#what happens when a hybrid battery goes bad
Wondering how often does a hybrid battery need to be replaced? For quality hybrid service, schedule an inspection at Carlax Quality Automotive.
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 41
Aperçu of the Week:
"I once was lost, but now I’m found.
I once was blind, but now I see."
(Amazing Grace, classic spiritual written 1779 by John Newton)
Bad News of the Week:
Sabotage can be an act of warfare. For the past weeks, everyone has been asking who was responsible for the North Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines destroyed by simultaneous explosions. The consensus is that it must have been a coordinated act of sabotage by what is presumably, given its complexity, a state actor. But which state? With what motive? Or terrorists? Everything seemed and seems possible. And then, a week ago, the entire rail traffic in northern Germany was paralyzed when two essential fiber-optic cables for the digital coordination of track occupancy were cut - several hundred kilometers apart. Targeted and compelling with insider knowledge of where and how to strike in order to cause the greatest possible damage with simple means.
Since then, voices have been rising warning of a new scenario: the specific sabotage of infrastructure in order to destabilize. The word "hybrid warfare" is making the rounds. And Bundeswehr General Carsten Breuer, commander of the Territorial Command, explicitly warns that a new kind of situation must be prepared for in today's world: "Here in the command, we are primarily preparing for hybrid threats. That's the state between not quite peace anymore, but not really war yet either." Every citizen, he said, must realize that they need to "change their individual behavior." For example, by buying a battery-powered radio. But also by changing his mental attitude (!). It is hardly reassuring when Breuer also states that "hysteria (is) a bad advisor".
The idea is scary when you think about what happens at home when the WLAN/WiFi goes down for five minutes: there's no music playing in Mom's kitchen, Dad can't get into his online meeting, and the kids complain that they can't watch their current favorite show or "meet" their friends for gaming. But what if the power goes out? For more than an hour? And across the board?
When the railroad company was asked why it wasn't better protected, the answer was short and to the point: cables for communication, signal switching, barrier operation, etc. also run along each of our railroad lines. And these rail lines are 34,000 kilometers long! So effective physical protection is simply an illusion. This is even more true for digital infrastructures. So there's only one thing left to do: include failure and sabotage protection in the planning, for example by means of separate secondary and fall-back systems. And then hope for the best. This also applies in a slimmed-down form to the home. Candles and radio, if you like. But we'd rather leave 300 kg of food cans and camping toilets to the preppers.
Good News of the Week:
Georgia Meloni, the inevitable coming head of Italy's government, has been able to successfully navigate an important personnel issue, thus also proving her assertiveness in the party spectrum. It is about the officially second-highest position in the state: the presidency of the Senate. And this was now awarded to Ignazio La Russa in the first round of voting with an absolute majority. Like his party leader, he makes no secret of his convictions. For example, he proudly shows journalists statues of Benito Mussolini in his living room and advises the use of the Hitler salute because, unlike the handshake, it is contact-less because of Corona. So the takeover of power by the far-right Fratelli d'Italia in Italy seems unstoppable.
Fortunately this seems to be different in Sweden. There too was a clear shift to the right in the last election, with the previously ruling left-wing coalition of Social Democratic Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson being clearly voted out. At the same time, the ultra-right Sweden Democrats received their best result ever, 20.5 %, became the second strongest party and laid claim to government participation. This came as a shock to many observers, as Sweden had always been considered a social democratic model state. But things did not turn out so badly.
About a month after the election in Sweden, the conservative parties Moderate, Christian Democrats and Liberals have agreed on a new government, and Moderate party leader Ulf Kristersson is to be elected prime minister tomorrow. The Sweden Democrats are not part of this alliance, but have announced that they will "support" this coalition without a majority of their own in parliament. A minority government, which would hardly be able to act in Italy, is not uncommon in the Scandinavian country.
In the day-to-day business of politics, therefore, there will be - to put it romantically - an original democratic competition for individual ideas, projects, bills, etc. in parliament. There is no majority coalition that has already set the agenda in a coalition agreement, which then only has to be worked through. Now, each time, support for individual positions must be solicited. This also applies to the Sweden Democrats, who - it has to be said - represent more than one in five votes in the elections and are therefore legitimate representatives of the people, even if it is unpleasant. The hope that pragmatism will continue to rule in Sweden's parliamentary monarchy is therefore justified even after this shift to the right.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Last Sunday, my wife and I picked up the Omicron-specialized Corona Booster. Even though I - who, unlike her, do not belong to a defined vulnerable group - was not yet called upon to do so according to the current recommendation of the German Vaccination Commission. But at the beginning of the cold season and another wave just in Bavaria it seemed reasonable. And then yesterday we gathered all our courage and came out of the cellar back into normal life: we were at a party! For the fifth wedding anniversary of dear friends. With lots of people, lots of conversations, lots of buffet, lots of dancing and lots of beer. And it just felt good - despite a few misgivings in the back of our minds.
I couldn't care less...
...how long Liz Truss will stay in office. Or the lettuce head on YouTube wins: https://youtu.be/Sm-RE95lKJ0. Because the British prime minister is basically down for the count - and clearly so. Her starting conditions may not have been ideal, but she was also beside the will of the people with every single one of her first political decisions. And of the markets, see the dramatic developments of the British pound and government bonds. The resignation of Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng as a pawn victim will hardly help her: according to a poll in The Times, only nine percent want to keep her as head of government.
As I write this...
...it is 23 degrees Celsius outside. Mid-October. And the leaves are autumnally colored. "Indian summer" in the middle of Europe. Nice.
Post Scriptum:
Last Sunday, elections were held in Lower Saxony. The fourth largest German state by population and the first heavyweight after the Bundestag elections last fall. And the old prime minister will also be the new one: the Social Democrat Stephan Weil was able to buck the downward federal trend against the Social Democrats SPD. And has certainly benefited from a bonus of office. And his calm, unagitated manner as the father of the state. Two parties have made gains: the Greens, who now have a very good chance of forming a government with the SPD - the desired constellation of both parties.
And the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which almost doubled its share of the vote to 11.6%. The main reasons for their voters are, on the one hand, protest behavior against the established parties and, on the other, "price increases" according to the polls. Pfff... You might as well vote for a certain party because you don't like the weather. But that's how it is in a democracy. Every vote has the same weight, even if a voter's ability to make a politically sound decision may be questionable. But that's the raison d'être of every right-wing party in Europe: I'm dissatisfied with the situation, so I vote extreme in order to criticize "the system". Thanks for nothing.
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clausenauto · 2 years
Wondering what happens when a hybrid battery goes bad? For quality hybrid service, schedule an inspection with a certified technician at Clausen Automotive.
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jermainemdevries · 3 years
How long does a toyota prius battery last
Toyota Prius batteries provide the power for the electric motor and battery that helps propel this hybrid car. The Prius is a popular choice of vehicle because it has higher gas mileage than most vehicles, which saves on fuel costs over time.  With proper care, your Toyota Prius should last well past 150,000 miles. If you are interested in finding out how long your Toyota Prius will last or if you have any questions about maintaining and caring for your vehicle, please contact us today!
A Toyota Prius battery can last from anywhere between 6 to 8 years.
How do you tell if a Prius battery is going bad?
The Prius battery is the beating heart of the hybrid vehicle. It stores all of the energy that's generated while you drive and converts it to electricity so that it can be used for power when needed. When a battery starts to go bad, it may show symptoms such as sluggish acceleration or dim headlights at night. This article will teach you how to tell if your Prius' battery needs replacement.    The first step in diagnosing a faulty battery is checking your dashboard lights for any warning signs like an "insufficient charge" indicator or "service required" message on your display screen. If this happens, then there's a good chance that your car won't start up again without assistance from another person because one or both batteries have failed.
1. Check your dashboard for warning lights
2. Listen to the engine while it is running - if you hear a clicking noise, that may be the battery
3. Try turning on all of your car's accessories (lights, radio) and then turn them off again - if they take longer than usual to come back on or don't work at all, this could mean that the battery is going bad
 4. Take a look at your car's gas mileage in comparison with what it used to be when you first got it - if there has been a significant decrease in miles per gallon, this could indicate an issue with the Prius battery
5. If none of these steps worked for you and you are still concerned about whether or not your Prius' battery is going bad, contact Toyota customer service!
 6. Remember to have regular maintenance done on your vehicle so that any potential issues can be detected early on! 
7-9 bullet points detailing how people should go about checking their Prius batteries and other general information related to purchasing new ones will follow here...
To tell if a Prius battery is bad, the first thing to do is look at your dash. If you're getting either a yellow or red warning light, there's an issue with your car and you should contact Toyota about it as soon as.
As a Prius owner, you may have come across the dreaded “low battery” warning in your car. Did it ever occur to you that this could be an indication of impending failure? The only way to know for sure is by taking your vehicle into a Toyota dealership and letting their expert technicians diagnose the issue with our diagnostic tools. We can also provide solutions if we find out there are other issues causing problems with your battery-like having dirty terminals or corrosion buildup on cables. If you want peace of mind knowing when it's time to replace your Prius' battery before anything goes wrong, give us a call today!
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Heart Hunter - 2
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Pairing: Peregrine Falcon hybrid Minseok x  Deer Hybrid Reader
Word Count: 2,585
Summary: The government has officially outlawed prey hybrids, leaving your herd with no choice but to escape into the depths of the forest. Since none of you have been outside of the city before, you soon find yourselves struggling - until you start finding food waiting on your porch every morning. But where is it coming from?
It had been at least an hour since you’d last seen a street light - the road ahead being illuminated by the light of the moon and the soft flash of headlights instead. The roads were getting rougher and the greenery more abundant the further you drove away from home, as Madame had insisted that hiding away in some remote family cabin in the wilderness was your best chance of survival. 
You’d been bundled together in the SUV like sardines for hours; Papa and Madame’s bodyguard Marceau (who you were pretty sure was more than just a bodyguard) were in front, Madame and Mama behind them, and you were in the back next to the peacock hybrid Oh Sehun that Madame had insisted on saving. 
Sehun was alright, alright it was obvious that he was raised to believe very highly of himself. He often spoke of his owner like his word was law, and most of it was about how wonderful he thought Sehun was. It was apparent that he missed his owner, but you personally thought he sounded as stuck up as Sehun acted. You weren’t sure how he was friends with Luhan, because while Lu tended to act tough sometimes, he was never a snob. But evidently, they’d been friends for a while, having met during a modeling gig, and were hanging out together when they’d been caught. Regardless of his current attitude, you were willing to take the hybrid along since he’d basically saved you and your parents. 
 His hair feathers were stark white, which he claimed were rare, although you weren’t so certain about that. He also claimed that his unnaturally complex scent was a medical enhancement that his owner had paid dearly for, and your “basic” cinnamon scent was mingling with it and ruining it. He was handsome, you’d give him that, but it was more the way he held himself rather than his appearance that made you a little wary of him. He tended to sneer at everything like it was below him, despite the fact that your breeding and talent technically made you superior. You weren’t one to throw status around though, so you simply let him complain to his heart’s content. You hoped it was merely his way of dealing with the situation and not the total sum of his personality. 
Marceau had only allowed everyone to stop once, finally giving into bathroom demands when they came across a Walmart several hours away from home. While there, they took the chance to buy cleaning supplies, a few more food items, and some camping supplies just in case. Marceau also made you all ditch your cell phones and purchased a single burner phone for emergencies only. Losing the internet didn’t upset you as much as losing the entire music catalog you had on your phone, so you made do with buying an old school boombox and tons of batteries. The CD selection wasn’t great, but you found a couple of workable classical mixes that you could use to keep up with your training, and a couple more just for fun. 
Madame was also very generous with Sehun and bought him clothes and personal supplies since he’d had to escape with nothing. Surprisingly, he was very polite with her and he genuinely thanked her. Perhaps he wasn’t all bad, just scared. His mood seemed to mellow out a bit after that, even going so far as initiating conversation with you for the rest of the trip. 
After what had felt like an eternity, the car pulled in front of a massive gate just as the sun was beginning to rise, and Marceau got out to swing it open for Papa, then closed it and jumped back into the car. Papa had to drive slowly, as the road was made of dirt and gravel. You were observing the surroundings worriedly, as you saw no sign of civilization anywhere. The last town you could remember seeing was at least four hours away. How were you all going to survive out here? 
At last, you arrived in front of the cabin and your stomach drops. The place looked sturdy enough; no holes or broken steps or windows. And it was very large, with two stories and a few other buildings scattered around that could be garages or workshops. However, it was apparent that it hadn’t been used in many years. The windows were covered in thick layers of grime, the porch and grounds were littered with leaves, sticks, and other debris. You were already scared to see what it looked like inside. 
“Oh my. I’d forgotten how long it’s been since anyone has been here. Probably since I was a little girl at least,” Madame sighs glumly. 
Great, so you were looking at nearly fifty years of damage. 
Papa stops the car and everyone unloads, all wearing matching expressions of trepidation. Even the usually unflappable bodyguard looks worried, enough that he gestures for everyone to follow behind him as he leads everyone inside. 
The ancient door creaks as he swings it open slowly, a gust of wind sending the various debris inside scattering. The inside wasn’t as horrible as it probably could have been. All the windows and doors had remained shut, so it appeared as though no animals or squatters had attempted to live here, besides the cobwebs you could see in various corners. All the furniture was covered in drop cloths to protect it from dust, so you looked forward to seeing if any of it was still hardy enough for use. Thankfully, the whole place just looked like it needed some major dusting and sweeping and it would be alright. 
However, as you looked closer you realized nothing here is electric. There are oil lamps on the end tables and a huge fireplace that seems to be the only source of lighting. You wander into the kitchen, bracing yourself for what you’re about to see. Sure enough, there is a wood stove and a sink with a hand pump. You could tell that everything here was probably the best that money could buy at the time, but still, no electricity? 
Madame eventually enters the kitchen, meeting your gobsmacked expression with a grimace. 
“I know, it’s simply primitive, isn’t it? They had this built as a vacation cabin for my grandparents and their friends; a place to escape the trials of everyday living and pretend they were manly men that could chop wood and the like. I don’t recall Mémère ever coming here, though. She was probably more than happy to stay in the city and send the kids along.” 
You slide into an uncovered dining room chair, uncaring of the dust. None of you could live like this. There was no city to run to for food, no hospital nearby in case someone got hurt. You didn’t know how to do anything, and Mama was such a frail soul. It would be so hard for her. Would it be kinder to just let the government do what they wanted rather than waste away in the woods slowly? 
“I know, ma bichette.” Madame sniffled and pet your hair tenderly.  “This is going to be such a trial for you all, but I don’t know what else to do to keep you alive. Marceau will be back in a week with more supplies since I’m sure I’ll be under watch until they move on to another family. I’ll try to come out myself whenever I think I can safely get away. You have to be strong, my darling. Protect your Mama and help your Papa. I will try my best to get Luhan to you.” 
You grasp Madame’s hand and kiss the back of it as the two of you try to contain your tears. Though she was technically your owner, she was as dear to you as the rest of your family and you’d never been separated from her before. Your entire life until this point had been spent training to make her proud, and now you had no idea what to do with yourself. 
“Please, stay safe,” you whisper, voice cracking with emotion. 
Madame smiles with watery eyes and helps you stand, pulling you into a familiar perfumed hug. You close your eyes and breathe in, trying to memorize the feeling in case the worst should happen. 
“I will, ma bichette. You make sure to do the same. Now,” she clears her throat and pulls away, taking her lace handkerchief out to flutter it around like the drama queen she really was. “Marceau will have brought in the supplies and luggage by now. I wish I could stay and help you put the place together, but I have a meeting with a friend that could help me get into the compound tomorrow and I must get back. The sooner I get to work, the sooner I can free your brother. My poor darling Lulu is probably so scared.” 
She pets your head one last time then goes to the entryway with you following behind her. Your parents are already there waiting, suitcases and bags of supplies stacked nearby. Papa was deep in discussion with Marceau but paused long enough to accept Madame’s light hug before she turned to your weeping mother. The two women clung to each other tightly, whispering and wiping each other’s tears. You didn’t think the two had been separated for very long before. Perhaps your parent's honeymoon was the longest and that had only been a couple of weeks. Finally, Marceau had to separate the two of them and looped his arm with Madame’s as he led her away while she dramatically kissed the air towards all of you. 
“Take care, my loves, and be careful. Remember to use the phone if you need us to come at any time. Sehun, I’ll get in touch with your owner tomorrow. If it’s safe I’ll let him know where you are and we’ll see what he wants to do, but for now I know you’ll be safest here. À la prochaine, my darlings!” 
You follow them outside, waving until the car is out of sight, feeling as though she’d taken your soul along with her, leaving you the empty shell that now had to fight just to survive. 
You sigh, feeling as though the weight of the world had just been settled onto your shoulders. You adored your parents, but you knew they were going to be even worse at this whole rough living thing than you were, having been pampered for twice the amount that you had been. You knew Mama had never had to lift a finger for anything that wasn’t Ballet. You were going to have to be strong for everyone and try to figure out a way to keep you all going out here. At least the view was pretty, you decided as you surveyed your surroundings. 
The “cabin” was basically set in the middle of a vast forest area, huge trees surround you as far as you could see. You didn’t know enough about greenery to tell what kind they were. Pine maybe, judging by the cone looking things on the ground. Marceau had mentioned a map earlier and had said that there was a creek nearby. That was probably where you were going to have to get water since it didn’t seem like there was plumbing here either, or even a well. 
You spot what appears to be a massive blackberry bush on the other side of the yard and decide to distract yourself by gathering some. It would be a nice treat to have and Mama loved berries. You rush inside and pick out one of the mixing bowls that had been packed, deciding it would do for now to hold the berries. Your parents are already at work lifting the drop cloths from the surprisingly pretty furniture, all of it in sort of a rustic art deco vibe and obviously well made. Nothing looked damaged, so you’d all at least have places to sit. The bedrooms were what you were worried about the most, but you’d save that for later. 
You whistle a little as you head towards the bush, hoping that if you force yourself to pretend you’re okay, your brain will start to believe it. The bowl is about halfway full, minus a few that had found their way past your berry-stained lips, when you suddenly heard something. A soft crackle, like someone had stepped on a twig. However, instead of coming from the area behind you where the house was, it was coming from across the bush. 
You clamp your lips and breathe through your nose, trying to scent the area. You could smell dampness from the nearby creek, the squirrels in the tree to your right, and something else...there. 
Your gaze pierces the spot where the scent filters through, a little crack in the berry bush a little further down. You freeze as a pair of sharp, catlike eyes fill the space, meeting yours with a curious glint. They appeared to belong to a male, judging by the bits of his face you could make out, though it wasn’t much. Those eyes reminded you of the gaudy ring Madame always wears, a massive thing with a jewel the color of caramel. The man’s eyes were the same color and reflected light like the gemstone, holding an insurmountable depth that dared to drown anyone that met his intense gaze. 
The two of you stared, unmoving, just studying each other. You wished you could see the rest of him; surely with eyes like that, he must be stunning. Nevermind that he smelled like a predator; a bird at that. There was also a slight undertone that smelled almost like fresh coffee beans which you guess was his personal scent. He must have noticed you scenting the air because his eyes crinkled like he was holding back laughter while his scent became stronger, no doubt from him pumping out more to see your reaction. Your scents seemed to mingle all on their own, complementing each other and making your head swim, which was curious for different hybrid types. It was odd to find another hybrid out here no matter what he was. You’d thought your herd was going to be the only ones, at least in this area. You were sure other prey hybrids would run away to the wild eventually. 
Behind you, the front door slammed and startled you as Sehun came out and began yelling.
“Hey, your Mom wants you. Something about water.” 
You glance towards him, annoyed at the interruption. 
“Yeah, I’m coming. Just hold on.” 
You huff and turn back towards the bush, but the eyes are gone and you can smell his scent getting farther away. You debated telling your parents about his existence, but you hadn’t sensed a threat from him, just curiosity. You waited until the last note of his scent became too faint to smell anymore, swallowing your disappointment as you strode towards the house. 
Though the coming days were going to be difficult, at least now you knew you weren’t alone. 
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ks-caster · 5 years
May 8th, 2019
Fandom(s): The Vampire Diaries, The Originals
Characters: Caroline, Klaus, Marcel
Premise: Klaus has been pain-daggered in Marcel’s keeping (see end of TO season 3) and meanwhile all is not well in the magical world. Upheavals in leadership make new potential Big Bads overconfident, and Marcel is too busy sitting on his laurels in NOLA to be of much use as a deterrent. After the deaths of many of our MF peeps, Caroline leaves her ghosts behind to work for the new supernatural division of the FBI. She is fitted out with the ability to time travel (who better to experiment on, since she’s immortal and if she goes too far back and runs out of battery she can just wait until it’s the right time again.)
Summary: “This is the field record of Time Agent Caroline Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, and it has been May 8th for over six months now. Today marks my 188th attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson from Marcel Gerard. I’m betting it ends with death by mega-hybrid bite. Not really feeling too optimistic.” 
Everybody from the Mystic Gang basically dies—the few who survive are rebuilding their lives together, but Caroline can’t stand the constant reminders of everyone she’s lost. She gets a job with a Hephaestus, the FBI’s new “Special” R&D department. They’re using a combination of futuristic science and black magic to create agents who can time travel, appropriately called “Time Agents.” Caroline becomes a Time Agent prototype, and does extremely well for herself at the agency, but isn’t very personable at all.
Caroline runs into Hayley and Hope May 1st, 2019, and Hayley tells her what’s been happening. Caroline had assumed that Klaus was in hiding with his family, giving his daughter a normal-ish childhood. She puts Hayley in contact with Hephaestus, to try to find a way to cure Kol and Elijah. Part of why the FBI needs Hephaestus in the first place is because the supernatural world went pretty crazy after the Originals left. Vampires and Witches used to prioritize keeping a low profile, but ever since Marcel Gerard took charge, they’ve been run ragged trying to keep the humans safe. Caroline tells her bosses that the Mikaelsons were once the ones who kept everyone in check, and they’re the only ones with a hope of taking down Marcel. Hephaestus confers and then decides to help. Ultimately, they realize that the best way to cure Elijah and Finn is to actually use Klaus’s venom to burn away the venom in their bodies, then cure it once all that’s left is something they can cure. But for that, they need Klaus. They make plans to do basically a big group suicide mission to rescue him, but Caroline goes in alone the day before they’re supposed to attack—May 8th, at 9am. 
Day 1: “This is the field record of Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, the time is 9:06am, and this will be my first attempt to extract Klaus Mikaelson from imprisonment in New Orleans, Louisiana.
She enters NOLA, learns where Marcel lives, tries to sneak in the back door, trips an alarm, is captured, goes through Marcel’s famous mockery of a trial, and publically beheaded.
Day 2: “This is the field record of Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, the time is 9:01am, and this will be my second attempt to extract Klaus Mikaelson from imprisonment in New Orleans, Louisiana. Yesterday was completely unsuccessful—I was captured attempting to sneak into Marcel’s private residence, tried—if you can call it that—and publically beheaded. Today I’ll avoid tripping the motion alarm on the back door.”
Caroline tries to sneak in through an upstairs window, and is caught by the two witches who work for Marcel. They turn off the spell on her daylight ring, trap her in the sunlight, and she burns to death.
Day 3: “This is the field record of Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, the time is 9:07am, and this will be my third attempt to extract Klaus Mikaelson from imprisonment in New Orleans, Louisiana. Yesterday’s attempt ended in another lethal failure—Marcel has two witches working for him, and when I attempted to enter the house through a third floor window, they deactivated my daylight ring and I burned to death.”
Caroline gets in by a different window than the room where the witches work, but is eventually caught by Marcel. He bites her, but then leaves her to die. She is able to explore his house a little more, and concludes that Klaus isn’t there, before succumbing to the pain.
Day 4: “Field record of Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 2019, 9:02am. This will be my fourth attempt to extract Klaus Mikaelson from New Orleans. Yesterday I made an important discovery—do not let Marcel bite you ever again. His venom is not only more deadly than Klaus’s, it’s also a lot more painful. However, since he left me alone to die, I had a chance to explore his house a little. I don’t think Klaus is there. Today I’ll focus on finding out where he’s being kept. Hopefully it’s nowhere near Marcel. I don’t really want to repeat that experience.”
Day 25: “This is the field record of Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:16am. This will be my twenty-fifth attempt to extract Klaus Mikaelson from imprisonment in New Orleans, Louisiana. Yesterday I learned that he’s not at (place). Over the last two weeks I’ve managed to cross off (list of places), so today I’m going to get a witch to do a locator spell, even though I know Marcel will find and kill me. This will probably be the third time I’ve died from nasty juiced-up hybrid bite. Really not looking forward to this.”
Day 38: “Time Agent Forbes, field record, May 8th, 2019. The time is exactly 9:00am, and this will be my 38th attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson. Yesterday I learned that Klaus is being kept somewhere in or around the old witch graveyard in the French Quarter. I also learned that pretty much every witch in New Orleans is on Marcel’s payroll, except for Vincent Griffith, who won’t help me, no matter what I do or say. Today I’m going to play innocent, get a bunch of flowers, lay them on a grave, and see if I can pinpoint his exact location.”
Day 42: “This is the field record of Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, the time is 9:19am, and this will be my forty-second attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson. Yesterday I finally managed to find him—he’s bricked into a tomb. I also discovered that nobody looks twice at a pretty blonde laying flowers on graves; three days in a row and the most suspicion I got was from the florist when I knew her prices by heart. Today I’m going to try and subtly get him out.”
Day 43: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It’s May 8th, 2019, 9:02am, and this will be my 43rd attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson. So, it turns out, there’s a spell on the tomb that alerts Marcel to any supernatural tampering. I got venom’d to death. Again. Today I’m going to try and compel a human to open the tomb for me.”
Day 68: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:13am, and this will be my 68th attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson. After many unsuccessful attempts, I have discovered that the perfect formula for getting Klaus out of the tomb is to compel Jacob Woolworth from Home Depot to come and rip out the mortar, after calling the police with a fake bomb threat so that they clear the area around Marcel’s house, and waste his time trying to get him to evacuate. This ensures that he will basically stay put because he thinks someone is trying really hard to get him to leave. Today’s project is finding out what’s wrong with Klaus—he’s catatonic.”
Day 76: “May 8th, Time Agent Forbes 9:00am, if Klaus doesn’t kill this Marcel guy immediately after I rescue him, so help me God I’m coming back to do it myself. Ahem. Today will be my 76th attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson. I’ve learned that he has a black magic dagger of unspeakable torture embedded in his chest. To get it out, I have to touch him—humans can’t even seem to find it, and I waste precious time directing them. That means I’m not going to have much time before the alarms go off and I have Marcel and all his minions on my ass. Not really feeling very optimistic about today. Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is die-of-Marcel-poison day.”
Day 87: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:25am, and this will be my 87th attempt to rescue Klaus Mikaelson I don’t think there’s any way around it—I’m going to have to learn how to fight Marcel.”
Day 99: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:04am, and this will be my 99th attempt to rescue Klaus. Basically, I definitely can’t fight Marcel. Day 71 is still my record survival time at one minute and eight seconds—and I definitely wouldn’t have been in any condition to rescue anybody after about half of that.”
Day 100: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:11am, and this will be my hundredth attempt to rescue Klaus. Milestone day here. 
Day 123: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:11am, and this will be my 123rd attempt to rescue Klaus. Marcel (analyze fighting style). I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it was definitely a good thing Agent Hanes made me go through basic training. I survived a total of one minute and twelve seconds, and other than the part where he ripped my heart out of my chest, I was in pretty good condition by the end. I’m getting there. It’s not easy, it’s not fast, it’s not even going very well, but it’s going. Klaus, you seriously owe me one when this is all over. Or, like, ten. At least. Seriously. Today I gotta avoid Marcel’s left hand when I go to kick his kneecap.”
Day 145: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 2019, 9:05am, and this will be my 145th attempt to rescue Klaus. As long as I can mess with Marcel’s senses enough and remember his moves, I can beat him. He’s not very creative—he relies heavily on his enhanced abilities, so things like joint locks and sensory confusion are highly effective. I can simulate more strength than I have by using leverage and momentum. Today’s all about simplifying that fight—I can’t waste all my energy fighting Marcel when his minions will arrive thirty seconds after his defeat.”
Day 178: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It’s May 8th, 9:09am, and this will be my 178th attempt to save Klaus. Okay, so far I can beat Marcel, then either un-brick Klaus or fight off the four vampires who show up at exactly 4:11:26. I need to speed up the Marcel fight somehow, but keeping him down long enough to escape is proving difficult. Today also marks my hundredth time dying from his venom. I really, really want a day off at this point.”
Day 203: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It is May 8th, 9:06am, and this will be my 203rd attempt to save Klaus. So, I figured out how lure the minions in before Marcel, so I can fight all of them, then un-brick Klaus, but then I don’t have as much energy left to fight Marcel. Even if he doesn’t remember it, I’m finding it harder every day to watch Klaus’s face when he comes around only to watch me die. To be honest… after everything that went down in Mystic Falls, after I lost everyone… I had kind of convinced myself that there was no one left in the world who cared if I lived or died. I was wrong—and that hurts more than I could have imagined. …I’m going to get you out of there, Klaus.”
Day 235: “This is Time Agent Forbes. It’s May 8th, 9:08am, and this will be my 235th attempt to save Klaus. So, if I have the Marcel fight in his house, the minions don’t realize I’m in the graveyard, and they go to help Marcel instead of catching me. But then by the time I get Klaus out, they’re all on me at once, and I die. No matter what I do to distract whoever I can, the fewest opponents I can get is this combination of Marcel and these four.”
Day 273: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:14am, 273rd attempt to save Klaus. Okay… so if I pull the dagger of doom out of Klaus and then turn and throw it, I totally miss Marcel every time. But I’ve only tried three times so far, and practice makes perfect, right?”
Day 300: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:14am, 300th attempt to save Klaus. Okay. We can do this. And by “we” I mean me. And by “I can do this” I mean I might need someone to save me next—because I totally cannot do this. I can’t… I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired. So very, very tired. I just don’t see how I can win this. I don’t… I just…. (sighs, breathes.) I’m going to drive my f*cking car through Marcel’s front door and just skip today. Who knows—maybe that’ll help.”
Day 340: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:12am, 340th attempt to save Klaus. I can now throw the dagger straight every time. What I can’t do is fight off all four vamp minions and get Klaus from the tomb to my car in one piece before Marcel gets the dagger out of him. I am really, really tired of dying from super-venom. It hurts. A lot.”
Day 386: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:14am, 386th attempt to save Klaus. I’m getting pretty good at fighting a bunch of opponents at once. I get about two minutes ant twelve seconds from the time the dagger makes contact with Marcel to the time he gets it out of him and bites me. In that time, I can take down all four minions and get Klaus almost all the way to the graveyard entrance. I wish I had another dagger… I just need one more thing to keep Marcel off of me so I can get Klaus to the car.”
Day 408: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:14am, 408th shot at saving Klaus. So, stuffing an explosive into Marcel’s chest when he comes after me for round three just gets me blown sky high too, no matter how I time it. I’m just not strong enough after everything I have to do today to carry Klaus and get outside of the blast radius. I’ve been revenge-tortured to death a total of forty of these attempts so far, and the explosive gets me into that position every time. I really, really hate this. I need a vacation. A long one.”
Day 437: “Time Agent Forbes, May 8th, 9:14am, 437th attempt to save Klaus. I finally found the perfect set of arguments to convince Vincent Griffith to make me a paralytic ash spell to use on Marcel. Here goes nothing.”
Day 437b: “Agent Forbes, May 9th, 1:56am. I have successfully retrieved Klaus.”
After: Klaus slowly comes around in the front seat of Caroline’s car. She’s driving at breakneck speed down the highway, and there are cars after them. She calls for a ride, and a hover-jet flies down in front of a pier, which she drives off, right onto the loading ramp, which they’ve opened. She pulls the emergency break and only hits the interior wall a little. She helps him out of the car, and then hands him off to Hephaestus’s medical team. Klaus is weak and exhausted, has little choice but to basically let them do what they want. 
Klaus wakes up in a hospital-type bed with Hayley next to him. She explains where they are and why Hephaestus is working with them, and says they’re trying to find a cure for Elijah and Kol, and for Freya. She then lets Hope in to see her dad, and they have an adorable scene of awesomeness. 
Later, Klaus asks how he got out—thinking he dreamed up Caroline in the car—and Hayley tells him that Caroline works for Hephaestus and that she went out two days ago with no explanation other than a note with instructions about where to pick her up. She says that Caroline is really different—everyone says she’s like a machine, and she does seem pretty detached, but not switched off; not as liberated as that. She seemed broken and grieving and hard. But somehow she had the skills to rescue Klaus in one day. She shows him some traffic camera footage of one of the fights with Marcel. She says that the most expression she’s seen on her face in the week they’ve been here was the triumph when she drove up with him in the car.
Caroline’s coworkers also ask who the hell Klaus is that she cares so much about him—they say she jumped 437 times, and the record is 182—and that wasn’t dying every day, that was potentially world-ending consequences, AND the agent needed years of extreme therapy afterwards, and tendered his resignation. “You must be really something, if the Ice Queen cares enough about you to go through all that.” Klaus is horrified by everyone’s descriptions of Caroline, but she confirms that a lot has changed in the time he’s been gone. He begins to try and bring her back, and eventually she admits that everyone died and she lived. 
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missizzy · 5 years
Ficlet: Leslie Dean, Seven Months Later (Runaways)
They came to the Church, in the months after. Most of them missed the bloody power struggle that ensued in the days after. The Church of Gibborim offered them spiritual comfort, and didn’t make them try to believe the Rapture had happened and they’d done something wrong to be left behind. By the time Leslie got back here, the congregation was almost as big as it had been before the day of death.
In the last month, since the Watchdogs raised violent objections to the Asgardians literally making their new home out in the Pacific and turned Los Angeles into a war zone, with the National Guard coming in, only to discover a large part of their ranks and the LAPD were also Watchdogs, they’ve come to the Church because it has armed guards, one of them wielding Fistigons, plus a literal alien and a human-alien hybrid, who can actually keep them off the grounds. They left their own refuge because, Karolina said, there were a bunch of people needing protecting, and now they’re probably going to have to smuggled out of the country when this is over.
Services are going on right now. Leslie never attends anymore. Everyone’s stopped asking. As she sits in what was once Jonah’s room, nursing the second child he got her with, she can hear the Coruscation as if from a distance. It almost drowns out the far more distant sound of gunfire-not near the Church, she thinks, at least not today.
Her son finishes nursing, and goes to sleep. His face glows slightly, though it doesn’t change color. Leslie fears it’ll be impossible to keep his abilities concealed from the authorities. Back when Karolina was a kid, noone was looking.
He’s sleeping soundly in his crib when the din’s died down, undisturbed even when there’s a quiet knock, and Vaughn softly calls out her name. Leslie takes a deep breath, steeling herself to leave the peace of her chamber.
Aura and Frances both died with the crowd, but they’ve been replaced by two women that seem so much like them Leslie has to repeat their names to herself: Katherine and Olga. They’re with him, holding a lot of papers. “Finances? Supplies?” Leslie guesses. “Give me the sum-up.”
“Money’s not the problem,” says Vaughn, “getting things here is. We’ve got so many people now staying on Church grounds some of them are going to be sleeping out in the hallways. We could afford to feed them all pretty generous rations, except Katherine here did some calls and nobody in this area is open. The Guard’s pretty much gotten the northern part of the city under control, but unless they can bring an end to the fighting here within the next four days, we’re going to be in the trouble.”
“And that’s if we keep getting running water,” Olga adds. “There’s a man came in today saying the Watchdogs are looking the cut that off in parts of the city.”
“How far north?” Leslie asks. At least it sounds like the Guard’s making genuine progress.
“Top of Brentwood and Bel-Air as of the morning news,” Vaughn answers. “But it doesn’t sound like they’re going to be down here much before next week at best.”
“Let me look at the numbers.” A few minutes of perusing the papers, and she says, “We’re going to do stricter rationing, enough to last us at least six days. If it doesn’t look like the Guard is going to bail us out by then, we’re essentially going to have to assemble an armed party to go out there and forage for whatever large caches of edible material they can find.”
“If I may,” Vaughn ventures, “we have four people here with experience at that sort of thing…”
“No,” Leslie cuts him off. “I’m not sending the kids out there. It’s bad enough Molly keeps sneaking out to fight Watchdogs on her own.” She’s not sure how old Xavin is, or how long it takes her species to mature, but she too seems too young in her behavior.
“You let them defend the grounds,” Katherine points out. “You even let Gert keep her fancy hand blasters…”
And that’s something that helps keep her up at night. “I…we really haven’t had a choice there; the Watchdogs have kept their distance recently because Karolina, Xavin, and Gert intimidated them enough. There hasn’t even really been the opportunity to get anyone else trained up in the use of the Fistigons; they’re trickier than they look.” That last sentence isn’t the entire truth, but she’s not going to tell these women what Gert truly thinks of them and everyone else who works for the Church, to the point that she refuses to share.
“And we may not have a choice here, either,” Vaughn says gently. “The truth is, Mrs. Dean, your kids spent months out on their own. They’ve got experience in doing things the rest of us don’t. You know they’ll probably want to go, too.”
And not necessarily come back one day, if they keep doing it. Leslie knows they’re not going to stay here forever; it’s too late for that. But if she’s going to lose Karolina for good soon, that’s not how she can bear to do it.
Even if, in the end, she may have to agree to it, Leslie refuses to today. “Let’s start seeing who among the adult professionals are willing to do this first. Also, I want to take stock of our bottled water, and also our batteries and battery-powered objects; the Watchdogs already knocked the power out in this city once, after all.”
“Also,” says Vaughn, “there’s one more thing. Right after the Coruscation, I got approached by a guy who says he wants to talk to you. I’ve never seen him here before, and he’s got what looks like some sort of really high-tech bionic eye. He says his name is Mike Peterson.”
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
I had a dream 5 years ago, when I had no issues with Misha.  Too bad his stupid ass destiel fans wont allow something like this to happen.  Neither would he, because who is going to troll his dumb fans if he is busy contributing to the SPN canon.
There are some parts of this dream that I forgot.  There are some that don't make sense, but duh! its a dream.  I am writing it like a story so its wont be boring.  I am going to embellish harmless bits and pieces here and there, so its not bland.  
My dream starts in a motel room.  The old kind from the pre-bunker era.  I miss the motel rooms.  Sam is channel surfing, with a remote in his hand whilst reclining in an arm chair, and Dean is lying on his bed, reading a magazine.  I am very surprised because I seldom see fuddy duddy Sam actually watching TV.  He is usually squinting at a lap top screen.  They look seriously chilled out and I am happy about that.  There is a knock on the door. 
Dean:  [hollering] We don't need anything, thanks.
Cas:  Its me, Dean.  Open the door.
Dean and Sam look at each other surprised.  I was surprised too.  Why isn't he flying in uninvited, like he usually does?  Sam opens the door and finds a very busted up Cas.  He is missing his trench coat, his suit jacket and shoes.  He has a swollen eye, bust lip and blood running down one nostril. 
The brothers help him into the room and make him sit.  Sam runs for a glass of water.  It is only when I woke up and relayed this story to my cousin gleefully, that I realized that Sam wouldn't need to give an angel water.  But its a dream so just go with it.  Dean is assuming, as I am, that a monster attacked Cas.
Dean:  What did this to you?
Cas:  Youth.  Around 15 years old. 
Dean and Sam stare and him and then at each other. 
Sam:  Children beat you up? 
Cas:  Yes, and stole my possessions. 
Sam:  Kids beat you up and stole your stuff...how did they manage to do that?  And why didn't you stop them?
Cas:  There were five of them.  And they had bicycles.  But the time I got up of the ground, they were gone.  They pedaled very fast...  I lost my grace. 
Dean:  Again?  Dude you are clumsiest angel in the garrison.  Why don't you sew it to the inside of your underwear so you won’t lose it. 
Sam:  How did you lose your grace?
Cas:  It’s a long story and not important right now.  I need your help. 
Sam:  Sure man.  What do you need? 
Cas:  Some people are trying to resurrect an ancient demon.  They made it their god.  Humans cant fight this thing.  Only warrior angels can put it to sleep...using their grace.  We did it before. 
Dean:  But you don't have your grace.  Why don't you ask one of your brothers to do the job. 
Cas:  Because, they hate me.  None of my brothers wants to talk to me.  I betrayed them, remember?  They said that the next time they seem me, they will kill me.  Only the cherubs are on talking terms with me.  I hitched a ride with one of them to get here.  The cherubs are weak.  They cant fight, otherwise I would have given the job to them. 
Dean:  So you have a monster that we can't kill.  You can’t either.  Your brothers don't want to see your face.  So what kind of help can we give you?
Cas:  You have to teach me how to procreate. 
Dean and Sam:  HUH!
Cas:  I am still an angel.  I have power.  It’s this power that is making this vessel move.  My energy source is switched off. 
Dean:  Like a battery pack?
Cas:  Yes, like a battery pack.  So I need a new one. 
Dean [grinning]:  And sex does that for you?  [Sam puts on his bitchface]
Cas:  No, but a child will.  My child will have my grace.  I can harness it to put this creature to sleep.
Sam: [disapprovingly] And what about the kid after that.
Cas:  There are plenty of single mothers in the world.  I know this sounds manipulative.  But this half angel child will be strong and won’t need me.  But right now, the world needs it.  Will you help me?
Dean: [horrified] You want the birds and the bees talk?  Oh, please say no.
Sam:  I'm going to get pizza.  You go ahead, Dean.
Sam rushes out of the room, living a pissed off Dean to glare at his retreating form. 
Cas:  I am not stupid.  I know how everything works.  [Dean sighs with relieve]  I need to know how to get a female to procreate with me. 
Dean blinks at him, and eventually smiles a mischievous smile. 
Dean:  Oh, that part's easy.  Just ask very politely ''Excuse me, mam.  Would you like to make a baby with me?''  If she says yes, good.  If not, keep asking every female you meet.  One is bound to say yes.
I remember thinking 'Dean, you rascal!'. 
Cas [squinting his eyes at Dean]: That works? 
Dean:  Oh sure.  Just get cleaned up first. 
Dean dresses Cas in white Bermuda shorts, a loud red and parrot Hawaiian shirt and a white fedora adorned with an oversized feather.  If this was an actual episode, there would be a reason he would have those items of clothing, but since it’s my dream, I got nuthin'.  I remember feeling mortified but Dean looks red because he is trying so hard not to laugh. 
Cas steps outside and Dean wishes him good luck.  As Cas is walking down the corridor, one of the doors open, and a lady steps out of her room, wearing a beige peignoir set.  She lights a cigarette.  Cas walks up to her, smiling. 
Cas:  Good evening, Mam.  You are looking very lovely.  Would you like to make a baby with me?
I remember feeling second hand embarrassment.  The lady looks at Cas's grinning face, with wide shocked eyes.  Who could blame her?  Then she shrugs.
The lady:  Sure!
She escorts him into her room. 
We cut back to Sam hitting Dean with a rolled up magazine.  Dean is laughing despite the abuse. 
Dean:  If you want things done right, do them yourself.  Nobody told you to leave me on the lurch. 
Sam:  What if someone beats him up, you jerk? 
Cas:  That never happened.  It went well.  Thanks Dean. 
Sam:  You just appeared.  You have power! 
Cas:  Yes, I can fly now and I repaired my vessel.
Sam:  What did you do?
Cas:  I did exactly was Dean told me to do.  I, very politely, asked a lady if she would like to make a baby with me.  She said yes. 
Sam:  It worked? 
Cas:  As you can see, yes it did. 
Sam and Dean stare at each other slack jawed. 
Sam:  I guess, some women are just desperate to become mothers. 
Dean nods sagely at him. 
Some time goes by.  The brothers are in another motel sitting at the dining table and Cas appears, dressed in his trench coat.  Don’t ask where it came from. 
Cas:  I need your help.  My child is in danger.
Sam and Dean are shocked.
Sam:  What happened?
Cas:  I don't know.  But he is in an enclosed place.  He can’t get out.  And he's scared. 
Sam and Dean look at each other, trying to hide their smiles.
Sam:  That enclosed place is his mother's womb.  It’s only been a month.  He is going to be in that enclosed place for a long time.  Then he will be born.  Don't worry.
Cas:  That is how it works for humans.  This child is half angel.  Things are different with us.
Dean:  Are you sure?
Cas:  I can sense him.  He communicates with me.  I know he is in danger.  Please.  I need your help. 
Sam:  Sure Cas.  What do you want us to do?
Cas:  When I fly, I lose touch with him.  If I am riding in your car, it will be slower and I will be able to locate him. 
Dean:  That's it?  Fine.  Lets go. 
Baby pulls up next to a cave mouth, in the desert.  The guys go into the cave.  Cas goes to the back of the cave and points at the ground.
Cas:  He's here. 
Dean and Sam are suddenly very serious.  The boys get shovels and start digging, as Cas stands to the side, staring earnestly at them.  Suddenly, Sam drops his shovel and walks away.  Dean follows him.
Dean:  Sam? What’s wrong?
Sam:  Dean, I’m freaking out.
Dean:  Sammy, calm down.  Tell me why you’re freaking out. 
Sam:  Dean, do you realize what we are doing?  We are digging up a baby’s grave.  I have never seen a dead baby before. 
Dean [realization on his face]  I haven’t either.  Oh shit….You know what.  I’ll handle it.  Don’t worry.  Sit this one out.
Sam:  Dean, I’m sorry.
Dean:  Sammy, it’s ok.  Don’t feel guilty.  Stay here.  I will tell you to come closer if I’m sure that whatever we dig up won’t damage you more than you already are. 
Dean goes back, and flings Sam’s shovel into Cas’s hand.  They start digging.  Finally, one of the shovel hits something.  The hole was damn deep and Dean immediately scrambles out of the grave and runs to Sam’s side.  Whatever needs to be seen, let Cas see it.  Dean cant stomach the thought of seeing a dead baby.  Sam looks away and Dean stares gingerly as Cas climbs out of the grave and pulls out a big pine box, with sigils etched into it.  There is a large chain around the box, with a huge lpadlock fastened.  Cas breaks the chain and padlock with his bare hands, and flips the lid open.  He stoops and pulls out a kid of about a year and half, with long shaggy brown hair.  Dean [and Sam too apparently] go close to take a look. The kid looks fast asleep.   
Dean:  Is he….?
Cas:  He’s fine.  Let’s get him out of here.
They are relieved but when they turn to leave, they freeze.  There is someone standing at the entrance.  Dean and Sam pull out their guns.
Dean:  Who are you?  What do you want?
The mysterious person steps forward.  It’s Meg.
Meg:  Well, I wanted to stop you, but obviously I am late. 
Dean:  Stop us from doing what?
Meg:  Digging up the box, you idiot.  I went through all the effort of making the box as protective as possible and burying it as deep as possible, but if anyone can go looking for unnecessary trouble, it’s you three jinxes. 
Cas looks at her disappointed. 
Cas:  Oh no. 
Meg:  Oh yes. 
Cas:  How could you be so stupid?
Meg:  Because I loved you.  And the curiosity was killing me.  And I was trying to be helpful.  What, with your broken battery pack and all.  If I were you, just bury him before he wakes up.  I am petrified of him.  Let that clue you in on how dangerous he can be. 
She disappears.  Dean looks at Cas confused.  Then realization hits him.
Dean:  That is why that dumb pick-up line worked.  The woman was possessed by Meg. 
Sam:  What do we do now? 
Dean:  Bury it.
Sam:  What!?
Dean:  You heard her.  Bury it before it wakes up. 
Cas:  There has to be another way.
Dean:  Another way?  Like what?  How are angel-demon hybrids usually dealt with. 
Sam [after realizing Cas doesn’t have an answer]:  Cas, is this kid the first of his kind?
Cas:  Yes.
Sam:  Oh shit. 
Dean:  You have to kill it. 
Sam:  Dean!
Dean:  Sam I know this sounds cruel.  But nobody on earth has dealt with this type of creature before.  Meg is afraid of it.  What if this thing wakes up –
Cas:  Then I will deal with it. 
Dean:  Cas don’t be stupid. 
Cas:  Put yourself in my shoes. 
Dean:  This is not right.  This creature could kill you. 
Sam [To Cas, pointedly]:  Its ok , Cas.  I understand. 
Dean [To Sam]:  Do you?
Sam:  Yes!  You don’t have to like it Dean.  I can understand your concerns.  But it’s his kid.  Have a heart. 
Dean:  Screw the two of you.  I am not going to clean up this mess.  This is all on you two.  I want no part of this. 
And then Dean disappears.  No, that was not a special plot point.  That was my dream growing crazy stupid.  Suddenly there is a four poster brass bed in the cave.  Cas lays the little boy on the bed and lays down next to him.  Sam stands over them.
Sam:  He’s freaked out.  That’s why he’s behaving like that.  But don’t worry Cas.  I will stand by your side.  I will support you. 
Cas: [with a weak smile] That’s mean a lot to me, right now. 
And then Sam disappears.  And then my dream must have shifted to something else or my sleep just broke.  I don’t remember. 
The End
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Wondering what happens when a hybrid battery goes bad? For quality hybrid repairs, schedule an inspection at Carlax Quality Automotive.
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years
Chapter One
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In Manhattan, at the scene of a brutal interrogation/fight, Lucy Blaze aka Zealot radios in to The Division and reports in. Apparently, her quarry which she had to kill was involved in some illegal activity involving gene-editing. After calling in a Division cleaning crew she goes for coffee. Pris Kitaen aka Voodoo, an entertainer, is planning a launch party with some colleagues, for her new album at a city junction. One which is covered with HALO advertisements featuring their energy saving products (Jacob Marlowe's face is seen on a video billboard). Pris relays some odd bits of local lore to her people, 1) that there was a UFO abduction here and 2) a man changed into a bat in 1939.
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As they chat, Pris and company walk by a table that's in front of a street cafe. At this table sits Miles Craven and his significant other, Julian. They chat a little about Voodoo and an incident at a Clinton fundraiser when they are approached by Angela Spica. Angela works for Craven as some sort of researcher/engineer/inventor. She asks Craven for more resources for her current project in order to really make a difference in people's lives and surpass the achievements of Jacob Marlowe. Her interaction with Craven is erratic and she seems agitated and twitchy as if she drank too much coffee or has been taking drugs. She even implies that she has started using herself as a subject, and almost on cue, blood appears on the front of her t-shirt.
Angela leaves Miles's table and continues to talk if only to herself. While walking down the street she notices someone looking up at a HALO high-rise. The pedestrian mentions he saw a flash and a second later a body is thrown out a top flight window. Angie, though seemingly in a lot of pain, activates nanomachines in her body and transforms herself into a metal suit complete with leg rockets. She ignites them, flies up, catches and then deposits both herself and the falling person into an office room in the same building. She has just rescued the CEO of HALO, Jacob Marlowe. Before Jacob could properly thank her, she flies off. Marlowe then calls Adrianna on his cell and tells her that Michael Cray from International Operations (IO) just tried to kill him.
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In a series of television interviews, Jacob Marlowe gives a cover statement as to how he was launched through the window but that he wishes his rescuer the best. Back at IO, Miles Craven debriefs Michael Cray. It seems IO and Cray (part of their Wetworks division) want Marlow dead and to stop the launch of his new energy saving battery. Cray was supposed to set "proximity-triggered Polonium diffusers" to quietly poison his office, but when suddenly confronted by Marlowe, an explosion occurred when he tried to grab his wrist. The explosion was a fail safe security device Marlow had installed in the doorway to stop anything inhuman from entering. It went off, but not before Cray caused a wrist weapon that grew from Jacob's wrist (Marlowe called "a spur") to deflagrate at his touch.
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Marlow is now explaining what happened in the presence of Adrianna aka Void, who is wearing a metal environment suit. Her eyes have no visible irises. Adrianna surmises the would-be killers will try again, and may go after his rescuer as well. Jacob mentioned "Cole" has been alerted but can not track down his unknown rescuer. Back at the IO bunker, Miles craven and Michael Cray are about to leave when Cray's hand (the same that dissolved Marlowe's wrist weapon) begins to shake uncontrollably, blood runs out of his nose and he collapses. Craven seems more annoyed than concerned.
In IO's Analysis Department, the Chief of Department informs Craven about what footage they got from the Halophones nearby. Craven sees the face of the mysterious woman who saved Marlowe, recognizing Angela Spica.
I really like when a book tells you from the start how long it will take to tell the story. There is a good side and a bad side to it. The good side is that you know everything is planned, you know there won’t be editorial mandates, in other words, a reliable story. The bad side to it is that you may not want to read it until it’s over... which is pretty much what I been doing (I did read 7 issues before, but decided to wait the 24 months).
While we see references to GBS and the Daily Planet, as far as I know, this happens in another universe, which is tragic and funny, as the whole point of Flashpoint was to integrate Wildstorm with the DCU. During the new 52 they tried. And I really enjoyed some of those books, but DC has problems trying to stick to their decisions and then this happened. To be honest, this is a good mistake. Warren Ellis is a great writer, with very interesting ideas and a way of thinking that you can feel in his characters... in a good way.
This first episode is a big trigger event and we get to see it from every corner of his story. Not much happens of course, but I found the structure of the episode well constructed.
The art is the other great appeal this title has. Jon Davis-Hunt has a hybrid style. I cannot really tell all the influences, which makes it very unique.
I give the issue a score of 9
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mobileautotruck · 3 years
24 hr Mechanic Mobile Mechanic Services Iowa City, IA | Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
more information is at: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org/cedar-rapids-iowa/
Mechanics near me? If you need 24-hour mobile mechanic for car repair auto truck RV repair Call Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City. Best mechanic in Iowa City, IA! Call us for Mobile Mechanic, Jumpstart, battery replacement, tire change, mobile tie repair, 24-hour tire service, lock out services, roadside assistance and more
Mobile Mechanic Auto repair shop in Iowa City, IA. Our mobile mechanics specialize in Engine diagnostic, car part replacement, tire repair, battery replacement, AC repair and auto parts work, Iowa City car inspection, towing, oil change, collision repair and much more. We are open 24/7. Rated 5 stars on online.
Our services include:
Mobile Mechanic Iowa City Mobile Auto Repair Iowa City Mobile Truck Repair Iowa City Mobile RV Repair Iowa City Mechanics near me Roadside Assistance Iowa City Best Auto Repair shop near me Best Mobile mechanic near me 24 hour towing Iowa City Automotive Air Conditioning Repair Auto Body Work Engine Diagnostics in Iowa City Tire Alignment Iowa City NYS Car Inspection Iowa City Car Maintenance Iowa City Taxi and Limousine Repair Tire Repair and Replacement Oil Change Iowa City Auto Repair Iowa City Auto Glass Repair and Replacement Hybrid Systems Repair Installations of Cameras Backup Warning Systems Window Tinting Mobile brake repair Iowa City Mobile tire repair Iowa City Jumpstart Iowa City Tow truck Iowa City Towing Iowa City Lock out services Iowa City Battery replacement Iowa City Out of Gas Help Iowa City Fuel Delivery Iowa City We are located in Iowa City, IA
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, services any and all types of on-site or mobile automobiles, cars, truck SUVs, buses, big trucks give us a call we can come and help get you back on the road.
We are a full-service mobile roadside assistance mechanic company, we fix, repair or replace radiators, AC, brakes, batteries, cold weather problems, add snow chains, car not cranking or won’t run properly. You don’t have to call or pay for a wrecker, we will come to you and you will pay less, save more money and more importantly save your valuable time.
Whether your car problems are big or small we can handle them all, give us a call today and let us prove our quality mechanic work and great customer service. Call Now:
Mechanic Auto Repair Shop Car Repair and Maintenance Car Service Auto Repair Shops and Mechanics Car Repair Truck Repair On Site Brake Repair On Site Auto Repair Emergency Auto Services Your Mechanic Car is not starting inspection
A top-rated mobile mechanic will come to you diagnose why your car is not starting, and follow up with the required repairs. Car not starting? Get your car inspected at your home or office. Our certified mobile technicians come to you 7 days a week between 24 Hours.
Pre-purchase Car inspection
Get a comprehensive 150-pouint inspection performed by a certified mobile mechanic before buying your car
Check Engine Light is on Inspection
A top-rated mobile mechanic will come to you to diagnose why your check engine light is on, and follow up with the require repairs
CALL US FOR: Car is not starting Inspection Change Oil and Filter Brake Pads Replacement Timing Belt Replacement Pre-purchase Car Inspection Battery Replacement Starter Replacement Alternator Replacement Serpentine/Drive Belt Replacement Spark Plugs Replacement Water Pump Replacement Fuel Pump Replacement Radiator Replacement Valve Cover Gasket Replacement Oxygen Sensor Replacement Thermostat Replacement Wheel Bearings Replacement Axle/CV Shaft Assembly Replacement Car is not starting Inspection Service
A car that fails to start is a rare occurrence in this age of greatly improved efficiency and reliability. But it still happens occasionally, and the advanced electronic technologies that have made cars better have also made the job of roadside diagnosis difficult, if not impossible, for even reasonably handy owners. One of our expert mobile mechanics can provide an expeditious diagnosis and provide a quote for any necessary repairs.
Common reasons for this to happen:
If the engine cranks, but the car doesn’t start:
Bad fuel pump: A faulty fuel pump won’t deliver fuel to the engine, even if you’ve just filled up.
Bad spark plugs: Without hot sparks to ignite the fuel charge in each cylinder, there is no combustion and no expansion of the burning mixture. Thus, the engine will not start.
Bad timing belt: If the timing belt stretches or breaks, the engine will not run. Moreover, continuing to crank the engine may bring the valves into contact with the piston, causing serious engine damage.
Bad ignition coil: Without a functional coil to step up the voltage, there can be no spark. No spark means no start.
Faulty cam or crank sensor: If the sensors are faulty they will either provide no information to the ignition system, or will provide incorrect data. Either way, the engine will not fire.
If nothing happens after you turn the key:
Bad battery or terminals: Batteries have a finite lifespan, and terminals can loosen or corrode.
Bad starter: This should be obvious from the response to the key. If nothing happens at all when you turn the key, the starter may have reached the end of its life.
Ignition problem: This could be due to faulty contacts in the ignition switch, or in the wiring.
If there is a grinding noise when you turn the key:
Starter is bad: Do not persist in cranking the engine.
What to expect:
A top-rated mobile mechanic will come to your home or office to determine the source and cause of your car’s failure to start, and will then provide a detailed inspection report that includes the scope and cost of the necessary repairs.
How it’s done:
The mechanic will check the ignition system, fuel system, and charging system, and then look for any mechanical damage. The mechanic may also try an alternative fuel source, like a quick shot of brake or carburetor cleaner into the throttle body, or a quick shot of liquid fuel via a vacuum line. If the car starts momentarily and then dies, that indicates that you have a fuel delivery issue.
How important is this service?
It goes without saying that a non-starting car is an important issue to address. Do not ignore or abandon the car if it’s not starting; this is an issue that should be dealt with promptly. Book a mechanic to perform a thorough inspection as soon as possible.
Fast and easy service at your home or office
What type of services do you provide?
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City provides maintenance services for our customers based on their vehicles maintenance schedule.  During our first visit we will gather information about your vehicle and the manufacturers maintenance schedule and will send you reminders when maintenance on your vehicle is due.  Just call us and schedule a time for us to come to your location to complete the maintenance item, it’s that simple!
What other services do you provide?
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City can provide services beyond normal schedule maintenance tasks.  We can perform repair tasks such as brake repair / replace, alternator replacement, starter replacement and others.  If you do not see a service listed on our website, contact us for more information.
Oil Changes
Why Should I Change My Oil Regularly?
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City recommends changing your oil on a regular bases.  Not changing engine oil on a regular basis can cause undue wear and tear on internal engine components shortening the life of your vehicle.  Regular oil changes will keep your engine clean and running great for longer.
How Often Should I Change My Oil?
You should follow the maintenance schedule in your vehicles owners guide for recommended intervals between oil changes.  If you do not have access to a maintenance schedule, the rule of thumb is to change your oil about every 5000 miles, your mileage may vary. The key is to keep your oil changed regularly to avoid undue wear on your engine.
If you use a fully synthetic or synthetic blend of oil you can go a longer period of time between oil changes as synthetic oil does not break down like regular oil does.
Tire Rotation
Why Should I Rotate My Tires Every 5000 Miles?
To prevent excessive wear to your tires you should rotate them every 5000 miles.  Front tires wear differently than rear tires and since the front wheels are the turning wheels, they are more susceptible to unusual wear patterns which is why they should be rotated to the rear on a regular basis.
What Is The Correct Way To Rotate Tires?
With radial tires the recommendation is to keep them rotating in the same direction.  The front and rear right tires should be swapped, and the front and rear left tires should be swapped.  Often times when radials are “cross rotated” the steel belts inside the tire can start to separate which can cause ride problems and potential steering issues.  Always check your vehicles owners manual for recommendations on the proper way to rotate your tires.
Headlight Renewal
Why Should I Try a Headlight Renewal?
Renewing your headlights and getting rid of the oxidation that builds up over time, along with the pitting and scratches received over time, allows your headlights to work up to 60% better!  It also makes your vehicle look better.
How Long Does it Take?
Depending on how bad the oxidation and pitting is it could take up to 2 hours to finish the job.
Drive Belt
Why Should I Change The Drive Belt?
Newer vehicles often have a single drive belt that turns all of the accessories attached to your engine.  Things like the water pump, alternator, power steering pump, and sometimes even the A/C are driven by the same belt.  If this belt breaks it can cause your vehicle to over heat and leave you stranded on the side of the road.
For most vehicles the recommended replacement mileage for a drive belt is 100,000 miles.  It is an easy, inexpensive repair and may keep you from being stranded on the highway.
How Do I Check The Drive Belt For Wear?
Inspecting your drive belt for wear is fairly simple.  Look at the underside of the belt and check for missing pieces of the belt or cracks in the belt.  Often times a more thorough inspection can be done by removing the belt first.
Spark Plugs & Wires
Why Should I Change My Spark Plugs?
The electrodes on the end of a spark plug start to burn and break down over time.  It is recommended to change your spark plugs and spark plug wires per your vehicles maintenance schedule for the optimum spark and best efficiency for your engine.  Most of the time spark plugs are all that are required but the spark plug wires should be inspected for any damage or indication that they may need replacement.  Since most vehicles go 100,000 miles between spark plug changes it’s a good idea to replace the spark plug wires at the time you replace the spark plugs.
Do I Have To Change My Spark Plug Wires?
In most cases, especially with newer vehicles, it is not necessary to replace spark plug wires every time the spark plugs are replaced. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City recommends spark plug wire replacement every time the spark plugs are changed since it is common these days for spark plugs to last 100,000 miles.  Replacing the spark plug wires when replacing the spark plugs is cheap insurance that your vehicle will stay running it’s best and most efficient.
Radiator Flush
Why Should I Change My Anti-Freeze Regularly?
Changing your anti-freeze on a regular basis helps keep your engine running at it’s optimal temperature.  Over time anti-freeze can break down and start corroding the inside of your cooling system causing internal damage to cooling components such as the water pump.
How Often Should I Change My Anti-Freeze?
You should follow the maintenance schedule in your vehicles owners guide for recommended intervals between radiator flushes.  If you do not have access to a maintenance schedule, the recommendation could be as little at 50,000 miles to as much as 150,000 miles.  The key is to change your anti-freeze regularly to avoid undue wear on cooling system components.
What Used Car Consulting Service Do You Provide?
While it is impossible to know exactly what is going on internally with an engine, transmission, or rear differential, we have mechanics with experience to be able to let you know if potential problems may be lurking.  We will take a ride with you and inspect the vehicle along with you.
Why Should I Have My Brakes Checked?
The most important thing you need your vehicle to do is STOP!  If your brakes are squealing every time you stop it could mean that it’s time to replace them.  It may also mean that they are just dirty which can cause brakes to squeal.  Let Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City come out and inspect them for you to give you peace of mind that you will be able to stop your vehicle when you need it most.
What Is The Difference Between Disc and Drum Brakes?
Today most modern vehicles use a disc brake system on all 4 wheels but there are still some that have disc brakes on the front and drum brakes on the back.  With the exception of older vehicles most cars and trucks use disc brakes on the front.  Disc brakes are more efficient and have better “stopping power” than drum brakes.  Since 75% of your braking comes from your front brakes, it is VERY important that they work at peak efficiency.  Drum brakes are commonly used on the rear since they are not as efficient as disc brakes and the rear brakes provide only about 20 – 25% of a vehicles stopping ability.
What is Preventative Maintenance?
Preventative Maintenance is regular maintenance of your vehicle that helps keep your automobile running efficiently and eliminating potential problems that may leave you stranded. Manufacturers know that a properly maintained car will be more dependable, safer, last longer, and increase your satisfaction with their product.
Preventative maintenance includes:
Servicing Windshield Wipers Tune-up or servicing/replacing spark plugs, ignition wires, distributor cap and rotor. Replacing air filters Engine oil change Differential(s) gear oil change Trans-axle oil change Routine hose inspection Battery service Exterior drive belt replacement Servicing/replacing transmission oil and filter Timing belt replacement Brake fluid flush Power steering flush Antifreeze replacement/flush Rotate tires Inspect exhaust system for leaks Inspect brake linings brake rotor hydraulic lines calipers and wheel cylinders Replace cabin air filter Used car safety inspection
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Iowa City Iowa CALL (319) 471-4726 MOBILE MECHANIC 1 CALL (319) 359-6136 MOBILE MECHANIC 2 CALL (319) 471-4590 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Iowa City IA WEBSITE: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org http://roadsideassistanceiowacity.org/ SERVICE AREA: 74 Cities within 30 miles of Iowa City, IA Ainsworth, IA | Amana, IA | Atalissa, IA | Atkins, IA |Bennett, IA |Blairstown, IA |Cedar Rapids, IA | Center Junction, IA |Clarence, IA | Columbus City, IA | Columbus Junction, IA | Conesville, IA | Conroy, IA | Coralville, IA | Crawfordsville, IA | Ely, IA | Fairfax, IA | Fruitland, IA | Grandview, IA | Harper, IA | Hiawatha, IA | Hills, IA | Homestead, IA | Kalona, IA | Keota, IA | Letts, IA | Lisbon, IA | Lone Tree, IA | Lowden, IA | Marengo, IA | Marion, IA | Martelle, IA | Mechanicsville, IA | Middle Amana, IA | Morley, IA | Moscow, IA | Mount Vernon, IA | Muscatine, IA | New Boston, IL | Newhall, IA | Nichols, IA | North English, IA | North Liberty, IA | Norway, IA | Olin, IA | Ollie, IA | Oxford, IA | Oxford Junction, IA | Palo, IA | Parnell, IA | Richland, IA | Riverside, IA | Robins, IA | Shellsburg, IA | Solon, IA | South Amana, IA | South English, IA | Springville, IA | Stanwood, IA | Swisher, IA | Tiffin, IA | Tipton, IA | Van Horne, IA | Walford, IA | Wapello, IA | Washington, IA | Watkins, IA | Wellman, IA | West Branch, IA | West Chester, IA | West Liberty, IA | Williamsburg, IA | Wilton, IA | Wyoming, IA Near Zip Codes: 52244 - Iowa City, IA | 52242 - Iowa City, IA | 52245 - Iowa City, IA | 52243 - Iowa City, IA | 52246 - Iowa City, IA | 52235 - Hills, IA | 52241 - Coralville, IA | 52240 - Iowa City, IA | 52340 - Tiffin, IA | 52317 - North Liberty, IA | 52327 - Riverside, IA | 52333 - Solon, IA | 52755 - Lone Tree, IA | 52247 - Kalona, IA | 52358 - West Branch, IA #autorepair #mobilemechanic #towing #roadsideassistance #towservice #iowa #towtruckservice
0 notes
rifthy · 4 years
Mpow X6 : Best ANC Under $80?
Hey Lovely Peoples,We’re going to check out the Mpow X6 Mpow’s latest version of True wireless earbuds. These will have ANC and transparency mode. Nowadays, many earbuds are coming out with ANC and transparency mode.
Let’s jump into the Mpow X6 True Wireless Earbuds Review..
Get your Mpow X6 at Amazon here
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Mpow X6 : Design and Build
The package tells you a little bit about the hybrid ANC and where the sensors are as well as the sensor for the in-ear detection.
And on the back, a little bit more about the specs on here Bluetooth 5.1 charging time about two hours to fully charge these up we’ll get into the rest of the specs below.
Let’s see what else came in the packaging: usual paperwork and the quick operation guide.
Mpow X6 comes with USB Type-C to charge and comes with small, medium, and large silicone tips.
I did replace the mediums that do come on standard with the large to get that good seal. I would advise you guys to do the same to get that good seal. Good Seal does make a difference with ANC with transparency mode.
Let’s take a look these do come in two colorways. The branding on the top does have some led lights here on the front and then branding on the inside.
And you can see the sensors here for your hybrid active noise cancellation, and we’ll talk about all that below.
Battery life on here guys is about five hours and about 25 hours total with the case
And we’re at a point now where battery life is kind of standard with earbuds that have active noise cancellation.
Design and Build
Mpow X6 : Features
Specs on these earbuds Bluetooth 5.1, ANC, Transparency Mode, and these do have wireless charging to go along with the five hours and the 25 hours total with the case.
It takes around two hours to fully charge these earbuds. These do support touch controls that do include everything, including your volume.
Mpow X6 has a mono mode where you can use one at a time, throw one in the case and you can get a little better battery life and conserve your battery life on your earbuds.
These also support a low latency mode for gaming so your latency should be pretty good on here.
And these do have AAC and SBC for playback so excellent specs on these earbuds especially at this price.
Mpow X6 : Controls
The touch controls do control everything on these earbuds, which you know I am a huge fan of
If we just single tap on the right earbud  you can see the volume is gonna start to go up and if we double tap it will play and pause and then we hit it again and it will play and if we triple tap it’s going to go to the next track touch controls on here are very smooth they do work very well
And if we touch and hold on the right earbud it’s going to beep your voice assistant will appear and that’s google assistant Siri whatever phone you are using that voice assistant will come on.
The left earbud we do have a little bit of a different control on the left earbud so if we single tap you can see the volume is going to go down. If we double tap play and pause hit it again music will start playing.
Triple tap we’ll go back to the next track and if we touch and hold on here for a couple of seconds, that will scroll through anc mode transparency mode or turn it off so very cool there.
And the last thing on these earbuds if you hit the left earbud four times it will make this little sound in your ear a little beep and that is how you go in and out of low latency mode or gaming mode.
It doesn’t tell you what mode you’re in though, I wish there was kind of a voice prompt to let you know what mode you were in because you just kind of have to guess.
If you’re playing a game you’re going to know but if you just have to guess you know to scroll through you’re not sure which one it’s on sometimes.
Overall, as far as touch controls go, these things do control everything, and I’m a huge fan of that so very cool stuff with touch controls.
Mpow X6 : Sound
Let’s talk about the sound quality and the volume first we’ll start with the volume I do wish there was slightly more volume on these earbuds
You guys know I like a lot of volume. I like to be able to dial it back and then find that sweet spot with these. I find myself almost maxing out when it comes to how much volume I have on here.
Now the sound quality on here is good I like how these sound these things if you get that good seal on here
You’re going to hear some really good bass and I like the bass on here. It’s punchy, and it’s not that real sharp bass.
It lets me get into the zone and at the same time it doesn’t take away from the highs and the mids overall I do like the sound quality of these
It’s very clear sounds really good and if you like bass you’re gonna like how these sound
Now saying that once you turn ANC on it does change how these sound a little bit so I do prefer these with ANC off.
Like a lot of buds and it’s disappointing when this happens with earbuds but like a lot of buds whenever you turn ANC on and sometimes even transparency mode
It does change how these earbuds sound and that’s the case there now; it’s not terrible i can still listen to it.
But I would listen to these with ANC turned off.
Overall, I really enjoy how these sounds came right out of the box and, most of the time anyway.
Get your Mpow X6 at Amazon here
Active Noise Cancelling
Mpow X6 does have hybrid active noise cancellation. If you’re unsure what ANC is or what hybrid active noise cancellation is, the outward facing microphones can detect the external noise and then the inward facing microphones monitor the noise inside your ear canal.
The wireless earbuds go ahead and counter that with equal anti-noise at the same time, that will eliminate the inside and the outside noise and this technology say it can achieve 28db of noise cancellation.
Which is okay right it’s not the best. It’s not going to compete with any of the higher end earbuds but it does an excellent job for the price.
Real life experience
I tested it and with the heater, to say it is a very loud heater you know just if I throw these in my ear with the noise isolation with ANC turned off it does drown out a fair amount of the heater noise
When I turn ANC on, I would say it goes and takes about 90 percent of that noise out maybe 95 of the rest of the low rumbles but I can still hear a little bit of the heater going even with ANC turn on.
It is a very minimal right tiny bit of noise coming through still, but you can tell it’s there so it
doesn’t drown out everything but it does a good job, especially at this price
And transparency mode on here is a different transparency mode it’s not as digitally sounding like a lot of the other earbuds out there at this price poin.
It does a very good job of letting in some of that outside noise. Now the one thing with transparency mode on these earbuds there is a bit of a hiss in my earbuds
When I do have transparency mode on so just keep that in mind. if you wanted to use one earbud at a time again you could throw one earbud in have the other one playing music or watching content
Just to know if you do that if you use one earbud at a time you’re only going to have available what earbuds or what touch controls those earbuds the left or the right do have.
Soundpeats T2 ANC True Wireless Earbuds Review
Fiil T1 Pro : Call Quality
they do sound good in a quiet room as well as a crowded and noisy environment now
Call Quality
Mpow X6 : Latency
Now, as far as the latency goes on these earbuds again they’re true wireless earbuds guys so even with the gaming mode.
If you are playing those heavy you know intensive games like call of duty, you will have some delay no matter what at this point and that’s another improvement.
I’d like to see in earbuds moving forward and these are no different playing call of duty or something like that. You can’t notice a slight delay even in gaming mode but it’s not bad at all.
It’s not going to stop you from playing anything and watching content on youtube, Netflix amazon prime or whatever it is you’re not going to experience any delay.
I’ll just have these in my ears and I’ll have anc turned on but no music just silence so not bad as far as sound quality goes.
I like the bass on here; they sound good. You know I’m a bass lover so these are going to suit me well as far as the bass goes on these earbuds.
With these earbuds you know a couple of the gripes that I have with these earbuds.
Overall I do really like these; a couple things that I would like to see improved upon is battery life.
You know battery life, the five hours of battery life on here that’s with ANC turned off, so with ANC turned on, it will be a little worse around four hours of battery life with ANC turned on.
I would like to see a little more volume on these earbuds but other than those two things you know the sound quality is good. In my opinion you know the fact that it changes between how it sounds with anc on and off
It’s not really a deal breaker for me I’m gonna listen to music with these with ANC turned off as it is
Overall I like the colors. I like the build quality I like the look of these and the matte finish on here with the accent colors
Wireless charging anc transparency mode is really good on these earbuds.
Comment your view on these New Mpow X6 ANC True Wireless earbuds
Get your Mpow X6 at Amazon here
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grumpyhedgehogs · 7 years
Tahani Al-Jamil should not be in this supermarket parking lot. She really, really should not. But here she is anyway, staring vaguely around her in search of her car and determinedly refusing to acknowledge the blurriness in her vision. Someone is yelling at that poor boy who was handing out environmental flyers earlier. Her groceries (a bottle-okay, maybe three bottles- of the most expensive wine in the place, which was much too cheap all the same, so it’ll probably be godawful) bang dully against her hip. Tahani can feel them leaving smears of condensation on her skirts.
Something bumps into her impeccable, sky blue, designer heels. It’s a bottle of something called “Lonely Girl Margarita Mix.” Tahani thinks she might have a simply ravishing dress that same color.
“Hey, you jag, a little help here?” Tahani, still a little dazed, believes she should probably be at least a bit affronted, and turns to the clumsy stranger. She’s a short- tiny really, she reminds Tahani of that Disney fairy- blonde. Her clothes are truly atrocious, and do the woman no favors.
“Oh shit, not just a jag,” the woman says, face going strangely blank. “A really, really sexy jag.”
“Excuse me?” Tahani can feel the moisture in her eyes receding a bit. “What is a jag? I have the feeling you’re insulting me, ma’am.”
The other woman’s face goes red in less than a second. It doesn’t match her lipstick. “Ma’am? Wh-“
“Look out!”
“Get out of the way!”
There’s a cacophonous jangling somewhere off to the side and behind her. Instinctually, Tahani lunges forward, tipping precariously on her heels, and collides roughly with the tiny woman. She and Tahani go crashing to the ground, and the jangling (shopping carts, what on Earth?) passes by. The woman bangs her head hard against the concrete, and even though she’s trying not to, Tahani can feel that her bodyweight is crushing the woman’s chest. (It’s a very nice chest, very nice, very soft, but Tahani should really not be thinking about that right now.)
Before either of them can move, another terrible noise, that of grating metal and screeching tires draws Tahani’s attention. A truck with a quite uncouth sign being hauled on it has smashed into the shopping carts. Well, then.
“Holy shit,” the blonde underneath Tahani wheezes, not even struggling to get up. “A really, really sexy jag just saved my life. You’re my hero, sexy skyscraper lady.”
This is how Tahani meets Eleanor Shellstrop.
It starts with the art. It’s small, she really shouldn’t make this big of a deal out of it. Really, she’s making a scene. Mother would be so disappointed.
But she wanted to remember that day in the garden with Mother. She loved that day. They were alone, walking the grounds. It was spring, and beautiful. Tahani loved the lavender blooms the most.
Mother was listening to her, nodding along as Tahani chatted about China’s growing GDP, the newest additions to the Louvre, and other small talk. And then the bird.
It was such a small creature, Tahani’s heart tightened instantly. She’d always had a soft spot for small things, like if she didn’t protect them they might break.
And it was so-normal. Not richly colored or feathered, not regal and proud. But it was still fine, still delicate, and so, so still. She wasn’t used to seeing something like a bird, something so active and joyful, be so still.
So she draws it. She starts as soon as they get home, because Mother hadn’t seemed to notice anything special about the bird when Tahani pointed it out to her, and if Tahani can just get this drawing right, maybe Mother will understand.
Mother doesn’t understand.
The woman who would turn out to be Eleanor Shellstrop is bleeding from the back of her head. Tahani lets her hands flutter over her fine blonde strands for a moment, feeling useless. Goodness Tahani, don’t you know you need to stop the bleeding? Head wounds are quite dangerous you know, says the Kamilah in her head. She grits her teeth so hard her jaw creaks and offers the woman her silk handkerchief.
“Thank you, gorgeous,” the fairy woman says, and then, “holy hell, I can’t believe you actually just saved me from being crushed by an erectile dysfunction ad. I owe you, man.”
Tahani is so numb, she can’t react to the abrupt change in nicknames. “I have to get you to a hospital. Head wounds are quite dangerous, you know.”
The blonde, now listing dangerously to the side and trying to dab the blood away from her hair ineffectually, leers. “You asking me out on a date now, skyscraper?”
Tahani doesn’t know what to say to that, so instead she puts a steadying hand on the woman’s elbow and leads her to her car.
She tries again and again, over the years. Straight A’s at boarding schools, fine art exhibits and modeling in Paris, charity drives and trips to undeveloped Africa. She tries and tries and keeps trying and it’s not enough, never never nevernevernevernevernevernever-
Eleanor Shellstrop is sent home from the emergency room with a mild concussion, the good kind of painkillers, and instructions not to sleep that night.  The passenger seat in Tahani’s tasteful hybrid is stain with blood. She tries not to look at it, which means not looking at Eleanor Shellstrop, which means there’s an awkward silence from the hospital to Eleanor’s apartment. It’s in-a not very good part of town. She doesn’t like the look of the sagging roof or the peeling paint of the walls, but continues to say nothing.
Eleanor avoids eye contact as she unbuckles herself-Tahani thinks maybe she’s embarrassed by the address, or maybe just tired, or annoyed that Tahani cost her hundreds in medical bills or-
“Hey man, thanks for bringing me home.” Eleanor swipes her hair out of her face and gives Tahani a strained smile. “And for saving my life. Have I already thanked you for that?”
Tahani has answered this question five times now. “Yes, Eleanor, I think it might have come up.”
The (sweet) smile falters, and Tahani’s gut twists immediately. She isn’t trying to be mean. “Ok, well, thanks again, but you’re probably really tired, and I don’t have enough room in my bed for two, if you know what I mean, so I’ll just be going.” She makes to get out of the car, and Tahani is surprised to find her hand clamped on the other woman’s arm.
“Wait!” Too loud, too loud is such a small car, God, what has happened to you, Tahani? “Do you have someone to, you know…?”
“Make sure I don’t crack my head open again and die horribly?” Eleanor says grandly, but her eyes are darting down and to the left. “Nah, I’m fine on my own, thanks, really-“
“No no no,” Tahani has no idea what’s coming out of her mouth right now, “that won’t do at all. The doctor said you have to be kept awake and you won’t be able to do it yourself. I’ll come with you.”
“Look, I know you’re on like, a heroic streak or something, but I’m done being a damsel in distress for this week. Check back later, yeah?” Eleanor tries to pull away, annoyance evident in the curl of her lips, but Tahani can’t make her hand uncurl from the strange-parking-lot-fairy-woman’s arm.
“I’m not trying to condescend, Eleanor. I just want to make sure you’re alright. It’s my fault you got hurt in the first place.”
Eleanor snorts. “You got a martyr complex lady? I don’t even know your name.” But she isn’t trying to pull away anymore, and her hand holding her keys has loosened around them.
“I’m Tahani Al-Jamil,” Tahani smiles, for the first time in a long damn time. The muscles moving in her cheeks feel foreign. “Lovely to meet you. Now won’t you invite me in?”
1. It’s not like Kamilah is mean per se. She never hurts Tahani, doesn’t punch or kick or bite. No, that would be improper for a girl of her sophisticated twelve years. And Tahani, at fourteen, can’t say she’s being bullied by her little sister.
No, it’s just-well.
It’s sort of like Tahani just disappears as soon as Kamilah is in the room. She walks in and it’s like Mother has finally found something to distract her from Tahani’s dreadful conversation. She appears at the doorway and Father seems to need to discuss politics and art with her at once.
Tahani, while acknowledged is not-there. She’s alone, but not. She feels like the hallways are growing longer, the walls between herself and her family thickening, closing in, suffocating her in silence. She’s on an island.
But like she said, Kamilah is never mean. She’s just not ever very nice either.  
Eleanor, it turns out, can be kind of an asshole. Not that Tahani will ever say that to her face of course. Or even out loud. She kind of feels bad even thinking it.
Nevertheless, it’s sometimes true. Eleanor took Tahani’s phone that night and plugged her number in under “Parking Lot Hottie,” and wouldn’t give it back for another hour, which she spent running down the battery playing Angry Birds. She even beat Tahani’s high score, the little twerp. It was dead by the time Tahani got it back in her clutches. She raved for half the night about something called “Jersey Shore,” complained when Tahani won’t let her drink anything but water, and eventually threw up on Tahani’s designer shoes. She’d actually seemed to feel pretty bad about that last one, seeing as how Tahani couldn’t shut her apologies up for hours. Eleanor finally fell asleep on the couch after Tahani concluded that she wouldn’t die in her sleep in the very early morning light. She’d mumbled something about Tahani taking the bed for all her hard work, but Tahani felt she didn’t want to see how this mess of a woman kept her bed. She’d left in the morning wondering vaguely what she’d gotten herself into with “Parking Lot Hottie” and feeling a strange lack of regret about it. (She didn’t even remember her forgotten wine and misery session planned for that night until three days later.)
Eleanor texts constantly too. Not even just a few times a day, but all. The. Time. Little things like “Just saw a kid on a skateboard eat it. LOL!”
“Do you think I could score Hamilton tickets if I went all out pretending I have cancer?”
“Ugh, work sucks, I know, she left me roses by the stairs, surprises let me know she cares!!!!”
(There’s a twinge in Tahani’s chest at that last one. Who is this mystery woman leaving Eleanor roses?)
She seems to have taken a shine to Tahani, which works out pretty well because there’s something about Eleanor. Something makes Tahani keep coming back to check up on her, make sure she’s alright. At first, she believes it might be residual guilt, seeing as how she caused the woman’s concussion, or maybe she herself is just lonely. She’s never really lived alone before, and now here she is in a forgiven country and her family-. Well. She thinks maybe Eleanor knows a little something about loneliness, anyway, because she never fails to let Tahani in, no matter how late it is.
But still, when it comes down to it, Tahani thinks maybe-well, maybe Eleanor is a good thing. She doesn’t seem to realize who Tahani is, anyway, and never really mentions things like Tahani’s expensive car and house and designer clothes further than to cat-call her when they meet. She doesn’t mention anything about the time when Tahani first shows up on her doorstep at midnight, doesn’t say anything about her running eyeliner or the imprint of her phone on her cheek or the way her dress isn’t hanging just so on her frame tonight. She lets Tahani in, takes her to the bathroom and stuffs a package of makeup removing towelettes in her hand (terribly cheap material, she worries for the fragile skin of Eleanor’s cheeks having to endure this every night) and puts on something called “The Real House Wives of Atlanta” when Tahani composes herself. It’s a horrid show, but Tahani doesn’t mind it as long as Eleanor keeps pressing up against her side like that.
“Do you need to, like, talk about it or something?” Tahani turns but Eleanor isn’t looking at her. She’s twisting her hands (long, delicate fingers, they’re painted the same sky blue Tahani had been wearing that first day) in her sleeves and staring resolutely at the T.V.
“Not really, thank you.” The words feel stiff in her mouth, and Tahani shuffles just a bit closer to Eleanor to take the bite out. Eleanor, for her part, leans in even more, warm and soft and comforting.
“Oh thank God, because honestly I’m terrible at this.”
“At what?”
Eleanor’s smile isn’t pleasant. “Being friends with people, I guess. Used to being on my own.”
“You’re not terrible at it, Eleanor,” Tahani objects softly. On the spur if the moment, she reaches over, slipping her hand between Eleanor’s worrying ones and laces their fingers. “You’re not terrible at all.”
Okay, maybe Eleanor isn’t an asshole, after all.
She packs her bags, calls the chauffer, and buys a plane ticket, the first one she sees. It’s to Austin, Texas.
Her parents don’t realize she’s gone until about a month later. Tahani declines the call. She can hardly see the phone through tears. She decides she needs some wine.
They forgot her fucking birthday. She’d called, specially, to invite them. They said they’d be there. They said they’d be there.
She really needs that wine.
“Is it too early in our friendship to ask favors?” Tahani blurts as soon as Eleanor opens her door. She shifts anxiously, feeling unsteady on her heels for the first time in years, and nearly pitches forward when Eleanor moves aside.
“Um, I guess it depends,” Eleanor says uncertainly, laying a hand on her arm. “Is this in any way illegal, having to do with dead bodies, or could get me put on a watch list?”
“No, of course not!”
“Darn.” She smiles up at Tahani, and not for the first time, Tahani catches herself tipping toward the blonde, pulled into orbit. She wonders how her lipstick tastes, if it’s chalky like her own or chemically flavored. Oh, maybe that tasteful natural stuff some companies are rolling out.
Eleanor has been speaking. She looks bemused. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Nice, Tahani.
“I asked what have you got for me, chief?”
“Oh. Oh! Yes! Well, you see, I’ve been trying to get back out there, see what’s going on in the charity world, maybe help funding for some hospitals, cancer research, you know, and I was talking to this nice young doctor, Wilson, I believe, you’ll love him, and he said that they might be able to set something up in a few months and so I-“
“Tahani, I love you, but you need to breathe.” Eleanor laughs, and misses the way Tahani feels like she’s been hit by a truck. “What’s the endgame?”
“I’m putting on a charity function at John’s Hopkins in the fall. Do you-would you like to come as my-with me?”
“Why Ms. Al-Jamil,” Eleanor smiles slyly, “I thought you’d never ask.”
She’s sent to a boarding school when she’s old enough (she doesn’t want to go, she wants to stay, here with Mother, please, she’s only eight). She tries her hardest, ignores the whispers and the stares she gets because she’s rich and new and she cries at night. She ignores that she hasn’t gotten a call from her parents by Christmas.
They forget her there. The Headmaster has to call, coughing awkwardly as his secretary offers Tahani a lukewarm mug of instant coffee. It’s all they have. The pantries are empty-they weren’t expecting to put up a student all winter.
Her father sounds put-upon and annoyed. He says she’ll have to wait till morning; the private jet is being used at the moment, his other daughter has a dance recital in front of some very important political figures. He says Tahani will understand.
The night of the ball, Tahani cruises to a stop in the parking lot of Eleanor’s apartment building and steadfastly refuses to wipe her clammy palms on her dress. (It’s a nice, sophisticated black number, off the shoulder and long.)
“It’s just a night out, Tahani. You’re just friends. You do this with friends.” She utters, ignoring the squeeze in her heart at the words. “You dolt, just go up and ring the bell.”
She goes up. She does not ring the bell.
Instead, Tahani rocks back and forth on her heels, chewing her lip and worrying about lipstick stains on her teeth to distract herself from the fact that her heart is beating much too fast and she can’t seem to raise her hand to the doorbell. Finally, lacking the grace and elegance she was raised to possess, Tahani bumps her elbow accidentally on the wall, and the bell goes off. Oh, hell.
The door swings open only seconds later, like Eleanor had been waiting nearby. It sends a flush of warmth into Tahani’s stomach, but that’s nothing compared to the heat in her face when she sees Eleanor.
She’s beautiful. Her dress is much shorter than Tahani’s, to her knees, and a dark forest green. It’s also very, um, form-fitting. There’s a large, beautiful necklace settled between her collarbones which are much too prominent in this dress, fragile and beautiful, and has Tahani mentioned that Eleanor looks quite beautiful tonight?
The green reminds Tahani of that Disney fairy again, for a moment, and her cheeks flame.
“Oh. Hello, Eleanor. How-“ She cuts off, coughing lightly. Her throat is too tight all of a sudden. “How are you? Don’t you look lovely tonight.”
“Same goes for you, stud!” Eleanor’s voice seems a bit too loud. “Look at that hot stuff.” She gestures to Tahani’s cleavage, grimaces and drops her hand. “Uh, sorry.”
“Oh no, no, I mean, thank you.”
“Well!” Still too loud. “Should we get this party rolling, or what?”
Tahani sighs in relief. “Yes, please, I mean, of course, I mean, um…” Stupidly, she offers her arm.
Eleanor takes it and sighs in relief. Tahani absolutely does not pull her closer.
Tahani cannot take this anymore. Her own father, who not moments before berated her for raising over five million dollars, offered the same amount for a lunch date with his daughter who was not her. Like it was nothing. Like it was obvious. Like Tahani was nothing. He didn’t even look at her.
She can’t do this anymore. She’d done, tired, wrung out. She’s tried everything, all her life. Nothing pleases them, not like Kamilah can. She’s an afterthought to her own parents and God damn them, Tahani is better than that. She has to be. She has to be. She has to be something.
It’s silent in the car after the auction. Her parents sit across from her in the limo, her sister beside her (she can’t help herself, the flesh on the arm nearest Kamilah crawls). No one looks at her. She looks at no one. She doesn’t want to see their faces.
Eleanor is a terrible dancer. In the span of three hours, she’s stepped on the toes of no less than twelve doctors. She slinks back over to where Tahani has been watching (not giggling!) and slumps in her seat. Tahani determinedly does not look at the fantastic view of Eleanor’s cleavage that gives her.
“Cheer up, Eleanor, it’s not so bad!” She hands the other woman a flute of champagne. Eleanor gulps it down like a man dying of thirst. Tahani winces.
“It is too. All these hot, rich people are watching me make a fool out of myself. They probably think I’m some loser.”
Tahani knows from experience that she needs to stop this train before it derails any further. Eleanor has this thing with inferiority (not that Tahani sees what she has to worry about-she’s by far the most interesting person here).
“They aren’t. No one thinks you’re a loser.” She’s shaking but the champagne seems to have loosen her tongue. “I don’t think you’re a loser. I think you’re the best person here.”
Eleanor snorts inelegantly and side-eyes her. “How much have you had to drink, beautiful?”
“I’m serious.” Tahani turns to her fully, on the edge of her seat. “You’re the only real person here, you know? And you’re beautiful too, Eleanor.”
Eleanor blinks, stares, blushes. She adverts her eyes. Tahani feels a smile coming on. Adorable.
“Geez, charming, buy a girl dinner first.”
“I did. I bought everyone here’s dinner.”
“Oh shut up,” Eleanor’s grinning now. “Well if I’m so great, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, skyscraper?”
Tahani thinks for only a moment before she’s on her feet, a hand extended. “May I have this dance?”
Eleanor opens her mouth and closes it, doing her best impression of a fish. She takes Tahani’s hand silently. With confidence and a giddiness that threatens to overwhelm, Tahani leads them both out onto the floor, clearing a path with a dazzling smile. The patrons stare a bit before going back to their food and conversation. No doubt word would get back to her family that their eldest was now interested in women by the end of the night.
But Tahani doesn’t care about that or the stares as she swivels around to take Eleanor into her arms. She guides Eleanor’s hand to her own shoulder, but Eleanor’s other hand needs no help finding hers and lacing their fingers (not traditional, but what about this is?).  She wraps her own arm securely around Eleanor’s waist, hand spread high on the shorter woman’s back. Can’t be too indecent now. They begin to move slowly in a circle, Tahani’s skirts brushing Eleanor’s legs. She can feel the heat of her skin through the fabric. It makes Tahani’s mouth go dry.
Oh dear.
Eleanor does step on her feet. Tahani doesn’t react. At least she’s not wearing terribly pointed heels.
Eleanor feels so small in her arms. She’s got at least a foot of height on the blonde, and her heels aren’t helping the situation, low as they are. But the awkward height difference is made up for when Eleanor tentatively rests her head on Tahani’s shoulder. The weight is reassuring.
Tahani can see those fragile collarbones again. She feels those elegant fingers in between her own, lets the blonde hair tickle at her nose as she drops her head to press her cheek against Eleanor’s scalp. She realizes she’s marveling, but she can’t seem to bring herself to care. Eleanor is something small and soft, (maybe with a hard shell, but Tahani knows better than to accept that from Eleanor) something comforting. She reminds Tahani, in that moment (and others, from then on) of that bird she’d seen in the garden that day with Mother. Tiny and average, but so beautiful amidst the extraordinary surroundings. Entirely different. She feels that same urge to protect the delicate woman in her arms that she felt for that bird. Like if she just kept Eleanor in her arms, everything would be okay.
When Eleanor raises her head, Tahani doesn’t move back and they end up staring into each other’s eyes. It’s really too unfair that Eleanor has got disarming eyes in addition to her-everything else, really.
She kisses her before Eleanor can break the nebulous silence they’d fallen into. Her lipstick doesn’t taste much of anything, actually, but Eleanor tastes of champagne and shrimp for some reason, and laughter, too, when she giggles into Tahani’s mouth.
They break apart, and Tahani can’t stop smiling.
Tahani and Kamilah stop talking. Or maybe they never really started, she can’t honestly tell at some point. She tries but she can’t recall an exact time Kamilah has ever spoken directly to her, when it’s not to correct her on some political point or definition or other.
Tahani can’t think of a time her sister has even looked her in the eye. For something so small, it amazes Tahani how dehumanized she feels by it.
But again, Kamilah never says anything insulting to her, never lashes out or yells or cries to their parents because of her. She’s just better than that. (The silence is worse than screams, sometimes.)
She’s better than Tahani. And they (and their parents) both know it.
She hasn’t spoken to her parents in months. Even Eleanor, who Tahani knows understands what it’s like to have more than a little disappointment in your own parents, is starting to ask her about calling them. On the one hand, it’s heartwarming that Eleanor has changed so much that she cares deeply enough to bug her about this, but on the other hand, it’s annoying.
“C’mon, skyscraper, it’s just one ten minute conversation. Break the ice, let them know you’re alive, rub your continued and thriving existence in their faces. Easy!”
“It’s not that easy, Eleanor,” she sighs over breakfast. “I’ve been out of the public eye for so long, it’s just a matter of time when I call them before they ask me to hold one charity ball or another and I just- can’t.”
Eleanor shuffles over to her, wrapping her arms around Tahani’s shoulders and dropping her chin on her head. Like this, with Tahani sitting and Eleanor standing, they’re almost the same height. Tahani will not admit that she might abandon her ramrod sitting technique to sink into Eleanor’s soft skin for a moment.
“Your birthday’s still got you fucked up, huh?” Oh Eleanor, always the blunt approach.
“They didn’t even show up.” Tahani’s voice is smaller than she thought it’d be. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. “I’m sorry, I’m making a scene.”
“Tahani, there’s no one else here. Make a scene if you want to.” Eleanor slides into the seat adjacent to hers, and Tahani’s shoulders feel colder for her absence. “And BT-dubs, this ain’t a scene, mister. A scene has to at least involve tears, screaming and/or items being thrown. This isn’t even a tantrum. I, personally, would be having what is termed a meltdown if my parents were even half-good and still missed my humongous birthday bash that Beyoncé attended.”
Tahani’s cheeks heat and she ducks her head. “She only showed her face before going home, really.”
“Um, sorry, all I heard was that you and Beyoncé were in the same room. Honestly, if I saw you two standing together, I think my heart might give out. Too much attractive in the same vicinity, know what I’m sayin?”
Tahani laughs, and neglects to call her parents for one more day.
The will is the last time Tahani sees her sister. Lead lines her stomach, and she can barely stop herself from checking her make-up repeatedly after reapplying it after the funeral. Waterproof eyeliner my ass, says the Eleanor in her head, and even with the pit swallowing her heart, with the fog in her brain and her silent, judgmental sister at her elbow, Tahani fights down a giggle.  
She’s trying not to react, really she is, but the familiar ache is still there when the lawyer reads out all that was left for Kamilah. It worsens when she glances at her sister and sees those lips twisted up into that satisfied smile.  She can’t resist one last jab.
“And what about their second favorite daughter?”
And then, the final blow-they spelled her name wrong. The name they picked, the name on her birth certificate, the name she’s lived with for over two decades now. God damn them.
She knows what Eleanor would say. Eleanor would throw caution to the wind, would yell and scream and throw things. She’d make herself known in ways Tahani has never and will never be able to, she’d leave here experiencing at least some small bit of catharsis.
Tahani just puts her cardigan on inside out and makes a fool of herself.
Eleanor is quiet when Tahani gets back. She helps her out of her cardigan, doesn’t comment on the fact it’s on the wrong way round, and puts it in the closet. (It’d taken a long time after she’d moved in for Eleanor to realize the floor didn’t count as available closet space.) When Tahani slouches onto the couch, Eleanor bustles into the kitchen. Tahani can hear her rummaging in the pantry, then running water, then setting something on the stove. She’s thankful the blonde is taking her time. She doesn’t think she can talk at the moment.
When she returns, Eleanor’s got a steaming mug in hand. It’s got a disgruntled looking cat on it with the words “This Is My Happy Face.” It’s Eleanor’s.
“Tea,” Eleanor says softly, prodding Tahani in the shoulder with her foot until she sits up. “Hopefully I didn’t burn it this time.”
“Th-“ Tahani’s voice comes out like gravel. She clears her throat. It’s too tight. “Thank you.”
“Hush, gorgeous,” Eleanor says, slipping onto the couch beside her and reaching up to card her fingers through the hair pooling over Tahani’s shoulder. “Just drink it. Give yourself some time. God knows you need it.”
“I didn’t talk to them after my birthday.”
“I know.”
“It’s been almost a year.”
“I know.”
“I was angry at them when they died.”
“I know.”
Tahani bursts into tears. Years ago, Eleanor would have rushed out of the room screaming. Now she takes the mug and sets it on the coffee table before reeling Tahini in. She doesn’t seem to mind the tears soaking into the skin of her neck, her hair. “Let it go, skyscraper. I got you.”
“Why didn’t they love me, El-El-“ She hiccups, sobs. “I tr-tr-tried so h-h-h-hard.”
“Hey,” Eleanor takes her head in her hands and lifts Tahani’s eyes to hers. “I know, okay? Parents can be pretty shitty. Yours were. Mine were. But it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault okay? You are smart, and caring and kind, and that’s not to mention you’ve got a rockin’ bod’, and anyone who makes you feel any less than you deserve can catch these fists, got that? No one rags on my girl.”
Tahani is surprised in a laugh. With her nose congested it sounds disgusting. Eleanor smiles and pulls her head back to her own chest. “So you take all the time you need, okay? ‘Cuz I know you’ve been fighting this for a long-ass time. It’s hard to give up on them. Maybe you never will. But you gotta know that you did nothing wrong, okay? You are enough. You were always and will always be enough. The way you were treated isn’t on you. It’s on them. You’re the best thing, like, ever. Best thing that happened to me was you tackling me in a parking lot, okay?”
She goes on like that, holding Tahani on the uncomfortable, fashionable couch Tahani never should have convinced Eleanor to buy and letting her soak Eleanor with all the tears in her body.
After a long time, Tahani turns her head to look up at the blonde. “I think I got snot on your hoodie.”
Eleanor smiles down at her. “It’s cool, bro. A little bodily fluid ain’t gonna send me running.”
Tahani tightens her arms around Eleanor and sighs. “You’re the best thing in my life too, you know.”
Tahani hates the tentativeness that always lingers in Eleanor’s voice. “Yes. I love you.”
The (small, delicate, forever sky blue painted) fingers in her hair still, curl and uncurl, and move on. “Cool beans. I mean, uh- shit. I love you too, Tahani.”
Tahani smiles. It doesn’t feel so strange in her face anymore.
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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8 Frankfurt Show Tech Highlights
Every recent auto show has had some sort of “mobility” conference attached to it, and Frankfurt is no exception—the upstairs of Halle 3 rounded up all the usual suspects. But several other upstairs and downstairs booths mounted what looked like Germany’s version of the SAE World Congress. We’ve got the worn-out shoe leather to prove that we covered both the new cars and the new tech present at this far-flung show. Herewith, our tech-highlights reel. GKN eTwinsterX We know and love GKN’s torque-vectoring Twinster differential in applications such as the Ford Focus RS. We also admire the seamless functionality of the two-speed electric front axle in BMW’s i8. GKN supplies both, and now the company is offering the best of both in an even better e-axle solution known as eTwinsterX. The i8’s e-axle locates the motor “off axis” from the differential, but in this new one the electric motor is concentric with the axle, with one half-shaft running back through the middle of it. This greatly reduces the package size and trims a bit of weight, as well. Not all of the gearing packages on the axle centerline—there is a planetary gearset that takes power off the motor output shaft, returning it to the input of the Twinster differential (which uses clutch packs to engage each wheel, negating the need for spider gears). The ratio change also happens with a twin-clutch-type handoff that suffers no torque interruption (the i8’s e-axle interrupts torque, but you never feel it because the combustion engine fills in with rear-axle torque). The unit on display was rated to deliver 161 hp and up to 2,581 lb-ft of torque (after multiplication), with the ability to shift as much as 1,475 lb-ft to an outside wheel. The system can deliver torque at vehicle speeds of up to 155 mph, with the first-second gear shift typically taking place between 40 and 60 mph. The eTwinsterX system can function as an EV’s front and/or rear powertrain or as an add-on e-axle providing all-wheel drive and propulsion assist to a combustion or hybrid drivetrain on another axle. It has completed its initial design phase and is ready for integration and production, but as it made its world debut at the Frankfurt show, no companies have signed on as yet. IBM Cognitive Configurator Imagine for a moment that you were NOT a car person and that you viewed choosing a new car as a major annoyance. Believe it or not, much of the population feels this way, and so IBM is trying to leverage its Watson artificial intelligence to help folks narrow down the vast array of choices. For now it’s envisioned as a feature that would be offered within a manufacturer’s car configurator tool, but enterprising sites—such as maybe perhaps this one (are you reading me, boss?)—could potentially apply it to the entire industry or whole segments of the car landscape. Users would be asked to log in using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Watson then takes a quick look at these accounts to classify you in five categories, establishing a sense of your own personal likes, dislikes, hobbies, tastes, etc. It then asks a few questions, ranging from the obvious (“what is your budget?”) to the esoteric (“Which of these three pictures do you like best?”). Then it cogitates and suggests a car, launching the configurator function. I love movies and the Netflix AI assistant has never selected something I like, so I have little hope of this system working for me. But car haters? Have fun! Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X Chipset Just days before the Frankfurt show opened, Qualcomm pulled the wraps off its latest development in the vehicle-to-everything connected-car space. You might not know the name Qualcomm, but like Intel it’s “inside” your smart phone. Qualcomm computer chips specialize in “directing traffic” inside a smart phone, assessing the workload and assigning tasks to the various bits of silicon that can most efficiently handle them so that your phone can survive an entire day on its tiny battery. Millions of car owners have been enjoying Qualcomm chips for many years—the company enabled the original OnStar communications in 2003 and has powered OnStar and many other telematics systems ever since. This latest cellular C-V2X technology rolls out next year and will enable direct communication between cars, cell phones, and infrastructure transponder nodes. It will also handle communications over the traditional cellular networks. It’s that direct component that promises vastly faster delivery of safety-critical information. These signals will travel over the globally harmonized 5.9 GHz ITS communications band established for V2X without the need for a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card, cellular subscription, or network assistance. Just having a powered device connects the person, car, or transponder. Network communications via 4G and the coming 5G technology provides the traditional infotainment streams. This technology is seen as a key building block in the quest for improved safety and productivity (traffic jam avoidance), as well as a major enabler of autonomy. Ford, Audi, France’s PSA, and China’s SAIC all expressed intent to utilize this technology at the time of its launch. IBM Blockchain If the word blockchain rings any bells, it’s probably from an online banking or bitcoin perspective. The official definition is “a digital ledger in which transactions made in cryptocurrencies are recorded chronologically and publicly.” No hanky-panky. IBM is bringing this tech to the car biz primarily to help with the seemingly ever-increasing number of safety and other recalls. Today, all too often, when a problem with some component is revealed, an entire model line gets recalled so dealers can look to see if your car is part is one of the bad ones. Blockchain technology tracks these individual parts. The first link in the chain is a subcomponent’s creation. The next might note its assembly into a subsystem. The next might be that subsystem’s shipment to a Tier 1 supplier for assembly into a bigger component. By now many of these chains are interlocking, and they eventually lead to the point where it’s assembled into a car and that car’s VIN gets recorded to the chain. That VIN can now be cross-reference with zillions of component parts, each with their own little part numbers. So now when a supplier discovers that a nest of rats peed all over this one box of parts, possibly compromising their functionality, the automaker can strategically contact just the owners of cars with the peed-on parts. This recall also goes into the block chain, as does every communication about it and the eventual repair. Now NHTSA can openly see what parts have been problematic, what’s been done to contact owners, and how many owners have made the repairs. It also means that if you wander in for an oil change, and your dealer punches in your VIN, he can see that there’s a recall on and fix it—perhaps before you even know it needs fixing. Isn’t the connected world gonna be great? Röchling Seralite German supplier Röchling specializes in aerodynamic aids, including clever underbody paneling to smooth airflow beneath a vehicle. Seralite looks like aluminum, but it’s a composite made from aluminum and lightweight thermoplastics reinforced with fiberglass. It ends up being lighter and cheaper than aluminum, it’s nonflammable, and it won’t absorb oil or other flammable liquids—a bonus when looking to shroud the area under drippy parts such as the engine and transmission. Seralite also boasts good acoustic absorption characteristics. Introduced last year, Seralite is now in production on the Peugeot 3008 crossover. And Three Tech-Savvy Tire Concepts from Continental ContiAdapt This tire and wheel combo features microcompressors that can adjust the tire pressure, inflating and deflating it as necessary, and hydraulics to change the width of the rim so the tire can be fatter with less pressure for improved grip on a slippery road and then can be narrower with higher pressure for a smaller footprint and less rolling resistance for optimal fuel economy on a dry highway.  The technology is still five to 10 years from production. A little closer to production is ContiSense, which adds sensors and a layer of electrically conductive rubber to the inside wall of the tire that can detect when a metal object punctures it. Likewise, a tread depth sensor can tell when you need new tires. In either case, the tire will send a warning to an app on your phone. The app can then locate the nearest outlet and ensure the tires are in stock and the coffee is hot for while you wait for the old tires to be swapped for new. The feature would be ideal for fleet managers managing the health of their trucks constantly on the road. Another sensor acts as a tire health monitor to measure the temperature of the tire and warn when the truck should switch driving modes to change the tire pressure or if the truck should stop to cool down. The assorted ContiSense features are all in development and should be available in the next five years, said Nikolai Setzer, executive board member and head of the Tire Division. Taraxa Gum. Meanwhile, Continental is entering the next phase of its experimentation with dandelions as a replacement for natural rubber. A lab project in Germany has proven promising enough that Continental is building a research facility and will harvest huge fields of Russian dandelions to assess whether easy-to-grow dandelions can be a viable solution. Dandelions can be grown near tire factories, eliminating the need to import rubber from Southeast Asia. Rubber is currently cheap, so there is not a big financial incentive, but that could change.The post 8 Frankfurt Show Tech Highlights appeared first on Motor Trend.
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So I have driven quite a few hybrid vehicles lately I’ve never actually driven a pure electric vehicle or EV before so I was a bit excited when Hyundai gave me the keys to the IONIQ Electric for the week. Hyundai have doubled down on the IONIQ by not just bringing out an EV model but also a Hybrid and plug-in hybrid versions of it as well. On the outside I quite like the sloping fastback profile, the frontend features LED day time running lights DRL’s, front bumper air ducts (which create an air curtain around the front wheels to improve high-speed aerodynamic efficiency), and active grill shutters which will open when the engine needs more cooling. While the frontend isn’t too bad I’m a fan of the grey grill I would prefer it to be black. The 16inch alloy rims are Aerodynamically designed to minimise air turbulence, The rear end features LED tail lights, integrated rear spoiler and a matte grey insert to tie in with the front end another one of those personal things I would prefer it to be black and it would suit the gleaming white paint work better as well.
On the inside the IONIQ is where Hyundai have extended the car green credentials through the use of eco friendly materials. With sugar cane by products accounting for 25% of the raw materials for the soft touch door trim panels and recycled plastic, powdered wood and volcanic stone contributing to 10% of the plastics used elsewhere inside. Bio fabrics were used to make the carpets and head lining where sugar cane by products made up 20% of the raw materials. The slip behind the flat bottomed leather clad wheel that’s not only comfortable to hold but the right thickness for me, behind the wheel  your greeted by a 7 inch high resolution TFT LCD that provides information including energy flow, battery state and Eco drive info as well as a digital speedo.
The slim dash line brings your eye sight to the main focus of the interior the 10.25inch multimedia touchscreen that dominates the centre stack with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and full Bluetooth connectivity which can be accessed via steering wheels buttons you hardly have to take your hand’s off the wheel. I found the system very easy to use and connecting my phone via android auto took no time, the standard fit satellite navigation system works wonderful and also features a ‘Charging Station’ category allowing you to identify nearest Type 2 charging stations from your location which I did use and it worked great. The bottom of the centre stack features the climate control aircon buttons that are touch controls, which integrate well into the centre stack and the piano black finishes just adds to the look. The leather appointed seats are comfortable and supportive being the premium model they also the front seats are air ventilated and heated and there is also a memory function to keep you fav driving position. The rear seats are comfortable and offer a decent amount of legroom but the fastback styling means rear passengers have to watch their heads getting in. Storage wise the Ioniq has plenty of storage available with a big glove box, console storage bin with a USB connection,  door pockets with bottle storage, dual cupholders near the gearshift, wireless charging bay, a tray for other items which has two 12-volt sockets and a USB connection. The back seat has plenty of options as well including a map pocket on the back of the front passenger seat, door pockets, 2 cupo holders in the fold down centre arm rest boot space is an ample 462 litres with the seats up and grows to a healthy 1417 litres with the 60/40 split folding rear seats.
Under the bonnet is where all the magic happens and the IONIQ electric is powered by a 100kW electric motor connected to a 38.3kWh lithium-ion polymer battery. Since it was my first experience with an all-electric I wasn’t sure what to expect on the road but the advantage of and electric engine is you have all that wonderful torque available from the moment you push that go pedal which means not only can the IONIQ easily with traffic and sit on the speed limit on the freeway it can also get along quite rapid if you want.
The IONIQ Electric uses regenerative braking to add charge to battery while driving which works really good, using steering wheel mounted paddles you adjust the level of brake force while on the move. By using the left hand paddle, you’ll increase the regenerative braking effect while as the right hand paddle will decrease the regenerative level, coasting further to maximise efficiency. The IONIQ Electric, with a choice of Eco, Normal, Sport and all new Eco+ drive modes to choose from  which maximise the performance of IONIQ. Eco setting the controls to the most efficient balance, while Normal mode harmonises responsiveness and efficiency, Sport mode offers instant throttle response. The all new Eco+ drive mode maximises vehicle range by setting a 90 km/h speed limit, switching off the air conditioning, heating, and fans (user override-able), as well as optimising the default regenerative braking level. As far as charging goes  time it takes the Ioqniq to charging varies depending on what method you use. Hyundai sells what they call an emergency charge cable which lets you charge from any standard 10a power point not exactly how long it would take from dead empty to 100% but it took just over 5hrs to charge it to 100% from 73% when I charged it at home. You can also buy a home charger unit from Hyundai for your garage which will charge it to 100% in just over 6 hours. The Ioniq can also be charged from a 100kW fast charging station and which will charge the Ioniq to 80% in 54min or 57 min from a 50kW charging station quoted range for the Ioniq is just over 370km depending on how you drive it. But that means that most people using it for a commute in the city would probably only need to charge it once a week my commute is not that long so I recon I could go 2 or 3 weeks in between charges.
If you want to take a longer trip however it would require some planning though. On the road and the Ioniqs has benefited from Hyundai’s local suspension tuning program and it rides awesome I found it great to drive it soaks up small bumps and even bigger surface imperfections with ease, the steering has decent feel and will go where you point it, remember this is not a sports car so it’s not going to handle like one it makes one hell of great cruiser. Safety wise Ioniq has 5 star ANCAP rating  and comes with huge list of safety features including  7 airbags ABS, brake assist, EBD, as well as traction and stability control, Hill-start Assist Control, Blind Spot Collision Warning, Forward Collision Avoidance Assis’ (city/urban/interurban/pedestrian) Lane Following Assist, Lane Keeping Assist, Rear Cross Traffic Collision Warning and Smart Cruise Control. It gets full and bonus points from me for having front and rear parking sensors as well a rear vision camera. Warranty wise the ioniq comes with Hyundai’s ‘iCare’ ownership program 5 year/unlimited km warranty, with 12 months roadside assist and a (complimentary) 1500km first service included. The Ioniq battery warranty extends for eight years/160,000km. Service intervals for the Ioniq Electric are every 12 months and cost $160 each year for the first 5 years. Servicing your car with a an authorised Hyundai dealer will get you 10year sat nav update plan and a roadside support plan.
Pricing The Ioniq was my first step into an all electric car and I can’t help but can’t come away more impressed,  Ioniq electric is great car that is comfortable to drive and ride in has a decent amount  of room is well equipped and comes with a bucket load of safety features. Price wise the Elite version starts at just over $53,300 while the Premium model I tested starts at just over $57,000 and yes cars when you compare them to a similar sized conventionally powered car then yes it looks a little expensive but compared to others in it’s class it’s priced well. Really if you are in the market for an electric vehicle you should have the ioniq on your list for more information on the Ioniq visit Hyundai’s website www.hyundai.com/au/en .
2020 Hyundai Ioniq Premium Electric review So I have driven quite a few hybrid vehicles lately I’ve never actually driven a pure electric vehicle or EV before so I was a bit excited when Hyundai gave me the keys to the IONIQ Electric for the week.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
First Drive: 2019 Volvo S60
When we were first invited to sample the new Volvo S60, we figured we’d have an easy job ahead of us; we could just cut and paste from our recent Volvo reviews. After all, the S60 (along with its wagon sibling, the V60) is the final model in Volvo’s product renewal, and it uses the same Scaled Product Architecture (SPA) platform, Drive-E engines, and tablet-like Sensus interface as the XC60 and 90-series vehicles. Though we were happy to hear the new S60 will be built in the U.S. at Volvo’s newly minted South Carolina plant, we weren’t expecting any surprises.
But surprise us Volvo did with its awkwardly named 2019 Volvo S60 Polestar Engineered. This is the top-of-the-range sporting edition of the S60, with an upgraded suspension, brakes, and a version of Volvo’s T8 plug-in hybrid powertrain under the hood. While electrified performance cars aren’t new, this is one of the first examples clearly aimed at the masses. And aside from a few glitches, it’s pretty darn good.
That’s the good news. The bad news is you won’t be able to get one anytime soon. Volvo is offering just 20—yes, you read that right, two-zero—of the Polestar Engineering cars to the U.S. market for the 2019 model year. Rather than selling them, it offered them on its Care By Volvo subscription plan. As you can probably imagine, all 20 are already spoken for.
None of this makes us any less interested in the car, or any less enthralled by the driving experience. The S60 PE’s powertrain combines the supercharged-and-turbocharged version of Volvo’s 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine, which drives the front wheels, with an electric motor connected to the rear wheels. Total system power is 415 horsepower and 494 lb-ft of torque, up 15 hp and 22 lb-ft from Volvo’s base T8 setup. Other enhancements include Öhlins electronically-adjustable shocks and gold-colored Brembo brake calipers, with seat belts and tire valve stem caps colored to match.
The combination of the engine’s supercharger and the electric motor on the rear axle brings a new definition to right now power. Volvo claims a 0-60 time of 4.3 seconds, but there’s more to the story. Most modern-day turbocharged cars hesitate at least a little when you stomp the pedal from rest, but not the Polestar—it scoots with no delay. The T8 engine, which uses a supercharger to boost off-idle response, is quick enough on its own. Augmenting it with electricity seriously ups the grin factor and offers more confirmation that electrification can be a good thing from a performance perspective.
The snappy powertrain makes it easy to overlook the suspension, which is also worthy of note. Anyone who drove the previous-gen S60 Polestar will remember that it was a great-handling car with a punishing ride. The new Polestar Engineered S60 is a little tamer and a lot more livable. It’s not the grippiest car we’ve driven, but it zips through the curves with a satisfying rightness. The ride is firm, to be sure, but not putative, and it floats rather forgivingly over sharper bumps. And while we’ve already dealt with the powertrain, we must mention it again: Corner exit is a whole new kind of fun with the workload shared by an electric motor, which doesn’t get bogged down even if the transmission happens to be in the wrong gear.
What makes the S60 PE (sorry, Volvo, but we refuse to refer to such a great car by such a silly name) is that once you turn off Sport mode, it transforms itself into Mr. Green. The gas engine shuts off and the car favors electric power. The battery-only range is modest—21 miles—but that’s enough for the average one-way commute plus a quick run for lunch. The T8 charges with a standard 240-volt EV charger and drivers can charge from the engine or hold the battery charge for later use. Tired of imitating a Prius? Click back to Sport mode, the engine fires up, and the electric motor goes from helping you save fuel to helping you waste it.
Only one thing was seriously out of whack during our drive, however, and it had to do with the brakes. Like most hybrids, the S60 utilizes a mix of regenerative and friction braking, and the setup in the cars we drove seemed way off to us. Hit the brakes quickly and they grab hard, and when nearing a stop the braking effort increases with surprising rapidity. Smooth stops are nearly impossible as there’s no way of knowing when the sudden increase in braking power will come. We’re guessing there’s a problem with the transition from regen to friction braking as the car slows. Volvo says it is still refining the brakes, though it’s a little worrying that the cars have come this far along in the development process without solving the issue.
A couple of things are slightly less out-of-whack. The steering, while nicely weighted and responsive, could provide more feedback. And what’s up with the E-shifter’s behavior? The crystal handle is nice, but it requires a double-tap to move between the most commonly-used ranges (park, drive, and reverse), which is both frustrating and unnecessary—most electronic shifters allow you accomplish this in one motion. Call us pedantic if you like; we’ll see if you agree after driving a T8 and trying to figure out why the hell the car isn’t moving in its intended direction (answer: You want drive but you’ve only made it to neutral). We’d be much happier if Volvo fitted the ordinary P-R-N-D shifter it employs on its T5 and T6 models.
We should note that the crusher-bound pre-production S60s we drove had 20-inch wheels and Pirelli P Zero tires that will not make it to the U.S.; our S60 PEs will get 19-inch wheels with a yet-to-be-determined tire. Volvo thinks the 20s would be too rough for the moonscape pavement of Eastern cities, and given our experience with the previous-gen Polestar cars, its caution is probably warranted. We’ll save our final verdict for the fully baked production cars, which will mean waiting for the 2020 models. (Hopefully the brakes get sorted out by then.)
And what of the other S60 models? If you’ve spent any time in a new-generation Volvo, particularly the 90-series cars, we can do this quickly: There’s way more back seat room than the old short-wheelbase S60, the trunk is still a bit tight, and the T6 R-Design model drives—as you would expect—much like a scaled-down S90. Everything else we say will be a rehash, so if you’d like to slip away now, feel free. We highly recommend Jetrho Bovingdon’s article about scaring the daylights out of himself at the Nürburgring 24.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Volvo revolution, you’re in for a treat. No doubt you’ve picked up on the visual differences between the new S60 and the outgoing model; the two cars bear some similarity in silhouette, but the angles and creases on the new car are sharper, and we think the C-shaped taillights work better than they do on the bigger S90. This is a good-looking sedan, handsome and understated, and we think the design will age well.
But the real revolution takes place inside. Volvo has long aligned itself with Swedish minimalism, but the S60 (and its fellow new-generation Volvos) take this to a new level. Most secondary controls are accessed through a portrait-style touch-screen Volvo calls Sensus, with the number of buttons on the dash reduced to the minimum required by law. This makes the S60’s cabin a wonderfully uncluttered place, and Volvo has taken good advantage by fitting the S60 with top-notch materials and switchgear. Aside from some detail differences, particularly on the passenger’s side of the dash, the S60’s fascia is identical to other Volvos, and that’s fine with us—Volvo’s cabin design is totally unique, and we love it.
That said, familiarity with the Sensus system (something we are quickly gaining with our Four Seasons Volvo V90) can easily breed contempt. It’s easy to swipe around and find most of the functions, or to switch between a full-screen map and what’s playing on the stereo, but some bits of the interface need work—for example, you have to fill in a lot of information to perform a simple search for particular stores or other points-of-interest. Volvo hasn’t changed the interface much since the XC90 was introduced, though it says the S60’s version has a faster processor.
We drove our T6-powered Four Seasons V90 to the press preview, and our drive in the S60 T6 really did feel like déjà vu. Despite its smaller size, the S60 is not that much lighter than the 90-series cars, and acceleration from the 316-hp T6 engine felt comparable, as did steering and handling. What sets the S60 apart is its more sensible size. As much as we love the V90, it’s a land yacht, and the S60 is much easier to maneuver and park.
Volvo has set pricing at $36,795 (including destination) for the entry-level T5 Momentum, with T6 models starting at $41,295 and T8 plug-in hybrids at $55,395. T6 models are also available on Volvo’s all-inclusive subscription program, Care by Volvo, at $775 per month for the Momentum trim level and $850 per month for the R-Design. (In case you were wondering, the limited-run 2019 Volvo S60 Polestar Engineered cars were priced at $1,100 per month.) Care by Volvo includes payments, insurance, and maintenance, and subscribers can change to a different Volvo after 12 months.
The S60 hits closer to the heart of the market than the bigger S90 sedan, and we predict it’s going to be a strong seller (or at least a strong subscription). We’re bummed to have to wait for the Polestar Engineered cars, but at least that’ll give Volvo time to fix the brakes—and maybe come up with a better name.
2019 Volvo S60 Polestar Engineered Specifications
ON SALE Early 2019 PRICE $1,100/month via Care By Volvo subscription ENGINE 2.0L supercharged and turbocharged DOHC 16-valve I-4 plus electric motor(s)/415 hp, 494 lb-ft combined TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine AWD sedan EPA MILEAGE N/A L x W x H 187.4 x 80.3 x 56.6 in WHEELBASE 113.1 in WEIGHT N/A 0-60 MPH 4.3 sec TOP SPEED 155 mph (est)
The post First Drive: 2019 Volvo S60 appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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