#what a screechy man
wilhelminacisse · 7 months
Holly Gibney is THE final girl ever
She was figuring that shit out even if she sounded fuking crazy like sure yea obviously this guy is stealing faces and mind controlling people with a sunburn why wouldn’t you believe that
Girl did her research!!! And she was not about to be bested by her lil meat puppet friend
And YES she is a final girl her boyfriend died!!
Now they almost got me with the “who’s terry” but I will not be fooled she’s just funny like that her comedic timing is simply impeccable and she did NOT get scratched bc that wasn’t Jack’s thing and she beat the shit outta not-Claude before he could even try it
She stays winning
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crmsndragonwngss · 2 months
Sell your fucking love, I guess I can't afford it
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opossumanon · 1 month
So I'm just sitting here listening to screechy violins doing their thing and I have now decided to impart some wisdom on you all (My fellow queers):
If we as a community want everyone to be accepted, then we have to accept cis men too.
"Oof trans men are being shat on for "basically being cis men" and it's so annoy--" If we love cis men then it won't be an issue.
"Oof amab nonbinary people are constantly shoved out because they're mistaken for cis men--" If we love cis men then it won't be an issue.
"Oof transfems in the beginning of their transition are being rejected for looking like cis men--" If we love cis men then it won't be an issue.
I could list hundreds of more examples, but the point is that a lot of our infighting is because of this strange hatred of cis men, to the point where people do everything in their power to make sure that a cis man can never enter a queer space.
We can't clear up some of the transmisandry in the community if we still try to remove cis men.
We can't clear up the misgendering and exclusion faced by amab nonbinary people if we still try to remove cis men.
We can't make transfems feel protected and welcome at all stages of transition if we still try to remove cis men.
And yes, I meant what I said earlier with "love". Just tolerating cis men won't be enough, we have to actually appreciate their existence.
There is no way, no reality, where we can cling to the terf idea of cis men being satan without dragging queer people into the crossfire.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 month
Breed like Gnomes [Fred Weasley]
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Title: Breed like Gnomes.
Pairing: PregnantWife!Reader x Fred Weasley
Timeline: Set after Canon (Fred lives!)
Summary: At Ginny and Harry’s wedding, you find yourself facing Aunt Muriel’s unpleasantness, so Fred decides to have some fun.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, babies, sexual references.
Word count: 1.2k
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June 4th 2003, a joyful and long awaited day for all in attendance. The marriage of Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley. It was a family affair, both in blood and bond, the entire venue packed with loved ones sharing in the happiness of the newlyweds.
Being Ginny's long standing friend and now sister-in-law, you were naturally made a bridesmaid along with six others who proudly stood by Ginny's side as she said her vows. It was beautiful, joyous and utterly heartwarming to see them unite and be declared husband in wife in front of the many people attending. The couple had initially wanted a much smaller affair than what had transpired but in the end, they were too deeply cared for by so many and the numbers were ever increasing, only made worse by Molly's excitement and welcoming nature.
It had been a truly magical day; getting to support your new sister in law, to see your daughter throw wild flowers down the aisle and most of all getting to check out your husband in his tux as he sat beaming beside his twin brother in the front row, holding back a tear at seeing his little sister suddenly looking so grown up.
"You alright sweetheart?" Fred asks worriedly as you lower yourself gently into your assigned seat inside the bustling marquee. It was getting late now, the party stretching into the night as people danced merrily around you.
You were exhausted from the day, the early morning, the usual nuptial stresses and from the shoes that were growing increasingly uncomfortable around your slightly swollen ankles.
You simply smiled warmly at Fred with a little nod, leaning into his touch when he placed his arm behind you on your chair, his fingers fidgeting with the strands of hair that had fallen down your back.
You both turned your heads in the direction of delighted squeals and watched as your children danced around, chasing each other and their many cousins with beaming smiles on their faces. Their nice outfits were quite frankly ditched at this point and they'd eaten more cake than you cared to admit throughout the day but as you looked at the three happy faces on the dance floor, you couldn't care less. Their uncle George took turns spinning and twirling them and you couldn't help but watch in devotion at seeing your oldest dancing with your brother in law, no doubt standing on his feet as he glided her around whilst the twins ran in circles around the dancing pair.
You let out a little surprise gasp when you felt a sharp kick to your side, just underneath your rib.
"I thought you were asleep," you say quietly with a loving smile as your hand drifts down to your blooming bump, gently rubbing over the spot where you'd felt a little prod.
"Letting you know he's there?" Fred asks with a smirk, noticing your movements. He moved closer and places his large hand over yours, wanting to feel for himself the little kicks that had you smiling at your bump.
"He?" You question sarcastically, with a slight raise of your eyebrow.
"Fathers intuition," Fred smirks with a slight shrug, "never been wrong yet."
"You didn't know there were two last time," you countered teasingly, nodding your head towards the two litttle boys causing havoc on the dance floor. He lets out a boyish chuckle and for a moment you both catch each other's eyes, both twinkling in delight and bound with love. You'd been married for nearly five years, together for much longer but it still took your breath away how much you loved this man, and how much he loved you in return.
"Good heavens!"
The nice moment passed as soon as the loud, screechy voice sounded out on the next table, forcing you apart. You jumped slightly at the unexpected noise before realising that Fred's great aunt Muriel had taken up a seat at the table beside yours and as usual her presence was unwanted. Her voice went through you, like nails on a chalkboard. The high tone and the derogatory, unpleasant undertone to her words, accompanied by the constant hateful look on her face were enough to cement a negative association in your mind. Both you and Fred deflated a little at her presence, with Fred letting out an audible sigh that you felt in your soul. Even your baby let out a sharp kick as if to announce their own displeasure at the sound of her voice.
"Yes aunt Muriel?" Fred says in the most monotone voice he can muster, not even attempting to hide the dismay in his voice, or his face.
"Godric," she mumbles under her breath, casting her eyes between the two of you, focusing her beady eyes on your bump, and where your children were currently hanging off George like monkeys in a tree. "You breed like gnomes!"
You hope your face doesn't show the depth of your exasperation at her words but you doubted your ability to keep a straight face. Fred, of course, finds it hilarious and can't keep the smile off of his face. You can feel his shoulders moving up and down with silent laughter but he manages to contain it and simply clears his throat to hide the laughter.
"Have either of you considered simply reading of an evening? Instead of what I assume are your usual activities?" She says with a bitter tone, face downturned into her usual grimace.
Fred snorts at her words and though you feel slightly offended by her accusation, just as you always did by her comments, you can't help but chuckle yourself at the strangeness of the situation. Was she really commenting on your sex life?
"Onto your fourth already! And only 25! You’re worse than your mother, all of you breed like Gnomes."
"You see I've never been one for reading, but I tried," Fred replies coyly. From his tone of voice you can tell that he's teasing, about to prod the bear. "But it only gave me more ideas. What was is called sweetheart? Some muggle book... Kama sutra! Eroticism for begginers. Let me tell you, it's changed my life! Couldn't put it down... or her," he says, nodding his head towards you with a wicked smile on his face as his hand snakes around to cradle your bump once again.
You can't hide your smile this time as Muriel lets out a disgusted squark and turns away with a deeper grimace than before. You turn your head and snuggle into Fred's shoulder to hide your laughter whilst he openly chuckles to himself, head thrown back slightly in glee.
"You're terrible," you mutter with a smirk, pulling yourself away from the soft fabric of his shirt where it stretches over his muscled shoulders. His smile is wide and wicked as he takes in your words, hearing nothing but compliments.
"Hilarious is a better word," he quips, eyes shining in delight.
"Completely irreformable," he agrees without a single care. "But I think you like me like this."
You look up from under your lashes at him, matching the look in his sparkling eyes and can't help but agree.
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Taglist part 1 ♡
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hippielittlemetalhead · 9 months
Part 3 (One of Us) of 'Never Took The Time (To Forget)' previously known as 'Hopper Adopts Steve But Make It Sad'
Part 1 (Hop fucks up), Part 2 (Pride and Prejudices: Joyce Edition), part 3, Part 4.1 (With a Capital 'P'), Part 4.2 (Robin's Boy), Part 5 (Man Of The Hour)
Here's a bit more for you filthy animals 😘
Much like he's come to expect from the small soldiers these children have fashioned themselves into he's not surprised when they come pouring out of whichever of the twins' rooms they shoved themselves in like codependent sardines. He's not surprised by the looks of anger and disappointment and confusion. Claudia Henderson's kid -Dustin- looks on the edge of tears with a grim set to his mouth that reminds him of when the kid's mom is beyond words in her slow-burning fury. El and Will have matching looks of disappointed confusion.
What he's not expecting is the way Mike and the younger (usually more volatile) Sinclair are holding onto an incensed looking Lucas. Lucas who has always been the polite one when it came to addressing adults and the one to preach caution and thinking plans through. Lucas who has been quiet and withdrawn since Hop came back, spending his days at the edge of Party affairs when not helping in the rebuilding efforts around town or sitting at Max's bedside.
"What the fuck, Hopper?" The kid spits out and that seems to snap the rest of The Party into action. Will goes to join the two holding Sinclair back but Dustin starts near incoherently yelling in that screechy pitch only that kid seemed to be able to hit about bullshit cops and useless adults and to let Lucas go. "He idolized you, man! Would tell us all the time that you were 'one of the good ones' that if we ever needed anyone and he wasn't there, to find you. That you would take care of us because that's just what you did for people. Because you were good!"
"Lucas, chill out man." Mike pants though he's also glaring daggers at Hop.
This is where Joyce (god bless her) decides to step in. "Lucas, honey-" She says with her soft voice and big wet eyes and that warmth she seems to infuse into everything she touched. "It's complicated. There's some things you just don't understand and-"
"No! You two don't understand! Steve is GOOD. He's good and he cares and he takes care of everyone else and he always kept us safe." The kid seems to be losing some of his steam, pulling at his friends less and resigned to shaking in barely contained fury. "He gets hurt and he gets back up and he apologizes for taking a fall in the first place! He's just Good."
"I know he's been good to you kids and I appreciate that, I really do Lucas." Joyce says, her voice a little stronger, that steadiness returning. "Sometimes people in our lives can do bad things to others and we don't see it because we care about them and that's not always a bad thing. But we have to remember that the people who were wronged are allowed to be upset and that's normal to feel and-"
"You mean like Jonathan?" The room goes quiet. Will looks resigned but not surprised by Lucas' question but the rest of the kids look just as confused as him and Joyce. "Did you really think Steve broke his camera -in the school parking lot of all places- for the hell of it? Did you seriously never question it?"
Hop feels something twist in his gut. He had been so caught up in the search for Will and wrangling a frantic Joyce that he hadn't paid any attention to small-town squabbles like two teenagers having it out in the school parking lot, the destruction of personal property or what might have triggered it. He looks over the kids' heads to see Jonathan and his stoner buddy standing just outside his door. The friend looks confused but Jon is looking at his mom who hasn't noticed him yet like a man preparing himself for the gallows.
"Mom." Joyce's eyes snap from where they were locked on Lucas up to her oldest son. "Mom, I-"
"What are they talking about Jon?" It's quiet. Quiet and scared because everyone in the room knows that whatever secret reason Lucas (and maybe Will?) seems to be the only one to know Steve had for picking a fight isn't going to be good. Jonathan's mouth opens like he's going to say something but no words come out. "Honey, what did you do?"
"He took pictures of Steve and his friends the night Barbara Holland disappeared."
"Will?" all eyes except Lucas' (who is still glaring daggers at Hop) are on the two brothers. One scared and almost pleading the other disappointed and resolved.
"He hid in the bushes and took pictures of Steve and his friends with Nancy and Barbara. There were pictures of Barbara at the Harrington place before she died and he never told anyone. But there were also-" He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes like he can't look at his older brother who has hung his shaggy head under everyone's heavy gaze. "There were pictures of just Steve and Nancy. Alone together. In Steve's room."
There's a sharp gasp that he thinks came from Joyce but he's too busy watching the young man he's come to consider a son. His head is still lowered and his shoulders are curving in on themselves as he shakes off the hand his long-haired friend tries to place on his shoulder.
"Oh baby," Joyce's voice is wet again. A tone of horrified disappointment to it that Hop has only heard her use when talking to or about one other person. "Tell me you didn't."
"Then he-" Will clears his throat like this one is what gives him pause. "He was caught developing the pictures in the school's darkroom. All of the pictures. And he had zoomed in on Steve's window. Nancy was the center of the shot." The kid's eyes flit over to Mike (who is now turning an interesting shade of red as he glares at Jonathan) before he blushes and looks at the ground, "She uh-"
Lucas does not seem to share Will's newfound hesitance in the face of an enraged Mike Wheeler. "Most of the upperclassmen argue if she had a bra or not but they all seem to agree she didn't have a top."
"Oh my god." Everyone was frozen as Joyce began to crumble. "Oh my god." He reached out to catch her, her nails digging into his arm through his shirt sleeve as she stared unseeing at her oldest son.
Jonathan started forward. "Mom, I-" a hand in the middle of his chest stopped him. "Will, please, I need to-"
"Just stop, man." Lucas sighs. "You started this shit, you gotta deal with it before you hurt someone else besides Steve."
"I didn't mean to hurt Steve."
Hops feels himself frozen to the spot in a way he's not used to anymore these days. His mind is working overtime picking out all of the charges that could have been pressed even against a boy of 15/16 if any of the kids in Harrington's inner circle had told an actual adult about the situation. The veritable legal hell that would have been brought down on Joyce while searching for a son legally assumed dead.
"Is that what you told yourself when you helped Nancy cheat?" And it just kept getting worse.
Joyce gives off a whimper and the kids gathered make varied sounds of shock and disgust.
"They were broken up."
"Were they? Cause everybody at school and half the town seems to all know about you and Nancy disappearing together when Steve was still calling her his girlfriend and then you all showed back up to school, Steve beat to hell again and Nancy hanging all over you. The basketball team STILL talk about it."
He's heard enough. "Alright, that's it!" He yells out over the children yelling and Joyce demanding answers and Jonathan's friend trying to say something about there being some sort of explanation. "This doesn't help us help Steve."
Lucas shakes off the loose hold Erica and Mike still had on him and crosses his arms as he rolls back his shoulders and tilts his jaw up to fix him with a glare. The kid's stance is almost arrogant but Hop can't help but notice the way he rests his weight on his off side, his shoulders back and his posture straight without his chest puffing out ridiculously like Hop is used to from teenage boys gearing for a fight.
"I think you've helped enough, Hopper." It's quiet and biting and he lets himself have a moment of grief for the childhood these kids lost, and the fact that he's almost positive Lucas didn't pick up this easy confidence from anyone else in their monster fighting club but Steve. "You and Mrs. Byers want to play nice now cause you feel guilty and that's all well and good but what happens when Steve does something else you don't agree with without explanation? Or he and Jonathan or Nancy get in another fight? When we finally get rid of Vecna and the Upside Down for good? What happens when you don't feel guilty anymore?"
"I can't make any sort of promise you lot will believe. And lord knows I'm pretty shit at keeping them anyways. I just want to be able to try."
"He mourned you, you know. When we were told you didn't make it." That weight is back in his chest. "He held himself together around us but there were- there were moments we could tell. He and El really bonded over that. Over you. Over losing you."
"I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't. You didn't want to know."
"There's no way I can make you believe me. That I want to fix this."
"We want to, Hopper." Dustin butts in, placing a hand on Lucas' shoulder and limping up next to the other boy. "But from what you and Mrs. Byers were talking about... There's just a lot that makes a lot more sense and it doesn't inspire a lot of faith in either of you."
"We need to discuss this as a Party."
"That means letting us take care of it. Steve's one of us and you hurt him."
"I understand."
"So you and Mrs. Byers have got to wait till we say you can talk to Steve. That he's ready for it."
"Now, kids-"
"No they're right, Joyce. We fucked it up on our own and- and he trusts these little shits more than he trusts us right now. We've gotta do the same."
Joyce sighs, "Fine."
She's not happy about it and honestly neither is he. But if the last few years and his stint in a Russian gulag and the subsequent escape taught him anything it's maybe he needs to trust his people to do what they need to do.
The kids scurry back to whichever of the Twins' room they came from, led by a newly determined and involved Lucas and a furiously muttering Dustin. Jonathan and Joyce make their way to the kitchen and Hopper decides he's going to let them have that conversation in as much privacy as they can with a house as full as theirs.
Hopper sits in the living room, runs his hands through his hair that's finally growing out and pulls them down his face before resting his chin on steepled fingers. He hates sitting and waiting and relying on someone else for the next steps. But all he can think about is the sound Steve made. The look in his eyes. The pride in his voice the last time he heard him say, "My Hop."
That's it!
He stands up so fast his bad ankle protests and his knees pop. He limps to the front door, yelling out to the house that he has to go, has something to do. Calls out he has his walkie and that El needs to be ready on time. Then he's out the door.
Part 4.1
More coming soon! Hopefully! Work went from an active team of about 12 to 5, not including the managers we lost ssssooo... Yeah fun times. 🙃
So here's a tag-list, hope I didn't miss anyone. Feel free to yell at/with me in the comments or ask box. If you see your old tag in my list tell me your new one so I can fix it.
@thelittleclare @jackiemonroe5512 @0body0disphoria0 @strangersteddierthings @lingeringmirth @dead-cherry-bitch @irethsune @ink777 @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @ledleaf @pansexuality-activated @paintsplatteredandimperfect @kinryuuki @katdeerly @yikes-a-bee @altocumulustranslucidus @ohimamarigold @child-of-cthulhu @samsoble @sensationalsunburst @xxbottlecapx @y4r3luv @rocochen20 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @flustratedcas @rootbeerandmusic @vinteraltus
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
Bathtub Mermaid
another mermay special, not really, but also yes.
It's an intimate thing for one to give their lover a bath - and Zhongli makes the activity all the sweeter. After a long week of work and responsibilities, your husband had decided to surprise you with a relaxing soak, the bathtub filled with warm water, bubbles, bath salts, and all the nicest shampoos, conditioners, and bath gels you can think of.
You don't even have to lift a finger while you're in; Zhongli happily washes your hair and body for you, making sure you're squeaky clean!
"You're the best," you tell him for the umpteenth time this evening, swaying your legs and watching the ripples hurry along. Zhongli, sitting on a stool beside the tub with his sleeves deliciously rolled up to expose his forearms, merely chuckles softly. You turn around gracefully so you're directly facing him, placing your elbows on the edge of the smooth, cool tub. "Guess what!"
"What is it, my dearest?"
Grinning, you say, "I'm a mermaid!" To prove your point, you glide around a bit in the limited space you have.
"Oh?" he asks, raising an eyebrow and running his sensual fingers along your bare leg (which makes you blush). "You say that, yet you have human appendages."
"That's because...I chose to have legs! I'm a shape-shifting mermaid!" You bring your legs closer to your chest.
Zhongli laughs again, leaning over to kiss you on your soapy head. "That you are. Will you sing for me, then?"
"Mermaids can only sing well underwater," you say with a giggle, "above water it'll just be weird and screechy! And unfortunately, I used up my underwater breathing for the day, good sir."
"That's all right, I'm sure I will enjoy your over-water singing as well, dear mermaid."
"Suit yourself!" You take a deep breath...and unleash the unholiest gremlin noises known to mankind. While your little concert of mayhem unfolds, Zhongli's fond smile never leaves his face.
When you're done, he claps, much to your amusement. "It was quite...powerful. The lyrics seem mysterious and intriguing as well - are they symbolic of the emotional turmoil you feel at the dissonance between land and sea?" This man could be a literature professor.
You nod cheekily. "You totally got it. You're a genius, darling!" Humming, you continue idling about in the water with as much grace as you can muster. A while passes before Zhongli reaches out again.
"Ah, look at you glow," remarks your lover, cupping your cheek. "Such beauty, playfulness and charm...you truly are a mermaid."
"Hey!" you squeal, blushing deeply, "I'll screech-sing again!"
And you do, but Zhongli's loving smile only grows.
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
the warmest bed i've ever known
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: dating era; a few days after 'when the feeling sinks in'
Summary: Tom has convinced you to go back to London with him for a few weeks, and a photo of you two out and about together has opinions firing left and right.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings (spoilers ahead): language; big hater behavior towards Reader; attempted breakup; angst; brief mentions of past bullying [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Tomathy fully in his comforting precious bf era
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That was the only word that came to mind right now to describe what you felt, staring at your screen with all the hateful vile words that people who didn't even know you were flinging your way. And all because of the man you were dating. And how much you looked like a downgrade compared to his ex.
Then again it really shouldn't have surprised you, considering the turn your life had taken in the last few months. Hell, the last few days. There was really no other way for these nameless faceless spineless people to react when the man you'd started dating was none other than Tom Hiddleston.
And the figuratively ridiculously large shoes you had to fill considering the rising power of said ex…was Taylor Swift's.
You shouldn't have gone online. Checked Twitter. Checked anything, really. They rarely if ever had anything good to say, it was a special kind of stupid and naive for you to think that someway somehow you and your relationship were going to be the exception to the vitriolic rule.
Now here you were, screechy voices filling your mind, spitting out the words that your eyes scanned when you opened the cesspool of a sight.
Nothing special
Fucking stab my eyes out with a rusty fork ugly
To be completely fair, you'd seen worse when you were still in school, every day inundated with the mocking words that sociopaths with hormones on overdrive wielded recklessly like a goddamn balisong without care that the person on the receiving end was actually a person. And if that was the shitshow you experienced from people brave enough to sign those sentiments with their name and say it to your face with chests fully puffed out, then the bravery of these people when they were all snuggled up under the protective cover of anonymity really shouldn't have shocked you.
Finding out who they were behind the screen and dealing out retribution on your own terms would have been a simple enough task. After all, you'd done it before, and even with the current advancements in technology and the tighter security protocols centered around protecting user data, you still managed to keep a few tricks in your bag that you could whip out if the need ever arose.
There was just one thing that stopped you from doing just that. A part of you agreed with the vicious comments. It was easy enough to ignore when people in school were just making hateful pages about how you sucked and how no one would ever genuinely like you. Or when they made pages pretending to be you so that they could dole out their paltry attempts at trying to ruin what little reputation you had at the time.
When you dealt with them on that comparatively smaller scale, it became easy to numb yourself to their words, drown them out until they were just white noise in the background, keeping you focused on the path you laid out for yourself rather than distracting you. It gave you a drive to work harder and better so that you could get as far away from them as possible.
On this scale, the background noise was so strong, so loud and overwhelming that every step you took to fight it seemed to take every ounce of your strength. It felt like there was no way out. You couldn't just hunker down and work hard so that you could get away from it all this time. And you couldn't exactly ignore them, either.
How could you? When they were voicing with pinpoint accuracy every insecurity that plagued you ever since you agreed to be his girlfriend a few days ago. Ever since your first night with him months ago.
So is this some sort of Make-A-Wish thing? That's it, right? She's on her last few months and she wanted to live them in delusion?
Fifty bucks says Tom's active on Raya right now. Quick someone send me an invite link I wanna shoot my shot. Tommy don't worry baby I'll save you from whatever the fuck mistake you got yourself into.
How the fuck do you go from Taylor Swift to that?
The most prevalent remarks in the last few hours had to do with a sighting of you sitting on a park bench, working on creating a wardrobe piece for an upcoming show that, if all went well, would start filming in a few years. The book author and the prospective showrunner got in contact with you after a glowing recommendation from Taika, and they talked about struggling to find the perfect scarf that would serve as one of the series' focal points.
After a few discussions and so many skeins of yarn that there was now an oversized tote bag in your hotel room overflowing with various shades of dark teal and peacock blue, you started crocheting a sample size of the pattern to show the author later on in the afternoon before you went to meet Tom for dinner. And that was how you were spotted this morning, sitting quietly on the bench, eyes on your project while your boyfriend was taking Bobby for a walk.
And for some reason the internet was up in arms over that,
Are you really fucking telling me this boring ass bitch that's giving old lady crocheting a goddamn scarf is fucking riding the God of Mischief every day? Nuh uh nope I don't believe that. Our Tommy deserves someone fun, and actually fucking pays attention to him and not a ball of yarn. Our baby deserves so much better than this.
You stared at the desk in front of you, your sample scarf to the left, and your laptop at the center, the screen now black from inactivity. You couldn't bother to move to check the time; your reminder would ring when your call would start. All you could bring yourself to do was remain exactly as you were, knees drawn to your chest with your arms around your legs, shaking and doing your damnedest not to break out into sobs over the knowledge of what you were about to do as soon as the door opened.
It was a good run, you told yourself. More than I deserved.
The sound of the front door opening jolted you back to reality, the voices finally dying down somewhat. Unfortunately, hearing Tom's voice started the voices right back up again.
"Y/N, darling, have you finished with your call? I was hoping we could go out tonight for dinner and--" His words stopped abruptly once he got to his study, seeing you in the position you'd been in for the last few hours, and immediately rushed to your side, crouching in front of you and taking your hands in his. "What's wrong, goddess?"
"I uhh…I have to go back to Los Angeles. I'm gonna see if I can make the next flight back." You didn't dare meet his eyes, still trying to hold back any tears.
He let out a breath, sounding almost relieved before he pressed a kiss to your hands. "That shouldn't be much of a problem, I can pack a bag and we can be on the next flight out--"
"No," you cut him off, wincing at your tone. "I'm going alone. There's no need for you to go with me, I'm sure you have some other things to do here. Better things."
There was a slight tremor in his hand as he cupped your face, gently turning your head to look at him. He took a shuddering breath seeing the tears swimming in your eyes. "What's happening right now, sweetheart? Please. I don't understand what could have brought this on, we had a lovely morning--"
"I thought I could do this," you choked out, finding it difficult to form coherent words without starting to blubber. "I thought I could drown the voices out, not let them get to me but…they're too loud. They're ruthless and vile and they have megaphones and they're right." You shook your head to turn away from him, burying your face between your knees, the all too familiar feeling of shame flooding your system, shrouding over you like an overly weighted blanket. "I'm not strong enough to do this with you. And you deserve someone better than me."
You took your laptop off of Standby, your screen illuminating and showing him the harsh words that had been haunting you since you stupidly decided to check the internet just minutes after he left the house. He began to visibly tense as his eyes scanned the pages seeing all the hateful things literal strangers had to say about your relationship.
"Look we gave it a shot," you tried to tell him, making a motion to get out of the chair which made him put his hands on the armrests, effectively keeping you in place. "But I think it's time to call it. I'm not good for you, and you deserve someone--"
"No." His tone was low and resolute, hands staying firmly on the chair, refusing to let you go anywhere. From a certain perspective, it was a smart enough move, considering that if he let you go right now, you'd probably sprint out the door in the name of doing what you thought would be best for him. Even if it meant ripping your own heart out in the process. "This can't be over already, we've only just begun. The time I've had with you has been extraordinary and I know that if we keep going, it'll get even better. You've made me so happy and--"
"You'll find someone that makes you happier," you dumbly shot back, the sentiment hitting you so hard that the tears finally began to fall. Even the thought of him potentially moving on so quickly after this already had you ready to sob. "Someone stronger. Someone that can handle all of this or hell someone they'll actually like--"
"Those people don't care for my happiness," he said in a rush, tears filling his eyes as well. "No matter what I do, there's always going to be someone hateful that has something to say, and they'll always think they're right. It's so clear that they don't give a damn about what actually makes me happy because if they did, they wouldn't be saying these disgusting lies about you, trying to get into your head."
There was a desperation in his tone that tore at your heart; no part of you wanted to do this. But seeing every single insecurity that you'd had ever since you said yes to being his girlfriend, yes to going to London with him for a few weeks, and generally just yes to spending the next few however months of your life with him, all laid out in print echoed by so many others? You knew he deserved better than this, better than someone that would ultimately have to be hidden away so that these people would stop coming for his throat for his 'poor choices'.
And when you knew that what would be best for the man you ached to give your heart to was to actually tuck your heart away and run, how selfish would it be for you to do the opposite?
The feel of his hands framing your face brought you back to your thoughts, the frantic pleading look on his face robbing you of your breath. "Do you want to leave, Y/N?" You wanted to scream No of course I don't, I want to stay with you. But you found yourself unable to form words. All you could do was shake your head as more tears fell from your eyes.
He pressed his lips to yours, pulling you into his arms the second you crossed your hands behind his neck and lifting you out of your seat. He didn't break the kiss until he'd carried you to his bedroom, setting you down on the edge of the bed. Then he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead before sinking to his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his.
"Then don't leave. Stay with me. We'll stay in and stay away from prying eyes so nobody gets to say anything about you, we'll--"
"You shouldn't have to make adjustments in your life for the sake of making me comfortable," you argued. "You should be with someone that can face all of this, not cower in a corner licking her wounds needing to be protected if she so much as gets seen stepping out of your house like some tiny helpless baby animal. You deserve to be with someone you can share everything with, without the worry of people shooting you down just because I'm not pretty enough or tall enough for them. You can have anything and everything you want with a snap of your fingers, I'm sure it won't be that hard to find someone that--"
Tom stopped you from letting out another word, holding you by the back of your  head and pulling you to him for a desperate kiss. "I don't want anyone else, I want you. I don't give a fuck what anyone else wants to think about how I choose to spend my life and who I choose to share it with, because I know better. You're enough, you're more than enough. And if a few precautions and adjustments have to be made to make sure they can't get to you, then I'm more than happy to do all that and more.
"Our first night together I told you I just want you. As you are. That I want to make you happy." He rose from his knees, pressing a kiss to your cheek and working his way to your ear. "That I want to satisfy you. Do you remember?" You could only nod, trying and failing not to melt against him as he kissed below your ear. "I'm going to add that list of wants now. I want to make sure you feel safe, with every means I have at my disposal."
He guided you down until your back was flat on the mattress, kissing down your neck as he did so, his lips trailing a path down to just over your heart. You found it near impossible to breathe, finding yourself overwhelmed with how gentle and tender he was handling you.
"I want to love you," he said, meeting your eyes with a look that you could only describe as surrender. "I know you're not ready to hear it yet, but this can't wait anymore. You need to hear it. You need to know that the only way for me to actually have everything that I want is if I get to share everything I have with you. I need you to know that your leaving would rip my heart out." He made his way back up, stopping when your faces were mere inches apart. "I need you to know who you'd be leaving." He brushed his lips across yours in a featherlight kiss. "You would be leaving a man so completely, so desperately in love with you."
You tried to speak, but all you could manage was inaudibly mouthing his name, the sentiment you tried to stomp down just a little over a week ago fighting its way back up to the surface. Practically shouting from the back of your throat.
"I love you," he breathed out. "Please, sweetheart. Don't do this. Don't leave. Whatever you want, whatever you need so that we can make this work, we'll find our way through this together just please…I'm begging you don't tell me that what you want is to rid yourself of me--"
"That's the last thing I want," you managed to choke out, your eyes stinging with even more tears. You swallowed the lump in your throat, mustering every ounce of strength you had left to finally say the sentiment you prematurely blurted out when he first popped up at your house. "I love you, too."
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You woke up the next morning the same way you'd been ever since you and Tom first got together, his arm wrapped around you, the butterflies fluttering violently in your stomach from how he held your body against his without a stitch of clothing between you two, along with the tender kisses he peppered along your shoulder. It was a routine you'd not only found yourself getting comfortable with, but you were looking forward to it whenever you felt yourself rousing from sleep.
And that part scared the living daylights out of you.
Relationships? Routines? Your mind wandering to that place that you said you never dared think about in the context of being in any kind of relationship again, because the last time you did, the rug got pulled out from under you and threw your life and the future you envisioned into a blender?
You swore to yourself that day all those years ago that you were never going to let yourself get this comfortable. That you would always have your safety measures in place so that you never had to worry about having to scramble your way back up to your feet without any sense of direction.
And you did. You had your measures. You had your walls up. You put your heart under lock and key and said you'd never give it to someone again. Yet here you were, basically opening the chest and telling Tom that it was right there for the taking.
A chest you couldn't close again even if you tried. Even if you wanted to.
The feel of his lips pressing a kiss between your neck and shoulder had you letting out a tiny whimper, making him smile and hum against your skin. "Good morning, goddess."
You were growing concerningly comfortable with that, too.
He moved you until you were lying with your back flat on the mattress, brushing his nose across yours as he gave you a contented smile. "I love you."
You couldn't help the smile that stretched across your own face hearing the words. "Hmm…careful, you keep talking like that I might get used to it."
He laid his lips on yours, giving you a tender kiss as he gently ran his hand down the side of your body before stopping at your hip, his thumb stroking your skin. "I want you to get used to it, because I'll be saying it a lot from now on." His lips traced a line down to the base of your throat. "I love you," he murmured against your skin repeatedly as he kissed along your collarbone.
"I love you, too," you whimpered as he kissed his way down to your stomach, his shaky exhale warming your skin even more. You placed your hand on his shoulder, leading him to refocus his attention to kissing his way up your arm. "I really stepped on the ledge yesterday…" you trailed off, struggling to take a deep breath as you tried to find the words, ultimately settling on the simplest ones. You weren't likely to find better words anyways. "Thank you for talking me off of it."
He took his time kissing his way back up to your lips, never breaking eye contact. "Always, my love." The new endearment, paired with the way he tenderly kissed your lips, had your head spinning. "I'm going out to get us some breakfast. I'll be back in an hour. Go back to sleep, sweetheart."
Those words had you stirring, making a motion to sit up on the bed. "What? No, you don't need to do that, you'll get papped. Gimme a few minutes to get dressed, I'll do it."
"If you go out, they'll photograph you, too," he argued. "Pictures of us are still fresh on their minds, which means these vultures are still very much on the lookout for you out and about, waiting to take pictures in hopes of selling them to the sleaziest gossip sites. Give it a week, maybe two, and they'll refocus their attention on someone else. Them and the internet."
You slumped back into the bed with a soft thud, surrendering to the fact that unfortunately, the logic made sense. You needed a good few days to let your face and those photos fade into relative irrelevancy. "You probably need your team to spin some story on why we were seen together, too," you sighed, the discomfort of having to let the wheels turn in your head before you've even had a bite of food or a sip of coffee starting to make you skittish. "I mean, the saying goes that we can't put the genie back in the bottle, but what if it isn't fully out yet? We still have a chance to…I don't know, mitigate the situation?"
Tom rested his forehead against yours, letting out a deep sigh as he laid back down on the bed as well, pulling you into his arms so that your head rested on his chest. "One day it won't be this toxic."
His words had you giggling, looking up at him and pressing a kiss to his chin. "It's adorable that you think that, but no. But one day maybe the voices of those who would genuinely just be happy for you would be louder than these snakes in the pit with their megaphones. And maybe one day I'll be strong enough to not give a fuck about any of it."
He tightened his hold on you, arms snaking around your body in an embrace that had you falling even more into that dangerous place of way too damn comfortable. "Until then I'm going to do what I can to keep you safe. It'll only be a few weeks at most. Maybe less if we're lucky and someone causes a scandal." He pressed numerous soft kisses to the tip of your nose, breaking out into a smile when his attentions caused you to let out a soft giggle. "For now, I get to keep you in the house. All to myself." His smile turned into a mischievous grin as he rolled you on to your back, rasping the next words, "Like my own beautiful brilliant little captive."
"A very willing captive," you shot back, once again going breathless when he started kissing you all over your neck and chest. "Be careful out there? Don't let them get a reaction out of you, no matter what they ask. Or what they say about me."
"I will," he mumbled, humming against your skin as he placed open-mouthed kisses along the side of your body, nipping at your waist before pulling away. He made his way to his closet, shooting a playful knowing glance at you when he saw how you propped yourself up on your elbows to enjoy the view. "Go back to sleep, sweetheart," he chuckled, throwing on his usual running gear of a black t-shirt with the Legendary logo and black shorts that were definitely a size too small with how the garment hugged and accentuated his hips and upper thighs. Not to mention how those shorts made it all too obvious that your boyfriend happily and proudly chooses neither when it came to the age-old debate of boxers or briefs.
He walked back toward the bed, sitting on the edge and leaning over you to capture your lips in a heated kiss, as if it had been weeks since he'd done it last rather than mere minutes. His hand freely roamed your side, lightly grasping at your hips while he slowly laid you back down flat on the bed. Once he had, he broke the kiss to press his lips to the tip of your nose, then to your forehead.
"I'll wake you when I'm back home. Promise me you won't check on those pages again. None of them deserve our time, or our emotions. I love you, goddess."
"I promise. I love you, too."
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A/N: Welcome to the second part of the 'said it first' arc! This would probably be the angstiest moment in their entire relationship and precious bf meow meow really answered her "I'm leaving" with "No ur not I love u 🥺" and we love him for it your honor
Three more parts to this arc and hopefully I can pull myself out of playing my lil games long enough to actually get to writing any of the pieces in my rotation 😅🫡
Here's a gif for everyone who reads 'til the end of the post…this be what the blorbos were like in that last scene:
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'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
253 notes · View notes
thisgirlnamedblusy · 10 days
pspspspspsps here kitty kitty kitty (Joking,... now you laugh) ....
Italian, Fem!Reader, that had traveled briefly to the village, to sell some books, movies, and whatnot -- just to grant the vilagers some sense of like.. the outside world? If that makes sense?
Reader, having already timed their escape, decides to go to that peculiar house up on the hill, across the bridge, before their departure, -- maybe the residents, who, Reader thought, was an old couple, or a very wealthy woman, .. maybe even one of those trust-fund families.. yes! Reader BET that the inhabitant of a place so grand would spend a pretty penny on some foreign knowledge.. maybe, Reader could even upsell. Yes! That would be enough to pay off Readers risky carriage fees.. (nervous laughter)
Reader, ignoring all darkness, all red flags and blatant signs of danger, because, well, Reader is very oblivious, and very optimistic, -- and, well, they barely know English, so, .. how would Reader know what the villagers say about the owner of said.. Oh-so large mansion? Pfft. As if.
'Oh.. its getting dark. Jeez, the trees sure do make this place gloomy!' 'Uhhhh.. why do i have a blaring sense of discomfort, nausea, unease, and a will of fright that makes my stomach churn with instinct to yeet myself the opposite direction? Oh, man, i knew i shouldnt have eaten that un-refrigerated fruit!'
Angie, if i remember that dollies name correctly, answers .. takes one look at Reader, in all of their 'Italian-beauty-standard-fitting', 'italian-book-carrying', 'Donna-language-speaking' glory (Donna language speaking because.. Italian. That was also a joke. Plz laugh), and immidiately, with that screechy voice calls Donna over
Donna fucking FAAAWNNNSSS over everything Reader has, buys their entire stock, then, out of pure gushy-ness, of how nostalgic, and amazing, and flavourful (meaning, how much stuff that Donna was desperately searching for, Reader has in stock) Readers 'for-sales' are, that she, spur-in-the-moment, ushurs Reader inside, makes them tea and whatnot,
well.. so much for Readers plan of escape. Poor bus-maid Reader hired, they thought, as they sat awkwardly beside the lady in black, veiled thickly, who was talking in Italian, since, well, Reader has little to no knowledge of english. Atleast shes also Italian. Thats nice. Wait.. why does Reader feel their cheeks heating up? Gosh, darn it, Reader has read (aha) far too many romance books.
Make it so that, since Reader, who, now, cant escape the Village, since their little plans of flight had been SPOILEDD!! (reference. Chuckles) they stay with Donna, then, after awhile, after teaching Donna everything they know about Italy, and get really comftorable with her, and sees her without her veil on accident, and cooks traditionally, does fucking .. house chores, because, well, they're an unpaying guest in a strangers home, they both start catchin' feelsies and all that sweet stuff. I'll leave the deciding of when and how to you! How generous of me!
(No smut, please. Aroace look'enne for sum intimate, not-so-intimate love. Aha. Joke again. Just a little giggle, please 😨)
Hope ya have an amazing day!! Yes, i know im too descriptive, im just awesome like that. Much apreesh, Anon. 💗
(p.s, thank u blusy 🫂🫂🫂 virtual hugs from italy. ciao bbg.. or.. bbb.. i dont .. i dunno)
Yesss!!!! Well, that was quite long request, but it was funny to write!!! Thank you for sending it and for your funny words!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language(s) mistakes!!!!
Foreign Business
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Italian! Reader
Warnings: fluff, Donna being Donna
Word count: 8,585
Summary: Should you leave that gloomy village?
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!!
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“17:30, do you hear me?” the young woman driving the small bus said.
You rolled your eyes and nodded, picking up your stuff.
“I don't think it will… How do you say… take long,” you murmured with an innocent smile, taking out your suitcase as best you could, letting it fall into the snow.
“Hey, stranger,” the girl said, with a gloomy look. “You have to pay me now.”
“Cosa? No, I'll pay you when I get back,” you said with a frown, crossing your arms.
“I'm leaving,” the girl whispered, starting the vehicle again.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey! No, no, no…” you said comically running towards the small bus. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
“Look stranger, it's clear that you have no idea of what’s going on in this place, right?” the driver asked, with a raised eyebrow. You shook your head and smiled innocently.
“Hey, I was invited,” you protested confused, giving up and taking out your wallet.
“Who has invited you?” she wanted to know.
“I have a relative in this country who is also a businessman,” you explained, putting on your coat because of the cold. “He says he is known as… The Duke.”
The girl looked at you curiously, but finally shook her head.
“No idea…” she murmured. “Besides, that doesn’t matter to me. My job is to bring you here and take you back to Bucharest. If for… Well, for whatever reason you don’t come back, I’ll be left without my money, do you understand?”
“Why wouldn’t I come back?” you asked nervously, looking down the hill, where the old village stood in a frozen mist. “I'm just going to sell my stuff and…”
“You bore me,” the driver sighed, with a mocking laugh that made you burn with rage. “Just pay me now, spaghetti.”
“Mm, politeness is not your best virtue, is it?” you murmured, wishing to say other things, other not-so-elegant words.
After all, that stupid girl was your only transportation in that place in the middle of nowhere… You should control your desire to insult her with all your might.
“I'd rather be rude than stupid,” the young woman laughed, extending her hand for you to give her the money you were holding, squeezing it tightly.
“Ugh, here, your money,” you grumbled, getting a satisfied look from the driver, who turned off the engine, reclining her seat and picking up a magazine.
“A pleasure doing business with you, spaghetti...” she sighed with a sinister laugh.
You, without her seeing you, made fun of her, angrily picking up your suitcase and walking towards the path where you had met with the Duke.
“Stupida...” you hissed, shaking your head, observing the landscape around you.
The trip had been exhausting. Dodging the mountains, those snowy landscapes had taken you too much time, but, that seemingly remote place had a special charm that made it worth it.
You were always a saleswoman, descendant of a family of merchants that expanded throughout old Europe decades ago. Sell, buy, repeat… That was your way of life. Trading in the villages of your country, Italy, was something simple for you, perhaps too simple.
The lack of interest of people in the modern world for something as simple as books, films, or any element of culture, had caused your business to falter, and you had no more than four clients in your area.
You always believed in tradition, in following the family legacy, even when circumstances were not in your favour. You could say that you were also a bit stubborn. Your family branched out to all possible places, places like France, Germany, Spain…
They all seemed to be haunted by the same curse, the same lack of interest in a good book, in knowledge itself.
But there was one place, a place where the tentacles of your family had arrived to stay for a long time, a place where the past lived, where present and future seemed not to exist at all.
A distant relative, the Duke, was for you the luckiest member of the family. Not even your parents knew how long that man had been in that village, in Romania. There were even rumors that he never came, that he never left, he had always existed.
Nonsense and legends in your opinion.
What you did know was that in that place, there were some business opportunities.
You had heard many things about the Duke, about the place where he worked. Apart from old superstitions and legends of witches and vampires, things you didn't believe in, you had heard that the people of the place lived completely oblivious to the outside world.
A unique opportunity. How much would a person pay to know what the world around them was like?
You didn't really care much about the reasons, those strange rumors. You didn't even wonder why that village seemed to be frozen in time. The only thing you thought about when you got on that plane was business.
“Qui...” you sighed when you reached that meeting point the Duke marked.
Without having anything else to do but wait, you sorted your merchandise while you studied the snowy forest that surrounded you, trying to decipher the old wooden signs that indicated illegible directions.
“Re-Reser-Reservoir...” you stammered, removing the snow from one of those signs, looking around. “Un bacino idrico?” you asked, scratching your head. “Mm, interessante...”
Yes, maybe if you finished soon you could do some sightseeing and, above all, you could see the enormous castle that seemed to guard the village.
The minutes passed, you couldn't tell if quickly or slowly. Nothing, there was no sign of the Duke. You might not have known what he looked like, but… In reality, you hadn't seen anyone pass by that path.
The cold began to mix with impatience, making you shiver.
“Ah!” you shrieked when, out of nowhere, a flock of black crows appeared, passing over you, close, too close.
Those black birds seemed like an evil omen, but you were too eager to know that place to realize it. Simply, with a proud cough, you stood up from your crouched position, shaking the snow off your dress.
“Uccelli…” you growled furiously, watching how that flock of crows moved away with sinister sounds.
Checking that your merchandise was still intact, you closed your suitcase, crossing your arms, slowly losing patience.
As you sighed for the umpteenth time, you realized that maybe you were in the wrong place. Asking wouldn't do any good, and besides, there was no one you could ask.
“Mm?” you muttered when you noticed something different among your stuff, a sealed envelope that you could swear wasn't there before.
Looking around confused, thinking no way those crows left that envelope, you slowly picked it up, opening it with a frown. As you began to read, you looked nervously at that forest again. It was a letter for you, in the middle of nowhere.
Dear (Y/N)
I'm afraid something unexpected has come up. It prevents me from attending to you, even though I was certainly looking forward for us to meet. I suppose that, since you are my family, to trade in the village on your own won't be a problem for you.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
PS: A word of advice, listen to what the villagers tell you, I wouldn't want the wolves to devour you, or anything worse. Please take care of yourself.
There was no doubt about it, that letter had arrived there by magic. The idea of ​​messenger crows seemed less and less crazy. But the reality was overwhelming: you were alone in that unknown place.
You had two options: You could take your suitcase, walk back in your tracks and go to the bus, writing yet another failure in your diary, a very expensive one. On the other hand, you could ignore those chills, that feeling of being where you shouldn't be and do what you had come to do.
I wouldn't want the wolves to devour you, or anything worse…
That warning seemed like an irony, a little joke that was surely common to all outsiders like you. Well, it's not like it was a place where there could be wolves but… That wasn't the disturbing thing. What could be worse than being savagely devoured by those beasts?
Curiosity or cowardice, that was your dilemma.
With a thoughtful sigh, you looked at those two possible paths, imagining that, under each of them, there was a line of text that told you which page to go to, like those adventure books that offered several possibilities, some of them fatal ones.
You always fantasized too much thanks to those books. Maybe if you had been as rational as the protagonists of those great adventures, you would have considered your possibilities better.
Shrugging, not wanting to have wasted your money on a fruitless trip, you didn’t listen to the Duke's letter. After all, your job was to talk to people, you didn't need his help, or so you thought.
The castle was increasingly imposing as you approached. It was fascinating, a place from a novel, full of possibilities. Surely when you returned home and read one of those books, you would imagine that gloomy and mysterious landscape.
The glances traveled to your eyes passively. These villagers were definitely strange, they seemed to either fear you, or wish you away, you weren't sure.
Unfortunately, your eagerness to offer knowledge to these poor souls was unsuccessful.
Muttering things you didn't quite understand, in an English that was practically incomprehensible to you, which, on the other hand, was bad luck, since you didn't fully master the language either, each one of the doors of those old cabins closed in your face.
“Hey, I haven't even said my name!” you protested after the tenth disinterested grunt from one of the inhabitants of that place. “Cazzo…”
The door opened again and a young woman with an apologetic look appeared.
“Forgive my father. He doesn't trust outsiders,” the young woman said. Well, at least she spoke to you. “My name is Elena.”
“Sono (Y/N),” you said politely, shaking your hand with the young woman's, who frowned upon hearing you speak that way.
“It's clear that you're not a villager,” the girl joked, closing the door.
“No, I'm Italian,” you said, with a business smile that you had already rehearsed.
The young Elena nodded curiously, glancing at your suitcase.
“Are you a merchant?” she asked, pointing at your merchandise.
You nodded slowly.
“Yes, I've come on behalf of a relative... His name is, or he calls himself... Duke,” you explained with a trembling voice. Your nerves couldn't fail you. At least you had managed to talk to someone.
“The Duke?” the girl asked, with a surprised look. “Wow, I didn't know he had a family.”
“Yes, but he seems to be the only one who is successful,” you murmured jokingly, pronouncing the words in the best way possible. “Well... Elena, right? Are you interested in something?”
“No, I'm sorry. I'm afraid we have everything we need,” she said, shaking her head with a kind smile. “My father says that books are a waste of time.”
“Sciocchezze,” you sighed with a mischievous smile, showing her a vinyl record. “What about music? It's the sound of the soul.”
“No, no, I... I'm afraid we don't need anything like that,” Elena shook her head again.
“Oh, great,” you said, letting your smile fade at the thought that you couldn't even get enough money to recoup the investment of the trip.
“Don't be offended, just…” the young woman said, gesturing with her hands to emphasize her apology. “… We just work to live, that's, that's all we do, anything else would be entertainment.”
“Oh,” you said curiously, arching your eyebrows.
“But, um…” the girl said, looking around. “Maybe, maybe I know someone who might be interested.”
“Do you?” you asked.
Elena nodded, briefly pointing to a large house that stood out from the orchards.
“Luiza has always been a very cultured woman, and she is very kind. Maybe she would want to listen to you,” the young woman explained, in a kind tone. You blinked, looking at the indicated place, and smiled. “She lives up there, in the orchards.”
“Elena!” A loud voice was heard inside the cabin and the girl shuddered.
“I'm coming, father!” Elena shrieked, with another apologetic look. “Sorry, (Y/N), but…”
“Oh, of course, there is no… Pro-problem,” you said nervous about the impatience of that unpleasant man. “Luiza… Okay. Ciao!”
At least that girl helped you not to lose hope.
Elena wasn't lying, that Luiza seemed a bit different from the rest of the villagers, kinder, smarter, with an understandable English... It seems that you interested her enough to invite you into her house.
“Wait there, I'll make tea,” she said kindly, indicating that you sit at a table where a man seemed to be sharpening a knife with a distrustful look. After a few tense seconds, the man left his task, looking at you with distrust.
“So you're a merchant...” he whispered, tilting his head and crossing his arms.
“Yes,” you answered, with that well-rehearsed smile.
“And an outsider...” he whispered, with a sinister smile. “Luiza says you are related to the Duke...”
“That's right,” you said, without losing your merchant composure.
He laughed, shaking his head.
“Wow, I didn't know the fat man had a family,” the man said, with the same surprise in his voice as the young woman before. “Where are you from?”
“Italy,” you said proudly, ignoring those dark eyes, which hardened when they heard you answer.
“Italy, you say?” he asked, leaning a little towards you, narrowing his eyes. “You say you're related to the Duke?”
“Y-Yes,” you stammered, confused by that change in attitude.
“Mm, are you sure you're related to the merchant?” he asked suspiciously, making you nervous. “Hey, maybe by any chance you know...”
“Ahem,” Luiza interrupted, serving you the cup of tea. “Marcus.”
“What? I'm just asking, the girl says she's Italian,” the man, her husband, apparently, protested. “You and I know who…”
“Marcus,” Luiza said, with a firmer tone. The man shook his head, sighing in defeat. “Don't scare the poor girl.”
“Bah, if she's not scared yet, she must be brave, or stupid,” Marcus commented, laughing amused. You made an effort to smile at that little joke, smelling the delicious aroma of tea.
“Okay, (Y/N), unlike my husband, I’m interested in those foreign items… Do you have any opera records?”
“Oh, sure, sure,” you said, as if coming out of a confused thought, opening your suitcase and putting on a display of everything you had.
Well, you did manage to sell a few things. You would always be grateful to that woman, the only kind woman in that place, apart from the young girl, of course. But even with that partial success, you didn't have enough to feel like you had succeeded.
If that woman had bought you something, nobody was telling you that there couldn't be more Luizas in that place. You just had to find them.
You were ready to leave that house, when a small book caught your attention. It looked like a book full of old photographs of the village. You approached it with curiosity while Luiza kindly opened the door for you.
“Um, sorry, but... Can I take a look?” you asked, pointing at the book. The woman looked at her husband and he shrugged, making a vague gesture of farewell.
“Of course...” the woman sighed, faking a smile. You returned it gratefully, starting to turn the pages of that album. “This village is an old one.”
“I see,” you commented nodding, turning pages and pages full of snowy landscapes. “My family had told me about this place, but... Well, not much. What is this?” you asked, pointing to a kind of square guarded by four large statues.
“Those are the… The four founders of the village,” Luiza explained. “The Dimitrescu family, owner of the castle; the Moreau family, owner of the lake lands; the Heisenberg family who owned a metal factory on the outskirts of the village, and the… The Beneviento family, the doll makers.”
“Oh,” you sighed interested, not even hearing the names very well, you were more attentive to those old photographs. “Does anyone live in the castle? I'd like to visit it.”
“Um, no, I…” the woman stammered, making you frown. “I don't think you should go near it, (Y/N).”
“Isn't it open to the public? What a pity,” you said with a disappointed voice.
Luiza made a strange gesture, shaking her head.
“Young lady, take some advice from me,” the woman said, speaking in a very low tone, approaching you with a hand on your shoulder. “You must leave this place.”
“Why?” you asked, confused, looking away at another of the photographs, one with a beautiful mansion, guarded by a waterfall.
It quickly caught your attention, even making you ignore the kind woman's warning words.
“Because…” Luiza sighed, with a broken tone, as if she were afraid of something. “It's not the best place for an outsider.”
“Oh, yeah, well,” you said, amused, gesturing with your hand. “I have people skills. That's not a problem. Tell me, is this house in the village?”
“Oh, that house…” Luiza murmured, looking at the same photograph.
“It's impressive,” you said curious. “Does anyone live there?” you insisted, running your hand over the drawing of what looked like a symbol, one with a moon and a sun.
“It's, it's far from here,” the woman commented, closing the album and subtly pushing you towards the exit. “Listen to me, don't go near that place. It's very dangerous.”
You shook your head with wide eyes, pulling your suitcase.
“Everything here seems very dangerous,” you commented with a low voice and a frown. The woman put on a sad look, caressing your cheek in a strange way.
“Go away, (Y/N), go away before the shadows invade you,” Luiza whispered, turning her back on you and closing the door softly, leaving you petrified on the floor.
“Cosa diavolo non va?” you asked yourself with a strange grimace, slowly moving away from the house.
Ignoring these strange warnings, you walked aimlessly through the village, looking for someone who wasn't afraid of your presence, or who wouldn't bow their head, ignoring your greeting.
Tired from your erratic walk, you decided to lean against a stone sculpture, in the middle of another snowy square. Failure loomed in your thoughts, in your mind, wondering if perhaps with the Duke present, things would have been different.
You looked at your watch and sighed, it was still early to leave, and even more so when you had barely sold four things. You had to make an effort, either that, or try another nearby village.
The crows flew above you like a bad omen that you couldn't interpret. The sky was dark, gloomy.
Don't let the shadows invade you...
Luiza's words echoed in your ears, words you didn't know how to interpret, or rather, that you didn't want to interpret. You were in a different country, in a different culture, lost in that snowy, sinister village. Even though you believed that nothing could go wrong, a bad feeling began to haunt you.
Yes, maybe it was time to leave.
You stood up with a defeated gasp, shaking your head, depressed by your ridiculous failure. But, you had barely taken two steps when something caught your attention.
In front of you was a wooden door, a kind of fence that separated a private property. Above the frame, there was a symbol, one that you remembered having seen before: that moon and that sun.
Your mind was left thinking. Yes, surely that would be the way to the waterfall house. It had to be. Luiza warned you to not get too close but… Curiosity was calling you.
Okay, it wasn't a huge castle but… Still, that mansion couldn't belong to just any villager. The curious relationship of wealth, bigger houses and kindness that you found in the village made you think that maybe someone rich lived there, a person or family with enough money to think about leisure or wisdom.
“Mm,” you murmured curiously, approaching that place, looking at that symbol closely. The door was open. You almost thought you heard whispers that encouraged you to enter that dark path.
You swallowed when a cold breeze came out of that darkness. Your body trembled for no reason, but your mind was blinded by greed. You couldn't miss that opportunity to know what or who was on the other side, who lived in that place.
The sunlight illuminated the path you had to follow with increasingly less intense rays. Slowly, you followed that luminous advice, entering through the wooden door, walking towards the unknown.
It didn't seem like a very strange place, or so you thought. The trees seemed sad, that place seemed devoured by time. Strange objects hung from the almost rotten branches, which you passed by without flinching.
You simply kept your mind busy, like a danger blocking mechanism that seemed to alert your subconscious. Instead of worrying, when you saw that those things hanging from the trees were dolls, you simply whistled, making your way through the branches with a slow walk.
You passed an old wooden bridge, one that said: go away in all possible languages. You were never good at interpreting those words, those screams from your mind that demanded your attention.
The sunlight diminished as you walked, it was getting dark. The branches of the trees drew disturbing shadows that surrounded a pair of ruined cabins.
“Brr,” you shivered when you saw those wooden claws stalking you.
The smile never left your face, but your body began to notice the symptoms of that inner fear; a dizziness, a feeling of heaviness in your stomach... All of these were physical signs that seemed to want to stop you in your tracks.
You even thought that the tea or the fruit you ate at Luiza's had upset your stomach. No, you didn't see the danger in any way, or rather, you didn't want to see it.
Finally you reached a clearing, where a mound showed a sinister grave you didn't want to approach. Your stupidity and your desire for wealth were so strong that you thought it was perhaps a simple decoration.
“Un ascensore...” you murmured when you reached a red door, surely the entrance to that curious mansion.
Biting your lip, you rubbed your hands entering those metal bars. Of course, whoever lived in that place had to have a lot of money, and, above all, a great desire to spend it. You fantasized about what you were going to find: a rich family? A widow, perhaps? A wealthy man? Maybe one of the founders of the village’s descendants? It didn't matter who it was, but you could smell money from miles away.
When you got out of the elevator, the sight in front of you forced you to stop. There was that house, that huge house with a beautiful waterfall next to it.
“If this doesn't work, I'm leaving the business,” you said, rehearsing in your head the phrases to say to the inhabitant of that place, greetings, smiles, all your charms.
The sound of the falling water relaxed you, although you didn't know why you were even nervous. The word danger whispered in your mind like a premonition or intuition, but you let the waterfall completely eclipse it. The beauty of that place couldn't entail any danger, you were convinced.
You cleared your throat as you approached the door, slowly climbing the steps. At the moment, there was nothing that matched Luiza's warnings, nothing, until, before you could knock on the door, it opened with an ominous creak.
“Um, hello?” you asked, seeing how, in front of you, there was nothing but a beautiful wooden room, with a rocking chair that moved by itself. “Ciao...” you repeated in a lower voice.
There didn't seem to be anyone in that place and you sighed, relaxing your shoulders and looking around.
“Oh!” you squealed in fear when you looked down, where, what looked like a ventriloquist's doll was standing looking at you. “Oh... Cazzo... What...” you said upset. “Good... Good trick...”
Smiling, thinking that, like the gravestones in the clearing, this was just a joke, you crouched down curiously, looking at that puppet.
“Hello?” you repeated, standing up again and ignoring the doll, which, perhaps because of the accumulated fatigue, you thought was following you with its gaze.
“Down here, stupid!” a high-pitched screech scared you again, making you fall backwards, tripping and crashing your body against the hard stone of the porch.
But neither the pain of the fall nor the fright were the worst. Yes, you were not dreaming, if it was a joke, it was the best one you had ever seen.
That doll, that damn doll moved, moved its articulated mouth, laughing out loud.
“Who are you?” the puppet asked, approaching your collapsed body. You backed away scared, crawling until you reached those small steps.
“Ahhh! Una bambola parlante!” you shrieked in fear, standing up as quickly as possible with your hands in front of your body.
“Who are you calling a talking doll, you silly, silly?” the puppet asked.
No, there was no doubt. There were no strings, no ventriloquist, it was alive.
“Ah, io, io… What?” you stammered nervously, shaking your head, blinking hard to make what was undoubtedly a hallucination go away. It didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, can you repeat that?” the doll said, approaching with a comical step. “What did you just say?”
“Cosa?” you asked, grabbing your suitcase, ready to run away. “Sorry, I… No, no… What?”
“You called me a talking doll,” it said, crossing its arms.
 You nodded confused.
“I'm, I'm, I'm sorry... No, no...” you stammered, still shocked and scared by the impossibility of that old toy. It couldn't move, it just couldn't.
“Who are you?” it asked again. “Why do you know Italian?”
“I-I-I'm Italian,” you stammered, shaking your head.
The doll tilted its head curiously, looking you up and down.
“You're a long way from home, you silly Italian,” the doll commented in a mocking tone.
You blinked again, scratching the back of your neck, searching all over the doll for the mechanism that was supposed to make it behave like that. You didn't find it.
“I-I'm a merchant,” you said with a broken voice. The doll nodded, walking towards you quickly, climbing up your dress. It was too close, you couldn't move.
“Merchant?” it asked again, looking at you as if it was reading your soul. “What do you sell?”
“I sell… I sell… Books and… Vinyl and… Movies…” you explained when the doll finally got off your body, without taking those cold eyes off you.
“Books and movies?” the puppet asked.
You, nervous, still scared, nodded erratically.
“Do you have Italian stuff?”
“S-Sure I have,” you whispered in a small voice.
“Mm,” the doll murmured turning around, but looking at you several times before disappearing into the darkness of the mansion. “Donna, Donna! You have to see this, come, come!”
“Donna?” you asked yourself, gathering enough courage to walk back to the door, where, after a few seconds, the sound of heels approached.
In front of you was a woman, a woman dressed completely in black, with a veil covering her face. She had a stoic pose, she emanated danger, and even more so when you saw that she was holding the doll in her arms.
Even if she was the most experienced ventriloquist in the world, she could never have done that, it was simply impossible.
“She's pretty, huh, Donna?” the doll said, nudging the lady, who sighed tiredly. “An Italian beauty knocking on your door, not even in your dreams could you imagine something like that.”
“Angie…” A hoarse, dark voice came out of that black veil while the woman lowered the doll to the floor. It laughed amusedly, staring at you again.
“Um, well…” you murmured confused, with your gaze fixed on that black veil, on those invisible eyes that you knew were watching you. “H-Hello…”
There was no answer. The lady didn't even seem to be bothered by your words.
“Um… I'm… I'm (Y/N),” you said, putting fear aside and politely extending your hand towards her, who looked at it briefly, without returning your greeting. “No? Okay… Well…”
“I'm Angie!” the doll shrieked, grabbing your hand instead of its owner and shaking it roughly. “Nice to scare you!”
“H-Hello… Suppongo…” you whispered, still confused but, mysteriously, more relaxed.
“Forgive her, she doesn’t like to talk,” the doll explained, pointing at its owner in a mocking way. “Shall I tell you a secret? She's Italian too.”
“Oh, really?” you asked, looking at the lady, who nodded briefly. “Che strana coincidenza…”
“Perché strana?” that hoarse voice asked again, the voice of that mysterious lady.
“Oh, well…” you said embarrassed, of course, that doll hadn't lied to you. “No, it's nothing…”
“Che vuoi?” the lady in black asked again, her tone lighter, but reflected impatience.
“I'm, I'm a merchant,” you said again, trying to smile, making a superhuman effort to make that strange situation stop being so strange.
After all, she was the inhabitant of that place, and she was also Italian. The business seemed to call you…
“She sells a lot of things, Donna!” the doll shrieked, pointing at you. “Things you like!”
“Mm,” the woman in black murmured, looking over your shoulder at the merchandise. “Me li può mostrare?”
“Oh, sure, sure…” you said nervously, heading towards your suitcase and opening it on the floor, closely followed by that strange doll, which didn't seem to want to leave you alone.
“Look, Donna, your favorite record!” the doll squealed, rummaging through the merchandise without any kind of hesitation, under your watchful gaze, and hers.
The lady took that vinyl, observing it carefully. You almost thought you heard a slight laugh coming out of that veil.
“È, it's a special edition,” you murmured when you saw how interested she seemed to be. “You, you know… Come prima… Più di prima…” you sang in a timid and horrible way.
The veiled lady looked up with a sigh.
“Are you also a singer?” she asked with a weak, whispering voice.
You laughed nervously shaking your head, with your cheeks slightly blushed.
“No… The truth is, I’m not… Although, although they've always told me that I have a beautiful voice,” you said timidly, looking sideways as Angie rummaged through the books.
“Mm,” the lady murmured with disinterest, looking at the vinyl again.
“Donna, Donna! Nonna's favorite book!” the doll squealed, handing her one of your books in perfect condition. “Look, look, this one isn't broken!”
“I have that one on sale… If, if you're interested… Donna, right?” you said with your voice cracked by nerves, playing with your sweaty hands.
“Donna? Lady Beneviento for you, silly!” the doll snapped at you, in a haughty tone.
“Beneviento?” you asked involuntarily, knowing that you had heard that name somewhere.
Of course you heard it. Like a whisper of help, your mind recalled Luiza's words, those that explained to you the families who had founded the village. Of course, that Donna Beneviento was an important person in that place. Despite everything strange, your greed took precedence, she seemed truly interested in what you were selling.
The mysterious woman nodded slowly, leafing through that book with curiosity.
“I’m sorry, Lady Beneviento,” you said elegantly, lowering your head. You knew she was not an ordinary villager and therefore, you could not treat her as such.
“Vieni,” she whispered, gesturing for you to enter the house.
You nodded nervously, closing your suitcase and pulling it into the mansion, with an extra weight. That living doll had climbed on top of it, swinging its legs in a playful way.
“Hey, do you mind?” you said nervously. The doll, obviously, shook her head.
You groaned, still in disbelief, and when you looked again you saw something strange.
There was a portrait, a portrait hanging on the wall of the stairs. On it, there was a woman, a really beautiful, gorgeous woman with a pale face, serious eyes and black hair. Next to her, there was that puppet, the Angie doll. Would she be the lady?
Lady Beneviento cleared her throat, getting your attention, letting you know through her non-verbal language, that she didn't want you to look at that portrait. You decided to be good and obey.
“Sit down, I'll make some tea and we'll talk business,” the woman whispered, pointing to a cozy corner of that house.
“Sure... Yes, um... Thank you,” you said with a kind smile.
The woman in black looked at you for an almost awkward moment and then turned around, walking slowly towards a hallway. You followed her with your eyes until she disappeared.
It was a strange situation indeed. Perhaps you should have listened better to your survival instincts.
After what seemed like an eternity, the lady returned, serving you a cup of tea with an elegant gesture and sitting in front of you.
“Grazie…” you whispered with a grateful smile, blowing on the steaming liquid. “Truth be told, I didn't expect to find someone who spoke my language… I've never been good with English.”
“You seem to speak it quite well,” she commented, with a regal pose, barely moving, not letting anyone see for a moment what that black veil was hiding.
“I have no choice, I guess,” you sighed, shaking your head.
“Do you trade all over Europe?” she asked curiously as you opened your suitcase again, your hands shaking.
You weren’t there to chat. You had gone to do business. You couldn’t forget that.
“No, I… Well, I used to trade only in Italy,” you explained with a sad smile.
“Where in Italy are you from?” she asked again as Angie, with the suitcase open again, rubbed her wooden hands, rummaging through your stuff with an evil laugh.
You looked back at the lady, a bit confused.
“Da che parte d’Italia vieni?” the lady repeated with a slightly darker voice. “Nord, sud…?”
“Oh, yes, Well… I was born in the city of… This may seem like a joke to you but… I’m from the city of Benevento,” you said with a shy smile.
 You didn’t want her to think you were laughing at her. It was just a stupid coincidence.
“Mm, why would I think it's a joke?” she asked, with a tired sigh.
“Well, because of your… Your last name… It's quite similar, isn't it?” you said with a fake smile. “Are you from around there?”
“No,” the lady answered dryly, without bothering to shake her head. “I was born here.”
“Oh, okay…” you murmured, glancing at the doll, who was shuffling through your books. “Hey, um… be careful…” you said to the doll, who made a mocking gesture, imitating your voice in an unpleasant way. “Hey, la, la bambola…”
“Yes, Angie…” you repeated with a frown. “Why is she alive?”
“That's none of your business,” she said, with a cold voice, one that ran through your nerves, putting them on alert again.
“O-Okay, sorry,” you murmured, looking down.
“Do you have Italian movies?” she asked after a tense moment, one that you took advantage of to hide your embarrassment in the teacup. “Film.”
“Oh, yes, yes of course…” you said nervously, reaching for the suitcase, rummaging through your messy things due to the Angie doll, who protested with a grunt at your hand. “I have a lot of these.”
“Mm?” the lady murmured, looking at the cover confused, opening it and taking out the disc. “What is this?”
“A, a movie,” you said, clearing your throat. “A DVD.”
“DVD…” she whispered, looking at her reflection in that shiny disc, visibly confused. You couldn't believe she didn't know it. That village was definitely stopped in time. “I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand you.”
“Um, well…” you said, scratching the back of your neck, wondering how you were going to explain that to this mysterious woman. She didn't seem to be joking, at all.
“Hey, it's like a mirror!” Angie squealed, climbing onto her owner's lap and comically looking at herself in the disc, turning it curiously. “I want one, Donna, I want one!”
“Ugh, va bene…” the lady whispered, putting the DVD back in its place and handing it to the doll, who jumped victoriously. “It's still not what I'm looking for.”
“What… What are you looking for?” you asked, flashing your fake saleswoman smile again.
“Don't you have any 28mm rolls?” the woman wanted to know.
You nodded confused.
“Yes… But, but they are, they are special, I mean, I mean… They are… They are molto costose, you know… They are, they are almost museum relics,” you said, taking a metal box out of the suitcase and opening it, displaying its contents.
“Fine, I want them,” she murmured, nodding and snatching the box from your hands. “Money is not a problem.”
Well, that phrase fostered a more sincere smile on your face.
“Va bene… It is…” you said nervously, taking out a notebook in which you wrote down your sales.
“I'm not finished,” she interrupted you, leaving the box on the floor. “I also want those books.”
“Those? Which ones?” you asked confused by her vague description.
“All of them,” the lady said abruptly, leaving you glued to the seat. “I've been asking the Duke for that classic novel collection for a long time.”
“The Duke? Oh, well, I'm related to him,” you said smiling, taking the books out of the suitcase and leaving them on the table.
“You?!” Angie asked in a shrill voice, getting too close to you again. “Come on! You don't look like that fat greasy guy!”
“Fat greasy guy?” you asked amused. “Well, I don't really know him, but it seems that in this village you do it quite well.”
“Oh, yes, he's a scammer!” Angie shrieked laughing amused. “Isn't he, Donna?”
“Mm…” the lady nodded, distracted by the books.
That scared you.
“Oh, I… I'm not like him. I'm always fair with prices and… Cazzo, don't think I'm trying to rip you off or anything like that… Cazzo.”
“Do you mind stopping talking like that? I don't like rude girls,” Donna snapped at you, with a dangerous, annoyed tone.
“I'm, I'm sorry, it's just that... Well, I'm not used to being understood,” you explained with a different blush, one that was accentuated when a shy laugh came out of her veil.
“It was just a joke,” she said amused, more relaxed, surely fascinated by that collection of books she was looking for so much. “Do you want some more tea?”
“Oh, yes, per favore,” you said, extending your cup towards the teapot, with a calm smile.
“I still don't know what a girl like you is doing in a place like this...” she whispered after a moment of calm silence, one that served to, little by little, get you used to that sinister atmosphere, and that doll.
“It's a long story...” you sighed, leaning back on the old sofa.
“I have time,” she said, with the same tone as you. “I'm sure you'll appreciate having a chat in your native language, right?”
As if you had suddenly forgotten what you were doing there, or how much time you had left to leave, you began to chat calmly with that strange woman.
At first she seemed gloomy, reluctant to hold any kind of conversation but… As you explained everything that led you to the village, your concerns, your goals… Well, her attitude relaxed quite a bit.
The short, dry sentences turned into a soft voice, into shy laughs from time to time. It seemed that she had gained some confidence with you, or so that living doll hinted. After your hectic trip through Romania, a chat in your language effectively lifted your spirits, it was almost like feeling at home.
On the other hand, that erratic behavior of the lady in black never ceased to surprise you. Like the rest of the villagers, she seemed not to understand or comprehend very well the outside world, the time in which you lived.
To your surprise, she had never even set foot on Italy. Yes, her family came from there, but, incredibly, Donna had never been there. But that was not the only thing that was curious, so were the words that claimed she had never left the village.
It might seem that this woman, with money, with power, from an important family, had little or no interest in traveling, in leaving this sinister time capsule.
But that was not the case. Her words were full of sadness, her sighs, that nostalgia with which she listened attentively to your words... It seemed as if deep down she wanted to leave, as if, for some reason, her stay in the village was some kind of condemnation for her.
The mansion grew darker as time went by as you talked, sharing impressions, tastes, hobbies… It was almost as if you had just met a friend, a friend with an interesting voice, with a beautiful body, with a subtle but intoxicating lavender perfume…
Your cheeks betrayed those erratic thoughts about the lady in black and you shook your head several times.
You, a cultured girl, a fan of romance novels, always tended to idealize that kind of situations. You didn't want to believe in love at first sight, but you certainly didn't know what it felt like, if it was even possible.
No, no, no, no… You couldn't think about that, despite how attractive Lady Beneviento was to you. Everything had an end, and sooner than you would have liked, yours came.
Sighing, finishing your last cup of tea, you looked at the clock and almost choked.
“Oh, cazzo!” you said hurriedly, getting up from the sofa. “5 o'clock, if I don't hurry…”
“What's wrong?” the lady in black asked, getting up too, playing nervously with her hands.
“I'd love to stay and chat but… If I don't make it to that stupida’s bus, she will leave without me and…” you explained, gathering that was left in your suitcase. Donna had bought almost everything without thinking about it.
“Are you going to leave?” she asked in a whisper, with a voice that, at least to you, seemed sad.
You looked at her and nodded with a polite smile, extending your hand towards her, a hand that, this time, she shook briefly.
Damn, her hands were very soft…
“It's been nice meeting you, Donna,” you said kindly, turning around to walk towards the hall.
“Are you going to let her just leave? Silly Donna…” you heard the doll whisper in an indiscreet manner.
“W-Wait, wait a moment,” the nervous lady said, running to meet you, making her veil move, inducing your mischievous eyes to look at what was underneath. “D-Do you really have to go?”
“Yes,” you said with a confused look, totally innocent.
“W-Wait, I… I…” she murmured, approaching slowly. “It's dangerous to go out at night.”
“Hey, can someone explain to me what it is that scares you so much about this place? And why are there living dolls?” you asked with an impatient tone, remembering each of the villagers' warnings.
“I'll explain everything to you, but, but only if you stay with me a little longer, just a little longer,” the lady said, in a tone that sounded curiously desperate. “Per favore…”
“Please, please!” the doll repeated in a shrill tone.
“Um…” you stammered, unable to find an answer, a desire to stay that you knew existed. But that village had already given you so much trouble, you wanted to leave, but at the same time, you didn't.
Damn senseless crush… How can you even know if you really liked that woman?
“Okay,” you said, letting your words speak for themselves, sighing as you looked at your wristwatch, knowing that, even if you ran, you wouldn't make it to the bus on time. “Hai un telefono?”
The lady nodded, pointing to a small table.
You walked slowly past her, checking how, in a disturbing way, the doll and owner followed you with their gaze.
“Irina?” you asked when someone finally answered, after a few tense moments.
“Oh spaghetti, it's you!” the driver of the bus screamed. She seemed agitated, as if she was running away from something, or so you sensed, there was too much interference. “You have to… Help me! Wolves… Monsters…! Call the… Lice!”
“Cosa? I don't understand you, are you okay?” you asked with a frown, that stupid girl seemed to be in danger.
“No…! No…! Mother Miranda!”
After those screams, the call was interrupted, leaving you disoriented. Seeing you like that, Donna approached, taking the phone from your hand and hanging it slowly, as if somehow those screams hadn't surprised her.
“It seems that there are some connection problems,” Angie mocked, laughing, but stopping when the lady suddenly looked at her, as if she had said something she shouldn't. “Oops…”
“I think she wanted me to call the police… Who is Mother Miranda?” you asked confused, with your heart racing.
“She’s the leader of this village,” Donna murmured, with a somber voice. “But don't worry, she won't hurt you, I won't allow it.”
“Hurt? Um, hey, Donna, I think, I think Irina was in trouble,” you said nervously, focused on finding out what had happened.
“You'll be in trouble if you go out at night, silly! You have to stay here!” Angie yelled at you, pointing comically at the floor.
“Oh, no, no, I don't want to disturb you,” you said with a trembling voice.
Your intuition wasn't wrong at all, but... In that house, you didn't seem to be in danger.
“You're not disturbing me, I like your company,” Donna said, with her hands in front of her body, with an elegant posture, unfazed by what seemed to be the death of the bus girl. “Do you want...? Do you want to cook something for dinner?”
“Oh, um, yes, dinner... Um...” you said confused, nodding without really knowing why. “Va...Va bene...”
As if you had forgotten what had happened, as if that call hadn't taken place, you went down to that dark basement with the lady in black and started cooking. It was a fun, entertaining time.
You both shared your own recipes, your special ways of doing things. Your mind had forgotten about going home, it had forgotten where you wanted to go, why you wanted to leave. The only thing you knew was that you wanted to stay with that dark Italian Lady. You wanted to talk to her, laugh with her.
Yes, you started to believe in love at first sight, you had no doubt that it existed, you were experiencing it.
Day and night began to dance before your eyes, the sun and the moon. How long had you been there? You didn't know. Had it been days, weeks, months? You weren't sure.
Cooking, reading, watching those movies… Any excuse was good enough to forget about your problems, to forget you had a place to go back to.
 Maybe darkness had invaded you but… You had become addicted to her, to Donna Beneviento, to that strange woman and her doll, to her voice, her words, her laughter… To the lavender of her perfume…
“Sale,” Donna said, extending her hand so you could give her the jar she needed while, like so many days, like so many times, you cooked with her.
A curious routine, cooking, cleaning, sewing… Something that your own conscience used as payment for being a guest who didn't pay for her stay but… Were you really a guest? What were you?
“I've never seen anyone making pasta,” you said curiously, leaning your elbow on the counter. Donna laughed amused, shaking her head. “Well, my grandmother usually…”
“You say I'm like your grandmother?” she joked, kneading calmly.
“No, not at all,” you said, amused, looking hypnotically at that curious dough. “I buy it ready-made, it's easier and faster that way.”
“Chi va piano…”
“Va lontano…” you finished, smiling again, with that damn blush on your cheeks. “It's true, you're right, Donna.”
She glanced at you briefly, giving you another of her beautiful laughs. You were so dazed that nothing mattered anymore, only waking up in that guest room again, only going downstairs to share moments with her, only her, only Donna mattered to you.
“Wait, let me help you,” you said, picking up one of the flour sacks and putting it on the counter with a loud thud, raising a thick cloud of white dust. “Cazzo! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!”
The lady coughed, brushing the flour away with her hand, clearing her vision. It could be a comedian or a dangerous one, you didn't quite know. Her little apron was unable to stop all the flour, which landed on Lady Beneviento, including her veil.
“Tutto bene?” you asked timidly, brushing the dust out of your hair.
“Sì,” the woman in black murmured, accidentally removing her veil, shaking it in front of your wide-open eyes.
When she realized the mistake she had made, the mistake of showing you her face, she gasped nervously, shaking her head.
You stood petrified, admiring every inch of her beauty, a hidden one, one that you only sensed and you had just confirmed. No, a stupid scar couldn't be that important, it wasn't capable of hiding anything, of overcoming her beauty.
“Non… Non…” she whispered, turning around and covering her face with her hands. “Non guardami!”
“Donna, wait, wait…” you said nervously, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t, don't cover yourself, You are… Sei bellisima…”
“No, no, no…” she repeated, nervously, pushing away your comforting hand. “Sei una bugiarda!”
“I'm not lying, Donna, really, I…” you said, trying to reason with those incipient sobs, with the trembling of her body.
“Now you'll want to leave… You'll make me hurt you!” she shrieked, completely out of control. You shook your head, ignoring that dangerous last sentence.
“Shh,” you whispered softly, turning her around, taking advantage of a slight moment of weakness. “I won't leave, I like being here.”
“No… Non é vero…” she said, moving away from your gaze.
You snatched the veil from her so she couldn't put it back on and, without thinking, you launched yourself at her lips, kissing them fiercely, just as you had wanted to do for a long time, you didn't know how long.
“Donna…” you sighed when you pulled away from the kiss, a messy kiss that she had a hard time joining.
Finally she did, caressing your cheeks, mouth agape by that sudden reaction, one that she was apparently also waiting for.
“You have come into my life like a savior, like a light that has passed through the darkness…” she whispered, kissing you again, losing that fear, that cowardice, the fear of being discovered, of you seeing her wounded face.
What Lady Beneviento didn’t expect, is that you would feel something for her.
“Per favore…Non partire…Rimani con me…Per sempre…” she murmured while your lips caressed each other, while the warmth of that unexpected love slowly passed through your body, until it reached your heart.
“Per sempre…”
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starr666 · 2 months
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Cw: submissive!idia shroud x fem!dom!camgirl, whip usage, slight embarrassment kink?,
Minors dni
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Fem dom cam girl reader x Idia Shroud
He lost the bet— Idia Shroud, Gloomurai— the forever anxious, introverted, gamer boy, who’s only stroke of confidence comes from his smarts or his expertise in the world of gaming— had lost the bet to her. His best (and only) friend had beaten him at a new fighting game that came out, loser had to do whatever the winner says…and who knew that it would lead to his best friend having him laying on her luxurious bed with nothing but a cover over his shivering body and high quality cameras covering the different spots in the room, y’know, for perspective. While she stood at the edge of the bed, body adorned in black lingerie, royal blue bows accenting the corset-like middle, and fishnets her curves more defined than ever. She looked down at Idia with rope and a leather whip in one hand, gently swiping it across the other gloved hand and some rope tucked under her arm. An assortment of dildos that were compatible with her strap’s harness.
“A loser’s debt is quite deep, isn’t it, Gloomurai~? Now be a dear and wave to that camera for me, hm?”
The blue haired man attempted to further hide himself under the cover to hide the ends of his hair turning a bright pink, but as soon as his arm was up, she briskly made work of him with the rope, arms behind his back in a beautiful style. She pressed down onto his back and he immediately knew that meant for him to have his ass up for her and the cameras to see, and the next thing he feels is the whip making contact with his ass.
“Since you dont know how to follow directions, you won’t be able to touch me through this whole process…now, go on, look at that camera riiight in front of you and tell them why you’re in this predicament.”
His head lifts to look at the camera that showed his face and he is already struggling to stop himself from drooling from the first hit
“I-I- l-lost tHe bet—” he stuttered out, his voice slightly cracking from the pressure
“Louder, less stuttering.”
“A-ah~, yes ma’am— I lost the gaming bet to you.”
“And what does that mean for you?” her tone dropped, the words almost coming out in a hush but still loud enough for the microphones to pick up on
“That I…have to join your cam show for the day-“
“Good boy~.”her gloved fingers were already covered with lube and she wasted no time pressing her middle and ring finger into his ass, already meeting his prostate and feeling him clench in pleasure.
“Oh you poor thing, have you been anticipating such an opportunity with me? You’re already clenching around me~”
“Mm~N-no- ma’am.“
“Are you sure? Because mistress doesn’t like liars” her other hand was wrapped around his throat, the statement was growled into his ear
“O-okay…m-maybe a little bit…”
another slap to his ass was made and he let out a screechy moan
“Cut the shit, you’re my biggest donor, aren’t you~”
his hair turned completely pink as he realized that she knew from the beginning…but he didn’t find much time to bask in such a thought after she added another two fingers, which were essentially sucked in by his needy hole
“Tsk…tsk…tsk, what a pathetic slut. Might as well make it worth your while, top donor~”
He tried to keep it quiet but the microphones still picked up on his gulp and whine that followed shortly after he no longer felt the fingers in his ass. Before he gets the chance to ask what happened, he groans as he feels a sudden fullness take over him
“Ohmygoditssofuckingbig” he whispered under his breath
“Oh…you think that’s big darling? This is just from my starter pack…I’m going to fuck you until you can truly call me your top donor~”
A/N: hehehe, get it, like a top who is also a sperm donor-
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envyenvys · 9 months
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Some scenes from the Stevie Harrington au I’ve been rotating in my mind for months
Details & IDs under the cut:
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[ID 1: Stephanie Harrington speaking into a walkie-talkie, her text bubble reads:
“Sound off, shitheads.”
She has long brown hair with big waves, and is wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. She looks vaguely annoyed or exasperated. End ID 1]
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[ID 2: Steph lying stomach-down on the end of a bed, propped up on her elbows so she can hold hands with Chrissy Cunningham, who’s speaking. Chrissy’s text bubbles read:
“Jason just doesn’t get it. I wanna hang out, and shop, and cheer, and beat the shit out of interdimensional man-eating monsters. You know, I wanna do girly stuff!”
Steph looks indulgently down at Chrissy, who’s smiling and sitting on the floor. Steph’s wearing a red crop top and blue jeans, and Chrissy has on a yellow and white striped headband, a white and pink floral print button-up shirt, and sunny yellow overalls, which have multicoloured flowers embroidered around the hips and ankles. End ID 2]
Chrissy’s dialogue here is inspired by a similar quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because I thought it would be a fun & cute thing for her to say, and her outfit is inspired by one of princess Diana’s bc she’s a fashion icon.
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[ID 3: Steph and Robin Buckley, both in their Scoops Ahoy uniforms, complete with the hats. Robin’s holding up a whiteboard divided into ‘hit’ and ‘miss’ sections. ‘Miss’ has twelve tally marks, and ‘hit’ has a single tally with a small question mark beside it. Their dialogue reads:
Robin: Board’s getting full, Harrington. You’re a real heartbreaker today.
Steph: Told you I could make this outfit work.
Steph is smiling, holding an ice cream scoop, and her hair’s braided over her shoulder with a red scrunchie. Robin looks amused, like she’s teasing. End ID 3]
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[ID 4: Steph and Dustin Henderson in the scene from season 2 where they’re leaving a trail of meat for Dart on the railroad tracks. They both have yellow gloves and are holding buckets of meat, and Steph has her bat over her shoulder. Their dialogue reads:
Steph: I’ll bring you some of my Farrah Fawcett spray.
Dustin: Isn’t that for girls?
Steph: It’s for hair.
The word ‘hair’ is underlined. Steph is wearing a light blue and purple jacket over a red turtleneck and blue jeans, and her hair is in a ponytail with a red scrunchie. Dustin is wearing his canon outfit, complete with the baseball cap and headset. He looks skeptical. End ID 4]
Bonus transcript of me explaining the single tally + question mark in dms:
🍓[me]: Snappy dialogue to indicate that the board is abt men failing to flirt with her and not the other way around 👍
🍇[beloved]: who's the hit?
🍓: Eddie lmfao
🍓: The question mark is there bc Robin was so baffled by Eddie’s complete lack of rizz that she’s not sure she even interpreted that correctly
🍇: KNEW it
🍇: robin watching the entire time: 🤨
🍓: He wasn’t even trying to flirt is the thing he just got up there and lost his mind and his friends were standing behind him clearly being like “we don’t know this guy” and somehow steph got like… giggly??
🍓: Robin, afterwards: what the hell was that
🍓: Steph, clueless: what was what? 😀❓
🍓: Eddie crouching down behind one of those large decorative plants for ten straight minutes desperately holding his head in his hands shinji-style to stave off the cringe
🍓: His ice cream melts btw
🍇: his friends are standing a full meter away from him, pointedly not looking
🍓: Yeah they’re on the other end of the food court sitting at a table facing him but very carefully avoiding actually looking at him. They’d put their backs to him but the last time they did that (different mall, long story, they aren’t allowed in anymore) Eddie got kicked out by mall security and it took them like three hours to find him
🍓: This was before Gareth’s time and no one’s ever actually explained the full situation to him bc 1) they keep embellishing it and 2) eddie gets screechy when they try
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ay0nha · 1 year
Idle Hands | Chef Luca
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SUMMARY: Sometimes Luca wished he chose rivalry over admiration. But even if he had, you wouldn’t allow it. You would never go back to that world. It was far too demanding; you couldn’t thrive where you didn’t belong. 
PAIRING: Chef!Luca x f!reader
WARNINGS: mentions of eating/food, straight fluff, mutual pining, smidge of angst, Luca trying to poach reader for his restaurant, self indulgent, **I am not a chef nor a good cook** etc. 
A/N: I wrote this in one sitting on my phone, so mind the typos and lack of cohesion.  I didn’t think I would finish this, so also mind the rushed ending. Inspired some by things in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential (he’s my idol). I’m interested in writing more, send some thoughts my way about Chef Luca. Enjoy.
The fog seemed idyllic. It was dense with humidity and carried the dawn light over the horizon better than the days prior; the rain was starting to get to you. It punctured your routine with puddles that were unavoidable and time that allowed your items to go stale because of a slow-trafficked day.
What had gone unnoticed during those days, and frankly underappreciated, was the space the weather provided. You had moved so quickly, your keys almost slipping from your hands as you bustled into the bakery, trying to keep dry. Yet, now your steps were paced by your exhaustion, only stopped by him.
He knew better than to bring you coffee, the gesture acting more as an insult to your sleep schedule than a remedy to your dark circles. Instead, he was early, leaning against the brick wall of the bakery, waiting for you. Punctuality was just shy of being an aphrodisiac.
The cooking life was like a long love affair, with moments both sublime and ridiculous. Yet, like any love affair, looking back, you seemed to cling to the happy times the best—the things that drew you in in the first place, the things that kept you coming back for more.
Luca understood this well. Conscious or not, it hadn’t mattered; he indulged just the same. It was why he set on the stoop, day after day, only skipping out when the weather begged him to. Regardless he returned to you, waited for you, and deferred to you, even when his purpose was to poach you.
“I’m starting to lose count—” You refused a greeting. He blocked your journey to becoming a morning person. “—how many days does it take to be qualified as a stalker?”
Luca tutted teasingly, pushing through to find your humor. “Not quite eligible yet.”
“Shame.” You hummed, your key cracking open the rusted door. The click was becoming too screechy to ignore. The rain only proved further repercussions.
Noted. Fingers crossed, a handyman would be looking for something delectable on their break. Just as Luca came to expect your dry humor, you learned his body language just as well. Holding open the door you just unlocked, he held back the offer to repair it.
“Rumor has it you found your sous.” Your voice carried well through the echoing building. It was a small place, barely worth what you pay to keep it open.
Your fingers were stiff from the cold.  You cursed the winter and how it made you physically fumble for the months it endured. It was as though your body rejected how it influenced you. Yet, once your fingers found the light switches, you retracted your afflictions.
“He’s temporary.” Always a man of few words. Pointed and punctual.
“And he knows that?” You scoffed, scarf still muffling your words ever so slightly.
Your back was to him as your question lingered. Luca’s gaze admired your routine, the one he memorized as if each layer of clothing was a recipe in itself. You always saved your scarf for last as if it the way it twirled was an old-fashioned caramel drizzle on a forbidden apple.
“Everyone knows I want you.” He said deftly. Even with your back to him, you were sure he could picture your flattered, flustered features. “...He’s good. Young.”
“Mmm…” You mused, facing him. A part of you was convinced Luca would stop coming by once he’d found his counterpart. But his dissatisfaction still radiated off of him. “How long do you think he’ll last?”
“Depends.” Luca matched your tone. Young meant talent, but it also meant naive. “When do you plan to join me?”
Your laugh was let out as a breath—its presence small but worth it. “Luca—
“I’ll give it a rest.” His promise wouldn’t last very long, but it would do.
Luca reached for the apron that he had donned as his own. He reached the shelves you struggled with, learning within days through observation where to place that for when you finally mosied over. He was envious of your movements, how you found joy in moving slowly, so unrushed and unbothered to the point of pleasure.
It was strange the routine formed. It was just as unorthodox as the relationship. But within the culinary world, nothing was off-limits. There was a vague beginning to the friendship, another fitting mark. You were a friend of a friend that knew a guy. And you were the one that’s rumors claimed you were better than him.
Sometimes Luca wished he chose rivalry over admiration. But even if he had, you wouldn’t allow it. You would never go back to that world. It was far too demanding; you couldn’t thrive where you didn’t belong. You liked when your hands were layered with flour to lay out your dough. To stir a glaze in just the right way so that there was enough for an extra taste. It was you and the stillness without the adrenaline-filled demands.
The quiet of working side by side, the soft clinking of metal sheets and ceramics, was the perfect white noise. The simple patter of packed flour being muddled with oil was far better than the tourists that invaded your senses. You couldn’t decide if it was a welcomed distraction.
“What do you think?” He respected hierarchy. It was perfect. But you valued the imperfections of each unique item.
“Hmm?” You looked to your side. Luca was close; the small layout allowed for it.
“Try it.” He slid the plate to you.
Routines were hard to break. Every morning you skipped breakfast, it wasn’t until your stomach rumbled would you realize you were hungry. Luca learned you loved things sickly sweet, just shy of making your mouth pucker.
You worked alone often; you hadn’t needed the company nor the help. However, the pair of hands that steadied themselves on your hips to pass by made you question your need. It made you question if the warmth that spread through your body was from him or from the oven pre-heating near your knees. It would have been easy to doubt it all if there hadn’t been a ghost print of flour on your black apron.
“Go on…” Luca returned, pushing a found spoon into your hands. “Give me your worst.”
You rolled your eyes. He knew it was good. You knew it was good. The first spoonful was annoyingly satisfying. You maintained your breath through the second bite. If you went for a third, you knew Luca’s ego would soar.
The extra hands were helpful, but you refused to let the aid blind his purpose. So, you deflected, pointing the spoon to him.“I’m sure it’ll sell.”
Luca’s lips played with a frown. You were good at reminding him that his so-called sweetness could cross over into becoming a chore. His thick skin was scarred, burned, and continually tested.  You had the skill to crawl under it and almost get to him.
Accepting the utensil, he tasted his own creation. “It’s missing something.”
“Yeah?” You weren’t shy about plucking your finger into the cream filling for another taste. “What are you thinking?”
There it was, his earlier promise broken. With just a look, you knew what he was thinking; you. It was a tacky way to beg again for you to work with him; it was why he only gave you a look. One that was brief and gone before you could say anything before returning steely.
“Increase the fat content.” You advised, breaking your gaze. It was a test, and you were well aware you passed. It was textbook. Again, you’d proven your mind was in tune with his. “Cut it with acidity.”
He nodded, inked arms crossed against his chest. Luca lacked  the asinine chef bravado. A welcome reprieve. Self-assured, steady, and strong. Your eyebrows pinched when he stumbled slightly, drawing in a breath to say something just to let the words die. It was out of character, a side to him you didn’t believe existed. He seemed nervous.
“It’ll be ready in a few weeks.” His words seemed to settle finally.
“Ah…” You wiped your hands on your chest, reaching for the next thing. The beauty in baking was constantly moving. Even when your patience was being tested while things rose, there was always another something to work on. “...I forgot how much modernist cuisine attracts attention.”
New items meant new clients. New reviews and new criticism. You continued to assure him, chatting softly of what snobs people could be when they were filled with only ignorance. You meant to ease his apprehension, but you realized it had nothing to do with hosting an event.
It had to do with the invitation that flew from his lips. “Think you’re free that night?”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Siren reader getting courted by Thor, Loki, Posaiden, Hades, Buddha, Hermes, Jack, Lu Bu, Raiden, Kojiro, and Chen Gong
Siren courting rituals are, gifting scales and shells, catching prey and showing off your catch, biting and head butting, wrestling 
Sirens have incredibly sharp teeth
-You were absolutely stunning, long flowing H/C hair, large and inquisitive E/C eyes, and a voice that could enchant anyone, even when you weren’t singing.
-He remembers the day he found you down by the ocean, you were just sunning yourself, enjoying the warm sunshine when you heard footsteps and you turned, seeing this unknown man there.
-You were ready to bolt, leaping back into the sea, but you didn’t, something told you to pause, that he wasn’t a threat, at least to you as he greeted you, waving his hand at you lightly. You looked down at your own hand, confused at what he was doing before you mimicked him, waving back.
-That was the start of your odd relationship with (Love), who came to see you almost every day and you would wait until he’s sitting on your sunning rock before your head would pop out from the ocean, making sure it was safe before you greeted him, and he returned it.
-He was very gentle with you, carefully holding your hand, inspecting your webbed fingers or playing with your long hair, braiding for you (if he had long enough hair you did the same for him), and just sitting and talking with you.
-However, recently, you’ve been acting a bit odd, bumping your head against his shoulder and head, not hurting him, more like you were nudging him, and giving him beautiful shells that you found.
-He was initially confused by your actions, but accepted your gifts with a warm smile, thanking you warmly which elated you.
-You would bring him fish that you caught and if he allowed you to hold onto his hand, you would nibble on his wrist, not hurting him, but confusing him once again.
-It wasn’t until Triton approached him with a friendly grin, “So you’re the one that Y/N has been courting!” (Love) was stunned to learn that all of your actions were courting actions, showing your affections to him!
-Triton was amused by his reaction but offered some insight, that (Love) would either need to respond himself with a gift of his own or reject your gifts to reject you as a mate, which would stop the behavior.
-(Love) realized that rejecting you might result in you leaving and never coming back, and he didn’t want that. He thanked Triton for the insight before heading off.
-He arrived back the following day with a gift box for you, holding his answer and when he gave you the box, you were confused, “What is this?” he just smiled and told you to open it.
-Inside was a bracelet, made of silver metal with a sparkling lapis lazuli stone in the center, making your eyes instantly go wide, seeing the gift.
-He wasn’t prepared for your screechy squeal, leaping up and into his arms, knocking him back, your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly which made him chuckle warmly, hugging you back. He stroked your long hair before speaking, “You know, if you’re courting me, you should let me know, I don’t know all of your customs.” You paused, pulling back and realizing this, your cheeks instantly warmly as you laughed off your embarrassment. You were so cute.
            -Chen Gon, Kojiro, Buddha, Raiden, Loki, and Hermes
-Your hug sent you both into the shallow water, drenching the both of you but he didn’t mind, hugging you back as you were practically vibrating with joy, “I’m so happy!!” He smiled softly, leaning back into the sand, holding you to him, “I am too, just let me know next time you’re courting me, I don’t know much about the customs of sirens.” You blinked lightly, leaning up before you realized that he wasn’t a siren, he wouldn’t know about your customs. He thought your embarrassment was cute as he pulled you back down, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
            -Thor, Hades, Jack, and Poseidon
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
"I can and I will sue." For max and rafe
"Is that bapak's Burberry coat?"
The voice is loud and screechy. Max turns around in amusement. "Hey, what's up?"
"Is that bapak's Burberry coat?" Rafael asks him again, a little calm this time, but not entirely collected.
"Oh, yeah," Max nods and turns back again, facing himself in the mirror. "Cute, right?"
"Burberry is chic, not cute," Rafael informs primly. "If you want cute clothes, you should wear something from H&M."
"Okay, asshole, what's your problem?" Max demands, turning around again. The coat twirls around him. He kinda likes it.
"You don't even like coats!" Rafael points out.
"I've been getting into them lately," Max shrugs.
"What about wearing tanktops and keeping your arms exposed?" Rafael rolls his eyes. "You're the one who said you have to give the people what they want."
"Is your problem I'm wearing a coat or that I'm wearing bapak's coat?" Max raises an eyebrow.
"Bapak and I share clothes!" Rafael whines loudly. "It's our thing."
"First of all, you don't share clothes, you take his clothes. He never wears yours-"
"It's our thing, Max!" Rafael informs hotly. "This is basically theft of personal property. I can and I will sue."
Max simply rolls his eyes at that and turns to the mirror again, fiddling with the belt of the coat.
"You find something else to bond over," Rafael points out, still annoyed by the fact that Max has bapak's attention now.
Max really doesn't give a shit about the coat. But he does enjoy riling his brother up. "No. I think I'll start sharing clothes with him too."
"Why can't you wear dad's clothes instead?" Rafael suggests.
"Why do you hate me?" Max counters.
"Max," Rafael groans again. "I don't want to argue about this. You know I will win."
"Just because you're a lawyer, it doesn't mean you will win every argument," Max informs with a huff. "Also bapak said I can keep this."
"He let you keep it?" Rafael's eyes widen.
He totally did not. Max tries not to grin. "Hm-hm. Said it suits my skin tone better."
"You're lying," Rafael shakes his head. "Bapak only allows borrowing. You can't just keep his stuff."
"No, you can't just keep his stuff," Max corrects his brother. "He said I can keep it."
"You are not responsible with clothes!" Rafael says incredulously and points at Max's shirt underneath the fancy coat. "Like, where are your buttons even?"
"Buttons are for babies," Max replies and turns to his brother again. "Bapak obviously thinks I am the one hot enough for his clothes."
"He does not think that," Rafael rolls his eyes.
"He does. He also thinks you sweat too much in his clothes," Max hums. "He said your sweat smells like Chairman's poop."
"Excuse me, my sweat smells like lemongrass," Rafael hisses at him. "Ask Anjali."
"What on earth are you to yelling about?" Bapak walks into Max's room, looking frustrated with all the yapping.
"Bapak!" Rafael all but screams. "Max stole your coat!"
"He didn't steal it, he asked me first," Bapak informs, making Max cackle in the background. Rafael wails at that, making their father chuckle.
"Darling, it's just a coat, it really does suit him better," Bapak shrugs, the generous king.
"It starts with a coat," Rafael grumbles in annoyance. "It's our thing, bapak."
"Now it's everyone's thing," Max informs happily. "Bapak, I am borrowing your silk scarves tomorrow. I'm trying this new thing with my hair."
"Bapak!" Rafael wails again, like a child. "He's going to take all your clothes and I won't have any left."
"Then I'll simply have to buy more, don't I?" the man winks and walks out of the room.
Rafael turns to him furiously. "I am going to start working out with dad. It's no longer going to be your thing."
His brother walks away furiously to meet their dad at the gym downstairs. Max shrugs as he turns back to the mirror.
He waits.
Rafael returns after five minutes. "I will start tomorrow."
"It's leg day, isn't it?" Max giggles.
"Fuck off, Max," Rafael smacks him on the head.
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eggcompany · 5 months
He's Just A Baby Part 1
Sixteen year old Daryl Dixon and his jackasss thirty year old brother at the Atlanta camp. Everyone ignores the two for the most part. However after one of their arguments gets broken up by Officers Walsh and Grimes, things change for the young Dixon. Carol, mother and widow, grows to become rather fond of the boy. He's a lot like a lost puppy, snarly and biting and nipping at hands, but she thinks with a bit of guidance he's just an old abused pup who needs some motherly care.
“Fuck you Merle!” Rang out from where the two brothers had set up camp. It was a cracked voice, the younger boy. The brothers were always fighting even though one wasn’t even eighteen and the other was in his late thirties. 
Rick ran over, having just met the group, very alerted. He knew the brothers weren’t much for authority or manners or anything else but training was hard to kick. 
“Hey! Hey, fuckin stop it. Break it up.” Rick said as he was tailed by his best friend, Shane close on his heels. 
Merle was pinning the younger boy down by his shoulders. Daryl was kicking and yelling back, shoving at Merle’s face, neck, anywhere. 
“Yeah Darleena? What’re you gonna do about it?” Merle yelled, taunting. He was heavier, stronger than the thin malnourished teenager. Rick pulled the brother off, still shouting that they needed to stop and break it up. Merle went up, not fighting Rick’s grip on his arms very much. 
“I can take care of my fuckin self, I don’t need your help, asshole!” Daryl yelled and lunged forward but Shane already had the boy under the arms. Pulling him close to his chest so his feet didn’t touch the ground. Daryl immediately let out a loud, blood curdling screech. It didn’t sound like anger, it sounded like terror . 
“Hey let him go! Put him down!” Merle said and tried to shake Officer Grimes off his back. Rick only held on more, planting his feet and not letting the situation get any more violent. 
Daryl was twisting and screeching like a rabid animal. His shoulders screamed and he kept thrashing, he was going to dislocate his shoulder if he kept on. 
“Hey, calm down. Calm down.” Shane said loudly behind the boy but didn’t lessen his hold, still holding the boy off the ground by under his arms. Merle was yelling at Shane to put him down, Rick was holding him back, and Shane wasn’t gonna let up until the young man stopped. 
That was until Daryl’s screechy yells went from “fuck you let go of me, fuckin pig” to watery, pleading, begging “help! Help! Merle, help! Fuck, help me!” and he started to tremble. 
Merle elbowed Officer Grimes in the gut and Shane dropped the sobbing boy who scrambled to run off into the woods. 
“You fuckin bastard-“ Merle growled and swung his fist toward Shane’s face but Shane quickly ducked away. The officer put his hands up and shook his head. 
“Hey I was tryin’ to get him to calm down.” Officer Walsh said and stared back at Merle who was glaring daggers at the officer. They both had their shoulders up and their chests puffed out like fighting cats. 
“You were hurtin’ him and you damn well knew it. Don’t you ever fuckin touch him again.” Merle said, pointing at Shane, and glared at both cops before quickly walking the same way Daryl had run off in. 
By then Carol, Andrea, Amy, and Lori had come to see why the young man was screaming for help. Shane just rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his friend. 
“Man, I thought he’d bite me to be honest.” He said and blew out a breath. 
“What was that about? Are you guys okay?” Andrea asked as she looked at the scuffed up ground and Rick who was still cringing in pain. 
“Rick, are you alright?” Lori said and rushed over to her husband. They talked amongst themselves until Carol came back from looking around. She timidly asked a question which caused everyone to stare at her. 
“Where’s Daryl?” She asked and looked between Shane and Rick. She’d heard the boy screaming, what if he got hurt? They shouldn’t have let him run off without making sure he wasn’t hurt. 
He’d been kind to her, kind to Sophia. He always seemed to be around to share his portion of food. To bring back something special when they ventured to the city on runs. He was quiet, a nice awkward quiet. He was a good boy, by Carol’s standards. 
“He ran off. Probably gonna go cry it off.” Shane said and waved the woman off. Carol glared at him and crossed her arms. She had been filled with a small bit of extra bit of confidence, some oomf. 
“You probably scared him. Maybe he’s hurt or he got hurt before and you reopened it.” Carol said, standing her ground. Shane just blew it off and the group went back to the main camp to do their chores. Carol hung around the campsite until Merle came walking back. She rather didn’t like him and went back to washing clothes with the other women. 
“Shane said he was crying. What is he, seventeen? Eighteen? He shouldn’t be so wimpy if that’s all it takes for him to start crying. He needs to man up.” Andrea said as she shook out a shirt. 
They had been talking about the fight as Carol walked up. She felt a burn in her chest. Daryl was just a kid. They didn’t need to bag on him. His brother did enough of that for all of them. She could see the… the pain he’d faced. It wasn;t the same pain that nearly every person alive now felt. It was something that was carved deep, permanent. Something none of these people would ever understand. 
“He’s barely sixteen. He said his birthday was last month.” Carol said sharply and grabbed a pair of shorts from the basket sitting on the edge of the quarry. 
“Well still if he doesn’t want to get restrained he shouldn’t be fist fighting his brother in camp.” Lori said back snappily. She didn’t want that boy near Carl. He was always dirty and bloody and a bad influence. Most of the people in the camp thought a similar way about Daryl. He was a long haired, nasty mouthed, hateful, little bastard. That’s probably the reason he sleeps way away from everyone in him and Merle’s own mini camp. 
“That’s how they communicate. I don’t believe either of them would ever really hurt each other. They love each other, they’re just rough.” Carol said. It was easy to see that much too. One look and you could tell they loved each other. Daryl always taking the least but Merle taking the lion’s share just to give some to his little brother. They never really hurt each other, they could, but they don’t. 
“Love each other? They’re constantly at each other’s throats. Looks more like hate to me.” Andrea laughed and Amy agreed. The rest of the women agreed and chatted for only a moment. 
“Maybe they had a tough childhood. It’s pretty obvious they didn’t have a nice time before all this happened.” Carol whipped back and stared at the other woman's eyes. They knew what she meant. 
They worked quietly after that. Carol worried each mark and stain, worry heavy in her own mind. Where was Daryl? What if he’s hurt? What if he’s bleeding? What if a walker got to him? What if he’s trapped somewhere hiding? Why did he run off?...
Later when the fires were lit and Daryl’s squirrels were cooking away in a soup of wild plants and a beef bouton cube, Carol had kept an eye out for Daryl and made sure when everyone else ate there was still enough for another bowl full. She cleaned up and Glenn took watch on the RV, they talked a bit. 
She heard rustling behind her as she wiped down the spoons and knives they cooked with. 
She quickly turned around, knife in hand, and there was Daryl. He was looking down and held his right elbow with his left hand. He looked so small. Scared. Carol gave him an empathetic smile and turned back to her utensils. 
“Hey Daryl. We missed you at dinner. I saved you back some, mind eating out of the pot?” Carol said and offered the boy a spoon and a wave toward the pot near the fire. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled and gently got the spoon and made his way to quickly scarf down the food. He usually ate like that. Like every single bite he had was the last he’d get. He still gave some up for everyone else, but when he was getting the lasts he ate all of it. 
Carol watched him practically inhale the food. And when he was done he handed her the pot and spoon. He was quiet, quieter than usual, and he wouldn’t meet her eyes. 
“Where’d you go? I checked your little camp but I only ever saw Merle. I was worried Shane had hurt you. Are your shoulders okay?“ Carol asked quietly and watched as Daryl sat down on the log by the fire. It was a little cold out at nights now, the seasons changing. He wouldn’t admit it but he was cold, the boy never seemed to wear sleeves. Carol had worried he’d get sick if he stayed out too long away from the fires. 
“I was ‘round. Settin’ traps. I’m alright.” Daryl said and fussed with some dirt near his shoes, between his legs. He was all hunched over and pinched together. 
“The other ladies said you’d been crying. I just wanted to make sure Shane didn’t hurt you. Physical or otherwise.” Carol said very gently and sat down next to the boy. Daryl kept his eyes down, his greasy dark hair falling down over his forehead. 
“Said ‘m fine. Didn’t need the pigs to come and start crap.” Daryl said and flicked a rock into the dwindling fire. 
“Shane can be… too rough. And not notice. But I think you're tough and I don’t think him holding you back hurt you.” Carol said and watched the boy. He lifted his hand to chew on his thumbnail. He glazed over at her a few times from the corner of his eye. 
“Don’t like not touchin’ the ground.” Daryl grumbled and flicked another rock into the fire. It took Carol to think of what that meant. 
“Shane picked you up off the ground? That’s what scared you? I bet it was scary since Rick had your brother.” Carol said empathetically and placed her hand on the top of his back. She let her thumb draw circles between his shoulders. 
Daryl nodded and kept picking at the ground. Carol shook her head and kept rubbing Daryl's thin back. 
“Just try to stay away from Shane. I don’t think he likes you much.” Carol advised and the teenager nodded. They sat by the fire for a while, Daryl picking at dirt or flicking pebbles and Carol rubbing his back. 
Carol kept an eye on him after that. Making sure he had food, telling him to quiet it down, telling him when he said something bad, telling him to quit doing something irritating. She guided him quietly and discreetly as the rest of the group still edged around him and his brother.
“Hey assho-” Daryl shouted as he stomped up towards where Rick was about to walk into the woods with Carl. 
“Daryl.” Carol said sternly but quietly from where Daryl had been helping haul clean laundry to the camp and dirty laundry to the quarry. 
“Oh uh sorry. Hey Officer Grimes, there’s snares back there.” Daryl immediately shrunk and stopped. He turned to apologize to Carol and turned back to shout, less angrily, at the cop and his son. 
“Oh. Alright. Thanks for the heads up.” Rick said and smiled at the boy. Daryl huffed and went back to stand by Carol, hands in his pockets. 
Carol smiled at him and patted Daryl on the back. She was proud of him. He was shaping up. Yes he was still cursing, yes he got in fights, yes he was still in his brother’s racist, bigot shadow. But  he was nicer, he was trying. Everyone saw it too. It made Carol feel lighter in her heart. 
“Daryl, you need to get a bath. Here we found a whole case of body wash on the trip yesterday! Make sure to wash your hair or you’ll get knots.” Carol said and handed the boy a bottle of “Ocean Breeze Sunrise” bodywash. It was her and Sophia’s bottle but there was more than enough for everyone. Daryl was fixing some of his arrows and only jerked his head to the side, away from the soap like it offended him. 
“Don’t need to.” Daryl mumbled lowly and kept working on his arrows. He was always working on his bow or putting new feathers on his arrows or sharpening them. He took good care of them. Carol found it very charming. She smiled and patted his back. 
“You do need to. You scuffed up your knee and we don’t need you to get an infection. You can wait until everyone else is done.” She said, leaving no room for arguments. Daryl just huffed and took the soap, putting it by his boot. Carol smiled and went back to help make dinner and check on Sophia while she read. Daryl was grumbling but that was okay. He was sixteen, sixteen year olds grumble. They fuss, they rebell, they hate authority. No need to pick at him when he already agreed. 
“Um I’m gonna go uh wash up.” Daryl said, his voice cracked over the ‘go’. He had already gotten the camp a good bundle of squirrels and a rabbit, eaten breakfast, and got firewood. He had wandered over to where Carol was sewing up a pair of jeans. 
She smiled at him and nodded. She was working by the fire that was closest to the quarry, keeping watch for the kids and any walkers. Plus the morning sun looked beautiful against the water. 
“Okay pookie. I’m gonna be right here sewing so if you need anything you can holler.” Carol reassured him and Daryl shifted around on his feet. He didn’t have clean clothes, everything was too big for him so he’d just wash his clothes 
and let them dry out as he washed up. 
“Um okay. Don’t look at me.” Daryl asked and looked at the big rock everyone put their clothes on to dry by the fire Carol was at. 
“Okay honey I’ll keep my eyes on my work. If you want I can even cover them till you’re gone. Would that help?” Carol offered. She understood Daryl liked being private. He was incredibly modest and it wasn’t a big deal to offer him something to make him more comfortable. 
“Yeah. yeah that would be- yeah. Yeah. Thanks.” Daryl sputtered out and walked over to the most secluded part of the water. 
A while later Daryl called out a short “Miss Carol?” And the woman put her hands over her eyes and listened as the boy quickly walked over and put his rung out wet clothes on the rock and walked back. A short “thanks” and she was back to sewing patches onto the stack of clothes she had. 
It was almost an hour when Daryl came back to camp. Carol was done and was reading a book.  She had flipped Daryl’s clothes before leaving. She heard him but didn’t acknowledge him till he spoke. 
“Uh Carol? Miss Carol?” Daryl said shyly and she could hear him wiping his nose. She turned to answer him but came up short. 
“Yes Dar- Oh! Goodness, look at you. You look like a hair dried dog.” Carol exclaimed and covered her mouth, keeping her from laughing. Daryl’s grown our chocolate brown hair was… a disaster. It was sticking up in weird places, some of it was stick straight and other places it was curling into loose coils. It was shiny though, and looked quite soft. Daryl’s face was turning tomato red and he crossed his arms. 
“Do you have a hairbrush?” He asked quietly and Car0l nodded, standing to guide him to the RV which was empty now that everyone else was waking up. 
Carol hummed as she ran the brush through Daryl’s chocolatey hair. He was sat on the floor of the RV and she sat behind him on the bench. Daryl was picking under his nails with the tip of Carol's small pocket knife. She told him to be careful but he just blew raspberries at her and started picking at his nails. He was cherry red faced but was trying to act cool. Carol was having a ncei time. Daryl was much less tender headed than Sophia, and he had very soft hair. 
“You have such soft hair. When it’s all dirty you can’t even tell it’s wavy.” Carol said and brushed the hair behind Daryl’s ears gently with the brush. She didn’t want to hurt Daryl’s ears. His hair was straight, mostly, but the back was wavy where it was longest. 
She brushed it until it was all smooth and there were no knots and no more wet patches. She just started brushing through his hair with her hands. He was quiet, his shoulders were relaxed. He was letting his guard down for the first time in a year probably. 
“Don’t like baths. Don’t like not wearin’ clothes.” Daryl mumbled and refused to move. He enjoyed the way the women's hands were gentle on his head. He enjoyed… her. She was like a safety blanket and a shot of liquor. Something that made him feel like he could talk and be safe. Carol was just so… something.
"Yeah? Is it because you don't like being looked at?" Carol said and kept on with petting through Daryl’s hair. If he wanted to talk, she was more than happy to listen. 
Daryl shook his head, he was looking down but she could tell he was holding something heavy. 
A few reasons flashed through Carol's mind. One reason seemed to be the most obvious though. 
"Is it the same reason you flinch when Shane hits the RV?" Carol said lightly but conversationally. She would hate to make Daryl feel… picked out. Daryl seemed to hate anything with ‘ feelings’ . 
After a long pause Daryl just shrugged. 
"Who made you not like baths? You know I'm a bit scared of baths too." Carol said. It was true. She still only bathed at night after everyone else had been cleaned and even then she kept a knife in reach. She didn’t want anyone to see the scars, or her at all. 
This seemed to intrigue Daryl who looked over his shoulder at her. He was looking at her like… like finally . 
"Was it your daddy? or um Sophia's daddy?" Daryl asked after coughing and turning back around. Carol nodded and hummed a ‘ mhm’ . 
"It was Sophia's father, my husband. We were married for a long time and I put up with it for a long time." Carol said and shook her head at herself. She ruffled the long parts of his hair. Of course it was his father. All backwood hick abuse, someone so far away that CPS, the cops, they don’t even care. 
"Oh... I'm sorry 'bout your husband bein’ a dickwad.” Daryl consolded and picked at his boots, his knees had been drawn up to his chest since the talk started. Carol huffed a laugh and ran her nails through his hair. 
"That's very sweet of you honey. Was it your daddy who made you scared?" Carol continued. She hoped maybe talking about it might help the boy. At least she would know the why . 
"mhm, yeah he made Merle scared too but Merle ain't scared no more. I'm just a pussy 'bout it." Daryl said deprecatingly and picked at the floor. Carol sighed and held the sides of Daryl’s head with her hands. Not grabbing or anything just covering his head with her hands. 
"Daryl that isn't true. We all process these things differently. Just because you flinch and don't like being naked doesn't mean your a.. a coward. I think you're a very brave boy."Carol said seriously and ran her nails through his hair all the way from his forehead to his neck with both hands. She let her hands rest on his shoulders, thin but broad shoulders. 
"Daddy didn't do stuff to Merle like he did to me." Daryl said so quietly Carol could only barely hear it. 
Carol paused. No, she thought, No not… not like that. Not something so… not to Daryl. 
"Yeah" Carol said softly and just caressed Daryl's head, letting her nails lightly drag at his scalp. Her throat was getting tight. Not Daryl, he was so kind. Daryl is so… special . 
"He just hit Merle. Just kicked him out and beat him up. He didn't start beltin' me till I got bigger.” Daryl kept going, his head was hung low, his voice was barely a whisper. His voice was getting squeaky and breathier. 
Carol rubbed her hands down to rub Daryl’s neck. Her own tears were growing in her eyes. She didn’t say anything, or make any sounds. 
Daryl sniffed and leaned back and over to one side. His back was pressed onto Carol’s leg and she could see his red face and reddening eyes. 
“Used to be pretty. But… but him and his friend. They liked lookin at me when they was drinkin’ or doin’ the shit. Didn’t like bein’ naked no more after.” Daryl said and tears started to run down his face as his breath started to pick up. 
“I understand. I understand Daryl.” The woman said softly and put her hand on Daryl’s chin to have him look at her. He was red faced and sobbing. He looked so sad, just a crying baby, that’s all he was. 
Daryl turned and shoved his face into Carol's hand. She just leaned down and pulled him up into a hug. He turned and pulled himself onto his knees and hugged her back, sobs ringing in Carol’s ears. He pulled himself so close, like he would die if he let go, his hands were fists against her back. She just hugged him as hard as she could. He was so skinny, she could feel his ribs each time he let out a watery sob. 
“Didn’t like it- I didn’t” Daryl mumbled, like he was trying to convince Carol. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay now Daryl. It’s okay. You’re just a kid, that should have never happened and it wasn’t your fault.” Carol said and kissed Daryl’s forehead. He was snotty and sticky faced and all red. She didn’t care at all. Daryl just cried and looked at her. 
“It won’t happen again. You’re so strong. It won’t happen here.” She said and a few tears rolled down her face in pity, in sadness she felt for him. He breathed a little deeper and wiped his face on his sleeve, well his arm where a sleeve should be. 
“Rick won’t-” Daryl started but Carol shook her head. Rick was new but he would never. She told the boy as much. 
“Rick would never. No one here would. I’ll make sure of it, poor baby.” Carol said and pulled him back to her for another hug. 
Daryl just cried and held onto Carol like she was his only lifeline. He’d never told anybody. Not Merle, none of his friends, no one. 
Daryl sniffed and pulled back. He wiped his eyes and stood up.
“Don’t tell nobody. They’ll think I’m really fucked up then.” He said with a joking huff. Carol shook her head and stood up, guiding the boy's head down for a kiss to his forehead. 
"Wouldn't dream of it, Daryl. Now, You look very handsome and less fluffy. It's time for the day." Carol said with a smile. 
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babyboywinchester · 3 months
i’m watching supernatural for the first time. i’m on season 3 right now, but i’m not that excited for castiel that comes in season 4, just mainly because misha collins gives me the ick. like calling the CW homophobic because dean and castiel didn’t get together is already weird because like why is he so hung up about it?? i know it has a lot to do with his fan base, but normal actors don’t really interact with their fans like that, like why is he leading them on for a show that ended four years ago?! also i know he’s probably done a lot of bad things but saying the f-slur when he had to clarify he’s straight is wrong. also him saying the slur in the context of gay people needing to reclaim it was so bizarre to me, like dude stop saying it?! he just gives me the ick big time with all that.
also sorry this was so long.
No need to apologize, dear one! I love getting asks or talking so fear not.
I’m excited the hear about you starting Supernatural! I loved the first three seasons. My sister and I started watching it back in the fall of 2012 when I was a senior in high school. It was so exciting and we couldn’t wait to watch as many episodes after school as we could. Anyway, the magic wore off after we got all caught up and were able to watch season 9 as it aired and I became more involved in the fandom side on tumblr… destiel was EVERYWHERE and as someone who was realizing they were a wincest shipper… that made it all that much worse.
Luckily, I have found that the Destiel screechy circle are but a VERY small minority. Thank GOD… but oh are they loud. That ties in to Misha of course. You know the signs they have in places that say stuff like “don’t feed the animals.”? Yeah, those are for people like himself who insist on baiting and egging on these mentally unwell people into believing, and filling his pockets, because it saves him the trouble of having to get a job or actually work on making changes himself.
So, the whole balls deep thing? Real bold of him to say at a convention where Jensen wasn’t present when Jensen himself, numerous times, has mentioned he does not like Destiel. Also bold of Misha seeing as he’s unemployed and the CW was the place that gave him his longest running job… that’s also called defamation and if I were the CW I would send a cease and desist letter. He’s emboldened by these people who worship the ground he walks on because they fetishize one gay ship. He takes them for the rubes they are and milks money from them by just regurgitating the same shit they pass around to each other in their little bubbles. I’m sure you’ve come across them… so I won’t even mention some of their names here as I don’t have the time or patience to deal with their lot.
Yes, bold of a man to use the word “f-g” when he had to walk back coming out as bisexual and come out as straight. He’s learned nothing. He’s also just gross, crass, and all around an unpleasant person. He knows this is his only way to stay relevant and so he’s going to milk it until it’s dry.
Fear not you are NOT the only one who can’t stand him or Castiel. Luckily, regardless of what the hellers say, he doesn’t add much to the story and his “arcs” can be completely ignored and it doesn’t take away from the story any.
Thanks for the ask! I hope you’ll send more as you continue watching the show!
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quinloki · 1 year
humble requests for buggy, killer, and robin for marking with their lipstick (i know robin isnt drawn with any but just for fun), hella softcore femdom, and praise (not for killer i know u already did him and i.. go back regularly to read it and get all flustered and coo and adhjsfldkf) thank yoU!!!
Awwwww ♥ I'm glad you like it that much. Hm... maybe I'll expand on it for this post. Let's see how it goes.
Buggy and Robin - I think this is firsts for both of them \o/ (Oh wait, I've gotten Buggy once before, first for Robin!)
Also, I apologize, I'm laughing at "hella softcore femdom" - I don't know what to do with that, but I'm going to try my best. I'm assuming the qualifier is there because I tend to go pretty hard core, and you're trying to get me to put the mittens on and tone it down a bit.
We'll do this by character as is becoming the norm, and we'll just go in the order you've listed \o/
Marking w/lipstick - Yes - Buggy likes to give you his "look" in the bedroom - not the big red nose, but the exaggerated lips and the blue lines. There's just something quiet and intimate about it and he refuses to let anyone else see you like that. Generally, in the course of the night, the makeup on the both of you is ruined all to hell. Red and blue smears of paint blotched along skin.
You've even "marked" him more directly before, drawing a couple lazy hearts on his chest with the lipstick one time and he found he really liked it. He told you it was flashy and even left it in place until normal daily life wore it away.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Oh god you don't even know - Buggy can be pushed into being dom, he can even be one on his own, but he's a very stressed clown man. Handing over the proverbial reigns and doing your bidding is a tremendous stress reliever for him. It doesn't even have to be sexual in nature. He'll rub your shoulder, massage your feet, bring you snacks and feed you fruits (and/or let you feed him fruits too.) He even enjoys being made to clean or organize things.
Praise Kink - FUCK Yes - You cannot praise him too much, he cannot praise you too much. Buggy is a affirmative words kind of guy. (He likes having degradation thrown at him, does not like dishing it out). He loves to hear he's doing well, and loves to praise you for taking him so well at the same time. He's very talkative when he's with you - not in the screechy kind of fast-talk he has with other people. It's much calmer than that, maybe a little flashy still.
He'll talk a little less as things progress - once you've both learned what the other likes there'll be less instructions and questions and clarifications, but he'll still be singing your praises, and reveling in you praising him.
Marking w/lipstick - FUCK Yes - Killer loves to mark you, and honestly the more temporary those marks are the better. As a general rule at least. The best part is how accurate he is with it. He's put lipstick on your lips without getting any outside of the lines, and he didn't use the lipstick on your lips directly. It was some of the best kissing you'd experienced with him.
By the time all is said and done it's often hard to tell what marks on you are passionate bruises, and which marks are Killer's lipstick. At least until you get cleaned up.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Yes - I don't think you'd ever actually truly dom Killer. Even softcore style. He's delighted to let you fill that role, but there's no point in any of it where you're fully in control. He just doesn't have enough "sub" in him for that sort of interaction. Much like Kid though, he's into pretty much all kinks, from all sides, and he'll happily play at being you're good darlin' without complaint.
Plus it's not bad for him to just relax and let someone call the shots for a little bit. Killer's usually non-stop on in that category. So it's refreshing for him to let someone else take the lead.
Praise Kink - Oh god your don't even know - Killer will praise you and accept your praises. But mostly praise you - how well you take him, how sweet you sound, how beautiful your laughter is, how delicious, and warm, and tight and perfect you are. Killer loves to lavish you with praise. You are his good little one, and he'll make sure you never doubt it. He'll even praise you while he's punishing you - especially if you're accepting your punishment without complaint.
It's also easy to tell that praise effects him positively as well. You can hear his soft moans shiver when you praise him, feel him twitch inside you, the flex in his fingers as he works to control himself. He doesn't really need or want anyone else to tell him he's doing a good job, but something about the way you say it, hits him at his core.
Nico Robin:
Marking w/lipstick - Sure - I think Robin wouldn't have much of an opinion on it until her partner marked her with lipstick. The quiet action of it, the subtle intimacy, the ease with which it can be removed and reapplied. Something about it will click with her and she'll be positive toward it more than neutral.
As a general rule I don't think she's one for marking any more "hardcore" than lipstick. Marks maybe from passionate kissing, but considering her past I don't think she'd want to have a show of ownership over someone. I almost think freedom is more important to her than it is to Luffy.
Hella Softcore Femdom - Oh god you don't even know - This is like, Robin's natural state. It's almost how she is just as a person existing. Everything I can think of to describe it are canonical moments in the show. She just very casually and skillfully moves the crew to her desires, and praises them when things go how she wants. It's almost motherly with, say, Chopper, but there's certainly a dom vibe with the rest of the crew.
It's subtle though - "hella softcore" is a good way to describe it. That said, it's something I see her doing to someone quite easily, but I don't think it goes in the other direction. Subtle as it may (or may not) come across in her relationship, she is most certainly the dominate partner.
Praise Kink - FUCK Yes - Degradation is not Robin's default setting. She's 100% someone that's going to praise you for a job well-done. The hardest part of being her partner is that she'll praise you for cleaning the room in the same cadence and tone that she'll praise you for taking her strap. Or hand. Or with you pleasing her.
There's nothing wrong with it, but when she thanks you for something in front of everyone else in that same tone she used in the bedroom perhaps just moments earlier. Well. To say it has an astounding effect is a bit of an understatement (and I'm certain she does it on purpose too.)
Get your asks in, I'm not taking more after tomorrow.
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