#what if senna gets a personality trait that i don’t like
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𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞 , cl16 — chapter five
pairing. charles leclerc x senna!oc part. 5/? warnings. basically just pure angst 🫠 yeah it’s gonna be like that for a while 😭 swearing, arthur is such an icon in this icl word count. 5.7k
SAUDADE. in which childhood rivals turned best friends realise they were always meant to be something more
05. everything changes (nothing changes)
author’s note. so i’ve had this chapter written for about 2 months. no i don’t have an excuse as to why i haven’t posted it yet 🫠 but i figured i’m going through a bit of a dry spell in my writing at the moment so i may as well post it 😭 hope you guys enjoy, and as always, please leave a comment or reblog if you did !! <3
read it on wattpad!
previous: chapter four next ➜ chapter six
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport 8 February 2021
NOA DOESN’T SEE Charles for another two weeks. She doesn’t hear from him either, not including his brief message confirming her flight’s arrival time. He’s giving her space, just as promised, and she finds herself grateful for that. The time in between their meeting at the café and the looming date of her temporary move to Monaco is for setting the record straight. When Noa breaks the news to her parents, they immediately assume the best of the situation – they’ve patched things up, got over themselves and finally rekindled their friendship. She flushes bright red when she has to cut off her mother’s delighted cheers, and her heart aches to see the grin on her face fall. We’re not friends, she tells them firmly, despite the pain it causes her. Noa is doing this for her career, not for some distant, nostalgic memory of the boy she’d once thought the world of. No. It’s her turn to be selfish for once.
Flávia is understandably upset. Just as Pascale considers Noa to be like her daughter, she has always viewed Charles as a second son. Even though she tries to deny it on several occasions over the weeks before Noa’s flight to Monaco, she isn’t stupid. The first few months after she and Charles stopped speaking to each other, Flávia had been fairly vocal about what she thought of the whole situation. She understood the hurt that they were both feeling, but as far as she was concerned, they still needed each other. Her greatest fear was that they would both continue to grow into the cut-throat world of racing without the person they trusted most at their side. As someone who experienced how difficult life could be at the pinnacle of motorsports, even as only a family member of one of the racers, Flávia worries for them. She had Gabriel to lean on after Ayrton’s death – her best friend and the love of her life. Noa and Charles, as long as they’re apart, don’t have that.
Speaking of her father, he seems to understand her reasoning a little more. Gabriel Borges is ambitious if nothing else. He fought tooth and nail to win his championships and solidify his place in the Formula 1 hall of fame. It’s a trait he’s passed on to his daughter. Sponsorships like this are important now, with racing becoming more and more lucrative with each passing season. In order to succeed, a driver needs the backing of some of the most influential brands in the world. For a rookie, it simply doesn’t get bigger than Chanel. Both Noa and Gabriel know that this is an opportunity she can’t pass up, no matter how difficult it may be for her with Charles there. They need to make it work.
He may not necessarily agree with her ‘keep him at arm’s length’ approach, but if that’s what she thinks is going to work for her, then Gabriel will support her through it.
With Luiz and Eloísa settling into their apartment in Italy, it’s only her parents who wave her goodbye at the airport. Noa has never been a fan of flying. The seats are too cramped and the people too noisy – she can never find a position comfortable enough to fall asleep. Sometimes it can be peaceful simply watching the world pass by beneath her from the window, but eventually, miles upon miles of ocean gets a little boring. So Noa spends the first thirteen hours of her flight wide awake, silently begging the couple in front of her to do something about their screaming baby. Stopping off at Heathrow for the change over feels like a slice of heaven. Just to be able to get up and stretch her legs for a little while is pure bliss. But within an hour she’s back on a different plane, looking down over the English Channel, over Normandy and eventually, the south of France. The nerves begin to set in then. There’s no going back once this plane lands – she’ll be stuck in Monaco with the person she most wants to avoid in the world for the next three weeks. Granted, she’ll have her second family there with her too, but Noa doubts she’ll be able to shake the awkward feeling even when they’re around.
Jetlag’s a bitch, is all she can think when she steps off the plane and into the harsh winter sunlight. It makes her skull ache, beating down on her, yet offering little to no warmth – typical Europe. If only it was summer here like back home. She’s grown accustomed to heat in the high twenties and sleeping with all the windows open. Checking the weather app on her phone, she sees that right now the temperature is barely breaking ten degrees. Lovely. On top of that, Noa hasn’t slept for practically an entire day. She can already imagine the headlines if she gets photographed – Gabriel Borges’ daughter spotted wandering airport sleep-deprived and wearing no makeup! The press would have a field day with that one.
She just about manages to haul her suitcase through security before collapsing on one of the lobby benches. It’s her own fault for overpacking, really. She’s never been one to prioritise well when it comes to clothes. Noa pulls her phone out of her pocket, quickly refreshing it to see if Charles has messaged her yet – sure enough, sent seven minutes ago: I’m outside. Do you want me to come in and help with your bags? Despite the contempt she still feels towards him, Noa could have cried with pure joy. She sends back a brief yes before struggling up off the bench, all but dragging her luggage through the lobby now. She can only hope he gets here quickly, because her arms are surely about to come out of their sockets if she has to carry these any further.
When his figure appears in the distance, the nerves return. He’s dressed like he doesn’t want to be spotted, in a grey hoodie and shorts, large enough that he can practically hide the entirety of his face in the collar. No one seems to notice him. For the moment anyway. When Charles eventually spots her, he seems to hesitate for a moment – like she’d seen him do at the café, arms hanging uselessly by his side as if he wants to outstretch them towards her, but remembers at the last minute that he can’t do that anymore. Noa’s eyes are glued to the ground as she walks towards him. They meet in the middle. He murmurs a brief hello, and when she doesn’t reply, takes her bags without another word.
They walk out to his car in silence. It’s a black Mercedes G63 – inconspicuous by his standards, and perhaps those of the travellers milling around them (many of them are en route to Monaco, after all). It has black tinted windows, she notices. Charles tells her to climb into the passenger seat while he loads her bags into the back. She hasn’t the energy left to complain. It takes everything in her not to fall asleep as soon as she’s sat down, eyes drooping in the dimmed light, a hazy warmth taking over her body. She jumps slightly as Charles opens the door and slides into the driver’s seat. He starts the engine. Before Noa can really process what’s going on around her, they’ve already left the airport.
"How was your flight?" Charles asks after a few minutes, soft spoken and hesitant. An absentminded hum is what greets him.
"It was alright." she murmurs back, fighting off the sudden urge to yawn. There's an edge of discontentedness in her voice, an air of frustration and annoyance about her. Noa has always hated flying, he thinks. Even as children all those years ago, she'd kick up the biggest fuss possible before so much as stepping foot on a plane. His mother always joked about it being because she can't sit still for more than a few hours, which, he supposes, had a fair amount of truth. Charles knows it's because the whole thing made her anxious. He's held her hand at takeoff enough times to have realised it, even if she never spoke the words to him out loud. The memory almost makes him smile. Then he remembers where he is, and his jaw clenches shut.
“Just to let you know, Maman, Arthur and Lorenzo will all be home when we arrive.” Charles is, once again, the one to speak up when they lapse into silence, “They’ve planned a, uh, sort of welcome home – welcome back meal.” He relays, glancing at Noa anxiously out of the corner of his eye. She’s slumped in her seat. The only sign she’s even listening to him is the tiny hum she lets out. “I can tell them you’re too tired to do it today, though, if you’d like. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind pushing it back to tomorrow –“
“No, it’s fine.” Noa cuts across him quickly. “That’s really sweet of them.”
Charles nods. He thinks back to that morning; helping Lorenzo pin up the ‘welcome home’ banner above the archway leading from the kitchen to the living room; watching with a wistful smile as his mother set out a tray of paçoca, the little cylinders of peanut butter Noa used to love when they were younger, on the kitchen table. Where she managed to get hold of them Charles doesn’t know, considering they’re a sweet pretty much exclusive to Brazil. He tries not to think about how Noa will react to it all. The thought digs up old memories he'd rather stayed buried, for the sake of his heart.
“If you want you can get some sleep now. I know you’re probably jetlagged.” He speaks up again after a beat of silence, quieter this time, “I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
Noa doesn’t reply for a moment. She’s still turned away from him ever so slightly, but as he glances to the side, he can see her expression reflected in the window. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth, biting down hard from the looks of it. He doesn’t know if it’s his imagination, but her eyes appear glossy, brimming with unshed tears. There’s an ache in his heart that he’s not sure how to properly describe. Cathartic might be the only word close enough. It hurts, but at the same time, it’s almost freeing.
“If that’s ok with you.” She finally speaks, after what feels like an age. Her head turns to the side until she’s looking at him. Charles keeps his gaze on the road, but he can see her in his periphery.
“Of course.” He mumbles, a little hoarse. His heart is screaming at his head to turn, to smile at her, to show a little of the warmth they used to share for each other, in the wildest, most fanciful hope she may be reminded of it and find it in herself to forgive him there and then. In the end, he doesn’t turn. Instead, he hears the faint rustling of fabric on skin as Noa curls up a little to the side, leaning her head against the window. It falls silent again. Now Charles is the one with glossed over eyes, battling himself.
“Thank you.” Her voice, melodic as ever, cuts through the quiet. This time he does turn – but she’s not looking at him, already half asleep, eyes closed and fluttering ever so slightly underneath their lids. He watches her until he runs the risk of coming off the road. Charles knows she’s already asleep before he has the chance to say anything in reply.
Noa tends to have very vivid dreams. She remembers many a time closing her eyes and being greeted with an explosion of colour, scarlet race cars screaming down asphalt tracks, her flag: emerald, gold, deep blue, waving her across the finish line. A glinting trophy is thrust into her hands, and she lifts it high into the air, watching the crowd raise up their arms with her – a sea of red and yellow. But today, Noa closes her eyes and sees nothing but darkness. Charles is nudging her gently awake, it seems, less than a split second after falling into her slumber. Bleary-eyed, she sits up. The Leclerc house, her second home, sits gleaming in the frosty winter sunlight like a beacon. A thrill of excitement grips her heart. It’s been so long since she’s seen Pascale and Lorenzo – far, far too long. Her head turns, a half-smile on her face, to find Charles watching her. It falls. The sky seems to darken.
“You ready to go?” he asks. Noa nods solemnly, waiting for him to open the car door and climb out before sucking in a deep, shuddering breath. When she too steps out onto the pavement, her expression is steeled.
Charles is holding her bags in either of his hands. He gives her a look that, after years of knowing each other, she can interpret in an instant – Don’t even try it, I’m taking them in for you. She feels a small surge of gratefulness, but every positive emotion seems to be drowned out by her crushing nerves right now. Noa’s not exactly sure why she feels so nervous. These people are her second family, after all. Maybe it’s the nagging fear in the back of her mind that too much has changed; that things will never go back to the happy, perfect way they used to be.
The doorbell ringing brings her back the present. They’re stood on the front porch now, shoulder to shoulder, tense and stiff. Noa pulls at a loose thread on her joggers, focussing with absolute resolve on the door in front of her – paint peeling away ever so slightly at the edge. She knows if she brushed her fingers over it, they would come away dusted with white paint flakes. A second, maybe two passes. The door swings open.
All her nerves simply melt away as soon as she sees Pascale; arms already held out wide and motherly, eyes glistening with soon-to-be-shed tears, and the most genuine smile Noa has ever seen anyone wear. She looks only slightly older than she remembers. A few more wrinkles perhaps, a couple more grey hairs, but in essence, exactly the same. Constant. At least this much hasn’t changed.
“Ma fille!” My girl. Pascale gasps loudly. She’s rushing forwards, pulling Noa inside and engulfing her in a hug before she even knows what is happening – but the familiarity of it is so easy to melt into. The young woman rests her forehead briefly against her shoulder, suddenly unable to stop smiling, when before she’d been wondering how she would manage to fake one. Of course, she’s known all along how much she’s missed Pascale. The woman has been like a second mother to her for practically a decade. But being here now makes her realise the full force of the emotion. It feels like returning home after a long vacation, when all you want to do is sleep in the comfort of your own bed and relish in the sensation of being utterly safe. That’s how Pascale feels to Noa. Safe.
“Oh, look at you!” she gasps again, pulling away to place her hands on either of Noa’s cheeks. “You’ve grown so beautiful!”
In the two years it’s been since she last saw the Leclercs, Noa has blossomed. From a scrawny eighteen-year-old with skinny elbows and seemingly untameable curls, she’s truly grown into herself. Thanks to training, she’s attained the ‘athlete’s build’ she always craved as a teenager. Days spent soaking up the Brazilian sun on Ipanema beach have bronzed her skin, giving it an almost golden hue. Perhaps it’s the salt air, but even Noa’s unruly curls seem to have matured – instead of going frizzy in the heat and falling messily over her eyes, they now frame her tanned face perfectly. Honeyed streaks of blonde run all the way through to the ends. She looks different, she knows that. But it never hits her until she meets people again who have been absent from her life for years.
“Thank you.” Noa can’t help but giggle. Pascale merely holds her tighter, seemingly inspecting every inch of her face for anything else that may have changed. She can see the surprise and the elation in her eyes – but there’s sadness too, an odd mixture, as if she’s battling with regret. Noa supposes it’s to be expected. They went from seeing each other at least every month to all but no contact for two years. Pascale is as affected by it as she is.
As soon as Noa is released from her grip, she turns to face the other Leclerc brothers, who have been watching the whole time with fond smiles and wide eyes. She goes to Lorenzo first, since Arthur has already seen her fairly recently. The eldest of the brothers opens him arms to her gladly, and she steps straight into them. Lorenzo has always been like her protector. As the boys got older and, as boys tended to do, teased her or played too rough (case in point Arthur almost drowning her at the beach one time), he was always the one to give her a hug and scold them afterwards. With only little brothers (Charles didn’t count, as her best friend), Lorenzo was to her the older brother she never had but always found herself wishing for.
“Woah, how much have you grown? A foot?” he says, pulling away only slightly so her arms are still clasped around his back, and his come to rest on her shoulders. Noa giggles softly. It was a long standing joke that, even at eighteen, she barely rose to the height of Charles or Lorenzo’s shoulder. Miraculously, her long-awaited growth spurt arrived once most girls her age stopped growing entirely. Now she stands at a fairly respectable five foot six – though still short enough for Lorenzo to use her head as an arm rest, he quickly realises. Noa waves him away with a playful glare.
“Did he talk to you in the car? Or was it deathly silent?” he asks, not even needed to use Charles’ name for her to know exactly who he is talking about. His eyebrows raise as if he’s joking, but Noa can sense the hard edge of frustration in his voice. She smiles at him sheepishly.
“I wouldn’t know. I fell asleep.”
Lorenzo snorts. That’s all they say on the matter, because Arthur is soon weaselling his way in between them to give her a welcome hug. Apparently, a minute is far too long for his brother to spend with her whilst he’s stuck waiting on the sidelines.
Charles’ feet padding on the carpeted staircase draw Noa’s eyes unwillingly to him. She hadn’t even noticed him exit the room, too caught up in reunions and holding back tears to pay much attention to her surroundings. He’s taken her bags up to her room, he tells her. She merely nods in reply. The tension doesn’t remain for long – Pascale doesn’t let it. Soon enough, everyone is gathering in the kitchen, all proud, knowing smiles from the Leclercs and gasps from Noa as she catches sight of the ‘welcome home’ banner strung up across the archway. She’d known, of course, that they were planning something, thanks to Charles’ warning, but she didn’t expect something like this. They’ve brought another long, wooden table from God knows where into the room, placing it end to end with the main kitchen table to make more room for the spread set out across it. A white floral tablecloth covers the wood, and on top of it, tiered stands of seemingly all the food she could ever eat – fresh strawberries, watermelon, French cheese (which Noa had been introduced to by the Leclercs, and was shocked to find she actually loved), pineapple, even some chocolate and cupcakes (something she’ll later say is just a one off to her nutritionist), and finally, in the very centre, a bowl full of paçoca, her favourite childhood sweet. She remembers Charles calling her strange for essentially eating peanut butter on its own – but even today, it really is her one weakness.
“Oh, meu Deus.” Oh my God. She whispers. Her hand flies up to cover her mouth, holding back the half-sob she can feel bubbling up in her throat. “This – this is too much. You really didn’t have to –“
“Noa.” It’s Arthur that cuts her off, rolling his eyes fondly, “Just let us do something nice for you. Call it a late birthday gift.” He adds with a smirk. Noa scoffs. A part of her had thought maybe they wouldn’t remember her birthday – of course, she was wrong about that.
“This is amazing.” She speaks up softly after a moment, “Thank you so much.” Her throat closes around the words ever-so-slightly, vision blurring, heart aching in the best way possible. Pascale moves forward to pull her body into hers, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.
“We missed you so much, petit ange.” She murmurs, “We’re just glad to have you back with us.”
I’m glad too, Noa thinks. She’s not naïve enough to believe it will all be smooth sailing from here; not as long as the pair of sad green eyes burning into her back remain. But this, she believes fully, this she can deal with. Reuniting with her second family has been a long time coming.
They eat like it’s the old times, bar Noa and Charles’ playful bickering (fallen flat, almost dead now). Pascale insists on piling her plate as high as possible, mumbling something about athlete’s diets being too sparse (or at least, that’s what she could make out with her questionable French vocabulary). Arthur doesn’t spare a thought before diving straight into the cupcake and chocolate stand, ignoring his mother’s protests about him letting their ‘guest’ choose first. Lorenzo opts for the fresh fruit more than the confectionary. Charles tries to resist the pull of sugar, better than Arthur admittedly, but his attempts are short lived. By any right, that amount of food should never disappear as quickly as it does – but before they know it, every last morsel is gone. Noa sits back in her seat, deep in conversation with Pascale about latest goings on in her family life, finding her eyes growing heavier with each passing second. Everything around her feels pleasantly hazy; comfortable. It’s the same way she feels sat at home with her parents and her brother after a good meal, lounged on the living room sofas watching cheesy Brazilian telenovelas. Like she’s safe to just be herself.
Pascale tells Lorenzo, Charles and Arthur to collect all the dirty plates and begin the washing up. They know that refusing isn’t an option, so it isn’t long before she and Noa are alone. It must be mid-afternoon by now, the Brazilian woman thinks, but her limbs are as heavy as if she’s stayed up all night and well into the morning – which, she supposes, technically she has. Pascale is observant enough to have already noticed, luckily for her. They’ve spent all of five minutes talking in the living room when she tells her to go up to her room and sleep off the jet lag.
“Oh, but –“ Noa is quick to interject, “I haven’t even asked how things are going for you yet.” She says guiltily. Pascale has been so fixated on catching up with every single moment of the last two years she has missed, that there hasn’t even been time to cover anything else. Noa is acutely aware that the last time they saw each other, it had only been a year since Hervé passed away. She knows as well as anybody that sometimes the people that look the most put-together are the ones who are struggling the most. She just wants to make certain that Pascale is doing ok – truly ok.
“I’ll still be here tomorrow.” The woman reassures her with a gentle chuckle. Noa’s concerned expression falls into a tired, but content smile. That’s the beauty of it – right now, they really do have all the time in the world to catch up. Until of course the new season begins. But three weeks before her soon-to-be packed schedule feels like a lifetime.
Noa retreats slowly upstairs, not so much as sparing a glance towards her unpacked bags, or even attempting to change out of her airport clothes before she collapses onto the bed, and almost immediately falls straight to sleep. The ease with which she already seems to have slipped back into life in the Leclerc house (which almost feels like home) is unexpected, but by no means unwelcome. She just hopes she’ll be able to carry that feeling of safety with her into the coming weeks, when undoubtedly, some difficult conversations will need to be had.
By the time the Leclerc brothers have finished the washing up – a difficult task, what with Charles and Arthur squabbling over who gets to dry the plates and who has to do the unpleasant job of actually washing them, whilst Lorenzo, serene as ever, allocates himself the task of sorting the various items of crockery away – Pascale is sat alone in the living room. She looks calm, quietly assured, but at the same time, they can sense a level of disappointment that wasn’t there before. Charles fears, before his mother’s gaze even turns in his direction, that that disappointment is meant for him.
“Où est allée Noa?” Where did Noa go? Lorenzo asks, taking the seat next to Pascale and looping his arm fondly around her shoulders. Arthur, not so delicately, throws himself face down on the long sofa facing the television, leaving Charles to occupy the lone arm chair on the other side of the room. It’s ironic, that he’s separated from his family that way, when he’s been feeling separated emotionally for far longer.
“A l'étage. Pour dormir.” Upstairs. To sleep. Pascale answers, soft-spoken as ever. Lorenzo nods, as Arthur flips his body around on the sofa so he’s no longer lying face down, but rather looking up towards the ceiling.
“Ah. Le décalage horaire?” Ah. Jet lag?
Charles stays quiet. He knows full well his family are waiting for him to say something – maybe they’re not sure what, but then again, he isn’t either. Noa hasn’t spoken a single word to him. All of her attention has been directed towards his mum and her questions, or to his brothers and their playful teasing about how much she’s grown. That still doesn’t take away from the fact that he knows she’s doing it on purpose. Most of him doesn’t blame her, but there’s a small part in the back of his mind that feels almost…betrayed. It takes two to end a friendship, after all. Noa didn’t exactly attempt to salvage the wreck they’d made.
“Well I think that went pretty well.” Arthur speaks up first in French, staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed over his stomach. Charles looks over, trying to catch his eye. He must sense it, but his gaze remains turned away. Another beat of silence passes.
“She’s quieter.” Lorenzo says thoughtfully. He’s right too. It’s not just in the way that she doesn’t talk half as much as she used to, it’s something in her demeanour as well. There used to be a spark in Noa’s eye that Charles would look towards whenever he needed cheering up. Now when he searches for it, there’s layers upon layers shrouding the once happy memory. Like he’s peering through thick fog, trying to make out a landscape he’s long since forgotten.
“Je ne suis pas surpris.” I’m not surprised. Arthur muses. All eyes turn to him, Lorenzo frowning, Pascale already prepared to question what exactly he means by that. Charles thinks he knows. “Oh, come on. It’s obvious isn’t it?” the youngest of the Leclercs scoffs, sitting up from his relaxed position on the sofa. His eyes are dark, frustrated, perhaps even angry. “First he takes her chance at being offered a Formula 1 seat – with Ferrari, her dream team.” Arthur begins, jabbing a harsh finger in Charles’ direction. He winces, “Then her mother almost dies, and she has to give up her career just to be with her. She’s a Senna Borges. Racing is in her blood. And we all know how hard she worked, just to fall short at the final hurdle – not even through her own fault.” He takes a pause to breathe, eyes now blazing. Charles, Lorenzo and Pascale sit watching in some kind of fascinated horror. It’s rare to see Arthur so worked up. He’s always been the kind of person that can make light of any situation, no matter how grim. But there’s something about Noa and the cruel hand she’s been dealt in life lately that makes his blood boil.
“Now she’s finally made it to Formula 1, where she deserves to be, but she’s also stuck with the person who ruined that dream for her the first time around.” He goes on, turning now to Charles, “Look, I don’t care about what happened between you two. There’s nothing you can do to change it now. But Noa is like a sister to me, and as long as you both refuse to talk to each other, we’re never going to feel like a family to her again. Like we used to.” Arthur speaks, almost alarmingly softly, his jaw clenched hard, “For once just stop being so selfish and look at this from someone else’s perspective. Preferably hers. You know you owe it to her after –“
“Arthur!” Pascale’s voice cuts through the tense atmosphere like a knife, silencing her youngest son immediately, “Do not call your brother selfish. You don’t understand the full story – none of us do.”
That seems to bring him back to his senses. Everything falls silent, but also on the brink of chaos, teetering on a knife edge. Nobody except Lorenzo notices the faint tremor in Pascale’s hand, which he tries to quell by rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. Charles is sat, rigid back, white knuckles, in the arm chair, glaring at Arthur from across the room. Meanwhile the aforementioned blinks as if he’s just awakened from a trance.
"Je suis désolé." I’m sorry. He murmurs, “I don’t know what –“
“Maman’s right.” Charles cuts him off tersely, “You don’t know the full story. You don’t know the things I said to her that night, or the things she said to me…” he trails off, breathing shakily even at the memory of it, “But you’re also right. I took the opportunity of a lifetime from her. She has every right to be angry at me, every right to hate me. That’s why I’m trying to make this right – and believe me, Arthur, I am trying. It’s just…it’s hard.” Charles’ gaze drops to the ground, almost shamefully, “So much has changed.”
Guilt is the most overwhelming part of this whole mess. Even though much of the misfortune that Noa has endured in the past two years has been entirely unrelated to him, he still can’t help but feel partly responsible. Perhaps it was his actions, something at the time he considered to be a mercy, that began the snowball effect. Perhaps if he’d never accepted Ferrari’s call, even though he so desperately wanted it, everything would be as perfect as he remembers. There’s so much uncertainty it’s impossible to predict. But Charles knows, at least from his side of the story, ever since the moment Noa walked out of his life, it’s gradually been growing duller and duller and duller. In a sick sort of way, he half hopes it has been the same for her.
“You do know she could never hate you, right?” Arthur speaks up softly. Charles’ gaze lifts from the ground, eyebrows furrowing inquisitively, “Mon dieu you’re both so stubborn.” He laughs humourlessly, shaking his head, “Noa may act like she can’t even look at you right now, but I know her just as well as you do. Maybe even better now, if you can’t see it.” He arches an eyebrow, “She’s hurting, Charles. You know what she does when she’s hurting? She pushes the people she cares about the most away.”
Winter break, 2014, Charles thinks. Of course. How could he forget?
“I’m just saying,” Arthur goes on, “If you mess this up any more than you already have, then she will end up hating you. But I can see it. Right now, she doesn’t. Not even close.”
Later, Pascale says something to him of the same effect. Hurt can fester. There are only two ways that things can go from here, with them both being kept so close to each other for the first time in so long. Either it brings them closer together – they work through their differences, overcome the mountains that stand in their way, and emerge on the other side even stronger because of it. Or, they’ll push each other away.
“I know what I would do if I were you.” Pascale tells him solemnly, “But you two need to figure this out on your own.”
It’s easy to say that, Charles thinks, when you haven’t made the mistakes they’ve both made. It’s so easy to imagine himself explaining how he thought he’d be protecting her by not telling her Ferrari had approached him. In his mind, she’ll listen and understand, and everything will go back to the way it used to be. But every time he runs the words he might say to her through his mind, he draws a blank. What mere words can salvage the ruins of a near decade-long friendship? What words can do justice the longing he feels to have her back in his life, not just as a distant memory, a relative stranger, but as his best friend. And even if he could find the words, there’s no guarantee Noa will even listen to them. Despite everything, she seems set on keeping her distance. Maybe Charles doesn’t blame her. Or maybe he wishes she’d fight a little harder.
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is anyone else scared of getting more content for their f/os
because if riot does something w/ lucian & senna thst i don’t like, i might actually lose it
#lotus rambles#a lot of people talk about how senna is cold#or how their relationship is one-sided#which i do not believe is true#they just aren’t young lovers like rakan & xayah#plus they’re traumatized#but like#i’m still scared#what if senna gets a personality trait that i don’t like#or they are cold with each other#or what if lucian is just really sad still#i might not be able to take it#if i’m being honest#very lowkey vent ig
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Part 6
There was a terrible disorientation, darkness, pressure, and then he was lying facedown on something soft. He flinched as a familiar weight thunked against the back of his thighs; his shield. His sword was still in hand; he was gripping it tightly, out of pure instinct.
Somewhere above him was movement, and the sound of a sword being half drawn, and then a gasp. He recognized the distinctive traits of all three; and decided to simply lie there a bit yet. He had a raging headache suddenly, and there was no danger he could think of that could possibly get through his wife to harm him.
“Foicatch!?” She sounded shocked. There was a soft thump as Ice hit the soft rugs beneath them, and then hands on him, on the back of his shoulders and on his cheek. “Beloved?”
“Fuck.” He said into the carpets. With some effort, he pulled himself up to his knees and took a look around, instinctively taking in his surroundings and the lay of the land.
A tent of some sort, on a wooden platform. A wagon, most likely, judging from the slight give and sway. A large camp, from the noises outside. The tent was rich; gold and jewels glittered in lamplight, and the pallet he was on was of rich, soft carpets and furs. He did not recognize any of it, but was again not surprised. Gods played games with his wife’s life, and wherever she was he knew in his bones that she’d soon rise to the top.
Quite suddenly, arms were around his neck, and Systlin was clinging to him in a bone-creaking embrace. He started, surprised; she was normally a reserved woman, but now she was acting as if she’d not seen him in weeks.
“Sys.” He said weakly. “Sys. Darling. What…”
“Is Senna all right?” She pulled back and stared at him, her eyes bright, desperate. “Is she all right?”
“Of course she is. You saw her half an hour ago.” Foicatch rubbed at his aching temples. “What the fuck was that?”
Her whole body seemed to relax, almost slumping with abject relief, and she pulled back a little, but left one hand on his knee. “For me,” she said. “It’s been three months.”
He blinked a couple of times. “What.”
“Three months.”
“The Lady.” When he’d been a boy, he’d never dreamed that he’d ever hear someone make such a matter of fact sort of statement about the Lady, Mother of All. Let alone that he would be married to that person, and that such a statement would make utter sense. “We’re on a world called Gor.” A slight pause. “’Catch, love, you’ve no clue how happy I am to have you here. This place is a shithole.”
“It can’t be that bad.” He waved a hand around at the tent. “This seems nice.”
“I had to kill three thousand men to unfuck this one tribe.” She said bluntly. “And it’s still not really done; that was just lancing the boil. ’Catch, the men of this world are slavers. All of them, from what I can tell, or at least most. They keep women as sex toys.”
Foicatch stared at her for a solid minute or so, appalled.
“What.” He finally managed.
It took her half an hour to fill him in on the details. By the end, his headache was fading, but a second one was threatening on his heels. He’d gotten to his feet some time back, and he was incandescently furious and pacing the tent. (The Ubara’s tent. He felt a flash of pride, at that. Of course she was Ubara; queen by her own hand within a day. He’d expect nothing less of her, and marveled, again, that such a woman as her had chosen him.)
He stopped his pacing long enough to touch her face, to brush her plait back. “You said you killed three thousand that first night.”
“Yes.” She said. The word was a flat statement of fact.
“You must have used your power.”
“Yes.” Again, a statement of fact.
“Are you all right?” He asked it softly. She never admitted to anyone else save Sura the cost of her gift for Breaking, the strain it caused when used too much. But he knew, because she trusted him.
“I am.” She covered his hand with hers. “I told you once; it gets easier to restrain it, with practice. And I’ve had a lot of practice. And the women…” She looked off, at the tent flap. “They’re remarkable. All they’ve been through, and survived. Many are brilliant, and funny, and kind, and fierce. They’ve not let me stew alone.”
He nodded, relieved. Do not let her be alone, Sura had told him once. Sura, bright, brilliant Sura, who’d realized before anyone else living what Systlin was, that there’d come a Breaker strong enough to break even her curse to her will.
They stood there for a moment. She stepped into his arms, and leaned against his chest. He looped his arms around her waist, and let her take comfort as long as she needed it.
At last, he said “So you’ve been gone months, but it’s been but moments at home.”
“Thank the gods.” Systlin’s voice was muffled by his chest. “I’ve been so, so worried, about you and Senna.”
“It’s reasonable then to assume that however long we take here, little or no time will have passed at home.”
“Thank the gods.” She said again, fervent.
“Well.” He said. “We might as well make a proper job of it then. Why don’t you show me around, Ubara?”
He was a very tall man, broad and muscular and strong, a fighting man in true. He wore a sword and shield with the air of a man long accustomed to their use. His eyes were green, and sharp. His hair fell to his shoulders, caught back in a leather tie. His beard was braided into a short plait bound in silver.
This is a proper man, I thought, but then to my horror I saw the glint of silver in his ear.
A man….a man, a fighting man! Had allowed his ear to be pierced! It was shameful, beyond shameful.
The she-sleen emerged from the wagon behind him. She said something, and he turned to listen. I realized that the ring in his ear was a twin to the silver one she wore, and in a flash realized that this was her mate, the one she’d claimed to be bonded to.
He laughed at something she said, and she grinned at him.
I thought that I had seen the she-sleen fight, that day she had slain Kamchak, Ubar of the Tuchuks.
I had not. Not truly. I had realized, of course, that she had been toying with him, toying with a Tuchuk, known as the fiercest and cleverest of warriors. But I had not known, not really, what she was.
I stared as she sparred the man…her husband, it still was a thing of horror to think of bedding such a woman, but if there was a man to master such a woman then I could believe it of this man.
He was magnificent. It was hot; he had stripped to his waist, baring a marvelously formed body to the sun. There were scars here and there, showing that he was a fighting man and had won many battles. His eyes were fierce and keen, and he wielded that metal shield and his sword as easily and lightly as if they were wooden toys, muscles rippling under taut bronze skin. He was fast, as fast as a snake, and his footwork was superb. Any city would have been honored to have a fighting man such as he in their ranks; I am man enough to admit that in battle he could have bested me, and it would have been no shame to lose to such a superb warrior.
But then there was her.
He was magnificent, the pinnacle of what a fighting man strives to be. And out of the three bouts I saw them fight, he lost two.
He was fast. But she was like the speed of a falcon bound into the body of a woman, and made the swordplay look almost as a dance. She would, I thought, have been magnificent in dancing silks.
She flowed like water around strikes. She was, quite nimbly, never where a strike seemed to go, and used her blades with the precision of a physician excising a tumor. Her stamina seemed boundless; indeed, even under the heat of the sun she was not even sweating.
The first match ended after what seemed an impossibly long time to hold out against either of those displays of masterful swordsmanship, with his sword at her breast. My heart soared; surely, I thought, now he would put her in her place, teach her what it meant that he was a man, and she but a female…
But it did not happen. She laughed, and he grinned, a brilliant flash of white teeth.
“See what I mean?” She said, and rolled her shoulders, stepping back. “I’ve needed this. There’s no one here who can really test me, and I’ve been getting sloppy.”
The comment stung; she’d faced the whole of the Tuchuk, and me, a warrior of Ko-Ro-Ba!
He snorted. “The Lady should have brought Stellead here if that was what you needed; a training dummy and someone to teach.”
“Hm.” She gave him a look out of the corner of her eye that shocked me; it was playful, and warm, and very unlike the coldness she usually showed. I wondered if there was a slave under that armor after all, but then of course that could not be; no self respecting man would let a woman who was his slave on the couches and in the furs carry on so in public. “No, I think I’m glad. You are much better looking.”
“Well.” He smiled again. “With all due respect to your lovely and very terrifying aunt, I must agree.”
There were more like her? The thought was horrific. But then they crossed swords again, and I could only watch.
She won that second bout, and the third. At the end of the third, they were staring at each other with a particular heat in their eyes that I knew well; I have seen lust, in many forms.
I was shocked again when she grasped the end of the short plait of his beard, pulled his head down with no great gentleness, and kissed him as thoroughly and passionately as a slave girl might.
I had thought that she must be frigid, in denial of her own womanhood, wishing to be a man and putting from her head all thought of licentiousness and lust. And yet here I saw her, dusty from the training ring, her sword still in her hand, still as unyielding as steel, her movements and body language all sureness and authority, and kissing like a passion slave.
It was shocking, as well; she was demanding of him, not begging, and instead of silks she was attired entirely unflatteringly in leather and wool. And yet somehow the magnificent warrior seemed as enthusiastic about this embrace as a Gorean man with a pleasure slave at his mercy.
She pulled back, but did not let go of his beard or break eye contact. “My tent, I think.” Her voice was all anticipation. “You can leave the boots on.”
“Only if you leave the sword belt on.” He took her hand, and they were gone.
A wagon is not really the most sound-proof of dwellings. Out of some terrible fascination, I drifted towards the wagon of the Ubara.
The noises were loud, and enthusiastic. They lasted quite some time. At times, it sounded as if a pitched battle was taking place within the wagon. It was, indeed, some hour and a half before the she-sleen emerged at last from the wagon. She looked quite pleased with herself. Her hair had been freshly plaited, and she was wearing new clothing. She headed off again towards the training fields, humming some tuneless little song to herself.
Foicatch exited the wagon some time later. He looked the way that a man only does after he has been well and thoroughly pleased. He had put on a tunic, but it was not laced up the front, and his magnificent musculature was still visible through the thin cloth anyways. He was eating a sar fruit. There were imprints of small, even teeth several places on his neck, I saw, and scratch marks down one forearm. He seemed equally pleased with himself.
He saw me staring, and gave me a wide grin. It was quite a smug grin.
“Jealous?” He laughed quietly, drew another sar fruit from his belt pouch, and tossed it my way; I caught it on reflex. “Can’t say I blame you. She’s magnificent, isn’t she?” He looked off in the direction of the practice rings, his expression fond.
“I would think,” I said. “That in going to bed with such a creature, you would risk death should you be found wanting.”
“Oh.” His grin grew wider. “Well, that’s gotten around already? It’s true, actually. She does kill lovers she finds unsatisfying.”
“Foicatch!” A sharp voice, as the she-sleen appeared again, and shook her head at her mate. “You are terrible.”
“Likes to nail the skulls up in the bedroom, just for motivation to any new ones.”
“What? I’m only adding to your legend.”
She rolled her eyes, and gave him a look that was both fond and exasperated. “Terrible.” She vanished back into the wagon. “The council will be here soon to discuss strategy for gathering resources on the migration route. There’s many small towns and cities along the way, and I don’t intend to leave a single whip unburnt in our path.”
“And before you ask,” Foicatch said, as she vanished. “Yes, we’ve been married for thirty years.” A self satisfied grin. “Take from that what you will.”
I stared at him.
“What? Shut your mouth before a bird nests in there, man.”
“You…” I struggled for words. “But you are…you’re a red-blooded fighting man!”
A slight shrug. “Last time I checked, yes.” He finished the fruit.
“And you let your woman be…that?”
“Ah.” His expression shifted in a moment, going dark. “Right.” He gave me a disgusted sort of look. “To begin, there’s nothing on this world or any other that could make Systlin be anything but whatever she wishes to be; she’s herself, and that is why I love her.” The frown deepened. “Just because you lot on this world can only handle women fawning at your feet and fearing for their lives if they say one word against you, doesn’t mean we’re all such cowards on all worlds.”
That struck me deeply. I am many things, but a coward I have never been! I am a fighting man of Ko-Ro-Ba! I am a fighting man of Gor, where the strong rule!
“I am no coward!” I hissed, and had taken a step towards him before I knew it.
“Mmm.” He sounded unconvinced, and was entirely unconcerned at my anger. “Right. That’s why you keep women in chains.” He straightened a bit. I am a tall man, but he was taller, and I had to look up to stare angrily at him. Quite suddenly, in a flash, I wondered if this was how a slave girl felt, before a warrior such as myself, having to tilt her head back to look up at him. “Just because none of you can get a woman without buying her like a horse, chaining her to your bed, and beating her into submission…On my world, such a man would be ridiculed at the least and most pathetic of men.” A pause. “Well, and then executed. But also ridiculed.”
I stared. I had never heard it put so. “They are just women. They deserve no better”
I saw the blow coming, and moved to avoid it, but he was terribly quick and I was still recovering my full fitness since my broken leg. The strike across the face was sudden and sharp, and to my humiliation I realized that I had not been struck with a closed fist, as befitted a warrior, but backhanded like I was a misbehaving slave.
“Did that hurt?” His voice was low, and I realized that he was terribly angry. “Would you like it, to spend your life cringing, waiting for that at any moment because you did not stand correctly? It is braver, I think, to survive such a life than to be the monster who holds the other end of the chain. You are a coward, Tarl Cabot, and every man on this world is a coward if he thinks as you do. If you are afraid of women holding any role but your slaves, that is your failing, not that of men of other worlds.”
He spat in the dust at my feet. “Systlin said the men of this world were awful.” A shake of his head. “I didn’t realize how very much she was right. Go. Get away from this wagon. If I see you again today I might have to throttle you to death.” He turned, and ducked once more into the tent.
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Charlie Chan. Who is fascinating, because he was created explictly to be an anti-Yellow Peril character. Unlike most Chinese characters of the time, he's both intelligent, physically capable, and unambiguously heroic. In the novels, he's simultaneously proud of being Chinese AND proud of being an American citizen. He gives orders and instructions to white people, and the narrative treats this as perfectly normal and acceptable. There's a bit in the first book, when an attempt to trap the..(1/2)
(cont'd)There's a bit in the first book where an attempt to trap the protagonist fails, because a message supposedly from Charlie clearly isn't because Charlie's English isn't broken, it's like poetry. Etc. The movies made him more stereotypical, & played by white actors in yellowface, but still, he's a heroic Chinese man, who is as capable and patriotic as any white man. Nowadays, he's thought of as racist caricature. Which he is, but still, it makes one think.
I'm not nearly as acquainted with Charlie Chan as you are (and I definitely suspected he was less racist in the original books because that's nearly always the norm when it comes to pulp characters) but yeah, that "Which he is" is forever going to be the most unfortunate and saddest part of it all when it comes to Charlie Chan. For all the virtues that can be bestowed on Charlie Chan, for everything great that the character had going for him and inspired, the fact that the least offensive image of the character I could find to put here for illustration's sake is from the Hanna-Barbera cartoon kinda exemplifies the big elephant in the room when it comes to Charlie.
Charlie Chan is a great example of two things: One is the way progress is never a fixed quantity and often what was progressive and forward-thinking in it's time can become something outdated and backwards and downright offensive given enough time, and the 2nd is my constant stressing that this is all the more incentive to reclaim the pulps and either highlight or fix aspects of them, instead of dismissing every aspect of them based on the preconception that everything about it's history is unforgivably bigoted and must be handled with the nuance of a sledgehammer.
I stress time and time again the need to highlight and understand the prejudices that went into pulps, because either ignoring them or wielding them as a weapon to attack them does no favors to anyone. The pulps weren't exceptionally bigoted - look at literally any medium in it's time period and you'll find bigotry and prejudice and hatred - and they were exceptional in the number of POC heroes and heroines. Pulps were a medium of experimentation and cheap entertainment that gave way to much, much more varied kinds of protagonists than were permitted in films, serials, novels, comics and radio serials of the day. Imagine if no one was allowed to bring up and discuss superheroes without mentioning the Superman Slap-a-Jap posters or the Captain Marvel story so horrifingly racist it was recounted by an American ambassador after it deeply offended a friend's son and a major influence on the 1950s anti-comic trials. "Pulp fiction had deeply, unforgivingly racist depictions that deserve intense scrutiny and cannot be ignored" and "Pulp fiction was significantly ahead of every other medium at the time in regards to authors and editors striving to publish stories about heroic POCs, this cannot be dismissed and is something that needs to be perpetuated" are not exclusive facts. "A product of it's time" is not an excuse and never was, but it's a fact nevertheless.
Every time someone speaks favorably of Charlie Chan in any capacity, they have to start with a long preface of everything positive that the character had going for him. Yes, he's a deliberate subversion of the Yellow Peril, he's a heroic protagonist, he's plump and good-natured and humorous but far from a joke, he's friendly and pleasant and well-educated and wise, he's a good dad and family man and a terrifically sharp detective who's so good at his job he gets called to solve crimes all over the world, and none of these traits are apparent to people who have to google the character and repeteadly see a white man in awful make-up into every single image of the character, who watch the movies and cringe at the broken English. It's hardly relevant in the face of all the Asian-American critics who acknowledge the character's virtues but rightfully point out that this fortune-cookie spouting caricature, acting subservient to whites and whose virtues are based around his proximity to a white American ideal, doesn't represent them and they shouldn't pretend it does.
Which isn't to say that to like Charlie Chan is "wrong", a lot of East Asians love Charlie and the character's obviously got fans in Asian Americans. It's a complicated subject and I obviously cannot begin to vouch in a subject so heavily based around perceptions I cannot experience. And I deeply detest the idea of speaking for others on their particular experiences on this kind of matter, which is something Americans do a lot everytime they talk about representation in media.
So instead, I'm going to tackle this on a roundabout manner by going on an unrelated tangent to bring up an example of representation that isn't quite representative of what it's supposed to be, has a lot of issues that have been dissected by critics among the people it was supposed to represent, and none of that stopped the character from being popular and beloved and from being claimed anyway. And it's a Brazilian fighting game character, which means it's completely within my ballpark.
Yeah, obviously Blanka doesn't look like anyone who lives in Brazil (whatever resemblance he bears to redheaded jungle protectors of Brazilian folklore is purely accidental). Obviously neither Jimmy nor Blanka are Brazilian names or even exist in the Portuguese lexicon. Obviously there are issues in Street Fighter's approach to representation across the board, sure, and I'd actually say Laura is much worse than Blanka in that regard (again, my opinion, obviously not universal), but the fact remains that Blanka is and has always been pretty controversial. Obviously there's Brazilians who took offense to Blanka and they weren't wrong to do so, and I obviously do not speak for everyone here, that goes without saying.
Obviously the idea that Brazil's major representative in a global cast of characters, the first big name Brazilian character in videogames, is going to be a freakish jungle monster who roars and bites faces has problems, as is the fact that all the others get to be regular people representing fighting styles from their countries while Blanka doesn't. None of the Brazilian SF characters represent Capoeira, which is kinda shitty to be honest. And there's a whole stereotype of Brazil as a backwards land of beasts and savages that Blanka's creation played into. There's no shortage of ground to criticize Blanka's representation and Ono actually apologized in an interview once, but then he learned one teensy little thing:
Street Fighter is very popular on Brazil. Would you like to leave a message to the fans from there?
"Ono: Yes, I'm aware. At the time of Street Fighter II a lot of the arcade machines produced went there, so I knew we had lots of fans there. A message to Brazilians, well, I'd like to apologize. I know Blanka's a weird character and I don't want any Brazilian to feel uncomfortable with that.
When Blanka was conceived, we knew there were forests in Brazil, and so we thought he could look like that. I was actually kinda nervous knowing I'd meet Brazilian journalists. Still, this is the first Street Fighter in ten years, so we'd like all fans to play, including Brazilians, which are many.
Thanks. Well, but you should know that Brazilians love Blanka
"Ono: Ah, good! I was scared of getting beat up if I ever went to São Paulo! (laughs)"
(That's from a 2012 tv special called The Greatest Brazilian of All Time where over a million viewers voted to elect whoever they wanted, and Blanka was going to win. He was polling ahead of Aryton Senna and PELÉ, fucking Pelé, yes this happened. He wasn't even disqualified for being a cartoon character, it was an open poll, he was disqualified due to canon stating he had been born in Thailand, which I think may have been retconned since then. Again, A MILLION BRAZILLIANS voted for this contest, and Blanka was going to win.)
Blanka is great and sweet and lovable, he made the best out of the incredible shitty hands fate dealt him and became a cool and strong green man who shoots lightning and flies, a self-taught warrior who rides whales and planes to fighting tournaments, and he loves his mom and friends and kicks ass and after he's done he dances in joy and gives the kids of his village piggyback rides, and Brazil loves him. He doesn't represent any existing person or fighting style, he's rooted in a negative stereotype and incorrect assumptions, he's not even really Brazilian, and he's our boy and nobody can take him away from us.
No criticism of Blanka, no matter how in-depth or even right it is, is ever going to affect that, because regardless of what was wrong or misguided and offensive about him, we claimed him and loved him so throughly that Capcom kept playing up Brazilian representation in every subsequent game post Alpha, and because of Blanka's impact and reception in such a big game, Brazilian characters have become a staple of fighting games, and that's how we got much more diverse representatives in those games. Fighting games have more Brazilian representation than LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE on media not produced here. It started as BAD representation, with way less thought put into it than Charlie Chan, and it still mattered to a lot of Brazilians who reclaimed it and made it better than it was ever intended to be, and as a response to it, it gradually became better.
Progress is not a fixed quantity, it's an uphill battle, and it's not unwinnable. Everything's gotta start somewhere.
The Good Asian is a ongoing comic that I think does the best job I've seen yet of handling an Asian American detective protagonist, which is not really a high bar in the first place, and more to the point, The Good Asian illustrates the 2nd part: the reclaiming. The Good Asian deals a lot with the realities that a 1930s Asian-American detective would run into, the strained circumstances and relationships between said character and the world around him, because it's born from an author who took a look at Charlie Chan and Mr Moto and the like and recognized the potential in those stories that could not be fulfilled in it's time period by the people writing said stories.
The Good Asian pays little reverence to Charlie Chan, but it acknowledges that it cannot exist without Charlie Chan, and it reclaims the Charlie Chan premise at the hands of someone more adequately equipped to tell a gripping story that goes places none of Charlie's contemporaries would ever go. Regardless of how good or bad of representation Charlie Chan was, Charlie Chan mattered and was beloved and inspired a better example for others to improve on or rebel against.
I desperately wish that I could google Charlie Chan without having to look at a guy in yellowface, and the ONLY way that's going to happen is if the character ever gets meaningfully brought back and reclaimed for good by people who can meaningfully tackle the character and present him as he should have always been presented.
And then, I imagine it would be a lot easier to show people on how swell Charlie really is. A true, positive role model and hero, who no longer has to look like a gross cartoon to be able to exist at all. Who can finally be what he was always meant to be, and always was deep down.
#replies tag#pulp heroes#pulp fiction#charlie chan#detective fiction#the good asian#street fighter#blanka
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It Was Fun Till It Lasted
Duncan Shepherd x F1 Pilot Female! Reader
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I have been a bit silent the latest weeks, but I just got hit by the inspiration train as of lately (even more after all the F1 glory we have been getting) and I just thought about a small drabble, about Duncan in the race car universe.
Not as a driver, but more like a sponsor.
This is very PWP, even for my sentimental ass, so I do hope that you’ll like it, even though it isn’t the most perfect thing ever (just to warn you).
Also I just wanted to give @guiltyfiend a big shoutout because she has been a constant source of inspiration for me with various fics (‘Quid Pro Quo’ has been the main reason why for the existence of this drabble) so do check out her lovely fics!
I am also personally, maybe (since I don’t feel apprecciated in the other fandoms I am in) of making a few comebacks in this fandom, if any of you would like iit obviously!
So, please, if you want more, don’t forget to leave some kind of feedback I truly apprecciate it from the bottom of my heart and it’ll truly make my heart beat stronger and my fingers write faster!
Don’t ever ever forget to support your beloved writers with feedback, if you liked what they wrote!
Have a nice reading!
SUMMARY: Galas can be annoying things, but when an handsome fellow accidentally drenches you in champagne there are many ways your night might change.
WORDS: 5,4 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Sexism, Misogyny, Harassment On The Workplace, Inaccurate Portrayal of The F1 World, Inaccurate Way Of Cleaning Champagne From Clothes, Sex, Slight Dirty Talk, Mirror Sex, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Sex Between Strangers.

You sipped slowly from the flute of champagne you had managed to steal, meanwhile your boss wasn’t looking, since you had been instructed to avoid getting yourself drunk till you got the trophy in your hand, to avoid replacing the ‘drunk Kimi meme’ in the F1 world.
But it was difficult for you, an introvert, to feel at ease in a room full of different people.
A few of them were gladly ignoring you, but more were looking at you like you were some kind of freak in a costume, which was probably the best description for being one pilot of the only all-female team existing in F1.
You had grown up with the myths of Ayrton Senna and Niki Lauda, thanks to your grandfather and his the passion for fast cars and elegant ones, raising you as some kind of substitute to him, who had never been able to race, having had various problematics with his own health.
An heartattack at seventy had taken him away, just as you signed your first contract with the F2.
You had been partnered with a male pilot, and although the car wasn’t the fastest, you had managed to become much better than your partner, eventually getting yourself fired because females, in a place like F1, couldn’t raise to fame, throwing you in a depression that had brought you almost on the verge…
… but then your newest F1 stable had brought you back, giving you a car that wasn’t definitely one of the best you could have gotten but it had gotten you through a nice first season, and you had actually arrived at the sixth position in the constructors’ championship, alongside your partner…
… who, right now, didn’t look less bothered than you, at this fancy party.
But Abigail could definitely hold the curious gazes better than you.
You might have needed something more than champagne to get through a night like this.
You had begged your stable director to just bring Abigail, the social butterfly out of the two of you, but he had just insisted that ‘having two beauties on his arm would have done him and the stable more good than just one’.
And aside from the blatantly sexist part of the comment, you knew he was right.
Sponsors had been rushing to you this season because the media had focused much attention on the importance of new female figures in races, but now that the novelty was rushing off a few had decided to let you go, so you had to grab a few new ones, convincing them through either the use of your talk and your feminine charm.
‘… I had almost thought that he’d ask us to sleep with the sponsors to get them to stay’ had commented Abigail, as you both set yourself up for the night, the elegant rented dresses waiting for you on the comfortable bed of the expensive suite of the hotel ‘… it was this close to becoming an episode of ‘Law & Order: SVU’.
And now Abigail was being her usual chatty with a few sponsors fawning around her, as you tried to down the flute of champagne almost as if it was a full bottle of vodka, something that you honestly missed and stared at the expensive drink in the glass.
If only your glare could turn it in something that would give you more liquid courage.
A few of the rookies had been tried to talk with you and you had been extremely happy to have someone approach you, but soon the chat had diffused itself and all the drivers had been called back by their own director, and you had found yourself alone, again, and with annoying stares upon you.
Many of the pilots from the other stables had tried to get you in bed with them, and you knew that there were various bets going on about getting you or Abigail to finally relent your ‘haughty pretenses’, not to talk about the fact that the entire media platform and magazines had been set up on you and Abigail, waiting for any false step of yours.
You had been dubbed ‘the sole chance for feminism to raise’ and everyone was waiting for you to fall.
To prove that F1 wasn’t female territory.
So, you had been rigorously swearing off any coupling with the other drivers.
The fact that you found it already quite difficult to combine your training and the various galas you had to attend with an healthy social life, certainly did help with the whole ‘chastity promise’ thing.
And you never regretted such a choice during the race season.
The ‘no sex’ rule helped you during the competition, keeping your mind in the game, but now that the driving season was ended and you were finally enjoying your well-deserved holiday, you couldn’t help but hate thoroughly the situation you had landed yourself in, only able to rely on your hand and a few interesting toys.
But otherwise, utterly frustrated.
And yet unable to come up with a solution on such a short notice.
Dicks didn’t grow up on trees, these days.
You just bumped in them, apparently.
Because, as you were halfway through having your second drink of the night, counting on the fact that the director of your stable was halfway through a successful talk with some well-dressed older gentlemen, hence making him quite busy already and unable to check up on you, you clashed against a wall.
A wall of muscles, at a second glance.
A breathing wall of muscles, at third glance.
But you were far more interested by the fact that the bump-in had just made you spill your entire drink on your Givenchy rented dress, the one that costed more than your apartment rent, something that made a loud ‘shit’ leave your mouth and making the ‘wall of muscles’ raise his head towards you, as he noticed the stain.
And then, when you noticed that ‘wall of musclea’ had a pretty face and an even prettier body, a softer ‘shit’ left your mouth.
What a way to make an impression.
“Oh Gosh, I am sorry!” American accent, no British accent.
That was probably where Mother Nature had drawn in blessing him with all the ‘fucking handsome man’ gifts.
His handsome face was elegantly touched up by high cheekbones and feature that had something of roguish matched with elegant traits and darker colors, making him stand out as someone who wasn’t definitely a pilot or a journalist.
Which was ideal for you.
Such an refined face was matched with an elegant tailored body, the suit definitely made for him and him solely, knowing perfectly how to highlight each and every trait of a body that was obtained through attentive work, a careful one that was meant to impose itself or pump his muscles with no aim, but to give him a lean appearance of power.
That definitely worked with you.
“… oh” brain to Earth, brain to Earth, (Y/N), say something intelligent ‘… it was an accident’.
Tell that to the lady that will want the dress back.
But for now, that wasn’t your main concern.
Which was the handsome man in front of you.
But you couldn’t just hump him right there, not only because you were pretty sure that it would have been described as ‘sexual harassment’, but all the spotlight was set up on you, hence all the cameras were focused on every little small mistake you could have done, intensifying them in a way that didn’t happen with men.
You had to be perfect, but even more than that.
You had to be the male everyone thought you were, although you lacked of the attributes.
So, flirting was considered a hellish sin.
“Gosh, I am… extremely sorry” he repeated again, as his eyes shared a quick glance with yours, and you just nodded your head as if you had to confirm to him that you had heard him clearly the first time, before ducking to the restroom, hoping to be able to scrub away the stain, at least to avoid its yellowish color on the stark white of your dress.
But before you could start raising the dress off your legs, where the stain was more evident, you were followed inside by the man, and before you could utter any protest, he caught the ones in your eyes.
“I swear I am not a creeper” he raised his hands as if to reinforce this “… I just… you shouldn’t scrub on silk, it’ll just ruin the fabric, just ran the water and then wait for it to dry, some alcohol and a bit of bleach might also help, the stain will come out, with a single wash… I swear”.
You had a million questions for the stranger, unsure if you shouldn’t have already screamed at him for having entered the ladies restroom, but you just assumed that he was the first handsome guy ever to come with a cute personality.
And good domestic knowledge.
That was meant to always do something to a lady.
“… thank you” you settled on uttering, comforted by the fact that the guy turned around to leave you some privacy, but you couldn’t just let go such an opportunity, even more when you were in some kind of secluded area, and he didn’t look like the type that had a secret go-pro camera under his clothes.
Some girl that you had once met in a bathroom at one of the races had turned out to have one, as she egged on commenting some shit over Abigail.
Unluckily for her, Abigail was in the other stall and she had flushed in the noisiest way the water, before appearing with some kind of triumphant aura around her.
“… can you please stay?” ‘people will probably doubt you on your “abilities” if you come out after five minutes’ you almost wanted to utter, as a test to know if he looked just like a sex god or he fucking was, although with the way his cheeks blushed of a light red, you simply bit down on your tongue “… just to help me get the stain off, properly… you seem to know much more than me about it”.
“Things happen in college” he commented, as if it was an explanation.
What kind of parties had he been in college?
You just remembered the rush to grabbing the cheapest and most efficient alcohol.
He reached out as kindly as he could to start on the farthest part of your dress, where it wasn’t straight up skin tight, gently dabbing it with a piece of paper you had handed him, the fabric destroying itself on the dress, but the stain became a bit less prominent.
Enough to pass as some kind of enrichment the stylist had done on the dress at the last minute.
You hoped you could make the lady that had rented it to you buy this shit off too.
Because you either managed to get the stain out or get yourself a sponsor for the new year, or you’d have had to probably start living on the road, with only a few shining trophies for losers, such as the one you were supposed to grab tonight, for ‘best promising team’.
As if there was some kind of competition, between your small team and various established ones…
“… what are you doing at such a party?” you knew that conversation during this kind of thing would have gotten it to seem less sexual than it truly was, and although you were as good at small talk as you were at handling a crowd, you did your best to sound as relaxed as you could be.
But your question still sounded like one out of a police interrogation.
“Friend of a friend” it was more like meaning ‘none of your business’ but kinder, and you couldn’t deny his own right to privacy “… by the way, I do think that I should give you my name… in case you want someone to curse for the dress, I am Duncan”.
“I am (Y/N)” you were glad when no light of recognition shone in his eyes, just as his hand lightly grabbed the back of your upper thigh, to make the dress adhere perfectly to your skin and dab the stain more properly, a light shiver at the touch made you understand how truly touch-starved you had been “… and you look as out of place as me in this fucking gown”.
“Don’t tell anybody, but…” and he lightly leaned in closer to you, enough that you could feel the strong but comforting perfume of his cologne, something that smelt extremely male and yet, you couldn’t detect a trace of toxic masculinity in it “… I have never seen a single race of F1 in my life”.
Just what you needed.
“… oh tell me about it” you played coy, as his hands raised up from your legs skillfully avoided your ass, instead choosing to grip on the outer part of your hip, handling you with care but a sureness that made you want to relent the whole ‘male image’ you had created around you.
What would you have given for a night in which you didn’t have to be the one in control, constantly checking every detail!
“… neither a fan of the whole race panorama?” he asked, as his eyes trained themselves on your stomach, barely covered by the white of the dress, showing him a bit of skin behind it, exactly as the absence of your panties, a crazed decision of Abigail, who had thrown away your seamless granny pants.
‘They might be protective when we race, but these are shit’.
You knew you shouldn’t have lied to him about not belonging in the racing setting, but you just wanted to have one night in which you weren’t the prodigy, the promise, ‘the sole chance for freedom to raise’.
You just wanted to be (Y/N).
“Definitely not”.
“Brought here by a boyfriend?” now he was scanning his own ground, and he had a small break from his cleaning duties, as you caught a glimpse of that damned profile, the kind of thing you saw on expensive old coins.
He was definitely some kind of emperor in his own right.
“Nope” you mumbled, before you gave him back his own same coin “… just brought here by a friend of a friend”.
He smirked at his words being spit back at him and you smiled almost foolishly.
You even let out a soft giggle.
How fucking long had it been since you had giggled?
And done it because you honestly wanted.
And not because you were forced in front of journalists or potential sponsors.
His hands were now on the side of your chest, against the slight hill of your bra (you could have forsaken panties, but you needed that support), his hands lightly tracing the ridge of the silicone part where the bra stood attached to your skin, sweaty due to the fact that you had been wearing the whole thing for five hours, before of the event.
“… and you had an idiot spill a drink over it, in the span of an hour” the words were meant for self-deprecation, but the smile that accompanied him was utterly confident.
Had you had panties, they would have definitely hit the ground soundly in that moment.
“… it could have been worse” you mumbled, just as your eyes twinkled with secret meaning.
‘You could have been a complete twat or old enough to be my grandpa’
“… you couldn’t have known how to get out champagne stains” you joked, settling up on a more PG-13 comment, unsure of what to do, since it had been quite some time since you had last flirted, and although his hand told you a story, you weren’t exactly sure if he had gotten all the clues of the game.
He laughed so brilliantly that also a light blush joined your soft giggle.
“Gosh, that would have been awful” his tone was joking, but his eyes were onto you, as they searched some kind of confirm in yours, and you just had to lean in to sign the deal, leaning down to kiss him.
You had never been one for one-night-stands and neither for quick fucks in a restroom, but with the way he lightly gripped you, making sure to position you on top of the elegant porcelain sink, careful to avoid the water: it wouldn’t have been neither.
And you were completely swept away.
He definitely passed the ‘kiss’ test.
His hand went through your hair perfectly, but careful of the small updo you had done, his fingertips lightly scraping the baby hair on your upper neck, in a way that kept you grounded, just as his lips lightly bit onto your upper lips, leaving you wanting for more, just as he backed away with a cunning smirk.
One that spoke of that technique never failing.
And before he could perform again that cocky enchantment, you kissed him.
Releasing on him entire months of sexual frustration.
And you had to say that you surprised him, enough that you were worried that your suddenness would have scared him, but he just needed to regain the control, before his hand without any care went to mess up your updo, in a way that instead of grounding and relaxing you, made you tense up, just as his hand splayed your knees wide onto the sink to have him come up between them.
And after the passionate kiss you had been sharing, you found yourself quickly locked, with one that gripped you by the hair against the cold mirror and another one splayed on your knee
The fabric of your silk dress lightly caressed the skin of your inner thigh, right as his elegant and expensive pants did the same with your core, making you feel that you shouldn’t have seriously worried about the ‘five minutes thing’, or at least you hoped.
But the package seemed fucking good.
“… so, would you like to have a bit more of help?” the way he pronounced the word ‘help’ sounded downright sinful and how could a girl deny him, as your own hands moved to gently tap on his sharp cheeks, the scratchiness of a cleanly shaved beard making you feel like this was all real.
“Just don’t get my dress dirty” it was a whisper, but your eyes played with the dominance you wanted to relent to him, and he just looked intrigued.
“Then spread your legs properly, little one” and as if under a spell they opened properly and let him adjust himself against them as his hands lightly raised up to collect the dress away from your legs, stopping right up on your hips and leaving a bit of dress to cover you, as if he had to leave you some modesty “… good girl”.
You purred at that, leaning in the light petting of his grip having become less pronounced as a grip and more a caress.
“… I saw you out there in the crowd and I wanted to buy you a drink, because you looked at unease as me, I thought that you could use that” he commented as his face lightly moved down to the crook of your neck, his nose making a teasing trail down your profile, just as his beard lightly scratched your skin, making it redden simply for his lips, before he covered it of purplish bruises “… I thought I had done the worst thing ever since with pouring a drink over you”.
“… couldn’t stay mad when you fucking looked like a sex god” you muttered unable to deny the truth, your body arching right against his as his hands, gently dragged he strap of your dress down your shoulders, revealing the awful skin-like bra, but he just seemed focused on your collarbones, his hand working slowly to ease the bra away from you, eventually dropping it onto the small tissues box over both of your heads, so it wouldn’t get on the ground.
An attentive gesture, exactly as the way he gripped tightly your breast, making sure that your nipples were lightly caressed by his thumb, right as he bit down on the softer flesh of your neck.
“I am glad that my good looks were of some use” he joked, and gently looked up at you “… and let me tell you, I have a tongue that will make you forget all about my clumsiness”.
“I do think that I deserve an apology” you muttered, as your eyes met again, your lashes cornering perfectly your hazy eyes, breathy and soft “… a vocal apology”.
And he simply smirked down at you, falling on his knees with a sound thud, as you pushed yourself further down the sink you were on, till you felt the painful dig of the faucet in your back, enough to make you moan in protest, but soon the look of wonder on his face as he unveiled the secret underneath your dress was definitely a relief against the uncomfortable position.
“… didn’t know that you were one of those girls that go without panties” he pushed a knee up on you to spread you further to him, as he took in the proper masterpiece that had been revealed to him down there, and his kisses moved up on your inner thigh “… look like the pretty girl turned out to be a bad bad girl, no wonder I am about to fuck you like a fucking bitch in heat in a restroom”.
And you blushed at the profane words.
But it was just more endearing for you as he pushed himself to properly settle against the nest between your legs, already oozing soft milk and sweet honey, his lips lightly pushing against your own, as he dragged the same beard you had felt on your cheeks against your cunt, the sensation making you hiss, right as again your lips came to soothe your ache.
The plumpness of his lips made you unable to stop yourself from moaning out loud, your eyes closing just as he delivered a slap to your thigh, a silent warning to keep your eyes trained on him and you did, as his lips sucked your softest piece in his mouth.
His tongue was instead a blessing inside of you and this time you were the one delving a bit of pain to him, as you grabbed strongly his hair, some kind of relief to keep you grounded as your body became like a cloud, weighted down just by the tension in your whole muscles.
“Fuck, you do know how to have fun” he mumbled tightly, as he released your cunt, something that made you protest loudly “… when was the last time somebody fucked you this good, (Y/N)”.
And before you could properly reply, his finger slipped inside you, making you hiss out at the feeling of being full, so unlike the stretch of your own fingers, so slight that now you needed a minute to calm yourself from everything, as you waited to answer his reply.
And he gave you a moment to breath, before his finger lightly probed further, reaching inside with a wayward gesture that made you choke up on your own words, as your back arched against the mirror and the hand that wasn’t in his hair gripped so tightly the sink that you were sure you had left an acrylic nail there.
“… a long time for sure” he smirked so devilishly that it broke you thoroughly.
And then his tongue matched his finger and before you knew it your floating was interrupted by your skyrocketing to the ground in a pleasurable trail that brought you back to all the earthly pleasure you could ask for, leaving you numb and tensed, your eyes rolling back as you lost sight of what was going on with you.
And then as you regained, your legs were slack over Duncan’s sides, his lips teasing again the skin of your neck, but no intention to punish you with any pain or tease you, instead there was a desperate soothing in his gestures, as you slowly came back to reality.
Fuck, you honestly should do this more.
Sadly, half of the guys that wanted a hook-up wouldn’t have ever done anything like what Duncan just did with you.
And would probably last five minutes, indeed.
“… was that enough of an apology?” he asked as soon as he saw that you had regained some semblance of calmness.
“Definitely yes” not that you could reply with much more.
Your fingers spoke louder as they went to his belt, undoing it with a bit of problem since you were slightly trembling, but he tried his best to let you do it, but before you could lower the pants, he gently grabbed your hands, something soft in his eyes, as he made you look up at him.
“We don’t have to do this…”.
“Oh, c’mon…” you mumbled, but his question was sincere and you couldn’t help but blush lightly “… I am pretty sure I want to do this”.
He mumbled softly, as he grabbed something from his back pocket, as you lightly lowered pants and boxers in one move,
And you weren’t disappointed,
He was definitely a big guy.
Larger than longer, with a light curve that made you painfully ache for having him inside of you, already half-hard, and your hand gently moved up and down on him, in a gentle foreplay that was completely uninterested about the knocking on the door, eventually dissipating in curses.
“… gotta be quiet baby” he commented, as he pushed his wallet on the side of the sink, getting a condom out of it, something for which you were thankful, because although you were on birth control, he was a complete stranger to you, and although the thrill of it just made it all just more daring, you would have preferred avoiding anything that might have given you an awful month “… I don’t know if you will, since I’ll make you feel fucking good”.
You just smirked at him, with a smile that told him ‘I can take it, sweetheart’.
And he just silenced it with pushing himself inside of you.
The penetration gave you an unpleasant stretch, and you needed a minute, as your whole body shifted against him, completely pushing himself in your arms, and to his credit he didn’t do much more than steady you, as he gave you the time to adjust yourself on him, till your whole body relaxed but your own insides.
Gripping him tighter.
Goading him closer and deeper.
And he gently set up a slow rhythm, making you feel each inch of him, till you were hypnotized with the way his hips moved against you, his upper body lightly stroking your clit, as wetness oozed down him, lubing him up, as he took up more speed and you found your back pushed against the mirror with such intensity that you were sure it would have been broken soon.
But you couldn’t give a fuck.
He gently pushed you in another position turning you around, so that you could face the mirror, meanwhile he took you from behind, the angle being deeper and the slight curve of his cock hitting the perfect spot.
And the fact that you could see yourself being fucked by him was only a bonus.
The way his face became so deformed by pleasure gave it all some kind of dreamish state, as the pleasure intensified desperately and you were there just on the right spot, but not enough stimulation was there for you, till he brought a finger in your mouth, and you sucked him inside, looking at the wanton expression on your face, before you closed your eyes.
And pleasure overtook you.
It didn’t take him too much time for him to finish alongside you, as his hand lightly went in your hair again, pushing as a way to grip on reality for a last time and your muscles spasmed around you, desperately and tightly in a way that almost made you wonder how it would have felt to have his seed on you.
And not in a plastic wrapper.
But for now that was all you could do.
Your legs trembled but he steadied you, something that definitely gave him more credit than you thought, expecting him to simply tug himself back in and disappear, maybe stand a bit next to you, to wash himself, but to his credit he gently handled you better, till you were again seated against the sink, the facet now digging painfully in you.
But you were definitely sore in more pleasurable places.
He gently got you back in your dress, adjusting your bra on your sweaty skin, too sensitive for the powerful orgasms you had felt, his silken touch making goosebumps appear on your skin, as your nipples lightly peaked and he couldn’t stop himself from gently sucking one after the other in his mouth, as you moaned almost as a protest.
“Don’t start something you won’t finish” you warned him, as his eyes twinkled with teasing happiness.
“… I would… but I do think that people need this restroom” and he was right, since you felt somebody halfway through calling the security and you shouted out calmly a soft ‘sorry, I just stained my dress and I am trying to get the stain away’ “… but if you want, I can… leave you my number, for more fun…”.
Which you were tempted to take, honestly.
He was handsome, he had a good dick game and he was definitely respectful of boundaries.
But you knew these things always got too complex for you.
First of all because had you given him your number, you would have to admit the truth and secondly as much as you were free right now a partner that was repeated a few more times was dangerous, because feelings might be developed.
“… I…” but how could you let down a guy like this.
“… you aren’t the type” a sad smile appeared on the man’s face, no hard feelings for sure, but definitely uncomfortable at your rejection and you couldn’t help but simply nod “… got it, well it was fun till it lasted”.
And to his merit he didn’t do anything that might have been rough against you, choosing to instead smile politely as he cleaned himself a bit, before he exited with one last look at you, as if to check if you had changed your mind, but you simply stood painfully uncomfortable off the sink as you dabbed a bit more the stain.
“… thank you for the suggestion and…” ‘…the fucking amazing sex’.
“You are welcome”.
And with that he disappeared from the restroom, as you thought he’d disappear from your life.
The only trace of him was the faint stain on your dress and the slight blush on your cheeks as you joined Abigail again.
‘… somebody got lucky’ she simply muttered, as she twirled her glass, another one in your hands, as your eyes searched for Duncan, he joined a few of the investors, but your eyes diverted immediately from that sight, worried the connection might be seen and questioned ‘… at least one of us got laid tonight’.
You simply elbowed her, as you smiled lovingly at the sponsors.
But you definitely felt rebirthed after the restroom session.
Maybe you were wrong about not seeing him again.
Not that you hadn’t to wait much to meet him again.
That morning you had been asked to take part at a reunion of the stable, alongside a few sponsors that you had found at the latest event, it was a way to get them to know the ‘talents’ they’d fund, and as you expected old and older people to approach you, you were surprised to find Duncan standing there.
Hadn’t he been a complete stranger to the F1 platform?
And as your grew nervous and more nervous, your stable director came up to you and Abigail, slinging an arm over you both as he moved to get you and present you to him, making you blush as much as he did, but he was extremely professional.
You couldn’t, when you discovered he was your newest sponsor.
‘Girls let me introduce to you both our latest sponsor’ your boss commented softly ‘Duncan Shepherd’.
And he was Duncan fucking Shepherd.
The heir to the Shepherd foundation.
What the fuck had you done?
Duncan Shepherd (I don’t really have a taglist anymore, so if you are interested on being there for Michael do let me know, and I’ll add you, if I ever think about writing something for him again!):
@blakewaterxx, @melodylangdon, @avocodys, @ahsbitch, @littlegirlsdontplaynice, @accio-rogers
#Duncan Shepherd#Duncan Shepherd Reader#Duncan Shepherd x Reader#Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader#Duncan Shepherd Fic#Duncan Shepherd One Shot#Duncan Shepherd Smut#Duncan Shepherd Moodboard#Duncan Shepherd Writing#Duncan Shepherd Imagine#House Of Cards#House of Cards Imagine#HOC#HOC Imagine
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Una’to Bajhiri LFRP
Una’to Bajhiri
Click name to see Carrd
The Basics ––– –
Age: 25
Birthday: 32 Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon October 31, Scorpio Sun
Race: Miqo’te : Mixed but ID’s as a Moon Keeper
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual
Marital Status: Dating Nezh’a Moshantu, FWB with V’nefaria Ndai.
Crystal Data Center : Mateus
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: White, often shaggy and only gets cut once it gets too long and annoys him, otherwise it’s well maintained.
Eyes: Aqua with a stronger green base than that of blue.
Height: 5′6″
Build: Lean and dexterous build. Shorter than many from malnutrition in early years.
Distinguishing Marks: Red clan tattoo’s, light scars across his hands, red eye shadow, ink like stains on his hands, black warding tattoo’s, and long nails that are pointed.
Common Accessories: Rings made of or inlaid with bone for spell casting, often has a mask, a crystal pendant he is unable to remove, and darker fashion sensibilities.
Personal ––– –
Languages: Eorzean and Hunt Speak
Residence: Ward 13 Subdivision Apartment 10 His home location is rather secret however, and few are entertained there. Used for sleep and more private tarot readings. Otherwise he most often stays in the inn’s of Ul’dah proper.
Birthplace: The South Shroud
Religion: Agnostic
Patron Deity: Menphina the Lover
Fears: Being alone, the past, the future, others touching his neck, spiders, sleeping, the affliction he and his brother suffer from.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Una Bajhiri (mother), T’ara Nunh (father, deceased)
Siblings: Nyr Raiah (brother), Kiri (sister, deceased), Kana (sister, deceased)
Other Relatives: Extended and estranged Bajhiri and T clans.
Pets: N/A
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Occasional. Drugs: Once in a blue moon. Alcohol: Never.
RP Hooks ––– –
Traveling Circus: Sword swallowing, knife juggling fire blowing, card tricks, and fortune telling were his gig’s while in service to the circus. He doesn’t like to talk about that part of his life, but someone is bound to recognize him from that part of his life (Ages 10 to 22).
Fortune Teller: He reads fortunes for profit where he can, it’s an easy to use skill that he was able to pick up from his time in the circus. Readings can be done via all mediums for RP.
Void Research: He’s secretly been researching the void and voidsent regarding a disease that hit his small “village” when he was a child, taking all but one of his siblings and seemingly leaving him the only survivor of the disease, until recently reuniting with his older brother. Secrets don’t stay secret long though, and surely someone is bound to hear about his research. He’s mainly looking into the disease to see what it entails for those who survive it, and when and what reasons it popped up before in the past. He’s currently trying to link the disease to whatever voidsent it’s derived from. Additionally, this may make him set some with sensitivities or voidsent off given it did impact his physiological makeup.
Corrupted Aether: Due to the disease he suffered from in his childhood, if you’re able to sense aether it’s likely you can tell that he has a large amount, and that it’s not normal.
Distrust of Conjurers: He has a distrust of conjurers as they couldn’t make it to his village to help him or his siblings when disease took hold. He also has a dislike of Kan-e Senna as a result. Aura Conjurers are safe from his distrust however. He’s prone to glaring at Conjurers as a result, and often doesn’t realize it.
World’s Oldest Profession: Maybe you’ve hired him for his services before, he hasn’t been taking anyone recently as his fortune telling career is treating him better and his partner Nezh’a is very prone to crashing his engagements and ruining them. Thus, he no longer works this profession, but others are bound to recognize him through it.
Clan Runaway: Are you a Bajhiri? You may have heard about his siblings deaths, or how he left his poor mother alone when she needed help most. Either way, he’ll likely be aloof around you and try to avoid the subject of his family as much as possible, but may try to probe for information on how the clan is doing.
Contact Information ––– –
Here on Tumblr, my main blog can be found at @fracturedfantasia, and this should link back to Una’tos blog at @unatobajhiri. The latter of which has aesthetics, rules for roleplaying with him, prompts, and information that’s strictly for Una’to. I live in Arizona presently, so my timezone goes between PDT in Summer and MST in Winter. I’m often free on most evenings sans Monday night, and available all day on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday generally. I am however slower to answer through Tumblr and Discord because I am easily distracted, have mental illnesses, a job, hobbies, and social obligations. Generally it’s because my energy is very low and I like to try and write the best I can for others when my energy isn’t at a level of “sleep all day and then stare at the ceiling for five hours”.
Discord information is granted upon request and usually some amount of interaction first.
#lfrp#new lfrp#una'to bajhiri lfrp#una'to bajhiri profile#crystal data center#mateus#did I change his birthday to be halloween? yes. Only to be a Scorpio and edgier shit than he is#Also way easier to remember halloween
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It’s been three years, and I fucking love Solas. Someone help me.
Are you ready for some unabashed Solas love? I sure am.
So three years today I was coming to the end of my first playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I’d already made a blog for my Inquisitor Cadash (before the game came out, to open up after I beat it), and that was all I was expecting to make.
Then, some bald elf grabbed her hand and helped her close her first Breach. I’d kept up with Inquisition news, and Solas seemed cool, interesting enough. I wasn’t really expecting or prepared for how much I’d come to love him. By Temple of Mythal I’d made a Solas blog, and when I finished on the 22nd I made the finishing touches, and here we are!
I wanted to spend some time talking about what I love about Solas, since there’s a lot of negativity about the character. Rping him I know that kind of negativity (not even criticism, which he very much deserves, just negativity that often completely ignores vast swathes of characterisation) can get very tiring to read and humour. Yes, I know he’s trash, let me tell you why I love him, both in spite of and because of those qualities.
Without further ado, welcome. Welcome to my disorganised rambling essay/list of why I have been writing this loser for three years now:
What first drew me to Solas was his experiences as a Dreamer. I majored in history as an undergrad, one of my favourite things as a historian was reading and reviewing primary sources. You find the truth in them, but only one person’s version of the truth. When Solas spoke of dreaming, he spoke to that knowledge: that history is never one story, and that at Ostagar Loghain could be hero and a villain at the same time. Both were valid readings, and both were memories that deserved to be remembered. Having a character who spoke to the history nerd in me was very special, I won’t lie.
As the game continued, Solas totally revolutionized Dragon Age lore for me? Even before it started to become obvious that he was more than just an elf who liked napping. Before Solas and Cole the Fade wasn’t a particularly interesting part of the world for me, but how Solas explained the personhood of spirits really affirmed what Dragon Age 2 had started to explore with the nature of Justice/Vengeance and Merrill’s banter.
It was some really beautiful world-building, to slowly pull back the veil (ha) and reveal that our perception of spirits in early games was really misguided.
And once it became obvious he was something more than what he wanted us to think (I had guessed he was related to Fen’Harel- although I had assumed it was something along the lines of Felassan since I had finished TME just before DA:I) it got even better? In DA:O elf lore didn’t really grab me like the dwarves or qunari, or even the mages. DA2 improved with Merrill, and then in DA:I Solas took what Merrill had granted us and ran with it. The lore he introduced was what made me elf trash, honestly. Before I was just kind of like... elf recycling? I loved Merrill, but wasn’t all that interested in Dragon Age elf lore as a concept. Now I am 100% trash and I will rot in this elf garbage dump until the universe ends.
His and Sera’s perspective on the Dalish really jerked me out of the perception of Dalish elves being Perfectly Fallen Elves, which had never been true, but their flaws are much more muted in DA:O and it took several playthroughs before I could really begin to wrap my head around how their behaviour towards Merrill only made matters worse. By listening to Solas and also Sera’s perception of them, it made going back and replaying early games more exciting, as I could see the seeds of issues DA:I would eventually explore. It’s why I enjoy DA:I so much because, imo, it compliments the lore of DA:O and DA2 so well for the most part.
And the lore he eventually brings to Elvhenan? Fantastic. Like I said, I had read TME beforehand, so I was already aware Elvhenan had issues, but revelation that the Elvhen gods were never gods, that their empire was not the perfect thing we had been led to believe? As much as DA:I played up the high fantasy angle more than DA:O and DA2, that revelation was very much a dark fantasy trope, and it fit perfectly with the overall tone in the series whereas before Elvhenan had seemed a little out of place. Empires are shitty by nature, and it was good to see the elven empire was no exception.
All these revelations are, to some extent, introduced or expanded upon by Solas. So I connect a lot of my love for the lore to him, and as a result I’m fond of him for that reason. I’m going to move on, though, because I’m like 800 words in and I haven’t touched upon him as a person lmao.
This one article that I won’t really touch upon for too long, namely because I couldn’t read it all, compared Solas to a fedora-wearer, which is a characterisation that drives me batty. Because Solas is a SJW, for better or worse. He can very easily identify problems in society, and people, and has no problem talking about them, even when it’s inappropriate.
He cares, he cares deeply. He cares even when it’s against his best interests to care.
If you take him with you through the Hinterlands (and beyond) you’ll find he approves when you help people, even people he might disagree with. Should you deliver a flower to Senna’s grave, and invoke Falon’Din’s name when you inform her widower, he approves. He approves even if he knows the Elvhen gods are false, and knows Falon’Din would not spend a second thinking about this poor man’s dead wife.
He cares when you choose to sacrifice the Chargers, and reinforce to Iron Bull that his worth lies only in the Qun. And if you choose to save them, he cares to reassure Bull that he is not a beast, but a person, and an intelligent one.
And whatever your relationship with him is, by Trespasser he decides he cares enough to save you. Even if he thinks your Inquisitor is so terrible he comes close to comparing them to the evanuris (especially Inquisitors he’s unfriendly to who claim to be chosen) he still decides that the south deserves better than what the qunari will give him. Trespasser was not a smart move for Solas, all things considered. He could have pulled out of the south, or left the Inquisitor to die without explanation. But he explains, because he cares enough to know he owes them that much.
None of this excuses what he plans, but how much he cares in spite of what he feels he must do is compelling.
I think one of the most telling things is the stories Solas can recount for you. When you ask him for stories, he tells you tales of Ostagar, or mighty battles, but the little moments he recounts for you are some of my favourite examples of what Solas finds important in the world. Dwarves seeing daylight for the first time, a qunari baker rebelling in a subtle way only she will know. This guy walks the Fade, and could in theory see every moment in history that people might kill to see, but instead comes across a memory of a woman baking and thinks “this is important.”
Stuff like that is, to me, demonstrative about how much Solas is about the people. He has a lot of growing to do when it comes to his perception of... well, everyone, but despite all of this he still does see wonder in really tiny moments. These are things you don’t often see, especially in jaded immortals, and it’s one of my favourite things about getting to know him.
Speaking of Solas’s perception of the modern world, let’s talk about it. It’s flawed as all heck (especially at the beginning of the game), but it makes total sense.
Waking up in a world where there’s essentially one less dimension, or perhaps half a dimension where there used to be a whole one? That’s not the sort of thing you just get over. Of the ancient elves we have met, all of them have expressed similar struggles. Abelas doesn’t recognise a Lavellan as Dalish, and Felassan only begins to see them as people towards the end of Masked Empire.
That Solas’s perception (that any of these characters) is able to evolve is impressive, imo.
I’m not saying he deserves to be praised for coming to recognise people as people, in case you’re wondering. What I love here is that Solas, that every ancient elf thus far, is allowed a very real reaction to an impossible situation. And what I love is, for as much as the fandom likes to paint him as stubborn, he is more capable of evolving than people give him credit for.
Of all the things to admit you were wrong about, admitting you were wrong about the entire population of Thedas is a pretty big thing to admit. It’s why I do have hope that Bioware will grant him at least a bittersweet happy ending. It’s clear, especially if you befriend him, he does not enjoy what he feels must be done.
And you may ask “then why do it?” to which I usually reply: the name of ‘traitor’ would suddenly be worthy of him, at least in his eyes, if he just turned his back on those he has worked for literal centuries to uplift. So many people try to convince Solas he’s wrong by... telling him what he’s doing is bad, which. It is, but he knows. Put that energy towards showing him how his rebels can live the life they were supposed to get after the evanuris had been toppled, and then, I think, people would start to make some headway in redeeming him.
Often when protagonists are redeemed it is with an appeal to the heart, and not the head. You appeal to their better nature. With Solas I believe redemption lies not in appealing to his better nature, because in a way he’s already using it. Instead, redemption for Solas will come from showing him that his heart is right, but it is his head that is the problem. Hopefully that makes sense? Show him that his people matter, and can be given their freedom, and then a happy ending may come after.
I could go on and on and on about everything I love about him, but I’m realising this is getting long, so maybe dedicating a mini-essay to every character trait was a mistake. I’m going to throw out a couple more, and try to wrap things up!
I love how angry he gets in banter. I’m someone who gets mad when I argue with people about social issues, especially when I otherwise had/have respect for that person, so hearing Solas get legitimately frustrated when arguing with Iron Bull is very relatable for me. I love that he’s allowed to be angry, and allowed to be right, even while being wrong about so much else.
I love his sense of humour, and his laugh. I love that as much as “Chuckles” is considered to be (even by the game) an ironic nickname, one of the first potential lines from him is him snort-chuckling about Varric being involved with the Chantry (at the first time we hear the nickname Chuckles, I believe).
I love that he loves spirits. I love that no matter what path you choose for Cole, he loves and supports Cole. I love that he understands spirit Cole is as much as a person as human Cole, and both are good and worthy of loving, even if Cole is going down a path he cannot fully relate to himself.
I love his lapses-- be it where he comes out looking something of a fool (setting his pants on fire) or just being a nerd in love on his romance path. He’s smooth, but he stumbles.
There’s so much more I could go into, honestly? His fashion sense, his relationships with each individual member of the Inquisition, the tenderness he is capable of, but I’m pretty sure this is getting too long to be worth reading. I may do a part two sometime (maybe next anniversary??) but for now, I hope everyone who somehow managed to read all of this has a better understanding of why I care so much for Solas, and why I’ve been writing him for four years.
I have no idea how many thousands of words I’ve written for Solas over the past 8,133 posts, but I do know this: I love how there’s still things I haven’t been able to explore in my prose, and I love that you guys will be here to explore them with me!
Thank you everyone who has stuck with my Solas for so long? Even after my mental health issues forced me to take a very long hiatus, I was surprised and touched by how many stuck with me. You’re all wonderful, and I hope you have a nice night!
If you could please refrain from any Solas negativity in comments or tags, I’d appreciate it!
#( ooc )#[ -don't reblog- without permission ! ]#( about me )#he calls himself Pride ( about )#( solas meta )#[ kind of lmao#i took painkillers before i wrote this and they hit half-way through so if it gets more incoherent i am v sorry ]
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Ocs question things
Stole it from @nekro-led
1. Your first OC ever?
I’m going to go with MLP ocs only and that would be my Ponysona Cloud Dust, followed by Skyline (Originally Thunderstorm.)
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
That's like asking about choosing a favorite child and I can’t. I’d say my most loved ones are Tequila Shots, Dawn Breaker, Moonshine, Onyx Melody, Toffee Paste, Wolf Fangs, Jet Lag and Gold Rum. (Not sure why they’re all mares, I usually like male ocs better.)
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Newer characters? Guess those who doesn't have much of a purpose yet.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
That's a thought one. My first thought is Tequila Shots but she bare a too great resemblance to Applejack and I wouldn't want that to be a problem. Although she is usually well liked as I got a few compliment for my badge at Bronycon.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Skyline and Cirrus Stream who share similar pallet.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
I wrote slice of slice about most of them. Or at least they're always potential writing material.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
Do I really need to get down a list? Again all my ocs are potential material for rp. Although Skyline, Jet Lag and Gold Rum were created for Rp purposes specifically.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
If they weren't designed to be given up at first then no.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I think Wolf Fangs has my most complex design with her full on prosthetic leg and multiple scars.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
Onyx Melody? Despite living in a fucking wasteland.
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
Fuck again I need like to chose only a few but um, Lola, Quick Draw and Raven.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Jet Lag was kind of one but she matured. But Tequila is possibly the biggest one. like by a mile.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory.
Omg who do I even choose? Although Toffee Paste life is not too joyful so far.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Too much.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Dawn Breaker or Ironclock. Possibly Heartbeat.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Jet Lag and Steam Powder all the way. If the question is only my ocs then idk, possibly Aquarelle and Compendium.
18. Any OC crackships?
Omg here I go!
Tequila Shots/Dawn Breaker
Onyx Melody/Iberion
Skyline/Crème Choice
Wolf Fangs/Senna
Cloud Dust/NekroLED
Dawn Breaker/Dunreyrr
Gold Rum/Quick Draw
Dawn Breaker/Lucky Shots
Did I forgot anyone?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Cheesy but they all mean a lot to me.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Well Onyx Melody is a singer although I didn't go through details. Although the song she sing are all soft songs.
21. Your most artistic OC.
Aquarelle, I mean her name is literally water painting.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Onyx is not as pure as you would think.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Skyline definitely, even changed name. Went from a shy awkward good guy with amnesia to a sly pony with a love for teasing and making sex jokes.
There Peach Schnapps who I kinda mellowed down. She was supposed to be absolutely insane but she kinda just a freak with a short fuse.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Not sure I want that, lots of them had sucky life due to being Fallout characters. I guess… Jet Lag? Could at least fly on her back if ponies aren't that small compared to real life human.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Cloud Dust, duh.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC's design or something else about them against your will?
Some of them had minor tweaks like Sweet Cider and Heartbeat because I found them to be too close to canon characters colors. I can't say it's against my will but it displeased me.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
I have sorta of a main song from some of them by directly inspired by one? Can't say I have.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Peach Schnapps can be dangerously unpredictable. But her mother, Pomegranate, is my most adept fighter so would be likely win in a fight against any of my ocs.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
Probably Moonshine.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Hard to pick someone from Fallout so I’d go for Starry Night.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
But I kinda already have blogs about them...
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Pomegranate would definitely make her way trough.
33. Your shyest OC?
Sheridan I think.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
No. I’m considering making Tutti Fruiti and Iron Barb daughters twin.
35. Any sibling characters?
Sheridan and Moonshine.
Onyx Melody and Steadfast although not blood related.
Midnight Blue have an unnamed older brother.
Aquarelle have three unnamed sisters.
Otherwise I have a LOT of only child.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Let's see…
Jet Lag/Steam Powder (Lovers)
Aquamarine/Moca (Friends)
Peach Schnapps/Contraband (Lovers)
Cherry Bomb/Toxic Waste (Siblings)
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Dancer? Shit I have no idea… Starry Night possibly at best?
39. Introduce any character you want.
Sepia Tone in on my list of next to be designed.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
I like how my main 2 are fusions of applejack and other ocs, always crack me up.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
I have like a folder with tons of it <3
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
How specific but definitely Compendium. Well like greek gods ponies.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It's time to confess
Piercing and facial hair. Also I tend to go for less vibrant color then the show.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general.
I’m usually fond of the back story I have for them, I’m always trying to balance with good and back. The Fallout ones tend to be more tragic obviously.
45. A character you no longer use?
A few have no purpose yet but If I can, I’ll try to give them one. (There a lots of none mlp I don't use anymore… like all of them saved for Elliot.)
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Lime like to say #DawnAbuse... and he’s not wrong
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
Umbreow try to steal some of em. Rosy had claimed some as waifu.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes.
Shit idk… Skyline probably.
50. Give me the good ol' OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
This was more tired than I thought. Also I have about 10 ocs that exists but have no design/name yet.
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21, 27, 28, 45.
21. least favorite character to write
Oh, jeez. For the longest time it was Korra. Her voice is extremely hard to nail down as it has about zero consistency. Book 4 helped, but it was still exhausting more often than not. Now, though, it’s probably...either Senna (she has no personality) or any of the Beifongs aside from Su and Opal. And I barely get Su, despite her Lucille Bluthian traits.
27. best review you ever got
The best one? Damn. I don’t think I can nail that down. I can say that there are a few that stuck with me, though. @art-heap, @sherbies, @vanny-more, @lokgifsandmusings (though technically this one is still going lmao) @beech27, @willoghby and @threehoursfromtroy (most honest and emotionally-balanced)...but an honorable mention goes to everyone who followed that story from the start, and there were quite a few if memory serves.
28. worst review you ever got
Probably all of those fanfiction.net ones where people said I was a physically abusive monster to a partner I didn’t have for the “Chapter 7 Debacle”. I’m not saying I did the right the thing first time around, but for God’s sake the response I got was not appropriate. Still think I lost half my audience due to that...even though that’s not what the numbers say >_>
45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
I don’t...ugh, okay. It’s mostly original stuff I’m working on right now but, fine. This one is a tentative synopsis; wording will very likely change.
“Year after year the Great Comet approaches, marking the day that Korra can put her greatest fears to rest. Asami isn’t so lucky as to have a cosmic event to denote when she can find true peace. Those next twenty years may be a head and shoulders above the last twenty, but that doesn’t mean her work is done. She still has a point to prove, and she always will.”
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Una’to Bajhiri : RP Profile (Mateus, Crystal Server)
Updated: 04/23/2019
Character Name: Una’to Bajhiri
The Basics ––––
· Age: 25
· Birthday: 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 13th)
· Race: Miqo’te : Half Moon Keeper and Half Sun Seeker. (It doesn’t show, he looks most like and ID’s as a Keeper.)
· Gender: Male
· Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorous
· Marital Status: Single
(Dating Nezh’a @deviouslynezha)
Physical Appearance ––––
· Hair: White
· Eyes: Aqua Green
· Height: 5’6”
· Build: Lean and muscular. Short from malnutrition growing up.
· Distinguishing Marks: Red tattoos, red eyeshadow, light scars on hands.
· Common Accessories: Long painted nails, masks, and rings made of bone.
Personal ––––
· Profession: Fortune Telling
· Hobbies: Tormenting his self-proclaimed friends, researching, collecting secrets, and socializing.
· Languages: Eorzean
· Residence: Inns around Ul’dah. (He has an Apartment in The Goblet Ward 13 Subdivision Apartment 10, however he is more picky about who he allows to go there, and if anything will do readings there should someone demand a more private venue.)
· Birthplace: Twelves Wood (South Shroud specifically, closer to the East Shroud’s border)
· Religion: Agnostic
· Patron Deity: Menphina, The Lover
· Fears: Being alone, the past, the future, others touching his neck, spiders.
Relationships –––
· Spouse: N/A
· Children: N/A
· Parents: Una Bajhiri and Miqo’te by the name of T’ara Nunh(deceased).
· Siblings: Una’a (thought to be dead goes by Nry (@nyrs-nook)), Kana (deceased), Kiri (deceased), Vizha Bajhiri (Half sibling).
· Other Relatives: Extended clan that he is estranged from on both sides of his family.
· Pets: N/A
Traits –––
· Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
· Disorganized / In Between / Organized
· Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
· Calm / In Between / Anxious
· Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
· Cautious / In Between / Reckless
· Patient / In Between / Impatient
· Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
· Leader / In Between / Follower
· Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
· Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
· Traditional / In Between / Modern
· Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
· Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
· Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
· Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
never /sometimes/ frequently / to excess.
never /sometimes/ frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess
RP Hooks ––––
.Traveling Circus: Sword swallowing, knife juggling fire blowing, card tricks, and fortune telling were his gig’s while in service to the circus. He doesn’t like to talk about that part of his life, but someone is bound to recognize him from that part of his life (Ages 10 to 22).
. Fortune Teller: He reads fortunes for profit where he can, it’s an easy to use skill that he was able to pick up from his time in the circus. Readings can be done via all mediums for RP.
.Void Research: He’s secretly been researching the void and voidsent regarding a disease that hit his small “village” when he was a child, taking his siblings and leaving him the only survivor of the disease. Secrets don’t stay secret long though, and surely someone is bound to hear about his research. He’s mainly looking into the disease to see what it entails for those who survive it, and when and what reasons it popped up before in the past. He’s currently trying to link the disease to whatever voidsent it’s derived from. Additionally, this may make him set some with sensitivities or voidsent off given it did impact his physiological makeup.
. Corrupted Aether: Due to the disease he suffered from in his childhood, if you’re able to sense aether it’s likely you can tell that he has a large amount, and that it’s not normal.
. Distrust of Conjurers: He has a distrust of conjurers as they couldn’t make it to his village to help him or his siblings when disease took hold. He also has a dislike of Kan-e Senna as a result. Aura Conjurers are safe from his distrust however. He’s prone to glaring at Conjurers as a result, and often doesn’t realize it.
. World’s Oldest Profession: Maybe you’ve hired him for his services before, he isn’t taking anyone recently as his fortune telling career is treating him better and Nezh’a is very prone to crashing his engagements and ruining them.
. Clan Runaway: Are you a Bajhiri? You may have heard about his siblings deaths, or how he left his poor mother alone when she needed help most. Either way, he’ll likely be aloof around you and try to avoid the subject of his family as much as possible, but may try to probe for information on how the clan is doing.
About the Mun and Contact Details––––
· My main blog is @fracturedfantasia, but messaging on Tumblr via IM or asks on my main or character blog is fine by me. Una’to can be found at @unatobajhiri.
· I will give my Discord upon request. It is probably the best way to reach me as I have it on my computer and phone. Discord and Tumblr are preferable, just because at times my depression or anxiety kicks my butt and gives me low energy. Which by extension means that I may be a little slow on replies because energy and focus are fickle weird things. I am much newer to in game RP, but have been RPing via forums and table top for a cumulative ten or so years.
· I live in Arizona, so in Winter I’m on MST and in Summer PDT. To us, daylight savings is fake.
· I work retail currently, and that means my schedule isn't consistent. As it is now I have Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday off consistently. I usually play DnD on Monday and Saturday nights typically.
· I tend to be a night owl and have insomnia, so catching me from afternoon to nope in the morning is your best bet. Otherwise I can be low energy at times and forgetful. Life is a busy thing after all, and we all have differing levels of energy that we can dedicate to things. Especially with IRL drama hitting time to time.
· Of course IC and OOC are separate. If you’ve talked to me ever, you will know I am a strange little cryptid that draws and makes jokes a lot, as well as like, I will cry upon seeing kittens.
· Una’to can be found in game on the Mateus server generally for his home server, otherwise any Crystal world is fair game.
What I’m Looking For and Rules ––––
I’m looking for people who are okay with characters changing. As such Una’to is set up with a kind of dating sim route where those around him influence the end of this chapter in his life and how he ends up. That means there are varying levels of good ends and bad ends, with the extremes being the end goal regardless, as people can continue to influence his rise or fall as a person. The more people who are good and convince him to be less jaded, the better off he is for a good end. The more people who are trying to corrupt and use him because of his past with voidsent? The closer he gets to a bad end.
I’m not looking to ERP. We will both just feel awkward and disappointed more than anything, just because I will be as lost as can be. If it does happen we can try and see what happens, but I want it to be story motivated. Additionally, shipping is not one of my big concerns regarding Una’to. If it happens it happens, but at present I’m not going to push for it. I mean... LOOK AT HIM.
Please don’t try to kill my muse physically. Like, I’m going to put that final nail in the coffin when I so wish. Think he should have some marks left from an interaction, talk to be about it first. You don’t get to decide what changes occur to my character on my half simple as that.
Given he is a character that has darker themes, I ask that all interested in RPing with Una’to be 18+. No offense to minors, I’m just covering my bases here. I’m also quite a bit older than eighteen now, any my comfort for minors interacting with darker things, especially ones that I’m contributing to, is that I would prefer we’re both adults.
· If one has any questions, constructive critique, or comments please shoot me a message!
#una'to bajhiri#profile#god help me i did the thing finally you#you all have details on my terrible man
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