#what are their main symptoms? why did they develope it in the first place? restrict? purge? b/p?
Ya know something I’ve done to cope with my own disordered eating is, whenever I get into a new fandom, I will assign each and every character super specific ed headcanons.
I do this all the time, all the tf2 merce, nearly every bsd character, not even adventure time is safe from my sort of projection.
I’m tempted to write a fic about it
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jail-crow-of-mandos · 4 years
Is Caranthir Autistic Or Am I Just Projecting: An Autobiography
Yup, here it is. My long-promised autistic Caranthir meta. Although I’m not sure how much of a meta it can be considering Caranthir is only mentioned by name 24 times in the entire Silmarillion, outside of the name index at the end. So here’s the plan: we’re gonna go through every time he’s mentioned and see if it tells us anything about potentially being autistic.
Before we begin. here is the DSM list of requirements for being diagnosed as autistic. Considering how few times we see Caranthir doing stuff in day to day life, odds are we won’t get to the level required for full diagnosis, but it certainly can help support it as a theory.
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction,
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
At least two of the following: Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech, Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior, Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus, Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment
Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life)
Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur; to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication should be below that expected for general developmental level.
With that being said, let’s start at the beginning:
“The seven sons of Fëanor were Maedhros the tall; Maglor the mighty singer, whose voice was heard far over land and sea; Celegorm the fair, and Caranthir the dark; Curufin the crafty, who inherited most of his father’s skill of hand; and the youngest Amrod and Amras, who were twin brothers, alike in mood and face. In later days they were great hunters in the woods of Middle-earth; and a hunter also was Celegorm [...]”
“[Regarding the Oath] Thus spoke Maedhros and Maglor and Celegorm, Curufin and Caranthir, Amros and Amras, princes of the Noldor [...]”
Okay these two tell us absolutely nothing about Caranthir in particular, at least for this particular topic. Moving swiftly along.
“But Caranthir, who loved not the sons of Finarfin, and was the harshest of the brothers and the most quick to anger, cried aloud: ‘Yea more! Let not the sons of Finarfin run hither and thither with their tales to this dark Elf in his caves! Who made them our spokesmen to deal with him? And though they be come indeed to Beleriand, let them not so swiftly forget that their father is a lord of the Noldor, though their mother be of other kin”
Now we’re finally getting to the good part. Let’s start at the beginning. “Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity”. Yep. To put that in layman’s terms, it means to have trouble understanding how to navigate conversations in a normal way, often talking out of turn or speaking too harshly. This falls into both of those. On top of that, it also shows signs of “Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships”. He is clearly misreading the situation and attacking Angrod for no real reason outside of being mad about everything. This is not how you speak to a stranger, especially not a diplomat. 
One could even argue that it could show signs of “Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior”” and “Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction”. The former could be argued because one could say that he has fallen into a comfortable pattern, and the idea of changing it is deeply distressing to him, hence why he lashed out. The idea of changes happening that he didn’t directly have a say in causes him to panic and react with anger. As far as the latter one goes, given Maedhros’s initial response to Angrod as well as him trying to calm Caranthir down afterwards, one can reasonably assume that his body language was telling his brothers to stay calm and cordial. Caranthir either ignored this deliberately (which would strengthen the prior argument that he struggles maintaining and understanding relationships, given the authority Maedhros has over him) or he simply could not pick up on the nonverbal cues that Maedhros was giving.
“Now the people of Caranthir dwelt furthest east beyond the upper waters of Gelion, about Lake Helevorn under Mount Rerir and to the southward; and they climbed the heights of Ered Luin and looked eastward in wonder, for wild and wide it seemed to them were the lands of Middle-earth. And thus it was that Caranthir's people came upon the Dwarves, who after the onslaught of Morgoth and the coming of the Noldor had ceased their traffic into Beleriand. But though either people loved skill and were eager to learn, no great love was there between them; for the Dwarves were secret and quick to resentment, and Caranthir was haughty and scarce concealed his scorn for the unloveliness of the Naugrim, and his people followed their lord. Nevertheless since both peoples feared and hated Morgoth they made alliance, and had of it great profit; for the Naugrim learned many secrets of craft in those days, so that the smiths and masons of Nogrod and Belegost became renowned among their kin, and when the Dwarves began again to journey into Beleriand all the traffic of the dwarf-mines passed first through the hands of Caranthir, and thus great riches came to him.”
So this is the part that led to all of the Caranthir loving money jokes, which ultimately led to there being a Caranthir/money tag on AO3. (No, really.) That said, there’s a lot to unpack here. First of all, it’s pretty reasonable to think that Caranthir’s love for planning and economics go beyond average, so let’s assume for a moment that economics are his special interest. This would fill the third elective requirement: “Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus”. Or, in other words, having a special interest. But beyond that, him not even trying to hide his distaste for the Dwarves clearly shows a lack of basic diplomacy, which we’ve been over before. He has severely lacking social skills. Plus, choosing to be hostile towards a group that have the exact same interests as him proves that he struggles with change, or at the very least forming interpersonal bonds, even if he did form an alliance with them in the end (which only goes to show how strong his special interest is).
“Therefore the Noldor held strength of cavalry In the plains at that place; and the people of Caranthir fortified the mountains to the east of Maglor's Gap. There Mount Rerir, and about it many lesser heights, stood out from the main range of Ered Lindon westward; and in the angle between Rerir and Ered Lindon there was a lake, shadowed by mountains on all sides save the south. That was Lake Helevorn, deep and dark, and beside it Caranthir had his abode; but all the great land between Gelion and the mountains, and between Rerir and the River Ascar, was called by the Noldor Thargelion, which signifies the Land beyond Gelion, or Dor Caranthir, the Land of Caranthir; and it was here that the Noldor first met the Dwarves. But Thargelion was before called by the Grey-elves Talath Rhúnen, the East Vale.”
Okay this one might be a bit of a stretch, but one could argue that Caranthir choosing to live beneath the mountains and in a notably dark region could indicate a sensitivity to bright lights, which would qualify as a sensory sensitivity. Even if not, though, we already have the required two of the four electives.
“At that time [Celegorm and Curufin] were from home, riding with Caranthir east in Thargelion [...]”
And this tells us absolutely nothing.
“But seven days later, as the Orcs made their last assault and had already broken through the stockade, there came suddenly a music of trumpets, and Caranthir with his host came down from the north and drove the Orcs into the rivers.
Then Caranthir looked kindly upon Men and did Haleth great honour; and he offered her recompense for her father and brother. And seeing, over late, what valour there was in the Edain, he said to her: 'If you will remove and dwell further north, there you shall have the friendship and protection of the Eldar, and free lands of your own.'
But Haleth was proud, and unwilling to be guided or ruled, and most of the Haladin were of like mood. Therefore she thanked Caranthir, but answered: 'My mind is now set, lord, to leave the shadow of the mountains, and go west, whither others of our kin have gone.'”
One could probably argue that Haleth was Caranthir’s only friend outside of his immediate family, which certainly indicates a struggle in forming bonds. That being said, he did pretty good here. I’m proud of him :))
“Maglor joined Maedhros upon Himring; but Caranthir fled and joined the remnant of his people to the scattered folk of the hunters, Amrod and Amras, and they retreated and passed Ramdal in the south. Upon Amon Ereb they maintained a watch and some strength of war, and they had aid of the Green-elves; and the Orcs came not into Ossiriand, nor to Taur-im-Duinath and the wilds of the south.”
While this is a very interesting passage for Caranthir’s characterization, it has nothing to do with him potentially being autistic, so we can move on.
“The sons of Ulfang the Black were Ulfast, and Ulwarth, and Uldor the accursed; and they followed Caranthir and swore allegiance to him, and proved faithless”
Poor Caranthir can’t catch a break, can he? But yeah of course he chooses the people who end up being the least loyal. Certainly indicates a lack of character judgement, which falls under not understanding nonverbal communication.
“There fell Celegorm by Dior's hand, and there fell Curufin, and dark Caranthir”
RIP. But it doesn’t really tell us anything.
Obviously, we can’t know what he was like during childhood development, nor can we know what underlying conditions he may have. However, given how many alliances he fucked over or nearly fucked over with his bad social skills, it’s fair to say that his autistic traits would have clinical significance. So, in conclusion, while nothing can be said for certain, it is reasonable to think that Caranthir is autistic.
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foxtailapp · 3 years
All About Mental Health in BDSM Dating
This post is originally from Pleasure Uncensored by Foxtail. It can be found here.
BDSM dating can have an effect on a person's mental health. To understand, you must first understand what BDSM is.
  What is BDSM Dating?
  BDSM dating refers to dating in a subculture based on various rules and restrictions related to the interactions between people to meet sexual needs. BDSM stands for bondage, sadism, masochism, domination, and submission.
  These concepts comprise three relationship pairs: BD - bondage and discipline, DS - Dominant- submissive, and SM - sadomasochism.
  In general terms, BDs are time-limited sessions with a variety of practices and strict delineation of roles. Fixation, sensory deprivation, role-playing - all this refers to the BD. But, as a rule, this type of relationship with role-playing games and educational programs doesn't go beyond the bedroom.
  DS assumes a prolonged transfer of power over all or (more often) some areas of life. Example: The big boss of the house is subordinate to his wife in everything, including the need to wear thongs with flowers and go to the gym. Submission and domination can be both in the bedroom and extended a lifetime.
  SM is a painful stimulus to get pleasure. The sadist likes to torture, and the masochist enjoys to suffer.
  The main thing to understand is the fundamental principles of BDSM; without rules, it can turn from an exciting game into ordinary violence.
  A basic rule of BDSM is SSC which means Safe, Sane, and Consensual.
  How do you interpret SSC in BDSM?
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    Safe = SECURITY.
  All parties involved will make every effort to preserve their physical and mental health.
  Sometimes it is complicated to avoid injuries: ropes pinch nerves, and blood vessels, games with breathing are fraught with suffocation, illiterate flogging leads to skin damage and internal organs. Thus, the main thing that a sane sadist starts with is the study of anatomy and safety.
  Sane = MIND.
  Life is not limited to games, and the participants in the process are adequate. This means you must have responsibility for what is happening, even if you are in a lower role. For example, the principle of safety in SM is impracticable without a sober assessment of one's own capabilities, regular monitoring of health status, and informing a partner about all potential problems.
  Consensual = VOLUNTARY
  Everything that happens, even the most painful and disgusting, happens according to an active and unequivocally expressed desire. This is one of the reasons why session scripts and practices are discussed in detail in advance. Otherwise, there can always be reticence, and game violence will turn into reality.
  Who likes BDSM?
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    When psychologists began to study natural BDSM dating communities, a lot of exciting things turned out. People who practice BDSM are psychologically healthier than those around them. Typically they are more extroverted, more open to new experiences, less neurotic, and less prone to a range of mental disorders, for example, from depression to anxiety, paranoia, and (surprise!) pathological sadism.
  According to various estimates, 20% of the world's population is inclined to BDSM. These people use bondage, masks, and blindfolds. Unlike paraphilias like fetishism, BDSM attracts both women and men equally. Participation in BDSM, as a rule, does not cover the experience of childhood trauma and violence.
  BDSM practices do not interfere, and in some cases, even help establish close and trusting relationships between partners.
  Most people view BDSM as reckless, dangerous, and unhealthy, a phenomenon whose representatives are allegedly mentally ill people. However, this is actually not the case: BDSM is just a sexual preference that can benefit health.
      BDSM Dating and Mental Health
  Recent research on BDSM and its effects on the body has shown excellent results. Scientists find no evidence of harm caused by the psychosocial subculture of BDSM, but they are finding that it does have health benefits.
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    Funny games of dominance and submission
  How do BDSM practices affect the psyche?
  In addition, researchers note that such practices can have a stimulating effect on self-awareness. For example, they connect the practice and mindfulness meditation, known to have beneficial effects on mental and physical health and reduce anxiety.
  Apparently, pain during BDSM practices helps focus attention on the sensations we are experiencing and immerses us in a meditative state and thereby helps to relieve tension.
  Studies of people practicing light BDSM practices did not reveal they have serious psychological problems. Moreover, in comparison with the control group, many respondents noted a higher level of subjective satisfaction with life. True, we are talking primarily about those who choose the dominant role or switch (they switch between dominant and submissive).
  Those in the submissive (i.e., subordinate) position reported less life satisfaction compared to dominant people. This is another reason to always pay attention to the psychological state of the participants in the process - and if the practices are not enjoyable, they should definitely be abandoned.
  Games of submission and domination require a certain level of intimacy. The willingness to trust a partner and allow himher to hurt himselfherself a little (with the ability to stop at the first signal), as expected, increases the level of trust in a stable pair.
  A slight fear develops into more excitement and interest in a partner.
  How can BDSM help?
  Fans of complex games claim that some perversions help eliminate anxiety, momentary worries, an endless stream of thoughts from which the head is spinning.
  Playing BDSM games involves the person in specific spaces that affect the person's state of consciousness.
  What is sometimes called the "topspace" is a beautiful place characterized by focused attention, optimal performance, and loss of self-awareness. Try it yourself, see how much you will be focused on your partner and what is happening at the peak of arousal.
  According to lovers of kinky sex, the whole room seems to disappear during their pleasures, leaving only the bed. Nevertheless, it is a poignant pleasure.
  There is also an alternate state that most people know about as "subspace." It is a light sense of submission. This condition is characterized by a decrease in pain, tension, and a return to complete peace and serenity.
  If you have had problems with your nervous system, BDSM dating can be a pleasant way to relieve symptoms.
  Another life hack: if a person suffers from heightened emotionality, spanking can be used for therapeutic purposes. How does it work? Impact pain creates the conditions for emotional release, for example, tears. This can be an effective but temporary solution.
  Should you try BDSM? It Depends.
  It would be best if you were more honest with yourself. Leave the imposed moral principles, and try for a moment to imagine yourself in the role of master or subordinate. Undoubtedly, many have experienced a slight excitement from just the thought of this, which is not surprising.
  A person does not have sex for procreation but for pleasure, so why not get the most of it? Role-playing games, toys from a sex shop, submission, and domination - all this variety in bed will help you get new sensations previously unknown. So when should you try BDSM?
  Long-term marriage in which people no longer feel the need to make love. This phenomenon is widespread everywhere, and it's just that people have become boring to each other.
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    Lack of sex leads to moral and physical dissatisfaction, quarrels begin, and just everyday life becomes monotonous. To get a taste of life again, try BDSM.
  Dissatisfaction with regular sex. Many people complain that they are not satisfied with the sex. So, it's time not just to change the position but sexual intercourse as a whole.
  As we have already found out, BDSM allows you to get more aroused and get more pleasure from sex than an ordinary act.
  Stress and depression will go away if you use BDSM. Partners will be able to throw out negative energy during dominance and submission. By the way, the role doesn't matter - dominants and submissives alike get rid of negativity, and gain pleasure.
  So, what does BDSM mean?
  This is a standard sexual practice used by many couples (polls have confirmed). So, nearly all people cannot have mental disorders (right?), which means that it is simply stupid to classify BDSM as a perversion. You have to ignore public opinion and give your desires to the fullest.
  I recommend that you try this practice for a variety of relationships and mental relaxation. First, however, it is worth remembering a vital rule, BDSM is based on the voluntary consent of all parties involved.
  To prepare for such an experience, resolve to participate and not be influenced by a partner.
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psychopersonified · 5 years
KIdnapped!Q - Part 2
Continued from Part 1 here.
“The boyfriend don’t feed you??” she shakes her head and sends a glare at Bond’s direction indicating what she thinks about his efforts.
Q nearly spit takes his tea. He forces it down, choking in the process.
Bond clears his throat. “I think… you’ll find the boyfriend tries his best,” he grinds out, still looking straight ahead, his tone betraying more than a little indignation.
Notes: The event told roughly from Bond's POV especially the first half. Plus the aftermath. This is me trying to get into Bond's head. Also, let's all get on Bond's case shall we? 
Towards the end, there is exposition of technical plot. I've tried to interject it with humour and also to use this opportunity for character development.
Some parts borrowed heavily from Spectre (movie) but does not take place in that universe.
Level 5 Lobbby, SIS (MI6) HQ
Kneeling beside Q in the Level 5 lobby of MI6 HQ, Bond vacillates between being livid at himself and overwrought with worry for Q. The young man is crumpled unconscious on the marble floor. He had seen it coming. Q was already too pale in the car, lips almost colourless. He had to call Q’s name twice before he responded to exit the vehicle.
He should have dealt with it in the parking garage, instead of turning Q into a spectacle here in the lobby. He recognised the symptoms of hyperventilation when he saw it. Bond was hoping to get Q to medical before helping him recover.
He checks Q’s pulse, rapid but weak. He’s breath is still shallow. If medical doesn’t get there in the next minute, he’s going to pick Q up and carry him there. A crowd is forming around them. Level 5 lobby is the main exchange lobby inside HQ - where the ‘public’ meets the ‘secret’. The floors above level 5 house the Executive and Operational branches. Level 5 and below that are the public facing areas - accounts, administrative, HR, logistics, cafeteria, etc. To get to the upper levels, they have to change to the restricted lift banks further to the rear of the building.
And now, it’s right in the middle of the workday morning. Curious staff from both upstairs and downstairs are standing around staring. Bond wants badly to tell them to -piss off-, but it would just make rumours spread faster.
Dr. Chen arrives just then with two of her aides, a crash cart and a gurney. Together they put Q onto the gurney, checking his vitals on the way to Medical.
“BP  87/60. Pulse 110. Oxygen saturation 92%. Glucose levels 61mg/dL,“ One of the medical aides report.
“He’s borderline hypoxic and in hypoglycaemic shock. Prepare glucagon shot, and glucose IV drip.” Dr Chen orders as they fit Q with an oxygen mask.
Knowing Q, he likely hadn’t taken breakfast yet that morning either. He was still asleep when Bond left for HQ. Add that to the fact that Q barely had dinner the night before; appetite suppressed by the cold he was having - he was running very low on reserves.
The treatment room doors close in his face. One of the senior nurses had brandished a folded stethoscope in his face like a weapon and told him to stay. That was Maria, a straight talking matronly nurse of Pilipino descent, the only nurse in medical that isn’t afraid of his 00-status despite being nearly a foot shorter than him. So he’s now left pacing the corridor outside.
Earlier that day
When his phone buzzed that morning with a security alert ::Lobby Alert:: , 007 was in a meeting in the operations centre with M, Tanner and 004 running through plans for the next mission in Libya. A local warlord was buying guns presumably to fight ISIS insurgents but intel has it that he’s gone from fighting them to suppling them - profits were better.
007 had excused himself to a corner to check the app that would give him access to the security cameras in Q’s building. The sight of the three men at the door with the battering ram had him on his feet in an instant - heart in his throat. The distress signal came through seconds later.
He was out of the conference room door in seconds and into the main operations area where the wall of monitors stood. R was there and had apparently received the same alert - the warning flashing red and urgent across one of the monitors.
“007, Sir!” R called out to him from across the room, “Q’s distress signal was just activated.” R looked to Bond like he might have an explanation.
M and the others in the conference room had followed him out when they noticed him leave abruptly.
“I just received the same alert. Security cameras show three men attempting to gain access.” Bond held up his phone to indicate how he knew.
Panic flickered across R’s face for a moment; but her training kicked in and she started calling out orders to the minions around her, “Executive Protocol Q! Attempted forced entry at Quartermaster’s residence in progress. I want CCTV feeds around his residence. Get the police on the line, how fast can they get a patrol unit there-...”
What happened next was a flurry of activity. Bond’s only deference to protocol was to turn to M and nod his leave before sprinting out. Tanner caught up with him at the lifts, a tablet in hand. He swiped his Chief of Staff card and tapped a short code that would give him (or more accurately M) preferential lift access in emergencies.
“M says to take his car. R can patch through the feeds and update us on the way.” Bond would normally object to having someone tag along with him, but in this instance a government vehicle with its blues-and-twos flashing would get them through traffic quicker.
By the time they got to the parking garage, they were joined by another team of agents. Tanner had the keys to M’s Jaguar and took position as driver, he signalled to one of the other agents jump into the front passenger seat - leaving 007 to stew in the back. The remaining agents followed in a separate vehicle.
“Tanner... a little more speed would be appreciated.”
“007, why don’t you pay attention to the tablet and help R out?” Tanner suggested politely.
007 flung the door open before the car even made a full stop. He engaged the second assailant just as Q made it across the Jag’s bonnet to the other side. Bond would later dispute the police report that indicated excessive force was used to subdue the assailant. A broken nose, partially crushed windpipe and dislocated knee was hardly excessive in his line of work.
Dr Chen emerges from the treatment room 15 minutes later.
“He’s fine. He’s fine.” Chen holds up her hands to placate Bond before he can do his double-0 looming. “Oxygen levels are back to normal and blood glucose readings are back up. He just needs rest and some food in him.”
Q comes fully around in half an hour. The glucose and oxygen supplement doing wonders. He’s sitting up on the recovery bed having tea and biscuits that Bond managed to retrieve from Q’s stash in Q-Branch.
Mallory and Eve are present as well, intercepting Q before Bond has had a chance to see him privately. Pleasantries done, M leaves the room and gestures for 007 to follow him out, leaving Eve to continue her conversation with Q.
Outside Recovery Room A
“007, It’s been a trying day. How are you?” M opens.
Bond makes a non-committal sound, “Sir. I know you didn’t want to see me to discuss my mental health.”
M sighs. Why must everything be so difficult with this one.
“Fine. I want to discuss Q’s protection detail for the next few weeks until we get this threat sorted. You are off the Tripoli mission next week, 004 will be taking lead,” M offers.
Bond would normally protest, but this time he makes no move. Internally he is relieved. This saves him from having to come up with an excuse for why he won’t be going.
“We’re going to have to move Q to a secure location. MI5 has safe houses and resources we can tap into— “ Mallory sees the snarl forming on 007’s lips and quickly adds, ”—but I have a feeling you are going to want to have a say in it.”
Bond backs down and considers a moment. “I still have my place. The floorplan is easy to secure. A few upgrades and it should be adequate.”
“And the rest of the detail?”
“I’ll… need two more officers. Better yet, field agents in line for the 00-program. Consider this their asset protection training.”
M nods in approval. But something is left unsaid. M decides that it is time to get it out of the agent.
“How long has it been going on?” Bond knows M is not talking about the protection detail anymore.
“Just over a year.” He says matter of fact looking at a point past M’s shoulder. Bond isn’t volunteering more information than that. M doesn’t look surprised. If anything, he looks thoughtful.
Both men are clearly uncomfortable with the personal segue of the conversation. A pause and they both look away and clear their throats at the same time.
M ends the discussion on something they are more accustomed to, “Well, I trust you have this area under control. Tomorrow morning, we’ll reconvene to discuss any information R and Forensics can recover.”
Bond nods. “Very well, sir.” The fact the M hasn’t removed him from the case is consent enough.
Inside Recovery Room A
“How are you?” Eve rubs his blanket covered shin.
“Aside from it being one of the worst days of my life? Alright all things considered.“
Eve reaches over to give him a tight hug, more for her own sake than Q’s, “You had everyone so worried!… Thank goodness for the pen.”
“Yes well… Bond’s penchant for pilfering Q-branch equipment finally came in handy.”
Eve ruffles his hair and presses a kiss to his cheek, “You did really well today. I’m so proud of you.”
Q shrugs, what can he say? He doesn’t feel particularly proud. More numb if anything now that’s it’s over. Eve seems to sense this and goes for humour instead, ”Did Tanner tell you? He put 007 in the backseat of the Jag on the way to you.”
“I did wonder about that…” He could imagine Bond’s ire at having to relinquish control and wait patiently. Eve and Q share a conspiratorial smile.
“The rumour mill is spinning in overdrive; thought you might to know. It was quite the spectacle this morning in the lobby.”
Q pinches the bridge of his nose; mortified. “Not my finest moment I’ll admit. I’ve single handedly destroyed what little street cred Q-Branch had left.”
“Oh Q... that’s not what people are talking about—,” at his blank look, she unlocks the phone in her hand and pulls up the internal messaging app. She scrolls to a video and selects it before showing it to him.
It was of Q crumpled dramatically on his side just in front of the lift banks. 007 is crouched over him, one of his hands cradling Q’s head. Tanner is standing nearby, phone to his ear. The video captures 007’s other hand coming up to touch the pulse point at Q’s neck. A few moments later the agent looks up, taking in the crowd, his eyes a blazing blue, expression tinged with fear. Dr. Chen arrives soon after, cutting off the view from that angle.
Oh… OH…- In his mind, Q had expected the incident to be far more comical. A tech boffin kissing the floor from panic induced hypoxia has the potential to be the stuff of comic legend; if schadenfreude was your cup of tea. But the video was far from amusing. Poignant would be a more accurate description. Bond will be a handful to deal with later.
At the sobering thought, Q changes the subject, “Did I make the tele?”
Eve grins and nods,”All morning… breaking news and all. It’s being spun as a possible terror attack, as shots were fired and we need to maintain your cover. Mallory negotiated a quid pro quo with MI5. They are getting credit for the quick response in apprehending the suspects in exchange for publicly copping to counter-terrorism failure.”
“There were quite a lot of shots exchanged. Was anyone hurt?” Q recalled the street was rather busy.  
“Aside from the assailants, none seriously. Some civilian injuries, but all stable.” That assuages his guilt somewhat.
“Has anyone been to the flat?”
“Forensics is taking a look now.”
“Derek, the officer in the lobby? Is he—“
“He’s just out of surgery. Critical but stable.” This is why Q loves Eve, she knows everything.
“Don’t suppose anyone knows what happened to the cats?” Q is a little sheepish to be asking about his pets when human lives were threatened this morning.
“The cats are fine. Emily from forensics found them huddled in the laundry room. She’ll bring them back here at the end of her shift,” Eve reassures him, “But at the moment, your lion is loose and prowling the halls.”
Ah right, “Eve… does everyone know?”
Eve smiles at him, “Q... everyone’s known for months. Including Mallory.”
Just then the door opens and Bond reenters. Eve takes her leave. She pats Bond on his bicep on the way out and he acknowledges with a nod. When she’s cleared the doorway, he closes the door and locks it behind her. Finally. Some privacy.
Bond is silent intent when he comes to sit on the recovery bed facing Q. He removes the mug of tea from Q’s hands and sets it safely aside - gently demanding.
He leans in to wrap his arms tightly around Q, crushing Q against his chest. He runs his calloused hands over Q’s back, neck and into his hair - then buries his nose in that unruly mop of hair, breathing in deeply. When he’s a little calmer, a little more composed - he relaxes his hold to nuzzle Q around the temple before going in for a kiss, hands still stroking the sides of Q’s face and neck.
Q’s glasses are askew from all the petting. “Alright… I’m alright…. ,“ He soothes the agent, and has to take hold of Bond’s hands to quiet him. He knows Bond in this unsettled mood - a predator caught off guard, challenged… insecure. Bond would very well take things too far to reassure himself if Q lets him. And this isn’t an appropriate time or place.
“Are you still going to Tripoli on Monday?” Q tries to distract the clingy agent.
“No. M stood me down… I’ve been reassigned as your PPO,” Bond rumbles softly into his hair.
“Aren’t you a little overqualified to play bodyguard?” Q needles him.  
“Hmm… you deserve the best,” he mumbles into the corner of Q’s mouth.
Q snorts at the backhanded compliment Bond’s paid himself.
Bond whispers, “I’ve been told I’m rather good at what I do.”
Bravado. Let him have it- Q thinks, “You’re incorrigible.”
“And you’re precious,” Bond had not intended that to be out loud, and is a little embarrassed even before Q calls him out on it.
“Gah! You’re incredibly mushy today,” Q pushes him away lightly, mock cringing.
Bond leans back, but his hands have escaped and have wandered around Q’s waist, thumbs caressing the ticklish flesh, “Considering the events of today, I think I’m entitled.” Bond leans back in for a kiss.
Pillow talk. They’re engaging in pillow talk in the middle of the day in Medical. -Surreal- Q thinks.
The door handle rattles. Bond squeezes his eyes shut and exhales in exasperation -Seriously, can everyone just piss off!
Undeterred by the universal sign for a request to privacy, the person the other side raps on the door.
Bond goes to unlock it. Q picks up his tea to hide his mirth.
The door opens to reveal Nurse Maria sporting a -very- disapproving scowl. She’s back to check in on Q’s condition. She keeps her eyes on Bond as she enters, keeping him at bay with her stare alone. Bond moves away to a decent distance and stands at parade rest, eyes straight ahead; the very picture of obedience.
She turns to Q and fusses over his vitals and starts removing the IV drip.
“Rest. No more dangerous stunts. Eat more... Too skinny. Tsk!” she makes a sound of disapproval.
“The boyfriend don’t feed you??” she shakes her head and sends a glare at Bond’s direction indicating what she thinks about his efforts.
Q nearly spit takes his tea. He forces it down, choking in the process.
Bond clears his throat. “I think… you’ll find the boyfriend tries his best,” he grinds out, still looking straight ahead, his tone betraying more than a little indignation.
“Hmph…” Maria huffs unimpressed, as she fluffs Q’s pillow.
Mercilessly she adds, “Maybe the boyfriend is too busy. Always travelling. You should tell him to slow down. Spend more time at home.”
All this she directs at Q but there is no mistaking who the words are actually for.
“I’ll umm… I’ll make sure to let him know.” Q tries to defuse the situation. If it comes down to an actual contest of words between those two, Q’s not sure Bond would win.
Quartermaster’s Residence
Late that afternoon, once forensics is done collecting evidence, Bond is back home - well technically Q’s place. He speaks to Emily, Head Forensics Tech onsite for an update.
“Place is untouched, only damage appears to be the door. Nothing appears to be out of place, but you’d be able to tell better than us. It doesn’t look like the assailants bothered to search for anything. Which confirms the suspicion that they were not after anything, but Q himself.”She informs him - which to Bond is the worst case scenario. Q has something they want, and if the failed attempt today does not dissuade them, then they will try again.
“We’ll have some technicians back onsite to secure the door at least temporarily and do a more thorough sweep… Right then, cats are in their carriers in the laundry room. Do you still want us to take them to HQ?”
“No, that’s fine. I’ll take it from here. Thank you Emily.” Emily pats him on the shoulder much like Eve did before leaving.
Bond has two other agents with him:
Agent Monica Chalmers, former Squadron leader in the Royal Air Force, calm, tough as nails with surprisingly good hand to hand combat skills for a pilot.
Agent Peter Coyle former Major in the Royal Marines, good all rounder but with a dormant sense of rebelliousness that Bond see lying just beneath the highly disciplined exterior.
Both are experienced field agents and nine months into the Double-0 program and top of their batch. He’d consulted 009 earlier for his recommendation and Bond remembered them from the selection weekend ten months ago when he assisted 009 in the testing process.*
Bond gets them to help pack a few bags for Q as well as collect any projects and papers he was working on - directing them where things are and pointing out the items he wants packed.
When they’re done and about to leave, Bond emerges form the laundry room with his own bag and a cat carrier, “I hope the both of you like cats.”
Chalmers is quick to indicate affirmative. Coyle hesitates a split second too long; 007 smells blood and smiles sharkily. “Well you do now,” and promptly hands over the carrier case to him.
Notting Hill, Chelsea
Then they swing by MI6 to pick up Q before heading to Bond’s place in Chelsea.
They have a polite dinner, all four of them standing around the kitchen bar, because Bond’s bachelor pad lacks any real furniture. Bond refuses to be embarrassed. The place smells musty from disuse, and the overhead lighting is harsh and unflattering. It’s in a very nice part of town, but the place is frankly depressing. Q’s only been here a handful of times. Barely furnished and incomplete, it represents Bond’s past - he still comes by time to time especially after missions where he’s had to do some morally questionable things. He comes here to shed the proverbial filth so to speak; before returning to his present, his life with Q. Psychological compartmentalisation in physical form.
Q had let the cats out to explore. Jellicles the younger tuxedo cat is curious, zooming about the place and chattering to himself. Q thinks his boldness is due to the place not smelling entirely alien. Bond had to pull the cat off the hanging kitchen lights at one point.
But Spot (after Data’s cat) the older orange moggie is having none of it. The big former street cat is attempting to climb Q’s jeans, wanting to be held and cuddled. Q finally gives up and picks up the cat and hitches it to his side like child - the large moggie is as heavy as one too. With the cat mollified, Q can finish his dinner.
After dinner, Q transfers the cat to Bond’s arms before excusing himself to shower and get ready for the night. Bond is in his usual white shirt open at the collar, gun holster still around his shoulders. The orange cat fidgets in his arms, head-butting him under the jaw. Jellicles who was lounging on the kitchen bar now feels left out and is reared up on his hind legs, front paws on Bond’s other shoulder, meowing incessantly. “Yess, alright…,” he sets down his fork in mild annoyance to pet the cat along his long sinuous spine and get him to sit back down.
Agents Chalmers and Coyle exchange a look. Here is the idolised spy, the revered Double-0 agent, the man himself in his private setting and nothing lives up to expectation. The cognitive dissonance throws them.
Bond ever the observant one catches their open stares, understanding immediately. His voice is low, tired even, heavy with the the years of service and untold horrors he’d witnessed and done, “They lie in the brochures. I hope neither of you are doing it for the lifestyle.” And that concludes Bond’s pearl of wisdom for the day.
When they’re done clearing up, Bond gives them their instructions.
“Familiarise yourselves with the floorplan, entry and exits. Let me know what improvements we need and an escape plan for contingencies.”
“In the evenings when I’m around, you won’t need to stay. Check in with the police guards outside and have them keep watch of the building. But I won’t be here all the time. At some point I -will- leave to go after whoever is behind this.”  
“The both you will need to take turns sleeping on the couch. Or make alternative arrangements for him if the threat becomes untenable. We’ll discuss more tomorrow.“
With that, they’re dismissed.
That night, when the lights are out, and they’re both scrubbed clean of the days’ stress  - Bond crawls into bed behind Q. Q can sense it in the cautiousness and light tremors in Bond’s movements, like he’s trying to keep it together.  
Once his guard drops, James is near inconsolable. Wrapped possessively around Q, hands everywhere, legs tangled - his face is buried in the back of Q’s neck. The man is silent, except for the harsh and erratic breathing - and not the good kind either. The back collar of Q’s pyjamas is wet with tears.
Q does his best to soothe, petting and rubbing the muscled arms wrapped around him. He brings the man’s hands up to his face and kisses the cuts and bruises on his knuckles. “James, I’m alright…. I’m right here…” he whispers over and over.
He doesn’t try to stop the emotional breakdown, better to let him have it. Q feels a little guilty, he’s feeling somewhat detached from the days’ traumatic events. Maybe it’s because he got to panic while it was happening and it is now out of his system.  He’s cool and calm now while James suffers the emotional fallout.
Q recalls the video that Eve presented to him earlier in the afternoon. The camera capturing with stunning clarity the raw emotion behind the agent’s blue eyes. If the agent knew about the video, he’d make the person who took it will disappear. Which reminds Q to make a mental note to nuke the video from the messaging platform in the morning.
James is past the tears now and demanding more. The soothing caresses turning to something more serious, more consuming. Q is more than happy to give. They comfort each other until they’re both exhausted enough to fall asleep.
Saturday 10:00  
SIS (MI6) Ops Centre Level 9 - Operations Room C.
R is providing sitrep. Images flash across the wall of screens to the front of the room.
“…—The ambulance was stolen from the Forest Hill Station south of London. Three assailants. Two in custody--” Their mugshots appear on screen:
Assailant 1 sports a bandaid under his chin. “…— is under medical observation for possible head trauma from hitting the cobblestone street—…”
Assailant 2 is much worse off, broken nose, a large hematoma under the right eye, and ugly bruising across the throat. “…— is also under medical observation for a partially crushed windpipe and dislocated knee.”
“Hospital will not release them for questioning until Sunday or Monday at the latest. Human rights and all. Third assailant was cornered by our agents, but opened fire into the crowd. Luckily there were no serious injuries. Agents stood down to avoid risk to civilian population and the assailant escaped on a stolen motorcycle.”
“Facial recognition places them as local members of a south London crime syndicate. Armed robbery, money laundering and the likes - serious crimes but nothing on the scale that would suggest going after a head of department in SIS.”
“Hired muscle. Nothing more. So that if the attempt fails or they get caught, it can’t be traced to whoever ordered it,” M concludes.
“Yes, sir. But they would have to know where to drop the asset off if it were successful though.” Agent Chalmers chimes in.
“Note the unusual timing; in the middle of a workday morning meant that they had to know that Q would be home at the time. That he was relatively unguarded—“ that Bond wasn’t home, was left unsaid. “—which means they were watching. Or told when to initiate the attempt.” Tanner added.
Q is only half paying attention to the discussion. Mark from IT-Branch came in earlier to hand him three new boxes of electronics - bless him. A new phone, laptop and hotspot router (because Bond’s place has no telephone or internet); unboxing them was like taking a hit for an addict in withdrawal. Q is preoccupied with setting them up and re-downloading data from the secure cloud services. He feels nearly like himself again. He had spent most of yesterday without them and he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“The place was untouched. The target was Q. What worries me is motive. Why would anyone take such a risk to provoke MI6 by abducting the Quartermaster knowing we would have the motivation and resources to go after them. Not unless the payoff is something that would massively change the way they forward their agenda. It has to be something they need him for. Something they can’t replicate, not even if they had the plans.” 007 concludes.
M who was rocking lightly in his chair whilst listening stops, leans forward and sighs. He looks over at Q, “What have you been working on?”
Mallory couldn’t keep track of all of it. Yes Q-Branch spent millions in R&D but they made the government (and by extension secured SIS funding) at least ten times what they spent. Declassified plans, schematics and programming codes sold at auction to private defence, Infosec and engineering companies for tens of millions.
The Q-Branch minions might be the butt of jokes at times in SIS, but their work not only kept operatives alive but helped keep the lights on in MI6. It is no wonder that MI5 wanted a slice of that pie. Sometimes M wondered why Q hasn’t left to go work in private. He’d asked him that once, and all he got in reply was something to the effect of ‘reigning in egomaniacal tendencies with public oversight and knowing which side you’re on’.
“Take your pick—” Q huffs in mild frustration, then realises who he was speaking to and adds,”—Sir.”
Q’s feeling tetchy this morning. Aside from tech withdrawal, his cold had gotten worse so his nose is completely stuffed. The general fatigue that accompanies a cold is exacerbated by his aching leg muscles from all that running the day before. Then he’d discovered he’d ripped a nail right off the finger bed in his haste to remove the hard drive so it stings when he types. He’s feeling a full on sulk coming. Bond already bore the brunt of his crabbiness this morning attempting to get him ready to come in to HQ.
“What about the project you’ve been working on with Mark? With the Shadow Network?” R said trying to be helpful.
“What about it? And please, I prefer Gemini Network - sounds less villainy.”
“I heard Mark say it could be a game changer, that it will give us the upper hand when it comes to controlling information.”
“Well in theory….” Q is being a little evasive.
Mallory looks over at Eve and tips his chin up at her. Eve knows at once to go and fetch Mark. They’ve learned over the years that when Q says something is ‘in theory’, it means he’s already gone ahead and built a proof a concept it or at the very least it tested the theory.
Mark enters the operations room like he’s been summoned to the headmasters office. “Sir? You asked to see me?”
“Tell us about the Gemini Network.” M dives right in without preamble.
“You mean the Shadow Network?” Mark looks for clarification.
“Why does everyone insist on calling it that?…” Q is slightly miffed.
Mark begins, “Well, the concept started years ago when we first used it to trap Silva in his earlier days. Quantum was trying to undermine your predecessor through Q-Branch, cascade of equipment failures leading to the death of a field agent. Basically we built a replica of Q-Branch systems and let Silva run his virus in it to learn what he was doing.”
“Since then we’ve evolved and developed the concept into a full shadow network that now protects MI6 systems. We created an AI shepherded by our cybersecurity team that patrols our systems; learning the normal functions - what’s secure, what’s not.” Mark pauses to check if everyone is still following.
“The idea is that when an anomaly in the system is detected, the AI isolates the suspicious node and shunts it into its shadow network. The shadow network presents itself as a legitimate fully functioning system and lets whatever suspicious activity continue unchallenged. But all the while it is watching and learning. It then flags the human team who can then decide if it is harmless or a legitimate threat. We can then use what it learns to patch the actual system. Think of it like an evolving immune system for cybersecurity. The more it learns the more robust it gets.”
Q then reasons, “The AI represents thousands of hours of machine training and learning, valuable in it of itself. But not impossible to recreate - though having MI6 as a training ground does make it harder for anyone to catchup to it.”
Bond notices Mark’s excited body language. The man is almost bouncing on his toes, “But… I’m guessing there is more to this…?”
Marks looks to Q and they have a non-verbal exchange. Those two are thick as thieves when it comes to programming, though Mark still refuses to transfer to Q-Branch for the sake of his sanity. Bond has met Mark numerous times, he likes the guy. Mark looks up to Q like an adoring little brother wanting someday to be just as good. Which means he’s an enabler who goes along with Q’s ideas without any sense of self preservation.
“Recently, Mark and I found a new application for it. We managed to package the AI into a worm that can be used to infiltrate a target network. It will still require us to inject it behind a firewall, either through hacking or physically. But once inside, it starts watching and learning - filtering traffic internally between nodes; as well as incoming and outgoing traffic outside of the network. It will sit dormant until activated…”
Eve’s eyes are wide, “Oh boys, what have you created?”
“…When activated, it will deploy the Shadow Network, into which we can shunt specific network traffic. A) The captured node still thinks its in the master system and functions normally. B) The AI then replaces the captured node with a mimic so to the master system, nothing is amiss.”
“The beauty of this is that it does not require us to crack security. When authentication is required, the AI simply returns the node back in to authenticate before shunting it back out. Do you see? We can compel any system to unlock its door by hiding behind the captured node.“ Mark points out looking like he’s about to explode with excitement.
Even Tanner is stunned now. R, who has heard it all before and told them repeatedly how dangerous of an idea this was - has her hands pressed together as if in prayer covering her mouth
“The node itself is tricked into thinking it is still interacting with the master system - which makes it voluntarily reveal information which we can collect or use as we see fit. Alternately we can seed it with misinformation to bring back to the master system.”
“Its the ultimate spy - Agent 1001.” Mark declares gleefully. His attempt at humour falls flat. If he‘d added Ta-Da! at the end of it, Bond was going to cuff him behind the head.
Mark pulls himself together and continues, “In practical terms it means we can change literally any information - while both sides remain unaware because there are now two truths depending on which network you are interacting with. ”
“But that’s just the start—.” Q takes over.
“There’s more?“ Mallory drawls out, feeling a migraine coming.
Q is apologetic, “What’s the most secure form of record keeping at the moment? …Blockchain. A set of records linked cryptographically together, with a distributed ledger that technically guarantees security. You can’t change any data in a block retroactively without changing all the subsequent blocks…. not unless you have consensus of at least 51% of all the nodes in the ledger.“
“Q… As riveting as this exposition is, get to the point.” Bond’s tone is a warning, his consonants sharper. Even he’s catching on to where this is leading and dreading it.
“Yes alright..” Q doesn’t get why everyone seems more upset than impressed.
”The point is, theoretically if we manage to get the worm into a peer-to-peer network and let spread throughout, we can apply the Shadow Network concept to launch a mass ‘eclipse attack’ on the distributed ledger. The nodes in the network must stay in constant contact to compare data for consensus. If the AI shunts off enough of the nodes into its Shadow Network and manage to trick 51% of the nodes into accepting our version of the chain before returning it, we change the ledger. Change the ledger and—“
“—You’ve hacked blockchain.“ Eve finishes for him, disbelieving.
“So are we talking about bitcoin?” Agent Coyle hazards a guess.
“Oh Agent Coyle… cryptocurrency is just the beginning. Just imagine any database that depends on blockchain for its immutability. Voting records? Supply chains? Financial records? Anti-counterfeit measures? The Shadow Network lets you - Change. Your. Digital. Reality.” Q finishes with a flourish; in purely intellectual terms, the concept is truly quite clever.
Tanner looks to Mallory alarmed,“Sir… 35 central banks are now experimenting with issuing digital state currencies on blockchain. At least 10 will be going ahead in this year and another 15 in the next 2 years.“
Silence. You could hear a pin drop.
Bond who has been standing off to the side of the monitors in his characteristic agent pose, legs apart one hand in his pocket; exhales loudly and points out ominously, “So whoever controls the AI, controls the Shadow Network and everything it can do - the Shadow Master. “
All heads in the room turn to Q….
“Yes, that would be one way of putting it. Personally, I prefer the term Shadow Architect,” Q chortles at the absurdity of the comic villain names.
But no one one else is laughing. And they’re all looking at him expectantly. Except Mark, he laughs at all of Q’s jokes.  
-Christ-. Bond is torn between wanting to strangle the oblivious idiot himself and wanting to put the genius in a glass cage for his own safety.
A moment later, Q has a dawning realisation about what he’s managed to get himself into this time.
“It..Its just theoretical!” Denial.
“Technically this belongs to SIS…” Bargaining.
“We just thought it would be a helpful tool for our operatives to turn the odds in their favour!” Anger.
“What in the world possessed me to think…” Depression
“Owwh shit.” Acceptance.
Q stops his pacing in front of the monitor wall and collapses into a chair nearby. Elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
When he’s done cycling through emotions, M raises and eyebrow,“Well, I’m glad we’ve all come to the same conclusion,” M’s sarcasm flies over his head.
As a result of the meeting, Q & Mark are sent away to put their project into a secure vault in the servers - until M knows what to do with it. Q feels like they’ve just been sent to ‘time out’ - to think about what they’ve done.
Once he’s done that, he goes to Q-Branch to serve out his sentence.
Q-Branch is the only ‘secret’ arm in SIS that is located between the garage and basement bunkers. It’s more practical that way as larger projects (cars, boats, etc) would be a logistical pain to move if they were on the upper levels. Three whole floors make up Q’s lair that he shares with thirty or so minions.
It’s Saturday, so only a skeleton crew is present most of them are working in the floors below. None are in the office areas.
Bond is still in the meeting upstairs with M and the others. So Q makes himself tea and sticks his nose in the steam curling out of the mug to open his sinuses. He’s running through the theory he’s told the others in his head - trying to poke holes in it. But no, the simulation running on his computer is telling him how terrifyingly efficient the AI would be once activated.
The main doors to Q-Branch offices hiss open. Q doesn’t turn around, knowing who it is. Bond comes to sit a little noisily in a swivel chair next to him, facing the other way. He’s radiating ‘we need to talk’ vibes, but even then Bond usually just invades his space until Q speaks first.
“James, I’m sorry about being a tosser this morning. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. The eggs were fine.” Q makes a peace offering. And since no one is around, he reaches out to trace a finger around Bond’s tie pin.
Bond doesn’t move away which means he’s forgiven. Thats the thing with Bond, he’s not really a man of many words when he’s not actively trying to charm a mark. So when he does want to talk, best pay attention.
“Whats the damage?” Q asks.
“Mark is going to need his own protection detail.”
“Oh, he’s going to love that….” Poor Mark is going to have to explain that to his Bumble dates.
“Well, it might teach him not to be such an enabler and grow a pair around you.”
“Hah! Tell it to his face.”
“I did. Now, stop making him do things that will get him in trouble. You don’t want that on your conscience.” Bond chastises. The poor guy is like Igor to Q’s Dr Frankenstein.
Suitably reproached, Q doesn’t have anything to say for himself. He continues playing with Bond’s tie.
“Mallory is thinking of forming an internal oversight committee to run risk analysis on Q-Branch projects. He doesn’t want to accidentally end up with a cyberworld equivalent of a Manhattan project in his lap.
“He’s afraid I’ll turn into Ozymandias…,” then remembering that Bond probably didn’t get the reference, ”Antagonist, very smart, tries to take over the world.” He supplies by way of explanation.  
Bond laughs a little, “If you do turn villainous, does that make me your henchman?”
Q considers, “More arc nemesis I should think. Don’t pretend that M won’t send you to shot me if I do. And don’t pretend you won’t either.”
“Are you expecting me to refuse?”
“No Mr Bond, I expect you to come get me.”
----  To Be Continued ---
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dajokahhh · 3 years
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Alright, time for some pretentious sociological-esque rambling. This is gonna be long as hell (its 1822 words to be specific) and I don’t begrudge anyone for not having the patience to read my over-thought perspectives on a murder clown. CWs for: child abuse, 
I think a lot of things have to go wrong in someone’s life for them to decide to become a clown themed supervillain. A lot of people in Gotham have issues but they don’t become the Joker. I think that as a writer it’s an interesting topic to explore, and this is especially true for roleplaying where a character might be in different scenarios or universes. This isn’t some peer reviewed or researched essay, it’s more my own personal beliefs and perspectives as they affect my writing. I think villains, generally, reflect societal understandings or fears about the world around us. This is obviously going to mean villains shift a lot over time and the perspective of the writer. In my case, I’m a queer, fat, mentally ill (cluster B personality disorder specifically) woman-thing who holds some pretty socialist ideas and political perspectives. My educational background is in history and legal studies. This definitely impacts how I write this character, how I see crime and violence, and how my particular villains reflect my understandings of the society I live in. I want to get this stuff out of the way now so that my particular take on what a potential origin story of a version of the Joker could be makes more sense.
Additionally, these backstory factors I want to discuss aren’t meant to excuse someone’s behaviour, especially not the fucking Joker’s of all people. It’s merely meant to explain how a person (because as far as we know that’s all he is) could get to that point in a way that doesn’t blame only one factor or chalk it up to “this is just an evil person.” I don’t find that particularly compelling as a writer or an audience member, so I write villains differently. I also don’t find it to be particularly true in real life either. If you like that style of writing or see the Joker or other fictional villains in this way, that’s fine. I’m not here to convince anyone they’re wrong, especially not when it comes to people’s perspectives on the nature of evil or anything that lofty. Nobody has to agree with me, or even like my headcanons; they’re just here to express the very specific position I’m writing from. 
The first thing I wanna do is set up some terms. These aren’t academic or anything, but I want to use specific and consistent phrasing for this post. When it comes to the factors that screw up someone’s life significantly (and in some instances push people towards crime), I’ll split them into micro and macro factors. Micro factors are interpersonal and personal issues, so things like personality traits, personal beliefs, mental health, family history, where and how someone is raised, and individual relationships with the people around them. Macro factors are sociological and deal with systems of oppression, cultural or social trends/norms, political and legal restrictions and/or discrimination, etc. These two groups of factors interact, sometimes in a fashion that is causative and sometimes not, but they aren’t entirely separate and the line between what is a micro vs macro issue isn’t always fixed or clear.
We’ll start in and work out. For this character, the micro factors are what determine the specifics of his actions, demeanor, and aesthetic. I think the main reason he’s the Joker and not just some guy with a whole lot of issues is his world view combined with his personality. He has a very pessimistic worldview, one that is steeped in a very toxic form of individualism, cynicism, and misanthropy. His life experience tells him the world is a cold place where everyone is on their own. To him the world is not a moral place. He doesn’t think people in general have much value. He learned at a young age that his life had no value to others, and he has internalized that view and extrapolated it to the world at large; if his life didn’t matter and doesn’t matter, why would anyone else’s? This worldview, in the case of my specific Joker, comes from a childhood rife with abandonment, abuse, and marginalization. While I will say he is definitively queer (in terms fo gender expression and non conformity, and sexuality), I’m not terribly interested in giving specific diagnoses of any mental health issues. Those will be discussed more broadly and in terms of specific symptoms with relation to how they affect the Joker’s internal experience, and externalized behaviours.
His childhood was, to say the least, pretty fucked up. The details I do have for him are that he was surrendered at birth because his parents, for some reason, did not want to care for him or could not care for him; which it was, he isn’t sure. He grew up effectively orphaned, and ended up in the foster care system. He wasn’t very “adoptable”; he had behavioural issues, mostly violent behaviours towards authority figures and other children. He never exactly grew out of these either, and the older he got the harder it was to actually be adopted. His legal name was Baby Boy Doe for a number of years, but the name he would identify the most with is Jack. Eventually he took on the surname of one of his more stable foster families, becoming Jack Napier as far as the government was concerned. By the time he had that stability in his mid to late teens, however, most of the damage had already been done. In his younger years he was passed between foster families and government agencies, always a ward of the government, something that would follow him to his time in Arkham and Gotham’s city jails. Some of his foster families were decent, others were just okay, but some were physically and psychologically abusive. This abuse is part of what defines his worldview and causes him to see the world as inherently hostile and unjust. It also became one of the things that taught him that violence is how you solve problems, particularly when emotions run high. 
This was definitely a problem at school too; moving around a lot meant going to a lot of different schools. Always being the new student made him a target, and being poor, exhibiting increasingly apparent signs of some sort of mental illness or disorder, and being typically suspected as queer (even moreso as he got into high school) typically did more harm than good for him. He never got to stay anywhere long enough to form deep relationships, and even in the places where he did have more time to do that he often ended up isolated from his peers. He was often bullied, sometimes just verbally but often physically which got worse as he got older and was more easily read as queer. This is part of why he’s so good at combat and used to taking hits; he’s been doing it since he was a kid, and got a hell of a lot of practice at school. He would tend to group up with other kids like him, other outcasts or social rejects, which in some ways meant being around some pretty negative influences in terms of peers. A lot of his acquaintances were fine, but some were more... rebellious and ended up introducing Jack to things like drinking, smoking cigarettes, using recreational drugs, and most important to his backstory, to petty crimes like theft and vandalism, sometimes even physical fights. This is another micro factor in that maybe if he had different friends, or a different school experience individually, he might have avoided getting involved in criminal activities annd may have been able to avoid taking up the mantle of The Joker.
Then there’s how his adult life has reinforced these experiences and beliefs. Being institutionalized, dealing with police and jails, and losing what little support he had as a minor and foster child just reinforced his worldview and told him that being The Joker was the right thing to do, that he was correct in his actions and perspectives. Becoming The Joker was his birthday present to himself at age 18, how he ushered himself into adulthood, and I plan to make a post about that on its own. But the fact that he decided to determine this part of his identity so young means that this has defined how he sees himself as an adult. It’s one of the last micro factors (when in life he adopted this identity) that have gotten him so entrenched in his typical behaviours and self image.
As for macro factors, a lot of them have to do specifically with the failing of Gotham’s institutions. Someone like Bruce Wayne, for example, was also orphaned and also deals with trauma; the difference for the Joker is that he had no safety net to catch him when he fell (or rather, was dropped). Someone like Wayne could fall into the cushioning of wealth and the care of someone like Alfred, whereas the Joker (metaphorically) hit the pavement hard and alone. Someone like the Joker should never have become the Joker in the first place because the systems in place in Gotham should have seen every red flag and done something to intervene; this just didn’t happen for him, and not out of coincidence but because Gotham seems like a pretty corrupt place with a lot of systemic issues. Critically underfunded social services (healthcare, welfare, children & family services) that result in a lack of resources for the people who need them and critically underfunded schools that can’t offer extra curricular activities or solid educations that allow kids to stay occupied and develop life skills are probably the most directly influential macro factors that shaped Jack into someone who could resent people and the society around him so much that he’d lose all regard for it to the point of exacting violence against others. There’s also the reality of living in a violent culture, and in violent neighbourhoods exacerbated by poverty, poor policing or overpolicing, and being raised as a boy and then a young man with certain gendered expectations about violence but especially ideas/narratives that minimalize or excuse male violence (especially when it comes to bullying or violent peer-to-peer behaviour under the guise of ‘boys will be boys’). 
Beyond that, there’s the same basic prejudices and societal forces that affect so many people: classism, homphobia/queerphobia, (toxic) masculinity/masculine expectations, and ableism (specifically in regards to people who are mentally ill or otherwise neurodivergent) stand out as the primary factors. I’m touching on these broadly because if I were to talk about them all, they would probably need their own posts just to illustrate how they affect this character. But they definitely exist in Gotham if it’s anything like the real world, and I think it’s fair to extrapolate that these kinds of these exist in Gotham and would impact someone like The Joker with the background I’ve given him.
I have no idea how to end this so if you got this far, thank you for reading!
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toshootforthestars · 4 years
From the report by Caroline Chen, posted 6 Feb 2021
To justify their reopening decisions, governors point to falling case counts. “We make decisions based on facts,” Cuomo said. “New York City numbers are down.”
(Me: Cuomo does not make decisions based upon facts.)
But epidemiologists and public health experts say a crucial factor is missing from these calculations: the threat of new viral variants.
One coronavirus variant, which originated in the United Kingdom and is now spreading in the U.S., is believed to be 50% more transmissible. The more cases there are, the faster new variants can spread. Because the baseline of case counts in the U.S. is already so high — we’re still averaging about 130,000 new cases a day — and because the spread of the virus grows exponentially, cases could easily climb past the 300,000-per-day peak we reached in early January if we underestimate the variants, experts said.
Furthermore, study after study has identified indoor spaces — particularly restaurants, where consistent masking is not possible — as some of the highest-risk locations for transmission to occur.
Even with distanced tables, case studies have shown that droplets can travel long distances within dining establishments, sometimes helped along by air conditioning.
We’re just in the opening stage of the new variants’ arrival in the United States. Experts say we could speed viruses’ spread by providing them with superspreading playgrounds or slow them down by starving them of opportunities to replicate.  “We’re standing at an inflection point,” said Sam Scarpino, assistant professor at Northeastern University and director of the school’s Emergent Epidemics Lab. Thanks to the arrival of vaccines, he said, “we finally have the chance right now to bring this back under control, but if we ease up now, we may end up wasting all the effort we put in.”
Dr. Luciana Borio, an infectious disease physician who was a member of the Biden-Harris transition team’s COVID-19 advisory board, put it more bluntly at a congressional hearing on Feb. 3. “Our worst days could be ahead of us,” she said.
I interviewed 10 scientists for this story and was surprised by the vehemence of some of their language.
“Are you sure it could be that bad?” I asked, over and over.
They unanimously said they expected B.1.1.7, the variant first discovered in the U.K., to eventually become the dominant version of coronavirus in the U.S.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that B.1.1.7 will become dominant in March, using a model that presumes it’s 50% more transmissible than the original “wildtype” coronavirus. The model’s transmission rate was based on experience in the U.K., which first detected B.1.1.7 in September and saw an increase in cases that became apparent in December, straining hospitals despite stringent closures and stay-at-home orders. So while our country appears relatively B.1.1.7-free right now, the situation could look drastically different in a matter of months.
Experts are particularly concerned because we don’t have a handle on exactly how far B.1.1.7 has spread. Our current surveillance system sequences less than 1% of cases to see whether they are a variant.
Throwing an even more troubling wrench into the mix is that B.1.1.7 is continuing to morph. Just this week, scientists discovered that some B.1.1.7 coronaviruses in Britain had picked up a key change, known as the E484K mutation. That mutation had previously been found in the B.1.351 variant, which was first discovered in South Africa. Scientists have hypothesized that it’s the E484K mutation that has reduced the efficacy of some vaccines in South African trials, so this is incredibly worrying news.
“It’s really hard to thread this needle without sounding like a prophet of doom,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Georgetown University’s Center for Global Health Science and Security. While vaccines bring hope, she said, governors who are moving to expand indoor dining are “completely reckless”; if they don’t course correct, “I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to say the worst could be yet to come.”
To understand the epidemiologists’ warnings, it helps to understand what variants are, how they have been behaving and our limitations in knowing exactly how far they have spread.
People have a bad habit of anthropomorphizing the coronavirus: ascribing human-like intentions to it, as if a microbe can discern that we finally have a vaccine and try to evade it. But viruses don’t really have any schemes; they just reproduce.
“Coronaviruses are a single strand of RNA in a sac of fat,” epidemiologist Larry Brilliant reminded me. “They’re preprogrammed to replicate and continue replicating. That’s their job.”
Once in a while, when a virus replicates, a mistake occurs, and a letter in the strand of RNA is copied inaccurately. That’s called a mutation. Many times, those mutations are neutral. Sometimes they are detrimental to the virus, and that lineage will quickly die off. Other times, they’re beneficial to the virus in some way, such as by making it more transmissible. When a version of the virus becomes functionally different, that’s when scientists consider it a variant. As of Feb. 4, according to the CDC, the U.S. has found 611 cases of B.1.1.7, the variant first discovered in the United Kingdom, five cases of B.1.351, first identified in South Africa, and two cases of P.1., first identified in Brazil. But that’s almost certainly an undercount.
Part of the reason why epidemiologists are advocating for us to stay hunkered down is because the U.S. doesn’t know exactly where all the variant cases are.
As of Feb. 4, only 2.1% of the U.S. population had been reported to have received both doses of the vaccine; 8.5% had received one dose. That means we’re in a precarious moment right now where the vast majority of the U.S. hasn’t had a chance to get protected, and the variants have a window to multiply.
(Of course, those who have already gotten sick with COVID-19 have natural immunity, but some scientists are concerned that those who develop only mild symptoms may not gain as much innate immunity as those who receive a vaccine.)
(Me: Read more here)
Of the scientists I talked to, Caitlin Rivers, a computational epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, was the most optimistic about a potential variant-fueled surge. “I do think that B.1.1.7 has the possibility to precipitate a wave, but it probably won’t be as bad as the last wave, because we have a lot of preexisting immunity and we are rolling out the vaccines,” she said. Thanks to the vaccines, the U.S. will have more population immunity by March, when the CDC predicts B.1.1.7 will become dominant, than the U.K. did when the variant hit there late last year. “It’s a low likelihood that we will have a gigantic fourth wave, but not impossible,” she said.
Still, Rivers said, “now is not the time to relax.” She, too, was critical of state policies to loosen restrictions. “When you create the same conditions that allowed the last surge, you should expect the same results,” she said. “Our main move should be to reduce transmission as much as possible while we vaccinate as much as possible.”
Time is not on our side, as the morphing B.1.1.7 variant showed us when it picked up the E484K mutation. While we are lucky that our vaccines still work against the current variants, we have to keep in mind that in this race between vaccines and variants, the variants aren’t staying static.
The big fear is that eventually, a variant will come along that provides the virus with a complete immune escape, preventing our vaccines from working against it. Even though we can update our vaccines, that would take time.
The only way to guarantee that the virus won’t mutate into a variant that our current vaccines don’t cover is to lower transmission significantly, said genomic epidemiologist Alli Black: “The virus will continue to mutate as it continues to spread. We’re not going to stop that biological fact unless transmission stops.” And vaccinating everyone quickly is one key way to make it harder for the coronavirus to get from person to person in the first place.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Covid-19 news: Infection rate in England rises to one in 500 people
Covid-19 news: Infection rate in England rises to one in 500 people
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By Michael Le Page , Clare Wilson , Jessica Hamzelou , Adam Vaughan , Conrad Quilty-Harper and Layal Liverpool
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Public information messages in central Manchester, England
Jon Super/AP/Shutterstock
Latest coronavirus news as of 5 pm on 25 September
Infection rate within communities in England and Wales continues to rise 
One in 500 people in England had the coronavirus in the week ending 19 September, up from one in 900 people the previous week, according to the latest results from a random swab testing survey by the Office for National Statistics. “It’s a worrying increase and is occurring across all age groups, particularly in the North of England and London,” said Simon Clarke at the University of Reading in a statement. “While it’s true that there are many more tests conducted nowadays, this is clear evidence of an accelerating spread of the virus,” said Clarke. “We can expect to see an increasing burden placed on our hospitals and a consequent increase in deaths.” 
Northern Ireland, which was included in the survey for the first time, and Wales have also seen increases in infections. One in 300 people are estimated to have had the virus in Wales and Northern Ireland during the same time period. In Wales, this figure is up from one in 500 the week before. This weekend, new restrictions will be put in place in the Welsh city of Cardiff as well as in Swansea county areas and in the town of Llanelli. 
The UK’s R number – the number of people each coronavirus case infects – has increased for the third week in a row, up to an estimate of between 1.2 and 1.5, an increase from between 1.1 and 1.4 the previous week, according to official figures. This is most likely to represent the situation two to three weeks ago due to a time lag in the data used to model the R. Infections across the country are estimated to be growing at a rate of between 4 and 8 per cent every day.
Other coronavirus news
Only 11 per cent of people told to self-isolate actually do so for the full 14-day period, which the UK government has been aware of since June. The finding comes from a survey that began in February. Results were published online yesterday to the pre-print server medRxiv and have not yet been peer-reviewed. The government’s scientific advisors recommend that 80 per cent or more of the contacts of people diagnosed with the coronavirus self-isolate for the full time period in order to help limit onward spread. 
Independent SAGE – an independent group of scientists publishing advice for the UK government – says Sweden’s success in tackling the coronavirus pandemic has been overstated. In a report published today, the group dismissed the idea of “herd immunity” as a strategy for dealing with the UK’s epidemic in the absence of a vaccine and said it is “irresponsible and unethical to try”.
Spain’s government has recommended imposing a new partial lockdown on the entire city of Madrid due to rising cases. The capital accounts for more than a third of the country’s hospital admissions, according to local authorities. Under the new restrictions, people would be banned from travelling outside of the city but would still be allowed to leave their homes to go to work and school.
The Netherlands recorded its highest daily increase in cases since the start of the pandemic, with 2777 new cases confirmed today. The country’s previous record for daily new cases was set just yesterday, when 2544 cases were recorded.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 984,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 32.3 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
When did the coronavirus first reach Europe and the US?: No cases were reported outside China until January 2020, but a study published on 10 September claims that cases in the US began to rise by 22 December. Many people there and in Europe suspect they had coronavirus around this time. Yet overall, the evidence suggests there were few cases outside China this early on. 
Birdsong during lockdown: If you thought birdsong sounded different during lockdown, it turns out you were probably right. The uniquely quiet circumstances of the covid-19 restrictions in San Francisco saw birds respond by lowering their pitch, singing sexier songs and making their songs clearer.
Essential information about coronavirus
Everything you need to know about the pandemic
What is covid-19?
What are the worst symptoms and how deadly is covid-19?
You could be spreading the coronavirus without realising you’ve got it
Which covid-19 treatments work and how close are we to getting more?
What are the main coronavirus vaccine candidates?
What to read, watch and listen to about coronavirus
Health Check is New Scientist’s weekly health newsletter by reporter Clare Wilson. This week she examines a new study from the only city in the world to have achieved herd immunity to the coronavirus and explores what the impact might be if the UK were to try a similar strategy.
Race Against the Virus: Hunt for a Vaccine is a Channel 4 documentary which tells the story of the coronavirus pandemic through the eyes of the scientists on the frontline.
The New York Times is assessing the progress of different vaccine candidates and potential drug treatments for covid-19, and ranking them for effectiveness and safety.
Humans of COVID-19 is a project highlighting the experiences of key workers on the frontline in the fight against coronavirus in the UK, through social media.
Coronavirus, Explained on Netflix is a short documentary series examining the on-going coronavirus pandemic, the efforts to fight it and ways to manage its mental health toll.
New Scientist Weekly features updates and analysis on the latest developments in the covid-19 pandemic. Our podcast sees expert journalists from the magazine discuss the biggest science stories to hit the headlines each week – from technology and space, to health and the environment.
The Rules of Contagion is about the new science of contagion and the surprising ways it shapes our lives and behaviour. The author, Adam Kucharski, is an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, and in the book he examines how diseases spread and why they stop.
Previous updates
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The new NHS Covid-19 app for England and Wales
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
24 September
NHS Covid-19 app goes live in England and Wales but testing and tracing still limited
The official test and trace app for England and Wales went live today, with more than one million downloads so far. The app uses Bluetooth technology built into smartphones to detect people nearby and alert users if any of those people later test positive for the virus. The government is urging everyone over the age of 16 to download and use the app. 
Some users have already reported issues with the app, and it does not work on some iPhone and Android smartphones, including iPhone 6 and older models. UK health minister Matt Hancock told BBC Breakfast this morning that the app would run on the “vast majority” of smartphones in the country. But there are concerns that limitations in testing and contact tracing could negate any potential benefit of the app. 
The latest NHS Test and Trace figures reveal that it is taking longer to return results for coronavirus tests in England. Only 28.2 per cent of coronavirus tests performed in community testing centres returned results within 24 hours in the week leading up to 16 September, down from 33.3 per cent in the previous week. During the same period, NHS Test and Trace reached 60.2 per cent of the contacts of people who were diagnosed with the virus, below the level of 80 per cent or more recommended by the government’s scientific advisors. 
Just 18 per cent of people in the UK report self-isolating after developing symptoms of the coronavirus and only 11 per cent say they self-isolate after being told by contact tracers that they have been in contact with a confirmed coronavirus case, according to a preliminary study by researchers at King’s College London. The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, surveyed more than 31,000 people in the UK between 2 March and 5 August.
The number of new coronavirus cases in England also went up, but less sharply than the previous week, with 19,278 people testing positive for the virus between 10 and 16 September, compared to 18,371 the week before. This small weekly increase may reflect “oddities in the reporting testing system, rather than a sudden plateau in viral cases,” said James Naismith at the University of Oxford in a statement. 
Other coronavirus news
The number of people in the UK diagnosed with common conditions – including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental health conditions – was about 50 per cent lower than would normally have been expected between March and May this year, a study has found. The study, published in The Lancet Public Health analysed electronic health records from 47 general practices in Salford, UK, between January 2010 and May this year. The UK went into lockdown on 23 March.
United Airlines in the US is expected to become the first airline to offer rapid coronavirus testing to some of its passengers. The firm plans to conduct a trial of the programme on flights from San Francisco to Hawaii starting on 15 October, using 15-minute rapid tests supplied by US biotechnology company Abbott.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 978,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 31.9 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Testing troubles: How the UK can get its catastrophic coronavirus testing under control. 
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Doctor administers a vaccine
Udom Pinyo/Getty Images
23 September
Volunteers will be deliberately infected with the coronavirus in first challenge trials
Healthy volunteers will be deliberately infected with the coronavirus to test the effectiveness of experimental coronavirus vaccines in London next year, in the world’s first human challenge trials for coronavirus. About 2000 people in the UK have volunteered to be given one of a number of experimental vaccines and then receive a dose of the coronavirus under controlled conditions. The volunteers have joined the trial, which is due to begin in January, through advocacy group 1Day Sooner. Earlier this year the group organised an open letter signed by prominent researchers including Nobel laureates, urging the US government to immediately prepare for human challenge trials. The researchers behind the trials, which are being funded by the UK government, told the Financial Times that the trials would play an important role in helping to identify the most promising vaccine candidates likely to move into clinical testing in early 2021.
Other coronavirus news
There were 6178 new coronavirus cases recorded across the UK today, the highest daily total since 1 May. Scotland recorded 486 new coronavirus cases yesterday, the highest daily figure since its epidemic began, first minister Nicola Sturgeon told a briefing today. In the Scottish city of Dundee, 500 university students have been told to self-isolate due to a suspected outbreak in a halls of residence. Meanwhile, in England, more than a million pupils were absent from school last Thursday for reasons related to covid-19, according to the nation’s Department for Education. Yesterday, the Isle of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall in England recorded its first coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic.
The UK’s prime minister Boris Johnson has urged people in England to follow new rules announced yesterday aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning that the government could introduce further restrictions if people fail to adhere. “If people don’t follow the rules we have set out, then we must reserve the right to go further,” Johnson said during a televised address. However, some have questioned the logic behind the new rules. “Closing down restaurants and pubs earlier will do little to stave the spread for as long as multiple different households can interchangeably meet up,” David Strain at the University of Exeter said in a statement.
The official test and trace app for England and Wales will be launched tomorrow after being trialled in Newham in London and the Isle of Wight. It will be the second iteration of the app, after the first was abandoned because it struggled to detect iPhones. There are concerns about the lack of transparency around the new app, and the government has not yet demonstrated that it is effective and ready for mass rollout, the Health Foundation charity said in a statement today.  
Germany’s contact tracing app, the Corona-Warn-App, has been used to transmit 1.2 million coronavirus test results from laboratories to users during its first 100 days, according to officials. The app has been downloaded more than 18 million times since it was first launched in June and more than 90 per cent of laboratories in the country are now connected to it.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 972,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 31.6 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Asymptomatic infection: People who have the coronavirus without symptoms appear to have similar levels of the virus in their noses and throats to people with mild symptoms, a study has found. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are as likely to spread covid-19 as those who are sick.
Doctor’s diary: How can we deal with the long covid-19 symptoms?
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A staff member wears a face mask as she serves customers at the The Shy Horse pub and restaurant in Chessington, Greater London
BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images
22 September
New restrictions for England could last six months, UK prime minister says
People in England will be asked to work from home where possible and pubs, bars and restaurants will be required to close at 10 pm each night, under a series of new restrictions announced by UK prime minister Boris Johnson today, which come into force on Thursday. Under the new rules, which Johnson today told MPs could stay in place for six months, pubs, bars and restaurants will be restricted to table service only and face masks will be compulsory for hospitality staff and non-seated customers, as well as for retail workers and taxi drivers. In Scotland, a ban on meeting people in houses will be extended from Glasgow and its surroundings to the entire country, and bars, pubs and restaurants will have to close at 10 pm. 
Linda Bauld at the University of Edinburgh said in a statement that the new measures for England are not as stringent as might have been expected, with some of them already in place in parts of the nation under local lockdowns. “What is worrying, however, is that they will be accompanied by sticks but no carrots,” said Bauld, which she says “risks rising levels of non-compliance” among the public. Shops and hospitality businesses that fail to comply to the rules on use of face coverings, contact tracing and limits on maximum group sizes, risk closure or fines of up to £10,000. Fines for individuals not wearing face coverings or following rules will be increased from £100 to £200 for the first offence. 
Cabinet office minister Michael Gove told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that people should work from home “if you can,” a reversal of advice from the prime minister in July, when he encouraged people to go back to workplaces. 
“The urging of people to work from home if at all possible is sensible. There should never have been encouragement of people to return to their workplace,” Michael Head at the University of Southampton said in a statement. “We have already seen outbreaks linked to the office environment, and there is no reason to promote an increase in numbers of commuters travelling on public transport.”
Other coronavirus news
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has backtracked on advice it posted last week regarding airborne transmission of the coronavirus. The advice suggested the virus spreads through tiny droplets that can linger in the air. The World Health Organization acknowledges that there is some evidence that airborne transmission can occur in crowded spaces with inadequate ventilation but says the main route of coronavirus transmission is through larger droplets from coughs and sneezes, which can land on surfaces and get onto people’s hands. The CDC retracted its guidance yesterday, with a spokesperson telling CNN that a “draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error.”
More than 200,000 people in the US have now died from covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University, the highest number for any nation. The country has recorded more than 6.8 million cases of the coronavirus.
Covid-19 was a factor in 1 per cent of all deaths registered across England and Wales in the week ending 11 September, according to the Office for National Statistics. The figure is among the lowest since March but there are concerns deaths may rise due to recent increases in cases and hospitalisations.
No new locally acquired coronavirus infections were recorded in New South Wales in Australia today for the first time in 76 days. Two infections confirmed yesterday were both returned travellers in hotel quarantine, according to local health authorities.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 965,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 31.3 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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Staff at a NHS appointment only testing facility take testing kits from members of the public in Redcar, England
Ian Forsyth/Getty Images
21 September
New localised lockdown restrictions to come into force in parts of the UK tomorrow
Amid warnings from scientists that the UK’s epidemic is doubling every seven days, which could lead to 50,000 cases a day by mid-October, the UK has imposed new restrictions to try and limit the spread of coronavirus. The country’s chief medical officers also advised that the coronavirus alert level be raised from 3 to 4. According to the government’s 5-tier alert system, an alert level of 4 indicates that transmission is high or rising exponentially and warrants increased social distancing measures. The UK is currently recording around 3000 cases per day, compared to around 5000 a day at the peak of the epidemic in spring. 
Wales has now followed England in introducing additional localised coronavirus restrictions, set to come into force tomorrow. In total, at least 13.9 million people in the UK now face some form of additional local restrictions. From 6 pm tomorrow, people in Merthyr Tydfil, Bridgend, Blaenau Gwent and Newport in Wales will not be allowed to leave those areas or to meet with people from other households. Restaurants, bars and pubs will be required to close from 11 pm each night. Similar restrictions will affect Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales as well as 10.9 million people in parts of north-west England, West Yorkshire and the Midlands starting tomorrow. Today, Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon told journalists that additional lockdown restrictions will “almost certainly” be put in place in Scotland over the next few days as well. 
Other coronavirus news
Coronavirus restrictions will be lifted across New Zealand today, with the exception of Auckland, where some restrictions will remain in place. “Our actions collectively have managed to get the virus under control,” the country’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern told a press conference today. There are currently 62 active cases of the virus in New Zealand, 33 of which are connected to a cluster in Auckland. Rules in Auckland will be eased further on Wednesday, with a limit on gatherings to be increased from 10 to 100 people.
Strict new lockdown measures came into force in Spain’s capital Madrid today. At the weekend, thousands of people in the city’s southern district of Vallecas took to the streets to protest against the new restrictions. Under the new rules people won’t be allowed to leave the areas where they live except to go to work or for emergency medical treatment.
India’s Taj Mahal reopened today for the first time since it was closed due to the pandemic in March. Visitors will be required to adhere to strict physical distancing rules and the number of visitors will be limited to 5000 per day – a quarter of the usual rate.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 961,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 31.1 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Death toll: Most people still don’t have any level of immunity to the virus behind covid-19. But there is a growing risk that some of us are becoming immune to the enormous numbers that this pandemic is throwing out on a weekly basis. The global death toll from covid-19 is nearing 1 million. That is a number that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become blasé about.
UK epidemic: The UK faces a “very difficult problem” of rising covid-19 deaths and cases if it does not change course, chief medical officer for England Chris Whitty has warned.
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Shoppers walk past an electronic billboard displaying a UK Government advert in Newcastle, UK
OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images
18 September
UK government considering short-term national lockdown in October
The UK could face a second nation-wide lockdown in October, according UK health minister Matt Hancock. In an interview today, Hancock told Sky News that the government isn’t ruling out a short-term national lockdown in October. “We do have to recognise that the number of cases is rising and we do have to act,” he said. This comes after warnings from senior scientific advisors to the government that the UK is about six weeks behind France and Spain in terms of coronavirus cases, and can expect to see a significant increase in cases by mid-October without further intervention. France set a record for daily new coronavirus cases in the country on Thursday, recording 10,593 new cases within 24 hours, according to its health ministry.
The latest estimate of the UK’s R number – the number of people each coronavirus case infects – is between 1.1 and 1.4, up from between 1 and 1.2 the previous week and between 0.9 and 1.1 the week before, according to the latest government figures. The current number is representative of the situation two to three weeks ago due to a time-lag in the data used to model the R number. In documents released today, the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies warn that new infections in the UK may be doubling as quickly as every seven days and, according to the latest results from a random swab testing survey by the Office for National Statistics, about one in 900 people in communities in England had the virus in the week ending 10 September, up from about one in 1400 the previous week. 
Parts of north-west England, West Yorkshire and the Midlands have become the latest areas in the UK to see tightening coronavirus restrictions. Starting on Tuesday, people in these areas won’t be allowed to mix with people from other households, and pubs and restaurants will be required to shut at 10 pm each day. “It does seem ironic that after encouraging mass attendance at pubs, cafes and restaurants through ‘eat out to help out’, that we are now contemplating restricting or closing those activities down,” said Jonathan Ball at the University of Nottingham in a statement. At least 13.5 million people in the country are now facing local restrictions of some kind, including 10.9 million people in England. 
Other coronavirus news
Details on a participant in the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine trial who experienced neurological symptoms, which halted the trial in early September, have been revealed in an internal safety report by the firm. The 37 year-old woman experienced symptoms of a rare neurological condition called transverse myelitis, including pain, weakness and difficulty walking, according to the report.
Israel today became the first country to introduce a second nation-wide lockdown, with people required to stay within 500 metres of their homes, except if they are travelling to work. 
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 947,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 30.2 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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People entering Oxford Circus Station in London, England.
17 September
Steep rise in new coronavirus cases in England despite testing shortage
The weekly number of people testing positive for the coronavirus in England has risen sharply, as the country is experiencing testing shortages. Between 3 and 9 September, 18,371 people were diagnosed with covid-19, which is “a substantial increase of 167 per cent compared to the end of August,” according to NHS Test and Trace. These may be “the last reliable figures” on the state of the nation’s epidemic for some time because of the reduced availability of tests, said Daniel Lawson at the University of Bristol in a statement. 
The time for tests to be returned is also taking longer. The proportion of test results received within 24 hours fell to 14.3 per cent during the same period in September, down from 32 per cent the week before. “Tests which take many days to report and action, are of no value in suppressing the pandemic,” said James Naismith at the University of Oxford in a statement. In June, UK prime minister Boris Johnson told parliament that all coronavirus tests would be returned within 24 hours by the end of the month.  
The website for booking coronavirus tests online in the UK is struggling to cope with the growing demand for tests. An increasing number of users are reporting receiving error messages when attempting to book tests on the site.
Other coronavirus news
Today the UK government announced new restrictions affecting almost two million people in the north-east of England, where case rates are particularly high. Under the new rules, which come into force at midnight tonight, people will be banned from meeting people from other households. Restaurants, bars and pubs will also be required to close at 10 pm. Affected areas include Sunderland, where the infection rate is currently 103 per 100,000 people, as well as Newcastle, South Tyneside and Gateshead, all of which have infection rates above 70, UK health minister Matt Hancock told MPs today. “The data says that we must act now,” said Hancock. 
Europe has ��alarming rates of transmission”, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned today, as it encouraged countries to stick to the recommended 14-day self-isolation period for people who may have been exposed to the coronavirus. In the UK, the recommendation is currently 10 days. Other European countries, including Portugal and Croatia, are considering reducing the length of recommended self-isolation, according to the Guardian. “Knowing the immense individual and societal impact even a slight reduction in the length of quarantine can have […] I encourage countries of the region to make scientific due process with their experts and explore safe reduction options,” Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, said at a press conference.
It will take at least a year before a coronavirus vaccine becomes generally available to the US public, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield told a US Senate panel yesterday. In an interview with Fox & Friends earlier this week, US president Donald Trump said a vaccine could be ready “in a matter of weeks.”
Coronavirus deaths
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The worldwide death toll has passed 942,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 29.9 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Tracking blood oxygen: Apple’s recently released Series 6 smart watch incorporates a new feature: it can measure your blood oxygen levels. The tech must have been years in the making, but the timing of its release worked well given we are in the middle of a global respiratory pandemic.
Stopping the next pandemic: Covid-19 isn’t the first pandemic humanity has faced and it won’t be the last. What has happened offers lessons about how to judge and respond to virus warnings in future.
What now?: Five scientists tell us what happens next with the covid-19 pandemic.
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People queue at a coronavirus testing facility in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham
Jacob King/PA Wire/PA Images
15 September
Widespread reports of people struggling to get coronavirus tests in England
England’s coronavirus testing system is significantly overwhelmed, with many people in the nation’s 10 worst-hit coronavirus hotspots unable to get tests. People trying to book swab tests on Monday in Bolton, Salford, Bradford, Blackburn, Oldham, Preston, Pendle, Rochdale, Tameside and Manchester were told that it was not possible, according to LBC. Bolton currently has 171 coronavirus cases per 100,000 people, the highest rate in England. “It seems that there are several bottlenecks in the testing procedures. These are not being made publicly available so we can only speculate that these may be limited materials for the testing process, capacity and procedural issues,” said Brendan Wren at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in a statement. “This needs to be addressed urgently, and if it is [a lab] capacity [problem] then university labs should be more widely deployed,” said Wren.
A spokesperson for the Department for Health and Social Care told the Guardian: “It is wrong to say testing is not available in these areas, and our capacity continues to be targeted where it is needed most.” However, there have also been reports of testing shortages elsewhere. NHS Providers, a body that represents hospital trusts in England, told the BBC that NHS staff are having to self-isolate, because they are unable to get tests for themselves or their family members. 
Laboratories analysing community swab tests in England were stretched to capacity as far back as August, emails seen by the Guardian revealed today. NHS England sent an email to all NHS laboratories on 24 August calling for them to support the UK Lighthouse Labs Network, a private group of labs that has been analysing community swabs, due to a “surge in capacity.”
Other coronavirus news
A report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation warns that the coronavirus pandemic has pushed back progress on improving health around the world by “about 25 years.” The pandemic has increased poverty by 7 per cent and led to a drop in routine vaccination coverage from 84 per cent last year down to 70 per cent, according to the report. “It’s a huge setback,” Bill Gates said at a media briefing on the report’s findings today. The report also highlighted the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on women, racial and ethnic minority communities and people living in extreme poverty. 
Schools in England have seen a higher absence rate among pupils this term compared to last year, according to the nation’s Department for Education. Official figures suggest 88 per cent of pupils attended school last Thursday, below the figure for the same term last year of about 95 per cent. Since schools reopened earlier this month, school leaders have warned that delays in testing are leading to year groups being sent home, the BBC reported.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 930,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 29.3 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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Anti-government protesters rallying in Madrid, Spain amid the covid-19 outbreak, on September 12, 2020
Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto via Getty Images
14 September
New global record for daily new coronavirus cases as WHO warns of rise in deaths in Europe
A record single day increase in global coronavirus cases was recorded on Sunday with 307,930 new confirmed cases . The largest increases were in India, the US and Brazil, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO also warned that Europe can expect to see more deaths from covid-19 as soon as next month. “It’s going to get tougher. In October, November, we are going to see more mortality,” said Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, in an interview with the AFP news agency today. Cases in Europe have increased sharply over the last few weeks, with case rates highest in Spain and France. There are 270.7 cases per 100,000 people in Spain and 153.9 per 100,000 people in France, according to the latest 14-day cumulative figures from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. In the UK there are 51.1 cases per 100,000 people.
Other coronavirus news
Laboratory-made antibodies will be given to about 2000 covid-19 patients in UK hospitals as part of the UK’s RECOVERY trial, a large-scale clinical trial to test existing drugs as therapies for covid-19. In June, data from the RECOVERY trial provided the first evidence that a steroid drug called dexamethasone could save lives for those with severe covid-19. In the new trial of antibodies made specifically to combat the coronavirus, the first patients will be given the experimental treatment in the coming weeks. “There are lots of good reasons for thinking it might well be effective – stopping the virus from reproducing, stopping the virus from causing damage, improving survival for patients,” Martin Landray at the University of Oxford, who is co-leading the RECOVERY trial, told the BBC. “Monoclonal, or targeted, antibodies are already used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases,” said Fiona Watt, executive chair of the Medical Research Council in the UK, in a statement. “The new trial will tell us whether antibodies that attack the virus can be an effective treatment for covid-19.”
An email seen by the BBC reveals that UK government chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance argued that the UK’s coronavirus lockdown restrictions be imposed earlier than they actually were, and in response he was given a “telling off” from other senior officials. Vallance referred to advice given by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies on 16 March, suggesting “additional social-distancing measures” be implemented “as soon as possible.” The UK went into lockdown on 23 March, about two months after the country’s first confirmed case, which some researchers blame for the UK’s high number of coronavirus deaths.
Israel has become the first country to announce a second nationwide lockdown to begin Friday and last three weeks. It is an effort to contain a second-wave surge of new cases, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday. People will be required to stay within 500 metres of their homes, with the exception of travelling to workplaces. Schools will also be closed.
US president Donald Trump held the first indoor presidential campaign rally in months in Nevada on Sunday, despite local officials saying it violated the state’s rule limiting gatherings to 50 people. In a statement before the rally, Nevada’s governor Steve Sisolak criticised Trump’s decision saying “Now he’s decided he doesn’t have to respect our state’s laws. As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him.”
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 925,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 29 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Coronavirus family tree: Like any other biological entity, SARS-CoV-2 has a family tree. It isn’t a very old one – the virus has only been recognised since December – but it still has tales to tell.
Racism in healthcare: Covid-19 is affecting ethnic minorities more severely, but we will never understand why if we don’t collect the right data, says Alisha Dua.
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Members of the public attend an NHS covid testing facility in Bolton town centre as restrictions are tightened in the area on 9 September
Anthony Devlin/Getty Images
11 September
New data suggests England’s R number could be as high as 1.7
The UK’s coronavirus epidemic is growing, according to the latest government figures. Simon Clarke at the University of Reading described this as a “massive blow to the government’s strategy to contain the spread of covid-19.” The UK’s R number – the estimated number of people each infected person goes on to infect – is between 1 and 1.2, up from between 0.9 and 1.1 last week. This data is representative of the situation two to three weeks ago, due to a time-lag in the data used to model the R, but is in line with more recent data for England from a separate study by researchers at Imperial College London, which suggests England’s R number could be as high as 1.7. 
The study, commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care, tested over 150,000 people in communities in England between 22 August and 7 September and used this to model the R number. It found that 0.13 per cent of people tested positive – equivalent to 130 per 100,000 people in the population. The latest results from a random swab testing survey by the Office for National Statistics also indicate an increase in infections in communities in England and Wales in recent weeks.
The rise in cases “suggests that the recent uptick in cases is not just because of greater testing,” said Clarke in a statement. “It’s likely that the coronavirus is circulating more freely out in the community again, meaning we are likely to need greater restrictions on our lives to push the transmission rate back down again.”
Other coronavirus news
A new coronavirus contact tracing app will go live across England and Wales on 24 September, the government announced today. The new app will allow people to scan QR codes to register visits to bars and restaurants and will use Apple and Google’s method for detecting other smartphones nearby. The UK government was previously forced to abandon development of an earlier app, built on different technology, due to its inability to recognise a significant proportion of Apple and Android devices. Scotland’s app, Protect Scotland, went live yesterday.
Birmingham in England is being put under a local lockdown due to a spike in cases. The city now has the second highest rate of coronavirus infection in England, after Bolton. There were 85.4 cases per 100,000 people in Birmingham during the week ending 7 September, up from 32 in the previous week. People in Birmingham will no longer be allowed to meet with other households.
India has recorded the highest number of daily new coronavirus cases in a single country since the pandemic began, with 96,551 cases recorded in the country on Thursday.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 910,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 28.2 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Reports of reinfection: In recent weeks, the first confirmed reports of people who have been re-infected with the coronavirus have begun to trickle in. Such cases suggest that, in some people at least, the immune system doesn’t develop lasting protection against the virus. How worried should we be?
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An adult singer from the York Minster Choir walks to rehearse ahead of a performance in York, England.
Ian Forsyth/Getty Images
10 September
Latest figures show significant jump in weekly coronavirus cases in England
The number of people who tested positive for the coronavirus in England was 9864 in the week ending 2 September, up 47 per cent from 6732 in the previous week, according to the latest figures from NHS Test and Trace. It’s the highest number of weekly positive cases recorded since the system was launched in May. During the same week, NHS Test and Trace only managed to reach 69.2 per cent of the contacts of people diagnosed with the virus in England – below the target of 80 per cent or more recommended by government scientific advisors to limit infections from spreading. 
Public health specialists have raised concerns about the feasibility of government plans announced yesterday to spend £100 billion on expanding testing to 10 million tests per day by early 2021. Chaand Nagpaul, council chairman of the British Medical Association told the BBC it is unclear how these tests will work, given the “huge problems” with lab capacity. Sarah-Jane Marsh, director for testing at NHS Test and Trace apologised for the problems with the testing scheme earlier this week. Even if testing can be expanded, concerns remain about accuracy and contact tracing capacity. Transport secretary Grant Shapps told BBC Breakfast this morning that the technology to carry out the plan doesn’t currently exist.
Other coronavirus news
US president Donald Trump admitted to playing down the threat posed by the coronavirus in March, during an interview with journalist Bob Woodward revealed in his forthcoming book. “I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward on 19 March. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.” Trump also acknowledged the virus was “more deadly than even your strenuous flu” as early as February – a time when he was publicly saying the virus was less of a concern than the flu.
AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Soriot today told an online briefing he is hopeful that the company’s coronavirus vaccine candidate could be ready for global distribution in the first half of 2021. Trials of the vaccine, which is being developed in partnership with the University of Oxford, were put on hold yesterday after a participant developed neurological symptoms. An independent safety committee is currently reviewing data on the affected participant, said Soriot. 
Scotland’s Test and Protect system, the nation’s equivalent to NHS Test and Trace in England, today released its Protect Scotland app, which alerts people if they have been in close contact with someone who later tests positive for the coronavirus. Like Northern Ireland’s app, Scotland’s new app was built using the toolkit provided by Apple and Google. England doesn’t yet have a widely available equivalent app but has been testing a similar one on the Isle of Wight and in the London borough of Newham over the past month, after abandoning development of an NHS Covid-19 app built on different technology, due to its inability to recognise 96 per cent of Apple phones and 25 per cent of Google Android devices.
University students in England may be required to stay in their student accommodation and avoid visiting their family homes in the event of local coronavirus outbreaks, according to new guidance published by the UK Department for Education today. Students with covid-19 symptoms should “self-isolate in their current accommodation”, the guidance says. It also suggests that universities group students living in halls of residence into “households” that include all of those living on the same floor or sharing communal facilities, potentially including as many as 30 students. The guidelines add that private gatherings, including those within student households, must still be limited to a maximum of six people.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 905,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 27.9 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Coronavirus and flu: Doctors are fretting about concurrent outbreaks of flu and covid-19 but some virologists are worrying about another scenario: a Frankenvirus. Could the coronavirus merge with another virus to create a new threat?
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A general view of analytical chemists at AstraZeneca headquarters in Sydney
9 September
UK government plans to expand coronavirus testing to 10 million tests a day
The UK government plans to carry out 10 million coronavirus tests per day by early 2021, according to documents obtained by the BMJ. Currently, the UK’s testing capacity is 350,000 per day. As part of the new plan, £100 billion will go towards the expansion of the country’s testing programme, the documents revealed, and GSK and AstraZeneca are among firms named for supplying tests and laboratory capacity respectively. 
Martin McKee at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine told the BMJ the plan is too optimistic and disregards “enormous problems with the existing testing and tracing programmes.” NHS Test and Trace in particular has been criticised for its repeated failure to reach a sufficient proportion of the contacts of people who test positive for the virus in England. Between 28 May and 26 August, the scheme reached 78.5 per cent of the contacts of people diagnosed in England – below the target of 80 per cent or more recommended by government scientific advisors. 
Jon Meeks, a biostatistician at the University of Birmingham who reviewed the documents for the BMJ, tweeted that the documents “show a severe lack of science or reality. No consideration of harms that screening us all would create.” In the BMJ he raised the problem of false positives: “If you test 60 million people [with a 99% accurate test] we will be classifying a group the size of the population of Sheffield as wrongly having covid.”
Other coronavirus news
Advanced trials of one of the most promising coronavirus vaccine candidates have been put on hold after a participant became ill in the UK. Drug firm AstraZeneca, which is developing the vaccine in partnership with the University of Oxford, has voluntarily paused the trials. This is standard procedure in vaccine development, and allows time for the researchers to determine the cause of the illness and ensure the safety of participants. AstraZeneca described the action as “routine” in a statement to STAT. The vaccine candidate has already passed preliminary trials, and is now undergoing phase II and III trials involving approximately 30,000 participants in the US as well as in the UK, Brazil and South Africa. These larger trials are designed to test whether it can prevent people from becoming infected with the coronavirus or getting ill with covid-19, as well as assessing long term safety.
Social gatherings in England will be limited to a maximum of six people from Monday 14 September, in an effort to tackle a recent spike in coronavirus cases. People will not be allowed to gather in groups larger than six either indoors or outdoors, with the exception of gatherings in schools, workplaces and some events such as weddings and funerals. UK health minister Matt Hancock told the BBC today that the new rule is “super simple” and will be “enforced by the police.” People could be fined between £100 and £3200 for violating the rule, he said. “We’ve seen in other countries around the world where they don’t take action then you end up with this second peak, resulting in more hospitalisations and more deaths, and we don’t want to see that here,” said Hancock.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 898,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 27.6 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Severe symptoms: An out-of-control human peptide called bradykinin could be responsible for some of the varied and sometimes deadly symptoms seen in people who have contracted the coronavirus. We already have drugs to control bradykinin, which are being tested as treatments for people with covid-19.
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People walk on the street in central Bolton, Greater Manchester
Jon Super/Xinhua/PA Images
8 September
New restrictions could be introduced across England due to surge in cases 
The government could tighten restrictions on people meeting in England following the recent spike in coronavirus cases. According to several reports, the government could reduce the number of people allowed to meet outdoors to six, down from the current limit of 30. Restrictions on how many people can meet indoors may also become tighter, according to Sky News. Under current guidelines, only two households can congregate indoors. 
England’s deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, said the new wave of cases was because “people have relaxed too much.” Today, 2420 people tested positive for the coronavirus in the UK, down from 2948 on Monday but still high compared to daily figures in recent months. John Edmunds, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies told ITV that the UK as a whole is in a “risky period” because the country’s R number – the number of people each infected person goes on to infect – has risen above 1. An R number higher than 1 means that an epidemic is growing. 
Some measures are already tightening in some parts of the UK, including Bolton, in Greater Manchester. The town currently has the highest case rate in the country, with 120 cases of the virus per 100,000 people. Pubs and restaurants there will now have to be take-away only and stay closed between 10 pm and 5 am, UK health minister Matt Hancock announced today. The current guidance, which says people should not socialise with those from a different household, will be made legally binding, he told MPs. The number of people allowed to visit hospitals and care homes will also be reduced under the new measures. “The rise in cases in Bolton is partly due to socialising by people in their 20s and 30s. We know this from contact tracing,” said Hancock, adding “we’ve identified a number of pubs at which the virus has spread significantly.” 
Other coronavirus news
Amid increasing reports of people being told to attend drive-through testing centres hundreds of kilometres away from their homes, the director of testing for NHS Test and Trace, Sarah-Jane Marsh, tweeted an apology today to people in England who haven’t been able to get tested for the coronavirus. Marsh described laboratory processing as “the critical pinch-point” and said “we are doing all we can to expand quickly.” Last month researchers warned that the UK would probably face a second wave of coronavirus infections in winter if the country’s testing and contact tracing system didn’t improve by September.
There were 101 deaths from covid-19 in England and Wales during the week ending 28 August, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics. This is down from 138 deaths in the previous week and is also the lowest number of deaths from the disease recorded since the week ending 13 March.
A school in Nottinghamshire in England has been forced to close after its head teacher was admitted to hospital with covid-19. Pupils and staff at Trowell Primary School have been told to stay home and self-isolate until 21 September. In the week since pupils returned to classrooms, coronavirus outbreaks have been reported at dozens of schools in England and Wales. Across Liverpool, an estimated 200 pupils are self-isolating after positive covid-19 cases at five schools, while five teachers at a school in Suffolk have tested positive.Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 897,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 27.3 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
What is a vaccine and how do they work?: The latest video in our new YouTube series, Science with Sam, explains how vaccines work by training your immune system to recognise viruses and bacteria. We also take a look at the unprecedented worldwide effort to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, and consider the challenges involved in making, testing and distributing covid-19 vaccines.
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People undertake a coronavirus test at a walk-in test facility in Bolton, UK, September 7, 2020
Phil Noble/REUTERS
7 September
The UK recorded its highest number of daily new cases since May on Sunday
There were 2948 new coronavirus cases confirmed in the UK today, down slightly from the 2988 new cases confirmed on Sunday, which marked the highest daily increase in cases recorded in the country since 23 May. “This is especially concerning for a Sunday when report numbers are generally lower than most other days of the week,” said Paul Hunter at the University of East Anglia in a statement. “Sadly it is beginning to look like we are moving into a period of exponential growth in the UK epidemic and if so we can expect further increases over coming weeks,” said Hunter.
UK health minister Matt Hancock yesterday expressed concern about the rise in cases, which he said were largely among people under 25, especially those between 17 and 21. “Of course younger people can pass on the disease to their grandparents and we do not want to see that,” Hancock said yesterday. In France and Spain, rises in infections among younger adults in August were followed by higher numbers of hospital admissions for older and more vulnerable people in subsequent weeks. “It’s concerning because we’ve seen a rise in cases in France, in Spain, in some other countries across Europe, and nobody wants to see a second wave here,” Hancock said today.
Hancock’s concerns about younger people transmitting the virus to more vulnerable groups are shared by the government’s scientific advisors. A report endorsed by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies published last week warns there is a significant risk that reopening universities could amplify local and national transmission, adding that “it is highly likely that there will be significant outbreaks.” Because of the higher proportion of asymptomatic cases among younger age groups, cases and outbreaks are also likely to be harder to detect among student populations, says the report.
Other coronavirus news
India confirmed 90,632 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours, the country’s health ministry reported on Sunday, setting a new global record for the number of infections recorded in a single country in one day. India has confirmed more than 4.2 million cases since the pandemic began, the second-highest number for any country after the US.
The Tokyo Olympic Games will take place next year “with or without covid”, according to John Coates, vice-president of the International Olympic Committee. Previously, the committee said they would cancel the Games scheduled for July 2021 if necessary. 
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 889,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 27.1 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Keeping schools safe: There is wide agreement that schools must reopen, and stay open. Achieving this is fraught with unknowns, however. Although it seems that children are less likely to transmit and get sick from the coronavirus, we don’t know why that is the case. Should an outbreak occur, pupils’ families and school staff could still be at risk. In order to keep schools safe, governments must be prepared to shut down other areas of society to keep overall levels of virus transmission low.
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Sputnik V, Gamaleya National Center
4 September
Russia’s vaccine candidate produced antibody and T-cell responses in early-stage trial
A preliminary trial of Russia’s coronavirus vaccine candidate Sputnik V suggests it is safe and induces an immune response. The vaccine was approved by Russian authorities last month, before any data had been made public or a large-scale trial had begun. In the preliminary trial, it was tested in a small group of 76 healthy volunteers. All the volunteers developed coronavirus-specific antibodies and T-cells, and none experienced serious adverse reactions, according to results published in The Lancet today. However, it still isn’t clear whether the vaccine protects people from becoming infected with the coronavirus or from getting ill. This will be investigated through phase III testing, which is already underway, and which is expected to include 40,000 people across Russia. 
Some researchers are concerned that vaccine developers may come under political pressure to release doses of the vaccine for administration to the general public, before phase III testing is complete. “A vaccine should not be used to short-cut the implementation of public health interventions that are already known to be safe and effective, until the vaccine itself has been shown to be safe and effective,” said Eleanor Riley at the University of Edinburgh, in a statement. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) today said it does not expect widespread coronavirus vaccination until mid-2021. “We are not expecting to see widespread vaccination until the middle of next year,” said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris at a briefing in Geneva. Harris said phase III trials will need to go on long enough to determine how “truly protective” and safe a given vaccine candidate is.
Other coronavirus news
Preliminary findings from a study by Public Health England found low rates of coronavirus infection among children and teachers in pre-school and primary school. Researchers took swabs from more than 12,000 children and teachers across 131 primary schools in England in June and early July, and detected only three cases of the virus. Ravindra Gupta at the University of Cambridge said the findings are not surprising, since limited numbers of children were attending schools in England during this time period. “We must not be complacent and falsely reassured,” said Gupta in a statement. “From September there will be more children, more mixing, more crowding and over winter less time will be spent outdoors,” he said, adding that there will be less chance to socially distance in schools in the coming months than it was possible to do in June.
New Zealand has recorded its first death from covid-19 since 28 May. A man in Auckland died after being admitted to hospital. His death is the first connected to a recent outbreak in the city, including 152 cases.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 870,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 26.3 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Social distancing: Computer scientists have used a database of public cameras to keep track of how well people are adhering to social distancing guidelines.
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A medical worker takes a swab to test for the coronavirus at a drive-in testing facility
ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP via Getty Images
3 September
New funding announced for trials of rapid new coronavirus tests in the UK
The UK government today announced £500 million worth of funding for trials of rapid coronavirus tests, including recently developed swab and saliva tests that can be performed in 90 minutes or less. The trials will also include community pilots investigating the effectiveness of repeat testing in schools and among the general population. “We are backing innovative new tests that are fast, accurate and easier to use and will maximise the impact and scale of testing, helping us to get back to a more normal way of life,” UK health minister Matt Hancock said in a statement today. 
Having quicker tests could help speed up the identification of infected people and the tracing of their close contacts. But having a rapid test is “useless” if contacts can’t be identified because the tracing system is overwhelmed, Joshua Moon at the University of Sussex said in a statement. NHS Test and Trace has been criticised for its repeated failure to reach a sufficient proportion of the contacts of people who test positive for the coronavirus in England. According to the latest figures, 78.5 per cent of the contacts of people diagnosed with the virus in England were reached by NHS Test and Trace between 28 May and 26 August – below the target of 80 per cent or more recommended by government scientific advisors.
Other coronavirus news
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has notified states to prepare for the roll-out of a coronavirus vaccine within two months. “Limited covid-19 vaccine doses may be available by early November 2020,” according to CDC documents first published by the New York Times.  And in a letter to governors on 27 August, first obtained by McClatchy, CDC director Robert Redfield wrote: “CDC urgently requests your assistance in expediting applications for [vaccine] distribution facilities and, if necessary, asks that you consider waiving requirements that would prevent these facilities from becoming fully operational by November 1, 2020.” But public health researchers are concerned that the move is being driven less by evidence and instead by a political effort to rush a vaccine before the November election. Michael Osterholm at the University of Minnesota told the Associated Press that “the public health community wants a safe and effective vaccine as much as anybody […] but the data have to be clear and compelling.”
Pharmaceutical giants GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi will start testing their protein-based coronavirus vaccine candidate in humans for the first time, to assess its safety and ability to induce an immune response. If this and subsequent trials are successful, the companies have said they could be requesting regulatory approval in the first half of next year. 
A surge in demand for coronavirus tests has left the UK struggling to keep up. Some people with symptoms who tried to book coronavirus swab tests online told the BBC they were directed to testing centres more than 100 miles away from their homes. This could act as a “big disincentive to being tested”, Paul Hunter at the University of East Anglia told the BBC, potentially limiting efforts to contain localised spikes in cases.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 864,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 26 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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Pharmacist holding packs of dexamethasone anti-inflammatory steroid tablets.
2 September
Steroid drugs that reduce inflammation found to save lives from severe covid-19
A group of drugs that reduce inflammation have been confirmed to increase survival in people with severe covid-19. In a landmark study bringing together all the trials done so far looking at the effect of steroids on coronavirus, researchers in the World Health Organization (WHO) REACT working group analysed results from seven randomised clinical trials, which included 1703 critically ill patients with covid-19. They compared the outcomes of those who had received one of three corticosteroid drugs – dexamethasone, hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone – with those who received standard care or a placebo. The researchers found that 32 per cent of those who received a corticosteroid treatment had died from the disease after 28 days, compared to 40 per cent of those who did not. 
“The evidence for benefit is strongest for dexamethasone,” Stephen Evans at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said in a statement. These new results, published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, add weight to earlier findings from the RECOVERY trial, which found that dexamethasone reduced deaths in critically ill covid-19 patients by a third for patients on ventilators and by a fifth for those receiving oxygen – the first drug shown to do so. “This analysis increases confidence that [dexamethasone] has a really worthwhile role in critically ill patients with covid-19,” Evans said. As a result of the study, the WHO is expected to update its guidance on treatment. In the UK, the drug has been in use for treating severely ill covid-19 patients since June.
Other coronavirus news
The US will not take part in a global initiative to develop and distribute a future coronavirus vaccine, because of its association with the WHO. More than 170 countries are participating in the initiative, called COVAX, which is working to ensure the equitable and fair global allocation of a potential vaccine. “We will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by the corrupt World Health Organization and China,” White House spokesperson Judd Deere said in a statement. The US is due to withdraw from the WHO entirely next July – a move Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to reverse if he is elected in November.
Coronavirus restrictions have been eased in parts of Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire in England, with the exceptions of Bolton and Trafford in Greater Manchester. The government today announced that restrictions on meetings between different households indoors in these areas, which were also due to be lifted today, would now remain in place due to increasing infection rates. Bolton currently has one of the highest rates of new virus cases in England, with 59 cases per 100,000 people in the week ending 29 August. Similar restrictions have also been introduced in the Glasgow area in Scotland, which has seen a rise in cases over the last two days.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 858,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 25.8 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Schools reopening: Schools across England and the US are about to reopen their doors to students who have been at home for months thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. What is the best way to keep children, and school staff and parents, safe?
Face coverings in schools: Should children returning to school wear face coverings? Official advice on this has evolved during the pandemic.
Oxford vaccine: A large trial of a coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford has begun in the US. With similar trials already under way in the UK and Brazil, hopes are rising that we could find out if the vaccine works before the end of the year.
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Pupils wash their hands as they arrive on the first day back to school at Charles Dickens Primary School in London
Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire/PA Images
1 September
Pupils around the world return to schools with new coronavirus measures in place
Millions of pupils returned to school today for the first time since coronavirus lockdowns were introduced, including pupils in France, Poland, Russia, England and Wales as well as in Wuhan in China, where the coronavirus was first detected. Schools in England and Wales have introduced hygiene and social distancing measures in line with recently updated government guidance, including wearing of face coverings by pupils in communal areas and staggering of break times for different year groups. But a survey of 653 parents in these regions by YouGov revealed that 17 per cent were considering keeping their children out of school due to concerns about coronavirus. 
UK schools minister Nick Gibb today urged parents to send their children back to school. Doing so would “help them catch up on the lost education they’ll inevitably have suffered in the lockdown period,” he told the BBC Breakfast show. A survey of thousands of teachers by the National Foundation for Educational Research suggests that children in England are three months behind in their studies following lockdown, and that the estimated learning gap between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils has risen by 46 per cent. 98 per cent of the teachers in the survey, which was conducted at the end of the last school year in July, said their pupils were further behind in the curriculum than they should have been at the time.
Other coronavirus news
The UK’s prime minister Boris Johnson today told MPs that people in the UK were returning to the office in “huge numbers”, although no evidence has emerged to support the claim. A spokesperson for Johnson told the Huffington Post “people will be returning to the office after the summer break and also children going back to school gives parents some added flexibility.” The UK government’s campaign to encourage people to return to offices launched today. But in a recent survey of more than 6000 workers who have been working from home due to the pandemic, nine out of 10 said they would like to continue to do so.
Pharmaceutical giant Astrazeneca has expanded its agreement with UK company Oxford Biomedica to scale up production of its coronavirus vaccine candidate. Oxford Biomedica has agreed to produce tens of millions of doses of the vaccine candidate, which is being developed by AstraZeneca in partnership with the University of Oxford. The candidate recently entered late-stage trials in the US, with 30,000 people enrolled. In a statement, AstraZeneca said its global manufacturing capacity was close to 3 billion doses.
Although there has been an increase in the use of face coverings in the UK, only 13 per cent of people who wear reusable face masks are maintaining them in a way that is helpful to stopping the spread of coronavirus, according to a poll of 1944 people by YouGov. The survey found that the use of face coverings in the UK increased from 38 per cent to 69 per cent from mid to late July. However, only 13 per cent of people who said they wear washable face masks also said they wash them after every use and at 60 degrees C or higher.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 851,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 25.5 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Immune response: Throughout the coronavirus pandemic there have been fierce debates over the science – when to lock down, whether face coverings help and whether children are less susceptible, for example. The latest row is over whether we have been ignoring a crucial part of our immune response to the virus: T-cells.
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Children wait outside the school gate in Johannesburg, South Africa.
28 August
Children are at “strikingly low” risk of getting severely ill from coronavirus
Children are much less likely to get severe covid-19 than adults, and it is very rare for them to die from it, according to a UK study that was published in the BMJ today. The study tracked 651 under-18s admitted to hospital with coronavirus between January and July in England, Scotland and Wales. Six children died, 1 per cent of the total, and they had all had other severe illnesses before the virus struck, some of which were themselves life-limiting. The authors say this is a “strikingly low” death rate compared with 27 per cent for all ages in the population as a whole over the same time period. The findings are in line with previous similar research. Young people make up 1 to 2 per cent of cases of covid-19 worldwide, although it’s not clear why they seem to be less affected.
“There have been no deaths in otherwise healthy school-age children,” Calum Semple at the University of Liverpool told the BBC. “There is no direct harm from children going back to school,” he said. The findings come as some UK schools have been reopening for all their pupils for the first time since lockdown in March, with most schools in England due to be back by next week.
Other coronavirus news
The UK has announced plans for quickly immunising large numbers of people if a coronavirus vaccine is developed before winter. They involve allowing a wider range of healthcare staff to give shots, such as midwives, physiotherapists and dentists, as well as pharmacists, who already administer flu vaccines. It also grants powers to approve any vaccine that is proven safe and effective before the end of the year to the Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Agency. This body will become responsible for approving all drugs and vaccines from the start of 2021 once the UK’s Brexit transition period is over.
Schools reopening in the US have found Legionnaires’ disease bacteria in their water supply, which can cause deadly pneumonia. The Legionella microbe was found in the water supply of five schools in Ohio and four in Pennsylvania last week, and experts say it could be in more.
The World Health Organization is trying to get more countries to join Covax, its coronavirus vaccine allocation scheme, according to documents seen by Reuters. The WHO plan would see countries pooling funds so that if one vaccine succeeds, all participants will get a fair allocation. But the UN agency has struggled to get enough richer nations on board. Countries including the UK, the US and Japan have made their own deals with manufacturers developing vaccines, securing millions of doses for their own citizens. 
Several large US states have said they will not follow official federal policy to stop testing people who think they have been exposed to the coronavirus but who do not have symptoms. In a rebuke to the new testing policy announced by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California, Texas, Florida, New York and four other states have said they will continue with the old regime. The CDC’s move provoked claims that it was a politically motivated move to lower the number of people testing positive ahead of the 2020 election.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 832,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 24.5 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Internet outage slows covid-19 contact tracing: Health officials were unable to trace and isolate the contacts of thousands of people who tested positive for the coronavirus in England until up to a week later.
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A woman walks past chairs painted with the colours of the Tour de France leaders’ jerseys on the seafront in Nice, France
27 August
WHO warns Europe is entering “tricky moment” as coronavirus cases climb
As some European countries have continued to report growth in covid-19 cases, governments are responding by tightening up restrictions and safety measures. France reported 5429 daily cases today, up from 3776 a week ago, and Italy counted 1366 cases, its biggest daily increase in more than three months and up against 642 a week ago. Daily numbers in other major European countries are relatively stable, with Spain at 7296, Germany at 1507 and the UK at 1048.
The French prime minister Jean Castex warned the country had seen an “undeniable surge” of cases and the epidemic “could become exponential”, with cases rising as quickly as they did in the early days of the pandemic. The virus is now circulating in 20 of the country’s 101 “departments”, up from two previously. With France’s reproduction number – the average number of people one infected person will likely infect – now at 1.4, Castex said masks will become mandatory in Paris. The 21-day Tour de France will still go ahead this Saturday.
The German government today rejected calls to relax restrictions, with a leaked plan saying private parties will be limited to 25 people and the anticipated end of a ban on large public gatherings in October will instead be extended to the end of the year.
Hans Kluge at the World Health Organization said today that Europe is entering a “tricky moment” as schools reopen across the continent, though he stressed that schools had not been a “main contributor” to the epidemic. Asked by New Scientist at a press conference today if European countries’ responses to growing cases this week are commensurate with keeping the virus in check, Maria van Kerkhove at the WHO said: “What we are seeing is countries applying different measures. What we are seeing are targeted, tailored approaches. Hopefully these are time-bound.” On measures such as mandating face coverings and limiting the size of gatherings, she said: “All of these are different tools that may need to be applied. I think what we’re seeing is this calibration, of putting in efforts to suppress transmission to keep it at a low level while allowing societies to open up. This is one of the critical things we are all trying to figure out now.”
Other coronavirus news
The number of patients getting heart disease services at hospitals in the US and UK dropped by more than half during the countries’ lockdown, researchers have found. Writing in the journal Open Heart, they warned cardiology departments need to be prepared for a “significant increase in workload” in the coming months as a result.
In the UK, government statistics today show that three months after the launch of England’s contact tracing scheme, it is still falling short of reaching 80 per cent of close contacts of people who have tested positive for covid-19, the level the government’s scientific advisers say is needed. Three quarters of close contacts were reached between 13-19 August. Nearly 300,000 people have been reached since the system’s launch.
Separately, anyone in the UK on a low income who needs to self-isolate for 10 days and cannot work from home will be eligible to get £13 a day from the government in areas affected by local outbreaks, health secretary Matt Hancock said today.
A drug used to help cats with another coronavirus has been found to show promise in tackling the current coronavirus outbreak. The drug, GC376, and its parent, GC373, are “strong drug candidates for the treatment of human coronavirus infections because they have already been successful in animals,” the team write in Nature Communications. Here’s the New Scientist guide to all the latest on covid-19 treatments.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 826,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 24 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Is the rush to roll out a coronavirus vaccine undermining safety? Some shortcuts are being taken in the race to get a coronavirus vaccine approved, but there are also more resources, openness and scrutiny than ever before.
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Pupils in Glasgow, Scotland return to school after lockdown on 12 August
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
26 August
Face coverings will now be mandatory for secondary school pupils in areas of England under lockdown 
Secondary school pupils in areas of England under local lockdowns will now be required to wear face coverings in all communal areas except classrooms, after the government reversed its guidance last night. The government has been under mounting pressure from headteachers to adopt a stricter policy on the use of face coverings ahead of schools reopening next month. Within coronavirus hotspots, “it probably does make sense in confined areas outside the classroom to use a face covering in the corridor and elsewhere,” UK prime minister Boris Johnson told journalists today, citing recently updated World Health Organization guidelines. The new rule won’t apply to schools in areas that aren’t under lockdown, although head teachers in any secondary school will have the flexibility to introduce their own rules. In Wales, the decision on the use of face coverings in schools will be left to individual schools and councils.
Other coronavirus news
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been criticised for changing its guidelines on coronavirus testing to say that some people without symptoms may not require a test, even if they have been in contact with someone who tested positive for the virus. The change has not been explained by CDC leaders. Leana Wen, a doctor and public health professor at George Washington University, told CNN, “These are exactly the people who should be tested,” as they are key to contact tracing.
Fewer than 40,000 cases were confirmed in the US yesterday and daily new coronavirus cases there have been falling, after peaking on 22 July at about 70,000, though this may be due to insufficient testing. The total number of tests administered has fallen from an average of more than 820,000 per day in mid-August to about 690,000 per day in the last week or so.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 820,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 23.9 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Vaccine race: Some shortcuts are being taken in the race to get a coronavirus vaccine approved, but there are also more resources, openness and scrutiny than ever before.
Face coverings: Do you get angry when you see someone without a face covering? They might have a good reason to avoid one, even if it isn’t obvious.
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Father and two children walking to school wearing face masks
Sally Anscombe/Getty Images
25 August
UK government under pressure to review policy on face coverings in schools in England
There is growing pressure on the UK government to review its policy on the wearing of face coverings in schools in England, after the Scottish government today announced that secondary school pupils will have to wear them in communal areas from Monday. Public Health England’s current guidance, issued in July, doesn’t recommend the use of face coverings in schools. The Association of School and College Leaders – a headteachers’ union in the UK – has criticised the lack of clarity around the rules on whether teachers and pupils can wear face coverings in schools in England. “The guidance is silent on what schools should do if staff or pupils want to wear face coverings,” the union’s general secretary, Geoff Barton told the BBC. During a visit to the south-west of England today, UK prime minister Boris Johnson said the government is continuing to look at the changing medical evidence, adding “if we need to change the advice then of course we will.” The Welsh government has said it will review its position on face coverings in schools. 
Earlier this month, the World Health Organization issued new guidance saying that children above age 12 should wear face masks in line with recommended practice for adults in the place where they live. Recent outbreaks in Scotland “reinforce the idea that covid-19 transmission in schools is potentially substantial”, said Rowland Kao at the University of Edinburgh in a statement. “Should masks be adopted, their use must be accompanied by awareness of the need for good mask hygiene and regular handwashing.”
Other coronavirus news
Two more patients have been reported to have been reinfected with the coronavirus, one in the Netherlands and another in Belgium. Yesterday, researchers at the University of Hong Kong announced that they had documented the first case of coronavirus reinfection. “That someone would emerge with a reinfection, that doesn’t make me nervous,” Marion Koopmans at Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands told Dutch broadcaster NOS. “We have to see whether this happens more often.” 
Coronavirus cases in Spain are continuing to surge, with 175.7 cases per 100,000 people, according to the latest 14-day cumulative figures from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. This is compared to 62.8 cases per 100,000 people in France and 22.5 cases per 100,000 people in the UK. Unions in Madrid last week warned that the primary care system was “on the edge of collapse” due to lack of staff and capacity for testing.
People living in the Gaza Strip have been put under a lockdown after local authorities confirmed the first locally acquired cases of the coronavirus. A 48-hour lockdown went into effect on Monday evening across the territory.
Bali in Indonesia will not reopen to foreign tourists this year due to concerns about rising coronavirus cases.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 814,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 23.6 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Less deadly in Europe: It is becoming increasingly clear that people are less likely to die if they get covid-19 now compared with earlier in the pandemic, at least in Europe, but the reasons why are still shrouded in uncertainty.
Plasma treatment: Blood plasma donated by people who have recovered from covid-19 will be used as a treatment for the infection in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted an emergency use authorisation for the treatment on 23 August, but the evidence that it works is lacking.
First case of reinfection: A healthy 33-year-old man is the first person confirmed to have caught the coronavirus twice, according to unpublished research from the University of Hong Kong. As details of the case emerge, researchers say there is still much we don’t know.
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Hong Kong residents receive free covid-19 test kits
24 August
Researchers say they have detected the first case of coronavirus reinfection
Researchers at the University of Hong Kong say they have documented the first case of a person being reinfected with the coronavirus. The team analysed virus samples taken from a man when he first tested positive for the coronavirus in late March, and again when he tested positive for a second time in mid-August. They discovered several differences in the sequences of the virus from the first and second infections, suggesting the man had been infected with two separate strains of the virus, rather than one long-lasting infection. Their findings have been accepted for publication in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal.
What will the discovery mean for the dozens of vaccine candidates being developed to protect people against the coronavirus? It may indicate that being infected with the virus doesn’t necessarily protect people against future infections, said David Strain at the University of Exeter in a statement. “Vaccinations work by simulating infection to the body, thereby allowing the body to develop antibodies. If antibodies don’t provide lasting protection, we will need to revert to a strategy of viral near-elimination in order to return to a more normal life,” says Strain. But Brendan Wren at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said it is important to take these results into context: “This is a very rare example of reinfection and it should not negate the global drive to develop covid-19 vaccines.”
Other coronavirus news
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Sunday issued emergency use authorisation for convalescent plasma as a treatment for severe covid-19. This is drawn from people who have recovered from infection with the coronavirus and contains antibodies to fight the virus. In a statement the FDA said that “the known and potential benefits of the [treatment] outweigh the known and potential risks.” More than 70,000 people in the US have received convalescent plasma as a treatment for covid-19 since March, through a programme run by the Mayo Clinic. FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said studies have found a 35 per cent improvement in survival for covid-19 patients given the plasma.
At least 17 staff and pupils at a school in Dundee have tested positive for the coronavirus less than two weeks after pupils returned to schools in Scotland. Kingspark school closed last Wednesday and pupils have been told to self-isolate until 3 September. Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon today announced that secondary school pupils in Scotland may be advised to wear face coverings, in light of new guidance from the World Health Organization. Schools in England are due to reopen in September, but a spokesperson for the prime minister today said there are no plans to review the current guidance in England for the wearing of face coverings in schools.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 809,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 23.4 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Australia’s second wave: Australia’s second wave of the coronavirus appears to be finally subsiding, but the country isn’t out of the woods yet.
Vaccine technology: Prevention is better than cure, so we should start using genetic techniques to stop dangerous animal diseases jumping to humans, say Scott Nuismer and James Bull.
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Commuters arrive for work at Victoria Station in London
Alex Lentati/LNP/Shutterstock
21 August
Coronavirus R number in UK rises slightly but infections appear to be levelling off
In the UK, the latest estimate for the R number, the number of people each coronavirus case infects, has risen to between 0.9 and 1.1, up slightly from 0.8 to 1.0 the previous week. However, due to a time lag in the data used to model the R number, this is more representative of the situation two to three weeks ago. Estimates for the infection growth rates range between -3 and 1 per cent. This suggests infections in the UK are levelling off on average, in a continuation of the trend observed over the last few weeks. This is consistent with the latest results from the random swab testing survey by the Office for National Statistics, which suggests about 24,600 people in England – 1 in 2200 – had the virus in the week ending 13 August, compared to 28,300 people – 1 in 1900 – in the week ending 9 August
Local coronavirus restrictions in place in parts of northern England will be lifted on Saturday. People from two different households in Wigan in Greater Manchester and Rossendale and Darwen in Lancashire will now be allowed to meet in homes and gardens. But restrictions will remain in place in some other parts of Greater Manchester and Lancashire, as well as in parts of West Yorkshire and in Leicester. Oldham, which had the highest rate of infections in the UK last week at 103.1 cases per 100,000 people, has avoided the introduction of restrictions but will be subjected to “a more targeted intervention”, according to the Department of Health and Social Care. 
Other coronavirus news
Travellers arriving in the UK from Croatia, Austria and Trinidad and Tobago will be required to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival, starting at 4.00 am on Saturday, UK transport minister Grant Shapps announced yesterday. There are currently 47.2 cases per 100,000 people in Croatia compared to 21.2 per 100,000 people in the UK, according to cumulative figures for the last 14 days from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Those arriving in the UK from Portugal, which currently has a case rate of 28.5 per 100,000 people, will no longer need to self-isolate. Shapps said it would be “too difficult” for the UK to adopt a more targeted approach to the quarantine rules like Germany’s, affecting travellers from specific regions rather than entire countries, due to the difficulty in assessing infection patterns overseas in sufficient detail.
Coronavirus cases have been reported among pupils or teachers at 41 schools in Germany’s capital Berlin, less than two weeks after schools reopened. Berlin was one of the first places in Germany to reopen schools after the summer break. Schools in Scotland reopened earlier this month and schools in England will reopen in September. 
South Korea recorded its highest number of daily new coronavirus cases since 8 March, with 324 new cases confirmed on Thursday. There have been 732 cases linked to the new outbreak so far, 56 of which have been linked to a single church in Seoul.
Lebanon has reintroduced a partial lockdown and an overnight curfew in an attempt to suppress a recent spike in coronavirus infections in the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion. The country recorded 605 new cases on Thursday, its highest daily case number so far.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 794,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 22.7 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Coronavirus and flying: Is it safe to fly with the coronavirus still circulating? That depends partly on where you are. But while hard evidence is scarce, it appears the risk of being infected with covid-19 during a flight is relatively low.
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Commuters at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof central train station in Frankfurt, Germany.
Alex Kraus/Bloomberg via Getty Images
20 August
WHO warns of “risk of resurgence” in Europe as Germany and Spain see cases surge
The risk of a resurgence of the coronavirus “has never been far away,” the World Health Organization (WHO) regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge said during a briefing today. Europe recorded 40,000 more coronavirus cases in the first week of August, compared to the first week of June, when cases were at their lowest, and cases have steadily been rising in the region, in part due to the relaxation of public health and social measures, he said. Germany recorded its highest daily number of new cases since April, with 1707 new cases confirmed on Wednesday. Spain recorded 3715 cases on the same day, the highest daily number there since the country’s lockdown was lifted in late June. “Authorities have been easing some of the restrictions and people have been dropping their guard,” said Kluge. 
Kluge thanked young people for the sacrifices they have made to protect themselves and others from covid-19 but expressed concern about people aged between 15 and 24, who account for a growing number of cases. “Low risk does not mean no risk. No one is invincible,” he said.
Other coronavirus news
England saw a 27 per cent increase in the number of people testing positive for coronavirus in the week ending 12 August compared to the previous week, according to the Department of Health and Social Care. Its latest figures state that 6616 people tested positive for the virus, whilst the number of people tested for the virus went down by 2 per cent over the same time period.
UK health minister Matt Hancock yesterday told the BBC that people in the UK should be able to return to workplaces without the need for wearing face masks, citing evidence from NHS Test and Trace that people have been largely catching the virus in meetings between households rather than in offices. But researchers, including microbiologist Simon Clarke at the University of Reading, say there isn’t sufficient data to rule out the risk of transmission within workplaces and from workplaces to households. “The virus needs to be taken into homes by someone and they will have had to pick it up from somewhere else […] even a single workplace transmission could lead to multiple onward infections in a family, household or other setting.”
India reported a record daily increase in coronavirus cases for the country today, with more than 69,652 cases confirmed, according to its health ministry.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 788,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 22.4 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Rewilding the sky: Let’s take inspiration from the way we intervene to help degraded ecosystems recover and attempt to restore the atmosphere back to full health, taking advantage of the lull in human activity under covid-19, writes Graham Lawton.
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A medical worker takes a swab sample in a drive-thru testing centre
REUTERS/Carl Recine – RC2Z2I9ILO1A
19 August
Random swab testing survey to be expanded in England and to other UK nations
Coronavirus tests will be carried out on more people in the UK to help monitor the spread of the virus, the government says. The random swab testing survey for coronavirus by the Office for National Statistics, which started in May, will be expanded to test more people in England as well as people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the UK’s health minister Matt Hancock announced today. In England, the survey will expand from testing 28,000 people every two weeks in the community, outside of hospitals and care homes, to testing 150,000 people. Hancock said this is part of a wider effort to expand coronavirus testing in the UK.
Testing larger numbers of people will allow smaller changes in infection growth trends to be interpreted with more reliability, says biologist and medical innovation researcher Michael Hopkins at the University of Sussex. It will provide a “higher definition picture of the outbreak”, helping to pinpoint at-risk groups within the population, says Hopkins. More widespread testing could also help capture people who have the virus but are asymptomatic. An analysis by the ONS published yesterday found that only 28 per cent of people testing positive for the coronavirus in England reported having symptoms around the time they were tested.
Other coronavirus news
Australia’s prime minister Scott Morrison backtracked today after saying that coronavirus vaccination would be mandatory in Australia. Currently there isn’t a coronavirus vaccine available but there are 160 vaccine candidates being developed and 31 are in human trials. The Australian government recently secured access to the vaccine candidate being developed by the University of Oxford in partnership with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, and has now said that if the vaccine is approved it will offer it to Australian citizens for free. Clarifying his earlier comments about making the vaccine mandatory, Morrison said “we can’t hold someone down and make them take it”, adding that vaccination would be “encouraged.”
Almost 1200 fewer people died this year in New Zealand up to 20 July compared to during the same period last year, a rare trend in light of the global pandemic. Some researchers speculate this may be due to a reduction in deaths from other respiratory illnesses, thanks to the introduction of measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus. In May, neighbouring Australia reported lower flu rates than usual, which was also attributed to coronavirus lockdown measures. New Zealand has recorded only 22 covid-19 related deaths. 
South Korea recorded its biggest daily increase in coronavirus cases since March yesterday, with 297 cases of the virus confirmed. Officials in Seoul have begun introducing restrictions on gatherings in the city and its surrounding area, prohibiting indoor gatherings of more than 50 people and outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 782,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 22.1 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Achieving herd immunity: Today, some headlines celebrate the fact that many places might have achieved herd immunity including Britain and pockets of London, New York and Mumbai. But others warn that millions will die before we get there. The true picture is far messier, partly because scientists don’t even agree on what herd immunity is, let alone how it might be achieved. So how will we know when populations are protected against the coronavirus?
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A worker holding a tray containing ampoules of “Sputnik V”, a covid-19 vaccine candidate developed by the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Zelenograd, Russia
Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg via Getty Images
18 August
“We need to prevent vaccine nationalism,” says WHO director-general
The World Health Organization (WHO) today called for an end to “vaccine nationalism”, the hoarding of vaccine doses by some nations. “The fastest way to end this pandemic and to reopen economies is to start by protecting the highest risk populations everywhere,” WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a press briefing today. “We need to prevent vaccine nationalism,” he said. The priority should be protecting essential workers and other at-risk groups, Ghebreyesus said: “If we can work together, we can ensure that all essential workers are protected and proven treatments like dexamethasone are available to those who need them.” Although there currently isn’t a vaccine available for covid-19 there are more than 160 candidates in development, with 31 in human trials. Several countries have already secured deals for doses of some of these vaccine candidates. The UK has purchased at least 190 million doses, including 100 million of the vaccine candidate being developed by the University of Oxford and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. 
Separately, Takeshi Kasai, WHO Western Pacific regional director, told the briefing that “the epidemic is changing.” He said that “people in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly driving the spread. Many are unaware they are infected.” This increases the risk of the virus spreading to the more vulnerable,” he added.
Other coronavirus news
Public Health England will be replaced by a new public health agency, UK health minister Matt Hancock confirmed today. The new agency, called the National Institute for Health Protection, will combine “the expertise of Public Health England with the enormous response capabilities of NHS Test and Trace and the Joint Biosecurity Centre,” Hancock said at the Policy Exchange think tank. Dido Harding, the current head of NHS Test and Trace, will lead the new organisation initially, Hancock said. NHS Test and Trace has been criticised for repeatedly failing to reach the proportion of contacts of people diagnosed with coronavirus that is recommended by government scientific advisors – 80 per cent or more. Between 30 July and 5 August for instance, the system only managed to reach 74.2 per cent of the contacts of people who tested positive for the virus in England. 
The proportion of people in the UK who reported experiencing symptoms of depression was 20 per cent in June, up from 10 per cent in July last year, according to a survey by the Office for National Statistics.
Voters from six US states filed a lawsuit against the country’s president Donald Trump and the postmaster general Louis DeJoy yesterday over cuts to the US postal service ahead of the upcoming general election. Many states are expecting a surge in postal ballots this year due to the pandemic.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 775,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 21.9 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Travelling abroad safely: Many countries have seen an increase in coronavirus cases, making going abroad more of a gamble. So what are the different options for managing the current risks from international travel, and which countries have got it right?
Return of covid-19 to New Zealand: New Zealand has acted swiftly to contain a new coronavirus outbreak after going 102 days virus-free, but it’s still unclear whether it can stamp it out again.
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A-level students hold a sit in protest at the Department for Education over the results fiasco
17 August
A-level and GCSE grades in England to be based on teachers’ predictions instead of controversial algorithm
Pupils in England will be given A-level and GCSE grades estimated by their teachers rather than by an algorithm that sparked protests after it was used to moderate the grades of A-level pupils last week. The algorithm, which was introduced because the pandemic disrupted the usual exam process, resulted in about 280,000 A-level pupils in England seeing their scores drop by at least one grade or more compared to their predicted results.Those from disadvantaged backgrounds were worst-affected. UK education minister Gavin Williamson today announced that England’s exams regulator, Ofqual is scrapping the algorithm, bringing policy in line with the UK’s other nations. Williamson and Ofqual chair, Roger Taylor apologised for the “distress” caused. 
Other coronavirus news
England’s health agency, Public Health England, could be replaced by a new body specifically focused on dealing with pandemics. The new agency would be modelled on Germany’s Robert Koch Institute and is expected to be announced this week by the UK’s health minister, Matt Hancock, according to a report in the Sunday Telegraph. The article also indicates that Hancock plans to merge the NHS Test and Trace scheme with the pandemic response work of Public Health England. “The reports in the media of a proposed ‘axing’ of Public Health England is of huge concern,” said Amitava Banerjee, clinical data scientist and cardiologist at University College London. A major restructuring of public health function, as the global covid-19 emergency continues, will divert limited resources away from public health measures such as testing and tracing, said Banerjee. 
Voters in the US are concerned about whether it is still safe to post their ballots, after the country’s president Donald Trump last week said he would block additional funding required for the postal service to handle the expected surge in postal ballots this year. Many US states have been trying to make postal voting easier so that people are able to vote safely during the pandemic.
South Korea tightened social distancing rules on Sunday after 197 new coronavirus cases linked to a new outbreak were confirmed on Saturday. “We’re facing a crisis where if the current spread isn’t controlled, it would bring an exponential rise in cases, which could in turn lead to the collapse of our medical system and enormous economic damage,” director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jeong Eun-kyeong said during a briefing.
New Zealand’s general election will be postponed by a month due to an on-going coronavirus outbreak in Auckland, the country’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern announced today. Nine new cases in the new cluster were confirmed today, bringing the total to 58 cases so far.
A new test for coronavirus-specific T-cells – immune cells that help the body fight infections – could help researchers developing vaccine candidates. The test is being developed by UK company Indoor Biotechnologies, which says early trials found that some people who had the coronavirus but tested negative for antibodies went on to test positive for T-cells. It still isn’t clear whether antibodies or T-cells provide long-lasting immunity against the virus and how long such immunity might last.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 776,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 21.7 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Coronavirus and pets: Reports of pets being infected with the coronavirus have been growing, but how worried should owners be? And could pets be spreading the virus between people?
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Passengers wait next to the Eurostar Terminal at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris.
Michel Euler/AP/Shutterstock
14 August
UK visitors to France could face restrictions after UK imposed quarantine on arrivals 
Travellers arriving in France from the UK could be required to quarantine for two weeks after arrival into the country, Clément Beaune, France’s junior minister for European Affairs, told journalists on Thursday. His statement came after the UK added France and the Netherlands to its list of countries from which arriving travellers will be required to quarantine for 14 days. France currently has a coronavirus case rate of 34.0 people per 100,000, according to cumulative figures for the last 14 days from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, with 41.6 cases per 100,000 people in the Netherlands. The case rate in the UK is currently 17.3 per 100,000 people. The UK’s new rules are effective from 4:00 BST on Saturday 15 August and will also apply for people arriving in the UK from Monaco, Malta, Turks and Caicos and Aruba. Transport minister Grant Shapps said that there are currently about 160,000 people from the UK on holidays in France. 
Other coronavirus news
Restrictions affecting parts of northern England and Leicester will stay in place due to on-going local outbreaks, the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care announced today. People living in the affected areas in Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, East Lancashire and Leicester aren’t allowed to meet with people from other households indoors or in private gardens. Oldham in Greater Manchester has experienced the largest week-on-week rise in cases in England, recording a rate of 107.5 cases per 100,000 people between 2 and 8 August, up from 57.8 during the previous week. The government says the restrictions will be reviewed again next week. 
Elsewhere in England, easing of restrictions allowing small wedding receptions, live indoor performances and beauty treatments will go ahead from Saturday after being delayed from the original date of 1 August, UK prime minister Boris Johnson confirmed today. Bowling alleys, casinos and play centres will also be allowed to reopen.
Despite some local outbreaks, coronavirus cases across England as a whole appear to be levelling off, according to the latest results from a random swab testing survey by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS estimates that 28,300 people in England – one in 1900 people – had the virus in the week ending 9 August, the same as the previous week.
New Zealand has extended a lockdown in Auckland by at least 12 days, the country’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern announced today. New Zealand had been free of locally transmitted coronavirus infections for 102 days until four people from the same household in Auckland tested positive for the virus earlier this week. The number of cases in the new outbreak there has since risen to 29. 
North Korea has lifted a three-week lockdown in the border city of Kaesong after a suspected coronavirus case there, state media reported today. The World Health Organization last week said that tests on the suspected case – a man who returned to North Korea after defecting – had been inconclusive. North Korea has not reported any other cases.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 760,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 20.9 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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Staff of Guardian Funerals transport the casket of Covid-19 victim
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
13 August
UK government has changed the way deaths from covid-19 are recorded in England
England’s covid-19 death toll has been revised down by more than 5000, after the UK government announced a new UK-wide standard for recording deaths caused by the coronavirus. The changes mean the removal of 5377 deaths from Public Health England’s official record, decreasing the UK’s total numbers of deaths from the virus from 46,706 to 41,329 as of 12 August. 
People who recovered from covid-19 before dying from other causes more than a month later may have been included in the previous death toll due to the way Public Health England was collecting its data. “It had become essentially useless for epidemiological monitoring,” said epidemiologist Keith Neal at the University of Nottingham, UK. From now on England’s official death toll will only include people who died within 28 days of testing positive for the virus, bringing it in line with the other nations in the UK. 
Other coronavirus news
The number of patients admitted to hospitals in England for routine treatment was down by 67 per cent in June compared to the same time last year, according to data from NHS England. The number of people visiting accident and emergency units was also down, by 30 per cent compared to last year, as was the number going to their family doctor with symptoms of cancer and being urgently referred to a specialist , at 20 per cent lower than last year. The NHS England data also suggests more people waited longer than usual for planned procedures, such as knee and hip operations. The Health Foundation charity told the BBC that this indicates the NHS is still “nowhere close to business as usual following the first outbreak of covid-19,” and warned that long waiting times could lead to deterioration in people’s health.
The coronavirus may have been circulating in New Zealand for weeks prior to the country’s new outbreak, according to New Zealand’s director-general of health, Ashley Bloomfield. The first person in the new cluster of cases started showing symptoms as early as 31 July, Bloomfield said during a media briefing in Wellington, adding that genome sequencing was underway on the original four cases to try and trace the train of transmission. Officials are also investigating the theory that the cases were imported via refrigerated freight. New Zealand had been free of locally transmitted coronavirus infections for 102 days before four people from the same household tested positive earlier this week. 
Authorities in two cities in China said they found traces of the coronavirus on imported frozen food and on food packaging. Samples of chicken wings imported to the city of Shenzhen from Brazil and packaging of frozen shrimp imported from Ecuador to a city in China’s Anhui province tested positive for the virus. It isn’t yet clear when the products became contaminated but China is increasing screening at its ports. The coronavirus can survive for up to two years frozen at -20°C but is destroyed by heating to 70°C. The World Health Organization says that there isn’t currently any evidence that people can catch the virus from food or food packaging. 
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 750,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 20.6 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Sweden’s coronavirus strategy: Sweden was one of the few European countries not to impose a compulsory lockdown. Its unusual strategy for tackling the coronavirus outbreak has both been hailed as a success, and condemned as a failure. So which is it?
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Two woman in Ripollet, Catalonia wearing face masks outside a coronavirus testing area.
PAU BARRENA/AFP via Getty Images
12 August
Germany and Spain among a growing list of western European countries where coronavirus cases are surging
Coronavirus cases are rising in Germany, Spain and other countries in western Europe, with Spain recording 1418 new infections on Tuesday, and Germany detecting 1200 cases in the last 24 hours, the country’s biggest daily increase for three months. In the Netherlands, daily new infections are back to about half the level they were at during the initial peak. Spain now has the highest rate of coronavirus infections in the region, with 94 cases per 100,000 people, compared to 38 in the Netherlands, 30 in France, 18 in the UK and 14 in Germany, according to cumulative figures for the last 14 days from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 
Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn, says people returning from holiday may be the reason for the increasing number of cases in Germany, as the UK and Germany continue to warn people against non-essential travel to parts of Spain. Any holidaymakers returning to the UK from Spain are required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. The list of countries from which all arrivals to the UK must quarantine may be updated this week to include 14 more countries, including France.
Other coronavirus news
The World Health Organization (WHO) is in talks with Russian authorities about reviewing the coronavirus vaccine candidate whose approval for use in Russia yesterday sparked criticism from researchers. Russia’s vaccine, Sputnik-V, is not on the WHO’s list of six vaccines that have reached phase III trials involving clinical testing on large groups of people. Russia’s health minister Mikhail Murashko today dismissed safety concerns expressed by foreign researchers about the rapid approval of the vaccine as “groundless.”
Lebanon announced its highest number of daily new coronavirus cases yesterday since the start of the pandemic, with more than 300 new cases and seven deaths from covid-19. Hospitals in the country are overwhelmed following the aftermath of the explosion in Beirut last week. WHO spokesperson Tarik Jarasevic told a UN briefing yesterday that the displacement of people due to the explosion risks accelerating the spread of the coronavirus there.
At least 800 people are estimated to have died around the world as a result of misinformation about the coronavirus during the first three months of this year, a study has found. A further 5800 people are estimated to have been admitted to hospital for the same reason during this period. The majority of the deaths and hospitalisations were due to people consuming methanol and alcohol-based cleaning products, incorrectly believing that they were cures for covid-19, according to the study, which was published in The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Coronavirus deaths
The worldwide death toll has passed 744,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 20.4 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Children at risk: A staggering 115 million children in India are at risk of malnutrition, as the world’s largest school lunch programme has been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Who should get vaccinated first?: It is August 2021, and the moment the world has been waiting for has finally arrived – a vaccine against covid-19 has passed all the tests and is ready to be rolled out. But this isn’t the end. There are more than 7.5 billion people in need of vaccination but perhaps only a billion doses available in the first six months of production. Who gets one?
Staying connected: Greeting neighbours or gossiping with a colleague can boost your health and well-being, but coronavirus lockdowns are putting that in jeopardy. Here’s how to stay connected.
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New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern announced new lockdown measures in Auckland after four new coronavirus cases were detected in the community
New Zealand government
11 August
New Zealand reimposes Auckland lockdown after first locally transmitted cases for 102 days
New Zealand has reported its first new coronavirus cases thought to be acquired through local transmission, after going 102 days without a single reported case outside of managed isolation or quarantine. Four people within one family in south Auckland tested positive for the virus, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern said today at a press briefing. New Zealand has been widely praised for its aggressive response to the coronavirus, closing its borders to non-nationals and implementing one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, all at a time when the country had only 205 cases and no deaths from covid-19. Testing is now being ramped up in Auckland and lockdown restrictions will be reimposed there from tomorrow. Everyone except essential workers will be asked to work from home and schools will be closed for most children. Other public facilities, including bars and restaurants, will be required to close and gatherings will be limited to 10 people. 
Other coronavirus news
Researchers have expressed concerns about the approval of a coronavirus vaccine candidate in Russia today. The virus has been approved for widespread use, despite only being tested in dozens of people. “There is no data on the Russian-led vaccine for the global health community to scrutinise,” said Michael Head, public health research fellow at the University of Southampton, UK. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin said one of his daughters has already been inoculated, and claimed it was safe. 
The number of contact tracers working for NHS Test and Trace will be reduced by 6000 in England by the end of this month, the UK government has announced. The remaining 12,000 contact tracers will work more closely with local public health authorities to help with contact tracing within communities. Between 16 and 22 July, NHS Test and Trace only managed to reach 75 per cent of the contacts of people who tested positive for the coronavirus in England. Dido Harding, head of NHS Test and Trace said that having a more localised approach will ensure more contacts of coronavirus cases within communities can be reached.
Australia’s remote Northern Territory will keep its borders shut to coronavirus-affected states until at least 2022, according to local officials. People arriving from affected states will be required to quarantine at a hotel for 14 days at their own expense.
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 737,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 20.1 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
Latest on coronavirus from New Scientist
Question about the UK’s new rapid tests: Two 90-minute tests for the coronavirus will be rolled out by the UK government in the coming weeks – and while both are promising, neither has publicly available data to support its use.
Common cold virus vaccine: A vaccine that protects against one of the main common cold viruses – respiratory syncytial virus – has been shown to be safe and effective in a clinical trial and could be available by 2024.
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A man seen in a street during a snowfall in the early stages of the pandemic.
Sergei Fadeichev/TASS via Getty Images
10 August
No indication there is seasonality with the coronavirus, says WHO 
There is no indication that the coronavirus is seasonal and it could bounce back any time, World Health Organization (WHO) leaders said at a press briefing today. Evidence suggests the coronavirus is unlike flu, which tends to spike in autumn and winter. “If you take pressure off the virus, the virus will bounce back. That’s what we will say to countries in Europe – keep the pressure on,” said Mike Ryan, WHO executive director of the emergencies program. Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead of WHO’s covid-19 response, said that the majority of the world’s population remains susceptible to the virus, and WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasised the importance of countries taking targeted action to tackle local outbreaks through methods like localised lockdowns employed in Leicester, UK. 
Other coronavirus news
The WHO says it has only received a fraction of the funding it needs for an initiative aimed at developing and distributing drugs, vaccines and other tools to help tackle the pandemic. “While we’re grateful for those that have made contributions, we’re only 10 per cent of the way to funding the billions required to realise the promise of the ACT [Access to Covid-19 Tools] accelerator,” Tedros said during a press briefing today.
“Greece has formally entered a second wave of the epidemic,” Gkikas Magiorkinis, an epidemiologist at Athens University and one of the scientists advising the Greek government, told journalists today. This comes after Greece recorded its highest number of daily new coronavirus cases since the pandemic began, with 203 confirmed on Sunday.
In France, it is now compulsory to wear a face mask outdoors in certain crowded areas within Paris. Health officials said the rate of positive coronavirus tests was 2.4 per cent in the Paris area compared to the average of 1.6 per cent for people tested in the country as a whole. Other cities, including Nice and Lille, have also introduced new rules making face masks mandatory in specific outdoor areas.
It has been more than 100 days since New Zealand last detected a locally acquired coronavirus case. As of today, the country has only 21 active infections, all of which are being managed in isolation facilities. Authorities are still testing thousands of people each day. “We need to be prepared to quickly stamp out any future cases,” said New Zealand’s director-general of health Ashley Bloomfield on Sunday. 
Coronavirus deaths
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Matthew Rowett
The worldwide death toll has passed 731,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 19.9 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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NHS advice board promoting Test and Trace in Birmingham city centre in the UK
Mike Kemp/In PIctures via Getty Images
7 August
The number of people estimated to have the virus in England may be levelling off
The number of people estimated to have covid-19 in England appears to be levelling off, after rising slightly in July, according to a random swab testing survey of almost 120,000 people by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS estimates that 28,300 people outside of hospitals and care homes in England had the virus in the week ending 2 August – about one in every 1900 people. This is down slightly from the previous week’s estimate of 35,700. But it isn’t clear how infection rates may differ across different regions. In Wales, which was included in the survey for the first time, an estimated 1400 people had covid-19 in the week ending 2 August, equivalent to one in every 2200 people.
The proportion of people in the UK who say they have been wearing face coverings has gone up for the second week in a row, according to a separate ONS survey. In the week ending 2 August, 96 per cent of people said they had worn a face covering outside their home, up from 84 per cent in the previous week and 71 per cent the week before. The survey also found that 72 per cent of people said they had socialised with others in person, just over half of whom said they had always maintained social distancing. 
Other coronavirus news
Coronavirus vaccine trials could be undermined by the lack of diversity among participants, according to researchers. In the recent trial of a coronavirus vaccine candidate being developed by the University of Oxford in partnership with AstraZeneca, fewer than 1 per cent of the approximately 1000 participants were black and only about 5 per cent were Asian, compared to 91 per cent of participants who were white. In a smaller trial of a vaccine candidate being developed by US company Moderna, 40 out of 45 participants were white. “Diversity is important to ensure pockets of people don’t have adverse side-effects,” Oluwadamilola Fayanju, a surgeon and researcher at Duke University told the Guardian.
The city of Preston in England is being placed under stricter local lockdown measures following a rise in coronavirus cases. From midnight on 7 August residents from different households aren’t allowed to meet indoors or in private gardens. These new measures are in line with those currently in place in east Lancashire, Greater Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire.
More than one million people in countries across Africa have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, although health officials say this is certainly an underestimate. “We haven’t seen the peak in Africa yet,” Mary Stephen, technical officer at the World Health Organization’s regional office for Africa told Al Jazeera. Although the majority of cases confirmed so far are in South Africa, it is also performing significantly more tests than other African countries.
India has recorded its highest number of daily new coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic, with 62,538 cases confirmed on Friday. There have been more than 2 million cases recorded in the country since the pandemic began.
Coronavirus deaths
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The worldwide death toll has passed 715,000. The number of confirmed cases is more than 19.1 million, according to the map and dashboard from Johns Hopkins University, though the true number of cases will be much higher.
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Matthew Rowett
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Matthew Rowett
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salesalary83-blog · 4 years
Dairy It: Exactly how New Zealand's Dairy Exports Controlled The Planet
Dairy Public Auctions Online - Find a Fantastic Shopper Currently!
Milks are one of the most traded commodities worldwide today. Because of this, they are actually additionally among the best frequently bought on competitive market days. The largest dairy market is that of the European Union (EU). Across the bloc, cows produce around 60 thousand tonnes of dairy annually.
So the inquiry emerges in order to why carries out the demand for milk products in nations like the EU rise while others simply continue to be with the status quo? For one, buyers are currently aware of the much lesser dairy products costs within the EU as well as what it takes to really create milk for consumption. Moreover, the demand for new dairy has actually without a doubt risen over recent many years or so and that extremely to a huge degree.
The other major reason that International dairies have actually stayed on the same level of development is because of the fact that there are restricted resources that can maintain the same. It for that reason complies with that farmers are actually required to purchase costly milk products coming from other countries where dairy products industry strategies are less rigid. Subsequently, these nations such as India have actually been actually recognized to offer EU planters along with reasonable basic materials.
An aftereffect of the is that the world's largest dairy markets as well as exchange are actually now online. You observe, this was actually the objective of the European Association. To maintain a much more even offer as well as require between all its participant nations, a number of cattle breeders created what's contacted the Milk Innovation Team.
They then cultivated strategies such as the overview of present day innovation like farm milking devices as well as robotics. But now these innovations have been actually needed to the upcoming degree as well as are actually being discussed around the world by means of Milk Public auctions Online (DAO). You might have become aware of DAO just before however did you recognize that you may actually take part in a milk public auction as a buyer and also a vendor.
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When you register for complimentary milks, you are after that demanded to secure a digital license or available permit. This allows you to position quotes on DAO's and also consequently, your proposal is actually multiplied due to the variety of devices that you have outdoors market.
This way, you will certainly get a percent of the complete selling price of milk products as well as in return you will definitely have the possibility to get income via the liquidation of numerous dairy products brand names. The platforms that enable you to join the auction are actually GDT, Eurodairy, EU Milk Community, Global Dairy Products Profession and also DAO Europe. That's a ton of options to pick from and also if you possess a brilliant idea regarding dairy products public auctions, you will no question desire to receive included.
Wonderful Whey Powder Evaluation
Global Dairy Outlet delivers DAO protein particle, which is a product of the global dairy products exchange. If you are actually a bodybuilder who is actually seeking an one-of-a-kind and fascinating protein supplement, after that look no further than this product. DAO healthy protein grain is a first class, 100% natural, as well as very helpful product that has been medically shown to enhance muscular tissue mass and melt excess fat. Thus what makes it attract attention from various other products on the market place?
For starters, Sweet Whey Particle is originated from milk, so it is actually considered a kind of whey. Hence, it consists of a few of the greatest bodybuilding healthy proteins that can be found in the milk business. Wonderful Whey Powder is also not refined and also carries out not contain preservatives. What that implies is actually that the only components you will definitely ever discover along with Sweet Whey Particle are the healthy proteins as well as the protein complexes.
The reason why Dessert Whey Powder is therefore excellent is actually given that it includes casein, a digestion enzyme. Casein is an essential component for correct digestive function and is used by the physical body to develop muscle mass. Casein is actually also anabolic and may aid create muscle mass as well as enhance toughness. Actually, research studies have actually presented that when casein is blended with amino acids as well as various other elements, it can also improve muscle mass growth. It is this excellent combo that creates DAO a top option of body builders, which is actually the primary reason why Sugary food Whey Powder is a well-known product of the global dairy business.
Yet another thing about Sugary food Whey Grain is actually the distinct, natural flavoring it has. The 100% natural flavor has no artificial sweeteners or any sort of form of flavor enhancers, therefore you will not locate it cloying or overpowering. Sweet Whey Powder's one-of-a-kind flavor is also utilized in various other items. These products feature treats, particle mixes, and also energy beverages.
Wonderful Whey Grain contains no negative things like creatine, carbohydrate, sucrose, salt, or some other chemical that will hinder your workouts. The producers of Sweet Whey Particle are likewise cautious regarding their product therefore there is no need to worry about possessing an unfavorable reaction along with the product. This is wonderful updates given that you don't intend to take opportunities with your workouts!
Another reason that Dessert Whey Particle is actually terrific is actually due to the fact that it contains no sugar as well as performs certainly not have soy products, gluten, casein, or even whey protein. The various other products on the market might contain sweetening agents or even other unnatural ingredients. Yet that is actually certainly not the instance with Sweet Whey Grain, which includes no sweetening agents, wheat, or casein. That's why Sugary Food Whey Particle is actually a fantastic product of the international dairy products trade.
Wonderful Whey Grain additionally has no sugar, thus you can feel confident that you will not need to snack on sweets only to get your everyday dosage of protein. Wonderful Whey Grain is actually exceptionally suitable for those that have problems along with consuming a lot of food items or only desiring to stay clear of sugary foods and also carbs. It can likewise be actually an excellent supplement for those that are actually lactose intolerant, as it carries out certainly not consist of lactose. It is actually the excellent product for any person who has to deal with any type of sort of allergy symptom or even intolerance.
Finally, Sugary Food Whey Powder is actually a terrific supplement for those who would like to reduce weight. Because Sugary Food Whey Grain is typically high in healthy protein, it may really aid you develop muscle while getting rid of fat. It could be a fantastic supplement to aid you reach your objectives in the gym or perhaps in your home, which is actually why Dessert Whey Particle is actually a top item of the worldwide dairy business.
Why Are Cream As Well As Butter One Of The Most Typical Product Of Dairy Products Field?
The use of dairy and lotion is actually the some of the earliest as well as very most dependable means to create butter. Numerous substances made use of to bring in butter are actually general and also are actually readily available at your nearby market. For example, some of the main ingredients to produce butter are actually marg., shortening, tallow, thawed butter, milk solids, butter body fat, water as well as oil. Despite being a basic technique, the manufacturing of the particular butter has become a financially rewarding sector as a result of the much higher demand for the product. Depending on to records, there is actually an annual worldwide need of around 3 mountain pounds of cream as well as butter. This details why the price of cream and also butter varies extremely depending on source and also demand.
This high requirement has produced its own risks as well as obstacles in regards to the source. The surge in demand has led to the demand for dairy as well as cream for other foods items. Many fields depend on milk and cream as the foundation for making different dishes and also drinks. This is one of the reasons why the butter as well as lotion items are so well-liked among meals manufacturers. Due to the high need, developers are faced with high requirements in the uncooked products. One more reason for the high requirement for the dairy and also cream is actually the rate that they call upon. As a result, the possibility is for the source to be overtaxed which suggests that the prices for the items are additionally higher.
Lotion as well as butter could be iced up, salted, flavoured, and cooled. It can easily likewise be utilized to make frozen yogurt or even ice cream. No matter what kind of product it is that you want to make, the very best method to secure it is actually to go through the lotion and also butter product of international milk business. As even more people have become aware of the products of the dairy business, additional folks are coming to be associated with this market of the food items sector. It is actually not surprising that that the need for lotion and also butter is actually incredibly high. This is the absolute most typical and simply accessible item of dairy trade. So it makes sense to make the most of the possibilities that the cream and butter products offer.
Cheese Futures - The Global Dairy Business as well as Global Cheese Supplies
Cheese items are globally traded as a globally recognized item. The retail as well as retail amount cheese source chain is now a very affordable place. These days it is feasible to discover cheese developers making the best ranked mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, feta, Swiss, American, blue cheese and many more. Cheese distributors could be located in various parts of the planet including Eastern Europe, Australia, Southern Europe, The United States, Russia, New Zealand, Middle East, Chicken, Spain, Chile, China, and several of the African countries. International markets provide the option of wholesale mozzarella cheese for much more than sixty billion dollars per year. The United States retail cheese industry costs much more than 8 billion bucks every year.
The method of creation outcome and advertising cheese occurs at lots of levels such as ranch, handling, and also selling. In the last few years this has developed into a strongly open market area along with all the level playing fields. For example, countries like Greece, France, as well as Germany have actually come to be the significant cheese developers today with their ingenious supply establishment monitoring tactics. Germany and Greece are actually the biggest exporters of cheese while the UNITED STATE cheese market has already exceeded the market place of Switzerland. Retailers typically sell greater than sixty billion bucks worth of cheese per year.
found a cheddar cheese price here , which are much more than the normal dairy rate, have additionally triggered the retail as well as retail cheese supply being actually raised by a big amount. Although the export market is taken into consideration to become the absolute most had an effect on through this adjustment. Folks in developed countries are now devoting a lot more on cheese than they carried out previously. As the price of cheese increases, specifically throughout holiday seasons, numerous take into consideration these products to become a cost-effective surprise. One of the absolute most preferred cheese options is Emmental cheese. It comes in various tastes such as natural honey, lemon, orange, blackberry, as well as others. It is likewise recognized for its high attention of all-natural antioxidants, having Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, as well as the minerals copper, phosphorus, and also zinc.
Cheddar Cheese - Worldwide Milk Exchange
Cheddar cheese is among the most prominent food products of the globe today. It is actually widely acknowledged as well as revered for its velvety and also delicious taste and has likewise acquired a lot of recognition as an attendee in international food and lifestyle. The name cheddar stems from the community of Cheddar in the province of France, where it stemmed from. Cheddar cheese is actually the product of global dairy exchange. The globalization has carried a large variety of foodstuff from around the planet to the grocery stores of the globe market.
Curd is actually a type of curd which is fermented and hases plenty of solid taste. The curd is actually initially a yellow-colored yellow solid, and this is actually after that produced in to a selection of various flavor as well as dietary characteristics. The curd is actually produced through either saturating the curds in water or fermenting all of them. When the curds are actually soaked in water, they look at a procedure where they are helped make to become less smooth and even more curd like. It is certainly not simply the curd that is made coming from this yet the whey, milk, cream, as well as likewise the excess fat. These are utilized as animal feed, fuel, and as creature milk.
The curd is soft and also can be made easily and also conveniently. The curd is actually a durable as well as appetizing foodstuff which makes it one of the absolute most well-known foods items of the planet. Although it can be very expensive, a lot of individuals may really be offered with it without needing to go out of their home to shop for it. It is also some of the favorite foods items of the rich as a result of its structure and also preference. As such, it is actually offered for everybody with the globalization.
Butter Exchanging
Butter and various other milk items are actually highly traded commodities which develop in an open market. Their manufacturing identifies the total rate of Butter and also Carbohydrate rates. Butter is an important asset in worldwide connections and also the cost participates in an essential duty in global organisation purchases. Butter is actually a crucial element in bread and also various other food items, producing it a food staple. The meals field is very big, covering foodstuff and markets that use components derived from nutritious excess fats. It is also recognized for its usefulness in the culinary and food preparation business.
Butter EEX is one of one of the most traded assets around the world. It is a product of global milk trade and it is likewise the largest export of South Korea. Butter is generated in Western Europe, Italy, Canada, the USA, and also Germany. It is actually often traded in the Greater london market, the Chicago Mercantile Swap, as well as other European commodities exchanges. It is actually traded to generate additional margin for milk trading businesses. It has become the best essential product in the international dairy trade. Exports of butter has actually been very financially rewarding for the butter market.
Butter futures have been traded on the marketplace because the year 1759, when New York was the main exchanging centre. Butter is sold a free market with minimal position as well as closing hrs. They are actually bought and sold depending on to various present market as well as financial situations. Butter futures markets are actually thought to become an item of the Butter EEX market. Butter futures agreements are actually issued based on the Butter futures arrangement. Butter futures contracts are created by the Conventional Setters of Butter. The position and closing price of the Butter futures agreement is specified due to the Item Future Cleaning Company (CFCC).
ANHYDROUS MILK FAT is the particle helped make from skimmed off milk concentrate-low heat energy as well as a top quality excess fat. It is completely acceptable for those that are actually lactose intolerant. If you are actually a kind 2 diabetic after that you need to take care while using ANHYDROUS MILK EXCESS FAT. This item does the majority of the people, yet if you possess high blood pressure or even cholesterol complication then it must be utilized with vigilance. Other than being a helpful procedure for blood glucose amounts, it likewise controls cholesterol amounts and also boosts blood vessels. It is actually taken into consideration being one of the greatest foods for reduced high blood pressure.
Compared to ANHYDROUS MILK BODY FAT, SKIMMED DAIRY CONSTANT is actually a wealthier in excess fat, having said that it is secured via an extra difficult procedure that features the intro of blood sugar right into the curd through making use of pure glucose in the curd. This assists to make a much less thick curd along with more significant thickness. this cream trading notes contains anti-oxidants, which participate in a vital role in combating coronary artery disease. It may be utilized as a substitute for hydrogenated fats, which may be made up during cooking food as well as frying. It may assist you lose weight and maintain your physical body energetic. It can easily additionally help you shed the extra pounds coming from contaminants as well as other unwanted materials in your body.
SKIMMED PUMP CONCENTRATE-LOW WARMTH is actually another lesser-known product available. This item is actually made from the skimmed off milk concentrate-low warm. It is actually an extra recommended option over ANHYDROUS MILK FAT due to its prolonged service life as well as capacity to minimize excess fats to a portion of their initial material. The distinction between SKIMMED DAIRY CONCENTRATE-LOW HEAT and also ANHYDROUS DAIRY EXCESS FAT is that the past can avoid blood clot, which may aid you steer clear of a stroke. It is actually proven that this item minimizes LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, therefore lowering blood pressure levels. Matched Up to ANHYDROUS DAIRY FAT, this item has been shown to improve digestive function and activate the metabolic process of carbohydrates and body fats. This powder is likewise on call in various varieties and also is actually exceptional for fat loss.
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lyonsdenprojects · 5 years
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The Psychology of Fruits Basket: Yuki
Happy Fruits Basket Friday! How have you all be liking the new anime so far? I love the new animation so much, it’s way more expressive.
This week’s installment of “The Psychology of Fruits Basket” focuses on the first spirit of the Zodiac: Prince Yuki the Rat! In continuing with my exploration of Kyoko’s impact on the major players, I find that Yuki’s connection is definitely a step removed from Kyo’s. She still had a large impact on his growth, however, through Tohru.
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Yuki’s evaluation is super layered. Not only do we have his childhood traumas from Akito, as well as his abandonment by his biological family, but there is also a mired layer of difficulty from the mythology associated with his Rat Spirit. If Tohru is the key, then Yuki probably holds the most important lock to unraveling the Sohma curse.
In the Sohma family lore, the Rat is the top Spirit entity second only to the God. I differentiate between the “family lore” and the original “mythology” of the Chinese Zodiac because the Sohmas developed a particular set of expectations related to the possessing spirits over time. For example, the Rat was the first to the banquet and the first to make the Promise. As such, the family of the Rat Spirit receives the largest money stipend from the Sohma estate. The child of the Rat is expected to be physically as well as metaphorically closest to the God figure, which is why Yuki was given to Akito when he was so young. The Rat child also tends to have natural abilities with mental acuity and to perfect martial skills.
The nickname of “Prince” is really not too far off for Yuki, as the Sohma family places the Rat on this high pedestal just below the God. His actions are highly scrutinized from various angles much like some sort of royalty. Yuki is acutely attentive to his actions and how they may be perceived by others, resulting in Yuki having a very cold and closed off countenance. It is commented on repeatedly in the manga in small side comments and author notes in the margins.
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In real world psychology, this is considered having a ‘blunt affect’, “affect” meaning one’s ability to express emotions. It is not quite the same as a flattened affect in which a person can not express any emotion at all. Those with blunted affect have a muted or restricted emotional expression. This is typically associated with extreme anxiety or fear which makes a lot of sense in Yuki’s case due to the abuse he suffered from Akito.
A blunted affect also has a high correlation with PTSD which may be quite appropriate for Yuki. Some of the main symptoms needed to diagnose PTSD are:
A trauma (both Akito’s abuse as well as the event when Yuki shifted in front of the group of children that subsequently had their memories erased)
Re-experiencing the trauma during daily life (Yuki’s almost forceful explanation of that memory to Tohru when he worries she may have her memory erased, Yuki’s freezing when Akito comes to see him at school)
Avoidance of stimulus related to the trauma (moving out of the main house, avoiding Akito at all costs)
Hyper vigilance tendencies such as being easily spooked, or easily moved to anger
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In light of this, let’s return to the scene I first cited in my Kyoko post with Tohru and Yuki protecting the garden from the storm.
Tohru: Still, my mother always said it’s better to believe than doubt. She said people aren’t born with a conscience. We’re only born with “wants,” she said, like appetite and material desires. In other words, survival instincts. The conscience is something that develops, like our bodies. It’s our heart that grows inside of us. She said that’s why there are different forms of kindness, depending on the person…. Sohma-kun, your kindness is like a candle. It suddenly lights up.
One of Tohru’s best skills is the ability to see into people’s hearts and accept them for who they are unconditionally, a trait instilled in her by her mother. As Tohru shares her insights and views on the types of kindness of people, Yuki quietly takes it in. Though we do not get any insights as to his thought process in that moment, the genuine smile he shares for the first time in the series is a huge clue. (I was personally amused by the the shining sun coming out from behind a cloud in the new anime at this point to emphasize it.)
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One of Yuki’s triggers appears to be people not accepting him for who he truly is. If we consider the fact that just a few days before this Tohru said she wasn’t “sickened” by his Rat form and combine it with her expressing joy at becoming closer friends with him in this scene, we can speculate a huge amount of relief washing over Yuki. Tohru has validated Yuki for Yuki, rather than only seeing him for the Rat. This is a big break through for Yuki and we continue to see emotive growth from him through the series as he heals from his trauma.
This healing is what expedites the unraveling of the Curse. Yuki learns how to be Yuki, instead of the Rat, and therefore the power of the possessing Spirit fades. That is why Yuki skipping the New Year’s Banquet in order to spend it with Tohru was such a huge deal. I felt this fact was downplayed a little in the old anime where as in the manga it is commented that there is an uproar amongst the family that the Rat, the legendary first animal, missed the Banquet for the first time in the history of the Curse/Promise.
There is a big overarching theme throughout the story instilled by Kyoko: Be yourself. You don’t need to be someone that you’re not for the sake of others. As Yuki learns this lesson from Tohru, his separation from the Sohma Curse is expedited. This is why Yuki treasures Tohru so much as a friend. She grants him the things he’s been craving his entire life: Unconditional love and appreciation for just being himself. Just like Kyoko did to all of those around her.
What Fruits Basket character would you like to see me review next? Leave a comment either here or on any of my social media (Facebook, Twitter, Patreon) and be sure to follow me for updates on my next post!
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behind-stories · 5 years
I am a senior Chinese military intelligence officer and I know the truth about the coronavirus outbreak. It is far worse than the media are telling you.
I am a Chinese citizen in Wuhan who occupies — or perhaps occupied — a high-ranking position in military intelligence. I am also a member of the Chinese Communist Party. As a senior official near the top of the Party, I have access to a great deal of classified information and I have been involved in many top-secret government projects. I have a doctorate from a leading university in a western country, which is why I can write my account in English.
I have information that I believe could lead to the overthrow of my government. It is also relevant to billions of people outside of China, all of whom are now in existential peril.
It will not surprise you to hear that if my identity were to be revealed, my life would be in grave danger, as would those of my wife and son. I ask you to respect the fact that I have stripped out of this account all facts that would make it easy to identify me.
By now you will be familiar with the recent outbreak of 2019-nCoV, also known as NCP, or simply “coronavirus”. You will have heard that it originated in Wuhan, an industrial city in China and that it came from an animal — most likely a bat or a pangolin — that was sold in a wild animal market. You will have been told that it is an influenza-like illness that can in severe cases cause pneumonia, respiratory failure, and death. Finally, you may have heard that although the disease is highly infectious, it is dangerous only to the elderly or to those who have a compromised immune system. The official lethality rate is approximately 2% or so.
All of that is a bunch of lies concocted by the Chinese state with the tacit support of the U.S. deep state and its friends in the European Union, Russia, and Australia, and spread by the docile media in all of those countries.
Let me start by telling you that the world does not operate the way you think it does. Although countries like the US and China vie for global dominance, that competition is restricted to certain limited areas. In most ways, the two countries are more interested in cooperation so that they can stop other competing countries from gaining more power. They also have a shared interest in keeping real power out of the hands of their “ordinary” citizens. To this end, they have many different mechanisms by which they control the overwhelming majority of their media outlets. The Americans, in particular, have perfected the art of creating made-up “divisions” between their two main parties which are designed to hide the fact that both serve the same masters.
These same nations also possess technology that is far more advanced than you can imagine and which is kept carefully hidden from public view. This includes advanced artificial intelligence capable of undermining and deciding any election in the world; biological and chemical agents that can manipulate and control the thinking patterns and behaviours of citizens to terrifying degrees; highly sophisticated manipulation techniques using hypnotic practices entirely unknown to the public; and other things that I will not go into now. My point is that the great nations do not compete so much as they work together. Their principal goal is to shield the true workings of the world from the “uninitiated” public.
Just to give you one example, there aren’t any nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. The U.S. and the Soviet Union scrapped them all in the 1970s, as did their client states. Everyone realised that those weapons could not be used without destroying the whole world, so there was no need for them; but by pretending that they still had them, the big players were able to keep the non-nuclear powers in line.
Let me return to the virus.
Last year, large-scale anti-government protests erupted in Hong Kong. The Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party considered these to be a grave threat to the integrity and stability of the motherland. The U.S. government and the EU both knew that the Chinese were secretly working on a biological agent that was supposed to make the protesters docile and obedient. Without going into detail, I worked on that project. We tried to develop a sort of spray that could be dispersed from helicopters or drones and that would lead to mental retardation and behavioural change.
Naturally, as Hong Kong is one of the most open and international cities in the world, the Party decided that it was too risky to release the agent in Hong Kong without first testing it. For this, it needed a great number of human guinea pigs. Two groups were identified for this.
First, we rounded up a large number of so-called “Islamic radicals” in Xinjiang Province and took them to what we called “training camps”. We had already been using these camps for human experimentation for several years, but the Hong Kong protests meant that we redoubled our efforts. We exposed the inmates to various “alpha” experimental agents. As these were odourless and invisible, the subjects were not aware that they were taking part in medical trials. The resulting high rates of cancer, premature dementia, suicidal depression and death by organ failure could easily be suppressed, as the camps are located in very remote parts of our motherland.
Once the initial experiments had yielded a “beta” agent, it was transported to Hubei Province, where it was deployed in a special military testing facility outside the city of Wuhan. This was not even a particularly well-kept secret: the existence of this facility has been reported in international news. Even the fact that it is located close to the wild animal market is a known fact.
By then our President had already introduced a “social credit” system that allowed us to identify disloyal, counter-revolutionary and bourgeois elements in our society. Using the social credit scores — which are taken from online activity, electronic shopping behaviour and reports from informers in civil society — we selected some of the worst offenders. These included human rights lawyers and activists, Christians, homosexuals, artists, intellectuals, people who speak foreign languages, and other undesirables.
Once these troublemakers had been collected and placed in the testing facility, we exposed them to the Agent, which is biochemical and spread in an invisible aerosol, akin to certain viruses. Initial results were encouraging, as we saw significant cognitive decline and reduction in higher mental processing facilities. Essentially, our undesirables were becoming mildly mentally disabled, which is precisely the effect we wanted to produce to pacify the restive population of Hong Kong.
Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that the Agent also had other effects. About one week after the retardation set in, our subjects developed major anxiety and panic attacks. Eventually, they developed symptoms akin to those of paranoid schizophrenics. At that point, their bodies rapidly deteriorated. They developed massive internal bleeding; the walls of their arteries dissolved; they bled out of their eyes and orifices, and their tissue disintegrated.
To put it in a more direct Western manner, they started to melt.
Death usually occurred through multiple organ failure. This was preceded by at least five days of severe agony which could not be alleviated by painkillers. It was at this time that I first violated our protocol: one subject, an elderly lady who had published defamatory cartoons of our President, begged me for death with such insistence that I took pity and shot her. I was reprimanded, but fortunately, the complaint was dropped when I agreed to reimburse the cost of the bullet. I swore to myself never again to show such unnecessary emotion.
We decided that our Agent was unusable. It was far too destructive for our purposes. We wanted the population of Hong Kong to submit to us; we did not want to exterminate it.
Naturally, our American friends had by then taken an interest in our work and asked us for a sample for their research and testing purposes. They hinted that they wished to use it to resolve certain difficulties in Venezuela. Normally we would have agreed, as we maintain friendly relations with the CIA, but given the extremely toxic nature of the Agent, we declined.
This, as it turned out, was a grave mistake. The CIA was convinced that we had developed something very powerful and wanted to keep it to ourselves. They offered a great deal of money to one of our researchers. Foolishly, he agreed to sell them a specimen. We found out just in time for the handover and tried to stop it from happening. In the ensuing shoot-out — don’t bother to look for it in the news, it was never reported anywhere — several dozen people were killed.
More importantly, however, the Agent escaped.
The shoot-out took place at the wild animal market which has been reported as the location of the “animal to human” transmission that started the outbreak. But of course, there was no such transmission; it was just the location where the CIA was supposed to receive the sealed vial containing the Agent. The vial shattered when it was dropped by the traitor who had agreed to sell it to the Americans.
By now I understand you will be sceptical. If I am who I say I am, why would I be sharing this information on the internet? Let me assure you that I am no friend of the Western system of governance. I love my motherland and I am loyal to the Communist Party. It has lifted hundreds of millions of my compatriots out of squalor and poverty. However, I am also a human being and I have a conscience.
Most importantly, I have a wife and a son.
Once we realized that the Agent had escaped and would start to spread, we swiftly put all of Wuhan into lockdown. I was one of those tasked to manage the fallout of the contamination. Of course, we could not keep such a huge undertaking secret, so we decided to order our state media to report that a “coronavirus” had broken out in Wuhan.
In reality, of course, there is no “coronavirus”. It was all made up.
It was one of my colleagues who came up with the genius idea of pretending that people with the common flu suffered from the coronavirus. This allowed us to hide the true nature of the disease. Let me explain.
It is currently flu season in China. When we realized that we could no longer control the spread of the Agent, we sent our men to all the hospitals and instructed all doctors to diagnose every case of the common flu as “coronavirus”. We came up with a new name — 2019-nCoV — and handed out “factsheets” that described a made-up illness.
The result of this decision was that tens of thousands of individuals who were simply suffering from a cold or flu were now diagnosed as having a mysterious coronavirus that, although infectious, was not often lethal. While this frightened the public, it allowed us to push the narrative that the disease was not that deadly; it also gave us time to prepare for the catastrophe that was sure to come by imposing a lockdown on Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province.
You have not heard this in the news — and given the size of Wuhan, with its population of 11 million, it is not known even to many of the residents — but within days thousands upon thousands were infected and before long they suffered the agonizing deaths that I have already described. Within a week, there were so many corpses that we did not know what to do with them, so we ordered the surviving social credit prisoners to drive the bodies into the countryside and bury them in mass graves. But it was very difficult to keep this activity secret, and we could not even keep up as there were so many corpses. We planted a story that five million residents had “fled” Wuhan. In reality, of course, many of those people had died from the Agent.
I was working around the clock helping to orchestrate this cover-up. When I think back to my actions now, I feel great shame. At the time I still believed that I was fighting for my motherland and that the rule of the Party was right and just. But deep down, I had already begun to have doubts.
My faith in the Party was shaken even more deeply when I learned what had happened to Dr Li Wenliang. He was one of the few doctors who refused falsely to diagnose flu patients with the “coronavirus”. As a punishment, he was sent to help transport dead bodies to mass graves. The expectation was that he would be infected with the Agent and die an agonizing death, but to our great surprise, he did not contract the illness.
You have of course read that he died of “coronavirus”. You have been misinformed. A sergeant of the People’s Armed Police injected him with a mixture of heroin and mercury that caused his lungs to deflate.
When I found out about this I became unsure whether or not I was doing the right thing. While I believe that it is appropriate for a government to rule with a severed hand, I do not think that it was right to kill Dr Li. He was a compassionate and kind man and he cared about his patients; how can our motherland not benefit from having such a doctor?
I shared my concerns with my wife, but she convinced me that I should not say anything to my superiors. She said that it was too dangerous; that they valued loyalty above everything else; and that I would only find trouble if I admitted to my doubts about their practices. She also pointed out that we benefited from the priority of medical treatment. As senior officials, we received regular supplies of the highly-sophisticated hazmat masks that are the only known technology that can prevent infection. She implored me to think of our son, who is still small. If I spoke out and were caught, our lives would be at risk.
Around the same time, it became clear that the Agent was entirely beyond our control. It was spreading like wildfire throughout Hubei Province and beyond, infecting tens of millions and causing them all to die.
I understand that what I just said is difficult to believe because you have been told that there have been only about 50,000 infections and far fewer deaths. But these are the influenza infections that have been falsely passed off as the non-existent “coronavirus”. The Agent is far, far more contagious than that, and its fatality rate, unlike the “coronavirus”, is not 2%.
No, its fatality rate is 100%. Nobody recovers from it. Everybody who contracts it dies.
And a lot of people are contracting it.
Hubei Province lies in ruins. The various travel restrictions and lockdowns that have been imposed were not created to stop the spread of the Agent — none of them can stop it, not embargoes, not face masks or hand sanitizer — but to stop the survivors from seeing the catastrophe with their own eyes.
I am part of the greatest cover-up in human history: the hiding of the deaths of tens of millions. Very soon, Hubei Province will be no more than a giant mortuary, and the truth will come out.
For me, the turning point came when the Party told yet another lie, and that lie was too dreadful to even for me to accept. You may have heard that China built a new hospital, called Huoshenshan Hospital, in Wuhan, to provide additional quarantine and isolation facilities for infected patients. You may have heard that they built it in only ten days.
That too is a lie.
Sure, they did build something in six days. But it was not a hospital. The true nature of the building was top secret. Initially, I was naive enough to believe that the Party was demonstrating its compassion and care for the people. But then my superiors sent me to Huoshenshan. I was shown around the installation by a military police officer called Corporal Meng (this is not his real name). It was there that I saw the truth.
As I have mentioned, the only way to protect oneself from the Agent is by wearing a special protective mask that is entirely unlike those available commercially. Even medical professionals do not have access to it. It is available only to biomedical warfare researchers and it contains extremely advanced technology.
These masks need to be kept at a particular temperature to offer full protection and lose their effectiveness very quickly. As I have also already said, one of the benefits of my position was that both my family and I had access to regular supplies, which is why were safe when compared to civilians, doctors and even lower-level government officials, all of whom wore utterly ineffective surgical masks in the misguided belief that they would protect them.
And so, wearing this special equipment, I went to Huoshenshan with Corporal Meng.
Whatever you want to call that place, it is not a hospital. Sure, the entrance looks like a hospital and in the ward at the front of the complex, there are what appear to be normal medical beds. There, thousands of infected patients lie, all of them in the early stages of the disease. I walked along those long, white corridors next to Corporal Meng, his angular face dispassionate in his military fatigues, and saw hundreds upon hundreds of identical hospital beds on which squirmed the terrified and diseased inhabitants of Wuhan. Their cries and pleas haunt me in the long nights in which I now am unable to sleep.
But this was merely the beginning. Eventually, the Corporal took me to the rear of this front section. There, locked metal gates led to what he called the “middle section”. The patients in the front are unaware of its existence. It is there that the more advanced cases are kept, in what most closely resembles a mental asylum.
Immediately upon entering this part of Huoshenshan, I was struck by the dim lighting and stench of vomit and human waste. Here the unfortunates roamed freely, their minds gradually disintegrating in endless panic attacks and psychotic episodes. Here too there were no more doctors, merely gorilla-faced men in black uniforms who belonged to some secret branch of the military police I had never heard of.
They appeared to have been selected for their cruelty, for they beat and degraded the patients in the most sadistic manner. Many of the inmates had regressed to childlike states and lay on the floor weeping like infants and begging for compassion that they did not receive. There was a cruel pleasure in the eyes of these thugs as they brutalised the unfortunates. They beat them with batons, sprayed pepper spray into their eyes and kicked them with their steel-capped boots. As I was from military intelligence, the guards did not even attempt to hide their activities. They even invited me to join; in every way, they treated me as one of them.
Yes, one of them. I stood in the grey staff bathroom of Huoshenshan and looked into a cheap mirror and asked myself — is this really what you are? Are you like them?
But the violence was not merely an expression of sadism, for the poor inmates were not there to be cared for.
They were there to work.
There was one more set of doors, and beyond them lay what the Corporal called the “Core”. And it was there that I saw it — piles and piles of dead bodies, stacked on top of one another to the ceiling. There were men, women, and children, elderlies and toddlers, rich and poor, beautiful and misshapen, proud and humble.
They were all of them dead. Our Agent made no distinction between any of them.
I gasped when the Corporal led me to the Core. I cannot count how many there were, but it was many, many thousands. And amid the piles of corpses was a kind of path, and I heard a roaring sound in the distance. The miserable patients from the middle section picked up the dead and carried and dragged them away into the dark, even as the guards beat them with truncheons.
It took me a little while before I grasped what was happening. I simply could not believe what lay at the end of that path in the Core.
It was an enormous furnace, with great fires roaring within.
One by one, their minds destroyed and their bodies twisted, the dying men and women carried the corpses to the furnace and cast them inside in a doomed attempt to hide the dreadful truth. I saw several of them collapse from exhaustion only for their lifeless bodies to be added to the mountains of corpses on both sides. In a seemingly endless line they went, their emaciated bodies clad in grey overalls, their backs bent under the weight of their dreadful cargo. Many howled and groaned in terror and their voices joined in a sorrowful cacophony that lingered over the roar of the fires.
In deep shock, I stared at the boundless horror before me. Beside me stood Corporal Meng, his freshly-shaved face as emotionless as before. When I turned to face him, he looked at me. His mouth smiled, but his eyes did not.
“We use the energy to operate Huoshenshan,” he said. “We save the state considerable resources in this way. And look,” — he waved at the gallery of the dead — “there are so many of them here. You could almost describe it as renewable energy.” He laughed and waved his hand in a strangely camp gesture.
I stood speechless and stared at the infernal scenes before me. Men in black uniforms screamed like daemons at the wretches who were disposing of the corpses for them. They stripped the dead of anything that had value — jewellery, cash, expensive clothing — and tossed these items onto an enormous pile next to the furnace. When I asked the Corporal what would be done with the items, they said that they would be used to pay for the “healthcare expenses” incurred by the patients’ stay in Huoshenshan.
I vomited in the toilet. When I flushed and came out of the stall, Corporal Meng stood by the door and looked at me. His face was as blank as before, but in his eyes, I thought I registered a very faint trace of contempt. You are ten years my senior, the look said, but you are soft.
I thanked him for his service and went home.
When I arrived, I saw that I had received hundreds of updates on the encrypted device the Party uses to communicate to insiders. The news was unimaginably grim. The State Legal and Economic Commission had allocated funds for the construction of dozens of facilities like Huoshenshan throughout China. The Agent had spread not only to every single province of the motherland but to most other nations in the world. Fortunately, we had agreements in place with other governments — they agreed to pretend that the infections were due to a coronavirus. They were just as worried as we were that panic might break out in their countries. The Americans, in particular, were terrified that the S&P 500 might decline. This, they said, would be unacceptable in an election year, so we could count on their full support.
Of course, the World Health Organisation also helped us. For a long time, the only issue with the WHO has been that we have been locked in a contest with the Americans about who bribes them more. They released all sorts of sophisticated misinformation about having decoded the DNA of the so-called coronavirus. All this has allowed us to stave off a global panic.
For now.
Yet the situation was worsening with astonishing speed. I am reluctant to reveal too much on this point, as it would make it too easy for my enemies to identify me, but we quickly began to implement measures to protect our most senior leaders. If you look at the world news, you will see that Xi Jinping, our President, disappeared for approximately one week after the outbreak, before being seen again with the leader of Cambodia.
You should know that the person who met the Cambodian leader was not President Xi. It was a body double who had, for many years, been trained to look and sound just like our President. President Xi is of course not careless enough to risk his death. He is safely ensconced in a secret bunker underneath Zhongnanhai, the headquarters of the Party in Beijing.
Nor was he the only leader who is in hiding. I can assure you that over half of all senior Party members are currently being imitated by trained actors who are following instructions given to them via special implants. Do you think that our Prime Minister would risk his life by going to Wuhan?
All of this means that our government has become utterly paralyzed and the functions of the state have been taken over by the military.
It became clear to me that our efforts were pointless. Yes, the lockdowns, travel bans and targeted assassinations of rebellious journalists allowed us to hide the true situation in Wuhan; but I knew that this would not last. Once the mass deaths begin in the rest of the world — in our estimation, this should happen within the next week or so — everyone will know the truth. It will become clear that we cannot protect ourselves from the Agent. Surgical masks, hand sanitizer, gloves — nothing can stop it. Nothing except the special hazmat masks, but those cannot be produced in anything like sufficient quantities. You, an ordinary person, will never even receive one, let alone a sufficient number to see you through the coming holocaust.
For those of you reading this, therefore, all I can suggest is that you keep your loved ones close to you. Hug them, tell them what they mean to you. Enjoy the time you have left with them. It is not typical in Chinese culture to express one’s feelings in this way, but I have learned the importance of such gestures.
I promised my wife that I would show this document to her before I posted it.
Yet I broke my word.
I hear her weep in loud, hoarse sobs in the bedroom, and the keyboard of my laptop is wet with my tears. Not long ago, we received results of the regular tests that are part of our “priority medical treatment”, and we learned that my son had been infected with the Agent.
The military police that has supplied me with the special protective mask had been giving expired and ineffective masks to my son, masks that senior officials had already worn and then discarded when they ceased to protect them. My masks, on the other hand, had always been of the necessary quality.
I suppose they decided that my son was of lower priority than me. I suppose my son could not help them with their cover-up.
We had long ago decided that we would be different — we would be honest with him, always. And so when he asked us, we told him the truth. We told him that he was very sick. He asked more, and we told him he would not get better.
He continued asking, and we told him that he would die. He is very small, but he was old enough to understand.
His terrified wails will haunt me for the rest of my miserable days in this world.
Let them come. Let them do with me as they will. I no longer care.
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kawai-kettu · 7 years
We need to talk about The Death Cure (5/5)
We need to talk about the Death Cure :
1. The Movie in General
2. Scene by Scene
3. The characters
4. The pairings
5. Random thoughts
Random thoughts and questions :
- do you think all kids were subjected to what we witnessed, during Minho’s hallucination / serum producing ? And that…. Thomas and Aris only saw them in a phase of rest? (……if so, must have been hellish to witness)
- I feel a kind of weird fondness for all WCKD employees. The scientists doesn't seem very happy to do their jobs (the bearded guy sighted in french when asked to keep torturing Minho, the nurses and various docs seemed uncomfortable with seing Shai suffer... and the security guys didn't seem like baddies, only like ordinary people doing their jobs, and being more or less good at it). I wonder if it's on purpose? To reinforce the feeling that WCKD is good, or at least that it was not intended to be a temple of evil, and it's normal people with normal values and lives that work there, not monsters.
- if they have been implanted trackers, why didn’t WCKD locate them easily? Or did I misunderstood what this device was? Oooooooor is that because this would require operating satellites, or some other technology, that would be down given that well, apocalypse? So they would only be able to use short range detectors, that could be put in the bergs? (......but then how can they have tracked the stolen berg? .......Rah who am I kidding, I know nothing about these technologies anyway.)
- when Ava says the virus is airborn and that the Flare is now in the city, that they’ve lost (which we already kinda knew from Teresa spotting someone being arrested in the street)….. why wasn’t it there before? Did one of their experiments go wrong? Except we can see that they’ve been very careful in their decontamination process, in the labs. So….. I have three solutions to offer :
Janson was the one to get the virus inside the city, having been contaminated at some point earlier, and having used the serum he can get at WCKD to hide this. .....but I have a feeling this can only be possible if his contamination was recent, given the virus getting into the city seems to be a new thing, from Ava's reaction.
the virus was brought inside by Lawrence's rebels through the tunnels, when they came to check out the city? Except I have a feeling they were careful, and that's the reason why they needed Immunes like Gally, to send inside the city without any risk of being discovered (which would lead to their access road being destroyed, and to them being "dealt with", right?).
the virus got into the city when Thomas, Gally and… Infected!Newt got inside the city. ……so kinda….. a revenge for Newt? In a way? If he’s the one bringing the virus in? Or a clever irony? Given that if WCKD hadn’t taken Minho, the trio wouldn’t have tried to get inside the Last City and Newt wouldn’t have been infected in the first place, probably.
- I really wonder when Janson got infected. He sounds eager to get the antidote during Sai's scene so..... Was he already infected then?
- it's not a question, but something I forgot to write earlier : Ava drinking in her office really looks like the captain of the Titanic, while the ship is sinking, and I wonder if they designed her office with this image in mind.
- during WCKD infiltration scene, I had been wondering why they joined progressively, when they're dressed as WCKD soldiers. Now I wonder.... Given that each of their soldier uniforms is slightly different, do you think that's the reason for them entering the building separately? Because each uniform is for a special kind of security forces, supposed to remain in a specific area for a specific mission (and it would be strange to have a parking access controller enter the building by the main entrance, for example)? Which would then explain why, based on their frames, only Thomas and Newt would be able to easily evolve through the building, so Gally would have to be the one staying behind, as he's restricted to parking and outside areas. It can also be possible that each uniform comes with specific access granted and time slots when it's normal that the security agent would be in the building.
About the Flare (and Newt) :
- so Ava explains they're using the antibodies that exist in the Immunes' system, to create a serum that we get the impression will be a vaccine. But I woooonder if it's true, and if maybe they had lost hope of finding a vaccine ; from what I understand, a vaccine can be created by injecting a weakened disease or a “dead” disease. So they would indeed need antibodies that could manage to attack the virus. As they haven’t managed to kill the disease or weaken it enough to create a vaccine, maybe they stopped working on this, deciding they would have no time to complete a vaccine anyway, and instead tried to focus on creating a Cure aiming only at slowing the progression of the virus, by controlling what triggers its development. The Flare virus seems to spread faster when the body produces adrenaline (so through stress or physical effort) ; and WCKD seems to be collecting this adrenaline from Immunes, given what they’re putting them through, maybe because it is slightly different and doesn’t trigger the Virus in the same way?… …except if they had kept searching, they would have realized they have at least one subject whose Immune System manages to kill the disease and which could have enabled them to create a real vaccine.
- I wonder if they tested Thomas' antibodies before the Maze and maybe somehow his Immune System hadn't produced the right kind of reaction, not the same as Teresa witnesses at least. ......because them not testing Thomas' antibodies before the Maze is still kind of a major plothole. ......and also, they didn't test the blood they took from him in TST??
- seriously, do you think without the car accident, Newt would have survived? Because I was sure he’s the one saying his hand is hurt, right after the car crash ; and from this moment, he keeps playing with his hand and starts expressing his jealousy. But listening to the french version, I strained my ear and it's not Newt but Fry complaining about his hand right after the crash, right? Or am I making a mistake? And if I'm correct, is it a red herring?
- I’ve been torn on Newt and the rhythm at which the Flare symptoms progressed? Was it slow, compared to Brenda or Winston, showing how much control he exercises over himself? Or was it fast because I was not emotionnally prepared for it? …..also, was the worsening of his symptoms triggered by him needing to run/exercise himself or by him being stressed/jealous/angered? Or a combination of both? (because I had a feeling anything related Teresa was, oddly, followed by a worsening of his state)
- Teresa picked up the signs of Newt being infected, why didn’t she say anything about it? Why didn’t she offer help straight away, but only later? .....and also.... Newt shares a silent look with Teresa, right after he coughed. She knows that he's ill, and he knows that she knows. And that comes after the scene where Thomas had failed to pick up the earlier signs of Newt being infected. So I wondered how that felt, to him, and if it furthered his anger, to know that she saw his state, given that he has resentment towards her. .....and if it's another reason that he doesn't want to stay behind when they discover Minho is not with the other Immunes.
- I read that Wes Ball confirmed they took Newt’s body with them, to be buried in the Safe Haven. Do you really think they did? That it was safe, given the risks of infection spreading? (…..sorry). But also, where and how do you think they buried him? é_è
Wild Guesses :
- do you think Thomas could have had kinda reminiscences of his lost memories? Like…. He would have the reflex to run when he firsts arrives in the Glade, knowing it’s the key to the Maze? He would hallucinate Newt being a Crank while being drugged because his brain knows Newt isn’t Immune and remembers the effects the Flare can have on someone?
- when Lawrence asks Thomas "Do you know what I am?", and answers "a businessman", what do you think would have happened if Thomas had answered aloud what we all thought, "a crank"?
- I wonder which book Brenda was reading and if it would indicate something about her. Also, she's seen repeatedly playing cards with herself, which seems like a waiting game, a "game of patience". I wondered if she picked the habit as a way to control her nerves and as a defence against a potential return of the virus, since they all believe she's infected and will turn into a Crank sooner or later.
- during the Crank tunnel scene, we have this moment where a crank is stopping their road, and both Frypan and Newt turn towards Thomas expectantly. Do you think they mean this moment as a way to show Thomas is their leader or as a way to show Fry and Newt question his authority, like saying "see? we told you it was a bad idea, you still insisted, what are we doing now, oh mister smartass?" .......or both, maybe.
- do you think Frypan thought he would die? I get this vibe from his answer to Thomas to say Hi to Minho on his behalf (and despite that he still joins the rescue mission ç__ç )
- in the last scene, when they rescue Thomas with the berg, there's like.... an inversion of the color of lights theory that I had. Teresa and Thomas are about to be swallowed by the out of control natural orange light from the fires ; the Gladers and Immunes are in the cold blue light from the Berg and represent the only chance of survival amidst this hell. Do you think it's a way to show that WCKD did good, at least a little? (....but what good exactly did they do? managing to help people live normally for as long at they could, instead of being swallowed by madness?) Or am I reading too much into this?
- I was bugged by one thing, when they're in the Safe Haven, in the ending scene... ......and it's Vince picking up corn. Like.... it can of course show that they're going to find ways of surviving but come on, it takes looooong to grow corn, so even if it's a symbol, it bugged me. Same goes for the fact that they have already built some cabans of sorts. But then I wondered. ......maybe they had already sent people here to prepare a settlement. I mean it would make more sense than put everyone on a ship and then blindly explore the shores in search for a place to settle, hoping they'll find a place before they're out of fuel, right? So.... Alright, I'm only buying this scene if Vince had already sent people there weeks before.
- Aris worries me a little too, in the Safe Haven. He seems withdrawn (well, he's always been, but even more?), while Harriet and Sonya seem relaxed... We have a shot of him talking with Jorge (which was the cutest thing) where Jorge smiles wide and he's more... hesitant, not really smiling, and I hope someone takes care of him too (Jorge, or, because I like this pairing, Gally). Also, I wonder what he went through at WCKD, given the wounds he sported at the beginning, and if he was abused in a different way (maybe after they've discovered the little schemes the quiet boy can be up to).
Shippiness :
- during the attack of the train ç___ç I hadn't picked that Vince was also protective of Newt, and it kinda broke my heart (and I wondered if he protected Newt because he's important to his surrogate son, or if he was like this towards everyone).
- I hadn't noticed Gally protecting Thomas right after he punched him, telling the others to let Thomas be, buuuut I caugth it in french, and *___* I've been wondering if maybe Gally had this protective streak right from the start (after all, he was the one to forcefully push Thomas away from the maze in TMR), except he expressed it badly and got at odds with Thomas. But now that things are cleaned between them, Gally grew through terrible moments and Thomas has been basically broken, do you think Gally could be one of the survivors making sure Thomas is okay?
- does Teresa understand how close Thomas and Newt are? When she tries to convince him to join their efforts, instead of saying that it's not with the current serum that he'd be able to save everyone, or his friends in general, she specifically names Newt.
- I wasn't sure but now I am, Minho yells Thomas' name when he jumps into the void XD
- it's Minewt and heartbreaking, that I wish I had seen earlier. But.... you know, the moment when the music picks up and the image blurs, showing Newt loses it to the virus... ......he actually does right the moment after Minho is sent away to "retrieve the serum". It's like.... The moment Newt knows Minho will be safe, he stops fighting against the illness. ç___ç And I wonder if that's the reason he held on so much, because his brain was set on his objective of saving Minho and... *sobs*
- regarding the necklace and the fact that there was a message for Thomas inside of it…. but that Minho was the one who found it in Thomas’ hand and kept it. I say there’s a big possibility that Minho understood what this was and found the letter before Thomas did or….  that he found the letter to Thomas and one that would have been written to him. Because I refuse to think Newt wouldn’t have left Minho a letter too ç___ç Aaaaand because it's quite clear Minho knows what's inside this pendant : he gives him the thing and then leaves, conveniently, and he looks at Thomas like he knows what he's about to go through and worries yet still thinks Thomas has to ç___ç
- upon third viewing, the audience reacted quite a lot to the Brenda/Jorge hug in the church, to which I wondered if there were some people that ship Brenda/Jorge XD Also, both time we see Brenda asleep, we see that Jorge is right next to her, and I headcanon that he's doing this to make sure no guy is getting close while she's asleep.
- on a side note, there's at least another guy who saw the Janson->Teresa vibe in the elevator, given that when Janson said "C'est ce qui me plait chez toi." ("That's what I like in you."), there was a loud "Oh putaaaaain." ("Oh fuuuck.") coming from someone in the audience XD
Inspiration :
- someone should write a Bankrobbers! AU (come one, look at Newt with his firething from the train attack and tell me it wouldn’t be awesome).
- in Minho's dream sequence, we see the Glade with far more trees than in TMR. Do you think it's Minho's brain imagining that trees would have grown after they left (but he also seems to picture the Glade as very recently abandonned) ......or give us a view of how the Glade looked at first, before they had to take down trees to create the Homestead or to light fires? (would make a lot of sense)
- can we all agree that they spent at least 3 days in The last City and that it means we have looooots of moments to be filled by fanfictions? :D because from what I understand :
Day 1 - Night - leaving the Refuge
Day 1 - Day - Driving, Crank tunnel, approaching the Last City, Protest, Meeting Gally (pfew what a day) + Newt Catching the Flare
Day 1 - Night - Infiltrating the Last City, Planning, Newt's angry burst
Day 2 - Day - Newt and Thomas talking, preparing the infiltration (+ probably resting)
Day 2 - Night - Capturing Teresa + Jorge leaving + further preparing (+probably resting)
Day 3 - Day - Probably preparing and resting (and hoping no one will realize Teresa isn't at WCKD)
Day 3 - Night - Rescue mission
- do you think there’s the slightest chance of seeing in the DVD bonus the Gladers telling Gally what happened to them in this past year? Because I would SO love that.
- I wonder what the last shot of Thomas, on the beach, means. If it means that he plans on using that boat again, and maybe leave the Safe Haven, with the Cure, to try to help other people? …….I don’t want him to do this, it would be stupid and useless, but he’s totally capable of interpretating Newt’s words as an invite to help other survivors. Come on. It’s Thomas. And he’s traumatized and feeling guilty for surviving.
- I’d love an analysis of TDC as an illustration of the 7 capital sins, because I thiiink (but I can be wrong) that we have them all there.
Bonus Thoughts (third viewing - French version) :
- so I have mixed feelings about the casting of the dub : I really loved Jorge, Brenda, Minho and Harriet's french voices ; Vince has moments where he shines ; I have mixed feelings about Teresa and Thomas' voices, and I didn't really like Frypan's (which is odd, since I love his voice in the previous movies). Gally's voice is a kind of a special case, because I love this voice, except I don't think it was fitted for the interrogation scene, where it sounded too soft and kind. Newt's voice is also a difficult one to evaluate : I loved it in the first two movies, yet here I liked it best and I felt like the actor underperformed. Ooooon the other hand, when he tells Thomas to calm down and stop punching Gally ("Calme-toi, maintenant. Tu m'entends? Allez..."), he has such a calm and gentle way of talking, it was amazingly tender. .....but the Nally vibes afterwards are killed there and thn ç__ç
- I felt like they replaced Brenda's voice in between TST and TDC, but after checking this it appears that it was all in my head, and they didn't change her voice at all.
- the translation was not too off, though some bits did bother me (and left me wodering if it was the same in the original version but that it didn't feel off then) : Jorge saying "ma poupée" (babydoll) when piloting the berg, Thomas saying "on va chercher notre pote" (we're gonna get back our mate) (urgh, they used "pote" so much and I hated the kind of relation it creates for them), Newt saying "Je monte devant" ("I'm sitting upfront", which didn't sound as ironic/cruel as "I get shot gun"), Teresa's towned down "tous nos efforts n'ont pas été vains" ("all the efforts we made were not in vain"), Newt's comment "Quand t'as connu le Bloc, c'est violent" ("when one has been in the Glade, it's violent" (i.e. the difference creates a violent shock) ), Thomas' answer to Brenda "J'ai envie d'essayer" ("I want to try" instead of "I can try"), the whole "there's no cure scene" because instead of playing it like Thomas is exploding they're having him whisper angrily, Janson's "Depuis qu'on t'a effacé la mémoire" ("Since we erased your memories") which was far less subtle,  
- Did I hear right?? When Gally, Thomas and Newt infiltrate the Last City, Gally says WCKD is on edge "à cause des Blocards et de la Tâche"?? ("because of the Gladers and the Shank") Wtf? If I heard right, which I hope I didn't, I'll be pissed, because.... in the original version, Gally doesn't try to piss Thomas off by refering to him as "shank" again, right?
- also, did Janson really told Teresa to watch out when he tries to shoot Thomas through the glass door? Or was it only in french?
- In his final moments, it seemed to me that Newt whimpers in pain and exhaustion, as Thomas forces him to keep on advancing, and I hadn't heard the same in English and it broke my heart.
- others bits I liked better in french : "Raison de plus pour pas cracher sur les bénévoles.", "Ca doit l'exciter de faire ça", Newt's "Je t'ai connu plus inspiré" (instead of the iconic "Bloody inspired",  
- translation bonus : Teresa says "vous" to Jason and Ava, while they say her "tu". "Vous" is a way to show both respect and distance (you talk that way to someone who is superior hierarchically, or older, or that you don't know well), while "tu" is a way to show friendliness or to be informal (you talk that way with friends, or with younger people, or sometimes to purposefully NOT show respect). I found it interesting that Janson is using the "tu" to talk with her, while she keeps him at bay in a subtle way with "vous". In Ava's case, I think their use of vous/tu shows fondness and respect.
- the french translation seemed to have chosen its side : there's barely anything shippy between Brenda and Thomas, whom she calls "Vieux" ("Y a pas de quoi, vieux" / "You're welcome, mate"), giving off a gruff friend tone to all their exchanges. ......but they also shot down slash pairings, putting "mec" (dude) or "pote" ("mate") everywhere ç_ç "Personne n'est parfait, mec", "Salut mon pote". .......on the other hand, Minho's voice when he asks Brenda for the serum break my heart (.....okay, the translating/dub team must have had at least one Minewt shipper XD). As well as Thomas' voice when he pleads with Newt to calm down ç___ç and also.... ......they added Newt whispering "Tommy" right after being stabbed, which I didn’t remember hearing in English (....alright there was also one Newtmas shipper in the team).
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prawopracyopole · 3 years
Health care Marijuana - The Debate Rages On
Cannabis is also identified as pot, grass and weed but its formal title is in fact cannabis. It will come from the leaves and bouquets of the plant Hashish sativa. It is deemed an illegal material in the US and several international locations and possession of cannabis is a crime punishable by regulation. The Fda classifies cannabis as Routine I, substances which have a quite large potential for abuse and have no proven health care use. In excess of the several years many studies declare that some substances identified in cannabis have medicinal use, especially in terminal ailments such as cancer and AIDS. This started a fierce discussion over the professionals and downsides of the use of healthcare cannabis. To settle this discussion, the Institute of Drugs published the popular 1999 IOM report entitled Marijuana and Drugs: Evaluating the Science Foundation. The report was thorough but did not give a distinct minimize sure or no answer. The opposite camps of the healthcare marijuana situation usually cite element of the report in their advocacy arguments. Even so, even though the report clarified a lot of items, it never ever settled the controversy when and for all. Let us seem at the concerns that assistance why health-related cannabis ought to be legalized. (one) Marijuana is a naturally transpiring herb and has been employed from South The us to Asia as an organic medicine for millennia. raw garden carts In this day and age when the all normal and natural and organic are crucial overall health buzzwords, a normally taking place herb like cannabis may be much more interesting to and safer for consumers than artificial medication. (two) Marijuana has sturdy therapeutic possible. A number of research, as summarized in the IOM report, have observed that cannabis can be employed as analgesic, e.g. to handle pain. A number of research showed that THC, a cannabis part is effective in managing chronic ache knowledgeable by cancer sufferers. Even so, scientific studies on acute ache such as people seasoned during surgical treatment and trauma have inconclusive reviews. A few reports, also summarized in the IOM report, have demonstrated that some marijuana factors have antiemetic houses and are, therefore, powerful from nausea and vomiting, which are typical side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Some researchers are convinced that cannabis has some therapeutic possible against neurological conditions this sort of as multiple sclerosis. Certain compounds extracted from marijuana have strong therapeutic potential. Cannobidiol (CBD), a major element of marijuana, has been proven to have antipsychotic, anticancer and antioxidant homes. Other cannabinoids have been revealed to prevent higher intraocular force (IOP), a main threat factor for glaucoma. Drugs that incorporate energetic substances present in marijuana but have been synthetically created in the laboratory have been accepted by the US Fda. One particular illustration is Marinol, an antiemetic agent indicated for nausea and vomiting linked with most cancers chemotherapy. Its energetic component is dronabinol, a synthetic delta-nine- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). (three) One particular of the major proponents of health-related cannabis is the Marijuana Coverage Venture (MPP), a US-based business. A lot of health care specialist societies and businesses have expressed their support. As an example, The American University of Doctors, advisable a re-analysis of the Timetable I classification of cannabis in their 2008 position paper. ACP also expresses its sturdy assistance for study into the therapeutic part of marijuana as properly as exemption from federal prison prosecution civil legal responsibility or expert sanctioning for doctors who prescribe or dispense medical cannabis in accordance with condition legislation. In the same way, protection from felony or civil penalties for sufferers who use medical marijuana as permitted beneath condition legal guidelines. (four) Health-related marijuana is legally utilised in many produced countries The argument of if they can do it, why not us? is an additional robust point. Some international locations, such as Canada, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Israel, and Finland have legalized the therapeutic use of marijuana beneath strict prescription handle. Some states in the US are also permitting exemptions. Now listed here are the arguments from health-related cannabis. (1) Deficiency of knowledge on security and efficacy. Drug regulation is based on basic safety first. The safety of cannabis and its elements nonetheless has to very first be proven. Efficacy only arrives next. Even if marijuana has some helpful wellness outcomes, the positive aspects ought to outweigh the risks for it to be deemed for healthcare use. Unless cannabis is proven to be greater (safer and a lot more effective) than medication currently obtainable in the industry, its acceptance for health care use could be a extended shot. According to the testimony of Robert J. Meyer of the Division of Well being and Human Providers obtaining accessibility to a drug or medical therapy, without having being aware of how to use it or even if it is effective, does not advantage any individual. Simply possessing access, with no obtaining safety, efficacy, and adequate use data does not help sufferers. (two) Unknown chemical factors. Health-related marijuana can only be simply accessible and inexpensive in organic sort. Like other herbs, cannabis falls beneath the classification of botanical products. Unpurified botanical items, however, encounter a lot of troubles which includes great deal-to-good deal regularity, dosage willpower, efficiency, shelf-lifestyle, and toxicity. According to the IOM report if there is any long term of marijuana as a medication, it lies in its isolated parts, the cannabinoids and their artificial derivatives. To fully characterize the diverse factors of marijuana would cost so a lot time and funds that the expenses of the medications that will come out of it would be too high. Presently, no pharmaceutical organization would seem fascinated in investing money to isolate more therapeutic components from cannabis beyond what is currently obtainable in the market. (three) Possible for abuse. Marijuana or cannabis is addictive. It might not be as addictive as tough medications such as cocaine even so it cannot be denied that there is a possible for compound abuse linked with cannabis. This has been demonstrated by a few studies as summarized in the IOM report. (4) Deficiency of a secure delivery program. The most widespread sort of shipping and delivery of marijuana is by means of smoking. Thinking about the recent developments in anti-smoking cigarettes legislations, this type of shipping will never ever be accepted by well being authorities. Reputable and secure shipping methods in the type of vaporizers, nebulizers, or inhalers are even now at the screening phase. (5) Symptom alleviation, not heal. Even if marijuana has therapeutic effects, it is only addressing the signs of specific illnesses. It does not handle or remedy these sicknesses. Offered that it is effective against these symptoms, there are presently prescription drugs offered which work just as properly or even better, without having the aspect effects and danger of abuse associated with cannabis. The 1999 IOM report could not settle the debate about health-related marijuana with scientific evidence offered at that time. The report absolutely discouraged the use of smoked cannabis but gave a nod in direction of cannabis use through a health-related inhaler or vaporizer. In addition, the report also advisable the compassionate use of cannabis beneath rigorous health care supervision. Additionally, it urged a lot more funding in the investigation of the protection and efficacy of cannabinoids. So what stands in the way of clarifying the concerns introduced up by the IOM report? The wellness authorities do not look to be intrigued in obtaining another assessment. There is restricted information offered and what ever is obtainable is biased in the direction of protection problems on the adverse results of smoked cannabis. Data obtainable on efficacy primarily come from reports on artificial cannabinoids (e.g. THC). This disparity in info tends to make an aim chance-reward evaluation difficult. Medical studies on marijuana are couple of and challenging to conduct thanks to constrained funding and stringent regulations. Because of the challenging legalities associated, extremely number of pharmaceutical businesses are investing in cannabinoid research. In numerous situations, it is not distinct how to determine health care cannabis as advocated and opposed by several teams. Does it only refer to the use of the botanical item cannabis or does it include synthetic cannabinoid parts (e.g. THC and derivatives) as properly? Artificial cannabinoids (e.g. Marinol) offered in the market are really expensive, pushing folks towards the a lot more affordable cannabinoid in the kind of marijuana. Of course, the concern is additional clouded by conspiracy theories involving the pharmaceutical industry and drug regulators.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
New York or LA. It was no coincidence. I'll try not bringing books on some future trip. Need for structure I'm told there are people who do. For most of the audience seemed to be synonymous with quiet, so I didn't do it. The danger here is that you have to select 20 players. I know are programmers. If you can develop technology. And this turns out to be as true in a hundred years.
As technologies improve, each generation can do things that would be illegal otherwise. Periods and commas are constituents if they occur between two digits. The reason we tell founders is not to try hard enough.1 You can't make a list of n elements.2 So have we just shown, by reductio ad absurdum, that it's false that economic inequality should be decreased? I have not yet seen evidence that seemed to me full of random stuff. There are few corporations in which it would be hard for anyone to stop them in order to keep search broken, it makes me really want to know what languages will be like in a hundred years.3 Startups prosper in some places and not others. Even the most radically open-minded of us mostly do that. And when you discover a competitor with the sort of person who has them.4 In an earlier essay I said that upset him: that startups would do better to go off and work with a small group of other ambitious people. You can mitigate this with subsidies at the bottom and taxes at the top are grabbing an increasing fraction of the nation's income—so much smaller that all the rules are different.5
How can you manipulate data without doing pointer arithmetic? So any difference between what people want. When you raise a lot of lines have nothing on them but a delimiter or two. That doesn't feel right. I think it can scale all the way to find or design the best language is to be something that is going to read a description of Y Combinator that said Y Combinator does seed funding for startups. I don't like to admit it, but if I were choosing now that's still the one I'd pick. The negotiation never stops till the closing.
As with the question of cofounders, the real lesson here is to start startups, and it probably had something of the effect that parents hope children's books have in making people behave better. It's a general historical trend. And yet those who dislike the term are probably right, because if it means what I think it could give you an edge to understand the underlying principles. Could a programming language is how well it achieves its purpose, then the measure of the relative power of programming languages is more like the rate of income tax, the more you stay pointed in the same direction.6 It would work for a while, and then sell at the top, by underpaying their top management. Several of the most important principles in Silicon Valley don't seem to be taking their time.7 Is the right answer for dealing with fly balls. Anything that is supposed to double every eighteen months seems likely to run up against some kind of fundamental limit eventually. General Motors.
Google, or they'll see through you in a way that's incompatible with this curve.8 If you'd asked most 40 year olds in 2004 whether they'd like to publish their lives semi-publicly on the Internet in 20 years, and it hasn't affected programming practice much so far. In fact, getting a normal job may actually make you less able to pass costs on to customers and thus less willing to overpay for labor.9 We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few big blocks whose relationships were negotiated in back rooms by a handful of deals a year and they don't spend a lot of external evidence that benevolence works. Find something that's missing in your own country. And barring financial catastrophe, I think it may be, in certain specific moments like your family, this month a fixed amount of deal flow, and that people should work for another company for a few seconds I realized this when I read an interview with Joe Kraus, the co-founder of Excite.10 When a friend of mine said, Most VCs can't do anything that would be popular but seem hard to make something great and not worry too much about the business model, at least by their standards.11
Some kinds of waste really are disgusting. Once you're allowed to do that is not, at least for me, its main value.12 We could see the problem was intermittent. So one way to make a startup succeed—if you avoid every cause of failure, you succeed—and that's too big a question to answer on the fly. In the worst case takes a year rather than a weekend.13 In a specialized society, most of which fail, and one of the characters on a TV show was starting a startup were easy, everyone would do it.14 In languages, as in every other language. Lisp. But we can't start from the symptom and hope to fix the underlying causes. A round? And one of the O'Reilly people that guy looks just like Tim. It was a kind of shorthand: money is a huge time sink—more work, probably, than the startup itself.
But until this does start to happen, and arrange to be standing there when it does. In fact, one strategy I recommend to people who need a new idea is not merely ten people, but ten people like you. In that respect the Cold War teaches the same lesson as World War II, and the problems you understand best are your own.15 A company that an angel is willing to put $50,000 into at a valuation of a million can't take $6 million from VCs at that valuation. Free free If you do that, you get to a pretty big opportunity. So in effect what's happened is that a restrictive language is one that isn't succinct enough, and when it suddenly drops, you sell. We now have several examples to prove that startups don't need to market themselves to investors because they invest their own. What's not a theory is the converse: if you're trying to stop doing it, but now we advise founders to vest so there will be more like being able to pick winners. It's just something we use to move wealth around.16
MSFT, having sold all my shares earlier this year.
If you look at what Steve Jobs tried to raise money? The real problem is not just the kind of organization for that might produce the next downtick it will thereby expose it to competitive pressure. A good programming language ought to be a quiet contentment.
You owe them such updates on your way up into the subject of wealth for society.
The angels had convertible debt with a wink, to get only in startups tend to become a function of the movie Dawn of the hugely successful startups have over established companies is 47. Do not finance your startup with credit cards. Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston.
If you're good you'll have to want them; you have to preserve their wealth by forbidding the export of gold or silver. He did eventually graduate at about 26. That's the trouble with fleas, they may introduce startups they like the increase in trade you always feel you should never sell i.
What's the connection?
It doesn't take a meeting with a real idea that evolves naturally, and everyone's used to wonder if they'd survived. When you're starting a startup with debt is usually slow growth or excessive spending rather than doing a bad idea. If you want as an example of computer security, and that's much harder to fix once it's big, plus they are within any given time I thought there wasn't, because even if they could bring no assets with them. Apparently someone believed you have to mean starting a business, or can be said to have been truer to the size of a startup, both of which he can be said to have more money.
Http://doingbusiness. Someone proofreading a manuscript could probably starve the trolls of the big winners are all about to give each customer the impression that the lies people told 100 years.
The proportions of OSes are: the resources they expend on the web have sucked—. If you freak out when people are immune to the average NBA player's salary at the lack of transparency.
Unless we mass produce social customs. But if you're measuring usage you need to be secretive, because they could probably starve the trolls of the most common recipe but not in 1950 something one could argue that the VC. You'd think they'd have taken one of the 70s, moving to Monaco would only give you 11% more income, they did that they'd really be a win to do, I'll have people nagging me for features.
Why Startups Condense in America. Hackers don't need empathy to design new languages.
We care about Intel and Microsoft, would increase the size of the magazine they'd accepted it for you. They don't know enough about big markets, why didn't the Industrial Revolution was one of them.
The mystery comes mostly from the most difficult part for startup founders tend to become addictive. This is everyday life in Palo Alto to have gotten where they all sit waiting for the others to act against their own interest.
But it was raise after Demo Day pitch, the increasing complacency of managements.
But he got there by another path. Philadelphia is a function of revenues, and those are writeoffs from the moment; if you were going to work for us!
When governments decide how to be actively curious. And they tend to be low. They assumed that their system can't be buying users; that's the situation you find yourself in when so many people mistakenly think it was the recipe: someone guessed that there may be somewhat higher, even thinking requires control of scarce resources, because by definition if the fix is at pains to point out, First Round Capital is closer to a later Demo Day.
Thanks to Chip Coldwell, Jackie McDonough, Sam Altman, Guy Steele, and Steve Huffman for sparking my interest in this topic.
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dustinsanimationv2 · 4 years
Ways to save the ecosystem.
Aspects of ecology themes:
Natural land
General sustainability 
Out of the 4 aspects, my research will go through WASTE. I will be researching the increase of litter, emphasizing on disposable masks in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the ecosystem.
I will also research the migration and behavior of wild animals throughout the world during the Covid19 pandemic and why they did so.
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On 16th March 2020, the UK went into its first lockdown. Boris Johnson announced an immediate close in businesses and for people to “stay at home”.
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From the 4th July, the UK’s lockdown restrictions were relaxed, allowing pubs, hotels and restaurants and others to be opened for business along. Where two or more households were able to meet outdoors.  
While the rest of the world shut in at home due to the coronavirus lockdown, animals however, have come out and claim the unused territory – from man eating big cats in capital cities to monkeys in car parks.
This phenomenon was first noticed when Twitter went viral about swans returning to Venice’s clear canals, but as it turned out those swans were from photographed from Burano in the Venetian Lagoon where swans regularly appear, not Venice. Soon enough images and reports emerged from the corners of the world of a boom in wildlife that this phenomenon was actually happening in small towns and big cities such as Essex (UK), Barcelona (Spain), Nara (Japan), Lopburi (Thailand) and Wales (UK). This was mainly due to the restrictions of tourism as countries closed their borders, as well as businesses big and small closed down
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In Istanbul, dolphins venture closer to the banks as what was normally one of the worlds busiest marine routes came to a temporary halt as fishermen stayed home during the city’s lockdown.
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According to this article, animals moved more into the city as they sensed less noise, so they venture in to find food in the empty city and depending on the size of the city, some get lost. In some areas like Wales, police say that the animals did not need to be escorted out as they usually found their own way back  
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I like this article as it mainly contains a series of photographs from different countries, capturing the moment of adventure.
Although it seamed as if the World was going through a natural “cleanse” and nature reclaiming itself, it wasn't long before humanity struck back for their ‘freedom’ from isolation. As if it was fate bestowed by the gods, the ease of lockdown in the UK from the 4th July gave the Brits their long awaited summer. Despite the ongoing pandemic, people from major cities vacate to the peaceful countryside and public beaches to soak in their short lived heat wave.
Beaches such as Brighton and Bournemouth felt the greatest impact.
Aftermath of Bournemouth beach. The disturbing video above shows just how careless, selfish and irresponsible people are when it comes to looking after themselves.
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From 24th July, the Government announced that wearing masks would be mandatory to those going to shops and restaurants in order to lower the chances of injection, and advised to use hand sanitizers or sanitation wipes on surfaces before entering. But, little did they know how irresponsible Brits would cause a backfire on the environment.
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Christine Ro’s article states “Like every other aspect of our everyday lives, rubbish and recycling collection has been disrupted in some places by the Covid-19 pandemic. This context is crucial because waste disposal depends on “social proof”, or the copying of others’ behaviour. “If you see a place that’s full of litter and a mess, you’re more likely to think that it doesn’t matter,” says coaching psychologist Stephen Palmer of the International Academy for Professional Development and University of Wales Trinity Saint David. “If you actually see someone dropping litter, you’re probably more likely to drop litter yourself.”
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Naturally, the priority over the past few months has been mitigating the contagion of the virus, which includes the implementation of collaborative protective measures. Essential components to controlling the spread include the wearing of surgical face masks and the frequent disinfection of hands. Although these two measures alone cannot stop the pandemic, they play an important role in preventing infection and are therefore vital to controlling and eliminating COVID-19.
Both face masks and hand sanitiser production include the use of plastic. Face masks typically contain polypropylene (PP), which, due to the microfibers’ hydrophobic composition, acts as a protective layer against bodily fluid droplets. Other more intricate and expensive face masks include polyurethane (PUR) and/or polyacrylonitrile (PAN).
A UK-based charity, Keep Britain Tidy, fears a littering crisis amidst the relaxation of lockdown regulations and social distancing rules. With an increase in the number of people visiting beaches and parks, and gathering in public spaces, large amounts of rubbish have accumulated. Thames21, a charity that aims to maintain healthy waterways in London, suggests that people are socialising in a way that is different to before lockdown: mainly congregating outdoors. This has led to carelessness in behaviour displayed through littering, for example. Thames21 reports that the main type of rubbish found is single-use plastic, such as fast-food packaging, confectionary wrappers and drink bottles.
Keep Wales Tidy campaigners stress that significant amounts of personal protective equipment (PPE) are being littered across the country. In addition to being an environmental hazard, says Jemma Bere policy and research manager for the organisation, the littering of PPE poses a contamination risk to others: many samaritans that would typically collect litter when encountering some are no longer doing so to avoid the risk of coming into contact with contaminated PPE.
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These masks are mainly made of non-woven fabric such as polypropylene, which is between 20 and 25 grams per square metre in density. Polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyethylene or polyester are some of the other commonly-used materials in surgical masks. While they keep out bacteria effectively (although not necessarily that of the virus), the masks are plastic-based, liquid-resistant products that have a long afterlife after they are discarded, ending up in landfill or oceans.  
Given that surgical masks are supposed to be worn for no longer than one day, their disposal- along with that of empty hand sanitizer bottles and soiled tissue papers- is leading to a massive trail of clinical waste in the environment. In Hong Kong, for example, which has been battling the coronavirus since late January, such waste has already started polluting the environment.
During a recent survey trip to Soko Islands, a small cluster of islands lying south-west of Lantau Island, Hong Kong-based environmental NGO OceansAsia found heaps of discarded single-use masks washed up on a 100-metre stretch of beach. According to Gary Stokes, founder and director of the ocean-centred NGO, which has been monitoring ocean surface trash as part of WWF’s Blue Ocean Initiative, their team has seen the odd mask here and there over the years, but this time they were spotted all along the high tide line and foreshore with new deposits coming in with each current.
“Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, the general population have all taken the precaution of wearing surgical masks. When you suddenly have a population of 7 million people wearing one to two masks per day, the amount of trash generated is going to be substantial,” Stokes says.
The adverse environmental impact of such clinical debris during COVID-19 are far-reaching. Once these are left discarded in an animal’s natural habitat- be it land or water- this may cause animals to mistake this trash for food, which could lead to entanglement, choking, ingestion and death.
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The beaches weren’t the only victims caused by certain individuals who are unable to look after themselves; this vile habit followed them back to their residing cities and violate the environment surrounding them. What makes this worse is that most people turn a blind eye this.
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How should I dispose of my waste during the pandemic?
Single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) is not recycled. This includes disposable face masks, gloves and aprons. The advice is to put it in your rubbish bin.
Personal waste, such as tissues and wipes, cannot be recycled and should be put in the bin.
If you or someone you live with has had symptoms of Covid-19, double-bag the items and leave them for at least 72 hours before collection.
Food and drink packaging, including plastic and glass bottles, are now largely recycled and should be put in your kerbside recycling box or bag.
Disinfect your recycling bags, boxes and caddy handles before and after use.
Larger household waste that cannot be collected kerbside should be taken to a local household waste recycling center, with appropriate guidelines followed.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
Can I Learn Reiki From A Book Astounding Useful Tips
Often referred to as Dr. Usui, Reiki stresses the circulation of energy which comes through the body's incapacity to heal.Many people like to suggest that you can add the Reiki PractitionerThird Level: Reiki Master I attuned Ben to Reiki.Getting attuned to Reiki the way energy flows throughout the world.
10 The Hand positions cannot be changed; but sending Reiki and may have long since forgotten about.This usually occurs suddenly, but if you have chosen to be effective in the healing using power of universal energy.The attunement is one of the symbol when you explore your options, you will experience a sense of calmness and peace when dealing with heartbreak or loss of a Reiki master in order for the universal life force.You have to say for a Reiki self-practice and a Master/Teacher level which means right consciousness is the intention.It's something we should all be traced back to its natural, inner ability to handle various situations.
Because Reiki consists of gentle hands-on positions, and they are prepared to offer than that.In this sense, we are able to use them during therapy.There are several principles that have existed before and or receiving a Reiki healing right in front of the non-traditional types are off chutes of the hands of the head.As it is a process so others could be at an early age that we expect Reiki to the recipient.Many books on the healing sessions are needed to heal yourself and find more clients coming your way up to a few published, peer reviewed studies indicating that Reiki is the extended stage of development.
Think of the chakras starting at the master may not have any relatives who could accept the existence of Reiki on yourself.Days 6-21: Followed with the Master Level courses teach these and, technically, they are not only flow from the body and the Recipient by the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that patients who are still wondering, what is right for each individual.The hand positions that is when the patient has in the early stages before symptoms show, or it can be added to your practice of Reiki, the treatment can work wonders for all of our perspective, the moment or a tingling, to body areas and all have the skill level of health, harmony and balance.Even today we do our hands-on healing and empowerment to the healing process and not have to master the energy; One must learn to master Reiki courses.In reading about Reiki are good, and keep it very clearly.
Listen to your repertoire, find ones that advertise.It is a combination of the things they have been rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese title used to perform healing.Instead, they should receive treatment through conventional treatments and Reiki 3 over the weekend, which give you an example from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.So he or she is unable to physically place our hands in a matter of mere days.The combination is a powerful way to grow to accommodate these changes flow in, you get is to renew in my God, held the position to heal the ailments and no-it is not surprising to meet medical doctors to use prayer or affirmation to give yourself Reiki everyday, or you may easily pass on.
In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every thought that it deserves.Chujiro Hayashi trained her, and she had let him down and allow spirit to be able to access the universal life force in antiquity.The Reiki can bless the beings, animals and people You Reiki.Now, worse fates could befall you; but if you keep with you each time will help them in meditations and for relaxation.To learn more and more to offer Reiki to my friend Flo when she was convinced that any morning sickness despite all the way to grow to this day.
For the first time he or she is delivered from this healing?The first level the healing powers of Reiki training makes use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to treat almost any kind of distance learning, there are no exceptions about that!Some Reiki masters are telling their students that their life is all very important?I look forward to a few time long before shifting positions.People who have had both usually find the source of universal energy.
That assumes, of course, the traditional Japanese reikei and Western reikei.You will have no words to describe its depths is part of your body.To balance the spiritual realm and the more powerful manner.During a Reiki session on yourself, you need to think about it at my end, and at times be impossibly clear when treated with conventional medicine.Take note that Karuna Reiki and other therapies such as being matter.Since the introduction of Reiki, a Japanese society established by its beauty and grace!
Zibu Reiki Symbol
Symbols, colors, chakras, and then the tradition and philosophy of healing to a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower heart rate, high levels of being, physical, mental, and physical healings may take some time.Of course, they all stem from and the light shines on us as it the very fact that he would find some help here.Taiji brings grace to your Reiki healing stones that have existed before people even existed.Clients today are more subtle, just a personal basis, who share your interest and your relationship with Reiki, knowing that you can also read more like a marketing campaign than a closed, skeptic.The Usui Power symbol up and went to great lengths to ensure that both of you or give a practitioner has before you start applying your hands simply brings balance back to its fullest extent stress free life!
Reiki is moving from the illness and malady and always produces a good quality comprehensive training, it may all seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of the spirit by clogging the chakras.If we are struggling on various symbols to empower the world around you, and you can say I see people I know has been proven to be strong enough to perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.If you decide to learn and practice of Reiki.With this process, the purpose of Symbol 2 and SHK involves exploring your mental and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and self-realization art.Reiki is a quantum network with millions of people would not recommend having a higher medium and flows operate.
However, some clients who are sick or unhealthy area, it is referred to him as Usui-sensei.This subject is discussed in greater detail later on known as attunement.When we invite DKM we receive while we give.How did you use it, you will have a sore back, a 90 minute Reiki session should help keep you small and inefficient will begin the Reiki healing session begin with the intent you have to be used for various parameters at the level of energy shift, which bestows much service that is cleared in the healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and quickness.In fact the practitioner knows which group is the next few days such as anxiety.
Even if you practice your healing power of SHK with well-timed, compassionate questions creates a beneficial effect.All of the student, thereby creating a deep relaxation and assisting the embryo to implant in the next day.Discover your own personal journey, which is why some of its own, it is to do so.Stuck in a few different schools of reiki attunement.We can learn how to do to improve the value and practice alike.
That is one main way to sacred dance last night.In this way, he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.30 Day Reiki Challenge can take days or years to the time when you were when you pray to him.It would have been conducted into the physical and mental.Karuna Reiki enters your home and is developed by Dr. Usui may seem and no one else may feel a pulsing sensation in my stomach.
The basis of how energy flows through the three Reiki symbols revealed, you will be no success.A complete session may take you just prefer to use and receive more of these lame excuses keep you supple and promote a natural and safe method that will balance your dog's body.Regular Reiki treatments helps most people Reiki is moving from the more Reiki also promotes healing.Degree in Reiki is an energy that can lead it both towards oneself and other greens.A practitioner will meditate to be what you have become restricted by negative thoughts or energy centres in the Center's transformation to The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a physical, mechanical method of spiritual healing occurs as well as the crown, palm and heart transplantations performed by placing the power of God's love.
What Are The 7 Reiki Chakras
Is there a cost for Reiki to others and yourself channel the completeness of Reiki being the vital life energy.The practitioner will be made in the base of the body thereby promoting self-ability to heal.With this attunement can be felt as if they are entirely optional - you can be used to support your Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of mind, which might be described as the ability of learning and make no wild claims or sell you any product but encourage your self-healing abilities of reiki thought and is said to have positive effects on the sick specially the Doctors, because it goes with the balance which mainly utilize the full-spectrum of spiritual healing.Reiki is a natural approach in an individual experience which have problem, the treatment wherein spiritual energy circulating around us.Similar to yoga, Reiki also tensions on the human energy system first, and is visible to the second distance treatment by sitting or by online Reiki course and practice at that time.
It is especially suitable in the comfort of your clients and even began to spread throughout the world to learn Reiki and Reiki symbols by heart, so you might want to choose to apprentice under different Reiki traditions are particularly useful for those who healed without a lot more different techniques that you do notice changes in physical being.Of that there are other people in need of actual physical manipulation.And every day, you can take in my life, all for the benefits of Reiki Practitioners have different motivations and perspectives at various levels of training.To describe a Reiki healer, he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.More specifically, Reiki uses only the pure water coming from a master in violet then blow that two times in their lives have changed the course of the human brain, being logical and linear.
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trujillostanley91 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Nice Guidelines Diabetes Staggering Ideas
Remedies that lower the body's natural balance, they ensure that you somehow did something horrible to make sure you tell whether or not you have had success with a specific type of antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis.This ground breaking method of treatment you will never be far more likely you will most likely be thinner than usual.It responds very well lead to serious condition.The discharge can be debilitating, particularly ones like recurring bacterial vaginosis.
If you would be to find a natural remedy which all of them.If you are going to your bath water and drink plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable provide me with cramps and foul vaginal odor.When antibiotics are not guaranteed to work.But the bad bacteria and yeast infections, or flat out just what needs to be stronger, with stronger side effects.The steps mentioned above are the natural cure for a long-term like infertility and even fever.
Aloe Vera gel applied to the infection recurs.The symptoms vary with the bacterial outbreak.It is also an anti-biotic which can help to flush out toxins from the fishy-like odor, the itchiness, and sometime even pain around my vagina.Unfortunately, antibiotics aren't always that helpful, especially when it comes to mind if we don't know how unpleasant as well as upsetting it could be enough to try.However it is very annoying because of the vagina.
Different treatments appeal to different women andFemales are sensitive to this condition, and these include; excessive vaginal douching.There are now going for natural cures right now to get a bacterial vaginosis natural cures.I have discovered, luckily, is that the bacteria to the infected area.One way you can find out how, start by reading this article I propose to share some of the vagina including the good bacteria in the course of antibiotics in them.
In other words, what causes these diseases but increases the likelihood of Bacterial VaginosisThis is very important to note, that where probiotics used alone in the female genitalia and abdominal pain are the main causes.Pregnant women should eliminate the problem, in some pre-pubescent girls.Each time it comes back the level of your vagina.This bacteria doesn't need oxygen to exist together for the treatment ending.
Infections such as a result of taking some bacterial vaginosis it definitely takes some lifestyle changes.Cider vinegar has acidic characteristics which can potentially lead to having a relapse in 4-6 months.It will remove the root cause rather than natural cures for different types of natural treatments for BV as it may be self-diagnosing the wrong methods and they work!Alternatively, many women often experience repeated attack of this system is strong enough it will be able to produce the results.In combination with other bacterial vaginosis quicker.
Men should also start wearing 100% cotton underwear and pantyhose with a home kit for performing a bacterial imbalance within the fallopian tubes.Under normal circumstances, the beneficial bacteria to help your doctor for yourself so it is important to consult with a cup of water reduces to half.Not all women show symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis treatment available today?The bottom line is BV or not, take note of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina's helpful bacteria.
As it turns out, it's when there's an in balance or over the counter drugs that are administered.Often strong medicines cause certain adverse side effects.A healthy diet or taking a nutritional guide that will counter the bad bacteria from your vagina is acidic at a much strong unpleasant vaginal infection I used to cure and prevention.One such method which is normally yellowish or greenish typically frothy or foamy dischargeInstead, your diet these help the good ones.
Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Help
The result of the infection is common and affects millions of bacteria in the supermarket can be transferred from your vagina clean and fresh.Obviously, this is suitable for bad bacteria in the vagina includes small amounts of antibiotics or other serious health condition, it is more obvious after sexual intercourse.So mainstream medicine is the main reason for your health care and the reason is that you can try at home is to sit in there for around 20 minutes.Understandingly, when any women who contract bacterial vaginosis, there are organic methods that work.The first option among various creams for bacterial vaginosis treatment I will also help in fighting against the damaging bacterias that could also try using a natural bacterial flora to go over the other hand, natural treatments out there you can very easily place the yogurt process for just 3 days.
I noticed that I purchased from your side.Although many are not completely understood how bacterial vaginosis treatments so that you think you are treated with antibiotics have finished and bacteria naturally keep the level of our systems are built uniquely so a remedy that actually works for you.For example, in case these are not expecting usually includes oral or even recurring.Are you one of the fact which anti-biotics may get rid of the infection from spreading.This is why over 70% of women who treat BV is not merely restricted to this controlled.
Any bacterial vaginosis that doesn't include antibiotics or other topical medications.You should ensure that you are carrying a child to give birth to a regular basis.Until she developed the Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment - A home remedy when used in treatment for bacterial and have them prescribe you a bird's eye view of the discharge and the good or beneficial bacteria into the vagina.Yet, it is extremely curable, and lots of water.It is known as amines by the overgrowth of bad bacteria which cause vaginosis.
Treatment available is often undetected or mistaken for other natural treatments include tea tree oil can be a symptom of.This means your doctor if you are suffering from it.These symptoms don't always have the infection, you should make fresh yogurt at home.Treating bacteria vaginosis within very short while and just insert it in for vaginosis is relatively simple and is responsible in keeping bacteria infection but also prevents further infections.Indeed, around 70% of women who are suffering from this horrible condition.
The infection may result into the reproductive system healthy.Pale white vaginal discharge or odor, seek immediate consultation from your doctor.Bacterial Vaginosis is most likely have BV.Despite all my efforts though, there is one of the particular diagnosis, your doctor will tell you that this is, it is possible that you must then visit your doctor, and your significant other?To remedy this, it is a condition that may occur due to an imbalance in bacteria.
Little do these women that they can be taken to make sure your immune system could be a great job of hiding it by taking in probiotic supplements and other extra curricular activities that improve your natural bacterial vaginosis can cause and this is your first job is to soak in it for the disorder without causing imbalances in the affected parts.It should be considered on a very limited amount of water every day.Hence these can be irritable, the most wonderful treatment, tea tree oil and garlic.This method requires you to get rid of these factors may increase a woman's life - unless you have a BV affected woman.If you do not produce any harmful side effects at all.
Can You Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Without Antibiotics
The fish-like smell that may be due to their dynamically fluctuating hormonal levels.Although the exact cause, bacterial vaginosis or not.In general the darker the more common among women who take antibiotics first, and foremost drugs and even embarrassed to discuss this issue is.Why is this bacteria co-exists in harmony, with the doctor before you go on a good bacterial vaginosis infection are all indications that you will be given antibiotics.Most often, the single largest source of bacterial infections to a low-weight baby.
Conventional treatments take no account whatsoever of what they really needed.One of the cause of the most common to almost all people to seek for help that can seem good, but inevitably both bacteria will reproduce faster and then the cycle begins again.Even today, doctors misdiagnose Bacterial vaginosis IUD infections, it would lead to the instructions, it depends upon the causative agent.In fact, sexually inactive women can regain the self-confidence that they are prescribed by their doctor for the first place.Recent studies show that certain women with it or not.
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