#what if she didn't take the body whit her!?
Hi! I hope you doing well! Could one of Earth 42 Miles Morales x Female Reader where reader in his universe dead and he and her was dating before he become the prowler (I don't know if I write his name right English it's not my first language) and she go to earth 42 whit miles and he sees her again alive, and Miles is also dating Female Reader and is like "what do you mean "she's alive"?"
(Hello! I hope this fits and I hope you enjoy! So sorry if it sucks as this is my first spider-verse thing but I hope you enjoy!)
Second Chance
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You knew the moment you got here that something was wrong.
You were not home.
Home was 1610, not whatever the hell this was. You guys were supposed to be sent home, the DNA detected was supposed to send you home.
But you realized too late the Spider, the one that caused all of this, wasn't from home.
Everything was wrong.
Very wrong.
Especially when Miles' Uncle Aaron came through the door. Really wrong when he leads you up to the roof.
And really, fucking, wrong when you stared at a mural of your face, painted on a brick wall in front of you along with Miles' father.
You were dead here.
Home was where you were alive. This…this was not home.
"...(Name)..." You could hear Miles whisper in your ear, you couldn't answer back.
Too scared to look away from your smiling face painted into the brick.
You could tell Uncle Aaron was standing right beside you and Miles, both staring at the graffiti mural.
Miles looked to you, his hand gripping onto yours to try and bring you back from your own stare at your own mural.
Uncle Aaron flipped on a light, Miles hesitated to look, but when he did he could see his supposed Uncles stare.
You finally tore your eyes from the mural, gripping back onto Miles' hand almost as if it would take you away from this nightmare.
Uncle Aaron merely stared at you two as you both backed up, trying to get away.
But you didn't.
You could feel a stare on the back of your head, too late to turn around, but catching a glimpse along with Miles as someone jumped from a rooftop, knocking Miles senseless and into the ground unconscious.
"Shit- Miles!" You panicked, trying to grab him before he hit the ground but you didn't get the chance.
You noted how the one who punched your boyfriend out stared at you, never looking away as he slowly got closer.
He stepped over Miles' unconscious body, you tried to back away but had nowhere to go as Uncle Aaron wrapped his arm around your neck from behind.
"Hey! No- let me go!" You tried to fight back, clawing at his hand before a sting in your neck caused you to yell in pain.
The one in the purple suit stood closer as your body tried to keep fighting, but soon fell limp, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
Uncle Aaron let you go, about to let you fall into the ground with your Miles. You were fully content with that.
Until the one in front of you caught you just as you closed your eyes to oblivion.
You still had some senses left until you were left completely out. So you could feel the way the boy caught you, carefully moving you in his arms.
Your eyes flickered open and closed, fighting to stay awake as he stared down at you before your eyelids dropped, and you couldn't help but fall asleep into nothing.
Uncle Aaron saw the way his nephew looked down at you, noting how close he held you and how he stared, his movements slow but gentle.
He could see the way he was careful with you, letting you rest in his arms and never letting you fall to the ground.
Something he had done before.
"Stop staring like they're yours. They're not." Uncle Aaron simply put, walking past his Nephew, Miles Morales, to throw the unconscious one over his shoulder.
"...I know. They're just…alive." Miles muttered, can't help but to stare down at your peaceful face in his arms.
You looked like you always did. Content and happy, peaceful to be in his arms.
Like you did before he lost you.
Seeing you alive and just as beautiful as he sat from afar stunned him for a moment, but relieved him as thoughts popped up in his head.
Maybe he got a second chance.
But as he looked over at your Miles, resentment grew.
How come he got to have everything he lost, when everything could've been avoided for him, and get to keep you?
His grip on you couldn't help but to strengthen, the thought of losing you again didn't sit well with him, especially to that Miles.
Not when he had a second chance.
So as he looked down at your sleeping face, one he used to wake up to and one he used to take pictures of just to tease you in the morning with,
He knew something.
He wasn't losing you again.
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demodraws0606 · 10 days
Hu and Nico culprit+accomplice Theory (Also Eden was tricked into helping)
Okay, I know I've been extremely inconcistent with who I think the culprit is, however I think I've locked in who it is mainly through looking at Youtube comments and piecing out what works the most. Again I feel like it's a good thing to consider all of your options here.
I think Hu is the culprit and Nico is the accomplice.
The main point for this would be, that we know 100 pourcent now that attempted murder of Ace and the murder of Arei are connected without a doubt.
This means the person HAD to know exactly how Ace was killed, and considering how the crime scene was set out when Teruko and Eden enterred the room. I'd argue hte only person that could be responsible is the person that is behind the murder of Ace.
Because I mean if it was Eden why even try to do a murder similar to how Ace was killed and how would she exactly know how the murder worked.
(I'll explain why Eden took the tape later)
However it can't just be Nico because otherwise the trial would just be over, so that means that we have to find out who else could've been responsible for Ace's almost death.
I've already made a theory about how the murder of Ace wasn't actually done by Nico, mostly because how we see Nico with Ace's body VS how the crime had to have been done just doesn't match.
But I was honestly kinda lost on the motivation especially because Nico admitted to it so it would mean that, either, they gave up on trying to make themselves innocent OR they are covering up for someone else.
And with everything that's happened, I think it's the ladder.
Now, who else could've been responsible for Ace's murder ? Well, I don't think this is much of a headscratcher but it has to be Hu.
Why ? Well, because of the murder weapon
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Unless you could argue that anyone could've gotten hold of Hu's weapon, which I personally pretty much doubt, unless it's Nico but we've gotten right back to the start. I don't think Hu would be stupid enough to just leave her weapon hanging there, joke very much intended.
So this mean, likely, that Hu ended up trying to kill Ace with Nico perhaps even being aware of Hu's intentions, although it's possible they had second thoughts (as we see Nico removing the string from Ace's neck).
Now, I don't know how to really structure this theory so I'll just write a couple bullet points and explain how Nico and Hu killing Arei happened before I get into the forsaken "Eden taking the tape and clothes" thing.
How would both of them get the water ? :
Hu has an alibi for taking the water as she was with Eden the entire time, however Nico had complete access over the water as they were hanging out in the relaxation room a lot. Meaning they'd have the most access to the water.
What about Nico and Hu's alibi ? :
I'd argue their alibis make both of them more suspicious, the first batch of people who have alibis were pointed out by J which are David, Veronika and J herself. There was no mention of Hu and Nico there.
However Hu then comes out a while later as soon as Ace accuses Nico, that actually both her and them have alibis. Which if they're the culprit and accomplice it would be really easy for them to vouch for each other's alibi, especially considering it doesn't seem like J noticed Hu and Nico waking up early which is very suspicious.
Why the hanging ? :
I think it's an important point because why would the murderer be so hung up, pun very much intended again, on such a specific murder tactic.
Now this might sound dark but depending on how Hu tried to kill herself it's very possible she has a lot of knowledge about it. In fact Whit's long and suspicious rant about how hangings work makes me think the murderer knows a lot about hanging as well.
I've talked about in my "Nico didn't actually try to kill Ace" theory that the murder of Arei would need her to be incipacitated, especially since it would be impossible to really get Arei into any sort of mechanism with her concious. This means the culprit for both murders used Rose's Turpentine, as we know it was used in Ace's attempted murder. This again hints heavily that the culprits are the same.
Let's now get to the elephant in the room
The ball of clothes and the tape... clearly this has to mean Eden has to have done it right ??
Unless she took it for other reasons.
Hu asked her for it
I mean, Hu was the one to tell Eden about the clothes and we know for a fact that Hu was with Eden the entire nighttime, the day before hte murder was committed. They were also conversing a lot.
It would make a lot of sense for Hu to ask Eden to give her the clothes and the tape. I mean the murderer clearly wanted to frame Eden, so how likely would it be that they would set things up in a way that would make Eden look extremely bad.
We know Eden and Hu have a close relationship, Eden admitted they talk often about how to stop the killing game which makes Hu manipulating Eden make a lot of sense personally.
I also want to talk about the thing that now makes Eden innocent now that we know about the murder method pretty much entirely.
The rules of the BDA announcement
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Now you might say, and I've used this argument before, the murder could have just looked away and it wouldn't count right ?
But I mean....why ? At this point there doesn't seem to be any grounds that the murder was done to avoid this rule and it's such a situational rule especially since Teruko decided to pick two people out of the blue that it's just... why would the murder think about that ? Especially with how we're seeing the murder being committed, there would be no moment where the murderer really had any reason to look away.
It's just bad luck from Hu's part that Teruko picked Eden to test out this rule.
For the conclusion, why the fuck would Hu and Nico do this ?
While, I don't fully know, I think I'm starting to realize the secrets might not actually be part of the motive. Which I think the running gag is gonna be that every murder is not gonna involve the motive or it involves it in a way different from the motive (Charles fake motive thing).
Hu's whole thing seems to be about wanting to live, she was depressed in the past and wanted to end her life however now she's got a new taste for life. This would be a huge motivation to want to get out of this killing game, especially with how intense the cast has been towards each other it would make sense to want to get out Now.
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And also if she's the culprit, this line would make a lot of sense.
For Nico, it's a lot more complicated as to why they'd be an accomplice. Again however I'd argue their secret line would make sense with this theory.
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It's possible Hu ended up somehow convincing Nico to do it, I don't think that they were threatened but it was possible they just really weren't in a good mindset especially with how things happened with them in chapter 2.
Anyways, yeah this is my final theory that I'm locking in right now
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
The climax of Malyen's two-person blame train
Siege and Storm- Chapter 18
Starting here, I've analysed Malyen's outburst about losing Alina to her importance. I've saved the end for new post, because Aleksander gets dragged in the middle of it, and uses it accordingly.
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Ironically, his tantrum only makes Alina feel so lonely she unwittingly reaches out to Aleksander.
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And he turns it against her, slightly twisting the facts she doesn't know how else to interpret.
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Why is he immediately offended?
Alina's obviously struggling with something, why isn't he worried FOR her? Why only bark "What?" and draw conclusion she's somehow treating him unjustly? They've just discussed she has a lot on her shoulders, but when she doesn't melt as soon as he kisses her, she's rejecting him?!
Even his body language is aggressive.
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How can someone, who claims he ~cares~ about Alina as a person, jump to conclusions so quickly?! And force their view, as if they already agreed on it.
He only cares about how will he look if she dumps him.
Reading it over and over- All the time I was standing there, going on like a fool.- the wording makes it sound as if he weren't speaking just about his declaration, but more generally.
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Cunty cunt pokes the wound while fresh, entangling it with his own words to make sure Alina remembers he's always right.
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Another unfunded conclusion.
It's funny how it's always Alina unable to control her pussy. It never occurs to him she might realize he sucks and dump him without another man involved.
... hoping that you’d miss ME enough to tell them all to go to hell. "Supportive" boyfriend, hoping his girl will get sick of her duties enough to abandon everything AGAIN, and run off with him, because nothing matters more than him.
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He just can't shut up, can he?
(Where else isn't he able to shut up?)
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Alina finally finds the courage to tell him about her hallucinations, and Malyen demonstrates, why was she reluctant to tell him in the first place.
This is one of many reasons, why I don't believe Alina's "happy" post-R&R. The only close person she has left is Malyen, who:
a.) Hated her being Grisha, so how could he ever get even close to getting a whit of understanding of what was taken from her.
b.) Hates the Darkling being as much as mentioned. He has no clue what's binding him and Alina together, and never wants to hear about any of it.
c.) Just the fact he basically calls Alina Darkles' whore, and a month, two later it doesn't occur to him she might still harbor illicit feelings for him.. there's a new guy, right?! She totally forgot about that first one...
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And he doesn't even let her finish a damn sentence.
He doesn't care what's wrong. He doesn't care what's going on. He doesn't care about Alina's feelings. She didn't fall over his neck, all excited, wet and willing, so she doesn't want him. She's just leading him on. Humiliating him... HIM, HIM, HIM...
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Funny, how Alina's either whore, or a pathetic inexperienced virgin (derogatory, if you didn't notice), depending on what's easier to shame her with.
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And Alina takes all the blame and necessary work on herself.
Alone, she falls apart. Shaky not only due to her duties, but lacking support of the only person she lets close.
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Awww, when they comfort the other...
No, but I think this is genuine. On one hand Aleksander wants Alina for himself, but he also realizes the amount of pain she'll have to weather as long as she feels "so strongly" and clings to people, who can never understand her. Or in SOMEONE's case don't even want to.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Hey! I really love your writings!
Can I request a Wednesday X reader where r has telepathy powers and Wednesday develops feeling for r and r reads her mind and asks her "do u wanna tell me something" butttt heres a little plot twist that Wednesday doesn't know what powers r has and weems didnt disclose it too.
U can make it angst or fluff or anything lol would love to read this idea.
A/N: feel like this is ass but I tried my best 😅😭
Your POV
Your head began to pound as the onslaught of voices filled your head. You desperately rubbed your temples hoping to ease some of the tension.
The amount of thoughts flooding your mind always a nuisance but even more so when you'd hear just how vapid and shallow most of them were.
Most of the guys just thinking about getting into the girls pants and most of the girls either caring far too much about looks or popularity. There were some minds you did take comfort in.
Eugene, for example, was currently worrying over hive 309. He feared that he'd miss the right moment to harvest their honey. He was also worried that he was showing too much favoritism and making the other hives jealous.
There was Enid, who while sometimes ditzy still held a great amount of optimism and purity that you couldn't quite find in anyone else.
Which was the complete opposite of her roommate, one Miss Wednesday Addams. You remembered the first time the goth had set foot here in Nevermore. Much like everyone else you were enamored by her looks, fearful of her history and excited at the thought of her bringing a change to your school. She was very much in a class of her own. Her thoughts were very much dark but you couldn't deny the truth they held. You admired her outlook on life, her intelligence and her whit, her thoughts almost always mirrored her words. Not quite an open book but not someone who wears a mask.
Said girl sat next to you, voice low as she whispered to you. "I have more clues towards our investigation."
The feeling of her lips grazing your ear sending a chill down your spine. You nodded quietly, eyes shifting towards Xavier's as his thoughts began to shift from admiration to jealousy. It was no secret he harbored feelings for Wednesday even the girl herself knew of them but she wasn't focused on relationships, she was focused on saving the school from a monster.
Perhaps she chose you because you didn't dismiss her when she'd said she had seen Rowan mauled by a monster. Or because you never seemed to push her past her own comfort zone. You had pledged your allegiance to her one night in the woods. She had saved you from dying so you felt you owed her. She had patched up some small wounds and even taught you some self defense.
"I refuse to have an incompetent partner."
She, as well as most of the school knew nothing of your powers and the fact that she saw you as an asset without it made you feel...special. She trusted you as her partner and you would
do anything to keep it that way. You were both currently in the coroners office looking for more evidence as you caught Wednesday staring at you.
"Is something wrong?" The goth blinked once before turning back to the task at hand. Your eyebrow furrowed as you focused on the girls mind.
....you're being ridiculous.
You shook your head before getting the body prepped, your eyes catching something the police failed to report.
"Wednesday look he's missing his left foot." The shorter girl stepped closer her shoulder brushing you as she did so. Her eyebrows raising slightly as Thing began tapping, catching both of your attention.
Wednesday shoved you on a gurney before climbing on top of you Thing closing you both in as he clambered his way into an empty skeleton.
The smaller girl pressed to you in the tight space made you nervous, your breathing growing heavy as you heard voices from the outside. She looked to you making a show to breathe quietly through her nose. You tried to do the same but your chest was heaving, "relax" she mouthed. You nodded trying to listen, her thoughts were imitating her words but the sudden addition of more people coming into the room increased your panic.Wednesday gritted her teeth before pulling you closer her dark eyes boring into yours.
You felt your breathing grow calmer the longer you stared. You tried to focus on the details of her face as her eyes never left yours.
She has freckles and long eyelashes.
Your eyes flicked down to her lips before they go back to her eyes. You leaned a bit closer making her eyes widen but she remained still.
A knock echoing through the crawl space as Thing opened the door indicating the three of you should leave while still undetected.
You both remained quiet as you went back to the school and to your dorms. A quick goodnight falling from your lips as you couldn't meet the smaller girls eyes.
For a few days following, Wednesday had avoided you, not like the plague as she'd probably enjoyed it but more so like rainbows or puppies.
You were currently eating in the library alone as you sensed a dark presence enter. You tried to slide further down your seat to seem smaller as you'd noticed the raven looking for something in particular.
I wonder if Y/N- Enough.
You watched her seethe and grit her teeth as she continued to scan the isles.
You need to get yourself in order. You don't need y/n they're just a distraction.
She'd repeat the mantra before she'd be distracted by something that would make her think of you. You found yourself pushing yourself away from her mind and running to your dorm.
Thing had tapped Wednesdays shoulder pointing in your direction. He had signed something that made the girl glare at him.
"I do not like Y/n." She spoke through gritted teeth. "And I don't need help."
The appendage fell back exasperated as Wednesday tried to keep herself focused. Once your face popped back into her mind she'd grow frustrated.
A sharp realization hitting her like a bolt of lightning.
The goth threw down her book and stormed her way to your dorm.
A thud had interrupted what you were doing hands shaking as you'd realize Wednesday Addams had stormed into your room.
"What are you?" The harsh tone and fury clear in the ravens eyes as you stared back confused.
"I never asked your power, yet somehow you always conveniently know when I require your assistance," she began as you felt yourself grow more nervous. "You always know when I need a tool, book, or item without my asking and-"
For some godforsaken reason you fester my thoughts.
"You seem to know how others are feeling without-" your hand shot out a single black dahlia. Wednesday felt herself stop short as she stared.
"Your favorite." You spoke softly as you stood up moving closer to her. "Wednesday I -"
You had to pause and clear your throat as you were unable to decipher the emotions swirling in her black irises.
"I like you. A lot. Your extremely intelligent, and while some may see it as arrogance I admire your confidence and bravery. You don't treat me as an outsider and make me feel important."
You took a deep breath as the girl still had yet to move, her thoughts around you for once completely silent.
"I catch myself thinking about you all the time and when you're not around it feels wrong. I know you're not big on romance but I-"
The smaller girl cut you off hand lifting as she placed a palm on your cheek. You felt your shoulders sag in relief that she didn't slap you.
"Emotions are for the weak but if I were to pick a spouse you wouldn't be the worst choice."
You felt a grin make its way to your face as her thumb began stroking your skin. You gulped as it hit you.
"Uh Wednesday I-" The shorter girl looked at you, the usual cold glare a soft gaze as she waited to hear what you had to say.
"I have telepathy." Her hand dropped from your face as her eyes widened.
For the first time in her life Wednesdays cheeks grew warm and her usual pale complexion had a tint of pink to it.
Taglist: @alexkolax
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rekino2114 · 17 days
Blind date with Veronika grebenshchikova
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Pairing:Veronika grebenshchikova x male reader
A/n: episode 12 was great, Charles was the mvp and it ended on a pretty big cliffhanger. We also got to see this Veronika quote:
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(I love her so much)
Anyway I have an announcement to make starting today I will be doing a weekly drdt post every Saturday until chapter 2 is finished (I know the episodes come out on Friday but they actually come out at 1 am where I live) next Saturday will actually be the first genderbent post about this fandom (you can probably guess who it's gonna be)
This is kinda inspired by red flags by Tom Cardy and montaigne (with a twist), I put it here if you wanna listen to it, i know i'm not the first person to say this but that song is just Veronika (sorry for the really long note)
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Veronika got set up on a blind date by her classmates ,mostly because they were tired of her creeping them out and wanted to pass that burden on someone else, so they asked whit to match her with someone and he chose you.
You waited at the table that you booked for you and the girl you were supposed to meet, you were slightly nervous about the date, mostly because you were scared your date would be put off by you as it's not the first time that happened but the ultimate matchmaker matched you together so you had hope.
You saw a red haired girl enter the restaurant and approach your table
"Hey, are you y/n l/n by any chance?"
"Yeah are you Veronika?"
She smiled and sat down across from you
"Yep, it's great to meet you"
"You too, I really dig your look, those fake eyeballs look amazing"
"Oh thanks so much, you're actually the first person to say that"
"Really? That's a shame, they're great"
"I think it kinda spooks people"
"Well I don't get spooked easily"
"*giggle* well then I think this date might go better than I thought"
You started talking for a bit until a waiter arrived to take your orders
"Oh I'll take a stake,very rare,I want to see the blood"
"I was about to order the same thing"
"Oh really?"
"Yes I love seeing blood in what I eat"
Your waiter got very freaked out and left as you continued talking
"So what's your favorite movie?"
"Oh......it's human centipede"
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes I know it's weird but-"
"That's my favorite movie too"
"Yes I love seeing all the body horror and the fear on the actors faces its amazing"
"...do you like scream too?"
"I have a Ghostface mask in my closet so I can prank my friends"
"I also have a Billy the puppet doll there"
"Micheal Myers is my lock screen"
".......marry me"
"Sorry if I'm too forward, but I think we might be soulmates. You know how I said I go to Hope's peak"
"Yeah I was wondering what ultimate you were"
"Weeeeel let me introduce myself formally, I am Veronika grebenshchikova the ultimate horror fanatic"
"Yes I adore all things horror and I see that I have found a kindred spirit"
"Absolutely, I love horror too, I didn't know Hope's peak considered that a talent if I did I would have probably asked to join"
"This is amazing, you're the only person I know who has a love for horror other than me, now I see why paired us together"
You continued to talk about horror movies and eat, and after eating dessert(feeding each other the red jam in the cake to make it seem like blood) you walked Veronika home, who very happily accepted another date.
Some time after your date Veronika is talking with her classmates in the cafeteria
"Y/n is the sweetest guy ever, do you know what he did for me yesterday? He carved my name with a heart on a tree in a graveyard so romantic"
"....how is that romantic?"
"That's just disgusting and unsanitary"
"Soooooo I did well matching you together didn't I?"
"100%, we've been dating for only a few days but I already feel soooo happy and in love"
"Well at least she won't bother me anymore"
"Says the guy who can't leave j alone for more than 5 minutes"
"Shut up"
Everyone got distracted by the door opening, and you coming out of it, especially Veronika who immediately tackled you into a hug
"Darling, what are you doing here? Don't get me wrong, I love that you visited me, but you're not a student"
"Well now I am actually, I asked if I could "share" your talent since I love horror as much as you and they said yes"
Veronika squealed happily and peppered your face in kisses
"That's amazing now we can spend even more time together, I have to show you my dorm it's full of horror stuff I know you'll love"
"I can't wait to see it"
As you two walked away happily a look of horror appeared on teruko and Arturo's faces
"Awww how cute, seeing happy couples like these is why I love thi- ow! What was that for?"
"You idiot, do you understand what you did, now there's two horror psychopaths in this school"
"All of the heart attacks Veronika gives us daily are gonna be doubled"
"Weeeeel, she didn't really do anything scary to me before. In fact, you two seem to be the ones she likes pranking the most, so I suggest you prepare yourselves"
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dangermousie · 3 months
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Still one of my fave scenes in the drama. His rationale for her being a girl is kinda insane (and is in the novel which was NOT hampered by censorship restrictions back when it was written) but (a) if anyone is unworldly sheltered noble lady who does not know about gays/bis, it's 17 (plus, there is a touch of he clearly needed something to cling to and so came up with this as a way to function - he needed to believe she's a girl and so she was for him) and (b) the fact that her soul may be female but her body is 100% male doesn't seem to bother him one whit.
So I will roll with it.
But also, so often when a character is so obsessed and so devoted, I end up wondering " but really? why?" especially when the target of their affection is hard to get, so to speak. But here is totally makes sense because she didn't just save his life and his sanity but she also saved his sense of being a man and capable of still being attractive to someone (in the novel it's made even clearer what a freak a scarred deity is since it's almost impossible for wounds to leave scars behind on them, unless you take a lot of extra trouble) and well, he needed to rebuild himself somehow and rebuilt himself around her.
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Awwwww, poor dude.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
A Dangerous Game (Leonora Lesso x f!Reader) - Part 1
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Synopsis: You didn't mean to do it. Really you didn't. But you couldn't help it when it was her. You lost all control around her.
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: none
Your breath caught in your throat. You felt frozen, caught like a deer in the headlights, trapped. You stepped back, your knees meeting the seat of a chair. You sat with a bump, still staring. Always staring.
Lesso ignored you, slowly rolling the sleeves of her white shirt up, long fingers practices and sure. With each inch of skin revealed you felt your sanity slip even further. You knew she was talking, could hear the way the other teachers were shifting in their own seats. No one would ever dare interrupt her.
Still, your mouth was dry and you weren’t taking in any word she said. You kept tracing over her body, taking in the view. With her coat, she was nothing but beauty, but without her coat, she was a masterpiece. You could stare at her forever.
Her eyes flickered over to you. You felt your cheeks heat, turning your own gaze down to your lap. To be caught staring felt like a worse punishment than any torture. When you finally looked up her attention had shifted again and it felt as if you could breath.
Until your eyes began to roam again. Her pale skin shone and her lips quirked up into a smile. Long lashes and longer fingers fluttered with her words and none of them made it past your ears.
Her fingers crooked, slow and tantalising. Your teeth caught your bottom lip as you did your best to not let out a moan. Having such fingers on display should been illegal. Although, given her evil nature, that would only encourage her.
You wondered what those fingers would feel like on your skin. How the nails would scrape along each bump of your spine. The pleasure they could bring. You pressed your thighs together, shifting in your seat.
Her head tilted to the side, eyes sweeping over the room, and you felt the inexplicable desire to press your lips to her pulse point. You had to wonder what kind of noise she would make, if she’d like you to sink your teeth in, if she’d like you to leave a bruise. You wondered what her skin tasted like.
She turned, presenting her back and your eyes trailed down. Such a figure, usually hidden from this angle, fully on display had you losing her mind. You felt yourself begin to lean forward, drawn to her.
She sharply turned and you slammed back into your seat, cheeks warming. Her eyes settled on you for a moment before turning away again. You tried your hardest to pay attention. You knew you should be doing better. You didn’t want to find out what would happen if she discovered your inattention.
But then your mind began to wander again. You considered what it would be like to pull her in by that tie, to have her that close. You could only imagine what it would feel like to watch her loosen it, unbuttoning her collar. The way the dip between her collarbones would be framed perfectly. The way you could press a kiss there, tongue swirling in the dip.
Of course that led to images of slowly undressing her, button by button. Chasing her skin with your lips, worshiping her. Giving over to the need to breath her in, to make her moan, to have her fingers in your hair, tightening painfully as your name slipped from those pink lips. How you wanted her to say your name on the end of a sigh.
You weren’t sure how long you were stuck on the thought but when you finally dragged your eyes back to her face those piercing eyes were trained on you. Your mouth went dry and your own eyes widened in response.
And still, in the back of your head you wondered at all the ways those eyes could look at you. Darkened with lust, glazed with pleasure, smouldering with want. Just one look from her stole your breath but to see every single change in them would be heaven.
Her head cocked to one side, her mouth still forming words before she turned away.
That mouth was another thing. Pink lips, full and tempting, you’d spent many an hour staring at them. The way she smiled, white teeth on display, the way they turned down when she was annoyance, when they pursed at her displeasure. Oh yes, many hours had been spent in consideration of her lips.
She waved her arm and once again you were caught by her bare forearms. Lesso wasn’t one for showing skin so this felt like a privilege. To see her so undone while still put together had you reeling. You wanted her like this all the time except it clearly left you feeling unbalanced. You thought if you kept seeing her like this it would steal what was left of your sanity. It was already stealing your attention.
It took until someone knocked the back of your chair to realise the meeting was at an end, everyone dismissed. You moved to rise from your chair, only to find her cane across your chair, stopping you.
You turned your face up to her, panic filling your veins. You’d been caught staring, you knew that, but surely she wouldn’t torture you over it. Surely she wouldn’t want to discuss it. Surely she’d leave you be.
She waited, holding you in place with her gaze, cane no longer needed to keep you seated. You were frozen under her look, only able to stare up at her. Mortification ran through you. No one should be able to distract you so thoroughly. It wasn’t natural.
The door closed one final time, the hurried footsteps receding down the hall. The silence lingered and she seemed to be revelling in it. She removed her cane from your chest and you took a shuddering breath in.
“You were rather distracted today,” she said, her voice betraying no emotion. You hung your head.
“I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.”
With the end of her cane, she tilted your head up until you were looking into her eyes. You could have drowned in them. You wanted to drown in them. You pressed your lips together to keep from saying anything untoward.
“Care to share what took such precedence you could not pay attention?” she asked, but you knew it wasn’t a question.
“Nothing important,” you replied then immediately wincing.
“Nothing important?” Oh, you hated when her voice became rough like that, “nothing important stole your attention from our meeting?”
She stepped around your chair and you felt like an animal on display. No, you felt like prey being toyed with by your predator. You had to tamp down on the hope she’d take a bite out of you.
“I don’t often say this,” she murmured, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “but I hope you were lying to me.”
You swallowed past a lump in your throat, fingers clenching in your lap. You still couldn’t move. Her finger trailed along your shoulders as she stepped back into view and you shivered.
“Now how about you tell me the truth,” she said, leaning down to be face to face with you.
“I was just distracted,” you managed to squeak out.
“Yes, we had already established that. I would like to know by what,” she said.
Your eyes flicked down to her lips then back up when you saw the corner of her mouth raise in a smile. Her eyes had grown more intent, more interested, and it was all you could do not to spill your secrets all over her. She had far too much power over you.
“Shall I guess?”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open. You shook your head, knowing games like this with her never ended well for the other party. That half smile grew into a grin.
“Were you perhaps having some sinful thoughts?” she asked, “a wandering eye and an active imagination? Were you finding it hard to concentrate with such images running through your mind?”
You could only look at her, stricken. She was voicing your humiliation and still all you could think about was how enticing she was, how much you wanted her.
“Were you perhaps hoping to engage in something entirely unholy?” she asked.
Her hands landed either side of you on the arms of the chair. Her face drew closer and you squeezed your eyes shut, swallowing down a moan. Her breath ghosted over your skin and it was all you could do not to fall apart.
“Yes, I think that was it,” she answered for you.
You opened your eyes, expecting her to draw away. Her eyes were smouldering and it was so much better than your imagination had been able to conjure. So much more addictive. So much more enticing. You felt breathless just being pinned under those eyes.
“Tell me,” she murmured, “what prompted such thoughts?”
Your eyes swept over her body and once again you were struck by the impact of the white shirt rolled up to her elbows. Bare forearms so close to you, waistcoat cinching her in, long legs so easily seen. You bit down on your lower lip before you could saw something stupid.
A cool finger under your chin tilted your head back up, catching you in her gaze again. So beautiful, so enchanting, you were a goner. The touch of her skin had you shivering and her answering chuckle had your cheeks flaming.
“Spit it out, pet,” she said.
“You’re so…” You weren’t sure you had the words to explain it.
“I’m so…?” She quirked an eyebrow, waiting for you.
“Distracting,” you settled on.
“You’re placing the blame on me?” The tone of mock surprise had you squirming in your seat, “oh no, pet, this is all on you.”
“This is distracting.” Your fingertip trailed over the skin of her forearm, stopping at the edge of her sleeve, “this is so distracting.”
“My arm?” That amusement in her voice would be your undoing. It made you feel so stupid, like a little kid with their first crush, an innocent.
“The lack of coat, the rolled up sleeves, the…” Your voice petered out.
“The what, pet?” She still would not let go of your chin, making sure you were looking her in the eye. You wondered if she got off on seeing your humiliation so plainly. You had to assumed she did.
“The glimpse of skin.” It was said in barely more than a whisper, “you’re usually so covered up. So put together.”
She hummed, head tilting to one side as her eyes swept over you. Her tongue tapped against her top lip and you felt yourself break apart. Your fingertip was still resting on the skin of her forearm. In just a second, without you agreeing to it, it dipped under the edge of her rolled sleeve. Her eyes darkened.
“You do enjoy playing a dangerous game, don’t you?” Your breath caught in your chest at how husky her voice was.
“Only with you.” The confession was unexpected and it made your cheeks burn. You turned your eyes down, not able to watch the amusement pass over her face.
“Well, isn’t it lucky I enjoy games.” Her lips were practically brushing against yours as she said the words.
You didn’t have a chance to look at her before her lips were ghosting over yours. A teasing kiss, barely more than a brush of lips, a ghost of a kiss. You whined, trying to chase her as she drew back. Her fingers on your chin kept you in place. You were sure she could read the desperation on your face.
Her chuckle was dark, throaty, making you press your thighs tighter together. Your finger was still just under the edge of her sleeve, warming from her skin. You ran it down the inside of her forearm to her wrist, featherlight over soft skin. Her eyes became dangerous, like a storm rolling in. You wanted to get caught in it, to be drenched in her.
“Careful, pet,” she warned, “be sure you know what you’re getting into.”
“You’re all I want to get into,” you replied.
You could feel the pulse in her wrist, strong and fast, the only indication she was having anything close to the same reaction as you. You were affecting her too. It made you feel a sense of power, to be able to have an impact on a woman such as her.
She growled, actually growled, and it had you trembling. She tilted your chin up, kissing you until you felt as if she was consuming you. Deep and long, nothing but hunger and heat between you. It was everything you could have dreamed it, and then some. You had never been kissed like that, like you were the air someone breathed. Like she craved you. Like she was addicted to the taste and feel of you.
The loss of her lips on yours had you whining again. She chuckled, stepping back until she was no longer close enough to touch. There was nothing more you wanted than to follow her but you sensed that would be against the rules of this game you’d unknowingly started.
“I look forward to your move,” she said, although she didn’t sound as controlled as before.
She slipped past you, slinking out the door, as silent as a shadow. Without her there, you felt as if you could move again, no longer pinned under her gaze. You slumped back in your chair, heart thudding loud and an insistent throbbing between your legs.
You had some planning to do if you wanted to win this game. Not that you thought there’d be a loser. Not really.
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merriemarvels · 28 days
❰❰ DANCE ❱❱
Victor and Clarice <3
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If her life had taught her anything, it was that anywhere Clarice had someone to ground her, a solid foundation in the form of one person to keep her going, she was home. Home had been a ruined world with no one who cared but a huge man who'd taken pity on a lost child; home had been wherever she and Calvin could carve out a shred of normalcy between battles for their lives; home had been a crystalline palace and a job to do.
Home was a mansion she'd only ever known as a ruin, more friends she could have hoped for in a lifetime -- and that same man, the great celestial body around which she had orbited as long as she had memory. It wasn't the same, she never expected it to be the same --
honestly, it was better, and she was working on killing that guilt in her heart that said she was betraying the rough life they'd led by accepting this... comfort.
"I'm taking you out," he said simply, and she looked up from the book she'd been reading -- catching up on the classics, Heart of Darkness. "C'mon. You can't stay cooped up in this place forever." He had a bag over one arm, and was dressed -- well, nice, way nicer than she'd ever seen him. Were his whiskers trimmed?
"What is this?"
"Borkowski's flayed skin as a suit of armor. It's a dress, sprout."
"And why do I need a dress...?"
Victor sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You aren't cute when you play dumb, pup. Just go get dressed."
She was laughing as she took the bag and went upstairs; a few minutes later she was back down, and in spite of everything -- in spite of his own reputation and a certain devil-may-care attitude, he was actually stunned by what he saw. Sure, he'd had a look at the dress beforehand -- he'd gotten Jean to pick a few options and then narrow down one that suited her -- but he hadn't quite realized how it would look against her skin. She'd thrown on some makeup, her hair was up.
Damn. Little girl grew up.
Out, apparently, had meant out -- a show, something about vampires on Broadway that she'd only quietly snickered at when it got too silly; dinner at a restaurant that left her feeling like a pebble among jewels. She didn't belong in places like this, not a grubby war-orphan like her -- but Victor knew what he was doing, and smiled enough to get her to relax and enjoy herself.
It was the kind of place that had a dancefloor, and people actually using it. And sure, she got a lot of looks, when he led her out, because how often did one see a technicolor girl looking quite like she did? But did she care?
Not a whit. She was happy -- allowing herself to be happy -- for the first time in what felt like an eternity of bitter regret. She couldn't remember the last time someone had danced with her. Probably it was Calvin. Maybe it was a good memory.
This would be a better one. Thank God one of Victor's lessons had been how to dance.
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Aegon x princess!reader
Part 4
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TW: smut, fluff, and idk,bad language
The whole bed was shaking you though that even the people on the other side could hear you and Aegon having some time.
"Fu-ck mhmm" you and Aegon were already on third round and you thought being mother was hard.
You gripping whit one hand on the bed sheets and one on the wooden bed frame.
Aegon was pounding into you like he will never get the chance to do it again.He already cummed like six times into you.
He was a fast cummer when he is on fire.
"Fuck I'm going to cum" you said trying to breath normally "I allow you to" he becamed to act a bit spoiled since he was the king it hurted you that your grandfather died he was so good to you.
You wanted your family to come but Alicent wouldn't allow it you missed Lucerys and Joffrey and Jacaerys and every other sibling you had.
You two finished fast and Aegon laid down closing his eyes.You laid by him.
"I miss my mother" you said and Aegon just sight "Why now after we fucked" he looked at you "I'm not trying to disrespect you but you shouldn't be the king"
Everything went silent "I know i never wanted to be the king but my mother wants me to" you looked at him and hug him.
He wanted to stop the time so he could have you for himself. Until there was a knock at the door thank god you two were covered up already.
It was one of the servants "It is me my lady" you knowed who she was so you told her to come in. Aegon wanted to protest but you wouldn't listen.
She comes in whit your son crying and screaming "I couldn't keep him quiet I'm really sorry" Aegon buried his head to the pillow not wanting to hear any of the screaming at night.
You told her to give him to you. You started to rock him and told the servant to wait outside.
Aegon looked at his son "Why couldn't one of the older ones take care of the kid" you looked at him "Because he is our son he just wanted mommy's love" but after five minutes he started to pull on Aegon's hair.
"Ouch stop it you little moron" you looked at him "Why would you call him that he is just a baby" he chuckled"And what about it"
After 20 minutes he falled asleep in your arms and you gave him a kiss on the forehead and you told the servant to take him.
You feelt like you would die your every part of your body felt heavy you didn't sleep well last night.
You were walking through the hallway whit Helaena talking about few things "You know what i think about every day?" Helaena asks you looked at her to continue "How could Aegon get you he looks really wired" she looked around and you just laughed.
"I really don't know" you said whit smile. You two continue to walk "I really miss my family" you told Helaena she just nodded.
"I believe you getting taken from your family is sad but you got to stay strong you should sand letters how you feel" you looked at her "I wished Aegon was not the king" you murmured under your nose.
Helaena looked around "I wished too i think my mother heard my father bad" you looked at her and smiled.
You two walked to the garden and saw Aegon and Aemond screaming at each other.
You and Helaena looked at each other and went forward "What is wrong?!" you asked and kinda screamed.
Aemond looked at you "Look what your son did to my" you looked down and saw that Arron had muddy arms,legs and even hair while Daron had mud all over him self.
Helaena looked at you and took Aemond hand "You should not worry about that he can take a bath and everything will be alright"
Aemond disagreed "No you should teach him manners" you looked at Arron standing behind his father 'He was scared' you though and kneeled down and took him into your arms.
He stared to cry into your shoulder "If you two would talk to each other like this ofc they will act like you two" you said and Helaena took Daron to take a nice warm bath and Arron to.
You were in Aegon's chamber talking to him he was a bit drunk but still his mind was working "Why would you two start to argue?" you asked "Cuz why not he called my son a stupid kid" you looked at him and take the cup from him "They are kids and you two shouldn't argue that which of the kid did it" you placed the cup down.
Feeling your eyes heavy Aegon noticed and stand up and went to your side "What's wrong" he asked whit worried face.
"Just felling sick lately" you looked at Aegon he was trying to process what could you caught.
You were caught between three things throwing up , fever, and who knows what else. First it started whit nouses then whit little morning sickens and now you are laying down trying to relax.
Aegon talked to the masters what is wrong but they can't find out "We need the lady to reset and feel better to exam her" your eye lids felling heavy you took Aegon's hand into yours.
He looked at you and gestured to sent the servants and the masters out of the room. You looked at him "I want to sand a letter to my family" you told Aegon he was silent "We will see"
You felt better after 3 weeks which was hell. Aegon brings one of the masters after you felt better and they said you are whit child. Which you were surprised but you felt happy.
Aegon told his family right away being happy father he hoped for another son but he wouldn't mind having a girl.
You were talking to Helaena about how is it having three kids. "It is kinda hard but they are sweet as Alyssa is only girl she does not have a sister" you chuckled "I want girl too because having three boys would kill me" Helaena looked at you and smiled.
"We will see"
I hope guys you like this sorry i was not active this whole time but yeah this is kinda short.
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lilithian01 · 5 months
New Beginning, New Chanse
I'm a first-time writer, I don't know what I'm doing, but I can try 😆
This Rick Grimes x OC
Summer: Rick brought back to the beginning of all of the chaos
Chapter 1: Back in time
Alexandria, pesfull times have come community's are sharing resources, exchanging what they lack off. But the dead was still a problem to the living but if they do not gather in one big herd it can be managed. And sometimes the selfish people trying to take that didn't belong to them. Other than that, it became some of normal life.
It was evening the Grime family just had there dinner Papa Rick, Mama Samantha, big brother Carl, Middle child Judith, and the youngest boy Aiden. While the young ones are put to bed Samantha, Rick and Carl were sitting in the living room and were talking about guards and everything that was important to keep Alexandra safe from the dead and the living. "Well Judith and Aiden are sleeping now, and I'm also going to bed I have a shift at the gate early to replace Uncle Daryl" Sam spoke up kissing Carl on the head "Mom, stop I'm not a little kid anymore, it's embarrassing when you do that, especially in front of Enid" Carl spoke up "Well, to me you will always be my baby, nomater how old you are" Sam replied then aproch her husband and give him a goodnight kiss "Really, how many times do I have to tell you not infron of me, it's just gross" Carl spoke up getting up to get whater from the kitchen "I'm sure you and Enid have your own kisses, so it's just the same" Rick spoek up this time whit a smile on his lips. And after saying goodnight to her husband and son Samantha walked to the master bedroom where she shares with Rick.
And after Rick was done talking with Carl he followed his wife to there bedroom. Even if Rick wanted for some love he knew that was not tonight, because she has a gate shift early in the morning so he will settled for cuddling and some kissing.
After Samantha finished preparing for bed and left there bathroom she saw Rick already in bed and looking into the wall were next to it was dresser drawer with some family fotos. "Waht are you thinking of?" She asks Rick getting his attention when she was climbing into the bed and under the covers "Just thinking about the moment we meet. And just the beginning of the end. How lucky I've been to meet you, first and not Shane, or after the end. Or how much I have been torturing myself and fantasies how much I wanted you, but becose I was with Lori, I couldn't do anything. But if I have a chance to go back I would have done anything so I can be happy then like I'm now" Rick spoke up not holding anything back "Well you have me now" Sam replied kissing him "I know, but now I have to share you with the kids, and have no time for us, but if we were back then, no kids, no walkers, and no danger you wouldn't be leaving my bed for days" Rick spoke up and started to kiss Sam with so much passion that could have led for something more
"Rick, stop. I told you I have a shift at the gate and Daryl will kill me if I ever be late again, like last time" Sam spoke up with a laugh in her voice. "I know, I know" Rick spoke up with disappointment in his voice 'Daryl you cock-blocking me without being here' Rick curst his brother in his head, but he still settled for just sleeping. Both of them in the middle of the bed close to one another like always.
And then the morning came to Rick it was so fast. It felt like he just whent to sleep but now he just have to wake up. Turning from the window that was allowing for sun to reach his eyes and making him turn away so he reached for his wife maby get some love in the morning, but when he stretched his hand to get some feeling for his wife's body heat, but all he got was an empty and cold side of the bed.
'I guess she left already, for her shift at the gate' Rick thought and getting himself ready for today, feed the kids and get them to school, and see what needs to be done around the community. While Rick was getting ready he noticed that the children are quite like there's no kids at all 'Grate, the one time the kids are not bothering us is the one time that Sam has to guard the gate, while I could enjoy some romantic time with my wife' Rick thought to himself going in to a shower to start his day.
After long and relaxing shower Rick got out, aproched the sink whit fogged mirror. After a few stretches Rick place his hand on the mirror and brush the fog so he could see himself better and he just scremd with all that he had
"WTF, WTF, WTF?!" Rick spoke out loud not really believing what he is seeing. 'Am I really going insane? What the hell is going on?' Rick thought looking g at the younger version of himself. So Rick instantly whent out of the bathroom and looked at the bedroom that was not the same that he went to sleep in, the house is not the same, to many walls not enough space it is all weird. And when he saw the wall full of photos in a frame Rick lost all color in his face "No, No, No,No. What the hell is going on here." Rick spoke up holding a photo of himself with Lori his dead ex wife and Carl his son that is 10 years old.
'Was it all a dream? My family, my wife Samantha Grimes. My children, My life,' Rick thought to himself all that he went through in his dreams, meeting Samantha, getting shot on a job, waking up to the dead walking, Shane and Lori sleeping together, an he cried for the lost of his family, for his son his baby boy that he has or had with the woman he loves like crazy.
And then he herd someone entering his house or his, thinking that Daryl made some sick joke for when Rick by accident ran over Daryl bike with army truck and Daryl did warned him that he will regret that "Daryl, brother I told that it was an accident. And I do regret everything so just stop this and tell me were is my family where is my wife" Rick spoek up and walked while talking and instead of seen Daryl he saw Shane and everything whent black.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Living Proof ~ Chapter Ten
Summary: When he puts himself between the Uruk-hai and Merry and Pippin, Boromir knows it means sacrificing himself. But it also means redemption for his near betrayal of Frodo and the Fellowship, and so it is a price he is more than willing to pay.
Kaia has been on her own for as long as she can remember, having escaped a terrible life in a village not far from Mordor. When she hears the sounds of battle, she knows what it means and when she ventured forth and finds a gravely wounded man lying amongst the leaves and debris, she takes him in, not knowing he is actually the son of the steward of Gondor.
Angry at himself and faced with a long road to recovery, Boromir does not make things easy on Kaia and it is only through her own sheer will that she does not give into the urge to hit him over the head with something on a daily basis. That refusal to give up brings about changes neither one of them could have foreseen.  She just wanted to save him. She never thought he would save her in return…
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (AU, Boromir lives)
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Kaia 
Warnings: Unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving)
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.2k
Tag List: @sotwk @heilith @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @emmyspov @finnofamerica @lathalea @ass-deep-in-demons @quiall321 @mistofstars @justfollowtheroad @guardianofrivendell @glassgulls @doctorwhump @kmc1989 @estethell @emrfangirl @emmanuellececchi
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Kaia slid her arms about Boromir’s waist, her hands flat against his back, as she leaned into him and parted her lips. The scruff of his beard teasingly scratched around her mouth, along her chin, but she didn't care. It didn't matter. All that mattered was the fire with which Boromir kissed her. The same fire that slowly spread through her as his mouth moved slowly against hers.
His hands splayed across her cheeks, his fingers reaching into her hair, and when she parted her lips and his tongue swept along hers, she couldn't hold back her sigh. The caress was silken and teasing, hot and soft and gentle all at the same time and the sensations alone made her toes curl in her boots, made her blood bubble hotly through her veins, and set forth a sweet, achy tightness deep inside her. It had been a lifetime since she’d felt what she did right then, since any man kissed her the way Boromir did. 
His kiss started out soft and teasing, but it did not remain that way. The fire between them erupted into an inferno that had her fingers curling on their own to grip the back of his tunic, her back bowing as she did, and when he released her face to wrap her in his arms, breaking the kiss was the furthest thing from her mind. Instead, desire burned a fiery path through her, beginning at her lips and melting its way clear through to her core. 
She would have melted into him if she could find a way. After all, her blood burned through her veins and the cabin just grew warmer by the second despite its dark hearths. All she knew was that she could go up in a smoke at any second and she did not care a whit. 
Boromir swept his lips down over her chin, and her head fell back as he kissed his way down her neck, into the vee of her tunic. The sensations he sent rippling through her made her heart race and her head spin and pleasure skitter along her skin, growing stronger with each passing moment. 
Breathless, he looked down at her, his eyes smoky gray as he brought a hand up to catch the leather lacing and gave a gentle tug. Her eyes grew even more heavy-lidded at the soft skim of equally soft leather against her skin. Even that was a caress, every bit as teasing as his hands on her body would be. 
She should stop him. Should reach up and still his hand. And yet, that was the last thing she wished to do, so she gripped a handful of the front of his tunic and tugged him back to her.
A soft laugh swept along her lips, followed by his whispered, “Kaia?”
“It’s all right,” she assured him, around his kiss. 
“If you’re certain…”
She nodded feverishly. “I am.”
He surrendered to her tug then, wrapping her in his arms once more as their lips met. He backed toward the sofa, tugging her with him, until his legs bumped the sofa. Then, he stopped and reached down to hook a finger in the waist of her trousers. He met her gaze, his smile holding all of the promises of a night she would never forget and eased the button through its loop to unfasten them. They skimmed down along her legs, a caress in itself as they hit the floor. She stepped free of them, and mirrored his smile as he sank onto the sofa and drew her down with him.
She came astride him, her knees on either side of his hips, sinking into the worm cushion beneath him. This time, she caught his face in her hands, cupping his bristly cheeks, her thumbs moving from those bristles along the smoother, warm skin above them. Heat wafted from him, as it had when he’d been with fever, but this time, it drew her to him, sinking into her body from his. His arms wrapped tight about her, he pulled her hard against him. She shivered at how that teasing bulge of his erection fit perfectly into the heated vee of her spread thighs and they each sighed into the other’s mouth. 
Kaia sank against him, slowly rocking against him to sent heat surging through her as that solid part of him ground against that oh-so-very sensitive part of her. He moaned softly into her mouth, his fingers tightening on her hips, pulling her firmly against him to meet the teasing thrust he offered up. 
Her breath came hard and sharp, her clothes almost unbearably warm now, fair too heavy to lay against her skin. She thrust her fingers up into his hair, far softer and more silken than she would have imagined, and twisted into it as she bowed her back to press her breasts firmly against his chest.
His hands slipped up along her hips, beneath her tunic, to graze up along her skin toward her breasts and when he found them and cupped them gently, she shivered against him. His touch came gentle, teasing, and he kneaded a fullness into both breasts that sent a fresh heat billowing through her. One that had her bowing her back once more to make certain he didn't release her.
And he didn’t. Instead, he pushed her tunic up, whisked it over her head, and then did the same with her worn chemisette. 
His fingers danced along the inner curves, and as they moved along the outer curves, he looked up at her, his eyes filled with what looked very much like wonder as he murmured, “You are so very beautiful, Kaia…”
A hint of embarrassed heat swept through her. No one had ever called her beautiful and hearing him whisper those words left her at a loss for what to say. Her cheeks grew warm and her eyes wanted only to close as he continued his gentle strokes along those curves. Her nipples tightened, beading to send a renewed ache that was equal parts delicious and frustrating swirling through her.
He sat back, in no hurry as he continued his leisurely perusal of her, his eyes almost caressing her as they swept down her length. Then, a teasing smile curved his lips as he swept his thumbs over the taut beads of her nipples and she couldn't hold back her gasp. His smile widened and he did it again, swirling his thumbs lazily about them, each caress making her eyes heavier still. She surrendered to the tingling heat ribboning through her, her eyes closing, her hips moving slowly against him, each sensation more delicious than the last.
Boromir met her, his thrusts slow and teasing, offering up a taste of what would soon come and it was enough to make her beyond hungry for him. Her entire body ached now, desire thrumming through her with more force than she remembered it ever having. 
Her head fell back as he teasingly rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger, her lips slack and her breath impossible to catch. She melted against him then, winding her arms about his neck, her lips searching for and finding his to seize them in a kiss that had him wrapping his arms about her and pulling her hard against him once more. 
He broke the kiss, sweeping his lips over her chin and down her neck. She leaned back as he smoked a kiss down between her breasts, his lips hot and damp as they swept along over the inner curve of her breast to capture her nipple. The tip of his tongue flicked over the aching bead, his teeth gentle nipped at it, each motion making the knots inside her tighter, making the damp heat between her thighs hotter still. 
Her fingernails sank into his shoulders. She rocked hard against him, almost shivering at the teasing zing of him grinding against her. The knots deep within her belly dropped lower, down into the apex of her thighs, where she ached for him the most. 
He slid a hand down along her side, around across her belly, and down into the darkness between her thighs. A moment later, a teasing finger slipped through that damp heat, slid along arousal-dampened flesh, to sweetly brush the sensitive bead nestled within the thatch of equally damp curls.
Her head spun madly now at his teasing exploration and when that finger slid slowly inside her, she tensed about it without thinking. Fire blazed through her, his strokes deliberate and deep. She rocked to meet him, whispering, “Boromir…” as he swirled that finger inside and did something utterly magical, something that had those knots slowly popping to release even hotter, sweeter pleasure.
She ached to touch him, her hands easing between them to find the button on his trousers. A sharp tug, and she opened them, then a moment later, eased her hand into a heated darkness. Her fingertips crept along the trail of coarser hair, to where it thickened, and then she found him and curled her fingers about his thickness to let them caress over the somewhat veined length. He moaned low in his throat, shuddered at her stroke, his breath hitching as she moved back up, then swept downward again, freeing him from the confines of both his small clothes and trousers. 
“Kaia…” Her name emerged as a whispered growl and he offered up a slow thrust into her hand, made silkier by the warm bead of fluid bubbling to his slit that she caught and swept down over him. He met each stroke, dipping back to capture her lips once more.
She returned his kiss with all of the fire she could muster, teasing him with faster, tighter strokes now, smiling as he practically mewled in her ear. 
“Take care, love,” came his breathless warning, “for you have me very close already…”
“Oh…” she slowed her caresses, “sorry…” 
“Do not apologize.” He pulled back to offer up a sleepy, heavy-lidded smile. “I would just hate to give you an unexpected surprise at this point.”
She couldn't help her laugh. “I would hate that as well.” 
“Come here.” He tugged her back to him and she wrapped herself around him once more. Lips locked, tongues entwined, she reached down to wrap her hand about him once more and then, guided him into her.
He moaned into her mouth as she sheathed him, as she rocked against him to draw him deep inside her. His hands came upon her hips, and it was his turn to dig his fingertips into her as he breathed, “Kaia…” when she began to move silkily along him.
The sensations racing through her were unlike anything she’d ever felt before. It was as if ice and fire combined to tear through her veins and smoke her blood. She eased back, linking her fingers at the nape of his neck as she moved slowly against him, savoring each ripple, each shimmering dart of delight that sliced through her. 
He held her gaze, his eyes heavy-lidded and seductive as he murmured, “You are so very beautiful, love…”
A pleasant heat stung her cheeks, softer than the one that stung the rest of her body. He slid his arms about her waist, his fingertips skimming along her back and she leaned in to press her lips to his as she arched toward him once more. 
They moved in perfect rhythm, each feeding off the other’s pleasure, and that pleasure built steadily, filled her and twisted her insides into the most amazing knots. She tightened about him, the crisp hair sprinkled across his chest teasing her taut nipples to fire her desire further. He held her gaze, his eyes more gray than blue now, and a smile tugged at his lips as he murmured, “So beautiful…” and tightened his arms about her.
She resisted the urge to close her eyes, not wanting to miss any part of this, not wanting to miss the way his pleasure played out across his face, the sinful promise his smile held, and even as she drew near her climax, she fought it off as long as she could. The tingles grew sharper. The knots within her belly grew tighter. The pleasure burned hotter than anything she’d ever felt. The end bore down upon her. She felt it in the tension winding through her body, through Boromir’s body, in the way his breathing grew ragged and smoky around the edges. He filled her so perfectly, her body tight about that magnificent part of him stroking her so sensually now. 
He thrust deeper, a low moan rising to his lips, his breathing harsh and his voice a low growl as he murmured, “Oh… yes… oh, love… oh… yes…”
She could stave it off no longer. The knots all burst at once, the fire erupting into an inferno that tore through her with all the heat and fire of Mount Doom itself. She clung to him, her arms tight about his neck, her breasts flattened against his chest, her fingernails digging deep into his back as she surrendered to the moment and gave herself up entirely to him. 
Boromir tensed, ground her against him as he gave a powerful thrust, and then went over the edge himself, coming with a low moan, crushing her against him as he, too capitulated. 
Pleasure, white hot and sweeter than any wine, burned through her, had her clinging to him as she shivered and throbbed all around him. He sank into the back of the sofa while she sank into him, her head spinning wildly, her heart racing madly, and her breath impossible to catch.
“Oh, love…” Boromir breathed, cradling her now as her head came to rest in the slope of his shoulder, almost sobbing from the ecstasy still flooding through her. Pressing his cheek into the side of her head, he whispered, “Shhh…”
She trembled against him, but he wasn't entirely still, either. He trembled as well, his heart beating with such force, the vibrations thrummed through her as well. Her eyes closed as she just let him hold her, just savored the scent of musk and leather and man that surrounded them. A smile played at her lips at the gentle stroke of his fingers up and down along her back. Never had a moment been so peaceful for her, and she was in no hurry for it to end. 
Boromir appeared to be in no great hurry, either, pressing a gentle kiss against her temple before whispering, “Are you still awake?”
“I am, indeed,” she murmured, a delicious drowsiness washing over her. She could gladly remain exactly as she was, as they were, in his arms, their bodies joined. But, of course, that wouldn’t last forever—he was already slipping from her, but she still had no desire to move.
But, nature cared not what her wishes were and as he eased completely from her, he let out a soft noise that sounded very much like a whimper. She couldn't hold back her chuckle, whispering, “Come with me.” 
She eased off him, and smiled as he stood. A sigh rose to her lips at the way his trousers sat opened against his hips. He bent to tug off his boots, wincing as he did, and then shed those trousers, leaving them where they fell as he simply stepped out of them. He caught her by the hand, linking his fingers with her. “Lead on.”
She did just that, and when they’d crossed the threshold into her bedchamber, Boromir swept her up in his arms. At his wince, she whispered, “Take care, love. Your wounds.”
“My wounds are fine,” he whispered back as he pressed her down into the soft, somewhat lumpy mattress and covered her body with his. “And I am fine.”
“You most definitely are,” she whispered back, a hint of a laugh at her lips as he came flush against her. 
He stifled that laugh with a hot kiss, then pulled back, a devilish smile playing at his lips as he whispered, “I will show you I am.”
Her urge to laugh died away as he moved to brush a hot kiss along her jaw. Then down the side of her neck, where he playfully nipped her to make her laugh anyway. 
Catching each of her hands in his, he linked his fingers with hers and pinned her hands on either side of her head, then slowly crept down, feathering kisses down along her breastbone. Kaia caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she tensed in anticipation of his flaying her nipple with his tongue once more.
Only he didn't stop at her breast. Instead, he moved lower, his fingers tightening about hers as he pressed a hot kiss into her stomach. Down along her lower belly. Toward her hip. He released her hands then, and crept down further still, to nuzzle the triangle of russet curls between her thighs. 
Her gasp was strictly involuntary as the tip of his tongue slipped into those curls, into the damp folds of her womanhood, and slid slowly about that bead nestled within. Without thinking, she shoved her hands into his hair, parting her legs wider as he teased her with slow flicks and teasing swirls, and heat flooded her. Her hips moved of their own to meet him, to make each stroke sweeter and hotter still. Desire flooded her. Arousal slicked her flesh. Pleasure so hot, it burned white stung her from the inside out and twisted those now-familiar knots deep within her. No man had ever done this to her before. No man ever teased her so intimately and with such great enthusiasm, as Boromir did then. He moved slowly and deliberately, bringing her to the edge of sanity, only to draw her back and torture her more.
“Please…” It was the only word she could speak, the only one her mind would form. She could think of no others. The pleasure surging through her rendered rational thought impossible, and she was powerless to resist it. Not that she wished to, for it was so hot and sweet and she never wanted it to end.
However, at the same time, the strangling need for release threatened to drive her mad. The pleasure built steadily, fed off itself, to flood her veins with erotic heat and make her rock up against him to draw out the sensations, but at the same time, she needed him to push her over the edge. 
He must’ve heard the pleading in his name, in the breathless voice carrying it, for now he moved more furiously, teasing with each sweep of his tongue, increasing his pressure until she shattered with a cry of thanks and relief, her hips bolting to meet him as her climax flooded body and rendered her utterly senseless. 
She sank back into the bed, fighting to breathe, to think, and when he slid along her, she cried out his name once more and opened her legs wider to welcome him.
His first thrust was hard and deep and she wrapped around him as he did not ease up. Linking his fingers with hers once more, he surged hard inside her, each thrust more powerful than the last, until she wrapped her legs around him and met him at the summit once more. He thrust hard, crushed her against him, and with a low moan of ecstasy, erupted inside her with a hot blast that tore his name from her lips and her sense from her body. 
He trembled as he arched hard inside her, shuddering and growling her name as he came. There was nothing gentle about it this time, and that was absolutely fine with her, and she smiled as he sank against her, spent and fighting for breath. Wrapping her arms about his neck, she cradled him as he’d done to her earlier, and whispered, “Oh, my…”
His head came to rest in the slope of her shoulder, his breath hot and hard and fast against her overheated skin. Her hand trembled as she brought it up to the back of his head and stroked his hair with light fingertips as he stilled against her, his breathing slowing back to normal. 
She smiled at the gentle brush of his lips against her shoulder, and he murmured, “Oh, my, indeed…”
He carefully eased off her, stretching out alongside her, and gathered her into his arms. She snuggled against him, her head tucked into the curve where his shoulder met his chest. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” he assured her, his fingertips idly grazing along her upper arm. “I’m almost back to myself, and what pain I did feel is almost gone.”
“I apologize if I hurt you.”
“Kaia, trust me, this was far worth any twinge I might have felt.” He gave her a gentle squeeze. “And I felt no more than that.”
“No still.” He pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “I feel better than I have in weeks, so trust me when I say I am fine.”
“Good,” she murmured, her eyes growing heavy as a delicious drowsiness set in. She fought it off, though, not wanting this night to end just yet.
She had no idea how long they lay there in comfortable silence, and she thought perhaps he’d fallen asleep. He was so very quiet, and the only sound was that of his soft breathing. 
“Where are you?” His whisper broke the gentle silence.
“I’m right here. Why?”
“You’re so quiet.” His fingers went still. “I thought you might have fallen asleep.”
“No,” she shook her head gently, “not yet.” She trailed her fingertips through the soft hair curling away from his chest. “Are you all right?”
“I’m a little sore,” he confessed, his fingers moving once more, “but before you ask, I’ll live to see the morning.”
“I think the worst of it all is behind you,” she murmured.
“I do hope so. For I’ve no desire to ever experience that again.”
“Then I would suggest you stay out of the path of arrows.”
He chuckled softly. “I’ll try to keep it in mind.”
“Where will you go from here?”
He said nothing and she wondered if he would simply pretend he’d not heard her. She didn't press, but traced a small circle about his left nipple, then brushed over it, smiling as his breath hitched and his hand tightened on her shoulder. 
“I’m not entirely certain, for I have several options,” he finally said, tightening his arm about her shoulders to press a kiss into the top of her head, “but I do not know I’d be welcome in any of them.”
“Not welcome?” She lifted her head and shifted, propping herself on one elbow to gaze down at him. It was dark, the only light coming from the small fire still crackling on the great room hearth, but her eyes had adjusted to make him out. His eyes were open, glittering in that low glow, and they slid in her direction as she rose. “Why?”
“It’s a long story,” he murmured, “and not a very good one, I’m afraid.”
“Does it have to do with the halflings in the clearing?”
His eyes closed, his lashes thick, black crescents against his cheeks. Once more, she thought he’d remain silent, but then he nodded. “It does, yes. But—”
“You needn’t tell me, if you’d rather not.”
“I did something,” he replied, easing onto his side to face her. He reached out to trace along her cheek with a fingertip. “Something I am not in the least bit proud of. Something I regret down to the marrow of my bones.”
“I understand that.” Her eyes grew heavy-lidded at his gentle strokes. She had the feeling he was trying to distract her from her questions, and she let him do just that. His fingers traced down over her jaw, down along the side of her neck, where they curled about her to draw her in to meet his kiss.
The rough linens rustled softly as he urged her onto her back, easing over her to cover her body with his and a moment later, she was losing herself in him all over again. 
Kaia stared up into the darkness. Boromir lay beside her, and for the first time since he’d come to be in her company, he did not snore. Curved against him, she wished she felt the same peace as he did, but peace was nowhere to be found. Instead, her heart was heavier than it had been since the day the orcs descended upon her village. 
He was going to live. The danger had passed for him. She hadn’t been able to a damn thing for the men and women of her village, hadn’t been able to help keep her family safe. But she had saved Boromir. 
With that, she carefully eased away from him and slipped from the bed. She’d made her decision earlier, when she realized just how low her stores had run. There was no game to be found, nor had she any luck at catching fish. The garden had yielded the last of its crops, and those she left in the pantry. Boromir no longer needed her.
The time had come for her to move on.
She dressed quietly, and moved to the doorway, where the pack she had readied earlier stood behind the door. She shouldered it and without a sound, slipped from the bedchamber. Minutes later, she had slipped from the cabin as well, and into the night’s thick darkness. 
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marune2 · 3 months
Josele ida and Nacht fight part 3
I Post Here the colab whit @loosesodamarble too a end because all what written whit her is on this half death Handy and I like a a lot so I post all we did here sad it’s did not end❤️🫠
The sound of the biwa was strange to Ida's ears. It was understandable, as the instrument was literally foreign to Ida. Or maybe Ida was the one who was foreign to the biwa and the culture it resided in. Either way, despite being unused to the sound, the slow strumming of the instrument was putting Ida at ease.
"It seems like the spell is effective on you, Ida-san," Ichika remarked while standing beside Ida's futon.
It was true. Fujio's Sound Magic essentially massaged the tension from Ida's body to the point that she doubted her ability to move freely with the way her limbs felt like putty. She felt neither light nor heavy. If anything, Ida felt that her body was soft.
But it was only her body that was relaxed.
Ida's mind was still racing with... *everything*.
Ida would've been lying if she said she didn't see some of herself in Sterling. From birth, Sterling had been different. Not to the degree that Ida was but the child was still set apart from the rest of humanity. With one eye seeing the past and one eye seeing the future, so to speak. Ida's own powers went beyond human limitations and delved into the fathomless abyss of devilish might. The two of them also had very different views of the world. Ida saw calculable values as much as she saw the faces of the people with those data points. Sterling knew of aberrational entities that even Magic Knights weren't tasked to fight.
Had circumstances not brought Sterling to Josele and Nacht, the child would've been raised a specific way. For a specific purpose. Not given a choice of her own. Ida too, avoided a similar fate at her parents' hands.
But now with fate changed, things were so uncertain for Sterling. Ida wanted, or maybe she'd be desperate, to make sure that Sterling's future would stay safe. That the child's happiness wouldn't be taken from her. And look where that go her.
Ichika see this „Ida-San are you ok? You-
Ida rolling aside and burp up but don’t vomiting her devil part’s show up her wing’s lay protective over herself
Ichika just looking concerned „Ah I see…….
Fujio just standing up „I believe I let your alone say if I should come back
Ichika nodding“yes thank you
Then looking she over Ida and sitting to her und rubbing her wing’s „it’s going be fine ida I know you think mush but you have us here
Ida looking sickly to ichika“thank you…….I just thinking how similar Sterling and I were……..but I can’t stop thinking………..
Ichika just nodding „I can understand you but you doing good thinking is a part of grow as long you don’t overthink but you are just really concerned
Ida now stare at here“hm true it’s whas a good choice to come too you………..
Ryu whas just preparing the comonicator whit sukehiro after a wile take he up after he did try a half a hour
Sukehiro:Ryu what is now?
Ryu:oh sorry dear friend how are you doing?
Sukehiro:stupid quistion Whit you eye what is wrong?
Ryu laughing „ok ok dear friend I just want to say we have Ida here she try to get here better but struggling right now right now life she whit ichika
"Is that all you have to tell me?" Yami asked curtly. That was one mystery solved. But that did little for the root of the problem: the tension between Ida and Nacht plus Josele. "What's Ida's mind like?"
"Eh, pretty messy from what I saw," answered Ryuu. "She's getting music therapy from Fujio. Why? Do you want your crew to handle it?"
"Nah. Keep her. I gotta work through things on this side still. But we should probably keep calling until we're sure the family are ready to see each other again."
Ryuu chuckled over the communication line. "Never saw you as the type to take charge back then, well except when it came to Ichika. But look at you. Looking out for your subordinates like a good leader."
"I learned from someone pretty smart," Yami replied with a laugh of his own.
Josele quietly braided a portion of Sterling's hair before affixing a black ribbon to the finished hair style.
"Thanks, Mother!" Sterling said as she turned and hugged Josele.
"Of course, my starling." Josele hugged Sterling back and stroked her loose hair.
Things had become somewhat normal again after Josele and Nacht exhausted themselves and their magic during their initial panic over Ida. Once they'd rested up, they tried to go back to their normal routine. And that included being parents to Sterling.
Josele let go of Sterling and looked her in the eyes. "Is everything okay?"
"Mhm. I'm okay. Are you okay?" Sterling cupped Josele's face and pouted. "The servants said you and Father were sick. And when I'm sick, I'm sick a long time. Are you really already better?"
Josele sighed. "Yes. Grown ups aren't sick as long as kids like you are, just so you know." She removed Sterling's hands and gave them a little squeeze. "Thank you for worrying though."
"Okay." Sterling's gaze shifted and she fidgeted in place.
"Is everything really okay, baby?"
Sterling shook her head. "I don't know why you and Father are sad right now." She looked to her card stack. "I tried to ask the cards like your friend's granny showed me but I don't understand."
"Oh..." Josele patted Sterling on the head. "Your father and I are sad because of some complex grown up emotions. But I'll try to explain. Aunt Ida was worried about you. And her being worried made it seem like she didn't trust me or Nacht to be your parents. We fought about it and... Ida ran off."
Sterling's eyes went wide with shock. Or maybe fear. "Is Auntie okay?"
"I don't know quite yet," Josele answered vaguely. "But she's strong. She'll be back."
"Why doesn't she trust you and Father to be my parents though?"
Josele glanced at the floor before looking at Sterling again. "Parents aren't always good people, Sterling. Nacht and I try to be good to you, but Ida knows of parents who didn't try to be good to their child. And she was very scared of you being hurt that way."
"It's okay if you don't understand, Sterling," Josele whispered. "What matters is that Ida does care for you. Adult emotions are hard to deal with, that's all."
Sterling bowed her head and pouted. "They are..." Sterling threw her arms around Josele. "I know you and Father wouldn't hurt me. Can I tell Auntie Ida that? Will that make things better?"
"... Maybe... She'll have to come back first so you can try."
Josele's heart twisted with worry. For Sterling. For Ida. For herself and Nacht. What a mess. What an awful mess that she had a hand in creating.
Ida can’t sleep because of nightmares and it’s happened this she sleeping now on ichika’s futon not in it but on it like a cat because she feels safe
As ichika wake’s up she see it she putting her blanket over Ida what wake’s Ida up too
Ida ground „urg uhrhfhjg oh thanks ichika………..
Ichika looking concerned at her „you looking not good the ground is hart do you want too sleep in my bed? The sun is still not up so I can lay whit you just here
Ida just stare at her „sound nice…..ok yes…..“Ida go then too ichika whit the blanket and lays there like a cat left too ichika wo put the blanket well up them and ida is warm….comforting……
Ida lay’s whit her it’s remembered her of the time she would laying whit Morgy in a bed sometimes whit Nachty cuddling up whit them and play after…..her parents would experiment whit and are done she getting sick again oh she hopes Sterling is fine…….
Ichika fells her Qi going bad again so she take’s Ida in a hug and rubbing her back what surprise Ida but she don’t do something about it her Qi going better at this „thank you ichika…….“
Ichika just sish „sure Ida you are ok I’m here for you we all here……
Ida just blushing a little „hmmhm thanks love you for this……..
Ichika blushing now too but don’t say something and they stayed for this at this point as the sun gets up
And Ida make breakfast more depression cooking again ichika letting her do first it’s comport her and tow Ida is really good in it
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smokeprincess24 · 2 years
Hey could you make a Morpheus x reader story where yn finds out she's pregnant whit his child but she doesn't want the baby so she leaves and dissapears so he makes it his mission to find her..😅ik it's long but it would be an honor!
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At first I was going to decline the question because I haven't done anything written for a fandom since 2014-5 and what I've done as a sandman has been more phrases and loose ideas than anything else, besides that when I read it the first few times I didn't know how or what where to direct the idea but then I said fuck it I'll do it with the OC that I have in mind and its story (I'm more of creating my character with a back story and everything but never taking it to "paper")
So here's a warning 1 (and the most important) I don't speak English I can read and listen to it but I'm not that good at writing it so here I am using google translator for this (if there's something wrong let me know so I can edit it, sometimes the translator It is not so exact and although I check that if it is well written, I may miss some errors)
2. for convenience because I'm not so good at writing (not even in my own language -Spanish-) this will be a headcanon (I think it can be considered like this) but very detailed
so here goes nothing
(ps: I always give my OCs the same name but for the convenience of the sandman community I will refer to the character as her or y/n)
•Everything was going well, she had an boyfriend, they already had a year of relationship (and almost two since she found him in the basement)
•Johanna once jokingly told her that she was going to end up with a hot emo boyfriend who looks like he pouts 24/7 (and it would probably end badly), she definitely wasn't wrong. Luckily having a hot emo boyfriend means tons of hot time.
•Y/n usually alternated the days between The Dreaming and her apartment
•Morpheus was simply attached to her, always seeking her touch, from holding her hand to laying her down and fucking her on one of the library tables, but he was always close to her in his free time, it was as if they were in a honey moon phase (for a whole year)
•But then it started
•Y/n do not tend to get sick (or stay sick for a long time) thanks to their ancestry, she also hates vomiting and basically doing so is the peak of a possible illness.
•One day she began to feel tired, aching all over her body and one morning she woke up quickly from a dream to run to the bathroom
•Out of the corner of his eye she could see Matthew at er window, possibly his abrupt exit from The Dreaming caused Morpheus to send to look how she was
she was in bed all day but she thought they were just seasonal illnesses
•Oh boy, they weren't
•Fortunately the days passed and Y/N was able to recover even feeling nauseated from time to time (convincing herself that it was because she hadn't eaten much because she was sick)
• It wasn't until a week later that his roommate and best friend commented (joking) that it was a good thing she had taken a break from her boyfriend, because if they kept fucking like that she was going to end up pregnant.
•At first Y/N just laughed and let it go, until she remembered that she had been weeks without her period, this definitely freaked her out
•She waited until she was alone in her apartment to go to the pharmacy so she could get a test, a simple piss on a stick, a negative and everything ended, probably she was just thinking to much about it and really was nothing
•Over the years, she'd learned that the universe's favorite game was to contradict her and make things difficult, and this time the universe had given her the big middle finger.
•A bit of a panic attack here, okay? a fucking baby is a big responsibility for 18-20(ish) year olds
•Yep she was definitely screwed
•She could only think of Johanna when she had told at the beginning of her adolescence how she should have to scare the boys (emos and edgys) away from her, or else she would end up "knock up"
•Yeah she was definitely fuck up (and not in a good way)
ok here is the first part, I have several things planned for the morpheus part but I needed to cut it and upload this to know if (I) this had a future or what
ps: I accept suggestions for a title
ps2: you can make requests and I can try to write something, both within the sandman universe with or without my OC
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 40: The Web Tightens
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Spoiler alert: The main character's hair is not anywhere near so dull a color. This post and the whole reread has all kinds of big, terrible spoilers for this book and every other book. Okay, maybe just The Wheel of Time ones. But that's still a lot of spoilers, so if you don't want those you need to be elsewhere. I recommend this great little hole in the wall in Bologna, best Italian food you'll ever have.
Anyway, this chapter has a Flame of Tar Valon symbol, in part because of the Andorian royalty's association with Tar Valon (the imminent tutoring of the kids is discussed) but also because Elaida is here and she is spitting... well, not fire. Acid. But the weak kind.
When he looked back to the table, Moiraine and Logain had vanished, and Ba’alzamon sat there instead.
I assume that this is the moment when Ba'alsy narrows down his candidates definitively. He's using Moiraine and Logain's behaviors as the evidence he needs. Lucky for Rand, he's only mildly concussed so he doesn't stick around for the dream!
She was completely different from Egwene in height and face and body, but every bit as beautiful. He felt a twinge of guilt, but told himself that denying what his eyes saw would not bring Egwene safely to Caemlyn one whit faster.
It sure won't. In fact, the laws of dramatic irony say that if you kiss Elayne right now, Egwene will be safe and sound and right behind you.
“Be quiet, Gawyn.” She was clearly the younger of the two, but she spoke as though she took it for granted that he would obey. The boy’s face struggled as if he had more to say, but to Rand’s surprise he held his peace.
Even now Gawyn is not down for his assigned role in life. Really both he and Elayne are already chafing against the expectations upon them - that's why Elayne is off ruining her dresses climbing trees and carrying medical bags in said ruined dresses. Frankly I think the gap year she takes after going to Tar Valon was quite good for her; she'd be a good queen regardless but without a chance to get to know herself outside of her mother's oversight she wouldn't have been able to get great.
Rand looked at Gawyn. “Does she always expect everybody to do what she tells them?” A flash of surprise crossed the young man’s face, and his mouth tightened with amusement. “Most of the time she does. And most of the time they do.”
Gawyn relaxes a lot around Rand once he realizes how clueless he is. I'm surprised he didn't try the usual gag of keeping him clueless to laugh about it, but honestly it shows that he's not bad at heart. Stupid maybe, but not bad.
Elayne is too busy being a doctor to notice though.
“Not even Mother,” Elayne said, bending her head back over Rand’s hands. “She makes suggestions, and he always does what she suggests, but I’ve never heard her give him a command.” She shook her head.
Oh hey, earlier I was talking about Jordan loving "women are effectively in charge of a relationship because of soft power" and here we have another example of its inversion. Bryne though is pulling this off by seniority - he's been Captain-General and First Prince of the Sword to one woman or another since his mid-20s. Which makes him another fascinating figure, since most armies don't tend to put dudes who aren't in their 30s in charge. As ever, there's all these crazy people who we don't get to know much about.
Looking longingly at the wall, Rand gave his right name before he thought what he was doing, and even added, “From Emond’s Field, in the Two Rivers.” ... Rand stared at him. Elayne was staring, too. Gawyn looked as much under control as ever, but he was babbling. Why?
Once again Rand's ta'veren seems to be a little more fair at this point. Usually Rand doesn't babble half as much. Is it just getting turned on or something. (Also it's hilarious that Gawyn all but says, "You two should fuck" when he learns where Rand's from.)
“I am aware of your fondness for strays, Elayne,” the slender man said reasonably...
It's an interesting contrast between the two brothers that Gawyn kind-of almost suggests he thinks of Rand in such terms and then quickly clarifies that he definitely does not while Galad just does not give a fuck. Always the right thing, no matter who it hurts.
Also is this the only time the two half-bros are ever close to being in the same place? I think it might be and I'm too lazy to check. I guess maybe they're together at the big pre-TG tent meeting? Seems like everyone still alive but Mat, Seanchan, and the Darkfriends are at that one.
“You say I am fond of giving orders. Well, I command you to let nothing happen to you. I command you to be my First Prince of the Sword when I take the throne—the light send that day is far off!—and to lead the armies of Andor with the sort of honor Galad cannot dream of.” “As you command, my Lady.” Gawyn laughed, his bow a parody of Galad’s.
And again the contrast. Galad doesn't like following Elayne's orders but it's proper and he takes it seriously and he does it - then finds ways to work around them for the greater good. Gawyn doesn't take it seriously and so when the time comes to obey he does everything but.
Elayne growled an oath, and Rand’s eyebrows shot up. He had heard that one from the stablemen at The Queen’s Blessing and had been shocked then.
Elayne's first on-page swear. <3
I can't wait for her to learn the real curse words!
Despite her outstretched arms Elayne drew herself up regally. “You dare to bring bare steel into my presence, Tallanvor? Gareth Bryne will have you mucking stables with the meanest trooper for this, if you are lucky!”
One rather gets the impression that Elayne has been practicing this since a young age. "You dare to carry me to the bathtub, [name of generic servant who is helping poor Lini]?" Also dang, I forgot we got Tallanvor this early! This chapter is just filled with introductions - this is the most characters I've had to tag so far and all of them bar Rand, Ishamael and Elayne first appear in this chapter (and her in the last sentences of the previous one).
“You will conduct all three of us to my mother,” Elayne announced suddenly. A grin bloomed on Gawyn’s face.
They give Galad a lot of shit for being hard to have as a sibling, but frankly I expect Galad is very tired of having Elayne as a sibling too.
“The Queen, your lady mother,” Tallanvor announced, “commands me to bring the intruder to her immediately. It is also the Queen’s command that my Lady Elayne and my Lord Gawyn attend her. Also immediately.”
Sorry Elayne, but the Pattern demands Rand and Elaida meet, so there's no way to stop Tallanvor.
“It is not right,” Elayne said. “She asked if I wanted to pick out the one farm she could do the same for, while all around it the crops still failed, but it still isn’t right for us to have flowers when there are people who do not have enough to eat.”
And here we see why Elayne is a good ruler and Elaida is a terrible one - frankly, why the White Tower is a failed institution. If it were worth a damn, after a winter like this one they'd be sending women out across the known world helping what farms they could on the grounds that something was better than nothing. Instead, only the royalty benefit, and it's a meaningless affectation. You can't live off of a palace garden and Elaida's shamelessness is terrible.
And sadly, her ability at ratting is going to go in sharp decline too.
“First rank to accompany me,” Tallanvor commanded. “Announce the Lady Elayne and the Lord Gawyn to Her Majesty,” he told the doorkeepers. “Also Guardsman-Lieutenant Tallanvor, at Her Majesty’s command, with the intruder under guard.”
Good work Tallanvor, you did just defy the word of the Lady Elayne. It's a good thing you leave the palace before she gets crowned or she'd have every right to fire you.
Rand was just congratulating himself on getting it right when he noticed Tallanvor, his head still bent, glaring sideways at him from behind his face-guard. Was I supposed to do something else? He was suddenly angry that Tallanvor expected him to know what to do when no one had told him.
Gawyn is Elayne's First Prince and everyone else is a sworn guard, Rand. They're pissed that you're bowing as if you're Morgase's servant and protector instead of one of her subjects. But again, since you're the Dragon Reborn, you're really probably bowing in the only appropriate way to the woman who is currently your metaphorical wife.
If she had been a widow in Emond’s Field, she would have had a line of suitors outside her door even if she was the worst cook and most slovenly house keeper in the Two Rivers. He saw her studying him and ducked his head, afraid she might be able to tell his thoughts from his face. Light, thinking about the Queen like she was a village woman! You fool!
This is almost foreshadowing, except for the part where she only has the one suitor.
Gawyn, I have thought better of you. You must learn not only to obey your sister, but at the same time to be counterweight for her against disaster.
Don't worry Morgase, Gawyn will put equal effort into both of those endeavors!
But my sisters will keep you away from the unbeliever. That sort of thing is not for you, not yet.
Elaida is quite the fool if she thinks that anything about how she's behaved would bring Elayne to the Red Ajah. That's what she means here, that she thinks Elayne will mature into a hunter of male channelers. Well, she's not entirely wrong.
“A loyal subject from the Two Rivers.” Morgase sighed. “My child, you should pay more heed to those books. The Two Rivers has not seen a tax collector in six generations, nor the Queen’s Guards in seven. I daresay they seldom even think to remember they are part of the Realm.”
Assuming that they measure generations on about the same scale we do (20-30 years), this means that the last tax collector went to the Two Rivers no sooner than 120 years ago, the last guard 140. Possibly as much as 200 years back! The Two Rivers is not part of the Realm! They have as much in common with the average subject of the Lion Throne as a Saldaean!
Sanderson keeping them part of the same kingdom when Perrin's only note was "king" is nothing short of inappropriately inserting his bizarre political beliefs into the story. The man is completely opposed to actual revolution of any kind and Perrin suffered for it. Jordan had damn well been setting up this separation since the beginning, and he was right to do so.
It was his sword she touched, not him, her hand closing around the hilt at the very top. Her fingers tightened and her eyes opened wide with surprise. “A shepherd from the Two Rivers,” she said softly, a whisper meant to be heard by all, “with a heron-mark sword.”
Fain really fucked Elaida up, you know? Here she is, keeping all of the Dark One's eyes out of the palace and being the only person who can see what's right in front of her. None of the guards noticed how terrifying Rand's blade is. Gawyn didn't. Elaida's the only one who sees just how big a threat Rand might be. Sadly, she's going to go completely crazy.
“. . . with a story calculated to entice Elayne and bearing a heron-mark blade. He does not wear an armband or a cockade to proclaim his allegiance, but wrappings that carefully conceal the heron from inquisitive eyes. What chance this, Morgase?”
See what I mean? And worst of all, she only crafts this story because Rand lies and says he arrived that day. Elaida's quite right to object that's an absurd coincidence because even in this world, it is. It's complete bullshit. But now that she's drawn her false conclusion she only wants to damage with it.
She spoke again, barely moving her lips, so softly that he could barely hear her less than an arm’s length away. “This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come to the whole world, and this man stands at the heart of it. I obey the Queen,” she whispered, “and speak it clearly.”
Elaida loves her some loopholes too. She spoke clearly but inaudibly. Watch for her abuse of loopholes later. I suppose she might have withheld this from everyone because of Rand's ta'veren, but I think it's just her glory hound nature coming out. If Rand's imprisoned or found out here, it's by Queen Morgase. If she hunts him down privately, without orders, it's Elaida doing it and it'll look great on her CV when she runs for usurper in Tar Valon.
First, because I have the advantage of Elaida and Gareth in having heard Two Rivers speech when I was young. You have not the look, but if a dim memory can serve me you have the Two Rivers on your tongue.
I wonder if Morgase and Tam crossed paths while he was on his way to Illian and she was on her way to train at the White Tower.
Elaida was only half attending what the Queen was saying; he could feel her eyes on his back. What would have happened if Morgase had not kept the Aes Sedai with her? 
Another bit of ta'veren luck in this chapter, the final tightening of the web that will set Rand's course for the final act of the book.
“Wrap a shoufa around your head, Rand, and you would be the image of an Aielman. Odd, since Mother seems to think you sound like a Two Rivers man, at least. I wish we could have come to know one another, Rand al’Thor. Fare you well.”
And so ends Rand and Gawyn's only moment around each other, again barring the huge group at Merrilor. This certainly ends whatever friendliness Gawyn has to Rand, from here on out it's hostility and nothing else.
Oh well. This also pretty much ends the chapter, with all that's left being Rand running back to the inn in terror. Who can blame him?
Next time: The party finally reunites (except Thom, who is still pretending to be dead)! Everyone realizes they're screwed!
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So am I the only one that thinks that Nico is the one that tried to kill Ace? I've seen so many people being so quick to say that it was actually all Hu's doing and that they are just protecting her.
Now, do I think Hu is related to the incident? Absolutely, but not because she is secretly Ace's killer- rather, I think she is our manipulator (and Arei's killer).
This is a long one, kids.
Now, allow me to paint you a picture: Hu is working hard to maintain the appearance of an approachable, gentle individual with a maternal streak- when stuck in a death game, she knows that being well-liked can make a difference, so she is doing her best to protect this image of herself.
But, oh no! A new motive can put it all in jeopardy! Secrets are given, and if no one kills before the time runs out, they are going to be revealed to everyone! What can she do now, to protect herself?
Even without receiving her own, she figured out easily what her secret is- or she may have had a talk with Whit about it, but I'm trying not to use too much conjecture and overcomplicate this. She knows that for her secret to be kept, someone has to die, but just because she is a manipulator, doesn't mean she is a killer. Or maybe she just didn't want to sully her hands.
Here enters Nico: they're meek, they're being bullied by Ace, someone that Hu doesn't care much about- most likely because she knows that she can't manipulate him. He doesn't like her, and that is a problem: if someone dislikes her, she isn't safe from being killed.
But for now, Ace is putting all his energy on Nico, and that's wearing them out: they are the best possible prey for a manipulator. And so, what does she do? She coddles them, of course: she becomes a gentle mother figure, someone who is gonna protect them against the world if it ever comes to it. She is the first to accept their identity, and becomes their spokesperson, making sure that no one ever tries to misgender them.
She doesn't even have to do much to push Nico to consider murder: Ace is doing a perfectly good job all on his own. She just has to lend her personal weapon, help them out with coming up with the murder plan, promising that they were going to leave this game together, and all she has to do then is wait for the body to be found.
A perfect plan: all she has to do is cry crocodile tears, sobbing as she tells everyone what Nico did and how heartbroken she was at having her trust abused like this, and who would ever believe a killer that she was the one actually behind it all? And so, they'd die, and she'd get to live another day, her secret safe.
...except, she overestimated how much Nico actually hated Ace. Maybe they got scared of death, or they started to have doubts, or simply they thought that death was too serious a punishment for what Ace did to them, but nevertheless, Nico changed their mind.
They saved Ace's life, pushing him to the ground, and started to free him for the wire around his throat- and then, Teruko and Eden came in. They panicked, of course: they knew how incriminating what they were doing looked like, and they ran away.
Come the day after, and Ace is still alive, and screaming about how they tried to kill him. And all Nico can do is stay quiet and take it, because what else can they do? They had been trying to kill him, and even if they were to tell the truth, that they had changed their mind and were trying to save him- who would believe them?
And they could say that they weren't alone in this, that Hu helped them, but- she is protecting them now, like she had said she would do. How could they ever out her like that? And so they keep quiet, even if the weight of the truth is killing them ever so slowly.
On the other hand, Hu is absolutely reeling: she is doing her best to damage-control, making sure that Nico feels too indebted to her to even consider telling anyone of her involvement, and that's gonna help her for now, but what about later? She has only one day left, that is too little time to try to manipulate someone else into killing, Nico is compromised and she can't leave it up to chance: she has to kill someone herself, there is no other choice left.
But, who to kill? Whit would be the better option: he is the one that has her secret after all, but would she know that at this point? We can't be sure.
On the other hand... Arei. Arei is trying to become a better person now (a relief: she was one of the people that she didn't have too good of a relationship with) and, most likely, is trying to patch her relationship up with Hu: they did have quite the few fights in the earlier chapter, and she is most likely trying to make up for it.
Hu, of course, accepts these attempts at reconciliation: and she finds it oh so easy to coddle Arei, listening as she opens up about her secret and the terrible things that her past has caused her to do, becoming her friend.
And Arei then, opens up about her current fear: she received a terrible secret, that someone is a murderer and that, once the secret is revealed, she's scared that he might try to come for her, to end her life.
And this is just the best news Hu has gotten in a while: she now has someone who is oh so trusting of her, and also, the best possible victim.
As I said before: who would ever believe a killer's word? Especially the word of someone that has killed before.
I am still unsure of the actual murder plan, but I'm certain that Hu was the one that sent Arei the letter to come see her at 7:30 PM- signed, Julia. She most likely told Arei of this little fun fact, and told her that she was more than welcome to call her that while they were alone, a cute secret between 'friends'.
Of course, this was done so that, if someone were to find the note, everyone would think that J was the one to write it- sure, a couple of people knew that Julia was also her nickname, but she had told them that she didn't use it anymore, that she was loud and proud of her real name- whyever would she sign herself 'Julia'? And who knows, they might just not remember it, either.
That was done just an extra way to make sure that there were other people than the 'seasoned murderer' to possibly pin the crime on- better to have multiple potential victims, you know?
(oh btw, haven't talked about it much, but my theory for the murderer with no remorse is Levi- his secret quote mentions his heartlessness, and he has a seemingly very blasé relationship with death- seemingly unaffected by the chapter 1 deaths and saying that he would do 'what the other would do' to cope with them, implying that this is mostly an act on his part. Which is also how I explain Arei having a broken neck- it's a lot easier to break it that one would think, but everyone would assume that only someone with a lot of upper body strength could do it- and Levi is the only one that really fits the bill for that. Arei was probably drowned, so her neck being broken is likely Hu fabricating evidence to make Levi a suspect- and subsequently playing on the fear that he is a murderer to make everyone more distrusting of his words)
So yeah, TL:DR Hu girlboss era (she is a terrible person)
Also, please tell me if I've accidentally misgendered Nico at any point! English is not my first language and sometimes I get confused ;;
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nspdr-neo · 7 months
Local girl kisser Eden is last on the list for the bimbo pranks, but just as Arei and Whit get ready to watch the results, a bimbofied, and very angry Hu catches them. While Whit manages to escape Arei is not so lucky, and Hu decides the best punishment is a taste of her own medicine.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
This was it...the finale of their greatest prank ever!!
It's been a fun ride - watching their entirety of their female classmates turn into such slutty bimbos, and even great seeing the guys (and Nico) get swept up in the prank as well.
But now it was time for things to end...in the hottest of ways. Once Eden finished eating that bimbo-tonic laced cake, both were eager to see how much 'cake' Eden was bound to have in those shorts of hers.
However, since there focus was so on Eden, they didn't realize who was walking right behind them. Least, up until Hu had grabbed Arei from behind. Sending her head right back into those jiggly mounds of her that weren't even constrained by her dress given how big they were now.
"Got youuuuuuuuu!! Like, listen her little girl and boy!! It hit me while giving Nico their good morning smooch sesh!! You did...something to me!! I think? Anyways, time to punish this bad, bad, bad girl~"
"Lemme go you whore!!!! Whit!! Help meee!!" Upon seeing his partner in crime captured, he turned on his heel and bolted from the scene!!!
"!!!! Whit!! You pussy ass motherfuck-!!!!" Before Arei could finish her cuss out of the matchmaker, Hu had shifted her to have her face buried in those soft, silky, mounds of her.
"No swearing young lady!!" Arei groaned in Hu's bust. How could this get any worse?
Clap, clap, clap, clap~
"Huuuh, like, what's 'sup~ What's all the noise out here? Ooooh~ Nice rack going on there, Hu and Arei too!!! Look at those yummy thighs!!" Before Arei knew it she felt a hand grope her bare leg from behind and squeeze it. Earning a mortified, yet a bit turned on, squeal from Arei.
"Cute~ Say, do you got any good that totes tasted sweeter than last time you ate it?"
"Totally, girl~ Though why you wanna know?"
"...Cause I think little Rei-Rei needs something to eat~" Scooping up Arei bridal style, the bowler was forced to her fate as Hu's grip was too strong to resist!!!
...Okay, well that and she ended getting a good look at Eden's new state. While her height hadn't really changed or much of her upper body, she did have a new hyper doughy butt that pretty much reduced her shorts to being glorified thongs, with her ass hanging out and clapping as the newly energetic bimbo raced back into the cafeteria.
To make the final bimbo~
(Later on)
"GHHH!!! S-soooooooooooooooorryyyyyyyyy!!! I sh-shouldn't have ran awaaaaaaaay!!! Sorrr-!!!!"
"Gawwwwwwwd!! Keep you lying shit lips shut already and take your fucking punishment!!!!"
"Y-yeaaaah~ Take it aaaaalll~"
It didn't take much effort to find Whit, not with Arei being so pissed at the twink she was running all over the area to find him. Catching him in the playground area, the bimbofied Arei - who didn't even bother with a shirt to cover up her new F-cups and whose legs became 10x plumper - was currently smushing Whit's head with her new thighs. All while Eden was providing support by twerking all over his very erect dick at the moment.
"Awww, that's my girls!! Make him pay~"
"H-hu-! Fucking Helllllllllllll!!!" David moaned out. The motivational speaker had been caught by happenstance onto the lewd scene, and ended up being snagged by Hu. Wanting to 'celebrate' herself, it was a quick matter in pinning David down by her own heavy jugs and giving his slick dick a real good titjob~
Such ends the tales of the Despair Time Bimbos~
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