#what is this strange dream manhwa
fremontroll · 11 months
omg i swear it’s a good series!! all the nsfw content is a marketing tactic!! it has rlly beautiful characters and storylines and human growth is at the heart of it!!! the tentacle scene was just for viewership im being so fr!!
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bl-soft · 1 year
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Name: It´s just a dream... right?!
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fujoshi--senpai · 6 months
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what's with this strange dream?!
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sir-klauz · 1 year
Chapter 66. “Pretending To Be Strong” of What's with this strange dream?! Wtf man why must this happennnn.. there’s nothing worse than a partner losing lots of special memories, it can change your entire lives.. and bring struggles you’d never think could happen, if it lasts afterwards. They also finally became properly close as well and whack, the possession took over in the end. I mean, we knew that was going to happen but.. still, never mentally prepared enough for the aftermath of the exorcism.
This one hit for me as my partner developed loss of memory and continued daily loss of memory since the day of a terrible head wound, but it helps to read things which.. somewhat also relate to a situation at times though I can emphasise with both characters a lot, even though this is fictional and due to supernatural stuff and not real life scenarios, though they still reflect real life circumstances within fantasy versions of things.
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yaoislumberparty · 11 months
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twstfanblog · 1 month
~Manhwa AU- A Fairytale Do-Over~ Pt 3
A/N: Writing has been so hard recently and there's no reason for it. Other than making me mad I think >:( But here's the next part! I'm going to start making a taglist for this series, so reply if you want to be added so you'll be alerted to the next part being posted! thank you and have a grand time reading! Word Count: 3.7K Pairings: Sibling Leona & Farena Warnings: Alluded to child neglect Lilia's cooking Prev / Next
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A month had passed since Malleus’s birthday and Yuu still refused to accept any of Lilia's requests for playdates.
She sighed, turning the page of a book she remembered never finishing. Her family's personal library had become a small sanctuary for her recently. The magically enlarged room was like a maze; towering dark wood shelves filled with books that were easy to get lost in without a map. A hidden nook close to the three floor-to-ceiling grand windows, the enchanted fireplace crackling peacefully while Yuu or her fathers would rest on overstuffed decorative pillows reading together. The perfect place to run and hide from a very overzealous bat fae who wanted to feed her a ‘home-cooked meal’ to make her feel better enough to come visit the imperial palace. Yuu only needed to glance at the pot of noxious black sludge to be given a traumatic memory of what would happen to someone who ate Lilia's cooking…
While Lilia was more than free to chase her around the manor, her father was quick to stop the fae from running after her into ‘his library’. The family library obviously held the precious books of the Crowley family; Yuu’s favorite playscripts and fairytales, Divus’s historical fashion logs and his various past fashion sketchbooks. Dire even kept a small collection of older spell books in the room, some possibly older than the empire itself. Lilia's cooking could melt the bones of a whale, Yuu was sure of it, divine only knows what it'd do to a poor flimsy book.
So, the library was safe. For now at least. There was no telling where her parents would forbid her from entering in the name of her ‘health’ if they worried anymore.
Her parents continued to grow more and more concerned over her personality shift. They thought she didn’t notice, standing at her bedside in the middle of the night and speaking in hushed tones about what to do. Her papa would sit on her bed and run his hand along one of her braids while he grilled her father on what he was doing to get a mage doctor to their home.
Yuu couldn’t use magic, so she wasn’t entirely sure why her papa thought a mage doctor was needed (Only a few days later did she realize that her papa thought she had been cursed. Which was possibly true, time travel and all…). Dire had managed to deflect each time Divus asked, tucking her tighter into her covers before leaving the room, a silently furious Divus following after him. They’d try to broach the topic during breakfast each morning, asking if she had anymore strange dreams, if something new had appeared in her room, or even if someone had spoken to her.
It didn’t ease their concerns when Yuu denied anything new or strange happening, but Yuu wondered how much they would panic if she said something did happen. While it could potentially be funny, she’s almost completely sure her fathers would put her through an intense magical purge ceremony that would actually make her ill.
Sighing, Yuu closed the book, placing it on her reading nook’s ‘to be continued’ pile. It had been at least an hour since Lilia had shown up to the duchy, her parents had hopefully either sent the old fae home or were having a discussion over wine. Leaving Yuu to freely walk around the library again.
Thumbing through a book on gardening (though the pictures were more interesting than the semi-faded blocks of text), Yuu suddenly felt a chill creep into their spine. Kalim had described the feeling to her once, recounting one of the many tales of failed kidnappings and assassinations; the feeling of being watched.
Yuu did their best to remain calm, following Kalim’s advice. It's no good to let them know you know, act as nonchalantly as you could until you were in a safer location. (A conversation that had originally terrified them, only for Kalim’s beaming smile to promise that no harm would ever befall his dearest friend. Not so long as she had him and Jam-)
Swallowing, Yuu slowly closed the book and started to walk down the aisle. Maybe they were just there to steal something and Yuu had unfortunately been in their line of sight. A notion that was quickly dashed feeling the eyes stay on them and the sounds of footsteps following them. Yuu hates to admit it, but she panicked and broke out into a sprint.
Whoever was following her remained silent, keeping up with her easily through the turns and weaving between aisles. A part of her wanted it to be Lilia, since the worst that could happen was she'd have to have a bite of whatever he brought masquerading as a stew. Then again, that might actually kill them…
Panting, fed up with the sudden game of cat and mouse, Yuu ran around a corner and turned around quickly. The heavy book on plants raised in the air over her head and thrown blindly to whoever was chasing them. A multicolored blur appeared from around the corner, narrowly dodging the book in a sloppy side step. The two children looked at the heavy book on the ground, the thud it made echoing through the library briefly but the true horror was the fact the book had nearly exploded on contact with the ground. Pages of text and a stray beautifully illustrated flower fluttering to the ground in their silence.
The other child stared at the pile of paper that was once a book, blinking in shock before turning to Yuu with a glare and crossed arms, “What, are you trying to kill me?”
Yuu blinks then yells at the boy, poking a finger furiously into his chest, “You were the one chasing me!?”
The boy huffed, rolling his eyes and swatting her hand away, “I was just playing around. You're the one throwing ancient texts at people.”
“It wasn't ancient.” Yuu hoped it wasn't ancient. But, casting a glance at the pile, Yuu wondered if they were stronger than they remembered being as an eight-year-old…
Shaking her head, she brushed off the concern. The book was probably just…very old (please not ancient), her father would be able to replace it easily or fix it, “Anyway! Why are you in here? I've never seen you before.”
The boy raises an eyebrow, almost sneering back at her, “I'm a guest. Why are you scurrying around here like a rat?”
“Like a-I live here, you shithead!”
The boy stepped back, eyes wide in shock either from her yelling or from realizing who she was, “Wait…you're the Crowley girl?”
“What of it? You haven't even introduced yourself to me in my own house!”
Rolling his eyes again, the boy stepped closer to walk a slow circle around her, studying her with a sharp eye, “It's just surprising, ya know? Rumor has it, you're supposed to be sick as death in bed. Not taking any visitors nor going to any of your little friends’ socials.” He smirks, tilting his head, “But instead of seeing some sickly child, I see a little rat who's healthy enough to throw books with deadly force.”
“...” Yuu frowns, nearly sneering at the smug boy, “I'm not going to stand here and listen to some boy in a hand-me-down dashiki-...you're Leona Kingscholar.”
Leona was taken aback, tilting his head, “How do you guess? Other people wear dashikis, you know…”
Yuu nodded, but pointed to various areas of the garment as she spoke, “Yeah, but very few have actual gold embroidery on them. not to mention the overall state of it; it's faded but only in high friction areas. Meaning it was for casual wear instead of formal seeing, again, the authentic gold threading. And the sleeves's been stitched up, not professionally since it's affected the appearance of the pattern. It's not concrete, but that's normally a sign of sentimental value since it's merely to keep the fabric intact instead of presentable to the public.”
“...” Leona sighed, crossing his arms as he looked off to the side annoyed, “And that clearly shows you're the child of Duke Crewel. Only someone with his textile-obsessed blood would deduce me as a Kingscholar from my clothing rather than being a lion beastman…”
“Who else would I be? Though my parents love each other, they aren't having another baby anytime soon. Plus, I'm already an only child…”
Leona coughed, struggling to hold in his laughter before clearing his throat to speak, “I assumed you were Duke Crowley's oh-so-elusive student I've heard the adults whispering About. Many of them were pretty pissed after learning their darling little brownnosers weren't going to get access to your family's private collection of ancient grimoires.”
Yuu's face pinched together, eyes scanning along the floor as she dug through her mind. Just like a normal dream, her past life had quickly started to fade from her memory as the weeks went on. Anything past her 12th birthday had become hidden in fog though anything before then was slightly clearer. But even so, she had no memory of her father having a student of any kind. In fact she's not even sure her parents allowed other children in their manor besides her, she couldn't remember ever hosting a playdate at the Crowley duchy at least…
“My…my father doesn't have a student? At least I've never met them…”
“...” Leona hums, short and absolute, as though he had gained a piece of a puzzle no one else had noticed on the table yet. Yuu watched in real-time as Leona made the mental decision to keep said piece to himself.
The beastman smiles, his ears flicking only once in what could only be excitement, “Interesting…oh well. It's only a rumor after all.”
Yuu rolls her eyes. From memory, Leona did have a bad reputation as a troublemaker, “Fun. You still haven't told me why you're in my house though. I'm pretty sure the Kingscholar duchy is to the east of the capital, not the north.”
Leona shrugs, fingers gliding over ornate spines of books before he pulls his hand away, making a face when it comes back covered in dust, “My brother is getting a measurement done. He brought me along claiming I could be fitted for my coming-of-age robes if there was time.”
“...But your 10th birthday has already passed, hasn't it? You should have had them by now.”
“...” Sighing, the beastman clicked his tongue in a moment of annoyance, “Shut up. You don't even know anything…”
Yuu tapped her chin, thinking hard about what she could remember of the Sunset Savanna clothing culture, “You're supposed to get them on your tenth birthday, As a rite of passage right? Thanking the gods for allowing you into your first stage of life or something like that…” Lord, just how much knowledge about clothing did she have at this age? It was hard to tell what were bits and pieces from her past life and what was simply drilled into her young by her papa.
Leona was quiet, looking away from Yuu's curious expression, “It's a ceremony of blessings. In the Savanna, once a child reaches ten, it's thought a number of bad omens aren't able to take hold of them anymore. But that also leaves them vulnerable to omens that plague adults. So either the community chief or head of the house is supposed to anoint them; bring them the blessing and protection of their family or community's ancestors…”
Yuu nods, Dire had talked about the ceremony once or twice, having barged in during one of her lessons with Divus to deliver unasked-for information, “Your father is the heir to the Sunset Savanna kingdom, but he stays near the Noctorn capital to build alliances. As the Savanna prince, he'd be liable to use the family sword to-”
Yuu paused in her stream of conscious babble. The ceremony could use a number of items to bless the child so to speak. Her father had told her of a number of ways he had personally bore witness to; an elderly woman shaking a branch over children, fine gold dust being spread on cheeks in patterns, even fresh spring water being poured over their heads and clothes.
But the Kingscholars, the Kingscholars used a sword. Tapping the unsheathed blade along the shoulders and then once against the forehead.
Looking at Leona, she finally noticed that one side of his bangs were longer. Dark brown waves that framed against a eye that was a shade lighter than the other, slightly hiding the clean vertical line of raised dark pink skin.
“...” Yuu bit her lip, wondering…if she should ask, “...Leona…how'd you get that scar?”
Leona stared at the floor, gently pressing a claw down the still-sensitive skin.
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Leona sat beside a vent in the hallway, legs pulled up to his chin and arms wrapped around them. He was looking down to the ground, eyes unblinking as he listened to his father rant and yell.
“-utter embarrassment! And you want to reward another one of his tantrums!?”
Farena’s voice rings out, softer yet still carrying the hard edge his father's had, “I'm not rewarding him. I'm taking him with me to my appointment with the Duke Crewel. Leona's only getting a fitting if there's time-”
“You don't need that design book then! That mutt of a duke doesn't need it because he isn't making traditional garments. Especially not for that-”
“Enough!” Leona could hear the snarl in his brother's voice, clearly able to imagine the fury on the face that matched their father better than his ever did, “Just because you're upset Lord Lilia hasn't responded to your letters yet, doesn't mean Leona is at fault! I refuse to let you place it on him just because he acted out on the prince's birthday!”
“BAH! So you admit it! He's acting out and you're-”
“I'm giving Leona his due! You know damn well he was supposed to have his ceremonial dressings last year. You were supposed to send for someone from the homeland to fit him properly! You were supposed to bless him! You go on and on about how back home we are kings and not dukes and should act as such, and then you treat your own son like he's less!”
“He is LESS! Sickly! Defiant! Brazen! He's been weak and less than since the day he was born!”
“...How…DARE YOU!? Don't you dare blame that fever on Leona! He only got sick because you forbade the physician from tending to him when he got hurt! He may fully lose his sight in his eye because you wanted to punish him!”
“He should have never touched that sword! That is for the heir or head of the house! The true princes of our family line, he had no right to touch it!”
“We are all the princes of this family. Grandmother rules the Savanna in your place while you continue to make fancy with dead royalty you never even liked.” The rustling of papers, a flourish of fabric, “I'm leaving for my appointment, I'm taking Leona with me and that is final.”
It was soft, angrily and bitterly mumbled as Farena stomped out of the room. The sound of his father's liquor cabinet opening, the older man muttering, “Leave him there while you're at it.” 
The sound of Farena slamming the door made his ears hurt.
And that's how his brother finds him, back against a wall with his eyes pressed into his knees and arms to hide away his tears. Farena sighs, kneeling down and putting a hand to his shoulder, “Leona-”
Leona quickly shrugged his brother’s hand away, moving to stand on his own and rubbing harshly at his eyes, “I don’t want your pity, Farena-”
He was pulled into his brother’s arms, the older prince breathing calmly in an effort to center Leona and himself. Farena pulls away once he feels Leona untense his body, smiling and brushing the younger boy’s hair from his face, “It’s not pity…No matter what we become to each other. Know that I never pitied you…”
“...” With a final sniffle, Leona rubbed his eyes one last time before he nods, “Okay…”
“Come. We have to leave if we’re going to have time for you to get your fitting.”
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“...It was an accident.”
As though that wasn't the most heartbreaking and concerning thing Yuu had ever heard. But Yuu wasn't going pick at an already tender wound, “I see…what…what was the Sunset Savanna like? There’s a lot of various areas like deserts and jungles, right? Was it fun exploring there?”
“I wouldn't know. In theory, I know what it's like there but I've never been, I was born here.”
Leona nods, “My brother remembers moving though, he's told me stories and every now and again we get visitors or refugees coming to our duchy.”
Yuu hummed, looking down the aisle, “I think we have a book on the Savanna somewhere…” She waved Leona away, “There should be a table with snacks around. Wait for me there while I go get it.”
“Don't you order me around…”
She was already walking away, looking over her shoulder with a glare, “Just go eat some snacks while I go find the book.”
Finding the book wasn't too hard. The library was normally organized weekly, though even then random books would appear in the wrong place. Luckily, Yuu was able to find the book of their desire easily. Pulling it off the shelf they nearly fell to the floor at the sheer weight of it. Huffing, maneuvering it in their arms to rush off to her and Leona's meeting spot.
The other young lord was luckily seated at the table, picking at the selection of cookies and other finger foods left out. He looks over, snickering at seeing just how much she was struggling, “Poor, sickly, Yuu. Even a book is too much for the grand lady now…”
Yuu glared over the large book, managing to haul it with her onto the stool before dropping the book on the table and releasing a cloud of dust. Her expression turns malicious as Leona starts hacking and coughing, sending more dust in his direction as she opens the book and lets the heavy pages fall to the table.
Leona waves the dust away from his sensitive nose, glaring through his teary eyes as he sneezed again, “Brat.”
“Bastard. Your family is the reigning line, isn't it? So you'd have stayed in the capital, right?”
For the next hour, the two spent their time looking through the book, Yuu asking him questions for a more in-depth look at the foreign land. And while Leona had never been to his homeland, he still knew more than Yuu and was more than elated to lecture the younger girl on what she had gotten wrong.
Soon, Leona could hear his brother calling out to him in the distance. He looks to Yuu, tugging on her hair to gain her attention, “I’ve got to go, my brother is calling me.”
Yuu nods, closing the book and holding it out to Leona, “Here. You can take this home with you.”
“Why are you giving me one of your books?” Leona still takes the book, tucking the hardcover under his arm and looking at Yuu in question.
Shaking her head, Yuu smiled, “Not giving it to you. It’s a loan. So you’ll have to come visit me again.”
“...” Leona laughs, short and behind his hand before returning Yuu’s smile, “Deal. I’ll come visit again since you clearly need someone to ramble to. I’ll bring the book back when I feel like it.” He ruffles Yuu’s hair roughly, making the younger girl almost fall over from the force of it.
“HEY!” Yuu smacks at Leona’s hand, pouting as the beastman runs out of the library to meet his brother. She sighs, trying to smooth down her hair lest her papa see her with her hair in disarray.
Leona Kingscholar was a troublemaker, that was the common trait anyone could give him. She remembered bits and pieces of her fathers talking about the young lord, each of them remarking what a shame it was. Leona wasn’t as physically strong as the rest of his family, but the younger lord was smarter, a fact his father always overlooked in favor of his older brother. Yuu couldn’t remember the two brothers ever having a negative relationship. Then again, she remembers one of the Kingscholar brothers leaving with their father back to the Sunset Savanna when the queen mother is on her deathbed. Sadly, she couldn’t remember which went.
If anything, Leona would be a good person to talk to if she went along with her plan. Breaking ties with Malleus was impossible, but her other two playmates would be easy enough, though it would be painful. And while it had only been a few weeks, things settled well enough. Malleus didn’t ever send her letters anyway, she would simply stop sending him letters. The hardest part would be breaking her friendship with Kalim and running from Lilia’s visits.
Leona wasn’t meant to be a replacement in any way. The youngest Kingscholar was almost isolated from others because of his abrasive attitude a trait Yuu unknowingly shared. Even if they didn’t become anything more than library friends, they’d at least have each other to speak to this time around.
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Leona looked out the window of the moving carriage, the borrowed book resting in his lap while his brother rambled on.
“-weirdly thorough. I had thought we’d have more time for your fitting, but it wasn’t in the cards this visit. I did leave the book of designs with Duke Crewel, though. So when I go back for my second fitting, I’ll make sure you can see him.” Farena looks over, frowning as Leona doesn’t respond to him. Sighing, he tugged on his little brother’s ear to gain his attention, “How about we go out for lunch? We don’t need to head home just yet.”
“...” Leona’s eyes glance down at the book on his lap, smirking as he looked up to his brother, “I met a ghost in the Crowley library.” “You what?"
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You made it! Have some art I did of the babies and their outfits in this chapter
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starburts-addict · 1 year
Okay so, this idea was not 100% my idea, but I was allowed to use it, so let's go!
(I'm also using an idea from a manhwa so)
Also also, I usually do gn reader, but for the sake of hijinx, the reader is fem.
You were a normal human on earth. Just another anime fan, you liked Twisted Wonderland, nothing out of the ordinary. That was until you died. Your life wasn't to be happy about, but you didn't think it was that bad. 
You woke up. That entire dream was your past life! You woke up crying and your two older brothers came to check up on you as you slept in the same room. Your parents came to check up on you. You now know who they were. They leech family from your favorite game, but… why do you exist? You were never mentioned as a character, there was never any mention that the twins had a younger sibling, let alone a sister. 
Growing up, you always questioned your existence, but you tried not to think too hard about it. Maybe it was just the celestial being's way of apologizing for your untimely death. You got to meet Azul the year you went into the equivalent of middle school. The year Jade and Floyd met Azul. You've met him before and you helped him! But after a very small handful of meetings, Jade and Floyd had purposely tried limiting your time with him. Sure he was odd as a younger version to the version you're used to seeing, but he wasn't that bad! Every Time you tried to hang out with Azul with your brothers, something always came up where you couldn't. It was strange, but you decided not to question anything. What's the point if it can ruin your happiness?
We were fine not being able to attend Night Right College, you were happy with your life! Besides you were a girl, it's impossible for yo- Your parents bribed the Headmaster to allow you to attend as a student? That's new. You never really expressed any desire to go to the school. Although Jade and Floyd do complain about not seeing you as much, must have been on their request. You didn't mind, just caught off guard. Besides! You get to see the cast! Upon realizing you needed to prepare for the story. The plot except the arrival of the protagonist was the only thing you couldn't remember. Drats, you remembered when you were younger, but now, you don't remember one bit. Guess you were going in blind. 
When the time for the entrance ceremony arrived, everything went upside down. Not only was the protagonist one of the protagonists with a face, Yuuka Hirasaka, but everyone's eyes were on the both of you as the only girls on campus. You know this school is an all boys school, but did they have to make a huge deal out of it? At least the main cast didn't seem to mind too much, although Azul's eyes on Yuuka and you were unnerving. (He was looking at Yuuka too right?) You knew things were going to change the second Yuuka and grim have been deemed students and we're under your care. You may not remember the plot, but you remembered details on the main character. Like how they were not granted the position of student as soon as they arrived. Especially the fact that they were supposed to be the dorm leader of Ramshackle, not you.
When you and Yuuka left after the conundrum called the entrance ceremony, you felt like you had become prey despite being a predator. Especially with the eyes on you. 
As the school year went on, you recognized that almost everyone's behavior was, even your brothers, but for different reasons. They kept driving you away from the main cast. Yuuka and Grim were the only normal ones. It wasn't until after the Heartslabyul incident that your dorm mates had revealed the reason for your brother's weird behavior and left you with more questions for the others. Apparently everyone in the main cast has been asking about you. 
Was your presence in this world so impactful? No, it probably wasn't that. It was probably the difference between you and your older twin brothers. Their curiosity should calm down especially with the fact they don't even really know you.
…. Right?
Tags: @bubbles-lounge
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merakiui · 11 months
could you tell us some of these ideas you have for malleus?
There are far too many thoughts... orz here are just a few that I have recently had.
✧ sleep paralysis demon malleus.
✧ a story in which you live at the edge of a forest that's slowly creeping closer and beginning to invade your property. and standing at the edge of the forest, unable to cross over, is a horned stranger dressed in a cloak of brambles. you try to voice your concerns to friends, but they won't believe you. you've been having trouble sleeping lately and you're starting to neglect your mental health, but you know you're not crazy. by the end of the month, you're certain the forest will swallow your quaint home whole. your only option to prevent that? investigate what it is the horned stranger could possibly want.
✧ phantom of the opera au with malleus as the phantom.
✧ idol group with malleus, idia, and azul and you're their manager. or maybe you're the fourth member being added to their ensemble. or maybe you're just a fan hehe. <3 either way, malleus is so whipped for you.
✧ this isn't exactly a malleus-centered thought, but you and sebek bond over your mutual admiration for malleus. you wish to get closer to malleus (because you love him) and sebek completely understands your desire to do so. who wouldn't want to associate themselves with someone as great as waka-sama!!!!!! but in helping you with this, sebek starts to grow romantically attached. he thinks he's dying because no ailment has ever made his heart beat this fast before. T_T malleus is distantly connected to this; essentially, cute love story between you and sebek. :D
✧ your kingdom and malleus's are at war and, in the midst of defeat, you're taken as a prisoner of war and forced to bear malleus's heir. <3 or you're simply forced into an arranged marriage. malleus wants to marry his enemy much to the utter shock of the kingdom, but no one will go against what their king wishes and so you are a captive spouse.
✧ befriending the kind dragon fae boy when you were young and offhandedly mentioning that you'd marry him when you were older. many years pass, the both of you grow and mature, and you've moved to another city to pursue work. one day, you receive a knock at your apartment door. standing there is the dragon fae with a ring and an entire royal entourage behind him. did you not remember the promise you made all that time ago? D: you're going to be wed now!
✧ king rollo and king malleus are at war and you're the poor royal stuck between them, as your kingdom is between both of theirs on the maps. orz and both of them want you to side with them, for they're both hopelessly infatuated with you. for extra drama: the three of you were inseparable childhood friends. >:)
✧ classic somnophilia thoughts. knocking you up while you're in deep sleep. malleus trapping you in a dream that feels like reality, in which you live a happy, domestic life with him. or being stuck in a strange dreamy time loop that you're desperate to break and get out of, but malleus is intent on keeping you here forever.
✧ classic fairytale scenario where you're sent to slay the dragon, but he slays you instead (by spearing you on his cocks!!!! <3).
✧ isekai manhwa sort of plot in which you wake as malleus's maid/advisor/spouse/guard, but according to the plot of the story you're fated to die at his hands because your character ultimately betrays him/does something that warrants death (or maybe you simply die because he threw a fit and you got caught in the raging crossfire). to change this destiny, you make it your mission to get on friendly, happy terms with him. unfortunately, you only give him more reasons to love you even more than he had before and so now you may have avoided death, but you can't escape the stifling obsession.
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pruneunfair · 13 days
Manhwas except the villainess is the protagonist.
Groundhog Duchess, FL: Rhyse Sinclair. Tone: psychological horror (Not your typical reincarnation story)
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Rhyse has achieved everything she could've ever wanted, she found a loving family, she has supporting friends, the woman who schemed for her downfall is dead, and now she's married to her husband Cliff as the new Duchess Rudwick! Until she woke up in her bed, the dates set back to where she started, living in her abusive family home where she laments that it was just a dream.. and then her dream comes true! Finally, she's achieved the happiness her dream foretold. Right after her wedding night she wakes back up, in her childhood home with her abusive family. It keeps happening over and over, no one believes Rhyse when she tries to speak out. There's something pulling the strings, something keeping her from speaking on her accord. She begins to avoid the Rudwicks, hoping that it would end this teasing nightmare but no matter where she goes, she always ends right back into Cliff and Killians arms, back to being tormented by Edith, back to a life that will always be taken away from her right when she's at her highest and with each passing time, she starts to lose more of herself and becoming more and more spiteful and bitter. Will Rhyse finally be able to put an end to this cycle and achieve a happy ending that lasts forever with her unexpected ally?
the flowers from another world, protagonists: Robelia and Aisha Tone: Comedy (Divorcing my tyrant husband)
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Aisha had it all. She was the pampered consort of the tyrannical Alexandros and on her way to becoming the next empress, a major improvement from her boring life in Korea. She never wanted to leave, that is until mysteriously all the love and attention she would bask in has disappeared.
The once quiet and obedient empress Robelia was all of a sudden Alexandros love again! One by one Aisha starts to lose everything, all her allies turned on her and none of her endeavors had a chance to succeed not to mention Robelia has been nothing but insufferable the entire time. When Aisha finally confronts Robelia on her sudden change in behavior the two argue further until Alexandros shows up. Much to Aishas dismay, he only assists Robelia but somethings odd.. Robelia doesn't seem to be enjoying ANY of the attention..? Huh, odd. Who wouldn't want to be adored by a man who would do ANYTHING for you? Well it turns out Robelia is also from the same world as Aisha and she's been acting the way she has so she can divorced and live away from the nobles. The women come to an understanding in their commin goal and as frenimies they go on misadventure after misadventure to restore Aishas plot powers so Robelia can easily get divorced and leave. But the more time Aisha spends with Robelia, the more she sees from her point or view and she starts to wonder if Alexandros is even worth it?.
Two birds on a wire, FL: Claudine Van Brandt, tone: drama+tragedy (cry or better yet beg)
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As far as Claudine could remember she was reminded that everyone has a destiny to fulfill in the aristocracy and hers was to marry and bear heirs. All Claudine really wanted in life was a carefree one where she got to live in luxury and enjoy the finest of all so to please her family and live her ideal life at the same time, she chooses a long time acquaintance, the Duke of Berg, Matthias Herhardt. Despite her fiancé's strange behavior Claudine was fine with how things were until she starts to notice Matthias take an interest in someone else.. the niece of one his employees and a girl she knew back then: Layla Llewellyn. Suddenly everything begins to feel as if it's falling apart. Claudine guaranteed luxurious life is now at stake and she's willing to do what it takes to achieve it! But what about Layla? No, why should she care? She's the one who's wreaking Claudines home, if she'll become collateral damage then she deserves it for flirting with someone else's man.. until she learns of what kind of psychological damage Matthias is inflicting on Layla, Claudine terrified now: if she marries that man then who knows what he'll put her through, screw her luxurious life and her families desires she needs to escape now!.. but not before she breaks Matthias and Layla up and free the poor girl she wrongfully accused, that is if Claudine isn't already too late.
the human saintess, FL: Diana tone: romance+ self growth (For my derelict favorite)
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Diana is a saintess of common origins, with no one reconginizing her due to her lack of status a miracle in the form of two handsome men grant her the chance to finally use her healing powers for the good of the common folk, all seems well until one of her friends Cael reveals that he killed their enemies for her in the name of love. It seemed sensible at the time that she rejected him harshly and told him to leave. With only one man left she chooses Helios as her husband and becomes the crown princess. Now that she's a noble, Diana must learn how to act as one even if it means restricting some of her power to the poor. All Diana wants is to be accepted, to finally receive some payment after all that hardwork she'll even ignore news on Cael if she has to, he must be doing better anyway now right?. Well, not exactly. By ignoring any news about him Diana never realized that Cael had attempted suicide more than once, but what could she do? By the time she finds out she also learns that Caelus is married so it should all be fine.. until Caelus's new wife Hestia keeps harassing her for her faults, she just won't leave! But Diana can't say anything, she's the saintess! She HAS to be good.. but to who? The nobles or the commoners? Why can't it just easy for once!?
Slowly but surely, Diana will learn that even if she's a saintess, she's still a person and as a person, she makes mistakes, some big and some small. If she wants to get any better she has to make things right. Starting with the people she neglected below.
into the dark forever, FL: Marianne Edenverre, tone: self destruction.
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All her childhood Marianne had been nothing but bad fortune. Her mother treated her terribly and even living as the 5th princess did little to differentiate from her previous homelife. All her new half siblings refuse to treat her as human for her status as an illegitimate child except for the 4th princess Alisa, the bright bundle of joy that made her feel welcome.However, a single person cannot make up for the mistreatment, especially if that person is the star of the family. Why can't Marianne have that? Who does Alisa even think she is!? Is she taunting her? Marianne won't stand for that disrespect, she suffered enough hasn't she? When is she gonna get her paid her dues? If God won't pay her then she'll just have to steal it herself so Marianne summons a demon to give her the help she needs. All of a sudden, everyone loves her! She's the star of the show and now Alisa is the scapegoat, finally, now the 4th princess will know what it feels like to be ostracized but when that doesn't work, Marianne decides to just arrange her death instead. There, no more Alisa, she's finally the most adored girl in Edenverre... wait, Alisa has been reincarnated into the princess of a enemy empire? Well Marianne can't let that stand idly by, she needs to get rid of Aisha de Elmire now, no matter what it may cost.
Project Leila, FL: Yvonne Eckart, tone: coming of age tragedy.
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After getting lost during a festival, Yvonne loses her not just her brothers and father but her sense of self, she had been possessed by the goddess Leila and its been relentless in its pursuit to possess her. Yvonne waited and waited for her father to come and find her, she wouldn't let Leila break her spirit but when she finds her father taking another girl in as her replacement, Yvonnes heart drops and she almost loses all hope and Leila almost succeeds.. but Yvonne is able to snap out of it at the nick of time, it was a close call but the pain of abandonment never did go away. During the remaining years, Yvonne never bothered to go back home anymore, they seemed to like that purple haired girl anyway and surprisingly Leila wasn't so bad to talk to as it was the perfect being to vent to. Day by day Leila keeps trying to trick Yvonne into letting it possess her but she always stands her ground and declares that she'll never affiliate herself with the likes of the goddess. But when Yvonne is found and arrives on Penelopes coming of age ceremony, it becomes tempting. All Yvonne saw was the girl who stole her life but the real monsters may have been more close to home then she thought. Just how toxic did her family become and will she be able to resist Leilas temptation?
The concubines woes, FL: Diane Poitier, tone: female rage+self reflection (I will abdicate my title as empress)
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Diane Poitier had been a patient girl. After losing everything at a young age she had been determined to never let that happen again when she becomes the Emperors concubine. He has no wife, she's is the owner of the Ivory palace, and she resembles his deceased mother, the cards should have all fell in place, but they never do. The Emperor instead marries the crown princess Adelaide of Kotrov. Just like that Diane feels everything crashing down around her so she makes an enemy out of Adelaide, belittling her and trying to drive a wedge between the new married couple so she can return to the escapism of knowing she's the Emperors one and only. Yet with all the grievances she causes, Adelaide never sees Diane as an enemy, if anything the empress is the kindest to her then anyone else has ever been, one side of Diane wants to keep pushing until Adelaide snaps but the other is weeping so much it can't come up with the words. Why is she even doing this? What will this get her? Will the Emperor even marry her at all when he gets divorced? Why is she being this way to the one woman who has shown her kindess?These are the nagging questions the keep Diane up at night.
Divorcing your husband, FL: Sumin Jeong, tone: comedy (Marry my husband)
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Sumin will never admit it but she's been a snake in the grass for most of her life, she can't stand seeing her friend Jiwon happier than her so what better way to ruin her life then to sleep with her husband while Jiwon is terminally ill? Well.. Karma inevitably catches up to Sumin and she is killed by the very same man she slept with after he accidently murdered Jiwon to eliminate any witnesses. Instead of waking up in heaven or hell, Sumin is back 10 years ago! Does she even deserve this? Of course she does! How could someone so deserving like her not? It turns out though that she lost a little something along the way.. her charisma! It's been stolen the moment Jiwon died and when Minhwan killed her. Without her cutesy baby act no man will just crumble when she says "Oppa!" Sumin actually has to work for what she wants now, and the only 2 men who are still willing to adore her are her killer and older co worker who has a thing for her childish talk, jeez were her co workers always this terrible? Whatever, she'll play into Minhwans hand for the time being.. after all, she could use a little life insurance from him.
Golden cage, FL: Rashta Ishka, tone:tragedy+female rage (remarried empress)
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The tragic tales of a girl sold into slavery and the men who take advantage of her. Most strived for beauty but Rashta hated it, her beauty was a curse and it drew in all predators who wanted to take a bite out of her. The first man who fell for her was one of her masters who currently raises their child, the second is the Emperor of the empire who loves her like a hunter loves their trophies they caught and the third is the most charming yet manipulative of them all. During the duration of one year, Rashta navigates the life of a concubine and later empress. The ladies in waiting hate her for displacing their empress, the men desire her for her innocent beauty, her former master blackmails her, and her idol: the empress won't even turn an eye to her direction, her only hope is to keep going with her role of the prey Sovieshu caught. Keep acting cute, keep speaking in 3rd person, she doesn't even have to learn much etiquette if it means Sovieshu will find it charming. Slowly, she is picked apart by everyone in her life and the only people who could've helped her have been pushed away. There's no saving Rashta, she's already trusted too many of the wrong people and made too many mistakes but maybe when her children grow up and learn their mothers story they'll be the voice to put an end to slavery and grant the next generation the future she always wanted.
Aim for the throne, FL: Isabella de Mare, tone: suspenseful drama (Sister I am the queen in this life)
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Isabella may be her families favorite but that alone isn't enough. She knows her worth as a woman only means so much and as much as she loved her mother, she refused to end up like her as a de-facto wife of a mere cardinal. No, if she only mattered for her beauty than Isabella was going to use it to it's fullest: she wants to become queen of San Carlo, but when her half sister Ariande comes to live with the family, the new competitor meant buisness and had already earned their fathers favor much to Isabellas annoyance. What was supposed to be a subtle warning is quickly figured out and it turns out Ariande isn't as dumb as Isabella thought. Throughout the years that follow, both sisters clash and plot to rise up the ranks. Isabella becomes a renowned beauty engaged to prince Alfonso and Ariande becomes reserved but most devoted to her religious studies, earning her privileges with the clergy. This has been Isabellas most formidable foe yet and she's willing to go to lengths of murder to secure her destiny as queen of San Carlo. Little does she know.. the golden rule cares little about beauty.
Black widow, FL: Krista, tone: thriller drama (remarried empress)
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Out of all the ways it could have happened why this?, Krista was already deposed of her position of queen as expected when her husband died but with her positive reputation with the people and her brother in law remaining single, Krista was confident she'd stay as the beloved queen of the west. Oh, Heinrey brought in the former empress of the east to be his wife? Well she can't be shocked, the kingdom does need heirs after all, Heinreys starting to establish his fiancé as queen already? It's fine.. maybe he'll let her stay with them instead of sending to her to compshire to mourn for the rest of her life besides, she'll always have her loyal ladies in waiting. Wait no.. most of them are already defecting from Krista to the new queen.
Krista is losing everything and her foolish family isn't helping her case, all she has left is the peoples support for her but even that is fleeting!? What? Of course.. his majesty has stated he'd fill the mouths of those disrespectful to the new queen with rocks and sew it shut, it must've scared everyone into submission. Everything is on line now, Krista's father is continuously pushing buttons he shouldn't be pushing and when Krista's brother attempts to kill Navier, all fingers point to her as his accomplice. If Krista wants to clear her name she's gonna have to play the hard way and put on an act like she's loyal to Heinreys new wife and hope that the Heinrey doesn't execute her to protect Navier.
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jeding-png · 1 month
I thought I was ready not to cry or how chapter 159 had tricked me.
I read the new chapter twice. I watched each frame twice. I even read that chapter of the novel twice today.
And you know what, dear readers? TO HELL WITH ALL OF IT!
Warning! This chapter is mostly about Derrick.
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A familiar face, right? At least for me, because my mother also got angry and tore the leaves out of the notebook when I wrote incorrectly something.
But here Derrick is scolded not because of bad handwriting, but because he dared to question Winter's involvement in the investigation, while Derrick himself was removed from it.
And you yourself know that the phrase "I love you more than the child of my best friend!" is very pleasant, but not always true. :^
"If Marquis Verdandi not give the antidote, we would already be preparing for the funeral!"
However, the Duke notices some very strange behavior in Derrick. His eldest son's trembling body, a confused look and muttering that this is impossible.
Remember how Reynold disclosed that he had a strange dream, as if Penelope was beating Ivonne? On the eve of the conversation with that btch, Derrick also had a similar dream!
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Okay, you can stop and enjoy this image for a few minutes. The main thing is to remember that this is not the reality you dream about. I will wait for you..
Again, the feeling of déjà vu, again the scene in the head about how Ivonne must always suffer at the event that is connected with Penelope.
According to unofficial information, the duke thought that Derrick was drunk, so he quickly asked him to leave the office so that his carpet would not be damaged.
Then it was something like this:
Duke Eckhart: Derrick, my son... you better go to your room to rest...
Derrick: But...
Duke Eckhart: STFU, small scum This is an order.
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Do you remember this woman? You know... the one who didn't immediately listen to Penelope at the beginning of the manhwa? Yes, the head maid. Well... she's also brainwashed! :D
So this old lady told Derrick that Ivonne was single and looking for the young duke. No, Derrick didn't go to her right away! Can you imagine? His body did not listen to him (because he had problems with his head), so he left.
Okay..... now....
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Phew... yes, thanks. Sorry, I can't help myself when I see these two together... when they're children... when they're not two bastards.... *sobs*
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As you can see in the second photo, this girl is holding a piece of mirror that she is brainwashing with. Although her smile scares me.
A sweet voice full of hesitation and hope and emotion when Derrick told them to go to Penelope's coming of age together. Tears of happiness and worry about whether they would disturb Penelope... that's all Derrick remembers, not the blue glow of the artifact.
There was a very nice and interesting frame, as the many fragments show Penelope and the various scenes that Derrick remembers.
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"Young duke."
Of course, our Penelope is beautiful, but we definitely remember chapter 19 and we definitely remember that she looked different.
Derrick, wth? But at least the blue glow in this dude's eyes is going away, thanks.
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You know, you can skip reading this post because you'll be looking at Callisto flying sitting by Penelope's bed.
It is literally the sun. The sun at the end of this chapter. The sun after all the sad moments. The sun that will finally crush us with his words.
Callisto is beautiful. Even in the blood of his loved one, but the way he listens carefully to the doctor about Penelope's condition, and then gently takes her hand in his... the touch of his lips to Penelope's palm... I'm melting.
But it seems that you need to open the window or vacuum the dust. Here is a sick person, guys-!
Suffocated for a few more chapters before the end of the season... and we'll be left heartbroken and red-eyed.
G-good news! The next chapter begins with Callisto and Penelope's moment! ^^'
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iceunhie · 1 year
hello!! happy 200 followers :)
could i please request a drabble with a spy au with heizou? with hero! heizou x villain! reader as romantic fluff for your event? thank you so much! and congrats on 200 once again <3
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slippery as an eel in water | shikanoin heizou.
third submission !! oh my god is heizou even in character.... anyways this is kinda set in half spy and half manhwa-ish??? au idkwman i hope i satisfy u with this, nonnie 😭 anyways haha this is a weird title but it makes sense. reader is flirty so if that's what you're into then im glad if it's not then um. well.
[3/5] herospy!heizou x criminal!reader (morally grey villain) (spy/manhwa-ish au) wc 1.2k, romantic fluff. enemies to lovers. slightly chaotic format. reblogs are appreciated.
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Heizou trusts his intuition.
It is his guiding hand in his journey as one of Inazuma's renowned heroes (how he was dubbed as one was beyond his interest) his ally in his quest to enact justice to those who disrupt the city's peace, his only assistant in his pursuit of criminals who have no business tainting his homeland with their irresponsible crimes. He has never ignored its judgment, nor its pull.
Now though? Seeing you, the most infamous of said criminals lounging in his office without a care in the world after a recent stealth mission of his? His intuition screams at him to arrest you and put you to prison under the Tenryou Commission's watchful eye. A good hero, a good detective, for that matter, would deem that as the primary action. But Heizou has never conformed to the standards usually met by others.
[First Name] [Last Name]. Codenamed Blank, due to the lack of information about their personal history and how his agency doesn't know a thing about them part from their full name. Which might not even be their real name at all.
One of Inazuma City's most controversial and notorious criminals — a master of elusiveness and theft, commiting immeasurable crimes right under the city's nose and remaining undeterred, boasting a bounty adding up to almost as much as the Fatui in Snezhnaya.
A criminal is sitting on his office table, waiting for his arrival. They've been Heizou's one and only focus for the past year, and the man was committed to finally catching you like he's always dreamed of. It's why he applied to be one of the Commission's intelligence agents, undertaking numerous spy missions all related to you. Still, still. When you greet him nonchalantly with a smile on your face without a care in the world, to which he definitely flinches slightly at, a little caught off guard, there's a slight challenge in your eyes, and he can't stop his mind from overruling his trusty intuition when he feels that strange, suffocating and overwhelming feeling you always seem to incite in him.
"So this is where the renowned sir Shikanoin resides when he's not off trying to catch criminals like little old me." there's a playful lilt to your tone, as if amused by the notion of him staying here.
Electro Archon help him, for all he could think about despite your obvious provocation is how your clothing matches you so well, the dark fabric clinging to your form like a shadow in the night. The faint sheen of the knife (an obvious sign of danger, but he doesn't care right now) glints when it hits the light from the window.
Thankfully, you don't seem to want to use it for now.
"Are you aware I can easily entrap you here with just a call of the doushin?" his voice, though a warning, falls flat as he takes in your position on the wide table he uses to put his case files in. In response to his poor threat, you simply release a chuckle, running your hand across your hair, and Heizou resists the urge to flush at your actions. You were a criminal, practically his arch-nemesis! Yet here you were prancing around his territory while wearing that dark camouflage clothing of yours which makes his heart stutter and break his carefully curated composure. Skimming through his casefiles from your position, you take one out from the stack of them and examine it. Of course it had to be your own. He can already see the glare of his red marker with the label 'Blank - [First Name] [Last Name].' He sees the faint scribbles of his notes and follow-ups to his investigation of you and there's a slight quirk of your lips when you read through it.
"Well, will you really do that? I doubt it." Heizou feels almost flustered when you shrug it off like it's nothing, and again, he feels that rush of something he can't name overtake his senses. This is what made you dangerous. You knew how to poke and prod and poke at blindspots and use whatever charm and wit you had at your disposal to carry out your goals, then vanish the moment he's thought he's had you in his sights. And he thought he was the unpredictable one.
For the twelve months of this little game of cat and mouse, you were the only criminal who he hasn't caught yet. The thought is infuriating and yet thrilling at the same time.
He will admit, he enjoys the chase. Even if you were dreadfully alluring and so difficult to wrangle. It was like you were an eel in water slipping his grasp the moment he puts his hand on you. A very breathtaking eel, if he had to push his eel metaphor agenda. Man alive, what was he even thinking right now?
Heizou stops his thoughts of you and focuses on the situation presented to him. You offered yourself up on a silver platter. Do you even know how easy it would be to just cuff you right now and bring you down?
Yet he doesn't, for some reason.
He needs to compose himself, he needs to focus. He can't let you get the upper hand. So he smiles pleasantly, his sage green eyes oozing with structured and amicably made facade.
"Then maybe you've come here to look for redemption? It's never too late to turn over a new leaf, you know. I'm very flattered that you came over to me despite our very… turbulent history. I didn't take you for one to be attracted to people who's here to bring you down."
A loud burst of laughter escapes you, and you wipe the tears in your eyes right afterwards. "You're still as strange as ever. I was right to find you."
"Find me?"
"Yep." you emphasize the p in your words, "And you're not wrong. I am attracted to that." God, you were shameless. He considers himself to be the smooth-talker here, but you....
"You're even more handsome up close, by the way. When you're not busy trying to trail after me like a lapdog."
Heizou can feel himself flush at the sheer audacity of your words, and what's more, he liked it.
"What do you really want?" he snaps, frowning. At his query, you get down from your position from his table, and go so close to him he could smell the faint notes of the earthy and rich scent of Cyprus wood on your person.
"It's not a want, per say, but–" you stop, before you face him and get close to his own that if he moved forward, he could kiss you. "I propose a temporary truce."
He blinks, before his eyebrows raise. You weren't the type to do this. This wasn't how your dynamic worked. He was the one who sought you out, not you.
"A truce? What for?" Though he tried to take on a questioning tone, Heizou swallows thickly from the close proximity between you two, his Adam's apple bobbing just a bit, which doesn't go unnoticed to you. And when you smile at him deviously (he can imagine the devilish horns on your head already) something tells him he was in for a very, very wild ride.
Heizou trusts his intuition.
Yet despite his intuition telling him that involving himself with you and even hearing you out was a bad idea, he puts the nagging feeling in his gut aside for now.
He's still following his intuition, of course. Totally.
His intuition may make him feel like he needs to actually think about his decision this time around, but at the genuine look on your face and that enchanting smile of yours he can't get out of his head…
Heizou slumps a little, as he sighs to himself internally. There's no harm in losing to curiosity now, anyway. Who knows? Maybe he can get more clues to who you are. Why you do things the way you do. Yeah, that's right. He's only getting information from the enemy. That's all.
"Hello? Detective Shikanoin? You there?"
He snaps his light green eyes to yours and he finally dons his signature cheeky disposition. He clears his throat, and he watches as you tilt your head in his grab for your attention.
"I still don't completely trust a criminal like you yet," you visibly roll your eyes, "But I'm willing to hear you out."
"Alright then, basically...." you begin to start, and Heizou can only hang on to every word. And no, he's definitely not admiring your side profile or how you look in the lighting of his office.
So, he'll put off trying to catch you for now, he supposes.
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© 𝐦𝐡𝐢𝐢𝐞𝐞𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 : do not repost, copy, or plagiarize my work. tumblr is currently my only site. dm if you see anyone impersonating me or using my work for their own content.
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srtruth · 4 days
mayuri & gn!readar
Summary: You switch bodies with Captain Kurotsuchi and you must avoid getting killed. Spoiler: Everyone hates Mayuri.
Note: This fic will not contain romance and is dedicated to humor and suspense. This comes to my mind after reading a Manhwa called "The Best Engineer in the World".
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You open your eyes and are immediately plunged into chaos. Everything is blurry, your vision, your mind. The air feels thick, almost oppressive, as if it were filled with smoke. Smoke? Is the building on fire?
Before you can process what's happening, you hear voices, and they fade away as they move away from you. You try to concentrate, but another voice interrupts you, this time closer and clearer. “Move,” ordered. You don’t know where it’s coming from, but you know this isn’t the time to question anything.
You scramble to your feet, your movements clumsy, the sheets tangling around your body like shackles. “It’s just clothes,” the unfamiliar voice tells you, but as you try to walk, you realize that the floor is uneven. Apparently part of the ceiling had fallen and your feet were hitting large debris. What is happening?, you think, your mind racing, clinging to confusing memories, as if they were foreign. These felt recent, but they made no sense. The emergency lights turn on, showing the way out and a flashing red light accompanied by an alarm that screeches in your ears, you instinctively deactivate it when you hold on to a nearby control panel. You grabbed onto it by pure luck or you would have fallen to the floor. “Tired, but of what? No offense.” You hadn’t taken it as an offense, but thanks to that clarification you did think about it.
When the alarm was silenced, it eased your nerves a bit by giving you only the red lights that barely cut through the dust. This is a dream, it has to be. It all seemed so real to you. The alarm was for a reason? Shouldn’t you be running too?
“No..–The voice comes back, lingering in your mind, drawing out the words to make them less important.–If this is a dream. Why leave? Keep exploring.” Against your better judgment, you obey. Each step is heavy at first, but as you move forward, they become firmer.
Suddenly, you find yourself standing in front of a colossal machine, its presence dominating the room. Its size is intimidating, its design is disconcerting. Wires, tubes, no, veins and guts, it looked organic in parts. It snaked through and under the rubble, almost as if it were alive, but not for long, it pulsed slower and slower as if it was losing power. What kind of madman built this monstrosity? A genius? Or just reckless?
Your headache, it seemed like in dreams you could feel the pain so real it gave you chills to think it would be so easy to trick your brain. Some ideas floated around in your head, quite useful, solutions to problems you didn’t even know you had.
“Maybe this dream will get you out of your financial troubles… But wait, this is just a dream, isn’t it? Keep going. Keep exploring,” the voice whispers again. That voice, it’s unbearable! You clench your fists, about to scream in frustration when a third voice interrupts and stops you dead in your tracks.
“Captain, are you okay?” The voice isn’t in your head. This time it was real.
You freeze. Captain? The word feels foreign, yet somehow familiar. Your heart races as you clear your throat. You speak without thinking, the words flowing automatically.
“I’m fine.”
Did you say that? The voice that comes out of your lips sounds wrong, strange, but terribly familiar. Maybe someone else answered for you. Just in case, you spoke again.
“Where am I?”
The same voice echoed even in your own ears, bouncing around inside your own skull. It was obvious that you had said those words, plus you noticed that it was similar in tone to the voice of the stranger who had been interrupting all this time. The boy in front of you was worried, he muttered to himself if you had hit your head and that was why you didn't know where you were.
“You’re in Area 7, President,” the figure in front of you continues. His tone has a hint of doubt, as if he’s questioning your disorientation. “Your lieutenant will be arriving soon.”
Lieutenant? Area 7? None of this makes sense, it all seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie, and a very bad one at that, but instead of pushing for more answers, you simply whisper, “Yes…”
Captain… President… The only one who had that title and a lab in this place… was Mayuri. You feel like laughing at the situation, but you’re afraid to hear confirmation before your time.
You walk over to a turned off computer, you stare frozen at the man in front of you, his form becoming clearer as you get closer to the green screen.
“Who are you?” you ask, trying to keep the anxiety out of your voice. He hesitates, clearly uncomfortable, but finally answers,
“Tsubokura Rin.” The name sounds familiar.
Mayuri’s subordinate? That can’t be true. But the truth hasn’t quite dawned on you yet. Your reflection in the cracked screen confirms your fears. You are no longer “you.” The face staring back at you is unmistakably that of Captain Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the infamous mad scientist of Soul Society.
The subordinate who looked like Hanataro, withdrew worriedly.
You touched the flashy devices on your face in disbelief, used to them you didn't even notice them, then the makeup. You couldn't believe it, you really liked this character, you liked the series where he appeared, you had many mixed emotions. 
But the most important thing was missing... Where is his hat?!... Thinking that you had dropped it made you very sad. He hadn't even lost it in the fight with Uryu and you lost it in less than 5 minutes?
Leaving aside that stupidity, you worried about your skin, if the soul society discovers that you weren't Kurtosuchi, most likely, and as things were done here, they will condemn you to death.
"A soul within a soul”
Your mind reels with confusion, memories flooding in, memories that aren't yours. You now understood what the machine was, it was the latest thing Captain Kurotsuchi was working on, it was an instrument capable of connecting to other worlds, it was just a communication network, but clearly something else happened. You also now understood what that voice was, it was simply the voice in the head of this mad genius. Since the voice you hear in your head isn't really you... you didn't want to keep thinking or this would soon turn philosophical, but that was your explanation. "I couldn't be that crazy, could I?"
You remembered your body, in theory Kurotsuchi was in it. You were terrified of the idea that someone like him would try to make some modification to himself in your kitchen. You thought about your safety then you approached the machine.
Your heart beats hard in your chest, not out of fear of the machine or the strange world you're in, but because of the weight of the deception you'll have to maintain.
You must continue with the charade, play along with him as Mayuri until you can fix things or he comes back on his own.
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Final note: I don't have much faith in this project. I hope you liked it.
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dyinggirldied · 2 years
DP X DC: Transmigration & Dimension travel & Reverse transmigration?
This is inspired by a dream (and prob after long reading of trashy transmigration manhwa).
So Tucker (bec i headcanon him as a fan of trashy books) somehow managed to convince Danny to read a book with cliche title "Rise of the Bat Prince"
It was a story about the main character Jason, a street rat who was adopted by the great King Bruce, whose royal image was a fearsome black bat. This book journey Jason's adventure as he rose to become one of the greatest princes, among his rivalry with Bruce's other adopted sons and daughters: the eldest and charisma Dick, the intelligent Tim, the only blood son Damian, the brave Duke, the dangerous mute Cass, the loud Steph.
Not only that, Jason had to fight with other nobles and royals' classism, those who often laughed and discriminate and framed him as a "brute"
The story concluded with a happy ending with Jason eventually succeed Bruce as King.
It would have been no problem had Danny not wake up as a servant tending to said Jason. Never mind that the story never had a servant character as Jason.
Now, Danny still have powers and he wanted to find Clockwork to take him back. But he saw pitiful Jason (who was just newly arrive at the castle) and decided uugghh alright i will help him. Just this once. But its not once time. It was multiple times. Danny did not know it but he eventually helped solved the family drama and misunderstandings/miscommunication (thank you Jazz).
He ended up changing the story into a found family one, and obliviously didn't realize the King's children were fighting for his attention, but Jason always won anyway 🤣
But with the story ended happily, Danny eventually returned home (only a few minutes had passed in his world, i don't know how he got back but *wave hands* magic).
Strangely enough, the book had disappeared and when he apologised to Tucker for losing it, Tucker looked at him like he was crazy and ask "Dude, what book? I don't think I've ever heard of it?"
Danny asked and searched but no results found. He thought it was a dimensional thingy that had got lost until he came across an article that showed the Wayne family, everyone in the pic looked exactly the same as those in the storybook.
The exception was that Jason looked buff, with green eyes and streak of white hair instead.
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sanijoys · 1 year
Between Reality and Fiction
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Chapter 3: A Dreading Fate
The moment you close your eyes, light shines through your eyelids. You slowly opened your eyes, trying to adjust them to the bright light.
'What the...'
Your initial confusion deepened as you took in your surroundings. You were inside a white void—a completely featureless void that expanded infinitely in all directions. This was a stark contrast to the bustling market that you were previously in.
"I really, really hope this is just a dream; if not, I hope I am unknowingly on drugs," you muttered to yourself, desperately looking for an explanation for your current predicament.
As you grapple with the little sanity you have, something unexpected unfolds before your eyes. A pink orb morphs itself in front of you. A scream came out of your mouth.
"What the f**k!" Your heart raced as your scream echoed through the empty void.
At that moment, you were so disoriented, until the pink orb started to shift into a small, adorable creature. The creature's presence only added to the strangeness of the situation (and your depleting sanity).
The surrealness of the situation continued to wash over you as you stared at the pink, creature-like being. You couldn’t help but make a comparison to Mew from Pokemon, but the absurdity of the moment left you grappling for words.
"Hello, I'm Maomao; you must be Y/N, correct?" said the creature, or Maomao, as it introduced itself cheerfully to you.
Looking blankly at Maomao, you unconsciously nod while also taking note. You confirm that you are indeed on drugs. Hopefully.
"Where... where am I?" you asked, trying to calm yourself as you knew that there was nothing you could get if you just continued to panic. But you couldn't help but voice your bewilderment as your gaze fixed on the curious creature before you.
Maomao's eyes sparkled with a childlike innocence as it responded, "You are in your dream space, Y/N. Or, as I like to call it, 'Home space.'"
Your mind raced to comprehend the bizarre circumstances that you found yourself in. "So, I'm in a dream? So, you're telling me this is all a dream, and I'll wake up in my cozy apartment any moment now?"
Maomao's expression remained unchanged, her demeanor patient. "I'm afraid not, Y/N. You see, this is more than just a dream. You are now part of a 'Game-like System' that is connected to the manhwa you were last reading."
Memories of you reading the last manhwa you read before you came here You felt a mixture of anxiety and dread about your current situation.
"So, you're saying I'm inside the manhwa I last read? 'Return of the Blooming Plade', right?" Y/N inquired, seeking clarification.
Maomao nodded once again. "'Return of the Blossoming Blade,' yes. As I was saying, in this 'Game-like System,' you have a mission to fulfill, Y/N."
Your eyes widened as you listened to Maomao's explanation. A mission? You had barely wrapped your head around the idea of being inside a manhwa, and now you were being tasked with something even more bewildering.
Before you could delve further into the details, you interrupted Maomao with a pressing question. "Wait! What about my home? My family? Send me back! I don’t want anything to do with this mission you talked about!
Maomao hesitated for a moment. "I unfortunately cannot do that. To return home, you must complete your mission within this world."
You were in disbelief; does this mean you were stuck here unless you did this so-called mission?
Maomao senses your depressed state and says, “I’m terribly sorry, Y/N, but it is what the ‘System’ wants you to do.”
"What... what do you mean the ‘System’ wants me to do this?"
Maomao looks at you for a moment, its round eyes filled with sympathy. "The ‘System’ chose you to complete this mission."
You wanted to ask more about this ‘System’, but as if Maomao read your mind, "However, if you want to know more about the system, I can only give you a vivid explanation as it does not allow further information about them to be known.
Your spine shivered from Maomao’s words; a nagging feeling told you that they were more than innocent words. But a subconscious warning that some secrets were better left undiscovered You chose not to press further, understanding that your predicament was far from ordinary.
"What would happen if I didn't want to do it?" You asked, wanting to know what would happen if you didn’t do what this ‘System’ wanted you to do.
However, the weight of Maomao's next words hung heavily in the white void that surrounded you. "You'll die, both here and back in your real world." The blunt and chilling statement echoed in your mind, sending a shiver down your spine.
Really, the fucking audacity of this "system" was infuriating. It had not only transported you into a manhwa world without your consent but had also imposed a mission upon you, with the threat of dire consequences should you refuse. You had also been thrust into a game-like system where the rules were unfamiliar and unforgiving.
'This...' tears filled your eyes. ‘This is so unfair.'
Frustration and helplessness welled up inside you. You had just wanted to enjoy a simple webtoon, and now you were trapped in a world of uncertainty and danger. The thought of facing perilous challenges and potentially losing your life was overwhelming. Very overwhelming.
‘Fuck them,’ you bitterly curse, ‘Whoever this 'System' shit. Fuck you.’
Maomao wanted to comfort you so badly. She understood why you would feel this way; your feelings were very valid. After all, you were sent here without prior knowledge and were only given two options for you to return home.
“Alright,” your sudden response startles the poor creature. You look at Maomao with a blank look and say, “I’ll do this stupid mission, as long as you send me back home.”
Maomao's round eyes blinked at what seemed surprising. "I'm glad you've decided to cooperate, Y/N."
Maomao tried to compose themselves: “Your main mission is to be part of the storyline of 'Return of the Blossoming Blade' and create bonds with the characters, especially the MC; this is only to ensure that the story will progress smoothly."
While Maomao was explaining to you the details of your'mission', one caught your attention.
"Main? You're telling me there are more?" you questioned, your voice tinged with apprehension. You had assumed that completing the mission meant you could return to your world, but the revelation that there would be more missions beyond the initial one sent a surge of anxiety through you.
Maomao, sensing your distress, tried to reassure you with a flurry of frantic gestures. "Don't worry! Don't worry! It's not as bad as it sounds!"
You frowned, trying to make sense of the situation. "So, what are these other missions, and how many of them are there?"
Maomao's round eyes blinked as she tried to find the right words. "Well, you see, there are various tasks you'll need to complete. (This made you shudder.) However, most are just simple tasks! Think of it as an open-world roleplay; as you interact with various characters, you’ll receive tasks for you to complete.”
"If it's similar to that," you pondered aloud, "does that mean if I were to complete tasks, I'd also receive a reward?"
The idea of receiving rewards for your efforts was certainly enticing.
Maomao nodded with a cheerful bob of her head, confirming your question. "Yes, exactly! Completing tasks will earn you rewards that can be quite helpful on your journey."
You asked what those rewards were, and Maomao graciously explained them to you.
“Rewards may vary depending on the task you are given; those rewards can be ‘experience’ which you can use to level up or coins for you to use in our'shop'."
Maomao was about to explain to you further about the rewards, but you cut them off.
“Wait, I think I got the whole gist of this,” you were completely in disbelief right now. “So all of this has a setting similar to an actual game, then this'shop' has items or abilities I could buy using the coins? ”
Maomao chirped with approval, "Exactly, Y/N! It seems you catch on quickly."
You couldn't help but feel disbelief right now. The idea that you were now part of a game-like system within the world of "Return of the Blossoming Blade" was both surreal and daunting. The absurdity of it all was just too much for you to bear.
“Just to confirm another thought, could you show me this 'shop'?
‘It really is like what I thought...'
In front of you were various abilities, ranging from epic to legendary. Your gaze also went to the ‘Library’ where you can read about common abilities, which were just everyday chores.
Maomao explained to you that once you accept the mission, you’ll receive two free abilities of your choosing. You’ll also receive memories of the previous owner of the body that you currently possess. You couldn’t help but feel chills. Is it true that this way you have a background as an alibi but possessing someone's body? It’s dreading.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you absorbed the magnitude of your situation. You were not just a passive reader anymore; you were now a participant in the unfolding narrative of the manhwa you had barely finished reading.
‘I just hope I’ll be able to go home.'
“Just remember, if you want to know anything, just call my name! ”
That was the last thing you heard from Maomao when you finally opened your eyes.
This chapter doesn't have anything important other than giving you some insight into what you will do and some stuff.
I promise next one you will meet some people very important and part of the main story :D
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jungwangie · 6 months
introduction :3!
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Hi hi~ Jungwang(ex-Yuki/Yin/Seojoon) heree~
Turning 20 in 2 months!! gay femboi he/him. Will be writing on this blog if i dont have a second blog.
talk to me!! i wont bite, ill be a good kitty~ unless? call me anything you’d like :3 (anons would be nice) (im🎸.)
My uploads will take quiet the time so please be patient with me ><
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who can i write for?
Boy kpop groups;
•Ateez(all members) [Woo<3]
•Xdinary Heroes(all members) [O.de<3]
•Enhypen(all members) [Jay<3]
•NCT(mostly nct dream)
(maybe more to be added~?)
BL manhwa;
•Cant think straight •My bias is showing?! •What's with this strange dream?! •Full Volume •Low tide in twilight (night by the sea) •Honey trouble •My one and only cat •Dark fall
(maybe more to be added~?)
•Genshin impact •Haikyuu!!
•Me myself
(maybe more to be added~?)
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If anything you want me to write something that is not on my list from above, maybe ask about it ^^!
what genre do I write;
What tropes?
anything really ! ^^ alternative universes, plot and tropes are up to all you guys~
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ghostflowerdreams · 2 months
Isekai Story Ideas
Here’s a collection of isekai ideas inspired by various light novels, films, manga, manhwa, anime, and video games that revolve around a displaced person or people who are transported or reincarnated and have to survive in another world.
You don’t have to follow these ideas exactly unless you want to. I've included some suggestions in brackets to spark your creativity, but you’re welcome to add your own twists or blend multiple concepts together.
You can also use any character (or more than one) – such as an original character, canon character, self-insert or reader-insert. Ultimately, you have full creative freedom with this.
1. You are currently a child and the only daughter of a duke, living in a grand estate surrounded by luxury and privilege. One day while playing around, you trip and hit your head on a rock, suddenly recalling the memories of your past life: that of a 21st century young adult [or teenager] from Earth [or more specifically from Japan, America, United Kingdom, Australia, etc.]. What's more, you realize that you're now living the life of the antagonist in an otome game [or novel, film, etc.] that you were deeply invested in before your untimely death. As the antagonist, you learn they weren't truly evil, but rather a misunderstood character who was framed for a terrible crime and executed [or murdered] by their own family to preserve the family's reputation. Armed with this knowledge, you rewrite your fate and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy that doomed your character.
2. You are a private detective, who receives an anonymous phone call requesting your services to track down an elusive hacker known only as the White Rabbit [or Cheshire Cat, Red Queen, Mad Hatter, etc.]. Intrigued by the challenge, you accept the case and learned that three other detectives who previously took on the case met unsettling fates: one committed suicide, another went missing, and the third went insane. Each of them leaving behind the same cryptic message: "A dream is not reality, but who's to say which is which?" Everytime you see the message it triggers a headache that increases in strength to the point that it even effects your vision. With that your reality begins to inexplicable glitch, and you find yourself in a futuristic world that the inhabitants insist is real. And that you're still you, but your former life was merely a dream.
3. As you sprinted across the rain-slicked bridge, desperately fleeing the relentless horde of zombies [or vampires, werewolves, aliens, machines, etc.], your foot slipped. You fell hard, striking your head [or plummeting into the river, getting shot, etc.]. Just as your life flashes before your eyes, you are abruptly summoned to another world. Though you escaped the horrors of your own world, a new nightmare awaited you—one teeming with demons [or alien parasites, ghosts, ghouls, etc.]. You were barely able to survive the hell that was your world, so why do the denizens of this realm believe you can save them from theirs? It turns out that during the transition between worlds, one of the side effects was gaining superpowers. They don't really want 'you', they just want to know what you're capable of. Too bad for them that you aren't a pushover.
4. You jolt awake, disoriented and surrounded by a warm, viscous fluid. As your vision clears, you realize you are inside a translucent pod within a cavernous chamber illuminated by the eerie glow of bioluminescent plants. Shadowy figures move outside the pod, their forms indistinct and unsettling. Panic grips you until a voice in your mind calms you, speaking in an unfamiliar yet strangely comprehensible language: "Welcome, traveler. You've been chosen for a new beginning." Heart pounding, you struggle to remember how you ended up here. Flashes of your previous life come in fragments, but nothing makes sense. The voice continues, explaining that you have been brought to this world for a purpose, a destiny that only you can fulfill. As the pod begins to open, the fluid draining away, you see the shadowy figure more clearly. They are not human. Their eyes gleam with an otherworldly light, their forms alien yet oddly majestic. The voice reveals that they've plucked your soul from the darkness and created a strong, durable, and resilient body for you. This new body is designed to increase your chances of succeeding in the task ahead and to help you adapt to this new world.
5. Disoriented and furious, you find yourself in a dark, ominous chamber filled with lingering chants and robed figures whose eyes gleam with fanaticism. The air is thick with the scent of incense and something more sinister. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would become one of the 'chosen ones'. But what's worse is that you've been summoned not by a magical kingdom or a benevolent god in desperate need of a hero, but by cultists [or the enemy faction, demons, a rival evil kingdom, etc.] to be their savior instead. Guess you'll have to play the part—for now.
6. You've been reborn, inhabiting the body of the antagonist of an otome game. Your newfound self-awareness comes at the exact moment where your characters' former fiancé, the Prince [or Princess], confronts you in front of the entire school over your bullying of the protagonist [or to dissolve the engagement because they fell in love with the protagonist, reveals your character's underhanded ploy to sabotage the royal family, etc.]. Thinking fast, you manage to leave the school with your dignity intact [or your family's reputation intact] and avoid being executed [or exile], which was the fate of the original antagonist. Impressed, your father leaves you in control of the family's fief, which you use your previous life's knowledge to bring about major, positive changes to and to the kingdom. You just want to be left alone and build a happy life for yourself and your people, but those that turned their backs on you are now keen on getting on your good side.
7. An old man finds you washed up and unconscious, on the beach [or on the riverbank, etc.] and brings you back to his village [or town, nearby city, etc.] With nowhere else to go, the kind Mayor lets you stay at an abandoned farm [or in an empty shop, dilapidated house, spare room, etc.] to make it your own. You have amnesia, but know enough to remember that you're an otherworlder. Your memory loss also excuses your strangeness and lack of knowledge when it comes to the magical aspects of this new world. However, you soon realize your arrival wasn’t accidental—dark forces are at play, and your presence might be the key to saving or destroying this world. That sucks, because all you really want to do is look after your plants and animals [or become a herbalist, open a bakery, bookstore, study magic, open a tea/coffee shop, etc.].
8. You wake up from hypersleep on a spaceship [or a multi-generational starship, etc.] to escape a dying Earth [or escape the aliens, machines have taken over, etc.]. You've got memories of a 21st century person where interstellar space travel has yet to be possible [or that you're from another world and replace the original passenger, maybe switch places with a parallel version of yourself, etc.]. You do your best to blend in, but someone's going to notice that one of their engineers [or doctors, teachers, security personnel, etc.] is lacking up-to-date knowledge and training. Did you really regain your past life memories, which are completely useless to have in the future? Or did someone erase your memories and implement someone's else? Perhaps this is what they call space madness? Either way, how long do you have before someone catches on?
9. Trapped in a dead-end job and suffocated by the monotony of your everyday life, you long for something—anything—different. One fateful evening, your life takes a shocking turn when you die at the hands of a robber. Instead of plunging into darkness or facing the afterlife you always imagined, you awaken to a new world—as a fairy [or as a slime monster, a dragon, a magical sword, a sentient tree, a legendary bird, a stray cat, a guardian spirit, a merperson, etc.]. Now, you must grapple with your new form and extraordinary powers while navigating a world filled with both dangers and opportunities.
10. You are a background character that wasn't even important enough to be mentioned in the novel, however that changes when you meet the protagonist's younger sibling and saved them from bandits [or assassins, from choking on a piece of food, poison, getting losts in the woods, drowning, etc.]. They were originally supposed to die, but have now attached themselves to you like a little duckling, which unfortunately draws the attention of the protagonist. It wouldn't be such a problem, if the protagonist didn't insist on marrying you instead of their intended. You don't want to be an Empress; that's too much responsibility for an anxious nobody like you to handle!
11. After being hit by a car [or a truck, train, murdered, etc.], you find yourself reincarnated as the serial killer's twin [or as their younger sibling, older sibling, cousin, etc.] from one of your favorite horror movies [or book, television show, etc.]. You didn't realize it until you caught sight of the cursed book [or the famous creepy mask, weapon, etc.] that the killer was well known for using. They care for you, but is it enough to keep you from becoming one of their victims? Or better yet, can you even prevent them from becoming the killer in the first place?
12. After a horrific plane crash abruptly ends your first life, you awaken to find yourself reincarnated as a minor villain in a historical novel—one whose fate is sealed with an untimely death. Determined to escape this doomed destiny, you resolve to rewrite your story with a happy ending. To survive, you'll need to outsmart powerful enemies, navigate treacherous court politics, and even consider an unlikely alliance through marriage to the formidable archduke [or archduchess] of a rival nation.
13. You're summoned to a world that values beauty [or physical strength] over intelligence [or kindness, integrity, etc.]. Rejected and left to fend for yourself, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering talents and strengths you never knew you had. Using your unique skills and wisdom, you slowly rise to influence, helping those in need and turning your perceived weaknesses into powerful assets. As your reputation grows and your contributions become undeniable, those who once rejected you begin to regret their actions, realizing too late the true value of your character and abilities.
14. Devastated by the loss of their beloved [or soulmate, companion, sibling, hero, etc.], a grieving demon lord [or nobleman/woman, mage, etc.] performs a forbidden ritual in a desperate bid to bring them back. Instead, they inadvertently summon you into their world as a near-identical replacement. Struggling with your new identity [whether you have been transmigrated into a new body or reincarnated], you must now deal with the demon lord’s feelings and adapt to the wonders and dangers of a fantasy world.
15. You are reincarnated into a magical world as a five-year-old adopted child of a renowned witch [or wizard]. You recall from your past life that the story you're in focuses on a cursed prince [or princess] locked away for their own safety. No one knows what the curse is; they only know that the individual suffers from one. It also doesn't help that no one has actually seen them, leading to many rumors. Some say the prince [or princess] is cursed to look hideous, while others believe that looking at them can turn people to stone, among other speculations. Believing yourself to be a mere background character, you go about your life, befriending a strange creature—a dog [or cat, dragon, bird, etc.] while studying a magic plant in the forest. Noticing their curiosity and frequent presence in your life, you think they are meant to be your familiar. However, one day, you accidentally spill an experimental potion on them [or you playfully cast a silly spell on them, affectionately kiss them on the head, or you tell them you love them, etc.], unaware that they are the cursed prince [or princess] all along and that this simple act would lift the curse.
16. You're summoned to another world, assuming they need you to be their hero. However, your excitement quickly turns to horror when you discover the grim truth: you were only summoned to be sacrificed in a dark ritual to empower their chosen hero—a loyal royal knight [or the prince/princess, their strongest adventurer, etc.]. The rulers of this world don't trust or care for otherworlders, but they need your unique power to defeat the demon lord and maintain control over the people. Determined to survive, you escape the sacrificial altar and go on the run, using your otherworldly knowledge to navigate this dangerous new world.
17. After a fierce battle with the hero, you, the mighty demon lord, met your demise only to find yourself reincarnated on Earth as a baby [or as a high school student, a college graduate, child, parent, celebrity, etc.] with your memories fully intact. Struggling to adapt to the mundane life of a human, you must navigate the bewildering complexities of school, friendships, and eventually teenage drama. As you adjust to this new existence, you slowly discover that your formidable demonic powers are still present, albeit in a dormant state. However, the world you're in isn't as boring as you first thought; nearly everyone around you possesses unique abilities and is obsessed with heroes, who are idolized like celebrities. The pursuit of becoming a hero dominates society, and unfortunately the awakening of your full power attracts unwanted attention from both aspiring heroes and dangerous villains.
18. You're summoned to another world along with a diverse group of strangers from various worlds [or from your own world]. Each of you has a unique ability or class crucial to facing the demon army and its ruler. However, you quickly realize that working together is more challenging than expected, as conflicting personalities and differing goals threaten to tear the group apart. Amidst an unexpected attack from the demons or monsters, one of the group's members betrays you, stealing your unique ability [or pushing you off the cliff, setting off a trap to kill you, etc.] and leaving you for dead. As you struggle to survive and reclaim your power, a burning desire for revenge against the betrayer drives you to become stronger, ultimately discovering hidden strengths within yourself.
19. You've reincarnated as a princess [or the hero, noble, wealthy merchant, knight, etc.] in a kingdom on the brink of war. You discover that your new identity is fated to be assassinated to ignite the conflict or further a sinister scheme to seize power. With limited knowledge of the book plot and only fragments of the princess's memories, you must figure out who to trust and thwart the impending catastrophe. However, your sudden shift in personality and behavior, influenced by your modern sensibilities and the urgency of your situation, does not go unnoticed. This change draws the attention of both potential allies and hidden enemies, each with their own agendas.
20. You're an archaeologist sent to explore a newly discovered tomb [or temple, object, etc.]. While investigating, you accidentally activate a portal that transports you to another world. According to the inscriptions in an ancient language, this world is the realm of the Gods, and only those with divine blood [or blessings, chosen ones, soulmates, etc.] can enter. The denizens of this realm are puzzled and curious about a mortal like you. To complicate matters further, you begin to exhibit signs of possessing latent divine abilities or blessings. This newfound power attracts the attention of powerful deities and beings, each with their own agendas. Some seek to mentor and protect you, while others aim to manipulate or eliminate you to prevent any disruption to their plans.
21. You suddenly find yourself in the body of the infamous evil stepmother from a fairy tale. As you navigate this new life, you realize you now have the daunting task of caring for your stepchild [or stepchildren], who are wary of you due to the stepmother's previous actions. Determined to turn things around, you do your best to adjust to being a parent and change everyone's perception of you. However, with a reputation for being cruel, earning their trust won't be easy.
22. You discovers an enchanted mirror that transports you to a parallel world where every person has a counterpart with opposite traits. Initially, you believe that your counterpart ceases to exist when you appear in this world. However, you soon learn the truth: both of you have swapped places. As you navigate this strange environment, you hear stories about your counterpart's actions in your world—stories that fill you with concern. Your counterpart's opposite traits make them unpredictable, and you worry about the chaos they might cause in your place. To make matters worse, there's a limit on how long you can stay in this mirrored reality. The longer you remain, the greater the risk of becoming a permanent resident. You would think teaming up with mirrored versions of your friends and family would be a good thing, but they want you to stay forever. Meanwhile, those who were your enemies in your world genuinely want to help you. Everyone is different, and it's hard to know who is actually trustworthy.
23. You awaken in a world both unknown and oddly familiar. Towering city buildings stand broken and partially reclaimed by nature, with vines and moss clinging to the walls. Abandoned cars are swallowed by overgrown grass and flowers. Here, androids and alien machine life-forms have been locked in a millennia-long war. Humanity has long been extinct, leaving behind the androids as their legacy. You are a human, but not an ordinary one [or maybe you are normal and have no special powers]—you possess abilities beyond anything the humans of this world could have achieved. Yet, even your extraordinary powers can't keep you hidden forever. Eventually, your existence will be noticed, marked by signs that make you unmistakably human.
24. In a strange turn of events, you're thrust into a fantastical world brimming with magic and wonder. Disoriented and unsure of how you got there, you wander aimlessly until you stumble upon a small, frightened child, who latches onto you. With no other adults around and the child's unwavering belief that you're their guardian, you reluctantly become their caretaker. As you struggle to survive in this unfamiliar world, you find yourself growing attached to the little one, even as you search for a way back to your own reality. But as the days go by and your bond deepens, you start to wonder if this strange new world—and the child who sees you as family—might be where you truly belong.
25. In your world, you were a mage of unparalleled power, feared and revered by all who knew your name. But an experiment gone wrong, [or perhaps a curse laid by a jealous rival], sends you spiraling into another world—a world where magic is forgotten, and mages are the stuff of ancient legends. You awaken in the frail, weak body of a child, imprisoned in a dilapidated, empty tower. Your memories of your past life and the magic that once surged through you remain intact. With no clear understanding of why the child was imprisoned or who locked them way, you must uncover the truth. After all, to avoid unforeseen complications and to ensure a smoother transition, you need to know to safeguard your future. Is this child a kidnapped heir, an illegitimate offspring of a noble family, a test subject, the chosen one, political hostage, etc.?
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