#wether through some nice words arrayed in a specific way
haiku-every-day · 2 years
Make the world better, /
that is what I aim to do, /
small act by small act. /
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foxyclocks · 7 years
"Your eyes are so pretty" with djwifi
Carapace sat on the edge of the building kicking his feet in the breeze. His arms stretched out behind him holding up himself up muttering to himself.
“Your eyes are so pretty… You look great today…Did you do something new with your hair?” He spoke to himself, “No, no, no, that’s stupid Nino…” he began again, “Hey, weather sure is nice today?” He shook his head. Nothing he could think of was good enough. He was always able to be himself around the girl which made talking to her so easy, but when it came to his attempt to ask her on a date it was like he forgot everything. He forgot everything that she liked and what she disliked but more importantly he remembered all the features about her that he loved. 
He loved her hair, it had such volume to it along with the most perfect array of colors. It smelled of Lavender and vanilla. Often he found himself being drawn to the scent in stores with similar scents to their perfume. 
He loved her eyes. He loved when their size was magnified by her glasses only making them more captivating and easier to get lost in. He discovered that the girl didn’t have a specific color of eyes. They glistened with sparks of amber and green with hints of ruby. 
He loved her passion more than anything. Her passion for writing- every time he asked her she was working on some sort of different project. Her passion to help people, he always knew that she looked up to Ladybug and it appeared to him that she always wanted to be like her and adapted her ways into her civilian lifestyle, this was probably one of her most admirable qualities. Wether it be students in her class that needed help with homework or people on the street, be it lost tourists looking for directions or kids who were short handed on change to buy gelato or candy. These things she thought went unseen, but not by him. He saw it all. Being in class with her, he learned that Alya was helpful even in subjects maybe she wasn’t the best at, but she would always give 110% effort in finding a way to help someone understand the material no matter how long it took. Having his masked disguise he found it easy to follow her on her way home from school, not only to admire her but to make sure she made it home safe. It was then that he more than often saw lost tourists with little french language experience ask the young girl how to get to the subway, or what train to catch, or where they were exactly. Alya would always do her best to get them where they needed to be. 
Carapace brought his hands up to his face rubbing his cheeks out of the daze he had put himself in. He looked through his fingers and stared down at the people that passed by beneath the building. They looked like ants.
Soon he was truly snapped out of it when he felt hands pressing down on his shoulders, “Hey, there shell-boy.” The masked fox smiled assuming her spot beside him kicking her legs over the edge of the building, her tail resting beside her, “You look like you’ve got something on your mind?” she asked nudging him with her shoulder.
Carapace shook his head with a small smile. Rena Rouge, yet another person he had a deep respect for, probably one of his closest friends on his team other than Chat Noir with whom he would endlessly ‘torture’ Ladybug with their unpredictability and as Ladybug liked to call it “recklessness” but they referred to as “adventurous”, “ Nothing important..” He responded.
The fox clicked her tongue, “Lady problems?” She asked without hesitation. The two of them had always really been quite open with each other about their civilian lives - all except that of their true identities of course. 
He nodded deeply taking in a breath and exhaling, “For a while now… I just don’t know what to say to her.” 
“Speak your mind, tell her what you feel.” Rouge encouraged.
“And what if she doesn’t feel the same?” He asked. This was a legitimate fear he had, as close as the two were he thought constantly about the fact that Alya could just think of him as a friend, and then what?
“Listen, you’re a damn super hero, and if you can’t use that one than i’m sure you’re no different masked than you are without it. If you’re as kind, and funny, and the all around good guy that you really are there’s no doubt in my mind that she doesn’t have some hint of romantic feelings for you.” Hell, she did. How could anyone not? Even thought she knew really nothing about who this boy was beyond the mask. What she did know was what really mattered: Carapace would endlessly, without fail, be able to plaster a smile across her face, especially when she needed it most and he was probably hands down the most caring person she’d ever met. Knowing that he had feelings for someone else out there crushed her but there was nothing more that she wanted to do than to make him happy; if that meant helping him get with someone else, than so be it. 
The turtle blushed looking out across the tops of the buildings, “Rouge...?” He murmured almost silently but she didn’t miss a word. 
“Mhmm...?” She responded looking out over the buildings with him. The warm Parisian breeze drifted over their shoulders. 
Carapace lifted his arm and placed it on Rouge’s shoulder tugging onto her, her head finally resting on his shoulder with his leaning against hers, “You really are something, you know that...?” 
I know it’s not too long but I think that it’s sorta cute..! I sorta feel a love square goin’ on with these two as well- though the two of them hopefully won’t be so oblivious to who the other is XD
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