#cerberumon werewolf mode
breserker · 2 months
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TODAIBA DAY IS ODAIBA DAY!!! I thought I'd repost all the chibis i did several years ago under my old account. They look better than I remember!
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firedragon1321 · 2 months
Me 3 years ago- Let's write an OC story about smut data sneaking into the Digital World! And how growing up and puberty and all those things mesh with this unique form of corruption!
Cerberumon Werewolf Mode: "It feared that the data born from human malice, overflowing on the Internet as text and images, could have an impact on the Digital World, so it mutated into this form in order to prevent an influx of that data."
Me staring into a massive potential plot hole: Shit.
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(If you wanna read the fic, it's here. It's not as graphic as the post suggests (just an M rating). But please read all the tags and the Chapter 1 author's note.)
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holly-natnicole · 5 months
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 16):
Sometimes Ukki digivolves from their Kotemon form into
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Sometimes Ukki digivolves from their Dokimon form into
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Xiaomon then either
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Labramon or
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Plotmon/Salamon then
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Dobermon (regardless of which Rookie form they has) then either
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Cerberumon or
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Whenever their partnership/platonic friendship reaches its peak, Ukki matrix digivolves with Kakashi.
If they's in their Labramon or Kotemon form, the end result is
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If they's in their Monitamon, Terriermon, Pulsemon, or Elecmon form when merging with their human partner, the end result is
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(To be continued in Part 17...)
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monsterwithasweater · 2 years
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I got bored, so I made a new partner line. Some notes below the cut.
I honestly had a lot of trouble choosing an evo for Grizzlymon. There weren't a lot of options I really liked. But then I found out Grizzlymon could digivolve into Cerberumon.
Baihumon being the mega level is actually meant to be a reference to Aoi's Cerberumon from Survive (who could digivolve into Baihumon), but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it could also be a reference to Daigo's Bearmon from Tri (whose mega level is Baihumon).
I decided to give different mega levels depending on the mode Cerberumon's in.
Not pictured: Botamon (Fresh/Baby I), Nyaromon (In-training/Baby II), Belphemon X (Biomerge)
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Concept for a line that I like to call "edgy wolves with sharp things"
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nightmare-soldiers · 3 years
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golden-mew · 3 years
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Gold D-Ark
Crest of Destiny, Digi-Egg of Miracles, Digi-Egg of Hope, Digi-Egg of Reliability
Hoodies/lots of pink
The Olympos XII
Patamon X antibody and Styxmon
Patamon X is very shy and relies on styxmon as if she were a parent
Styxmon is very curious and kind tho sometimes likes mischief
Styxmon brought me to the digital world: Iliad where we found Patamon X who escaped to the Iliad server from King Drasil
Patamon X acts as a carrier for the X-Program as well as having the X-antibody. The Olympos XII chase us to destroy patamon X because of this. Due to carrying the X-program patamon X is unable to normally digivolve and can only with the help of digi-eggs. Patamon X -> Rhinomon X (miracles), Pegasmon X (hope), Mantaraymon X (reliability).
Using Crest of Destiny:
Styxmon -> Sistermon Noir -> Cerberumon -> AncientSphinxmon
Styxmon -> Cerberumon Werewolf Mode -> Plutomon
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glacubey · 4 years
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Tamersona Week 2020 - Day 8 Alternatively
intitially i was gonna show the end result of this, but due to only one piece of official art to go off of i changed my mind to show the process instead! bearmon X can loan his X-Antibody to labramon via fusion allowing him to go into Dobermon X or Cerberumon X. but with a bit of interference from me and my digisoul, they can reach their most powerful form, Cerberumon Werewolf Mode. labramon can digivolve to mega while bearmon cannot but werewolf mode, combining both their powers and mine ends up even more powerful
shared universe with - @lord-drakenheim
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[18 - Bonds of Evolution!]
“Mitsuki… Do you think Zebra is a refugee digimon?” Elise’s question was straight to the point, but now with two weeks since their encounter with that Gabumon… She had to ask. She’s concerned and really had to ask.
“I told you” the older boy, phone in hands to record a new video of his discoveries from ‘ancient worlds’ (read it as stuff from past generations, 60s to 2010s) but not pressing that ‘rec’ button on the touchscreen, responded “It’s an assumption. Mirai and I were investigating the video from the town’s cameras.”
“We don’t know why but… He was a BlackGarurumon when he crossed the gate.”
“He got hurt and devolved… Now it makes sense. Maybe he was fleeing from something?”
“It’s what Mirai is trying to discover since then” he frowned, and he had to shove those thoughts away… “Anyway, will you stay and be part of the video about the Tamagochi?”
“I… I need to take some snacks to Zebra. My dad is on a special mission in space, and my mother is working on the next website project.”
“Ah, fair then. Don’t forget to leave your like when i post the video~” he gave her a wink.
She giggled and nodded, then left the room.
“Natsu, is it possible to anyone use the pendant?” Daichi innocently asked, a deadpan face could hide his real reasons to make that particular question.
She took a while to reply, because being Daichi and Kiyoko’s nanny had taught her a few tricks those kids have.
“I assume it is. But you won’t get it from me, space-time travel is a dangerous thing and you’re responsible. Don’t try to use it without me.”
“Fine, I was interested about whatever happened on August 3rd.”
Natsu dropped her cup, but before it fell on the floor she used a pink bubble to capture it. Was he… “Sorry, Daichan but I can’t tell you that. Not yet.”
“Something happened there. In that world… What happened to my father in Mrs. Hikari’s place…?”
“It’s not something you need to know now. That story did not happen to him, it was with another Daisuke.”
“... If it is something that changed him, at least… His other-self is fine now?”
“Yes he is. Look at Hikari, she’s happy right now. Don’t worry, Daichan”
If Natsu could read him like she is able to read Daisuke, she would’ve realized him plotting something. He’s ready to uncover that secret, at all costs.
  Mirai was typing furiously again on her keyboard, too focused on to see a kid getting in. She stopped typing once the lights turned on.
“You busy now?” She heard a boy’s voice and turned to the entrance.
“Ah, Taisuke you’re here. Geez, knock before coming in! I need focus!!”
“Sorry sorry” he gave a nervous laugh “So, you are working right now… Any progress?”
She shook her head as response, and relaxed on the chair, “Since you contacted me, I’ve been searching for what you heard from Draki. However… I’ve learned about the others got digivices and some not-known DigiRune fragments.”
A type and a few commands and she opened a screen with various symbols, twelve in one circle and two on a row, separated from the others.
“Daichi and Hoshi have these unknown two, I’ve found out that they’re Tenacity and Happiness. The other twelve, eight of them has been known since 1999.”
“Hm…” he took a a digivice (!?) from his pocket. It was like Daichi’s but orange details instead “Draki mentioned those were used years ago. At least nine of them.”
“I wonder why does that digimon know a lot about the time of the legendary Twelve” she rested her chin on her hand, very alike Koushiro when thinking “Did he ever tell you how?”
“No,” he gave a shake of his head, calmly “He only said that he had met Ambassador Agumon a long time ago, and that that Agumon is my dad’s partner.”
“I see… Have you asked mr. Yagami how did he and Agumon meet each other? I asked my dad about mr. Tento, and he said they’re friends for a long time ago but I assume there’s more.”
“Uh… More?”
“Yeah Like-- Oh wait, a digimon is near the sector F right now. Should I tell the others?”
“... I can go, if things get bad handled tell Daichi.”
  A digimon with the looks of a human on a Cerberumon armor -- Cerberumon: Werewolf Mode -- appeared around Tokyo Big Sight, causing some chaos by terrorizing the people and digimon. It didn’t take much time until Ken’s arrival at the place, with Jewelbeemon.
“Capture the enemy” Ken ordered Jewelbeemon, “We need to ask them a few questions.”
While the battle begun, the police tried to remove innocents from the area. On another place, Mimi had been in the TV Station and recording the next episode of her cooking show.
“And then you have a very delicious American Style Pancakes~ What do you would like to cook now? See you next time~”
“And cut” The director was Michael, Mimi’s husband. He had a smile in his face, “You were amazing today! Ah, Lilymon too.”
“When I evolve to this form, I can fulfill my inner chef~” Lilymon chirped “Oh next time we can try to make Croissant, like the ones we ate last month in France!”
“It’s a good idea!” Mimi grinned “Ah, I’d like to try make Pain au Chocolat too!”
A second later, the lights flashed til them shut down. Mimi and Michael looked at their digivices, and then they all fell the structure of Fuji TV tremble. They decided that this meant a digimon attack, or an earthshake. When the trio went to the window, they saw a MetalTyrannomon causing a fuss outside.
“Mimi” Lilymon gave a serious glare at her partner, who nodded. Michael looked back and to Betamon.
“Betamon and I will lead everyone to a safer area” he ran to the exit “Lilymon and you can handle it for a while, right? Call the Digimon Special Cases Unit for support.”
“Okay! Time to give them a lesson to not put everyone in danger! Lilymon, try to convince them to stop, maybe if you use your Flower Necklace against them?”
“Ok! One Flower Necklace might calm them down~”
Lilymon and Mimi left the building by the window, with the fairy-like digimon carrying Mimi in her arms. Once they landed, the duo noticed the mysterious Brave Tamer and a Blue Greymon fighting MetalTyrannomon, and the kid shouting to the innocents next to the area to leave quickly. Greymon wasn’t able to fight a perfect level digimon alone, but was enough to hold it for a while. Mimi glanced at Lilymon and her partner flew towards the fight, trying to create a ring of flowers around MetalTyrannomon’s neck. But before, Lilymon put Mimi at a safe distance from the fight.
“Ah shoot… It’s...” he muttered to himself.
“Hey child, you shouldn’t be here-- Huh, do I know you?”
“A-ah…? No you don’t!” he tried to mask his voice, making it a bit deeper “That digimon is targeting the Fuji TV building and Greymon and I are here to save the day, heheh.”
She didn’t believe it at all, or did she? Whatever was Mimi’s thoughts, she distracted for a second and something very very strange happened. She saw Lupinmon to the other side of the road, with a device. The black light coming from it hit MetalTyrannomon and made it evolve to RustyTyrannomon.
“What’s happening here!?” Mimi gasped, as Lilymon and Greymon are thrown away.
“G-Greymon!!” he dropped that tone of voice, running towards his partner.and stood closer to the digimon’s head “Are you okay, Greymon?”
 “That voice…” Mimi thought, but her chain of thoughts had been interrupted when RustyTyrannomon tried to hit the kid and Greymon “W-WATCH OUT!!” she yelled desperately, only to see Greymon eyes glowing and getting his body covered by the evolution’s light.
The blue Greymon evolved… to a black armored WarGreymon, like the one the Chosen Children had fought in the past. However, the only new detail was that the Black Shield on his back had the Crest of Courage.
“W-what…??” Brave Tamer was petrified at the moment, with his partner blocking RustyTyrannomon’s attack “You… You evolved?”
Lilymon mega evolve! Rosemon!
To counter attack the enemy, Rosemon appeared and threw her vines against RustyTyrannomon, “Let’s send it back to the Digital World” she told WarGreymon, who nodded and looked back at the kid.
“Stay with that woman” WarGreymon ordered “We will handle it.”
  Mirai was sure something odd had happened, but she didn’t take part of it. She realized that two digimon had been in battle and those being Cerberumon and RustyTyrannomon. However, a third digimon approached from Elise and her new digi-friend.
Quickly, Mirai searched for the closest kid in the area. She at first thought of calling Daichi but she couldn’t find him at all. He was out of her reach. Her other option was…
“Mitsuki!! Big Problem, Elise is in danger! An unknown digimon is approaching from her and the found Gabumon, I can’t call Daichi or anyone so only you can assist her!!”
Mitsuki gasped, but had the sense to go and help his cousin as soon as possible. He quickly turned the computer off, grabber his D-TimeRune and went to the rescue.
But… How about Daichi? Why was he out of Mirai’s reach?!
  “I can’t believe we’re back here” Ulforce wasn’t expecting Daichi to be ‘lucky’ and open the door to the same alternate world again, with the difference of it being three years later “How did you do that?”
“You weren’t tricking me, were you?” Natsu squinted her eyes at Daichi.
“No. It was a coincidence, and I feel there’s something we need to do here.”
Odaiba was normal, but something was odd. It was grayish, like if it colors had lost. He had to realize… That wasn’t even a normal world. They heard Ken’s voice.
“No… Please stay away from them…! You… You want me right?!”
The space-time traveler trio approached, and then hid behind a building. What they saw was the younger kids with Taichi facing… Daemon.
“What the…!?” Natsu whispered.
“Ichijouji no!” Taichi said “You can’t do that!!”
“I already hurt everyone, I can’t let--”
A truck stopped near them, and Arukenimon got out from it.
“Ichijouji Ken, you will come with us.”
“No!” Daemon spoke quickly and before Ken could answer her “He will come with me.”
“He will go with neither of you!” Daisuke growled, “Silphymon!”
“Wait Daisuke” Ken stood in front of the group, “Why should I go with you Arukenimon?”
“Wait, would you go with either of them!?” Miyako gasped.
“Oh, you won’t want those children to be disappointed with their favorite genius~” Arukenimon then open the truck’s doors and revealed children inside “Your choice, brat~”
“... You…!!” Ken had no other option and walked to the truck. The group and Daemon were surprised, but the 02 team and Taichi were the vocal ones.
“Don’t do that!” Taichi yelled “Ichijouji, don’t--”
It was too late, Ken entered in and Arukenimon closed the doors. She returned to her seat and the truck left. Daemon murmured something, like swearing and followed the truck.
“Ken!!” Daisuke tried to go after it but no lucky. Hikari evolved V-mon to Lighdramon, grabbed Wormmon and went after them “Hi-Hikari!!”
“That girl is audacious” Iori blinked, “So uh, what should we do?”
“Daemon Corp. is still around” Taichi begun “Imperialdramon is out of question, so I think it’s up to the rest of you. I will grab Yamato so we can plan how to rescue Ichijouji and assist Hikari. Daisuke, you’re the lead here.”
“B-But big bro…!!”
“Um… Can we help?” Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu walked into their direction. Again, he hid the goggles under his scarf.
“Wh-who are you!?” Miyako gasped “You look like Daisuke!!”
“No I don’t,” Daichi sighed “I’m just a regular Chosen Child.”
“... Any help is welcomed” Daisuke nodded “Who are you, kiddo?”
“... Just call me by Daichi please.”
“Ok, I’m Daisuke and these are Miyako, Iori, Takeru and my brother Taichi.”
“... We will follow them, if you trust us.”
Taichi and Daisuke looked at each other, then to the group. Could they trust that kid? Also, where did he come from? It could be a trap, or not? After a few minutes of glances at each other, Taichi shrugged.
“Ok, you kid go after Hikari and Ichijouji. The rest get focused against the Daemon Corp.”
“Right!” they all agreed.
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dailydosedigimon · 7 years
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Cerberumon Werewolf Mode
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breziarchive · 6 years
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cerberumon was definitely an out-of-left-field choice for a mode change, but i am. absolutely okay with it. or maybe i’m addicted to werewolf motifs
(buy me a ko-fi, so i can cry about werewolves more?)
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