#lady lesso imagine
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iamnotoriginalphil · 3 months ago
Merry Fucking Christmas (Lady Lesso x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: It's the work holiday party, and Lesso is wondering how it came to this. Especially when you look as beautiful as you do.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence
Lesso had no idea how Dovey had roped her into the whole stupid endeavour. Nevers didn’t celebrate Christmas. Nevers tried to steal the presents from under trees and burn the turkeys. They didn’t string up little lights and hang wreaths. They didn’t drape crystal snowflakes along the ceiling or hang mistletoe unless it cursed those who walked under it.
So standing in the middle of the ballroom with the Christmas decorations her staff had helped put up, a sense of unease rumbled through her body.
There was a band at one end playing, the Ever staff sweeping across the floor in some kind of waltz, twirling princesses in the arms of their handsome princes. Her lip curled up at the image. Without students, there was an air of revelry usually kept from their charges, alcohol flowing far more than usual, more exuberance and less care about maintaining a proper facade.
The entire idea of a staff holiday party was absurd on so many levels.
Her fingers clenched on the metal head of her cane, biting into her skin until she felt the prick of pain. Standing to the side of the hall she could observe, keeping herself hidden away from the prying eyes of those looking to mock. From her vantage point she could see Dovey, her wide smile bright in the light cast from the chandeliers overhead. She sneered at the other woman’s joy. It was painful, knowing her side had contributed to the happiness of Good.
Watching Dovey at least brought her some relief from the single person she didn’t want to be caught staring at. She was being careful, keeping one of those infernal Christmas trees between her and you, lest she find herself doing something drastic like watching you as you laughed.
You were practically glittering in the soft lighting. The moment youïżœïżœïżœd walked in her breath had caught and she’d frozen, not able to think of anything outside of the fact that everything about you called to her. She’d had to promptly turn away, smacking Manley out of the way with her cane as she’d swept to the furthest corner of the room. There was no sense giving in to the impulse to steal you away and see how quickly she could bring tears to your eyes.
You lent into Anemone as you spoke to her, your eyes glittering under the light of the chandelier. A slow smile spread over your face, soft and joyful, the exact kind she was certain the inane professor taught in her classes. It was vapid and vacuous and had no substance at all. That was why her heart was pounding in her chest. Because she was so angry.
No other reason.
Your laughter was so light, floating on the air towards her. It shouldn’t have reached her ear, not with the band playing. But it was as if her ears were attuned to you. Her stomach clenched, fingers tightening on the head of her cane. It was becoming too much, an overwhelming impulse to do something rising in her.
It wasn’t going to be pretty if she let it take control.
Edging her way around the wall, she placed another one of the towering Christmas trees between her and you. The air smelt of pine and spices, the fires roaring, magic in the air. It was sickening. Her stomach turned.
She snatched up a goblet of mulled wine, wrinkling her nose at it. She downed it before grabbing another. It was warm, seeping through her veins until her fingers could relax again.
Leaning against the wall, she glowered over the rim of her goblet as you were swept onto the dance floor. One of the Evers, a shining prince in his full regalia, was holding you in his arms, stiff and proper. You shone as he spun you around the floor, keeping perfect time with the music. Her teeth ground together.
“Can’t you put that scowl away for one night? It’s the holidays.”
She shouldn’t have let herself lose track of Dovey in the milling crowd. The annoying voice with the lilt of joy was enough to make her burst a blood vessel. Although, the undercurrent of annoyance was pleasing.
“I have a reputation to maintain,” she replied.
“Even Manley is having fun,” she said, looking over at the man dance alone in the crowd. Her nose wrinkled but she’d painted the smile on and wasn’t about to let it drop off for that muold stain of a man.
“Well, he is a buffoon,” she snapped.
“Just try and enjoy yourself,” Dovey said, losing patience, “everyone else is.”
Her eyes alighted on you again, watching the way the baubles in your hair caught the light of the candles around the ballroom. As you spun, your skirt fanned out around you, the puerile shade of blue only making your skin glow with health. There was nothing harsh about you, all soft curves and delicate lines, making her grit her teeth. You certainly looked as if you were enjoying yourself.
She wanted to sink her teeth into you until you begged her to stop.
“Why not find a partner and dance? You’ll have fun,” Dovey said.
She wasn’t about to admit she’d never learnt to dance like this. Nevers weren’t taught how to survive in a ballroom. Stick her in a forest and she would be fine, a concerning cottage and she’d thrive, a disreputable inn and she would delight in the experience. But give her a dance floor and she was lost.
But you with your perfect hair and perfect smile were right at home in the arms of some prince waltzing over the dance floor.
“Are those some students sneaking into the party?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder.
Dovey whipped around and in her moment of distraction with the Never students crashing the party, she slipped away. Sneaking, that was another skill she possessed in great quantities. Catching one last glance at you, shining and sparkling like the jewel you were, she left the party behind with a snarl.
The icy wind bit into the skin of her face as she strode out into the gardens. The moon was high in the sky, full, casting silverly light down upon her as she found a secluded place to brood. Skulking in the shadows, she stared out at the forest, trees swaying in the wind. Snow fell about her, entirely too picturesque for her current mood.
The entire night could be filed under disaster, and not because she’d planned for it to be. She took a sip from the goblet she’d stolen from the Evers, the mulled wine warming her up from the inside out. She’d known the entire endeavour would be just another defeat to add to her long list. She pursed her lips, fingers tightening on the head of her cane until the pain of it soothed her. Pain was familiar and delicious. Pain never let her down. Pain was comforting when the rest of the world made no sense.
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”
The thing about Evers were they were light on their feet. Delicate footsteps were easy to miss when she wasn’t paying attention. But there you were, walking towards her with one of those perfect soft smile on your face, practically glowing in the moonlight. Snow fell on your bare shoulders, melting in your hair, getting caught in your eyelashes.
She had to tear her eyes from your figure, staring out at the forest again. With a wrinkle of her nose, she sneered at your question. She hardly wanted to be in a storybook winter scene. She was certain if she was then it would be as she was chased by pitchforks and swords. That’s how it usually went when someone was evil these days.
“Weren’t you enjoying the party?” you asked, voice bright and not discouraged in the slightest. Why were you never discouraged by her unpleasantness? She worked so hard at it.
“I’m not some Ever that can be charmed by decorations and music,” she replied.
“No, you want something more substantive, don’t you? You’re not interested in something as surface level as beauty,” you said.
Her eye darted towards you, sweeping over your form. You weren’t even hiding the way you were watching her. Your eyes were sparkling and your lips were tugging up into a smile that made butterflies erupt in her stomach like she was some simpering Ever. Beauty, it turned out, did very well for her when it was yours.
“Still, the dancing was fun,” you said.
“I’m sure,” she replied, “you should go back to it.”
All you did was shift closer to her, only an inch, but enough for her to stiffen. She could feel you, so aware of the space between your arm and hers. Her jaw clenched and she had to fight against the impulse to lash out and shove you away. If you fell, all the better. That would teach you a lesson about simpering in her direction.
“But I much prefer the view out here,” you said and you batted your fucking eyelashes at her.
Her heart should not be doing a backflip. She should not be feeling her cheeks flushing. Her gaze should definitely not be dropping to your pretty pink lips. She growled but you only inched closer to her again.
Only then you were close enough for her to notice the way you were shivering. The snowflakes were dusting your skin, slow to melt. You didn’t seem to care. If it wasn’t for the fact the air was still biting at her skin, she’d almost believe you weren’t aware of the cold. But you were shivering even as you lent towards her.
The only time she wanted to see you uncomfortable was when she was causing it.
Like when her nails dug into your skin and your eyes watered. Or when she threatened you and your eyes widened. Or when she pinned you up against a wall and your eyes sparkled.
“You should get back inside. Wouldn’t want you to freeze to death out here,” she grumbled.
“Lady Lesso, I had no idea you cared so much,” you said, but you were smiling and she thought you might be laughing at her.
“Get out of here,” she snapped.
Your shoulder brushed against hers. She should have been paying more attention and not letting you get so close. Just the heat of your body was making her head spin. Something was wrong with her. So very wrong.
“I can’t tempt you to come with me?” you asked.
You could tempt her to do so many things that were not appropriate for an Ever to do. She could corrupt you so easily. You’d be doing all kinds of things that would leave you a flustered mess. She wanted to see you beg.
“Just go,” she said.
Your fingers were warm against her chin as you turned her face towards you. Your teeth had sunk into your lower lip and it took a great amount of self control not to take the invitation and sink hers in too. Leaning closer, your breath ghosted over her lips.
“What are you doing?” she demanded but her voice came out more breathless than she was hoping.
“Celebrating,” you replied.
Your lips brushed hers, soft and gentle, the exact way she expected Evers to kiss. Saccharine sweet, the exact kind of kiss that would spark true love. It shouldn’t make her heart flutter.
But then you pressed closer, kissing harder, your tongue running along her lower lip. Your fingers tightened on her chin, holding her in place and she found herself opening to you. You tasted like champagne and chocolate and all she wanted was more of it. The goblet tumbled from her had as she pressed it to the small of your back, hauling you as close as your full skirt would allow. You moaned, and it was filthier than anything she could have expected to come out of you.
You drew away, eyes slow to blink open, lips kiss swollen. She felt dumb struck, like lightning had struck her out of the sky. The blood in her veins was thrumming, the same way it did when she managed to pull off a particularly brilliant piece of villainy. Your lips curled up into a small smile, and you stepped back.
Her fingers clenched around the empty air, not liking the lose of your warmth. You chuckled, fingertips brushing over her cheekbone before you clasped your hands in front of you like the good perfect Ever you pretended to be.
“Merry Christmas, Lady Lesso,” you said, voice such a nice timbre it went through her like a shudder.
She watched as you disappeared back into the shadows, returning to the party she’d abandoned. Turning back to the forest, her hand rose to her lips, unbidden and unconscious. They still tingled from the feeling of yours against them, the taste of you still on her tongue.
Merry fucking Christmas indeed.
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annie-creates · 10 months ago
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out
” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
 but I thought you’d like to come with me
” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
 I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
 what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
 I did
 I mean, we went to that place
 like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I
 why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look
“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
 I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to
” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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horeformilfs · 1 year ago
Stubborn Little Princess
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Fever, Illness
Y/N had always been the epitome of a diligent teacher at the School for Good. Her appearance, her manner, and her dedication to her students made her seem like the perfect embodiment of all things good and virtuous. Lady Lesso, the formidable headmistress of the School for Evil, had initially dismissed Y/N as nothing more than a goody-goody who couldn't possibly understand the complex and dark world they inhabited. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice a depth and intelligence in Y/N that intrigued her.
One day, as Y/N prepared for her classes, she couldn't ignore the pounding headache that had taken root in her skull. Her vision swam, and a sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. The corset she laced up as part of her daily attire felt particularly constricting, but she soldiered on, her sense of duty pushing her forward.
Throughout the day, Y/N's condition worsened, but she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities. Her last class was a joint venture with Lady Lesso, and as they taught side by side, the students could sense that something was off. Y/N, however, was determined to power through it, ignoring the signs of her deteriorating health.
Once the students left, Lady Lesso turned her sharp gaze toward Y/N. "You don't look well," she said with uncharacteristic concern.
Y/N, in a raspy voice, replied, "I'm fine, Lady Lesso, just a minor headache. I can handle it."
Lady Lesso's piercing blue eyes bore into Y/N, her concern hidden beneath a mask of annoyance. "Don't be foolish, Y/N. You can barely stand. What's really going on?"
Y/N hesitated, torn between her sense of duty and the growing weakness in her body. "I told you, it's just a headache."
The back-and-forth continued, with Lady Lesso refusing to accept Y/N's stubborn denials. As the tension in the room escalated, Y/N felt herself swaying, her vision blurring. Before she could even process what was happening, she fainted.
In an instant, Lady Lesso reacted, her sharp reflexes catching Y/N before she hit the ground. She cursed under her breath at Y/N's stubbornness and quickly assessed the situation. Y/N's corset was laced far too tightly, making her breathing labored. Lady Lesso took out the small dagger she always carried and deftly sliced through the corset strings, allowing Y/N to breathe normally once more.
As she freed Y/N from the constricting garment, Lady Lesso's gaze fell on Y/N's flushed face and the heat radiating from her. She pressed her hand against Y/N's forehead and confirmed what she had suspected: a fever raged within her.
Without hesitation, Lady Lesso scooped Y/N into her arms, her usual stern demeanor melting into genuine concern.Lady Lesso carried Y/N into her chambers with gentle determination, laying her down on the bed. Her usual air of authority was softened by genuine concern, as she began to gather supplies to care for her ailing companion. The room, bathed in a dim, eerie light, seemed more welcoming than ever as Lady Lesso set about her task.
Hours passed, and Y/N's fever continued to rage, causing her to drift into a delirious fever dream. She tossed and turned, her skin hot to the touch. Lady Lesso sat by her bedside, murmuring soothing words in a voice that was unusually tender.
"Shh, my dear," she whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Y/N's forehead. "You're going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their gaze unfocused. She reached out a trembling hand, fingers grazing Lady Lesso's cheek. "Lesso," she mumbled, her voice weak and shaky. "Am I...am I dying?"
Lady Lesso's heart clenched at the fear in Y/N's eyes. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead. "No, my love," she whispered, using the pet name so rarely heard. "You're not dying. You're just going through a rough patch, but we'll get through it together."
The fever continued to torment Y/N, and Lady Lesso knew it was time to take more drastic measures. She helped Y/N up and led her into the bathroom. There, she started a cold shower, the water cascading over Y/N's feverish body.
Y/N gasped as the icy water hit her overheated skin, and she instinctively cuddled closer to Lady Lesso, seeking warmth in her arms. Her shivering was uncontrollable, but she found solace in the steady presence of the headmistress.
Lady Lesso held her tightly, rubbing her arms and whispering comforting words into her ear. "You're doing great, my sweet. Just a little while longer, and this fever will break. You're so strong, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Y/N clung to Lady Lesso, tears mixing with the cold water as her fevered mind battled the chills. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort in Lady Lesso's embrace, in the reassurance of her words. The fever dream was a disorienting experience, but with Lady Lesso by her side, she felt safe.
As the cold water worked its magic and the fever began to recede, Y/N's trembling lessened. She closed her eyes, still held securely in Lady Lesso's arms, and let herself drift into a more peaceful slumber, knowing that she was no longer alone in her battle against the fever.
After a while, Lady Lesso believed that Y/N's fever had broken. She carefully helped Y/N out of the cold shower and into dry clothes. Y/N was shivering, despite the warmth of the room, and she could see the worry in Lady Lesso's eyes.
But just as they thought Y/N might be on the mend, the fever returned with even more intensity. Y/N's cheeks flushed red, and her breathing became labored. Lady Lesso's concern deepened as she realized the situation was more serious than she had hoped.
Desperate to help Y/N, Lady Lesso utilized her expertise in potions to create a fever-reducing concoction. She worked quickly, but it felt like an eternity to Y/N, who was wracked with discomfort. She couldn't help but squirm and whimper, her delirious mind consumed by the fever's torment.
Lady Lesso sat by Y/N's side, holding her hand and soothing her with words of praise and affectionate pet names. "You're incredibly strong, my dear," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through Y/N's damp hair. "You've already come so far. This potion will help. Just a little while longer."
Y/N's fever-addled mind found solace in Lady Lesso's comforting presence. The affectionate pet names she used were like a balm to Y/N's aching body, offering a warmth and comfort that surpassed the physical.
Once the potion was ready, Lady Lesso helped Y/N sit up and took great care in ensuring she drank it slowly. Y/N grimaced at the taste, but Lady Lesso's unwavering support gave her the strength to finish the glass of water.
Lady Lesso smiled gently. "Good job, my brave one. You've done splendidly."
Y/N's eyes met Lady Lesso's, filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Please...stay with me, Lesso."
Lady Lesso didn't hesitate. She settled beside Y/N on the bed, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. "Of course, my love. I'll stay right here until you're feeling better. You're not alone in this."
As the potion took effect and the fever began to subside, Y/N found herself gradually regaining her strength. Lady Lesso's comforting presence was a constant source of reassurance, and the warmth of her embrace provided Y/N with a profound sense of security.
With Lady Lesso by her side, Y/N finally began to drift into a more peaceful and restful sleep. Her breathing steadied, and the tension in her body relaxed. The room, once fraught with worry and discomfort, now seemed like a sanctuary of solace.
Lady Lesso continued to hold Y/N, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her back. "Rest now, my dearest," she murmured softly. "You've been incredibly brave, and I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/N managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Lesso."
Lady Lesso leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's forehead. "It's my pleasure, my love. Just remember, you're never alone in this world."
As Y/N drifted into a deep and much-needed slumber, she knew that Lady Lesso's presence, and the newfound bond between them, would be a source of strength and comfort in the days and nights to come. In this unexpected moment of vulnerability and care, they had both discovered that there was more to their relationship than either of them had ever anticipated, and it was a revelation that would forever change the course of their lives.
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my-blind-album · 1 year ago
Clarissa: *decorating the Christmas tree* Hey, Reader, I have a question.
Reader: *helping Anemone sort the ornaments* Sure.
Clarissa: What do you want for Christmas?
Anemone: No! I told you not to ask her that!
Clarissa: But I wanna know why.
Reader: *rolls eyes* Anemone I'm not gonna do what you thought I was gonna do *looks at Clarissa* I actually don't know what I want this year.
Clarissa: Mhm. I understand.
Anemone: Oh please, you know exactly what you want.
Reader: Why are you hanging a rope at my neck Anemone? I told you I don't know what I want. *places an ornament on the tree*
Anemone: Sure...
Leonora: *walks into the room* Hey, there's some mail for you, Clari-
Reader: *kneeling down at Leonora's feet* ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU!!!
Clarissa: Wha-
Anemone: Told you!
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retold-tales · 2 years ago
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Teacher And Student
Imagine Lesso admiring you a ever and wanting to be your knight in shining armor
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anastasiareadsnwrites · 5 months ago
a silly and goofy platonic lady lesso fic where the reader is like "the school master sent me to you to sign some papers" and lady lesso signs them not even looking and its adoption papers ☠
Mother knows best PLATONIC (Lady Lesso & Student! Reader)
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Author's note: Hiya, I'm so sorry it took a long time to work on this fic for you but I hope I delivered! Thank you for requesting!
Summary: In a comical twist of fate, you, an unsuspecting student at the School for Evil, accidentally get adopted by the infamous Lady Lesso. What starts as a simple mix-up with some paperwork turns into a whirlwind of high expectations, magical lessons, and newfound responsibilities. As Lady Lesso's ward, you are now expected to live up to her high standards and face challenges that push you far beyond what you thought you were capable of. But beneath her icy exterior, could there be a glimmer of something more—a reluctant mentor who may just care about your success after all?
Warning(s): Mild language (mentions of cursing, sarcastic humor), Lighthearted chaos, Platonic student-teacher dynamic, Slight pressure/performance anxiety (academic/magical expectations), Fantasy elements (magic, projections)
The MAIN Masterlist
It was a typical day at the School for Evil, where chaos reigned supreme and the students prided themselves on their wicked schemes. You, however, were having a less-than-evil day. After a failed prank gone wrong (involving frogs that wouldn't stop croaking), you found yourself summoned to the imposing chambers of Lady Lesso.
You gulped. Lady Lesso was known for her icy demeanor and razor-sharp wit, and every student feared being called to her office. As you approached her door, you clutched a stack of papers in your hands—important documents that the school master had asked you to deliver to Lady Lesso.
Deep breath, you told yourself, then knocked on the door.
"Enter," her voice came, cold and commanding.
You pushed the heavy door open, stepping into the grand office. Lady Lesso sat behind her desk, her gaze piercing even as she barely looked up from her work. The air felt ten degrees colder, and you swore the shadows danced a little more in her presence.
"Lady Lesso," you began nervously, holding out the stack of papers. "The school master asked me to bring you these papers to sign."
Without looking up, Lady Lesso extended her hand. "Leave them on the desk," she said curtly, her tone leaving no room for questions.
"Uh, okay..." you hesitated, awkwardly placing the documents on her desk. You glanced down at the papers—Oops. Among the school forms, there was one particularly suspicious document sticking out... an adoption form? You frowned, wondering how in the world it got mixed in with the pile. Before you could say anything, Lady Lesso’s hand shot out, signing the papers in one swift, careless motion.
"There. Done," she said, her quill scratching the final signature onto the stack. "You’re dismissed."
"Uh... L-Lady Lesso, wait—"
"Do you plan to stay in my office all day, (Y/N)? You may go now."
You blinked, then realized you had no choice but to leave. Shuffling out the door, you clutched the papers to your chest, unsure how to break the news to her that she had just signed off on adopting you.
Later that evening, you returned to your dormitory, clutching the signed adoption papers and staring at them in disbelief.
 adopted?” you mumbled to yourself. “By Lady Lesso of all people?”
Your best friend, who had been sprawled out on their bed, peeked over your shoulder. "What's that?"
You showed them the signed papers, and their eyes widened in shock before they burst into laughter. "No way! You got Lady Lesso to adopt you without even trying?"
"Shhh! Keep it down!" you hissed, glancing around to make sure no one overheard. “It was an accident! She didn’t even read the papers. She just signed them!”
Your friend wiped tears from their eyes. "This is priceless. Lady Lesso, of all people, adopting you? You have to tell her!"
You groaned. The idea of going back to her office and explaining the mix-up seemed terrifying. But deep down, you knew you couldn’t hide this forever. Eventually, she’d find out—one way or another.
The next day, you stood once again outside Lady Lesso’s office, your heart pounding in your chest. You knocked on the door, and her voice called you in. This time, Lady Lesso was standing by the window, looking out into the misty courtyard.
"You again," she said, turning to face you. "What do you want this time?"
You took a deep breath, holding out the adoption papers. "Um, there was a little... mistake yesterday. You signed these without realizing what they were."
Lady Lesso raised an eyebrow, taking the papers from your hand. Her eyes scanned the document, and as she read the bold title at the top—Adoption of (Y/N) by Lady Lesso—a flicker of surprise crossed her face.
"Care to explain this?" she asked, her tone eerily calm.
You swallowed hard. "It was an accident! The school master gave me a stack of papers to give to you, and somehow the adoption form got mixed in. I didn’t mean for you to sign it, and—"
Before you could finish, Lady Lesso began to laugh.
Not a sarcastic laugh. Not a cruel laugh. A genuine, amused chuckle, which was... both unexpected and terrifying.
"Well, well," she said, still chuckling as she placed the papers back on her desk. "I suppose this makes you my responsibility now."
You stared at her, eyes wide. "W-What? But I thought you’d be mad, and—"
"Oh, don’t be ridiculous," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "If you think I’m going to go through the effort of reversing this, you clearly don’t know me well enough. Consider yourself adopted, (Y/N). I expect nothing less than absolute perfection from you."
You blinked, still processing her words. "So... you're not going to un-adopt me?"
She smirked. "I’ve already signed the papers, haven’t I? Might as well make the best of it."
You weren’t sure if you should feel relieved or utterly terrified. Either way, one thing was clear: you were now officially under the care of Lady Lesso—one of the most intimidating, brilliant, and slightly unhinged figures in the school.
What could possibly go wrong?
The rest of the day felt surreal. The news of your accidental adoption spread through the school faster than wildfire. Everywhere you went, people whispered and pointed, amused or shocked by the fact that you were now, technically, the child of Lady Lesso.
Your best friend was no help at all. They were practically in stitches, laughing every time they saw you. "You're practically royalty now!" they teased, nudging you in the ribs. "Lady Lesso’s one and only heir!"
"Stop," you groaned, face turning red. "I’m still figuring out how to survive this."
The thought of confronting Lady Lesso about your "new relationship" was overwhelming. She had been oddly calm about it, which scared you more than if she had been furious. Who knew what she was planning?
"You’re overthinking it," your friend said as you sat at the edge of the fountain in the courtyard. "Lady Lesso probably already forgot about it. I mean, she signed the papers by accident, right? It’s not like she’s going to act like your actual mom."
That, at least, was a relief. Lady Lesso wasn’t exactly the motherly type. You could imagine her handling discipline, sharp advice, and maybe even the occasional sarcastic compliment. But nurturing hugs and words of comfort? Yeah, that was probably never going to happen.
Still, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to change. Being adopted by Lady Lesso? That kind of mistake doesn’t just fade into the background unnoticed.
The next morning, you woke up with a note on your door. It wasn’t signed, but you recognized the sharp, slanted handwriting right away. Your heart sank as you read it:
"Report to my office immediately after breakfast. Don’t be late."
There was no doubt—it was from Lady Lesso. You barely had time to shove some breakfast into your mouth before rushing to her office, your stomach doing anxious flips the entire time.
You knocked on the door, more hesitantly than usual.
"Enter," came the familiar command.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open. Lady Lesso was at her desk, as always, her posture straight and her expression unreadable. But this time, there was something different. Next to her on the desk was a small stack of books, and in front of the books was a little... lunchbox? With your name on it.
You blinked in confusion.
"You're late," Lady Lesso said without looking up. "I expected more punctuality from my... ward."
Your eyes widened. "Ward? But I thought—"
"Sit." She gestured to the chair in front of her desk.
You quickly complied, wondering what on earth was going on. The lunchbox gleamed in the soft light of the room, taunting you with its mystery.
"I assume you've realized that we cannot have this adoption treated as a joke," Lady Lesso began, folding her hands together. "While the circumstances of it were... unintentional, it is legally binding. The paperwork has been processed, and as such, I now have certain responsibilities."
Your heart pounded in your chest. "Responsibilities?"
She arched an eyebrow. "Do you think I would allow my name to be attached to someone who doesn’t live up to my standards? As my ward, you will now be held to higher expectations. You represent me. Which means... your performance in school will reflect directly on me."
You gulped. "You mean, if I fail a test or—"
"I won’t allow failure," she said smoothly. "From now on, you will report to me daily for study sessions. You’ll need to excel in your classes, and you will take on additional responsibilities. I expect you to rise to the occasion."
"Wait, wait," you said, waving your hands. "So... you're saying that I now have to work harder because of this accidental adoption?"
Lady Lesso’s lips curled into the slightest hint of a smirk. "Precisely."
You groaned inwardly. Of course, this would be the outcome. Lady Lesso wasn’t going to let you skate by unnoticed—no, she was going to use this to mold you into the perfect student. Or at least, her version of perfection.
"Now, as for these..." she gestured toward the lunchbox and books on the desk. "This is your daily meal plan and study schedule. I won’t have you eating the trash the cafeteria serves. You'll also be receiving supplementary lessons directly from me. Consider it part of your... new curriculum."
You looked at the lunchbox, then back at her, utterly speechless. Lady Lesso was going to personally monitor your diet and studies? What kind of strange, twisted form of parenting was this?
"Do you understand?" she asked, her tone as sharp as ever.
You nodded quickly, not daring to argue.
"Good. You may go." She waved you away with a flick of her wrist. "Oh, and one more thing..."
You paused at the door, turning back to her.
"Don’t embarrass me."
As you made your way down the hall with the lunchbox and books, your head spun with everything that had just happened. You had gone from being a regular student to suddenly having Lady Lesso as a pseudo-parental figure, monitoring your studies, your meals, and who knew what else.
Your best friend, of course, found the entire situation hilarious.
"So, you’ve been adopted by the most terrifying person in the school, and now you have to be her star pupil?" they asked, still laughing as you told them what happened. "This is too good. What’s in the lunchbox?"
You shrugged and opened it, revealing a carefully prepared meal. It was simple, but way better than anything the school usually served. Lady Lesso’s influence was already showing in the smallest details.
"Well," you muttered, "I guess I have no choice but to step up my game."
Your friend grinned. "Hey, look on the bright side—you might end up as the most powerful student here by the end of it all!"
You sighed. "Or the most exhausted."
Either way, one thing was certain: life as Lady Lesso's ward was going to be anything but boring.
Being adopted by Lady Lesso was not what you expected. No, you didn’t expect daily cuddles or a motherly smile, but you hadn’t anticipated the sudden tidal wave of pressure and expectation either. After all, Lady Lesso wasn’t your average guardian; she was known throughout the school for her perfectionism and ironclad discipline.
You sat in the library, staring at the long list of subjects Lady Lesso had given you to study. Dark Magic Theory, Tactical Deception, Advanced Potions... It was like she expected you to become a top-level villain overnight.
"You're really going through with all this?" your friend asked, leaning over your shoulder to glance at your notes. "She's not messing around, huh?"
"Nope," you sighed, flipping to the next chapter in Deception: Art or Necessity? "This is the new normal for me. Study sessions every night, no excuses."
Your friend whistled. "I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to envy you. I mean, having Lady Lesso as a mentor? That could give you a serious advantage."
You groaned. "An advantage, sure, but at what cost? My sanity? My social life?"
Your friend chuckled. "You didn't have much of that anyway."
"Thanks for the support," you muttered, rolling your eyes as you turned the page.
Suddenly, the library doors creaked open, and a chill ran down your spine. It was almost like a sixth sense that told you exactly who had entered the room. You looked up slowly, catching sight of Lady Lesso sweeping through the library, her dark cloak trailing behind her.
Her presence commanded the entire room, and all the students immediately stiffened. Without saying a word, she walked directly to where you sat, her cold gaze settling on you.
"Time's up," she said crisply. "Come."
You blinked, confused. "But I still have—"
"You're late for your next lesson," she interrupted, her tone leaving no room for argument. She turned on her heel and strode out of the library, fully expecting you to follow without another word.
You grabbed your books, casting a quick glance at your friend. They gave you a sympathetic look as you scrambled to your feet and hurried after Lady Lesso, trying to keep up with her long strides.
Back in her office, you found yourself seated at a small table in the corner. It wasn’t the first time you’d been summoned here for extra lessons, but today, there was something different about the setup. In front of you was a large crystal ball, its surface shimmering with faint magical energy.
"You’ve been slacking," Lady Lesso said without preamble as she stood beside the desk, her eyes narrowed. "Your last few tests were... unsatisfactory. If you're going to be my ward, mediocrity is not an option."
You gulped. Slacking? You’d been studying harder than ever, but clearly, it wasn’t enough for Lady Lesso’s high standards.
She placed her hand on the crystal ball, her long nails clicking against the surface. "Today’s lesson is on projection," she explained. "A skill that, if mastered, can make you a force to be reckoned with."
"Projection?" you asked, staring at the shimmering crystal. "Like, projecting my thoughts?"
"Not just your thoughts," she said coolly. "Your presence. Your energy. The very essence of who you are. If done correctly, you can project yourself across great distances, fool your enemies, and even manipulate their perceptions."
You blinked, suddenly very aware of how little you knew about advanced magic like this. "And you want me to learn... that?"
"Of course," she replied, her lips curling into a slight smile that didn’t reach her eyes. "You will start small. But eventually, you will be able to project an image of yourself so real, so convincing, that others will be unable to tell the difference between you and your projection."
That sounded both terrifying and... amazing. But mostly terrifying.
"Now," she said, gesturing toward the crystal ball, "begin."
You hesitated, glancing between her and the ball. "What do I do exactly?"
Lady Lesso arched an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Focus. Draw your energy into the crystal. Feel your presence fill the space around it. And do not break concentration."
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you placed your hands on the crystal ball. It felt cool under your fingers, and you closed your eyes, trying to focus. Slowly, you imagined your presence extending outward, seeping into the crystal.
At first, nothing happened. Then, you felt a flicker—like a tiny spark of magic connecting with the crystal. Encouraged, you pushed harder, focusing all your energy into the ball, willing your presence to project.
A sudden jolt shot through you. The crystal ball lit up with a brilliant flash of light, and you gasped as the sensation of being pulled outward overwhelmed you.
When you opened your eyes, you were standing across the room... except, you were still sitting at the table.
You blinked in shock, looking down at yourself—your projected self. It was like looking into a mirror, but you weren’t really there. You glanced back at Lady Lesso, who was observing you with a satisfied smirk.
"Impressive," she said, her voice echoing faintly. "But it’s only the beginning. Hold the projection. Maintain control."
You tried to focus, but it felt like trying to hold onto a slippery rope. The image of yourself flickered, then wavered, before dissolving completely. You slumped in your chair, exhausted.
Lady Lesso frowned slightly. "Not bad for a first attempt. But you’ll need to practice. You’ll need to build endurance if you want to maintain a projection for more than a few moments."
You nodded, feeling drained. "I’ll keep practicing."
"Good," she said, her expression hardening. "I expect you to master this soon. You’re dismissed for now."
You stood up, ready to collapse from the strain of it all, but before you could leave, Lady Lesso spoke again.
"And (Y/N)?" she added, her voice softer but no less commanding. "Don't think that just because I’m pushing you harder, I’ve forgotten what this arrangement means."
You turned to her, confused. "What do you mean?"
She gave you a rare, almost affectionate look, one that sent a shiver down your spine. "I may not have chosen this adoption, but I don’t take my responsibilities lightly. I expect you to succeed—not just for my sake, but for yours."
You swallowed, feeling both touched and terrified by her words. She wasn’t just pushing you to make herself look good—she actually wanted you to succeed.
"Thank you, Lady Lesso," you said quietly, before turning to leave.
As you stepped out of her office, your mind raced. You had never expected this kind of support—or this kind of pressure. But one thing was certain: with Lady Lesso as your guardian, your life was going to be filled with challenges you never saw coming.
And somehow, you were starting to believe you might just be up for it.
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sere-rine · 1 year ago
Just pondering how Lady Lesso would punish you once she saw you touching yourself after she tease you all day.
Maybe she would edge you for hours. She would make you put your skirt up unto your waist and open your buttoned shirt only for her to be able to see your breast. She would make you touch yourself on her desk in front of her (while she's sitting gloriously, fully clothed and looking at you with the darkest eyes she could have.) and would make you stop once you're near. And if ever you can't control yourself, she would smack your hands away from your dripping wet cunt with her cane.
"Bad sluts like yourself does not deserve to cum, am I right?"
Or maybe she would make you cum non stop with a vibrator while your hands are tied up on top of your head with her neck tie. She'll use her magic to recover your stamina but she'll make sure to leave your cunt and stay overstimulated. She'll not stop until you say your safe word or until you pass out.
"What? This is why your touching yourself without my permission, you want a release. So I'm giving you a non stop chance to cum you whore."
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ravennasgf · 4 months ago
Main master list ❀❀
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Charlize Theron masterlist Hannah Waddingham masterlist Minerva McGonagall masterlist
adopted by the malfoys masterlist
Christmas 2024
My wattpad
all my works are on wattpad as well :). thank you for reading ❀❀
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dovessorights · 2 years ago
Modern Dovesso AU idea
I'm not sure if this has been done before but imagine Dovey and Lesso as dance partners (Past lovers too) dancing to "back to black" Amy Winehouse.
I imagine Lesso would lead, bold dark makeup, Dovey with a dark floaty dress to match Lesso's makeup.
Potential for so much eye contact, close contact, lovers to enemies to lovers again UGH.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 1 year ago
The Assistant (Leonora Lesso x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Lesso is certain her assistant is working to take her down. After all, you're too good to be true.
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of smut, choking
You should be scared. That was the only thought going through Lesso’s mind as she loomed over you, staring down into your wide eyes and small smile. One hand had slammed into the wall beside your head and she was leaning in, teeth bared in a snarl. You weren’t cringing away from her, looking up at her expectantly, as if she was amusing you with her antics.
“Yes, Lady Lesso?” you asked, voice light and bright, the way it always was.
She growled, pushing away from the wall. She could feel the weight of your eyes on her, the way she always could. You watched her often, assessing her, trying to read her motives. It itched, the way your gaze seemed to burrow beneath her skin, seeking out her vulnerabilities. That had to be what you were doing, searching for ways to hurt her or bring her down, to manipulate her for your own gain.
Only you remained as you always were, sitting outside her office, following her orders like the obedient little thing you wanted her to believe you were, never influencing or questioning.
“You’ve been missing from your post for too long,” she said, needing an excuse for her anger towards you.
If you knew she was on to you, she’d lose the upper hand. She wouldn’t be able to ferret out your true intentions if you buried them further in the face of her suspicion.
“My apologies, Lady Lesso. Billious was holding me up in the kitchen,” you replied, voice soft, a note of guilt darkening your words.
You were a wonderful actor, she would give you that.
“No excuses,” she snapped.
She swept away from you, leaving you leaning against the wall beside your desk. You followed her into her office, the familiar scent of vanilla following you. It would linger, she knew from experience, far longer than your presence would, and she would be forced to inhale the putrid scent for the rest of the afternoon.
You were careful as you placed the cup of coffee you’d been sent to retrieve on her desk, avoiding the stacks of paperwork she’d been ignoring. Counting the seconds you’d been gone had taken up enough mental energy to keep her occupied.
“Will that be all, Lady Lesso?” you asked.
She lowered herself to her seat, considering you on the other side of her imposing desk. You stood with your hands clasped in front of you, in one of those infuriating dresses she found herself so distracted by. Dipping necklines and flashes of your knee when you walked had her mouth turning dry and her thoughts fleeing her like a scared fairy. A small smile was curling your pink lips and your eyes were looking at her from under long lashes, sparkling in the fire light.
“Remove yourself from my presence,” she ordered.
Your chin dipped in a small nod and she watched your back as you slipped from her office. She would find your secrets, the plans you were building on the back of her work, the betrayal you would be committing. It was a perfect ruse, innocence and sunshine, hiding a deeper insidiousness she would root out. She would expose it to the light and sneer at your snivelling body, grovelling for mercy under the weight of her might.
She settled back in her chair, leaning back as she considered the door. Of course she’d hunted through your desk, picking the singular lock to discover a drawer full of sweets and notes filed away in perfect order. Nothing suspicious which only piqued her interest further.
You were smart. Of course you were. She wouldn’t have tolerated your appointment as her assistant if you weren’t. You held your own and anticipated her needs before she could ever voice them. In all ways, you were the perfect assistant. And it grated on her.
You had grown to be the bane of her existence.
Straining her ears to hear your movements on the other side of the thick wooden door, she found herself leaning forward. A curl of steam rose from the cup of coffee before her, placed there by your sure fingers, not a single drop spilled. Raising it to her lips, she had to admit you made a wonderful cup of coffee. She would miss that once she’d crushed you beneath the heel of her boot.
Your voice was muffled when it finally reached her ears. Bright and airy, your tinkling laugh made her stomach clench. Joyous laughter was wrong in her school, an aberration she aimed to squash from her halls. All attempts had failed with you, indulgence lining your expression whenever she tried.
She rose from the desk, tiptoeing to the door to listen in. Stealth was of the upmost importance, not wanting to alert you to her presence. To stay one step ahead you must be kept in the dark. Pressing her ear to the cool wood, she listened, hoping to overhear something you wouldn’t want her knowing.
“I’m hardly going to show up at the crack of dawn,” you said and she could just imagine the bright smile on your face, “I’m more of a midnight stroll kind of gal.”
“But they only bloom in the early hours of the morning,” the person you were talking to was saying, a hint of a whine in his voice.
One of the new teachers. Young and enthusiastic, built in the style of Hort with his overeagerness to prove his villainy. Villainy was not provable, it simply was. Apparent in every action you took.
Which is how she knew you must be a spy, looking to ingratiate yourself into her trust only to strike her when she least expected it.
In every sense of the word you were the complete opposite of villainous. You were bright and happy, smiling at every turn. You laughed and you hummed, your singing voice sweet. When you walked it was like you were floating with the grace you exhibited.
And worst of all, you were kind. To everyone. Including her.
“And I’m sure they’re beautiful but I’m at my worst in the morning I’m afraid,” you said.
Lesso filed that fact away for later use.
“Well, perhaps we could take that midnight stroll,” he said, turning a touch cajoling.
She could understand his desperation to secure your undivided attention on a romantic stroll. She’d noticed the way people looked at you when walking the halls, in meetings, on arrival day. People were drawn to you, most likely due to your wide smile and the pretty fluttering of your eyelashes. A less cynical person would describe you as beautiful and engaging.
She never would.
“Unfortunately Lady Lesso keeps me working all hours of the night,” you said, presumably trying to let him down nicely. She rolled her eyes. The more prudent course of action would have been to give him a dressing down until he felt so low about himself he would never bother you again.
“Is she awful to work with? I’ve always assumed she is,” he said.
Lesso held her breath, wanting to hear your answer, refusing to miss a single syllable.
“Lady Lesso is a genius. There is no one in this school who could do what she does. It’s a privilege to work so closely with her, and I’m grateful to be able to serve her. Isn’t that what all of us want? To put more villainy out into the world? To triumph over good? If anyone is going to bring about our success it will be her. I really believe that. So if I have to work long hours then it’s all worth it. I love this job. Any sacrifices are worth it.”
Your entire speech held far more passion and emotion than any other answer you’d given him, the witless man that asked you to join him in the moonlight. Too much so? She couldn’t rule it out as a performance, assuming she might be listening in on your conversation.
She wasn’t sure what happened then. A soft mumbling, footsteps, the chatter of students sweeping past. She sighed, returning to her desk to find the stack of paperwork no smaller and her coffee cooled. Her nose wrinkled as she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid. She could demand you make her a new one, but then you would not be there to keep an eye on. You’d be loose in her school and who would be able to say what you were doing then. It was bad enough when she had to teach class, her mind constantly wandering back to what you were doing, what secrets you were uncovering, what devious plots you were concocting.
A soft knock sounded on her door. Your head poked through the door, a soft smile on your face, her heart thudding in her chest just at the sight of you.
“What?” she snapped, hoping to see some flicker of displeasure in you at her rudeness.
“Billious is here to see you,” you said, your voice almost a caress over his name.
“Tell him I’m busy,” she replied, nose wrinkling.
“Of course, Lady Lesso.”
Your head retracted for a moment for it returned, looking at her with an expectation that made her want to wrong your neck.
“Oh, and the books you asked for have finally arrived. Should I bring them through or would you prefer they’re brought to your chambers?”
“You figure it out,” she snapped.
That damned smile appeared again, knowing and intuitive. She felt a flicker of fear, wondering what you had discovered. The anxiety you inspired had to be stopped.
The door was silent as it closed, the creaks she’d spent so many years curating gone under your touch. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she cursed you over and over until you might be struck down by lightning outside that very door.
A loud knock on the door had her jumping in her seat. Manley shouting through the wood. A hushed conversation on the other side. What sounded like a boot kicking the door. An admonishment. Then silence.
In less than thirty seconds you had taken command of a situation that could have so easily spun out of control. She ground her teeth, frustration sparking through her veins. You were the perfect assistant, making yourself indispensable to her, ensuring you were so enshrined in her life she couldn’t fire you. You’d wormed your way in and made it impossible to get rid of you. All by being wonderful at your job.
No one else could see your genius, but it was plain to her. You’d figured out how to function so far under the radar that no one would ever suspect you were more than the vapid woman you made yourself out to be. No one but her. She knew. And it rankled her more than she cared to admit.
You lived under her skin, every day a taunt to expose you, as if you thought she wasn’t smart enough to. It was a dare, your continued presence. You were waiting for her to break and she refused to.
It was all some sick twisted game and the only kinds of those Lesso liked were when she was the game master, not the player.
She watched you at dinner that night, your table manners impeccable, as if you’d been schooled next door. Your smile was friendly, inviting, and all she could focus on was how she wanted to ruin you. To turn you into a mess. To make you

Well, she thought begging for mercy would sound sweet on your tongue.
If she found herself following you from the shadows as you returned to your post, flitting through moonlight drenched halls, almost dancing from window to window, then it was to watch you in your unguarded moments. You turned your face towards every window, smile soft as you looked up at the night sky. She wondered what you saw up there, if you found pictures in the stars, if the moon made you dream, if you searched for a different life.
You paused at one window, facing towards the forest, staring out. Hands flat on the window sill, you lent towards the glass until your breath misted before you. Your eyes were turned upwards and inexplicably she felt the need to sneak up behind you and trace her fingers over your exposed neck. She wanted to find your pulse, feel it thrum under her thumb, feel it race the way she never could when she tried to menace you.
“You’re not chained to your desk.”
That witless man again.
A soft sigh passed over your parted lips and your mask slipped for a moment before you fixed your smile back on your face. The truth of it had her breath catching, both frustration and pity mingling together into something almost sickly. You turned towards his approaching footsteps, stepping out of the shadows just as Lesso could do. In contrast, she shrunk back, watching and waiting.
“I thought Lesso would have you kept like a pet outside her door,” he said. Something passed over his face, too quick to see, but ugly enough to make her curious.
“She’s not a monster, you know,” you said, your voice quiet, almost soft in your assessment of her, “I think you’ve mischaracterised her into the monster under the bed.”
“Isn’t she?” he asked.
“She’s far more subtle than that. Elegant. Wickedly intelligent. You won’t even know she’s five steps ahead of you until you’re already caught in her trap. It’s beautiful, the way her villainy unfolds,” you replied.
Bare shoulders shrugged and she found herself considering the line of your body. Relaxed and at ease. It must be some kind of facade. It had to be. No one was so relaxed in her school. Not even the teachers.
“You sound smitten with her,” he said, taking another step towards you.
“I’m not some pathetic Ever,” you laughed, “I know it’s what plenty of people here think but I’m not looking for True Love’s Kiss.”
“You can tell me if she’s forcing you to say these things about her. I won’t tell,” he said, giving what he must have thought was a conspiratorial wink.
Lesso felt her nose wrinkle, watching this scene play out in front of her. The insipid man trying to win your trust and you standing with a straightened spine and the smile dying on your lips. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen it so much as falter before.
“No on forces me to do anything I don’t want. Not even her,” you said, “especially not her.”
“What then? More pirvelleges? A place in her bed? Extra food at meal times?” he demanded.
Your smile was gone.
“Your loyalty may be so easily bought, Derrick, but I can assure you mine is not,” you said, the lightness in your voice vanishing the longer you talked. Steel was taking over. If you were anyone else she might be impressed.
“Loyalty?” he scoffed, “I think you just think you’re better than me because you’re Lesso’s little pet. You think I won’t risk my own ass by harming you. But you’re not better than me. You’re just a stuck up Ever.”
“You want to hurt me?” you asked, “go ahead. She won’t save me. And it certainly won’t make me go on that moonlit walk with you. I’m holding out for someone more impressive to ask.”
There was a glint off metal, a dagger in his hand that hadn’t previously been there, moonlight reflecting off the blade. Lesso found herself leaning forward, waiting to see what would happen. She’s never heard you speak so cruelly to another person and while she could sympathise, she didn’t realise you were capable of sneering at the unworthy. You usually met them with a smile and respect, two ideologies she refused to subscribe to.
The dagger flashed and a soft lavender glow lit the hallway. Dangling from one ankle, upside down and glowering, the witless man hung in front of you. He slashed the dagger towards you, a howl of anger coming from him. You simple stepped back, considering him for a moment, head tilted and lips curling up at the corners in an almost devilish smile. This was a side to you she’d yet to see, just another lie and secret to keep your true motives from her. The heart in her chest thundered with anger, the new knowledge burning through her.
“This is your one warning, Derrick. Try something like this again and I won’t be nearly so kind. See how easily I overpowered you? Just consider what I’ll do when I’m not holding back,” you said, voice turning silky smooth.
“You bitch,” he snarled.
“I’m sure one day you’ll be more imaginative too,” you said.
A wave of your lavender finger glow and the dagger was torn from his grip, floating into yours. You looked down at it, nose wrinkling in an uncomfortably fetching way. Tucking it away into your bodice, you looked down into his face, hovering somewhere around your navel.
“Trust me, Derrick. I am not someone you want to cross. Run along now,” you said.
With a lazy flick of the wrist, he fell to the stone floor in a crumpled heap. You watched him scrabble to his feet, trying to look composed in his rumpled clothes and mussed hair. Resentment. That was the expression that had flashed over his face when he’d begun the conversation. He resented you for everything he was not.
“You’ll regret this,” he said.
“Somehow I doubt that.”
You watched him flee down the hall with cool indifference before turning back to the window, your thoughts already slipping past him. Looking out on the night pressing in, you sighed, relaxing again as if the altercation had never happened. A small smile ticked your lips up, bright and joyful, head tipping back in the moonlight.
“You can stop lurking in the shadows,” you said.
She stepped out, cane clicking on the floor, a sign for those in the immediate area to begin panicking. You didn’t even turn in her direction, the only indication you were aware of her presence the flutter of your eyes opening. She stopped at your shoulder, looking out on the forest, wondering what creatures might be lurking out there.
“Who are you?” she asked, voice harsh when compared to you.
“Your assistant. Nothing more, nothing less,” you replied.
“No one is that loyal to me,” she said, voice barely more than a rasp when it came from her lips.
You had to be a rival. You had to be. She couldn’t handle it if all her instincts were so wrong about you.
She raised her hand, not sure what she was going to do. You turned, finally, looking up into her eyes. That damned smile was still in place, softening when you looked at her. Fingers curled around your neck, her thumb rested against your pulse, just as she’d dreamed of doing. It thrummed under her touch despite your calm exterior.
She pushed you back until your back hit the glass of the window. You shivered, making her smirk grow. Your discomfort was her pleasure.
“No more lies.” She felt out of control, her perfect veneer slipping.
“I’ve never lied to you once, Lady Lesso,” you said, sounding so calm despite her hand wrapped around your neck.
“You want to destroy me,” she snarled, her face drawing closer.
“I want to serve you,” you replied on a sigh.
She pressed you more insistently against the glass, her fingers tightening. She could imagine the bruises blooming over your skin, the pretty canvas holding her art. And what a masterpiece you would make.
“You’re nothing,” she spat, “a pathetic spy who can’t even notice when you’re the one being watched.”
“I always know when you’re watching me,” you replied.
“You can’t,” she snarled.
“I can,” you said, not shying away from the rage on her face or the pressure of her fingers on your windpipe, “when it’s you, I always know.”
“Shut up,” she snapped, voice tight.
You were staring up at her with those wide eyes, sparkling. Teeth sunk into your bottom lip, keeping you from giving her one of your patent smiles and she was so aware of the knife hidden in your bodice. One of your hands reached up, gently curling around her wrist, skin to skin. Lightning flowed from the point of contact and she flinched.
“You must be my enemy,” she said, but her voice was losing its harsh edge, “you must be.”
“Why must I be?” you asked.
Your fingertips brushed the vulnerable skin of her inner wrist and she snatched it back, leaving your throat bare and her skin tingling, cane clattering to the ground from the other. You kept your back pressed to the window, watching her with an openness that made her skin itch.
“You pay close attention to me. What other reason if not to find my weaknesses?” she said, sounding less sure of herself with every passing word.
“Can you really think of no other reason I might be paying such close attention to you?” you asked and she could hear how amused you were.
“That’s the only reason you’d do that,” she said, her hand slamming into the window beside your head, rattling the glass in its frame. You didn’t flinch.
“It’s not why you’ve been paying such close attention to me,” you said, “it’s not why I scare you.”
“You don’t scare me,” she replied, almost on autopilot.
Your hand reached up, finger wrapping itself in one of her fiery curls. Her heart thudded and she waited for the pull.
Eye fluttering shut, she felt your other hand came up, fingers ghosting over her lips. She was going to die. You were going to kill her and she wouldn’t be meeting Death with her eyes open. Her breath was dragged from her lungs and she thought she might collapse.
“I think you’re terrified,” you murmured, fingertip tracing the shape of her lips.
She couldn’t argue. Her pulse was racing, heart thumping, and all she could focus on was the path your finger was taking. She knew you’d be her downfall but she’d never expected it to feel so soft, as if she had permission to sink into your devastating touch.
Your finger disappeared and she didn’t have time to readjust before something soft ghosted over her lips. Her eyes shot open, finding you so close, your lips pressing more insistently. She felt herself coming apart at the seams. Her eyes fluttered shut again as your tongue traced the seam of her lips. You tasted of sugar and spice and everything nice. It made her blood boil.
Her hands grasped your hip, and she pushed your body back. She took control of the kiss, teeth sinking into your lip until copper burst on her tongue. You made a small whimpering noise and she felt drunk, under a spell, enchanted. Your fingers tangled in her hair, pulling just enough to make her feel her sanity slip away.
She drew away, your lips painted red with your own blood. They tugged up into a smile and she groaned, kissing you again. You sunk into it, the soft sigh too sweet for her. She pushed her leg between yours, feeling your heat through the layers of cloth. You moaned, fingers tightening in her curls with a sharp tug.
Maybe her feelings towards you were less about taking you down and more about going down on you.
She tore her mouth from yours, panting hard as her eyes darted wildly over your face. You were looking up into her face, lips kiss swollen and eyes glassy. She could see your chest heaving and she took a step back. If she didn’t, she wasn’t sure she could stop and if she didn’t stop she wasn’t sure she would be in control anymore. She could lose herself in you, and you were right, that terrified her.
“What have you done to me?” came out as a breathless whisper.
Your chuckle was too close to knowing and she wanted to stop it. Her fingers itched to curl around your throat again, wanting the sound to cut off. You took a step towards her, the chuckle dying, leaving behind a small smile and sparkling eyes.
“Don’t come near me,” she snapped.
You stilled, freezing in place like she was some kind of frightened animal prone to startling. Her teeth ground together and a frustrated sound came from her lips. You waited, giving her the space to calm down and it made her want to scream. You were too accommodating.
“Don’t do what I tell you,” she snapped but it was less controlled.
“So I should come near you?” you asked, your smile turning into a small smirk.
“No,” she shouted, “yes. Fuck. What have you done to me?”
“Nothing,” you replied, taking another step towards her and she wanted to raise her hands in defence and blast you through the window behind you, “I think you just like me.”
“I don’t like anyone,” she snapped as a reflex.
“Then why do you stare at me all day? Why did you kiss me like that?” you asked, advancing on her until her back hit the stone wall behind her in the shadows she’d emerged from, “why are you still thinking about kissing me?”
“Lust isn’t the same as like,” she replied but even then she knew you had the upper hand.
“Maybe not, but you definitely like me, Lady Lesso,” you said, placing one hand on her hip, keeping her pinned to the wall.
“Your delusions are not my concern,” she tried to snarl but it sounded like a wolf without teeth.
“Then leave,” you said, “if I’m wrong, it should be easy for you to leave me here heartbroken and rejected.”
She wanted to push past you, to shove you out of the way, but she found herself unable to do it. Her hands landed on your shoulders but that’s as far as she got. Your smile turned into something soft and understanding and she hated it.
“Stop that,” she said.
“Stop what?” you asked. You blinked and your eyelashes were so long they brushed your cheekbones like a stupid princess.
“Making me feel these things,” she said.
“No can do, Lady Lesso. That’s one request I can’t accomplish,” you said.
“What kind of assistant are you?” she demanded but there was no heat behind it.
“The kind that does this.”
You lent forward, capturing her lips in another searing kiss. She groaned into your mouth, fingers sliding into your hair, tangling and tugging until she heard you whimper and press your body against hers. You nipped at her lower lip and all she could think of was all the ways she wanted to defile you.
“Fine,” she mumbled against your lips, “but you’re not getting a pay raise.”
“I don’t need one,” you replied, before kissing her again.
Maybe you weren’t trying to destroy her, but you still made her feel weak in all the ways that mattered. But maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. Not if you were going to continue kissing her like that.
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annie-creates · 1 year ago
Fool me too
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1000
Note: Happy April Fool's! And Easter Monday! This day just calls for a fic like this.
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You could have expected it. Should have, really. As the freezing cold water slowly seeps into your clothes being watered down from head to toe, you’re more disappointed in yourself rather than your students. They were the offsprings of pure evil after all, rotten to their very core. After the salt and sugar switched in your morning coffee, stinky mushrooms exploding in your office and poisonous vines sneakily hanging from the hallway’s ceilings, you should have known better than to step into your classroom without checking it out first.
April fools was after all a very popular concept amongst the nevers so you would be almost let down if they didn’t try to achieve some misdemeanors this week. And it was only Monday. How are you gonna get through the whole week you had no idea. Maybe it’s time to put on one of those scary armors that roam the corridors or just take a vacation. That however would be a sign of weakness and cowardice and that was foreign to you as a fellow never.
So you teach the lesson proudly in your wet clothes and at the end leave after all your students. You carefully turn every corner, looking out for any clues on their next trap. You spend the rest of your day watching over your shoulder and rather carefully tasting everything you’re about to eat or drink. You’re determined to not let them fool you even one more time, the score already being too prone in their favor. They keep teasing you a little longer and you’ll come up with a payback so severe they could never see it coming.
Clearly you weren’t observant enough tho because as you’re walking over the bridge talking with Dovey after today’s dinner, she steps on a wire that activates a mechanism which pushes you both over the edge into the muddy water. As if you weren’t soaked and humiliated enough for today, as you crawl out from the water to the small beach by the castle, a thrower full of confetti and glitter explodes over you. The laughter of your students fades as they run away, hopefully at least a little scared of your possible revenge.
You make your way into your bedroom, luckily without any other stupid pranks in your way. Your wife is already comfortably sprawled over the sofa in front of the lit fireplace and the flames dance over her face making her ginger hair shine more than usual. You sigh heavily as you close the door and she looks over at you from the book in her lap, clearly finding your state very amusing.
“Shut up.” You warn her before she can even say anything.
“I wasn’t going to laugh at you.” Leonora says but her face betrays her.
“Yeah, very funny. This is all your doing anyway.” You pester her.
“How come?” Lesso questions with her head tilted slightly to the side.
“You raised them like this. Audacious and impudent. You’re responsible for their stupid jokes.” But even you knew you couldn’t blame all the student’s effrontery on their dean.
“Why don’t you rather go clean up in the bathroom?” She offers instead.
“If YOU try to fool with me I swear to heavens I’m gonna divorce you.“ You warn your wife as you make your way to the sink.
Lucky for you, or more for her, she didn’t play any childish pranks on you and you took a long shower without her interrupting. It took a lot of effort getting all the mud and confetti off yourself and you’ll be lucky if your dress is still gonna be washable and wearable. There was still some glitter in your hair and skin you couldn’t get rid of, but it’ll have to be enough for now. When you return to the warmed-up bedroom, your wife is still sitting in the same position reading her book.
“If it’s going to make you feel better, I’m gonna threaten them all with a good long stay in the doom room tomorrow.” She proposed as she extended the blanket draped over her legs for you to sit under it next to her.
“It’s fine. I’ll just have to be more alert. It’s a good practice.” You admit, not really mad at your students anymore. “You should see my office, it’s a disaster.”
“It can’t be that bad, can it? I’m sure you won’t let them fool you again.” Leonora comforts you as she kisses your forehead.
“It’s not bad, it’s even worse. This morning they switched the sugar and salt, so my breakfast was ruined. My office stinks like a hundred years old troll and I had to spend a whole hour teaching soaking wet. I could hardly get a word out over the teeth chattering. Which I’m sure they found pretty amusing.” You explain all that happened in your horrendous day. “Mother-fucking stupid April fools.”
“Well it sure will be better tomorrow.” Lesso instinctively tries to warm you up.
“I should probably be proud of them for succeeding, but they better watch out tomorrow cause I’m coming back after them.” You admit, picking on the loose strands of the blanket.
“I’m sure it will settle down, they just got too excited for today.” She admits, if there’s anything that bores the nevers it’s repeating stuff they already succeeded in.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I’m tasting the sugar before I put it in my coffee this week though.” You remind both yourself and her reaching out for your own book that was waiting for you on the coffee table.
You settle down next to Leonora leaning on her shoulder as you get back to reading your own unfinished book before going to bed. A cozy, calm, silent evening was what you needed right now after a day full of surprises and pranks. Little did you know she wasn’t really paying attention to the words in her book anymore, already planning her revenge on her students for tormenting her beloved wife.
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horeformilfs · 1 year ago
Little Raven
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Anxiety, Feelings of worthlessness, Emotional Shutdown
Y/N strolled through the dimly lit corridors of the School for Evil, the hallowed institution where villains were sculpted into their wicked destinies. As a student navigating the twisted path of darkness, Y/N had found an unexpected source of warmth in the form of Lady Lesso, the formidable dean of the school.
Their clandestine romance had flourished amidst the shadows, hidden from the prying eyes of other students and faculty. Lady Lesso, with her stern exterior, had a soft spot for Y/N, and the two shared stolen moments in the recesses of the sinister campus.
One day, driven by an irresistible desire to be closer to Lady Lesso, Y/N concocted a mischievous plan. The dean had a particular fondness for a cozy hoodie, and Y/N decided to liberate it for a while. The hoodie carried the lingering scent of Lady Lesso, an aromatic blend of authority and affection.
Y/N, wearing the purloined garment, reveled in the familiar scent as they attended classes and moved about the school. The hoodie provided a sense of comfort, as if Lady Lesso's presence surrounded them.
However, every secret has its reckoning.
One evening, Lady Lesso discovered the theft. Her usually stern expression contorted into a frown as she confronted Y/N.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of anger and surprise. "Is that my hoodie you're wearing?"
Caught in the act, Y/N sheepishly nodded, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Well, it smells amazing, like you."
Lady Lesso's anger intensified. "That doesn't give you the right to steal it! Return it immediately."
Y/N, unwilling to part with the stolen treasure, defiantly crossed their arms. "But it's so comfy. Can't I keep it a little longer?"
The dean's eyes narrowed, a storm brewing in her gaze. "Y/N, this is unacceptable. Give it back, now."
A playful smirk danced on Y/N's lips. "Make me."
Lady Lesso huffed in frustration but, unable to resist the playful challenge, a smirk mirrored Y/N's. "Fine, have it your way. But don't say I didn't warn you."
The chase through the sinister halls of the School for Evil turned into a twisted dance between Lady Lesso and Y/N. Wolf guards, initially amused by the spectacle, dispersed as a warning glare from the dean reminded them of their duties.
Y/N, thinking they had successfully evaded Lady Lesso, sought refuge in the dimly lit library. As the clicking of Lesso's heels echoed through the silence, Y/N held their breath, hiding behind towering shelves of ancient tomes.
Lesso, with a teasing smile playing on her lips, began her hunt. "Little raven, where are you hiding?" Her voice echoed through the library, a mix of amusement and determination. She knew every nook and cranny that Y/N favored, deliberately choosing to draw out the game.
Y/N suppressed a giggle as Lady Lesso dramatically searched each hiding spot. The dean's theatrical flair added an unexpected element of humor to the chase. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," Lesso taunted, relishing the game.
Just as Y/N thought they had successfully eluded Lesso, the dean left the library. A false sense of security enveloped Y/N as they emerged from their hiding place, only to be startled by Lesso's sudden reappearance.
Lesso materialized behind Y/N, the tips of her long nails brushing against the exposed skin of Y/N's waist. A shiver ran down Y/N's spine as Lesso whispered, "Found you, my little raven."
Y/N froze, breath caught in their throat. Lesso's chuckle resonated in the library, a sound that sent both a thrill and a tremor through Y/N. The dean, with a wicked grin, seized Y/N and led them towards the dreaded Doom Room.
Inside the foreboding chamber, Lady Lesso continued her playful banter. "Did you really think you could escape from me, little raven? You may be mischievous, but you can never outwit the dean of the School for Evil."
Y/N, caught in Lesso's magnetic gaze, couldn't help but smile. "Maybe I enjoy being caught by you, Dean Lesso."
Lesso raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Oh, is that so? Well, we'll see how much you enjoy your punishment, my daring little raven."
Lady Lesso, with an air of authority, led Y/N to the imposing chair at the center of the Doom Room. With a wave of her hand, she employed her dark magic to bind Y/N's wrists to the arms of the chair. The atmosphere in the room shifted, tension lingering as Y/N attempted to maintain an innocent facade.
Lesso, however, saw through the charade. She circled the chair, a sly grin on her face, and continued to tease Y/N mercilessly. "Oh, my little raven, what have you gotten yourself into? Stealing from the dean? You must have a death wish."
Y/N tried to appear calm and unbothered, but each teasing remark from Lesso chipped away at their composure. The facade of innocence crumbled, revealing a flustered Y/N beneath.
Lesso, reveling in the newfound vulnerability, continued her playful assault. "You thought you could outwit me? How adorable. You're not as cunning as you think, little raven."
Y/N, feeling the heat rise to their cheeks, shot back, "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't taken anything."
Lesso chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. "You can play innocent all you want, but it won't save you. I know you too well, my dear."
As Lesso persisted in her teasing, Y/N's calm facade finally crumbled. Frustration and embarrassment painted their expression. Lesso, seizing the opportunity, continued to playfully degrade and taunt Y/N, stoking the flames of their flustered state.
In a moment of vulnerability, Y/N snapped. "Okay, fine! I took your hoodie, alright?" The admission hung in the air, the weight of truth settling between them.
Lesso, with a triumphant smirk, leaned in close. "And why, pray tell, would my darling little raven resort to petty theft?"
Y/N hesitated before finally confessing, "Because, Lady Lesso, it felt like you've been too busy lately. I just wanted to feel close to you, that's all."
Lesso's triumphant smirk faltered as Y/N's confession hung in the air. The mischievous game had taken an unexpected turn, revealing a vulnerability in Y/N that tugged at the dean's heartstrings. Instantly, Lesso's demeanor shifted from playful teasing to genuine concern.
"Y/N," she said softly, her tone laced with care, "why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way? Talk to me, my little raven."
But Y/N, unable to meet Lesso's gaze, remained silent. Tears welled up in their eyes, threatening to spill over, yet they held back, determined not to break down.
Recognizing the signs of emotional shutdown, Lesso quickly unbound Y/N's wrists. Scooping them up, she carried Y/N from the Doom Room to the privacy of Lady Lesso's chambers. The journey was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the faint sound of Y/N's uneven breaths.
Lesso, attempting to break through Y/N's emotional barricade, gently probed, "Tell me what's going on, my love. I want to understand."
Y/N, still wrapped tightly around Lesso's neck, remained unresponsive. They buried their face in the crook of Lesso's neck, seeking solace in the familiar scent. Lesso's grip tightened instinctively, a silent reassurance that she was there for Y/N.
As they entered the sanctuary of Lesso's private chambers, the air thick with unspoken emotions, the weight of Y/N's unshed tears lingered—a poignant reminder of the complexities that love brought, even within the walls of the School for Evil.
Lady Lesso gently placed Y/N on the bed in her private chambers. Y/N curled into a ball, back against the headboard, arms tightly wrapped around their legs. Lesso watched, her heart aching at the sight of her upset girlfriend.
As the room echoed with silence, Y/N began to feel overwhelmed. Profuse apologies spilled from their lips, a torrent of self-blame. "Nora, I'm so sorry. I should've just left it alone. I know you have such a busy job being the dean of the School for Evil, and I shouldn't have added to the stress of your responsibilities."
Y/N's ramblings continued, expressing regret for not understanding the demands of Lesso's role. "I should have known that you'd be busy when we started dating. I'm just a student, and it was crazy of me to think that a relationship like ours could work. I'll leave, and I won't bother you anymore," they said, moving to the end of the bed.
When Lesso heard that Y/N was contemplating leaving, an immediate and visceral "no" escaped her lips. The tone was harsher and louder than she intended, causing Y/N to flinch, their wide eyes locking onto Lesso's.
Realizing the impact of her words, Lesso softened her expression and tone. She approached the bed where Y/N sat, looking up at her with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Gently cupping Y/N's cheeks, Lesso spoke with a newfound gentleness, "No, my love. You're not leaving."
Lesso continued, "I'm not upset about the hoodie. I'm upset that you didn't come to me when you were feeling this way. We're a team, Y/N, and we face everything together."
Y/N, overwhelmed and spiraling into self-deprecation, started talking negatively about themselves. "I'm just a burden, Nora. I should have known better. I'm not worth the trouble," they mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Lesso immediately shut down those negative thoughts, pulling Y/N into a warm embrace. Y/N's head rested against Lesso's chest as they wrapped their arms around her waist. Lesso gently rubbed Y/N's back, soothingly whispering, "You are not a burden, my little raven. You're worth everything to me."
She continued, "You're my girlfriend, and I will always be here for you, no matter what. I notice the little things, Y/N, the subtle changes in your behavior that you might not even be aware of."
Lesso leaned back slightly, looking into Y/N's eyes, and added, "Like how you play with your hair when you're nervous or the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you're passionate about. You're not alone in this, my love. We face everything together, remember?"
Lesso tenderly wiped away Y/N's tears, pressing a gentle kiss to their forehead. "It's late, my love. Let's get ready for bed," she suggested. Y/N nodded in agreement, and as Lesso asked if they wanted to join her for a bath, Y/N readily agreed.
Magically lighting the fireplace, Lesso walked with Y/N to the bathroom. With a wave of her hand, she started the water, letting it fill the tub with soothing warmth. Once the bath was ready, Lesso added bath salts and oils, creating a fragrant and relaxing atmosphere. She gestured for Y/N to get in first and then joined them, wrapping her arms around Y/N and placing sweet kisses on the top of their head.
After a while, Lesso carefully stepped out of the tub, telling Y/N she was going to get some pajamas for both of them. Y/N nodded, watching Lesso leave the bathroom. When she returned, Lesso had clothes for Y/N and helped them out of the large clawfoot tub, wrapping them in a fluffy towel.
As Y/N stood there, Lesso helped them get dressed, exchanging tender kisses. Y/N noticed that Lesso had put them in one of her sweatshirts, and a content smile spread across their face
In the cozy bedroom, the flickering flames of the fireplace cast a warm glow, creating a serene ambiance. Lesso and Y/N settled into the plush king-size bed, the soft sheets embracing them. Y/N, seeking solace, nestled close to Lesso, their legs intertwining as they burrowed their head into Lesso's chest.
Lesso, with a tender smile, embraced Y/N, her arms creating a protective cocoon around her. "Shh, my little raven. You're safe here," she whispered, her fingers gently stroking Y/N's hair.
Y/N let out a content sigh, finding comfort in Lesso's presence. "I'm sorry, Nora," Y/N murmured, voice muffled against Lesso's chest.
Lesso tightened her embrace, "There's nothing to be sorry for, my love. We all have our moments. I'm just glad you're here with me now."
They lay there in silence for a while, the only sounds the crackling of the fireplace and the soft hum of the night. Lesso, with delicate movements, started drawing random patterns on Y/N's back with her nails, a soothing rhythm that slowly lulled Y/N into a state of tranquility.
As Y/N's breathing steadied, Lesso pressed a gentle kiss to the top of their head. "Sleep, my little raven. I'll be right here," Lesso whispered, her own eyes heavy with the weight of the day's events.
Y/N mumbled a drowsy reply, "Thank you, Nora," before surrendering to the embrace of sleep. In the stillness of the night, the dean of the School for Evil held her beloved close, offering comfort in the embrace of shared warmth and affection.
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my-blind-album · 2 years ago
hi!! could i please ask for leonara lesso prompt 1 please? thank you! :)
yes, and i apologize for the late post
Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!Student!Reader
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Prompt 1 - "Eyes Up Here, Ever." Lady Leonora Lesso Prompts
It's been three months. Each one more drastic than the other. There have been numerous rumours circulating about the dean of evil and a particular student pulling practical jokes on one another. At first, the joke was small and simple, the dean would make insults about an ever student by the name, Y/n Y/l/n. The insults were nothing more than comments about her clothing saying that it was either too revealing or not revealing enough and about the ever girl's hair saying that it was either too messy or too neat. Y/n wasn't really triggered by these words till a day came when the dean thought it would be hilarious to ruin Y/n's favourite dress.
At this point, Y/n reached her breaking point. She was upset with the grinning dean, and she moved quickly to exact retribution. Y/n secretly added a serum to the dean's tea during her lunch break. She took a sip and immediately felt her tongue start to burn as if she had sipped directly from a spicy condiment. She violently slapped her fist against the table in anguish as she trembled. She drenched herself entirely by pouring milk, white, and every other liquid she could get her hands on onto her tongue. The professors and students were all taken aback and perplexed by her antics until Y/n's laughing broke the tension in the room.
Then that's when it began, the pranks. Everyday it was either the dean would pranks Y/n in the morning then Y/n would get her revenge at lunch. Everyone was quite shocked by their foolish fights but also confused as to why the dean hadn't taken the ever girl to the doom room, which is where she takes all her students who crossed her. However, the had to admit that the stupid pranks the two would throw at each other were quite entertaining. The Nevers would cheer for their dean whenever, she played her game and occasionally helped her. The Evers on the other hand would be Y/n's cheerleader and support her silly game with the dean. Even Professor Dovey was supportive of Y/n. She saw it as good beating evil once again and would encourage the Ever students to assist her if required.
From making Lady Lesso's renowned red hair pink for a full week to limiting Y/n to only hearing the dean's name when she talked. Their jokes continued growing funnier, stranger, and crazier. Up until the day Y/n transformed into a gecko so she could enter the dean's bedroom covertly. When she arrived, she proceeded to the dean's wardrobe, which was stocked with her clothing. The sound of a door opening and closing stopped her from taking on her human form. The dean was wrapped in a black towel and standing outside her bathroom, her wet red hair falling flat.
Fortunately, Y/n was still in her gecko form, so the dean couldn't see her admiring how wonderfully the sun's rays reflected off her half-naked body. The dean massaged her arms and legs with lotion as she sat on her queen-sized bed. She was about to remove her towel till she stopped, looking around the room. Y/n was horrified; to say she was frightened would be an understatement. She was afraid because of how the dean's gaze scoured the room even though she was in her gecko shape. She saw her, right? She couldn't have because geckos are rather small animals, making it impossible for anyone to have noticed her. Later, the dean's gaze landed on her wardrobe, and she started to move slowly in that direction. What the fuck?! Y/n thought.
Now the dean was standing right in front of her wardrobe. Y/n was underneath it trying her best to not make a single sound or it might attract the dean's attention not that the dean would know it was her in the gecko form but then her prank wouldn't be able to be done. The dean was about to open her closet till she heard the sound of glass breaking. The dean noticed her kitten, Minerva, examining the broken vase to her left. "Minerva, you've broken my favourite vase twice now; just because I can use magic to fix it doesn't mean you should carelessly obliterate it." She spoke. Caring her cat into arms, she fixed her vase before walking away into her lounge room while still half-naked. I never knew, Lady Lesso had a cat, interesting. Y/n thought.
Y/n emerged from hiding shortly after taking on her human form. She opened the dean's closet and used her magic to make them disappear, replacing them with an outfit she had personal made for the dean to wear. It wasn't anything bad or ugly but merely sexy. The fact that the dean barely altered her dress yet had the nerve to make fun of Y/n for her attire kind of irked her. Therefore, Y/n made sure that the dean would have no choice but to wear one of her outfits as retaliation for her criticisms on her attire and destruction of her favourite dress. "Now try and comment on my attire," Y/n muttered under her breath.
As the dean's voice grew louder and louder, Y/n shut the dean's closet, transformed into a dove, and flew out the window to return to the school of good. The dean yelled her name angrily as she was flying away. Y/n merely grinned to herself before moving on. Upon entering her bedroom, Y/n grinned joyously to herself as she climbed into her bathtub. When she emerged from the bathroom, she noticed that her hair was red, but not just any red—it was the same shade of red as the dean's hair. Her earlier smirk had turned into utter terror. Fuck you, Lesso! She said to herself. Opening her closest, she collapsed totally. All of her clothes were replaced with replicas of the dean's clothes. There was even a cane that matched hers. I've been bamboozled. Y/n thought to herself.
When the bell rang, breakfast could officially begin. Since the dean made it apparent with the multiple copies that it was all Y/n would be wearing, she had no choice but to transform into a little version of Lady Lesso for the day or even for several weeks. Indignantly carrying the cane, Y/n stormed out of her bedroom and along the hallways. Although she couldn't see it, Y/n appeared to the other students to be a little version of Lady Lesso, given that the dean was generally angry when she was around. Everyone in the dining hall, including the dean, who had a grin on her face, focused on Y/n as she entered.
Instead of stomping over to the dean to confront her about taking all of her valued clothing, Y/n looked down at the dean's apparel and noticed that she was wearing the clothes Y/n had left for her. The dean looked down and saw that Y/n was staring at her attire, which made her enraged. This was Y/n's chance to sneer. The dean promptly got up from her seat and approached the one student who was trying to flee despite wearing the dean's 3 inch heels. The dean seized Y/n's arm and teleported to her room using magic while holding onto Y/n. The moment they got there, the ever spat a fit and shoved the dean's hand away from her arm.
Y/n had the opportunity to observe the dean in person and get a good look at how the dean appeared dressed. She appeared gorgeous. She wore Y/n's dress that hugged her hips and displayed all of her curves. The dean's long, lovely legs were seen due to the high thigh cut. Not to mention that Y/n could see her breasts almost in full view. The thought of them between her lips made her heart hurt and her knees unbearable since they appeared so round and plump. "Eyes up there, Ever." Lady Lesso said. They both turned to look at each other. When Y/n noticed the dean's sneer, she had to finally admit that it made her heart skip a beat and her folds slightly moisten. "Do you like the view?" she asked.
Because she didn't want to give in just yet, Y/n bit her bottom lip to keep from uttering the obscene noises she so strongly wanted to. The dean reflected in a nearby mirror, "You know, I think I was wrong about you, your style is quite alright," she said. She carried on about how attractive I'd look if I wore that outfit and how desirable I'd look out of it, "I wonder how sexy this will make you look, don't you agree?" She stated, looking at me with a relaxed expression as if she hadn't just seduced me, "But anyways, I should be heading to teach my lessons and you should be heading to your school."
The dean used her magic to transfer the ever to her appropriate school before Y/n had a chance to object to departing. Y/n finds herself in bed with a duvet and blanket covering her when she opens her eyes in surprise. Everything was all a dream, a filthy dream. "What the hell!" she yelled while shoving a pillow into her face from behind her head. "I've been screwed!" No one other than her wife was able to take the pillow out of her hands. "Love, why are you shouting at this hour of the morning?" "Leonora, in my dream I almost got fucked by you! Up until I woke up, the good stuff was about to happen." Y/n voiced their displeasure.
Leonora responded by rolling her eyes. "If you cuddle me, then I'll give you the best fucking of your life." "Really?" Y/n questioned. "Definitely, even better than what the dream version of me could have done." "Okay." Y/n relaxed in her wife's arms and encircled her waist with her own. "You know, I was a smaller version of you in my dream." said Y/n. Her wife was perplexed and questioned, "What?" "Yeah, I was completely dressed like you, even had the same shade of hair like you and shoes, even had the cane!" The redheaded woman only grinned at her wife as she rambled on about her dream. I'm relieved I married this moron. As she continued to hear her wife's story, Leonora grinned to herself.
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i-write-sometimes-maybe · 7 months ago
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Disobedient- Lady Lesso X Ever!FemReader (NSFW)
Synopsis: You’re a fun little ever, and Lesso can’t wait to play with you.
Word Count: 7.1k đŸ«Ł (yes you read that right)
Warnings: SMUT, possible trigger warning as there will be blood mentioned, knife play, edging, edge play (cause, ya know, knives), kinda blood play, bratty reader, brat tamer Lesso, marking of many types, denial, coercion of admission of feelings đŸ€­ read it to see if there’s more😈. Also yes part of it is similar to my one shot ‘Celebration’ but since Ive been writing this for damn near a year I don’t care enough to change it. At least you know I wrote both đŸ„Č
A/n: Everyone thank @pebbleswritessometimes for this oneshot cause literally a week ago I didn’t know when or if this would be finished soon, but they wanted and hyped me so they got it đŸ„°đŸ«¶đŸ». Also, If you can’t tell, my motivation has been shot lately especially with smut, so this drags but I hope it’s good for you guys! I was trying to get this out a lot sooner than I actually did, my bad. I ended up getting a second job and been busy with both jobs as well as not having much motivation but then I quit said second job and continued to struggle with motivation, sorry it took so long lol hopefully the smut makes up for it. Also, yes, there’s a difference between edging and edge play!! Enjoy!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved. Likes, comments, reblogs are always welcomed!
You were stuck at the white cloth-covered table, sitting basically by yourself. The table next to yours had a couple of Never girls, Dot and Anadil, but they seemed to be sitting by choice. At least, that's what you guessed after they shoved off two boys that walked up to them.
Sitting at a table by yourself at the first ever, Never-Ever dance was certainly not one of the things you had planned for tonight. You just wanted to dance.
You were looking around the ballroom, finding the drastic change in aesthetics amusing. The school was unified but that didn't mean the students didn't stick to what they know. The dance floor was separated into light colors and dark.
Only a few mixed at the tables, but the students kept quiet. Creating a strange feeling in the air.
Your eyes scanned the room. At first, you were looking for your partner, at least, that's what you told yourself.
But then your eyes landed at the front of the ballroom. The two heads of the once-separated halves standing side-by-side, the Deans. The Dean of Good was dressed in a light, poofy ballgown that made her look like a cupcake. While the Dean of Evil remained in her signature dark suit.
This time, it was accented with a deep royal purple ascot, taking you by pleasant surprise. But you could tell this was one of her nicer suits, it fits her a little better than the others. Not that you would know, of course. This is definitely the first time you've taken more than a second to look over the red-haired Dean.
But gods, the way she holds herself. The way she looks at everyone. The way you can practically see her thoughts as she glared at the Never-Ever PDA. The way she would throw her head back laughing at something you desperately wished came from you.
But that's the thing. You kept wishing for things. But as an Ever, you get your wishes, right?
But now, you wished you could watch her shrug off the blazer. To watch her roll the cuffs of her sleeves up to reveal those toned arms. How you wish her hand would wrap around your-
You cleared your throat as if you've been caught red-handed, and you might've. You caught her eyes on you. They lingered longer than a simple look should've. But you're imagining things, now. Maybe a Never spiked the punch you were currently nursing.
'I think I'm mentally cheating. How could I be so disobedient.?'
She smirked at you, it couldn't be at you, right? Right? There's no way she knows what you're thinking. Her eyes landed on you once again, and she did a once-over on you.
And in that moment, you suddenly wished your outfit choice was good enough. You steered away from the baby pinks and champagne colored dresses that all the other Evers wore. Deciding on a royal blue floor length gown that fit to you perfectly but also complimented your skin tone. You thought you were being risqué with the slit that went straight to your hip, but as Lesso's eyes seemed to linger there for a moment, you knew it was a good choice.
You knew you shouldn't, you have a boyfriend.
Boyfriend! That's right, yeah. What was his name again?... Of course, you didn't forget your own boyfriend's name. Your mind certainly isn't occupied with the Dean, of course not. You definitely weren't dating him only to maintain the 'perfect Ever' appearance, nope.
You couldn't help it, her eyes are oh so enticing.
'I think I shouldn't be lookin' in those eyes. Why do they give mĐ” butterflies?'
You took a second to try to find your boyfriend -unaware your thoughts were heard and the dean was barely biting back a smirk- your eyes rolling as you see him entertaining a group of Ever girls. Unconsciously, your eyes went straight back to the fiery-haired Dean. Who, to your surprise, was walking straight to you.
You wouldn't admit that your stomach dropped a little and you got nervous.
She stopped just a few feet from you, "You can't seem to keep your eyes off me, can you little one?"
You decided to hop onto some suddenly present charismatic boldness, you chuckled a little bit and stood to come face-to-face with her, though she was a couple of inches taller than you.
"It's hard not to when you're the best looking person in this room." It was wrong, you both knew that. She's the Dean and you are technically a student. But if it was so wrong, why does it feel so right?
You were well over age, being late to the start of your own story. It was late enough that you thought you'd not get the chance to go to the school and get your own fairytale.
Your heart skipped a beat as she took another step towards you, you never thought she'd be this close to you, especially in front of everyone else.
"I guess I could say same about you, Dove." Her head tilted slightly as she took the opportunity to examine you closer. Something igniting within her once she saw just how revealing your dress was, never mind the low-cut neckline.
You smirked, "Like what you see, do you?"
A humor-filled chuckle escaped her, and you yearned to hear it again, "My, my, what a bold little Ever. How cute." She wouldn't admit that she was honestly a bit surprised by the dress you chose, or that she secretly loved it.
"What? Haven't met anyone that isn't afraid of you?" You had no idea where this confidence of yours came from, but you didn't mind.
She fully chuckled this time, not expecting these remarks to come from you. But again, she did love it.
She started walking towards you, and you started walking backwards. You weren't afraid, that much was clear, but you did want to be away from the near-center of the room. You had no idea if anyone was watching, but you couldn't care less if someone was.
Luckily, your spot in the ballroom wasn't too far from the edges.
She licked her lips, a move that you wanted to watch on repeat, "Perhaps not, but this is going to be fun."
You only stopped moving backwards once you were sure you were at the back of the ballroom, your back hitting the wall being the dead give away, "Oh? I do hope you're not expecting me to just give in and fall to my knees for you." You spoke softly as her body continued to infiltrate your space.
"Oh, you'll be on your knees, pet."
You pulled her by the lapel of her suit, "You're going to have to make me, if you want anything from me." You smirked, tilting your head this time.
"You, my little one, are trenching in great waters."
"Well, luckily, I can swim."
She smirked again at your antics. Oh, she was gonna have fun.
"You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you?" Though Lesso kept her tone, she was being genuine.
"I'm sure you'll enlighten me." You plastered on the most sickly-sweet smile, one that Lesso couldn't wait to taste.
She remained silent, whether is was to think about what she was about to do or to think about what to say,  she leaned forward and placed her hand on the wall next to your head.
You took this little moment as a chance to show her what you've got, that you're not one to be underestimated, "Tell me where you want us to go. Tell me, and I'll take you there." She raised her eyebrow at this, enthralled by the possibilities.
"Oh? So, if I say, take me to the gardens, you could do that?" She wanted to believe you, but teleportation is unheard of in the fairytale world, and especially from a student.
You stayed silent, looking into her eyes as you swiftly took hold of her other hand that was placed atop her blazer buttons. Lesso hardly had enough time to react, let alone speak, until she realized that you had taken you both to the gardens.
A big part of you was relieved at finally being alone with her. But you watched as she processed that you could teleport.
Before she had the chance to say anything, you spoke first, "It's not all I can do," You were proud of yourself, and you didn't try to hide it either.
She looked back at you, a new look swirling within her eyes and she hummed, "Really, care to share?" She tried to keep her teasing, uninterested tone but she was curious and it showed.
You fake pondered for a second, "Only if you earn it." You finished off with a smirk, knowing that you weren't necessarily hiding anything.
She chuckled again, filling your stomach with butterflies, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
She could see something unknown within your eyes, "You've got no idea."
She took another step closer to you, your fronts almost completely connected by this move of hers, and she used her pointer finger to push your chin up a bit more, "Well, I'm sure I can figure it out."
You grabbed the top of her shirt that was just under the ascot and used the material to pull her down and closer to you, close enough to smell the scent of whiskey that she probably thought she could hide, "And if I'd rather show you?"
Something overcame Lesso at that move, she wasn't sure what it was but her self control seemed to have dwindled to nothing. Excitement continued to do nothing but fill her, and couldn't wait to see just how much innocence you lacked.
Her eyes went to your lips for a moment before they flicked back to your waiting eyes, "Then show me, Dove."
That was all you needed to pull her even closer and connect your lips with hers, it was something that you both had clearly been waiting for. Gods, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't pictured this moment, and it was even better than imagined.
You moved your arms to wrap around Lesso's neck, pulling her nearly impossibly closer to you. In that moment was when her hands went to your hips as well, slightly squeezing once her hands settled in their spot.
You took this opportunity to take her somewhere else, you certainly wouldn't be complaining if she took you bare in the gardens but you'd prefer to not have the whole school witness such a thing. You took the both of you back to your room.
You lucked out, being such a late comer to the school got you your own room. And you were more than thankful you had just cleaned it.
Lesso pulled back from your lips, not only to catch her breath but to see where you've taken the both of you. She hid her impressed features once she looked from your quaint room back to you. She was unsurprised when she saw the proud look on your face being combined with your very obvious lust.
As your tongue peeked out to wet your lips -to taste Lesso once more- you noticed how her eyes instantly followed the action. So, you played into it, slightly pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
Once you saw Lesso swallow the lump in her throat, you knew what effect you had on her. You thrived on the reactions she had to you. The subtle way her eyes narrowed at your smart mouth remarks, the way her pupils dilated every time you did, well, anything.
"You know you can look and touch right?"
Lesso sucked her teeth, "I am touching you, pet." She raised her eyebrow in challenge, seeing as her hands were still on your waist from the kiss.
The corner of your mouth twitched in attempts to hide your smirk, knowing that if you challenged her just enough she'd come to her limit and take you right then and there.
"But not in the way we both want you to," You started. "You're not, holding back are you?" This time you didn't hold back your smirk.
Her grip on you noticeably tightened, "I'll tell you this once, pet. Strip for me. Now." Her face remained stoic but you saw the amusement in her eyes.
You wouldn't admit just how her tone had affected you, causing your wetness to increase tenfold, "And if I don't?" It was redundant to say, you would've done anything she asked, but still not without a little bit of a fight.
Lesso summoned a blade, moving the very tip to the top hem of your dress, right in between your breasts. You knew it was sharp with the way the edge caught the light.
In a flash of movement, she pulled the blade down causing the dress to be cut in half once it connected with the pre-existing slit on your hip and fall right off your body.
"I liked that dress." You spoke near breathless.
"I gave you a chance."
Her other hand slowly snaked from its place on your waist, up across your abdomen. Her hand continued between your breasts, but it didn't linger there.
Her hand went on past your cleavage and up to your neck, her hand moving to wrap around your throat. You managed to hide the whimper that threatened to escape you as she applied pressure.
She leaned towards your ear to whisper her words, "I'm going to fuck that attitude out of you."
"Are you going to do that any time soon, or should I get myself started? I mean, you're making a lot of promises for someone that's yet to prove anything." You very well knew what you just started, and you couldn't wait.
Lesso's jaw clenched at your words.
"Oh, my little Dove, I'm going to break you." She spoke with a wicked simper.
"Then break me." You had the faintest of smirks on your face, eyes half-lidded as you spoke.
She started pushing you back by the hand that was still on your throat. Though it was quiet, it was clear that your chest started heaving from excitement. She moved her hand only long enough to push you down on your bed. A soft 'umph' coming from you at the contact.
The only light in the room was from the moonlight streaming in through your open window, but it was enough light to see her eyes darken as they roamed over your nearly naked form.
You couldn't help but take your bottom lip between your teeth as you could practically see her ideas raging through her mind as her head tilts the slightest bit. You were overwhelmingly ready for her to take you, in any way she saw fit, if the now-ruined panties you still adorned were anything to go by.
You watched with a bated breath as she slowly stalked her way onto the bed with you. You tried to resist the fidgeting of your hands as she took her time straddling you.
Her knees came up to rest by your ribcage, your breathing not resting at all as she practically ignored you as she begun twirling the blade once again. She watched as the edge caught the limited light, only watching you through her peripheral. 
Her signature head tilt returned, "You're so pretty. But, I'd bet anything that you'd be prettier with tears streaming down your face as you beg me to let you come."
"You're more than welcome to find out."
She let her wicked smirk come back to her face, she loved to play the game of cat and mouse, especially with you being her delectable prize.
Your whole body reacted as she leaned over you, lightly tapping the tip of the knife against the bulging artery of your throat. Your head instinctively tilted back to give her all the room she may want.
She slowly began dragging the blade down your sensitive skin, only enough pressure to leave a slightly itchy feeling but not enough to draw blood, yet. Your excitement continued to grow with each inch she dragged the blade.
"My beautiful pet," She started.
"Yours, huh? News to me." Lesso looked to your face just in time to watch you wet your lips.
"Don't think that you won't be mine, not after I'm done with you." She was beginning to get a little irritated with your insubordination, it was obvious in her tone.
You readjusted the strap of the bra that had managed to dislodge itself from its spot on your shoulder while being shoved to the bed, "Is that another promise?"
The blade moved from your collarbone, swiftly moving to the center panel of your bra, and in the time it took for you to blink, Lesso had sliced through it. The fabric was in half and it caused the cups to fall to the side, rendering the garment useless.
"Hey! That was my favorite one... It was expensive."
"Oh, was it? How evil of me. Maybe you can earn yourself a new one."
A displeased huff came from you but Lesso wasn't paying attention, now fixated on your body. The very same body that you couldn't bring yourself to look at in the mirror for too long without finding a list of things you wanted to change.
Her silence while observing you brought forth all the insecurities you had, and you instinctively moved to cover yourself.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lesso gripped your wrists and moved you away from your chest, only once she had your hands pinned above your head did she see the uncertainty in your features, "You don't get to hide yourself from me, this is all mine."
"I am my own, I belong to no one but me."
"Oh, my pet, we shall see how long you believe that."
Lesso bent further over you, her lips connecting to the slight cuts that were only just starting to become visibly irritated on your skin. Her tongue peeked out, causing a delicious sensation once she swiped over the superficial slice.
A breathy moan type noise left you and Lesso just couldn't wait to hear more, to make more come from you.
Her tongue continued down your chest and she latched onto a spot on top of your breast, beginning to leave a mark.
You may fight with her about being hers (for now) but she'll make it clear you're not available. The idea of seeing you covered in all the marks she could possibly leave on you, just had her itching to leave more.
And so she did.
She left another love bite on your sternum beside the now puffy cut on your chest.
Lesso was moving almost painfully slow, but that wasn't without effort. It was originally in efforts to make you writhe and beg. But now? The slow movement of her marks and tongue, it was in efforts to savor you. To get the chance to memorize the taste that's distinctly you.
It felt like minutes before she moved her lips again, only now connecting them to your nipple. Though it was hushed, a proper moan finally escaped you.
Her fingers grazed across your bare torso as her tongue swirled around your nipple, the sensation causing an eruption of chills across your skin which didn't go unnoticed by the redhead.
She finally moved onto your neglected nipple, instantly hardening the moment the tip of her tongue came into contact with it. You fought the urge to tangle your finger into her fiery locks.
You couldn't let her win that easily.
Only once you released a breath did Lesso manage to pull herself from you, before she lost herself.
"Gods, if I had known you look and tasted this good, I would've made you mine sooner." Her nails scraped up your ribcage.
You ignored the butterfly eruption in your stomach, a scoff would've came from you if you weren't so focused on the feeling of her, "I am not yours."
She looked from the marks forming on your skin to your face, "Really? It seems you're convinced."
Just as you opened your mouth to agree that you were, in fact, convinced, you felt the blade drag across your stomach. Instead, a stuttering breath came from you.
"What was that, Pet? I didn't quite hear you." Her words were empty, you both knew what she was doing.
You wouldn't let her off that easy.
But what you didn't know is she knew your refutal would come, so as your mouth opened once more to argue her tongue swiped up the blood that began to bead from the fresh cut above your navel.
Finally, finally, she got to hear a true moan of yours.
Your head pressed back into the mattress and your body instinctively arched towards her and the sensation she was providing.
She peaked up to see your eyes closed with bliss, "You taste addicting on the inside and out."
You looked up to see one of the best sites there is. Lesso's hair was slightly disheveled, her pupils blown wide, a little bit of your blood still present on her bottom lip.
The urge to pull her into a kiss, to know what you taste like on her lips was overwhelming. Almost too compelling...
"I'm still waiting for you to fulfill your promise." Your comment was breathless but you hoped it still held the snap you wanted it to.
Her eyes never left yours as you saw her lift the blade again, slicing off the excuse of an undergarment in a quick move.
You'd be a damned liar if you said you're not entirely enthralled by what's to come.
Her lips continued from your navel, grazing over your hip bones. Of course she would continue to tease the living hell out of you, her lips never quite going where you wanted them to.
Another mark was left on the very top of your thigh, her fingers just slightly brushing against the sensitive skin on the inside of your other thigh.
She was so close, so close to where you were almost quite literally aching for her.
It was almost to the point of begging, almost. Your hips involuntarily thrusted to get her where you wanted.
You knew very well that if anything slightly resembling a beg left your lips, she would win whatever little rendezvous was going on and you couldn't have that.
But to your absolute pleasure, it wouldn't come to begging. Yet.
Just as you felt the slight of her breath on your throbbing clit, your head lulled back entirely too ready for what this woman would do to you.
The moment her tongue met your clit, your bottom lip went between your teeth as not to reveal how desperate you were. Your hand instantly moved to the sheets below you, knuckles turning white as her pace went from torturously slow to almost enough.
Your thighs parted even further to allow more of her to be closer to you.
"Oh, fuck," One of your hands left the bed and almost entangled itself in Lesso's hair, but that was before you caught yourself.
Part of you wanted to believe that this was so you'd win the game. But the part of you that you were ignoring was thinking it was so you wouldn't actually get lost in the redheads presence.
But what you didn't know was that the redhead had felt the way your fingers just grazed along her shoulder, and she wanted to feel more.
You could tell that her repetitive movements were bringing you closer to the peak of pleasure, the tightness in your stomach was starting to become distracting.
Lesso could've sworn she could taste how close you were, if the way your thighs twitched was anything to go by. She gave it just a moment more, another moment for you to think that you were actually about to get what you wanted.
But that moment would soon come and go.
Just as you were about to voice your closeness to the edge, all movements and sensations stopped.
Part of you knew to expect this, but that didn't mean you wouldn't be annoyed.
Lesso was no longer biting back her smirks, especially when your groan of annoyance escaped your lips.
"What was that, pet?" She gave a slight nip to your inner thigh. "I didn't hear you."
"Fuck, Leo," If you weren't so focused readjusting your head on the pillow you would've seen Lesso swallow at the moment her name left your mouth.
She wasn't expecting how breathless and perfect it sounded, leaving her a little bit shocked if she was being honest. But while she was honest, she wasn't even aware you knew her first name.
In her state, she didn't hear what else you said. With the slightest shake of her head, she knew she couldn't dwell any longer.
To your dismay, she moved away from your dripping pussy. Her lips slowly trailing back up your torso.
She left more love bites where there was room, slowly easing herself to hover above you.
She licked her lips as she felt your body erupt with chills as she was finally level with you, choosing to not say anything about it this time.
Another mark left on the spot where your neck meets your shoulder before she moved to speak directly in your ear, "If you want to cum, you know what I want." She said too cool and composed for your liking.
You fisted the fabric of her blazer, trying to pull her closer, "And I've told you, if you want it from me then you make me."
A deep chuckle came from her, as if she knew something you didn't, and she sat up once again.
Her eyes never left yours as she slowly pulled the blazer off, making a show out of it.
The only way you'd be able to describe her movements was entrancing. The way she swiftly undid the buttons of the blazer and tossing it somewhere you weren't paying attention to. You weren't even sure if you blinked as you saw her take off the waistcoat next.
The only thing you were sure of is how badly you wanted her to keep taking things off. To see what she's been hiding from you this whole time. To see if she's as toned as you imagined...
Her smirk returned, "Pet, if you want the shirt off you only have to ask."
Your eyes rolled back once you processed what she said, "Telepath..."
Gods if you could've seen the cocky smirk on her face, you would've been much more turned on. If that was even possible.
You didn't even want to dwell on the amount of times and things she's must've seen in your mind. And none of them were innocent. Luckily you looked up, flushed cheeks and all, in time to see her unbutton her top.
You had involuntarily laid your hands on her thighs, watching her as she's straddled above you. Slowly, more of her was revealed to you, feeling your mouth go dry and the throbbing in your ignored cunt strengthening.
You simply couldn't look away. Her pale skin was toned, each muscle having its own definition. She may not be the most chiseled sculpture but you'd still swear she was one of Michelangelo's works.
"You staring, pet."
"That, is no one's fault but yours." You spoke, still breathless, as you looked back in her viridian eyes.
The game was temporarily forgotten, desire had overtaken all actions from you both.
Her lips rejoined at the base of your neck, adding more fuel to your inextinguishable flame.
You simply couldn't help it anymore, one of your hands finally tangled itself in her fiery locks like you desperately wanted to do ages ago while the other went to her now bare side.
And gods was it diminishing the last of Lesso's control, the sensation of your touch was almost overwhelming. The feel of your breath on her neck was nearly making her head spin.
She once again moved downwards, going slowly as a way to regain her thoughts, but to you it was a way to get you to squirm.
And, it worked.
Your need had built up enough before she took away your bliss.
You may have given into your need to feel her, but you still wouldn't beg.
Your hips lifted from the bed, but not for long before her hand had pinned them still once again. You couldn't help but groan.
Yes, you were antsy. Yes, you desperately wanted to be taken and completely destroyed but you were not about to say that out loud.
You'd fight to win this forsaken game if it killed you.
And, it just might.
Her lips lingered on your hip bone, so close yet so far from where you needed her.
Lesso's eyes peered up your tense body, loving to discover new things about you. She loved how your brow furrowed as you focused, how your fingers fidgeted in place until you could decide where you wanted them.
Lesso simply loved to play with you, to get you to writhe and moan. She had discovered a new favorite thing.
And speaking of moans, a soft one rippled from your lips as her fingertips slightly grazed your clit. A whispered curse involuntarily left you as she finally provided some sensation to your needy and abandoned clit, pausing just as her pace speeds past excruciating to run just along your folds.
A stuttering breath left you this time, knowing that this tease was the ultimate move for her. That this is her play.
"Something you want to say, pet?"
You bit your bottom lip, merely an attempt at withholding your whimper, and shook your head. You were desperate, desperately hoping she'd continue but quicken her pace.
Again, Lesso wouldn't say it out loud but as much as she loved seeing you twist and turn with desperation, she wanted to see what you looked like when you come. To hear the symphony that is your moans. She wanted to know if you'd grip her tight as you came undone or push her and the stimulation away because she knows once she gets a taste she'd never be satisfied by anything else again.
Lesso's thoughts were interrupted as a louder moan coming from you.
Your back arched and mind went empty as her fingers suddenly and easily slid into you, your arousal causing no resistance.
"Oh, fuck-" Your head began to lull back once she finally began moving her fingers.
The pace was just as steady as her previous ones, not trying to work you too quickly, but the new sensations were welcomed.
"More, I need more." Your hand flew to the red locks, trying to get more of something, anything.
Lesso was tempted to have you beg like the desperate little whore you were, but she'll take that, for now.
Her pace increased ever so slightly, only enough for her to see the way your face contorted with desire and need.
Just as you were about to repeat your previous statement, she added a third finger. Stretching you just enough to have a mind fuzzing pleasure start to build.
Lesso decided now was the time she'd like to commit to memory, the way your hips thrusted to keep pace with her fingers, how your back arched off the bed in search of more. How you sound, all. Because. Of her.
Lesso was sure to stay consistent, knowing your desperate self was beyond ready for release.
She merely needed to wait for it.
"Fuck-" Your words came out rushed and desperate.
"Awe, does my pet want to cum?"
"I'm not your pet." You quickly realized and spoke on your autonomy.
Then, it all stopped.
The slow incline to the edge, the glorious way she filled you, the way your body urned for more. All of it. Gone.
Your breaths came out rapid and broken, "Oh, fuck me."
"Well, I'm trying, but you're making this awfully difficult for yourself."
"Me?!" Your head collapsed against the pillow at the audacity.
She moved herself away from you, "You already know what I want from you, pet."
A scoff came from you, knowing you won't give in that easy, "What? Think I can't take it? You think I'll just give in, just like that? Cute." You looked back in her eyes, a glimmer of frustration beginning to gather.
You smirked inwardly, knowing that the game is working in your favor.
Her head tilted a little, "Oh, you can take it, can you? You can handle all I can give you?"
"Oh, do tell me that wasn't your all, now..." Your delicious simper filled Lesso with the need to make you eat your words.
More than joy filled you as her fingers slid back into your pussy, only now she was moving at the fastest pace she's done all night.
A near guttural moan came from you at the sudden move of hers, no building or waiting necessary.
Lesso still hadn't spoken, but as her free hand slowly snaked up your body, only pausing for a moment to leave a quick pinch to your right nipple.
Just as your brain processed the sudden sharp sensation, her hand wrapped around your throat. Your head tilted back as automated response to her touch.
Just as she squeezed, a small mewl came from you as her pace didn’t ease. Her fingers continued to pound into you harshly, causing you to get closer and closer to the edge of pure bliss.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to play with me?” Her voice lowered, no pleasure lied behind it then, it was almost dark. And as you saw her sharpened glare you wanted to be afraid, but something about Lesso makes it impossible for you to be afraid.
She chuckled lowly as your arousal increased at her words, “Pathetic.”
The pure pleasure she was giving you, the delicious look she had, the tone of her husky voice, it was just enough for you to come close.
And Lesso knew it. She could feel it.
But you wouldn’t.
Again, everything stopped suddenly.
Her hand left your pussy, as the grip on your throat loosened enough to hear a pathetic cry escape.
Okay, you thought you can handle it. But when she overloads your senses with nothing but the feeling of her, it becomes difficult to not give in.
Your eyes closed and your bottom lip went between your teeth as an attempt to keep yourself together.
Your hand reached up to hold onto her wrist that was homed around your throat. Maybe as a way of grounding, definitely as a way to keep some feeling of her on you.
Barely a moment passed before Lesso spoke up, "You're mine, say it." Her tone left no room for discussion.
"I belong to no one." Your voice however, was weak and low.
"Then you'll continue to be denied, entirely on you." A beat, two beats. You knew that you couldn't keep denying it, and not just because you wanted to come.
A stuttering breath, then a sigh, “I’m, yours. I belong to you.” It was no question, you both were aware of this fact before this rendezvous started. Something was so delectable about playing the game first.
She had the most aggravating smug smile on her face, and it looked so good on her. Damn you, damn it, damn her. You wouldn't take it back even if you wanted to. You were hers. Irrefutably, irrevocably, undeniably, completely hers.
She didn't have to say anything about how pleased she was with your admission, she knew it all along, her smile said it all.
Your chest was still heaving, trying to catch some of the breath Lesso stole from you, when she crawled on top of you once again. She straddled you like she had many times in the night, lightly tracing her nails over the marks she's made. She admired the discolored hues her love bites started to take on, loved seeing how your sensitive skin reacted to the slight edge of the blade, how your skin is adorned with marks from her nails all over.
She just couldn't get enough of the sight of you. All marked up by her, marked up where everyone can see, marked to show that you've been claimed.
But then, it hit her. You weren't technically marked by her. Oh, that just won't do.
She reached back over for the previously abandoned blade. Unconsciously twirling it once again between her fingers, an unknown habit of hers.
Where to put it? Where-to-put-it? She thought to herself, still silently looking over your tired and marked up form.
You simply laid there, you knew she was thinking of something, but you knew you'd find out soon enough.
And soon it was.
Not more than a moment after your thought, a hum came from the redhead and she leaned over you.
"This may hurt, but I'll make it quick." She spoke just as the tip of the knife cut into your skin.
'Fuck...' You thought as your mouth opened with silence.
The pained pleasure was the most mind spinning feeling you’d had felt to date.
The tip of the blade slicing through your delicate flesh.
And soon enough, a perfect “L. L” was carved right above your left breast.
A perfect marking that left no room for interpretation, you were now and forevermore, hers.
You, belonged to Leonora Lesso.
Both of your hands fisted her hair as her tongue swiped over the wound to clean you of the mess you were making.
Your eyes would’ve rolled to the back of your head at her move had they been opened.
” The slight tug in her hair was enough to tell Lesso everything she needed to know.
“What, begging already?”
“You’ve already won tonight, there’s nothing else for me to lose but one more thing for me to gain.” Your hips thrusted up enough for her to get the message.
And in that moment, Lesson realized it was time to keep her part of the bargain.
Her lips and tongue slowly moved south once more, exploring every part of you she could on the way.
She skipped past your navel, knowing that this would be the time you get what you wanted.
Gods the moment her lips came back into contact with your clit, you could’ve sworn you could come right then and there.
“Oh, fuck Leo, just like that.” Your hands never left her hair, nor eased on the grip.
Lesso would be a damned liar if she said she wasn’t entranced with the way your voice was breathless, or with the way her name simply rolled off your tongue.
Her pace increased on your clit while she brought her fingers back to your desperate pussy.
“Oh, fuck!” Your back arched off the bed and your grip in Lessos hair was a welcomed pained pleasure for her as it got even tighter.
You both knew you wouldn’t last long with the speed and expertise Lesso was using on you.
You were rapidly approaching the peak of bliss, feeling light headed as it was already and you haven’t even crossed the threshold yet.
“Leo, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
The swirling of her tongue on your clit pausing only long enough to speak, “Yeah? Does my pet wanna cum?”
“Yes! Yes, I wanna cum!”
No other words came from Lesso but her lips once again wrapped around your clit. Along with the swift swirling of her tongue, she pared it with new suction.
The newfound pleasure caused white to appear in your vision, your overwhelming sensitivity becoming known.
Just as Lesso slightly curled her fingers, you were there. A near scream-like moan and the cinching around Lessos fingers told her you were there.
You came, and you came hard.
Lesso’s name fell from your lips like a mantra, being spoken over and over and over again.
Lesso got her answer as you started to use your grip in her hair to pull her from you.
The sensitivity was nearly unbearable and Lesso wasn’t easing up.
She knew you’d have to pry her away from you.
The pure taste of nothing but you was a craving she didn’t know had to be satiated.
Your hands finally relaxed enough to moved from Lesso’s hair to her jaw, now pulling her up to face you.
You still hadn’t caught your breath but you didn’t let that stop you from pulling the redhead in for a kiss.
Her hands moved to be resting on your waist, choosing to deepen the kiss.
Your body was weak but you needed a taste of Lesso too, even if it was a sample.
She was pliant in your hands, moving in any way your slight touch nudged her too. Your lips slowly moved down her jaw, the bliss causing her to briefly close her eyes.
You continued further down, reaching her neck and beginning to leave a mark right on her pulse point, "Only fair if I get to leave my mark too. Wouldn't want anyone else to think they've got a chance, now do we?"
You could feel the way her chuckle left her throat as your lips moved along her skin.
You were sure to make it worth while, leaving a bright large mark where it couldn’t be obviously hidden.
Sure, it was meek in comparison to the marks and cuts she’s left on you, but you like to think it’s the thought that counts.
Lesso pulled back a bit, and just as you were admiring your work, she was admiring you.
Neither would speak of it but this mutual liking, no infatuation, no no love, would be the center of a new universe.
Her eyes glanced down and a proud smirk rejoined her features.
“I’ll get a rag to clean you up, stay here.” She reluctantly climbed off you to grab a rag, finding it surprisingly easy to maneuver in your space.
Your voice was still soft, partly hoarse from the previous activities, “Not like I can go far right now.”
You yearned at her genuine laughter at your comment, knowing you’d gladly get to hear it again.
She came back with a water bottle and a rag, “I’ll be sure to ease up on you next time.”
And with one simple sentence, one small act of kindness, you and your heart smiled.
Next time.
Again, you were hers. Irrefutably, irrevocably, undeniably, completely hers.
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iamverynormalaboutsge · 2 months ago
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Those screenshots are for context as to why I decided to lay out my view on Aric and Japeth there and to also avoid repeating myself.
Now back to the grind! (I will put a 'read more' because this WILL be long, be warned)
Topics: Aric and Japeth's origins, the context of their surroundings, the perfect isolation and the communal influence
@liketwoswansinbalance take a cup of tea or an espresso shot, this is gonna be a while
I will lay out a few of my takes on these two characters before I move forth and talk about their relationship because I feel that if I don't some details will not be understood or they will lack, what I call, flavour!
First, let us start with Aric who I am more experienced with because, well what do you know? He's interesting to think about.
Of course, we have to begin with his origins. That means Lady Lesso and his unknown father who for whatever reason the fandom wiki assumes is deceased but we have no confirmation of that. Perhaps it's because after the 'We can't imagine anyone who would miss him' his father didn't appear yet again Nevers have a very different way of 'loving' their children. Aka it's practically medieval times royalty but without the money, make the baby 'pure' for the bloodline, and move on. In our case make a baby for your lineage(with a willing or unwilling participant or with a sacrificial goat to a demon to clone yourself like it happened in Hester's case) and then we see where the rest goes. Now there is no doubt in my mind Lady Lesso loved Aric and she still most certainly held motherly love for him when they reunited despite him wanting to murk at her and managing to do so in the end. She admitted she was never afraid of him and more so afraid of what he could do to the people she cared about. But she WAS afraid of him when she realised that he was not HER son anymore.
We know that Lady Lesso was afraid of Aric's father. Perhaps the whole 'let's make an heir for our bloodline' was mutual but something happened and Lesso wanted to keep her son and avoid her husband(?)/father of the child. It is funny to me how people assume Ares, the God of War, is his father and honestly? I could see it. Lady Lesso has this aura of power around her and I wouldn't exactly be shocked if the woman who deemed Sophie as truly evil despite all of her flaws would only be swooned off her feet by a literal God, similar to how Sophie was very eager with the prospect of a powerful lover and having therefore a power of position. However, Lady Lesso perhaps sought out more than just power. I believe Aric's dad simply wanted to take Aric for who knows what reasons and Lady Lesso, one of the most powerful sorceresses that we know of(because come on. She managed to make the powerful protecting shield Rafal did at his full strength. That takes something) was AFRAID to confront a 'simple' man.
Now how does this all play in Aric's story if he didn't even know his father? Well, genetics count. Dovey recognised Aric's father from her memories after meeting Aric who had a similar outlook on him. Therefore Aric being very eager for war, battle, and savage violence in general despite maintaining a certain level of discipline which IS needed to win a war regardless of how brutal, would justify the Ares theory.
We know Gods can be charming or persuasive, we saw the air of confidence and undoubtedly strength Lady Lesso carries herself, and we see it in Aric how he has no issue getting where he wants, how he wants it, and deceiving everyone along the way. Despite supposedly having no interactions with girls whatsoever, given that the timeline only mentions that Aric's interaction with a girl ever before ending in the Arbed House was with the daughter of the family that rescued him that he nearly killed(not to mention that I remember that he DID murk their family dog. Perhaps the fact that the family's daughter was 'so weak' paired with his recent trauma of being abandoned by his mother who he most likely loved the most led to his whole 'women are weak, frail and pathetic' beliefs).
Therefore, how does Aric go on to 'seduce' Sophie and Hester? Although he didn't exactly go somewhere with either of the plans he had in mind with Rafal punishing him for going near Sophie and Hester not faltering for the guy he got stabbed by(even if the stab was meant for Agatha), we still see he has some maddening skills in being a charming devil and effortlessly so. Let's not forget that he ended up captain of the boys against any better judgement from Tedros. Sure he broke through the magic shield and we see Tedros question it even if he never gets an answer from Aric on it. A completely strange boy showed up on his doorstep and he just- let him in despite the clear threat he possessed simply because he claimed to(and didn't lie) that he was there as well because like everyone else he had something in this 'game' to go after. We see Tedros acting aggressively to Aric when he loses his patience in regards to the whole 'start a war already' situation, being threatened to be kicked out, but THAT was after Aric already become Captain of the boys. Aric must have proved himself in a different way than just breaking the shield. I mean sure he managed to gather up some henchmen between the time he left the Albert House to the moment he got to the schools, and we know that Aric didn't exactly have any friends. He was persuasive enough to get some other aggressive individuals to follow him and potentially even make them obedient to him. We never know what happens to them after book 2 but most likely just like the other princes and boys they are thrown out/leave because they are no longer needed therefore Aric doesn't keep them around.
Where does this play in the whole Aric-Japeth relationship? It does. Sure, Aric is very conscious about what he does and what effect he has on people but he had to learn he could have such an influence on others, and who was his first 'victim'? I believe that to be Japeth. Now I doubt Aric was aware of what he was doing. He was just a boy, no older than six who had been abandoned and turned spiteful against the cold harsh world. We know NOBODY liked Aric. Rhian and Kei surely didn't yet Japeth did. And I think the reason Rhian and Kei didn't like Aric is for the same reason that Japeth did.
Aric's natural charm worked on Japeth as they grew up together and 'explored'. While Japeth's acts of violence until then were to terrify both his twin and mother to the point Evelyn Sader who was very determined to raise Rafal's children(and who she also carried willingly despite being abandoned) turned to leave them in the exact spot where hearts so evil that they would ruin the endless woods if they were to be properly trained in the School for Evil were hidden (another screenshot y'all).
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Aric wasn't sent there by HIS blood nor guardian but rather by a family mortified by exactly this, a heart truly evil. He ended up there as an external factor who heavily influenced Japeth's perspective and views to the ones they were already being taught in the Albert House. That school's purpose is to redeem evil hearts like redeeming sinners in the Hazbin Hotel. However, the Arbes House had a far bigger success than we see happen with the demons from hell(weird parallel I know but you can't tell me it's entirely wrong given that Japan didn't do far more malicious war crimes than the characters we are presented in that indie animation). Anyway, as previously stated I believe that just as Aric's genetics made him charming, persuasive and manipulative, effortlessly with little to no struggle if I may, Japeth's genetics made him psychotic, prone to delusion as well as overly blinded sighted by his goal to account for all the details that may go wrong. These characteristics we seen in both Rafal and Evelyn.
We know that Evelyn was supposed to raise the boys and with the Mistral, sisters to help make them into what they are supposed to be. Japeth knew of his true nature while Rhian didn't and I don't think that it was Evelyn or Rafal to reveal that to him but rather the Mistral sisters AFTER Evelyn effectively abandoned the boys. I say abandoned because it wasn't until Evelyn saw how truly awful Japeth was that she was willing to truly drop this entire grand master plan despite carrying it so far. House Arbed specialises in hiding these evil souls from the schoolmaster himself therefore as far as Rafal was concerned in the context that he didn't exactly send monthly letters to his sisters, his sons were gone. Therefore even if Evelyn was still delusional enough to think he could be near Rafal, he rewarded her for helping bring him back or better said punished her for getting rid of his bloodline. It would make sense for Rafal to have noticed the impossibility of tracking down his sons the moment they stepped into the Arbed House which wouldn't exactly lead him to believe that there could be any magic more powerful than his to shorten his vision, because why would he? He never even considered that the students who loathed him could secretly work to overthrow him, or at least he didn't believe he'd get far so clearly while this is certainly a far stretch with the whole believing Japeth and Rhian are dead, it isn't entirely deniable. It would also make sense that after knowing of Aric, despite forcing the whole 'abandon your child or your career Lesso' he went off the radar when he got to the Arbed House just like it happened to Japeth and Rhian. Aric was evil just enough for Rafal to make him a DEAN on the SPOT despite having 0 experience whatsoever(outside the whole 'captain of boys)' and went as far as to give him the title of LORD.
I got a bit sidetracked but the point is Aric and Japeth were perfectly isolated and unbothered by any external factors in the Arbed House(perhaps the mistral sister keeping an eye on Japeth but not a lot more than that in the case of which Japeth and Rhian BOTH came in contact with the three only AFTER they left the Arbed House once they 'graduated' which could have been around the same time Rafal kicked the bucket, and Japeth was given more information than Rhian because the mistral sisters saw that unlike Japeth, Rhian's evil nature as little as it was ended up being stomped on and only Japeth was left with more authentic evil purity).
Japeth had violent tendencies but not out of any specific hatred or anger, but simply how he truly was we do not know whatsoever that Aric had such tendencies until after he was abandoned which would explain how compared to Evelyn who was mortified Japeth and willingly abandoned him and Rhian(perhaps Rhian too in the fear he could at any time turn like Japeth), Lesso had NO reason whatsoever to feel such genuine deep fear towards his son despite everything he did, despite the magic he inherited from her and the strength/mentality he might have taken from his father like Evelyn did. Lesso was afraid of Aric's father but loved Aric genuinely while Evelyn was supposedly madly in love with Rafal but FEARED Japeth. See the contrast?
Now that we have this cleared out we can finally begin the TRUE Aric-Japeth analysis as a WHOLE.
Japeth was corrupted by Aric. Yes, you heard me, Aric who undeniably is less evil than Japeth, is the one to have corrupted Aric and not the other way around. As I mentioned everyone saw it as troubling that Aric and Japeth interact with each other and given that it was Aric who ended up going to extreme lengths and being kicked out, rightfully so to think of it. Aric and Japeth only had each other as friends. Japeth was wicked by nature and birth, and Aric was wicked by his surroundings. While Japeth was relatively kept tame, that most likely changed the moment Aric came along. Aric who despite not being as horrible could NOT be contained(Just like Lady Lesso outright acted on betraying Rafal in the favour of the balance instead of just Evil).
Aric was also the first one to do an actual proper kill and not just torture or frighten as Japeth did to his brother and mother. Aric was the one to go the extra mile the moment he was pushed while Japeth despite all his wickedness never did such a thing or considered it even UNTIL Aric came into view and did as far as nearly killing Rhian. I mean a stab to the head-? Rhian had a hell of a skull not to die from it. A parallel to the False Rafal/OG Rhian on how HE had no issue with Hook eliminating competition but he wasn't able to do so himself until he was corrupted by external factors and did it himself at the end of the prequels by killing Rafal.
Likewise, Aric had an unconscious influence on Japeth. Aric had this natural attraction to get his way through. He got Tedros to place him as the Captain of the boys when Chaddick failed Tedros. He got Rafal to make him the new Dean/Lord of New Evil. He could have easily persuaded Sophie if Rafal didn't catch him in time and I dare say that even Hester was more than likely stunned enough by Aric's shenanigans for his action to still count as effective in playing with the victim's mind. However, while Aric was in conscious control of all of this, he never realised how he influenced Japeth. He was just growing, exploring who he was as a person and Japeth was the first-hand witness to that. Aric is more in the spotlight. He is in the shadows enough to not be noticed until it's too late but in the light enough for people to know to keep clear of him even when it is unclear the full extent of his power. Japeth is more of a shadow villain. He has no desire to step into the light, no need to put himself on display or hurt people just for the sake of it like Aric does, instead he does so by his simple nature, unconsciously.
And when growing up, a child takes from what they see around them including other children. Aric's naturally charming and suave behaviour put a spotlight on him from Japeth's perspective. One bright enough so that to him everything else becomes irrelevant as long as it's not related to Aric. If Aric didn't die I highly doubt Japeth would have helped Rhian with everything because he wouldn't have a reason to. Rhian wouldn't have what to bribe him with, even if Rhian didn't know he was beating Japeth out with the promise/idea of bringing back a person who most certainly everyone in the Arbed House despised. (Also the fact that Aric tried to kill Rhian and Japeth was dead serious on seeing Rhian choosing his safety over Japeth's happiness as a betrayal when he decided that Aric is to be kicked out. I mean I doubt it was Rhian's entire choice but that is the way Japeth saw it. Rhian chose himself over him so why should Japeth ever do otherwise for Rhian?).
Now that we established who wore the pants in the 'relationship' and as to HOW and WHY this is, let us define the status of it.
Japeth loved Aric. No doubt. I mean, having a magic space where you scribble your initials EVERYWHERE? I believe Japeth IS aware of how B+C scribbled on anything is usually a sign of romance or at least a very deep feeling. We see Rhian saying that Japeth considered Aric more of a brother than him, however, we then see Japeth ask decoy Aric for a kiss as a trap. Japeth was aware of his feelings towards Aric and so was Aric. However, Aric rejected that part of Japeth. In this regard, Japeth took after Evelyn's delusion that someone who didn't love him the way HE wanted it to, could ever, and also took after both Rafal and Evelyn, with Japeth believing that if he were to bring Aric back he could make him love him. (Rafal who thought he could make Sophie genuinely love him outside of desperation. Also, Evelyn who had thought that being of service to Rafal would gain her anything in her favour).
Japeth is the more powerful one in any aspect but mentally, whereas Aric in contrast naturally shines in through with his 'good' genetics. Japeth doesn't even think of stepping over Aric's authority over him, he lacks that rebellious spirit that Aric shines in. Aric dominates because he wants to. Japeth ended up dominating others because that was what was needed to get the one person he ever loved back. Japeth obeys Aric in his wishes, but during the scene where Tedros pretends to be Aric, we see that Japeth, from the demanding and cold snake, turns into a pleading puppy desperate for affection. He was right there and then ready to accept everything decoy Aric said if he didn't, to his credit and cunningness, test to see if this was even HIS Aric that he is so desperate about. Once he saw it wasn't his Aric, Japeth's delusion settled back in.
I highly doubt that the interaction would have gone any differently. Tedros didn't truly know Aric but he knew how he acted enough to realistically impersonate him for somebody who knew Aric on a far deeper level. Although he certainly must have had a flaw if Japeth decided to test out if this was Aric or not(outside of the fact that Aric was dead because we did later see Arthur talk to Tedros in the plane of dreams/magic so it's not wrong to think Japeth might have truly considered that decoy Aric was indeed Aric talking to him from the realm of the dead).
Now we established the relationship from Japeth's point of view + the view of everyone else but what about Aric? Now we know the romantic side of love was one-sided. We do know that Aric would send letters to Japeth, begging to come to him because he felt off without him, but I doubt that this was because of romantic feelings. Japeth states Aric was ashamed of their love, but this could be his perspective and rather Aric was ashamed of Japeth loving him like that or doing something to make him believe he could ever do that because loving someone also means hoping the feeling is mutual(unless you are that one sexuality where apparently to love people but you don't want them to love you back-??? Don't ask, I saw it once and that was enough for me to decide that the expertise of sexuality beyond bodily and mental psychology is no place for me to study). Aric was disgusted that Japeth who knew him best could ever think Aric could have such awful thoughts. Sure Aric hates women and he may have influenced Japeth in that aspect too because it's not like anybody else told him that women are pathetic creatures outside of Aric, which might result in a healthy young growing boy's hormones turning their attention to the same gender.(Reminder that places such as the military or conservative schools with only one of the gender present raises homosexuality because, in the age of teenhood where hormones flare up, they won't stop just because the opposite gender isn't present. Aric had contact with the opposite gender and saw examples of heterosexual couples, for example, the family who took him in, compared to Japeth who didn't exactly see Rafal around Evelyn I doubt that in the Arbed House, their biggest concern was making the boys good Christian boys and rather just oppress the evil as much as possible so that they can pass by as good. I mean Tedros is supposedly good and he deadpan chose the 'a villain will burn the world for you' route for Agatha so-).
I believe Aric missed Japeth because Japeth completed Aric. These two were the yin-yang of evil. The spiteful, fiery, rebellious part, and the calmer, colder, tamer part. Evil nonetheless but still, there is a very clear contrast between why these two are evil. It's a spectrum at this point.
Aric missed Japeth because Japeth was secure, Japeth was Aric's safe space. Japeth was the only other soul in this world Aric could share his dark thoughts and desires with, without being judged. Humans are still social animals even if some prefer solidarity, even our beloved introverts feel the need for a pet or some sort of emotional connection. Aric needed that connection. His status of power made it to be out of reach from others. His power build on terror and fear. He wouldn't trust those who loath him most to share his most intimate thoughts with.
Aric effectively isolated himself with his title, just as Rafal had. Aric needed someone wicked enough to understand him yet loyal enough to not choose their selfish reasons over his. Rafal had Sophie for that, however, he underestimated Sophie's external factors, the need for validation from a familiar person(Agatha/Tedros). For Aric though, this would have worked perfectly for Japeth. Japeth had no external factors to care for, not Rhian, not Evelyn, or anybody else. Japeth and Aric were only with each other. No other boys or girls between them. No other friendships or relationships. The only one who could have those was Aric and he effectively couldn't have them. Aric and Japeth wouldn't have been as deadly of a duo as people think. Yes if we take them from a standpoint of view in power and personality sure, but that's where they come and neutralise each other. While I believe that Aric most certainly expressed his feelings of wanting to kill Lady Lesso without hesitation and wanting to hurt Rhian for getting into his friendship with Japeth, he had no other specific targets. Sure Aric killed a dog, terrified a whole family and had an attempt on their lives, but you don't expect a rescue animal, abused, abandoned or traumatised to trust anyone right away. That unfortunate family wasn't the one Aric needed to cool down and recover from the essential meltdown he had for being abandoned and struggling severely in a highly dangerous forest with not just animals to worry about but magical/fantastic creatures who were ten times more deadly and could appear there as well. The Albert House was Aric's anchoring point back to reality and sanity but he had no one to coordinate his evil thoughts constructively like Lady Lesso does with her students because the Albert House works to OPPRESS these tendencies and that didn't sit with Aric's rebellious behaviour. If Aric wouldn't influence Japeth I believe his evilness could have been oppressed to an acceptable extent. Instead, we got the mastermind and his loyal henchmen. While Aric most certainly viewed Japeth as an equal and a person he desired to be around because he could feel human and natural around with, he didn't need him the way Japeth did because Aric experienced genuine unconditional love before Japeth, making him able to depict certain patterns and behaviours unconsciously.
Were Aric and Japeth friends? Yes. If these two weren't bothered would have half of the series happened? No. Were Aric and Japeth lovers? Not really. Did Aric love Japeth? Sure. Did Aric love Japeth? No. Did Japeth love Aric? Yes. Did Japeth love Aric? Yes. Did Aric see Japeth the way Japeth saw him? Not. Did Aric see him as an equal and or counterpart? Yes.
These two were most certainly each other's safe space, however, they viewed one another entirely differently.
Take this as you will.
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sere-rine · 2 years ago
~The Greatest Never Of All Time (Part 1)~
SGE <Movie Edition> fanfiction. Lady Lesso x Fem reader.
A/N: Hi! I’m back again (I guess). And we have a lot of fanfics to make so hello Tumblr world AGAIN!
Warnings: Angst
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“Rumors are true Y/n!” Said by Anemone who’s speaking and following me non-stop for the so called ‘news’ she have. I’m honestly getting irritated by this.
I halt my tracks then faced her with my most fake smile I could ever conjure. “Oh! Anemone, My sweet Ever friend... could you just... SHUT UP!” I yelled at her face and by that I successfully shut her up. I turn around and continue to go wherever I’m going. When I hear her steps following me again, I faced her again and point my index finger at her with an obvious angry expression and a deathly glare. She put her hands up then stop.
Tsk, so called rumor, and so what if they have broken up already? I don’t care. I am a Never. And Nevers don’t get their happy endings, nor their love. Lesso and Dovey, Dovey and Lesso, always them. 
Lesso is my friend, tho she never want to admit it. We have been friends the first time she got here. I helped her with Rafal and also helped her became a Dean. I became the greatest Never of all time, Rafal could’ve chosen me but he knows and I know that however bad and evil I become, there is still love left in me. A love that I give only for Leonora. I stopped following my nemesis and stayed here on this school because Lesso chose to stay here. Like I said it’s hard for her to admit that I am her friend, that’s why it’s a surprise to me when she informed me about her love to the Dean of Good.
Have I not given everything to her? Is my love not enough for her? Well now look at who’s broken hearted? And how dare that Dean of Good break my Lesso’s heart. Days came by after her confession, I avoided her like a plague but I gave in. Who am I to stop her from loving the person she loves? Besides I never confessed to her my love so avoiding her would be unfair for her. Months into their secret, forbidden relationship, I became their wall and rug who hides them, find an excuse for their rendezvous and clean up the messes they made when they would almost be caught. I don’t care about the princess but I did it for Lesso’s good. All of it for her. And now they have broken up, I don’t what will happen. 
I arrived at my room and open it. I would expect Lesso to be inside, ready to complain, or cry for her now ex but all I can see is an empty room. I breathe in the cool air from the opened window of the balcony and heaved a sigh. I removed my glasses and black blazer then snap my finger to make a coffee. Once I feel contented, I move to the balcony and gaze at the beautiful horizon our world can offer. Our side of the castle is darker and more gloomy than the Evers, but I would never trade the view. This view just match my mood and I feel better because of it. It’s a constant reminder that I am a Never who will never get to have anything good for I am destined to kill someone and succeed. A destiny that I left behind for A woman who will never be mine.
Halfway through my coffee a dove flew by fastly into my view and a few more seconds it came back again. It is now infront of me so I extend my hands and index finger for it to land if it wants to. It did and I brought it’s head to my forehead and can’t help but smile once we made a contact. Few more seconds it fly out of my hands and inside my room and it transform to a certain dean.
“What the F-”
“Oh please, watch your language dark princess.” I bring my cup into my mouth to drink the coffee that I had made. 
“What- how did you know? Why are you here Clarissa?” I said after I closed the big ass windows of my balcony to try and hide her from any potential beings who might see her visit a Never.
“How... I read the restricted area of the library and why... Is because I wanna ask if you know where Lesso is?” My jaw dropped at her first statement but my expression suddenly changes when the second question came out of her mouth. My eyes rolled at her and passed by at her to change my clothes.
“I don’t know where she is, and don’t you dare ask me that question when you are the reason why she’s missing right now.” I said with bitterness. She just look at me with eyebrows up in the air.
“What now Prof Dovey? You broke our promise. You know I like- love her and yet you have the audacity to appear in my sight after you broke her heart? How dare you? The feeling of... I could’ve done so much more, I could’ve love her better, and yet she was just broken by some Head of Good. I’m so infuriated that I could kill you right now Clarissa so choose your next words wisely.” My eyes are red due to tears that are ready to fall and my voice are low but laced with venom and hatred over the princess in front of me.
She just sits on my bed without any fear on her face. “You could kill me, that’s true. The greatest Never of all Time. I know why Rafal chose Lesso a long time ago. He wanted to beat you, so he chose someone else. You could have killed Princess Uma and succeed but you chose to stay here. I bet you haven’t read one of The Narrator’s on-going story haven’t you?” She asks me with a knowing tone.
“Of course not, you crazy Ever. It was in the tower of the Headmaster. How did you even get there?” I’m astonished right now over this Fairy’s actions and revelations.
“It said there the reason. Other powerful being people may not be able to read your mind but the Narrator always know. Leonora stayed because she knew your capabilities and she knew that if you both did what you both are destined to do, then she might not be able to see you again.”
A moment of silence has passed between us and I was stunned. There’s no way Leonora was thinking of me, there is no way she could exchange Rafal’s wishes for me. 
“I’m afraid that’s not possible Clarissa. Rafal is her first love and she would do anything for him.” 
“I think you should really talk to her. Such a great, amazing, and incredible Never and yet you are dumb when it comes to love.” I look at her, she is already on my door looking at me with a smile but shaking her head.
“I don’t think I appreciate that compliment.” She just giggle and looked over my shoulder then nod. My brows cocked over her actions but I suddenly felt chill when I heard a voice.
“I got it from here Clarissa.” The only voice that can weaken my knees and sent chills over my entire body. The door closed and I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist.
“He was never my love, nor Dovey. Only you occupied my heart darling.” She whispered over ear and red covered my entire face.
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BLEEHHHH, Did I just end it on a cliffhanger? UH YAH DOOOOYYY! Hahahaha have fun everyone!
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