#what is the vin number on a car meaning
fablesrose · 7 months
Ch 11 - The Ice Man Job
Series Rewrite Masterlist 
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Ford!Reader
Description: With Sophie gone to find herself, the crew is out a grifter. This leads to Hardison getting a little cocky when clearing their client's name from a diamond theft.
Words: 7077
The room felt a bit empty with Sophie gone; I could tell Parker felt the same as she shifted across the couch, trying to fill the space during the briefing. Hardison stood at the front of the room telling us about Jim Kerrity who was in charge of Kerrity Diamonds. In his four years of being in charge, he’s run the business into the ground by living beyond his means with addictions and party expenditures. 
Eventually Hardison was getting annoyed with Parker’s shifting, “What? Why? What are you doing?” He asked her. 
“What?” She replied. 
“It’s distracting,” Eliot exclaimed. 
“The couch is feeling a little empty,” she explained, her voice a little distressed. 
“Eliot, sit next to Parker,” Nate said. 
“No, I’m sitting here!”
I turned to Parker from my curled up position on the edge, “I can try to spread out a bit, would that help?”
Her face scrunched in a frown, trying to think.
“Guys, guys,” Nate interjected, “We all miss Sophie, I… We just have to adapt.”
“I got this,” Hardison said, walking towards Parker, “Move, go. Bye, go.” He motioned for her to scootch to the center of the couch and sat next to her. “You happy?” He asked, only continuing in the briefing once she nodded. 
“Kerrity’s finances are a mess. Maxed out, maxed out, overdrawn,” Hardison explained. “According to the insurance claim, he stands to gain nine million from the armored car robbery.”
“A guy like this gets in over his head and the insurance policy starts to look attractive,” Nate summed up. 
“Hires a couple of thugs, knocks off his own truck,” Eliot said. 
“It’s a sweet payout, too,” Hardison admitted. “He gets the insurance claim, plus he still has the diamonds.”
“Mmhmm, and honest people like Joey take the heat,” Eliot finished. 
“The thing about this that people don’t understand is insurance fraud, it’s a lot of red tape,” Nate explained, “and with a big claim like this it’ll take a year before Kerrity sees any money. Bill collectors are not gonna wait around.”
“He’s gotta fence the diamonds,” Eliot said. 
“He can’t,” Parker stated. 
“What?” I asked, everything moving a bit fast. 
“His diamonds are GIA certified VVS clarity, all about two carats,” Parker rattles off, stealing the remote from Hardison. 
“That’s my clicker,” Hardison pointed out, annoyed. 
“Who stole the Polar Star?” Parker asked, raising her hand, “Who stole the Gem of Gibraltar? Damiani Raid? Me. I know diamonds, and our bad guy can’t fence those diamonds because stones that size have an ID number laser-inscribed on them.”
The screen zoomed in on a diamond to show this tiny ID number etched into the side, proving her point. 
“Like a stolen car. You’ve gotta clean the VIN before you sell ‘em,” Eliot concluded. 
 “How do you get that ID off?” I asked. 
“With a special laser,” Parker answered, “But only three guys can do it. Antwerp, Dubai, Tel Aviv.” 
“And as of right now, Boston. Right?” Nate said, standing in front of us. “Kerrity has to move his diamonds, so we convince him that we’re the only people who can make them clean enough to move.”
“Get them to bring the diamonds to us,” Hardison said. 
“And when he shows up, uh…” Nate paused, “Oh, Hardison, can you put the crime scene photos…?”
Hardison took the clicker remote back from Parker and put the photos up. The photo showed our client, Joey, sitting in the armored truck with a paramedic tending to his wounded shoulder. There was a man standing to the side talking to him, a notebook in hand.
“State police guy, Lieutenant Bonanno,” Eliot introduced the man.
“Yeah. So we drop Kerrity on his lap with the stolen diamonds,” Nate explained, “Lieutenant Bonanno drops the hammer. Our guy gets cleared, gets his job back.”
“Pardon me, but I don’t mean to stop the fun train,” Eliot interjected. “We’re out a grifter here.”
“I know who we can call,” Parker volunteered. 
“Now, we’re not gonna call Sophie,” Nate disagreed. “No, she has asked for space, and we’re gonna honor that. No. Hardison, Y/n, you are gonna be our grifters.”
Hardison leaned forward with a smile, “I’m listening.”
“What? No.” Eliot shook his head in disbelief. 
“Is it too late for me to pretend like I don’t know about,” I waved my hands around the room, “this whole operation?”
“Yes,” Nate answered me and Eliot at the same time, “Parker, you’ll be the roper.”
“What?” She asked puzzledly.
“Cute dress, heels, you’ll be fine.”
“Sure, I’ll be fine,” Parker whispered to herself. 
I looked at her and could feel the anxiety rolling off of her. I nudged her shoulder to catch her attention. Once she looked at me, I nodded reassuringly at her, “We’ll be okay, we’ll figure it out. You’re not alone, we’ll help each other.”
She nodded a bit more firmly, but I could tell she was still anxious. 
“Eliot, you’ll be the muscle,” Nate continued. 
A little while later, I found Parker hiding under the counter, talking to someone on the phone. I stood in the kitchen, quietly listening. It didn’t take long to figure out that she was talking to Sophie as Parker explained the situation to her. 
“I will not be fine,” she exclaimed, “I stabbed that guy with a fork!”
Well, I didn’t know that little detail. 
“Parker, Parker, relax” Sophie soothed, her voice softly coming through the phone, just loud enough for me to hear. “It’s fine. Listen. Go to Nate’s storage cupboard and you're gonna find a sexy little mini-dress and my emergency Jimmy Choos.”
“Jimmy who? You have a body in Nate’s closet?”
“Shoes, Parker. Didn’t I teach you any...? Alright listen, this is the important bit. Do you still have the Rosalind Diamond you stole in Perth?”
“Yes,” she answered. 
I huffed out a breath, I really shouldn’t be surprised.
“Wear it. The diamond will speak for you. You won’t have to say a word,” Sophie said. “This is the key to the grift. You just trust the character. Say nothing. Trust the diamond.”
“I can do that,” Parker relented. “Don’t tell Nate I called.”
“I won’t,” she reassured. 
Parker caught my eye as she crawled out from under the counter. I motioned that my lips were sealed which helped her relax a little bit. Now to see if Sophie’s advice proved successful.
Parker was able to keep her cool and lead Kerrity to the back of the bar where Hardison, Eliot, and I were waiting, playing pool. 
“No,” Hardison slammed his cue on the table once he saw them turning the corner. “Come here, what have I said? What have I said about new people, huh?”
I raised my eyebrow at Eliot at Hardison’s attitude and accent. He just rolled his eyes in response before he slammed Kerrity into the pool table.
“Hey, it's okay,” Parker said, “This guy works in diamonds. He wants to talk business or something.”
“Alright,” Hardison relented. “Lay the arms down brother. He’s cool.”
Eliot let him up with a shove. 
“You’ll have to excuse my bodyguard. He’s touchy. It’s ‘cuz he’s a mute. Alright?”
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at Eliot’s pissed off expression. 
“Yeah, well, my bodyguards don’t talk much either,” Kerrity responded, as three intimidating looking men entered the area.
“Well, looks like we found our armored car robbers,” Nate said through comms.  
I hummed quietly, noting the conclusion. 
Some dominance had to be established, some control. Hardison and Eliot saw it too, and after a look was shared, Eliot got one of the so-called ‘bodyguards’ into an arm lock behind his back, using him as a shield when another guard had drawn a gun.
“Going to shoot through your own man?” I asked the one with the gun. He had a look in his eye that said he was seriously considering it. 
His eyes flicked to me, a look of recognition noting that I was in play. “To be honest with you, I never liked him,” he said in a noticeable Russian accent. 
“Legit,” Hardison said. “Goon squad and all, isn’t it? Stand down.”
There was a tense beat before the Russian lowered his weapon. I stepped around the pool table and placed a hand on Eliot’s shoulder right as he released the man he was holding. My hand slid off as I stepped past him, perching myself on the table, placing myself more front and center. 
“Jim Kerrity,” he introduced himself. 
“You’re Jim Kerrity? Kerrity Diamonds?” Hardison asked. “Brother, you got it all last week.”
“The heist. Yes, that was me.”
“So, did you use these fellas here, or hire out?” I asked, making a show of examining my nails. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Eliot had closed the gap, ready to step in front of me if necessary. 
“We’re in the business, Jimmy boy. I can smell an inside job,” Hardison explained.
“So what do you do in the business, Mr…?”
 “I’m a thief.They call me… The Ice Man,” Hardison said with a smug smile. 
I rolled my eyes just as Nate repeated the name questioningly. 
“No, Hardison, you have to have a light touch. Undersell,” Nate said. 
“What kind of thief calls themselves a thief?” Kerrity asked. 
“An arrogant one,” I responded. I offered my hand to Kerrity, which he took just the fingers, and turned it with a slight bow of his head.
“Doesn’t matter, I have the reputation to prove it,” Hardison rebutted, annoyedly. “This is my assistant-”
“Annaka,” I cut in, “and I prefer ‘his more subtle associate.’”
Kerrity smiled, looking me up and down, “I don’t suppose you have a boyfriend, do you?”
Eliot took a half step forward, giving Kerrity the hint to back up. I simply gave him a tight smile, not answering his question. I did dress up a little bit, a blouse and nice pants. I wanted to look nice, but professional. The fact that he still felt the need to comment and shoot his shot made my skin crawl a bit.
“I’m sure you’ve seen my work in Perth. The Polar Star? Nicked it.The Gem of Gibraltar? Nicked it,” Hardison bragged, which pulled the attention back to himself. 
I looked to Parker who started to pace behind him as he continued to use her thefts for his reputation. 
“Then I shouldn’t be seen talking to you,” Kerrity concluded. 
“Right, right, right. Cause two criminals can’t talk business while shootin’ pool. Bitch of it is nickin’ ‘em’s butter…” Hardison trailed off. 
“Moving them is the issue,” I finished, “I’m sure you know something about that.”
“Yes, especially with those inscribed ID numbers,” Kerrity agreed. 
“There are ways around that,” I commented. 
“I got this laser, see,” Hardison continued, “Only one in the country, mind you. This thing, I had to bring over piece by soddin’ piece from Turkmenistan. It can scrub and ID clean off any diamond. Re-virginized.”
“And what kind of fee do you charge for such a service?” Kerrity asked. 
“Thirty percent,” Hardison answered. 
“Five percent.”
“Thirty percent,” Hardison reiterated.
“No way in hell.”
“That’s the discounted rate, brother. Cause anything lower than that is an insulted rate, cause it's an insult to me, savvy?”
I jumped in to even out the tension, “You said it yourself, Kerrity, it’s a very specialized service. If you can somehow transport your diamonds elsewhere, get someone else to do it, be our guest.” I slid off the pool table and returned to my spot on the end, grabbing my pool cue, “I will say, good luck executing that, let alone getting a better rate.” I began to rechalk my cue, not trusting myself to take a shot just yet. 
“You, uh, you ring me when you wisen up, hear?” Hardison said, writing his phone number on a napkin. 
Kerrity looked at the napkin for a moment before throwing it on the table, “Thanks, but no thanks, brother.” He swiftly walked away. 
The Russian walked up and grabbed the napkin carefully before walking away, following Kerrity. 
I let out a sigh in relief once they were gone. I finally leaned down and took a shot, hissing when the ball glanced off a corner, just out of the pocket. 
“Close,” Eliot commented before taking his own shot, sinking it easily, and moving on to the next one. 
“Why do I even bother?” I asked myself.
Eliot stepped up next to me, “You’ve gotta start somewhere, we’ll just have to practice more in the pub.”
“Hey,” Hardison cut in, “You can’t talk, remember?”
“Dammit, Hardison!” Eliot exclaimed, continuing to shoot pool, finishing the game quickly. He continued to berate him saying that it was stupid. 
As he shot each ball in, one after the other, I couldn’t help but focus on how he’d said that we should practice. The fact he wanted to do it together warmed my heart a little bit. As I started to imagine it, I couldn’t stop the image of Eliot looking at Mikel from the last job popping into my head. The image of Eliot’s blush when Mikel brought out handcuffs flashed before I fought it down. It shouldn’t have bothered me, it was none of my business. We were coworkers, friends at best. Still, I could enjoy the feelings he gave me and the moments we had together. 
Once Eliot sunk his last shot, he left the bar. I helped clean up before the rest of us followed him.’
“Ice Man?” Eliot asked Hardison once we got back to Nate’s apartment. 
“Hey, I put a lot of work into that character,” Hardison defended. “No, no, no, I bought new clothes, ugly as hell, too.”
“You got that right,” I whispered to Parker and she smiled at me. 
“This always happens when you go on the grift, Hardison,” Eliot said, “you go way too big.”
“You have to have some subtlety,” I commented.
“Yeah, Sophie told me to say as little as possible,” Parker explained, “let the character do the work.”
“When did, uh, Sophie say that?” Nate asked, walking down the stairs into the common area of the apartment. 
“A long time ago,” Parker said quickly, “maybe last Christmas. I don’t even think it was Sophie.”
Nate wasn’t quite convinced, but moved on anyway, straightening his tie, “I’m gonna go put more pressure on Kerrity. I want you guys to be on the clear-out. Ice Man, play it cool. That’s just an awful, awful name.”
“Genius,” Hardison tried to correct in his character’s accent.
“See?” Eliot said. “When you get in too deep on this, I ain’t bailin’ your ass out.”
“I don’t need you to bail me out. I’m the Ice Man.”
“Not. Gonna. Help.” Eliot emphasized again. 
I laughed at their expressions, clearly annoyed at each other. “Well, what’s done is done. Let’s just hope we can still pull this off. Even with Hardison’s accent,” I continued to laugh at myself as I retreated to my apartment.
It didn’t take long after Nate put some pressure on Kerrity as an insurance guy that Kerrity called Hardison to set up a meeting to see the laser at work. Parker, Eliot, and I drove to the lab where we were going to ‘borrow’ a laser.
Once we pulled up, Eliot was on the phone with someone, but Parker and I could only hear his side of the conversation: “I know. He’s driving me crazy. How, huh? I’m back up, they can’t rely on me. Alright, alright. Hey… thanks. Don’t tell Nate I called.”
“Who was that?” Parker asked. 
Eliot hesitated, “Cable company.”
Parker and I shared a look before I handed her the duffle bag from Eliot’s truck bed and sent them into the lab. Parker and Eliot went in and cleared out the lab with a chemical exposure evacuation, leaving it empty for our purposes. They set up a camera so Nate could see what was going on, and got ready for Kerrity’s arrival. 
I stayed in the parking lot waiting for Kerrity to pull in. I timed my approach into the building to run into him and walk him into the lab. 
“Mr. Kerrity, so glad you could make it,” I said, meeting him just before the door.
He opened the door for me, “Pleasure is mine, Ms. Annaka.”
I led him and the Russian he brought with him through the hallways to the lab where Parker and Eliot were waiting. 
“Where is Mr. Ice?” Kerrity asked once we stepped inside. 
“He’s late,” Parker responded, “He’s always late.”
There was a roar of an engine outside. We all glanced out and watched as Hardison pulled up in a red Ferrari.
“Hmm. Subtle,” Kerrity commented. 
“While he walks in,” I said, “May I see the stone?”
Kerrity presented the diamond, “Two carats. Very few flaws, my salesman said.”
I pulled out a jewelry loupe, a type of mini magnifying glass, that I picked up somewhere and examined the stone. I found the ID number, though it was still too small to quite read it. I commented that I found it and examined the body of the stone. I had little to no idea what I was looking for, but I figured he didn’t either. 
I finally looked up at him, “It’s a good stone, Mr. Kerrity. It should do nicely.”
Just as I had said so, Hardison walked into the lab with smug grandeur, “The Ice Man cometh.” He gestured to the machine on the table, “Let me introduce you to my laser, Glinda. You see, I found that laser fluences below the diamond graphitization threshold are most effective. Wouldn’t you say?”
Eliot and I made eye contact and shook our heads when Kerrity and the Russian weren’t looking. He was doing too much.
“Yeah,” Kerrity hesitantly agreed. Clearly not knowing what the heck he said, like the rest of us. 
“The diamond?” Hardison asked.
Kerrity gestured to me as I handed the stone over to Hardison. I was tempted to make an ‘oops, I lost it’ joke, but knew that wasn’t wise, for both the tension and the character. 
Hardison examined it, “She’s a beaut. Sheila, get me a pop.” He didn’t even look at Parker when he asked which I could tell she didn’t appreciate, even through her hard neutral expression. 
“Because this will be classified IF, an internally flawless two-carat round cut diamond, it should be easy to oblate,” Hardison continued, placing the diamond in place for the laser. 
Parker was out grabbing a cubic zirconia from a neighboring lab to replace the diamond while grabbing that pop. 
“How is this gonna fool him?” She asked Nate.
“He’s not looking at the diamond, he’s looking at the ID number,” he responded. 
“ID numbers are etched at a depth between five and seven microns,” Hardison explained while the laser ran around the diamond. “Using nanoblation, the UV laser pulses irradiate the etching.”
Parker walked in then with an open can of pop and handed it to Hardison. 
“Thank you, sweets.”
Kerrity turned to me, “I haven’t seen you contribute much to this partnership.”
I smiled softly, nodding towards Hardison, “He likes to show off in front of new clients, I don’t mind being more behind the scenes.”
He hummed curiously before turning back to Hardison who was taking the diamond out of the machine. I saw Hardison’s switch of the diamond for the cubic zirconia, only because I was looking for it. He handed the fake stone over to Kerrity to examine. Kerrity took it and looked it over with his own loupe. 
There was a tense moment when Kerrity looked at Hardison before he said, “It’s like it was never there.”
“I could do the rest in a day, but I’m only here for another week. I’ve got a thing in Antwerp.” 
“Alright,” Kerrity said, “let’s, uh, let’s do it tomorrow?”
“Excellent. Mr. Ice, Ms. Annaka.” Kerrity then left the lab with his Russian companion close behind. 
“Alright, nice work guys,” Nate said through comms. “Tomorrow, when he shows up with the diamonds, the state police will be there.”
“Why, so they can arrest Hardison’s ego?” Eliot asked as we exited the building. 
“They better bring some extra large handcuffs,” I laughed. 
“Be cool, baby. Ice cool,” Hardison replied. “Hey, who wants to go for a spin?”
“Can’t believe you rented a Ferrari,” Eliot said. 
“I’ll get a ride home with Eliot,” Parker said. 
“Maybe some other time, Hardison,” I responded, “I’m kinda tired, gonna lay down in Eliot’s back seat.”
Hardison scoffed, “Y’all are just jealous,” but we were already crossing the parking lot. 
I did just what I said I was going to when I crawled in the back seat, leaving Parker and Eliot up front. I had to curl up a bit, but it was decently comfortable on the worn seat, making it soft.
“Hey, you alright?” Eliot asked once he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Yeah, I think I was just stressed, and now that this is almost over-” I yawned, “I’m just a bit tired is all.”
Eliot adjusted his rear view mirror a touch so he could make eye contact with me through it, “Well, ya did good. You deserve some rest.” I could feel the sincerity, even through the mirror and sunglasses he was wearing. I smiled and nodded at him, silently thanking him. 
Parker then turned and reached a hand towards me which I took with a squeeze, “Yeah, look at us, being grifters. I didn’t even stab anyone!”
“I’m proud of us, Parker,” I said, squeezing her hand one more time before taking my hand back and curling it next to me. My eyes then closed of their own accord, the steady hum of the engine lulling me, if not asleep, away from active wakefulness. 
Eventually we got back to the pub and Nate and I’s apartments. I slightly stirred when Eliot turned his truck off, but I couldn’t quite wake myself up until he placed a hand on my shoulder, calling my name. His hand was warm, the gentle movement slowly pulled me out of the slumber I had slipped into. I admit I was slow to move, but Eliot and Parker were patient with me until I got to my door. I trudged through my entry way to my couch, my limbs were heavy, as if I had been physically working all day for the past week. I must have been tense, holding all the stress in my body, for the past two days, trying to be natural and convince Kerrity of our legitimateness. 
Oh the irony.
I collapsed on the cushions, letting out a sigh in relief. If all went to plan, tomorrow I wouldn’t even have to play a character. It would all be in the police’s hands then. 
It didn’t seem like I was out for very long when Parker was standing above me, practically dragging me off my couch. 
“Did I forget to lock my door?” I asked, still waking up.
“No,” she responded simply. 
“What’s going on?”
“Hardison got kidnapped by the Russians.”
We walked through the door to find Eliot angrily shoving an earbud in place, “Tell Hardison if he makes it out alive, I’m gonna snap him in half.”
“Uh, Eliot says hi,” Nate said, apparently into the comms to Hardison. “So what’s the plan there, Ice Man?”
I pulled my own earbud from my pocket and put it in, just in time to hear Hardison explain it, somewhat tactfully in the midst of… company. 
“Just so I’m clear, you want me to help break into Kerrity’s vault and steal his diamonds?”
“Oh, beautiful,” Nate commented. 
“So, what you’re sayin’ is we’re gonna explode through the ceiling of a tunnel, use a det cord and climb into the vault through the floor?”
“Det cord,” Eliot honed in. “That’s how they blew the armored truck.”
“Exploding through the floor will set the sensor off,” Parker said. “Tunnel’s a terrible way in.”
“Hardison, you’re gonna tell ‘em their plan won’t work,” Nate said. 
“Tunnel is a horrible way in,” Parker reemphasized. 
“I heard you Parker.”
We listened as Hardison relayed the news, which didn’t seem to go over well with the Russians to the point where Hardison had to commit to getting them in the vault. 
“Oh, yes. Of course you will,” Nate said, “Now listen. Hardison, you’re gonna have to figure out a way to buy some time so we can get you outta this. Yeah, get busy.” Nate then took his earpiece out with frustration. 
Nate was typing on Hardison’s computer for a little bit before he eventually said, “Guys, guys, I can’t make any sense of Hardison’s files.”
I gestured to it, pulling the computer a bit closer to me, sorting through files to see if there was anything I recognized. 
“Do you think you can…?” Nate asked me. 
I shook my head, “No idea, probably not.” I had helped Hardison out with some of his technical stuff a time or two, but he did most of the heavy lifting.
“You can’t track him,” Eliot pointed out, “he’s the one that does the tracking.”
“Well maybe he left it on,” Nate hoped. 
“Unlikely,” I said, sorting through more files, all of them encrypted. 
“What if we tell him to make a run for it?” Parker suggested. 
“They’ll kill him,” Eliot answered.
“Well, if he goes along with their plan, they’ll get arrested,” Parker pointed out. 
“We gotta find another way for Hardison to break in,” Nate concluded. 
“We need a closer look at the vault,” Parker said. 
“I’m working on it,” Nate said. 
Parker held a small can to us, “Hairspray, you��ll need this.”
“Let me ask you a question, man,” Eliot said. “If Hardison helps these Russians steal the evidence, how are we gonna prove Kerrity set up the robbery?”
“I’m working on it,” Nate stuttered. He gathered his clipboard and papers needed for his insurance agent persona. Parker handed him the can of hairspray; Nate took it and waved at us, “Do not call Sophie.” Nate then dashed out of the apartment, supposedly to Kerrity’s shop. 
I worked for a little bit longer on Hardison’s laptop, trying to find anything that could help, but  every time I thought I was close to cracking into something useful, I hit a dead end. I sighed, I would have to have Hardison teach me some of this stuff with his systems in case something like this happened again. When I was just about to give up, Nate got to Kerrity’s shop, and a notification popped up that a connected camera was in use. I cast the video onto the large screen in the living room so we could see what he was doing. 
Nate had a camera pen directed at Kerrity’s vault to gain more information, mostly for Parker, and for Hardison to relay to the Russians to pretend he knew what he was doing. 
“RGB keypad, let me see,” Parker said, “Move the camera to the left… No, vault left. Alright, then you have to do this my way. Remove the sensor while keeping the magnetic field intact. You are going to need a four inch by four inch aluminum plate, double sided tape, and a phillips head screwdriver.”
I slumped into the couch, watching Parker analyze the vault and listening to Hardison relay the information to the Russians. Eliot stood next to Parker, his focus as sharp as ever. The truth of the matter was, everyone here knew at least something that might help Hardison, but I was still stuck dead in the water. I watched, trying to learn.
Kerrity kept listing more safety features inside the vault: pressure sensitive tiles, two cameras monitored by a twenty four hour guard and Kerrity himself, seismic sensor, heat sensors, and motion sensors. This was becoming more and more difficult by the minute. 
“Hardison’s not gonna be able to do anything if the heat sensors are on,” Eliot said. 
“Nate, use the hairspray,” Parker instructed. “It creates a film that blocks the heat.”
Nate distracted Kerrity long enough to follow through. Then Kerrity told Nate about the security fog that fills the room after the alarm goes off; this fog makes visibility zero. To make matters worse, it would be triggered by any one of the other sensors.
“How bad is it?” Nate asked quietly once Kerrity was out of earshot. 
“There’s no way Hardison’s gonna be able to break into that vault,” Parker said matter-of-factly. 
“What is Hardison going to do?” Hardison asked, without the accent, so he must be away from the Russians. 
“Hardison is going to pretend to break into the vault,” Nate said. 
“Well, hopefully the Russians will only pretend to kill him,” Eliot replied. 
“No one’s getting killed,” Nate assured. “We’re gonna break in for him.”
The three of us just sat staring at each other, lost in our own thoughts, waiting for Nate to get back to explain what he was thinking. I could see the wheels turning in Parker’s head, going through all the steps to break into the vault. Eliot had a tenseness about him, whether that be anger or concern, I couldn’t tell. 
“We’re gonna do this quick and dirty,” Nate said once he got back. “You guys break into the vault before Hardison does, so the Russians think that he’s doing it.”
“Why not?” Parker said. “He’s been taking credit for my work all day anyway.”
“Then Hardison will lead the Russians into the vault a few paces behind him,” Nate concluded. 
“Hey, I got something,” Parker said after messing with Hardison’s clicker. The screen showed the security camera feed to the front of Kerrity’s store. Kerrity was showing a fancily dressed woman around his store along with all of the jewelry in the cases. 
“Hardison must have hacked into the security feed before he left,” Eliot said. 
“Well, well. I’m just gonna have to keep Kerrity out of his own vault,” Nate said, staring at the screen. 
We all then loaded up to go save Hardison. 
Once we arrived, Nate knocked on the door of the shop first. Kerrity quickly dismissed the woman with him, saying that he would meet up with her later, and let Nate in.
“This had better be important,” Kerrity said when he opened the door. 
“Yeah. Can we talk somewhere private?” Nate asked, stepping into the shop.
I then walked in, just catching the door before they went to his back office. 
Kerrity was surprised to see me, “Annaka?”
I smiled, obviously flicking my eyes between him and Nate. “Hello, Mr. Kerrity,” I said cautiously. 
He caught the hint, “This is Mr. Sterling with the insurance company, he came to discuss something with me.”
“I hope I’m not hindering something here,” Nate said as he shook my hand with a sickly sweet salesman voice that he’s been using. 
I shook my head, “Not at all.” I looked to Kerrity, “I don’t mind waiting, finish your business with Mr. Sterling.”
He nodded and brought Nate into his office.
Eliot was at the door just as they turned the corner in an armored truck company uniform with a cart. The guard buzzed him in just as I got to the door to open it for him. The guard came down with some paperwork for Eliot, assuming he was there for delivery. 
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he whispered to me as I held the door open for him to walk through more easily. He then turned to the guard, “Yo, yo. Late night man. Is there a register I’m supposed to look at?” Eliot was there at the dest with the guard by then and quickly knocked him out. “Sorry, buddy,” he said as he walked by.
I walked to Eliot and the guard, helping tuck him out of sight and out of the way for the rest of the night. 
“Okay Parker, you’re clear,” Eliot told her through comms, “come on down.”
She had perched herself on a ledge next to the security camera facing the street, holding a photo of an armored truck on the street for the guard’s benefit. I could almost feel her joy as she came down with her rig. I quickly let her in so she could get to the vault. I then stationed myself in the security room watching the cameras. I was out of sight and out of the way for the essential gears of the operation, but still in the shop if I needed to lend a hand somewhere, namely keeping Kerrity busy.
Nate was talking to Kerrity about his insurance policy and discrepancies that may deny his claim, trying to keep him occupied for as long as he could. So far, he was successful. Hopefully he could keep it up. 
Meanwhile, Parker was working on the vault, getting it cracked and ready for Hardison. 
“This will hold them together,” she said softly as she placed the aluminum plates on the vault. 
“Electric’s faster,” Eliot said as he handed her a screwdriver. 
“Vibrations will set off the seismic sensor,” she replied simply. 
Eliot shook his head and returned to the front of the store. 
Parker continued to work on the vault with quick efficiency. It was interesting to watch through the camera as there was no hesitation in any of her movements. 
It didn’t take as long as I had hoped for movement on the outside camera to catch my attention. A big black van pulled up in front with Hardison and the Russians hopping out of it. 
“Here they come,” I said.
Hardison reiterated it with his own quiet announcement, “Eliot, approaching the building. Approaching the building.” He then switched to his accent for the Russians, “Wait here, right? Gotta handle the initial break-in myself. Too many cooks and all.”
Eliot buzzed Hardison in when he banged on the door. They then proceeded to act out Hardison beating up Eliot. I winced, but was impressed at how realistic it looked when Eliot threw himself to the ground. Hardison continued to ‘punch’ Eliot for an extended amount of time while the two argued. 
“Next time,” Eliot said, “I’m playing the thief!”
“I’d like to hear you do an accent,” Hardison said. 
“I’d like to hear you do an accent,” Eliot replied.
“I went to Second City in Chicago.”
“You find time between that and karate at the Y?”
“You know what? Just shut up. Shut up.”
“Shut up,  guys,” Parker said calmly, trying to concentrate on the vault. 
She was able to get in when Hardison and Eliot finished their act, Eliot acting unconscious and Hardison letting in the Russians. Nate continued to distract Kerrity, shifting to his second point, the bribe. So far, so good. 
Eliot joined me in the security room and watched as Parker hung on the inside of the door and leapt to a bar or pipe on the ceiling, preventing her from touching the floor and triggering the pressure tiles. 
“Stuck it,” Eliot commented in praise. 
“Indeed,” I agreed, impressed. 
Hardison made his way to the vault, making a bit of a show of taking steps to crack the vault. He put a stethoscope to the vault door to ‘pick’ the vault combo.
“Parker wrote the combination in invisible ink on the door next to you,” Eliot told Hardison. “She’s in there, but she hasn’t deactivated the floor yet.”
“So take your time on the tumblers. Take it slow,” I said. 
He was able to delay a bit by talking to the Russians. “Sorry?” He asked when the leader spoke up. 
“I said you’re really everything you claimed,” the Russian repeated. 
Hardison shrugged, “If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’.”
“Yes, you are. Yes, you are,” the Russian laughed. “I’m sorry, just a saying. English, very tricky.”
Hardison went back to the tumblers. 
“Hardison, slow down. You’re breezing through that combo, like, way too fast,” Eliot said. “Parker, what’s your ETA?”
“Not ready yet. Floor is still hot,” she replied. 
Eliot and I shared a concerned look. 
“Nate, our timing’s not gonna work out,” Eliot said.
Nate, of course, couldn’t answer as he was still keeping Kerrity busy. That was quickly reaching its end though as Kerrity wasn’t taking the bribing narrative that Nate was selling. 
“Parker, get a move on. Nate and Hardison are way ahead of you,” Eliot said. 
“The floor is clear.”
“Nate, Parker is still in the vault.”
The Russians were pressing Hardison to get in the vault, and he wasn’t doing a very good job of stalling. 
“I need sixty seconds,” Parker said.
“Well, can you turn invisible in sixty seconds? Cause they’re bustin’ in there,” Eliot replied. 
“I’m gonna go slow Hardison down, buy her some time,” I said, walking out of the security room. 
“Y/n-” Eliot tried to say, but I was already gone. 
I walked the hallway towards the vault until the Russians and Hardison came into view. Hardison was just about to open the door when I called, “Ice!”
The four of them turned to me, the Russians clearly not happy. I suddenly took a hard swallow, I might not have thought this through. 
“Annaka? What are you doin’ here?” Hardison asked, looking a bit relieved at the distraction.
“You think I wouldn’t find you? We had a plan when it came to situations such as these, you are undermining your reputation from a business perspective! Who is going to work with us now if you just keep stealing their stuff?” I said it all quickly and with exasperation. I could hear my own nervousness, and I hoped that the distance I kept between myself and the Russians wasn’t too suspicious. 
“I’m sorry, hun,” Hardison said, “But this was an offer I couldn’t refuse, I’m afraid.”
“Yes,” the Russian said, “Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a job to do.”
They turned back towards the door and away from me.
“Parker?” I whispered, not sure how else to hold them. 
“I’m clear,” she said. 
“Fine!” I said to the men in front of me, ready to make my leave, “But I want nothing to do with it!” I then turned on my heel and left the room, hearing the vault open behind me.
I heard Hardison say, “Don’t worry ‘bout her. She won’t do nothin’. Let’s get this done.” 
I went back to the security room where Eliot was watching the security feeds tensely. “How’s it going?” I asked once I stood next to him.
“Fine, thanks to you,” he said, “But that was reckless. Those Russians could have done somethin’ to you, could have killed you.”
I let out a shaky breath, “Yeah, I realized that once I got there.”
Our work here was done, so Eliot and I made our way out of the shop into the tunnel below for the final escape. 
“Guys, uh, Kerrity is on his way down there,” Nate said when he wasn’t able to hold him in his office any longer. 
Hardison was able to distract the Russians with Kerrity’s arrival long enough for Hardison to slip into Parker’s hiding spot, one of the large lock boxes. Parker blew a hole in the floor, dropping the two of them into the tunnel below where Eliot and I were waiting. This, coincidentally, also set off the seismic sensor and the security system. Who knew?
“Det cord,” Eliot explained simply to Hardison as we helped them up from the floor. 
We then made our way out of the tunnel to fresh air and freedom. Nate was waiting for us at the end of it.
“Thought we couldn’t use this tunnel,” Hardison said once we were out.
“Tunnel’s a horrible way in,” Nate replied, “but it’s a great way out.”
Once we were back, we reviewed what happened through the video feed Hardison had hacked. Hardison left the lock box with the diamonds tactfully open for when the police came to respond to the tripped alarm. This helped Lieutenant Bonanno find them; and with Kerrity reporting that his loose diamonds were stolen, this might as well have been an open and shut case. The matching ID numbers would just be the nails in the coffin. 
We were able to clear our client’s name and score him some cash from the swiped diamond we got after lasering off the ID number. As usual, this called for a celebration in the pub while Nate shared the good news with the client. 
Parker, Eliot, Hardison, and I all sat at the corner of the bar, it becoming a usual spot. Hardison turned back to the bar laughing after seeing the happy look on our client’s face.
“What are you smilin’ at?” Eliot asked. “You still screwed it up.”
“I’m smiling cause you said if I got in trouble, you wouldn’t help me,” he responded. 
“Parker made me,” Eliot excused. 
“No, I didn’t,” she denied. 
“Come on, man. Let’s hug it out,” Hardison said.
“I’m not hugging it out, Ice Man.”
“Just hug it… Just a little man love.”
“I’m not hugging it out with you.”
They went back and forth before Hardison forced himself onto Eliot in one of the most awkward hugs I’ve ever seen. Parker looked almost just as uncomfortable, but I just chuckled at them. 
Eliot eventually freed himself from Hardison’s grasp and stepped away from the bar. He stepped over to where I sat and said to me, “I promised you some pool practice, do you wanna go?”
I nodded, smiling at Parker and Hardison before turning fully to Eliot, “Yeah, let’s go.” I slid off the stool, standing next to him for a moment. 
He placed a hand on my shoulder and steered me towards the pool table at the back of the pub. His hand sent warmth through me, even as he was still grumbling about Hardison under his breath. I came to the conclusion that no matter how he looks at other women, Mikel, or anything else that may come up, I can still enjoy these moments with him. The moments where he’s comforting, protective, and now, when he just wants a bit of escape, and he could find that in me and playing pool, no matter my skill level. 
It might mean a little to him, these little moments, but they meant something to me, and that is all that really mattered.
A/n: Reblogs and comments are welcome and encouraged! Thank you for reading!
Tags: @instantdinosaurtidalwave @kniselle @technikerin23 @kiwikitty13 @plasticbottleholder
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emdotcom · 2 months
My tags expired 2 months ago. I finally got around to it because a family member gave me a deadline, saying "Get it done. Today."
That was yesterday.
So, I go to fill out the paperwork, after work, & realized I need my VIN. I'm tired after my shift & don't want to go down to get the number, so I set an alarm for 4 hours later, thinking I can wake up & get the thing done in 5-15mins.
I put in my info, & the website can't find my state inspection. See, 3 months ago, I dropped off my car & asked for my oil to be changed, my tires to be rotated, & my state inspection to be run. The shop did not do one of those three things. Yup -- they didn't actually do the inspection. So, I call them to ask what's up, & am put on hold for about 5 minutes before I hang up -- they close in 25 minutes. I don't have time to get that inspection done before they close, & I need my car to get to work.
So, I drive to a place I've never been before that closes an hour later. There is no indoor part. My car's AC has not worked the entire time I've had it. We are in Texas. I boil outside for 40 minutes before they ask me to pull my car in, & ask me for my insurance paperwork. I figured they would ask this, so I checked that the envelope was in my glove box, & it was. I pull it out & hand it to the mechanic, & they point out that it's out of date. I have the wrong paperwork.
Snap back 4 months ago, when I was unsure if I was renewing the car's insurance. (it is under somebody else's name, & I am very thankful, but it means I am out of the loop.) During that time, I get insurance at another place that charges me a fuckton for the crime of being under 26. The original insurance is renewed, & I am paying 2 insurances for 3 months. The owner of the original insurance finally gets back to me, tells me the insurance is being kept & gives me the papers. I call & cancel my second insurance, & it went out last month. At the same time, I am shredding my old insurance info, including what I think is last year's papers for the original insurance.
I was wrong. It was the new set. I shredded the new paperwork.
So. I don't have my papers. The mechanic asks if I have a copy on my phone. If I still had the second insurance, I could have pulled that up, but it went out a month ago, & I do not have the original insurance on my phone, so I don't have the digitital papers, either. I cannot get inspected. I go home.
I make a plan to go get my car checked today, then get the papers & bring them to the shop later, because the mechanics open right after my shift, but the insurance place opens 2 hours later.
Today, I get in my car.
The check engine light turns on.
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leffee · 4 months
Day 26: Milkshake
Sunster: Good morning, Vinnie, how are you today?
Pay-to-Vin: sad 
Sunil couldn’t stop the silent gasp from escaping his mouth. Vinnie was sad and he was openly admitting it to him? To anyone really?
There was no time to wait! He grabbed the bare essentials from his room like his phone and wallet before skipping down the stairs. Taking one last item - his car keys, he left his house, though not before hurriedly making sure in the mirror that he looked at least presentable. His verdict? He could be better but was still good enough, there was no time to complain! 
Stuffing all his things into his jacket’s pockets, Sunil got into his car and stepped on gas. As he was driving fast, just below the speed limit, his mind raced with all the possibilities of why Vinnie could be sad. There were many of course, but that didn’t prevent him from worrying at all. As the local worrywart, Sunil went through negative emotions often, too often than he’d like, but at least he had his friends, especially his best one. Vinnie didn’t always have a solution, or if he had one it didn’t work each and every time, but he was always there unless it was the case of Sunil needing some room to breathe, then he would be with him through messages if his friend needed that. As thankful as Sunil was, as a small side effect it caused him to feel a bit out of place whenever the roles were switched. Nevertheless, he knew what to do to lessen whatever kind of stress his friend was going through.
After a few minutes which felt way too long to be just that, he arrived at his destination - his, and by default Vinnie’s, favourite fast-food place. He ran inside and frowned upon seeing a big queue to all the self-service checkouts. However, the ones to the regular cash registers were much shorter so with a hint of hesitation he took a place in one and started picking on his sweater while the line grew shorter with each minute until he was the one in front of the counter.
“Good morning, what can I get you?” The cashier asked politely.
“I um, have a big order,” Sunil started with a slight tremor in his voice.
“That’s alright, though it might take a while to get it prepared. Just tell me what you need, sir.”
“Here goes,” Sunil took a breath, “I need a strawberry milkshake, a big one that is, the largest one you have, and five… no, eight burgers and I would like it as takeaway.”
“Got it, a milkshake and eight burgers, any specific ones?” 
“No, just, something with meat, and no vegetables, is that okay? I don’t need anything particular, really.”
“Of course, eight non-specific burgers it is.” After paying, Sunil had to admit that the price was less than favorable but that was the last thing on his mind right now, and throwing in a “If possible, please try to complete it quickly”, he sat down on one of the closest empty seats and started tapping his foot on the ground as he waited.
He checked his phone, but no new notifications were displayed, no wonder since he seemed to have no Wi-Fi connection there. Some guilt tugged at his conscience for not replying at all to Vinnie’s message, but he knew what he was doing right now would pay off. 
“Order number 63 is ready.” Sunil flinched but got up once he heard his number. 
“Thank you so much.” He nodded at the worker and took the bags, there were four in total.
He managed to take a glance inside before throwing them inside the car, but since it was a perfunctory glance, he didn’t manage to count the items inside. Still, he trusted there was the right number as he fastened his seat belt and started driving again.
“Vinnie, it’s me, please open the door!” Sunil yelled before his fist even reached the door and started knocking frantically. He continued until the door opened, revealing his surprised best friend.
“Sunil? Hi, bud, what are you doing here? I mean, I’m happy to see you, but I didn’t expect to see you here, especially after you didn’t answer my message.”
“I am so sorry,” Sunil put his hands together, “but I left my house as soon as I got it. Speaking of, here.” He presented Vinnie with the four, grease-leaking bags. “For you.”
“Wh- for me?” Vinnie took the bags and stood aside to let Sunil inside. “What’s the occasion? It’s not my birthday or anything.”
“No, but you said you were sad… and so,” Sunil gestured at the four bags. “However, we’ll think about that in a second, first, please, tell me what happened.” He grabbed Vinnie’s shoulders causing him to almost drop the bags at the sudden touch.
“Oh, that? You mean when I messaged you like an hour ago that I was sad?”
“Yeah, that,” Vinnie sighed and looked off to the side, “a package that I ordered didn’t come this morning.”
“...A package? What did you order?”
“A mug! One with the middle finger at the bottom, you know, like when you lift it and it’s visible?” Vinnie beamed but then his expression turned into a scowl again. “It was supposed to be here this morning so I got up unusually early, but I got a text that there was a delay, and it will arrive in the afternoon instead.” He huffed and folded his arms. And Sunil? His own arms fell to his sides.
“What’s wrong?”
“I… I thought something bad happened, I mean… worse than that and I…I…” He simply nodded towards the bags. Vinnie took a look inside of them and smiled wildly.
“Oh goodie, so much impossibly unhealthy and yet soooo tasty things for me? Thank you.” He turned back to Sunil. “Wait, wait a sec, you only buy me such foods and so many when I- when I-," He was unable to finish as he started snickering.
“I really thought you were upset!” Sunil slumped down and covered his face.
“Oh man, that’s hilarious,” Vinnie said between the remaining chuckles. “Me? Upset? Naaah. I mean, I’m not complaining, but I have to say I’m not really that hungry right now, maybe just…” Vinnie took out the milkshake, inserted the straw into it and sighed in contentment once he registered the flavor on his tongue. 
“Ugh, wonderful, who’s going to eat all that now then? Because I’m certainly not planning to consume all those burgers there.” Sunil's expression turned sour as he eyed the bags.
“Ahaha, yeah. Hmm,” Vinnie hummed in thought as he drank more of the milkshake, “I know! How about we just invite Zoe, Pepper, Penny, Minka and Russell here? I’m sure they’d appreciate some unexpected burgers.”
“At 10 am?” Sunil raised a skeptical brow. 
“Eh.” Vinnie shrugged but was already reaching for his phone while Sunil simply whined.
“Just do not tell them that I am the cause of why you have so many burgers on hand, deal?”
“Deal.” Vinnie smiled in amusement, took another sip through the straw, and clicked ‘send’.
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Don't worry, Sunil got some of his money back 😬
And that mug Vinnie ordered? He's gonna use it with only specific guests, not his friends, dw.
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: Fast X
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By now we know what to expect from the Fast franchise. We expect it to be entertaining while absolutely physically impossible for the majority of the stunts and action sequences on screen to practically be done. I believe the last time anything on screen was particularly grounded in reality was Fast Five and then it officially started going off the rails with Furious 7. At this point this franchise has gone from the classic street racing of exotic and flashy custom cars to now international special operations. This "family" should just honestly just open up their own private security or private military company. Fast 9 truly went too far in trying to deliver a spy thriller that was truly too much and teetered on the level of a Michael Bay film. Luckily, this film learned from the mistakes of that film and actually tried to focus on a story. The insane action and ridiculous amount of family quotes are there, but this was dare I say, more toned down than the last few entries of the franchise. The cast of characters continues to grow and some were fun and some others felt shoved in for no reason. Also, there is an abundance of magic that happens in this film where somehow a character just appears without any explanation or origin.
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Like I said the cast keeps growing in these films so I'm just gonna highlight the ones that actually stood out. Vin Diesel continues to lead the franchise as Dominic Toretto and I liked that he starts to actually show some worry this time around. He takes to the role of fatherhood very well in a number of scenes, but he can't help himself and somehow gets back in the action. Michelle Rodriguez is always fun and as Letty, she gets to have her moments to kick ass in the last half of the film. Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson and Nathalie Emmanuel return as the fun hacker trio Tej, Roman Pearce, Ramsey and they continue to have the best chemistry in the more comedic scenes. Sung Kang returns as Han and he doesn't really have much to do until he finally faces off with Jason Statham's character, Deckard Shaw. Its not the fight we dreamed of, but a decent fight and eventual team up.  John Cena returns as Dom's brother Jakob and he is a far step away from the tough and stoic nature he was from the previous film. He was still fun to watch though and did what he does best in the action and comedic set pieces. Alan Ritchson was so much fun and excellent as the new Mr. Nobody's Agency leader, Aimes. He isn't as predictable as he may seem and he fits in the fold of the franchise so well. Brie Larson was good as the daughter of Mr. Nobody, Tess. She reminded me why I like her as an actress and she was definitely having fun throughout the film. Charlize Theron returns as the fun and villainous vixen Cypher. She continues that cunning and quiet sinister charm to her personality and I loved that she wasn't the only villain on the roster. Jason Mamoa was a complete maniac of a rockstar as Dante Reyes. If there was ever a villain that felt shoe horned, but then evolved into something memorable, he would be the very definition. He is flamboyant yet unpredictable and vicious in his devilishly playful nature. I loved that he played mind games with Dom and others as his words always had multiple meaning. He is too good for this franchise and he lets you know it with all the genuine fun he is having.
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The score by the great Brian Tyler keeps the adrenaline pumping in all the action scenes and brings back all the familiar themes he created throughout the series. The action in this film is on par with the absolutely ridiculous and over the top nature this franchise has turned into. Even with that said, I couldn't help but notice that there was an actual effort to tone it down this time. Yeah sure you have the pinball machine sequence in Italy and then the Dam sequence, but for the most part, it was actually believable. I think the team behind these films realized the problem and are slowly going back to basics maybe. There was an actual race in this film and it was the most tension fueled race I've seen in this franchise since the fourth film. There are so many moments where people just show up out of nowhere and the pacing of this entry was very quick which was a plus. Overall, I found this entry to be easily entertaining and without the amount of idiocracy of F9. There is a character that returns and you'll ask yourself how and I hope in Fast 11 they actually explain it instead of the nonsensical way they did with Han. Do stick around for the mid credit scene that has a surprise, but with the launching point of the story of Fast Five, you'll know who it is immediately. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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jacquesthepigeon · 3 months
Not sure if you ever got a response about this and you don’t have to publicly respond but I have my own general guide for what to look for in a used car:
Maintenance—if you’re physically able to change tires, oil, and brakes yourself, that’s ideal. Alternatively, if you know anyone with car maintenance skills, it will be a much more affordable option than bringing it to a shop. If you can’t do it yourself or don’t know a mechanic, figure out how much you’re willing to spend on taking your car in to be fixed professionally. DO NOT just trust the seller’s claims about recent maintenance. Check it yourself or have someone you trust check it.
Electronics—newer cars (2010s and newer) have more electronic components, and thus will need special types of updates to their programming. Older cars (2000s and older) are more analog and have fewer electronic features, but will cost less to repair. NEVER buy a car that has electronic issues.
Fluids—check all fluids before agreeing to purchase the vehicle. Oil, transmission, brakes, coolant, radiator, etc. Check the smell of the fluids, how clear or dirty they are, whether they are full, most recent fluid change/flush. DO NOT just trust the seller’s claims about recent maintenance. Check it yourself or have someone you trust check it.
Sounds—listen to engine sounds before AND after it has been warmed up. If there is a distinct knocking, tapping, or other suspicious sound in the engine, do NOT buy that vehicle.
Research—look up any issues specific to the vehicle you intend to buy. Look the car up specifically by make, model, year, and if possible, VIN. This includes any issues with electronics, transmission/power train, steering, brakes, tires, chassis strength, etc. This is especially important when considering survivability of an accident and the future cost of maintenance. (Most car insurance providers offer a free quoting system and, if you have the VIN, will also provide information about any previous accidents the vehicle has been in.)
Manufacturer’s Warranties—this is an extension of research, but it’s vital if you ever have a serious mechanical failure. Most manufacturers will provide a distance-based guaranteed warranty for replacement of parts. (For example, a car’s first owner may be covered for engine replacement up to 100k total miles of use. Meanwhile, any future owners will only be covered up to the original 60k miles driven on the car.) Engine, transmission/power train, and electronic warranties are the most important ones, but some manufacturers will also provide brake and tire warranties.
I have a lot more info stored in my head, but I hope this helps with the basics and what to look out for before you buy a used car!
Paperwork—before purchasing a vehicle, make sure the seller has all the necessary paperwork for you to legally own and register the car. At the very least, this means a title with the correct VIN number and make/model info. Depending on the state you live in, you’ll also need to be sure the former owner submits a bill of sale or buyer/seller form to the DMV. If the VIN number has been taken off the vehicle or the former owner does not have a title, it is likely stolen. Do NOT buy it.
I love you 🫶
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daddymikeyway · 2 years
I had to call Geico today because we have a car they insure. They must have thought I was crazy, I swear. Hey I don’t have a policy number, I have the name and address of the policy holder, the plate and VIN, and I can look at the car on camera. Come get it? The first person I walked to asked if I wanted to open a claim. I mean, sure? I’m claiming the car is available for pick up. Why do you have it? My brother in Christ it was part of a vehicular homicide. Please come get it. Then I get transferred to a supervisor who says they’ll “look into it” and get back to me. Look into what?? You have all the information I have. If you don’t get it, it’s getting junked
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kavachqr · 1 month
QR Codes for Cars: Enhancing Safety and Security on the Road
What is QR for Cars?
QR for cars involves integrating Quick Response (QR) codes into various parts of a vehicle. These codes, when scanned, provide information such as the vehicle's VIN, insurance details, owner information, and emergency contacts. The primary benefits include quick access to crucial data during emergencies and streamlined processes for vehicle services and security.
Emergency QR Stickers
Emergency QR stickers are specialized QR codes placed on vehicles to aid first responders and other emergency personnel. In an accident, scanning these codes can provide immediate access to critical information like medical history, allergies, emergency contacts, and insurance details.
How They Improve Road Safety
Real-Life Scenarios and Examples
Consider a scenario where a driver is involved in a severe accident and is unable to communicate. An emergency QR sticker on the car can be scanned by first responders, providing them with the driver’s medical details and emergency contacts within seconds. This quick access ensures the driver receives the appropriate care without delays.
The Concept of a Digital Shield for Vehicles
A digital shield for vehicles refers to the protective barrier created by QR codes that store and share important data about the vehicle and its owner.
How QR Codes Create a Digital Shield
QR codes act as a digital shield by storing encrypted data that can only be accessed by authorized personnel. This data can include ownership details, service history, and other important information that helps in maintaining vehicle security and efficiency.
Benefits for Vehicle Owners
For vehicle owners, a digital shield means enhanced security against theft, better management of vehicle information, and peace of mind knowing that in emergencies, crucial information is readily available.
How QR Scanners Work
QR scanners are devices or applications used to read QR codes. They work by capturing the code's image and decoding the information stored within the pattern.
Technical Explanation
When a QR code is scanned, the scanner reads the black and white squares within the code. These patterns are then translated into data that the scanner can understand and display.
Types of QR Scanners
There are several types of QR scanners, including:
Smartphone Apps: Most modern smartphones come equipped with built-in QR code scanning capabilities through their cameras.
Handheld Scanners: Used in commercial and industrial settings for their robustness and accuracy.
Integrated Scanners: Found in devices like tablets and computers for more versatile applications.
Best Practices for Using QR Scanners
To effectively use QR scanners:
Ensure the code is well-lit and not obstructed.
Hold the scanner steady for accurate reading.
Keep the scanning device’s software updated for best performance.
Understanding QR Codes
QR codes, or Quick Response codes, are a type of two-dimensional barcode that can hold much more data than traditional barcodes.
History and Development
Invented in 1994 by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, QR codes were initially used to track vehicles during manufacturing. Over time, their use expanded to other industries due to their ability to store a large amount of information in a small space.
Structure and Components of a QR Code
A QR code consists of several key components:
How QR Codes Work
When scanned, the QR code's data modules are translated into binary numbers, which are then decoded into readable information.
The Role of QR Code Readers
QR code readers are devices or applications specifically designed to decode and display the information stored in QR codes.
Different Types of Readers Available
There are several types of QR code readers, including:
Basic Smartphone Apps: Simple apps that read QR codes and display the encoded information.
Advanced Scanners: Provide additional features like batch scanning and integration with other systems.
Built-In Readers: Included in many modern smartphones and tablets.
Choosing the Right QR Code Reader
When selecting a QR code reader, consider:
Compatibility: Ensure it works with your device.
Features: Look for additional functionalities like history tracking and cloud storage.
User Reviews: Check feedback from other users to gauge reliability and performance.
Implementing QR Codes on Vehicles
To implement QR codes on your vehicle, follow these steps:
Steps to Install QR Codes on Your Car
Design the QR Code: Include essential information such as owner details and emergency contacts.
Print the Code: Use durable, weather-resistant materials.
Place the Code: Position the QR code in visible yet protected areas like the windshield or inside the driver’s door.
Best Locations for QR Code Placement
The best locations for QR code placement include:
Windshield: Visible to first responders.
Driver’s Door: Easily accessible.
Dashboard: Protected from the elements yet accessible.
Maintaining QR Code Visibility and Functionality
Ensure your QR codes remain effective by:
Regular Cleaning: Keep the code free from dirt and grime.
Periodic Checks: Verify the code’s readability periodically.
Updating Information: Keep the encoded information current.
Enhancing Vehicle Security with QR Codes
QR codes can play a significant role in preventing vehicle theft and enhancing security.
How QR Codes Help in Theft Prevention
By embedding QR codes with ownership and security information, vehicles become harder to steal and resell. Law enforcement can quickly verify a vehicle’s status by scanning the code.
Case Studies of QR Codes Deterring Theft
Several case studies highlight the effectiveness of QR codes in deterring theft. In one instance, a fleet of delivery trucks equipped with QR codes saw a 30% reduction in theft incidents due to the easy verification process.
Future Trends in Vehicle Security
Future trends include integrating QR codes with GPS tracking and real-time notifications, offering even more robust security measures.
Emergency Situations and QR Codes
QR codes are invaluable in emergency situations, providing immediate access to crucial information.
How QR Codes Assist in Emergencies
In emergencies, QR codes can provide first responders with medical information, vehicle details, and contact information, facilitating faster and more effective response.
Collaboration with Emergency Services
Emergency services are increasingly recognizing the benefits of QR codes, with some departments actively encouraging their use in vehicles for better preparedness.
QR Codes for Medical Information
For drivers with medical conditions, QR codes can store
VISIT:-Kavach QR
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tomyums · 6 months
Just What to Check out When Buying a Reconditioned Auto in Dhaka
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Obtaining a reconditioned car could be a smart selection for numerous vehicle shoppers in Dhaka Along with the ever-rising auto costs in Dhaka, choosing a refurbished car from a credible car showroom in Dhaka Bangladesh can easily offer considerable cost savings. Nevertheless, it is actually vital to be watchful and also complete in the buying process to guarantee you make a wise investment. Listed below are actually some essential variables to look at when purchasing a reconditioned vehicle in Dhaka.
Secret Elements To Consider When Acquiring A Reconditioned Car In Dhaka
When you remain in the marketplace for a refurbished automobile in Dhaka, there are actually many vital aspects to remember prior to buying. These feature:
Research Car Costs in Dhaka
Prior to diving in to the globe of refurbished cars, it is actually vital to have a clear understanding of the current vehicle costs in Dhaka This expertise will aid you prepare a realistic budget plan and determine if the reconditioned auto you have an interest in is actually priced evenly. Look into different sources, including on the web directories, vehicle dealers, and also market patterns to acquire a complete viewpoint of the vehicle cost landscape in Dhaka.
If you are actually primarily considering a well-liked auto versions, it is actually critical to explore the Premio car price in Bangladesh. One technique to navigate this hunt is to look at professional dealerships like GARI-IMPORT.com.bd, recognized for importing genuine usage automobiles straight from Asia. Through discovering their stock and also prices, you can easily obtain ideas right into competitive fees for the automobiles in the Dhaka market.
Opt For a Professional Auto Display Room in Dhaka
Picking the appropriate auto display room in Dhaka is crucial for an effective refurbished automobile purchase. Search for dealers with a strong reputation for sincerity, openness, and quality company. Check out consumer testimonials, inquire for suggestions, as well as check out showrooms personally to receive a feel for their professionalism and reliability. A credible display room is going to deliver you with exact details concerning the car's background, upkeep reports, and any reconditioning that has been carried out.
Examine the Auto History Record
A thorough vehicle background document is a need to when acquiring a reconditioned vehicle. This report provides important info regarding the automobile's past, consisting of details regarding mishaps, title condition, as well as odometer readings. To make sure the credibility of the record, it is actually vital to confirm that the motor vehicle identification number (VIN) on the document matches the one on the auto. Trustworthy automobile showrooms in Dhaka understand the usefulness of clarity as well as quickly provide this record, using you confidence concerning the reconditioned car's history.
For incorporated assurance, consider looking into dealerships with extra confirmation components. GARI-IMPORT.com.bd, as an example, goes the additional kilometer by offering auction sheet verification or verify BD alternative. By means of these attributes, potential buyers can easily cross-check important relevant information regarding the car's past history and state. Through utilizing these devices, customers access to an even more thorough understanding of the auto's background, nurturing peace of mind in the acquisition. This devotion to proof showcases GARI-IMPORT.com.bd's dedication to clarity as well as customer complete satisfaction, making it a reliable selection for those finding reconditioned cars in Dhaka.
Comprehensive Mechanical Assessment
Although the vehicle might appear beautiful, a complete technical evaluation is actually essential to find any sort of underlying problems. Work with a depended on technician to examine the motor, transmission, brakes, and various other essential parts. Addressing possible issues prior to completing the purchase can easily save you from unforeseen expenses later on. Also, ask the automobile showroom in Dhaka concerning any reconditioning or even renovation processes the car has actually gone through.
Examine for Service Warranty and After-Sales Company
Reliable car display rooms in Dhaka usually give service warranties on their reconditioned vehicles. Inquire concerning the available manufacturer's warranty choices and also the protection they give. A manufacturer's warranty can easily supply added defense and assurance in the event that any sort of concerns emerge after the investment. Additionally, examine the availability of after-sales services, as a reliable display room is going to wait its own products and provide assistance when required.
Test Drive the Refurbished Auto
A test ride is actually an essential intervene analyzing the general condition and also performance of the reconditioned auto. Take notice of exactly how the automobile takes care of, speeds up, and brakes. Listen for any kind of uncommon sounds and also monitor the functioning of important components like central air conditioning, lights, and electronics. An exam drive permits you to experience the auto direct as well as assists you create an updated decision.
Smartly Purchase A Refurbished Vehicle in Dhaka
Purchasing a refurbished automobile in Dhaka may be a monetarily intelligent choice, offered you conduct a thorough investigation prior to making the acquisition. From exploring car prices in Dhaka to deciding on a respectable auto display room, taking notice of these key aspects will certainly make sure a soft as well as satisfactory buying adventure. Through being diligent as well as educated, you can easily repel along with a reputable reconditioned car that fulfills both your budget and also expectations.
Tel :+8801811030303
Polwel Carnation Shopping Center,
(Level 1 Parking Area) Sector 8, Uttara, Dhaka.
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jollysauto · 6 months
 Top Tips for First-Time Users of Ford Wreckers Services 
 If you're venturing into the realm of Ford wreckers for the first time, you're on the cusp of discovering a treasure trove of automotive opportunities. 
Ford wreckers are not just about dismantling old or damaged vehicles; they're about rejuvenating your Ford experience, offering affordable parts, and embracing sustainable automotive practices. 
In this blog post, we'll navigate the ins and outs of utilising Ford Wreckers Dandenong services, ensuring you get the most out of your visit. 
Buckle up, and let's get started on this exhilarating journey together!
A Beginner's Primer
Embarking on your first adventure with Ford Wreckers Dandenong can be as thrilling as it is daunting. The world of auto wrecking and recycling is vast, with its unique language, practices, and treasures. 
As a first-timer, understanding the basics of how Ford wreckers operate can significantly enhance your experience. These establishments are more than just car graveyards; they're recycling hubs that breathe new life into what many consider the end of the road for a vehicle. 
By choosing Ford wreckers, you're stepping into a sustainable cycle, giving old parts new life and often finding rarities unavailable elsewhere. Remember, every visit to Ford Wreckers is an opportunity for discovery and learning.
Tips for Finding Quality Parts
Finding quality parts at Ford wreckers is akin to treasure hunting. The key to success lies in knowing what you need and having the patience to hunt for it. 
Before visiting, arm yourself with a list of required parts, your Ford's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), and any relevant tools for part removal. 
Don't hesitate to ask the staff for assistance; their expertise can be invaluable in guiding you to the right section or offering advice on part compatibility. 
Remember, the beauty of Ford wreckers lies in the journey of discovery, so keep an open mind and enjoy the search.
Strategies for Efficient Wrecking Yard Navigation
To maximise your visit to Ford wreckers, strategic planning is key. Early mornings are usually the best time to explore, as you'll avoid the crowds and have the first pick of the newly arrived stock. Wear comfortable, protective clothing, and consider bringing a small toolkit for part removal. 
Familiarise yourself with the layout of the yard if possible, and don't be shy about asking for a map or directions. Efficiency doesn't mean rushing; it means having a clear plan while being open to serendipitous finds along the way.
Negotiating Prices Like a Pro
Haggling is an art form at Ford Wreckers, and mastering it can lead to significant savings. The key is to be respectful yet assertive. Do your research beforehand to have a ballpark figure of what parts should cost. 
If you find something priced higher than expected, politely inquire if the price is negotiable. Often, Ford wreckers staff are open to reasonable offers, especially if you're buying multiple items. 
Remember, a smile and a friendly demeanour can go a long way in securing a good deal.
A Guide to Avoid Costly Mistakes
One of the most crucial aspects of shopping at Ford Wreckers is ensuring part compatibility. A part may look right but might not fit your specific model or year. This is where your VIN and any research you've done beforehand come into play. 
Use these as tools to confirm part compatibility, reducing the risk of returning home with unusable parts. 
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Additionally, many Ford wreckers Dandenong offer exchange or return policies within a certain timeframe, so always ask about these options before making your purchase.
Embracing Eco-Friendly Auto Repairs
By choosing Ford wreckers, you're not just saving money; you're also embracing sustainable automotive practices. 
Auto wrecking and recycling significantly reduce the demand for new parts manufacturing, lowering the carbon footprint associated with production and transportation. 
When you opt for used parts from Ford wreckers, you're contributing to a circular economy, promoting environmental sustainability, and proving that responsible choices can go hand in hand with automotive passion.
The Community Aspect of Ford Wreckers
Perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of frequenting Ford wreckers is the opportunity to build lasting relationships within the automotive community. Engaging with staff and fellow enthusiasts can lead to a wealth of knowledge, tips, and even friendships. 
These connections can be invaluable, providing insights into DIY repairs and customisation ideas or even leads on hard-to-find parts. Remember, the automotive journey is as much about the people you meet along the way as it is about the cars themselves.
In conclusion, venturing into the world of Ford wreckers for the first time can be an enriching experience filled with learning, discovery, and engagement. 
By following these top tips, you're well on your way to making the most out of your Ford Wreckers Dandenong services experience. Remember, every visit is an opportunity to save money, support sustainable practices, and deepen your connection with the automotive community. 
So, gear up, set forth on your Ford Wreckers adventure, and enjoy every moment of this unique journey. Happy wrecking!
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keylinkdiagno · 7 months
VIN Coding Experts UK: Unlocking the Secrets of Vehicle Identification Numbers
In the realm of automotive identification, there exists a crucial element often overlooked by many: the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This alphanumeric code serves as a unique identifier for vehicles, akin to a fingerprint for automobiles. However, deciphering the complexities of VIN coding requires expertise and precision. Enter the VIN coding experts in the UK, individuals with a knack for unraveling the mysteries concealed within these seemingly random sequences of characters. Join us on a journey as we delve into the realm of VIN coding experts and unlock the secrets hidden within.
Understanding VIN Coding
Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) are unique codes assigned to individual vehicles. These codes provide vital information about a vehicle's make, model, year, and more. Understanding the structure and significance of VINs is crucial for decoding their hidden meanings.
Importance of VINs
VINs play a pivotal role in various aspects of the automotive industry, including vehicle registration, insurance claims, and recalls. Their significance extends beyond mere identification, impacting safety and regulatory compliance.
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Role of VIN Coding Experts
VIN coding experts in the UK possess specialized knowledge and skills required to interpret VINs accurately. Their expertise is invaluable in verifying vehicle authenticity, identifying potential issues, and ensuring legal compliance.
Services Offered
VIN coding experts offer a range of services, including VIN decoding, verification, and historical analysis. They assist individuals and businesses in making informed decisions regarding vehicle purchases, sales, and maintenance.
Qualities of a VIN Expert
A proficient VIN coding expert exhibits attention to detail, analytical thinking, and a deep understanding of automotive systems. They stay updated on industry trends and regulations to provide reliable insights.
Finding the Right Expert
When seeking the services of a VIN coding expert, consider factors such as experience, reputation, and customer reviews. Choose a professional who demonstrates integrity and transparency in their work.
Introduction to Keylink Diagnostics
The team at Keylink Diagnostics specializes in accessing and reprogramming lost or stolen electronic car or van keys, ensuring they're unusable to unauthorized individuals. With extensive training and cutting-edge equipment, they can assist with any vehicle make, model, or age, providing same-day service. Additionally, they can program spare or new keys, maintaining your vehicle's anti-theft system. Serving various areas including Weston-super-Mare, Bristol, Bridgwater, Taunton, Bath, Swindon, and Cheltenham, their priority is your safety and convenience. Contact them for prompt and efficient assistance.
Benefits of Expertise
Engaging the services of a VIN coding expert offers numerous benefits, including peace of mind, accurate information, and enhanced decision-making. Their expertise adds value to various automotive transactions and processes.
Common Misconceptions
Despite their expertise, VIN coding experts often encounter misconceptions regarding their role and capabilities. Addressing these misconceptions is essential for fostering understanding and trust among clients.
Future of VIN Coding
As technology advances and automotive systems evolve, the role of VIN coding experts is likely to expand. Embracing innovation and continuous learning will be key to staying relevant in this dynamic field.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is VIN coding, and why is it important?
A: VIN coding involves decoding the unique identifiers assigned to vehicles. It is crucial for verifying vehicle authenticity, ensuring regulatory compliance, and making informed decisions.
Q: How can I find a reliable VIN coding expert in the UK?
A: Look for experts with a proven track record, positive reviews, and a commitment to professionalism and transparency. Consider seeking recommendations from trusted sources in the automotive industry.
Q: What services do VIN coding experts offer?
A: VIN coding experts provide a range of services, including VIN decoding, verification, historical analysis, and consultation. They assist individuals and businesses in various automotive transactions and processes.
Q: Are there any misconceptions about VIN coding experts?
A: Yes, common misconceptions include doubts about the accuracy and reliability of VIN decoding, as well as misconceptions about the scope of services offered by experts.
In conclusion, VIN coding experts in the UK play a vital role in deciphering the complexities of vehicle identification. Their expertise ensures accuracy, reliability, and compliance in various automotive processes. By understanding the importance of VINs and engaging the services of knowledgeable experts, individuals, and businesses can navigate the automotive landscape with confidence.
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albionpark · 7 months
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Inspecting Used Cars
Are you in the market for a new set of wheels but not ready to break the bank with a brand-new vehicle? Buying a used car can be a fantastic option to get reliable transportation at a fraction of the cost. However, purchasing a used car can be a daunting experience, especially if you're unfamiliar with the ins and outs of inspecting a vehicle.
To help you navigate through this process, here are the top 5 mistakes to avoid when inspecting used cars to ensure you make a wise and informed decision.
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Skipping the Vehicle History Check
When you're in the market for cars for sale Illawarra, one of the first things you should do is obtain the vehicle identification number (VIN) from the seller. With this crucial piece of information, you can run a comprehensive vehicle history report to uncover any past accidents, title issues, service records, and more.
Skipping this step could leave you in the dark about potential red flags and hidden problems that could cost you dearly in the long run.
Neglecting a Thorough Inspection
It's easy to fall in love with the exterior and interior features of a used car, but it's what's under the hood and beneath the chassis that truly counts. When inspecting used cars, don't rush through this process.
Check for signs of wear and tear, test the brakes, assess the tyres, and ensure that all mechanical components are in good working order. Neglecting a thorough inspection could lead to unexpected repairs down the road.
Overlooking a Test Drive
A test drive is more than just a formality - it's your chance to assess the car's performance firsthand. Take the time to drive the vehicle at varying speeds, test the acceleration and braking, and listen for any unusual noises.
Pay attention to how the car handles on different road surfaces and in various traffic conditions. Overlooking a test drive could mean missing out on essential information about the car's drivability.
Failing to Have the Car Inspected by a Mechanic
While you may have a good eye for spotting obvious issues, having a professional mechanic inspect cars for sale Illawarra is invaluable.
A trained eye will be able to identify potential problems you might miss and provide an expert opinion on the overall condition of the vehicle. Failing to have the car inspected by a mechanic could result in purchasing a car with hidden issues that could lead to costly repairs.
Not Negotiating the Price
Finally, one of the most common mistakes when buying cars for sale is not negotiating the price. Even if the seller's asking price seems reasonable, there's often room for negotiation, especially if the vehicle has any imperfections or requires maintenance.
Don't be afraid to negotiate for a fair price based on the findings of your inspection and any potential repairs or maintenance the car may need.
By avoiding these critical mistakes when inspecting used cars for sale Illawarra, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision and drive away in a reliable and satisfactory vehicle.
Remember, taking your time and being thorough in the inspection process will ultimately save you time, money, and headaches in the future.
Source By : Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Inspecting Used Cars
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faithinhim · 7 months
What to Check out When Acquiring a Reconditioned Vehicle in Dhaka
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Purchasing a reconditioned automobile may be a clever choice for several auto shoppers in Dhaka With the ever-rising car rates in Dhaka, choosing a refurbished vehicle from a respectable car showroom in Dhaka Bangladesh may use substantial savings. Nonetheless, it is actually essential to be actually careful and also in depth in the purchasing process to ensure you help make a sensible investment. Below are some vital elements to take into consideration when buying a reconditioned auto in Dhaka.
Trick Variables To Look At When Acquiring A Reconditioned Car In Dhaka
When you are actually in the marketplace for a refurbished auto in Dhaka, there are actually a number of important elements to bear in mind before buying. These feature:
Research Auto Rates in Dhaka
Just before diving right into the planet of reconditioned automobiles, it is actually vital to possess a very clear understanding of the current automobile prices in Dhaka This expertise will certainly help you prepare a reasonable finances and also recognize if the reconditioned automobile you are curious in is priced reasonably. Explore different resources, such as on the internet lists, vehicle dealerships, and market styles to receive a complete perspective of the automobile price field in Dhaka.
If you're especially curious about a prominent vehicle models, it is actually essential to investigate the Premio car price in Bangladesh. One means to browse this hunt is actually to think about trustworthy dealers like GARI-IMPORT.com.bd, known for importing authentic gas mileage automobiles directly from Asia. Through discovering their stock and costs, you can obtain ideas right into reasonable costs for the automobiles in the Dhaka market.
Pick a Respectable Auto Display Room in Dhaka
Choosing the right car display room in Dhaka is actually vital for a successful reconditioned car acquisition. Seek car dealerships with a solid online reputation for sincerity, clarity, and also quality solution. Go through customer reviews, request for recommendations, and also visit display rooms personally to receive a taste of their expertise. A professional showroom will definitely offer you with accurate details regarding the car's background, routine maintenance files, and also any type of reconditioning that has actually been performed.
Evaluate the Motor Vehicle History File
A detailed vehicle history record is a have to when buying a reconditioned car. This document offers crucial information regarding the auto's past, featuring information regarding accidents, headline standing, and also odometer readings. To make certain the genuineness of the file, it's vital to confirm that the vehicle id variety (VIN) on the report matches the one on the automobile. Reliable automobile display rooms in Dhaka know the significance of openness as well as readily supply this record, using you tranquility of mind regarding the refurbished car's background.
For added assurance, think about exploring car dealerships with added verification components. GARI-IMPORT.com.bd, for example, goes over and above through offering auction sheet verification or verify BD possibility. Via these attributes, potential customers can cross-check important relevant information concerning the vehicle's past as well as state. By utilizing these devices, consumers obtain access to an even more comprehensive understanding of the vehicle's history, cultivating assurance in the purchase. This devotion to verification showcases GARI-IMPORT.com.bd's commitment to clarity and also client contentment, making it a reputable option for those looking for refurbished cars in Dhaka.
Detailed Mechanical Evaluation
Despite the fact that the car might appear immaculate, a complete technical evaluation is actually necessary to reveal any kind of rooting problems. Choose a trusted auto mechanics to review the engine, gear box, brakes, and various other crucial components. Attending to potential troubles before finalizing the acquisition can easily conserve you from unexpected expenses later on. Furthermore, talk to the vehicle display room in Dhaka concerning any reconditioning or even renovation refines the auto has actually undergone.
Check out for Manufacturer's Warranty as well as After-Sales Company
Respectable car showrooms in Dhaka typically provide service warranties on their reconditioned automobiles. Ask about the readily available warranty choices and also the insurance coverage they deliver. A service warranty may supply extra defense and guarantee in the event that any kind of issues develop after the acquisition. Also, examine the supply of after-sales solutions, as a competent display room will definitely wait its own items and deliver support when needed.
Test Drive the Reconditioned Car
A test drive is actually an important measure in examining the general shape and also functionality of the refurbished automobile. Focus on exactly how the car manages, speeds up, and also brakes. Listen for any type of unusual audios and notice the performance of necessary features like air conditioning, lights, and electronics. A test drive enables you to experience the automobile direct and also helps you make an informed selection.
Smartly Acquire A Reconditioned Vehicle in Dhaka
Buying a refurbished automobile in Dhaka can be a fiscally intelligent selection, delivered you perform a detailed investigation just before helping make the purchase. From investigating automobile costs in Dhaka to selecting a reputable vehicle display room, keeping an eye on these key aspects will guarantee a smooth and also sufficient acquiring knowledge. Through applying and notified, you can easily repel along with a trusted refurbished vehicle that meets each your budget plan as well as assumptions.
Tel :+8801811030303
Polwel Carnation Shopping Center,
(Level 1 Parking Area) Sector 8, Uttara, Dhaka.
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prokeyslock · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Car Key Replacement: Dallas, TX Edition
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Introduction: Losing or damaging your car keys can be a frustrating experience, especially when you're in a hurry or far from home. Fortunately, in Dallas, TX, there are numerous options available for car key replacement services. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about getting your car keys replaced in Dallas, from finding reputable locksmiths to understanding the process and costs involved.
Understanding Your Options:
Local Locksmiths: Dallas boasts a range of professional locksmith services that specialize in car key replacement. These locksmiths are often equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to replace keys for various makes and models.
Dealerships: Many car dealerships in Dallas offer key replacement services, but these can sometimes be more expensive than independent locksmiths. However, dealerships may offer added benefits like programming and warranty assurance.
Mobile Services: Some locksmiths in Dallas offer mobile key replacement services, meaning they can come directly to your location to replace your keys, whether you're stranded on the roadside or at home.
Steps to Take When You've Lost Your Car Keys:
Remain Calm: Losing your car keys can be stressful, but staying calm will help you think clearly and take the necessary steps to get them replaced.
Contact a Professional: As soon as you realize your keys are lost or damaged, reach out to a reputable locksmith or dealership in Dallas to inquire about key replacement services.
Provide Necessary Information: When contacting a locksmith or dealership, be prepared to provide details about your vehicle, such as the make, model, year, and VIN number, to ensure they can create the correct key for your car.
Understanding the Replacement Process:
Key Cutting: The first step in replacing a lost or damaged car key is cutting a new key that matches your vehicle's ignition and door locks.
Transponder Programming: For vehicles equipped with transponder keys, programming is necessary to synchronize the new key with your car's immobilizer system.
Key Fob Replacement: If your car key includes a remote key fob for keyless entry, the replacement process may involve programming the new fob to work with your vehicle.
Factors Affecting Cost:
Type of Key: The type of key your car requires (traditional, transponder, keyless entry, etc.) will impact the cost of replacement.
Make and Model: The make and model of your vehicle can also influence the cost, as some keys are more complex and expensive to replace than others.
Additional Services: Services like key programming, key fob replacement, and mobile locksmith assistance may incur additional charges.
Tips for Choosing a Car Key Replacement Service:
Read Reviews: Before choosing a locksmith or dealership for key replacement, take the time to read reviews and testimonials from previous customers to ensure you're selecting a reputable and reliable service provider.
Verify Credentials: Confirm that the locksmith or dealership you choose is licensed, bonded, and insured to perform key replacement services in Dallas.
Get Quotes: Don't hesitate to request quotes from multiple locksmiths or dealerships to compare prices and find the best deal for your key replacement needs.
Conclusion: When you find yourself in need of car key replacement services in Dallas, TX, knowing where to turn can save you time, money, and stress. By understanding your options, knowing what to expect during the replacement process, and choosing a reputable service provider, you can quickly and efficiently get back on the road with a new set of keys in hand.
Car Key Replacement Service in Dallas, Tx
Are you looking for a reliable car key replacement service in Dallas, TX? At Pro Keys Locksmith Tx, we have been the car key replacement service of choice for over a decade. Over the years, we have provided honest, professional, and highly dependable service to anyone who needed it.
We are a locally owned and operated locksmith service trusted by hundreds of people across the city. Our car key replacement and emergency locksmith services are available 24/7 and 365 days a year. In other words, you can call our highly trained professionals at any time you need help
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regalityandcoffee · 7 months
I wanna make a post for all the stuff I've learned working in an automated store but uh.
*grabsyour face*
At the most. At the very most I need to At LEAST know what model you drive. Telling me it's a 2004 Chevy is not going to help anyone IS IT AN ASTRO? BLAZER? K1500 SILVERADO?
And especially please tell me your engine size! I under stand a lot of people (although they should) don't know if their cars engines or flexfuel/ecoboost or CNG, that doesn't mean they don't still run on gas but still!!!
Please come in with your Vin number or license plate number if you're not sure at all!
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
There's a lot going on tonight a lot of talk about what our son is doing and he's trying to get things to work and he knows me to sign him up and he knows what he's talking about and people are looking at stuff differently and Sandy Wong is saying oh they're quiet so we need lights she's got lights that go in the whole thing she got lights that blink and all sorts of funny things and she knows what would you do I said they have these lights for each area of the world in Mexico actually is Brazil they have gold that's kind of color of that stuff that the mosquitoes get stuck in and it becomes a gym a gym and second orangish color amber and that's what it's called and she says wow so we put those lights on there and you can run them as part of your running lights and in China I think the gold is a little red in some areas and it's true and they do that and I saw it there I think in Thailand on tuk tuk and in China a little bit so she's looking around and she sees it and she says oh that's what that means and she knows about it and she started doing it and it says you can put other things like famous movies but that's a real powerful one so people saw it and they start to want the scooter and they're going around doing it so it's nice so I'm thinking of you and you're thinking of me and I start thinking of this car and I thought what a horror show and it might be a bit much and people say this dad got in trouble and what you say is it would be too much and it's a problem but it's a way to get funds aside from the social security or from social security and I see what you're saying it's kind of dangerous but I don't have to keep things and people probably want me to sell it and the max will say it didn't work and it's true they'll threaten if you sell it will take the money back and stuff like that so you see the ideas to sell the car if they're saying that and we get that too and sometimes it's too hot and they see it and they have to come in and stuff and they don't want to keep doing it and people see that too it's a weird thing and it's kind of sad amarose and the lady thought it was his at the show she's selling it and she checked and she couldn't figure it out and he says you have to look at the VIN as you did that and she found someone with it and try to match it wouldn't and it goes the engine number or the frame number it's on the engine and so she's looking around and she found an engine number and she's trying to match that she finds the guy again and he says look I don't know what you're talking about and wouldn't tell her and so she went to another guy won't tell me anything she goes what is it and show me first and I'll show you you can come down and look at it I just want to know so he showed her and she shows him it's the same number so he went down there and bought it the other guy was pissed off and got into a fight with him and it started it off and there's people who are still awake it's 1:00 and they're talking about stuff and I can hear it and what you're saying is I don't know what to talk about and you're talking about what we're talking about a little bit mostly the talking about these neighbors here and how they suck and they don't sound like Mike too and they don't really that exactly sure who they are but they're from there that's what they're saying so I think the car is a little odd and we have to talk to our people but it seems like they want to have you use it it says I'm not really sure how the hell they would get it to me and his dad said it was sold and what I remember is it was still there when they left and went to the campground and you got sick and he was supposed to sell it and he thinks that the neighbor put the stuff into storage and that's where it is so you'll have to guess
And no they won't say but they will shortly and they're going to look around to everybody's going to start hunting for it and they do see what the threat is and that they're threats have not done a damn thing. It is on odd and they wanted to get the car to him before no they have a plan and it's time to her son is kind of guessing it and we are too from his dad and from her and they try and do stuff so we are going to have a heads up about it and it works this is a nice car a Saturn is nice it was a separate company standalone is what our son calls it it had a reputation of making decent cars and it started off with this panel it doesn't dance and stuff and he thought his father's car was his dad's car was metal and it wasn't and you push on it and it didn't dent but it wouldn't move in either as the stronger plastics that were talking about and it doesn't shatter and it kind of catches things it's really weird it's not a bad idea that's not the greatest and Arnie is usually in something weird it's fairly zippy and it have to rebuild everything and then fix the shifter and it is a sturdy car it's got a real frame and it's got a real enclosure on the inside and it's got 220 horsepower and it goes pretty fast it's only a four-speed so it doesn't go that fast but it really gets up and goes he's going to try and see the top speed but it's not a bad vehicle you just would have an emotional tough time driving around and just wondering if you could really do it and he would inherit it and some funds and he might find a note and he might do that so people are going to look for that but there's a little crazy and we know how they communicated so it's going to be interesting and a little bit nerve-wracking because these people are threateners it seems early but it's not really
Thor Freya
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bearpillowmonster · 9 months
Last year I got a notice in the mail about a recall my car had so alright, I call and the nearest place is 45 minutes away that will do it. They didn't have the part and needed to order it. They gave me 6 months. I waited, called again in April of this year. They couldn't find the order, it was like it never happened, so I had to do it again, they said close to 6 months. I gave them 8 and just called and they couldn't find it at first, making me start to give up a little, finally I gave them the VIN and they found it but apparently they had a waiting list and they send one at a time??
I was number 45 and they just finished 44 so mine is next (or so they say) out of 113 they said they'd call me when it comes in but it's just kind of nuts that it takes 6 months to get this part, I've called three time in a year and none of them came fruitful because they only get one a shipment. From what I can see from the pictures, I can hold it in one hand so it's not like an engine or anything big and if you had a waiting list, why not make an order for your nonstocks?
I know this because I too deal with vendors and purchasing and when someone wants something special ordered it goes on a grand ticket going to that specific dealer that's accumulated over time. But when you have multiple, they order multiple and yeah, only so many come in at a time as they become available but it's awfully coincidental that it turns out like this, it shouldn't be that rare of a part, I mean, they know the recall.
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