#what happens when “politician at 17” marries “people not sides”
hey do you guys think that tubbo didn't see the potential issue with signing the contract to make Walltown part of Las Nevadas because he was so used to political moves and pawns being used separately from relationships that he didn't even consider how ranboo might process it
to tubbo it was just a good political move, something that would benefit them in the short and long-term. to ranboo, it was him giving away something they had built together like it was nothing
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7-wonders · 4 years
All You Have Is Your Fire
Summary: Reconnections and realizations abound.
Word Count: 1223
A/N: You asked, and here it is: Mad Love! So, I’m thinking this is the end of the first “act,” so to speak. Then I can start the chapters over again from one, and it will be fresh and brand new. Let me know your thoughts, my inbox is always open, and if you enjoyed I hope you’ll like, comment and reblog!
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
Things were supposed to be better. You had been rescued, your kidnappers killed, feelings had been confessed and reciprocated, and you finally were where you belonged. The end, case closed...right?
If only things were so simple. For weeks, the kidnapping has rested heavy on your heart. More specifically, the person who had a hand in orchestrating it. You had wanted to forgive Mallory almost since the moment you saw her with Michael, but common sense held you back. You needed to play it cool, but life has a funny way of putting people back into your path. When the stars aligned and Mallory asked to see you, it had happened mere days after you realized the only person you could turn to for your troubles was Mallory.
“Thank you...for meeting me, I mean.” You sit across the small table from the doe-eyed brunette who was once, what seems like a million years ago, your best friend. Mallory fidgets nervously, smiling to try and diffuse the tension.
“Once I figured out that this wasn’t another trap, it seemed like a good opportunity to air out some grievances.” The smile on Mallory’s face freezes at your words before slowly sliding off her face. 
“I really am sorry, (Y/N). I’ve said it before, but I’ll continue to say it until I’m old and gray if that’s what it will take for you to believe me.”
“I know that you’re sorry. I just don’t know that we’ll ever have the relationship that we once did.”
“However weird it sounds, you forgave Michael and fell in love with him after he kidnapped you. I’m holding out hope that you’ll forgive me too.”
You bite back a smile, knowing that she’s right. Already, just sitting across from her for a couple of minutes has shown just how much you’ve missed her. Mallory, for better or for worse, is something like a platonic soulmate. Besides, at least you weren’t forced to marry her too. “Just be glad that Michael doesn’t know, then there’d be a lot more trouble.”
“How’s that going? Your relationship.”
“Not that it’s any of your concern, but it’s good. Never been better.” You’re not lying. In all honesty, things were better. Now that your relationship with Michael was “official,” or as official as a relationship can be when you married months before even dating, any of the petty fights you previously had seemed to have disappeared. Domestic life with your Antichrist was everything you had dreamed it would be, and yet…
“There’s something nagging at you.”
You shoot her a look, but nod anyways. “Not related to Michael, per se.”
“But Michael-adjacent?”
“Yeah. Specifically, the Cooperative.”
Mallory’s coven was well aware of the Cooperative, even before you were. The Satanists were just the first layer of Michael’s followers. These were the people that would follow Michael to the ends of the Earth and do anything that he asked of them. The Cooperative held all of the funds, making sure that Michael could carry out this apocalypse in the first place. Actors, artists, politicians, world leaders: all have earned a seat at the table that Michael sat at the head of.
After your Snow White moment, as you’ve so lovingly dubbed the poison apple incident, the Cooperative had become less of a priority. The good thing to come out of that was Michael taking a step back from his apocalypse-related shenanigans, even more so when you were kidnapped. Up until last week, you had thought the Illuminati-but-not-really was on the back burner for good.
Michael had approached you from where you were sitting on the couch, reading a book. You smiled at him, reaching a hand out and pulling him down next to you. It was a peaceful, sweet moment until Michael had to go and ruin it.
“I have a meeting on Saturday,” he said.
“Why do you have a meeting on a weekend?”
Michael grimaced, and you knew it could only mean bad news. “Well, people with a lot of influence typically can’t make their way to a classified location for a meeting during the week.”
“You’re meeting with the Cooperative?” you groaned.
“I have to, (Y/N). I technically own them, and they’re the ones funding my father’s plan.”
Your blood ran cold in your veins. “Wait, you’re still doing the whole end of the world thing?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I just--it seemed like that was sort of...forgotten about.”
“I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been quite distracted lately--”
“Are you calling me a distraction?” you said with a fake pout before Michael had given you a quick kiss.
“A very cute distraction, of course. But now that life has settled down a little bit, it’s time for me to get back to business.”
You continued to sit there with Michael in what he had thought was a quiet peacefulness. Meanwhile, your mind had begun to race; was the fate of the world really in your hands?
“The answer’s pretty simple, isn’t it?” Mallory asks.
“Enlighten me.”
“You have to convince Michael that the world is better the way that it is and that he shouldn’t unleash a nuclear firestorm to ‘cleanse’ it.”
You snort. “Nice and easy, huh?”
“You could always get pregnant, that would definitely put ending the world on hold.”
“Mallory!” Laughing, you reach across the table and swat at her arm. “I’m not going to hinge saving the world on having a baby.”
“You’re right, but that can definitely be part of the five year plan.” Mallory winks conspiratorially. “I think you need to subtly undermine him. Not in a malicious way, but in a way that starts to show him that the Cooperative isn’t right.”
“So, should I go to those stupid meetings with him?”
“It wouldn’t hurt. Make him think you’re on his side, as well as the Cooperative’s side, but then make him second guess his choices. You’re so smart, you could come up with a million logical reasons as to why Michael shouldn’t go down this path.”
Groaning, you put your head in your hands. “Why is this so complicated?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m not the one in love with the Antichrist.” Mallory glances at her phone. “I should probably go. I have to meet with the council so we can elect new members, considering half of our previous council was killed.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m not the one who kidnapped the Antichrist’s wife,” you retort.
“I’ve missed you, (Y/N).”
“I’ve missed you too,” you reply sincerely. “I wish things hadn’t happened the way that they did.”
“Trust me, I do too. I was so stupid for being under Cordelia’s influence like that, and letting her warped idea of sisterhood guide me.”
“We all do stupid things. And you were the one who helped to rescue me.” Mallory beams, knowing that she’s made her way back into your good graces.
On your way home, you can’t help but to think about all that’s at stake, as well as how cruel fate is. You and Michael are complete and total opposites, yet were brought together by circumstance. The dark to your light, the yin to your yang. Two sides of the same coin. Michael’s meant to destroy the world…
And apparently, you’re meant to save it.
Tag list: @betweenthesepaiges @gemini-el @90sroger @nsainmoonchild @brattylovee @dark-mei-rose @ladyrindt @yoheyyosup @zivooshka @michaellangdon @trelaney @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @xavierplympton @ajokeformur-ray @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @everything-is-awesomesauce @jimmlangdon @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @1-800-bitchcraft @coloursunlimited @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @langdonslove @cuddletothecake @born-on-stgeorges-day @tcc-gizmachine @gold-dragon-slayer @atombombastic @blakewaterxx @wroteclassicaly @forever1313 @kaetastic @loilko @riotsouls666 @lustminaj @hecohansen31 @accio-rogers @holylangdon @sojournmichael @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @diaryofalandlockedmermaid​
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thomaslacroix · 3 years
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THOMAS ‘TOM’ LACROIX ( HE/HIM ) is a CISGENDER MALE, FIFTY-TWO year old MOORBROOKE MAYOR who has been living in Moorbrooke for HIS ENTIRE LIFE. They were born on AUGUST 17TH and right now, they are currently residing in ELMSETT GREEN. It has been said that they look suspiciously like SKEET ULRICH and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose UNDER PRESSURE by QUEEN
thomas was born and raised in moorbrooke, maine. he grew up in an extremely wealthy, influential, conservative family. while he was a child, his dad was a (controversial) senator. his mom was also a prosecutor who took on serious crimes. needless to say, he didn’t see them very much. he was essentially raised by nannies for a majority of his childhood. 
he did his part to be the well-behaved child that looked great in photos and made his family appear picture perfect. until his teenage years, he didn’t question their ideals. however, once he grew up a bit, he realized he didn’t agree with a majority of what they preached. 
thomas became rebellious by the age of 14/15. he would sneak out of his house to smoke weed and drink with his friends. he also started to date and experiment with his peers. for a while, he was only out for trouble. 
one night, while being forced to dress nice and put on a show for the cameras, thomas was made to attend a mixer with lots of influential people from both sides of the aisle. this was the night that he met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. she was the daughter of a strong liberal politician. from the first time he laid eyes on amy, he knew that she was one day going to marry her. for lack of a better way to describe it, she changed his life.
the two fell madly in love and he cleaned up his act.. mostly. of course, his parents weren’t fans of him dating a political rival’s daughter, but he didn’t care. 
the two were inseparable and even had plans to go to college together. as things have it, amy found out she was pregnant at just 17. of course, it caused a lot of tension at first. however, both families eventually decided to rally behind the youngsters and even help them raise the baby. she gave birth to a healthy baby boy soon after.
by 18, thomas began working at his future father-in-laws organization and made decent money while also attending college. that year, his parents bought him a house to raise their family in.
within two years,  thomas and amy decided they wanted another child but she was NOT about to go through natural birth again. they decided to adopt. given their wealth and resources, the adoption was easy and carried less obstacles. they adopted saraya, a beautiful girl and decided they were done with all that. 
the next 10 years were perfect. he was an advocate for progressive change and worked hard to make money and raise his two young children with his wife.  that was until that night.
on a cold january night in 1992, amy was driving home late from visiting family when she was hit head on by a drunk driver. she died on impact. she left behind her husband and two children at the young age of 31. 
thomas wasn’t a perfect dad, but he tried. he always taught his kids to be independent thinkers and let them follow their dreams. he was present as much as he could be, but raising two teenagers by himself was no walk in the park.
finding love after the tragedy never seemed to work well for him. he had a few decent relationships, but they all crumbled over time. by the time his kids left the house, he was lonely a majority of the time. 
jump forward a few (r like a decade later), thomas was really lonely and nearing 50. however, he met a slightly younger woman (early 30s or so) at the bar and started a fling. the two had a couple of months of bliss and OOPS.... thomas got her pregnant. Baby number three happened just over two years ago. The little girl’s name is Cassie. 
while he faced his challenges getting people to look past his past, people loved his messages of growth and community. About a year ago, he became the mayor of his hometown, Moorbrooke.
+ Charismatic, Kind, Open-minded, resilient. 
- Stubborn, dad jokes, perfectionist.
Wanted connections:
Baby Mama - WHEN I TELL YOU I NEED THIS. the two co-parent. whether it’s romantic or that’s all in the past can be explored. 
Will they, won’t they? - obsessed with the idea of someone he has a little crush on who returns the feelings, but whether it ever moves forward is up in the wind. Male, female, enby. He’s pretty fluid despite me making him look straight in the backstory lol.
Personal assistant - someone help a overworked guy out. 
Flings - let him get some action. hehe.
Babysitter for his daughter maybe??? when it’s his week with the kid and he has to work.
Critics- someone just not like him or his politics. 
Childhood friends- another fossil he can bond with. LOL.
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The God and his Muse
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Warnings: Non con, dub con, forced pregnancy, breeding kink, anal sex, spanking if you squint, innocent reader, 18+
Word Count: 3,707
Pairings: Dark!Thor X Innocent!Reader
Summary: Reader is an innocent little journalist that’s too sweet for this world. At least, that’s what Thor thinks. 
Prompts: 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23
- indicates a POV change
~ indicates a time change
A/N: This is a very late entry to @searchforanotherway​ challenge. I am going to up load another challenge I’m late for tomorrow and another one that’s due on the 31st on Wednesday so I’m caught up. I hope you guys enjoy! :)
Earth was different. The people, the food, the drinks. The way people thought, dressed, the history. It was all so strange. At least, that’s all Thor thought. This tiny little planet filled with things that mattered so little in the grand scheme of things. Yet that’s where he found himself. He fought battle after battle here, had friends here, yet he couldn’t understand the way people behaved. So where did he go to learn? The library. That’s where he came to find out that’s where people went to learn. He went to the library with the cafe inside, it smelled good and had his favorite Earth drinks. He checked out books and read them, sometimes learning other times becoming more confused.
One day while going in he saw her. Earth wasn’t filled with many people who managed to catch his eye, he always saw himself marrying an Asgardian warrior. That was more his style. But this girl, curled up on a lounge in the library reading a book, looked so peaceful made his heart stop. She was so beautiful. He had to know her, he had to be with her. 
He looked to the book in her hands, he had read it. Lord of the Flies. It had disturbed him, but it helped him to understand the system that the people of Earth needed to keep from going barbaric. He supposed there was no God to just lock them in ice forever if someone were to misbehave. 
“I love that book” Thor said walking up to the girl with his own book and vanilla latte coffee in his hand. The girl looked up at him and smiled brightly. So sweet.
“Yeah? I don’t know how I feel yet. It seems good, but I also don’t think there’s much to learn from it.”
“How so?”
“Well, the point seems to be that we need a hierarchy to keep balance, a set of laws that everyone must follow to keep away from chaos. I already knew that. I’d hope everyone does.” 
“I think that book is more relevant now than ever. People seem to forget that laws are there for a reason. Crime is spiking, it’s not safe. Not that it ever was, but it certainly was never this bad. My grandpa spoke of a time that people could leave their doors unlocked and let their kids go out for hours without worrying. Now kids are at risk when they’re with their parents.”Thor thought about all the times Steve talked his ears off about his day, it seemed to be coming in handy for once.
 The girl thought for a while, her nose scrunching a bit while she thought. Finally her smile returned and she looked to him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m Y/n”
“Thor.” He set his books down to shake the girl’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Months went by and Y/n and Thor talked more and more. He was becoming obsessed with her presence and he sought it more and more. He wanted her to move in with him, wanted her to quit her job so that he could be around her more and she could bend to his schedule a lot easier. He sensed her discomfort and she became a bit standoffish. It hurt to think she wouldn’t love him anymore or that she wouldn’t want to be his wife one day. They weren’t even dating, but he knew she was the one. He started a plan that would ensure their future together, he needed to do what was best for them. What was best for her. After all, this world wasn’t safe. 
Your phone buzzed while you typed away at your computer. Just a few more edits and this week’s article would be ready to publish. You worked for a magazine and got the majority of your work done during the day at your office, but sometimes had to bring it home with you. It was a lot of work finding correct sources, arranging interviews, and typing it all out. You didn’t work for some website that was all about “how to get the perfect smokey eye,” you worked for a magazine that was borderline news. It got you into trouble sometimes, not everyone likes their dirt thrown out there for all to see, but you liked it. You didn’t tell petty stories, you told stories that got predators out of the schools they worked in, got politicians arrested for stealing money from the citizens. Things like that. Your phone buzzed again and you looked at the time. 10:42. You decided to call it a day and finish first thing tomorrow morning and turn it in to Jodi, your supervisor. 
You unlocked your phone to see two missed calls from Thor. You rolled your eyes and set your phone down, heading into the bathroom to shower. It wasn’t that Thor wasn’t nice, it’s just he couldn’t take a hint. Your job asked for a lot of your attention right now, and he didn’t seem to get that. Even when you explained it. You weren’t even dating and you felt suffocated. 
You turned the water on and let the steam fill the room while you hummed to yourself while you undressed and stepped into the shower. You let the heated water cascade down your body and ease the tight muscles. Your hands hurt from all the typing you did and your shoulders hurt from hunching over. You popped open the bottle of your honey body wash and put it on the fluffy luffa. Suds covered your body as you massaged the body wash onto your body.
You finished your shower and wrapped yourself in a fluffy white towel. You opened the bathroom door and the cool air wafted around you, causing chill bumps to rise on your skin. You stepped onto the cold wooden floor of your apartment and made your way to your room. As you took a night shirt and underwear out, you saw it was raining outside. No, raining wasn’t right. It was storming. That’s strange you thought while walking over to closing the window, it wasn’t raining 30 minutes ago. You dressed yourself and then climbed into the bed. Thunder flashed outside and you got up to close the curtains, thunderstorms always scared you. Right as you were turning away to get back to bed, thunder rang again and your window crashed open. You saw a white flash before everything went black.
Your head pounded as you started to wake up. It was Saturday, you didn’t have to go into the office but you did have to finish your editing. That article is due tomorrow. You opened your eyes and immediately froze. This wasn’t your room. The night before floods back to you, but nothing is coming to mind. The thunderstorm, but then what? Didn’t you get back to bed? What the hell happened?
You looked around the room you were in. It was huge and the art looked like they were painted for kings. A white wardrobe with golden details graced a corner in the room and the doors in the room held the same decor. You looked at the bed you were now sitting up in and realized the bed matched the set. The marble floor held your reflection just like the mirror on the vanity near one of the doors, probably the bathroom, did. This room alone looked like it was ripped from a magazine about how the wealthy lived. You couldn’t afford it even in your wildest dreams.
You hear footsteps behind the door to your left before the golden handle jiggles. You prepare for the worst as the door is pushed open. In walks Thor with his blonde hair and gorgeous eyes. His outfit looks like a costume and in his hands he holds a hammer. He looks to you and he smiles. 
“Good morning, dear. Sleep well?” Thor asks sweetly with his accent you’d never been able to place. He stalks in before shutting the door and crossing to the bed to sit down. 
“Thor? Where am I?” Thor sets the hammer he held down on the floor before turning all the way to you, his hand moving up to set the hair out of your face. You cringe away at his acts of eerie calmness. 
“Asgard. Your new home.”
You looked to him confused. “Asgard? Wh- that’s not a real place, where am I? This isn’t funny, please, Thor.” You start to freak out. Thor wasn’t making any sense. He kidnapped you and he brought you to wherever you were and he was in a Party City costume. He had lost his mind. 
“It is. It’s my home realm, I guess you could call it. I’m the God of Thunder,” He lifted his hammer, “and future king. You shall be my queen, and a fine queen you’ll make.” He smiled to you again as you shook your head. Realm? God? You had to get out of here.
“Thor, I have to leave.”
“Leave? Honey what’s wrong? Don’t you like your new home?”
You were getting agitated, Thor wasn’t listening to you and he was acting insane. This wasn’t your home, he wasn’t a God or king, and you certainly wasn’t going to be his queen. Especially not of some mystical place, this wasn’t the time to be playing make believe. 
You took a deep breath, if journalism taught you anything it was being freaking out in a moment it was all too dire to be calm in wasn’t going to help anyone. Especially not yourself. “Thor, I am begging you. Let me go, I’m not going to be your queen. Asgard isn’t real, what you’ve done is illegal. Just let me go and I won’t tell anyone…” You calmly stated while slowly moving, if you acted fast you could make it to the door. 
Thor’s smile faded. “You’re meant to be mine, y/n, whether you realize it or not. Back at the cafe, I knew you were the one who’d lead my people at my side.”
“No Thor, it wasn’t like that.”
“But I’ve seen the way you’ve smiled at me! You wanted me!”
You shook your head, it was an argument with a brick wall. You smiled at someone and was kind and now it’s just okay to kidnap you? Thor turned from you to look around the room. “I built this for you. For us. I was never one for decor but I called everyone I knew to help. The day I met you I knew you were the one, I just can’t believe you’re actually here. You can even help decorate if there’s something you don’t like.” 
As Thor continues rambling you were slowly easing out of bed and toward the door. There had to be somebody else here, so even if you don’t make it far, let’s face it you probably wouldn’t with those powerful legs that supported Thor, at least you could scream for somebody to help you. Your hand had just touched the kbob when Thor turned and looked to you.
 “Y/n, you better come back here on the count of three...two…” He was starting to rise but it was too late, you had thrown the door open and you were booking it down the long hallway. You had no idea where you were going but you were going. Still in just an over sized night shirt and panties the cool night breeze whipped at your legs as you flew by. The halls had tall windows where you could see outside. You must’ve been asleep for a long time because you definitely wasn’t in New York anymore. Your mind threatened to wander to you truly being in Asgard and Thor being truthful but you shook the thought out and pressed on. 
You got to double doors and looked behind you to see Thor was coming from behind a corner, his face hard with anger. You quickly pulled the heavy doors open and squeezed out into the night. There was a long bridge in front of you and below that was water. You looked up and saw tall mountains and a sky that was breathtaking. Where were you? The doors behind you groaned as they were being pushed open further and you pressed on, running harder than before. Your efforts were fruitless as you were hit in the back and fell to the ground. You look back to see the hammer Thor carried magically levitating back to him. 
You turned on your hands and knees, fear and shock painted your face, and made to get up again. Thor came up and grabbed you, hauling you over his shoulder. 
“No! Help, somebody please!” You kicked and screamed, punching Thor’s back so you’d be released. “Thor stop, let me go!”
Thor spanked your ass causing you to whimper in protest. “Stop screaming, you dirty slut. You’re tricking no one with that act.” The word stung, you couldn’t lie. The man you had come to know was sweet. Overbearing, but sweet. Never would you guess he’d cause this to happen to you or ever call you such a vulgar name. The tears threatened to spill as Thor carried you into the tall castle and back to the room you’d awoken in. 
Thor threw you onto the bed and spun to shut the door. He set his hammer down in front of it. “To keep you from escaping.” He started to grab at his clothing, pulling it off to reveal his muscles. Your eyes widened and you pressed yourself farther away from him. Thor smirked at your efforts. “Don’t worry, honey. I promise, after tonight, you’ll never escape again. I have rules that I expect you to follow, number one is no running. I will catch you and it just wastes both of our time” How he switched from sweet to agressive back to sweet had your head spinning. “Number two, don’t try to hurt me, I’m your lover and I’ll be treated as such. Number three, listen to me. I am your king and God, I know what’s best. And lastly, the given of course is that you will give me many heirs. Not too many rules, is there darling?” You shook your head. “Good. Just remember, I will hurt you if you don’t do what I say.” You were shaking. Heirs? Rules? What kind of fucked up nightmare realm had you just stepped into?
Thor continued to undress and soon he was in nothing more than his boxers. He palmed himself through the thin fabric while making his way to you. He reached for your shirt and tore it right down the middle, leaving you in your underwear. Your tits bounced from the force of the rip and Thor’s eyes flew to your chest. His tongue swept over his bottom lip as his eyes blew out in lust. Your eyes blurred with tears. “Thor no, don’t do this. I’m still…” 
Thor’s eyes traveled to yours and he smiled. “I know you are. Don’t worry I’ll take care of you” He reached for panties and easily ripped them from you, exposing yourself to him. He groaned and you saw his member twitch in his confines. Thor reached down and started stroking himself again before pulling his underwear down and pulling you closer. You were shaking your head while tears flew wild. “Shhh, its okay. Just open your legs. I promise this won’t hurt.” 
Thor set your legs on each of his hips and he lined himself at your untried center. He rubbed the head against your clit and it was then you realized how wet you were. “See? Already so good for me.” Thor’s praises struct your body in a way that you weren’t familiar with as he slowly inched in. Your body jerked in response to the slight burn and you hissed out in pain. “You’ll feel so good after this. Just let me…” Thor pushed deeper into you, coming to your fleshy barrier. He stopped for a moment before leaning over you, his lips hovering over yours whispering, “I love you so much.” Before crashing his lips to yours. Thor distracted you with his tongue while his hips thrust forward, causing you to cry into his mouth. He continued his assault on your mouth while his finger danced it’s way down your hot skin and to your tiny bud of nerves, rubbing it slightly. Your hips jerked up into his hand while you moaned out, separating your mouths so the sound echoed in the room. Your head hit the pillow while Thor continued hovering above you. “Yeah, feels good now doesn’t it? Wasn’t so bad, I told you I’d make you feel good.” 
Thor continued fucking up into you while his finger worked harder and faster, chasing your release. Your head was floating on cloud nine, never had you been able to bring such pleasure to your life before. Your moans were mixing with his grunts as he got faster and faster. “I’m so close to coming. Oh I can’t wait to fill up your belly.” You squeezed around Thor’s thick cock as he thrusted a few more times before you crashed over the edge. Your eyes shut as you screamed out in ecstasy. Your back arched and your body shook, trying to recover. 
Thor growled while hooking his hand under your shoulder, pumping himself deeper into you, trying to find his own euphoria. “Oh shit, I’m cumming baby, I’m summing.” Thor pushed in to his limit and stayed as you felt warm spurts fill your tummy. He moaned your name in your ear while his balls clenched and unclenched in his release. He stayed within you for a moment, enjoying your warmth and breathing into your neck. He wiggled his hips before pulling out and laying next to you, a smile playing at his lips. 
“Our baby will be so beautiful. I hope it’s a girl.” 
Nine months you had been living here in Asgard with Thor. A few days after your first night with him you two were wed in front of the entire kingdom. A few weeks later he announced a royal pregnancy. Your belly was growing and was ever prominent in the dresses Thor ordered you to wear. He had become very enraptured in your pregnancy, never giving you a night to rest when you started to show. He wanted others to see it too. 
Today you were in trouble. Deep trouble. Thor invited his friends to come and meet you and have dinner; it would’ve been okay had he not failed to tell you of his little party. You hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before and you were stressed due to the large group of people, so you lashed out at him in front of everyone when he asked you to dance with him, ignoring your constant complaints of you being tired and sore. You quickly apologized, but Thor was already angry. He went about the party normally and you were on edge for the rest of the night, what awaited you when the last guest left was something you worried about. 
You tried to keep Valkyrie, the last guest, in the doors for as long a possible. Thor stepped in and ushered her to the door, saying how you both needed to rest. 
“Oh yes, you two won’t be getting much of that once baby girl is born.” She said with a wink, stepping out of the door. Thor’s laugh boomed around the empty dinner hall while he said goodbye to his close friend. He shut the door with a loud thud before turning on you. You gulped as he made giant steps toward you. 
“Bedroom. Now.”
You scrambled from your chair and took quick steps to the bedroom. Thor was hot on your heels as he shut you in, locking the door behind him. He inched closer to you like a fox does a lamb while you backed up.
“Now darling, you know the rules,” he tsked at you, this wasn’t the first time you’d broken the rules. It always ended with a sore bottom. “But it seems my normal punishment doesn’t work with you, so, how should I punish you this time?” 
You were blabbering the word no as you tried to scoot away from Thor, but he easily caught your arms and bent you over your vanity, making sure not to harm your pregnant stomach. You continued to try to wiggle free but it wasn’t until he brought his thumb to your tight ring of muscles that you stopped all together. Your head shot up and you strained to look behind you, he had never done that before. Thor swiftly unfastened his pants and took his throbbing cock out, lining it at your sacred and untried hole. You squirmed more but knew it was hopeless. You would never win with him. Thor pressed himself to you and pushed in. The burn was far worse than anything you had ever felt and you cried out in pain. Your hips helplessly pressed to the vanity trying to free yourself from this pain, but Thor just pushed in more. He was hissing from the way you squeezed him. 
“God, baby, you’re so tight for me. Always so good…”
Tears were sliding down your face as you sobbed into the cold marble of the vanity, praying he’d be done soon. Thor thrusted into you, stretching your asshole to fit his godly girth. He pumped himself a few times before cumming in your ass. He pulled out of you, grabbing you before you can slide to the ground. He picked you up and laid on the bed, your backside aching from the abuse. 
Thor pulled you to him while caressing your hair and back. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. Sleep, you need the energy.” He pulled you closer to him. “Any day now, and our child will finally be born. I can’t wait for us to finally be a family. You’ll be such a wonderful mother.” You continue to silently sob and Thor’s breath started to even out in slumber. The world is an unsafe place, and you were learning from it first hand. 
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Hiii I accidentally jumped in dramione fandom, and I'm looking for good stuff for this weekend. Could pls tell me your 5 (or more)favorite dramione fics ever? Thanks!
I hope you like it here and stay with us… forever. LOL (Honestly, we have the best fics and authors in the entire HP fandom.)
Here are some of my all-time favourite Dramione fics (you can also check out my fic rec tag):
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR: Six months post-war, Malfoy is in serious trouble. He’s on the run from the Ministry, Death Eaters, and a deadly curse which is eating him alive. When he hits rock bottom, a change in fortune lands him in 12 Grimmauld Place under the Ministry’s custody - and forces Hermione to remember the secrets they’ve both kept for years. Dramione, Sick!Draco, flashbacks to Hogwarts, hurt. Rated: M - Chapters: 24 - Words: 260,266
Manacled by SenLinYu: Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret locked away in her mind. She is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, to be bred and monitored until it can be accessed. COMPLETE. Rated: M - Chapters: 77 - Words: 384,000
Isolation by Bex-chan: He can’t leave the room. Her room. And it’s all the Order’s fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something’s going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. “There,” she spat. “Now your Blood’s filthy too!” DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with epilogue. Rated: M - Chapters: 49 - Words: 284,050
Five Days by RavieSnake: No one knows that they are missing. No one knows where they are. No one knows that they are trapped. No one knows that they are dying. Dramione. WINNER for Best Drama/Angst and Best Tragedy in the Winter 2017 Dramione Fanfiction Awards! Rated: M - Chapters: 14 - Words: 32,001
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes: Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione’s quiet, post-war life will never be the same. Rated: T - Chapters: 43 - Words: 270,571
The Politician’s Wife by pir8fancier: Hermione hates Draco in the springtime, Hermione hates Draco in the fall, Hermione hates Draco 247. Rated: M - Chapters: 14 - Words: 68,629
The Revenant by atalanta84: Sometimes fate brings us far from home, and sometimes it brings us back again. When a friend’s mysterious death causes Draco Malfoy to return to Britain, he is finally forced to face his past, and the love he left behind. A story about second chances. Rated: M - Chapters: 10 - Words: 67,866
The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting: Ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Hermione Granger leads of life of self-imposed obscurity, that is, until the day Headmistress Minerva McGonagall is murdered and a certain ‘hero’ is responsible. DM/HG, written originally in 2007-2008, and finally making its debut here! AU, DH-EWE, non-canon elements, time travel, character death, etc. Rated: M - Chapters: 28 - Words: 229,334
The Dragon’s Bride by Rizzle: 7th year. Draco & Hermione awaken in a Muggle hotel room, naked, hung-over and tattooed. They also happen to be married. Thus begin a desperate search for a solution to their sticky situation. Rated: M - Chapters: 61 - Words: 225,164
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen: COMPLETE: Hermione’s eighth year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but it is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron, how will she cope? [AU/Dramione] Prevalent alchemy. Rated: M - Chapters: 70 - Words: 306,322
Thirteenth Night by Nelpher: When Hermione is assigned to keep tabs on a memory-charmed Draco, she is faced with a decision that could change her life forever. Rated: M - Words: 77,997 Chapters: 23
Ordinary People by inadaze22: “Let me be clear about something tonight, Granger. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted. It’s always been you.” Draco steps in the fireplace, drops the Floo powder, and disappears in a burst of green flames. Rated: M - Chapters: 18 - Words: 133,759
This, Too, Is Sacred by HeartOfAspen: COMPLETE: An ancient power has required generations of purebloods to pledge their lives to the blood pact. Draco has long known he was born to uphold this tradition… but Hermione’s parents have secrets, hidden details about her heritage, and soon it will be her turn to cast in with fate. [Dramione AU] Fantastic cover art by Witches-Britches. Rated: M - Chapters: 23 - Words: 90,994
Gravity by luckei1: It’s about arranging stacks of books, wall colours, and jumping off a cliff. Draco/Hermione Rated: T - Chapters: 10 - Words: 87,155
Dystopia (new version) by Rizzle: Kidnapped and expecting to be abandoned to his fate, Draco Malfoy writes a personal account of recent life, love and loss after the end of the Second Wizarding War. His story encompasses two unforgivable acts, a wedding, a divorce, a kidnapping and maybe, just maybe…a rescue. Rated: M - Chapters: 15 - Words: 19,885 
A Slow Cruel Descent by SenLinYu: The war grinds on and Hermione Granger is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves Draco Malfoy. “He stared at her in disgust. She looked— broken. The fire she’d still had when she was dragged in was now extinguished. Her eyes were locked on his face like she were memorizing him.” Rated: M - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,687 (Sequel: A Fragile Ascent)
Heavy Lies the Crown by luckei1: For seven years, Draco has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and just when he thinks he’ll be released, something happens that will make him seek help from the last person he could have imagined. Rated: M - Chapters: 36 - Words: 289,967
To Wear a Dragon’s Skin by creativelymundane: When Bellatrix Lestrange takes control of the wizarding world after the demise of Voldemort, the remnants of the Order keep fighting. Seven years later, Draco brings Hermione a piece of magic that might be the key to finally ending the war. Together they will destroy Bellatrix Lestrange or die trying. Violence, Implicit Rape, Sexual Situations. Rated: M - Chapters: 26 - Words: 137,484
A Pound of Flesh by PennilynNovus: One night at a strip club, Hermione is faced with someone from her past, and an opportunity too good to pass up. What starts as revenge quickly grows into something else, and she may find it to be more than she can handle. Limes, Lemons, M. Rated: NC-17 - Chapters: 33
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy by Countess of Abe: Draco loves his son more than anything in the world. So, when his ex-wife plans to take his son away, Draco asks the most unlikely person for help. Hermione must decide whether changing her entire life is worth helping the man she hates unconditionally. Rated: M - Chapters: 25 - Words: 136,998
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach: “It’s a veritable PTSD tour. With pastries. And hand-skimmed clotted cream. And Hermione has no idea why she’s doing it, but it’s becoming very apparent that she is.” Sometimes you’re sad. Sometimes you need dessert. And sometimes, it’s a little of both. [COMPLETE, DRAMIONE] Rated: M - Chapters: 30 - Words: 80,226
Fairy Stone by Colubrina: Draco is sentenced to one year in Azkaban, release contingent upon someone willing to vouch for his good behavior. Hermione does. “Oh, I want you,” he said. “You, just you, always you. You forever and you for always and you until the bloody sun explodes.” Dramione. COMPLETE. Rated: M - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,827
The Mountain and The Sea by Alexis.Danaan: Hermione Granger was perfectly happy with her life, her job as a Healer Trainee, her ugly cat and her cute little house in the countryside. And then Draco Malfoy had to go and mess that all up, typical git. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, OOC, creature!fic. 18 Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Words: 43,464
Celestial Navigation by phlox: Lost, without direction, unable to find your way home? Coming soon, a new Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes Ekeltronic to guide you on your journey! *Your mileage may vary.*Rated: T - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,640
Waiting Room by Nelpher: A series of encounters with Draco Malfoy in the waiting room at St. Mungo’s teaches Hermione about love, friendship, and the intersection thereof. Rated: T - English Words: 61,418 Chapters: 14
Voices by Kyonomiko: Hermione has long accepted she might not make it through the war alive, but after years on the battlefield, she never expected to be at the mercy of Draco Malfoy. Not untouched by his own experiences, his manic behavior leaves her living in constant fear of the unknown, suffering both affections and afflictions at his hands. Rated: M - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,724
Friend Number Three by riptey: COMPLETE - How do you deal with the Pureblood aristocracy, Ministry corruption, Muggle culture invasions, and constant questions about your love life while juggling more than two friends and not being a total jerk? Don’t ask Draco: he doesn’t know. D/Hr Rated: T - Chapters: 26 - Words: 138,388
Seven Days In April by inadaze22: They were still the same people with the same problems on either side of a bathroom door. Rated: T - Chapters: 7 - Words: 40,097 
Everything Changes by inadaze22: “Thank you for cheating on me, Ron. It’s the best thing you could’ve done. Thank you for stopping me from making the worst mistake of my life.” My first Dramione story. Rated M for strong language and sexual content. Rated: M - Chapters: 17 - Words: 76,191 
Out of the Silent Planet by ianthe_waiting: Post-Hogwarts - Hermione Granger fulfills Severus Snape’s final wish, to journey to Japan to ‘retrieve’ something of importance. Set eleven years after HBP. Rated: NC-17 - Chapters: 39 - Words: 229,710
Ardent Bonds by Musyc: Maybe it was wrong to think about this, maybe it was horrible to even consider, but if Draco Malfoy liked to dominate, she couldn’t stop herself from picturing it. Picturing him. Rated: E - Words: 16,741 - Chapters: 1
Seven Times by kerriclifford240879: Seven times can mean a lifetime of change. Rated: M - Chapters: 7 - Words: 16,526
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome
Captain America’s return is big news, which meant that it will not be a surprise to Daniel.
Takeoff the next morning was delayed a little longer, as Howard said he needed to go see a man about some dogs.  This turned out not to be a euphemism – he had purchased a team of sled dogs to send to Resolute and replace the ones the army had shot.  That was fine with Peggy, because it gave her a moment to figure out what she was going to do next.
When they got to Los Angeles, the SSR would doubtless be there to meet them. Daniel was probably frantic, both because he was about to meet Steve in flesh and because he doubtless wanted to know how that would relate to his future with Peggy.  Masters would probably have doctors lined up to give Steve another physical, since he would want to extract as much information as he could from the living man.  That would give Peggy a moment to take Daniel aside, tell him an abbreviated version of the story, and perhaps give him some reassurance that she wasn’t going to run off with Steve.
Not immediately, anyway.
The problem was deciding exactly what she was going to say.  As the plane roared through the sky, she was happy to let Steve, Howard, and Jason play cards with Kay, while she took some time to think.  She would need to let Daniel know what Kay had told them… that she was a Soviet defector from the future.  She would need to let him know that whether that was true or just an excuse, the woman did seem to know what she was talking about.  And she would have to explain the proposed next step.
Peggy had enough faith in Daniel to be sure that he would want to do the right thing, even if he were worried about what Steve’s return might mean.  He wasn’t the type to hold a grudge. Neither was Steve, thank heavens.  She could count on both of them.
That would only last so long, however.  Kay’s quest would be a distraction for a while, but eventually Peggy would have to make a decision about her own future.
“Okay, show me your cards,” said Steve in an accusing voice.
Peggy looked up to see Kay beam as she turned her hand around to display all four queens.  She hadn’t been paying much attention to the game, but Peggy was pretty sure the woman had an entire extra deck secreted about her person.
“You’ve been cheating this whole time!” Steve said, reaching for the pile of cigarettes they’d been using as chips.  Kay snatched them away.
“She has?” asked Jason.  He and Howard were both trying to play through their hangovers, and neither had noticed.
“Is this all part of your master plan to make us trust you?” Peggy asked.
Kay’s only reply was to take one boot off and pull four more queens out of it.  The men groaned and tossed their cards on the floor as she laughed at them.
“You shouldn’t smoke anyway,” said Kay, tucking the cigarettes into her coat. “It’s bad for you.”
Steve, who had been prescribed tobacco for his asthma as a teenager, looked at her suspiciously.  “Is it really?”
“Gives you cancer,” said Kay.  “That is bona fide knowledge from the future that you will all thank me for someday.”
Everybody got rid of their coats and boots as the plane came in for a landing in Los Angeles.  They’d been able to wash and change their clothing at the hotel in Nome, but Peggy was still looking very much forward to a long, hot bath.  She would talk to Daniel first, of course, but by tomorrow Steve’s return would be in all the papers and the press might want to talk to her. Now that she’d healed from Kay’s spray attack, she had no intention of facing them without makeup on.
Unfortunately, that choice was very much made for her.  As the army’s plane taxied towards its hangar, Peggy looked out the window to see there was a crowd gathered.  The hangar was decked out in red, white, and blue bunting, and expensive cars were pulled up.  When they came to a stop and the back of the plane opened to let them out, somebody was there to unroll an actual red carpet for the passengers to walk along.
Masters straightened his tie before heading down the ramp to address the crowd with a smile on his face.
“Governor Warren, Mayor Bowron, ladies and gentlemen of the press,” he began. “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors, and I am here to tell you that those rumors are…”
Peggy could almost hear the collective breath being held as Masters held the pause for dramatic effect.
“… absolutely true!”  He beamed. “Captain America is alive and well!”
Steve knew that was his cue.  He sighed and heaved himself out of his seat.  “You’d think being dead would earn you some vacation time,” he muttered, but went to stand next to Masters and wave to the ground.  Flash bulbs popped and a brass band began playing America the Beautiful.  Howard, never one to miss out on the spotlight, hurried up to stand on Steve’s other side and join in as the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Governor of California, with their wives, came up to be introduced.  Right behind them was a figure in a tan suit, leaning on a crutch… Daniel.  Peggy closed her eyes and wondered what he must be thinking right now.
“I can make it look like an accident,” Kay offered.
“No, thank you,” sighed Peggy.  “If anybody’s going to kill Vernon Masters I prefer to do it myself.”
“I’m not joking,” Kay told her.
“I’m not entirely sure I am,” Peggy replied.
One of the soldiers came running up to hand Steve his shield – they’d ruined his uniform cutting it off him in preparation for the autopsy, but the shield they’d saved – and Steve held it up to wild applause.  The politicians led him to a red convertible that was waiting, also hung with patriotic fabric and with a flag flying from the back, and police vehicles gathered around for an escort.
“Are they going to have an actual parade?” Jason asked, watching this motorcade drive off. The brass band was climbing into a bus to follow.
“Looks that way,” said Peggy.
“Car accident?” Kay suggested.  “Heart attack?  I’ve got several things that can induce a heart attack.  Fall down the stairs?”
“I’ll think about it,” Peggy said.
The crowd began to disperse, the flash bulbs stopped, and the soldiers who’d accompanied them started to troop off the plane.  Peggy took this to mean that she and the other plebes could leave as well, and grabbed her things to head down to the tarmac with Kay and Jason. By this time, somebody had already come to take the red carpet away.
Among the few people who stayed behind was the contingent from the SSR. Daniel was waiting there nervously, and did not approach as Peggy walked down the ramp.  Something pulled in side her heart.  She knew that if Steve had come back as a corpse, Daniel would have been right there to hold her and help her to deal with it.  Steve coming back alive was something he was no more prepared for than she had been.
“Hello, Daniel,” she said.
“Hi, Peggy,” he replied.
Plainly he was not going to take the initiative, so it was Peggy who went up and put her arms around him.  “That was horrid,” she said.
“Yeah.”  He hugged her back… and was it her imagination, or was it a little tighter than usual, as if he were afraid of her vanishing?  “I guess you probably need to go and…”
“And what?  Join the parade?”  Peggy stepped back.  “Look at me, Daniel, I’m hardly fit to be seen in public.  All I want right now is a cup of tea and a good night’s sleep, but I need to tell you what happened up there.”
Daniel nodded.  “Masters intercepted Dr. Wilkes’ request for backup from Stark Industries,” he said. “And…”
“No, no,” Peggy told him.  “There’s ever so much more to it than that.”  She looked over her shoulder, and found somewhat to her surprise that Kay was still there.  It didn’t seem beyond her to vanish into the first crowd she found and never be seen again. “I don’t think you two were properly introduced…”
Kay came up and offered a hand.  “Chief Sousa,” she said.
“This is Katerina Lachkova, Katherine Lake,” Peggy said, having decided for now to keep Kay’s real name to herself.  She had no proof that Natalia Romanova was less of a pseudonym than any other this woman had used.  Katerina Lachkova would get the point across.  “She claims to be a Soviet defector, and has more information for us than just Steve’s location.”
Unsurprisingly, Daniel looked skeptical.
“I know,” said Kay.  “I wouldn’t trust me.  I cheat at cards.”
“She does, but I cannot deny that at least one thing she’s told us is entirely true,” Peggy sighed.
Daniel pressed his lips together for a moment.  “Okay.  You ladies go get cleaned up, and we’ll talk.”
He squeezed Peggy’s shoulders and then stepped back to let the women get in one of the cars.  Peggy felt as if something inside her were being torn to pieces.  He was trying to look like it wasn’t affecting him, but he desperately needed to be reassured.  What reassurance could she give him when she didn’t know, herself?
Peggy didn’t know if it were a good idea or not, but she pressed a quick kiss to Daniel’s cheek before getting in the car.  Kay got in and sat down next to her, feeling around on the seat beside her for a moment before sitting back and scowling.
“What are you looking for?” Peggy asked her.
“Nothing,” said Kay.  “Force of habit.”
Daniel went in a different car.  Peggy watched him get in, then looked away from the window as their own vehicle started to move.
“Sorry,” Kay said.
“Hardly your fault,” Peggy assured her.
“Actually, yes, it is,” said Kay.  “Like I told you, if I weren’t here, nobody would have found Steve until 2012. You’d have been married to Daniel until 1955, when he was shot by an undercover HYDRA operative.”
Peggy blinked, and then covered her mouth in horror at the mental image.  “So… if we aren’t married, will he not…”
“I have no idea.  I doubt it would have made a difference,” said Kay.  “Anyway, if I manage to get my to-do list done, that will never happen anyway.”  She sighed. “But I’m sorry for putting you in this situation.  I’m not very good at having emotions, but I’m good at reading them.  I figured you’d be happy to see… Captain Rogers, because I knew he always wished you two had gotten your happy ending.  I didn’t stop to think about you making your own happy ending after he was gone.  Now I’ve ruined it.”
Peggy didn’t know how to reply to that.  If she’d gone into this knowing everything Kay had just told her, would she have done anything differently?  No… no, she would not, because there were so many ways in which this was not about Peggy.  Steve deserved to live.  Sergeant Barnes deserved to be rescued.  Howard deserved to feel like he’d brought some good into the world.  Peggy’s personal problems were nothing next to that.
“I suppose I’ll just have to figure it out all over again,” said Peggy.
“I can’t even tell you what should happen, because I’m flying blind from here,” Kay admitted.  “Free will, isn’t it great?”
“Are you so very sure that changing the future is a good idea?” Peggy asked her. “Isn’t there always the possibility you might make things worse?”
“Too late to worry about it now,” said Kay.  “I can’t skip ahead and check and then come back and tweak it.  I’m just here… making it up as I go along.” She offered Peggy a weak smile. “Just like everybody else.”
“Well, you do have a few…”  Peggy tried to find a better metaphor, but was forced to fall back on the unfortunately obvious.  “A few more cards up your sleeve, let’s say, than a normal person.”
“Don’t worry,” Kay replied.  “I’m going to play every single one of them.”
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vampiresuns · 4 years
Day 1: Hometown
This is the masterpost for @arcana-echoes​‘s first prompt Hometown, and it provides further insight besides the fics for the Trio I’ve posted.
Remember you can always read more about the Radošević-Cassano in this post, with their family tree.
Anatole | Letter To The Boy I Was, From The Man I Became, About The Love He Will Find
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Anatole wasn’t primarily raised in Vesuvia, but in Bgraz, the second biggest city in the Democratic Federation of Balkovia, and the capital of its Federative district. He was born at dawn, at 5:47 am, the first day of November, during the first year of the Balkovian Wars. Balkovia is modelled after Yugoslavian territories, and Bgraz after Zagreb. This is because Anatole is a Latine-Slav, like me. Therefore, while it’s not an exact comparison, the Balkovian wars are modelled after the Former Yugoslavian wars, with everything they entailed, which I do not need to go into detail. This comes directly from my identity and the way I engage with it. 
Anatole used to live in a two stories flat in one of the more well-off, yet still central parts of the city with his parents — Vladislav, or Vlad for short (Valerius’ older brother) — and Louisa, his mother, who is coded as a Chilean expat.
The war on itself didn’t occur in Bgraz for the most part, except for one retaliation incident which made the family go to Vesuvia for a short while, though not immediately, as Anatole’s mother, Louisa, is a doctor and volunteered as a doctor during the war, to help civilians targeted during it, so after the attack on the city and her volunteering, they retreated to Vesuvia as a way to take a break, along with other members of the family, like Mircea, Anatole’s grandfather, who is married to a Vesuvian man, called Florentino Cassano.
Anatole’s first memory after the war is his parents wedding, as they had decided to get married after the war was over. He spent his early childhood bouncing and learning, between his parents flat, his grandparents home — an old house on some hills in the city, which had a big tree over it’s back door. It was Anatole’s favourite hanging spot, specially because he got to “surprise” his uncle Valeriy (Valerius), as he used to meet with his boyfriends with that door. Not because he wasn’t allowed to or anything, he’s just dramatic.
The love Anatole has for his home town is completely different than the love he has for Vesuvia. Vesuvia, one of his thirds, always occupied a place of wonder to him, when he was little, he used to say (decree) he would find a job that would allow him to live half the year in Balkovia, half in Vesuvia. However, two things happened: number one, Anatole, as a person, is a meeting point for three different cultural identities which makes him stand out without meaning to. If you consider what I’ve already said about Balkovia, the underlying and not so underlying tensions in it was something Anatole noticed very young, and it positioned him in certain ways towards his identity. While the Radošević are not directly linked to politics, and prefer majorly technical positions rather than political offices, they are heavily influenced by Anatole’s great grandmother, Elysian Radošević who used to be heavily involved with leftist partisans.
On top of that, Anatole is a Cassano. The Cassano, while being a Vesuvian High Family, have a very distinctive pro-city, pro-people outlook at life, and during Anatole’s upbringing, two of his close relatives, his great grandfather Iovanus, and his Uncle Valeriy, where Consuls of Vesuvia, neither of them having, politically speaking, the best relationship with the Countship, specially Iovanus. The saying about the Cassano is that they’re the last thing that will stand between the City and that which seeks to harm it, many og them occupying political offices which directly dealt with welfare and social security, which also deeply affected Anatole. 
Lastly, Anatole is latine, an identity he relates to through music — a lot of it protest music, folklorical new song or party music, which is what his mother listened to — and his mother’s personal history. Louisa is a woman who left her home country because she was sent away to study medicine by her parents because of her political views, which opposed the Dictatorship which her country was going through.
All of this has made him look at his own identity and his own home spaces, as a constant in between. This feeling of in-betweeness and sometimes diaspora (from where? From what? From whom?) was exacerbated when he began being privately tutored from the age 14 and on, as this included travelling around different parts of the world throughout most of the year. He travelled with his cousins, Amparo and Milenko, but they didn’t always travelled together, since their academic curriculums didn’t always align. At this time, he began spending half his summers in Vesuvia, half in Balkovia — where he also spent other education breaks, if the travelling schedule allowed it. His parents ended up visiting more, than he ended up going back to Balkovia.
This, and all the time he spent with his two Vesuvian-raised cousins made him start feeling more familiar with Vesuvia than Balkovia altogether.
When he was 17, he decided to follow the Cassano footsteps into Vesuvian politics. The rest is history.
Amparo | The Thousand Lives of Amparo Cassano
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Amparo is the only daughter of Cassiopeia Cassano and Iris Ravella-Cassano. Cassiopea a Vesuvian politician and diplomat — she was the one originally intended to inherit the Consul’s office, not Valerius, but she stepped down out of having troubles with Valerius’ mother, Matilda (Vlad and Val weren’t raised by their parents, but by their uncles Mircea and Florentino), preferring to keep a minor office, and not ending up estranging herself from her family by virtue of arguing with her older cousin. On the other side, Iris was the youngest child of another prominent Vesuvian family, who did not wish to either follow the family trade or marry someone their family approved.
Amparo was raised in the Palazzo the Cassano inhabit, in the Heart District of Vesuvia.
Amparo as a kid was somehow rambunctious and well behaved, at the same time. She was curious and energetic, but she was also liked or tried to pay attention to what was happening around her, often making it a great source of inspiration.
Vesuvia, her hometown, ended up being the greatest inspiration of them all. She lived there until she was 15, when she began being privately tutored and toured around different prominent theatres for the sake of seasonal apprenticeships, which she did with Anatole and Milenko, when their schedules collided. As I’ve already mentioned they all prepared for different things, therefore their itineraries weren’t always the same. She was the one less affected by the travelling on itself, while it changed her, Amparo saw it as a necessary, character building step — as a way to cope and process changes, she made dancing performances in her own room, which she sometimes showed to her cousins. Through movement and stories she found catharsis, in a different way than Milenko: what she sought in these stories was the trace of evidence in them.
Imagine, she would think, all the stories she had to contribute to Vesuvia when she came back. Her relationship with her hometown is a discursive one: she acts, and when she acts for it, she lives a thousand lives which may touch upon others and by doing that, she changes her own.
Milenko | Baby, It’s A Wild World
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Milenko, Anatole’s second cousin, was raised, primarily in Vesuvia. His grandfather Blasio and his spouse Ilnya Radošević lived in both Balkovia and Vesuvia on and off, until Ilnya was permanently offered a position as a palace scientist. Blasio is a composer and dramaturg, which is something he could do in both places. Ilnya died rather young, when them and Blasio’s children, Atanasie and Violeta, had a couple of years of age, and the Cassano offered to take them in.
The Cassano and the Radošević see their family cores as one single family, despite many of them are not being actually related, which comes from some of them having been friends before two of their branches married between families. So them being of the mentality of ‘something happens to one of us and it happens to all of us’, they offered to take them in while Blasio got back on his feet.
In the end, Blasio never fully left Vesuvia, taking it as a seat and becoming a notable dramaturg, lyricist and composer in Goldgrave. Blasio still visited his federative quarter of Balkovia (Blasio is coded to be Bosnian) with frequency, mostly to see his parents and his siblings, or those Radošević who were more rarely seen in Vesuvia. The visits stopped when the war in Balkovia began, except for one visit, and after that, while Violeta and Aurora, her wife, continued to visit with some frequency, it was more of a vacation thing than a permanent settling.
Milenko had the inverse process of Anatole about the Vesuvia-Balkovia relationship. For him it is a blend of places, which is impossible to describe and his in-betweeness is simply another item on the list. He asks less what does it mean to be and more what beauty can be taken from it. Both places are intertwined in his imagination, and often run more parallel, blending and reforming, and collapsing and rebuilding over and over again. Everything is, and it sure is a lot — Vesuvia is multicultural, chaotic, sometimes overcrowded, and has been through so much. It’s people are positively feral, and maybe that’s why Milenko thinks of home, and thinks of it as one amalgamation of things: because the energy of these two places, while different in species, belongs to the same genre.
One day, he’ll say about his hometown that when magic dies, Vesuvia will be the last place it will keep on living, completely unaware it will become the type of quote you see on pinterest all the time.
It’s why he came back to Vesuvia after his education related travels were done. While he lived in Venterre for some time, spent a questionable season in Nopal, and had to flee Macawi once, that “itness” as he calls it, is somewhere he’s only found in the sea of Balkovia and the streets of Vesuvia.
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thedistrictroleplay · 3 years
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Name | Nickname | Age:  Nicholas Scott Vanderbilt | Nick | 30 Birthday | Astrology:  March 17, 1991 | Pisces sun,  Pronouns | Sexual identity:  He/him | heterosexual  Birthplace | Raised: Tuxedo Park, NY | New York City, NY Residence: Upper Northwest  Occupation: Attorney, Assistant Law Professor at Georgetown Faceclaim: Scott Eastwood 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: drug mention tw
March 17, 1991- Nicholas is born as the 2nd son of Patrick and Elaine Vanderbilt.  He joins older brother Peter, and will later be hounded by brother Christopher, as an extension of the New York Vanderbilt legacy of politicians. 
Summer 2003-2008 -  Nick is sent to summer camp, along with Peter, to Camp Walt Whitman in New Hampshire.  When Christopher turns twelve, he also joins the annual tradition. 
August 2008-June 2009- Nick long-distance dates Aly Acosta, whom he met at Camp Walt Whitman
June 2009- graduates high from St. Judes Prep in NYC and is Princeton bound.  Nick and Aly amicably break up before going their separate ways to college.
August 2009-June 2013- attends Princeton University, ultimately graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Politics, with political economy emphasis.  
September 2014- starts at Columbia Law school, alongside Aly who has moved to NYC to attend business school at Columbia.  Nick plays hard and works harder, graduating #2 in his class.
sometime in 2015-  Nick and Aly blackout and wake up married, courtesy of Nick’s fast-talking, lying his ass off to a judge who is friends with his family.
June 2016- Aly graduates and immediately begins traveling everywhere for work.  Nick applies for an international dual-degree program that moves him to Paris for his last year of law school. 
August 2016-October 2017- Nick lives and studies in Paris, both degrees conferred in October when he returns to the United States.
February 2018- takes the NYC bar exam. 
March 2018-July 2018- UN internship in Vienna as legal affairs intern. 
July 2018-January 2021- Ambassadorship in Belize.  He checks out a little early after Aly’s abuela dies and he’s traveling back and forth; his attention is too divided and he knows it. 
January 2021- moves to D.C. for international trade attorney job.  Also begins working at as part-time assistant professor at Georgetown and, over the spring, settles into a home in the area. 
Nicholas Scott Vanderbilt, Nick to most, was born the second son of Patrick and Elaine “Lainey” Vanderbilt on the luckiest day in the land, two days late and establishing that he would do what he please and when he damn well wanted. The last name Vanderbilt, no matter the spelling, conjures an image. They’re practically a brand. Young Nicholas and his brothers, as well as his extensive network of cousins, were raised to enhance and support that image. It could be argued his grandfather, William, was a cult leader raising young men to take over the world. Every Vanderbilt son was pressured to be the best, to seek their interests as long as their interests were both academic and high-end, and to pursue a political career. Their last name opened those doors, whether it was a prep school Model UN, the right university, or a job. All they had to do was follow their grandfather’s every instruction and the world would be theirs. It was their birthright, after all.  At least, that’s what they threw out there into time and space.  Nick didn’t exactly agree, preferring to exploit those opportunities with hard work and clear-cut goals -- but he absolutely benefitted from the system and knew from an early age how to selectively keep his mouth shut and manipulate outcomes. 
He wasn’t the typical middle child, acting out for attention. He did what was expected of him, but he always did it his way. He could talk his way into and out of trouble, and his energy left his parents exhausted. Just kidding, he wasn’t raised by his parents.  They checked in, but he was raised by an army of well-educated and well-paid nannies and tutors. He was always smart enough to excel, always duty-bound enough to show up, and always rebellious enough to do it on his own terms. He grew to have a taste for expensive things, too pretentious to do low-class drugs or drive basic cars, but also with a few quirks. He didn’t quite have the temptations or shortcomings of his brothers – the constant need for women and the trouble they brought with them when any woman would do, the friends who lived off his money for their good time, the artistic side that barely masked an identity crisis. Instead, he was selectively social, even though it gave him the reputation of being an unequivocal snob, preferring indie bands and concerts, craft beer in off-the-beaten-path bars to escape haranguing of Page Six and other such nonsense, and other “hipster bullshit” according to his younger brother. He didn’t care. He wasn’t sure anyone had anything to offer him anyway.  Maybe there was something to the ‘snobby’ part of his reputation.  As he grew, he realized there was something to the ‘asshole’ part, too, and he never really felt like apologizing for it, so he didn’t. 
His educational dossier reads like something in a leather-bound tome, planned out by his grandfather from the moment Nicholas blessed the world with his presence. The only exception is he went to Princeton for his undergraduate, instead of following the family footsteps to New Haven. Mostly, he did it for the sake of being different, not because he cared what the piece of paper said. He had bigger aspirations but made his mark by being slightly different than some of his cousins with their sights on Congress or being Governor. He still did all of his undergrad in politics, emphasis on political economy, and then went to law school at Columbia. While the name didn’t hurt anything, he was confident he got in based on the strength of his academic resume, and he graduated near the top of his class only because he let someone else have that likely last, shining accomplishment in their lives. He doesn’t even remember the woman’s name and he definitely didn’t sleep with her. Or did he? He won’t tell one way or the other, because his parents messed up when they didn’t make discretion part of his middle name. Part of his success was his selective ability to do what he wanted under the radar. His brothers and cousins were just a little too obvious with their exploits, and Nicholas was determined to be smarter and better than them.
Take, for example, the time he got married during year 2, while profoundly drunk in Atlantic City, to a girl from Miami he’d met at a bougie send-away summer camp.  He had attended the camp every year from age twelve to age seventeen, and she was there the whole time.  They had continued to date through their senior year of high school, in spite of the distance.  In addition to liking her, he also liked the privacy of dating someone who didn’t live in the surprisingly-claustrophobic New York world.   Either way, she wasn’t an unknown quantity by any means and his parents and grandparents liked her well enough, even if her mother was a bit much and bit too new-money-ambitious in her efforts to prove herself.  With the wedding, the real problem was he used his silver tongue to lie to a judge, who blessed the wedding without a waiting period. It left him in a rough spot professionally, because he couldn’t get a divorce and admit to the lies without it being political suicide before he’d even graduated from law school.  Aly had ambitions of her own and they split again, like they had during high school but different, and mostly went their own ways. She was young and wild, and he was all over Europe finishing a dual degree in something that was a mouthful to set him up for a career at the UN or as an ambassador, so they only connected sometimes.  They’d had a youthful pact to marry each other at forty if they hadn’t married other people anyway, and not bothering with a divorce kept them away from the messy need for a prenup that hadn’t happened.
HIs parents thought the split went through years ago, fast enough Amy Acosta couldn’t start to model the Vanderbilt family jewels, and they’re very mistaken.  However, he’s always been good at hiding where his heart truly lies, playing off emotions, sounding flip and sarcastic when things get tough. They think he’s back in the States to move forward, long past the one youthful indiscretion where they have only minimal details. The next planned step in the Vanderbilt legacy is marriage and children. After all, what is a legacy if it is not continued?  Now that Nick isn’t just pushing thirty, but is actually there, it’s time for him to turn his attention there, at least in their estimation.  It’s on him to continue their legacy because God only knows his brothers, take your pick of an artist or a consummate playboy, are never going to give his parents and grandfather anything to be proud of.
So it’s up to him. After quietly supporting Aly through some hard times, quitting his hard-won job in the embassy in Belize was easy. After his family’s not-so-subtle attempts to force him home to settle down, moving to the District was easy, because he can still progress his career. He doesn’t want to be around the Vanderbilts any more than he has to these days anyway, so New York wasn’t an option.  And, you know, maybe becoming an esteemed law professor or legal scholar isn’t the worst idea.  It allows a certain amount of flexibility and conjures up a whole new image, even if it’s one he hasn’t considered before.   
Nick is written by M.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Enquirer, April 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
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Page 2: Michael Douglas' short-term memory loss and frail frame have wife Catherine Zeta-Jones fearing for her older husband's well-being -- Michael once declared he'd beaten oral cancer, but harsh chemotherapy and radiation treatments have left him a shell of his former self and he has even admitted to suffering memory problems -- he was also affected by the 2020 death of his father Kirk Douglas and he hasn't been the same since his dad died -- this is a guy who cheated death with a horrific cancer ordeal, and he's had other medical issues over the years and some serious domestic dramas that have taken their toll -- Catherine always knew that their age difference would mean her taking care of him one day but she didn't expect it to be so soon
Page 3: Reese Witherspoon has ditched her wedding ring during recent outings, sparking rumors her marriage to Jim Toth is on the ropes but she feels their relationship isn't down for the count and refuses to give up the fight to keep their family together but they may not make it -- the desire to make things work is still there on both sides and they've been able to pull it all together all these years, even with personalities as different as theirs mainly for the sake of their family and they got on each other's nerves while cooped up together during the pandemic, but they don't bicker in public and that's one thing they have going for them
Page 4: Ryan Seacrest creeped out his pals when he gushed over Maria Menounos when she sat in for Kelly Ripa on Live recently -- Ryan thinks Maria is the smartest, most talented and beautiful woman to walk the planet and he can't help but swoon over her but Ryan understands Maria is happily married to TV writer and producer Keven Underago and he'd never cross the line and he doesn't want to date Maria, but he makes no secret he'd be dancing on air to have someone like her, which is kind of creepy, but he can't help it -- Ryan would never make moves on someone else's girl, but he does try to imitate her husband Keven's qualities like how funny and creative and sensible he is and Ryan adores Kelly and thinks she's great but he wouldn't mind if she takes more time off just so he can gaze at Maria
* Miley Cyrus' recent boozy night out with party pals, including British punk rocker Yungblud, has loved ones fearing she's slipping back into dangerous territory -- she was spotted at Hollywood's famous Rainbow Bar & Grill, drinking shots and beer chasers, just months after she admitted to her struggles with addiction and after fellow addiction-challenged singer Demi Lovato announced she was California sober, claiming she was safely able to drink in moderation, Miley didn't see any reason why she couldn't do the same -- her family and sober friends are deeply concerned for Miley's well-being and are begging her to stop drinking now
Page 5: Newly robust Celine Dion has her health back on track following a dangerous few years where she looked like a walking skeleton -- she has beefed up her wraith-like frame by making healthier choices during lockdown -- she went through a rough time of transition after husband Rene Angelil's death and lost a lot of weight, but lockdown has given her a chance to rest and focus on taking care of herself and now she looks 15 to 20 pounds heavier and seems in good spirits and is looking forward to rebooting her Courage World Tour when the pandemic ends
Page 6: Fitness fanatic Tim McGraw is a changed man since he kicked the bottle in 2008, but he's now hooked on working out and sculpting the perfect bod and he's publicly admitted exercise is what gets him flying high but his quest to get ripped to the max is now a 24/7 obsession and he spends hours in the gym and he's already flexing a muscular body most men would die for, but he doesn't want to stop until he's an Adonis and he works out twice or three times a day and packs his diet with energy-boosting smoothies and veggie juices and some might say he's going overboard with the workouts, but Tim craves those feel-good endorphins and he considers his workouts to be fun -- he loves the way he looks and thinks he can do better and he does spend a lot of time in front of the mirror admiring himself and tends to wear tight T-shirts that show off his pecs and six-pack abs, and wife Faith Hill loves the results -- a lot of people say he's traded one addiction for another
Page 7: Nearly six years after their bitter divorce, Miranda Lambert has finally extended an olive branch to ex-husband Blake Shelton, but she's still pretty envious over his professional success with fiancee Gwen Stefani -- last year, Blake and Gwen took home the collaborative video prize at the Country Music Television Awards for their duet Nobody but You, and also scored a Top Ten hit with their single Happy Anywhere and it makes Miranda jealous to see Blake making hay on the charts with Gwen but their success also made Miranda recall Over You, her hit collaboration with Blake, which won Song of the Year at the 2012 Country Music Association Awards and during a recent interview, Miranda affectionately blew kisses toward the camera as she recounted how her ballad with Blake was inspired by his grief over the loss of his older brother; still, Miranda also harbors a competitive streak and said she's angling to transform herself and husband Brendan McLoughlin into entertainment movers and shakers just like Blake and Gwen -- Miranda plans to enroll Brendan in acting school and Miranda wants them to act together and they are looking for scripts to make a television movie and even planning to launch a production company in Nashville and Miranda recognizes the musical chemistry Blake and Gwen share, and she believes she and Brendan can match that success on-screen -- meanwhile, as Blake and Gwen prepare to wed, Miranda is finally in a place where she can wish them well and Miranda carried a lot of animosity toward Blake and Gwen, especially since she suspected they started something before she and Blake split up, but she's very happy with Brendan so maybe all that pain she and Blake went through in ending their marriage was for the best
* Reba McEntire is reaching out to save her friend and former daughter-in-law Kelly Clarkson from suffering through a divorce that eerily mirrors Reba's own breakup -- Kelly split from husband and manager Brandon Blackstock in June 2020, and the divorce battle has them fighting over custody of their two kids as well as Brandon suing her for $1.4 million in unpaid commissions, but Reba has seen this before: Brandon's dad, Narvel Blackstock, dumped her in 2015 after 26 years of marriage, and despite initially agreeing to continue as her manager, dumped her as a client weeks later and Reba knows all too well how petty and conniving Narvel and Brandon can be, and her heart goes out to Kelly -- Kelly admits to Reba there are times when she just wants to run away and hide and Reba tells her to run away to me and it means the world to Kelly to have Reba in her corner -- Narvel and son Brandon head Starstruck Entertainment and are adamant that Kelly owes them big bucks for helping her land both her talk show and a coaching spot on The Voice, but with Reba's help, Kelly is fighting back and Reba learned the hard way the pitfalls of mixing business with family life and she's trying to help Kelly because she hates to see another woman suffer at the hands of a Blackstock
Page 8: Sicko Jeffrey Epstein has been accused of a horrific new litany of abuse by a woman who claims he forced her into unwanted genital surgery, raped her in front of her child and threatened to feed her to alligators -- the woman, identified in court papers as Jane Doe, is suing the late pervert's estate, claiming he and his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell, groomed her for their sordid pleasure -- in the suit, she claims Epstein drove her to pick up her 8-year-old son and took them to a lake, where he threatened to feed her to alligators, as had happened to other girls in the past, if she dared to squeal on him -- at the time, the woman said she was 26, but she looked much younger and Epstein told her to say she was 17 and he also arranged for a man with a Russian accent to perform an unnecessary vaginal surgery to pass her off as a virgin to a client and this violent and illegal procedure was botched, leaving her mutilated, in pain, disabled, and permanently sexually dysfunctional
Page 9: Ghislaine Maxwell has been slapped with yet another sex trafficking charge and it's got her former pal Prince Andrew sweating bullets -- the new indictment details how Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam reportedly groomed a 14-year-old for him, but crucially for Andrew, it expands the time frame of Ghislaine's alleged crimes from 1994 to 2004, a span that includes her meeting the British royal in 1999 and then introducing him to Epstein and that time frame also includes the period in which "sex slave" Virginia Roberts Giuffre claims she slept with Andrew three times, charges he's denied -- the new charge also opens the floodgates on other celebrities, politicians and high-profile figures who were in Epstein's orbit at the time and the new indictment widens the pool for Ghislaine and her defense attorneys because who wouldn't want to bring down all of these fat cats and who wouldn't be that desperate?
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Rumer Willis got to the root of her gardening needs in L.A., Michael B. Jordan and Chante Adams got cozy as they shared a snack while shooting Journal for Jordan in NYC's Central Park, Heidi Klum in L.A., Mario Lopez tossed the ceremonial first dice roll at the opening of the Mohegan Sun Casino in Las Vegas, Christopher Meloni shot his onscreen spouse's funeral scene for Law & Order: Organized Crime
Page 11: Tony Bennett has a secret weapon in his fight against Alzheimer's disease: his close pal and collaborator Lady Gaga -- Susan Crow Benedetto, 54, the wife of the 94-year-old singing legend, has enlisted Gaga to help keep Tony's faculties sharp as he struggles with advancing dementia because Gaga's telephone calls have always helped cheer Tony up and keep him focused and they laugh together, reminisce and sometimes sing and it always puts a smile on Tony's face and it's great therapy -- when asked whether Tony still recognizes the pop star, Susan joked that Gaga is hard to forget -- Gaga has also played a critical role in keeping the aging crooner active and creative by working with him and they plan to release their second album of duets this spring as a follow-up to their 2014 smash hit Cheek to Cheek
* Worried friends feared ailing rock god Ozzy Osbourne is coming unstrung while wife Sharon Osbourne's career goes into a death spiral -- Ozzy has been plagued by crippling illnesses over the years, including Parkinson's disease, and has to walk with the aid of a cane and now he's at wit's end and pushing himself into a danger zone as his wife fights tooth and nail after leaving The Talk amid a racism scandal and Ozzy's been under a great deal of distress over Sharon's problems over at The Talk and he worries and fusses over her and can't focus on anything else and it's left many in his circle very concerned for his health which is fragile enough already -- the bashing Sharon received during the scandal has the aging rocker concerned she may never work again and he'll have to be the breadwinner
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- five years after Angelina Jolie filed for divorce, she's still battling Brad Pitt over custody of their five youngest kids, now she's filed new court documents claiming she has proof of domestic violence against Brad and accusations like these would kill anyone else's career, but not in this case: Hollywood is 100 percent behind Brad and the sense in the industry is Angelina has weaponized the kids against Brad but Brad is very well respected in Hollywood, and most people find these new allegations hard to believe and if anything, Angie is only hurting the children and herself
* Real Housewives stars featured in the upcoming spinoff are cashing in and Bravo will pay Luann de Lesseps, Teresa Giudice and the others a sweet $200,000 for one week's work in Turks and Caicos and that's more than double what the ladies usually get for filming, plus they get a free trip to a tropical island
* American Idol could be on the chopping block because in just seven weeks the show has lost 2 million viewers and it's simple math: Idol cannot survive with its current budget and ABC has two options which are cancel the show or cut costs, which would mean hiring cheaper judges and a cheaper host to replace Ryan Seacrest and both options are being explored
* Britney Spears' beau, personal trainer Sam Asghari, shows off his toned abs in L.A. (picture)
Page 13: Palace insiders fear Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's vendetta against the British monarchy will take a shocking new turn: they'll bankroll a lurid movie about Princess Diana's death and the conspiracy theories that suggest the royal family was involved -- the rights to the movie script are owned by Hollywood producer Ben Browning, who was just hired by Harry and Meghan to run their film company Archewell Productions -- the controversial movie centers on Princess Diana's lover Dodi Fayed's father, former Harrods' boss Mohamed Al-Fayed, investigating his son's death and his belief that Dodi and Diana were murdered because she was pregnant and planning to marry, and The Firm did not want a Muslim in the royal family
Page 14: Crime
Page 15: Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson has been busted on charges of willful torture and abuse of a child and was also charged with cruelly beating or otherwise maltreating a child under the age of 18 -- his arrest came just a year after he was slapped with a one-year suspended sentence and two years' probation after pleading guilty to menacing his ex-wife Whitney Lee, who called him mentally unstable -- Johnson helped the Shakes score three Grammys in 2016 for their album Sound & Color but the band has been on hiatus since singer Brittany Howard started a solo career in 2018 and Steve was lost after that; he went from playing in front of 50,000 people to playing in bars again -- even if the Shakes reunite, it's highly unlikely Steve would be invited back -- Steve remains in county jail awaiting his court date and his attorneys said Mr. Johnson maintains his innocence
* Danny Masterson and his lawyers believe they are victims of anti-Scientology bias and cannot get a fair trial in his Los Angeles rape case -- celebrity attorney Tom Mesereau, who successfully defended Michael Jackson against child molestation charges two decades ago, claimed his client has been treated unfairly because of his ties to the church, and that the police or district attorney's office leaked damaging details of the case -- Danny and his lawyers feel persecuted and that everybody in Hollywood who isn't a Scientologist is after them -- LAPD Robbery and Homicide Division Capt. Jonathan Tippet said his organization is keeping a tight lid on all information surrounding the case to ensure Masterson gets a fair trial
Page 16: Mormon church officials are being accused of corporate greed for using members' charitable donations to secretly create a $100 billion tax-free fund -- James Huntsman, the son of a prominent Mormon family, is suing the church for fraud, claiming donations solicited to finance charity work were actually used to fill church coffers -- the church boasts at least 15 million members worldwide, including celebrities like Gladys Knight, Donny and Marie Osmond, Katherine Heigl, Julianne Hough, Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling, Amy Adams and Aaron Eckhart and many could have tithed money that ended up in the tax-free fund
Page 17: Jen Shah of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City was recently fingered by the feds as the bogus businesswoman behind a multi-state fraud scheme dating back to 2012 -- the Bravo blowhard, known for her extravagant parties, designer outfits and extensive entourage, and her first assistant Stuart Smith were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering -- the U.S. Justice Department alleged the Park City resident and Smith of Lehi generated and sold lead lists of innocent individuals for other members of their scheme to repeatedly scam, and claimed the greedy creeps defrauded hundreds of victims -- the terrible twosome targeted older adults and computer illiterate folks by using both telemarketing and in-person sales teams to peddle nonexistent online services and then fight the refund efforts of wronged consumers -- if convicted, Shah and Smith each face up to 50 years behind bars
Page 18: American Life
Page 20: L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva triggered a cover-up scandal when he revealed his investigators determined why Tiger Woods drove off a California cliff, then refused to explain what happened, citing the golf legend's privacy -- Villanueva said the black box in the Genesis SUV that Tiger was driving when he flew off a suburban L.A. highway in the early morning helped determine the cause
* Hollywood Hookups -- Bethenny Frankel and Paul Bernon engaged, Melissa and Joe Gorga appear to have reached the finale of their marriage, Fernanda Flores and professional boxes Noel Mikaelian dating
Page 21: Britney Spears said she broke into tears after seeing bits of the new documentary about how she has been in the grips of a conservatorship for years, saying she was embarrassed by the light they put her in and she cried for two weeks and still cries sometimes
* Generous Hollywood legend Dick Van Dyke put a happy face on job seekers in Malibu when he handed out fistfuls of cash -- Dick was spotted withdrawing bills from a bank before driving to the Malibu Community Labor Exchange, a nonprofit that helps unemployed locals find day jobs and he stayed in his car as he handed out money to masked folks who were lined up to look for work
Page 22: The late Aretha Franklin left behind a royal mess of paperwork, including a newly discovered fourth will that has thrown her $80 million estate into fresh turmoil -- the eight-page document, titled The Will of Aretha Franklin, was apparently drawn up not long before her death in 2018, and was recently found among the files of the singer's onetime attorney Henry Grix along with the paperwork describing the terms of a trust but both items are stamped draft and neither has Aretha's signature but Michigan law changed seven years ago, and it made the admissibility of a document like this more flexible -- currently there's a bitter beef among Aretha's four adult sons over how their mother's assets should be divided
Page 23: The battle over Prince's $300 million fortune rages on, and the late pop star's siblings, and legal heirs, fear there won't be anything left after lawyers, accountants, administrators and the IRS take their cut -- five years after he died from a fatal fentanyl overdose without leaving a will, an avalanche of deals and court hearings have left his massive cash stash in limbo -- sadly Prince's distrust of lawyers and other professionals now means that millions will be spent paying those same people to try to sort out the mess he left behind and this could go on for a decade
Page 26: Weird Body Language -- stars cope with bizarre deformities -- Denzel Washington, Steven Tyler, Ashton Kutcher, Matthew Perry
Page 27: Lily Allen, Mark Wahlberg, Karolina Kurkova, Scar Service -- Tina Fey, Padma Lakshmi, Joaquin Phoenix
Page 32: Health Watch
* Ask the Vet -- Watch out for xylitol
Page 34: Just months after John Travolta's beloved wife, Kelly Preston, passed, the actor has been shattered by another death in the family -- his nephew Sam Travolta's badly decomposed body was found in his Wisconsin apartment last September, weeks after he died from a suspected heart attack -- John has suffered through so much loss and Sam's death was another huge blow but he's strong and has a deep faith in Scientology and the church brings him solace and comfort
Page 36: Shark Tank star Barbara Corcoran has stepped up to get a tenant in one of her buildings back on his feet -- Barbara and building co-owner Alex Rodriguez came under fire after Ryo Nagaoka's possessions were reportedly tossed while he was hospitalized with COVID-19 and when Ryo got home he found only his piano and pet tortoise in his cleaned-out crib -- emptying Ryo's apartment was necessary because it had become a health hazard and had a biocleaning crew scrub it -- Barbara donated $12,000 to a GoFundMe page for him, while A-Rod has seemingly not yet contributed anything and Barbara also said the building's management company has renovated Ryo's apartment
Page 38: Beloved game show host Peter Marshall made a miraculous recovery from COVID-19 to celebrate with friends at his 95th birthday party -- Peter was in and out of the hospital for ten weeks and he was at death's door and doctors didn't give him much of a chance but Peter beat the odds to enjoy a Zoom party attended online by Leslie Uggams, Loni Anderson, Sandy Duncan, Ruta Lee, Karen Valentine, Rich Little, JoAnne Worley, Jack Jones and more
* Accused sex freak Armie Hammer's career is in the crapper and he's beginning to believe that's where it will stay -- the kink king was fired from the thriller Billion Dollar Spy amid sexual assault allegations and the release of social media messages claiming he has dark fetishes including cannibalism -- Armie has already gotten to boot from the movie Shotgun Wedding and the series The Offer, and more trouble may be on the horizon: Armie was accused of sexual assault by a woman called Effie, who alleged the actor violently raped her and Armie's attorneys issued a statement denying the claims, saying Effie's own correspondence with Mr. Hammer undermines and refutes her outrageous allegations -- Armie has been keeping a low profile at a Caribbean resort, but fears his entire career is in trouble
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Carrie Underwood
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waywardroserp · 4 years
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WAYWARD ROSE welcomes ELIZA GREEN BLACKWOOD to their life as an ELITE. They prefer (SHE/HER) pronouns, is 274, BISEXUAL, and has been with us for SIX MONTHS and belongs with the WITCHES. They share an uncanny resemblance to MADELAINE PETSCH. They work as THE OWNER AND MANAGER OF GREEN BLOSSOMS and are described as RESOURCEFUL, INDEPENDENT, and EMPATHIC. (Ingrid, 28, GMT+1, She/her)
Name: Eliza Green Blackwood Nick Name(s): Mrs Blackwood, Red, Boss lady Age: 25/274 years old Pronouns: She/her Positive Traits: resourceful, determined, empathic, intelligent, independent Negative Traits: sly, manipulative, vain, petty, selfish 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Occupation: Owner and manager of Green Blossoms Species: Witch Powers/Abilities: Phytokinesis, black magic, blood magic, spells, enchantments, energy manipulation Skills: Botanics, extensive fashion knowledge, witch craft knowledge and werewolf lore
Rank: Elite Role: Switch
Turn-Ons: anal play, rough sex, breath play, bondage, pet play, d/s Turn-Offs: Watersports, scat, meaningless violence, humiliation(except from close partner)
Eliza was born on a stormy mid summer night in 1744. Her father was an up and coming politician, and her mother a mid wife, making her the youngest child in a wealthy american family. She had one older brother and one older sister who she loved very much. Eliza’s witch blood and powers derives from her grandmother who her father all but refused the children to see(he believed her to not be mentally sound and was very embarrassed of his mother who would talk of potions and spells and curses, not to mention old history between covens or other supernatural species crossing paths with witches. She loved her grammy very much and would often visit her after school.
From a young age Eliza had a very strong connection to nature and her grandmother taught her both how to care for flowers like humans would, and how to care for them as a witch could. A great deal of what she knows of magic, Eliza has learned form her grandmother. She was someone the young girl often looked to as the only one in her family who understood her and appreciated her for who she was. Unlike her older sister Eliza was quite outgoing and had both a rebellious strike along with a big mouth. She would say what she meant and not keep silent even if told. This caused her to act out in her teens, finding the fact that the tabloids at that time frequently wrote about her in connection to her fathers political career. When Eliza was 17 years old, she found out she was pregnant and it took her a bit of magic to figure out who exactly the father was as she had done her fair chair of fooling around with men. When she did figure it out though, she tried to hide the pregnancy from her parents, unsure what to do. She found herself too young to get married, yet her parents would surely shun her if she had a child out of wedlock. Eventually she and the baby’s father, Colin Grey decided to marry. And while her parents never found out about her pregnancy happening before the marriage, they strongly disapproved of her choice of husband.
Colin was a known ladies man from a middle class family and his father supported Eliza’s fathers rivaling political side. After their marriage her family refused to help them out in any way economically which for a time made life very difficult. Eliza gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in 1761, naming her Willow. With an infant at home, Colin was the only one who could take work to support them. And while his father worked hard to secure him work at the bank he worked at, Colin often spent a lot of their money on drinks and women Their marriage wasn’t an awfully happy one, though a couple of years into it, Colin began to take his responsibilities more seriously. He cut back on drinking and came home at reasonable hours, even became prone to lavish his wife with flowers and buy dresses or toys for his little girl. When he was killed as an innocent bystander in a street brawl, Eliza was at her wits end. Sure she could sell of some of her jewelry and potions, take requests for readings and sell flowers at the farmers market, but she was without a proper education and money, struggling to make ends meet.
The death of her grandmother proved to be both a hard blow and a blessing. The old lady left her entire estate, all her money and savings to Eliza, and the girls were able to move into the old house out by the lake. Eliza loved being close to the forest and take her daughter out to enjoy the scenery and nature. Meeting Chance was by no means planned for, yet she saw it as another blessing, finding true love while walking in the woods with her daughter. Their love grew quickly, and when he shared his secret with her Eliza was both happy and filled with wonder. She’d heard tales from her grandmother about the werewolves roaming the woods but she had never actually met or known any. Chance was easy to love, being a lot of things that Colin had not been. Even tempered, exceptionally kind and very understanding. It did not seem as if there was a thing she could say wrong or an act that would ever anger him to her or push him away. Not to mention he was a terrific father to her little girl. Ever so patient and sweet with her. It was rare for Eliza, that steadfast love and loyalty, the lack of judgement or embarrassment. While she had loved her parents and siblings, she’d always felt like they weren’t happy with who she was and that whatever she did they’d find some way of judging her or being displeased with her. When tragedy struck and the wolves attacked, Eliza used all the magic she could muster once she and Willow hit the water, creating an air bubble around the two of them as they were taken by the river. However it took a lot out of her and when they finally washed up on shore, Eliza passed out from the exhaustion of holding the spell in place. When she woke a few hours later in her own home, being tended to by the town doctor, she drew strength from her flowers and her garden in order to place a cloaking spell on herself and her daughter, terrified that the wolves would attack again. When she had gathered her strength and went to look for her love, he was nowhere to be found, and rumors had it that someone had died at the bridge that night. Using a lot of different spells, Eliza could deduce that Chance was alive, but she was unable to locate him. Knowing that most werewolves have unusually long lives, she turned to dark magic in order to keep herself, and later her daughter alive, prolonging both their life spans. The price however was very costly. once every third year, she had to sacrifice two human lives in order to keep the spell active. Its one of her deepest secrets and she hides a lot of guilt and shame over the extreme measures she has taken. Though in turn her powers have grown immensely over the years. the older she gets, the more powerful she seems to become. When Willow reached her late teens, the Green girls decided to leave their old life behind and start anew, traveling trough Africa and Europe. Over the years Eliza have taken many lovers, but she has never given her heart out to anyone. She’s always been a spirited, seductive woman with little scruples on using her beauty for her gain, though at this point its become near a daily habit for her to use her charm to get her way. She moved to Wayward Rose with her daughter after hearing of the city from another witch and was quickly able to open her own flower shop, Green Blossoms. Eliza has power over all five earthly elements, trough her power of earth is the strongest. Because of her age she can come off somewhat entitled and uses a lot of pet names for people such as ‘honey/darling/sweetie’. Unless faced with an elder her assumption is that most are younger than her. Over the years she’s grown fond of fashion and trends, liking to stay current and taking a great deal of pride in her appearance. She likes to think of herself as a cool mom and tries not to smother her daughter too much. though the second any boy name comes up or she doesn’t know someone her daughter mentions she quickly demands details and insight, being a fairly hands on mom who would go to the ends of the earth to protect her child. She’s not much for patience and fuss with strangers, and has a tendency to put up a bit of an attitude with those she doesn’t know well. Mostly its her way of keeping everyone at arms length, or in line should need be. While she is kind and playfully forgiving she will cut a bitch if you mess with her. Cross her and it will be your last time breathing. She might have a long fuse, but if you manage to enrage her she will be vicious and can be downright cruel.
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dancingdemonz · 4 years
‘Cause the Girl She’s Hiding Horns
It wasn’t something that had even crossed my mind. I mean, I knew about the academies and universities that allowed people to hone their quirks to become heroes, and yet the thought to go to any of them never even crossed my mind. The US wasn’t as regulated and crime was at an all time high, so far Japan held the highest standard as other countries struggled to keep up. Becoming a hero didn’t take much in the US, which was partly why I never thought of going to an academy.
“You’ll go, won’t you Kae?” My stepfather, Evan, looked at me with a meaningful look, he looked like he would beg me to go if i resisted.
“Dad…I…” I hesitated looking away, heaviness in my heart.
“Kae, this is your chance, seize the opportunity.” He held the letter up, the only thing that stood out was a big UA symbol on the top.
U.A The worlds most prestigious hero academy, some of the best heroes came from there and I had an offer to transfer into their hero course.
“You’ve done all you could, everyone will be okay. You’ve trained the best you could on your own, you have experience that I'm sure other you age don't possess, but having a formal training will help you. So please, go to U.A, go to Japan.” He urged as my dad came in, he stood beside my stepfather, his arm wrapping around his waist.
“He’s right darlin’ as much as it pains me to send my little girl overseas, this is something we all know is needed for you.” My dad smiled soothingly at us both.
His brown hair was shaggy, he had a beard that could be akin to the cowboy dude from that overwatch game and with a style to match. My dad was definitely from the country in style, he dressed like a cowboy/lumber jack. Pretty contrasting to my stepfather’s neat and clean suit and tie look. His cheeks and forearms were tan from long motorcycle rides in the sun but the rest of his body he was white AF. Whereas Evan was African American and I was darker in skin tone due to my mom’s indigenous gene’s. We were one hell of a mixed family and i wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’ve been doing hero work a long time kid, I can handle it.” Evan grinned giving me a thumbs up.
I laughed softly.
“Of course you can, I never had any doubts.” I said softly.
My stepfather was one of the best heroes in the US, he was more elusive than the other heroes, he kept his identity secret and had no formal training. Notice how i said best but not top, he was far from being the top, that was because the hero system wasn’t the best at ranking. You could buy out the media and politicians to get the so called top position. It was essentially a corrupt system, holding the top position had no meaning. The US wasn’t as regulated as other counties, no surprise there. So heroes came and went, but due to almost no regulation villains were the highest they’ve ever been…along with other threats.
My stepfather was my biggest hero, always had been. He had a levitation/energy quirk. He could levitate things and make energy to fire off blasts. I remember the day I first seen him, he had saved my life. A month into living in the city and my dad, Terry, takes me with him to go grocery shopping. No big deal, but in Hell's Gate, something as simple as grocery shopping can turn sour pretty quick. There was something about the city, it was like it was cursed or something, anything that could go bad generally did. The city was known as the world's most unluckiest city, let just say the guy who named the city was spot on with picking a name.
Dad was carrying the bags of groceries while I walked ahead, being as young as I was, I went a little too far ahead of my dad, and that distance made a big difference. The crosswalk sign showed it was safe to walk, so I happily skip along the crosswalk to go to the other side, however, it just so happened there was a garbage truck with faulty brakes, and it was barreling right at me.
I was like a deer in headlights, I froze the moment I noticed the truck, it was coming too fast to make a difference of me moving out of the way. I knew it, and dad could see it, but that didn't stop my dad from dropping the bags to try and save me. Just when I curled into myself, eyes shut and bracing for impact, I felt weightless, and it wasn't the sort of weightlessness people often describe when they're flying through the air after being hit by a car. No, this weightlessness came from an indescribable force.
I opened my eyes, and that's when I saw him. He stood, tall and powerful, his broad shoulders tense as he had one gloved hand facing up towards me, levitating me off the ground and the other pointed at the truck, levitating the vehicle off the ground. His suit was blue and white, and his mask covered his whole face and it was made from a very sturdy material. For a young kid like me, seeing him was like seeing Santa, The Toothfairy, or All Might. Rather than being scared out of my wits for almost dying, I was absolutely enthralled with the man.
When everything was all said and done, the truck stopped and put back on the ground, and I was in my poor weeping father's arms. I remember looking up at Striker as he made his way over from the police to me, I instantly pull away from my dad, practically running to meet the man who saved my life. My father was behind me and I could vaguely hear him thanking the hero over and over a sob hitching his voice.
Striker had a deep voice, it was much deeper than my fathers I realized, and something about the way he was talking to my father in reply to his thanks, the tone he had, lodged an idea in my brain, a question really, and instantly I blurted it out. Honestly I don't think it would be something Striker could ever forget, because I haven't and my dad definitely never lets me forget it.
"Will you go on a date with my dad! You could be my dad too!” It wasn’t even phrased as a question, I said more as a command.
Oh boy was that a sight to be seen the moment those words left my mouth. My dad was a blushing mess, Striker was frozen, and I was waiting for an answer with a seriousness that would make someone think my life was on the line. For my young mind, it was. My dad was easily flustered, and thinking back on it now, what he said was hysterical and would give anyone second hand embarrassment.
"I am so sorry! S...she just has such a big mouth sometimes...Not that I'd mind going on a date with you or being her dad..I MEAN! Its just your really cool and...and you probably don't even like guys and....Oh dear I'm babbling." He held his face in his hands as Striker began to laugh, flattered.
Striker may have declined, but a week later as a civilian, Evan appeared at my father’s shop needing a mechanic, he took the chance and asked my dad out. A year later they were married and unknowingly my wish to have Striker as my father had been granted.
My dad or I didn’t know he was Striker until a year or so ago when I was 17 almost 18 years old. There were other exciting and major events before the offer to transfer to UA came up, but we’ll get to them later.
I weighed my options, this was a great opportunity to not only attend the academy but to do it with all expenses paid. However, it was risky. I carried too many secrets, secrets that I wasn’t ready to release. Secrets not even my dad knew. I knew I needed all the training I could get, especially if my step father was to fully retire, I needed to be ready to take his place.
As I debated with myself Evan’s blue eyes flicked over to me then to my dad, his eyes always stood out especially with his dark complexion. He was taller than my dad by a good margin and muscular. I was taller than my dad as well, I was a bit taller than girls my age and tended to go for a tomboy look. You could take one look at me and go “Yup she’s somewhere on the rainbow.” The moment I made my decision, Evan’s blue eyes met my orange ones and a nodded at him.
“I’ll attend UA.”
Check out my AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23749423/chapters/57038704
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princessselene126 · 5 years
so you asked me this question, now it's your turn hon. Do you ship any of your tlc gen 2? Why/how did you decide? -creampuffqueen
*cracks knuckles* I was hoping someone would ask me this. Are you ready for this shit show? Because I have 15 second gen children and it’s about to get fucking messy.
Second Gen Masterlist
Long post below; you have been warned.
This is a Family Tree graph I took forever to make. The key is at the bottom, so feel free to examine that a lot (if you’re on mobile you may have to open it for better resolution)! Below the picture I’ll give more details as to why I have it this way.
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Let’s start off with people who dated in the past.
Lovell and Cleo
They started dating about a year into when Cleopatra  and her brothers joined the Wincin family. 
Lovell and Cleo bonded over being elder siblings and being two of the responsible rampion kids.
Cleo opens up to him a lot about things that happened on the streets of New Beijing–things that no person, let alone a child–should go through.
They were really happy together and loved each other a lot, but things got hard when Lovell went across the Atlantic to Julliard for school.
After about a year of trying to stay together, they realized that it just wasn’t going to work out. Neither wanted to hold the other back from their dreams, so they tearfully agreed to end things.
They remain very good friend though, don’t worry.
Percy and Star
Now you may be thinking, “Tasha, didn’t you say Percy was gay?” and the answer is yes, yes I did. But before he realized it, he tried dating girls–or rather, he tried dating girls to smother down his feelings for guys.
So Percy and Andromeda dated one summer when the rampion fam kids were visiting benoit farms. 
He was 16 and she was 15 and it was cute as hell but also very awkward (because Percy is very very gay).
They kissed like 2-3 times the entire summer. 
By the end of summer Star figured out what the deal was, and said they should break up, she didn’t say why exactly because she had a feeling Percy was still figuring himself out. Instead she said that the distance would make it hard and they’d be better as friends. 
Percy was relieved, even though he didn’t admit it.
Just like Cleo and Lovell, Percy and Star stay good friends and there aren’t any hard feelings.
Apollo and Percy
Now this happens the next summer when Percy and Apollo are both 17.
At this point Percy still doesn’t want to admit he’s gay, so he’s riding the “experimental” train right now.
This relationship is kinda surprising (and causes some drama) because Percy and Apollo are polar opposites. Percy is outgoing and chatty while Apollo is shy and reserved. Sometimes it’s true when people say opposites attract.
How it started though is pretty funny. 
One night the eldest half of the rampion kids (Dex, Lovell, Cleo, Tadita Peony, Percy, Apollo, and Arti) sneak some alcohol from the liquor cabinet in the kesley kitchen, take it up to the hayloft in the barn, and get wasted. Not dangerously so, but definitely enough to have fun.
At some point that night Apollo and Percy disappear a few yards away behind a hay pile where the others can’t see them and make out. They make out for a longgggg time (but they don’t do more than make out, keep your head out of the gutter).
The others tell them what happened the next morning and Percy and Apollo blush furiously. 
A week later, Apollo shyly asks Percy if he wants to go out because he literally can’t stop thinking about him. Percy agrees, but he really shouldn’t have, because what Apollo (and the rest of the kids) doesn’t know is that Percy has a girlfriend from school.
So they date for a few weeks during the summer, but most of it is a lot of making out.
Their breakup is very messy.
Percy’s girlfriend stops by to visit him and she kisses him making Apollo blink a few times and then walk away.
Once she’s gone, Apollo asks him what the hell just happened. He’s pissed to find out that Percy was cheating on his girlfriend with him and can’t believe that he would even agree to go out. 
When Arti finds out, they kick Percy’s ass and tell him to get his shit together.
Everyone is on Apollo’s side with this and are pissed off at Percy.
Apollo and Percy don’t speak for the rest of the summer, and even for the next two years. They eventually become friends again, but it never really gets back to the place where it used to be.
Percy and Arti
This is another kind of accidental relationship. It happens while Arti and Apollo are still pissed off at Percy, and that’s kind of why it happens.
About five months after that argument when the Thornes are visiting the Kesley’s for the holidays, Arti tries confronting Percy to tell him he needs to apologize already (he never did) because Apollo was still upset about it.
The argument gets very heated and it turns into hate sex basically.
It doesn’t become any more than that.
It does, however, happen more than once. It happens several times during the week that the Thornes are visiting, and then several more times the next summer. 
Always sex, never a relationship
And it ends when Percy finally comes to terms with the fact that he’s gay. Arti may be nonbi, but they have a vagina and Percy isn’t into that.
Apollo and Star
Apollo and Star happens spring of the next year when Apollo is 18 and Star is 17.
The Thornes are visiting Luna for half a year whileCress and Arti help to program new security systems for the Palace, and it takes a long time.
Anyway. Apollo is still upset about what happened with Percy and he talks to Star about it a lot (he also comms Peony all the time, but I’ll talk about that later). 
Star tells him about the summer before when she dated Percy, and how she thinks he’s gay, but not comfortable with the idea of that yet.
Them talking about it makes Apollo feel better and because they’re spending so much time together, they grow really close.
Star liked him the whole time, had a bit of a girlish crush, but didn’t want to tell him because she knew he wasn’t ready for that. So she kept it to herself until one day Apollo blurted out “I really like you.”
After that they went on a few dates. They were absolutely adorable, felt like they were so in love with each other, but they began to realize that the closeness they had and enjoyed was because of friendship. Being in a relationship quickly became weird.
So it ended on good terms a few weeks before the Thornes left Luna.
Arti and Niko
Their relationship also starts while the Thornes are on Luna
Arti is 18 and Niko 17–just like Apollo and Star
This relationship is a fun one because Arti and Niko are both trouble makers at heart.
They love causing problems together, they have since they were kids.
What kicks off them actually dating is when they were running away from a palace guard because they just graffitied a wall with whipped cream.
They hid in a small closet and were pressed together, adrenaline pumping through their veins. Arti looks up at Niko for a few seconds, then wraps their arms around his neck and tugs him in for a kiss.
Niko was surprised, but kissed them back.
They casually date for a while, but Niko gets frustrated that Arti doesn’t seem to care very much about actually being with him. He’s ace and he wants his relationships to mean something. He doesn’t kiss someone just to kiss them like Arti does. 
This leads to a yelling match where they break things off.
Arti doesn’t seem to care at all, and Niko is heartbroken.
It takes a while for them to become friends again (maybe a few months and it’s after the Thornes leave Luna), but eventually things get back to what they used to be. 
Now for the relationships that stick!
Peony and Apollo (Apollony)
(this one is the longest, sorry, not sorry)
This one is hands down my favorite because I desperately needed Kaider’s daughter to end up with Cresswell’s son, just so Cinder can be like “Why? Why do you have to date a Thorne?” and Kai can smile and say “Cinder, don’t be ridiculous, Apollo is more like Cress, than he’ll ever be like Thorne” and Of course Cinder knows this, but the concept is still a bit on the frustrating side because if Apollo and Peony end up getting married (they do) then Thorne will technically be related to them and their friendship is already enough to give her a headache, but the idea of them being related now???
ANYWAY enough with that much background.
They were each other’s first kiss when they were twelve, but no one knows that except for them and their parents.
Peony never dates anyone. She’s the crown princess and just doesn’t have the time because of learning how to run the country and all that jazz.
She does, however, have a bunch of rich guys and politicians’ kids trying to flirt with her so they can be the next emperor which doesn’t go over very well. For every guy who wraps his arm around her shoulders or tries leaning in for a kiss, Peony sends a comm to Apollo about how obnoxious they are.
Apollo on the other hand, does have time to date.
Through his relationships with Percy, Star, and a few other random people he met while staying somewhere for a few months at a time, Peony is there helping him through the breakups. She was one of the only people he genuinely talked to about what happened with Percy and how hurt he was by it.
They’re best friends and they tell each other everything, and it takes a long time for them to realize that they’re more than best friends, well not too long.
When they’re 21, Apollo comes to visit all by himself. His family dropped him off while they went off for who knows what. Peony was surprised to see him, but she hugged him started crying tears of joy because she didn’t have many friends.
That’s when Apollo first starts to realize how hopelessly in love he is with his best friend.
He spends the next year there because he doesn’t have any other obligations, and “the views are pretty” so he can paint them and “you seem like you could use a friend right now” are what he tells Peony.
Meanwhile Peony is worried that one day he’ll just up and leave, because that’s what the thornes do. They’re travellers. And she knows that it’s what they love, and she doesn’t want to force him to stay, but there’s a part of her that can’t bear the thought of being away from him as much as they used to be
Art comms them both all the time. Constantly tells them that they’re idiots and that they should just “tell them that you love them already!!” but of course they don’t because Peony is scared Apollo will leave and Apollo is scared that Peony won’t want to be with him because she’s royal and should marry someone that’ll help her country (which is ridiculous.)
Everything comes to a head at the Peace Ball when they’re 22 and Apollo is supposed to go back to the Rampion with his parents the next night.
Apollo asks Peony to dance and when they’re waltzing around the room, looking at each other with soft smiles and glints in their eyes, they finally they say it.
Peony says “I never want you to leave” at the exact time Apollo says “I think I’m in love with you.”
And they stop dancing, staring at each other with confused expressions for a few moments before everything suddenly starts to make sense. Peony whispers “I think I’m falling in love with you too”
So they sneak off for the rest of the ball, talking to each other in the gardens about what to do next. Apollo decides to stay and Peony is overjoyed. And instead of a small accidental peck when they’re preteens, they finally finally kiss like they mean it while sitting on a bench in the rose garden.
There’s a bunch that happens after that, and trust me, I could go on, But I’m going to end it there because this is already too long.
Jolee and Summer (Jummer)
Jolee and Summer are the only “childhood relationship” of the rampion kids that works out. 
They start dating the same year Lovell graduates college, when both girls are about 17.
And their relationship was a bit of a slow burn.
Jolee had a boyfriend when she was 14-16, but he was controlling and they ended up breaking things off very dramatically.
Summer didn’t date anyone at all.
Their relationship, like so many of the others, starts one summer on the farm. They were taking turns jumping from the hayloft when Summer accidentally landed on top of Jolee and knocked the wind out of her.
Summer apologized profusely, cupping Jolee’s cheeks to see if she was okay.
It was something about Summer’s piercing blue-gray eyes that made Jolee lean up and kiss her.
Realizing what she did, Jolee blushed and started to apologize, but Summer wasn’t having any of that. She kissed Jolee again. After making out for a bit they decided to start dating.
And they never stop.
There are some bumps in the road–long distance is hard–but they love each other so much that they can’t fathom the idea of not being together.
Cleopatra and Arti (Cleoparti)
A few years after breaking up with Lovell, when she’s around 21-22, Cleo goes off and dates some people outside of the rampion kids, but she starts to realize she likes girls better.
She ends up having a steady girlfriend that lasts for about 8 years, but the girlfriend ends up cheating on Cleo and they break up. 
Cleo is 36 and Arti is 32
Arti is finally starting to think “hey maybe I actually want love and not just fucking." 
And they end up making out that night while Arti is drunk and sad about never being in a serious relationship and Cleo is sad because her long term girlfriend–the woman she was about to propose to–just cheated on her. 
Cleo stops it because theyre drunk. But the next morning they have a real conversation about it, realize they really like each other, and start dating.
At first Arti feels like maybe Cleo is rebounding with them–Arti has been enough people’s rebounds to know what that’s like. But once they’re a year into their relationship, Arti knows that it’s real and that Cleo loves them.
Percy, Yuki, Niko (Peryuko)
Percy, Yuki, and Niko start all dating each other when When Percy is 24, Niko is 23 and Yuki is 20, but they didn’t all start dating each other at the same time. Percy and Niko were dating each other for about 2 years before Yuki joined in.
Percy and Niko started dating when Niko decided he wanted some time away from his family. What a better place was there for a young man with a lot of energy and a love for the outdoors to go than the Benoit farm?
He’s there for a total of three days before he and Percy realize that there might be some feelings there. Thankfully they act on them much faster than Apollony does. They drive to Reiux for some date nights and sometimes they go skinny dipping in the pond at the edge of the Benoit-Kesley property.
They cause some trouble, but for the most part, Niko is mellowed out and so is Percy.
Yuki comes in 2 years later after Percy and Niko have been living together on the farm. 
Just like all the other rampion kids, Yuki visits the farm on summers whenever they have the chance.
Unlike Niko and Percy, Yuki has not mellowed at all since their teen years. They’re sassy and brutally honest no matter whose feelings they might hurt. And Niko and Percy suddenly feel like there was a piece of them that was missing before Yuki showed up that summer.
The three of them do a lot of farm work together and one day when they decide to go to the pond and cool off, Percy and Niko tell Yuki what the’ve been thinking.
At first Yuki says theyre crazy that a relationship with the three of them could never work. But yuki never says “no,” never say that it’s not what they want–because it is what they want, but, like their sister, Yuki is silently afraid to talk to people about their feelings. 
Percy and Niko drop of for a few weeks, but they catch Yuki’s stares.
So they bring it up again and this time Yuki says they’re right. That they do want a relationship with them.
It’s a bit harder for them to add Yuki in because Yuki’s still technically a prince who has things to do, but it’s less and less because of Peony, so it’s manageable.
Yuki spends three months on the farm, than one month in New Beijing, then repeats it, and it works perfectly.
The remaining kids either stay single (Codex, Alex, and Andromeda) or date/marry people not in the Rampion kids (Lovell and Tadita)
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tailahjanbash · 6 years
Jesus = Feminist?
Today I read an article called ‘I’m A Christian Girl And I’m Not A Feminist, Because God Did Not Intend For Women To Be Equals.’
I’m going to be honest with you. It made me angry. In fact, the more I kept reading the more upset I got.
I don’t think the girl who wrote it meant any harm. She was expressing her opinion and her own understanding of God and feminism. Because this post has gone somewhat viral, I have felt burdened to examine these claims next to scripture so we, as Christians, can understand this topic better.  
The author states, “Women and men are not equal in God’s eyes. If we were all equal, we would not need one another and therefore we would not need God. I am so thankful that we were not created equal.”
I believe this quote would support the notion that women depend on men because they are inferior. Women have a few traits and qualities to offer the superior sex, like taking care of children and a home. This somehow supports her claim that if women were equal to men then God would be unnecessary.
A society obviously needs both to function and reproduce. However, on the individual level, things are a little different. Just so this doesn’t get confusing, let me be clear—A woman does not need a man. Period.
A man does not need a woman.
The only person you need is Jesus.
Paul tells us we can actually serve the kingdom better when we are single. (1 Cor 7:8)
This is because we do not have a spouse to answer to or split affections. We can focus totally on Jesus and kingdom work.
If you are unmarried you ultimately answer to Jesus. This is because the two of you are a unit instead of a man and a woman, and we must submit to his lordship. You do not have to submit to any person simply because they are a man. You don’t need the permission of a man to fulfill your destiny and do what the Lord has called you to. You answer to Abba. You are qualified and capable because He has called you.
But if you do decide to go the marriage route, you should NEVER be co-dependent like this article claims women are. You do not enter a marriage because one partner needs the other to function. Marriage should be two whole people coming together to reflect the beauty and unity of God.
Think about that. Men and women both display different attributes and characteristics of God so that when they unite in covenant, we get a clearer picture of who He is.
Now, would you tell me that the Holy Spirit is inferior to Jesus? Or that God is more valuable than Christ? You would never dare to compare their worth. They each function and move in different ways, but they are one. In a similar way, man and woman bring different characteristics to a marriage covenant and become one. Neither is more important than the other.
Let’s take a look at the (ENTIRE) scripture that was misconstrued to support these misogynistic claims.
“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body.” Ephesians 5:21-33
People who have supported the oppression of women often quote the phrase, “Wives submit to your husbands” and leave it there. But before we even get to the wives, we are first instructed to submit to one another as believers. Men must submit to women, and women to men. This is because God wants us to be united, not shouting over one another, claiming that one sex is more important than another. How foolish.
Following Paul’s instruction to wives, men are then called to lay down their lives for their wives. Why? Because that’s what Christ did for us. He gave up everything. He served us. He washed the feet of his disciples. There were times when he cooked for them. He ministered to them constantly. He set the example for how to live righteously. Jesus put our needs above his own when he bore the cross.
This latter instruction Paul gives to men is a higher and harder standard to maintain. It truly is a heavier burden. That is why the man is the head of the household like Jesus is the head of the church. He had to learn, teach, suffer, and constantly sacrifice. Godly men don’t get to put their feet up and demand that their wives clean and cook and serve them all day. They aren’t superior, but they do have a bigger burden and responsibility. They will have to answer to God at judgement for all of the ways they either built up and served their wives/families or tore them down. Men of God do not just rule over their households like tyrants, because they must be submitted to Jesus.
To put it simply the point is this: Everyone must submit at the end of the day. Not just women.  
So married men, don’t ask why your wives won’t submit when you refuse serve them. Marriage is sacrificial on both sides because there are two parties involved. When you are serving one another and concerned with the other’s needs above your own, submitting becomes easier because you realize you are both on the same team.
I do find it interesting that wives specifically get called out. Maybe the women in Ephesus were dishonoring their husbands, belittling, or bossing them around. We don’t know exactly what has happening in the church at Ephesus when this letter was written. But whenever wives (or husbands) lash out in this way, it is often an issue of pride or rebellion.
In the words of my friend Fade, “Married women (or men) can sometimes have a hard time submitting because they are not submitted to The Lord.”
            *Mic drop*
And then… the inevitable happens.
Adam and Eve are brought up.
In case you’re new here:
Following the fall of man (Genesis 3 a.k.a when Eve ate the fruit), God punishes all parties involved and says to the woman: “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
This is the curse of man.
Some say that bible lays it all out there. That this is where inequality of the sexes is established and will remain forever.
However, I recall Romans 5 saying something a little different…
“You know the story of how Adam landed us in the dilemma we’re in—first sin, then death, and no one exempt from either sin or death. That sin disturbed relations with God in everything and everyone, but the extent of the disturbance was not clear until God spelled it out in detail to Moses. So death, this huge abyss separating us from God, dominated the landscape from Adam to Moses.
But Adam, who got us into this, also points ahead to the One who will get us out of it.
If one man’s sin put crowds of people at the dead-end abyss of separation from God, just think what God’s gift poured through one man, Jesus Christ, will do! There’s no comparison between that death-dealing sin and this generous, life-giving gift.
Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life! One man said no to God and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right.” Romans 5:12-19 MSG
Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ redeemed us from that self-defeating, cursed life by absorbing it completely into himself. Do you remember the Scripture that says, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”? That is what happened when Jesus was nailed to the cross: He became a curse, and at the same time dissolved the curse.”
So you see, if you are in Christ, he became the curse for you on the cross, and defeated it when he rose from the grave. He broke that power struggle between man and woman. We don’t have to live in disharmony! Isn’t that amazing?
Acts 2:17 says, “In the last days, God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”
He laid down his life so he could pour out his Spirit freely on both sons and daughters. So He could move, minister, and work through all of his children, not just an elite few.
All of this building up to my final point: Feminism isn't bad. It isn’t a dirty word. Jesus literally broke social norms to include women in a society that kept them oppressed. The bible actually celebrates powerful women!
The first person Jesus revealed himself to as the son of God was a woman. (John 4)
The first people resurrected Jesus appeared to were women. (John 20:11-18)
When Barack was too chicken to lead the army into battle, Deborah took over without hesitation. (Judges 4:9)
Women were prophets. (Judges 4; Luke 2:36-38; Exod 15:20; 2 Kings 22:15; Neh 6:14)
Women were politicians, judges, and rulers. (Deborah, Esther)
God made BOTH male and female in his image. This is why marriage reflects His image and wholeness. God intends male and female to contribute their unique strengths to benefit one another and the world. We are his children and he doesn't value us based off of something so carnal and physical.
Parents: Do you look at your son as more important and valuable than your daughter? Of course not! Why would we ever teach or assume God views us in that way?
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:3
Scripture says we (ALL Christians) should never view ourselves as more valuable than another person.
Yes, we are different. But our value isn’t. We are each and individually so priceless and worthwhile to Jesus that he literally gave himself up. You were worth his life. That is your value.
 And for the record, the Webster dictionary definition of feminism is: To advocate for the social, economic and political equality of the sexes.
If both men and women can come boldly before the throne of the Father (Hebrews 4:16), we should be able to be treated in society with that same equality.
Feminism isn't anti-men. It isn't women over men.
Feminism is wanting to see more representation of women in politics. For us to get equal pay for doing the same job. So we can walk to our cars at night without clutching a can of pepper spray and looking behind us every 10 seconds.
Here is my final point—I’m not trying to convert you to a specific ideology or promote a label as gospel. Quite frankly, God does not care whether you label yourself as a feminist or not. He cares about your heart and how you view and treat his precious children.
Women, you are powerful. God has created you to be fearless leaders.
You are not worth less than a man.
You are not a half.
You are a whole. (Colossians 2:10)
My prayer for you today is that every unbiblical and devaluing lens you see yourself through is shattered. That your spirit is encouraged, and Christ empowers you with the strength to lift your head high and wear the crown He has given you, boldly and unashamed.
Never forget that you are so treasured, worthwhile, and valued by your King and Creator.
You can read more blog posts and content on my website!
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mihnn · 5 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you. can I ask for a recommendation? The only Kdrama I have watch it's boys over flowers. Could you recommend me one of the likes so I can get myself into this world? I keep staring at your gifts and just makes me wanna starts watching them.
Sure. And you’re not bothering me at all. :D So many recs…
Shows similar to Boys Over Flowers:
1. Coffee Prince - A tomboy is mistaken for a young man, but maintains the deception for the sake of employment. The situation becomes complicated when her male boss begins to develop feelings for this “boy” and vice versa.
2. The Heirs - Kim Tan is the heir to Empire Group who has been sent to study abroad in the U.S. In reality it’s a form of exile, as his elder half-brother back home schemes to take over the family business. While in the States, Kim Tan meets Cha Eun Sang, who arrived from Korea in search of her older sister. He feels himself falling for her, never realizing that she’s the daughter of his family’s housekeeper. When his fiancée Rachel Yoo arrives to bring him back to Korea, his heart is torn between love and duty.
Shows that are cute and fun with a lot of romance and friendship:
1. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Bok Joo is a weightlifter who is pursuing her dream of winning the gold medal but she then finds romance for the first time in her life. While she is a woman who trains with heavy steel weights, she is also very feminine when it comes to relationships. To focus solely on weightlifting would jeopardize her relationship but leaving her weightlifting career for love would keep her from attaining her dreams. It covers their coming-of-age stories and relationships through hectic life.
2. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Do Bong Soon is a petite, unemployed woman who is honest and kind. She appears little and sweet on the outside, but she is in fact very, very strong. Ahn Min Hyuk, who holds a great distrust towards the police, witnessed the whole exchange of Bong Soon’s superhuman strength, and now wants to employ her as a bodyguard after being threatened by an unknown enemy. 
3. Shopping King Louie - The romantic comedy series “Shopaholic Louis” revolves around a handsome shopaholic named Louis, who is the successor of a vast business empire but becomes homeless after suffering from amnesia. Meanwhile, Koh Bok Shil, a country girl who lives a life that is worlds apart from the rich and famous, encounters Louis in Seoul.
4. Thirty But Seventeen - Woo Seo Ri, a violin prodigy at 17 who was about to study in Germany, got into a bus accident and fell into a coma waking up 13 years later. Mentally she is still only 17, while physically she is now 30.Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years before, Gong Woo Jin does not want to have a relationship with others.This series is about a man and a woman whose lives in their own ways essentially stopped when they were 17. Together, they use all their might to try and open the door to the happiness that they once thought had been closed to them.
5. My ID is Gangnam Beauty - This series tells the story of Kang Mi Rae, a girl once bullied for her looks. As a result, she became insecure, cautious around people and withdrawn. However, Mi Rae decides she wants a fresh start away from bullying and gets plastic surgery to transform her face. When she begins university, she meets Do Kyung Suk from their middle school days, who sees people for what they are on the inside and not the outside; he then becomes attracted to Kang Mi Rae.As Mi Rae begins to get teased once more and labeled “Gangnam Beauty”, the cold, aloof but kind inside Kyung Suk becomes the one person that stands up for her and in the process, Mi Rae begins to recover her lost confidence and discovers that true beauty is not on the outside.
6. What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim - The series revolves around the narcissistic Lee Young Joon, the vice president of a company run by his family. He is very self-absorbed and thinks highly of himself, so much that he barely acknowledges the people around him. Lee Young Joon has a capable and patient secretary in Kim Mi So who has remained by his side and worked diligently for 9 years without any romantic involvement. However, Mi So now want to set her life & focus on herself so when she decides to resign from her job, hilarious misunderstandings ensue.
7. Fight For My Way - Despite an increasingly hostile world, Ko Dong Man and Choi Ae Ra decide not to give up. No matter what others speak of them, they together make their own way to live a happy life.
8. She Was Pretty - As a young girl, Hye Jin was impossibly cute and had a comfortable life with her wealthy parents but since her teens, her looks and fortune changed abruptly and now she is living with her friend rent-free and working as a part-time clerk at a convenience store. One day, her childhood first love, Sung Joon, contacts her wishing to meet her, but recognizing Sung Joon has grown into a handsome and fit man, she quickly hatches a plan to have her pretty friend meet him in her place instead. After luckily landing a full-time job, Hye Jin is surprised to find Sung Joon as her boss, who is adding insult to injury, treating her with disdain and contempt.
EPICS with romance:
1. Goblin: The Lonely God - Kim Shin was once an unbeatable general in war who died a sad death. He now possesses immortality but is tired of living whilst everyone else around him dies. For 900 years, Kim Shin has searched for his bride, a mortal who can pull out the sword that binds him to the living. One day, he encounters Ji Eun Tak, a positive, upbeat high school student who can see the dead and has gone through tragic things, yet still stays strong. She claims to be the Goblin’s bride who can end his immortal life, but what appears to be an easy task only gets complicated as the two fall into requited love.
2. Mr. Sunshine - Mr. Sunshine centers on a young boy born into a house servant’s family and travels to the United States during the 1871 Shinmiyangyo (U.S. expedition to Korea). He returns to his homeland later as a U.S. marine officer. He meets and falls in love with an aristocrat’s daughter. At the same time, he discovers a plot by foreign forces to colonize Korea.
3. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - When a total eclipse of the sun takes place, a 21st century woman, Go Ha Jin, is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. She wakes up in the body of 16-year-old Hae Soo, an aristocrat living with Lady Hae, her cousin who happens to be married to one of the sons of King Taejo. She soon befriends several of the princes, who find her carefree and exuberant attitude refreshing. Although she knows she should not get involved in palace intrigues over the succession to the throne, she inadvertently becomes a pawn in the struggle, as several of the Princes fall in love with her.
4. Descendants of the Sun - Kang Mo Yeon is a pretty and assertive woman who works as a cardiothoracic surgeon at Haesung Hospital. She isn’t afraid to admit her mistakes and believes that capability overrides whatever connections you have. However, she is soon faced with reality that she cannot advance with just capability. Her life is forever changed when she encounters Yoo Si Jin, the Captain and team leader of Alpha Team who cares more about protecting anybody who needs help as well as his country, even if it goes against the order of his superiors. This drama will tell of how they both band together in a time of war and overcome the odds against them.
5. Memories of the Alhambra - Strong spirited Yoo Jin Woo is the CEO of an investment company with a degree in engineering and a knack for developing video games. He has an adventurous and competitive spirit. Suffering after his best friend betrays him, he takes a business trip to Granada, Spain in search of the mysterious inventor of an innovative augmented-reality  video game. He ends up at a hostel that Jung Hee Joo owns. They are both drawn into a series of strange and unexpected events.
Shows that focus on real relationships:
1. Something in the Rain - Yoon Jin Ah is a woman in her mid-30s who doesn’t know yet what it’s like to date a man. She’s been dumped by a man many times because of her clumsy, reckless, and foolish behavior. Just then, Joon Hee appears and he is Jin Ah’s childhood best friend’s younger brother, who used to live next door. Jin Ah has always remembered him as a little kid, but one day, he comes back as a man. When she is surprised by his change, her gut feeling tells her that she would truly fall in love this time.
2. Familiar Wife - Cha Joo Hyuk works at a bank and has been married to Seo Woo Jin for five years. When a strange incident happens one day, Joo Hyuk makes a decision that impacts his life and those around him in unexpected ways. Suddenly, the life he had with Woo Jin and his best friend, Yoon Joong Hoo are gone and he is leading a very different life.How will his first love, Lee Hee Won, factor into his new life? And will it be possible to get his old life back?
3. Encounter or Boyfriend - Cha Soo Hyun is the daughter of a politician who lives a  life where she is unable to choose her own path. After graduating from college, she entered into a loveless marriage with the son of a wealthy conglomerate, a marriage only beneficial to her politician father. She then gets divorced. Her life is changed further when she meets simple and kind Kim Jin Hyuk.
4. Matrimonial Chaos - Jo Seok Moo graduated from a prestigious university, but he pursued his dream of becoming a musician rather than finding a traditional job. Jo Seok Moo did not become a musician and because of his advanced age, he could not land a decent job. He then began working at a security service company. There, he met Kang Hwi Ru for the first time as his customer. They have been married for 3 years now, but Jo Seok Moo asks for a divorce. They do not have very much in common. Jo Seok Moo has a stubborn personality and enjoys spending time alone, while Kang Hwi Ru is easy-going and has a positive personality.Another married couple, Jin Yoo Young and Lee Jang Hyun appear. Jin Yoo Young is Jo Seok Moo’s first love.
Shows not focused on Romance:
1. Misaeng or Incomplete Life - Jang Geu Rae has played the game Go since he was a child. Playing the game was everything to him, but he failed to become a professional Go player. Now he’s been thrown out into the real world. When his gaming plans fail, the down-and-out Geu Rae is forced to get an office job as an intern thanks to an acquaintance’s recommendation for him to a large company called One International.
2. Live - The drama revolves around the incidents that occur in the police force and the joy, sorrow, and pain that police officers experience as they try to protect justice.
3. Argon - Kim Baek Jin is a popular anchor, reporter, and leader of investigative reporting program Argon. He does not tolerate unverified reports and requires facts he can personally stand behind.
4. Miss Hammurabi - Park Chao Reum is a newly appointed judge who is assigned to the 44th Civil Affairs Department at the Seoul Central District. She is always on the lookout for injustice and is able to profoundly empathize with others. Compared to her, Im Ba Reun is a cool-headed man of principle with the creed of ‘Court that is equal to all’, and he is displeased with junior judge Park Chao Reum who is overtly sympathetic when it comes to cases.
5. The Package - Yoon So So leaves on a trip to Europe with her boyfriend she met in college despite her parents’ disapproval, dreaming of a romantic journey. A few years later, her boyfriend heartlessly comes back to Korea alone, leaving So So behind. So So couldn’t help but start working as a tour guide in France to make a living. She leads a group of people traveling with the “Luxurious Premium Tour Package: 1 Week in France”.
These are just a few of the shows I love. There are many many MANY more, so feel free to ask. I know a few recs for law shows, assassins, murder/mystery, crack, so feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy your kdrama binge watch. Most of these can be found on Netflix.
P.S, - Added an update because I remembered a few more.
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aegon · 6 years
why dany deserves all the love
So after seeing rather blatantly-biased anti-Daenerys posts and political!Jon nonsense on my dash recently which I found ridiculous and unbelievably hateful against a fictional character, and I’m salty af, here’s all the wonderful things Daenerys Targaryen has done (on the show) and why Jon Snow does not need to pretend to love her. 
Warning: it’s a goddamn long list.
1) Despite not wanting to be married to Khal Drogo initially and is terrified of what’s about to happen, she still has enough grace to thank him for his gift. 
2) She tries to learn how to please him because he’s her husband and she wants to be loved. 
3) She adapted and learned a whole new language and culture that wasn’t her own. She didn’t appropriate it or look down on it, but actually adjusted to it and defended them to her own brother. My god what a horrible person. 
4) Her brother tries to hurt her and she still asks for mercy for him. 
5) She even gets gifts made for the same brother who’s progressively become more and more abusive towards her because Dany still loves him because that’s how big her heart is.
6) I love when people use her threatening her brother as an argument because he literally just hit a pregnant woman and Dany has a goddamn backbone. I’m adding that to the list. 
7) She defends the women the Dothraki want to rape, and convinces her husband to do so. 
8) She undergoes the same level of dehydration, starvation and horrendous living conditions while trying to find shelter for the khalasar that stayed with her. Never once do we see her lash out at them or mistreat them in any way. 
9) After Xaro murders half her people as well as one of her closest allies, she enacts revenge on him. Yeah that’s a positive point because Xaro is a murderer and entirely deserved what happened to him because he’d happily have Dany butchered just for her dragons.
10) She actually takes all the verbal insults Kraznys mo Nakloz dishes her way because she needs his army. If she was such an arrogant, brash woman, she certainly exercised a lot of patience here. Because Dany isn’t petty and understands how to conduct herself. 
11) Dany has every right not to like Barristan Selmy. But she still takes him in and forgives him. 
12) She offers water to a dying slave. Oh no, the cruelty. 
16) While I’ve never been a fan of sacking cities and Astapor is left vulnerable without their army, I’ve come to realise that they needed to literally build back up from their foundations if they needed to change their way of life. Which was slavery. Which is not okay. So I’m giving this point to Dany because no one else did it. 
17) It’s a small thing but asking the Unsullied to pick their own names. It’s giving them their humanity back and that’s such a precious gift. 
18) Did not buckle down when Yunkai’s slave masters tried to bribe her because she wanted the slaves free. 
19) Gets the Second Sons on her side, the very people who would have fought against her. That’s a queen, yo. 
20) Frees the slaves of Yunkai. 
21) Actually talks to Missandei properly and values her advice. 
22) When finding the road full of slaves all hammered to a cross, she insists upon looking at each of their faces and giving them a proper burial, without their slave collars. But y’all are ready to call her insensitive and a mad queen. Go off I guess. 
23) Frees the slaves of Meereen. 
24) After hearing about her failures to maintain Yunkai and Astapor’s statuses as free cities, she rationally questions herself and decides she needs more experience before moving on to Westeros. And she stays in Meereen and learns. 
25) Paying a goatheader three times the value of the livestock he lost to her dragons. 
26) Letting Hizdahr zo Loraq bury his father. Joffrey put Ned Stark’s head on a pike, but let’s compare the two anyway because they’re exactly the same. 
27) Takes the time to listen to her subject’s complaints and issues. 
28) Takes Jorah’s advice when he tells her not blindly seek revenge, but to give a choice of mercy to the Wise Masters who took Yunkai from her. 
29) Has boy-talk with Missandei. Like she doesn’t need to be so casual with someone who works for her but she is and Missandei feels comfortable enough to talk about it. 
30) Sparing Jorah’s life eventhough he outright betrayed her and committed treason. 
31) Has established halls and barracks to give the former slaves somewhere to eat and sleep 
32) Understands that freedom means allowing someone to have a choice, and if former slaves want to be sold back into slavery, then they should do so under their own terms. She gave the former slaves the right to decide their own fate instead of letting it be dictated to them.
33) Upon seeing a victim of her dragons, she locks them up. Which is such a massive deal because these are her children and seeing them in chains is distressing af, but she does it because she’s looking out for the safety of her people. 
34) Retakes Yunkai. 
35) Heeds Barristan’s words when he tells her the truth about the Mad King, instead of calling him a liar. 
36) Enacts the right justice to a former slave that murdered someone that was supposed to be granted a fair trial. I’ve seen a post say the people hissing at Dany are a sign of her being a terrible ruler, but she did the right thing. And the people didn’t react well to it because it was a former master that was murdered, and their sense of justice is ruled by hatred. So yeah, let’s side with them just because Dany is supposedly terrible at making the right decision. 
37) Tries to understand and adjust to the culture of Meereen by marrying one of their nobles and opening the fighting pits against her own wishes because she values peace. 
38) Spares Jorah’s life again. 
39) Takes Tyrion, the son of the man that murdered her family, as an advisor because she’s not a revenge-fuelled angry queen. 
40) Stands up to Khal Moro despite being alone and vulnerable because she’s a goddamn badass. 
41) Despite Khal Moro literally only moments ago threatening her, she still offers to gift him horses if she can get back to Meereen. 
42) Destroys the super rapey leaders of the khalasar and takes the Dothraki for her own. I know people have had issues with this because she burnt their sacred place to the ground, but given their leaders had just threatened to have their horses rape her, I think burning them to the ground was an ideal decision. But hey let’s sympathise with them because anyone but Dany amirite. 
43) Takes Tyrion’s advice for diplomacy. 
44) Saves Meereen looking fly af in the process. 
45) Demands the Ironborn stop pillaging the land, because she’s already caring about the people of Westeros despite not actually having met them yet. 
46) Grants the Greyjoys the right to rule themselves. 
47) Understands that, despite enjoying a physical relationship with Daario, that she needs to marry for alliances and having a lover could be detrimental to that. She’s thinking like a politician and a queen. 
48) Tyrion tells her that he believes in her, after he’d given up hope on everyone else. Says a lot. 
49) Upon arriving to Dragonstone, gets straight tf to work. 
50) Asks Varys to advise her should she ever go astray, instead of betraying her. This is a huge deal, because Dany is openly admitting that she has the potential to go wrong and that she’d look to her advisers for help. That’s not Mad Queen material, that’s what a good queen should be asking.
51) Asks for forgiveness from Jon for the crimes House Targaryen committed against House Stark. 
52) Allows Jon to mine the dragonglass for his army. 
53) The Lannister battle is controversial, and while I do agree the use of dragonfire was excessive, let’s be real. It’s a battle. It’s her first real battle in Westeros that she’s actively involved in. Also at what point are we supposed to sympathise with the Lannister army again? Arya’s scenes were shown to humanise them, that they’re just pawns in the great game - but Christ, so were the people of the Riverlands and Highgarden that the Lannister army took over. Where was the outrage then? You can’t always side with the people that aren’t Dany at the spur of the moment just because you hate her. 
56) Pledges to help Jon fight the Night King. 
57) Clearly is good enough for Jon Snow to want to pledge fealty to her. 
58) Knows the importance of the war in the North, so is willing to sit down with Cersei and have her armies fight alongside Lannisters if need be. 
59) Actually does appreciate Jon Snow. 
60) Probably is amazing at sex. I admit I’m including this last point so it’s exactly sixty but I’m not wrong. 
So there we have it. 
60 reasons why Jon is not faking his affection for Dany, and why she’s worthy of the affection in the first place. She’s made mistakes, but she’s done far more good than bad. And given she’s been raped and kidnapped and undergone severe trauma, the idea that Jon Snow would be using her because he secretly thinks she’s a Mad Queen is so anti-feminist because you’re actively rooting for a man to abuse a woman and her trust, so so wrong on every moral level because you’d rather your faves started their romantic relationship based on the misuse of another’s heart and body, and makes a fuckboy out of the man raised by Ned Stark. Which is blasphemous. So jot that down.
Anyways, Daenerys Targaryen deserves love, pass it on. 
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far-away-stars · 7 years
I’ve taken this questionnaire from @develop-your-oc ‘s post here and decided to fill it on my own because I wanted to answer them all. Sorry for the lack of proper Valentine writing, it just came .. at a bad time. I hope it’s still worth something. ♡
Illyrio and Muhren
♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?

Clearly, he’s very much in love with his darling husband. I hardly think he needs to be presented. ♡ Chronologically it’s not too precise, but Illyrio has more or less been in love with Muhn for two years before marrying him.
♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?

Not in this continuity no, I don’t think so.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?

He loves when Muhn welcomes him home running towards him like a loving puppy. But then he just loves everything even so remotely romantic Muhn does. Massages, probably.
♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?

None that comes to mind. Probably too big surprises and stuff too public.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?

Probably the (second) proposal?
♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?

Muhn is such a sweetheart, impossible to chose. Probably being forgiven again and again for his abusive shit.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?

Good if he puts a valid effort into it, and he can use the Force to trick “victims” into his arms, but he hasn’t done that in ages, when he mostly used it for survival or missions. Otherwise he just sort of presumes people should adore him at first sight or something, so he just becomes an arrogant tease.
♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?

He never really thought about it, since marriage wasn’t really a priority or interest of his. But then, I mean, stuff happened, he proposed, Muhn proposed and it was their special dreamy moment and he doesn’t regret a second of it.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?

Some patronistic stuff that would probably bother most people but thankfully not Muhn at all. Leading him into places with his hand on his lower back, always keeping him close in public (and, well, in private too), leaving him “good morning” messages in the bed if he has to wake up soon to go to work, all sort of small random gifts. Gentle mind-melds through the Force.
♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?

Travels, usually. Big vacations just for them.
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC?

Ehh…. he’s good looking? Money? He has a soft heart somewhere under layers of Dark Side influence? (Only if he cares about you.)
♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC?

Can I say his husband?
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?

He goes to great lengths to make life easier for them, essentially.
♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?

No. Really not. He had no solid base for romance or love before meeting Muhn. He learns a bit more everyday.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?

Anything with strawberries (or the SW equivalent anyway.) Even just strawberries. (Unless Muhn counts as candy. Which he should.)
♥ (16) What is your OC’s ideal first date?

Sex? He doesn’t really believe in first dates.
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person?
Maybe. Probably. He’s still a spiritual guy at heart.

♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”?

No, not really. He has apparently a tendency for “young and submissive”, but, it’s mostly coincidence. (Also, he’s married. His type has a name and it’s Muhren Helena.)
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?

He knows it’s a terrible inconvenience. But he dealt with the fact that it’s part of his life and that running from it would just make things worse. He values it as essential in his life, as of now, and lives it for the marvelous blessing and inescapable curse it is both.
♥ (20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?

He has strong mixed opinions. He is a public personality, in most things, a politician, actually, so a part of him sees as something to carefully control. He’s afraid of how everyone of his public gestures could have consequences. Also he wants to show to everyone that his lover is his but at the same time he wants their love to be profoundly theirs. In an emotional or relaxed or controlled situation he usually won’t shy away from being very affectionate and touch his baby everywhere, really. Also seeing how he is mostly unhappy of Muhn sitting anywhere else than on him. He’s not ashamed for sure. So, really, it’s complicated. Around people he knows and trusts? No problem. At all. Around anyone else? Eh.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight?

No. Not really. He believes in .. people meant to be together, brought together by the Force. But love has to grow, it doesn’t just happen.
♥ (22) How often does your OC read romantic literature?

Muhn probably leaves stuff hanging around in the house sometimes, and Illyrio is something of nervous reader, so he read pieces of that. It’s fine to pass time, but he is not particularly fond of them.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves?

Visit his daughter, or just staying all day in bed with his husband.
♥ (24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?

He knows. If he has doubts he deems that he doesn’t, if he has no doubts it’s just obvious.
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates?

As I mentioned before he believes in the Force bringing people together. He believes Muhn is part of his existence and will be until the end of times. He may not agree with the full concept of soulmates, but he believes in their bond and of how incommensurately special it is.
♥ (26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”?

Well, he is usually unafraid if his feelings once he knows he’s found a special someone, but then he is used to emotions and feelings to be exchanged in more unspoken ways, being Force-Sensitive. He’ll say it first maybe, but won’t make a big deal about it. He said it first to Muhn.
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day?

Usually he wouldn’t care for shit, but, with Muhn, probably home, exchanging all sort of gifts, from flowers to food to kisses to sex to hugs to everything. Or somewhere nice but still mostly private, like a beautiful tourist planet, somewhere where no one knows who they are, and they could go around holding each other’s hand and stealing kisses and eating street food and not caring and having sex where they are not supposed to.
♥ (28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?

Killing people? They are… two very particular lovebirds.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?

He probably knows so many… so many. Damn his opera/musical loving ass. Probably the SW version or “Come what may” or something.
♥ (30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
No idea. Whichever one is Muhn’s favorite, because he just wants to hold his baby during it.
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