#what hisashi midoriya was doing overseas
lumiolivier · 23 days
Dried Ink
Series: My Hero Academia
Chapter: One Shot
Word Count: 1568
Rating: General
Pairing(s): Inko Midoriya/Hisashi Midoriya, maybe BakuDeku if you squint hard enough.
A one shot of how the story could've ended.
Things had finally settled down.  The dust from the war had come to its end.  All was…Well, there were some left standing.  And they had themselves to thank for it.  Along with the help of a few pros.  Some felt that sentiment more than others.  And within their chests all beat the hearts of heroes.  After the war was over, Nezu had decided that perhaps it’d be best for the UA students who had just fought in a war they didn’t ask to fight in to have a little time off.  And of course, Izuku Midoriya, being the Mama’s boy he is, went straight home.  He couldn’t leave his mother worried anymore.
“Mom?” Izuku walked in with the nice little Bakugo boy from down the road trailing behind him, “I’m home!”
“Izuku!” Inko came barreling from the living room and practically tackled her baby in the door.  Because Izuku had been out of the hospital for a couple days.  A good sneeze would send him back.  Why not? “I’m so happy to see you, baby…”
“It’s good to see you, too, Mom…” Izuku murmured into his mother’s shoulder.  As bone crushing as it was, he wasn’t going to fight her.  He loved seeing his mother happy again. 
“You ok, Izuku?” Katsuki looked down at him, offering a hand.
“Yeah,” Izuku gladly accepted as he pulled himself back to his feet, “I’m good, Kacchan.  I think.”
“Katsuki…” Inko held out her arms, “Don’t think you’re walking away from me.”
“Of course not,” Katsuki fell into Inko’s arms, melting in her warmth, “It’s good to see you, too, Auntie.”
“I’m so happy you’re both here!” Inko could hardly hold herself together, “I’m going to go make some tea.  You two want anything?”
“We’re good,” Izuku shot her down, making his way to the couch.  His body ached and all he wanted was somewhere comfortable, “But thank you.”
“You picked a good time to come around again,” Inko smiled, pouring herself some tea, “Because I have a little surprise for you.”
“For me?” Izuku wondered, “Mom, you didn’t have to go through the trouble.”
“Who said I went through any trouble?” Inko sat in her chair, looking over at Katsuki leaning against the wall, “You know, Katsuki, you’re more than welcome to sit down.”
“I laid in a hospital for three weeks,” Katsuki pointed out, “I’ve been forced to take it easy.  Trust me.  I’m alright, Auntie.  I’m good with standing for a while.”
“Alright,” Inko let it go, shuddering at the thought of her boys in the hospital.  At the days when she wasn’t allowed to visit.  At the days where she wouldn’t hear a word from the doctors, “But can we not bring up the H word?  I’d really appreciate it.”
“Fine by me,” Katsuki agreed.
“I can do that, too,” Izuku nodded, “So, what’s my surprise, Mom?”
“I can’t tell you,” Inko beamed, “Or that would ruin it.  We have someone very special coming who should be here any minute.”
“Is it All Might?” Izuku asked, “Because I just saw him the other day.  He says to say hi, by the way.”
“That’s sweet of him,” Inko melted inside, “He really is a good man, that Toshinori…”
“Hey, Mom,” Izuku bit the inside of his cheek, bracing himself for whatever came next, “When I was training with All Might…And he’d come and visit you sometimes…Nothing ever…Happened with you two, did it?”
“With Toshinori and me?” Inko cocked her head.  Until she figured out what her baby was trying to say, “Oh, Izuku, honey, no.  Nothing ever happened with us.  Toshinori and I just had a friendship.  Besides, I’m still married.  I wouldn’t do that.”
“Shut it, Kacchan…” Izuku shot him a quick glare, knowing what words were about to come out of his mouth.
“It’s not All Might,” Inko assured him, “It’s someone else.”
“Well,” Izuku thought back, “I’m pretty sure Mr. Aizawa’s still in the assisted wing of the Hospital.  All our classmates are back home.  Who’s coming over?”
“Inko?” a voice called from the front door, “Is he here yet?”
“In here, sweetheart,” Inko couldn’t smile any bigger. 
And Izuku’s head whipped around so hard, he could hear his neck snap.  A man stood in the kitchen with a grocery bag and put it on the counter.  One that Izuku hadn’t seen in a very, very long time.  He wasn’t sure what to say.  He wasn’t sure what to do.  He could barely formulate a thought.  But he could manage to choke one word out.
“No shit…” Katsuki gasped, “He actually has…”
“Izuku…” the man clutched his chest, “Look at you…You got so big…”
“Dad!” Izuku threw himself into his father’s shoulder and hugged him tight, “You’re home!  I knew you’d come back!  Everyone always said you were gone for good and you started a new life in America and you had a new family and you abandoned us because I didn’t have a quirk and that made me not good enough to be your son, but you’re here and you’re back!”
“I’m back, Izuku,” Hisashi Midoriya had finally come home to his wife and his son, who was beyond lucky to be alive, “I’m so glad you’re ok.  I heard about the Meta Liberation War here and…Well, when I saw you were the one leading the charge…I couldn’t have been prouder.  I told everyone at work that was my boy.  And my boy was the one to lead all those pros into the biggest battle the world has ever seen.  And you won…You won, Izuku.”
“I sure did, Dad…” Izuku wept in Hisashi’s shoulder, “We won…I couldn’t have done it alone, but we did it…WE saved the world.”
“Hold on,” Katsuki chimed in, “You’re really him?”
“And you must be Katsuki,” Hisashi smiled a bit.
“You can call me Dynamight,” Katsuki scoffed at him.  There’s no way this guy is Hisashi Midoriya.  And if he is, he’s got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here after being gone so long.  He’s got a lot of explaining to do.
“Dynamight?” Hisashi thought back, remembering the name from the news, “Hold on…I thought you were…”
“Dead?” Katsuki rolled his eyes, “Yeah.  So did I.  It didn’t agree with me.  And here I am.  Now, back to you.  Where the hell have you been?”
“Katsuki!” Inko hushed him, “That was rude.”
“I think I have every right to ask,” Katsuki stood his ground, “Because I know Izuku’s not going to.”
“I told you already, Kacchan,” Izuku settled him, “He was working overseas.”
“And I was working overseas,” Hisashi confirmed, “Sit.  I’ll explain everything.”
“I’m good, thanks,” Katsuki snapped at him.
“So, Dad,” Izuku sat back down, leaving an open spot on the couch, “What were you doing in America?”
“I’ve been a Mangaka for the last ten years,” Hisashi explained, “I started working on a series when you were little, Izuku.  Around the time of your quirk appointment.  When your mother and I Found out you were quirkless, naturally, I wasn’t thrilled about it, but we still had you.  Quirk or no quirk.  But I sat in my studio in our old house and started sketching out what you would look like as a pro hero.  I drew you so many times.  I drew you in one of All Might’s hero costumes, but because you were four, it was a little big on you.  I’m glad to see you grew into it…But that led me to think what things would be like if you did become All Might.  If you had a quirk.  And I drew that. 
“One panel led to a couple storyboards.  A couple storyboards turned into a few manga panels.  And I sent those into my publisher and a rough draft of a storyline.  And she said to come into her office that morning.  And it ended up getting serialized.  I wasn’t expecting it to get so popular so fast.  And I could feel it.  The fan base, although very passionate about what I was writing and drawing about you, were a lot to handle.  I didn’t want you and your mother getting caught up in the crossfire.  So, I moved to America to work on it some more.”
“Really?” Katsuki kept his defenses up, “That’s your lame ass excuse?  Look, I’ve been in the manga trenches for a long time.  I’ve never heard of any mangaka named Hisashi Midoriya.”
“And you’re not going to,” Hisashi went on, “I wasn’t stupid.  With my series getting popular, I wanted to keep my family protected.  I wanted to make sure they weren’t going to be the targets of the crazy side of the fan base.  Not to mention, myself.  They didn’t need to come looking for me either.  So, I wrote under a pen name.  I kept sending Inko money to make sure she and Izuku could keep this apartment and so Izuku could go to UA and so everything was taken care of here.  But now…That baby is all done.  I’m not writing anymore.  And I think I’ll come back here to stay for a while.  That is, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course!” Izuku wrapped himself around his father’s arm, “By the way, Dad, you said you wrote under a pen name, right?”
“That’s right.”
“What was it?” Izuku asked, “Maybe Kacchan has heard of you.”
And Hisashi simply smiled, “Kohei Horikoshi.”
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pocketramblr · 9 months
AU where Hisashi calls Izuku regularly while he works overseas and one day Hisashi tells Izuku about his new boyfriend who is very sweet to him and unfortunately got into a bad accident many years ago that left him disabled so Hisashi helps care for him.Izuku later finds out this boyfriend is AFO.
why would you leave inko for afo. 'hold on yeah i think i'll leave this priceless bahia emerald and skip town and then i found a broken piece of chalk instead.' my guy. you deserve all might stealing your son.
1- ok so. Hisashi is an accountant who moves to new york to make more money. He and inko officially divorce, which means Izuku takes the Midoriya name and Inko has sole custody, but while Hisashi does not have to pay child support or alimony, he does opt to send them some support and tries to stay in contact because i guess his taste in men was so bad that he and inko just work better as friends. good for them ig.
2- actually Hisashi is just straight up color-blind: he can't see any red flags. Its not just his personal tastes. this man has worked for four separate blatant money laundering schemes since he went abroad. he has no clue. this is how he ends up coming into contact with AfO, but AfO's job offering is too indirect and vague, and Hisashi is like 'are you... flirting with me?' instead, but AfO can work with that. And while Hisashi certainly isn't a genius with people or warning signs, i will give him (and inko) this: he's a great lay.
3- He's also a very caring boyfriend, which was part of the problem with inko, they ended up really inciting each other's anxieties, but AfO likes being pampered so he decides to keep Hisashi around even if he isn't a employee. even better really, that he doesn't have to pay, bribe, quirkify, dequirkify, or threaten him. Hisashi, as a bit of a doting boyfriend, also has a lot to say about the man to others, so Izuku ends up hearing a lot of gushing over the phone as he's training with weights and is a bit too out of breath to change the topic. plus, he doesn't want to bring up going to UA until its a sure thing, his dad will definitely freak out about it not being safe. finally he tells his dad he got in, and hisashi is like 'oh yeah, cuz they changed the rules, which track?' and izuku goes 'oh uh hero track and alsoihaveaquirknowitscalledsuperpower oh look at that moms calling me for dinner sorry bye.'
4. Dazed, Hisashi gushes about his son to his boyfriend later, dropping that izuku's going to become a hero at ua, what a surprise- but, well, he supposes his son has always loved to watch heroes...
AfO is like 'hm. being a hero isn't very safe...' ('i know...') 'why don't you try to push him to visit you? keep him safe. maybe in a safe. don't you just wanna keep a hold of him?' ("i do, but that'll only drive him away. he's growing up... besides, if i was busy only keeping watch over him, who'd take care of you?") 'mm, good point. keep prioritizing me, i will neither put a hit on the kid as competition nor do anything to keep him safer.'
5. Reveal... uh yeah so Hisashi does mention to Izuku when his boyfriend goes missing, sometimes he gets called to work suddenly but he's never been gone this long, he's worried, is he restocking his meds, where is he? oh yeah, he vanished around Kamino. unfortunate, but not incriminating on its own. What IS incriminating is rewound!AfO, looking at Izuku with a tilted head. "I can see bits of Hisashi in you, hm. Just the worst bits, luckily." Izuku starts realizing what this means. Bakugo distracts him and blasts him to the Shigaraki fight, because he also started to realize what it meant and simply did not want to deal with hearing anymore of that. Over at the ShigarAfO fight, AfO tries to keep throwing Izuku (and tomura) off their game by wondering if Hisashi will find this new, younger body nice as well- probably, its not like the man had the highest standards. Izuku and Tomura are united in such abosolute done-ness with AfO that he's immediately snuffed out of Tomura's head and nothing remains behind. Tomura is like 'uh, do you want a day's break and then a rematch because i need to bleach my brain' but izuku is like 'oh no i need to punch someone through a mountain rn, lets keep going while i reform you with the power of friendship and incredible violence.' (By unspoken agreement, neither Izuku, Bakugo, or Tomura ever breathe a word about it to anyone, much less to Hisashi.)
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
Hisashi Midoriya Does Not Exist
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I’m officially calling it.
We’ve seen no photos or flashbacks of the man.
Inko is the only character to mention him and only does so once during a flashback from when Izuku was a toddler. Deku does not talk about his father, so either he doesn't remember him all that well or...seriously, not even a happy birthday, Happy New Year, congrats on getting into UA, etc call?
He hasn’t had any input about this hero career his son is taking on even though it's proven to be increasingly more dangerous as the situation unfolds.
He has not visited once during one of Deku’s many hospital stays, including the one where he was comatose and people weren’t sure if he was coming out of it or not.
Izuku straight up went missing for a time and Hisashi didn't return to be there for his wife, who was definitely freaking out over their missing son.
And now with Japan in total chaos, he did not returned home to be there for his family pre-Final War nor was there ever a point where he attempted to get them out of Japan for their own safety. This seems like it would have been a good time to mention a panicked father phone call. Japan closed its borders to contain said chaos. Was that not a concern for expatriates who have family back home?
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So either he is the worst dad/husband in the series, a series that already has a pretty high bar as far as worst dads go, or he doesn't exist. I think Horikoshi forgot he said he was going to reveal him, and is it even worth revealing him at this point? We're coming up on the end of this ride unless there's a whole other lengthy post-finale arc we're getting in which we see the full step-by-step recovery process of society and what to do about the remaining LoV members, provided they even survive this. (Bit anti-climatic, but there's still a lot to wrap up, I guess.)
I understand if the guy just wasn't all that necessary to the story, but why not just have him be a character who passed away before the plot began? Widowed Inko and be done with it.
Still, if he doesn't exist, who's Deku's dad? Inko didn't do this herself.
Or maybe she did and all hail the real Freckled Jesus.
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Sorry Marco. (<--That meme is so old, I'd half-forgotten about it.)
Anyway, the only information we really have on 'Hisashi Midoriya' is that he has a fire-type Quirk and he's allegedly working overseas.
So on to the insane theory that occasionally haunts my brain. It doesn't just live rent free here, it is a registered ghost that hangs out.
Due to the fire-based Quirk (yes, I know Hisashi is listed as having a 'fire-breathing' Quirk, but then we're just splitting hairs,) I personally think Horikoshi is lining up a shot that will nuke the Shouto/Deku ship by revealing Endeavor was Deku’s father all along for no other reason than to troll both the fandom and his own characters.
I also kinda just picture the rest of the Todoroki family, including satanic charcoal Dabi, with this reaction:
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So much for that redemption arc.
The only thing I don't like about this is knowingly sleeping with a married man is not a good look for Inko's character.
Okay, that's not the only thing I don't like about it. I would be disturbed if this was the plot twist. Please don't.
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nightkbroccolidemon · 9 months
AFO is Hisashi Midoriya
This is my contribution to the Dad-For-One theory, otherwise known as AFO is Hisashi Midoriya.
There are already plenty of indications and other theories out there to this particular idea, but I have never seen this specific one so I might as well share.
Disclaimer: this might have some manga spoilers, so be warmed!
First and foremost, what do we know about Hisashi Midoriya?
He is married to Inko Midoriya.
He works overseas.
He has a fire breathing quirk.
He is never seen in the backstory, neither the manga or anime.
Just from that we can already make some conclusions. I think some of them have already been floating around so I will make this short.
He could have taken her name in marriage. It would make sense if it was her family name, since Midori means green and Inko does have green hair.
An evil overlord most certainly makes enough money to send home. The cover of working overseas also means he doesn't need to be home and keep up the façade.
I believe it has been mentioned in manga and in the anime that emitter, more specifically fire quirks are the most common ones. So basically, nobody would call it either weak or strong if you are not Endeavour or Dabi. It would also be fairly easy to acquire a quirk like that for someone like AFO
We have no idea what Hisashi Midoriya looks like. Which is uncommon for parents in MHA. We have seen plenty of parents from different students, villains and even teachers in the vigilante spin off. One would think that the father of the main character is kind of important, or if he isn't (as we are led to believe) we would get at least a face. The fact that it is taking so long is certainly suspicious.
Now let's look at what we know about AFO.
He lost a big fight against All Might when Izuku was just a small child, before he received his diagnosis that he was Quirkless.
He is inherently possessive, narcissistic and egoistical.
He does not care for others only for the best way to gain power.
He has only one known weakness to his quirk. Said weakness is, he has to touch someone to steal their quirk.
Let's keep that in mind while we take a look at other facts. What do we know about the Midoriya family?
Izuku Midoriyawas born Quirkless.
He was diagnosed by the same doctor who later made the Nomus.
They are not rich, nor do they have any connections.
Inko Midoriya has a minor attraction quirk.
At first glance this might not mean a lot but in the frame of this theory both of these things shine in a different light.
AFO was born at the dawn of quirks. A time where it wasn't uncommon for someone to be born without a quirk. It wouldn't be far-fetched for him to have a Quirkless child.
If Izuku was indeed his son, it would make sense for him to monitor his development even after the fight against All Might. He must already be working together with the doctor because it was, he who healed AFO from his severe injuries.
What would AFO gain from marrying someone with a weak quirk and without any notable connection?
If AfO had a child with Inko Midoriya there is a possibility that this child could have a quirk which allowed them to pull quirks to them. This would solve AFO one weakness. In return all he would have to do is fly under the radar and pretend to be a good, if absent husband.
Alright this was a lot of speculation. So, let's take a look at Canon again to see if my main claim would make sense for the story.
The main example would be the Todoroki family. Endeavour demonstrates quirk marriage isn't a thing of the past. Which means we have a canon case of this happening.
The most glaring problem in this theory might be that AFO does not really look like Izuku. Then again Izuku does look a lot like his mother except for his hair texture and the freckles. At this point we have seen a younger AFO and still there are no glaring similarities. This might be because AFO wears his hair rather short in all his life stages compared to Izuku. We have also seen AFO mother who had no similarities to Izuku either.
For the time being AFO is kind of dead so he won't be the one confirming this theory. Izuku has seen him before and not mentioned anything. The only one left to say anything is Inko Midoriya.
Horikoshi did mention that there would be a Hizashi Midoriya reveal at some point. So, all we can do is wait and speculate.
Thanks for reading my random thoughts!
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mayfay-analysis · 2 months
MHA Yandere Quirk Ideas
To preface this I'm not really into yandere stuff and such haven't explored it enough to know more than the bare bone basics. That being said I Am into quirks, and after getting inspired by @dystopyx-blog and @evilminji and their stuff decided to throw out ideas. It's not nearly as polished as my traditional quirk analysis but it's Something and I just haven't had the motivation to do something refined. So with that out of the way, Ideas
Aizawa: https://www.tumblr.com/threepandas/753060246354903040/exactly-if-youre-scary-hurting-your-target?source=share  (I already did a bit of this guy with Minji and there's more quirk based stuff hidden in another reblog chain)
Midoriya (It’s actually Inko but shush)- Not gonna touch OFA with a 10 foot pole but Midoriya himself is actually pretty interesting. They don’t have a natural quirk of their own, so what Is there acts as very convenient support for many of my theories surrounding vestigial quirks and quirk inheritance patterns (namely the fact they tend to follow the mothers line and quirks are a blend of the biological and magical, rather than being a stark divide). So what does this mean? Any sorta obsessive tendencies would be entirely unexpected in him!
Quirks have a major impact on their hosts biology, ranging from the physical to the mental to the near magical. Add to that their lingering changes passing on from one generation to the next, even when the actual quirk has long changed beyond recognition, and you have an Interesting mix. 
Midoriya (in this case) displays obsessive tendencies and other behaviors that leave him firmly in Yandere territory, but where oh where could he get that from? It honestly could be due to upbringing, he DID spend the vast majority of his developmental period in life heavily bullied and socially isolated which is bound to have Some sort of effect on him, but my bet is Inko. 
See, Inko has a mental quirk, something that is bound to have a major impact on her psychology. And while we never get to see much of her life, what we do know is that she loved Midoriya with all her heart and only really put her foot down for anything when he got seriously injured multiple times with little done to change that. We also see that she’s Very emotional, managing to literally worry herself into passing out during the sports festival MULTIPLE TIMES. That in itself is enough to give her the base to build yandere characteristics off of but on top of that she tries to keep all her known friends together (we only have Mitsuki as an example here, but she stayed close enough for Midoryia and Bakugo to end up with a strong enough foundation of a friendship to have their weird ass dynamic survive all the way to high school) and her husband “went overseas”. Now he very well might have, but we never do figure out MHA’s living wage to average wage ratio or how child support and potential tax exemptions due to children work (damn you Horikoshi) so Inko could very well be supporting Midoriya on just her wage, especially since production costs probably go way down with the introduction of quirks and potential tech advancement (particularly in building costs and how that might transfer over to cheaper rent). And failing that she could very well be utilizing a portion of some sort of life insurance or inheritance. That of course does lead to the question of WHY  Inko might have disposed of her husband, but there’s plenty of possible reasons for that. Top ones I can think of is how quirks tend to relate to personalities in some way (clarification at the end of Midoryias section), and a fire quirk would be particularly dangerous. Fear for Midoriya's safety due to his quirkless status and Hisashi’s theoretical anger issues. Or maybe Midoryia didn’t factor in at all and rather Hisashi’s quirk was a super dangerous mix with Bakugos when his quirk first came in. Hisashi would’ve posed a serious threat to her friends kids safety just by Existing near him (assuming some sort of passive or unintentional activation, like sparks).
So, Inko matches enough boxes to be a yandere! Happy days, but what about Midoriya? Well, I might’ve forgotten about him but pretty much everything we went over with Inko could carry over to Midoryia. Obsessed with friends, inherited mutations to the brain (heavily supported by his seemingly super high intelligence, analysis, and anxiety seeming to mostly match Inko, meaning it could have ties to her quirk and the supporting mutations it came with and passed down), a willingness to endanger lives for the sake of friends (USJ, Kamino, debatably Overhaul and Gentle/La Brava), and overly emotional. Enough on its own, but added to that are the more behavioral things that likely only popped up in him (or simply weren’t shown in Inko’s screen time). Stuff like his analytical abilities (supported by his obsessive behavior), willingness to put up with far too much for the sake of friendship, and attachment issues stemming from the previously mentioned social isolation (interestingly NOT translating over to being touchy feely, as that usually gets initiated by someone else instead and seems to leave him uncomfortable, though that could be due to the instinctual connections to Bakugo’s bullying and turn right around once he’s comfortable enough with someone, something I think is shown with his willingness to hug Inko whenever possible, though my memory is spotty there).
So yeah, I don’t know enough about yandere stuff to know what that all actually builds into, but I leave it to you, like a cat leaving a dead bird at the doorstep.
For clarification on quirks impacting personalities I actually think that, outside of a few exceptions like Bakugo, this has more to do with societal expectations than biology. Now mutations could definitely play a role, such as increasing adrenaline production or heightened senses leading to sensory overload, but growing up being expected and forgiven for being mad all the time because you have a fire quirk, and then being met with confusion and hesitancy when you move out of that stereotype, is a great way to raise a child/young adult to meet every emotion and interaction with anger.
Ashido: The tail end of a mutant line (clarification is worth a whole post, but basically she has an ancestor who was a mutant, which has an influence on her quirk) that I suspect was based on some sort of horned lizard based on the horns, acid secretion, black sclera, and very loosely her hair acting kinda like a crest, making her appear larger in a way very reminiscent of horned lizards spikes around their head (her pink skin actually isn’t a mutation, but instead a sort of stain from a reaction her acid has on her skin, though some horned lizards do have minor control over their coloration that could be tied to that). Many of the base mutations in the original lizard quirk are likely long gone but some relevant ones may remain. Stuff like their burrowing habits (translating over to blanket forts and digging under the covers in Ashido), more meat based diet, ambush hunting strategy, and preference for warm places.
Asui: While not a “pure mutant” Asui still has TONS of frog behaviors and that’s likely to leak through in any sort of yandere situation. Unfortunately I never did manage to narrow down what frog species she’s closest too, but she’s pretty similar to Ashido with some standard stuff like ambush predator instincts, preference for warm environments, meat based diet, and potentially even the burrowing instincts. Less like Ashido would be the strong desire for water/humidity, potential climbing habits, occasional loud vocalizations (though I think that actually was greatly diminished when being passed on, being the source of her “ribbit” at the end of sentences rather than a loud croak), and shy behavior that turns into intense aggression when jealous (though that last one may be applicable to horned lizards, it’s not nearly to the same degree. Frogs are vicious man). Added to all the biology is the more societal impacts on Asui, with many mutants being discriminated against (especially one as noticeable as her), made worse by any lingering prey instincts potentially flaring up around other mutants. Not nearly as intense as Midoryias situation but still very isolating. This is made worse by the lack of accessibility for mutants (they’re very accommodated for in UA, but any scenes outside show a very baseline human centric design, something made note of in the Vigilantes spin off series, though admittedly that was focused on large mutants), so who knows what was expected of her growing up both physically and mentally. Girl is accidental autistic representation with how much masking she likely had to learn, and still comes off as off putting and blunt (it’s entirely possible she IS in fact autistic, but we don’t get enough screen time to make any proper conclusions there)
Iida: Very little to work with quirk wise here outside of some minor mutations to the brain's processing speed during quirk use and maybe some slightly higher spatial awareness, but Iida’s far from a lost cause. He grew up VERY restrained, only ever really showing strong emotions when (failing to) reinforcing rules, panicking, or driven over the edge by Stain. Considering how he never seemed to speak with anyone about his feelings about Stain and the constant comparisons to a robot as a kid (shown in Vigilantes) it’s not a stretch to assume that any intense feelings would be buried and ignored until they built up and he had no choice but to address them. This would be made even worse thanks to the fact he grew up very upper class and has likely made his “role” his whole being. Being forced to confront the fact he’s not a 2 dimensional being who follows every rule perfectly and doesn’t have any unsightly emotions is gonna be *rough*. Especially since the only other time this has happened was with Stain, which is a whole other can of worms.
Uraraka: Million ways to interpret her quirk but there’s a good chance for mental mutations that were originally meant for supporting her higher spatial awareness but led to her wanting her people around her, not to mention any other unintended consequences messing with brain development might have. Also worth pointing out she doesn’t seem to have many friends in canon, only being particularly close to Midoryia, Iida, and debatably Asui and Ashido. No one she knew before coming to UA. Add to that her focus on making money and it’s entirely likely she grew up fairly lonely, spending her free time working or training instead of hanging out with friends (somewhat supported by her rather large quirk limits, even at the entrance exam. Some possibility she has a desire to touch stuff thanks to her quirk, explaining why she’s usually the one to initiate hugs and whatnot. This would potentially be made worse if touch based quirks are discouraged from touching people (very shakily supported at right before the entrance exam when she apologizes for using her quirk on Midoriya, despite just saving him from falling) and her hypothetical lonely lifestyle pre-UA leaving her somewhat touch starved
Other notable students I considered doing but lost the momentum to do were Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Todoroki, Bakugo, Hagakure, and Shinso (Mineta would've been super easy but no, just no)
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ririchanva · 2 months
Can we get a possible au of if Deku grew up in Paris instead?
//Oooh that's a good one! I have thought of a Childhood!Bakunette but this one might be fun to write. Okay, here we go let's see what I can cook up with this request!
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(Going to do this in the HCs style of writing because why not~?)
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"D-do you think...I could...b-be a h-hero...too?..."
Inko Midoriya found out about the bullying earlier than in canon.
After visiting the doctors and finding out her son was quirkless, the woman was at a loss at first.
Even with the assurance of her high school friend, Mitsuki Bakugo, and her husband, Masaru, that their son, Katsuki, will look after Izuku during their time in school, Inko felt uneasy.
And then...her boy came home after playing in the park with Katsuki and the other boys, covered in dirt and bruises.
Mama Midoriya was not having it.
She went off on not just Katsuki, but to Mitsuki as well. Despite Masaru trying to stop the rage that was coming from the green haired woman, he clammed up as soon as her fury was turned on him for being a coward against his wife and spoilt son.
Suffice to say, Inko severed her ties of long-lasting friendship with the Bakugos after that.
But that also meant that Inko could no longer stay in the neighbourhood, not with the Bakugos being the most popular in the community and all. Neighbours tend to talk, and Inko didn't want to be isolated and make Izuku feel guilty of why they were not friends with any of the other kids and their families anymore.
Luckily, Inko had a friend outside of Japan that could help them.
While it was not ideal to move to another country, it wasn't as if Hisashi was coming back for them. That was the only reason that Inko stayed where she was and raised Deku in the home that her supposed husband has provided for her while he worked overseas.
No, Inko was going to be the hero for once. Izuku's hero.
She called up that friend, explaining the situation and she smiled when the friend said that they're going to help her and Izuku. After all, Paris was one of the countries that had more quirkless than any others of the world. They could make a new life there.
Who would've thought that Sabine Cheng was the friend of Inko's. Apparently the two of them were part of an online flower arranging club, mostly giving tips to other women that loved the art and soon it formed a sort of 'pen-pal' relationship between them for years.
Sabine easily helped Inko with paperworks of divorce and a visa to Paris, thanks to the Cheng family having connections.
Inko wasn't ready to tell her son that she was quietly separating from his father, but then again, Izuku never seems to ask about his Dad anymore. Not since his fanatic obsession with heroes and All Might. It should relief her a bit, but it also worried her.
When telling Izuku that they were moving away, at first, Izuku cried. Mostly because he still dreamed of being a hero, of being like All Might...even if he was quirkless.
But somehow, after a few days, Izuku was quiet and conceded. Inko had a feeling that the last day of school for Izuku, something happened (she finds out later that Katsuki had said some mean choice of words...something about a swan dive. Who teaches an elementary school boy that?!)
Izuku tried to be happy, he really did.
While being a hero was the number one dream in his heart, he can tell that his mother was feeling guilty and sad about him. Especially when finding out he wasn't going to be like other kids.
On the bright side, at least he's away from Kacchan and the bullies.
Paris...was bright and colorful.
Both Midoriyas were at awe when they first arrived.
Sabine was there at the airport to greet them with a smile, along with a huge bear of a man that was waving at them happily and on his shoulder was a cute sweet little girl Izuku's age holding up a sign that said, "Bonjour et bienvenue, Midoriyas~!"
Marinette was excited to have a new friend.
When her Maman told her that an online friend was coming to live in Paris and be somewhat their new neighbours, she was quick like her Papa and was trying to make a huge welcome feast for them.
Her Maman told her to be kind to Izuku, since he's been through a tough time, and Marinette promised she would be nice.
When she and Izuku met for the first time...the two of them felt butterflies in their stomachs.
"Hi...My name is Marinette D-Dupain-Cheng! What's yours?"
"...Midoriya, Izuku."
"Well Midoriya, Izuku! We're going to be great friends!"
"A-ah, just Izuku i-is fine..."
They become neighbours after that. Living in the same building, Izuku and Marinette had been side by side ever since.
Even when Sabine and Tom offered to help Inko find a job, Inko assured them she was fine and managed to land a job on her own as a nanny to some girl named Chloe Bourgeois.
With her Mom always gone and Andre busy in political campaigns, Chloe ended up being raised by Inko instead.
Andre never had time to spoil Chloe, Inko assuring the Mayor of Paris that she could handle the girl, and even treated her the same way she treated Izuku. Which meant that if she misbehaved, she was given a time out and lightly lectured on what she did wrong before hugging her and gently giving her a motherly talk.
It didn't stop Chloe's attitude, per se. She was going to be Audrey's daughter, through and through. But she wasn't as bad as canon.
It didn't help that Izuku was around when Inko was babysitting, meaning Marinette was always around as well.
Izuku was reminded of Kacchan at first when meeting Chloe.
Chloe's first impression on Izuku?
"What are you wearing? If you're going to be my friend, you're gonna have to dress the part."
Thus, Chloe managed to take Izuku shopping for new chlothes, despite Inko's protest in spending her Daddy's credit cards (who gives young children credit cards!?)
Izuku, Marinette and Chloe became a trio after that.
That was...until Adrien and Felix came into the picture.
✲ || Part Deux~ || ✲
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1. IF (I hope) DFO turns out to be canon, how do you think it would be revealed at this point? Izuku wouldn’t recognize his father as a child and I doubt he’ll say the “I am ur father” in a child’s body. It doesn’t have the same impact. What if as All Might is dying he reveals the truth? My idea is that he’ll rewind until he looks like Izuku’s twin and they’ll have a sudden realization or something.
2. It’s inevitable that AFO is gonna lose/die, but I feel like the best way to end his tyranny is by making him quirkless for the rest of his life. ie after the war he lives the rest of his life quirkless. That’s the best punishment for him in my eyes (and cuz I love him I don’t want him to die lol).
3. IF DFO is not canon, where the fuck is Hisashi Midoriya? It’s too suspicious he’s not in the picture. (My own father has worked overseas for the last 5+ years, I promise you he calls me almost everyday + visits 2 times a year). Do you think he’s some big hero? Or other villain? Or maybe he really abandoned Izuku? It seem like he shut his dad out of his memory completely, not even mentioning him once. Hori also said he had big plans for his reveal or smthin. Sorry for the long ask! 😅
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Oh you're fine I love long asks it just takes me a bit to reply as I have stuff going on during the week in real life. So now I can take the time to share your lovely ask to everyone in all it's glory.
I don't imagine it being a I am your father moment, if anything it feels like something that would be revealed to All Might or figured out. Rather then something explicitly said unless All for One just absolutely loses it and shouts about how stole his family or something.
It is a foregone conclusion that AFO is going to lose/die regardless of everyone's intention. Through him becoming quirkless it would be quite a funny and poetic. Likely if the quirk rewind is stopped while he's young, it could just lock his quirks. We all wish he wouldn't die we can hope but even Horikoshi seems assured he definitely not going to survive. But we can hope. :' )
Honestly, that is the weirdest thing. Like many shonen series sometimes omit a parent from the equation. But Horikoshi when asked about Mr. Midoriya said he would be revealed. It honestly now would be weird for him to introduce a new character in the supposed final arc. So the only other idea I can have of him is just being AFO or maybe if want to be creative, the one we been seeing is a clone. His actual first attempt at retiring but the clone is left unaware of that and is why is using Tomura. Just a funny thought as I remember someone musing about clone AFO being a thing.
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart
maybe something after the fight with all might, when AFO had potato face. Or kid/teen for one face. Whatever you prefer
AFO x inko
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart | Accepting
How long has it been since All for One has seen her face? Months? Years? Several?
It all blurred if he was honest. Such a cruel thing to note when he can still strongly recall the day All Might destroyed his happiness. The amount of rage and hatred that consumed his very being. The hero he had the most fun toying with ended up being the one to ruin his life.
Yet the moment he sees the one he had sworn he loved with all his heart it is with shock. Wondering why she had to see him like this, why did they allow a civilian to leave the safety of their shelter. The betrayal in her eyes was too much for him as she had been the one person who had hope for him.
And he betrayed it. Seeing her here as he failed to kill All Might is a wound he never desired.
"Hisashi is that you," she started. No one should recognize him as he looked so young almost a child. Inko was different as always there was no doubt in her mind. Time has not been kind to her, as her body had been rattled with stress and age. Along with hardships he can't even imagine after he had 'left' for overseas.
"Look at me!" Inko shouted. Making him petrified able to recall her once asking if this job was worth it. If it was worth dragging their whole family into by continuing this. Even if he claimed it was because of All Might smashing his head it was because of pride he didn't give up everything. His own ego.
"This is what you've been doing when you left our family? I trusted you, I cared for you, and this is what you've been doing? You've hurt our SON and now you're a child lashing out at everything. Was this all worth it?"
In this moment, he was no longer All for One the mastermind. He was Hisashi Midoriya the man who has just ruined his family. Only able to watch the tears on her face grow as she rushes over without fear of being attacked. She grabs his shoulder to shake him with quite a bit of force.
"Hisashi! Speak to me, you like ranting to heroes about how terrible you are so tell me. Was everything you told me a lie?! Was I just another pawn? Was our son!?" She demanded almost pleading for him to say it wasn't the case.
That she hadn't wasted her life with a man who only gave a shit about himself. He couldn't lie, and the wall he has had for all these years broke.
"I'm sorry, I never wanted you to know. I swear it wasn't a lie-" he speaks yet knows him saying that is so much crueler. Maybe it is because he is so young so close to death that he can't even lie to himself. He is pleading that his last moments would not be with his wife sobbing.
"Never know!? That my husband is All for One the man that just destroyed all of Japan? How long did you expect this to go!?" She questioned as a hand moves to her head pulling at the strands. "I loved you Hisashi. I begged you to move on... Please. Just stop."
He isn't even sure if he can anymore. As while she had hope in him, he never had any faith in himself. He could never get himself to stop. What cruelty has he done to his family?
Maybe he should have just died. What a cruel existence his life has been to the very world itself. And to the poor family of Inko and Izuku to have loved a man who has never existed.
If only he had been a boring and ordinary man....
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riahlynn101 · 3 months
Crack Theory:
Trigger warnings for implied sexual assault, torture, implied mommy issues, and child abandonment.
Note: I'm both a staunch believer that the man at the end of chapter 425 is Tenko AND a DFO believer, so this is just for funsies. 
What if the reason the mystery man looks so much like Tenko is because the man is a Shimura. Walk with me here.....
I know it sounds outrageous but what if Hori wasn't trying to hint at Inko being Nana's daughter (which I know is also a crack theory, but there's evidence there), but that another one of Izuku's parents are related to Nana.
I'm going to be very careful here, because the implications of what I'm about to say could be misconstrued. But considering the likelihood that (if) Nana had another child after Kotaro, she gave it away soon after it was born, the baby probably doesn’t have any memories of her. Actual memories of her, at least. 
But then I remembered Kotaro had a photo of his mother that, while he was conflicted about her, he did treasure very much (in his own way). 
So, what if Nana, when she gave her baby away, included a photo of her and/or the rest of the family. And when the baby (in this case) Hisashi grew up and met Inko, he fell in love with her. Both because of her similarities to Nana and her warmth and kindness (things he likely didn’t have growing up). 
We haven’t met Hisashi, so we have no idea what his personality might be. The little we do know of him seems positive and/or neutral at worst. 
What do we know about Hisashi Midoriya?
1. His name is Hisashi - which is a reference to Hisashiburi (long time no see. A perfect fit for someone that hasn’t, to our knowledge, shown up yet).
2. According to Inko in chapter one, page nineteen, Hisashi breathes fire. 
3. He works overseas (though the exact country has never been totally confirmed. A popular one is the United States or China). 
4. His relationship with Inko and Izuku seems neutral at worst. 
The only references of him (in the manga):
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Why I think the mystery man in 425 could be Hisashi Midoriya:
1. His mouth is covered, which could be because of his quirk (firebreath). 
2. He looks like he’s been held captive for a while (again, fitting the meaning of his name: long time no see).
3. Him being held captive could be the reason that Inko isn’t talking directly to him in chapter 97, or the first page above. 
4. We are down to four chapters and not a lot of places to go. So, the time is now to reveal him. 
5. I have seen a few people speculate that there are two different people shown at the end of chapter 425 (Shigaraki by his feet and the mystery man by his upper body). 
Arguments against this:
1. Hisashi has no plot relevance from what we know. 
2. The man is likely Tenko. They look the same, the way the chapter sandwiches the panel of the man between Izuku and the other students, and the narrative needing him to come back. 
3. The man does look quite young. Though, that could be because he hasn’t gone outside in YEARS, experimentation, or even good genetics. We also don’t know what the man actually looks like, because most of his face was covered by a gag or hair.
Why I think this man isn’t only Hisashi Midoriya but also a Shimura:
1. It’s been pointed out before, but when Nana gives Kotaro away, she’s wearing a heavy winter jacket. This could be nothing, but the fact that it’s spring at the time does set off some alarm bells. 
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This could be nothing. Maybe it was cold that day, but it is strange that Hori decided to draw her facing away, in a winter jacket, and kind of faraway. 
A popular theory, at least where Inko Shimura is concerned, is that Nana was pregnant at the time. I’m going to co-opt this and apply it to Hisashi.
2. Hisashi being a Shimura would explain why he was locked away. 
I can imagine that AFO wouldn’t hesitate to break the Shimura family in any way he can. 
3. Assuming it isn’t Tenko, the man looks like a Shimura. 
Same dark hair.
Dark eyes. 
4. We don’t know what Nana’s husband’s quirk was, or how Hisashi’s quirk works exactly. And that might be for a reason. 
For how traumatic her husband’s death was, we see nothing of him. 
Kotaro, who would have been old enough to remember him, doesn’t mention his father. Nor does he have a photo of him. 
In the Inko Shimura theory, it’s speculated that it’s because Inko looks somewhat like her father. 
In this theory I like to think it’s both because Nana’s husband has Izuku’s freckles AND we don’t hear anything about him because his quirk is also fire breathing. 
Now that I think about it, we also don’t know Kotaro’s quirk either. 
5. His face is covered. We don’t know by what exactly, but it’s clearly hard to get off. If you were to kidnap someone with a fire breathing quirk, you too would want to prevent them from using it. (Quirk suppressants in universe don’t exist in the same way they do in fanfictions.)
6. If Hisashi was kidnapped when Izuku was very young, then Izuku wouldn’t have any memories of his father. Which means the vestiges, namely Nana, wouldn’t be able to place that he’s related to her. 
7. And if Hisashi and Izuku look nothing alike, it would explain why she doesn’t notice.
8. It was pointed out by, I think Psychomurderez, that the house where Inko and Izuku play heroes is different from the one in the present day. 
For one it looks more like a traditional Japanese house, with sliding doors and tatami floors. 
There are no sliding doors that we can see in their apartment.
This implies that they moved sometime between then and now. 
Link to the original observation: https://www.tumblr.com/psychomurderz/648900055957487616/about-the-midoriya-family-what-do-we-know-about
A possible timeline:
Nana gives her son away. 
Gives birth to Hisashi.
Gives him away to foster care or an orphanage.
Hisashi grows up, meets Inko, and they get married. 
Izuku is born. 
AFO has Hisashi kidnapped and tortured but keeps a close eye on Izuku in case Tenko doesn’t work out. 
Hisashi is tortured for years. 
Canon happens. 
Hisashi escapes and stumbles all the way back to his house where he, his wife, and son used to live. Only it’s torn apart and barely standing. 
He cries, thinking that they were casualties in the war. 
Mixing it with another theory, to make it extra angsty:
The theory I’m referencing: https://www.tumblr.com/vam1mav/754020429909409792/hi-again-d-i-have-nothing-to-do-and-well-i
So, you guys know the theory that AFO killed Hisashi and took his identity? Well, Hisashi being a Shimura would give him leverage to do that.
1. He gets to destroy a family in three different ways.
For Inko, it’s the implied SA and latent psychological torment she’s likely to go through once she realizes what happened. 
For Izuku, it’s another dig at his identity, the overwhelming guilt (for both his mom and ‘dad’), and a cherry on top of his incoming mental breakdown. 
And for Hisashi, it’s being taken from his wife, having his identity stripped away from him, and coming home to a family of two when he remembers it just being him and his wife.  
2. Depending on how the DNA changing quirk/disguise quirk that AFO has works, Izuku would still be related to Hisashi as well. 
In conclusion:
I don’t know what this theory would actually add to canon, especially considering that the manga’s ending in four chapters. 
Very fanfic-y, and I don’t really believe it. But Hori has pulled too many plot-twists for me not to consider other possibilities. 
Like I said at the beginning I’m a staunch believer that it’s Tenko, and I so badly want that to be true. But if it isn’t I wouldn’t mind having Hisashi revealed to us this way.
But please let it be Tenko.
And please let DFO be canon!
Because this theory also doesn’t explain half of what DFO would (the Nomu scooping Izuku up, Dr. Garaki being Izuku’s doctor….)
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Curiosity, but what happened to Hisashi Midoriya in CC? Like, I know in your fic he isn’t Izuku’s biodad, & I know he left, but like, where is he? What’s he doing? Is he actually overseas? Are his exact reasons for leaving the same as Izuku thinks they are - he left because Izuku was Quirkless? What's the likelihood of him showing up again? What would the various reactions be?
Ahahahahahahaha...... Yeah about that *side eyes an upcoming chapter*
Spoiler discussion under the read more!
So yeah I am going with the Hisashi having very much disliked that Izuku was 'Quirkless'. I'm debating on how much of him leaving was straight up immediate abandonment and how much of it was him starting to mistreat Izuku and Inko went 'hell no you are not going to make my child feel worse than he is either shape up or get the fuck out!' and he left instead. So either way he still left.
Inko did try lying to Izuku at first because she didn't want him to feel like it was his fault, so she told him that Hisashi was just 'working overseas' but Izuku figured it out soon enough and confronted her about it and they have a long talk where she makes sure he knows that she still loves him and that it's not his fault and that what Hisashi did was incredibly wrong and cruel. (this helps Izuku in other ways as he handles the Aldera stuff. He knows that he's not the one in the wrong, they are, so he doesn't believe as much of the stuff said about him.)
In the time between them and now Hisashi has just been living his life pretty much. Maybe he did work overseas for a time, probably would've been a good backup on leaving so he'd just take that conveniently offered position instead of worrying about trying to find a new apartment.
Again: Spoilers below!
Swinging back to the Canon time, he's back in the city by now. And hey, everyone watches UA's Sports Festival. So ofc he saw Izuku being in UA's Hero Course with quite a powerful Quirk! He assumes the kid was just a late bloomer then. But hey! The kid isn't as useless as he thought! As far as he's concerned, this is once again his son!
We see the beginning of this in Chapter 25, where Inko keeps getting calls during dinner that she's sending to voicemail. That's Hisashi being like 'hey baby I miss you how about we all be a family again!' but Inko knows exactly what he's doing and tells him to fuck off. (Mitsuki also catches on when she answers Inko's phone for her, which is why we get her threatening his kneecaps)
He's not going to give up though, which has him trying to talk to Izuku instead. Easier to convince the kid, right? So he ends up waiting outside the gate to UA hoping Izuku will walk out. Ofc eventually Izuku does(he's actually coming back from his turn on a snack run with Momo). Ofc having some rando harass a student right outside the gate sets off security which means as soon as the confrontation starts, Aizawa is sprinting over there to handle it.
Hisashi tries to lie and manipulate Izuku with what happened, with a 'Oh I was just working overseas! Didn't your mom give you my letters?'(no letters were actually sent lmao fuckin asshole). Izuku is too smart for this shit, calls him a fucking asshole, and tries to leave.
Ofc Hisashi doesn't like this and tries to grab Izuku to get him to stay and talk more and feed more lies, which results in a confusing ass beating. Izuku breaks his arm, Momo breaks his nose, and then you get Aizawa with the Spooky Eyes™ menacing down on him because how fucking DARE-
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I get the appeal of the DFO Theory, but to me it's like...
What kills it for me is that AFO is already the older brother to the First User and the adoptive father to Tomura who happens to be Nana's grandson, Nana being the Seventh User.
To me, the idea of him being Izuku's, the Ninth User, biological seems... I don't know... overkill???
And there's already Hawks being the son of a criminal and the Todoroki Family situation.
Does the protagonist has to be related to a bad guy, too?
I really don't know how to explain it.
Horikoshi can do whatever he wants and if AFO turns out to be Izuku's father, I won't even be mad. It's gonna be whatever to me.
I just like the idea of Hisashi Midoriya turning out to be some normal guy with a fire breathing quirk who really has been working overseas to provide for his family.
It would be different from the classic trope of "Oh, the protagonist turns out to be son of big bad".
And hilarious! Do you know how great it would be for Hisashi to be a normal citizen like his wife while their son is the future Greatest Hero in the World with multiple quirks?
It reminds of the trope where the parents are the wacky or famous ones and their kid turns out to be totally opposite of them.
And when it comes to tropes here, Horikoshi may touch on some popular ones, but he also has this thing where he'll do twists or it's not obvious.
Izuku has the "missing dad" trope, yeah. But what of Horikoshi decided "Yeah, his dad is just really overseas in the USA"? The guy takes us by surprise sometimes.
You think Hisashi being some normal guy wouldn't be something Horikoshi wouldn't reveal? He probably think it would be funny, too.
Now, if you like the DFO Theory, that's cool. I don't think it's a bad theory really, I don't. I do like seeing the fandom coming up with any theory, it's all good fun.
It's just the DFO Theory isn't my appeal. I don't think it's impossible, or stupid, or anything like that and if Horikoshi decides to make it canon, it is his work.
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marunalu · 2 years
I just saw a tweet from.a fan who said that they don't think DFO is canon but that Hori had planned it but scrapped it as the story progressed and I'm scared about that possibility.
Because how is it that we got nothing until now on this supposedly final arc
Trust me, theres no need to be scared. This is the whole "hori forgot about the traitor plot" bullshit again. Hori confirmed not THAT long ago, that hisashi WILL show up AND that we (the readers) wont be dissapointed, in other words hisashi will play an important role in the story and is not just an normal businessman. Its the final act of the story and there are not much arcs left. Hisashi is supposed to work overseas, but right now theres no way he can come back to japan, because of the war going on there. Right now japan doesnt allow people outside of japan to come to them and other countrys dont allow citizens to travel back to japan. So how is hisashi supposed to play an bigger role in the last few arcs if he cant even go home? And as far as we know, he hasnt even called to make sure his family is alright. That sounds like he is busy with something else right now - like fighting a bunch of heroes for example. And hori promised hisashi will be "revealed" and revealed means its an character we already know, otherwise he would have said "introduced" if its a new character we havent seen yet.
And to ensure you even more that dfo is canon, always remember that the kanjis of afos prison number 1541 translates into "hisashi" and are on top of that the age of izuku and inko at the time when afo was imprisoned in tartarus! The tartarus guards literally call afo "hisashi" without realizing it, when they call him by his prison number! If that doesnt make people realize that afo is hisashi midoriya then I dont know what will do it, except the reveal itself! Remember, hori loves to put information about his characters in their names, birthdates or in afos case his prison number (most likely because we dont know his birthday date). He hided the name "touya" in the kanjis of dabis birthday january 18.
And most importantly hori wouldnt put so many dfo evidences and hints in the story just to scrap it last minute. Hori has no reason to hide afos real name for so long if it isnt important. We just got his face reveal recently but still no name, except that he claims that his last name is (was) shigaraki. But hori also pointed out that in the mha universe it has become pretty common in japan for men to take their wifes last name like jiros father did. And its interesting that hori gave us that information in the first place if it doesnt play a role later in the story again. Hisashi took inkos last name midoriya which means "green valley" and fits inko way to much to come from her husband. Its just that simple.
Dfo is canon! Im 100% sure of it!
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seri-41 · 2 years
Why I think Dad for One is canon (A long-ass essay)
Just putting my two cents on this theory. I saw someone recently post an analysis and a bunch of proof, and I thought some things were missing/not clear. Just wanted to voice my thoughts before this theory is confirmed or denied.
Just a warning: I found most of these points while doing research, so some of them are a bit repetitive and not my original ideas; I just wanted to put all the proof in one place. Also spoilers ahead obviously. 
Part 1: Who is Hisashi Midoriya
·       Inko’s husband
·       Father of Izuku
·       Has a fire breathing quirk
·       Took a work post abroad
That’s literally all we know about him. He is only mentioned in the series once (Chapter/Episode 1), when Inko visits a pediatrician who asks about him, which is how we found out about his fire quirk.
The name “Hisashi” comes from the Japanese phrase “Hisashiburi”, meaning a long time (since the last time) or first in a long time. This could insinuate it’s been a long time since he has seen his family; or, since we know All for One is 150+ years old, the phrase could insinuate he’s been alive for a long time.
I also want to point out the Kanji in this name. Horikoshi likes to sneak in easter eggs or certain hints in the names of the BNHA characters. This is what I found:
The kanji used to write the name “Hisashi”:
·       久: "long time"
·       永: "eternal"
·       尚: "still"
·       彌: "complete"
·       長: "long"
·       寿: "life"
·       昶: "long day"
 It clearly emphasizes the “Long time” part.
I want to point out another aspect in his name, the “Midoriya” part.
There could be 2 possibilities:
1.     Either All for One made up this last name
2.     “Midoriya” is actually Inko’s maiden name she gave him and Izuku
Now I see a lot of people saying it’s common for Japanese men to take their wives last names’, but I don’t see anyone posting proof (from the series) about this. We don’t know how common this is in the BNHA universe; until I came across this:
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So we now know this is a common practice in the BNHA universe. It doesn’t seem far fetched that All for One wanted to forget about his past/past family and have a new family. I think him taking the “Midoriya” from Inko was like a new beginning for him. He didn’t want to associate his new family with his criminal activities or his past.
Part 2: The Quirk
Hisashi Midoriya has been confirmed to have a fire breathing quirk.
Now why fire breathing?
I guess its simple and wouldn’t cause too much trouble. He didn’t want anything flashy in case it attracted unwanted attention.
All for One has AT LEAST one fire-based quirk. We see proof of this throughout the series.
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In both photos, AFO is using a fire quirk. So we can now confirm he has at least 2.
Bonus point: Notice how AFO never specifically uses fire breathing. This is because he would damage his oxygen mask and respiratory support. He can’t use this quirk. How ironic and well timed is that?
Part 3: His “work” abroad
I heard many people say they think Hisashi works in America, which I think is highly likely.
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We know AFO has been overseas. Especially America. In the manga panel above, is an image of the Chrysler Building in New York. Different angles but its clearly the same building. AFO could be sending letters, payments, packages to the Midoriyas from New York; to make it look like he was working a normal job in the US.
Part 4: Izuku and genetics
1.     I want to point out Izuku looks more like his mother then father. We know this because he gets most of his colors and features from his mother. This isn’t really surprising, as we see other main characters, like Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo who get most physical features from their mother. Denki and Jiro are other examples.
2.     Izuku does indeed have some resemblance to All for One. Not just in one panel, but SEVERAL. Here are just a few examples:
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I don’t see any other person in the same poses as Izuku and AFO. Coincidence? Also, a young AFO bears very strong resemblance to Izuku. I honestly think he cut his hair shorter as he got older.
3.     The x-ray: Let’s assume the x-ray the doctor shows in episode 1 is real. As generations pass and evolve, the extra joint in the pinky toe disappears. It appears to be unnecessary. Let’s assume both Hisashi and Inko are forth generation users. They both would not have this feature. How is it possible that Izuku inherits it? AFO is a first-generation quirk user, it is 100% certain he has this extra joint, therefore passing it onto Izuku.
4.     All for One is very likely to have a quirkless child. More then 80% chance. Quirks back in his time were extremely rare. I know there are many other quirkless people (Melissa, Aoyama, Jiro’s father), but its very rare and unlikely. The quirk gene should be dominant.  You see most of the older generation having more quirkless individuals then the new generation. There is a 20% quirkless population worldwide. Don’t forget that Dr. Ujiko runs several orphanages and hospitals worldwide. There is a chance he helped AFO steal quirks from children or even babies, later making them think they are quirkless, increasing the quirkless population.
5.     Izuku is very plain looking. In chapter 363, we see AFO’s true face. According to BNHA logic and even a lot of fans, he looks very plain, any ordinary guy you might see at a Home Depo on a Sunday. In a world where quirks make a person unique, this is a bit surprising. You see every character has a unique feature connected to their quirk. Both Izuku and AFO are just plain looking characters.
6.     Ever notice how much Izuku gets injured when using OFA? More then he should? Maybe its because his body isn’t evolved enough to be able to handle such evolved quirks (Quirk singularity). If this is true, Izuku being a first-generation user makes sense. AFO’s body cannot handle how strong quirks have gotten, which is why he used Tomura Shigaraki as a vessel. Izuku must have the same body type.
7.     Usually, people who use more then one quirk become brain-dead monsters. That’s why Nomu exist. Izuku has like, what, 7 quirks now from the previous users? How does his body handle all these quirks?
8.     Parallel to Yoichi Shigaraki: Yoichi (AFO’s brother) and Izuku are very similar. They both have a strong sense of justice, strong willpower, both love/want to be heroes, and both are OFA users who were previously quirkless. The series started with AFO and his family and will end with AFO and his family. Family is clearly an important theme, otherwise why give AFO a brother he loves? As Izuku looks like AFO, Tomura looks like Yoichi. Izuku and Shigaraki mirror AFO and his brother.
Part 5: The doctor
These two are the same people. You cannot tell me otherwise.
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He goes by many names, so lets just call him Dr. Ujiko. Dr. Ujiko was Izuku’s pediatrician, and the one who diagnosed Izuku quirkless. He is also AFO’s doctor and partner in crime. Now, why take Izuku to this specific doctor? That is a very odd coincidence. According to his wiki page, Dr. Ujiko is famous in the area for being the head of several hospitals and owning several orphanages. Meaning he is an important man. Clearly, many people would want to take their children to him.
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We see in chapter 301 Endeavor and his wife visit Dr. Ujiko. We know this because they are in the same building Inko and Izuku were in. Endeavor is an important hero and has a lot of influence, of course because he was desperate for a perfect child, he would only go to the best doctor.
Inko does not seem to have any influence or important backgrounds, how did she get an appointment with such an important man, who is well renowned and has celebrity heroes as his patients?
Hisashi Midoriya of course. He would have enough influence and know the doctor well enough to convince him to diagnose his son. AFO must have told the doctor about his wife and his child, and out of curiosity decided to take Izuku in as a patient. Maybe even agreed and conspired with AFO about the diagnosis.
Bonus point: I notice how Dr. Ujiko asks “What is your husbands quirk?” in the anime and some translations of the manga. A lot of fans say if he knew AFO was Hisashi, why would he ask such a question? AFO has many quirks, he likely does not know what quirk AFO told Inko he had.
Part 6: Parallels with Tomura Shigaraki
It has been confirmed that AFO and Tomura are a dark parallel to All Might and Izuku. Izuku was taken under All Might’s wing, a hero. Tomura was taken by AFO, a villain.
Wouldn’t it make sense, if Tomura’s ancestor was a hero, and Izuku’s ancestor a villain?
I heard a theorist say: “Tomura descends from a hero, while Izuku descends from a villain.”
Its literally a perfect parallel. 
Part 7: AFO vs Izuku
There is almost NO direct interaction between Izuku and All for One.
Back to Kamino, when AFO revealed himself a few minutes before All Might appeared.
All for One KNEW Izuku and his friends were behind that wall. Because his stole Ragdolls quirk: Search.
“Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points. The individuals being observed are visualized through the Quirk as star-like vestiges and can allow the user to know their location up to even miles away. Search also permanently stores the information gained after its usage”
Why not attack Izuku or kill him and his friends when he had the chance? He has had so many opportunities. He killed all other previous users of OFA, why is Izuku an exception? Especially when, unlike All Might, it’s so easy for someone like AFO to kill Izuku because he has no control over OFA and not on pro-level yet.
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When AFO is later arrested, All Might asks if AFO wants to kill Izuku. AFO laughs and doesn’t confirm it. All Might made up that theory himself. AFO’s demeanor changes; it’s like AFO avoids talking about Izuku. For someone who is is very chatty, All for One is awfully quiet here.
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Bonus point: One thing I really can’t understand is why AFO talks shit about Izuku in the manga later (Chapter 287 specifically). Calling him “Worthless”, “Weak”, “Unworthy of the power”. He literally makes fun of him in the OFA world. Not something a father would do. However, what if he was just trying to break his spirit? Maybe destroy his self-worth in order to take him in and manipulate him into hating heroes? (lmao poor Izuku his dad is literally talking shit about him. Dad of the year y’all)
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Part 8: The Horikoshi interview
In 2018, when asked when Izuku Midoriya’s father will make an appearance, Horikoshi said this: "Deku's father will be revealed in the future,"
Key word: Revealed
He said REVEALED not introduced.
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Meaning we have seen his father; we just don’t know it yet because it hasn’t been revealed.
I believe Horikoshi is a smart man; he clearly thinks before he speaks, and he has been definitely PR trained. Was this a hint? Foreshadowing?
Part 9: Fucking Star Wars
The most common annoying-ass argument that people bring up when it comes to this theory.
In all honesty, its just very cliché and repetitive. I think that’s why BNHA fans are against this theory. Horikoshi would just be plagiarizing Stars Wars at this point.
I also heard arguments like “We already have a Star Wars reveal, the whole Dabi saga and Tomura is Nana’s grandson”.
I think Horikoshi might pull the “I am your father” card as a final homage to the famous franchise. He had taken so many names and ideas from the franchise what will stop his from doing this?
Here are just A FEW examples of him using Star Wars for BNHA (I found these on the internet since I know nothing about Star Wars) :
·       Tatooine Station. A story has to start somewhere.
·       Hosu, Tokyo. A harsh place in both stories.
·       Wookiees. The furriest shopping mall ever!
·       Kamino. Makin' copies!
·       All for One. Darth Vader doppelganger.
·       Mustafu: Named for Mustafar, the site of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s last battle. 
Its so blatantly obvious the man doesn’t even try to hide it. Literally took the same names. Did the Star Wars creator not sue him for copyright?
Also Parallels to the characters:
·       Deku is Luke
·       All might is Obi-Wan
·       Gran Torino is Yoda
Star Wars story in a nutshell: A teacher figure (All Might), takes in a nobody (Deku) to fight evil, and turns out the evil is his father (AFO).
Horikoshi has taken so much from Star Wars, why would it be surprising that he pulls this? We have had so many plot twists, surprises, and reveals throughout the story. Why wouldn’t he add more shock factor?
Part 10: Extra easter eggs and theories
1.     All for One’s prison number is 1541. The 41 stands for “For One”. What about the 15?
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 2.     Tomura and Izuku have similar red shoes. As a child and young adult, AFO gave Tomura the red shoes when he was found under the bridge; could he have bought Izuku the same/similar shoes from the same brand? Maybe an American brand?
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3.     In episode 76, when Deku fights against Overhaul, AFO’s theme plays.
4.     There is never any mention of Hisashi Midoriya after chapter/episode 1. Why? Whenever Izuku is in danger/on the verge of a tragedy, he calls for ‘Mom’ and ‘All Might’. Are Hisashi and Izuku not close? Wouldn’t a father overseas call his son or have a relationship with him? (As a university student who’s father has been working overseas for 5+ years I would know) Izuku doesn’t even acknowledge his father, not even in his thoughts. Hisashi has never once visited his family. Is this because of AFO’s injury he can’t see his son or wife?
5.     It makes no sense to introduce a new character so late. As of writing this, we are in the final war arc (chapter 364). 
6.     “Wouldn’t Izuku recognize his fathers voice?” I think this is because Izuku was so young when his father left that he does not remember. Also, AFO uses a breathing mask. His voice is very strained especially after All Might left him disabled; he might have damaged his speech or vocal cords.
7.     Izuku is the only one who was able to talk to the vestiges of the previous OFA users.
8.     I heard a lot of people say “I doubt AFO would want to conceive a child”. How do you y’all know that? We don’t know what his moves are or what he’s thinking. His relationship with Inko and Izuku is either a loving one or an experiment. Who’s to say he doesn’t have other children out there? As long as he’s a man it’s possible. We don’t even know who he is, just that he wants to commit evil. That’s literally his personality.
9.     If Hisashi is clearly an absent figure, why even mention him? Why not say he died or divorced Inko if he’s not that relevant? Unless he’s important in the story later?
10.     The fascination with quirks. I have yet to see anyone other than Izuku mumble and be so fascinated with quirks. Oh wait-
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11.     A conveniently ironic tale indeed.
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atmosphere-art · 2 years
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We're very close to the end of Bnha, and we still have no clues, no news, nothing, about Izuku's father. It's really surprising, and seems to hide something
Welcome to my dad afo theory, this is gonna be very, very long :)
Some people can think that it's just an extreme fanon theory, but it's not. And we're gonna see why :)
I'm gonna talk you about one of the biggest mystery of bnha, the question everyone has asked themselves at least once while reading the manga, or watching the anime:
where the fuck is izuku's dad.
There is two situation really really basic, about protaginists families.
The first one is simple:
•the protagonist/main caracter must have at least 1 parent dead. Do I have to mention an exemple? No.
This rule is not applicated in bnha, because Izuku's two parent are still alive.
Then the second situation:
• if the two parents are alive, one of them is surely absent. We don't know anything about the absent one, so this is a mystey.
Gimme one shonen anime where the two parents are alive and present at same time? Okay we can continue.
When we think about that, horikoshi don't really have a reason to hide the identity of izuku's dad. We're at a dead point in the story. Almost the end. And we don't even know what he looks like.
So it's clearly sure that somethin' gonna happen about this subject.
He honestly didn't need to hide this caracter, if there wasn't any secret around it of cousre.
We just know some TINY informations about him. They aren't even complete as info.
I first gonna write my theory, and then my proofs. I think that all for one might be is izuku's dad.
First, we can begin with his name ひさし Hisashi. You probably know that horikoshi likes to hide things in caracters names kanjis.
Hisashi means ''a long time''. There's a very popular japanese expression ''hisashi buri'' that means ''long time no see''. Hisashi's kanjis other meanings are ''live'' ''long time'' ''still'' ''eternal''.
We can say that ''long time no see'' can be for izuku, who haven't saw his father for a long time, but this is too evident.
What about it's reference to afo? All for one is old. He's from the first generation of quirks. He's 100+ years old. Long time ago... All for one existed since a long time ago.
Another information we know about Hisashi Midoriya, is his fire quirk. We don't know how powerful it is, how far he can use it, or even what color is his flames. We don't know anything.
All for one have for sure a lot of quirks, he can surely use one of them as a cover.
I let you know that All for one has once used a fire quirk, in ''All Might Rising'', in a battle against Nana Shimura.
And the last information we canonly know about Hisashi Midoriya, is that he works overseas (reason why he's not with his family).
Guess what?
The first time All for one appeared in the manga, there was this obvious building in the backround.
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The Chrysler Building.
In New york.
Yeah buddies, the first time All for one appeared in the story, he was also overseas.
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A detail, his family name. If we look at Midoriya's kanjis, especially ''midori'', it's means ''green''.
Did you noticed that ''green'' is the caractersitic (caradesign) of izuku AND his mom. Hisashi surly didn't had green hairs. In Japan, it's common that men take their wife's family name. So, I'm sure that ''midoriya'' is inko's real family name.
(This was for people asking why izuku and afo don't have the same last name etc.)
Believe me or not, we already know Hisashi Midoriya, we already saw him in the story. Horikoshi said we were in final arc of bnha. One of the last fight.
It's not really the right moment to introduce a new person, when bnha is going to end.
Horikoshi can't say ''oh yeah and this (random) guy was izuku's dad, voilà."
And there, as a proof, we have this offical tweet:
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If you've noticed, they used the term "revealed", it's not the same as introduced. It means that we already know him, he's already intorduced in the story. And that there will be a REVEAL.
(Japan is in fuckin' war right now, man.If you were a father, wouldn't you join your family, give news, call your son who has the duty to save the world? Srsly)
Inko and Hisashi are still married. (10+ year long distance realtion, congratulation). We don't even know if he's aware his son developped a quirk or not.  Izuku didn't mention, even once his dad's name in the WHOLE manga. When his was about to die, he firstly thought about All might, Bakugo or his mom. Isn't that funny?
At waht point of your relationship with your dad, can you ignore him that much?
(Bnha manga chap 97, Inko is talking to someone (probably Hisashi) , go and read it if you want)
I've heard a lot of theory about ''yeah izuku had a quirk but afo/his dad stole it'', and honestly, I think that izuku was really quirkless.
If izuku is really all for one's son, it justifies why he doesn't have a quirk. As a remembering, the children of the first generations has least chances to develop a quirk than the children of the newest generations.
All for one was from the first geenration of quirks.
I can't write a theory about bnha, if I don't talk about STARWARS.
Might sounds funny for you.
If you didn't know, horikoshi is a big fan of starwars and we have a lot of references in the story (places, names, caracters, etc..) Starwars was one of the biggest inspiration for him. There's a lot of interview about that. You can find this information easily.
We can also notice a lot of parallels between bnha and starwars:
•Izuku and Luke are the main caracters.
•All might is Izuku's mantor, Obi Wan is Luke's mantor.
•Grantorino obvioulsy represent Yoda. Izuku and Luke both had an improving arc with the ''wise guy''.
•if someone thinks that All for one don't represent Dark vador, this person is blind.
•Dark vador and afo both have a machine to breathe, their faces are burned, because of a fight against All might/Obi wan (the mantors).
And horikoshi said it himself.
Wouldn't that be the finest homage to Starwars and the best way to wrap up the story, even narratively?
They both like to analyze quirks (and afo is pretty good at it) In the whole manga, there isn't ONE character who has this passion. Except izuku and his lovely dad afo.
(Do you remember the ''save bakugo'' mission? Afo had a quirk to localise people, their weaknesses and strengths. He didn't order Shigaraki to do anything to izuku?)
Anyway, guys, if this really happens, this will the best things And spectacular turn of events ever. There isn't any reason to hide izuku's father identity. Why did horikoshi hide this? Because his dad is someone important.
Don't forgot that Horikoshi is a walking brain, a genius.
If you have something to ad, go on. I didn't write everything, because the theory would go too far.
(Bonus: Hisashi ''long time ago'' can also be a reference to all starwars movies beginning. ''Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...)
(Just a thought: afo is the one who can use multiple quirks. The manga told us that someone who try to use more than one quirk turn into something like a brainless nomu. Afo being Izuku's dad is maybe the reason why Izuku can use the quirks of all OFA carriers? Yeah that was just thought tho)
Dad and son, same poses:
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@sayotruepersonal @justasquid @mharamblings @moon42sstuff
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
You are right that your versions have things that I wouldn't have added: for example, I had Hana not be as scared of Gran Torino, but you do have a point about the ingrained Fear response. I also wouldn't have considered Hana kidnapping her brother back at the USJ, but I like that idea.
For the Shadow Twins AU, I would have Izuku deal with more people criticizing his Quirk other than Bakugou.
Also, I know you like Cathleen/Inko, but I personally like it when Hisashi Midoriya is a good father and husband. So he still works overseas but calls his family and supports them.
Other than those things, I don't actually mind what you are doing with the AUs.
I also really like Hisashi being a good parent as a trope, but I generally avoid writing it on account of his total non-presence in the manga giving me nothing to work with
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
You walk into your house sitting on you living room couch is the so called ‘demon king’ who tried to kill you son. He asks about seeing his grandson??? You scream. You are inko.
Poor info doesn’t deserve to be pulled into this mess of a family. Like do you tell the mass murderer that you aren’t related and run the risk of you and your son dying or pretend to be and now are stuck with said mass murderer.
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Inko, sighing with relief at coming home to some peace and quiet after people started screaming about the end of the world: Whew! What a day… —? Is that…?
Past!AFO @ Kamino Ward: This is my son! My son! Greatest of pro-heroes…
Past!All Might @ the Midoriyas’ home: He is my father in blood, but never by name.
AFO: Midoriya-chan! What a pleasure to meet you. I apologize on my son’s behalf for his unchivalrous manners…
genuinely the nightmare scenario. because how the hell do you explain midoriya hisashi. does AFO hear Inko say, “Ah, no, no, I’m… I’m married to Midoriya Hisashi, a businessman who works overseas,” and proceeds to translate it as ‘My son wanted his own family, but felt he had to protect it, so he not only used a name that honored the Shigaraki BUT he also took my name! I knew Toshinori knew it all along!’ how delusional can you write AFO before he becomes too OOC?
i imagine in this scenario, inko is taken hostage while izuku is in a coma at the hospital.
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