#what i can safely say tho is that the women in this game are STUNNING
undercookied · 4 months
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wait jinhsi in this lighting made me collapse SHES SO PRETTYYYY 🥹🥹 i already love her sm
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plush-anon · 4 years
after many hours spent pausing the show bc good lord why did they do that, i have now finished Love Never Dies
annnnnd yikes 😬😬😬
I’ll start with the few positives I did enjoy from the recorded Australian production on Youtube:
1.) the camera work. This is the kind of thing I dream of for professionally recorded shows - it really allows for some lovely close-up shots of how the emotions play over their faces, it’s lush
2.) the costumes are well-crafted, and I desperately Want the Phantom’s long-ass swooshy trenchcoat cape thing he wore for the first half-hour 
3.) the sets used throughout this are honestly very impressively used and put together for some really fantastic shots
4.) the opening, with ‘Til’ I Hear You Sing Once More’. This song is honestly very lovely, and really articulates the Phantom’s loss and heartache for Christine. It’s sung very earnestly, and had the rest of the show been more like this I might have liked it more. 
5.) the Fucking Song, ‘Beneath a Moonless Sky’, is a guilty pleasure. It’s so over the top, and it is only about recounting that One Time they totally banged yo, and I love it. I think it’s the orchestration, but it’s also enjoyably silly even while it takes itself 100% serious. 
6.) As much as I hate to say this? ‘Devil Take the Hindmost’. While I hate the gist of the song - that being Raoul and Erik betting on who Christine will choose, and pretty much deciding for her who will get to be her one true love forever, completely negating the entire point of the OF musical where her choice was the most important factor for all of them - the pacing and the lyrics as they dance around each other are absolutely fantastic. It’s kind of sad to say, but Raoul and the Phantom, in this scene alone, display more chemistry in their singing than they do with anyone else. Let the hatefcuking commence~
7.) Some parts of ‘The Beauty Underneath’ I enjoy, particularly the ending scene where the Phantom is trying to talk Meg down. It’s very slow, melodic, and shows his more manipulative side, as well as how he can crawl into someone’s head, I love it. 
8.) This very interesting visual with a mirror in Christine’s dressing room. There are two separate scenes where someone is in the mirror singing. The first is the Phantom, between Raoul and Christine. The second is Raoul between the Phantom and Christine. It’s honestly a nice touch.
9.) The main three are excellent singers. 
 Unfortunately, that’s all on the list of what I liked. Everything else is a Giant Fcuking Mess. 
1.) The Phantom is no longer a complex, messed-up, but still somewhat sympathetic character, no; this is just a giant asshole who takes everyone for granted and barely realizes that anyone else exists except Christine, and even then only really as his personal instrument. 
He never actually apologizes to Christine for the shit he’s put her through and continues to put her through, but still demands obedience and forgiveness and understanding. It completely negates the entire point of POTO’s ending, where he actually realizes he’s done wrong by her and his actions pertaining her, and lets her go from his world entirely, and RESPECTING HER CHOICES AND LEAVING HER ALONE. 
Not to mention This Bitch also threatens to kidnap/possible “lose” her child if she doesn’t sing for him, keeps pushing her around and telling her what to do, and manipulating her life to change her decisions for her. 
2.) Which reminds of me of the next big asshat: Raoul de Chagny, who has now become an alcoholic gambler who pushes his wife to do things she’s not comfortable doing to repay his debts, neglects his son entirely, and also is abrasive and controlling of Christine, to the point he yanks her back and forth on doing shit. Play this role! We should leave bc he was an asshole! No now we should leave bc Phantom is back! No take the role he’s paying triple! I’ll make a bet on whether she loves me to pay my debts! No wait you should quit ten minutes before you go on-stage bc I don’t want to lose you! MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND YOU MISERABLE PISSANT SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Like I can understand being overprotective to a certain degree, which could eventually morph into being controlling. But neglecting your son, your wife, drinking and gambling your fortune away? ALL of that?!? Really???
Shouldn’t he be desperate to keep his wife and son close to him at all times after the events of POTO? Never leave, never go anywhere, only do what’s safe? You COULD have set this up as a continuation of Safety versus Freedom with Raoul and the Phantom, show the good and bad of both and have her choose from there. Show the dichotomies and hypocrisies of both men’s standards. 
But nope! We’re just totes gonna make the husband like this for no goddamn reason, especially since Raoul doesn’t start suspecting that Gustave (his son) isn’t really his until Devil Take the Hindmost. He’s just that much of an idiot!
3.) The presence of Madame Giry and Meg Giry. Oh gods, where to even begin? They’re pretty much only here so that Sir Andy doesn’t have to make new characters with different backstories and motivations and introduce them accordingly. Nope! Now both women are blaming Christine for leaving the Phantom Man-Baby, and talking about everything they sacrificed to help him make his stupid-ass circus, and talking about how they love him and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Madame Giry in the POTO musical YOU LED RAOUL DIRECTLY TO THE PHANTOM’S LAIR SO HE COULD RESCUE CHRISTINE WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW SHE BETRAYED HIM
And, oh, Meg... she reaaaaaaaaaaaaally got the short end of the stick here. I just... poor dear, she was horribly treated in this. 
Neither of them deserved to be like this, honestly. 
4.) Christine, to a lesser extent. Experienced Literal Character Assassination, forced to choose between two horrible options, stripped of her agency entirely, used as a bet in a game between said two horrible options, lied to and dragged around constantly, should have taken Gustave and run off with Meg to run a music store together. Fcuk you Sir Andy, for using POTO characters to act out your bitterness and frustration at your ex. 
5.) The entirety of the whole Boardwalk Circus schtick, spawning an additional Fuck You to Frederick Forsythe, who thought this was a tenable option for the story to progress. 
6.) The Phantom’s deformity was literally just four lines drawn onto his face with crayon and some smeared lipstick:
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what even the fcuk, you couldn’t make the make-up crayon drawing more detailed??? take more than ten minutes to draw it on???
I never thought I would say this, but even the 2004 film’s depiction was better than this! At least that one partially drew from a real medical condition, Sturge-Weber Syndrome. What the fcuk is your excuse LND?!?
7.)  The Lyrics. Oh gods, the lyrics. Some songs were decent, mostly the ones I listed up top. But the rest? Did someone forget to give the writer a more advanced/creative guide to rhyming lyrics? I wrote better shit in middle school than Glenn Slater did for the majority of these lyrics. 
Glenn my dude, what the fcuk is this nonsense? You’ve written good shit like the Tangled songs and stuff for Galavant! Why are you writing worse than an angst-ridden middle schooler? It is immensely frustrating, to say the least. 
8.) The really WEIRD direction in acting. No one here acts like they know how to move their arms or hands naturally; there’s a lot of really odd and unnecessary gesturing that makes it look like everyone has just had their limbs replaced with faulty robotic arms. There’s also a lot of leaning the characters do, with their arms perfectly straight by their side and it just looks wrong. 
9.) The Phantom’s pseudonym is Mr. Y. No, they never explain why it is he chose that particular moniker. 
10.) Bathing Beauty. Just... all of it, here, tied to POTO, present and here. 
11.) It’s been exactly 10 years since Christine saw/banged the Phantom, and her son is precisely 10 years old. 
That’s... not how pregnancy works. At all. 
12.) This weird scene with the American press, where they are absolutely obsessed with Christine, despite the facts they present, such as:
- She hasn’t performed in 10 years anywhere. 
- She was a French performer, and
- She only starred in three operas at the Populaire (Hannibal, Il Muto, and Don Juan Triumphant, which wasn’t even finished. So technically 2.2 operas that we know of). 
Why, precisely, would American reporters be so obsessed with her upon hearing she’s coming? I could see some interest given the whole shebang with the Phantom, but after 10 years of radio silence, would she really garner an entire crowd of reporters and photographers... in America, no less? 
France I could definitely see. America? Not so much. 
13.) Gustave is a flat, generic kid character, who apparently is totes the Phantom’s son because... he can play the piano well. And also has the same ideas of music as the Phantom, despite never being taught about them, or discussed such things with his mother. 
Is musical talent only inherited through the father’s side of the family in this universe? I mean, we never learn about Christine’s mother, just her famous violinist father. Otherwise, why is it Gustave’s musical talent isn’t attributed to - oh, I don’t know - HIS FAMOUS OPERA SINGER MOTHER?!?
14.) Apparently the Phantom is also now the one who invented cars OH I MEAN “horseless carriages” 🙄 A carriage with no engine and a “ghost horse” appears, and everyone is just fcuking stunned by this, like they’ve never seen a vehicle move without a horse before. In 1907. 22 years after the first functional automobile was invented. Ugh. 
15.) seriously tho who thought basing a sequel on the Frederick Forsythe novel was a good idea why did nobody think to stop him apart from Sir Andy’s pet cat Otto. why.
16) The Phantom’s interactions with Gustave are distinctly creepy and unsettling. I keep getting pedo vibes from him and I Do Not Like It.
17.) The death scene at the end is so goddamn over-the-top and out of nowhere I just want to throw something, ugh
18.) And finally, my last gripe with this mess: This takes place in 1907, and declares that it’s ten years after the original musical. Despite the fact that the OG took place in 1885. Yippy skippy. 😑
I can honestly say I am Not a Fan of this musical as a whole, mostly based on the plot and the character assassinations (one quite literal) and the poor lyrics. I can admire the camera work, the basic singing ability, the scenery and costumes, and maybe two or three songs. But I just do not enjoy it. It took me two days to finish watching it because I kept cringing from what shit kept happening, and had to walk around and listen to other shit to get it out of my head. 
HOWEVER: People do enjoy this one on the sake of it being so bad and over-the-top, and I can honestly see the whys. It helps that most of the cast can sing, and the orchestration is done well. There’s a TON of stupid to mock, and a lot of over-the-top awkwardness to laugh at. This is a good one to watch and mock with friends, IMO. 
For those of you who do enjoy it, I’m afraid I have to disagree on most of it. Still, it is nice being able to watch this one for free, even if it is a giant hot mess.
And that’s all for me on this one! Have a good week guys!
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harikaw · 7 years
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Photo is just her to caught your attention xD
Chloe is @faithcael, I’m max. Photographer Garnet C. Angeldust Photographie
So posting here my new fanfiction ! First chapter of it ! It’s a commission. Sorry for grammar and mistakes, I’m not english native. You can read it on FF too !
The price to give: 
She couldn’t believe it. Her gaze was lost in the landscape rolling in front of her eyes. Suddenly she was feeling so numb. At the exact moment she could heard the radio saying it. A deep and heavy silence had settled in the cabin of the pick up and she could have swear that she even heard the leather of the steering wheel when Chloe was clamping it, getting anxious listening to the voice on the radio.
« Arcadia Bay one year anniversary is coming, the senator is doing a huge celebration to open to memorial for the one who died on this terrible event. »
Max's heart squeezed up a little more while Chloe cut of a dry gesture the car radio.
« I’m glad we see your folks. Was nice. » adressed her to the brunette with a distant tone.
« Chloe… »
She probably could hear to Max’s voice that she was worry and was going to ask or tell her something about all of this. And she didn’t want it, Max knew that most of the time, the tattoo girl was just escaping the subject. How could she blamed her ? She was doing the same.
The pupils of the photographer settled sadly on the punk. She noticed that this one did her best to hold on crying and concentrating on the road, but the shivers which shook the fingers to wrinkle on the steering wheel betrayed her.
« It’s ok Max. I’m fine. We’re almost home anyway.»
But she knew she wasn’t. She could feel a hundred miles away when the Price wasn’t ok, especially on this topic. Many have died on the storm the hispter caused to save her best friend a year ago. Most of the people Max knew on Blackwell weren’t here anymore. Chloe suffered lost too. If David was safe and ok, taking care of Jefferson’s corpse in the dark room after saving Max, Joyce didn’t have the same luck. She was into coma for a long year now, and the doctors weren’t really optimistic about it. David was working his ass off to pay the hospital bill, and, ironically, that the thing that made her step daughter and him stop their stupid war. They stick together ever since, doing the best for her. Kate was alive, safe in the hospital back in time when she tried to kill herself. Alyssa and some other survived too, but most of them just didn’t give any news.
Chloe and Max moved in Portland, and the military followed them . It was actually strange that the storm only hit Arcadia, but Max always thought that it was chaos theory making fun of her, they’d never find a real explanation anyway so eventually, she stopped asking herself question that were torturing her even more. Most of Arcadia’s survivor moved very far away, wanted to cut out with bad memories and pain.
Arcadia was rebuilding tho, and it was a matter of time before the last trace of this awful event will only be the monument.
The two young women were also on the Portland road after visiting Max's parents in Seattle. Those last ones had shown themselves as usual, more than concerned and protective of them and Max had more than appreciated the visit that had put a balm to the heart. Not enough to cure her guilt, but enough for her to forget about it for a while, until now.
Max sank deeper into his seat, his muscles tensing. The rest of the trip was in a heavy and heavy atmosphere, neither of them daring to add anything more.
When they arrived at the little house they rented-she only had a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet, a small living room, and a kitchen-the tension had not subsided and Max could feel his stomach twisting as the punk parked and slammed his door. She watched, hurt, the punk move away to open the door of the house and rush into it and she followed her.
« Chloe, if you want to talk… »
« I’M FINE ! »
Her tone was so dry that the Caulfield felt his heart stop. Her eyes were black, and Chloe herself realized that because she was softening, guilty.
« I’m sorry Max… »
The brunette bit her lip, this kind of situation made her crazy. She did not know what to do to relieve the pain of her best friend, which she was responsible for. Sighing for a long time, she gave her a weak smile.
« Don’t worry. I’m going to take a bath. »
The blue nodded silently, looking guilty as Max moved away to run the hot water, undressing and entering the almost boiling water. Her muscles needed to relax and she sighed in relief despite the water that burned her skin, as for a second, relieved of all that could bother her. She closed her eyes for a moment, until dull noises followed by a crash startled her, followed by cries of despair from punk. Panicking, the brunette immediately came out of the water, grabbing a t-shirt and panties to get dressed simply and quickly, not even taking the time to dry, and join his best friend who was in full frenzy of destruction.
The objects were flying and smashing against the walls under her cries and tears, and the sight literally tore the heart of the Caulfield which froze in shock a few seconds, helplessness before finally recovering and rushing towards her, holding the wrist of punk to break an umpteenth object. Chloe's arcade was bleeding and running down her face.
« Chloe stop ! You’re bleeding. »
The tattooed woman stared her eyes full of tears and anger, and pushing the hipster, she slammed the cup she was holding on the ground before dropping to the floor, despair weighing too heavily on her shoulders, sobbing even more as Max crouched at her height, pulling her against him in a firm embrace, refusing to let her escape once again. But this time the punk did not intend to flee and she clamored even to the brunette as if it was the last time she could.
« I’m so sorry Max. I’m sorry… I fucked up…I fuck up everything… All of this, this is all my fault… They all died… were hurt… because of me… Mum would be ok…»
Max's heart stopped and her throat tightened. They never really talked about all that. Both had always been evasive since Max had made his final choice. It was a year since their souls were in pain and their consciences too heavy with unacknowledged things, repressed guilt.
« I should have died, everything would be ok…»
Her voice was trembling and shattered by the sobs and to hear her, Max simply felt his heart shatter like never before. Pulling back just enough to fix Chloe, she looked at her, her face betraying the pain she felt at that moment hearing such a word.
« I wouldn’t be ok… Chloe… this was not your fault, this was my choice… I’m the only one to blame, please don’t do that to yourself, if you got to hate someone, this is me… »
Max felt the tears win her too. She had destroyed so many lives, so much family for sheer egoism. And yet, never, she had never managed to regret this decision when her eyes were on Chloe. She knew she had made the "right" choice, she would never have been able to continue without punk at her side, she could never have let her die in the bathroom, having forgotten all her things that she had lived , all her things she had to tell her.
Chloe lifted her eyes drowned by tears in the hipster's, sliding her fingers gently on her cheek, pulling him a shiver.
« I’ll never blame you… You saved my life Max.. It’s just... I wasn’t worth it...»
This time, Max grabbed the face of the Price firmly.
« You’re worthing everything on Earth, Chloe. I would do it over again and again if I had another chance to change the past. I would ALWAYS chose you. »
Punk's tears continued to flow, but her sobs seemed to have calmed down, she looked at Max lost, how could she say that? She who played the hard constantly Max had always known that this little game hid a cruel lack of self-confidence.
« How can you be so sure ? »
She was trying to understand but could not, her, who would have given the sky and stars for the brunette yet, she could not believe that someone could do the same for her.
« Because I lost you so many time… When I moved away, when Nathan killed you, then Jefferson… You have no idea how awful it was… I can’t live this life without you Chloe, and I know it was selfish to chose you, but never say you didn’t worth it. You worth everything to me… I’d give my life for you if it could save you and only you…As much as I would give it to see you smile again…»
She had fought so hard to have her alive, by her side. She would never stop bringing her back and could never bring herself to sacrifice her, the same idea made her sick and it was her turn to sob. The punk looked at her as if she were stunned by her words, as if she was struggling to believe that all of this was real. She ends up drying her tears and sliding her fingers on Max's neck, slowly approaching his face to hers to capture his lips tenderly. Max closed his eyes automatically, responding to the kiss in a long sigh of relief. Chloe did not blame her to the point of being disgusted by her and his selfishness, and if they had never spoken, the feelings of the hipster had only grown since their departure from Arcadia.
The hispter could feel his heart throbbing like never before. It was not their first kiss, but their lips had not met since that ridiculous I dare you in the old room of Chloe, and it had another taste, more bitter and sad, and yet it was able to ignite his whole being. In a year their relationship had not really changed or evolved. Chloe was more shy than she appeared, and she never took the first step towards Max, though she had left her with a lot of hints in her own way. Max, meanwhile, had never found the right moment, she had let the remorse prevail and the depression sink. Their relationship had stagnated into a much deeper friendship because deep down, both of them knew very well that the other wanted more. But that kiss was chaste and wise, sad under the sobbing of the hipster and the breath still broken by the negative emotions of punk.
The punk ends up receding, the cheeks red, the look away, his pride soaring.
« I’m sorry for that I just… »
Max did not give him time to finish, grabbing his three-bullets necklace to bring her closer to her, kissing her in turn with a little more passion, her lips pressed hard against hers. She did not want that sorry kiss, she did not want that sad and haunted kiss from the past. At first the punk seemed astonished and surprised, and she could feel her heart stopping for the initiative of her best friend, always more courageous than her, and against her lips, she forgot her pain, she forgot everything, her brain becoming white, her heart exploding with such violence yet jubilant. Sliding her fingers into Max's hair, she greeted the kiss with the same passion before both of them moved back, breathless, their eyes immersed in each other.
« So… you’re sleeping in my bed tonight ? »  dropped the punk with a mocking smile hiding behind his irony the roar of feelings that stomped on him and his sudden embarrassment.
The brunette was amused and smiled, rolling her eyes. They had always slept together. She felt relieved that the atmosphere relaxes in this way after finally breaking the ice
« You mean my bed ? The one you’re always in ? »
« Shut up. » replied the punk smiling, eyes still wet
She scratched her neck nervously, and while Chloe still played the badass girl, Max knew she did not know what to say after that kiss, and the hipster's heart still had not recovered. She knew that one day soon they would have to talk about this growing tension between them, the force that drew them towards each other, but the moment was not yet right.
The brunette got up, followed by blue eyes that straightened immediately, catching the arm of the brunette as if she was suddenly afraid she ran after what they had to share. Her thoughts were still confused, and even though Max had kissed her, she had no idea if she had offered him for pity or anything else.
« Don’t go… » hesitated Chloe, in a breaking whisper, gently pulling the hipster closer to embrace her.
Sliding on the tip of her toes, Max put her fingers on the cheeks of her best friend, her lips grazing his own again, she could feel the hot breath of punk and she hold a shiver. Her smell made her completely crazy already maddening her senses that required a new kiss, so close to his lips.
« I’m not going anywhere Chloe. »
Price's gaze became more intense and the small smile she sketched before capturing her lips again made her just as melt, long sighing against the lips of punk as she pressed her against her, the kiss Igniting much more quickly than the previous ones, while Chloe gently pushed her back into their room. The same despair united them, but there was something else that they both had always been afraid to say for fear of destroying everything. But for now, the Caulfield surrendered herself in the arms and lips of punk, their kiss being much more passionate, seeking more contact, while Chloe was cautiously lying on their bed, lying down gently against her taking hold of his arms so as not to crush him, not leaving his lips for a moment. Her tongue finally slipped between the lips of the hipster who felt his heart racing like never before, her belly writhing as she responded without delay to this new invitation, her tongue joining hers, provoking more intimately, their saliva is melting without embarrassment as she could feel the punk moaning warmly against her lips as her body pressed against hers.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand suspence for the next part :3  
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sageslays · 7 years
Hello Beauty Babes!
So how many Rihanna song references can I fit into this post? I don’t know but I’ll keep work work work work working on it
So, we have all been eagerly waiting in our California King Beds for the day Fenty Beauty would be available in Sephora stores as well as online. But, we have finally found love in a hopeless place! The Fenty Beauty collection officially launched and we’re all so excited about the collection. It’s seriously beautiful.
Alright alright. Let’s really get into it, sans puns.
So Riri and the Fenty Beauty team have kept this whole thing under wraps. No leaks, no reports, nothing. Which made it even more shocking to see the gorgeousness of it all!
Fenty Beauty came out with a number of different products, and I’ve listed them all below including price. Also, check out the slide show to see photos and sneak peaks of each product.
(photos courtesy of Instagram accounts @trendmood1 @hotfire.makeup @alexsteinhen and the official @fentybeauty account.)
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Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation (40 shades) $34.00
Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter (6 shades) $34.00
Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch Primer $32.00
Match Stix Skinstick Shimmer (10 shades) or Matte (20 shades) $25.00 – Trio for $54.00
Invisimatte Blotting Powder $32.00
Portable Touchup Brush 130 $24.00
Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer $18.00 
Cheek Hugging Highlight Brush 120 $32.00
Full Bodied Foundation Brush 110 $34.00
Precision Makeup Sponge 100 $16.00
Portable Contour & Concealer Brush 150 $24.00
Portable Highlighter Brush 140 $24.00
Invisimatte Blotting Paper $16.00
Honestly, celebrity makeup brands don’t always excite me, but I truly feel like Fenty Beauty has set itself truly ahead of the pack.
Here’s what’s so great about this brand.
One, the products. From the modern nude geometric packaging, to the unique colors, it’s all thought out and consumer driven. Sometimes beauty brands get into a funk or a cycle of all putting out the same thing for the same type of girl with the same preferences. But all that does is give people multiple options of the same thing, which really isn’t interesting or unique. Products that you can’t find 3 or 4 dupes for. Products that give you new looks. Products that inspire. Those are the products that I want to see and buy!
Trophy wife Killowatt Highlighter is a straight up “hyper-metallic” yellow gold. I can honestly say I have NEVER seen a highlighter like this.
Also, the Match Stix Shimmer Skinstick comes in 9 unique shades from Unicorn, a platinum lilac, to Chili Mango, a straight up bright orange with sheen. If you aren’t as daring, and want regular shades, they have them as well. There’s something for everyone. Which brings me to my next point
THAT SHADE RANGE THO!!!! There is seriously a shade for (most) everybody and that makes me so happy! Rihanna said that while making this line, she wanted to be very inclusive and make shades for all skin tones and under tones. She believes that all women  deserve to feel beautiful.
Yassss Rihanna. How is it that Rihanna was able to do what WOC have asked brands that have been making makeup for DECADES to do? They make it seem like it’s impossible. But yet again, Rihanna has broken the status quo.
PSA for ALL makeup brands that have a lack of diverse shades. This includes those of you who have 2 or 3 deeper shades that have major flashback and ashy undertones. Are you ready? Here it is. MAKEUP FOR WOMEN OF COLOR IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE AND IT SHOULD NOT BE A SECOND THOUGHT. Do better. Or we will take our money someplace that wants us.
*snaps in Z formation*
What are the products I’m most excited about or want to buy?
The Killowatt Highlighter in the shades Trophy Wife is a big favorite, and at first I was worried I wouldn’t be able to wear it because of its unique bold yellow gold shade, but seeing it online and seeing how STUNNING it looks on all skintones, makes me want to blow money on it! I really think Trophy Wife will look so fire on deep skintones. So happy Rihanna thought of a shade like this.
Next, would be the Gloss Bomb. I’m a gloss person, and I really love the shade of it.
Also, I really was drawn to the Match Stix in the shade Chili Mango. it is such a unique orange shade. Usually brands like to add pink tones because they tend to compliment fairer skintones, but a shade like Chili Mango will look amazing on more exotic skintones, and even people with deeper complexions that have warm undertones. Also, Unicorn really caught my attention. I love the ethereal purple color.
I would also love to try the foundation. Because it caters to so many different skin tones, I feel like I would be able to find a shade that PERFECTLY matches my medium warm olive skin tone. Also, I’m interested to see how the primer performs.
As of right now, sephora.com still has some Fenty Beauty products available, so if you want to grab some, go ahead! Also, check your local Sephora for Fenty Beauty!
Alright beauty babes, that’s all for this post!
So I’m actually writing this Saturday Sept.9, which is right before Irma, and I hope that I’ll still be able to connect with you guys. I hope everyone stays safe and that we can just return to normalcy!
Stay Fierce, & Stay Safe!
XOXO, Sage Slays
    Fenty Beauty Is HERE! And It’s Slaying The Game (Wait Until You See The Shade Range!) Hello Beauty Babes! So how many Rihanna song references can I fit into this post? I don't know but I'll keep work work work work working on it…
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