#what is wrong with this guy someone take his internet away
fer3112 · 7 months
“I plagiarized all of my video essays because of a head injury I had when I was a child” was not on my youtube bingo card
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
Who is he? | Charles Leclerc
Charles Leclerc x reader
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: goggle translated French, unedited?
AN:This could have been longer but I don't like my one shots to be too long. so here you go, I hope you like it!
Based of THIS request
Charles Masterlist
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The music was so loud it was hard for anyone to talk, but who’s at a club to talk anyway? You have a few drinks in you, not drunk but tipsy. Your best friend had a disastrous date last night and as a way to get her out of the mood she was in, your group of friends decided to hit the club to just have a girl’s night out, but here you are now, a few hours in and your best friends is dancing with some random guy and the rest are all doing their own thing. You for one was on the dance floor having the time of your life, you don’t know how, but in the low light of the club and in between the sweaty bodies of people on the dance floor, your eyes meet a pair of green ones. His eyes are on you and hold his gaze, it’s clear he’s been watching you, and now you’ve seen him you can’t take your eyes off him. So with a smile his way you continue dancing while maintaining eye contact. 
The guy moves through the crowd and he’s suddenly right in front of you, it didn’t take any encouragement from either of you to start dancing. His hands were placed on your waist as you moved left to right swaying with the music. One song in, two songs in, three songs in and his hands have wandered to your lower back. Your hands moved from his chest to his shoulders to around his neck, bodies flushed against each other. 
“Wanna get out of here?” You whisper in his ear and lean back to his dimples poking as he nods.
“Yeah, my hotel is close.” He says and pulls you away from the dance floor and waits until you grab your clutch and tell your friend at the table where you’re going before you’re out of the club and into a cab. “I’m charles by the way.”
Both you and Charles were sober enough for you to remember him but too drunk to think about safety of any kind, but it was a night to remember that’s for sure. And that’s not because of the amazing sex they had, which it was, no but because of the two pink lines she’s staring at.
“What does it say?” Your best friend asks coming into the bathroom, she sees you standing there in shock, looking over your shoulder at the pregnancy test, there it is. Your life is changed forever, from that moment on, your life went from revolving around yourself to revolving around the little human you’re growing inside of you. You knew instantly that you’ll be keeping the baby, no doubt about it.
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“Seriously, how hard is it to find someone in the age of the internet?” Your friend asked, like on the day you all went out, you’re all now gathered again, your friends hand wine while you drank juice/water. All in your PJs with your latest craving all on the table, phones and laptops out. All looking for every possible Charles in your area, and then moving outwards. Looking for your oblivious baby daddy. Yes the clear possibility of him being from a different country is prominent especially since you went back to his hotel room not his house, but for the sake of being hopeful that’s a possibility you’re trying to ignore, for now.
Your friend’s words were proven wrong seeing as all your attempts of finding Charles were hard, you knew absolutely nothing about him besides his first name. You did spend long hours crying, because how foolish are you to go sleep with a random person you know nothing about but his first name, if it was even his real one. But alas, you’re going to have a baby, that you found out is a boy on one of your scans, which you were never alone to, because you best believe one of your friends was there with you.
one thing that came out of this for sure is, how amazing your friend group is, you’ve all grown closer, forming a bond that you knew will withstand time. all your schedules were synced and organised for someone to be always with you, for all your cravings to be met for you to just never feel alone, and the moment you gave up on finding Charles you knew that you’ll be okay and that your baby will be loved. 
And he is, now at two months old, he’s the most spoiled kid there is, new clothes every week, new toys always being carried and dotted on. He needed nothing. 
You were spending the day at one of your friend’s house that she had with her boyfriend, sitting on the sofa and just lounging around since baby Noah was down for his nap time. you and your friend were gossiping while her friend had his TV on to watch his favourite sport. You really weren’t paying attention, engrossed in the latest gossip happening, but his voice caught your ear, your eyes strayed to the TV for a split second, before you went back for a second look.
“What? what happened?” Your friend asked, confused as she looked at the TV then at you.
“That’s him.” You whisper but she picks it up, she doesn’t have to ask who you’re talking about. at the bottom of the screen Charles Leclerc is written.
“What are you talking about?” Her boyfriend asks, confused.
“That’s Charles.” You say almost breathless.
“Yeah, that’s charles Lec- wait Charles as in your charles, your baby daddy charles?” He puts it together, he really looks at charles.
“Yeah, that’s him.” You want to cry and scream at the same time, you found him, you finally found him, but how in hell are you going to be able to reach him. He's an F1 driver, he;s an athlete.
“I see it.” Your friend says and holds your hand giving it a squeeze. The eyes, the nose, the colour of the hair, they're all things your son and his dad share. no doubt that the older he gets the more he’ll resemble his dad.
“You better assemble the troops, we’ll need all the help to get to charles.” Your friend's boyfriend said and sighs.
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Truer words were never spoken, because why is it so hard to reach a single person on Ferrari’s F1 team? you found out so much about Charles the moment you knew his name, one google search and you found out that he’s from Monaco, found out everything about his family and who his friends are. But you still had no way of reaching him.
So what would any sane person do, is book a trip with your friends and their SOs to Nice where you’ll be staying while venturing into Monaco. Was this the most practicable thing? no. but you all took time off from your jobs/school scraped all your money together and enter; mission: find Charles Leclerc. supposedly now is the start of the month-long summer break, so he was in Monaco spending some time with his family. 
You had fun the first two days, visiting all the new places, Noah was having fun, you took all the cute pictures while venturing around Monaco and Nice. Every single person in your group had a picture of you on the night at the club and another of Noah to confront Charles and tell him if they somehow stumbled upon him or any of his family members.
On the third day your friend group split up, you and your best friend were going to a salon where it’s supposedly managed/owned by Charles’ mother, so you found it on the internet. To keep appearances and spend a bit more time there your friend was getting a trim and her hair done.
You sat with Noah in your lap on a sofa near where your friend was getting her hair done. Noah was babbling and talking all sorts of nonsense, at six months he’s starting to sit up with little help, so he’s having the time of his life with this new point of view. 
“How old is he?” an accented voice asks, you look up from Noah to meet the woman you were looking for.
“Uh- he’s - he’s six months.” You tell her glancing at your friend, who gives you a discreet thumbs up. This is in fact Pascale.
“He’s super cute.” She tells you and looks at Noah who is now fascinated with her. Being a baby that is constantly surrounded with so many people has made him a social baby, he’s always happy to meet new people.
“Thank you.” Taking a deep breath as you think of ways to bring up that he’s in fact her grandson.
“Are you on vacation here?” Pascale asks warmly, you find her a very loving person, her dimples are ones your son shares, it takes everything in you not to tear up. Finally, you’re just one tiny step away from Charles.
“Not really… it’s a little complicated.” You tell the older woman, she looks intrigued. To Pascale she doesn’t know why, she can’t really place it, but your son reminds her of something, of someone and it’s on the tip of her tongue it’s so close. “My son’s dad doesn’t know about him, we had… we had a one night stand.” You don’t see any judgement in her eyes, which gives you comfort to continue. “And I just found out that he lives in Monaco, and my friends and I are trying to find him, a bit silly but I feel like he deserves to know.”
“Not silly at all, that’s really admirable of you to come to Monaco to look for him.” Pascals gives you a comforting smile and once again she asks you a question that saves you from asking you about Charles. “Do you know the dad’s name?”
“Yeah, it’s Charles.” It clicked, who your son reminds her of, how she wasn’t able to see it will remain a mystery for her. Her second son. Charles, no doubt in her mind that sitting on your lap is her grandson. 
“I-I think we should go somewhere more private.” Pascale says and she’s unable to look away from Noah, her first grandson. grandchild period.
“Yes, please.”
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Pascale took you, your best friend ,Sohpia, and Noah(ofc) to her house, she called Charles and told him to come over. So here you are in your son’s grandma’s house looking at all those baby pictures of Charles and his brothers, and you just can’t get over how much Noah looks like him. Pascale and Sophia were playing with Noah while you were having a moment in the bathroom, in desperate need to hype yourself up and to calm your nerves. yes you wanted Charles to know but all the fears of rejection of this all being for nothing came crashing hard on you, so many women were forced into being single mothers and you don’t know Charles, Pascale did say that she wants to a part of Noah’s life but it could all change when Charles finds out. it didn’t take long for the front door to open, and a very familiar voice called.
“maman, je suis là.”(mum, I’m here.) all eyes in the room snapped up to the figure that just rounded the corner into the living room. Charles stopped in his tracks, he saw an unfamiliar woman and a baby with his mother all sitting on the floor, he frowned a little before giving a polite smile. “Bonjour, je ne savais pas que nous avions de la compagnie.” (Hello, I didn’t know we had company)
“English Charles.” Pascale informed her son.
“Ah, sorry, I didn’t know maman had company.” He told Sophia and she understood now why you went with him that night, he seemed so kind and had this calming and trusting aura about him.
“It’s okay, this wasn’t planned.” Sophia said with a timid smile.
“Why did you call me, maman?” Charles turned to his mother confused, just then Noah started babbling away, he barely started to learn how to crawl but everyone could see that he was trying to reach someone, Charles turned to see where the baby wanted to go and he saw you. It did take him a second, he knew you from somewhere, but it came to him, that night at the club. his confusion reached a new high, what are you doing here? How do you know his mother? Why are you here?
You passed Charles and went to the baby scooping him up in your arms, in practised moves, like it was second nature. Charles took a look at you and Noah, your eyes met his and you gave him a nervous smile.
“Sophia, could you help me with the tea?” 
That left the three of you together, mother, father, and son.
“Hi.” You said timidly. “I don’t know if you remember but we met last year-“
“Yeah, yeah I remember.” Charles cuts you off, you nod and take a deep breath.
“Look, I don't know how to say this but…” You fidget staying silent for a moment before you regain your courage to tell him. “I got pregnant after that night, and I tried to find out who you are and where to find you, but it was hard.” Charles says nothing, his eyes are on the boy in your arms, he takes him in, the eyes, the nose, the hair, the dimples, everything. “I know it’s hard to take in, and I can understand if you don’t believe me, but-“
“I believe you.” Charles breathed out, like his mum he knows this is his son, he took almost nothing from you and is all Charles. “can I- can I hold him.”
“Yeah.” You breathed out as Charles moved closer gaining his son’s attention, Noah went right to Charles, who held him securely and just smiled at the baby, both father and son were looking at each other intently. “What’s his name?”
“Noah.” Charles tried out the name before he smiled, it was all a shock, he has a son, he has a son, he’s a father now, a father, his mind tried to compute this new information as fast as it could, but his heart, his heart fully accepted it, a new type of love that is completely foreign to him started to form and take shape. You let Charles have this moment in silence watching them, Noah placed his hands on Charles’ cheeks feeling his stubble and being fascinated with him, charles smiled making Noah smile and then giggle. This just warmed your heart and every single thought that ever doubted coming here went away.
“Do you want me to take him? I’m guessing there’s a lot of talking that you need to do?” Sophia came in after a few minutes and you gave her a thankful and grateful look. Once you were left alone, Charles turned to focus on you. You don’t know why you got so emotional but you did, you were wiping your sweaty hand on your trousers all while fighting your tears away.
Being the kind and loving soul that he is, Charles couldn’t fight pulling you in for a hug. your arms wrapped around him, a few tears slipped from your eyes but you managed to stop the rest.
“It must’ve been hard to do this alone.” Charles said, running his hand up and down your back in a comforting motion.
“It was hard, but I had my friends with me.” You said and pulled back,wiping your tears away, you gave him a teary smile before you both sat down next to each other angled so you’re facing the other, knees barely touching. “Finding you however is somewhat harder, all I knew was your name, and I never realised how many Charleses are out there.” 
You went on to tell Charles about when you found out you were pregnant, a short summary of your pregnancy, how your friends helped you during and after the berth of Noah, how you found who he was and what you did to reach him and all that. Charles listened and asked questions, he wanted to know everything, as much as this was all a shock you’ve had it harder, you lived it, you’ve been living not knowing if your son will ever know his dad or not, not knowing what the future will hold and not knowing is so much harder than anything. 
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You extend your stay in Monaco, even after your friends all went back you stayed, this is Charles’ summer break after all. He cancelled all his plans out of Monaco, and practically turned one of the guest rooms in his apartment into a nursery. You moved from your hotel in Nice to one of the rooms in his house. You did meet the rest of the Leclerc family and safe to say Noah has some amazing and loving uncles.
Noah is just the centre of attention in every room he’s in, he’s taken to Charles so fast, you’re sure he somehow knows that this is his dad. He'd sleep in his arms on his chest and just lean away from you while you’re holding him to get into his dad’s. Noah had so many ferrari and cars themed toys and clothes in the span of a couple weeks it was hilarious.
On a serious note, Charles wants to be a part of Noah’s life and you want him to be too, and one of the things you agreed on and came to is that finding a job in Monaco is the best plan at the moment and just moving there. With the help of Charles you were able to find a job, you knew that Noah will forever be taken care of by Charles, but you had to find a job for yourself, even if you and Charles are now a couple, I mean did you see him with Noah? Did you see him, period? It’s no secret you’re attracted to him. Noah is a big testament to that, but it wasn’t just his looks, once you got to know Charles you couldn’t help but like him a bit more everyday. So when he asked you to just stay in his apartment you couldn’t say no. He's out of the country a lot anyways so most of the time the apartment was for yourself and Noah with the constant visits from and to the rest of the Leclercs.
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jinnie-ret · 4 months
carry you
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seungmin x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: just angsty, smile insecurity, mention of hate comments
word count: 1.3k
summary: at a low point, seungmin finds out how much reader has been supporting him, no matter what. it fills him with a warmth that is nearly searing him from the inside, but he would have it no other way.
requested: @skzoologist
Being an idol, Seungmin knew that he was bound to get hate, he wasn't stupid. However, when a part of him that was so natural, so pure, began to be picked apart by malicious commenters on the internet, there was no way he could control the way his brain believed it was true.
Why was it so wrong for him to smile when something made him happy? Why was it met with disgust when he simply smiled at something that made him laugh? Joy came to Seungmin just as easy as it was filling his lungs with air. It didn't matter what it was, whether he was messing around with his members or spending time hanging out with his best friend, he felt the muscles in his face twitch and his lips quirk upwards. But now, it was just as easy for his hand to instinctively cover the bottom half of his face, and it was much harder to avoid that feeling of suffocating.
Tears slowly raced down Seungmin's cheeks, fighting their way to be the first one to land on his phone screen displaying a multitude of hateful comments. The guy couldn't help himself. He purposefully searched his name, the word 'smile' and the word 'ugly' to have his new insecurity reaffirmed to him. In a sick and twisted way, he now needed validation to himself that the development of what he saw as a fault, was still circulating the internet by accounts that claimed themselves to be a stay. A part of him wished that someone could take it all away. He felt as if he had been doing so well in growing his confidence over the years of being in Stray Kids, yet he fell hook, line and sinker to just one person pointing out something about his appearance. And now, he couldn't get enough of it.
He was sat alone, curled up in the lounge of his best friend's apartment whilst she went to change into comfy clothes, or do her nighttime routine, something like that. Seungmin couldn't remember. His mind was elsewhere. Different to how he usually acted, when he'd succumb to the plush grey cushions on the luxurious sofa and end up falling asleep, he was instead fixated on the blue light from his device.
"Hey Mong-Mong," his best friend grinned as she curled up on the other end of her sofa, mirroring him close enough but not fully.
"Hey loser," Seungmin joked as he pretended to yawn for an excuse to wipe his eyes and have his face a bit red.
"You alright?" she asked in concern, acting different from her usual feisty self of fighting back against his comments.
She was always there to support him. From when he was a trainee, experiencing his first win at Music Bank, to celebrating his achievements overseas too, like when he went to the Met Gala. His best friend was always there, whether it was physically, in spirit or through an uncharacteristically cute message through text. She was a hype woman at heart, really.
"Yeah, just tired. It's so hard being an idol," Seungmin fake chuckled, removing his hands from his face yet pulling at the toggles of his hoodie to scrunch the fabric around his face more.
There was certainly some truth in that statement.
"Did Chan tell you off for calling him old again?" she smirked at him, kicking his foot til he made a sound of annoyance.
"Yah! Who's side are you on?"
His side. She always was. With valiant effort she was sure she could pull him back to the brighter side of life, so he was able to shine again, and his smile too. She wasn't oblivious. As someone who was chronically online, she was very well versed in being a Stay, and had seen other true fans upset about what they heard about Seungmin from antis, and also from how they'd seen it affect him. So, gradually, she tried to boost his mood, easing in comments about his smile amongst many other compliments she'd give him.
"I'm so jealous, Puppy. Your skin is glowing, the hair is hairing and the teeth are shining. Tell me your secrets and Jeongin doesn't have to get hurt!"
Ok so maybe she did threaten to take a pair of scissors to her Jeongin photo card, but it got a laugh out of him, even if it caused her great pain to hold a precious item at ransom.
It was later, instead of sooner, that Seungmin felt a change within himself. He felt lighter, warmer, happier. Although his bad habit had not completely stopped, he felt himself reaching out for his phone for a bedtime scroll less and less. That was all because she was there to help him not care. She really did carry him out of his hateful thoughts.
"You take care of yourself so well, look at how you've done your hair today, bright smile as always, and look at the fittttt!" she boasted about her best friend, to her best friend, standing up in front of his nonchalant form that was once again, right at home on her sofa.
She should give him a spare key at this rate.
"You want something," Seungmin rose and eyebrow in suspicion at her cheeky smile.
"Nope. No. No I don't. Why you lying Seungmin? I know you're lying," she nearly pressed her face up right against his as she theatrically and drastically changed her tone.
"Don't gaslight me," Seungmin groaned, shutting his eyes and pushing her away by her forehead.
"I would never do that," she smiled sweetly, dumping herself on the sofa.
"Stoppp! You want something, I swear," Seungmin smiled slightly, shaking his head at her antics.
"I just want my Seungminnie happy all the time," she pinched his cheeks, and just for fun she threw a little bit of aegyo in there to really harness a bigger reaction.
"First of all, never do that again. Like, seriously... that was gross. Second of all, you're asking a lot there," he leant his head back on the sofa, feeling exasperated yet humoured at the same time.
"I am. But I like seeing it. That cute smile-!" she moved quickly to pinch his cheeks again but he swatted her away.
"Noona!" Seungmin whined, still holding his arms out in front of him in pure defense.
"Aish, I'm literally a year older than you don't call me that," she shivered.
"You act just like my noona," Seungmin sighed through his nostrils.
"Hmm your noona seems smart. I miss her. I haven't seen her in ages. Maybe she'll be my new bestie," she teased him.
Seungmin laughed in disbelief, gaining a moment of peace when he saw her go quiet and just admire his face.
"Ahhh I knew it!!!" Seungmin lifted off of his seat, pointing at her in what she supposed was elation.
"Hmm? Oh you know something? That's really shocked me," she taunted him.
"Shut up, pabo. You've been trying to make me laugh this whole time!" Seungmin clapped his hands as he explained his thoughts out loud.
"Yes. And I won. Oh stays will love me so much," she started shimmying, a weird little celebration dance but Seungmin loved it nevertheless.
"Stays would think you're a nuisance," Seungmin kicked her leg lightly with a louder laugh, playfully raising his fists and pretending to try and box her.
She had been there the whole time lifting his spirits. He didn't have to bluntly say it then and there but there was a mutual understanding that she had done all she could to get him to smile and realise the beauty in such a simple thing. It was sad that people had stopped him but she had worked hard against that and was successful in the mean time.
And so the world saw the beauty in him again, that she had seen all along.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @2minstan @skzoologist @leonchansblog26 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria @michelle4eve @linoalwaysknows @royal-shinigami @jolly0789 @turtledove824 @yangbbokari
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drunkkenobi · 4 months
Today I’m thinking about three guys. Thinking about how they all had hands in creating concepts and videos that made the company they worked for famous. Thinking about how, despite that, they weren’t allowed to own what they created. Thinking about how their two biggest series were threatened to be taken away from them and given to more popular (whiter) hosts. Thinking about how they nearly burned out and faded away, but an idea lit a fire under them instead. Their own company, where they could have full creative control, where nothing could be taken away from them, where no one could tell them there wasn’t the editing budget for a show that was already written. Thinking about how they started it in secret, with no business knowledge. Thinking about how one of them took it upon himself to learn everything he could about running a business. How he knew it would mean putting his own creative pursuits on hold just to support his co-founders. How he did it anyway.
Thinking about how they announced their company to the world, with a shocking surprise. Thinking about how the world delivered its own shocking surprise back to them a few short months later in the form of a global pandemic. Thinking about how their company was almost strangled in its crib, how they thought it was DOA, how everything they worked so hard for was almost gone. Thinking of how, instead, it survived. Thinking of how they pivoted, how they threw everything they could at the wall, and while not everything stuck, the things that did kept them going. How they took every cent they made and put it back into the business by hiring fellow creatives and weirdos and investing in their future. Thinking of how they kept taking gambles, by taking the series that made two of them famous and making it their own. Thinking of how if that series had failed, it would have taken the company down with it and how they went for it anyway.
Thinking about how the CEO talked openly over the years about how he missed his old co-host, how hard it was to find that spark again. Thinking about how he focused on running the business instead of finding his own creative path. Thinking about how much thought he put into caring for their employees, how he put their well-being over churning out content, even if it meant less profit. How a work-life balance might not be in his wheelhouse, but how he wants it to be for the people that work for him.
Thinking about how the internet has changed in the decade since these three guys starting making videos for it. Thinking about how the algorithm values cheap drama over interesting stories. About how one wrong thumbnail or title can tank months’ worth of work. About how a misplaced swear can do the same, because the world is run by advertisers and not human beings. Thinking about how disheartening it must be to make a video to appease someone that would never watch it anyway. Thinking about how hard it would be to look at the numbers and realize the place that once was your space for success could now be home to your failure. Thinking about how much time they spent looking for a better alternative and how they ultimately realized there was only one.
Thinking about how delighted those three guys were once they had a plan. Thinking about the one of them who had finally reunited with his creative partners to start a new show, the one he’s been dreaming of for years, the one that’s been put on the backburner for the betterment of his company, finally able to exist. Thinking of the week of announcements, of the thousands of excited comments when this partnership was publicly declared. Thinking of how much joy was in the air, how much hard work was about to pay off. How their plans for months were about to come to fruition, how excited they were to take the fans on this next journey.
How they announced their new venture with a corkboard of fanart, showing it’s about them and us, together.
Thinking about how nearly everyone turned on them.
Thinking about how they walked back some of their plans to appease the loudest and the nastiest. Thinking about all the racist screeds their CEO had to read about himself. How he had to keep working despite it. How he and the rest of the company had to pivot immediately. How they had to know some of their contemporaries were also planning something similar and how none of them came to their defense. How they had to watch everything that they’ve worked so hard for become perilous. How a global pandemic was easier to weather than the cruelest words typed for everyone to see.
Thinking about how tomorrow, a new show will premiere. The one that’s been worked on in relative secret for so long and thought of even longer. The one that everyone was eagerly anticipating before they realized the people that make it need to eat, too. The one that everyone immediately mischaracterized to justify their own racism. The one that was supposed to be their big flagship series. The one that maybe still will be.
Tomorrow I’m hoping it will be the start of a new chapter. Hoping that the worst actors will get bored and move onto something else. Hoping that those who got the wrong impression will come back. Hoping that the show and its new home are a success and they get to make as much of it as they want, with no one to tell them how to do it.
I hope.
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bowlofsoob · 1 year
part two
soobin x gender neutral reader
you and “steve” have been mutuals on twitter for almost a year as you both run bebe rexha fan accounts. he uses a fake name and you guys get along well, you talk to him more than your irl friends atp. on the other hand you and soobin don’t get along irl after constantly competing for the number one spot on the academic leaderboard. since then he always gives you a rbf and says he finds you too obnoxious. but that all changes when you finally decide to meet your favorite oomf in person.
notes; this could be an entire smau lowk but i’m lazy so take the part one and part two xx
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later that week
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__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐་༘
Your stomach was swarming with nerves as you made your way inside the cafe, the scent of freshly made coffee and sweaty college students surrounding you as you slid into line. Admittedly, you never thought you’d get the chance to meet Steve, or whatever his actual name was, he was just your cute internet friend and nothing would ever happen. That was, until today.
It was a bit embarrassing that you stared at the selfie he’d sent for longer than you should’ve. It was difficult to comprehend the boy you’d been talking to for so long was hiding such a pretty figure.
You eye the display of cakes and decide to pick one up for the both of you as Steve had already promised to get you guys coffee. You felt bad going empty handed after finally meeting him.
You reach down to grab onto the last chocolate slice and your hands meet another. Usually, you’d let it slide and choose something else even though you touched it first. But, when you looked to your left and locked eyes with your self-proclaimed enemy, Choi Soobin, those thoughts washed away. You were going to fight for that slice of mediocre cake.
“Not you again,” Soobin sighed, tugging the slice towards him, “Don’t be obnoxious.”
“Says you,” you scoff, tightly grabbing onto the plate, “Why are you always so rude towards me?”
“Ask yourself the same thing,” Soobin replies, his large hands tugging the cake closer towards him, “Choose something else.”
“You choose something else, I got to it first!”
“Ok and?” Soobin questions, like the little shit he is.
“Fine, just take it,” you sigh, not wanting to make Steve wait. But as you let go of the cake and step back you notice Soobin’s outfit. He was adorned in clothes that oddly resembled the photo Steve had sent you.
“You made me lose my appetite,” Soobin mutters, dropping the cake and shuffling past you. You shake off the familiarity and make your way towards the back. Most men wore the same clothes, it was nothing.
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You eye the walls of the cafe until you come across the tiled design. You start scouring the seats for someone that resembled Steve but the only person in your vicinity was Soobin.
You inch your way closer towards him with morbid curiosity, hoping that your suspicions would be proved wrong. But as you got closer the drinks on the table and location of your rival were too similar to the photo Steve had sent you.
Unfortunately, Soobin locked eyes with you.
“What do you want? Are you here to apologize?” he questions, playing with the straw of his drink as he barely give you a glance.
“Steve?” you tentatively ask, your voice hoarse from the nerves. This couldn’t be happening.
Soobin pauses.
“What?” he slowly asks, turning to look at you, “What did you call me?”
“Oh my god,” you gasp, “Are you pagebebe?”
“What…,” he starts, catching on, “You’re bebeyn4lyfe?”
Your username sounds foreign on his tongue but it was him. Soobin was your steve. Your beloved Steve was the same guy you’ve been on bad terms with all year. Just your luck.
Before Soobin could comprehend anything or you could answer, you decide to do the most mature thing anyone would do in that situation.
You run.
And he doesn’t follow.
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sophsiaaa · 6 months
I've been wanting to make this post for a while so now that I'm on mid-sem break, I will. Let's talk Shigaraki and sex.
NSFW warning??
So, let's get the big question out of the way. Is Shigaraki a virgin?
I think, yes. 100%
However, that is not to say that he is an innocent, oblivious, 'omg what is sex? uwu' baby villain. This guy literally lives in a bar, in a seedy part of the city, and hangs around with criminals. He knows about sex - I daresay he knows quite a bit about it. Besides which, we see in-canon that he has a phone and a PC and access to the internet, so he's hardly sheltered (though, he's definitely sheltered in regard to actual real-life socialisation, but that's another story).
Regardless, I stand by my assertion that he is a virgin.
Exhibit A: Shigaraki is shown very overtly to hate 'basically everything'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything encompasses sex/romance/intimacy. His character, especially at the beginning of the story, is prickly, quick-to-frustration, and sort of single-minded. He is driven to complete one narrow goal set by AFO that he believes he wants: to kill All Might. I believe prior to our introduction to Shigaraki, he was much the same, and thus did not seek out sex. Given his hostile and loner-guy nature at the start of the series, I doubt he would have had much in the way of propositions on his occasional solo trip to the mall.
Exhibit B: whilst I have seen it theorised that AFO introduced Shigaraki to sex via getting him a sex worker to 'satisfy his natural urges', personally, I think this theory is unlikely. This is because everything AFO does is to create discomfort and frustration in Shigaraki's life in order to stoke his rage (the guy literally has him wearing dead hands despite the fact that they make Shigaraki simultaneously feel calm and like throwing up). Thus, I doubt AFO would have encouraged Shigaraki to indulge in sexual relief - or any kind of relief - at all. I doubt he would have even explained the birds and the bees and likely pawned that job off onto the doctor or the internet if Shigaraki asked any questions.
So, we've established that Shigaraki's a virgin, and an ultimate hasn't-even-kissed-anyone virgin at that. But does he want to have sex? That big question number 2.
Honestly, I don't think he much cares for it.
It's odd to say given the multitude of what is essentially sex-addict-Shiagraki headcanons out there, but I truly think he doesn't really think about sex. Shigaraki's sex drive is probably quite low. Now, since I'm taking an evidence based approach here, lets go for the obvious evidence that points to him not having much interest in sex and that is the fact that if he was interested in it, Horikoshi would not shy away from showing it. My Hero Academia is not a manga that shies away from the odd bit of fan service or the pervy character. Mineta is - unfortunately - living proof of this. And he's not the only one. Horikoshi writes many of his characters displaying sexual attraction/interest/engagement/awareness at one point or another. So, logically, if Shigaraki was a character who was interested in sex, Horikoshi would show that. Since he doesn't, I can only conclude that sex isn't really a big deal to Shigaraki, or at the very least, not something he thinks about enough for it to show up on-screen.
Now, do I believe that Shigaraki has zero sexual interest? No. I think he's watched porn before, and probably even jerks it every now and then. But do I think he would actively seek out sex? Nah. Honestly, I don't even think he'd go along with sex unless it's with someone he's got a pre-established emotional connection to that's been building for a long time.
Like everything with Shigaraki, I think sex would be intense. By this I mean, he wouldn't be the type to have a casual one-night-stand or a friends-with-benefits fling. If he's in it, his heart's in it. Because he is so angry and destructive, Shiagraki often gets mischaracterised as heartless and deliberately cruel (this is a conversation for a separate post), but in reality, he cares a lot about certain things and puts his all into them. With sex, he would have to care about the who for the what to matter.
In conclusion - Shigaraki's well aware that BDSM doesn't stand for Bible Discussion/Study Meeting, but he's also a virgin loser who would not pin you up against the wall and have his way with you in a dark alley.
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fairiesdowntheroad · 1 year
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summary — Y/N takes the internet by storm,catching the eyes of all due to her performance on the track ; it just happens that she also captured a certain McLaren driver’s attention in the process.
pairing — f1 22-23 grid x fem! driver reader,love interest tbd
warnings — alludes to alcohol consumption,F-bombs here and there,some misogynistic flashbacks,race inaccuracies!!!
prologue | chapter 1 | next chapter
FROM J ⛅️ : hi everyone! we’re finally at chapter 1,let’s goooo!! i tried completing this as quick as i could for you guys — so i hope it’s alright 🌟 nothing really important this chapter,just our golden girl reaching huge milestones and forming a friendship (who knows? 🫣) with a certain someone on the grid.
lmk what you think and hope you enjoy! i wish you guys lots of love <3
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Qualifying P8 overall? That was horrid for everyone’s standards….but qualifying P8 in a Williams that was considered a tractor? That was impressive.First race of the season…
First race in her entire Formula 1 career.
She was nervous,stressed,scared — a whirlwind of emotions really.There was only so much her teammate could do,trying to console her was proved useless as of now.The girl’s mind pranced all over the place,she tried — key word being tried, to slow down her heart.The Brit had taken a seat next to her,watching her lose her mind.He sighed softly,understanding how she would feel yet wanting her to put her doubts and worries to a pause.
Even if they only were acquainted for a few months,he could already read her like a book.She reminded him of himself — a particular time where he was in Toro Rosso.
“Y/N” he called out softly,placing a hand on her shoulder.The girl simply looked up at him with an indifferent expression,though he knew she was hiding all those emotions in her heart.Her hands balled up into fists on her lap,turning a shade lighter than her actual skin was a telltale sign. “You’ll be fine” he reminds her softly.
You’ll be fine.
She will be fine.
The words sinking in,she thought deep and hard about what he said.The worst case scenario would be a DNF — but there were many more races in the season to prove her worth.What if people would hate her for her performance? — people would hate her regardless of what she does ; she’s a woman to begin with.
She nodded her head slowly accepting his words.Don’t get me wrong she was still very nervous….but it couldn’t go absolutely horrid right? “I hope so.” she breathed out,nervous chuckle coming out.
“It’s your first race so I understand the nervousness..but take it easy”
Taking out her phone she scrolled through her messages one last time…only to find a message from her father.Her eyes scanned over the message — trying to hide a smile from forming.
‘Goodluck,will be watching you from the team’s garage’
Not her team though.
Putting the phone away to put on her balaclava and helmet,she quickly made herself comfortable in the car.Checking the settings one last time and doing a radio check ; she was all set to go.She manoeuvred the car out of the pit lane,taking her rightful place between the other 19 cars on the circuit.
“The goal is to maintain your position,overtake if you can but don’t be risky” her race engineer — Rowan informed her.“Copy.” she replied monotously,choosing to put her full attention on the red lights.
Only a few more seconds…and then away we go.It seemed like it would take forever for the light to go off.’You got this’ she repeated over and over again in her head….she would be okay.
Hitting the throttle to push as much as much as she could,she managed to maintain her position right behind her teammate.Through her side mirror she spotted the obnoxiously pink and blue Alpine trying to catch up to her.Was it Gasly’s or Ocons’s? She didn’t care at all.All she knew was to defend her spot — and playing the supporting role for her teammate.
This went on for a few more laps.She was restless ; her mind thinking of ways to solve the little problem on her hands right now.
Seeing the Alpine begin to close the gap,she pushed the pedal harder than she thought she could.Her heart pumped at undeniable speeds,feeling the adrenaline coursing through.“Gap to Gasly is 6.2 seconds.You can push,the tyres are still fresh” Rowan commented.
“Copy.” She kept her replies short and sweet,all her concentration poured into increasing the distance between her and the other cars behind her.She inched closer to her teammate,not willing to overtake for now.She would have to listen to the team’s instructions…but there was something off.
He was slowing down.
“Alex is going awfully slow” she remarked through comms with worry seeping through.She maintained her pace which caused her to be wheel-to-wheel with her teammate.His car pulled over to the side,leaving her as the only Williams car in the race.Eyebrows furrowing wirh confusement she thought of bringing it up with the team.
“Alex has been instructed to retire the car due to an engine problem—you have to push as much as you can to maintain your momentum.”
Didn’t need to tell her twice.
She said nothing,trying her best to catch up to the two orange McLarens in front of her.Getting closer,the hairs on her neck were pin straight.
“You have DRS.Overtake available”
“Copy” she hummed.Inching even closer then before,there it was.She could overtake now.She drove past by the first McLaren with ease.Oscar,the Australian McLaren driver in question was surprised there was a Williams gliding right in front of him.Sitting comfortably in P6 now,she was on a roll!
Within a few moments,she was able to strike for the overtake over the other McLaren.She was taking her rightful place as P5.
Just a little bit more.
It felt like forever,mere minutes feeling the same as a millennia for the rookie.By now,it was the final lap so she pushed as hard as she could.Passing the finish line she let out a breath of relief — she completed her first race.
“Congratulations Y/N…that is P5.”
“You’re joking….right? There’s no way we placed P5” she asked bluntly.She may have sounded blunt — but the girl was overjoyed.
The car was a tractor by how problematic it was during pre-season testing ; how was it in the points now? It was a relief.She laughed obnoxiously,smiling through that balaclava and helmet.
“Believe if it you want but that is a P5 on your debut.Beautiful performance from you — cannot wait to see more” Rowan congratulated her wirh a chuckle,amused at how she was seemed ro be in disbelief.The girl was laughing in joy now.It might not have been a podium like she was used to,but a P5 in a Williams was almost the equivalent of that.
She was nowhere near being satisfied ; but this would have to count for now.
She pulled her car into the garage,hopping out of the cockpit cheerfully.Taking off the balaclava and her helmet,the girl was greeted with cheers and rounds of applause from her team.She bloomed with joy — she didn’t care if her hair was sweaty and all over the place,this was where her hard work has gotten her.
Alex had made his way next to her,bringing the younger girl into a brief embrace.He was disappointed the first race of the season resulted in a DNF for himself,but he would not let that stop him from celebrating his teammate.
“Told you it would be alright” he muttered close to her so she could hear him.She simply flashed him a small smile,her heart filled with gratitude for him.The whole team embraced the two drivers to celebrate,regardless of the outcome.It was a new start.
A good one to say the least.
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The Brit drove comfortably in his McLaren.He was not worried about losing positions now,there was a comfortable distance between him and the car behind him.Driving without a worry,he failed to notice the Williams inching closer and closer to him.
“Lando,you need to push.The Williams is closing the gap between you two.”
There was no way a Williams was behind him.Was he too slow or was the car suddenly blessed by the gods of speed? He couldn’t waste any time pondering further on that — he wouldn’t let himself lose to that tractor.
“Copy.” he replied quickly hitting the pedal to the metal.He tried his best to maintain his momentum ; but it came to no avail.The car had glided right past him in the matter of seconds.
“Was that the rookie’s car?” he asked in disbelief attempting to catch up to the woman in front of him.
“Yes — that was Y/N’s car”
“Fucking hell.”
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The after party was…insane to say the least.
She didn’t exactly oppose parties — but she wasn’t entirely open to them either.The loud screams of joy,sweaty bodies colliding against each other,and the overall smell of alcohol ; she was not really pleased with the thought of parties as a whole.
Everyone in the club was celebrating the start of the season, it would be a memorable one for the books.She was only a few drinks in but ready to call it a day so she could head back to her room.
Stood next to a wasted Alex,he was rambling her ear off about something beyond her comprehension.The pair had showed up together after he convinced her to ; saying something along the lines of ‘enjoying your firsts’ which definetly gave off an entirely different message….
She was unsure of what to do with him — call a cab back to the hotel? let him have his fun? The girl was stuck pondering there and nodding mindlessly to his slurring and rambling.
“I think I’ll take him off your hands for now rookie.”
Her head shot up at the voice approaching her.She instantly knew who it was ; his British accent was hard to miss.The two were cackling at the wasted gentleman.
Greeting him with a nod,she knudged the other driver next to her so he could acknowledge the newcomer.
“LANDO! I’ve been waiting for you” Alex happily chirped,throwing himself to his fellow friend.She watched in amusement as the situation unfolded in front of her.The younger man slinging his senior’s hand around him,he walked towards the center of the party — where the other drivers sat.Their eyes scanned over to a very drunk Alex whose body was supported by the McLaren driver,and then the newbie who did not want to be here.
She flashed a friendly smile to the others as they were welcoming her with cheers.Pierre instantly had to make himself known,greeting her with a wink.She brushed it off,choosing to focus on the others.They went back to being engrossed in their own conversations — she felt out of place.Of course she did! She was a woman standing amongst sweaty and intoxicated men…definetly a position she was not to happy to be in.
Her bubble of thoughts were popped when the young man approached her once more.“Sorry about Alex,I think he’s drinking all that pain from his DNF away.” he remarked,eyes crinkling as he joked.The girl chuckled softly with him.
“He did give me a warning before hand that he was a lightweight — I was surprised it was that bad”
“Well,I would be drinking the night away too if my teammate got a P5 in a midfield car and I had to retire.”
He was blunt.
She scrunched her nose at his comment.He smirked at her reaction,hand going over her shoulder in a friendly matter.”Speaking of drinking — you look like you haven’t been doing any of that” he pointed out,eyebrows raised as he wondered the reason for that.
“I don’t drink that much”
“It’s painfully obvious you don’t.” he snarkily commented.The girl raised her eyebrow on him,he was sassier than she expected him to be.She huffed,unsure of what to do with the man next to her.The two had interacted a couple of times through random run ins into each other at the paddock.Shy smiles had been sent to each other…he thought she was Alex’s PR Manager.
“I’m Lando by the way,even if you already knew that.”
“I know — Y/N..” she hummed nonchalantly,the boy raising an eyebrow at her response.She didn’t have any intent of coming off as cold ; she just did not know how to make herself comfortable among them.She was the outcast in her previous years of competing due to her gender — it was unusual to feel welcomed now.
She wondered in the back of her mind,did he have malicious intent or was he just nice?
Y/N was more acquainted with his teammate — Oscar,racing against each other in Formula 2.It was good for Oscar that he got a seat in a prestigious team ; she was unfortunately stuck in the bottom.Speaking of Oscar,she scanned the club to find him nowhere…weird.
“I think I’m ready to call it a night to be honest.” she confessed looking up at him.He laughed whole heartedly at her bluntness.Shaking his head,he patted her back.”By the way,you did good out there.Overtook me like it was a piece of cake” he compliments her as the party goes on.Music began blaring even louder now — bodies dancing like there was no tomorrow.
“I can’t hear you” she said loudly so he could get the message.She did hear what he wanted to say ; she just wanted to hear him say it again.He simply nodded at her,his hand moving itself to intertwine itself with hers.Feet beginning to move,he manoeuvred her out of the club.The ear damaging music slowly died down,the two standing at the entrance.
It was a quite night…contrary to the club.Her eyes scanned the man who had just dragged her out.His brown curls,the white shirt that he adorned along with ripped jeans.Her eyes had then averted to the city lights ; shining in their upmost glory.Lighting up the way for them.
“What were you saying just now?” she asked curiously,eager to hear him now that they were away from the crowd.Lando scratched his neck,his hand that was intertwined with hers untangling itself.
“You…you did a good job in the race.” he hummed softly.She perked an eyebrow as a small grin formed itself on her face,her eyes glinting with mischief.
“Don’t worry — I actually heard you the first time.” she snapped back,biting her lip to hold back another chuckle.His eyes were admiring the view in front of them.Bahrain never failed to amaze him.
“Just remember,I won’t let you by that easily next time.” he promised himself,hands sliding its way into his pockets as he stared at her.
“I’d want nothing but your best,Norris.”
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taglist — @eutrizbea @eugene-emt-roe @ivoryluvs @itsjustkhaos @lewisvinga @kodzuvk @roseseraj @iliyad @laura-naruto-fan1998 @l0verl4ne @lana-d3l-rey @fly-inghighx @leilanixx @studioreader @allenajade-ite @nothingfuninthislife @ruleroftheuniverse @al-luvx @mimi-luvzyu @luvvtrent @glitterquadricorn @fanboyluvr @stevesworld9 @strawberrychita @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @treehouse-mouse
if your name is crossed out that means i was unable to tag you 🏷️
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gentleralts · 8 months
not to be a downer but while i agree with the sentiment of what the "death note AU where hbomberguy solves the kira case while investigating light yagami for something unrelated to the murders" post is trying to go for, it gets a bunch of stuff fundamentally wrong about light as a character and of how the death note itself works, and as a noted Light Yagami Hater™ i feel like i should set things straight here:
light was top of his class in high school and got into one of the most prestigious universities in his region. he does his research pretty thoroughly and would not even consider plagiarizing anything, especially with how unreliable it would make you look if you got caught. this "light would probably be a plagiarist if he was a youtuber" bit seems like it's there just because the james sommerton video is so fresh in our minds; if that post was drafted like a year ago there'd probably be a bit in there instead about light straight up lying about his accomplishments and how his mother is very proud
"light would have unhinged right-wing political takes if he was on youtube" there's a pretty significant possibility that he would, although not intentionally. light would brand himself as more of a center-left intellectual debater type and gets popular going up against people who are so right-wing that his points seem progressive by comparison (on top of him being conventionally attractive), and that would make stuff like his misogyny and pro-cop stances and "there are some types of people the world would be better off without" sentiments stand out when comparing him to more leftist youtubers. hbomb's initial investigation into light likely started out with the thesis of "light yagami can get away with saying shit like this because he's an extremely fuckable twink"
the thing about that post that stood out to me as its most egregious mistake though was the insistence of legal names being the ones you need to kill someone with the note. you've probably seen joke posts going around before like "if you write a trans person's deadname into the death note it kills you instead," and that's built upon one of the rules of the death note:
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[id: The names you see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will be able to see the names even if that person isn't registered in the family registration.]
a name doesn't have to be legally registered for it to work, and a legal name might not even work in some cases. granted a change of a legal name could still be a viable defensive strategy to throw off someone trying to research what your name is, but outright saying "i've legally changed my name to something you won't be able to find out so you can't kill me" will not protect you from the death note at all.
in my opinion, i believe the point in which hbomb spots the thread leading to his conclusion of light yagami being behind the kira murders is around the end of the yotsuba arc. he'd be able to intuit the first, second, and third kiras being separate entities by the types of people they kill, and the situation of "this guy i've been looking into has dropped off the face of the internet for like two months and the kira murders are suddenly different" would probably be too interesting of coincidence for him to ignore
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miguelschamp · 9 months
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pairing: drew starkey x actress!fem!reader
summary: drew calms your anxiety at poguelandia
warnings: secret relationship, mentions of anxiety, mentions of slightly harmful coping techniques, other than that, complete and utter fluff :)
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you look around at the fans surrounding you. you were at poguelandia. the event being held to promote season three of outer banks.
you were apart of the main cast. you played a teenage girl that had been apart of the pogues since the very beginning. being best friends with jj and john b first and slowly adding in pope, kie, and sarah.
to say events like this gave you anxiety would be an understatement. it was all you could think about since you heard about it from your manager.
you were so scared of doing something wrong. literally anything could ruin someone’s image when they’re in the public eye.
you had been doing well so far, but as time went on you could feel yourself becoming increasingly anxious as it set in just how many people had come to see you.
you tried mingling with madison and jonathan to hopefully clear your mind and bring your mood up, but it wasn’t working.
luckily, madison had noticed your behavior and discretely called over the one person who could help you when you got in your head like this.
you look around as some fans call your name. you give them a smile and blow them a kiss which made them erupt in screams and shouts of praise.
you chuckle softly as you turn back toward madison and jonathan. you take a deep breath as you start to pick at your hands. a habit you’ve had the majority of your life. it was also a habit that you were trying to get rid of since it only ended in small cuts and bruises littering your hands.
“hey.” you hear. you look up as someone cups their hands around yours pulling them away from each other.
“drew ?”
“hey, what’s going on ?” he asks softly
you shake your head, “nothing.”
“you sure ?” he says. you notice that he hasn’t let go of of you.
“oh my god, drew and y/n.”
“are you guys dating ?”
“we love you guys.”
you turn toward the shouts. speculations of you and drew being together have spread over the internet like wildfire since the first season of outer banks. at first, they weren’t true. you guys really were just friends, but after awhile they were.
you and drew started dating just before the release of the second season, but you two agreed that you wouldn’t post your relationship all over the internet.
seeing as most of your lives were on full display no matter how badly you wanted to avoid it, you wanted this to be just between yourselves for as long as you possibly could.
yours and drew’s relationship was more than you could ever ask for. he treated you amazingly, making you feel as if you were the only girl in the entire world.
“hey.” he says quietly. you turn to him noticing that he’s gotten a lot closer. “don’t worry about them it’s just you and me right now.”
“i don’t know what happened. i was fine and then i wasn’t.”
“that’s okay.” he nods, “you’re doing amazing.”
“no, i’m not. this is my job and i can’t even do it without feeling like my world is caving in on itself.”
“everyone deals with something, baby. trust me when i say that you’re not the only actress dealing with this. you’re doing the best you can, alright ?”
you nod slowly as you look down at your hands. he still hadn’t let go.
“you’re gonna have to let go soon so no one says anything.” you mumble, but he heard you due to how close he was.
“i don’t care.” he says. “i’m worried about you right now.”
you look up at him catching his blue eyes shining through his glasses. “i’m okay.”
as drew looks down at you, he knew you weren’t fine. you were just trying to make him feel better about your situation. so, despite what you two had agreed to, his hand cups your jaw softly.
your brows furrow, but you instinctively lean further into his hand. you’re taken aback when he leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips.
you’re too enamored by drew to hear the gasps and murmurs of the fans that saw you guys. madison and jonathan smiling at each other at you two finally being together in public.
as drew pulls away, what just happened finally dawns on you. “drew-“
“i know.” he says, “i care more about you than what people have to say about us.”
you smile softly as he rubs his thumb across your cheek. you nod to yourself as you grab his hand that had been resting on your cheek.
you lean up and place a kiss on his cheek that earns a smile from your boyfriend. as you stand in front of him, drew gushes.
“i’m never washing this cheek again.”
you giggle as he wraps his arms around you pulling him into his chest. planting a kiss on your head as you two sway together.
your worries and anxieties washing away as you’re held by the man you love. and now everyone else knew it, too.
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: Having a one night stand wasn’t your forte, but with the help of adrenaline, and most definitely not alcohol, you managed to rope yourself into one. Worst part of all was the fact that you didn’t even know his name! The only distinguishable part of him was his blinding white hair. You figured you will never see him again after, but you were so wrong. Your friend practically set you up for failure after convincing you to take her place on a blind date to try and drive the guy away, only for it to be the one you slept with, who also happened to be your mother’s best friend’s son that you met right before that. 
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PAIRINGS: ice hockey player!sunghoon x afab!reader
GENRE: strangers to lovers, college sports au, romance, comedy, slice of life, angst
WARNING(S): profanities, slight violence, suggestive content (no smut), drinking, partying (subjected to change)
RELEASE DATE: (estimated) 8th September 2023 / (latest) 15th September 2023 / 11.30 pm GMT+8
AUTHOR NOTES: send in an ask/comment to be added to the ongoing taglist! will be closed before the release date (when i update it). after the last jayke fics being filled with angst, i've decided to go back to my roots and write something more light hearted.
TAGLIST (CLOSED!!!!!): @1800-beomgyu @yawnzshit @shinrjj @skzenhalove @taekwondoes @lalalalawon @ce1ight @enhacqke @winteringdream @strvlveera @rikisly @rikakhai @renchai @sievenderz @fariylixie0915 @enhastolemyheart @ckline35 @imhuh @yenqa @jayfrvr @tobiosbbyghorl @liikno @vizstars @kells5595 @addictedtohobi @rikisly @luvkpopp @delulu4-life @leep0ems @moonlighthoon @internet-folks @flwrshee @beansworldsstuff @bitehee @asyleums @luv4cheol @yur1a1 @dammit-jjk @kjrcrz @jhopesucker @enhaz1 @lilriswife4life
© jaylver all rights reserved.
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Never in a million years would you have expected yourself in some random guy’s bed, naked and a throbbing head reminding you of last night's mistake. Blacked out, you were too drunk to even remember making a callous decision in fucking a guy’s name you couldn’t even remember now. Wow.
How did you even manage to bring yourself into this situation? Well, a frat party might explain it. Letting Wonyoung and Yunjin drag you to their favourite frat party was already the first mistake, but when you discovered good booze and consumed too much of it, you ended up wandering off and found a hot man, not turning back, instead you ventured into his bed. Horniness along with a pinch of alcohol could really cloud someone’s mind and awareness, unfortunately you could prove that fact since you were a victim of it. 
It was currently 4 am and the man you fucked last night was dead asleep with his back facing to you while on the other hand, you were wide awake, swallowing whatever information you got from last night. You remembered him as a charming, flirty, funny white headed man who had a big dic—heart—excuse you, that was equally respectful and polite. 
He was just as handsome, gorgeous and breathtaking as his personality. Bright eyes, pale skin that complimented his hair, a pair of dimples that had you swooning, and legs long enough to outshine a professional model. Hell, how was he not a model in the first place?
Whatever happened yesterday night stays in the depths of his bed. Period. Though you couldn't deny his … skills, and you wouldn't mind another night with him, yet something in you was rejecting the idea of seeing him again and determined to have him remain as a one night stand.
Frankly speaking, you didn't want to leave this bed of his at all. Was he a morning stay in bed cuddling type of person? You wouldn't know and you're scared to know. What if he kicks you out? You needed to save yourself the embarrassing walk of shame in the morning, so instead, you slowly slipped out of bed, making sure he was still sound asleep before scurrying out.
The clothes scattered on the floor were unsurprising. You picked up your undergarments and the skimpy black dress you wore, pulling it on quickly as if your life depended on it. You weren’t cold hearted enough to leave without saying nothing, that was too low. Taking the nearest piece of paper you could find, you wrote down a few words of farewell and thanked him for the night, cringing all while you wrote it. Gosh, this was shabby but it would have to do.
Rounding your things up, your handbag and phone in hand as you buckled your heels strap, you quietly and sneakily exited from his dorm room, thankfully no signs of his roommates were around. Now, the problem was walking back to your part of the dorms in the cold of the night. Exciting, wasn’t it?
The moment you got back, the dorm was silent and dark. Wonyoung was asleep in her room, but Yunjin was lying on the couch with her hair in a mess and you knew she was going to have the worst hangover in the morning. You crept past her sleeping figure and went into your own room, letting out a sigh of relief before dropping into the comforts of your bed. Never again.
. . . to be continued !
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sunny44 · 9 months
Marriage (Part 10)
Mason’s Version
Paring: Max Verstappen x ex fiancée!reader Mason Mount x Fiancée!reader
Warnings: pregnancy talk
Summary: Max leaves his fiancée y/n at the altar on their wedding day but after years of regretting what he did, by a miracle of fate (or Lando) she appears in his life again.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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After that conversation with Max, things became clearer to me. In fact, it made me realize that I love Mason and that he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
So after I finished eating my burger, I went back to the room determined to make him listen to me.
"Mason." He didn't look at me. "Let's talk."
"I don't want to talk."
"But we will.” I say loudly, and he looks at me. "I understand why you're mad at me, and I don't blame you. I know I was wrong to lie about my past and the letter, but I won't lose you because of it."
"Maybe you already lost me."
"No, I haven't lost you because if I had, you wouldn't be here." He sighs. "I love you, and I never had any doubts about that. Of course my actions say otherwise, but I love you."
"Then why? Why did you keep that letter?"
"Because I'm an idiot and because deep down I wanted to know what he had written in it." He sighed. "If I wanted to get back with him, I would have done it the moment we met again. But I didn't, because you're the guy I want to marry, have kids with and grow old with."
"Look, I don't care if he loves you, because we can't control our feelings. What makes me angry is that you lied to me and made me feel like you loved him too. I felt like an idiot for being completely in love with you while you had someone like him."
"Mase, you're the only one I want." I approached him and held his face. "I don't want anyone else to spend the rest of my life with other than you."
"Do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise." He agreed. "I talked to Max before coming here. And I'm telling you because I don't want you to find out through the internet later."
"What did you talk about?"
"He asked if I was really in love with you and that if the answer was yes, I should go after you and fix things between us. But if the answer was no, and if I felt anything for him, he would be in his room waiting."
"Son of a..."
"He also said that if I showed up in his room, it meant we had a chance. But if I didn't, it meant I had chosen you, and he would understand that."
"I'm glad you're here and not there."
"There's one more thing I need to tell you." I moved away from him, going to my bag. "I haven't been feeling well in the past few days, and I took a pregnancy test."
"What?" He asks, somewhat shocked.
"I don't know the result because I was scared, and I also wanted to look at it with you." I handed him the little box.
"What do you think the result is?"
"I don't know."
"And what do you want it to be?"
"I don't know either." I take a deep breath. "What do you want?"
“Honestly, I would love to have a baby with you." He smiles, and he hands me the test. "So?"
I looked at him and smiled.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram post
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Liked by @masonmount, @yourmom, @benchilwell, @maxverstappen and others 103791
Yourusername These last few months have been a rollercoaster ride in my life, but finding out that I'm pregnant has certainly been the best. Mason and I are very happy to announce that baby Mount will be arriving soon.
Tagged: @Masonmount
Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @dudenhaaa27 @christianpulisic10 @gaslysainz @fanboyluvr @urgirlceci @justdreamersdream @aundercoverosh @newlifeforus @depressedriches @topguncultleader @luvrrish @tyna-19 @esposadomd @formulas-bitch @boredmadamoiselle
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ohbother2 · 2 months
Hi everyone,
I know it's been ages and some of you have probably seen this notification and have hoped that this means the fics on this page will be updating, however, I've got some bad news.
This blog was a joint account between two friends who loved creating silly stories of some of our favourite characters in our free time and gushing over character details with one another. Beyond tragically, my friend, the co-runner of this account, passed away a few months ago. Obviously, I'm keeping the details private, but it was sudden and unexpected.
I know this is a shock to all of you, and not what you were expecting to hear after such a long hiatus. Understandably, I've not been active on tumblr, particularly this account, since. It's felt incredibly wrong to login to this blog and even attempt to re-read some of the stuff posted or your comments/tags, especially without her to talk to about all your lovely messages. She really did love reading them, and we'd call for hours to laugh and talk about your kind messages.
Although I acted as what you'd call the 'face' of this account, actually posting, reblogging, commenting and following others, she was integral to the heart of this account, to the ideas and writing and editing that made this account what it is, and I don't want to continue posting heacannons/one-shots/any kind of creative writing on this blog without her. This was our passion-project, and a massive chunk of it is now missing.
I just wanted to let you guys know what the situation with this blog is and why, and I wanted to give a massive thank you from both of us for being the most supportive, kind-hearted, and tight-knit community we'd ever had or seen on Tumblr before. The fact we even had fan-art made of our writing goes to show how dedicated and incredibly talented this fandom is, how supportive and just genuinely excited everyone is to hype each other up and lift each other and appreciate all our passions. It's genuinely insane, and so rare in modern internet spaces.
Regarding the future of this account, because I don't want to leave unfinished fics floating around the website, and for personal reasons, I will be transferring all fics/one-shots over to AO3, marking them as incomplete, and 'orphaning' them. I've really debated this decision, and I believe it's the one she'd be most happy with. I'm just giving you guys fair warning, I'll wait a few weeks before I actually do anything. I don't know if I'll delete this blog, I'm rather attached, but I won't be active for a while.
Probably most importantly, if anyone wants to take our ideas or our unfinished fics/one-shots and complete them/edit the story/adapt our head-cannons/incorporate them into your own fics, please do. I think it'd be nice to inspire and help other fic writers, and see the ideas carried on in whatever way you guys choose. Everything on this account is effectively 'orphaned' already, so feel free to do whatever you want with it :).
This is getting long, but I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent in requests, funny comments, little anecdotes, and witty one-liners into our messages/asks, both that we did and didn't respond to, especially lately. We planned to do a great return to this blog after our exams responding to them all/clogging up your feeds. Someone even called us their 'favourite niche internet micro celebrity', and we both found it hilarious.
There's no gofundme or anything like that set up. Sometimes, things just don't go as we plan and there's nothing we can do. If I've learnt anything from this godawful situation, it's that you should do whatever you want as soon as possible. Don't wait to join that club. don't wait to take that trip, don't wait to watch that show, don't wait to visit friends or family, don't wait to begin doing a hobby that you think you'll love. Anything can happen, and the only time we know that we have for certain is now. (Master Uguay was right in Kung Fu Panda after all).
I won't be active for a while, but I'll check in to see how this post is doing now and again, and I'll probably post again just before I begin taking things down.
Thank you guys, and I hope you don't dwell on this post too long.
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heian-era-housewife · 3 months
more realistic smut please (I'm begging)
Idk why but somehow it was more erotic may God help me with this need TO FUCK THESE MEN
No need to beg! There are more on the way 😁 The big all-in-one post took me out though, so I'll be doing individual releases this time around.
Anon, I feel ya. I'm so down bad for these guys it's not even funny. 😩
Please enjoy some Choso in the meantime and thanks so much for reading!
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Synopsis | Choso learns that not everything on the internet can be trusted. But he can always trust in you ♡
Content | mdni, Choso x fem!reader
This is part 2 of a "realistic" smut series. Read part 1 here!
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Choso is ready. He's done his research. He's come prepared. Armed with new knowledge and bolstered by fresh confidence, he wants nothing more than to show you what he's learned and put the memory of your most recent amorous encounter behind you both. That's why he flashes you a clever grin as he pulls out not one, but two condoms to set on your bedside table.
"Ooh, someone's been thinking ahead!" You praise him, taking notice. "Always good to have a backup."
"I didn't want a repeat of last time," he recalls, one bashfull hand rubbing the back of his neck. "So, I did some reading up on my own this time."
"Impressive!" You coo.
With a coy smile, he slides on the first condom, watching as you give your hips a little wiggle of anticipation. Ready to impress, he reaches for the second.
"Wait, Cho, what are you doing...?"
"I told you," he smirks. "I don't want a repeat of last time, so I'll be wearing two. They call it 'double bagging.'"
"Oh...Cho, that's not ummm..." you squirm, trying to find the right words.
"What's wrong?"
"That's actually not the best idea, despite what some people might think. They're actually more likely to rip or come off..." your voice trails away watching as his face falls. "It's not your fault, though!" You hasten to reassure him. "The internet is full of misinformation. I'd love to hear what else you've learned!" Face brightening, Choso scooches forward eargerly for his chance at redemption.
"Let's see..." he recollects. "Size isn't as big a deal as people make it."
"Good! I'm glad you understand that," you encourage.
"Oh! And communication is really important!"
"Absolutely! You can always be open and honest with me, Cho!"
"I know," he says. "That's why I haven't been faking any of my orgasms!"
"Oh, wow I-" It's all you can do not to burst out laughing. "I figured as much."
"Speaking of fake, I never realized porn could be so misleading!"
"Yeah...unfortunately it's full of misconceptions and myths," you agree.
"Yeah! Like the g-spot!"
"Oh. Actually, that one's real," you can't help but laugh this time. "It's just really hard to find. We'll work on it."
"Ughhh!" He cries in frustration, falling back against the bed. "How does anyone figure this all out?!"
"Time and patience. Lots of practice," you say with a wink. "And you don't have to rely on the internet alone. You can always come to me with questions, you know."
"There is something I wanted to ask you!" He remembers, sitting up. "What's a MILF?"
"A MILF?!" You repeat in surprise.
"Yeah! I keep getting these advertisements. Whatever it is, there are dozens in our area!"
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MDNI banner by @cafekitsune ♡
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Hi 🌸
What about a fic where reader is walking with Pedro and they are at the airport but they get swarmed with paparazzi. Everyone wants to talk with Pedro so the reader falls and the paparazzi start to push her around and he freaks out trying to find her 😩☺️
Breaking Point - pedro pascal x female reader
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Summary: pedro looses his shit after you get hurt from paparazzi.
Word Count: 2k
Content Warning: paparazzi being assholes, reader gets hurt, slight panic attack, Pedro losing his shit.
Note: I FUCKING LOVE YOU ANON. TRULY. Anyway I’m gunna source Pedro’s rage from that video of him at the airport where he’s frustrated but make it 100 times worse lol. I cant believe people are actually requesting my fics, I love you guys.
It’s no secret that Pedro spends a lot of time in LA when he’s not at home in New York, snaps of him plastered on the internet for the world to see; exposing his location within the day of him arriving. Privacy wasn’t a luxury you could afford, especially after his upcoming fame after his role as Joel Miller in the last of us, paparazzi just seemed to be everywhere you went, no matter if you were ordering a coffee, driving to a family members house or even going to the gym. Pedro was often apologetic about the lack of privacy and how intrusive the paparazzi could be, your life has changed drastically since being with Pedro. It was hard to acclimate to, being followed and having hundreds of photos of your face and personal life plastered on the internet and magazines worldwide. You had put your big girl pants on and learnt to deal with it, Pedro admired your resilience, even though the paparazzi were moderately tame up until today.
Today was one of those instances where you and Pedro were on your way to LA, a frequency that had become a fortnightly occurrence, the airport was nearly empty, a few people floating around, you try not to draw to much attention to yourselves regardless as you pull your luggage behind you, the few people that occupied the airport seemingly recognising Pedro despite the cap and sunglasses in an attempt to hide his face. He never minded the fans approaching him, in fact he loved it, as long as they were polite he would entertain them, what he didn’t need however was for someone to post online that he was in the airport, much against your luck that’s what happened when a particular fan approaches the both of you.
“Oh my god Pedro! Could we get a photo please, I’m such a huge fan!” A young girl asks him, his attempt of a disguise obviously failed, Pedro offers a polite smile, “yeah of course, thank you for your support.” You step to the side while she takes a selfie, not wanting to intrude on her moment, “I can totally take a picture for you if you like?” You offer kindly. The girl smiles and is trembling as she hands you her phone, you snap a picture of them together, Pedro wearing a genuine smile, his tired pose captured in the image on the girls iPhone.
You hand the iPhone back to her and she thanks you both, speed walking back to her friend that had been left by the seating area, showing her phone and seemingly posting it to the internet. Within minutes your phone is buzzing from a text notification, Lux sending you a screenshot of the post on Twitter from the girl, in her excited high she exposed your location to the world; worse off the paparazzi. You try to prepare yourself for the shit storm bound to happen.
“This isn’t good.” You mumble to yourself, a loud sigh leaves your lips that catches Pedro’s attention. “What’s wrong honey?” You simply turn your phone to him, he squints through his sunglasses and exhales loudly. “This is going to turn to shit.” He looks around the airport as you walk toward where you’ll be boarding your plane, about to stick your luggage on the belt carousel when you hear shouting and clamouring heading in your direction, that didn’t take long. Pedro turns your body away from the audience as to give you some privacy from the invasive images being snapped of you. He wished just once that the way he touched you would be kept private, he gentle hand on your back, his lips on your temple, nothing seemed sacred between you and Pedro despised it.
“Pedro, Pedro! Look here!”
“Please here look! Just one picture.”
“Someone move the girl out of the way.”
The paparazzi were screaming over each other, pushing and shoving their way closer to you with every second. Their desperation to get a new picture of Pedro outweighed any morals they had, if they had any at all. You struggle to make out their sentences and demands as they rush you, pushing you a few steps back, separating you from Pedro as they surround him in a half circle as they scream at him, each trying to gain his attention for their news report.
You begin to panic once you’re separated, never having death with paparazzi that act like this before, the noise and clamouring becomes too much to handle, it’s easy to become overstimulated when the screaming overlaps each other and the noise becomes havoc, you try to squeeze between the gaps to get back to Pedro, reaching out to him as you try to get his attention, to no avail. Pedro is polite in the way he’s shielding his eyes from the blinding flash as he calls your name, asking them to move out of the way so he can find you, unable to see you past the swarm of strangers. “Pedro!” You call out, voice breathless and strained as you panic, you’d never been around paparazzi like this before. “Please move out of the way so we can get on with our day.” Pedro pleas.
One man shoved past you harshly, seeing the gap you occupied in order to get the perfect picture of Pedro once he had taken his sunglasses off. You trip backwards at the force of his shoulder barging you, stumbling over your luggage that’s pulled tightly behind your legs and as if in slow motion, it takes a few seconds to register the pain in your head as it smacks into the floor as you fall onto the cold tile.
“Baby! Oh my god look at what you people have done! Move out of my way!” Pedro tries to shove his way past in an effort to get to you, seeing you being brutally shoved to the ground, groaning in pain set a fire inside of him.
You grunt in pain as you cradle your head, the area hot to the touch where it met the cold floor, the throbbing spreads to your ears leaving a ringing noise to squeal through them. “Oh fuck,” you mutter which comes out slurred, your own voice sounds unrecognisable, unable to stop the room as it spins around you, the dizziness sets a nausea in you that climbs from your stomach to your throat.
“What the fuck is wrong with you people, have you got no dignity or respect?” Pedro snaps as he rushes towards you, seeing your face paler than normal and the pained look on your face as it scrunches. He kneels above you, your eyes seeing doubles as he comes into view. “Baby, are you okay?” His hand is cradling your head and one is waving in front of your eyes, you blink slowly, trying to gain a clearer view of your surroundings.
Pedro slowly helps you sit up, leaning against your luggage as the clicks of the camera are still shuddering throughout the ordeal, not caring that they’ve physically hurt you. Pedro’s face is red and a large vein in his neck and forehead begin bulging in his rage. “You fucking cockroaches, you did this to her. You can expect to hear from my lawyer for this stunt. Get that camera the fuck away from me.” Some of the men flinched, never seeing this side of Pedro. It was a first for you too; the indescribable rage he’d shown was a direct result of your injury at the hands of these people. The clicking and flashes of the camera finally stopped, your vertigo stops to a standstill and you’re brought back to your senses. “We’re sorry man, we just wanted some new pictures. I got a family to support you know.” The man who pushed you excused himself, the irritated tone didn’t go unnoticed, Pedro scoffs, “go and get a real fucking job. All you do is harass people it’s pathetic. Now get the fuck away from us before I call the police. You’re lucky I don’t beat your ass for this.”
“I’m sorry man, I can’t afford a lawsuit.” The man stutters as he realises Pedro is dead serious in his threat. Pedro helps you stand and you wobble on your feet, his arms hold you upright as he leads you away from the crowd. “I don’t give a fuck if you can afford it or not you spineless prick.”
“Come on baby, you need to get your head checked out.” The paparazzi that lingered snapped a few more shots of Pedro leading you to the front desk as they’re escorted out by security.
You’re sat down on a small chair, an EMT approaches you, kneeling down so you can see him.
“Hey, how’re you feeling? Heard you had a bit of a fall.” He starts, opening his medical pack as he observes you. “A fall? She was shoved by those heathens.”
“Its okay.” You turn to assure Pedro, but it was totally not fine, he just shakes his head at the way you’re still trying to make this out to be no big deal. “I think I’ll live. I still feel a little dizzy though.” The EMT takes out a torch, you blink harshly a few times as it blinds you, you try to adjust to the bright LED light. “Just follow this light for me. That’s it, now look up.” Your eyes follow the light lazily, seeing Pedro with a concerned expression on his face out of the corner of your eye, made you feel guilty for ruining his whole day.
“Your reaction is a bit sluggish. Just going to check your head now okay? Where does it hurt?” You nod and point to the area at the back of your head slightly to the left and wince as his gloved hands part your hair where the giant egg on your head was. Pedro’s hand sits on your knee, rubbing it to reassure and offer some support to you. The man gently prods the sore spot and you tense, holding your breath, a headache coming on at the sudden contact with the sore spot.
“It’s very possible you’ve got a concussion. I’d advise not getting on a flight until you’ve been cleared. It may take a few days.”
You sigh, “thank you for looking over me.”
“It’s no problem at all, look after yourselves,” the man farewells as he walks away. Your hands are aggressively rubbing your hands over your face in annoyance, you’ve just delayed Pedro’s flight and now you would have to stay home while he flies to LA for his interview.
“I’ll call a cab to get home, you should still go to LA. You can call me tonight once you land.” You offer weakly and Pedro frowns deeper, the stress lines on his face making him age a few years by the whole ordeal. “You’re out of your mind if you think I’m leaving you here after that, concussion or not. I’m staying with you honey.”
Before you can protest Pedro hushes you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I can rebook the flight and reschedule the interview for next week. I need to be here to make sure you’re okay. Don’t ask me to leave without you.”
“Okay.” You accept which helps Pedro relax, his face red from where the stress lines had been a semi permanent fixture on his face. “Let’s get you home baby. Gotta make sure my girl is looked after.”
Pedro calls a cab outside the airport and helps you into the car, the taxi driver loads your luggage for you. “They’re going to point the narrative about you being awful. You know that right?” You look up at him through your lashes, Pedro scoffs, “let them, they can get fucked.”
He tucks your hair behind your ears and slips his fingers in between yours to hold your hand, a sincere look in his eyes, “no one fucks with my girl and gets away with it.”
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rainybubbles · 6 months
Silent- Gaz x plus size reader
Summary : Finding a way to relieve the stress of work in a DnD discord, Gaz meets Silent. A player whose microphone is always turned off, using chat only. Maybe he'll find a way to break the silence with them and finds why their mic is off…
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(Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so sorry if it's bad or OOC.)
-TW social anxiety.
-"What a quiet kid you've got there. I wish mine was as calm at home."
-"Oh, you know, they're pretty mature for their age."
-The laughter faded into distant murmurs as I glanced over at the other kids.
-Yelling, chasing, breaking a vase or two—my eyes couldn't look away from them.
-They seemed to inhabit a world entirely different from mine.
-A world where scraping by at month's end, nightly dinners, locking up the house, solo bus rides, laundry routines, and helping siblings with homework simply didn't exist.
-Because, after all, they were just eight years old.
- But so was I…
-So why didn't I have the right to have fun, yell, chat, ask for sweets, act immature, or doodle on walls?
- My hand reached out briefly, hoping for a connection, but my mom's glance quickly reminded me to stay put…
-Being silent seemed to be the key to earning praise and keeping peace.
-So, I stifled that urge, withdrawing into myself, standing alone behind her legs, engulfed in a heavy silence.
"Silent, huh?"
-My gaze drifted slowly to the chat.
-"Yeah, dude, they're usually a regular on Thursdays. Never says a word, their mic's busted, can't afford to fix it," one of the guys responded.
-The tone carried a hint of disdain.
-I felt out of place.
-Yet, I stayed put, unable to leave the server.
-It was the only place where I felt I could express myself.
-Through words, carefully chosen, controlled, retyped, erased, and sculpted to bring a story to life—a space where my imagination, so often overlooked, could finally roam free.
-By chance, I'd become enamored with Dungeons and Dragons.
- The only snag, of course, was the void in my social life.
-So, like figuring out how long it takes to cook broccoli, I scoured the internet.
- Discord groups organized sessions. I panicked at the sound of mics, voices.
- What would they think of me? What should I say? What could I do? And then someone asked if my mic was broken.
- Ever since, I'd stayed that way, and the nickname Silent stuck.
"Hi Silent, then :) I'm Kyle aka Gaz."
-Usually, I ignored introductions.
- People interested me little, their characters were the interesting ones.
-However, Gaz hadn't spoken those words aloud.
- He had written them. It was stupid honestly, but few people wrote back to me, few people responded to me in writing.
-Everything was done orally.
-Suddenly, someone was on my turf, reaching out.
-The campaign proceeded as usual.
-My thoughts were focused on my actions, the dice rolls, and the resulting outcomes.
- Yet occasionally, I let my eyes wander over Gaz's profile.
-"Hello guys, I don't know if I've played with some of you before or not. "
-"Don't worry, we accept everyone. The days are rarely fixed."
-Gaz was back. It was Friday. It was my favorite group, the game master Ylias really managed to transport you.
-"Well, I'll start then-"
-Ylias started rambling, I followed the story when I noticed a notification in the discord. My finger brushed it, and then ignored it.
-What would he think if I clicked now? that I'm a friendless attention-seeker? But if I wait, they'll think I don't care about the campaign?
-So I waited 5 minutes, trying to find the right balance between the two.
-"Hey, Silent. I missed a campaign without you, the others keep on rambling about their athletics, last time I even had a guy mimicking a goblin with his mic, I'm glad to see you back in text :) !!!"
-Pressure flooded over me. What should I reply? A heart? Thanks? Ignore it? Tell him he's nice too?
-Too cold, too short. I thought it wrong, I should delete it, rephrase it, add a smiley, make it warmer, he must think I'm a monster.
-"I think we should try opening the door, are you coming with me? I don’t feel like going into the forest with the rest of the team."
-Oh. Usually in campaigns, I go with the flow, I heal and stay in the background. I never-
-"You need a score of 13 for that, folks". Ylias said.
-"Come on, Silent, roll the dice." Gaz replied
-Nervously, my mouse hovered over the virtual dice. With a score of 15 showing, I heard Gaz's laughter.
-"I knew we had to do it! Let’s go, plus with your stealth, impossible to get spotted. "
-"We'll see about that." Ylias replied, laughing.
-And just like that, Gaz made me smile. It was probably one of the worst campaigns, but it was the first where I could finally choose my actions.
-"Back again :) ?"
-" Yes."
-Dry, too dry.
-"I was waiting for you. "Gaz replied.
-" Why? "
-"I don’t want to play a campaign without you, you bring me luck."
-" I'm not sure about that. "
-"Yes. I tried a campaign with colleagues, we died blowing up. "
-"Probably because of your colleagues. "
-"Okay, maybe my colleague set fire to a mystery barrel. But it was their first campaign. "
-"You're recruiting? "
-"Introducing them. He's trying to quit smoking, and I thought DnD could occupy his free time."
-I stopped myself.
-Curiosity, imagination, everything overwhelmed me.
-What was it like to be close to colleagues like this, to freely discuss your passions, to laugh…
-"And then?"
-" It's not his thing, he's more into action. "
-"I see. "
-"It's not for everyone. "
-"Is it your thing? "
-"What? "
-"To let off steam? If your colleague needs it, so do you, right?"
-Stupid. Too personal a question. Invasive.
-"Yes. It allows me not to think, to be someone else."
-" Me too."
-" Plus, being an elf is great."
-" You say that because I am one."
-" Maybe. "
-"Thank you. "
-"For? "
-"Talking in chat. People usually ignore me outside of campaigns, they don't respond by text."
-" They ignore the sexiest elf?"
-" There's no image, you don't know what I look like"
-". Hm, exactly! I imagine your elf tall, muscular like the Rock, hair like Gordon Ramsay's, and maybe makeup like Ru Paul's."
-" I'm not sure about the result. "
-I snorted at my screen.
-" How do you imagine me? "
-"Your wizard? "
-"Yes. "
-"With long hair, maybe dreadlocks, white eyes, and a smile. "
-"A smile?"
-" Your voice sounds soothing. "
-"Really? "
-"Yes, sorry, it's weird to say that, I shouldn't have."
-" No. No. I've never been told that, I was just surprised, that's all."
-" I see. "
-"So, a sexy elf and a smiling mage.
-"Sounds like the beginning of a weird porno."
-He responded with a meme.
-"So, what do we decide, Silent? Honestly, I don't want to raid the goblin but the vampire to face, I'm sure the score will be high." Gaz asked through his mic
-"It's your choice, not mine."
-"they're right, Gaz, this one's all on you," Ylias said.
-"Can't I even ask for help?"
-"Score of 15 in insight to spot an ally." Ylias announced.
-Gaz scored a 10. No one addressed me throughout the campaign.
-"Back, Gaz?" someone said.
-Three weeks of radio silence.
-My mind had been looping, wondering if my refusal to break the rules had driven him to find a more interesting group, a more exciting duo.
-But there he stood, his username glowing green.
-"Yeah, I finally got some days off."
-"Good for you, man."
-"So spill, I see some new names and all!"
-Strangely, his voice had become grating to me. I didn't understand why, so before he could reach me, I disconnected.
- Alone in my apartment, I held my knees to my chest.
-Why am I reacting like this? He's entitled to a life, damn it.
-I fet like he...gave me up.
-Shit it's stupid.
-I didn't understand. I tried to calm myself, but the deafening silence of my apartment seemed to slowly engulf me, and before I knew it, I found myself in a new spiral of anxiety.
-There were no campaigns. I just liked reading. Reading what had happened. Living vicariously, imagining their voices, their reactions.
-"hey :)"
-The off-campaign tab was blinking.
-He was addressing me, I knew it, I was the only one online with him.
-My thumb grazed the notification, but I ended up entering the chat.
The period was too harsh, too dry.
-"It's been a while! Something happened?"
-"Work." I answered.
-That's a lie.
- But lying is like oxygen, it's easy to come up with excuses to avoid others.
-But harder to let go of it to face the potential risks of social suffocation.
-"I know quite a bit, just got back from mine."
-"At 1 am?"
-A shiver ran through me. Uniforms had never been positive in my life.
- As the long seconds passed, I hesitated.
-"Not a fan?" Gaz asked.
-"You could say that."
-"Military family?"he asked.
-"I see."
-"Sorry, that's stupid."
-"No, I understand, I mean, we all have red flags." He said.
-"It's not a red flag."
-"You'd been quiet for 5 minutes."
-"With everyone." I answered.
-"I'm not the best at socializing."
-"Really? Yet when you blew up a castle instead of talking to the princess in a campaign, it seemed normal to me." He joked.
-A laugh escaped.
-"And you?" he asked.
-"Your job?"
-"For books?"
-"Yes, I read, annotate, and correct."
-"No humans."
-"Would you like to add me? I'm not super comfortable with everyone seeing this."
-Stupid. I should have accepted without questioning.
-"To prevent everyone from knowing the secrets of the sexiest elf on the discord."
-Always there to catch my blunders.
-I accepted it even though suddenly there was added pressure, what to say when there's a pause?
-"A dragon arrives and—"
-My eyes glanced at my notifications. Kyle was in the campaign but—
-"The narration is terrible, isn't it? The guy has been stuck on the dragon for thirty minutes while Théis killed it."
-He was writing to me. Like someone whispering in your ear during class.
-"Yes, Roxanne is a beginner, but she'll get there."
-"So kind."
-"Not really, one day I insulted a game master."
-"Oooh, a gangster among us?"
-"Never, besides, you'd arrest me, wouldn't you?"
-The ellipses seemed to linger.
-"I wouldn't mind."
-"I don't want to end up in a secret government cave."
-"Caves are old school, we have containers now."
-"I don't know if you're joking."
-"I'll keep the secret, I think you won't have a choice but to be arrested by me someday."
-"… it won't happen."
-"I haven't committed any crimes."
-"Not even indecent exposure? I thought you were 45 years old and hiding in bushes naked."
-"For that, I'd have to leave my house."
-"Quite the homebody?"
-"You could say."
-"I'm the same, I don't like going out much."
-It's different. I didn't know what to add, so I let him continue the conversation.
-"Still into your nerd stuff?"
-Gaz looked up at Soap.
-"It's not nerd stuff." Gaz said.
-"Dragon, princess, elf, discord all mixed together. It's nerd stuff. "Ghost replied
-"Dressing up as a skeleton at Hot Topic too, L.t."
-"Ooh, I wouldn't have liked that. "Soap laughed. "But seriously, don't you think about doing it for real? I mean, gathering around a table."
-"They think about it, but we all live in different parts of the world."
-But it would be amazing. Maybe he could even hear Silent's voice, see them…
-"Hm." Johnny said with a smirk
-"It sounds like you have someone in mind."
-"I don't have anyone in mind."
-"Not even an elf you get along with, Garrick?" Ghost retorted
-"I- we're a duo, it
-"It's different."
-"I mean it, we just get along."
-"So if you check discord in a military bar at 11 p.m., it's not to reply to him second by second?"
-"Shut up," Gaz said as the two laughed.
-"You're not participating anymore?"
-I ignored his message.
-Three months.
-Three long months of descent, of confinement, of discomfort, of crises.
-Everything was too much.
-Crowds, outside, errands, people.
-My lungs constricted at the thought of meeting someone's gaze. My eyes avoided every contact. My lips were dry from lack of words.
-"I admit that campaigns suck without you," he had written.
-That was two weeks ago.
-"I refused to play with Théo, he wanted to take your place," he had sent.
-That was three months ago.
-"The office GIF."
-Three weeks.
-He… Gaz had never stopped.
-No matter the views, the winds, his boldness didn't stop.
-I was confused.
-Usually, people quit after a month.
-They had better things to do, and I understood. The burden of my social anxiety was mine and shouldn't inconvenience them.
-So why was Gaz standing there carrying this burden unknowingly? Coming back every day, bearing a heavier load…
-Three letters.
-Too short.
-Too dry.
-"Sorry." I continued.
-For what?
-I didn't deserve his forgiveness, I knew it.
-"Glad to see you're back :)" he replied.
-A tear rolled down my cheek.
-"thank you." I replied by text.
-For staying.
-For not asking questions.
-For welcoming me.
-"Sorry, I was at the hospital, do you think I can join the campaign or not?" he had sent.
-My eyebrows raised.
-"No. Wait, you're just out of the hospital and your concern is DnD?"
-"I should really stay by my favorite elf's side."
-"Gaz, seriously, are you okay?"
-"Fractured ribs."
-"Broken arm."
-"Wait, what—"
-"And a bullet in the thigh."
-"But I'm fine."
-"I assure you, I've had worse."
-"And???? You need to rest, not focus on rolling dice to defeat Mindflyers."
-"…but I have no distractions."
-"I'm here."
-"You're in the campaign."
-"Wait, what—"
-"I- I saw you were absent so I didn't…join that one."
-"But you only play on that day."
-"I know. But it's not the same without you."
-I didn't know he was currently smiling like an idiot.
-"Thanks, Silent."
-"No worries. Besides, I was also coming out of the hospital."
-"WHAT?! Why didn't you start with that?!"
-"It's ridiculous."
-"No, are you okay?"
-"It's awkward."
-"Oh, serious awkward or-?"
-"No, I'm used to it. I- I took the tram and I couldn't handle it, the crowd was too big, I passed out inconveniencing a hundred people, embarrassing."
-"That's not embarrassing."
-"Yes, I made people late, Gaz."
-"And??? It was for your health."
-"No, I should've known I couldn't handle taking the tram. It's been two years since I couldn't do it, I shouldn't have tried again."
-"Two years?"
-Shit. I said too much.
-"Forget that."
-"Wait, no. You help distract me when I'm on base, I can listen to you in return :)! "
-"There's nothing to say, I don't handle social stuff, that's all."
-"So, your mic, that's it?"
-"My sister has it too."
-"Has what?"
-"Social anxiety."
-"I see."
-"I know it's different for everyone, but don't give up. Honestly, it's a huge step, right? Taking the tram after two years. Surely you wouldn't succeed all at once, I mean it's like rolling a 20-sided die hoping for a 35."
-I snorted.
-"You're a nerd too, Silent."
-"yes, I- I just thought I could succeed, tell myself I could do it."
-"You did it."
-"I passed out."
-"So what? next time can't be worse."
-"Yes, if I have another one."
-"Then you'll have another one, I'm sure you'll manage. Look, I can even show you a tutorial."
-I furrowed my brows and saw a video. A man in an apartment, a cast on one arm, his face cut off from the frame.
-"Quick tutorial for falling on a tram. So lesson 1, stand next to a tall person. We want a good pillow when we fall, so tall people are perfect. Then manage the fall. Fall on the person, not forward. We want to avoid a bloody nose. Especially if there are vampires on the horizon." Gaz said in the video.
-He lay on the ground pretending to fall.
-"Step three, play dead to see sexy firefighters and avoid stares, and step 4 get taken home while flexing in the truck."
-I snorted.
-"Wow, thanks for the tutorial."
-"I know, I know. Passing out pro here."
-"Do you often fall on fridges?"
-"Hm, considering the build of my colleagues, you could say that."
-"Are they as tall and wide as a fridge?"
-"My L.T. yes. With Soap, we even thought he was an android, I mean it's not human to be that built."
-"You look fit too."
-"Oh, a compliment?"
-"Gaz, I-"
-"But yes, honestly, I try to do his routine but I think his genetics play a big part."
-"Shame, no Fridge Gaz then."
-"No, you'll have to settle for Normal Gaz."
-A smile slowly spread across my face.
-"Thanks for the video, it was funny."
-"You're welcome. Plus, if I can flex with my favorite elf."
-"I'm not an elf."
-"Nothing proves me wrong."
-"Who are you posing for? "
-"No one."
-" So shirtless, sunlight, flexed arms for no one? Damn, don't tell me it's for your mom. "
-" I'm just asking, man."
-" It's for Silent. "
-"Oh, your magical voiceless elf."
-" It's not— "
-"Yes, yes, not a magical elf, I know, no need to give me another DnD lecture."
-Gaz sighed.
-His selfie was good.
-Shirtless, in the sand, sun rising.
-He looked good.
-But he was nervous.
-What if it was too much?
-After all, this little game of sending each other sunrises or sunsets had started by chance.
-Silent had told him the view was beautiful and sent him a sunset from their window.
-Gaz replied with one from Las Almas, and eventually whenever he went to a new country, he would send a photo.
-But now… maybe it was too much?
-Sending his face.
-Price would kill him.
-But he wanted to progress the relationship.
-Maybe his face could appeal to Silent, they would send him a voice note or even a selfie back?
-"Is this too much? "
-"Hm? "Soap asked confused.
-"This photo, is it too much? "
-"For a thirst trap?"
-" To say hello."
-" It depends on the hello. "
-"Hello as in "I'm showing you my face for the first time." "
-"Oh, maybe. I thought it was a "hello, did you sleep well because look what I could bring to your bed" kind of thing. …But if I received this photo, I'd be happy. "
-"Soap. "
-"I mean, man, you're handsome."
-" Soap. "
-"Plus, who would say no to your abs? "
-"No need to- you know what, I'll send it. "
-"Also, you—"
-Gaz ignored him and sent it.
-Damn, he hoped everything would be fine.
-Too beautiful.
-My eyes scanned that smile not knowing what to do.
- How could someone like that end up playing DnD?
-I closed the conversation.
-I am…. Out of his league.
-So much.
-I could barely bring myself to look at my mirror.
-I knew what I would see there.
- My rolls, my thighs, my stretch marks, my horrible hair, this disproportionate face.
-I'm not ugly.
- But I'm not…I'm not like him
-. I'm the second choice, I'm aware of that.
-I don't get free compliments.
- Nobody turns back to look at me. I'm just…there.
-And him.
- He seemed so radiant, so kind. Damn, I wasted his time.
-"So? " Soap asked
-"It's been two weeks with no response."
-" Ouch. "
-"It's not— Sometimes it happens, I think they are doubting."
-" Doubting what? "
-"Themselves. They…before every message, they take 5 minutes to rewrite it, every syllable is thought out and then I send this out of nowhere, I didn't handle it well."
-" You couldn't have known, Kyle. "
-"Yes. YES, I could and I messed up. They told me about their anxiety and then I send them a half-naked photo when I've never even heard their voice. "
-"Try to talk to them then. hmph."
-My eyes hesitated.
-"hey." I finally replied
-" For the selfie, I can explain. "
-"No, I- it's not your fault."
-" Yes, honestly, I screwed up" he texted back
-". No, I've been looping again. "
-"You- "
-"seeing you, it was…good, really, but too good." I answered.
-" Too good?"
-"I feel- Illegitimate to talk to you. "
-"what- "
-"You're so- beautiful, and smiling and nice, and the only thing I do is disappear for days and turn up out of the blue. I-"
-" And it's okay, we talked about it." he said.
-" But you deserve better as friends."
-" I decide what I deserve, Silent. And no one beats you. "
-"…I- I don't know what to say. "
-"Send me your sunset :) I haven't had mine."
-Damn. A tear rolled down and I took my phone and sent my sunset. How can someone be so adorable?
-"Perfect." he replied
-He had continued to send his face on the sunsets. It was stupid, but I waited every time he could and I rewatched them.
-However, it had been three months of silence. I wasn't worried, he was probably on a mission somewhere.
-By a stroke of courage, I had put my phone down to take a photo with the sunset.
-He wouldn't see it. I would delete it.
-But for a moment, I felt beautiful. The sunlight on me warmed me, my outfit was cute, my curves were beautiful.
-I sent it. I would delete it tomorrow. After all, Kyle had said it could last four months.
-"Hey, everything alright, mate?"
-"They're amazing."
-"Lasswell or tony ? For Lasswell of course, why do you think her wife is—"
-Soap raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kyle's phone.
-"Oh, oh."
-Kyle couldn't tear his eyes away from his screen
-. During the mission return, he had picked up his phone and seen a notification. Clicking out of habit, he saw it.
-their smile, their hair, their body. My god.
-"Lucky bastard." Soap said.
-They were perfect. And their belly, their hips, everything was beautiful. Kyle had always preferred curvy people, it was a fact.
-Sure, he had imagined that silently they could be one, but the fact that it was true… It filled his heart with joy.
-"They… damn. "he murmured, zooming in on every detail.
-Mole or freckle, he observed every pixel.
-"So the elf wasn't the only one sexy." he texted.
-I raised an eyebrow at the notification as I woke up.
-"The photo. "he replied.
-Oh fuck.
-"You saw it?"
-"Yes, I shouldn't have?"
-"I thought of deleting it before, I—"
-"But did you like it?"
-"Yes. you— I— honestly, I can't stop looking at it. you look radiant."
-He was lying. -No?
-"And that outfit is amazing on you, really."
-It hugs everything, why… why is he complimenting that?
-Usually, people say "those jeans make you look thinner than you are" "you look better in loose clothes" "hide your rolls".
-"Thank you."
-" I have to admit I'm so relieved. I mean if you ended up being a 40-year-old, I wouldn't have been so confident I think."
-"Oh really, wrinkles and gray hair aren't your thing?"
-"No, I'm more into curves and people my age."
-"Damn, I was about to confess that I was 70 years old". I joked.
-"I can make exceptions, but only for elves."
-"I'm lucky then."
-"Very. I— I hope to have more, or occasionally."
-"Photos of you, it's more beautiful than a sunset."
-A warmth spread to my cheeks, a smile settling in.
-"Do you think I'll hear your voice someday?"
-It was late, or early for him and late for me.
-"I don't know."
-showing my face in a photo…
-I could control that, take back the photo, delete it, edit it. But talking…
-Talking is taking up space.
-"I imagine it smooth."
-"My voice?"
-"Hm, like a stream, it rocks slowly."
-"I might have a smoker's voice."
-"That would suit you too."
-"Maybe one day then."
-"I'm looking forward to that."
-Those were the last words sent from him.
-No more contact.
-His absence wasn't due to missions, he had confessed to me that he was off the day before.
-So he had decided to stop.
-I tried to find excuses, before accepting the reality of it.
-Days passed and I hoped he would come back.
-Maybe he was like me, needing time to recover.
-Maybe he was hurt.
-Everything was silent.
-When four months had finally passed, I understood.
-He had grown tired of the silence. I held back a sob and closed the discussion.
-A stab wound would have been better I think.
-To ease the constant pain and intense questions in my mind.
-What had I done wrong? Was I too much? Did I ask the wrong question? Should I have kept quiet?
-Everything was spinning and I finally closed the app. damn.
-My feet led me to the publishing house.
-Today I had to make the final corrections for Madame Lasswell before her vacation with her wife Kate.
-Hesitant, I knocked on her door.
-An "enter" was heard and I entered the already crowded room.
- A mustached man in a beanie, a masked man, a mullet, Kate, and Gaz were watching me.
-My eyes betrayed my surprise at his presence. What was he doing here? Why now? How should I react?
-"Y/n, sorry for the crowd. I guess you have it."
-"Yes ma'am."
-My voice barely above a whisper was usual for Jocelyn. I handed her the manuscripts.
-"We're going to drink at the bar downstairs, do you want to come?"
-Come? To a crowded place, surrounded by drunk people, constant noise, blinding lights with the icing on the cake being a guy who blew me off for the year?
-"No, I'm busy tonight, sorry."
-"No problem."
-Slowly my heels turned, I took the elevator but I heard footsteps. Kyle was with me.
-"I was on a mission."
-"I know I told you no, but he… there were quite a few problems and I had to leave, I didn't have time to warn you, it dragged on, Ghost broke my phone by sitting on it with his stupid hard ass, and we just got back from the airport actually. Lasswell, Kate finally— she works with us so that's why I'm here"
-A silence stretched, he took a breath.
-"you didn't have to explain… I mean after the word mission, I understood I was wrong."
-"I wanted to be clear."
-"I should have asked and sent you messages."
-"No, it's okay, it must have seemed suspicious. I ask for your voice, you say no, and I disappear. The conclusion was logical."
-"but it wasn't the right one."
-"It's okay, we're here, aren't we?"
-The elevator rang, the door opened. Hesitant, I watched him.
-"I love it." -"hm?"
-"your voice."
-"I… you're really busy tonight or…"
-"No, I just don't like…"
-"The crowd."he guessed
-"I— I can invite you for dinner? At my place, we'll grab takeout, no crowds, no one to see us."
-"That sounds like the pitch of a serial killer."
-He widened his eyes. I snorted.
-"Okay, you got me." he chuckled.
-" At your place sounds good. Better than a restaurant." I admitted.
-"Cool, so…"
-"Shall we go then, yes". I murmured as he finally released the elevator button and we stepped out of the elevator.
-At his place, everything was calm.
-Not me.
-How should I stand? Too close? Too far? What to talk about? And what if I'm boring in the end? What to order? Does he like seafood or is he allergic? My eyes focused on every detail and…
-Everything's fine.
-His hand on mine, he took the initiative for the restaurant to order, asking me my preferences, and we waited for the delivery guy.
-Slowly, he asked questions about my work. I mastered it.
-And slowly everything unfolded naturally.
-Sitting on his couch, his hand not letting go of mine, he drew circles with his thumb while talking.
-I liked that. In groups, I liked… listening.
-People like to talk about themselves and I like listening to that, not participating, and Gaz understood that in such an impressive way.
-Occasionally, he asked questions in return, gauging my desire to speak, I answered and this back and forth held until the food arrived.
-Maybe everything would turn out for the best.
-Standing in front of his door, I didn't know what to add to this evening.
-A not-so-stranger, three years of virtual chat and now I was unable to figure out the right goodbye on his doorstep.
-Hesitant, we observed each other.
-"I hope we'll do this again."
-"Yes. "I replied.
-He stepped forward.
-I remained still, his face close to mine. -Kiss? Cheek? Goodbye? Whisper? -Which action would he choose? -I wished for a dice to decide, a title, or a "Gaz approves".
-"May I?"
-Oh. -I nodded. -His hands on my hips, he placed a brief kiss on my lips. -"I'm glad we managed to break the silence." -"me too."
-Perhaps, after all, I wouldn't return to my solitary silence tonight. His hands guiding me back to his apartment and the door closing behind us.
-I could easily guess that a die had just been thrown for a long evening and we both seemed to have the right score.
If you want more my COD Masterlist
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donna-rinascimentale · 5 months
i just KNOW den den tumblr would go hard
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🪝🔁 jolie-rouger reblogged westendgirl
🪝 jolie-rouger
ok i know we went through this months ago but i just found out overflowing sasaki has my birth month on the sexy pirate calendar this year and i just—
listen if having a pirate kink is wrong i don’t wanna be right LOL
🎠 westendgirl Follow
Please delete this. In my country, everyone knows someone who was killed by pirates. It breaks my heart that I can’t browse safely without people like you making light of my trauma.
🪝 jolie-rouger
aren’t you the marine who got called out for spending work money on a PX5
#no but i was like. where have i heard that name before #and i snoogle it and see that’s THE westendgirl #never leaving this website. #rouge speaks
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🤖🔁 codepunk reblogged uminosora
❄️ uminosora Follow
hey im laine/stealth. 22 they/he. grand line (south side).
yes, this is a sora fanblog. i want to make it clear that i do NOT condone irl marines. AMAB. yes even your marine dad or sister or grandpa
minors dni im not a babysitter
i have an electrical engineering apprenticeship so PLEASE PLEASE talk to me about it ill love you forever
i’m an artist! i post my work under #my art !!
if we are mutuals please tw injections, wasps, and tra/fal/gar la/w (individually or with my catchall #laine don’t look or #stealth don’t look)
extended byf/dni under the cut
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#laine.txt #intro #sora warrior of the sea #umi no senshi sora #artists on tumblr
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👒 fuckyeahmugiwaras Follow
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XX0531 ♥
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The new CRIMINAL S/S 20XX collection is here.
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🍤 lia-writes Follow
SOOOO sorry for the slow updates guys! I live near the Newgate protests and my house got molotoved so I lost internet access for a few weeks BUT I’ve been writing the next chapter down on paper & just transferred it so here it is!!
Lift Me Away - Roku x Reader - Chapter 3
You find yourself trembling, not knowing what struck you. The man’s arms envelop you gently, knowing his strength, his presence otherworldly. He feels too perfect to be human—and yet he’s warm and he exhausts, the way he’s exhausted protecting you. He tilts you upright, careful of your weak knees, and looks you in the eye.
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#monkey ball #monkey ball roku #roku x reader #reader insert #female reader #fem reader #roku x fem reader
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🃏 meadowoftheroad Follow
“i don’t find sea kings cute” ok??? sometimes a little baby has 18 rows of teeth
#sea king mention #meadow rambles #i just want to take them home is that weird?? #little noodles #1k #5k #10k #50k
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🌁🔁 vanillacrypt reblogged 4kari
♾️ rokusbreastimplants Follow
daily reminder that it’s okay not to engage with what’s on the news lately. breathe. you’re not a bad person for feeling overwhelmed; you’ll be alright. if you’ve been scrolling for too long, go get up and take a walk/have a glass of water. the internet isn’t going anywhere; your mental health comes first.
🌁 vanillacrypt
wise words from rokusbreastimplants
12,443 notes
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🎀 nanayagi Follow
#soul king #brook #soul king brook #soul brother #soul sister #soul king fandom
1,349 notes
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🪃🔁  criminaldildo reblogged bone2beasoulsister
👤  dressrosan-dreamgirl-deactivated20xx0714
I usually don’t like to delve into drama, but I can’t stay silent any longer. Mod Hebi of @fuckyeahmugiwaras is an EXTREMELY predatory individual. I will not be disclosing any of my sources, for my safety and theirs, as she has an irl documented history of hostility towards her critics.
To start, Mod Hebi is inappropriately fond of Straw Hat Luffy (who she met irl when she was in her 30s and he was 17). I’ve been told she’s tried to flirt with him on several occasions, given him large gifts, and tried to guilt him into choosing time with her over his female crewmates.
Literally kicks kittens??? I shit you not they say they’ve seen her straight up BARRELING kittens across the floor.
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🦴  bone2beasoulsister  Follow
i believe it. the way she never updated about anyone else, only luffy, and left admin barto to do all the hard work… it was always off to me.
🪃  criminaldildo  Follow
where is this coming from??
yeahhh not going along with this until there’s ACTUAL proof. mod hebi is very much a solo stan but. kicking kittens… how are we supposed to take these cartoon villain allegations seriously 💀💀
🪃  criminaldildo  Follow
of course. deactivating when people question them.
#i know we stan criminals here but can we as a fandom please express some critical thinking for ONCE
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🏺🔁  00tsugi reblogged mad-gadfly
🎑  take-me-to-sea  Follow
scheduling my lobotomy at doskoi panda
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🌁🔁  vanillacrypt reblogged sailingacademic
🛳️  marines  Follow
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Pursue truth. Fight for justice.
Do you have what it takes to join the Marines? Learn more at gonavy.🐌.
👒  fuckyeahmugiwaras  Follow
🕊️  mad-gadfly  Follow
🏺  00tsugi  Follow
🦾  iron-hand  Follow
⚔️  godofdoom  Follow
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🤡  histrio1ne  Follow
🐭  zumuzumi  Follow
🌋  rogerscrackden
🪝  jolie-rougers 
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🪩  worldeconyamynews  Follow
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🥡  addtocatalogue  Follow
ppl in the “pirate fandom” who only orbit “safe” pirates like cavendish or boa hancock are WEAK. buddy if you saw the pirates i want to fuck you’d hurl.
#pirate fandom #pirates #if he’s eaten a fruit in the last week i do not want him
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💫🔁  sunsetsoveralabasta reblogged
💫  sunsetsoveralabasta  Follow
some homeless guy on horseback gave me a nice looking apple… im hungry and curious.
💫  sunsetsoveralabasta  Follow
#in my defense the horse was very cute
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