you snap out of your daze when Rena begins clapping. Is the song over already?
“Encore!” Taehyung whoops, and you hear the advanced vocalists talking as their gondola rounds a corner in the canal, at last coming into view.
“Shit, were we really that loud? I bet our gondolier hates us.”
“It’s fine, we sounded great.”
“We sounded like death, but maybe that’s just me.”
“Someone tell them to stop clapping, it’s embarrassing!” 
As the boat nears yours you see Seulgi waving wildly and next to her is Jungkook, the tenor with the enchanting voice. You and Jungkook haven’t run in the same social circles— despite sharing a class for three years, you’ve never spoken, and you’re quite certain that he’s unaware of your existence.
But you know of him. You’ll never forget that day in freshman year— your director was trying out guys one by one for a solo while the girls oooh’d as backup. You weren’t paying attention, just mindlessly holding your note when your director called on Jungkook to try out. Ten seconds after he began singing, your director needed to stop him because the backup had stuttered to a halt. Every single girl in choir, including you— and a fair number of the guys too— fell silent on hearing Jungkook’s voice. 
Within a minute you had developed a massive crush on him, but with a face and voice like his, Jungkook was impossibly out of your league.
“We’re not even playing the same sport,” you’d told Rena back then. “It’s more like he’s a star in the major leagues, and I sometimes trip over my own feet and call it exercise.” 
Your crush had faded quickly— you never spoke to him and it was hopeless anyways— but that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering whenever you heard him rehearse his solo. There was something impossibly attractive about a voice like his. The gondola ride is over quickly and you join your classmates in crowding around the tour guide.
“Alright, guys,” the guide says once everyone’s settled down, “you have an option: follow me to see a Venetian glassblowing master at work— it’ll only take an hour— or go off on your own and meet back here in three hours. Remember, groups of three or more at all times.”
You feel a tug on your hand. “C’mon, I need to go take pictures,” Rena says, holding up her phone. “Model for me?”
“Oh, uh... I sort of wanted to see the glassblowing,” you say lamely.
“You need to be in a group of at least three,” Hyuna mentions, “and you don’t have three.”
“Sure she does.” You feel a pat on your head and turn to see Taehyung winking at you. “Let me return the favor. My group is gonna check out the glassblowing— wanna come?”
“Sure,” you reply quickly. Rena’s your best friend and you adore her but sometimes she can be a bit controlling, and you’re in Italy. You want to do all sorts of cool stuff, not just walk around and take photos. Tae ushers you away to join the others and you shoot an apologetic glance at your friend, who shrugs good-naturedly and flashes you a thumbs up. 
“The others”, as you discover once about thirty of your classmates have squished into the glass exhibition room, are Jimin, Namjoon, and Jungkook. You’re on good terms with Jimin and Namjoon and you have a great time whispering and snickering in between heavily accented lessons in the art of glass. 
You don’t talk to Jungkook— you figure he’s the quiet type, probably best left alone to muse about life’s great mysteries or how to make his voice sound even better. The demonstration ends and people quickly empty out, off to find lunch in the time they have left. You catch up to Taehyung.
“Mind if I tag along again?”
“For sure— not that we know where we’re going,” Tae replies, and the five of you set off in search of food.
“How about this place? It doesn’t look bad.” Jimin points eventually at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant with a hopeful-looking waiter. The five of you settle down, you and Jungkook across from Namjoon and Jimin, with Taehyung at the head. The waiter returns with water, but as you reach for your glass you somehow manage to knock over the heavy pepper shaker, which falls on your other hand with a dull thud.
“Ah, fuck!” You yank your hand away and cradle it, beyond embarrassed that you’ve already screwed up in front of your new friends. While you’re still inwardly cursing yourself, an unfamiliar noise startles you. Beside you, Jungkook’s shoulders are shaking with mirth. It’s the first time you’ve heard him laugh.
“It wasn’t that funny,” you tell him indignantly.
“No, I just— I didn’t know you swore,” he chuckles, and you realize with a start that it’s the first time you’ve heard his speaking voice.
But also... “You didn’t figure I could curse?” You’ve got the mouth of a sailor, anyone that’s met you would know that.
“Well, you’re always so shy and quiet,” Jungkook explains, and you gasp at him. He thinks you’re quiet? Your director has had to tell you to and your friends to stop chattering on numerous occasions. And Jungkook, the golden boy, the born singer, thinks you‘re quiet?
“It’s big of you to make so many assumptions when we’ve never interacted,” you say, growing miffed. “How many times have I said hello to you in the last three years? And how many times have you responded?”
You see Jungkook’s eyes widen slightly. “I...”
It’s a valid question. Choir always puts you in a good mood, and you get outgoing when you’re cheerful. The number of times you’ve said “Hiiiii, Jungkook” and “Kookie, you’re my favorite” is embarrassingly high. He’s never replied with anything more than a nervous laugh or an “okay”. 
As you watch Jungkook struggle to answer, you feel a smile spreading across your face. Have you two really never had a conversation? Why?
The conversation wanders, as conversations are apt to do, and you begin talking about your fellow choir members. “Did you see Nayeon literally wearing stilettos on the cobble street? How does she still have ankles?” you wonder aloud. “See, this is why I wear this stuff.” You pluck at your plain black T-shirt and utilitarian beige shorts. “I mean, I look like literal trash, but-”
“Wh-why...” Jungkook laughs again and you can’t for the life of you figure out what’s so funny. He’s got a cute laugh, though. “Why would you say that?”
“Say what? That I look like trash?” You giggle inwardly at Jungkook’s nod of disbelief.
“It’s called self-deprecation, hon,” you say, lacing your fingers together.
“You shouldn’t say stuff like that about yourself,” he protests.
“Why? It’s funny and an unhealthy coping mechanism. Win-win.”
This time his laugh isn’t one of discomfort or shock, but rather a chuckle of fascination and amusement. Who’d have thought it, Mister Perfect is really growing on you.
You awake the next morning with a yawn— you and Taeyeon snuck over to Rena and Hyuna’s room after curfew last night to gossip, which was fun at the time but the choir is performing tonight and now you barely have the energy to make it through breakfast. Rena and Hyuna are already chattering when you join them.
Right when you’ve finished your toast and downed a pot of coffee, your director claps his hands.
“We’ve got a concert tonight, so bring your attire,” he says loudly. “We’re going to walk around Tuscany today. The bus ride is a few hours long, and we’re not coming back to the hotel, so bring your attire.”
“Why does that sound like a threat?” Taeyeon whispers.
“Because it is,” you reply.
You and Taeyeon are walking together to the bus after stopping by your room when a thought hits you.
“I’m an actual idiot,” you gasp. “Tae, go on without me, I’ll be right back.”
“What happened?”
“I forgot my attire,” you call over your shoulder, already running. You take the stairs two at a time, cursing yourself— you don’t want your director to call you out for being late to the bus. You burst into your room and grab your choir dress and shoes, hurrying back to the bus within seconds. The bus is nearly full when you get there, and Rena is already sitting with Hyuna and Taeyeon is sitting next to Jeongyeon and the only seat available is by... Jeon Jungkook. You approach him. “Is this seat taken?”
He moves his jacket off of the seat next to him in lieu of a response and you sit down quickly, so grateful you don’t have to do the awkward shuffle to find a seat. When your director is done lecturing on what proper tour behavior looks like, you pop in your earphones and put your show tunes playlist on full blast. An hour in, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You ignore it, sure it’s just Seokjin or Hoseok bothering you.
You feel another tap, this one more urgent. You look behind you in annoyance to find Seokjin and Hoseok asleep on each other. Then who’s...?
“Hey, I just wanted to mention,” Jungkook says, and his voice behind you makes you shiver. “You’re sort of singing out loud.”
You go red. “What? Fuck, I’m sorry.”
He snorts again and you roll your eyes. “Yes, I do swear,” you remind him. “Anyways, I’ll stop making noise now, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine, I liked that song.” He begins humming along, picking up where you left off, and once again you’re struck by the rich tenor voice. You carefully remove your earphones, drinking in the snippets of lyrics and his quiet smile and the way his chest rises and falls with each breath.
You realize you’re staring and Jungkook must realize it too because he clams up. “Well, anyways...” he mutters, clearly embarrassed, and you press your lips together. Jeon Jungkook gets shy?
“Here.” You offer him an earphone. “Do you like show tunes?”
“I love them,” he replies with a smile. “I remember the first day of freshman year— you walked into choir singing a song from Wicked.”
You let out a surprised laugh. “How do you remember that?”
He shrugs. “How was I supposed to forget the girl that was so unafraid of being herself?”
You feel your heart flutter at his words and you swallow thickly. Time to ease the tension, or you might actually fall for him. “All that, and you still think I was the quiet type?” You poke him in the shoulder with your earphone. “Now, I’m offering this once. Listen to music with me?”
He grins, and a hint of a dimple appears on his cheek. “Once,” he agrees, taking the earphone while you queue up your favorites. 
Once turns to twice turns to more than you care to count and it becomes a regular thing, you and Jungkook sitting side by side, heads bobbing and fingers tapping in unison, and on those rare moments when he begins to sing along you fall silent and let the music wash over you. 
Obviously he’s out of your league but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t notice feelings bubbling up every now and then— when he understands your fandom references, or takes your music recommendations to heart. You tease him relentlessly about his perfect pitch and reputation, and he in turn begins to loosen up with you. On the sixth day of the tour, he makes a self-deprecating joke and you nearly choke on your pizza.
“Did you just...?”
“Maybe I did.”
“Am I corrupting you?”
The next week you fall in line with Rena and Taeyeon as the group traipses to the Trevi Fountain. “Hey, girls!”
“Shouldn’t you be walking with Jungkook?” Taeyeon says with a wink.
“I sat on the bus with him earlier— plus, you know I miss y’all.”
“Oh, no!” Rena squeals. “We’re going to the Trevi fountain, the most romantic spot of Rome. Go walk with Jungkook! You know everybody ships you two,” she nudges you forward, where Jungkook is walking with Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon.
“Wh-guys!” You protest, your cheeks going red.
“You can’t walk with us,” Rena sings with a glint in her eye. “But I think Jungkook wants to talk to you.”
You sigh. “You’re not gonna leave this alone, are you?”
“Nope!” Your friends chorus. You roll your eyes, increasing your speed to catch up with Jungkook and company. As soon as Taehyung spots you, you see him whisper something to Jimin and Jimin and they all melt into the crowd.
“What was that about?” You ask as you fall in step beside Jungkook.
The tenor sighs. “Nothing. What’s up?”
“My friends are ostracizing me, so...”
Jungkook laughs. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me.”
“No you’re not.”
“No, I’m not.”
Your guide claps his hands, halting the group in a small plaza. “Alright gang, the Trevi fountain is just around the corner— home to iconic scenes, the most famous being Roman Holiday or that one episode of Futurama. The story goes that if you throw one coin in, you’ll return to Italy. If you throw two coins in, you’ll fall in love on this trip to Italy—“ here the choir oohs and shrieks— “and if you throw three coins in, you’ll come back and get married in Italy.”
“No one is throwing more than one!” Your director calls, and the group laughs.
“Want a coin?” You offer Jungkook as the crowd disperses. He looks like he’s going to say something, but instead nods and takes the coin, his fingertips lingering on your palm. There’s a tug on your heart, some crazy, stupid, impulsive longing to throw two coins into the fountain. Fall in love... on the choir trip? Pfft, how cliche. You shake your head and sit next to Jungkook on the edge of the fountain before throwing a coin over your shoulder.
“Just one, I see,” he teases, and you shrug nonchalantly.
“I’m not that powerful, Kookie. I don’t have a chance of falling in love— I don’t have your charm,” you reply, only half joking.
That night, you’re chilling in Rena and Hyuna’s room when your phone buzzes with a message. Hyuna swoops in and grabs it, shrieking excitedly at the notification: “it’s from Jungkook!”
“What?” You scramble forward, nearly falling off the bed in a bid to steal your phone back.
“Have you listened to Newsies?” Hyuna reads aloud. “Only a music recommendation? Ugh, boring.”
You snatch your phone away. “Y’all are the worst, you know that?”
“Love you, y/n,” Rena replies dreamily.
You look down at your phone and your heart skips a beat: Jungkook is typing. And then stops. And starts again. And stops again. You’re growing so antsy that by the time he actually sends a message, you nearly drop your phone out of surprise.
Jungkook: hey save me a seat tomorrow on the bus ok?
You rub your eyes and type out a reply: ofc, who else tolerates my love for Dear Evan Hansen? You think for a moment before sending a follow up: although if we keep sitting together I think people will talk
Another buzz.
Jungkook: people already talk
You barely have time to take a shaky breath before a second message arrives.
Jungkook: can I ask u something
Moral support, you need moral support. 
“Guys...?” You ask, your voice almost cracking from the tension. You know you’re overreacting, it’s only been two weeks, so why do you care so much about whatever he’s going to say? With your luck it’ll end up being, can you share your playlist? Do you have the sheet music? The girls crowd around you to read over your shoulder. “Wait, oh my god, wait, is he...?” Taeyeon squeaks excitedly.
“Shut up, shut up,” you implore, eyes locked on your screen. Once again Jungkook begins typing, stopping and starting multiple times, each time eliciting groans of frustration from your friends. “Ugh, never mind,” you throw your phone on the bed and faceplant onto Rena’s pillow, your heart thudding from anticipation.
“He’s typing again,” Rena says from behind you— how does she know your password?— “wait, he actually sent something this time... oh my god!” Your heart drops into your stomach. It’s probably something dumb, or maybe bad news: I heard people ship us and I think that’s awful, perhaps.
“Are you into me?” Rena reads aloud. “Y/n, what are you going to say?”
Oh, fuck. He really does want to set the record straight. “I-I don’t know.”
“What do you feel?” Hyuna urges. What do you feel? You feel flustered, so flustered when he accidentally brushes your hand or laughs in delight at something you’ve said. You feel delight at the conspiratorial whispers when you try to walk ahead or behind your small groups together, and the scandalized gasps when one of you spills the latest choir tea.
“I mean fine, maybe I like him a little,” you admit, to the shrieks of delight from your girlfriends. “But what if he’s asking because he doesn’t like me? I mean, it’s Jeon Jungkook! He could have literally anyone— I heard Nayeon had a crush on him last year— why the fuck would he like me?”
“You won’t know till you try.” Rena says, raising an eyebrow. “Tell him. And ask him, too.”
You take a deep breath and type out a response: Yes. Do you like me? You’re tempted to send a follow up, an apology, saying you don’t want to ruin your friendship with him, it’s okay if he thinks you’re weird, but you don’t get a chance before he responds.
Jungkook: Yeah. After these last few days, I really do.
A/N thank you for reading!! As always, any and all feedback is welcome and thoroughly appreciated. My inbox is always open, and I hope you enjoyed! (And if you didn’t, tell me anyways so I can improve!)
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