swsapphics-ao3feed · 5 months
I’m submitting my Barriss/Ahsoka focused series. If you prefer recommending specific stories rather than a series, this is the first and by far longest entry: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6688336/chapters/15297046
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anxietyriddledsquid · 1 month
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sketch request from @425599167 of their barriss redesign/au! i hope my interpretation of her description is close to what you had in mind, let me know if there are changes to make though and i can alter it :)
here’s the link to the fics the design is from if you want to check them out: https://archiveofourown.org/series/507609
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425599167 · 5 months
Since Barriss is finally getting more attention, I want to advertise my series, because I think it includes many storylines Barriss fans want. Excessively thorough analysis of Barriss's motivations, reconciliation & romance with Ahsoka, countering the inquisitors, more interactions with supporting characters, and the most smartass Revan holocron I could write all building Barriss into the anti-imperial mastermind she deserves to be. The first and primary entry is The Erosion of the Spirit, but I try to make each accessible to new readers and Obsolete Products is the one I'm proudest of. That one's got Rex learning barrissoka is a thing and he is not happy about it.
Tales of the Empire took steps in the right direction but could only do so much in half an hour. If you want Barriss redemption, I crossed that threshold years ago and kept going. I did it. It's done. Here ya go.
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archduke42 · 6 months
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Tales of the Empire | Official Trailer | Disney+ (youtube.com)
@stellanslashgeode @lesbiansandpuns @barrissoka @jedimasterbailey @devondeal @425599167 @thecleverqueer @barissoffee
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bluedeedeedoop · 7 months
👻🦋🦈💘📚🚦🍬 for the writer ask game
yippee thanks for the asks!!!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Ooooo okay im answering barrissoka for this; During the rebels era, Ahsoka eventually meets with Barriss by accident and they discuss and become happily ever after the end i will end my life if this doesn't happen thank you and goodbye.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
BARRISS. 100% barriss. also when i was writing tangled the series fanfiction, cassandra was probably my fav too fr
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
this one is tough because i've only ever started writing for like two fandoms- and by the time i write for a ship ive already consumed as much media and fanfiction and humanly possible, therefore absorbing their personalities and attitudes into my brain, making them easy to write :D but i guess out of the two fandoms ive written for, probably rapunzel from tangled the series. dont come at me.
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
well, i personally both are easy to write for me when i really get into it- like when my brain is LOCKED IN. but okay hear me out. i fucking love writing fluff and reading it, but by god angst is somehow easier for me to flow with then writing yk???
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
(im sorry in advance) YES I KNOW MANY!!! of course these shall be barrissoka because yes but i know a lot of other amazing writers too for other fandoms!! i recommend: @kaaragen is an AMAZING author and their work And if we fell together has my heart and soul and god fucking damn it take my money ANYWAYS- The author mylordshesacactus has amazing works!! the author Gabby(kirahsoka) has amazing works too!! the ao3 series Clouded Light and the works Lost Shepherd and Coming home to you (A personal fav!!!!). Also my amazing friend @jedimasterbailey and their fic The Padawans!!! Another one of my favorite authors is @lesbiansandpuns whose work i absolutely love so much i stg especially The moments when we smile and those between has me on my knees not even joking (their other works are literally godsent as well). also!! @425599167 is an amazing author and their take on Barriss Offee as a whole is absolutely wonderful, their work The Erosion of the Spirit had me dissociating for a good week on that fic, literally amazing. I also really adore Let's call it love by my friend @stellanslashgeode!!
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
ok im a sucker for happily ever after alright??? but i love me a good build up!!!!
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i've been in a LOT of fandoms but i didn't start writing for any until recent (last couple years) which are Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (the tangled series) (judge me and i will eat you) and Star Wars! for TTS prob my fic Painting can wait (guys this is my old writing please bare with me) and for Star wars probably Love you anyway. (even if you hate tea) because i kiiiiinda wrote that one as self indulgence. again if i hear anything i will eat you.
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here is little art snippet of an oc!
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antianakin · 11 months
Have you read the fic The Erosion of the Spirit? It's by 425599167, and while it's not perfect, I love the complete lack of respect the characters feel towards the dark side, if you haven't read I would highly recommend.
P.S. the one time Vader appears in person is classic, if you want to see that just skip to the final chapter, it's partly funny, and also really unnerving.
I have not! I can add it to the TBR pile, for sure.
If anyone else wants to check it out, you can find the link below. It's a 320k+ completed fic, Barriss/Ahsoka, and seems to include some Legends stuff including Thrawn and Revan.
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kaaragen · 7 months
YES IM SO GLAD YOU REBLOGGED THE ASK GAME! 😍 I’d like to know ❤️💕🦋🦈💘🚦📚🎨
❤️ Argh! this is the one I was hoping I wouldn't be asked because I remember having a line I was very proud of but I can't remember what the damn thing was now! XD
Of the lines I remember liking, I'd say this one is one I'm very pleased with looking back, as sentimental as it is. Ignore the fact that I'm cheating because there's more than one, but the context of the previous line is necessary:
"Because you, and millions of others, have fought and suffered through a war that’s killed billions, wrought by the most sophisticated minds of the age.
"So maybe childish, naïve and idealistic is worth a try."
💕 It has to be And if we Fell Together, which I think is also the best thing I've written. It honestly still boggles my mind how popular that became, and especially when I think about how close I was to never actually writing or posting it. But I'm very glad I did, and reading it back gives me so much joy. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank the people who read it enough, or convey how much it meant to me, not least for the confidence boost it gave me when I was at a really low point.
🦋Oof, that's actually a tough one...I like writing Ahsoka and Barriss for different reasons; mainly because they are interesting foils in how they hide their insecurities. Barriss presents with a lot of poise and decorum, but internally she's a hot screaming mess; whereas Ahsoka outwardly projects confidence, but is very insecure and almost uses 'running headfirst at things' to stop herself from thinking and being paralysed.
But lately, I'm really enjoying teenage Tatooine Leia and pre-fuck-up-with-the-Duchess Sabine. Both are quite fun to unpick and work backwards from their canon characters and think 'okay, but if they were in this environment and didn't have that what would they be like?' without removing their essential natures as characters.
🦈 It used to be Luminara, as I really struggled to get a handle on her. After her confrontation with Barriss, where she loses her poise, it became a lot easier as it clicked that she's devoutly committed to the Jedi Order and the spiritual ideals of the Force, but is also using them to mask her uncertainties about what to do in situations.
As of now, it's probably Seventh Sister - who is fun to write, but also needs care as she is a mess and it's easy for her characterisation to split too far too soon and there's less in canon to anchor with.
(The Spectres as a whole are tricky, because you have to give each of them something to do, and also have them react in ways that fit each character, without that becoming a litany of reciting. God knows how Tamsyn Muir manages to do it so effortlessly in The Locked Tomb...)
💘It will surprise no one when I say angst XD My brain just seems to be wired for it (and I like to think I do it pretty well). But I maintain that angst makes the fluff worth it/better when it comes. So there!
🚦I've changed on this one. I used to think I was more of a 'bad' ending person, but perhaps years of reading Grim Dark stuff has worn me down. Or, writing has made me realise I'm more sentimental than I thought. Either way, I like plausible happily ever afters or ambiguity tinged with hope.
📚Ooo, that's a good question. I couldn't narrow down to just one, so I'll say that The Padawans (by someone you may not have heard of, called JediMasterBailey :P) and The Erosion of the Spirit by @425599167 are different, brilliant, takes on canon-compliant Barriss redemption arcs; Down to my Knees (Up en Pointe) by @cafffine is the best Inquisitor Barriss fic I've ever read, with Tomorrow, She'll see the Sky Again by @thevalaxy being the best post-Inquisitor Barriss fic I've read. Then there's Where I've Always Been and Coming Home to You by Gabby (Kirahsoka), which are amazing and made a sceptic of modern-world AUs and fantasy-world AUs like me rethink my scepticism.
Special shout-out goes to Pity and Reforging by @mylordshesacactus, which were the first Barrisoka fics I read and Jesus Christ, I think they fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and will haunt me until my dying day.
🎨Well, someone (not naming because I don't know if they want to be) very nicely asked if they could do fanart inspired by And if we Fell Together, which was about the happiest day of my life! I've seen some drafts and it looks incredible and I'm incredibly excited to see the finished version!
If there were to be a specific scene, I'd go for Ahsoka and Anakin's starfighter duel as I really like the imagery in that one! Oh, and also the first kiss!
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My opinions on Tales of the Empire’s second half under the cut-
It’s more than I was expecting of Barriss content, which I am in fact very happy to see! It gets a passing grade in terms of her characterization and plotline. However, a passing grade doesn’t necessarily mean a good score, which my main point here.
The show does all the basic things right! It characterizes her correctly, keeps her values and personality recognizable, and shows how she would reasonably react to the situations she’s placed in.
And that’s it.
There just isn’t enough time in the show to really give her story any weight- three ~15 minute episodes, really? Like the main beats are hit, but *only* those and they don’t have time to go further into it, making it feel rushed and bare-bones. I’m glad it’s canon now, but I personally am still going to be looking at fan content for the really moving Barriss tales.
Shoutout to And If We Fell Together by Kaaragen for being iconic and my favorite longform barrissoka fic, and The Erosion of the Spirit by 425599167 for being what first got me into this pair.
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dannybexx · 2 years
After 4/5 months it's finally done! (I don't remember exactly how long it took but it was a while.
I wanted to bund the fic "The Erosion of the Spirit" by @425599167 on here and over on AO3
There's a couple things I'm not too happy with, mainly the glue seepage on the back cover and the crinkling of the pages on the front and back but it's the first book I've bound and I'm happy with it!
Probably going to add some corner protectors and some silver leaf lettering to the spine for the title but for now it's done!
I also drew some chapter icons. Pictured are just 2 of them and then also some time skip break things(?) (the lines that fic authors put to denote time skips or change of povs) all themed to the fic itself.
Mug for scale!
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shannon-foraker · 2 years
So I got tagged by @musewrangler on the last line tag game.
The time after that, it’s after he discovers that, out of the over 300 wallers he sent, two thirds were destroyed, and of the survivors, only seventeen podlayers from a Fifth Fleet that had once been ninety-six (before you counted the thirty CLACs) strong, and fourteen battlecruisers from Admiral Diamato's task group managed to escape capture, and that Admiral Tourville, his friend, and one of his best fleet commanders, got captured.
That's too many people to tag, but here it is. If you don't write fanfic, maybe share where you are on your art or memes.
@kraytwriter @archduke42 @sarnakhwritesthings @jedimasterbailey @brachylagus-fandom @425599167 @calcium-cat @really-quite-tremendous @lemoneste @greaterawarness @pratchettfan87
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Mara Jade: You may not like this, I'm gonna try and agitate him.
Corran Horn: Do what you gotta do, and I'll do what I gotta do.
Mara Jade: I'm just gonna be as crude as possible.
Corran Horn: Cool.
Corran Horn: HOLY SHIT!
Mara Jade: Exar, I'm dancing in your temple, it's my temple now! You hear that? You want me out of this temple you're gonna have to kill me! You're gonna have to throw me into that lake yourself!
Corran Horn: This temple has killed several people.
Mara Jade: Look at how I dance in it, I disrespect your tomb, Exar. You hear that, Exar? Me and Corran Horn own your grave now.
Corran Horn: I don't- Nope, don't loop me into your shit, I hate when you do this-
Mara Jade: Well then tell him! Tell him you're not part of this!
Corran Horn: I'm not part of her little charade.
Mara Jade: You're talking to Exar?
Corran Horn: ...I see what you've done.
Mara Jade: It's Sith Lord entrapment. EXAR!
Corran Horn: I'm not with her.
Mara Jade: The academy students will put MY name in graffiti! Jedi will come here and tell tales of ME!
Mara Jade: ...We're leaving now, Exar. After all, this is OUR tomb now.
Corran Horn: Okay...
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swsapphics-ao3feed · 4 months
by 425599167
Somehow, Asajj Ventress has returned. Ahsoka may not be happy to see her again, but a Force-wielding ex-assassin bounty hunter with underworld connections is too potentially valuable to ignore. With a common enemy, Ventress could end up in the Fulcrum network’s corner if Barriss can meet her challenge.
Words: 2926, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Truth In Legends
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Asajj Ventress
Relationships: Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano, Ahsoka Tano & Asajj Ventress, Barriss Offee & Asajj Ventress
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Neck Kissing, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars)
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alexkablob · 4 years
Hey, remember at the start of the series when Ruby wore a Grimm-esque sleep mask over her eyes? Fun times.
I hate everything
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425599167 · 3 months
Rising up against the Empire pulled rebel agents Cinta and Vel together, then pulled them lightyears apart to missions on different worlds. Amid the struggle they receive some much-needed advice from the Rebellion's most powerful operatives. Unfortunately, four intelligence agents discussing their deepest emotions while keeping their guard up is no easy task.
Networks of networks united disparate cells of resistance. So many things could go wrong. Fear of not knowing enough, fear of knowing more than necessary. Only knowing enough to be certain the contact could perform the task. As for Barriss’s current ally, the only certainties were Cinta’s name and her proven skills working for other anti-imperial operations, with Barriss testing the waters for cooperation with a promising rebel network. Mon Mothma’s service as an intermediary and the ISB’s recent internal panic were encouraging, but not absolutes. Surely the ISB could concoct a more original code-name than ‘Axis’, thought Fulcrum.
Here's my first crossover story with Andor, where barrissoka helps out velcinta because I worry about those two sometimes.
Happy Pride!
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archduke42 · 1 year
I liked this
Find 'Barriss and Ahsoka' on TikTok | TikTok Search
@jedimasterbailey @devondeal @thecleverqueer @grissaecrim @barrissoka-arts @stellanslashgeode @zackaran @lesbiansandpuns @lil-kyloben @lilith-iden @425599167
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kdinjenzen · 3 years
I saw your fancy new Chex Mix Bondage Shirt™, and I have questions. Are you positive it's really from Chex Mix, or could someone have just put the logo on the box? Did the box it came in have a return address for a specific facility or person you could hunt down? Does the shirt's tag provide the brand, some way you could figure out what this exact product is? Judging from the stitching, could the sleeve thing be a manufacturing defect?
The sweater was intentionally made that way, the box is heavily branded, there is paperwork in the box from Chex Mix.
It’s real. It’s official.
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