#weverse artist
for-onedoor · 19 days
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글을 쓰기 앞서 이 글은 제가 사랑하는 사람한테만
보이는 글입니다✌️
(만약 이 글이 보이신다면 당신은 저에게
소중한 존재라는 사실을 기억해 주세요🙇)
Before I write this, this letter is only visible to the people I love✌️ (If you can see this, please remember the fact that your existence is precious to me🙇)
모두들 안녕하세요~ 태산입니다
다들 오늘 뭐 하셨는지 궁금해서 찾아왔어요
저는 지금 개인 연습을 하고 있어요 😓😓
오늘 하루도 거의 끝이 나고 있는데
다들 오늘 하루도 행복하셨나요????????????
저는 요즘 매일이 행복해요🫢
이유라고 한다면 아마 어려운 확률을
이겨내고 이 글을 보고 계시는 여러분 덕이겠죠?
여러분도 더도 말고 덜도 말고 딱 제가 행복한 만큼의
한 9999999999999배 정도만 행복해 주세요 ㅎㅎ
그리고 오늘 하루도 열심히 살아가시느라 수고했어요🤗
그럼 저는 다시 연습을 하러 가볼게요 ㅎㅎ
좋은 꿈 꾸고 잘 자요🫠🫠
ㅅ ㅏ ㄹㅏㅇ ㅎㅐ ㅇㅛ🖤🖤
Everyone, hello~ It's Taesan I'm here because I'm curious about what you all did today I'm doing an individual practice right now 😓😓 Since the day is almost ending did you all have a happy day today???????????? I'm happy everyday these days🫢 If I were to say a reason, it's probably thanks to all of you who are overcoming the difficult odds and are reading this, right? Everyone, please be approximately 9999999999999× as happy as I am not more, not less ㅎㅎ And thank you for your hard work today as well🤗 Well, I'm going to go back to practice now ㅎㅎ Sweet dreams and good night🫠🫠 I l o v e y o u🖤🖤
+ 저와 반쪽 하트를 맞춰줄 사람을 찾습니다~
+ I'm looking for someone to complete the half heart with me~
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ttamin-arts · 10 months
TXT Choi Yeonjun Fanart illustration
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Dmn bitch I can't wait to finish posting everything.
I used a 3d model for jjunie but I really liked the final result
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ivy-diaries · 1 year
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🌐 JULY 15, 2023 — 3:30 AM KST
what are you guys doinggg...... I'm boreddd
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Oh my GOD can these people stop making Weverse lives so cringe and embarrassing 😭😭 lives w the boys used to be a sacred time between them and army to sincerely ask questions and update us with their current projects, thoughts, interests etc and now they can’t even read the comments bc authentic armys comments are getting drowned in the spams of shippers and weird kids who think it’s okay to project their delusions on the artists. I am v upset rn I fear certain members will hardly go back to lives bc of the lack of proper interactions 😣
Also // I feel like most of the real time viewers now joined recently and weren’t a part of the whole “one live per year” if even that so they take the content for granted. 💔
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lizziexmeow · 6 months
[ Hoshi Posted 🌟 Weverse ]
240311 - 23:57 KST
> Tamtam🐯🧡
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[ Hoshi Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240311 - 23:57 KST
> Ha.. It's cute ㅋㅋㅋ
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shapinginvisible · 4 months
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RM’s ‘Come Back To Me’ music video photo sketch
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bandzboy · 5 months
i can't believe jype is actually performing at weverse con as a "tribute artist" like help me 💀
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horangslay · 6 months
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astronaut7 · 1 year
My bunny boy🤍🐇
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for-onedoor · 1 month
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오늘이 가기 전에 이거까지만..!
Before today ends, until this..!
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ttamin-arts · 10 months
Tomorrow x Together fan art illustration
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Guys, you can send me a message in the question box, I don't know, let's interact, I want interactions
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ivy-diaries · 1 year
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👤 : a little spoiler picture please jen 🥺🥺
🐍 : okay... since you asked soo nicely, here you go~
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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jimin weverse
ARMYs, es Jimin
La realización está surtiendo efecto, ahora que las promociones/horarios finalmente han terminado no solo la lista de Billboard, siento que hay muchas partes en las que la realización aún no se ha activado ㅠㅠ
Trabajé duro para prepararme, pero también me preguntaba si mis promociones/horarios terminaron demasiado rápido. 
Sin embargo, escribo cada experiencia que siento actualmente. Siento que será una cantidad insuficiente de gratitud para todos ustedes, así que creo que pensé mucho en qué tipo de palabras debo decir. 
Pero todavía no lo sé. Y no sé qué palabras debo decir para expresar mis sentimientos. 
Simplemente pensé Que el amor que todos ustedes me dieron siempre es tan grande. Así que me siento tan alegre y feliz por eso.
Les agradezco sinceramente por hacer de mi álbum, que solo abarcó mis historias ordinarias/normales, un álbum valioso. 
No pensaré en todo el apoyo y el amor que ARMYs me envían siempre como algo que se da por sentado. 
Quiero convertirme en un cantante que los enorgullezca aún más a todos.
Continuaré creciendo aún más. 
Me siento orgulloso porque soy Bangtan y aunque conocer a ARMYs te acercará a la felicidad, espero que lo seamos para siempre. 
Sinceramente Así podré pagarles al menos un poco jeje 
Gracias por todo y estoy diciendo/contando sentimientos/sensibilidades de algo que es más grande que el amor
jimin weverse 
"Ah es cierto, ¡está lloviendo mucho hoy! Cuidado con los autos, y espero/deseo que hoy también tengas un día feliz."
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lunetual · 2 years
obv it’s not ideal for one (1) company to swallow up the others but like. late stage capitalism babes it’s just never ideal it’s never good
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le-sserafims-blog · 9 months
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Thank you Philippines
Thank you AAA!!❤️‍🔥
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lizziexmeow · 6 months
[ THE8 Posted 🌟 Weverse ]
240311 - 18:49 KST
> It’s pretty in person😍
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