jplupine · 5 months
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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x AFAB Reader Word Count: ~5.4k Date Published: May 1, 2024 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Werewolf!Kakashi, Exophilia, Established Relationship, Size Difference, Feral Behavior, Biting, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Period Sex, Hair Pulling, Creampie, Knotting, Mild Injury, Chains/Shackles, Muzzle; Reader is AFAB but no gender is specified, Terms such as pussy/cock/etc. get used.
Summary: Kakashi always warned you to never go into the basement on the nights he locked himself away down there. You never did for both his safety as well as your own, but when you hear a loud noise coming from the basement one night, you can't help but fear that he's been hurt. You couldn't just leave him injured and alone down there, could you?
A/N: What started out as a little thought about how most Naruto characters with dog summons had sharp teeth escalated into this. Whoops!
You can also read it on AO3!
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  He had warned you to not go into the basement. Warned you every time he went to spend the night down there. You heeded the warnings, never once entering the basement on those nights no matter what sounds you heard coming from down there.
  You would try to occupy yourself, watch a movie, read a book, anything to take your mind off of how horrible it sounded. The animalistic whines and howls would echo through the house deep into the night until it was all finally quiet and you could sleep for a few hours before the sun was peeking over the horizon. For three nights every month, you had to endure those cries and try to pretend everything was normal.
  For three nights every month, you felt an ache in your chest and had to ignore it until morning came. Those mornings weren't as hard, but they weren't easy either. Kakashi would come up from the basement looking exhausted and dragging his feet. You'd make breakfast and coffee early just to make sure he had a warm meal that he'd wolf down like a starved animal.
  It was only three nights a month.
  But this time, with the sun setting and Kakashi down in the basement, you were miserable. The day had been hard between work and having to deal with a flat tire, leaving you exhausted and laying on the couch facedown. However, while trying to relax your aching muscles and clear your mind, those familiar whines started coming from the basement.
  They were high-pitched and sounded as if they were coming from a wounded animal. You heavily sighed and reached for the remote to turn on the TV and hopefully drown out the sound. You didn't even care what came on so long as it hid those pitiful cries.
  Turning up the TV's volume, the whines also got louder.
  You weren't going to get any rest at this rate. Those sounds also made it difficult for you to stay away from the basement. It was never easy to ignore those heart-wrenching cries.
  Getting up from the couch, you went to the kitchen for a quick snack, but it wasn't enough of a distraction. The loud howl that came from the basement echoed through the rest of the house. The luxury of not having neighbors for miles was not getting noise complaints on a regular basis, thank goodness.
  Bearing through the cries and brief moments of silence as the moon rose higher in the night sky, you wasted time any way you could. A few hours had passed since the howling started, and for some reason, Kakashi had been so much noisier than usual. He sounded as if he was trying to get attention, to not be left alone in the dark. But his sober warnings kept you from checking on him.
  You found out why he was making a ruckus when you went to the bathroom and saw blood. Kakashi was howling and whining so much because of you. His heightened senses likely picked up the changes in your pheromones, but the difference between now and any other time was the fact that your period hadn't really ever coincided with a full moon. And now that you were bleeding, he'd likely pick up that scent eventually, too.
  Heavily sighing, you could only hope Kakashi would be able to tell the difference and know you weren't bleeding due to an injury. When he wasn't driven feral by the full moon, he could differentiate the two. But with his logic dulled and his instincts heightened, would he still be able to?
  Cleaning up, you left the bathroom and went back to the living room to put on a movie. With one of the couch pillows in your lap, you tried to focus on the TV screen when whimpering was faintly heard under the sounds of the movie. You clenched your jaw to force yourself to stay on the couch and not get up to check on Kakashi.
  He was fine. You just had to keep telling yourself that he was fine.
  Time passed slowly and torturously when the whimpers got louder. Then there was snarling and metallic rattling. Kakashi was restless now and making so much noise.
  When there was a loud snap and a yelp, you flew off the couch and were at the basement door without thinking. Pausing with your hand hovering over the doorknob, you listened while holding your breath. That yelp had sounded as if whatever the snap was had hurt him. But what if he was fine and had just startled himself?
  You weren't supposed to go into the basement when the full moon was out. It was too dangerous. The moon's pull on Kakashi made him feral and barely recognizable as himself, he'd told you that many times before. If he couldn't recognize you in his feral state, there was a risk he could seriously hurt you.
  But if Kakashi had gotten hurt, you couldn't just leave him alone down there.
  Listening for a few seconds more, you heard soft whimpering that sounded different from before, pained and more than enough to make you unlock the basement door. Going down the steps and into the darkness, it took a moment for your eyes to adjust.
  You could hear the rattling of chains before you reached the bottom of the stairs. Some light from the moon helped you to see as it came in through the small windows high up on the walls. On the opposite side of the room, you saw the cage Kakashi was locked up in.
  He looked up when you took a step closer, his eyes glowing red in the dark. His wrists were shackled still, but the chain connected to his collar was broken, letting you know that had been the source of the loud noise. And judging by the blood clumping his hair, he must have hit his head on one of the bars when the chain snapped.
  "Hold on." You quickly went over to the pile of clothes on the table next to the cage and grabbed Kakashi's shirt. Picking up the water bottle, you bit the cap to open it and poured some water onto the shirt before turning.
  Those glowing eyes followed your every move, and when you got closer to the front of the cage, Kakashi gave a soft whine. You hesitated while reaching for the keys hanging from the bars. Kakashi didn't seem aggressive, but that didn't mean he was safe.
  You looked at the shackles to make sure they weren't damaged before looking at the black muzzle strapped to his face. With the muzzle, he wouldn't be able to bite, and the shackles would limit his movement.
  Taking a deep breath, you decided to take the risk.
  Grabbing the keys, you unlocked the cage door and opened it. Kakashi visibly tensed and growled a warning when you entered the cage. You moved slower and with caution while pocketing the keys.
  You were glad Kakashi had put the metal collar on since it prevented him from fully shifting; having to do this if he had been in werewolf form would've been a lot more terrifying. You could handle the few wolf-ish features he was showing with most of him still being in familiar human shape.
  "It's okay." You spoke with a gentle tone while holding your hands out to show you only had the wet shirt and nothing else. "I just need to look at your wound, all right? Will you let me do that?" Kakashi softly growled again with his hands flexing, showing off sharp claws that glinted in the moonlight.
  You took a hesitant step closer, and Kakashi moved while lowering his head, looking ready to pounce as his tail slowly swayed. Your heart was pounding as you tried to calm yourself. Swallowing, you spoke again to try and get through to him.
  "Please, just let me help you. You're bleeding, Kakashi." His gaze sharpened when you said his name. To your relief, he slowly relaxed but didn't look away from you not even for a second. "That's it, Kakashi. I'm here to help." You used his name again since he seemed to recognize it.
  He let you get close enough to reach out your hand. He huffed and jerked his head away when your hand got too close to his face. You waited without moving to let him come to you instead.
  In the quiet, Kakashi studied you before slowly leaning toward your hand. You could hear him sniffing from under the muzzle as warm air blew through the muzzle's holes near his nose. Even if he couldn't bite you, the thought that he might still crossed your mind.
  Kakashi got closer and let you gently grab his jaw. You tilted his head slightly to get a better look at the wound on his head. However, the blood clumping his silver hair made it impossible to see the damage.
  Using the wet shirt, you began to gently clean up the blood. The coppery smell filled your nostrils and made your nose scrunch. Kakashi gradually came closer while still low to the ground. The chains rattled from his movement, and those red eyes of his were looking up at you.
  He finally seemed okay with your presence as you wiped away blood from his hair and stained his shirt red. When enough had been cleaned up, you tried to look at the wound again. Parting his silver hair with some streaks of pink and red, you looked at his scalp.
  There was nothing there.
  With your brows knitting together, you carded your fingers through his hair to try and find the source of the blood. Kakashi leaned into your touch, and you scoffed.
  "It already healed, didn't it?" You muttered more to yourself than actually speaking to the wolf. It made you relieved to know Kakashi was okay, but this also meant you had taken a huge risk going into the basement over nothing.
  When you went to take a step back, Kakashi's hand shot out as if to grab you only to be stopped by the chain going taut. His claws were dangerously close and made your heart beat faster again. Looking at Kakashi, his eyes were piercing but not aggressive. The muzzle made the rest of his expression impossible to read since it covered everything from his nose to his jaw.
  You were about to take another risk.
  Taking a step toward him, his hand grabbed the front of your shirt to pull you even closer. He nuzzled his face into your stomach as a soft rumble came from his chest. Relief washed over you again as you looked down at him. Could he actually recognize you?
  His hands grabbed the back of your thighs as he rubbed his cheek and jaw against your stomach. You chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair in an affectionate way.
  "You gave me quite a scare there, Kakashi." He huffed in response as his claws scraped over the back of your thighs. You turned to toss the bloody shirt to the side as Kakashi's head went lower. "Hey!" You yelled on a reflex, your head whipping around to look back at Kakashi.
  He had shoved his head between your legs without warning and was snuffling like a dog. You tried to back away as your cheeks burned with embarrassment, but his hold on your thighs tightened and refused to let you back up.
  "Kakashi!" You tried to push his head away, and he looked up at you with widened pupils. He suddenly stood up, looming over you and being taller than normal in his partially transformed state. His pointed ears twitched as you looked up at him.
  He leaned down, burying his face into the side of your neck only to growl and rear back. He reached for the muzzle just to be stopped when the chain went taut. Kakashi growled in frustration and bent toward his hand to tear off the muzzle, but his claws scratched his cheek and drew blood before you grabbed his wrist to stop him.
  "Wait! Wait!" You had to use a little force to pull his claws away from his face. "....Is it uncomfortable?" Kakashi whined at the back of his throat. "Okay, okay. Just...." You trailed off while grabbing his shoulder to pull him down closer.
  He let you reach behind his head to the straps holding the muzzle to his face. You unbuckled the straps, and Kakashi felt the muzzle loosen. Hearing the sound of swishing air, you glanced to the side to see his tail wagging.
  You pulled the muzzle off and saw that it had hidden something else underneath. Kakashi leaned toward you, but your focus was now on the rubber bar trapped between his fangs. You hadn't been aware Kakashi took such precaution.
  "Hold on." You felt along the gag's straps before Kakashi's face came closer to yours. His tail was still wagging as his arms wrapped around you as much as the chains would allow. Drool was leaking from the corners of his mouth and dripping from his chin with his head tilted down to look at you.
  You felt a small padlock near the base of his skull. Pulling the keys from your pocket, you flipped over the key for the cage and searched through the other keys to find the one to the padlock. Unlocking it, Kakashi's ears perked when he heard the clicks from the tumblers moving into place and the lock releasing.
  When you grabbed the rubber bar, Kakashi parted his jaws wider to let you pull it out of his mouth. The drool made the gag slick and dripped onto your shirt. You watched Kakashi stretch his jaw while looking happier.
  "Better?" You chuckled, and Kakashi licked your cheek. He was....nothing like you had imagined. Kakashi's warnings made it seem as if he was incredibly dangerous during these nights, and you could tell he had the potential to be just by looking at his claws and fangs. But he was being so gentle with you.
  Your caution kept you standing barely within his reach even if you were still allowing him to touch you. Kakashi lowered his head and nuzzled his face under your jaw. The soft rumbling in his chest was a growl, but it sounded pleased rather than aggressive.
  His tail wagged faster when he gripped your shirt and yanked you closer. His arms wrapped around you, holding you against his bare chest as his teeth grazed the side of your neck. Goosebumps raised on your skin from the feeling and his warm breath.
  You heard a soft whine come from the back of his throat as his grip on you tightened. You gasped in surprise with your eyes widening when Kakashi's claws tore through the back of your shirt.
  "Kakashi! Watch the claws, love." You warned while trying to pry yourself free from his arms. He only whined again while licking the side of your neck and clawing at your shirt more. You only realized he was doing it on purpose when it was too late, and Kakashi was already using his weight to force you to the concrete floor. "Kakashi-!" You cut yourself off when he parted his jaws and had your throat between his fangs.
  Your heart was thumping beneath your ribs, hoping and praying to whoever would listen that Kakashi wouldn't bite down. His canines would very easily puncture your carotid arteries, and the knowledge of that shot a spike of fear through you. Taking a shaky breath, you tried to remain as still as possible. If Kakashi could truly recognize you....surely he wouldn't bite down.
  His hot tongue dragged over your throat, and you let out the breath you'd been holding when his sharp teeth ventured away from your neck. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders to try and push him away gently, but your efforts were futile. Kakashi was bigger and stronger; he wasn't moving unless he wanted to. His fangs sank into the front of your shirt with his top lip curled up before he reared back, ripping through the fabric with ease.
  Kakashi shook his head like a dog to throw the ripped shirt to the side. He was then sniffing at your chest, his nostrils flaring as his eyes seemed to search your body. You tried to move away from him only to freeze from the low growl that vibrated your bones. He was warning you with a snarl and placed a large hand on your chest to keep you pinned to the floor as his head went lower and his claws pricked your skin.
  His ears twitched, and you swallowed while trying to figure out what was going on. You thought he had calmed down, especially after you had taken off his muzzle and gag that'd been irritating him. But now....you weren't certain.
  Kakashi had said he wasn't in control on these nights, the beast within was. He would not act with human logic but instinct. He was being careful while still scenting you and didn't want you moving.
  The blood. He could smell the blood.
  Worrying about his injury had made you completely forget, and given what Kakashi was doing now, he might be thinking you were wounded and was trying to find the source of the blood. You opened your mouth to say something, hoping to get him to stop before this already embarrassing situation got any worse, but no sound came out when his claws caught on the front of your shorts. You reflexively smacked his hand when you felt his claws tug.
  He jolted and flinched back since he hadn't expected it. Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at you.
  "Stop destroying my clothes. I'm fine." You tried to maintain a steady tone. He paused with his gaze drifting over your thighs. There was something....strange about his expression. He didn't look concerned, especially not with his slowly wagging tail and blown pupils. You flinched when something wet hit your thigh, and you realized he was drooling.
  Kakashi let out a soft whine before diving his face between your thighs. You gasped and yelled at him as your cheeks burned with shame and your hands tried to push his head away. Kakashi's claws pricked your ass as he clawed at your shorts, making you jump and inadvertently thrust your hips into the wolf's face.
  You were wrong; Kakashi didn't think you were injured. He knew what that scent was coming from and revealed the source by clawing your underwear off. He didn't hesitate to let his long tongue roll out and lick you. You jolted with a sound of surprise as his tongue dragged between your lips and over your clit.
  Kakashi's hand on your chest kept you on the floor, and you grabbed his wrist. His gaze shot up to you as his tongue slowly retreated back into his mouth. Your face felt hot as your body froze. You knew you should probably try to get away as Kakashi's warnings echoed in your mind, but the curiosity and temptation to see just what this wolf would do told you to stay put.
  His eyes were already devouring you and he huffed through his nose. His pretty lips parted, exposing dauntingly sharp teeth coated in saliva and glinting in the moonlight. You bit your bottom lip and let him place a hand on your inner thigh to spread your legs further apart.
  Kakashi lapped at your core as blood smeared on his tongue. His hand on your chest slid down your torso to grab your other thigh. A low growl rumbled in his chest as his arms wrapped around your thighs, making it impossible for you to get away from him now.
  "Mine." His voice was gravely from a growl and took you by surprise. Kakashi yanked on your legs to pull you closer to his mouth. He groaned into your pussy as his tongue greedily licked.
  He was messy and drooling with his tail wagging in delight. His grip on your thighs tightened, and you softly moaned. Kakashi's ears perked and he gained enthusiasm, delving his tongue into your wet core.
  The chains on his shackles and collar scraped against the concrete floor. Your fingers slid into his soft hair as you moaned, and you could feel his fangs pressing against your flesh in a way that made you shiver. Kakashi always locked himself away out of fear he would hurt you or someone else during these nights, so him eating you out hadn't even crossed your mind as something that could happen.
  He was like a man starved, being so noisy while lapping at your skin and core with his nose and fangs pressing against your clit. Your thighs twitched around his head as you moaned again. You tugged on his hair, earning a low growl from Kakashi with his grip on your thighs being near bruising.
  "Kakashi~!" Your voice was breathy and got his attention. His gaze shot up to you, his pupils so wide that his irises were only thin, red rings. His tongue dove deeper than before, curling and stroking against your walls. Your back arched off the floor as you cried out.
  His grip loosened, letting your thighs clamp around his head as they shivered. Kakashi's tail wagged faster as he growled. The sound sent a vibration along his tongue and right against your clit, making you buck into his mouth while moaning. Your muscles tensed even more as you clenched around his skilled tongue.
  Kakashi slowly pulled away from you when the tension in your muscles eased. Blood and other bodily fluids were smeared against his lips and chin. His tongue dragged over his fangs as bloody saliva dripped from his chin. Kakashi looked dazed while softly panting.
  Something about the mess on his face and how he looked sparked something deep within you. The beast between your thighs being drunk on you after having a taste stroked a hidden primal side of you. It sent a surge of excitement through your veins.
  He let go of your thighs to push himself up and crawl over you, his muscles rolling beneath his skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. As he moved over you, the broken chain hanging from his collar slithered across your skin, causing goosebumps to rise from the cold metal's touch.
  "Mine." Kakashi's claws scraped against the concrete floor. You bit your bottom lip before reaching for the waistband of his underwear. His boxer briefs hugged his muscular thighs and couldn't hide his erection pushing against the thin fabric. Kakashi licked his face as you pulled his underwear down his hips.
  When his cock sprung free, you could see a small knot near the base. With the moon high in the night sky, more lupine features were appearing on Kakashi. The skin around his eyes was also darkening, and silver fur had sprouted along his spine. The metal collar was the only thing limiting his shifting as it sat snug around his neck, and your eyes glanced at the shackles around his wrists.
  Now knowing Kakashi didn't have the intention of hurting you, you wanted to make him as comfortable as possible.
  Reaching for the ring of keys you'd dropped, you grabbed the one for the shackles. Kakashi's attention drifted to the key in your hand, watching as you reached for one of the shackles to unlock it. When the lock clicked and the shackle clattered to the hard floor, Kakashi licked your cheek. His warm breath hit your ear before he muttered in a breathy voice.
  "Smells good." Kakashi's nose brushed down the side of your neck as you went to unlock the other shackle. His tongue curled over your throat as you tilted your head back. The rumble in his chest shook you to the core.
  You dropped the keys and ran your hands up his arms to his shoulders. His hands grabbed your hips to bring your body closer to his. Kakashi ground his hips into yours, making you feel his knot against you.
  He nipped, and your hands slid up the back of his neck. Kakashi rutted with a soft whine coming from the back of his throat. His length rubbing against your clit as his knot was pressing against your dripping core had you buzzing with anticipation. Your arousal, his saliva, and the blood mixed together, making his cock slick.
  Kakashi's hips went further back, the head of his dick prodding in an attempt to seek the embrace of your wet heat. You tilted your hips to help him, and he finally found the right spot and angle your body allowed him entrance from. His breath shook as he went deeper, filling you inch by inch as your fingers traveled into his soft hair.
  He pulled away from the side of your neck to sit back on his heels and looked down. His head tilted to the side as he licked his lips and watched the rest of his cock disappear inside you. When you felt his knot flush against you, Kakashi's tongue was sticking out from between his fangs. His pointed ears drooped just a fraction before he used a little more force to get his knot inside you.
  Kakashi groaned as his eyes fluttered closed and his pale lashes brushed his cheeks from you clenching around his cock. He was beautiful in such an ethereal way, even with his beastly features. His eyes slowly opened before he pulled out and watched himself sink back in.
  His grip on your hips was firm and holding you in place as his thrusts picked up speed. Your head lolled back as you moaned. All of him was bigger in his half-shifted state, and feeling his knot made your thoughts incoherent.
  "Kakashi~!" You cried out his name. A low, rumbling growl came in response before Kakashi leaned over. His long tongue dragged over your sternum as his breath warmed your skin. Now that he was closer, you grabbed his face to pull him into a kiss.
  The wolf was surprised for a second but quickly melted into you, lips moving in sync as he groaned and snapped his hips. You opened your mouth to press your tongue against his lips. Kakashi parted his lips to allow your tongue entrance, and you first felt his sharp teeth before his tongue met yours.
  Kakashi could be dangerous, but for you? He was putty in your hands desperate to be as close as possible to you. His tongue glided against yours, welcoming the intrusion into his mouth as he groaned and moved his hands up your sides.
  Your fingers slid into his hair and softly tugged. You moaned into the kiss before pulling away for air. Kakashi looked dazed while panting as drool stretched between your mouths. His blown pupils drifted over your face, watching your lips curl into a smile.
  "Feel good?" Your voice purred, and Kakashi groaned while nodding.
  "Good. Good. So good." His voice was barely over a whisper as his tail wagged. Kakashi pistoned his cock, driving himself as deep as he could with each thrust. His balls smacked against your ass while the wet sounds from between your legs had Kakashi shivering with delight.
  His chest was against yours when he buried his face into the side of your neck. His weight against you had you pinned to the floor. Kakashi groaned and left open-mouthed kisses against your skin, his claws grazing over your shoulder blades as he held on to you.
  One of your hands slid down the back of his neck and along his spine. The sprouted fur was just as soft as his hair, and he bucked with a soft whine from your touch. Your head lolled back with another moan, baring your throat to Kakashi with your blunt nails digging into his skin.
  He grunted and moaned near your ear without restraint. You hiked your legs higher up his sides, allowing his body to come closer with his pelvis grinding against your clit. Your hold on him tightened as you tugged on his hair.
  Kakashi's knot was swelling, making it harder for him to thrust deeply at the pace he was going. His heavy panting couldn't hide the soft whines coming from the back of his throat each time he forced his knot in. You weren't sure how much more of it you could take as it stretched you wider.
  "Oh, fuck!" You hissed under your breath as your thighs shivered. Kakashi's hips snapped into you, his thrusts becoming erratic. His fangs grazed your skin as his breath hit you in heavy puffs. Feeling his arms flexing as he held you and the muscles along his back tensing, you knew he was getting close.
  You nipped his ear, making him moan into your shoulder. Kakashi turned his head to nuzzle under your jaw. He huffed and groaned in a way that nearly sounded like a growl before shoving his knot into you one last time.
  His knot had swollen to the point that he could no longer pull out, leaving him to give harsh, shallow thrusts while grinding against your clit. Your nails dug into his back while moaning, spurring him on as his claws left angry red marks over your shoulder blades.
  Kakashi groaned when his cock began to twitch, but he didn't stop there, continuing to thrust his hips to milk himself deep inside you. He made you feel so full before the building pressure was released. The poor wolf's breath shook as he gave a strangled whine when you orgasmed and clenched around him tighter.
  Your skin was buzzing from the high. Kakashi relaxed against you, brushing his nose over your neck and cheek as a soft rumble came from deep within his chest. You couldn't help but chuckle before turning to kiss his cheek.
  "Aren't you sweet?" You muttered while Kakashi looked down at you. His lips curled into a gentle smile as his tail wagged. Cupping his cheek in your hand, you guided his face down into a kiss. His soft lips moved with yours before parting for air.
  "Mine." Kakashi cooed, his large hand sliding over your lower stomach before adding pressure to make you take in a sharp breath. His knot was still swollen and stuck in place, keeping his cock and cum trapped inside you. You weren't going anywhere anytime soon, especially not with the moon still shining through the windows.
  You woke up the next morning to Kakashi panicking, and you tiredly grumbled from the noise.
  "I'm so sorry! I thought I had the keys far enough- Fuck!"
  "What?" You rolled onto your back while trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.
  "Try not to move, I'll call an ambulance."
  "Wait, what? Ambulance?" You shot up and looked at Kakashi as he was unlocking the metal collar around his neck. "Are you hurt?" There were no visible injuries on the tall man standing just a few feet away. Kakashi paused while looking at you.
  "You're the one who's hurt."
  "Love, take a second." You scoffed, feeling relief now that you understood what was going on. "I'm a little crampy, but I'm not hurt." You stood up and stretched out your limbs with a groan. There was a quiet pause before relief washed over Kakashi's face.
  "Oh, that scared the Hell out of me. Waking up and seeing you in here while smelling blood just...."
  "It's okay, Kakashi. I'm fine."
  "What are you even doing down here?"
  "You hurt yourself trying to get out. I came down to check on you, and, well, one thing led to another." You chuckled before holding Kakashi's face in your hands with your thumbs brushing over his cheeks. "I'm sorry I don't have breakfast ready and waiting for you this time. I can put something together after a shower if you can be patient."
  "You sure you're okay?"
  "I'm wonderful." You watched the smile pulling at his lips as he rested his hands on your hips.
  "That look you're giving me is saying a lot, dear. What did I do? Everything from last night is still fuzzy for me."
  "I can tell you every little detail if you want."
  "Oh, please do." Kakashi smirked as you took his hands in yours to lead him upstairs.
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sadieslimes-blog · 3 months
POV: I'm your trans girlfriend and I'm disappointed you haven't taken your pants off yet, will you?
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caffeineinmyspleen · 6 months
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The first shift was a light clusterfuck but they definitely bonded over it
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liss-art · 1 year
What I gotta do to see vampire kakashi and werewolf gai 😳 😭
This post is enough, sweet anon *_* Quick sketch cause I wanted to see them in this AU too
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oprescuewagon · 6 months
A labour of love
This picture has taken me so long, with set back after set back including art block, but he is finally finished
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Werewolf Kk has my heart, soul and spirit
Hope you all like him as much as I do!!
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spacealligator · 2 months
Kakashi Ninken Sage?
So, we know that you can become a sage when you train under your summons, and that they even have their own worlds where they live:
Frogs/toads -> Mount Myōboku
Slugs -> Shikkotsu Forest
Snakes -> Ryūchi Cave
(yes I had to use Narutopedia to get these names correct)
This implies that every summon has its own world and their own way of training shinobi into sages, like Gai's turtle, Itachi and Shisui's crows, Temari's Kamatari (a personal favourite of mine) AND Kakashi's dogs!
How do you think it's the world of ninken? They are summons, and not trainned dogs like the Inuzukas use (even if Tsume's Kuromaru can talk for some reason) so surely they have a dog world of their own and could train Kakashi into a dog sage which would be so cool
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anniemaar · 2 years
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anubisthe1 · 8 months
In Harry Potter, there is a werewolf character whose nickname is Mooney, and his boyfriend is the disgrace of the black family who can transform himself into a big black dog.
And I can't stress this enough, but they remind me of kakashi and obito.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
if you were to make a vampire au for shisui, how'd you think you'd do it?
would vampires be something well known? would they be rumored but dismissed? (im personally fond of aus where the mc suffers in silence)
Would it be before or after shisui's death? How would he deal with the sun?(if your vampires have that issue) If he's in the village, how would he source blood? would he be in denial at first? terrified of what he's becoming? Would he pretend to be the same? would he pull away? would others notice?
sorry for word vomiting sometimes i just Have Thoughts and I wanted to share them with you
Please don't apologize! I'm busy most days rn but don't be discouraged if it takes a while for me to respond, I love chatting in my askbox haha
This AU is so 🤌🤌🤌 scrumptious ✨
Honestly my first thought was (slightly cracky) that Shisui's Mangekyou is just... !Vampire! 😅 Like wow nice Genjutsu eyes, my Mangekyou makes me drink blood and get sunburn but I think I'm immoral now anyway so~
Or it could be a really taboo Uchiha bloodline failsafe! It's how Madara has stayed alive, changing him was how he saved Obito, and Obito fished Shisui from the river and bit him to keep the legacy and have an 'inside man' in konoha (plus working alongside Kakashi) only for Shisui to absolutely not get the memo that Konoha itself is supposed to be his enemy, not that his weird cousin Obito (totally living in the woods, which is fucked up, but also valid because the family is in shambles and Shisui can sympathize with extreme escapism) did him a solid by patching him up to enable Shisui to go and rip out all the problems and fix the village... It's handy that Danzo can't kill him again tho lmao
On another tangent... Maybe Fire Country turned against the 'monster families' like the Uchiha Vampires (Kakashi werewolf, need I say more?) And so the Senju Dryads made a new settlement, Konoha, with the Uchiha and boom! Monster-ville! The problem for Naruto can either be just general distaste for overpowered and mischievous foxes or it could be that the Kyuubi attack threatened to expose them to humans and now the whole village is blaming Naruto for the spike in persecution etc etc... Interesting things to think on....
The angst fest? Well I tried but then I got to "shisui, neck deep in self loathing and denial, is starving for blood on a mission and ends up gorging on their enemies and is terrified of Kakashi's reaction but Kakashi is just straight up horny lmao" and it all derailed lmaooooo
Great AU idea, anon! And Shisui's so pretty and Tenzo so emotionally awkward that we could even recreate a Twilight AU spoof with this lmaoooo
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jplupine · 7 months
Werewolf!Kakashi Teaser
Here's a teaser since I'm still working on this blasted thing that is turning out much longer than anticipated 😂
WARNING: Blood mention, Chains, Shackles, Muzzle
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  When there was a loud snap and a yelp, you flew off the couch and were at the basement door without thinking. Pausing with your hand hovering over the doorknob, you listened while holding your breath. That yelp had sounded like whatever the snap was had hurt him. But what if he was fine and had just startled himself?
  You weren't supposed to go into the basement when the full moon was out. It was too dangerous. The moon's pull on Kakashi made him feral and barely recognizable as himself, he'd told you that many times before. If he couldn't recognize you in his feral state, there was a risk he could seriously hurt you.
  But if Kakashi had gotten hurt, you couldn't just leave him alone down there.
  Listening for a few seconds more, you heard soft whimpering that sounded different from before, pained and more than enough to make you unlock the basement door. Going down the steps and into the darkness, it took a moment for your eyes to adjust.
  You could hear the rattling of chains before you reached the bottom of the stairs. Some light from the moon helped you to see as it came in through the small windows high up on the walls. On the opposite side of the room, you saw the cage Kakashi was locked up in.
  He looked up when you took a step closer, his eyes glowing red in the dark. His wrists were shackled still, but the chain connected to his collar was broken, letting you know that had been the source of the loud noise. And judging by the blood clumping his hair, he must have hit his head on one of the bars when the chain snapped.
  "Hold on." You quickly went over to the pile of clothes on the table next to the cage and grabbed Kakashi's shirt. Picking up the water bottle, you bit the cap to open it and poured some water onto the shirt before turning.
  Those glowing eyes followed your every move, and when you got closer to the front of the cage, Kakashi gave a soft whine. You hesitated while reaching for the keys hanging from the bars. Kakashi didn't seem aggressive, but that didn't mean he was safe.
  You looked at the shackles to make sure they weren't damaged before looking at the black muzzle strapped to his face. With the muzzle, he wouldn't be able to bite, and the shackles would limit his movement.
  Taking a deep breath, you decided to take the risk.
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stiles-wilkolak · 25 days
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Two of my pack mates started arguing. It's that time of night. I just wanna enjoy my ice cream.
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Any creative juices flowing for a fic about vampire kakashi and werewolf gai!!!!! I can’t get that au out of my head 😭
My creatives juices are almost always flowing, but i’ll be honest this is a hard one for me because i personally would switch the roles (Kakashi is a dog man. Literally he summon’s hounds. He’d be the werewolf for sure)
Kakashi has been alive for around five hundred years. He was bitten at age 31, taking the hit for a friend who had originally been targeted. It took him one hundred and fifty years to adjust, and if you ask him he’ll still say that he hasn’t fully accepted what he is now.
On the opposite side, Gai is born a werewolf. His father was bitten in a fight when he was younger so when he had Gai the gene was passed on. There was no adjustment period for Gai because he has been learning about how to care for himself and act since he was born. Because of this he seems a lot more confident in his existence than Kakashi, even though Kakashi has a few hundred years on him.
Gai is 26 when the two of them meet, and it’s not the most friendly meeting. Kakashi goes on the defensive as soon as he realizes Gai is a werewolf (which doesn’t take long because Gai doesn’t really try to hide it) but Gai is immediately trying to make friends because something about Kakashi intriques him.
Kakashi’s not that keen on making friends after his long life. He has had to bury far too many precious people and doesn’t want to open himself up to more pain when he inevitably loses someone else again. The problem is, Gai doesn’t take no for an answer so easily.
He follow’s Kakashi. Talks to him. Tries to make friends, and although Kakashi is trying to keep his distance and put up a wall he finds it difficult because Gai is nice.
Gai doesn’t want anything from him. He’s not one of those people who see’s a vampire and goes ‘oh sexy’ (which Kakashi has definitely dealt with and is already so tired of). He doesn’t seem to want to Kill Kakashi (he checked for wooden stakes and garlic.) and most importantly he doesn’t seem to really care that Kakashi is standoffish. He’s just there to have a good time and has decided that Kakashi is someone who’s company he can enjoy.
Still, Kakashi keeps the wall up for a while and tries so hard not to let Gai in. He tells himself not to go when Gai invites him out places, yet always finds himself hanging out with Gai against his better judgement and having a blast.
He tries to tell himself that this will end horridly, just as it always does, but Gai’s smile is intoxicating and his laugh is so beautiful. Kakashi can’t help but seek them out. To try his best to make Gai smile in his direction, or laugh beside him so he can enjoy a few blissful moments of happiness.
Kakashi has dog’s that guard his home. Eight that keep watch to ensure no one unwelcome enters. The first time Kakashi brings Gai home all eight of those dogs are on high alert
The second time he brings Gai home, all eight of them are swarming the two begging for pets and treats. It’s at that moment that Kakashi finds out Gai always has dog treats on him and has already begun spoiling the dogs.
Within a year Kakashi can safely say that Gai has become one of his best friends in his lifetime. He’s not sure why it was so easy for Gai to squirm his way into his life, but it was and now Kakashi would do anything to protect him. To hold onto him and his kindness for as long as possible.
Gai introduces Kakashi to tue idea of a rivalry. It starts off small at first, with Gai wanting to see what strengths and weakness’ the two of them have. As time goes on though it becomes a game to both of them. Something that brings a smile to both of their faces, though it’s hard to see on Kakashi’s because he’s always wearing a mask.
The mask is weird to Gai. He doesn’t understand why a vampire would cover their face, especially since it would be hard to feed when one has to take a mask off to do it. Kakashi shows him how quickly he can remove and replace his mask, but Gai still thinks it’s a hinderance, he’s not one to judge though and he will admit, the mask makes it easier for him to remember who Kakashi is.
Kakashi is a pretty well known dude around the area, though not everyone has clued into the fact that he is a vampire. He is surprisingly calm around human’s and can even keep himself calm and collected when he’s around an open wound. He has helped bandage people up before walking away to go scream at himself for wanting to bite someone while they are injured.
Kakashi has bitten people out of reflex to portect himself and it almost never ended well. All he wanted to do was get them to back off, but as soon as his teeth sank into their skin they were done for.
He keeps a collection of trinkets from each of the people he has killed. The majority of people are pretty shit excuses for human’s that almost no one misses, but some were just your regular joe who happened to upset Kakashi at a really bad time. Those people usually get the respect of a burial somewhere and their items returned to their family if Kakashi can find them. (He’s very sneaky so no one has ever seen him return the items)
Gai has bitten one person in his life and it was an accident. It was a kid (Lee) who he found being attacked by some bullies during a full moon. In an attempt to protect him, Gai placed himself over the kid and guarded him with his body. He was taking too many hits thought and knew he needed to make a run for it, so he tried to grab Lee by the scruff of the neck and carry him away
Human’s don’t have scruffs like pups or werewolves. Gai ended up biting him changing him into a werewolf. Once he’d realized ithis mistake he made a run for it and found a nice cave to hide in.
Lee has never held it against him and actually expresses gratitude to Gai for saving him. Something which Gai finds difficult to understand, but accepts regardless because he knows Lee is going to need to learn how to live his new life now and the person to teach him is Gai.
The first time Gai slept over at his place Kakashi tried to make a joke by putting one of the dog beds beside his bed. Problem was, Gai actually started to crawl into it. kakashi stopped him of course, but he never lived that mistake down.
Gai often expresses his regret of bitting Lee to Kakashi, and Kakashi is always there to listen. He doesn’t quite understand why Gai is so upset about it (he got a cool adopted son out of the deal and Lee survived. That’s a better track record than Kakashi has) but he can tell that Gai is genuinely upset and he wants to help him feel better in any ways that he can.
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caffeineinmyspleen · 6 months
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So I may have made a werewolf au
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holly-natnicole · 5 months
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 16):
Sometimes Ukki digivolves from their Kotemon form into
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Sometimes Ukki digivolves from their Dokimon form into
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Xiaomon then either
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Labramon or
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Plotmon/Salamon then
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Dobermon (regardless of which Rookie form they has) then either
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Cerberumon or
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Whenever their partnership/platonic friendship reaches its peak, Ukki matrix digivolves with Kakashi.
If they's in their Labramon or Kotemon form, the end result is
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If they's in their Monitamon, Terriermon, Pulsemon, or Elecmon form when merging with their human partner, the end result is
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(To be continued in Part 17...)
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oprescuewagon · 1 year
I’m so late with this, I did start it in august if that’s any excuse lol
Year of the OTP prompt ‘werewolf/vampire’
So of course I had kk as a werewolf
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The werewolf is based on an old sketch I found and couldn’t find the original owner (if it’s yours please let me know so I can credit)
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mychlapci · 6 months
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you're so fucking jealous of how many bitches i can pull. ive got insane game. fucking try me
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