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pramgpro · 7 months ago
تحميل تطبيق وي My We 2024 للموبايل اخر اصدار مجاناً
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تطبيق ماي وي ( My We Apk ) يُعد واحدًا من أهم التطبيقات التي تم إطلاقها في الآونة الأخيرة حيث تم إطلاق عدد من التطبيقات الخاصة بشركات الهواتف، والجدير بالذكر أن تطبيق وي فهو من أشهر البرامج التي يتساءل الكثير من الأشخاص عنها نتيجة لما يقدمه من خدمات، خاصةً وأنه يساعدك في متابعة باقة الإنترنت المنزلي الخاص بك إذا كان تابع لهذه الشركة، بالإضافة إلى أنه يتم الإعلان عن الكثير من الهدايا والعروض من خلاله، لذلك سوف نوضح لك المعلومات الخاصة به من خلال هذا المقال. 
تطبيق وي My We
تحميل تطبيق وي My We 2024 للموبايل اخر اصدار مجاناً سعيًا من شركة We المصرية للاتصالات ( telecom egypt ) لخدمات المحمول المختلفة لتقديم أفضل خدمة للعملاء، وفي ظل انتشار الإنترنت قد تم إصدار تطبيق وي الذي يمكنك من خلاله التحكم في جميع البيانات الخاصة بك، سواء تفاصيل الرصيد أو باقة الإنترنت وغيرها، كما أن الحصول على هذا التطبيق المميز على هاتفك المحمول أمر سهل، بالإضافة إلى أنه يتميز ��واجهة استخدام رائعة ومنظمة تساعدك على الوصول إلى أي أمر تريده بسهولة. تحميل تطبيق we موبايل يتميز تحميل برنامج ماي وي بشكل مجاني بأنه يتوافق مع جميع أنواع أنظمة الهواتف، حيث يمكن لأي شخص الحصول عليه، ومن خلال الآتي سوف نوضح لك كيفية تحميله سواء على هاتف أندرويد أو آيفون. تحميل تطبيق We للأندرويد تعد هواتف الأندرويد هي الأكثر انتشارًا، وباتباع الخطوات الآتية يمكنك تحميل تطبيق الشركة المصرية للاتصالات My We ماي وي للاندرويد الإلكتروني الخاص بشركة وي وهي كالآتي: - قم بفتح المتجر الرسمي "جوجل بلاي" على هاتفك، وتحميل تطبيق إدارة الخط والانترنت ماي وي من خلال الرابط بالأسفل - سوف تظهر لك الأيقونة الخاصة به، وهي ذات اللون البنفسجي مع الأبيض. - انقر على "تثبيت" أو "install".
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  انتظر حتى ينتهي تحميل تطبيق My We Apk اخر اصدار للاندرويد، وانقر على "فتح" أو "open".
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 قم باختيار اللغة التي تريد استخدامها في برنامج ماي وي الرسمي التحديث الاخير.  ثم قم بالتسجيل في تطبيق My We Mobile من خلال كتابة البيانات الخاصة بك مثل رقم الهاتف وكلمة المرور.
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وبعد ذلك يمكنك التمتع بجميع خدمات التطبيق. تحميل تطبيق وى للآيفون أما إذا كنت تريد تحميل التطبيق على هاتف آيفون يجب عليك اتباع الآتي: اذهب إلى المتجر الرسمي على هاتفك "آب ستور". ابحث عن تطبيق "We"، وانقر على "تحميل". بعد انتهاء التحميل ابدأ في تسجيل بياناتك، وتمتع بخدمات التطبيق. كيفية تشغيل  تطبيق وى للإنترنت يتساءل الكثير عن كيفية استخدام التطبيق والتمتع بخدماته المختلفة، وفي حقيقة الأمر أنه من أسهل التطبيقات التي يمكنك التعامل معها، كما يمكنك استخدامه في متابعة استهلاكك من باقة الإنترنت المنزلي، وطريقة القيام بذلك بسيطة وتتمثل في الخطوات الآتية: بعد الانتهاء من تحميل التطبيق، إذا لم يكن لديك حساب من قبل قم بالضغط على "إنشاء حساب جديد". ثانيًا قم بكتابة رقم الهاتف الأرضي الخاص بخدمة الإنترنت، مع التأكد من كتابة كود المحافظة قبل الرقم. ثم انقر على "متابعة"، بعد ذلك قم بإدخال كلمة سر قوية حتى لا يستطيع أي شخص آخر تخمينها. اضغط على "الموافقة على الشروط والأحكام" ثم انقر على "متابعة". انتظر قليلًا حتى تصلك رسالة التأكيد على رقم الهاتف المحمول، الذي قمت باستخدامه أثناء التعاقد على خدمة الإنترنت. بعد أن تصل الرسالة اكتب الرمز في الخانة الخاصة بذلك، ثم اضغط على "التالي". هكذا سيتم تفعيل الحساب الخاص بك، مما يتيح لك الاطلاع على تفاصيل استهلاك الباقة وموعد التجديد وغيرها. مميزات تطبيق تطبيق My We يحتوي التطبيق على مميزات متعددة تجعل جميع عملاء الشركة يقومون بـ تحميل تطبيق ماي وي موبايل بشكل مجاني الرائع ومن هذه المميزات: يمكنك من خلال تطبيق ماي وي My We Apk للاندرويد معرفة جميع تفاصيل الرصيد وباقة الإنترنت الخاصة بك، حتى تستطيع الإطلاع على موعد التجديد. كما أن تحميل تطبيق ماي وي الإصدار الجديد مجاني تمامًا ويمكنك التمتع بجميع خدماته دون دفع أي رسوم. بالإضافة إلى إمكانية شحن الرصيد عبر التطبيق من خلال عدة طرق دفع مختلفة، مثل البطاقات الائتمانية وغيرها. إلى جانب أن التطبيق يتيح لك تجديد باقة الإنترنت قبل الموعد المُحدد، وهي ميزة لا يمكنك القيام بها سوى من خلال التطبيق. علاوة على إمكانية التحويل من باقة إلى أخرى. كما أن تحميل تطبيق ماي وي على الموبايل مجانا يتميز بواجهة استخدام بسيطة وجميع الخدمات تتم عن طريق ضغطة زر. بالإضافة إلى إمكانية تحويل الرصيد من رقم هاتفك إلى رقم آخر. إلى جانب أنه يمكنك التواصل مع خدمة العملاء من خلال التطبيق لتقديم طلب توصيل خدمة الإنترنت أو حل أي مشكلة. كما يمكنك استخدام خدمات سلفني شكرًا من خلال التطبيق. علاوة على إمكانية استخدام التطبيق بعدة لغات مثل العربية أو الإنجليزية. كما يتوافق التطبيق مع جميع انظمة الهواتف. إلى جانب أن القائمين على التطبيق يقومون بعمل تحديثات باستمرار، لتقديم أفضل خدمة للمستخدم. - يمكنك اسنخدام خدمة وي باي من خلال تطبيق شركة المصرية للاتصالات My We Mobile. تغيير رقم الهاتف المحمول المسجل في وى في بعض الأحيان نحتاج إلى تغيير رقم الهاتف الذي قمنا بالتسجيل به في التطبيق، لأي غرض وبالفعل يمكننا القيام بذلك من خلال خطوات بسيطة وهي: في البداية لابد من تحميل التطبيق وتسجيل الدخول إليه. انقر على "المزيد" الموجودة على يسار الشاشة. انقر على "حسابي" ومن ثَم سوف تظهر لك ��ميع البيانات الخاصة بك مثل الاسم ورقم التواصل والبريد الإلكتروني وغيرها. اضغط على "تعديل" الموجودة ��جوار "رقم التواصل". قم بمسح الرقم القديم، ثم كتابة الرقم الجديد، واضغط على "حفظ". هكذا يمكنك استخدام التطبيق من خلال الرقم الجديد.   هل يمكن تجديد باقة الانترنت قبل ميعادها؟ إذا كنت تستخدم شبكة الإنترنت التابعة لشركة، يمكنك القيام بتجديد الباقة الخاصة بك في أي وقت دون الالتزام بموعد التجديد، وهذه ميزة رائعة تساعدك في استخدام الإنترنت في أي وقت، ويمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال تطبيق وي مع اتباع الخطوات الآتية: بعد تسجيل الدخول إلى التطبيق. ستجد في الصفحة الرئيسية أيقونة "إدارة نظامك" قم بالنقر عليها. ثم قم بالضغط على  "تجديد". وهكذا سوف يتم تجديد باقة الإنترنت الخاصة بك، ولكن بشرط التأكد من وجود رصيد كافي.
أسئلة شائعة متكررة حول تنزيل برنامج My We اخر اصدار
ازاي اخد هدايا ماى وى؟ يقدم لك تنزيل تطبيق ماي وي العروض والهدايا باستمرار، لذلك عليك متابعته كما يمكنك الاطلاع على الأكواد المجانية من خلال الاتصال بـ *999#. ما هو رقم الخدمة في تطبيق وى؟ يمكنك التواصل مع الدعم الفني الخاص بشركة وى من خلال تطبيق تي اي داتا My We Apk برابط مباشر، أو من خلال الاتصال على إحدى الأرقام الآتية: 01555000111 من أي هاتف. 19777 أو 111 من أي تليفون أرضي. كيف اجدد الباقه من برنامج We؟ يمكنك تجديد الباقة الخاصة بك في أي وقت، وإن كان قبل ميعاد التجديد وذلك عن طريق الاتصال بـ *600*2#. ازاي استلف نت من وى؟ يمكنك استخدام كود *504# ثم اختيار المبلغ الذي تريد استلافه، أو من خلال تطبيق وى انقر على استلاف واختر القيمة التي تريدها.   هناك المئات من عمليات التنزيل لـ تطبيق وى بشكل يومي، حيث أنه يقدم خدمات متعددة للعملاء سواء دفع الفواتير من خلاله، أو إدارة حساب الإنترنت والرصيد الخاص بك، حيث تسعى شركات المحمول إلى تقديم أفضل المميزات إلى العملاء بهدف جذب أكبر عدد منهم، وبالرغم من أن شبكة WE تعد الأحدث من بين جميع الشبكات إلا أنها لاقت إقبال شديد. تحميل تطبيق My We للأندرويد تحميل تطبيق My We Apk للأندرويد تحميل تطبيق وي My We للأيفون Read the full article
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sleepykindly · 1 year ago
thus might sound negative but i don’t feel negative about it, but my mom had a bone disease and since my hands hurt alor at work i told her sister and she let me know about it. she’s a nurse btw and she told me more protein and certain foods would help me. i work tomorrow morning so i think i will buy protein shakes tomorrow and take it to work. although a coworker told me it could be expensive. also taking it to work cuz i don’t wanna be eating pizza all the time but i also need enegery from food so
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whereamericashops · 2 years ago
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What if I... Drew my oc... That is completely unrelated to Creepypasta...... Would you guys wanna see it .........
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concordewillfly · 2 years ago
i am aware that from a musical quality standpoint the front bottoms kind of suck but some of their lyrics are so relatable to my lived experience and so soul crushing to me personally that i forgive and forget
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e8luhs · 2 years ago
taco hell refactoring best of compilation because chat they dont even know about the cultural impact of fuck chavez (the refactoring fuck mccree cover written by my friend kamal)
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aaaaatillathenun · 1 year ago
Whats the fucking clapping etiquette for a ballet??
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disjointedprod · 1 year ago
This week Jake and Dave battle their depression by....talking about it. This is a big no no in bro code but damn it, we chose to evolve. Unfortunatly it sounds pretty much how you'd think it would, enjoy! Jake's Instagram @jakehamel1981 Jake's Twitter. @Jacob__hamel Dave's Instagram and Twitter @disjointedpod
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milfronin-archive · 2 years ago
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sailorstar9 · 6 months ago
She Scratched F/N's Face, But F/N's Boyfriend Yelled: "She's dying! Why Are You Still Holding A Grudge?"
Warning: Anti-Sethos, Angst, Modern AU
Trigger warning: Cheating
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Sethos was extremely annoyed by his childhood friend, but ever since she attempted suicide, he has changed and becoming overly indulgent with her.
Even when she scratched F/N's face, he just shielded her behind him, saying, “She's almost dying. Why are you still arguing with her?”
So, F/N stopped arguing and quietly left his world; until one late night, Sethos saw his most powerful senior in the circle publicly announce his relationship. F/N was wearing a well-tailored man's shirt, nestled in the arms of a tall and handsome man and kissing the side of his face.
That night, it was pouring rain; Sethos, however, went crazy and came banging on his door. “Ghāli (my precious), I know you're doing this to spite me. Come out, let's talk.”
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Sethos had an annoying childhood friend.
Every time he and F/N went out on a date, she always tried to tag along and this irritated him to no end.
One day, he and F/N went to see a newly released movie.
Along the way, Dalilah had already called three times to bother them and Sethos didn't hesitated to block her on WeTalk.
He rubbed F/N's head and said, “Don't worry, I have a girlfriend. I must keep a distance from any childhood friends.” as soon as the movie ended, an unknown number called him.
When he answered, it was that haunting voice of his childhood friend, Dalilah, again. “Sethos, where are you?”
“I told you I'm on a date with my girlfriend.” Sethos answered. “Stop calling me. Don't you understand human language?”
Her voice was thick with sobs. “Wait, don't hang up. I really have something important to tell you.”
Sethos hesitated for a moment, but still hung up; his brows furrowed tightly, as if something was bothering him.
“You seem distracted.” F/N noted. “Are you really worried about her?”
Sethos was stunned, but lowered his head and kissed F/N's forehead. “Why would I worry about her? Don't worry about her; she 's a psycho. Let's continue our date.”
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It was nine in the evening and there was a fireworks show by the moat and F/N was in Sethos' arms, taking pictures. Before she could snap a few, Sethos' phone started vibrating in his pocket again. This time, it was Dalilah's mother calling.
F/N didn't know what was said on the other end, but Sethos' pupils contracted suddenly and his face turned pale. “Okay, Auntie. I'll be there right away. Dalilah attempted suicide.” he explained. “I have to go to the hospital now.”
“She tried to kill herself?” F/N echoed. “Just because you didn't answer her calls and ignored her? That's a bit extreme.”
Sethos irritably ran his hands through his hair. “I don't know. But either way, I need to go. Do you want to come with me?”
Though F/N was reluctant, she was also quite curious as to what new trick would Dalilah pull this time.
As they pushed open the hospital room door, they saw Dalilah with red-rimmed eyes, a bandage wrapped around her wrist and struggling to sit up. “Sethos, you're finally here...”
Then, the moment Sethos approached her bed, she hugged him. “I knew you cared about me.” and the scene made F/N very uncomfortable.
Sethos didn't push Dalilah away as he sighed in frustration. “Dalilah, do you realize how unreasonable you're being? Attempting suicide over me is a childish act.”
“I'm not doing this over you.” Dalilah sniffled. “I...” as she spoke, her already swollen eyes filled with tears again and she timidly looked at F/N. “Could you please step out for a moment? I only want to tell him.”
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Ten minutes later, Sethos came out of the hospital room, looking very serious.
“Are you guys done talking?” F/N asked, uninterestedly. It wasn't F/N was cold-hearted; it was just that Dalilah's incessant calls and deliberate harassment had completely eroded any goodwill F/N had towards her. Not to mention, the first time Sethos introduced F/N to Dalilah, she greeted F/N with a bright smile and a handshake, but secretly squeezed F/N's hand as hard as she could. Such petty tricks was beyond childish.
“Dalilah has stomach cancer.” Sethos suddenly said. “The reason she attempted suicide was that she felt like a burden. It's all my fault. If only I had answered her calls, she could have someone to talk to. She's from a single-parent family, and if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have felt so hopeless; so much so that she thought of herself as a burden and tried to kill herself. Dalilah has relied on me since she was a child; she sees me as her brother. And what do I do? After getting together with you, I stopped caring about her.”
“I see...” F/N muttered, her heart slowly turned cold.
Dalilah's delicate voice came through. “Sethos, can you stay with me tonight? I'm really not trying to bother you. It's just... my mom. She has to work the night shift at the supermarket, so she can't be here.”
“I'll stay with you.” Sethos relented. “I won't go anywhere.”
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Without a word, F/N left the hospital before it started pouring and made a call to Kinich, one of Sethos' university seniors and currently one of most eligible bachelors in Teyvat's elite circles.
Sethos always told F/N that Kinich was a notorious playboy, but he had told her with certainty, “Kinich may be carefree most of the time, but when it comes to important matters, he's reliable.”
Kinich arrived faster than F/N expected. “F/N?”
“Yes.” F/N nodded. “Sorry to trouble you tonight.”
“No need for that.” Kinich chuckled softly.
F/N went back to the hospital room to find Sethos.
Dalilah was clinging tightly to his arm. When she saw F/N enter, she smiled, “F/N, you haven't left yet?”
F/N simply ignored her and turned to Sethos. “I've already called Kinich to take me home. Take as long as you want to take care of her. Until then, don't bother contacting me.”
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Not long after F/N got home, she received a call from Sethos, informing her that he would not be returning that night as Dalilah had no one to take care of her and he was worried.
F/N then checked Dalilah's WeTalk Moments and was not surprised to see a photo of Sethos sleeping beside her hospital bed with that caption 'Nothing compares to your company.'
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A few days later, Dalilah was discharged from the hospital; according to her, she was already in the late stages of stomach cancer and the doctors advised her to stop treatment, saying she should just eat and drink whatever she wanted. Because of this, Sethos turned down a significant portion of his work and said he wanted to spend her remaining days with her.
At first, F/N tolerated it, considering the dying deserve respect. But she soon realized what Dalilah wanted was all of Sethos' free time. Several times, while she and Sethos were having a meal together, Dalilah would call and he would leave immediately. He would hurriedly apologize to F/N and then leave her sitting alone.
After it happened a few times, F/N confronted Sethos. “She has so little time left. Wouldn't it better for her to spend it with her family?”
“Her family doesn't care for her.” Sethos explained. “She's from a single-parent family. I thought you could understand...”
“It's fine if you accompany her occasionally.” F/N spat. “But you don't have to be at her beck and call like a nanny. Can't you maintain some distance?”
“She's a little sister I've watched grow up.” Sethos protested. “And now she has stomach cancer and needs someone with her. Forget it. I don't want to argue with you. Just don't start a fight.”
“That's your problem.” F/N responded. “Don't put it on me.”
“I really don't know what to do.” Sethos ran his hands in his hair in frustration. “F/N, can you please try to understand? It's just for a month or two, I swear. I only see her as a sister.”
“I don't want to deal with this.” F/N was also frustrated. “If you want to be with her, then go ahead. Don't bother informing me.”
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That Saturday, F/N received a call from Sethos, “Didn't you say you want to go to Disneyland? Dalilah also said she wants to go. Do you want to join us? If you're coming, I'll buy an extra ticket.”
“I'm not going.” F/N bit back her anger. “I have a baking lesson later this morning. Besides, who goes to Disneyland and brings along a 'little sister'?”
At that moment, F/N heard Dalilah's pitiful voice on the other end. “Is it because F/N is prejudiced against me that she doesn't want to go? Or maybe she's uncomfortable with my illness...”
“It's not prejudice.” Sethos assured. “It's just that you kept calling me back then, so it's natural for her to be suspicious.”
Dalilah, sounding a little more aggrieved, said, “Forget it, Sethos. I know whatever I say won't matter. Maybe it's better if the two of you just go. After all, I'm on this condition. You don't have to worry about my feelings.”
Hearing that, Sethos once again felt like the worst person in the world. “Don't say things like that. I can always take F/N another time, but I need to be there for you.”
At that, F/N wordlessly hung up the phone, not wanting to hear anymore of their back-and-forth through her phone.
That evening, F/N saw Dalilah's latest post: a grid of nine photos. In almost every one, she was holding onto his arm, her head resting on his shoulder. They looked just like a couple deeply in love. Her caption read: 'You're always the best to me.' and in the comments, she added, 'Don't jump to conclusions, everyone. This isn't an official announcement, this is just my childhood sweetheart. But the person taking our pictures at Disneyland today said we look so perfect together.'
F/N deleted Dalilah from her WeTalk friend list without hesitation.
At the beginning of the year, Sethos bought a car and promised he would pick F/N up from work every day. But he wasn't come even once lately and F/N's nosy coworkers had been subtly asking if they had broken up. F/N's reply was only two words, “Almost there.'
After the sadness, all that was left was a growing pile of disappointment. But in the end, wasn't that exactly what Dalilah wanted? But F/N was determined not to let Dalilah have her way so easily.
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At this moment, the notification alarm from F/N's WeTalk sounded; it was a voice message from Kinich. 'Have you had dinner? I don't know how to cook.'
'Not yet.' F/N typed in her reply. 'I'm basting salmon to eat with rice.'
'If you're home, I'll come over with some ingredients from the prime market.' Kinich typed back. 'I really want to taste your cooking.'
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Kinich arrived quickly, carrying a bag of groceries.
Sethos sent F/N a message just as Kinich and F/N were about tuck into some vegetarian pasta bake. “Spent the whole day at Disney yesterday. I'm exhausted. Came back and crashed on the bed. What are you up to? You're not mad, right?'
'Let's break up.' F/N typed back quickly. 'Don't bother coming to pick me up from work tomorrow. That's Kinich's job now.'
“What's up?” Kinich swallowed his mushroom pasta bake.
“Nothing.” F/N put her phone aside. “Just broke up with someone. Dad was right; I have really bad taste in boyfriends.”
“Boyfriends are something you fun for fun.” Kinich took a sip of his grape raspberry sparkling water. “But husbands are different, especially someone like Sethos. It's good you broke up sooner rather than later.”
“But isn't that how you treat women, too?” F/N asked, drinking her pink grapefruit sparkling water.
“No,” Kinich replied. “How did that saying go? 'A man who doesn't respect himself is like a rotten cucumber.' So, don't misunderstand me.”
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The next day after work, a colleague came up to F/N and said, “Oh my Archons, there's a super handsome guy downstairs at the office building. My heart is fluttering and I'm a married woman.”
“How handsome?” F/N was waiting for her computer to shut down.
“Extremely handsome.” the colleague continued to gush. “He's several times more handsome than your boyfriend. But I bet he's here to pick up his girlfriend.” she then showed F/N a picture she had secretly taken and F/N instantly recognized it was Kinich.
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When F/N exited the lift, she walked up to Kinich waiting in the lobby. Without saying anything, she latched onto his arm and the pair left the office building.
There were a few messages from Sethos after F/N sent the breakup message the previous day, but F/N hadn't responded. 'Weren't we supposed to never say the word 'breakup' so casually? I know you're just being a little moody, but I absolutely won't agree to breaking up. Please don't ignore me on WeTalk. I know you're mad at me, mad that I didn't keep my promise to pick you up after work.' then, he sent a bunch of 'I love you' stickers.
'As long as you are happy, I'm fine with it.' F/N typed a reply back.
In the days that followed, Kinich came to pick F/N up punctually every day and took her out dinner. Meanwhile, Sethos seemed to have disappeared from the face of the Teyvat, but F/N couldn't be bothered to check up on him anymore.
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Until more than half a month later, on the night of F/N's birthday, Sethos suddenly appeared at her door. He was holding a cantaloupe in his left hand and a birthday cake in his right. He smiled and said, “if you don't open the door soon, the property management might kick me out.”
After putting the things down, Sethos immediately tried to hug F/N, only to have her push him away coldly. “My colleagues already celebrated with me at work today.”
“Don't be so stubborn.” Sethos chided. “Colleagues can't compare to a boyfriend. Honestly, it's been my fault these past few weeks for not coming to see you. I actually wanted to wait for your birthday to make up to you. Did you really think I forgot your birthday?”
“Don't give me that.” F/N retorted. “Aren't you going to spend time with your 'good sister'?”
“I'm not spending time with her because...” Sethos paused for a moment. “She's here to celebrate your birthday with me. I think there's been some misunderstanding between you two and I wanted to use this opportunity to clear this up.”
Even before F/N could react, the next second Dalilah jumped in from outside, “F/N, happy birthday.” and the party popper in her hand exploded, scattering confetti all over the floor.
F/N bit back a sigh; since Dalilah wanted to put on a show, she'd play along for one last time.
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“I know you have some misunderstandings about me.” Dalilah simpered. “You're the person Sethos loves the most and I feel so bad for taking up his time for so long. I'm sorry.” tears began to well up in her eyes.
Sethos, standing nearby, immediately pulled out a tissue and started wiping her tears. “Don't cry, Dalilah. F/N isn't someone who can't be reasoned with.”
Seeing that F/N had crossed her arms and watching her silently, Dalilah realized F/N wasn't moved. She continued, “After I leave, it'll just be you and Sethos together.”
“That's enough.” F/N cut Dalilah off. “Today is my birthday, not your apology session.”
“Why don't you guys work on the cake?” Sethos suggested, moved by Dalilah's tears. “I'll go cut the cantaloupe.”
“I'll cut the cake.” Dalilah spoke.
“No need.” F/N interrupted. “I'll do it myself.”
“F/N, just let me cut it.” Dalilah pouted. “Or are you really going to be so unforgiving even after I've just apologized?”
“Stop pretending.” F/N snarled. “Isn't it tiring to squeeze out those tears? How much is your apology worth anyway? Do you want to cut even our wedding cake?”
Dalilah's expression changed. “So what, F/N? You know Sethos can't see stand to see me cry. If I throw a tantrum at your wedding, he'll let me cut the wedding cake.” with a proud huff, she squatted by the coffee table. “If you don't let me join you two, then I insist on joining. If you don't let cut your birthday cake and your wedding cake, then I insist on cutting them.”
But just as she was about to grab the plastic knife to cut the cake, F/N was a second faster and snatched the knife.
Dalilah just dropped her previous frail act and behaved like a madwoman, snatching the knife back and giving F/N a cut on her face.
F/N retaliated by slapping the smug Dalilah across the face. “You must have brain cancer, not stomach cancer.”
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“What happened?” Sethos hurriedly walked into the scene and saw Dalilah's tears, big as beads, were falling like a broken string of pearls. She was covering the side of her cheek where F/N had slapped her and wailed, “Sethos, I accidentally scratched F/N's face. I'm so sorry.”
“Can you stop crying every time something happens?” F/N stormed over and grabbed Dalilah by the collar. “Stand up and explain yourself.
“That's enough, F/N.” Sethos suddenly shouted and immediately shielded Dalilah behind him. “She's almost dying and you're still arguing with her? The doctors said she can't be upset. Do you know how little time she has left?” he shook his head in disappointment. “You're making a big deal out of a tiny cut on your chin. Is that really more important than her life?”
“Tell me, Sethos.” F/N voice calmly. “If Dalilah were to throw a tantrum and cry at our wedding, would you let her cut the wedding cake?”
“That's...” Sethos blinked.
“Get out.” F/N snarled. “We're done.”
“Fine.” Sethos spat coldly. “We're done. If you hadn't said it, I would have.”
'It's done.' F/N sent a message to Kinich.
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“Who hurt your face?” Kinich quickly arrived at F/N's apartment, his usual smile furrowed into a frown. “Sethos? Or that female friend of his?”
After F/N related what had happened, Kinich proceeded to disinfect the cut. “That trash isn't worthy of you.” he then took a phone call and went to the door to retrieve a box of cupcakes with frosting and a bouquet of F/N's favourite tulips. “Congratulations on getting rid that that trash today. Happy birthday.”
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Meanwhile, Sethos brought Dalilah back to his place and comforted her for a while.
Dalilah said, “Sethos, maybe I should go down and apologize to F/N. I feel like she's really upset.”
“You didn't do it on propose, yet she slapped you.” Sethos soothed. “She really went too far this time.”
It was midnight; after calming Dalilah down and getting her to sleep in the guest room, the doorbell suddenly rang.
Still angry, Sethos walked to the entrance, only to be met with a punch to the face once he opened the door. Wincing in pain, Sethos finally saw the furious man in front of him; Kinich. “What's wrong with you? What did I do to you?”
“Do you even realize what you've done?” Kinich snapped and landed two more punches on Sethos.
“I get that you're standing up for F/N.” Sethos argued, trying to dodge the sudden assault. “But just hear me out...”
“If your head isn't clear, then don't go bothering F/N.” Kinich hissed. “I'm not interested in your excuses.”
After getting a thorough beating from Kinich who had later left, Sethos was extremely frustrated; if it wouldn't for the fact that he was Kinich's subordinate at work, he would have fought back. But after thinking it over, he realized he was at fault in this situation. At F/N's place, he had handled things poorly, focusing on Dalilah's cancer and her need to avoid stress. He hadn't considered the fact that F/N's chin had also been injured.
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The next morning, as F/N was preparing a mushroom quiche for breakfast, she and Kinich discussed her plan to move out. She had blocked and deleted all of Sethos' contact information. With Kinich's help, she quickly moved out of the apartment.
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Sethos had just received some good news; Dalilah's latest check-up revealed that her condition had miraculously improved. He planned to take her out for a nice meal to celebrate. The restaurant they chose was very popular with two rows of people waiting for seats outside. So he and Dalilah sat down to wait.
As they waited, Sethos opened his phone and started scrolling through social media. As he scrolled, he came across a post from Kinich from the previous week: 'Together with her.'
Sethos squinted his eyes to take a closer look; the woman in Kinich's arms was none other than F/N. She had her long hair tied in a loose bun, her face beaming with a smile as she kissed Kinich's cheek.
Dalilah noticed something was off and leaned over to look at his phone and her voice filled with excitement. “F/N found a rich boyfriend. I didn't expect her to find a new boyfriend so quickly. It seems she didn't care much about you...”
Sethos cut her off. “Don't jump to conclusions. She's obviously doing this to get back at me.”
“How can that be?” Dalilah scoffed. “She's already kissing him.”
“I need to find out what's going on.” Sethos hissed. “Dalilah, you go ahead and eat. I'll come back after I get to the bottom of this.”
He started his car and drove as fast as he could, one hand texting F/N. 'What's going on with you and him?' just as he sent the message, a red exclamation mark appeared next to it and Sethos realized F/N had changed her number.
Sethos rushed to the elevator and headed to the tenth floor of the apartment. He knocked on the door until his wrist was sore, but F/N never answered.
“You're under arrest for illegal harassment.” after some time, Sethos found himself pinned against the wall by two police officers.
“My girlfriend lives here.” Sethos argued.
“Officers.” a stranger appeared at the door. “Don't listen to him. I just moved in recently and I don't know this man at all.”
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After work on Monday, Sethos found out Dalilah had somehow gotten into his place.
“I need to tell you something.” Sethos tossed his suitcase on the couch. “Since your condition has improved, you shouldn't stay at my place anymore. I've helped you fulfil your wishes. So go back to your own home.”
Later as he was about to take a shower, he passed Dalilah's room and thought to check if she had packed her things. Then, he overheard her talking on the phone with a friend.
“What should I do?” Dalilah wailed. “He wants to kick me out again. I regret saying my condition improved.”
“Then, just tell him your stomach cancer worsened.” the friend suggested. “Tell him that your last wish is to be a bride and he will have to marry you. Cry in front of him again and repeat the whole act. He'll be under your thumb in no time.”
Dalilah had just nodded when her door flung open. She turned around and was stunned to see Sethos in the doorway.
“So, your stomach cancer was a lie?” Sethos glared. “You've been playing me this whole time?”
Dalilah tried to act clueless. “No, Sethos. Listen to me...”
“You made me feel like a joke.” Sethos shoved Dalilah out. “Get out! I never want to see you again. Leave and don't ever come back.” he tossed Dalilah's suitcase out ten minutes later.
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A/N: Kinich fic No. 4; I'm pulling for him for my baby account.
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sleepykindly · 2 years ago
also i haven’t kept up with bts too much tell recently and suddenly i’m a jimin bias 🧍‍♂️
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doctorcurdlejr · 2 years ago
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can wetalk about archie never making up his all-american mind
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the-good-neighbors · 8 months ago
Bruce Wayne strikes me as the kind of guy who eats his tost burt
Not because he accidentally burt it, not because he's hardcore, not because he's an edgelord.
No, he just likes it like that.
If we're talking about a modern universe, my guy just smacks that lever down until it's black. If the toaster catches on fire that's a good thing
If wetalking something older (like my 1920s batman comic, for example), he pulls out one of these bad boys and toarches it like a marshmallow
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His kids think he's crazy. I also think he's crazy but I love him for that
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year ago
sorry to evwryone in the tardisfucker server who is not into the thing that wetalked about for SIX HOURS last night. it WILL happen again
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ddejavvu · 1 year ago
i was worried about the day mei watched saltburn
I saw it in theaters with my bsf a while ago!! Never been a Barry keoghan girly before then
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childhoodgrave · 2 years ago
can wetalk about fritz?FRITX FRITZ FRITZ FRITZ FRITZ
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