#what about Blue-Eagle Shipping?
[accidentally sent before editing more so yeah oops]
This fic was inspired by @tommysm0ondust's post.
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loojii · 1 month
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Constellations as blue aliens! I made these last year, only uploaded them on Patreon Aquila, Cygnus, Pavo, Canis Minor, Canis Major, Boötos, Minor Leo, Lepus, Lupus, Cetus, Centaurus, Orion
For more info about them see the lore dump under the line ~
Aquila the eagle constellation. A myth tied to the constellation tells about Zeus, who transformed himself into an eagle, and kidnaps a pretty boy to be the cup bearer of the Gods. This boy was of course Aquarius. So the characters are friends! Or well, Aquila pressures Aquarius into doing dumb stuff and Aquarius can't say no (in a way kidnapping him for a good time). Aquila's outfit is based on an eagle as well, with white on top and dark on the bottom. He, and other bird constellations, have feather like hair! He is the younger brother of Cygnus and Pavo, and the older brother of Columba and Corvus (they're a big bird family!)
Cygnus the swan constellation. A myth tied to the constellation is that about Zeus, who again transformed. He got a woman pregnant and from that a set of twins were born, one mortal and one immortal. The twin being Gemini, of course. So the character here is best friends with Gemini (she seems to be the only one that is able to handle him). Since Gemini's alpha and beta star are actually the twins, she often visits them and favors Pollux, the immortal twin from the myth. She's like a fun aunt! Another myth tells about a lover being lost or something, drowned in the river depicted by the constellation Eridanus. So she probably doesn't like her that much.
Pavo the peacock constellation. One of the myths tied to the constellation tells about a monster with many eyes that was able to act as a spy for Hera. As a thank you she put his eyes on the peacock feather and the monster himself in the sky. The constellation also depicts the captain of a ship, who are also depicted by several constellations. I don't know what to do with that part yet for this character, maybe those constellations admire Pavo as a teacher? But as for the spy part; this guy obviously loves gossip and always knows everything about everyone. He is the oldest of the bird siblings!
Canis Minor the lesser dog constellation. In the sky the dog is seen hunting Lepus, together with Canis Major and Orion. So all three of them, the characters, dislike her of course! He is always seen hanging out with Orion, following him around and being his yes-man. He's the younger brother of Canis Major naturally
Canis Major the dog constellation. Another yes-man of Orion. I like to take inspiration from myths and science when it comes to their personality / relationships but sometimes I just go by vibes too. And what I feel is that Canis Major gets awfully flustered when Ursa Major is around (yes its solely based on the fact that both of them are the only ones with Major in their name). He does not know how to deal with her overly friendly demeaner and gets kinda angry
Boötos the herdsman constellation. In the myth tied to this constellation a herdsman was killed due to his bad whinemaking skills and his daugther and dog moarned him so much that they died too. The daughter was seen as Virgo and the dog as Canis Major. So the characters are friends! Boötos also has Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs constellation, no design yet) next to him, but the reason that constellation doesn't take on the role of the dog in the myth is because it was first known as Bo's staff. So that character would also be friends with him of course! Maybe part of the dog family? But I'm not sure yet. Boötes has multiple friends but he especially adores Virgo, in his eyes he can do nothing wrong and is the depiction of perfection. Many see Virgo that way but Bo is just a bit more extreme about it. The constellation is also seen hunting Ursa Major in the sky, so maybe they don't have a good relationship?
Minor Leo the lesser lion constellation. I was actually unaware this constellation excisted until I did this project. He is Leo's biggest fan and follows him around. Despite the name they are not related, they're just great buddies! The constellation at one point was planned to be changed into the lioness constellation, but eventually this didn't catch on. So this guy here is sometimes mistaken for a girl!
Lepus the hare constellation. In the sky the hare is seen being hunted by Orion and his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course hates them. She's very quick on her feet and tries to outdone Orion every time she can.
Lupus the wolf constellation. The wolf is also being hunted in the sky, this time by Centaurus. So he dislikes him as well. But he's almost always silent and hangs out with Lepus a lot. It has nothing to do with their myths or anything. They just have similar names and are both being hunted, so I declared them buddies. Lepus always knows what Lupus means, without saying a word, and they are often spotted hanging out (Lupus following Lepus around)
Cetus the whale constellation. Cetus is the unofficial 14th zodiac sign, having the sun in its constellation for just one day. To represent this Cetus (the character) is engaged to Sagittarius, to one day become part of the Zodiac family (but he said yes when they were children and doesn't want to anymore, because who in thei right mind regocnizes Cetus as a Zodiac sign). The myth tied to Cetus is that of a sea monster who only came out of the sea to eat a beautiful maiden. Cetus (the character) is very insecure and never leaves her house. She's the big sis of Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac sign
Centaurus the centaur constellation. No, it's not Sagittarius. Both Sagittarius and Centaurus are depicted as centaurs in the sky and because of that their myths are sometimes mistaken for one another. So this guy here is very often mistaken for Sagittarius. But he's taller, better looking, stronger, more mature, etc. The myths of Centaurus go crazy and he's literly tied to everyone. In the discord server theres the ongoing joke that Centaurus is actually the main character. So this guy is just a very popular guy that everyone (excepts Sagittarius, who hates him with the might of 30 suns) likes! He is actually nice and unaware of Sagittarius hatred. Lupus, the wolf constellation, also doesn't like him but he's not as vocal about it as Sagittarius.
Orion the hunter constellation. Orion's myth he was a great hero who was defeated by a little scorpion. He and the scorpion were put in the sky but he's still avoiding the scorpion till this day (they are never seen in the same sky). The scorpion in question is of course Scorpio. Orion (the character) absolutely hates Scorpio and avoids him at all costs. He is seen hunting a hare (Lepus) in the sky together with his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course is buddies with the two dogs and they all hate Lepus.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Courtship Behaviors
(Happy early Valentine’s Day! I wrote this to share with some specific writer friends. It’s short. Enjoy.)
The space station marketplace was bustling with crowds and conversation, but when a voice spoke from behind me, I was pretty sure the question was for me.
“Can I ask you something?” said the nervous voice.
I turned to see a feathery alien of a species I hadn’t met yet, looking like a flustered eagle — or no, more like a secretary bird. Those were the long-legged ones that kicked snakes, right? This one had shiny white feathers with a pearlescent shimmer, and some very anxious body language.
“Sure,” I said, prepared for anything. Was this a question about the courier ship I’d come in on? A question about Earthlings? Something for me specifically?
Option B.
“Do humans do mating dances?” the bird asked in a rush.
“Uh, sort of,” I said, thinking quickly. “We have dances with a lot of people together, and courting couples might use it as an excuse to show off or get close to one another.”
“But not individual dances?” the bird asked, fidgeting with clawed hands. Those claws were painted with what looked like human nail polish. Awfully similar to the color my cousin was fond of, called “Pinking Of You.”
“Maybe sometimes,” I said. “Why do you ask?”
Pearl-white feathers ruffled into an endearing puffball. “My advances are being ignored,” the alien admitted. “I’m starting to doubt whether my human even realizes. We’ve been working together for many cycles now, and I like to think we know each other well, but…” The alien drifted off into a plaintive chirp.
“Has the human done anything that looked like courtship gestures to you?” I asked.
“Maybe? I don’t know? I thought the food-sharing was just kindness, but it’s become a regular thing, and surely asking to wear one of my shed feathers as a decoration is significant, right? I don’t know anymore.”
“Wait,” I said. “Is this the human with blue hair that I just saw over that way? The one buying a feather-care kit and a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant?”
The birdlike alien stilled, feathers smoothing out. “Heart-shaped?”
“Like this,” I said, tracing the shape in the air. “It’s a sign of love.”
“It is??” Feathers fluttered everywhere as the alien hopped in place. “Is that why — I had no idea!”
“Go talk to your human,” I said. “Maybe you can eat food and go dancing together.”
“I will! Thank you!” The bird pranced off, jumping to see over the crowd like an excited teenager.
I thought about calling out directions to the nearest dance club, since this space station had some great ones, but it occurred to me that the human probably knew. And they could find out together.
Ongoing backstory adventures of the main character in this book. Very long and storied adventures.
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
crawling back from a hole to GEEK about suitcase gang members that would get along the best 💁‍♀️
- x, medicine pocket, and sotheby: lethal IRB nightmares
- med poc and sotheby: explosive concoctions
- centurion and tennant: harbingers of serial bankruptcy
- mesmer jr. and 6: orderliness
- dikke and 6: law and order (dun dun)
- melania and bkornblume: the thief and her gal in the chair (they're a ship too)
- eagle and shamane: shamane is MAD impressed at this girl's wilderness skills + will also be willing to teach her stuff
- horropedia, an an lee, and blonney: it's always horro and blonney / horro and an an but never these three together. you can bet that blon and horro surrounds an an to ask about her ghost vacuum
- blonney and desert flannel: she's in patch 1.5 but her design tells me that she's rocking her closet which is a bonding topic with blonney
- lilya and jiu niangzi: girl is in patch 1.6 but all that is known for now for global players is that she makes killer alcohol. cue lilya as her willing taste-tester
- sputnik 1 and 37: just 37 marvelling this perfect sphere
- alien T and 37: this girl again eyeing the ufo's circumference
- kaala bauna and voyager: kaala has a question or two about the heavenly bodies
- dikke and knight: s w o r d
ohhh fun! here's a few dynamics and characters I think would get along since you've shared your own!
Baby Blue and every character younger than her--especially Balloon Party
Baby Blue is just 17 but I do like to think that, bc of her connection with Wonderland and innocence, she would act as a big sister for many of the younger arcanists. especially Balloon Party since the two reject adults or the idea of growing up!
Blonney and Bunny Bunny
both characters have a focus on movie or hollywood as a concept, both are also girls around the same age range who know what it's like to be put into very restrictive stereotypes (the blonde bimbo, the southerner). I think they'd get along, and it's very funny to think about Blonney go straight to Bunny Bunny for help if Jessica ever needs help, since Bunny Bunny's family had a farm lmfao
but I also just rlly love girls who are total opposites on a surface level being close friends bc of the small little things they do have in common
Sweetheart and Bette, following the same reasoning as the Blonney and Bunny Bunny
sorry I'm very passionate abt Sweetheart being so jaded and tired of the way hollywood treated her and warped her image to be nothing but a product for the audience's consumption. and very passionate abt Bette near-delusional hope of making it into the industry
Sonetto and Zima, both being poets
I could've added Charlie or The Fool since the idea is similar, but I feel like Zima would work best?
all three of these characters cherish the power of the written word and have used it against injust systems, but I think that Charlie's insecurities would hold her back a lot from truly bonding with Sonetto thru poetry, and The Fool is too much of a revolutionary--his very open and vocal "down with the monarchy, every person in authority is a fucking fool" vibe would clash with Sonetto's obedient dog aspects. Zima, however, feels perfect to act as another poet for Sonetto to befriend and a mentor to slowly introduce her to more open ideologies
SURE hes a recluse and socially inept bc of the years of isolation in exile, BUT HES NOT SHY WHEN IT COMES TO SHARING HIS VIEWS AND THOUGHTS OR WORK. hes the perfect idea of subdued and quiet strength, I rlly think Sonetto could really benefit from having him as a mentor or responsible adult figure
Pavia and Centurion
but I'm NEVER letting go of casino dealer Pavia from the artificial somnambulism stages. these two? theyre ABSOLUTE MENACES together, the luckiest girl in the world addicted to adrenaline and thrills? with the most deranged "who gives a shit" mafia guy who does whatever he wants?
they'd be playing an extreme version of buckshot roulette together, they'd ruin the economy together just bc its funny. they dont know each other's full names. they hang out and bitch about life together. they dont care abt their respective life stories. they're the first person they call when they're bored. they've been in many many life threatening situations. they dont know each others favorite colors
do you see my vision!!!
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livesonthebside · 4 days
A couple of months ago, my penpal asked me if I had any favourite poems/quotes that could be read over the graves of men from the FE. He didn’t find any this year, but in honour of Fitzjames, I thought I would post some of my selections:
Terror & Erebus by Gwendolyn McEwan:
This is the end of science.
We left it behind us,
A graph in the snow, a horrible cipher, a desperate code.
And the sun cannot read, and the snow cannot either
Franklin's Passage by David Solway:
We know differently.
Ice is meant to be grappled with,
broken through,
trudged over,
listened to,
died on.
We know this, too.
The Northwest Passage
is where it always was.
It is here right beneath our feet.
Northwest Passage by James Pollock
When you set out to find your Northwest Passage
and cross to an empty region of the map
with a headlong desire to know what lies beyond,
sailing the thundering ice-fields on the ocean,
feeling her power move you from below;
when all summer the sun’s hypnotic eye
won’t blink, and the season slowly passes, an endless
dream in which you’re forever diving into pools,
fame’s image forever rising up to meet you;
when the fall comes, at last, triumphantly,
and you enter Victoria’s narrow frozen Strait,
and your Terror and Erebus freeze in the crushing floes;
in that long winter night among the steeples
of jagged ice, and the infinite, empty plain of wind and snow,
when the sea refuses to be reborn in spring,
three winters pass without a thaw, and the men,
far from their wives and children, far from God,
are murdering one another over cards;
when blue gums, colic, paralysis of the wrists
come creeping indiscriminately among you;
and you leave the ships, and set out on the ice,
dragging the lifeboats behind, loaded
with mirrors and soap, slippers and clocks,
into the starlit body of the night,
with your terrible desire to know what lies beyond;
then, half-mad, snow blind, even then,
before you kill the ones who’ve drawn the fatal lots,
and take your ghastly communion in the snow,
may you stumble at last upon some band of Inuit
hauling their catch of seal across the ice,
and see how foolish you have been:
forcing your way by will across a land
that can’t be forced, but must be understood,
toward a passage just now breaking up within.
Some pro-explorer poetry was On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer by Keats
Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold,
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne;
Yet did I never breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star'd at the Pacific—and all his men
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.
and The Imitation of Christ, because it’s the origin of the title of the Edwin Landseer painting:
According to our resolution so is the rate of our progress, and much diligence is needful for him who would make good progress. For if he who resolveth bravely oftentimes falleth short, how shall it be with him who resolveth rarely or feebly? But manifold causes bring about abandonment of our resolution, yet a trivial omission of holy exercises can hardly be made without some loss to us. The resolution of the righteous dependeth more upon the grace of God than upon their own wisdom; for in Him they always put their trust, whatsoever they take in hand. For man proposeth, but God disposeth; and the way of a man is not in himself.
And my personal fave, I'm Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense by Danez Smith:
Have you ever stood on a frozen lake?
The sun above you, the snow & stalled sea - a field of mirror
all demanding to be the sun too, everything around you
is light & it’s gorgeous & if you stay too long it will kill you
& it’s so sad, you know? You’re the only warm thing for miles
& the only thing that can’t shine.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
the metkayinans are the only clan to known to practice tattoos… imagine z-dog bonding over tattoos with her metkayinan lover and maybe even getting her own metkayinan tattoo 🥺
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Recom!Zdinarsk x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: Zdinarsk feels a little insecure on her tats, ___ is determined to prove they are anything but something to be insecure of. Warnings: Very brief mentions of death Word count: 700 A/N: I am so sorry for any delay, I had to do some research on what all these tattoos mean and plus…lots of brain fart. This is a little short and may be very shit, it is currently 3am :’) I will probably redo this and add some more stuff
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @eywas-heir @reneehillary69 @cavvedinn @itsyoboysparkel
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“What are you staring at?” Zdinarsk chuckled and raised her brows, catching her lover with her head turned, eyes wide and examining. Seeing her yellow orbs zoom between her arms and chest Z-Dog got an idea of what was going on.
“What do your markings mean?” ___ inquired softly, never having seen tattoos like her mates’ ones before. The Metkayina’s were different, swerving in elegant shapes and lacked in colour unlike Zdinarsk’s who’s was bright and held sharp edges and strange figures.
The marine glanced at the other woman’s face, then to her own arms and then back up, blinking. She never really had to explain the meaning behind her tattoos before, usually when people saw them they just complimented her and moved on. Her tail swished at the thought of her girl actually caring.
Of course she did, ___ was a curious little thing.
‘’Uh, they don’t mean anything crazy…the one on my neck is a chimera, it means chaos and destruction’’ she started briefly, pointing to her neck and taking note of ___’s blue eyes widening and her body shuffling closer, tails intertwining. Z turned around so her back was facing her, showing off a massive eagle gripping flowers ‘’this is an Earth animal, eagle, the words at the top mean conquer or die… harsh stuff I know’’ she faced back towards the woman who brought her hands up and started tracing the tattoos on Z’s arms.
‘’And these ones? They are colourful’’
Z-Dog’s breath turned slightly shallow, feelings the small fingers going across her arms and chest. Tracing the outlines and markings. ‘’So on this arm, it has an angel, below is a devil. They are sort of religious figures…like your Eywa. It means death and rebirth’’
‘’Like how you were reborn as Metkayina’’
Grinning, the Marin agreed, flushing slightly. She still wasn’t used to being called a Na’vi, even after all this time. Apart of her thinks she would never get used to it, she was human for so long after all, but she did like the praise she always got for adapting so well. ‘’This one over here has a snake, another Earth animal, the words there mean deathless’’
‘’You did survive the ship when I saved you, without me you surely would have died’’ ___ grinned cheekily.
‘’Yea yea whatever’’ Zdinarsk stuck her tongue out, reached over and pulled the women into her lap and continued ‘’what about your tattoos? Everyone here has the same ones, what do they mean?’’
“Our tattoos hold different meaning, they are gifts from the clan and great mother. Ones on the arm mean more exposed protection of the sea wall, one across the chest and heart mean safe embrace of the central island” ___’s hands glided across the others skin, going from arm to chest to showcase where they would be placed, and also a way of saying that this is what Zdinarsk’s mean for the other Na’vi.
The recoms eyes brightened and she grinned, she never thought of her inked skin as spiritual. She kinda just did it as a young adult to feel cool, she was in the marines or God’s sake everyone had tats.
‘’I am a hunter, so I do not have a lot of chest markings’’ ___ grasped Z’s hand and brought it to her own skin, squeezing the fingers. ‘’If we have any on the face it is a hierarchy, it shows rank. Our Olo’eyktan has many tattoos, it shows he is our leader’’
‘’And how do you get them? I don’t see how you can get ink’’
‘’We get the ink from one of the many ocean animals and we tattoo ourselves when we pass Iknimaya, our right of passage…me and the clan leaders have spoken, we decided not to give you any hunters markings…but we will give you one here’’ ___ brushed her fingers onto the side of Z’s head, above her eyebrow.
Zdinarsk felt startled, she didn’t expect to get any tats at all here ‘’why?’’ Her voice was quiet and unsure.
‘’You already possess hunter marks’’ the Metkayinan ran her hands down the sides of Z’s arms and grinned ‘’but you do not have a warriors on the face’’ smooching above the brow where the soon to be tattoo will be placed.
A warriors mark huh? Z-Dog can get with that.
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Season 2, Episode 5 liveblog notes (spoilers behind the cut)
The Eagle thing is still very silly :/
Hmmm ominous, King Durin.
Not an engineer but this seems like a bad idea.
Narvi's big moment indeed. But also can we have more friendship moments with Celebrimbor, please?
Abusive relationship vibes, Annatar. Not great, buddy.
More Silm name dropping!
Incheresting framing of the tree in this scene.
Pharazôn's Unnamed Wife mention! Pretty sure those ill ends for Kemen are coming up sooner than S3 lol.
Elendil: Babe let me do a navy coup!
Oh this ship is so saddddd ;_;
"riding from the city to..." ANÁRION?! PLS
Oh this is angsty af.
"And yours is made of seawater" ohhhh foreshadowing.
Them's fighting words, Kevin.
ilu Valandil
Also the red mixing in with the blue in the costuming is fascinating.
Time for Pharazôn to doomscroll reddit and 4chan.
Do no other elves in Eregion communicate to Lindon? Wouldn't they give away the forge activity?
Commander of the South, do you have a name?
Dying leaves RIP.
Disa pls be safe.
Narvi trying to be the voice of reason.
Feanor's angry ghost or Annatar manipulation?
Sauron, to Mirdania: Oh that was probably my cousin, nbd.
Aww man I wanted Durin to call Annatar a bitch.
Annatar is being creepy towards Celedania and I don't like it.
Ah Kemen, you lil shit. With bad hair.
"How does it feel to have a daughter who's ashamed of you?" "Not as bad as it must feel to never live up to your dad's expectations and conditional love, buddy."
Hahaha the punch was well-deserved. I love it.
"No," he says, like a liar.
Dwarf angst noooo :(
But Disa didn't swear :€
"We will complete the Rings of Power" like, a prediction for the full series?
"Gondor, I mean, Eregion calls for aid!"
Hallo Glüg.
Sindarin this time, interesting.
Time for the exes to unionize!
Well I'm very sad about Valandil. There better be fanfic for him (and none for Gretchen Weiners/Kemen, bye).
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diaphin93 · 2 months
Thank you for pointing out the Dimidue vs Dimilix thing. I get loving angst and why people ship the latter. But what really grinds my gears is the fact that Dimidue has less fanfiction than Dimiclaude. Dimitri and Claude barely even interact together in game. They interact more in Hopes. Meanwhile Dedue and Dimitri are practically inseparable. Their paired ending has Dedue being the royal consort. I can't help but wonder if it's because Claude is lighter skinned and more "conventionally" attractive.
The Edelcrit crowd keeps trying to pain her as racist, but it's hard not to say the pot's calling the kettle when you look at how often they forget about Dedue when discussing Black Eagles vs Blue Lions.
Honestly? I think Dimidue has alot more high quality angst potential than Dimilix in my opinion. It makes me think of the impression a friend of mine had when first playing Azure Moon. During her first playthrough, she speculated that Dedues attitude was some act and it would be revealed that he wanted to get close to Dimitri to get revenge for his people, because he seemed to be just too calm and subservient for what was done to his people by Faerghus, while also keeping a distance from Dimitri during their supports. And I totally get this, I personally also would have initially assumed that Dedue hides more anger than he shows, because why set up the dynamic of him being a survivor of genocide by Dimitris people, if not for some pay off, especially considering Azure Moons themes of revenge and being haunted by the dead? Alas, it didn't came to be because the game instead has Dimitri just play Faerghus police by squashing the Duscur Rebellion without another genocide, instead of turning against the nobles who commit it to begin with, and Dedue is effectively written out of the story in Part 2, due to being an optional re-recruit you can easily miss and so that Dimitri can have his loner boar arc.
Also I'm not really saying that I want Dedue to ultimately turn against Dimitri and become his enemy, but some messy complicated feelings and resentment would have added much needed depth to both the plot and Dedues character. Usually you would expect it to be like Dedue claiming to actually hate Dimitri for what Faerghus people did to his, while having conflicting feelings because over the years he grew to genuinly love and care for him, while it would have been a good growing experience for Dimitri, becoming much more aware of the pain and resentment others feel, similar to his own hatred against Edelgard, and how he as the King ultimately shares his own responsibility for Faerghus bloody history. Sadly the game never challenged Dimitri to this extent and makes his entire character development purely centered around Byleth and Rodrigue, but I think the set up has alot of potential for some introspection and alot of Angst when shipping those two.
But alas it shows the Fandoms strong racial bias against men of color, especially those who present as very masc. Instead they go for your typical two light-skinned Bishonen options for the most part. When it comes to Dimitri and Claude, I have my own problems with the ship. It is for all intends and purposes basically just Dimigard in Yaoi, the ship centers usually purely Dimitris values and validates his feelings and perspective over Claudes, enforcing this very white savior-esque perspective on themes of racism. I would say Hopes even made this much more clear, considering how their interactions are fairly awkward and Claude practically promises Dimitri to turn on him when it comes to taking out the church, something strongly hinted at in AG's ending. Alas, I also think they lack alot of chemistry and I have a problem with how Claude inside Blue Lions routes is always marginalized and turned into either a sidekick or PoC in Distress for Dimitri to act as a white savior towards, with little agency and respect for his own perspectives and ambitions. It is different in the case of Edelgard and Claude, where superficially people claim that he just follows everything Edelgard says, ignoring the larger context of him acting the entire time to push forward his own ambitions and that there differences are much more nuanced, them agreeing in their opposition against the Church and Crests but otherwise having distinct goals.
But back to the topic, I would say, yes, Claude being a more conventionally attractive in anime terms, which means bishonen, and lighter skinned PoC plays strongly into it. Claude being smaller and presented as physically weaker than Dimitri also usually pushes him into the position of the Bottom or Uke in that ship, which is another problem in the way PoC's are often represented, namely that Brown Men are usually only validated when they can be contextualized as emasculated and the more effeminate part of a ship compared to the stronger and more dominent white partner. We see this Dynamic play out in one of the most notorious Edelcrit ships, which also features DimiClaude. It generally reveals a strong racist element inside Fandom by erasing Claudes culturally middle eastern inspired heritage by recontextualizing Almyra as Japanese, a culture that white supremacy often contextualizes as the Model Minority, and presents him as the submissive to Dimitris dominant, while also being used to elavate Dimitris status as a white savior to further glorify him. I think this happening in one of the most popular FE3H Fanfics, that goes into alot of religious apologetics as well and involves strong misogynistic themes both surrounding Byleth and Edelgard, reveals a strong anti-MENAT (an extended acronym to also include turkey) bias inside the community.
As I said, FE3H is a true microcosm of fandom and its typical biases, bigotries and problems, which is thanks to its diverse cast. The top list of AO3 ships also showed so much, it was predominantly white and light-skinned asians and alot of Harry Potter.
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ninanoone · 15 days
This is probably going to be my second and last written post. Because I’ve got to talk of this crack ship that I don’t know if I was the first to think of it, but I thought of it since at season 4 and now here we are. The brain worms have overcome me. Anyways point taken, the crack ship that I don’t know how the hell, I came up with in some sort of moment of insanity, was Peng. With the Jade Emperor/Yu Huang/Yudi.
Hear me out, please. It has some foundation.
It started with the though “why is Peng even part of the brotherhood?” It didn’t make sense, the prideful, vane, pesky, sassy wine aunt. Why was this sassy bird in a group all about unity and freeing the realms? Weird. Peng doesn’t seem like a character who would be with “oh yes, let’s bring down the higher ups” because Peng is a higher up. See In the original myth Peng is Dapeng, or the Golden Winged Peng, who’s literally Buddha’s political uncle, son of The Original Phoenix Fenghuang an ancient and very powerful being. Peng is maybe the only character who in the novel Wukong doesn’t defeat, but instead Buddha has to go over there and drag Peng’s ass back home.
“So why?” I wondered. And then an idea came to me. Peng’s the type of character who would absolutely join a revolution for some petty reason, just look at how he was with Macaque.
And knowing Peng is literally of the highest, wouldn’t that mean he could’ve gotten to meet the Jade Emperor?
And so I fell into the rabbit hole.
Because it’s even worse if we consider the fact Peng is a harpy eagle, and that they don’t do matting dances or shit. No, they are attracted to power, and who’s more powerful than the Jade Emperor? Buddha? Yeah but he’s out of the question. And it also would be funny to imagine Peng writing a letter to the Jade Empero finally after centuries of stalking the man and swooning over him, they confess their attraction to him, but being rejected because the Jade Emperor is married.
Which could then entail to Peng getting all pissed, because “how dare he deny them? When their obviously the better option? Isn’t it wrong to have a demon as a wife? Why does he break the rules when he wants?” And well imagine an angry Peng suddenly being approached by a certain blue lion telling him something about some rebellion and bla bla bla. And of course they would say yes to the offer. They want revenge. They are going to get revenge.
Bonus: Why did Azure approach Peng? Well it is said that phoenixes appear when a new emperor rises to the throne symbolizing it’ll be a good Emperor and bring prosperity and more. So it could’ve been Azure knowing that, and trying to approach Peng because of that reason, because of Peng’s lineage being Fenghuang’s firstborn so that they were the brotherhood very technical symbol of them rising up to be better.
Bonus 2: Peng’s VA implies they had an angry crush on Macaque, and if that’s true and they did what they did with macaque just for an angry crush, who doesn’t say they wouldn’t go crazier for another crush?
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raijintosworn · 26 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Cyan
Pronouns: she/they/he
Birthday (no year): 28/05 (I share my birth with Siegbert and am between Mercie and chrom!)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? From France, live in England so like 5 hours ahead of the toa clock so I miss a lot
How long is your roleplay experience? Like 15 years now??? What the fuck
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? So I had a friend in school who was a weeb and asked if I RP. And I thought he meant. You know. Nsfw. So I was like Ew no :( I am a teen that is gross. Then he explained he meant like fandom RP and how it works and then I joined him on GaiaOnline YES I'M THAT OLD THANKS AND YES I STILL USE GAIA. I started with hetalia. Yes I'd still like to die
How were you introduced to TOA? Lailah hinted at me for like 2 weeks with lines like "I joined this group and you know Gerome misses Cynthia" and I kept going "sounds fun :)" and did not realise they were hinting until they straight up asked. wow I have been here 6 months
Do you have any pets? No :( I don't have the time for them
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Summer despite you know. The bugs. But I can actually function in summer
What is your IRL occupation? Data entry; it's why I'm on the discord server most of my day now
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like cooking, baking, oh and I'm a cosplayer! I've been at it for 3 years and yes it's mostly fire emblem bar ONE (soon to be two)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Tales of (WHERE ARE MY TALES FRIENDS AT), Persona, critically acclaimed mmorpg FFXIV, octopath, ?? I'm not sure what else? I tried playing dragon age but it crashes constantly even with the fixes
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't think I have a fave type but I really really love Dragonair 🥺
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I once wrote about the ships I hate for an English exam. Got an A. But at what cost. One was a hetalia ship (I was a child.) and another was Bart and Milhouse. 😑 Yes that Bart and Milhouse.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was told to play Awakening because I'll love it and I'll totally love all these characters. Um. I never finished it. Then Fates came out, twitter didn't shut up about that and I refused to play it. Then 3H came out. I saw Edelgard and it was joever for me. So I bought it and I've been here ever since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Engage, 3H, Fates (all three routes baby), Awakening, Echoes, Warriors, Sacred Stones, a little FEH until I was put off cause I summoned Easter Xander, a little FE7 and I WILL. FINISH. PATH OF RADIANCE. I SWEAR TO YOU ALL RIGHT NOW.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: first was technically Awakening but I didn't like it so I dropped it until 2022 I wanna say? So really my first FE was 3H. My favourite? Depends on the day.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series!
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening:- Fates:- Three Houses:- Engage:
Favorite Fire Emblem class?
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran)
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon)
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?)
Current TOA muses: Cynthia and Ryoma!
Past TOA muses? Alas :(
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Cynthia! My beloved. I didn't think she could be such a strong muse I picked her up cause I was bullied into it. Now she bullies me daily
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know actually? I love posh assholes. I love sweet girls. I love chaos characters. I dunno you should see my muse list on my indie it's a wild mix
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I wanna write unrepentant assholes but I can't :( I struggle with that. I'm trying tho
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) um. Well. I like intimate stuff if you're picking up what I'm putting down. But then I run away about 2 replies in so I write fanfic usually. I like kissing too. Um. I love high emotional scenes too. If I could describe my writing style, it's "My Dinner With Andre - the novel" (I've never seen the film but I get the gist)
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want Ryoma to be happy. Like genuinely I want him to be in a place where he can forgive himself, maybe even forgive the nohrians. I want him to move on and have a peaceful life as a teacher. But I also want him to fall in love which is. So silly. But. My brain is a shipper lol. As for Cynthia? Hm. I have thoughts for her but that's a whole arc
Favorite TOA-related memories? I dunno! I've had a lotta fun here but I can't think of any specific stuff offhand? Maybe how welcoming everyone was when I joined that was nice 🥺
Present or past tense? Present! I live in the moment! I tend to tense match but present. I like third person and second person POV too but I can't RP in second person BC it feels weird? I mostly write in second person if I'm writing a vent fic. Why? I dunno
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I like tiny text but again I size match. I snoop to see what my partner does and copy them :D
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  I am working towards the worst fucking creature. 0/10. I hate him (Innes. Yes he's my discord icon rn why do you ask). If someone else grabs him, hm. Tana? L'Arachel? I had more but I'm gunning for my moron mullet man ngl I have THOUGHTS
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verseandrhyme · 26 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
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Thanks Neffi!
Name: Vivi
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday (no year): December 22nd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Canada, TOA Standard Time.
How long is your roleplay experience? I've been roleplaying on Tumblr specifically for about 9 years now, but on the internet as a whole since I was first let on here unsupervised so who knows. If I had friends to play with as a kid, probably a lot sooner irl too.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I think it was first through Gaia Online roleplay forums for Kingdom Hearts, then later I moved to Quizilla where I was actually kinda semi-popular.
How were you introduced to TOA? Ree showed up in my dms and said "quit modding FERP. Join my new server." and then later that month I was there.
Do you have any pets? No, but I have two cats back home with my parents.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall and early Spring, because most of my wardrobe is geared towards then.
What is your IRL occupation? Customer Support Specialist for a video game company, but I just transferred out of Quality Assurance.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Video games in general, musical theatre, mythology, fairy tales.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Persona, Planet Zoo/Zoo Tycoon, Eiyuden Chronicles, In Stars and Time, I can go on forever.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire and Vulpix.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!)
I trained in theatre and studied sword fighting/stage combat.
I'm allergic to peanuts.
The doctor told my mom to avoid all nuts as a result, and aside from the Nutella they made me eat during my latest test, I have yet to eat any nuts willingly.
I have multiple scars on my right knee.
My mom lost me on a cruise ship when I was 4.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was playing Awakening and would let me try it, but not let me make any save files, so I played the first few maps over and over until I was able to eventually get my own copy and make it past the first three chapters.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Tellius games, Awakening, Fates games, Shadows of Valentia, Warriors Games, Three Houses/Hopes, and Engage.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First: Awakening! Favorite: Fates!
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Setsuna, Mitama, Saber, Reyson, Yunaka.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Gaius! It was on sight I completely abandoned my plans to S-rank Frederick for him. It's the VA, he keeps getting me like this.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Crushes, no.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Gaius / probably still Gaius - Fates: Kaden/Laslow/Silas / Ryoma/Kaze/Setsuna - Three Houses: Ferdinand/Seteth/Sylvain(?)/Claude / idk probably the same - Engage: Pandreo / Still Pandreo but also Yunaka, Gregory, Diamant, Rafal, [...]
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Thief!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I want to be one of those incredibly stupid villager units that you have to keep alive but keep running towards the enemy.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Swords, Gauntlets. Bane: Heavy Armor, Flying.
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) uuuuh Firene.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters.
Current TOA muses: Mitama, Yunaka.
Past TOA muses? Bernadetta, Saber, Setsuna, Charlotte, Sylvain. I'm probably forgetting someone.
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Bernadetta! I think I'm satisfied with what I did with her, she can rest.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) People who say one thing but mean another and won't communicate their feelings clearly. This doesn't say anything about me as a person.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I want to try an antagonist at some point but I lack the emotional willpower to go up to three muses for long. I also don't think I could handle writing a lord or someone important, I like my guys who don't matter.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know how to explain this because it's v vibe base. I like when there's emotional tension. I like seeing interactions between other characters weave together. I like building towards something bigger. Scenes where someone breaks and finally talks about something they've been holding back.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want to force Yunaka to talk about her past with people I want that shit to get dragged out to the open I want that shell cracked open to the meat baby.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Happyland2024 was a lot of fun and I'm glad that was my first lore event back, I had a great time with everyone. Team Justice will always be dear to me, as that was the moment that really got me hooked on TOA. Getting Nat's Innes' name in babe hunt just to beat Lilly's Cynthia and Lilly's reaction always makes me laugh.
Present or past tense? Lately I've been doing present more but the thing about me is that if I stop thinking for two seconds I change tense without noticing.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal text, but lately I've just been matching whatever other people cook.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Saber quieted back down, sorry guys. I still think about trying Peri one day, and I would like to try and see if Setsuna vibes again because I miss her. I thought about Louis out of nowhere the other day, that was weird.
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- ashertickler 🍑
my first run was blue lions!! I picked Dimitri
next run was black eagles (crimson flower) and I recruited Felix to Marry him
and then another CF for Lindhardt
I'm currently working on another CF and another AM (for several characters, I'm gonna do a bunch of back loading to get SEVERAL s- supports for separate end runs)
and then I'm going to golden deer for lore and Claude
my favs are dima, Felix, linnie, Bernie, Hubert, Claude, and shamir
I have 3 fav ships: ashedue, ferdibert, and sylvix (but also a lot of the fhargeous 4 (I kick Ingrid out for dedue because I don't like her.) I like em because seriousxsilly plus their actual dynamics
I am also super not normal about this game I've had it since it came out I look forward to talking about it
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
City of Death
While taking in the sights of Paris in 1979, the Fourth Doctor and Romana sense that someone is tampering with time. Who is the mysterious Count Scarlioni? Why does he seem to have counterparts scattered through time? And just how many copies of the Mona Lisa did Leonardo da Vinci paint?
even if your not a classic who fan, you have seen moments from this, “wonderful butler, he’s so violent”, “youre a beautiful woman, probably”, “if you wanted an omelette I’d expect to find a pile of broken crockery, a cooker in flames, and an unconscious chef”. The location shooting, iconic, the music, iconic, the plot, so iconic I was once watching something (non doctor who) that referenced it as a fake historical event. Dare I say duggan is the greatest side character of all time. Romana’s outfit, the design of scaroth, the implication time lords can fly. it’s not my favourite overall, but its damn near close, it deserves AT LEAST the semi finals, AT LEAST. If you’ve not seen it or any classic who, go watch it, its so good, one of the best of the era. Also, how could I forget, the most watched episode on broadcast out of all of doctor who, including new who. (yes it was because itv was off the air due to strikes, but im glad its this episode that holds the record) (anonymous)
Doctor Who and the Pirates
All aboard, me hearties, for a rip-roaring tale of adventure on the high seas!
There'll be rum for all and sea shanties galore as we travel back in time to join the valiant crew of the good ship Sea Eagle, braving perils, pirates and a peripatetic old sea-dog known only as the Doctor!
Gasp as our Gallifreyan buccaneer crosses swords with the fearsome Red Jasper, scourge of the seven seas and possessor of at least one wooden leg! Thrill as Evil Evelyn the Pirate Queen sets sail in search of buried treasure, with only a foppish ship's captain and an innocent young cabin boy by her side! Marvel at the melodious mayhem which ensues as we sail the ocean blue!
And wonder why Evelyn still hasn't realised that very few stories have happy endings...
DOCTOR WHO AND THE PIRATES MY BELOVED Just. A masterpiece of somehow very sad nonsense with an entire episode full of Gilbert and Sullivan songs, all about trying to stop a young woman from committing suicide. Of course it is. The subtitle is ""The Lass Who Lost a Sailor"" which makes me feel emotions (HMS Pinafore's subtitle is The Lass Who Loved a Sailor). (@mischieffoal )
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vilandel · 6 months
Silver Beach
Summary Four Black Bulls, three Silver Eagles, within them four royals and one noble... Wouldn't this sound like disaster? Maybe, but not if those people are the four Silva Siblings with their respective significant others...
A/N @kalolasfantasyworld and her beach chapters in her amazing story Paper Hearts inspired me to write this Oneshot. I couldn't help it, her chapters made me wanting to go to the beach myself! But right now it is not possible... But at least, I can write a fluffy beach oneshot with some of my favorite Black Clover characters and ships, plus my Rosette 🥰 It also got much longer than what I originally planned^^'
Ao3 link
“The Beach?”
Looking at the six incredulous people in front of her, Vanessa didn’t know if she should laugh or roll her eyes at their reaction. Maybe both. Asta, Noelle, Zora, Nebra, Solid and Rosette glanced at her as if she just suggested them to go train with Mereoleona Vermillion. As if spending three days at the beach would be just as frightening.
“Yes, the beach, all eight of us, as a family! Wouldn’t that be great?”
“I… guess so…” Solid replied, unsure. “But… really, all eight of us?”
“Why not? It would be the first time all of us would have a vacation together. As a family! Come on, please? I never got this before.”
“But Vanessa, you got this with the Black Bulls before, we went to the beach twice, remember?” Noelle replied sternly, but immediately shut up as Vanessa started to pout. She knew that a pouting Vanessa, especially with puppy eyes, made any discussions more difficult.
“But we only got there because we had a mission or because we needed to train! As great as it was, it wasn’t like a complete family vacation! And I want a family trip at the beach that is just that, just to hang out and be together, without any work as Magic Knights, without any duties or mission, without any training, just a normal family vacation. As normal as we can be as Silvas, Black Bulls and one noble, but you get the point.”
“Wait… So training, missions and workout are not normal for a vacation?”
“I think Astas worldview just fell into pieces,” Rosette said with a sympathetic giggle. Vanessa looked at Solids betrothed. Out of all six, she was the one who seemed the less shocked about her suggestion. Maybe she could get her on board easily? With Nozel and Rosette supporting her idea, the others had no room left to protest.
“What do you think, pearly? Wouldn’t you love to go to the beach?”
“Hm… Actually, why not? It comes a bit out of the blue. But I never went to the beach before, because… well, you know, my mother was convinced that it wasn’t good for my poor health. It certainly would be a nice experience. Even more so if it’s a family vacation, I never got those before.”
“See, you guys? Rosette NEVER got any of this before, reason more to go! Come on, Solid, cutie? You can’t refuse this to your betrothed!”
“I guess not…” Solid muttered.
“Really, so we’re doing this for a noble? Who do you take me for, a butler?”
“Of course not, Zor, and it’s Rosette! She was never mean to you!”
“Yeah, Ro is more than okay for a noble and this is probably the ONLY reason why I consider doing it, wino!”
“Zora, I would highly appreciate that you don’t call my girlfriend like that in my presence,” Nozel immediately replied. During the whole ordeal, he stood behind Vanessa, arms crossed, waiting for the outcome.
Noelle immediately looked at her oldest brother, like she was hoping he would have enough influence on Vanessa to make her stop.
“Brother, you’re the head of our family, what do you think?”
“Vanessa already asked me some time ago and she was very insistent. She also had very good arguments, so I accepted.”
“Well, do we have a choice then?” Nebra pouted. “Vanessa never gives up when she want’s something and it is difficult to come up with arguments when Nozel is supporting her. Now it’s even impossible, since Rosette is on board too.”
“Come on, we all need to have a few days of,” Vanessa continued. “Rosette never got a family vacation before and never went to the Beach. Asta has been working out and training nonstop since so many weeks. Noelle, you’ve been on edge since you finally made your entrance in noble circles, you need to relax. Solid needs more lessons in family bonding time and a vacation is the perfect opportunity for that. Nebra, you have been dealing with nobles and you played the diplomat for weeks for the sake of our romantic lives, you deserve a treat. Zora… Oh, don’t look at me like that, we all know that you need to learn how vacations work outside of pranking others and brooding in your corner. Nozel has been overwork with captain duties and the Silver Eagles lately, he NEEDS a proper vacation.”
“Really, overworking with captain duties? Is that possible?” Asta asked with genuine surprise. “I never seen captain Yami ever overwork before.”
“Well that’s because he is too laidback and admit it, lazy,” Noelle replied, flicking her hair in her favourite gesture. “If it weren’t for vice-captain Nacht, captain Yami would probably never do anything.”
“What, really?”
“I can vouch for that, pipsqueak.”
“And I can only confirm what Noelle and Zora said. You know how many times I heard Finral complain because captain Yami delegated ALL the paperwork onto him? Okay, I was most of the time too drunk to help him, but you get the picture. Nozels problem is quite the opposite, heck why I insisted that he finally get some vacation.”
“And what is your reason, witch, um, Vanessa?” Solid asked in a pout. He was told many times to call Vanessa, Zora and Asta by their names, but only slowly started to do so since Rosette asked him for it.
“Oh, I just want a family vacation, this can’t be too much to ask for, right? And you Silvas really need some more family time. Please, it’s really not much to ask for.”
“Oh no, not the puppy dog eyes,” Nebra complained. “If we don’t give in now, Vanessa will cry and Nozel will act as if we all killed the entire family.”
An exaggeration of course, but not a big one.
“Okay, we’re doing it,” Rosette declared, before it escalated. “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem for me to have three days free. But I’m also not a Magic Knight. So, what about you seven?”
“I’ve already took the days off for Nebra, Solid and me for the Silver Eagles. Three days, plus the fourth when we’ll go home. As for our Black Bulls… I admit that it wasn’t easy to discuss with Yami. I haven’t quite understood the reasons why he refused to give you four some days off. But he complied after I talked with Charlotte and she… somehow persuaded him. Don’t ask me how, I’d rather not talk about this interaction.”
Given his tone, it must have been a heavy interaction.
“Well, that’s settles it then!” Vanessa exclaimed, not leaving anyone more room to protest. “We’ll be going in one week to Raque, the Silvas have a villa there, so we won’t need to pay for a hotel!”
“Those fucking royals have another residence than the damn palace?”
“Shut up, Zora. Plus, we might need some new beach things before we go. Noelle, Nebra, Rosette, the four of us are going to have some swimsuit shopping. A girls outing, wouldn’t that be nice?”
“But we already have swimsuits and you even more than anyone!”
“Details, Noelle cutie, details.”
If there was something the Silvas and their respective partners ever learned, it was that no one could say no a witch and live to tell the tale.
“So, which one should I wear, the seashell one or the fake-lace one?” Vanessa asked, holding the two bikinis in front of her.
“Neither, they barely cover you and don’t even leave room for imagination!” Noelle yelled, while taking a cushion from the couch and hiding her face behind it.
“As much as I appreciate the fashion sense of each, I would prefer if you only wear those only when you’re alone with my brother and please, only in your bedroom, not in public,” Nebra casually answered, more focused on choosing her own bikini for today than on Vanessas barely covering options.
Rosette just hummed, while adjusting her new strawhat on her head. It was coloured in an elegant bright pearly grey, decorated with an apple green ribbon and another one in flamingo pink. It had such large borders that it easily covered her whole body with its shadow.
The four girls were now in the little salon of the Silva Villa in Raque – which was located a bit away from the town and directly in front of the beach – and started to get ready for the day. The room was currently full of swimsuits and bikinis in any colour or shape imaginable, most of them coming from last week’s shopping trip.
“Well, there is nothing wrong with showing some skin at the beach,” Vanessa replied, while putting the two bikinis back on the armchair and holding up another one. A dark green one which had the shape of a snake. Literally.
“That one is even worse than the two others, it covers even less!” Noelle screamed while hiding her blushing face again, this time with a yellow bikini. One that was actually pretty familiar…
“Oh, sweetie, I know that one. You had bought that when we Black Bulls went to Raque for the first time!”
“Yeah… But Asta hasn’t noticed it back then. He barely even looked at me…”
“Goodness, you were already madly into Asta back then?”
“Oh, she was, Nebbie love, but she was still in her denial phase. Noelle was in denial for very long, actually.”
“Could you two please stop teasing me about my denial phase? I’m not proud of it, okay, so leave it!”
“What do you think?” Rosette asked before it escalated. She was already ready for the beach. Not only was she wearing her large strawhat, but also one of her new bikinis. Both pieces were in royal blue, with flounces of different lengths. The border of each flounce had a small flamingo pink stripe, fitting with the blue and also with her big hat. The flounces seemed to puff a bit both pieces of Rosettes bikini, like a ballerina dress, which somehow underlined her thin frame.
“Looking good, Rosette,” Nebra commented with an appreciating glance. “I always knew that flounces would look great on you.”
“I agree, your beach outfit is a sight, Ro. And of course, you still had to wear something grey,” Vanessa smiled while pointing at Rosettes large strawhat.
“You know me, it won’t be me with at least something grey. So girls, you better get ready as well, or the boys might go to the beach without us,” Rosette giggled before sitting down on an armchair and putting on some grey flip-flops.
“Our pale rose is right, silver sweeties, time to make the final decision… at least for today,” Vanessa declared solemnly before looking at her bikinis again. “Hm, I think you’re right, Nebbie, the seashell one and the fake-lace one should be a view for Nozel only, the snake one too. If I wear those today, Zora would snicker again, plus Solid and Asta are still too innocent, especially Asta. Hm, how about this burgundy one? It covers more.”
“No it doesn’t, it is translucid!”
“True, Noelle, thank you. So, this one is also for Nozel only. Hm, how about the emerald green one? It goes well with my hair colour and it is quite exotic with those braided strings which goes slightly around the waist, as well as those three flounces on the side. Oh, or this pale pink one? Simple, but covering the quite necessary while still leaving enough for the imagination. Or maybe the teal one?”
“Vanessa, if you continue like this, you’re going to spent all three beach days choosing for one bikini to wear. And I don’t think my dear older brother wants to spent his first holidays since long waiting for you. As for me, I take the black one for today,” Nebra said while holding her definite choice in front of her with satisfaction.
It was black bikini with a very deep straight neckline, rose pink braided straps and also a rose  pink braided belt at the bottom piece. Nebra then put on a black braided ankle bracelet above her left foot, covered with little seashells and a Silva cross, adding rose pink flip-flops as a final touch.
Meanwhile, Rosette joined Noelle to help her choose her swimsuit for today. After some discussions, they opted for a green one, which had a similar shape to Noelles yellow bikini. This one had three different shades of green – jade, pine and seafoam – that seemed to melt together like ink in water. Rosette also gave Noelle some black beach sandals, for which she won’t be worried to get them ruined.
Vanessa of course took the longest to choose, but in the end she opted for a lavender purple bikini with only one strap and added to the left of the bottom piece, a translucid shawl of the same colour, descending down to her knees. It underlined her forms perfectly. She wore dark lavender flip-flops to it. Now, all four girls were ready.
“Holly, Dolly, please clean up all of this and put them back into our chambers. After that, go enjoy your day off in Raque, I’ll see this evening for dinner.”
Rosettes maids – identical twins with lovely red curls, many freckles and chocolate brown eyes – bowed before getting all the remaining bikinis out of the little salon, while giggling and chatting with familiarity.
“You are all so lucky, your men are looking so great today.”
“I would even say hot, but this is way too bold.”
“You are so lucky, lady Vanessa, lord Nozel has some well-defined muscles, a dream, no wonder you fell for him.”
“Lord Asta is amazingly buff, he just needs to be a bit bigger.”
“Oh, Holly, this was mean.”
“Dolly, I didn’t meant it that way, but it’s true. Lord Solid and lord Zora are very good-looking too.”
“So true! Ah, we really shouldn’t focus on one type of gorgeous men when there are so many options.”
“Exactly, why only choosing on buff men over beanpoles when you can have both?”
“That’s enough, you two,” Rosette interrupted, rolling her eyes. She was used to her maids familiarity and antics since years, she was also the only one who could tell them apart. The Silva villa in Raque was of course not as big as the Silva Palace, so it had less household, one housekeeper, two cooks and two servants to clean. All have known Acier and were thrilled to see her children return to this villa, along with their partners. Holly and Dolly only came on the trip because Rosette was fond of them and because they became some of the servants the Silvas could fully trust.
After the twin maids disappeared, Nebra clapped her hands. “Well, since we all are finally dressed up, what are we waiting for?”
Their boyfriends – or fiancé in Rosettes case – were all waiting for them on the veranda. Nozel had his arms crossed, looking at the sea that was just a few meters away from the villa. He wore night blue swim trunks, flip-flops of the same colour and pale blue open shirt. His eternal braid shined in the sun.
Zora leaned against the wall next to the door with an annoyed grin. His trunks were dark grey, almost black, with some beach sandals that had certainly seen better days and he still wear his eternal mask.
Solid was almost on the small path towards the beach, with two floaties in his arms. One that looked like a pink donut, the second one had the shape of a fat flamingo. He wore bright teal swim trunks with small red borders and red flip-flops, colour choices that made Nebra slightly frown.
Asta stood next to Nozel, a big and happy smile on his face. His swim trunks were black with two big orange stripes at the bottom and he had flip-flops made out of straw at his feet. It didn’t look comfortable, but Asta only bought them because he thought that they were cool. He had two enormous baskets in each arm, courtesies of Charmy for their first picnic at the beach.
“Ah, the ladies are finally here,” Zora welcomed them with a snicker. “Did you really bought so many swimsuits that it took you this long to choose?”
Nebra gave him an affectionate deadly glare while Vanessa just shrugged. “This part is one of the joy of beach days, Zor. Oh, honey, you look so good in your beach outfit!”
Nozel blushed slightly, but still smiled softly, to Vanessas greatest delight.
“Woah, Noelle, you look very good in that bikini! Is that a new one?”
“Really, Asta? You noticed it this time, but not the first time?”
“Huh? What do you mean, Noelle?”
“Nothing, nothing at all!”
“Can we go now?” Solid pouted after he was ogling at Rosette for a few seconds.
Nozel nodded, which was the signal. All eight of them went to the beach that faced the Silva villa. To Vanessas insistence, Nozel didn’t reserved the beach, but it was still empty, as the rest of the people of Raque were actually at the part of the Beach that was right at the city. Still nearby, though, as they could see those beach visitors quite well from where they were standing.
Nebra immediately went to the lounge with the parasols and the chaise-longue’s, took one of her fashion magazines out of her bag as well as one pair of sun glasses, sat down on the best chaise-longue in her mind and started to read.
“Don’t want to swim yet, Nebra?” Rosette asked, while getting the sunscreen out of one of the baskets Asta was holding.
“Hm, no… I’m royalty, I don’t need to swim. Although… maybe I will go near the water later today? Just to see Zora swim, that is. Give me the sunscreen when you’re finished.”
“I will swim only if you will, Little Miss Royal.”
“Try me, peasant.”
“Is that a challenge. Oh, I will remember that.”
“Yeah, don’t hope too much. And for fuck’s sake, put some sun protection on, red only suits you with the hair, not with the skin.”
Zora groaned, but didn’t replied anything about the sunscreen argument. As a ginger, he easily went red in the sun without proper protection. In fact, with the exception of Asta, all of them needed sunscreen.
“Maybe you should put on some too, Asta,” Noelle said while handing her boyfriend the sunscreen bottle. But he just shook his head with a grin.
“Thank you, Noelle, but I don’t need that. My skin is strong and I never got a sunburn once in my life!”
“You almost got one the last time we went to the beach with the Black Bulls, though.”
“But I didn’t!”
“I would suggest that you might still put some protection on, Asta,” Nozel interjected, while he put some sunscreen on Vanessas back. “Just because you have a stronger skin complexion than the rest of us doesn’t mean that you’ll never get sunburned.”
“Thank you for your concern, captain Nozel sir, but don’t worry about me! I will surpass my limits and not getting sunburned!”
“Alright, do as you please. But don’t complain that no one warned you if it happens.”
“It will probably, big brother. Vanessa, have brought some potions with you, in case Asta got a sunburn?”
“Sure thing, sweetie. Speaking of your boyfriend, how are the lessons going?”
“Lessons?” Nozel asked, while turning around and getting is shirt off, so that Vanessa could put some sunscreen on his back.
“Swimming lessons, big brother. Asta still can’t swim. And… well, I can tell you, I have given up very long ago. Teaching him how to swim is like trying to make Kirsch say that he’s ugly or to persuade Luck to not fight ever again. It’s just impossible!”
“That bad, huh?”
“You have no idea, Vanessa. And he will probably tell us that he trained in secret and that I’m overreacting. But since he continues to drown in less than four feet and is so terribly stubborn, I really lost all hope that he’ll learn to swim one day.”
“Less than four feet?” Nozel and Vanessa asked, bewildered by the reveal.
“I know, it is so ridiculous! Even more that it’s true. Maybe you’ll witnessed it today, which I still hope not. I won’t tell you the details. But just so you know, I gave up on giving Asta any swimming lessons. Especially after that incident with the donut and the three black cats. You don’t wanna know! And no, Vanessa, no cats had been drowned!”
Nozel and Vanessa looked at each other, still bewildered. They had no reason to not believe Noelle, but then, how crazy had it been to teach Asta how to swim?
Meanwhile, Rosette went closer to the sea. It was the first time she saw it properly and directly, so it was quite the sight for her. The waves crashing on the sand, going back and coming again, the fabulous blue of the water, the seagulls screaming, that scent of salt and sand in her nose…
Slowly, Rosette got her flip-flops of and put her feet into the water. It wasn’t as cold as she imagined, it was actually warm but not too much, just enough that it still felt refreshing without giving a cold feeling.
Rosette closed her eyes. This was truly one of the best days of her life. It had been the right decision to go live with the Silvas…
“Enjoying yourself?”
“Oh, hey Solid. Did you came to swim?”
“No, I’m not going to swim today. I can, I just don’t want to, that’s all.”
“But since you can swim and since you won’t, why did you brought two floaties with you?”
“Because I could?”
Rosette giggled, this was such a typical answer coming from her fiancé. And it actually gave her an idea. Maybe she was spending a bit too much time with Zora, but it would certainly be fun. Later today.
“Let’s go back, dear betrothed. I think Vanessa brought a frisbee and I always wanted to try that. Care to join me?”
Solid sounded unbothered, but Rosette could tell that he was excited. Laughing at his adorable behaviour, she took his arm and lead him back to their lounge.
The picnic Charmy prepared for them was close enough to be a little banquet and just as delicious. She put the favourite food and dishes of each of them in the basket, not forgetting the three Silver Eagles and Rosette. Plus, the lavender syrup she created for the occasion was sweet and refreshing. Since Charmy learned that having lavender in some of their desserts was a tradition for the Silvas since generations, she learned any recipe with lavender she could find and of course, created her own dishes by the occasion.
It was peaceful during the meal, just chatter and laughs, even Nozel seemed very relaxed, he even got his shirt off, to Vanessa delight.
Seeing her betrothed lying lazily on his chaise-longue after the meal, Rosette decided to put her idea into action. Discreetly approaching him and putting her flip-flops and her strawhat aside, she acted as if she wanted to borrow one of Nebras fashion magazines.
Suddenly, she took Solids flamingo floatie and run as fast as she could towards the sea, under the surprised glance of her companions.
“Hey, come back here!” Solid yelled and run after his fiancée. With his other floatie.
“Ha, Ro really has some guts, are you sure she’s a noble after all?”
“Of course she is, she just spend some time with you, after all. This might influence her in a way, peasant.”
“Do you have something to say, Little Miss Royal?”
Leaving Zora and Nebra with one of their flirty arguments, Nozel, Vanessa, Noelle and Asta went after Solid and Rosette.
The betrothed were already knee deep in the water when they arrived. Solid looked down, as if he only realized that he was in the water and forgetting his flamingo floatie for a moment, while Rosette giggled helplessly, happy that she lead him so far.
“You just wanted to get me in the water, didn’t you?” Solid finally said deadpanned.
“Of course, future husband. We’re at the beach, it’s not logic to not go in the water.”
“That is the spirit, Ro!”
“What? But our pale rose is right, honey.”
Nozel was probably about to reply, but never got the chance, as they heard Nebra scream. Just a moment after, they saw Zora running towards the sea, holding Nebra like a potato sack over his shoulders. Before any of them actually could process what was exactly happening, Zora already reached them, went into the water passing Rosette and Solid, before throwing his girlfriend into the waves.
“You will pay for this, peasant!”
“And what will you do to me, your Royal Majesty? Execute me with illusions or- Argh!”
Nebra immediately went back on her feet and jumped on Zora, making them both fall. And before their companions realized what happened, some kind of water battle started between the two, kinda difficult to follow.
“Since when is Nebra acting so unproper for a royal?” Solid asked, completely dumbfounded to see his older sister act that way.
“I guess it is since she started to date Zora, future husband.”
“Should we stop them?”
“Noelle, sweetie, do you have a death wish? Just let them be and enjoy the show?”
“I will stop them.”
“Captain Nozel, Vanessa, why are you so worried? Oh, did Noelle told you that I can’t swim? Don’t worry, Noelle is kind to be worried about me, but I promise that she is just overreacting.”
“I’m not overreacting! At least, not on that topic, that is.”
“What I haven’t told Noelle yet, I actually have been training how to swim in secret for long.”
“And how and where, Bakasta?”
“Back in my bedroom, on a chair. Apparently, it works.”
Nozel and Vanessa looked at each other, frowning, while Noelle was just done. Solid and Rosette were confused about the conversation, while Nebra and Zora didn’t pay any attention, still focusing on their naval battle. At least, they seemed to call it that way.
“I proved it to you all! See, I just take a few step and…”
Noelle sighed and started to count on her fingers. “Three, two, one.”
Under the confused glances of Nozel, Vanessa, Solid and Rosette, Asta was actually genuinely drowning. In four foot deep water. Noelle just snickered. After trying to teach her boyfriend how to swim for so long without any success, of course she realized what was about to happened. She had witnessed it so many times.
But Asta did stop the fight between Zora and Nebra, just not the way he intended to. With his scream, he got their attention and the two angry lovebirds were dumbfounded to see him drowning just in front of them. At a spot where the water wasn’t deep at all.
Zora and Nebra quickly grabbed Astas arms, pulling him out and holding him firmly so that he won’t get drowned again.
“Excuse me if I sound rude, Asta, but how do you manage to drown in only four feet?”
“Yeah, what the fuck?”
“Well, Bakasta, have you learned your lesson?”
“Huh? No, I wasn’t swimming right now…”
“That is not what I meant. So?”
“Oh, that… Really, in front of Vanessa, Zora, Rosette and your siblings?”
“Okay… When I go into the sea or a lake, never without a floatie until I finally learned completely how to swim and always listen to you or other swimmers.”
Vanessa giggled.
Solid and Rosette looked at each other, then at the floaties which they were still holding. Which were also the only floaties right there.
Rosette then just shrugged and put the flamingo floatie right under Asta. “Here, you can use this one for today.”
“We can go to Raque the next morning and buy a floatie just for you, Bakasta.” Noelles voice was much more softer right now. As much as Asta could get on her nerves sometimes, she still loved him dearly.
Zora and Nebra nodded at each other, before dropping Asta onto the floatie. First he was confused, but then found his usual good mood again. “Hey, it is actually really funny. Solid, you got such a good idea to bring them, thank you!”
“You’re welcome… Wait, did the peasant just complimented me?”
No one answered him, as Asta just started to paddle on the flamingo floatie, laughing when he met a wave. Solid looked at his donut floatie, then at his fiancée, who splashed some water at Zora and Nebra, only to get splashed back immediately. Hm, maybe Rosette wasn’t wrong, maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to go into the water while being at the beach.
Besides, he needed to defend the honour of his betrothed. At least, it was a good excuse.
“Hey, sister, peasant, this calls for revenge!”
“Revenge? Excuse me, Solid, but it was YOUR fiancée who started- Ouch! Okay, you will pay for that!”
“Get your stupid lil’ bro, Little Miss Royal! Hey, Ro, what was that for?”
“You called my fiancé stupid, Zora!”
“Hey, wait for me!” Noelle laughed as she went also into the chaos and splashed the four. Only to get it back four times.
Asta laughed and paddled back at them, just to get splashed by Zora. Not losing his good mood at all, Asta tried to give it back, but somehow got Nebra and Noelle instead, who immediately joined forces to make him pay.
Nozel and Vanessa were now the only ones still not in the water, observing this chaotic naval battle.
“What about us, honey? Should we join them?”
“Do you think we should?”
“Come on, captain eagle, there is nothing wrong with this kind of fun. And it is the golden opportunity for you to bond more with more with your siblings! There’s no better bonding for siblings than fun!”
Without letting him any opportunity to protest, Vanessa took Nozels hand and pulled him into the water, right next where the other six where laughing and splashing. Without losing any time, as she knew that she needed to act fast before Nozel would maybe flee, Vanessa throw some water at her boyfriend.
Nozel seemed to freeze, apparently trying to figure out what was happening. It was so adorable that Vanessa couldn’t help but laugh with affection.
“Oh, handsome, you should see your face, aren’t just the cutest- Huh!”
Nozel actually just gave her the same treatment. He even got a small, smug smile on his face. Smug, him. It was such a rare sight on his face, but Vanessa didn’t mind it. On the contrary, she loved to see different emotions on his face. It made him even more handsome. Especially when he was smiling.
“Oh my, honey. I really should do this more to you, I really adore that side of- Hm!”
Without any warning, Nozel took Vanessa into his arms and pulled into a deep, passionate kiss. His arms were firmly around her, holding her to him as close as possible. Vanessa closed her eyes, giving in to the kiss and putting her arms around his neck, enjoying his lips on hers and his presence.
Both Nozel and Vanessa actually forgot that they weren’t alone in the water, as the chaotic naval battle was still going on around them. They didn’t even noticed when they got splashed or when Asta came against them on his floatie.
It was just a perfect moment.
“Ouch, Vanessa, this hurts!”
“Hold still, Asta. It will hurt you more if you move around while I’m not finished to put this potion on your sunburn.”
“How did I ever got a sunburn, I was in the water most of the time!”
“Water doesn’t protect from sunburn and you were the only one of us who didn’t put any protection today.”
“Bakasta, tomorrow you will put sunscreen on, understood?”
“Yes, Noelle.”
“Good. I promise that I will pay your new floatie tomorrow, you can also choose which one you want.”
“Thank you, Noelle, you’re the best!”
“Asta, what did I say about moving around?”
“Sorry, Vanessa… OUCH!”
It was early evening, the sun just started to set and they were all on the veranda of the villa, where they would have dinner. Holly and Dolly went back from their free day in Raque, getting everything ready for some barbeque.
Nozel stand at the border, facing the sea but looking over his shoulder, at his family being happy.
Rosette and Solid were already around Holly and Dolly, looking with watery mouths at the meat and vegetables. Nebra and Zora were arguing about knives it seems and from the sounds of it, they seemed to even agree. It wouldn’t be the first time those two would argue about something they were actually agreeing on. Nozel gave up long ago to understand their relationship. Asta, who of course got a sunburn, was sitting on a chair, while Vanessa put some of her potions on his back. Noelle stood right next to them, arms crossed and frowning, but her eyes were still looking the purest affection at her boyfriend.
They still wearing their swimsuits and it didn’t look very royal, but they didn’t seem to mind. Nozel certainly didn’t.
It hadn’t been a bad idea. That all eight of them went on a small vacation together. Without any duties as royals or Magic Knights, without any missions, patrols or trainings. Without any memories about guilt issues, tragic pasts, curses. Just family bonding, affection, fun times and proper rest.
Vanessa had been right. It really do them all good. It did him so good for sure.
Looking over at the sky, Nozel couldn’t help but wonder what his mother would think right now. How it would be if she would have been there, with them today. With her children, with her future sons and daughters-in-law.
Nozel thought so often how it would have been if their mother would have been there. But lately, those thoughts didn’t hurt anymore. It gave him a warm feeling, as if his mother was now sending them her love from the afterlife.
“That is a lovely smile, honey. What is the reason for it.”
“Nothing specific, I’m just happy. Is Astas sunburn taken care of?”
“Yep, it should be settled tomorrow. But we all need to make sure he doesn’t forget to put sunscreen. And that he goes with a floatie in the water. Noelle is repeating it nonstop, especially to him. Aw, isn’t it cute how she is worried about him?”
It was and Nozel was actually proud of his baby sister. Smiling happily, he put one arm around Vanessas waist. She snuggled against him more than necessary.
This was truly perfect.
“Hey, dinner is ready!” Zora called. “You two over-romantic idiots better come here right now, or Ro will eat all of the best food away.”
“Hey, don’t be angry that I got the spare rips you were ogling on. Guys, how about a card game after dinner? Holly and Dolly bought it earlier, apparently it’s new on the market. We could try it and decide if it’s good or not.”
“How is it called and how is it played?” Noelle asked while choosing a big steak for her meal.
“Uno or something like that. It doesn’t seem that difficult. Not worthy of royalty maybe, but the rules doesn’t seem that difficult to understand.”
“Except maybe for the buff pipsqueak with the sunburn.”
“Hey, Zora, I heard that!”
Nozel and Vanessa smiled at each other, before joining the others around the barbeque. Yes, this vacation just started and it was already one of the best ones each one of them ever had.
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Warning! This was a lot of work so sorry for any errors and I do know that many songs could be moved to other categories, but I tried to balance everything and that's why the list looks like that!
No pics yet, but here are songs that:
Automatically go into The Ultimate NOT Another Song About Love Bracket (44 songs):
100 Gecs - I got my tooth removed (aka Dental Work Song)
Ado - Usseewa (aka Shut Up Song)
Bill Wurtz - At The Corner Store (aka Corner Store Song)
Bryant Oden - The Duck Song (aka Prank Song)
Danny Gonzalez - Bag Tho (aka Youtubers Song)
Maxwell Anthony - Aromantic moodboard (aka Aromantic Song)
Joan Jett - Bad Reputation (aka Bad Reputation Song)
Paul McCartney - Band On The Run (aka Band Break-Up Song)
Cavetown - Boys will be bugs (aka Boyhood Song)
ERA - Ameno (aka Dog Latin Song)
The Academic - Not Your Summer (aka Summer Song)
Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo (aka Tattoo Song)
Psychostick - We Ran out of CD Space (aka What if? Song)
The Eagles - Hotel California (aka American Culture Song)
Kero Kero Bonito - It's Bugsnax! (aka Bugsnax Song)
Saint Motel - Honest Feedback (aka Criticism Song)
Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (aka The Devil Song)
Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards - Gestapo (aka Fuck Donald Trump Song)
Owl City - Fireflies (aka Insomnia Song)
Bo Burnham - Welcome to the Internet (aka The Internet Song)
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (aka Istanbul Song)
Tom Cardy - Hey, I don't work here (aka Sudden Alien Invasion Song)
Lemon Demon - Spiral of Ants (aka Animal Metaphor Song)
Satellite High - The Bus Is Late (Waiting For The Bus In The Rain) (aka Late Bus song)
The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (aka Lucy Song)
sidney gish - persephone (aka Mispronunciation Song)
Jorge Velosa - La cucharita (aka Spoon Song)
Jhariah - DEBT COLLECTOR (aka Problems Song)
jimmy dean - big bad john (aka Sacrifice Song)
Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues (aka Regret Song)
The Narcissist Cookbook - Sugar In My Coffee (aka Food Metaphor Song)
Echosmith - Cool Kids (aka High School Song)
Car Seat Headrest - It's Only Sex (aka Asexuality Song)
Lemon Demon - Amnesia was her name (aka Amnesia Song)
The Doors - People Are Strange (aka Alienation Song)
Tally Hall - Banana Man (aka Food Song)
Jessica Law - This is Not a Place of Honour (aka Devastation song)
Mermaid Sisters - Galactic mermaid (aka Frustration song)
Pinnochiop - God-ish (aka Modern Culture Critic Song)
Owl City - Peppermint Winter (aka Christmas Song)
Green Day - Longview (aka Boredom Song)
Bastille - Daniel in the Den (aka Betrayal Song)
AsapScience - Periodic Table Song (... you get that one, I think)
Pete Seegar - Oh Freedom (aka Freedom Song)
Are part of Mental issues Song Bracket (8 from 75):
AJJ - Body Terror Song
AJR - Karma
Ashnikko - Panic Attacks in Paradise
awfultune - Redesign
Cg5 - Freak Out
Cg5 and The Living Tombstone - 4get
Chameleon Circuit - Nightmares
Creep-P - Exorcism
Danger Mouse, Daniele Luppe, Jack White - Two Against One
Eden Epinosa - Waiting in the Wings
Eve - Dramaturgy; Literary Nonsense; Tokyo Ghetto; How to Eat Life
Fin Argus - Ship in a bottle
Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a birdcage
Florence + the machine - free; falling
Gabby Young and Other Animals - In Your Head
grandson - In Over My Head; Despicable; Identity
Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Guchiry - Abnormality Dancing Girl
inabakumori - Lagtrain
Jack stauber - Dinner is not over
Jamie Christopherson - Only Thing I Know for Real
Jhariah - Flight of the Crows
Jhariah, Luis Chavez - These 4 Walls
Junie & TheHutFriends - The Consequence Of Imagination Is Fear
Kero KERO boni - toId rather sleep
Lemon Demon - I’ve got some falling to do
MGK - 9 lives
Miracle Musical - Labyrinth
mitski - a burning hill
Neru - Lost One's Weeping
Pale Waves - Noises
Patrick Stump - Explode
Qbomb - Everything is fine
Raghd - Pressure
Rainbow Kitten Surprise - It's Called: Freefall
Red Vox - In the Garden
Shayfer James - Your Father's Son
sidney gish - sin triangle
Simple Plan - Welcome to my life
Sufjan Stevens - I Want to Be Well
syudou - Bitter Choco Decoration
The Arcadian Wild - Tell It Like It Is
The cast of Next to Normal - Wish I were here
the crane wives - hollow moon; nothing at all
The Eagles - Desperado
the mountain goats - up the wolves
The score - Strange
This Could Be On Broadway - Just My Luck
Toh Kay - With Any Sort of Certainty
TUYU - I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!
wilbur soot - since I saw vienna
Will Wood - Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave; BlackBoxWarrior
will wood and the tapeworms - red moon
half alive - What's Wrong
Wowaka - Rolling Girl
The Weakerthans - Plea from a Cat Named Virtute
Cavetown - Home
Marina and the Diamonds - Are You Satisfied?
The Amazing Devil - The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace
the police - synchronicity ii
Eminem - Stan
Tears For Fears - Mad World
Gary Jules - Mad World
Jessica Darrow - Surface Pressure
Katherine Lynn-Rose - Price of Perfection; Top of my school
Kimya Dawson - Tree Hugger
Are part of War/History Song Bracket (2 from 24):
10000 Maniacs - Gun shy
Don Mclean - The Grave
Dropkick Murphys - Green Fields of France
Sting - The Russians
The Amazing Devil - Elsa's Song
The Cranberries - Zombie
The Mechanisms - Rose Red; Our Boy Jack; No Happy Ending
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Thirty Seconds to Mars - This is War
Nena - 99 Luftballons
My Chemical Romance - Mama
Bastille - Pompeii
pigwiththefaceofaboy - Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris
the buttress - brutus
Ghost and Pals - Aura
Weezer - The British Are Coming
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star
Jayli Wolf - Child of the Government
Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Paul Brady - Arthur McBride, or The Recruiting Seargent
Sabaton - The Attack of the Dead Men
Charming Disaster - Radium Girls
Are part of Revenge/Confrontation Song Bracket (4 from 36):
100 Gecs - Sympathy 4 The Grinch
Alice Francis - Shoot Him Down!
The Decemberists - Mariner's Revenge Song
Ryan Scott Oliver - Leave, Luanne
Aviators - Red Water Dreams
Bring Me The Horizon - medicine
Da games - Moving up in the world
Dalton Deschain & the Traveling Show - Devil's Night
Death Note the Musical - Playing His Game
Fish in a Birdcage - Four Aces
grandson - Bury Me Face Down
dead end paranormal park - My Frankenstein
I don’t know how but they found me - Choke
Jeremy Irons - Be Prepared
Jhariah - Whose Eye Is It Anyway???
Miles Luna and Benjamin Zecker - Better Than You
Naethan Apollo - You’re Not Welcome
Nightmare Time - Yellow Jacket
Olivia Olsen and Ashley Tisdale - Busted
Poor Man's Poison - Hell's Coming with Me
Queen - Death on Two Legs
Scene queen - The rapture (but it's pink)
steampianist - black hole
The Crane Wives - Take Me to War
the living tombstone, eliemonty - die in a fire
Vane Lilly - Perfectly Sweet
Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
StarKid (Twisted Musical) - No One Remembers Achmed
Lord Huronthe - World Ender
Lestat the Musical - After All This Time
ponyphonic - the moon rises
Schell Games - I Expect You To Die
Set It Off - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Martina McBride - Independence Day
Bruce Springsteen - Death to My Hometown
Gaelic Storm - The Night that I Punched Russel Crowe
Are part of Animal Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
DaniwellP - Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
Djjack - Pink Elephants on Parade
GWSNRecipe ~ For Simon
Hullabaloo - Mama Llama
Kila - Howls the wolf
Subwolfer - Give that wolf a banana
Nickel Creek - The Fox
Lemon Demon - Jaws
Thurl Ravenscroft - Everybody Wants to Be a Cat
Jonti Picking - Owls
Will Wood - Tomcat Disposables
mewithoutYou - The Fox, The Crow And The Cookie
Are part of Family Song Bracket (4 from 40):
ABBA - Slipping Through my Fingers
AJR - Dear Winter
Alex Benjamin - If We Have Each Other
The Crane Wives - Never Love an Anchor
Belle - Gales of Song
birds of tokyo - my darling, my son
Brotherhood of man - Save your kisses for me
Cat Stevens - Father and son
Clyde Rabatel (from No Straight Roads Soundtrack) - DK West Encounter 3
Conan Gray - Family Line
Daði freyr - Think about things
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Gregory & The Hawk - Boats & Birds
Johnny Cash - Boy Named Sue
Kacey Musgraves - Mother
Kodaline - Brother
lucy dacus - my mother & I
Of monsters and men - King and Lionheart
Starkid - When the World’s at Stake; The Power in Me
Passion Pit - Take a Walk
Phineas and Ferb Cast - Us Against the Universe
Radical Face - Always Gold
Set It Off - Dad's Song
Stromae - Papaoutai
Tayc - Qui
beetlejuice the musical - dead mom
twenty øne piløts - My Blood
MGK - Last November
Jessie Shelton (36 Questions Musical) - Our Word
Sasha Alex Sloan - Older
Marina and the Diamonds - The Family Jewels
Mitski - Class of 2013
The Amazing Devil - Welly Boots
Laura Shigihara - Jump
The Mechanisms - Once and Future King
Vienna Teng - Grandmother Song
Sleeping at last - Heirloom
surfjan stevens - should have known better
Rammstein - Dalai Lama
Are part of Friendship Song Bracket (2 from 28):
ABBA - Chiquitita Ross Lynch - Can't Do it Without You
BB Bean - Two Best Friends
Bears in Trees - Little Cellist
Beetlebug - Overgrown Garden
Catherine Warwick - Bein' Friends
Cavetown - Lemon Boy
Conan Gray - Best Friend
concrete blonde - take me home
harumaki gohan - cobalt memories
Julie and the Phantoms cast - Flying Solo
Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips
Louie Zong and Brian David Gilbert - Breezy Slide
Madison Reyes, Jadah Marie - Main Thing
Peach Pit - Tommys Party
Radical Face - Summer Skeletons
Sea Wolf - Old Friend
Taylor Swift - seven
The Scary Jokes - Friends With You
Toby Fox - His Theme
Varsity - Krissy
Wicked - Defying Gravity
Laufey - Best friend
depeche mode - never let me down again
Ghost Mice - Free Pizza For Life
Taylor Swift and HAIM - No body, no crime
The Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Gang of Youths - Achilles, Come Down
Are part of Crime Song Bracket (2 from 28):
Anthony Warlow - Alive
Jhariah - Knives Are Dangerous, Kid, So Cut the Theatrics!
Creature feature - The art of poisoning
Crooked Still - Wind and Rain/Twa Sisters
Danny Gonzales - I'm gonna kill Santa Claus
Death Grips - Beware
Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
Kanannon - The Riddle Solver Who Can't Solve Riddles
KuragePChururira - Chururira Daddadda
Lemon Demon - Sweet Bod
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Sodikken - people eater
steampianisti - feed
Teddy Hyde - Terry's Taxidermy
The Beatles - Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
The Cranberries - The icicle melts
The Garages - Firewalker with me
The Protomen - The Hounds
Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Yugami-P - Alice human sacrifice
The Stupendium - Fiend Like Me
Eliza Carthy - Mrs Dyer The Baby Farmer
George Ezra - Drawing Board
The Mechanisms - Lucky Sevens
The Crane Wives - Curses
Louis Armstrong - Mack the Knife
Panic! At The Disco - Time to Dance
Are part of Addiction Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
AJR - Weak
Linkin Park- Breaking The Habit
Dresden Dolls - My Alcoholic Friends
Eric Clapton - Cocaine
Florence + The Machine - Morning Elvis
Franz Ferdinand - Ulysses
grandson - Overdose; Pain Shopping
Jack Stauber - Coffee
Ringo Starr - The No No Song
The Living Tombstone - Drunk
The replacements - Here comes a regular
Are part of Fame Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
Albert Hammond - It never rains in southern California
Bug Hunter - Disco! in the Panic Room
Grand Commander - Fuck you im going underground
John Douglass aka jacksfilms - We're all just assholes talking to a camera
Måneskin - Gossip
The neighbourhood - Wires
Taylor Swift - Long Live
Are part of Supernatural Song Bracket (4 from 36):
Heather Dale - Black Fox
Lord Huron - Dead Man’s Hand
Alex Brightman, Sophia Anne Caruso - Say My Name
Lemon Demon - Cabinet Man
Ludo - Lake Pontchartrain
Alex Brightman, Sophia Anne Caruso - Say My Name
Bear Ghost - Necromancin Dancin
Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla
Bobby "boris" Pickett - monster mash
Charming Disaster - Wishing Well
Creature feature - The Greatest Show Unearthed
David Bowie - Magic dance
Feuerschwanz - Untot im Drachenboot
Single File - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
The Darkness - Black Shuck
The Longest Johns - Moby Duck
Weird Al Yankovic - Jurassic Park
Periphery - Reptile
steampianist - to our colorful scintillating future
Nancy Kerr - Fragile Water
The Hush Sound - Lighthouse
Cave mouth - Hecate
Kurt Elling - Nature boy
S. J. Tucker - Cheshire Kitten
The Living Tombstone ft. BSlick & Crusher-P - 1000 Doors
Jessica Law - Raising the Dead!
the forgetmenauts - charlatan in red
Everything Everything - Leviathan
The Searchers - Love Potion Number Nine
Tenacious D - Tribute
Thoushaltnot - The Haunted Phonograph
Heather Dale - Changeling Child
The lab rats - Devil's train
The Mechanisms - The Riddle Of The Sphinx
S.J. Tucker - Song of the Witches
Bug Hunter - 2 Bed, 2 Bath, and a Ghost
Are part of Piracy/Western Song Bracket (1 from 16):
Fish in a Birdcage Rule #23 - Birds of a Feather
Alestorm - Drink
The Longest Johns - The Last Bristolian Pirate; Wellerman
Master Bones Jangle - The Derelict
Brillig - The old captain
The Arrogant Worms - The Last Sasketchewan Pirate
Stan Rogers - Barrett’s Priveteers
The Longest Johns - Off to Sea
Brian David Gilbert - Pumpkin Cowboy
glen campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy
Jim Croce - You Don’t Mess Around With Jim
Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Marty Robbins - Big Iron
Tom Cardy - The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy
John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads
Are part of Positivity Song Bracket (4 from 52):
AURORA - Running with the wolves
Avril Lavigne - Here's to Never Growing Up
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Brent Morgan - Gonna Be Okay
Caleb Hyles - Amber and Rain
Chip Skylark - My Shiny Teeth and Me
Colbie Caillat - Try
Death - Let The World Turn
Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires
Delta Rae - Dance in the Graveyards
dodie - Secret for the Mad
Elsa - Show Yourself
Florence and the machine - daffodil
Go! Child - Outro
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Wake Up Everybody
I Fight Dragons - Disaster Hearts
Jeff Williams - This Life is Mine
Jimmy Cliff - You Can Get It If You Really Want It
Kenny Loggins - Footloose
Lord Huron - Until the Night Turns
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Måneskin - Zitti E buoni
MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land
Mother Mother - Infinitesimal
OR3O - Living on
Paloma Faith - Upside Down
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
Rhett and Link - I'm On Vacation
Rhythm Heaven - Beautiful One Day
Rise Against - Tragedy + Time
Something Else Yt - I’m Something Else
Sonic adventure 2 - Escape from the city
Stan Rogers - The Mary Ellen Carter
Steam Powered Giraffe - Malfunction
Steppen Wolf - Born The Be Wild
Surfaces - Sunday Best
Tamino - Indigo Night
The Black-Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
The Cog is Dead - Weird
The Crane Wives - Volta; Turn Out The Lights
The Crüxshadows - Quicksilver
The Mowglis - Bad Dream
Thomas Rhett - Be a Light
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz - I'm Me
Jack Johnson - Upside Down
VHS Christmas Carol - Christmas Electricity
Frank Sinatra - My Way
Tank and the Bangas - Black Folk
Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
The Stupendium - Shine Through
Are part of Mortality Song Bracket (4 from 54):
AJR - Bang!
Bears in Trees - Doing This Again!
Beth Kinderman - Refusal of the Call
Bowling for Soup - 1985
Coldplay - Viva la Vida
Dan Deacon - When I Was Done Dying
Dayglow - Junior Varsity
Death Cab for Cutie - Gold Rush
Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill
Eurielle - City of the Dead
House Phone - Drinking Song
Jeff Williams feat. Meredith Hagan - Contact Redux
Lord Huron - Frozen Pines
Lorde - Ribs
Madilyn Mei - Have I Outgrown Minecraft?
Megadeth - Time: The Beginning
My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade; The Foundations Of Decay
No, really - Beginning of the end
Oingo Boingo - Dead man's party
Rusty Cage - The Hearse Song
Orla Gartland - Souvenirs
Pale Waves - Act My Age
Peter, Paul, and Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon
Pim Stones - We Have It all
Radical Face - All Is Well (Goodbye, Goodbye)
Saintseneca - How many blankets are in the world?
The arcadian wild - The graduate
the cast of Adventure Time - Time Adventure
The Crane Wives - Keep You Safe
The Gregory Brothers - The Last Goodbye
The Kingston Trio - Where Have All The Flowers Gone
the mountain goats - pale green things; bleed out
the replacements - birthday gal
They Might Be Giants - Am I Awake?
Too Small the Limelight - Anatomy of a Car Crash
Will Wood - Cicada Days; Euthanasia
Yorushika - Say it
Alec Benjamin - Outrunning Karma
Anthony Warlow - I Need To Know
half.alive - creature
The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr A
The Hush Sound - That's Okay
Judy Kuhn - Just Around the Riverbend
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
The Mechanisms - Losing Track
The Audreys - Sometimes the Stars
Eve - Fight Song
John Mayer - Waiting on the World to Change
Jukebox the Ghost - Fire In the Sky/Where are all the Scientists Now?/A Matter of Time
Jessica Law - Six Years
The Highwaymen - Highwayman
Are part of Morality Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
Alec Benjamin - Outrunning Karma
Anthony Warlow - I Need To Know
Yorushika - Say it
Twisted the Untold Story of a Royal Vizier - Twisted
The Oh Hellos - Dear Wormwood
Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
Are part of Alter Ego/Duality Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
Anthony Warlow - Confrontation
grandson - The Ballad of G and X
Eden Espinosa and Jeremy Jordan - Nothing Left to Lose
Brasma - Oh, Funny! (How The Sea Goes Round)
Jessica Law - Jekyll & Hyde 4eva
The Amazing Devil - Farewell Wanderlust
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Let It Out
Will Wood - Dr Sunshine is Dead
Billy Idol - Plastic Jesus
Hozier and Bear McCreary - Blood upon the snow
Street People - Facade
Are part of Music Song Mini Bracket (1 from 14):
Billy Joel - Piano Man
Bob Seger - Old Time Rock n Roll
Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode
Death - David's dream
Heaven Pierce Her - Altars of Apostasy
Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor
KEYGEN CHURCH - Tenebre Rosso Sangue
OMORI - not-so-empty house
Saint Motel - A Good Song Never Dies
Tally Hall - Welcome to Tally Hall
Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music
Don McLean - American Pie
Sarah Bareilles - Love Song
Kenny Loggins - One Small Voice
Are part of Dance Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
ABBA - Dancing Queen
Caramell - Caramelldansen
dArtagnan - Tanz in den Mai
Loosey Laduca - Let Loose
Miriam Makaba - Pata Pata
The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian
The Spinners - The Rubberband Man
Are part of Sci-Fi Song Bracket (1 from 20):
Basset - Perfect Human
Brendon Small - The Ocean Galaktik
Bryce Dessner, Sufjan Stevens, James McAlister, Nic Muhly - Jupiter
Heather Sanders - Call the Navigator
Portal - Still alive
Qbomb - 1000000 ad
Steam powered giraffe - Brass goggles
Heather Dale - I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing?)
TWRP - Starlight Brigade
Brad Sucks - Lonely
Mili - String Theocracy
Cepheid - Goddess
The Mechanisms - Lost in The Cosmos; Alice; Redeath; Frankenstein; Gunpowder Tim vs. The Moon Kaiser
Train - Drops of Jupiter
The Killers - Spaceman
Alderon Tyran - Dawson's Christian
The Hound + The Fox - The Paradox
Are part of Social issues Song Bracket (2 from 44):
A perfect circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum
Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
Bo Burnham - Channel 5 News
Bob Marley & The Wailers - I Shot the Sheriff
concrete blonde - god is a bullet
Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue
Geoff Berner - Daloy polizei
grandson - Dirty; Is This What You Wanted; Bills; Blood // Water
Harry Belafonte Day OIskwe - Little Star
John Lennon - Working Class Hero
konstrakta - in corpore sano
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Les Misérables Cast - Do You Hear the People Sing
lovejoy - the fall
Megson - Generation Rent
muse - explorers
Newsies Cast - Watch What Happens
Poor Man's Poison - Feed the Machine
Shayfer James - Weight of the World
Shinedown - Planet Zero
Steampianist - Dream Eating Machine
Steven Sondheim - Another national anthem
Suzanne Vega - Luka
The Beatles - Black Bird
The Black-Eyed Peas - Where is the Love
The Crane Wives - The Hand That Feeds
The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
Tikkle Me - Blow My Brains Out
Tom Morello, Shea Diamond, Dan Reynolds, The Bloody Beetroots - Stand Up
Arcade Fire - We exist
Vienna Teng - The Hymn of Axiom
Froukje - Groter Dan Ik
Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
James Currier - A Fertile Wood at Heart
Bring Me The Horizon - Happy Song
Ralph McTell - The Streets of London
Ren - Money Game 2
Hozier - Eat your young
Greek Fire - A Real Life
Rare Americans - Love Is All I Bring
Penelope Scott - Dead girls
Are part of Biographic Song/Character Theme Mini Bracket (2 from 18):
Boney M. - Rasputin
Don Mclean - Vincent
TeamFourStar - Alexander Anderson
The Cast of Centaurworld - The Nowhere King
They Might Be Giants - Doctor Worm
Tom Lehrer - Lobachevsky
Sabaton - The Unkillable Soldier; White Death
Leonard Nimoy - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Sonya Belousova - Toss a Coin to Your Witcher
Sabaton - Father
Mili - Salt Pepper Birds and the Thought Police
Weird Al Yankovic - The Jedi Song
The Doubleclicks - Wonder
Rare Americans - Brittle Bones Nicky
Jim's Big Ego - The Ballad of Barry Allen
The Mechanisms - Hereward The Wake
Sabaton - A Ghost in the Trenches
Are part of Creativity/Tropes/Games Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
David Bowie - Life on Mars?
Foster the People - Best Friend
Waterparks - Mad All the Time Nicholas Karr and Scott Wozniak - Stupid Nintendo games
Jason Charles Miller - Your Turn to Roll
the mountain goats - wage wars get rich die handsome
Will Wood - The Main Character
Are part of Faith Song Mini Bracket (2 from 18):
Arcade Fire - Here Comes The Night Time
concrete blonde - tomorrow, wendy
Eric Clapton - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Ghost - He Is
Joan Osborne - One Of Us
K-modo - You will believe
Lemon Demon - Ask For Nothing
mewithoutYou - The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate
Moon walker - I'm afraid I'll go to heaven
the crane wives - the garden
the oh hellos - passerine
The Rare Occasions - Notion
Ben Caplan - Birds With Broken Wings
GHOST - Honey I’m Home
The Dear Hunter - Wait
The Narcissist Cookbook - Apple
Therapy? - Turn
Tub Ring - Impress Your Creators
Are part of Gender Song preliminary poll (1 from 11):
green day - king for a day
Mother mother - Verbatim
Penny parker - Metamorphosis
She/her/hers - Gender is boring
Shea Diamond - I Am Her
teniwoha - Villain
Will Wood - I/Me/Myself
Christine and the Queens/Red Car - Christine
the replacements - androgynous
Ezra Furman - Maraschino-Red Dress $8.99 From Goodwill
The Doubleclicks - I'm Winning
Are part of Womanhood Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
Dolly Parton - 9 to 5
Emilie Autumn - Thank God I'm Pretty
Little Simz - Woman
LOONA - So What
Queen - Killer Queen
Florence + The Machine - King
Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money
The Crane Wives - Ribs
Veruca Salt - Seether
Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn
Reba McEntire - Fancy
Seanan McGuire - Wicked Girls Saving Ourselves
Are part of Travel/Journey Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
The Beatlesøns - The Yukon Song
Byrds - 8 Miles High
The High Kings - The Rocky Road to Dublin
The Mountain Goats - Parisian Enclave
Shakushain - Wednesday Campanella
Hadestown Cast - Wait for Me
Are part of Greed Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
The 88 feat. Lorax Cast - Biggering
Lemon Demon - Redesign Your Logo
Patrick Stump - Greed
Pink Williams - The Devil is Real
Dire Straits - Industrial Disease
The Oncler - How Bad Can I Be?
Are part of Dystopia/Propaganda/Preconceptions Song preliminary poll (1 from 9):
The Stupendium - The Fine Print
The Stupendium - Rest Employed
The Stupendium - And So We Fall
The Stupendium & Dan Bull - It's A Joy
Crusher-P - Propaganda!
Hadestown Cast - Why we build the wall
Encanto Cast - We Don't Talk About Bruno
Connor Spiotto - The Villain I Appear To Be
Raye Zaragoza - They Say
Are part of preliminary Nature Song poll (1 from 4):
S. J. Tucker - Firebird's child
Eddie Rabbitt - I Love A Rainy Night
John Anderson - Seminole Wind
Cosmo Sheldrake - The Moss
Are part of preliminary Marriage/Divorce Song poll (1 from 4):
Cécile Corbel - Le bal de chats
The mountain goats - No children
AJR - My Play
Cavetown - Devil Town
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novisius · 2 days
Thunder Bringer
Starting in the middle I guess, I have also been actively listening to it and thinking on the animatic, so that's another reason. I also have to apologize, my brain moves fast and each time I hear it, it mutates a bit, so some of the things I describe may not be possible given the implied timeframe.
[Beginning music] Everyone is looking to the sky, clearly scared, and expecting something. Possibly some shots of the ship moving away from an island. The crew are thin, they have been starving for some time.
[Once the electronic music begins blasting] The blast is proceeded by a wave of water and a wave of clouds. This music is not just blasting for the listener.
[During the blasting electronic music] Zeus comes out of the clouds, his black hair and robes being made of the clouds as he descends enough to be seen. He smiles at them, knowingly. My version of Zeus has claws, pointed ears, black sclera, grey/white/yellow eyes (depending on mood and lightning useage) but are undeniably and eagle's, his is thin yet very clearly muscled. Now, to explain why his hair is black, from what I remember of a mythology class, that was like, the color his hair was, and he looked like thirty bc that was old for the time. So I'm good with that, and it also makes his hair similar to 'storm storm' clouds, as they remain like clouds even when he eventually removes himself from them. His hair generally covers his back, which there is a reason for this later. His robes are black with the blocky sorta swirl decal on the edges, though the swirls are sky blue and in-between two lines of gold. Again, 'storm storm' clouds, clear skies, and lightning for the color scheme of the clothes. I will be the first to admit that @Duvetbox has absolutely influenced what I see when I think of Zeus. Its a good look, it does things I want to put on other gods, yeah. Beyond what has been mentioned, I don't have a strong opinion on appearance.
Pride is a damsel in distress Grabs a female shaped could out of the storm clouds around him. My thoughts are that Athena and Penelope have a similar body shape 'in this animatic continuity'. Reason being is simply bc I want the cloud here to have a lot of threatening double meanings based on the line and 'who' it is at the moment. Anyways, beyond being grabbed and being brought close to him, I don't have any specifics here. Hiding away where only I can undress her Zaps a shoulder and the 'cloud's clothes' fall away like it was cut...Penelope mode. Also, to be clear, no nudity, simply an implication. Try all she can not to confess Inanimate object resists god. In the end, it's all the same once I apply all the pressure Resistance failed, pulled back. Zeus is eyeing Odysseus.
Thunder, bring her through the wringer Begins dancing with the cloud in the air, even doing a lil twirl. Show her I'm the judgment call Zeus is getting frisky with the cloud, a hand brought up to the cloud's...face area. The one who makes her kingdom fall Once he says 'fall' he grabs the cloud's throat. At this point I believe it is shifting to Athena mode. Lightning, wield her, use and yield her Holding the cloud out to the side, he begins blasting it with lightning. The cloud is colored lightning yellow and seems to be in pain, darkening from the grey/white it was a moment ago. Show her what she can't conceal The crew is collectively shitting themselves at whatever they are watching. For true nature will be revealed The cloud dissipates, throat crushed and electrocuted, back to the other clouds in the background of the scene.
Tell me, Odysseus, If I were to make you choose Zeus sits down in a throne of cloud, though due to perspective, he is massive, his foot next to the ship and about as large. He looks somewhat like a bored monarch on a throne. The lives of your men and crew or your own No strong opinions. Why do I think they'd lose? If we see Zeus, he smiles. Enlighten me, King of Ithaca No strong opinions. Since hunger was far too great No strong opinions. I wonder who'd take the weight of the damned Barometric pressure on the crew go brr. They are all brought to their knees, including Odysseus. And suffer a gruesome fate to the Zeus is suddenly on the ship, fun-sized human-sized, walking through the crew, to Odysseus.
Thunder bringer, here to ring your Continues walking, smiling whenever we see his face. Ears until you're deaf with fear Continues walking, but looks to the right with his eye. And spear you while your death is near Spears Eurylochus' shoulder with some lightning from an open hand, then he turns his hand to a 'no no' or 'tsk tsk' fingerwag as Eurylochus falls to the ground. My brain says that happens, the wag, to the beat of 'your death is near'. Lightning wielder, here to yield your The rest of the crew has begun to stand up. Time, for you have passed your prime He grabs Odysseus by the hair or throat and lifts him into the air. Sublime you for your act of crime His feet divorced from the ground just enough so that when Zeus puts him back down, he can stand.
Choose. Zeus looks more cordial than threatening, having released Odysseus unharmed.
Choose? Odysseus is obviously confused.
Someone's gotta die today Zeus dusts of Odysseus' shoulder. And you have got the final say No strong opinions. You? Zeus gestures to Odysseus. Or your crew? Zeus gestures to the crew.
Please don't make me do this Odysseus is falling to his knees, beginning to cry as he grabs Zeus' robes begging. Don't make me do this Zeus for his part, doesn't do anything or react.
When does a comet become a meteor? Crew shots, the ones who weren't standing are getting up or already standing. When does a candle become a blaze? (I can take the suffering from you) A yellow Penelope appears behind Odysseus, smoothly going down to the same level as Odysseus initially hugging him from behind and moving to be before him. Throughout her singing parts, she is comforting Odysseus. He is, for a lack of better words, melting into the embrace. He hasn't seen her in years and...he has been worn down, he is exhausted, and he is ready to stop this journey. She is kneeling with him, holding him, though we never truly see her face. When does a man become a monster? Most of the men are fearful. When does a ripple become a tidal wave? Some of the men look to the side, thinking of bolting. When does the reason become the blame? (Let me take the suffering from) Some of the men draw their weapons. When does a man become a monster? No strong opinions beyond crew shots assuming that time allows.
[The thunder after Penelope finishes singing.] Penelope for like, a frame, is replaced by lightning. Odysseus has his eyes wide open, realization and despair written on his face. Near this time was another thunder sound, that is when Zeus appears behind Odysseus, impassive, watching him, hands behind his back, patiently waiting for Odysseus' decision.
Captain? Eurylochus steps forward before the rest of the crew, asking the question as he holds his wounded shoulder.
I have to see her Odysseus can't look at Eurylochus or the crew.
But we'll die Eurylochus says with a hopeful smile.
I know Odysseus looks at Eurylochus, pained, devastated even. Killing his friends to see his wife again does hurt him, but he also knows that there wasn't a choice here. In his head, Zeus just came down here and told him 'I'm going to make you tell me to kill your crew'.
Thunder, bring her through the wringer Zeus smiles as his cloudy hair stops being so poofy and 'long' (short hair Zeus) as the portion on his back forms into wings, launching him into the sky. Throughout the rest of this song's lyrics, some of the crew runs even jumping off the ship in desperate, while others charge at Odysseus with weapons desperately trying to kill him, sparks and lightning deflecting their weapons. Odysseus is not emotionally okay while this is happening. Eurylochus, for his part, is not doing anything. He knows that he is not making it home, he is tired, and he knows that nothing he does will matter here. To a degree, he welcomes the end of the journey. Show her I'm the judgment call The one who makes her kingdom fall Lightning, wield her, use and yield her Show her what she can't conceal For true nature will be revealed
[Final Lighting] Zeus flicks his finger downward. Obliterating this ship and her crew is effortless, unlike the other Zeus' that build up these grand attacks, this one just does a simple motion. The musical build-up being used more for the crew and their desperation.
[The end bit] The ship gets more or less vaporized, only Odysseus and the immediate area around him are unharmed. The first place struck is Eurylochus who stands near the center of the deck. Those who jumped overboard are electrocuted. It ends as Odysseus closes his eyes in acceptance.
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