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elvinjohns 6 years ago
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Morning call 馃挭馃槉馃摳 #airport #lombok #ntb #mataram #westnusatenggara #landscape #island #bilebantevillage #tourism #visitlombok2019 #agriculturelife #develop #godisgood #shutterbeer #workingview #travelphotographer #sightseeing #johnsarchive (at Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzeoasag7sC/?igshid=7m882mouakch
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stephanebeart 2 years ago
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suwandic 7 years ago
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Sunset flying over many different vegetables and fruits fields at Sembalun Village near Mt. Rinjani. #Lombok #Sembalun #Sunset #aerial #drone #dronestagram #WestNusaTenggara #Indonesia #dronephotography #djimavicpro #rinjani #cnntravel #cnnireport #bbctravel #earthcapture #lppostcards #lppathfinders #lonelyplanet #natgeo #nature #landscape #panorama #travel #Strawberry #vsco #tlpicks #livewelltravelled #iamtraveler (at Sembalunlawang, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia)
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beautinesia-blog 7 years ago
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Explore the underwater beauty of Gili Meno in West Nusa Tenggara,
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rindamayanti 7 years ago
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Kenawa Island! Dateng ke sini langsung disambut dengan panas khas-nya Sumbawa yg dijamin bikin gosong tapi bikin happy karena lautnya yg cantik banget. Apalagi kalau naik bukitnya di siang bolong, gosong pasti menghampiri. Tapi gosong-nya terbayar sama pemandangan yg cantik bgt di atas bukit-nya. #kenawa #kenawaisland #sumbawa #visitsumbawa #westnusatenggara #indonesia #sunburn #happy #pulaukenawa (at Pulau kenawa)
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awesomehanan 5 years ago
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BIMA Suatu kota di pulau Sumbawa Indonesia Tengah Ku sebut Indonesia bagian Timur ke Barat :) Suatu kota dengan keindahan alamnya... Bandara ini, meskipun tidak terlalu besar, tapi, serasa tak pernah sepi... Bahkan banyak turis yang naik dan turun di bandara ini... Iya, mereka mengincar pantai nan indah dengan ombaknya yang kata mereka mantap untuk bermain Surfing... Mulai penasaran? Mari kita rehat ke Bima... #Bima #Kota #KotaBima #NTB #WestNusaTenggara #seputarBima #exploreBima #exploreNTB #exploreLambu #bimaindah #sketsa #sketch #gambar #drawing #pensketch #eichart #HArt #goresHan #goresHanss #bandara #airport https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdLGQVFkuK/?igshid=y003o0rx1mv5
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maximilianfnz 5 years ago
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The lake of clouds #travelling #travelphotography #travelemotions #nikonphotography #indonesia #wonderfulindonesia #westnusatenggara #floresisland (presso Flores Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DA44-haca/?igshid=1r2ojxmlcon7h
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bajangadventure 5 years ago
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Pink Beach - West Nusa Tenggara #pinkbeach #lombokbangkit #lomboktrip #lombokisland #lombok #wonderfullombok #pesonalombok #gilisudak #gilinanggu #gilimeno #giliair #gilitrawangan #gilikapal #westnusatenggara more info. in bio or 087765492197 (Wa) #travelllombokmurah #travelling #travellmunch #travelmurah #travellombok (di West Nusa Tenggara) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rHWwInNtp/?igshid=z810fljifzd7
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bonchjela 8 years ago
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#gili #gilitrawangan #giliislands #westnusatenggara #indonesia #beach #nature #travelthrowback #travel #traveladdict #lelsingili (at Gili Trawangan, Lombok Indonesia)
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amillagus 8 years ago
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The Famous Sign Board of all Big Cities in the world at Gili Air Beach 馃憴馃實 . . . #giliair #westnusatenggara #ntb #lombok #beautifuldestinations #whitesandybeach #bluesky #clearwaterbeach #amazingindonesia #damniloveindonesia #travelphoto #signboard #instatravel #instatravel #hijabtraveller #vsco #a9pro (at Gili Air Divers / Gili Meno Divers)
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hendradive 6 years ago
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Morning all.. This was taken from my dive at #sumbawa #moyoisland #westnusatenggara Special thanks to pak @dedi_kevin_molajake @moyodiveresort for my dive service and hospitality With : @scubadiverid #indonesiadivingtrip #wonderfulindonesia #photodivetrip #nikon #wonderfulunderwaterindonesia #wideangle #seascape #coralreef #naturephotography #fisheyelens #wildlife #deepbluesea #paditv #fish #scubadivingmag #scubadiver https://www.instagram.com/p/BvxiEevFKln/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iwxuuughwqu9
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idiasty 6 years ago
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Lombok Powerful Earthquake, August 2018:
As I roamed around the area of Tanjung, I spotted a newlywed couple enjoying their lunch in the midst of their house鈥檚 debris. Raden Dedi (20) and Denda Dewi (19) were enjoying Moringa leaves soup that they picked nearby and omelet that they made with the eggs that were distributed to them.
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stephanebeart 2 years ago
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suwandic 7 years ago
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Take a break from photos of American Southwest, there are some photos from my trip to Lombok a month before my US trip. Here is one from top of Merese Hill looking towards Tanjung Aan beach with perfect sunrise at the eastern horizon. #Lombok #Merese #Hill #Bukit #Indonesia #beach #TanjungAan #nature #landscape #panorama #travel #lppostcards #lppathfinders #lonelyplanet #bbctravel #cnntravel #earthcapture #cnnireport #natgeo #tlpicks #iamtraveler #livewelltravelled #vsco #WestNusaTenggara #NTB #Pentax (at Bukit Merese Lombok)
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beautinesia-blog 7 years ago
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Kenawa is a beautiful private island in West Nusa Tenggara,
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myyounee 6 years ago
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Gapura Mataram Tembolaq, NTB, Indonesia
photo : CTTO
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