#what if i wanted you to kill me and then i told you i loved you?
xazse · 3 days
okay hear me out…. reverse hybrid au… with tigerhybrid!sukuna bc nobody else can handle him because he’s so aggressive and overbearing .. so reader is their last resort zoo caretaker and they’re is shocked at how it’s like reader has a leash on tigerhybrid!sukuna 😚
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Synopsis: You’re head of a completely different department so why are you being asked to help with an odd situation?
Warnings: Female!reader + Mean!Sukuna + cringe tropes (sorry) + Hybrid!Sukuna: ears and a tail + heat + cumming inside + doggy + NOTPROOFREAD!!! + obsessed!Sukuna
Pairings: Tigerhybrid!Sukuna x female!Reader
Notes: I’m really working to improve my writing for you guys!! Esp my non-English speakers
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“Miss please you know we would never beg like this if it wasn’t urgent.”
“I don’t specialize in that field, how many times must I tell you?”
You were getting sick of these scientists coming to you more often than normal, there’s three right now begging for you to take on a case that you didn’t want to do.
“Sukuna is out of control, he’s already injured five of our best, now they refuse to work with him”
“And I should be the sixth?” You say with a quirk of your brow.
They all stop and stare at one another, you have a good ass point what makes them think that you’ll be the antidote for their beast they decided to keep.
“Like I said, my stance on this won’t change.”
Another voice in the doorway of your office speaks up: “I’ll upgrade your pay and have you transferred up.”
Your ears perk up at this offer, to go even further where you are right now means business and a fuck ton of money. On the flip side it means facing whatever they’re against but you’ve always been a little greedy for money so you oblige.
The scientists made sure to throw you in the thinnest garments: “to let him know you don’t have anything on you.” As they put it.
They also had told you no sudden movements and to talk with him in a calm manner, show him you aren’t afraid and find out what’s been making him so angry lately. Easy peasy except your life is on the line!
You disregard any negative thoughts of death and make your way into the place where they keep their hybrids, it’s like little apartments where they can do as they please in return for information on their biology, as far as you know they love it here. You’ve once met puppy!hybrids Satoru and Suguru they were very sweet men, needy but sweet.
Your first step into the apartment is met with a strong smell, a smell of something primal if that even has a smell. It’s warm.
You start poking around his place, checking his fridge and looking for anything out of the ordinary, nothing seems amiss though. It’s not until you come up to one of the doors and hear slight noises. You press your ear up closer making the noise more clearer: whining it sounds like whining.
Could he perhaps be In pain? You knock three times and announce you’re coming in. The door clicks and you start slowly pulling it open. You see the man in all his glory resting upon his bed, arms wrapped around his pillow and an unreadable expression.
Sukuna is big, he’s a big man compared to all the other hybrids, he’s brimming with pure muscle. Does he workout in here? Your thoughts are interrupted by slight growling: he’s warning you. Step any close r and he will have no choice but to harm you.
You pay him no mind, instead you step fully in and start looking around without a care in the world.
“You’re making trouble- why is that?” You say while looking through his dresser.
“You’re being extremely nosy, leave before I kill you.” He threatens harshly.
“If you harm me I’ll have you sent somewhere else, I know where you come from and I’m assuming you don’t want to go back.”
The room goes eerily silent like he’s making a choice, he opens his mouth to speak but a groan accidentally slips past his lips.
Oh… the big oaf is in heat, and top scientists couldn’t tell or try to track his cycle?
“You in heat big guy?”
“Such a liar, I’m not here to make fun of you, I’m here to make sure you get proper help.”
“The only way I’ll get proper help is if I fuck someone.” So damn blunt you think to yourself.
He continues speaking: “I think you know they won’t allow that though.”
“Would you like some toys? I can request that for you.”
You let out the loudest sigh and plop down on his fluffy bed. Bending your head in his direction you see he’s not looking at your face but your body, eyes fully trained on your pert nipples because of the cold.
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You allow the poor suffering hybrid to mount you, putting a good bit of his weight on your back you can feel the outline of his thick meaty cock resting near your cunt and ass.
He’s hard, fully hard and probably has been for a while: you feel almost a little bad.
Sukuna doesn’t waste anytime grinding down against you, it feels so fucking good, his cock is accepting anything even if it’s the bare minimum. Everytime he meets your ass he whines, such a needy tiger you coo.
He’s ignoring all the dirty little comments you send his way too focused on the only good sensation he’s felt for a while, his hand doesn’t compare to your rounded ass. You reach between your legs and pull his shorts down, letting his cock bob free for a minute before he’s pushing up against you again.
He’s producing so much precum that youCan feel it through your silky garments.
“Smells so good… really good.” “Mhhhphmmm-“ he’s now being open with his groans too focused on the feeling of his tip prodding your clothed pussy. His swishing tail is within your eyesight, you grab it and rub it for extra stimulation.
You help him a little bit by bouncing your ass against him. He places his head in the crook of your neck and starts nibbling on your neck, you can feel how sharp his damn teeth are and pray to yourself he isn’t going to bite you: killing you in the process.
He doesn’t do any of that instead he just lightly bites, using no strength at all. While he’s busying tearing up your neck you slip your panties off, grabbing his fat length and teasing your wet hole. Just feeling it in your hand has your body burning up in arousal it’s been a while since you’ve had a cock, especially a cock his size.
You slowly start inching it in, the stretch is so damn unbearable and uncomfortable. When he feels what you’re doing he starts moving his hips already. An impatient thing such as him isn’t gonna wait. He gets about halfway in and you feel a thick liquid fill you, did this beast just cum? Already?
“Nhhhnn.. fuck-..” this doesn’t deter him because he’s sitting fully on his knees and pulling you flush against him, his entire length snuggly inside your pussy. He doesn’t wait to bounce you back on him, you can’t comprehend anything properly so shocked by how he just made you take every inch of him.
Your lashes flutter closed as he ruts into you like you’re the damn sex tox he’s been given, one he wasn’t gonna take care of properly. His hold on you is extremely tight so you can do nothing but take him fully, even when your walls threaten to constrict around him he pushes through it and keeps fucking Into you.
You allow him, allow him to thrust like a wild animal, mercilessly pulling all the way out of you just to slam back in. Drool is seeping down your neck where he’s latched on in droves. He’s far too gone, pussy has never felt this good.
By the end Sukuna is still rutting uselessly, he’s not even hard anymore he just can’t stop leaking cum nor has that good euphoric feeling stopped. He’s made a mess of your pussy, his cum and yours seeping down your thighs and onto his ruined sheets.
Hes licking at your face and you can hear a deep rumbling in his chest, this big hybrid is purring in content. Any attempt to move from under him is completely halted, he won’t let you move even an inch.
He begins sucking on your nipples, they’re definitely gonna be sore later but now it seems he just wants comfort and you fully give that to him. Rubbing his ears and whispering sweet nothings to him.
After that incident Sukuna is completely attached, he constantly whines for you to come see him including the scientists also calling for you to calm him down. He won’t let you have a moments peace.
Even when you tell him you’re extremely busy he’s having none of it, if he wants you to laze around and do nothing but rub him or praise/coddle him he completely expects it!
As his mate you’re meant to be with him all the time you should be grateful he’s even letting you leave the nest.
You were left fully shocked when he first called you his mate but the scientists explained that you were his first and now you are his last, they had all praised you because testing was made easier if you were there.
They’re all surprised to see him completely like mush under you, like one time when it was time for his blood to be drawn he made you come and sit in his lap while he had it taken. The doctors said he seemed to be completely smitten with you, in love and so possessive.
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floatyflowers · 3 days
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You must have the courage to tell Melkor that, especially when you know that he is interested in you.
He would probably find out from one of his spies that you wish to give up your immortality for a human man.
So, he sends Mairon to get that man and have him tortured.
It all happened in front of your eyes, while you were being held down.
"You must always remember that your choice has consequences"
You didn't know that Annatar is Sauron, he befriended you to the point where you told him all your secrets.
As if he doesn't already know all your secrets.
However, you made the mistake of telling him about your human lover.
Annatar has become obsessed with you, already deciding that you will rule beside him for eternity, therefore, he can't allow you to give up your immortality.
"It saddens me to see your tears, I'm sure your lover is in a much better place now"
He has known you since childhood, so it displeased him greatly when you informed him that you have a human lover.
He tried to appear supportive of your relationship but deep down he was feeling pure rage.
He finally snapped when you informed him that you wished to become mortal.
Maedhros killed his own kin, what makes you believe he won't do the same to your human lover.
"You belong to me, I will take you as my wife so you don't have to give away your mortality."
"You would willingly choose the fleeting years of a mortal? Forsake the eternal beauty of our kind?"
The king of Mirkwood considered it treachery to choose a human lover over him.
Yes, you are not in love with him, but he is your king, and he believes that he deserves to have you whether you want it or not.
Thranduil would probably order the death of your lover in secret then blame it on Orcs.
And use the opportunity to blame you and make you feel guilty for falling in love with a human man.
He taught you everything about crafting, expecting in return your complete love and devotion to him.
But instead you only thought of him as an older brother...even a father if you dare admit.
This infuriated Celebrimbor especially when he discovers that you are in love with a human man.
You chose a human over the grandson of Fëanor who created the Silmarils?!
"Believe me, locking you up is the best option to prevent you from committing such foolishness, my dear."
His children 'The Orcs' captured you and your lover while you two were journeying together.
Adar took a great interest in you and was amused by your relationship with a human man.
And when your lover reveals that you will become a human for him, Adar only smirks in amusement before ordering his execution.
He has finally found a 'mother' for his children.
"Weeping will do you no good, my dear"
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carpkoinobori · 3 days
[☆] mean girls — momo x reader
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[𖤐] 1/1 [please be aware this is all fiction! none of this is real and idols behavior is not accurately represented.]
song(s): applause - lady gaga | moments in love - charli xcx | paparazzi- lady gaga | old friend - mitski | mean girls - charli xcx | west coast - lana del rey | pink in the night - mitski
summary: getting on the survival show sixteen was really just a way to kickstart your acting career. who would’ve guessed it’d take such a toll on you?
pairing: momo x actress!reader
tags: not that much angst, happy ending, barely frenemies traumabonded to situationship to kinda friends to lovers, reader is just a little unstable, there is a good amount of fluff though
wc: 9.3k
cw: dieting, mild sexual content, alcohol, cigarettes (smoking), mention of covid, making out (like 4 times)
ex: not beta read, timeline was as accurate as I could make it given the fact that for some reason no one knows where twice was at during november and october of 2017
a/n: is it me if the story doesn’t have either an ed/restriction reference or catholic elements.. I love charli xcx’s music. reader has a “disgraced” older sister
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you were 17 years old when you were told you made it onto sixteen.
you were a JYP trainee— not for an idol group, no, for acting. Yet, you were put into singing and dancing classes. It was a bit weird, but as long as you could perform, you didn’t mind.
you did pretty well, actually. You weren’t a top trainee by any means— this wasn’t your true passion— but you were good. You enjoyed dancing, and were pretty talented with hiphop and other less restrictive styles.
your parents had forced you into ballroom, specifically waltzes, even more specifically the Viennese waltz, since you could remember. You were a prim and proper, well-mannered, upper class girl. Perfect for acting, perfect for the silver screen.
Your father was a business magnate— specifically in transportation. He wasn’t like Samsung, no, but a manufacturer of luxury vehicles. He designed trains, bus systems, even planes, at time— he was a talented engineer, of course, but most of the work had now been relegated to employees. When you told him you wanted to be an actor, he didn’t really mind. Your mother didn’t look like she loved the idea, but it’d be good for the family image, so she conceded. After all, you’d succeed, right?
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What they didn’t tell you about being on a survival show is how it gets into your head.
you were competitive by nature, fueled by your parents constant reminders you needed to be the best. You were the daughter of a powerful and rich businessman, with his perfect trophy wife— their only daughter needed to be perfect, of course.
you played instruments— violin, piano, flute— were in extracurriculars— tennis, skiing, dance, language classes— had an absolutely pristine record, and perfect grades. You were the poster child of perfection, a face fit for magazines and your family, the girl a mother would tell you to bring home.
But you know, it gets tiring to be so perfect. You hadn’t had any competition— until now, that is.
Sixteen perfect, beautiful, talented girls. Seven spots.
You had never felt more desperate to prove yourself than in that moment.
It was strange, really— you didn’t want to be in an idol group. You had never even considered it. Your passion was acting, it always had been, and it always would be.
but you had never been bad at anything your whole life. Everything you had tried, you had mastered, a desperate fervor to know and prove yourself. But here you were, for once, not the best at something— and it drove you absolutely crazy.
you needed to be the absolute best, the perfect candidate— the prettiest, the best singer, the best personality, the best dancer—
you couldn’t, though. and it killed you.
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You met Momo when you were 15. It was 2013, some time in the winter, although you couldn’t quite remember. Some people said she looked like you, but you didn’t really see it.
She had been a trainee for longer— since 2012– you had never really gotten the chance to talk to her, on account of the fact she didn’t speak Korean. Momo was Japanese, same as Sana. They were both close, obviously, and you had noticed they took Korean language classes with a tall Taiwanese girl you never bothered to learn the name of.
There were the trainees everyone knew would debut— Nayeon, Jihyo, Jeongyeon— and the trainees people didn’t really speak about.
You were somewhere in the middle. You had a lot of skills, both in instruments, languages, sports, and acting, but you weren’t a top trainee by any means. You stayed comfortably in the upper middle, a chance at debut but not too high, not too low to be kicked out, either.
You could dance well, of course, although you sometimes felt a burning pang of jealousy watching Momo dance. She was good at it, unreasonably so. It came so naturally to her. Like she didn’t even have to think about it.
and she was pretty, too. long black hair, black eyes you could drown in. You didn’t to stare too long. She was just.. noticeable. It’s not like she ever noticed. When she was dancing, the only thing that mattered was her reflection in the practice room mirror. Her friend, Sana, would glance at you once or twice, whenever you stared.
She knew.
you never noticed.
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Practicing for the competition was obviously stressful, but nothing you couldn’t handle. You were determined, strong, not weak. You learned English, Japanese, played the piano, violin, you had kind of forgotten the flute but you could, once— you had skied since you were four, played tennis at six— you didn’t know, yet, but you would graduate high-school as valedictorian, taking the maximum amount of AP’s for the last four years.
You’d practice till you got a move, perfectly. You were the first to enter the practice room and the last to leave.
you know, contrary to what you’d think, your father’s money isn’t what got you into JYP, or their idol program, or SIXTEEN— well, maybe it played a part into getting you into JYP, but the rest was all you. All your “friends”, other kids you knew, same or richer than you, spent their time partying, shopping, crashing cars and drinking.
some, of course, worked like you. There were parents who didn’t care what their kids did, and parents who needed their children to be the paragons of perfection. Usually, the more high-class your parents were, the more in the public eye they were. Korean standards were strict, and if you didn’t mean it, you’d watch your family apologize for you on public television, renounce your name, and at times, wipe you from the will. Most kids got a pass, their parents pulled some strings, and they were free. But others? Well, the kids that were forced to work hard were usually the ones who had to pay a price.
you would not be disgraced like your sister. She lived in America, now, and you hadn’t contacted her in two years. Not like you missed her. Not like you counted.
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“Momo, have you noticed that rich girl staring at you?” The dyed-brown haired girl questioned, twirling a pen in their shared dorm.
“What rich girl?” The long haired girl blinked, black hair dyed close to the same shade of her friend.
“The one sitting across from us? The one that the instructor always says you kind of look like,” she reminded, unimpressed, gesturing at her subtly with the pen.
“Why would she stare at me? She’s the daughter of some famous Korean businessman, we’re two random Japanese trainees,” Momo pointed out, causing Sana sigh and lean in a little closer.
“Momo, that’s not what I’m talking about! Even before she got moved to this dorm, she’s always looking at you. Maybe she’s jealous, you two are always getting compared to each other, after all, and I bet she feels threatened-” She rephrased, Momo’s eyes widening before she cut her off.
“Sana! Quiet down! She could hear you!”
“She’s Korean, Momo, she’s not going to know Japanese, let alone a dialect,” she pointed out, crossing her arms, flicking Momo on the forehead with an amused smile. “You know, I’m starting to think that time you hit your head really did have an effect on y-!”
“Actually, I’m fluent in both Japanese and English,” a cold voice piped up. “I don’t speak the dialects, but they’re understandable,” you added, shifting on the bunk-bed to rest on your hands, a carefully blank look on your face.
Sana turned to you in shock and embarrassment, and Momo pointed at her childishly, exclaiming, “I told you so!”
Sana and Momo had only been in Korea for about a year, at that point, and their Korean wasn’t exactly great.
“Ah.. I’m sorry..” Sana began, slowly, in Korean.
“I just told you, I speak Japanese. You don’t have to speak in Korean. That’s why they placed me here, though. To help you two with your Korean,” you informed, pronunciation sharp and undeniably the standard Tokyo-way of speaking.
“Right.. I’m sorry for talking about you,” Sana began, again, feeling a little humiliated, which made her a bit annoyed. She wasn’t a gossip or anything, you just stared at Momo a lot. It was noticeable. You two were constantly being compared to each other for your similarities in looks, after all.
“It’s fine,” you dismissed, with a wave of your hand. “I’m sure it seems like I stare a lot, but it’s just because I like to analyze the competition, not because I’m jealous of.. well, you two,” you voiced, regarding them both with an amused smile.
To be completely transparent, you were a little jealous of Momo. She was an absolutely amazing dancer. But of course, no one had to know that.
“You know we’re going to be on a survival show, don’t you?” you asked, with a tilted head and pointed stare.
“Well, yeah, we know.. but why am I competition?” Momo blinked, pointing at herself.
You let out a sharp, pointed laugh, almost in disbelief.
“You’re not a bad dancer, and don’t rank too low, either. It’s a seven member group. There’s not a lot of room to be mediocre,” your words were calculated, given sharply, seriousness gracing your words. Momo frowned, mood souring slightly at your clipped, dismissive tone. She didn’t notice, though, how serious you seemed— how some cutthroat ideology laced your words.
Sana did, though. As much as Sana presented herself as an airhead, she was unbelievably smart— especially with people. She knew intentions, how to talk to people, how to get what she wanted with words. You knew this, and recognized her for what she was— a clever, determined, but kind girl. She’d do what she needed to do to get what she wanted, of course, but she’d try to help you along as far as she could. It wasn’t clear to you, yet, if she’d give up her space to let someone else take it.
You weren’t sure you’d ever know.
“Anyway, I have some essays to finish. I’ll graduate this year,” you added, breaking the tension, laying on your bed and taking out your school laptop, beginning to write.
The two Japanese girls stared, dumbfounded, and quietly slinked out of the room after a few minutes. It was too awkward, and you seemed so unbothered, unflappable after that little display— some of the other trainees were intimidated by you, whispers of how you were only in this program to “challenge” yourself, or that it was sure you’d debut because of your father, or talents, or how you were the smartest trainee— all rumors, all untrue. You were placed here for a reason unknown to you, and didn’t even rank particularly high at the moment. You were slowly climbing the ranks, though, and had sat comfortably in fifth place by the time SIXTEEN started.
Although, you’re sure all those people who whispered about you in the halls would be shocked to learn that you’d never end up debuting in the nation’s girl group. A successful actress, of course, but an idol? That wasn’t your fate to have.
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Right at the end of June, falling into early April is when filming began.
Your life became practicing, training, working out, practicing, showcasing, and only barely sleeping.
You were still in a dorm with Sana and Momo, although a fourth girl— Chaeyeon— happened to be there as well.
She was the first to be eliminated, though, and it was just you three again.
Sana and Momo had gotten very close with another, younger Japanese trainee named Mina. Mina was very pretty, and had done ballet, and you could already just feel she would debut.
You liked Mina. She was probably who you were closest with. She grew up pretty well off, as well, and did ballet. You could relate to her, and she was the only one you’d keep in touch with after the show.
It was getting harder and harder to believe you’d debut.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon would definitely debut— Mina would, too, along with probably Momo and Sana. Dahyun was really popular, as well as Tzuyu, and there were only seven spots. Jihyo was too good of a singer to be sure what the final lineup would be, and Chaeyoung would be a good rapper— it was all so confusing. It made you all the more desperate to prove yourself wrong, though, because a part of you knew, deep down, you wouldn’t debut. A week before the first day of filming, you had snuck out to the convenience store. It was dark, late at night— you had a craving. Your father smoked cigars, your mother drank vodka and whiskey— not mixed, of course.
you were just scraping 18, now, having graduated in February. You couldn’t legally have a drink, or even smoke till 19, but a part of you itched to try it, curious.
obviously, you weren’t going to risk ruining your image. You loitered around the store, scanning the aisles, but ultimately not buying anything, unable to find something worth possibly gaining weight for.
the managers had been particularly strict before the start of the show.
you went back to your dorm, still restless, and exhausted at the same time.
the life of a trainee was draining.
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When SIXTEEN began, everything shifted. You and Momo were still dorming together, but Sana was moved with Mina and there were a lot of other changes.
you were becoming antsy and restless. Watching people get eliminated was taking a toll on you. You ate less, slept less, practiced more— it was getting to you.
momo had begun eating less. a lot less. You couldn’t afford to be worried, you had to focus on yourself.
What no one would tell you about a survival show is that bonds are fickle. You wanted to care about other people, but once you had gotten a taste of the applause, the fans, all the love that came with being in the spotlight— you got hooked.
you were popular among the fans, your skills weren’t bad, maybe you could really debut. It started worming it’s way into your head.
the hunger and exhaustion was making everyone a bit volatile, a bit too confrontational— you were guilty of it, too.
you refused to build any friendships, while you were there, but built a very strong rivalry with Momo.
Everything she did, you did, trying to do it better.
You’d practice at the same time, next to each other, giving backhanded compliments on form and criticism to each other’s footwork and lines
You’d try your best to outdo each other, fueled by the constant comparison and the fact that you two were almost never on the same team together.
but when Momo was eliminated, you felt your heart drop.
you told yourself it was good, less competition that way. But a part of you felt.. empty.
you practiced, going through the motions, but it felt wrong. It was all robotic. There was no passion or emotion, and for that, you were eliminated the ninth episode, along with another girl.
from there, you threw yourself back into acting. You made your acting debut about a year later, months after Twice had debuted.
no one would ever know, though, that you had watched of the rest of the episodes, and congratulated Mina on her debut, telling her you were happy the three of them (Mina, Sana, Momo) would get to debut together. You debated on telling Momo yourself, maybe heading to the practice rooms to do so, out of begrudging respect and happiness, but you never did.
and so began the next nine years.
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year 1; mid-May, 2016 | Korea
you had just exited the JYP building, into the cool night of the city after light rainfall. May wasn’t ever too hot, an easy 70 degrees out. It was a bit cold, but that was nothing. It was maybe thirty minutes to twelve, the city sparkling like the stars that were drowned out by smoke and light pollution.
You leaned on the building, debating on whether or not to go out to eat or just go straight home. You were pushed out of your thoughts when you heard the doors open and close, glancing at the person exiting the building.
Momo. Hirai Momo, with light caramel hair, now, looking tired, in some casual practice outfit thrown together hastily.
she still looked good.
her eyes were dark, glancing at some message on her phone. The bright white light illuminated her face, and you were about to quietly slink away when you both made eye contact.
“Momo,” you began, always eager to get the first word in, but not sure what to say.
She stared at you, obviously recognizing you. “Y/n,” she greeted. “I heard you’ve made your acting debut. Congratulations,” she offered, and the Korean off her tongue didn’t sound exactly right to you.
“Thank you,” you murmured. “I saw that you debuted. The song was good. Congratulations,” was your reply, tone polite. Momo knew that you and Mina still spoke, even going out to eat together whenever you both had the time, which wasn’t often.
“Thank you,” she replied back, and you hated how awkward everything felt.
“Well, I’m gonna g-”
“Do you want to come with me to the convenience store?” Momo asked, suddenly, immediately backtracking when your words registered. “If you have to go then go, don’t worry about it, nevermind,”
“I’ll go,” you agreed, not entirely sure why you did. “I haven’t eaten yet, anyway,”
the two of your walked a bit far off, entering the convenience store with a little chime and feeling the need to make conversation.
“So.. Momo, why are you practicing so late?” You asked, conversationally.
“We have so many albums and songs lined up, for this year.. we’re working on one right now. I’m sure Mina’s told you,” she murmured, voice low so as to not disturb anyone.
“She’s mentioned that you’re all.. busy,” you agreed, and you noticed how she looked thinner, more tired, somehow older in the span of a year.
she was still beautiful, of course, but you’ve been seeing beautiful people your whole life.
“Is it what you wanted?” You asked, forced lightness in your voice, though it might’ve come out more accusing than you wanted. It wasn’t her fault you got eliminated. Kind of.
She looked at you for a long time, fingers ghosting over some matcha candy you couldn’t name, parts of a life you probably wouldn’t ever see.
“I think it will be,” she replied, looking at the selection of green, instead of at you. the night was warmer on the walk back to your dorm. A grassy, slightly bitter taste sat comfortably in your mouth.
you’d have to start drinking matcha, more.
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year 2; early November, 2017 | Korea
Likey had just dropped, and signal had won Twice international success. They were pushing Japan, doing promotions there so constantly you had half a mind to just ask them why they wouldn’t move there, and a nomination to the Korean Popular Culture and Arts Awards.
you were there too, of course, for your roles in a myriad of dramas, at that point.
You had been the lead role in “Strong girl Bonsoon” and “My Ghost” respectively. You were young, yes, 19, almost 20, now— but you had achieved amazing successes, just like the girls you sat near, now.
there was a reason there were almost no pictures of twice at the awards, and you couldn’t find their speeches.
You won, not unsurprisingly, as did Twice, and sat through the performances. You spoke to Mina, easily, but she went to go talk to Jihyo about something, at one point, and you couldn’t really remember or care— both you and Momo could drink now, and they were giving out free champagne.
as the performances closed, everyone had received their awards— you headed to the bathrooms. They were empty, and you stared at yourself in the mirror. Face flushed, hair and makeup still intact, though, black silk dress unmarred by any stains, something you’d bought just to prove to yourself you made it, had your own money now, didn’t need your parents—
the door opened, and Momo appeared inside. It took one glance and the sound of a lock clicking before her lips were on yours.
she tasted like good alcohol and something sweet, your hands in her perfectly styled hair. She pressed you against the wall, your pretty and pink lipstick mixing with her darker one, pulling apart after nearly a minute and a half, panting, your eyes dazed and dilated.
“you have an apartment now, right?” she murmured, breathless.
you did have an apartment, bought the second you turned 19, trying to prove you didn’t need your parents, still. You had made it, for fucks sake.
“I do,” you answered, and you both managed to make it there without any cameras flashing.
your apartment was near the Han river, a testament to your success. It was small, one bedroom, with a large-enough kitchen and spacious living room, large windows that let the city lights in.
the apartment was bathed in a cool, blue glow, by both the night sky, and the building outside the window.
You and Momo had stumbled into the space, hurriedly locking the door without breaking the kiss, barely making it to the bedroom. The apartment had large, wide windows, taking up nearly the entire wall. There were curtains, of course, but they were a bit sheer, and white. The lights of the city illuminated the dark room, letting your fingers fumble with the zipper of Momo’s dress, getting it off.
Her hair was mussed, and you were sure yours was the same, but you didn’t care, right now.
Lipstick stains adorned her mouth, the two of you having created a muted, glossy color, that would later become a favorite, then something you hated, to something you’d think about, fondly.
She took off your dress, carefully— it was Dolce and Gabbana— although hers was much the same, in the sense that it must’ve been designer, as well, although you didn’t bother to check the tag.
Both articles of clothing ended up sprawled on the wooden floor, anyway, forgotten.
you kissed her desperately, the two of you thoroughly lost in each other.
your skin burned, her hands feeling too hot, your brain slowly melting away every other worry other than her.
to be honest, you were a little too drunk to remember everything that had happened.
you kind of wished you did.
Waking up the next day at four thirty in the morning was rough. Running on two and a half hours of sleep, you groaned when you heard Momo’s alarm go off.
she didn’t wake, though, you had turned it off fairly quickly, and the alcohol mixed with the sex— the word left a bitter taste in your mouth, for some reason— had knocked her out cold.
you watched her, for a bit. Hirai Momo was beautiful, you’d always known that. You never really realized it till now, though. Soft, short brown hair, dyed, a peaceful expression, smooth skin bathed by cold light, in a mostly white space.
your apartment was sparsely decorated, feeling more like a museum than a home. You didn’t even call it home, just ‘the house’ or ‘the apartment’. There wasn’t any life to it. It wasn’t a place to get attached to.
You contemplated waking her up. You didn’t really want to, but you knew you had to.
“Momo,” you murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder, shaking her. “Momo, you have to wake up,”
She groaned, turning, screwing her eyes shut. “No.. I’m tired,” was her muttered response, and you could barely even tell if she was speaking korean or japanese (it was japanese, she had only been in korea five years at that point. that’s not enough time to completely switch languages).
“Momo, your alarm went off, you need to get up,” you urged, speaking in japanese in hopes it’d get through her head, better.
She let out a sound of protest, but opened her eyes, sitting up. “What time is it?” She muttered, running a hand through her hair. The both of you weren’t wearing clothes, obviously, but the sight of her was still a little much for so early in the morning.
“It’s fifteen minutes to five,” you informed.
“I have to be at Inkigayo at five thirty,” she exclaimed, eyes widening. “Oh god,” she cursed, under her breath, distressed.
“Look, you can borrow some of my clothes. No one’s gonna know it’s mine,” you muttered. “You can keep it, so we never get caught for sharing clothes. Plus, the worst that could happen is we say you slept over because I invited you to go eat, or something.. it doesn’t matter, we’re two girls anyway,” you explained.
Momo stared at you, dumbfounded, still processing the words that came out of your mouth before agreeing. “Okay, yeah.. can I use your shower?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, trying to be nonchalant when she was naked in your bed, and looked too fucking good for having just woken up. Fuck those instructors, you definitely did not look like Hirai Momo. You wished you did.
you handed her a simple pair of pink sweatpants and a dark red hoodie. They weren’t things you had actually worn, yet, just thought they were cute. Momo wasn’t too far from your height, anyway, so they fit fine.
She showered, changed, and it wasn’t that long of a drive to Inkigayo, and a taxi could probably get her there in fifteen minutes.
it was 5:15, now, and she was drying her hair on the balcony. You had also gifted her a pair of white sneakers, to complete the outfit. It fit their concept, anyway.
you were on the balcony, too, watching the sunrise with a Bohem Cigar Shake hanging out of your mouth, lit.
Momo didn’t smoke, you had learned when you offered her one. She didn’t like the smell.
truth be told, you weren’t the biggest fan, but these were sweet, they left an aftertaste in your mouth a lot of people hated, but you kinda liked it.
You put it out on an ashtray once you accidentally burnt your finger tip, sucking on the mark and snubbing the cigarette out with your other hand.
Momo gave you a slightly concerned look, but you assured her you were fine.
she left in your clothes (no one would ever know, just you and her members) into a taxi you paid for, to perform at a music show you’d watch.
you and momo met on and off for the rest of that year, between promotions and award shows and restaurants and going shopping with Mina and taking pictures together and her visiting you on set—
the public called you great friends.
at least they didn’t see where her hands tended to rest.
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year 3; mid-February, 2018 | Japan
you were 20, officially.
Twice had begun their Japanese tour, releasing Candy Pop a week into February.
the 14th was the Gaon chart music awards, which twice attended, of course.
you were still filming some dramas in Korea, but had managed to get time off to go to Japan. For no other reason than the fact Japan was beautiful in February, of course. It’s not like you attended the Gaon chart music awards to see Momo— no, Sunmi had released some good music, too, and of course you were friendly with all of twice.
the after parties for the awards were always fun.
“Momo, wait,” you murmured, breathily, pressed up against some wall in the buildings seemingly-millions of bathrooms.
“What?” she blinked, deep brown eyes blown wide, staring deep into your own.
“I didn’t.. it’s. I got you something,” you admitted, quietly. You handed her a small, dark red box, that you had kept in the small black bag you had taken.
you were wearing 2017 MiuMiu, a black minidress that your stylist had complemented with pearls and silver, tightening the waist and removing some of the collar. What was left was a striking black dress, soft fabric, and a lower neckline, paired with, of course, a vintage black MiuMiu leather handbag.
“Open it,” you instructed, to which the other girl did, to reveal two Mikimoto pearl earrings, having 18kt gold yellow gold posts. You had found it at an auction, they weren’t relatively expensive— $500– and from ten years prior. You thought they’d suit her, and so you bought it.
she just stared at you, a bit surprised, dumbfounded—
“Why’d you get me this?” were the words that slipped out from her mouth. She had the same shade of lipstick on, this time liquid, and your lips were colored with a pink gloss, girlish.
“Don’t you know what day it is?” You laughed, amused, tilting your head. “It’s the fourteenth of February,”
“You got me a gift for valentines?” She clarified, slowly, recoiling, a grimace slowly morphing onto her face.
you noticed, of course.
“No,” you lied, easily. “For the win,”
you both knew it wasn’t true, but allowed yourselves to indulge in the lie just a little more.
you two were just high off the high-life, making it big for the first times in your life.
momo left your hotel room before you saw her in the morning.
the note; “早退してごめんなさい。コンサートがあったんだ。” (sorry for leaving early. there was a concert)
you knew there was no concert the fifteenth of February. momo was a horrible liar, but you knew, later, from photos, they were in an airport that day.
you never asked to where.
(It wasn’t a question, but she did send you a silver-chain necklace, a pearl-heart pendant, march 14th. you hadn’t taken it off)
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year 4; early August, 2019 | Korea
you were nearly 21, now.
“Momo, who the fuck is Heechul?” you spat, looking at a news article. The girl, who now had black wavy hair, a little lower than her shoulder, was currently lounging in your bed. Promotions for Dance the Night Away had just started, and she looked better than ever.
Her eyes widened, and she sat up, looking hurt and a little panicked. You never spoke to her like this, not since Sixteen, and you both rarely spoke in Korean, anymore.
“What do you mean? He’s just a friend-”
“Don’t lie to me,” you cut in, sharply. “You’ve been acting weird ever since I gave you those earrings, Momo. Why?” you demanded, the anger masking all the hurt you felt.
she was silent, for a bit, drawing into herself, looking to the side and holding her arms.
“We can’t be anything more than this,” she murmured.
“I have a career. I have a group, I can’t just.. leave it all,”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, a little high pitched.
“We should stop. You.. you like me too much,” she decided. “It’s safer if I’m.. you know, with a guy. It won’t be favorable, but it’ll get people off us both. People talk too much, nowadays,” she continued.
“I mean.. it’s just that.. you know, we’re both girls. That’ll ruin both of our careers. And I like being an idol. I won’t.. I won’t just give it up,”
“Momo, are you serious?” You exclaimed, shocked. “You’re refusing to see me, when we’ve been pretending to be just friends for over three years now, and instead.. you’re gonna date some guy? Momo, that could ruin your career, too! No one knows about us, I haven’t told anyone! Why are you being so-“
“It won’t be as bad as if it were us two,” she reminded, pointedly and acidly. “Not all of us have a rich family to fall back on. I had to work to get here. I will not give it all up just because you want to.. to play around, and pretend we’re in love!” She cried, aggravated.
you stared in shock. You didn’t even know what to say, the whole reason you refused to use your parents was your desperation to be independent from them.
you knew what they’d do to you if they found out what you were.
you didn’t want to have to rely on them, in case they ever found out.
you didn’t want to be like your sister.
“That’s not fair, Momo. You don’t-“
“I do!” She shot back. “I do, this is fair! This is my life, this is my career, you don’t get to tell me what I should do! Just- god!” She shouted, throwing her hands in the air, collecting her things. She got dressed, fixed her hair quickly into a bun, and stormed out of your apartment.
“Don’t contact me again,” were her low, parting words.
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year 5; early January, 2020 | Korea
you had just turned 21 a little bit ago. the rest of 2019 had been absolute hell. you saw Momo everywhere you went— on advertisements, on tv, heard her on the radio.
and now, New Year’s Day, it was confirmed that she was dating Heechul.
you were in your apartment, still mostly empty save for a few things you had bought for her— like a tea kettle, an assortment of matcha flavored snacks, a second toothbrush—
everything hurt.
you did the only thing you could think to do.
you called your sister.
it was eleven something in the morning in New York, she’d have to pick up.
“Hello? Y/n, why the hell are you calling m-“
she was cut off by the sound of a choked sob, more like a hacking, and a shaky inhale.
“I get it now,” were your broken, pained words. “I fucking get it now,”
“Oh, y/n,” she murmured, quietly.
“I’m so sorry,”
10 years prior; late September, 2010 | Korea
“I’m gay. I have a girlfriend,” were the earth-shattering words your sister, freshly 18, had dropped on the shoulders of you and your parents in the middle of a family dinner.
“You’re what?” Your mother asked, slowly, giving her time to play it off. She stood, steadfast.
“I’m gay. I have a girlfriend,” she repeated, clearly.
Your father and mother stared at her, for a long while. You didn’t really know what would happen, yet— you had never heard your parents even mention their opinion on homosexuality, but there’s no way they’d care, right? It didn’t really matter-
“Get out,” were your fathers cold, flat words.
your sister nodded, once, clenching her jaw. She packed her things, appearing back downstairs within twenty minutes. (she had already packed the day prior. She knew how this would go).
“Wait, why does she have to leave? I don’t-“
“She’s not your sister anymore,” your mother informed, curtly.
“She’s not apart of this family anymore,” your dad restated.
“But.. why?” You asked, barely 13.
“It’s unnatural, and bad for the family image. It’s not good for us,”
you didn’t really think that was enough reason to kick a child out. But you couldn’t argue.
your sister left, that day, passing you her number secretly.
you didn’t have a bad relationship with your sister.
but for a few years, you refused to talk to her. You would not disgrace the family, you would not give up everything—
you just couldn’t understand why she give up a cushy life of luxury to go to school in New York, all for some girl.
“You’ll understand when your older,” she’d tell you, quietly, over the phone, when you both still got the chance to talk— before you had become paranoid of getting kicked out, like her.
“One day, you’ll meet someone you’ll love. You’ll love them, to the point that nothing matters as long as you’re together,”
“I don’t think I will,” you’d reply, so sure. “That’s stupid,”
“It is, isn’t it?” She’d laugh.
“You’ll get it, though, one day,”
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you had flown to America, right in the beginning of 2020.
you went to New York, to live with your sister for a bit— you just needed to be around family— family that wasn’t your parents. you got an offer to shoot a drama there, anyway.
you had no idea you’d end up stuck in america for nearly a year, due to Covid.
whatever, you’d think.
not like you’d have anyone to come back to in Korea.
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In America, you were more free.
no one particularly cared what anyone was doing— you couldn’t go out, and you were alone in the apartment you had rented.
your sister would come over with her girlfriend— now, wife, because you could get married, here— sometimes, but not often.
you smoked camels, now, unfiltered, by the balcony, overlooking a city so much the same and too different.
you texted Mina, a lot. She kept you updated.
you both made a point not to talk about Momo.
the necklace Momo had gifted you was left in your jewelry box in korea.
the house was a perfect snapshot of your life, then, untouched by changes.
it was a picture frozen in time.
god, fuck this place.
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year 6; late June, 2021 | Japan
you were 22, now, having made it back to Korea in late may after finishing your drama, finally getting everything together and back to your apartment in early June. Your return was publicized, there were a few people who still came to the airport even with all the restrictions, but you had made it back to your country.
it had really helped, to get it all out, put everything in perspective.
you still smoked camels, now you drank tequila— the remnants were mementos of a life most people wouldn’t see.
you flew to Japan, though— you had the prospect of an ambassadorship, and they wanted you to fly over, for some reason.
you messaged Mina about it— maybe you two could meet up, go eat. you hadn’t seen her in a while. you spoke, gave her your hotel and room number, and you both agreed to see if you could schedule it.
the next day after you'd messaged her, there was a knock on your door.
you thought it’d be Mina.
Momo had shorter black hair now. It suited her.
Momo had hurt you.
you cried for at least three weeks. She seemed happy enough when you saw her through a screen. she was still with Heechul. She shouldn’t be here.
you opened the door.
momo’s eyes were watery, and she looked up at you, pleadingly.
“Y/n,” she began, voice shaky.
“What do you want?” You snapped, even though you didn’t really mean to.
“We broke up,” were her words. You stopped, for a second. You knew what this was. You were her rebound.
“When I saw you came back, I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, y/n,” she murmured, crying now. “I didn’t want- I- I just.. I was so scared. But, I just- I can’t- it’s been too long. I can’t keep going without you, I need you, I..”
you pulled her inside, shutting the door, locking it, and pressing her against it. You hadn’t forgotten how her hair felt in your hands, soft and silky, how she always tasted a bit sweet.
people said she was a peach, but she didn’t exactly taste like it.
except for when she wore the peach lipgloss you got her, one time, as a joke.
she ran a hand through your hair, tugging on the strands, pulling you closer. god, she kind of reminded you of herself.
her tears made the kiss taste salty.
this time was different. it was not slow, it had no love in it. she had hurt you, she had left you, and now she was crawling back.
you left marks where no one but her would see. you ran your teeth over her pulse point, but never bit down.
your kisses were bruising and filled with anger and resentment.
this was a bad idea.
this was always going to be a bad idea.
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it was only around 11 when you had both felt too tired, resigning yourself to sleep.
momo had hated sleeping alone, without you.
she pressed her face into your neck, eyes screwed shut. you felt a little bad, despite yourself. you had been a bit mean..
“Momo, go to sleep,” you spoke, softly, carding a hand through her short black hair.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry for leaving. please don’t-”
“It’s okay,” you interjected, because you really didn’t want to have to hear the rest of her words. “I don’t have a schedule tomorrow, anyway,” which was not true, you had to go discuss the drama you were shooting at one in the afternoon, but you weren’t telling her that.
they weren’t the exact words she wanted to hear, but they were as close as you could get, right now.
you ran a hand through her hair, as her arm stayed around your waist. she was clinging onto you, like you’d disappear.
you probably should, to get back at her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to quit.
momo was kind of like every bad habit you couldn’t quit— smoking, drinking— they weren’t good for you, but they made you feel better.
she was addictive, like that.
but here, in your hotel room bed, kind of like last place you saw her, now the first time you’ve seen her in almost a year and a half—
she kind of seemed like something you really couldn’t live without.
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July 8th, 2021 | Japan
they had flown back to Korea the day prior. You were still in Japan, when you saw the article.
momo and heechul had finally announced their break up to the public.
good, you thought.
you had gone out to eat with Mina a week ago, you both talked about your lives— work, vacations, how busy you both were. you asked about her members.
July 1st, 2021
“How is everyone?” you asked, with a tilted head.
“Everyone’s good, I’m happy we’re back in Japan, I got to see my parents, so did Sana, so did..”
“you can say her name, you know,” you muttered.
“Listen, y/n, I’ve tried not to get involved, but this isn’t good for you two. After you left, Momo could barely sleep. She ate less, too, and she still had to go on dates with Heechul to make it look real. She didn’t even really want to date him, she was just-”
“I know, Mina. But- you know, it’s not up to me. She’s too scared to be with me. She doesn’t really love me,” you chuckled, though it was more bitter than amused.
“I think she does,” she replied. “I just don’t think she’s realized it yet,”
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year 7; late May, 2022 | Korea
“Momo!” you called, just a few months into being 23.
you had decided to pick up Momo from the airport.
now, fans would never know, but you just really wanted to see her.
she had been in the U.S. for months, now, touring, and you had missed her.
even with all your miscommunication you both still met up, sometimes— you visited your sister as an excuse when they held their concert in New York City.
you did meet with Momo, after the show.
“How was America?” You asked, in english, as she got into the car. She looked tired, her hair now ash-blue and a little longer.
“Good,” was her response, a tired smile under the mask.
she coughed, and you glanced at her, a bit worried.
“Nayeon and Tzuyu are sick, too,” she mumbled. “Can you take me to the apartment?”
and so you did, the apartment she shared with Nayeon. You helped her with the luggage, and you tried to kiss her but she moved her face— she didn’t want you sick.
Nayeon, Momo, and Tzuyu all tested positive for Covid-19 the following day.
To no one’s surprise, you tested positive for Covid as well, but with very mild symptoms that felt more like an annoying cold.
you obviously couldn’t go to any filmings or schedules, and Mina ended up positive too—
so you drove to Momo’s apartment with soup. Like a lovesick idiot.
Nayeon let you in, and you knew better than to not bring her some soup as well. You handed it to her, and went straight to Momo’s room.
she looked.. sick. coughing, exhausted, you were sure she was achey and had a headache.
her fever wasn’t too bad, on account of all the medication she was taking.
“Momo?” you called, running a hand through the girls hair. “I made you soup,”
she sat up, blearily, looking a little hazy.
“I’ll get you sick,” she mumbled.
“I’m already sick, don’t worry,” you assured.
you fed her the soup, because you were that painfully whipped, talking quietly about what you had been doing since they went on tour.
you made her take some Tylenol, because her face felt hotter when you put the back of your hand to her forehead.
you got up to leave, but she grabbed your hand, tugging you back like a child.
“can you stay?” she mumbled, looking at you pleadingly. you would never say no, of course.
it’s not like you had something better to do.
for the rest of the time you were sick, you would visit Momo, watch dramas with her, sleep in her bed, next to her— you both acted so much like a couple Nayeon pulled you aside after almost a week.
“Y/n, I don’t know how long this thing with Momo has been going on, exactly, but it looks like you make her happy, so.. thank you. It’s been a lot, lately, with touring and Heechul.. take care of her, okay?”
she walked off before you could explain that, no, you two weren’t dating, and you were scared that if you asked her to date you she’d run away again.
you had to go shoot some drama, again, even if you really didn’t want to, after you tested negative.
you both got busy, after that. Especially you— you had so many dramas to film.
February 8th, 2022
@OT9TRANS … BUBBLE MESSAGE 🍑💬 220208 MM: I have watched Call, watched Burning, watched Nothing Serious, and Money Heist. I have watched them all🫠❤︎ MM: i really like y/n l/n nim ♡ She’s my style 🫣
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year 8; early January, 2023 | Korea
it was your 24th birthday party— you had turned 24 in winter of last year, but this was the only day you could make it work, because Twice had another tour starting in February.
You invited them, all 9, to noraebang— karaoke. obviously, some of your own friends came, too. You had made a lot of friends in the industry after so many years.
Momo’s hair was still black, grown out a bit more, but not as long.
you all sang and drank— Nayeon, particularly, having a good time singing every Twice song she could.
you sat next to Momo, pleasantly tipsy, and everything felt warm.
it was a little crowded, but you had rented a bigger space than normal. It was dim, the only lights coming from the screen in front of you.
after a little bit, you slipped outside. The place you rented had a rooftop, and you planned to make full use of it.
The skyline had changed from 8 years prior. It used to have less buildings, smaller skyscrapers— now it almost seemed as if the blue and red lights of the city were truly the stars in the sky.
You lit up a cigarette, this time, Cheyenne peach, and took a drag.
you heard a metal door open and shut.
Momo sat down next to you, and you offered her a drag.
she wrinkled her nose.
“They smell, y/n, why do you still smoke them?”
“Just a bad habit, I guess,” you shrugged.
she plucked it out of your mouth, tossing it to the side.
“It’s bad for you,” she chided.
how ironic, for her to say that.
“There’s a lot of things that are bad for me that I still do,” you replied, quietly.
she was silent, for a second.
she held your face, pulling you closer. She tasted like soju, which is to say smooth alcohol, of which you’ve been drinking the whole night.
it was sweeter than usual, because you can’t stand bitter tastes, and you noticed Momo was wearing nearly the same shade of lipstick as six years ago
your hands held her waist, loosely, the both of you sitting back on your heels, only leaning forward for each other.
when Momo pulled away, you felt a little dazed.
“I don’t want to be bad for you,” she mumbled, and all these years had seemed so childish— just two girls, trying to figure it out. You never wanted to hurt each other. It was just fear, and maybe a little shame, and so much love that it nearly drowned you.
“Momo,” you began, quietly. You knew that what you were going to tell her would force her away from you forever, but you didn’t care.
“I love you,”
the confession hung in the air, ringing through resounding silence. Seoul in January was cold, and your breaths could be seen in the air.
when Momo didn’t reply, you felt tears well in your eyes even if you knew this is how it would be.
“I’m sorry,” were your nexts words, and when you hiccuped, Momo finally broke out of her daze.
she screwed her eyes shut, snaking her hand to your nape, pulling you into her, kissing you desperately.
“no, don’t apologize,” she muttered, between gasps for air.
“I love you, y/n. I love you,”
it felt like the world stopped, in that second.
“I’m sorry for.. being scared, but I’m not anymore. I love you,” she repeated, wiping the tears from your eyes, thumb caressing your face.
“Really?” you asked, hope and fear mixing into your words. This could just be some cruel joke, after all, it could-
“y/n,” she said, seriously. “I love you,”
you leaned in again, and it was softer, now, feeling a year roll down your cheek, not from sadness but from relief, and happiness.
“God, Momo,” you choked out. “I love you so much,”
you both stayed like that, for a little under half an hour, telling each other all the things you wished you had so many years ago, making hopeful promises and swearing never to hurt each other again.
“Here,” Momo said, suddenly, producing another small box.
it was a beautiful silver chain bracelet, with a little pink gemstone in the center in the shape of a small star.
momo had the same bracelet on her wrist, though the gemstone was in your favorite color and the chain was in gold.
“Happy birthday, y/n,” she offered, putting the bracelet on your wrist.
you smiled, genuinely, eyes crinkling. You pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“It’s beautiful,” you admitted, softly, before a teasing smile worked its way onto your face.
“You’re beautiful, too, so do you think you could be my gift, instead?”
that comment earned you a slap on the shoulder and a chiding ‘yah’, but it gave you the view of Momo’s face flushing pink, and the sound of her infectious laugh.
“If you ask nicely, I’ll consider it,” was her response, in the end.
you and Momo were definitely dating, now, and you leaned your head forward, resting your forehead on hers.
“How do you say girlfriend in Japanese?”
Momo’s cheeks turned a little pink, again, and she was well aware you already knew, but she indulged you. It was your birthday, after all. “恋人” she mumbled, but you knew well enough. (lover)
a smile grew on your face.
“I know you already know Korean well enough, so you shouldn’t call anyone else 자기야 but me, okay?” you informed, mostly joking.
“Sure,” she agreed, smile blooming on her face at the thought of you calling her your girlfriend. “Anything you want,”
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year 9; early April, 2024 | Korea
Momo’s black hair had stayed the same for almost two years or so.
it was still a bit short, but you didn’t really care.
you were 25, now, didn’t smoke anymore, having been dating Momo officially for nearly a year.
You two had actually gone on a date— you had been commenting on each other’s Instagram jokingly for weeks now. Her fans had been convinced she would “not pull” with her.. strange choice emojis, but they didn’t know you had already fallen head over heels for the loser you were currently sat next to.
you went to go get something to eat, with her, and it was still a little cool in Seoul.
you took photos, together— and posted them— something you would’ve been terrified to do a few years prior, fearing a dating scandal or something worse— the destruction of your careers.
your worlds weren’t as scary, anymore. Twice had been around nearly 10 years, and you had been acting for the same amount of time. The public loved you, and though you didn’t feel like announcing your relationship status to the world, (you were both private, like that) it was nice to know that if anything were to come to light, you and Momo would be safe. Korea had gotten a lot more accepting, over the years.
your parents were still the same, though they had become less strict about it. Your sister came home, sometimes, and your mother might actually love her girlish and kind wife more than her own daughter.
you made jokes about it, frequently.
your dad didn’t know about Momo, neither did your mom— your sister did, but after what happened to her, she wouldn’t force you to tell them. You didn’t think your parents would freak out, demand you to leave and disown you— but you didn’t want to risk it.
on breaks, you and Momo would visit Japan, or any other city she wanted to go to.
if she had a fashion week schedule, well, you’d try to go! Especially as a fellow ambassador of MiuMiu. The public knew you both as close friends, so any antics were now ignored and written off as just friendship.
honestly, your house was better, now, because of her. The apartment was no longer something not lived in, out of a catalog—it was filled with little reminders of you two.
photos of each other, your achievements on a bookshelf, a tea kettle you’d thought Momo would like, her clothes she’d leave there, plants you thought would make the place look better, little knickknacks from traveling, a second toothbrush—
it felt like a home, full of little curios and plants, a reminder of the life you loved with Momo.
and now, as you sat next to her on the couch the two of you had bought together, under warm lighting and lights of the city outside the window, so much different than the one from the skyline eight years ago, completely different buildings but the same cool, multicolored glow, taking pictures for an Instagram post that others would call like it was, a “date”, but never know how real it really was—
you pressed a kiss to her cheek, smiling into it, as she took the photo.
she turned to you, an amused expression on her face, albeit a bit surprised, perfectly tinged the pink shade of the lipstick you used to wear—
“What was that for? You know we can’t post that-”
“I love you,” you interrupted, with a stupid smile on your face.
“I love you too, silly, but we still can’t-”
you cut her off, again, pressing a kiss to her lips, discarding the phone, somewhere, smiling as you cupped her face in your hands.
those pictures, of you two kissing? They wouldn’t be posted.
the rest would, of course, a day late— you had gotten a bit sidetracked.
it didn’t matter, though.
you truly, irrevocably, loved Hirai Momo. She was beautiful, talented, funny, kind— you could keep going, there were a million and one reasons to love her.
but for some reason, she loved you back.
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A/N: hi guys!! I had been thinking about this plot line for actual weeks but I managed to finish this in 10 days.. crazy.. I only started actually working on it 3 days ago though LMFAO
so.. there was a lot of research put into this fic. I tried to make the timeline as close to the one in real life as possible, but obviously there will be some inconsistencies. y/n is momo’s fav actress if you could not tell.. I wonder why
i don’t exactly love how this fic came out— I kind of lost the plot and repeated myself a lot. it actually came out completely different than how I originally imagined, which is why the song doesn’t exactly match? but I hope you enjoyed!
I will hopefully be posting more frequently.. I have a few things in mind, but my works take me a long time because I usually set them up, get the plot, then sit down and finish like 8k words in two or three days.
not beta read, I’m tired, maybe tomorrow.
please feel free to send asks and reqs! I love talking to you all <33 id love to know what you think..
I must sleep, now. goodnight, byebye!! ><
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natalievoncatte · 17 hours
2. Courage
Her breath came in fits and starts as Kara knelt on the floor of her apartment. She told herself it wasn’t real, that it wasn’t permanent, that Mxyzptlk was creating illusions, but it felt real. It felt more real than the wood beneath her palms. She still gasped as if cold hard fingers closed around her throat and another woman’s broken heart bathed her in a murdering light. She was sure that if she looked over at the stand up mirror she’d see sickly green lines slicing through her skin, but when she looked that was nothing.
“Well,” said Mxyzptlk, “that was a close scrape, then. Shall we have another go? Perhaps a bit more carefully worded this time.”
Kara looked up, red sun fury boiling in her eyes.
“Get out.”
“Kara, perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be.”
“Get out,” Kara snarled, her voice chasing dust from the ceiling thin streamers. “Your gifts are poison. And stay away from Lena, do you hear me?”
He threw up his hands. “Fine then, fine then, I’ll go, but if you ever need me… I still owe you a favor.”
“Out!” Kara raged.
After he vanished, Alex stumbled back into the room, looking at Kara with shock and alarm. She glanced at J’onn, who formed a fight frown and said, “Kara, when you’re ready, if you want to talk, we can talk.”
Kara nodded with a dismissive wave. The door closed a moment later and Kara glanced over to see Alex still standing there.
“Sis?” she asked, her voice small.
Kara swallowed.
“What did he do?”
“He cheated,” Kara snapped. “He twisted things. He said he would help me fix things with Lena but made sure it wouldn’t work. He… it was hell, Alex, he showed me hell. Everyone kept dying. You, my friends, her. Every choice I made set off some… some dick genie bullshit that made all my wishes go wrong. The last one almost got me killed. For real. I was so stupid.”
“What did you ask for?”
“I asked him to make so we never met so she could be happy without me, and instead she died in the helicopter attack and her mother brought her back as Metallo to kill me.”
Alex blinked. “Jesus,” she whispered.
Kara began to shake, hugging herself. As the righteous fury faded, the towering grief swept in to take its place, a freezing wind following the setting of a tyrant sun. She crumpled, falling back into the couch.
Alex was there in an instant, wrapping Kara in a protective hug as she began to sob.
“What did he want to show me? That it wasn’t going to ever work? That we were just doomed from the start?”
Alex tensed, sucking in a sharp breath.
“He came to you and said he’d fix your friendship?”
“No, he said he’s grant me one gift, and that’s what I asked for.”
Alex went slack for a brief moment. When Kara turned to look at her, there was an expression of absolute shock on her face.
“You… you didn’t ask for your parents. Or to save Krypton. You asked for Lena.”
“Yeah,” Kara sniffed, “why?”
Alex looked thunderstruck. Kara had seen this expression before, when her sister had grasped something difficult or complex. It was the look of an epiphany, a realization.
“I don’t think he was trying to tell you there was never a chance,” Alex said, softly. “Maybe he wasn’t trying to tell you anything at all. Maybe the only thing that matters is what you took from it.”
“All it took from it is that it’s over,” Kara whimpered. “It’s all over. I never had a chance.”
Alex rubbed her back for a while. She seemed conflicted, opening her mouth to speak several times before closing it again.
“Why Lena? Why does she matter so much to you?”
Kara choked back and swallowed, hard. “She was my best friend before I ruined us. She made me feel like a whole person, and she loved me, she loved Kara in a way that nobody ever has. I felt this peace with her, and she made me so happy and contented when I was with her protected her. I just want another five minutes of that feeling.”
Alex was quiet again.
“You could have had Krypton back, or your parents, or… or Jeremiah… and you picked Lena.”
Kara heard the way her voice hitched and tensed, a cold knife running down her spine.
“Alex I’m sorry, I didn’t think, I was so stupid…”
“No,” Alex smoothed her hair, “no, kiddo. Shhh, it’s okay. I understand.”
There was an unspoken even if you don’t.
“What are you trying to say?”
Alex swallowed hard, tensing.
“I think you need to hear this, Kara, and you might have to hear it from me. Buying CatCo was not a friendly gesture. One does not drop almost a billion dollars to chitchat and gossip with a buddy. Filling your office with flowers was not a simple thank you, and Lena did not take learning about your identity the way a close friend would. At all.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I think you do, you just don’t want to see it because of what it means.”
“Kara,” said Alex, “one does not burn their one wish on another person’s happiness unless they deeply care about that person. I don’t think I would have made a wish like that for Maggie.”
Kara’s head snapped up, almost dangerously fast. She stared straight ahead, past Alex, an electric fusion of terror and elation smashing together inside her like water on rocks. How could she be so blind?
“You think I’m in love with Lena.”
Alex nodded.
“Don’t think…”
“Office full of flowers,” said Alex.
Kara bolted to her feet, gently disentangling from her sister, and headed for the door.
“Kara?!” Alex demanded. “Please don’t do something you’ll regret.”
Kara paused at the door.
“I already did.”
When she touched down on the balcony, Lena was at her table in her kitchen, staring at a glass of scotch. The change in her heart rate and slight shift in her posture told Kara that she knew she was there.
Kara waited.
Lena rose, swallowed the last of her drink in a dramatic flourish, and stalked to the door. She swept it open and stood on the threshold, leaning against the frame to bar Kara’s way.
“Make it quick, I’m not in the mood.”
“I’m sorry,” Kara began.
“Not this again,” Lena sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Listen to me, God damn it,” Kara snapped.
Lena’s eyes widened at the profanity, and she didn’t move. She didn’t let Kara in.
She didn’t close the door, either.
“I’m listening.”
Kara swept her hands through her hair. She didn’t know where to start, so she just blurted it out.
“A fifth dimensional imp just gave me a chance to change history any way I wanted. Any way I wanted.”
“And this was the best that you could do?” Lena said, arching her eyebrow. She seemed so sharp and yet so lost and tired, the freighted eyes of a lonely girl hiding within her austere, cold beauty.
Eyes that Kara saw as a mirror of her own.
“All of the things I tried turned into monkey’s paw bullshit,” said Kara. “It was never going to work because getting a do-over was the coward’s way out. I can’t fix this unless I admit what I’ve done.”
“Oh, here we go,” said Lena. “Not the ‘I was only trying to protect you’, speech again.”
“You killed your brother for me and I was too cowardly to tell you my real name,” said Kara.
Lena’s face fell.
“I was too cowardly to tell you the truth. I was too scared that I might lose you. That wasn’t the worst part. I didn’t give you the faith that you put in me. I told myself over and over that you were the most important person in my life, and you know what? You are. I had a chance at anything, and I didn’t pick my birth family or my foster father or my culture or my entire planet. I picked you.”
Lena stared at her, visibly stunned.
“You matter more to me than anyone. If it was you or the chemicals I would have saved you and fuck the reservoir. If it was you or the city it would be you. If it was anyone or anything it would be you. Always you. But I didn’t treat you like that. I treated you like a threat, like spending to be scared of, and I took from you without giving, and I’m sorry.”
Standing up, Lena hugged herself, gaze locked with Kara’s.
“What do you want?”
“I want to fix it.”
“We can fix it, together. I know you want to. You have a good heart, full of kindness. I just want to hold it in my palms and shelter and protect it and care for you always. I want it more than I want air to breath. If you want to fix and I want to fix it we can find a way. Not right now, not in five minutes, maybe not for years, but I will do anything to bring you back, and I don’t care what you do, I will never treat you like a villain.”
Lena licked her lips and looked away. Hot tears glittered on her cheeks as she pressed her eyelids shut and Kara ached with the pain of her revelation.
“If you don’t want to fix things with me, it’s okay. Just don’t do what you’re planning to do. Don’t hurt anyone, even with good intentions. Don’t let yourself become something you’re not because I didn’t have the courage to help you be all that you are.”
“Get off my balcony,” Lena choked out. “Go. Now, get away!”
Kara stumbled back as if struck, the force of those words crashing into her chest like a hammer, and she didn’t breath as she took off, careful to ascend slowly until she gained enough height.
Then she went hypersonic, her speed dragging out her shriek of rage and anguish behind her, Kara outrunning it even as she couldn’t outrun the fury and grief choking her chest. She flew and flew, past the clouds, flew as the air thinned, blasted into the very embrace of space until the air was gone and no one would ever hear her scream again.
She could hold her breath, she thought. Hold it for hours until she passed out and by the time her orbit decayed she’d be gone and her empty shell could tumble somewhere into the ocean and be forgotten.
A tiny voice whispered, you must live, Kara, so that we are not forgotten.
Kara let herself fall. She tumbled through the air, burning a crimson wake as she made reentry, slowing somewhere over the Pacific.
There was no hurry to get home. When she descended from her roof and walked down the stairs to her loft, she stumbled. There was not one heartbeat in her home, but two.
In a daze, she stumbled through the door and froze. Lena was sitting across from Alex, and for a wonder, Alex wasn’t trying to arrest or shoot her. They both had a beer in front of them and looked to be in mid conversation when Kara walked in.
On the table between them was Myriad. It looked so small, so inconsequential, this ultimate weapon built by her people to enslave their subjects.
Alex rose swiftly. “I’m going to get going. You two clearly have a lot to discuss.” She turned to Lena. “Hurt my sister like that again and next time I’ll fire the orbital fusion cannon at you.”
Lena glared, but said nothing.
Kara slowly pulled out a chair and sat down. Tentatively , she reached across and placed her hand on it, to pull it in. She froze as Lena’s hand settled on hers, fingers curling around Kara’s wrist.
“I’m sorry, too,” Lena offered, in a harsh whisper. “I’m sorry, Kara. I want to try, too.”
For the first time that night, Kara smiled.
It was not an easy or quick thing. A monument is not built in a day and things that last a lifetime are not easily forged. It took months, then years, for the trust to be rebuilt, its foundations made of bricks like lunches and sister night invitations, quiet shared meals and tentative questions that had already been answered, but in the end a wall rose, taller and stronger than ever before. Not a barrier that stood between them but a fortress that encircled and endured, made of stolen kisses and frantic nights and a pair of matching bracelets.
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rosenclaws · 3 days
the pitch || Charlie Kenton x reader
a/n: what if i fucked around and wrote a charlie kenton drabble...anyways here it is and its not much but I'm a slut for an angry man learning to love through being a dad. Also sorry if this is really shit aldfjks
wc: 539
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“Is that Phoenix?!” You turn around to see a young boy staring at your bot in awe. You set down your wrench and wipe your face with a rag.
“Sure is.” You say proudly. Fiery red paint decorated your award winning bot. Gold accents yielded the perfect amount of sparkle and shine that left enemies blinded by your attacks.
“She’s one of the best bots in the competitive circuit! 3 time world champion!” You smile as the boy practically bounces where he stands. He looks vaguely familiar as he continues to ramble on. Suddenly it clicks.
“You’re Max! I watched Atom’s fight against Zeus you guys killed it! What are you guys doing here?” You ask excitedly.
“You know who I am?” Max says with a grin.
“Of course! Who hasn’t heard of Atom.” You loved Atom.
It was about time someone put Zeus in his place and for it to be a training bot? Oh it was perfect. You watched in awe as him and his dad fought with everything they had. Especially in the last round. You were always a fan of boxing and well.
You knew exactly who Charlie Kenton was. Boxing was one of your favorite sports growing up and Charlie had always been your favorite. You watched all his matches. Even saw one in person once.
"In that case, would you be interested in a fight? Say five thousand for the winner?" Max asks slyly.
His overeager act dropping quickly as he exposes his true intentions. You let out a laugh, shaking your head at this kids brazen offer. He's got guts that's for sure.
"Oh I see why you're here now." You shift your weight to one foot and cross your arms.
"Atom's a great bot but, do you really think you can take on her?" You gesture towards Phoenix.
"Maybe not, but wouldn't you want to find out."
"Max!" You look up to see Charlie Kenton walking towards the two of you.
"I told you to stay put for 5 minutes." He ruffles Max's hair and Max pushes his hand off. Cute.
"Well while you were busy getting parts, I was getting us a match." Max says proudly.
"I never said yes, kid." Charlie looks up at you and freezes. Fuck you're prettier in person.
"Sorry about him, he gets excited." Charlie pushes Max to the side and Max frowns.
"This is bullshit." Max mumbles.
"Hey! Watch the language."
"Just because you have a crush on her doesn't mean you can hijack my pitch!" Charlie's eyes widen as he shushes Max.
A proud grin on his face as his dad glares at him. Looks like his tough guy persona isn't all its cracked up to be. Especially with Max around.
"We're leaving. Now." He pushes Max towards the door, practically dragging him towards the door.
You whistle loudly, grabbing the attention of both boys. Grabbing a pen you walk over to Charlie, smiling as you write down your number on his arm.
"Call me and we can talk about that fight." You finish off your number with a heart. He smirks and looks down at your number. He opens his mouth to say something but Max cuts in before he can.
"We'll call you!" Charlie rolls his eyes but looks at him lovingly.
"See you around." Even as they walk away you can still hear them talking.
"You're totally welcome by the way."
"Shut up kid."
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m-jelly · 2 days
Can I request from an angst to happy ending with reincarnation?
Reader x Levi
Reader was supposed to be the queen of her kingdom but however her brother become a king. And she and Levi were supposed to get married but can't because the brother wanted to massacre the entire Ackerman clan. Out of fear because he can't control the Ackerman. (This is similar to how king karl executed the entire clan because you can't control them with the titan power). Levi sacrifice himself as an offer to save his clan (similar to the leader of the Ackerman family sacrificing himself to save the clan). Reader watch helplessly as Levi neck was cut off by a guillotine. And reader was exiled from the kingdom because of rebellion. And she suffer a lot. Then later died.
100 years later. Reader runs a flower shop and Levi become a future CEO for the Ackerman family. And somehow gave then mercy to meet each other again. Though they remember their past sadly.
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Kenko panda <3
Old wounds
Levi x fem! reader
Reincarnation, angst, emotional pain, happy ending.
It's present-day and Levi goes into your flower shop to get something for his mother, but instead meets you. Reuniting with you doesn't go as planned and Levi works hard to repair old wounds.
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He needed flowers for his mother and had a few things in mind. A few people had told him about a new place called Paradis Petals. The place's name sparked some distant memories from a past life, but it was a mix of good and bad.
He pushed the door open and sighed as a dark feeling gnawed at him. Levi wasn't sure why, but he felt guilty about something. All the flowers in the shop were beautiful, it was almost like a dream. After picking up a few things he approached the till.
He heard a sweet voice calling back to him to wait a moment. As soon as you walked out in a cute dress with an apron on he knew, he knew that you were the love of his life and the princess who took his heart. He couldn't believe he was meeting you again.
Levi softly said your name. "It's you."
You stared at Levi and went white as your stomach dropped. "I uh..." You cleared your throat. "Just these?" You started collecting the flowers. "Do you want them wrapping up?"
He frowned a bit as he said your name. "Do you remember me?"
You wrapped up the flowers, taped them, tapped on your till and called out the total. "Cash or card?"
Levi reached over for you but you pulled back. "Please?"
You offered the card machine to him with tears in your eyes. "Just pay and leave."
"I love you."
You bit your lip. "I..." You gripped the card machine. "Please."
He tapped his card against the machine. "Can I see you again?"
You shook your head. "I don't want to."
You sniffed back tears. "It's too much. I can't." You hurried away but Levi grabbed your wrist. "Stop."
He pulled you against him and cupped the side of your face. "I love you. I've always loved you and always will."
You pushed him back as you sobbed. "You left me alone. You threw yourself at my brother and let him kill you. You tried to play the hero, but it was all a joke!" You shook. "He killed everyone after you were gone. Your death did nothing but leave us all with loss." You dropped to the floor as you started crying. "I was made to watch you die and your family right after."
Levi's eyes widened. "What? I...I didn't..."
You stumbled to your feet. "After that, I was banished. I died alone and away from everyone."
"But this is a new life now."
You hugged yourself. "It might be, but it might not. I cut ties with my family because I was terrified I'd lose everything again."
He moved closer to you. "I'm the head of the Ackerman business. I'm powerful, I'm strong and I will protect you."
You shook your head. "I can't. Every time I look at you I just see pain and blood. You said you loved me that you'd live for me, but you didn't. Call me selfish, but I just can't. Please, leave me alone."
Levi gripped the flowers and bowed his head. "Okay..." He released a long sigh. "I'll leave you alone for today, but I refuse to give up." He walked up to you and saw the look in your eyes you always had for him. He tilted his head and kissed you, you didn't pull away but kissed him back. "I'll be back."
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No matter how much you tried to resist Levi, he kept coming back and wooing you. He kept turning up at your shop with gifts and to spend time with you. The more he spent time with you the more your damaged heart began to heal. The two of you talked about it all and said sorry as well for the past and what had recently been said.
You kept looking forward to Levi coming over. There was a strong longing in your heart to see Levi. The pain from the past was slowly falling away only to be replaced with pure love and hope. It wasn't like your love from the past, this new love was stronger and more pure.
Levi had also proven to you that he was more powerful and stronger in this life. The fear of losing each other was almost gone. The two of you didn't want to think again, maybe in the next life. You wanted it now.
Today you were expecting to see Levi, but he didn't turn up. What terrified you was your brother was trying to reach out to you. All you could imagine was losing Levi again. You tried contacting him and texting him, but he wasn't picking up.
Levi walked into your shop and called your name. "Good afternoon, I'm sorry I was late I had a meeting." He paused when he saw you were crying. "Are you okay?"
You ran over to him and hugged him. "I thought you were dead again."
He hugged you tightly. "I'm so sorry. I had a few meetings today as CEO." He released you and cupped your face. "Please, forgive me."
You sniffed a bit. "It's not your fault." You hummed. "I guess I have a lot of wounds still."
He leaned closer and paused. "May I kiss you?"
"You better kiss me. I need kisses."
He smiled before kissing you passionately. "I thought about you the whole time during the meetings." He caressed your cheek. "My Queen."
Your cheeks heated up. "Levi."
He winced. "Sorry, is that too much?"
You tapped your forehead against his chest. "No, it was lovely."
He tangled his fingers in your hair and lifted your head. "You are so pretty. I love you so much."
"Levi? Promise me you won't ever die for me?"
Levi smiled at you. "I will never die for you. Dying is too easy and final. Living is hard and you know that too well."
You nodded. "Yes..."
He kissed you. "I will live for you. I will keep on living for you."
You smiled at him. "I'll keep on living for you too."
"I love you."
You gulped hard. "Levi?"
He smiled. "Yes?"
You gripped his shirt. "I...I love you."
He scooped you up and spun around with you. "Yes!" He chuckled as he said your name. "I love you so much." He squeezed you. "You've made me so happy. I promise I will take care of you. I will worship you. I will never leave you."
You welled up and smiled brightly. "I promise too."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity
@nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08
@levistealeaf @pelicanpizza @hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife
@demonic-bird @searriously @anti-cupid
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raayllum · 2 days
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You do anything for your children, never the other way around. No parent wants to see their child suffer for them. It... It's love. It's too much to ask. It hurts to see you like this. [...] No Dad, please. Don't — don't leave. It's a mistake! You can't! I saved you! You owe me your life! / I can't believe you did dark magic again. Why, because it's wrong? Because it's dangerous. Because it hurts you. [...] You told me to never sacrifice the greater good for one person, no matter who it is. Well, you have to promise me something, too. What? If Aaravos ever takes control of me, if he uses me, promise me you'll kill me. ...Yes. I promise.
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Inspired by this post
Robin!Dick: Hi Ivy!
Poison Ivy: Hi... young child. Stand over there, away from the giant rose.
Robin!Dick walks away from the rose while staring at it mesmerized.
Robin!Dick: Can I-
Batman: I will take you home.
Robin!Dick pouts and walks off grumbling.
Ivy: He's adorable, if I didn't hate people I'd keep him. Okay, so run it back, you want me to stop my mission to protect mother earth and you were like that's wrong for me to do" continue with being wrong.
Batman: I should not have to explain to you how your mission to save the earth doesn't benefit people.
Ivy: Why? Because some people might die? A few dead bodies are worth it for saving the planet.
Robin!Dick (shocked): What?! You're killing people?
Ivy: Yes... A few dead bodies are worth- Why is his face sad?
Robin!Dick: That's so mean.
Batman: Now you've upset him.
Ivy (indignant): All right last I checked, the earth is dying, what do you want me to say? I'm not destroying the Earth, big corporations pumping out micro plastics, pouring random crap in the lakes, Nestle... JUST NESTLE! They're screwing this planet like she's a two dollar hooker! I stopped eating their chocolate bars after the founder said water shouldn't be given to everybody!
Robin!Dick: Did he actually say that?
Ivy: Basically he implied water shouldn't have free access because Nestle is the biggest proprietor of bottled water and no amount of explaining will ever fix the fact he said that! So whatever you're about to say, Batman I do not want to hear it! They’re destroying ecosystems, hunting endangered species, killing crops and-
Robin!Dick: Hold up, that's all she's trying to fix?
Robin!Dick turns to Batman.
Batman: She's not doing it logical way.
Robin!Dick: She's a green woman who can control plants! Does she look like she wants to use our logic? No offense by the way Ivy.
Ivy: You're fine, I love my body.
Robin!Dick: Why don't we help her, Batman? Has she asked for your help?
Batman: Um... It's been brought up in the past.
Robin!Dick: Then why haven't you?
Batman: Because... She's a criminal and will let people die for the cause.
Robin!Dick: Well I mean if it's that nestle guy I don't... Don't necessarily blame her and I've seen you beat the ever loving shit out a lot of bad guys
Batman: Language.
Robin!Dick: The context needed the word. I love you Batman, I do, but let's be real if we did even half of what she did we'd be going to prison too. You'd be, I'd be tossed into an orphanage and that... That's not fun.
Ivy: A lot of kids in the system have been abused, he's got a point.
Batman: Why are you arguing with me?
Robin!Dick: Because dang it, she might have a point! We can help her to a degree... In fact isn't the building we're in is being sued for what they did to a lake? All those ducks died.
Ivy: Nothing can grow there for decades.
Robin!Dick: Yeah, the ecosystem is destroyed there.
Batman: Why are you ganging up on me?
Robin and Ivy: Because you know it's wrong!
Robin!Dick: You have told me you became Batman because the system is flawed and sometimes matters need to be taken into your own hands? How is she different?
Batman groans then yanks Robin by the ear.
Batman: Excuse me, I have to talk to him in private!
Ivy: Aww, I'm starting to like the kid, go easy on him. He's smart.
Robin!Dick (being dragged out): Thank you Ivy.
Ten minutes after the two argue Batman comes to a compromise with his son and Ivy because he knows that Dick would absolutely not mind sabotaging factories or causing a fire with a supervillain. All he needs is a good reason.
Batman (driving them home in the batmobile): Could you not defend the actions of the bad guy in front of me next time.
Robin!Dick (eating McDonald's fries): Don't take me to one who has a point.
Batman searches for Robin after taking down Joker.
Batman: Robin? Where did he go?
Joker (laying on the ground as Batman presses his shoe on his back): One of my goons went after him.
Meanwhile Robin does flips, tricks and runs around the room while giggling and the goon chases after him.
Goon: Little boy, little boy stop running!
Robin runs and runs but when the goon tries to grab him, Robin grabs his hand and clamps down. The goon screams.
Batman: He's down the hall.
Joker: There's no... Guarantee he'll win.
Robin kicks the goon in the crotch and runs off.
Goon: Right in the kiwis.
Robin!Dick: Batman, I got the last one!
Batman: Good job, Robin.
Joker: I hate your child soldier.
Batman: Thank you, I raised him well.
Talia Al Ghul (to Batman): You-
Robin!Dick: You're out of his league.
Talia: What?
Robin!Dick: I'm just saying, it's obvious you have this stalker obsession with him, 'love' you like to call it, but Batman could do way better than you.
Batman chuckles covering his mouth.
Talia: Okay I was telling him to stop his 'no-kill' rule and join the league, but also he wants me and some snot nosed brat won't have a say in any possible relationship!
Robin!Dick: Well, I'm 12 now and even I can see you shouldn't be together. Not even on a league level, but like come on, why get with a guy who doesn't want you or to be on your team? That's sad.
Talia: You think I won't smack a teenager? I don't give a fuck!
Batman (disturbingly calm): Touch him and you'll wake up in the hospital.
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FIRST ROUND: 27th Tilt
Cesare Borgia, The Borgias (2011-2013) VS. Prince Hamlet, Hamlet (1948)
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Cesare Borgia, The Borgias (2011-2013) Portrayed by: Francois Arnaud Defeated Opponents: - Ancelyn ap Gwalchmai [Marcus Gilbert], Doctor Who: “Battlefield” (1989)
“How do I even begin to explain Cesare Borgia? - Cesare Borgia is flawless. - He has one duchy and two cardinalates. - I hear his hair is insured for 10,000 ducates. - I hear he does Church speeches… in Spain. - His favorite painter is Pinturicchio - One time, he met Caterina Sforza in Forlì. And she told him he was pretty. - One time, he threatened to kill me… it was awesome! This man.... this man, this man. He is the complete package: a perfect case of competent kink, a ruthless bastard (ie sexy) AND he's so irredeemably fucked up you also get the "I could fix him" complex. This is the man who could had it all and yet he wasn't enough (again, sexy).
Prince Hamlet, Hamlet (1948) Portrayed by: Laurence Olivier Defeated Opponents: - Björn Ironside [Alexander Ludwig], Vikings (2013)
“1) That slutty thing he does with his leg in the character-intro shot. I see those calf muscles in those customary suits of solemn black. Unf. 2) The EYES. Haunted. Enormous. Intense. 3) The way his hand hovers millimeters above Jean Simmons' hair in the "Get thee to a nunnery!" scene. Not over it, never over it. 4) Vulnerability is hot, especially when it's transgressive/unexpected, and this Hamlet has that in spades. 5) "Lady, may I lie in your lap?" The sincerity of desire under the veneer of everything else just undoes me.”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Cesare Borgia:
(Excerpted from above propaganda) "He's serving cunt at ALL times. In Cardinal clothes? Serving cunt. In "civil" clothes? Serving cunt. In armor? Serving cunt. He had one of the most competent thinkers and do I say philosopher of his time (Machiavelli) *fawning* over him. Was he a tyrant? Possibly, but it's one we LOVE. The man [Machiavelli] literally BASED A BOOK on him.... (Cont. under the cut)
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"He has a personal assassin of ...unmatched abilities and YET he's even better than the man himself!!! He tries to kill his own would be killer in like the pilot episode and the man was ready to swear absolute fealty to him. As would I, to be honest. As would anyone and everyone. SO much cunt is Cesare Borgia serving at all times!!!
"We love him and loathe him and love to loathe him. His father loves and hates him bc they're too similar. His brother wishes he were him (he's not) His sister doesn't see anyone else. Lucrezia... yes: the incest is fucked up. Also that's why we love it- it's so unhinged, as anything Borgia should be!!! Their relationship... perfect. She's the only one that can possibly understand him, she's the only one he truly loves. She loves him and always has - only a Borgia can truly love a Borgia amirite?
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This is a man who is clearly Not Okay and you want so much for him to Be Okay but at the same time not, because it's so much more entertaining when he's not and also we love a hopeless case. I rest my case only bc I lose any trace of coherence when talking about him so I dont know what more to add.”
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For Hamlet:
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chiiyuuvv · 2 days
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jo's diary ★
classmate!jo 1.2k words
notes! inspired from "when &t likes you" brief of harua, taki, maki, and being drunk
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
august 2th, friday, 11:20 am
dear diary.. never thought i���d be writing in my journal during school hours, i must have accidentally slipped it in my bag when i was studying with maki last night. i know i should be paying attention to my lecture, but i can’t focus when she’s around. i have no clue what her name is, but i know she’s the prettiest girl i’ve laid my eyes on. apparently her class dispersed, or did she need to have a word with my teacher? i can’t remember, my mind went blank when she stepped in the room. anyways, there’s a test coming up and i really need to focus, no matter how difficult it is. cya :) 
6th, tuesday, 9:39 pm
i saw her again, the pretty girl. i bumped into her in the hallway.. literally. she was carrying some books and couldn’t see what was in front of her while i was zoned out on my music. her books fell when we collided, and i quickly rushed to help clean up the mess. i didn’t even realize it was her until we made eye contact. truthly, i had forgotten all about her after she entered my class, so imagine how shocked i was when i saw her again. she looked.. so precious up front, i completely froze when our eyes locked. there’s so many things i wanted to say, so much i wanted to do, but our time was cut short when the ball rang. she mustered a small, very cute “sorry,” took her books out of my hands, and ran to class. i was still frozen solid. i even got a tardy for being late. i’m such a loser.
8th, thursday, 7:56 pm
i don’t know what came over me, but i asked for the pretty girl’s name today. it’s y/n.. it suits her well. i learnt she has a tendency to carry large books half her size everywhere, so i offered to take them off her hands. at the time, it felt natural to want to help her but to think about it, that was so weird. everyone knows me as the quiet guy, i don’t know when the random surge of confidence blossomed. i’m sure my friends are probably cheering me on, that is.. if i told them about y/n. i’m keeping her as a secret as of now, i don’t want someone like taki scaring her off. that is, if she even likes me. i doubt it, she’s so out of my league. 
10th, saturday, 3:21 am
she has the cutest giggle, it keeps ringing in my head. i can’t get her out of my mind.
12th, monday, 7:39 pm
i didn’t know y/n had the same bus route as me. as soon as i got onto the vehicle, she immediately waved me over so we could sit together. it warms my heart that she got excited to see me all because i helped carry her books. she’s so funny, my face hurts from smiling so much. and she’s also so sweet! she gave me snacks during the bus ride. i think i’m falling for her.
21th, wednesday, 6:28 am
i have a habit of carrying her books, therefore walking her to class. she’s says i’m so cute for helping her everyday, and i told her she’s even cuter. i don’t know what type of demon possessed me to say that, it just flew out my mouth. i thought she would get so uncomfortable from my remark, heck, even hate me, but she only laughed. the cutest laugh, i should say. i watched her cheeks pinken, and she had this little smile tugging at her lips whenever she looked at me. she’s so adorable, i can’t wait to see her today.
22th, thursday, 9:38 pm
i’m going to kill maki, WHY would he shout “jo’s got rizz!!” when i’m talking to the love of my life? i meant y/n. what does rizz even mean??? i definitely need to study english more.
23th, friday, 10:47 pm
the confident surge came back. this time it was even worse. i asked her out to lunch, and then her number. i guess that’s pretty tame for others, but i’m scared of making the first move. it makes me feel vulnerable. y/n was pretty chill about it, so it made me feel better about my actions. she’s so good at assuring me with things. the boys said i had hearts in my eyes while i was eating lunch with her. it probably was true considering butterflies kept roaming in my stomach from talking to her. anyways, should i put one heart beside her contact name, or two?
27th, tuesday, 8:29 pm
i’m still shaking from what happened a few hours ago. y/n invited me for ice cream after school and of course i said yes. i could never say no to that ball of sunshine. i offered to walk her home after. i was talking about something stupid when she suddenly walked super close next to me, the back of her hand brushing against mine. my heart jumped at the contact. i noticed her getting quieter as we talked, and i kept seeing her steal glances at me out of the corner of my eye. help, i got so nervous, i kept stuttering T_T and when i was about to drop her off at her house, she grabbed my face and kissed my cheek. i’m so.. i.. she ksiised mj ceek seh kassid..
28th, wednesday, 11:38 am
i bought her flowers. i bought her flowers. i bought her flowers. and then i gave them to her in front of her friends. speaking of her friends, they’ve been smirking and nudging y/n whenever i’m near. harua was with me when it happened, and he says y/n likes me. does she? there’s no way.
september 7th, saturday, 2:39 am
there was a party a few hours ago, and now y/n is asleep in my bed. i’m on the couch right now. i’m not even sure what happened, i’m still a little buzzed from the drinks. all i know is we were partying, and then i took her to my place with our hands intertwined. did i kiss her? i can’t remember anything.
7th, saturday, 8:00 am
i woke up just now feeling something heavy in my arms. turns out it’s y/n. she must have sleep walked out of my bed and to the couch, and now her face is nuzzled in my neck. i never thought this would feel so comfortable. 
21th, saturday, 12:00 am
dear diary.. after a few weeks of stressing out, i finally asked y/n out on a date. i’m so thankful for the boys and her friends for help because i was such a nervous train wreck. she looked so cute, all dressed up with a necklace i bought her a few days prior. we laughed so much, our time together was very memorable. i kissed her goodnight as well. her lips tasted like sweet strawberries. my heart is still swooning right now, and i doubt i’d be able to get a lick of sleep tonight. still, goodnight diary, and goodnight y/n, my pretty girl ♥︎
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︴bonus! think i got a little carried away.. heh. anyways its midnight and i should be sleeping rn but wtv wtv wtv. ALSO it's "bandtober" meaning my updates will be slower than usual. see you in november!
▸ taglist 📬 @cherrycolaberry , @slytherinshua , @enhacolor , @lakoya (welcome!!)
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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missmarveledsblog · 2 days
It's fate ( Bradley bradshaw x reader) part three
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summary : The moment that bradley is waiting for as he take the girl he is convinced(knows) is his future wife on that first day and pulling out all the stops so that there will be more
warning : its tooth rooting fluffy fluff stuff
previous part
He was nervous , he was excited and he was totally and utterly completely caught in the spell .  His mom was right all those years he thought the woman lost the plot he wish she could of told her she was right . Maybe he was jumping the gun but then again the woman he was currently going on a first date with could ask him to jump and he would ask how high . 
“ you’ll know , when you meet them you’ll know” those words his mother trying to teach him growing up suddenly crystal clear.  
“ so where ya taking me bradley brooster radley” god even her voice was perfect he could stay mute rest of his life and listen to that voice . 
“Well i  made reservations at  this new fusion fever  place it does a little everything so well i wouldn’t get the food wrong , then i have a little surprise after on the beach”. 
“ you aint planning on killing me right?” she teased . 
“ you never … your brother occasionally have thought about it” he chuckled . 
“ he’s a softy really  he gives you problems just tell him marley and me , that man got in such a fit of despair my mama almost few to san diego til we let him talk to our dog back home “ she giggled . 
“ damn that’s kinda cute and makes him human plus i may of cried with him and went to  dog shelter “ he laughed awkwardly.  
“ did  you get dog … oh can i meet him “ she almost jumped up excited. 
“ i can so get one no i will get one and you can meet it “ he smiled  noting to himself to go back to that shelter  wondering if their was a 24 hour one  that was a thing right ?  .
“ slow your roll brooster lets eat first before your committing here , i could eat like a slob “ she pointed out . 
“ and i’ll eat like a pig “ he shot back . 
“ you are adorable” she giggled that was definitely his favorite sound he was wondering what other sounds he would like from her . 
“ calm down brooster jesus ” he thought scolding himself . 
The moment the pulled up he was on his best game jumping out of the car so fast he stumble , slightly praying it was dark enough she didn’t notice as he went to the other side opening the door  holding his hand out  and escort her like the queen she was to the door .  even pulling her chair out once they were shown to the table he may of nearly pushed the matradee out of the way to do so but he’d tip the man on way out or not  .. maybe .  She had head turning moment she walked in and honestly as much as he hated it he didn’t blame them she was stunningly beautiful from the casual sweaters and jean shorts he’d seen her or the other outfits he’d seen her back when they were strangers  but now the white sundress had every part loving it .  her bright eyes and smile  he could see as his personal beacon calling him home every night ,  or  that voice of hers leading him like a siren  at sea .  he listened intently cementing everything she told him about herself in turn sharing  things about himself  from his favorite color  to his parents which was never something he shared on a first day but yet he told her stories of his mom and ones he could remember of his dad . she told him stories of what it was like having jake as a big brother and  one thing he could never argue with was that hangman did love his family . she was the youngest of the five sisters and well seven kids in total which in turn he joke if her parents needed a tv but honestly if she wanted twenty kids he would give them to her. 
“ hey they kept going til they got perfection” she smirked that sarcastic side he could only imagine how much it irritated jake giving he  was the same. 
 “ i don’t doubt that at all “ he winked . 
“ honestly i’m surprised there isn’t little seresin out there with that hound dog i call a brother” she snorted . “ sure they’re are in texas but none are jakes “ she smiled . 
“ do you miss it , texas “ he asked . 
“ sometimes but i like it here , plus it not too far away i mean a day or less car trip if i’m really feeling homesick  plus jakes here so it  makes it less lonely and makes my mama sleep better and my papa not driving up check on me all time “ . 
“ well you have me here too i mean you know what i mean “ he blushed . 
“ good to know i’ll keep it on mind that bradley brooster radley is there to kept little ole me less lonely” she winked. 
“ what made you become a kindergarten teacher ?” 
“ wow you really do wanna know it all huh? Well i love kids i always did even growing up   i was always the one to well cause the trouble and wild child but even then i wanted to be teacher and well having all those nieces and nephews i was always good with the younger years mama said i had the touch  and my sister emily well she said i’d make a good kindergarten teacher “  . 
“ well from the way you talk about your kids , your class honestly is already telling that your a great teacher definitely one that going to make impact “ he gushed . 
 “ well thank you ,  i hope so” she smiled shyly . “ it’s not as exciting as what you do though hell i’d be scared shitless getting in one of those hornets y’all flyboys got balls ” . 
“  hey don’t knock it til you try it  , maybe you just need the right flyboy sweetheart” he winked. 
“ is that so?”. 
“ oh baby you’ll love it in mine … my jet i mean “ he gulped. 
“ guess we’ll add it to future dates if this one stays as great as it is so far” she patted his cheek as she stood . “ i need to use the little girls room i’ll be back “ and honestly he tried really but he almost fell out of the chair when he look watching how her hips swayed as she walk .  “ shit behave” he scolded himself. 
Once desert was finish and he left a big tip and paying before she could even see the bill hit the table he once again escorted her to the bronco opening the door and even putting the belt on for her jesus even the sent of her perfume had him so intoxicated in her .  with check that the beach plan was a go before he got in the driver side  . what he didn’t expect was the moment he sat down ready to turn was her lips to peck his cheek. One simple action and he was short circuiting  needed a moment before he even started the car. The whole car ride they talked more possibly more than she ever did on a first day . bradley brooster radley had her talking of anything and everything and  he was actually listening . the whole time he was a perfect gentlemen she almost thought she was dreaming . never had she ever been treated in such a way. She had hard time not swooning and keeping her cool most of the  time . he was nothing she ever met before . honestly she noticed him back everytime she would pass him it was likes something out of a movie and many time she was thinking of saying something but he was gone by time she could and honestly night she tired in the hard deck but jake pushed her out the door before she could get more out of her mouth and then her chance she took it that first time in the cafe honestly she was bucket of nerves and then well now here she was having the best date of her life and hope there would be more . 
Pulling to the hard deck her head tilted in confusion she could of sworn he said the beach as he got out opening her door and unbuckling her belt . this time when he took her hand she intertwined their fingers it was cute even in the night she could see the red on his cheeks or how wide his smile was . they walked near the entrance of the hard deck only to turn as then she seen it just at the back and indeed on the beach the  light that led them down to were a blanket sat on the sand  along with a  basket and what looked like a speaker sat waiting and flowers more specifically her favorite . 
“ your brother may have help but didn’t think i’d have a first date and not get the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen flowers “ he smile picking them up and handing them to her . 
“ shit are you even real “ she gasped still in awe taking it all in .
“Well i remember  you told me your favorite thing was to watch the stars  so what’s better then watching them on a beach with the sounds of the waves  but i was hoping you would dance with me first he tapped his phone as her mouth fell open . “ ok jake might of helped with that too “ he smiled shyly as sound of la vie an rose played .  “ so would you care to dance” he held his hand out . 
“ how could i say no this is wow” she was lost for words in the best way possible as she took his hands putting them on her waste as she wrapped her arm around his neck as the two swayed around eyes locked both slowly closer til there forehead where touching .
“ yup this was definitely fate” he finally said. 
“ bradley radley brooster shut up and kiss me” she smiled.
“ yes  ma’am “ he leaned down his lips touch her and if he wasn’t a goner before (which he was )  , he was definitely  a goner now for the future mrs bradshaw .  
@bets-bookshelf hope you enjoy 💙❤️💙❤️
A/n : if anyone wants more from these two just ask and will deliver oneshots <3
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 days
Before I Catch You (Serial Killer! Bucky)
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Summary: You try to run as fast as you can away from the winter soldier.
WC: 760ish
Warnings: serial kilelr!bucky, angst, fear
Read on AO3!
The darkened sky was heavy with rain, the kind that soaked everything within moments and made it nearly impossible to see. You ran through the forest, branches slapping against your face, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the mud sucked at your boots, threatening to slow you down. But you couldn’t stop. Not now.
Not when Bucky was behind you.
Not when the man you once loved had become a monster.
You don’t know when it started—maybe it was the missions, the countless assignments that had worn him down. Maybe it was something deeper, some remnant of Hydra’s programming that had twisted him into this. Into someone else.
The crack of a twig behind you sent a shiver up your spine. He was close. Too close.
“I told you to run, didn’t I?”
His voice, the one that used to make your heart flutter, now sent cold fear trickling through your veins. You skidded to a stop, gasping for air as you leaned against a tree for support, your hands trembling.
“You better run before I kill you.”
Your heart lurched. You turned your head slowly, your eyes searching the darkness for him. His voice was closer than before. He was playing with you, stalking you like prey.
“Bucky…” you whispered, knowing he could hear you even from a distance. “Please… this isn’t you.”
A hollow laugh echoed through the trees. “Oh, but it is me, sweetheart. It’s all me now.”
Tears blurred your vision. This was the man who had once cradled you in his arms after nightmares, who had held you when the weight of the world became too much. Now, he was hunting you like an animal. You’d seen the bodies—those innocent people, slaughtered without mercy. And you knew you were next.
Your foot slipped in the mud as you tried to run again, but it was too late. His metal arm wrapped around your waist, yanking you back against him. You struggled, fighting him with every ounce of strength you had left.
But you knew it was pointless.
“You never should’ve followed me, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear, his voice a dangerous, lethal growl. His flesh hand trailed up your arm, cold and calculating. “But you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Your chest heaved, panic clawing at your throat. You reached for the knife at your belt, fingers trembling as you tried to draw it.
But he was faster.
His metal hand grabbed your wrist, squeezing hard enough to make you drop the blade. It fell to the ground with a dull thud. His lips brushed your ear as he spoke again.
“You should’ve listened to me when I said to run.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to think of something—anything—to reach the part of him that might still be in there, buried beneath the darkness. “Bucky, you don’t have to do this. You can fight it.”
He laughed again, low and bitter. “Fight it? You think I haven’t tried?” His grip tightened, and you winced in pain. “There’s no coming back from this, sweetheart. Not for me.”
For a moment, his hold loosened, just enough for you to feel a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance.
But then, his voice hardened, his next words stealing that hope away. “Now stop fighting and just accept it.”
He spun you around to face him, his eyes cold, devoid of the man you once knew. The rain soaked his hair, water running down his face, but there was no warmth, no recognition in his gaze. Only the predator.
“You’re mine,” he whispered, leaning closer. “And no one else can have you.”
You didn’t know if you were crying because of fear, heartbreak, or the terrifying truth that you didn’t want to accept—Bucky was gone, and there was no saving him.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, even though you weren’t sure if you were apologizing for leaving, for trying to save him, or for what you were about to do.
His eyes narrowed, confusion flickering for just a second—enough time for you to strike.
With all the strength you had left, you kneed him in the stomach and broke free from his grasp, sprinting into the darkness. The sound of his enraged shout echoed behind you, but you didn’t look back.
Because if you did, you knew you’d see the man you loved—the man who was going to kill you.
And this time, there would be no escape.
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky
MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @kenzieam @dis-plus-fanfic-reblog-writes
BUCKY BARNES: @nicoline1998enilocin @amelia-song-pond @hallecarey1 @libbymouse @fandom-princess-forevermore @animal-feather @your-wonderful-stargazer @saiilorstars @winterslove1917
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nightghoul381 · 20 hours
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Robin Doesn't Know the Evil Hiding in the Shadows ~ Ellis Twilight ~ Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
CW: Contains themes of suicide
Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Ellis: “…There he is.”
I found the culprit in a corner of the event venue.
Haggard man: “Ah, it’s you…”
The man took out a bottle from his bag and showed it to me.
Haggard man: “This bottle contains a highly volatile and deadly poison.”
Haggard man: “If the bottle is dropped or broken, the poison will spread throughout the air…and everyone in this venue will die.”
(…If that’s the case, I can’t just grab him carelessly.)
(If I don’t take the bottle from the man’s hand…)
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Ellis: “…Why are you doing this?”
Haggard man: “If you’re here, you probably know most of the situation.”
Ellis: “But I still want to hear it from you.”
Haggard man: “…”
Haggard man: “The motive for my crime was… to get revenge for the fact that they exhumed my wife’s body to use for anatomy classes.”
Haggard man: “My wife was supposed to finally be free from the pain of her illness and be able to rest in peace!”
Haggard man: “And then, she was exposed to the eyes of so many students…”
Haggard man: “Everyone was looking at her corpse as if she were a laboratory animal…”
Ellis: “But, you killed the medical students that hired the company, didn’t you?”
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Ellis: “Your revenge has already been achieved…so why do you need to kill so many innocent people?”
Haggard man: “There’s a simple reason.”
Haggard man: “If there are no bodies to dissect and outlaws are robbing graves, then we should just make more bodies.”
Haggard man: “I want my wife’s resting place to never be disturbed again… I need a body.”
Ellis: “If you’re that determined…”
Ellis: “…Why did you leave a warning message after your last murder?”
Haggard man: “It was because of the piece of cake this morning.”
Haggard man: “You might be thinking ‘what’s the big deal?’ But to me, that piece of cake reminded me of the fun times I spend with my wife.”
Haggard man: “Since you gave me the cake, I thought I’d give you a hint if you were investigating the case.”
Ellis: “If that was the case…I don’t think…”
Ellis: “I believe that everyone lives with pain and joy that only they can understand.”
Ellis: “…I don’t want to say anything without knowing anything.”
(…I might feel similar.)
(The wishes of this man… and my own are surely very close.)
He wanted her to be happy, to be free from pain and suffering.
If reality was so harsh, He wished she would at least be sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face…
They had violated the sleep of his loved one.
(If the same thing happened to Kate…)
(I’d probably do the same thing as him.)
No matter how many times I was told it was wrong, no matter how many times Crown tried to stop me,
I would surely be consumed by rage and commit a heinous act to exact my revenge.
Haggard man: “…You’re trying to buy time with your conversation right now.”
Haggard man: “Is it because someone important to you is at the venue?”
Ellis: “…”
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Haggard man: “In that case… let me show you how to protect the people at the venue.”
Without letting go of the bottle, the man used his other hand to pull out a powder from his pocket.
Haggard man: “This is the poison I was carrying with me to kill myself after I had completed my crime.”
Haggard man: “If you consume this… I will refrain from killing the people in the venue out of respect for your love.”
Haggard man: “You said you would protect her before she got hurt.”
Haggard man: “…Now, show me you can protect her.”
(If I take the powder, I’ll die.)
(If I don’t take it, the poison in the bottle will kill Kate.)
I suddenly shifted my gaze to the center of the venue and spotted Kate among the crowd of people.
Kate was so engrossed in the presentations at the venue, laughing, being surprised… her eyes lit up.
(If the only choice is between me dying and Kate dying…)
(…Obviously, I choose to die.)
Ellis: “…I’ll take the poison.”
Ellis: “My life and Kate’s are both precious, but…”
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Ellis: “If it’s a matter of two dying or one dying, it’s better that only one dies.”
Haggard man: “…Two? Only one will die either way.”
Ellis: “I don’t think I can find happiness in a world without Kate.”
Ellis: “If Kate dies, I’ll definitely follow her.”
Ellis: “So it’s either two people who die, or one.”
Haggard man: “…Well, whatever. If you’re that determined, the go ahead and do what you want.”
The man tossed me the powder, which I picked up and, without hesitation, consumed in one gulp.
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Ellis: “Ugh…! Gh, Aaah…ngh!!”
My knees buckled and I collapsed to the ground.
Haggard man: “You really would take poison.”
I heard a man’s voice, and the sound of something being placed next to me as I collapsed.
Haggard man: “In honor of your love, I will leave the bottle here, unused.”
Roger: “…Don’t move! That’s enough.”
Jude: “Just follow me obediently.”
Haggard man: “Yeah. I’ll follow you.”
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Jude: “…Really, how long’re ya gonna sleep so carefree, Ellis?”
Ellis: “Mm…Sorry.”
When I sat up, the man Roger was restraining had a look of shock on his face.
Haggard man: “Wh-Why are you alive…!?”
Ellis: “I was learning some magic tricks. I’d pretend to consume things I shouldn’t, like poison…and then let it go down my sleeve.”
I flapped my sleeve and the powder I hadn’t taken flew into the air.
(I never thought the skills Victor taught me would come in handy in a situation like this.)
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Roger: “Ellis, that’s important evidence you know?”
Ellis: “Ah…Sorry. I have some in my other sleeve too, so I thought that would be enough.”
Haggard man: “Were you deceiving me…? Was your love a lie…?”
Ellis: “My love for Kate is not a lie.”
Ellis: “I still haven’t made Kate happy enough… so I couldn’t let either of us die.”
(If only one of us can survive, me or Kate, then I want Kate to live,)
(…But, there’s no need to choose that option.)
Even if I reversed the options presented to me, I want to be happy tomorrow with Kate.
Ellis: “Besides—One day it will be me who kills Kate. Not you.”
Haggard man: “What the… you…”
Jude: “…Yer still crazy as ever.”
And so, before night fell—in the twilight, the incident came to an end.
Kate: “Ellis, I’m back!”
Ellis: “Welcome back, Kate.”
Ellis: “You must be tired after being out all day aren’t you? I’ll go make some tea, so wait for me in my room.”
Kate: “I’ll take you up on that offer, thank you.”
I prepared tea and cake and brought it to the room.
It’s late at night, but tonight is special.
Ellis: “So, how was your event?”
Kate: “It was awesome! At the end of the event, they announced something really big! It was—”
With sparkling eyes, Kate spoke with joy.
(…I’m glad I was able to protect Kate’s happy day.)
If even one thing about today’s events had gone wrong…
I might not have been able to exchange words with Kate tonight.
(I want to continue to protect this daily routine.)
(But… I wonder if ‘that’s all’ is enough.)
Kate: “Whew…. I’ve finished talking…! Ellis, you’re such a good listener.”
Ellis: “Really? Maybe it seems that way because listening to your stories is fun.”
Kate: “When someone says that to me, I get carried away and end up talking too much…”
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Ellis: “Fufu…that’s good. I want to hear more about your day.”
Kate: “Enough about me! …Now can I hear about your day, Ellis?”
Ellis: “Mine…?”
Ellis: “My story is boring. I just did a little mission with Jude and Roger—”
Not wanting to ruin Kate’s fun, I tried to hide it.
Kate: “…Really? You look like something’s happened, so I’m curious…”
As she said this, Kate had a worried look on her face.
(…I can’t beat Kate.)
I told Kate everything that happened today.
Kate: “So that’s what happened…”
Kate: “Thank you, Ellis. For protecting my peace of mind.”
Ellis: “No, thank you.”
Ellis: “Hearing that you enjoyed the event today made me even happier that we were able to solve the problem.”
After I said that, Kate looked at me in silence for a moment.
Ellis: “…What’s wrong?”
Kate: “Ellis, you seem a bit depressed. Is it because of the grave robber?”
(Really… I can’t hide anything from Kate.)
Ellis: “…Yeah. This incident got me imagining things a little bit.”
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Ellis: “Like, what if, after we fall asleep happily… someone hurts you?”
Ellis: “I was worried that our eternity would be shattered…”
Kate: “Hmm…”
Kate: “…Oh, I’ve got a great idea.”
Kate: “Maybe we should build a grave for both of us somewhere far out in the country?”
Ellis: “A grave… in the countryside?”
Kate: “Yes. With the sunlight shining down beautifully, and lots of flowers blooming…”
Kate: “…Let’s sleep together like we’re taking a nap in the countryside, surrounded by nature.”
Kate: “Grave robbers are only doing it for money, right?”
Kate: “If that’s the case, then why would they come all the way out there to dig up our graves?”
Ellis: “…That’s a great idea. I agree.”
Kate: “Really? Well then, let’s do it!”
Ellis: “Fufu, but… that’s a bit strange.”
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Ellis: “We’re not married yet, we don’t have a house, we don’t have kids… we don’t have any plans for the rest of our lives.”
Ellis: “I can’t believe we’re thinking about the two of us being buried together.”
Kate: “Oh, that’s true… But if there’s a happy ending planned, doesn’t that make everything more fun?”
Ellis: “…Yeah it does.”
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Ellis: “I’m looking forward to going to the grave with you more and more.”
And so, we continue to protect and accumulate happiness towards a happy ending.
Today, tomorrow, the day after, and every day after that—.
(…But, I still want something a little more reassuring.)
(If you were to ask me… ‘she’s’ the only one.)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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regretsofaghost · 21 hours
You Really Know How to Let Someone Down
prev- Let Me Break Your Heart
ao3 link- here
                “Fentonworks, currently working on a new slogan, Maddie speaking.”
                There was breathing on the other end of the line.
                “Hello, is this Madeline Fenton?”
                A sigh, weary, too many phone calls in too short of a time frame.
                “Yes, it is. I’m sorry, who am I speaking to?’
                “No need for introductions, I’m just calling to ask the whereabouts of your son, Daniel.”
                There was a thud in the background, like something heavy had been placed down, or dropped. There was shuffling before Maddie’s voice was heard again.
                “Who am I speaking to? If this is the school again I already told you-“
                “Did you know your son was spotted in Gotham? Curious, isn’t it? Since your cover story is he’s in Wisconsin with Vladimir Masters, his godfather."
                Maddie didn’t say anything, but that was okay, Tim could be patient when he wanted to be.
                “I don’t know who you think you are, but Danny is perfectly safe with his godfather. You must have confused him with someone else, heaven knows Gotham has more than its fair share of black-haired, blue-eyed boys.”
                Tim had to laugh; she wasn’t wrong.
                “Just a concerned citizen. You know minors can’t be legally emancipated until the age of 16, right Mrs. Fenton? Unless there are extenuating circumstances of course. And that’s if you want to do it legally.” Tim let himself pause, waiting to see if Maddie would offer a rebuttal, “You did know he was in Gotham, didn’t you?”
                The line went dead.
                Danny’s hands held onto Batman as best they could, clenching tightly around his cape’s fabric. Batman’s arms around him, holding him, a grasp that didn’t feel suffocating but comforting, something Danny hadn’t felt in so long. It was both similar and so unlike his da-Jack’s hugs, all-encompassing in their love but unlike dad-Jack’s, Batman’s did not leave Danny feeling trapped. Danny could easily pull himself out, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to stay in that comforting embrace, the one that made everything feel small and conquerable. But all things come to an end.
                It wasn’t safe for Danny to get so attached to Batman, with Batman came the Robins, both old and new, and despite the comfort he currently felt, he still didn’t know how to explain his actions against the smallest one. Danny had both attacked and saved the newest Robin, he had both tried to kill and save him. Would the Bats really believe it was due to mind control?
                Sam’s words about his stars came to mind, but it was hard to believe. If he could remember his stars, why couldn’t he remember not to be a villain? Why did he cut the tightrope? What snapped him out of the control and let him dive to save the smallest bird?
                Danny wanted to believe that they would believe him, understand him, but he couldn’t.
                Last time he ran on belief, he ended up learning what his organs looked like.
                Maybe it was a sound, a noise, one too quiet for most to hear. Or maybe it was his ghost sense. Danny didn’t know. One second, he was being held by Batman, the next he was flying. One second, he believed he was safe, the next he knew he wasn’t. It couldn’t have been because of Batman, right?
                Maybe it had been an ambush, but Danny had set up the meeting. No one even knew he wanted it to happen. He just waited until Batman showed up.
                Batman was safe, Batman was protective of his Robins.
                Batman knew his face.
                Danny just wanted to be safe.
                Bruce sighed, feeling the exact moment the weight against him disappeared. He turned back on his comms, Oracle’s voice coming through, signalling that Daniel had indeed left the area.
                “-skittish! Just wait till B gives the all clea-“
                “Oracle, pull up my cam and see what you can recover from the last five minutes.”
                “On it! …soooo he was there?”
                “…is he gone?”
                It was silent over the comms as Barbara worked, the rest of the Bats waiting for the reply as well. Slowly conversation started up again, though notably it was nothing casual. Every word spoken felt like it was ready to be interrupted, every criminal brought down quickly so they wouldn’t miss when Barbara was done.
                They were all worried about their resident ghost.
                Time seemed to stop when Barbara finally spoke up.
                “It’s all static after you went off comms. All camera footage is corrupted like there was some major electrical interference. I was able to clean up the image enough to have partial features, mostly just colours though. Make sure to check your devices to see if they’ve been fried.”
                Bruce landed on a rooftop, keeping a careful eye out as he checked over his equipment. As he did so, he began to speak. “Red Robin, report on the Fenton front.”
                “Madeline Fenton stuck with the cover story she gave the school but hung up when I pushed. The only phone I could find was the landline, none of the family members have cell phone plans, doesn’t mean they don’t use burners, but I can’t find them if they do. A point in their favour is that cell phones aren’t a big thing in Amity Park, which is pretty weird-“
                Damien’s voice cuts in, “That could be due to the ghost activity. Every time Phantom appears close by our comm links and video go down, often frying them. Oracle, pay attention to surveillance cameras that go down for a short period of time so we can find him again tonight.”
                The comms fell silent again, Bruce’s grunt stopping them in a way that it rarely did.
                “Leave it. We need to figure out the Fenton’s connection to Phantom first. I’ll continue to be the main point of contact with him-“ a snort interrupted Bruce.
                “Him being a ghost doesn’t stop the adoption addiction does it B?” Tim’s voice cut in.
                Bruce was silent for a moment longer. “Not just a ghost. He keeps saying Schrodinger’s cat, both dead and alive. Red Robin and Oracle, I want you both to try to gain access to the Fenton’s computers.”
                The comms went silent again, “Wait, is this looking for Daniel or Phantom?”
                 “…you think the Fenton’s experimented on him, don’t you?”
                “There is a reason the Fenton’s denounced all their prior research three months ago. I want to know why. We will discuss this further in the Cave.”
                “I’m holding you to that B.” Tim said before his comm turned off.
                “Fentonworks, this is Maddie speaking.”
                “… someone knows,” a quiet voice said, much too soft. Maddie felt her breath hitch, hating how scared her boy sounded.
                “Who knows sweetie?” she thought of the odd call she got the other day, it hadn’t been half a year yet, they couldn’t have already been found out.
                “Maddie-“ she flinched at the name, she tried to remember she had no right to being called mom anymore, “-I don’t want to leave.”
                 Maddie tried to steady her breathing, tried to think, “Are you safe?” That was the most important part. It didn’t matter if people knew, not if it meant her son was safer than being alone. He wouldn’t be safe alone, she knew that, but he didn’t want Jack or her around, which was understandable after they held his heart in their hands-
                “I think so. Something is keeping me safe from… that side.” She could hear something beeping in the background, Maddie hoped he hadn’t only been eating microwaved food.
                She thought of the years of breakfast-lunch-dinner- fights. She had no right to say anything to Danny.
                “That’s okay then. Do you trust them?” Maddie tried to keep her voice soft, feeling the tears spring to her eyes at the reminder that he didn’t trust her or Jack anymore.
                “…I do.”
                “Then trust them. I want you safe. Your dad-“ a hitch of breath, she corrected herself quickly before he could hang up, “-Jack and I have been doing damage control on our research. We’re hoping to hel-“
                “Not over the phone.” Danny interrupted. Maddie deflated, but she knew Danny was right. Information was sensitive, no one knew how secure their lines were, no matter their efforts.
                “I’m sorry.” Maddie bit her lip, fidgeting with the coiled line that connected the receiver to the main body of the phone. She had so much to say, but Danny didn’t need to hear it. Not until they dismantled what they helped build, not until they corrected their errors and made their son safe again-
                “I know.”
                The line went dead.
                Maddie let herself cry now that her boy wouldn’t hear her.
                “We need to find proof,” was what Bruce said. Proof of wrongdoing, proof of error, proof that the Fentons had something to do with Phantom’s relocation and Daniel’s disappearance.
                The Fentons’ computers were surprisingly difficult to infiltrate.
                The computer was connected to the internet, but something was consistently blocking both Tim and Barbara’s efforts in breaking in. It took them nearly a week to get in with any consistency, finally finding a way to stay hidden while they dug into what the Fentons were so desperate to hide.
                There was something to be said about Icarus and flying too close to the sun, that the sun would melt the wax on his wings and send him to his death, but people often forgot that he had to be careful to not fly too low towards the sea, lest water loosen the wax on his wings as well.
                The Bats had seen depravity, they had witnessed how low people would go for their research, their passion, their obsession. Maybe it was more of a comfort than the truth that they had seen it all.
                Their only saving grace, but also their biggest annoyance, was that they only had the written reports of the incidents, all video had been scrubbed from the computer. The reports were detailed, some would say too detailed, with exact time stamps to video codes that Barbara couldn’t understand. Tim and Barbara had read the reports together.
                Phantom had been vivisected.
                The Fentons believed his pleas for mercy were mimicry, a mockery, that Phantom was non-sentient. Their notes were meticulous, how he pleaded, the weight of his organs, the way his voice leapt into the electronics around them as he cried, how his ectoplasm was so close to human blood, the way his bones broke in a similar way to human bones. How they waited to remove his gas mask to see if he could pretend to cry tears like his voice mimicked sobs in their equipment.
                Their reports ended, right after they discussed the next steps of their research being what was underneath Phantom’s mask, their theories on which person he had stolen his identity from, if there would be a face or nothing there at all.
                Their notes, meticulous and thorough, handwriting neat and tidy, scanned carefully into a computer system that kept the Bats out for a week. Notes that were valuable to the couple. Notes that were about the last experiment the Fentons conducted. Notes that, maybe mistakenly, were saved alongside a fake accident report and doctor’s note that were created nine hours after the last of the notes had been saved.
                Why had the Fentons denounce their research? Simple.
                They had vivisected their own son in their obsession.
                Phantom had not been spotted since his last encounter with Batman. Daniel had not been spotted since he ran from Batman’s arms.
                Both happened before they found out what Daniel had gone through.
                All Bats were on the look out for him, but crime never slept, especially Gotham.
                Perhaps it was wishful thinking that they would be able to find him before anything bad happened.
                Danny felt a shiver run down his spine; something was following him. It couldn’t be a ghost, right? He gripped his thermos, anyway, steadying his breath as he continued his unhurried walk.
                Gotham was large, Gotham was dangerous, Lady Gotham had a soft spot for baby ghosts.
                She wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him where ghosts were concerned.
                He let out a pained groan as he was hit over the head with something hard. He fell to the ground, hand reaching up to grip his bleeding head.
                The world was spinning as a voice cut through the pounding.
                “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
                Danny didn’t recognize the voice, he let a hand fall to the thermos beside him, trying and succeeding at looking helpless.
                “You’ve got some balls to wander by yourself at night,” steps coming closer, more than one person, “especially in Hood’s territory, too bad Hood isn’t around-“
                The thermos met the other’s head with a solid thunk, the solid metal knocking the man out. Danny scrambled back, away, he didn’t want to go ghost in full view of the street. His vision swam, were there two or four others? He tried to stand, still scrambling, he tripped.
                A shadow fell over him.
                A baton met what looked like the closest man, but then there was twitching that Danny was frighteningly familiar with.
                A taser?
                -bright flashing pain, every single nerve sending painful signals through his body, uncontrollable twitches as he screamed-
Danny ran before Nightwing could turn around.
                The meeting was a hard one.
                The child cases always were.
                Even when they stuck to the facts, tried to ignore their feelings, it was obvious what everyone was thinking.
                How could someone do that to a child?
It was not a point in the Fenton’s favour when Barbara shared the experiment notes, the Fenton’s glee at describing his cries, their outright fascination with how his organs worked once they left his body.
                They had endless notes, diagrams, and blueprints to all their research, everything they used to hurt and contain Phantom. Daniel.
                Contingency measures.
                They had already seen what Phantom, what Daniel, could do under mind control.
                Bruce would not apologize for wanting to keep his family, Gotham, safe, but it was a bitter pill to swallow that he had to save the blueprints, had to build the weapons.
                He had failed his children multiple times before; he would continue to fail them in ways he never would have expected to.
                It shouldn’t be a surprise that he fail another child.
                Despite their best efforts, they could not locate Daniel in Gotham. No address, or job, or alias, absolutely nothing to confirm he was even in the city. He was somehow out of reach for the Bats, and that was terrifying.
                The Fentons had published a new paper in this time, one detailing how ghosts did have sentient thoughts and their efforts in capturing evidence. Their research notes on Phantom went unmentioned.
                It was a while before they saw him again.
                Schrodinger’s cat, both dead and alive until you open the box.
                Bradycardia, asthma, an accident with a portal that tore a hole into another dimension.
                Phantom wore a HAZMAT suit.
                The Fentons vivisected their own son.
                The Fentons had a cover story for Daniel’s whereabouts.
                The Fentons denounced all their research.
                Schrodinger’s cat.
                Phantom was dead, Daniel was alive.
                Daniel feared what was under his mask when he was Phantom.
                Was he a perfect half, or did he lean more one way? Was that what Daniel’s fear was, in actuality? That he may be more dead than alive?
                Danny was happy that he rarely had to deal with Gotham’s rouges.
                Sure, he usually didn’t have to step in, usually the Bats had it all under control. It helped him especially when he was avoiding them like the plague.
                Today was not one of those easy days. It was not one of those days where Danny could turn around and wander a different direction, not a day where Danny just had to find a new veggie to eat for the week since he promised Jazz he would eat more vegetables.
                It was not an easy day.
                There was a chill in the air. A shiver ran down his spine, he was fifteen now.
                His death day had passed with little fanfare, if he ignored the tremors in his hands as phantom jolts of electricity ran down them.
                Phantom had not been seen in a while.
                Jazz wanted him to call a week ago, he bought a new phone just for it.
                Mo-Maddie and Jack had sent him their new research paper, the one that denounced all their prior research. A little blob ghost had brought it to him one day.
                Danny could only stomach the abstract before he hid it in the wall.
                He would call Jazz today, he would tell her that he bought carrots and mushrooms, that he was going to try to cook something instead of just eat ramen again, and then he would tell her about the new device he started building, the one that chirped when-
                The world was silent.
                Danny stopped.
                Gotham was a loud city; it was never so silent. Everything seemed frozen, if only for a second, if only long enough for Danny to know something was very, very wrong.
                Danny had only a moment before he was thrown into a wall, a loud cry escaping his throat.
                The world was loud again.
                Screams, cries, thundering feet as people tried to run to safety.
                A loud voice announced itself.
                “People of Gotham, you have forgotten fear-“
                Danny held his breath, looking, searching, where were the Bats?
                Not a single one in sight, it was daytime after all. They needed enough time to change and get here.
                Signal had been missing from the skies for a couple days now.
                Danny shoved his way into an alley, behind a stinking garbage can.
                Phantom emerged.       
                A crackle came from the speakers Scarecrow was using.
                “The Bat and his knights can’t save you from what your mind conjures-“
                The crackle became louder, a voice layering on top of Scarecrow’s. Or was it his own voice?
                “What about what’s right in front of you?”
                It shouldn’t have been a relief.
                Damien’s breath was loud as he rushed through the University campus, eyes scanning as people ran in a panic below, some already succumbing to the effects of Scarecrow’s newest gas.
                But relief came when he spotted their missing ghost.
                Phantom, Daniel, was rushing through the air, his mask safely in place as he helped people to safety, as he fought off goons, Damien could breathe slightly easier.
                He would not admit it, but he had been as worried as the rest of them when weeks had passed with no word or sighting of the ghost boy.
                Damien had not known how to feel about Daniel for a long time. Phantom had nearly killed him after all, and that was something that Damien could go either way with.
                A begrudging respect for nearly succeeding, or a resentment so deep that it would never leave.
                It had not helped that Daniel had also saved him.
                Damien often found himself wondering if the other boy was avoiding him because of it.
                If, maybe, Daniel had run from Father because of that. A fear of retribution.
                Danny didn’t like this.
                He didn’t like this at all.
                Scarecrow was too soft, too delicate, his long limbs flailing and sickle tearing through the air towards Danny. The mask on his face hid much of what the man was feeling, but Scarecrow was vocal enough to make up for it.
                “A fine apprentice you would be,
That is if you would work for me.”
                Phantom’s voice came from both his mouth and the speakers close by. “I’ve had enough Fruitloops trying to make me their apprentice, I’m good.”
                “For now, you do not feel fear,
But what else is growing near?’
                Danny grabbed the scythe in the man’s hands, trying to wrestle it away, only to have his mask ripped off by Scarecrow’s other skeletal hand.
                “I hope you do not mind my intrigue,
Your senses will not experience fatigue.”
                Danny gasped as claw-like hands manage to grip him tightly, the holes where Scarecrow’s eyes should be boring into him.
                “It’s not often something frightens me,
 I think a partnership is a guarantee.”
                The Scarecrow brought a hand up to Danny’s face, grip firm as he released fear gas directly into his eyes, his nose, his mouth.
                -the straps around his wrists gripped him tightly, he could see mom and dad descending the stairs, angry, concerned, something in their voices as they prepared for the next set of experiments-
“I have wondered what frightens a ghost,
I happened to have doubled your dose.”
                -teal, orange, white, so much white-
                “Chills, increase heart rate, rapid breath?
                What frightens a being forged by death?”
                Phantom wretched himself out of Scarecrow’s grip, bright green-blue-green eyes slowly looking up towards the sky, before falling back down to Scarecrow.
                “Can the dead appreciate terror?
                Or does my gas experience an error?”
                Danny swung at the Scarecrow, trying, and succeeding, at knocking him away from the thinning crowd of people. He tried to punch the man but his fist was caught instead.
                “The dead are stone still,
                You couldn’t experience a chill.”
                Danny hated the cackle the doctor let out, Scarecrow was a human, he couldn’t just throw him into a wall and soup him into the thermos.
                “A boy dying all alone,
                Perhaps this was a way to atone?
                Or perhaps one better, died in front of friends,
                Those who do not understand the end.”
                -bright flashing lights, electricity running through him with no end in sight, they couldn’t turn it off, the switch was on the inside-
                -Phantom watched impassively as Robin was forced onto the tight rope, his eyes drifting away to look at the red tinted sky again. Something in his chest was whispering to him, asking him to look back down, look down-LOOK DOWN-
Robin knocked the Scarecrow down, the man’s cackling laugh resounding through the field of the University campus. Danny could see the Guys in White advancing; he could see mom and dad with a Jack O Nine Tails and the Ghost Gauntlets.
                -he wasn’t safe he wasn’t safe he wasn’t safe-
“Phantom,” Robin was looking at him, his voice was muffled by the gas mask. His domino mask filled Danny’s vision, but that wasn’t safe, he couldn’t see, he needed to make sure they didn’t get any closer- “Phantom!”
                Robin really wasn’t any larger than him, did that mean he was also fifteen?
                “It’s not safe! If you aren’t a liability, then assist! Otherwise, get off the battlefield.”
                -when has he ever been safe?-
                He had to help.
                Danny would never be safe, but he could help make sure others were.
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Prompt 122
In place of August Tenth, Promptapalooza 3/ Geralt and Jaskier are traveling through faewood. They can tell it's faewood because the trees glittered and sang about how much closer the two would be if they just told the truth. The woods went back to normal afterward but it was kind of a giveaway. Jaskier starts playing some mindless melodies on his lute as they walk, only for Geralt to suddenly snarl a bit and turn to look at him. "Can you stop playing, Jaskier? I can't hear my self loathing thoughts when you play." They both stare in shock at each other. "That's not what I meant to say." Geralt states, awkwardly. "Do you often think bad of yourself?..." "All the time." "Me too." Geralt frowns. Geralt is a monster. He's a witcher. He's killed so many. Jaskier is perfect. Jaskier is sweet and kind and lovely. What can he hate about himself? "Geralt, please don't ask-" "What do you think about?" They say at the same time. "You'll leave me. You hate me. You'll find me annoying. You'll find me too loud. You'll never love me as I love you. I love you, Geralt. So much. I desire nothing but your arms around me at night, a kiss between us, you telling me I'm worth something to y-" Jaskier slaps his hands over his mouth and glances away. The trees giggle, and Geralt almost wants to launch a sword into the canopies just to fix the horrified expression on his bard's face.
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toreii · 3 days
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Review
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Let me just preface this post by saying I’m still on the fence about sharing my thoughts. Like many, I am highly disappointed with the direction this DLC went. I would have never imagined this was in store for me last year during the summer when I first watched the Lin Kuei trailer. Khaos Reigns provoked two days of awful headaches followed by days of disillusion. Yes, NRS played me for a fool (thank god I did not purchase this). I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and it came to bite me in the ass. If I had a physical copy of the game, I’d chuck it in the trash. I’m finding it difficult to proceed forward which is hard because I like to see things through even if it sucks. All I can do is protect my vision of Bi-Han and staying true to the old lore as I try and move on.
That being said, to address my take on this expansion:
To begin, the elephant in the freaking room--Sektor and Cyrax.
I am a Lin Kuei fan overall. Not a big fan of him in general, but there has been appreciation for him and Cyrax throughout the years. When I learned that both were going to be genderbent, I had a little bit of misgivings suddenly changing things drastically. But, again, I gave NRS the benefit of the doubt. Since this is a new era, I was on board with it until the rumors started circulating about both being love interests for the brothers. I was like "That makes no sense whatsoever." To me, the Lin Kuei has always been like a brotherhood. In no given time, has there ever been any indication of personal relationships outside of camaraderie. For example, Cyrax and Smoke being vehemently upset over Bi-Han's death in MK9, and not just Kuai Liang.
The argument can be constantly made that this is a new timeline, and it's Liu Kang's creation over and over. But, when you have that man (Dominic) constantly saying the timelines are canon, but not really. But, still are. It's incredibly hard to take anything seriously right now especially with the constant flip flopping that man does for the sake of the current script. Which is another point, but back to the bastardization of our two Lin Kuei girls.
I wanted to believe in a strong, female Sektor, who has her own ideals which we can all clearly see. Like her past iterations, she lives, breathes, and bleeds Lin Kuei. I wanted to see a Sektor who slowly, but surely descended into her own madness of corruption as she pursued her goals for the Cyber Initiative. Sektor has always been known for his technological genius, and she would be no different. To see her potential constantly get staunched for her adulation and obsession for Bi-Han was hard to witness. I can understand that this may be a flaw for her, but it is a very shitty flaw. Because this one trait absolutely negates everything she stands for. I can see that both she and Bi-Han use each other to a certain extent where it seems fit. I know her horrible romance is the center of focus right now, but if you listen to her intros with Bi-Han, it seems to be all business between them. There is barely any indication that their relationship goes beyond the realm of the clan and into a personal tryst. Sektor calls it love, but it's not quite there. I mean, there's love for the grandmaster, but the love that seems to be implied between the two is not quite there. At least, in my view.
I don't know about Sektor yet, but I already deduced that Bi-Han isn't someone who's desperate to correct anyone on the spot. He doesn't have to. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation, so of course he runs with whatever people say about him. He's unbothered by anyone's opinions of him. When Kuai Liang told Cyrax the truth about Bi-Han letting their father die, Bi-Han could have stepped in at any given moment and contradicted Kuai Liang. Instead, he chose to own every word Kuai said. I've had this feeling since the end of the base campaign that Kuai Liang simply took pieces of what Bi-Han said, and spun them to fit his own narrative. (Killing your father and letting him die because of an accident are two completely different things.)
Anyways, going back to Sektor, that scene where Bi-Han's mind was being restored seems to be the only shoehorned indication that there is more to them than meets the eye. But, again, it was badly placed, badly presented as well. First of all, Sektor really should not have been there in that room at all. From a storytelling perspective, I'm supposed to believe that both Sektor and Bi-Han have this obsessive romance and codependency between each other in a few seconds of frames, than the brotherhood between Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas??? And this was my worst fear for Bi-Han too. I did not want him to be "saved" by romance. I wanted his salvation to come from within himself as he reflected on his poor decisions and the tragedy of his downfall which sadly we were robbed and negated from. If the scene only involved Liu Kang, Bi-Han, and Kuai Liang, it would have been more poignant. There has always been that story between the two brothers. I understand, this is not the same Kuai of two timelines ago. But, why is MK: Onslaught's ScorpKuai a lot more wholesome than our MK1 iteration??? He was absolutely horrified meeting MK11 Noob. He couldn't understand why Bi-Han became Noob (and how). But, Kuai's first instinct in the DLC is to be absolutely pissed and disgusted? "Your new attire suits you. It is as black as your heart." Darling, no. I would have been more pleased seeing Kuai approach the table and have this conflicting expression. The hatred can still be there, but the concern and sorrow for whom was once family to him, and his eldest brother needed to be portrayed. I mean, we sort of got it with the whole coffin scene at the end. But, in that scene, in that moment, that more than Bi-Han reaching for Sektor and touching foreheads with her is a lot more powerful in terms of storytelling. I don't know why NRS is so against these two hashing it out and resolving their issues.
Now to Cyrax...oh my god...
According to Kuai Liang in the main story, Cyrax and Sektor were supposed to be absolutely loyal to Bi-Han and would abet his corruption than follow him. We obviously see that in Sektor, but what the hell happened to Cyrax? It leads me to believe that Dominic and others suddenly decided to change the script. Mind you, I firmly believe that they did so. Sektor and Cyrax being women in this game must've been a decision that came after everything was said and done for the base campaign. I'm a bit skeptical on Bi-Han suddenly turning on Cyrax because I do recall some time ago listening to some leaked audio in which Bi-Han says "Kuai Liang was supposed to give Cyrax back." It made me think "Oh shit. Does Cyrax get held hostage or something?" Like, what the hell happened? And, I'm realizing, are we missing dialogue now? There is so much that does not make sense!!! Why would they turn on her all of a sudden?!
She's supposed to be close to Bi-Han just as much as Sektor. And suddenly, Cyrax is presented as a free thinking individual who abides by her own ideals and tradition. The moment that is threatened, she feels like she can no longer follow Bi-Han and his ambitions. To make it worse, she feels so much remorse with Kuai Liang that she's ready to give up her life in penance to make up for it. It just makes no sense. And to make it worse, she spends the rest of the DLC following Kuai Liang like a little puppy ready to serve her new grandmaster. Why was she even presented as a strong individual when all she wants is Kuai Liang's adoration as well? Not to mention, it was a really gross line to include in the intros where Noob threatens to spill her relationship with Kuai Liang to Harumi. We're seriously cheapening these two women to typical high school romance tropes? Like others have expressed, this is fanfiction levels of madness.
Kuai Liang is all levels of messed up too. I am so sick and tired of him prancing around like he does no wrong, and everyone believes every word he says. Suddenly, he's the self appointed grand hero of the story when you have Liu Kang's champions sitting around and twiddling their thumbs? Why not place faith in them and send them with Kuai to resolve the current threat. I understand Kuai's Shirai Ryu is now the new protectors, but you also have these other people and beings who are preparing themselves as well for these upcoming threats. I hate that they just suddenly bled into the background, and disappeared completely. Somebody needs to not only knock Bi-Han but Kuai Liang as well a few pegs down. He too is not without his own flaws and they need to be addressed. And Liu Kang's line "Trust your wife. Avail yourself of her wisdom." The same thing with Sektor and Bi-Han. Here too. This fucking trope cannot be it. Love cannot only be the thing that saves the day. His anger, his vengeance, is no where near the levels of Hanzo. Hanzo legit had a reason to be like that. Kuai is literally throwing a bitch fit at Bi-Han, and pointing fingers anywhere but himself. Seriously, his anger and disgust against Cyrax was so unwarranted. And every time she was flustered and tried to explain, he barely gave her time to say a word. Always cutting her off, and rejecting her apologies until the end because it is implied Harumi stepped in. And he seems to just completely simmer down a bit in the presence of Noob. Where was the you who tried to take him on earlier in Chaosrealm? Suddenly, you don't feel like butting heads with your brother? Kuai Liang is such a hypocrite, and I'm tired of seeing it.
Liu Kang was also another that just got dragged through the mud. A lot of his words and actions did not make sense. He's content with disposing of Titan Shang Sung and Titan Quan Chi, but he won't let Bi-Han finish off Titan Havik because he isn't sure how he's tied to his timeline, and doesn't want to kill innocent lives? What about the timelines tied to the other two? Liu Kang had no problem ending those. Why is Titan Havik's timeline any different? Bi-Han is right. Why does that timeline matter when the most important one is theirs, Liu Kang's timeline? He tells Raiden and Kung Lao to do their best and pray they make it out alive, when Liu Kang could have better prepared them. Gets his ass handed to him, can't even go save Geras himself. Sends Kuai, Cyrax, and Sektor to Chaosrealm in blindly. And, snaps at Bi-Han for the most part towards the end instead of having a meaningful talk with him. Not just simply telling him "This is what you are meant to do. Defend Earthrealm." Well, geez, why not elaborate on that, Liu Kang? Can't you give Bi-Han a few minutes of your time to air out grievances and come to a consensus?
And what the hell happened to Titan Havik? Is he dead? Does he still live? Trapped in the void? The Kamidogu were briefly mentioned, and then dropped. They were hyped to be of importance in this DLC. I'm certain they'll make their return eventually if NRS continues the story involving Onaga when the time comes. But, Havik had plans for them as well. And we only see him fusing with the Kamidogu. That final fight with him felt pretty lackluster. Just a regular match like any other.
We are definitely missing script, and scenes. We were supposed to have gotten a whole lot more. Ed Boon said this was their project for the next few years. I suppose they felt compelled not just to omit certain things, but cut out others for future DLCs. This was setup to be more than what we got. The bar absolutely fell short of what the end product was. To charge full price is absolutely heinous. I'm sorry, but I do not have $50 on hand for each DLC that they plan to release. They charged full price for the main game, and now they plan to do so for every little story line that comes after? I can't in good conscious support this kind of marketing. I'm devastated with the story. Like, I could work and make sense and justify every decision made with the main story to a degree. I can't do the same with Khaos Reigns.
I know I was making gifs of Bi-Han last week, but after KR...my heart right now really isn't in MK1. Every time I come across posts and remotely start thinking about it, I get headaches. They are not as bad as they initially were, but this is how horribly this DLC affects me. It keeps giving me headaches. I know I probably regurgitated the same sentiments and ideas as many others have already. But, a friend told me it would be cathartic to do this. So, instead of my journal, I am here expunging these thoughts and emotions. I don't know what my future with the brand will entail, but godspeed NRS. I wish you well on your future endeavors, and that's really saying a lot on my end. I can't even hope anymore. They massacred my heart and left me to die just like papa Lin Kuei (I wish we had a name for him).
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